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A18963 Foure sermons The two first, of godly feare: on Hebrewes 4. verse 1. By Robert Cleauer. The two last. Of Christian loue and life. On Canticles 2. verse 10. By Richard Webb. Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625.; Webb, Richard, preacher of God's word. aut 1613 (1613) STC 5381; ESTC S108059 69,327 96

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vse hereof is three-fold Vse the first is concerning the Minister the second concerning the people and the third concerning the Minister and the people The Minister is here taught that he must neuer leaue off teaching he must preach in season and out of season and watch thereunto with all perseuerance 2 Tim. 4.2 My brethren therefore giue not ener but labour still time after time so long as you lius for your congregations will still stand in need of teaching The people are here schoolled that they must neuer giue ouer their schoolling like schollers they must to it day after day and weeke after weeke during the terme of their whole liues For doe they what they can yet they will be ignorant still yet they will be faultie still yet they will be faint-hearted still And therefore continuall preaching is as needfull for men as the aire that we breath in as the clothes that we walke in as the food that we receiue in as the houses that we dwell in and as the company that we liue in Lastly here both Minister and people are instructed to attend euermore to instruction The one must employ his studie diligently that he may be able to instruct other further and the other must frequent the Church carefully that they themselues may be instructed further The fruit whereof vnto them both with their duties the Apostle doth teach in 1 Tim. 4.16 when he saith Take heed vnto thy selfe and vnto learning continue therein for in doing this thou shalt bothsaue thy selfe and them that heare thee Now vnto him that is able to doe exceeding abundantly aboue all that we aske or thinke according to the power that worketh in vs be praise in the Church by Iesus Christ throughout all generations for euer Amen THE SECOND SERMON OF CHRISTIAN LOVE Canticles 2. verse 10. Arise my loue my faire one and come thy way OMitting the Paraphrasticall exposition of these words the sound whereof hath alreadie peirced your eares you haue nothing now to remember in summe welbeloued in the Lord but the words which Christ did vse vnto his Church at what time hee spake vnto her and did behold her thorow the window of his Gospell As to day in the fore-noone you hard her words of him so now by Gods grace you may heare his words to her In which I commend to your considerations two points The first are certaine Appellations the second certaine Exhortations The appellations are two the first is My loue the second is My faire one The Exhortations are also two the first is Arise the second is Come away The Appellations shew how well Christ is affected towards his Church The Exhortations declare as it were how well the Church ought to be affected towards Christ The appellations are as arguments to moue her And the Exhortations are as duties moued vnto her But let vs proceed-in order beginning first with the Appellations and then comming afterwards vnto the Exhortations The first appellation is this My loue Here you may call to minde what was obserued before vpon this word My welbeloued for both of them are equiualent and of one force But yet here is further to be added vnto that for the loue of Christ may be considered three wayes First it is generall towards all his creatures whereby he loues them all approuing the same to be good as they proceed from him and are his creatures or the workmanship of his hands Secondly as it is speciall towards mankinde in that he was content to become a Redeemer for mankinde after their fall and not for any other creature no not for the Angels that fell as well as man Lastly as it is proper to his Elect or chosen ones whereby he accepts of them to life euerlasting and hath a purpose to doe them good for euermore Now in this last sense is the word here to be taken Doct. wherefore from hence we may safely collect this Doctrine that Iesus Christ our Sauiour is such an one as doth loue his Church and people well they are deare vnto him they are his darling and his loue they are such on whom his heart is set So much doth Paul teach vs when he faith And walke in loue euen as Christ hath loued vs and hath giuen himselfe for vs Ephes 5.2 So much doth Iohn teach vs when hee saith And from Iesus Christ which is a faithfull witnesse and the first begotten of the dead and Prince of the Kings of the earth vnto him that loued vs and washed vs from our sins in his blood Reuel 1.5 So much doth Zachary teach vs when hee saith For he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye Zach. 2.8 So much doth Zephanie teach vs when he saith Reioyce O daughter Sion be yee ioyfull O Israel be glad and reioyce with all thine heart O daughter Ierusalem The Lord thy God in the middest of thee is mighti● he will saue he will quiet himselfe in his loue he will reioyce ouer thee with ioy Zeph. 3.14.17 So much in one word doth Christ himselfe teach vs when he saith A new conmandement giue I vnto you that you loue one another as I haue loued you that ye also loue one another Iob. 13.34 Then as he loued Iohn his Disciple Ioh. 20.2 and as he loued Paul his Apostle Gal. 2.20 and as hee loued Lazarus his friend together with his two sisters Martha and Mary Iohn 11.5 so doth hee loue all those that doe belong vnto him The reasons to moue him herevnto are chiefely foure Reason The first is because shee is part of himselfe For no man euer