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A72079 [Parismus, the renouned prince of Bohemia.]; Parismus, the renouned prince of Bohemia. Parts 1-2 Ford, Emanuel. 1605 (1605) STC 11171.5; ESTC S124936 126,250 155

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sort being vnwilling to make choise of any but by your appointment but in the ende his sutes grewe to that importunacie that hee would haue no deuiall but comming into her chamber chusing his fittest opportunitie when my Mistresse was in her bedde and surprising her vnawares offered her excéeding shame and villanie but beeing by her striuing and out-crie disappoynted of his full intent hée presentlie fledde away The King hearing Flauias spéeches was excéedingly iuraged with furie commaunding his knights to poste euery way to learne where he made his abode This newes being spred at last came to a knight of Natolia who by occasion was then in the Lybian Court who presently came to the king and tolde him that hee needed not ●o make inquyrie for the knight of Fame for that hee was ●t the Golden Tower The King hearing that newes was excee●ingly gladde thereof commanding his knightes to staye their iourney writing a letter to Maximus to this eff●ct MOst mightie King I salute you requesting you to worke reuenge in my behalf vpon a traitor who now remaineth with you who hath dishonoured my Daughter hee is called the Knight of Fame assuming that name to colour his wicked practises who no doubt will soone deuise some mischiefe against your person let him not escape your hands but rather send him to mee that I may ●euenge that monstrous iniurie hee hath done mee by his life which onely shall satisfie mee Thus remembring my loue to you and desirng your secrecie I cease Your brother of Lybia Hauing written this letter and sealed it with his signet hée presently sent the same by certaine of his knightes to the Golden Tower who as effectually dispatched theyr iourney as hee hadde giuen them straight charge and arriuing at the Golden Tower deliuered the letter to Maximus who hauing redde the same and well considered the circumstance which augmented his hatred and suspi●ion alreadie begunne against the knight of Fame presently comming to the place where hee was in talke with Marcellus hee caused him to be apprehended and without any other iudgement caused him presently to be cast into a denne of Lyons to be deuoured The knight of Fame was no sooner put into the denne but the Lyons made an excéeding roaring that those without assuredlie iudged him deuoured and himselfe expected nothing but that terrible and ●ea●full death but the Lyons who by nature will not harme those of Royall blood spared his life and not so much as offered to touch him but were rather terrified with his presence Hee being glad of this happy escape beganne to assure himselfe that hee was sprung of Kingly race which greatly comforted his heart and added a perswasiue hope to comfort himselfe withall that by that occasion hee should attaine to Angelicas loue if hée could worke meanes for his releasement out of that place most of all hee woondred why Maximus had offered him that outrage In these and such like cogitations he spent the rest of the day Marcellus seeing the Knight whome hee most dearely loued destroyed without iudgement equity or cause was so inwardly inraged that he was in minde oftentimes to worke himselfe iniu●ie and séeke meanes of reuenge if he knew who had bene the causer thereof and not knowing what to doo nor in whose companie to spende his time hée presently thought to goe to Angelica whom hee thought bare some good will to the knight of Fame with her to bemoane his vntimelie death but comming to the place where shée was hée would haue entred therein but Collimus according to Maximus commaund denyed him and that the more obstinately for that hée knew none fauoured the knight of Fame so much as hée whom he mortally hated Marcellus being before sufficiently inraged was now so much more vexed that hee drewe his dagger and with a violent blow stabbed the same to Collimus heart and withall going to Angelica hee found her very sad little thinking of these mischances who séeing him in that rage which shée soone perceiued by his behauiour shée came vnto him hauing seated himselfe downe in a chayre and desired to know the cause of his wrath O Sister quoth hée this place is the harbour of crueltie tiranny and dishonour which in times past hath bene famous and a receipt of honour but shortly will be hated and sh●nned as odious omniminious and all procured by the foolish Diuining of a wicked Harlot that hath filled my Fathers head with such fancies that hée forgetteth himselfe his honour and Kingly behauiour and geueth credit to none but flat terers and parasites imprisoning his children murthering his friends and séeking the subuersion of honour and honourable knights Oh Angelica what should I say or to whome should I complaine hee hath slaine vertue he hath destroyed honour hée hath murthered my deare friend that kinde and courteous knight hée hath cast the vnknowne most honorable though vnknowne Knight of Fame into the Lyons den without iudgement iustice right offence or tryall Angelica hearing his words was ready to sound with gréefe but that feare to discouer her loue withheld her but being not able to refraine from teares she withdrew her selfe aside to conceale the same which Marcellus espying caught her in his armes and said Nay deare Sister do not conceale your gréefe for his death from mée that loue you so much the better and if you euer conceiued any good liking of him I shall honour you for the same for hée was worthy to be beloued of the best Lady in the world for in him shined all partes and poynts of true Knighthood and honour I cannot quoth Angelica denie but that I liked and loued him too neither shall I euer do otherwise whilest I liue though hee knewe not so much for whose death my heart shall neuer harbour quiet nor neuer shall thought of other loue si●ke into my breast for him had I vowed to loue and that vowe will I kéepe inuiolable whilest life doth last Oh Angelica quoth Marcellus had I knowne you had loued him so well I would haue dyed with him but I would haue saued his life which was so suddainly acted and so vnexpected that before I could recouer my sences from amaz●ment he was past my reach What cause had my Father thinke you to séeke his destruction but because hée saw him in spéeche with you Aye me quoth Angelica was I the cause of his death I will then go to him with that such gréefe opprest her heart that shée fell downe in his armes Marcellus called to her Maides who presentlie came thronging about her maruelling at her suddaine sicknesse and especially Anna who was priuie to her thoughts hearing Marceilus speeches made great lamentation This newes was soone come to the Queenes hearing who presently came running vnto the place and hauing by her labour recouered her en●red into these speeches Why how now Angelica what mean●st thou to doo thy selfe this wrong What m●●chance or suddaine passion hath caused this disquiet
shee might againe méete the furious beast and to go further she thought it vaine for shée sawe no likelyhood hee was come out of the wood and there what with griefe and wearinesse she sate downe vpon a banque encombred and ouerwhelmed with a thousand cares and giuing her mind some respit to ponder on her miserable estate for feare of her most deare Knights danger shée entered into such heauy plaints and lamentations that euen the very woods and medowes wherinto she was wandred seemed to impart her sorrowes yéeld pitie to her cries scorching sighes At which very instant I know not by what vnluckie destinie Archas the cruel so called for his cruell tyrannie came to y● hearing of her lamentations and dra●●ing nigh to her demaunded her cause of sorrow Sir knight quoth shée I am a stranger that lately came frō Thessalie with the Prince of this country and this day cōming into these woods with my Lord husband Pollipus a mightie beare encoūtred vs whom he pursuing I haue lost am wandred hither not knowing which way to retire Archas all this while well noting her excéeding beautie and swéete deliuery of spéech the gracious mouing disposition of her eyes which had power to pearce millions of harts felt such an inward effect of transitory confusion in himselfe that he resolued hauing so fit oportunitie offered him to trie his wita to win her loue or exercise by that meanes some reuenge against Parismus whom he mortally hated vttering these spéeches Most swéet Lady my heart is much tormented to see the sorrow you néedlesly make for no doubt your knight is in safetie pleaseth you to accept of my seruice my seruā●s shal guard you to the Bohemian court where you shall find him and my self wil search the woodde to giue him knowledge of your returne Violetta kindly thanked him for his curtesie who presently mounted her behinde one of his seruants giuing them secret warning to conuey her to his owne castle which was scituate in the mountaines himselfe tooke her scarffe which he said he wold deliuer vnto Pollipus as a t●ken that she was in safetie wherewith he departed backe into the wood and tare the same into many péeces here scattering one and there confusedly casting another withall hast rode an other way to his Castle All soule could not eate one bit but all things séemed to bée hatefull their swéete musicke harshe their curteous entertainment rude and barbarous and that well adorned place more loathsome then a prison nothing but care and gréefe could take place in her vnquiet brest After supper they brought her to a most pleasant chamber where all things were most neatly prouided comforting her with many perswasione that Archas was at the Bohemian Court to expect her comming and by reason of the nights approach could not come backe that night but would early in the morning bring her newes intreating her to betake her selfe to her rest which she did the rather to be rid from their company that being alone she might enter into consideration of her estate and being by her selfe she began to reuolue in her minde her miscrable condition Pollipus perill and Archas intent for her selfe shée care● not if Pollipus were in safetie neither feared shee what Archas entended if her Knight were in health that so many cares concurring togither so many doubts clogged her mind and such feare possest her hart that her words burst into a sloud of teares and the warme blood seemed to issue from euery vaine of her body that with their abundance she bedeawed the bed where she laie When she had wept her fountaines drie she then began to accuss her selfe of folly that would not stay in the place where he left her then a certaine perswasion entred her heart that he was dead which tooke such déepe roote that of a long time no other thought would take place which made her thinke the Tapers which gaue her light burnt blew which likewise added a further setled resolue in her fancie that it was so indéed In this carefull estate she lay tumbling and tossing her selfe giuing no qui●t to her minde no rest to her cares no ease to her pensiue heart no respit to her sences nor sléepe to her head but being ouercome with sorrowe shée continually rather augmented then diminished the same In this sad and heauie estate she s●ent the night not suffring her eyes once to slumber In the morning the two gentl●women came to her again offring her al duti●ul seruice which she kindly accepted And shortly after came Archas counterfaiting a sad countenance with his eyes cast downe to the earth whom when Violetta beheld a suddaine feare infused it selfe into euery part of her bodie and she stood shaki●g and quaking like one transformed to heare the news he had brought which shee thought to be but bad by his looke who with a shamelesse face and impudent dissimulation tolde her that Pollipus was not yet returned to the Court nor heard of but all supposed him to bee dead Which words strooke such griefe to her heart that there shée fell downe at his feete in a traunce but when by their industry she came to her selfe againe her amazed countenance and lamentable grones made the teares trickle downe her chéekes and séeing her in that daungerous estate conueyed her to her bedde whose vitall sences were so abated and extinguished that for a long time notwithstanding their vttermost indeuours shee seemed no otherwise then as one quite bereft of sense and in that lamentable estate shée continued many dayes Pollipus all that night raunged vp and downe the woodde in euery corner searching eache thicket and vnfrequented place calling Violetta by name and tearing both his flesh and apparell with the bushes and brambles that encountred his madde steppes sometimes making haste this way then returning backe with perswasion that hee heard her shrike behinde him being so fully possest with feare and desire to finde her that euery fancie that rose in his braine altered his former thoughts that whereas in other mens afflictions hée séemed most patient and prouident by his owne hée was quite bereft of reason In this vnquiet sort hée spent the most part of the night vntill towardes morning what with wearinesse and care that opprest his heart he laide him downe leaning vppon his elbowe neither vttering word nor teare but inwardly stuft with extreame vexation séeming no other then the forme and picture of discontent But when he sawe Phoebus ●isplay his brightnesse he againe betooke himselfe to his earnest sea●ch vttering such inward grones as would haue melted a rock●e heart into liquid teares Parismus b●ing early vp that morning gaue commaundement to all the Bohemian knights to arme themselues and to post throughout al● Bohemia in her search and to make proclamations with great promises of reward to them that could bring any newes of Violetta that by time the Sun was vp there were a great number of knights
her constancie My deare loue quoth she since my father hath decréed this publicke triumph for the bestowing of mée in marriage because amongst so many Knights as haue sought my loue I haue affianced my selfe to none of them but haue chosen you as the chiefest load-starre of my life and loue be you yet assured that though fortune may allot mée to bée anothers by conquest yet none but your selfe shall enioy my loue and though another may challenge me by right of my fathers decrée yet none but your selfe shall haue true interest in mée and rather then I will yeelde to like of any Knights loue but yours I will endure either death or any other torment shall be inflicted vpon me for you are the Knight that shall conquer my loue you haue by courtesie wonne my loue and you shall weare it Nor King nor Knight shall robbe mée of that which I haue giuen to you then be not you discomforted or any way disquieted but trie your fortune amongst the rest and fate may happily allot you the conquest as well as any other Remulus hearing his Ladies constant resolution was ouercome with excéeding ioy resoluing to venture as much as any to attaine the conquest and solacing himself● so long as their stolne time would peru●●t in her companie beeing by necessitie compelled they parted The next morning the King of Thrace accompanied by a number of personages of estate brought foorth the beautifull and faire Phylena most richly adorned with costly ornaments wearing vppon her head a crowne of gold attended by a hundreth Damzels clad in white and seated her on a scaffold in the open view of all the Knights there assembled whose hearts were inamoured with the swéete attaint of her shining beautie and their courages reuiued with the hope of so rich and precious a prize Amongst the rest there was Remulus whose heart was opprest with distrustfull care to sée the Ladie hee most estéemed and his secret protested loue set as a prize to wring him from his possession yet comforted by her faithfull promise he tooke great felicitie to sée that beautie made famous which he made account to enioy The knight of Thrace beganne the tryumph and the first that entred the listes was Andreas who was at two courses vnhorsed by Cleanthes who continued conquerour by the ouerthrowe of many Knights vntill Bubulus one of the thrée brethren of Candie with violence draue him from his horse and burst one of his ribbes Bubulus vnhorsed many Knights a●terwards both of Thrace and other straunge countries and in the end was vnhorsed himselfe by Remulus who behaued himselfe so valiantly in the sight of the Princes that by the soyle of many Knights hée ended that daies tryumph to his exceeding honour resting co●querour vntill the next morning When the night was ouerpast the King conducting Phylena in the like manner hée had done the day before seated her againe vpon the sc●ffold When Remulus came into the listes brauely mannaging his prauncing sléed whom Thylena beheld with a carefull eye breathing foorth many a denouted prayer for his good successe w●o hauing conquered some twentie Knights in the ende was foyled by Temulus and so with a heauie heart left the field Temulus continued conquerour by the disgr●●●●● many knights almost all that day but in the end was vnhorsed by 〈◊〉 king of Aragon The King of Aragon ended that dayes tryumph and con●●●ed chiefe conquerour the next day and on the fourth day was ●nhorsed by Tristramus and so lost the conquest hee so much destred Afterwardes Tristramus continued that dayes triumph with great brauerie and the fift day was vnhorsed by Annulus a knight of Libia who vnhorsed that day sortie Knights to his exceeding honour The Knight of Fame all this while kept himselfe out of sight and lodged at a village some two myles distant from the Thraciau Court and according to Amasenus appointment came toward the listes gallantly mounted all alone and by the vnexpected manner of his suddain approach and by the strange fashion of his armour as fortune would was not generally noted and in that sort hée entred she listes reuerencing himselfe towards the scaffold whereon the King was seated and setting spurres to his horse incountred Annulus and fortune intending at the first to do him some disgrace mist his course and Annulus brake his staffe most brauely wherewith the whole assembly gaue an excéeding shout and the knight of Fame béeing inraged with his ouersight charged another course at Annulus with great violence and ouerthrew him with his héeles vpward whereat the whole company gaue an excéeding shout againe euery one thinking hee had purposely lost his first course by which meanes all were desirous to see him run againe which the discontented knight performed so gallantly that hée vnhorsed another knight of Libia that thought to reuenge Annulus ouerthrow Guido disdaining thereat and seeing how the beholders were affected noted him more specially thinking by his foyle to winne some speciall honour and with the more brauerie to continue the rest of the tryumph and attaine the prize taking a strong staffe prepared to méete the knight of Fame who by that time had dismounted thrée or foure other knights The people séeing the valiant Guido come to the listes who was well knowne to all thought then surely to sée the discontented knights honour at an end for on him and Drio the chiefest suppose of conquest ●●pended Guido encountred the knight of Fame the first time without of●●●ing or sustaining disaduantage which inwardly vexed him to the heart that charging him againe the second time notwithstanding all his force he could not once moue him in his saddle The discontented knight likewise feeling the puissance of his enemie was excéedingly inraged that taking another course they met with such furie that the earth shooke with the force of their encounter and their Launces shiuered into a thousande péeces passing by without any shew or signe of oddes The king of Thrace séeing the day so farre spent sent a messen●er to intreat them to leaue the further triall of their doubtful conquess ●ntill the next day which they both consented vnto The next morning these two Champions came againe w●th desirous mindes to bee reuenged each of the other and met two courses with such brauerie that the people with great shouts applauded their chiualry the knight of Fame chusing the strongest staffe that he could finde ment now or neuer to giue or take the foyle and rushing forcibly to encou●ter Guido hée met him so violently that Guidos Horse yéelded so the force of their encounter and falling downe burst his legge the people séeing Guido downe were drawne into a wonderfull amazement what this Knight should be Phylena likewise was much tormented in minde in her fancie allotting him the chiefest honour and seeing hee was some Knight of a straunge Country fearing least he obtaining her by conquest should carry her farre from her fathers Court and so quite from
