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A04499 An epistle in the person of Christ to the faithfull soule, written first by that learned Lanspergius, and after translated into English by one of no small fame, whose good example of sufferance & liuing, hath and wilbe a memoriall vnto his countrie and posteritie for euer; Alloquia Jesu Christi ad animam fidelem. English Lansperger, Johannes Justus, 1489-1539.; Arundel, Philip Howard, Earl of, Saint, 1557-1595.; Marulić, Marko, 1450-1524. Dialogue betwixt a Christian, and Christ hanging on the crosse. aut 1595 (1595) STC 14627; ESTC S105775 112,859 336

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sicklie if they can not enioye their desire or if they finde and perceaue that they are not loued againe For they languish with meere loue that maketh them that they can neither take any ioy nor receaue any cōfort nor finde any rest except they may obtaine that which they loue O my Daughter thou oughtest to loue mee in this sorte that thou mightest finde in me onlie ioy and consolation and without me in all places nothinge but sorrow and affliction If thou diddest rightly loue me as thou shouldest doe thou couldest not be in rest vntill thou diddest possesse me For there would a continuall thirste hunger desire burne within thy soule not permitting thee to enioye anie quiet at all O that thou diddest languish with such a kinde of loue towards mee or that hating all other thinges thou diddest desire mee onelie O that thou diddest present thy hart vnto me quite weaned and clearely deliuered from all other loue whatsoeuer that I may still draw it after me and both pearce it thorough and wounde it to the bottome with my loue Oh howe happie shuldest thou be if being made quite besides thy selfe and drunke with extreamitie of loue towardes mee thou diddest despise all thinges els thou diddest loath all my creatures and diddest runne only after mee crying vnto me I am wounded with thy charitie Thou oughtest my Daughter to be enflamed with so feruent an affection towardes mee as whosoeuer did come neere vnto thee might perceaue no other thing els but only the heate of thine affection towardes me breathing out of thee and whosoeuer did talke with thee might depart edefied from thee and warmed with the flames of that affection towards me which hee found kindled in thy soule If therefore thou desirest to loue me thou must loue mee with thy whole hart I will not allow that thou shouldest loue me and ioyntlie with mee anie thing els besides me that is that thou shouldest not loue any thing for anye other respect but for my sake onelie I looke to bee loued purely and that thou canst neuer doo but when thou louest mee for my owne selfe that I onely no other respect whatsoeuer be the cause why thou louest me I will also be beloued with an infinite loue and with an vnmeasurable desire for thou shouldest neuer finde in thy soule anie end or measure in louing me but although thou diddest loue mee neuer so much thou shouldest alwaies desire to loue mee more For my loue is not restrayned within any limits but it is infinite and without any bounds It neuer thinketh it selfe satisfied it can neuer be filled or contented with any quantitie though it bee neuer so exceeding great it will euerie day grow and increase to be more For charitie doth alwaies encrease and what is charitie but a good will As therefore a good will cannot bee restrained within any limite and as it is without all end so is charitie likewise I knowe that thou haste a will to loue mee with all thy heart and that thou desirest to loue me as much 〈◊〉 thy selfe alone as all my holy seruants do ioyning all their loue together This desire is good if it procede not from an appetite of desiring in respect that thou wouldest be more excellent then they and singuler aboue them all as though thou onely couldest loue mee as much as all they when all their loue were put together It is a good desire I say if it springeth from pure perfect charitie only that thou doest for mine owne sake without any other respect desire me loue me and wish still to encrease in the loue of me and seeke to loue me as much alone as it is possible for all other beeing ioyned together Haue care therefore that this desire of thine proceed not of any appetite to bee preferred before others but onelye because charitie can neuer be satisfied or filled that the greatnes thereof maketh thee thinke that how much soeuer thou louest mee is much inferiour in thine eyes to that affection which thou dost desire to carrie towards me and in no sorte either answerable or agreeable to thy desire My loue is no idle loue but it worketh great thinges where it is indeede And where there is no desire but an vnaptnesse and vnwillingnesse to doo good workes there is no loue without all doubte And yet notwithstanding this if thou wantest abilitie to do good workes bee not therefore discouraged my Daughter or deiected in thy minde for thy good will pleaseth mee as much as if the worke were done and is as acceptable in my sight I will not require an account of thee for that I haue not bestowed vpon thee For it is not the multitude of workes but the greatnesse of loue which delighteth mee Many good workes if they bee presented vnto mee without charitie doo pacifie me no whitte at all For what is chaffe to me without wheat to whomesoeuer thou doost offer wheat which is loue offer him also chaffe which is workes For although I regarde not workes without loue yet I will haue good regarde of thy loue without workes so as thou be hindred by disabilitie necessitie obedience or any other lawfull impediment in such sorte as thou art not able to do good works For then as I haue saide I accept of thy good will But where power wāteth not if loue remaine it doth extende it selfe and exercise it selfe towardes me and for my sake towardes her neighbour For I haue placed him as a companion with thee in my steed that whatsoeuer thou wouldest bestow vppon mee and cannot thou mayest bestow vppon him And that thou mayest doo it the more willingly I haue promised that I will accept as well at thy handes and rewarde as largely any thing that thou doost towards thy neighbour as if thou haddest done it to my felfe For if thou haste charitie it worketh so in thee as thou louest him for my sake thou beholdest me in him thou seruest me in him thou dooest mee benefits in him thou dost beare with mee in him thou dost suffer me in him and if he offend thee thou dost forgiue me in him And for this cause I gaue him vnto thee in my steed that thou maiest bestow these good turnes vpon him as time and place serueth and as thou haste oportunitie offered by mee to doo the same For thou must not forget that which I repeated before how charitie is not to bee measured or esteemed by the multitude of workes but by the greatnesse and sincerity of thy affection that is by the inward deuotiō of thy mind ioyned with a pure chaste and internall disposition inclination intention of thy will which the more readie prompt feruent and desirous it is to obey me honour me and please me and the more that shee renounceth her owne selfe in seeking to please mee purelie without any other respect and to preferre mee before all other creatures the more shee is drawne to loue mee
AN EPISTLE IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST TO THE FAITHFVLL soule written first by that learned LANSPERGIVS and after translated into English by one of no small fame whose good example of sufferance liuing hath and wilbe a memoriall vnto his countrie and posteritie for euer Imprinted at An●erpe ● 5 9 ● Cum Priuilegio TO THE FAITHFVLL soule-louing Readers Doe heere present to thy charitable regarde most curteous and Christian reader A spirituall Loue-letter writen to the faith●●ll soule in the person of Christ himselfe ●●ich letter beeing first penned in Latine by 〈◊〉 learned Lanspergius who for his ver●es iustly deserued to bee called Iustus was ●●●erwards translated into our vulger tongue ●●some one as it seemeth of no vulger sorte ●●ose stile sheweth him to be of so good minde 〈◊〉 iudgment as his labours might rightlie ●●e challenged better grace fortune then ●●e published as once they baue bin without ●●face but not without blemish of a multi●●e of the Printers escapes that which is ●●der thē either of the other to be in such sort ●●ressed as very few and almost none of the ●●le presse came to their designed vewe ●y ●●nes whereof I can rightly resemble this more blessed then fortunate Epistle to Abra●ham going from the Caldeans to Ioseph lea●uing his cloake flinging away from his ma●sters wife or to Dauid barefooted and bare●headed flying from the face of his Sonne Absa●lon And on the other side I can no les●● fitlie compare the wanton louewrit toies wit●● which the amorous of this humorous age a●● so much assotted to the Idolatrous Chald●●ans to Iosephs vnchaste and wanton mistr●● and to the vnrulie and wicked Absalon 〈◊〉 notwithstanding all their vanities follow●● for a soone vading time with all worldlye f●●uours hauing plentie of Patrones to protec● Fauorites to receaue and read them and t● many by a great many God knowes doo m●● too too much reckoning of them For cer●● if it be truely said that in the sacred scriptu●● and in all other good and Godly writers G●● talketh and speaketh vnto the readers Th●● is no doubt but the diuell in like manner sp●●keth or talketh with such indiscreete wa●● timers as doo spend the precious accompt●● time allotted them in this life to winne h●● 〈◊〉 in reading prophane aud pernitious bab●●ments which doo draw the more is the ●●tie an infinite companye to the bottomlesse 〈◊〉 of hell Take therefore vppon thee I be●●ch thee friendly Reader for thine owne ●●e to patronize this poore pamphlet being as ●●ere but a handfull of good and healthfull ●tructions Read them often and retaine thē●●aies in thy remembrance and which shall ●for thy greater auaile Put them duly by al 〈◊〉 meanes thou maiest in perfect execution ●●hall vice bee loathed and vertue beloued 〈◊〉 selfe benefited the writers and translators ●●uailes well recompenced God glorified ●our labours most happely imployed A caueat to the Reader HEnce Venus idle ympes hence hence in haste Here is no place for Cupids fancies blinde All wanton eyes and eares which are vnchaste Are here vnlike their bace content to finde For only such as vertue haue imbraste May here learne how to loue to liue to dye And after death to scale the loftie skye Another to the same effect WHo so in quiet calme of conscience cleare Haue vewde with sound aduise worlds wauer●● ioi●● And seene the snares the cares the sorry cheare The hopes the haps the feares the great annoyes Which daylie doo to worldlie mindes befall And fortune glad and sad would daunt withall Let them draw nere this Pamphlet to peruse And they shall see the lawes of perfect loue How sinne to shun and Godlie life to chuse Which done If they the weedes of vice remoue And ●ow the seedes of vertue here in grace They may well hope in heauen to haue a place A DIALOGVE BETWIXT A Chrtstian and Christ hanging on the Crosse. Written into Latine by Marcus Marulus Translated into English CHRISTIAN ●Weet soueraigne God why mortall limmes Vpon thee didst thou take ●nd slyding downe from toppe of skye ●in earth thy dwelling make CHRIST That earthly man whom error foule had fondly led a stray By me might learne how be to heauen might take the readie way CHRISTIAN What forced thee who alway wert from euery sinne so pure Such grieuous paines aud death with all so gladly to endure CHRIST The loue I bare to man that him whom sinne had clogged so Our blood by clearing well might make aboue the stars to goe CHRISTIAN Why be thy armes so spred abroad and s●trched out so farre And whats the cause sweet Christ thy feete so close conioyned are CHRIST Cause euerie where from euery coast I diuers nations call And in one faith with stedfast league I do conioyne them all CHRISTIAN But why with bended ne●ke dost thou so bend thy sel●e likewise And so on earth Fast fixed cast thy countenance and eyes CHRIST I monish men that they may shun with peuish pride to swell And humbled necks with sacred yoake to daunt and gouerne well CHRISTIAN Why is thy body naked so and wherefore is thy hue So dry and leane and all thy limmes so stiffe and starcke to vew CHRIST I would that ryot of the world should hatefull seeme to thee And that thou wouldst feele hunger thirst and pore estate with me CHRISTIAN But whitish veyle thy slender loines doth compasse round about Doth hidden part admonish ought resolue I pray this doubt CHRIST Learne thou hereby that bodies chaste doo greatly me delight And that I loath that lawles loue disclose foule thinges to sight CHRISTIAN What doo thy blowes bespettinges taunter and cruell scourgings tell With Crowne of thor●es and of the Crosse the other torments fel. CHRIST That he must suffer each offence and offer no annoy Which quiet peace aboue the stars desireth to enioy Life is but short the labour light most wished is the pay The benifit is infinite which neuer shall decay But now if great rewards doo not at all with some preuaile Yet let them feare the banishment of euer during Gayle The quenchlesse ●ire the vglie darke which neuer shall abate The gnawing worme for aye for aye the bitter wretched state The griesly groanes the sorrowes sharpe the wofull weal-aday The endles plaints the cursed ill which neuer will away For such paines rest for those whome now lewd lust which lasts small while Enioy and with false flattering snares deceitfully beguile To greedy wretches vaunting wealth to flouthfull s●uggards case And cursed Venus chamber worke the wanton crew to please Sweet wine and daintie cates to such as in their panch delight Pompe to the proude and spoiles to such as hardie are in fight The haplesse route inticed thus with these decaitfull traines Mindlesse of sauing health doo fall to vtter wracke and paines And neyther heare my counsayle good nor seeke to follow me And to conclude feare not my doome how sharp so ere it be That
dreadfull doome when ere at last that dismall day befall That day of wrath that day of wrake and hugie storme with all When of the shaken firmament the hideous clashing sound Shall trouble starrs with tumblings swift and dash their globes on ground When as the moone with blood-red lampe the people shall affright And globe of Sunne draw in his beames depriuing men of light When all shall dread and all the world at once shall shaken be So as the quiers Angelicall men may amazed see Fire shall consume the world with noyse and crackling flash of flame And earth and sea and burning lampe of fierie lump shall frame Straight waies with dreadfull maiestie with powre and vertue great Come I and on a glistering cloud will sit in indgment seate There many thousand shall of Saint● roundly inuiron me Yea there of glorious Angels bright shal many thousands be Forthwith the Trumpet from aboue shall gastlie noise sound out Renting the earth and raysing vp the low infernall rout The by and by shall al the dead all vp together rise Whome earth so great in womb so wide did heretofore comprise The multitude reuiued shall before my throne be prest Expecting there with trembling feare my dreadfull doome and hest For nothing shall be vndiscust nor hid nor secret ought No not the thing which any haue committed in their thought There shall desert receaue reward the life which liues for aye Or els the death which neuer more shall haue a dying day Go too then wretches whom as yet lewd error fettereth close Whilst that you may of fettered feete the giues and chaines vnloose Watch well that deadlie sleepe do not your waking eyes oppresse Lest endles day of latest time you slumbring do possesse Behold with how swift course the times doo slip and slide away And how the flying houre admits no manner let or stay Happie is he who still his life doth well and Godly spend And thinks withall it shall forthwith and in a moment end Conuertanter qui oderunt Syon ❀ THE TABLE OF THE PRINcipall titles in this Epistle of our Sauiour Iesus containing the chiefe and speciallest matters thereof 1 AN Epistle or exhortation of Iesus Christ to the soule that is deuoutly affected Folio 1 2 A rule of spirituall life fol. 23 3 How we must mortefie all vnlawfull desires and wicked inclinations fol. 28 4 How a man ought to gouerne his tongue fol. 32 5 Of the contemplatiue life which is wholly withdrawne from the cares and affaires of this this present world fol. 35 6 How we ought to iudge no man fol. 38 7 How we ought to fight against vice fol. 43 8 How we must flie the occasion of temptation fol. 67 9 When the spirituall temptations are to bee conquered fol. 70 10 How we ought to take heed of enuy fol. 77 11 How we must flie singularitie fol. ibid. 12 Of the honor reuerence worship which we ought to exhibite to the mother of God fol. 79. 13. Of sencible deuotion fol. 84 14. How we must prepare our selues when we come to receaue the blessed Sacrament fol. 88. 15 Of discretion fol. 94. 16 How wee ought in all thinges to conforme our selues vnto Christ. fol. 100. 17 Of pouertie fol. 102 18 Of humilitie fol. 107 19 How humilitie is to be obtained fol. 109 20 How we ought not to care for mens iudgements fol. 121 21 Of obedience fol. 129 22 How we must mortefie our owne will and desire fol. 137 23 Of the consideration of God prouidence fol. 148 24 How we must beare aduersitie fol. 156 25 Of wanting of consolation fol. 169 26 Of inward quietnes meekenes of hart fol. 172 27 Of the loue which we should beare toward our neighbour fol. 174 28 Of the puritie of the hart fol. 178 29 How we ought to refer all the good things we receaue to the goodnes of God fol. 185 30 Howe diuine inspirations ought to bee obserued the grace of God not neglected fol. 192 31 How wee must imploy the giftes of God which we receaue to the benefit of others fol. 199 32 Of pouertie in spirit fol. 204 33 Of the loue of God fol. 207 34 Of the praise of God fol. 222 35 Of the exercise of the loue and praise of God fol. 233 36 Of the transformation of a man fol. 242 37 The conclusion of the Epistle fol. 252 1 Two rules of direction for mans life fol. 256 2 An instruction or rule for such as be weake and imperfect but new beginners in Gods seruice fol. 264 3 An other instruction or rule for such as with a more feruent zeale and spirit doo earnestlye labour to attaine to perfection fol. 268 4 Verses for helping a mans memorie wherein are expressed the principall and speciallest points of those good lessons which are comprehended in these rules fol. 280 ● A verye short exercise of loue to God the Father God the Sonne and God the Holye Ghost the most blessed Trinitie and one true God fol. 286 ● An Hymne of the life and passion of our Sauiour Christ made after the manner of the Alphabet fol. 29 7 A Hymne wherein the praise of all crea●ture are offered vp vnto the Creator fol. 30 FINIS AN EPISTLE OR EXhortation of Iesus Christ to the soule that is deuoutly affected toward him wherein are onely contained certaine diuine inspirations which will teach a man how to knowe himselfe and instruct him in the perfection of true Pietie IESVS CHRIST THE SAuiour of the worlde and King of heauen and earth being ready to embrace those that earnestly and truly desire his grace with his mercifull fatherly armes wisheth to his Spouse that is to the soule which loueth him for whose sake he willingly suffered death that he might vnite her to himselfe all perfect and true felicity O My deerely beloued Daughter I haue spoken to thy heart by secrete inspirations but thou wouldest neuer giue eare vnto my motions wherefore since thou diddest care little to answere me much lesse to obey me I am enforced by the great loue I beare thee to write vnto thee that at the least thou mayest bee content to reade what thou diddest neglect to heare by reading both better beare away my exhortation and more deeply imprint it in thy minde For that cha●ity which moued me to offer my selfe not onely to all danger but euen to death it selfe for thy sake will not suffer mee to leaue any thing vndone that may tende to the furtherance of thy saluation And although thou dost not in any sort requite my loue because thy hart is inclined to outwarde vaine and transitory things and so by that meanes too much affected and addicted to my creatures Yet cannot I withdrawe that charity wherewith I am alwaies ready to imbrace thee which exceedeth the loue of any father or mother towardes their children or of any earthly Parent whatsoeuer For I am not onely willing to graunt thee my grace and fauour
