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A19239 Meditations and praiers gathered out of the sacred letters and vertuous writers disposed in fourme of the alphabet of the Queene Her most excellent Maiesties name : whereunto are added comfortable consolations (drawen out of the Latin) to afflicted mindes. Conway, John, Sir, d. 1603. 1571 (1571) STC 5652; ESTC S4590 71,691 468

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make me pray with such humblenesse of harte and sorrowfull sighinges as no tongue can tell That guift most pretious will hold me vp where fleashe would fall and guide my feeble feete in the light of thy Law. Thy Spirite I say will purge mee from all earthly effects and lift me vp to heauenly thinges Therfore conioyne mee oh God of all mercy to thy holy Spirite to teache mee to treade the steady steppes of thy worthy will. So shall I leade my Life in the true Lawe of thy louinge kindenesse and with a stronge and stable minde perseuer in Prayer vnto the ende Graunt me therefore for thy Truthe and Sonnes sake that I may enioy this sweete possession of thy holy Spirite which may alwaies leade my laboures after thy liking and keepe my harte in thy feare Sweete Iesu make a couenaunt with me that I neuer become enimy with thee any more neither be found vnworthy of thy ritche mercy and bountifull benefites but that the remainder of my life imployed in thy Seruice may iustly mooue thee to forgeat the iniquitie of my tender yeares Continue thou God of all comfort with increase by the assistaunce of thy grace what I haue heare begunne So shall I liue to glorifie thy might and mercy for euer and euer Amen ZEale anger carefulnesse and sorovve cause celetitie of olde Age Iustice mercie equitie and truthe make glad the Holy Ghoste and to a merie harte is geuen long life and svveete taste ZAcharie spake from thee O Lorde saying Like as I deuised to punnishe you what time your Fathers prouoked me vnto wrath and spared not Euen so am I nowe minded to do wel vnto the house of Iuda and Hierusalem therefore feare it not Now the things you shall do saith the Lorde are these speake euery man the truthe to his neighbour execute Iudgement truly and peaceably within your Portes none of you imagine euill in his harte and loue no false othes O Lorde of my selfe I am so sinful and ignorant that I cannot speake or thincke a good thought much lesse to doo well in deede Assist mee therefore with thy grace that I may doo as thou hast commaunded And let mee comfort my selfe with thy sweete woordes by thy Prophete which are That as the house of Iuda and Israell were accurst emongest the Heathen so thou dooest promise to make them a blessing Am not I an Ofspringe of that seede O Lorde to whome thou diddest promise this blessinge Or were not these thinges written to putte mee in minde of thee and cause mee turne from my wickednesse and truste by thy mercy to obtaine fauoure againe Remember then O Lorde in thy Mercie Turne mee and I shal be turned saye to my Soule I am come vnto thee thy health and thy saluacion A Double tongued man is to be abhorred and he that beareth hatred can neither praie rightly nor speake truelie of whome beware for the malicious and double tongued hath ouerthrowen Highe Palaices laide waste stronge Cities who so harkeneth to them shall neuer finde reste nor dwell in safetie neare the Prince they are more perilous then a Fistula in the breste to the healthe of Man. AVenge not thy cause on me thou God of all iustice forgeue mee my contemptes of thy Commaundements and omission of Prayer If thou geue me equall pay of my Merites I perish Forgette my vnkindenesse I beseeche thee and clothe mee with comfort of thy compassion Purifie my Soule and Body wash away my wickednesse with the bloude breakinge from the woundes of my Sauioure Christe and I shall no more be vnkinde Geue me wisedome to knowe all thy preceptes and pleasure graunt thy mercy euer to keepe me and thy grace to guide me It yrketh mee that euer I did forsake so sweete a Lorde Sauioure my sorrow wasteth mee and my sighes ouerwhelme my harte Haue mee in remembraunce therfore for I tremble quake were not thy mercie knowen I should vtterlie despaire Turne away the stroke of thy vengeaunce from mee bringe my minde out of trouble into rest Fetch now againe thou most pretious Prince of all power that which thy puisaunt mighte hath shapen Restoare Sonne of the Father thee Almightie that which thou hast so well guided and bought with thy terrible torments Take againe into the Sacred seat of thy blessed custody Lord God Holy Ghoste my Body and Soule that haue wandred Thou haste pitifully preserued them long from the violence and vtter destruction of the wicked Serpente and throwes of worldly chaunce Moste mighty God sith thou haste aduaunced thy Glory by such compassion continue in me hartie Prayer put about mee the girdle of thy grace and linke my loue in the lore of thy lawes and my hart shal be thankfull Day and nighte will I say blessed is the Lorde And will praise thy Name and magnifie thy mercie for euer and euer BE ashamed of sinnes and vnrighteousnesse be ashamed to turne thy face away from thy friende in his neede be ashamed to obbrede thy friende with thy guiftes be ashamed to take and not to geue but be not ashamed of the truthe of God and his Couenaunte but do thy best to fulfil it and thou shalt liue BE my comforter in al coūselles and daungers oh God make cleare my vnderstanding and heape my sorte with newe effects and Spiritual motions Renew my Body and Spirite that all sinne flie from mee and graunt that I liue to rightuousnesse Power vpon mee the Spirite of thy grace loade me with the Trewe knowledge of thy woorde Holde my harte alwaies in thy feare builde a true faith and hope of thy promises and mercy in the Bowels of my breast The heauenly Father of our Lorde Iesu Christe hath promised it vnto mee for his Sons sake I seeke it for that thou maist ouercome when thou arte Iudged denie me not Though there belong nothing to mee but confusion and shame yet Lorde correcte mee not in thy dreadfull displeasure but with the louing fauoure of thy face looke vpon my festured woundes Heale them good Lorde from the bottome lette them be healed Mingle thy mercy and preceptes and sowe the seede of them so deepe in my Harte that no burninge blastes of persecution make asshes therof neither any thorny cares of this life doo choke it but that it may bringe foorth as thou hast appoynted like good ground thirtie sixe and an hundred folde The fruites of my haruest Lord shal be the flowers of thy glory My tongue shal alwaies speake of thy maruaylous workes and my hart shall keepe thy Lawes I wil not deny thee my God for the power of any wicked but will seeke thy grace hope of thy mercie and say The mightie God of Israell is to be loued feared and obeyed world without ende Amen EVill seedes see thou sovv not in the Furrowes of vnrighteousnesse so shalt thou not reape thee seuenfolde labour sue not vnto Man for any Lordship neither vnto the Kynge for the Seate of Honour
EStablish my harte oh Heauenly Father in league and loue with thy lawes printe thy Precepts in the bowels of my breast sequestre my minde from all thoughtes studies and laboures that may drawe mee from thee My Soule consumeth in care to be with thee and my bodilie eyes tremble to beholde thee onely because thou hatest sinne and abhorrest iniquitie Alas there is nothing in mee but vnrightuousnesse the examples be dreadfull which declare how greeuously thou hast punnished sinne Thou diddest drowne the worlde for sinne Thou diddest sende fire vpon Sodome and Gomorrha Thou diddest cast forth Adam and his Ofspringe out of Paradice for sinne Thou diddest greeuously punnish thy seruaunte Dauid notwithstandinge his hartie repentaunce yea thou persecutedst Salomon in himself and his Posterity with many other to our example and all for shamefull sinne Lorde sith these examples are true and mine iniquity equall with theirs what should becom of my Soule if I had not a mediatour Christe whose bloudy Passion then appeased thy wrath when nothing els could By his Death I am once redeemed oh God therefore let mee now not be consumed bearing thy Image but graunt the paines of his pitiefull Passion may put out all mine offences With my voyce I will spread thy mercie ouer all Nations my Life shall glorifie thy name and all that thou geuest mee I will acknowledge to be thine with euerlasting praise Amen THe greater thou art the more humble thy selfe in all thinges and thou shalt finde fauour in the sight of God for greate povver belongeth onely vnto God and he is honoured of the lowly TVrne away thy face frō mine vnrighteousnesse Lorde no Creature is cleare in thy sighte If thou shouldest call thine Angelles to the Barre they might not abide the Sentence of thy iust Iudgement I come vnto thee for succour Lorde vnder the wynges of thy mercy receiue me Thou delightest not in any Sacrifice or burnt Offerynges but thy accustomed condition hath been euer to accepte a sorrowful spirite a broken harte Lorde if thy louinge kindenesse be suche I heare presente thee with a heauy hart a broken body a martyred minde and a sighing soule These all appeale to the● O Lorde for thy mercye and crie out with the Prodigall Sonne saying I haue sinned againste Heauen and before thee washe me therfore with thy ritche mercie not that any good in me doth deserue it but because thou arte God of all mercy and it declareth thy mightinesse to forgeue Thou diddest shew compassion vpon the woman of Canaan for her great Faithe and from the beginning thou hast not reiected the effectuall prayers of a single hart Lorde I geue glory to thy name with the highest thy mercy stretcheth aboue the Firmamentes the sure hope and truste I haue in thy vnspeakeable truthe and compassion is equall with the stronge Faithe of the Cananite woman I confesse my sinnes manifolde But Lorde I know thy mercy and sauinge healthe are infinite Lorde sith thou arte of power to forgeue aboue that I can offende for thy names sake release my sorrowe cutte the sacke of my sinnes make mee strong in thee So shall I liue and all my thoughtes acknowledge thy praise Amen HAppy is the man that hath not fallen with the Worde of his mouthe and is not pricked with the consciēce of sinne that hath no heauinesse in his minde and is not fallen from his Hope HOw mightie thou arte oh God of Hostes in thy precellynge power by Creatynge this Worlde of nothynge wee are taught to know Thou doest gouerne the same and puttest down with thy hand the prowde and traiterous Tiraunt therof Thou destroyest theyr deuises and keepest the raging Sea within her boundes These and suche like declare thy power ouer all The plenty of thy bountifull hand geueth not only of things but also of euery kind of things shewe forth thy louinge kindenesse Thou doest multiply yearely daily these kindes How many seedes good Lorde doest thou encrease of one seede Lorde