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A17261 Truth and falshood, or, A comparison betweene the truth now taught in England, and the doctrine of the Romish church: with a briefe confutation of that popish doctrine. Hereunto is added an answere to such reasons as the popish recusants alledge, why they will not come to our churches. By Francis Bunny, sometime fellow of Magdalen College in Oxford Bunny, Francis, 1543-1617. 1595 (1595) STC 4102; ESTC S112834 245,334 363

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speaking of this point of Diuinitie which is most necessarie to bee vnderstoode of euerie one euen from the highest to the lowest would speake or write so subtilly or obscurely And who tolde him these lusts striue not against the lawe as it commaundeth the meanes that is to say as it commaundeth to resist and not to yeeld to them Doubtlesse that lust which rebelleth against this commaundement Thou shalt not lust will neuer yeeld when it is resisted for euerie thing naturally seeketh the preseruation of it selfe But the resisting of lust is the destruction of it therefore it will not yeeld to it And as reason teacheth this so saint Paule by experience found it to be true when hee saide Sinne tooke occasion by the commaundement Rom. 7.23 and wrought in mee all maner of concupiscence So that this concupiscence is by resisting made more stubburne and is so farre from yeelding that it fighteth more fiercely against the lawe And hereof is that combat and battell which the godly haue betweene the flesh and the spirite The wicked are not acquainted with it because they willingly yeelde to their lusts But the godly because they resist the same Doe see another lawe in their members rebelling against the lawe of their minde Rom. 7.23 Thus we see that this distinction whereby master Bellarmine striueth against trueth is neither according to the meaning of the Apostle nor hath any colour of trueth But here by the way I must note how grossely and how absurdly maister Bellarmine in the place next before alledged affirmeth that he is not a sinner that attaineth not to the ende of the commaundement His reason is because it lieth not in his power no more thā he is too blame that being commaunded to subdue the enemies can not do it But master Bellarmine should consider where is the cause of this want in vs and through whose fault it is that wee can not obey this commaundement thou shalt not lust If it bee in man as in trueth it is because hee fell from that estate of innocencie wherein hee was created then is there no reason but that sinne should bee imputed vnto vs for not performing that commaundement thou shalt not lust And by this also it appeareth that master Bellarmine his similitude is nothing like because that the subduing of the enemie was not in their power But not to lust wickedly was in mans power once which because through his owne fault hee lost the not fulfilling of that commaundement may iustly bee layde to his charge for sinne Thirdly I thus proue concupiscence to be sinne Not to loue the Lorde our God with all our heart Luke 10.27 with all our soule with all our strength and with all our thought is sinne But to lust is to faile in this loue August de perfect iustitiae cont celest For if the heart consent not yet at the least the thought by this concupiscence is hindered from this perfection of loue therefore concupiscence is sinne Againe De August gratiae li. 4. Cap. 2. Li. 2. Dist 3● Originall sinne is sinne properly so called as maister Bellarmine confesseth But Concupiscence is originall sinne as the maister of Sentences affirmeth therefore concupiscence is sinne properly so called Againe whatsoeuer maketh vs hated of God is sinne Andrad Orthod Explic. lib. 3. But concupiscence maketh vs hated of God Bellar. de Amiss gratiae lib. 5. cap. 13 therefore concupiscence is sinne And thus much briefly to proue concupiscence not onely to be called but indeed to be sinne But what need I stand so much herevpon If the church of Rome ment that the light of the truth should shine vnto men she would neuer cast these mists before their eyes thus to contend about tearmes and wordes For themselues doe ascribe vnto concupiscence both the nature and the effects of sinne when they say it De Amiss gratiae li. 5. cap. 13 ● is vice it is truly euill b Can 14. it is vnlawful condemned and hated of God that Andrad saith sin only can worke For all this M. Bellarmine affirmeth of concupiscence c Cap. 13. Orthod explic li. 3. and many such like things which whether they may be affirmed of any thing but sinne let maister Bellarmine and his fauourites well consider But I for my part doe thinke I may truely conclude and boldly affirme seeing the Apostle so often calleth it sinne without any expounding of himselfe to speake vnproperty seeing it rebelleth agaynst the lawe of the minde and maketh such a want in the loue of God that in this and such like respects concupiscence is sinne properly so called whatsoeuer the Councell of Trent decree to the contrarie Sess 5. can 5 Of the works of Infidels