yet hated his owne flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it euen as the Lord doth the Church for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones Eph. 5.29 30. The second is because shee is like himselfe hauing the image of his owne Maiestie stamped in her As he is holy so shee is holy Cant. 4.7 For Simile simile gaudet like doth reioyce in like as it is in our prouerbe The third is because she doth loue him and hath some good care to worship and serue him For hee cannot but loue such againe and that according to his owne word and promise when he saith He that hath my commandements and keepeth them is he that loueth me and he that loueth me shall be loued of my father and I will loue him and will shew mine owne selfe vnto him Iohn 14.21 The fourth is because shee is redeemed by him and it did cost him much before hee could get her yea more then siluer and gold euen his owne hart blood as Peter doth well note in 1 Pet. 1.18.19 When hee saith Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as siluer and gold from your vaine conuersation receiued by the traditions of your fathers but with the pretious blood of Christ as of a lambe vndefiled and without spot For the more we giue for things the greater value and price doe we set
yet they will loue him in their words They can crie out and say We loue the Lord Iesus Christ as well as the best of you all he is not worthy to liue that doth not loue him it were well that the ground would open to sincke him in c. Thus can wicked men giue good words but where are their workes Surely in this corrupt age of ours wee can talke much but walke but a little word it much but worke it but a little our mouthes are bigger then our hands which is a thing monstrous in nature as well said Saint Bernard Monstrosa res est sedes prima vita ima lingua magniloqua manus otissa sermo multus fructus nullus It is a monstrous thing to haue the chiefest roome and to liue the basest life to speake much with the tongue and to doe nothing with the hand to vse many words and to bring forth no fruit But as Iames the Apostle said Shew me thy faith by thy workes Iam. 2.18 So may I say Shew me thy Ioue by thy workes There are foure things in all heartie and sound louers which must needs be in thee if thou doest loue Christ aright The first is that they long still to be ioyned together and to enioy one the other The nature of loue is such that wee desire still the enioying of that which is loued Ammon was very sick through loue and his flesh did pine away because hee could not enioy his sister Thamar whom he loued 2 Sam. 13.2 The second is that they are bountifull and liberall one vnto the other Loue saith Paul in 1 Cor. 13.4 is bountifull So was Booz to Ruth whom hee loued Ruth 3.15 and so was the Centurion to the Iewes whom hee made much of for hee built them a Synagogue Luk. 7.5 The third is that they are obsequious and obedient one vnto the other Loue can hardly deny any worke which the partie beloued doth require Hereof was it that Delilah said to Sampson in Iudges 16.15 How canst thou say I loue thee when thine heart is not with me thou hast mocked me these three times and hast not told me wherein thy great strength lieth The fourth and last is tollerance or enduring of troubles one for the other for the loue that Iacob did beare to Rahel seauen yeares of hard seruitude seemed but a short time Gen. 29.20 And for the loue that Sechem did beare to Dinah he was content to be circumcised and to suffer the cutting of his flesh though it were very painfull vnto him Gen. 34.19 Now in all these things examine thy loue towards Christ In the first place tell me doest thou long to be with Christ Art thou willing to die and to leaue this world to goe vnto him Doest thou wish with the Apostle Saint Paul to be dissolued to be with him Philip. 1.25 Art thou desirous to haue him come to Iudgement Doest thou cry out with the Spouse Come Lord Iesus come quickly Ren. 22.17.20 In the second place tel me Dost thou bestow any thing vpon Christ Art thou willing to let go thy goods and riches for the honor of Christ Art thou readie to relieue his Saints according to their need and thy abilitie Doest thou ioyne with others in building vp his Church and in bestowing some maintenance vpon his worship In the third place tell me Doest thou obey him and doe according to his Commandements Art thou readie with Abraham to leaue thine ovvne countrey and to goe vvhither he shall send thee Wilt thou forsake that vvhich hee doth forbid and follovv that vvhich hee doth command If yee loue me saith Christ beepe my Commandements Ioh. 14.15 And a little after he saith againe If any man loue me he will keepe my Word Vers 23. So that those loue not Christ vvho doe not keepe his Commandements In the fourth and last place tell mee Doest thou suffer any trouble or miserie for Christs sake Art thou vvell pleased to take vp thy crosse to goe after him Canst thou be content to die for his sake as the Prophets and Apostles haue done By these markes or tokens wee may know whether wee loue Christ or no if we haue them we loue him but if we haue them not wee loue him not howsoeuer wee perswade our solues or boast before others to the contrarie And so much of the second sort namely of those that vaunt of their loue towards Christ and yet doe want it Now let vs come to the third and last sort which is of those that would be informed what manner of loue it is that is pleasing to Christ In it you must obserue foure remarkable qualities The first is that it must be great and not small we must loue him more then our fathers or mothers or brothren or sisters or husbands or wiues or lands or goods or life it selfe Matth. 