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A06743 [The flour of godly praiers] [most worthy to be vsed in these our daies for the sauegard, health, and comforte of all degrees, and estates / newlie made by Thomas Becon]. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1550 (1550) STC 1719.5; ESTC S1782 124,086 356

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vnfaythfulnes whiche we receyued of old Adam to plant in vs true faith and vndoubted belefe that we may be thorowli perswaded that thou arte the sonne of the lyuynge God Math. xvi Ephe. v. verye God and verie manne our alone swete smelling sacryfyce our alone Medyatour i. Timo. ii aduocate and intercessoure oure alone wysdome ryghteousnesse i. Iohn ii Hebru vii i. Corin. i. sanctificacyon and redempcyon by whome alone and for whose sake only thy heauenly father is well pleased wyth vs our sinnes are remytted grace and euerlastyng lyfe are frely geuen vnto vs. O Lord God suffer vs not to lene to our own wisdō nor to beleue as blynd flesh fansyeth nor to seke saluaciō wher supersticiō dreameth but lette our fayth onlye be groūded on thy worde and geue vs grace trulye to beleue in the with all our hert to putte our trust in thee to looke for all good thynges of thee Prouer. iii. to call vpon thy blessed name in aduersity and with ioyfull voyces and more merye hertes to praise and magnify it in prosperity Suffer vs not to dout neyther of God thy heauenlye father nor of the god his sonne nor of God the holye ghoste but earnes●elye to beleue that you being three dys●yncte persons in the de●●ye are not withstanding one verye God besides whome there is no God neither in heauen nor in earth i. Cor. viii Graunt also that we may assuredli beleue whatsoeuer is cōtained in the holi scriptures and by no meanes suffer our selfs to be plucked from the verity thereof but maynely and stedfastly abyde in the same ●uē vnto death rage worlde rore deuyl And this fayth O sweete Iesu encrese thou dayly in vs more and more Luke xvii that at the last thorow thy goodnes we may be made perfect strōg mē in thi holi religion and shew our selfs both before the the world truly faithful by bringinge forth plenty of good worckes vnto the glory and honoure of thy name whiche with God the father and God the holye ghoste lyueste and reignest true God worlds wythout ende Amen A praier for Charitie ▪ THy holye Apostle wryteth O mooste gentle sauioure that the ende of the commaundemente is loue i. Timot. i. that commeth of a pure heart and of a good conscyence and of faithe vnfained For he that loueth the his Lord God with al hys heart Deut. vi Mat. xxiii ●euit ●i● Rom. xiii Mark xii Luke xx wtal hys soule with al his minde wtal his strēgth and his neighboure as hymself fulfilleth the whole law For al the law and the prophets requyre no more of vs but loue euē to loue y● our Lord God aboue al thynges and our neyghbour as our selfe Without this loue all that we do semeth it neuer so muche prayse worthy in the sight of men is abhominable before y● Yea as thi blessed Apostle saith though I spake wyth the tonges of men and aūgels and yet had no loue I were euen as a soundynge bras i. Cor. xiii or as a tynklyng cymbal And thoughe I coulde prophecye and vnderstand al secrets and al knowledge yea if I had al fayth so that I coulde moue moūtains oute of theyr places yet had no loue I wer nothīg And though I bestowed al mi goods to fede the pore and thoughe I gaue my bodye euen that I burned yet had no loue it profiteth me nothyng For by loue are we knowen to be thy dysciples Iohn xiii euen as the deuyls impes ar knowē by hatred maliciousnes And the loue O lord that thou requirest of vs is no worldli nor fleshly loue for if any mā loueth the world i Iohn ii the loue of the father is not in him And whosoeuer wil be a frēd of the worlde Iacob iiii is made the ennemy of God but godly spiritual sincere tru pure loue euē such loue as suffreth lōg is courteous enuieth not doth not frowardli swelleth not i. Cori. xiii dealeth not disonestlye seketh not her owne is not prouoked to anger thīketh not euyl reioyseth not in iniquiti ▪ but reioiseth in the truth suffereth al things beleueth all thynges endureth all thynges Thys godly loue this Christē charytie gyue thou vnto vs o good Lord that we maye vnfaynedly with al our hearte loue the our Lorde God whiche so dearlye louest vs that thou gauest thi self for vs an offering a sacrifice of a sweete sauour to God Ephev v. Take away from vs the loue of worldely thynges whych though they appere neuer so plesaunt and beutiful are not withstanding mere vanitie and giue vs grace so to vse this world as thoughe we vse it not For the fas●ō of this world passeth awai Make vs also to abhor the filthy beastlyke pleasures of the stinckyng flesh i. Cori. v●i and by no meanes to be entāgled with the loue of thē the ende wherof is dyshonoure shame corrupcyō destrucciō dānacyon and kyndle our herts so feruentlye wyth thy loue ▪ that no thynge maye delyght and please vs but only thou ▪ and whatsoeuer maye make vnto thy glorye is agreable to thy blessed commaundement so that thou only mayest be oure loue our delyght our ioy oure myrthe oure solace and whatsoeuer is without the and estranged from thy loue let it be counted of vs more vayne then vanitie it selfe and more fil thye then the very dōge Graunt also that from this oure loue towarde the there may issue oute a vehemēt and brenninge loue to ward our neighburs yea toward our very enemyes that we maye loue them from the very hearte yea euen as our selues praye for them ▪ geue thē good coūsel helpe them defend them socour them prouyde for their necessities Luke vi and deale with them in al thinges as we wyshe to be dealte wyth all O Lord God thou arte loue and he that dwelleh in loue ● I●on iiii dwelleth in the and thou in him Graunt that in this world we may so dwel together thorow loue thou in vs by thi holy spirit and we in the by faith that after our departure frō this vale of miseri we may be placed with the in thy heauēly mancion so continewe wyth the in glorye for euer and euer Amen A prayer for a godlye lyfe IT greatly greueth vs O merciful father and euer lastynge God that wee thorowe the greuous continual assaultes of our ennemies are not able to pas ouer our yeres of thys world wyth such purytye of lyfe as we ought and as thou requirest of vs. Uerely we are on euery part so beseged and compas sed round about of our aduersaries that scarcely at any time we can be fre from their pestiferous and deadly darts nor yet haue so muche respyte as once to breath towarde true godlynesse Oh mooste louinge Lorde thou arte oure father and we thy chyldren conuenient therfore is it that we thy children represent