what manifolde Springes cometh therof These cannot but keepe vs mindefull of thy exceeding Ritches and Mercy Lord if to thy enemies as to the greatest number of the world which loue thee not thy condition be to deale thus bountifully what shall I deeme resteth with thee for thy freendes Truly such blisfull ioyes and rest as maketh me only desire of thee to be desolued from this earthly and vncleane body when thy pleasure is I am the fresh Image of thy selfe the woorke of thine owne handes take mee therfore vnto thee burnish me a new free my Soule from the poisoned prison of sinne that it may geue equall thankes vnto so sweete a Lorde and guide Whilest I abide in this wretched body of Sinne I cannot see thee oh Lorde yea it is a heauy habitacion and depresseth downe sore my Spirite from the familiaritie whiche it els should haue with thee my louing Father Lorde this world and life is a doungeon of Darkenesse a Mountaine of miserable Martirdomes a lewde laborenth of of lothesome Lustes a cankred course of chokinge Calamities being voyde of all vertues to gaine eternall Life Make me therfore stronge to walke vpright in this wretched wildernesse and Arme mee with the guift of thy grace against the power of Sathan my Ghostly enimy Here is nothing where I am Lorde but daily assaultes of Temptations troubles torments carefull calamities contencion for thy woorde horrible hatred and worldly ambition against which Lorde perfect me in knowledge and strong faith and with thy righte hande beat downe mine enimies that thou maist be knowen to be my God Shielde REfuse not the Prayer of one that is in trouble turne not awaye thy face from the needy despise not the sely sewter nor grieue the harte of the helpelesse for if hee complaine in the bitternesse of his soule his prayer shal be hearde euen he that made him shall heare him REgarde in mee oh God the Image of thy selfe thoughe I looked backe from thy Lawes chastice me to amendment but suffer not the work of thy hands to perishe Thou hast created my harte and geuen me a will to order the same so Lorde I most meekely yelde the same againe into thy handes I pray thee by thy holy Spirite so direct my waies counsels and woorkes that they may be of chiefe regard with thee good God the geuer of all mercy suffer not my Soule to perishe through infirmity of my Flesh For thy Sonnes sake and thine owne glory set both nowe and euer his death and Passion betweene thy iuste iudgemente and the perill of my Soule I thirste after thee my God and sith thou feest my hartie desire is to serue thee and liue in thy rule and to dye in thy Faith and fauoure allowe of me and with thy mighty hand assist me Graunte that the Celestiall kingdome of thy grace and mercie euer occupie my harte and worthely purchase me the sweet participation of thy glorious Throne and Maiestie Deliuer
with such singuler varietie of liuing Creatures Trees plants Fruites and all other thinges then the fabrication of so many pure Celestiall Soules So that who durste be bolde to affirme had not the Prophet manifestly spoken it that the mercies of God doo excell the glorie of his handiwoorkes Holy Scripture somtime termeth the mercie of God greate somtime to great and sometime it amplifieth the force therof by the name of multitude or number The Kingly Prophet Dauid in one selfe place comprehendeth both the greatnesse and multitude of heauenly mercie saying Haue mercie on mee O God after thy great goodnesse accordinge to the multitude of thy mercies doo away mine offences Wheare great iniquity is there needeth muche compassion If thou but weighe howe heynous the offence of Dauid was thou wilt acknowledge the greatnesse of Goddes goodnesse If thou consider how ofte he offended in that sinne thou shalt se the multitude of his mercies That God whiche is our Kinge our Father our Maister our spouse prescribeth no determinate nūber of offences but as oft as throughe true repentaunce wee return to him he forgetteth and forgeueth the punishment wh●ch he threatneth to vs he enterteineth vs emongest his Familie leadeth vs into the chaumber of his loue and receiueth not vs onely but forgetteth our offences He bringeth the lost sheepe vpō his shoulders to the staules and biddeth the Congregation of the chosen to his reioysinge He goeth to meete the Prodigal Sonne returning frō his longe and lothsom iorney and putteth a Robe and a Ringe vpon him and commaundeth the fatteste Caulfe to be killed for him What other thinge doothe this signifie but the immense or as I may say the ouermuch mercie of God It is no meruaile though his mercie excede which loueth vs so exceedingly Paule feareth not to write thus to the Ephesians We are saith he by nature becom the Children of wrath But God which is ritche in mercie for his tender loue wherewith he loued vs when wee were deade to sinne hath raised and reconciled vs againe to Christe S. Iohn in his Gospel more plainely expresseth the maruailous loue of God our Father towardes vs saying So God loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that who so beleeueth in him shoulde not perishe but haue euerlasting life Wherunto Paule aptly agreeth He that spared not his onely Sonne but gaue him for vs all hath he not geuen vs al thinges togeather with him This so great loue this so great kindnesse doth it not worthily appeare vnmeasurable because wee haue nothinge whiche wee haue not freely receiued of god What so euer wee doo what so euer we possesse it commeth by the mercie of God Yea it is the mercy of god that made the Angelles and created the worlde If he had wroughte it to himselfe his power and policie might haue ben praised but sith to our vse he hath framed al these thinges shall wee not acknowledge his mercy to be maruailous For whome haue the Celestiall Ayres their course to whome lendeth the sunne his beames by day the Moone with the Starres their brightnesse by nighte but for Man For whose vse made he these thinges of nothing For whose sake but for mannes onely doo the hanging Cloudes geue their shade and bedewe the pleasant fieldes Why blowe the windes why flowe the Riuers why spreade the Springes why encrese the Seas but for the vse of manne Who reapeth the commodities of the fertle earth which engendreth so many liuinge thinges suche wealthy store but manne Ther is nothing that God hath not made subiect to man onely he woulde that man should be obedient vnto him Many times our mercifull God sendeth aduersity either to cleare vs of our transgressions or to deterre vs from sinne or to minister occasion of weldooing Thus was Abraham tried so was Iob prooued with many miseries thus is euery one whiche liueth in Iesu Christe tried in this world with sundry afflictions as the Gould with the fire where are those that murmure againste God when either infirmity of health or deathe and losse of wife and children or decay of worldely wealthe happeneth to them nothinge knowinge that these are the manifeste signes of a mercifull god Let vs geue eare to the counsel of Salomon My sonne saith he despise not the woorde of God nor forsake his correction For whome the Lorde loueth he chasteneth and delighteth in him as a Father in his sonne The Apostle Paule hath the like saying to the Hebrewes Whom the Lord loueth he correcteth and rebuketh euery Childe that he receiueth Then by Paules counsell when any storme of aduersity ariseth let vs stand fast in the Truthe knowinge that he offereth him selfe to vs as to his children like a mercifull god If the loue of God lend vs prosperity let vs geue him thankes and be carefull that wee abuse not his bountie It miserie oppresse vs let vs neuerthelesse geue thanks to him and commit our selues to his Iudgemente To obtaine healthe thou geuest thy selfe vp to the Phisicion thou yeeldest thy selfe to the Coarde Sawe and searing of the Chirurgion And to enioy euerlasting health feareste thou to trust thy Creatoure thy Maister thy Father and onely Sauiour Thou darest not say to the phisition thus and thus cure mee And wilt thou prescribe to God the meanes of thy sauinge health Let euery one of vs descend into the deapth● of his conscience let vs consider how oft and how greeuously we haue offended God how his benefites are defiled with our iniquities and so wee shall see how much wee are indetted to his infinite mercy which hathe borne with our frailty so gently which by so many meanes calleth vs to repentaunce whiche so w●●lingly pardoneth the penitente and conuert Truly he is greatly to be lamented which refuseth the fountain of euerlasting life and neuer by repentance returneth whence he departed The Prodigall childe straied farre leaft and forsooke his Fathers house and yet returned Peter was farre gone when he denied his Maister thrise but yet remembringe the woordes whiche Iesus spake to him he recāted and wepte bitterly How gently dooth the Lorde in Hieremie vnder the person of the wife which hauing forsaken her Husbande gaue her selfe to euery man call his people to repentance Return my children be conuerted saith he because I am your husbande But oh wretched is the man that stoppeth his eares at this voyce of the Lordes To daie saith the Psalme if you heare my voyce hardē not your hartes This is our daie as longe as wee liue in which the Lorde ceaseth not to call vpon vs to repentaunce offering vs prepared pardon God him selfe in Ezechiell dooth not onely promise remission to him that forsaketh his euill but voweth obliuion of all his former offences For after he had reckened all the erroures which man fell into he added If the wicked man will be soary for his sinnes keep my commaundements and doo the thing that is right he shall liue and not die
