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A36625 Fables ancient and modern translated into verse from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, & Chaucer, with orginal poems, by Mr. Dryden. Dryden, John, 1631-1700.; Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D.; Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400.; Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375.; Homer. 1700 (1700) Wing D2278; ESTC R31983 269,028 604

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seen The Sword it self is blunted on the Skin This vain Attempt the Chief no longer bears But round his hollow Temples and his Ears His Buckler beats The Son of Neptune stun'd With these repeated Buffets quits his Ground A sickly Sweat succeeds and Shades of Night Inverted Nature swims before his Sight Th' insulting Victor presses on the more And treads the Steps the vanquish'd trod before Nor Rest nor Respite gives A Stone there lay Behind his trembling Foe and stop'd his way Achilles took th' Advantage which he found O'er-turn'd and push'd him backward on the Ground His Buckler held him under while he press'd With both his Knees above his panting Breast Unlac'd his Helm About his Chin the Twist He ty'd and soon the strangled Soul dismiss'd With eager haste he went to strip the Dead The vanish'd Body from his Arms was fled His Sea-God Sire t' immortalize his Fame Had turn'd it to the Bird that bears his Name A Truce succeeds the Labours of this Day And Arms suspended with a long delay While Trojan Walls are kept with Watch and Ward The Greeks before their Trenches mount the Guard The Feast approach'd when to the blue-Ey'd Maid His Vows for Cygnus slain the Victor paid And a white Heyfer on her Altar laid The reeking Entrails on the Fire they threw And to the Gods the grateful Odour flew Heav'n had its part in Sacrifice The rest Was broil'd and roasted for the future Feast The chief invited Guests were set around And Hunger first asswag'd the Bowls were crown'd Which in deep Draughts their Cares and Labours drown'd The mellow Harp did not their Ears employ And mute was all the Warlike Symphony Discourse the Food of Souls was their Delight And pleasing Chat prolong'd the Summers-night The Subject Deeds of Arms and Valour shown Or on the Trojan side or on their own Of Dangers undertaken Fame atchiev'd They talk'd by turns the Talk by turns reliev'd What Things but these cou'd fierce Achilles tell Or what cou'd fierce Achilles hear so well The last great Act perform'd of Cygnus slain Did most the Martial Audience entertain Wondring to find a Body free by Fate From Steel and which cou'd ev'n that Steel rebate Amaz'd their Admiration they renew And scarce Pelides cou'd believe it true Then Nestor thus What once this Age has known In fated Cygnus and in him alone Those Eyes have seen in Caeneus long before Whose Body not a thousand Swords cou'd bore Caeneus in Courage and in Strength excell'd And still his Othry's with his Fame is fill'd But what did most his Martial Deeds adorn Though since he chang'd his Sex a Woman born A Novelty so strange and full of Fate His list'ning Audience ask'd him to relate Achilles thus commends their common Sute O Father first for Prudence in repute Tell with that Eloquence so much thy own What thou hast heard or what of Caeneus known What was he whence his change of Sex begun What Trophies join'd in Wars with thee he won Who conquer'd him and in what fatal Strife The Youth without a Wound cou'd lose his Life Neleides then though tardy Age and Time Have shrunk my Sinews and decay'd my Prime Though much I have forgotten of my Store Yet not exhausted I remember more Of all that Arms atchiev'd or Peace design'd That Action still is fresher in my Mind Than ought beside If Reverend Age can give To Faith a Sanction in my third I live 'T was in my second Cent'ry I survey'd Young Caenis then a fair Thessalian Maid Caenis the bright was born to high Command A Princess and a Native of thy Land Divine Achilles every Tongue proclaim'd Her Beauty and her Eyes all Hearts inflam'd Peleus thy Sire perhaps had sought her Bed Among the rest but he had either led Thy Mother then or was by Promise ty'd But she to him and all alike her Love deny'd It was her Fortune once to take her way Along the sandy Margin of the Sea The Pow'r of Ocean view'd her as she pass'd And lov'd as soon as seen by Force embrac'd So Fame reports Her Virgin-Treasure seiz'd And his new Joys the Ravisher so pleas'd That thus transported to the Nymph he cry'd Ask what thou wilt no Pray'r shall be deny'd This also Fame relates The haughty Fair Who not the Rape ev'n of a God cou'd bear This Answer proud return'd To mighty Wrongs A mighty Recompence of right belongs Give me no more to suffer such a Shame But change the Woman for a better Name One Gift for all She said and while she spoke A stern majestick manly Tone she took A Man she was And as the Godhead swore To Caeneus turn'd who Caenis was before To this the Lover adds without request No force of Steel shou'd violate his Breast Glad of the Gift the new-made Warrior goes And Arms among the Greeks and longs for equal Foes Now brave Perithous bold Ixion's Son The Love of fair Hippodame had won The Cloud-begotten Race half Men half Beast Invited came to grace the Nuptial Feast In a cool Cave's recess the Treat was made Whose entrance Trees with spreading Boughs o'ershade They sate And summon'd by the Bridegroom came To mix with those the Lapythaean Name Nor wanted I The Roofs with Joy resound And Hymen Io Hymen rung around Rais'd Altars shone with holy Fires the Bride Lovely her self and lovely by her side A bevy of bright Nimphs with sober Grace Came glitt'ring like a Star and took her Place Her heav'nly Form beheld all wish'd her Joy And little wanted but in vain their Wishes all employ For One most Brutal of the Brutal Brood Or whether Wine or Beauty fir'd his Blood Or both at once beheld with lustful Eyes The Bride at once resolv'd to make his Prize Down went the Board and fastning on her Hair He seiz'd with sudden Force the frighted Fair. 'T was Eurytus began His bestial Kind His Crime pursu'd and each as pleas'd his Mind Or her whom Chance presented took The Feast An Image of a taken Town express'd The Cave resounds with Female Shrieks we rise Mad with Revenge to make a swift Reprise And Theseus first what Frenzy has possess'd O Eurytus he cry'd thy brutal Breast To wrong Perithous and not him alone But while I live two Friends conjoyn'd in one To justify his Threat he thrusts aside The Crowd of Centaurs and redeems the Bride The Monster nought reply'd For Words were vain And Deeds cou'd only Deeds unjust maintain But answers with his Hand and forward press'd With Blows redoubled on his Face and Breast An ample Goblet stood of antick Mold And rough with Figures of the rising Gold The Hero snatch'd it up And toss'd in Air Full at the Front of the foul Ravisher He falls and falling vomits forth a Flood Of Wine and Foam and Brains and mingled Blood Half roaring and half neighing through the Hall Arms Arms the double form'd with Fury call To wreak their Brother's death A Medley-Flight Of Bowls
pine you with a corde Ye shall be dedde by mighty Mars the redde The quene anon for very woman hedde Gan for to wepe and so did Emelye And all the ladies in the companie Great pitie was it as thought hem all That euer soch a chaunce was befall For gentilmen thei were of great estate And nothing but for loue was this debate And saw her bloody woundes wide and sore And all criden both lesse and more Haue mercie lord upon us wemen all And on her bare knees doune thei fall And would haue kist his fete there he stode Till at the last astaked was his mode For pitie renneth sone in gentle hert And though he first for ire quoke and stert He hath concluded shortly in a clause The Trespasses of hem both and eke the cause And although his ire her gilt accused Yet in his reason he hem both excused As thus he thought well that euery man Woll helpe himselfe in loue all that he can And eke deliuer himself out of prison And eke his heart had compassion Of wemen for they wepen euery in one And in his gentle hert he thought anone And soft vnto himselfe he saied fie Upon a lorde that woll haue no mercie But be a Lion both in worde and deede To hem that been in repentance and dreede As well as to a proud dispitous man That will maintain that he first began That lorde hath little of discrecion That in soch case can no diffinicion But waieth pride and humblenesse after one And shortly when his ire was thus agone He gan to looken up with iyen light And spake these wordes all one hight The God of loue ah benedicite How mighty and how great a lorde is he Again his might there gaineth no obstacles He may be cleaped a God for his miracles For he can maken at his owne gise Of euerich heart as him list deuise Loe here this Arcite and this Palamon That quietly were out of my prison gon And might haue liued in Thebes rially And knowen I am her mortall enemie And that her death is in my power also And yet hath loue maugre her iyen two Brought hem hither both for to die Now loketh is not this a great follie Who may be a fool but if he loue Behold for Goddes sake that sitteth aboue See how they blede be they nat wel araied Thus hath her lord the god of loue him paied Her wager and her fees for her seruice And yet thei wenen to be full wise That serue loue for ought that may befall But yet is this the best game of all That she for whom they haue this jolitie Cen hem therefore as moch thanke as me She wote no more of all this hote fare By God than wote a Cokowe or an Hare But all mote been assaied hote and cold A man mote been a foole other young or old I wotte it by my selfe full yore agone For in my time a seruant was I one And therefore sith I knowe of loues pain I wote how sore it can a man distrain As he that oft hath be caught in her laas I you foryeue all hooly this trespaas At the request of the quene that kneleth here And eke of Emelye my sister dere And ye shall both anon unto me swere That ye shall neuer more my countre dere Ne make warre upon me night ne daie But been my friends in all that ye maie I you foryeue this trespas euery dele And thei hem sware his asking faire and wele And him of lordship and of mercie praied And he hem graunted grace and thus he saied To speake of worthie linage and richesse Though that she were a quene or a princesse Ilke of you both is worthy doubtles To wed when time is but netheles I speake as for my sister Emelye For whom ye haue this strief and ielousy Ye wote your selfe she maie not wedde two At ones though ye fighten euer mo But one of you all be him lothe or lefe He mote go pipe in an Iue lefe This is to saie she maie not haue both Ne been ye neuer so ielous ne so wroth And therefore I you put in this degre That ech of you shall haue his destine As him is shape and herken in what wise Lo here your end of that I shall deuise My will is this for plat conclusion Without any replication If that you liketh taketh it for the best That euerich of you shall go where him lest Frely without ransom or danger And this day fiftie wekes ferre ne nere Euerich of you shall bring an C. knights Armed for the lestes vpon all rightes Alredy to darrein here by battaile And this behote I you withouten faile Upon my truthe as I am true knight That whether of you bothe hath that might That is to saie that whether he or thou May with his hundred as I spake of now Slea his contrary or out of Iistes driue Him shall I yeue Emelye to wiue To whom that fortune yeueth so faire a grace The lestes shall I make in this place And God so wisely on my soul rewe As I shall euen judge be and trewe Ye shal non other ende with me make That one of you shall be dedde or take And ye thinken this is well isaied Saith your aduise and hold you well apaid This is your end and your conclusion Who loketh lightly now but Palamon Who springeth vp for ioie but Arcite Who could tell or who could endite The ioye that is made in this place When Theseus had doen so faire a grace But doun on knees went euery maner wight And thanked him with all her hert and might And namely these Thebanes many asithe And thus with good hope and hert blithe They taken her leue and homeward gan they ride To Thebes ward with old walles wide I trawe men would deme it negligence If I foryetten to tell the dispence Of Theseus that goeth busely To maken up the lestes rially That such a noble Theatre as it was I dare well saie in this world there nas The circute a mile was about Walled with stone and diched all about Round was the shape in maner of a compas Full of degrees the hight of sixtie paas That when a man was set on one degree He letted not his felowe for to see Eastward there stode a gate of marble wite Westward right such another in the opposite And shortly to conclude such a place Was none in yearth as in so litell space For in the londe there nas no craftes man That Geometrie or Arithmetike can Ne purtreiture ne caruer of Images That Theseus ne gaue him mete and wages That Theatre to make and deuise And for to do his Rite and Sacrifice He Eastward hath vpon the yate aboue In worship of Venus the Goddesse of loue Doe make an auter and an oratorie And on the West-side in memorie Of Mars he maked such an other That cost of golde largely a fother And Northward in a
out so clear That Men and Angels might rejoice to hear Ev'n wondring Philomel forgot to sing And learn'd from Her to welcome in the Spring The Tow'r of which before was mention made Within whose Keep the captive Knights were laid Built of a large Extent and strong withal Was one Partition of the Palace Wall The Garden was enclos'd within the Square Where young Emilia took the Morning-Air It happen'd Palamon the Pris'ner Knight Restless for Woe arose before the Light And with his Jaylor's leave desir'd to breathe An Air more wholesom than the Damps beneath This granted to the Tow'r he took his way Cheer'd with the Promise of a glorious Day Then cast a languishing Regard around And saw with hateful Eyes the Temples crown'd With golden Spires and all the Hostile Ground He sigh'd and turn'd his Eyes because he knew 'T was but a larger Jayl he had in view Then look'd below and from the Castles height Beheld a nearer and more pleasing Sight The Garden which before he had not seen In Springs new Livery clad of White and Green Fresh Flow'rs in wide Parterres and shady Walks between This view'd but not enjoy'd with Arms across He stood reflecting on his Country's Loss Himself an Object of the Publick Scorn And often wish'd he never had been born At last for so his Destiny requir'd With-walking giddy and with thinking tir'd He thro' a little Window cast his Sight Tho' thick of Bars that gave a scanty Light But ev'n that Glimmering serv'd him to descry Th' inevitable Charms of Emily Scarce had he seen but seiz'd with sudden Smart Stung to the Quick he felt it at his Heart Struck blind with overpowering Light he stood Then started back amaz'd and cry'd aloud Young Arcite heard and up he ran with haste To help his Friend and in his Arms embrac'd And ask'd him why he look'd so deadly wan And whence and how his change of Cheer began Or who had done th' Offence But if said he Your Grief alone is hard Captivity For Love of Heav'n with Patience undergo A cureless Ill since Fate will have it so So stood our Horoscope in Chains to lie And Saturn in the Dungeon of the Sky Or other baleful Aspect rul'd our Birth When all the friendly Stars were under Earth Whate'er betides by Destiny 't is done And better bear like Men than vainly seek to shun Nor of my Bonds said Palamon again Nor of unhappy Planets I complain But when my mortal Anguish caus'd my Cry That Moment I was hurt thro' either Eye Pierc'd with a Random-shaft I faint away And perish with insensible Decay A Glance of some new Goddess gave the Wound Whom like Acteon unaware I found Look how she walks along yon shady Space Not Juno moves with more Majestick Grace And all the Cyprian Queen is in her Face If thou art Venus for thy Charms confess That Face was form'd in Heav'n nor art thou less Disguis'd in Habit undisguis'd in Shape O help us Captives from our Chains to scape But if our Doom be past in Bonds to lie For Life and in a loathsom Dungeon die Then be thy Wrath appeas'd with our Disgrace And shew Compassion to the Theban Race Oppress'd by Tyrant Pow'r While yet he spoke Arcite on Emily had fix'd his Look The fatal Dart a ready Passage found And deep within his Heart infix'd the Wound So that if Palamon were wounded sore Arcite was hurt as much as he or more Then from his inmost Soul he sigh'd and said The Beauty I behold has struck me dead Unknowingly she strikes and kills by chance Poyson is in her Eyes and Death in ev'ry Glance O I must ask nor ask alone but move Her Mind to Mercy or must die for Love Thus Arcite And thus Palamon replies Eager his Tone and ardent were his Eyes Speak'st thou in earnest or in jesting Vein Jesting said Arcite suits but ill with Pain It suits far worse said Palamon again And bent his Brows with Men who Honour weigh Their Faith to break their Friendship to betray But worst with Thee of Noble Lineage born My Kinsman and in Arms my Brother sworn Have we not plighted each our holy Oath That one shou'd be the Common Good of both One Soul shou'd both inspire and neither prove His Fellows Hindrance in pursuit of Love To this before the Gods we gave our Hands And nothing but our Death can break the Bands This binds thee then to farther my Design As I am bound by Vow to farther thine Nor canst nor dar'st thou Traytor on the Plain Appeach my Honour or thy own maintain Since thou art of my Council and the Friend Whose Faith I trust and on whose Care depend And would'st thou court my Ladies Love which I Much rather than release would chuse to die But thou false Arcite never shalt obtain Thy bad Pretence I told thee first my Pain For first my Love began e'er thine was born Thou as my Council and my Brother sworn Art bound t' assist my Eldership of Right Or justly to be deem'd a perjur'd Knight Thus Palamon But Arcite with disdain In haughty Language thus reply'd again Forsworn thy self The Traytor 's odious Name I first return and then disprove thy Claim If Love be Passion and that Passion nurst With strong Desires I lov'd the Lady first Canst thou pretend Desire whom Zeal inflam'd To worship and a Pow'r Coelestial nam'd Thine was Devotion to the Blest above I saw the Woman and desir'd her Love First own'd my Passion and to thee commend Th'important Secret as my chosen Friend Suppose which yet I grant not thy Desire A Moment elder than my Rival Fire Can Chance of seeing first thy Title prove And know'st thou not no Law is made for Love Law is to Things which to free Choice relate Love is not in our Choice but in our Fate Laws are but positive Loves Pow'r we see Is Natures Sanction and her first Decree Each Day we break the Bond of Humane Laws For Love and vindicate the Common Cause Laws for Defence of Civil Rights are plac'd Love throws the Fences down and makes a general Waste Maids Widows Wives without distinction fall The sweeping Deluge Love comes on and covers all If then the Laws of Friendship I transgress I keep the Greater while I break the Less And both are mad alike since neither can possess Both hopeless to be ransom'd never more To see the Sun but as he passes o'er Like Esop's Hounds contending for the Bone Each pleaded Right and wou'd be Lord alone The fruitless Fight continu'd all the Day A Cur came by and snatch'd the Prize away As Courtiers therefore justle for a Grant And when they break their Friendship plead their Want So thou if Fortune will thy Suit advance Love on nor envy me my equal Chance For I must love and am resolv'd to try My Fate or failing in th' Adventure die Great was their Strife which hourly was renew'd Till each with
mortal Hate his Rival view'd Now Friends no more nor walking Hand in Hand But when they met they made a surly Stand And glar'd like angry Lions as they pass'd And wish'd that ev'ry Look might be their last It chanc'd at length Perithous came t' attend This worthy Theseus his familiar Friend Their Love in early Infancy began And rose as Childhood ripen'd into Man Companions of the War and lov'd so well That when one dy'd as ancient Stories tell His Fellow to redeem him went to Hell But to pursue my Tale to welcome home His Warlike Brother is Perithous come Arcite of Thebes was known in Arms long since And honour'd by this young Thessalian Prince Theseus to gratifie his Friend and Guest Who made our Arcite's Freedom his Request Restor'd to Liberty the Captive Knight But on these hard Conditions I recite That if hereafter Arcite shou'd be found Within the Compass of Athenian Ground By Day or Night or on whate'er Pretence His Head shou'd pay the Forfeit of th' Offence To this Perithous for his Friend agreed And on his Promise was the Pris'ner freed Unpleas'd and pensive hence he takes his way At his own Peril for his Life must pay Who now but Arcite mourns his bitter Fate Finds his dear Purchase and repents too late What have I gain'd he said in Prison pent If I but change my Bonds for Banishment And banish'd from her Sight I suffer more In Freedom than I felt in Bonds before Forc'd from her Presence and condemn'd to live Unwelcom Freedom and unthank'd Reprieve Heav'n is not but where Emily abides And where she 's absent all is Hell besides Next to my Day of Birth was that accurst Which bound my Friendship to Perithous first Had I not known that Prince I still had been In Bondage and had still Emilia seen For tho' I never can her Grace deserve 'T is Recompence enough to see and serve O Palamon my Kinsman and my Friend How much more happy Fates thy Love attend Thine is th' Adventure thine the Victory Well has thy Fortune turn'd the Dice for thee Thou on that Angels Face maist feed thy Eyes In Prison no but blissful Paradise Thou daily seest that Sun of Beauty shine And lov'st at least in Loves extreamest Line I mourn in Absence Loves Eternal Night And who can tell but since thou hast her Sight And art a comely young and valiant Knight Fortune a various Pow'r may cease to frown And by some Ways unknown thy Wishes crown But I the most forlorn of Humane Kind Nor Help can hope nor Remedy can find But doom'd to drag my loathsom Life in Care For my Reward must end it in Despair Fire Water Air and Earth and Force of Fates That governs all and Heav'n that all creates Nor Art nor Natures Hand can ease my Grief Nothing but Death the Wretches last Relief Then farewel Youth and all the Joys that dwell With Youth and Life and Life it self farewell But why alas do mortal Men in vain Of Fortune Fate or Providence complain God gives us what he knows our Wants require And better Things than those which we desire Some pray for Riches Riches they obtain But watch'd by Robbers for their Wealth are slain Some pray from Prison to be freed and come When guilty of their Vows to fall at home Murder'd by those they trusted with their Life A favour'd Servant or a Bosom Wife Such dear-bought Blessings happen ev'ry Day Because we know not for what Things to pray Like drunken Sots about the Streets we roam Well knows the Sot he has a certain Home Yet knows not how to find th' uncertain Place And blunders on and staggers ev'ry Pace Thus all seek Happiness but few can find For far the greater Part of Men are blind This is my Case who thought our utmost Good Was in one Word of Freedom understood The fatal Blessing came From Prison free I starve abroad and lose the Sight of Emily Thus Arcite but if Arcite thus deplore His Suff'rings Palamon yet suffers more For when he knew his Rival freed and gone He swells with Wrath he makes outrageous Moan He frets he fumes he stares he stamps the Ground The hollow Tow'r with Clamours rings around With briny Tears he bath'd his fetter'd Feet And dropp'd all o'er with Agony of Sweat Alas he cry'd I Wretch in Prison pine Too happy Rival while the Fruit is thine Thou liv'st at large thou draw'st thy Native Air Pleas'd with thy Freedom proud of my Despair Thou may'st since thou hast Youth and Courage join'd A sweet Behaviour and a solid Mind Assemble ours and all the Theban Race To vindicate on Athens thy Disgrace And after by some Treaty made possess Fair Emily the Pledge of lasting Peace So thine shall be the beauteous Prize while I Must languish in Despair in Prison die Thus all th' Advantage of the Strife is thine Thy Portion double Joys and double Sorrows mine The Rage of Jealousie then fir'd his Soul And his Face kindl'd like a burning Coal Now cold Despair succeeding in her stead To livid Paleness turns the glowing Red. His Blood scarce Liquid creeps within his Veins Like Water which the freezing Wind constrains Then thus he said Eternal Deities Who rule the World with absolute Decrees And write whatever Time shall bring to pass With Pens of Adamant on Plates of Brass What is the Race of Humane Kind your Care Beyond what all his Fellow-Creatures are He with the rest is liable to Pain And like the Sheep his Brother-Beast is slain Cold Hunger Prisons Ills without a Cure All these he must and guiltless oft endure Or does your Justice Pow'r or Prescience fail When the Good suffer and the Bad prevail What worse to wretched Vertue could befall If Fate or giddy Fortune govern'd all Nay worse than other Beasts is our Estate Them to pursue their Pleasures you create We bound by harder Laws must curb our Will And your Commands not our Desires fulfil Then when the Creature is unjustly slain Yet after Death at least he feels no Pain But Man in Life surcharg'd with Woe before Not freed when dead is doom'd to suffer more A Serpent shoots his Sting at unaware An ambush'd Thief forelays a Traveller The Man lies murder'd while the Thief and Snake One gains the Thickets and one thrids the Brake This let Divines decide but well I know Just or unjust I have my Share of Woe Through Saturn seated in a luckless Place And Juno's Wrath that persecutes my Race Or Mars and Venus in a Quartil move My Pangs of Jealousie for Arcite's Love Let Palamon oppress'd in Bondage mourn While to his exil'd Rival we return By this the Sun declining from his Height The Day had shortned to prolong the Night The lengthen'd Night gave length of Misery Both to the Captive Lover and the Free For Palamon in endless Prison mourns And Arcite forfeits Life if he returns The Banish'd never hopes his Love to see Nor hopes