that meanes infected with such an extreame coldnes as it maketh thee to loath and abhorre the worde of God which is the food of thy soule But if thou desire to increase in vertue to strengthen thy mind with the following of that course thou must receaue the word of God greedily disgest it perfectly and still retaine the nourishment of that within thee The reason therfore that thou canst not thirst after my iustice is because thou art already filled with the cold meat of worldly conuersation and vanitie and that is the cause also why these things do delight thee which sauour neither of piety nor deuotion Simplicitie of heart is loathsome vnto thee and the exercise of holy meditations thou accoūtest as time lost Thy minde beeing loaden with the cares of this worlde cannot ascend vp vnto mee For although thou raisest it by force for a while yet it presently falleth downe againe into her earthly cogitations so as thy soule being distracted thy heart inconstant thy minde wauering and thy desires insnared with the loue of worldlie pleasure thou art troubled when thou art awake and not quiet when thou art a sleepe And when thou liest in this misery O vnwise daughter then thou complainest that thou art drie and barren without my consolation If this did happen vnto thee by the meanes of my prouidence as it hath to manie other of my friends and not by thyne owne negligence there were no reason why the wanting of this sensible grace of mine shuld molest thy soule But seeing thy owne slouth and negligence is the cause that thou liest languishing in this barren drienes If thou desire my consolation if thou wish for my comming if thou doe long to bee vnited vnto me thou must forsake all those vanities that doe please thee without me only study to serue me indeuouring continually to perfourme those thinges which agree best with my liking and are most pleasing vnto me and making this thy cheefest care thou must labour with all thy force might to see my will as nere as thou canst in all creatures fulfilled Moreouer in dooing hereof let thy whole studie be to content mee and to relie onelie vppon me So shalt thou finde my presence more often with thee by it thy spirit shall be as it were made drūck with ioy thy conscience shalbe comforted thy heart quieted thou shalt then possesse the perfecte rest of most sweet contemplation Oh if thou hadst once come into that wine Celler out of doubt thou wouldest euen with a certaine thirstinesse more earnestly desire to be there and more often But no man can enter into it sauing such as desire me aboue al things loue me aboue all things esteeme me aboue al things make acount of me as all in all For hee that findeth no other consolation but in me hee that thinketh himself vnworthie to receiue any consolation from me nay he that desireth affliction so much in this world as he taketh himself to be wrōged when I send him any consolation at all and doth as willingly accept it at my hands when I leaue his soule barren without any comfort as when I replenish it with my consolatiō to whom all ioy without me is a torment hauing his minde wholy fixed vpon me his desire only bent to serue me Such mē as these be I say are my special friends at whose dore I doe freely knocke willingly enter these are the men to whome I gladly offer my selfe impart my secrets These men am I wont to visite in sundrie sortes as seemeth fittest in my indgment by stirring thē vp in such sort as is meete agreeable for the deuotion and loue which they beare me Sometime I present my selfe to the eyes of their soules wounded naked and tormented in all my members that they may finde greater comforte in the loue they beare me I shew thē my wounds to the end that they may touch them bath them clense them kisse them embrace them and although their deuotion in this behalfe may seeme to worldly men ridiculous because they knowe not what it meaneth yet is it most acceptable vnto me profitable to them For then I begin to forgette all the paines which I haue suffered and also all the faultes which such a spouse of mine hath committed against me do wholy bend my selfe to comfort her with my spirit and to lighten her with my grace And although I stand not in neede of any thing yet I make account I haue gained much when I finde so great fideliue in my spouse as shee loueth mee better than eyther her selfe or all the world besides But vnthankfulnesse doth offend me 〈◊〉 much as fidelitie doth content me and is of all things most grieuous vnto me because by it they seeke to renue as much as lieth in them the griefes of my Passion and vexations of my mind seeing I perceaue that all is lost which I did of an vnspeake by charitie endure for them Therefore whether outwarde affliction of thy bodie or inwarde affliction of thy minde happen vnto thee seek not for externall comforts which are nothing worth but in all thy distresse flie vnto mee and make no complaint of thy griefe vnto any man but to me onely For what greater help can men yeeld thee than in giuing thee faire words If thou hast a Ghostly Father or Confessor I forbid thee not to disclose it vnto him but I exhorte thee to lay open before him the secrets of thy heart and to direct thy selfe in all respectes according to his counsaile without yeelding any waie to satisfie the furie of thy Passion or labouring for some eternall comfort or boasting before others of those vexations which thou dost suffer Declare to me in secret that which thou wouldest complaine of before men committing thy selfe and all things to my prouidence being quiet without any care or perturbation of thy minde Thou shalt finde beleeue me a happie peace in thy soule and great consolation by this course at my hands although not such peraduenture at all times as thou dost imagine or wish for yet such as may most of all conforme thee to my will and pleasure Oh if thou wert taught and accustomed by thine owne experience in all worldly thinges which trouble thee to haue thine eye only fixed vpon me to flie vnto me for refuge to hope in my mercie with a patient expecting of the same to relie vpon me and withall to conceaue with how fatherly louing a minde I send thee aduersitie for thy benifite there should be no tribulation so great that thou wouldest not with al gladnes and willingnes accept yea and prefer it before all ioy or consolation whatsoeuer For albeit thou shouldest receaue no other commoditie by it yet this were sufficient to comfort and reioyce thy minde that it is a fulfilling of my will If my will bee done it doth alwaies please the faithfull soule more than the receiuing
and reasonable man beeing subiect vnto mee continue setled in all tranquillitie in louing of my commandements and in labouring to fulfill them How wee must prepare our selues when wee come to receiue the blessed Sacrament TO speake somewhat by the way of that preparation which thou oughtest to make when thou commest to receiue the blessed Sacrament of my precious bodie I am first to aduertise thee that thou shouldest not bee discouraged although thou dost not sensiblie feele deuotion in thee yea although thou findest thy selfe troubled with horrible tentations and assaulted with some tedious imaginations which doo inuade thy minde For this sensible deuotion of thy soule is not so necessarie but rather that reasonable deuotion of thy will whereby thou dost beleeue well of my Sacrament and whereby notwithstanding these blasphemous thoughts which do assaile and almost ouerwhelme thee thou maiest be mooued to doo all honour and reuerence to my Sacrament although it bee against thine appetite contrarie to thy liking and repugnant to the sence or opinion of thine owne hart and lastly that thou mayest by this inforcing of thy selfe against thy carnall desire finde thy will ready prepared with al obedience to honor mee to giue me thankes to resigne thy selfe wholy vnto mee and to subiect thy minde so farre to my liking as that it may be best contented with that which agreeth most with my plesure If thou haste this deuotion my Daughter which thy reasonable will may easily commaund and procure in thee that is if thou bee sorrie that thou haste euer offended me and determined neuer to offend me againe but to endeuour as much as possiblye thou canst in all thinges to obey my will thou mayest come boldly vnto this Sacrament thou mayest enter securely into my presence for neyther reasonable nor sencible deuotion neither vertue nor yet my grace is obtained by flying from mee but by approching nere vnto me Therfore the more sadder and the more desolate that thou findest thy self yea althogh it be at that time when thou art going to confession or to receiue my blessed body the more earnestly vehemētly excite and enforce thy selfe to proceede in thy good purpose that thou maiest be made strōger in grace more constant in goodnes more feruent in loue towards me Prouide alwaies that thou carriest with thee a pure intention a good wil as I said before Neither let it trouble thee if euen in comming to receaue this blessed Sacrament there doth enter some horror terror into thy soule or if thou bee scarce able presently to take and swallow the blessed host or if thou finde some gawlish kinde of bitternes in thy taste for these are not certaine signes that thou camst vnworthyly to it but thou haste rather cause to mistrust that feare fainthartednes and continual custome of trembling haue procured this imagination in thee which is strongest of all in women maketh thee to thinke that thou feelest those thinges indeede which either thou dreadest to feele hereafter or thou dost imagine that thou feelest at that present But if thou couldest cleane remoue this fainthartednes fearefull imaginations of thine thou shouldest with it also cleane expell this difficultie distresse which thou findest in thy minde For albeit I could deliuer thee from al these perturbations yet doe I permitte some such distresse as these to assault thee and other of my seruauntes because I knowe it is the best meane either to keepe all of you humble or by humbling of you to deliuer you from the sinne of pride which is in women most vsuall Bee therefore stout and carrie a resolute minde that shaking off all womanish feare or fainthattednesse and purging it from those filthie cogitations which doo enter into thee by contemning of them and their perswasions thou mayest with a quiet minde and a pure conscience wholye dedicated to my seruice desire me seeke mee and receaue mee in the blessed Sacrament which am and will alwaies remaine vnto thee if the fault be not in thy felfe a most gratious louer a most gentle protector a most mercifull redeemer a most louing preseruer and a most faithfull Sauiour But because thou maiest be enflamed with a greater reuerence loue and desire toward this blessed Sacrament I assure thee that without all doubt my body is there sacramentally deliuered vnto thee to be receaued vnder the forme of bread Wherefore seeing it is the same body which I now carrie glorified in heauen seeing it is no other nor anie like vnto it but euen the verie same and seeing I carrie not a bodie which is dead nor without blood it followeth of necessitie that together in the same body there must bee also contained my soul my blood my graces and my vertues to all which since the world is vnited that is one person in Trinity from the two other persons cannot be deuided but are inseperably vnited it must also followe that the whole Trinity is present in this Sacrament as truly as verily as they are in heauen though in an other kinde that is vnder a sacramentall forme The same opinion thou must in like sort haue of the Challice the new Testament in my blood consider therefore now with thy selfe with how great willingnes and desire thou oughtest to come vnto this Sacramēt seeing that thou haste in it true saluation and that thou hast me really and perfectly there which am the author of all thy happinesse And because I would not haue thee drawne from it with too much timerousnes of thy conscience or with too great a feare of the reuerence and Maiestie thereof I haue commaunded thee to come vnto it and to receiue it for a commemoration of mee assuring thee that my delight is to be with the Children of men and that I doe much reioyce when I may doe anie of you good to knocke at the gate of your hartes that beeing entred in● I may sup with you and both feede and refresh your hungrie spirite within my selfe And to what other ende doo I all these thinges but onely to procure you to haue a hope and confidence in mee with a loue and desire to come vnto me and not to withdraw your selues from so profitable and necessary a Sacrament or to depriue your soules of that infinite and inestimable fruite which you shall receaue thereby for feare of beeing made vnwoorthie by these temptations which you feele against your will and therefore are not by them polluted with any sin Of discreation AS humillitie must bee the guide of ●●all thy exercises so let discretion rule and moderate them least they hurt thee or make thee vnable to do thy dutie or least the greater benefits and better exercises of thy soule bee hindred by the outwarde exercises of thy body which are not so good nor so profitable and to conclude least by exercising of any vertuous acte thou dost somewhat offend in breach of charitie Haue consideration also of the infirmitie of