may doo good neither hide thy wisedome in her beawty For rightuousnesse and truthe striue vnto death and God shall fight for thee againste thine enimies Make no tarryinge to turne vnto the Lorde and put not of from daie to daie for suddainly shal his wrath come and in the time of vengeaunce he shall destroy thee Truste not in wicked ritches for they shall not help thee in the day of pounishment and wrath Equity Mercy Iustice and Truthe shall deliuer thee In the bewtifull daies of thy prosperity forgeat not the foggy mistes of aduersity and when it goeth not well with thee haue a good hope it shall be better Happy is he that hath no heauinesse in his minde and is not fallen from his hope Let not to pray alwaies and stande in feare refourmed vnto death for the rewarde of God endureth for euer vnto them that will repente he hath geuen the way of rightuousnesse Note all these hither to be out of Ecclesiast A dissembling person wil vnfolde thy Secretes But he that loueth thee in truth wil faithfully stand with thee in perill Through the lyinge lippes of the malitious the innocente is destroyed But in the bewtie of his truth time shal deliuer him The innocente dealing of the iust shall leade them But the wickednesse of such as dissemble shal be their owne destruction The Lorde abhorreth them that be of fained harte But he hath pleasure to encrease the seede of the humble and faithfull Euery man shall enioy good according to the sayinges of his mouth and after the workes of his handes Doo they somme rightuousnesse and speake the Truthe The innocente person shal be deliuered out of trouble and the double dealer shall comme in steede Mercie and Faithfulnesse let neuer goe from thee binde them about thy necke and write them in the tables of thy harte Prou. 3 Be not wise in thine owne conceite but feare the Lord and departe from euill So shal thy vertue shine and thy healthes growe Ibidem These sixe thinges dooth the Lorde hate A proude looke a liynge tongue handes to shead innocente bloude an harte that goeth aboute with wicked imaginations feete that be swift in running to do mischeife a false witnesse that bringeth vp lies and such a one as soweth discord emongest brothers Prou. 6 Dissembling lippes kepe hatred secretly euill will stirreth vp strife but loue couereth the multitude of sinnes Prou. 10 The patient abidinge of the innocent shall be turned to gladnesse and the daies of his trouble are the sure signes of his Saluation Ibidem The perill that the vngodly are afrayde of shall come vpon their heads But the faythfull and the rightuous shall enherite theyr desires He that by violence sheaddeth any mans bloud shal be a Runnegate to his graue and his Posteritie shall be confounded with shame A man that dealeth faithfully shal be filled with blessinges and he that maketh too much haste to be ritche shal not be vnguilti Like as Hell and destruction are neuer full euen so the eyes of the couetuous men can neuer be satisfied The Seate of the Kinge that with Iustice and equitie faithfully iudgeth the poore shall encrease and stande for euer Many men like the Breade that is gotten with deceipt But at the last their mouthes shal be filled with grauell These three Prouerb all No force is least vnprepared against the day of battaile But the Lorde geueth the victorie He that soweth the seedes of malice shal reape sorrow and in the haruest of his crueltie shall he perish The ende of Equitie Iustice patience Truthe is Ritches Honoure Prosperity Health Who so geueth rewardes shall obteine the victory and triumphe But he taketh away the Soule of suche as receiue them Reioyce not thou at the fall of thine enimies and lette not thy hart be glad when he stombleth Least the Lorde when he seeth it be angry and turne his wrath from him to thee He that turneth away his eare from the needie or from his Neyghbour in necessitie his Prayer shal be abominable Sowe no euill seedes in the furrowes of vnrightuousnesse for the Lucre of any other mans Lordeship labour not vnto the Kynge for the seate of Honour so shalt thou go vntouched of anie misfortune Ecclesiast 7. Who so vniustly challengeth rule to himselfe shal be hated of the people Ecclesiast 20. Carrie thy wronges with patient harte and thinke of no reuenge the Lorde knoweth how to deliuer the Godly out of anguish and to reserue the malicious vnto the day of iudgement Petr. 4. If our hartes condemne vs not then haue we truste to Godwarde and what so euer we aske we receiue of him Iob. 3 For this purpose appeared the Sonne of God to lose the paines of Hell and the workes of the Diuel Ibidem Warres with greate discretion ought to be taken in hande for through strengthe of good Counsell thinges prosper that men deuise Pro. 24. When thou goest out to battaile against thine enemies and seest Horses and Charrets and people moe then thou be not afraide of them for the Lore thy God is with thee Deut. 20. If you go to warre againste your enimies that vexe you yee shal blowe with the Trumpets you shall be remembred before the Lorde your God to be saued from your enimies Num. 10. The victory of the Battaile stādeth not in the multitude of the host but the strength and Triumphe commeth from Heauen Macab 3 He that hathe cleane handes and a pure hart and that hathe not lifted vp his minde to vanitie nor sworne to deceiue his Neighboure he shall receiue the blessing from the Lorde and victory of his enemies rightuousnesse from the God of his Saluation c. Psalm 24. FINIS Sententiae Diuinae e Sacris Scripturis Patribusque collectae Deus DEus est Spiritus qui adorant eum oportet vt spiritu ac veritate eum adorent Alanus de conquestione Naturae Deus est splendor nunquam deficiens vita indefessa non motiens fons semper scaturiēs seminale vitae seminarium sapientiae principale principium initiale bonitatis initium August super illud Pater Nost Deus est in scipso sicut ALPHA OMEGA in Mundo sicut Rector Auctor in Angelis sicut Sapor Decor In Ecclesia sicut Paterfamilias in Domo in Anima sicut sponsus in Thalamo in Iustis sicut adiutor protector in reprobis sicut pauor horror August super Io. Ser. 29. Deus tibi totum est Si esuris panis tibi est si sitis aqua tibi est si in tenebris es lumen tibi est si nudus es in mortalitate tibi vestis est Christus Io. 8 Ego sum lux mundi qui sequitur me non ambulabit in tenebris sed habebit lumen vitae Ambro. in quodam ser Omnia habemus in Christo omnia in nobis Christus Si à vulnere curari desideras medicus est si febribus aestuas fons
Meditations and Praiers gathered out of the Sacred Letters and Vertu● 〈◊〉 Writ●●● Disposed i● 〈…〉 ●●bet of to 〈…〉 〈…〉 Co●● out of the L●●●● 〈◊〉 ●●cred Mindes Multae tribulatione● Iustorum de omnibus liberabit eos Dominus Psal 34. ¶ Imprinted at London by William How. An. 1571. E Elect by will of mightie loue in Royall Roumth to sitte L Liuyng in Chaste Dianas Lawe with Sacred Sabas witte I Iuno dis●●●ide with stately Rule hath 〈◊〉 Heauenly Ma●● Z Zenobia serues ●ise Pallas s●●● fayre Venus seekes her gra●● A ●lso wi●● 〈◊〉 Heauenly do●● 〈◊〉 ●●●dome to define B Bounde 〈◊〉 she be to Natures Law or if shee be Diuine E Empiring vs vnwoorthy wightes whose gratitude may gayne T That our renowmd Elizabeth H Here Nestors yeeres may raine To the Highe puisant renoumed Princesse of al Vertue our moste redoubted Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Queene Defendour of the Christian Faithe your Maiesties trewe and Loyall seruant Iohn Conwaye Prayeth all thinges beseeminge the Height of your Royall Desent Imperiall Crowne and dreadefull Dignitie TReadinge the weary March of this lothsome Laborynthe besieged with the horrible Hoste of Satan our Anciente foe wee finde moste regarded Prince to the blessed Soule no waie so sure a shielde and Fortresse as the vnspeakeable v●rtu● of daiely Praier the same deckings mans brickle Body with the perfectnesse of true Glory assistinge his decaied partes with sounde healthe nourishinge his vitall Spirites with sweete confirmed hope geuinge the furious Fend of Hell pininge pounishmente and moste bitter conflicte And beinge faithfull hūmble and feruente is not onely to our Celestial Father the moste sweete Oblation and Sacrifice but to euery true Christian a moste blessed comfortable exercise wherein as wee laie abroade our yrksome transgressions by naturall defectes to the Almightie requiringe the Fortresse of his Holy Promisse to defende vs from this politike and wicked Warriour So by often conference as it were euen with the Deitie it selfe wee are trained Souldiers to the Battayle of eche affliction By Praier Dispaire is auoided and the horrible sinne of Presumption ouerth●owen all Impurenesse laide aparte all Rancour foregotten and rigorous Enuie dissolued to milde Loue els shall wee wante the thinges wee praie for Then if Praier doothe onely enforce vs to a reformation of our misdeedes purchasing vs a stately Mansion in the House of God free from the heauy yoke of Sinne and Deathe The Holy Augustine rightely spake these woordes Oratio est Animae Sanctae praesidium Angelo bono Solatium Diabolo Suppliciū gratum Deo Obsequium Poenitentiae Religionis Laus tota perfecta Gloria Spes certa Sanitas incorrupta And also Cassidorus Oratio posita est per quam Ira Dei suspenditur Venie procuratur Poena refugitur Praemiorum Largitas impetratur Et nullus indè respuitur nisi qui in ea tepidus inuenitur Let vs therfore presente the Highest with this Incense of true Prayer discoueryng our mindes and confessing our vnwoorthinesse with assured hope to receiue the benefite of his sweete Promisses due to eche penitente Soule that asketh in the simplenesse of harte with teares and stedfastnesse reiectinge all tremblinge hope whiche then gaineth our true perfection therein and also confirmeth these further woordes of Augustine Si pura casta sit Oratio Coelos penetrans vacua non redibit O sweete Sentence nay ô more blessed trauaile so imploied where nothinge is founde so necessarie to the loste Childe nothing more pleasant to the afflicted man nothinge more profitable to the weake despairinge minde neither any thing so well beseeming euerye estate arminge them with able force to encounter the wicked Serpent Againste whose malignities as the Heauenly giftes of prudente skill and Learning are shrined in Royal Seate of your vnspotted Life associate with moste lowely nature ●he true Victors of Regale renowne exercisinge eche vertue in proper kinde that iustly maie procure you euerlastinge rewarde of vndefiled Battaile so vnder Bulwarke of those Angelical beauties pearsinge highest poincte of starry Firmamente and mounte I saie of Heauenly Humilities vniuersally resoundinge all Europe and makinge Englande specially blessed im imboldened to laye before your Highnes these woordes of Salomon Kinge touchinge this effect who called his housholde to Praier and commended the force thereof Because saithe he I communicate with God of good thinges I will haue Honour of the Elders I wil be founde a ready younge man in Iudgement In conspectu potentium admirabilis ero facies principū mirabuntur me Create is the force of Prayer to a Prince that loueth it greater to him that vseth it greatest to him that needeth it The comforte whereof moste puisant Prince holdeth backe my ouer feebled spirite from her laste steppe to that vglye Hell of desperation deeming there was neuer earst infelicitie in any degree equall to mine whose foes by sinister suggestions haue not onely vsurped the rewarde of my single intent and true seruice but Zoylus hath stirred the ministers of your heauy wrathe against mee to the abandonyng of my desired libertie suppression with vtter ruine of my poore sequell and buried my halfe liuinge Carkas in the graue of deepe forgetfulnes where my voice is hoarsed with cryinges and my tongue fainted with vtteringe the griefe of my sorowfull minde No doubte a iuste scou●ge to the hidden faultes of my passed life but to the very case of my committing wherein I am wounded maym●d wronged and lost it needeth a true Confession and not a false Defense in any thinge by mee thought or donne to the preiudice of your Royall person Crowne State or Dignitie I professe before the Almighty as innocent as the Childe vnseparate his Mothers intrayles Teste se●pso whose wrathe I craue in Iudgmēt to my thoughts of any harme to your Highnesse wherein amidst my sorrowes yet I ioye sithence my miserable matter concerns your excellencie and my punishment at your Noble pleasure continued or released whiche in weary state I attende powringe my pitiful plaintes before the Maiestie of the Highest to dissolue your woorthy harte to accustomed leuitie and to fortifie ab●ade of these sweete woordes in your Royall breaste rendred to a sely suiter that your Highnesse woulde ioy● with any inferior of my Friendes in the triall of my truthe Wherin O gracious God what els dothe your Highnesse but scourge the schorchyng Phaëton that goeth too faste and wantes a slower reigne for whilest you wishe my truthe whiche hath no want I waile my vnwoorthinesse and fall into deepe Hell of Desperation Nihil enim est quod tantum me terreat nec est aliquidquod tantum me delectet Quātum huius tuae in me bonitatis commemoratio terret inquam me indignitas propria sed me delectat haec tua virtus excellentia beinge assured my whole studie force trauell nor aduenture shal euer be able to Cācell the Recordes of your Princely thoughtes touchinge my true Loyalty whiche no Antecedent of passed life can