10.37 Lzk. 14.26 The second is that it must be singular and not common we must loue onely Christ and none else we must not ioyne others with him Whom haue I in heauen saith Dauid Psal 73.25 but thee and I haue desired none in the earth with thee Well therefore said the Church in Cant. 1.6 Shew me O thou whom my soule loueth where thou feedest where thou liest at noone for why should I be as she that turneth aside to the flockes of thy companions Her care was onely to goe after Christ We cannot serue God and Mimmon together Mat. 6.24 We must not part our loue Christ must haue all as the woman by Gods law must haue but one husband so the Church must haue but one Congregation Doubtlesse as an honest man cannot endure that another man should haue a portion in his wife so will not Christ endure that any other should haue with him a portion in his Church for he is a iealous God Exod. 20.5 The third is that it must be totall and not partiall we must loue him not with the loue of the soule alone or with the loue of the body alone but with the loue both of body and soule together Ye are bought with a price saith Paul 1 Cor. 6.20 therefore glorifie God in your bodie and in your spirit for they are Gods And whereas the soule and body doe consist of many parts our Sauiour must haue the loue of all those parts Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule and with thy strength saith Moses to Israel in Deut. 6.5 So that Christ must not haue onely the loue of the eye to behold his workes the loue of the eare to listen to his words the loue of the tongue to talke of his wonders the loue of the feet to goe to his Temple the loue of the hands to doe his businesse the loue of the memorie to remember him the loue of the minde to plod vpon him and the loue of the heart to long after him but hee must haue all these loues together The fourth and last
Wife M ris Elizabeth Stephens R. W. wisheth all happinesse both in this world and in the world to come IN the Sermon following there are lapped vp right Worshipfull some twelue points of diuine inspiration which are most needfull in this corrupt age wherein we liue of all mens due and deepe consideration The first is that Christ and his Church are contracted together in a thrise blessed marriage The second is that the Church doth beare a tender hearty loue towards Christ her bridegrome The third is that the estate or condition of Gods childe is the best estate or condition in all the world The fourth is that Chirst himselfe is there teaching of men where his word is truly taught deliuered vnto men The fift is that the fruit benefit of Gods word is imparted onely vnto the Saints The sixt is that the best that are are to be taught and schooled in the wayes of God The seauenth is that Christ doth loue his Church and people well The eight is that the Church of God is faire and beautifull in the eyes of Christ The ninth is that holy Christians need not the mediation of Angels or Saints departed this life for the oblation of their prayers vnto the Almighty The tenth is that the spouse of Christ is sometimes too carelesse of Christ and falls a sleepe in the bed of carnall delights The eleuenth is that Christians must not continue in their sins but arise from the same leaue them The twelft and last is that all that doe belong to Christ must leaue this world goe after Christ These points are handled seauen of them more at large exprofesso by way of doctrines but the other fiue more succinctly vpon certaine accidentall occasions At your leasure I pray you consider of them I doubt not but that you haue your portions in them The text from whence they are drawne may well be applied vnto you for euery word therein doth fit you well One part of it you may speake with the Church of Christ and the other part of it you may heare with the Church from Christ. And as some things in it may comfort you so other things also in it may excite you The Appellations may be your consolations and the exhortations may be your excitations In the world there are many euils yea in the congregation of the righteous there are too many infirmities Our loue to Christ is too cold it must be kindled Our attendance at the gates of wised me is too seldome it must be doubled Ourfailing in our duties is too great it must be lessened Our sight in seeing the loue of Christ towards vs is too Diuine it must be cleered Our beauty in the inner man is too small it must be increased Our drowsines in good things is too heauy it must be lightned Our continuance in sinne is too long it must be shortned Our cleauing to this world is too strong it must be weakned Finally our following afte Christ is too slow it must be hastned To further this heauenly work this little booke may help vs for most of the things therein are touched and vrged vpon vs with forcible reasons of perswasion In token of my good will and the vnfained loue which I beare vnto you both I here present it vnto you both consecrate it to your Worships The God almighty giue it a blessing and make it effectuall vnto the soules of men I will not trouble you with many words but draw to an end As you haue begun well so proccede let your good works be more at the last then at the first Be still for God in all his wayes and God will still be for you in all your wayes Aduance him and hee will aduance you protect his Saints and shelter them refresh the deare members of Christ and nourish them so shall you heare this sweet sentence pronounced vpon yount the last Come ye blessed of my Father inherit ye the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world And so I end and commit you and all yours to the gratious protection of that good God that doth watch ouer you