or such as are not regenerate CHAP. 22. THE PROTESTANTS WE thē being thus infected with the filth of original sin and by our concupiscence which can not whilest here we liue be rooted out of vs being intised to sin and hindred in al good what can come from them Ephe. 4.18 that haue their cogitations darkned throgh the ignorance that is in thē but that they walke after the lusts of the flesh Ephe. 2.1.3 in fulfilling the will of the flesh And so are in deed no better than dead in sinnes and trespasses 5 by their owne nature the children of wrath 4 So that from such no good can proceede in thought word or deed and in such no good can be vntil God of his abundant mercie 1. Pet. 1.3 haue begotten them again vnto a liuelie hope of immortall seede ● 23 by the worde of God hauing by his holy spirite renued the light of their mind and reformed the frowardnesse of their heart Vntill then I say what excellent vertues so euer they seeme to haue yet is there nothing in thē acceptable to God bicause they haue not that fountaine of regeneration frō whence onely can spring that which god accepteth for good Neither haue they faith without which nothing can please God Heb. 11.6 THE PAPISTS BVt the papists Andrad orthod explic li. 3. as they wil in no wise that concupiscence is of it selfe sinne no not in the vnregenerate but only in respect that it is destitute of originall righteousnesse so doe they seeke by all meanes to cloake and couer the corruption and sinfulnesse of our wretched nature Hereof commeth it that they shame not to teach that the workes of infidels and godlesse persons Andrad ibidem such as wee account Turkes or Iewes maie bee without spot of sinne and woorthie of notable prayse As though a filthie spring coulde sende foorth pleasant waters Iam. 3.11 Math. 7.18 or an euill tree could beare good fruit Iohn 15.4 or a branch that is not of the vine tree coulde haue a kindlie grape All which the scriptures denie Doe men gather grapes of thornes Mat. 7.16 or figs of thistles Luke 6.45 No doubtlesse For An euill man
they can sinne actually because they are baptized must needs be saued although they bee not of that number which God hath chosen vnto himselfe before the foundations of the worlde were laide Which to affirme is nothing else but to tie our saluation Ephes 1. not to Gods grace in electing in Christ whome hee would but to such externall meanes as haue alwayes beene accounted but helpers to our faith as the Apostle teacheth by the example of Circumcision in Abraham Ro. 4.10 11. but no workers of saluation And to be short how agreeth this that they say that the Sacrament hath strength or force to worke Holinesse or Righteousnesse with that which they also say That infants when they are baptized De Sacram. Bapt. lib. 1. cap. 11. haue not any new motions or inclinations like vnto the actions of faith and loue If the Sacraments worke not in them such effectes who haue not anie actual sinne to let or hinder how shal we think they work in others that are strōgly assaulted with the lusts of sin Therefore let vs not ascribe such working vnto them but vnto Christ who is made vnto vs righteousnesse and holinesse 1. Cor. 1.30 As for the number of seuen Sacraments two of them wee acknowledge with the Fathers of the Primitiue church Baptisme and the Lordes Supper As for the other fiue either they haue no commaundement in the word or no visibl signes or to be short no warrant in the word or Primitiue church to bee such Sacraments as the other two are Although wee deny not but the things haue had and many of them yet haue their godly vse in Gods Church Of the Sacrament of Baptisme CHAP. 11. THE PROTESTANTS WE acknowlege Baptism to be as it were a Gods-peny and earnest of our entrance into Christes family Wherein wee are both fully assured that by the blood of Christ which is figured by that water our sinnes are so washed away that they shall not bee imputed vnto vs and also the promise of that spirite of regeneration whereby wee growe to be new men is sealed vp in our hearts so that therein the faithfull are ingraffed into Christ to be made partakers of al his treasures and namely that hee may bee vnto vs sanctification and redemption 1. Cor. 1.30 And as therin our faith is thus norished so is it also a publike testification and witnessing of our profession so that wee doe not only beleeue with our heart vnto righteousnesse but also shew that wee are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for that cause wee weare that badge of our profession and cognisance of our religion THE PAPISTS BVt the Church of Rome lest we should constantly beleeuing the promises and vsing the Sacraments according to Christs institution take sure hold of Iesus christ and to acknowledge our saluation to bee by him onely in whome the word and Sacraments send vs to seeke it teacheth vs that the very Sacrament of it selfe hath such force and vertue as that it doth extinguish and quite abolish Andrad Orthod Explic. lib. 3. not onely the daunger and condemnation the rewarde due to sinne but also the verie corruption of