perseuer in thee which art the true way vnto death Builde my sure trust that accustomed with thy promises I neuer waxe old in the exercise of Vertue but forgetting those thinges which are paste I may continually striue to come to perfiter Accept my contrite hart the woonted sacrifice of thy delight and the oblation of these my peticions grauntinge the summe of my requests Blotte out all mine offences for thine owne sake increase thy grace in mee that I may in all things carrie vpright sway and equall iudgement gouerning thy people in the light of thy worde and feare of thy Lawes And daily more and more die to my selfe and liue and be lead by thy Spirite fearinge nothinge but thee then the which nothinge is greater or mightier louing nothing beside thee thē whom nothing is more to be beloued gloriynge in nothinge but in thee which art the glory of al saincts requiring nothinge beside thee which arte the best desiring nothing but thee which art the full and perfite felicitie with the Father and the holy Ghoste aboue the starrie Firmamente to whom be praise both now euer Amen ¶ A discrete and wise woman is an high porcion she honoreth GOD and bewtifieth the worlde vpon her right hande standeth loye and Peace and vpon her left hand Ritches and Honour her Body is the sweete tree of longe life to him that laieth hold on her blessed is he that kepeth her fast EVerye one that saithe Lorde Lorde shal not enter the Kingdom of heauen Therefore confirme my Faithe stronge in thee O Heauenly Father and in my Sauiour Christe quiet my minde with sure hope of his promises and thy Saluacion Destroye in mee the Kingdom of Sinne the power of Sathan the desires of the worlde and the delightes of the Fleashe Guide my feete in the pathes of thy preceptes bringe the conflictinge daies of mine enemies to ende Make mee that am weake in my selfe strong in thee to conquere the force of theire Armes So shall my lippes poure out continuall praise vnto thee O god of my Saluacion and magnifie thy Maiesty worlde without ende Amen L LOoke not extremely what is donne amisse in mee for no fleash is rightuous in thy sight I offer vp my selfe wholy with all my vnsauery and corrupt abuses both in wil and woorkes vnto the flowinge fountaine of thy mercy to be chasticed poullished and washed and made cleane euen at thine owne will and pleasure Wherfore impute not the frailty of my tender yeeres vnto my charge but that thou maist ouercome when thou art iudged Forgeue me receiue me and so arme me with thy holie Spirite that I may treade the rest of my daies with an vpright sway a cleare conscience and a single harte to thy Glory and profite of my Soule Amen I I Liue O God in a most wretched Vale of miserie where cōtinually thy creatures are strained with sinne assayled with affliction tossed with troubles choked with cares infected with ambition vexed with temptacions blinded with erroures ouercomme with vanities of the world and miseraly wrapped in all vntruthe and wretchednesse wherfore O Lord arise stretch out thy hand helpe and comfort mee Asswage my sorrowe assist me with thy Holy Spirite that mine owne substance ouercome mee not this glitteringe vaine world of infinite sorowes and fewe felicities deceiue mee not that Sathan supplant mee not but geue me inuincible power to encounter them patience in suffering them and in thy woorde constancie in perseuering to the ende Amen Z ZEale anger hatred and frō respecte of any persones in Iudgemente Lorde make mee free Arme mee with the patience of my sauiour Christ geue me the Breastplate of his rightuousnesse and the helmet of his equitie Make mee to exercise his Mercy Truthe Meekenesse Faithfulnesse Temperance and Humility Cast out of my harte all that may offende thee and disprofite my Soule Let all worldly things be vile vnto mee for thy sake let me reioyce in nothinge without thee nor loue nothing but to thy glorie So shall my harte keepe thy lawes and my mouthe for euer and euer speake thy praise Amen A ACcepte mee Lorde in the nūber of thy elect behold in mee the Image of thy selfe the worke of thine owne hands remember thou haste geuen thy deare Sonne to the bitter Passion of the Crosse for my redemption Let me not be rewarded therfore accordinge to the deepe sea of my sinnes for then I perishe But for thy Truthe Mercie and deere Sonnes sake correcte mee strengthen mee and imbrace mee yea linke mee so surely to the loue of thy Lawes that I neuer leaue thee and in the daie of my trouble houre of deathe Lorde deliuer mee so shall I liue and glorifie thee through all worldes Amen B BEholde my infirmities O Lord and consider my frailnesse best knowen vnto thee So oft as I shall fall make me lift vp my hart again vnto thee seeke thee feare thee and loue thee and euer to be soary with so stedfast a purpose of amendement that my earnest desire may rightly stirre vp thy mercie and procure mee the assistaunce of thy grace to conioyne mee to all Heauenly thinges to destroye all earthly affections and temptacions that daily plucke mee backe and rebell not sufferinge my soule to liue in rest Against which builde thy feare in my breast true knowledge of thy woorde in my harte fortifie my faith with sure hope of thy Heauenly blisse enter the shininge light of thy woorde so deepe in my minde that all my studies thoughts onely occupied therin my other partes may euer want power to offend the my tongue and lippes euer be singinge thy laude and glory Amen E ENritche my Soule with the continual felowshippe of thy thy Holy Spirite whose deuine humanitie may so temper my grosse substance with trewe condition that alwaies I may seem low in mine owne sight and neither pride nor selfloue ouertake or at any time allure me to exercise the vnseemely pleasantnesse of nature but euer preferringe a pure and chaste life may winne the victory of al vncleanesse and glorifie thee which art the heade and Patrone of al mercy truth and singlenesse whose triumphe my tongue shall neuer cease to aduaunce Therefore most louing Sauiour leaue mee not to my selfe but stande alwaies by mee and with thy stronge hande make my waies sound and perfit and confound mine enimies in their deuises Amen T THou hast saide most sweete redemer Christe that the Mountaines shall remooue and the Hilles shall fall downe but thy louinge kindenesse woorde mercy and truthe shal not moue also that the band of thy peace shall not faile vs Dere Father I beseeche thee for thine owne Truthe and mercies sake remember this thy Promise and Couenaunt graue it so deepe in the inwarde partes of my harte that I may neuer forgeate neyther fall from thee but euer acknowledge thee mine only God and Sauiour Loue thee with all my harte and thy people for
thy sake exercising iustice mercie and Truthe to all thy Creatures and neuer suffering me to doo that may mooue thy wrath but more and more assisted with thy grace may encrease thy loue and likinge and finally obtaine thy ioyes euerlasting Amen H HEare these my Prayers sweet Lord Iesu and for thy exceedinge Loue whiche broughte thee from the Sacred seate of thy Fathers breast into the wo●be of the blessed virgin to bannish Death and Sinne to redeeme mans nature whereby in thy astere Passion as thou haste restoared mee and with so blessed a Shielde defended mine eternall deathe by the self same Loue call mee that haue wandred home againe to thy Folde renewe me with thy Spirite cōfirme mee with stronge faithe nourish in me such thi abundant loue garnish mee with thy plentifull grace lade mee with infallible hope of thy mercie finally restore all partes in mee which are decaied and quicken in mee what so is dead should liue that my spirite set at libertie from Terrestriall thinges thou maist euer dwell in mee And my Soule and body assisted with thy ritche guifte of all these may fully purely safely and strongly settle them in thee To whom be praise both nowe and euer Amen R REnder mee thy grace O Lorde that from this day I neuer becomme enimies with thee againe but that I only rest in thee Guide me with the clere light of thy woorde thorowe the dark desertes of this wretched world where no misery nor trouble lacketh wher euery place is ful of snares of mortal enimies yea wheron trouble and temptations ouerpassed and other ensueth and the first enduringe a newe battaile suddainely assayleth wherby I neuer haue peace and wante wherwith to war. wherfore with contrite hart I crie Lorde Lorde assist me with the power of thy holy Spirite and as thou hast cōmaunded I come vnto thee prayinge the guifte of all these my requests and specially Lord I require the swoord of my Sau●●ur Christ true and firm faith that established in thy Truthe holding that for my defence may be safely armed against all mine enimies strong to cut downe the thornes which shal spring in my way of passage vnto thee in whom sweete sauiour aboue all honour glory triumphe sway rule power dignity make me settle al my ioyes yea aboue all healthe ritches bewtie fame and felicitie to desire thee loue thee and magnifie thee which geuest all and therfore of al to be beloued sought art most worthy Amen E EAse O Lorde the paines I suffer the troubles of my soule let the fountaines of thy grace ouerflow my barraine bodie and the floudes of thy mercie batten my feeble spirite let thy louing kindnesse couer mine infirmities and thy suffered drops of dewe vpon the Crosse drownde mine iniquitie Thy worde is Truthe and thou hast saide Thy delight is not in the death of a Sinner but wouldest he shoulde conuerte and liue Teache me therfore to number my dayes in the loue of thy Lawes that I alwayes thirste after thy Kingdome and neuer forgeat thee but in this that I haue here begonne may perseuer increase setting at naught all worldly pompe respect of persones and