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A18931 A breefe methode or way teachinge all sortes of Christian people, how to serue God in a moste perfect manner written first in Spanishe, by a religious man, named Alphonso ; and reduced owte of Latin into English in manner of a dialogue for the easier vnderstanding and capacities of the simpler sorte, by I.M. Alonso, de Madrid. 1605 (1605) STC 535.5; ESTC S641 54,991 168

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loue as he deserueth albeit our strength abilityes were insinite His moste holy and righteous will is that we doe the same thinge with all our forces which he dothe continually with his that is loue him ioy in him with all our harts power strength Yea so greatly he requyreth desireth this most diuine woork of vs that he would yeld him self to a most cruell death that so he might procure prouoke vs to loue him all this for our good not for any benefite of his owne All other thinges besides this loue of God which are commaunded vs or in the holy scriptures requyred of vs are but for that they be helpes to this loue to omitt them would greatly hinder the same Vyces sinnes forbidden vs are nothing els but ā inordinate loue of vaine things which occupye the place of our hartes deputed onely for God Neither doe vertues serue for other ende then fitly to dispose the soule for this loue Which vertues notwithstanding are so necessarie for this loue of God that it were great presumption to thinke we coulde obtein it without great exercyse in them To loue God said Probus must of necessitie be a worke of great excellencye and worthines but I pray you tell me what this loue is and how it may be done I must tell you first said Alphonso how there be two sortes of loues or louers of God The one loueth him for that he is a sweete and bountifull lorde most liberally communicating his goodnes to his creatures These are also much delighted in his seruice and they aske many giftes of him pray with great contemplation of his Magnificency and knowledge of the excellency of vertues graces which they pray for Often also they come to him as to the fountain of all sweetnes And by reason of the greate delight consolation which they feele in their soule they imagin this loue of theires to be most perfect of highest meritt This seemeth said Probus to be a perfect louer of God I wishe said Alphonso that all they which loue not God would loue him at the least in this sorte But the Maiestie of God permitteth not his true louers to be content with this kynd of loue though it be good may suffyce to exercise beginners nouices in for som time because from this they easely passe to the highest most perfect loue whereof by by I will tell you How may we know said Probus that this kynd of loue is imperfect fraile They that loue in this manner said Alphonso forth-with when this sensuall sweetenes is wantinge depatteth goe with an heauy hart and dull courage abowt thinges which belong to God And they are so ouercome with the frailties of their owne nature as almost if they had not had any such loue at all For they procure seke for corporall delights as to eate and drinke daintely They desire and accept worldly fauours frendshipps honoures praise estimation other vayne thinges pleasing their sensualitie yet without mortall sinn asmuch as other persons that neuer had tasted of things perteining to god Yea often in the very tyme when they are visited with such swetenes they are intangled with certain vaine affections such as be somtimes not a litle sensuall as delighted with the sweete natures conditions familiarities bewtie of some persons Againe these louers commonly couet to be seene and accounted deuout and they are greued when they perceiue they are not reputed for such neither doe they ioy when they perceiue other persons to be reckned more deuout better qualified then them selues These such like sports imperfections they haue All which be so abiect that the high loue of God which we are to speake of doth not brooke them with it no not when it wantethe that sweetenes in the sensuall appetites whereby we may rightlye conclude this kynde of louer to be frayle imperfect as louing cheefely for his owne commodity or delight If this loue will not serue to what purpose is it said Probus It is verye profitable said Alphonso first because he that haith it may easely cast from him the forsaid imperfections and spottes with the loue of vaine thinges Secondly because such a louer is in a verieneare disposition to produce many actes of the higheste and most perfect loue when he knoweth it Which is then this second kynde of loue said Probus It is said Alphonso A certayne acte or woork of our will vehemētly somtymes also with sweetenes louing or desyring that God be that infiuite goodnes he is And possesse asmuch glory dominion power as indede he possesseth to him self ouer vs all things And again that whatsoeuer is or may be loue him serue him and glorify him for his infinite goodnes worthines onely And all this is done for that the excellency of his Maiesty requyreth that we doe it with all oure abilitie strengthe He therfore that would truly and perfectly loue God must often meditate call to mynde what God is delight in him Moreouer thinke what great glory he haith and what dominion ouer vs all creatures ioye for it as men are wonte to ioye for the dignitye dominion of their dearest frends And with this also be must wish that all thinges may serue loue him desiring this a thowsand wayes procuring it ten thowsand all this for God his goodnes onlye For it is meete iuste that we loue his infinite goodnes power in most excellente manner that may be deuised And seinge noe ende is higher then God him self who is the beginninge ende of all thinges it folowethe that he oughte to be loued principally not for that which we receiue or hope for of him but for him self which is infinitly amiable Wherefore we shoulde accustome our willes that they be moued to loue to be delighted in the perfection glorie treasures of our Lorde not because we feele swetenes in this loue nor for the giftes we haue receiued or hope to receiue hereafter but forgeating as it were these thinges loue him as moste worthy to haue all the willes powers of Angells men occupyed in desiring delightinge that his Maiestye haue all the infinite good it haith without respecte that any parte thereof may redownd to vs though indeede so much the more shall com to vs by how muche more we loue him without respect of our own good By what certaine marke or signe said Probus may we knowe when a man haith this loue He haith it said Alphonso that loueth god asmuche when he sheweth him self seuere sharpe as when he is sweete my Ide asmuche when by iustice he punisheth as when mercifully he geueth benefites asmuch in aduersitie as prosperity Such a man loueth not God because he is dulce sweete Yet he loueth sweetenes because it is geuen by God bringeth him courage to
