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A12138 The gratefull seruant A comedie. As it was lately presented with good applause at the priuate House in Drury-Lane, by her Majesties Servants. Written by Iames Shirley Gent. Shirley, James, 1596-1666. 1630 (1630) STC 22444; ESTC S117332 45,687 94

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Diamonds to decke thy youth T is but to buy thy vertue from thee and when Thy out●…ide thriue●… vpon their treacherous bountie Th'out starue at heart and lust will leaue t●…y body Many vnpittyed ruines th ouart young Dulc. There is no feare my Lord that I shall take Such wicked courses and I hope you see not Any propension in my youth to sinne For Pride or wantonnesse Fose Indeed I doe not But being my boy so young and beautifull Thou art apt to bee sedue'd Dulc. Beleeue me Sir I will not serue the greatest Prince on earth When I leaue you Fosc. Thou shalt not serue mee I Will make thee my companion Dulc No reward Though iust should buy the freedome I was borne with Much lesse base ends i●… I but meet agen That good man who in reuerence to his habit The theeues let goe before your happy valour Came to my rescue Fosc Hee that was your Conduct From Millan for so if I remember You named a Father what could he aduantage Your fortune were he present more then with Religious Councell Dule I did trust him Sir As being the sasest treasurer with that Would make mee welcome in Sauoy and I know he will be faithfull when we meete For his sake let me beg you would discharge A worthlesse Seruant that inquest of him Fosc. No more to cut of all vnwelcome motiues I charge thee by thy Loue thy Gratitude Thy life preseru'd which but to stay thee heere I would not name agen vrge no consent From me to thy departure I haue now V●…e of thy faith thou wo't not runne away I haue imployment for thee such a one As shall not onely pay my seruices But leaue m●… in arrerage to thy loue Receiue this letter Enter Grimund●… Let me embrace thee with a spreading arme Grim I haue dispens'd with my attendance on The Duke to bid you welcome Sir from death Fame so had co●…z'ned our beliefe but thus She has made you the more pr●…cious Fosc. Then I prospered If I may call it so for I procur'd That rumour to be spread excuse a min●…te He tell thee all my Couns●…ls I neede not Wast any instructions on thee Dulcino For the con●…yauce of this Paper let me Commend it to thy care t is to my Mistresse Conceale my lodgings and doe this for him Will studie noble recompence Dulc. You command me Exit Grim. What pretty youth is that sure I haue seene That face before Fosc. Neuer I brought him first To Sav●…y hauing brought him from the Bandetti in my passage ore the Confines Is' t not a sweet fa●…'d thing there are some Ladies Might change their beauties with him Grim. And gaine by it Fosc. N●…y ●…o his shape he has as fine a Soule Which 〈◊〉 that perfection Grim You ha not B●…en long acquainted with him Fosc. I haue skill 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 my Character 〈◊〉 full ●…xcellent excellent sweetnesse Grim You expresse him Passionately Fosc. H●…s vertue will deserue More praise he suffers Sir for loue in that He is a Gentleman for neuer could Narrow and earthly mindes be capable Of Loues imp●…ession or the iniury He willingly forsooke his friends and Country Because vnkindly for vnworthy ends They would haue forc'd him marry against his heart He told me so himselfe and it were sinne Not to belieue him but omitting these How fares the best of Ladies my Cleona Grim. Your Cleon●… Fosc. Mine she is in affection She is not married Grim No Fosc. She is in health Grim Yes Fosc. There is something in thy lookes I cannot Reade by thy own●… glosse and make me know That doubtfull text to whom hath she giuen vp The hope of my felici●…ie her heart Since my too fatall absence Gi●…t Vnto none Within the circle of my knowledge Fosc. Then I am renew'd agen may thy tongue neuer Know sorrowes 〈◊〉 Grim. Will you p●…esently Visit her Fosc. I haue sent a letter to Certifie I am still her liuing Seruant Grim. No matter wee le be there before the boy There is necessity if you knew all Come le ts away Fosc. Agen thou dost aflict My Soule with iealousie if she haue still The 〈◊〉 poss●…ssion of her heart Grim But you are Dead Sir remember that Fosc I shall be liuing And soone enough present my selfe her fresh And actiue Lower Grim If the Duke bee not Before you Fosc How Grim The Duke 't is so resolu'd Your riuall if you ●…till affect Cleona Within this houre he means his first solicite And personall seige loose not your selfe with wonder If you neglect this opportunity She hauing firme opinion of your death It will not be a myracle if the Title Of Dutchesse be a strong temptation To a weake woman Fosc I must thanke your loue And Counsell but for this time disingage Your further stay with me th●… Duke may misse you Pr●…serue his fauour and forget me in Your conference I would be still conceal'd Let me c●…nsider on my fate agen I thanke you and dismisse you Grim Quiet thoughts Dwell in your breast in all things I obey you You know you haue my heart Fose She 's but a wom●…n Yet how shall I be able to accuse her With any Iustice when she thinks me dead The Duke I must doe something I am full Of discord and my thoughts are fighting in me From our owne armie must arise ●…ur feare When loue it selfe is turn'd a Mutin●…re Exit ACTVS 2. SCAENA 1. Enter Iacomo the Steward and Servants Jac. So so yet more perfume y' are sweet Seruingmen make eu●…ry corner of the house smoake bestirre your selues ●…uery man know his Pr●…uince and bee officious to pl●…e my ●…ady according to his Talent haue you furnish●… out the b●…nquet Serv. Most M●…thodically Jac. T is well here should haue beene a fresh suite of Arras but