beseeching him so to multiply his graces vpon you that you may see many good and happy dayes in this wretched world and enioy euerlasting blessednesse in the blessed world to come Your Worships in all holy duties to be commanded Richard Webb THE FIRST SERMON OF CHRISTIAN LOVE Canticles 2. verse 10. My welbeloued spake and said vnto me Arise my loue my faire one and come thy way AS I was pondering with my selfe what text I might best take for this time and for this place it pleased the good and gracious hand of our God to direct me to this portion of Sacred Writ as containing in it matters most correspondent to the day now celebrated to this worthy assembly now congregated For as the day is now kept for the honor of Christ in memoriall of his Ascention from the earth to the heauens and as this assembly is an assembly of Christians who must arise after Christ so this text in hand is a text of Christ and of his Church Of Christ as it were alreadie ascended yet in mercie speaking to his Church of the Church yet below yet in dutie to ascend after Christ In regard whereof I doubt not but that those things which shall be now spoken will be vnto you most sweet and profitable like apples of gold with pictures of siluer according to Salomons Aphorisme in Prou. 25.11 where he saith A word spoken in his place is like apples of gold with pictures of siluer But not to insist any further vpon other matters by way of Preface I will descend vnto my Text. In the verses next going before it is declared what mercie the Lord Iesus Christ did shew vnto his Church in comming vnto her notwithstanding all her sins Though her iniquities were like to hils mountains which might iustly haue staied him from comming vnto her yet he in the multitudes of his cōpassions towards her was cōtent like a Roe or yong Hart to leape or skip ouer them all and in kindnesse to draw neere vnto her notwithstanding the same And howsoeuer he did not as it were come openly into her house disclosing himselfe vnto her plainely and fully as it were face to face yet he did stand behinde her wall and there looked in vpon her through the grates and windowes of his Gospell reueiling himselfe so far vnto her as was needfull and conuenient both for her present consolation and also for her future saluation The which that wee might the better conceiue shee her selfe giues testimonie of him and shewes what words he did vse vnto her and this shee doth in this present verse which now we haue in hand In which if we consider of all matters well we shall finde two principall points concerning that Gospell spoken off before by which our Sauiour did discouer himselfe vnto his Spouse
first place they are heere reprehended who care little or nothing at all for the Lord Iesus Certainly whether they be Iewes or Gentiles bond or free male or female their estate is most lamentable we may quake euen to thinke of it for no lesse then dampation it selfe as was intimated before is their portion and inheritance for euermore They will perhaps consesse that Murther Adultery Idolatry Witchcraft and such notorious crimes are sinnes indeede and that they doe deserue euerlasting punishments but let them now at the last both see and confesse that this is indeede a great sinne not to loue the Lord Iesus Christ and such an one as will damne them for euer vnlesse they doe repent for it in time and therefore let them leaue it and amend it mourning and lamenting as bitterly for this fault as for any other sinne whatsoeuer In the second place they are here comforted who haue made choise of Iesus Christ to be their husband and haue set their whole heart soule vpon him In this they haue performed a worthie duty and such as may bring vnto them consolation at all times For now will Christ respect them most gratiously for euermore and alwayes doe them good as who is much delighted in their loue according to his owne words vnto the Church in Cant. 4.10 When hesaith My sister my Spouse how faire is thy loue How much better is thy loue then wine And the sauour of thine ointments then all spices In the third and last place all of vs are here admonished to doe that which the spouse did namely to loue Christ well wee must take him for our onely bridegrome and accept of none but him I doubt not but that you shall haue many suitors to the contrary For the world and the flesh and the deuill will be labouring still to draw you vnto them and send vnto you as it were many solicitors for that end and purpose time after time but beware I pray giue not your consents vnto them neither harken vnto their voyces though they sing as sweetly as the Sirens or Mermaides are reported to doe O stop your eares against them as Vlisses is feigned by some to doe in this point be like to the deafe adder who will not heare the charmer though hee charme neuer sosweetly Giue entertainement I beseech you to the Lord of glory and let him be your welbeloued For this end and purpose remember the reasons before going What Shall hee beginne to loue vs and shall not wee loue him againe What Is hee rich and bountifull to all such as doe loue him bestowing large benefits dayly vpon them And shall not wee our selues loue him What is he most worthy of the loue of all persons as being most faire and beautifull as being most rich and wealthy as being most noble and honourable as being most wise and prudent as being lastly most louing and kinde and yet shall not vvee loue him What in the last place Will he destroy all those that shall not loue him and bring them to a perpetuali desolation and yet for all that shall not we loue him Oh my brethren let vs remember our selues and be vvise at the last for our owne good let vs not wilfully cast away our