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A33822 A Collection of novels viz, the secret history of the Earle of Essex and Queen Elizabeth, The happy slave, and, the double cuckold : to which is added, The art of pleasing in conversation, by Cardinal Richlieu. Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, duc de, 1585-1642.; Vaumorière, M. de (Pierre Ortigue), 1610-1693. Art de plaire dans la conversation. English.; Brémond, Gabriel de. Double-Cocu. English.; Brémond, Gabriel de. Heureux esclave. English. 1699 (1699) Wing C5149; ESTC R640 304,340 556

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Actions were the Interpretations Men made of my Refusal of Marriage with these Princes It redounded much to my Honour my Glory was increas'd by it and the World admir'd my Contempt of Love even then when my Soul was wholly possest by it The Aversion I exprest for Foreign Alliances rais'd the Hopes of the Earl of Leicester and Essex seem'd overjoyed at it Not said he as I heard afterwards but that the Queen is discreet in all her Actions and her Choice had she made one had been decent and just But that I think her so fit to reign alone that I could not without extream Trouble see her share her Authority with a Husband who perhaps would in time be her Master The Construction I made of the Earl of Essex's Zeal was suitable to my Affection and the Desire I had of gaining his Heart which I wish'd so passionately that I fancy'd it done and that the pretended Severity that made me slight Kings was the only thing that frightned his Respect and that he had declared his Love to me could he have thought he durst presume to do it The Duke of Alanson not discourag'd by my Refusal of his Brother began soon after to make Addresses for himself and it was not in my Power to deny my Consent for his Voyage to London But what Advantages soever he pleaded in his Favour certain it is the Earl of Essex lost not any he had gain'd over me The Stay of that Prince in England fortify'd the Earl's Interest He was constantly at my Elbow When the Duke of Alanson spoke to me methought I read Reproaches against my self in the Earl of Essex's Eyes The Earl of Leicester watched me as carefully though not with equal Regard from me I rais'd so many Difficulties against the Duke of Alanson's Design that he was forc'd to desist And I rid my Hands of his Person and his Suit without giving him Cause of Complaint You know that after the Death of the Queen of Scots the King of Spain who still makes himself indispensibly subject to a Necessity of opposing me enter'd into a League with the Pope against me And having fill'd the World with injurious Declarations against my Right to the Crown they joyn'd all their Forces to pull it off my Head The Spaniards made themselves on the sudden Masters of Daventer The Duke of Parma laid Seige to Sluys It was high Time to provide for Defence and the Earl of Leicester was sent away with all the Nobility of the Kingdom in the Head of a numerous Army The Earl of Essex was one of the first to follow him and as strongly inclin'd as I was to stay him yet I thought the Man I lov'd ought not to be idle when he had Opportunity by Glorious Actions to merit the Kindness I had for him I will not spend Time in giving you a Relation of a War which perhaps you are sufficiently inform'd of and concerns not the Secrets of my Life It tended to our Advantage all to the very Winds having favour'd our Side When the Generals of the Army arriv'd at London I was carry'd in Triumph to St. Pauls yet the Joy I had to see the Earl of Essex was greater than that for the signal Victory obtain'd Amongst an infinite Number of Persons of several Ranks my Eyes were fix'd only on him And much ado I had sometimes out of Policy to cast a Look on the Earl of Leicester Both of them had done very great Actions I commended them publickly and particularly joy'd the Earl of Essex for the Success of his Valour and Conduct who spoke so much in Praise of the Valour and Conduct of the Earl of Leicester that he was forc'd in Requital to do him Right in giving him openly the Elogies he deserv'd Not long after this Expedition the Earl of Essex fell into a very deep Melancholy I was the first that perceiv'd it and took it for an Effect of some secret Passion I wish'd now and then he would once take the Boldness to declare himself but presently my Reason upon second Thoughts set before my Eyes the Confusion would certainly follow an Explication of that Nature to the Ruine of my Reputation and that high Esteem the World had for me Yet to speak Truth I could not resolve what to do or to wish I am in Love I desir'd to be lov'd again and that was all I could make of it The Earl of Essex in the mean time continu'd sad I was troubled to see him so and fancying my self the Cause I was desirous to know it and resolv'd to fetch it out of him He had full Liberty of Access to me and I enlarg'd it daily But not to expose my Reputation in forcing him to declare himself I pretended an Inclination to favour the Earl of Leicester who since his late Victories had entertain'd new Hopes One Day as the Earl of Essex came to thank me for the Government of Ireland I had bestow'd on him I was loth to lose the Opportuity and interrupting what he would have said in Acknowledgment You need not enlarge your self said I on a thing I am fully assur'd of I take Pleasure in raising your Fortune and wish I could as easily remove your Melancholy as I am pleas'd to give a new Proof of the Sense I have of your Service You may in your Turn oblige me added I who am fallen into a troublesome Conjuncture and find it very difficult to reduce my Affections into a Compliance with the Necessity of the State This presses me hard to provide England a King This Choice is difficult and I have not a mind to make it among Foreigners You are discreet and I have Reason to believe not the least loving of my Subjects I will take your Advice speak your Mind freely what Man in England you think best deserves this Fortune I look'd on him with that Kindness as would have inspir'd the most fearful with Boldness I observ'd in his Eyes extraordinary Emotions and all the Symptoms of a Secret ready to break out The Point appear'd Tender and My Imagination flatter'd Me all would be as I wish'd Your Majesties Resolution answers he will render a Man more Glorious by the Quality of Your Husband than of the Greatest Monarch on Earth Remember said I I expect not a Panegyrick but Advice from You And that your Business at present is to Nominate the Man I am to make King not to Commend his good Fortune in being so The Business is so nice Madam replyed he I dare not speak my mind though Your Majesty order it Did you know said I what moves me to this Confidence in you you would perhaps express your self with a great deal more Freedom But because to bring you to it I must proceed further tell me whether you think the Earl of Leicester deserves to be your Prince The Earl of Leicester answers he is Well Born and a Person of Great Merit and will answer the Honour your
Women are less discreet in Love than Men especially when they love as this Lady did Donna Angelica had a dying Impatience to see the Count and was angry at him that he did not rather expose himself to some Danger than suffer her to languish as she did and though she had her self forbid him for some time to come to her yet she would have had him testified to her that his Love was more powerful than her Prohibition and that he lov'd her to such an Excess as made him uncapable of obeying her Besides these Complaints which she thought she had reason to make of him she had her Jealousie also which not a little tormented her She understood that he went every Day to the Vice-queen and though she had advis'd him to do so the better to conceal their Love yet she was so vext at it that she could not pardon him Insomuch that she writ him this Letter upon that Subject When you do not see me the least you can do is to see no body but you have need of Consolation and it is in the Arms of the Vice-queen you find it Ingrateful Man What can you say to this Will you yet say it is to amuse her What can you fear from her You are a Traytor and you endeavour only to deceive all the World me you shall not I assure you Aieu What a Cruelty was this to the poor Count into what a Gulph of Dispair did the Perusal of this Letter plunge him He thought to go and wait on her that very Moment either to justifie himself or die at her Feet But lest his Rashness might ruine them both he thought he could not use too much Circumspection At length he bethought himself that as he had by the Disguise of Womans Cloaths got undiscover'd out of her Apartment so the same Disguise might be favourable to him and get him into it He was young handsome and well shaped his Complexion was such as might become a young Lady And there was no Danger that the Grand Master with whom he had no Acquaintance and who had seen him but once or twice en passant should know him He goes then to a young Lady one of his intimate Friends and desires her to furnish him with a Suit of Womens Apparel that might fit him She brought him one help'd him on with it and it became him so extreamly well that nothing could appear more charming This done he takes the same Lady's Coach and being attended by one of her Women that knew nothing of the Intrigue came to the Palace He goes into Donna Angelica's Apartment desires to see her and is admitted into her Chamber under the Name of Donna Brigitta a Country Lady who came to wait on her from another Lady of her Acquaintance He was no sooner in the Chamber but to his great Confusion he saw the Viceroy there But by good Fortune Donna Angelica who came before him to receive the Stranger hindred the Viceroy from observing his Disorder The Jest was that she did not know him and that she would have him brought him further into the Chamber but the Count soon put her out of her Ignorance by squeezing her Hand and she was so extreamly surpris'd to see him that she stood a good while in a Maze but at last she recovered her self and led him into another Chamber and presently return'd to Don Fernand. But with what Trouble and Disquiet I leave to the Judgment of any Woman that has loved and found her self in the like Circumstances She had with her the most dangerous of all her Enemies at least she lookt upon him as such though he had an extraordinary Passion for her And on the other side was the dear Object of her Desires whom for some Days she had not seen and for the Sight of whom she most passionately languished To compleat all in comes the Grand Master who finding this Lady alone and understanding she stay'd for his Wife who was with the Viceroy being a very civil Person though naturally no great Courtier he thought himself obliged to keep her company The Count as I told you had a very winning Air with him The Grand Master easily mistook him for a Country Lady for he had not seen any so handsome in Barcelona and though he was by his rough disposition not much inclin'd to admire the Sex yet he found this Lady so exceedingly adjusted to his humour that he even surpassed himself he passed a thousand Complements on her after this manner He offer'd she telling him that she was but newly come to Town to show her the Artillery to lead her to the Arcenall and to walk with her upon the Ramparts to salute her with the great Guns and a thousand other things belonging to his trade of War and which he thought a handsom Woman ought to love as well as he This was the sum of his Courtship and Gallantry to her The Count who was very complaisant seriously thanks him as if those were the greatest Obligations he was capable of laying upon him and being desirous to gain his favour he lookt upon him in so obliging a manner as was enough to gain the absolute conquest of his heart And no doubt the Grand Master would at last have made Love had he known how but as that was not his Trade he contented himself with making her several other as he thought signal offers of his Service either for herself or her Friends And I believe he would have also made her a tender of his Purse had not Donna Angelica come in to whom according to the Spanish fashion he was to yield his Place though it was extreamly against the grain with him so to do This amorous Lady had a great deal of trouble to get rid of the Viceroy but it was well repair'd by the charming sight of her dear Count she lookt on him with admiration and blusht not with anger for it was not possible for her to conserve any against so dear and so obliging a Gallant But rather with Love and Jealousie to see him so handsome and so attractive in that figure Perfidious Man says she to him with a charming Air you see every day new ways to surprise me but I had sufficiently been reveng'd on you had the Viceroy or the Grand Master discovered you for they you know are two enemies you ought to fear No it is your self Madam replies the Count whom I fear more than all the enemies in the world besides therefore let me beg of you to give me some assurance that you are not angry with me and I shall be contented And who says she sighing can be long angry with you The very sight of you pleads your excuse Go says she blushing you know too well the way to get your pardon I shall not go about to acquaint you with the sequel of this Discourse but we may imagine they would have seal'd the Articles of a firm Peace had not Love which still
much of her but she passionately lov'd him Yet he was to take heed and believe he had need of abundance of discretion to deal with the Women of that Country whose passion of love is sometimes so violent that they observe no bounds that the Sultaness was indeed the most rational she had known amongst them and had the most wit yet tender and passionate as the rest That she and he would be immutably ruined if the Bassa who had no small experience in Amours should once have the least suspicion of the Intrigue That there was not in the Kingdom a man more tender of his honour than he and that all the kindness he had for him would not save him from his indignation if he once came to know he had seen his Wife As much taken as our young Roman was with the pleasant beginnings of his Amours and for all his rejoycings at those evident kindnesses he had received from the greatest Beauty under Heaven yet he could not forbear reflecting on Laura's good counsels but went musing along the Seragilo what course he should take what means he should use against so dangerous a Passion which would certainly bring him to ruin and confusion When the Bassa going to one of his Mistresses met him by the way and seeing him pass by without so much as saluting him he presently fell a laughing and taking him by the arm Now said he I see that you are in love The Count being confounded at his surprizing him in that case made excuses for his fault The Bassa made answer that if he desir'd to be pardon'd he must freely confess the truth and acknowledge himself extreamly disordered at the Merits and Beauty of Laura More Sir said the Count with a very deep sigh than you can possibly express or imagine But it being late and the Bassa not willing to stay he deferred the more particular inquiry to another opportunity and dismiss'd him to his Lodging This was a great happiness and no less pleasure to the young Lover who was not then in a condition to give the Bassa an account of his Amours Part of that night he pass'd walking in his Chamber as if he had intended to come to a Resolution before he went to bed It was not the fear of death or misfortune that troubled him but the horrour of ingratitude and having received so much kindness from the Bassa thought it inexcusable in him to have any unjust designs on his Wife But then says he should I not be the most ungrateful of men should I slight the affection of so charming a Person to whom if I consider her obligations according to their value I owe more than to the Bassa And is it not possible for me to see and to love her within bounds so as to be blameless on the one side and the other No no if there be ingratitude in that I cannot help it there is nothing in the World can excuse me to the Sultaness and love ought to make my excuse with the Bassa This was the last Combate between gratitude and love in the heart of the Count the last carried the day and going to bed thereupon he rested very well The Bassa who was extreamly desirous to see him so deeply in love that he should not be able to deny it was the first that spoke to him to return again that day to the Sultaness Lodgings he gave him the Key of the Seraglio and laughing told him he need not make such haste to come back if he found as much pleasure as he wisht him there but that he must have a care he did not engross all the love to himself but he should give Laura some part unless he were minded to languish as he had done a long time to no purpose The amorous Italian went straight to the Seraglio and Laura who waited for him told him at his arrival he might pass to the same Chamber he had been in and that she would give her Lady notice of his coming but she not having the patience of waiting so long was got already into the Alcove The Count having an extream curiosity and longing for a sight of that place thought it convenient for the purpose to make use of that time when he believed the Sultaness was absent and coming up to the Ballistre gently took up the Curtain But how was he surprized to see on the sudden that charming Person in a Posture the most capable of any to make one in love I shall not trouble you with a description of the Alcove which being a Room of State for the Wife of so puissant a Lord you may easily believe was very noble and rich It was raised a foot higher than the Chamber the approach to it being by a space cover'd with a fair Turky Carpet checkquer'd with little squares of Damask wrought with Gold The Sultaness lay on a Bed of Damask of like work and having design'd to shew her self that day to the Count she had not forgot to put her self in an equipage and posture capable to charm him at first sight she had turned her face towards the Ballistre leaning her head carelesly on her left arm which you might clearly see in her great Tiffany sleeve after the Turkish mode Her black hair was partly pleated with great ropes of Pearl parting down on her Breast and part on her shoulders and set off the clearness of her delicate Complexion vying with the Snow in whiteness to so much advantage that it wrought wonderful effects in the beholder She had about her body a small Gold Bodice only her bosom being half open and the rest cover'd with a piece of fine Tiffany like an Amazons Scarf all was visible from her Neck to her Breast and so admirable to behold that it had been impossible for an eye having seen it as the Count did to escape being enamour'd of it she had on her head plumes of several colours and in the midst of them a crescent of Silver Her Coat was of a light Stuff Imbroydered with Gold after the fashion of the Country with Diamond Buckles to tuck it up at the knee her Leg was half naked and the rest covered with Buskins all laid over with Diamonds and Pearls in a word she was all so Rich so Gallant so full of Charms that the poor Count was utterly undone at the sight His joy and astonishment were visible to her in that confusion of action and words in which he was so miserably plung'd that he knew not what was become of himself nor what he would say to her But falling into an Extasie and wholly swallowed up with admiration his Eyes and his Sighs were Orators for him The fair Sultaness as soon as she saw him would with a Handkerchief she had in her hand have covered her face and hid from him part of the confusion she was in But the happy Lover recovering courage by degrees passing his arm betwixt the Ballistres hindered her from it Once