inspeakeable incomprehensible from whome all creatures receaue their being who am able with a beck both to bring all creatures and the whole world vnto nothing and againe presently to restore all things to their former course and order Therfore seeing I am euerie way of so great power you may easilie perceaue that I created you which are reasonable creatures according to mine owne Image not for necessitie or for any need that I had of you but of my charitie and goodnes towards you as persons vpon whome I meant to bestowe my benefits and with whome I would impart my felicitie From which grace since you fell by sinne whereby you made your selues not onely vnworthie of eternall life but iustlie deserued eternall fire I beeing incarnate for your sakes suffered three and thirtie yeares hunger thirst cold heate miseries labours persecutions contempts reproches stripes blowes wounds greefes torments and lastlie the Crosse and death it selfe that I might deliuer you from eternall death which you had incurred by your owne deserts I liued my Daughter in the world not as God not as a mighty person nor in a glorious show but as the poorest vilest basest most contemptible of all others being subiect to many torments and sundrie reproches vntill at the last I was slain with a most shamefull and ignominious death which the world did think I had iustly deserued for they iudged both my life and Doctrine to bee detestable as they thought it fitte to roote them both out of all mens memorie to make them end with my death whereat a great multitude of people being present did triumph and reioyce Yet went I as gladly to suffer it as the Hart doth to the Fountaines of water nay being made drunke with my loue towards thee I ranne vnto it and was neuer well vntill I had endured it I spared not my selfe neither fledde I anie labour greefe paine or torment whatsoeuer I refused to doo nothing that might bee for thy profitte thou wert so deare and precious in my sight that I did euen long with a desire to deliuer my selfe for thy sake to be wounded in all parts with sundrie kindes of torments and for thy sake also at the last to ende my life with a shamefull death Moreouer because I did vehemētly thirst after thy saluation I desired to shed all my blood for thee which I did in such plentifull sort as I left no one droppe therof remayning within my body But how dost thou O my Daughter requite me now for all this what dost thou render againe vnto mee in recompence of so great charitie Is it not euen thou which beeing vnthankful to me so many yeares didst despise my selfe didst not regard my wordes didst loth my seruice and didst transgresse my commandements and yet shewing all reproch towards mee being most vncleane vile in my sight beeing altogether polluted with so many filthy abhominations thou dost banish me from thee thou dost reiect my inspirations thou committest fornication with my creatures thou abusest my gift What why doost thou still contemne and forsake mee notwithstanding that I deliuered thee out of most heynous sins and from eternall damnation it selfe wherein thou haddest iustly layen burning many yeares since if my mercie had not preuēted thee To be short why wilt thou despise me seeing I haue so often preserued thee from committing of many offences and also raysed thee out of the bottomelesse gulfe of sin and wickednesse What doost thou not yet at length consider that thou art vile miserable and meerely nothing but by my grace and how then darest thou lift vp thy vp thy face to behold mee whom thou haste so often offended so long time despised so sundrie waies contemned I speake these thinges my Daughter to the ende that thou shouldest knowe thy selfe Consider how vile and filthie thou art in thy bodie howe much polluted in thy soule and howe impure in thy heart And lastlye remember how vncleane thou haste altogether made thy selfe with wicked workes with filthie cogitations with corrupt vnpure affections and yet neuertheles how stil I forbeare to punish thee nay notwithstanding all this how I declare my loue towards thee with powring my benifits daylie vpon thee but how long must I doe this till what time must I forbeare thee when wilt thou come to knowe thy selfe howe long wilt thou stay to returne vnto me why doost thou not humble thy selfe vn● my yoake doost thou not see that I am not longer able to with-holde my mercies from thee dost thou not perceiue how I haue called thee in what place I haue planted thee where are thy fruits dost thou not know how I wincke at all thine iniquities all thine abhominations al thy vnthankfulnes Yet speake I not these thinges O my Daughter to vpbraide thee with those benefittes which I haue heaped vpon thee but as it were languishing with looue of thee and as it were seeming to stand in neede of thee though in deede I stande in neede of nothing yea beeing as it were not able to liue without thee I doo inuite thee to looue mee againe for that vnspeakable goodnesse and charitie which I haue shewed towardes thee that by louing mee thou mayest perfectlye see what I am and what thou art howe much I haue done for thee howe iniurious on the contrarie parte thou haste shewed thy selfe vnto mee for the same Moreouer consider howe manye and innumerable soules are in hell at this day and how thou haste beene farre more wicked then they and more iustly deserued that roome if thou haddest not beene with-holden from it by my grace imagine likewise that if they had receaued as much grace from mee as thou haste done they would haue shewed themselues much more thankfull vnto mee then thou haste beene If thou considerest all these thinges that is my Maiestie and thine owne basenesse how proude thou art in thy basenesse and howe humble I was in my Maiestie howe farre for thy sake I abased my selfe to all pouertie and contempt it would not seeme so great a matter to thee to humble thy selfe If I say thou wouldest rightly ponder with thy selfe in howe much pouertie in how abiect estate and in how great contempt I beeing so mightie so rich of so high dignitie that is exceeding all measure in maiestie and infinite in goodnesse and incomprehensible in them both was content to serue thee so base and so vile a creature scarce worthie the name of man yea and did it with so great charitie fidelitie and desire there would by the impression of these thoughtes be bred in thy heart so great an obedience towards mee so great a reuerence of mee and so great a desire to serue adore my maiesty as can neither be expressed in words nor conceaued in thought It would procure moreouer in thee an insatiable desire and most burning thirst to honor me to worship me to exalt me to contemne humble and despise thy selfe and for the
it shall so come to passe out of all doubt as I haue saide Yet my deuout friends are wont to pray that I may deliuer them from Purgatorie it is no ill petition But when thou art come to perfection and praiest lying prostrate at the feete of my Maiestie thou shalt desire to satisfie my iustice with that small abillitie which resteth in thee and shalt offer thy selfe for my glorie vnto Purgatorie and to suffer for the fulfilling of my will whatsoeuer it shall be my will to lay vpon thee the fulfilling of my will shall please thee more than the escaping of Purgatorie Therefore if thou shalt ouercome by my grace that inordinate loue and zeale which thou carriest toward thy selfe for thy self to please thy senses and thine owne will perfectly with a full confidence wouldest commit thy self vnto me and rely vppon mee onely thou shouldest finde that my grace would worke woonders in thee Studdy therfore to please me my Daughter and with thinking of mee cleane forget thy selfe and I will so continually thinke of thee and bee alwaies such an assistant vnto thee as I will neuer forsake thee Once againe I say vnto thee accept all things which happen vnto thee as sent purely simply and immediatly from my hand and not from any creature admiring praysing and accepting in all thinges of my prouidence with ioy and gladnes and with looue thankesgiuing to me for my goodnesse For in all those thinges which happen vnto thee I doo intende and worke thy saluation and with a singuler affection beeing mindfull of thee I send and appoint these thinges for thee to the ende that thou maiiest either doo or suffer such thinges as may mooue me to haue mercie vppon thee Endeuour thou therefore to draw out of things which thou seest feelest and out of all things which doo happen vnto thee an occasion to praise and honour me that thou maiest be worthie to vnderstand the true cause why I permitted them that is with howe great charitie I sent them vnto thee and how thou oughtest to referre all these things vnto my pleasure to trust in me and withall to offer thy selfe for my glorie euen vnto the fountaine from whence they flowed that is vnto my goodnes If thou wert perfectly acquainted with this exercise whereby thou shouldest as willingly accept sorrow as comfort at my hand shouldest also know how to finde me in euery one of my creatures nothing could then seeme so contrarie and ouerthwart vnto thee that thou wouldest not contemne and despise yea nothing could bee so contrarie vnto my nature Maiestie but that it would put thee in minde to offer sacrifice vnto mee for I am in euery creature without me no creature can haue any being Wherefore no creature is so neere to himselfe as I who am most neere and inward with themall Wherefore thou oughtest to be so poore in spirit as there should be nothing that thou diddest either loue or mislike seeke or flie ●eare or desire for any respect to thy selfe bnt onely for the fulfilling of my will which at all times in all places thou shalt come woonderfully to vnderstand by those things which I ordaine and permit if thou seekest mee with a pure mind and hast regard to consider of my prouidence How we must beare aduersitie