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A08217 Dicta HN. Documentall sentences eauen-as those-same were spoken-fourth by HN, and writen-vp out of the woordes of his mouth. And are by him perused, and more-distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne. Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579. 1574 (1574) STC 18551; ESTC S119960 50,857 97

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the Sinne ceasseth and to becom borne-anew therout / all vpright Beleeuers receaue ⁏ in the Faith of Christ the euerlasting Life It is very-true The IIII. Chapiter In this Chapiter ⁏ which dependeth on the former doth HN testifie / that euery Beleeuer of the Woorde / shall shewe-fourth the Loue towardes his Neighbour / when hee transgresseth or ouerreacheth himself in any-thing / wherthorough he staggereth and falleth and that they shall not wax-offended one at another / nether ●et haue any euel Conceauing towardes each-other OH / That ●ee all beleeued aright on the gratious Woord and his Seruice of Loue / and through the Ministration of the gratious Woord / sawe rightlie into the a Math. 7. b. small Waye / wher-thorowe yee ought to goe vnto the Life / or are deptours for to passe-thorowe thesame / So could yee not then verelie but be moued with great compassion towardes your Neighbour / which falleth into any Sinne / and not ⁏ in anye-case wax-offended at his Fall / nor at his Frailtie but b Rom. 15. a. Gal. 6. a. 1. Tess. 5. b. beare and haue-sufferaunce with him / and infourme him with all Loue Discreetnes like-as if yee sawe any-man fall into the Water / and had such Compassion and Loue towardes him / that yee would rather fall therin with him eauen vp to the Throte ⁏ for to helpe him therout then that yee should let him perrish For euenso ⁏ to the Preseruation of your Neighbour ought also all your Loue / to be towardes your Neighbour and so to infourme each-other / with Discreetnes / and not to take-●ffence one at an-other of you / much-lesse to blame one-another / or yet to beare Hate or Enuie / or any Euel-conceauing towardes anyman / ether yet to vpbraide him with his Sinnes / or to construe them to the worst / ether to speake of them behinde him but to lay it all downe vnder the Loue / and to couer it with y ● Loue For the Loue ⁏ doubtles c Pro. 10. b. 1. Pet. 4. b. Iam. 5. c. couereth the Multitude of Sinnes 2. Beholde / with such Grace and Discreet-dealing / or with such a beneuolent Heart of Loue ⁏ to your Preseruation / in the Beleef of the Woorde / and to the Couering of your Sinnes are yee all presentlie ⁏ with the gracious Testimonies of the holie Spirit of Loue infourmed by the Lorde / and by the Ministers of his Woord / and also loued to the Righteousnes of the Life 3. Seeing then that yee are loued and infourmed in such-sort / by the Lorde / and by the Ministers of his Woord / to the good Life of the vpright Righteousnes and that y ● Seruice of Loue / doth also require the-like of you all / So ought yee not therfore to imagen or conceaue any Euell ⁏ in This or in That ouer your Neighbour / nor to vpbraide him with any Euell / to d Rom. 2. a. blame nor to slaunder him / nor yet to spread-fourth his Sinnes among each-other / much-les then among y ● Straungers but to couer alwayes y ● Faultes and Weaknes of your Neighbour / so much as yee are able Yet notwithstanding / let eueryone e Pro. 28. b. Eccli 4. 17. confesse his Sinnes ⁏ wherin hee falleth before his Elder in the holie Vnderstanding / and make-manifest before him / all his Dealing and Conuersation and also that the-one do exhort the-other thervnto 4. If yee now see or perceaue / that your Neighbour hath f Gal. 6. a. don-amisse in any-maner of thing or that hee is heerin or therin ⁏ touching that which concerneth the outward or inward Righteousnes weake or infirme / and so sinneth against any Righteousnes and that thesame mought be to his Destruction / or to an Estraunging from the Seruice of Loue his Concorde / So shall yee then warne him therof in stilnes / and with the g Leui. 19. b. Eccli 19. b. Math. 18. b. 1. Pet. 4. b. Loue ⁏ wherwith the Lorde and his Ministers loue you couer his Sinnes / and h Ephe. 4. b. shewe Mercie towardes him and that altogether / to Concorde and Loue among each-other 5. And euen-thus after such a Patron or Example / shall yee haue your conuersation in y e Loue / with each-other / vnto Godlynes and all the Loue and Goodnes which yee wolde should i Leuit. 19. Rom. 13. chaunce / or be shewed vnto you by your Neighbour / that shall yee likewise shewe alwayes towardes your Neighbour 6. BEholde / Such is the Seruice of Loue / which the right Children and Disciples of the Loue of Iesu Christ / vse among each-other For the k 2. Pet. 1. a. Loue dealeth in such-sort with them and euenso deale also the Elders in their Seruice / with the Communialtie of the Famelie of the Loue of Iesu Christ. For if the Elders in the Seruice of the Loue of Iesu Christ / chaunce to perceaue by anyone of the Communialtie / that hee enterprised any-thing / wherby hee mought be in daunger of his Destruction / or which mought happelie cause him to be estraunged from the Way to the good Life / so are they then very sorrowfull for such-aone / and seeke or vse ⁏ through the Testimonies of the holie Spirit of Loue all-maner of Meanes / wherwith they mought so preuent and infourme him / that hee may be preserued from his Destruction and they admonish him so louelie and discreetlie as they are able / or so much as is necessarie for him ther-vnto 7. For they see and perceaue / that if they should let him runne-fourth therin without any warning / and not assist him with reached fourth-hand / that great Infelicitie and Miserie mought then light-vpon him· and the terrible condemnable Beeing catch or fall-ouer him 8. BEholde / eauen-thus with such a Loue / ought wee also to deale and behaue ourselues one towardes another / if wee desire to be right Disciples of the Woorde / and to accomplish the Requiring of the Seruice of Loue. But ⁏ oh alas wee perceaue presentlie / among the most part of People / that this Loue for that the Iniquitie hath euery-wheare gotten the Dominion is by Many / vtterlie l Math. 24. a. waxen-colde For if anyman now see or perceaue anything in his Brother / that hee liueth not ⁏ in all perfectlie / according to his outwarde Eye / so hath hee then a Lothsonnes in him / and taking-offence at him / hee blaspheameth and accuseth him / and maketh his Sinnes or Transgressing manifest / among other-moe / or-els hee seperateth himself from hym 9. But yee ⁏ yee Deerlie-beloued shall not so doo / in the Seruice of the Loue but shall stand redie to helpe your Brother / with all Loue and Resonablenes / and exhort him to Amendment / and take the Burden of his Sinnes vpon you / as your owne Fault or Sinnes and euenso ⁏ for to ridde him out
and thy Woord / so haue I then receaued thesame / of thy Grace namel●● / in the c Rom. 10. c. Hearing Crediting of the Ministration of thy Woord For in Mee ⁏ through my Consenting to the Sinne ther is nothing-els but all Inclination d Gen. 6. a. Rom. 7. b. to the Destruction And if I ⁏ O Lorde remaine standing ⁏ in any Righteousnes by thy Woord / so cometh thesame to mee from thy Grace / and from the Power that thou hast geeuen or brought vnto mee 5. For-that-cause trulie / wee must needes alwayes confesse / that wee cannot bring any Good vnto God / nor-yet serue him with anything / but with That which wee haue receaued of Him and his Grace 6. Thissame acknowledged likewise the kinglie Propheat Dauid and the holy Salomon when-as they presented or offered-vpp their S●●stes or Oblation / before the Lorde / and saide e ● P●● ●● c. O Lorde / All thinges com of thee / and that which wee haue receaued at thyne Handes / that haue wee brought againe vnto thee 7. Euen-thus after thesame maner / must the Man also acknowledg / that all what-euer hee geeueth-ouer to the Lorde or bringeth vnto Him / and serueth him with-all / is the Lord-his Good and that hee bringeth againe vnto y e Lorde / that which hee hath receaued of Him 8. But if now the man thinke otherwise / or that hee account thesame / to be his-owne Woorke / so misseth hee the Right / and looketh vpon his owne Dooing ⁏ wherthrough hee seeketh Praise or Honour and not vpon the Lordes Grace / for to laude and thanke therin the Lorde / for his Guift 9. But a lowlie Man / which acknowledgeth that all that which is good / and don by Hym as good or wel-don / is the Lord-his Good and Weldooing / as the Guift of the Lorde f 1. Cor. 4. b. which hee hath receaued and euenso thanketh the Lorde / for that which is Hys / and ⁏ according to the Requiring of the seruiceable Woord of the Lorde bringeth-againe vnto the Lorde / that which is Hys / Hee knoweth then himself a-right / how g Ap● 3. d. poore that hee is / as also of himself / the Most-feeble or Infirmest and that the Lorde onlie / is all in All. And acknowledgeth euenso ⁏ in the Beleef to haue receaued all Good and h 2. Cor. 4. b. Strength / at the Lordes Handes 10. And euenso in such a Confessing ⁏ that wee are altogether poore and infirme of our-selues will God be gracious vnto vs / and ⁏ with his Guiftes bring his Power vnto vs. And when wee then / cōfesse it all to be the Lordes ⁏ to-wit / that wee haue receaued all that is good / of the Lord / so shall wee then also haue alwayes ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Seruice of Loue compassion towardes another / which staggereth or falleth / or that is not yeat so altogether perfect and euenso i Rom. 15. d. Gal. 6. ● beare-with and suffer one-another / and help-vpp each-other from the Fall 11. When wee now in such-sort / shew-fourth the Loue one towardes another / so shall then also eueryone be moued to thinke in himself Oh ⁏ alas If ther were no Grace nor Loue shewed on mee· nether any Helpe chaunced vnto mee / by the Lord and his Ministers of the Woorde / so should I then doubtles myself / haue still remayned the greatest Sinner / and the Most-weake / among the Children of Men. 12. If wee now doo euen-thus / and deale or behaue ourselues so ⁏ in all Grace and Loue towardes each-other / so geeue wee then the Honour onlie vnto God / and not vnto our-selues And the Euell shall likewise euenso be washed-away· and all Offencifenes cleene rooted-out / from among vs and ther shall be nothing that can 1. Pet. ● b. hinder vs / for to haue our conuersation in all Loue and vpright Righteousnes / one with an-other The XIII Chapiter A groundlie Instruction / how wee should be faithfull / to the Lorde and his gracious Woord also geeue-ouer ourselues whollie therto and ⁏ with faithfull Heartes cleane vnto thesame A Man which loueth the vpright Righteousnes / cannot applye himself vprightlie thervnto / before that hee haue whollie geeuen-ouer himself / to the gracious Woord and his Seruice of Loue / for to be obedient vnto the Woord and is euenso admitte herto / by his Elder in the holie Vnderstanding and Minister of the gracious Woorde / for to becom taught therin 2. And although now all this com thus topasse / or when-as thesame hath in such-sort his Entraunce / so is not the Man then receaued or admitted vnder the gracious Woord of the Lorde / that hee should liue / besides the Doctrine of the Woord / vnto himself or his Goodthinking but that hee should a 2. Cor. 5. b. shewe all Obedience and Faithfulnes / to the Woord / and to the Seruice of his Doctrine or Requiring 3. For when-as the Man is receaued by the gracious Woord / in his Seruice of Loue / for to stand obedient and that hee hath consented thervnto / so hath hee then geeuen-ouer himself and his Fidelitie / to the gracious Woord and to the Seruice of his Requiring / for to doo ⁏ through thesame Woorde and his Seruice the Will of the Lorde 4. For euenso in the Coniunction of the Man to the gracious Woord of the Lorde / and to his Seruice of Loue / the Man entreth into the Testament of the Promises of God the Father and so voweth or promiseth himself / before God and his Holyons / that hee will cleaue onlie to the Woord and his Requiring· shewe faithfull Obedience / out of his whole Heart and Minde· and not seperate himself therfrom for-euer nether-yet also to turne his Heart and Minde ⁏ at any tyme to anything that the Woorde itself is not or requireth / or that is not one with the Woord but to loue thesame with all his Heart like as a faithfull Espowsed-wife promiseth her Husband / not to loue nor addict herself to any other / nor-yet to depart from him / for any maner of cause 5. Verelie / euen so whollie and altogether ought wee also to cleaue vnto the Woord and to the Seruice of his Requiring in such-sort / that y ● Woord and his Requiring / should be y ● Deerlyest-beloued in our Heartes For at that time ⁏ when wee haue turned our Loue so whollie to the Woord and his Requiring ther can no Assaulting indamaige or hinder vs Yea / although ther came an hundred thowsand For wee are so fast-knitt and established with the Loue of our Heart / on the Woord and his Requiring / that they all / are not able to pluck vs from the Woord / nor to make vs consent to any Euell or Vanitie For the Lord the strong God is than our Helper / and b Math. 6. b. Luk. 11.