to procure your good and rather will I teare my accursed tongue from foorth of my head then it shall hereafter vtter a word to displease you Then quoth Venola once againe counsell me what to do for thou séest how farre I am tied in the bonds of loue to that woorthie knight that without some hope of comfort my cares will bee excéeding and more then my poore heart will be able to indure This I thinke quoth Flauia is the best to be done either do it your selfe or let me giue him knowledge of your loue and then you shall soone see whether hee will accept thereof or no. Do so then quoth Venola I commit all to thy discretion The knight of Fame being departed to Venolas chamber was as farre from conceiuing the cause of her passion as he was from the knowledge of all things and being walkt into a Garden alone by himselfe Flauia came to him whom he kindly greeted asking her how her Mistresse did Sir knight quoth shée in the same case you left her and rather woorse the cause of whose disquiet is procured by no disease but by an extraordinarie occasion which none but one can remedie which I would willingly giue the partie knowledge of but that I knowe not whether he wil take the same kindly or no Else wer he much to blame quoth he for hard were his heart that would not pittie the distresse of so diuine a creature Gentle sir quoth she thus it is My Lady hath euer since the first sight of your person béene greatly tormented with loues passions which is the cause of her sicknesse which resteth onely in your power to salue The Knight of Fame hearing her spéeches was so suddainly astonisht and therewith drawne into such cogitations that he stood a good while like one in a trance at last he said The harder is her happe and the worse my misfortune for I am vnworthy of such kindnesse and vnable to yéeld her recompence which words being spoken he turned himselfe from her being drawne into such a déepe meditation that hée regarded not nor scarce heard some words Flauia spake to him afterwards who thinking that he had of purpose contemned her departed in a monstrous rage and being alone by himselfe cagitating vpon these euents perceiued that her former kindnesse had procéeded from the same roote of affection greatly condemning himselfe of dulnesse that could not before that perceiue the same wishing that he had departed with the Prince of Bohemia for that his fancie could by no meanes be drawne to the least good conceit of her loue for his heart was wholly imployed an other way Then he beganne to call to remembrance the somniferous p●●●on he had tasted by which means he was disappointed of Parismus company reuoluing euery consideration and circumstance of the same and these euents was in the ende fully perswaded that it was purposely done by Venola or some by her appointment to stay him there which thought was so fully grounded in his fancie that he assuredly perswaded himselfe that was the very truth and none else which draue him into many studies how to rid himselfe from thence at last he determined to depart in secret and vnknowne to any And with this resolution all that day he accompanied the rest of the Knights thereby to shun all occasions of hearing any further spéech of Venola Who hearing how scornfully hée had receiued Flauias message which Flauia had told her entred into such extream complaints against her hard fortune and shed such abundance of teares that the bed whereon shée lay was watered therewith in which estate she continued tormenting her selfe with extreame cares Early the next morning the knight without the knowledge of any departed clogged with such a chaos of confused cares as that he wisht the date of his wearie life subiect to so many crosses were expired intending neuer to returne thither whom Flauia soone mist the newes whereof she conueyed to the hearing of Venola who tooke the same so heauily that many dayes she continued as one likelier to entertaine death then to suruiue which draue her Parents into an extreame sadnesse from whom she still concealed the cause of her griefe In which estate for a while we will leaue her and the knight of Fame onwards on his iourney and Clarina in great care for the absence of Tellamor in the forrest of Arde. CHAP. XV. How the Knight of Fame arriued in Natolia and by what meanes hee found the Lady hee sawe in the vision and the combat hee fought with Collimus AFter the Knight of Fame was departed the King of Libias Court to avoyde the loue of Venola hee trauelled many dayes without any aduenture tired with extreame care and desire to come to the knowledge of his Parents and to finde his deuoted Lady that when the Sunne was at the highest and by that meanes the season very hotte hée alighted from his horse in a pleasant valley where sitting vnder the shadowe of a Chestnut-trée hee entered into this communication to himselfe What crosses still prosecute my steppes that I can in no place bée at quiet but am still troubled with that which I would not but cannot finde the thing I desire My birth day was the beginning of my sorrowes since which time nothing but care hath fallen to my share whereas I sée other Knightes enioye their hearts content My Parents hidden from my knowledge my selfe trauelling to finde them peraduenture goe rather a great way from them then to them for the Iland of Rockes from whence I came and where I was brought vppe is farre distant from this place and I thinke if I woulde come to their knowledge it is my best course to returne thither againe Was I not ouer-foolish to refuse the marriage of Phylena the Kings daughter of Thrace vpon vaine confidence of a dreame vpon whose certaintie I can no way builde which might be procured by some Sorcerie of Remulus to make me refuse that honour to the intent hée might install himselfe therein and cause mée to doate on the beautie of a Lady that is no where to be found for the whole worlde containes not such an essence of perfect beautie as that which I beheld Then what shall I do or which way shall I shape my best course shall I giue ouer her search since dreames are so vncertaine I but this was more then a dreame it was a Vision for I behelde the Goddesse Venus who enioyned mée this talke holding that swéete Lady in her hand whose forme so perfectly is printed in my remembrance that I cannot forget the same which assuredly is liuing and to bee founde and therefore I will neuer desist till I haue founde her though I spende the whole race of my life in that quest which if it were ordained for my endlesse forment then how should I auoyde the same neither care I what paine to endure if I may after all my trauels finde her In this sort he spent much
dutifull departed Shée was no sooner gone but Angelica fitting downe vppon the rushes leaning her head vppon the beddes side beganne to studie whence the occasion of that suddaine alteration she fell in her selfe should procéede sometimes deeming this and then that but still she could not certainly know what to iudge thereof that her minde was drawne so an extreame torment which so opprest her sences that presently she called Anna again who maruelling at her strange behauiour greeuing at her sadnesse kneeling downe by her vttered these spéeches My deare M●stresse I beséech you conceale not from mée the occasion of your disquiet to whose secrecie you néede not feare to commit the same for I hope you are sufficient●y perswaded of my truthe that do estéeme my duely so you more deare then my selfe which I would most willingly spende for your sake or if you will voucsafe to employe mee any way or in what sort so euer so it please you to command I will be most willing to vse my vttermost endeuours as faithfully as euer did seruaunt to purchase your content Aye mée wretched creature quoth Angelica it is not mistrust of thy secrecie nor doubt of thy ayde nor ought else that I mis●oubt in thee that maketh me withholde any part of my counsell from thee for if I would shewe it thée I cannot for this passion is so newly begunne that I cannot rightly coniecture what the cause thereof should be or why my thoughts should be thus suddainly disquieted and such assured confidence do I retaine in thy fidelitie that I would conceale no part of my thoughts from thée Anna hearing her mistresse spéeches beganne presently to suspect that shee had entertained some good conceit of some of the knights that were arriued that day whom she thought to be the young Prince Camillus which caused her make this answere Deare Mistresse quoth she I beleeue the approach of some of the gallant Knights that came with the King is the cause of your alteration Why quoth Angelica doest thou thinke their approach should disquiet me Marry quoth Anna because many Ladies haue been suddainly ouertaken with loue wherewith Angelica blusht saying Doest thou thinke my affections so light to looke of euery one I see Pardon mee deare Madame quoth shée I doe not thinke so Wel quoth Angelica suppose thou hast iumpt vpon the right which of those knights doest thou suppose it is Wil you pardon me said Anna if I giue my opinion I will saide she I thinke quoth Anna it is the braue Prince Camillus Camillus quoth she it is rather the stranger Indeed quoth An●● that strange knight farre surmounteth all the knights that euer I beheld for comlinesse courtesse and prowesse I am assured said Angelica breathing forth a sadde sigh thou speakest this rather to flatter me then according to that thou thinkest for otherwise why didst thou speake of Camillus Faith M●stresse quoth she I named Camillus not for any thing I see in him comparable with the straunge Knight but for that I would thereby knowe your minde which now that I vnderstand if you would follow my counsell you should not onely like him but also loue him for there is no doubt but the cause of his comming hither was onely for your sake who in my rash opinion will prooue both constant and loyall for his very countenance bewrayeth the vnited essence of true Nobilitie and vertue to be placed in him O Anna quoth she thou woundest me to the heart before I had but a suspition of loue but by thy spéeches I begin to be inthralled therein Do not I pray thée séeke to augment that which is impossible to come to perfection which if I should entertaine as I shall I feare me against my will thou knowest how many impossibilit●●s do threaten my euerlasting torment thereby therefore I pray thee doe not once name him to me againe for if thou doest I shall be more inthralled to that very name then to all the humble suttes of the most noblest knights in the world Didst thou not heare my brother Marcellus report how prodigally hee gaue away the kings daughter of Thrace and what paines he tooke to redéeme Venola that beautifull Lady from Andramarts Castle I know thou didst but likewise I know thou didst not heare what he said to me to refell these doubtes that he was long since enioyned to my seruice and was the thing hée had long time sought to attaine Didst thou not see how I found him a sléepe and yet notwithstanding all the Knights that guarded me how resolutely yet with humilitie he approached my presence where he tolde me that not want of regard had bredde that rudenesse but feare of missing that fit occasion considering how straightly I am kept and pried into by my Fathers decrée Didst thou not sée how brauely and valiantly hée ouerthrow thrée stout Knights together that would haue taken my gloue from him Doest thou not sée how dearely my brother Marcellus loued him and all in generall are well affected towards him These I thinke are occasions sufficient to refell all suspect of his good intent and meaning Quoth Anna Truely most gracious Madame I thinke verily all things considered hée hath not his equall neyther for valour nor for Vertue You may doe as you please whome I will not so much as once speake of hereafter since I shall offende you thereby Yes I pray thée speake of him quoth Angelica for nothing can please me better though I ●eare me nothing wil doe mée more harme And well maist thou thinke me ouer●ond so ●oo●● to do intangled in the bondes of loue with a straunger that I neith●r kn●we of whence nor what he is of whome we haue saide ynough at this time therfore I pray let vs deferre any further commendation of him vntill we haue made better proofe of his worthinesse which said they betooke themselues to their rest Early the next morning the Knight of Fame was vp to whom Marcellus was soone gotten who tooke no other delight but onely in his company vsing him so kindly and so honourably that the Knight of Fame maruelled thereat wondring whence such kindnesse should grow that he likewise beganne greatly to affect his company and being both come into the Kings presence who was accompanied by Camillus they spent the forenoone in seuerall discourses likewise Angelica spent her time amongst the Ladies of great account in such sort as agreed in their fancie Dinner time being come a most costly and sumptuous feast was prepared wherevnto Maximus inuited all his Nobles and Camillus and the Knight of Fame amongst the rest as his chiefest where they were most honourably entertained sumptuously feasted and kindly welcommed Camillus séeing that the Quéene and Angelica were wanting was suddainly fallen into a sadde dumpe because the Ladie of his delight was absent which the King noted more specially then all the rest who supposing that Camillus came as a S●ter to his daughter had of purpose giuen order
to the Quéene that shée should banquet the Ladies by themselues which was so done that neither Camillus nor any else perceiued his drift therein which made Camillus extreame angry with himselfe that he had not the day before when he enioyed both her sight and full libertie of spéech in some measure giuen her knowledge of his loue The Knight of Fame on the contrary side gouerned himselfe with more moderation for he hauing attained such good successe as his heart did wish was therewith for the present contented hoping that fortune that had béene so fauourable to him would not suddainely alter her countenance but still contiune her ayde to his furtherance whom Maximus likewise diligently noted hauing suspition that hée likewise came for Augelicas loue though hée dissembled the contrary of which he could perceiue no likelihood by his merrie countenance which caused him onely to suspect Camillus and not him The Feast being ended with great royaltie euery one after some Courtly pastime past betooke themselues to what exercise liked them best Camillus still accompanied the King shewing for griefe of Angelicus absence such a kinde of behauiour as though his sences were bewitched with carelesse passions which he noted diligently therby bréeding in his minde an assurance of his suspition The Knight of Fame had withdrawn himself into a Garden and séeking the solitariest place hée coulde finde began to recall the swéete remembrance of Angelicas beautie into his minde whereunto hee was more firmely inthralled then hée was before he had seene her though euen then his loue was firme hauing but séene her in a Vision that he was now not onely contented with that fauour shée had already shewen him but also deuised and studied how to become more gracious in her sight and attaine some better hope of her loue which as yet hée had not likelihood to attaine Whilest he was in the depth of these cogitations Marcellus missing him and séeing him before enter into the garden neuer left vntill he had found him out to whom he said Syr Knight I am somewhat bolde to interrupt your quiet meditations by my approach béeing desirous of your company therefore if I may without intrusion accompany you I will stay otherwise I would be loth to bréede your disquiet Most noble Marcellus quoth the Knight of Fame I am not troubled with your presence but thinke my selfe most happy to enioy the same as farre vnworthie such kindnesse being a straunger here thinke my selfe so highly honoured by your fauour that I shal account my selfe for euer bound vnto you for the same thinking my selfe more happie thereby then I could haue wisht being before subiect to all euil for●itude account my selfe exceedingly fortunate by your kindnesse and friendship I would it were in my power quoth Marcellus to deserue so wel of you béeing more willinger then able to pleasure you for the report of your honourable gifts hath made me long since desirous of your acquaintance that if you please to stay with mée in my fathers Court I will labour to shewe my good will towards you and if you will accept of my plaine meaning without further tryall I will hereafter