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A34447 Misthoskopia, A prospect of heavenly glory for the comfort of Sion's mourners by Joseph Cooper ... Cooper, Joseph, 1635-1699. 1700 (1700) Wing C6058; ESTC R23381 387,192 690

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amoris divini in nos derivata beneficia prae omnibus hujusce saeculi deliciis long● sua vissima delicious than any Wine how Cordial soever And certainly most Blessed and full of Glory must the Change of every Saint in Heaven be which can render it capable to enjoy everlasting immediate Communion with so infinitely Pure and Glorious a Majesty For as the bodily Eye cannot stedfastly behold any bright and glorious Object that is never at hand if not wonderfully strengthened So were not all the Powers of the Soul wonderfully elevated and corroborated by a glorious created Strength the Saints in Heaven where God's Majesty and matchless Glory is fully manifested could no more enjoy him look upon him and delight in him as their Happiness than a Man having sore Eyes is able to look full upon the Sun in its greatest and most dazling Brightness God therefore creates in his Saints such a supernatural Disposition whereby they are prepared for the full Enjoyment of himself prepared to be filled with all the fulness of God prepared to behold for ever this glorious Sun whereas otherwise they would have been too much oppressed with the Weight of such a Glory What the Operation of the Soul● is which doth formally denominate the Saints Happy and whereby they do fully enjoy as God the alone beatifical Object is a thing much controverted amongst not only the School-men but the soberest Divines Some making it to be an Act of the Understanding with the Thomists whilst others would have it to be an Act of the Will loving and taking infinite Complacency in God with the Scotists (f) Essentialis beatitudo in Dei possessione constituenda est utriusque verò facultatis actu voluntatis scilicet intellectûs aequè principaliter ac immediate beati Deum possidebunt Arrows Tact. Sacr. lib. 3. cap. 4. §. 3. But I see no reason why any one should go about to promote a Schism betwixt the Graces of Knowledge and Love or give one the Preheminence above the other Since neither one nor the other can be excluded as mutually contributing to our nearest Union with and fullest Enjoyment of the divine Majesty And therefore the Scripture doth not place the whole of our Happiness in the seeing of God but also speaks of perfect (g) 1 Cor. 13.13 Charity towards God as that which goes to the Constituting of us in a State of compleat Blessedness So that there is not only a beatifical Vision of God in Heaven whereby we see him Face to Face that is to say as clearly and fully as a finite Creature can behold an infinitely glorious Essence But there is also a beatifical Love to God whereby we shall take an eternal Solace of Delight and full Aquiescency in God so that all our Affections being now called home from ranging after lying Vanities shall most sweetly meet together in an overflowing Ocean of Love to the Lord Jehovah Both these are necessary to the full Fruition of God wherein our Happiness doth (h) Psal 34.8 formally stand We must know God and love him too we must as well tast the Sweetness of God as see his Glory would we ever be made blessed by the Enjoyment of him In the Sun there is Heat as well as Light and did it not communicate its warm Influence to the World as well as the bright shining Beams of its Light there was no living thus Heat as well as Light is required in the Recompence of Reward we must not only have the Light (i) Beatitudo secundum Boethium est status omnium bonorum aggregatione perfectus ergo consistere debet in operationibus utriusque facultatis rationalis quia si deesset vel visio Dei ut primi veri vel illius fruitio per amorem ut summi boni maneret in mente inquietudo sunt autem inquietudo beatitudo 〈◊〉 compatibiles Bayhs Instit relig Christ pag. 291. of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ but we must also love him withall our Soul with all our Mind with all our Heart and with all our Might would we ever live the Life of perfect Blessedness God is a Being infinitely true and good So that both the Understanding must behold him as the first Truth and the Will must sweetly embrace him by love as the chiefest good to make us compleatly blessed And certainly there are those Pleonasms of Beauty and Goodness in God that the Soul shall no sooner be call'd up to the full Enjoyment of him in Glory but she will see and love him she will love and see him she will drink in everlasting Light from God as the Fountain of Light and will bath her self for ever in the River of his Pleasures with all fulness of Joy and divine Contentment Who then can conceive what will be the Glory the Happiness the everlasting delight of a Soul keeping an eternal Sabbath of Loves in the Bosom of the ever blessed God where both our Knowledge of and Charity towards God being incorporated int● one glorious Fruition of him shall like a thousand Suns in Conjunction with each other make a bright Constellation of heavenly Glory If (k) 1 Kings 10.8 the Queen of Sheba observing Solomon's Glory pronounced all about him (l) Dictum est olim Sol●moni à Regina Shebae beati viri tui beati servi tui qui stant coram te semper qu●nto magis beati sint oportet quotquot Dei in christo in faciem praesentes perpetìm contemplantur blessed saying happy are thy Men and happy are these thy Servants which stand continually before thee and that hear thy Wisdom What shall we then think of those blessed Servants of God who shall for ever stand rejoycing in the beatifical Presence behold the Majesty tast the Goodness and experience infinitely beyond what they could ever have desired the loving Kindness of God which is better than Life it self This Christians oh this as Bernard hath it is a Reward indeed to see God and to live with God to (b) Praemium est videre Deum vivere cum Deo vivere de Deo esse cum Deo esse in Deo qui erit omnia in omnibus habere Deum qui est summum bonum Et ubi est summum bonum ibi est summa faelicitas summa jucunditas vere libertas perfecta charitas aeterna securitas secura eternitas Ibi est vera laetitia plena scientia omnis pulchritudo omnis beatitudo Et paucis interjectis videbit Sanctus Deum ad voluntatem habebit ad voluptatem fruetur ad jucunditatem In aeternitate vigebit in veritate fulgebit in bonitate gaudebit Bernard Medit. cap. 4. live of God to be with God to rest in the Bosom of God's dearest Love who shall be all in all to us to have God himself for our Reward who is the chiefest Good what Reward can compare with this Having God the
yet we must neither serve nor love him so much for the Reward that he will Crown us with as for his own sake 'T is Storied of (l) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vide Plutarch in Vit. Alex. Alexander that he was wont to say of his two Friends Ephestion and Craterus Ephestion loves me because I am Alexander but Craterus loves me because I am King Alexander implying that the one loved his Person and the other nothing else but his Princely Gifts Many there are in the World who Craterus-like have a good mind to God's gifts and benefits that he bestoweth on them and for these they would seem to love him But (m) Cum Deus sit ipsa essentia bonitatis per se et ultimus finis omnium propter seipsum quoque diligendus est Aquinas 2ª 2 ae Q. 27. a. 11. Christians should be so many Spiritual Ephestions obeying the God of Heaven and loving him for himself and all other things in the World Heaven and Glory it self not excepted for his s●ke If there be any subordination betwixt God and Heaven surely then we should rather love and by patient continuance in well doing seek after the Reward of Eternal Happiness in Heaven for God's sake than love and seek after God for Heaven's sake 'T is hard I confess to distinguish betwixt God and the Recompence of the Reward (n) Nec deum debemus amare propter praemia sed praemia propter deum Pet. Mart. in Sam. But if any such distinction may be made we must rather love and obey God for his own sake than for the sake of that Eternal Reward how glorious soever For as Austin well saith (o) Deus gratis se vult coli gratis se vult diligi hoc est castè amari Non pterea se amari vult quia dat aliquid praeter se sed quia dat se Aust in Ps 52. God will not be loved and served because he gives us any Reward besides himself but because he gives us himself as our exceeding great Reward Gen. 15.1 The Wife that intirely loves her Husband she looks for no other Reward of her Love and Obedience to him but only to enjoy him as her Husband So we must not be acted in our Obedience by a Mercenary Spirit looking more at our own Reward than at God himself but must think it a sufficient Reward of all our Love and Obedience to God that we shall at length enjoy him as our God in Christ Jesus When we are acted more in ways of Obedience by the Fear of Hell and by the desire of Heaven than by Love to God this argues a servile mercenary frame of Spirit clearly evincing that our respect to the Recompence of the Reward is not such as it ought to be For though we may lawfully have respect to them both looking upon the Torments of the one to deter us from Sinning against God and upon the Comforts of the other to encourage us to all holy walking before him yet that which ought to be the main Spring of all our Obedience setting all on work for God that which should be the very Soul of all our Religious undertakings especially deriving Life and the purest quint-essence of Holiness into them why 't is the Love of God shed abroad in our hearts Oh therefore see to it that in all your Obedience to God you be acted not by the Spirit of Bondage but by the Spirit of Adoption not by Fear but by Love not by servile and mercenary but by filial and ingenuous Principles You may set the Joys of Heaven on the Right Hand and the Torments of Hell on the Left having an eye to them both as strong incentives to quicken you in your motion But the Love of God in Christ this must be the spring and main ground of your moving in Heaven's way (p) Deum non colimus nisi propter deum ut deus quem colimus ipse sit merces Nam qui deum ideo colit ut aliquid aliud promereatur quam ipsum non quem colit diligit quia non ipsum sed aliud concupiscit Prosper in Psal 119. For we never Worship the Lord in a right way we never serve God as we should till we can serve him for himself Nor do we consult God's Glory at all but our own security when 't is only the fear of Hellish Torments and not the love that we should bear to the Lord that makes us walk in Obedience before him An heart rightly affected in the Services of God is so ingenuous and so throughly steeped in the Christal Stream of Divine Love that though there were no Heaven no Hell no Reward nor Punishment yet it would constrain a Man to do his Duty making him to shun Sin and to walk in all upright Obedience before the Lord. (q) Ipse Christianus vere est qui proficiendo perveniet ad talem animum ut plus amet dominum quam timeat Gehennam ut etiamsi dicat illi deus utere delicijs carnalibus sempiternis et quantum potes pecca nec morieris nec in Gehennam mitteris sed mecum tantum modo non eris Exhorrescat et omnino non peccet non jam ut in illud quod timebat non incidat sed ne illum quem sic amat offendat in quo uno est requies quam oculus non vidit nec auris audivit nec in cor hominis ascendit August de Catechiez●nd Rudik cap. 17. Let God say to such an one Crown yourselves with all Earthly Delights and take your fill of all Mundane Pleasures Cloathe yourselves in Purple and fare Deliciously every day Sin as much as you will and deny yourselves in nothing that a Carnal heart can desire yet you shall never die for it nor be cast into Hell only this shall be your Punishment that you shall never see my Face nor enjoy my Favour Why such is the strength of the Love which he bears to the God of Heaven that he would tremble at such an offer and not much be tempted with it to sin against the Lord not so much because he is afraid of falling into Hell as because he is unwilling to offend that God whom his Soul loveth and whose Favour he looks upon as better than Life it self A true Christian though he may fear Hell and eschew it with a fear of flight and aversation yet this is not the Spring of his Motion but as the Primum Mobile sets all the other Spheres a going and as the Soul informing the Body gives Life and Motion to the whole Man so the Love of God shed abroad in the heart this is the Spring of a Christian's Obedience setting all the Faculties of his Soul as so many Heavenly Orbs a going for God and putting Life into all it's Performances The Sparks do not more Naturally fly upward than the Love of God doth actuate draw forth and carry a Christian in ways of Obedience to God
rational Creatures we must needs owe thus much Kindness and Courtesie to ourselves as to consult the Welfare of our own Beeings seeking nothing more than to land them safe at that which we take to be the Haven of Rest and Happiness THOSE that are the greatest Patrons of Free-will who make an undistinguishable Aequipoise Undeterminateness and Indifferency in the Will to Good or Evil to be essential to all Liberty so that take away this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and with them you take off the Chariot Wheels of the Soul and wholly destroy the nature of Free-will Why yet these grand Adiaphorists are so strangely Conquered by the Invincible Evidence of this triumphant Truth that they suffer it to pass without any Contradiction ¶ Voluntas de necessitate movetur ab objecto illo quod est universale bonum ab ipsa scilicet beatitudine Aq. 1a 2 ae acknowledging that this Indifferency and Freedom of Will is not express concerning Happiness a man is not Free whether he will desire Happiness or not but his Will is determined that way † Quotquot sunt homines necessario et libere volunt esse beati Nec circa expetitionem ultimi finis est hasitatio Macco there is a natural Pondus from God upon him by which he doth poise towards his own Welfare and cannot but Will the Prosperity of his own Beeing together with all such means as he judgeth necessary for the accomplishment of it As the Elements have their proper Principles of Motion whereby they never rest till they come to their Center wherein they do wholly Acquiess So not much like thereto is the Heart of Man which by an natural desire of Happiness is restless still seeking with unquiet Agitations Rovings and anxious Disquisitions in what Center to Acquiess and take up its Repose Did you never behold a Needle touched with a Load-stone quivering and trembling and with much curiosity directing its Point towards the North as the place of its peculiar Rest and magnetick Fixation Thus every Man hath his Soul touched with an innate Appetite after Happiness as with a Spiritual Load-stone so that no man can choose but desire his own Welfare directing all his unquiet Agitations Quiverings and curious Endeavours for the hitting and attaining so fair a Mark. YOU may possibly call to mind an Aristotle Sacrificing his Life to his own Curiosity in the strange Heats and irregular Estuations of inconstant Euripus Possibly you may have read of a Cleopatra unnaturally craving the help of two Poysonous Asps to suck forth her Life and her Blood together At least you cannot but remember Achitophel dispatching himself for very Madness that his Oracle was not received Zimri King of Israel burning himself in his own Palace 1 Kings 16 18. Judas ridding himself from the Horrors of black Dispair by committing a Rape upon Hell it self as persons that seem practically to have Enervated the Strength of my Reason and sufficiently to have proved that all men desire not their own Happiness BUT however these and the like Instances may be look'd upon by a vulgar eye as so many anomalous Individiums and Exceptions from this general Rule yet indeed they do most strongly confirm it giving us a full Certificate written in their own Blood that all men desire Happiness whilst they would venture to purchase a bare Appearance thereof at so Dear a Rate taking Sanctuary in the Grave and indeavouring to hide themselves in the most abhorred Estate of Annihilation that they might be at Rest Though then we should search the Records of all Ages taking a rise from these low descended times of ours ‖ Omnes igitur homines boni pariter ac mali indiscretâ ad bonum intentione pervenire nituntur Böeth de Consol Philos lib. 4. pros 2. pag. 111. to those Primordial Seasons that first began the World yet we could not find any one particular amongst all the Sons and Daughters of Mankind how eminently Virtuous or prodigiously Vicious soever that could so play the Heteroclite in Nature as not to breathe after a state of Blessedness desiring a share therein As in all Nations there is an exact Likeness and Agreement in the Situation and Composure of Mens Faces so that every one hath his Face set Heaven ward Why thus there is the same Likeness and Agreement also in the bent and byass of all mens Spirits so that every one whether Good or Bad whether Wicked or Godly doth desire his own Welfare ¶ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Aristot For whatever is Natural as this innate desire of Happiness is must needs be Universal Immoveable and perpetually Energetical communicating its Virtue Strength and Power to the whole Kind So that amongst all the Sons of Men you shall not find one whose Heart is not touched with this Load-stone who doth not Love his own Welfare who doth not seek after his own Happiness moving towards that as his proper Center INDEED all Men are agreed about their Summum Bonum nor do they all seek to be happy the same way some you may see digging in the Mines to see if they could spy any Vein of happiness there you may see others ambitiously seeking after Honours to see if they could find any happiness there some you may see torturing Nature and setting her upon the Rack to extract the finest and quintessence of the Creature to see if they could meet with the Spirit of happiness in such pleasurable Distillations and others again you may see trimming their Lamps with the Oyl of Humane Learning to see if their intellectual endowments their choice discoveries and speculations would afford them any happiness * Quanquam non omnes id appetant in quo beatitudo vera con●●stit in omnes tamen universale perfectum bonum naturaliter appetere certum est in quo consistit communis ratio beatitudinis Aq. 1a 2ae q. 5 8. Omnis mortalium cura quam multiplicium studiorum labor exercet diverso quidem calle procedit sed ad unum tamen beatitudinis finem nititur venire id autem est bonum quo quis adepto nihil ulterius desiderare queat Boët de Cons Philos lib. 3. pros 2. pag. 63. But yet though they were thus divided in the Branches they were notwithstanding closely united in the root though they could not agree upon the way of happiness yet they did all of them agree and conspire in this to make Happiness their end this is the blessed Harbour for which they are all bound although embarked in several Vessels and affecting different Winds to sail by this is the Mark at which they all shoot though many of them take their aim amiss however in a word Mens perswasions of what is that Good which will make them happy may be diversified according to their Inclinations yet Blessedness is the Center wherein all their desires meet Observe we then our own Genius let us diligently consider what Nature doth prompt
