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A05611 The ansvver of Iohn Bastwick, Doctor of Phisicke, to the exceptions made against his Letany by a learned gentleman which is annexed to the Letany it selfe, as articles superadditionall against the prelats. In the vvhich there is, a full, demonstration and proof of the reall absence of Christ in the sacrament of the Lords Supper, with the vanity and impiety of the consecreation of temples churches and chapples, also the necessity of the perpetuall motion and circulation of worship if men be bound to bow the knees at the name of Iesus. This is to follow the Letany as a second part thereof.; Litany. Part 2 Bastwick, John, 1593-1654. 1637 (1637) STC 1573; ESTC S104507 58,802 32

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all times As the command that sayes thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart aud with all thy soule and with all thy strength binds semper ad semper and the neglect of our loue and duty at any time is a sinne The second command binds likewise that we should not make to our selues any grauen image or the likenes of any thing in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath and that we should not bow downe to it nor worship it This command also binds semper ad semper and the violating of it at any time is a great sinne against allmighty God and without repentance brings eternall misery The same may be said of the 3 and 4 commandements of taking the name of God in vayne and keeping holy the Sabbath day and of all the rest of the commandements Now I say if these words to the Philippians be a command as the Prelats would haue it then it is of the same nature with the rest So that the worship there prescribed and set downe and that worship onely is to be performed and not such worship and seruice as the Prelats would frame For God that requires worship from vs will haue it after his owne way likewise and will not be serued after mens phansies which he abominates So that if an externall and corporall worship be to be giuen at the name of Iesus as they say it must then be bowing of the knees and the confession with the mouth for the words are thus Set downe at the name of Iesus euesy knee shall bow and euery tongue shall confesse c. so that the very instruments by which this worship should be performed are set downe viz the knees and the tongue How is it then when the Lord hath so precisely set downe the instruments of this worship and the maner of it that the Prelats are yet so blind that they see them not in the Text or so willfull that they will not follow it at the name of Iesus saith the text euery knee shall bow and the Prelats in obedience to this command put vp their fingers to their FOVRE-SQVARE COWTVRDS and giue him a nod with the head and all this I auerre is their owne worship not Gods God doth not bid them bow their fingers to their form alityes but the text sayes expresly that at the name of Iesus euery knee shall bow this is the seruice outward and corporall and this onely that is by that text required if any And the truth is it is a mockery of God in the Prelats so to doe If a King should command a subiect to yeild him his hand to help him and if he should giue his foot would not such a fellow be keckt out of the Court and most worthily Paul in an other Epistle bids men lift vp pure hands and hearts in all places praying vnto God Now if one going to pray should lift vp his heeles and kecke vp his legs because Paul commands men praying to lift vp pure hands and hearts would not this fellow be condemned of prophanesse among all mē be thought a scorner of religion worthy of seuere punishmeut so to abuse the Scripture in this very manor doe the Prelats mock God for the reuerence that they performe is redeculous and such as the text commands not For that sayth not put of your hats or caps or nodd your head and make a leg no such businesse I promise you doth that require but explicitly sayes at the name of Iesus euery knee shall bow So that if the Prelats will either doe that themselues or enioyne others to doe it that is commanded in that place they must fall downe vpon their knees or at least make a curtsy as often as the word and sound Iesus comes to their eares making of a leg and putting of their caps or nodding with the head is no obeying of that command neither is it required of them but that their knes should bow not one in making of a legg for that is not to obey the commaundement neither but both for the text sayth at the name of Iesus euery knees shall bow and thus to obey Pauls commaund I neuer saw any Preist or Prelat to this day so that as yet they liue and continue in disobedience to it aud bring-in a commaund of their owne which they put vpon the people and the neglect or transgression of the which they punish with the ruine and vndoing of many a great wickednes in them to neglect the commaunds of God and vrge their owne traditions aboue them Besides if this be a command it is not sufficient onely in the Church to doe this but it must be done in all places at all times without limitation wheresoeuer