Hours And Nature's ready Pencil paints the Flow'rs When thy short Reign is past the Fev'rish Sun The sultry Tropick fears and moves more slowly on So may thy tender Blossoms fear no Blite Nor Goats with venom'd Teeth thy Tendrils bite As thou shalt guide my wandring Feet to find The fragrant Greens I seek my Brows to bind His Vows address'd within the Grove he stray'd Till Fate or Fortune near the Place convey'd His Steps where secret Palamon was laid Full little thought of him the gentle Knight Who flying Death had there conceal'd his Flight In Brakes and Brambles hid and shunning Mortal Sight And less he knew him for his hated Foe But fear'd him as a Man he did not know But as it has been said of ancient Years That Fields are full of Eyes and Woods have Ears For this the Wise are ever on their Guard For Unforeseen they say is unprepar'd Uncautious Arcite thought himself alone And less than all suspected Palamon Who listning heard him while he search'd the Grove And loudly sung his Roundelay of Love But on the sudden stopp'd and silent stood As Lovers often muse and change their Mood Now high as Heav'n and then as low as Hell Now up now down as Buckets in a Well For Venus like her Day will change her Cheer And seldom shall we see a Friday clear Thus Arcite having sung with alter'd Hue Sunk on the Ground and from his Bosom drew A desp'rate Sigh accusing Heav'n and Fate And angry Juno's unrelenting Hate Curs'd be the Day when first I did appear Let it be blotted from the Calendar Lest it pollute the Month and poison all the Year Still will the jealous Queen pursue our Race Cadmus is dead the Theban City was Yet ceases not her Hate For all who come From Cadmus are involv'd in Cadmus Doom I suffer for my Blood Unjust Decree That punishes another's Crime on me In mean Estate I serve my mortal Foe The Man who caus'd my Countrys Overthrow This is not all for Juno to my shame Has forc'd me to forsake my former Name Arcite I was Philostratus I am That Side of Heav'n is all my Enemy Mars ruin'd Thebes his Mother ruin'd me Of all the Royal Race remains but one Beside my self th' unhappy Palamon Whom Theseus holds in Bonds and will not free Without a Crime except his Kin to me Yet these and all the rest I cou'd endure But Love 's a Malady without a Cure Fierce Love has pierc'd me with his fiery Dart He fries within and hisses at my Heart Your Eyes fair Emily my Fate pursue I suffer for the rest I die for you Of such a Goddess no Time leaves Record Who burn'd the Temple where she was ador'd And let it burn I never will complain Pleas'd with my Suff'rings if you knew my Pain At this a sickly Qualm his Heart assail'd His Ears ring inward and his Senses fail'd No Word miss'd Palamon of all he spoke But soon to deadly Pale he chang'd his Look He trembl'd ev'ry Limb and felt a Smart As if cold Steel had glided through his Heart Nor longer staid but starting from his Place Discover'd stood and shew'd his hostile Face False Traytor Arcite Traytor to thy Blood Bound by thy sacred Oath to seek my Good Now art thou found forsworn for Emily And dar'st attempt her Love for whom I die So hast thou cheated Theseus with a Wile Against thy Vow returning to beguile Under a borrow'd Name As false to me So false thou art to him who set thee free But rest assur'd that either thou shalt die Or else renounce thy Claim in Emily For though unarm'd I am and freed by Chance Am here without my Sword or pointed Lance Hope not base Man unquestion'd hence to go For I am Palamon thy mortal Foe Arcite who heard his Tale and knew the Man His Sword unsheath'd and fiercely thus began Now by the Gods who govern Heav'n above Wert thou not weak with Hunger mad with Love That Word had been thy last or in this Grove This Hand should force thee to renounce thy Love The Surety which I gave thee I defie Fool not to know that Love endures no Tie And Jove but laughs at Lovers Perjury Know I will serve the Fair in thy despight But since thou art my Kinsman and a Knight Here have my Faith to morrow in this Grove Our Arms shall plead the Titles of our Love And Heav'n so help my Right as I alone Will come and keep the Cause and Quarrel both unknown With Arms of Proof both for my self and thee Chuse thou the best and leave the worst to me And that at better ease thou maist abide Bedding and Clothes I will this Night provide And needful Sustenance that thou maist be A Conquest better won and worthy me His Promise Palamon accepts but pray'd To keep it better than the first he made Thus fair they parted till the Morrows Dawn For each had laid his plighted Faith to pawn Oh Love Thou sternly dost thy Pow'r maintain And wilt not bear a Rival in thy Reign Tyrants and thou all Fellowship disdain This was in Arcite prov'd and Palamon Both in Despair yet each would love alone Arcite return'd and as in Honour ty'd His Foe with Bedding and with Food supply'd Then e'er the Day two Suits of Armour sought Which born before him on his Steed he brought Both were of shining Steel and wrought so pure As might the Strokes of two such Arms endure Now at the Time and in th' appointed Place The Challenger and Challeng'd Face to Face Approach each other from afar they knew And from afar their Hatred chang'd their Hue. So stands the Thracian Heardsman with his Spear Full in the Gap and hopes the hunted Bear And hears him rustling in the Wood and sees His Course at Distance by the bending Trees And thinks Here comes my mortal Enemy And either he must fall in Fight or I This while he thinks he lifts aloft his Dart A gen'rous Chilness seizes ev'ry Part The Veins pour back the Blood and fortifie the Heart Thus pale they meet their Eyes with Fury burn None greets for none the Greeting will return But in dumb Surliness each arm'd with Care His Foe profest as Brother of the War Then both no Moment lost at once advance Against each other arm'd with Sword and Lance They lash they foin they pass they strive to bore Their Corslets and the thinnest Parts explore Thus two long Hours in equal Arms they stood And wounded wound till both were bath'd in Blood And not a Foot of Ground had either got As if the World depended on the Spot Fell Arcite like an angry Tyger far'd And like a Lion Palamon appear'd Or as two Boars whom Love to Battel draws With rising Bristles and with froathy Jaws Their adverse Breasts with Tusks oblique they wound With Grunts and Groans the Forest rings around So fought the Knights and fighting must abide Till Fate an Umpire sends
Manner and the Means prepare Possession more than Conquest is my Care Mars is the Warriour's God in him it lies On whom he favours to confer the Prize With smiling Aspect you serenely move In your fifth Orb and rule the Realm of Love The Fates but only spin the courser Clue The finest of the Wooll is left for you Spare me but one small Portion of the Twine And let the Sisters cut below your Line The rest among the Rubbish may they sweep Or add it to the Yarn of some old Miser's Heap But if you this ambitious Pray'r deny A Wish I grant beyond Mortality Then let me sink beneath proud Arcite's Arms And I once dead let him possess her Charms Thus ended he then with Observance due The sacred Incence on her Altar threw The curling Smoke mounts heavy from the Fires At length it catches Flame and in a Blaze expires At once the gracious Goddess gave the Sign Her Statue shook and trembl'd all the Shrine Pleas'd Palamon the tardy Omen took For since the Flames pursu'd the trailing Smoke He knew his Boon was granted but the Day To distance driv'n and Joy adjourn'd with long Delay Now Morn with Rosie Light had streak'd the Sky Up rose the Sun and up rose Emily Address'd her early Steps to Cynthia's Fane In State attended by her Maiden Train Who bore the Vests that Holy Rites require Incence and od'rous Gums and cover'd Fire The plenteous Horns with pleasant Mead they crown Nor wanted ought besides in honour of the Moon Now while the Temple smoak'd with hallow'd Steam They wash the Virgin in a living Stream The secret Ceremonies I conceal Uncouth perhaps unlawful to reveal But such they were as Pagan Use requir'd Perform'd by Women when the Men retir'd Whose Eyes profane their chast mysterious Rites Might turn to Scandal or obscene Delights Well-meaners think no Harm but for the rest Things Sacred they pervert and Silence is the best Her shining Hair uncomb'd was loosly spread A Crown of Mastless Oak adorn'd her Head When to the Shrine approach'd the spotless Maid Had kindling Fires on either Altar laid The Rites were such as were observ'd of old By Statius in his Theban Story told Then kneeling with her Hands across her Breast Thus lowly she preferr'd her chast Request O Goddess Haunter of the Woodland Green To whom both Heav'n and Earth and Seas are seen Queen of the nether Skies where half the Year Thy Silver Beams descend and light the gloomy Sphere Goddess of Maids and conscious of our Hearts So keep me from the Vengeance of thy Darts Which Niobe's devoted Issue felt When hissing through the Skies the feather'd Deaths were dealt As I desire to live a Virgin-life Nor know the Name of Mother or of Wife Thy Votress from my tender Years I am And love like thee the Woods and Sylvan Game Like Death thou know'st I Ioath the Nuptial State And Man the Tyrant of our Sex I hate A lowly Servant but a lofty Mate Where Love is Duty on the Female Side On theirs meer sensual Gust and sought with surly Pride Now by thy triple Shape as thou art seen In Heav'n Earth Hell and ev'ry where a Queen Grant this my first Desire let Discord cease And make betwixt the Rivals lasting Peace Quench their hot Fire or far from me remove The Flame and turn it on some other Love Or if my frowning Stars have so decreed That one must be rejected one succeed Make him my Lord within whose faithful Breast Is fix'd my Image and who loves me best But oh ev'n that avert I chuse it not But take it as the least unhappy Lot A Maid I am and of thy Virgin-Train Oh let me still that spotless Name retain Frequent the Forests thy chast Will obey And only make the Beasts of Chace my Prey The Flames ascend on either Altar clear While thus the blameless Maid address'd her Pray'r When lo the burning Fire that shone so bright Flew off all sudden with extinguish'd Light And left one Altar dark a little space Which turn'd self-kindl'd and renew'd the Blaze That other Victour-Flame a Moment stood Then fell and lifeless left th' extinguish'd Wood For ever lost th' irrevocable Light Forsook the blackning Coals and sunk to Night At either End it whistled as it flew And as the Brands were green so dropp'd the Dew Infected as it fell with Sweat of Sanguin Hue. The Maid from that ill Omen turn'd her Eyes And with loud Shrieks and Clamours rent the Skies Nor knew what signifi'd the boding Sign But found the Pow'rs displeas'd and fear'd the Wrath Divine Then shook the Sacred Shrine and sudden Light Sprung through the vaulted Roof and made the Temple bright The Pow'r behold the Pow'r in Glory shone By her bent Bow and her keen Arrows known The rest a Huntress issuing from the Wood Reclining on her Cornel Spear she stood Then gracious thus began Dismiss thy Fear And Heav'ns unchang'd Decrees attentive hear More pow'rful Gods have torn thee from my Side Unwilling to resign and doom'd a Bride The two contending Knights are weigh'd above One Mars protects and one the Queen of Love But which the Man is in the Thund'rer's Breast This he pronounc'd 't is he who loves thee best The Fire that once extinct reviv'd again Foreshews the Love allotted to remain Farewell she said and vanish'd from the Place The Sheaf of Arrows shook and rattl'd in the Case Agast at this the Royal Virgin stood Disclam'd and now no more a Sister of the Wood But to the parting Goddess thus she pray'd Propitious still be present to my Aid Nor quite abandon your once favour'd Maid Then sighing she return'd but smil'd betwixt With Hopes and Fears and Joys with Sorrows mixt The next returning Planetary Hour Of Mars who shar'd the Heptarchy of Pow'r His Steps bold Arcite to the Temple bent T' adore with Pagan Rites the Pow'r Armipotent Then prostrate low before his Altar lay And rais'd his manly Voice and thus began to pray Strong God of Arms whose Iron Scepter sways The freezing North and Hyperborean Seas And Scythian Colds and Thracia's Wintry Coast Where stand thy ' Steeds and thou art honour'd most There most but ev'ry where thy Pow'r is known The Fortune of the Fight is all thy own Terrour is thine and wild Amazement flung From out thy Chariot withers ev'n the Strong And Disarray and shameful Rout ensue And Force is added to the fainting Crew Acknowledg'd as thou art accept my Pray'r If ought I have atchiev'd deserve thy Care If to my utmost Pow'r with Sword and Shield I dar'd the Death unknowing how to yield And falling in my Rank still kept the Field Then let my Arms prevail by thee sustain'd That Emily by Conquest may be gain'd Have pity on my Pains nor those unknown To Mars which when a Lover were his own Venus the Publick Care of all above Thy stubborn Heart has softned into Love Now by her Blandishments
of Meeting were deny'd But all those Wants ingenious Love supply'd Th' inventive God who never fails his Part Inspires the Wit when once he warms the Heart When Guiscard next was in the Circle seen Where Sigismonda held the Place of Queen A hollow Cane within her Hand she brought But in the Concave had enclos'd a Note With this she seem'd to play and as in sport Toss'd to her Love in presence of the Court Take it she said and when your Needs require This little Brand will serve to light your Fire He took it with a Bow and soon divin'd The seeming Toy was not for nought design'd But when retir'd so long with curious Eyes He view'd the Present that he found the Prize Much was in little writ and all convey'd With cautious Care for fear to be betray'd By some false Confident or Fav'rite Maid The Time the Place the Manner how to meet Were all in punctual Order plainly writ But since a Trust must be she thought it best To put it out of Laymens Pow't at least And for their solemn Vows prepar'd a Priest Guiscard her secret Purpose understood With Joy prepar'd to meet the coming Good Nor Pains nor Danger was resolv'd to spare But use the Means appointed by the Fair. Near the proud Palace of Salerno stood A Mount of rough Ascent and thick with Wood Through this a Cave was dug with vast Expence The Work it seem'd of some suspicious Prince Who when abusing Pow'r with lawless Might From Publick Justice would secure his Flight The Passage made by many a winding Way Reach'd ev'n the Room in which the Tyrant lay Fit for his Purpose on a lower Floor He lodg'd whose Issue was an Iron Door From whence by Stairs descending to the Ground In the blind Grot a safe Retreat he found It s Outlet ended in a Brake o'ergrown With Brambles choak'd by Time and now unknown A Rift there was which from the Mountains Height Convey'd a glimmering and malignant Light A Breathing-place to draw the Damps away A Twilight of an intercepted Day The Tyrants Den whose Use though lost to Fame Was now th' Apartment of the Royal Dame The Cavern only to her Father known By him was to his Darling-Daughter shown Neglected long she let the Secret rest Till Love recall'd it to her lab'ring Breast And hinted as the Way by Heav'n design'd The Teacher by the Means he taught to blind What will not Women do when Need inspires Their Wit or Love their Inclination fires Though Jealousie of State th' Invention found Yet Love refin'd upon the former Ground That Way the Tyrant had reserv'd to fly Pursuing Hate now serv'd to bring two Lovers nigh The Dame who long in vain had kept the Key Bold by Desire explor'd the secret Way Now try'd the Stairs and wading through the Night Search'd all the deep Recess and issu'd into Light All this her Letter had so well explain'd Th' instructed Youth might compass what remain'd The Cavern-mouth alone was hard to find Because the Path disus'd was out of mind But in what Quarter of the Cops it lay His Eye by certain Level could survey Yet for the Wood perplex'd with Thorns he knew A Frock of Leather o'er his Limbs he drew And thus provided search'd the Brake around Till the choak'd Entry of the Cave he found Thus all prepar'd the promis'd Hour arriv'd So long expected and so well contriv'd With Love to Friend th' impatient Lover went Fenc'd from the Thorns and trod the deep Descent The conscious Priest who was suborn'd before Stood ready posted at the Postern-door The Maids in distant Rooms were sent to rest And nothing wanted but th' invited Guest He came and knocking thrice without delay The longing Lady heard and turn'd the Key At once invaded him with all her Charms And the first Step he made was in her Arms The Leathern Out-side boistrous as it was Gave way and bent beneath her strict Embrace On either Side the Kisses flew so thick That neither he nor she had Breath to speak The holy Man amaz'd at what he saw Made haste to sanctifie the Bliss by Law And mutter'd fast the Matrimony o're For fear committed Sin should get before His Work perform'd he left the Pair alone Because he knew he could not go too soon His Presence odious when his Task was done What Thoughts he had beseems not me to say Though some surmise he went to fast and pray And needed both to drive the tempting Thoughts away The Foe once gone they took their full Delight 'T was restless Rage and Tempest all the Night For greedy Love each Moment would employ And grudg'd the shortest Pauses of their Joy Thus were their Loves auspiciously begun And thus with secret Care were carried on The Stealth it self did Appetite restore And look'd so like a Sin it pleas'd the more The Cave was now become a common Way The Wicket often open'd knew the Key Love rioted secure and long enjoy'd Was ever eager and was never cloy'd But as Extremes are short of Ill and Good And Tides at highest Mark regorge the Flood So Fate that could no more improve their Joy Took a malicious Pleasure to destroy Tancred who fondly lov'd and whose Delight Was plac'd in his fair Daughters daily Sight Of Custom when his State-Affairs were done Would pass his pleasing Hours with her alone And as a Father's Privilege allow'd Without Attendance of th' officious Crowd It happen'd once that when in Heat of Day He try'd to sleep as was his usual Way The balmy Slumber fled his wakeful Eyes And forc'd him in his own despite to rise Of Sleep forsaken to relieve his Care He sought the Conversation of the Fair But with her Train of Damsels she was gone In shady Walks the scorching Heat to shun He would not violate that sweet Recess And found besides a welcome Heaviness That seiz'd his Eyes and Slumber which forgot When call'd before to come now came unsought From Light retir'd behind his Daughters Bed He for approaching Sleep compos'd his Head A Chair was ready for that Use design'd So quilted that he lay at ease reclin'd The Curtains closely drawn the Light to skreen As if he had contriv'd to lie unseen Thus cover'd with an artificial Night Sleep did his Office soon and seal'd his Sight With Heav'n averse in this ill-omen'd Hour Was Guiscard summon'd to the secret Bow'r And the fair Nymph with Expectation fir'd From her attending Damsels was retir'd For true to Love she measur'd Time so right As not to miss one Moment of Delight The Garden seated on the level Floor She left behind and locking ev'ry Door Thought all secure but little did she know Blind to her Fate she had inclos'd her Foe Attending Guiscard in his Leathern Frock Stood ready with his thrice-repeated Knock Thrice with a doleful Sound the jarring Grate Rung deaf and hollow and presag'd their Fate The Door unlock'd to known Delight they haste And panting in each