no matter these 〈◊〉 the ag●… well let 'em hang. Serv. And there were a Maske to entertaine his Highnesse Iac. Hang Maskes let euery conceit shew his owne face my Lady would not diguise her entertainement and now I talke of disguising where 's the Butler B●…tl Here Sir Iac Where Sir t is my Ladies pleasure that you be drunk to day you will deale her wine abroad the more liberally among ●…he Dukes Seruants you two are tall fellowes make good the credit of the Buttery and when you are drunke I will send others to relee●…e you goe to your stations if his Grace c●…me hither a Suter to my Lady as wee haue some cause to suspect and after marry her I may be a great man and ride vpon a reuerend Mov●…e by Patent t●…ere is no end of my preferment I did once teach my Ladie to dance she must then helpe me to rise for indeed it is iust that on●…ly those who ger their liuing by their legs should rid●… vpon a Foot-cloth Serv. Here 's a young Gentleman desires to speake with my Lady Jac More young Gentlemen tell him I am busie S●…r With my Ladie Jac. Busie
I said I had a messuag●… I come Sir from Cleona Duke From Cleona Fosc. From her indeed and in her name I must Propound a question to which she prayes You would be just and noble in your answer Duke Without disputing your Commission Vpon mine Honour Fosc. Princes cannot staine it dee you loue her Duke Doe I loue her Strange Frsc. Nay she would haue you pause and thinke welle're You giue her resolution for she bad me tell you She has beene much aflicted since you left her About your loue Duke About my loue I prethee Bee more particular Fosc. I shall so soone As you were gone being alone and full Of melancholly thoughts Duke I left her so Fosc. Willing to ease her head vpon her couch Through silence and some friendship of the darke Shee fell asleepe and in a short dreame thought Some Spirit told her softly in her eare You did but mocke her with a smooth pretence O●… Loue. Duke Ha Fosc More that you are fallen from honour Haue taken impious flames into your bosome That y' are a Bird of prey and while she hath No houshold Lar to waite vpon her thre shold You would fl●…e in and 〈◊〉 vpon her honour Duke I hope she ha's no faith in dreames Fosc. And yet Diuinity hath oftentimes descended Vpon our sl mbers and the blessed troupes Haue in the calme and quiet of the Soule Conuers'd with vs taug●…t men and women happy Wayes to preuent a tyrants rage and lust Duke But this was some most false malicious Spirit That would insinuate with her white Soule There 's danger if she cherish the infusion Fosc She cannot tell she hath some feares my Lord Great men haue left examples of their vice And yet no iealousie of you but what A myracle doth vrge if this be one If you but once more say you loue Cleona And speake it vnto me and to the Angels Which in her prayers she hath inuok'd to heare you She will be confident and tell her dreame She cannot be illuded Duke Though I need not Giue an account to any but to Heauen And her faire selfe Foscari thou fhalt tell her With what alacritie I display my heart I loue her with chast and noble fire my intents are Faire as her brow tell her I dare proclaime it In my deuotions at that minute when I know a million of adoring Spirits Houer about the Altar I doe loue her Fosc. Enough enough my Lord be pleas'd to heare What I haue now to say you haue exprest A braue and vertuous Soule but I must not Carry this message to her therefore take Your owne words backe agen I loue Cleona With chast and noble sire my intents are Faire as her brow I dare proclaime it Sir In my deuotions at that minute when I know a Million of adoring Spirits Houer about the Altar Duke Doe ye mocke me Fosc Pardon a truth my Lord I haue apparreld My owne sence with your language Duke Doe you come To affront vs you had better ha beene sleeping In your cold vrne and fame late gaue you out And mingltd with the tude forgotten ashes Then liue to moue our anger Fisc Spare your frownes This earth weighs not my Spirit downe a feare Would dy the palenesse of my Fathers dust Into a blush Sir many are aliue Will sweare I did not tremble at a Canon When it strooke thunder in mine eare and wrapt My head in her blew mists it is not breath Can fright a noble truth nor is there Magicke I' th person of a King that playes the Tyrant But a good Sword can easily vncharme i●… Duke You threaten vs. Fosc. Heauen auert so blacke a thought Though in my honours cause I can be flame My bloud is frost to treason make me not Bely my heart for I doe loue Cleona And my bold heart tels me aboue all height You can affect her with no birth or state Can challenge a Prerogatiue in loue Nay be nor partiall and you shall ascribe To mine loues victory for though I admit You value her aboue your Dukedome health That you would sacrifice your bloud to auert Any mishap should threaten that deare head All this is but aboue your selfe but I Loue her aboue her selfe and while you can But giue your life and all you haue to doe Cleona seruice I can giue away Her selfe Cleona's selfe in my loue to her I see you are at losse I le reconcile All she is yours this minute ends my claime Liue and enioy her happily may you Be famous in that beautious Empire shee Blest in so great a Lord. Duke I must not be Orecome in honour nor would doe so great A wrong to enioy the blessing I knew not You were engag'd Fosc. Ere you proceed I must Beseech you heare me out I am but fresh Return'd from trauaile in my absence she Heard I was sla●…e at my returne vpon The hearing of these honours you intend her And which I now beleeue from your owne lip I found a meanes and haue wrought her already Into a firme beleife that I am dead For I haue but pretended I came from her If for my sake you leaue her now I can Make good her faith and dye 't sha'not be