mans helpe and only cleaue to thy omnipotente power mercie strengthe and goodnesse wherin Lorde make mee so ritch as I neuer haue power to swerue from thee nor wante thy grace to resiste all temptations neither yet thy strengthe to treade downe mine enimies and so my harte shall ioyfully liue and geue thanckes to thee my God of all truth mercy and victory Amen G GOD merciful Father of my redeemer Christ which hast promised to heare the peticions of them that aske in thi Sonnes name geue downe thy feare into my harte conioyne thy holy spirite to the felowship of my soule poure vpō me the blessed dewes of thy grace enritche mee with thy high vnderstandinge and send wisdome in her glory from thy Sacred seate to dwel in me that shee may guide mee vphold mee and labour with mee to the end that in al my trauelles enterprises proceedinges and studies I may preuaile to thy glorie Do this deare Father for the triumphe of thy name Bow downe thine eares mercifullie heare and receiue the summe of all my requests and graunt that all thinges which I aske according to my necessity I may effectually obtaine to thy glorye and profite of my soule through Iesus Christe my Lorde Amē I I Geue and committe into thy hands deere Lorde my Spirite yea rather I may say thy Spirite seeing thou hast geuen it mee lincte it to my body for a season and seing it is thy image and Figure made after thine owne likenesse seeinge thy deere Sonne did clime the dyrefull steppes of death for redemption therof O most fauorable Father and meeke God of al mercy and compassion I eftsoones cōmende this my Spirite into thy hande I am thine what so euer I am receiue thine I beseeche thee preserue mee and comforte mee for no man can help me besides thee Onely thou arte the sureste resister of all mischiefe thou arte O God the readieste help in all trouble thou arte my hope and strength In thee do I put my trust lette mee not be confounded let mee neuer be rebuked thou art my strong rock and my Castell thou art my sauioure my portion is in thy hands Lighten thy face vpon thy Seruaunt and saue mee O Lorde in thy Mercie Amen N NO brickel nor corrupt gold or Siluer hath redeemed my soule O Heauenly Father but the precious bloud issuinge from Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spotte make mee therefore O Lorde for his sake to put on his humility patience vertu and vnspotted life rendring such accompt of this my Pilgrimage as beste may agree to his merite and thy mercie Let mee not be founde vnthankfull in so sweete a Lorde and sauiour what is most rightuous acceptable and pleasante in thy sight let mee alwayes O God preferre in faith works and what so euer is to approoue mee vnworthy of his tender and surmountinge loue that may alter his louing kindenesse or exchaunge his wonted compassion towards mee Lorde let me euer faile in strength to do it but assisted by thee I may euerlastingly be founde to liue in him Amen A ALmighty God which fliest with the winges of the Ayre ridest vpō the Cherubins hast Empyre aboue the starry Firmaments Thou thou that sittest in Sacred seate most hie beholdeynge the wretchednesse of man in this lowe Earthe attending through thine own loue his deserts when with any occasion thou may offer thy mercie Bowe downe thy pitifull eies and fauour in me the Image of thy selfe as thou diddest vouchsafe in Zache when thou calledst him out of the Figge thee enritche my eares with the same voyce of Remission and Gladnesse as thou diddest his incline thine eares heare these cries oh louing redeemer for though I am but Dust Earth and Asshes yet I am bolde strengthened
with thy truth and merites of Christes deathe and passion to lay my Prayers before thee requyringe mercy and forgeuenesse of all my sinnes and also the assistance of thy Grace to do thy will all the daies of my life and to obtaine all these my petitions through Iesus Christ thy deere Sonne and my only sauiour to whom with thee and the Holy Ghoste be all Honour power Dominion and Glory for euer and euer Amen A Meditation vpon the Lordes Prayer ¶ Our Father which art in Heauen TRuely thou O almighty father haste iuste cause to execute thy seuere iudgemente vpon vs sinners whiche so often and greeuously moue thy wrath and indignation againste vs but sithence by thy mercy thou dooste not onely pardon but also commaundeste and teacheste by thy Sonne Iesus Christe that wee should holde thee for a Father wee pray thee throughe him that thou wilt geue vs a full and sure truste in thy Fatherly clemency and that we may likewise feele some taste of that security whiche thy Children haue and with ioye call thee Father acknowledge thee loue thee and in all our troubles call vpon thee defende and guide vs that wee may perpetually abide thy children let vs not goe out of thy protection Though we be the children of wickednes yet let vs not holde thee in steede of a seuere Iudge whē thou wilt that wee shall not onely call thee Father but our Father and that wee pray not in our owne name alone but in the name of all thy Children Geue vs therefore an vniforme and brotherly loue that in deede wee may perceiue our selues to bee Brothers and Sisters and thee our generall Father Let vs pray for all the rest no otherwise then Fathers were wont to pray for their children neyther suffer any of vs to seeke his own and forget his brother but taking away what enuie hatred or discord so euer raigneth emonge vs that as becommeth Gods children wee may mutually loue one another and truely call thee not Father but our Father Of our carnall and earthely Father we receiue this brickle body and he is such a one as is subiect to death neither are wee sure how longe he shall remaine a father Furthermore if aduersity happen he can not chaunge that but thou arte a Heauenly Father truely farre better and more Nobler So much more righte is it then that we contempne for thee our Father Countrey Kindred Ritches Fleashe Bloude yea and what so euer is in this worlde vnder the scope of Heauen This also graunt to vs that we may be thy heauenly Children whom thou doest teache that we shall regarde nothinge but the soule healthe and that heauenly Heritage leaste in this carnall and earthly Countrey deceiued stirred vp or letted by ritches wee become heyres of sensuality but truly let vs say our heauenlie Father and that truely wee may be thy heauenly Children Halowed be thy name ALmighty God heauenly father thy holy name is miserably prophaned many wayes in this worlde scorned taunted and blasphemed when it is applied to those thinges in whiche is no glorye of thy Deitie yea many abuse it imployinge it to sinne and truly that vnwoorthy life in a Christian man deserueth to be called a prophanation of thy holy name graunt therefore to vs good Lorde through thy mercy that wee may beware of all those things by which the honoure and glory of thy name is diminished and purifie vs that the Artes of Magike may be abolished let people cease to enchaunt Diuels or other Creatures by thy name see that all distrust and supersticion perish Heresie and wicked Doctrine also whiche notwithstandinge they preferre thy name yet they deceiue many lette them perishe and be broughte to nothynge graunte that thy people be not deceyued through any outwarde shewe of truthe rightuousnesse or holynesse Suffer not any man to forsweare hym selfe lye or deceyue others by thy name Take from vs O Lorde all false aydes which take vpon thē a shewe of thy name remooue from vs that spyrite of Pryde and vaine glory and the study of prayse and glory Graunt that in all our troubles and euiles we may cal vpon thy holy name yea in the feare of our consciēce and euen when deathe assaileth let vs not be forgetful of thy holie name See that in al our successe both in wordes and deedes wee may praise and worship thee onely and not seeke out of these ours but the glory of thy name which alone possessest al things take from vs O Lorde that most foule vice of ingratitude Plant in vs such good woorkes and life that others may be allured to vs not to our but to thy praise and glory Lorde let not others be offended through the vices or euill workes which yet remaine in vs least thy name for our sinnes should be ill spoken of or not henceforth praised Suffer vs not to aske any thing of thee either momentary or eternall which agreeth not to the glory of thy holy name praise if wee do aske any suche thinge of thee in that heare vs not graunt vs so to liue as becommeth Gods Children that wee seeme not vnworthy of thy holy name Thy kingdome come IN this miserable and wretched life all kindes of sensuall apetide and wickednesse beare rule in vs and the euill spirite head and fountaine of all sinne hath gouernmente But in thy kingdome O Lorde grace and vertue guide the sway and Iesus Christe thy deere sonne true patrone of all grace and vertue holdeth Empyre Thou therefore deere Father fauoure vs with thy grace Geue vnto vs a true constant faith in Christe fortifie vs with a firme hope in thy mercie wherwith our weake and feble conscience may be raised vp from the feling of sinnes lade vs with an earnest loue both towardes thee and al other thy good Creatures Take frō vs distrust desperation and hatred remooue from vs the delightes of the fleash and plant in their steede an earnest studye of chastitie with perfect faith in thee which may worthely winne the reward of vndefiled battaile Make vs free O Lorde from discordes ambition warre and discention and let thy kingdome come and let vs leade a peaceable mutuall and quiet life Graunt that neither zeale anger or other vices with the whiche dissemblinge hatred are nourished raigne in vs but a milde simplicity brotherly loue al kinde of duties contentment and humility suffer vs not to be affected with immoderate sorrowe and heauinesse but let vs feele the pleasantnesse of thy grace and mercie and that in fine all my sinnes may be taken away wee abounding through grace and vertu in good works may be thy kingdome I say our minde our soule with al our strength whiche thou hast powred on vs may obey thy commaundementes and beare thy gouernment and neither folowe themselues the world the fleash nor the Diuell See Lord that this thy kingdome happely begonne in vs may so growe and be increased that wee be not