such like for the kingdom ioyes of heauen or any other end be it neuerso good Thus may we excedingly enriche ourselues euery day thus may we be made as it were diuine when we are moued in all our actions onely by the spiritt will of God And therefore when we are abowt to doe any thing we should not passe vnaduisedly frō on thinge to an other nor euer begin any thing without casting of our eies before vpon God nor be contente and satisfyed with this neither till we feele our selues to will desyre the worke for pleasinge God who excedinglye ioyeth delighteth in our well doing which once perceiued and sensiblye knowne lett vs sett vpon the woork we are to doe without thinkinge vpon any good of our owne For it is fitt due that his omnipotente and blessed will that created all wills haue such precminence dominion ouer all wills that not onely they obey him in all he haithe commaunded them but moreouer that they doe euery thinge they are to woork for the fulfilling his holy will without any further respect At the beginning it will seme verye difficult harde to worke vpon this motiue small deuotion or ioy will appeare in this Exercyse the reason ●s for that we woorke not now nor loue not for any good of our owne as we were accustomed to doe as it is naturall to vs But woorking onely for the loue of God we as it were remoue away from vs the roote from which all ioye and delight was vsually naturally wont to spring that is we leaue all respect of our owne proper good rest take for the rest ende of all our labours an vnusuall or straunge good that is the seruice pleasure glory or loue of God which being a supernaturall motiue ende and straunge to vs at the firste noe meruell if this chaunge bringe vnto vs great paine trouble at the beginning But by daily exercise frequent actions we shall gett an habitt thereof woorke readilye with much delighte comforth I beleue it well said Probus for all beginnings of good things are euer difficult vnpleasant and diligent vse practise make promptnes But I pray you Father lett me ask you two questions firste how shall I know and be assured that it is godds holy will desyre that I woorke in this manner and serue him vpon this motiue and for this ende in all things This may you know said Alphonso both by your naturall reason and the light of our Catholick Faith For God created vs all to serue him and greatly desyreth yea moste strictlye chargeth vs to loue him with all our hartes and abilities And because his dreadfull Maiesty is worthy of the cheifest and best seruice in the best manner also that his creatures can deuyse to yelde him which is to be moued in our actions and to doe all we doe for his loue will and honoure as him self doth in all his woorkes It is manifest that his will desyre is that we imitate him working and seruing him in all thinges for the same motiue and ende For nothing can be more acceptable to his maiestie then that we conforme our selues to him and doe all for his sake What is your other question now said Alphonso Why then said Probus is not this ende and motiue being the most perfect of all other commaunded or taught vs in the holie Scriptures but for the moste parte they threaten vs with punishment or muite vs with rewards of heauē c. The Sonn of god our Sauiour Iesus said Alphonso as he condescended for our good to take vpon him our infirmities as to be hungry weary to feare to be sorowfull and the lyke So woulde he also haue his euāgelicall doctrine writen in such woords as our base condition and frailtie requyred which for the most part is moued now after the corruption of our natures by originall sinne either by hope of good rewards or for feare of punishment But withall we must consider that as our redemer tooke vpon him those infirmities of oure nature with the cheefeste perfection and charitie that might be in fulfilling the will of his Father by doinge and sufferinge all for his loue and glory so he would haue his seruants to folow his example And that hearing godds threates or promises they be indeede woued with them doe their best to escape the one and gett the other but all this not for the paines and punishmente threatned or the rewardes promised but because they procede by them that it is godds will desyre they laboure to escape paynes and damnation in which state they can neuer serue God more nor doe his will and to obteine the reward of heauen where they shall be with God for euer and haue noe will but to honour and praise him So the sinner once brought to grace feareth godds threates because his will is that he feare them He doth penāce because it is godds will he doe it He doth good woorkes for heauen because it is godds will he so doe By reason of which ende motiue in his actions they are of most high perfection and meritt And so the holy scriptures though they shew that owtwardly which is agreable to our infirmitie yet with-all they conteyne inwardlye their highest perfection in this poynte as is manifest in the commaundemēt geuen that we loue our Lorde with all our hartes and strength in all things Mat. 12 which is perfectly kept when we desyre godds will to be fulfilled But because out natures are much inclyned to euill and by reason of our vitious habitts and euill customes we waxe soone weary of well doinge I must teach you how to extirpate such euill habitts owt of your soule and to engraft good For vnlesse you learne this all we haue said hitherto is to litle purpose and you shall neuer worke with alacritie of mynde nor procede with profitt Doe so I pray you said Probus for in all your speach hitherto I haue perceiued that good habits woulde take away either all or the most part of difficulties which are to be founde in seruing God this perfect way you haue taught me They do so said Alphonso and more-ouer the whole reparation of our soule consisteth in them as the wrack destruction of all oure good is by the euill habitts THE SIXTE INSTRVCTION How to plante good habitts in our soule extirpate the euill CAP. 7 YOu must know therfore said Alphonso that as these habitts be in our soules so the actiōs wherby they are gottē made are wrought principally by the powers or instruments of the soule And vnlesse we diligently vse exercise these instruments especially our vnderstanding will we shall neuer gett the habitts of any vertues As for example if a mā be impatient or testye would haue this vice amended in him self and obteine the habitt of patience this man how much soeuer he be
our enemies as we may doe to our frends benefactoures Our corrupt natures said Alphonso finde difficultie to loue our enemies but the children of God must not mesure nor order their actions by the inclination motions of their corrupte affections but by the rule of gods holy will and commaundement And a resolute will of seruing God maketh them noe lesse firme constante in louing him whom their owne inordinate affections would hate then him whom by the aboundance of benefites good turnes they are inclyned to loue Yet with all this you muste know that albeit our loue ought to be in this sort equally to euery one yet ought we first to shew it in good effects and benefites towards them that are vertuous them we are behoulden vnto For godds will is that our charitie be ord●rly disposed preferringe in these good benefites euery one according as we are diuersly bound vnto them God haith also said Probus commaunded vs to loue our neighboures as we loue our selues which is an other manner of louinge them then as our Sauiour loued vs. He haith commaunded so indeede said Alphonso but this manner the other are all one in effect substāce if they be rightly vnderstoode For the loue which we shoulde haue to our selues ought to be the same and in the same manner as our Sauioure loued vs. We will therefore if it please you goe forward declare in what sort we are to loue our selues Doe so I ptay you said Probus for it can not but be a pleasant hearinge without all perill of offending any euery one being desireous to loue him self as much as may be OF THE LOVE OF OVR SELVES OVr naturall inclination said Alphonso to the loue of our selues is so great vehemente that God haith not geuen vs any commaūdement thereof yet by the blyndnes corruption of sinn we haue in most part lost our iudgment knowledge how we ought to doe it He therefore that would truly loue himself must obserue three thinges First that by all meanes he procure any thinge wheareby he knoweth any good may come to him self Secondly that he flee and auoyde whatsoeuer may bring him damage or euill Thirdly that he refuse not to offer yelde him self to any difficulties for obteyninge his owne good Our naturall reason and the lighte of our Catholick faith sufficientlye teach vs which be true goodes euills which be apparent deceitfull And we must be verey circumspect diligent that we erre not in discerning these or folow not the vnreasonable inclinations appetites of our owne sensualitie takinge that for good which indeede is hurtfull or fleeing that as euill which in truthe is our good Now he that would enrich him self with good thinges must know that in euery good he desirethe or may obteyne two thinges are to be considered One is the good that may come to himself by that thing The other is that it is godds will desire that he haue that thing Of these two he ought litle or noe whitt to esteme the benefite or good that may happē to him