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A09974 Maister Bezaes houshold prayers translated out of French into English. Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605. 1603 (1603) STC 2023.7; ESTC S1181 53,574 372

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helpe me and to relieue me in all my necessities considering thou arte in heauen euen according as being in al places thou art as it were in no place for thou art wholie an infinite spirite and inaccessible light whose name is I am namelie of a sole true essence eternall immutable and incomprehensible and from whom all nature whether celestiall or terrestriall doeth through grace borrowe his essence and subsistence Thus arte thou aboue in such wise that being out of euery place thou art aboue all this great vniuersall world in the seate of thine own glory from whence thou doest embrace both heauen and earth and with thy prouidence sustaine them As also in some sorte thou art aboue al things because they doe all depend and beare themselues vppon thee who likewise dost by thy subtilitie pierce into them more neerly vnto euery creature then the same is to it selfe Howbeit thou art in heauen so far forth as that the exquisite workes of thy hands do the better appeare therein And thou doest in an especiall maner inhabite the high heauen for there doeth thy Maiestie shine with open countenaunce beside thou art with thy gracious presence in the soules of the righteous which do harbour thee as a Father in their heartes Hallowed be thy name FOr O Lord sith thou art my father reason requireth that aboue all things I should desire thy honour But euerlastingly for euer and euer thy name is holy the glory therof infinit My praier then bringeth nothing to thy greatnes and excellencies but yet I may heere desire that thy name both of it self and by it selfe most holy may be sanctified and exalted in me and in all men and in all places whereby my selfe do also obtaine that holines which is conuenient for the true childe of such a father vnto whome all vncleanenesse is displeasing Thy kingdome come But who can impeach thy Kingdome O eternall God who hast created al things for thy seruice Thou raignest ouer al for the heauen is thy throne and the earth thy foote-stoole Yet I beseech thee be vnto me as a father in mercy not as a Iudge in thy iustice thou raignest in thy worde which thou hast reuealed and inspired and I beseech thee euen for thy glory sake that this thy booke of life may bee opened to all people that thereby all nations may worship thee thou raignest in thy Church and I pray that the number of thy elect may be shortly fulfilled Thy kingdome is thy grace and I beseech thee to make mee as capable thereof as thou art liberall Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen MY will O Lord is altogether peruers and depraued except it bee formed by thine wherin resteth and consisteth all my good create in me this holy will and giue mee grace to fulfil it in al my thoghts workes for what can I haue but what thou giuest mee To the end that in obedience of faith I may doe that which shall bee acceptable in thy sight euen as the Angells in heauen do obey thy voyce Giue vs this day our dailie bread FOR Christ our Lord and Doctour hath so contriued the petitions which we make vnto thee that in seeking first the glorie of thy name hee will that with al we should haue experience of the riches of thy goodnesse in all things necessary for this life Thus wilt thou O merciful Father recompence with infinite benefits euen our simple cogitations of the brightnesse of thy glory and crowne thy giftes in vs with grace for grace We do therefore dayly craue our bread and thou dost also giue it vs that is to say euen all that is necessarie for our maintaynance heere beneathe yet doest thou present vs with one bread farre more excellent and profitabl euen the bread of angels and of the blessed spirits giue mee therefore O Lord Iesus Christ God and man that of him I may liue for euer that my vnderstanding may bee enlightned with his truth and my heart kindled with the fire of his loue that I perish not And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. OVr sinnes as debts do bind vs to death which is their rewarde and to hell which is their graue they are as a strong barre to keepe vs from comming to thee O most holy God yea which is more they are as a clowde that shadoweth thine eyes from looking fauourably vpon vs. And therefore the most conuenient preparation to prayer is with an humble and truely penitent heart to feele and confesse our sinnes for so thou wilt vouchsafe to grant vs remission of the same in the name of thy sonne our Sauior in imputing vnto vs his righteousnesse Yet herein O Lord is thy free mercy very great that thou also giuest vs power to pardon those that doe offend vs and by so dooing to obtaine thy grace for what offence can any man commit against vs poore worms of the earth considering that we do so often and so grieuously offend O King of glory and in such sorte that if euery creature should arme it self to hurt vs yet would not the least iniurie that we commit against thee be sufficiently reuenged Yet dost thou vouchsafe thus to testifie thy infinite goodnesse accepting as a sweete sacrifice the oblation of our harts reconciled and fully vnited with our neighbours like as contrarywise no part of a hateful and peruerse heart can delight thee And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill FOr as through thy mercy thou sufferest not Satan the author of all temptations to seduce thy children neither sinne to ouercome them so when thou wilt punish man in thy iustice they remaine depriued of thy protection and vnder the power of the diuell to be subiect to his tyrany and to liue in a reprobate sence hereof doe we therefore reape this singular consolation that this great aduersarie of our saluation can doe nothing against vs vnlesse thou giue him leaue and whereas sometimes thou causest vs to be tempted thou doest it as a father to chastice vs for our transgressions or to make vs more triumphant and victorious in the triall which it pleaseth thee to make of our faith and hope for thy glory and our owne good or for the edification of our neighbours For thine is the kingdome the power and the glory for euer and euer LIke as O my God and father I began my prayer by the hallowing of thy name so is it meete and iust that I should end it by the exaltation of the same as thy children who bounding their vowes with the onely care of thy honour may assure themselues to obtaine the fulfilling of the same in the sole perfection of thy glory So be it The second Prayer Vpon the Symbole or Articles of Beliefe I beleeue in God the Father Almightie c. 1. Cor. 15. Before all things I haue deliuered vnto you that which I haue receyued namely that Christ died
the Holighost whom thou hast giuen vs and thy Sonne Iesus is the mean and fulnesse according as in him doth remaine all that is beautifull delectable peaceable rich permanent and glorious aboue in Heauen which thou hast promised vs. Of which treasure of inestimable valew thou doest thus euen already graunt mee the vse by the effects of thy diuine vertues which make mee to pierce through the heauens with my imagination and to establish my soule in thy peace as if in my bosome I kept the full fruit of thy promise and did alreadie liue there aboue in like estate as the Angells For O eternall God thy mercy is vpon me as I doe trust in thee And therfore albeit I creepe here vp and downe through manie infirmities Yet will I in patience abide the appearing of thy glorie in the daie of the comming of thy Sonne to iudge the quicke and the dead as being thorowly assured through thy grace in the end of my course to obtain the diadem wherewith thou crownest thine and at the last day and euer in my flesh to behold that great Sauiour of the elect who liueth with thee and the Holyghost one god eternally Amen The fourteenth Prayer To obtaine the vertue of Loue. God is loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in him The end of the Law is loue out of a pure heart and a good conscience and faith vnfained 1. Ioh. 4. 