of his Seruice of Loue / for to bring-fourth the good Frutes b Iohn 15. a. Col. 1. a. of the Woorde And They that doo not / nor-yet will doo or shewe-fourth any such Expressing of Good-willingnes / to the Requiring of the Woord but liue altogether according to y ● Counsell and Will of their c Deut. 12. b. Good-thinking / and turne them away from our Doctrine 4. Whosoeuer then are vtterlye vnwilling to the gracious Woorde and his Seruice of Loue / according to the Doctrine and Ordinaunce of the gracious Woorde and his Seruice of Loue and which will not make-manifest themselues and their whole Heart / Dealing / and Inclination / by the Elders in the Familie of Loue / shewe-fourth no Repentaunce for their Sinnes / nor geeue-ouer / nor-yet will geeue-ouer themselues for to be obedient nether-yet do fauour the gracious Woord in his Seruice of Loue / nor stand to maintaine thesame or which holde not themselues stedfastlie / by the gracious Woorde and the Ministers of thesame but make Breach / and bring-in Discord / With all Those ⁏ although they wist neuer-so-well to talke much of the Woord and of the Loue yee shall not ⁏ as with Fellowe-disciples of y ● Woorde communicate in the Schoole-rule of the christian Ordinaunce of the Familie of Loue Notwithstanding yee maye well exhort them / that they applye themselues to the Obedience of y ● Requiring of the Woorde / and whollie geeue-ouer themselues to the Entra●nce of the Doctrine and Requiring of the Seruice of Loue. 5. For so longe as Those which reade or heare our Writinges / do not humble themselues / for to becom implanted obedientlie into the gracious Woord and the Doctrine of his Requiring / d Rom. 12. ● 1. Cor. 1● c. to Fellowe-members in the Bodie of Iesu Christ. but turne-away themselues therfrom and that also the Entraunce to our Communialtie and Seruice of Loue / taketh-not-effect nor is consented-vnto by them / according to the Requiring of the gracious Woorde / So are These ⁏ although they bring-fourth much Knowledge of the Woord / and set-vp a Doctrine of their owne / according to their Heartes Good-thinking not yeat becom any Disciples nor Subiectes of the Woord / nor-yet any Fellowe-members of the Bodie of Christ nor of his Familie of Loue / nether-yet also any Fellowe-bretheren with vs / in the Testamentes of God and the holie Fathers 6. SEeing then that the gracious Woorde / in his Seruice of Loue / is our e Gen. ● b. Pro. ● b. Tree or Stocke of Life / and that yee ⁏ which haue geeuen-ouer yourselues to the Requiring of the Woorde / and to the Doctrine of his Seruice are implanted to thesame Tree or Stocke / for to bring-fourth ther-out good Frutes of the Life / So are then also in 〈◊〉 all they that are implanted to thesame Tree ⁏ for to bring-fourth ther-out the good Frute● of the Life your Fellowe-braunches f Rom. 11. ● in thesame Tree And not any Other 7. And euenso in that part / yee all which are implanted to the gracious Woord and his Seruice of Loue / for to be obedient / are also y ● vpright Members of the onlie Bodie of Christ and vpright Neighbours with each-other / which stand seruiceable one towardes an-other / to Fruitfulnes of the good Frutes of the vpright Life 8. Whosoeuer now therfore are incorporated into th● gracious Woord of the Life and his Seruice of Loue / to the Fulfilling of the first Schoole-rule of the christian Doctrine / those shall also haue a good Will / to bring-fourth the good g Iohn 15. a. Col. 1. a. Frutes of the Life ther-out / and reioyce them that they finde men seruiceable vnto them therto / and that warne them of the Destruction 9. But verelie / Such as byde without the Entraunce of the first Schoole-rule of y ● christian Doctrine of the Seruice of Loue / and euenso adioyne them in Hypocrisie or Couerednes ⁏ as with Any-seeking of their Self nes / or of their owne Life or Lust vnto the Woord or Seruice of Loue / and so reade or heare the Testimonies and Writinges of the Woorde and then with their Knowledg / runne off and on / from the Woorde and his Seruice / or-els besydes thesame / go-fourth according to their olde corrupted Vnderstanding or Good-thinking / and haue nether Lust nor Will to y ● Requiring of the Woord and his Seruice / Those shall not be exhorted nor instructed any farder / then to the h Heb. 10. d. Entraunce of the first Schoole-rule of y ● gracious Woorde and his Seruice of Loue. That is / to make-manifest their whole Heart by their Elder in the Familie of the Loue of Iesu Christ. to shewe-fourth Repentaunce for i Act. 2. f. their Sinnes and to geeue-ouer themselues obedientlie / to the Doctrine Requiring of the gracious Woorde and his Seruice of Loue and euenso to warne them no farder / but of y e Destructiō / which hangeth ouer Them that byde therwith-out / or turne them away therfrom 10. If they now take thesame Exhortation and Warning to heart / and loue the Godlynes / in the good Life / so shall they then also applye themselues goodwillinglie to y e Entraunce of the k Math. 3. a. Luk. 3. a. Act. 2. f. first School-rule of the Woord / and let them be implanted ⁏ to Obedience into the gracious Woord his Seruice of Loue / for to bring-fourth euenso ther-out / the good Frutes of the Life But if not / so shall they then 〈◊〉 them away therfrom / euenso ⁏ through their Disobedience and Vnwillingnes to the Entraunce of the Sanctificatiō of y e Holyons of God prepare themselues to Vessels of the Wrath of God / and l Math. 25. d. plucke or bring vpon themselues y e Sentence of their Condemnation 11. For they that are so goodthinking-wyse by themselues / that they for-that-cause turne them away from vs 〈◊〉 euenso refuse / to becom implanted with vs / 〈◊〉 the gracious Woorde and his Doctrine / Those-same ⁏ when one requireth them therto do all commonlie turne them away / from the Seruice of the Woorde / and from Those that require of them / the Obedience of the Woord Yea they becom also ⁏ by that meanes farre-worse then before / and are turned-about to Blaspheamers of the Woorde and of the Elders in the Communialtie of the Loue and of m Leui. 10. Num. 16. 2. Tim. 3. ● such take yee good-heede / to th end that yee becom not partakers of their Destruction And if they will not by any-meanes enter ⁏ with you at the right Doore n Iohn 10. ● of the Sheepe-folde of Iesu Christ but chuse them an other Way / to breake-in vnto you / or that they likewise turne them away from vs Elders· and from our Ministration of the Woord and Requiring of the
Glasse in the seruiceable q 1. Cor. 13. b. 2. Cor. 3. b. Iam. 1. c. Woorde of the holie Spirit of Loue. But in the Appeering of his Coming / in godlye Cleernes / it becometh seene of Those to whom thesame appeereth ⁏ in his godlye Cleernes from r 1. Cor. 13. b. Face to Face That is / out of our codeified Minde / into the Minde of the liuing Godhead And That is the true Perfection / which becometh seene and knowen in the Perfection of our inward Manhod / and wherthrough the Loue is made-manifest / and also liued among Men. The Second Chapiter Ther is demaunded / How the Children of Loue or of God● do behaue themselues / and what-maner of Disposition and Nature then are of And thervnto is answered by HN / this Resolution heere-following AS touching this Matier / ther is much found witnessed in the holie a Leuit. 1● Deut. 6. Mark 12. Luk. 10. Rom. 13. Scripture / and it is also cleerlie testified / in the seruiceable Woorde b 4. Spe. ●2 of the holie Spirit of Loue / that the true Children of God / haue a good Disposition and Nature and that they keepe themselues alwayes therin / vprightlie graciouslie and peaceablie / both before God and Man and that they also are altogether inclyned ⁏ before God / and towardes Men for to walke in all Loue / and to shewfourth all Seruiceablenes / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and euenso to couer with the Loue / the c Iam. 5. c. 1. Pet. 4. a. Sinnes of their Neighbour / and to inlardge the Loue ⁏ to all Edifying and Peace in her Seruice For they are / euen from the Youth vpp of their new Birth / exercised in all Weldooing and Loue. for that cause also / they cannot bring-fourth any-thing-els / but all Good and Loue. 2. For the true holie Spirit of Loue ⁏ wherwithall they are sealed leadeth them into all d Iohn 13. 14. 16. 1. Iohn 3. Trueth of the vpright Life and manifesteth euenso in them / the vpright Woo●●es of Loue. And they e 2. Cor. 4. b. beare thesame cosilie Treasure in earthen Vessels / to the Lande and Honour of the almightie God and are euenso of-one-minde with the three godlie Witnesses / that beare-witnes in Heauen 3. Of which three godlie f Iohn 4. Witnesses / the one is the Loue / which is God the Father himself The second Witnes / is the g Iohn 14. 17. Trueth / which is the Woord of God the Father / and IESVS CHRIST himself And the third Witnes / is the holie Spirit of Loue or of God / and of the Trueth of Iesu Christ which is the euerlasting Life / and the Inheritaunce of all spirituall and heauenlie Goods 4. And thatsame euerlasting Life / together with the spirituall and heauenlie Goods / and euerlasting Ioye / becometh reuealed and brought vnto Them that are borne out of God / in the heauenlie Beeing and therthrough / they haue their fellowship with God / the Father / with his Sonne / the Lorde Iesus Christ and with the Holie-gost of Loue / wherout they witnes and declare / the great h Act. 2. Actes of God / and the Saluation of all Men. 5. Those now that knowe thissame / and receaue it in the heauenlie Beeing / their Testimonies are true For they witnes That / which they haue seene in the Godhead / and i 1. Iohn 1. heard in the Heauen And That is the holie Spirit which witnesseth with them for the perfect Godhead / liueth and dwelleth in them 6. For-that-cause also / the Children of Loue or of God / are the true k 1. Cor. 3. b. 2. Cor. 6. c. Heb. 3. a. Temple of the liuing God / wherin God with his Christ and holie Spirit / dwelleth and wherthrough they expresse their good Nature and Beeing / among all Men / euen as ther is saide And in such-sort / the liuing God is their God / and They his l Apo. 21. a. elected People in whose Temple / ther is no Idoll / but alone the liuing God of Israel nether is-ther also any Idolatry-seruice ministred theare but alone the Ministration of Iesu Christ / with the spirituall heauenlie Goods of his holie Spirit of Loue. The Thirde Chapiter A distinct Declaration / how that Hee which beleeueth in Christ / hath the euerlasting life THer is noman that beleeueth rightlie in Christ but Such with whom Christ is remayning or present / or which assemble them to Him and his Doctrine / in his Name / and so becom his Disciples Therfore is all the Faith / that Men ⁏ without the Assembling vnto Iesus Christ and his Doctrine assume or take-on of Christ ⁏ whether it be then out of the Imagination of the Knowledge· out of the Good-thinking of the Heart· or out of the Text or Letter no Faith in Iesu Christ / that extendeth to the Inheritaunce of Christ / in the eternall Life Nether-yet is-ther also anyman / that preacheth or teacheth the Woord or the Doctrine of Christ but Such as haue first ben obedient Disciples of the Woord and of the Doctrine of Iesu Christ. and euenso ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue of Christ are a Math. 13. g. taught to the Kingdom of Heauen and in whom Christ b Gal. 4. c. hath then likewise his Shape 2. For that cause / they all which haue not rightlie beleeued in Iesu Christ / haue missed the eternall Life / as also the liuing Waters / wherof the Scripture maketh-mention / touching the Beleeuers in Christ like-as ther standeth writen Whoso c Iohn 7. c. beleeueth in Mee saith CHRIST as the Scripture saith / from his Bodie shall flowe Riuers of liuing Water Which liuing Waters / serue to the Purging d Ezec. 36. c. of y ● Heart or inward Minde / the which the vnilluminated Scripture-learned and vnsent Preachers / haue neuer out of the Letter ⁏ albeit that they testified thesame / and administred it / according to their Goodthinking obtayned or could attaine vnto For inasmuch as they turned them not about to the e Math. 18. childish Simplicitie / so hath also the f 4. Esdr. 1. c. wicked Nature ؛that Contrary-minde to God remained euer with them 3. But the Woord of the vpright Doctrine of Iesu Christ / that seruiceablie is administred ⁏ speakablie or in Letters out of the Loue / and out of the Light of Life / is trulie the vpright and safe-making Water or Doctrine / to the Purging of the beleeuing and obedient Heartes of thesame Woord For Christ the Sauiour / is present in thesame Seruice 4. For-that-cause thesame seruiceable Woord ⁏ which is administred speakablie or in Letters / out of the Loue and out of y ● true Light and euerlasting Life is also g 2. Cor. 5. d. Christ after y ● Fleash and so Many as beleeue thesame Woord / and assemble them