others Arms embrac'd Rush to the conscious Bed a mutual Freight And heedless press it with their wonted Weight The sudden Bound awak'd the sleeping Sire And shew'd a Sight no Parent can desire His opening Eyes at once with odious View The Love discover'd and the Lover knew He would have cry'd but hoping that he dreamt Amazement ty'd his Tongue and stopp'd th' Attempt Th' ensuing Moment all the Truth declar'd But now he stood collected and prepar'd For Malice and Revenge had put him on his Guard So like a Lion that unheeded lay Dissembling Sleep and watchful to betray With inward Rage he meditates his Prey The thoughtless Pair indulging their Desires Alternate kindl'd and then quench'd their Fires Nor thinking in the Shades of Death they play'd Full of themselves themselves alone survey'd And too secure were by themselves betray'd Long time dissolv'd in Pleasure thus they lay Till Nature could no more suffice their Play Then rose the Youth and through the Cave again Return'd the Princess mingl'd with her Train Resolv'd his unripe Vengeance to defer The Royal Spy when now the Coast was clear Sought not the Garden but retir'd unseen To brood in secret on his gather'd Spleen And methodize Revenge To Death he griev'd And but he saw the Crime had scarce believ'd Th' Appointment for th' ensuing Night he heard And therefore in the Cavern had prepar'd Two brawny Yeomen of his trusty Guard Scarce had unwary Guiscard set his Foot Within the farmost Entrance of the Grot When these in secret Ambush ready lay And rushing on the sudden seiz'd the Prey Encumber'd with his Frock without Defence An easie Prize they led the Pris'ner thence And as commanded brought before the Prince The gloomy Sire too sensible of Wrong To vent his Rage in Words restrain'd his Tongue And only said Thus Servants are preferr'd And trusted thus their Sov'reigns they reward Had I not seen had not these Eyes receiv'd Too clear a Proof I could not have believ'd He paus'd and choak'd the rest The Youth who saw His forfeit Life abandon'd to the Law The Judge th' Accuser and th' Offence to him Who had both Pow'r and Will t' avenge the Crime No vain Defence prepar'd but thus reply'd The Faults of Love by Love are justifi'd With unresisted Might the Monarch reigns He levels Mountains and he raises Plains And not regarding Diff'rence of Degree Abas'd your Daughter and exalted me This bold Return with seeming Patience heard The Pris'ner was remitted to the Guard The sullen Tyrant slept not all the Night But lonely walking by a winking Light Sobb'd wept and groan'd and beat his wither'd Breast But would not violate his Daughters Rest Who long expecting lay for Bliss prepar'd Listning for Noise and griev'd that none she heard Oft rose and oft in vain employ'd the Key And oft accus'd her Lover of Delay And pass'd the tedious Hours in anxious Thoughts away The Morrow came and at his usual Hour Old Tancred visited his Daughters Bow'r Her Cheek for such his Custom was he kiss'd Then bless'd her kneeling and her Maids dismiss'd The Royal Dignity thus far maintain'd Now left in private he no longer feign'd But all at once his Grief and Rage appear'd And Floods of Tears ran trickling down his Beard O Sigismonda he began to say Thrice he began and thrice was forc'd to stay Till Words with often trying found their Way I thought O Sigismonda But how blind Are Parents Eyes their Childrens Faults to find Thy Vertue Birth and Breeding were above A mean Desire and vulgar Sense of Love Nor less than Sight and Hearing could convince So fond a Father and so just a Prince Of such an unforeseen and unbeliev'd Offence Then what indignant Sorrow must I have To see thee lie subjected to my Slave A Man so smelling of the Peoples Lee The Court receiv'd him first for Charity And since with no Degree of Honour grac'd But only suffer'd where he first was plac'd A grov'ling Infect still and so design'd By Natures Hand nor born of Noble Kind A Thing by neither Man nor Woman priz'd And scarcely known enough to be despis'd To what has Heav'n reserv'd my Age Ah! why Should Man when Nature calls not chuse to die Rather than stretch the Span of Life to find Such Ills as Fate has wisely cast behind For those to feel whom fond Desire to live Makes covetous of more than Life can give Each has his Share of Good and when 't is gone The Guest though hungry cannot rise too soon But I expecting more in my own wrong Protracting Life have liv'd a Day too long If Yesterday cou'd be recall'd again Ev'n now would I conclude my happy Reign But 't is too late my glorious Race is run And a dark Cloud o'ertakes my setting Sun Hadst thou not lov'd or loving sav'd the Shame If not the Sin by some Illustrious Name This little Comfort had reliev'd my Mind 'T was frailty not unusual to thy Kind But thy low Fall beneath thy Royal Blood Shews downward Appetite to mix with Mud Thus not the least Excuse is left for thee Nor the least Refuge for unhappy me For him I have resolv'd whom by Surprize I took and scarce can call it in Disguise For such was his Attire as with Intent Of Nature suited to his mean Descent The harder Question yet remains behind What Pains a Parent and a Prince can find To punish an Offence of this degenerate Kind As I have lov'd and yet I love thee more Than ever Father lov'd a Child before So that Indulgence draws me to forgive Nature that gave thee Life would have thee live But as a Publick Parent of the State My Justice and thy Crime requires thy Fate Fain would I chuse a middle Course to steer Nature 's too kind and Justice too severe Speak for us both and to the Balance bring On either side the Father and the King Heav'n knows my Heart is bent to favour thee Make it but scanty weight and leave the rest to me Here stopping with a Sigh he pour'd a Flood Of Tears to make his last Expression good She who had heard him speak nor saw alone The secret Conduct of her Love was known But he was taken who her Soul possess'd Felt all the Pangs of Sorrow in her Breast And little wanted but a Womans Heart With Cries and Tears had testifi'd her Smart But in-born Worth that Fortune can controul New strung and stiffer bent her softer Soul The Heroine assum'd the Womans Place Confirm'd her Mind and fortifi'd her Face Why should she beg or what cou'd she pretend When her stern Father had condemn'd her Friend Her Life she might have had but her Despair Of saving his had put it past her Care Resolv'd on Fate she would not lose her Breath But rather than not die sollicit Death Fix'd on this Thought she not as Women use Her Fault by common Frailty would excuse But boldly justifi'd her Innocence And while the Fact was
their Diff'rence to decide The Pow'r that ministers to God's Decrees And executes on Earth what Heav'n foresees Call'd Providence or Chance or fatal Sway Comes with resistless Force and finds or makes her Way Nor Kings nor Nations nor united Pow'r One Moment can retard th' appointed Hour And some one Day some wondrous Chance appears Which happen'd not in Centuries of Years For sure whate'er we Mortals hate or love Or hope or fear depends on Pow'rs above They move our Appetites to Good or Ill And by Foresight necessitate the Will In Theseus this appears whose youthful Joy Was Beasts of Chase in Forests to destroy This gentle Knight inspir'd by jolly May Forsook his easie Couch at early Day And to the Wood and Wilds pursu'd his Way Beside him rode Hippolita the Queen And Emily attir'd in lively Green With Horns and Hounds and all the tuneful Cry To hunt a Royal Hart within the Covert nigh And as he follow'd Mars before so now He serves the Goddess of the Silver Bow The Way that Theseus took was to the Wood Where the two Knights in cruel Battel stood The Laund on which they fought th' appointed Place In which th' uncoupl'd Hounds began the Chace Thither forth-right he rode to rowse the Prey That shaded by the Fern in Harbour lay And thence dislodg'd was wont to leave the Wood For open Fields and cross the Crystal Flood Approach'd and looking underneath the Sun He saw proud Arcite and fierce Palamon In mortal Battel doubling Blow on Blow Like Lightning flam'd their Fauchions to and fro And shot a dreadful Gleam so strong they strook There seem'd less Force requir'd to fell an Oak He gaz'd with Wonder on their equal Might Look'd eager on but knew not either Knight Resolv'd to learn he spurr'd his fiery Steed With goring Rowels to provoke his Speed The Minute ended that began the Race So soon he was betwixt 'em on the Place And with his Sword unsheath'd on pain of Life Commands both Combatants to cease their Strife Then with imperious Tone pursues his Threat What are you Why in Arms together met How dares your Pride presume against my Laws As in a listed Field to fight your Cause Unask'd the Royal Grant no Marshal by As Knightly Rites require nor Judge to try Then Palamon with scarce recover'd Breath Thus hasty spoke We both deserve the Death And both wou'd die for look the World around A Pair so wretched is not to be found Our Life 's a Load encumber'd with the Charge We long to set th' imprison'd Soul at large Now as thou art a Sovereign Judge decree The rightful Doom of Death to him and me Let neither find thy Grace for Grace is Cruelty Me first O kill me first and cure my Woe Then sheath the Sword of Justice on my Foe Or kill him first for when his Name is heard He foremost will receive his due Reward Arcite of Thebes is he thy mortal Foe On whom thy Grace did Liberty bestow But first contracted that if ever found By Day or Night upon th' Athenian Ground His Head should pay the Forfeit See return'd The perjur'd Knight his Oath and Honour scorn'd For this is he who with a borrow'd Name And profer'd Service to thy Palace came Now call'd Philostratus retain'd by thee A Traytor trusted and in high Degree Aspiring to the Bed of beauteous Emily My Part remains From Thebes my Birth I own And call my self th' unhappy Palamon Think me not like that Man since no Disgrace Can force me to renounce the Honour of my Race Know me for what I am I broke thy Chain Nor promis'd I thy Pris'ner to remain The Love of Liberty with Life is giv'n And Life it self th' inferiour Gift of Heaven Thus without Crime I fled but farther know I with this Arcite am thy mortal Foe Then give me Death since I thy Life pursue For Safeguard of thy self Death is my Due More would'st thou know I love bright Emily And for her Sake and in her Sight will die But kill my Rival too for he no less Deserves and I thy righteous Doom will bless Assur'd that what I lose he never shall possess To this reply'd the stern Athenian Prince And sow'rly smild In owning your Offence You judge your self and I but keep Record In place of Law while you pronounce the Word Take your Desert the Death you have decreed I seal your Doom and ratifie the Deed. By Mars the Patron of my Arms you die He said dumb Sorrow seiz'd the Standers by The Queen above the rest by Nature Good The Pattern form'd of perfect Womanhood For tender Pity wept When she began Through the bright Quire th' infectious Vertue ran All dropp'd their Tears ev'n the contended Maid And thus among themselves they softly said What Eyes can suffer this unworthy Sight Two Youths of Royal Blood renown'd in Fight The Mastership of Heav'n in Face and Mind And Lovers far beyond their faithless Kind See their wide streaming Wounds they neither came From Pride of Empire nor desire of Fame Kings fight for Kingdoms Madmen for Applause But love for Love alone that crowns the Lover's Cause This Thought which ever bribes the beauteous Kind Such Pity wrought in ev'ry Ladies Mind They left their Steeds and prostrate on the Place From the fierce King implor'd th' Offenders Grace He paus'd a while stood silent in his Mood For yet his Rage was boiling in his Blood But soon his tender Mind th' Impression felt As softest Metals are not slow to melt And Pity soonest runs in gentle Minds Then reasons with himself and first he finds His Passion cast a Mist before his Sense And either made or magnifi'd th' Offence Offence of what to whom Who judg'd the Cause The Pris'ner freed himself by Natures Laws Born free he sought his Right The Man he freed Was perjur'd but his Love excus'd the Deed Thus pond'ring he look'd under with his Eyes And saw the Womens Tears and heard their Cries Which mov'd Compassion more He shook his Head And softly sighing to himself he said Curse on th' unpard'ning Prince whom Tears can draw To no Remorse who rules by Lions Law And deaf to Pray'rs by no Submission bow'd Rends all alike the Penitent and Proud At this with Look serene he rais'd his Head Reason resum'd her Place and Passion fled Then thus aloud he spoke The Pow'r of Love In Earth and Seas and Air and Heav'n above Rules unresisted with an awful Nod By daily Miracles declar'd a God He blinds the Wise gives Eye-sight to the Blind And moulds and stamps anew the Lover's Mind Behold that Arcite and this Palamon Freed from my Fetters and in Safety gone What hinder'd either in their Native Soil At ease to reap the Harvest of their Toil But Love their Lord did otherwise ordain And brought 'em in then own despite again To suffer Death deserv'd for well they know 'T is in my Pow'r and I their deadly Foe The Proverb
holds That to be wise and love Is hardly granted to the Gods above See how the Madmen bleed Behold the Gains With which their Master Love rewards their Pains For sev'n long Years on Duty ev'ry Day Lo their Obedience and their Monarch's Pay Yet as in Duty bound they serve him on And ask the Fools they think it wisely done Nor Ease nor Wealth nor Life it self regard For 't is their Maxim Love is Love's Reward This is not all the Fair for whom they strove Nor knew before nor could suspect their Love Nor thought when she beheld the Fight from far Her Beauty was th' Occasion of the War But sure a gen'ral Doom on Man is past And all are Fools and Lovers first or last This both by others and my self I know For I have serv'd their Sovereign long ago Oft have been caught within the winding Train Of Female Snares and felt the Lovers Pain And learn'd how far the God can Humane Hearts constrain To this Remembrance and the Pray'rs of those Who for th' offending Warriors interpose I give their forfeit Lives on this accord To do me Homage as their Sov'reign Lord And as my Vassals to their utmost Might Assist my Person and assert my Right This freely sworn the Knights their Grace obtain'd Then thus the King his secret Thoughts explain'd If Wealth or Honour or a Royal Race Or each or all may win a Ladies Grace Then either of you Knights may well deserve A Princess born and such is she you serve For Emily is Sister to the Crown And but too well to both her Beauty known But shou'd you combate till you both were dead Two Lovers cannot share a single Bed As therefore both are equal in Degree The Lot of both be left to Destiny Now hear th' Award and happy may it prove To her and him who best deserves her Love Depart from hence in Peace and free as Air Search the wide World and where you please repair But on the Day when this returning Sun To the same Point through ev'ry Sign has run Then each of you his Hundred Knights shall bring In Royal Lists to fight before the King And then the Knight whom Fate or happy Chance Shall with his Friends to Victory advance And grace his Arms so far in equal Fight From out the Bars to force his Opposite Or kill or make him Recreant on the Plain The Prize of Valour and of Love shall gain The vanquish'd Party shall their Claim release And the long Jars conclude in lasting Peace The Charge be mine t' adorn the chosen Ground The Theatre of War for Champions so renown'd And take the Patrons Place of either Knight With Eyes impartial to behold the Fight And Heav'n of me so judge as I shall judge aright If both are satisfi'd with this Accord Swear by the Laws of Knighthood on my Sword Who now but Palamon exults with Joy And ravish'd Arcite seems to touch the Sky The whole assembl'd Troop was pleas'd as well Extol'd th' Award and on their Knees they fell To bless the gracious King The Knights with Leave Departing from the Place his last Commands receive On Emily with equal Ardour look And from her Eyes their Inspiration took From thence to Thebes old Walls pursue their Way Each to provide his Champions for the Day It might be deem'd on our Historian's Part Or too much Negligence or want of Art If he forgot the vast Magnificence Of Royal Theseus and his large Expence He first enclos'd for Lists a level Ground The whole Circumference a Mile around The Form was Circular and all without A Trench was sunk to Moat the Place about Within an Amphitheatre appear'd Rais'd in Degrees to sixty Paces rear'd That when a Man was plac'd in one Degree Height was allow'd for him above to see Eastward was built a Gate of Marble white The like adorn'd the Western opposite A nobler Object than this Fabrick was Rome never saw nor of so vast a Space For rich with Spoils of many a conquer'd Land All Arts and Artists Theseus could command Who sold for Hire or wrought for better Fame The Master-Painters and the Carvers came So rose within the Compass of the Year An Ages Work a glorious Theatre Then o'er its Eastern Gate was rais'd above A Temple sacred to the Queen of Love An Altar stood below On either Hand A Priest with Roses crown'd who held a Myrtle Wand The Dome of Mars was on the Gate oppos'd And on the North a Turret was enclos'd Within the Wall of Alabaster white And crimson Coral for the Queen of Night Who takes in Sylvan Sports her chaste Delight Within these Oratories might you see Rich Carvings Pourtraitures and Imagery Where ev'ry Figure to the Life express'd The Godhead's Pow'r to whom it was address'd In Venus Temple on the Sides were seen The broken Slumbers of inamour'd Men Pray'rs that ev'n spoke and Pity seem'd to call And issuing Sighs that smoak'd along the Wall Complaints and hot Desires the Lover's Hell And scalding Tears that wore a Channel where they fell And all around were Nuptial Bonds the Ties Of Loves Assurance and a Train of Lies That made in Lust conclude in Perjuries Beauty and Youth and Wealth and Luxury And spritely Hope and short-enduring Joy And Sorceries to raise th' Infernal Pow'rs And Sigils fram'd in Planetary Hours Expence and After-thought and idle Care And Doubts of motley Hue and dark Despair Suspicions and fantastical Surmise And Jealousie suffus'd with Jaundice in her Eyes Discolouring all she view'd in Tawney dress'd Down-look'd and with a Cuckow on her Fist. Oppos'd to her on t' other Side advance The costly Feast the Carol and the Dance Minstrels and Musick Poetry and Play And Balls by Night and Turnaments by Day All these were painted on the Wall and more With Acts and Monuments of Times before And others added by Prophetick Doom And Lovers yet unborn and Loves to come For there th' Idalian Mount and Citheron The Court of Venus was in Colours drawn Before the Palace-gate in careless Dress And loose Array sat Portress Idleness There by the Fount Narcissus pin'd alone There Samson was with wiser Solomon And all the mighty Names by Love undone Medea's Charms were there Circean Feasts With Bowls that turn'd inamour'd Youth to Beasts Here might be seen that Beauty Wealth and Wit And Prowess to the Pow'r of Love submit The spreading Snare for all Mankind is laid And Lovers all betray and are betray'd The Goddess self some noble Hand had wrought Smiling she seem'd and full of pleasing Thought From Ocean as she first began to rise And smooth'd the ruffl'd Seas and clear'd the Skies She trode the Brine all bare below the Breast And the green Waves but ill conceal'd the rest A Lute she held and on her Head was seen A Wreath of Roses red and Myrtles green Her Turtles fann'd the buxom Air above And by his Mother stood an Infant-Love With Wings unfledg'd his Eyes were
his Pillow rais'd he thus begun No Language can express the smallest part Of what I feel and suffer in my Heart For you whom best I love and value most But to your Service I bequeath my Ghost Which from this mortal Body when unty'd Unseen unheard shall hover at your Side Nor fright you waking nor your Sleep offend But wait officious and your Steps attend How I have lov'd excuse my faltring Tongue My Spirits feeble and my Pains are strong This I may say I only grieve to die Because I lose my charming Emily To die when Heav'n had put you in my Pow'r Fate could not chuse a more malicious Hour What greater Curse cou'd envious Fortune give Than just to die when I began to live Vain Men how vanishing a Bliss we crave Now warm in Love now with'ring in the Grave Never O never more to see the Sun Still dark in a damp Vault and still alone This Fate is common but I lose my Breath Near Bliss and yet not bless'd before my Death Farewell but take me dying in your Arms 'T is all I can enjoy of all your Charms This Hand I cannot but in Death resign Ah could I live But while I live 't is mine I feel my End approach and thus embrac'd Am pleas'd to die but hear me speak my last Ah! my sweet Foe for you and you alone I broke my Faith with injur'd Palamon But Love the Sense of Right and Wrong confounds Strong Love and proud Ambition have no Bounds And much I doubt shou'd Heav'n my Life prolong I shou'd return to justifie my Wrong For while my former Flames remain within Repentance is but want of Pow'r to sin With mortal Hatred I pursu'd his Life Nor he nor you were guilty of the Strife Nor I but as I lov'd Yet all combin'd Your Beauty and my Impotence of Mind And his concurrent Flame that blew my Fire For still our Kindred Souls had one Desire He had a Moments Right in point of Time Had I seen first then his had been the Crime Fate made it mine and justified his Right Nor holds this Earth a more deserving Knight For Vertue Valour and for Noble Blood Truth Honour all that is compriz'd in Good So help me Heav'n in all the World is none So worthy to be lov'd as Palamon He loves you too with such a holy Fire As will not cannot but with Life expire Our vow'd Affections both have often try'd Nor any Love but yours cou'd ours divide Then by my Loves inviolable Band By my long Suff'ring and my short Command If e'er you plight your Vows when I am gone Have pity on the faithful Palamon This was his last for Death came on amain And exercis'd below his Iron Reign Then upward to the Seat of Life he goes Sense fled before him what he touch'd he froze Yet cou'd he not his closing Eyes withdraw Though less and less of Emily he saw So speechless for a little space he lay Then grasp'd the Hand he held and sigh'd his Soul away But whither went his Soul let such relate Who search the Secrets of the future State Divines can say but what themselves believe Strong Proofs they have but not demonstrative For were all plain then all Sides must agree And Faith it self be lost in Certainty To live uprightly then is sure the best To save our selves and not to damn the rest The Soul of Arcite went where Heathens go Who better live than we though less they know In Palamon a manly Grief appears Silent he wept asham'd to shew his Tears Emilia shriek'd but once and then oppress'd With Sorrow sunk upon her Lovers Breast Till Theseus in his Arms convey'd with Care Far from so sad a Sight the swooning Fair. 'T were loss of Time her Sorrow to relate Ill bears the Sex a youthful Lover's Fate When just approaching to the Nuptial State But like a low-hung Cloud it rains so fast That all at once it falls and cannot last The Face of Things is chang'd and Athens now That laugh'd so late becomes the Scene of Woe Matrons and Maids both Sexes ev'ry State With Tears lament the Knight's untimely Fate Not greater Grief in falling Troy was seen For Hector's Death but Hector was not then Old Men with Dust deform'd their hoary Hair The Women beat their Breasts their Cheeks they tear Why would'st thou go with one Consent they cry When thou hadst Gold enough and Emily Theseus himself who shou'd have cheer'd the Grief Of others wanted now the same Relief Old Egeus only could revive his Son Who various Changes of the World had known And strange Vicissitudes of Humane Fate Still alt'ring never in a steady State Good after Ill and after Pain Delight Alternate like the Scenes of Day and Night Since ev'ry Man who lives is born to die And none can boast sincere Felicity With equal Mind what happens let us bear Nor joy nor grieve too much for Things beyond our Care Like Pilgrims to th' appointed Place we tend The World 's an Inn and Death the Journeys End Ev'n Kings but play and when their Part is done Some other worse or better mount the Throne With Words like these the Crowd was satisfi'd And so they would have been had Theseus dy'd But he their King was lab'ring in his Mind A fitting Place for Fun'ral Pomps to find Which were in Honour of the Dead design'd And after long Debate at last he found As Love it self had mark'd the Spot of Ground That Grove for ever green that conscious Lawnd Where he with Palamon fought Hand to Hand That where he fed his amorous Desires With soft Complaints and felt his hottest Fires There other Flames might waste his Earthly Part And burn his Limbs where Love had burn'd his Heart This once resolv'd the Peasants were enjoin'd Sere Wood and Firs and dodder'd Oaks to find With sounding Axes to the Grove they go Fell split and lay the Fewel on a Row Vulcanian Food A Bier is next prepar'd On which the lifeless Body should be rear'd Cover'd with Cloth of Gold on which was laid The Corps of Arcite in like Robes array'd White Gloves were on his Hands and on his Head A Wreath of Laurel mix'd with Myrtle spread A Sword keen-edg'd within his Right he held The warlike Emblem of the conquer'd Field Bare was his manly Visage on the Bier Menac'd his Count'nance ev'n in Death severe Then to the Palace-Hall they bore the Knight To lie in solemn State a Publick Sight Groans Cries and Howlings fill the crowded Place And unaffected Sorrow sat on ev'ry Face Sad Palamon above the rest appears In Sable Garments dew'd with gushing Tears His Aubourn Locks on either Shoulder flow'd Which to the Fun'ral of his Friend he vow'd But Emily as Chief was next his Side A Virgin-Widow and a Mourning Bride And that the Princely Obsequies might be Perform'd according to his high Degree The Steed that bore him living to the Fight Was trapp'd with polish'd
