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A39660 Englands duty under the present gospel liberty from Revel. III, vers. 20 : wherein is opened the admirable condescension and patience of Christ in waiting upon trifling and obstinate sinners, the wretched state of the unconverted, the nature of evangelical faith ..., the riches of free grace in the offers of Christ ..., the invaluable priviledges of union and communion granted to all who receive him ... / by John Flavell ... Flavel, John, 1630?-1691. 1689 (1689) Wing F1159A; ESTC R40912 301,553 568

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the Son of God. Had they not been precious in his Eyes he would never have shed his most precious Blood to ransom them 2. Were they not highly valuable in his Eyes he would never wait with such unwearied Patience to save them as he doth He hath born Thousands of repulses and unreasonable denials from you Sinner Christ hath knockt at thy door in many a Sermon in many a Prayer in many a sickness in all which thou hast put him off denyed him or delayed him yet still he continues knocking and waiting Thou couldst not have made the poorest Beggar in the World wait at thy door so long as thy Redeemer hath been made to wait and yet he is not gone At this day his voice sounds in thine ears Behold I stand at the door and knock Here 's clear demonstration of the preciousness of thy Soul in the Redeemer's Eyes And then Lastly When Christ ends the Treaty and gives up the Souls of Men for lost and unperswadable with what regret and sorrow doth he part with them Never did one Friend part from another with such demonstrations of sorrow as Christ parteth with the Souls of sinners The Bowels of his compassion roul together for the knows what is coming upon them and what that eternal misery is into which their wilful rejection of him will cast them In Luke 19. 22. you find the Redeemers tears wept over obstinate Ierusalend And when he came nigh to the City he wept over it and said O Jerusalem Jerusalem that thou hadst known at least in this thy day the things that belong to thy peace but now they are did from thine Eyes Like unto this is that expression Isa. 1. 24. Ah I will ease me of mine enemies c. Though it be an ease to his Justice yet he cannot give them up without an ah an interjection of sorrow so in Hosea 11. 8. How shall I give thee up Ephraim How shall I deliver thee Judah I must do it but how shall I go about it All these expressions shew the great value God hath for your Souls and did you know it also certainly you would not make Christ wait one hour longer V. Inference Hence it follows That greater is the sin and severer will be the condemnation of them that perish under the Gospel than of all other People in the World. Let me speak freely to you that hear me this day Jesus Christ hath spent more of the riches of his Patience upon you in one year yea in this very day than he hath spent upon the heathen World in all the days of their lives they never heard of Christ and the great Salvation they have had no calls to Faith and Repentance as you have had dont think God hath dealt at this rate with other Nations You have his Sabbaths Ministers Calls he hath not dealt so with other Nations and as for these things they have not known them Psal. 147. 19. God hath dealt in a peculiar way with us and these special favours will make dreadful accounts He told the Iews among whom he had preacht and wrought his Miracles It would be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorah in the day of Iudgment than for them and in his Name I will tell you this day that Barbarous Indians and Americans will have a milder Hell than you Mitius ardent and as the Lord told Ezechiel chap. 3. 5 6. Thou art not sent to a People of a strange Speech and of an hard Language whose words thou canst not understand surely had I sent thee to them they would have harkned unto thee but the house of Israel will not harken unto thee for they will not harken unto me For all the house of Israel are impudent and hard hearted Ah Brethren 't is a sad Truth that the Ministers of Christ have found more fruit of their Labours among the Salvage Americans than in England a People born and bred up under the Gospel Had heathenish People your Sabbaths your Ministers and Bibles they would not deal by Christ as you have done But look you to it for certainly the severity of his Justice will at last recompence the expence of his Patience There are two Glasses turned up this day and both almost run down the Glass of the Gospel running down on Earth and the Glass of Christ's Patience running down in Heaven Be sure of it that for every sand of Mercy every drop of Love that runs down in vain in this World a drop of wrath runs into the vial of wrath which is fitting in Heaven VI. Inference If Christ have exercised such admirable Patience and Long-suffering towards you before he could gain entrance into your Hearts then you have all the reason in the World to exercise your Patience for Christ and account all long-suffering to be your unquestionable duty Christ was not weary in waiting upon you be not you weary in waiting upon him or for him Now there are three things wherein the People of God will have much occasion to exercise their Patience with respect to Christ 1. You will need a great deal of Patience to wait for the returns and answers of your Prayers you knock and wait at the door of Mercy and no answer comes hereupon discouragement and weariness seizeth your Spirits Possibly some of you have Prayers many years agone upon the file in Heaven some upon Spiritual accounts and some upon Temporal and because the answer is not dispatcht your Eyes are ready to fail with waiting for the Lord may bear long with his own Elect Luke 18. 7. The seed of Prayer lyes under the clods and will at last spring up for he never said to the seed of Jacob Seek me in vain none seek God in vain but those that seek him vainly Now you should not be too quick and short breathed in waithing upon God for the returns of Prayer considering how long you made Christ wait upon you 2. You will have occasion to exercise your Patience in bearing the burden of reproaches and sufferings for Christ For to you it is given in the behalf of Christ not only to believe but also to suffer for his sake Phil. 1. 29. Sufferings you see are the Gifts of Christ the Comforts of sufferings is his Gift and so are the abilities to suffer-also and that which will encrease your suffering-ability will be the confideration of Christ's long-suffering towards you and the hard things he endured for you and from you 3. You will have occasion to exercise your Patience for the day of your compleat Redemption and Salvation If you love Christ fervently the time of your separation from him will be born difficultly vehement love needs the allay of Patience 2 Thes. 3. 5. The Lord direct your Hearts into the love of God and into the patient waiting for Christ. Others need much Patience to dye but such will need as much Patience to live but whatever the exercises of your Patience shall be whether in waiting for
r●proach of Men and despised of the people How poor in temporal comforts when he said Matth. 8. 20. The Foxes have holes and the Birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man hath not where to lay his Head. Yea how poor was he in Spiritual Comforts when that astonishing outcry brake from him upon the Cross Matth. 27. 46. My God my God why hast thou forsaken me O let it astonish us that Christ should earnestly desire union with our Souls upon terms of such deep self-denial to himself 3ly Though Christ gain nothing by you and impoverished himself for you yet doth he endure many vile repulses delays and denials of his Suit and will not leave it for all that O astonishing grace One would think that the least delay and much more a refusal of an overture from Christ upon such terms as you have heard should make his indignation presently to smoak against such a Soul and that he should say Thou hast refused my offer so full of self-denying and condescending grace never shall another offer be made to so unworthy a Soul and yet you see he is contented to wait as well as knock Behold I stand at the door and knock 4ly Herein the admirable Grace of this heavenly suiter appears that Jesus Christ passeth by millions of Creatures of more excellent Gifts and Temperaments and never makes them one offer of himself never turneth aside to give one knock at their door but comes to thee the vilest and bafest of Creatures and will not be gone from thy door without his errands end Knowest thou not sinner that among the unsanctified there are to be found multitudes of Men and Women of more raised and excellent Parts nimble Wits strong Memory solid Judgments yea Men and Women of cleaner Conversations strict Morality adorned with excellent homilitical Vertues capable if called to do him abundantly more service than thou canst yet these are past by and he becomes a Suiter to such a poor worthless thing as thou art yea and rejoyces in his choice Matth. 11. 24. I thank thee Father Lord of Heaven and Earth because thou hast hidden these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes Here is the triumph of Free-grace 5ly And then in the last place this justly increaseth the wonder That ever Jesus Christ should desire and delight to dwell in such an unclean Heart as thine which from the beginning hath been the Seat and Throne of Satan full of all uncleanness and abominations O that ever Christ should make an overture of love to such a polluted Soul That he should chose to erect his Throne where Satans seat was Look into thine Heart sinner and think what can Christ see here to be desired Thou knowest thy Heart hath been a sink of sin thy Conscience like the common shoar into which all the filth of thy life hath been cast yet Christ passeth by thee as thou liest in thy blood and filthyness and casteth love upon thee and desire towards thee as it is Ezek. 16. 6 8. All these things put together make it justly admirable and astonishing in our Eyes that ever Jesus Christ the Lord from Heaven should become an earnest Suiter for union and communion with the Souls of sinners I. Vse for Information I. Inference If Christ be such an earnest Suiter for union and communion with the Souls of sinners then it follows That sinners can justly charge their damnation upon none but themselves Your blood must be upon your own Heads Salvation by Christ is not only freely offered but you are with great importunity perswaded to accept it Christ offers you life you chuse rather to dye than accept it upon his terms where now can your damnation be charged but upon your own wilful obstinacy Hos. 13. 9. O Israel thy destruction is of thy self Thou art the Author of thine own ruin I would have gathered thy Children saith Christ to Ierusalem but thou wouldest not your ruin therefore lies upon your selves and upon none beside indeed if the Ministers of Christ be negligent in their duty they may come in as accessories to your destruction but that 's a poor relief to you as for my self I hope I may with Paul take God to record this day that I am free from the blood of all Men now consider what a dismal aggravation of your destruction this will be that you perished by your own Hands this cuts off all plea and apology II. Inference Hence it also follows that distressed sinners have no reason to question Christs willingness to receive them when their Hearts are made willing to come unto him It were no less than a blasphemous imputation of insincerity to Christ himself to question his willingness to receive broken-hearted sinners after so many protestations as he hath made in the Gospel of his zeal and earnestness for their Salvation that Scripture Iohn 6. 37. puts it out of doubt He that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out I know guilt breeds many fears and jealousies in the Hearts of sinners will Christ ever accept and receive such a one as I Try him Soul he hath said he will let him have but the deliberate consent of thy Heart to his terms and then if thou be rejected thou wilt be the first Soul in the World that ever met with a repulse from him III. Inference By Christs earnest Suit for the Souls of sinners you may estimate the invaluable worth and precious Nature of the Soul of Man. Were not the Soul a Creature of great value Jesus Christ would never be so deeply concerned about the winning and saving of it Sinners have a vile esteem of their own Souls they will sell them for nought but Christ knows their true worth and his solicitude to save them is answerable to his estimation of them he counts when he hath gained a Soul he hath gained a Treasure Therefore he pleads woos and waits so earnestly and assiduously for the Salvation of them Two things speak the great value of the Soul of Man. 1. That it is a marriagable Creature to Christ now 2. That it is capable of Glory with Christ hereafter I. It is a marriagable Creature to Christ now capable of espousals to the Son of God upon which account it is Christ so earnestly seeks its love and sues for its consent Now this is a dignity beyond all other Creatures in Heaven or Earth no Angel in Heaven no other Creature but the Soul of Man on Earth is capable of espousals unto Christ 't is a dignity above that of Angels for Christ took not on him their Nature and the Hypostatical union is the ground and foundation of the Mystical union They are Members indeed of Christs Kingdom and he is to them a Head of dominion but this honour was never conferred upon Angels to be Members of his Body Flesh and Bones as the Saints are Ephes. 5. 30. II. As the Soul is capable of espousals
Gods countenance Psal. 4. 6 7. the heavenly 1 Pet. 1. 8. Whom having not seen we love c. The Soul is transported with joy ravished with the glory and excellency of Christ. Didst thou ever see this Christ whom thy Soul is so ravished with No I have not seen him yet my Soul is transported with so much love to him Whom having not seen we love But if thou never sawest him how comes thy Soul to be so delighted and ravished with him why though I never saw him by the Eye of sense yet I do see him by the Eye of faith and by that sight my Soul is flooded with spiritual joy Believing we rejoyce But what manner of joy is that which you taste why no Tongue can express that for it is joy unspeakable But how are Christ and Heaven turned into such ravishing joys to the Soul why the Spirit of the Lord gives the believing Soul not only a light to discern the transcendent excellency of these spiritual objects but a sight of his interest in them also This is my Christ and this the glory prepared for me without interest Heaven it self cannot be turned into joy My Soul rejoyceth in God my Saviour Luke 1. 47. We read Luke 13. 28. of some that shall have a sight of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of God and yet a sight without joy a dreadful sight to them for want of a joint interest with them in that glory They shall see and yet wail and weep and gnash their teeth But an interest sealed gives joy unspeakable Now as to the excellency of this joy it will be found to be the pleasant light of the Soul light and joy are Synonimous terms in Scripture Psal. 97. 11. 'T is as the cheerful light of the Morning after a sad and dismal Night You that have sat in darkness and the shadow of death you that have sat mourning in the dark without one glimpse of a promise you that have convers'd with nothing but dismal thoughts of Hell and Wrath O I shall be cast away for ever What will you say when after all this darkness the Day-star shall arise in your hearts the joy of Heaven shall beam upon your Souls Will not this be a glorious reward for all your self-denyal for Christ and fully recompense for the frowns of carnal relations for giving entertainment to Christ This joy of the Lord if there were no other Heaven is an abundant recompense This joy of the Lord shall be your strength Neh. 8. 10. Let God but give a man or woman a little of this Joy into his heart and he shall presently feel himself strengthened by it either to do or to suffer the will of God. Now he can pray with enlargement hear with comfort meditate with delight and if God call him to suffer this Joy shall strengthen him to bear it This was it that made the Martyrs go singing to the stake This therefore transcends all the joys of this lower world There are sinful pleasures men find in the fulfilling their lusts There are sensitive joys that men find in the good creatures of God filling their hearts with food and gladness There are also delusive joys false comforts that Hypocrites find in their ungrounded hopes of Heaven The joys of the Sensualist are bruitish the joys of the Hypocrite are ensnaring and vanishing but the joys of the Holy Ghost are solid sweet and leading to the fulness of everlasting joy This is the third heavenly dainty you may expect to feed on if you open your hearts to receive Christ by Faith else you have all the consolation that ever you must expect IV. We read in Scripture of the Sealings of the Spirit a choice and blessed Priviledg of Believers consequent upon believing Eph. 1. 13. In whom after that ye believed ye were sealed c. This then may be expected by every Soul that opens to Christ how rich soever the comforts of it be The Spirit indeed seals not before Faith for then he should set his Seal to a Blank but he usually seals after believing and that as the Spirit of promise Note here the Agent or Person sealing the Spirit he knows the counsels thoughts and purposes of God 1 Cor. 2. 10 11. He also is authorized to this work and being the Spirit of truth he cannot deceive us There is a twofold Seal spoken of in Scripture one referring to God's eternal foreknowledge and choice of men 2 Tim. 2. 19. Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth who are his i. e. the Lord perfectly knows every Soul that belongs to him through the world But now what comfort is this to a poor Believer that God knows who are his Therefore there is another sealing referring to the Spirit as his act upon Believers to make them know that they are his The first is general The Lord knoweth who are is But this is particular The Lord knoweth thee to be his This is joyful news indeed the former makes it sure in it self the latter makes it sure to us Now this is a most glorious priviledge a work of the Spirit which hath a most ravishing delicious sweetness in it and that which makes it so is 1 The weightiness of the matter sealed to which is no less than Christ and the eternal Inheritance purchased by his Blood. This Seal secures our Title to Christ and to the eternal glory We are sealed to the day of redemption The sealed Believer can say Christ how great how glorious soever he be is my Christ the Covenant of Grace and all the invaluable promises contained in it are mine 2. The rest and quietness which follows it makes it an invaluable mercy this brings the anxious solicitous Mind and Conscience to rest and peace O what a mercy is it to have all those knots untied those objections answer'd those fears banished under which the doubting Soul so long laboured and which kept it so many nights waking and restless God only knows at what rate some poor Creatures live under the scarings of their own Consciences and frequent fears of Hell And what an inconceivable mercy it would be to them to be delivered at once from their dangers and fears which hold them under a Spirit of Bondage Open to Christ and thou art in the way to such a deliverance Come unto me and I will give you rest saith Christ Matth. 11. 28 29. 3. This sealing of the Spirit which follows upon believing will establish the Soul in Christ confirm it and settle it in the ways of God which is an unspeakable priviledge 2 Cor. 1. 22. Now he which establisheth us with you in Christ is God who also hath sealed us Mark how establishment follows sealing New temptations may come great persecutions and sore afflictions may come but how well is that Soul provided for them all that hath the sealings of the Spirit unto the day of redemption Yea