mutual-fellowship / in all vpright Righteousnes and Holynes 4. For the Loue to thesame should be so great / and the Value therof / should be so worthy in the Mans estimation / that hee should c Phil. 3. a. recon or thinke all other outward Thinges ⁏ in comparison therof to be but Durt For in itself it is so great· and his Bewties / Riches / and Life / are so many d Rom. 11. d. Ephe. 3. b. and infinite / that it cannot be writen nor spoken-fourth 5. Behold / Heer-to namelie / to this heauenlie Beeing and his vpright Righteousnes / and to the Conformable-vnyting of all his Bewtifulnes and Riches yee are all presentlie ⁏ through the seruiceable Woorde of the holie Spirit of Loue called and courteouslie-bidden 6. THerfore / looke now all well to it / that yee account not this proffered Grace / e 2. Cor. 6. a. Heb. 11. b. to be small but heartelie-imbrace thesame that is heald-fourth before you and offered vnto you / and ⁏ out of all your Soules and Power indeuour you alwayes ther-after / in all Humilitie and Lowlynes For thesame that is presentlie heald-fourth and offered vnto you / chaunceth to you all out of Grace / through the Mercies of God extended on you For which Grace and Mercies cause so extended on you / it behoueth you all likewise very-well namelie / eueryone to whom these heauenlie Goods / and this euerlasting Life ⁏ through the seruiceable Woord of Grace is administred / and that is bidden thervnto alwayes to shewfourth Lowlynes of Heart· and all Thankfulnes to the God of Life and thinke 7. O God / I Vnworthyone / had no-doubt bidden full in all my Corrupt-estate Estraunging from thee / and perseuered in all myne Iniquitie and in the Errour of thesame / if that thou ⁏ O Lord haddest not ⁏ through the gracious Seruice of thy Loue called Mee therout 8. Therfore must I ⁏ O God thanke thee alwayes and for euer / for that thou ⁏ through the seruiceable Woorde of thy Grace dost so graciouslie leade mee Vnworthyone ther-out / eauen to the Throne of thy heauenlie Maiestie 9. O God / of all This / the Honour and Praise redoundeth onlie vnto thee For who am I ⁏ O Lord that thou electest mee ⁏ which surelie am not better then all other Sinners thervnto / and vouchsafest to account mee worthy / to knowe all thissame / and leadest mee thervnto and that ther are yeat so many thowsand Men / vnto whom thou hast not made thissame knowen But ⁏ O God this is thy intire f Act. 10. ● Ephe. 3. b. Grace and mercifull Loue / ouer mee poore Synner Therfore ⁏ O God haue mercie also ⁏ I beseech thee on all Men-synners and Women-synners / which seeke thee with-out thy gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue / and so g Luk. 23. c. Act. 7. f. ignorantlie do erre 10. SEe / in such-amaner shall euery Man ⁏ which is stirred-vpp by the Grace of God / to the gracious Woord and his Seruice of Loue / and that submitteth himself ther-vnder be alwayes humble of Heart and thankfull / before his God / and h Act. 7. f. pray for all Synners / which erre ignorantlie and recon this i Phil. 1. c. for his Sayne / namelie / that hee may passe into the Death / with the Woord of the good Beeing of God / to the Purging of his Sinnes For so shall hee ⁏ with the Woord of the good Beeing of God rise-vpp againe from the Death / to the eternall Life The IX Chapiter Of the right Accusation or Chastisement / which cometh vnto the Man / out of the Woord and his Seruice / to Repentaunce for his Sinnes / and to the Amendement of his Life EVeryone ought to take very good-heed / that hee be not slack or sluggish / in the Requiring of the holie Woord and Seruice of Loue / nether-yet holde himself ydle / before that the Light of Life ⁏ euen-as thesame is administred with the seruiceable Woord of the holie Spirit of Loue a Gal. 4. c. haue a liuing Shape in him And till thesame Time / let him holde whollie all his Loue turned onlie thervnto 2. For / to loue anywhat besides the Light of Life and the godlie Vertue / is nothing-els but an vnknowē erring Darknes / and a bewitched Sinne the which b Gen. 3 a. b. 2. Tess. 2. a. is an apostated Beeing / and a Seducing from the liuing God and his Righteousnes / wherin all Men c Rom. 7. ● haue ben captiued Of which bewitched Sinne / the gracious Woord doth also accuse or blame eueryone / and calleth them to Repentaunce / to th ende that eueryone should euenso ⁏ in his Repentaunce looke vpon his owne Sinnes· and not blame one-another / but exhort each-other to the Good and so inset or consider / that none of all the Children of Men / haue ben lose or free from the Sinne. 3. Therfore shall not the Accusation or d Math. 23. Chastisement / that cometh out of the gracious Woord or Seruice of Loue / be ⁏ at anytime cast-back for thesame is vpright But verelie / it is far different from the Accusation or Reproof that proceedeth from the goodthinking Man / or out of anymans corrupt Conscience / through the Knowledg and wherwith also the one Man accuseth or reprehendeth the-other / and exhorteth him not to Repentaunce 4. Verelie / when wee now perceaue in ourselues / that wee haue not rightlie applyed vs / according to the Requiring of the Woord and that wee therfore ⁏ through the Woord and his Seruice are chastened or accused / in our Minde / and that our Sinnes or Errours are euenso made-knowen ther-through vnto vs / So shall wee then insee and knowe / how altogether vnlyke of Nature / Beeing / or Disposition / wee yeat are / to the Woord and his Requiring and shall then geeue God thankes / for that ther is graunted vs to see and knowe ⁏ thorough the Woord or through the Ministers therof our Vnrighteousnes and Errour 5. And when wee then euenso ⁏ through the Woord or the Ministers therof do perceaue or vnderstand our Vnrighteousnes or Errour / so shall wee then ⁏ without delay e Math. ● Luk. 3. Act. 2. shewe Repentaunce for thesame / and applye vs ⁏ with all Humilitie to the Requiring of the Woord / and say or confesse before God / in our Heartes 6. O God ⁏ full of Grace and Trueth How louelie is thy Beeing / and into what a forren Beeing am I yeat incorporated I must euermore thanke thee ⁏ O God for that ther is made-knwen vnto mee ⁏ with thy Woorde and through thy Woorde and Seruice of Loue all what-euer is contrarie to thy Beeing 7. Oh ⁏ alas I was almost becom of-one-mind with the Iniquitie· and seduced ⁏ with her Errour from Thee and thy Will But through thy Woord ⁏ in his Seruice of Loue
be subdued and vtterlie-destroyed / That wee may then euenso bring vnto the Lorde / a Ioyful-offering· and liue with the Lorde euerlastinglie The XV. Chapiter ●her is demaunded / Who be the right Disciples of the W●ord / and after what sort then stand also at what time / that anyone is a right Disciple of the Woord And thervnto is answered by HN and certen Instructions are declared theron / li●e as heer-after followeth VErelie / ther are very Fewe / that are right Disciples of the Woord For I say vnto you trulie / that they are not all Disciples of the Woord / which heare the Testimonies of the Woord / nor which reade thesame / and speake therof Nether-yet also com they all into the Schoole of the Loue of Iesu Christ wherin they ought whollie to geeue-ouer themselues / vnto the Woord and his Seruice of Loue for to be instructed by their Elder and Minister of the Woord / to the Requiring and Accomplishing of the Woord· and taught to the Kingdom of Heauen / which speake much good of the Woord As that the Woord and his Doctrine / is right / and that-men are directed and infourmed by thesame / to the Life of Righteousnes But Those which through the Ministration of the Woorde and his Seruice of Loue / are touched ⁏ by y ● Lordes Grace in their Inwardnes and to whom it is likewise graunted to see-into or to knowe their Sinnes and their Estraunging from God and his Christ and which also then a Math. 3. Luk. 3. beare-sorrowe for their Sinnes / confesse thesame before their Elder in the holye Vnderstanding / and whollie geeue-ouer themselues ⁏ for to be obedient vnto the Doctrine of the Woord and Seruice of Loue and euenso vtterly b 2. Cor. 6. c. depart out of all that which they ⁏ in their olde and corrupted Vnderstanding haue liued-in / and seperate themselues therfrom / for c 1. Cor. 4. d. Phil. 3. c. to insue ⁏ with all their Heart and Minde the Doctrine of the Woord / and the Ministers of thesame / obedientlie / and that they mought be d Iam. 1. c. Fulfillers of the Woord / and not Hearers alone and so then to perseuer firme therin / till vnto the new e Iohn 3. a. Birth in Iesu Christ which is in vs the Fulfilling of the Woorde· and the vpright Life itself 2. BEholde / Those or Such ⁏ which so geeue-ouer themselues whollie / to the Requiring of the gracious Woord / and are admitted thervnto / by their Elder in y ● holie Vnderstanding / and Minister of the gracious Woorde / and perseuer firmlie therin are verely the right Disciples of the Woord and looke-into the Woord a-right / according to his Excellencie And therfore seeing that y ● gracious Woord of the Lorde / is the most-best and worthyest Good they loue thesame aboue all what is on the Earth / or that cleaueth vnto them 3. For verelie / thesame Woorde / which is This-daye administred ⁏ through the holie Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ vnto vs / and set-fourth out of the Seruice of Loue / is well worthy to be loued / aboue all what is vpon the Earth / as also for the loues-cause therof / to f Luk. 14. d. forsake all that is vpon the Earth For it is the true Christ which was preached in times-past vnto the World / to Repentaunce / and to a Safe-making of them from their Sinnes / as also to a tocoming righteous Iudge and which is also presentlie com vnto vs ⁏ to a Fulfilling of the former Preaching out of Heauen / from y ● Right-hand of God his Father / for to iudg g Act. 10. c. 2. Tim. 4. ● 1. Pet. 4. b. ouer Liuing and Dead / and h Act. 3. to restore it all / what God hath spoken ⁏ through the Mouth of his holie Propheates from the Begining of the World hetherto / euen-as ther is writen therof 4. Where now this Woord hath his Incorporating / and floweth-fourth againe seruiceablie from thesame / therin hath Christ his i Gal. 4. c. Shape / liuinglie and the perfect Godhead / in thesame Christ. Out of whom / the Ministration of the Woord cometh vprightlie to passe and they witnes in their Ministration / the appeered Grace that cometh vnto all repentant Sinners / in the Obedience of the Woord / together with the Declaring of the spirituall and heauenlie Goods / which they inherit in the euerlasting Life And That is the Daye which God k Act. 17. ● hath appointed / for to iudg in thesame / the Compasse of the Earth with Righteousnes / through his Woord / in whom / Hee hath concluded his Iudgment 5. So many now as ther are / which heare the Testimonies of the Woord / and to whom ther is graunted through the Ministration of those-same / to see-into their Estraunging from Christ and whose Sinnes are made-knowen vnto them / Among those verely / the l Ti● 2. b. Grace of the Lorde is appeered and they are euenso stirred-vp through the Woord / to m Act. 2. f. adioyne themselues to the Minister of the Woord / for to be instructed ⁏ by him out of the Woord / through the Woord / and in the Woord / to the vpright Frutes of n Math. 3. Luk. ● Repentaunce· taught to the Kingdom of the God of Heauen· and made Heyres in the spirituall and heauenlie Goods 6. But Those to whom the Grace of the Lorde / is in such-sort as ther is saide appeered / and yet will not make-manifest themselues before their Elder in the holie Vnderstanding / and Minister of the gracious Woord / nor shewe any Sorrowe before him / for their Sinnes nor-yet make any Confession therof / for to becom instructed ⁏ as Disciples of the Woorde to the right Frutes of Repentaunce but chuse or take-on a Life vnto themselues / according to the Goodthinking of their Knowledg and so knowe then ⁏ out of their Knowledg how to prate much of the Woord and Life Verelie / Those that so followe their Goodthinking / are no Disciples of the Woord / nether-yet do they followe the Doctrine of the Ministers of the Woord But they themselues take-on the Foregoing / with their Knowledg and Goodthinking / before the Woord / and wrest and interpret the Woord / according to their Heartes o Deu. 12. ● Goodthinking / and not according to the Requiring of thesame 7. For in dooing so / they followe not the Requiring of the Woord / nor the Doctrine of the Eldest in the Seruice of the Woord and of his Loue but they exalt themselues aboue the Woord and his Seruice and euenso presume to set-vp themselues / to Iudges of the Woord / and to Aduersaries or Invayers against the Ministers of thesame And lay or shutt-vp the Grace of the Lorde ⁏ which is appeered vnto them to Repentaunce in their Prison or Subiection / and kill