selues but saue our soules from the euils to come My suite vnto you at this time is for your loues for Christ my Maister If he were that I may so speake without offence to any a deformed person like to Thersites I would not wish you to loue him if hee vvere a poore man like to Lazarus I would not wish you to affect him if he were a base brat like to Abimilick I would not wish you to follow him if hee vvere a foolish fellow like to Nabal I would not wish you to respect him finally if hee were a cruell beast like to Nero I would not wish you to embrace him But now seeing hee is beautifull rich honourable wise and louely aboue all comparison with mortall men I would wish you yea most humbly intreat you that you vvould loue him affect him follow him respect him and embrace him and that for euer and euer Euery wise man in choosing a Maister to himselfe doth refuse three sorts of persons namely his enemy his fellow and his seruant Hee that serueth the deuill serueth his enemy he that serueth his flesh serueth his fellow and he that serueth the vvorld serueth his seruant Because the former of these doe argue foolishnesse and want of wits and the latter two basenesse and want of courage I hope that none of you who are wise and couragious vvill now serue any of them but that from henceforth Iesus Christ shall be your Lord and Maister alone But here that I may not loose my labour and so fish in vaine but bring you all rather vvithin the compasse of my ner and so take many fishes giue me leaue to giue an answere to three sorts of persons The first is of those that make exceptions against the state of such as loue Christ The second is of those that boast of their loue towards Christ and yet doe want it The third is of those that would be informed what manner of loue it is that is pleasing to CHRIST For the first of these many are vnwilling as dayly experience doth teach vs to ioyne themselues in a true knot of marriage loue because they thinke that their estate is most miserable vvho are so ioyned to him in loue and that first because the deuill doth persue them Reu. 12.13 Secondly because the world doth hate them Iohn 15.19 Thirdly because Christ himselfe doth correct them Reu. 3.19 But let none of vs be deceiued Answere The condition of the CHVRCH is farre better then the world doth take it to be Hearken vvhat Dauid doth say of it Blessed is that nation whose God is the Lord euen the people saith hee that hee hath chosen for his inheritance Psal 33.12 For this cause did he make this request vnto the Almighty saying Remember me O Lord with the fauour of thy people visit mee with thy saluation that I may see the filicitie of thy chosen and reioyce in the ioy of thy people and glory with thine inheritance Psal 106. 4 5. Surely I dare here pawne my soule and life that there is no estate in the vvhole vvorld so good as the estate of Gods people and of such as doe loue Christ the vvhich I will make euident vnto you by Gods good grace in a few words We account as you know those to be maruellous happy persons and their estates to he the best of all First who are out of debt Secondly who fare vvell Thirdly who goe fine Fourthly who are attended vpon by many seruants Fiftly who are able to giue to others Sixtly who are out of law and trouble hauing peace within and without Seuenthly who inioy their health Eightly who are in authority of high place to command or rule Finally who haue great lands
and possessions Hee that hath all these is a complet blessed man vvith vs. For hee wanteth nothing that may tend to the perfection of his happy estate in the iudgement of flesh and blood Now those that are the Lords people and doe loue Christ well as they should doe haue all these First they are out of debt for Christ hath discharged them from all their sinnes which are their debts 1 Peter 2.24 2 Cor. 5.21 Secondly they fare well they haue a rich table for the Lord of hosts doth make for all his people a feast of fat things euen a feast of fined wines and of fat things full of marrow of wines fined and purified He also doth satisfie them with the fatnesse of his house and giue them drinke out of the riuers of his pleasures Psal 36.8 Prou. 9.2 Esay 25.6 Thirdly they goe fine for they are clothed with the golden and silken robes of Iesus Christ and of his Spirit The woman whereunto the Church is compared is clothed with the Sunne hauing the Moone vnder her feete and a crowne of twelue Starres vpon her head Reuel 12.1 So the Spouse or Wife of Christ is said to be arrayed with pure fine linnen and shining Reuel 19.8 Fourthly they are attended vpon by many seruants for the gloricus Angels that are aboue do euermore waite vpon them as nurses doe vpon children to keepe them still in safetie and in peace and to doe such seruices vnto them as are needfull for them Psal 34.7 Psal 91.11.12 Hebr. 1.14 So that there is no Noble man in the Land that hath a goodlier traine to attend vpon him then Gods childe hath Fiftly they are able to giue to others for God hath bestowed vpon them such a treasure of grace that they are able not onely to edifie themselues but others also in the wayes of their saluation Ephes 4.7.16 This is worthily seene as in other stories so in the example of Aquila and Priscilla who brought great light and vnderstanding vnto Apollos himselfe who was an eloquent man and mightie in the Scriptures when they tooke him vnto them and expounded vnto him the way of God more perfectly Act. 18.26 Sixtly they are out of Law and trouble and haue peace both within and without for God is now reconciled to them and so they haue a peace not onely with God himselfe and his creatures but also with themselues and in their owne soules and consciences 2 Cor. 5.19 Ephes 2.14.16 Hosea 2.18 Rom. 5.1 Phil. 4.7 Seauenthly they enioy their health for their soules within are sound and well as who doe not so much liue in themselues as in Christ Gal. 2.20 nor yet shrinke away from the Commandements of their God but carefully still obserue the same Psalm 44.17.18 Hebr. 10.39 They goe as it were from strength to strength till they appeare perfect in Sion Psal 84.7 And their good workes are more at the last then at the first Reuelat 2.19 Eightly they are in authoritie of high place to command or rule for Christ hath made them Kings and Priests vnto God euen his Father Reuelat. 