self of the thing he desireth or doth as it is his owne In respecte of the seconde that it is the seruice of God the fulfilling of his holy will as I toulde you before in the fifth instruction speaking of the end of all our actions desires Our Lord haith geuen vs a preceous ornament or Iewell where-with we may excedingly enriche our selues at any tyme that is our appetite and will the which we as it were gilde with coper or tinne when we desyre loue anything for our owne good benefite And againe we adorne bewtify it with diuyne goulde whē forgeating our selues we desire and loue any good thing onely for pleasing seruinge our Lorde fulfilling his will For the more we for geat ourselues haue care of godds honour glorie the more care haithe God ouer vs agiane to enriche vs with all goodnes Wherefore he that spiritually loueth him self must euer as worldly men doe study how to make better all his goodes substance whē he knoweth the way how it may easily be done What more is to be said of this poynt I referr you to our conference of the hatred of our selues For the seconde also which is the fleeing of all euill I nede to say noe more but he that truly loueth him self must este me nothing euill or hurtfull to him so flee it but onely f●inne the occasions thereof Now for the thirde which is to offer himself to any difficultie or daungers for getting his own good I must admonish him diligently to exercyse himself in the thinges that I haue said before but principally in the hatred of him self in humilitie in patience and in the foure naturall affections or passions of his soule Is there then no more necessary said Probus for obteyninge this true loue of our selues One thinge more said Alphonso is to be obserued and practised diligently and that is It hapneth dailye that we doe or say somthing otherwyse then we should haue done or becometh vs for which they that see or heare knowing our defect or imperfection may think the worse of vs the lesse esteme vs. In which case we must consider first the confusion that foloweth vs thereby In this confusion we must not comfort or animate our selues in thinking that others perhaps regarded not what we did or said or that perhaps they haue forgotten it or that it should not trouble vs because other men fall often into the like defects This I say we should not doe but with great loue embrace that confusion think that others marked vs verie well account worse of vs worthily contemne vs as vnprofitable vnperfect men For in doing thus we make a vehement acte of patience and humilitie and shortlye produce most excellent habitts of them and finally doe great seruice to God if we referr it to him The other thing we are to consider in such cases is the euill example we geue thereby and the dishonoure or lesse glory to God For this therefore the seruant of God must produce an acte of sorow for that he haith bene by that speach or fact perhaps some occasion of euill or lesse seruiceable to his Lorde then he might or shoulde haue bene and thus shall he reape cōmodity both on the one and the other This is all I haue to say of the loue of our selues vnlesse you be vnsatisfied in some thing I am verie well satissyed in all you haue spoken said Probus I vetelye thinke that whosoeuer would frame him self to serue God in this sorte you haue toulde me should not onely increase excedinglye his owne meritt glory in heauen but moreouer leade a most ioyfull sweete lyfe in earth He should noe doubt finde much comfort ioye sweetenes said Alphonso seruing God in this sorte but he muste beware he reste not in this
doe my best endeuour therein said Probus THE FIRST INSTRVCTIon shewing to what ende God created Man placed him vpon earth CAP. 2 THe first instruction said Alphonso the foundation of all often seriously to be considered is that God as the holy Scripures and Fathers teach created and sent vs into this world not to enioy rest in the transitory commodities pleasures thereof but that taking of godds creatures so muche as may suffyce our necessities we occupy bestow our selues and all the reste we haue in seruing honoring our lord who haith prepared for our rewarde the blisse of heauen wherein we shall possesse for euer God him self that is an infinite good and in him all good thinges more aboundantly then we can imagin To honour serue God therfore my sonn are we come into this world All we doo besydes this is nothing els but loste laboure vaine hurtfull tryfling dishonorable to the noble children of such a father as God is No doubt father said Probus but we were created to serue God as you say But what kynde of seruice dothe God requyre of man is by man of bounde dutie to be performed THE SECOND INSTRVCtion of two manners how to serue god how Man is bounde vnto them CAP. 3. THere be two sortes of seruinge god said Alphonso two waies in lyke manner are we bounde to serue him The sirste is in the obseruing of godds commaundementes which we are all bounde to kepe vnder paine of eternall damnation to hell fyre The second is more perfect is this that forsakinge all earthlye thinges and withdrawinge our hartes from the loue thereof we caste oure affection wholly vpon our heauenlye Father which is an infinite goodnes in all thinges laboure to be of the same spirit will with him accordinge to the example which our Sauioure the naturall Sonn of God left vs whiles he serued here on earth not for any nede of his owne but to instruct vs how we ought to serue our Lorde This way Christ taught the yong man which had kept the commaundementes when he said If thou wilt be perfect geue all thou hast to the poore com folow me How are Christians bounde to this manner of seruice said Probus Not vnder payne of eternall damnation said Alphonso as in the first way but by a Law of frendshipp with god of equity gratitude wherein all the children of God that woulde not be reckned base-minded vngratefull foolish should moste carefully keepe them selues that they may appere the worthy children of so graceous a Father For to all it is geuen in commaundement that we loue our Lord with all our soule with all our hart with all our minde and with all our strength And to all he said Be you perfect as your heauenly Father is As he deserueth much blame that going to som place for dispatch of som weightie necessary affaires neglecting leauing the thing he wente to doe trifleth away his tyme in vyle sportes abiect thinges so likewise is he much blame worthy that being borne into this world to serue the high maiestie of God with all his powers abilities which seruice is most due vnto God most profitable to the seruant yet omittethe it because it is not commaunded him vnder paine of death bestowing him self in the mean season in a meaner and more abiecte kynde of seruice mixed with muche worldly vanitie that most swiftly passeth away bringethe with it much euill And albeit God haith left it in our free choice and curtefye yet the bound of frendshipp equitie gratitude requireth that we endeuoure to serue him to whom all honour and seruice is most due in the best manner we are able The first way to serue God said Probus is plame manifest to all Christians but the other apperteyneth onely to you Eremites to religious persons and Clargie men As the first said Alphonso is common to all Christians taught euery where so there is no Christian but he may be taught learn performe the seconde I can hardly think so said Probus for we may not all forsake the world cast all our hartes vpon this perfect seruinge of God you speake of No person said Alphonso is made a Christian before he first solemnly renownce the worlde with all the pompes vanities thereof yelde him self to the obedience seruice of God And therefore the profession not onely of Ermits religious persons Priestes but of all true Christians also is to forsake the world serue their Lord with all they are haue For as I said God created man for this ende for all temporall earthly things no man doth rightly vse them or can haue them but to his exceedinge harme vnlesse he turne them wholly to the seruice honoure of his Lorde whose in truth they be not mannes but for a litle tyme to vse as god haith ordeyned commaunded