said I liu'd and 〈◊〉 C●…eona's fort●…ne Duke Stay myracle of honour and of loue Fosc. If you proceed as i●… concernes your happinesse I can secure all feare of mee I am R●…solu'd ●… course wherein I will bee dead To he●… yet liue to pray for her and you Although I neuer see you more will you M●… R●…yall Lord Duke D●…d euer Louer plead Again●…t himselfe before Fosc. I lou●… her still And in that study her advancement Sir In you I cannot giu●… her Duke Well I will still loue her and solicite F●…sc And not open That I am liu●…ng Duke Not a Syllable Fos●… I am confident let me but kisse your hand Ag●…n may blessings dwell with you for euer Exit Dulc. He was a●…wayes noble but this passion Has outgone Hystorie it makes for me Haile to my curteous fate Fosc●…ri thankes Like the aged P●…enix thy old loue expires And from ●…uch Death springs li●…e to my d●…fires Exit Enter Dul●…ino Dulc. The Father is not come yet nor my Lord 〈◊〉 yet when they doe I haue no way T●…●…lpe my selfe nor haue I power to goe From hence sure this is the Religious man Enter Valentio Val. Ha t is the s●…me Dulc. Father Valentio Val. Deare Leon●…ra Dulc Sir the same Wal. Oh let My teares expresse my ioyes what myracl●… Gaue you this liberty Dulc. I was rescued By th' happy valour of a Gentleman To whom in gratitude I pay this seruice He bad me here expect a holy man And is it you Val. The ci●…cumstance confirmes it Dulc. Are you the goodman whom my Lord expect●… T is so me refreshing in the midst of sorrow To meete agen Val. And Heauen hath heard my prayer Dulc. But I am miserable still vnlesse Your counsell
can doe more and will Wee haue a heart to do 't our much greeu'd sister I know you doe not weare this sadnesse for Our presence Ast If I 'ue any skill in mine owne eyes Since they beheld you they haue looked More cheerefully then they are wont Duke And yet I see a teare is ready to breake prison Ast. It is of ioy to see you sit in health I hope the Prince is well Duke He will bee so Astella when he leaues to be vnkind To thee but let 's forget him Dulc. Fame ha's not Iniur'd him in the Character of his person And his shape promiseth a richer Soule I feele a new and fierie spirit dance Vpon my amorous heart-strings Duke We are come My faire Cleona Cleon. With your Highnesse pardon That name was neuer so attended it Becomes your bountie but not me to weare That Title Duke What Cleon Of faire my Lord Duke I said you were my faire Cleona Cleona Sir Duke I did apply I hope 't does not offend to call you so Y' are yet my Subiect Cleon. When I leaue that name may Heauen Duke Be pleas'd to change it for a better Cleona It cannot Duke Doe not sinne t is in our power With your consent to worke that wonder Lady Cleona I want my vnderstanding Duke I le explaine Cleona Doe not beleeue it youth by all the faith Of Virgins I le not change my seruice to Thy Master for his Dukedome Dulc Y' are too noble Duke What boy is that Ha Giotto Dulc. Madam the Duke obserues vs. Dulc. I ha seene him It is no common face Soran. My Lord we know not Duke Where is Grimundo Giot. Not yet come my Lord. Duk. Send for him streight and bid him bring the picture We gaue into his keeping yet forbeare It is in vaine Sor. My Lord Cleona waites Your farther Courtship Duke Whither am I carried Cleon I hope dread Sir my house affords no obiect To interrup your quiet Duke None but Heauenly 〈◊〉 this roofe be capable of ill 〈◊〉 onely presence Lady would conuert it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rtuous Magick in your eye For where soere it calls a beame it does Create a goodnesse y 'aue a handsome boy Dulc. The Duke is troubled Cleona He 's a prettie youth Dulc. I hope he wo'not take me from my Lady I 'e say I am her Seruant Duke Something bindes My speech my heart is narrow of a suddaine Giotto take some opportunity To enquire that youthe condition name and Country And giue vs priuate knowledge to cut off * Circumstance Lady I am not your fresh And vnacquainted Louer that doth wast Soranzo whispers with Iacomo The tedious Moones with preparation To his amo●…ous suite I haue beene Cleona A long admirer of your vertues and Doe want the comfort or so sweet a Partner In our young state Cleon. You mocke your humble handmaid Soran A stranger sayest Iacom He brought some welcome Letter To my Lady Soranz. Not know his name nor whence Iacom. No my good Lord. So so I like this well My Lady does apply her to the Duke There is some hope agen things may succeed This Lords discoursing with me is an Omen To my familiarity with Greatnesse Duke Grimundo not come yet I am not well Cle. Good Heauen defend Angels protect your Highnes Duke Your holy prayers cannot but doe me good Continue that Deuotion Charitie Will teach you a consent to my departure Cleon. I am vnhappy Duke Make not me so Lady By the least trouble of your selfe I am Acquainted with these passions let me breath A hart vpon thy lip farewell agen Your pardon Exit Soranz 'T is a very strange distemper And suddaine noble Lady we must waite Vpon the Duke Exeunt Iacom. My bud is niptagen Would all the Banquet were in his belly for 't Dulc. Let not my eyes betray me Iac. I 'm sicke too Let not your Ladiship repent your cost I le haue a care the Sweet meates bee not lost Exit Cleon. Acquaint him with these passages of the Duke Tell him I long to see him and at last To crowne the story say my heart shall know No other Loue but his Dulc I flye with this Good newes Exit D. Enter Iac. Iac. Madam here is Prince Lodwicke Newly discoach'd Cleon Attend him Iac Most officiously Cleon Stay it can doe no harme Ast. Eene what you please Cleon. If he enquire for his Lady answer She is not very well and keepes her Chamber Iac. I le say she 's dead if you please 't is my duty I le neuer speake truth while I liue that shall Offend