remain ungrateful under such transcendently great and glorious discoveries Doth God allow you to walk at all times with Heaven in your Eye and will you not strive to make melody to the Lord in your Hearts Shall your heavenly Father shew you his back parts and cause all his Glory to pass before you and yet can you be unthankful not endeavouring to glorifie his great Name The God of all Consolation Christians is no niggard of his Cordials to us And shall we then shew our selves niggards in our retribution of thanks to him Shall God's Hand be opened and ours shut Is his Heart enlarged and shall we be straitned in our Bowels Can we make so light of Heaven and Eternal Glory as to think the Lord unworthy our Praises for allowing us a full prospect of them If the Disciples were in such an extasy of admiration when taken up into the Mount with Christ and beholding some obscure glimpses of heavenly Glory How much more cause have we to stand as in an extasy admiring the Goodness of God whom he allows to live every Day upon the mount of transfiguration shewing us all the Beauty and causing us to anticipate the Pleasures Glory and Happiness of the World to come God might have left us under a necessity of obedience without any hope of an Eternal reward in Heaven and yet even in that case all thankful acknowledgments had been done to him How much more when our Work is sweetned with the assured Hope of an Eternal reward so that now going on in the way we may look at Heaven and Glory as that which will be the end of every Duty Oh let us all with enlarged and ravished affections with the utmost vigour and activity of enflamed Hearts recount the wonderful condescention and stupendious love of God in vouchsafing us for our encouragement a prospect of the Land of Promise in the Way thither To admire the Riches of free Grace and to warble out the Praises of God will be a great part of our Work when we come to Heaven (a) Artem nunc aliquam laudandi Dominum addiscamus quam oporteat aliquando infinitis seculis exercere Arrow Tact. Sacr. lib. 3. Sect. 15. pag. 361. let us now therefore begin the employment of Heaven whilst we live on Earth adoring the Lord 's remunerative Goodness whereby we have so great encouragement no less than a Crown of Glory to all Holy Self-denying and upright walking before him When God shews us Heaven and Glory as in a mirrour that by the bright reflections of it our Hearts may be rejoiced 't is but equal that we should strive to become the Monument of his Praise at all times blessing the Lord in our Hearts and with our Mouths speaking good of his Name The Glory of Heaven is so transcendently great that we may sooner lose our selves in the admiration of it than ever return thanks to God proportionate to the least glimpse that proceeds from it Oh be not any longer unwilling to be much in thanksgiving and praise to him who sowillingly allows you the encouragement of so transcendently blessed and glorious a reward in all your obedience What can you bless God for giving you a Crum and not for shewing you a Crown of Life as the certain reward of all holy performances If liberty to use the good things of this World be matter of thankfulness to God how much more shall we thank the Lord admiring his Goodness for the Liberty which in all our obedience he allows us to have respect to all the Good things of Heaven and Glory and the World to come If enjoying the Meat that perisheth we are bound to bless the Lord and speak good of his Name for such a temporal fruition how much more should we adore the Lord whilst eying the Meat that will endure to Life everlasting though but yet in expectation The Queen of Sheba having obtained a sight of Solomon's Glory was so strangely transported that she had almost lost her Soul in an extasy of admiration In what an extasy of admiration should it then put us causing us with all thankfulness to adore the divine remunerative Goodness when the Lord gives us a sight of his own Glory every Day making us to behold in our prospect here on Earth all the Royalties Immunities and Soul-entrancing delights of the heavenly Jerusalem Had God Christians given you the Kingdoms of the World with all the Glory of them they had not been worth so much as the least glimpse of that Glory to which the Lord allows you to have an Eye in all your endeavours Be therefore no longer unthankful to God but admire him rather (b) Psal 63.3 Because thy loving kindness saith the Psalmist is better than Life my lips shall praise thee So my Brethren because the Lord allows you that respect to the recompence of reward that sight of Heaven that prospect of Eternal Glory which is better than Life it self why therefore let your Lips yea and your Lives too praise him The sight of Heavenly Glory puts Life into the Soul and so makes it go on with delight in ways of obedience Oh therefore let that God who thus makes your Hearts chearful be sure to find them thankful and your Mouths running over with his Praises in every condition For remember it he that is not truly thankful to God for Glory in expectation shall never have Heaven and eternal Glory in their full fruition You must now admire the goodness of God in the hope of Eternal Life or you can never taste how good the Lord is in the bestowance of Eternal Life upon you 2 Walk uprightly doing all that you do in the Ways of God not for vain-glory nor from any ambitious desire of popular applause but purely from a principle of love to that God who in all your obedience hath allowed you the strong and everlasting encouragement of having an Eye to the recompence of the reward You need not Christians to look asquint in your obedience nor do any thing that you do to be seen of Men so long as the Lord sets before you the reward of Eternal Glory allowing you to look on that as a Feast wherewith to refresh you as Robes of Righteousness wherewith to adorn you as a consort of Celestial Musick wherewith to delight you and as a Royal Diadem wherewith to crown you after all your labours when once you come to Heaven (c) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Macar Hom. 19. Let not therefore vain-glory nor any such low and sordid principles act you in the Ways of God but let the Love of God who allows you by way of encouragement a respect to the recompence of Eternal Life be the spring of all holy motions in your Souls Look you may at the recompence of the reward but shall never receive it if in all your obedience you have not God and Eternal Glory but the praise of Man and vain-glory for your end Be
the Tree of your Christian profession never so stately and flourishing yet vain-glory is a Worm that will smite it and so quickly make it wither away that you must never expect to gather any clusters of Canaan any ripe fruits of Paradise any gleanings of true Happiness from it The Pharisees they fasted and prayed and gave Alms but because they did it all to be seen of Men this took the Crown from off their Heads and robb'd them of all future Happiness (d) Matth. 6.2 Verily I say unto you saith Christ reproving their Hypocrisy they have received their reward They sought in all their religious performances the praise of Man not the Glory of God and therefore their Sin it becomes their punishment The praise of Man they shall have but the Glory which comes from God only they shall never have And yet tho vain-glory be thus like the Curse of Christ to the barren Fig-tree causing all our Plants so to wither that the ripe fruit of Eternal Glory will never grow upon them Yet how apt are the very best to let all their performances be sowred with this Leaven and to suffer this Worm to corrupt their Choicest Fruits and Flowers Oh how rare a thing is it to see Men acted not by any carnal respect or vain-glorious motive in what they do but by spiritual motives and Heavenly considerations such as are the Love of God a desire of Communion with him and the hope of an Eternal reward from him (a) Molendinum non circumagitur nec facit farinam nisi excitetur vento sic multi non facerent farinam bonorum operum ●●si f●●te vento vanitatis Stella de Cont. Mundi vanit l●b 1. cap. 11. Esteem of Men popular Applause and worldly Glory these make many Persons take some little tincture of Religions who otherwise would never have had so much as a shew of it Many thousand there are who count godliness not gain unless they can make a gain of godliness nor will they at all lay forth themselves in the service of Christ unless thereby they can raise up to their own name a Monument of worldly Glory But oh how unworthy and sordid is the practice of such self-designers in religion who do thus subordinate the Glory of God the credit of Religion and the joys of Heaven to their own carnal ends and make them all subservient to the lust of their own hypocritical vain-glorious and ambitious Hearts Is there not beauty enough in God to attract our love and Glory enough in Heaven to recompence all our labours unless we may have and ambitiously design for ourselves the praise of Men To follow God in religious performances to be seen of Men to make a profession of Christianity meerly that our names may be famous and admired in the World what is this but to be a Judas selling Christ for Mony or Esau selling our Birthright for a Mess of Pottage Beware then that you never enter into this temptation which that you may not do pray hard for an upright frame of Spirit and consider often as a motive to all holy duties the Glory Happiness and Eternal joy which God hath set before you As Aaron's Rod devoured the Rods of the Magicians So that Crown of Life and Eternal Glory which shall shortly be put upon us should utterly devour consume and eat up all desires after vain-glory If stately and sumptuous Buildings allure you think often what Cottages these are in comparison of those Heavenly Mansions which Christ is preparing for us If gorgeous and fantastical Apparel bewitch you think seriously what wages these are in comparison of those white Robes wherewith all the people of God shall be cloathed in the Kingdom of their Father If any worldly splendour and Glory have an influence upon you oh think what a Bubble it is in comparison of that far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory which lies before us in all the ways of obedience Let a Man but often revolve in his thoughts and always keep in his Eye the Reward of Eternal life and he will not need to look abroad in the World for any motives to all upright self-denying and holy walking before the Lord. Oh how little should a Christian be affected with all Earthly Glory and how upright should it make him when God allows him in all the ways of obedience a Tree of Life to feed upon causing him by faith to see the Glory and to anticipate the pleasures of the Heavenly Jerusalem What is it not enough that there is Heaven at the end unless you may have the praise of Men in the way of obedience Will not the Glory which comes from God alone satisfy you unless vain Men like yourselves admire you Is it nothing to be walking on towards a Crown of life unless others see and count every step that you take in Heavens way Can you think you have cleansed your Hearts in vain and count all your labour lost in the service of God who will shortly reward you with an Eternal reward if you have not the praise of Men given you into the bargain Oh dreadful hypocrisy and never to be bewailed but with tears of Blood If thus you be acted by vain-glory and sinister ends in the service of God in vain shall you expect a Mansion of Eternal Glory in God's Heavenly Kingdom Our first Patents by eating of the Tree of Knowledge they lost their right to the Tree of life Thus if you will seek the praise of Man and live upon the Wind of popular applause in the service of God you cannot but forfeit your right to Eternal Glory (b) Non virtue sed causa virtutis apud Deum mercedem habet August de Temp. Serm. 59. For as Austin well observes 't is not the greatest doers but the sincerest Livers not Men of a glorious profession and many performances but Men of holy motives and pure intentions whom God will reward with Eternal life So much better it is not to seem and be than not to be and yet seem a true Christian Beware therefore lest being wholly acted by Vain-glory and other sinister ends in the service of God there be found under the name of a Christian nothing else but the Heart of an Infidel 3 Walk contentedly not murmuring against Heaven but sitting down as well satisfied with your present condition be it what it will 'T was hard enough with old Jacob when there was a Famine in the Land of Canaan but having received the glad tidings of his Sons welfare he is now at ease and as one fully satisfied he cries out it is enough Joseph is yet alive So whatever hardships attend you and whatever Troubles you stand involved in yet Christians methinks the glad Tidings of Eternal Life prepared for you and of that everlastingly glorious Reward which God sets before you should make you sit down well satisfied and cry out as in an extasy of admiration it is
have Heaven with all the Glory and royalties thereof continually in our Eye before us Can any Man having fixed his Eyes upon and expecting an Eternal reward of Glory in Heaven indulge himself in the dead and powerless performance of holy duties not ●●bouring to be carried on in the Work of the Lord with a mighty violence and holy activity of Spirit That Man is certainly unworthy the Glory of Heaven who thinks it not well worth his utmost diligence and labour of Love on Earth (a) Non enim dormientibus provenit regnum coelorum sed in Dei mandatis laborantibus Leo Serm. 2. de Epiphan pag. 25. The Kingdom of Heaven is prepared not for loyterers but for labourers Not for those that stand idle all the Day in Gods Vineyard but for those that make hast to run the Way of his Commandments * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clem. Alex. This Kingdom though not meritable by the endeavours of any mortal but the free gift of God yet is never to be taken but by an holy Storm Nor must any Man ever think to come there that is not willing to gain it in the sweat of his brows How then should this fill our Hearts with great thoughts and our Hands with all opportunities sending us forth to meet all advantages and engaging us to use all possible diligence in Heavens way And can you be content to lose Heaven rather than Labour for it To be shut our of the Paradise of God for ever rather than force your selves into it by an holy violence through the strait Gate Can you do too much for a Crown of Glory or expend more strength in the service of God than what the recompence of reward will make amends for Oh believe it Christians you can never put your time your strength your diligence to better usury than by laying forth all in the service of God! There is not a prayer not a sigh not a tear not the least struggle of the Spirit against the Flesh herein that shall ever be lost (b) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ignat. Epist ad Polyc. But as your diligence for Christ doth abound in the work of the Lord so the reward of Eternal Life by Christ shall much more abound unto you Your weak ●●●eavours shall be crowned with strong consolation● For your temporal obedience on earth you shall receive the recompence of Eternal Glory in Heaven And for your labour of love here you shall rest for ever hereafter in the sweet and delicious embraces of your best beloved the dear Lord Jesus whom to see without end will be endless happiness Oh then what diligence in the service of God what labour in the work of the Lord what exactness in all our Duties can be sufficient for that God who hath prepared such transcendently glorious and Soul-raping felicity for those that faithfully serve him Hast thou Christian such a Crown and yet run no faster Hast thou such an eternal Triumph and yet fight the Battels of the Lord with no more courage and activity Hast thou such a blessed and transcendently glorious Reward and yet no more diligent zealous and abounding in the Work of the Lord Oh take a prospect by the Eye of Faith of the Land of Promise view the Glory observe the royalties take notice of the many choyce immunities of that Heavenly Canaan let the recompence of Eternal Life be always in your Eye and then forbear to be fervent in spirit when serving the Lord if you can Their labour their Zeal their diligence for God should never be small to whom he vouchsafes a prospect of so transcendently great and glorious a Reward The endeavours of a Christian for God should always bear some proportion with what encouragements he receives from God Having therefore so clear a sight of what God hath layd up for us with himself in Heaven we should never think we can do enough for God on earth So long as God holds out a Crown of Glory we should never withhold our labour our pains our diligence in a way of duty Thou art unworthy Christian the least glympse of Heavens happiness if such a sight do not presently transform thee into 〈◊〉 incarnate Seraphim making thee burn with Heavenly Zeal in the service of God like Coles of Juniper as willing to undergo the greatest labour for so glorious a recompence Let us therefore with all intention of mind with all vigour of Soul with all due preparation of Heart run the way of God's Commandments remembring it is all for the life of our own Souls and that the recompence of Eternal Glory is still before us as the reward of all our Christian endeavours 7 WALK Heavenly-mindedly not loving the World nor the things of the World but wholy setting your Hearts upon things above In this case if any where your Eye should affect your Hearts so that the sight which God affords you of an eternal Reward in Heaven may attract and draw up your affections thither wholly divorcing them from the Love of all Creature-enjoyments The Lapwing is made an Emblem of infelicity by some because having a little Coronet upon her head she yet feeds upon the worst of excrements Well you that have a Crown of Glory though not already upon your head yet in your Eye take heed that you be not such Enemies to your own Happiness as to feed with delight upon the sordid enjoyments of this present World Themistocles that gallant Athenian Captain bid his Friend take up those Bracelets which he espied on the ground for saith he thou art not † 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Plut. Themist Themistocles implying that it was below a Person of his Place and Renown to be affected with such Vanities So Christians let the Worlds Friends stoop down and embrace her Profits Honours and outward Accomodations it 's below you that have Heaven in your Eye to be taken with them 'T is a thing unbecoming all you whose Reward is laid up in the highest Heavens to stoop so far below your selves as to lay out your affections upon Earth and earthly enjoyments If Alexander would not exercise at the Olympicks as thinking such Pedantick recreations too far below him (i) Nos contemnere malumus quàm continere opes innocentiam magis cupimus magis patientiam flagitamus malumus nos bonos esse quàm prodigos Min. Foel Oct. 118. how much more should a Christian scorn having Heaven and Glory in his Eye to be found like one of the base Fellows eagerly pursuing the lying Vanities of a dunghil World 'T is stori●●●●●one Tigranes that coming to redeem his Father and Friends with his Wife who were all taken Prisoners by Cyrus he was asked in particular what ransom he would give for his Wife To which he readily answered that he would purchase her Liberty with his own Life But prevailing upon easier terms as they returned every one commended Cyrus for a goodly Person and Tigranes would needs know