1.6 So that they are great Officers and Commanders in the world like Priests and Kings which haue the Chiefest roomes of all Lastly they haue great lands and possessions for all the world is theirs whether it be Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death whether they be things present or things to come euen all are yours saith Paul to the godly Corinthians 1 Cor. 3.22 Peter tels vs that there is an inheritance immortall which is vndefiled and fadeth not away reserued in heauen for vs 1 Peter 1.4 And our Sauiour sheweth that God his Father hath prepared for vs a Kingdome from the foundations of the world Matth. 25.34 Wherefore by this wee may see vnlesse we will wilfully be blinde and measure euery thing by the narrow span of our owne naturall reason that the condition of Gods childe is the best condition in the world and that they are most happie persons who are vnited vnto Christ But what then shall we say vnto their afflictions which are many in this world haue not wee iust cause to reiect Iesus Christ for them and to accept of some other before him No in no case First because they doe not impaire our happie estate but rather better the same and that in three respects First because they doe not take away the fruit and benefit of those outward goods which are taken away from vs but rather encrease them for they make vs to enioy them an hundred fold more as it is in Mark 10.30 So that in the middest of them all we haue great ioy and comfort Act. 5.41 Rom. 5.3 Hebr. 10.34 Secondly because they serue to purge vs from our drosse and corruption that we might be made partakers of Gods holinesse Hebr. 12.10 and not be damned with the world 1 Cor. 11.32 Thirdly and lastly because they are meanes to augment our happines in the heauens aboue and to worke out for vs a farre more excellent and eternall weight of glory 2 Cor. 4.17 Secondly because this time wherein we now liue in this world is not the time of our marriage but the time onely of our espousalls As yet we are not with Christ but we liue as it were with our friends among whom wee may be euilly intreated and be hardly dealt withall as Ioseph was among his owne brethren A poore Virgin you know that is but onely betrothed to a noble person of great state and wealth and not yet married vnto him may liue but a simple and miserable kinde of life vntill the day of their marriage doth come For as shee may fare and lie hard and be but meantly attired in her fathers house who is but a poore man and vnable to maintaine her better so shee may fall sicke of loue and withall enter into many doubtfull thoughts and feares lest her beloued should cast her off and preferre some other noble person before her whereby it comes to passe that her heart is much wounded and her spirit euen vexed to the death it selfe Yet for all this shee had no iust cause to haue refused him at the first neither yet hath any to reiect him now at the last considering especially that this her trouble will shortly end and much continuall ioy come in the place thereof So after the same manner though heere in this world wee haue some afflictions yet we are not for that cause to alienate our selues from the Sauiour of the world especially considering that he will end them quickely and come and marrie with vs at what time we shall haue ioy and happinesse for euermore Hitherto of those that make exceptions against the state of such as loue Christ Now let vs come to those that boast of their loue towards Christ and yet doe want it We finde by experience that there are too many such in all places wheresoeuer we come Though they hate him in their soules
vpon the things But to leaue the reasons of this doctrine Vse and to come to the vses of it this loue that is in Christ towards his Church may seruevs well for foure purposes The first is to assure vs of glory to come For it is vnpossible that they should perish whom the sauiour of the world doth loue and whom hee hath chosen for his vvife Doubtlesse nothing shall hinder their saluation but all things shall worke for there best for the accomplishment thereof Rom. 8.28 Well therefore might our sauiour say of them as he doth in Iohn Chapter 10.27 28.29 My sheepe here my voyce and I know them and they follow mee and I giue to them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any plucke them out of mine hand My father which gaue them mee is greater then all and none is able to take them out of my fathers hand I and my Father are one The second is to open vnto vs our dignitie aboue others As Iohn did say behold what loue the father hath shewed on vs that wee should be called the sonnes of God 1 Iohn 3.1 So may I say behold what loue the sonne hath shewed on vs that we should be called the wife of God for so we are in many places of the scriptures Surely there are none in the world aduanced to this degree of honour but our selues vvho are of the Church Oh my deare brethren can vvee consider enough of this or can vvee expresse it as it doth deserue What is it true indeede that the sonne of God yea the onely sonne of God who