prooue your faithful friend Most courteous Knight quoth hée I can yéelde no other recompence but hartie thankes for your kindenesse which hath extended it selfe farre beyond my desert with so willing a heart accepting your kinde proffers ●hat before I prooue disloyall I wil teare my heart from out my brest Then quoth Marcellus lette vs conclude this suddaine consent of good will which for my parte shall neuer while life doth last bee dissolued Desiring you hence forwards to make such account of mee that wherein soeuer I may in any degree pleasure you I will as assuredly doo my best as in my power consisteth With that they embraced each other betwixt whom such good will began to grow as was both constant and indissoluable CHAP. XVII How Angelica was imprisoned and how Maximus rebuked his sonne for suffering the Knight of Fame to speake to Angelica MArcellus hauing a while walked with him in the garden desired him to accompanie him into the Court to visit the Ladies who quoth he are this day feasting by themselues The Knight of Fame glad thereof willingly gaue his consent being the onely thing that contented his minde and being come into the presence where the Quéene was and hauing done his reuerence shee most kindly welcommed the Knight of Fame telling Marcellus that his comming was to sée the young Ladies whereat Marcellus smiling departed into a gallery wher were a multitude of swéet beauties exercising themselues at seuerall pas●imes some at Chesse some at Cardes and some in pleasant communication whom Marcellus kindly embraced but the Knight of Fame by reason he was a straunger was not so bolde but hauing his minde dedicated to serue no other Saint but Angelica looked for her whom he espied at the further end of the Gallery in a heauie dumpe leaning vpon her elbowe who hearing Marcellus voyce looked backe and cast her eye first on the Knight of Fame on whom she fastned a stedfast eye a good space but remembring her selfe with an excéeding blush she withdrew the same because shee sawe his eye setled on her Marcellus by this time came towards Angelica and perceiuing her blushing countenance caused him to note how melancholly shee was alone saying How now sister what sollitarie studi●●● that which hath withdrawne you from yonder peasant company My mind quoth shée is better exercised by béeing sometimes alone then in their companie but since your presence hath broken my meditation I can bee well content to forsake the same to enioy your companie which me thinkes is very rare I thanke you good Sister quoth hee assuring you that I take it wondrous kindely that you thinke so well of mée which hereafter you shall at your commaund enioy withall I desire you for my sake to bid this Knight welcome whome I esteeme as déerely as my selfe with that Angelica turned towards him and hee with humble reuerence kissed her hand to whom Angelica said Syr by my brothers commaund I bid you welcome the knight of Fame most humbly thanked her béeing so excéedingly rauished in his minde with ioye that no ioy might be compared to that hée endured Angelica on the other side was euery way affected with as swéet● content by that oportunitie to take a more precise view of his comelinesse entertaining the same with such surffetting delight that shée not onely augmented the heate of her former affection but also was now fettered in the dissolueable bands of loue Marcellus and shee continued sometime in conference together in which time Angelica cast many a sweete looke towardes the knight of Fame which hee well perceiued by reason his eye was neuer off her which shée likewise noting striued not to shew the like kindnes againe but notwithstanding contrary to her purpose her hearts inward affection constrained her to behold him which made her colour
goe come excéedingly oftentimes breaking off her spéeches with such passionate studies somtimes breathing a silent sigh which Marcellus noted but yet séemed not to marke In the mean time in comes the Quéene who calling Marcellus vnto her entred into comunication with him which when Angelica beheld her heart began to throb pant with a kinde of delight the knight of Fame likewise was tormented with such diuersity of passion being desirous to speak to Angelica yet not daring to attēpt such boldnes in presence of the Quéen hauing before heard of Maximus decrée Whilest he was in this cogitation Anna séeing her Mistresse alone the knight shée so dearly loued hard by her came and vsed some spéeches vnto her on him which hée well noted at last the Quéene departed againe and Marcellus went to sport amongst the rest of the Ladies hauing before noted his Sisters passions which hée was in some suspition was by reason of the knight of Fames being there The knight of Fame séeing the Quéene departed and Marcellus amongst the Ladies not rashly attempting such boldnesse but with a most submisse and comely behauiour drew towards Angelica beeing surprized with such a feare to offend and care what to say that his hart shooke therwith and humbly kissing her hand with a trembling fears he stil held the same in his palm and said My diuine Lady pardon my presumption that ouerboldly cōtrary to my desert presume to trouble your sacred eares with my spéeches which if I did suppose would be offensiue I would burie stil in the closet of my troubled heart from whence they procéeded but if I may be so gracious in your sight as to gain the sweet oportunitie by your fauourable license as to declare the depth of my deuotion how in what sort and how long since I was enioyned to become your deuoted seruant I shall rest so much more inthralled to your vertues as my poore heart shall for euer be vnable to yéelde sufficient thankes for which I dare not presume to ●oo without your fauourable consent which I desire you to grant Angelica all this while stood as one transformed into bashfulnesse being possest with delight yet vnwilling to make any shew therof which caused an excéeding blush beautifie her chéekes which added some splendure to perfect bewtie it selfe which at all times appeared most liuely in her swéete countenance at last withdrawing her hand which now began to sweat with his strickt embrace which he was vnwilling to let goe yet fearefull to hold without her cōsent to whom she made this answer Sir where no harme is ment there néedeth no such intreatance for pardon for the actuall offence I sée none but if any be intended it is more then I know and therefore without my power to forgiue neither doth your spéech much please nor offend me but if spoken with good meaning I cannot blame nor will deny to heare an other time withall wishing you not to thinke me tractable to euery perswasion but haue yéelded you that fauour neuer yet any had at my hands which peraduenture imboldneth you to vse your accustomed maner of flatteries wherunto most mē are addicted wherein you shall doo greatly amisse for though I condiscend to heare you yet do not tinke my minde easily drawne to beléeue euery protestation Most vertuous Lady quoth he neither do my words proceed frō custome but my spéeches procéed from the depth of my true and humble heart that hath vowed neuer to start from the constant veritie which hath long nurced many bitter forments procéeded by desire ●o find your vertuous selfe which hath bin the cause of my long trauell Then I most humbly beséech you estéem of me as one that can breath no longer then he is in your fauour For sooner shall all things be dissolued then I faile in dutie to your seruice and constancie to continue deuoted to your commaund which if I may bée in any hope to attaine though it be with the extreame hazard that euer knight indured I shal account my selfe the most happiest man liuing Therefore I beséech you let no suspected conceit of my truth withdrawe your vertues from pittying mée for without the fruition of your swéete fauour it is impossible for me to liue Beséeching your excellencie likewise not to suppose my words to procéede from fained affection but from a heart that hath vowed to be perpetually constant and will neuer start frō truth whatsoeuer miseries or crosses may happen to trie my constancie Angelica hearing his spéeches withall noting with what motions and alterations his heart was oppressed by the oft chaunge of his countenance and withall being her selfe euery way as much inthralled to loue as himselfe hoping that his heart if it harboured true loyaltie would not déeme amisse of his courtesie for the noblest minds are soonest drawne to pittie gaue him this kinde reply Sir knight your earnest spéeches hath so much preuailed with mée that gladly I would shewe you what kindenesse resteth in me but that I still feare to bée deceiued therefore if hereafter I see you constant make no doubt but I wil bée so kinde as you can wish and yéeld you what recompence I can in requitall of your good wil withall wishing you to thinke that my heart hath yéelded you that fauour which yet neuer any had from me Angelica had not ended those words but in comes Maximus pu●●ing with vexation to whom Collimus had declared that the Knight of Fame was some disguised counterfeit that came to séeke Angelicas loue whereo● his life depended and comming to him séeing him in talke with his daughter saide Knight quoth he what maketh thée thus bolde so farre to presume aboue thy desert to intrude thy selfe into my daughters company which thou knowest is contrary to my decrée Then taking Angelica by the arme he thrust her from him commaunding Collimus who was ready at hand to commit her to safe custodie and vpon paine of death not to suffer any not so much as his sonne Marcellus to come to her spéech by whose meanes Collimus had tolde him the knight of Fame was brought into her companie Collimus hauing this charge which was his owne séeking immediately conueyed Angelica from their presence who notwithstanding her fathers presence and displeasure turned backe and gaue the knight of Fame a kinde looke at her departure which he well noted and therwith conceiued more ioy then he tooke gréefe at Maximus vnkindnesse By this time Marcellus was come to his father who cast such a dis pleasant countenance vpon him as that hée well perceiued hée was someway incenst against him wherewith the king in a great rage departed not speaking a word to him After hée was gone Marcellus comming to the knight of Fame whose heart was ●●p● with gréef and noting his sad countenance departed with him down into the garden where being come Marcellus said as followeth Deare friend quoth be for by other name I wil neuer
agreeth with modestie but I will performe the same Speake you from your heart quoth Marcellus I do my Lord quoth she Then sai● hee I comm●und you to loue me and if that be too harsh a word I intreate and desire you yée●● me loue for that true loue I beare you being such as is grounded vpon vertue and without spot or blemish of dishonours staine entending nothing that may disagrée w●th your modestie but to make you my equall my companion and my dearely espoused wife therefore do but yéeld to loue me and thou shalt thereby expell many cares from my heart which otherwise will increase to my euerlasting torment Oh my Lord quoth Dulcia I beséech you account me one that will ind●uour in all dutie to deserue that honour you entend me which I s●e so many impossibilities to hinder that it quite discourag●th me● from the least hope of that felicitie So you will loue me I care not for impossibilities neyther shall anie miserie alter my constant resolution With that hée embraced her in his armes who gaue a silent consent intermingled with teares proceeding from her tender heart with whom Marcellus staied some time spending the time in many friendly conferences that Dulcia was constrained by his entreaties and her owne yéelding heart to giue her consent both theyr intents being grounded vpon no other purpose but that which is vertuous and chaste Par●smenos beeing departed from Marcellus soone arriued at the Maiden Tower where hée alighted and comming to the gardiants thet kept the gate hee saluted them with a courteous behauiour tolde them that hee was sent by Maximus theyr King to be one of the gardiants whom at the first they denyed him then he deliuered his Letter which they hauing read accepted him for one of theyr fellowes without any doubt or mistrust When hée had obtained his desire in this with such prosperous successe he began to comfort himselfe with hope of turther good fortune continuing all that night amongst the r●st of the gardiants not once offering any behauiour which might bréed suspition but behaued himselfe most carefully both in all his words and déeds as hée had a good reason for that they were very ●ircumspect and almost by reason of the strickt charge the King had giuen them ready to suspect each other All the next day continued hée in that sorte without anie méeting of the Eunuches but on the third day hée met two of them tdgether in a place most conuenient and saluted them most kindely who maruelling what he should bée for that he was a stranger began prosently to be iealous of him but he perceyuing the same told them that hee had a secret message vnto them from the king and withall a letter vnder his hand and signet to the gardiants which he shewed them But to you quoth hée the King hath sent me with this message that you shall admit mée at all times to Angelicas presence whome you haue the custodie off though vnknowne to any but your selues which hée told me likewise hée gaue you a speciall charge to conceale from the rest of the gardiants and hath vppon the trust hée hath reposed in mée giuen mée authoritie with you to haue her custodie The Eunuches hauing heard his message and withall the kings priuie seale to the Letter written in his behalfe could not chuse but giue credence so the same supposing that none was priuie to Angelicas béeing there but the king that they made no doubt but that hée was sent by him but would not trust him vnt●il they had consulted with the rest of their fellowes to whom they delared the truth of all he had told them who in generall admitted him to their societie Parismenos thought himselfe most happie to haue ●attained this felicitie where likewise he behaued himself most carefully telling them that hee had a message of secrecie to declare to her from the King which they made no doubt of nor neuer denied When he spied his fittest opportunitie which was when Angelica was walking alone in a priuate garden béeing all the libertie she had and the Eunuches were gone to disport themselues and had put him alone in trust with the key that conducted to her chamber he vnlocked the doore and shutting the same againe he came to her chamber where he durst not be so bolde as enter before he had knockt Anna being alone in the chamber hearing one knocke came to the doore and espying Parismenos in Armor with his sword girt to his side which he neuer left off being in euery poynt armed but his head maruelled what he shuld be to whom he said Faire Damozel maruel not to see me in Armor which shal neuer offend you but still be imployed in your defence I haue knockt presuming no further without licence the cause of my comming is to deliuer a message vnto the Lady Angelica from Marcellus All this time Anna had diligently beheld him perswading her selfe she had séene him before that she made him this answere Sir knight if you come from Marcellus you shall bée welcome to my Lady therefore I pray you come in and I will conduct you to the place where she is Then she brought him down a paire of stayres into the garden where Angelica was who sate at the farther end thereof in a most heauie and discomfortable sort séeming to be quite giuen ouer to sorrowe leaning her elbowe vpon her knées and her head vpon her hand with her backe towards them and hearing them comming behind her with a suddaine start raised her selfe from her seate wherewith her heart panted within her and Parismenos humbling himselfe vpon his knée said ●use not diuine Lady to behold the mappe of sorrow created to e●●●●e euerlasting miserie the most worthie knight Marcellus hath sen●●e hither whose fauour hath caused me to be thus bold who hartily saluteth himselfe to you by me Angelica all this while diligently beh●●d him oft changing her countenance being procured by the diuersitie of thoughts for she supposed it should be the Knight of Fam● for that ●ée came from Marcellus but he was so mightily altered that she was in doubt thereof Assoone as he had ended those fewe words she saide Are you not the knight of Fame I am the same most deare Lady quoth he with that her heart le●pt for ioy and shée tooke him most louingly by the hande desiring him to arise saying I am glad to sée you againe which I feared I should neuer haue done Then presently procured by ioy for his sight and griefe to thinke of her owne bondage a s●ood of Christall teares issued from her eyes which attainted his heart with extreame grief that he stood like a man senselesse and cōfounded in his thoughts and such passions opprest her heart that she was scarce able to vphold her selfe from falling which caused the water with violence drawne from his manly heart stand in his eyes which neuer before by no accident were assent and séeing her