REceiue all aduersitie and tribulation as a messenger and token of my grace which approcheth towardes thee and therefore whensoeuer thou findest thy selfe oppressed with anye trouble or aduersitie reioyce knowing that thou haste deserued it impute not that which thou sufferest to any body but to thine owne sins and withall giue me thankes that looking vpon thee with the eies of my mercy I haue vouchsafed to bestow so much fauour on thee as to visite reprooue correct thee heere with a rod like my child and haue not vtterly reiected thee as thou didst deserue For as long as I chasten thee as long as I scourge thee it is a signe that I desire thou shouldest amend But if I withdrawe my correction leauing thee wholly to thy selfe thou shalt seeme then to haue rest be quiet but thou art most vnhappie when I haue withdrawne from thee that care and regard which I had of thee that thou art no long ●in my custodie Whatsoeuer therefore that thou sufferest say vnto thy selfe I haue deserued more greeuous punishment but although thou haddest deserued none yet thou shouldest beare all those aduersities which I lay vppon thee for the loue of me and for my sake least that otherwise my good pleasure should not bee fulfilled euen gladlie with a most patient and louing minde towards me considering that I suffered so many grieuous torments for thy saluation And yet although I had suffered nothing do not I deserue that thou shouldest suffer somewhat for my sake in respect of those infinite benefits which I daylie powre vppon thee seeing all that thou haste thou receiuest frō me only lastly suppose that there were none of these reasons to mooue thee yet oughtest thou to remember that thou art mine created and made by mee and no lesse in my power to be framed euery way accorto my will then earth is when it is in the hand of the Porter And that it is therefore in my power and a part of my iustice to doo with thee whatsoeuer I will and it is no more lawfull for thee to gainesay me then for the earth to gainesay the Potter For what hast thou to say against mee who am thy creator whether I sende thee comfort or sorrowe But knowing thou hast committed so much wickednes as thou hast done why dost thou not rather desire that that contempt wherewith thou hast despised my goodnesse shoulde bee punished in thee and thy proude and arrogant minde humbled But there is yet another reason to moue thee the rather hereunto that is because I am one which doo loue thee most faithfully and doo prouide all things that are best and most holesome for thee And seeing it was my will before I created thee that thou shouldest suffer at this houre and at this moment those same thinges which thou doost suffer thou oughtest to desire aboue all thinges that this my most louing will beeing full of all fidelitie and charitie towards thee may be fulfilled in thee so as thou shouldest endure al those thinges which thou dost suffer with gladnes with a sweet kind of patience with thanksgiuing with meeknes and with deuotion in thy hart hauing no chollerick nor bitter thought against those which seeke to lay those aduersities and vexations vppon thee but rather thou shouldest take them as my ministers in this behalfe appointed and commaunded by mee to this purpose and thou shouldest consider hauing thine eyes fixed vpon mee onelie with how louing how kind and howe faithfull a heart towardes thee I haue sent thee these troubles for thy benefit Receaue therefore all affliction whatsoeuer falleth vppon thee as sent
and the brighter shee doth openly shine in all good workes O if the children of men did know how much it pleaseth mee to dwell in such a soule howe gladlie I doo offer my selfe vnto her which desireth mee onely how bountifull I do powre my selfe into such a heart as dooth seeke me only with a pure intention beeing withdrawne and free both from the loue of her selfe of any other creature beside desiring me feruently respecting mee whollie staying for mee patiently and refusing to be comforted with any other thing but with me onely Nay such a hart as I speake of will not desire to bee comforted by mee because shee thinketh her selfe vnworthie to receaue any consolation from me but desireth onely to bee satisfied with hauing my good will pleasure fulfilled in her For she only desireth to doo to suffer and to bee in no other sorte then agreeth with my pleasure then although such a hart neyther desireth comfort nor any thing els which is without mee yet I doo rewarde and enrich her with all blessings and benefits For there can bee nothing wanting in anie creature neither can there bee any thing forsaken for the loue of me that is so good but that there shall bee found in mee things in steede of them a hundred times better purer sweeter pleasanter and more delightfull than they were For whether it be beautie sweetnesse pleasantnesse delight loue truth consolation the continuall enioying of such thinges as men do like riches glorie power and innumerable other thinges of the same sort which either may bring delights to them or procure desire to them all these thinges are after an infinite manner more excellent and more perfect in me than in any creature whatsoeuer O my Daughter the smallest consolation which thou feelest by the presence of my goodnes in thy soule doth surmount all the delights of the worlde and the pleasure that can bee taken in any creature whatsoeuer Yea all other delightes beeing compared with it doth seeme bitter and vnpleasaunt Wherefore if things were measured by a true and iust account it could not bee but that men woulde loue mee better then themselues or anie other creature But nowe it is a lamentable thing to bee spoken men doo leaue mee which am theyr greatest good they despise my goodnesse nay which is more they forsake their owne true and onelye happinesse and fall to loue themselues to delight in the world from whence all disquietnes of minde and all other mischiefes doo proceede Alas why are miserable men so farre deceaued If thou delight in loue why loue they not me whose loue is chast pure holy and simple which am an obiect alwaies offered to their eyes of infinite amiablenes beeing essentially good in my selfe being a pure good vnmixed beeing the chiefest and soueraigne good where the rewarde of loue also is vnspeakable delight and most blessed eternity wheras the loue of the worlde on the contrarie parte dooth breede nothing in thy soule but vnquietnesse bitternesse distruction repentance heuines Leaue thou therfore cōtemne al worldly things and desire me only being vnited vnto me with all thy soule with al thy hart and with all thy will For as long as thou dost addict thy selfe to the loue of creatures thou shalt finde that which is in creatures that is thou shalt be defiled and disquieted with corrupt and vncleane delights and yet besides that be neuer satisfied or contented And thou shalt also be polluted with vnpure imaginations and be distracted with sundry cogitations that be lewd and wicked But I doe collect that hart which seeketh to bee ioyned with me and I vnite it fast vnto mee procuring in it by my meanes all peace quietnes and all tranquillity of conscience Thou oughtest continually to intreat mee and without ceasing to pray vnto me that thou mayest after this sorte forsake the world renounce the loue of all my creatures and be wholie conuerted vnto mee and inwardlie dedicated in thy soule to my seruice For no man can bestowe this grace on thee neyther canst thou obtaine it by any other meane but by mee onely Wherefore thou must alwaies with great regard obserue the internall inspirations of my grace thou must follow my counsaile obey my exhortations and commit thy selfe altogether to my prouidence My inspirations doo neuer disagree from the holie Scripture nor from the obedience which thou must carrie to thy superiors Therefore if thou submitest thy selfe vnto them and reliest in no respect vppon thine owne selfe thou art sure to walke in all simplicitie puritie of hart Loue is an incomprable treasure therefore I should be the store-house of the same and it should neuer bee laid vp but in me only O my daughter where thy treasure is there is thy hart also If then thou wilt knowe what thou louest marke what thou dost oftnest thinke vppon what thou dost with greatest delight willingnes harken vnto what thou dost most feruently desire what thou doost inwardly in thine owne appetite most seeke and bend thy selfe vnto for that is without all doubt thy treasure and therein thou findest sweetest rest most quiet and greatest contentation And both of them is thy treasure both the thing which thou louest and the loue wherewith thou louest the same But see into how great miserie how great vnthankfulnes how great infelicitie men doo fall by this meanes for they do purchase to themselues hell fire with the expence of incomparable treasure which is loue For if men contemning me fal to loue corrupt vncleane and fraile thinges such as will quickly perish they doo with the same loue which they bestow vppon them procure vnto themselues eternall torment Let all my friends therefore bewaile and lament this strange and vnnaturall kinde of dealing that I am cleane thrust out of the hart of man for whome I offered vp my selfe in sacrifice and whose saluation I did buy with my precious blood that an other which is mine enemy dooth possesse it only to this end that he may draw them with him into eternall destruction into endles misery and into vnquenchable fire Of the praise of God BE alwaies inflamed my Daughter with a desire to praise mee to loue me to honour mee to please me from the bottom of thy hart altogether and by all the meanes that thou art able and in such most perfect sort as I require at thy handes Carrie alwaies in thy heart so great a reuerence so great a feare so great a care so great a loue and affection towardes me and for me as thou mayest neuer doo any thing to displease or offende me And although it ought to bee thy greatest care thy chiefest feare thy speciallest labour not to doo anye thing thy selfe or to giue any occasion by thine owne negligence that anie thing should be done to offend mee Yet neuerthelesse thou oughtest also to take as much care as lieth in thee for others that I bee not by