way as thou dreamest of or if there be why yet in that very Lyon thou mayst find Hony The way to Heaven is not so dark and gloomy as most imagine though indeed it be strait and tedious to Flesh and Blood yet there stands a bright Crown of eternal Glory at the end which makes it comfortable Be ashamed then having such encouragement to walk disconsolate in Heavens way There are not so many Thorns to prick you as Roses to refresh you Nor half so much cause of Sorrow ●s there is of Comfort and rejoycing of Spirit Christians walking in Heaven's Way they may meet I confess with a fiery Tryal but then there is some Light for their Comfort as well as Heat to Torment them And let me tell you the more your Hearts are melted and softned in such a Flame the deeper will be the Impression of divine Love Consolation and Sweetness upon them A sight of Glory from Heaven is then most Cordial when we can see nothing but Bonds and Imprisonments and forest Afflictions to abide us on Earth (a) Acts 7.55 How sweetly did Stephen that blessed Proto-martyr fall asleep under a Shower of Stones as if he had gone to Heaven in a Bed of Down The Reason of all was this he saw Heaven open and Jesus standing at the right Hand of God ready to turn every Stone that was thrown at him into an orient Pearl and to Crown him so soon as ever he had passed the Straits of Death with eternal Life Thi● made him forget his Sorrow and walk on with Comfort through the Valley of Death that at length he might come to that Glory in Heaven which he found such a Cordial to his Soul when ready to leave her earthly Tabernacle And why is it that we having the same Recompence of Reward set before us cannot endure the like Hardships with the same Comfort Must there be so much ado to make us live upon those Cordials which Heaven it self hath provided for us Are the Consolations of God grown small with us that we resolve thus to walk with sorrowful Hearts whilst he shews us Heaven as in a Glass and sets Glory in our Eye Shall every light Affliction eat ●ut the Heart of our Comfort when we see there lies before us a far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory Either Christian let thy Heart feel more or thy Eye see less of Heaven And do not go to bring up an ill Report upon the celestial Canaan by walking disconsolate in the way thither For you that have Heaven before you to come weeping after for you that have Glory in your Eye to be filled with Sorrow for you that may hope to live with God for ever in the Mount to go mourning from day to day like Doves of the Valley how unseemly were this If the World be bitter yet sweet is Paradise If the Earth cast you out yet Heaven will receive you If here you be tossed with Storms like a Ship at Sea yet arriving at the wished Shoar of Eternity you will find rest If in this (b) Mat. World Men Revile you and Persecute you saying all manner of Evil of you falsly for Christ's sake yet still you should walk rejoycing and be exceeding glad because great is your Reward in Heaven And what so great Matters are all our Afflictions on Earth that they should be able to imbitter Heaven Pray you (c) 2 Cor. 4.16 what is Affliction to Glory What is light Affliction to a weight of Glory What is a short momentary Affliction that like a little Cloud will soon be blown over to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a far more exceeding and eternal Weight of Glory beyond all possible Hyperbole that will never be over That Man sure never looked by Faith so far as Heaven whom any Affliction on earth can make to go weeping ●ike Rachel refusing to be Comforted 11 WALK purely endeavouring to cleanse your selves from all filthiness of Flesh and Spirit and to mortifie every Lust ●hat would spoyl you of your Reward It becomes not those that have the Recompence of eternal Life before them to love the Wages of Unrighteousness Nor those that have Glory in their Eye to make themselves by the Pol●utions that are in the World through Lust like one of the base Fellows The Inheritance of the Saints in Light ●ts a pure and an undefiled Inheritance And therefore beholding it we must labour to be changed into the ●ame undefiled Purity and Holiness with it would we ever come to the full Enjoyment of it The Lord alows us a sight of Heaven in all our Obedience that beholding from day to day we might at length receive a Tincture of Purity and unspotted Holiness from it He gives us a prospect of our future Happiness that be (d) 2 Cor. 3.18 holding with open face the Glory of the Lord we might be changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory The difference betwixt Grace and Glory is not as some observe from these words specifical but gradual They differ not in Kind but only in Degree Grace is Glory inchoate and Glory is Grace consummate Grace is Glory Militant and Glory is Grace Triumphant Grace is Glory dawning and Glory is Grace shining forth in its noon-day● brightness And I know no better way to ripen Grace into Glory than for Grace to behold and continually sun it self in the warm Beams of eternal Glory The Hope of future Happiness is the strongest Inducement to present Holiness Every Man (e) 1 John 3.3 that hath this Hope in him purifieth himself as he is pure Hope to be like Christ hereafter Glorious as he is Glorious and Blessed as he is Blessed will work in us a desire to be as like him as we can here Pure as he is Pure and Holy as he is Holy He that hath most hope of being saved will give most diligence of all others to be sanctified We never cleanse our Hands so much as when we have Glory in Hope Nor do we ever Purify our Hearts so throughly as when we have Heaven in our Eye When Moses had been with God upon the Mount he came down with his Face shining Thus if at any time God calls us up into the Mount with himself giving us a sight of that Glory which shall shortly be revealed in us we should be sure to come down having not only our Faces but our Hearts likewise shining with unspotted Purity It were the most unbecoming thing in the World for those to D●file themselves with any Unrighteousness who have their Eye continually fixed upon an undefiled Inheritance expecting as the full Reward of all their Labours a Crown of Righteousness What shall not Heaven's Brightness expel the Darkness of Hell Shall not the Hope of eternal Happiness promote in our Hearts and Lives the Work of Holiness Is there a Crown of Glory at the end of our Christian Course and shall not that make us walk Pure
thoughts and care in God still centre To cleave to God is the best venture Would you for ever live above In raptures and transports of Love God's Word believe love Christ hate Sin Have Grace in Life have Truth within Be holy harmless fly from Vice This is the way to Paradise My Blessing I amongst you part See you serve God with all your heart That you may be with me possest Of endless Joy and happy rest And Hallelujahs ever sing With Christ our Lord and Heavenly King A Morning Soliloquy The Eye-lids of the beauteous Morn Which from the rising Sun are Born Open themselves and shed down light That Men may see God's Glory bright This Glory courts thy love my Soul Let not Nights Charms such Bliss controul The Morning is of every day The Maiden-head give 't not away Keep that for God wouldst thou be chast Let not thy Virgin Thoughts lie wast Awake embrace the Bridegroom royal That Love is early which is Loyal Hark how the soaring Lark doth sing And of the day glad tidings bring Prevent her Lyrick Harmonies When first the Light breaks in the Skies Let sleep give place to wakeful praise When Heaven calls on thee to rise Aurora with her blushing Face Doth seem to suffer much disgrace Where Men unmindful of their Duty Regard not Heaven in her Beauty Do not this Virgin Queen Disdain Who rise with her great Glory gain The World now shines with early Beams Heaven pours down light in vital Streams Be gone dull sleep do nor confine My Mind in Darkness Grace doth shine Arise my Soul arise and move Love him who feels no charms but Love All Praises to thy glorious King With heart indite when day doth spring What Chains of Darkness can thee bind When Life from God embalms thy mind Anthems Divine and Hymns most sweet To Christ are due when he doth greet Then wake my Soul thy thoughts sublime Court not Night Shades those Dregs of time To God thy Life through Christ aspire Feed still on his celestial Fire Dwell in the Light put on the Sun Of Grace for Glory thou must run Awake awake hug not fond Dreams Bright Phoebus sheds abroad his Beams Such golden day can never number Whose minds do rust with sleep and slumber Frail mortal Flesh how much I lose When for thy ease my eyes I close Most pure delights and thoughts Divine Waking with God are always mine If in dull sleep I must me hide Yet let my Soul with God abide How irksom is that sleeping space Which spoils me of such glorious Grace Sacred to Muses is the Morn The Graces then do Souls adorn They visit Mortals with great Bliss When night and day part in a Kiss Resist not Soul their powerful Charms But throw thy self into their Arms. Day breaking from a Throne of Gold Chides all whose Love to Christ is cold His Light comes to sue out Divorce Betwixt those lids which Night did force The Lord is jealous nor will he With Dreams and Shades still rival'd be The Worlds great Lamp doth guild the Plain And calls my Soul to entertain Thy Saviours Love and vital dew Which will thy Life and Strength renew Wast not in drowsie Dreams and Sleep Christ for thy Morning Love doth weep Ungrateful Soul break as the Light Through all the Clouds of Hell and Night With Christ each Day end and begin His Love controuls the charms of Sin When Heart and Soul in God still center No Lust can live no Vice can enter See how great Sol circuits our Sphere Diffusing Light now here now there With him for God set out and run Till Joys Immortal thou hast won Though Storms from Hell obstruct thy way Yet Heaven will make eternal day An Evening Soliloquy My Soul what shall I do for thee Approaching Night sings Lullabie Betake thee to thy Saviours Arms Hee 'l save from sin Hells mortal charms Night turns to Day when he his face Vnveils and doth with Love embrace Dark shades invite to take thy rest But first in God wouldst thou be blest Repose thy self his favour crave Sleep is the emblem of thy Grave From Sleep and Death he will restore That thou his goodness mayst adore He is thy Life and resting Place We sleep most sweetly in his Grace When God a Bed of Love doth make For us we 're well asleep or wake Night past the Day will shine and then The dead in Christ shall live again When Lord my Thoughts are full of thee And Heaven in smiles comes down to me How gastly is each look of Night What fatal Shades eclipse my Light Methinks I have no time to live When Sleep suspends what God doth give Night Opium through each sense diffused My active Soul hath oft abused And ravisht by his drowsie charms My Saviour from my feeble Arms Propitious Lord my Heart enlarge And let my Powers resume their Charge Divine sensations fall asleep While Night in Leathe● doth me sleep My Soul of Heaven all sight doth lose When Morpheus co●●s my Eyes to close Come joyful Day let shadows fly Till blest I wake Eternally No envious sleep shall then surprize My ravish'd Heart or Amorous Eyes While fill'd with Glory from Christs face Shall nought but Joys of Love embrace Out of that sleep which next I take 'T were Life into this Life to wake O blessed Sleep thus to expire Were not to die but to live higher Above dull Nights and empty Dreams In Heavens great Lights and crystal Streams Where dwells no Sleep to wast our Time But Joys immortal and sublime FINIS
Fourth Whether he had not Observed the Ecclipses He answered the King No I have so much to do upon Earth that I have no leisure to look up to Heaven Thus the Generality of Men have so much to do upon Earth and are so deeply engaged in their Secular Affairs that they have no leisure to spend their Thoughts upon Heaven and it's Glory Lactantius * Hinc utique Graeci 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 appellarunt quod sursum spectet Ipsi ergo sibi renunciant seque Hominum Nomine abdicant qui non Sursum aspiciunt sed deorsum Lact. lib. 2. Instit Cap. 1. p. 140. will have those guilty of Degrading themselves into the Shapes of Brutes and unworthy the Names of Men who lye Grovelling here below never fixing their Thoughts on Eternal Concernments nor setting their Affections on Things above And yet how are Multitudes every where Grovelling in the Dust of Earthly Vanities never sending up a Look a Desire a Thought no nor so much as one Hearty Groan after Heaven Natural Bodies they follow the tendency of that Element which is Predominant in them a Stone moves down-ward it would be at the Center Thus those in whom the Love of the World is Predominant they cannot but move Downward the Earth is their Center and that they will make towards let come of Heaven and Glory what will come Possibly whilst Religion is in Credit and the way to Heaven lyes through the Fortunate Islands the Arabia Foelix or through the Golden Streams of the Lydian Pactolus these Men may have their Faces that way and seem to Steer their Course Heaven-ward But if once Religion be under Hatches in the World if once a Life of serious Scripture Holiness be counted Faction and all things are at such a pass that there is no getting to Canaan but through a Barren Wilderness no coming at the fair Havens of True Happiness but through the Straits of Poverty Reproach and Affliction they have Wit enough such as it is to set Sails for another Wind and will think Heaven it self for a Golden-Mine a very easy Morgage Many there be who whilst Religion walks in Stately Equipage will be Reteiners to her But if at any time the Watch-men Wound her and the Keepers of the Walls take away her Veil you may presently see them very Shy of if not Ashamed to wear so much as her Livery What * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clemens saith of a certain Friend That he was not his but his Riches Kinsman This is true of many Professors who if Religion had not Riches in her Left-hand would never pretend neither Kindness or Kin to her Such Men who thus design their own Profit Honour and Promotion in the World by that pitiful Religion which they have they are just like the Lapis Chelidonius which say Naturalists will retain it's Virtue no longer than whilst you keep it inclos'd in Gold The Upper Springs of Grace and Glory which God always gives in Dowry with his Daughter Achsah True Godliness cannot make a Worldly Heart fall in Love with Her unless God will give him the Nether Springs also such as Riches Honours and earthly Possessions he will never be brought to Match with her nor is the Match ever made so sure upon this Account but if at any time God dry up these Nether Springs now the Stream of this Muck Worm's Affections will wholly fail such a Nabal will God's own Daughter Religion I mean find him that he will be sure to turn her upon her Father not forbearing so much as one Night to thrust her out of Doors When the Ark came into the House of Obed-Edom and they saw that it brought a Blessing upon him and his whole House then every one no doubt could think it worth their Entertainment But when Judgments attended the Ark of God almost every Man thought it a Burden and by all means would turn it off so that in such a time the Ark of God finds no Rest they send it from Gath to Ekron from Ekron to Askalon 1 Sam. 5. counting him the Happy Man that could well rid his hands of it Thus every Man will own Religion Prospering a Blessing Ark But where is he that will own Religion under Worldly Disadvantages that will entertain the Ark of God when Persecuted when Banished when Dangerous and Un-doing to those that meddle with it However the Love of the World do thus eat out the Heart of Religion with those who have their Portion in this World yet certainly it becomes not you Christians whose Treasure is in Heaven thus to have the Wayes of God in Admiration for Advantage sake Thus to Morgage your eternal Inheritance to keep the poor Cottage of an earthly Estate wherein you are but Tenants at Will Their Condition of all Mens is most Miserable who go from Heaven to Hell From the Heaven I mean of Wordly Prosperity to the Hell of Endless Destruction in the World to come The very Life of every Worldling is wrapt up in the Bundle of his outward Enjoyments And therefore not having made sure of Heaven they must needs as it was once said to a great Lord be great Losers when they Dye AND shall such miserable Caitives as these Christians be the Men to Tread out the Way for your Feet to Walk in when every Step alas that they take sinks as low as Hell Have you no other Copy to Write after but that which is Written in Blood Will no other Path serve the turn but that of Men Selling the Riches of Heaven and Glory for a little thick Clay which inevitably leads to Destruction Such an Errour ¶ Versatque nos praecipitat Traditus per manus Error alienisque perimus exemplis Sen. de vit Beat. Cap. 1 pag. mihi 628. though Received by Tradition is enough to throw you head-long into Tophet nor can you chuse but Perish Eternally if you will make the Examples of such Misers the Rule of your Living Why cannot you as †{inverted †}† Sinite sapientes hujus saeculi alia sapientes et terram lingentes sapienter descendere in Infernum Bernard de vit solit Bernard hath it suffer the Wise Men of this World who like the Serpent lick the Dust of the Earth to go Wisely down to Hell Is it not better as a Divine of ours wittily that we choose to Arrive at Heaven with Tatter'd Sails than to Ruffle towards Hell with Cleopatra's Silken Tacklings Let others Admire the Gaudy Tulip which closeth with every approaching Night and cold Blast that comes yet Christians they should be like the Herb Semper-vivum retaining their Verdure and Greeness in the hardest Winter What thô others will not have the Golden Apples of Glory if not placed in the Silver Pictures of Worldly Contentments will you therefore Throw away those Apples of Gold because the Silver Pictures of your Secular Enjoyments may get a Crack and are Broken in pieces Heaven it self is a
if the Wicked be not dreadfully Besotted to go on in a course of Ungodliness Oh tell me or yourselves rather if the Flesh be not a deadly Enemy if the World be not a murtherous Traytor that for the Pleasures of Sin which are but for a season would make us to forfeit such fulness of unutterable Joyes at God's right hand for evermore What Man that is well in his Wits considering these things would delight in the Ple●sures of Death to los● for them the Paradise of God To live a life of sensual Pleasure or to win the World by works of Dar●ness what is your Gain poor Mortals if you lose the Inheritance of Saints in light Remember Heaven is an holy place into which nothing that defi●eth or is unclean can ever enter Queen Elizabeth they say observing once in her Progress some Pictures of her self hung up that were much unlike her caused them to be pulled down and burnt Burning and everlasting Destruction in Hell must be the end of all those who strive not to become like God in Purity and Holiness Besure therefore that you be found changed into his Image Let every unrighteous way be shunned and let Religion be your 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the great Business of your Lives would you ever escape Misery and be Crowned with Glory You must both begin and hold on in the Spirit would you ever come to the Spirits of Just Men made Perfect He that would have his Holiness carry his Soul to Heaven must be sure to carry it to the Grave with him Perseverance that is the Crowning Grace and yet few there be who do Crown their good Undertakings with Perseverance Albeit that those alone who continue in Well-doing to the end shall be Saved Yet small is the number of those who make not a full end of Well-doing before ever Salvation be obtained The hands of our Faith and Obedience like those of Moses are apt to grow weary and to hang down if the living Stone of an eternally glorious Reward be not put under them by a due Respect had thereunto That therefore our Hearts may never fail us nor our Hands grow weary in Well-doing the Lord allows us to have with Moses an Eye-fixed upon the Recompence of Life everlasting WHAT then remains but that we all give diligence to answer the Lord's Bounty with undaunted Perseverance in a way of Duty looking carefully to ourselves that we lose not the things which we have wrought but that having finished our Course with Joy we may receive a full Reward He that hol●s the Mystery of the Faith in a pure Conscience shall be Saved but he that makes Shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience shall be Damned Look to it Christians exchange not Canaan for Egypt exchange not Heaven for Hell Oh take heed that you make not Sale of a Crown of Life of a Kingdom that cannot be shaken for the Wages of Unrighteousness NOW may the Lord make this ensuing Discourse to you like a Golden Spur to extimulate and provoke to Diligence in the way to Sion May He cause it like so much divine Nepenthe to expel your worldly Sorrows and to fill your Souls with the Oyl of Gladness May he let you find it as a Pillar of Fire to guide you through this Wilderness to the Land of Promise May he change it whilst you shall meditate upon it into the Chariot of Amminidab that will carry your Hearts away into Heaven enabling you to lay up for yourselves a Treasure there So Prayeth Yours in the Faith Love and Service of the Everlasting Gospel for JESUS's Sake JOSEPH COOPER A PROSPECT OF Heavenly Glory For the Comfort of Sion's Mourners HEB. XI xxvi For he had Respect unto the Recompence of the Reward CHAP. I. The Con-Text Cleared the Text Divided and the Terms Explained with the Doctrine Observed from the Words SINCE first the Tree of Knowledge became an occasion of eternal Death to us the Tree of Life it self hath brought forth almost nothing else but Apples of Contention amongst us some Affirming That we are to Merit eternal Life by our Obedience and others denying the Lawfulness of having any respect at all to eternal Life in our Obedience though only by way of Incouragement and as the unmerited and gratuitous Reward which God hath freely promised to all that Diligently seek him Heb. 11.6 BUT as Christ himself the sole Author of eternal Life to all that obey him was Crucified betwixt Two Thieves so that which I take to be the Truth of God in this case as neither Derogating from the Freeness of his Grace nor yet Patronizing Disingenuity and a Mercenary Spirit in Man why it lyes inviolate betwixt these Two Extremes which are both of them Errors of no less dangerous Consequence than of manifest and palpa●●e Repugnancy to the unerring Rule of Truth God's holy Word For though we may not have Respect to the purchasing of eternal Life by our Obedience yet we may lawfully have Respect to the Possession of it in our Obedience And though we must not make eter●al Life the sole Ground of Obeying the Lord yet we may lawfully with Moses to quicken us in our Obedience have Respect to the Recompence of Reward as I hope by Divine assistance having first given you the Dependance and genuine Sense of them to make good from the Words of my Text. FOR the Dependance of the Words we must know that if we look upon the general state of this Chapter wherein they have their place of residence we shall find it to be an Apostolical Abridgment of the Old Testament in that part thereof which is Historical containing a Narration of the Heroical Atchievements of those Famous Worthies of the Lord the excellency of whose Faith in the many eminent Fruits and invincible Operations of it is herein left upon everlasting Record as that which shall be found unto Praise and Honour and Glory at the blessed Appearance of Jesus Christ. 1 Pet. 1.7 AMONGST these Famous Worthies of whom both Men and Women our Apostle gives a particular Catalogue as of Persons made Glorious by the unblastable Fruits of a lively Faith some have Renowned themselves as Servants actively by their doing and living to God and others have approved themselves as Soldiers passively by their Magnanimous Suffering and Dying for God But now Moses of whom my Text is spoken stands fully interested in both Conditions as having given sufficient Testimony of his Faith not only by what he did but also by what he suffered not only by laying forth his Life in the ways of God but also by his readiness to lay down both Riches and Honours and Pleasures yea and Life it self for the Cause of God For whereas whilst yet in his Non-age he had the Honour to be called the Son of Pharoah's Daughter yet no sooner did he come to Age and arrive at the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of true Wisdom but he voluntarily renounced that Priviledge