began to meditate of his spéeches and how he was astonisht when she requested him to conuey her to the court which draue her into many cogitations when presently one of the gentlewomen came to her whom she vsed most kindiy and of purpose to féel● her minde grew into familiar cōference with her amongst many other spéeches quoth she I pray tell me what Archas hath reported vnto you concerning Pollipus for he séemeth vnwilling to v●ter his mind vnto me He told me nothing quoth she Which words came from her with such stuttering and change of countenance that Violetta began to suspect that Archas had all that while dissembled with her and that Pollipus contrary to his report was yet liuing And whē Sorana came she likewise felt her minde of whom she gathered some probabilitie and likewise when shée next came into Archas company shée asked him so many questions that shée found many contrarieties in his spéeches which setled such a perswasiue opinion in her minde that Archas report of Pollipus was vntrue that she rested greatly comforted that way but yet in great care cogitating what he wold suppose was become of her how she shuld get out of that place or giue him knowledge of her being there and auoyde Archas odious loue which séemed as deadly to her heart as infectious venome Archas still prosecuted his sute with great earnestnesse making many friuolous excuses to withhold her from the Bohemian court growing into such boldnesse that oftentimes when she refused his offered embracings and impudent behauiours he would by force kisse her and sold her in his armes which rudenesse he so often vsed that she began so extreamely to abhorre him that his sight was most odious vnto her Oftentimes Violetta did walke into a pleasant Orchard adioyning to the Castle as well to recreate her dulled sences in those pleasant shades as in solitarinesse to recount her miseries and ease her carefull heart by inuenting meanes how to ridde her selfe from forth that labyrinth of sorrow and also to auoyd Archas odious sight who inwardly lusted to satisfie his inordinate appetite by obtaining the fruition of her dilicate body and though he knew Pollipus were liuing and heard the mones and sorrowfull complaints Violetta made able to extenuate any tyrannous dispositiō yet he persisted in his diuellish resolution with such impudency that neither regarding her complaints nor the lawes of nature he stil sought all disloyal opportunities to dishonour her And on a time marking whē she went into the Orchard as she was wont in middest of her silent cogitations he came to the place where she sate whose hart began to pant with a kind of feare when she beheld him and comming vnto her seating himselfe close by her swéet side he vttered these spéeches You know deare Lady how long I haue sued to obtaine your loue being thereto compelled by the extremities of loues euerlasting flame which boileth in my troubled brest but hitherto you haue obdurated your heart against me and not vouchsafed to yéelde any pitty to my distresse but contrary to the kinde nature that should abound in you séeme not at all to regard my passions which hath added sorrow to my torment Now swéete Lady séeing with what denotions I haue attended your pleasure defer me no longer but let me obtaine that faoour which with such care I haue expected and you so vnkindly withheld which wold both ease my comfortlesse heart and adde no small content to the remedilesse sorrowes you so impatiently endure Violetta hearing his spéeches made this replie Sir I haue long since told you my resolution which might be a sufficient answer to any reasonable creature besides my vowes passed to my deare knight Pollipus haue bound me from yéelding my spotlesse honour to bee stained with the blot of infamie Then I pray leaue off to prosecute your sute which you ground vpon loues foundation béeing indéede nothing but the insatiate desire of filthy concupisence the remembrance whereof addeth new care to my carefull heart and euery way affrighteth mée with discontent and if you so much regard my content as you protest desist to trouble me with your loue and giue me leaue to depart from hence that I may spend the rest of my dayes in sorrowe for his losse that was more deare vnto me then all the worlds treasure I but Lady quoth Archas calme this discontent with remembrance of an impossibilitie in obtaining ought at his hands and goe not about to cōsume those heauenly perfections with sorrow séeme not stranger then reason requireth to him that loueth you as well as Pollipus euer did and now that occasion hath so fitly offered the swéet opportunitie of time and place let vs spend this time in loue and not in these contentions these vnfrequented pathes adde meanes to further our ioies here are no eyes to behold vs nor any to bewray our secrets but the silent trées swéet smelling flowers that which is vnknown is in a maner vncommitted and in requital of your kindnesse I wil performe whatsoeuer you shall command me were it to run through thousands of deathes to procure your content thē swéet loue be not so vnkind but yeeld some pittie to my restlesse cares and detaine not from mée that pleasant delight which will extinguish my bitter griefes When he had ended his spéeches he stricktly caught her tender body in his arms imprinting a compelled kisse vpō her tender lips twining her curled locks about his grosse fingers and beldly fingring her tender brests offering other forced behauiour whilest she striued to vntwine her body off his armes which when shée had obtained casting a disdainfull countenance vpon him like as Diana cast vpon the wofull Acteon with her chéekes as red as scarlet she vttered these spéeches Most discourteous villaine hath my lenitie inforced thée to offer me this abuse or is thy minde so far from pietie as not to desist from prosecuting thy detested lust knowe this that rather then I will yéelde my honour to bée blemished by thy appetite I will teare these eyes from forth my head and ende my woful life which thou soughtest to spill Is this the friendship thou hast protested was it thy pollicie to traine mée hither to dishonour mée hadst thou left me in the place where I lost my beloued then had I béene happie if some wilde beast had ended my life I now perceiue thy protestations are but filthy actors of thy intended villanie and all which thou hast told me of Pollipus death to be most false and vntrue for no doubt hée is yet liuing whom thou séekest to dishonour by dispoyling me of that which I reserued for him Accursed wretch that I was to fal into thy odious hāds which art void of knightly behauiour Archas hearing himself thus reuiled abandoned shame and pitty violently pulling her to him tolde her that she should submit her selfe to his will offering by force to attaine the fruition of her spotlesse body
comming toward her lifted vp her head from the place where she rested it and carelesly let the same fall on the heauie pillowe againe Pollipus séeing her excéeding beautie and withal uoting her heauie estate was strooken into a suddaine compe that he stood like one in a studie Brandamor thnking that was the Ladie he came to redeeme saide Knight if this be the Ladie thou séekest to release thy labour is in vaine for her do I estéeme more then all the world whose presence I so highly honour that no force shall redéeme her from hence whom I both loue and honour as much as thou and all the Knights in the world besides whose loue hath caused my languishing formēts this long time which now I purpose to enioy to the extinguishing of my inward vexations for her sake haue I indured much trauel then do not thinke that I wil easily or willingly leaue her heauenly companie but wil approue and maintaine that I am worthier of her loue then any Knight liuing and since I haue my desire in attaining her custodie I will likewise enioy her loue before she part hence Venola hearing his proude boasting so much disdained them that she could not refraine from answering him but rising from the ground where she sate she vttered these spéeches Impudent miscreant why presumest thou so much of thy selfe that art able to performe nothing but bragges thinkest thou my loue of so small ●●timation as to be controlde and conquered by thy vaine spéeches or any way to yéeld liking to thy detested karcasse No I account the basest trull in Libia too good to bée thy Paramour much lesse my selfe do so much scorne thée that I will rather execute mine owne death then suffer thee to defile me so much as with a touch and thinkest thou because thou hast betraied this one knight by treacherie there are no other that will séeke my release Yes be thou assured that the violence thou haste offered mée by bringing me hither against my will one day will turne to be the occasion of thy cruell death Thou foule detested villaine leaue off to vtter such bosting spéeches in my presence for nothing can bring more gréefe to my heart then thy ill pleasing sight Brandamor hearing her heauenly voyce sound for●h such bitter taunts against him was excéedingly inraged therewith but dissembling a pleasant countenance hée departed with Pollipus whom after some spéeches past betwixt them hée commaunded to bée conueyed to a chamber from whēce he could as hardly get as from the strongest prison in the world who séeing that Violetta was not in the Castle wisht he had not attempted to haue come there but making a vertue of necessity he indured such imprisonment as patiently as might be thinking all misery nothing being vndergone for Violetas sake Where we will leaue him to speake of Parismus Parismus heart was opprest with such griefe for the losse of the vertuous Violetta and the absence of his deare friend Pollipus that day nor night hee could neither by sléepe or other recreation giue any case to his troubled head therefore he determined likewise to indure some trauell for their sakes that had suffered much miserie in his behalfe and when Laurana and he were one night swéetly solacing themselues each in the others pleasant loue he tolde her his full intent desiring her not to be discontented therewith but to take his departure patiently Laurana hearing his spéeches was so ouercome with griefe that a flood of teares distilled from her precious eyes and twining her tender armes about his necke impressing a swéete kisse vpon his lips shée vttered these spéeches Most noble Lord are you wearie of my company that you séeke to estraunge your selfe from mée by trauell do you thinke I shall be able long to endure your absence well knowing how many dangers may hazard your person and detain your heauenly presence from my ssght thinke you that I can attaine any quiet without the fruition of your heauenly company or euer suffer sleepe to seize vpon my eyes while you are avsent No swéet Lord with your departure all ioy and delight shall part from me and neuer will I suffer any content to harbour in my brest Then most deare Loue which words she vttered intermingled with a number of swéete kisses do not leaue me in care do not withhold my content do not take away my swéetest delight but staie you stil with me and commaund your knights to go in Violettas search who at the least becke wil poste through the worlde to do you seruice and hazard not your person in strange Countries nor amongst forraine enemies which may by some trecherie worke your griefe my selfe wil here shrowde you from harme my armes shall inclose you from danger and my loue shall be the Fort you shall conquer I wil expel the sad remembrance of their losse with delighfull communication my selfe wil rocke your sences a sléep with Musicke and my indeuours shall labor to purchase your content then do not séeke to leaue me comfortlesse to bewaile your absence but make abode with me stil and my loue shall shelter you from all peril Which words being ended the ouerflowing of her teares stopt the passage of hi● spéech and sopping forth sighes she hung about his necke Parismenos was excéedingly gréeue● to sée her heauinesse that sowlding her precious bodie in his armes with a strict imbracing he laboured by delightful familiarities to expel her sadnesse which being some what mittigated he vttered these spéeches Why deare Ladie what need you make th●se complaints considering you know nothing is so pretious in my sight nor of so déere estimation with me as your sweete loue Or what neede you make spéech or take such feare of dangers when you sée no cause of disquiet Why are you vnwilling that I should take a litle paines for their sakes that wold haue many wayes indangered their liues and endured extreame miserie for your sake How can I excuse my selfe of ingratitude to that curteous knight Pollipus if whilest he passeth his time in sorrowfull care I should liue here in ease not seeming to regard his misery that would haue shunned no danger to procure my comfort How wil all the knights of this Court esteeme of me but as of an ingrateful person if I should so much neglect the dutie of a friend Then swéete Loue be not you ●he cause of my stay but let me obtaine your swéet consent and exp●●l those confused cares that trouble your quiet for be you assured nothing can be more gréeuous vnto me then your discontent and not●ing more pleasing then your accord the dangers accurrant to trauel are by wisedome easily auoyded then be you assured that I wil shun al hazard of mishap for your swéete sake and leaue you ●ff is sorrow thus for that which you cannot with equitie contradict my stay shall not bée long nor my iourney far then be you contented to vouchsafe your agréement and you shall thereby
satisfie my content his spéeches being ended with silence she gaue consent spending some time in sweet dalliance and in the end fell fast a sléepe Early in the morning Parismus with many swéet kisses took his leaue o● Laurana who bedewed her bed with abundance of teares for his departure and falling into a déepe passion of feare she presently started vp and arraying her selfe came downe into the court where Parismus was readie to take his horse running to him caught hold of him who maruailing thereat tooke her most louingly in his armes who was so far ouergon with griefe that she could not speake a word but bestowing many swéete tear wet kisses on her he left her amongst her maide and departed With him were Tellamor and Barzillus kéeping company togither some thrée dayes without aduenture at all at last they came to a goodly plaine wherinto a common beaten path conducted them vntill comming to the middest thereof there stood a brazen pillar from which parted thrée seuerall waies there they stayed deuising amongst themselues which of those wayes to take at last they concluded that each of them should take a seuerall way and solemnly taking their leaues with kinde farewells they betooke each other to their good or bad fortunes CHAP. VII How Parismenos called the knight of Fame woon the chief honor of the Tourney at the Court of the king of Thrace And hauing won Phylena the kings daughter was commaunded in a vision to giue her to Remulus PArismenos no otherwise knowne but by the name of the Knight of Fame vnder which name he did passe till he came to the knowledge of his parēts being as is before said in another Chapter cōueied by Amasenus to his castle sore wounded in the bat●el he had with Argalus and Thenudes was so carefully tended by the Dukes Ph●sitians that in a fewe daies they had brought him to his perf●ct remembrances and within short time after that to his former health which greatly reioyced the good old Duke who tooke great felicitie in his company for the many honourable parts he saw to abound in him And vpon a time in the presence of all his Court demanded the cause of the combat between him Argalus which he requested as well to know the truth thereof himselfe as to satisfie the ●uspitious mindes of many that inwardly maligned the discontented Knight vnto whom he declared the truth in maner as is before set downe saying This my lord is the truth of our misaduēture whom I neuer iniuried but alwaies estéemed as my deare friends Amasenus was glad that no cause of discon●ent could be conceiued against him by any other of his knights who enuied him because his noble gifts darkned their glories but yet his ●rieous kind behauiour in short time expelled that rancor they that ●efore were his enemies began to make good estimation of him and his fame began to spred it selfe in most parts of Thrace and all that eeuer beheld him grew into admiration of his strength accōpanied wi●h ●uch bewtie as his youth yéelded that had they not knowne the contrary by his prowesse they would haue taken him for some disguised Lady Wheilest the knight of Fame remained in Amasenus court the King of Thrace appointed a generall triumph to beheld for certaine dayes the occasion whereof is this He had one onelie daughter nam●d Phylena whose bewtie was inferiour to none and her gifts of nature were such as made her much spoken of in many countries insomuch that many knights came as sutors to obtaine her loue but she had secretly betrothed her selfe to Remulus one of the knights of her fathers court without her parēts consent by meanes of whose bewtie the court of Thrace was so full of gallant knights that sought her loue that the king was much troubled in minde how to bestowe her and séeing that she did not fancie one more then another he appointed a generall triumph to be held for seuē daies and whosoeuer bare away the prize the last day shuld marry his daughter Intending thereby to end his doubt and care that way thinking that though his daughter had not a rich and Princely husband yet shée should haue a valiant Champion to defend the price of her beautie Amongst the rest of the Knights there was Guido who had long time ●ued to obtaine her loue who now reioyced at this decrée hoping by his valour to beare away the bride There was Trudamor of Candie who thought none to equall him in strength and therefore none more forward against the appointed Tryumph there was Drio of Cicil who had sailed from his owne Country thither who likewise by his strength at seuerall times slew three Lyons who came with resolution to winne Phylena for his wife And many other knights of high account The report of this Tryumph came to the knowledge of the knight of Fame whose minde was kindled with a great desire to goe thither that he requested Amasenus consent who being destrous any way to pleasure him gaue him sufficient coyne to furnish himselfe of all things fit for such an attempt Who caused a most rich Armor of gréene to be made shadowed with trées of gold presenting a Forrest In his shield he bare this deuice A naked man leading a Lyon with this motto vnderneath Ouergone with discontent Wherein the expert Artsman had so cunningly immitated his Fancie that a man by his Armor and shield might easily vnderstand his meaning The appointed time of Tryumph drawing nigh Amasenus with a gallant troupe of knights amongst whom the knight of Fame was chiefe came to the Thracian Court whom the king honourably receiued Amasenus hauing done his hom age to the king pitched his Tent without the Court Gates vpon a little hill hard by the appointed place for Tryumph where likewise hard by him were the Tents of Guido Trudamor Drio and the three valiant knights of Candie Tristamus Tennulus and Babulus in whose companie were a number of valiant knights that came thither some to make triall of their valour and some of purpose to winne the faire Phylena Likewise there were the Tents of the young King of Aragon who came accompanied with a number of valiant knights hoping to beare away the prize that all the plaines were filled with Tents There might you sée knights breaking staues practising themselues against the day of Tryumph Here might you sée other recreating themselues in martiall exercises there might you heare the neighing of horses clattering of Armour cracking of staues and such companies of knights assembled as if the richest prize in the world had bin appointed for reward Whilst these things were acting Phylena was in great care for Remulus whom she loued so dearely that rather then she would part with him she would indure any miserie whatsoeuer who likewise addressed himselfe to trie his fortune amongst the rest And the day before the triumph Phylena secretly getting oportunitie to speake with him gaue him this assurance of