though the Soul that was sealed should for the present be under new darkness new temptations and fears yet former sealing will give establishment and relief when the thoughts run back to the sealing day and a man remembers how clear God once made his title to Christ Well then open to Christ if ever you expect to be sealed to salvation If you continue to despise and reject the tenders of Christ in the Gospel whilst others that embrace him are sealed to redemption Your unbelief and final rejection of Christ will seal you up to the day of damnation V. And lastly we read likewise in the Scriptures of the Earnest of the Spirit This is three times mentioned in the Scriptures Eph. 1. 14. Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchasad possession 2 Cor. 1. 22. where it is joyned with the former priviledge of sealing Who hath also sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our Hearts And again 2 Cor. 5. 5. He that hath wrought us for the self same thing is God who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit The word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 originally a Syriak word The Greeks are supposed to get it from the Phonician Merchants with whom they traded and it notes a part paid in hand to confirm a bargain for the whole There are two things in an earnest 1 It is part of the sum or inheritance If it were a contract for a sum of mony then it was a small part of a greater parcel If for an Inheritance then the earnest is a taking a part of the Inheritance as a twig or turf part of the whole Now the Spirit of God chooses this word on purpose to signifie two great things to his People by it 1. That those comforts communicated by the Spirit to Believers are of the same kind with the Joys of Heaven though in a far inferiour degree 1 Pet. 1. 8. called there Ioy unspeakable and full of glory and Rom. 8. 23. called there The first-fruits of the Spirit The First-Fruits and the Crop or Harvest are one in kind Surely there is something of Heaven as well as Hell tasted by men in this world Hell is begun here in the terrors of some mens Consciences and Heaven also is begun here in the absolution peace and comfort of other mens Consciences 2. As an earnest is part of the sum or inheritance so the use and end of it is confirmation and security as much as to say Take this in part till the whole be paid yea take it for thy security that the whole shall be paid Believers have a double pledge or earnest for Heaven one in the person of Christ who is entred into that glory for them Iohn 14. 2 3. The other in the joys and comforts of the Spirit which they feel and taste in themselves These are two great securities and the design of God in giving us these earnests and foretasts of Heaven are not only to settle our minds but to whet our industry that we may long the more earnestly and labour the more diligently for the full possession The Lord sees how apt we are to flag in the pursuit of Heavenly Glory and therefore gives his People a taste an earnest of it to excite their diligence in the pursuits of it God deals with his People in this case as with Israel they had been forty years in the Wilderness many sore temptations they had there encountred at last they were come upon the very borders of Canaan but then their hearts began to faint there were Anakims Gyants in the Land poor Israel feared they should not stand before them but Ioshua sends Spies into the Land who returning bring the first-fruits of Canaan to them whereby they saw what a goodly Country it was and then the fear of the Anakims began to vanish and a spirit of Courage to revive in the People Thus it is even with the Borderers upon Heaven tho' we be near that blessed Land of promise yet our hearts are apt to faint upon a prospect of those great sufferings without us and those conflicts with corruptions we feel within us But one taste of the first fruits of Heaven like those grapes of Eshcol revive our Spirits rouze our Zeal and quicken our pursuits of blessedness For these reasons God will not have all of Heaven reserved till we come thither And now tell me you that have tasted these first-fruits of the Spirit 1 Is there not something in faith of that glorified Eye by which the pure in heart do see God in Heaven Matth. 5. 8. O that eye of Faith that precious eye which comes as near to the glorified eye as any thing in this imperfect state can come 1 Pet. 1. 8. Whom having not seen ye love in whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory 2 Is there not something of that glorified love to be felt in an inferiour degree by the Saints in this world What else can we make of that transport of the Spouse Cant. 2. 5. Stay me with flagons comfort me with apples for I am sick of love 'T is true our love to God in Heaven is much more servent pure and constant yet these high-raised acts of spiritual love have a tast and relish of it 3 Is there not something here of that heavenly delight wherewith the glorified delight in God As the visions of God are begun on earth so the heavenly delights are begun here also Some drops of that delight are let fall here Psal. 94. 19. In the multitude of the thoughts I had within me thy comforts delight my Soul. David's heart 't is like had been full of sorrow and trouble a sea of gall and wormwood had overflowed his Soul God le ts fall but a drop or two of heavenly delight and all is turned into sweetness and comfort 4 Is there not something here of that transformation of the Soul into the image of God which is compleat in Heaven and a special part of the glory thereof 'T is said in 1 Iohn 3. 2. We shall be like him for me shall see him as he is This is Heaven this is glory to have the Soul moulded into full conformity with God something thereof is experienced in this world O that we had more 2 Cor. 3. 18. But we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord. 5 Is there not something felt here of the ravishing sweetness of God's presence in Ordinances and Duties which is a faint shadow at least of the joys of his glorious presence in Heaven there is certainly a felt presence of God a sensible nearness unto God at some times and in some duties of Religion wherein his name is as an oyntment poured forth Cant. 1. 3. something that is felt beyond
Psal. 51. 8. Make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce restore unto me the joys of thy salvation vers 12. I cannot here omit to detect a great mistake here even amongst Gods own people many of them understand not what communion there should be with God under the manifestations of his displeasure for sin they know that the affectionate meltings of their Souls into love praise c. to be communion with God but that the shame grief and sorrow produced in them by the manifestations of Gods displeasure I say that even in these things there may be communion with God they understand not But let me tell thee that even such things as these are the choice fruits of the Spirit of Adoption and that in them thy Soul hath as real and beneficial communion with God as in the greatest transports of Spiritual joy and comfort O'tis a blessed frame to be before the Lord as Ezra was after conviction of thy loosness carelesness and Spiritual defilements the consequents of those sins saying with him O my God I am ashamed and even blush to lift up my face unto thee Ezra 9. 6. Shame and blushing are as excellent signs of communion with God as the sweetest smiles Lastly There are representations and special contemplations of the omniscience of God producing sincerity comfort in appeals and recourse to it in doubts of our own uprightness And this also is a choice and excellent method of communion with God. 1. When the omniscience of God strongly obliges the Soul to sincerity and uprightness as it did David Psal. 139. 11 12. compared with Psal. 18. 23. I was also upright before him The consideration that he was always before the Eye of God was his preservative from iniquity yea from his own iniquity 2. When it produceth comforts in appeals to it as it did in Hezekiah 2 Kings 20. 3. Remember now O Lord that I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart So Iob 10. 7. he also appeals to this attribute Thou knowest that I am not wicked So did Ieremiah Chap. 12. 3. But thou O Lord knowest me thou hast seen me and tryed my heart towards thee 3. When we have recourse to it under doubts and fears of our own uprightness Thus did David Psal. 139. 23. Search me O God and try my heart prove me and see my reins see if there be any way of wickedness in me In all these attributes of God Christians have real and sweet communion with him which was the first thing to be opened Communion with God in the meditation of his attributes Secondly The next method of communion with God is in the exercise of our graces in the various duties of Religion In Prayer Hearing Sacraments c. in all which the Spirit of the Lord influences the graces of his people and they return the fruits thereof in some measure to him As God hath planted various graces in regenerate Souls so he hath appointed various duties to exercise and draw forth those graces and when they do so then have his people sweet actual communion with him And 1. To begin with the first grace that shews it self in the Soul of a Christian to wit repentance and sorrow for sin In the exercise of this grace of repentance the Soul pours out it self before the Lord with much bitterness and brokenness of Heart casts forth its sorrows which sorrows are as so much seed sown and in return thereto the Lord usually sends an answer of peace Psal. 32. 4 5. I said I will confess my transgression and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin Here 's a voice of sorrow sent up and a voice of peace coming down which is real communion betwixt God and Man in the exercises of repentace 2ly As there are seasons in duty wherein the Saints exercise their repentance and the Lord returns peace so likewise the Lord helps them in their duties to act their faith in return whereunto they find from the Lord inward support rest and refreshment Psal. 27. 13. I had fainted unless I had believed And oft-times an assurance of the mercies they have acted their faith about 1 Iohn 5. I4 3ly The Lord many times draws forth eminent degrees of our love to him in the course of our duties the heart is filled with love to Christ. The strength of the Soul is drawn forth to Christ in love and this the Lord repays in kind love for love Iohn 14. 21. He that loveth me my Father will love him and we will come and make our abode with him Here is sweet communion with God in the exercises of love O what a rich trade do Christians drive this way in their duties and exercises of graces 4ly To mention no more in the duties of Passive Obedience Christians are enabled to exercise their patience meekness and long suffering for Christ in return to which the Lord gives them the singular consolations of his Spirit Double returns of joy The Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon them 1 Pet. 4. 13 14. The Lord strengthens them with passive fortitude with all might in the inner-man unto all long-suffering but the reward of that long-suffering is joyfulness Col. 1. 11. This is the trade they drive with Heaven Thirdly Beside communion with God in the contemplation of his attributes and graces exercised in the course of duties there is another method of communion with God in the way of his Providences for therein also his people walk with him To give a taste of this let us consider Providence in a fourfold aspect upon the people of God. 1. There are afflictive providences rods and rebukes wherewith the Lord chastens his children this is the discipline of his house in answer whereunto gracious Souls return meek and childlike submission a fruit of the Spirit of Adoption they are brought to accept the punishment of their iniquities And herein lies communion with God under the rod this return to the rod may not be presently made for there is much stubborness unmortified in the best hearts Heb. I2 7. but this is the fruit it shall yield and when it doth there is real communion between God and the afflicted Soul. Let not Christians mistake themselves if when God is smiting they are humbling searching and blessing God for the discoveries of sin made by their afflictions admiring his wisdom in timing moderating and chusing the rod kissing it with a childlike submission and saying it is good for me that I have been afflicted that Soul hath real communion with God though it may be for a time without joy 2ly There are times wherein providence straightens the people of God when the waters of comfort ebb and run very low wants pinch if then the Soul returns filial dependance upon fatherly care saying with David Psal. 23. 1. The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want It belongs to him to provide and to me to depend I
skin which are not accidental but connate as the reasonings of Men can prevail to remove the mighty power of customary sin Physitians find it a hard thing to Cure a Cakexia or ill habit of Body 'T is a grave and serious note of Seneca A teneris assuescere multum est 'T is a great matter to be accustomed this way or that from our childhood every repeated act of sin confirms and strenghtens the habit and hence it is that we see so few Conversions in old Age. It was a wonder in the Primitive times that Marcus Caius Victorius imbraced Christianity in the sixtieth year of his age take an habituated Drunkard a self-righteous Moralist lay before them the necessity of a change and you shall find it as easie to stop the course of a River with the breath of your Mouth as to stop them in an accustomed course of sinning That 's the fourth Bar to Christ. Fifth Bar. The Fifth Bar opposing and resisting Christs entrance into the Soul is the sin of Presumption this is the sin that parts Christ and thousands of Souls in the World presuming they hope and hoping they perish when Men presume their condition is safe already their Souls never make out after a Saviour This was the ruine of Laodicea Rev. 3. 17. Because thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked This damning presumption is discovered in three things 1 Many think they have that grace which they have not mistaking the Similar for the saving Works of the Spirit a fatal mistake never rectified with many thousands till it be too late 2 They presume to find that mercy in God which they will never find for all the saving mercies of God are dispensed to Men through Christ in the way of Regeneration and Faith Iude vers 21. 3 They presume upon that time for Repentance and Faith hereafter which their Eyes shall never see And thus presumption locks up the Heart against Christ and leaves sinners perishing in the presence of a Saviour They make a bridge of their own shadow and so perish in the Waters Sixth Bar. The Sixth and last sin barring up the Heart against Christ is a strong prejudice against holyness and the strict duties of Religion Thus in the very infancy of Christianity the World was scared and driven off from Religion by the common prejudices that lay upon the Professors of it Acts 28. 22. As concerning this Sect we know that every where it is spoken against Thus Iustin Martyr complains that Christians were every where condemned 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by common same and upon this account Christ pronounces a wo upon the World because of offences Matth. 18. 7. Alas it will be the ruine of Thousands some have suckt in such prejudicate Opinions and vile Notions of Religio● and its Professors as makes them irreconcilable enemies to it Satan hath drest it up in their fancies in such an odious form and representation that makes them loath both name and thing These prejudices are drawn from various things sometimes from the necessary duties of Christianity which are laid as crimes upon the people of God Psal. 69. 10. When I wept and chastned my Soul with fasting that was to my reproach Sometimes the groundless and malicious slanders and inventions of the enemies of Christianity are the occasions of real prejudices to the World Ier. 18. 18. Come let us devise devices against Jeremiah and let us smite him with the Tongue Sometimes the innocent and serious Professors of godliness are censured and condemned for hypocritical professors sakes who never heartily espoused Religion And lastly the ways of holiness suffer for the slips and infirmities of weak Christians who commonly give too many occasions to disgust the World against the ways of God. By these things multitudes are kept off from attendance upon the means of Grace and multitudes more have their Hearts shut up from receiving any saving benefit under them These are the common Bars and Locks by which the strong Man armed secures his possession in the Souls of sinners and these Bars are too strong for any power beneath the Almighty power and Arm of God to remove or break t is said Acts 14. 27. That the Lord opened a door of Faith to the Gentiles The Arm of the Lord must be revealed or none will open to Christ by Faith Isa. 53. 1. 1. The iron Bar of the Law that thundering terrible Law cannot force open the Heart of an unbeliever all the dreadful curses flying out of its fiery mouth make no more impression than a Tennis ball against a wall of Marble Deut. 29. 19. You read of them that hear the words of this Curse yet bless themselves in their Heart saying they shall have peace though they walk in the imagination of their Hearts to add Drunkenness to Thirst. They play with Hell and Eternal Torments rush into iniquity as the Horse rusheth into the Battle act as men in love with their own Death as those that are at an agreement with Hell. Oh the besotting hardning infatuating power of sin 2. The Golden Key of free Grace cannot in it self remove these Bars and open mens Hearts to Christ Matth. 11. 17. We have piped unto you but ye have not danced The melodious and delicious Airs of Grace Mercy Peace and Pardon affect not the dead Hearts of unbelievers Like deaf Adders they stop their Ears at the voice of the Charmer charm he never so wisely These Gospel melodies only dispose them to a more quiet sleep in sin 3. No works of Providence are in themselves sufficient to open the Hearts of Men to Christ. 1. The Judgments of God cannot do it thousands have been made sick with smiteing that yet cannot be made sick for sin I have consumed them but they refused to receive correction they have made their Faces harder then a Rock they have refused to return Jer. 5. 3. Messengers of Judgment are abroad smiting some in their Estates scattering in one day the labour of many years and therein giving a warning blow at the Conscience to make sure of Christ and the World to come since their comfort and happiness is scattered in this World. Some are smitten in their dearest relations Death knocks at their doors and carries out the delight of their Eyes and with the same admonisheth their Souls to place their happiness in more durable comforts Some are smitten in their Bodies with Diseases giving warning of the near approach of their latter end and bidding them prepare for another habitation but all in vain 2ly No mercies of God are in themselves sufficient to open the obstinate Hearts of sinners to Christ. God hath heapt up mercies by multitudes upon many of you all these mercies of God lead you to repentance Rom. 2. 4 5. They take you in a friendly way by the Hand and thus talk with you