the same And on the contrarie that the verie infants that die before they bee baptised Bellarmine de purgat lib. 2. cap. 6 haue their place of torment appointed vnto them where they must bee purged So that as they giue the power of killing sinne in vs vnto the Sacrament which onely belongeth vnto Christ Rom. 6. so in this latter point they doe in a manner make Christ scant able for to saue without the sacrament and teach sinne by other meanes than by Christ only to be purged De sacr baptism li. 1. ca. 4 Now the first reason whereby Bellarmine wil proo●● that the Sacrament of it selfe hath such force of th●● 〈◊〉 doth worke in vs holinesse and abolish sinne and therefore that without it no man or woman can be saued is that place of saint Iohn Ioh 3.5 Vnlesse a man be borne againe of Water and of the Spirit he can not enter into the kingdome of God And for the better credite of his assertion he telleth vs De peccatorum merit remiss lib. 1. cap. 30. that saint Augustine in his first booke of the merites of sinnes and the forgiuenesse thereof the thirtieth chapter doth shew that these wordes are not a commandement but declare the means of saluation as though saint Augustine would make the Sacrament as necessary to saluation as meate for our life or physicke for recouery of health for these are the examples alledged afterwardes by Bellarmine But he belieth that learned father for hee hath not any such thing in that place although indeede hee handle that place of scripture largely there But first before I enter any further into the consideration of this point lest I should bee mistaken as though I accounted the Sacrament of no necessitie I affirme it to bee so necessarie that if it may bee had according vnto Christes institution and any man or woman shall wilfully refuse the same by this their contempt they doe wilfully cut off themselues from the body of Christ and so make themselues vncapable of such graces as God in Christ bestoweth vpon his But if otherwise any man woman or childe being desirous to enter into the felowship of the holy couenant and to be incorporated by that Sacrament into the presence of Christ shall die or depart out of this life before they can attaine thereto God forbid that we should thinke either so vncharitably of them as to iudge them vnworthy of Gods mercy or so hardly of God as that hee would alter his eternall councell for want of this external sacrament or so slenderly of the vertue of Christ his blood as that without this water it can not wash vs from sinne No doubt many died in the wildernesse before the Israelites came to the land of promise that had not the sacramēt of circumcision and also afterwards by all likelihoode in Babylon The thiefe vpon the crosse of whose saluation we make no doubt was not baptised Yea the order that God vseth in sauing vs doeth teach vs that without the Sacraments we may be saued Rom. 8.30 Ephes 1.4 because that election or predestination goeth before calling whether it be internall by the spirit or externall by the word and Sacraments Therefore wee must either imagine Gods election not to be certaine which is blasphemous or else that all that are elect are saued although they haue not oportunity to receiue that externall seale of Gods couenant Therefore I say that Baptisme is very necessary and in any wise to be vsed and receiued of them that may according to Christes institution haue the same But we detest that doctrine of the Papists that teacheth it to be so necessary that whosoeuer is not baptized can not be saued whereupon they permit lay men yea women to baptise whereas the
fault I trust is not generall but in some places it is so Well of them I will onely say thus much that they are in such sort dealt withall as themselues are much confirmed in popish heresies they that beare good will to the trueth much discouraged and harty and sincere obedience not to the gospell only but to her Maiestie also is much hindered Atheists As for that godlesse and gracelesse sorte who dare saie not in their heart only but euen with their mouthes also not priuately but also in their meetings and assemblies to their perpetual shame that there is no God although they bee nothing so daungerous as are the Papistes who deceiue vnder a colour of religion and therefore more craftilie such as haue not a loue to the trueth yet are they of all other creatures most to bee detested as beeing more vnthankefull than the beastes themselues and to be counted more vile than the dung of the earth which wee treade vnder our feete seeing they are so iniurious to that good God that hath made them such excellent creatures and doe so by their impiety blemish and defile the excellency of their creation Psal 145.15 For if The eies of all doe waite vppon God who giueth them meate in due season Of all I say euen the beastes and not men only then doe they after their manner confesse that there is a God that feedeth them Psal 147.9 as hee doeth also The beastes and young Rauens that crie And in that all things keepe their course whereunto God appointed them it argueth that they