Steel all shining bright And cover'd with th' Atchievements of the Knight The Riders rode abreast and one his Shield His Lance of Cornel-wood another held The third his Bow and glorious to behold The costly Quiver all of burnish'd Gold The Noblest of the Grecians next appear And weeping on their Shoulders bore the Bier With sober Pace they march'd and often staid And through the Master-Street the Corps convey'd The Houses to their Tops with Black were spread And ev'n the Pavements were with Mourning hid The Right-side of the Pall old Egeus kept And on the Left the Royal Theseus wept Each bore a Golden Bowl of Work Divine With Honey fill'd and Milk and mix'd with ruddy Wine Then Palamon the Kinsman of the Slain And after him appear'd th' Illustrious Train To grace the Pomp came Emily the Bright With cover'd Fire the Fun'ral Pile to light With high Devotion was the Service made And all the Rites of Pagan-Honour paid So lofty was the Pile a Parthian Bow With Vigour drawn must send the Shaft below The Bottom was full twenty Fathom broad With crackling Straw beneath in due Proportion strow'd The Fabrick seem'd a Wood of rising Green With Sulphur and Bitumen cast between To feed the Flames The Trees were unctuous Fir And Mountain-Ash the Mother of the Spear The Mourner Eugh and Builder Oak were there The Beech the swimming Alder and the Plane Hard Box and Linden of a softer Grain And Laurels which the Gods for Conqu'ring Chiefs ordain How they were rank'd shall rest untold by me With nameless Nymphs that liv'd in ev'ry Tree Nor how the Dryads and the Woodland Train Disherited ran howling o'er the Plain Nor how the Birds to Foreign Seats repair'd Or Beasts that bolted out and saw the Forest bar'd Nor how the Ground now clear'd with gastly Fright Beheld the sudden Sun a Stranger to the Light The Straw as first I said was laid below Of Chips and Sere-wood was the second Row The third of Greens and Timber newly fell'd The fourth high Stage the fragrant Odours held And Pearls and Precious Stones and rich Array In midst of which embalm'd the Body lay The Service sung the Maid with mourning Eyes The Stubble fir'd the smouldring Flames arise This Office done she sunk upon the Ground But what she spoke recover'd from her Swoond I want the Wit in moving Words to dress But by themselves the tender Sex may guess While the devouring Fire was burning fast Rich Jewels in the Flame the Wealthy cast And some their Shields and some their Lances threw And gave the Warriour's Ghost a Warriour's Due Full Bowls of Wine of Honey Milk and Blood Were pour'd upon the Pile of burning Wood And hissing Flames receive and hungry lick the Food Then thrice the mounted Squadrons ride around The Fire and Arcite's Name they thrice resound Hail and Farewell they shouted thrice amain Thrice facing to the Left and thrice they turn'd again Still as they turn'd they beat their clatt'ring Shields The Women mix their Cries and Clamour fills the Fields The warlike Wakes continu'd all the Night And Fun'ral Games were plaid at new-returning Light Who naked wrestl'd best besmear'd with Oil Or who with Gantlets gave or took the Foil I will not tell you nor wou'd you attend But briefly haste to my long Stories End I pass the rest the Year was fully mourn'd And Palamon long since to Thebes return'd When by the Grecians general Consent At Athens Theseus held his Parliament Among the Laws that pass'd it was decreed That conquer'd Thebes from Bondage shou'd be freed Reserving Homage to th' Athenian Throne To which the Sov'reign summon'd Palamon Unknowing of the Cause he took his Way Mournful in Mind and still in Black Array The Monarch mounts the Throne and plac'd on high Commands into the Court the beauteous Emily So call'd she came the Senate rose and paid Becoming Rev'rence to the Royal Maid And first soft Whispers through th' Assembly went With silent Wonder then they watch'd th' Event All hush'd the King arose with awful Grace Deep Thought was in his Breast and Counsel in his Face At length he sigh'd and having first prepar'd Th' attentive Audience thus his Will declar'd The Cause and Spring of Motion from above Hung down on Earth the Golden Chain of Love Great was th' Effect and high was his Intent When Peace among the jarring Seeds he sent Fire Flood and Earth and Air by this were bound And Love the common Link the new Creation crown'd The Chain still holds for though the Forms decay Eternal Matter never wears away The same First Mover certain Bounds has plac'd How long those perishable Forms shall last Nor can they last beyond the Time assign'd By that All seeing and All making Mind Shorten their Hours they may for Will is free But never pass th' appointed Destiny So Men oppress'd when weary of their Breath Throw off the Burden and subborn their Death Then since those Forms begin and have their End On some unalter'd Cause they sure depend Parts of the Whole are we but God the Whole Who gives us Life and animating Soul For Nature cannot from a Part derive That Being which the Whole can only give He perfect stable but imperfect We Subject to Change and diff'rent in Degree Plants Beasts and Man and as our Organs are We more or less of his Perfection share But by a long Descent th' Etherial Fire Corrupts and Forms the mortal Part expire As he withdraws his Vertue so they pass And the same Matter makes another Mass This Law th' Omniscient Pow'r was pleas'd to give That ev'ry Kind should by Succession live That Individuals die his Will ordains The propagated Species still remains The Monarch Oak the Patriarch of the Trees Shoots rising up and spreads by slow Degrees Three Centuries he grows and three he stays Supreme in State and in three more decays So wears the paving Pebble in the Street And Towns and Tow'rs their fatal Periods meet So Rivers rapid once now naked lie Forsaken of their Springs and leave their Channels dry So Man at first a Drop dilates with Heat Then form'd the little Heart begins to beat Secret he feeds unknowing in the Cell At length for Hatching ripe he breaks the Shell And struggles into Breath and cries for Aid Then helpless in his Mothers Lap is laid He creeps he walks and issuing into Man Grudges their Life from whence his own began Retchless of Laws affects to rule alone Anxious to reign and restless on the Throne First vegetive then feels and reasons last Rich of Three Souls and lives all three to waste Some thus but thousands more in Flow'r of Age For few arrive to run the latter Stage Sunk in the first in Battel some are slain And others whelm'd beneath the stormy Main What makes all this but Jupiter the King At whose Command we perish and we spring Then 't is our best since thus ordain'd to die To make a Vertue
pious Love And where the Pains with which ten Months I strove Ah! hadst thou dy'd my Son in Infant-years Thy little Herse had been bedew'd with Tears Thou liv'st by me to me thy Breath resign Mine is the Merit the Demerit thine Thy Life by double Title I require Once giv'n at Birth and once preserv'd from Fire One Murder pay or add one Murder more And me to them who fell by thee restore I wou'd but cannot My Son's Image stands Before my Sight and now their angry Hands My Brothers hold and Vengeance these exact This pleads Compassion and repents the Fact He pleads in vain and I pronounce his Doom My Brothers though unjustly shall o'ercome But having paid their injur'd Ghosts their Due My Son requires my Death and mine shall his pursue At this for the last time she lifts her Hand Averts her Eyes and half unwilling drops the Brand. The Brand amid the flaming Fewel thrown Or drew or seem'd to draw a dying Groan The Fires themselves but faintly lick'd their Prey Then loath'd their impious Food and wou'd have shrunk away Just then the Heroe cast a doleful Cry And in those absent Flames began to fry The blind Contagion rag'd within his Veins But he with manly Patience bore his Pains He fear'd not Fate but only griev'd to die Without an honest Wound and by a Death so dry Happy Ancaeus thrice aloud he cry'd With what becoming Fate in Arms he dy'd Then call'd his Brothers Sisters Sire around And her to whom his Nuptial Vows were bound Perhaps his Mother a long Sigh he drew And his Voice failing took his last Adieu For as the Flames augment and as they stay At their full Height then languish to decay They rise and sink by Fits at last they soar In one bright Blaze and then descend no more Just so his inward Heats at height impair Till the last burning Breath shoots out the Soul in Air. Now lofty Calidon in Ruines lies All Ages all Degrees unsluice their Eyes And Heav'n Earth resound with Murmurs Groans Cries Matrons and Maidens beat their Breasts and tear Their Habits and root up their scatter'd Hair The wretched Father Father now no more With Sorrow sunk lies prostrate on the Floor Deforms his hoary Locks with Dust obscene And curses Age and Ioaths a Life prolong'd with Pain By Steel her stubborn Soul his Mother freed And punish'd on her self her impious Deed. Had I a hundred Tongues a Wit so large As cou'd their hundred Offices discharge Had Phoebus all his Helicon bestow'd In all the Streams inspiring all the God Those Tongues that Wit those Streams that God in vain Wou'd offer to describe his Sisters pain They beat their Breasts with many a bruizing Blow Till they turn'd livid and corrupt the Snow The Corps they cherish while the Corps remains And exercise and rub with fruitless Pains And when to Fun'ral Flames 't is born away They kiss the Bed on which the Body lay And when those Fun'ral Flames no longer burn The Dust compos'd within a pious Urn Ev'n in that Urn their Brother they confess And hug it in their Arms and to their Bosoms press His Tomb is rais'd then stretch'd along the Ground Those living Monuments his Tomb surround Ev'n to his Name inscrib'd their Tears they pay Till Tears and Kisses wear his Name away But Cynthia now had all her Fury spent Not with less Ruine than a Race content Excepting Gorge perish'd all the Seed And * Dejanira Her whom Heav'n for Hercules decreed Satiate at last no longer she pursu'd The weeping Sisters but with Wings endu'd And Horny Beaks and sent to flit in Air Who yearly round the Tomb in Feather'd Flocks repair SIGISMONDA AND GUISCARDO FROM BOCCACE SIGISMONDA AND GUISCARDO FROM BOCCACE WHile Norman Tancred in Salerno reign'd The Title of a Gracious Prince he gain'd Till turn'd a Tyrant in his latter Days He lost the Lustre of his former Praise And from the bright Meridian where he stood Descending dipp'd his Hands in Lovers Blood This Prince of Fortunes Favour long possess'd Yet was with one fair Daughter only bless'd And bless'd he might have been with her alone But oh how much more happy had he none She was his Care his Hope and his Delight Most in his Thought and ever in his Sight Next nay beyond his Life he held her dear She liv'd by him and now he liv'd in her For this when ripe for Marriage he delay'd Her Nuptial Bands and kept her long a Maid As envying any else should share a Part Of what was his and claiming all her Heart At length as Publick Decency requir'd And all his Vassals eagerly desir'd With Mind averse he rather underwent His Peoples Will than gave his own Consent So was she torn as from a Lover's Side And made almost in his despite a Bride Short were her Marriage-Joys for in the Prime Of Youth her Lord expir'd before his time And to her Father's Court in little space Restor'd anew she held a higher Place More lov'd and more exalted into Grace This Princess fresh and young and fair and wise The worshipp'd Idol of her Father's Eyes Did all her Sex in ev'ry Grace exceed And had more Wit beside than Women need Youth Health and Ease and most an amorous Mind To second Nuptials had her Thoughts inclin'd And former Joys had left a secret Sting behind But prodigal in ev'ry other Grant Her Sire left unsupply'd her only Want And she betwixt her Modesty and Pride Her Wishes which she could not help would hide Resolv'd at last to lose no longer Time And yet to please her self without a Crime She cast her Eyes around the Court to find A worthy Subject suiting to her Mind To him in holy Nuptials to be ty'd A seeming Widow and a secret Bride Among the Train of Courtiers one she found With all the Gifts of bounteous Nature crown'd Of gentle Blood but one whose niggard Fate Had set him far below her high Estate Guiscard his Name was call'd of blooming Age Now Squire to Tancred and before his Page To him the Choice of all the shining Crowd Her Heart the noble Sigismonda vow'd Yet hitherto she kept her Love conceal'd And with close Glances ev'ry Day beheld The graceful Youth and ev'ry Day increas'd The raging Fire that burn'd within her Breast Some secret Charm did all his Acts attend And what his Fortune wanted hers could mend Till as the Fire will force its outward way Or in the Prison pent consume the Prey So long her earnest Eyes on his were set At length their twisted Rays together met And he surpriz'd with humble Joy survey'd One sweet Regard shot by the Royal Maid Not well assur'd while doubtful Hopes he nurs'd A second Glance came gliding like the first And he who saw the Sharpness of the Dart Without Defence receiv'd it in his Heart In Publick though their Passion wanted Speech Yet mutual Looks interpreted for each Time Ways and Means
own'd deny'd th' Offence Then with dry Eyes and with an open Look She met his Glance mid-way and thus undaunted spoke Tancred I neither am dispos'd to make Request for Life nor offer'd Life to take Much less deny the Deed but least of all Beneath pretended Justice weakly fall My Words to sacred Truth shall be confin'd My Deeds shall shew the Greatness of my Mind That I have lov'd I own that still I love I call to Witness all the Pow'rs above Yet more I own To Guiscard's Love I give The small remaining Time I have to live And if beyond this Life Desire can be Not Fate it self shall set my Passion free This first avow'd nor Folly warp'd my Mind Nor the frail Texture of the Female Kind Betray'd my Vertue For too well I knew What Honour was and Honour had his Due Before the Holy Priest my Vows were ty'd So came I not a Strumpet but a Bride This for my Fame and for the Publick Voice Yet more his Merits justifi'd my Choice Which had they not the first Election thine That Bond dissolv'd the next is freely mine Or grant I em'd which yet I must deny Had Parents pow'r ev'n second Vows to tie Thy little Care to mend my Widow'd Nights Has forc'd me to recourse of Marriage-Rites To fill an empty Side and follow known Delights What have I done in this deserving Blame State-Laws may alter Nature's are the same Those are usurp'd on helpless-Woman-kind Made without our Consent and wanting Pow'r to bind Thou Tancred better should'st have understood That as thy Father gave thee Flesh and Blood So gav'st thou me Not from the Quarry hew'd But of a softer Mould with Sense endu'd Ev'n softer than thy own of suppler Kind More exquisite of Taste and more than Man refin'd Nor need'st thou by thy Daughter to be told Though now thy spritely Blood with Age be cold Thou hast been young and canst remember still That when thou hadst the Pow'r thou hadst the Will And from the past Experience of thy Fires Canst tell with what a Tide our strong Desires Come rushing on in Youth and what their Rage requires And grant thy Youth was exercis'd in Arms When Love no leisure found for softer Charms My tender Age in Luxury was train'd With idle Ease and Pageants entertain'd My Hours my own my Pleasures unrestrain'd So bred no wonder if I took the Bent That seem'd ev'n warranted by thy Consent For when the Father is too fondly kind Such Seed he sows such Harvest shall he find Blame then thy self as Reason's Law requires Since Nature gave and thou soment'st my Fires If still those Apperites continue strong Thou maist consider I am yet but young Consider too that having been a Wife I must have tasted of a better Life And am not to be blam'd if I renew By lawful Means the Joys which then I knew Where was the Crime if Pleasure I procur'd Young and a Woman and to Bliss inur'd That was my Case and this is my Defence I pleas'd my self I shunn'd Incontinence And urg'd by strong Desires indulg'd my Sense Left to my self I must avow I strove From publick Shame to screen my secret Love And well acquainted with thy Native Pride Endeavour'd what I could not help to hide For which a Womans Wit an casre Way supply'd How this so well contriv'd so closely laid Was known to thee or by what Chance betray'd Is not my Care To please thy Pride alone I could have wish'd it had been still unknown Nor took I Guiscard by blind Fancy led Or hasty Choice as many Women wed But with delib'rate Care and ripen'd Thought At leisure first design'd before I wrought On him I rested after long Debate And not without consid'ring fix'd my Fate His Flame was equal though by mine inspir'd For so the Diff'rence of our Birth requir'd Had he been born like me like me his Love Had first begun what mine was forc'd to move But thus beginning thus we persevere Our Passions yet continue what they were Nor length of Trial makes our Joys the less sincere At this my Choice though not by thine allow'd Thy Judgment herding with the common Crowd Thou tak'st unjust Offence and led by them Dost less the Merit than the Man esteem Too sharply Tancred by thy Pride betray'd Hast thou against the Laws of Kind inveigh'd For all th' Offence is in Opinion plac'd Which deems high Birth by lowly Choice debas'd This Thought alone with Fury fires thy Breast For Holy Marriage justifies the rest That I have sunk the Glories of the State And mix'd my Blood with a Plebeian Mate In which I wonder thou shouldst oversee Superiour Causes or impute to me The Fault of Fortune or the Fates Decree Or call it Heav'ns Imperial Pow'r alone Which moves on Springs of Justice though unknown Yet this we see though order'd for the best The Bad exalted and the Good oppress'd Permitted Laurels grace the Lawless Brow Th' Unworthy rais'd the Worthy cast below But leaving that Search we the secret Springs And backward trace the Principles of Things There shall we find that when the World began One common Mass compos'd the Mould of Man One Paste of Flesh on all Degrees bestow'd And kneaded up alike with moistning Blood The same Almighty Pow'r inspir'd the Frame With kindl'd Life and form'd the Souls the same The Faculties of Intellect and Will Dispens'd with equal Hand dispos'd with equal Skill Like Liberty indulg'd with Choice of Good or Ill Thus born alike from Vertue first began The Diff'rence that distinguish'd Man from Man He claim'd no Title from Descent of Blood But that which made him Noble made him Good Warm'd with more Particles of Heav'nly Flame He wing'd his upward Flight and soar'd to Fame The rest remain'd below a Tribe without a Name This Law though Custom now diverts the Course As Natures Institute is yet in force Uncancell'd tho disus'd And he whose Mind Is Vertuous is alone of Noble Kind Though poor in Fortune of Celestial Race And he commits the Crime who calls him Base Now lay the Line and measure all thy Court By inward Vertue not external Port And find whom justly to prefer above The Man on whom my Judgment plac'd my Love So shalt thou see his Parts and Person shine And thus compar'd the rest a base degen'rate Line Nor took I when I first survey'd thy Court His Valour or his Vertues on Report But trusted what I ought to trust alone Relying on thy Eyes and not my own Thy Praise and Thine was then the Publick Voice First recommended Guiscard to my Choice Directed thus by thee I look'd and found A Man I thought deserving to be crown'd First by my Father pointed to my Sight Nor less conspicuous by his Native Light His Mind his Meen the Features of his Face Excelling all the rest of Humane Race These were thy Thoughts and thou could'st judge aright Till Int'rest made a Jaundice in thy Sight Or
shou'd I grant thou didst not rightly see Then thou wert first deceiv'd and I deceiv'd by thee But if thou shalt alledge through Pride of Mind Thy Blood with one of base Condition join'd 'T is false for 't is not Baseness to be Poor His Poverty augments thy Crime the more Upbraids thy Justice with the scant Regard Of Worth Whom Princes praise they shou'd reward Are these the Kings intrusted by the Crowd With Wealth to be dispens'd for Common Good The People sweat not for their King's Delight T' enrich a Pimp or raise a Parasite Theirs is the Toil and he who well has serv'd His Country has his Countrys Wealth deserv'd Ev'n mighty Monarchs oft are meanly born And Kings by Birth to lowest Rank return All subject to the Pow'r of giddy Chance For Fortune can depress or can advance But true Nobility is of the Mind Not giv'n by Chance and not to Chance resign'd For the remaining Doubt of thy Decree What to resolve and how dispose of me Be warn'd to cast that useless Care aside My self alone will for my self provide If in thy doting and decrepit Age Thy Soul a Stranger in thy Youth to Rage Begins in cruel Deeds to take Delight Gorge with my Blood thy barb'rous Appetite For I so little am dispos'd to pray For Life I would not cast a Wish away Such as it is th' Offence is all my own And what to Guiscard is already done Or to be done is doom'd by thy Decree That if not executed first by thee Shall on my Person be perform'd by me Away with Women weep and leave me here Fix'd like a Man to die without a Tear Or save or slay us both this present Hour 'T is all that Fate has left within thy Pow'r She said Nor did her Father fail to find In all she spoke the Greatness of her Mind Yet thought she was not obstinate to die Nor deem'd the Death she promis'd was so nigh Secure in this Belief he left the Dame Resolv'd to spare her Life and save her Shame But that detested Object to remove To wreak his Vengeance and to cure her Love Intent on this a secret Order sign'd The Death of Guiscard to his Guards enjoin'd Strangling was chosen and the Night the Time A mute Revenge and blind as was the Crime His faithful Heart a bloody Sacrifice Torn from his Breast to glut the Tyrant's Eyes Clos'd the severe Command For Slaves to Pay What Kings decree the Soldier must obey Wag'd against Foes and when the Wars are o'er Fit only to maintain Despotick Pow'r Dang'rous to Freedom and desir'd alone By Kings who seek an Arbitrary Throne Such were these Guards as ready to have slain The Prince himself allur'd with greater gain So was the Charge perform'd with better Will By Men inur'd to Blood and exercis'd in Ill. Now though the sullen Sire had eas'd his Mind The Pomp of his Revenge was yet behind A Pomp prepar'd to grace the Present he design'd A Goblet rich with Gems and rough with Gold Of Depth and Breadth the precious Pledge to hold With cruel Care he chose The hollow Part Inclos'd the Lid conceal'd the Lover's Heart Then of his trusted Mischiefs one he sent And bad him with these Words the Gift present Thy Father sends thee this to cheer thy Breast And glad thy Sight with what thou lov'st the best As thou hast pleas'd his Eyes and joy'd his Mind With what he lov'd the most of Humane Kind E'er this the Royal Dame who well had weigh'd The Consequence of what her Sire had said Fix'd on her Fate against th' expected Hour Procur'd the Means to have it in her Pow'r For this she had distill'd with early Care The Juice of Simples friendly to Despair A Magazine of Death and thus prepar'd Secure to die the fatal Message heard Then smil'd severe nor with a troubl'd Look Or trembling Hand the Fun'ral Present took Ev'n kept her Count'nance when the Lid remov'd Disclos'd the Heart unfortunately lov'd She needed not be told within whose Breast It lodg'd the Message had explain'd the rest Or not amaz'd or hiding her Surprize She sternly on the Bearer fix'd her Eyes Then thus Tell Tancred on his Daughters part The Gold though precious equals not the Heart But he did well to give his best and I Who wish'd a worthier Urn forgive his Poverty At this she curb'd a Groan that else had come And pausing view'd the Present in the Tomb Then to the Heart ador'd devoutly glew'd Her Lips and raising it her Speech renew'd Ev'n from my Day of Birth to this the Bound Of my unhappy Being I have found My Father's Care and Tenderness express'd But this last Act of Love excels the rest For this so dear a Present bear him back The best Return that I can live to make The Messenger dispatch'd again she view'd The lov'd Remains and sighing thus pursu'd Source of my Life and Lord of my Desires In whom I liv'd with whom my Soul expires Poor Heart no more the Spring of Vital Heat Curs'd be the Hands that tore thee from thy Seat The Course is finish'd which thy Fates decreed And thou from thy Corporeal Prison freed Soon hast thou reach'd the Goal with mended Pace A World of Woes dispatch'd in little space Forc'd by thy Worth thy Foe in Death become Thy Friend has lodg'd thee in a costly Tomb There yet remain'd thy Fun'ral Exequies The weeping Tribute of thy Widows Eyes And those indulgent Heav'n has found the way That I before my Death have leave to pay My Father ev'n in Cruelty is kind Or Heav'n has turn'd the Malice of his Mind To better Uses than his Hate design'd And made th' Insult which in his Gift appears The Means to mourn thee with my pious Tears Which I will pay thee down before I go And save my self the Pains to weep below If Souls can weep though once I meant to meet My Fate with Face unmov'd and Eyes unwet Yet since I have thee here in narrow Room My Tears shall set thee first afloat within thy Tomb Then as I know thy Spirit hovers nigh Under thy friendly Conduct will I fly To Regions unexplor'd secure to share Thy State nor Hell shall Punishment appear And Heav'n is double Heav'n if thou art there She said Her brim-full Eyes that ready stood And only wanted Will to weep a Flood Releas'd their watry Store and pour'd amain Like Clouds low hung a sober Show'r of Rain Mute solemn Sorrow free from Female Noise Such as the Majesty of Grief destroys For bending o'er the Cup the Tears she shed Seem'd by the Posture to discharge her Head O'er-fill'd before and oft her Mouth apply'd To the cold Heart she kiss'd at once and cry'd Her Maids who stood amaz'd nor knew the Cause Of her Complaining nor whose Heart it was Yet all due Measures of her Mourning kept Did Office at the Dirge and by Infection wept And oft enquir'd th' Occasion of her Grief Unanswer'd