The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force Matth. 11. 12. Why should other Mens Souls be dearer to them than yours unto you What discouragements have you which other Men have not Or what encouragements have they which you have not Say not we have no assurance our pains shall prosper or our strivings be made effectual to Conversion if there were any promise in the Gospel that such endeavours should be seconded from Heaven and made available to Salvation then we would strive as long as breath and life should last but all this may be to no purpose we may be Christ-less and hope-less when all is done But yet remember it is possible God may bless these weak endeavours and come in by his Almighty Spirit with them Nay it is highly probable that he will do so and is a strong probability nothing with you Do you use to do no actions about your civil callings without an assurance of success When the Merchant adventures his Life or Estate at Sea is he sure of a good return Or doth he not adventure upon the meer hopes and probabilities of a gainful voyage When the Husbandman plows his Lands empties both his bags and purse upon it is he sure of a good harvest May not a blast come that shall defeat all his hopes Yet he plowe●h and soweth in hope and ordinarily God maketh him partaker of his hope but without such industry his expectations would be vain Away then with vain excuses up and be doing in the use of all appointed means and the Lord be with you Third Vse for Tryal Before I dismiss this Point let us try our selves by it whether God have opened our Hearts to Christ broken these Bars of Ignorance Unbelief Custom Prejudice c. and the Will stand wide open to receive Christ Jesus the Lord. This is a solemn Use the consequence of it great Oh that our faithfulness and seriousness in the trial might be answerable Try your selves by these following marks I. Mark. If your Eyes be not opened to see sin in its vileness and Christ in his glory suitableness and necessity then sure your Hearts were never yet effectually opened by the Gospel I confess Mens Eyes may be opened to see sin and yet their Hearts at the same time shut up by unbelief against Christ but no Mans Heart can be opened to Christ whilst his Eyes are shut Iohn 6. 40. This is the will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life The work of Faith is always wrought in the light of Conviction the cure of the Heart begins at the Eye of the Mind Acts 26. 18. To open their Eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. God opens Mens Hearts by shining into them 2 Cor. 4. 6. If therefore any Mans Eyes be still blinded with Ignorance Prejudice c. so that he apprehends not his own guilt and misery nor sees the worth and necessity of a Saviour that Mans Heart is still under Satans Lock and Bar sin is shut in and Christ is shut out of that Mans Soul. II. Mark. No Heart opens to Christ by Faith till it be first prickt and wounded by Compunction and Humiliation this Heart-wounding work is always antecedent to the work of Faith. I doubt not but your thoughts fore-run my Discourse to that famous Scripture Acts 2. 37. where Peter preaching to those that had crucified Christ and bringing up his Discourse close to their Consciences in the application of that Sermon convincing them not only what an horrid and atrocious crime the crucifying the Son of God was in it self but also charging it home upon them Whom you have taken and with wicked Hands have crucified and slain When they heard this they were pricked at the Heart and cried out Men and Brethren what shall we do Upon this outcry three thousand Souls opened in one hour to Christ Now consider whether your Hearts have been thus prickt and wounded Hath sorrow for sin pierced thy Soul Vain sinner that frothy Heart of thine must be made to bleed under Compunctions for sin or there will be no room for Christ in it Come Souls t is in vain to flatter your selves in your own Eyes reflect upon the frames of your Hearts call back the days that are past and say When was the Time and where was the Place when thou layest at the Foot of God sobbing and mourning upon the account of thy Sins Did ever God hear such a cry as this from thy Soul Ah Lord my Soul is distressed I rowle hither and thither for ease and comfort but find none O the insupportable weight of guilt Oh the bitterness of sin My Soul fails under it Lord undertake for me I do not say The degrees of Compunction and Humiliation are equal in all Converts neither their sins nor abilities to bear sorrows for them are equal but this I say Thy Heart must ake for sin or it will never open to Christ he binds up none but broken Hearts Isa. 61. 1. III. Mark. If Christ be come into thy Heart then the love and delight of every sin is gone out of thy Heart Christ and the love of sin cannot dwell together what Christ said to the Soldiers that apprehended him in the Garden the like he saith to every Soul that comes to apprehend him by Faith If you seek me let these go their way away with the sin thou most delightest in Christ cannot come in till these be gone Isa. 55. 6 7 8. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous Man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon Here be the terms of your Acceptation and Salvation plainly laid down forsake thy ways and thoughts the way notes the external acts of sin and the thoughts the internal acts both of contrivance and delight in sin both these must be forsaken and that 's not all for this makes up but a negative holyness Let him return to the Lord and he will have mercy It is in vain for Men to make the door of Salvation wider than God hath made it we cannot bring down Christs terms lower than he hath set them if we will not come up to them Christ and we must part And this makes the great struggle the sharp debate in the Souls of Converts Oh t is hard to give up pleasant and profitable lusts but away they must go a Bill of Divorce must be signed for them or you cannot be espoused to the Lord Jesus This will be found to be a harder tug than to part with all externals for Christ sake IV. Mark. No Heart can open truly to Christ that is not made willing upon due deliberation to receive
him with his cross of sufferings and his yoak of obedience Matth. 16. 24. Matth. 11. 29. An exception against either of these is an effectual Bar to thy Union with Christ he looks upon that Soul as not worthy of him that puts in such an exception Matth. 10. 38. If thou judgest not Christ worth all sufferings all losses all reproaches he judges thee unworthy to bear the name of his Disciple So for the duties of Obedience called his yoke he that will not receive Christs yoke can never receive his Person nor any benefit by his Blood. V. Mark. Every Heart that opens sincerely and Evangelically to Christ opens to him in deep humility and sense of its emptiness and unworthiness all self-righteousness is given up as dung and dross thus Abraham came unto him as to one that justifieth the ungodly Rom. 4. 5. Now unto him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is accounted for righteousness Yea here 's the true way of Justification indeed where the imputed righteousness of Christ comes all self-righteousness vanishes before it By him that worketh not understand not an idle lazy believer that takes no care of the duties of obedience no no an idle Faith can never be a saving Faith but the meaning is he worketh not in a Law sense to the ends and intentions of the first Covenant to make up a righteousness to himself by his own working to cover himself-with a robe of righteousness of his own spinning and weaving a home-made Cloth no not a rag of that Thou must receive Christ into an empty naked unworthy Soul or not receive him at all Blessed Paul heartily rejected all his own righteousness cast down that House-Idol to the ground that he might be found in the imputed righteousness of Christ Phil. 3. 8. cast that Idol out of door it stands in the way of a better righteousness There be diverse ways wherein sinners maintain their own righteousness to their own ruin there is a gross and more refined self-righteousness the one more palpable and easily liable to conviction the other much harder to be discovered and cured Ask some Men upon what their hopes of Salvation are grounded And they will tell you they are just in their dealings with Men and constant in their prayers to God that 's all and therefore they doubt not of their Salvation Thus they substitute a righteousness of their own in the room of Christ's blood and are their own destroyers by seeking this way to be their own Saviours But then there is a more refined way of self-righteousness drest up with such pretences of humility that Men are hardly to be convinced of it I pitty many poor Souls upon this account who stand off from Christ dare not believe because they want such and such qualifications to fit them for Christ. O saith one could I find so much brokenness of Heart for sin so much reformation and power over corruptions then I could come to Christ the meaning of which is this if I could bring a price in my Hand to purchase him then I should be in couraged to go unto him Here now lyes horrible pride covered over with a vail of great humility Poor sinner either 〈◊〉 naked and empty-handed according to Isa. 55. 1. Rom. 4. 5. or expect a repulse for Christ is not the Sale but the Gift of God. VI. Mark. Lastly Whatever Soul opens savingly to Christ it opens finally and everlastingly to him the Heart once opened to Christ must stand open for ever to him never to shut out Christ any more And here is a very observable difference betwixt a Man that comes to Christ in a suddain fright of Conscience and parts with him again when that fright is over and a Man that receiveth Christ not to sojourn but to dwell in his Heart by Faith Eph. 3. 17. when Christ comes into the Heart he saith Here will I dwell for ever and Lord saith the Soul So I receive thee this is the day of union O let me never know a day of separation let it never be in the power of Life or Death Angels Principalities or Powers things present or to come to make a separation between thee and me Soul saith Christ thou shalt be mine whilst I am in Heaven and Lord saith the Soul I will be thine whilst I am on Earth I will never leave thee nor forsake thee saith Christ Oh my Lord saith the Soul hold me fast in thy Hand that I may never leave nor forsake thee my Estate Liberty and Life may and must go but it is in the fixed purpose of my Heart never never to let thee go The espousals betwixt Christ and the Soul are for ever Hos. 2. 19. I will betroth thee unto me for ever yea for ever and here lyes another great difference betwixt the Hipocrite that takes Christ with a politick reserve that will venture with Christ at Sea no farther than he can see the shore and the upright Heart that imbarks it self with Christ without reserves come what will that saith to him as Ittai to David when perswaded to go back in a time of danger nay saith he where my Lord Jesus Christ is whether it be in Liberty or in Prison in Life or in Death there also will I be Flesh may perswade to a retreat nay saith the Soul I cannot retreat but where-ever the truths of Christ the interest and glory of Christ are there also must I be for upon these terms I first received him and opened the door of my Heart to him These things are no surprises to me Christ and I have debated them long ago he delt fairly with me and I must deal faithfully with him Now Brethren view over these six Tryals Have your Eyes been opened to see sin in its vileness Christ in his beauty and necessity Have your Hearts been prick'd and wounded with compunction and sorrow for sin Are the loves and delights of sin gone out of your Souls Have you no exceptions either to the cross or yoke of Christ Have you given up all your own righteousness whether gross or refined for dung and dross and received Christ for ever Then thy Heart is savingly opened to him Fourth Use. The last Use that closeth this Point will be Consolation to all those whose Hearts the Lord hath thus opened to receive Christ at his knocks and calls of the Gospel Hath God indeed opened any of your Hearts and made you sincerely willing to receive Christ then there are ten sweet Consolations like so many boxes of precious oyntment to be poured forth in the close of this discourse upon every such Soul. And I. Consolation The first shall be this the opening of any Mans Heart to receive Christ is a clear solid Scripture evidence of the Lords eternal love to and setting apart that Man for himself from all eternity I do not say that every Man whose Heart is opened by Faith is thereupon immediately assured
and satisfied that God hath chosen him to Salvation but whether he apprehend it or no the thing in it self is certain and real consult 1. Thes. 1. 4 5. Knowing brethren beloved your election of God for our Gospel came not to you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost c. Their election of God was the thing to be proved but alas might they say who can know that but God alone It is among the Divine secrets yes saith the Apostle we know it and by this we know it for our Gospel came not unto you in an empty sound but in mighty efficacy effectually opening your Hearts to believe A more clear and certain evidence of your Election cannot be given in this World look again into Rom. 8. 30. Moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified There are two great and ravishing Truths cleared in this Scripture the one is this That the whole number of the called upon Earth is taken out of such as were predestinated to Life before the World was The other is this That as the whole number of the glorified Saints in Heaven is made up of Souls called and justified upon Earth so the called Soul that is the Soul that savingly opens to Christ by Faith may from that work of the Spirit upon him solidly reason backward to Gods electing love before all time and forward to his glorification with God when time shall be no more Oh how strong is the Consolation flowing out of this glorious work of the Spirit upon our Hearts That 's one thing II. Consolation The opening of the Heart to receive Christ is the peculiar effect of the Divine and Almighty Power of God the Arm of an Angel is too weak to break those strong bars before mentioned Therefore the exceeding greatness of his Power is applied unto this work of believing Ephes. 1. 19. And what is the exceeding greatness of his Power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty Power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead Here is Power the Power of God the greatness of his Power the exceeding greatness of his Power the very same Power which wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and all this no more than needs to make the Heart of Man open by Faith to receive Christ the only Key that fits the cross Wards of Mans Will and effectually opens his Heart is in the Hand of Christ Revel 3. 7. He hath the key of David he ope●●th and no Man shutteth How long have some of you ●at under able Ministers searching Sermons and ro●●ing Providences yet all to no purpose till this Almighty Power came with the Word and then the work was done The people shall be willing in the day of thy power Psal. 110. 3. What a glorious Power was that which opened Christ grave when he lay in the Heart of the Earth with a mighty Stone rouled upon his Sepulcher And how mighty a Power is that which breaks asunder all those Bars which kept thy Soul in the State of sin and death None feel this Power but those only whom God intendeth for Salvation and having once wrought this it is engaged to go through with all the rest which yet remaineth to be done to perfect thy Salvation III. Consolation The opening of thy Heart to Christ is not only an effect of Almighty Power but such an effect of it without which all that Christ had done and suffered had been of no avail to thy Salvation neither the eternal Decrees of God nor the meritorious sufferings of Christ are effectual to any Mans Salvation until this work of the Spirit be wronght upon his Heart The offering up of Christ is in its kind and place ●ufficient to purchase our Redemption but it is the receiving of Christ by Faith that brings home Salvation to our Souls where there be many con-causes to produce one effect that effect is not produced until the last cause have wrought Thus 't is here the moving cause viz. the free-grace of God hath wrought and the meritorious cause the death of Christ hath also wrought but still the Heart even of an elect Man remaineth under guilt and condemnation until the Spirit who is the applying cause have also wrought this blessed effect we now speak of It is Christ in us i. e. in union with our Souls which is to us the hope of glory 1 Col. 27. 1 Cor. 1. 30. Behold then the last stroak given in this opening of the Heart by Faith herein electing Love hath brought home Christ with all the purchases and benefits of his death into the actual possession of thy Soul. Oh how transporting and ravishing a consideration is this IV. Consolation In this work the opening of the Heart by Faith the great design and main intention of the Gospel is also answered and accomplished You behold in the Church a glorious frame of Ordinances set up by Divine Institution Ministers appointed to preach Sermons Sacraments Prayers Singing variety of Ordinances set up excellent gifts given to Men as the fruit of Christs ascension into Heaven Now what was the design of God in the institution of all these things but that by them as instruments in his Hand our ignorant dead unbelieving Hearts might be opened unto Christ in acts of Repentance and Faith and built up to a perfect Man Ministers are sent to open your Eyes turn you from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God Acts 26. 18. They are not sent by Christ into this World to get a living to drive so poor a Trade as that for themselves but to bring you to Faith 1 Cor. 3. 5. When Gods elect are thus brought in and built up in Christ you shall see this glorious frame of Ordinances taken down there will be no more Preaching nor Hearing the end of all these things being accomplished 1 Cor. 15. 24. Then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God even the Father c. Now the consideration of the accomplishment of the great and principal design of the Gospel thus far upon thy Heart is matter of transporting joy Ministers may and must dye Ordinances may be removed but this blessed effect of them upon thy Soul shall never dye God will perfect what he hath begun that 's the Fourth Consolation V. Consolation And then Fifthly That day wherein thy Heart is savingly opened to receive Christ that very day is Salvation come to thy Soul. When Zacheus his Heart was opened to Christ he tells him Luke 19. 9. This day is Salvation come to thy House Salvation was come into the World before thou wast born yea Salvation was come to thy doors in the tenders of the Gospel before but it never came into thy Soul till the day wherein thy Heart opened to Christ by Faith