your Ladiship Cleon You may heare all Enter Lodwieke and Piero. And when you please appeare Lodw Sicke where 's her Doctor I le be acquainted with him noble Lady Cleon Your Grace is here most welcome Lodw I am bold Piero I 'm happy that my duty to the Prince Brought me to kisse your hand Cl. Beside the honour done to me your person Will adde much comfort to Astella your Weake Lady Lodw She is sicke mend let her mend shee le spend her time worse yet she knowes my minde and might doe mee the curtesie to die once I de take it more kindly then to be at charge with a Phisitian Cleon You wo'd not poyson her Lodw I thinke I must be driuen to 't what shall a man doe with a woman that wo'not be ruled I ha giuen cause enough to breake any reasonable womans heart in Savoy and yet you see how I am troubled with her but leaue her to the Destinies where is my Brother all this while I came to meet him what i st a match alreadie when shall we daunce and tryumph in the Tilt-yard for honour of the high and mighty nuptials where is he Cleon My Lord he is gone Lodw How Cleona Distempered Lodw. Not with wine Cleon Departed sicke Lodw She jeeres him by this lip I le loue thee and thou wot abuse him I knew he would but shame himselfe and therefore durst not come with him for mine owne credit I warrant he came fierce vpon thee with some parcell of Poetry which he had con'd by hart out of Tasso Guarrini or some other of the same melting Tribe and thought to haue brought thy Maiden Towne to his obedience at the first noyse of his furious Artillerie Cleon. My Lord you vnderstand me not your Brother Is not in health some vnkind paine within him Compeld him to forsake vs Lodw. Is it true That he is sicke my Brothers sicke Piero. Pier. I am very well here 1. Lady So am not I pray Sir appeare more ciuill Or I shall leaue you Lodw True Cleona T is too true my Lord. Lodw No no truth is a vertuous thing and we cannot haue too much on 't d' ee heare if I may counsell you be wise and stay for me you may bee my wife within this Moneth and the Durchesse too Cleon Your Wife my Lord why you are married What Shall become of her Lodw Is
she not sicke Cleona But are you sure shee le dye Lodw What a ridiculous question do you make if death wo'not take a faire course with her are there not reasons enough in state thinke you to behead her or if that seeme cruell because I do not affect bloud but for very good ends I can be diuorc'd from her and leaue her rich in the Title of Lady Dowager Cleona Vpon what offence can you pretend a Diuorce Lodw Because she is not fruitfull is not that a sinne Cleon. Would your Lordship haue her fruitfull and you Ne're lye with her Lodw. Haue not I knowne a Lady whose husband is an Eunuch vpon Record mother to three or foure children and no free conscience but commends her Cleon. But these things wo not be easily perfect vnlesse You were Duke to enforce em Lodw. Is not my brother in the way sicke already and perhaps as fit for Heauen as an other I know hee cannot l●…ue long he 's so well giuen they neuer thriue and then d'●… thinke il●… keepe such a Religious Court in this corner lodge a Couey of Capouchins who shall zealously pray for mee without stockins in that a nest of Carthusians things which in fi●… turne to Otters appeare flesh but really are fish for that they feede on no no giue me a Court of flourishing pleasure where delight in all her shapes and studied varieties euery minute courts the Soule to actuate her chiefe felicitie Cleon. Doe you neuer thinke of Hell Lodw. Faith I doe but it alwayes makes me melancholy and therefore as seldome as I can my contemplation shall point thither I am now in the spring of my life winter will come on fast enough when I am old I will be as methodicall an hypocrite as any paire of lawne sleeues in Sauoy Cleon. I dare not heare him longer Madam relea●…e me Enter Astella Lodw. How now whence come you were you sicke Ast. At heart my Lord to thinke of your vnkindnesse Lodw. At heart I le nere beleeue without inspection am I vnkind goe to there 's not a friend in the whole world can wi●…h you better would you were Canonis'd a Saint 't is more then I wish my selfe yet I doe not trouble thee much on earth and thou wert in Heauen I would not pray to thee for feare of di●…turbing thy Serap●…icall deu●…tion Ast. What sinne haue I committed Sir deserues This distance Cleon. In Christian charitie salute her Lodw. I would not haue your Ladiship too ve●…trous The ayre is some what cold and may endanger A weake body Ast. There 's an other duty my Lord required frō husband Lodw. My Madam would to rutte hath your honour no pretty dapper Monkey each morning to giue you a heat in a dance is not your Doctor gamesome Ast. If the suspition that I am vnchast Lodw. Vnchast by this hand I doe not know one honest woman i●… the Dukedome Cleon. How my Lord ●…hat doe you thinke of me Lodw. ●… know not whether you be a woman or no yet Cleon. Fye my Lord. Lodw. What would you haue me doe I haue not seene her this sixe Moneths Cleon. Oh rather my Lord conclude my sufferings T●… thus with tortures lengthen out my death O●… kill me and I beseech you I will kisse The instrument which guided by your hand Shall giue my griefe a period and pronounce Enter Grimu●…do With my last breath your free for giuenesse Lodw. No kill your selfe more good will come on'●… how now nay then w' are like to haue a precious time on 't Cleon. The Duke my Lord enquir'd for you Grim. I met His Highnesse in returne and he employ'd me To bring backe knowledge of his better health Which hee sayes shall enable him but to Exp●…esse how much he honours faire Cleona Cleon. I am his studious Seruant and reioy●…e In this good newes your Brother is recouered Lodw. II I knew he would doe well enough now Sir Grim I haue some businesse with