but by Sighs and offer'd vain Relief At length her Stock of Tears already shed She wip'd her Eyes she rais'd her drooping Head And thus pursu'd O ever faithful Heart I have perform'd the Ceremonial Part The Decencies of Grief It rests behind That as our Bodies were our Souls be join'd To thy whate'er abode my Shade convey And as an elder Ghost direct the way She said and bad the Vial to be brought Where she before had brew'd the deadly Draught First pouring out the med'cinable Bane The Heart her Tears had rins'd she bath'd again Then down her Throat the Death securely throws And quaffs a long Oblivion of her Woes This done she mounts the Genial Bed and there Her Body first compos'd with honest Care Attends the welcom Rest Her Hands yet hold Close to her Heart the Monumental Gold Nor farther Word she spoke but clos'd her Sight And quiet sought the Govert of the Night The Damsels who the while in Silence mourn'd Not knowing nor suspecting Death suborn'd Yet as their Duty was to Tancred sent Who conscious of th' Occasion fear'd th' Event Alarm'd and with presaging Heart he came And drew the Curtains and expos'd the Dame To loathsom Light then with a late Relief Made vain Efforts to mitigate her Grief She what she could excluding Day her Eyes Kept firmly seal'd and sternly thus replies Tancred restrain thy Tears unsought by me And Sorrow unavailing now to thee Did ever Man before afflict his Mind To see th' Effect of what himself design'd Yet if thou hast remaining in thy Heart Some Sense of Love some unextinguish'd Part Of former Kindness largely once profess'd Let me by that adjure thy harden'd Breast Not to deny thy Daughters last Request The secret Love which I so long enjoy'd And still conceal'd to gratifie thy Pride Thou hast disjoin'd but with my dying Breath Seek not I beg thee to disjoin our Death Where-e'er his Corps by thy Command is laid Thither let mine in publick be convey'd Expos'd in open View and Side by Side Acknowledg'd as a Bridegroom and a Bride The Prince's Anguish hinder'd his Reply And she who felt her Fate approaching nigh Seiz'd the cold Heart and heaving to her Breast Here precious Pledge she said securely rest These Accents were her last the creeping Death Benum'd her Senses first then stopp'd her Breath Thus she for Disobedience justly dy'd The Sire was justly punish'd for his Pride The Youth least guilty suffer'd for th' Offence Of Duty violated to his Prince Who late repenting of his cruel Deed One common Sepulcher for both decreed Intomb'd the wretched Pair in Royal State And on their Monument inscrib'd their Fate BAUCIS AND PHILEMON Out of the Eighth Book OF OVID'S Metamorphoses BAUCIS AND PHILEMON Out of the Eighth Book of OVID's METAMORPHOSES The Author pursuing the Deeds of Theseus relates how He with his Friend Perithous were invited by Achelous the River-God to stay with him till his Waters were abated Achelous entertains them with a Relation of his own Love to Perimele who was chang'd into an Island by Neptune at his Request Perithous being an Atheist derides the Legend and denies the Power of the Gods to work that Miracle Lelex another Companion of Theseus to constrm the Story of Achelous relates another Metamorphosis of Baucis and Philemon into Trees of which he was partly an Eye-witness THus Achelous ends His Audience hear With admiration and admiring fear The Pow'rs of Heav'n except Ixion's Son Who laugh'd at all the Gods believ'd in none He shook his impious Head and thus replies These Legends are no more than pious Lies You attribute too much to Heavenly Sway To think they give us Forms and take away The rest of better Minds their Sense declar'd Against this Doctrine and with Horrour heard Then Lelex rose an old experienc'd Man And thus with sober Gravity began Heav'ns Pow'r is Infinite Earth Air and Sea The Manufacture Mass the making Pow'r obey By Proof to clear your Doubt In Phrygian Ground Two neighb'ring Trees with Walls encompass'd round Stand on a mod'rate Rise with wonder shown One a hard Oak a softer Linden one I saw the Place and them by Pittheus sent To Phrygian Realms my Grandsire's Government Not far from thence is seen a Lake the Haunt Of Coots and of the fishing Cormorant Here Jove with Hermes came but in Disguise Of mortal Men conceal'd their Deities One laid aside his Thunder one his Rod And many toilsom Steps together trod For Harbour at a thousand Doors they knock'd Not one of all the thousand but was lock'd At last an hospitable House they found A homely Shed the Roof not far from Ground Was thatch'd with Reeds and Straw together bound There Baucis and Philemon liv'd and there Had liv'd long marry'd and a happy Pair Now old in Love though little was their Store Inur'd to Want their Poverty they bore Nor aim'd at Wealth professing to be poor For Master or for Servant here to call Was all alike where only Two were All. Command was none where equal Love was paid Or rather both commanded both obey'd From lofty Roofs the Gods repuls'd before Now stooping enter'd through the little Door The Man their hearty Welcome first express'd A common Settle drew for either Guest Inviting each his weary Limbs to rest But e'er they sat officious Baucis lays Two Cushions stuff'd with Straw the Seat to raise Course but the best she had then rakes the Load Of Ashes from the Hearth and spreads abroad The living Coals and lest they shou'd expire With Leaves and Barks she feeds her Infant-fire It smoaks and then with trembling Breath she blows Till in a chearful Blaze the Flames arose With Brush-wood and with Chips she strengthens these And adds at last the Boughs of rotten Trees The Fire thus form'd she sets the Kettle on Like burnish'd Gold the little Seether shone Next took the Coleworts which her Husband got From his own Ground a small well-water'd Spot She stripp'd the Stalks of all their Leaves the best She cull'd and then with handy-care she dress'd High o'er the Hearth a Chine of Bacon hung Good old Philemon seiz'd it with a Prong And from the sooty Rafter drew it down Then cut a Slice but scarce enough for one Yet a large Portion of a little Store Which for their Sakes alone he wish'd were more This in the Pot he plung'd without delay To tame the Flesh and drain the Salt away The Time between before the Fire they sat And shorten'd the Delay by pleasing Chat. A Beam there was on which a Beechen Pail Hung by the Handle on a driven Nail This fill'd with Water gently warm'd they set Before their Guests in this they bath'd their Feet And after with clean Towels dry'd their Sweat This done the Host produc'd the genial Bed Sallow the Feet the Borders and the Sted Which with no costly Coverlet they spread But course old Garments yet such Robes as these They laid alone at
true the harden'd Breast resists the Gripe And the cold Lips return a Kiss unripe But when retiring back he look'd agen To think it Iv'ry was a Thought too mean So wou'd believe she kiss'd and courting more Again embrac'd her naked Body o'er And straining hard the Statue was afraid His Hands had made a Dint and hurt his Maid Explor'd her Limb by Limb and fear'd to find So rude a Gripe had left a livid Mark behind With Flatt'ry now he seeks her Mind to move And now with Gifts the pow'rful Bribes of Love He furnishes her Closet first and fills The crowded Shelves with Rarities of Shells Adds Orient Pearls which from the Conchs he drew And all the sparkling Stones of various Hue And Parrots imitating Humane Tongue And Singing-birds in Silver Cages hung And ev'ry fragrant Flow'r and od'rous Green Were sorted well with Lumps of Amber laid between Rich fashionable Robes her Person deck Pendants her Ears and Pearls adorn her Neck Her taper'd Fingers too with Rings are grac'd And an embroider'd Zone surrounds her slender Waste Thus like a Queen array'd so richly dress'd Beauteous she shew'd but naked shew'd the best Then from the Floor he rais'd a Royal Bed With Cov'rings of Sydonian Purple spread The Solemn Rites perform'd he calls her Bride With Blandishments invites her to his Side And as she were with Vital Sense possess'd Her Head did on a plumy Pillow rest The Feast of Venus came a Solemn Day To which the Cypriots due Devotion pay With gilded Horns the Milk-white Heifers led Slaughter'd before the sacred Altars bled Pygmalion off'ring first approach'd the Shrine And then with Pray'rs implor'd the Pow'rs Divine Almighty Gods if all we Mortals want If all we can require be yours to grant Make this fair Statue mine he wou'd have said But chang'd his Words for shame and only pray'd Give me the Likeness of my Iv'ry Maid The Golden Goddess present at the Pray'r Well knew he meant th' inanimated Fair And gave the Sign of granting his Desire For thrice in chearful Flames ascends the Fire The Youth returning to his Mistress hies And impudent in Hope with ardent Eyes And beating Breast by the dear Statue lies He kisses her white Lips renews the Bliss And looks and thinks they redden at the Kiss He thought them warm before Nor longer stays But next his Hand on her hard Bosom lays Hard as it was beginning to relent It seem'd the Breast beneath his Fingers bent He felt again his Fingers made a Print 'T was Flesh but Flesh so firm it rose against the Dint The pleasing Task he fails not to renew Soft and more soft at ev'ry Touch it grew Like pliant Wax when chafing Hands reduce The former Mass to Form and frame for Use. He would believe but yet is still in pain And tries his Argument of Sense again Presses the Pulse and feels the leaping Vein Convinc'd o'erjoy'd his studied Thanks and Praise To her who made the Miracle he pays Then Lips to Lips he join'd now freed from Fear He found the Savour of the Kiss sincere At this the waken'd Image op'd her Eyes And view'd at once the Light and Lover with surprize The Goddess present at the Match she made So bless'd the Bed such Fruitfulness convey'd That e'er ten Moons had sharpen'd either Horn To crown their Bliss a lovely Boy was born Paphos his Name who grown to Manhood wall'd The City Paphos from the Founder call'd CINYRAS AND MYRRHA Out of the Tenth Book OF OVID'S Metamorphoses CINYRAS AND MYRRHA Out of the Tenth Book of OVID'S METAMORPHOSES There needs no Connection of this Story with the Former for the Beginning of This immediately follows the End of the Last The Reader is only to take notice that Orpheus who relates both was by Birth a Thracian and his Country far distant from Cyprus where Myrrha was born and from Arabia whither she fled You will see the Reason of this Note soon after the first Lines of this Fable NOr him alone produc'd the fruitful Queen But Cinyras who like his Sire had been A happy Prince had he not been a Sire Daughters and Fathers from my Song retire I sing of Horrour and could I prevail You shou'd not hear or not believe my Tale. Yet if the Pleasure of my Song be such That you will hear and credit me too much Attentive listen to the last Event And with the Sin believe the Punishment Since Nature cou'd behold so dire a Crime I gratulate at least my Native Clime That such a Land which such a Monster bore So far is distant from our Thracian Shore Let Araby extol her happy Coast Her Cinamon and sweet Amomum boast Her fragrant Flow'rs her Trees with precious Tears Her second Harvests and her double Years How can the Land be call'd so bless'd that Myrrha bears Nor all her od'rous Tears can cleanse her Crime Her Plant alone deforms the happy Olime Cupid denies to have inflam'd thy Heart Disowns thy Love and vindicates his Dart Some Fury gave thee those infernal Pains And shot her venom'd Vipers in thy Veins To hate thy Sire had meritted a Curse But such an impious Love deserv'd a worse The Neighb'ring Monarchs by thy Beauty led Contend in Crowds ambitious of thy Bed The World is at thy Choice except but one Except but him thou canst not chuse alone She knew it too the miserable Maid E'er impious Love her better Thoughts betray'd And thus within her secret Soul she said Ah Myrrha whither wou'd thy Wishes tend Ye Gods ye sacred Laws my Soul defend From such a Crime as all Mankind detest And never lodg'd before in Humane Breast But is it Sin Or makes my Mind alone Th' imagin'd Sin For Nature makes it none What Tyrant then these envious Laws began Made not for any other Beast but Man The Father-Bull his Daughter may bestride The Horse may make his Mother-Mare a Bride What Piety forbids the lusty Ram Or more salacious Goat to rut their Dam The Hen is free to wed the Chick she bore And make a Husband whom she hatch'd before All Creatures else are of a happier Kind Whom nor ill-natur'd Laws from Pleasure bind Nor Thoughts of Sin disturb their Peace of Mind But Man a Slave of his own making lives The Fool denies himself what Nature gives Too busie Senates with an over-care To make us better than our Kind can bear Have dash'd a Spice of Envy in the Laws And straining up too high have spoil'd the Cause Yet some wise Nations break their cruel Chains And own no Laws but those which Love ordains Where happy Daughters with their Sires are join'd And Piety is doubly paid in Kind O that I had been born in such a Clime Not here where 't is the Country makes the Crime But whither wou'd my impious Fancy stray Hence Hopes and ye forbidden Thoughts away His Worth deserves to kindle my Desires But with the Love that Daughters bear to Sires Then had not
never must the Council share One gracious Word is for a Wife too much Such is a Marriage-Vow and Jove's own Faith is such Then thus the Sire of Gods and Men below What I have hidden hope not thou to know Ev'n Goddesses are Women And no Wife Has Pow'r to regulate her Husband's Life Counsel she may and I will give thy Ear The Knowledge first of what is fit to hear What I transact with others or alone Beware to learn nor press too near the Throne To whom the Goddess with the charming Eyes What hast thou said O Tyrant of the Skies When did I search the Secrets of thy Reign Though priviledg'd to know but priviledg'd in vain But well thou dost to hide from common Sight Thy close Intrigues too bad to bear the Light Nor doubt I but the Silver-footed Dame Tripping from Sea on such an Errand came To grace her Issue at the Grecians Cost And for one peevish Man destroy an Host. To whom the Thund'rer made this stern Reply My Houshold Curse my lawful Plague the Spy Of Jove's Designs his other squinting Eye Why this vain prying and for what avail Jove will be Master still and Juno fail Shou'd thy suspicious Thoughts divine aright Thou but becom'st more odlous to my Sight For this Attempt uneasy Life to me Still watch'd and importun'd but worse for thee Curb that impetuous Tongue before too late The Gods behold and tremble at thy Fate Pitying but daring not in thy Defence To lift a Hand against Omnipotence This heard the Imperious Queen sate mute with Fear Nor further durst incense the gloomy Thunderer Silence was in the Court at this Rebuke Nor cou'd the Gods abash'd sustain their Sov'reigns Look The Limping Smith observ'd the sadden'd Feast And hopping here and there himself a Jest Put in his Word that neither might offend To Jove obsequious yet his Mother's Friend What end in Heav'n will be of civil War If Gods of Pleasure will for Mortals jar Such Discord but disturbs our Jovial Feast One Grain of Bad embitters all the best Mother tho' wise your self my Counsel weigh 'T is much unsafe my Sire to disobey Not only you provoke him to your Cost But Mirth is marr'd and the good Chear is lost Tempt not his heavy Hand for he has Pow'r To throw you Headlong from his Heav'nly Tow'r But one submissive 〈◊〉 which you let fall Will make 〈◊〉 good 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All. He said no more but crown'd a Bowl unbid The laughing Nectar overlook'd the Lid Then put it to her Hand and thus pursu'd This cursed Quarrel be no more renew'd Be as becomes a Wife 〈◊〉 still Though griev'd yet subject to her Husband 's Will. I wou'd not see you beaten yet affraid Of Jove's superiour Force I dare not aid Too well I know him since that hapless Hour When I and all the Gods employ'd our Pow'r To break your Bonds Me by the Heel he drew And o'er Heav'n's Battlements with Fury threw All Day I fell My Flight at Morn begun And ended not but with the setting Sun Pitch'd on my Head at length the Lemnian ground Receiv'd my batter'd Skull the Sinthians heal'd my Wound At Vulcan's homely Mirth his Mother smil'd And smiling took the Cup the Clown had fill'd The Reconciler Bowl went round the Board Which empty'd the rude Skinker still restor'd Loud Fits of Laughter seiz'd the Guests to see The limping God so deft at his new Ministry The Feast continu'd till declining Light They drank they laugh'd they lov'd and then 't was Night Nor wanted tuneful Harp nor vocal Quire The Muses sung Apollo touch'd the Lyre Drunken at last and drowsy they depart Each to his House Adorn'd with labour'd Art Of the lame Architect The thund'ring God Ev'n he withdrew to rest and had his Load His swimming Head to needful Sleep apply'd And Juno lay unheeded by his Side THE COCK and the FOX OR THE TALE OF THE NUN's PRIEST FROM CHAUCER THE COCK and the FOX OR THE TALE OF THE NUN's PRIEST THere liv'd as Authors tell in Days of Yore A Widow somewhat old and very poor 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Cottage lonely stood Well thatch'd and under covert of a Wood. This Dowager on whom my Tale I found Since last she laid her Husband in the Ground A simple sober Life in patience led And had but just enough to buy her Bread But Huswifing the little Heav'n had lent She duly paid a Groat for Quarter-Rent A Yard she had with Pales enclos'd about Some high some low and a dry Ditch without Within this Homestead liv'd without a Peer For crowing loud the noble Chanticleer So hight her Cock whose singing did surpass The merry Notes of Organs at the Mass. More certain was the crowing of a Cock To number Hours than is an Abbey-clock And sooner than the Mattin-Bell was rung He clap'd his Wings upon his Roost and sung For when Degrees fifteen ascended right By sure Instinct he knew 't was One at Night High was his Comb and Coral-red withal In dents embattel'd like a Castle-Wall His Bill was Raven-black and shon like Jet Blue were his Legs and Orient were his Feet White were his Nails like Silver to behold His Body glitt'ring like the burnish'd Gold This gentle Cock for solace of his Life Six Misses had beside his lawful Wife Scandal that spares no King tho' ne'er so good Says they were all of his own Flesh and Blood His Sisters both by Sire and Mother's side And sure their likeness show'd them near ally'd But make the worst the Monarch did no more Than all the Ptolomey's had done before When Incest is for Int'rest of a Nation 'T is made no Sin by Holy Dispensation Some Lines have been maintain'd by this alone Which by their common Ugliness are known But passing this as from our Tale apart Dame Partlet was the Soveraign of his Heart Ardent in Love outragious in his Play He feather'd her a hundred times a Day And she that was not only passing fair But was withal discreet and debonair Resolv'd the passive Doctrin to fulfil Tho' loath And let him work his wicked Will At Board and Bed was affable and kind According as their Marriage-Vow did bind And as the Churches Precept had enjoin'd Ev'n since she was a Sennight old they say Was chast and humble to her dying Day Nor Chick nor Hen was known to disobey By this her Husband's Heart she did obtain What cannot Beauty join'd with Virtue gain She was his only Joy and he her Pride She when he walk'd went pecking by his side If spurning up the Ground he sprung a Corn The Tribute in his Bill to her was born But oh what Joy it was to hear him sing In Summer when the Day began to spring Stretching his Neck and warbling in his Throat Solus cum Sola then was all his Note For in the Days of Yore the Birds of Parts Were bred to Speak and Sing and learn the lib'ral Arts. It happ'd that perching on the
Parlor-beam Amidst his Wives he had a deadly Dream Just at the Dawn and sigh'd and groan'd so fast As ev'ry Breath he drew wou'd be his last Dame Partlet ever nearest to his Side Heard all his piteous Moan and how he cry'd For Help from Gods and Men And sore aghast She peck'd and pull'd and waken'd him at last Dear Heart said she for Love of Heav'n declare Your Pain and make me Partner of your Care You groan Sir ever since the Morning-light As something had disturb'd your noble Spright And Madam well I might said Chanticleer Never was Shrovetide-Cock in such a fear Ev'n still I run all over in a Sweat My Princely Senses not recover'd yet For such a Dream I had of dire Portent That much I fear my Body will be shent It bodes I shall have Wars and woful Strife Or in a loathsom Dungeon end my Life Know Dame I dreamt within my troubled Breast That in our Yard I saw a murd'rous Beast That on my Body would have made Arrest With waking Eyes I ne'er beheld his Fellow His Colour was betwixt a Red and Yellow Tipp'd was his Tail and both his pricking Ears With black and much unlike his other Hairs The rest in shape a Beagle's Whelp throughout With broader Forehead and a sharper Snout Deep in his Front were sunk his glowing Eyes That yet methinks I see him with Surprize Reach out your Hand I drop with clammy Sweat And lay it to my Heart and feel it beat Now fy for Shame quoth she by Heav'n above Thou hast for ever lost thy Ladies Love No Woman can endure a Recreant Knight He must be bold by Day and free by Night Our Sex desires a Husband or a Friend Who can our Honour and his own defend Wise Hardy Secret lib'ral of his Purse A Fool is nauseous but a Coward worse No bragging Coxcomb yet no baffled Knight How dar'st thou talk of Love and dar'st not Fight How dar'st thou tell thy Dame thou art affer'd Hast thou no manly Heart and hast a Beard If ought from fearful Dreams may be divin'd They signify a Cock of Dunghill-kind All Dreams as in old Gallen I have read Are from Repletion and Complexion bred From rising Fumes of indigested Food And noxious Humors that infect the Blood And sure my Lord if I can read aright These foolish Fancies you have had to Night Are certain Symptoms in the canting Style Of boiling Choler and abounding Bile This yellow Gaul that in your Stomach floats Ingenders all these visionary Thoughts When Choler overflows then Dreams are bred Of Flames and all the Family of Red Red Dragons and red Beasts in sleep we view For Humors are distinguish'd by their Hue. From hence we dream of Wars and Warlike Things And Wasps and Hornets with their double Wings Choler adust congeals our Blood with Fear Then black Bulls toss us and black Devils tear In sanguine airy Dreams aloft we bound With Rhumes oppress'd we sink in Rivers drown'd More I could say but thus conclude my Theme The dominating Humour makes the Dream Cato was in his time accounted Wise And he condemns them all for empty Lies Take my Advice and when we fly to Ground With Laxatives preserve your Body sound And purge the peccant Humors that abound I should be Ioath to lay you on a Bier And though there lives no ' Pothecary near I dare for once prescribe for your Disease And save long Bills and a damn'd Doctor 's Fees Two Soveraign Herbs which I by practise know And both at Hand for in our Yard they grow On peril of my Soul shall rid you wholly Of yellow Choler and of Melancholy You must both Purge and Vomit but obey And for the love of Heav'n make no delay Since hot and dry in your Complexion join Beware the Sun when in a vernal Sign For when he mounts exalted in the Ram If then he finds your Body in a Flame Replete with Choler I dare lay a Groat A Tertian Ague is at least your Lot Perhaps a Fever which the Gods forefend May bring your Youth to some untimely end And therefore Sir as you desire to live A Day or two before your Laxative Take just three Worms nor over nor above Because the Gods unequal Numbers love These Digestives prepare you for your Purge Of Fumetery Centaury and Spurge And of Ground-Ivy add a Leaf or two All which within our Yard or Garden grow Eat these and be my Lord of better Cheer Your Father's Son was never born to fear Madam quoth he Grammercy for your Care But Cato whom you quoted you may spare 'T is true a wise and worthy Man he seems And as you say gave no belief to Dreams But other Men of more Authority And by th' Immortal Pow'rs as wise as He Maintain with sounder Sense that Dreams forbode For Homer plainly says they come from God Nor Cato said it But some modern Fool Impos'd in Cato's Name on Boys at School Believe me Madam Morning Dreams foreshow Th' events of Things and future Weal or Woe Some Truths are not by Reason to be try'd But we have sure Experience for our Guide An ancient Author equal with the best Relates this Tale of Dreams among the rest Two Friends or Brothers with devout Intent On some far Pilgrimage together went It happen'd so that when the Sun was down They just arriv'd by twilight at a Town That Day had been the baiting of a Bull 'T was at a Feast and ev'ry Inn so full That no void Room in Chamber or on Ground And but one sorry Bed was to be found And that so little it would hold but one Though till this Hour they never lay alone So were they forc'd to part one stay'd behind His Fellow sought what Lodging he could find At last he found a Stall where Oxen stood And that he rather chose than lie abroad 'T was in a farther Yard without a Door But for his ease well litter'd was the Floor His Fellow who the narrow Bed had kept Was weary and without a Rocker slept Supine he snor'd but in the dead of Night He dreamt his Friend appear'd before his Sight Who with a ghastly Look and doleful Cry Said help me Brother or this Night I die Arise and help before all Help be vain Or in an Oxes Stall I shall be slain Rowz'd from his Rest he waken'd in a start Shiv'ring with Horror and with aking Heart At length to cure himself by Reason tries 'T was but a Dream and what are Dreams but Lies So thinking chang'd his Side and clos'd his Eyes His Dream returns his Friend appears again The Murd'rers come now help or I am slain 'T was but a Vision still and Visions are but vain He dreamt the third But now his Friend appear'd Pale naked pierc'd with Wounds with Blood besmear'd Thrice warn'd awake said he Relief is late The Deed is done but thou revenge my Fate Tardy of Aid unseal thy heavy Eyes Awake and with
