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love_n heart_n love_v sin_n 9,337 5 4.8347 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04047 A fruteful and a very Christen instructio[n] for childre[n] w[t] a dyalogue wherin the chyld asketh certayn questions answeryng to the same with a generall confession, and the maner of loues, the saying of Salomon in the, vi, of the Prouerbes, and also many godly lessons whiche we ought dayely to haue in our remembraunce M.D.xl,vii. God saue the kyng 1547 (1547) STC 14106; ESTC S120421 7,864 32

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for the fulfilling of these .ii. last preceptes we pray sayeng Thy name be halowed and thy wyll be fulfylled not owers Thus maist thou se these first foure preceptes to pertein to the glori of god and to the halowing of his name The question ☞ wherfore than cōmaundeth he the other syxe The answere ❧ For our neighbours helth profit to serue them and especially our fader and mother whom next god we ought to honour to do reuerence to obey to comfort to helpe to folow their godli monicion and instruction The questyon ¶ what meanest thou by the other The answere ¶ That in no maner a way I sholde hurt mi neibour but to do to him as I wold be done vnto not to desyre or coueyt any thing of his The question ¶ what is Thought than synne The answere ¶ yea verely for so expoundeth oure sauyour the law in the .v. chap o● Mo sayeng That whosoeuer casteth his eye wantonli vpō an other mans wife desyring her hath committed aduoutrye with her alredy in his hert The question ¶ Than ar we all synners and haue broken all gods commaundementes The answere concludeth ¶ we ar al synners haue nede of the mercy of god yf we were not all synners the merci of god shuld take none effect in vs wherfore the scripture concludeth that all men ar synners that as many as shal be saued shal be saued by gods mercy only ❧ A Generall confessyon for euery synner broughi into the knowlege of his synnes to confesse hymself with penytent hert before god at all tymes ❧ OH my moste mercifull father the father of mercies and god of all consolaciō mi god mi father I knowlege my self vnfanedly with hirt mind mouth now before y● to haue offēded greuously thy high maiest goodnes I knowlege I knowlege mi self to be full of syn full of vnfaithfulnesse and a seruaunt vnprofytable for al thy holy cōmaundementes haue I transgressed and broken Fyrst I haue not set al my belefe confidence trust and hope in the I haue not loued the with al my hert with all my soule mynde and powers of my soule Secondly I haue deuyded thy honour and worship from the and giuen it to the creatures dyd thinges imagined of my onwne fantasy Thirdly I haue abused thy holye name by false and disceytfull sweryng to the hindrannce of my neybour and idely and vainly haue I vsed thy holi name I haue not sayd ne done / nether thought all thinges to thy glory Frourthli in the Saboth dai haue I not gyuen my self to hering reding and lerning thy holy sriptures nether visited the sicke pore confortles / norcessed fro my nowne synful wyl lust prayeng at all tymes thy wyl and not myne to be fulfylled wherfore I crye the mercy and desire the of forgiuenes Furthermor I haue not honoured mi father and mother I haue not so moch set by them as thou commaundest me / ne obeyed them nether conforted them or holpē them c. I haue s●ayne I haue broken wedlocke I haue stolne and boorne false witnes Also I haue coueted my neibours house his other godes vnlaufully I haue desyred his wyfe his seruaūt his catell / c. wherfore I crye the mercy most merciful father and desyre y● for that loue which thou bearest to thy deare sonne my sauyour Christ to forgyue me in his bloud for whā I went about to seke the to trust to beleue in the or to doo any thinge to thy glori yet wold not this lust concupiscence this contagious originall poyson and fleshly dregges drawen of our father Adam su●●re me to do that I wold haue doen thorowe this naturall concupiscence I stryue and fyght daily agaīst the holy gost in me which vnlaufull lust and desyre I knowlege to be a greuous syn agynst thy highnesse without the whiche concupiscens I can not be wherfore I being a synner of my self without al rightousnes without all goodnes all holynes all deseruyng am come ●ow by fayth before the vnto Christes mercy stole and rightousnes vnto his goodnes holynes deseruyng and satisfactions desyring the O mercifull Father for his deathes sake that his rightwisenesse / his wysdome holynes goodnes meryts and satisfactions may be myne serue me for my forgiuenes saluatiō For likwise as thou gauest me him to dye for my synnes euē so beleue I that thu hast gyuen me with him all hys to be myne and to serue me for my saluacion wherfore glory worshipe impery rule be to the o father with thy soone in the holy gost for euer Amen The seuen workes of merycy ¶ Furthermore I haue not giuē met to the hoūgry drinke ●o the thirsty lodged the harberles clothed the naked visyted the sycke conforted releued them in prysone For I haue not extemed of how great weight these wordes of thy sonne my sauiour Christ ar neither beleued him saieng In as moch as ye haue done these thynges vnto one of the lest of these my brethren ye haue done it to me Mat .xxv But I haue bestoed my golde syluer vpon dead stones and stockes haue suffred the liuing creatures and der beloued breth●●n of Christ to go naked to perish for cold and hongre Thus gruously haue I synned leuing thy commaundements oh father to do deedes of my nowne imagination wherfore I cry the mercy my god my father desyring forgeuenes of the bloud and for y● dethes sake of thy sonne my sauyour Iesus christ to whom with the be glorie world without ende Amen ¶ Thre maner of loues Fyrst the loue of god the loue of thy selfe and the loue of thy neighbour IN this true belefe I shal first loue god the father almighty that mademe and our lord Iesu Christ that redemed me the holi ghost that alway inspireth me This blessed holy Trinite I shall alway loue honour and serue with all my hert mīde and strength and fere god alonly and put my trust in hym only ¶ The loue of thy selfe ❧ Secondly I shall loue my selfe to god ward and shall abstayne from all synne as moch as I may specially frō the synnes dedly I shall not be proude nor enuious nor wrothfull I shall not be glotonous nor lecherous nor slouthfull I shall not be couetous desyryng superfluite of worldly thynges And euyll company I shall eschew and fly as moch as I may I shall gyue me to grace and vertue and cunnyng in god I shall pray often specially on the holy day I shall lyue alway temperately and sobre of my mouth I shall fast the dayes commaunded in Christes church I shall kepe my mynde from euell and foule thoughtes I shall kepe my mouth from sweryng lyeng and foule speking I shall kepe my handes from steylyng and piking Thinges taken awaye I shal restore agayne Thinges foūd I shall restore agayn The loue of they neibour ¶ Thirdly I shall loue my neybour that is euery man to god ward as min owne self and shal helpe hym all his n●●●eitie spirituall and bod●ly as I wolde beholpē my nowe self specially my fa●●● and my mother that brought me into this world The maister that techeth me I shal honour and obey My f●lows that lerne with me I shall loue ● Pena●ce If I ●al to syne I shall anone ryse agayne by penaunce and pure confession Here after foloweth the saing of Sal ¶ These vi thynges the lorde hateth the seuenth he vtterly abhorreth ●Proud loke a dissēbling toūg handes that shead Innocētes bloude an hert that goeth about with wicked ymaginacions feete that be swift in runnyng to do mischief a false witnes that bringeth vs lies and suche one as soweth discorde amonge brethren Prouerbes vi These thynges folowyng should we euer haue in our mynde THe sinnes that we daily do the short time y● we shal abide he●e The vncertainte of y● dai of our death The vnstablenes and frailte of vs. The strayte and fearfull iudgement of God The bitter and vnspekeable paynes ordeined for synnes The euerlastyng losse of eternall glory ¶ Imprinted at London by Rychard Kele dwellyng in Lombert streat at the syne of the Egle