naked oppressed miserable the comfortlesse widowe the orphane sick and the sorowfull and defende the fieldes and cattell from tempest venemous woormes and wilde beastes Forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespas against vs. GOD will that we patiently beare al things and requite not euill with euill nor reuenge iniurie donne againste vs but that wee shoulde returne a benefite for an iniurie after the ensample of our Father whiche suffereth his Sunne to shine as well on the euill as on the good and powreth downe his raigne both vpon the thankefull and vnthankefull O good Father stirre vp our conscience bothe now and in the ende of our life whiche is greuously feared with the sight of our sinnes and dred of thy ●udgemente make our harts quiet and sure that with ioy wee may expecte thy iudgement when thou shalt iudge for in thy sight shall not any man be founde rightuous teache vs to leane not to our owne good workes and merites but to thy vnmeasured mercie therevnto let vs wholy cōmit vs Likewise suffer vs not to fall into desperation for our sinnes committed but graunt that wee may perceiue and feele thy mercy to be far more ample greater and stronger then our wicked ledde life Be presente with all those whiche are either in daunger of death or afflicted with desperation Forgeue vs and euen our sinnes comfort vs and bring vs againe into thy fauour As thou hast cōmaunded so render thou also good for yll vnto vs beate down sathan that horrible false detractor and accuser of our life bothe nowe and at the houre of death and in al other anguishes of our conscience Sathan dothe accuse vs our conscience likewise doth accuse vs But thou Lorde dooest not Iudge after their sentēce heare not the voyce of our enemies which complain of vs before thee night and day Take from vs thou God of all mercie the greeuous burden of our sinne and conscience that it beinge made ioyfull and confirmed with the hope of thy mercy wee may both liue and die doo and suffer all thinges And leade vs not into temptation WEE are vexed with three kindes of temptation the fleash the worlde and the diuell Wee pray thee therfore O Father to assiste vs with thy heauenly grace that wee truely may be able to quenche the flames of the fleash that wee may auoyde excesse of meates and drink ouer much sleape slouth and idlenesse wherewith the prone fleashe is the rather kindled that likewise with fasting moderate diet and cloathinge our bed not to softe with watching and laboure wee may be made the more apte to good woorkes Helpe thou vs also that wee may fasten to the Crosse of Christe and mortifie that inordinate concupiscence and all other stirringes vnto vaine pleasure that wee may with strong power resist them Plante our hartes in the pleasaunte garden of thy continuall feare sowe the sweete seedes of heauenly grace so deepely in the furrowes of our inward minde that when our outward eies shal behold the rare bewty and work of thy handes in any fayre well proporcioned or semely creature we may not be therwith allured to exchaunge our thoughtes of pure deity through desire to exercise any delicate delight of our wanton fleash but euer geuinge vnspotted Chastitie sway in vs may the rather be mooued to praise thee in all thy creatures Graunte that when our eares are delighted with any sweete Harmonie or melodious sound that we may not applie it to our own plesure but to thy triumph and glory Take from vs couetousnesse and inordinate studie to heape vp Ritches Remooue from vs the study of Glory Power and Ambition suffer not the malice of the worlde to prouoke vs to impatience reuengement hatred dissimulation or other vices Woorke in vs that we hold in hate and despise the deceiptes subtilty lyes craft guile false promises vnthankfulnesse and ingratitude of the world with all other whether they be good or badde that Originall Sinne also which in Baptisme wee knowe and that in this minde wee may endure and euermore encrease Putte from vs the temptaciōs of Sathan that wee fall not into pride and admiration of ourselues being puffed vp with wealth Nobility Power Rule Learning Dignity Beawty Shape or other guiftes so despise others Purifie cleanse vs from priuie hatred secret sclaunder egreenuie and inward dissimulation Make vs to deale iustly carefully truly faithfully freendely and constantely with those that put vs in any trust and wel and equally with all others Confirme and strengthen vs against all temptations and dreadefull assaultes of Death that neither in the General day of accoumpt wee tremble in our hope of thy mercie nor in the summons of death wee fall into desperation but vpholden with firm hope of thy mercy armed with stronge Faithe and inuincible beliefe of thy Saluacion wee may liue in our resurrection participate thy ioyes and reioyce in thy comminge Moreouer wee entirely beseeche thee O Heauenly Father that thou vouchsafe with the carefull eyes of thy mercy to behold and strengthen all them which are assailed with any greuous temptations or weaknesse of Faith. If any yet stand confirme them O God and those which are fallen lift thou vp Let thy grace defende vs all in this miserable life whiche is replenished with so many daungers and bitter enimies that as it becommeth Christian Souldiers wee may be strongly gyrte with true Faith to thee in loyall obedience to our Prince brotherly loue towardes all men and so become coheyres of thy Celestiall Throne and blessednesse But deliuer vs from euill THy gratefull benignitie oh Heauenly father hath once deliuered vs from that most vncleane Spirite and subtil Serpent Sathan the wretched workman of all endlesse woe deathe destruction washed from sinne by thy sonne Iesus Christ and hath chosen vs into the honoure of his blessed Name and Heritage Wherfore cease thine indignation O Lord which iustly wee incurre throughe our daily contempts of thy holy will free vs from the paines due to oure sinnes deliuer vs frō the flouds of perdition that compasse vs rounde about and the flames of thy furie that our wickednesse hath kindled stay the stroke of thy vengeaūce that the blasphemie of our tongues hath iustly mooued thy longe sufferaunce to lay nowe vpon vs deliuer our Soule from the deadly wounds of our dissembling lippes take from vs the full corruption of all enuie and hatred keepe our minds from pride and presumption breathe into vs throughe al parts thy loue humility faith hope charitie patience which may bewtifie vs with the beames of thy brightnesse quicken our soules and al the powers therof that they may cleaue fast and be ioyned to thee in Ghostely rauishinges Destroy the force of this our aunciente foe Sathan which alwaies maketh battaile against vs powre vpon vs the greatnesse of thy goodnesse that thy right hand may be gloryfied in vs deliuer vs from all vncleane desires of the fleashe
inspyre vs with the feruēt flames of thy loue to consume the festerynge phantisses of our minde conioyne amd knytte the sences poures of our inwarde partes in thee make vs holde in hate al earthly substaunce and transitorie things by thy grace strōglye to tread down and conquere al motions occasions of sinne deliuer vs most benigne father from all rancore malyce hatred bloudsheding lying backbiting swearing and all suche horryble euils what so euer they be yea from lighteninge and tempeste from murther and battaile greuous plagues and other diseases good Lorde deliuer vs. Finally deliuer vs from all anguish troubles and mishappes eminēt either bodily or ghostly and with thy mighty hand defende our Ritches from abuse our brickle body from corruptiō our Soule from dampnation euen as beste shall accorde with thy holy will and true glorie of thy Maiestie Deliuer vs Lord from the chaynes of sinne the ropes of Hell and all perill of destruction so that beinge certified in conscience our Prayers worthely of thee accepted and wee deliuered from all assaults of the diuell his wicked craftes and inticementes to damnation and by thy holy spirite assisted may perseuer in this goodnesse wherof thy mercie and kindenesse is true Aucthor to the end of our dayes in holynesse and rightuousnesse to the honour of thy Kingdome powre and glory both now and euer Amen E ENgraue thy Lawes in the deapth of my hart O Lord that beinge instructed in thy cōmaūdements I may serue thee in feare and reioyce in thee with trembling and take holde vpon thy discipline in all thinges Least at any time thou become angrye and I perishe from the right way Amen L LOrde geue me me help from my trouble for vaine is the helpe of Man in thee I haue strength and thou bringest vnto nothing those which trouble me let my soule be subiect vnto thee for from thee proceedeth my patience for thou art my God and Sauiour my helper I wil not depart from thee In thee is my health and my Glory thou arte the God of my healpe and my hope is in thee Amen I I Haue broken thy Folde and wandered long as a lost sheep let me return againe O Lord bicause I haue not forgotten thy commaundementes the misdeedes ignorances of my tēder yeeres remember not Lorde according to thy mercy haue minde on mee For thy goodnesse O Lorde keepe my soule and deliuer mee let mee not be ashamed bicause I haue trusted in thee Turne my heauinesse into ioye cut of my sacke of sorrowes and girde mee with gladnesse that my Glory may singe vnto thee and I shall not be greeued Z ZOrobabell Kinge of Iuda in the deapthe of thy displeasure tasted of thy mercie and receiued by the mouthe of Ageus thy Prophete sweete comforte knowledge of thy fauoure and grace yea after thy determination to destroy the whole Kingdome of the Heathen thy righte hand did preserue him and thy incomparable mercie did choose him for a seale to thy selfe Lord this happy Kinge in thy goodnesse was but an earthly Creature and then coulde he haue no rightuousnesse in him selfe to mooue such thy compassion if it proceeded from the multitude of thy mercies that surmounte the iniquity of the whole world and that thou diddest only vouchsafe to beholde in him the Image of thy selfe Bowe downe thine eies Lorde and beholde the selfe same in mee Certifie my conscience with remission of my sinnes that my sorrowfull Soule be at rest within mee send downe thy holy spirite to remaine with me that I may become with that good Kinge thy chosen seale and seruaunt And so gouerne thy people that I may with them and they with me neuer deserue further then to taste of thy Rod of fauorable correction but that all my labours and studies may euer bend to the performance of thy holy will and discharge of my dutie Amen A ARise illuminate my minde moste benigne Sauioure that I sleape not at any time in deathe leaste mine enimies say they haue preeuailed againste mee They whiche trouble mee will be glad if I be cast downe but I haue fixed my hope in thy mercy Enter not into iudgement with thy Seruaunt for no liuing Creature shal be iustified in thy sighte I will euer looke vpon the Lorde for he shal be on my righte hande that I be not mooued for this my harte is glad and my tongue reioyceth yea moreouer my fl●ash shall rest in hope Amen B BE thou vnto mee O Lorde in the day time a defendour and in the nighte season a place of refuge that thou maiste saue mee for thou art my strengthe and vnto thee I flie Lord God deliuer me from the hand of sinners and from the Lawebreaker and the wicked dooer for thou Lord art my patience thou art my hope euen frō my youth in thee I am confirmed euen from my Mothers wombe thou art my protectour in thee shall be my songe for euer and euer Amen E EVer my tongue shall be tellinge of thy ritche mercy and woonderous works O Lorde for thou hast caused mee to passe