day night blesse theyr Christen brethrē speke wel of all mē yea of theyr very ennemies that so many of vs as profes thi holi name Roma xv may with one mind with one mouth glorify the our heuēly father thorow Iesu christ our Lord. Amen A generall prayer for the auoidinge of all kynde of synne AH lord that most puisāt god we in baptisme geuing ouer our selfs vnto the and vnto thy holi religion protested openly in the face of thy holy congregacion to forsake Satan with al his pompes and worckes to renoūce the world and all the vayne pleasures therof to mortyfy the flesh and al the lustes of it Roma vi and frome hēsforth to dye vnto sinne to liue vnto righteousnes Gala. iii. and to lead a new lyfe Thys our couenaunt bargayne made with the O Lord god we keepe not but to muche wretchedly we breke it trāsgres thy holye commaundemente In stead of our seruyce due vnto the we serue Satan Leuing the fulfyllyng of thi commaundements we obey our own wil. The world and the flesh so rage and raignin vs that we can scarcely breath toward any godlynes Titus i. By mouthe we profes the but with our deds we denithe We promyse to work in thy vyneyarde but we loytour and worke not Mathe. xx● In name we are Christians but in dede we are satans bondmē the worlds slaues and the fleshes most vile seruāts and drudges Ah Lorde to muche wretched is our state and excepte thou shortlye helpest we are lyke vtterly to perysh so greatly haue the ragyng floudes of al kinde of synne brast in preuayled almost ouerwhelmed vs o most gētle sauior we haue a wil such as it is Rom●● vi● to do good but we find no power no strēgth in our selfs to perform it That good thīg which we wolde we do not but the euil do we which we wold not for we know that in vs that is Rome vii in our flesh dwelleth no god thīg No maruel For we ar bi nature the childrē of wrath Ephesia ii we are begottē cōceiued borne in sī Our sēces Psalm ii wits deuises ar euil euē frō our yong age vpwarde Oure hert is vnclene Gene. viii wicked froward lewd vnserchable We ar not able to thīk a good thought of our selfs Prou. xxii we ar vnprofitable seruantes Iere. xvii ●i Cor. iiii hipocrites flesh al the nought is yea we ar the very bōd slaues of sin Luke ●vii Esay● ●x For euery one the cōmitteth sin is the seruaūt of syn O most swete sau●or ▪ help vs for the glori of thy name Ioh. iii vii Luke xix Thou cāmest doun frō the righthād of thi father into thys vale of misery to saue that which was lost Saue vs therfore good lord which wander abroade lyke shepe destitute of a shepherd Mathe. ix psalm cxix suffer not thi blessed bodi to be brokē thy precious blud to be shed for vs in vain Hebrus ii i. Cori. xv Thou bi thi deth most valeātly conquerest him that had power of death Ose. xiii Deliuer vs therfore frō his raging tirranye and make vs thy faythfull obedyent seruantes Iohn ii Suffer vs not to loue the world nether the things that ar in the world seing that al that is in the worlde as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eies the pryde of life is not of the o father but of the world And the world vanisheth away and the lust thereof but he that fulfilleth the wil of god aby-death for euer Suffer vs not to be ouercome wyth the boylynge concupiscēcis of the flesh whych euer lusteth agaynst the spirite Rom. viii is not obedient to the law of god nether can be but geue vs grace to crucifye and to kyll the fleshe wyth the appetites lustes therof Galath v. that we may lyue and walk in the spirite and become new creatures Let not sinne reign in our mortal bodies that we shuld ther vnto obey in the lusts of it Neither suffer thou vs to geue oure members as instruments of vnrighteousnes vnto syn Roma vi but to gyue our selues vnto God as thei that are a liue from death and to giue our mēbers as instruments of ryghteousnes vnto god And as heretofore we gaue oure mēbers seruaunts to vnclennes and to iniquyti from iniquiti to iniquiti so let vs now from hensforth gyue our mēbers seruaūts vnto righteousnes that we may be sātyfyed Kil in vs the deds of the fleshe whyche are these Gala. v. aduoutrye fornicacion vncleannes wātonnes Idolatrye wytchcrafte hatred varyaunce ●ele wrathe stryfe sesedicion sects enuying murther dronkennesse glottōny and such lyke and plante in vs the fruites of the spirit loue ioy peace longe sufferinge gentlenes goodnesse faythfulnes mekenesse temperācye Ephe. iiii As concerning the conuersacyon in times past geue vs grace to laye awaye from vs that olde man which is corrupt thorow the deceiuable lustes and to be renued in the spirit of our mynds and to put on that new man whyche after the image of god is shapen in ryghteousnes true holynes Suffer vs not to lye but speake euery man truth vnto his neighbour for asmuch as we are members one of another Suffer vs not so to be angry that we sinne Let not y● sun go doune vpō oure wrathe neyther let vs giue place vnto the backbiter Graunte that he which afore hath stollen maye from henceforth steale no more but rather labour with his hands some good thīg that he mai haue to geue vnto hī that nedeth Let no fylthy cōmunycacyon procede out of our mouths but that whyche is good to edifye withal whē nede is that it may haue fauoure with the hearers Let all bytternes fearsnes and wrath roryng and cursed speking be put awaye from vs wyth al maliciousnesse Make vs courteous one to another and merciful forgeuing one another euen as god for thy sake forgaue vs. Ephesi v. As for fornicaciō al vnclēnes or couetusnes let it not be once named amōg vs as it be cōmeth saints nether filthi thīgs neither folish talking nether iesting which are not comly but rather geuing of thākes Put vpon vs tender mercy kindnes humblenes of mynd mekenes longe sufferīg for bearing one another forgeuing one another Collos. iii. But aboue al these things put vpō vs loue which is the bond of perfeccion graūt that the peace of god may euer more rule in our herts that we be thākful for al thy benefits Finalli whatsoeuer thīgs are true whatsoeuer thinges are honeste whatsoeuer thinges are iust whatsoeuer things are pure whatsoeuer thynges pertayne to loue whatsoeuer thinges are of honest reporte if ther be any vertuous thing Pp●il iiii if ther be any laudable thing grāt that we may haue those same in our mind and practise thē in