Bassa if I supplied his place this Evening that were too great an honour for me replied Laura smiling but the Sultaness expects you and is not very well The Bassa gave her his hand and would have led her into a private Chamber Laura perceiving it and that he was in good earnest prayed him to let her go that her Lady was not well and he knew well enough she could not endure her being a moment out of her sight I I replied the Bassa the Sultaness is sick and cannot be a moment without you but 't is because ' t is desire to pass that moment with you had it been Alexander you could have staid a little longer The Bassa said this with so pleasant a tone she could not forbear laughing You know Sir replied she 't is another case when you are with the Sultaness Besides Sir added she smiling one would venture a little for a Sweet-heart Well well said he pressing her to go along with him 't is love hath brought me hither I Sir answer'd she striving to get away from him and 't is Love obliges me to avoid the occasion of being found alone in your company for though I know you a most accomplished Person you will allow me to tell you you have not too much respect for our Sex and 't is very hard trusting you witness your assaults last night in the Garden The Bassa made her a thousand Oaths he would keep within the bounds of that respect and discretion she might expect from the severest vertue and protested he desired only one quarter of an hours discourse Laura who knew the violence and obstinacy of his humour when denyed any thing he held reasonable to be granted him disposed her self to entertain him that quarter of an hour He reproached her a thousand times for her hardness and cruelty against him and gave her withal the kindest words and the most tender and passionate expressions imaginable Laura to defend her self pleaded her Honour her Religion and her Duty to the Sultaness her Mistress three things she would not betray for the World Had you but a little Love for me said the Bassa with a sigh you would not find so many reasons for defence I have my Religion as you have yours and the Precepts of it perhaps as severe as yours but Love is stronger than all the Precepts the Laws the Religions of the World and those who serve him worship no other God As for the Sultaness how are you concerned that is my business not yours and it shall be your fault if ever she know it But what do you tell me of Honour Surely 't is more for your Honour to love a Man as I am than to love such a one as Alexander You mistake your self Sir answered Laura if you think that in the visits he hath made me there hath any thing pass'd contrary to my duty 'T is not with those of our Nation as with the People of this Country We may be together and no body by yet my Honour secure I swear to you Sir Alexander never received that favour from me which I could not afford the Person for whom I am the least concerned in the World The Bassa interrupted her what not in the Garden Neither in the Garden nor any where else replyed she had he ever any other advantage than a sight of me which with us is accounted for nothing Can you make me believe answered the Bassa what you say Laura told him there was nothing more true and he might rest assured of it But Sir said she for your better satisfaction bring him no more hither and you shall see whether I make my complaint for it 'T were pity replyed the Bassa to destroy so fair a friendship and I do protest to you that were it in my power I would give you no trouble but I am not so much Master of my self to gain this point on my heart to be unconcerned in your Love But since you love Alexander with so much indifference that you can so easily resolve not to see him more I have no cause to afflict my self but rather to hope you may one day love me perhaps as much as you do him After these words the Bassa retired with a heart a little better at ease than when he came in but as deeply in Love as before He gave not an intire and firm credit to what Laura had told him of her indifference and small concernment for Alexander but did believe her passion for the Christian not so great as he had imagined or that their Love had been cooled by some quarrel for he had observed on the one side and the other more indifference than is usually consistent with that passion But then reflecting suddenly on himself may not this be said he resuming his jealousie and diffidence an effect of their policy may they not be agreed to deceive me and being already sufficiently assured of one anothers affections may they not pretend they have no Love for one another that they may Love one another with greater security No no adds he this cannot be there is no hiding of Love it will appear if not smothered to death She loves not Alexander at all or loves him but indifferently thus he the more easily perswaded himself to be so in that he did most passionately desire it might be so and thence-forward his passion increased so fast it became greater than ever Hope being a passion that more than any other foments that of Love easily promises it self happy events and flatters it self with expectation of good fortune and success Laura gave the Sultaness an accompt of all the pleasant discourse and the Sultaness could have wished Laura had not been altogether so severe to the Bassa but a little more kind and complaisant without which she thought they could not see Alexander so often as she desired Laura on the contrary told her that to have been complaisant would have spoyl'd all for that the Bassa would then have entertained some hopes of favour from her and so become more amorous than before and consequently more jealous of his supposed Rival than ever What shall I do then said the poor Sultaness who can do nothing but fear and cannot expect any thing but crosses and misfortunes Laura told her things were not in so desperate a condition that she need trouble her self for it for the Bassa had promised to send Alexander on the morrow and that they would consider with him how to order their business The Count did not know that the Bassa had been with the Sultaness but having not heard from him that day he went on the morrow to wait on him at his rising He found him abed so dejected and melancholly that he might by his countenance easily discover the heaviness of his heart Yet he received him with that air of kindness and friendship might well assure the Count he was not displeased with him The Bassa was silent a while and then looking
more to desire or fear they then throw off their Masks and abandon themselves to all manner of Dissoluteness I could give a great many Examples of this but you will find enough in the Roman History if you will take the Pains to read it Belise You see Dorante that I have reserv'd the difficultest part for you according to my mind seeing it now lies upon you to tell us by what reasons the Salic Law could exclude Women from succeeding their Fathers and deprive them of what Nature allowed them Dorante It troubles me Madam that I am not so sensible of the Honour you do me and to tell you that the Salic Law had an admirable foresight in this third part which you condemn If this Kingdom should fall into the Feminine Line and we saw a presumptive Heiress of the Crown to what Misery should we not be reduced In effect should it happen that the Princess would chuse a Husband among her Subjects those who expect this Honour would make strong Parties and carry things to a greater extremity than in Elective Countries seeing the prize is no less than a Crown which would pass to their Descendants and remain for ever in their Family He that has the good fortune to be preferred will be so unhappy as to be hated of his Rivals the greatest Men at Court and who will never faithfully serve him If on the contrary the Heiress of a Kingdom should cast her eyes on a neighbouring Prince to bestow on him her Heart and her Scepter we should fall under the Domination of a stranger our Monarchy would become a Province of his States Thus Madam you see you have no reason to complain of the injustice done your Sex you must rather think this was ordered for the best seeing hereby is prevented all those dismal Revolutions which I have now denoted to you Belise I must needs acknowledge you have satisfied me with your Reasons although they be not very favourable to Ladies I believe that Cleonice is in the same sentiment and that she is not troubled that I have been so curious Cleonice You shall see that I will not be behind hand with you in another kind You have declared your self an able Politician and I must declare to you that I have particularly applied my self to the study of Morality Moreover I will be no less complaisant than you I consent that Dorante Philemon and Erastus tell us after what manner we should speak of Passions Vices and Virtues and I offer to shew you afterwards whether their Opinions be conformable of contrary to those I maintain The Company having laught at the pleasantry of Cleonice it was granted that there was no matter which oftner fell into Conversation than that she came from proposing so that it was resolved on that some time should be spent in discoursing on that subject ENTERTAINMENT XIX That to speak justly of the Passions of Vices and Virtues we should ordinarily descend from a general Discourse into particular Distinctions Cleonice BEfore we enter on the subject we are to treat of I would willingly know what it is to speak justly Philemon I can boldly say I understand the justness which is found in an expression but I acknowledge I should be puzzled to say wherein it consists Dorante can clear up this point Dorante I am perswaded that what does most contribute to the justness of a discourse is when there happens a real relation or a real opposition between the terms and between the things which are put together Thus I should not speak justly should I say that Lisidor is of Provence and Philemon an Officer of the Kings seeing there is no relation nor opposition between a Country and an Office Neither should I any more speak justly if being willing to testifie my acknowledgment to Cleonice I should explain my self in these terms I return Graces to a Person who has 'em infinitely This is properly what we may call a Galamathias and it is very hard to understand two words which are tyed together without any relation In effect in the first Place the Word Graces signifies only thanks and the other Word which is understood is only taken for some agreableness of the Countenance or of the Person I might moreover give you infinite Examples on this defect of justness but I shall content my self with telling you that it is chiefly in comparisons where it is to be chiefly avoided I should speak ill should I say that the Barbe Isabella of Philemon is as fine as the Diamond which Erastus wears tho' it be permitted me to esteem one as much as the other and to offer an Hundred Lewis's for the Horse as well as for the Ring But we should not compare the Beauty of a Stone with that of an Animal which is to say two things which have neither any relation or opposition between them Erastus I found yesterday Juvenal lying on one of my Friend's Table I opened it and 't was exactly on a passage of his sixth Satyr where he speaks of the manner after which the Women of those times coifed themselves He describes the bucklings and coiffings several Stories high which a wanton Dame wore and says that her Size was so tall with them that she might be taken for another Andromacha in beholding her before but if you viewed her behind she appear'd only to be a little Woman Now let it not displease Juvenal if I say he did not speak justly he had cited Andromacha he should then have opposed a Woman famous for her little Stature Cleonice Whence should he have taken it Perhaps History mentions none People do not usually take notice of a Quality so little recommendable Erastus Juvenal should then have chosen a tour which might furnish him with a just opposition and have said that this Lady might have been taken for a Giant before tho' she appear'd but a Dwarf behind Belise I now undestand what is contrary to the justness of an expression and you imagine well that the rest of the Company comprehends it yet better And therefore we may speak of the matter which Cleonice has giv'n us and acknowledge in the beginning that there is nothing so dangerous as the passions For my part I am perswaded that could our Hearts free themselves from their Tyranny we should enjoy a serene and happy Life Cleonice It 's true that the greatest part of the World regards Ambition Love and Hatred as the Springs of all Evils and it is commonly their violence which leads to the committing of the injustices which we see in the World Dorante We grant you that the impetuosity of the passions hurries but too often to the committing of crimes but can she not likewise be of great use in the leading us to Heroick Virtue Without Ambition we should see no Conqueror hear nothing of Alexander nor Caesar and none of those glorious Actions would be perform'd which procure an immortal Reputation So that instead of condemning
the Passions I rather wish a good use were made of them and that they were rendred profitable We love the effects of Clemency and Compassion we admire that which the love of Glory produces and the sequel of Infamy And however decry'd Fear is yet in a thousand occasions she makes up one part of Prudence It is from her that we foresee evils and avoid them What may we not moreover observe if we examine the other passions Erastus It seems to me that we have only the passion of Love to examine there being scarcely any other but it It takes different names according to the difference of its objects Ambition is only the love of Greatness Covetousness the love of Riches and Hatred which appears so opposite to Love is to speak properly only a disguised Love seeing we have only aversion for that which is offensive to us because we love our own preservation Philemon When we had only to explain what Love is do you think we should be without Perplexity Although it be so natural and general a Passion among an infinite Number of Persons which feel it you will find few that can tell you what it is You may be perswaded of what I say by this Philosopher who says that Love is I know not what that comes from I know not where and goes away I know not how Dorante We are so little accustomed to enlarge our selves on this Subject we speak of and to engage our selves in Subtilties which serve only to tire the Mind that I do not think we ought to discuss the Nature of Passions Those who are minded to inform themselves farther may read the Works we have on this Subject and in the mean time content themselves with the Distinctions which we have promised to bring It must be acknowledg'd that we are to blame in condemning the Passions and in being afraid of them They are indifferent in themselves and if it happens they sometimes disturb the Tranquility of our Life there are other Occasions wherein they are of great Help to us Men without Boldness would they march to Glory through Fatigues and Dangers Let 's make another Distinction Shall we call a Man valiant who has done a great Action by an Impetuosity of Boldness and shall we accuse of Cowardise a Person that panick Terror has seiz'd in some Occasion True Valour is when in every Rencounter our Courage disposes us to vanquish the Obstacles which oppose our Designs as a Man must not pass for a Coward but when 't is his Custom to avoid Danger Thus we may reason on the other Vices and on the other Virtues A Magistrate is not to be praised as just for having done Justice once To merit this Commendation he must be in a firm and constant Disposition to render to every one what belongs to him Cleonice I have for this Quarter of an Hour had a Desire to ask you the Reason for the calling Passions those Emotions which agitate the Heart Erastus It is because they make the Body suffer through their Violence Belise I return then to what I have ever said that the Passions are Monsters which are to be rooted out Philemon Are you willing to begin with Shame Women will be very much obliged to you You will free them from a Passion which keeps them in a strange sort of Bondage Were they once without Shame they would have the Pleasure of doing what they liked without troubling themselves about what the World calls Reputation Erastus It 's true that Shame serves as a Guard for our Women and there are other Passions which are necessary for the Commerce of Life The Compassion we have for the miserable leads us commonly to succour one another in our Misfortunes Dorante Does not Emulation excite to obtain the Advantage we want to raise us to the Persons we see above us Cleonice But is there not a Mixture of Envy in Emulation Erastus Nothing is more different than these two Passions Emulation is lively and generous and Envy base and malicious The first is a Regret at our small Desert the other a Vexation which arises from the Merit of others Emulation would raise us and Envy would abase what is above us In fine nothing is more worthy of our Contempt than Envy nothing is more commendable than Emulation It made Caesar weep at the Sight of Alexander's Picture and hindred Themistocles from sleeping near the Trophies of Miltiades You know what Caesar and Themistocles afterwards executed Philemon As to what regards Vices and Virtues I would speak differently of them according to the different Circumstances thereto joyned There was seen heretofore in Greece a Republick wherein Theft was pardoned provided it was committed dexterously and you know well that Robbery found not the same Impunity in any other Country Erastus We have at this Day Neighbouring Nations where the Customs are very different If Dorante would be praised for his Temperance probably he would not go to search Applause on the Banks of the Rhine as you would not advise me to go towards the Tyber if you proposed excessive drinking Cleonice Are Distinctions to be made when we speak of Virtue in general is it not equally reverenc'd by all Nations Dorante Every body does not regard it in the same manner and I know not whether it will not puzzle us to say precisely what it is It 's true there is a natural Equity which is generally approved but it is not less certain that it is diversly practised There never was any Obligation more indispensable than that requiring Children to serve those who brought them into the World especially when they are grown old and find themselves afflicted with Diseases All the People of Europe observ'd so just a Maxim and yet the Scythians who possest more Country than Europe comprehended accused those Children of Inhumanity who let their Parents live under an incurable Malady For their Parts they gave the fatal Blow as a Stroke of Grace and thought it just to terminate thus their Parents Misery They extended further their pretended Charity They eat their Bodies instead of burning or interring them imagining nothing more pious than to give this Sepulture to their Parents for to change them into their proper Substance and make them live again in themselves as far as it was in their Power Consider this well The Scythians commend a Man who comes from committing a Parricide and other Nations punish him as the greatest Criminal Erastus In speaking of the different Manners of People we may cite the Punick Faith which is to say the little Fidelity the Carthaginians observ'd in their Promises It 's certain the Romans had more Probity and I should have more relyed on the Word of Regulus than the Oaths of Hannibal and all his Army Philemon I think it more usual to distinguish the Vices and Virtues according to the Professions of Persons than according to the Customs of their Country A Virtue renders us recommendable only
ill Designs have run me upon the desperate Resistance I made You have been pleased to heap Favours upon me and I too proud of what I so little deserved flatter'd my self with Expectation of a thousand Pleasures which you had not absolutely forbid me to hope for This let loose the Envy and Jealousie of others against my good Fortune They abus'd your Majesty with Mis-informations and I had the Misfortunes to be assur'd your Majesty had order'd I should be Arrested though my Innocence would have perswaded me the contrary I confess Madam I was in a Rage to see my Enemies insult over me being abandoned by your Majesty and on the Point of suffering perhaps a shameful Death I thought it neither for my Reputation nor your Majesties Honour I should die as a Criminal This put me upon having Recourse to those Succours and Assistances they reproach me with and the Resolution I took to go out of England in hope to confound my Accusers But I found all the Passages stopt And I must acknowledge in that desperate Condition I vented my Fury by taking Revenge on your Ministers They Madam and only they were the Objects of the Rebellion I am charg'd with My Design was only they who had so industriously labour'd to make me appear guilty should do me Right in declaring my Innocence and permit me to lay it and my Life at your Majesties Feet I never doubted but your Majesty would have done me the Honour to hear me And that by a clear Discovery of the Truth I should have certainly confounded the Envy of my Enemies But their Malice hath had the Success to see me a Prisoner hated by my Soveraign despis'd by the World and made a Sacrifice to their Rage And now what remains but that I receive the Sentence of my Death pronounc'd by them and see Cobham Cecil Rawleigh and their Fellows share the Favours you honoured me with You are well assured I hate you not says the Queen interrupting him But should I believe you Can I give you up to the ill Fate that threatens you I shall never murmur against your Majesties Orders replies the Earl but submit to them readily whatever they be But I confess it would make me mad should my Enemies have the Advantage to condemn me The Earl of Essex knew the weak Side of the Queen and easily reviv'd in her that Tenderness he had formerly inspir'd her with No says she having paus'd a while you shall not die Make use of your Advantages triumph over a Heart whose Inclinations you very well know I will believe your Intentions less criminal than they appear But my Lord I conjure you by that Kindness of which you have such particular Experience that you give me no Cause to repent of it Trouble not your self for your Reputation and Honour I will take care to repair it And before two Days be over I will restore you to the highest Place you ever had under me Essex transported with Joy for the happy Success of this Conference affected the Queen so much with submissive Acknowledgments that he restor'd her Spirits to perfect Tranquility At parting she promis'd to call a Council on the Morrow and in a glorious manner to declare him innocent As soon as it was Day she sent for Cecil And the Countess of Nottingham waited on her Having told them in a few Words of a great Conflict past between her Justice and her Mercy she concluded for the latter and ordered Cecil to summon the Council that she might declare to them the Design she had to set Essex at Liberty assuring him she had invincible Reasons for doing so This was a mortal Blow to the ambitious Cecil and the Countess of Nottingham They presently look'd on one another as if they would have askd each others Advice what Course to be taken Afterwards they spoke to the Queen in hopes to divert her but she was inflexible and Cecil was forc'd to order an extraordinary Call of the Council But while the Earl of Essex's Enemies thought his good Fortune on the Point of being reconcil'd to him Chance labour'd for them with unexpected Success As the Queen was going to Council Word was brought her the Countess of Rutland desir'd to wait on her The Queen blush'd remembring what was pass'd And looking on the Request as unseasonable and unlucky she was minded to have put off the Countess to another time But considering she us'd not to deny any Person Access and that the Countess of Rutland was a Lady of the best Quality she commanded she should be admitted and the Countess immediately came in Though her Eyes languished her Looks were sad her Dress and her Gate very careless yet her Beauty was conspicuous and moving she threw her self at the Queen's Feet and with Extremity of Grief in her Looks Madam says she with a great deal of Pain I come to implore your Majesties Goodness for the unfortunate Earl of Essex For the Earl of Essex Madam Answers the Queen How come you concern'd for him who hath quitted you with so much Indifference after so many Promises of extraordinary Kindness I expected you were rather come to joyn your Resentment with mine and desire me to take a full Revenge for the Injury done to your Beauty No Madam replyed the Countess not the Transports of a forsaken Mistress have brought me now into your Majesties Presence but the tender Affection due from a virtuous Wife to a Husband she loves in begging for the Earl of Essex I beg for mine This Confession may perhaps add to our Guilt but 't is no dallying for those who are on the Brink of Destruction I acknowledge Madam that after a thousand Crosses we had that tender Kindness one for the other we marryed privately contrary to the Respect due to your Majesty This Madam this only and his Fear of your Majesties just Indignation put the Earl of Essex upon seeking Refuge out of your Dominions He thought it fit I should go out of them but never harbour'd a Thought of conspiring against your Majesty However this hath ruin'd us and if you protect not an unfortunate Person whom you have so much honoured he is irrecoverably lost Consider I beseech you Madam that a few Drops of Blood at your Dispose and a poor Life you are Mistress of are not a Revenge suitable to the Grandeur of a Queen ador'd for many Virtues yet chiefly for your Clemency The Queen was so astonisht at the Discourse that the Countess had full Liberty to end without Interruption But this was sad News to a Heart lately full of the Delights of a pleasing Reconciliation What a Torrent of Anger overflowed her Constancy A Queen as she was high spirited haughty and passionately in Love to see her self thus cruelly betray'd and find it out at a time when a blind Credulity had stifled all former Resentments Yet she forced her self to dissemble her Grief and fixing a severe Look on the Countess of Essex