1. Tim. 1. O Eternall who art al loue and who according to the infinite vertue thereof hast loued vs before we wer as also since the time that wee were thy enemies vnthankefull sinners adiudged to death and to the paines of hell thou hast I say freely so loued vs that thou hast giuen thy onely sonne to the world to redeeme vs with the price of his blood and for vs to purchase righteousnesse and a blessed life This being so O Lord the original and fountaine of loue make it with efficacy reflection to shine into al places whither the knowledge of thy grace shall come likewise that where thou doest more neerely communicate thy selfe by making the flames of thy loue to bee more liuely felt graunt also that there by the effects of thy spirit the greater loue towardes thee may appeare I beseech thee make mee more and more to meditate and comprehend this thy admirable loue that I may accordingly frame my selfe to that loue thou requirst of thy children truely faithfull which is also the end of the whole law and precepts of the gospell So that in purenesse of heart with an vpright conscience and with a true and liuely faith I may attaine to the knowledge of thy truth and will to the end in all through al to obey thee with a quiet conscience the same being the chiefest the highest and the most perfect degree of loue that we can testifie vnto thee O our God and that which leadeth vs to the perfection of Christian life which of mortall men maketh vs as it were Angels which albeit wee liue vppon earth maketh vs Cittizens of heauen to bee briefe it is that which in the secret of our hearts giueth vs a sweet feeling of thy peace which surmounteth all the reason of our vnderstanding That also thereby I may learne that there is none that can loue thee perfectly vntill he hath bin preuented by the sweetnesse of thy vnmeasurable loue and kindled with the flame That we loue thee because thou first louedst vs like as also through thy grace thou makest thy selfe thy benefites knowne vnto vs. The more therefore that wee finde our selues disposed to loue thee the more shuld we beleeue that thou makest thy selfe to be felt in the inwarde partes of our soules to bee our God and our Father and that therefore wee haue the greater cause to confirme and comfort our selues in the loue that thou bearest vs. O Lord make me also to vnderstand that as Christian charitie doth especially regard and looke vppon thy holy deitie Father Son and Holy-ghost one onely God that we may loue thee with our whole hearts mindes and strengths so hath shee a like regard to her neighbour that in thee and for thy sake because he beareth thy image we may loue him as our selues for in these conioyned and reciprocall things also Christ teacheth vs the bond of perfection euen that wee shall indeede be his disciples if we loue one another because he so shal fullfill his loue in our hearts But being O Lord very true that the faith which thou giuest vs doth singularly vnite thy familie together graunt me the spirite of loue which leading me to doe well to all men doth teach me principally to loue the houshold of thy Church that I may with a ready will yeelde them all helpe in their necessities In asmuch also as our redeemer the perfect pattern of charitie hath loued his enemies procuring them good for euill and blessing for iniurie I beseech thee my GOD giue me grace to extend my loue to those that hate mee that without hypocrisie or vaine glory I may to my power help forward their good and saluation And so that I may beare an vpright and lowly heart to all men whereby all the faithfull may be edefied and comforted and others seeing my good works rather thine than mine may be constraind to glorifie thee O our father which art in heauen c. The fifteenth Prayer That we may well vse afflictions If any man will follow me let him forsake himselfe and take vp his crosse and follow me By manie tribulations wee must enter into the Kingdome of heauen Hee chastizeth him whom he loueth and scourgeth euerie childe that hee receiueth Mat. 16. Act. 14. Heb. 12. O Lord my GOD and my father I learne in thy worde that none be true Disciples of Iesus Christ but they that followe his steppes wherof he hath deliuered vs a sure marke in these two chief points the renouncing of our selues and the voluntarie enduring of the crosse For naturallie we are inueagled with a disorderly loue to our selues and doe presume too much of our owne persons It is therefore necessarie for vs to renounce our own nature and reason and to abandon our owne affections to suffer thee thy loue O our God to liue raigne in vs. Then must we proceede to the other point that is cheerefully to beare out the afflictions and miseries of this life wherein it pleaseth thee especially to exercise thine vpon diuerse good considerations namely to make them conformeable to the image of thy Sonne to the end that suffering with him they may also raigne in his glory For it is very true that al men by sinne doe eate the fruites of the earth in labour and bread in the sweate of their browes that they all liue in a sea tossed with many stormes crossed with many anguishes But all haue not the gift of thy spirit to learne by his doctrine that the
to bee dissolued and to be with Christ howbeit if notwithstanding in the infirmitie of my flesh the fearefull Image of death trouble me in the straites of my departure If the world that doth alwayes too much bewitch vs maketh my thoughts then bowe to his will If Sathan pitcheth his assaults and snares and vpon the remembrance of my sinnes setteth hell before my face moreouer if my owne perturbations keepe me from apprehending thy eternall consolations in such most necessarie extremities vouchsafe my good God and father in these anguishes to approach vnto me to saue me from the running and swift streame of such brookes that they may not carrie meaway to perdition illuminate my thoughts with thy spirite waken my soule out of the sleep of death renew my hart by the vertue of thy spirit and put into my hands the staffe of thy assured conduct to bring mee out from the laborinth of this sorrowful passage causing me with the eyes of my faith to behold my righteousnes vpon the crosse of my Sauiour the discharge of my debts in his sacrifice my victorie in his combats my life in his death my glorie and ioy in his resurrection that so replenished with peace I may cheerfully resigne my bodie to the earth as assured that it shall rise againe and my soule to heauen with these last words of Christ Into thy hands O Father I commit my spirit So be it The nineteenth Prayer For heauenly life Hee that heareth my worde and beleeueth in him that sent me hath life euerlasting and I wil raise him again at the latter day Father concerning those whome thou hast giuen me my desire is that they may be where I am that they may be with me to beholde my glory Iohn 5. 6. 17. O Soueraign Father of al thinges by a singular priuiledge Father of the children whome it hath pleased thee to adopt in our Lord Iesus Christ to be coheires with him in the celestiall life I learne in thy word that this inheritance blessed estate is acontemplation of the glory of this great Sauiour of the elect in an vnspeakeable beatitude onely worthy to be loued and to bee sought incessantly night and day with the lamp of thy trueth Which is to see him as he is true God and true Man and perfectlie to enioie his presence with communicating of all his goodnesse to be in the ioy of his Lord as a loyall seruant and to beholde him face to face in his diuine essence one with the father and with the holy ghost one onelie God in soueraigne Maiestie which is to be vnited and conioyned with him and by him vnto thee O eternall GOD who art all light and life of the soule at her departure out of her earthly habitation afterward reuested with it flesh in that great day of the glorious comming of the same Christ when hee shall wholy render vppe vnto thee the kingdome of thy grace that thou maist be all in all To be briefe which is both in body and soule to be in him and to liue of his glory And this also is the eternall life a life accomplished in knowledge in loue in righteousnesse in rest in honour in beautie in constancie in ioy felicitie and peace a life wherin the Angels and Saintes incessantly do sound out and celebrate O Lord thy great name in perfect and rauishing melodie replenished both with a desire and a fulnesse of the celestiall bread Iesus Christ God man without this desire breeding any griefe or this fulnesse any molestation In summe a life which by the full view that wee shall haue of thy eternall deitie O almightie GOD shall make vs knowe thee as thou hast knowne vs and as thou art in Trinitie of persons Father Word Spirit and in vnitie of essence likewise to loue thee according to the excellency of thy nature with our whole heartes and thoughts and our whole strength and might and in this loue to obtaine our perfect full contentment To this heauenlie life O Lord my soule directeth her flight this is the marke that shee aymeth at the end whereto shee tendeth and the reward that she by thy grace promiseth her selfe for seeking after thy welbeloued Sonne in whome it pleaseth thee to be my God and my Father Oh! I shall indeede goe and liue in this holy and sacred place of the habitation of thy glorie and there shall contemplate that which neuer eye sawe vnder the heauen neyther eare hath heard nor heart comprehended of the solide Riches whiche thou doost keepe from all eternitie for thy children I shall see I say these diuine wonders in thy sanctuary in thy light inaccessible for all flesh knowing in the brightnesse of thy countenance thy infinite power O Father thy incomprehensible