xv which make wise mē blynd and corrupt the causes of the ryghteouse nor yet geue sentēce with the vngodly for bribes and so condemne the innocēt and shed righteous bloud but that they hauing thy fere alway before theyr iyes and knoweyng that they execute the iudgment not of man ii par xvi but of the theyr lord God may here īdifferētly all matters iudge according vnto equity and iustice deliuer the oppressed from the power of the violent Esay i. Ier. xxi and .xxii. zacha vii Psa. cxxxi Sapi. i. vi Psalm ii ▪ be fauorabli to the straunger defend the fatherles widow plead the cause of the righteous helpe the pore auaunce vertue suppres vice and in al both theyr wordes workes so behaue them selfs as though they shuld streightwayes appere before the righteous throne of thy maiesty and render accompts of theyr doings Graūt this o moste merciful father for thy deare sōs sake Iesu Christ our lord Amen ¶ A general praier for all Magistrates O Lord whych art that most high power of whom all power vnto this end is ordeined euen that the publique weale shuld be conserued Idolatrye banyshed true religyon mainteyned good order kept vertue auaūced vice punyshed giue we besech the vnto all ciuile Magistrates head rulers and commō officers thy holy spirit which may so rule them in al their doings that euery one of them according to their vocacion may trulye and faythfullye do that whyche appertayneth vnto their office Psal. i. Deut xvii Iosue i. P●a●m i● Sapi. i. vi.iiii re xxii and .xxiii. Kyndle in theyr mindes a feruent desyre of redynge thy holye lawe both day and nyghte that they maye do al thynges accordynge vnto that Graue in theyr heartes the true knowledge of the and of thi sōne Iesu christ and an whole entent too honoure and serue the accordynge to thy blessed worde al the dayes of theyr lyfe Make thē vnfained fauorers of thy holye gospel Esay x●ix and louing nurses of thi true prechers Geue them grace to banyshe out of theyr Realmes and countryes all Idolatrye Deut. xiii supersticion hipocrisy iii. re xv iiii Regu xviii ii pa. xvii fayned religion fals worshipping with al the preceptes ordinaunces and inuencions of menne that fight with thi blessed word Make them not only fauourers louers and promoters of thy holye Gospel but also folowers lyuers practisers of the same vnto the example of all theyr subiectes Worcke in their herts o Lord such a loue toward the commōweale that their own pryuate commodity sette aparte they maye employ all their endeuours to auaunce beautyfye enrych make wealthy their realm and country Make them gentle frendly louinge and beneficiall to their inferiours Make them pytyfull vnto the myserable Deu. xvii Prouer. xx and liberal vnto the pore Geue them that affeccion toward other that they haue towarde them selfes Ecc. xxiiii Endue them with such louing fauoure vnto their subiectes that they oppres thē not with to much and vniust exaccions Expel al tirannye oute of theyr hertes Esaye i. I●e● xxi ●nd .xxii. ●acha vii Psal. lxxxi and make them righteous and mercifull Graunt that they maye rule iustly seke iudgment deliuer the oppressed defende the fatherles ▪ comfort the widow fauour good letters maynteyne scoles norish learned menne promote such as be godly and vertuous and with oute anye vngodlye auauncinge of them selfes Ecle xxxii Deut xvii lyue among theyr people as a louyng father amōg his natural children seking their quiet and wealth Fynallye gyue them grace so to behaue thē selfs all the tyme of theyr rule and gouernement that thei may appere bothe before the and in the l yght of all good menne worthy Offycers in a common weale and ministers mete to occupye the place in temporal regiment of the our Lord God that moste hyghe and worthy Magistrate which lyuest and reignest wyth thy only begotten sonne and the holy ghost one true and euerlastynge God in al honoure and glorye worlds with out ende Amen ¶ A prayer for bishoppes and ministers of goddes word O Lord Iesu Christe that true Psal. ci and euerlastynge Bishoppe the Myrrour and lyuely exemplare Hebr. v. vii of all faythfull pastours and herdmē both in life and doctryne Esay● lxi whiche camest down from God thy father not onelye to bee oure redeamer Luke iiii but also oure teacher Iohn iii. to open and declare vnto vs the mysteryes of the holye scryptures afore hydde Mat. xxii and corrupte thorowe the leauen and false docrine of the Scribes Math. xvi Mat. viii Luke xii Pharyseis Saduces and suche other deceiuers of the people We most humbly besech y● mercyfullye to beholde thy poore and scattered flocke whom thou hast purchased wyth thy mooste precyous blud ▪ 〈◊〉 xx and to send them such shepherdes as maye diligentlye seke vp the loste shepe Luke xv louinglye lay thē on their shulders faythfully bryng them home again vnto the shepefolde Ah Lord thou seest how greate the haruest is Math. ix Luke x. how few the workmē be Thou art lord of y● heruest vouchsafe therfore we most hūbly prai the to sēd laborers into thi haruest Iere. xxiii Eze. xxxiii Take a way these idle lubbers which do nothīg but deuour thishepe cloth thē selfes with the finest of the wol and eat of the fattest of the flock Theues and robbers are they Iohn x. not pastores preachers For the weake they holde not vp the sick they heale not Ez● xxxiii the broken they binde not to gether the out c asts they brynge not agayne the lost they seke not but churlishly and cruellye do they rule thy flocke A good shepehearde geueth his life for the shepe but the hyrelinge Iohn x. the he that is not the sheperde nor owner of the shepe seeth the wolf cōminge and forsaketh the shepe the flieth and the wolf catcheth and scattereth the shepe Such hyrelynges O good Lorde Actes xx Roma xvi Philip. iii. ii Peter ii take away from vs which seke nothīg but idelly to lyue of the swete of our browes of the labour of our handes and notwythstandynge suffer vs to be miserabli torne of antichrist and of his Ministers Iohn x. both by their tirannye and false doctrine A thief cometh not but to steale to sley and to destroy Take away frō vs O good Iesu those theues whych steale awaye the liuynges of the tru shepherds whyche sley our soules for want of thy holye worde and destroye vs wyth theyr corrupte maners wicked liuinge and most detestable cōuersacion Take away frō vs those heardemen 〈◊〉 xi yea rather those Idols as thy Prophet calleth thē which are not residēt vpon their benefices nor geue attēdaūce vpō their cure but forsake their flock yet rob frō them all that they may catch and geue vs such pastors as wyll watch vpon