this purpose MY Mother died very Young leaving no Child but me My Father's Offices obliging him to a constant Attendance at Court he committed the care of my Infancy to a Sister of his settled about a hundred Miles from London He could not at thy Distance see me so often as he would so that when I came to Fourteen Years of Age he thought by disposing me in Marriage to bring me nearer him The Earl of Rutland had but one Son and the intimate Friendship between my Father and him induc'd them to think of a stricter Alliance Our Fortunes were equal and the Earl of Rutland's Son being Return'd out of Italy his Father acquainted him with his Design of Marrying him His Affection was no way engag'd to the contrary And the Business was agreed on without my Knowledge who was look'd upon as too Young to be Consulted with in a Cause of that Nature Yet Madam my Heart was sensible so early and capable of Discerning between Person and Person and made it appear by Experience Obedience and Affection do no not always agree The Equipage of the Young Gentleman was no sooner ready but he came where I was Being not in Love nor expecting much Pleasure in waiting on a Mistress he had never seen and was represented to him as a Child he pray'd Three of his Friends to Honour his Nuptails with there Presence The Earl of Essex was one of them When they arriv'd my Looks were divided between several Men all much of one Age and equally unknown to me I know well enough the Earl of Rutland's Son ws design'd my Husband and I presently wish'd he were the Man whom I afterwads knew to be the Earl of Essex at the first sight of whom all my Trouble for being Marry'd so Young was presently over He was the First spoke to me and look'd on me more earnestly than any of the others This made me believe it was as I wish'd But I was sadly undeceiv'd when the Young Earl of Rutland was presented to me I Blush'd and Sigh'd not knowing the Cause The Earl of Essex did also the like his Eyes went still in search of me and I was not reserv'd enough to avoid them The trouble I appear'd in was attributed to the Innocence of my Age and I quickly learnt to take care to hide it Our Parents being arriv'd we were Marry'd without being ask'd by them If we were willing The Earl of Rutland's Son appear'd pleas'd with his Fortune and perhaps found me more amiable than he expected I Madam was so in Love with the Earl of Essex all I could do was not to hate my Husband Yet I had the good luck my Kindness for my Lord of Essex was not so much as suspected 'T was believ'd I was then sensible of no other Pleasures but what Children delight in but no Age is a stranger to Love I quickly knew what it was to have a Kindness and soon complain'd the Liberty of my Inclination had been usurp'd upon I had little joy in being so far Mistress of my self as to wish I could love my Husband and endeavour it and to have an indifference for the Earl of Essex for all my Efforts to that purpose were vain The first Resolution I took was to avoid the sight of a Man who could only contribute to make me more unhappy And when he had taken his leave with the rest of my Lord of Rutland's Friends I pray'd my Father to spare my Youth for some time and not to expose me so early to the Court where I never had been My Desire was granted and when my Father return'd for London to satisfie me they took me to Rutland But the Course I took produc'd not the Effect I propos'd The Idea of the Earl of Essex accompanied me in my Solitude And my Father-in-Law being dead we were forc'd to go to London after a Years stay in the Country I trembled to think I should see the Earl of Essex again and resolv'd with my self I would be the most retir'd Person on Earth to avoid all Occasions of meeting him when News was brought me he was gone with the Earl of Leicester into the Low-Countries The Queen receiv'd me with that Kindness she usually expresses to those she intends to Honour I admir'd her Merit and the Pleasure to see my self respected by her suspended a while my secret inquietudes But within less than half a Year my Father died and soon after my Husband I was much afflicted at these losses I bewail'd my Father's Death a long time And if I had not for my Husband that great Kindness which is rarely met with in Marriages of Obedience my Reason and his Complaisance had forc'd me to esteem him and to express Acknowledgments sincere enough to save me the Trouble of any just Reproach from my self or any other The Queen having told me she desir'd to have me near her I quitted my House for an Apartment in this Palace and my Fortune which was very considerable gave me such Charms as drew about me a number of Suitors who pretended mighty Kindness for me but were really rather a Trouble than Pleasure to me In this condition was I when the Earl of Essex returned to London The Queen's Army had been Victorious and she order'd a publick Thanksgiving when the Generals arriv'd I waited on her to St. Pauls and had not the Power by any Consideration to be so reserv'd as not single out from all the Nobility of the Kingdom the Earl of Essex alone to fix my Eyes on The morrow he was one of the first to wait on the Queen I was with her before I was mov'd at the sight of him we looked on one another several times with equal Concern Madam said he as soon as he could speak to me I have not had a moments liberty to signifie to you how great a share I bear in your Losses I believe answered I you are sorry for my Misfortune 'T is natural for every one to be concern'd for such a Person as you are adds he But Madam I am much more concern'd than any other The Queen interrupted us But in all the respects the Earl of Essex paid her I would not but observe his Eye was towards me I confess I was glad to see him so eager and perhaps I answered him a little too soon but I was young tender and Independent His Merits were then extraordinary and he had the advantage of my first inclination He came the same day to see me in my Apartment and fail'd not to do it constantly afterwards All his Actions perswaded me at length that he lov'd me and it was not long e're he let me know it Madam said he one Evening having brought me to my Chamber after I had left the Queen Do you remember the time we accompany'd the Earl of Rutland to your Country-House I have not forgot Sir answered I that you were one of them that did him that Honour Is that all you
have caused any unjust suspicions in you by my conduct you mistake me answers the Viceroy I tell you that if you like my Wife it would please me extreamly to see her made sensible of your deserts and you will oblige me by endeavouring to make her so do I now speak plain If this raillery Seignior answers the Count is but to make a tryal of my respect I declare unto you I am so Religious an observer of my Duty that setting aside the high Obligations I have to you so great a Sacriledge would never enter into my thoughts The Viceroy thereupon walkt a while without making any answer and then turning suddenly towards the Count All this says he would be proper for another in another Conjuncture but since I desire not this respect or duty from you can you do me any displeasure think you by serving me my own way I tell you again pursues he raising his voice a little higher you will oblige me extremely if you will make love to my Wife or at least endeavour to make her sensible of your Love Count Henry more astonisht than ever at the strangeness of the proposition knew not what to think nor what answer to make At which the Viceroy laughing I see says he this discourse surprises you and you have reason but I have mine too I love most passionately even more than ever and the greatest Obstacle that opposes my Love is my Wife and what would not a passionate Lover do to remove such an obstacle She is jealous and troubles me continually with her importunities What remedy is there for me I have try'd a thousand ways in vain she hath counter turn'd all my inventions I am continually wearied with her endless complaints and reproaches She follows me where ever I go and poisons with her Presence all the pleasures of my Life I have fancied that something which may amuse her would do me Knight-service and much relieve me and that you are a Man very proper to inspire love into her Soul You are Young Handsome Pleasant in your Humour have abundance of Wit and she has an esteem for you It is true she is proud and haughty but still she is a Woman as other's are For my part knowing the Sex so well I doubt so little of your success that I must desire you to keep such moderation in it as I may hope from a Relation and Friend You are discreet and I confide in you you know well enough how far the service I desire of you ought to extend The Count after some opposition of accepting such an Employment either out of complaisance to the Viceroy or else because the Vice-queen pleased him at length suffered himself to be overcome by the Viceroy's perswasions which reacht so far as to let him understand that he would not complain though to the prejudice of his Honour this amusement should happen to be carried on somewhat further then he desired Thus they parted the Viceroy highly satisfy'd that he had engaged the Count in a service which another would have fear'd to have entred into And the Count on the other side wondring at the charge of such a commission as this which was laid upon him He had never been very much in love himself and he could not well conceive how any one should be so far transported with that passion The Viceroy was to entertain the Ladies the next night at a supper which was to present the New Gallant with an occasion of entertaining his Mistress The Vice-queen as I have already told you was a very beautiful Person and such a one as Count Henry might very well make his applications to without doing himself any considerable violence Yet nevertheless because it was a thing put upon him so he found not in him that inclination which no doubt he would have had had it voluntarily came from his own motion Though her beauty was excessively charming yet the too prodigal bounty of such a Husband was a great allay to a young Heart which is sooner engaged by the difficulty than the too great facility of the enterprise He was at this feast where he appear'd something abasht and his Spirit was seiz'd with such a melancholy which was not usual in him for he was generally mighty Brisk and a Person of one of the best humours in the World The part he was to play had something embroyl'd him and taken off from his accustomed jollity that Evening Not that the declaration of love which he was to make seem'd so difficult to him there is less trouble in saying we love when we do not than when we do but that love is so ingenious as to furnish a Man with a thousand inventions which are impossible to come into the fancies of those that are not possest with that passion The Viceroy's Lady appear'd that Evening more beautiful then ever she gave him fair play because she fell upon him railingly twice or thrice about his melancholy But the Count more frozen and contracted than Ice it self scarce made a word of answer to all the raillery that the fair Lady was pleas'd to bestow upon him The Viceroy lookt on him with an eye of pitty And being asham'd of his want of confidence came up to him and reprocht him with the title of the poorest and most pittiful Gallant he ever saw in his Life telling him if there were no better the Ladies would be very much put to it Sir answer'd the Count I will be what you please to ordain me but I protest I must obey you in it with a World of Distraction for I fear you may lose more by it then you will get And what does it concern you briskly answer'd the Viceroy what I gain or lose do but what I desire you and trouble your self no farther The Count who could no longer excuse himself advances towards the Vice queen who having also a desire to speak with him met him almost half way and told him in whisper she had something to say to him and desired him not to go away before she had spoke with him The Count over-joy'd that she had given him so fair an occasion of obeying the Viceroy deferr'd his Court-ship to that time When it was grown pretty late and most of the Company was retir'd the Viceroy waited on Donna Angelica to her apartment Which his Lady had no sooner seen but she made a sign to the Count to follow her and she led him into her Closet where having made him sit down by her My Lord says she what is the cause why you are so extream melancholy may we not ask you pursued she with a most charming Air whether it be not the effect of some Inclination This question and the freedom she had us'd towards him all that Evening having made him suspect that all this was a trick that the Viceroy and she had before agreed to play him and that they had a Mind to divert themselves at his expence he was upon
and tender in Love that not only I never had any other Design than to love you but also that I never will love any besides your self so long as I live As he was speaking in this manner the Viceroy who was by Accident then walking in Alley that led to this Arbor saw him in this Posture but at the distance he was from them he could not well discern whether it were his own Lady or Donna Angelica that he saw His Reason would fain perswade him it must be the former but there were some Motions of Jealousie that began to torment him having made him apprehend it might be the other he was resolved to be sure and therefore hastes towards them to know the Truth Donna Angelica was the first that perceived him who hastily making the Count rise up from the Ground What have you done Sir says she the Viceroy has seen you and I know not what he will think of it Madam answer'd the Count I know not whether you may have any cause to fear on his side but I am in despair for your sake although not in the least for my own It is upon your account I speak replies she and you know not possibly the interest he will take in it The Viceroy no sooner knew Donna Angelica but changing colour twice or thrice according to the different motions wherewith he was agitated his voice failing as if he had been stabbed to the Heart Certainly Madam says he the Count has either receiv'd or does demand of you some extraordinary favour to be in that supplyant posture I saw him in at your feet One or the other says she being netled at his words may possibly be true but you may better be informed of it from him than me to which purpose I leave ye together The Viceroy would have stopt her but she desired him to let her go with such an air as Don Fernand durst no longer oppose her in it Never was Lover so dissatisfy'd as the Viceroy What he had already seen almost gave him his deaths-wound and for his comfort afterwards she fled from his sight He walkt about there without saying a word his mind being tortur'd with a thousand thoughts each more destracting than other and at last making a stop before the young Neopolitan who was also in as dumb a figure as himself By what I perceive says he to him without looking on him you are one of those who with great difficulty begin to love but when once they are set in none comes amiss to them A few days since you knew not what love meant now one Mistress is too little for you The Count which though young and unexperienc'd in these affairs yet had a piercing wit of his own readily apprehended by the trouble he saw in the Viceroy's countenance as well as by what he had heard him say to Donna Angelica that it was she he was so deeply in love withall and that it was his jealousy only which had made him speak in that manner so that to repair the ill effect of this last adventure he told him that he was utterly ignorant of the ground of this reproach which he made him and that if he were in love it was with the Vice-queen and that too in pure obedience to him and that he had not thrown himself at the feet of Donna Angelica but to render her his Acknowledgments for the many good offices she had done him as to his Lady This reason though plausible enough of it self did not work a perfect cure upon the mind of the jealous Don Fernand but however he was somewhat appeased by it You Italians says he as a small matter obliges you so you carry your acknowledgments to such an excess that one would imagine you had received very high favours and that no less then a perfect surrender of all was made to you when indeed very little or nothing is done for you It was I continued he that desired Donna Angelica to serve you in your love to my Wife and it is to me only you are to owe the Obligation And to leave you nothing more to guess of this business but to repose an absolute confidence in you it is Donna Angelica whom I love and therefore that you might not be any longer deceiv'd and that in leaving the Vice-queen to your dividend let me desire you that you would forget to cast your eyes on the other and to avoid even being seen in her company at least in private If I were in your place I know which of the two would please me best and I must confess there is no Woman I could love better than my Wife were she anothers but she is mine and that title is sufficient to give all Husbands a disgust who are of my humour and constitution Do not think this to be any caprice most marry'd men are of this temper and I know also good store of Wives indeavour to imitate them and so to repay them in the same Coyn. As he was discoursing after this manner the Vice-queen who as soon as she could had got rid of her visitants came hastily into the Garden with a resolution caus'd partly by curiosity partly by Jealousy to over-hear Donna Angelica discourse with the Count and passing through the Labyrinth that she might not be seen she came to the place time enough to over-hear some part of the moral discourse her honest Husband held with the Count she listned with a great deal of patience even with that which exceeded other Women and she heard the Count make her Husband this answer Sir the Vice-queen is certainly one of the most beautiful persons under heaven and a man must be then as you say her husband not to love her but likewise you ought not to fear that a man who is not her husband and to whom you have given the liberty of loving her should not make his advantage of that blessing and should ever dream of engaging himself elsewhere as for my part I will stand firm as a Rock to this inclination as long as you shall think good to permit me This Resolution of the Count 's did a little comfort the Vice-queen for her Husband's contempt who heartily endeavour'd to perswade the young Gallant that he could not make a better choice than that of his Wife nor find a more Agreable Husband than himself provided he came not to one particular point which he kept for a reserve leaving him all the rest They parted thus from the Arbour and being come to the Palace together the Viceroy took his leave to go to Donna Angelica with whom he was to make his peace before he went to bed if he meant to sleep quietly that night As for the Vice-queen she was walking still in the Garden making divers reflexions upon what she had heard What a vexation was it for a person of so many killing charms as she abounded with to think of the rare Dialogue wherein her husband with
you might have had reason Madam said he to have kept from my sight those treasures of love as knowing full well that no man can see them without dying for love of them but now 't is too late to conceal them from me I have seen more than any heart is able to bear without yielding it self and it would be extream cruelty in you not to compleat what is so happily begun As the Count was speaking to her in this manner she look'd upon him with eyes so tender and piercing that she seemed willing to execute what he desired The crafty Count having seiz'd one of her hands to which as he look'd upon it he gave a thousand amorous kisses by little and little drew it out so far on his side with so feeble resistance from the Sultaness that she came at last to lean her head on the Ballistre just over against the head of the Count. Then it was he had full liberty to take a view at his leasure of those Beauties that put him to amazement and ravished him with such joy as he had never before been sensible of As ill luck would have it the Ballistres were so close that not any two of them stood half the head distance one from the other However the two Lovers meeting half way made a shift to slip through a great number of Kisses the most charming and sweet that Lovers e're tasted The Count being naturally bold made one Liberty but a step to another and seeing what he was permitted to do and the pleasure she took in it he press'd his amorous temerity so far that what he did may pass for half an enjoyment Till then their entertainment was made up of dumb engagements a thousand times more eloquent than the finest expressions in the World Their eyes their sighs their actions their toyes had spoken a Language intelligible enough to perswade both they loved one another intirely They had no need of other conversation yet Laura arriving they changed it a little but they spoke before her the most tender and most passionate things you can imagine The Sultaness who had that confidence in her as to conceal nothing from her was not troubled at her coming But the Count who took not so much pleasure in these discourses though very obliging as in those dumb entertainments made a sign to Laura to take the other turn at which the Sultaness seeming a little angry let down the Curtain and so fastned it behind that he could not take it up But this being in Jest and to provoke his passion the more her rigour was short-lived and Peace presently made more firm than ever The first favours give a priviledge for others and a kind of right not only to hope but demand them The Count to be reveng'd of his Mistress for the piece of spite she had done him thrust both his Arms between the Ballistres and embracing her on the sudden kissed her with that violence that he forced Blood out of her lips The Sultaness was so far from complaining of the rudeness of his Caresses that being charm'd with the pleasure of them she carefully saved all the Blood on her Handkerchief to preserve it as a Trophy to shew Laura as a most sensible mark of the extream Passion her dear Alexander had for her Let me acquaint you by the way with a rarity of those parts that for a Woman to have been beaten by a Man she loves is esteemed in that Country a great evidence of affection to the party beaten I confess such favours are somewhat rude but 't is the temper of the Country and such is their custom As for the Blood that came from the lips of the Amorous Sultaness we may believe it proceeded from a transport of Love With us one may be bitten but not beaten through extremity of this Passion but blows exceed the limits of Gallantry and that Woman must be an African that loves to be so courted 'T is a fashion will never pass in Europe and though they use it sometimes yet never to oblige Women none of whom that I know of were ever pleased with a bastinade The rest of this visit having been spent in foolery and toys though sometimes of much moment in matters of Love I will not trouble you with the particulars Laura who was not far distant from the Lovers appeared at the least sign of their pleasure to have her attend The Count and the Sultaness bid each other adieu with the greatest kindness imaginable And Laura brought him to the Door of the Apartment so deep in Love he scarce knew where he was He went directly from thence to the Bassa who instantly observed the visible change of the Count 's former Sadness and Melancholy into a tender and languishing air at which the Bassa taking occasion to laugh said Well Alexander hath Love plaid his part well Is it your pain or your pleasure hath so charm'd you to day I confess Sir said he with a sigh it is the pleasure I have met with but pleasure I fear which may cause me much pain The Bassa believing that to be the Confident of the Count's Passion might be of some use took him by the hand and led him to the Garden to take a turn in the Walks He fell presently upon the subject of his good Fortune and prayed him to tell him truly how his Affairs stood The Count having his Heart and his Fancy all full of Love with very great ease gave him such a ravishing description of his tenderest affections and painted the pleasures he had taken that Evening so much to the life adding his sighs and exclamations with gestures and looks so eloquent and passionate that he awaked in the Soul of the Bassa the affection he had formerly for Laura and lately laid asleep What care soever is taken to cure one of this passion still there remains enough in the Heart of a Lover to set it on fire by the least spark that falls on it The insensibility and resistance of Laura had not Ice enough in them to quench all the heat of the Bassa's affection She had only covered it with ashes to preserve it the better against another time Had the Count acted like a Politick Lover he had easily fore-seen how ticklish and dangerous a business it is to make such representations before Persons who are amorously inclined and especially before a Man whom he had reason to consider as a Rival and in whose Power it was to dispose of him as he pleased But the truth is that in speaking thus of Laura he thought he hazarded nothing of his own he had really no kindness for her but hoped to do his own business the better in making the Bassa believe that he lov'd her which is the reason he did not carry himself in this with so much caution as he would have done in another conjuncture The Bassa slept not that Night Laura appear'd a thousand times more handsom and charming in