which sung in the ayre before the steeds met Drio wi●ding his raines intending to ouerthrow his enemie vnawares the steed vnacquainted to such custome bare his head aloft and the knight of Fames stéede kéeping on his continued course with great strength ouerturned both horse and man that Drio late almost brused to death with the waight of his horse Guido attending the next triall had readily couched his staffe but the knight of Fame being extreamly inraged not well knowing nor caring what he did hauing secret intelligence before giuen him that it was Guido the knight that he had alreadie vanquished set spurs to his horse and ran at him with his sword poynt that had he not auoyded him he had pearsed the same quite through his body who turning himselfe with his sword drawne assayled the knight of Fame betweene whom continued a m●st braue combat a long space vntill Guido by his vnresistable blowe was gréeuously wounded who intending to reuenge himselfe strooke a most violeat blow which lighting crosse his helmet brake his sword which the knight of Fame seeing cast down his owne disdaining to haue any ●ddes of weapon and ioyning himselfe close to Guido with long striuing and maine force in the end flung him down from his horse wherwith the people gaue such a shout that the earth séemed to shake w●th the Eccho of their voyces by which time the nights blacke mantel began to ouerspred the whole earth and there appeared no more Combattants against the knight of Fame but to his vnsprakable honor hée remained victor Then presently he was in tryumphant manner according to their custome with the noyse of Trumpets conducted to the kings Pallace where the king and all the vanquished knights receiued him with great honour Amongst the rest was the king of Aragon a most gallant and braue knight at armes who greatly desired to be acquainted with this braue Champion vsing him with the rest of the knights with all courtesie and kindnesse After many solemne welcomes were past on euery side and hée vnarmed the king speaking to him vttered these spéeches Most noble knight whose prowesse hath deserued euerlasting commendations according to my former decrée and the promist reward to the conquerour I yée●d to your hands my daughter the onely heire of my kingdome Then taking Phylena by the hand he deliuered her to him The knight of Fame with great reuerence kissing her hand vttered these spéeches Most sacred Princesse how can I sufficiently reioyce that am this day extolled to the highest type of heauenly felicitie by beeing vnworthily preferred to haue your custody Yet I beséech you vouchsafe me though a stranger that bounty as to esteem of me as one that is altogither vowed to your seruice and though by right of conquest I may iustly challenge you for my owne yet be you assured I wil request nothing at your hands but what shall be granted with your frée consent but I rest yours to command dispose of in all humble dutie Which words being ended he that neuer before kist Ladies lippes with great reuerence tooke of her a sweete kisse and she with a heauie heart and milde behauiour yéelding her selfe as his to dispose of which she was constrained to do by her fathers promise and the knights worthie deserts though inwardly in her heart shée deuoted all kinde loue and affection to Remulus on whom beeing by shee cast many a mild● and modest looke inwardly wishing hee were the man might claime her by right of conquest as well as by the true affection shee bare him That night the knight of Fame was honourably feasted by the King and afterwards conducted to a most Princely lodging And béeing now alone he began to meditate of his estate and to ponder hew happily he had escaped shipwrake and was preferred to such high dignitie as to marry the daughter and onely heire of a king withal he beganne to call to minde euery particular thing hee could remember of his birth and bringing vp in the Iland of Rockes his fancie perswading him that he was sonne vnto some greater personage then he yet knewe of with all well viewing a iewell which he had kept euer since his nurse was slaine which she gaue him in charge to kéepe charily which thoughts and withall a secret instinct of nature which he felt in himself ayming at higher matters setled a p●rswasiō in his thoghts that he was borne of royall race and therefore méete to match with a kings daughter And calling to minde the exceeding beautie of Phylena importing in his fancie a perfect remembrance of her graces sweet countenance and milde behauiour hée felt a secret stirring and throbbing at his heart which disturbed all his sences that he was as it were transformed into a kinde of pleasant delight wherewith hée fell into a dead sleepe In middest of his sléepe the Goddesse Venus pittying the troubled thoughts of her deuoted subiect Phylena willing to extoll the same of this knight appeared vnto him in a vision standing by his beds side with a cleare burning ●●per in his one hand and holding a most beautifull Ladie in the other of such diuine perfections that heauen nor earth c●uld not in his fancie frame a more diuine essence of puritie the Lady Venus vttering these words Thou Knight of Fame Regard the words I speake Seeke not by force Loues constant bandes to breake Phylena faire The beauteous heire of Thrac●● Her constant loue On Remulus doth place Desire not then Her liking to attaine But from her loue Thy fantasie refraine Thy conquest right Giue him that hath her loue And from their hearts The cares they bide remoue This Lady bright thy fansies shall subdue Then to her loue be constant iust and true First seeke her out then to her pleasure tend To win her loue thy who●e affection bend Of Royall race thy selfe art rightly sproong Lost by thy friends when thou of art were young Thy fathers fame hath fild the world with praise Thy mothers gifts her lasting honours raise Bend thy desires Their comfort to procure That for thy losse Sad sorrowes do procure Whilest the Goddesse vttered these words the Knight of Fame diligently beheld the exceeding beautie of the Lady shée held in her hand and thinking to haue demaunded her name shée presently vanisht wherewith he awaked The remembrance of this Vision draue him into a censused multitude of thoughts one while perswading himselfe it was but a dreame and not to be regarded and then againe assuring himselfe it was a Vision like to that which appeared to him in the Iland of Rocks but chiefly such a secret impression of the Ladies beautie was fixed in his remembrance that hée quite forsooke and forgot the least thought of Phylena whose beautie in his fancie was nothing comparable to her diuine perfections that calling to minde euery particular note hée had séene the perfect Idea of the Ladies countenance fauour and beautie was so deepely imprinted in his heart that
of this stately Pallace stoode a gallant building in forme of a Temple seeming to the view of such as beheld the same to be made of the most purest and burnisht gold on the toppe whereof stoode the forme of a most goodly Lady with a Crowne of gold vpon her head whose liuely proportion forme of exceeding beautie would haue detained a most constant mind in a wandring delight to beholde the same Barzillus beholding the exceeding be autie of the Pallace and the stately forme of the pictured Lady was desirous to know who inhabited there and to that intent drawing nigh thereto at the entrance thereof he beheld a tent with these verses written thereon Passe not this Bridge before thou knocke Least thou too late repent thy pride Leaue not obtained thou mayst goe ba●ke For entrance is to all denide A Knight within must knowe thy name Thy boldnesse else will turne to shame Barzillus reading the superscription smote the Tent with his launce when presently issued out a knight in euery poynt readie armed to whome Barzillus saide as followeth Knight I reading the superscription ouer the entrance into the Tent according to the direction thereof haue called thée foorth demanding thy meaning thereby and what goodly Pallace this is the like whereof I neuer beheld for beautie Knight aunswered hée againe this Pallace is called the Golden Tower belonging to Maximus the most mightie and famous king of Natolia wherein is his onely daughter Angelica for beautie without compare for wit forme and vertuous ornaments excelling all the Ladies in the world whose equall was neuer heard of nor can be found within the spatious continent of the earth The King hath placed her in his most rich and gorgeous Pallace whose walles are of Brasse and framed of such inuincible strength that no power of man is able to subdue the same she hath to attend her a hundreth Ladies of great dignitie and a thousand of the most valiant Knights in all the world The occasion why he guardeth her person is this At her birth an old Inchauntresse prophecied that her beautie should set Kings at discord and be the cause of her fathers death A childe is borne whose beautie bright Shall passe each forme of other faire As doth the Sunne in perfect light Each little starre sixt in the ayre For whom great Kings shall enter st●ife And warre shall shed Natolians blood Whose Ire shall spill Maximus life Yet wisdome oft hath harme withstood A mightie Prince her loue shall gaine Though vice do seeke to crosse their blisse He shall her r●inne with restlesse paines And she of sorrowe shall not misse Much barbrous blood reuenge shall spill And all of warre shall haue their fill All this sholl happen by degree Before this child shall weaded bee And because hée will match her according to her dignitie hée hath likewise made a vowe that none but the greatest Potentate in the world shall be her husband Which said the knight went into this Tent and brought out a most gallant picture this quoth he is the Ladies forme wherein the Artsman hath shewed some prettie skill but so farre is this picture vncomfortable to the perfect description of her celestiall perfections and as farre different in delicacie as is blacke from white or beautie from deformitie whose view would change the affections of the truest knight liuing from his former constant resolue to adore her beautie and forsake his former vowes onely to attend her person for so diuine are her liniaments and so rare her perfections that her ●ame is euen spred throgh all the regions of the world Barzillus hearing him enter into a newe discourse of her beautie and that in such affectionate sort hauing before in his fancie said ynough beganne to laugh at him saying Knight mée thinkest thou dotest or else art madde to enter into such commendation of this Ladies beautie hauing peraduenture neuer seene other faire Ladie or else for that thy selfe art affectionately deuoted to loue none but her for I haue séene a Ladie that as farre excéedeth this picture as thou reportest she doth all other which words Barzsllus spake onely to sée whether his valour and bostings were agréeable wherewith the knight that kept the Tent was so vexed that he vttered these spéeches What ill nurtured creature art thou quoth he that deridest the beautie that is rather to be admired haste thou no more maners then to make so litle estimation of that which all the world adores thou shalt dearely abide this discourtesie with that hée mounted himselfe and charged a speare at Barzillus who aunswered him with such courage that at two courses he ouerthrew him from his horse By which time a number of Knights were vpon the bar●lements viewing their combat and séeing the knight that kept the Tent foyled burst into an excéeding laughter and so departed Barzillus hauing foyled the knight for that the night drewe nigh withdrew himself from the Golden Tower into a pleasant valley and there stayed that night The Knight that kept the Tent was belonging to the King of Candie who came with perswasion to win Angelicas loue with his prowesse and with much adoe had obtained leaue of the Gardiants to kéepe the passage but hée not contented with his foyle intending to reuenge his disgrace followed him to the valley where Tellamor found them combatting as is aforesaide who knowing Barzillus stepping betwixt them parted the fray Barzillus likewise knowing Tellamor with great kindnesse embraced him and vpon his request declared the cause of their combat Tellamor then speaking to the knight of the Tent gaue him this farewel Knight returne to your charge for your combat here is at an ende for businesse which I haue yéelded into your handes and when you are amongst your friendes in Bohemia be not vnmindfull of poore Clarinas loue who hath committed her life honour and chastitie into your gentle custodie Most deare Clarina quoth Tellamor my returne shall be as spéedie as may be for like as you my self shall neuer enioy one minutes respite of content without your heauenly company whereon my chiefest felicitie dependeth and as you haue yéelded all that I can desire or you grant into my vnworthy kéeping I will as carefully labour to preserue the same from all spot of dishonour hoping at my returne to enioy the possession of your loue as well by generall consent of your friendes as by your courtesie I haue attained their diuine fruition in priuate Then I beséech you let no disquiet disturbe your peace let no doubt trouble your fancie nor any suspence of my loyaltie take roote in your heart for sooner shall the Sea become drie land the Sunne and Moone loose their cleare light and all things turne to their contrary before Tellamor will any way falsifie his faith In these and such lyke speeches entermingled with many delights they spent that night taking their leaue each of other with many a ceremonious farewell and parting with many a heauy
s●gh and sad teare thinking that with each others sight each others life had parted Tellamor according to his promise arriued in Libia euen at the time of Parismus departure whome we will leaue onwardes of his iourney towardes Bohemia The Knight of Fame hauing slept his fill and longer a great deale then he determined awaked within two daies after Parismus departure little thinking the Prince had béene gone but beginning to arme himselfe Flauia comming to him said as followeth Worthie Knight quoth she I am glad to sée that you are well which vntill now I doubted The knight of Fame wondring at her speeches saide Gentlewoman as yet I haue not bene sicke then why do you make any question of my health Indeed sir quoth she I sée now you haue not béene sicke but you haue slept very long for I haue bene your kéeper heere this two dayes euer since the Prince of Bohemia departed who thought to haue had your company some part of the way but séeing your sleepe from which you could not be wakened hée imparted his minde to the Ladie Venola who hath giuen me especiall charge to attend you diligently Hée hearing her spéeches was amazed in his thoughts to thinke of them entring into many cogitations what should be the cause of his sléepinesse which hée perceiued was the potion which hée had tasted that he was excéedingly inraged with himself that he thereby was disappoynted of Parismus company whom hée estéemed aboue all the knights that euer he had met withall and making a vertue of necessitid blaming himselfe for his sléepinesse he went downe into the company of other knights making the best excuse he could thereof Flauia in the meane time went to Venola and tolde her all that had happened and what she had told him of Parismus departure wishing her to deuise what she thought best to satisfie his minde The Knight of Fame being desirous to know what message Parismus had left with Venola méeting with Flauia desired her to certifie her Mistresse that he attended her pleasure to know what the Prince of Bohemia had tolde her as concerning him Flauia hearing his spéeches brought him into a gallerie where shée desired him to stay and she would go bring him answere presently so comming to Venola she tolde her thereof Venola then hauing ridde her chamber of all company willed her to bring him in whom shee welcommed with vnwoonted kindnesse and taking him by the hand desired him to sit downe by her vppon the beddes side to whom shée said as followeth Most courteous knight the Prince of Bohemia willed me to certifie you that he would within foure daies returne to this place to desire your company in executing a secret of importance desiring me that I would intreate you to stay here some fewe daies and at his returne hée will requite that kindnesse therefore I pray quoth shée bée my guest for so long time for I haue receiued such benefits by your courtesie as I would willingly if it lay in my power requite the same I thanke your excellencie quoth hée for proffering mee such kindnesse acknowledging my self both vnwoorthie thereof and vnable to requit● the same being so much the more willing to stay Parismus returne thereby to shew● my dutie to your request and séeing you vouchsafe mée to bée your Guest hauing yet deserued no suche kindnesse pleaseth you to commaunde or imploy mée any way and I will most willingly vndertake any trauell to procure your content which wordes hee spake little knowing what passions had possest her heart whome shee vsed so kindely and entertained with such louing glaunces that hee beganne greatlie to commende her courtesse and maruailed why shee vsed him with such kindenesse that would haue pearced the heart of any other Knight but onelie himselfe whose affections were setteled on his inward deuoted Ladie that Venolaes loue was but bestowed in vaine and shee spent her sighes and her good will in a barraine soile where she s wept in hope of recompence which draue her to such extreamitie of griefe that shee was often in minde hauing him so fittely in her companie and fearing to loose so swéete opportunitie to reueale her loue to him of her selfe but that purpose was suddainely altered by contrary thoughts that shee satte rackt with so manie and so extreame cogitations that the gréefe on the one side that hee could not conceyue of her good liking by so manie euident tokens as shee hadde shewen thereof and her owne passions ouerwhelmed her heart with such care that shee suddainly burst into aboundance of teares and so rose from the bedde and went to a window The Knight of Fame maruailing what should bee the cause of her saddenesse thinking that his companie could but disquiet her departed her chamber which shee perceiuing was ouercome with such passion that shee fell downe dead wherewith Flauia gaue such shriekes that the knight of Fame hearing her outcrie suddainely returned and finding Venola in that estate did the best hee could with the Nurse to recouer her sences which at last beganne to turne to their woonted vses Venola lifting vp her eyes and espying the knight of Fame holding her in his armes wisht that shee might for euer haue continued in that trance who carrying her to the bedde there laid her downe and Flauia and other Damzelles by that time tooke her into their custodie which caused him to depart againe after whome Venola cast such a gréedie looke accompanied with such scalding sighes that Flauia feared shée would haue fallen into the like trance againe After that shée was well recouered and all her attendants departed Flania saide as followeth Why deare Mistresse quoth shée how immoderately doo you gouern your selfe to fall into these extreames I beshrew my heart if I doe not repent that euer I vndertooke to bée an acter héerein What haue you no more wisedome but so fondly to d●a●e on a stragling knight that cannot or at the least will not vnderstand your meaning taking a delight to sée your torment for it is impossible but that hee should perceiue your loue towards him then be not so affectionate towards such a one as neither regardeth loue nor knoweth what belongeth to courtly ciuiltie Peace peace quoth Venola either fill my eares with the sound of better words or else hold thy tongue for I tell thee it is more odious vnto me then death to heare thée so much disgrace the Prince of courtesie for in him remaine all honourable parts whose presence is more pleasant vnto me then al the proffered seruices of the knights in the world and if thou canst comfort me no better then by these spéeches kéepe secret what thou knowest and hereafter thou shalt know no more of my minde For I imparted the same to thée thinking to haue comfort by thy counsell but thou contrarily addest care ●o my griefe Sweet Mistresse quoth shée I beséech you do not conceiue so hardly of my meaning for I speake nothing but with intent