of praise and more acceptable vnto me than any vocall praise to keepe thy hart vndefiled pure and free from all vicious affections from al slouthfull humors from all heauines vnwillingnes and frowardnes in thy soule to cleaue vnto me only in all peace tranquilitie and silence of thy spirite What motion soeuer thou feelest within thee my Daughter what outward accident soeuer do happen vnto thee presently repaire vnto mee with thy heart wholy conuerted and submitted vnto my will and wish that it may be turned by my grace to my greatest glorie and highest praise by doing after this sort all thinges that happen vnto thee shall be for the furtherance of thy saluation and euen nature it self by this vertuous custome shall be chaunged into grace Wherfore if thou findest within thy selfe any mischieuous attempts of the diuel any filthie temptations or horrible blasphemies or doost senciblie perceaue in thy soule the motion of any odious temptation whatsoeuer endeuour thou to winne some profit or benifit to thy soule by the same meane whereby thine enemie seeketh to doo thee a mischiefe account it a benefit for thy soule if it may bring thee to praise glorifie me As soone therfore as thou feelest any of these temptations come presently vnto me and say O Lord my God as often as I feele this temptation as often as it commeth into my minde so often doo I glorifie thee with the praises of the whole court of heauen and so often doo I adore thee to the confusion of this wicked spirit which assaulteth me and to the honour and glory of thy name And in this place I offer vnto thee infinite praises which he is not able to doo If it be a grieuous temptation which thou feelest say O most mercifull God although it bee very troublesome which I suffer yet I will willingly endure it for the loue of thee only and for thy honour and if it may be to thy great honour that I shoulde suffer greater and more grieuous temptations than this is beholde I offer my selfe ready with all my hart to doo it Let nothing O mercifull God seeme so troublesome vnto me but that I may desire aboue all things to sustaine any thing that may bee for the glory of thy name If thou feelest any cogitatiō in thy soule of beautifull delightfull or precious thinges say O most sweet God that proceedeth from thee which art most goodly most beautifull most sweet most to be desired and most worthie to be embraced because thou art the greatest good if it be thy pleasure I will willingly want all thy creatures I will willingly forsake all consolation that thou only mayest remaine in my hart and mayest wholy possesse me which art most beautifull and farre more beautifull than all the fayrest thinges beside thee which art most sweete farre more sweete than all the best sweetest thinges besides thee which art most to be desired and aboue all to be beloued because thou art farre more amiable and precious than all the preciousest and amiablest thinges besides thee Likewise if eyther thou hearest or seest any number assembled together or as often as thou beholdest anie exceeding beautifull thing or great multitude of people say so often in the day to thy selfe O most good and most amiable Lord O Almightie eternall God let thousand thousandes of the Armies of celestiall spirits praise thee out of mee and let ten thousand hundred thousand of those that stand before thee extoll and magnifie thy name out of me and for me and let all the worthy supplicatiōs of thy blessed Saints make intercession vnto thee for mee and let the beautie of euerie one of thy creatures and the sweet harmonie of them altogether glorifie thee out of me for euer and world without end Of the exercise of the loue and praise of God IF thou dost desire to loue and praise me with all thy heart with all thy soule with all thy force and with all the abilitie that doth rest in thee and desirest to perseuer in the louing of me to the end thou must of necessitie haue some exercises of loue wherby thou mayest nourish it kindle it encrease and maintaine it And for this cause keeps thy minde free withdrawne weaned clearely deliuered from the loue of my creatures and from all internall occupation of thy minde or busines about them and from all care and trouble of this present world by lifting it vp vnto mee with continuall vehement and scalding sighes and enflamed praiers burning with all zeale and by aspyring incessantly with most feruent desire to come vnto me that is to say by desiring to loue me most ardently most perfectly most vehemently most faithfullie and withall continually yea and thirsting also to please me in all respects to praise me with al zeale with all fidelitie and withall the sufficiencie that is in thy power and to fulfill my will absolutely perfectly in all things To conclude thou must alwaies haue a desire to see mee which am most beautiful to possesse me who am most blessed and to bee with mee who am onlie able to graunt thee happines being the fountaine from whom all felicitie doth proceede in whome all sweetnesse dooth consist and by whome all goodnesse must bee graunted For I am of all thinges the sweetest the best and the happiest yea true happines it selfe Cleaue therfore alwaies vnto me and bee neuer seperated from me Haue euer somewhat in thy minde which thou maiest meditate vppon and which may enflame thee with the loue of me wherby thou mayest thinke of my sweetnes and goodnes and by wondring at it magnifie and praise thy name Or els on the contrarie part meditate vpon somewhat which may mooue thee to bewaile lament accuse and reprehend thy selfe for thy vilenes basenes weaknes infirmitie inconstancie or vnthankfulnes or els that may procure the suffering euen with sorrow in thy soule from the bottome of thy hart with those that bee afflicted and dead to make supplications vnto mee for them for my vniuersall Chnrch. Moreouer whatsoeuer thou art to do or what thing soeuer thou haste to thinke or consider of thinke of them first with me receiue counsaile touching them first from me and discourse of them first with me that thou mayest be brought by this custome alwaies and at all times whether thou beest alone or in the company of others to talke with me and to keepe thy hart still lifted vp vnto me eyther by prayer or els by praysing of my name Doo whatsoeuer belongeth to my honour whatsoeuer thou knowest wil content mee or is my will that thou shouldest performe with an vnspeakable thirst to please mee and with an insatiable desire to honour me labour this by all the meanes thou mayest and endeuour with thy help with thy counsaile with thy trauaile by all the other meanes that do lie in thy power to aduance my glorie that my name may be praised both by
intreat mee by her intercession for the amendment of thy life perseuerance in vertue and obtaining of my grace The third that the worshipping and honoring of mee may bee daily amplified enlarged augmented encreased either by this rule by what other meanes so euer that shall seeme best to me Vse such spirituall exercises as are most agreeable to thy deuotion state and nature wherein thou maiest spend thy time profitably and bee lifted by them in thy hart vnto mee encreasing daily in goodnesse and enforcing thy selfe from time to time to doo better and better He that will vndertake to followe this fraternitie or rule and gouerne himselfe according to the prescript order thereof let him kneele before the Image of me crucified if he be alone or had rather be secrete by himself let him earnestly intreate mee that I will vouchsafe to receiue him for my disciple that I will powre my grace vpon him both strengthen confirm this good will in him so fully as he may resolue constantly vnremouably to liue according to these rules directions Let him also teach others and gaine soules vnto me and bring them vnto my seruice But if there be many that vndertake to follow these rules they may exhort one an other in me and may be vnited in brotherly charitie by the meane of the likenes and vnitie they haue in their course of life in that they all do follow this fraternity And let them not receaue euerie man at all aduentures into their societie specially such as there is no hope of the constancy of their mind perseuerance of deuotion least that their lightnes and instabilitie which doo not endeuour to attaine to the perfection of that course they haue vndertaken may discourage others in theyr good purpose and make them giue ouer their holy intention VERSES FOR HELPING a mans memorie wherein are expressed the principall and speciallest points of those good lessons which are comprehended in these rules HAue speciall care to rule thy tong Forbeare to please thy carnall will Do good to all while time thou hast and what thou art remember still Forsake thy self it is not much Christ tooke for thee much greater paine Be meek in minde that thou with him in endles glorie maist remaine By the rule of thy tongue is vnderstood that thou must refraine from all idle backbiting contentious and quarrelling wordes and from all complaining speeches By forbearing to please thy will is meant that thou must wean thy selfe from the desire of all vaine pleasures transitorie things and earthly delights and that thou must mortefie all thy senses By dooing good to euerie man thou art exhorted to performe all the works of mercie and charitie towards thy neighbours And in that thou art willed to remember what thou art it is to make thee know thy selfe and to humble thee because if thou looke into thine owne abilitie thou shalt plainely finde that thou art meerely nothing of thy selfe nor yet able by thy selfe to do any thing at all By forsaking of thy selfe is meant that thou must renounce thine owne will deny thine owne selfe and seeke to please God onely and wholy with a pure intention Lastly thou art exhorted to be meeke in minde whereby is signified that thou must vse all meekenes curtesie and benignitie towards thy neighbours and thou must euer retaine all peace quietnes and tranquillitie in thy soule patiently expecting the pleasure of almighty God and accepting alwaies in the best part of his prouidence whatsoeuer it shall be his will to send thee ¶ CHRISTO LAVDES ET SANTAE MATRI EIVS HONOR Amen FINIS ❀ A VERIE SHORT EXercise of Loue vnto God the Father God the Sonne and God the holie Ghost the most blessed Trinitie and one true GOD wherewith a man ought once euerie day to offer himselfe with his whole soule vnto his diuine Maiestie and to giue him most humble thankes for all the benefits which hee hath receiued at his most gracious hands O Lord my God which art infinite goodnes it selfe and both vnchangeable and vnspotted according to all the perfections which I can conceiue of thee alwaies remaining the very same that thou wert from the beginning Thou madest euery creature for thy glorie thou dooest preserue and gouerne them with such wisedome that beeing so manie so great and so diuers as they are there is none which doth withdrawe himselfe from being vnder thy subiection and yet thou dooest neither digge nor labour but alwaies remainest in most blessed quiet Thou hast created me according to thine owne Image and likenes and dost preserue mee in that being which I am Thou hast redeemed mee of moste pure charitie by the death of thy blessed Sonne and in most painefull and troublesome manner that thou mightest shew vnto me the riches of thy grace the bountie of thy mercie and the exceedingnes of thy loue towards me Thou hast made me to come in a noble sort to the acknowledging of thy most holie name thou hast brought mee to that most holie Religion and thou hast raised me to so high a dignitie Thou hast directed mee alwaies in thine owne presence and hast