the description of the Count than ever she had done in his Eye at full sight He esteemed himself the most unfortunate of Men not only for that he had quitted the pursuit but had contributed so much to see her in the Arms of another Hereupon jealousie presently possest him attended with a train of spite rage and peevishness to torment him What greater shame thought he could ever happen to a Man as he was who never found resistance from a Woman than to have been slighted by a Slave who was his dependent and had yielded to another Slave as soon as she had seen him For after the passionate relation Alexander had made the Bassa made no doubt but all was concluded he had fancies of this kind that troubled him extreamly and if he did not then hate the Count 't is certain he retained not for him that kindness he had formerly exprest towards him And as for Laura though he was then more in Love with her than ever he had a pique against her and could not forbear reproaching her all Night for her want of discretion in making greater account of a mans kindness that could do her no Service than of his by whom she might have made her Fortune These thoughts were followed by others concerning his Person He accused himself of baseness and weakness of Heart to trouble himself with the thoughts of a Creature that so little deserved his esteem or to intend to hinder the satisfaction of two Lovers whose Love he himself had caused and promoted All this notwithstanding he went on the morrow with the Count to the Seraglio but for no other end but to observe the countenance of Laura who surprized to see him come This is extraordinary Sir said she laughing twice in one week What will People say of it As for you said the Bassa you will say no ill of it I come in so good Company and should others believe as formerly that I come for love of you you know t is not for my self and therefore you are the more obliged to me Laura very civilly thanked him for his goodness They fell then all three into a little discourse of Gallantry wherein the Bassa spoke so many kind things to Laura that she might understand part of that Amorous trouble he was in if she had mistrusted it but he delivered himself with such an air that his Complements and kind Expressions were taken for meer effects of his good humour But the Bassa's coming thither being under pretence of seeing the Sultaness he could not dispence without giving her a Visit but he was not long with her being not able to rest till he return'd to the two Lovers which he did with all the speed in his power He told Laura a thousand things more obliging than formerly and having highly caressed her gave her at parting such a look that if she had made the least reflection upon it she might have easily perceived the kindness he had formerly for her took fire afresh with more vehemence than ever but she could not suspect in the least he would trouble her any more after the kindness he had exprest for his Alexander and having been the instrument of the pretended Passion between her and the Count. She took all for Gallantry and made it the subject of raillery with the Sultaness to whom she gave an account of all that had past with the Bassa and with Alexander The fair Turk went that Evening to bed ill satisfied with her fate having been disappointed of an Entertainment she had expected as pleasant as that she had received the day before from her dear Christian she could not sufficiently lament the unluckiness of the Visit given her by a man who Courted other Women and seemed to have been born to incommode and give trouble only to her Laura answered in raillery She had little reason to complain of it to her to whose complaisance she was beholding for a sight of her Lover Ah Laura said the Sultaness who knows for what reason he hath been so complaisant You may very well believe it was not to oblige me I believe so Madam replyed Laura but you are obliged to him however and ought to thank him for me After this little raillery they fell to discourse what could have brought the Bassa thither that evening and could not imagine but it was in Complement to the Count. The Bassa by this time was fallen into a deep Melancholy seldom appearing but when he walked in the Garden sometimes alone and sometimes with Alexander and then not a word of Laura nor any discourse of going again to the Apartment of the Sultaness This troubled our Lover who besides his affliction for being deprived of the sight of a Person he loved better than his Life and ceasing to see her must cease also to live had a thousand tormenting surmises and troublesome fancies upon the Bassa s change of humour which he could not attribute to any thing but his having taken some umbrage and jealousie of him on the account of the Sultaness The Sultaness and her Confident were no less tormented on the other hand they had seen a first a second a third and a fourth long day pass without a sight of their Alexander Lovers are very exact Accomptants and keep reckoning of the very moments but account nothing more tedious than a day of absence What should be the meaning of all this said they one to the other having a thousand fears upon them though they knew not of what 't is a difficult matter to keep any thing secret in places of that nature Yet they could not imagine they had given any occasion of discourse or that any Person in the Apartment had made the least discovery of their Intrigue At last on the fifth day after abundance of Affliction the Bassa came to see them but the mischief of it was that he came alone Besides he appeared so dull so musing and so much out of humour they made no more doubt but he had smelt out the Intelligence they held with the Count. But that which gave them the killing blow and raised their fears to the height was that Laura having according to her custom waited the Bassa out of the Chamber and asked him what he had done with her dear Eunuch I am jealous of him said the Bassa making no stay I need tell you no more Laura made hast to give her Mistress the Alarm and told her there was no more doubt to be made but jealousie was the cause of the Bassa's not bringing Alexander with him the Bassa himself having told her so that instant those who are guilty are easily frightned and fear hath this property that it so confounds the imagination that the lightest suspicions are taken for clear and unquestionable truths With what sighs what tears did the poor Sultaness afflict her self yet not so much for the ill consequences she might apprehend from the jealousie of the Bassa as for the
for love of me what a cruel assault have you but now endured The Sultaness did nothing but laugh at the last adventure she had been in and told him she took more pleasure to see Chabania's despair for whom she had ever a natural aversion than she had suffered of harm by her outrage and violence But she confessed the same time that she was in extream perplexity when she met with the Bassa ranging over the Garden in search of that Woman and that it was the highest piece of good fortune imaginable that she had her Barnus with her to hide her self in She added that her dear Husband had said to her a thousand gallant things and had done also some things a little extraordinary but that it was her good fortune to be not far from the Bower and to make her escape She told him further that there remained no more doubt of the Bassa's being newly fallen in love with Laura and that she was very well assured of it by the kindness of his expressions and the transports she observed him in at this rencounter that this was the true cause of all their alarms and the reason why he brought him not into the Seraglio as formerly The Count was of the same judgment and both held it necessary to make good use of the occasion and that Laura who was to act the principal part should imploy her best address and complaisance in their favour The Bassa taking small pleasure in the Garden after the unhappy success of his amorous designs having done his endeavour to pacifie Chabania would bring her back to her Lodgings and pass'd by Alexander's Bower to let him understand it was time to withdraw The Count followed him immediately being extreamly joyful to have come off so happily from a walk that had prov'd so full of adventures He bore his dear Sultaness company into her Apartment where he staid not long for fear of the Bassa but withdrew to his lodging He past the rest of the night very pleasantly though he slept not at all and the truth is he had reason enough to be well pleased though his Patron had not who was more labouring under mortal afflictions Laura whom he now was more deeply in Love with than ever put him in despair by her Rigours and Cruelties if no more pity from her then no more pleasure to be expected in his life His great affection for Alexander could not keep him from being his rival and wishing to share with him in the favours she did him His passion was arrived at a point which is the highest of sufferings that of not being loved and when he thought of the opportunity he had let slip the night before when he had Laura in his power he was so cruelly vext he could have found in his heart to be revenged of himself yet he had no great cause to blame his discretion for he had done enough and unless he would have driven hi● Gallantry to the last push of all he could not ha●● done more He was not willing to declare himself to Alexander nor acquaint him with the thoughts he had newly entertained as well to prevent the displeasure he believed it would give him as for that he conceived the Count might be of use to him in the design and that the discovery might be to his prejudice In the Morning as soon as he was up he went as he sometimes was used to the Count's Chamber without any attendant and found him in bed A Man said he must be as happy as Alexander in his Love before he can sleep as quietly as he If there be any answered the Count hath cause to commend his good fortune on that account it must without doubt be a Person of your comliness and Gallantry who to gain love need no more than say you are in love Yes replyed the Bassa with a smile except it be to Laura who hath made me very sensible that I can sigh to no purpose and that the master of her person may not be the master of her heart It was necessary that Alexander should come from Europe to Africk to make that Conquest This Sir replyed the Count may be an instance of the Vagaries and Extravagancies of Love who often knows not where to fix but follows the effects of destiny or the Stars which are predominant over the affections And I believe Sir added he smilling as for the Love of Laura you are already very well satisfied and so little concerned where she bestows it that you never designed to make me in Love with her that you might be my Rival However said he observing the Bassa sigh I assure you should it so happen you cannot do me a greater favour than in letting me know it And you shall find that all the passion I can have for her shall not hinder any performance of the duty I owe you I will quit all my pretentions as I know you have the least design upon her that I may prevent all dispute with a Person to whom I am so deeply oblig'd that there can be nothing so dear to me but I will part with it for your sake Believe it Alexander answered the Bassa it is not so easie a matter to be disingaged from a passion like yours you may as well perswade me you cannot be in Love I am certainly in Love replied the Count and it may be as deeply as possible but having so many favours daily heaped on me from you there is nothing in the World I shall Love more than your repose and satisfaction And Sir if Laura appear now as amiable as formerly to you I must tell you again I love her no longer so easie a matter was it for the subtile Italian to be generous in parting with that in which he was so little concerned The Bassa asked him if he would say as much before Laura He answered he believed him too just and too gallant to desire him to make a declaration of that nature before one who had been his Mistress At last the Bassa proposed another walk in the Garden that very day and at the same time prayed him to write about it to Laura which the Count having not been able to avoid received his answer The burnt child dreads the fire we do not commonly expose our selves twice to the same danger The Bassa 's usage of me last night gives me small encouragement to trust him the second time And you are an eye witness how ill I was handled by her he had with him Let it satisfie you that if you come hither I will have the honour to see you But no more walking The Bassa much troubled at so unexpected an answer went out of the Counts Chamber without saying a word and pass'd in solitude the rest of the day But in the Evening he went to the Sultaness where he presently met Laura who inquiring of Alexander and why he had not brought him with him would it displease you said the
her self The Sultaness thinking this action too violent to be Alexander's began to mistrust and having given him his liberty till then she did the utmost in her power to resist him and knew though a little too late that she was abused and that this Man had neither the shape nor the stature nor face of her Alexander and that it must be the Bassa which some marks she knew about him soon put out of question she changed her method and stood upon her guard The resistance she made after the kindness she exprest at the first was observed by the Gallant and made him perceive that the cheat was discovered and no hopes of hiding himself So that without further dallying he made his last efforts and rendred those of the Sultaness so useless that he obtained his design This transported Lover was happy at least in conceit which sufficiently proves the power of imagination and that our greatest pleasures proceed from it I am sure there is no unfortunate Lover but may envy his mistake and that chance could not put a greater obligation on any Man than this on the Bassa His passion thus satisfied he withdrew without saying a word and the Lady made all the hast she could to her Chamber for fear the passionate Bassa should renew the assault Laura who had been much troubled at missing of her was no less amazed to see her come in the condition she was in which made her throw her self on the Bed where half weeping half laughing she told her the story of the adventure At which Laura did nothing but laugh expecting very pleasant conclusions from so comical beginnings The Count had been at the Bassa's in the Evening and not finding him within came on the Morrow to acquaint him with the resolution he had taken on the proposal As he entred the apartment he was told that the Bassa had been ill that night and had not slept at all and that he had forbidden any entrance into his Chamber but the Count having more priviledge than others they let him pass and he found him abed and writing with so sad a meen and so dejected a countenance that the Count presently concluded he had had a very ill night seeing Alexander on the sudden he coloured a little but the Count laying one knee to the ground I come Sir said he to beg one favour more of you You are the principal Author of all the Love I am engaged in it is my misfortune that you feel the same passion Accept I beseech you the sacrifice I make you Sir I will never love and if you will have it so I will never see Laura more Bless me cryed the Bassa what Lovers are these is it posible that two persons who began to love one another with so tender affection can part with such ease and that I who am am not beloved cannot bring my self to this speak Alexander and tell me whether it proceeds from any distast you have taken or that you do it for my sake No Sir answered the Count Laura is this day as amiable in my eyes as the first day I saw her but rather than see you in the condition I find you in I will not spare the doing my self any violence I am capable of and for your quiet and my own I heartily wish I never had seen her This example is so rare replyed the Bassa that nothing less than the esteem I have for you can make it credible In the mean time this Billet will let you see that I have not staid for you to set me a President but that I know in my turn how to give Presidents for others to imitate but not to out do It is written to Laura read it And there it will appear to you that if I have done you wrong I know how to punish my self for it I should be heartily sorry so virtuous and excellent a person as you should part from us with an ill opinion of me The Count extreamly surprized at this discourse not comprehending the reason of it after an answer full of respect and acknowledgment to his dear Patron took the Billet and there read these words If all the passion Man can have for a Woman is not capable to justifie the crime I committed against you you ought to pardon me at least having suffered in one night all the torments and afflictions of a cruel repentance which yet fills my soul with grief and confusion And if by giving you and your Lover your Liberty I may in some measure make amends for my faults you may make you ready for your voyage for to morrow morning you shall go both together Farewell and think of the violence I did my felf in forcing from my bosom two persons whom of all I ever saw I loved most entirely and then you will find me not altogether unworthy of pardon The Count was so confounded at reading the Billet as never was Man and had much ado to hide the disorder it put him in he kneeled the second time as it were to give the Bassa thanks for this last favour which before his engagement in Love with the Sultaness had been the greatest he could have done him but now after his passion it was certainly the greatest misfortune could befal him He was willing by this action to hide from the Bassa the trouble he was in But the Bassa took him up and told him he could not see him in that posture for a business where he had more cause to complain of him than to thank him that he should know at leisure the whole matter from Laura and that in the mean time he had nothing to do but prepare for his Voyage that he had given order to stay a Christian Vessel which should have gone off that very day for Italy and should land them at Legorn that the weather was fair and that without fail he should embark with Laura on the morrow for all which he gave him his word The Count having taken leave of the Bassa went out of the Chamber with a heart so full of trouble and affliction for the news he had received that he wanted a more proper place to comfort himself and to vent his thoughts of the resolution the Bassa had taken to give him his Liberty and to send Laura with him He knew not what might have obliged him to a resolution of this nature though upon reading the Billet he did imagine the Bassa had committed some outrage on Laura but this was not the thing troubled him it was the Sultaness from whom he must part and must bid her adieu for ever to part with a Woman one loved so tenderly to part with her for ever and to part with her in the height of his passion sounds very harsh and where is the Lover could take such a resolution for any reason what-ever Yet Liberty which to a Man who knows what 't is to be a Slave to a Man of Alexander's quality is a