Seruice of Loue / so turne you then also away from them / and let them then hardelie / depart from you For they are not of o Iohn 10. c. the Sheepe of Christ or Familie of his Loue / much-lesse / Pastours or Heardmen of the Sheepe and the gracious Woorde of the Lorde / in his seruiceable flowen-fourth Waters or Documentes / together with the Ministration of those-same / and the Ordinaunce of the Elders according to the Requiring of y ● Woord and his Seruice of Loue / is also vtterly ⁏ in all against the Minde of their Opinion / and goodthinking Knowledge For-that-cause also they murmure so-much the-sooner / and wax-offended at the One or at the Other / and so make an occasion / to depart from vs / and to withdrawe them from the Obedience of the Requiring of the Seruice of the Loue of Iesu Christ. 12. Of those / and of such-like / Sainct Iohn hath also spoken in his Epistle p 1. Iohn ● d. They are gon-away from vs / but they were not of vs for had they ben of vs / so should they no-doubt haue bidden by vs but they must becō manifest / that they are not of vs. 13. If any man then depart from vs / or turne him away from vs and from the godlie Obedience of the Woord and of the Requiring of his Seruice of Loue or that any-man do cleaue to the Opinion of Those which are declyned from vs and our godlie Doctrine / and euenso becometh an Enemie towardes vs and our Doctrine / or a Blaspheamer / or Betrayer / and so waxeth more-euell against the Good that is shewed on him / or taketh all thesame to the worst / and interpreteth it in the euelst-part / Such-a-one verelie / was neuer rightlie adioyned nor implanted to y ● gracious Woord nor his Seruice of Loue nether is hee also lighted by the Lord nor-yet can hee ⁏ out of his malitious Heart / nor out of his goodthinking Knowledg q Ie● 8. b. witnes any-thing-at-all of the Trueth of the Life 14. And all Those which haue their Fourth-going with such wicked or of-sundred Mindes / and will ⁏ in no-case any better / and so long as they rest of that minde / they are assuredlie not worthy of the Exhortation of Discipline / to their Preseruation· nor of the Warning from their Destruction For / through the Ignoraunce which is yeat in them / and through the Good-thinking which hath captiued them / they will not nether can they by any-meanes suffer / that the Loue or the Mercie should be shewed on them / or that-men should deale graciouslie ⁏ to their Attonement with God and his Woorde / nor to Vnitie of the Heart in the Seruice of the Loue towardes them but they frowne and byte at you· or-els they deride and ieast-at you / when-as yee are seruiceable vnto them to the Good and shewe therin their Lust to your Destruction / or their Lust standeth bent / to bring Vs ؛the Ministers of the Woorde to reproch· and that they mought seduce r Rom. 16. ● and estraunge you from y e Woord / and from the Obedience of his Doctrine 15. But take not yee in any-case offence at any of all those or such-like but suffer or Ephe. 4. c. beare-with them in their Ignoraunce For seeing that they are not entred-in with vs to the Begining of the Christian Life and that they haue not any Lust to the Newe Birth in Iesus Christ nor to the Loue of the holie Spirit / nor-yet humble them obedientlie to the gra●ious Woord and his Seruice of Loue / so is not sur●lie their Nature any otherwise 16. Moreouer / iudge them not / nor yet publish-abrode their Sinnes / ouer them for they themselues bring-fourth their owne Iudgment with them And seeing that they are vnwilling to the gracious Woorde and the Doctrine of his Seruice / and resist the Grace of thesame / which is proffered them is a Leading-in to the gracious Woord and his Seruice of Loue / so do they themselues make-manifest sufficientlie / their owne Sinnes and Errours / that they are iustlie giltie of the Condemnation 17. Therfore let noman take-in-hande / to teach such ⁏ i● their Vnwillingnes to the Kingdom of Heauen or inwarde spirituall Man of God but geeue them ouer or leaue them to the Lorde / and his righteous Iudgment with his Holyons For in thesame Iudgment / eueryone shall ⁏ t Math. 25. d. Rom. 14. b. 2. Cor. 5. b. according to his Woorkes or Dooinges receaue his iust Iudgment / and his right Recompence 18. But yee all which are entred with vs into the v Math. 3. 7. Luk. 3. 1● Act. 3. c. first Schoole-rule of the christian Doctrine of the Seruice of Loue / and cleaue vnto the gracious Woord and the Doctrine of his Requiring / with all your Heart / to Obedience / Vse yee among each-other ⁏ as concordable Bretheren and Sisters in the Loue of our Lorde Iesu Christ your x 1. Tess. 5. b. Heb. 3. 10. d. Exhortation / to one-an-others Preseruatiō· and your Warning / from one-an-others Destruction y Ephe. 4. ● and growe-vp euenso ● with the Woord / and in the Woord in all Loue and Godlynes and haue not much Prate or Disputation with the Straungers / nor with them that fall-away from the Seruice of Loue / nor with the Vnwillingons and Resisters Let euery-one take this effectuallie to heart The XVII Chapiter Ther is demaunded Which is the Destruction / wherof the Etraungers to the Howsholde or Familie of the Loue of Iesu Christ / are to be warned and which is also the Destruction / that the Disciples of the Woorde and the vpright Brothers in the Loue of Iesu Christ / are deptours to warne one-an-other of And thervnto is answered by HN and saide VErelie / of the Destruction of ether-other of these Two / wee haue 〈◊〉 3. 1● 19. 1. Gla. 4. 2. Gla. 7. 21. 3. Gla. ● 4. Gla. 1. c. witnessed and setfourth very-much in all our Writinges / were it but vnderstanded or comprehended a-right Neuerthelesse / seeing that ther is yet presentlie farder demaunded therof / wee will to th ende that eueryone may take the Admonition ⁏ in hauing the greater regarde thervnto so-much the more or better to heart vtter or declare-fourth with vncouered Woordes / the principall Head-pointes of both their Destructions 2. The Destruction of the Straungers to the Familie of the Loue of Iesu Christ wher-through they if one warned them not therof / or if they ⁏ when they are warned turne them not about / for to be obedient to the Doctrine and Requiring of the gracious Woord of the Lorde and of his Seruice of Loue should vtterlie perrish / and inherit the eternall Condemnation or Bannishment / is this 3. First / they should all / which holde themselues ●s Straungers vnto the Doctrine and Requiring of the Obedience of the gracious
leaft / and com not to the true Beeing of Iesu Christ ⁏ wherin notwithstanding the vpright Knowledge of the Misterie of God and of the heauenlie Kingdom / together with the spirituall and heauenlie Goods are obtayned or purchased that they mought inherit thesame / in their Spirit and Minde 7. For-that-cause wee tell you yeat presentlie / like-as wee haue also tolke you heere-to-fore / that yee shall at no time haue any regarde nor geeue-care to Anyone of them all / that indeuour them not / nor yet will indeuour them / to the Entraunce of the m Math. 3. Luk. 3. first Schoole-rule of the christian Doctrine· nor to the n Iohn 3. New Birth in Iesu Christ nor-yet to Such as bide not stedfast therin / to Faithfulnes· nether-yet account them for vpright Bretheren / much-lesse then / for Teachers or Ministers of the Woord For they that make not manifest themselues / before their Elder in the holie Vnderstanding of the gracious Woord / nor confesse the Errour of their former Life and Vnderstanding / before him / nor yet doo nor shewe-fourth any Repentaunce for their Sinnes / haue not any good in their minde / whether they acknowledg it or acknowledg it not 8. If they then appeere not or make not manifest themselues in that place / wher the Sunne ؛the heauenlie Day-light shyneth / and where the o Iohn 7. d. Fountaine of the safe-making Water floweth / and euenso holde not themselues stedfastlie / by the cleere Shyning of the heauenlie Day-light· nor by the daylie Out-flowing of the safe-making Water / nor becom daylie refreashed and washed with the outflowing healthsom Waters / till that they ⁏ in their Spirit and Minde be borne-anew / out of the holie p Iohn 3. ● Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ but / before they haue attayned to thesame Time / runne-away with som flowen-fourth Water / and that they suppose euenso to byde couered / in their inwarde filthye and stinking q Ie● 2. c. Poole or Pit / or-yet to purge themselues / without the pure Water that floweth out of our Pitcher· and from our Bodie / So shall it not then verelie auayle them / to the Life of Righteousnes· nor the vncleane stinking Poole of their Inwardnes / becom so purged / nether-yet shall their Inwardnes be any sweete Sauour / before the God of Heauen / to his Habitation 9. And the flowen-fourth Waters / which they haue seperated from their Streame· and taken-on to themselues a false Iudgment ther-out / shall also ⁏ seeing that they themselues are seperated from the Fountaine and from her daylie outflowing Water-streame wax drye by them or becom of no force and they themselues shall also ⁏ as dead r Iudae ● Trees or broken-off s Rom. 11. d. Braunches wither or fade-away and their poluted Bowels shall be eaten-away by the vncleane fretting Wormes / and they shall ⁏ at the last finde themselues profitable to no vse / but for the t Esa. 26. b. Math. 3. 7. b. Iohn 15. a. 2. Pet. 3. b. Fire 10. Therfore ⁏ O yee Adioynedons and Incorporatedons to the Woord yee shall not holde you v Math. 18. c. 1. Cor. 5. b. 2. Tess. 3. b. common / with such Straungers and Declyners from the Seruice of Loue / for to eate daylie with them ⁏ at your Table the holie x Iohn 6. d. Act. 2. f. Bread which is brought ⁏ from the Right-hand of God the Father vnto you ⁏ to the Life of your Soules out of Heauen but breake distribute and eate thesame among each-other But-yet holde not yourselues therfore as y 2. Tess. 3. b. Enemies against them but exhort them to the Entraunce of the vpright Brotherhod / to th ende ⁏ if the Lorde graunted thesame that they mought ⁏ to Life becom saued· and preserued from their Destruction 11. And euenso / in it-all that chaunceth vnto you / beare in no-wise any Enimitie to anyone but shewe alwayes / in your Brotherlie-loue ⁏ which yee haue among each-other also the z 2. Pet. 1. b. common Loue / towardes all them which ignorantlie erre / and yet notwithstanding / by you or besydes you / loue the Righteousnes and exhort them euenso to the Beleef of the gracious Woorde / and that they in the Beleef / applye them repentantlie to the Entraunce of the first Schoole-rule of the christian Doctrine of the gracious Woord and of his Seruice of Loue. 12. And with all them that applye them thervnto and doo euenso / and perseuer therin / yee shall holde you common and also eate or feede-of the Bread a Iohn 6. c. Act. 2. f. to Life / with them and so all b Ephe. 4. b. Col. 1. b. growe-vpp with each-other / in the Godlynes of the gracious Woord and of his holie Spirit of Loue / till vnto the Olde-age of the holie and godlie Vnderstanding and becom you then euenso strengthned with the vpright Beeing of Iesu Christ and c Ephe. ● c. repleanished with the Fulnes of his holie Spirit of Loue. O Yea That com-to-passe euenso A gracious Calling / wherwith all People are called and courteouslie-bidden ⁏ through HN to the gracious Woorde and Supper of the Lorde / and to the Mercie-seate of the Loue of the Maiestie of God COm hether to the gracious Woorde and his Seruice of Loue / O all yee People Spirituall and Worldlie / Maiestrates and Subiectes / Noble and Vnnoble / Ritch and Poore / Wise and Simple / together with all Sectuaries and Setters-fourth of Religion and likewise also / all Men-sinners and Women-sinners / how horrible Sinnes or Iniquitie / soeuer yee haue committed or liued-in 2. Com yee all presentlie / and doo a Math. 3. Luk. 3. vpright Frutes of Repentaunce for yee are all presentlie ⁏ to vpright Repentaunce bidden to the Supper of the Lorde / where the Bread-of-life of Iesu Christ ⁏ which is com from Heauen is eaten and where also the pure b Math. 26. c. Luk. 22. b. 1. Cor. 11. c. Bloud of our Lorde Iesu Christ is dro●●ken / out of the Cupp or Passion of Christ· ●●d shed-fourth for Manye / to the Remission of Sinnes 3. Com now all / and turne you to this Mercie-seate of the Loue of the holie Spirit of Iesu Christ and obtaine the Forgeeuenes of your Sinnes Put-away presentlie the c Deut. 10. d. Fore-skinne frō your Heartes / and receaue in the Spirit of your Minde / a cleere Sight of the vpright Righteousnes before God and Men. 4. Com hether also to this gracious Seruice of the Loue / all yee d Math. 5. ● hungrie and thirstie Soules after the Righteousnes / together with all yee which loue the Peace Com and perfourme ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue your giltie Offering and Godseruice / in the e Rom. 6. Heb. 10. 13. c. true Offering and Godseruice of our Lorde Iesu Christ and haue your communion with the Sainctes of God / in all Loue. Take it to heart CHARITAS EXTORSIT PER HN.