a fiery Chariot Thus Holy Meditation it would carry us above the Clouds it would give us Possession of Heaven before we come there and set us in the midst of all the Glory and Royalties of Eternal Life as if they were already present Heavenly thoughts are as so many steps towards our Eternal Rest When by these therefore we Travel every day to the City of God and delightfully walk therein when every day we take as it were a turn or two in Paradise seriously Meditating Heaven together with the glory that shall shortly be revealed in us then we have Respect indeed to the Recompence of the Reward 4. EARNESTLY to desire and long for it When we see so much of the Excellency Worth and Glory of the World to come that we groan within ourselves desiring with all our hearts to get out of these Houses of Clay and to be cloathed upon with our House which is from Heaven then we have respect to the Recompence of the Reward 2. Cor. 5.2 When Paul had once been wrapt up into the Third Heaven and seen the Paradise of God his Note was ever after I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ Thus the Soul that hath a respect to the Recompence of the Reward he hath been in the Heavenly Paradise he hath tasted some Clusters of Canaan and therefore he cannot but long for more he can never be soon enough with Christ he can never soon enough get above the World and Sin and Temptations he can never be soon enough with God in Glory Oh! when shall it be They that have the first Fruits of the Spirit cannot chuse but have their eyes always fixed upon the Recompence of the Reward earnestly desiring the time of Harvest when they shall Reap a full Crop of Eternal Happiness and Glory in the Heavenly Canaan AS Noah's Dove was restless finding no place whereupon to set the sole of her foot till she came into the Ark so Christians if your eyes are rightly fixed upon the Recompence of the Reward you will find your selves carried out after Heaven and Glory in a restless manner and will never sit down satisfyed till you come to rest in the Bosome of God's Eternal Love Never Christians did Rachel more long for Children nor David for the Waters of Bethlehem nor Absalom to see the King's Face than your Souls will long for the glorious Liberty of the Children of God to be drinking the Waters of Life in the Heavenly Paradise and to come to the Beatifical Vision of God in Glory where you shall see him Face to Face in case you have an eye rightly fixed upon the Recompence of the Reward THE Language of every Soul whose eye is rightly fixed upon Heaven and Glory it is like unto that of Job speaking forth his desires after God Oh that I knew where to find him that I might come even to his seat Job 23.3 Such a Soul is impregnated with holy desires and longings after God in Glory and with these the Soul travels all the day long crying out with the Church in the Revelations as in pain to be delivered from under the bondage of Sin and Corruption into Heavenly Glory GIVE the Soul Riches give it Honours give it all the Pleasures that can be thought of to ravish the heart of a Carnal Man yet having an eye rightly fixed upon the Recompence of Reward in vain shall you seek by these to bribe it out of its holy desires and longings after God in Glory For scorning and trampling upon them all as unworthy to come in competition with God it even breaketh through desire after him and can truly say of God with holy David Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none upon Earth that I desire besides thee Psal 73.25 'T IS just with the Soul as with some Women in the time of their Impregnature who if they see any thing when they are with Child that they have a mind to they must have it or else they will long and dye for it Thus the Soul that by Faith hath got a sight of Heavenly Enjoyments now the heart of such a Soul it is set upon Heaven and he must have Heaven upon a Crown of Life and he must have a Crown of Life upon God and Christ and Eternal Glory and he must have them all together or else give him what you can he will long and die unsatisfied THERE is so much of the Beauty Loveliness and Glory of Christ revealed to the Soul in looking upon the Recompence of Reward that now it grows impatient of living any longer without him crying out as she did in another case Why are his Chariots so long in coming and Why tarry the wheels of his Chariots When will my beloved make haste and be like a young Roe upon the Mountains of Spices When will the day break and the shadows fly away that I may see my beloved in his Glory When will he come to put an end to these days of Sin and Sorrow that I may rest for ever in the Bosome of his Eternal Love When will he take me by the hand and lead me out of the Wilderness of this World into the Heavenly Canaan When will he rebuke the Winds and the Seas that will give me no rest in this Troublesome World and set me safe on the Shoar of Eternal Happiness When will he deliver me from this Body of Death and gather my Soul to the Spirits of Just Men made perfect When will he take from me these Rags of Mortality and cause me to be cloathed upon with an House not made with hands Eternal in the Heavens When will he make me return and come to Sion with Songs and everlasting Joy upon my head When will he cause me to obtain fulness of Joy and Gladness with him in Eternal Mansions of Glory that Sorrow and Sin and Sighing being done away I may be with the Lord for ever Oh when shall I once see that blessed day NOW What is it I beseech you after which your hearts do thus strongly breathe thus insatiably thirst thus impatiently long If Riches will not satisfy but you must have a Treasure in Heaven if Worldly Honour will not satisfy but you must have a Crown of Righteousness from Christ himself if Carnal Pleasures will not satisfy but you must have that fulness of Joy which is in God's Presence and those Pleasures which are at his Right Hand for evermore if in a word the Life that now is will not satisfy but you must though you dye for it go live for ever with Christ in Glory why then there is no doubt Christians but with Moses you have an eye to the Recompence of Reward For then our eye is rightly fixed upon the Recompence of Reward when our Souls are carried out in strong desires after God and Christ and Eternal Glory as our only Happiness 5. TO be by the consideration of it exceedingly encouraged to diligence and
fear of God's Wrath and Hell to be unbecoming a Gospel Spirit and a thing wholly Inconsistent with the Love of God (f) Deu● autem qui unus est quoniam utramque personam sustinet patris Domini amare eum debemus quia filij sumus timere quia servi Lactant. Divinar Institut Lib. 4. cap. 4. pag. 356. Mal. 1.6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Justin Martyr Respons ad Orthodox 98. pag. 251. For God is so his Children's Father as that he is their Lord also So that though the name Father speaks Love and Boldness yet the name Lord speaks Fear and Reverence And though the love and hatred of God are inconsistent Yet the fear and the love of God not only may but must dwell together in every gracious Soul FOR as the Consideration of God's Goodness should beget in our hearts towards him Love and Boldness so the greatness of God should beget in us Fear and Reverence As we love God for his Grace and Mercy because he hath out of the abundant Riches of his Goodness prepared Heaven So we are to fear God for his Justice and Almighty Power trembling continually before him because he is able to destroy both Body and Soul in Hell God hath not only the tender Indulgence of a Father but he hath also the dreadful Countenance of a Judge And as that doth keep us from despairing so this should keep us from Presuming as the thoughts of God's Fatherly Indulgence should work in us an intire Love and Affection to him so the thoughts of his just displeasure against all Unrighteousness must breed in us all Reverence and due Devotion to work out our own Salvation with fear and trembling Phil. 2.12 Only you must know there is a two-fold fear the one sinful and the other holy the one servile and slavish proceeding from a root of Enmity and Hatred in the Heart against God the other filial and child-like proceeding from a Principle of Love to God and his Glory Slavish Fear is disingenuous making him that is acted by it more afraid of Wrath and Hell and Eternal Burnings than he is of displeasing the God of Heaven and therefore not becoming a Child of God But now Filial Fear it is wonderful Ingenuous filling the Soul whenever it draws nigh to God with all Reverent and Awful Thoughts of him and causing it to be more afraid of displeasing God and coming under his Frowns than of Hell it self with all the Torments thereof and this is the Fear wherewith the Lord must be Feared and by which we may lawfully be acted in all the ways of our Obedience For though Perfect Love casteth out that Slavish Fear which proceeds from the hatred of God 1 John 4.18 yet it doth not cast out but is the ground of Filial Fear and reverence towards God Though it casteth out Tormenting Fear yet it doth not cast out Obeying Fear Though it cast out the Son of the (g) Timor serviliae est cum per timorem Gehennae continet se homo á peccato quo praesentiam judicis et poenas metuit et timore facit quicquid boni facit non timore amittendi aeternum bonum quod amat sed timore patiendi malum quod formidat Non timet ne peroat amplexus pulcherrimi sponsi sed timet ne mittatur in Gehennam Lombard ex August lib. 3. distinct 34. d. Bond Woman which is nothing but a Servile Affection that makes a Man turn the back many times upon his beloved Corruptions and do something in a way of Obedience not so much for fear of losing the Smiles and Favour of God as for fear of suffering the Vengeance of Eternal Fire Yet doth it never cast out the Son of the (h) Timor castus sive amicabilis est quo timemus ne sponsus tardet ne discedat ne offendamus ne eo cardamus Ibid. Free-Woman which is an Holy Affection of Soul making all that have it Shun Sin and walk in Obedience before God more for fear of displeasing him and losing his Smiles than for fear of Everlastng Burnings in Hell it self So that the Fear of God when not Servile but Filial doth contribute as much to the ingenuity of our Obedience as Love it self making us look in all our Performances not so much at Heaven and Hell as at God himself that he may be pleased with us and smile upon us And therefore though God must be served in Love yet he loves no Service which hath not this Sovereign Ingredient of Filial Fear Heb. 12.28 as well knowing that such fear is nothing else but the Fire of Love breaking forth into a pure flame of Holy Jealousy lest God should be robbed of his Glory whilst looking more in our Obedience to the Recompence of the Reward than to God himself we take the Crown from him and set it upon the head of our own Happiness God is pleased indeed at first to set before us Heaven and Hell the one in all it's (i) Vult dominus ut a malis per suppliciorum formidinem recedamus et de timore servorum ad gratiam filiorum transeamus Hieron ad Mal cap. 1. Glory and the other in all it's Torments that by the Fear of Hell he may drive us out of Sin and draw us by the Love of Heaven into ways of Holiness But when once we have tasted that the Lord is gracious and found one days Communion with him better than a Thousand elsewhere when once we have been on the top of Pisgah getting a Prospect of that Heavenly Canaan which God hath prepared for us when once we have been taken up into the Mount of Transfiguration with God beholding his matchless Beauty and transcendent Glory why now the Lord will have us acted in all our Obedience not so ●uch by the thoughts of Heaven and Hell as by love to himself doing all that we do in the Service of God for his own sake As the Samaritans said Now we believe not because thou hast said it but because we have heard him our selves and know that this is indeed the Christ the Saviour of the World John 4.42 So must we say having tasted the goodness of God in ways of Obedience now we serve thee not slavishly as Persons that are meerly acted by a mercenary Spirit by the fear of Hell and the hope of Heaven but ingenuously and out of a Principle of love to the Lord as counting it our Meat and Drink our chiefest Delight our center of Rest our Heaven upon Earth to glorify the God of Heaven and enjoy Communion with him in the Beauties of Holiness Lycurgus would have Virgins to be Married without any Portion that so their Husbands might take them purely for Love and not for any Sordid and By respects Thus (k) Non sine praemio diligitur deus quamvis sine intuitu praemij sit diligendus Bernard Christians though we cannot love nor serve God without a Reward
upright walking before the Lord what less could it be than to undervalue the precious purchase of Christ's dearest Blood and to make light of that great Salvation which he by his Death and Sufferings hath procured for us True it is not so much Heaven itself the Purchase of Christ's precious Blood as that unfathomable Love which made him Purchase it for us at so dear a Price that should be minded of us and constrain us to obedience but doubtless unless we fix our Eyes upon the recompence of the reward considering how glorious the Kingdom how immarcessible the Crown and how entransing the Joy is which Christ our Redeemer hath provided for us we shall never be able to take a due estimate of the Love of Christ in all its dimensions The best way to know what is the heigth and the depth the length and the breadth of the Love of Christ to our Souls is often to be considering how great things he hath done for us to what a contemptible Birth to what a miserable Life to what a lamentable Death he humbled himself to Purchase Life and Eternity of heavenly Glory for us And surely Christians as Heaven and Glory must needs make us stand admiring that Love of Christ which provided them for us why so the Love of Christ which made him willing to suffer and bleed and die that our Souls might live and be eternally blessed it will make us more highly to value the recompence of Eternal Life That Inheritance of Saints in Light is of itself most glorious and above all things in the World to be desired but when we consider that it is a purchased Possession and that our Evidences for it are sealed with the Precious Blood of Christ as of a Lamb undefiled and without spot this will wonderfully enhance the Price of it and cause it to shine forth with greater Oriency Lustre and Glory in our Eyes Should a Wife receive from her Husband in his absence a Rich Jewel as a pledge of his Hearts Love to her which he purchased for her with the hazard of his own Life how highly would she prize it and how often with delight would she look upon it Believe it Christians Eternal Life is that rich Jewel that Pearl of great Price which Christ the Husband of your Souls hath purchased for you not with Silver nor Gold nor any such corruptible things but with his own precious Blood and therefore so far is it from being unlawful to have respect unto it that if you do not very highly esteem of it and often with delight in your Obedience cast an Eye towards it you do ungratefully come short of the instance but now given undervaluing the Purchase of your Saviour's Blood 12 AND lastly we may lawfully have respect in our obedience to the recompence of the reward because we cannot otherwise seek Gods Glory as we ought to do Betwixt Gods Glory and our own salvation the Connexion is inseparable so that without a due respect had to our own happiness we can never give God that honour which of right doth belong to his Holy name The Tyrians when Alexander besieged them they chained their City to the Statue of Hercules so that the one could not perish and be destroy'd without the other Thus the Lord he hath tied the eternal wellfare of our Souls to the Statue of his own Glory so that no Man can look off and make shipwrack of his own salvation but the Glory of God together therewith will suffer and be much eclipsed The Lord can indeed get himself great Revenues of Glory out of ●ur Eternal Ruine making his Justice to appear orient and shine bright in punishing us with everlasting destruction from his own Blessed presence But yet the redundancy of his pardoning mercy and the Rules of his free Grace can no otherwise appear● glorious nor any where shine forth in their own native lustre and Beauty but only in the happiness and eternal salvation of our immortal Souls A Man that would draw a Chain after him must hold fast some particular Link thus we must lay fast hold upon the Silver link of eternal Life would we ever draw the Golden Chain of God's Glory along with us Our own salvatio● though it be an end yet it s only intermediate and to be sought in subordination to God's Glory which is the supreme and ultimate end of all When therefore we have not respect to our own salvation which is a necessary Medium we can never promote God's Glory as our ultimate end The Man who provides not food for his own sustenance can never preserve Life Thus in vain shall we think to promote God's Glory and preserve that if we labour not for the † Joh. 6.27 meat which will endure to eternal Life T is storied of Phidias that he had so artificially wrought and so curiously intrailed his own Name in Minerva's Buckler which he made for her that it could not be taken out without the dissolution of the whole frame Thus the Lord out of his own infinite goodness he hath by a strict connexion knit and united his own Glory and the salvation of his people together he hath most divinely wrought their name and eternal welfare in the frame of his own Glory so that now without eclipsing his Glory it cannot be taken out we cannot cast off the care of our own Salvation but the costly frame of God's Honour and Glory will thereby be broken and fall asunder There are some who would pass for Christians of the highest form and pretending much to a Gospel-frame of Spirit tell us that a Man is never sincere nor in capacity to give Glory to God as he ought till he can be willing to be damned making light of his own salvation that God may be glorified But the truth is Men never so much dishonour God take the Crown from his Head and turn his Glory into shame as when once they begin to make light of Heaven and Hell of eternal joy in God's presence and everlasting destruction from his presence not seeking by patient continuance in well doing for Life and eternal Salvation What I find storied of Hippocrates his sympathizing Twins which is that they were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 exactly Contemporaries both living and dying together the same will hold true in our pre●ent case of a care to promote God's Glory and withall of a due respect to the recompence of the reward as both of them live so they die together the one of them never surviving the other 'T is not here as in the Service of two contrary Masters who carry Antipathies in their bosoms and speak forth nothing in all their Commands but mutual contradictions where the Servant will either hate the one and love the other or else he will adhere to the one and despise the other but (h) Matth. 6.24 he that seeks God's Glory doth thereby promote the wellfare of his own Soul and he that seeks the