you my Lord Were you at opportunitie Lodw. Some morall exhortations they are fruitlesse I shall neuer eat garlike with Diogenes in a Tub and specula●… the Starres without a shirt prethee enioy thy Religion and liue at last most Phylosophy call lousie Grim My designe is of an other nature Cleon May I obtaine so great a fauour Sir You 'ld be my Gu●…t in absence of the Duke I 'm but ambitious to remember His health in Greeke-wine Lodw. So this Lady will be temperate and vse mee but like a stranger without pressing me to inconueniences of kissing her and other superstitious Courtship of a Husband Cleona I will engage shee le not offend you Lodw. And yet it goes against my conscience to tarry so long in honest company but my 〈◊〉 is I doe not vse it come away Piero you haue had a fine time on 't Cleona My Lord. Grim I follow Madam yet haue comfort Though reason and example 〈◊〉 our feares Heauen will not let you loose so many teares Enter Foscari and Dulcino Fosc. Did she receiue my Letter with such ioy Dulc. I wont expres●…on my Lord to giue you The circumstance with a flowing Loue Or rather with what glad deuotion She entertain'd it at your very name For so I guest to which her couetous sight Made the first has●…e one might haue seene her heart Dance in her eyes and as the wonder stroue To make her pale warme loue did fortifie Her cheekes with guiltie blushes she did read And kisse the paper often mingled questions Some halfe propounded as her Soule had beene Too narrow to receiue what you had writ She quite forgot Fosc This was before the Duke Came thither Dulc Yes my Lord. Fosc And didst thou not Obserue her at his presence slacke that feruour H●…r former passion had begot of me Was shee not co●…tly to him boy Dulc. So farre As her great birth and breeding might direct A Lady to behaue her selfe to him That was her Prince Fosc. She kiss'd him did she not Dulc. She kiss'd Fosc. He did salute her Dulc. Yes my Lord. Fosc And didst not see a flame hang on her lip A spirit busie to betray her loue And in a sigh conuey it to him Oh Thou canst not read a woman did he not Woe her to be his Dutchesse Dulc Yes my Lord. Fosc Thou shouldst ha watcht her ch●…eke then there a blush Had cene a guilt indeed a feeble answere With halfe a smile had beene an argument ●…ee had beene lost and the temptation Aboue her strength which h●…d I knowne I could Ha slept and neuer beene disturb'd although I had met her in a dreame Dulc My Lord you wea●…e A causelesse trouble to your selfe Fosc Oh Iealousie I am asham'd Dulc. If euer woman lou'd With faith Cleona honours you aboue Mankind 't were sinne but to suspect so chast So furnish'd with all vertue your Cleona Fosc. It were indeed I am too blame Dulcino Yet when thou com'st to beso ripe for so Much miserie as
Goe to the next religious house and pray Some Holy Father come and speake with mee But hasten thy returne I dare not looke on Exit Serv. My selfe least I forget to doe her honour And my heart prooue a partiall Aduocate I must not entertaine with the same thought Cleona and my Loue least my owne passion Betray the resolution I ha made To make my seruice famous to all ages A legend that may startle wanton bloud And strike a chilnesse through the actiue veines Of noblest Louers when they heare or read That to advance a Mistresse I haue giuen her From mine owne heart if any shall be so Impious at my memory to say I could not doe this act and loue her too Some power diuine that knew how much I lou'd her Some Angell that hath care to right the dead Punish that crime for me and yet me thinks In such a cause my owne enraged Spirit In pitty of my ashes so prophan'd Should nimbly lift my sweating marble vp And leape into my dust which new inlifen'd Should walk to him that questioned my honor And be its owne reuenger he is come Enter Valentio a religious man Welcome good Father I sent to intreat your helpe but first pray tell me I haue no perfect memory what Saint Giues title to your Order Val. Wee doe weare The Scapular of Saint Bennet Sir Fosc. Your Charity Make you still worthy of that reuerend habit I haue a great Deuotion to bee made A Brother of your sacred institution What persons of great birth hath it receiu'd Val. To fashion my reply to your demaund Is not to boast though I proclaime the honours Of our profession Foure Emperours Forty sixe Kings and one and fiftie Queenes Haue chang'd their Royall Ermines for our sables These Cowles haue cloth'd the heads of fourteene hundred And sixe Kings Sonnes of Dukes great Marquises And Earles two thousand and aboue foure hundred Haue turn'd their Princely Coronets into An humble Corronet of haire of haire left by The Razour thus Fosc. No it is not There is a Sunne ten times more glorious Then that which riseth in the East attracts me To feed vpon his sweet beames and become A Bird of Paradice a religious man To rise from earth and no more to turne backe But for a buriall Val. Thinke what t is you doe It is no thing to play the wanton with In the strong bended passion of an humour For a friends death a Kings frowne or perhaps Losse of a Mistresse Fosc. O still blesse the guide What euer that shall leade this happy way Val. My Lord the truth is like your coate of armes Richest when plainest I doe feare the world Hath tir'd you and you seeke a cell to rest in As Birdes that wing it o're the Sea seeke ships Till they get breath and then they slie away Fosc. Doe not mistake a piety I am prepar'd And can endure your strict mortifications Good Father then preferre my humble Suite To your Superiour for the habit and Let me not long expect you say I am Noble but humblest in my thoughts Val. I goe Meane time examine well this new desire Whether 't be a wild flash or a Heauenly fire Exit Fosc. Now my good boy Enter Dulcino Dulc. Sir your command