DICTA HN. Documentall Sentences eauen-as those-same were spoken-fourth by HN and writen-vp out of the Woordes of his Mouth And are by Him pervsed / and more-distinctlie declared Translated out of Base-almayne God hath graunted mee to speake wiselie and to consider a-right / of the Thinges which hee hath gratiouslie geeuen mee Sap. 7. The Mouth of the Righteous / is exercised in Wisdom and his Toung speaketh the Iudgment Psal. 37. Hys Lippes shall not speake the thing that is vnright nor his Tounge vtter-fourth anye Deceipt Iob. 27. Documentall Sentēces / eauen-as those-same were spoken-fourth by HN and writen-vp out of the Woordes of his Mouth The First Chapiter Ther is demaunded / How-men shall discerne● or knowe distinctlie the Perfect / from out of the Vnperfect· and the Seruice of the Perfection / from out of the Seruice of the Vnperfection And thervnto is answered by HN like-a● heer-after followeth VNderstand the Minde of the a 1. Cor. 13. c. Perfect and of the Vnperfect· and the Diuersitie of ether-others Seruice / well and rightlie A Man which hath whollie adioyned and geeuen-ouer himself / with all that which is vnder his Might ⁏ as a faithfull Disciple to the gratious Woord and his Seruice of Loue / and to the Elders of the holie Vnderstanding in the same Woord / for to be obedient thervnto and euenso ⁏ in the b Math. 19. d. Mark 8. Luk. 14. Forsaking of himself and of all that which hee hath takē-on and appropriated vnto him proceedeth-forward and groweth-vp therin obedientlie / till vnto the Perfection and that also the Vnperfect ⁏ or That which is in part c 1. Cor. 13. b. ceasseth with him / and so is becom of-one-beeing / with the Loue and her holie Spirit / Such-a-one is then taught / with the seruiceable Woord and through the seruiceable Woorde of the holy Spirit of Loue / to d Math. 13. g. the Kingdom of the God of Heauen and is euenso ledde or brought vnto the euerlasting Perfection / vnto the Kingdom of the God of Heauen ؛the perfect Bewtie / and vnto the euerlasting Life / the vpright Righteousnes and Holines 2. When now then the obedient and beleeuing Man ⁏ through the seruiceable Testimonies of the holie Spirit of Loue is comprehended of the Perfect· well exercised in the Testimonies of the holie Spirit of Loue· growen-vp to the Elderdom of the godlie Vnderstāding· and taught to the Kingdom of Heauē / So becometh then thesame Man ⁏ according to his Elderdom in the godlie Vnderstanding ordayned to a Fellow-minister of the Testimonies of the holie Spirit of Loue / seeing that the godlie Testimonies haue ⁏ at that tyme rightlie e Iohn 7. e. their Outflowing / from the inward Bodie of thesame Man / to the seruiceablenes of Other-moe which are yeat vnperfect 3. And albeit that the Testimonies of the holie Spirit of Loue / haue their Outflowing and Ministration / from his inward Bodie ⁏ out of the Perfect among the Vnperfectons / So is notwithstanding / thesame Ministration of the seruiceable Testimonies / yeat also f 1. Cor. 1● vnperfect / by y e Vnperfectons / Because ther is a greater and perfecter Beeing / taught and required or diligentlie laboured-for with thesame / then ther is by the Vnperfectons / among whom the foresaid Testimonies are ministred namelie / the g Iohn 3. a. new Birth in the godlie Loue. Which Loue is h Col. 3. b. the Perfection itself 4. Eauen-thus haue the Seruices of the Testimonies of the holie Spirit of Loue / their Ministration among the Vnperfectons and do remoue i Ephe. 2. c. the Middelwall / which is betwixt the Perfect and the Vnperfectons and make euenso of Twayne / that it be One. namelye / God and the Man / in one true perfect Beeing of Iesu Christ. 5. And till vnto thesame Perfection / the Seruices are ⁏ by the Vnperfectons also vnperfect But by Those / to whom the Perfection cometh / in their Beleef and Obedience of the Woord / the k 1. Cor. 13. b. Vnperfect ceasseth For the Perfect is than / by the Perfectons / a liuing Fountaine / wherout the Waters of Life do flowe / and geeue euenso their Refreashing ⁏ to the Releeuing of the thirstie Soules after the Righteousnes out of the Testimonies of the holie Spirit of Loue. And the refreashed Partes / assemble them to that one inseperable l Iohn 4. b. Fountaine / full of all liuing Waters / which flowe into the euerlasting Life 6. This liuing Fountaine / full of liuing Waters ⁏ wherof wee speake is in her-self / a Perfection without any begining or-yet ending / whervnto the seruiceable Testimonies of the holie Spirit of Loue / do bring-men and wherout all vpright Vertues and Righteousnesses / haue their Originall or Fourth-springing 7. And the perfect Man ⁏ wherof wee speake and which is of-one-beeing with the true Perfection / cannot geeue-fourth els-what from him / but all humble and meeke Vertues and Righteousnesses / which flowe out of the Perfection And thesame Outflowinges / are eauen as m Esa. 55. b. Iohn 7. c. a Water-streame / that flowe●h out of a Fountaine / like as the Fountaine geeueth it fourth 8. Howbeit / the Water which is so flowen-abrode / is not the Fountaine itself but it is an out-flowen Water / which diuideth itself out of y e Fountaine Semblable-wise / so is not that any Perfection / which ⁏ to an Instruction Reformation of the Life floweth out of y e Perfectons For all that which a perfect godded Man speaketh witnesseth and teacheth / among the Disciples Beleeuers of the Woord / are all foregoinge Seruices Distributions / proceeding out of the Perfect / wherwithall the vpright n Ephe. 4. c. Righteousnes and Holynes of the Perfection / is expressed and held-fourth before the Disciples and Beleeuers of the Woord / for to leade them euenso ⁏ through the seruiceable Woord to the Perfection / wherof ther is spoken / and whervnto ther is poynted in the Knowledg / till vnto the Coming of his Appeering 9. Of the which also Sainct Paule hath witnessed / wher hee saith Our Knowledg o 1. Cor. 13. b. is vnperfect ⁏ or as a Peece-woorke as also our Prophecying But when that which is Perfect / is com / then shall that which is Vnperfect / ceasse 10. Therof speaketh also Sainct Peter Wee haue a p 2. Pet. 1. d. sure propheticall Woord / yee doo well / in that yee haue a regard on thesame / as on a Light which shyneth in a darke Corner / till that the Daye be com / and that the Morning-dawne arise in your Heartes 11. In such-sort as a foregoing Light of the sure propheticall Woorde / is also y e seruiceable Woord of the holie Spirit of Loue / wherwith the Perfection is witnessed and expressed and thatsame Perfection / becometh also seene or perceaued ⁏ as in a
of the Burden of his Sinnes helpe to m Cal. 6. a. beare his Burden Yea / This is the right Loue / whervnto yee are exhorted in the Seruice of Loue and also that yee are deptour ⁏ 〈◊〉 shew●fourth thesame Loue and such a kinde or beneuolent Heart / towardes one-another of you The V. Chapiter Heer-in declareth HN how the Man shall indeuour himself / against the Assaulting with the Euell and after-that hee expresseth / how the Man ⁏ in his Bufreedom or Seruitude of the Sinne shall applie him / for to attaine to the right Freedom which God accepteth / and is inherited of the Children of God WHen-as the Man is assaulied with any Temptation be it then with anything whatsoeuer it be / so groweth hee therthrough to perceaue / how firme / vnmoueable / or stedfast hee standeth comprehended in the Requiring of the gracious Woord and in what Beeing whether it be mutable or immutable hee liueth and walketh 2. If hee then ⁏ in his Assaulting haue a right consideration on the gracious Woorde of the holie Spirit of Loue / and on the Seruice of his Requiring / so shall hee then likewise rightlie perceaue and vnderstand / to what-maner of good Beeing that the gracious Woord requireth him / and with his Seruice / biddeth him for to com whervnto hee is also a Gen. 1. c. Sap. 2. c. Eccli 17. a. created by God· and called through Christ and his holie Spirit of Loue. And hauing now seene-into thesame / so shall hee then likewise verelie ⁏ in Prayer vnto his God suffer-out y e Assaulting goodwillinglie / and geeue God thankes for his Grace / which Hee ⁏ in these last Dayes extendeth on the Children of Men / in that Hee b Ephe. 2. 2. rayseth-vpp vs ⁏ which laye vtterlie smothered in the Death and Damnation through his Loue / and calleth vs so graciouslie vnto him / in his godlie Beeing 3. For euenso in the Temptation / the Man can well finde-out / on what Place hee standeth and also perceaue / how farre-wyde hee yeat is from the God of Life· and from his louelie Beeing / which ought to haue his Dominion in him and not / that wicked vngodlie Beeing / which hath raigned ouer him 4. And when now the Man ⁏ in his Temptation perceaueth and seeth-into thissame / so shall hee then c Iam. 5. b. shew-fourth Pacience against the Assaulting which so meeteth him / till that hee ⁏ in the Obedience of the Woorde haue plucked-on a Stronger / which subdueth the vngodlie Beeing of the Enemies of God / and vtterlie rooteth them out For such a Grace receaue they all which heare and beleeue the gracious Woord of the holie Spirit of Loue / in his Seruice and Requiring / and are obedient to thesame 5. Therfore ought wee not to afflict ourselues with ouer-much heauynes / when-as the Iniquitie is stirred vpp in vs / in the tyme of our Temptation but consider therthrough / how whollie that wee ⁏ in the Estraunging from our God haue ben incorporated into the vngodlie Beeing and so then to thanke God / for that Hee ⁏ through the seruiceable Woord of his Loue riddeth or leadeth vs Vnworthyons therout / and d Iohn 15. b. Col. 1. a. planteth vs againe in his godlie Beeing / for to bring-fourth the Frutes of Righteousnes 6. When wee now see thus into all thissame / and thanke God for his Grace / so are wee strengthned in our Hope / vnto Pacience and wee e Phil. 3. c. 1. Tess. 1. c. wayte euenso on Him / which is our Saluation / and which also is stronger then wee are / for that wee mought euenso ⁏ with Meeknes and stedfast Mindes be implanted into him / so vanquish the Iniquitie with Him For with our owne Power / wee are able to doo nothing against the Iniquitie / as throughlie to vanquish thesame / or vtterlie to destroy it And therfore ought wee alwayes ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Woord to f Esa. 59. c. Rom. 11. d. hope on the Appeering and Coming of that Strongone / which remoueth the vngodlie Beeing from vs / according to the Promises 7. Heere-on may the goodwilling Man to the Righteousnes / take a good courraige / and trust and hope stedfastlie theron For when-as the Man once plucketh-on his Sauiour / which is stronger then the Iniquitie that hath raigned ouer him or held him in subiection / then shall the g Math. 1● c. Luk. 11. c. Col. 2. b. Stronger / vanquish the Euell ⁏ which had plucked vs on fo● a certen season and keepe the Victorie ther-against Therfore shall our Hope ⁏ in all our Assaulting rest alwayes grounded theron / till that Hee becom / which is h Abac. 2. a. Heb. 10. d. for to com / according to the Promises 8. And although now that wee ⁏ in our Assaulting feele our Feeblenes against the Iniquitie / yet shall wee not for-all-that / doubt of the Coming of our Saluation but laude and thanke God / and acknowledg that it is