holye and pure religion that as we professe one God one baptysme Ex. xxxiiii Esaye lxii so wee may maintain one truth one religion Thou callest thy selfe a gelous God and a Lord that wylte not geue thi glory to another suffer then thy honoure and glorie Psa. ●xiiii ▪ thy praise and worship no longer to be geuē vnto creatures Thou art that God of peace which haste promysed to treade Sathan the sower of discorde vnder our fete shortelye Roma xvi ▪ Fulfill thy promise O Lord for it is time seing that not onlye the wilie Hipocrites Mat. xiiii Luk● xi ▪ those p●inted sepulchres outwardli appearing beutifull and ful of holynes but inwardlie ful of dead bones and of al filthinesse of rauening and wickednesse of bribri excesse take part against thi holye word maintaining false opiniōs agaynst thy heauēly doctrin but also many of the tēporal rulers wise worldlīgs agre vnto thē defending with great violēce both the beastly hipocrites al their deuelish tradiciōs croked ceremonis false religiōs although manifestlye contrarye to the truthe of thy blessed lawe Notwythstandinge remember thy olde mercyes and for the glorye of thy name be fauourablye vnto them gyue them grace to repent and to know the truth i. Timo. ii that they maye escape out of the snares of the deuill and become the children of libertye and euerlasting saluacion Gather together al such as are dispersed make of them with vs one flock Cal home agayne theym that are runne astray after strang gods Iohn x. that they may gloryfye the alone Deliuer thy people out of Egypte that lande of seruitude and bondage and bring thē into the land that floweth wyth mylke and honye Lette the babling Babilonians kepe thy seruauntes no longer in captiuity but restore theim home agayne vnto that Ierusalem wher thy holy name is called vpon thanked and praysed wher thy heauenly doctrine is purelye taughte where thy blessed sacramentes are truelye and faithfully ministred where the works of Christen charitie are continually exercysed that wyth one mouthe and one herte we may praise and glorify thy blessed name Take away from vs all heresies and diuersities of opinions worke in oure hertes an vnfained concord in matters of religiō euen such a concord as is in al poynts agreable to thy blessed worde Graunte also mooste louyng sauyour that thys godlye concord may remain continuallye in thy churche So shal it come to passe that al sects and heresies al diuisions Sismes beinge roted oute of thy holy congregacion and a perfect agrement established amonge vs according to thy blessed word we shal frō the very hert both knowledge the Ia●o● i. the worker therof whiche alone art the author of al goodnes and also sing continual praises to the our Lorde God whiche with God thy father and God the holy gost liuest and reignest true euerlasting God worldes without ende Amen A praier for the common peace and quietnesse of al Realmes HOwe necessarye O Lorde peace and quietnes is for the conuersacion of realms and al publique weales the holy scripture declareth in diuers places the psalmograph exhorteth al the faithefull Israelites to praye for those things that make vnto the quietnes of Ierusalem Psal. ●xxii that ther maye be peace wealthe and abūdaunce both in it and all the coastes rounde aboute When the Iewes for theyr syns and disobedience against thy diuine maiesty were led away captiue by kīg Nabuchodonozor frō Ierusalem vnto Babylon and ther cōpelled to lyue vnder the vngodly and vncircūcy●ed gentils the prophet Ieremy wrote an Epistle vnto them wherin among other things he exhorted them to praye for the publyque weale of Babilō and for the Magi●trates thereof sayinge Iere. xxi● Seeke the peace of the citye wherein ye bee prisoners and praye for it vnto the Lorde For in the peace thereof shall youre peace be Thy seruant Baruch also wrot a boke vnto thi people in their captiuite Baruche ● commāding them to praye for the prosperiti of Nabuchodonozor king of Babilō for the welfar of Baltaser hys sonne that their dayes may be vpon earthe as the dayes of heauen c. Agayne thy holy Apostle warneth that aboue al thynges praiers supplicacions intercessions ● Tim. iii. and geuing of thākes be had for kynges and for all that are in authoriti that we mai liue a quiet peaceable life wyth al godlines and honestie Hereof lerne we O most mercifull sauyour how necessarye peace quietnes cōcord is for al relms cōmō welths For that bering rule thi glory is sought thy holye word is preached the Magistrates are obeyed thy prechers ar reuerēced good letters florysh charitye resteth in mēs herts good worcks are exercised euery mā liueth accordynge to hys callyng vertu is auaunced vice is expelled welth and aboundaunce of all thynges dwelleth amonge vs battel with al the pestilences thereof is banished a fygure of that heauenlye Ierusalem is here found among the children of menne when contrariwyse if battel or discorde occupyeth kyngdomes or cityes all goeth to hauock nothing but cruel barbarie lyonlyke fearcenes beareth rule How blessed a thing christē charity godly peace frindly quietnes and brotherly cōcord is in a comon weale thy seruant Dauid king and prophet hauing in his own relme experience ther of declareth in thys hys Psalme Beholde sayth de Pt. cxxxiii how good and ioyfull a thinge it is brethrene to dwel together in vnitie It is like a precious oyntement vppon the head that rā down vnto the berd euen vnto Aarons beard went downe vnto the skyrts of his clothyng Lyke the dewe of Hermō which fel vpon the hyll of Syon For ther thou lord promised his blessing life for euer Seinge o almighty euerlasting God it is a good plesāt ioiful thing brethrē to dwel together in vnity vouchsafe to geue vnto al relmes specially vnto such as the inhabitaunts wherof profes thi holi name this tresure iewel this plesure ioy that they may liue together in vnity quietnes cōcord o lord so many of vs as beleue in the are brethrē haue one father euē thy heauēly father by hym wee haue y● also our brother bi y● we be his sons heires yea fellow heirs with the of eternal glory ●om viii grant therfore that we al may be of one heart of one mind seing that nothing garnisheth becometh the name of brethrē better thē brotherli loue tru peace frēdly quietnes amiable co●cord This Christē vnity and brotherly concorde muste nedes be an excellent tresure in a common weale seinge thy holy Prophet compareth it to a moost preous ointment to the most plesaūt dew the swet smels wher of cānot be expressed Lorde geue vs thys precious ointmēt of mutual loue whatsoeuer we attempt amonge that vs may haue a swete smellyng sauour both before the all
it but earthe ashes dust donge As for the beauty fauour of it Oh how disceitful and vayn it is 〈◊〉 x●xi And as for the strēgth therof howe shortelye dothe a litle feuer make the most myghty the most weake 〈◊〉 iii. Who thā wil be proud of so vyle a carcas sacke of donge 〈◊〉 ii 〈◊〉 ▪ v. As touching our soule if it be regenerat by thy holy spirit what other thing is it thē the bonde slaue of satan and sinne If any thing we haue that good is for all naughtines cōmeth of oure selues it is thy gyft Os● xiii If we haue receiued it why do we glory in our felfs as though we had ●ot receiued it It may plese the therefore whiche arte the Myrrour of true humility and geuer of al vertu to graue in our herts the true knowledge of our selfes that we maye bothe willyngelye and vnfainedly confes whatsoeuer goodnes we haue to be thy gyfte and so not to glory in oure selfes but to geue vnto the most humble and herty thanks for all thy giftes euer walkynge before the with al submissiō lowlines of mind that thou maiest exalte vs whē the tyme commeth Suffer vs not to be hye mynded but to make our selfs equall to thē of the lower sort gyue vs that humiliti lowlines of hert that mortifieth killeth in vs al loue of o ur