long-suffering le ts not loose his Hand to cut them off All sins are not of one size some have a slighter tincture and some a deeper called upon that account Scarlet and Crimson sins Isa. 1. 18. double dyed abominations sins in Grain such are sins against knowledge sins committed after Convictions and Covenants and rebukes of Providence I do not only speak of outward gross acts of sin for as the School-men well determine though outwards sins are sins of greater infamy yet inward sins may be sins of greater guilt Even those sins that never took air to defame thee in the World but whatever they be Reader whether outward or inward thy Conscience is privy to them and thy Soul may stand amazed at the Patience of God in forbearing thee all this while under such Provocations and horrid Rebellions against him especially considering how many there be this day in Hell that never provoked God by sinning with such a high Hand as thou hast done III. Evidence Thirdly It is yet a greater Evidence of the Patience of God in bearing with and forbearing us under the guilt of that special sin viz. The slighting and neglecting of Jesus Christ Here 's a sin that goes to the very Heart of Jesus Christ he can bear any other sin rather than that and yet this hath Christ born from every Soul of you You are the Men and Women that have sputned at the yearning bowels of his Mercies slighted his Grace trampled his precious Blood under Foot and yet hath he forborn you unto this day read Matth. 22. 5 and let thy Conscience answer whether thou art not equally deep in the guilt of making light of Christ with those wretches upon whom it is there charged Christ hath suffered the wrath of God in thy room brought home Salvation in Gospel offers to thy door and then to be slighted no Patience but his own could bear it Every Sermon and Prayer you have fat under with a dead Heart every motion of his Spirit which you have quencht what is this but the making light of Christ and the great Salvation Here the deepest project of infinite Wisdom and the richest gift of free-grace wherein God commends his love to Men are vilely undervalued as small things and thus have you done days without number and yet his Hand is not stretched out to cut thee off in thy Rebellion Who is a God like unto thee What Patience like the Patience of Christ IV. Evidence Fourthly The length of time the Patience of Christ hath endured thee speaks the perfection and riches of his Patience towards thee Consider sinner what Age thou art of how many Years thou canst Number and that all this hath been a time of Patience for thou wast a transgressor from the Womb Isa. 48. 8 9. yet for his Name sake hath he deferr'd his anger and hath not cut thee off How soon did the wrath of God break forth upon the Angels when they had sinned in Heaven And how long hath it born with thee whilst thou hast been provoking him on Earth Was there ever Patience like the Patience of God! Many thousands have been sent away to Hell fince thy day but thou art yet spared Oh that the long-suffering of God might be Salvation to thee V. Evidence Fifthly T is a great Evidence of the power of Divine Patience that may be drawn from the grievousness of our sins to God during the whole time of his forbearance T is true there is no proper passion in the Divine Nature no real perturbation his anger is a mild and holy flame yet the contrariety of sin to the holyness of his Nature is what makes his patience miraculous in the Eyes of Men The Scripture speaking in a condescending Language to the understanding of the creature represents God as wounded to the Heart by the sins of Men so in Ezek. 6. 9. I am broken with their whorish Heart which hath departed from me and Amos 2. 13. Behold I am pressed under you as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves when the Axel-tree is ready to crack under the load and 2 Chron. 36. 16 't is said The wrath of the Lord arose against his people till there was no remedy his Patience would bear no longer and therefore when he executes his wrath upon provoking sinners that execution is represented in the nature of an ease or relief to his burdened Patience and Justice Isa. I. 24. Ah saith he I will ease me of my enemies and avenge me of my adversaries Yet observe it comes in with an ah with a kind of regret and reluctancy so in Isa. 1● 25. Yet a very little while and the indignation shall cease and my anger in their destruction God could have given ease and rest this way to his anger long ago but he chuses rather still to bear with thee than on these terms to ease himself of thee VI. Evidence Sixthly The vast expences of his riches and bounty upon us during the whole time of his for bearance and patience towards us speaks him unconceivable and infinite in his long-suffering towards us Rom. 2. 4 5. Despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance q. d. Vile sinner canst thou compute the treasures of bounty and goodness thou hast been riotously spending and wasting all this while Dost thou know what vast sums Christ hath spent upon thee to preserve thee so long out of Hell There be two Treasures spending upon sinners all the time of Gods forbearance of them there 's the precious Treasure of thy Time wasted and the invaluable streams of Gospel Grace running all this while at the waste Spout thy Time is precious the Whole of thy Time which is betwixt thee and Eternity is but little and the most thereof has been wasted in sin and cast away upon vanity but that 's not all the Treasures of Gospel Grace have been wasting all this while upon thee In Zach. 4. 12. it is compared to Golden Oyl maintaining the Lamps of Ordinances so it is set forth to us in that stately Emblem Who would maintain a Lamp with Golden Oyl for wanton Children to play by yet this hath God done while thy soul hath dallied and trifled with him The Witnesses or Ministers of Christ in Rev. 11. 3 4. are compared to those Olive-Trees that drop their precious Oyl their Gifts Graces yea and their natural Spirits with them into this Lamp to keep it burning all this while the Blood of Christ hath been running in vain the Ministers of Christ preaching and beseeching in vain the Spirit of Christ striving with you in vain You burn away Golden Oyl and yet your Lamp is not gone out Oh Marvelous Patience Oh the riches of Gods Forbearance VII Evidence Lastly The riches of Divine Patience towards you are greatly heightned and aggravated by the quick dispatch the Lord hath made of other sinners whilst
the cries of such Souls will be heard above the cries of all the other miserable wretches that are cast away 'T will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah than for Capernaum Matth. 11. 23. Oh Friends you little know the smart reflections of Conscience in Hell upon such hours as you now enjoy such wooing charming voices and allurements to Christ as you now hear There are many thousands of Souls in Hell that came thither out of the dark heathenish parts of the World where they never heard of Christ but your misery will be far beyond theirs your reflections more sharp and bitter Therefore delay no longer lest you perish with peculiar aggravations of misery 3ly Try the Patience of Christ no further I beseech you for as much as you see every day the Patience of Christ ending towards others Patience coming down and Justice ascending the Stage to triumph over the abusers of Mercy You dont only read in Scripture of the finishing and ending of God's Patience with Men but you may see it every day with your own Eyes If you look into Scripture You may find the Patience of God ended towards multitudes of Sinners who possibly had the same presumptions and vain hopes for the continuance of it that you now have If you look into 1 Pet. 3. 19 20. you shall there find that Christ went and preached to the Spirits in prison which sometimes were disobedient when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah The meaning of it is this that in the days before the Flood Christ by his Spirit strove with disobedient and rebellious sinners in the Ministry of Noah who then were living Men and Women as now we are but now are Spirits in prison i. e. damned Souls in Hell for their disobedience And truly Brethren you may frequently behold the glass of Patience run down the very last sand in it spent upon others Whenever you see a wicked Christless Man or Woman dye you see the end of God's Patience with that Man or Woman and all this for a warning to you that you adventure not to trifle and dally with it as they did 4ly Lastly Do not try God's Patience any longer if you love your Souls for this Reason because when Men grow bold and incourage themselves in sin upon the account of God's forbearance and long-suffering towards them there cannot be a more certain sign that his Patience is very near its end towards that Soul. 'T is time for God to put an end to his Patience when it is made an encouragement to sin God cannot suffer so vile an abuse of his glorious Patience nor endure to see it turned into wantonness This quickly brings up sin to its finishing act and perfection and then Patience is just upon finishing also That Patience is thus abused appears from Eccles. 8. 11. and when it is so abused look for a suddain change O therefore beware of provoking God for now the day of Patience is certainly near its end with such sinners Prov. 1. 24 25 26. Because I have called● and ye refused I have stre●ched out my Hand and no Man regarded But ye have set at nought all my counsel and would none of my reproof I also will laugh at your calamity and mock when your fear cometh When your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind Ah when sinners scolt and mock at the threatnings of God and bear themselves up upon his Patience as that which will never crack under them then look out for a whirlwind a suddain Tempest of wrath which shall hurry such Souls into Hell. Then misery comes like a storm blowing furiously from all quarters Well the Heavens are yet clear over you but a storm is nigh and may be certainly presaged from such vite abuses of the glorious Patience of Christ towards you That 's the first Exhortation try not the Patience of Christ by any further delays II. Exhortation Secondly Admire Christ's Patience and forbearance of you until now that he hath not cut you off in your sin but lengthned out his Patience unto this day and brought about your Salvation by his long-suffering towards you Here now I must change my voice and turn it unto those whose Hearts the Lord hath opened Stand amazed at the riches of his Grace towards you and see that you account this long-suffering of God to be your Salvation for in plain Truth it is so your Salvation was bound up in Christ's forbearance if Christ had not born as he did you had not been where you are I could heartily wish that all the time you can redeem from the necessary employments you have in the World may now be spent in an humble thankful admiration of this admirable Grace and Patience of Christ and answerable duties to the intentions and ends thereof To this end I shall subjoyn divers weighty Considerations which methinks should melt every Heart wherein the lest drachm of saving Grace is found Bethink your selves of the great and manifold provocations you have given the Lord to put an end to all further Patience towards you not only in the days of your vanity and unregeneracy but enen since your reconciliation to him Do you not believe thousands of sinners are now in the depths of Hell who never provoked the Lord at an higher rate than you have done Were you not herded once among the vilest of sinners 1 Cor. 6. 11. And such were some of you as vile as the vilest among them yet you are washed in the Blood of Christ and your companions roaring in the lowest Hell or if your lives were more clean sure your Hearts and Natures were as filthy as theirs And certainly your sins since the time of Reconciliation have had special aggravations in them enough to put an end to all further mercies towards you Light and Love have aggravated these sins and yet the Lord will not cast you off How often have you been upon the very brink of Hell in the days of your unregeneracy Every sickness and every danger of life which you escaped in those days was a marvelous escape from the everlasting wrath of God. Had thy Disease prevailed one degree further thou hadst been past hope and out of the reach of Mercies Arm now Doubtless some of you can remember when in such and such a Disease you were like a Ship riding in a furious storm by one Cable and two or three of the strands of that Cable were snapt asunder So it hath been with you the thread of life how weak soever hath held till the bonds of union betwixt Christ and your Souls are fastned and the eternal hazard over This is admirable Grace How often hath Death come up into your Windows entred into your Houses fetcht off your nearest Relations but had no commission to carry you out with them because the Lord had a design of Mercy upon your Souls This cannot but affect a
the Earth bringing Pardon and Salvation with him to stand so long unanswered let who will cry up the goodness of Nature I am sure we have reason to look upon the vileness of it with amazement and horror You could not have found in your Hearts to have made the poorest beggar wait so long at your door as you have made Christ to wait upon you VII Exhortation Seventhly and Lastly Let us all bless and admire the Lord Jesus for the continuation of his Patience not to our selves only but to that whole sinful Nation in which we live We thought the Treaty of Peace had been ended with us many good Men looking upon the iniquities and abominations of these times considering the vanities and backsliding of Professors the Heaven-daring provocations of this Atheistical age concluded in their own Hearts that God would make England another Shiloh Many faithful Ministers of Christ said within themselves God hath no more Work for us to do and we shall have no more opportunities to work for God. When lo beyond the thoughts of all Hearts the merciful and long-suffering Redeemer makes one return more to these Nations renews the Treaty and with compassions rolled together speaks to us this day as to Ephraim of old How shall I deliver thee Look upon this day this unexpected day of Mercy as the fruit and acquisition of the intercession of your great Advocate in Heaven answerable to that Luke 13. 7 8 9. Well God hath put us upon one Tryal more if now we bring forth fruit well if not the ax lyes at the root of the Tree Once more Christ knocks at our doors the voice of the Bridegroom is heard those sweet voices Come unto me Open to me your opening to Christ now will be unto you as the Valley of Achor for a door of hope But what if all this should be turned into wantonness and formality what if your obstinacy and infidelity should wear out the remains of that little strength and time left you and that former Labours and Sorrows have left your Ministers Then actum est de nobis we are gone for ever then farewel Gospel Ministers Reformation and all because we knew not the time of our Visitation What was the dismal doom of God upon the fruitless Vineyard Isa. 5. 5. I will take away the hedge thereof and it shall be eaten up and break down the wall thereof and it shall be troden down I will also command the Clouds that they rain not upon it The hedge and the wall are the Spiritual and Providential presence of God these are the defence and safety of his People the Clouds and the Rain are the sweet influences of Gospel Ordinances If the hedge be broken down God's pleasant Plants will soon be eaten up and if the Clouds rain not upon them their Root will be rottenness and their Blossom will go up as dust Our Churches will soon become as the Mountains of Gilboa therefore see that you know and improve the time of your Visitation III. Vse of Consolation I shall wind up this Fourth Doctrin in two or three words of Consolation to those that have answered and are now preparing to answer the design and end of Jesus Christ in all his Patience towards them by the compliance of their Hearts with his great design and end therein O blessed be God and let his high-praises be for ever in our Mouths that at last Christ is like to obtain his end upon some of us and that all do not receive the Grace of God in vain And there be three Considerations able to wind up your Hearts to the height of Praise if the Lord have now made them indeed willing to open to the Lord Jesus I. Consideration The Faith and Obedience of your Hearts makes it evident that the Lords waiting upon you hitherto hath been in pursuance of his design of Electing Love. What was the reason God would not take you away by death though you passed so often upon the very brink of it in the days of your unregeneracy And what think you was the very reason of the revocation of your Gospel-liberties when they were quite out of sight and almost out of hope why surely this was the reason that you and such as you are might be brought to Christ at last Therefore though the Lord let you run on so long in sin yet still he continued your Life and the means of your Salvation because he had a design of Mercy and Grace upon you And now the time of Mercy even the set time is come Praise ye the Lord. II. Consideration You now also see the Sovereignty and freeness of Divine Grace in your vocation your Hearts resisted all along the most powerful means and importunate calls of Christ and would have resisted still had not Free and Sovereign Grace over-poured them when the time of Love was come Ah it was not the tractableness of thine own Will the easie temper of thy Heart to be wrought upon the Lord let thee stand long enough in the state of Nature to discover that there was nothing in Nature but obstinacy and enmity Thou didst hear as many powerful Sermons melting Prayers and didst see as many awakning Providences before thy Heart was opened to Christ as thou hast since yet thy Heart never opened till now and why did it open now Because now the Spirit of God joyned himself to the Word victorious Grace went forth in the Word to break the hardness and conquer the rebellions of thy Heart The Gospel was now preached as the Apostle speaks 1 Pet. 1. 12. With the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven which things saith he the Angels desire to look into Ah Friends it is a glorious sight worthy of Angelical observation and admiration to behold the effects of the Gospel preacht with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven to see when the Spirit comes along with the Word the blind Eyes of sinners opened and they brought into a new World of ravishing objects to behold Fountains of Tears flowing for sin out of Hearts lately as hard as the Rocks to see all the Bars of Ignorance Prejudice Custom and Unbelief fly open at the voice of the Gospel to see Rebels against Christ laying down their Arms at his Feet come upon the Knee of submission crying Lord I will rebel no more to see the proud Heart centered and wrapt up in its own righteousness now striping it self naked loading it self with all shame and reproach and made willing that its own shame should go to the Redeemer's glory These I say are sights which Angels desire to look into Certainly your Hearts were more tender and your Wills more apt to yield and bend in the days of your youth than they were now when sin had so hardned them and long continued custom riveted and fixed them yet then they did not and now they do yield to the calls and invitations of the Gospel Ascribe all to Sovereign Grace and