is done And she beleeues Fosc That I am dead Dulcino Dulc That you are dead and as shee now scorn'd life Death lends her cheekes his palenesse and her eyes Tell downe their drops of siluer to the earth Wishing her teares might raine vpon your graue To make the gentle earth produce some flower Should beare your names and memories Fosc. But thou seest I liue Dulcino Dulc Sir I should bee blest If I did see you sought the meanes to liue And to liue happily O noble Sir Let mee vntread my steps vnsay my words And tell your loue you liue Fosc. No my sweet Boy Shee thinkes not much amisse I am a man But of an houre or two my will is made And now I goe neuer more cheerefully To giue eternall farewell to my friends Dulc. For Heauens sake Sir what 's this you meane to do There is a feare sits cold vpon my heart And tels me Fosc Let it not misinforme thee Boy I le vse no violence to my selfe I am Resolu'd a course wherein I will not doubt But thou wilt beare mee company wee le enter Into Religion Dulc Into Religion Fosc. O t is a Heauenly life goe with me boy Wee 'l imitate the singing Angels there Learne how to keepe a Quire in Heauen and scorne Earths transitory glorie wo't Dulcino Dulc. Alas my Lord I am too young Fosc Too young To ferue Heauen Neuer neuer O take heed Of such excuse Dulc Alas what shall I doe And yet I 'me weary of the world but how Can I doe this I am not yet discouered Sir I shall still attend you Fosc Th' art my comfort I haue propounded it already to A Benedictine by whose meanes we may Obtaine the habit stay thou and expect him I must bee absent for a little time To finish something will conduce to my Eternall quiet if th'haft any scruple Hee will direct thee hauing both made euen With earth wee le trauaile hand in hand to heauen Exit Dulc. Fortune hath lent me a prospectiue glasse By which I haue a looke beyond all ioyes To a new world of miserie what 's my best Let it be so for I am hopelesse now And it were well if when those weedes I haue That I might goe disguised to my graue Exit Enter Lodwicke and Grimundo Lodw This is strange Grim. You know I haue giuen you many precepts of honestie Lodw. And you know how I haue followed em Grim. To mine owne heart I haue made tedious discourses of Heauen to yee and the morrall vertues numbred vp the duties of a good Prince vrg'd examples of vertues for your imitation Lodw. To much purpose Grim. Seem'd to sweat with agony and vexation for your obstinate courses reproou'd you nay sometimes made complaints of you to the Duke Lodw And I ha curst you for it I remember Grim. Alas my Lord I durst doe no otherwise was not the Duke your Father an honest man and your Brother now foolishly takes after him whose credulities when I had already coozened I was bound to appeare stoicall to preserue the opinion they had conceiued of me Lodw. Possible Grim. It speakes discretion and abilities in States-men to apply themselues to their Princes disposition vary a thousand shapes if he be honest we put on a forme of grauity if he be vitious we are Parasites indeed in a politique Common wealth if you obserue well there is nothing but the appearance and likenesse of things that carrieth opinion your great men will appeare odde and phantasticall and fooles are often taken for wise Officers your most actiue gallants seeme to carry their owne haire and your handsomest Ladies their owne faces you cannot know a Secretary from a Scholler in blacke
if this presence Delight you not I le weary a thousand shapes To please my Lord. Lod. Shapes quotha Bel. Doe not tremble Lod. A Diuel I see her clouen foote I ha'not The heart to pray Grimundo has vndone me Bel. I did command my spirits to put on Satyres and N●…mphes to entertaine you first Whiles others in the ayre maintain'd a quire For your delight why doe you keepe such distance W●…th one that loues you recollect your selfe You came for pleasure what doth fright my loue See I am couetous to returne delight And sa●…isfie your lustfull genius Come le ts withdraw and on the bed prepar'd Beget a race of smooth and wanton Diuels Lod. Hold come not neere me ha now I compare The circumstances they induce me to A sad beliefe and I had breath enough I would aske a question Bel. Any thing and be Resolud Lod. How came Grimnndo and your deuilship Acquainted Bel. He hath beene my agent long And hath deseru'd for his hipocrisie And priuate sinnes no common pl●…ce in Hell H●…es now my fauorite and we enioy Each other daily but hee neuer did By any seruice more endeare my loue Then by this bringing you to my acquaintance Which I desir'd of him long since with many And fierce soll●…cite but ●…e vrg'd his feare You were not ripe enoug●… in sinne for his Disco●…ery Lod. I feel●… my selfe dissolue In sweate Bel. My Lord I must acknowledge I Haue euer had you in my first regard Of any mortall sinner for you haue The same propention with me though with Lesse malice spirits of the lower world Haue seuerall offices assign'd some are To aduance pride some auarice some wrath I am for lust a gay voluptuous Diuell Come le ts embrace for that I loue my Lord Doe and command a regiment of hell They all are at your seruice Lodw. O my foule Bel. Be●…ide my Lord it is another moti●…e To honour you and by my c●…aines which now I haue l●…ft behind it makes me grow enamor'd Your wife that sayes her prayers at home and weepes Away her sight O●… let me hug you for it Dispise her vowe●… still spurne her teares agen Into her eyes thou shalt be prince in hell And haue a Crowne of flames brighter then that Which Ariadue weares of fixed sta●…res Come shall we dally now Lodw. My bones within Are dust already and I weare my fl●…sh Like a loose vpper garment Bel. Y' are afraid Be not so pale at liuer for I see Your blood turne Coward how would you be frighted To looke