think it was to give consent But struggling with his own Desires he went With large Expence and with a pompous Train Provided as to visit France or Spain Or for some distant Voyage o'er the Main But Love had clipp'd his Wings and cut him short Confin'd within the purlieus of his Court Three Miles he went nor farther could retreat His Travels ended at his Country-Seat To Chassis pleasing Plains he took his way There pitch'd his Tents and there resolv'd to stay The Spring was in the Prime the neighb'ring Grove Supply'd with Birds the Choristers of Love Musick unbought that minister'd Delight To Morning-walks and lull'd his Cares by Night There he discharg'd his Friends but not th' Expence Of frequent Treats and proud Magnificence He liv'd as Kings retire though more at large From publick Business yet with equal Charge With House and Heart still open to receive As well content as Love would give him leave He would have liv'd more free but many a Guest Who could forsake the Friend pursu'd the Feast It happ'd one Morning as his Fancy led Before his usual Hour he left his Bed To walk within a lonely Lawn that stood On ev'ry side surrounded by the Wood Alone he walk'd to please his pensive Mind And sought the deepest Solitude to find 'T was in a Grove of spreading Pines he stray'd The Winds within the quiv'ring Branches plaid And Dancing-Trees a mournful Musick made The Place it self was suiting to his Care Uncouth and Salvage as the cruel Fair. He wander'd on unknowing where he went Lost in the Wood and all on Love intent The Day already half his Race had run And summon'd him to due Repast at Noon But Love could feel no Hunger but his own While list'ning to the murm'ring Leaves he stood More than a Mile immers'd within the Wood At once the Wind was laid the whisp'ring sound Was dumb a rising Earthquake rock'd the Ground With deeper Brown the Grove was overspred A suddain Horror seiz'd his giddy Head And his Ears tinckled and his Colour fled Nature was in alarm some Danger nigh Seem'd threaten'd though unseen to mortal Eye Unus'd to fear he summon'd all his Soul And stood collected in himself and whole Not long For soon a Whirlwind rose around And from afar he heard a screaming sound As of a Dame distress'd who cry'd for Aid And fill'd with loud Laments the secret Shade A Thicket close beside the Grove there stood With Breers and Brambles choak'd and dwarfish Wood From thence the Noise Which now approaching near With more distinguish'd Notes invades his Ear He rais'd his Head and saw a beauteous Maid With Hair dishevell'd issuing through the Shade Stripp'd of her Cloaths and e'en those Parts reveal'd Which modest Nature keeps from Sight conceal'd Her Face her Hands her naked Limbs were torn With passing through the Brakes and prickly Thorn Two Mastiffs gaunt and grim her Flight pursu'd And oft their fasten'd Fangs in Blood embru'd Oft they came up and pinch'd her tender Side Mercy O Mercy Heav'n she ran and cry'd When Heav'n was nam'd they loos'd their Hold again Then sprung she forth they follow'd her amain Not far behind a Knight of swarthy Face High on a Coal-black Steed pursu'd the Chace With flashing Flames his ardent Eyes were fill'd And in his Hands a naked Sword he held He chear'd the Dogs to follow her who fled And vow'd Revenge on her devoted Head As Theodore was born of noble Kind The brutal Action rowz'd his manly Mind Mov'd with unworthy Usage of the Maid He though unarm'd resolv'd to give her Aid A Saplin Pine he wrench'd from out the Ground The readiest Weapon that his Fury found Thus furnish'd for Offence he cross'd the way Betwixt the graceless Villain and his Prey The Knight came thund'ring on but from afar Thus in imperious Tone forbad the War Cease Theodore to proffer vain Relief Nor stop the vengeance of so just a Grief But give me leave to seize my destin'd Prey And let eternal Justice take the way I but revenge my Fate disdain'd betray'd And suff'ring Death for this ungrateful Maid He say'd at once dismounting from the Steed For now the Hell-hounds with superiour Speed Had reach'd the Dame and fast'ning on her Side The Ground with issuing Streams of Purple dy'd Stood Theodore surpriz'd in deadly Fright With chatt'ring Teeth and bristling Hair upright Yet arm'd with inborn Worth What e'er said he Thou art who know'st me better than I thee Or prove thy rightful Cause or be defy'd The Spectre fiercely staring thus reply'd Know Theodore thy Ancestry I claim And Guido Cavalcanti was my Name One common Sire our Fathers did beget My Name and Story some remember yet Thee then a Boy within my Arms I laid When for my Sins I lov'd this haughty Maid Not less ador'd in Life nor serv'd by Me Than proud Honoria now is lov'd by Thee What did I not her stubborn Heart to gain But all my Vows were answer'd with Disdain She scorn'd my Sorrows and despis'd my Pain Long time I dragg'd my Days in fruitless Care Then loathing Life and plung'd in deep Despair To finish my unhappy Life I fell On this sharp Sword and now am damn'd in Hell Short was her Joy for soon th' insulting Maid By Heav'n's Decree in the cold Grave was laid And as in unrepenting Sin she dy'd Doom'd to the same bad Place is punish'd for her Pride Because she deem'd I well deserv'd to die And made a Merit of her Cruelty There then we met both try'd and both were cast And this irrevocable Sentence pass'd That she whom I so long pursu'd in vain Should suffer from my Hands a lingring Pain Renew'd to Life that she might daily die I daily doom'd to follow she to fly No more a Lover but a mortal Foe I seek her Life for Love is none below As often as my Dogs with better speed Arrest her Flight is she to Death decreed Then with this fatal Sword on which I dy'd I pierce her open'd Back or tender Side And tear that harden'd Heart from out her Breast Which with her Entrails makes my hungry Hounds a Feast Nor lies she long but as her Fates ordain Springs up to Life and fresh to second Pain Is sav'd to Day to Morrow to be slain This vers'd in Death th' infernal Knight relates And then for Proof fulfill'd their common Fates Her Heart and Bowels through her Back he drew And fed the Hounds that help'd him to pursue Stern'd look'd the Fiend as frustrate of his Will Not half suffic'd and greedy yet to kill And now the Soul expiring through the Wound Had left the Body breathless on the Ground When thus the grisly Spectre spoke again Behold the Fruit of ill-rewarded Pain As many Months as I sustain'd her Hate So many Years is she condemn'd by Fate To daily Death and ev'ry several Place Conscious of her Disdain and my Disgrace Must witness her just Punishment and be A Scene of
Triumph and Revenge to me As in this Grove I took my last Farewel As on this very spot of Earth I fell As Friday saw me die so she my Prey Becomes ev'n here on this revolving Day Thus while he spoke the Virgin from the Ground Upstarted fresh already clos'd the Wound And unconcern'd for all she felt before Precipitates her Flight along the Shore The Hell-hounds as ungorg'd with Flesh and Blood Pursue their Prey and seek their wonted Food The Fiend remounts his Courser mends his Pace And all the Vision vanish'd from the Place Long stood the noble Youth oppress'd with Awe And stupid at the wond'rous Things he saw Surpassing common Faith transgressing Nature's Law He would have been asleep and wish'd to wake But Dreams he knew no long Impression make Though strong at first If Vision to what end But such as must his future State portend His Love the Damsel and himself the Fiend But yet reflecting that it could not be From Heav'n which cannot impious Acts decree Resolv'd within himself to shun the Snare Which Hell for his Distruction did prepare And as his better Genius should direct From an ill Cause to draw a good effect Inspir'd from Heav'n he homeward took his way Nor pall'd his new Design with long delay But of his Train a trusty Servant sent To call his Friends together at his Tent. They came and usual Salutations paid With Words premeditated thus he said What you have often counsell'd to remove My vain pursuit of unreguarded Love By Thrift my sinking Fortune to repair Tho' late yet is at last become my Care My Heart shall be my own my vast Expence Reduc'd to bounds by timely Providence This only I require invite for me Honoria with her Father's Family Her Friends and mine the Cause I shall display On Friday next for that 's th' appointed Day Well pleas'd were all his Friends the Task was light The Father Mother Daughter they invite Hardly the Dame was drawn to this repast But yet resolv'd because it was the last The Day was come the Guests invited came And with the rest th'inexorable Dame A Feast prepar'd with riotons Expence Much Cost more Care and most Magnificence The Place ordain'd was in that haunted Grove Where the revenging Ghost pursu'd his Love The Tables in a proud Pavilion spred With Flow'rs below and Tissue overhead The rest in rank Honoria chief in place Was artfully contriv'd to set her Face To front the Thicket and behold the Chace The Feast was serv'd the time so well forecast That just when the Dessert and Fruits were plac'd The Fiend's Alarm began the hollow sound Sung in the Leaves the Forest shook around Air blacken'd rowl'd the Thunder groan'd the Ground Nor long before the loud Laments arise Of one distress'd and Mastiffs mingled Cries And first the Dame came rushing through the Wood And next the famish'd Hounds that sought their Food And grip'd her Flanks and oft essay'd their Jaws in Blood Last came the Fellon on the Sable Steed Arm'd with his naked Sword and urg'd his Dogs to speed She ran and cry'd her Flight directly bent A Guest unbidden to the fatal Tent The Scene of Death and Place ordain'd for Punishment Loud was the Noise aghast was every Guest The Women shriek'd the Men forsook the Feast The Hounds at nearer distance hoarsly bay'd The Hunter clos'd pursu'd the visionary Maid She rent the Heav'n with loud Laments imploring Aid The Gallants to protect the Ladies right Their Fauchions brandish'd at the grisly Spright High on his Stirups he provok'd the Fight Then on the Crowd he cast a furious Look And wither'd all their Strength before he strook Back on your Lives let be said he my Prey And let my Vengeance take the destin'd way Vain are your Arms and vainer your Defence Against th' eternal Doom of Providence Mine is th' ungrateful Maid by Heav'n design'd Mercy she would hot give nor Mercy shall she find At this the former Tale again he told With thund'ring Tone and dreadful to behold Sunk were their Hearts with Horror of the Crime Nor needed to be warn'd a second time But bore each other back some knew the Face And all had heard the much lamented Case Of him who fell for Love and this the fatal Place And now th' infernal Minister advanc'd Seiz'd the due Victim and with Fury lanch'd Her Back and piercing through her inmost Heart Drew backward as before th' offending part The reeking Entrails next he tore away And to his meagre Mastiffs made a Prey The pale Assistants on each other star'd With gaping Mouths for issuing Words prepar'd The still born founds upon the Palate hung And dy'd imperfect on the faltring Tongue The Fright was general but the Female Band A helpless Train in more Confusion stand With Horror shuddring on a heap they run Sick at the sight of hateful Justice done For Conscience rung th' Alarm and made the Case their own So spread upon a Lake with upward Eye A plump of Fowl behold their Foe on high They close their trembling Troop and all attend On whom the sowsing Eagle will descend But most the proud Honoria fear'd th' event And thought to her alone the Vision sent Her Guilt presents to her distracted Mind Heav'ns Justice Theodore's revengeful Kind And the same Fate to the same Sin assign'd Already sees her self the Monster 's Prey And fecls her Heart and Entrails torn away 'T was a mute Scene of Sorrow mix'd with fear Still on the Table lay th' unfinish'd Cheer The Knight and hungry Mastiffs stood around The mangled Dame lay breathless on the Ground When on a suddain reinspired with Breath Again she rose again to suffer Death Nor stay'd the Hell-hounds nor the Hunter stay'd But follow'd as before the flying Maid Th' Avenger took from Earth th' avenging Sword And mounting light as Air his Sable Steed he spurr'd The Clouds dispell'd the Sky resum'd her Light And Nature stood recover'd of her Fright But Fear the last of Ills remain'd behind And Horror heavy sat on ev'ry Mind Nor Theodore incourag'd more his Feast But sternly look'd as hatching in his Breast Some deep Design which when Honoria view'd The fresh Impulse her former Fright renew'd She thought her self the trembling Dame who fled And him the grisly Ghost that spurr'd th' infernal Steed The more dismay'd for when the Guests withdrew Their courteous Host saluting all the Crew Regardless pass'd her o'er nor grac'd with kind adieu That Sting infix'd within her haughty Mind The downfal of her Empire she divin'd And her proud Heart with secret Sorrow pin'd Home as they went the sad Discourse renew'd Of the relentless Dame to Death pursu'd And of the Sight obscene so lately view'd None durst arraign the righteous Doom she bore Ev'n they who pity'd most yet blam'd her more The Parallel they needed not to name But in the Dead they damn'd the living Dame At ev'ry little Noise she look'd behind For still the
Knight was present to her Mind And anxious oft she started on the way And thought the Horseman-Ghost came thundring for his Prey Return'd she took her Bed with little Rest But in short Slumbers dreamt the Funeral Feast Awak'd she turn'd her Side and slept again The same black Vapors mounted in her Brain And the same Dreams return'd with double Pain Now forc'd to wake because afraid to sleep Her Blood all Fever'd with a furious Leap She sprung from Bed distracted in her Mind And fear'd at ev'ry Step a twitching Spright behind Darkling and desp'rate with a stagg'ring pace Of Death afraid and conscious of Disgrace Fear Pride Remorse at once her Heart assail'd Pride put Remorse to flight but Fear prevail'd Friday the fatal Day when next it came Her Soul forethought the Fiend would change his Game And her pursue or Theodore be slain And two Ghosts join their Packs to hunt her o'er the Plain This dreadful Image so possess'd her Mind That desp'rate any Succour else to find She ceas'd all farther hope and now began To make reflection on th' unhappy Man Rich Brave and Young who past expression lov'd Proof to Disdain and not to be remov'd Of all the Men respected and admir'd Of all the Dames except her self desir'd Why not of her Preferr'd above the rest By him with Knightly Deeds and open Love profess'd So had another been where he his Vows address'd This quell'd her Pride yet other Doubts remain'd That once disdaining she might be disdain'd The Fear was just but greater Fear prevail'd Fear of her Life by hellish Hounds assail'd He took a low'ring leave but who can tell What outward Hate might inward Love conceal Her Sexes Arts she knew and why not then Might deep dissembling have a place in Men Here Hope began to dawn resolv'd to try She fix'd on this her utmost Remedy Death was behind but hard it was to die T was time enough at last on Death to call The Precipice in sight A Shrub was all That kindly stood betwixt to break the fatal fall One Maid she had belov'd above the rest Secure of her the Secret she confess'd And now the chearful Light her Fears dispell'd She with no winding turns the Truth conceal'd But put the Woman off and stood reveal'd With Faults confess'd commission'd her to go If Pity yet had place and reconcile her Foe The welcom Message made was soon receiv'd 'T was what he wish'd and hop'd but scarce believ'd Fate seem'd a fair occasion to present He knew the Sex and fear'd she might repent Should he delay the moment of Consent There yet remain'd to gain her Friends a Care The modesty of Maidens well might spare But she with such a Zeal the Cause embrac'd As Women where they will are all in hast That Father Mother and the Kin beside Were overborn by fury of the Tide With full consent of all she chang'd her State Resistless in her Love as in her Hate By her Example warn'd the rest beware More Easy less Imperious were the Fair And that one Hunting which the Devil design'd For one fair Female lost him half the Kind CEYX AND ALCYONE Connection of this Fable with the former Ceyx the Son of Lucifer the Morning Star and King of Trachin in Thessaly was married to Alcyone Daughter to AEolus God of the Winds Both the Husband and the Wife lov'd each other with an entire Affection Daedalion the Elder Brother of Ceyx whom he succeeded having been turn'd into a Falcon by Apollo and Chione Daedalion's Daughter slain by Diana Ceyx prepares a Ship to sail to Claros there to consult the Oracle of Apollo and as Ovid seems to intimate to enquire how the Anger of the Gods might be atton'd THESE Prodigies afflict the pious Prince But more perplex'd with those that happen'd since He purposes to seek the Clarian God Avoiding Delphos his more fam'd Abode Since Phlegyan Robbers made unsafe the Road. Yet cou'd he not from her he lov'd so well The fatal Voyage he resolv'd conceal But when she saw her Lord prepar'd to part A deadly Cold ran shiv'ring to her Heart Her faded Cheeks are chang'd to Boxen Hue And in her Eyes the Tears are ever new She thrice assay'd to Speak her Accents hung And faltring dy'd unfinish'd on her Tongue Or vanish'd into Sighs With long delay Her Voice return'd and found the wonted way Tell me my Lord she said what Fault unknown Thy once belov'd Alcyone has done Whether ah whether is thy Kindness gone Can Ceyx then sustain to leave his Wife And unconcern'd forsake the Sweets of Life What can thy Mind to this long Journey move Or need'st thou absence to renew thy Love Yet if thou go'st by Land tho' Grief possess My Soul ev'n then my Fears will be the less But ah be warn'd to shun the Watry Way The Face is frightful of the stormy Sea For late I saw a-drift disjointed Planks And empty Tombs erected on the Banks Nor let false Hopes to trust betray thy Mind Because my Sire in Caves constrains the Wind Can with a Breath their clam'rous Rage appease They fear his Whistle and forsake the Seas Not so for once indulg'd they sweep the Main Deaf to the Call or hearing hear in vain But bent on Mischief bear the Waves before And not content with Seas insult the Shoar When Ocean Air and Earth at once ingage And rooted Forrests fly before their Rage At once the clashing Clouds to Battle move And Lightnings run across the Fields above I know them well and mark'd their rude Comport While yet a Child within my Father's Court In times of Tempest they command alone And he but sits precarious on the Throne The more I know the more my Fears augment And Fears are oft prophetick of th' event But if not Fears or Reasons will prevail If Fate has fix'd thee obstinate to sail Go not without thy Wife but let me bear My part of Danger with an equal share And present what I suffer only fear Then o'er the bounding Billows shall we fly Secure to live together or to die These Reasons mov'd her starlike Husband's Heart But still he held his Purpose to depart For as he lov'd her equal to his Life He wou'd not to the Seas expose his Wife Nor cou'd be wrought his Voyage to refrain But sought by Arguments to sooth her Pain Nor these avail'd at length he lights on one With which so difficult a Cause he won My Love so short an absence cease to fear For by my Father's holy Flame I swear Before two Moons their Orb with Light adorn If Heav'n allow me Life I will return This Promise of so short a stay prevails He soon equips the Ship supplies the Sails And gives the Word to launch she trembling views This pomp of Death and parting Tears renews Last with a Kiss she took a long farewel Sigh'd with a sad Presage and swooning fell While Ceyx seeks Delays the lusty Crew Rais'd on their Banks their Oars