rises not out of Nature as common gifts do but of this it is expresly said Eph. 2. 8. It is not of your selves it is the gift of God. Where this work is effectually wrought we may reason as solidly as comfortably from it both backward to the electing love of God and forward to our eternal glorification with him Rom. 8. 30. II. Consolation The opening of thy Heart to Christ by saving Faith gives thee interest in Christ the very same hour the relation is then constituted the conjugal tye or bond is fastned betwixt him and thy Soul Iohn 1. 12. To as many as received him to them gave he power viz. right or privilege to become the Sons of God even to as many as believed on his Name You neither need nor may expect an extraordinary messenger or voice from Heaven to tell you that Christ is yours and you are his you have a better foundation in this Word and Work of Faith for my part if God will give me the clear and satisfying experience of this Work upon my Heart I would never desire more satisfaction on this side Heaven I know not but the Devil may counterfeit an extraordinary voice and cheat the Soul by a lying Oracle but if I really feel my Heart and Will sincerely opening to Christ upon Gospel terms I am sure there is no deceit in that III. Consolation The opening of thy Heart to Christ by Faith is a good assurance that Heaven shall be opened to thy Soul hereafter Heaven is shut against none but those that shut their Hearts against Christ by Unbelief Will you bar Christ out of your Souls by Ignorance and Unbelief and then cry Lord open to us No God will open to none but them that open to Christ. Et●rnity it self shall but suffice to bless God for this opening act of Faith He that believeth shall be saved Mark 16. 16. IV. Consolation The opening of thy Soul to Christ by Faith makes it Christs habitation for ever in that hour outgoes sin and Satan and incomes Christ and Grace If any Man open unto me I will come in to him saith the Text of such a Soul Christ saith as it was said of the Temple Psalm 132. 13 14. The Lord hath desired it for his Habitation This is my rest for ever here will I dwell for I have desired it Thy Soul now becomes an hallowed Temple to the Lord as he hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and will be their God and they shall be my people 2 Cor. 6. 16. O what an Heaven upon Earth is here Christ dwelling in the Soul is the glory of the Soul as Gods dwelling in the Temple was the glory of the Temple V. Consolation In a word the op●●ing of the Heart to Christ is that work which answers the great design of the Gospel Wherefore hath God set up Ordinances and Ministers yea wherefore is the Spirit sent forth but to open the Hearts of sinners to Christ by Faith When this is done the main end and intention of the Gospel is attained and answered the union is effected betwixt Christ and the Soul it is now put out of hazard The whole Work of the Gospel after that is but to build up confirm and comfort the Soul ripen it s implanted Graces and make it meet for glory And thus through the assistance of the Spirit I have finished the fifth Observation That every Conviction of Conscience and motion upon the Affections is a knock or call of Christ for entrance into the sinners Heart SERMON VI. Revel 3. 20. Behold I stand at the door and knock c. I stand and knock HEre 's pains and patience all means used by Christ to gain entrance into the Souls of sinners It speaks the earnestness of his suit and vehemency of his desire to be in union with the Souls of Men. The sixth Observation therefore will be this VI. DOCT. That Iesus Christ is an earnest suitor for union and communion with the Souls of sinners This Point lyes directly and fully in the very Eye and intention of the Text. In the opening of it two things must be spoken to in the Doctrinal part viz. 1. The demonstration of this Truth that he is so 2. The marvelous and admirable grace and condescension of Christ that he should be so First For Demonstration of this Truth That Christ is an earnest suiter for union and communion with the Souls of sinners I shall draw down the Demonstration of this Truth from a view and consideration of the dispositions carriages and actions of the Lord Jesus towards poor sinners from first to last And when you have compared them all together and by them seen the temper of his Heart how great and clear a light will shine upon this Point That his Heart hath still enclined towards union and communion with sinful Man will evidently appear by considering him in a fourfold state and time 1. Before his Incarnation 2. In the days of his Flesh. 3. At his Death And 4. At and since his Ascension into Heaven First Consider him before his Incarnation and you will find too things in that state which plainly speak his desires after union with us 1. In the Covenant of Redemption he made with God concerning us before this World had a being for such Covenants and Promises did really pass betwixt him and the Father before all time or else I know not how to understand that Scripture Tit. 1. 2. In hope of eternal Life which God that cannot lye promised before the World began To whom could that Promise be made but unto Christ which bears date before the Creation what else can this mean but the Covenant of Redemption made betwixt the Father and the Son the terms whereof are set down in Isa. 53. 10 11. where you find what Christ was to do Viz. To put his Soul an offering for sin And what should be his reward for pouring out his Soul unto Death viz. To see his Seed to see the travail of his Soul even a Church purchased with his own Blood Whether this be not a great demonstration of the propension and inclination of Christs Heart and Desire towards union and communion with poor sinners let all Men judge O what a value did Christ set upon our Souls that upon such costly terms he would consent to redeem them Unto this agreement God the Father held him Rom. 8. 32. God spared not his own Son. And this very covenant Christ pleaded with the Father Iohn 17. 6. I have manifested thy Name to the Men which thou gavest me out of the World thine they were and thou gavest them me This plainly shews the vehement desire of Christs Heart to be in union with Men according to that Prov. 8. 31. Rejoycing in the habitable parts of his Earth and my delights were with the Sons of Men. Blessed Jesus nothing but the strength of thine own desire and love could ever have drawn thee
out of that Bosom of delights to suffer so many things for the sake of poor sinners Secondly Let us consider Christs temper and disposition towards union and communion with sinners within time and every thing done by Christ carries and confirms this Conclusion 1. His Assumption of our Nature plainly speaks it 2. His whole Life upon Earth evidently discovers it 3. His Doctrin is a clear proof of it 4. His Joy at the Conversion of Souls proves it 5. His Sorrows for Mens unbelief evidence it 6. His indefatigable Labours plainly shew it 7. His admirable Encouragements to coming sinners 8. His dreadful Menaces to obstinate sinners 9. His sending and encouraging Ministers to draw and gather the World to himself All these things which were transacted in the Life of Christ plainly demonstrate how greatly and earnestly his Heart did propend and incline towards this desirable union with the Sons of Men. 1. Christs Assumption of our Nature manifesteth his desire after union with us Herein he gave two incomparable proofs of his transcendent love to us and desire after us 1. In passing by a more excellent Nature 2. In marying our Nature to himself 1. He passed by a superiour and more excellent Nature Heb. 2. 16. Verily he took not on him the Nature of Angels Angels were excellent Creatures but behold vessels of Gold cast into the fire and Earthen potsherds fitted for glory 'T is true the Angels that kept their integrity are Members of Christs Kingdom he is an Head to them by way of Dominion but unto us by way of Vital union Christ takes the believer into a nearer union with himself than any Angel in Heaven but for the multitudes of apostate Angels he never designed their recovery but left them as they were before bound in chains of darkness unto the Judgment of the great Day Iude vers 6. This preterition of Christ heightens his love to poor Man. 2ly In marying our Nature to himself and that after sin had blasted its beauty and let in so many direful calamities upon it Rom. 8. 3. He was found in the likeness of sinful flesh i. e. Flesh subject to weariness pains and death which though there be no sin in them yet are the effects and consequences of sin Such a Nature he assumed into a Personal union with himself not to experience any new pleasure in it but to capacitate himself to suffer and satisfie for us and therein to give a convincing proof of the strength of his love and vehemency of his desire to us His personal union with our Nature shews his desire after a mystical union with our Persons He would never have been the Son of Man but to make us the Sons and Daughters of the living God He came in our likeness that we by Sanctification might be made in his likeness Behold how near Christ comes to us by his Incarnation O what a stoop did he make therein to recover us Rather than lose us he was contented to lose his manifestative glory for a time for his Incarnation made him of no reputation Phil. 2. 7. Behold the desires of a Saviour after union with sinners II. The whole Life of Christ upon Earth was an evident proof and demonstration of the desiers of his Heart to be in union and communion with us Iohn 17. 19. For their sakes I sanctifie my self The Life of Christ was wholly set apart for us therefore it is said Isa. 9. 6. Vnto us a Child is born unto us a Son is given What was the errand and buisness upon which Christ came into this World but to seek and to save that which was lost All the Miracles he wrought on Earth were so many works of Mercy he could have wrought his Miracles to have destroyed and ruined such as received him not but his Almighty Power was imployed to heal and save the Bodies of Men that thereby he might win their Souls unto him Acts 10. 38. God anointed Iesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the Devil for God was with him When the Apostles desired a Commission from him to fetch fire from Heaven to destroy the Samaritans he rebuked them saying Ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of for the Son of Man came not to destroy Mens lives but to save them Luke 9. 54 55 56. The whole Life of Christ in this World was nothing else but a woing drawing motive to the Hearts of sinners he rejected not the vilest of sinners Luke 7. 39. He rejected none that came unto him he would not have little Children forbid to be brought unto him Mark 10. 13. What his winning carriage should be was long before predicted by the Prophet Isa. 42. 3. A bruised Reed shall he not break and smoaking Flax shall he not quench Lentulus the Proconsul in his Epistle ad S. P. Q. R. having Graphically described the Person of Christ gives this account of his carriage and deportment In his reproofs he was terrible in his admonitions fair and amiable chearful without levity he was never seen to laugh but often to weep his words grave few and modest c. Christ was in the World as a load-stone drawing all Men to him his deportment was every way suitable to his Commission which was to preach good tydings to the Meek to bind up the broken Hearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound Isa. 61. 1. III. As his Life so his Doctrin was a woing and inviting Doctrin a most pathetical invitation unto sinners Never Man spake as he spake whenever he opened his Lips Heaven opened the very Heart of God was opened in it to sinners the whole stream and current of his Doctrin was one continued powerful perswasive to draw sinners to him This was his Language Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Matth. 11. 28. In the last day the great day of the feast Iesus stood up and cryed If any Man thirst let him come to me and drink John 7. 37. Himself resembles it to the clucking of a Hen to gather her Chickins under her wings Luke 13. 34. O Jerusalem Jerusalem how often would I have gathered thy Children together as a Hen doth gather her brood under her wings Certainly t●e whole stream of the Gospel is nothing else but the charming voice of the Heavenly Bridegroom IV. The Joy he always exprest for the success of the Gospel speaks him to be an earnest suiter for the Hearts of Sinners 'T is very remarkable that all the Evangelists who have recorded the life of Christ never mention one laugh or smile that ever came from him For he was a Man of sorrows yet once you read that he rejoiced in Spirit and you shall see the occasion of it in Luke 10. 21. In that hour Iesus rejoiced in Spirit And what was it
Fathers Face from Eternity before this time but now the smiling Face of God was hid and a strong impression of his Wrath made upon him And now Brethren you see what Christ hath endured both in his Body and in his Soul and all for the sake of Sinners What think you now is not Christ an earnest Suiter Doth not all this fully and plainly speak the ardours of his Love the fervencies of his desires after union and communion with us If this do not then nothing can demonstrate Love and Desire That 's the first thing the greatness of the Sufferings which he endured Secondly Let us next consider the Use and Intention of these Sufferings of Christ and how this also demonstrates the earnestness of his desires after Conjugal union with us Now there was a double Use and End of the Sufferings of Christ. 1. To make us free that we might be capable of Espousals 2. To win our Affections by the argument of his Sufferings I. One End of Christs death was to purchase our Freedom that we might be capable of being Espoused to him for you must know that we were not in a capacity whilst under the curse of the Law to be married unto Christ the Apostle Rom. 7. 2 3 4. compares the Law to a Husband to whom the Wife is bound as long as he liveth and not capable of a second marriage until her Husband be dead The Death of Christ was the Death of the Law as a Covenant of Works holding us under the bond of a Curse of it and so it gave us a manumission or freedom from that bond and a capacity of espousals to Christ as vers 4. Wherefore my brethren ye also are become dead to the Law by the Body of Christ that ye should be married to another even to him who is raised from the dead A Slave to another is not capable of being disposed in marriage until made Free you were in bondage to the Law the slaves of of Sin and Satan Christ bought out your liberty for his Blood is call'd a ransom Matth. 20. 28. and so put you into a capacity of being espoused unto himself here you see Christ loved you not for any advantage he could have by you for you had nothing to bring him nay he must purchase you and that with his own Blood before he can be united to you O incomparable love O fervent desires II. Another design and end of the Death of Christ was to win and gain our Hearts and Affections to himself by the argument of his Death this himself hath declared to be the very end and intention of it Ioh. 12. 32. And I if I be lifted up from the Earth will draw all Men unto me this he said signifying what Death he should dye Christ endured all that you have heard and infinitely more than the Tongue or Pen of Man can express and all to draw thy Soul and win thy consent to come unto him the Lord Jesus by his sufferings casts a threefold cord over the Souls of Sinners to draw them to himself 1. The Death of Christ obtains compleat righteousness for guilty sinners and if any thing in the World will draw the Heart of a sinner this will the anxious search and enquiry of a convinced sinner is after a perfect righteousness to justifie him before God. O that 's it the sinner wants Conscience saith thou hast broken all the Laws of God and art therefore a Law condemned wretch the sentence of the Law casts thee for Hell Now what would a poor sinner give for a release from this sentence of the Law O ten thousand Worlds for a Pardon Why here it is saith Christ Come unto me and thou shalt receive a free full and final pardon my Blood cleanseth from all sin my righteousness answers all the demands of the Law. I have taken away the Hand-writing that was against thee and nayled it to my Cross Col. 2. 14. Come unto me and take up thy Bonds thy cancelled Bonds come unto me and that dreadful attribute of Divine Justice shall never scare or fright thy Conscience any more nay thou shalt build thy hope upon it you read Rom. 3. 25. That God hath set forth Christ to be a propitiation through Faith in his Blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God To declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him that believeth in Iesus Here you see the justification and pardon of a sinner built upon that very Attribute which was so frightful and dreadful to him before Well then poor sinner is there guilt upon thy Conscience And doth thy Soul shake and quiver to think how it shall stand before the Just and Terrible God in the great Day Hearken to the voice of Christ crucified who calls thee to him to receive thy discharge which if thou refuse the Law still stands in its full force and vertue against thy Soul. This is one cord Christ casts from the Cross over the Souls of guilty sinners to draw them to him 2ly The Death of Christ purchases and procures perfect cleansing from the filth and pollution of sin to wash the defiled Souls of sinners from all their uncleanness For this is he that came by water and by blood not by blood only but by water also 1 Joh. 5. 6. He comes by way of Sanctification as well as by way of Justification Lord saith a convinced sinner what an unclean Nature Heart and Life have I O I am nothing but a heap of uncleanness an abhorence to God and my self how shall such an Heart as mine such an Augean Stable be cleansed Come unto me saith Christ I came by Water as well as Blood in me thou shalt find a Fountain for Sanctification as well as Justification come unto me and my Spirit shall undertake the cleansing of thy Heart he shall take away the pollutions of sin perfectly so that it shall be presented to God without spot 3ly And lastly The transcendent love of Christ shines out in its full strength upon the Souls of sinners from the Cross and there 's nothing like love to draw love when Christ was lifted up upon the Cross he gave such a glorious demonstration of the strength of his love to sinners as one would think should draw love from the hardest Heart that ever lodged in a sinners Breast Herein is love saith the Apostle not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins 1 Joh. 4. 10. q. d. Here 's the triumph the riches and glory of Divine Love never was such love manifested in the World. There 's much of Gods love in Temporal Providences but all 's nothing to this this is love in its highest Elevation Love in its Meridian Glory before it was none like it and after it shall none appear like unto it And thus you
from that Sermon by which Christ spake effectual Conviction to him crying O sick sick my Soul is distressed because of sin There is indeed a great difference in the depth and degrees of this contrition and humiliation it soaks deeper into some Hearts than others and holds them longer under it but certain it is whoever hath heard the convincing voice of Christ he feels so much sorrow for sin as for ever separates him from the love of it III. Effect Thirdly This voice of Christ rouzes and awakens the careless and sluggish mind to the greatest solicitude and thoughtfulness after deliverance and escape from the danger that hangs over it Acts 16. 30. Trembling and astonished he cried out Sirs what must I do to be saved All the powers of the Soul run into solicitude and care about deliverance You shall generally observe in convinced and humbled sinners three evident signs of extraordinary solicitude about Salvation 1. There is a strong intention of their minds and thoughts they stand night and day like a Bow at the full bent their thoughts are still poring upon this matter their sleep departs for their sin and danger is ever before them 2ly It appears by their searching inquisitiveness about the way of escape the question they still carry with them from company to company where they meet with any whom they judge able to resolve or direct them is this What course shall I take What shall I do Is there any hope for such a one as I Did you ever know a Soul in my condition 3ly It appears by the little notice they take at this time of their outward troubles and afflictions which it may be are strong and sharp enough to overwhelm them at another time but now they take little notice of them Sin lies so heavy that it makes heavy afflictions lye light IV. Effect A fourth Effect of the voice of Christ is encouragement and hope puting the Soul upon the use of means in order to the attainment of Christ and Salvation for it is an inviting as well as a convicting voice and this is a remarkable difference betwixt the voice of Christ and the voice of Satan with respect to sin Satan labours to cut off all hope and strike the Soul dead under despair of mercy as well knowing that if he can cut off hope all emotions and endeavours of the Soul after Christ are effectually stopt and at a dead stand but how much convincing terrors soever there are in the voice of Christ there is always something left behind it upon the Heart to breed and support hope And truly the Soul amidst these sad circumstances hath great need of some encouragement accordingly the Lord usually after sharp convictions sets on upon the Soul such a word as that Iohn 6. 37. Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out for I came down from Heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me Wherein Christ offers the most rational satisfaction and greatest encouragement imaginable that a poor convinced sinner if he be made willing shall certainly find an hearty welcom and acceptation with Christ. For mark how he argues it on purpose for the satisfaction of such Souls I came not down from Heaven to do mine own Will but the Will of him that sent me The force of the encouragement lyes here I and my Father are one one in Will and one in Design our Wills never did nor possibly can jar and clash one with another that would be utterly repugnant to the perfect unity that is betwixt us Now saith he I came down from Heaven not only to do my own Will which must necessarily be supposed to be intently set and strongly enclined to receive and save all convinced and willing sinners this being the very end of my Incarnation and Death but also to do the Will of my Father who hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted and anointed me to preach good tydings to the meek Isa. 61. 1. and therefore no such Soul can rationally doubt of a welcom reception with me And because the fears and jealousies of a convinced Conscience are great and many and the Devil sets in with them to aggravate them beyond the hopes of mercy therefore it is usual with the Lord at such a time as this to direct the convinced and trembling sinner to such a Scripture as that Heb. 7. 25. Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him c. Making the fulness of Christs saving power to shine with a chearful beam into the dark and distressed Soul of a sinnner from such a word as that V. Effect A fifth Effect or consequent of Christs powerful voice is an attractive efficacy or sweet allicion of the Soul to Christ by that power and efficacy which it communicates to the Soul Iohn 6. 44 45. No Man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him Every Man therefore that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh unto me Mark it this voice speedily puts the Soul into motion after Christ coming follows hearing When once the Soul hath heard the voice of God away it comes from all the engagements in the World all bonds and ties betwixt the Soul and sin break asunder and give way nothing can hold it from Christ. There is a strange restlesness in the Spirit of Man nothing but Christ can centre and quiet it VI. Effect And then lastly The last Effect of Christs voice or call is sweet rest and consolation to the inner Man. When once the Soul is come home to Christ by the efficacy of this heavenly call or voice it enters into peace Heb. 4. 3. We which have believed do enter into rest not only shall but do enter into rest As the first Effect of Christs voice was terror and great trouble to the Soul so the last Effect is peace it puts the Soul into the most excellent position in the World for comfort and joy it never stood upon such ground before for this vocation stands betwixt predestination and glorification Rom. 8. 30. Moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified See here into what a blessed Mount of vision the voice of Christ calleth the Souls of sinners where let the Soul look backward or forward from eternity to eternity there is nothing but a vision of peace before its Eyes This call of God points it backward to Gods eternal choice which by this very call it is now manifest he made of that Soul before the World was and it also points forward to that eternal glory unto which God is leading it These are the Effects of this Almighty voice of Christ and these the special instructions sealed by it upon the Hearts of Men. But now this voice of Christ is not heard at all times but in some