number of gallant Knights who hearing o● the e●ceeding beautie of Angelica was lately come into the countrie as a suter to whom Maximus saide beholding the braue course betwéene the two Knightes What Knight is yonder that hath ouerthrowne his aduersarie with such agillitie A comely Knight he is quoth Camillus but it séemes he is a straunger With that another knight of Angelicas attendants vpon the former quarrell incountred the knight of Fame who tasted of his valo●r as his predecessor Co●limus had done and after him another which when Maximus beheld he called a Gentleman to him willing him to request the straunge knight to come and speake with him which fell out well for the knight of Fames quiet for had not the king béen present the knights of Angelicas guard had taken such a secret indignation against him that they by violence would haue sought his death The messenger Maximus sent told the knight of Fame that the king did request to speake with him Sir quoth he I am readie at his commaund to whom Maximus said as followeth Sir knight you are it séemeth to me a stranger in this place but notwithstanding somewhat bolde with my knights both whose quarrell against you and your cause of arriuall I desire to know Most renowmed king quoth he I am a straunger in this place or in any else in my trauels méeting with this gallant troupe to any of whom I haue as yet giuen no cause of offence which should make them trouble mee Sir quoth Maximus they haue reapt shame for their discontent bu● I pray let vs without offence know your name of whence you are neither feare to disarme your selfe for vpon my promise you shal● haue no wrong off●red you which said the knight of Fame pulled off his hesmec making this answere By name most noble king I am called the Knight of Fame my byrth to my selfe vnknowne by no ill intent drawne into this countrey but onely to finde out my Parents which are likewise vnknowne my selfe subiect to miserie by the want of knowledge of my selfe Marcellus sonne to Maximus a knight of excéeding courteous and honourable parts hearing his speeches humbling himselfe vppon his knée before his Father said I humbly craue your Maiesties fauour to entertaine this knight honourably for that I haue some knowledge of him which I will declare to your Highnesse hereafter Maximus hearing his sonnes spéeches said Rise vp Marcellus for thy sake and for his owne too hée shal be welcome whom do thou vse according as shall séeme good and bée agreable to his honourable deserts The Knight of Fame hearing his spéeches most humblie thanked him and Marcellus presently embraced him shewing many tokens of hartie good will Angelica all this while noted euery circumstance of this knights arriuall as first how she found him a sleepe and next of his spéeches to her then how valiantly he had ouerthrwne three knights then her brothers spéeches and lastly his gallant yotuh and comely person which altogether wrought such a kinde of admyration in her that shée beganne with a curious eye to marke all his actions and to affect his companie more then shee had done any mannes oftentimes casting a looke vpon him shée perceiued his eye was stil vpon her which made a ruddie blush beautifie her chéekes In which time the king intreated him to stay sometime with him if his important businesse did not withdrawe him which offer he willingly and kindly accepted which fell out according to his owne hearts content CHAP. XVI How the Knight of Fame was entertained at the Golden Tower and what speeches past betwixt Anna and Angelica AFter these spéeches past the King Camillus the Quéene Angelica and all the rest departed towards the Golden Tower and by the way Marcellus beganne to declare in hearing of them all what her had heard of the Knight of Fame of his valiant exployts in Thrace and afterwardes how in the Forrest of Arde hee slewe the Gyant Brandamor which hee vttered in such ample manner and with such commendations that it made them all admyre his noble gifts especially Angelica aboue all the rest noted euery circumstance thereof with such regarde that shée séemed to take great delight therein The Knight of Fame hearing therof entertaining his Mistresse perfections with such pleasure and admyring her beautie with such surfetting delight that hée rode like one in a traunce hauing all his sences bent vppon her By this time they were commen to the Golden Tower where was excéeding preparation made for the King who speaking to Camillus and the Knight of Fame tolde them they were most hartilie welcome thither likewise the Quéene welcommed them with great kindenesse especiallie Marcellus care for the Knight of Fames entertainement was verie great who caused him to bee lodged in a moste stately lodging where euerie thing was readily prepared for him in the best manner Euerie one béeing departed to their seuerall lodgings the knight of Fame meditating on his good fortune and the kinde entertainement hée found in that straunge place waying on the one side howe late hee was plunged in care and howe suddainely hee was possest with pleasure howe from miserie hee was aduaunced to the highest degrée of his felicitie howe hee was latelie in dispaire of finding his deuoted and howe prosperously hée had nowe mette with her and had in some part manifested his affection how the occasion of his quarrell for his Ladies Gloue was the cause of his kinde entertainement how fortunately in that strange place his déeds were extolde and how kindly Marcellus vsed him whose acquaintance and friendship might be a meanes both of his stay in that place and also of obtaining Angelicas loue Then againe considering howe straunge it was that hee should staye in the verie place where his Lady should sée him and how suckily hee had left the Court of the king of Lybia and thereby hée was rid from Venolas rash loue which might both hau● indaungered his honour and person that with the remembrance of all these happy concurrences his minde was excéedingly contented ●ee se●med to haue attained more happy successe then hee would haue wisht that in that sun-path of swéete delight accompanied with quiet sléepe hée spent that night Angelica was likewise no whitte inferiour to him in centrarietie of passions but hauing likewise spent the day in companie of her mother when the time of rest drew nigh shée soone g●t from out of all companie which shée thought troublesome being much disquieted in her thoughts feeling a kinde alteration to her former liberty of minde being desirous to be alone shee gat to her chamber where was none but her Damzel Anna that was her bed-fellow to whom shée said I pray thee good Anna leaue ●ee alone for a while for my thoughts are possest with such disquiet that I desire by solitarinesse to ease my passionate heart Anna hearing her spéeches meruelling what might be the cause therof and béeing in all respects
call you be not disquieted with my fathers dispeasure who giueth too much credite to vntrue reports and that causeth him both to be offended with any that speaketh to my sister and also suspitious of all that come into his owne company wherby he dishonoureth his owne name liueth a troublesome life and also kéepeth her as it were in prison which I am sure can bréed no litle care in her brest whose hard hap I much pittie and would any way ease if it lay in my power Most honourable knight quoth he I am most hartily sorrie that my ouer boldnes hath causeth your fathers displeasure that diuine Ladies disquiet which is more gréeuous vnto me then death which it was my accursed misfortune to procure being drawn to that presumption by attractiue beautie wishing that I had some way ended this my accursed life before my approach in this place that therby I might not haue béene so vnfortunate as to be a meanes of her care and your disquiet for that I sée the King is likewise displeased with you As for that take no care quoth Marcellus nor be so much gréeued for my sister for these troubles will be soone calmed which to effect let me alone In the mean time whatsoeuer inward thoughts you conceiue yet smother your discontent and shew your selfe chearefull as héeretofore you haue bin for I perceiue that some of enuie hath incensed my father the truth whereof I will soone find out Marcellus hauing ended these spéeches left the Knight of Fame walking in the garden and presently without any shew or signe of discontent went into the presence where he found the King in company of Camillus according to his woonted manner doing his reuerence and taking his vsuall place The King maruelling how hée durst so boldly presume into his presence without reconcilement thoght that either want of duety had procured the same or else he did not perceiue hée was displeased with him to ease himselfe of which doubt hee said as followeth Marcellus I had thought your care would haue béene greater to regard my good then any mans else considering you know the depth of my secrets as concerning Angelica on whose beautie my life doeth depend and not so negligently and disobediently not onely to suffer that straunge Knight to proffer loue to her but also to bee a meanes to bring him into her sight and helpe him to her speech wherein you haue shewen your selfe vndutifull which maketh me rather to suspect you as one readie to séeke my life then carefull to preserue the same My Lord and Father re●lied Marcellus I trust your Maiestie do conceiue no such 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 deserued the same much less● 〈◊〉 in thought 〈…〉 ●utie to your 〈◊〉 besides my Lord I do alluredly beleeue you 〈…〉 straunge knights meaning whose intent is both honorable and from the least thought of loue to my Sister but there are some in credit with your Highnesse who disquiet you too much with their flatteries and will rather reioyce to sée all things fall out according to their reportes then bée any way sorrie to sée the same whose speeches and false informations I trust shall not alter your good opinion of my loyaltie whose constant loue duety and obedience shall continue firme when theyr treacheries shall be reuealed and they found traytors therefore I beséeche your Highnesse both alter your conceyued displeasure against mée and the knight of Fame of whom so honourable report hath bene spred in most places for it will bee accounted an acte of great discourtesie to vse him vnkindely Maximus hearing his sonnes spéeches in accusation of them hée moste fauoured and in defence of the knight of Fame against whom hée was mightily incenst was turned into such collor that he gaue him this rebuke Darest thou both enuiously accuse my friends and disloyally pleade for my enemie hencefoorth presume no more into my sight without my licence for I wil rather estéeme thée as a priuie enemie then as my naturall sonne Which when hee had said turning aside Marcellus departed maruelling who it should bee that had incensed the King against him being so inwardly gréeued in his minde that he thought to leaue no means vnassayed to learne the truth therof Angelica as before is saide being conueyed by Collimus to safe custodie beganne to conceiue such sorrow for her fathers dsipleasure taken against the Knight of Fame vnto whom shée b●gann● to beare an excéeding loue such effect had his perswasiue speeches wrought in her gentle heart that she entred into exceeding sorrowes coniecturing diuersly what disquiet that discontent might breede by reason of her fathers iealous suspect already begunne and how the Knight of Fame might be abused in that straunge place hauing no friend to take his part which thought strooke a suddaine pensiuenesse to her heart Contrarily she thought that would be a meanes to trye his loyaltie which somewhat would haue eased her heart so that no other danger would haue ●usued thereon At last hauing no other meanes of comfort nor friend to impart her minde vnto sh●●●lled Anna vnto her and willed 〈…〉 ●ow the 〈…〉 so discr●●●●● that 〈…〉 presently went about th● businesse Angel●●●● 〈…〉 we leaue them all in diuers cogitations CHAP. XVIII How the Knight of Libia hearing that the Knight of Fame was in Natolia by Flauias false accusation sent messengers to Maximus to intreate him to put him to death How Maximus threw him into the Lyons den AFter that the Knight of Fame was departed from Libia and Venola had knowledge thereof by Flauia she continued many daies in great sorrow but afterwards by tract of time calming her grée●e but no whither affection by Flauias perswasions who was priuie to all her actions turned her former good will that was grounded vpon vertue to lust and mad destre that séeing shée could not by faire meanes winne him to her loue she thought to leaue no meanes vnassayed either by force to compell him thereto or else in some measure to be reuenged on him for his discourtesie The minde béeing alwaies readie by euery perswasion to yeelde to worke any meanes for to procure desired content euen so she casting about many deuises with Flauia one day finding fit opportunitie when the King was in his dumps for Venolas sickenesse came vnto him and tolde him that the cause of his Daughters sicknesse was procured by an excéeding flight shee had taken by the discourteous vsage of the knight of Fame who for that cause was lately fledde from the Court which vntill that day shée had concealed from her neither should shee euer recouer her selse vntill shée were in some hope to be reuenged of him The King willed her to declare the same vnto him Flauia then beganne as followeth My Lord this Knight presuming o●ten into my Mistresse presence by reason of the kindenesse shee shewed him for working her release in Brandamors Castle which hee well deserued beganne oftentimes to make loue to her whom shee answered in good
Then turning to Marce●lus Or can you tell Marcellus quoth shee for you were by I know not quoth hée but I am sure wée haue all cause of little ioye when wee that are the Kings children shall be imprisoned vpon the flattering report of euery dissembling S●cophant Why quoth shee who hath abused you That did Collimus qd hee him I haue rewarded Besides my Lorde and Father hath destroyed that honorable straunge knight because I loued him who neuer deserued the least cause of such crueltie but was alwayes honourablie estéemed in euery Kings Court vntill it was his ill happe to arriue in this vnfortunate place to ende his life by Tiranny not by Iustice Take heede Marcellus scandalize not your Fathers honour which may bring you in daunger for that hée hath done nothing but right and with good consideration for beholde that letter and thou shalt soone see what a counterfait that Knight of Fame was Marcellus hauing redde the letter was at the first suddainlie amazed thereat but yet notwithstanding he s●id vpon my life this accusation is most false and vntrue Angelica taking the letter and ●●ating the same was excéedingly astonished thereat to whome Marcellus saide Angelica beléeue it not for if you doo you shall too much wrong that honourable Knight that is too much abused alreadie who if hée were liuing would soone prooue these accusations false but hée good Knight is now dead and past recalling whose death will bring more dishonour to the Natolians then euer will be recouered Why quoth the Quéene what maketh thée Marcellus so inconsiderate by taking a strangers part to indaunger thy owne life which knowest the kings humour Loue quoth hee to that straunger maketh mee bewaile his vn●imely death whom I would that I had excused The Queene séeing Angelica somewhat well recouered departed vnto Maximus who by that time had knowledge of Collimus death was meditating how to chastise Marcel for th●t presumption But the Quéene vppon her knées intreated him to pardon him alleaging that Collimus had greatly abused him with much a doo the King was pacified Marcellus hauing somewhat comforted Angelica in a heauie and sadde estate departed to his chamber and left her with her Damozell Anna rather readie to yéelde vppe the Ghoast then otherwise likelie to suruiue and night beeing come shee refusing meat went to her bedde not to sleepe but to bewaile the k●ight of Fames vntimely death The knight of Fame all this time remained in the Lyons denne carefully deuising which way to gette out of that place ●yring his sences but finding no meanes of rele●se Our while accusing his harde fortune and then Maximus for his crueltie Sometimes fearing to bee famished in that place and then comforting himselfe with perswasions of impossible deliueries Now dispairing to bee vtterly exempt from the sweete sight of Angelica whose absence and restrainte of libertie procured as hée thought by his boldnesse pinched his heart with extreame forture In this