which seruice we ought to yeld to God not onely in keping his generall commaundements but in the perfectest manner as Christ our Lord by his owne exawple haith taught vs all And this seconde is that which now I purpose to teach you that is how ryche men artificers all sorts of people may serue their Lord and God most perfectlye This will be most comfortable to vs of the world said Probus but it semeth a most difficult thing to be done THE THIRD INSTRVCTION Of the wofull ruine destruction made in mannes soule body by sinne by reason whereof he fyndeth greate difficultye in seruinge God CAP. 4 YOu must know moreouer saide Alphonso that if man had continued in the happy state wherin God created him at the first when he placed him in paradise it had bene noe difficultie for him to haue serued God in most perfect manner to haue wrought any good For thē by originall iustice his sesuality inferior powers were kept in most semely order perfect obedience to his reasō will And these againe were guyded assisted by singular abundante graces easily to obey serue God woorke any good But after once by the euill vse of his free will he sinned transgressed the commaundement of his Lord he with all his progeny were spoyled of those graceous giftes cast owt of that happy state place into the banishment of this miserable worlde His appetites his will and whole soule became so infirme diseased that loathing the infinite good for which he was created as a thinge wherein now he tooke noe delight or pleasant taste auerst from all good he is euer since inclyned to euill and can desyre or loue scarsly any other thinges but abiect viceous hurtfull By reason of that greauous losse wofull chaunge mankynde euer since haith founde much difficultie in the seruice of god or doinge well Our concupiscence and inferioure powers being now for want of originall
be nothinge that may offend the eyes of so highe a Maiestie This done he muste adorne and bewtify his soule with good habitts and vertues whereby he may appeare gratefull acceptable to him in his seruice Of these two thinges I will therefore now speake and first how to roote owt and destroy sinn You must know then that sinne is the most vyle and detestable euill that can be deuysed bringethe to any reasonable creature that committeth it vnspeakable harmes and mischeues For by sinn we loose God who is an infinite goodnes By it we contemne dishonour and iniury our louinge Lorde in the fowlest manner that may be By it we frustrate in oure selues the effecte and frute of Christs painfull lyfe and moste bitter passion and conculcate or treade vnder foote his preceous blood By it we defyle and make moste lothsom abominable our owne soules washed and sanctifyed with the blood of oure Sauiour and chosen to be the sacred temples of Godds Maiesty By it we pollute our harts the Altars Tabernacles of the holy Ghoste where he delightethe to dwell By it we loose godds fauour and all his graces the eternall ioyes of his kingdom with all our right and tytle thereunto By it onely we are made the boundslaues of the deuill the felowes and companions of all wicked men both aliue deade of the damned spiritts in hell By it we are made the reprochfull enemies of God the moste abiect contemptible and dishonorable of all his creatures And finally by it we purchase assuredlye to our selues endles damnation eternall woes and the horrible tormentes of hell fyre All which euills and miseries are iustly dew to him that by sinn committeth high treason againste his supreame Lorde who vouch-saifed to dye for him Now the sorowes and teares of all goddes creatures are not sufficient to destroy or take away one sinne much lesse the penance teares of one man that haith committed the same But the mercy and clemency of oure Lord is so great that he will not haue vs to dispaire And desireous of our weale haith prouided vs a remedie is content to pardon forgeue our sinns assone as we for our parts haue hartie sorow contrition for the same What besides is needefull or requisite he supplieth it of his owne restoreth vs againe to his grace fauour It is meete therefore that we lamente sorow for out sinnes consideringe we haue done so many euills by them both against God our selues How shoulde we doe this as becometh vs said Probus The way is this said Alphouso With your vnderstandinge present to your selues the cuills which come of sinne as before then compell your will principally for the offence dishonour of God and because it is his will that you sorowe for them to lament and to desyre that you had not committed them nor iniuried godds maiesty which acte of your will you muste often labour to produce now in generall for all your sinnes now for one particular sinn now for an other this with the greateste endeuour you can to haue hartie greif and contrition notwithstanding you feele your self somtimes voyde of sensible sorowe or paine for this is in godds hande and not in your owne to haue at your pleasure but doubtlesse he will bestow it also on you if you endeuour to gett it as you may I vnderstand all this said Probus Then will I passe said Alphonso to the second thinge which I tould you was requisite for the expellinge of our corruption euill habitts What is that said Probus THE SECONDE EXERCYSE necessarye for them that woulde serue God which is the hatred of our felues IT is the hatred of our self said Alphonso And this Exercyse amonge all other is of greatest weight and importance for them that desyre perfectly to loue God and to serue him For from self loue springe innumerable euills by which are engendered viceous habitts And this self loue seasinge at the entrance of that holy hatred which the holy scriptures much exhort vs vnto all sinn will be destroy ed in vs with all other wicked habits How may we com to this holy hatred of our selues said Probus Firste said Alphonso of all thinges which may bringe vs delectation and pleasure as meate sleepe recreatiō reste apparell and the lyke we must take or desyre no more then that we can not omitt or leaue vntaken withowt offence of god that is onely necessaries And necessaries also muste we take not for our owne consolation or for satisfaction contentment of our owne appetites and sensualitie consideringe how vnworthy we be of all delectation through the greuousnes of our sinnes but onely for fulfillinge godds holy will who haith ordeyned appointed that we vse and take such thinges to able vs more in his seruice for which cause we admitt them willingly for releefe of oure necessities otherwise we would notadmitt them at all What in these necessaries is sufficient a mannes owne experience with a deuout mynd will tell him Secondly all thinges which be painfull greuous as laboures toyles abiections contempts iniuries afflictions and the lyke We muste take vnto vs and desyre or will they be done to vs as much as may be without offence of God our owne or neyghboures harme Thirdly if we would serue God hate our selues in moste commendable manner we must not onely refuse delectable thinges and desyre painfull greuous as I said but more ouer we must ioy and be gladd when any aduersities or sharpe things happen vnto vs when we are depryued of pleasant thinges yea of necessaries this cheifly when they are done by som others against our wills or vpon euill intention which yet we ought not to iudge withowt manifest signes noe nor then neither with absolute full determination but pray for our persecutours and loue them with all our hartes because in truthe they doe vs much good otherwise we shoulde loose the inestimable rewarde we are to receiue for suffering patiently persecutions troubles All these three thinges necessarye for the holy hatred of our selues the Sonn of God taughte vs both by his woord by his owne example as S. Peter saith he suffered for vs 1 Pet. 2 leauinge vs an example to folowe his steppes whose most blessed soule was free frō all sport of sinne therefore his holy body should not haue bene entreated sharply or haue suffered any greuāce at all Yet woulde he for our example whō he most tenderly loued refuse and set nothing by all delectable thinges consent that his body soule should suffer excedinge tormentes gretues as it is manifest in his holy gospell Wherefore much shame reproch it is to all that professe them selues to be Christians and scholers of Christe not to learne this holye hatred neither by his woorde sayinge He that hatethe not him selfe can not be my Disciple nor by his example but stande euer vnwillinge