vpon me cloth'd with all my horrour That shudder at me now call vp your spirit Lodw. There are too many spirits heere already Would thou wert coniur'd what shall I doe Bel. What other then to bath your soule in pleasure And neuer heard of rauishings wee two Will progresse through the ayre in Uenu●… charret And when her siluer doues grow faint and tir●… Cupid and Mercury shall lend vs wings And we will visit new worlds when we are Weary of this we both will backe the wind●…s And hunt the Phaenix through the Arabian D●…serts H●…r we will spoyle of all her shining plumes To make a blazing Coronet for thy temples Which from the Earth beheld shall draw vp wonder And puzzle learned Astronomy to distinguish it From some new Constellation the Sea Shall yeeld vs pastime when inuelop●…d With Clouds blacker then night wee range about And when with stormes we ouerthrow whole Nauies We 'll laugh to heare the Marriners exclaime In many thousand shipwrackes what doe I Vrge these particu●…ers let vs be one Soule Ayre Earth and Hell is yours Lodw. I haue a suit But da●…e ●…ot speake Bel. Take courage and from mee B●…e confident to obtaine Lodw. I am not well The name of Diu ll came to quicke vpon me I was not well prepar'd for ●…uch a sound It turn'd my bloud ●…o ice and I ha●… not R●…couered so much warmth yet to desire The sport I came for would you please but to D●…misse me for a time I would returne When I haue heate and strength enough for such A sprightfull action Belinda I do●… finde your cunni●…g You pretend this excuse but to gaine time In hope you may repent Lodw. And please your Grace Not I. Bel. You will acquaint some Priest or other A tribe of all the world I most abhorre And they will ●…oole you with their Ghostly councell Pe pl●…xe you with some fond diuinity To make you loose the Glories I haue promis'd Lod. I could neuer abide such mel ●…neholly people Bel. In this I must betray we spirits haue No perfect knowledge of mens thoughts I see Your bloods ●…nfeebled and although my loue Be infinite and euery minute I Shall languish in your absence yet your health I must preserue t is that that feeds my hopes Hereafter I shall perfectly enioy thee You will be faithfull and returne Lod. Suspect not Bel. One kisse shall seale consent Lod. Her breath smels of brimstone Bel. When next wee meete like to the Gemini Wee le twine our limbes in one another till Wee appeare one creature in our actiue play For this time ●…le dismisse you doe not pray A spirit shall attend you Lod. Doe not pray when did I last I know not farewell horrour He wants a wench that goes to the D●…uell for her Exeunt ACTVS 5. SCAENA 1. Enter Astella and Piero. Astel Touch me not villain●… pietie defend me Art thou a man or haue I all this while Conuerst with some ill Ang●…ll in the shape Of my Lords friend Piero. What needeth all this stirre I vrge your benefit Astel. To vndoe my name N●…v Soule for euer with one act Piero. One act There be those Ladies that haue acted it A hundred times yet thinke themselues as good C●…ristians as other women and doe carry As much opinion too for vertue Astel. Heauen Piero. What harme can there be in 't can you neglect Reuenge so iust so easie and delightfull Ast. T●…y breath doth scatter an infection Piero. Scatter a toy be wise and loose no time You know not when-such opportunity May tempt you too 't agen for my owne part I can but doe you pleasure in 't your bloud Should need no other argument Astella I le sooner Empty my veynes not to redeeme thy Soule Should Sinne betray mine honour to one loose Embrace hence traytor I doe feele corruption I' th ayre already it will kill me if I stay heereafter I le not wonder how My Lord became so wicked Piero. You will lead me To some more priuate roome I le follow Madam Exeunt Enter Iacomo Jacom. More priuate roome said hee I smell a businesse I thought this Gamester had beene gone is it e'ne so haue at your burrough Madam hee 's a shrewd Fer●…et I can tell you and iust in the nicke here comes the Warrener Enter Lodwicke Lodw. This diuell does not follow me nor any of her Cubs I hope I 'm glad I came off
fortune forbid the banes Quotha slid if fortune should forbid the banes And my Lady be not conuerted into a Dutchesse Where are allmy offices Hum where are they quoth I I doe not know But of all tunes I shall hate fortune my foe Exit Recorders Chaires prepared Enter Soranzo Giotto Sor. Know you not who they are my Lord this day Receiue the habit Gio. I can meete with no intelligence Sor. They are persons of some quality Gio. The Duke does meane to grace their ceremony Sor. He was inuited by the Abbot to their clothing Gio. Which must be in priuate too heare in his lodgings Sor. Well we shall not long expect 'em his grace enters Enter Duke Grimundo Gri. It helpt much that he neuer saw my wife Du. Dost thinke 't will take Gri. Ther●…'s some hope my Lord already And heauen may prosper it Du. Wee cannot endeere thee to thy merit Sor. How the Duke imbraces him Enter Cleona attended Duk. Cleona you are welcom ' t is a blest Occasion that makes vs meete so happily Cle. It pleased my Lord Abbot to inuite mee hither Duk. I appear'd too vpon his friendly sommons Wee le thanke him for this presence Sor. The Abbot enters Enter the Abbot attended with Religious men hauing bowed to the Duke he taketh a chaire being sate Valentio goes out and presently enters lea●…ing Foscarie and Dulcino in St. Bennets habit hee presents them they k●…eele at the Abbots feete Abb. Speake your desire Fos. We kneele to be receiued into the number O●… those religious men that dedicate Themselues to Heauen i' th habit of St. Bennet And humbly pray that you would rectifie And teach our weake d●…uotion the way To imitate his life by giuing vs The precepts of your order Abbot Let me tell you You must