selfs al pride arrogācy that our whole glory reioising may only be in the our Lord and sauioure to whō be al honor for euermore Amen A prayer agaynste whoredome 〈◊〉 xlvii HOwe greatly thou doste abhorre whoredom fornicaciō and all vnclennes O Lord 〈◊〉 xix the drownyng of the whole world the destruccion of Sodome and Gomorre with water Exod xx fire brimstone Deute v. from heuen and such other like plages mencioned in the holy scriptures ▪ do euidētly declare and shew Deu. xxiii Thy cōmaundement is that we shulde cōmit none adultry Leuit. ●x And in the common ▪ weale of the Israelits thou cōmaūdest Deut. xxii that there shuld neither be whormonger nor whore If any suche wer found the thei shuld be stoned vnto deathe Prou●r v. For althoughe the l●ppes of an harlotte are to the folyshe a droppynge hony come and her necke softer then oyl yet at the last is she as bitter as wormwod and as sharp as a swearde Her feete go down vnto death her steppes haste them into hell and he the accompanieth him selfe with an whore Prouer. ix shal go doun vnto hel but he that goeth away frō her shal be saued Proue x●x Yea he y● mainteineth an whore shal come vnto beggery in this world and after this life shal haue his part in the lake that burneth wyth fire and brymstone O Lorde Apoca. xx i. Tess. iii● thou haste called vs not vnto vnclēnes but vnto holynes purenes of lyfe i. Corin. vi thou hast made vs one body and one spirit with the how vnsemely thē is it to take the mēbers of Christ Psalm li. to make thē the mēbers of an harlot We therfore moste humbly besech the to make in vs a clene hert to renue a right spirite within vs to turn away al voluptuousnesse from vs. Ecle xxiii Take from vs the lusts of the body let not the desires of vnclēnes take hold vpon vs and geue vs not oouer into an vnshamefaste and obstinate minde Ephesi v. Let not fornicaciō adultery nor any kind of vnclēnes be once named amōg vs. Let no fylthye communicaciōn procede out of your mouthes Ephe. iiii but that which is good to edifie with al when nede is i. Cor. vi that it may haue fauour with the hearers And for asmuch as nether fornicatours neyther whoremongers Ephesi v. nether weaklīgs nether abusers of thē selfs with the mankinde shal enherit the kingdome of God grāt we hertely pray the that suche as be vnmaried may kepe thē selfs pure and vndefiled after the exāple of that godly yong man Ioseph and bring with thē vnto honorable wedlocke both their bodyes and myndes chast honest Graunte also that the maryed men may beware and kepe thē selfes from all whoredome Gen. xxxix and vse the companye of no woman besides theyr wife Again Tobi. iiii Iob. ●iii graunt that al maried women may practyse the maners of that vertuous womā Susāna nether for flattering nor manacing words at anytime consent vnto vnclennes but so kepe the bed vndefiled that their mariage may be honorable that God may blesse thē theyr godly trauels and make theym ioyfull Mothers of manye children Fynally graūt O most merciful father that we may so auoid al vnclēnes that we being pure both in bodye soule may deserue to se thy glorious face in thi heuēly kīgdō thorow Iesu christ our lord Amē A prayer agaynste couetousnes THy sonne and oure Lord O heauenly father byddeth vs take hede and beware of couetousnes for no mannes lyfe sayeth he standeth in the aboundaūce of thyngs which he posesseth Thy holy Apostle also affirmeth couetousnes to be the rote of al euilles i. Tim. vi and that they which study to be riche fal into temptacion and snares into many folyshe and noysome lustes which drowne men in temptacion and destrucciō And in a nother place he calleth couetousnes the worshyppyng of Idolles Ephes● v. Thus in euery place of the holye scrypture thys most damnable synne of couetousnes is cōdēpned and forbiddē ▪ Notwithstanding O lord thorow the suttel working of the Deuill we se how this most vyle monsture hath preuailed and almost ouercome the whole world and brought into his subieccyon not onli the wicked and vnfaithful but thē also that professe thy blessed name and holy religion For frome the fyrste to the laste frō the hiest to the lowest al gyue theyr mynde to couetousnesse Iere. vi Phil. ii Al seke their own not Iesu Christes They renounce the world in word but in dede no mā ēbraceth it more desirousli Thei bi mouth professe couetousnes to be a line but in worke they magnifi it not onelye as a vertue but also as a God In word they confes that to be theyr Lord Esay● v. but in dede they serue Māmō Thei make no end of ioynīg house to house land to land Lordshyp to Lordshyp ferme to ferme pastur to pasture i. Peter v. Another sorte which ought to be an exāple to thy flocke cheyneth coupleth lynck●the and ioyneth lykewyse dignyty to dignity promocyon to promocion benefice to benefyce prebend to prebende deanry to deanry office ro office office for a vauntage vnto the greate dishonoure of thy holy name the hyndrance of thy blessed Gospell and the confusion of theyr cōsciēce if they had any Esay● lvi They be shamlesse dogges that haue neuer inoughe nor be neuer fatysfyed Abacuc ii
our conuersacion and liuing that whatsoeuer we breth thyncke speake or do all thyngs may be done vnto the honour glorie and prayse of thy name whyche lyueste and raygneste wyth God the father and GOD the holy gost the true liuinge euerlastynge God worldes wythoute ende Amen A prayer vnto God in prosperity Iacob i. VUe are taughte in thy holye worde O moste merciful father that euerye good perfecte gifte commeth from aboue euē from the the father of lyght that wee haue nothynge in thys worlde pertayninge eyther vnto the body or vnto the soule 1. C●ri iiii that is prayse worthy but we haue it altogether of the forasmuch therefore as it hathe pleased the to opē thy lyberal hande and plenteously to blesse me a wretched sinner ●sal cxlv aboue many other the creatures wyth large and diuers benefites bothe bodely and ghostly I most hūbly beseche the geue me grace not to be proude of these thi gifts nor licenciouslye to abuse them but alwayes mekely to acknoweledge the thalone geuer of them continually to be thanckeful vnto the for them and so to vse thē all the dayes of my lyfe vnto the glorye of thy holye name and the profyt of the Christen congregacyon that when so euer I shal departe from thys vale of miserye come before the glorious throne of thy diuine Maiesty I maye be founde a faythfull stewarde and heare these swete and comfortable wordes of the well thou good and faythful seruaunt thou hast bene faythful ouer fewe thyngs I wyll make the Ruler ouer manye thynges Math. xx● ▪ Enter thou into the ioye of thy Lorde Graunt thys o mooste louing father for thi dere sonnes sake Iesus Christe oure Lorde and sauyoure Amen A Prayer vnto God in aduersitie THou alone O blessed Lorde by thi godly wisdome and heuenlye prouidence gouernest all thynges ●ap xiiii and sendest vnto vs thy creatures as semeth good to thi godli maiesti i. Reg● ii somtime welth somtime pouerti somtime health sometime sicknes somtyme prospe●●●ie sometime aduersitie as thou dost appoint so doth it chās vnto vs. It hathe pleased the at thys present for my deserts worthely to lay the crosse of aduersity vpon my shulders whych I freli confesse I haue moste iustlye deserued and yet not withstanding I am perfectly perswaded that it is thy mooste gentle and louinge visitacion Prouer. iii. yea and an euident token not of thyne anger and heauy displeasure Hebru xii Apoca. iii. but of thy fatherly loue and harty good wyll toward me i. Corin. xi whyle on this manner thou correctest me in thys worlde that I maye not bee condemned wyth thys wycked worlde My synnes I graunte O heauenlye father haue deserued a more greuous bytter crosse whych in dede haue ful oft deserued veri hel but thou consyderyng my frayle and weke nature dealest not wyth me after my deseruynges but accordynge vnto thy greatst mercyes Uouchsafe therefore o moste louing sauyour to geue me thy holy spirit which may worke in mi hart such thankefull pacyence and pacyent thākefulnes that euer I grudge nor murmure agaynst thy blessed wyll Eccles● ii but continuallye call on thy holye name wyth hartye prayers and euen from the very botom of the heart prayse and magnify the my heuenly father Psalm● i. beyng wel cōtented to suffer what so euer thy good pleasure shall be to laye vpō me nothyng doubtynge but that thou wylt here after mercifullye looke vpon me and restore vnto me the fruic●on and enioyinge of thy former benefites that I seyng again good and prosperous dayes on the earth may lyue and synge vnto thy godlye Maiestye contynuall praises and most harty thanckes thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde to whome wyth the and the holye Ghoste be all glory and honoure for euer and euer Amen ☞ A thanksgeuyng vnto God for sendynge his sonne into this world to die for our sins VUither soeuer we tourn our eyes O mooste louynge and heauenlye father the bottōlesse seas of thyne vnspeakeable goodnesse towarde mankynde plenteouslye stowe in and lyuely offer thē selfs vnto vs to beholde and to wonder at Esay xxiiii After thee fall of the sinnefull angels what an exceadynge greate kyndenesse was thys Iob. iiii to make man after thy similitude image liknesse ii Peter ii that he and hys posteritye myght furnyshe and occupy those places in thy gloryous kyngedome Gene. ii whych the proude and dysobedient aungels loste for theyr proude dysobedyēce disobediēt pride Not only to place man in earthe but also to prouyde aforehande all things necessary for hym yea to make hī Lorde and ruler of al thyngs contayned in the earth vnder y● hys Lorde GOD Psalm● ●● O what a wōderfull louynge kyndenes was thys Again to preserue kepe defend man to watch continually vppon hym whether he wake or slepe as the deligēt and carefull shepherd watcheth ouer his flock that no euyl chance to man to dyrrecte hys thoughtes counsells deuyses vnto the best neuer leauinge hym til thou haste broughte hym into thy heuenly kyngedome O who is able with tong to expresse or wyth herte to thyncke thys thy hertye good wil towarde manne These benefites O most merciful father are exceadynge greate tokens of thy deare loue toward mankind but the gyft of thi onelye begotten sonne Iesu Christe our Lorde Mathe. i. ii Timo. ii Ephesi ii ▪ whom thou gauest vnto vs to be our sauyoure oure redemer i. Cor. i. our peacemaker our wysdome our santificacion and our ryghteousnesse is the most excellent gift most precius treasure A chylde to be born for our sakes The sonne of the most hiest God to be geuen vs for a newe yeares gifte Esaye ●x to be our owne for euer O loue passynge all loue O kyndenes rather to be merueled at thē able by mouth to be vttered Iohn iii. God the father so derely to loue the world that he wold geue his only begotten sonne that euery one that beleueth in him maye not pearishe but haue euerlastyng life God the father to sende hys sōne into the worlde not to condēne the world but that the worlde thorowe hym shuld be saued God the father not to spare his own sonne but to delyuer hym euē vnto death for vs al yea with him euē to geue vs al thinges O most gentle kīdnesse excellyng al loue kindnes Roma●● v. Wōderfully O moost louing father doth this thing set forth thy herti loue toward vs that whē we wer yet vngodly wycked sinners thou gauest thi sonne to dye for our sins Esaye ●iii Math v●i● i. Peter ii He was wounded for oure offences and smitten for our wyckednes The paine of our punishmēt laiedst thou vpon him with hys stripes were we healed Thorow him O lord dyddest thou pardon all our sins It was thy good plesure to smyte hym with infyrmity
of the glorius gospell of christ shuld not shine vnto thē that they cast away thys doctryne as heresye go forth stil of an obstynate and froward minde to worshyp the bread wine as god condēne al other for heretikes whyche hold the contrarie O lord these bread christians may wel be resēbled to the men of Babilō which would not be perswaded by anye meanes but that Bell the great Dragon whō they dayly worshipped and offred vnto Dan. x●iii were liuyng godds and therefore sought they al meanes possible to destroy both Daniel and the king because thei taughte the contrarye and braste tho●e Idols geuing commandement that the liuyng God alone which thou art shuld be honored worshipped of al nacions in the worlde But we O Lord to whō thou haste reueled the misteris of thy godlye truthe and delyuered out of the kyngedome of darckenesse confes our selfs to be great lye bounden vnto the for thy mercyful benefyte We therefore beseche the to gyue vs grace so to walk in this glorious light of thy holye Gospel as it becommeth the chyldren of light in al goodnesse Ephe. v. ryghteousnesse and truth Thou haste deliuered vs from stinking Sodome suffer vs no more to loke backe toward it Gene. xi Thou hast brought vs home againe frō Babylō y● land of bondage vnto the newe Ierusalē Grant that we beīg delyuered oute of the handes of our enemis may serue the in holines righteousnes al the dais of our lyfe Luke i. Mathe. ii We haue sene Christ thy sonne and oure kynge suffer vs no more to returne vnto wycked Kyng Herode Luke ix We haue put oure hande to the ploughe grante that we neuer loke backe agayne but perseuer contynew go forward vnto the end Let it be neuer sayed to vs as thy sonne sayde vnto the Iewes Math. xxi the kyngdom of God shal be taken frō you shal be geuen to a people which shal bringe forthe the fruites of it Make vs fruteful fig trees Giue vs grace to be ryche and plenteouse in all good workes As we confesse the with oure words so let vs expres the with our workes As we fauour and loue thy Gospell so lette vs folowe and loue thy gospel For that