meritt the same And secondly that as importune beggers we may the oftner presente our selues before him and so come into more knowledg of his Maiesties greatnes preheminence perfections more ioy in him and loue him with a true knowledg contempt of all thinges which either are not God or not furthering to him finally with a perfect loue of vertue and an hatred of all sinn By which our necessitye of praying to him he keepe the vs with him as with a pledge For vnlesse we stoode euer in nede of him we should quickly without doubt forgeat him To present our selues often before our Lord by prayer said Probus must needes bring to vs many good things you say But in what sorte may oure prayer be acceptable to god commodious to our selues That our prayer said Alpho so may be gratefull in Godds sight meritorious effectuall it is not so muche needefull that the thing we aske be of great valewe as that in our prayer we haue an high motiue or ende For if his motiue that praieth for the kingdome of heauen and his that aske the breade to eate or health of his body be all one or equall their paayers be of equall meritt not-withstandinge the things they pray for farr excede the one the other What motiue ende said Probus should we haue to make our prayer most excellent acceptable We should aske or pray for euery thinge said Alphonso because it is Godds blessed will that we aske and haue it by prayer and that obteyning it we may be more disposed better abled to loue serue him Thus the prayer for breade or any other meane thinge is of excellente meritt so disposed should we be in our harts when we come to prayer that if we thought it displeasing or vngratefull to God for vs to haue the thinge we would forthwith neither defire nor aske it The hungry man comonly is moued to pray for bread in releef of his necessitie but the seruant of god that rightly praieth ought not to aske meate vertues grace glory or any other thing for his owne necessitie or benefyte but for fulfilling the will of his Lorde who much desireth that he haue them expecting onelye his petition that he may geue them so that the will of god desirig that I haue the good I aske that I pray for it that by it I may be better disposed to serue him must more moue me to desire pray for it thē anie ioy or good I looke for thereby May we not said Probus pray for Grace vertues forgeuenes of oure sinnes the ioyes of heauen or other good thinges for some other good end besides this A praeir said Alphōso may be deuout good which is for any good or indifferent thing to a good end but there is none ende or motiue which can make it so perfect and acceptable as this in which I am moued to pray onely for the loue of God for fulfilling his blessed will pleasure and not vpon any loue to my self or to the thinge I aske or for any other respect And yet may we in our prayers for this ende kepe also a loue to the good thing we aske wishe to our selues also with greate perfection meritt so that we actuallye referr it thus that therefore we loue the thing and wish it because it is godds will we loue it and defire to haue it And so we make God and neither the thing nor our selues the ende of our prayer I will geue you an example of this said Alphonso againe and withall let you see how to vse your will rightly in praying A man may aske any thinge of his frend either for the loue he bearethe to it or for his own commoditie or for the loue of his frende Vsuallye men aske it for their owne good and benefite not for the loue of their frend Now the seruant of god should refuse with his will to aske any thing for the loue he beareth to the thinge or for his own commoditie and ask it onely for the loue of his Lord because it pleaseth his Maiestie that he aske haue it that he may serue and please him the more As he that prayeth for pardon remissiō of his sinns soroweth for them should doe it more because he seethe that to be in his soule which offendeth God for a desire he haith to haue it pure that so he may yelde gratefull acceptable seruice to his Lord Then for any feare of punishmente or other harme or losse to him self whatsoeuer And againe as he that prayethe to escape tribulations ought to feele in his hart a desire accordingly to pray to escape them not cheefly for auoyding daunger harme or trouble but for that tribulations may be to him an impediment to serue God carryinge euer withall an vnfeaned desire and will that godds blessed will be done therein if at any tyme it please him to be serued by his troubles paines And so finallye in askinge any other good that we aske it not for oure owne consolation but that hauinge it we may thereby be more stirred vp furthered to serue and loue God It will seme easie to you if you remember what I tould you before cōcerning the vse of your will and the ende that you shoulde haue in doinge all thinges the example I gaue you then of him that regardinge more his frendes necessitie then his owne bestowed on him the medicyne which he prouyded for him selfe will serue here also I remember well said Probus what you said there Remember it said Alphonso be diligent to produce according to those instructions many actes and in shorte tyme you will fynde greate sweetnes to pray vpon this motiue thoughe in the beginning you seeme to be drye or without comforthe and deuotion hapneth because you leaue your own self loue which euer moued you before to pray But Godds loue increasinge in you deuotion and sweetnes with exceding great meritt will also increase See therefore you passe not from asking one thinge to aske an other before you firste inclyne your will to aske it because God would haue you to aske it that you intēde to serue him by askinge it I vnderstande all this said Probus If you so doe said Alphonso then may we speake of getting vertues for adorning our soules THE FOVRTH EXERCYSE How to gett the vertue of Humilitye which is one of them that oure Sauioure willed vs to learne of him selfe ALL vertues said Alphonso may best be redd learned in the booke of lyse fountayne of wisdom our Sauiour Chirst And let none hope nor think they can be enriched with vertues vnlesse they learn them of the Sonn of God made man principally of his sacred passion for this is geuen vnto the world by the Father of heauen as a moste plentifull gould-myne that owt of it we may gather all treasures see heare the
noe whitt in that estimation honour but onely in the seruice honour which is done to god by it And again if you fele in your hart an vnfeaned desire or disposition that leauing all honour estimation if so it might please God you had rather for your owne part chose to yeld him your seruice by suffering contempts dispysinges disgraces iniuries then by that estimation credit honour And lastly if you fynde your hart as desireous ioyfull that other mē be estemed honored for the seruice honour of God as your self or that they be preferred before you without any emulation When a man said Probus haithe receiued benefites good gifts from God why may he not delight reioyce in them He may ioy delight in them said Alphonso so he kepe humilitie withall fall not into vayne-glorye for otherwyse he shoulde turne all gods gifts to his dishonour his own greuous ruyne I must therefore by the way geue you warning of vayn-glory which is a vyce that defileth destroyethe all our vertues and good deedes vnlesse we auoyde it well I pray you said Probus teach me to escape it THE FIFTH EXERCYSE HOW to ouercom the vyce of vainglory which is a mortall enemye to Humilitie all vertue VAin-glorie said Alphonso is the Mother of all euill it aboue all other thinges hindreth the increase of Humilitie It is a complacency or delight ioy which one taketh of some thing he ought not or in some sort as he ought not And there be diuers kyndes of it As firste a man may glory reioyce for his own wicked factes