sort hée continued so long vntill that hée was ready to be starned and constrained to eate such vnsauory ●oode as was daily cast to the Lyons Angelica likewise no whit mittigated her greefe but rather augmented the same being much comforted by Marcellus whose minde was not yet satisfied with s●fficient consideration of these mischaunces but both hée and Angelica continued as it were in a further hope in their fancies of the knight of Fames safetie though when they beganne to comfort themselues with any perswasions they were quite past hope Maximus likewise hauing considered with what seueritie hée had vsed the knight and that hee had condemned him without any triall of the accusati●n that had bene vsed by his knights euer since his death beganne to tell a remorse in his conscience of vniustice but by the setled opinion that was stirred in his heart by those false Prophesies hée soone shooke the same off Camillus all this time likewise noted what iealous suspition the king heard of him and hauing heard the report why he kept his daughter so stronglie guarded and of set purpose withheld her from his sight and noting how suddainly the knight of Fame was made away without anie cause of offence giuen he began to feare himselfe and by that meanes du●st not shewe anie signe of desire to see Angelica least by that meanes hée should séeke some occasion of quarrell with him and vse him like the straunger within a while departed from the Golden Tower intending notwithstanding either with force or faire meanes to attaine her possession CHAP. XIX Of the Knight of Fames preseruation How hee gat out of the denne and departed the Tower THe next day after Camillus departure which Maximus perceiued was with a discontented mind the kéeper of the Lyons denne came to make cleane the same and vsed his woonted manner which was to set open those places that were cleane into which the Lyons would soone enter and hauing fast bolted the doores and being owner of the Lyons entered into the den where the Knight of Fame was who suddainly caught holde on him hauing before secretly shrowded himselfe from his sight and being carefull to prouide for his owne safetie snatcht from his side a hanging sword the kéeper knowing him maruailing to see him aliue and excéedingly astonished at his sight held vp his hands for mercie to whome the knight of Fame said My friend I séeke not thy life but mine owne safetie being as thou séeest preserued by Diuine prouidence from the Kings crueltie by him vniustly cast into this place without any cause of offence but wrongfullie as thou mayest perceiue by my preseruation for if my fact had deserued punishment no doubt I could not haue escaped the crueltie of these executioners hauing endured great daunger of famishment Now my request vnto thee is that thou wouldest but suffer mee to departe from hence without discrying mée for I haue no reason to trust to Maximus curtesie hauing alreadie e●bured this miserie by his Crueltie which thou mayest well doo without endaungering thy selfe anie kinde of waye for there is none but dooth assuredly thinke I am dead The kéeper hearing his spéeches and withall séeing how admyrably hée was preserued and also fearing his owne death assured him by many vowes and protestations not onely to doo that which hée had desired but also would most faithfully execute what other thing soeuer hée should commaund to his vttermost power Wilt thou then quoth hée doo this for mée giue me the keyes and make fast the doore so that thou canst not goe from mée and then call downe thy boye and sende him to Marcellus to request him to come to thee but in such sorte that the boy may not sée mée and also to do his message secretly which the kéeper tolde him he would most willingly performe Then dyrecting the Knight of Fame how to locke the doore that hée could not escape he called downe his boy who presently came to him whom hée commanded to séeke out Marcellus secretlie
he did both loue and honour him as himselfe ●and would neuer forsake him whilest he liued but continue his faithfull friend for euer Hauing in this sort made a new league of amity Marcellus left the Knight of Fame to his priuate meditations promising to returne to him very shortly going directly to Angelica whom hee found continuing her woonted sadnesse for she could ●y●e meanes bee comforted but still augmented her loue by remembring the knight of Fames person to whom she bare such intire aff●●ctions that she resolued neuer to loue any other Knight but determined to spende the whole date of her life in single ●state Marcellus suddaine approach brake off her silent pensiuenesse by his countenance shewing a heart replenisht with ioy which he vttered in this sort Angelica quoth he cast off this sadde countenance for I bring you news of more comfort for the knight of Fame is liuing and preserued qy admirable meanes Oh brother quoth she this newe a cannot be true which will nip my heart with greefe to heare of and be disappoynted therein Sister quoth hee it is so neither maruell thereat for his innocencee in the fact la●d to his charge hath I thinke caused the Gods to pittie him besides thereby you may bee assured he is borne of royall blood who is now in the keepers house in safetie with whom I haue béene these two houres now cast ●ff those stormy discontents and cloudes of care for there is no further cause of disquiet for his supposed death Angelica then verily peléeuing his words said Good brother fell me how he doth for whose safetie I reioyce for of all the knights that euer I beheld I neuer liked nor loued any so well d●siring you withall to kéepe my counsell hauing bewrayed my secrets to none else and not to let him know so much as I haue tolde you Then should both you and I do him wrong quoth he for he hath well deserued loue and especially at your hands to whom by his owne report hee hath long ago dedicated himselfe and not onely of his owne inclination but of a high command for the trueth of which he hath vpon trust of my secrecie reuealed to me which you shall like●ise heare then hee discour●ed the whole trueth euen as the Knight of Fame had before done● which when she heard she said What a discourteous Lady is that Venola to séeke the ouerthrow of so woorthie a Knight and how may I estéeme him that before hee knewe mee was so constant in his loue without hope of my fauour and refused the proffered loue of two such Ladies for my sake besides the perill he hath indured in my search and peraduenture is sprung of greater birth then my selfe And now also by my Parent doome was put in that hazard of his life Good brother be you carefull of his good and whatsoeuer you shall counsell me too I will doo if my Father should know of his safetie then were there no meanes for him to escape death for such a hard conceit of suspect doth possessed his minde that hee hateth all those that beare mee any shewe of good will Well sister quoth Marcellus rest you contented and still continue your loue towards him to increase not diminish the same who is by destinie allotted to be your husband the care of whose welfare let be my charge for I so much loue and estéeme him both for his owne and your sake that I will leaue no meanes vnassayed whereby to doo you good which said hée againe departed to the knight of Fame By this time the dark night approched and Marcellus and the knight of Fame were deuising what meanes to vse for his safetie and to procure the desired content Angelica expected who before had giuen her consent to be ruled by her Brother that by the assurance he had of her hee put the knight of Fame in assured comfort of her loue by relating in some sort the contents of Angelicas conference before had with him which affected his heart with greater ioy then euer before he had indured gréefe that his escape from death did not comfort his heart so much as this happy news At last Marcellus said Noble knight you sée how stricktly my Father gardeth Angelica that ther is no means left to ease your gréefe or her care by tarrying here neither can you without great hazard of your life remaine within the circuit of this Tower for that my Father suspecteth euery one yea his own children wherby wée are tired with those troubles and would willingly wo●ke any meanes to ease our selues especially Angelica hath bene mewed vp so closely that shée I am sure would vndertake any thing to enioy her liber●ie were it in neuer so poore estate wherein in my opinion is many thousands of swéete contents to bee found rather then in this troublesome Pompe which is repleat with infinit cares Therfore this is my censure that you shall this night as I will dyrect you depart from hence and go to S. Austins Chappell not far hence and there stay for mée vnt●l to morrow morning where remaineth an olde religious Priest named Iabine who if you say you come from mée will giue you entertainment which when you haue done I will so worke with my Sister Ange●ica that he shall condiscend by such meanes as I will worke for her secret escape to come to you by which I hope I shall ende the doubts that possesse my fathers minde ridde their Country of the scandall it is likely to runne into and worke both mine owne yours and Angelicas content for so dearely do I loue her that had I many liues to loose I would hazard them all to worke her releasement for were shee once married then should the date of the foolish prophecie haue an ende The Knight of Fame hearing his speeches which onely tended to worke the content he aboue all things in the world sought could not well contain himselfe from expressing immeasurab●e ioy but yeel●ing many humble and hartie thankes to Marcel●us both commended his deuise and also intreated him to goe forward with the same Then Marcellus called the keeper asking his counsell if he knew any deuise whereby the Knight of Fame might get out of the Castle promising him a good reward and withall pulling from his neck a chaine of gold gaue him the same The kéeper being intised with this reward golde hauing that force to make things impossible come to effect presently tolde them he had a deuise that might goe for currant if the knight would vndertake the same I haue my Lord quoth he a vessell of great largenesse which sometimes sorted for other vses which if we could deuise to let downe into the Lake he might easily in that get ouer on to the other side which deuise Marcellus and the Knight of Fame both liked And about midnight when all things were at rest they put this same in practise and by a Rope let the vessel down which swam most
thou shalt neuer escape my hands The knight maruelling to heare him speake whom he thought had béene a ghost made this reply Pardon me good sir for I tooke you to bée another then I see you are but if I may know what you will commaund me I will doe it Quoth he tell me how fareth Marcellus Sir quoth he at this instant he lyeth very weake by reason of many grieuous wounds he receiued not long since where hée declared the whole trueth of that which had happened by Maximus meanes since which time quoth hée the King hath set such secrete watch about the Tower that none goeth in nor out without his priuitie The Knight of Fame hauing heard his spéeches departed backe to Iabine to whom he declared the trueth of all that he had heard béeing very sorry for Marcellus hurt and well w●ying euery circumstance of that report thought that when Marcellus was gotten with Angelica out of the Parke so slightly at●ended it was to come to him which added some comfort to his heart being fully assured thereby that Angelica had not forsaken him By this time the Natolian that escaped from the Knight of Fame was come to the Golden Tower and comming before the King told him that hee had met the knight of Fame whereat hee beganne to laugh but presently came the other who iust●fied the same words alleadging that it was the knight of Fame and that hee had both talked with him and knew him affirming the same most constantly Maximus woondring thereat was almost astonisht at their words that hée determined to send all his knights to search for him and the occasion now must fitly serue● for the Nobles had according to his commaund gathered a number of forces together which Camillus swing béeing vnprouided to withstand such force but comming for another intent immediately returned with his souldiers towards his countrie and Maximus now séeing the coast cleare of enemies presently sent foorth Knights euery way to finde the Knight of Fame Thus newes was soone come to Marcellus and Angelicas hearing which filled their hearts with excéeding care and feare leaste hée should bee apprehended this bredde new sorrowes in theyr troubled thoughts bu● principally in Angelicas whose loue was growen to such perfection that it was impossible for to remooue the same that getting to her chamber shee ●ntred into many heauy complaints able ●o haue rent the stoniest harts of the cruellest tyrants whom Anna comforted by all means she could deuise to whom Angelica said Oh Anna quoth shee little doest thou know the forments my heart doth indure for wert thou so much inthralled as I am to so worthy a knight as hee is thou mightest then haue some insight into my sorrowes but bring ignorant therin how ca●st thou giue me counsell haue I not cause to sorrow nay rather to runne mad with sorrow to sée the danger that woorthie knight is now in hauing so lately escaped a most miserable death by my Fathers censure and without cause who not contented therewith nor satisfied in his minde hath now sent out many knights to search for him who if they finde him will bring him back o● by violence destroy him whose death shall bee the end of my life for I haue vowed if my Father séeke his ruine hée shall also sée my death for I will not liue one houre after him in which complaintes shée still continued without intermission It fortuned most happily that Iabine was gone foorth of S. Austines Chappell left the Knight of Fame in his Cell méeting with many of the Natolian knights who demāded if hée saw not such a K. describing so well as they could the knight of Fame whom he answered al after one sort that he had not séen any such but maruelling at their earnest inquirie hee demaunded what that knight might bée One of them tolde him that he was called the knight of Fame who lately arriued in that countrie and was kindly entertained by Maximus but especially of Marcellus and hauing in some sort offended the King was by him afterwards thrown into the Lyons den by reason of a letter the king of Libia sent wherein he accused him to haue dishonoured Venola his onely daughter whom that day was seene and spoken withall Iabine hearing his speeches wondred thereat yet notwithstanding was carefull least the knight of Fame should be ●ound abroad whom hee now beganne greatly to estéeme both that he déemed him to bee sprung of royall blood and also for that Marcelius made estimation of him who he thought knew him cleare of those accusations or else he would not haue fauoured him so m●●●h that with all speed he hasted to his Cell where being entred he ●ound the Knight of Fame very sadde and fast bolting the Chappell doore he came to him saying Worthie Knight I am glad that I haue found you heere for were you abroad there are such a number of Knights in search of you that it were impossible to escape them For me quoth he I thinke you are deceiued Yea quoth he if you are called the Knight of Fame and lately escaped out of the Lyons denne With that his colour changed Nay quoth ●abine feare not for you shall be héere as safe as your heart can wish for this place is no way suspected therfore thinke your selfe secure then Iabine declared vnto him all that had happened and what hée had heard Wherevpon the knight of Fame likewise finding him faithfull and secret declared vnto him the whole discourse of his trauels onely leauing out the vision which appeared to him in Thrace Asking his counsell what to do and entring into many sadde discourses how hée was still crossed in his expectation and withall tolde him that he knew not which way to trauel in search of his Parents which if he could attaine then he would not doubt but to reuenge those iniurious wrongs done him Sir Knight quoth Iabine I thinke it best that you trauell in search of them and that presently in the meane time these troubles by forgetfulnesse will be well ouer blowne and then you may haue the better opportunitie to go forwards with any intent you shal afterward put in practise for if you stay heere you may vnfortunately be descried for the Kings iealousie is such that he will leaue no means vnattempted to worke your death Father quoth he your counsell is good which I will put in practise not voluntarily but forced thereto in regarde of mine owne preseruation requesting this one fauour at your handes that you woulde by some meanes remember my humble duetie to that honourable knight Marcellus and tell him that it shall not be long ere I returne desiring him in the meane time according to his former courtesie which hath bin extended farre beyond my desert to remaine my friend and remember mée to Angelica I will quoth Iabine fulfi●l your request in euerie respect But first quoth hee I thinke it most conuenient you change your armor for that