meere Grace / that wee so Insee / i Rom. 7. b. 2. Cor. 12. b. feele and perceaue our Weaknes / through the Requiring of the gracious Woord / which alwayes requireth ⁏ against the Assaulting to the Iniquitie the vpright Righteousnes of vs And euenso with sighing Heartes / say before God 9. O Lorde / I haue a Lust ⁏ euen with my whole Heart to accomplish the Requiring of thy gracious Woord but the Iniquitie wher-into I am incorporated / is k Math. 12. ● Luk. 11. c. stronger then I am and thesame holdeth mee captiue ⁏ with Violence against my Will in such-sort / that I ⁏ O God cannot accomplish / that which thy Woord requireth Therfore ⁏ O God I hope in Pacience / on the Coming of thy Saluation / which shall vtterlie l Rom. 16. c. tread-downe the Iniquitie ⁏ in my Minde vnder thy Feete· and take-in and beare the Dominion therouer / for to purifie euenso my Heart ⁏ O God to thy Dwelling 10. THerfore / wee ought in all our Fourth-going / to consider well on the Requiring of the Woord For verely / a Man that is vnfree or a m Iohn 8. d. Rom. 6. c. 2. Pet. 2. b. Seruant of the Sinne / ought not to seeke nor-yet take-on any Freedom vnto him / in y ● Sinne for thesame should then be altogether false 11. For although that the Man seeke oftentimes / to be vnbound or made-free from This or That / yet seeketh hee not thesame oftentimes / for ☜ to be than a Seruant or Minister of the Lorde / nor-yet for the Lord-his Righteousnes cause but for to liue at-peace / after his-owne Will· and according to the Mindes of his Fleash And although now the Man doth som-tymes take-on such-thinges to himself / or that hee obtayneth such a false Freedom or Peace / yet is hee notwithstanding not free but much-more a Seruant of hys
thou lettest mee see / to what an vpright Beeing I f Gen. 1. c. Sap. 2. c. am created / and called-vnto / and to what a forren Beeing / I am fallen and haue inclyned myself 8. WHen now the Man ⁏ through the seruiceable Woord of the holie Spirit of Loue exerciseth himself daylie heerin / and doth euenso / so shall hee then receaue ⁏ in all Thankfulnes vnto God the Accusation or Chastening ⁏ that cometh vnto him out of the Woord / or thorough the Woord and his Seruice of Loue to Repentaunce for his Shines / and to the Reformation of his Beeing· and not construe thesame to the worst / but take-heede from thence-fourth / that hee sinne not against the Woord / and that hee transgresse g Iohn ● b. not any-more / in that wherin hee hath fallen al-redie The X. Chapiter How one shall hate and leaue the Iniquitie· and not geeue an● care nor regarde ether credit vnto her / nor to her Ministers / in their Assaulting and Accusation A Man which hath humbled and geeuen-ouer himself obedientlie / vnder the Woorde of the Testimonies of the holie Spirit of Loue / shall likewise ⁏ euen as a true Disciple of the Woord applye himself with all Dilligence / to the Requiring of the Woord / and with a full Hatred / hate the Iniquitie in such-sort / that hee shall haue a Lust / with all his Heart / to the good Beeing of the vpright Righteousnes· and vtterlie detest or abhorre the Iniquitie and her Ministers / when hee is assaulted by them 2. And although now the Iniquitie ⁏ or her Ministers would accuse thesame goodwilling Man / with anything that God nor his Woord requireth / for to burden or snare his Conscience therin Or although the wicked Beeing ⁏ for to make him vnbeleeuing to the Fourth-going of the good Life / and to declyne therfrom / or to wauer in his Conscience said inwardlie or outwardlie vnto him Yea / what takest thou vpon thee / for to attayne to the Righteousnes / the which thou art in no-wise able to doo / and wherof also thou hast no Sight nor Vnderstanding for thou art doubtles becom altogether one Bodie and Minde / with the Iniquitie For-that-cause also / thou belongest altogether to the Iniquitie and thesame hath whollie the Dominion ouer thee / to thy Condemnation 3. Howbeit / although such-thinges chaunce vnto the Man / by the Instinction or Perswasion of the Iniquitie / in his Inwardnes / yet shall not the Man therfore / geeue any credit to the Iniquitie or to the wicked Consciences seeing that hee is not of-one-minde with the Iniquitie / nether-yet let himself a 1. Ioh● ● c. be iudged of his euell Conscience but hee shall geeue somuch the greater credit and regard to the great Grace b 1. Pet. 1. c. and Mercie of God / which God hath brought vnto him / through his gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue for therthrough shall the Perswasion of the Iniquitie / vanish-away by him / and perrish or com-to-nought 4. For if the Iniquitie ⁏ when-as wee consented vnto her hath obtayned the Victorie in vs / How much-more then shall God with his Grace ⁏ which doubtles is much c Math. 12. c. Luk. 11. c. stronger then the Iniquitie preuaile or take the Victorie in vs ⁏ in far-more aboundant Power against the Iniquitie ⁏ seeing that wee now hate the Iniquitie / and geeue our consent vnto the Good / and through y e Seruice of the Loue / purge d Heb. 9. d. our Consciences from the Iniquitie and euenso prepare and make vs meete / for to inherit his Kingdom and euerlasting Life 5. When the Man now findeth himself in such a Battaile / so shall hee then holde himself fast / in the e Ephe. 6. ● Beleef and Hope of his Saluation / and humble himself alwayes obedientlie / vnder the gracious Woord of the Lord and the Requiring of his Seruice of Loue and also keepe a stedfast Hope on the f Iohn 14. 16. 2. Pet. 1. d. Promises of the Woord For the g Rom. ● a. Hope will not suffer him to com to reproch· but bring the Pacience vnto him / in his Assaulting / to a Releassing of him from his Temptation 6. The Man now standing euen-thus in his Abascing / shall pray continuallie vnto God / and speake ⁏ against the Iniquitie and her Perswasions in his Heart No / thou Iniquitie / ther belongeth nothing-at-all vnto thee No / not the smallest Heare of my Head For thou art of h Apo. 17. b. Nothing / and to-nothing shalt thou goe againe / in the Condemnation 7. With such a Beleef in the Pacience / shall wee keepe ourselues against the Assaultinges and Perswasions of the Iniquitie / and speake with our Minde Thoughtes boldlie ther-against / saye ▪ 8. O thou Iniquitie / I belong not vnto thee / that thou shouldest holde mee as thine Owne for thou hast not created mee But the God of the Liuing and of all Righteous / is l Gen. 1. my Creatour ▪ and to him do I belong But in that thou hast gotten the Dominion ouer mee / therto hast k Gen. 3. b. thou begyled mee with thy Falshod / and ha st euenso destroyed mee / and made mee subiect vnto thee But now ⁏ through Gods Grace and his Seruice of Loue my Hope resteth on thesame God / my Creatour / that Hee will ⁏ against thee take againe the Dominion ouer mee 9. Wherfore should I ⁏ O thou Iniquitie think / according to thy Perswasion / that anye-thing should appertaine vnto thee / or that thou shouldest haue any Power for to condemne Mee / through thy Infidelitie / wheras thou art risenvpp ⁏ out of the Condemnation euen of Nothing / and ha st euenso l Rom. 7. ● taken captiue myne Heart ⁏ with that which is Nothing in thy Bandes Therfore will I altogether submitt mee / vnder God my Creatour / Hee will help mee vp againe / and ⁏ through his Woord and Seruice of Loue releasse mee from thy Bandes / and bring thee againe to-nothing / in the Condemnation / like-as thou mast before tyme. 10. BEholde / In such-sort shall the Man applye himself ⁏ against the Iniquitie and her Counsaile and Perswasions to the good Beeing of God and haue and vpright Difference / betweene that which is Nothing ⁏ or proceedeth out of Nothing and the good Beeing / that proceedeth out of the Fulnes of God / and is administred vnto him For / so much as the Man appropriateth or owneth himself to that which is Nothing or vayne / so much falleth hee away from the good Beeing And so much as hee m G●● 3. falleth-away from the good Beeing / or estraungeth himself therfrom / so much Iudgment of the Condemnation plucketh hee ouer himself And so much as hee loueth his Goodthinking / and that which is Nothing or vayne / so much
loueth hee the Darknes And That is the Mans n Iohn ● ● Condemnation / when hee loueth the Darknes / more then the Light It is very ▪ true The XI Chapiter A cleere Demonstration / that the Seruice of the Lawe after the Letter / and the Seruice of Christ after the Fleash / haue both one 〈◊〉 Ministration to the Death of y ● Sinne and that then the new Birth in Iesu Christ after the Spirit / springeth therout IF anye Ministers of the holye Woorde should saye Wee publish the Lawe / and minister and teach thesame / to a Mortifying of the Sinne / and to a Death and Burying of thesame / seeing that thesame Seruice / is the right Priestes-office of the Lawe Or-els if they should saye Wee publish Christ after the Fleash / vnto the Beleeuers of Christ / to an Entraunce ⁏ with Christ into a Rom. 6. the lyke Death of his Crosse to-wit / into the Obedience of the Beleef of Christ and to mortifie and burie the Sinne / So is-it both right / and well saide / if the Lawe of the Lorde and his Christ haue a Shape in thesame Minister and it is both one-maner of Seruice / vnto the Beleeuers of y e Woord to a Righteousnes of Life 2. For / to administer Christ after the Fleash / is a Seruice / which also ⁏ life-as the Seruice of the Lawe reacheth to b Rom. ● b. the Death of the Sinne and so then fourth / to the Making-aliue of y ● Inward-man of God / in Iesus Christ after the Spirit 3. Therfore saith Peter thus Christ hath suffered for vs / and c 1. Pet. 2. c. left vs such an Example / to th end that wee should followe his Foote-steppes 4. Christ himself saith also Whosoeuer will be my Disciple / let him d Math. 10. 