euill deedes This kind of glory ioye is not amonge Gods children and seruantes but proper to graceles most wicked persons and therefore I will lett it passe Againe one may glory and ioy for some good thinge or gifte which he haith not This also is most foolishe vaine ridiculous yet is it often incident to the good as ordinary to the badd procedinge from a disordered self loue a prowde mynde delighting in it owne prayse flaterye Againe one may glory reioyce vainelye for some good he haith or doth or heareth of him self This is that kynde which assaultethe muche godds seruantes Nowe a man may well ioye in the gifes which he haith of God so farr forth as he seethe and hopeth thereby some seruice to God or profitt to his owne soule For God haith left it in our owne liberty that we may so much ioy for euery good gift of God as we know it to be from God to redownd to gods honour seruice But when it once passeth this ordinance appointed by god by by it becometh vain-glory or vain ioy excedinge the limitts appoynted by God as glorying and reioycinge in our selues where we should glory onely in God How may we discern said Probus when our glorye ioye is vayne or true spirituall as it should be This vain-glorie said Alphonso is so deceyptfull and subtill that one yet a nouice weake in vertue may often thinke him self to ioye in God for the good he haith and neuerthelesse much vain-glorie is mixed therewith Wherefore till a man euidently know haue throughly tryed vertues to be in him self he shoulde euer flee all kynd of ioy and complacency whyles he calleth to mynd the benefites that he haith receiued from God or the good giftes he haith or heareth spoken of him self and rather accustom his harte to motions of feare at these tymes as suspecting vain glorie which verye secretly vsethe to creepe vpon vs in such occasions And surely he ought to suspect o● think it vainglorie ioy which he haith of godds gifts geuen him so long as he haith not as much ioy glorye in the gifts benefites which he knoweth other men to haue receiued from god as he haith of his own For albeit we ought to desire and choose vertues for oure selues before other also to ioy that seing it is godds will and ordinance that bothe we others shoulde haue them it haith pleased him to bestow them vpon vs Yet when both we they haue receiued gifts from godds bountifull hande seing god him self equally ioyeth in both our ioy glory in lyke forte oughte to be equall for them both in God onely that his blessed will is fulfilled I vnderstand this satd Probus but teach me I pray you how I may auoyde this fowle sinne of vain-glory and vaine ioy You may said Alphonso by the vse of your vnderstanding will ouercom it escape all the daunger therof For by the assistance of gods grace you can hate that which you once know to be vaine false Consider therefore the vanitie falsed thereof by this example or comparison You will confesse it to be a fowle thinge if some courtier would esteme it for a matter of great valew or worth or would glory in his harte that he had offred him self to a litle daunger for the seruice loue of his Prince who had yelded him self before to most greuous tormēts cruell woūds for the courtiers sake cause But if the same courtier did not onelye in his owne conceipte highly esteeme that litle he had done for his Prince to whom he was so infinitly bound behoulden but moreouer before others woulde prowdly vaunt him selfe thereof it were most ridiculous to-too grosse follie intollerable pryde leuitie Yet were it more abominable vanitye by farr if that Prince had suffred all his tormēts woundes voluntarily without any comforth or succour of his courtier but the courtier contrari-wise had suffered his litle with great fauour assistance comforth of the Prince hauing promise also before his laboures of great benefites rewards receiued the same afterwards So in like manner he falleth into noe lesse abominable vanitie yea into worse incomparablye that folowethe after vain-glory For our high God and King of incomprehensible Maiestie of infinite power honour through his owne goodnes onely withowt any bounde behoulding our extreme necessities for our sakes and saifties exposed him self to a most sharpe and ignominious death In which we not onelye gaue him noe comforthe nor succoure but more-ouer we yelded him noe thankes yea all that were with him fledd forsooke him we also more forsake him now through defect of our vertue when his godhead mercy and goodnes are manifested vnto vs. Which thinges beinge thus let vs acknowledge how vayne it is for any man to glory for his seruice he doth to God omitting in the meane season to glory ioye in god onely And moreouer let vs consider how exceding vaine it is to desire for this smal seruice to be highly estemed with others whereas for that tyme whiles their hartes are occupied in iudginge vs to be of some worth they cease to be occupyed in worthily esteming praysinge God of whom we haue whose is all
serue God more diligently He is not terrifyed nor affrighted with chastisments but taketh them with that loue which the holy hande fatherly will of God that scourgeth doth requyre He praiethe not as drawne with loue sweetenes of the gift but that his soule enryched therby may waxe stronger more feruent in godds seruice He is not offended or troubled to see him self desolate of consolations yet he soroweth if any thing be in him which haith displeased or doth offende the eyes of so high a Maiestie He asketh not forgeuenes pardon of his sinnes for escapinge paine or recouering his lost grace vertues tytle right to eternall gloue but that his soule hauing obteyned pardon may be more gratefull acceptable to God may loue serue his highnes in puritie He haith noe affection that may withdraw his hart any other way from God He doth not remember or regarde whether men think of him or noe He is not greeued when he is contemned or reiected He shunneth is sorowfull for creditt honoure offered him fearing lest they be vnto him hinderances to humilitye He ioyeth for the good honoure of others thinking that they accept or desire them without ambition or vanitie for the better seruice of God and helpe of his people Such a louer haith all thinges and yet haith nothing He submitteth him self to all all serue him He shunneth all sweetenes and he feelethe nothing but that is sweete In God whom he loueth he knoweth what he oughte to doe to speake to thinke for him only he thinketh he speaketh he doth euery thinge He liuinge is not he that liueth but it is Christ that hueth in him geuinge him to liue a diuine lyse In louing him self he louethe not him self but he louethe God allmighty for whose sake he desirethe all good thinges He ioyethe in nothinge but that whereby his Lorde is serued that he thinketh gratefull in his sighte And finallye he euer ioyeth in his hart and thanketh God who in louinge him self infinitly doth supply what is due to him from all his creatures How may we gett this loue of god said Probus It is vaine presumption said Alphonso for any man to thinke he can leap to it at his pleasure withowt making due preparation folowing the same pathe which godds sonn haith made vs both by his owne example docrrine What preparation or pathes are these said Probus He that would receiue this pretious liquour into his soule said Alphonso must firste of necessitye occupye him self for many daies in these Exercyses which I tould you of in the seconde parte but before all in the holie hatred of him self otherwyse he shall be deceiued profitt nothing at all I vnderstand you well said Probus That done said Alphonso he must woork diligently in this sorte whether he be preuented by God with benedictions of sweetnes or not He must breefly call to minde how vnmeasurable infinite the good glorie is that God possesseth considering him as the best and most worthy that all creatures ioy for his goodnes thervpon by by inclyne his will to desire ioy for so great a good of his Lord let him continew in that act so long as he can If he be a litle distracted or waxe could in it let him forth-with retorne to it againe in the same manner his hart euer leapinge with ioy in consideringe