eternal Glory look not therefore upon yourselves for so doing as carnal but as spiritual as hypocritical but as upright and sincere in God's own account To be encouraged to obedience by the consideration of that eternal reward which follows after is to make use of the Spirit 's own Motives and to be sure the more you are affected with the Spirit 's Motives the more sublime ingenuous and spiritual doth it argue the frame of your Hearts to be ●s therefore he that is most acted in God's service by secular respects and carnal considerations seeking Great things for himself in the World is the most carnal earthly minded Christian so he that is most encouraged to obedience by Heavenly considerations seeking life immortality and eternal Glory together with everlasting Soul-intransing communion with God in Heaven he is the most Seraphique the most generous the most noble spirited and Heavenly Christian and then surely no hypocritical disingenuous and sordid Person in God's account What a needless jealousie is it then for God's People to suspect and make sad Inferences against themselves as if they were carnal hypocritical and mercenary upon that very account which indeed doth most eminently distinguish them from all carnal Gospellers speaking all their Graces to be of a most spiri●ual untainted and generous graceful complexion What cannot Moses have a respect to the recompence of the reward anticipating for his encouragement by Faith the Glory Happiness and Spiritual Pleasures of the heavenly C●naan but he must presently forfeit his Integrity and undergo the censure of a Mercenary Fear not poor jealous trembling Christian That for which in this interval of mortality thou suspectest thy own Sincerity shall be owned another day as a good evidence of thy uprightness and integrity before the Lord. For the Soul to go up with Christ into the Mount of Transfiguration for the Soul to be still looking out at its Windows towards the Temple of God in Sion for the Soul to breath after fulness of Communion with God in Glory for the Soul to warm it self in the Sun-beams and bright irradiations of heavenly Bliss for the Soul to long after the ripe and generous Clusters of Canaan for the Soul to fix its Eye upon Eternity encouraging itself with the assured hope of eternal Rest after all its Labours in the Land of Promise to be sure Christian this does not bespeak adulterous glances nor does it make any just forfeiture of thy uprightness and ingenuity but it rather argues thee to be one of those true Nathaniels whose Praise is not of Man but of God! 2 This gives to understand the wonderful condescension and matchless goodness of the God whom we worship who suffers us not to go without our Spiritual Cordials but allows us the strong consolation of respect to the recompence of the reward in all our obediential and holy walking before hi● The Lord considering his absolute Sovereignty over us might have exacted Obedience at our Hands without making any Proposals of Life and Eternal Glory for our better encouragement thereto But such is his matchless condescension and remunerative Goodness that he sweetens our Work with Wages allowing us whilst our Hand is at Work in his Vineyard sowing to the Spirit to have our Eye upon the recompence of the reward upon that joyful Harvest that full Crop of Eternal Life and Glory which will follow after Though after all we have done and suffered for God (a) Luke 17.10 we must acknowledge ourselves unprofitable Servants as being everlastingly unable to add so much as one cubit to the Stature of his infinite Happiness and surpassing Glory yet such is his bounty and the riches of his Grace that if a Crown of Life if a Kingdom of Eternal Glory if a fulness of Joy * Cor. 15.58 and everlasting Pleasures at his own right Hand can make us stedfast unmovable always abounding in the Work of the Lord we shall never want encouragement † O magna bonitas Dei cui cum pro conditione reddere debeamus obsequia utpote servi domino famuli Deo subjecti potenti mancipia redemptori amicitiarum nobis praemia repromittit ut à nobis obsequia debita servitutis extorqueat ut quos nolle serv●●e conspicit sponte suorum beneficiorum possit promissionibus invitare quorum voluntates à se conspicit alienas ●orum mentes praemiorum liberalitatibus constituat suas Aug. in Johan 15.14 Here then is a glorious Specimen of Divine remunerative Goodness that though we are unavoidably subject to God our Creator and are indebted upon that account in all possible Obedience to his righteous Will though since we can in nothing be profitable to him there were no reward to be expected from him Yet he makes proposal of such friendly and glorious Rewards extorting from us by a kind of holy Violence the debt of Service that seeing us unwilling to serve him of our own accord he may invite us thereto by the promises of Heavenly Benefits and that seeing our Wills averse from his wages he may captivate us wholly to himself by the largeness of his ample gifts and munificent bestowances wherewith he is pleased to crown us So then there is an Eterna Rest there is Life and everlastingly glorious Felicity set before us striving lawfully as a Blessed (a) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Basil in Psal 114. Reward wherewith all our Labours shall be crowned Yet not through any condigne merit of our own but through the glorious Munificence and Goodness of the God whom we worship and in whom we have hoped It hath been indeed the way of unbelievers in all Ages to bring an evil report upon the wages of God opening their opprobrious calumnies against Heaven it self as if the Lord were not a bounteous * Mal. 3.14 Rewarder of those that diligently seek him nor his service at all advantagious and profitable to such as exercise themselves therein But if we duly consider the remunerative Goodness of God to those that fear him what a full reward what transporting Joy what an Heavenly Kingdom what an undefiled inheritance what an immarcescible Crown of Life what a far more exceeding and Eternal weight of Glory the Lord sets before his People in all their obedience allowing them to solace their Hearts and to encourage themselves whilst wandring through the inhospitable Wilderness of this World with the Hope of an everlasting Glorious Rest in the Celestial Canaan it will sufficiently wipe off the reproach and make us all stand admiring those innumerable Hyperbolies and Miracles of Love and Condescention and Bounty that do all meet together in the Divine remunerative Goodness Oh what manner of Consideration what wonderful matchless Goodness is this our God that whereas by Nature we are Enemies to him despising his Sovereign Authority making light of his Divine Favour though better than life it self and running in a full Career towards Hell and Eternal Destruction he should prevent
us with his Love arrest us by the gentler hand of his Mercy inveagle us by the sweet insinuations of his own Spirit subdue us to the obedience of his Righteous will by an irresistible over-powering Work of free Grace and after a●l this allure us to be Happy leading us on in wayes of holiness by the Divine Suada by the powerful Rhetorique by the unsullied captivating glances by the magnetique prospect of Heaven and Eternal Glory God might have measured us out a full Cup of Divine Fury without any ingredients of Love he might have writ the Sins we stand Guilty of and his wrath against us for them in our own Blood he might have raised up a Monument of Glory to himself out of our Eternal Ruins he might have made every one of us even in this present Life a Magor-missabib filling us with the trembling of Cain the madness of Achitophel the despair of Judas and the dreadful astonishment of Belshazzer thro' the heart-rending proccupations of Hell and Eternal Damnation When therefore in stead of all this Terrour we find the Lord willing to glorifie the Riches of his Mercy in our Happiness and Salvation not only wooing us to receive Mercy beseeching us to be Happy and entreating us to accept of Heaven and Glory but also setting open the Wells of Salvation feasting us with Heavenly Manna giving us many sweet prelibations and fore-tasts of Eternal Glory taking us up every Day to the top of Mount Pisgah and thence raising us for our encouragement in well-doing to see the Beauties and to antedate the Pleasures of the Celestial Canaan of the Heavenly Jerusalem how can we choose but stand adoring as Men filled with Extasies and Trances of Admiration the Lords wonderful Condescention and matchless Goodness towards us Was it ever known amongst the Kings Potentares and Monarchs of the World that they could ever do any thing worthy to make so much as an Emblem of Gods remunerative Goodness when in their chiefest Goodness they set their Wits a-work how to gratify their greatest Favourites and what to do for the Man whom they delighted to honour They have cloathed their Favourites in Purple and Royal Apparel they have incircled their Heads with a princely Diadem they have intrusted them with universal negotiations of State they have mounted them upon their own Steeds with Proclamations before them of their special Favour But yet all this superadding thereto all that Splendour which attracts the desires of the most noble Heroes all that Glory which feeds the Admiration of the most ambitious Princes all that Beauty which captivates the Hearts of the most passionate Lovers all those Thrones Empires and Triumphs which the World so much adores I say all this will be no more than the small drop of a Bucket to the whole Ocean than the light of a Star to the glorious Sun if compared with that Crown that Kingdom that eternal Reward which through a Miracle of condescending Love and matchless Goodness the Lord promises and makes proposal of for the encouragement of his own People For what is finite compared with that which is infinite What is Earth compared with Heaven What is a temporal Reward if compared with the recompense of Eternal Life What in a word is the confluence of all secular enjoyments if compared with the vast and boundless Ocean of Gods (a) Psal 17.15 fulness wherewith his People have a sure promise to be satisfied for evermore Oh that all you who do yet continue the Vassals of Satan and are still Slaves to your own usurping Lusts would now consider your folly your madness in refusing to walk in obedience before so bountiful a Master and in entertaining unreasonable prejudices against the ways of God as if there were no profit nor advantage to be found in them Consider it poor foolish Sinners can the World the Flesh and the Devil do that for your Souls that the God of Heaven both can and hath promised to do will you but submit to the Scepter of his Kingdom endeavouring to walk in all dutifull obedience before him God offers you a Crown of Life together with many exceeding precious promises which as so many Death-bed Cordials will antidote your Hearts against the Terrors of the Grave and can the World the Flesh and the Devil make you any such Tenders and make them good when they have done that hearkning unto them you should ungratefully turn your backs upon the God of Heaven making light of the Tenders of his Love and Grace But must the Lord have such a stir to make you Happy Must he follow you with daily Importunities alluring you by Rewards to provide for your own everlasting Welfare and will you yet go on in the careless neglect of him and his wages as if Heaven and Eternal Glory were not worth the looking after Is the Lord such a plentiful rewarder of those that diligently seek allowing them for their encouragement in all Holy and Upright walking before himself the full prospect of such an Heavenly Kingdom such an unfadable Crown of Life such an incorruptible undefiled and glorious inheritance and will you still go on to undervalue his Love and Goodness refusing the right ways of obedience as unprofitable and fruitless which do all of them center in Eternal Blessedness Then blame not the God of Heaven the Riches of whose (b) Rom. 2.4 Grace and Goodness you have thus despised if for bringing up an evil report of him and his wayes he cause you with those unbelieving Jews to die in the Wilderness and for ever exclude you out of the Celestial Canaan You must not always think to live upon the Expences of free Grace But if still you go on to turn it into wantonness being thus abused it will shortly turn to fury The Divine remunerative Goodness of God so richly expressed in the frequent tenders of Heaven it should have dropt Oyl into the Wheels of your Souls making them more like the Chariots of Aminadab (c) Cant. 6.12 Si 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 notationem spectes populum voluntarium beneficum animo liberali praeditum sonat Rom. 2.5 like a bounteous sweet-hearted and willing People as that Word may import in all the Ways of Obedience with a Noble Spontaneity But if still you shall retain your unreasonable prejudices against and wonted averseness to the right way of God's Commandments esteeming of the Lord as an hard Task-master and looking upon his Service as a cruel Bondage assure your selves that the very Goodness of God will accumulate Wrath against you and plunge you a Thousand Times deeper in remediless unpreventable misery than if you had never sitten under the tenders the solicitations the gracious Importunities of it (d) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clem. Alex. Admon ad Gent. p. 40. Oh inconsiderate ungrateful Sinners of what a crimson tincture is your giving the repulse to Gods merciful condescentions when waiting upon you with tenders of Grace and Glory
Riches and secular accommodations which cannot profit Grant Sirs that you do not see the vanity of these things in a Calm yet what will you do in a Storm when distress and anguish takes hold upon you In the day Sirs that Satan shall accuse you that Conscience shall torment you that Heaven shall frown upon you and that Hell beneath shall enlarge itself to devour you what then will your Houses and Lands your Riches and your Honours avail you What though Man thy Barns be full and thy Cup overflows What though thou hast Mines of Gold and Rivers of Oyl What though thou number thy Oxen by thousands and thy Sheep by ten thousands What though thou be arrayed in Royal Apparel with Solomon and farest deliciously every day like the Rich Glutton Yet what will all this abundance profit thee in a day of wrath Will these things quiet the estuations of an accusing Conscience in the day that God shall awaken it and amaze thee with the sight of thy own iniquities Will they profit and afford thee comforts when breathing out thy poor Soul into Eternity thou must now be convented before the righteous Judge of all the World Oh let not your Eyes commit Adultery with the fair-faced nothings of this World whilest you live that through the vanity of them can afford you no profit when you come to die and to make your appearance before God's dreadful Tribunal 2 CONSIDER all Cr●●ture-enjoyments they are disquieting and vexatious There is not only * Eccles 1.14 vanity in all worldly accommodations rendring them unprofitable but there is also vexation of spirit in them which makes them a second Achan to such as enjoy them so disturbing their Rest that they live continually upon the Rack of discontent The love of this prese●● World is a passion but yet it is very active upon us at once eating up and tor●●nting our Spirits within us Many Men think if they had but such an accession to their livelyhood if they could but compass such an estate if they might but attain to such preferment they should then be at ease in their minds and sit down satisfyed But alas when these desires are fully accomplished and they have possibly gone beyond the very modesty of their former wishes in their worldly acquirements how often do they find their ease and comfort going out by the same door at which their Riches Honours and secular emoluments entred in (e) Aurum ampliùs cruciat apud quem largius fuerit amanti nihil de possessione suâ permittit Such is the vexation of all Earthly accommodations that whoever enjoys most of them is most sadly afflicted by them Neither will they suffer him to enjoy any thing with a quiet mind of his possessions who pursues them with an inordinate love and affection Our Creature-comforts they are not only vanity in regard of their uselesness as being unable to profit us in the day of adversity but they are likewise vexation in their enjoyment not forbearing to molest and disquiet our Hearts even in the day of Prosperity Men think in getting Riches to crown themselves as with Rose-buds and to find them sweet to their Tast But are not all their Riches when procured like a Crown (f) 1 Tim. 6.9 10. of Thorns upon their Heads piercing them through with many cares and do they not find them to be mingled with gall and bitterness Oh how happy doth many a Man think he should be and live in the World could he but enlarge his Barns and accumulate Riches as others do But doth he not find them as the wise Man s●eaks making all his dayes (g) Eccles 2.22 23 Sorrow and his travail grief not so much as suffering his Heart to take rest in the night False joy ●ike the crackling of thorns a Man may possibly find now and then in the abundance of worldly accommodations But still there is some Flie in the oyntment some Death in the pot som●●hief in the Candle which utterly marreth all leaving such an one under nothing but sadness and vexation of Spirit You know how it was with Ahab King of (h) 1 Kings 21.4 Israel upon whom the want of one poor vineyard of Naboth brought such heaviness of Heart and sadness of spirit that amidst all the happiness which either Riches or Honours or extremity of luxury could afford him the Man lays himself down upon his Bed turns away his Face refusing to take his necessary Food as one resolved to die of the Sullens out of Hand The like vexation of Spirit do we find that wicked Haman the Son of Amedatha the Agagite amidst all his court-preferments fretting under (i) Esther 3.5 Never Subject was more highly advanced and honoured by his Sovereign than this wicked Haman and yet the denyal of one poor Mordecai's Knee how doth it make him hang down the Head vexing all his mirth and carnal jollity into self-tormenting envy and discontent We do never pursue with eagerness the riches honours and emoluments of this life but we find a sting in them to vex and torment us And as Fire under Water the hotter it burns the sooner it is extinguished by the over-running of the Water So earthly things when too eagerly pursued they raise up such tumultuary perplexing thoughts in the minds of Men as do at last quite extinguish all the heat and comfort which was expected from them Oh then that every Worldling would consider what an enemy he is to his own Happiness whilst thy Heart is ino●dinately carried out after and transported with idolatrous love to any Creature-enjoyments no quiet can be in thy mind no rest in thy Soul And why will you thus be the authours of your 〈◊〉 misery in seeking for rest where is nothing but trouble for comfort where is nothing but disquietment and for pleasure where 〈◊〉 ●othing but vanity and vexation of Spirit What are all your Riches and Honours and worldly accommodations when eagerly pursued after but like the Whoredom of painted Jezabel to trouble your peace and to fill you with Heart perplexing thoughts The Sun and Stars in the lower regions by reason of their nearness to the Earth they frequently * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Macar Homil. 45. pag. mihi 496. exhale those Fogs and Meteors that do often break forth into Storms and impetuous Tempests Thus likewise in earthly minds the sun-shine of Creature-enjoyments why it raiseth up those Cares and Heart-dividing thoughts that a Man can have no rest but is full of unquiet agitations burning like Aetna with an embowel'd sulphurious Fire which doth often break forth into a sullen Tempest of discontent Labour we therefore to be content (h) Heb. 13.5 with such things as we have not neglecting Heaven and Glory where is fulness of joy for the comforts and emoluments of this World which are not only vain and unable to profit us but also vexation to molest and disquiet us (i) Deus