wisedome O Sonne and thy incomparable vertue O Holy-ghost one onely true God A knowledge so singular and pretious that therein resteth all the felicitie of the Angels and saints their only plentiful reward their scepter the diademe of their glory and the full and perpetuall ioy that couereth their heads as with a crowne of victory in a peace durable for euer I beseech thee therfore O Lord to giue mee grace that withdrawing my affection more and more from the darke cloysters of the earth sprinckled with teares I may lift vp my desires to the lightsome habitation of thy deitie where the treasures and incomparable ioyes of thy paradise do remaine in an eternall life So that I may finishe my course in an earnest and perpetuall meditation of this angelical and diuine being and comforting my self incessantly night and day in that the promise is made vnto mee through my sauiour Iesus Christ to the end that in my last hower come out of my misery and entered into my felicitie I may with a happy flight goe take my rest aboue in thy peace O my God which surmounteth all vnderstanding and for to sing Psalmes of thanksgiuing vnto thee without end So be it The twentieth Praier Vpon eternall death Of those that sleepe in the dust of the earth some shall awake to euerlasting life others to rebuke and shame without end Their worme shall not die and their fire shall not be quenched there shal be weeping gnashing of teethe Dan. 12. Esay 66. Mat. 15. ALmighty god for whose glorie all nations are created Thou which art the mightie and the faithfull God keeping thy couenant and free mercy with a thousand generations of those that loue thee and obey thy commandements which giuest againe the very same vnto those that hate thee and rebell against thee with euery of them euen to their face whose will is the iust and soueraigne cause of all that is done in heauen and in earth whose counsailes are vnsearchable and iudgements most profound and admirable O Father and gouernor of all things thou hast euen from the beginning of thy vnspeakable good nesse framed man and reclothed him with such an excellency as did
thy grace but because my ignorance and imperfections doe carrie mee far from such wisdome and fulfilling of righteousnesse beeing a poore sinner weake in faith slowe in hope colde in charitie and polluted with many offences that make mee worthie of death and of hell I beseech thee my God in thy fatherly loue to bear with these my defects and to forgiue mee my trespasses in the name of thy Sonne our Mediator and Sauiour accepting his sacrifice as a full satisfaction for my sinnes and imputing vnto mee his righteousnesse to life euerlasting Yea and to the same end also vouchsafe to encrease in my soule the giftes of thy Spirite so as I may from better to better prosecute my life in the path of thine elect being through thy power freed from the temptations of the Diuell the worlde and my owne flesh and by thy blessing preserued from the dangers and miseries of this poore life alwayes notwithstanding content with whatsoeuer it shall please thee to bestow on me Sith thou art my Father I cannot but expect a happy end of all my estates hauing alredy receued of thy mercy the assured pledge of saluation forgiuenesse of sinnes But Lord graunt especially that this thy grace in Iesus Christ may be vnto mee a comforte and light all the dayes of my life especiallie in the darkenesse of my death to retaine and holde me fast in the hope of my saluation that with a liuelie faith at my last gaspe I may speake these words of my Sauior vpon the crosse Into thy handes O Father I commend my spirite whereby my soule also inwardly may heare the same Christ saying vnto mee as vnto the poore penitent theefe Sonne reioyce this day thou shalt be with me in Paradice so that full of peace by the effects of thy spirit I may cheerfully leaue my body to the earth assured of the resurrection and that my soule may by the angels be guided to the rest of the blessed and vouchsafe O Lord to do the like fauor to all men euen as I craue these thinges in the prayer which thy Sonne hath taught me Our father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this daie our dayly bread and forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the Kingdome the power and the glory world without end Amen Likewise my God encrease in me faith working euerie good worke and giue me grace constantly to perseuere and therof to make confession euen to my last gaspe saying I beleeue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his only Sonne our Lord who was conceiued by the holie Ghost borne of the Virgin Marie suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buried hee descended into hell the third day hee rose againe from the dead he ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almightie From thence hee shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the Holy-Ghost the holy Catholike Church The communion of Saints the forgiuenesse of sinnes The resurrection of the flesh and the life euerlasting This is my faith O Lord wherin I will liue and die as also in the obseruation of thy holy commandements comprized in these two That wee loue thee with all our hart with all our soule with all our strength and with all our thoughtes and our neighbours as our selues Thus thy grace O my God and Father be with me and thy blessing vpon all the workes of my hands So be it The two and twentieth Prayer Among the Family At noone at night in the morning will I crie vnto God and the Eternal shall deliuer me I wil make a noise and hee shall heare my voyce saide Dauid and Daniel kneeled down three times a day in his house prayed vnto and magnified his God Psal 55. 18. Dan. 6. Our help and beginning be in the name of God O LORD our GOD and our Father onelie great in glorie of infinit power It hath pleased thee so far forth to honour men poore Wormes of the Earth that they may in ful confidence in thy loue and bountie present themselues before thy face to magnifie thy name to talke of thy beneficence and to craue thy mercy Wee humblie beseech thee therfore by thy spirit to dispose of our souls our hearts and our lips to glorifie thee and so to call vppon thee that our vowes may be acceptable vnto thee and our prayers heard wee confesse our selues in thy presence to bee so great sinners that our vnworthinesse will not suffer vs to look vp vnto heauen without feare that thou shouldest in thy iust wrath thunder vpon vs neither can wee cast our eyes vpon the earth but we shall see as it were hel open for the reward of our wickednesse for we are not only as the children of Adam conceiued and borne in sinne worthy of thy curse but also by our owne faults lusts vncleanenesse bad thoughtes and wicked works whereinto throgh our corruption and frailtie wee doe daily fall which also in our consciences are so many witnesses to condemne vs and as it were heraultes that doe denounce vnto vs death and hel But O Lord thy mercies do infinitely exceede our malice and thy eternall compassions are vppon sinners that conuert and turne vnto thee Thou art that pittifull Father that gladly receiued his prodigall and vnthriftie Son That louing shepheard that carefully seeketh the lost sheepe that charitable phisition that freely commeth to the sicke to cure them Wee therefore the children of thy loue the sheepe of thy folde and the poore in spirit doe most humbly beseech thee in the name of thy welbeloued Sonne our mediator Iesus Christ to vouchsafe to take away all our calamities in pardoning our sinnes because thou hast giuen vs this great Sauiour in the worlde to the end that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue life euerlasting We are baptized in his name wee haue receiued his gospell and he giueth vs his body in thy church for spirituall foode that we may liue in him and of him for euer blessed Giue vs grace therefore O our God with a true and liuely faith vphelde by hope and doing euery good worke to apprehend to the glorie of thy name and the peace of our soules these great benefits that are purchased for vs in the death and passion of the same our redeemer that wee may incessantly yeelde praysings vnto thee and liue in holinesse according to thy worde For the performance hereof vouchsafe to encrease the giftes of thy spirit in our hearts whereby the desires of the flesh and vanities of the worlde may bee mortified and the pure fire of thy loue so kindled that we may loue honour and serue thee with all our soules with all our