thing so attractive to return to his Countrey after eight or nine months absence the pleasure of Rome and the consideration that if he lost this opportunity he might perhaps never have such another all this I say made such a Party that the most beautiful and most charming Lady in the World could not have hindred many excellent Persons from quitting hers to take it But true Love which values nothing above its own satisfaction slights a liberty to be bought with too many tears yet in this conjuncture it was almost impossible for Alexander to refuse this cruel liberty being all he could in appearance desire and bestowed on him by the Bassa with a Mistress with whom he believed him passionately in love What reason could he find to refuse such a Present which had cost the Bassa so dear and ought to be the most acceptable to him He despaired to find any and saw clearly there was a necessity of parting unless Love favourable to Lovers in extremity would come to his aid and make the Bassa alter his resolution as they commonly do who take any against love never did Slave pay more Vows to be delivered from his Chain than he did for the continuance of his Captivity choosing rather to be a Slave the rest of his Life than to be for ever removed to such a distance from that which he loved a thousand times more than his Liberty The Bassa having passed some hours after in his Bed to muse upon the resolution he had taken which he adhered to though it made his heart ake called for his Aga and gave him orders for the departure of the two Christians causing store of Provisions and very rich Presents to be carried on board the Vessel this done he sent his chief Eunuch to the Sultaness his Wife to intreat her to give Laura her Liberty whom he was minded to send home to her Country together with Alexander for reasons of importance to her as of necessity for him and for the ease and repose of one and the other Having given these orders and the same time sent the Letter he had written to Laura he took Horse for Bardou one of his Houses of Pleasure a mile from the Town and staid there till midnight having all that time walked alone in the Gardens to wean himself from the sight and company of Alexander and the pleasure he took in Laura's discourse That night the Bassa could not sleep and in the Morning his Aga being come to bring him an answer from the Sultaness as to his request for giving Laura her Liberty he went presently to carry it to Alexander whom he found in appearance ready to be gone but in truth never less disposed but hoping every moment some change of resolution in the Bassa Ah Alexander said he we must part but I know not how we shall for the Sultaness who loves Laura with the same affection I do you notwithstanding my representing to her how much she was concerned in interest to have us part and to desire it as much as I cannot resolve upon it but hath sent me word this Morning she will sooner lose her life than her Laura You must go see Laura and tell her 't will be her fault if she be not free and go along with you for as for me what I have promised I will perform In the mean time I will give order that the Vessel be staid longer that it may not sail without you Sir answered Alexander there are frequent opportunities of Transportation and when you have given some longer time to satisfie the Sultaness and dispose her to grant Laura this favour our obligation then will not be less for our Liberty you are now pleased to grant us Alexander replyed the Bassa resolutions like that I have now taken in your favour go so much against the grain of a heart affected as mine that delays may be dangerous and time may make them faulter make use of the good motions reason and equity have inspired into me I do not tell you my thoughts are unalterable The spite I have against my heart oft its weakness the outrage I did Laura yesterday my shame to appear before her after it and the small hopes I have of gaining her Love are the true causes of your good fortune all this is yet fresh in my mind stay not till time deface these impressions there being nothing men are apt so soon to forget as the injuries they had done to others As they were discoursing together a huge Moor who served as Purveyor for the Count and brought him every Morning his Provision from the Seraglio came on the sudden into the Chamber with a great Basket on his head not thinking without doubt of the Bassa's being there The Moor started at the sight of him would have gone back but the Bassa with his hand made signs for him to stay he obeyed and laid the Basket on the ground which appeared very heavy and so he withdrew the Bassa of pure curiosity to see what they had sent Alexander to eat bid a Moor who waited in the Room take up the Basket lid which he did and found the Provision to be a Woman very pleasantly tucked up and mufled in her Barnus that she might not be known But being in the Habit of a Christian which the Bassa and Alexander had formerly seen Laura in they made no doubt but it was she The Bassa at first was very much surprized but then fell a laughing and said to the Count the Invention is rare and that she had far more wit than the Women of that Country but this is a product of Love the Father of Inventions However 't is certain nothing could have been done more proper for our design But shall not we see said he all your Provision Madam you are here between the two best Friends you have in the World and you have no reason to be shy of shewing your self having said this he drew near to the Lady and would have taken her by the arm to help her to rise but she refused and thrust him back I see Madam said he you have not yet granted me the pardon I begged of you I confess the offence was too great to be so quickly forgiven but you are taking your leave and it is not fit we should part without being friends for it would be a perpetual grief to me to see you leave this Country with hatred in your heart Deny not this favour added he reaching forth his hand to a man reduced to despair for having offended you and punishing himself so severely for the fault that there is no need of this extream cruelty from you But all he spoke was in vain for she hid her self more closely and fortify'd her self in the Basket to prevent being seen The Bassa was unwilling to press her any further but addressing himself to Alexander told him it was his part to make peace and to prevail with Laura to let him see her
once more being the last time The Count took it ill that she made so shy of shewing her self to a Person to whom she was too much obliged to deny him his request in such a conjuncture what cause soever she might have had of quarrel against him Besides he was particularly concerned to press her to shew her self for the last refuge he had was his hope that the Bassa's tenderness for her would perhaps at the moment of parting take fire afresh and make him change his resolution with these thoughts he went to her and gave her all the reasons he could invent to be reconciled to the Bassa and let him see her a moment but all to no purpose He had not one word of answer which angered him so that having taken her twice or thrice by the arm to make her rise he was just going to force up her Barnus and threatned to do it but the Bassa would not suffer it bidding him force her no further that she had cause enough to complain without doing her new violence for love of him But says he let us make use of the time and since she is brought hither to our hands and you have no more to do but embark let us finish what we have begun and perform what we have undertaken there never can be a fairer opportunity and I cannot think that Laura will be sorry to leave such a Country as this or part with us to go along with you The Sultaness in all probability is yet asleep let us not stay till she awake We must presently carry Laura as she is in the Basket into the Ship you shall bear her company and as soon as you arrive you shall hoise sail and away as for me I will pass the rest of the day at Bardou and give out such orders as may be necessary that in case the Sultaness miss Laura and find she is escaped you may not be staid Having said this he sent a Moor to the Port with order to have a Shallop in readiness to carry Laura and Alexander aboard the Christian Vessel riding at Gouletta This done he sent for the Captain of his Guards and bid him accompany the Count and commend the care of that Basket to the Moors who were to carry it along Having given these orders he had no more to do but bid his dear Alexander adieu and having embraced him with tears in his eyes he bore him company to the Shallop and from thence went to Bardou with a heart full of grief The poor Count was more to be pitied He was not much concerned to express how sorry he was to part with the Bassa but as for the Sultaness whom he could have wished to have seen once more at least his trouble to leave her was so great that he felt not the grief he should have shewed when he bid the Bassa adieu who had so highly obliged him When he saw he must part and no hopes of seeing her his heart was so full he could not speak a word the tears ran down his cheeks which much moved the good Bassa who thought they were shed for him and was not displeased to see himself outdone by a Man who was not ungrateful and cordially loved him At last he saw him embarked and bid him the last adieu The afflicted Count was so oppress'd with grief that from the Haven to Gouletta having given his heart a little more liberty than he durst have done in presence of the Bassa he let fall such lamentable expressions looking towards the Town that the Captain of the Guard and the rest that accompanied him were extreamly astonished and moved to compassion By good luck they understood not Italian but his gestures his tears his looks and the colour of his countenance expressed an unparallel'd trouble and affliction He no sooner got a board the Ship but he threw himself on a Bed and was so much beside himself that he did not as much as think of his Basket but the Captain of the Guard had eased him of that care and caused it to be carried into his Cabbin after which he took leave of him and having commanded the Captain of the Vessel to hoise up his Sails he went into the Shallop and returned to Tunis then was it that Alexander finding himself alone in his Cabbin abandoned himself to the torment of his grief Ah Fate said he unjust Fate what have I done that you use me so cruelly that you force me away from a Person without whom I cannot live Ah my Sultaness dear Sultaness must I leave you must I absent my self from you for ever For ever said he again rising up Ah Heavens let me rather be set ashore I shall find pretence enough with the Bassa let me rather trust Love than Fortune she hath betray'd me Whatever happen I must die and I had rather die at her feet whom I love than at this cruel distance Having said this he went to see if they were still at Anchor but found they were already a great way from Land and sailing with a favourable wind had almost lost sight of Gouletta What despair was he in Ah my heart said he there is no remedy now I must perish Dear Sultaness added he taking his Sword in his hand see whether I am guilty of this absence and receive the Sacrifice I make you of my Life with that he drew his Sword and was going to thrust himself through when on a sudden the Person in the Basket who had thus far hearkned to all he had said threw her self upon him to prevent further mischief Let me alone to finish a life which cannot but be unhappy at this distance from all that I love Ah dear Alexander answered the Lady embracing him with all tenderness her joy not permitting her to say any more The Count finding immediately notwithstanding the trouble and transport he was in some difference between this voice and Laura s looked behind on the Lady who held him in her arms But what an astonishment what a charming surprize was it for a heart like his and in the condition he was in to see that it was the Sultaness her self THE HAPPY SLAVE The Second Part. OH Heavens Is it you Madam cry'd the Fortunate Lover Is it you says he again overwhelmed with a full Tide of Joy flowing so fast it had almost made him speechless may I believe that I see you the moment I thought I had utterly lost you Oh happiness unparallel'd and beyond expectation But Madam direct me I beseech you where to pay my Devotion am I obliged to Love or to Fortune Your thanks are due dear Alexander said the Sultaness for the Design to Love and to Fortune for the Success The Happy Lover extreamly amazed at so surprizing an Adventure found in himself so sudden an alteration from the depth of Grief to the height of Joy that to enjoy more fully the present pleasure of so blessed a change he thought his moments too
But as I hinted before I pay'd dear for that indifference and those slights I gloried so much in Five or six months after our arrival at Naples there appeared at Court a young Gentleman whom Love seems to have raised up for my ruin It was the Marquess Hippolito of the House of Accelyn equally considerable for his good parts as his Birth a Youth whose outside was taking enough to charm at first sight but as traiterous and wicked within as he was outwardly handsome and well accomplished When you have heard out my story you will say I speak with too much moderation It is hard to hate what we have been once truly in Love with In spite of that unpardonable outrage he did me I find that if I saw him and had it in my power to take my revenge of him by death which he hath but too well deserved my resentment would give place to the inclination I had for him He was newly come from France and had got the Court-air so peculiar and natural to those of quality of that Nation I was extreamly pleased to see him and looked upon him with delight the first time he appeared at Court and was sensible of it though with shame and anger at my self From thenceforth he was constantly in my thoughts though very troublesome to me I was displeased with my self for it and would upon any terms have put him out of my mind but the more I endeavoured it the more I found him settled there I saw him several times after and to end the War within me would fain have perswaded my self it was not for my honour to entertain such thoughts of that Gentleman but I found in the end my ingenuity deceived me That which contributed most to my ruin that both by his looks and his actions he seemed to prefer me before all the Ladies of the Court and though he did not declare so much yet I could observe he had more than an ordinary respect for me and would now and then say to my self some things I fancied he might and would have said to me At last I made my self of his Party and blaming my past coyness I thought it very allowable and just to have some esteem for a man who merited it from all the World Having once entertained this thought and convinced of it as reasonable my passion and Love finding my heart already more than half open press'd in and absolutely took it The Viceroy's Lady who often diverted her self in entertaining me with all the Intrigues of the Court having one day told me several Stories asked me if I knew the Marquess Hippolito's Mistress for that for some days past she observed him very solitary and out of humour which she took for an effect of some inclination Had she look'd upon me when she asked me the question she might have read in my countenance how much I was concerned for I chang'd colour three or four times But being upon the Tarrass of the Palace on the Country side she was looking that way and took no notice of me so that having time to recover my self I answered with an affected coldness that he was a dull young fellow and I believed incapable of Love and thereupon out of Jealousie her question had raised in me I made a description of him as really unlike him as contrary to the thoughts I had of him The Viceroy's Lady fell a laughing and having looked upon me so as she believed would have put me out of countenance is it possible says she that you should think so of a man whom all the other Ladies esteem the handsomest of the Court If I were not very well perswaded of your indifference for all men I should believe of you quite contrary to what you say But look to your self for sooner or later you shall be met with and your insensible heart shall have her turn as well as others As for me I confess were I as you that young Gentleman would please me and I would not have you slight him Think of it he is a Person of merit and worth and wants nothing of what may justly deserve Love from a fair Lady as you are Who would not have believed but she spoke in good earnest Who could have mistrusted her after so many kindnesses and favours she daily laid out on me I know not whether I was to blame but must confess I yielded my self to be taken and was ready to unsay in her presence all that I had spoken against the Marquess Hippolito and to acknowledge I had prevented her in the thoughts she had been pleased to inspire into me of him but my modesty restrained me I thought my self concerned in honour to expect an Address from him before I would confess my self taken I could never discover perfectly this Ladies design but as far as I can guess by the consequence she question'd me of pure jealousie endeavouring to discover whether I had any affection for the Marquess She had often seen us talk together judging by her thoughts of him that it it was hard enough for a Lady to be acquainted with a Gentleman of so many charming Qualities without loving him she had doubtless some apprehension I had on his account ceas d to be insensible But finding by what I said that I continued indifferent her jealousie giving place to Love-policy she desired to settle some friendship between him and me to serve her for a pretence to see him as oft as she desired At least I am of opinion these were the reasons obliged her to speak of me as she did and to tell me if ever I meant to love I could not make a better choice I stood out stifly to the end telling her my Liberty was so precious that I would not part with it for any consideration in the World if the keeping depended wholly on me But because those of my condition were not born to enjoy it all their Life whatever I endured I would be guided by my Friends and absolutely obey their pleasure who had the right to dispose of me Hereupon she embraced me and said all the Maids of the World would be wise were they of my humour and followed my example In the mean time since I was resolved not to slight the Counsel of Friends it was her advice I should admit the Marquess Hippolito to see me sometimes But Madam said I interrupting her hath he desired leave to do it and is it at his request you make me the motion She answered saying that I need not trouble my self for that but might believe this overture came not altogether from her and that the Marquess had found me out as well as others You may imagine what a pleasure she did me in telling me this who desired nothing more than the love of that Gentleman This discourse being over we parted extreamly mistaken in our thoughts of one another She imagin'd I was still the same and altogether insensible of love and I thought
Maid brought me word but the Viceroys Lady with whom he was discoursing stay'd him at which I was not a little astonished but much more when soon after I saw him come in in the company of that Lady He looked very pale and his countenance much altered which contributed not a little to allay my bitterness against him though I had small reason to think my self concerned in honour of that change that appeared in his looks You see Madam said I to the Lady at their entrance this Gentleman must be sent for if we desire the pleasure of his Company These are favours continued I not usual with me and such as I would not by any means have done him while it was in my power to have any esteem for him But since he hath told me they have made him renounce my esteem you may believe Madam I am not much disposed to have any esteem for him and that what I now do proceeds not from any such cause 'T is true answered the Lady he does not deserve your esteem but you must pardon his Youth I will pardon him replyed I on condition he will tell me who had the power over his Heart or Wit to make slight of an esteem not altogether unworthy a Gentleman of his Quality and 't is for that purpose I have sent for him hither He stood mute so that turning my Head towards the Lady to ask her the reason of his silence I was again surpriz'd to find the Lady in greater disorder than he I was just speaking to him again when I saw him rise to tell me with trouble in his face I will satisfie you Madam in that particular but intreat you let me take a fitter time A fitter time said I and why not now Is it my Lady that hinders you You know I conceal nothing from her Ah if it be I said the Lady I will withdraw to leave you at liberty and with that she retired towards a Window in far greater disorder than if she had been angry This made me more curious than ever to hear what the Marquess would say to me Yet he declared himself no further but reaching forth his hand towards me he shewed me a Billet which I would not have received on any other occasion but in this Conjuncture I made no scruple of it believing I should find in it the Secret I longed for Hereupon he withdrew without saying a word And the Lady returning towards me Well Madam said she how comes it he is gone without naming to you the Person you have so much cause to hate I must tell you 't is I and that will surprize you It really did so the word she had spoken having astonish'd me I could scarce make her an answer You must know then continued she that having told me he had been obliged on the account of my Son to change his thoughts of you and engage himself to another Beauty I pressed him for your sake to tell me who it was and after a long refusal he had the insolence to tell me 't was I. You may imagine how I used him on such an occasion However I was of Opinion that a little more than ordinary complaisance I had express'd for him had given him that Confidence But finding him sensible of his error I was a little better pacified and let him see he was mistaken on all hands That he should not have quitted the design of serving you being unquestionably the best deserving in this Court of Passion and esteem of a Person of his Quality and that he was very ill advised to make addresses to me who was neither for Gallant nor Gallantry I was no stranger to the Character of this Lady and knew very well what she said was quite contrary to the inclinations of her temper And having had leisure while she spoke to recover my self from the astonishment she had cast me in at the beginning of this Discourse and to observe the alteration of her Countenance I made no doubt of her perfidiousness This Madam said I very seriously was to engage further in my concerns than I deserved and in truth than I desired You had formerly told me this young Gentleman would have pleased you had you been as I and since he preferred you before me it was too much for you to part with him for my sake I did says she but what I ought both for you and my self This Madam replyed I is a piece of more than ordinary Friendship and I question very much whether among the best Friends of our Sex the pleasure of being beloved by a Person whom all the Ladies of the Court own to be the handsomest and best accomplish'd in Naples would not prevail over their Friendship and make it appear that one Woman seldom scruples to be treacherous to another in cases of this Nature But Madam methinks what you now say is somewhat contrary to what you formerly told me of the Passion of the Marquess then wholly for me I thought so then I confess said she but I was mistaken And is it not possible you should be now also mistaken answer'd I for I have some reason to doubt it You do but deceive your self replyed she Well Madam said I with some heat let us try which of us is deceived peradventure it will appear in this Billet I received from him Whereupon I fell to the opening of it The Lady much surpriz'd asked me if it came from the Marquess I told her it did and that nothing but the curiosity I had to clear this Affair could have prevail'd with me to take it from him Alas says she what assurance can that give you of the inclinations of a Man who changes them every moment and will it may be tell you the same he hath told me already I was in such haste to open the Letter that I made her no answer but fell to reading it being to this purpose How great an unhappyness is it Madam in matter of Affection and great trouble of Heart to follow other Counsels than those of our Passion Never was Person so deeply in Love as I was with you from the day I first had the happiness to see you And I may very well affirm I continue so still notwithstanding the many Oaths I have been forced to the contrary But some Persons whom I had not the least cause to suspect of design having taken the pains to represent your humour so haughty and insensible that I almost despair of gaining your esteem I was obliged to address my self to some more indulgent Beauty not out of inconstancy but to cure my self of a Passion the consequence whereof I extreamly apprehend Those who advised me to it were so kind as to condescend to serve me in it And the truth is their Complyance was such being Persons of Quality that had not I desired their Assistance I could not have refused it But Madam there are some evils for which there is no Remedy That which