Carrion of bestial Delights you will thus renounce the Communion of Heavenly Joys Is this your Wisdom your Prudence to make Sin the object of your Joy the Theatre of your Delight the Centre of your Desires and the Element wherein you would continually chuse to live when God by a Miracle of rich Grace calls upon you to seek after Glory and Honour after Immortality and Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven Can you think to maintain the comfort of your Life by Sin which is nothing but the fuel of Death and Misery Will you make that the sole object of your Joy which alone is the inlet to an ocean of Sorrow and perplexing disquietments The truth is we have many amongst us who wear Christ's Livery and are called Christians but yet they live as Persons resolved to chuse Epicurus that grand Sensualist for the Master o● their licentious Faction making Pleasure with him the Alpha and Omega of all their Happiness Seneca though an Heathen had a far more noble ●●d heroick Spirit than such esteeming it the greatest Pleasure to contemn all carnal Pleasures whilst these reckon it for the highest accent of ●●licity to live in them Such voluptuous Wantons walk directly antipodes to the end of their own being living in nothing but carnal Delights as if God sent them into the World to be therein like the Leviathan sporting themselves and feasting their Souls in an Ocean of sensual Pleasures They begin to anticipate here that Paradise of swinish Delights which Mahomet promised his own na●●y Herd at leastwise to take an earnest of it continually soaking themselves in their own intemperance and brutish luxury They look after no other Heaven than only to go singing to Hell and though you give them the greatest variety of delightful objects yet they cannot be Merry unless they may have Treason against Heaven it self for the game and the Devil for their playfellow But be ashamed oh carnal Gospellers thus to give up the strength of your Souls in the service of sensual Pleasures making light in the mean time of Heaven and Glory together with those unsullied Paradisical Pleasures which are at God's right Hand for evermore Oh let not that be matter of Pleasure and Delight to you which lay so heavy upon the Soul of your blessed Redeemer Did Christ bleed and groan and die to save you from your Sins and yet will you live with delight in the Pleasures of Sin How ever can you have a good thought of Sin when you look upon it as that which brought down the Son of God from Heaven and that murthered the Lord of Life and Glory Must the beloved Son of God undergo the curse due to your Sins and must he also humble himself unto Death to purchase for you the reward of Life everlasting that after all this you should undervalue his Love and make light of so great Salvation preferring the Pleasures of Sin which are but for a season before it Will you see I beseech you your folly in the glass of these ensuing considerations 1 CONSIDER thus to delight in carnal Pleasures it argues your Souls to be utterly void of Grace and dead in sin Where ever Grace comes with power it mortifies all vile affections and quite alienates the Heart from all sinful delights so that whoever delights in the Pleasures of Sin to be sure he is yet in a state of Nature and was never brought under the Power of converting Grace (a) Qu●madmodum impossibile est ut ignis flammam concipiat in aquâ ita 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 est voluptates mundi cum poenitentia Christiana manere Otho Casman A voluptuous Man cannot be a gracious Man Nor is it possible for the Dove of true Piety to find any place whereon to rest the sole of her foot in a deluge of carnal Pleasures Our first Parents by eating of the forbidden fruit they lost their right to the Tree of Life and were shut out of Paradise (b) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ait Xenophon By feeding with delight upon the forbidden fruit of Sin Men forfeit their right to all saving Grace and must need be shut out of Gods presence which is better than life it self as that alone which can quicken and revive a dead Soul T is the dead Fish only and not the living that are carried away with the stream Thus when Men are carried away with a deluge of Sin and swim willingly down the stream of carnal delights it s a sign they were never alive unto God but that still they are dead in trespasses and Sins Hence the Widow who indulges a sensual appetite living in Pleasure (c) 1 Tim. 5.6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clem. Alexand Paedag. lib. 3. cap. 7. pag. 172. is said to be dead whilst she lives Who ever hath Pleasure in unrighteousness delighting in that as his proper element he hath no principle of Life and Grace abiding in him but is spiritually dead whilst he lives in the Body When Wickedness is sweet to our taste and we delight our selves in it here is the reigning power of Sin separating betwixt us and the God of Heaven and that indeed is not only the Death but the Hell of every graceless Soul A Life of sensuality speaks that Man to be spiritually dead who in such a manner lives after the Flesh (d) Rom. 8.13 For if you live after the Flesh saith St. Paul ye shall die When Men give their full consent to sinful desires not only committing iniquity but having Pleasure therein Not only esteeming a sinful Life to be happy but also counting it their Wisdom with profane Esau to sell their Eternal Birth-right for one mess of such pottage why this now is to live after the Flesh and whoever thus lives he is dead whilst he lives Doth then thy fancy run in a way of Sinful objects with delight taking thought for the Flesh to fulfil it in the lusts thereof Dost thou make thy self the standard and thy sensual appetite the rule of all thy actions Hast thou an Heart carried out continually after sinful objects if absent desiring and grieving for them but if present rejoicing and delighting in them How dreadful oh brutish Sinner is thy present condition If thus to enjoy the Pleasures of Sin be the Life of thy Soul it s estranged from the Life of God and thou art dead though thou livest (e) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Philo. Leg. Alleg. lib. There is a Death saith Philo of the Man and there is a Death of the Soul The first which he calls the Death of the Man that 's the separation of the Soul from the Body the second which he calls the Death of the Soul that stands in the want of Grace and the presence of Sin Tho then thy Soul be not separated from thy Body yet what will all this avail so long as thou livest in Sin which is the most dreadful Death and wantest the Grace of God
489. which their Star-light condemns as better becoming irrational Brutes than immortal Souls What Man would not rather die saith Tully as cited by that Christian Cicero Lactantius than to be turned into the form of a Beast though still he should retain the mind of a Man But oh how much more miserable is it for one to be in the form of a Man and yet of a brutish Mind delighting in the same sensual Pleasures with the ●ery Beasts that perish Remember O Man how miserable the Crown falls from thy Head how thou turnest thy Glory into Shame how thou degradest thy self into the nastiness of a very Bruit and exposest thy self to the scorn of the whole creation when wallowing in the mire of thy sensual Pleasures 4 CONSIDER Men delighting in the Pleasures of Sin they can never enter into the Kingdom of God nor ever come into the place of his holy habitation Such as feed with delight upon these Onions and Flesh-pots of Aegypt they must never think to tast any ripe Clusters of Canaan nor to feed upon the Tree of Life in the Paradise of God The Kingdom of Heaven it 's a peculiar place prepared for a peculiar People Not for such as turn the Grace of God into wantonness defiling themselves with every impure lust but for those who through the Grace of God are clothed with the Robes of Holiness endeavouring to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of Flesh and Spirit k Heaven my Brethren it 's a pure Mansion it 's an inheritance incorruptible undefiled and therefore whatsoever defileth or is unclean can never enter into it T is not enough that Heaven is prepared for us but we also must be prepared for Heaven would we ever enjoy it (m) Coloss 1.22 Those only may look for the inheritance of Saints in light who through the mortification of their vile affections are made meet for it having no fellowship with the unfruitful Works of Darkness A Man having the Leprosie upon him was shut out of the camp and might not come among God's People in the Earthly Tabernacle Thus he that hath a Leprosy of Sin upon him polluting himself with carnal Pleasures will undoubtedly be shut out of the Camp of glorified Souls and must never think to come within the Heavenly Tabernacle (n) Constituit Deus Adamum in Paradiso innocent●● expul● eum reum Sal. de Gub. Dei lib. 1. pag. 20. When once our first Parents had sinned they were driven out of Paradise and kept off from the Tree of Life by the Cherubims flaming sword Thus Sirs whatever Sin you take Pleasure in it will drive you out of Heaven and may well be likened to the Cherubims flaming Sword to keep you from ever feeding upon the Tree of Life And is it nothing do (l) 1 Pet 1. Revel 21.27 you think to miss of Eternal Life and for ever to fall short of Heavens Glory Or still taking delight in the Pleasures of Sin will you promise your selves those Pleasures which are at God's right hand for evermore Can you ever imagine that Goats and Swine must enter into the new Jerusal●m Shall corruption inherit incoruption and those that suffer their vile affections to run riot counting fellowship with the unfruitful works of Darkness their chiefest de●ight must they look to shine like bright Stars in the Firmament of heavenly Glory (o) 1 Cor 6.9 10. Know you not saith the Apostle that the Unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God Be not deceived for neither Fornicators nor Idolaters nor Adulterers nor Effeminate nor abusers of themselves with Mankind nor Thieves nor Covetous nor Drunkards nor Revilers nor Extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God Believe it Sinners whatever good thoughts you may have of your carnal Pleasures yet will you find them a Jacob taking from you the Birth right of Heaven and deceiving you of the Blessing of Eternal Glory How dare you then live one moment longer in the Pleasures of Sin when you know they will rob you of your Crown and for ever shut your Souls out of Heavenly Glory Oh Sinners what prodigious folly are you guilty of thus to sell your Birth-right for a mess of Pottage and let go Heaven for a little carnal contentment Do you know what you do when thus you let run riot inventing prodigious ways of sinning to satisfie your brutish appetite Have you any lust that will countervail the loss of Heaven or any of your carnal Pleasures that can make amends for the loss of Eternal Glory What are the cups of Bac●hus to the Cup of Salvation whose ingredients are nothing but Love and Eternal sweetness What are the dainties of a Dives to the Marriage-supper of the great King to which the People of God shall all sit down with a fulness of Delight What are the smiles of Venus to the light of God's countenance when shining upon us in its noon-day brightness What in a word are all the unchast arms of a lascivious Lais to the delicious chast embraces of Christ our Redeemer in the downy bosom of whose Love all believers shall rest themselves and therein take up with satisfaction their Eternal repose Who then but a Man distracted would deprive himself of Eternal heavenly Pleasures for the Pleasures of Sin which are but for a season To see God as he is to behold the King in his Glory to be made glad with the light of his Countenance to feed for ever upon hidden Manna and to drink of the River of his Pleasure so that we shall never hunger any more nor thirst any more nor be the least moment without any fulness of Joy and Comfort to all Eternity how glorious were such a priviledge and what a prodigy of madness would it be to purchase a little carnal Pleasure with the loss of such a far more exceeding and Eternal weight of Glory T is true whilst we are in this World living by sense little do we know what it is to have the full enjoyment of God in Heaven nor can we indeed so prize it as we ought to do Oh but what thoughts will Men have of Heaven and Glory when all their carnal Pleasures leaving them they must now stand trembling at the Bar of divine Justice there to receive from God their everlasting doom What will all your Pleasures and carnal contentments avail you when God shall bid you depart accursed as everlastingly unfit to enjoy communion with himself in Glory Though Sinner thou shouldst live like an Epicure and hadst the universal confluence of all Flesh-pleasing vanities yet they were no more worthy to be compared with the least moments enjoyment of God in Glory than the small dust of a ballance with all the World 6 AND lastly consider the pleasures of sin though sweet for the present to an unsanctified carnal Heart yet they will end in Eternal endle●s misery (a) Prov. 23.31 32. What Solomon saith concerning the Wine of drunkenness it holds true of
own madness when though now you sare deliciously yet anon you cannot get a drop of Water though now you are Cloathed in Scarlet yet anon you must be covered with shame though now you walk with delight amongst your ungodly associates yet anon you must be shut up in everlasting Chains under darkness though now you take your fill of carnal pleasures yet anon you must depart accursed into everlasting Fire Oh Believe it sinners the time is at Hand when as Jonathan did in another case you will cry out of all your carnal pleasures I have tasted a little Hony and now I must die I have had a little taste of the hony of sin and taken some sensual delight therein but now I must die eternally and perish for ever of all my carnal pleasures there is nothing now but Eternal Torments remains unto me If then Sirs you have any spiritual discerning consider this and learn now to counter balance your temptations to sin with those Eternal easless torments that will follow after The Lord fenced Eden with a flaming Sword Thus the Eden of sinful Pleasures is fenced with the flaming Sword of God's Wrath which doth always cut those asunder that must needs enter in Oh that now therefore you would look upon the Pleasures of Sin as you will then look upon them when instead thereof you must have nothing but Eternal Pains Oh the change that every sensual Sinner will then meet with now rejoycing but then mourning now laughing but then weeping and gnashing of Teeth for evermore Oh what Worlds would he now give to be saved when for a little wanton Dalliance for a little sensual Delight and carnal Contentment he must now go to Hell and be Damned for ever Where then is thy Reason oh Man that for a superfluous Cup thou shouldst adventure to drink a Cup of Wrath unmixed and for the Pleasures of Sin here shouldst willingly run the hazard of eternal Burnings in Hell Canst thou be content to purchase thy carnal Delights with the Blood of thy own Soul with eternal bitter Howlings and Lamentations in Hellish Torments Oh little can you now imagine how dreadful will be the end of all your ungodly Practices when as your † Revel 18.7 Pleasures in Sin have abounded so your eternal Pangs and Torments in Hell shall much more abound Be no longer enchanted then if you love your Immortal Souls with any sensual Contentments but think often with your selves what fiery Wrath and Indignation they will shortly expose you to Look beyond your carnal Pleasures to that eternal Crown of Life whereof they will deprive you to that everlasting unpreventable Misery wherein they will involve you and then delight in them still if you can * Propter discretionem poenarum haec ipsa impia civitas tantum recipit quantum deliquit sed tamen nihil poenarum illi decrit quae temporaliter peccavit aeternis cruciabitur tormentis Haymo in Loc. Satiùs est hic ad modicum tempus esse miserum quam in aeternum esse miserum satiùs est modicâ miseriâ emere aeternam foelicitatem quam modicâ faelicitate voluptate praesenti emere aeternam miseriam A Lapide How much better is that Sorrow that will end in Joy than that Joy which will end in eternal Sorrow And what Man that is well in his wits doth not count it a wiser part to go weeping to Heaven than laughing to Hell the Torments whereof are endless and past all imagination CHAP. IX The Doctrine improved by way of Exhortation to God's own People exciting them to walk in the whole course of their Life as becomes a People that have Heaven and Glory set before them as the sure reward of all their Labours wherein the Exhortation is branched out into Twelve Particulars of grand import to every gracious Soul III. BY way of Exhortation this Doctrine may be useful both to Saints and to Sinners both to such as have and to such as have not an Interest in that Recompence of Reward which God sets before us 1 BY way of exhortation to you that are blessed with an interest in this glorious reward give ye diligence so to act and walk in the whole course of your life as becomes a People that have Heaven and Glory at all times in their Eye The great care of every Christian in this present World should be to walk worthy of him that hath called us to his Kingdom and Glory endeavouring that his Christian deportment may be something answerable to his high encouragement Though the Lord should never sweeten his holy precepts with any on promise to encourage to the present work of Duty by the●●roposal of an Eternal reward yet we were bound to ob●●rve every precept with the most religious devotion to walk in all dutiful obedience before him how much more when God holds forth a Crown of Life an Heavenly Kingdom an Eternal weight of Glory to provoke us thereunto If a prospect of Heavenly Glory will not make us walk circumspect and cause the face of our conversation to shine it argues we are Men of a sordid and ignoble Spirit What shall God promise us a Crown of Life shall he take us up into the Mount of transfiguration shall he shew us all the Beauties of Heaven and afford us a full prospect of Eternal Glory for our encouragement to all holy self-denying and upright walking before himself and yet shall we be remiss and negligent in a way of duty not endeavouring to walk as becomes the Gospel of Christ Believe it Christians that respect which God allows in all your obedience to Heaven and Eternal Glory is a strong engagement upon you obliging you in all things to have respect to that which you know to be acceptable and well-pleasing before him Oh then take heed that you spot not your selves as the Men of the World do but see that you live as those that are Burgesses and Citizens of the new Jerusalem striving always to sh●w forth the Virtues of him that has called us out of Darkness into his marvellous light You have heard what manner of Priviledge the Lord endulgeth you with what fulness of Joy what an immarcescible Crown of Life what an Eternal recompence of reward the Lord sets before us what manner of Persons should we then strive to be in all Holy Conversation and Godliness TO manifest therefore that you have a due sense of God's wonderful condescending Love see carefully to the ordering of your conversation aright according to the purport of these Twelve ensuing particulars 1 WALK thankfully adoring the Riches of God's Grace who allows you so great encouragement in Heavens Way When God allows you in all your obedience the liberty of having a respect to the recompence of the reward what less can you do than with all thankfulness acknowledge his wonderful condescention and stand admiring it Can you see the Heavens open and a Crown of Life prepared for you and yet
the Prodigal be feeding upon Husks when there is Bread enough to spare in your Fathers House Will you still be building Tabernacles for your selves on Earth when the Lord shews you such Mansions of Glory prepared in Heaven Foolish Children When such an eternally glorious Reward is held out to you by the Hand of your heavenly Father how can you with any patience behold the World or think it worthy that you should spend so much as one thought upon it You should live Christians in the highest Region of an heavenly Conversation leaving those to scramble for the World that have nothing else to live upon (g) Sua sibi habeant regna reges suas divitias divites suam verò prudentiam prudentes relinquant nobis stultitiam nostram Lact. de Just lib. 5. cap. 12. pag. 493. That of Lactantius was a brave heroick Spirit which if throughly imbibed would make you all say with him let the Kings of the Earth have their Kindoms let ●●e Rich Men have their Riches and the Prudent of this World let them have their Prudence to themselves so that they will only leave us the folly of seeking by patient continuance in well-doing Glory and Honour and Immortality and Eternal Life Get your Hearts fixed upon your Treasure in Heaven and I dare say it will never grudge you to see the Lord filling the Bellies of the Wicked with his hidden Treasure on Earth It matters not much what they have in hand so long as God allows you to have always an immarcessible Crown of Glory in you to Eye Oh this is the Happiness of Gods People even in this present World that having gotten their Hearts once weaned from earthly Comforts they live in the suburbs of the heavenly Jerusalem When once they leave off to feed with delight upon the Garlick and Onions of Aegypt they shall then sit down under the shadow of Gods dearest Love in Canaan and there find his Fruit sweet to their tast When once they turn away their Eyes from beholding worldly Vanities they may behold with delight the promised reward and have their Eyes continually feasted with the bright entrancing beams of Heavenly Glory (h) Quis non illius vitae desiderio praesentem vitum despierat Quis non illius abundantiae delectamento divitias temporis labentis exhorreat Quis non illius regni dilectione omnia terrena Regna contemnat Fulgent ad Theodor. epist 6. pag. 551. Who then for the desire of such a Life would not despise this present World Who for the delight of that abundance would not even fear the Riches of gliding time Who for the Love of that glorious Kingdom would not contemn as things of no value all earthly Kingdoms Oh believe it Christians you will have Meat to eat which the World knows not of living Heavenly-minded The World can never feast her greatest Favourites with those redundancies of Joy and Comfort which you may expect getting weaned affections to things below and living above Let therefore the Price of earthly Commodities fall and the price of heavenly Commodities rise in your thoughts And tho you be absent from your Treasure in Body yet see that you be always present therewith in Spirit In vain doth God afford you a prospect of Glory on Earth if it prove not a spiritual Load-stone to attract and draw up your Hearts as high as Heaven 8 WALK patiently as well satisfied to suffer and bear the worst of Afflictions that at length you may come to Heaven the best of Rewards Their Hearts may well be established with divine Patience in every condition whose Eyes God allows to be fixed in every Duty upon heavenly Glory And truly the condition of God's People in this present World doth evince the great necessity of Divine Patience to all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus Luther makes it the very definition of a Christian to be a Crucian who denying himself must take up his Cross and follow Christ The Lord Jesus hath two Crowns the one of Thorns the other of Glory They that would enjoy the latter and be crowned with Glory they must first undergo the former and be crowned with Thorns What the Holy Ghost said of Christ that it behoved him to suffer and so to enter into his Glory the very same holds true of all his People (i) Acts. 14.22 who through many afflictions must enter into the Kingdom of God The stones in Solomon's Temple were first hewen and polished and then set up into a stately Building So God's People first they must be hewen and carved by sufferings before they can be fit to build the Temple of God in the heavenly Jerusalem To all the People of God this World is a Wilderness not a Canaan an Egypt not a Paradise a troublesome Sea not an Harbour of Rest The day that is without clouds the light that is without Darkness the Joy that hath no sorrow is reserved for Heaven So then the misery of our present condition may well let us see the necessity of Christian Patience to suffer and wait upon God in it Without Patience every burden will seem too heavy every Cup that our heavenly Father puts into our Hand too bitter and every affliction too long But get Patience and that will lighten every burden have Patience and that will sweeten the bitterest potion lengthen Patience and that will make the time of all your afflictions seem short There is ● passive obedience required of all Christians that they may quietly suffer and 't is patience must help them If we bring evil upon our selves then we should afflict our Souls with Godly Sorrow but if the Lord bring evil upon us then we must exercise Patience both quietly hoping (k) Lam 3.26 and waiting for his salvation Christian Patience is not only a comely Grace making misery it self by a pious deportment under it seem amiable but 't is also a necessary Grace making the very worst of Miseries seem tolerable by framing a Mans mind to his present condition when his condition is not to his mind There are many Men professing the Christian Faith who if deliverance come not at their own Time they presently grow impatient of waiting God's time resolving to trade for it in their own way But were their Hearts established with divine Patience they would never thus precipitate their Mercies nor think that deliverance worth the having which only springs up out of the ruines of Faith and a good Conscience 'T is the nature of Christian Patience to make a Man tenacious of his integrity working in him a strong resolution not to purchase the greatest good with the commission of any the least evil This makes a Man the same in Prison as at Liberty the same in Poverty as when abounding with Riches the same when under reproach persecution and sorest calamities in the World as when the Sun of outward prosperity shone bright upon him Let what Storms will bluster abroad in the