is the heire apparent of all the world doth loue vs poore and sinnefull vvretches and that hee is well content to marry with vs and to take vs home to himselfe for his wife wonderfull Oh wonderfull what a thing is this meditate Oh meditate I beseech you vpon this point both day and night and turne it to your good The third is to comfort vs against the hatred of this world Here wee shall be dispised and be had in great contempt and disgrace Iohn 15.19 Math. 10.22 But as Elkanah said to Hannah his wife Why weepest thou and why eatest thou not and why is thine heart troubled am not I better to thee then ten sonnes 1 Sam. 1.8 So may not Christ say vnto vs why are you sad or why are you grieued Is not my loue better to you then the loue of all the world Doubtlesse Gods children doe finde it so to be Their owne life is not so sweet vnto them as the loue of Christ according to Dauids words in Psal 63.3 Where speaking vnto God he doth say for thy louing kindnesse is better then life therefore my lips shall praise thee But that we may indeede receiue full comfort from hence let vs consider in few words what manner of loue it is that Christ doth beare vnto vs. In it I commend vnto you foure considerable properties The first is the greatnesse of it The second is the singularitie of it The third is the commodity of it The fourth and last is the perpetuitie of it For the first it is so great that wee cannot by our shallow reaches comprehend it if all the land vvere paper and all the vvater vvere incke and all the plants were pens and all the creatures were writers yet they would not nay yet they could not expresse the greatnesse of it as it doth deserue For as the Apostle Saint Paul doth teach vs the loue of Christ passeth knowledge Ephos 3.19 For the second it is so singular that all are not made pertakers of it but the elect onely onely the Church is interessed in this loue Ephes 5.25 In this respect she is compared to a garden that is inclosed to a spring that is shut vp and to a fountaine that is sealed fast in Cant. 4.12 So then as Christ did not pray for the world but for his Disciples onely vvhich were in the world Iohn 15.9 So hee loues not the world but those of his owne which are in the world For the third it is so commodious that to vs it is better then all the world yea more sweet and pleasant vnto vs then any costly banquet vvhatsoeuer made of wine and other pretious things Let him kisse mee saith the spouse with the kisses of his mouth for thy loue is better then wine Cant. 1.1 We need not doubt of this because without Christ we are all but damned persons but hauing Christ wee shall be saued Ioh. 3.16.18 and 1 Ioh. 5.11.12 But yet remember what the CHVRCH doth say like the apple tree saith shee among the trees of the forrest so is my welbeloued among the sonnes of men vnder his shaddow had I delight and sate downe and his fruit was sweet vnto my mouth Cant. 2.3 For the fourth and last it is so perpetuall that nothing can breake it off but it doth continue for euer well the mountaines may remoue and the hills may fall downe but Gods mercy shall neuer depart from vs neither shall the couenant of his peace fall away saith the Lord that hath compassion on vs. Esa 54.10 Those whom Christ doth once loue hee will be sure to loue to the end Ioh. 13.1 So that nothing can seperate vs from the loue of our God Rom. 8.39 Now my brethren shall not this comfort vs against the hatred of the vvorld When any doth beginne to despise vs let vs cheere vp our hearts with this that Christ doth loue vs. For what are they to Christ Is not his loue better then all their loues Behold they are poore but he is rich they are weak but he is strong they are foolish but he is wise they are base but he is honorable in a word they are mortall but he is a God immortall Therefore let not the displeasure of this world daunt vs but let his fauour euermore comfort vs. The last is to inflame our loues towards him and to blow the coales thereof that they may burne out more and more The loue of Christ saith Saint Paul constraineth vs 2 Cor. 5.14 And the Church doth tell vs that Christs loue was as a banner ouer her to draw her vnto him Cant. 2.4 Let it then worke vpon our soules and moue them to affect him What shall hee loue vs and shall not we loue him againe What shall he preferre vs before all the world and shall we preferre the world before him God forbid as he doth loue vs so let vs loue him againe Doubtlesse if some great man should offer his loue to a poore woman of the countrey and be well pleased to take her for his wife we might well thinke her to be distracted of her wits if she should refuse him and not requite him againe with the like loue towards him So after the same sort may we thinke our selues bereft of all our senses if we loue not the Lord Iesus seeing he hath loued vs so dearely Wherefore to end this point let
her more and more Finally he doth see how shee shall be decked with all graces hereafter and be beautified with all rich ornaments whatsoeuer euen in the end of the world when all imperfections shall be taken away from her and she shall be made perfect in euery respect and consideration And for this cause doth he here commend her beauty and say that she is faire So that this is in a double regard the one is of Iustification which she hath from him and the other is of Sanctification which she hath from his Spirit for by him she is iustified and by his Spirit shee is sanctified 1 Cor. 6.11 Wherefore then wee are made faire two waies The first is by the imputation of Christs most excellent forme vnto vs. The second is by a reall transfusion of his louely graces into vs for he doth both clense vs from our sinnes and also cloth vs with the silken robes of inherent holinesse The knowledge of this Doctrine is profitable vnto vs many wayes Vse first for Consolation secondly for Exhortation and thirdly for Confutation For Consolation because we may from hence receiue some comfort in that we are faire in his eyes who is able to saue vs. It is the whole desire of the Church to be comely and handsome in the eyes of Christ If he accept of her and think her faire it is all well what can she desire more A singular ioy it must needs then be vnto her to vnderstand for certaine that she is trim and beautifull indeed in his sight And therefore Christ as it were to cheare her vp doth pronounce in manner as you haue heard that shee is faire We may reioyce and triumph in this euen so many as vnfainedly doe loue him that we are so comely and pleasing in his eyes The Diuell as he hath in one hand the glasse of self-Selfe-loue to set before men to draw them on to their sinnes that so they therunto looking may Narcissus-like berauished with their owne beauty so hee hath in the other hand the glasse of Gods-law to present vnto them to terrifie them for their sins that so they beholding themselues therein may Iudas-like goe and hang themselues But against this his poison we haue here a good Antidote if he cry out and say Thou art a deformed person thou art foule and filthy thy sins are many and grieuous the Lord of glory cannot regard thee c. Doe thou reply this answere backe againe vnto him and say Auoid Satan auoid thou lyer it is not true which thou doest say I am faire and beautifull and the God of heauen doth respect me I will beleeue him that here speaketh who is truth it selfe but I will not beleeue thee who hast beene a murtherer and a layer from the beginning Ioh. 8.44 Wherefore my brethren comfort your selues with these things for looke what Christ doth here speake to the whole Church the same hee speaketh to euery faithful person in the Church Is there faith repentance loue feare zeale humility and a care of true godlines within thee then passe not for any temptation of Satan for although there be the remnants of sin abiding still in thee and a mixture of diuers infirmities with thy heauenly graces yet this is not taken away from thee My loue my faire one for Christ doth behold thy vertues and comely ornaments wherewith thou art decked and he doth not stand gazing vpon thy sins and deformities wherewith thou art polluted he is content as it were to ouer-looke them and to passe them ouer as if they were not and that as it may seeme for these causes First because they are already done away from thee by his merit and death when he died for thee Secondly because they are ouer-reached and out-valued by his graces and gifts in thee which doe far surmount them all Thirdly and lastly because he will wholly purge thee from them in the end when he shal take thee out of this world and make thee sit with him in the highest heauens In regard whereof our Sauiour doth iudge thee to be neuer a whit as it were the lesse beautifull and faire in his eyes for thy transgressions then if thou hadst none at all euen as a Bride-groome with vs doth thinke his Bride to be nothing the lesse comely or handsome for a little dirt that is vpon her which is not naturall and continuall but accidentall and vanishing as who hath contracted the same vnto her selfe by her labour and paines about some foule and filthie worke and may easily also wash the same away from her with water at any time when she will Wherefore finde out those graces of Sanctification which I nominated euen now and though they be not perfect or full within thee yet be sure they be in truth and sincerity and doubt not but that thou art most faire and beautifull in the sight of the euer-liuing God prate the diuel or the world neuer so much to the contrary For Exhortation because we may from hence be stirred vp to vse all possible meanes to get some holines and righteousnes vnto our selues that as the Church is faire so we our selues also may be faire Surely vnlesse that we be pure be innocent be patient be louing be humble be faithfull be iust in one word be deuout and religious we cannot nay we may not perswade our selues that wee are of the Church In the Church indeed we may be but of the Church we cannot be for that is a company of Saints or holy ones alone They are as Peter doth speake of them 1 Pet. 2.9 A chosen Generation a royall Prtesthood an holy Nation and a peculiar people to shew forth the vertues of him that hath called them out of darknes into his marueilous light If wee reade ouer the holy Scriptures wee shall neuer finde that any doe belong to Christ who are not holy and righteous like to Christ They that are Christs saith Saint Paul Galath 5.24 haue crucified the flesh with the affections and the lusts Againe If any man be in Christ saith he 2 Cor. 5.17 let him be a new creature Old things are passed away behold all things are become new In this saith Saith Iohn 1 Ioh. 3.10 are the children of God knowne and the children of the Diuell whosoeuer doth not righteousnes is not of God neither he that loueth not his brother Likewise he saith vers 3. And euery man that hath this hope in him purgeth himselfe euen as he is pure Wherfore my brethren let this awaken vs vp that we may be from hence-forward vpright and innocent persons as we ought to be hauing both the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ vpon vs and the holines of the spirit within vs. For albeit when our Sauiour did first cast a loue vnto vs we were as loathsome and vgly creatures and lay wallowing in our blood Ez. 16.6 yet now since he is content to take vs for his owne let vs not lie any longer in our filthines