To the honourable and most vertuous Mistrisse Francis Smith I Doe heere offer vp vnto your vertue which dooth yet make you more worthy then the worth of your most Honourable birth these vn-Frenched Prayers which the religious zeale of that reuerend man Beza of Geneua hath in his priuate Exercises povvred out vnto GOD. To commend their excellencie vnto you by my iudgement were to commend them to little and therefore let your owne iudgement as it can best conceiue their worth and your godly deuotion in making vse of them supplie whatsoeuer want of grace is come vnto them by my changing theyr language in the weight and life which your vtterance shal giue them To none could they be addressed by mee so fitly both in respect of your vertue prone to affect such religious exercises and for the respect seruice I owe your woorthie Husband whose fauour towardes me doth iustly challenge a most grateful acknowlegement And therfore if you will be pleased graciously to receiue these Prayers at my hands you shall adde to their number this one That God to whom they are sent will both heere on Earth in Heauen blesse you with vnspeakeable felicity At your commandement most humbly I. B. A Table of the Praiers contained in this Booke 1 A prayer vppon the Lordes prayer 2 A prayer vppon the Beliefe 3 A prayer vppon the tenne Commaundements 4 A prayer to one only God in Trinitie of persons 5 A prayer to knowe God in Iesus Christ 6 A prayer for obtaining of the gift of the Holyghost 7 A prayer to God for the light of his word 8 A prayer that wee may not depart from the holy Church 9 A prayer to obtaine the efficacie of holie Baptisme 10 A prayer for the Communion of the holie Eucharist 11 A prayer to giue thanks after the Communion 12 A praier to obtaine the gift of Faith 13 A prayer to obtaine the vertue of Hope 14 A prayer to obtaine the virtue of Charitie 15 A praier for the wel vsing of afflictions 16 A praier to obtaine the virtue of patience 17 A praier for the wel vsing of mans life 18 A praier vpon temporall death 19 A prayer vpon heauenly life 20 A prayer vppon eternall death 21 A morning prayer 22 A prayer among a Family 23 A Prayer beefore meate 24 A Prayer to giue thanks after meate 25 An euening praier among a family 26 A Prayer for him that suffreth much by sickenesse 27 A prayer in the Visitation of the sicke 28 A prayer for him that feeleth him selfe to be neere death The end of the Table To al Christians zealous in holy Prayers Luke 21. The Kingdome of God is at hand watch therfore praying at all times IF wee are indued with the true knowlege of our estate and condition as also the efficacie of holy prayers wee shoulde not neede to be aduertised often to present our selues before God to offer vnto him our vowes and to beseech his fatherly loue or dilection for guiding vs by his good spirit vnto the light of his trueth to encrease in our heartes faith loue constancie humilitie and other his heauenly giftes to forgiue vs our debts to mortifie the corruptions of our nature to clothe vs with his spirituall armour against the assaults of the diuel the world the flesh to prouide for our necessities to preserue vs from infinite dangers which compasse vs round about to be short to graunt vs his holie spirite to guide the whole course of our life to the glorie of his name and the peace and saluation of our owne soules For he who hath not a feeling of the great want of all these graces or blessings and consequently the necessitie of praiers vnto God for obtaining the same knoweth not himselfe but is senslesse and voyd of all feeling By prayer wee blesse God for his goodnesse power wisedome iustice and mercy towardes vs because of our prayers he blesseth vs in doing vs good and distributing his benefites amongest vs it is vnto vs as the soule of our soules for that prayer quickeneth our affections and lifteth vppe our heartes vnto heauen which otherwise wold be dead in sinnes and trespasses by following the vanities of this wicked world Prayer is as it were the key which openeth vnto vs the treasury of our heauenly Father as faith is the hand laying holde vpon those sure and permanent possessions of eternall life the desire whereof should cause vs continually to pray vnto and feruently to loue God Prayer maketh that in the miseries of this life wee comfort our selues by looking for the benefites of the kingdome of God Prayer refresheth vs through the remembrance of his gracious promises which confirme vs in the same and of the blessings already receiued at his hands which moue vs in our necessities to hope for the like and wait for it with al patience It augmenteth in vs a desire to be conioyned with him throgh our Lorde Iesus Christ in whome all our good doth consist It cheereth vs in those workes which the holy ghost worketh in vs by vs yeelding a sweet smell to our souls and is moreouer vnto vs as a strong Tower and most assured fortresse against all that might astonish vs in this our earthly habitation yea which is more prayer doth somtimes stand vs insteede to obtaine of Almighty God most euident testimonies of his glorie in matters supernaturall which our reason should iudge impossible as it befell vnto Moses praying for the victory of the Israelites against the Amalekites to Ioshuah when at his praier the course of the Sunne was stayed to Elias bringing fire down from heauen and to Ezechias restored to helth after sentence given of his death not that wee should simply attribute so great and profitable effects to the woorke of prayer but to the goodnesse loue power and counsell of God who worketh so and by such meanes as hee pleaseth in his creatures and of his free mercie crowneth the prayers of his elect with rewardes and with grace for grace These therefore are the fruits and benefites we are to looke for from our good god and father when reposing our selues vpon his loue in Christ and with humble and penitent hearts wee doe prostrate our selues before his face to sanctifie his name crauing his mercie and beseeching him to blesse vs teach and guide vs as his children to beleeue his word euen as he whom we cal vpon doth desire our good bicause he loueth vs may giue vnto vs that we aske because he is almighty and is willing to heare vs for his Sonnes sake because hee hath so promised But it is also most true that acording to his wisdome he knoweth the time and conuenient meanes to let vs fully enioy the efficacie of our praiers Let vs perseuer only asking those things which are to his glorie and hee will not faile to helpe vs in all our necessities Wee are moreouer to note that it is not the sound of the
for our sinnes according to the scriptures and that hee was buried that he rose againe the third day O Lord God gouernour of the whol world immortall invisible and onely wise for whose glory al things are It hath pleased thee according to the decree of thy vnserchable counsel that man formed after thy image falling through mistrust and curiositie should by faith be restored to the excellency of his nature as he sought knowledge aboue thy commaundement and so strayed from thee and wandred out of thy kingdome so he should be revnited and reduced into the path of saluation by beleeuing thy onely word in the promised Messias bending the power of his soule to the knowledge of thee in embracing the preaching of the crosse which the world would accompt folly But because we al are borne blind corrupt in our vnderstanding and wil it therfore followeth that all the imaginations and thoughts of our hearts are at all times nothing but euill our knowledge but vanitie our learning but ignorance our iudgment but errour our virtue but pride our wisedome but folly the viuacitie of our spirit but the instrument of ruine our delight but filthinesse our faith but incredulitie our hope but fancie our charitie but coldnes to be briefe our pietie but hipocrisie or superstition and our righteousnesse but couetousnesse or ambition So O Lorde we of our selues are not capable somuch as of any good thought vntill thou that knowest how to drawe light out of darkenesse doest returne to recreate'vs and by thy spirit to shine in the firmament of our soules to the end to frame vs to euery faithfull disposition and obedience and so to make vs beleeue in the gospell of thy grace and in the mysteries of our saluation I doe therefore beseech thee my God according to the'fficacy of thy vertue to change in me all that I haue of my selfe euen my rockie and stony heart and to make it pliable and flexible vnto the voice of my Redeemer who is come according to thy promise to the end that with a ful and liuely faith I may cleaue to his eternall truth for to comprehend according to the measure of the gift of thy grace the summe and perfection of al spirituall wisedome which is taught vs in the articles of the true faith and sound principles of religion Surely my soule is ouermuch enclined to incredulity and mistrust neither is it any way able to pierce into these high and profound secrets of pietie where we haue a full declaration of all the figures and prophesies of the Lawe with a most pure and perfite doctrine of foure pointes which are the end of all religion and in regard whereof it is called Catholike For we find thee there thou only and true God the Father authour and gouernour of all things by thy almightie power goodnesse and prouidence Next is our Lord Iesus Christ thy word and eternall wisedome therein taught vnto vs together with the holy history of our redemption Thirdly wee there find the Holy-ghost the infinite vertue of thee the father and of the sonne three persons of one sole and simple essence and in equality of glory And finally therein is shewed vnto vs the Church with a description of these celestiall graces which thou pourest vpon her whereof the forgiuenesse of sins is the summe and life euerlasting the onely scope Giue therefore vnto me O merciful father of this thy spirit of reuelation of grace and of mercy to the end that the brightnesse and operation therof may make my soule capable of these great mysteries of thy Kingdome so farre forth as may be expedient for me to know for the seruice of thy glory and my owne saluation that I may obtaine the onely true and sound knowledge whose subiect and end is the onely true solide soueraign good both of men and angells namely to know thee to glorifie thee and him whome thou hast sent the Sauiour of the worlde So that with my hart I do belieue before thee and before al men I do with my words and workes confesse this acceptable message of the Messias come borne in the Cittie of DAVID which is CHRIST the lord God manifested in the flesh iustified in the spirit seene of the Angelles preached to the Gentiles beleeued by the elect and exalted into glory for our righteousnesse holinesse and glorification And further also O Almightie Lord print in my heart the feeling knowlege of this thy vnspeakable goodnesse and loue extended vnto vs miserable sinners in that thou hast giuen vnto vs in sacrifice thy only Sonne sauing vs by the onely merits of his death to the end that as the efficacie of thy loue hath redounded vnto mee wretched creature so I may also sufficiently meditate vppon thy great mercie incessantly yeelde thankes vnto thee and feele thy eternall consolation vntil that I departing in peace towardes thee my Father which art in Heauen may obtaine full knowledge of those things that thou hast giuen me to belieue and in the perfect contemplation of the same the soueraigne good of Angells and Saints So be it The third Praier Vpon the Decalogue or ten Commaundements God spake all these words saying Heare O Israel I am the Lord thy god that hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt out of the house of bondage Thou shalt haue none other Gods before me c. Exod. 20. O Lord GOD Almightie the Author of all righteousnesse and perfection of life Yea euen thou that arte essentially Iustice perfection and life I doe truly know that man created righteous perfect and by cleauing to thee blessed but free and mutable hath through sin turned from thee plunging himselfe headlong into the sinke of vnrighteousnesse imperfection and death The which hath depriued him of all power to obey the Law and consequently beereaued him of the reward of eternall blessednesse And albeit of especiall grace thou doost call vs by the Gospel to the free righteousnes of Christ to the end that beleeuing in him wee might confesse him for the obtayning of saluation Yet are we neuerthelesse so much inclined to distrust corruption and disorder that hardly we are entred into the waie of his vocation but we retyre immediatly straying out of that course which might purchase vnto vs the prize and so through our workes denie our faith and our profession Now as the first principal manner of thy honour O onely true GOD consisteth in beleeuing reposing our whole confidence in thee alone so the second and inseperable from true faith resteth in obedience to thy holy and good will For we must be doers of that which thy holie worde teacheth vs and not hearers only deceiuing our selues Thou hast chosen and adopted vs to be thy Children but it is vpon this condition that wee should be reformed to the Image of Iesus Christ the first borne inheritour of all things Thou hast chosen vs to be his Temple now his habitation
Disciples spake vnto them saying All power is giuen vnto me both in heauen in earth Goe yee therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy-ghost and teaching them to obserue all that I haue commaunded you Mat. 28. O Eternall God only good wise thou hast vouchsafed by thy Sonne that great prophet to teach vs that whosoeuer is not borne of water and the spirite cannot enter into thy kingdome and that flesh and blood are not capable of the sight of thy glorie Thou O Lord art essentially holinesse and righteousnes How then can vncleanenesse and iniustice approach neere vnto thee So it is that wee are by our nature corrupted and by sinne polluted wherby the Sentence of death both first and second hath ouertaken all men howbeit of thy infinite mercy thou hast vouchsafed to saue from a gulph of miseries those that in thy vnsearchable counsaile are predestinate to life redeeming them from hell and making them to bee borne againe in Iesus Christ thy eternall woorde by the which thou haddest first giuen them beeing And these are they that are borne of water and the spirit into thy church through the efficacie of the sacred mysteries of thy grace specially of holie Baptisme that being clothed anew in the nature and righteousnes of Christ their Sauiour they may become new creatures pure and pretious before thee Nowe through thy great mercy O my God I haue in thy holy Temple receiued this sacred pledge of thy couenant and of our new birth in thy name and in the name of thy Sonne and of the Holy-ghost according to thy ordinance as it hath pleased thee in the renewing of thy Church by the preaching of the Gospel to manifest thy selfe farre more cleerely in three persons of thy deitie then vnder the figures and shadowes of the Law For in Christ replenished with grace and trueth thou hast made thy selfe visible who hath reuealed himselfe and the Holy Ghost also by plentifully spreading the beames of his glory vpon vs through the brightnesse of his works altogether diuine and miraculous Wee cannot so much as apprehend the vertue and efficacy of the sacrament of baptisme vnlesse wee begin by the meditation of thy free mercie in thy Sonne and so doe proceede in the contemplation of him performing his office euen so farre forth as to die for vs and with him wee doe conioyne the Holy-Ghost through whome Christ dooth wash vs in his blood regenerateth vs and maketh vs partakers of all his benefits This O Lord I knowe by thy word that like as the sacrament of baptisme is vnto mee a certaine earnest penie of my saluation so must it in my own conscience and before men be vnto mee a perpetuall testimonie of my faith and of my hope So onely dooth this sacrament obtaine his perfection and fulnes namely when that shadowed in the washing of my body with the signe of water is effectually wrought within my soule throughout the whole course of my life For in like manner was the shadow of the couenant fulfilled in cutting awaie the fore-skinne from the Children of Israel when by the circumcision of their harts they became carefull to walke in the statutes of Gods Lawe I beseech thee therefore O my God as I carrie in my forehead the holy marke of Christians so vouchsafe with thy finger to graue in my hart this diuine Character to the ende that I may euermore beare and bring forth such fruite and effects as may be acceptable in thy sight and profitable to my selfe that as my Lord Iesus by his spirite working in mee washeth away my sinnes and regenerateth my soule so I may likewise by the efficacie of his owne vertue and receiuing from him grace perseuere in the faith of my Baptisme readie to euery good worke And that as I was baptised into his death so likewise to be buried with him by being dead vnto sin so that I may bee grafted with him to the similitude of his resurrection in glory liuing no longer to sinne but to righteousnes whereby thy name O eternall God may be sanctified and I crowned in my latter day with the crowne of immortalitie amongest the company of thy blessed ones So be it The tenth Prayer ¶ For the Communion in the holy Eucharist Iesus tooke bread and when he had giuen thanks he brake it and gaue it to his disciples and said Take eate this is my body Then taking the cup and giuing thankes hee gaue it them saying Drinke yee all for this is my blood the blood of the Newe Testament which is shed for many to the remission of sinnes Ma. 26. ALmightie euerlasting god according to thy loue and infinite goodnesse it hath plesaed thee that not onely to redeeme vs from sinne from death and from hell and in all points to make vs blessed thy onely sonne the brightnesse and fulnesse of thy glory should take vpon him humane flesh and after hee had taught vs the way to heauen should die vppon the crosse for the accomplishment of his office but also that this great benefite might still bee present to our perpetuall comfort and for the encrease and support of our faith that his body risen againe in glory for our righteousnesse and perfection ascended