do do all with respect to this Glorious Reward and in the strong Consolation of that Eternal Rest toward which you are moving This is not to be feeding upon any forbidden Fruit but indeed to be gathering Apples from that Tree of Life which God himself hath planted for you This is not to be Mercenaries but to be moving like so many living Stones towards God as the alone quietative Centre of all your Wishes Desires and heavenly Anhelations This is not to be carrying a Portion for your selves Christians nor to be conveighing any stoln Waters into your own Cisterns but it is to live upon your Fathers own allowance and to be drinking of that pure Fountain of Life of Divine Joy and Comfort which the God of Israel himself hath opened for you (a) Isa 55.1 and invites you to They do grosly mistake themselves and injure God's Goodness who looks upon the eying of Heaven and Glory in our obedience as a poysonous Corrosive to eat out the Heart of Sincerity For if you rightly conceive of it it 's a most precious Sovereign Cordial made up by the Hand of Heaven to revive the Heart of a Christian when desponding and to keep his Faith his Patience his Hope his Uprightness and all other Graces alive Truth is take away Heaven from a Christian and you strike him with all his Graces dead at a blow For a Christian both here and hereafter both Militant and Triumphant he lives upon Heaven Here by Faith and hereafter by sight here by Hope and hereafter by the full enjoyment of it now he lives militant in expectation of Heaven and then he lives Triumphant in the everlasting glorious Possession of Heaven (b) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Clem. Alexand. Paedagog lib. 2. cap. 6. pag. 74. See then oh Christian that thou let not out the Life Blood of thy Soul of thy Faith and of all thy Graces by neglecting to have a respect in all thy obedience to the recompence of Reward Oh pour not out upon the Ground that sweet nectarious Wine that full Cup of Divine Consolation which thy heavenly Father himself hath mingled wherewith to make glad thy Heart to enliven thy Soul and refresh thy Spirit when labouring in God's Vineyard 'T is not Humility but the Pride and Vanity of a fleshly Mind 't is not Uprightness but Hypocrisy when Men will not suffer themselves to be encouraged by God's own Arguments nor to be acted by the Lord 's own Motives nor to live upon those spiritual Morsels those provisions of Heaven and Glory which the Lord himself hath made for them Fear not then poor trembling Christian thy own Sincerity because Heaven is so much in thy Eye so much upon thy Heart and so much in thy Thoughts this is nothing but that Banquet of Love that the Lord would have thee always to live upon Come then oh Believer for the Master himself calleth thee Come and drink of this Water of Life come with me and let us gather some Clusters of Canaan let us take a prospect to refresh us of that holy Land Oh where should a Christian delight to be but upon the top of this Pisgah this Nebo this Mount Abarim beholding with Gladness the Celestial Canaan What Pleasure canst thou have in an Aegypt in a Babylon in the black Tents of Kodar when God calls thee to walk with him in the Galleries of his Love to dwell with him in the Suburbs of the new Jerusalem to live daily in the warm Sun-shine in the bright Reflexions of Heaven and Glory Oh remember Christian when working in God's Vineyard for thy better encouragement that golden Penny of Glory which the Sun-set of thy Life will bring with it Remember whilst fighting the Lord's Battels against the (c) Revel 2.7 World the Flesh and the Devil how certainly having overcome thou shalt feed upon the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God! Oh think often with thy self whilst thy Hand is at God's Plough and thou art sowing in Tears what an eternal glorious Reward will follow after The Mariner sailing in the darksome Night under Storms and Tempests hath his Eye upon the Star Thus whilst sailing in the Ship of sincere Obedience under Storms and Tempests you must have the Eye Christians of your Faith always fixed upon the Pole-star of Glory would you ever come safe to the Harbour of your eternal Rest Like the Uranoscope your Eye must always be turned upward viewing the Beauties telling the Towers marking well the Bul-warks considering the stately Palaces and with all holy curiosity observing the Royalties of the supernatural Jerusalem So long therefore as God keeps you at work here below oh see Christians that you live with comfort upon his allowance solacing your Souls every Day with due respect to Heaven above and by serious fixed thoughts about the Reward of eternal Life which abides you there Now that your Joy may be full and your Cup overflow give me leave to shew you the Strength and Soveraignity of this Divine Cordial by acquainting you with these two ensuing particulars Viz. 1 WHAT manner of Reward it is whereunto God allows you a respect in all your obedience 2 WHAT a due respect had unto this Reward will do for you with what Marrow and Fatness of Comfort it may Fill you in every condition 1 I am to let you know what manner of Reward it is whereunto God allows you a respect in your obedience And here had I the Tongue of Men and Angels had I the whole Monopoly of finest Elegancies were the Words that I shall uter first formed for me in the Mouth of the most Seraphique Cherubim yet so transcendently Glorious is that Recompence of Reward which God sets before you that my expressions though filled up with greatest emphasis and cloathed upon with the most full and comprehensive significancy would as much come short of making an adequate discovery a full representation thereof to your understandings as the light of a little Glow-worm comes short of the Sun in all its Glory Hyperbolize to be sure I shall in speaking of this glorious Reward but it will be by Way of Miôsis and diminution rather than by way of Auxesis and aggravation For whoever will undertake to discourse of Heavens Glory whilst he dwells himself in an Earthly Tabernacle he will be no more able to express it fully and to the Life than that talkative Bird which can so neatly dissemble the Voice of a Man will be able with all her borrowed Notes to tell you what is the utmost Splendour Glory and Magnificence of all the World The Land of Canaan as one wittily observes notwithstanding all the helps we have is still for the most part a Terra incognita an unknown Land So that to give a full description of it in all its Riches of Glory it 's golden Mines it 's fruitful Trees it 's pleasant Fountains is no more possible for the stammering
Water to refresh the Thirsty and an eternal Sabbath of Rest for all that are now weary This Reward is Manna cujuslibet suporis like the Manna prepared for God's People in the Wilderness which they say had that very tast and relish in every Man's Mouth that pleased him best Here if one thing suite well with your Desires yet another goes cross or if one thing answer your Expectations yet in some other Mercy or Comfort you are often disappointed Oh but the Reward of heavenly Glory this will answer your Desires this will answer all your Wants your Grievances your sorrowful Sighs and careful Groans accommodating it self most exactly to your longing Expectations in all things Every poor Soul in this Life is a very Compound of manifold Miseries Wants and heart-breaking Distresses But as it is said of Mony that answers all things so this Reward it answers them all and removes them all What is it poor Child of God that thou standest in most need of What are thy Wounds that most pain thee thy Troubles that most oppress thee and what are thy daily Burdens that lie most heavy upon thy Spirit to grieve and afflict thee What is it after which thy Heart doth so pant and breath so impatiently long for Oh it may be thou art now upon the Rack sorely distressed But this Reward it will give thee a Writ of Ease from all thy Pain not suffering thee to groan under them any longer It may be with Zion thou sittest with Tears upon thy Cheeks weeping bitterly in the Night Oh but this Reward it will bring in fulness (b) Isaiah 35.10 of Comfort wiping away all Tears from thy Eyes Thou may'st possibly go mourning and be bowed down by reason of great Affliction Oh but this Reward it will give thee the Oyl of Gladness and make thee lift up thy Head with everlasting rejoycing Possibly thy Sins thy Unbelief thy Unfruitfulness thy hardness of Heart thy want of love to God and our dear Lord Jesus these trouble and afflict thy Spirit Oh but this Reward it destroys all our Sins turns faith into open Vision Hope into full Fruition crowning all our Graces how weak soever here with fullness and everlasting Perfection If thou groan because thy Pilgrimage is prolonged and thou dwellest as it were in the Tents of Kedar Oh remember this Reward it will bring thee home to thy Father's House it will gather thee to the Spirits of just Men made perfect it will change thy Sodom into a Zion it will turn the Brick-kilns of Egypt into Canaan's Golden Mines and the barren Wilderness of this World wherein thou now wandrest up and down like a poor distressed Pilgrim this Reward will change it into the Garden of God into the heavenly Paradise into a spiritual Eden full of purest Delights and divine Contentments Now peradventure thou hast Sorrow to remember thy Sins thy former Miscarriages thy daily Troubles thy absence from the Lord who alone is thy Hope thy Life thy Comfort thy Hearts desire oh but dear Christian this Reward it will make thee to forget (c) John 16.20 22. the days of thy Mourning it will put thee into the Bosom of thy dearest Lord it will turn thy Sorrow into Joy that shall never be taken from thee On Christians there is that suitableness in his Reward that it 's the very Plaister for your Sore the very Balm for your Wound the very Voice of Joy to your Spirits in heaviness the very Harbour of Rest and Happiness after all your Storms that have so grievously tossed you That variety of Expression made use of by the holy Ghost to shadow out the transcendent Excellency of this Reward doth most clearly evince the suitableness of it to all the Wants Indigences and desires of an immortal Soul If the Soul be dislodged from its earthly Tabernacle this Reward (d) 2 Cor. 5.1 provides Mansions of Glory for the comfortable Entertainment thereof in another World If a Man be hungry it 's a pot of hidden Manna to feast him If sorrowful (e) Rev. 2.17 it s the Joy of the Lord to comfort him If any Man be thirsty (f) Mat. 25.21 it's Rivers of Pleasure at God's right Hand for evermore to cool and refresh him If any Man walk in darkness (g) Psal 16. and have no light in him (h) Col. 1.12 it is the Inheritance of the Saints in Light If any Man walk in the valley of the shadow of Death it 's a Crown of Life (i) James like a Death-bed-cordial to revive him If any Man suffer Nakedness for Righteousness sake it 's the Garments of Salvation to cloath him it 's the white Robes of Glory to hide the Shame of his Nakedness If any Man lose Houses or Lands for Christ it 's an Inheritance incorruptible Undefiled (k) 1 Pet. 1. and that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for him To the weary Soul that hath long been troubled through the Malice of an ungrateful World (l) Rev. 14.13 it 's a resting from his Labours To be short if any Man endure Afflictions it 's a far more exceeding and eternal weight of (m) 2 Cor. 4.17 Glory Oh then how suitable is this Reward that a poor Soul cannot be in any Distress nor labour under any Wants but this Reward will afford supply of Comfort giving ease to all that are now in pain the Garment of Praise to all that are now in heaviness and to all that are now labouring and weary and heavy laden the sweet enchearing Bosom of God himself for their eternal easeful Repose 4 THE Reward whereunto God allows his People a Respect in all their Obedience it 's a sure Reward So you may find it called by S●lomon a Man in whose Breast all the Lines of Wisdom met as in their proper Center (n) Prov. 11.18 The Wicked worketh a deceitful Work but to him that soweth Righteousness shall be a sure Reward Both the Righteous and the Wicked are Men of active Spirits only the Works of the Wicked they prove abortive promising all good but exposing to Misery and so deceive Expectation But the Righteous he never meets with any such sad Disappointment but as the Harvest naturally follows the Seed-time so after a short Seed-time of Grace there will spring up as the never failing sure Reward of such a Person a full crop of eternal Glory So (o) Gal. 6.8 that you see the Text though but short doth yet carry in it both Blessing and Cursing both Life and Death both Heaven and Hell Blessing Life and Heaven to Crown the Righteous Cursing Death and Hell as that which must inevitably be the Portion of all the Ungodly The Wicked he worketh the work of a Lie that is a sinful Work every Sin being a Lie and such a Work that albeit it tells us a fair tale yet it will miserably deceive us at last betraying us into the Hands of Wrath Hell and
Eternal Glory which is infinitely to be preferred that Inheritance which is incorruptible undefiled and that fadeth not away this God hath reserved for his own People Eternal in the Heavens Oh then what infinite cause have God's People to stand admiring their own Happiness Which though they may as Austin saith obtain it yet they can never to it 's worth value and esteem of it There are thousands in the World that have nothing for their Portion but some perishing creature-enjoyment But now the Lord Jehovah he is your portion he is your shield and your exceeding great Reward who is God 〈◊〉 all blessed for ever And doubtless God shews us ●●re Love in giving us himself for our Reward than if h● 〈◊〉 crowned us with Royal State and sovereign comma●● 〈◊〉 ●●all the Kingdoms in the World God may gi●● 〈◊〉 Riches and Houses and Lands and yet hate the●●e may cloath them in scarlet Robes here and yet throw them hereafter into scarlet Flames he may advance them to Honour in this World and yet cover them with shame and everlasting confusion in the World to come he may put a golden Scepter into Mens hands now and yet break them in pieces hereafter like a potters Vessel But in giving us himself for our Reward in making over himself to us by a federal transaction as the strength of our Hearts and our Portion for ever now he bestoweth the highest pledge of his special distinguishing Love upon us For to be sure the Lord Jehovah he is the most transcendently great and glorious Reward that the wisdom of God could devise that the Love of God could give or that the Heart 〈◊〉 Man can desire God is Bonum in quo omnia bona a b●ing compleatly replenished with whatever is good and desirable a Sun that always shines with a like brightness and is never eclipsed ●●●s as an essence that hath all excellencies and divine perfections bound up in himself as in one infinite volume he is a boundless Ocean without either banks or bottom into which all the Rivers of Wisdom Blessing and Goodness do empty ●hemselves (f) Liquet igitur beatitudinem esse statum bonorum omnium congrega●● perfectum Boeth de cons phil lib. 3. pros 2. pag. ●● So that if blessedness as Boetius defines 〈◊〉 do consist in the enjoyment of all good things then all that are truly Gracious they are blessed and they shall be blessed as having that God for their Portion and Reward in whom whatsoever things are good whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are desirable to make one happy do meet as in the only Center of Life and Blessedness What then is the folly of worldly Men blessing themselves in their havings not having the Lord Jehovah to be their shield and their exceeding great Reward Poor brutish Sinner is thy Rock like a Christian's Rock or thy Reward to compare with a Christians Reward thou thy self being Judge Be it so that thou have Riches Honours and worldly Enjoyments Yet what are these but as Wells without any Water as Trees without Fruit or as Stars without the Sun that may glimmer a little but can never make a Day of Happiness 〈◊〉 thy Soul (g) Qui De●●●●abet omni bono abundat qui verò Deum non habet pauper●● 〈◊〉 Extra Deum omnis delectati●●sta omnis laetitia est vana omnis rerum abundantia est 〈◊〉 indigentia Stella de Cont. mundi lib. 3. cap. 〈…〉 248. He that hath God hath all in point 〈◊〉 ●rue Happiness but he that hath not God for his R●●ard is most wretched and hath nothing at all Have all the Riches in the World without God thou art poor Have all the Honours in the World without God thou art a vile Person Have all the Pleasures in the World wherein to bath thy self like an Epicure every Day yet without God thy condition is miserable there being nothing but fiery Wrath and Indighation that abides thy Soul in the World to come Be ashamed then any longer to count the Creature any thing in comparison of God who is the sure Reward of every believing Soul (h) 1 King 5.12 Do not talk with Naaman as if Abana and Pharpar Rivers of Damascus were better than all the Waters in Israel Do not think thy broken Cisterns to be better than the Fountain of Living Waters What shall Earth compare with Heaven Shall Pebbles compare with this one Pearl of great price Shall a small twinkling Star that uniting all its Beams hath scarce light enough to render itself visible compare with the glorious Sun usurp his Chariot and take upon it to give light to all the World Shall Creature enjoyments that have nothing but Vanity and vexation of Spirit for their very quintessence be compared with a Christian's Reward whose Portion is God over all blessed and blessing him for ever Oh learn to put a difference betwixt Portion and Portion betwixt earthly enjoyments and the Reward of Eternal Life in Heaven The difference is not so great between a Pins-head and the whole Body of the Earth as between all worldly Riches and heavenly Glory (i) Rom. 8.18 For as the sufferings are not so neither are the Comforts of this present time worthy to be compared with the Glory which shall be revealed in us 6 THE Reward whereunto God allows his People a respect in all their obedience it 's a full and satisfactory Reward Every Creature is short and defective a very compound of Vanity Emptiness and guilded Deceit That albeit the Soul should knock as one well observes at every Creatures Door yet she can find no filling entertainment within no Creature can bid her welcome it would quite exhaust Natures Store-house and indeed bankrupts the whole Creation to feast such a Guest as the Soul to her full content and satisfaction But now the Lord Jehovah he being the Reward of his People there is that fulness of all Good in him that they need no more God hath provided such a sumptuous Feast for them that when they come to sit down at his Table with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets in the Kingdom of Heaven (k) Psal 63.5 now their Souls shall be filled as with marrow and fatness now their spiritual appetite shall be so fully satisfied that they shall hunger no more neither shall they thirst any more for ever The Appetite of an immortal is too vast and boundless for any nay for all Creatures in the World to satisfy but in the recompence of Eternal Glory there is that which will answer all her cravings that she shall now have no further to seek but rest fully satisfied This present Life is full of nothing but emptiness and dissatisfaction even in the highest Zenith of all its blessedness the Soul of Man hath a kind of infinite appetite desiring this good thing and that good thing and yet having obtained them like an hydropick Body 't is as thirsty as