16 Mark. ● Luk. ● 14. forsake himself / and take-vpp his Crosse on him / and followe after mee And That is the right Imitacion of Christ that wee should followe-after him ⁏ in the Doctrine of his Requiring obedientlie / euen vnto his e Rom. 6. Death and Burying / and vnto his Resurrection from the Death And This is the Inheriting of the eternall Life / in the heauenlie Beeing / wherin Christ after the Spirit / liueth and triumpheth ⁏ with his Father and all his Sainctes perpetuallie 5. Therfore / to th ende that hys Disciples / mought inherit the eternall Life with Him / they must first followe-after Him ⁏ in the Fore-going of his Doctrine and Requiring obedientlie / till into his lyke Death / and then euenso out of thesame Death / obtaine the new Birth in Iesu Christ after the Spirit / and inherit the eternall Life 6. For-that-cause / men ought to consider rightlie / on both these Sayinges / of the Lawe and of Christ after the Fleash For in themselues they haue both / one Minde or Sence and leade both to one Entraunce of the Mortifying and Depriuation of all vngodlie Beeing For all that which goeth-before out of God / before the new Birth in Iesu Christ after the Spirit / and hath his Ministration to the true Righteousnes / doth point or direct the Man to the Death and Laying-away of the Sinne in the Fleash And That is it wherof Paule speaketh / saying The Letter f 2. Cor. 3. ● slayeth namelie / the Ministration of the Lawe after the Letter / or the Ministration of Christ after the Fleash And That is nothing-els / but that the Letter / according to the Requiring of the Lawe / and according to the Requiring of Christ / pointeth and leadeth vs g Rom. 6. to the Death of the Sinne / and withdraweth euenso our Mindes and Thoughtes / from all that which is vngodlie· and vayne and consumeable on the Earth / for that wee mought euenso attaine to the euerlasting Vnconsumeablenes / in the eternall Life / wherin all Vnderstandinges of pure Heartes do liue and dwell 7. BEholde / in such-sort and to such a Fulfilling of the Lawe and the Propheates / is the Seruice of the holie Woorde / in the Letter / with the Letter / and through the Letter For the Ministration of those-same soundeth euenso / and requireth thesame For when-as wee perceaue anything in vs / that tendeth to the Lust of the Sinne / ther-against doth the seruiceable Woord teach vs / to mortifie and burie thatsame for-as-much as the same is his Requiring 8. And when-as wee then do humble ourselues obedientlie / vnder the Lawe or vnder the seruiceable Woord / for to accomplish thesame in his Requiring and to becom euenso ⁏ with the Lawe / or with Christ after the Fleash / and with his Faith to Iustification k Rom. 6. implanted into Christ with lyke Death· baptised in his Death· and washed with his Bloud / So cometh-ther then vnto vs / the Spirit of the Lawe / or the Rom. ● b. Making-aliue in Iesu● Christ after the Spirit It is very-true The XII Chapiter A cleere Demonstration / that the Man hath not any-Good of himself but receaueth it all of the Lorde and his Grace O Yee goodwilling Heartes to the Seruice of the Loue / suffer-pacientlie and beare-with a Rom. 15. a. Gal. 6. a. 1. Tess. 5. b. each-other in your Weatnes and infourme each-other with the Coadiuuation or Hand-reaching of the seruiceable Woord of the holie Spirit of Loue. And if any-man chaunce to fall / so help-vpp then each-other againe and hee that bydeth standing / let him laude the Lord / for his Strength For y ● Strength ⁏ or the Power so much as thesame remayneth with vs / to the Good / is onlie the Lordes / out of his Grace and not out of our-selues 2. For-that-cause / think or haue alwayes before your Eyes / in your Fourth-going to y ● good Beeing of God / that yee haue receaued all your Lust / Loue / and Stabilitie or Faithfulnes ⁏ which yee shewe to the Lorde and his Woord of the Lorde and his Grace 3. For what haue yee ⁏ I pray you to serue the Lorde with all / but that yee haue b 1. Par. 19. c. 1. Cor. 4. b. Iam. 1. a. receaued it of the Lorde or the Lorde must first bring thesame vnto you / by his Grace and Mightynes both all that wherwith yee serue your-selues another also 4. Therfore ought the Man alwayes to holde himself ⁏ in the Obedience of the seruiceable Woord humble or lowlie of Heart / and also to feare the Lorde continuallie and euenso ⁏ in the Feare of the Lorde alwayes to thinke O Lorde How should I out of myself / haue perceaued or knowen my Sinnes / Except that they had ben made-knowen vnto mee / through thy seruiceable Woord / and that it were graunted mee to perceaue them by thy Grace and that thou euenso ⁏ through thy Power or Mightynes releasedst mee therfrom For if I ⁏ O Lorde haue any Loue to thee
a. Releasser from all Euell 6. For in like-maner / as a faithfull Espowsed-wife loueth her Husband so intirelie / that all her Heart / Minde / and Delight / is whollie swallowed-vpp in him and to him / and that hee is euenso the Deerlyest-beloued in her Heart Yea / so beloued / that although a thowsand diuers Intisers would go-about to pluck her Loue to them / yet should it be all in vaine For such-a-one ⁏ through the Loue which shee hath sett to her Espowsed-husband bideth still faithfull to her Husband / Euen so fast and stable shall wee also holde vs / on the gracious Woord / and on the Requiring of his Seruice of Loue in such-sort / that thesame should be y e Deerlyest-beloued / in our Heartes / to th end that wee euenso ⁏ through the Loue mought bide altogether faithfull vnto thesame· and indeuour vs alwayes obedientlie / according to the Requiring of his Seruice of Loue and that thesame mought be all our Lust and Will 7. But / if in the meane time ⁏ er-euer wee be so altogether swallowedvpp in the Loue of y ● Woord ther chaunce any c Iob. 5. b. Iam. 1. a. Temptation / by our Paramours ⁏ which wee in times-past haue loued to com vnto vs or assault vs / So shall wee then turne-away our Loue altogether from them / and turne thesame whollie and in all / to the Woorde of Grace and exercise ourselues fourth-and-fourth / in his Seruice of Loue and euenso crye and pray vnto God for Helpe / to our d Math. 6. b. Luk. 11. a. Releassing from their Temptation / and from the Euell / whervnto they would seduce vs and so with the Grace and Helpe of the Lorde / to take good-heede / that wee incline not to their Desires / for to commit sinne with them 8. But if they take or lay-holde on vs with Force and Violence / and that then ⁏ although wee crye ther cometh not any Power nor Helpe vnto vs / for to withstand them in their Force and Violence ▪ and that they euenso rauish vs against our Will / so are wee giltles of the Transgressing For wee haue cryed / for to be releassed from the Tirannie of the Euell / and ther is no Helpe com vnto vs. Of which giltles Transgressing / the Lawe likewise witnesseth / where it saith A Woman which is violentlie-taken in the Feelde ⁏ wher-as ther is not any Helpe and so rauished and although shee haue Deut. 22. d. cryed alowde / yet gotten no Helpe shee shall be giltles of the Transgressing But if shee be in the Howse with any-bodie / and so holdeth her peace / then is shee giltie in the Transgressing of Matrimonie 9. In like-maner also with vs When wee are assaulted with any Temptation / against y e Woord and his Requiring / wher-as ther is well Helpe to be had or co●-by / in the Seruice of the Woord / or by the Ministers of thesame / if wee made-manifest our case but wee keepe-scilence therof / and fall to y ● Errour of Adulterie / So do wee then commit synne / and are giltie of the Transgressing For if wee crye not to God nor by his Ministers for Helpe / but keeping-scilence / do synne / and then also not confesse the Sinne but ⁏ as much as wee may hide or couer thesame / So are wee verelie Consenters to the Iniquitie / and Adulterers against the Lorde and his holie Woorde 10. But if wee desire not to addict vs to the Lustes nor Temptation to the Iniquitie / nor to doo after her will / so shall wee then alwayes ⁏ in all our Assaulting thinke in our Heartes / and also confesse still by the Assaulters / that wee haue no power ⁏ contrary to the Requiring of the Woord ouer our owne Bodie / as to geeue-ouer thesame to the Transgressing but that it belongeth onlie vnto the Lorde / to his Seruice Wherof also Paule witnesseth an Example vnto vs / wher hee sayth / that a Woman / hath not f 1. Cor. 7. a. 1. Pet. 3. a. Power of her owne Bodie but the Man / with whom shee is entred into Matrimonie 11. Euenso should wee also haue this alwayes before our Eyes / and acknowledg / that our Bodie / is not Our Bodie ⁏ for to doo therwith our owne Will and Lustes but the Lordes / for to vse thesame / to an g 1. Cor. 6. b. Instrument of his seruice / and to all Vprightnes and Equitie and that wee also haue promised and yealded-vpp thesame ⁏ to Righteousnes vnto the Lorde and haue not any Power to vse thesame to any-thing els as likewise all whateuer is gouerned vnder our Handes 12. Therfore shall the Man alwayes continew in Prayer / and so in his h Ephe. 6. c. Col. 4. a. Prayer / watch continuallie against all the Assaulting of the Sinne and not esteeme thesame Assaulting ouer-light / although hee somtimes ⁏ with little Greef or Trouble hath ben released therfrom 13. For a Man which hath ben assaulted by any Wickednes or Vanitie / and is easelie com-thorowe thesame Assaulting / thinketh then somtimes so-much the lightmindeder I am passed-thorowe the Assaulting or Temptation thus easelie Let it hardelie com-on againe / I knowe wel-enough how to resist and 〈◊〉 from thesame But ⁏ oh alas When the Man now begineth in such-sort to trust so-much on himself / that hee meaneth euenso / out of his Prudence or owne Power / to perseuer or bide-stedfast theragainst / so doth the Sinne then vanquish him / easeliest-of-all 14. For when-as the Sinne or the Iniquitie / doth ⁏ in such a self-conceited Purpose of his assault him / and that hee perswadeth himself / that it can not indamaige him / so shall hee then verelie finde himself oftentimes in the Assaulting / to be to vnmightie / for to bide-stedfast therin / and euenso want the Grace and Helpe of the Lorde 15. Therfore shall the Man alwayes feare the Lorde / and continew still in i Ephe. 6. c. Col. 4. a. 1. Tess. 5. c. Prayer If it then be well with him / as that the Sinne ⁏ with her Assaulting doth not ouercom hym / so shall hee geeue God thankes for his Grace / and euenso thinke and confesse in his Heart 16. O God / the Power of my Stedfastnes ⁏ so much as thesame remayneth with mee cometh onlie k 2. Cor. 4. b. from Thee and from thy Grace / and not / from my-self Therfore ⁏ O God / full of Grace If that the Assaulting chaunce for to meete with mee againe / so extend thou then alwayes ⁏ I beseech thee ouer Mee poore feeble Man / thy Grace and Mercie and be thou thyself alwayes ⁏ I beseech thee my Power and Strength / wherby that I may in the euell Daye of my Temptation ⁏ as a iust l 2. Tim. 2. ● Souldier resist the Iniquitie· and euenso keepe the Fielde or the
euenso thesame like as Herode / p Math. 14. ● did vnto Iohn in their Prison / and com not to Christ nor to the Ministers of his Woord / for to be purged from their Sinnes 8. For that cause also speaketh Christ ⁏ which is the Woord of Life itself well and a-right / wher Hee sayth If any-man com vnto mee / and hate not his q Luk. 9. 