into heauen and sitting at thy right hand should also bee communicated vnto vs here beneath in thy Church in the mystery of the Eucharist to bee our foode and nourishment vnto holy and eternall life Thus is there sealed in our hearts that promise that hee hath made vnto vs in the gospel that hee will at all times make vs partakers of his flesh and of his blood and in this Communion giue vnto vs the true and sound foode of our soules that in him who is the liuing bread discended from heauen wee may obtaine our peace and felicitie O mightie prouidence of the Lord who called vs to communicate in his body before his death to the end to shew vs that by death he should not be destroyed and that he would neuer leaue his Church O what a refreshing is this in this our earthly pilgrimage and what a delicious banquet in the bread and wine consecrated by the word of Christ to eate his glorious flesh and to drinke his precious blood when by faith in his promises and by the vertue of his holy spirit hauing our hearts cleansed and lifted vp on high his life together with all his graces and blessings is made ours O infinite blessed is that flocke that hath so liberal a shepheard that will norish it with his bloud to the end it may liue in him and of him free from all languishing and miserie O what a comfort is it in this vally of teares to finde meanes to feede vpon such food as will not perish but reioyce all our sences and make vs to liue eternally For so and with such efficacie O Lord doe wee communicate in the bodie
iustified by faith Abraham beleeued in God and it was imputed to him for righteousnesse Yee all are the children of God by the faith that is in Iesus Christ Galath 3. Rom. 4. ALmightie and eternal god it hath pleased thee in thy vnsearchable counsaile for a time to giue vnto men the Lawe to the end to guide them to IESVS Christ vnder a schoolehouse of figures and shadows euen those whom thou of thy grace hast called into the faith of this promised Sauior to obtaine in him their iustification and saluation And when in the fulnesse of time hee appeared vnto vs clothed in our nature for the accomplishing of thy great and precious promises this iustification of thy elect was fully reuealed made ours by beleefe in his Gospel But O Lord thou doost well know and euery man in himselfefeeleth the incredulitie and weaknes of man who being but earth and flesh cannot climbe vp into heauen and to the spirit of life so to confesse and apprehend these deepe mysteries of thy loue And indeed it is an ancient and common complaint of thy Prophets and Apostles who manie times haue said as much O Lord who hath belieued our preaching Also there be so many impostures in the worlde so many dreames so many inuentions yea which is more so many assaults so many snares and so ordinary miseries that shake the best To bee briefe so great is the vanitie ignorance and infirmitie of our nature that if thou O most mercifull God workest not that in vs which thou commaundest vs to doe if thou doost not teach vs that vvee may knowe if thou doost not conuert vs that wee may cleaue to thy worde if thou dost not giue vs to thy Sonne that hee may keepe vs thine if hee bring vs not cloathed in his righteousnesse to the throne of thy grace and if thy spirite leadeth vs not in the paths of thy Kingdome holding vs fast in the effects of his gifts vppon the way of thy trueth wee cannot harken to this voyce of the shepheard of our soules neither in our harts conceiue such and so liuely a Faith that all vncertainty might be banished and the same sealed with his owne efficacie much lesse can we feele the peace and ioy that true faith bringeth with it For that cause O Lord in thy loue hast thou promised to poure vpon thy children and seruants this spirite of thy strength light mercy and perfection to forme in their heartes this thy singular gift which vnto vs is a subsistance of the things that wee hope for and a demonstration of those that wee see not By this so holy and necessarie an ornament of the faithfull wee doe in all assurance crie vnto thee Abba Father and in our consciences feele that wee are at peace with thy maiesty throgh Christ beeing iustified in his blood that wee may liue religiously and holily according to his worde I doe therefore beseech thee my GOD to accomplish in my soule these great effects of thy loue newe cloathing me with the light and vertue of thy holie spirit that after the measure of the gift thereof I may be able with a true and liuely faith to penetrate into the secret of my calling and to that end vouchsafe so to augment in mee this faith that by the degrees of the perfection thereof it may appeare in all her fruites causing mee to worship inuocate and serue thee according as thou commandest that my vnderstanding may be withdrawne from the seduction of errour and my wil from carnal concupiscence also that my hart may infinitely bee comforted with the feeling of this that by christ I am reconciled to thee to holinesse of life and eternal beatitude so that dayly encreasing in this all spiritual vertue I may attaine to some portion of thy Soueraigne wisedome and perfect righteousnesse to the ende that when my soule shall forsake this fleshly habitation the same faith may be as wings to transport it into thy bosome to the celestial rest of the Angels and Saints there to possesse the fulnes of her peace and of all ioy So be it The thirteenth Prayer To demaund the vertue of hope God by his great mercy hath regenerated vs to a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead To the end that being iustified by his grace we should be made heires according to the hope of eternall life which hope maketh vs not ashamed 1 Pet. 1. Tim. 3. Rom. 5. O GOD all good and wise it hath pleased thee by certaine meanes proceedings to work in thy elect regeneration necessary for their saluation whereby they do in themselues feele the old Adam to die with his lusts and the newe man to encrease in the desires of righteousnesse when the Holi-ghost euen this day plucketh out of their hearts vice and insteade thereof planteth vertue making it to bring forth fruite furthering therby daily the rooting out of sin and encrease of the gifts of thy grace I beseech thee O Lorde that as it hath pleased thee freely to iustifie me by the singular gift of faith in our Sauiour Iesus Christ granting me peace with thy Maiestie through his sacrifice so thou wouldst vouchsafe to illuminate the eyes of my soule as to make mee knowe to the sanctification of thy name what the hope of those is whome thou hast called to the incorruptible inheritance of thy glorie Graunt my God that my thoughts may be replenished and contented with this stedfast hope in thy loue which thou offerest vnto vs in the gospel with this holie desire I say supported with an assured expectation one day and for euer to obtaine the celestial riches which thou hast graunted mee to beleeue which no eie hath seen no eare hath heard nor no vnderstanding hath comprehended namely that I may be able to behold thy countenance and liue to participate without ende thy kingdome aboue to enioy there the societie of the angels to be there a fellow heire with the glorified spirits Finaly there to bee fully vnited vnto Christ by him to thee O Father the fountaine of eternal life and so to possesse the soueraigne good eternaly Let this holie meditation and the hope to enioy that full and perfect contentment so occupy my senses that it may be my thought my pleasure my labour my habitation and my most ordinary vacation Also that all the cares of the world and the affections of my flesh which might diuert mee from so christian a resolution may giue place to this spiritual vertue the anker wher of resteth in heauen that it may lodge wholy and for euer in the secret of my heart sith it is verie true that it will yeeld as certainely his solide and sole good in fulnesse of time as if already I did possesse it vniting mee vnto thee O Lord by the holy misteries of thy grace Also thou art the beginning and the ende of our hope of eternall life because thy loue is powred vpon vs by