through fire and water and hast leadde mee into a freashe place thou haste geuen my soule life and hast not suffered my feete to fall According to the multitude of my sorrowes thy comfortes haue made my Soule merye My Soule is like a Sparrow taken out of the foulers snare Thou hast deliuered my life frō death and my hands from bloud that I may please thee O Lorde in the light of the liuing Amen T THou art iust O Lorde and all thy Commaundementes be true and al thy waies mercy truth and iudgement And now Lorde be mindefull of mee take not reuengemente of my sinnes remember not mine offences neither the offences of my Fathers because wee haue not obeyed thy precepts Geue mee an hart of vnderstandinge and set thy feare alway before mine eyes that I may be obediente in woorde deede and thought to all that is thy will. Lorde geue vnto mee the power of thy Holy Spirite to rule and gouerne thy people commited to my charge in al godly feare and knowledge of thy woorde and that I may be vnto them an ensample in al godlinesse an● vertue to the prayse of thy Holy name Amen H HEale me Lord and I shall be healed saue mee and I shal be saued My life cleaueth vnto the Earthe Quicken mee accordinge to thy worde accordinge to thy mercie releeue mee and I wil keepe the testimonies of thy lippes helpe mee Lord so shall I be safe and I will from henceforthe study thy rightuousnesse thy mercies are many O Lorde according to thy woorde restore my health Amen R REgarde my Prayers O thou God of my life leaue me not in the thoughts of euill Deliuer mee from the wicked man let not the foote of pride com vpon mee and to vaine glorie geue mee not take from mee all sinfull lustes lette no desire of vncleannesse take hold vpon mee geue mee
not ouer to an vnshamefast obstinate minde but correct mee in thy mercie for into thy handes I committe me Amen E ENter thy Iudgementes in the tables of my harte destroy my affections with thi loue send thy wisdome from the holy Heauens and from the seate of thy maiesty that she may be with mee and labour with mee that I may knowe what thing is acceptable before thee and may Iudge thy people rightuously and deserue betweene good and euill G GRatious Lorde thou that arte the most hie God aboue al the yearth long suffering and of muche mercie sorowinge the sinnes of man and of thy greate goodnesse haste promised to the penitent remission of sinnes Lorde I haue sinned my iniquity is multiplied aboue the sandes of the Sea and there is no hope of life in mee bicause I haue sturred the to anger in multiplying offēces before thee And now Lorde trustinge in thy mercy I bowe the knees of my hart beseching of thee goodnesse distroye mee not together with mine iniquity for the dead whose Soules are out of theyr bodies can neither prayse nor thanke thee but the sorowfull hart and the thirstye Soule ascribe praise vnto thee O Lorde I powre my Prayers before thee and require mercie in thy sight saue me which am vnworthy and reserue not eternall punishment for me for thine owne sake I aske it and will prayse thee al the daies of my life Amē I ILluminate my hart O Lord with the lighte of thy woorde leade mee Lord in thy way and I shall enter into thy Truthe printe thy feare in my hart that I may reioyce in thee lette thy woorde be a Lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my paths So shall I not erre from the right way but walk with an vpright harte a cleane conscience and single eye before thee this day and euermore Amen N NEuer will I cease to call vpon thee moste m●ghtye God of Hostes whiche fittest vpon the Cherubins and haste dominion ouer al the kingdoms on the earth Thou which madest the Heauens and all things comprehended in them bowe downe thine eare and heare open thine eyes and behold saue mee from the hande of mine aduersaries suffer no euill to happen vnto mee that al the people may know that thou alone arte my god Amen A ASsist me O Lord my God with thy Heauenly grace and renew in mee a righte Spirite that I may receiue strength and ablenesse to doo thy rightuous will and to stand against al the assaultes of wilie Sathan that they may haue no place in me but that the Old man which I beare about in my body may be crucified and daily die in me that the desire of sinne erroure of worldly vanities may vtterly be destroyed that I may euermore be renewed in the Spirite of my minde that the life of my Sauiour Christe may alwayes appeare in mee To whome with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all honoure triumphe and glory for euer and euer Amen IOAN I. SI confiteamur Peccata nostra Deus fidelis est iustus vt remittat nobis Peccata nostra emundet nos ab omni Iniquitate Si dixerimus quoniam non peccauimus Mendacem facimus cum Verbum eius non est in nobis IOSVE Fili mi da Gloriā Deo Israël confitere atque indica mihi quid feceris ne abscondas AGVSTINVS Confessio est salus animarum dissipatrix Vitorum restauratrix Virtutum expugnatrix Daemonum Quid plura Obstauit Os Inferni Paradisi Portas aperit Cassidorus super Psalm 77. O beata Confessio quae aeternum tollit opprobrium Nam quicquid Reatum inuenerit Poenitentia perpetuis Seculis reddit Absolutum An inward speache vvherevvith Christ dooth comfort the Soule of the sinner desiringe to liue better Gathered out of the works of sundry holy Writers I Loue them saith Christe that seeke mee and my delight is emonge the children of mē Sic dilexi Mundum vt in mortem datem animam meam vt non periat sed habeat vitam aeternum quicunque in me crediderit I haue so loued the worlde that I gaue my selfe vnto death that who so euer beleeued in mee should not perish but haue euerlasing life O thou Soule O Daughter I haue laboured hungred thirsted I haue bene despised and suffred persecution for thy sake I am wounded for thine iniquitie I am weried through thy wickednes I am dead for thine offences and risen again for thy iustification the loue whiche I beare to thee hath forced mee to doo and suffer all these thinges and to make choyse of thee for my childe Wherefore amende thou and returne to mee washe thee in the bloud of my wounds and deck thee with vertues and merites of my life All these thinges I willingly geue thee nay rather as a most louing father offeringe these thinges I runne to imbrace thee and receiue thee with imbracinge and kissing alluring thee to loue me againe return Daughter and be cleane Praebe cor tuum mihi quia praeter hoc aliud abs te non desidero Be sory that thou hast sinned bicause thou hast offended mee or at the leaste sorrowe because thou canst not perceiue thy selfe pensiue for oft it cometh to passe that it better pleaseth mee and is more profitable to man to haue a wil to be contrite and deuout then to perceiue contrition or deuocion Because this contrarye desire of willing and vnwillinge engendreth affliction of minde Therfore be sory and angry with thy selfe yee iudge thy selfe woorthy to be damned bicause thou hast sinned and art not sory as thou oughtest This contrition although it be not sensible yet it is such though thou suffer persecution as will bring thee to health eternall for I knowe your miserye your weaknesse and necessitie so that in no wise a willing mind ought to dispaire what soeuer oldenes or coldenesse of conscience he feele But you wil say I haue cōmitted innumerable offences how shall I perticulerly sorrow euery one of them O my daughter needest thou comfort let only truthe comfort thee if thou hast many sinnes haue also one generall contrition in the whiche thou wilte include all and euery offence so that there be no sinne whiche althoughe it came vnto thy minde wouldest exempte frō thy penitencie and whiche thou wouldest not eschewe forsake For this generall contrition extendeth it selfe to all and euery offence yea vnto those whiche thou haste forgotten and canste not remember neither doo I require that you should necessarily haue for euery offence seuerall contritions accordinge to the number māner of your sinnes for thus I haue spoken of Mary Magdalaine I haue forgeuen her many offences for that she loued much I saide not bicause shee loued oftentimes neither coulde this Magdalaine in so suddaine a compunction be otherwise sory then for all togeather Thou likewise so be sory for all that there be no sinne which may delight thee whether generally or
particularly it come into thy minde Sorrow not out of measure nor suffer suche imaginacions and fantasies take place as though I were so angry that I woulde not be pleased pardon nor receiue thee againe into fauoure for these are the suggestions of the wicked Serpente wherwith he indeuoreth to train thee to desperation whose custome is in the beginninge of his illusions to plucke the remembraunce of me from their harts to promisse my mercie to them that sinne and confirme the security boldnesse obstinacie of an vngodly will but afterwardes finding them declining and that they wil forsake him if by other meanes he cannot procure them to euil he setteth vpon the weak and fearefull mindes with the assault of desperatiō he perswadeth to vnbeliefe he telleth them that euill custome cannot be ouercom he feareth them with the greatnes of their sinnes cōmitted and like a liar telleth that I will not forgeue sinne But thou my Daughter beleeue him not whatsoeuer thou feelest fall not into desperation This contrition sufficeth that it pitieth thee of mine anger wishing thou haddest not transgressed and determinest not to sinne any more But if thou doo erre yet rise againe yea againe with harty repentaunce purpose to sinne no more if thou fall the third time yet rise againe if the fourthe or fift time yea lastly if thou fal seuenty times seuen times so oftē returne to mee and I will receiue thee Is it not better that I should receiue thee then lose thee together with all my labours and paines which for thy redemption I haue suffered let nothing O Daughter call thee away O Daughter let nothinge keepe thee from mee which arte redemed with my bloud though thou haue geuen thy selfe to the Diuell denied mee an hundreth times taken my name in vaine spitte at me slaundered my holy woorde onely be sorye from thy harte that thou hast donne this and I will forgeue thee Lette no offence be so greate in thine eies that it pluck away the hope of pardone no sinne so ponderous that it mai be able to ouercome my mercie I make no difference whether frō fewe or many sinnes I deliuer thee all haue neede of my mercie whiche floweth aboundauntly to euerie man faithfully askinge it Thy wickednesse cannot exceede my mercy the more thou hast sinned the more willingly I forgeue thee being per●tent for the greater the sinner is on whom I bestow my compassiō so much the greater is my glory I am not hard nor sparinge but liberall and bountifull to thee my Daughter if thou only haddest committed all the offences that be and I forgeue them my mercie is no whit the lesse There is peraduenture some other thinge that feareth thee yet when thou wert