special season or hour as Christ calls it Iohn 5. 25. The hour cometh when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God. And elsewhere by the Apostle it is called the accepted Time the day of Salvation 2 Cor. 6. 2. And the conjunction of the Spirit of Christ with the Word Ordinances or Providences of God but especially the Word makes this blessed hour The Word alone though never so excellently preacht conduces no more to the Conviction and Salvation of a sinner than the Waters of Bethesda did when the Angel came not down to trouble them Iohn 5. 4. But when the Lord pours out his Spirit with the Word according to that promise Prov. 1. 23. I will pour out my Spirit upon you and make known my Words unto you then Christ speaks to the Heart this great conjunction of the Word and Spirit makes that blessed nick and season of Salvation The time of love the time of life Now the voice of Christ is heard with effect the Ordinances impregnated with convincing and converting efficacy There was an abundant effusion of the Spirit in the first Age of Christianity and then the voice of Christ was heard by multitudes of Souls at once There hath since been a restraint of the Spirit comparatively speaking whereas three thousand Souls were then converted at one Sermon possibly three thousand Sermons have since been preached and not one Soul effectually called This hath made the Church like a Wilderness a Land of drouth and so 't is like to remain until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high and the wilderness be a fruitful field according to that promise Isa. 32. 15. And such a time we expect Lord hasten it when the waters of the Ordinances shall be healed and every thing that liveth which moveth whithersoever the River shall come shall live And fishers shall stand upon it from Engedi even unto Eneglaim they shall be a place to spread forth nets their fish shall be according to their kinds as the fish of the great Sea exceeding many Ezek. 47. 9 10. Then Ministers shall no longer fish with Angles catching now one then another but shall spread forth their nets and inclose whole shoals multitudes of Converts in the mean time there are some signal periods and happy seasons wherein Christ uttereth his Almighty voice in the World but that season is utterly unforeknown to Man we cannot say when it will come but are to wait for it as the Man did at the pool of Bethesda Ministers must preach in hope wait in hope if at any time God will give the people repentance 2 Tim. 2. 25. We are often mistaken in our conjectures when we have made the best preparations and find a more than ordinary enlargedness of Spirit we are apt to conclude certainly this is the blessed hour wherein Christ will speak to the Heart as we do to the Ear but we oft-times find our selves mistaken yet we must wait in hope and so must our people Such a happy time may come and when it doth it will be a day for ever to be remembred because then the first actual application of Christ will be made to your Souls without which all that the Father had done in Election and the Son in his meritorious Redemption had been of no benefit or advantage to your Souls And therefore you shall find that this work of the Spirit stands betwixt both those works and makes them both effectual to our Salvation 1 Pet. 1. 2. This is that blessed hour upon which your eternal blessedness depends eternity will be taken up in blessing God for this hour it will be celebrated for ever in your praises in the World to come O what an influence hath this hour into all eternity The hearing of this voice of Christ effectually opens the Cabinet counsels of Heaven and brings to light the eternal counsels of God concerning you 1 Thes. 1. 4 5. Knowing brethren beloved your election of God for our Gospel came not to you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost This gives greater assurance of the eternal love of God to a Mans Soul than the sweetest smile of providence or any oraculous voice from Heaven can do This is the time of life the day of your Spiritual Resurrection Iohn 5. 25. A greater and more glorious Resurrection by far than that of your bodies at the last day ●o much greater as the value of your Souls is above your Bodies As also because the blessedness of your Corporeal Resurrection depends upon this your Spiritual Resurrection by the voice of Christ. Dreadful will the voice of Christ be at the Resurrection of your Bodies except you first hear this vital voice of Christ quickning your Souls on Earth with spiritual life To conclude this is the great Aera or head of account from which you are to reckon and date all your spiritual sanctified mercies for as the Lord said unto the Jews Hag. 2. 19. From henceforth will I bless you So saith the Lord to you from this hour wherein you have heard and obeyed the voice of Christ will I bless you for ever with all Spiritual blessings in heavenly places in him I. Vse for Lamentation This Point presents us with abundant matter of Lamentation and mourning over the greatest part of those that sit under the sound of the Gospel but yet as Christ speaks of the Jews Iohn ● 37. who have not heard the voice of God at any time the Ministerial voice of Christ they hear dayly but this Efficacious Internal voice which makes the Ministerial voice the Word of Life and Power they have not heard The Gospel to the most of our hearers is but an empty sound this is a sad symptom 2 Cor. 4. 3. If our Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom the God of this World hath blinded the minds of them that believe not c. This hiding of the Gospel is not opposed to the external administration of it nor yet to the understanding of the true sense and meaning of the truths delivered by it but only to that internal efficacy which is here called the hearing of Christs voice Our people are generally well satisfied when they have heard a Sermon much more if they can remember something of it though the Lord hath not spoken one truth they have heard home to their Hearts Now this is a sad case and God grant it be not that very judgment threatned Isa. 6. 9. Hear ye indeed but understand not and see ye indeed but perceive not So that hearing the meer voice of Man without feeling the power of God is all one as if we heard not Reflect sadly upon this you that sit as unconcerned under the Word as the Seats you sit upon God speaketh once yea twice but man perceiveth it not Well the eternal Decrees and Counsels of God are now executing upon the Souls of Men under the Gospel As many as
any Heart in the World to Christ and yet considering how fast the Hearts of Men are glued to their lusts fixed and riveted in their sins until the Spirit come upon them with powerful convictions and when under conviction what mighty discouragements they labour under from their former sinfulness and present unworthiness all this is little enough to bring them to faith nay in it self utterly insufficient without the Almighty power second and set them home with effect on the Heart for it is not meer moral suasion will do the work 'T is true Christ will not make a forcible entrance into the Soul he will come in by the consent of the Will but the Will consents not till it feel the power of God upon it Psal. 110. 3. Almighty power opens the Heart and determins the Will but still in a way congruous to the nature of the Will Hos. 11. 4. I drew them with the cords of a man with the bands of love When under the influence of this power the Soul opens unto Christ he will come in take that Soul for his everlasting habitation refresh and feast it with the sweetest consolations and privileges purchased by his Blood whence the Tenth Observation is DOCT. X. That Christ will certainly come into the Soul that opens to him and will not come empty handed but will bring rich entertainment with him I will come in to him and sup with him When the prodigal the Emblem of a convert returned to his Father Luke 15. 22. his Father not only received but adorned and feasted him In opening this Point I shall shew First What Christs coming in to the Soul intends Secondly How it appears Christ will come in to the opening Soul. Thirdly What that rich entertainment is he brings with him Fourthly Why he thus entertainsthe Soul that receives him and opens to him First What Christs coming in to the Soul intends and in general I must say this is a great mystery which will not be fully understood till we come to Heaven Iohn 14. 20. At that day you shall know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you Then the essential union of Christ and his Father and the mystical union between believers and Christ will be more clearly understood than we are capable to understand them in this imperfect state yet for present so much is discovered as may justly astonish poor sinners at the marvelous condescension of the Lord Jesus to them More particularly this expression I will come in to him imports no less than his uniting such a Soul to himself for he comes in with a design to dwell in that Soul by faith Eph. 3. 17. to make such a man a mystical member of his body flesh and bones Eph. 5. 30. which is the highest honour the Soul of man is capable of indeed this coming of Christ into the Soul of a sinner doth not make him one person with Christ that is the singular honour to which our nature is advanced by the Hypostatical Vnion but this makes a person mystically one with Christ and though it be beneath the Hypostatical Vnion yet it is more than a meer Foederal Vnion Christs coming into the Soul signifies more than his coming into Covenant with it for it is the taking of such a person into a mystical Union with himself by the imparting of his Spirit unto him as the vital sap of the stock coming into the grass makes it one with the stock Iohn 15. 5. So the coming of Christs Spirit into the Soul makes it a member of his mystical body and this is a glorious supernatural work of God 1 Cor. 1. 30. most honorable most comfortable and for ever sure and indissoluble as I have elsewhere more fully shewed Secondly In the next place I shall evidence the truth and certainty of this most comfortable point that Christ will come in and that with singular refreshments and comforts to every Soul that hears his voice and opens to him No present unworthyness or former rebellions shall bar out Christ or obstruct his entrance into such a Soul. Whatever thou hast been or done all that notwithstanding Christ will come into thee and dwell with thee and make thy Soul an habitation for himself through the Spirit Eph. 2. 22. I say let thy Heart but open to him and he will both fill and feast thee with a non obstante as to all thy former miscarriages I know it is the common discouragement that multitudes of convinced humbled sinners lye under who seeing so much vileness in their natures and practices cannot be perswaded that ever the Lord Jesus will cast an Eye of favour on them much less take up his abode in them What dwell in such a Heart as mine which hath been an habitation of Devils a sink a puddle of sin from my beginning This is hard to be believed but sinner thou hast the word of a King from Heaven for it a word whose credit was never crackt or stained from the first moment it was spoken that whatever thy former or present vileness or unworthiness hath been or is he will not be shy of such a Soul as thou art if thou be but willing to open to him thy great unworthiness shall be no bar to his union with thee If any man open I will come in to him c. For First If personal unworthiness were sufficient to bar Christ out of thy Soul it would equally bar him out of all the Souls in the World for all are unworthy as well as thy self Where-ever Christ finds sinfulness he finds unworthiness and to be sure he finds this where-ever he comes Christ never expected to find worthiness in thee but it highly pleases him to find thee under a becoming sense of thy personal unworthiness Ier. 3. 13. Only acknowledge thine iniquity that thou hast transgrest against the Lord thy God c. The returning prodigal acknowledged to his Father I am not worthy to be called thy Son Luke 15. 18 19. But this did not bar his access to or hinder his acceptance by his Father All that come to God to be justified must see and confess their own vileness and come to him as one that justifieth the ungodly Rom. 4. 5. Secondly Thy former vileness and present unworthiness can be no bar to Christs entrance because it can be no surprize to him He knew thou wast an unworthy Soul when he made the first overture of grace and reconciliation to thee and if thy unworthiness hindred not the beginning of his treaty with thee it shall not hinder the closing and finishing act thereof in his union with thee I knew that thou wast a transgressor from the womb Isa. 48. 8. Thirdly Christ never yet came into any Soul where Satan had not the possession before him Every Soul in which Christ now dwels was once in Satans power and possession Acts 26. 18. To turn them from darkness to light and from the power of
will trust my Fathers care and love Here now is sweet communion with God under pinching wants The wants of the Body enrich the Soul Outward straightnings are the occasions of inward enlargments O see from hence how good it is to have an interest in God as a Father whatever changes of providence may come upon you Thirdly There are seasons wherein the Lord exposes his people to eminent and visible dangers when to the Eye of sense there is no way of escape Now when this produceth trust in God and resignation to the pleasure of his Will here is communion with God in times of distress and difficulty thus David Psal. 56. 3. At what time I am afraid I will trust in thee q. d. Father I see a storm rising thy poor child comes under his Fathers roof for she●●er for whether should a distressed Child go but to his Father And then as to the issues and events of doubtful providences when the Soul resigns and leaves it self to the wise disposal of the Will of God as David in 2 Sam. 15. 25 26. Here am I let him do with me as seemeth good in his sight This is real and sweet communion with God in his providences And so much for the nature of communion with God. Secondly In the next place I shall evidence the reality of communion with God and prove it to be no fancy I confess it grieves me to be put upon the proof of this but the Atheism and prophaness of the age we live in seems to make it necessary for many men will allow nothing for certain but what falls under the cognisance of ●ense And oh that they had their Spiritual senses exercised then they would sensibly discern the reality of these things but to put the matter out of question I shall evidence the truth and reality of the Saints communion with God divers ways First From the Saints union with Christ if there be a union betwixt Christ and believers then of necessity there must be a communion between them also Now the whole Word of God which you profess to be the rule of your faith plainly asserts this union betwixt Christ and believers a union like that betwixt the branches and the root Iohn 15. 4 5. or that betwixt the head and the members Eph 4. 16. Now if Christ be to believers as the root to the branches and as the head to the members then of necessity there must be a communion between them for if there were not a communion there could be no communications and if no communications no life For it is by the communication of vital fap and spirits from the root and from the head that the branches and members subsist and live Secondly There is a cohabitation of Christ with believers he dwells with them yea he dwells in the●● 2 Cor. 6. 16. I will dwell in them and walk in the●● The Soul of a believer is the Temple of Christ yea his living Temple 1 Pet. 2. 5. And if Christ dwell with them yea if he dwell in them and walk in them then certainly there must be communion betwixt him and them if they live together they must converse together A man indeed may dwell in his house and yet cannot be said to have communion with it but the Saints are a living house they are the living Temples of Christ and he cannot dwell in such Temples capable of communion with him and yet have no communion with them Thirdly The reality of communion betwixt God and the Saints is undeniably evinced from all the Spiritual relations into which God hath taken them Every believer is the Child of God and the Spouse of Christ. God is the believer Father and the Church is the Lambs Wife Christ calls the believer not only his Servant but Friend hence forth I call you not Servants but Friends c. Now if God be the believers Father and the believer be Gods own Child certainly there must be communion between them If Christ be the believers Husband and the believer be Christs Spouse there must be communion between him and them What no communion between the Father and his Children the Husband and the Wife We must either renounce and deny all such relations to him and therein renounce our Bibles or else yield the conclusion that there is a real communion betwixt Christ and believers Fourthly The reality of communion with God evidently appears from the institution and appointment of so many Ordinances and duties of Religion on purpose to maintain dayly communion betwixt Christ and his People As to instance but in that one institution of Prayer a duty appointed on purpose for the Souls meeting with God and communion with him Iames 4. 8. Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you Now to what purpose can it be conceived such an Ordinance is appointed for the Souls drawing nigh to God and God to it if there be no such thing as communion to be enjoyed with him If communion with God were a meer Phantome as the carnal World thinks it to be what encouragement have the Saints to bow their knees to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ But surely there is an access to God in prayer Ephes. 3. 12. In whom we have boldness and access with confidenc● Access to what If God be not there and that there can be no communion with him what means that access I will meet you saith the Lord and I will commune with you in every place where I record my name Exod. 25. 22. Certainly duties had never been appointed but for the sake of Gods communing with us and ours with him Fifthly This is yet further evidenced from the mutual desires both of Christ and his people to be in sweet and intimate communion one with the other The Scripture speaks much of the Saints vehement desires of communion with Christ and of Christs desires after communion with the Saints and of both jointly The Saints desires after communion with him are frequent in all the Scriptures see Psal. 63. 1 2 3. Psal. 42. 1. Psal. 119. 20. and the like throughout the New Testament And Christ is no less desirous yea he is much more desirous of communion with us than we are with him Consider that expression of his to the Spouse in Cant. 8. 13. O thou that dwellest in the Gardens the companions h●rken to thy voice cause me to hear it As if he should say O my people you frequently converse one with another you talk dayly together why shall not you and I converse one with another You speak often to men O that you would speak more frequently to me Let me see thy countenance let me hear thy voice for thy voice is sweet and thy countenance comly And then these desires are mutually exprest one to another Rev. 22. 20. Surely saith Christ I come quickly Amen even so come Lord Iesus saith the Church Now if there be such vehement