after follow them into heauen whereby I shall therefore bee the rather mooued to giue thee thankes for the time that thy goodnesse hath giuen mee to enioy their presence to the comfort of my life and not as it were by a certaine kinde of ingratitude towards both thee and them mourne for their ioy and felicitie In all other forrowes and griefes that should lesse trouble vs giue me grace my Lord that I be not mooued to bitternesse or anger but that with a quiet minde I may beare al and tread vnder feete the thornes of my life as being assured in the end to finde both the costs and reward To the same end also touch my heart earnestly with the feeling of thy benefits namely of those which thou hast liberally granted vs for the necessities of this life lest as an ingrateful wretch I should forget them after the maner of carnall men that are neuer content with thy benefites but doe enioy them without any acknowledgement and which is more are ready to complain if they haue not all their vanities at a wish yea which is worst of all when they haue often eaten at the table of thy Sonne doe lift vp their heele against him wherein they are worse then beasts that doe acknowledge those that feede and dresse them and doe humble themselues in their presence O most mightie GOD deliuer mee from the counsell of these wicked ones and hypocrites and let mee not sit vpon the seate of these scorners with whom godlinesse is folly and the equitie of thy law but a sporte But whether I walke or stand stil whether I do or suffer grant O Lord that I may alwaies walke as in thy presence to the glory of thy holy name and that my soule may take counsaile and be satisfied in thy righteousnesse whilst in all patience I waite for my deliuerance from all paine and the perfection of my felicity at my departure from this carnall habitation when according to thy promise I shall be receiued into thy kingdome in the company of the Angels Saints there to behold thy glory eternally So be it The seuenteenth Praier For the good vsage of mans life Thus sayeth the Lord let not the wiseman boast of his wisedome neither the strong man of his strength neither the rich man of his riches but let him that boasteth doe it because hee hath vnderstanding and knoweth me that I am the Lorde who shewe mercie iudgement and iustice vpon the earth Ieremie 9. O Lord great wonderfull in thy works thou in thy wisedome hast made and ordained them all wherevpon the heauens without speaking do declare thy glory and the earth is full of thy riches But especially vppon man hast thou powred forth thy most aboundaunt treasures in that thou hast created him to thy likenesse excellent in all good things and established him the possesser of the world Lord of all other creatures the mirror of thy wisedome the beames of thy light the pattern of thy goodnes and the most noble instrument of the sanctification of thy name therfore hast thou endued man with an immortal spirit capable of reason to the end I say that in beholding here beneath the exquisite workes of thy handes and vsing them without interruption hee might knowe loue feare and honour thee as his father and benefactor Yea cleaue vnto thee for euer vsing his lif according to the principall end thereof True it is that by originall sinne wee are all fallen from the most singular qualities necessarie for the holding of our right course to so great felicitie Yet haue we not so put them off as to rest altogether naked for all that is re-established in vs and in a farre better condition by thy grace in our Lord Iesus Christ who cloatheth vs anewe with the newe man in a quickening spirite and furnisheth vs with his light to the end that in the serious meditation of thy visible workes in the right vse of the benefites which wee taste therin we might apprehend the celestial inuisible things and acknowledge thee the authour and persection of all that is That is how the heauens appearing to our eyes and the greatnesse and the beautie and the motions therof in so many sorts so wel ordered so profitable do make vs with our inteligence to penetrate euen vnto thee the admirable creator of all things and in the excellencie of the same to meditate vpon the height and depth of thy excellency to the end to sing vnto thee Psalms of thanksgiuing and in the selfe same to finde rest and comforte for our souls Also wheras the sunne lighteth and warmeth vs the day reioyceth vs the aire quikneth vs the earth feedeth vs the water moysteth vs and the night ministers to vs rest from our labours and which is more O Father of all the world whereas thou maintainest orders and gouernments that thou pullest down the prowd and exaltest the humble that thou extendest thy punishments vppon the earth and the inhabitants thereof that thou visitest them with mercy exercising thy iudgements vpon small families as well as vpon great Monarchies according as there is nothing in nature that taketh place more or lesse in respect of thy infinite glory surely in all these things O inuisible GOD thou makest thy selfe to bee seene and giuest vs cause to sing to thy name with a most excellent inducement to passe ouer our life soberly But if wee turne vnto our selues to consider our owne nature especially the faculties of the soule and the reason thereof which directeth the body and giueth diuerse vertues to all the senses and that we represent to our selues the admirable coniunction of the immortall essence with the mortall Indeed ruminating these workes of thy hands and vnable to comprehend the causes and secrets of the same wee yeeld our selues ouercome that we may preach forth the victory of thy soueraigne wisedome and say with the Prophet Thy knowledge is too maruelous for vs and so high that we cannot approch thereto But if proceeding beyond this Booke of Nature wee come to reade in the Booke of the Lambe slaine for our ransome and to see and meditate vpon the husbandrie of thy sheepefold and the aboundance of celestiall blessings in the same O Lord what height and depth of wisedome of charitie of mercy of iustice is in the same O the greatnesse of ioy and peace to the illuminate hearts that can penetrate into all these diuine mysteries when we come to thy church to learne thy law to heare the gospel to worship and call vpon thee and to sound forth thy praise wee are as it were in the sanctuary of thy kingdome and before thy face among the Angels to contemplate and celebrate thy glory Also when wee doe communicate in the sacred signes of thy couenant we see wee touch we taste with our eyes with our hands with the pallat of our soules the water of washing regeneration and the bread of life the foode
thee towards this great God who being pittifull doeth see and heare thee in thy sufferings who vnder his hand holdeth both the disease the cure the paine and the rest life and death to make the one as profitable and heathfull vnto thee as the other Then will I say with a contrite heart yet full of confidence I haue sinned against thee O my God I haue grieuously offended thee I deserue to be throughly chastized and the diuells that I doe endure are farre lesse then my offences which onely death and hell are able to counterprise But thy grace and compassion greater then my sinnes are eternall vpon all those whom thou hast washed fructified and iustified in thy welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ of which number I doe belieue I am and that in him and for his sake thou wilt make me blessed forgiue mee my debts in his name and ease me of my anguish wherein I remaine without strength I beseech thee from the botome of my thoughts in the bitternes of my hart and with the words of Dauid O eternall God heare my prayer petition let nothing hinder my crie for comming vnto thee hide not thy face from me bend downe thine eare vnto me in the day of my trouble make haste and deliuer me in the day that I call vpon thee for my dayes are vanished like smoake and my bones are dried like chaf my heart hath bin smitten and withered like the grasse that I haue forgotten to eate my bread O Lord all my desire is before thee comfort the soule of thy seruant shall any man tell of thy mercies in the sepulchre or thy faithfulnesse in the graue Thus then O mercifull God bearing my self in thy chastisements I will in all patience waite for the seasonable succour of thy hand as being well assured that while it is in comming thou wilt not suffer thy spirit of consolation to forsake mee in the middest of my tribulation that my present heauinesse shall be vnto mee the watch of some ioy at hand and that at all aduentures the last of my sorrowefull dayes shall be the first of my rest in eternall life And therefore I will againe say with the Apostle Behold I am here deale with me at thy pleasure and with thy seruant Iob Albeit God should slay me yet will I trust in him and reprooue my wayes in his presence with Saint Agustine O Lord smite here cutte here burne here so that thou doost pardon mee for euer Amen Our Father which art in heauen c. The seauen and twentieth Prayer At the visitation of the sicke Is there any among you sicke let him call the elders of the Church and let them pray for him and annoint him with oyle in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall saue the diseased and the Lord shall raise him vp and if hee haue committed any sinnes they shall bee forgiuen him Iames 5. O LORD our GOD who art all righteousnes goodnesse we knowe that among thy corrections wherewith thou wakenest vs to our duties it pleaseth thee many times to tame our flesh with sundry diseases for thou dost by the pains that we suffer aduertize vs of the cause of our euills which is sinne and of the punishment due to the same namely death whereof the infirmities of the body are the ordinary meanes