thus indeed with any of our secular fruitions where a Man is usually satiated with what he took as a remedy against satiety There is that imperfection emptiness and disappointment in all Creature-enjoyments that if as Amnon and Tamar we get a little sensual delight in one moments fruition of them yet the next moment discovers all confuting by sad experience our overwhelming Thoughts of them and so make us loath them now more than ever we loved them before Being hungry we eat being thirsty we drink being weary we take our rest with delight But are we not in a few moments as weary of our fulness as of our fasting as weary of our Drink as of our thirst and as weary of our Rest as before we were of our weariness itself That which we eagerly pursue for the attaining of it we can as easily nauseate and despise it when once enjoyed (n) Vident semper videre desiderant sine auxietate desiderant sine fastidio satiantur Aug. cap. 7. p. mihi 117. But in heavenly Glory there is that Blessed and Immarcessible sweetness that once enjoyed it is alwayes desired This Glory is satisfying but not satiating 't is filling but not glutting There is in it this admirable Virtue that at once it excites and satisfies the Souls Appetite Creature-comforts are all of them such fading Flowers that the more we smell to them the less they have in them both of Beauty and Sweetness But is far otherwise with this Eternal Reward which never fades away nor can it ever cloy us whilst both the desire obtaineth sweetness and that sweetness like Oyl to the Lamp maintains an everlasting delight in the full fruition of it In Heaven there is no dying Gourd no withering Leaf no fading Flower but there all things keep that Original Beauty Splendour and sweetness which at first they had So that Eternity itself shall not be able to discover any the least flaw of decay in the richest Jewel of the Saints delights Happiness and full Reward to make them nauseat and be out of Love with Here as the Flower often sheds before the Leaf fall so the beauty of Creature-enjoyments is gone whilst themselves abide with us But in Heaven as their Reward endures for ever so their delight in it will never fade whilst there they enjoy a perpetual Spring and have no other Season but what maintains an uninterrupted fresh supply of all full and Soul-raping Pleasures O then what manner of Reward is this where their Happiness shall never fail nor their Pleasures after millions of Ages grow less pleasant to their tast But their Joy their Happiness their Glory their matchless Delights shall keep them for ever in an Extasy of Heart-ravishing Admiration This Glory is not only attractive but also retentive so that it gives delight without loathing and full draughts of heavenly Joys without Satiety 14 THE Reward whereunto God allows his People a Respect in all their Obedience it 's a divine beatifical Reward such as putting you in the full Enjoyment of God himself will be sure to make you compleatly blessed As God swears by himself because he can swear by no greater So being willing to give his People the best Reward he gives them himself because a greater and a better Reward than himself he cannot give them The Fruition of the ever blessed God must needs be truly Beatifical So that the Heart of Man cannot desire any fuller Happiness than what the full Enjoyment of God in Glory will be Greater Love than this hath no Man saith Christ that a Man lay down his Life for his Friend So greater Reward hath no Man than this that God will be the strength of his Heart and his Portion for ever So great is the Happiness of a Man enjoying God beholding the brightness of his Glory and drinking in that fulness of Joy which will flow (a) Quod Deus praeparavit diligentibus fide non accipitur spe non attingitur charitate non comprehenditur acquiri potest stimari non potest Aug. de Civit. Dei lib. 4. everlastingly from Communion with him that the Heart of Man is too narrow to conceive of it his Faith too short-sighted to see to the bottom of it his Hope too scanty to expect so much Glory as is in it and his Charity so far uncharitable that he cannot think it possible that ever the great God should provide such Riches of Mercy and Goodness for a poor sinful Worm such as every one is by Nature But yet thus it is they that now work for God as willing to spend and be spent in his Service God himself will become their Happiness their Portion their Heaven their exceeding great Reward There is much in Heaven besides God and yet all this World signifies nothing to a gracious Soul without God Such is the fulness of Blessing in God that he alone could make Heaven without all other Enjoyments All other Enjoyments without God would be so far from making an Heaven for the Soul that they would leave it everlastingly crying out like the Horse-leeches Daughters in the Hell of Dissatisfaction give give Other things they afford us some drops of Sweetness but at God's right Hand there are Pleasures for evermore The Place Heaven the Society Angels and the Spirits of just Men made Perfect with the like Additaments of Glory these may be as so many Stars bespangling the Roof of our eternal Mansion But the glorious Sun of our Happiness the greatest Emphasis of heavenly Glory the most orient Pearl in all the Crown of Life and which if once taken out would turn it into a Crown of Thorns is the full Enjoyment of God over all blessed for ever Such was the Amiableness of Titus the Emperor that they called him the Delight of Mankind (b) Omnes deliciae Deus erit societas sanctae civitatis in illo de illo sapienter beateque viventis Aug. de catechis rudib cap. 25. to be sure there is that surpassing Loveliness that unparallel'd matchless Beauty in a glorious God that he cannot but be the Delight the Joy the Glory of his Saints in Heaven whose Happiness was never compleated till God in Christ was thus fully enjoyed 'T is the Inchoation of the Saints Happiness here the Preludium of their future Glory a glimpse of Heaven before they come to Heaven that the Lord is not with them But that which is the full Consummation of their Happiness the brightness of their Glory and the very Bosom of the heavenly Paradise is that when (c) 1 Thes 4. ult they shall be with the Lord for ever and be ravished for ever with the sweetness of his Love (d) Cant. 1.2 a Love that is full of nothing but Loves and therefore much better more sweet and (e) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Boni 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 amires tui prae vino ubi numerus pluralis pro singulari ponitur ob multiplicia
so dark and gloomy could they ever expect a Day-break of Comfort to bring them out of that fiery Furnace Nor would the Day of the Saints Glory and Eternal Triumph be so unconceivably bright and gladsome to them were it possible for this glorious Day to be overtaken with the ghastly shadows of the Night and to end at length in the most hideous Darkness of annihilation But the Lord hath so ordered it that both the Wicked and the Godly having quit the Shoar of Time (f) Mat. 25.46 Shall go away those into everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels but the Righteous into Life everlasting So that here you see the Lord keeping his best Wine to the last writing Eternity upon his Peoples Reward as that which is the Top-stone of their future Happiness the very Heart the very Kernel and quintessence of heavenly Glory (g) 2 Cor. 12.4 If Heaven be a goodly Paradise to be sure the Eternity of it is the sweetest Flower in it deriving unperishable fragrancy into all the rest (h) 2 Tim. 4.9 If the Reward of God's People be a Crown of Righteousness this Eternity is the richest Jewel that hangeth upon it the Pearl of greatest worth If Glory be a Bright Constellation made up of all good things yet everlastingness is in it as a Star of the first magnitude that shines upon all the godly with most clarified Beams of Light and Heart enchearing refreshment (i) Revel 22.1 If the recompence of the Saints in Heaven be a River of Life clear as Chrystal the perennity of it is doubtless the sweetest Stream flowing from it and that which above all the rest will everlastingly make glad the City of our God For as the damned in Hell are more horribly tormented to think that they must always lie burning in Hell Fire but never be consumed always be filled with Heart-breaking Groans for the Wrath of God poured out upon them but never be so happy as to groan out their Sorrow and their Lives together always be kept in everlasting Chains of Darkness without any hope that a Day of Mercy will ever dawn upon them (k) Plus cruciabit eos cogitatio de continuatione doloris quam sensus tormenti exterioris Gerh. Med. 50. as for this I say that their Torments still never end poor damned Creatures are more horribly tormented than they can be with the Sense of their present Misery So that which above all other the Royalties of Heaven will replenish the Hearts of Gods People with Joy unspeakable and full Glory is to think (l) Rev. 3.12 now we are made Pillars in the Temple of God and shall go no more out for ever now we are in the Arms of our blessed Lord and shall never be let fall more now we are cloathed upon with our House Eternal in the Heavens and shall never more be found naked now we are set down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets in God's Kingdom to an Eternal Banquet of Loves and from which we shall never rise up to hunger and thirst any more now we have the smiles of a glorious God abounding in sweetness towards us and shall never see him frown any more now we are got above Sin and Sorrow and Temptations and shall be troubled with them no more (m) Psal 73.26 now God is our Portion and will be our Portion for ever now we are in the Bosom of our heavenly Father and there we shall rest ourselves with fulness of delight for ever now the Holy Ghost is our Comforter indeed and shall comfort our Hearts with richest redundances of Joy and unspeakable Gladness for ever now our Sorrow our Grief (n) John 16.22 our Heart perplexing Trouble it 's all turned into fullest Joy and our Joy no Man taketh away from us to all Eternity Oh my Friends no Heart is able to conjecture with what Pleonasms what Diffusions what overflowings of Joy God's People will be filled when they shall see themselves possessed of that glorious Inheritance (o) 1 Pet. 1.4 which is incorruptible undefiled and that shall never fade away reserved for them Eternal in the Heavens Hear all our Comforts are like a small Candle whilst it gives us light is still wasting and spending itself till all be consumed But the Reward laid up for God's People in Heaven that 's an everlasting Reward that 's a Kingdom which can never be shaken that 's a far more exceeding and an Eternal weight of Glory Though Christian thy Riches thy Honours thy Friends thy dearest Comforts in the World cannot always abide with thee Yet the recompence of the Reward that 's for everlasting the enjoyment of God in Christ that 's for everlasting the Joy the Happiness the Glory of Heaven these are all for everlasting and will never leave thee This Reward it 's the free Gift of God in Christ (p) Rom. 6.23 and can therefore be no less than Eternal Life We think it 's a great matter to be free from changes enjoying our Estates our Liberty our Relations for some twenty or forty Years together But to compare this short time of Health Relations and other Comforts of this Life with blessed Immortality with that boundless Eternity which is put into the lease of heavenly Glory and what is it but as a small Drop to the whole Ocean O Sirs when you shall have passed through Millions of Years in Heaven with a blessed God with a glorious Christ with the sweetest Spirit of all divine Comfort and shall find upon tryal that no Millions of Years though able to out-vie the very Sands upon the Sea-shore for number can either shorten or diminish your Joy what high admiring Thoughts will you then have of this glorious Reward this fulness of Joy these Pleasures which are at God's right Hand for evermore (q) Psal 16.11 surpassing for the Eternity of them the utmost reach the most curious Search of all finite capacities O dreadful O blessed Eternity 'T is Eternity that gives Life both to the Torments of Hell and to the Joys of Heaven This will make every moment of hellish Torments seem a long Eternity And this will make the longest Day of heavenly Glory seem no more than one pleasant moment Oh this is that which is most accumulative 't is the Heaven of Heavens this is Glory swelling out into a boundless Ocean of Joy unspeakable that knows neither banks nor bottom Oh this is that immarcessible Flower which no Time can crop or make to wither Time itself being now swallowed up in the vast Ocean of Eternity Oh this is the highest Pisgah of the Saints Blessedness that having once put on the Robes of Glory and being cloathed with the Garments of Salvation they shall never put them off again 'T is this that makes them transcendently Happy beyond what Eye hath seen or Ear heard or the Heart of Man can conceive that they shall be with
(b) Erimus Christiani cum Christo gloriosi de Deo patre beati de perpetua voluptate laetantes semper in conspectu Det agentes Deo gratias semper Cyprian ad Demetr pa. 331. you shall be glorious as Christ is glorious blessed of God replenished with all fulness of Joy and shall have an everlasting Sabbath of Rest taking up your sweetest Repose in the Bosom of your blessed Redeemer loving praising and enjoying him in one eternal Soul-entrancing Fruition HOW chearfully then may the People of God undergo their present Sufferings and entertain when it comes their approaching Dissolution The hope which Jacob had to enjoy the beautiful Rachel was to him a comfortable Hope under all his Hardships yet not worthy to make an Emblem of ours who hope within a few days more to enjoy the Light of God's Countenance and the Soul-ravishing Beauty of our blessed Redeemer's Face in Glory Affliction may attend God's People all their Life long but only as a Foil to set off their future Blessedness and make Heaven so much the sweeter Death it self that bold Pursuivant will erelong look in at the Windows of God's dearest Children but only as their Birth-day to an Eternity of Joy unspeakable and beyond imagination Lift up then your Heads with Joy amidst all your Afflictions to that Crown of Life that follows after And while the Thorn of Death is at your Breast ready to let out your Life-blood even then let your Souls break forth like so many heavenly Nightingales into singing as knowing that your bodily Dissolution will only make way for your Coronation in Glory You (c) Psal 126.5 6. may sow in Tears but shall reap in Joy You may go out weeping though you be such as bear precious Seed but shall doubtless come again rejoycing and bring your full Sheaves of Glory along with you Sorrow you may have over Night when you have the advantage of the Season to sleep it out and pass it over But your Joy will come in the Morning when you shall enter fresh upon it and have before you to enjoy it in the whole Day of a blessed Eternity that will never be over Your Joys are now mixt with Sorrows your Comforts with many Crosses and your Light with much Darkness But having finished your Course Death will put an end to all your Sorrows remove your Crosses and so compass you about with the Light of Glory When wicked Men die their Works follow them in eternal Hellish-torments But when the People of God die their Works follow them in the full Reward of everlasting heavenly Glory For Believers over Hell and Death Christ hath got the Victory and lets (d) 1 Cor. 15.57 them wear the Grown So that (e) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chrysost now Death which to wicked Men is porta inserni the Gate of Hell to you that believe is become in t●●itus coeli an entrance into Heaven Death which to the wicked is as God's Serjeant to drag them into the infernal fiery Dungeon is to you the Lord's Gentleman Usher to conduct you into the supernal Palace of heavenly Glory And who would not through Storms and Tempests to come to such a Harbour Who would not embrace a fiery Tryal Complement Death and come to the Grave with gladness knowing that to be the ready way to the coelestial Paradise They that come from (f) Chrysost hom de divit Laz. a City to a Country Village to transact Matters of Concern there when their Business is well accomplished they return into the City again with Joy Thus Christians you whose Souls came from the new Jerusalem to Negotiate the great Matters of Eternity here in this World having finished your Course and kept the Faith how joyful may you return like so many Royal Ships laden with the richest Merchandise to that heavenly City where the (g) Rev. 21.23 Lamb will be your Light and God your Glory Well may you be content to serve an hard Apprentiship here so you may come hereafter to be made free Denizens of this heavenly Jerusalem Well may you go on in the Work of the Lord having such a Crown in your Eye and so sure after all your Conflicts to be set upon your Heads Well may you Christians having that clear prospect of Glory which (h) At enim nos exequias adornamus eadem tranquillitate quâ vivimus Minut. Foel Oct. 125. erelong like a divine Load-stone will draw you to it self subscribe your selves upon all Occasions with that resolved Servant of Christ Ann Ayscough such as neither Fear Death nor dread his Might but as merry as those that are bound for Heaven Now unto the King Eternal Immortal Invisible the only Wise God be Honour and Glory for ever and ever Amen FINIS Mr. Joseph Cooper's Advice to his Wife and Children THE Regions of Eternal Love Which I approach my Soul doth move Something Divine with you to leave While Death of me doth you bereave When I in silent Dust do dwell These Lines to you my Love shall tell Your Widows Vail when you put on Your Fatherless when they make moan Accept these Words naught else I crave Do not despise your Husband 's Grave Know Life is short and Death most sure To dying thoughts yourself inure What I am now Dust and a Shade Your self must be your Life doth fade Let warm Repose nourish no Sin Old Age approaching courts Death in Of my cold Bed in Dust take part You must with or against your Heart This I suggest from silent urn That whilst I speak your Heart may burn And be inflam'd with heavenly Love Aspiring still to things above Your Children sweet in number many Resign to God reserve not any He is their Father and he will Their Souls with all his Goodness fill Doubt not his Love or tenderness To Widows and to Fatherless Can Love you hate can Life you kill Can evil spring from God's good will This is his will that Widows chast Should trust in God and not make hast This is his Goodness to their Seed He will them help in time of need Upon this Promise still depend It fills with joy makes God your Friend His heart is open and his hand Treasures of Love and Grace command To Widows that are pure in heart And Children he doth Life impart And let me whisper one thing more You and your Children have in store Treasures of Sighs Tears Groans and Prayers Of which you are the rightful Heirs He that in silent dust doth sleep For you to God did often weep Nay weeping was his easiest part He sigh'd he groan'd he broke his heart Strugling with God that he might give You Grace in Christ to make you live Hoping for this he did expire God will you save you shall admire Sweet Children and my Spouse most dear Live still by Faith and nothing fear But Sin which is the root of Strife The Seed of Death the Plague of Life Your