him very little and the complaisance she had express'd for me secured me on that side I might have been so sagacious and quick-sighted as to see she spoke for her self and advised me to quit the thoughts of Eleanor to gain her self Advantage but I was so opprest with grief at the News that I was utterly incapable of making any reflection she was a Lady the most dexterous and insinuating on Earth and made so good use of the power she had over me that she not only shook the passion I was under but help'd me to take resolution to rid my self of it though with the loss of my life To bring this about I thought it necessary to find another Beauty to amuse my Affections but where ever I cast my eyes in the Court or out of it could discover nothing capable to make me forget one moment the Charms of the beautiful Eleanor The Vice Queen having after that evening said nothing to me of it saw me one morning alone in her Chamber where her Son had newly left me she asked me smiling Whether I had taken her advice and followed her Counsels Madam answered I that cannot be done without my having equal command over my Affections as you have over yours or ●nding at least in another Lady those Excellencies I admire in the fair Eleanor This Discourse had not pleased her could she have thought her self of the number of those I mentioned not comparable to Eleanor But the good opinion she had of her self and the respect due to her quality contributed to the good construction she made of my expressions so that my words gave no offence but on the contrary being extreamly glad no Beauty at Court but Eleanor's pleased me she told me smiling She would find me out a Person that wanted nothing of what might engage the affections of a gallant man and that she was very well assur'd I would not deny it I gave her a thousand thanks not doubting in the least of the good success of her choice but was very unwilling to abuse her great goodness that as to Eleanor she had done her pleasure but that the respect due to her would not permit me to give way she should be at the trouble to find me a Mistress She told me she took delight in 't that she was loth any ones Affections should be lost for want of being engag'd and that knowing my merit she would think it a pleasure to serve me and take care I wanted nothing in her Court All this she said with an air so free so full of goodness it charm d me And I had almost answered She might without further search find in her self what she promised me elsewhere The truth is setting aside her Age she might have pass'd for one of the fairest and best humoured Women of the Kingdom but I was not willing to venture so far for fear of miscarriage and was content to wait for a sight of her she would provide for me I desired her not to make me languish being an impatient Lover and in a condition required present remedy She assur'd me I should hear from her that day and that I had no more to do but prepare my self to be deeply in Love At this we were interrupted by company coming in which oblig d me to withdraw I spent the rest of the morning in musing of what pass'd between us guessing sometimes she meant one Lady sometimes another of those I knew most intimate with her and most proper for the design but could not fix my judgment on any This gave me some disquiet and trouble with an impatient desire to see the Vice-Queen again I made in the afternoon forty journeys to Court to see if she had any thing to say to me she laughed at my haste and at length told me my hour was not yet come nor the day gone that I should go home and have patience and when the time came she would send me news Night came but no news from the Vice-Queen which made me believe she fool'd me so that I could not forbear returning to the Palace where I heard she was gone to visit a Lady her Friend I was so ready to imagine it was the Lady she spoke of that I enquired her name and where she lived but could not learn either The caution she had used in that particular fully convinc'd me she was gone about my business and that she made the visit private that my love might be as secret and the Court kept ignorant how far her complaisance had carried her to serve me I return'd in all haste to my Lodging as assur'd of all this nor was I much mistaken for I was scarce got thither but I received from her a Billet brought me by a Lady attended with two Chairs and express'd as follows I have done what you desired and I think found out the person you wanted you will easily confess I am very much your friend the sole acknowledgment I expect is you would not make me a Lyar having promised the Lady that upon the bare description I made you of her you would bring her a heart full of love See you do it for if you deceive me in this I shall never pardon you the fault You have no more to do but follow her that brings you this Billet without noise or attendance for you are to come into a place of safety Had it come from any other I should not have gone without a Guard at distance but coming from the Vice-Queen I could not suspect danger All I thought of it was that being a jovial and pleasant Lady she had a frollick in her head and resolved to put on me some pleasant trick without more ado I made me ready to laugh with her in good earnest I went into one of the Chairs and followed her who brought the Billet and was got into the other They carried us a great way into a private part of the Town and there set down the Chairs which my Guide sent away and we marchcd a little further till we came to a house which made a fair shew I learnt afterwards it belong'd to a Lady of her Bed-Chamber her Confident who indeed was my Guide and having open'd the door made me go in without noise I saw neither Lacquey nor light This surpriz'd me and made me the more confident some frollick intended I said not a word but prepar'd in case things went not as I could wish to have my share of the mirth with them who came to laugh at my cost At last the Lady took me by the hand to lead me up a pair of stairs in the dark which brought us to a room no lighter than the stairs and thence into a Chamber where were two Flamboys lighted It appeared a good room but what pleased me most was the sight of a fair Lady who carelesy laid on a very rich bed seemed asleep with her hood over her face I began to repent my censure of
the Vice-Queen whom I then thought to have written in good earnest I saw nothing in this Lady but what pleased me extreamly and to speak the truth it was the sole moment I may be said to have forgot the fair Eleanor since I loved her She was in a loose dress but handsom and rich beyond expression I had not seen the like at Court and knew not what to think the Richness of the furniture as well as her dress declaring her to be a Lady of no ordinary quality but I was very much perplext to guess who she was I made up to her and spoke and the amorous impatience I had to know her not permitting the use of much Ceremony towards the Lady that stay'd for me I put my knee to the Ground and laying hold on one of her fair hands which she allowed me to kiss It was but reason Madam said I I should have languished all this day as I have done who could not expect this happiness without being put to the pain at least of longing for it I looked for an answer in hopes to know the voice but she said not a word I intreated her to ease me of the pain she might believe I was in and that if she resolved not to be seen she would however vouchsafe to speak to me that where I was directed to bring a heart of love I hoped to see a Lady that had Beauty and Wit that as yet she had only moved my curiosity but if she meant to reach my heart I must see her As I spoke thus I perceived her laugh which gave me the boldness to lift up her hood She put back my hand but so weakly I thought it would not displease her to press a little further there were but we two in the Room her Confident having doubtless received Orders to withdraw and I was ready to put her to the squeak when at last she threw off her hood But how was I surpriz d to see 't was the Vice-Queen Well Sir says she blushing will you be content with your good fortune And will it not be presumption in me to fancy my self capable to make you forget all other Beauties I answered her more like a Gallant than a Lover she was satisfi'd however and without ingaging further in the relation of a discourse of which you may guess the consequence I will tell you only that having spent two or three hours in her company I return'd to my lodging the way I came and she to the Palace I saw her on the morrow and our Correspondence held for some time but cur'd not my passion Her Son with whom I had particular as well as general reasons to maintain a fair Correspondence exprest more friendship for me than I could have wisht he was not content to make me the Confident of his affection but imploy'd me to speak for him to the fair Eleanor expecting more benefit from the Intercession of such a Friend than any addresses of his own I did and you have doubtless heard from her she let me understand I should speed better in speaking for my self than for him 't was then I thought my self the most unfortunate of men for believing so easily what the Vice-Queen had said to me whose conduct convinc'd me sufficiently how far she concern'd her self in my business I design'd that moment to abandon her favour and give my self up intirely to my first passion but to prevent the trouble I might expect from the Vice Queen if she knew it I thought fit to dissemble a little and disingage my self by degrees without declaring on the sudden for Eleanor I observed the best I could the measures I had taken but 't is a difficult matter to conceal a passion from a jealous and a witty Woman The Vice-Queen perceived my relapse before I made Eleanor acquainted with it she punished my Apostacy with a thousand reproaches which were seconded with tears and I the better to manage her pretended a firm Re-ingagement to her But what will not a slighted Lady do or what more dangerous than a jealous Woman I was thenceforward more curious of seeing and speaking with the beautiful Eleanor and avoided the occasions of being found in her company while the Vice-Queen was by but all to no purpose the Vice-Queen knew all and so well discern'd what was true from what was feigned that she guessed exactly right of the privatest of my thoughts One day as I walked with her in the Garden she told me we had both lost time to no purpose I inforceing my self against my Inclination to pretend continuance of affection for her and she endeavouring to make me love though against my will That she saw well enough what I now did was but the effect of my civility to a Lady of her quality who had exprest kindness for me But 't was time to put an end to our pain and to satisfie me she intended it she assured me she would no longer oppose my Inclination and that I would believe it upon the Confession she made me that I might expect from Eleanor not only a kind reception but something of love yet I put no great confidence in all these good words as coming from a party too lyable to suspicion But when by an Excess of goodness she added that to convince me she was more my Friend than I could imagine she would contribute more than any other to my satisfaction and procure a Letter from the Viceroy to Eleanor's Father to perswade him to consent I should have his Daughter I was so transported with joy I could not forbear making her very large acknowledgements She told me I should see by the answer to that Letter what good Service she had done me She did as she promised and after the Letter she procured from the Viceroy I doubted not of being compleatly happy in few days The news was confirmed by the beautiful Eleanor and I had the pleasure to see her glad of it as I was nothing troubled me then but the slow pace of time The Viceroy had sent an express to Genes but the Courier was scarce got a Horse-back but I wish'd him return'd every moment seemed a year by my longing and impatience the only pleasure I had was the time I was in Eleanor's company who assur'd on her part of the success of the Viceroy's Recommendation who had great Interest with her Father and sensible of the pain I was in to have the matter confirmed had not the power to deny my passion the favour of a visit which I begged I might make her having engaged my self to her with all the promises and oaths to be expected on such an occasion from a Lover belov'd The assignation was made and her Chamber agreed for the place of Rendezvous Pardon me my dear Assen for fetching a sigh at the remembrance of that day which should have been a time of love and of joy but was the most dismal and unfortunate of my life Night was
wholly comparable to the excellency of her Humour Acknowledge Timante replied Melicerte endeavouring to smile That you are less sincere now than you was when you spake of me before and yield that Merigenes is incomparably more than you It is true Madam replied immediately the honest Man you do me Justice I protest I always speak what I think is the Truth I perceive it said she with a cold Air and being not able to dissemble her resentment I began to talk to turn the discourse on another subject My endeavours were vain a solid peace could not be made and the end of the Feast answered not the beginning Dorante I saw Merigenes some days after and found him as knowing as he appeared to you dissimulative He is as excellent a Geographer as he who look'd for Democracy in the Map because we therein find Dalmatia In entertaining our selves on the the conquests of the Imperialists and those of the Venetians we pleased our selves in enlarging on the Morea that ancient Peloponese where was the famous Lacedemonia which the Modern Misistra does but imperfectly represent Merigenes was ravish'd at the great success we mention'd and in the transports which made him lift up his eyes to Heaven he interrupted us to tell us he could not believe the Country of the Moors was so good as we made it He began again to speak very pertinently when we entred into the particular relation of what was done in Hungary he much wondred the Turks should build the most famous Bridges in the world That of Essek said he must needs be a very great and strong one seeing two great Armies have long since fought to get and keep possession of it Yet I cannot imagine it is comparable to Pont-Euxin for it is not above four or five years that I hear talk of that of Essek but I have heard all my life time admirable relations of the other We could not forbear smiling at the exact Geography of Merigenes and we better inform'd him in the sequel lest the resemblance of names should make him confound again such different things Cleonice I am very glad this Conversation is ended for you know that Belise and I are to go and chuse Stuffs for Lisidor and Lindamire Erastus I think it were fit your Servants should eat their Dinners before they put their Horses in the Coach you have time enough Cleonice Chuse then another subject of discourse in speaking against Lyars we are insensibly brought to detraction Belise There is no body has more aversion to detraction than I have however I believe there 's no harm in making little Recitals for Diversion provided we wrong not the reputation of people Do you think you wrong Arpalise in saying she talks much Why may you not call a woman a great talker Do you not every day say that the Crow is Black and that a Swan is White Erastus If what Belise now said satisfies you not we are ready to speak against detraction Cleonice You cannot do me a greater pleasure ENTERTAINMENT VIII That a Detracter is generally hated and that he cannot please any other than envious and malicious Persons Philemon I Wonder there are so many Detractors All the World hates them they are respected as fierce Beasts they are fear'd and yet we do not avoid them as we shun Tygers and Panthers It is they on the contrary who shine most in Companies they are hearkned to and even applauded whether out of fear of provoking them or that Men are naturally pleas'd with Detraction Erastus I should be sooner surprised at their being driv'n out of Societies Let 's not flatter our selves most Men had rather hear four Satyrs than one Panegyrick Cleonice You have a strange opinion of Mankind if what you say were true there would be a great many Misanthropos's in the World Dorante And indeed there are more than you think but they better disguise their sentiments than Timon of Athens did heretofore and the Alcestus of Moliere at Paris now Cleonice But whence can proceed so malicious an inclination Dorante From self-self-love If we have defects and we are sensible of them we are pleased in hearing there are greater than ours If on the contrary we can sufficiently flatter our selves to believe we have great Virtues we have the satisfaction of seeing that we are lifted up above the people whose faults are related to us Belise Do not you find that the most dangerous Detractor is he that begins by praises seeing by this Artifice he may perswade he speaks sincerely and without aversion Philemon What you say brings to my remembrance an adventure which diverted the other day a great company at the Princess Demerata's they seem'd to be astonish'd there should be such a strict tye of friendship between Celanire to whom one may give thirty years without being too liberal and Dorinice who has never yet seen eighteen However there was no doubt made but each might find his reckoning in this Society it was said that Celanire being less virtuous than she appeared to be found no disrelish in sharing in the voluptuousness of a young person whom Lovers and Pleasures every where attended That Dorinice on her side might receive good advice from an experienc'd friend and even that she might vail her wanton Air under the pretended modesty of Celanire Scarce were these words ended when Celanire entred and a while after was told that they had been just talking of the friendship she had for Dorinice I am not the only person that loves her replied she it must be allow'd she appears very amiable when one does not throughly examine her It may be truly said she has a delicate Complexion and fire in her eyes but I think she seems too affected in her carriage and too greedy of applause I love her sincerely I wish she would lay aside those little humours and endeavour as much to get reputation as new admirers I would not be thought to admire her defects for we had like to have broke off for the Gown she has worn for these four days The Stuff is so rich and so remarkable that every one will judge that Timocrates bought it I was not wanting in advertising Dorinice of it I told her what was whispered abroad of it and that this report might become more publick and probably it might be added that a Woman who accepts of presents will grant favours Dorinice appeared to me surprised and answer'd me that Timocrates was not so well at ease as was imagin'd and that instead of making presents he was scarce able to satisfie his Creditors that she had much ado to get an hundred Guineys of him which she had won at Basset even before this play was forbid that in short she was forc'd to make him take up this Stuff on credit to pay her That as to the rest she never made it her study to shut peoples mouths That she knew very well Calumny spared no body and that to have ones mind