And also thou doest withall put vs in minde of the great day of thy Iudgement which after death doeth ensue to life euerlasting full of glory and beatitude to the elect and of reproach and torments to the rebrobate But of these things the flesh so long as it feeleth it selfe at ease hath least care to heare Sith therefore it hath pleased thee O iust and mercifull Father with thy rod to visite this poore sicke person here present afflicting him for his offences as himselfe doth with vs confesse we beseech thee that in pardoning him for the loue of thy welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ thou wilt make this chastizement to profit him to his correction so that he may with quiet obedience beare thy visitation submitting himselfe volunrarie with all his heart to thy holy will who strikest him not as a seuere iudge but as a most merciful Father whereby he may learne to repose his whole trust assurance in thy loue as in him that art the author of his lif canst preserue him whither it be to abide below here in thy church or that thou wilt gather him into thy kingdome of heauen Thus Lord on th' one side awakning in his soule by his sickenes on th' other the feeling of humane miseries make him with the eies of his faith to behold the eternall blessings thou reseruest for him in thy Paradice to liue happy for euer so that he may with patience easly digest the bitternesse of that potion that thou hast powred foorth vnto him bending his principall desire to enioy thy presence in heauen But thou knowest O mercifull Father that the spirit of thy children is willing but their flesh is alwayes frayle and full of great mistrust especially in the bitternesse of afflictions Assist therefore this sicke person with the plentie and strength of the giftes of thy spirite that he may ouercome all the enemies of his peace and be thou his shield against the assaults terrors of death especially if his conscience do trouble and accuse him for his inward and hidden sins which are open in thy sight Then let the holy Ghost the perpetuall comforter of all faithfull soules vouchsafe to represent vnto him for his defence the passion and sacrifice of our Lorde Iesus who hath himselfe borne vpon the crosse al our iniquities that so he might absolue and discharge vs before thy iudicial throne according to the infinite merite of his righteousnesse and open the gate of thy Kingdome to all that shall beleeue and be baptized in his name Thus this poore patient being comforted in feeling through a liuely stedfast faith the fruite and vertue of that earnest penie of saluation that Christ hath left vs in his Church namely remission of sinnes for his sake also that this hope which is neuer confounded doth keepe his spirit quiet that he may call vpon thee O Lord and sanctifie thy name euen to his last gaspe neuer fearing the temptations of Sathan of death or of hel as beeing assured that Christ hath ouercome them ledde them in triumph breaking their bonds so that he may in all Christian confidence cry out with thy Apostle O death where is thy sting O hel where is thy victory In this manner O mercifull God let this sicke person be by our prayers commended vnto thee and vouchsafe if it be thy pleasure to restore him to health with encrease of thy graces that he may yet amongest vs serue to thy glory If not but that thou hast otherwise appointed to bring him into thy rest thy will bee done and accepted both by him and vs in
al quiet obedience Receiue him into thy heauenly Hierusalem for hee hath his whole recourse vnto thee by one onelie mediatour Iesus Christ and all his confidence is in thy mercy In steade of bodilie death graunt him the life of his soule amongest thy Angels vntil that by the resurrection of all flesh in the great day of the LORD he may liue a whole man in the contemplation of thy glory And to vs all heere present likewise graunt thy grace that we may as we ought beholde in this myrror the shortnesse and vncertainetie of our dayes that hereafter we may not desire anie thing so much as to employ them carefully to thy honour and seruice For all these thinges doe we pray vnto thee in the name of thy Sonne in that Prayer which himselfe hath taught vs Our father which art in heauen c. The eight and twentieth Prayer For him that feeleth his death at hand Wee knowe that if this earthly tabernacle be destroyed we haue a building giuen of God that is a house not made with hands but eternall in the heauens The body is sowen in corruption it shall rise againe in incorruption 2. Cor. 5. 1. Cor. 15. O GOD my God and FATHER iustly was man thy creature when by sinne he had turned from thee who art the life cast headlong into the curse both of temporall and eternall death for thy Maiestie being infinitely offended ought also in iustice to require a punishment without end which beginneth euen in this life in many miseries and is perpetuated hell whereto death is as it were the gate O Lord The cause of so lamentable a mishap is in our nature But in thee is pittie and compassion O mercifull Father who after thy vnspeakeable goodnesse makest the temporall death which to all men is ineuitable and to the reprobate an entry into hel to change his qualitie concerning the Elect beeing vnto them a ioyfull passage to that happinesse which is in heauen For Iesus Christ thy eternall Son to purchase vs this benefit did put on our flesh and therein healed the wound of sinne by his righteousnesse and by his oblation satisfied for our debt triumphing by his resurrection ouer Death Sathan and Hel for the saluation of those to whome thou giuest grace to belieue in his name Now then my God sith it hath pleased thee of thy great loue thus to accomplish the high mysterie of our redemption I beseeche thee grant mee to feele the fruite and efficacy thereof through the vertue of thy spirit euen to the last gaspe of my life that then I may render to thee my soule in peace For I am baptized in the name of Christ I belieue his holy gospel and am fed with his body and blood in the holy Church True it is O Lord that the remembrance of my sins whereof my conscience doeth accuse mee doeth greatly trouble me for the darkenesse of my vnderstanding hath kept me from knowing thee aright and the corruption of my heart from worshipping thee in spirit and truth according to thy word I haue neglected this pretious treasure euen the voice of my Redeemer and by my slackenesse made the seede therof vnfruitfull in my soule many times preferring the loue of my selfe and the vanities of the world before the loue that I owe vnto thee my Creator and my neighbour for thy sake I haue not affected the crosse of thy Sonne that I might cheerefully carry mine after him in renouncing all my concupiscences neyther haue I applied thy chastizement to an vpright amendment of life I haue beene weake in faith slow in hope cold in charitie vnpatient in tribulation and more stiffe in retaining other mens offences against mee then ready to pardon them what more shal I say my God Also many other sins which I cannot expresse which being euen at this day hidden from mee in my infirmities doe ouerwhelme my soule were it not for the repentance that thou grauntest mee and the trust that I haue in thy mercy through the righteousnesse of my Sauiour Iesus Christ which it pleaseth thee in thy Fatherly loue to make mine I see nothing but matter of dispaire His sacrifice giueth mee peace with thee his blod cleanseth me his obedience absolueth me his woundes doe cure mee In his torments my soule findeth her rest for of all these benefites doe I feele thy promise sealed in my heart by thy spirit which maketh me to crie vnto thee Abba Father and assureth me that thou wilt of thy free mercy in the name of thy Sonne and for his sake giue mee remission of my sinnes and eternal life being illuminated therefore by this celestiall light I doe with the eies of my mind behold the ship that shall carry me ouer from earth to heauen no farther off from the presence of my Redeemer then was that of his Disciples when they rowed against the tempest to whom he said feare not for it is I. For in like maner commeth hee to meete mee to say vnto me Feare not assure thy selfe be constant It is I not the death which thou maist peraduenture feare but hee that hath broken the sting thereof that hath led it in triumph that hath broken the barres and bonds euen in hell and who therefore doeth make thee to ascend from the graue into the Pallace of my glorie Thus my God strengthened by thy grace with Christian hope which is not confounded and couered vnder the buckler of Faith which the darts of the diuell cannot wound I am able with a strong motion to pa●●e in peace from this prison of nature with these last words of Iesus Christ vpon the crosse Into thy hands O LORD I commend my spirit and the same Christ saying vnto me as to the poore theefe that was dying Sonne reioyce this day thou shalt be with me in Paradice FINIS