God to be full of infinite perfections goodnes And by continuance he shall doubtles be aduaunced to this perfect loue The honour glorie perfections of our Lord are infinite of infinite excellency and in lyke sorte euerye thinge in particuler that he woorketh or createth doth shew forth and declare to vs a singular goodnes worthines in him And seing that all the moments of our lyfe suffice not fully to heare or consider them as they are in him we ought at the least vnder name tytle of infinite goodnes honour perfections to heape them together to produce actes of coueting that God haue them all and to ioy all the minutes of our lyfe that he haith them considering we owe all this to him as most due And so muche may we exercyse our selues in these actes although we want that sweetenes which they call deuotion that in euery place busines we may oft loue God in this sorte withowte seking any solitary places as it hapneth daily when one frend ioyeth sodanly withowt more opportunitie of place or cōpanye when he heareth or remembreth some good to haue befallen his deare frende That which I toulde you before of the vse of your will of the ende of all your actions helpe much in these actes how you shoulde produce them that you must doe all for this ende because God is most worthy of it desireth that we doe it for him Perhapps said Probus we might gett this loue more easilye by prayer doinge as you taughte me when you spake of it by the exercyses of those vertues you rehersed before He shall obteyne it said Alphonso the soner better that together with praier will help him self with the acts of his will as I toulde you before which he may doe both in prayer and without it For in euery such act there is a new seruice to God a new increase of the loue of God of grace of meritt And as noe artificer how skilfull soeuer he be profiteth any thing by his arte but onely whyles he woorketh in it so the seruant of God is made rycher in the loue of God but onely when he produce the speciall actes of the same loue Which acte of loue how short soeuer it be beinge a farr greater better more preceous and a more inestimable good then all thinges els that any creature can doe in heauen or earth We ought euery houre many tymes to worke it that doinge our best endeuour in it during this lyfe we may receiue more grace and ability to worke it for euer in heauen where those blessed Saincts loue God more feruently more perfectly which more loued him heare on earth Wherfore we should deepely consider and condemne our owne negligence and folly and seinge we ought neuer to cease from this acte of louing god both because it is dew to his maiestie and the acte of it self is of an inestimable profit we should most bitterly lament euery moment of our life that we lett passe without this loue And specially we ought to bewaile our sinnes which if they be mortall are deadlye enemies to it or if they be veniall hinder so great a good and coole the feruour thereof In like sorte also should we reproue ourselues if we be not exceding glad and ioyfull of euery thing that may further vs to it as iniuries contempts persecutions c. Or if we sorow not so much whē anie impediment is geuen vs to it as are humaine fauour sensuall and prophane delectation temporall honours
credit prayses c. Out frailty is such said Probus our necessitie so great that oftentimes we can not be gladd of iniuries tribulations and the lyke nor refuse thinges delectable and prosperous It somtimes said Alphonso through weaknes of body or because as yet we haue not gotten so muche vertue as were nedefull for our sufferinge of aduersities ioyfully but we must flee thē and our persecutoures or againe procure and receiue delicate and pleasant thinges In such cases I say we muste looke that we doe these thinges with actuall intention for auoyding greater euills and sorow also much in that by fleing aduersities and troubles we depart from a thing which should further vs to so great a good as is the loue of God And againe that by takinge delectable thinges we omitt and forgo the sharpe which are most due vnto vs for punishment of our sinnes negligences All this moreouer we ought to doe with humble prayer to our Lord that he would vouchsaife to strengthen vs in body and soule for better resistinge oure owne frailtie whereby through defect of our vertue it is needefull we auoyde such trouble or vse such delightfull thinges and that also by his grace we may be disposed notwithstanding these impediments of our infirmitie perfectly to loue him What remedye helpe haue we said Probus if we finde our selues verie dull heauy whiles we endeuour to produce these actes of loue to bring all our motions into the obedience seruice of God for so it often hapneth in other exercyses of deuotion well doinge The same may happen also in this high woork said Alphonso but then we may assure our selues that it cometh because we wante the holy hatred of our selues which is the foundation most principall disposition to this loue of God Or again because there cleueth in our hartes some inordinate affection to some earthly thinge as loue of neede lesse delectation or affection to some person or busines not rightly ordered Wherefore he that feleth him self so dull must search owt diligently in him self such defect or affection and take it away by contrary actes as we taughte before and shall more hereafter For to inclyne our will to produce actes of the loue of God aboue all thinges withowt hauinge first gotten the holy hatred of our selues or whiles our affection to any earthly thing that may deilght vs endureth not being ordeyned or referred either actuallye or virtually to God is much lyke as if a man would cutt with a hammer thinges requiringe a raisoure or sharpe knyfe For the perfection excellency of this loue the least act wherof may aduance a man to a highe degree of eternall glory in heauen doth not permitt with it any such vyle baise thinge Besides this also the seruant of God must be warie of the assaultes of his mortall enemy the deuil who neuer ceaseth to molest and hinder them that goe forwarde in any vertue but moste maliceously goeth abowt to harme and ouerthrow them that endeuour to obteyne this most holy loue of God What way I pray you said Probus can he cheefly hinder vs Among many other said Alphonso he hindrethe vs by one which is verie secrett yet much daungerous hurtfull that is by a certain meane estimation contempt negligence couldnes of the minde towardes the woork of the loue of God which some persons haue whiles they think heare or reade the cheife poynt of it to consiste in the desyre of Godds perfections goodnes glorie in ioying in them as I said before How can this said Probus happen to any man in this holy woork It hapneth said Alphonso because they litle conceiue or marke the worthines of this thing the enemy doth assaile trouble them withall And principally it chanceth to them that are not preuēted with the swetenes which this loue is accustomed to bringe with it For they hearing as I said euen now this loue to consist in this that we desire inwardly feele in our selues a complacency ioy for all the infinit goodnes and glory which are in god this onely for God they wax could thinking this worke not to be so high excellent as it is but iudge other woorkes aswell corporall as spirituall to excede this to be more beseeming godds seruantes as preachinge disputing gouerninge others feighting for the faith almes deedes fasting afflictions and the lyke Whereupon said Probus commeth this false conceipt of theirs It commeth said Alphonso firste by reason the deuill tempteth them and withall the taist and appetite of their soule is distempered and corrupted as I toulde you yester nighte in the fourth instruction by the example of the sick man that by reason of his infected taist desireth hurtfull meates and taketh loath with wholesom What remedie haue we against this noysom impediment said Probus We must prouyde first said Alphonso that our corrupt appetite be cured as I said in the fourth instructiō which done they that feele this couldnes haue this wrong estimation shall incontinent perceiue all other workes how