ouerpressed with sin that whiche thou diddest then willingly commit●e now against thy wil art compeiled to beare whatsoeuer vnwillingly thou sufferest shall not damne thee nor spoyle thee of my grace for sin muste be so voluntary that if it be not voluntary it is no sinne bridell therefore thy will from consentinge and then suffer the Fleashe and the Diuell to rage and though by thy former life and conuersation thou hast deserued yll yet because thou truely repentest therof and dooste studie to liue better thou shalte not be guiltie of that thou sufferest so thy will consent not And if at any time the diuel suggest thee with blasphemous or cursed thoughtes against me and my Holy ones be not therfore troubled or fainte harted For so long as thou hast not voluntarily erred or performed consente thou dooest rather suffer then do offence whē these things bring thee rather heauinesse and affliction thē delights they are no way to be feared but I suffer thee to feele them and they to molest thee that tho● mightest be rather therby de●●led Therfore truly the Diuel stirreth vp those thinges that whilest thou go aboute to resiste them thou mightest be hindered and letted from the taste of my loue and beinge so muche astonied fearest to come to mee For he reioyceth whē thou wallowest in doubts and troubles but thou Daughter feare no such thinge looke not towarde them answeare them not striue not against them nor take any heede to them But rather as one vntroubled goe forwarde in thy exercise passing by and contemning suche chaunces as the barking of dogs and hissinge of geese For if thou wouldest renewe dispute feare and descusse them thou dooste alwaies more printe them in thy minde and tangle thy selfe in greater trouble The penitent Soule after it hathe taken somme knowledge and taste of my goodnesse considering that I am so good and so mercifull and finally that I am so slow to impute sin that I do not onely pardō it but also receiue him into my fauour and freendshippe as though he had neuer sinned I comfort him and bestowe on him guiftes Thus whilest the afflicted conscience dooth meditate yea euen of his fall I say he getteth to him self a great occasion of feruentnesse and thankfulnesse towardes mee a farre greater occasion of hatred and displeasure towards him selfe whilest he rigorously accuseth his owne follie for despisinge mee a God so mercifull vnto him as whome iustly I mighte bothe condemne and destroye I spare comforte and deale bountifully with so that how much the more he perceiueth mi mercy to him so much the more is he moued with greater zeale of Iustice against him selfe and in a manner desireth to be reuenged on him felfe for the contempte of mee wherby it commeth to passe that he doothe not onely desire pardon and reconcilation for his sinnes but suffereth the dignity of my Iustice humbleth him self and punisheth him self because he hath wickedly lift vp him self against mee Whereof proceedeth that how mutche the more he perceiueth him selfe comforted of mee so mutch the more he abhorreth and detesteth his owne vnwoorthinesse and with sorrowe disdeigneth the enormitye of his sinnes marueiling how he could be so vngratefull to mee As a droppe of water on the burning fire so are the sinnes consumed of that Soule which is come to this zeale that it no lesse loueth my Iustice then mercy Therfore emongst al kindes of repentaunce there is not a better for man then continually to consider my greate loue and fidelity towardes him and contrarily his owne infidelity vngratitude and frowardnesse towardes me The Diuell is so enuious to my Seruaunts that he omitteth no time in tempting them and euen when they are aboute to repent bewaile their sinnes he chiefly casteth in doubts causinge them againe and againe to confesse their faultes that therby mighte neuer attaine to any quietnesse but distrust all their confessions when they finde any circumstāce or offence neglected whereof they haue not made mencion But beware O my Daughter thou fall not I am thy Confessour It is onely I that can ease thy burden cure thy wounded conscience and refreash thy hungrie Spirite O how it greeueth me to se thee alwaies conuersaunt in corruption be troubled in
Rightuousnesse shall crowne thee Through thy euil gotten goods shalt thou perish The ioy and cherefulnesse of the hart is the pure life of man And his cleare conscience a sure fortresse against death The Tree of the field is knowen by his fruite So are the rotten thoughtes of the dissemblinge personne by his open deedes of malice Forgeue thy neighboure the hurte that he hath done thee so shall thy sinnes be forgeuen thee when thou praiest Remember the ende and lette enmitie passe which seketh death and destruction abide in the commaundement of thy God that thou maiste reape his blessinge They that reioyce at the fall of the rightuous shall be taken in the snare anguishe of harte shall consume them before they die Wrest not thou the law nor know whose eyes veweth all vertue seekes t● punish al wickednesse be not in the number of suche Hester 16. My right hand shal not spare the sinners and my sword shall not cease ouer them that sheadde the innocent bloud vpon earth Esdras 15. Despise not a man that turneth himself away from Sinne and cast him not in the teethe withal but remember we be all fraile and offenders Ecclesiast 8 Three thinges there be that my Spirite fauoureth the vnitie of Brethren and the loue of Neighbours a Man wife that agree well togeather Three things there●f which my Soule hateth a Ritch man Couetous a poore man proude an Olde man that is vnchaste Eccle. 25. Oppresse not thou the Lawe nor knowe any person neither take any reward for gifts blind the wise and peruert the words of the Rightuous that which is iust shall then followe that thou mayst liue Leuit. 19. See that thou know no faces in iudgemente nor doo any vnrightuousnesse in iudgement in meatte Yearde in Waighte or in Measure trewe Ballances trewe waightes a trewe Eph● and a trewe line shall you haue to all men Ibidem Thou shalt not fauoure the poore nor honoure the mighty but in rightuousnesse shalt thou iudge thy Neighbour Ibidem Thou shalte not aduenge thy self nor be mindeful of a wrong but shalt loue thy Neighbour euen as thy selfe Iames. 1. As the Sunne riseth is heat and the grasse withereth and his flower falleth away the bewty of the fashion of it perisheth euen so shal the malitious ritch vnrightuous and dissemblinge person perish in the wickednesse of his waies Iudge nothinge before the time which will lighten thinges that are hidden in darknesse and open the Counsels of the harts so shall euery man haue praise of god Corinth 4. See thou robbe not the poore because he is weake and oppresse not the simple in iudgement for the Lorde him selfe wil defend their cause and doo violence to them that haue vsed violence Prouerb 22. God resisteth the prowde and geueth grace vnto the lowlie Iames. 4. Dispise not thou the chastening of the Lorde neither dispaire when he geueth thee aduersity for whom the Lorde loueth him he chasteneth yea he scourgeth with affliction euery sonne that he receiueth Hebr. 12 Lette euery man be swifte to heare slowe to speake slowe to wrath for the wrath of man worketh not that which is rightuous before God wherefore lay aparte all malice and with all meekenesse of harte exercise truthe and quietnesse Iames. 1. Lay aside all maliciousnesse and all guile fainednesse and enuie all backbitinge and as new borne Babes desire ye that Milke not of the Bodie but of the Soule whiche is without disceipte that ye may grow therby vnto saluacion 2. epist. Petr. The eies of the Lorde do gouerne the Rightuous and his eares open vnto their Praiers Ibidem cap. 3. The desire of the Lowlie is acceptable and the Lorde will encrease it but the hope of the Prowde is the indignation and in the freshnes of theyr labours wil he roote them out He that casteth out his words rashly woorketh care to his life but who so through silence seasoneth his thoughtes with wisedome is the Authoure of longe rest Euery labour geueth foorthe his fruite onely lippe laboure destroyeth time bringeth forth penurie The daies of aduersity are a blessing of God a cleare conscience is a continuall feaste A malitious man kindleth strife a foole vttereth his wrath in hast but a discrete person couereth wrong The Lorde abhorreth the praier of the malitious but who so humbleth his Praier in faith and Charitie shall finde his desire The desires of the Couetous man bring vpon him confusion but who so gathereth his Ritches with loue and fauour shall prosper Through Mercie and truthe sinnes are pardoned through Rightuousnesse and Faithe are thy prayers hearde and euill eschewed Rightuous lippes are pleasaunt vnto Kinges and dissemblinge tongues ouerthrowe hie Pallaces Better it is to be of humble minde with the Lowlie then to deuide the spoyles with the prowde Presumptuousnesse goeth before destruction after a prowd stomacke followeth a foule fall Mercie and faithfulnesse preserueth the Kinge and with louing kindenesse his seate is holden vp Who so followe Rightuousnesse and Mercy shal finde both life rightuousnesse and honour Like as the Golden pillers are vpon the sockettes of Siluer so are the bewtifull partes of the body vpon a wooman that hath a constant minde The harte of the foolishe is like a Carte wheele and his thoughts runne aboute like the Axeltree The wise man tempereth his rage with patience seasoneth his woordes with wisedome Who so is Mercifull and geueth Almes that is the righte thanckes offeringe but he that stoppeth his eares at the crie of the poore shal be cast downe crie him selfe and be not hearde All that is of the Earth shall turne to the Earthe againe all Brybes and Vnrightuousnesse shall perishe but Faithfulnesse and Truthe shall endure for euer Rewardes and giftes blinde eyes of the wise and make him runne that he cannot tell menne their faultes Let not thy mouth be accustomed with swearing for in it ther be many falles The heauinesse of the hart is al the pounishment and the wickednes of a woman goeth aboue all Like as to clime vp a sandie waie is to the feete of the aged euen so is a wife ful of woordes to a still quiet man. That woman that hathe bene vnfaithfull to the Lawe of the Highest and hathe broken Couenaunt with her Husband her children shall take no roote and as for her braunches they shall beare no fruit A shamefull reporte shall she leaue behinde her and her dishonoure shall not be put out Like as the Sunne when it ariseth is an ornamente in the highe Heauen of the Lorde so is a vertuous wife the bewty of all her house Perpetuall are the foundations that be laide vpon a whole stoany Rocke so are the Commaundements of God vpon the hart of a holy woman What so euer happen vnto thee receiue it suffer i● heauinesse shewed vnto thee that be aboue the capacitie of men Be not ashamed of thy freend in his aduersitie and keepe not backe thy counsell when it