safety and security lyes in drawing nigh to God Psal. 73. 27 28. They that are far from thee shall perish But it is good for me to draw near to God. 'T is good indeed not only the good of comfort but the good of safety is in it Deut. 33. 12. The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by him You know the gracious presence of God is your shield and safety and if you will have the Lord thus present with you in all your fears straights and dangers see that you keep near to him in the Duties of communion For the Lord is with you whilst you are with him 2 Chron. 15. 2. XII Excellency 'T is the Honour of the Soul and the greatest honour that ever God conferr'd on any creature 't is the glory of the holy Angels in Heaven to be always beholding the face of God Matth. 18. 10. Oh! that God should admit poor dust and ashes unto such a nearness to himself To walk with a King and have frequent converse with him puts a great deal of honour upon a Subject but the Saints walk with God so did Enoch so do all the Saints 1 John 1. 3. Truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Christ Iesus They have liberty and access with confidence the Lord as it were delivers them the golden key of prayer by which they may come into his presence on all occasions with the freedom of Children to a Father XIII Excellency 'T is the Instrument of mortification and the most excellent and successful instrument for that purpose in all the World Gal. 5. 16. This I say then Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfil the works of the flesh Walking in the Spirit is the same thing with walking in communion with God. Now saith the Apostle if you thus walk in the Spirit in the acting of faith love and obedience throughout the course of holy duties the effect of this will be that ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh he doth not say You shall not feel the motions of sin in you or temptations to sin assaulting you but he saith you shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh sin shall not have dominion over you this will let out the life-blood of sin A temptation overcome this way is more effectually subdued than by all the vows resolutions and external means in the World as a Candle that is blown out with a puff of breath may be rekindled by another puff but if it be quencht in water 't is not so easily lighted again So it is here you never find that power or success in temptations when your hearts are up with God in the exercises of faith and love as you do when your hearts hang loose from him and dead towards him The Schoolmen assign this as one reason why the Saints in Heaven are impeccable no sin can fasten upon them because say they they there enjoy the beatifical vision of God. This is sure the more communion any man hath with God on Earth the freer he lives from the power of his corruptions XIV Excellency 'T is the Kernel of all Duties and Ordinances Words gestures c. are but the integuments husks and shells of Duties Communion with God is the sweet Kernel the pleasant and nourishing food which lies within them you see the fruits of the Earth are covered and defended by husks shells and such like integuments within which lye the pleasant kernels and grains and that 's the food The Hypocrite who goes no farther than the externals of Religion is therefore said to feed of Ashes Isa. 44. 20. to spend his mony for that which is not bread and his labour for that which satisfieth not Isa. 55. 2. He feeds but upon husks in which there is little pleasure or nourishment what a poor house doth a Hypocrite keep Words Gestures Ceremonies of Religion will never fill the Soul but communion with God is substantial nourishment My Soul saith David shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness whilst I think and meditate on thee Psal. 63. 5 6. It would grieve ones heart to think what airy things many Souls satisfie themselves with feeding like Ephraim upon the wind well contented if they can but shuffle over a few heartless empty duties whilst the Saints feed upon this hidden Manna are feasted as it were with Angels food XV. Excellency 'T is the Light of the Soul in darkness and the pleasantest light that ever shone upon the Soul of Man There 's many a Soul which walketh in darkness some in the darkness of ignorance and unbelief the most dismal of all darkness except that in Hell. There are others who are Children of light in a state of reconciliation yet walk in the darkness of outward afflictions and inward desertions and temptations but as soon as ever the light of Gods countenance shines upon the Soul in the duties of communion with him that darkness is dissipated and scattered 't is all light within him and round about him Psal. 34. 5. They looked unto him and were enlightned they looked there is faith acted in Duty and were enlightned there 's the sweet effect of Faith. The horrors and troubles of gracious Souls shrink away upon the rising of this chearful light as wild Beasts come out of their Dens in the darkness of the night and shrink back again into them when the Sun ariseth Psal. 104. 20 21 22. So do the fears and inward troubles of the people of God when this light shines upon their Souls Nay more this is a light which scatters the very darkness of death it self It was the saying of a worthy Divine of Germany upon his death-bed when his Eye-sight was gone being askt how it was within Why said he though all be dark about me yet pointing as well as he could to his brest hi●sat lucis here is light enough XVI Excellency 'T is Liberty to the straightned Soul and the most comfortable and excellent liberty in the whole World. He only walks at liberty that walks with God Psal. 119. 45. I will walk at liberty for I seek thy precepts Wicked men cry out of bands and cords in Religion they look upon the duties of goldliness as the greatest bondage and thraldom in the whole World Psal. 2. 3. Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us q. d. Away with this strictness and precisness it extinguishes the joy and pleasure of our lives give us our Cups instead of Bibles our prophane Songs instead of Spiritual Psalms our Sports and Past-times instead of Prayers and Sermons Alas poor creatures how do they dance in their shackles and chains When in reality the sweetest liberty is enjoyed in those Duties at which they thus snuff The Law of Christ is the Law of Liberty the Soul of man never enjoys more Liberty than when it is bound with the strictest bands of Duty to God. Here 's liberty from enthralling lusts
treasures Psal. 119. 14. I have rejoyced in the way of thy commandments as much as in all riches II. It prepares the Soul for Passive Obedience makes a man to rejoyce in his sufferings Col. 1. 24. 'T will make a Christian stand as Porters in London do at the Merchants doors to receive any burden or load they have to lay upon their shoulders and thank them to be so employed This joy of the Lord is their strength Neh. 8. 10. A Christian under the chearful influences of near communion with God can with more chearfulness lay down his neck for Christ than other men can lay out a shilling for him In all these Twenty particulars you have an account of the Excellency of this priviledge but oh How short an account have I given of it What remains is the Application of this point in a double Use 1. Of Information 2. Of Exhortation First For Information in the following Inferences I. Inference How sure and certain a thing is it that there is a God and a state of glory prepared in Heaven for sanctified Souls These things are undeniable God hath set them before our spiritual Eyes and senses beside the revelation of it in the Gospel which singly makes it infallible the Lord for our abundant satisfaction hath brought these things down to the touch and test of our Spiritual senses and experiences You that have had so many sights of God by faith so many sweet tastes of Heaven in the Duties of Religion O what a confirmation and ●eal have you of the reality of invisible things You may say of Heaven and the joys above as the Apostle did of him that purchased it 1 Iohn 1. 1. That which our Eyes have seen and our Ears have heard and our Hands have handled c. For God hath set these things in some degree before your very Eyes and put the first fruits of them into your own Hands The sweet relish of the joy of the Lord is upon the very palate of your Souls to this Spiritual sense of the blieving Hebrews the Apostle appealed Heb. 10. 34. when he said Ye took joyfully the spoiling of your goods knowing in your selves that you have in Heaven a better and an induring substance This knowing in our selves is more certain and sweet than all the traditional knowledge we get from the reports of others 1 Pet. 1. 8. Whom having not seen ye love whom though now ye see him not yet believing ye rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory There is more of Heaven felt and tasted in this World than men are aware of 't is one thing to hear of such Countries as Spain Italy Smirna by the discourses and reports we heard of them in our childhood and another thing to understand those Countries by the rich commodities imported from them in the way of our Trade and Commerce O did we but know what other Christians have felt and tasted we would not have such staggering thoughts about invisible things But the secret comforts of Religion are and ought to be for the most part inclosed things Religion lays not all open the Christians life is a hidden life II. Inference If such an height of Communion with God be attainable on Earth then most Christians live below the duties and comforts of Christianity Alas the best of us are but at the foot of this pleasant Mount Pisga as we are but in the infancy of our Graces so we are but in the infancy of our Comforts what a poor House is kept by many of Gods own Children Living between hopes and fears seldom tasting the riches and pleasures the joys and comforts of assurance and will you know the reasons of it there are Five things which usually keep them poor and low as to Spiritual Joys and Comforts 1. The incumbrances of the World which divert them from or distract them in their duties of Communion with God and so keep them low in their Spiritual Comforts They have so much to do on Earth that they have little time for Heavenly employments Oh what a noise and din do the trifles of this World make in the Heads and Hearts of many Christians How dear do we pay for such trifles as these 2. A Spirit of formality creeping in to the duties of Religion impoverishes the vital Spirit thereof like the wanton embraces of the Ivy which binds and starves the Tree it clasps about Religion cannot thrive under formality and 't is difficult to keep out formality in a setled course of Duty and much more when Duties are intermitted 3. The business of temptations pestering the minds of many Christians especially such as are of melancholy constitutions how importunate and restless are these temptations with some Christians They can make little comfort or advantage out of Duty by reason of them 4. Heart-apostacy inward decays of our first love is another reason why our Duties prosper so little Rev. 2. 4. Thou hast left thy first love You were not wont to serve God with such coldness 5. In a word Spiritual pride impoverishes our Comforts The joys of the Spirit like brisk Wines are too strong for our weak heads For these causes many Christians are kept low in Spiritual comforts III. Inference How sweet and desirable is the society of the Saints it must needs be desirable to walk with them who walk with God 1 John 1. 3. No such companions as the Saints What benefit or pleasure can we find in converses with sensual worldlings All we can carry away out of such company is guilt or grief All my delights saith David is in the Saints and in the excellent of the Earth which excel in vertue Psal. 16. 3. And their society would certainly be much more sweet and desirable than it is did they live more in Communion with God than they do There was a time when the Communion of the Saints was exceeding lovely Mal. 3. 16. Acts 2. 46 47. The Lord restore it to its primitive glory and sweetness IV. Inference What an unspeakable Mercy is Conversion which lets the Soul into such a state of Spiritual pleasure Here 's the beginning of your acquaintance with God the first taste of Spiritual pleasures of which there shall never be an end All the time men have spent in the World in an unconverted state hath been a time of estrangement and alienation from God when the Lord brings a man to Chris in the way of Conversion he then begins his first acquaintance with God Iob 22. 21. Acquaint now thy self with him and ●e at peace thereby good shall come unto thee This is your first acquaintance with the Lord which will be a growing thing every visit you give him in prayer increaseth your acquaintance and begets more intimacy and humble holy familiarity betwixt him and you And oh what a paradice of pleasure doth this let the Soul into The life of Religion abounds with pleasures Psal. 16. 11. All his ways are ways of pleasantness and
his paths are peace Prov. 3. 17. Now you know where to go and unload any trouble that presseth your Hearts whatever prejudices and scandals Satan and his instruments cast upon Religion this I will affirm of it that that man must necessarily be a stranger to true pleasure and empty of real comfort who is a stranger to Christ and the duties of Communion with him 'T is true here 's no allowance for sinful pleasures nor any want of Spiritual pleasures Bless God therefore for converting grace you that have it and list up a cry to Heaven for it you that want it V. Inference Lastly If there be so much delight and pleasure in our imperfect and often interrupted Communion with God here O then what is Heaven What are the immediate visions of his face in the perfect state 1 Cor. 2. 9. Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither have entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him You have heard glorious and ravishing reports in the Gospel of that blessed future state things which the Angles desire to look into You have felt and tasted joys unspeakable and full of glory in the actings of your faith and love upon Christ yet all that you have heard and all that you have felt and tasted in the way to glory falls so short of the perfection and blessedness of that state that Heaven will and must be a great surprize to them that have now the greatest acquaintance with it Though the present comforts of the Saints are sometimes as much as they can bear for they seem to reel and stagger under the weight of them Cant. 2. 5. Stay me with flagons comfort me with apples I am sick of love Yet I say these high tides of present joy are but shallows to the joys of his immediate presence 1 Cor. 13. 12. And as they run not so deep so are they not constant and continued as they shall be above 2 Thes. 4. ult Ever with the Lord. And thus much for Information I. Vse for Exhortation The last improvement of this Point will be by way of Exhortation 1. To Believers 2. To Vnbelievers First Is the privileged state into which all believers are admitted by Conversion Then strive to come up to the highest attainment of Communion with God in this World and be not contented with just somuch grace as will secure you from Hell but labour after such an hight of grace and communion with God in the exercise thereof as may bring you into the suburbs of Heaven on Earth Forget the things that are behind you as to satisfaction in them and press towards the mark for the prize of your high calling 'T is greatly to your loss that you live at such a distance from God and are so seldom with him Think not the ablest Ministers or choicest Books will ever be able to satisfie your doubts and comfort your hearts whilst you let down your Communion with God to a so low a degree O that you might be perswaded now to hearken obediently to three or four necessary words of Counsel I. Counsel Make Communion with God the very level and aim of your Souls in all your approaches to him in the Ordinances and Duties of Religion Set it upon the point of your compass let it be the very thing your Souls design let the desires and hopes of Communion with God be the thing that draws you to every Sermon and Prayer Psal. 27. 4. One thing have I desired of the Lord that will I seek after that I may see the beauty of the Lord and enquire after him in his Temple That was the mark David aimed at And Mens success in Duty is usually according to the Spiritual aims and intentions of their Hearts in them both sincerity and comfort lye much in mens ends II. Counsel In all your approaches to God beg and plead hard with him for the manifestations of his love and further Communications of his grace Hear O Lord when I cry with my voice have mercy also upon me and answer me When thou saidst Seek ye my face my heart said unto thee Thy face Lord will I seek Hide not thy face far from me put not thy servant away in anger Psal 27. 7 8 9. How full and thick of pleas and arguments for Communion with God was this prayer of David Lord I am come in obedience to thy command thou saidst Seek ye my face thou bidst me come to thee and wilt thou put away thy servant in anger Thou hast been my help I have had sweet experience of thy goodness thou dost not use to put me off and turn me away empty III. Counsel Desire not comfort for comforts sake but comforts and refreshments for service and obedience sake that by it you may be strengthned to go on in the ways of your duty with more chearfulness Psal. 119. 32. Then will I run the ways of thy commandments when thou shalt enlarge my heart As if he should say O Lord the comforts thou shalt give me shall be returned again in chearful services to thee I desire them as Oyl to the Wheels of obedience not food for my pride IV. Counsel As ever you expect to be owners of much comfort in the ways of your Communion with God see that you be strict and circumspect in the course of your Conversations 'T is the loosness and carelesness of our hearts and lives which impoverishes our Spiritual comforts A little pride a little carelesness dashes and frustrates a great deal of comfort which was very near us almost in our hands to allude to that Hosea 7. 1. When I would have healed Israel then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered So here just when 〈◊〉 desire of thy heart was come to the door some sin stept in the way of it your iniquities saith God have separated between you and you God and your sins have hid his face from you Isa. 59. 2. The Comforter the holy Spirit is sensible and tender he hath quick resentments of your unkindnesses and offences As ever therefore you expect comfort from him beware of him and grieve him not Secondly In the last place this Point speaks necessary counsel and advice to Vnbelievers to all that live estranged from the life of God and have done so from the Womb Psal. 58. 3. To you the voice of the Redeemer sounds a summons once more Behold I stand at the door and knock Oh that at last you might be prevailed with to comply with the merciful terms propounded by him Will you shut out a Saviour bringing Salvation Pardon and Peace with him Christ is thy rightful owner and demands possession of thy Soul if thou wilt now hear his voice thy former refusals shall never be objected If thou still reject his gracious offers mercy may never more be tendered to thee there is a call of Christ which will be the last call and after that no more Take heed what