worthy meruelous soeuer they seme to be verie abiect base 1 Cor in respecte of this loue as S. Paule teacheth vs. And our Saui ur him self beinge the eternall wisdom of God which can not erre or deceiue vs haith chosen commaunded the same aboue all thinges which may be done in heauen or earth A reason hereof you may haue also if you consider that albeit our free will the actes thereof which I toulde you before in the fourth instruction to be of greateste dignitie in vs be of them selues litle worth or of small commoditie Yet may we make them of inestimable dignitie valew if we vnite our will most strongly fasten it to the will of God which is of an infinite excellency in such manner ioyning ours vnto his that it be not carried to any other thinge but what his blessed will desireth For then the acte desire of our infirme base free will groweth to be of infinite valewe and dignitie when forsaking our selues we take the desire of that infinite will which is God who incessantly willeth loueth ioyeth for the infinite good worthines he haith Why requyreth God said Probus that we shoulde desire loue ioye in this sort as he euer doth He would haue vs doe it said Alphouso first for that his loue goodnes to vs would haue our abiect free will aduaunced to so greate nobilitie honour as to haue an act of infinite and diuine valew Againe because seing he haith created vs to so great a good as to enioy him self it is iuste that we yelde him this seruice at least as to occupye our selues all the tyme of our mortall lyfe in louing him and ioying for his good glorye as we see faithfull seruantes louinge exceedingly to reioyce for the goodes honour their Lordes gett Thirdlye that heare on earth we may occupye
our selues begin that worke wherin our eternall glory and beatitude in heauen cheifly must consist For gods holye Sainctes clearlye behouldinge his nature essence are replenished with an infinite knowledge to iudge what goodnes glorye his Maiestie is worthy of also with an infinite desire and loue that he possesse the same Which burning desire loue of theirs when behouldinge God they see it fulfilled in more perfecte sorte then they can wishe imagine or comprehende they are rauished with vnspeakable ioyes gladnes The happye Sainctes in heauen haue the manifest vision perfect fruition of all his goodnes therefore their knowledg loue ioy is perfect We sinfull wormes on earthe by the lighte of our catholicke faith though obscurelye yet moste certainlye firmlye beleue the same which they behoulde And therefore God will that we occupy our powers as much as we can in the same loue desire ioy of the infinite goodnes glory of our Lorde For the more we loue him ioye in his goodnes here on earth the more perfecte and greater shall oure loue ioyes be in heauen I conceiue all this said Probus but many without doubt haue obteyned the perfecte loue of God requyred in this lyfe withoute all this adoe or knowledg of this way you haue taught me Many haue indeede said Alphonso loued God perfectly before this way was either known to me or taught in this manner by any that I haue hard but surely the ordinary way to get it haith bene this in substance For it is gathered owt of the holy Scriptures accordinge to the declaration of the holye Doctoures which haue writen of this matter Many haue thought thinke still that they haue gotten it verie easelye withowt these reasons meanes but comonly they fayled of it gott but the weake imperfecte loue which I spake of before If you thinke good we will now passe to the loue of oure neighbours Doe so I pray you said Probus OF THE LOVE OF OVR Neighboure AS the loue of God said Alphonso requyred before it all the exercyses and considerations we spake of so the loue of our neighbour of our selues requyred before thē the loue of god For it is necessary that these two loues procede from the loue of god otherwyse they can not be good or well ordered You muste know then that he which desireth to serue please God must mark and obserue two things The first is what God would haue him to doe The seconde in what manner he would haue it done For he shoulde haue small thanke or rewarde with God that sh●uld doe his commaundemente if he did it not in the manner he commaunded it He haith bidden vs to loue one an other saying This is my precept that you loue one an other and with this in what sorte also we should doe it sayinge as I haue loued you He then that doth the firste shall not haue the high reward due to that loue except also he doe the seconde Now therefore to knowe how we ought one to loue an other we must consider how our Lord loued vs. First by many waies meanes he drew induced vs to the loue of god Then he taught vs by his owne example to suffer patiently all the aduersities of this world neuer sacking the raynes to vain delights aboue that which might be necessary to the sustentation of his body Then he dyed for vs that we mighte haue thereby vertues grace glorye In this kind of loue he meruelously exceeded was a most vehemente enemye to all vayne loue which now passeth among vs is ordinarily verie corrupt infecticus to our soules created to be the temples of God Accordinge to this example therefore of our Lorde we ought to frame our Loue towardes our neighboures castinge away all vanities which are accustomed to mixe them selues with our loue as to be much affected to some persons for that we see them vertuous deuout and in their conuersat on to be mylde graccous amiable In the loue of whom often good menns hartes are taken captyue finding greife disquietnes trouble of mynde to be without them or not to talke with them or not to be mutually beloued estemed of them All which kinde of affection loue is vaine and hurtfull to the seruantes of God Me think said Probus we mighte well loue others in this forte because we see them goddes seruants cheifly if we doe it for God If your frend said Alphonso had a seruant the loue of whom shoulde so hould captiue your hart so greatly increase that it more delighted you to conu●se and talke with him then with your frende were it not manifest that now you loue not the seruant for your frende but because his conuersation nature is sweete gratefull to you For though your loue towards that seruant beg●n for your frendes sake yet now it is become inordinate and excessiue more for your owne pleasure delight you take in the seruant then wholly for respect of your frend Euen thus we may speake of that loue you rehearsed It is playne mockerie to say it is loue of our neighbour purely for god notwithstanding there be perhaps some part of spirituall loue therewith But he that is truly wholly addicted to God taketh noe parte from him but geuethe him all occupying bestowing his wholl affection on him or in some thinge that is wholly ordered or directed to him as such vaine loue can not be beinge more for some thing in a creature then for God Our loue should be towardes all the seruants of our Father aswell our enemies as frendes with so great affection as may proceede from the loue we haue to him that all other affections sett asyde onelye that may haue place which we owe vnto God To auoyde caste of all which supersiuous affections those things may help which I toulde you of before speakinge of the naturall affection of ioy of the vse of our will How then said Probus shoulde we loue our neighboures Our loue to them said Alphonso shoulde springe altogether from the loue of God that considering they are so highly beloued of him that he would yeld him self to death for them when yet they were his enemies we shoulde loue them all so much as to help them in all that is good nedefull for their bodies soules lyke as we are wonte loue them that muche delight vs Yea this we should do though their conuersation weare molestfull odious vnto vs entreatinge them curteously prouiding for their necessities as for them which are tenderly beloued of our heauenly Lorde Father who willeth commaundeth vs so to doe All this we ought to doe with as seruent a will as we cā for gratifying pleasinge obeyinge our Lorde how iniurious noysome soeuer they be vnto vs. It is verie harde said Probus for to beare such tender affection to