the Blade in Shivers broke Th' Impassive Knight stood Idle to deride His Rage and offer'd oft his naked Side At length Now Monster in thy turn he cry'd Try thou the Strength of Caeneus At the Word He thrust and in his Shoulder plung'd the Sword Then writh'd his Hand and as he drove it down Deep in his Breast made many Wounds in one The Centaurs saw inrag'd th' unhop'd Success And rushing on in Crowds together press At him and him alone their Darts they threw Repuls'd they from his fated Body flew Amaz'd they stood till Monychus began O Shame a Nation conquer'd by a Man A Woman-Man yet more a Man is He Than all our Race and what He was are We. Now what avail our Nerves The united Force Of two the strongest Creatures Man and Horse Nor Goddess-born nor of Ixion's Seed We seem a Lover built for Juno's Bed Master'd by this half Man Whole Mountains throw With Woods at once and bury him below This only way remains Nor need we doubt To choak the Soul within though not to force it out Heap Weights instead of Wounds He chanc'd to see Where Southern Storms had rooted up a Tree This rais'd from Earth against the Foe he threw Th' Example shewn his Fellow-Brutes pursue With Forest-loads the Warrior they invade Othrys and Pelion soon were void of Shade And spreading Groves were naked Mountains made Press'd with the Burden Caeneus pants for Breath And on his Shoulders bears the Wooden Death To heave th' intolerable Weight he tries At length it rose above his Mouth and Eyes Yet still he heaves And strugling with Despair Shakes all aside and gains a gulp of Air A short Relief which but prolongs his Pain He faints by Fits and then respires again At last the Burden only nods above As when an Earthquake stirs th' Idaean Grove Doubtful his Death He suffocated seem'd To most but otherwise our Mopsus deem'd Who said he saw a yellow Bird arise From out the Pile and cleave the liquid Skies I saw it too With golden Feathers bright Nor e're before beheld so strange a Sight Whom Mopsus viewing as it soar'd around Our Troop and heard the Pinions rattling Sound All hail he cry'd thy Countries Grace and Love Once first of Men below now first of Birds above It s Author to the Story gave Belief For us our Courage was increas'd by Grief Asham'd to see a single Man pursu'd With Odds to sink beneath a Multitude We push'd the Foe and forc'd to shameful Flight Part fell and part escap'd by favour of the Night This Tale by Nestor told did much displease Tlepolemus the Seed of Hercules For often he had heard his Father say That he himself was present at the Fray And more than shar'd the Glories of the Day Old Chronicle he said among the rest You might have nam'd Alcides at the least Is he not worth your Praise The Pylian Prince Sigh'd e'er he spoke then made this proud Defence My former Woes in long Oblivion drown'd I wou'd have lost but you renew the Wound Better to pass him o'er than to relate The Cause I have your mighty Sire to hate His Fame has fill'd the World and reach'd the Sky Which Oh I wish with Truth I cou'd deny We praise not Hector though his Name we know Is great in Arms 't is hard to praise a Foe He your Great Father levell'd to the Ground Messenia's Tow'rs Nor better Fortune found Elis and Pylos that a neighb'ring State And this my own Both guiltless of their Fate To pass the rest twelve wanting one he slew My Brethren who their Birth from Neleus drew All Youths of early Promise had they liv'd By him they perish'd I alone surviv'd The rest were easy Conquest But the Fate Of Periclymenos is wondrous to relate To him our common Grandsire of the Main Had giv'n to change his Form and chang'd resume again Vary'd at Pleasure every Shape he try'd And in all Beasts Alcides still defy'd Vanquish'd on Earth at length he soar'd above Chang'd to the Bird that bears the Bolt of Jove The new-dislembled Eagle now endu'd With Beak and Pounces Hercules pursu'd And cuff'd his manly Cheeks and tore his Face Then safe retir'd and tour'd in empty space Alcides bore not long his flying Foe But bending his inevitable Bow Reach'd him in Air suspended as he stood And in his Pinion fix'd the feather'd Wood. Light was the Wound but in the Sinew hung The Point and his disabled Wing unstrung He wheel'd in Air and stretch'd his Vans in vain His Vans no longer cou'd his Flight sustain For while one gather'd Wind one unsupply'd Hung drooping down nor pois'd his other Side He fell The Shaft that slightly was impress'd Now from his heavy Fall with weight increas'd Drove through his Neck aslant he spurns the Ground And the Soul issues through the Weazon's Wound Now brave Commander of the Rhodian Seas What Praise is due from me to Hercules Silence is all the Vengeance I decree For my slain Brothers but 't is Peace with thee Thus with a flowing Tongue old Nestor spoke Then to full Bowls each other they provoke At length with Weariness and Wine oppress'd They rise from Table and withdraw to Rest. The Sire of Cygnus Monarch of the Main Mean time laments his Son in Battle slain And vows the Victor's Death nor vows in vain For nine long Years the smoother'd Pain he bore Achilles was not ripe for Fate before Then when he saw the promis'd Hour was near He thus bespoke the God that guides the Year Immortal Offspring of my Brother Jove My brightest Nephew and whom best I love Whose Hands were join'd with mine to raise the Wall Of tottring Troy now nodding to her fall Dost thou not mourn our Pow'r employ'd in vain And the Defenders of our City slain To pass the rest cou'd noble Hector lie Unpity'd drag'd around his Native Troy And yet the Murd'rer lives Himself by far A greater Plague than all the wastful War He lives the proud Pelides lives to boast Our Town destroy'd our common Labour lost O cou'd I meet him But I wish too late To prove my Trident is not in his Fate But let him try for that 's allow'd thy Dart And pierce his only penetrable Part. Apollo bows to the superiour Throne And to his Uncle's Anger adds his own Then in a Cloud involv'd he takes his Flight Where Greeks aud Trojans mix'd in mortal Fight And found out Paris lurking where he stood And stain'd his Arrows with Plebeyan Blood Phoebus to him alone the God confess'd Then to the recreant Knight he thus address'd Dost thou not blush to spend thy Shafts in vain On a degenerate and ignoble Train If Fame or better Vengeance be thy Care There aim And with one Arrow end the War He said and shew'd from far the blazing Shield And Sword which but Achilles none cou'd weild And how he mov'd a God and mow'd the standing Field The Deity himself directs
a long trail of Light to thee descending down If in thy Smoke it ends Their Glories shine But Infamy and Villanage are thine Then what I said before is plainly show'd That true Nobility proceeds from God Not left us by Inheritance but giv'n By Bounty of our Stars and Grace of Heav'n Thus from a Captive Servius Tullus rose Whom for his Virtues the first Romans chose Fabritius from their Walls repell'd the Foe Whose noble Hands had exercis'd the Plough From hence my Lord and Love I thus conclude That tho' my homely Ancestors were rude Mean as I am yet I may have the Grace To make you Father of a generous Race And Noble then am I when I begin In Virtue cloath'd to cast the Rags of Sin If Poverty be my upbraided Crime And you believe in Heav'n there was a time When He the great Controller of our Fate Deign'd to be Man and liv'd in low Estate Which he who had the World at his dispose If Poverty were Vice wou'd never choose Philosophers have said and Poets sing That a glad Poverty 's an honest Thing Content is Wealth the Riches of the Mind And happy He who can that Treasure find But the base Miser starves amidst his Store Broods on his Gold and griping still at more Sits sadly pining and believes he 's Poor The ragged Beggar tho' he wants Relief Has not to lose and sings before the Thief Want is a bitter and a hateful Good Because its Virtues are not understood Yet many Things impossible to Thought Have been by Need to full Perfection brought The daring of the Soul proceeds from thence Sharpness of Wit and active Diligence Prudence at once and Fortitude it gives And if in patience taken mends our Lives For ev'n that Indigence that brings me low Makes me my self and Him above to know A Good which none would challenge few would choose A fair Possession which Mankind refuse If we from Wealth to Poverty descend Want gives to know the Flatt'rer from the Friend If I am Old and Ugly well for you No leud Adult'rer will my Love pursue Nor Jealousy the Bane of marry'd Life Shall haunt you for a wither'd homely Wife For Age and Ugliness as all agree Are the best Guards of Female Chastity Yet since I see your Mind is Worldly bent I 'll do my best to further your Content And therefore of two Gifts in my dispose Think e'er you speak I grant you leave to choose Wou'd you I should be still Deform'd and Old Nauseous to Touch and Loathsome to Behold On this Condition to remain for Life A careful tender and obedient Wife In all I can contribute to your Ease And not in Deed or Word or Thought displease Or would you rather have me Young and Fair And take the Chance that happens to your share Temptations are in Beauty and in Youth And how can you depend upon my Truth Now weigh the Danger with the doubtful Bliss And thank your self if ought should fall amiss Sore sigh'd the Knight who this long Sermon heard At length considering all his Heart he chear'd And thus reply'd My Lady and my Wife To your wise Conduct I resign my Life Choose you for me for well you understand The future Good and Ill on either Hand But if an humble Husband may request Provide and order all Things for the best Your's be the Care to profit and to please And let your Subject-Servant take his Ease Then thus in Peace quoth she concludes the Strife Since I am turn'd the Husband you the Wife The Matrimonial Victory is mine Which having fairly gain'd I will resign Forgive if I have said or done amiss And seal the Bargain with a Friendly Kiss I promis'd you but one Content to share But now I will become both Good and Fair. No Nuptial Quarrel shall disturb your Ease The Business of my Life shall be to please And for my Beauty that as Time shall try But draw the Curtain first and cast your Eye He look'd and saw a Creature heav'nly Fair In bloom of Youth and of a charming Air. With Joy he turn'd and seiz'd her Iv'ry Arm And like Pygmalion found the Statue warm Small Arguments there needed to prevail A Storm of Kisses pour'd as thick as Hail Thus long in mutual Bliss they lay embrac'd And their first Love continu'd to the last One Sun-shine was their Life no Cloud between Nor ever was a kinder Couple seen And so may all our Lives like their's be led Heav'n send the Maids young Husbands fresh in Bed May Widows Wed as often they can And ever for the better change their Man And some devouring Plague pursue their Lives Who will not well be govern'd by their Wives OF THE PYTHAGOREAN PHILOSOPHY FROM Ovid's Metamorphoses BOOK XV. OF THE PYTHAGOREAN PHILOSOPHY The Fourteenth Book concludes with the Death and Deification of Romulus The Fifteenth begins with the Election of Numa to the Crown of Rome On this Occasion Ovid following the Opinion of some Authors makes Numa the Schollar of Pythagoras and to have begun his Acquaintance with that Philosopher at Crotona a Town in Italy from thence he makes a Digression to the Moral and Natural Philosophy of Pythagoras On both which our Author enlarges and which are the most learned and beautiful Parts of the whole Metamorphoses A King is sought to guide the growing State One able to support the Publick Weight And fill the Throne where Romulus had sat Renown which oft bespeaks the Publick Voice Had recommended Numa to their choice A peaceful pious Prince who not content To know the Sabine Rites his Study bent To cultivate his Mind To learn the Laws Of Nature and explore their hidden Cause Urg'd by this Care his Country he forsook And to Crotona thence his Journey took Arriv'd he first enquir'd the Founder's Name Of this new Colony and whence he came Then thus a Senior of the Place replies Well read and curious of Antiquities 'T is said Alcides hither took his way From Spain and drove along his conquer'd Prey Then leaving in the Fields his grazing Gows He sought himself some hospitable House Good Croton entertain'd his Godlike Guest While he repair'd his weary Limbs with rest The Hero thence departing bless'd the Place And here he said in Times revolving Race A rising Town shall take his Name from thee Revolving Time fulfill'd the Prophecy For Myscelos the justest Man on Earth Alemon's Son at Argos had his Birth Him Hercules arm'd with his Club of Oak O'ershadow'd in a Dream and thus bespoke Go leave thy Native Soil and make Abode Where AEsaris rowls down his rapid Flood He said and Sleep forsook him and the God Trembling he wak'd and rose with anxious Heart His Country Laws forbad him to depart What shou'd he do 'T was Death to go away And the God menac'd if he dar'd to stay All Day he doubted and when Night came on Sleep and the same forewarming Dream begun Once more the God stood
Greenwood-shade he took his way For Cymon shun'd the Church and us'd not much to Pray His Quarter-Staff which he cou'd ne'er forsake Hung half before and half behind his Back He trudg'd along unknowing what he sought And whistled as he went for want of Thought By Chance conducted or by Thirst constrain'd The deep Recesses of the Grove he gain'd Where in a Plain defended by the Wood Crept through the matted Grass a Chrystal Flood By which an Alablaster Fountain stood And on the Margin of the Fount was laid Attended by her Slaves a sleeping Maid Like Dian and her Nymphs when tir'd with Sport To rest by cool Eurotas they resort The Dame herself the Goddess well express'd Not more distinguish'd by her Purple Vest Than by the charming Features of her Face And ev'n in Slumber a superiour Grace Her comely Limbs compos'd with decent Care Her Body shaded with a slight Cymarr Her Bosom to the view was only bare Where two beginning Paps were scarcely spy'd For yet their Places were but signify'd The fanning Wind upon her Bosom blows To meet the fanning Wind the Bosom rose The fanning Wind and purling Streams continue her repose The Fool of Nature stood with stupid Eyes And gaping Mouth that testify'd Surprize Fix'd on her Face nor cou'd remove his Sight New as he was to Love and Novice in Delight Long mute he stood and leaning on his Staff His Wonder witness'd with an Ideot laugh Then would have spoke but by his glimmering Sense First found his want of Words and fear'd Offence Doubted for what he was he should be known By his Clown-Accent and his Country-Tone Through the rude Chaos thus the running Light Shot the first Ray that pierc'd the Native Night Then Day and Darkness in the Mass were mix'd Till gather'd in a Globe the Beams were fix'd Last shon the Sun who radiant in his Sphere Illumin'd Heav'n and Earth and rowl'd around the Year So Reason in this Brutal Soul began Love made him first suspect he was a Man Love made him doubt his broad barbarian Sound By Love his want of Words and Wit he found That sense of want prepar'd the future way To Knowledge and discols'd the promise of a Day What not his Father's Care nor Tutor's Art Cou'd plant with Pains in his unpolish'd Heart The best Instructor Love at once inspir'd As barren Grounds to Fruitfulness are fir'd Love taught him Shame and Shame with Love at Strife Soon taught the sweet Civilities of Life His gross material Soul at once could find Somewhat in her excelling all her Kind Exciting a Desire till then unknown Somewhat unfound or found in her alone This made the first Impression in his Mind Above but just above the Brutal Kind For Beasts can like but not distinguish too Nor their own liking by reflection know Nor why they like or this or t'other Face Or judge of this or that peculiar Grace But love in gross and stupidly admire As Flies allur'd by Light approach the Fire Thus our Man-Beast advancing by degrees First likes the whole than sep'rates what he sees On sev'ral Parts a sev'ral Praise bestows The ruby Lips the well-proportion'd Nose The snowy Skin the Raven-glossy Hair The dimpled Cheek the Forehead rising fair And ev'n in Sleep it self a smiling Air. From thence his Eyes descending view'd the rest Her plump round Arms white Hands and heaving Breast Long on the last he dwelt though ev'ry part A pointed Arrow sped to pierce his Heart Thus in a trice a Judge of Beauty grown A Judge erected from a Country-Clown He long'd to see her Eyes in Slumber bid And wish'd his own cou'd pierce within the Lid He wou'd have wak'd her but restrain'd his Thought And Love new-born the first good Manners taught An awful Fear his ardent Wish withstood Nor durst disturb the Goddess of the Wood For such she seem'd by her celestial Face Excelling all the rest of human Race And Things divine by common Sense he knew Must be devoutly seen at distant view So checking his Desire with trembling Heart Gazing he stood nor would nor could depart Fix'd as a Pilgrim wilder'd in his way Who dares not stir by Night for fear to stray But stands with awful Eyes to watch the dawn of Day At length awaking Iphigene the Fair So was the Beauty call'd who caus'd his Care Unclos'd her Eyes and double Day reveal'd While those of all her Slaves in Sleep were seal'd The slavering Cudden prop'd upon his Staff Stood ready gaping with a grinning Laugh To welcome her awake nor durst begin To speak but wisely kept the Fool within Then she What make you Cymon here alone For Cymon's Name was round the Country known Because descended of a noble Race And for a Soul ill sorted with his Face But still the Sot stood silent with Surprize With fix'd regard on her new open'd Eyes And in his Breast receiv'd th' invenom'd Dart A tickling Pain that pleas'd amid the Smart But conscious of her Form with quick distrust She saw his sparkling Eyes and fear'd his brutal Lust This to prevent she wak'd her sleepy Crew And rising hasty took a short Adieu Then Cymon first his rustick Voice essay'd With proffer'd Service to the parting Maid To see her safe his Hand she long deny'd But took at length asham'd of such a Guide So Cymon led her home and leaving there No more wou'd to his Country Clowns repair But sought his Father's House with better Mind Refusing in the Farm to be confin'd The Father wonder'd at the Son's return And knew not whether to rejoice or mourn But doubtfully receiv'd expecting still To learn the secret Causes of his alter'd Will Nor was he long delay'd the first Request He made was like his Brothers to be dress'd And as his Birth requir'd above the rest With ease his Sute was granted by his Syre Distinguishing his Heir by rich Attire His Body thus adorn'd he next design'd With lib'ral Arts to cultivate his Mind He sought a Tutor of his own accord And study'd Lessons he before abhorr'd Thus the Man-Child advanc'd and learn'd so fast That in short time his Equals he surpass'd His brutal Manners from his Breast exil'd His Mien he fashion'd and his Tongue he fil'd In ev'ry Exercise of all admir'd He seem'd nor only seem'd but was inspir'd Inspir'd by Love whose Business is to please He Rode he Fenc'd he mov'd with graceful Ease More fam'd for Sense for courtly Carriage more Than for his brutal Folly known before What then of alter'd Cymon shall we say But that the Fire which choak'd in Ashes lay A Load too heavy for his Soul to move Was upward blown below and brush'd away by Love Love made an active Progress through his Mind The dusky Parts he clear'd the gross refin'd The drowsy wak'd and as he went impress'd The Maker's Image on the human Beast Thus was the Man amended by Desire And tho'he lov'd perhaps with too much Fire His Father all his Faults with
Palamon answered and sayde agayn Cosyn forsoth of this opinion Thou hast a vaine imaginacion This prison caused me not to crye But I was hurt right now through myn eye Into myn hert that woll my bane be The fayreness of a lady that I se Yonde in the gardyn roming to and fro Is cause of all my cryeng and wo I not where she be woman or goddesse But Venus it is sothly as I gesse And therwithall on knees down lie fyll And said Venus if it be thy wyll You in this garden thus to transfigure Beforne me sorrowfull wretched creature Out of this prison helpe that we may scape And if our desteny be so ishape By eterne worde to dyen in prison Of our lynage haue some compassion That is so lowe ybrought by tyranny And with that worde Arcite gan espy Where as the lady romed to and fro And with that sight her bewte hurt him so That if that Palamon was wounded sore Arcite was hurt as much as he or more And with a sigh he said pitously The fresh beutie sleeth me sodenly Of her that rometh in yonder place And but I haue her mercy and her grace That I may seen her at the lesto way I nam but deed there nys no more to say This Palamon whan he these words herd Dispitously he loked and answerd Whether sayest thou this in ernest or in play Nay quod Arcite in ernest by my fay God helpe me so me list full yuell to pley This Palamon gan knit his browes twey It were quod he to the no great honour To be false ne for to be traytour Tome that am thy cosyn and thy brother I sworne full depe and eche of vs to other That neuer for to dyen in the payne Till that the deth departe vs twayne Neither of vs in loue to hindre other Ne in none other case my leue brother But that thou shuldest truly further me In eury case as I shulde further the This was thine othe and mine also certain I wote it well thou darst it not withsayn Thus art thou of my counsell out of doubte And now thou woldest falsly ben aboute To love my lady whom I loue and serue And euer shall till that myn herte sterue Now certes false Arcite thou shalt not so I loued her first and tolde the my wo As to my counsell and to my brother sworne To further me as I haue tolde beforne For which thou art ibounden as a knight To helpen me if it lye in thy might Or els thou art false I dare well saine This Arcite full proudly spake againe Thou shalt quod he be rather false than I And thou art false I tell the vtterly For paramount I Ioued her first or thou What wilt thou sain thou wist it nat or now Whether she be woman or goddesse Thine is affection of holinesse And mine is loue as to a creature For which I tolde the mine auenture As to my cosyn and my brother sworne Suppose that thou louea'st her beforne Wost thou not well the olde clerks sawe That who shall giue a louer any lawe Loue is a gretter lawe by my pan Than may be yeuen to any erthly man And therfore posityfe lawe and such decre Is broken all day for loue in eche degre A man mote nedes loue maugre his heed He may nat fleen it though he shuld be deed All be she maide widowe or wife And eke it is not likely all thy life To stonden in her grace no more shall I For well thou wost thy selfe verely That thou and I be dampned to prison Perpetuell vs gaineth no raunson We striuen as did the houndes for the bone That foughten al day and yet her part was non Ther cam a cur whil that they wer so wroth And bare away the bone from hem both And therfore at kings court my brother Eche man for him selfe there is none other Loue if thou list for I loue and ay shall And sothly lefe brother this is all Here in this prison mote we endure And euerich of vs taken his auenture Great was the strife betwix hem twey If that I had leyser for to sey But to theffect it happed on a dey To tell it you shortly as I may A worthy duke that hight Perithous That felowe was to duke Theseus Sith thilke day that they were children lite Was come to Athenes his felowe to visite And for to play as he was wont to do For in this world he loued no man so And he loued him as tenderly againe So wel they loued as old bokes sayne That when that one was deed sothly to tell His fellow went and sought him down in hell But of that story list me not to write Duke Perithous loued well Arcite And had him know at Thebes yere by yere And finally at request and prayere Of Perithous withouten any raunson Duke Theseus let him out of prison Frely to gon whither him list ouer all In such a gyse as I you tellen shall This was the forwarde plainly to endite Betwixt duke Theseus and him Arcite That if so were that Arcite were yfounde Ever in his life by day night or stormde In any countre of this duke Theseus And he were caught it was acorded thus That with a swerd he should lese his heed There was none other remedy ne reed But taketh his leue and homward him sped Let him beware his necke lieth to wedd How great sorowe suffereth now Arcite The dethe he feleth through his hert smite He wepeth waileth and crieth pitously To sleen him selfe he waiteth priuely And said alas the day that I was borne Now is my prison worse than beforne Now is me shapen eternally to dwell Nought in purgatory but in hell Alas that euer I knew Perithous For els had I dwelt with Theseus Ifetered in his prison euermo Then had I be in blisse and nat in wo Only the sight of her whom that I serue Though that I neuer her grace may deserue Wolde haue suffised right ynough for me O dere cosyn Palamon quod he Thine is the victorie of this auenture Ful blisful in prison mayst thou endure In prison Nay certes but in paradise Well hath fortune to the turned the dise That hast the sight of her and I thabsence For possible is sithens thou hast her presence And art a knight a worthie man and able That by sum case syn fortune is changeable Thou maist somtime to thy desire attaine But I that am exiled and baraine Of all grace and in so great dispeyre That there nys water either lyre ne eyre Ne creature that of him maked is That may me heale 〈◊〉 done comfort in this Wel ought I sterue in wan hope and distresse Farewell my life my lust and my gladnesse Alas why playnen men so in commune Of purveyance of God or of fortune That yeueth him full oft in many agise Well bette than hem self can deuise Some man desireth to haue richesse That cause is of