whensoeuer the name of Iesus soundeth whether in Church or house court or country street or feild whether in preaching or reading whether in cursing or rayling banning or swearing euery body must fall vpon their knees or make a curtsy for the text sayth at the name of Iesus euery knee shall bow so the commandement runneth with out restriction AND THIS ALSO HAVE NEITHER PREISTS NOR PRELATS YET EVER DONE but liue and dye in the breach of this command which they so vnmercifully punish others for And were it so that at the name of IESVS the Prelats did fall downe vpon their knees or make an humble curtsy according to the commaund they had yet done but halfe seruice which is as bad as none God calls for whole seruice he will not be serued to the halues Now the text that sayth at the name of Iesus euery knee shall bow the same text also sayth that at the name of Iesus euery tongue shall confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the father So that there is an outward orall and audible confession to be made with the mouth as well as an outward bowing with the knees and the one is as necessary as much to be vrged as the other for in the text they are both ioyned together and that which God hath joyned together I desire that the Prelats would not be so bold as to seperate least they be found guilty of the same crime of which they sometimes insimulat the Papists for they accuse them of Sacrilege for taking away the cup from the people which the Lord notwithstanding hath ioyned with the bread Now if it be sacrilege in the Papists to keepe the cup from the people as damnable sacrilege it is indeed and to be abhorred of all men It is greater impiety and sacrilege in the Prelats to rob God himselfe of a part of his worship and which in expresse words he challengeth and therefore in them to seperat the confession of the mouth part of the worship that is there required from the other of the knees especially when it is sayd with the mouth man confesseth to Saluation is without doubt a crying sacrilege and impudent temerity for what God
made there and as great reuerence to be vsed as in ours and there was but this difference in them that the one set forth Christ to come and to be crucified and the other set forth Christ now dead and rose againe and in heauen but I say for the substance they were all one and the beleeuing Israelits were as really made partakers of Christ and all his merits in their Sacraments as we in ours and he as really present there as in ours and yet I say they vsed no posture of adooration in it neither was that gesture euer vsed in the administration of Baptisme where Christ is also as much present as in the Lords supper and that Sacrament also was honoured with the visible presence of the holy Ghost and the voice of God the Father the greatest miracle that euer was and the most certaine reall presence that euer we reade of in scripture was in that and this also is such a Sacrament and of such necessity as without which the aduersaries say there is no saluation neither can they deny but Christ is as really preseṅt there as in the supper yet this sacrament is administred by all the aduersaries themselues standing without the posture of veneration and yet they dare not say they baptise vnreuerently why then I beseech you do we vse a gesture of more reuerence at the one Sacrament then at an other when they are equally to be reuerenced or why should we leaue the example of Christ and his apostles in the one and follow Antichrists this I must confesse I see no ground of neither in reason nor in Scripture I haue read that when Gods owne Ordinances came to be abused to Idolatry they were then abolished and it was well pleasing vnto God And I am fully perswaded if that kneeling had been the gesture in Christs time in their ordinary repasts and meales and that Christ himselfe with his Apostles had kneeled in the receiuing of that last Supper yet if afterwards it should haue been abused to idolatry and haue giuen an occasion of much dishonour to God and scandall to the bretheren I say I am confident it would haue been well pleasing vnto the Lord to haue left it and vsed an other But when neither Christ nor his Apostles vsed this gesture of veneration in receiuing of the Lords Supper and it hath been an occasion of great Idolatry yea the greatest that euer was and is also a cause still of infinite dishonour to God and scandall to the weake and strengthning to the wicked idolaters in their courses I affirme and that vpon most excellent reason that this gesture ought now to be left and declined in the celebrating of that holy Ordinance But it hath indeed euer been the policy of the deuill to corrupt the best things He laboured first to bring the people to a profanation of this ordinance and whereas they met together to reioyce in remembrance that Christ dyed for them and was risen againe to free and deliuer them from death they in their reioycing began to exceed moderation and to dishonour God in the abuse of his creatures Sainct Paull therefore to preuent this writes vnto them reproues them for this so great abuse and tels