carried a single regard towards me and thou hast made mee to finde fauour in the eies of thy seruaunts that they might take care of my saluation Thou hast deliuered mee also from many daungers and tribulations both of bodie and soule from infirmities from sicknesses from beggerie from fallings headlong from sundry perrils from wicked men from drowning and from infinite other mischiefs which might haue hapned to mee as well as to others if thy loue mercie had not deliuered me from them Thou hast also most often deliuered mee from sinne from falling into the gulfe of sinners from being deuoured by them and from eternall damnation Thou hast moreouer giuen mee a firme confidence to beleeue that thou hast chosen mee to eternall happines wherein thou will manifest thine owne selfe vnto mee Oh I shall then plainely know and see thee my Lorde and God I shall loue thee perfectlie and most purelie I shall finde most blessed peace in enioying thee onely and I shall alwaies most sincerely praise and glorifie thee with all thy Saints O mercifull God confirme this and performe this quickely in mee O Lord my God for all the benefites that thou haste wrought and shalt worke in mee and in euerie one of thy creatures bee all honour glorie thankes duetifull seruice hartie affection chaste feare and sincere loue to thy diuine Maiestie world without ende Amen O mercifull God make me thankfull and pardon mee I beseech thee most gratiouslie for all those abhominable ingratitudes intollerable negligences innumerable sinnes which I haue committed against thee And if thou hast communicated thou maiest adde to this and say for thine owne sake and by the vertue of thy blessed Sacrament which I haue receiued roote out of my hart all mallice graunt me an humble confession a hartie sorrow a
care for other mens causes orbusiyng my selfe with other mens matters that by this meane I may more wholly please thee and more perfectly safely and quickly come vnto thee And if it shall please thy most excellent Maiestie to worke this in me thy will be done and helpe mee I beseech thee that I may bee a profitable member in all Offices touching thy seruice and neglect nothing that may expresse my duetie towards thee Make mee like vnto thee both in life and manners Graunt me modestie humilitie obedience patience and whatsoeuer else is necessarie for my vocation O most gracious and louing Lorde quicken mee and reuiue mee with thy grace seperate me wholy from all euil and conuert mee altogether vnto thy selfe and graunt that I may hate that which thou hatest loue that which thou louest Make mee to encrease continually and aboundantlie in all vertues Strengthen me and confirme me in thy Catholicke faith truely vnderstood Encrease faith in me settle me and fortefie me in an assured hope graunt me alwaies to conceiue rightly of thee and to relie wholie vpon thee giue me a firme confidence in thee that I may worship thee deuoutly honor thee chastly and loue thee perfectly with a simple hart a pure soule a quiete minde and a safe conscience Graunt that thou only maiest content me that thou only maiest delight me and that thou onely maiest possesse me and that I may desire thee onelie loue thee onelie and studie howe to please thee onelie Make mee that I may neuer bee seperated from thee that I may labour earnestlie to come vnto thee find peace in thee alone quicklie come vnto thee Let all inordinate loue bee cleane mortefied in mee and remooue all other impediments from mee that may hinder me to come vnto thee which art onelie to be desired and onelie to bee beloued I doo confesse thee O Lorde my God three persons the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost and I do adore and worship thee one true God 〈…〉 thy selfe 〈…〉 wholy and 〈…〉 glorious Maiestie as 〈…〉 bound lying prostrate 〈…〉 yeeld themselues in euerie thing vnto thee read●● with all 〈◊〉 will perfectlie with all obedience and ●ruelie with all sinceritie Forgiue mee O most mercifull God 〈◊〉 I haue not carried that affection towards thee which I ought and 〈…〉 grace that I may worship thee 〈…〉 in truth and in such 〈◊〉 as I am bound ¶ CHRISTO LAVDES ET SANTAE MATRI EIVS HONOR Amen FINIS ¶ A HYMNE OF THE LIFE and Passion of our Sauiour Christ made after the manner of an Alphabet euerie verse beginning with euerie Letter as they follow one another in order in the Christ crosse rowe ALmightie Lord whose loue to vs was greater then we can expresse Which sufferedst death our soules to saue and ledst thy life in all distresse Graunt that thy loue wherewith for vs thou meekelie didst these torments beare May keepe vs from those dreadfull paines which for our sinnes we iustly feare BEnd down sweet Christ those gratious eies which we from thee doo still expect Thou with thy blood hast vs redeemde thy seruants sute doo not reiect Extend to vs thy mercie here that on this earth in danger liue Remit those faults which we haue made and all our sinnes doo thou forgiue COme downe to vs which for our sakes vouchsafte to leaue thy glorious seate And taking here on thee our flesh didst suffer oft both cold and heate With hunger thirst and bitter scornes with taunts reproch and all disdaine The which of loue to worke our good thou wert content for to sustaine DEliuer vs from pride O Lord which humblie washt thy seruants feet And scornde it not to make them know how humblenes for them was meete And when as thou away had washt the foulenes of their inward skinne Thou gauest them thy bodie straight to comfort then their soules within EXcite our harts to honour thee by thinking of those dreadfull feares Which in the mount perplext thy minde where thou didst pray with flouds of teares Then vnto thee an Angell came ere that thou hadst thy praier done When as thy blood like drops of sweat in streames from thee along did runne FAlse Iudas there did thee betray then sought thy foes to take thee straight And seeking thee to them thou wentst which for thy life did lie in waight But they like men cleane voide of grace where meekenes could no mercie finde First puld and hald thy sacred flesh and after fast thy hands did binde GOod Iesus how art thou opprest thy seruants flie and leaue thee quite Thy cruell foes on thee doo runne like Wolues on Lambes with all despite With whips they scourgde thy tender skinne they spit vpon thy glorious face Thy cheekes they boxe thy eies they blinde and with reproch they thee disgrace HOw meeke wert thou then after this thine actions it did still bewray Before the Iudge they thee accuse and thou no word at all didst say And when thou spakest they blasphemde thy holie speech they did deride They puld they halde and thee condemde none of thy words they could abide IN white thou wert for mockery clad at thee to iest each waie they sought And in that robe of greater scorne thou after wert to Pilate brought As Iudge he sate the people there with open throte did often crie Loose Barabas the murtherer and on the Crosse let Iesus die KEepe vs from care of mens reportes by seeing thee thus farre abusde In that they chose a wicked wretch when thou by them wert cleane refusde And kill in vs all carnall thoughtes by thinking of thy grieuous paine When as thy flesh with whips was torne and streames of blood ran out amaine LOrd Lord what paines didst thou endure one might thee now all bloodie see And swolne with printes of those same stripes which these vile men had laid on thee And not content thy head they crownde with pricking thornes to make thee finde In euerie part most grieuous paine and to afflict thy patient minde MEeke as a lambe these wrongs thou bare and mildely all their taunts endurde Not once in speech reproouing them which had to thee such harmes procurde Thou wert not mooude when as thy foes did thee salute inscornefull wise Nor when they spat vpon thy face and with contempt did thee despise NO pittie did they take on thee in suffering of this cruell paine But more and more thee still reuilde with scornefull spight and all disdaine Thy life sweet Lord to haue thee loose that was their sute and only crie Naught els could slake their blody thirst but needes they must haue thee to die OBedient straight to die thou wert and with despight thee more to scorne Vpon thy backe thy Crosse they laid which was with whips so fouly torne And when thou wert condemde to make this sacrifice for all our sinne Thee with two theeues for spight they ioynde which all their life had graceles bin PAst halfe the
way thou wert not gone when as this waight did vexe thee sore A man by blood the steps might finde which thou hadst past along before Her weeping eies thy mother cast on thee in this thy deepe distresse Which looke did both your harts reioice and made thy paines to seeme the lesse QVite roote sweet Iesus out of vs ●ll thinges that may displease thy minde To make vs thankfull for thy loue which by these paines we plainelie finde For they of thee a spoile to make puld off thy clothes by force at last And pulling them puld off the skinne which to thy clothes then cleaued fast REuiling thee O King of Kinges they neuer left all voide of shame For when thou wert vpon the Crosse they iested at thy holie name Betweene two theeues yet hanging there in suffering death to ransome vs Thou ceasedst not for those to pray which did reuile and vse thee thus SAluation there thou promised vnto the theere that it did craue And willed Iohn whome thou didst loue of Marie still all care to haue Vnto his charge thou her bequeathd but she to see thy grieuous paine With bitter panges of griefe did feele her wofull hart quite cut in twaine THou crydst my God in this distresse why dost thou cleane me now forsake And to encrease thy paine the more they gaue thee gall thy thirst to slake Yet yeelding straight to him thy soule thy trust in him thou plainely showd And then a wretch thy side did pearce from whence both blood and water flowde VNhappie were thy friends O Lord to see thee with this torment kild But thou againe the third day rose whereby their harts with ioy were fild And in their sight with triumph didst ascend to make them know That thou wilt there all those reward which serue thee here on earth below ZIn was the cause of euerie griefe which thou sweet Iesus didst sustaine Keepe vs therefore from sinne O Christ that we may scape eternall paine Lord wash vs with thy precious blood let vs with sinne not spotted bee That we in heauen with all thy Saints for euer may sing praise to thee YEeld vs no pray vnto this world but giue vs grace to praise thee still Both with our mouthes and in our harts to honour thee with all good will Make with thy loue our harts inflamde imprint it deepe within our minde And make vs alwaies thirst for thee that we with thee all ioy may finde ZEale euer keepe in vs O Lord of seruing thee and dooing well That we may walke in vertues path and from our thoughts all vice expell Sweete Iesus still inspire our harts with lightning of thy holie Ghost And guide vs in that happie