oft tolde thee here beforn And hast be iaped here duke Theseus And falsely hast chaunged thy name thus I will be dedde or els thou shalt die Thou shalt not loue my ladie Emelie But I woll loue her only and no mo For I am Palamon thy mortall fo Though that I haue no weapen in this place But out of prison am astert by grace I dred nat that either thou shalt die Or thou ne shalt nat louen Emelye These which thou wilt or thou shalt not astert This Arcite with full dispitous hert When he hym knewe and had his tale herd As fers as a Lion pulled out his sweard And saied By God that sitteth aboue Ne wer that thou art sicke and wod for loue And eke that thou no weapen hast in this place Thou shouldest neuer out this groue pace That thou ne shouldest dien of mine honde For I defie the suertie and the bonde Which that thou saist that I haue made to thee What very foole thinke wel that loue is free And I will loue her maugre all thy might But for asmoch as thou art a knight And wilnest to daren here by battaile Haue here mi truth to morrow I will not fail Without wittyng of any other wight That here I will be founden as a knight And bringen harneis right inough for thee And chese the best and leaue the worst for me And meate and drinke this night will I bring Inough for thee and clothes for thy bedding And if so be that thou my ladie win And slea me in this wodde there I am in Thou maiest well haue thy ladie as for me This Palamon answered I grant it thee And thus thei been departed till a morrow When ech of hem had laied his faith to borow O Cupide out of all charitee O reigne that wouldest haue no felow with thee Full soth is saied that loue ne lordship Woll nat his thankes haue any feliship We finde that of Arcite and Palamon Arcite is ridden anon into the toun And on the morow or it were daie light Full priuely twoo harneis had he dight Bothe sufficient and mete to darreigne The battail in the field betwixt hem tweine And on his horse alone as he was borne He carrieth all his harneis him beforne And in the groue at time and place iset That Arcite and this Palamon been met To changen gan the colour in her face Right as the hunter in the royume of Trace That standeth at a gappe with a speare When hunted is the lion or the beare And hereth him rushing in the leues And breaketh the bowes in the greues And thinketh here cometh my mortal enemy Without faile he must be dede or I For either I mote slea him at the gap Or he motessea me if me mishap So ferden thei in chaunging of her hewe As far as eueriche of other knewe There was no good daie ne no saluing But streight without word or rehersing Eueriche of hem helped for to arme other As friendly as he were his own brother And after that with sharpe speares strong Thei foinen eche at other wonder long Thou mightest wenen that this Palamon In his fighting were a wodde Lion And as a cruel Tigre was Arcite As wild Bores gan they fight and smite That frothen white as some for ire woode Vp to the ancle foughten they in her bloode And in this wise I let hem fighting dwell As foorth I woll of Thesens you tell The destinie and the minister generall That executeth in the worlde ouer all The purueyance that God hath said beforne So strong it is that though the world had sworne The contrary of thing be ye and naie Yet sometime it sholl fall on a daie That fell neuer yet in a thousand yere For certainly our appetites here Be it of warre peace hate or loue All is ruled by the sight aboue This meane I now by mightie Theseus That for to hunt is so desirous And namely at the great Hart in Maie That in his bed there daweth him day That he nys clad and ready for to ride With hunt and horne and houndes him beside For in his hunting hath he soche delit That it is all his ioie and appetite To been himselfe the greate hartes bane For after Mars he serueth now Diane Clere was the day as I haue tolde or this And Theseus with all ioy and blis With his Ipolita the faire quene And Emely iclothen all in grene An hunting been thei ridden rially And to the groue that stood there fast by In which ther was an Hart as men hun told Duke Theseus the streight way hath holde And to the land he rideth him full right For thither was the hart wont to haue his flight And ouer a broke and so foorth on his weie This duke wol haue a cours at him or twey With houndes soch as him list commaunde And when the duke was comen into the launde Under the soone he looked and that anon He was ware of Arcite and Palamon That foughten breme as it were bulles two The bright swordes wenten to and fro So hodiously that with the lest stroke It semed that it would haue fellen an oke But what thei weren nothing he ne wote This Duke with his sporrs his courser smote And at a start he was betwixt hem two And pulled out his sworde and cried ho No more on pain of lesing your hedde By mightie Mars he shall anone be dedde That smiteth any stroke that I may seen But telleth me what mister men ye been That been so hardie for to fighten here Without judge or other officere As though it were in listes rially This Palamon answered hastely And said Sir what nedeth words mo We haue the death deserued bothe two Two woful wretches been we and caitiues That been encombred of our own liues And as thou art a rightful lorde and judge Ne yeue us neither mercie ne refuge But slea me first for sainct charitee But slea my felowe as well as me Or slea him first for though thou knowe it lite This is thy mortall foe this is Arcite That fro thy land is banished on his hedde For which he hath deserued to be dedde For this is he that came unto thy yate And saied that he hight Philostrate Thus hath he iaped full many a yere And thou hast made him thy chiefe squiere And this is he that loueth Emelye For sith the daie is come that I shall die I make plainly my confession I am thilke wofull Palamon That hath thy prison broke wickedly I am thy mortall foe and he am I That loueth so hote Emelye the bright That I woll die here present in her sight Therefore I aske death and my iewise But slea my felowe in the same wise For both we haue deserued to be slain This worthy duke answered anon again And saied this is a short conclusion Your owne mouth by your confession Hath damned you and I woll it recorde It nedeth not to
serueth you with wil hert and might And euer hath done sith ye first him knew That ye shal of your grace vpon him rew And take him for husbonde and for lord Lene me your hand for this is our accord Let see now of your womanly pite He is a king's brother's sonne parde And though he were a poore bachelere Sin he hath serued you so many a yere And had for you so great aduersite It must been considered leueth me For gentle mercie ought to passen right Than said he thus to Palamon the knight I trow ther need little sarmoning To make you assenten to this thing Cometh nere and taketh your lady by the hond Betwixt hem was maked anon the bond That hight Matrimonie or Marriage By al the counsail of the baronage And thus with al blisse and melodie Hath Palamon iwedded Emelye And God that al this world hath wrought Send him his loue that it hath so dere bought For now is Palamon in al we le Liuing in blisse in riches and in hele And Emelye him loueth so tenderly And he her serueth so gentelly That neuer was ther no word hem bitween Of ielousie or of any other tene Thus endeth Palamon and Emelye And God saue al this faire company THE TALE OF THE Nun's Priest As it was written by GEFFREY CHAUCER The COCK and the FOX The Moral whereof is To embrace True Friends and to beware of Flatterers A Pore wedowe somedele istept in age War whilom dwelling in a poore cotage Beside a groue stonding in a dale This wedowe of which I tell you my tale Sens the day that she was last a wife In pacience led a full simple life For litell was her catell and her rent By husbondry of such as God her sent She fond her self and eke her daughters two Thre large sowes had she and no mo Thre kine and eke a shepe that hight Mall Well sooty was her boure and eke her hall In which she ete many a slender mole Of poinant sauce ne knew she never a dole Ne deinty morcell passed through her throte Her diet was accordaunt to her cote Replection ne made her never fike A temperate diete was her Phisike And exercise and hertes suffisaunce The gout let her nothing for to daunce Ne apoplexy shent nat her heed No wine ne dranke she white ne reed Her bord was most serued with white and black Milk and brounbreed in which she found no lack Seind bakon and somtime an eye or twey For she was as it were a maner dey A yerde she had enclosed all about With stickes and dry diched without In which she had a cocke hight Chaunteclere In all the land of crowing nas his pere His voice was merier than the mery orgon On masse daies that in the churches gon Well sikerer was his crowing in his loge Than is a clocke or in an abbey an orloge By nature he knew ech assencion Of the equinoctiall in the toun For when degrees xv were assended Than crew he that it might not be amended His come was redder than the fine corall And battelled as it had be a castell wall His bill was blacke as any iet it shone Like asure were his legges and his tone His nailes whiter than the lilly floure And like the burned gold was his colour This gentel cocke had in governaunce Seuen hennes to done his plesaunce Which were his susters and his paramours And wonder like to him as of colours Of which the fayrest hewed in the throte Was called faire Damosell Pertelote He fethered her a hundred times a day And she him pleseth all that euer she may Curteis she was discrete and debonaire And compeneable and bare her self so faire Sens the time that she was seuenight old That truelich she hath the hert in hold Of Chaunteclere looking in euery lith He loueth her so that well was him therwith But such a joy it was to here him sing Whan the bright sunne gan to spring In swete acord my lefe is ferre in lond For that time as I haue vnderstond Beestes and birdes could speke and sing And it so fell that in the dawning As Chaunteclere among his wiues all Sat on his perch that was in the hall And next him sat his faire Pertelote This Chaunteclere gan to grone in his throte As a man in his dreme is drenched sore And whan that Pertelote thus herd him rore She was agast and said hert dere What eyleth you to grone in this manere Ye be a very sleper sie for shame And he answered thus by God madame I pray you that ye take it not in grefe By God I mette I was in such mischiefe Right now that yet mine hert is sore afright Now God qd he my sweuen retch aright And kepe my body out of foule prisoun Me mette that I romed vp and doun Within our yerd where I saw a beest Was like an hound and would haue made areest Vpon my body and would haue had me deed His colour was betwixt yelow and reed And tipped was his taile and both his eeres With black vnlike the remnant of his heere 's His snout small with glowing eyen twey Yet for his loke almost for feare I dey This causeth me my groning doutlesse Away qd she sie for shame hertlesse Alas qd she for by God aboue Now haue ye lost my hert and all my loue I cannot loue a coward by my faith For certes what so any woman saith We all desire if that it might be To haue husbondes hardie wise and fre And secrete and no nigard ne no fole Ne him that is agast of euery tole Ne none auantour by that God aboue How durst ye say for shame vnto your loue That any sweuen might make you aferd Haue you no mannes hert and haue a berd Alas and con ye be aferd of sweuenis Nothing but vanite God wotte in sweuen is Swens ben engendred of repleccions And of fume and of commpleccions When humours ben to habundant in a wight Certes this dreme which ye haue met to night I tell you trouth ye may trust me Cometh of superfluite and reed colour parde Which cause folke to drede in her dremes Of arowes and of fire with reed lemes Of reed bestes that woll hem bite Of conteke and of waspes great and lite Right as the humour of melancoly Causeth many a man in slepe to cry For sere of great bulles and beres blake Or els that blake diuels wol hem take Of other humours could I tell also That werke a man in slepe much wo But I wol passe as lightly as I can Lo Caton which that was so wise a man Said he not thus do not force of dremes Now sir qd she when we flie fro the bemes For Goddes loue as taketh some laxatine Vp perill of my soule and of my life I counsaile you the best I woll not lye That both of colour and of melancolie Ye purge you and for ye shul not tary Though
and pow'rful Charms When yielded she lay curling in thy Arms Ev'n by thy Shame if Shame it may be call'd When Vulcan had thee in his Net inthrall'd O envy'd Ignominy sweet Disgrace When ev'ry God that saw thee wish'd thy Place By those dear Pleasures aid my Arms in Fight And make me conquer in my Patron 's Right For I am young a Novice in the Trade The Fool of Love unpractis'd to persuade And want the soothing Arts that catch the Fair But caught my self lie strugling in the Snare And she I love or laughs at all my Pain Or knows her Worth too well and pays me with Disdain For sure I am unless I win in Arms To stand excluded from Emilia's Charms Nor can my Strength avail unless by thee Endu'd with Force I gain the Victory Then for the Fire which warm'd thy gen'rous Heart Pity thy Subject's Pains and equal Smart So be the Morrows Sweat and Labour mine The Palm and Honour of the Conquest thine Then shall the War and stern Debate and Strife Immortal be the Bus'ness of my Life And in thy Fane the dusty Spoils among High on the burnish'd Roof my Banner shall be hung Rank'd with my Champions Bucklers and below With Arms revers'd th' Atchievements of my Foe And while these Limbs the Vital Spirit feeds While Day to Night and Night to Day succeeds Thy smoaking Altar shall be fat with Food Of Incence and the grateful Steam of Blood Burnt Off'rings Morn and Ev'ning shall be thine And Fires eternal in thy Temple shine This Bush of yellow Beard this Length of Hair Which from my Birth inviolate I bear Guiltless of Steel and from the Razour free Shall fall a plenteous Crop reserv'd for thee So may my Arms with Victory be blest I ask no more let Fate dispose the rest The Champion ceas'd there follow'd in the Close A hollow Groan a murm'ring Wind arose The Rings of Ir'n that on the Doors were hung Sent out a jarring Sound and harshly rung The bolted Gates flew open at the Blast The Storm rush'd in and Arcite stood agast The Flames were blown aside yet shone they bright Fann'd by the Wind and gave a ruffl'd Light Then from the Ground a Scent began to rise Sweet-smelling as accepted Sacrifice This Omen pleas'd and as the Flames aspire With od'rous Incence Arcite heaps the Fire Nor wanted Hymns to Mars or Heathen Charms At length the nodding Statue clash'd his Arms And with a sullen Sound and feeble Cry Half sunk and half pronounc'd the Word of Victory For this with Soul devout he thank'd the God And of Success secure return'd to his Abode These Vows thus granted rais'd a Strife above Betwixt the God of War and Queen of Love She granting first had Right of Time to plead But he had granted too nor would recede Jove was for Venus but he fear'd his Wife And seem'd unwilling to decide the Strife Till Saturn from his Leaden Throne arose And found a Way the Diff'rence to compose Though sparing of his Grace to Mischief bent He seldom does a Good with good Intent Wayward but wise by long Experience taught To please both Parties for ill Ends he sought For this Advantage Age from Youth has won As not to be outridden though outrun By Fortune he was now to Venus Trin'd And with stern Mars in Capricorn was join'd Of him disposing in his own Abode He sooth'd the Goddess while he gull'd the God Cease Daughter to complain and stint the Strife Thy Palamon shall have his promis'd Wife And Mars the Lord of Conquest in the Fight With Palm and Laurel shall adorn his Knight Wide is my Course nor turn I to my Place Till length of Time and move with tardy Pace Man feels me when I press th' Etherial Plains My Hand is heavy and the Wound remains Mine is the Shipwreck in a Watry Sign And in an Earthy the dark Dungeon mine Cold shivering Agues melancholy Care And bitter blasting Winds and poison'd Air Are mine and wilful Death resulting from Despair The throtling Quinsey 't is my Star appoints And Rheumatisms I send to rack the Joints When Churls rebel against their Native Prince I arm their Hands and furnish the Pretence And housing in the Lion's hateful Sign Bought Senates and deserting Troops are mine Mine is the privy Pois'ning I command Unkindly Seasons and ungrateful Land By me Kings Palaces are push'd to Ground And Miners crush'd beneath their Mines are found 'T was I slew Samson when the Pillar'd Hall Fell down and crush'd the Many with the Fall My Looking is the Sire of Pestilence That sweeps at once the People and the Prince Now weep no more but trust thy Grandsire's Art Mars shall be pleas'd and thou perform thy Part. 'T is ill though diff'rent your Complexions are The Family of Heav'n for Men should war Th' Expedient pleas'd where neither lost his Right Mars had the Day and Venus had the Night The Management they left to Chrono's Care Now turn we to th' Effect and sing the War In Athens all was Pleasure Mirth and Play All proper to the Spring and spritely May Which ev'ry Soul inspir'd with such Delight 'T was Justing all the Day and Love at Night Heav'n smil'd and gladded was the Heart of Man And Venus had the World as when it first began At length in Sleep their Bodies they compose And dreamt the future Fight and early rose Now scarce the dawning Day began to spring As at a Signal giv'n the Streets with Clamours ring At once the Crowd arose confus'd and high Ev'n from the Heav'n was heard a shouting Cry For Mars was early up and rowz'd the Sky The Gods came downward to behold the Wars Sharpning their Sights and leaning from their Stars The Neighing of the gen'rous Horse was heard For Battel by the busie Groom prepar'd Rustling of Harness ratling of the Shield Clatt ring of Armour furbish'd for the Field Crowds to the Castle mounted up the Street Batt'ring the Pavement with their Coursers Feet The greedy Sight might there devour the Gold Of glittring Arms too dazling to behold And polish'd Steel that cast the View aside And Crested Morions with their Plumy Pride Knights with a long Retinue of their Squires In gawdy Liv'ries march and quaint Attires One lac'd the Helm another held the Lance A third the shining Buckler did advance The Courser paw'd the Ground with restless Feet And snorting foam'd and champ'd the Golden Bit. The Smiths and Armourers on Palfreys ride Files in their Hands and Hammers at their Side And Nails for loosen'd Spears and Thongs for Shields provide The Yeomen guard the Streets in seemly Bands And Clowns come crowding on with Cudgels in their Hands The Trumpets next the Gate in order plac'd Attend the Sign to sound the Martial Blast The Palace-yard is fill'd with floating Tides And the last Comers bear the former to the Sides The Throng is in the midst The common Crew Shut out the Hall admits the better Few
turret in the wall Of Alabaster white and redde Corall An oratorie rich for to see In worship of Diane the Goddes of chastite Hath Theseus doe wrought in noble wise But yet had I foryetten to deuise The noble caruings and the purtreitures The shape the countnaunce and the figures That were in the oratories three First in the temple of Venus thou maist se Wrought on the wall full pitously to behold The broken flepes and the sighes cold The fault teares and the weymenting The fire strokes and the desiring That loues seruauntes in this life enduren The othes that her couenauntes assuren Pleasaunce and hope desire foolehardinesse Beautie and youth bandrie and richesse Charmes and sorcerie leesings and flatterie Dispence bufinesse and ielousie That weared of yelowe goldes a garlande And a Cokow sitting on her hande Feastes instruments carolles and daunces Justes and araie and all the circumstaunces Of loue which I reken and reken shall By order were painted on the wall And more than I can make mencion For sothly all the mount of Citheton Where Venus hath her principal dwelling Was shewed on the wall in purtreing With all the joy and the lustinesse Nought was foryetten the portresse idlenesse Ne Narcissus the fair of yore agone Ne yet the folie of king Salomon Ne yet the great strength of Hercules Th enchauntment of Medea and Circes Ne of Turnus with his hardie fers corage The rich Cresus caitife in seruage Thus may you sen that wisedom ne richesse Beuty ne sleight strength ne hardinesse Ne maie with Venus hold champartie For as her list the world may she gie Lo all these folke so cought were in her laas Till thei for wofull ost saied alas Sufficeth here one example dr two And though I could reken a thousand mo The statue of Venus glorious to se Was maked fleting in the large see And fro the nauell doune all couered was With waues grene and bright as any glas A citriole in her right hand had she And on her hedde full seemely for to se A rose garland fresh and wel smelling Aboue her hedde doues flittering Before her stood her sonne Cupido Upon his shoulders winges had he two And blind he was as it is ost sene A bow he had and arrowes bright and kene Why should I not as well tellen all The purgatory that was ther about ouer all Within the temple of mightie Mars the rede All painted was the wal in length and in brede Like to the Estris of the grisly place That hight the great Temple of Mars in Trace In thilke cold frosty region There Mars hath his soueraine mancion First on the wall was painted a forest In which there wonneth nother man ne best With knottie and knarie trees old Of stubbes sharpe and hidous to behold In which there was a romble and a shwow As though a storme should breake euery bow And dounward vnder a hill vnder a bent There stode the temple of Mars armipotent Wrought all of burned stele of which th'entre Was long and streight and gastly for to se And therout came soch a rage and soch a vise That it made all the gates for to rise The northern light in at the dores shone For window on the wall was there none Through which men might any light discern The dores were all of athamant eterne Yelenched ouerthwart and hedlong With Iron tough for to maken it strong Euery piller the temple to susteine Was tonne great of yren bright and shene There saw I first the darke imagining Of felonie and eke the oompassing The cruell ire redde as any glede The pick-purse and eke the pale drede The smiler with the knife vnder the cloke The shepen brenning with the blacke smoke The treason of the murdring in the bedde The open warre with woundes all be bledde Conteke with blody kniues and sharpe manace All full of chirking was that sory place The slear of himself yet saw I there His hart blode hath bathed all his here The naile ydriuen in the shode on hight With colde death with mouth gaping vpright A middes of the temple sate Mischaunce With discomfort and sory countenaunce Yet saw I Wodnesse laghing in his 〈◊〉 Armed complaint on theft and fiers courage The carraine in the 〈◊〉 with 〈◊〉 A thousand slain and 〈◊〉 istorue The tiraunt with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 force 〈◊〉 The toune 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was nothing 〈◊〉 Yet saw I brent the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The hunter istrangled with the 〈◊〉 The Sow fretting the child in 〈◊〉 The coke is scalded for all his long ladell Nought was foryetten the infortune of 〈◊〉 The Carter ouer-ridden by his own cart 〈◊〉 Vnder the whele full low he lay a doun There were also of Martes deuision The Barbour the Botcher and the Smith That forgeth sharp swordes on the stith And all aboue depainted in a toure Saw I conquest sitting in great honour With the sharpe sword ouer his hedde Hanging by a subtill twined thredde Depainted was there the slaughter of Julius Of great Nero and of Antonius All be that thilke time they were vnborne Yet was her death depainted there beforne By manacing of Mars right by figure So was it shewed in that portreiture As is depainted in the certes aboue Who shall be dead or els slain for loue Sufficeth one ensample in stories old I may not reken them all though 〈◊〉 would The statue of Mars upon a carte stode Armed and loked grim as he were wode And ouer his head there shinen two figures Of sterres that been cleped in Scriptures That one Puella hight that other Rubeus This God of armes was arraied thus A wolfe there stode beforne him at his fete With iyen redde and of a man he ete With subtell pensill was painted this story In redouting of Marce and of his glory Now to the temple of Diane the chast As shortly as I can I woll me hast To tell you all the description Depainted been the walles vp and doune Of hunting and of shamfast chastite There saw I how wofull Calistope When that Diane greued was with her Was tourned fro a woman to a bere And afterward was she made the lode sterre Thus was it painted I can say no ferre Her soone is eke a sterre as men may see There saw I Diane tourned vnto a tree I meane not the goddesse Diane But Venus doughter which that hight Dane There saw I Atheon an hert ymaked For vengeance that he saw Diane all naked I saw how that his hounds haue 〈◊〉 cought And freten him for they knew him nought Yet ypainted wasaslitell ferthermore How Athalant hunted the wilde bore And Meltager and many other mo For which Diane wrought him care and wo There saw I many another wonder storie Which me 〈◊〉 to draw in memorie This goddesse full well vpon an hert shete With small houndes all about her fete And vnderneth her fete she had a Moone Woxing it was and should wane soone In gaudie greene her statue clothed was