them that such disorder brought a Iudgment vpon them rather then ablessing and wished them to examine themselues and to take notice that it was an ordinance of God himselfe setting forth the death and passion of Christ and the great deliuerance they had by it from the captiuity and slauery of sin and Satan and that as they were redeemed by his death and sufferings from that seruitude to be the seruants of Christ and not to be any longer at the slauery of the Deuill and to doe his workes by disordering themselues so they should prepare themselues remoue wickednes out of their hearts and actions should come with true thankefulnes vnfeined faith and true loue towards God charity towards their neibour with all sanctified affections vnto his holy ordinance that so they might procure a blessing vpon themselues by it and not bring downe iudgments vpon their heads by their inordinat carriage there and this was all the Apostle aymes at in that chapter must we therefore by and by think because the apostle reproues them of irreuerence and disorder therefore he doth licence Idolatry and the worship of the bread and wine as we say in our cōmon discourse there is a difference between staring and starke mad so there is a great deale of difference betweene reverence and Idolatry the one is by the Apostle indeed in this chapter commanded the other in the tenth chapter as highly displeasing vnto God is abominated But I would very faine know of our great Masters what they thinke of Christs and the apostles gesture of sitting where they reuerent or no I demand I hope they will not say vnreuerent will they then presume to be more reuerent then Christ and his disciples away with such hypocrisy and abominable blasphemy then we well perceiue that there may be reuerence in the Sacrament where there is no kneeling And yet these hypocrits call it vnreuerent setting vpon their tayles and make it an article in their Courts for the vndoing of many thousands a damnable wickednes against God and their brethren And without all doubt Paul that reuealed the whole will of God vnto the faithfull and in setting forth vnto the Corinthians the institution of the Supper of the Lord as he had receiued it from Christ himself now reprouing thē also for their vnreuerent comming vnto it and profanation of that holy ordinance if kneeling and bodily veneration had been a gesture fit for that action and would haue made more for the reuerent receiuing or the honouring of God in it he hauing now so good an opportunity would haue put them in mind of it nay he would haue inioyned them to haue vsed kneeling allwayes in receiuing vnles we will thinke Paul was not so carefull to prouide for the reuerent receiuing of the Sacrament as Antichrist and his disciples which were rashenesse to imagin But of kneeling there is altum silentium not a word the apostle leaues them still to their table gesture forewarning them onely of prophanesse and inconsideration of those misteries But behold in this thing also the deceit and craft of that old Serpent the deuill seing the Apostle had preuented his purpose in bringing in the profanation of the supper of the Lord this most excellent help for the edification of them in their most holy faith and well perceiuing that all his possibelity of working that stratagem was taken away and he was now disappoynted of his purpose he goes then an other way to worke and seeing he could not haue his will that way hee resolued to haue it an other and therefore brings-in a contrary extreme worshipping of the bread and wine for Christ himself the greatest and fearfullest idolatry that euer was in the world But for the
the PRELATS may commit any insolency against the King and his people and no body dare say why doe you so it is enough that they seeme to fauour the prerogatiue royall though by their actions they conculcate it which makes vs thinke now that it was their inuention likewise to silence all the lectures in London and in all infected places that in as much as in them lyes they might aduance their damnable superstitions and idolatryes And to what end else should such preaching vp of ALTARS in all places meane such vrging of beautifying of temples such bowing to altars tables at the letters and syllables of Iesus if they had not some great designe of innovation For these things vsed not to be within these few yeares and cannot churches be comely mayntained as they haue formerly been but the whole kingdome must be troubled about them for their sumptuosity and the furnishing of them with fopperies fit for nothing but to prouoke God to anger and who hath expresly said he is not pleased with such things There was a wise Deane not long since who it seemes had been a little before in heauen for he brought news fram thence that Saint Paul was very merry and glad to see their loue towards him and that the King and Nobles were so ready to yeild their helping hands towards his releife in bestowing new cloths vpon him or rather mending his old ones and that Paules it selfe and the very stones did reioyce that the reparations went on soe prosperously and many a fine thing