seruant whiche knoweeth hys masters wyll and doeth it not shal be beatē with mani stripes If after we haue escaped frō the filthynesse of the worlde thorowe the knowledge of the Luke xii and of our sauiour Iesu Christ we are tangled again therin and ouercome ●ii 〈◊〉 ii then is the latter ende worse with vs then the beginning For it had ben better for vs not to haue knowen the wai of righteousnes thē after we haue knowē it to turne from the holy cōmaundement geuē vnto vs. So might it be sayde of vs accordynge to the true prouerbe Pro. xxvi The dog is turned to hys ●omit agayne Pr● ●xvi and the sowe that was washed to her walowīg in the myre Graunte therfore we moste humbly pray the that accordynge to oure knowledge we may leade an honest conuersaciō among all menne i. Peter ii that they which backbyte vs as euyll doers maye see oure good worckes and glorifie the our heauenly father in the day of visitacion Amen A thankesgeuinge vnto God for al his benefites VE mooste heartelye thancke the O LORDE God oure heauenly father for thy mamanyfolde and inestimable benefites whiche thou haste geuen vnto vs bothe for oure body and soule yea and freely euē of thine owne goodnesse wythoute oure desearte We thancke the that it hathe pleased thee of thy greate mercie fyrste to create make vs accordynge to thyne own image and lykenes Gene. i. to place vs in ioyful paradyse Sapi ii wher we shuld continually haue remained in a blessed quiet state if thorow the subtil and deceitefull suggestions of of Satan our old enemy Gene. iii. we had not transgressed thy holy cōmandement We thancke the also O most gentle father for thy louing kindnes whiche thou shewedst vnto vs when we all were perished lost thorow the sinne of oure firste father Adam For whē thou mightest iustly haue condemned vs and cast vs into perpetuall dānaciō thou like a father of singuler great loue haddest pity on vs and sauedst vs by the deathe and passyon of thy welbeloued sonne our Lord sauiour Iesu Christe ii Tim. ii which gaue him self a raunsome for all oure synnes and payed a sufficiente price by hys precious bloud for all the wyckednes that we at anye tyme heretofore haue commytted i. Iohn i. Hebru ▪ x● or hereafter shall cōmit thorow our frailtye weakenesse so that we repente beleue amende Neither wast thou thus contented that he only shuld dye for our sinnes but thou also didst raise him vp again for our iustificacion Roma iiii and to make vs ryghtous in thy sight Moreouer after that he had shewed him self vnfained lye alyue to hys Apostles by manifest and euident tokēs certain dayes after his resurreccion Mat. xxvii● thorow the power of his godhead he ascended vp into heauē perfecte God and perfecte man Luk. xxiiii where he nowe sitteth on the ryghte hande and maketh intercessiō for vs Actes i. being our alone mediatour and aduocate i. Timo. ii From thēce we looke for hym to come again at the daie of iudgement Iohn ii A●t●s i. not as a cruell iudge to condemne and caste vs away but as a moste louinge Lord and gentle sauioure Math. xxv to cary vs wyth hym vnto euerlastyng glory i. Tes. iiii ther worlde 's without end to remaine in such ioyes as eie haue not sene nor eare hathe hearde Esay liiii i. Cor. iii. nor yet is any hert able to thinke For those thy moost bounteous gyftes and for al other thy benefites whiche thou dayly geuest vnto vs of thy great mercy both for oure bodye and soule we most hūbly thanke the mooste gentle and mercyfull father besechynge the that thou wilt giue vs grace thorow thi holie spyrit not to be vnthākful but to walke worthy of this thi kindnes and so to behaue ourselfs all our life time in this wretched worlde according to thy holye wyll that at the last day we may be foūd in the number of them to whō thy only begotten sonne shal say Mat. xxvi come ye blessed of my father po●ses the kyngdome whiche was prepared for you from the beginninge of the world Lord let it so come to passe ¶ A prayer for the sycke to be sayde of the congregacyon ▪ O Iesu the alone sauyoure of the world and the onely true Phisicion bothe of body and soul we ar come together at this presente before the thorne of thy godly Maiestie to offer our humble prayers vnto the for our sicke and weake brother whome thou haste visited wyth thy louing rod of correcciō wherby
of our tribulaciō in al time of our wealth in the hour of death in the day of iudgment Good lorde delyuer vs. ❧ We sinners do besech the to here vs O Lorde God and that it maye please the to rule and gouern thy holy church vniuersal in the ryghtewaye We be●ech the to heare vs good lord That it may please the to kepe Edward the sixt thy seruāt our king and gouernoure We b●se●h the to heare vs good lorde ❧ That it mai please the to rule hys heart in thy fayth feare and loue that he may always haue affiance in the and euer seke thi honour and glory We beseec●e th● to ●eare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please y● to be his defēdour and keper geuyng him the victory ouer al his ennemies We b●s●●ch● th● to heare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to illuminat al bishops pastors ministers of the church with true knowlege vnderstāding of thy word and that both by theyr preaching and liuing they may set it forthe and shew it accordyngly We beseeche the to ●●are vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to endue the Lords of the counsayle al the nobilitie with grace wysedome and vnderstandyng We beseeche the to heare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to bles and kepe the magistrats geuing them grace to execute iustice and to mayntayne truthe W●●es●che the to heare vs good Lorde ☞ That it may please the to bles and kepe thy people We besech the to hear vs ▪ c. ❧ That it maie plese the to geue to all Nacions vnytye peace and concorde We besech the to heare vs ▪ c. ❧ That it may plese the to geue vs an hert to loue and dread the and diligently to liue after thy cōmaundementes We beseche the to heare vs. c. ❧ That it my please the to geue al thy people increase of grace to heare mekely thy word and to receiue it with pure affecciō and to bring forth the fruts of the spirit We besech the to heare vs ▪ c. ☞ That it mai plese the to bring into the waye of truth al such as haue erred and are deceiued We beseche t●e to hea●e vs. c. ❧ Tha● it may please the to strēgthē such as do stand to cōforte help the weke herted to rayse vp thē that fal and finalli to beat doun Sathā vnder our fete fete We beseche the to heare vs good Lord. That it mai plese the to succour helpe and cōfort al that be in danger necessity and tribulacion We beseche the to here vs good Lorde That it maye please the to preserue al that trauail by land or by water all women labourynge of childe all sicke persōs and yonge children and to shew thy pity vpon al prysoners and captyues