their Discourse is only to be regarded as a meer Jollity which I would not condemn but I would not like they should fall into an effective Detraction So far ought we to be from mixing Malice and citing Crimes that we should never touch seriously on the faults we would describe If this be observed I can freely share in the Diversion A famous Author speaking of a Pleader made use of such Expressions as seem to me more pleasant than injurious I am tormented said he by the most famous Pettifogger of our Province and I believe Normandy never bore a more dreadful one his only Name makes Widows tremble and makes Orphans run away There is not a piece of Glebe or Meadow within three Leagues of him that is safe from him He shews great favour to Children when he is content to share with them in their Paternal Inheritance Belise I have an Aunt who has so great an Aversion to Women who seek only to draw Praises that she was pleased heretofore to set forth her self in such a manner as furnishes us with those Strokes of Satyr we mention'd and here 's part of the Terms she used I my self will give you my Picture to the life and first represent you with a low wrinckled Forehead great Cheeks and a picked Chin which put together make none of the most agreeable Figure My Eyes are small round and melancholick they speak nothing and my Mouth says as little It has made a perpetual Divorce with Smiles and Pleasanties There is seen such a Colour on my Skin as will not displease those who love variety My Shape is like Madam Bouvillon 's in the Comical Romance and I may say I am as well qualified for Conversation I never dispute being no ways concerned in what is said and they would be to blame who should complain that I interrupt People seeing I always keep Silence Curiosity which is natural to my Sex has no Power over my Spirit I know nothing I have learn'd nothing and I have no mind to learn any thing Erastus I must represent to you a Cavalier whom the Lady you speak of was not willing to make your Uncle His Size is low and there is seen I know not what of ill boding on his Countenance his Eyes are so small and so sunk in his Forehead that no body to this hour can tell whether they be black or gray the Hair of his Eye-lids cover them and were the Hair of his Head as long he would not need to wear a Peruke he has a strait and pointed Forehead great Lips hollow Cheeks and a tawny Complexion I say nothing of his Teeth they are so few that they are not worth mentioning The Qualities of his Soul answer those of his Body he is of a Chagrin Humour restless and contrarying nothing pleases him but what displeases others and he finds nothing agreeable but what the world disapproves Envy and Hatred are his predominant Passions he is never more out of Humour than when he can do no Mischief and when he finds an occasion to do it he embraces it with joy He has learn'd all sorts of Languages the better to deceive all sorts of People he imagines the Cheats which are made denote a Superiority of Spirit with which he is charmed Judge whether his Conversation be profitable and agreeable He stutters and cannot utter four words distinctly the Difficulty which he has in speaking would make him avoid Company did he not frequent it to provoke and disturb it Yet it 's said he is in Love but if we believe him capable of being so 't is only to disappoint a Rival and give perpetual Trouble to a Mistress As Erastus ended these words Cleonice was told that the Horses were in the Coach the Company arose and Belise began in these words Belise We have no reason to complain for our being interrupted for we have said enough of Detraction We know it diverts but too much and is but too much in use But I could wish we would treat of another Subject of Conversation very different and which I have a mind to propose I would willingly hear how a Person might be handsomly praised in Company without putting him to the Blush or disobliging others whom we do not praise Dorante This is a nice Point and we may examine it to Night Lisidor makes signs to me that he will treat us at Supper and carry you to his House and therefore you may take your Measures accordingly Cleonice You being the chief of our little Society we must be ruled by you I ought indeed to be gladder than the rest of the Company because the good Supper we shall have will make amends for the course Dinner I gave you Dorante Good Madam do not thus impose on a Man of my Years you think to engage me by this Address to give you a Regale Do you not see on the contrary that I entreat you to sup with me because two Feasts are not to be expected on the same Day After these words the Ladies were led to Cleonice's Chariot to prosecute their Affairs At Night the Company came to Dorante's and Belise whilst Supper was making ready claimed the Promise had been made her ENTERTAINMENT IX How one may insert Commendations in Conversation Dorante IT will be easier for us to speak of the Maxims which are ordinarily observ'd in Praising than to say with what tenderness we may season Praises to make them agreeable What a turn ought we to give and what Novelties must we not speak to please in these occasions If our commendations be but mean the Person to whom we direct them owes us less thanks than spight and the rest of the Company will scarce vouchsafe to hear us If on the contrary we praise with excess we cast into confusion those whom we endeavour to exalt to a pitch they do not deserve and we are despised by others as pitiful flatterers Philemon I am perswaded that it is less difficult to use the precepts which serve to make a Panegyrick than to find the address of agreeably insinuating praises in an Entertainment And therefore the Ladies shall permit if they please that I relate what my memory furnishes me withal in respect of great Praises and I will leave to Dorante and Erastus the improving of this subject with a better and more delicate Air. Beginning commonly as we do by birth I 'll tell you first what I have read heretofore on that of a great Monarch He was born in Purple the Throne was his Cradle and if it were possible to find an Infancy in so glorious and rational a life we should find that he could only play with Scepters and Crowns Expect not I should enter on the particulars of what we may find praise-worthy in a person whom we would commend You know better than I that one may respect the Gifts which he may have receiv'd from Nature as an elevated Soul an upright Heart constant and generous a
sublime Spirit vast and penetrant an happy Memory a solid Judgement and delicate Discernment As for the gifts of the Body all the World immediately declares it self for the Beauty of Women and the good Meen of Men and for my particular I prefer Health and a noble and free Air in all manner of Behaviour We forget not the Favours which we hold of Fortune It is she which gives Riches and Honours And I dare even affirm she often contributes to our Glory in conducting us as it were by the Hand into conjunctures which become happy to us But say we in few Words that true Merit consists chiefly in the good use we make of the different advantages we now mentioned I will follow the Custom we have to refer this discussion to Morality without charging our Conversation with it However I cannot but say something of Valour and Liberty which are my two favourite Virtues It is certain that to be charm'd with 'em I would have them be in all their purity without mixture That Valour lead us to brave Actions without proceeding to Rashness that it be accompanied with a prudence which may make us fear the ill Success which may be attributed to us in a word that it marches to glory through perils without Ostentation I likewise require that it have no need of any assistance to render it self worthy our admiration That it be not sustained either by Ambition nor Anger nor Revenge That in a Battel Emulation Shouts and Cries make it go neither farther nor with more earnestness than if it saw it self alone and disarmed Neither do I know whether I should give it the name of Virtue how blazing soever it were if it appear'd to me unjust Belise There are then few Conquerors whom you esteem and I believe you spare neither the reputation of Caesar nor the glory of Alexander Philemon I confess I would have Equity reign every where So that I would not condemn those who reproach Caesar for having opprest the Liberty of his Country and who cannot bear with Alexander's carrying Fire and Sword into Countries where they never so much as heard of him Let 's instance for Example a great Monarch who makes only lawful Conquests Here 's what I read this Morning of it Has he ever attack'd any place without winning it Has he ever giv'n Battle without vanquishing Were ever better disciplin'd Troops seen Troops more zealous more ready to fight and signalize themselves What Conquerour surrounded with warlike Nations has stretch'd the limits of his Conquests so far in so short a time What Warriour has triumph'd over such puissant Confederates and ever rendred his Dominions more redoutable and flourishing Here 's what was said heretofore of an Illustrious Warriour whose Valour rais'd him to the Empire He practices himself alone all the Military Virtues and it is an admirable thing that being above all Corrivals he contends for glory with himself he endeavours to ravish it from his first actions by others still more glorious As to what concerns Liberality I would have it no less exempt from Ostenation than Valour I would have it readily shew'd in a grateful manner and the most seemly as is possible when it is to relieve persons who want necessaries for their Subsistance But I require on the contrary that one give in the sight of as many People as is possible when the gift is the recompence of Merit In a Word I would have a liberal Person to do as one of my Friends did whose liberality is thus mention'd His Liberality equals that of a magnificent Prince in the greatness of Presents and surpasses it in the choice of Persons Those who receive his Benefits are the only Persons that can speak of ' em In fine his generosity would be more universally admired if it were not so great because more Persons would comprehend it in an Age wherein this Virtue is so rarely practis'd in it's perfection Loving as I do extreamly this beneficent humour you would have me speak more of it and enlarge my self a little on the bounty of a great King One cannot speak more advantageously of a private Person than to say that he has the spirit of a Prince and one cannot better praise a great Potentate than in saying he has the goodness of a private Person That in a condition which permits him every thing he endeavours only to satisfie others Was ever seen in a mean fortune so much goodness as he shews in the midst of his greatness Whilst all Europe lies prostrate at his feet imploring his protection or redoubting his prowess it seems as if he had need of the least of his Subjects so sensible is he of their afflictions so earnest is he to offer 'em remedies so favourable an ear does he lend to their supplications This incomparable goodness extends it self to all conditions the great receive every day Testimonies of it the People every minute bless it the domesticks are charmed with it and strangers admire it Of the two parts of Justice he leaves to the Parliament that which disposes of the Punishment of Crimes reserving only that which distributes Recompences He uses his Authority only to restore to repeal to pardon In fine his power appears without bounds when he is to do good and it seems as if it were without Authority when it is to punish The Refusal of a favour is a Language unknown to him and his Closet as well as his Heart is always open to the remonstrances which is made him in behalf of the miserable Belise I take notice in the praises you now made you have spoken only to the advantage of Men and not one Word of Commendation to those of my Sex I believe it is I that hinder you but if I shut your mouth herein methinks Cleonice should open it Philemon Well then for the love of her I will open it I 'll Praise a celebrated Beauty whom all the Court admires and Cleonice will have the pleasure to see one part of her Charms in the piece which I shall set forth Yet Dorante could bettter than I acquit himself in this affair he knows the Author that drew the Picture and the Lady for whom he wrought But what ought I not to undertake to recover your favours I will satisfie you then Madam and recite Word for Word the little work I promis'd provided my Memory will give me leave Here 's in what terms the Painter addresses himself to the Beautiful Lady whose Picture he drew You know Madam that ordinary Beauties goe only to the Painters to seek some new Charms or to get rid of some Defects You only Madam are above Arts which flatter and embellish They have never wrought you on but unfortunately and in making you lose as many advantages as they are wont to bestow on Persons less accomplish'd than you But if you are little obliged to Painting you are less to Dresses You owe nothing to the Science of others nor to
Damage he did him in cutting his Rope Erastus I have a Kinsman who has not hang'd himself yet although his Covetousness is no wise inferiour to your Usurer's My Kinsman is young he has Birth and Courage and yet a base Humour blemishes whatever otherwise is praise worthy in him I perswaded him to serve in the Wars and the better to prevail with him I set before him that if he lived he would be recompensed and that if he hapned to die he would find You believe perhaps I told him that he would find Honour not at all but that he would find an end of his Expences which a Man is obliged to make during the course of his Life Our Miser resolved upon it but when he was to buy Horses and provide the rest of his Equipage he soon renounced War he told me he had rather retire to an Estate he had near Paris and that he could subsist on a hundred things whence Farmers draw a Profit which he pretended not to let them have To turn him from this Design I offered to make a Campaign with him at Sea if he were willing to go and he needed no Horses nor Tents for this and the Captains Table being at his Service he consented thereto and we set out It 's not necessary to relate to you what our Naval Army did I shall only tell you that at our Return we found our selves at Provence in the beginning of Winter We would needs enjoy the fine time of that Countrey and therefore made a Match of walking out with Ladies One day as we walk'd in a Path separated from a Meadow by a Ditch we thought that this Separation was not great enough to hinder us from leaping to the other side and enjoying a nearer Conversation with the Ladies Our Miser being accustomed to sparing was so sparing of his Strength that he leap'd into the Ditch The Ladies burst out into a Fit of Laughter and I made what haste I could to assist my Kinsman I stooped as low as I could to draw him out thence bidding him only give me his Hand This Word affrighted him more than his Fall and looking earnestly upon me What would you answered he immediately have me to give you At these words I observ'd the Fault I had committed and explaining my self in a manner more conformable to his Inclination Cousin replied I shall I give you my Hand With all my Heart answered he dear Cousin and having offered his I drew him out of the Ditch where I believe he would have still lain had I not chang'd the Expression The Company having laugh'd at Erastus his Relation they prosecuted their Discourse Dorante You acknowledge then that one may deride a covetous Man and I suppose you will as easily grant that we may jear those Persons who imagine they are always sick who are continually taking Medicines and who yet sleep well and eat better Belise I know a Woman who has a great deal of Wit and talks well when there is no mention of Sickness or Remedies But she gives very good diversion as soon as the Conversation turns on matters relating to Health I was saying something to her yesterday about her Husband who is a very honest Gentleman and after she had allowed his good qualities she aded that he had one bad one which she could not cure him of which is says she that he is so obstinate that he will take no Remedies But why should he take any replied I if he be well How said she do you think it enough to be in Health without taking Remedies for preventing Distempers which you may fear In fine when this imaginary sick Body takes Medicines she tastes it then and says there is too much Sena in one too much Rhubarb in another just as we find fault with Broths being too hot or too cold Her Physician in ordinary died not long ago and her Friends fixt another on her of a Humour so frank and brisk that instead of prescribing Remedies to her he did her the Displeasure to tell her that she was in good Health She fell into a Passion and answered smartly to this honest Doctor That if he would order her nothing she knew where to find out others that would The next morning she chose one who Regales her every morning with different Medicines to her Content It 's not above three or four days ago that I was at her House and diverted my self with hearing her talk of the several sort of Diseases she fear'd and their particular Remedies Her Friends do never fail to send to know of her Health and a Lacquey of Amasia's being come on the same Errand You may tell your Lady answered she with a languishing Air that I thank her for her mindfulness of me but that my Health is lost there falling a cold humour on my left shoulder which puts me to grievous pain This Lacquey was no sooner gone but we saw the Princess Demarata's Gentleman enter he made such another sort of Compliment but he had a different answer made him I pray you Sir said our fanciful Lady to let the Princess know how sensibly I find my self obliged to her tell her that a grievous pain in my head has hindred me ever since yesterday from taking any rest As soon as ever this Gentleman was gone I look'd on the pretended sick body with amazement Is your distemper gotten up into your head within this minute said I to her briskly or have you forgot that it is not a Moment past that your illness was in the left Shoulder Did I say it was in my Shoulder answered she Nothing more true replied I it 's no matter added our fancyful Lady provided I said I was troubled with some great illness it 's enough I need say no more Dorante When I should leave to the Stage the representing the humours of these imaginary sick Persons yet I may at lest rally Lovers and affirm that they have Capricio's that reach to extravagancy but I shall make me too many Enemies should I declare my self against so universal a Passion Of six Persons who hear me there would be four who would murmur against me But as for Gray-headed Lovers I doubt not but you will deliver them up to me and allow 'em to be ridiculous when they creep to a young Wench who laughs at them and their superannuated sweetnesses Philemon What will you say of those young Hearts who feel the first stroaks of Love with so much the more pleasure as not knowing it yet they think themselves not oblig'd to oppose it Dorante Instead of rallying them for their Innocency I would recount to them little Stories which might open their Eyes Belise You make me remember how you droll'd with Cleonice when her Heart inclined to prefer Erastus before all his Rivals when she did not then know the Sentiments she had for him Dorante To pass by this discourse Is there any thing more pleasant than to see the pains
all the Quiet of her Soul and Happiness of her Days 'T is high time Madam to reveal the Mystery my Heart Madam is sensible and susceptible of the deepest Impressions And what I have in Appearance condemned most is perhaps the only thing has most Power over me The Earl of Essex is no less famous for the Victorg gain'd over my Heart than for his Treasons against me And I who have maintain'd the Freedom of my Soul and preserv'd the Liberty of my Affection from submitting to the Efforts of all the Princes of Europe and the Greatest of my Subjects have now the Misfortune to find my Inclinations violently sway'd in Favour of a Person as ungrateful as faithless You know what I have done to raise him nor can you be ignorant how ill he hath requited me by his Crimes A Man who being Governour of Ireland General of my Army in quiet Possession of the best Offices of my Kingdom and Master of my Affection yet could not forbear conspiring against that Authority I was but too much inclin'd to give him a Share of and perhaps against a Life I took no other Pleasure in but the Opportunities I had by it to make his happy It was not in the Queen's Power to say a Word more And the Countess more than ordinarily concern'd at the Discourse grew so much the more curious and pretending to comfort the Queen engag'd her dexterously to a further Discovery No Madam replies the Queen there 's no Hope of Comfort for me if the Earl of Essex dye By the Condition you see his Imprisonment hath put me in you may guess what I am like to be reduc'd to by his Death His Crimes I abhor but am in Love with his Person and find that as I have been so weak to let him know it I shall again be so weak to pardon him all You do not know his Carriage towards me And perhaps my Affection will as easily find Excuses for his Ingratitude as it did for my Kindness I will give you the Relation of it but conjure you to reproach me so plainly with the Shame I expose my self to that I may at last prevail with my self to abandon the ingratefullest of Men to the Rigour of his Fate I Shall not give you an Account of the Interests of England otherwise than what the Earl of Essex stands concern'd in I will pass by the Obstacles rais'd against my Establishment and tell you only I quickly gain'd Possession of the Throne was ador'd of my People and happy beyond the Hopes of a Person of my Sex But Elevation is not always attended with the Pleasure of Life and that smooth Gale of Felicity and Repose in the Beginning of my Reign quickly blew over at least in my Opinion Being settled in my Government I found my Court throng'd with Suitors of soveraign Grandeur striving to merit the Choice it was in my Power at once to make of a Husband and a King The Earls of Somerset Leicester Arundel and Hertford had most Right to pretend to it But finding my self disturbed by their Importunities in my most serious Affairs and not at all inclin'd to entertain their Suits I formally declar'd to them I design'd to live single and endeavoured to make them amends by considerable Imployments and Allyances I bestow'd on them Three of them openly quitted the Hopes they had conceived Only the Earl of Leicester more ambitious or more constant than the rest kept afoot his Pretensions and publickly continued his Services But it was not ordain'd his Perseverance should be crown'd with the Reward of my Affection The Earl of Essex having signaliz'd himself against the rebellious Earls of Northumberland and Westmerland made about this Time his first Appearance at Court and found with more Ease the Secret to please me Those who presented him to me spoke much in Commendation of him And I was too much an Eye-witness of the Merit of his Person I look'd upon him as an extraordinary Man Nor could I but think it equally extraordinary to find my self so strangely affected with him at the first Sight The Reception I gave him was very obliging and the Acknowledgments he made me were full of Repsect So that for the Time I saw no Cause to check my Inclination I may date from this first View the Loss of my Repose I presently fell into a Disquiet I had till then been altogether a Stranger to And in spight of my high Spirit I could not but inwardly acknowledge the Cause And all the Efforts of my haughty Humour against it serv'd only to make the Triumph of the Earl of Essex more Glorious You would better comprehend the Condition I was in did you know the Resentments of a great Soul jealous of its Reputation in Extremities of this Nature the Combats it undergoes and the Confusion that attends the Defence I fear'd my Eyes would discover the Pleasure I took in looking on the Earl of Essex and my Weakness occasion Discourses in the World to the Prejudice of my Glory I shun'd the Sight of him but to little purpose when I carry'd the Idea of him in my Heart I was angry with my self for it and summon'd my Reason to my Assistance to deface it But Love had so violently seiz'd my Heart that I struggle in vain to dispossess him By little and little I yielded my self Captive to that powerful Inclination which had at first Sight made me so much in Love with the Person of the Earl of Essex And pretending the Services he had done me against the Earls of Northumberland and Westmerland and the Memory I had of the good Services of his Father as the Ground of my Favour I made him Knight of the Garter Master of the Horse and of the Privy-Council though under Age. Thus did I cherish and indulge the Weakness I had so long struggled with and condemn'd my self for The higher he grew in Office the dearer he was to my Person His Complaisance his Respect his Looks which to me appear'd all kind and languishing and especially my Affection which had Tenderness enough to give a favourable Construction to the least of his Actions conspir'd to betray me Envy rais'd him Enemies The Earl of Leicester concern'd to be jealous of him quickly suspected the Truth And looking on the Earl of Essex as a Person of Merit capable to cross his Pretensions he made it his Business to supplant him which I presently observ'd I easily foresaw the Trouble my Favour might cause between Persons so considerable And the better to countenance the Kindness I had for Essex I affected a little Complaisance for Leicester which somewhat abated the Edge of his Jealousie About that time the King of Sweden the Emperour for his Son and the Duke of Anjou made me their several Proposals of Marriage which I was forc'd to receive but wanted not Pretences to send home their Embassadours without any Fruit of their Negotiation How contrary to the real Motive of my