14. Father / Mother / Wife / Children c. Hee cannot be my Disciple That is / that hee which forsaketh not it all / for the Woordes cause / and so followeth-after the Woord ⁏ in his Doctrine and Requiring obedientlie / cannot be taught by the Woord / nor through the Woord / to the Kingdom of the God of Heauen 9. And therfore cannot such-a-one which forsaketh not it all / for the Loues-cause of the Woord / and taketh-vpp and beareth his Crosse / as also followeth-after the Woorde ⁏ in hys Doctrine and Requiring obedientlie be any Disciple of the Woord / much-lesse then / an Elder or Minister of the Woord For hee vnderstandeth not any-whit of all that which the Woord is or requireth / in his Misterie / nether can hee also speake or witnes vprightlie of thesame 10. For-that-cause verely / they are not all Disciples of the Woord / which heare the Woord testified / or that reade thesame in the Letter / and so speake therof NOTA. But euen Those which respect-well the Grace of the Lorde / to Repentaunce / and adioyne themselues obedientlie / to the Publisher and Minister of the Woord / for to fulfill therin ⁏ according to his Counsell or Doctrine the Requiring of the Woord Like as wee haue an Example therof / of y ● holie Apostle Peter when-as hee witnessed the Woord of Life / How that Certen ⁏ through the Hearing of the Testimonies of the Woord / and of the Promises of Saluation adioyned themselues to Peter and how that Those which gladlie receaued his Testimonies Act. ● f. did according to his Counsell and Doctrine / for to let themselues euenso be holpen or seperated from the vnnurtered or vnrepentant People For so ther was a Difference made / in the Ministration of the Woord / betweene Them that heard the Woord / and were obedient Disciples of the Woord and Those which heard also thesame / and were no obedient Disciples of the Woord 11. Therfore ought eueryone to take good-heede / how hee heareth and receaueth the Woord / which is this-day ⁏ from God-his Grace witnessed and administred / through the holie Spirit of the Loue of God the Father and his Christ. For thatsame is the Woord s Iohn 6. g. ● Iohn 1. a. of Life / which was in times-past ⁏ euen ●il-vnto this Coming of his glorious Manifestation preached in the World and that is also presentlie in this Day ⁏ euen-as ther is promised and writen therof com vnto vs from y ● Right-hand of God the Father / out of Heauen / for to execute t Act. 10. c. 2. Tim. 4. ● 1. Pet. 4. b. Iudgment ouer the Liuing and Dead 12. BEholde / This is the v Rom. 10. a. 1. Pet. 1. c. Woord of Life / which is descended vnto vs / from Heauen / and becometh published vnto you Not verelie that thesame should ⁏ in his Ministration be heard but slightlie in the Eares / or taken-on to a Knowledg of the heauenlie Thinges and so be talked-of but that-men ⁏ through the Hearing therof should beleeue thesame· and as is before rehearsed becom faithfull and obedient Disciples of the Woord· doo vpright Frutes x Math. 3. Luk. 3. of Repentaunce / in the Doctrine of his Seruice of Loue· obtaine the y Iohn 14. 16. Act. 2. holie Spirit of Promise· and liue in all Trueth and Loue / To-thend that wee mought then euenso / in this Daye of the righteous Iudgment of Christ ouer Liuing and Dead / be kept from the terrible Plagues of the Vngodlie· and preserued in the Godlynes of the Woord / and so inherit the euerlasting Life 13. Those now therfore which do thus as is before rehearsed wholly geeue-ouer themselues to becom faithfull and obedient Disciples / vnto the gracious Woord and his Seruice of Loue and euenso vtterlie depart from their olde Possession and vnprofitable Dealing / and forsake thesame / as also perseuer firmlie till vnto the Ende / in the Doctrine of the Woord and of the Ministers of thesame / They are verelie the right z Iohn ● d. Disciples of the Woord For Those shall knowe the Trueth / and the Trueth shall make them free And the holie Spirit of Trueth / shall leade them a Iohn 16. c. into all Trueth in such-sort / that they shall loue one-another with the deede / in the Trueth wherthrough also it shall be knowen / that they are right Disciples b Iohn 13. d. of the Woord or Christ. and knowe cleaue-vnto and serue the liuing God / in his Righteousnes It is very-true The XVI Chapiter ●ow one shall deale with ●hem that will not heare the Exho●tation / to their Preseruation· and the Warning from their Destruction / nor shewe any Repentaunce· but wax-malitious ther-against / and haue their Fourth-going / with-out the Requiring of the Woorde and Seruice of ●oue THere is sayde by certen Wee haue vnderstanded out of the * Sap●a 4. Documentall Sentences / that wee should shewe-fourth the Loue towardes our Neighbour / in his Falling into Sinne· exhort hym ⁏ to his Preseruation in the Godlynes vnto the Amendement of his Life· warne hym of his Destruction· take vpon vs his Sinnes / as Our-owne· and healpe to beare his Burden and euenso ⁏ with the Loue to couer his Sinnes 2. Out of which Sayinges wee are occasioned to demaunde / whether wee ought also dutifullie / to shewe such Seruice of Exhortation / vnto Preseruation· and such Warning from the Destruction / towardes Those which obstinatelie turne them away from the good Doctrine Requiring of the Woorde / or which wax much-worse at the Exhortation to their Preseruation· and at the Admonition from their Destruction / and so liue without the Requiring of the Woord and Seruice of Loue / and will not do nor shewe-fourth any Repentaunce for their Sinnes And ther-vnto is answered by HN and saide 3. O Yee Beloued / which haue a Lust and good Will with vs / to be obedient-vnto or to fulfill the Requiring of the gracious Woorde and of his Seruice of Loue / haue alwayes an vpright Respect or Consideration vnto the Woord / and a right Diuersitie / betwixt Those that geeue-ouer themselues ⁏ to faithfull Obedience by the Elders in the Familie of Loue / vnto the Lorde and his Woorde Seruice of Loue. beare a Math. 3. Luk. 3. Sorrowe for their Sinnes make right Confession therof and shewe-fourth vpright Repentaunce / for their Sinnes and becom euenso implanted into the gracious Woord / or the Doctrine and Requiring
Woord and of his Seruice of Loue ⁏ if one warned them not of their Destruction ●ide alwayes ⁏ with their Darknes or b ● Cor. 3. d. Couering of the olde Man vtterlie couered or seperated / from the Face of the liuing God of Heauen and of his Christ which is presentlie in the last time ⁏ through God-his Grace appeered vnto vs in naked vncouered Cleernes / vnder the Obedience of the Loue of Iesu Christ· and declared with the Fulnes of his Grace and Mercie and which also / all Disciples of the Woorde ⁏ in the c Ephe. 4. c. Laying-away of the Coueringes of the olde Man shall in like-maner beholde naked and vncouered / as d 1. Cor. 13. c. 2. Cor. 3. b. from Face to Face / in the essentiall Cleernes of God and Christ. 4. Secondlie / they should through their herited Birth of the olde Man and of his corrupted Vnderstanding if that they be not borne first / out of the e Iohn 3. ● Water or Doctrine of the gracious Woorde and of his Seruice of Loue / euen vntill the f Rom. 6. b. c. Death and Buryall of Iesu Christ to the Slaying and Burying of the olde Man / and of his corrupted Vnderstanding / Lust / and Desyres and that they be not euenso then borne againe / out of the Spirit of the gracious Woord / euen vnto y ● vpright Beeing of Iesu Christ fall into manifolde Errours and Seducinges / and vtterlie perrish therin 5. Thirdlie / they should also ⁏ if they be not whollie withdrawen frō the Woorkes and Lustes of g Ephe. 4. b. ● the olde Man· and euenso taught prepared to the New Birth in Iesu Christ bide alwayes Members of the Deuell and his vngodlie Beeing ▪ and minded to all Destruction and Errour / and obtaine no h Iohn 13. a. Part nor Inheritaunce in the holie Bodie of our Lorde Iesus Christ nor in the Kingdom i Math. 13. ● of Heauen nor yet likewise in any Treasures of the spirituall and heauenlie Goods 6. Fourthlie / they should if they be not ⁏ to the Mortifying and Burying of all vngodlie Beeing implanted k Rom. 6. into the gracious Woord or Bodie of Iesu Christ bide euermore in Errour / with-out the gracious Woorde or Bodie of Iesu Christ and not be driuen or directed any otherwise / then by the Spirites of Errours· and taught by the many-maner l 3. Reg. 22. c. Spirites of Lyes whether it were then to false Spiritualnes / Doctrine / or Religion or-els to the Disorderlynes or Iniquitie of the Worlde and should likewise also for-that-cause-sake / not be able to vnderstand knowe nor obtayne or receaue / the holie Spirit of God and of the Trueth or Christ nor-yet feele or perceaue anythinge-at-all therof nether-yet of the Grace of the Lorde / how large thesame reacheth ouer the Children of Men / or how neere-by it is vnto them 7. Verelie / all these Straungers vnto the Familie and Seruice of the Loue / or Such as go-fourth according to their Good-thinking / stand comprehended or are bewrapped in a great Destruction and whoso maketh thesame knowen vnto them / and so warneth them therof / er-euer y e great Destruction take them cleene awaye and destroye them / in their Errour and Estraunging / hee doth very-well / and sheweth a great Good-deede of Loue and Mercie towardes his Neighbour And if they then conuert them to the gracious Woord of the Lorde / and to the Doctrine of his Seruice make Confession of their Sinnes and m Luk. 13. b. shewe-fourth Repentaunce / So shall then their Soules be wonne to the eternall Life· and to the euerlasting Preseruation in the Godlynes 8. BVt the Destruction / wherof the Disciples of the gracious Woord / and the Brothers and Sisters in the Familie of the Loue of Iesu Christ / shall warne one-an-other / is this ▪ 9. If it chaunce that any of the Disciples of the Woord / or of the Bretheren or Sisters in the Familie of the Loue of Iesu Christ / should ⁏ without the Doctrine or Requiring of the Woord and his Seruice fall into any Good-thinking / or into any-sort of Dealing / contrary to the Doctrine or Requiring of the Woorde and his Seruice whether it were then out of himself / or-els through any Straungers or Offallenons or that they should be assaulted / for to turne them away from the n 2. Cor. 11. ● Singlemindednes of Life which wee haue in the gracious Woord wherin yee are also taught and exercised aright to thesame Singlemindednes so shal-men then warne those of the Destruction / which is witnessed heere-following And if they then take not to heart the Warning for y ● auoyding of their Destruction but turne-away themselues from the Woorde and from the Doctrine of his Seruice / through the Assaulting or Temptation which meeteth them to that effect / and marre or depraue themselues againe in any Good-thinking and Self-wisdom· or in any brutish or worldlie Beeing / and euenso estraunge them from the good Doctrine of the Woord / so should then thesame verelie chaunce vnto them / to a damaigefull Destruction 10. For first / ther should ⁏ by that occasion a Couering of the Wrath of God / enter-in betwixt them and God / and the Doctrine of his gracious Woord in such-sort / that they should not be able to heare nor vnderstand / o Esa. 6. c. Math. 13. b. Act. 28. c. what God requireth through his gracious Woord Seruice of Loue. Of this Destruction heer mentioned / shall the Disciples of the Word warne one-an-other to thend that the-l●ke com not vpō them 11. Secondlie / their Good-thinking or their Pleasure in the Fleash or in the carthlie Thinges / should also estraunge them from the pure Bewtie of the heauenlie Beeing / and so bring them into greater Errour of Destruction / then that wherin they walked before 12. Thirdlie / their Errour should ⁏ through their Pleasure in thesame incorporate them againe much faster and stronger ⁏ to pernitious Members of the Deuell into the Deuell and his vngodlie Beeing / then they to-fore were incorporated into him 13. One should in like-maner much lesse or worsser / be able to make them to knowe their Errour and Destruction / for to ridde them therout / then in times-past / when-as they yeat stoode in their first Blindnes or Errour 14. Fourthlie / they should also through the Incorporating-againe into the Deuell / and through their Addicting of them to the earthlie consumeable Thinges / be driuen by the wicked Spirit of the good-thinking earthlie fleashlie and deuelish Beeing / in greater Presumption with more Freenes / into the Falshod / against God and his holie Spirit and Seruice of Loue / then hee had driuen them in times-past And that altogether / to cause them to invay or be against the good Doctrine of the Woord and the Ministration of thesame yea /