he had to this purpose concerning that holy place for so he termed it But I dare presume in saying that Paul was very glad to see their loue to him in repayring that raw bond building he preached then without his book which Deanes seldome doe before the King I beleeue if Paul were vpon the earth to see what they now doe about that businesse he would giue them as little thanks for that endeauour and for all their paynes as he did at Lystra to the Preists of Iupiter that would haue sacrificed to him and Barnabas No without doubt it would exceedingly trouble and perplex Paul who hated all superstition and such like trumperies as may easily be seene in the seuententh of the Acts where be reprehends the Athenians for their superstition and care about temples and told them that God dwelt not in temples made with hands nor had no need of such deuices and earnestly dehorted them from all such doings and shall we now thinke though a Deane sayes it that Paul would preach an other doctrin contrary to that No no Paul was no temporiser he stood allwayes to his principles and abhorres all such fooleries and impietyes His whole study was how to build vp the true temples and Churches of God in their most holy faith and how to preach and promulgate the Gospell and how to promote the honor of it by his Sufferings and by teaching and instructing the people night and day from house to house His care was not taken vp in making of houses and edifices magnificent or repayring them fit for nothing but superstition and idolatry and the MAYNTENANCE OF IDLE ALBEY LVBBERS concerning which he giueth strict command that except they wrought and laboured with their hands they should not eate Paul indeed had the sollicitude of all the Churches continually lying vpon him and his whole study was to build and reedify them but they were the liuing temples and those indeed he built vp dayly in the knowledge of God and of themselues and with all tooke speciall care for the releife of the poore saints and how to procure aide and comfort vnto them in the times of their necessityes Yea so farr was Paul from putting men to vnnecessary expenses and burthening of them or any way charging of them about building of Churches that he would not be beholding to them for the repayring of his owne body the Temple of the holy Ghost but laboured with his owne hands for his proper maintenance and preached the Gospell to them gratis and that night and day and thought no time enough for that holy duty And shall wee then thinke when Paul was such an aduancer of preaching and such a publisher of the Gospell and so great a hater of superstition and idolatry that hee now is well pleased with the supperfluous repayring of THAT IDOL TEMPLE and the prouiding of a place for such droanes as he thought not worthy to eate Nay I dare maintaine out of Pauls owne doctrine that those infinit summes of money to haue been bestowed vpon the poore indigent brethren would haue been farre more pleasing vnto God for the poore are in the world for the exercise of mens charity and for the common good of kingdomes but of such reparations and buildings there comes neither honor to God nor the King pretend Popelins what they will And all this I say I am ready to make good But to such a passe are times now come that the Pulpits which should be the place of God and his truth are now become stages to make playes on and to vent lyes impiety superstition and idolatry But one of the greatest hypocriticall mockeries of all the rest is their capping and crouching at the name of Iesus and the vrging of all men to doe the same Nay some say they make the PRINCE of WALES to doe it I say in that their damnable hypocrisy is seene for howsoeuer they vrge the obseruation of that ceremony and custome more then they doe the keeping of any command of God and punish the neglect of it with more seuerity then the transgression of the whole law yet there is not one word of warrant for it in all the booke of God the very place they pretend no way fauouring them nor their procedings being the 2. to the Philippians 10 To say nothing of the opinion of all antiquiry that is against them nor how that text by all the torrent of moderne learned men is interpreted contrary to their opinion and by both ancient and neoterick Expositers applyed to the confuting of damnable hereticks and not for the bringing-in of apish tricks in the seruice and worship of God But to come now to the words let vs see whether the Prelats doe that the text inioynts which is the thing they so earnestly vrge The words are these That at the name of Iesus euery knee should bow of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth and that euery tongue should confesse that Iesus is the Lord to the glory of God the father If these words conteyne in them a command not onely of an inward but an outward bodily reuerence as the Prelats and their Preists affirme Then I say this command binds not onely semper but ad semper as all the other Commandements of God do for it is of the same nature with them and the neglect at any time or in any place of that seruice is a sin at