We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde That it may plese the to defend and prouide for the fatherles childrē and widows and al that be desolate and oppressed We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde That it maye pease the to haue mercy vpon al men We besech the to heare vs good Lorde That it may plese the to forgeue our enemies persecutours slāderers and to turne their herts We besech the to heare vs good lord That it may please the to geue preseru● to oure vse ▪ the kindly fruites of the ear●he ▪ so as in due time we may enioye them We besech● the to heare vs good Lorde That it may please the to geue vs true repētāce to forgeue vs al our sins neglygences ▪ and ignorāces to endue vs with the grace of thy holye spirit to amend our liues according to thy holy word We beseche the to heare vs good Lorde Sonne of God we besech the to heare vs. Sonne of God we beseche the to here vs. O lābe of god that takest away the synnes of the worlde Graunte vs th● peace O Lābe of god that takest awai the synn●s of the worl●e Haue mer●y● v●●n vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lorde haue mercye vppon vs. Christ haue mercye vpon vs. Lorde haue mercye vpon vs. Our father which art in heuē c. And lead vs not into tēptacion B●t ●●lyuer vs from euil O Lord deale not with vs after our synnes Nether reward vs after our iniquities ☞ Let us ●ra● O God mercyefull father that despisest not the sighinge of a contrit hert nor the desire of such as be sorowful mercyfullye assist oure prayers that we make before the in al our troubles aduersitis whensoeuer thei opresse vs And grac●ouslie here vs that those euils which the craft subtelty of the deuil or man worketh against vs be brought to nought and by the prouidēce of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed that we thy seruaunts being hurte by no persecucions maye euermore geue thankes vnto the in thy holie churche throughe Iesu Christe oure Lorde O lorde aryse healpe vs and delyuer vs for thy name sake O God we haue herd with our ears our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble woorckes that thou didst in their days and in the old tyme before them O lorde aryse help vs and delyuer vs for thy honoure Glory be to the father the sōne and to the holye gost As it was in the begynnynge is nowe and euer shal be worlde wythout ende Amen From oure ennemies defēd vs O Christe Gracyouslye loke vpon our a●fli●cyons Pytifully behold the sorowes of our hearte Mercifullye forgeue the syns of thy people Fauorably wyth mercy here oure prayers O sonne of Dauid ha●e mercye vpon vs. Both now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs Christe Gaaciously heare vs O Christ. Gracious●y heare vs O lorde Chr●ste O Lord let thy mercy be shewed vpon vs. As we do put our trust in thee Let vs praye ▪ VE humblye beseche thee O father mercyefullie to looke vpon oure infirmytyes and for the glory of thy name sake turn frō vs al chose euils that we most righteouslye haue deserued and grant that in all our troubles we may put our whole truste confidēce in thy mercy and euermore serue the in holines purenes of liuing to thy honour glory through our only mediatour aduocate Iesus Christ our Lord. Amē A prayer of Chrisostome ALmyghtye GOD whyche haste geuen vs grace at this tyme with one accord to make oure common supplicacyons vnto thee and doeste promyse that when .ii. or .iii. be gathered togetherin thy name thou wilt grant their reques●s fulfil now O lord the desyres and petycyons of thy seruantes ▪ as mai bemost expedi●nt for thē gra●tynge vs in thys worlde knowledge of thy truthe in the worlde to come life euerlastinge Amen 〈◊〉 ●yue if the time require O God heauenly Father which by thy sonne Iesus Christe hast promised to al them that seke thi kingdome and the righteousnes therof al things ne●●ssary to their bodelye sustenaunce Send vs we beseche the in thys oure necessytye suche moderate rayn showers that we maie receiue the fruites of the erth to our comfort to thy honour through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen For fayre wether O Lord god which for the syn of man dyddest ones drown al the world except .viii. persons and afterward of thy great mercie diddeste promise neuer to destroye it so agayne we humbly besech the that althoughe we for our iniquityes haue worthely d●serued thys plague of rayne and waters yet vpon our true repentance thou wilt send vs such wether wherby we maie receiue the frutes of the earth in due season and learne both by thy punyshement to amend our liues and for th●●●emencye to geue the prayse and glory throughe Iesu Christe our Lorde Amen In the tyme of dearth and famyne O God heauenly father whose gift it is that rayne doth fal the earth is frutfull beastes encrease and fishes do multiply behold we besech y● the afflicciōs of thi people ▪ grant that the scarcetie dearth whych we do now most iustlye suffer for our iniquitye maye throughe thy goodnes be mercifullye turned into cheapnes and plenti for the loue of Iesu Christ our Lord to whō wyth the and the holy ghost c. Amen Orthus O God mercifull father which in the tyme of Heliseus the Prophet diddeste subdeinlie turne in Samaria great scarcity and death into plenty and cheapnes extreme ●amine into abūdance of victual haue pitie vpon vs that now be punished for oure synnes wyth like aduersytye encrease the fruites of the earth by thy heauenly benedyccyon And graunt that we receiuing thi boūtiful liberalitie may vse the same to thy glory our comforte relief of our nedy neighbours through Iesu Christ our Lord. Amen In the time of warre O Almighty God Kynge of all Kynges and gouernoure of all thinges whose power no Creature is hable to resyste to whom it belongeth iustlye to punyshe synners and to be mercyfull to theim that trulye repente saue and deliuer vs we humblie besech the from the handes of our enemis abat their pride aswage their malice and confound theyr deuyses that we beynge armed with thy defence may be preserued euermore from al periles to glorify the which art the only geuer of al victory through the merytes of thy onelye sonne Iesu Christ our lorde Amen In the time of any common ▪ plague or sickenesse O Almighty God which in thy wrathe in the tyme of kynge Dauid diddest ●lea with the plague of Pestilence thre skore and ten thousand and yet remēbring thy merci didst saue the rest haue pitie vpon vs miserable sinners that now are visited with greate sickenes and mortalitie that like as thou diddest then commaund thyne Aungell to ceasse from punishing so it may now plese the t● withdraw from vs thys plage and greuous sic●●nesse through Iesus Christ our ●ord Amen ¶ Imprinted at London by Ihon Day dwell●ng ouer aldersgate a lytle beneth S. Martins These bokes are to be solde at hys shop by the 〈◊〉 Cunduite 〈◊〉 Ch●pesyde 〈◊〉 pr●●ileg●o ad imprimendum solum