take heed the ground of your resolue Be perfect yet looke backe into the spring Of your desires religious men should be Tapers first lighted by a holy beame Meteors may shine like starres but are not constant Fosc. We couet not the blaze which a corrupt And flimy matter may aduance our thoughts Are slam'd with Charity Abb. Yet ere you embarke Thinke on your hard aduenture there is more To be examin'd beside your end And the reward of such an vndertaking You looke on Heauen a farre off like a Land skip Whether wild thoughts like yours imperfect eye Without examination of those wayes Oblique and narrow are transported but I' th walke and try all of the difficulties That interpose you tire like inconsiderate And weary Pilgrims Fosc. We desire to know The rules of our obedience Abb. They will startle Your resolutions can your will not vs'd To any Law beside it selfe permit The knowledge of seuere and positiue limits Submit to be controul'd imploy'd sometime In seruile offices against the greatnesse Of your high birth and sufferance of nature Can you forgetting all youthfull desires And memory of the worlds betraying pleasures Checke wanton heate and consecrate your blood To Chastity and holy solitude Sor. I wo not be religious Giotto Giot. Nor I vpon these tearm●…s I pitty em Abb Can you quit all the glories of your state Resigne your titles and large wealth to liue Poore and neglected change high food and surfets For a continuall fasting your downe beds For hard and humble lodging your guilt roofes And galleries for a melancholly Cell The patterne of a graue where stead of musicke To charme you into slumbers to be wak'd With the sad chyming of the sacring bell Your robes whose curiosity hath tired Inuention and the silke-worme to adorne you Your blaze of jewels that your pride hath worne To burne out enuies eyes must be no more Your ornament but course and rugged clothing Harrow your soft skinnes these and many more Vnkind austerities will much offend Your tender constitutions yet consider Du. Hee does insist much on their flate and honour May wee not know 'em yet Val. One of them sir Doth owe this character Giues him a paper Du. It is Foscary I find his noble purpose hee is perfect I honour thee young man she must not see This paper Giues another paper Val. This doth speake the other Sir Du. T is at large ha Grimundo I prethee read I dare not credit my owne eyes Leonora So it begins Leonora Gri. Leonora daughter to the late Gonzaga Duke Of Millan fearing she should be compelled to marry Her Vncle in the habit of a Page and the conduct Of Father Valentio came to Sauoy to try the Loue and honor of his Excellence who once Sollicited by his Embassador Du. No more I am extasied If so much blessing may be met at once I le doe my heart that justice to proclaime Thou hadst a deepe impression as a boy I lou'd thee too for it could be no other But with a Diuine flame faire Leonora Like to a perfect Magnes though inelos'd Within an Iuory box through the white wall Shot foorth imbracing vertue now oh now Our Destinies are kind Fos. This is a misterie Dulcino Leo. No my Lord I am discouered You see Le●…nora now a Millan Lady If I may hope your pardon Du. Loue and honour Thou dost inrich my heart Cleona reade And entertaine the happines to which Thy fare predestin'd thee whilst I obey Mine here Cleonae reades Cleo. How my Lord Foscary If he beliuing I must dye before This separation be confirm'd my ioy Doth ouercome my wonder can you leaue The world while I am in 't Fos. Decr'●… Leonora Then willingly I dispence with my intention And if the Duke haue found another Mistris It shall be my deuotion to pray he●…re And my religion to honour thee Ab. Many blessings crowne This vnlon Fos. Your pardon gracious Princesse I did impose too much Leo. I studied To be your gratefull seruant as your selfe Vnto the faire Cleona wee are all happy Enter L●…dowicke Astella and Piero. Lod. The'yr here by your leaue brother my Lord Abbot Witnesse enough Du. Why thus kneeles Lodowick Lod. To make confession brother and beg heauens And euery good mans pardon for the wrong I 〈◊〉 ' done this excellent Lady whom my soule New marries and may heauen ha doe not hold A Iustice backe Grimunde is a traitor Take heed on him and say your prayers hee is The Deulls grand solliciter for soules Hee hath not such another cunning engine I' th world to ruine vertue Gri. I my Lord Lod. You are no hipocrite he does euery night Lye with a Succubus he brought me to one Let him deny it but heauen had pitty on me Enter Bellinda Ha there she is doe you not see her Deuill I doe defie thee my Lord stand by me I will be honest spight of him and thee And lye with mine owne wife Gi. Sure the Prince is mad Duk. Oh rise most noble Lady well deserning A statue to record thy vertue Lod. Ha Duk. This is Grimundoes wife Lod. 'T is so my Lord. Bel. No Deuill●… but the seruant of your vertue That shall reioyce if wee haue thriu'd in your Co●…ersion Ast. I hope it Lod. Haue I bin mock'd into honesty are not you a fury And you a ●…lye and subtile Epicure Gri. I doe abhorre the thought of being so Pardon my seeming Sir Ab. Oh goe not backe Preuent thus seasonably your reall ●…orment Lod. I am fully wakened be this kisse the pledge Of my new heart Pi. True loue streame in your bosomes Lady forgiue mee too Ast. Most willingly Duk. Our ioy is perfect Lodowisk 〈◊〉 A 〈◊〉 in this Lady Leonora The obiect of our first loue take the story As wee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Abbot wee must thanke You 〈◊〉 con●…riuing this and you good Father E●…bassedors shall be dispatcht to Millan 〈◊〉 where and how their absent Princesse Leonora 〈◊〉 dispos'd her selfe meane while Poets shall stretch inn●…ntion to expresse Triumphs for thee and Sauoyes happinesse Extunt Omnes FINIS