yet one thing and that the main thing Sanctifying Grace was wanting Hereupon the pangs of the New Birth seized his Soul and the Lord made him a most inward searching experimental Minister and crown'd his Labours with unusual Success This Minister to his dying day was not ashamed in all companies to acknowledge his mistake and bless God for his recovery out of it and in most of his Sermons he would endeavour to convince Professors of the necessity of a second Conversion 2. Fear is another pull-back which with-holds men from executing the Convictions of their own Consciences and obeying its calls in this grand case and concern of the Soul. They are pretty easie and safe under the External Profession and Duties of Religion and are afraid of throwing up their vain hopes and engaging themselves heartily and thoroughly in Religion and there be two things scare them 1 The inward pains and troubles of Spirit attending the New-Birth which they have read and heard of and seen the effects of in others Oh 't is a dreadful thing to lye under the Terrors that many have felt and so 't is with them as with one that hath a bone ill set who if he have any ease will rather endure a little dayly pain and be content to halt all his Life than undergoe the pain of another fraction or dislocation in order to a perfect cure 2 They are afraid of External Sufferings The form of Godliness leaves men a latitude to take or leave according as the times favour or frown upon the wayes of Religion but the power of Godliness that will engage and put them beyond retreat They must then stand to it come what will. But Soul let me tell thee if the just fears and apprehensions of Hell and the Eternal Wrath of God were upon thee to which thy Hypocrisie and formality will expose thee all these fears of inward or outward troubles would vanish the same Hour 3. Pride of Heart suffers not this Conviction of Conscience to work out its effects but holds this Truth in unrighteousness to the hazard and ruine of many Souls Men that live upon their own Duties and Self-Righteousness are not easily brought to renounce all this and live upon the Righteousness of Christ alone for Justification Proud nature will rather venture the hazzard of Damnation than such self denial Rom. 10. 3. As you see it common among poor People to live meanly on coarse Fare of their own than upon the Almes and bounty of another O but if once the day of Gods Power be come and a man begins to feel the Commandment come home to his Conscience as Paul did Rom. 7. 9. when he comes to realize the World to come the value of his Soul and the danger it is in then all these Remora's are as easily swept away as so many straws by the rapid Course of a mighty torrent Then let men say or think what they please I must not throw away my own Soul to maintain a vain Estimation among men Let inward or outward sufferings be never so great 't is better for me to feel them than to suffer the everlasting wrath of the great and terrible God. Let my own Righteousness be what it will all is but dung and dross to the pure and perfect Righteousness of Christ. Secondly As this General Conviction with respect to Mens State and Condition is held in Unrighteousness and Men and Women go with grumbling Consciences and frequent inward Fears by reason of it so there are many particular Convictions bound and imprisoned in Mens Souls Particular Convictions I say both as to sins committed and known Duties omitted against both Tables of the Law of God called in the Text ungodliness and unrighteousness Conscience labours and strives to bring men to confess bewail and reform them but cannot prevail contrary Lusts and Interests overpower them and detain them in unrighteousness What these are and how they are with-held by those Lusts I shall give some Instances I. Instance And First for Convictions of Vngodliness There are many that call themselves Christians whose Consciences tell them God is to be daily and duely worshipped by them both in Family and Closet Prayer It sets before them Iosua's pious practice Ios. 24. 15. As for me I and my house we will serve the Lord. They know God is the Founder the Owner the Master of their Families that all Family Blessings are from him and therefore he is to be owned acknowledged and sought in daily Family Prayers and Praises It tells them the Curse of God hangs over prayerless Families Ier. 10. 25. and that they live in the inexcusable neglect of these Duties seldom worshipping of God with their Families or in their Closets and that therefore they live without God in the World. And dreadful will the account and reckoning be at the Great Day for their own Souls which they have starved for want of Closet Prayer and for the Souls committed to their charge which perish for want of Family Duties This is the case of many who yet will needs pass for Professors of Christianity Lord how sad a case is here How can men possibly live in the daily neglect of so great so necessary a Duty Certainly 't is not for want of Light or Conviction the very light of Nature if we had no Bibles discovers these Duties But three things hold this Truth of God dictated by Mens Consciences in Unrighteousness viz. 1. The Love of the World. 2. Consciousness of Inability 3. A Disinclined Heart First The Love of the World choaks this Conviction in the Souls of some and they think it enough to plead for their Excuse the want of opportunities and many encumberances they have which will not allow them time for these Duties The World is a severe Taskmaster and fills their heads and hands all the day with Cares and Toyles And must the mouth of Conscience then be stopped with such a plea as this No no God and Conscience will not be answered and put off so The greatest number of Persons in the World from whom God hath the most Spiritual and excellent Worship are of the lower and poorer rank Psal. 74. 20. Iam. 2. 5. And it s highly probable your Necessities had been less if your Prayers had been more And what sweeter outlet and vent to all these troubles can you find than Prayer This would sweeten all your Labours and Sorrows in the World. Secondly Consciousness and sense of Inability and want of Gifts restrains this Conviction in others Should they attempt such duties before others they shall but expose their own ignorance shame But this is a vain pretence of shake off Duty The neglect of Prayer is a principal Cause of that inability you complain of Gifts as well as Grace grow by Exercise To him that hath shall be given and he shall have more abundantly And besides 't is the fruit of Pride and argues your eye to be more upon your own
this life 't is the love of the World that makes men warp from the Rules of their own Consciences 2 Tim. 4. 10 't is this that makes men strain hard to get loose from the ties and bonds of their own Consciences The young man was convinced but the world was too hard for his Convictions Luk. 18. 23. the degree of his Sorrow was according to the degree of his Love to the Creature 'T is not the having but the overloving of the world that ruins us 'T is a worldly Heart which makes men twist and turn shuffle and dissemble at that rate they do in time of Temptation Could you once dethrone this Idol how secure and safe would your Consciences be The Church is described Rev. 12. 1. as clothed with the Sun and the Moon under her Feet The most zealous Age of the Church was the Age of Poverty Try these few considerations upon your hearts to loose them from the inordinate love of the World. 1. What good will the World do you when you have lost your Integrity for its sake and peace is taken away from the inner man VVhat joy of the world had Iudas and what comfort had Spira If you part with your integrity for it God will blast it and it shall yield you no joy 2. Except you renounce the world you are renounced by Christ. Disclaim it or he will disclaim you Luke 14. 33. No man can be admitted into Christs Service but by fealing those Indentures with him 3. VVhat ever loss or dammage you shall sustain for Christ and Conscience sake he stands obliged to repair it to you and that with an infinite overplus Mark 10. 29. 30. 4. In a word all the Riches Pleasures Honours and Liberties in the world are not able to give you that Joy and heart-refreshing Comfort that the acquitting and chearing voice of your own Consciences can do Settle these things in your hearts as defensatives against this danger VII Direction Lastly Beg of God and labour to get more Christian Courage and Magnanimity for want of this Conscience is often overborn against its own Light and Conviction Christian magnanimity is Consciences security 'T is excellent and becoming a Christian to be able to face any thing but the frowns of God and his own Conscience All the famous Champions of Truth and VVitnesses for God that came victorious out of the Field of Temptation with safe and unwounded Consciences were men of Courage and Resolution see Dan. 3. 16. Heb. 11. 27. Acts 21. 13. and what is this Christian Courage but the fixed resolution of the Soul to Encounter all dangers all sufferings all reproaches pains and losses in the strength of assisting Grace that shall assault us in the ways of our duty and so it stands opposed in Scripture to the Spirit of Fear Heb. 11. 27. to Shame Mark 8. 38. to Apostacy Heb. 10. 39. He must neither be afraid nor ashamed nor lose one inch of ground for the sake of what dangers he meets with and that because he hath embraced Christianity upon those terms and was told of all this before Ioh. 16. 1. because there 's no retreating but to our own ruin Heb. 10. 38. because he owes all this and much more than this to Christ Phil. 1. 29. because he understands the value of his Soul above his Body and of Eternals above and beyond all temporals Matth. 10. 28 and in a word because he believes the Promises of Gods Assistance and rewards Heb 11. 25 26 27. O my Friends were our fears thus subdued and our Faith thus exalted how free and safe would Truth be in our Consciences He that owns any Truth to live upon it or accommodate a carnal Interest by it will disown that Truth when it comes to live upon him let Conscience plead and say what it will but he that hath agreed with Christ upon these Terms to be content to be miserable for ever if there be not enough in Christ to make him happy this man will be a steddy Christian and will rather lie in the worst of the Prisons than to imprison Gods known Truths in Unrighteousness The Conclusion I have now done my Message I have set before you the Lord Jesus in the glory of his Free Grace and condescending Love to Sinners Oh that I had skill and ability to have done it better I have woed and expostulated with you on Christs behalf I have laboured according to my little measure of strength to cast up and prepare the way by removing the stumbling Blocks and Discouragements out of it This hath been a time of Conviction to many of you some have not been able to hold their Convictions any longer under restraints but many I fear do so and therefore I have in the close of all handled this startling and awakening Scripture among you to shew you what an horrid evil it is to detain Gods Truths in Unrighteousness I have also in the Name and Authority of God demanded all the Lords Prisoners his suppressed and restrained Truths at your hands If you will unbind your Convictions this day cut as under the bonds of carnal fear shame c. with which you restrain them those Truths you shall so make free will make you free If not but you will still go on stifling and suppressing them in your own Bosomes remember that there are so many VVitnesses prepared to give evidence against you in the Great Day And Oh that whilst you delay this Duty the sound of this Text may never out of your ears nor suffer you to rest For the wrath ●f God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness FINIS ●act lib. 70. de divina praemio p. 578 579. Secundo Lact. de justitia l. 5. p. 382 383. Bernardi Sermo 33 in ●antic Casus Consc. lib. 3 p. 116. S. Ford. Ambitio Sac. Animalis hom● Durham in loc 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cornu sic fit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 per synco●en 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Doct. ● ● Reason 2. Reason Mr. Anth. Burgesse on 1 Cor. 3. Object Answ. Object Sol. Isa. 48. 8 9. 1. Reas. Isa. 27. 4. 2. Reas. 3. Reas. 4. Reas. 5. Reas. Mr. Lockier in Colos. 1. Consid. 2. Consid. 3. Consid. 4. Consid. 1. Motive 2. Motive 3. Motive 4. Motive Ephes. 1. 7. 5. Motive 6. Motive 1. Obj. Answ. 2. Obj. Answ. 1. Demonst. 2. Demonst. 3. 〈◊〉 4. Demonst Isa. 44. 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Qualiscunque fuerit peccator Hypocrita qui diu obstitit Evangelio 7. Doct. Object Sol. ● I●fer II. Infer III. Infer IV. Infer V. Infer VI. Infer Object Answ. 8. Doct. * Clamor hic est pulsatio significant cogitata a Deo injecta ad monendam peccatoris conscientiam id Deus aliquandiu facit non semper Pools Synops in loc Quest. Answ. 1. Sign 2. Sign 3. Sign 4. Sign 5. Sign 9. Doct. I. Infer Mr. Anthony Burges in his Spiritual Refining 2. Infer 4. Infer 10. Doct. Method of Grace p. 25 1. Reas. 2. Reas. 3. Reas. 4. Reas. 1. Infer 2. Infer Object Sol. 3. Infer 4. Infer 1. Plea. 2. Plea. 3. Plea. 4. Plea. 5. Plea. Quest. Answ. Dr. Iacom in Rom. 8. p. 69 84. 1. Evid 2. Evid 3 Evid 4 Evid 5 Evid 6 Evid 7 Evid 8 Evid 9 Evid 10 Evid Text. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
see Christ from the Cross casting forth a threefold cord which is not easily broken to draw the Hearts of sinners to him Fourthly to Conclude What mighty Demonstrations of the desires of his Heart towards us did our Redeemer give at and since his Ascension into Heaven As the whole Life of Christ upon Earth was a perswasive Argument to draw sinners to him so his Ascension to Heaven hath many things in it which are mighty attractives to the Hearts of Men. I will only mention two 1. The gifts he bestowed at his Ascension 2. The ends and designs of his Ascension 1. The gifts he bestowed on Men at his Ascension for this very end and purpose whereof the Psalmist gives this account Psal. 68. 18. Thou hast ascended on high thou hast received gifts for Men yea for the rebellious also that the Lord God might dwell among them He alludes to the Roman Conquerors who in the day of their triumph did Spargere missilia scatter their largesses among the people Thus Christ at his Ascension shed forth the gifts of the Spirit in various kinds qualifying Men for the Work of the Ministry to enable them to plead with your Souls and carry on his suit when he should be in Heaven These gifts were extraordinary in the first Age as the gift of Tongues and Miracles c. and ordinary to continue to the end of the World Eph. 4. 8 9. To some he gives depth of Learning and Judgment to others a mighty Pathos a melting influence upon the Affections but all designed to win over your Hearts to Christ. This shews what care he took and what provision he answerably made for the success of his great design to draw the Hearts of sinners to him 2ly The ends of his Ascension as they are declared in Scripture plainly speak the vehemency of Christs desire to draw Souls to him Now the declared ends of his Ascension were 1 to make way for the Spirits coming to Convince Convert and Comfort the Souls of all that come unto him Iohn 16. 7. Nevertheless I tell yon the truth It is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come to you but if I depart I will send him unto you And when he is come he will reprove the World of sin and of righteousness and of judgment Without the Conviction of these things no Man can come to Christ and no such Convictions can be wrought upon the Conscience of any Man without the Spirit and the Spirit could not come to effect these things upon Mens Hearts if Christ had not ascended Iohn 7. 39. But this spake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Iesus was not yet glorified Thus Christ provided for the carrying on of his great design upon your Hearts when he was entring into his own Glory The thoughts of that Glory made him not to forget his great design upon Earth 2 Another end of Christs Ascension was to make Intercession with the Father for all and every Soul that should come unto him that their future sins might make no breach of the bond of the Covenant betwixt God and them A Privilege able to draw the Hearts of all sinners to him 1 Iohn 2. 1 2. My little Children these things write I unto you that ye sin not Mark it the intercession of Christ must incourage and embolden no Man to sin that would be a vile abuse of the Grace of God. But if any Man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins i. e. If sin surprize and deceive any gracious Soul the bent of whose Heart is against it let him not be discouraged he hath a potent Advocate ascended into the Heavens to continue the peace betwixt God and that Soul. O what an encouragement is here to gain the consent of a sinners Heart to embrace Jesus Christ 3 Another declared end of Christs Ascension was to lead captivity captive as in the forecited place Psal. 68. 17. that is to captivate and triumph over Satan as a conquered Enemy who led us captive in the days of our vanity He conquered Satan upon the Cross Col. 2. 15. but he triumphed over him at his Ascension And without such a conquest and triumph no Soul could come to Christ. 4 In a word Christ ascended into Heaven to prepare Mansions of rest and glory for every Soul that should embrace him in the way of repentance and faith in this World Iohn 14. 2 In my Fathers house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you q. d. It satisfies me not to enjoy my glory in Heaven alone all that come unto me by Faith shall be with me where I am let them know for their encouragement that the glory which God hath given me I have given them Iohn 17. 22. All these things loudly speak the fervent desires of Christs Soul after union and communion with poor Sinners which was the thing to be demonstrated 2ly Having proved the Point that Christ is an earnest Suiter for union and communion with the Souls of sinners we next come to shew the marvellous and admirable Grace and Condecension of Christ that it should be so And this will appear five ways to the astonishment of every considering Soul. 1. Though Christ be thus intent and earnest in his suit for your consent yet he gaineth nothing by you when you do consent the gain is to your selves but not to him He is over all God blessed for ever Rom. 9. 5. above all accessions from the Creature What doth the Sun gain by enlightning and animating the lower World Or what doth a Fountain gain when Men drink and are refreshed by its Waters If any Soul that heareth me this day should presently resolve henceforth to break asunder all the tyes and engagements betwixt him and sin to subscribe the Articles of the Gospel to give away himself Soul and Body to Christ to live henceforth as an hallowed dedicated Creature to the Lord Jesus this indeed would turn to the infinite and everlasting advantage of such a Soul but yet Christ cannot be profited thereby 2ly And that which still encreaseth the wonder is this that though Christ makes no gain or profit by our Conversion yet hath he impoverished himself to gain such unprofitable Creatures as we are to him He hath made himself poor to make us rich so speaks the Apostle in 2 Cor. 8. 9. For ye know the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that ye through his poverty might be rich He expends his riches makes no advantage unto himself his incarnation impoverished his reputation Phil. 2. 7. How poor was Christ when he said Psal. 22. 6. But I am a worm and no man a