course which may content and please thee most A Hymne wherein the praise of all creatures are offered vp vnto the Creator O Christ the glorious Crowne of Virgins that are pure Which dost a loue for thee to thirst within their mindes procure Which are the spouse of those that chast and humble bee The hope the life the onely helpe of such as trust in thee Which euer louest best a chast and spotles minde And thee to loue commaundest those in whom thou both dost finde To serue thee O sweet Lord thy creatures all are prest And for to sound thy praise withall that in their might doth rest All Angels with their troopes all Saints that are aboue Doo laude thee still and neuer cease with songes of feruent loue The Skie the Land the Sea and all on earth below The glorie of thy worthie name doo with their praises show All Virgins puritie which made thy life their guide All pietie of humble harts abhorring filthie pride All Martirs constancie which did this world despise All true remorce that they declare which doo from sinne arise All charitie of those whose soules thy loue doth warme All simple plainenes of such mindes as thinke no kinde of harme All sweet delights wherewith the pacient harts abound Doo blase thy name and with thy praise they make the world resound The thunder showes thy power and lightning which we see The snow and raine with wonder tels that none is like to thee The winter yeelds thee praise and Summer doth the same The Sun the Moone the starres and all do magnifie thy name The beast the fish the depthes that in the Sea remaine With chearefull voice set forth thy praise and shew thy glorie plaine The pearles the precious stones the birds thy praise doo sing The woods the welles and all delights which from this earth doth spring The earth it selfe declares thine honour and thy state It doth bewraie how thou for vs didst all these thinges creat The flowers fruits and trees the men which thou didst frame And women eke inuite vs still to praise thy holy name The roses that appeare so faire in outward sight The violets which with their sent doo yeeld so great delight The Lillies that bring forth so pure and white a flower With sweet Poungarnets doo extoll and praise thy mightie power What creature O sweet Lord from praysing thee can stay What earthly thing but fild with ioy thine honour doth bewraie Let vs therefore with praise thy mightie workes expresse With hart and hand with minde and all which we from thee possesse O Christ whose glorious power doth far and wide extend All creatures praise thy holie name and doo thy workes commend So goodly to behold so pleasant and so sweet So faire thou art as all this praise for thee of right is meete Thou art that firme delight which neuer will depart The chaste the true and only ioy of euerie faithfull hart The comforter of such as sorrow doth torment The rayser vp of those by grace which doo their sinnes repent O Lord our life and health our whole and surest trust Remit our faults for we haue beene most wicked and vniust Forgiue vs our misdeedes remoue them from thine eyes Giue vs thy grace that we by it may earthlie thinges despise Graunt that all worldly ioyes to vs may better seeme And that we may her vaine delights as filthie dung esteeme Transforme vs vnto thee and so our harts inflame As we our force and life may spend in praising of thy name Grant that in louing thee we constant may abide That thee alone we may desire and all thinges hate beside That all in all to vs thou maist for euer be And that forsaking cleane our selues we still may cleaue to thee Flow thou into our soules with streames of thy delight Possesse vs whole and carnall thoughts may be surpressed quite Let nothing vs content that may thy minde offend Let all our ioy and whole delight on thee alone depend Make vs in louing thee to languish with desire And burne as with the flaming heate of that most sacred fire That we for thee may thirst and thou maiest vs possesse And that we may alone of thee in all our life expresse To thee make vs to runne with a desirous minde And senceles els to euerie thing that here on earth we finde Let vs in thee whole drownde reioice with happie peace And let vs sleepe in thee sweet Christ whose ioy doth neuer cease ¶ CHRISTO LAVDES ET SANTAE MATRI EIVS HONOR Amen FINIS ●n 12. 14 ●dem 36 Reg. 15.
from my hande onelie without anye other meane and take it as sent by mee of loue towardes thee for thy commoditie accept it as gladlye as I doo sende it louinglye And when thou suffrest no aduersity thinke that my good will is alienated from thee that I am offended with thee because I withdraw afflictions tribulations from thee which is the notablest gift and ornament wherewith I am wont to honour and beautifie my friends Recount with thy selfe howe great vexations how great pesecutions how great contradictions how great torments how great wearisome toiles I suffered how great my most deare mother endured and to be short how great all my friendes walking in my steps haue stayned Remember also that no man attaineth to eternall glorie but by the Crosse and Cup of affliction and that there is no other way but this high waye to the heauenlie country which way of necessitie thou must passe thorough if thou desirest to enioy our companie in eternal happines Lastlie consider that there is nothing so small or so little woorth which either thou dost or sufferest for my sake but that thou shalt receaue a very great and glorious reward of me for it And yet notwithstanding I will not haue thee to serue mee or to suffer these things in hope of reward but onely of meere loue towards mee I know what reward I will giue thee I say I will because I doo not owe it thee in any other sort then for that it is my will to bestow it vpon thee For all my gifts are of free grace Thinke not thou therefore of any rewarde be not so base minded but thinke of me with a more noble louing and faithful hart and submit thy selfe vnto mee euen of meere loue for mine owne sake to endure whatsoeuer my will is to lay vppon thee If thou knewest my Daughter how great fruit is reaped by tribulations thou wouldest esteeme it as a great happines to glory in crosses afflictions The greater aduersities therefore that doo happen vnto thee and the more contrary that they are to thy desires yea although they repugne such desires of thine as are to please mee the more earnestly thou shouldest endeuor patiently to suffer them the more wholly thou shouldest resigne thy selfe vnto me For it is done by my will and prouidence that thy will sometime bee hindered yea euen when it is good that by this meane for one vertue thou maiest obtaine two and withall maiest receiue the rewarde of a good worke for thy good will although thou be not permitted to put it in executiō for the aduersitie which did hinder thy will thou shalt receiue a crown of patience Thou maiest adde to all these for thy farther incouragement this one reason also that the more thy good will is tempted by aduersitie and the faithfuller it is found and the more patient it is in bearing of crosses and such thinges as resist it the more glorious the crowne is which I haue laide vp to reward it Therefore because I loue thee I will haue thee to be wholy and purely a faithfull Spouse vnto mee I will haue thee to serue mee with renouncing all interest in thy selfe and to goe not whether thou wilt but whether I sende or leade thee Neither must thou seeke withall to serue thine owne appetite when thou laborest in these thinges to please mee but rather as a faithfull deuout and obedient handmaid which hath no will to do any thing but that which is agreeable to the will of her Mistresse Thou must seeke in nothing to please thy selfe but me onely with all sinceritie and puritie in thy intention and that must be alwaies most acceptable vnto thee which I lay vppon thee to suffer whether it be by the hands of men or any other meane whatsoeuer Respect not therefore men neither impute it to men if thou sustainest any aduersitie What blame doth the rod deserue if the father seeking to correct his sonne doth vse it why then art thou angry with men which being my instrumentes serue as a scourge to correct thee Seeke not therefore to resist them or to argue against them but haue a speciall care that thine own impaciencie doo not hurt thy selfe lest thou lose that benefit by repining which thou shouldest haue gained by patient suffering Bee therefore curteous and gentle towardes all men in taking patiently whatsoeuer shall happen Carry a milde countenance and vse an humble behauiour that no choller nor exclaiming no deiection of thy minde nor sorrow appear in thee nor yet that any thing be found in thee which may make men to thinke that thou endurest some affliction or art oppressed with some trouble If any man reprooue or reproche thee shewe him a milde and gentle countenance holding thy peace and smile with a certaine kinde of bashfulnes and modestie in token of thy charitie which accepteth it in good part and which taketh all things well without either thinking of reuenge or remembring of an iniurie Beware that thou speakest not at that time aboue two or three words and that with great temperance And by this meane thou shalt shewe thy selfe so humble and meeke as euery man may presume to reprooue thee and no man be afraide to displease thee or to vse any reproch towards thee Learne in all aduersitie whensoeuer any man doth chide thee reproch thee or iniurie thee to vse silence to beare it patiently and to bee quiet and thou shalt assuredly find my grace which thou canst neuer attaine vnto by any other meane then by being quiet and suffering patiently whatsoeuer I shall lay vppon thee being as willing if it stand with my pleasure to receiue aduersitie as to enioy prosperitie Thou hast my Daughter Spouse also my life as perfect example of patience and meekenes neither did I speake it without great reason when I said Learn of me because I am meeke and humble of hart seeing that my life was a liuely patterne of patience humillitie meekenes For in the middle of all my paines and torments of all the derisions blasphemies which mine enemies vsed towards me of all their cruell threatnings of their most wicked and despightfull countenances against mee what complaint or shewe of repining at this dealing of theirs proceeded from mee which of mine enemies did I curse to which of them did I speake sharpely which of them did I answere to which of them did I wish any harme Nay rather was I not sorry for them when I did pray for them all Followe thou therefore my example and haue patience still ioyned with quietnes and tranquillitie of thy soule be meeke without murmuring or complaining Fight not for thy selfe defend not neither yet excuse thou thy selfe holde thou thy peace and commit both thy selfe and thy cause to my protection I will fight for thee Cleaue therefore in the meane time whole vnto mee in all quietnes without any perturbation or motion in thy soul being