him selfe vpon his el●ow who espying her raised himself from the ground blushing at h●r presence to whom she said Why how now Parismenos what sadnesse is that which possesseth your mind that maketh you estrange your selfe from company to delight in sollitarinesse is there none so highly in your fauour that they may know the truth thereof or is your cause of care such as none can remedi● or not counsel you for your ease I am sure there are many would not refuse to vse their endeuours to pleasure you especially my self would both willingly do my best to comfort you and know the cause if it be not too secret Par●smeno● with humble reuerence made her this aunswere I beséech you do not thinke me so vndutifull nor my cause of care so secret that I would conceale the same from you but were it of much more importance I would willingly reueale it to satisfie your minde which I haue omitted as vnwilling to trouble you therwith and for no other respect Then I pray quoth she let me knowe is it not loue yes most deare mother quoth he it is loue and to that beautiful Lady Angelica who beareth me the like affection but so farre am I from enioying her loue as that i● attainteth my heart with care to thinke thereof which is the cause of my sadnesse which will encrease rather then diminish if I do not shortly trauel thither being now assured of all other doubts and hauing finished my trauell in search to finde you out Therefore I most humbly beseech you to procure my Lord and fathers consent to my spéedie departure for without the fruition of her heauenly sight my li●e will be but wearisome Laurana hearing his spéeches perceiued indeed that his affection was great and therefore not to be remooued and well knowing by her owne former experience that loue was incurable she was the more ready to pittie his passions that she promised to further him in what she could beeing now assured of the cause of his sadnesse CHAP. XXII How Parismenos after the knowledge of his parents departed towards Natolia How hee met with Marcellus and what afterwards befell to him WIthin f●we daies after Parismenos returned againe towards Natolia but with much sorrow in the Bohemian court for his departure spending much time in trauell vntill he arriued at S. Austins Chappell hauing gotten him other armour because he would not be knowne and knocking at the Chappell doore presently olde Iabin came out to whom he discouered himselfe who knowing him reioyced exceedingly at his presence and safetie desiring him ●o come in for that he had newes of importance to tell him Parismenos comming to him for no other intent but to heare newes from Angelica willingly went in with him And ●abin began as followeth Most noble knight I wil declare vnto you all that I haue ●arned of ●he estate o● Marcellus so ●●are as I can After that you were departed from hence the Natolian hauing con●inued theyr deligent search some thrée day●s in the end returned to the Court fr●s●rated of their desire whereby Maximus gaue no credence to that report ●●t soone forgot the same remaining in great quiet Marcel●es by this time had rec●uered his health lett●● pass● no time came hither thinking to haue sonn● you ●éere but hearing by ●y report of your departure ●ee seemed to be quite ou●rcome with gr●●fe and declared vnto mee all that had happened to you in the Golden Tower which you had declared vnto mee before and with●ll manifested what had happened vnto him and Angelica and how hee was so greeuously wounded then ●a●in declared the same 〈◊〉 as Marcellus had tolde him in the very same manner as is before ●●●lared when hée determined to haue conueyed Angelica to S. Ausiens Chappell the day his Father was on hunting And quoth hée Marcelius hauing tolde mee this withall shewed mee with what sorrow Angelica endured your absence Parismenos hauing heard his wordes which yéelded him full assurance of Marcellus ●riendship and Angelicas constant loue was therewith excéedingly comforted rehearsing to him how fortunately hee had found his Parents Iabin then began to vse him with more reuerence and more feruently to affect his company and good that at Parismenos request hée went towardes the Golden Tower to sée if hee could by any meanes speake with Marcellus which hée willingly at his reques● did and brought newes backe that Maximus was departed with the Quéene Marcellus and Angelica towards the Gittie of Ephesus which he learned of such as were gard●ants at the Golden Tower Parssmenos hearing that immediate●y departed thitherwards and entring the Cittie rode presently vnto the Court where ●ée met a Knight whome hée desired of courtesie to c●rtifie Marcellus that there was a Knight who would speake with him which at his request hée presently went and performed and finding Marcellus in the k●ngs great hall hée told him there was a s●range knight at the Court gat● that was desirous to speake with him Marcellus maruelling who it should bee immediately went out vnto him being a Knight of excéeding vertue that hée would not refuse any courtes●e and though hée were sonne vnto a mightie King yet hée disdained not to fulfi●l his request though hée neither knew him nor the cause of his comming Parismenos beholding him immediately allighted from his stéed and with a kinde behauiour said Most noble and courteous Prince I desire to haue some few words in priuate conference with you from the knight of Fame Marcellus hearing him name the knight of Fame desired him to say on for there were none then present but such as hee trusted My Lorde quoth Parismenos because I knowe not whether I may discouer my selfe or no with safetie I am the knight of Fame and now altered in name but not in good will to you Marcellius hearing his wordes had much adoo to refraine from embracing him but yet for that hée would not haue any note the same hée abstained but said Most noble knight nothing could haue brought that ioye to my heart your presence doth beeing a long ●ime seuered from you by Fortunes vnconstant mutabilitie who altereth the estate of things according to her variable disposition trusting you haue not misdoubted of my good will though I came not to S. Austins Chappell according to my promise which I was about to performe but that my intent was crost But séeing you are thus happily returned and haue as I hope attained the knowledge of your parents in whose search olde Iabine tolde mee you were departed I desire you repose that assured confidence in my trustinesse that I will labour to procure your content euery way to my vttermost power your safetie and returne will bring no little ioy to my Sister Angelica which is impossible to giue her knowledge of for my father hath now garded her more stricktly then euer before neither is shée héere in this Court as the common report goeth but still remaineth in the Golden Tower
owne auaile Marcellus séeing him falne into that heau●e dumpe reuiued him from the same with this comfortable spéech My deare friend abandon this habit of care and reuiue your drouping hart with hopeful comfort for my selfe will worke a meanes how you shall haue the custodie of Angelica which I will effect very spéedily if you will stay here but while I can bring the same about Parismenos being comforted with his curteous promise gaue him thankes in these spéeches Most noble Knight how may I expresse sufficient thankes to you for becomming so kinde and faithfull a friend to me vnwoorthie or which way may I recompence the least of your good deeds that haue in all abundance tasted of your honourable bouatie for which I render you thanks as all the recompence I am able to make vowing if euer you neede my helpe in any thing neuer to desist to hazard my life for your sake And since you haue of your own vertuous disposition voluntarily neither drawne by intreatie nor hope of recompence promised me your assistance which onely may be the meane to worke my euerlasting felicity I beseech you goe forwards therein that I may thereby bee much more indebted as well for that as for infinite other your Princely courtesies which though they passe vnrewarded yet they shall neuer rest vngr●tified in my du●ifull deuotions which by good right are eternally bound to requite your good will Worthy friend quoth Marcellus leaue off so to vse such thankes to mée that request nothing at your hands but loue and friendeship which am vnable to merit any such recompence as you kindly yeelde but I pray be you merrie yet in my absence with this kinde olde Ladie whilest I put my purpose in practise which so soone as I haue brought to perfection I will returne and not before till when I take my leaue committing you to your owne hearts desire which I wish Which words being ended with many courteous farewels he depar●ed the chamber and comming to Panora who before had beene his Nurse and loued him most dearely whom he requested in most earnest sort to vse his friend as kindly as she would vse himselfe who promised so to do and likewise performed it in euer vsing Parismen●s so kindly that hée could not chuse but greatly to ettoll and commend her courtesie Now let my muse returne to speake somewhat of Angelica who after she sawe that she was frustrated of her desire which was to depart with the King according as himselfe had giuen out spéeches and not to be any longer inthralled as she had of long time before béen and now perceiuing that her father had both deceiued her in that taken away all her damzels chaunged her guard and appointed her to bée guarded by such ●ealous s●aues as would neuer scarce day nor night suffer her to be out of their sight thought her selfe not onely in as bad case as before but rather in a thousand times wor●e being depriued of many pleasures which she enioyed but neuer estéemed of them vntil now she was restrained missing the comfortable presence and sweet conference she was woont to enioy with Marc●llus and especially fearing neuer to sée the Knight of Fame again she wholly gaue her mind to sorrowe spending all her time commonly in teares and bewailing her sad estate that had not Anna in some measure comforted her shée would haue ouerwhelmed her tender heart with those cares and haue shortned the date of her precious life thinking euery houre a day and euery day a yeare till she were released from that bondage in which carefull estate she continually remained CHAP. XXIII How the Knight of Fame carried Angelica f●om the golden Tower to labines Chappell AS soone as Maximus was come to the Court hée presently got himselfe to his chamber and there began to studie how to compasse that which hee had vndertaken to effect at last he bethought himselfe that if he could deuise any meanes to get his fathers Signet hée would write a letter vnto the kéepers of the Maiden Tower in the behalfe of Parismenos that they should admit him as one of the Gardiants which presently he contriued in this sort THis trustie knight on whose fidelitie I repose my confidence I haue chosen and appointed to be one of your fellowes and to that effect I haue sent him to you with this letter signed by my selfe whom I require you to admit without any deniall and keepe this as your warrant to doe the same Maximus When Marcellus had wrote this letter and immitated therein so neare as he could his fathers hand which hée knewe they were not greatly acquainted withall he wrought such meanes that hee gate Maximus s●gnet and sealed the same which when he had signed the next morning he went to Parismenos and told him what he had done who liked thereof very well and quoth he if I may once be admitted amongst them let me alone with the Eunuches to come to Angelica neither will I be denied since I haue this good meanes that presently he armed him●elf for that he would not v●e any not the least which oftentimes bringeth things well begunne to an vntoward end and taking his leaue of Marcellus and the Lady ●anora with abundance of heartie thankes he departed with a merrie heart towards the maiden Tower hoping now to enioy the swéet sight of his beloued which hee neuer beheld but twise in all the time he had sought her loue Marcellus he departed backe againe to the court very sadde for the absence of Parismenos and Angelica being likewise much gréeued that Maximus hi● father should withhold any of his secrets from him which did both disgrace him to such as were strangers and especially to those Ladies that were Dulcias attenda●ts which thogh he knew wel ●●ough yet that tooke away no part of his conceit of vnkindnesse but most of all he was troubled with grie●e to b● restrained from Dulcias company on whom his thoughts had continually run euer since he had bin last with her for her bew●ie excelled all the Ladies of the court Angelica excepted of her vertue he had good conceit by that which he had found in her good dispositions when shée refused to thrust her selfe into the knowledge of his secrets but rather committed all that the King had commaunded her to his secrecie which if Maximus should know of would be as much as her life were worth These cogitations so much altered his countenance that whereas before hée was of a pleasant disposition ●e now began to giue his minde wholely to melancholy sadnesse often shunning the company of those he was wont to de●ight in which Maximus noted especially the Quéene both maruelled and was gréeued thereat and finding him out when hée was in that heauie vaine she earnestly demaunded his cause of sadnesse to whom he made this a●nswere My father I know not vpon what occasion accounte●h me I thinke rather as one that would betray him then as his sonne
that he restraineth me Angelicas presence and kéepeth his counsels from me to intrude my selfe into his counsels I will not presume onely my desire is that I may but be admitted to the sight of my sister Angelica Marcellus quoth the Quéene I pray thée bée contented for a time for thou seest thy fathers minde which will impart his secrets to none who if hee should knowe that your sadnesse were for that cause would be the more fearefull to imparte t●em to you which can no way pleasure you but rather fill your minde with greater ●ares which now is more happy then it would be then for Angelica so long as sh●e is ●n health what neede you be so carefull for her then good Marcellus rest your selfe contented and desire not that which will rather adde more trouble to your head The Quéene hauing ended these spéeches departed and lest Marcellus where sh●e found him Assoone as the Quéene was gone h●e ●ega● againe to ponder these things not knowing why his head sh●ld be thus troubled for he kn●w all that hee desired and yet his minde was troubled therewith that at last with more aduised consideration hee weighed euery conceit of his thoughts and found that neyther his Fathers vnkindnesse Angelica●s absence nor his feare of disgrace was the● that troubled him but only a good conceyt of Dulcias kindenesse which caused him to enter into a viewe of her perfections which his fancie began so much to commend her that hée thought her worthy to bée beloued withall thought why he might not loue her which very thoghts ●rew to such insight into his owne fancies that he perceyued that loue had alreadie taken possession in his heart then hée began to consider what displeasure if might procure him if he should set his fancie on one so fa●re his inferior and not rather seeke the loue of some Kings daughter that might adde honor to his title and not diminish the same which thought was no sooner begun but it ended being dasht by an other conceyt that Dulcia was as beautifull as any as vertuous as any as court●●us as any and therefore as worthy to be beloued as any that i● hee should marry with his equall she might rather marr●e him for his dignitie and of a haught●e minde to keepe her owne high dignitie still then for any true loue and if she were his equall hée should rather be subi●ct to her will then shee any way obedient to him that Dulcia would bee a louing kinde and ●uetifull wife that shée would honour him rather then desire to bée his equall and that shée would refuse no perrill daunger nor hazard● for his sake that hauing spent some time in these cogitations hée resolued to loue Dulcia whatsoeuer ensued thereon though hee incurred his Parents displeasure or anie other hazard of his honour whatsoeuer and with resolution hée went immediately vnto the place where shee was guarded in steed of Angelica and by the Damzells meanes who before had done him the like fauour he came to her chamber where he found Dulcia all alone very sad to whom he said How now Angelica what are you sadde can I neu●r come but that I must alwayes finde you in this melancholy dispo●●●ion what are you sorry to be thus pend from a husband My Lorde quoth Dulcia though I am otherwise sadde it doth mee good to see you merr●e You are deceyued Dulcia I am not merrie My Lorde quoth shee if I should giue credite to your words they shewe that you are merrie that call me Angelica yet knowe the con●rarie Oh Dulcia quoth he neither doth wordes nor countenance alwayes bewray the inward thoughts for this which you take to bée myrth in mée is but a forced habite which I haue taken vppon mee euen now but knewe you the thought● of my heart you would say I were sadde My Lord quoth shée I beséech you pardon my boldenesse which I presumed séeing your pleasant dispos●tion wherein if I was deceyued I hope you will not bee offended with for indéed oftentimes the heart meditates of many things the mind cannot vtter So doth mine Dulcia quoth hée for I wish thée more good then I am able ●e vtter and the cause that my heart is sadde is because I am not able to do ●hée so much good as my heart doth wish and cannot vtter I most humbly thanke you quoth Dulcia acknowledging my selfe farre vnwoorthie such fa●our and vnable to deserue such good which maketh mee thinke you still continue in that forced habit which maketh you vtter those spéeches Indéede well replyed Dulcia quoth he but as I suddainly tooke that habit vpon me it was gone again before I had vttered the words therfore you may bée assured now that my words procéede from a true heart and not from a forced habit My Lord quoth she againe where there is such often change of disposition there can bee no constant resolution Yes quoth hée that which is of purpose taken to shew myrth is forced but the naturall disposition still continueth firme In déede in ●ewe quoth she but not in all Then quoth hee thinke mee one of those ●ewe My Lord quoth shée I beséech you pardon me if I do not for it is giuen to all by nature to be more conf●dent then prouident And I aunswere I haue receyued more fauour at your hands in suffering mée to be thus familiar with you then I am worthy or euer haue deserued therefore I craue pardon hoping ●hat you will beare wish my rudenesse Dulcia quoth hée doe not aske pardon when you haue not misdone but beléeue my words without any question to proceede from the deapth of my true heart which entendeth and wisheth you no lesse good then I haue vt●ered for I haue found such vertue in you that I am inthralled to that vertue and desire to be partaker and possesse thy bewtie which hath made mée your affectionate friende and intreate your loue then that which I desire nothing more My Lord replyed Dulcia my loue and dueti● is such that I will not refuse any commaund you shall impose vpon mée Dulcia quoth hée it is not such loue as is commaunded by dutie nor such friendship as riseth from feare but such kinde loue as procéedeth betwixt faithfull friendes from the yéelding consent of a true heart and such a loue as hath a further respect then that common du●y for if you knewe with what feruencie I desired your swéete consent to this loue you would pittie my torments My Lord replyed shée I beséech your Honour do not séeke to en thrall mée in loues bands that am frée and am assured your fancie cannot like of one farre vnworthie that high fauour you speake of but suffer me rather to continue in my peacefull estate that estéeme my selfe farre from euer enioying such happinesse as to be bel●ued of my superiour being alreadie so farre bound vnto you in all humblenesse that you shall not commaund me any thing that