yeelde a soueraignetie to that deuine power that hath created and appointed them to that ende And shall any man indued with reason nay such as call themselues Christians and some of them perchance such as haue receiued of Gods hand more aboundant graces than many other shall such I saie as haue so many causes to knowe and confesse him dare set themselues against him that made them and deny his power Act. 17.28 In him they liue and moue and haue their being and will they not confesse him The creation the preseruation and the administration which hee vseth ouer all thinges doeth prooue him to bee God Yea which waie can we turne our eies but that we must beholde his power Psal 19.1 The heauens declare the glorie of God And the earth also is full of his greatnesse They that goe downe into the sea in shippes Psal 107.23.24 and occupy by great waters They see the workes of the Lorde and his wonders in the deepe In the Scriptures what haue wee but the goodnesse of God the might of God the wisedome of God the iustice of God To shewe that wee cannot bee without him and from him wee cannot hide our selues Much lesse shall that wicked crew stand before him but that his hande shall finde them out And although that accursed company will no doubt deny the Scriptures and count them but as fabulous yet Gods actes and deedes therein contained as also the storie of all times doeth sufficiently testifie vnto the worlde that God is wise mightie good and iust The very heathen men therefore founde him out by his workes and could not but confesse that there must be a God although not seeking to knowe him by his worde they became vaine in their imaginations and conceites of this God But that there is a God they did all see it Shall the Scriptures beare witnesse and his workes testifie of him yea shall the very heathens finde argumentes enough to conuince them and make them confesse him and shall such as are borne and brought vp amongst Christians bee as blinde as beetels in so cleare light and so bring a staine to their profession their country their bloud God forbid that in any christian common wealth there shoulde bee any founde so wicked and witlesse as once to thinke so irreligiously But to speake it and that not in secret but in the hearing of others or to defend it as an opinion that they would haue to be beleeued is so detestable a sinne before God as if it bee suffered will be the vtter ruine of this land Take away the assured persuasion of God out of the heartes of the people and how shal obedience be perfourmed to Magistrates honour to parents seruice to maisters or duty to all superiours for the Lordes sake Let their prophane opinion preuaile and neither shal the godly haue any incouragement to serue in feare neither the wicked any bridle to restraine them from euil These corruptions therefore of a common wealth these enemies to al honest and Christian life ought not to bee suffered to liue amongst men much lesse to enioy any estimation or credit by christian Magistrats Neither can this persuasion once enter into the hearte of any vnlesse they be such as because they woulde liue dissolutelie in all lust and pleasure as the prophet Amos saith Amos. 6.3 Soph. 1.7 Ioel. 2.11 Do put far away the euil day euē that day of the Lord wherof Sophony speaketh and of which day the prophet Ioel saith The day of the Lord is great and very terrible and who can abide it And therfore that they might sinne without al feare of God they would faine perswade themselues that there is no God Or els such as being drunken in their prosperity and aduanced perchaunce far aboue their worth doe thinke as did the wicked men of whom Malachy speaketh Mal. 2.17 that if there were a God of iustice it coulde not bee so well with them and so in their excesse of pride they deny God say who is Lord And although I trust that none amongst vs are com to the depth of that impiety yet because it is too true that many will haue such prophane talke and delight too much therin that some of them such as seeme not little in their own eies if sharpe punishments be not inflicted for such irreligious and wicked speeches themselues will more more be hardened in their euil and others more incouraged to like of their vngodlines Therfore these biles sores of a common wealth are of all christians to be shunned as vnworthy to liue among Gods people of al godly magistrats such are to be restrained not by lawes only but by the sharpest punishments And if magistrates would not doe their duty therin which God forbid yet let al true christians take heede they touch no such pitch Eccle. 13.1 1. Cor. 15.33 Iud. 52. least they be defiled with it nor giue eare to such talke least it corrupt their good manners Yea let them put away such spottes from their feastes for the company is the worse that they are in what account so euer they make of themselues Withal diligence therefore inquiry would be made for detecting and strait order taken for the punishing of such For as al sinnes procure Gods wrath especially if they be borne withal and God in his wrath sendeth his plagues