Majesty intends him Is that all you have to say to me said I Ah Madam answers he with a Sigh which made me expect something more Pleasing I should have more to say to you for my self than the Earl of Liecester What hinders you said I. The respect I have for your Majesty answered he I am in Love Madam but 't is not a thing fitting to make my Queen my Confident I Blush'd at those Words and was in a Mind not to proceed further But I look'd upon him and there needed no more to declare my Weakness I have that esteem for you added I that I am not unwilling to be of your Council Well Madam since you will have it so continues he I must acquaint You I am desperately in Love with the Countess of Rutland and that I cannot Live if Your Majesty consent not that she shall make me happy You may easily guess what an Astonishment I was in at this Explication having upon so good Grounds expected to have heard My Self named it was well for me I had not altogether lost the Haughtiness of my Nature the Poor Remains of it were my only Help to preserve me from discovering more Weakness to the Earl then he had discover'd Love for his Mistress His Transports help'd me to cover mine He perceiv'd not the Blow he had given me And sacrificing my Grief to my Glory I affected to appear calm and unconcern'd when my Soul was full of Trouble and Confusion You have made a good Choice said I and the Countess of Rutland will very well deserve the Kindness you profess for her Madam replies he with Satisfaction in his Looks which heightned my Grief You have done more for me in approving the Passion I have for the Countess of Rutland than You could have done had You procur'd me the Empire of the Universe It is your Desire then added I with a Sigh my Despair forc'd from me that I should give her to you I desire any thing says he that may preserve me from dying for Love of her Go your way then said I to be rid of him and ease my self of the intollerable Constraint I was under Be assured I will concern my self in your Amour You shall know it in time But take heed you give not the Earl of Leicester the least intimation of the Secret I have imparted to you Not before I have Order from your Majesty answer'd he to congratulate his Happiness and pay him the Devoirs of an Affectionate Subject Had you seen with what an Ayr he pronounced these words you would have abhorr'd him for his Ingratitude As for me I was left in so desperate a Condition it was long e're I could recover my Reason out of the Entanglements of Love Anger and Jealousie I was partly the Author of my Misfortune by calling to Court the Countess of Rutland after her Husband's Death without considering she was one of the handsomest Ladies on Earth and but Sixteen Years old I have not observed any particular Kindness the Earl of Essex had for her He visited her as other Ladies of the Court But their Intreague was mysterious and the more secretly it was carry'd the Engagement was the stronger and the Affection more tender It is impossible to express the Trouble I was in when Anger seiz'd the Place Grief had possest in my Heart Though the Earl of Essex had been ignorant of his good Fortune I could not forbear reproaching him for slighting it as he did and forgot not to charge him with Treachery and Ingratitude But when I consider'd he was so far from apprehending my meaning that he was gone directly to make a solemn Tender of his Love to another and carry her the joyful News of his Success with me I resolved at least to delay the Pleasure of it for a time and went out of my Closet into my Chamber to call him back I thought I heard the Earl of Liecester's Voice and his in the Anti-Chamber and going to the Door found I was not mistaken Leicester's Jealousie had in all probability made him watch Essex as he entered my Chamber and when he saw him return with Satisfaction in his Looks You are happy says he in a Priveledge to entertain the Queen as long as you please when others who as passionately desire it cannot obtain that Happiness for a moment I am perswaded replies Essex you better deserve it and make no doubt but you will find more pleasure in it I will leave you at liberty to go in Search of it and you may do me a Favour not to stay me being call'd another way on a very pressing Occasion He had no sooner said so but he went his way and I was so confounded with this new Sight I scarce knew where I stood Having at length recover'd my Reason I had the Discretion to hide my Weakness Presently my Anger would have vented it self on the Countess of Rutland But I consider'd her only Crime was her Beauty and that she knew not my Concern for her Servant The Earl of Leicester having at his Entrance perceiv'd me in Disorder durst not take notice of it but after a short Visit withdrew A little before I had sent to Congratulate the King of Navarre upon his coming to the Crown of France and having intelligence he wanted Aid to secure his Government I resolv'd to send him some under the Conduct of the Earl of Essex in hopes his Absence might Cure me I would have perswaded my self the Cause of my removing him on that Occasion was my Desire to forget him but upon second Thoughts I must confess it was rather the Desire of removing him out of the Sight of a beloved Rival Being resolv'd on the Point I hastened the Execution and having ordered the Earl of Essex to attend me You love Honour said I to him and I cannot think you will prefer the Pleasure of Sighing before a Mistress to the Opportunities of acquiring Glory I have provided One for you and am resolv'd you shall Command the Troops I am sending to the French King And to fortifie your self against the Troubles of Absence you need only think of the Pleasures of a Return His Answer was only in Sighs and that passionate Language made me hasten his Departure Soon after the Countess of Rutland whom I could not forbear using very coldly desir'd leave to go into the Country a considerable distance from London I had then so little Love for her I did not desire to have her near me but readily consented she should retire The Hopes she had to see the Earl of Essex return supported her so that she with much moderation saw him take his leave But I am assur'd by Experience the Grief for his Departure equall'd at least the Hopes for his Return When he was arrived in France Fame spoke aloud in Commendation of him his Absence alter'd not my Affection and in spite of all I could do to the contrary I had a sensible Pleasure
to hear him Commended Had I been desired I should have call'd him home as soon as France was in Peace But I sent him new Orders to joyn Admiral Howard who was going for Spain And I gave him the like Commission for this Expedition as for that of France He did Wonders in Spain His single Valour frightned the Enemies And having taken Calis and pillag'd the Coast of Portugal he put again to Sea for England The Fleet was scattered by a Storm and we had News the Earl of Essex was lost Then it was I knew better than ever the Kindness I had for him I could no longer perswade my self that his indifference for me deserv'd mine for him I accus'd the Sea a Thousand Times for having taken too unreasonable a Revenge for me and was under Sufferings more cruel than Death when News was brought me that by the Assistance of the Admiral of Holland he was arrived at Plymouth from whence in few days he came to Court To shew you how little Reason we have when we are in Love and how fickle are the Resolutions of a tender Heart though provok'd by Slights and Contempts I had lamented the Death of the Earl of Essex and receiv'd the News of his being Alive with a Thousand Transports of Joy I was extreamly pleas'd with the Report of his Arrival at London But when I considered I should see him full of Love for another and that perhaps I should not be able to conceal my Jealousie I was tempted to order him to give the Council an Account of his Conduct and not admit him into my Presence I was sometimes of the Opinion I should be able to do so But this weak Heart of mine so prepossess'd in favour of him revolted against all my Resolutions I must follow my Inclinations and see the most dangerous Enemy of my Repose the Troubler of my Rest He came to Whitehall I admitted him to my Presence I look'd upon him and spight of all my high Spirit he saw nothing but Kindness in all my Actions You may imagine what an agreeable Surprize it was to me to find at our first Conference that Absence had wean'd his Affections from the Countess of Rutland He appear'd no longer in that Languishing Melancholy I observ'd him in before his Departure He had Satifaction in his Looks The Air of his Actions were smooth and calm and I fancy'd as much Joy in his Face tho' the Countess of Rutland was absent as I felt in my self at the Explication he made I see you again return'd with Victory said I But am sorry it is not in my Power to reward your Toil with a Sight of the Countess of Rutland But if any thing I can do can comfort you I am easily comforted for her Absence when I am permitted to see your Majesty answered he I have no passion now but for the Glory of Serving Your Majesty and the Countess of Rutland is now to me no more than other Ladies of the Court. Are you no longer in Love with the Countess of Rutland replyed I between Joy and Distrust You have spoken too fast When you see her again When I see her again says he interrupting me it shall be without those Transports I exprest for her not forgetting the Respects due to Your Majesty What answered I are you not afraid of the Reproaches of a provoked Mistress No Madam said he in a free and unconcern'd manner All I am concern'd for is to do my Duty and approve my self worthy Your Majesties Favour This answer'd I deserves my Acknowledgment and time shall let you see I am not ungrateful Thus did the Earl of Essex assure me he was Cur'd of his first Passion And I was in Hopes it might be in my Power to see him one Day entertain another A Week after he desir'd leave to go into the Country about his private Affairs He was absent a Fortnight and return'd more calm and unconcern'd than ever The Earl of Leicester had doubled his importunities in this Absence of the Earl of Essex in France and Spain and obliged me at last to put him out of Hopes He is naturally Bold and was so blown up with the Opinion of the Glory he had gain'd by some late Atchievments that he proceeded to telling me plainly He was jealous of the Earl of Essex and would have made a Crime of the Discourse I told you of past between them as Essex left my Chamber The Answer I made him was an Absolute Command He should be silent Which was so far obey'd that after some days Murmuring he held his Peace Yet this put me in mind to observe some measures and not to follow openly my Inclinations Things continu'd in this State till the Troubles of Ireland I have often open'd my Mouth to let the Earl of Essex know the Advantges he had over me but Modesty shut it again Yet seeing him under a Necessity of going for Ireland when the Earl of Tyrone had rais'd a General Rebellion I had not the Power to let him take leave without acquainting him The Kingdom was at his Command Upon the first News of the Troubles he threw himself at my Feet begging the Honour of my Command to go Quiet those Disorders You have done enough said I and there 's no need you should by exposing your self to New Dangers oblige me to New Acknowledgments I doubt not Madam answer'd he but the Favour I beg of your Majesty will be envy'd me But I take the Boldness to say Your Majesty cannot refuse it me without doing your self Injury It being an occasion may contribute to meriting the Favour you have already honour'd me with The Ardour you express for undertaking Great Actions Reply'd I is not perhaps so Pleasing as you imagine And all the Good that may Redound to England through your Valour is less considerable than the Trouble is given me who take less Care of my Crown than your Life I am Ambitions Yet Ah! My Lord save me the Confusion of a more particular Explication of what you ought and might easily have long since understood I might perhaps presume too far in my Wishes says the Earl in some Disorder Wish boldly answered I I Love you and if I blush to tell you so 't is not that I am either Asham'd or Repent of it You may believe this Acknowledgment a very hard Task for a Person of my Humour who have seen you sigh for another when I slighted Kings for your Sake and would have Sacrificed more to your Satisfaction What Madam cryes he like a Man astonisht Have You lov'd me and I been so unfortunate to make my self unworthy Your Kindness by those Sighs I now disavow Did my Eyes never tell you what I look'd for in Yours said I. I never had the Boldness answered he to make any such Constructions of your Looks Your Fear was the effect of indifference said I but no more of what is past Tell me now can ye love me Rather ask
remember of it adds he Did you observe nothing in my Eyes worthy taking notice of And was it possible you should inspire into me so much Love without feeling the Power of it in your self The Friendship I had for the Earl of Rutland and the Progress he had made prevented my speaking of it Yet Time and Absence have but increas'd my Passion And I protest sincerely from the first moment I saw you my Heart was never affected with any but your self A Discourse of this nature may perhaps be thought unsuitable to the Condition I was then in who Mourn'd for a Father and a Husband Yet I had not the Power to be offended with it The Earl of Essex assur'd me I had gain'd his Affection I was willing to gain his and I car'd for no more You will give me leave Madam to pass over my Answers and tell you only the Earl of Essex was very well satisfied with them that we then settled the Correspondence we have so long maintain'd and that we found Occasions and Opportunities to polish and perfect it Thus far you see me ignorant of the Queen's Inclinations I as well as others attributed the Favour we saw the Earl of Essex was in to his Services and his Dexterity in setting them out to advantage But in time I perceived my mistake And as reserv'd as the Queen was found out the Mystery and tremble at the Discovery The Earl of Essex had an elevated Soul and capable of Greatness Ambition might rob me of him and I was willing to fortifie my self against all Misfortunes and to reserve only an Esteem for him But what hopes of doing that now which all my reason and two Years Marriage had not effected At last Jealousie succeeded my Fears and I began to believe the respect the Earl of Essex had for the Queen might proceed from a secret Affection I fretted at this and grieved at the Heart The Earl perceived it and sollicited me long to tell him the Cause I refus'd as long as I was able I am Jealous said I to him at last with a little Heat and afraid I should lose your Affection 'T is not an Unhappiness answers he to see you love me so as to doubt of me But there is no Cause to question my Faithfulness who never lov'd any but you The Queen loves you said I and her Kindness for you with the Advantage of her Grandeur may be dangerous Temptations to your Perseverance The Queen love me Madam Replies he How you interpret her ordinary Bounty which hath perhaps too generously recompenc'd my Services beyond their Merit She is too Haughty and too Great a Mistress of her self to fall into such a Weakness You know what Illustrious Alliances she hath slighted and are to believe she is above the reach of Love There is not a Monarch on Earth but I would prefer you before him answer'd I and measuring the Queen 's Affection by mine I am easily persuaded she may do so too her Eye is always upon you spite of all her Precautions and is never else satisfied and I have observed some Sighs from her which a Heart concern'd as mine cannot hear without Trouble I did not till now know how happy I was says the Earl of Essex but your Jealousie makes me sensible of it Yet Madam give me leave to assure you you have no Cause for it Were the Queen Weak as you Imagine did she offer me her Crown and her Kindness I would by my Refusal let you see though I have Ambition my Love for you infinitely exceeds it To satisfie you of your Mistake allow me to procure her Consent to our Marriage You have mourn'd long enough to avoid all imputations of Indecency It is in your Power to make me the happiest of Men and to clear all the doubts you have of my Faithfulness I was far from opposing the Proposal he made and I was not fully convinc'd the Queen was in Love with him yet I thought if she was he knew it not To let you see adds he I will not conceal from you any Kindness the Queen hath exprest for me I declare I Sacrifice to you one of the handsomest Ladies of the Court who hath a thousand ways invited my Love I prest him to let me know her Name but he conjur'd me to be satisfy'd with what he had said and not to force him to further Indiscretion I gave over Pressing him The Countess of Nottingham Blush'd at this Part of the Discourse having Reason to believe her self the Person intended She Hated him the more for 't but had the Command of her self not to interrupt the Countess of Essex who proceeded in her Story This freedom of the Earl put an end to my suspicions I left him to take his Time for speaking to the Queen When he went to thank her for the Government of Ireland bestow'd on him he return'd to me with a Transport of Joy to tell me The Queen had not only Consented to his Desires but intented to make the Earl of Leicester King of England This quieted my Spirit and made me acknowledge I had no cause to be Jealous We spent some days with a great deal of Pleasure but were Cruelly interrupted by the Order the Earl of Essex received to go into France to command the Forces the Queen sent in aid of that King I had not time to express my Grief to him or to be a Witness of his We parted in haste and then it was I repented I had believ'd him and that the Queen's Coldness towards me convinc'd me of the Truth of my former Suspicions and that her sending away the Earl of Essex was but to remove him from me I left Court as soon as I could with Decency ask the Queen leave to retire into a House of my Fathers about Fifty Miles from London I will not tell you how I was Alarm'd at the News of the Earl of Essex his Death in his Return from Spain nor how we Writ to one another in his absence I was ready to Dye for Grief when he arriv'd at my House more Respectful and more Amorous than he had ever appear'd He would have put me out of my Opinion concerning the Queen But I obstinately maintain'd it True When I had convinc'd him of it he offer'd to leave England if I would name a Place where he might Live quietly I had Affection enough to incline me to Consent to this Proposal But considering it Unjust in me to spoil the Progress of his good Fortune and put an end to his hopes by an Unexcusable Retreat I told him it was impossible And ushering with a Sigh the Advice I was going to give him Forget me Sir said I for I see your Fate will force you to it The Queen will still cross us and never want Pretence to Seperate us 'T is better breaking off an Engagement that suits not with your Affairs Nothing in the World can be a greater Misfortune to me but I
highly satisfy'd in her but there are some Husbands who think no Women so bad as their own of which Number Don Fernand was The quiet Possession palled him and being disgusted with the continual serving up of the same diet he was resolv'd to divert himself with change when he could at the Expence of others He had for these some Months us'd to Hunt upon the Grounds belonging to the Grand Master of the Artillery whose Wife though not altogether so absolute a Beauty as his own yet shone with so many charms as that few of her sex could stand in competition with her and withall was extreamly pleasant and divertive in her humour and of the most pleasant and gallant Wit in the World In a Word a Woman exactly fram'd to his own Mould and Temper The Grand Master was a Man perfectly cut out for War and so consequently you may guess very unfit for the Court He bent all his mind to the Duty of his charge and left the Affairs of his House to the manage of his Wife of whom he had a good opinion being of a Temper contrary to the Genius of those of his Countrey not at all inclined to the yellows Some Relation between him and the Viceroy together with the Friendship that was contracted between the two Ladies who had been long acquainted served for an inducement to bring the Grand Master to Court where Don Fernand would needs honour him with a particular Apartment Hitherto all went well neither did any one perceive the Viceroy's design upon Donna Angelica so was the Grand Masters Lady called he spoke not to her but with his eyes and by his handkerchief which in that Country serves for a Love-Interpreter as well as the eyes But now since of an outward he had made a domestick Amour the convenience of daily seeing and entertaining the object of his Ardent Affections encreased his Passion to such a Height that it could be no longer kept a reserve from the quick sight of so penetrating a Lady as his was A little Jealousy is sufficient to disunite two Women A bare suspicion will dissolve the strongest Tye of Friendship that can be between them The Viceroy's Lady began to look very indifferently upon Donna Angelica without assigning to her any reason for it For most commonly one Woman does not love to betray the jealousy she possibly may have of another that seems to her to be such a Point of Honour as she will never but in the last extremity and when she is no longer capable of concealing it discover the reproachful signs of this weak passion in her Donna Angelica soon perceived the change and as soon guest the occasion of it yet she behaved her self in her usual manner towards the Viceroy's Lady A Woman takes an extream Pleasure to see her self beloved especially by a Person of Quality and deserving Merit as Don Fernand was But Donna Angelica shewed so much discretion in her conversation with him that his Lady had nothing to ground a Quarrel on But that discretion was wanting in him whose Passion was raised to such a heighth that it was not in his power to restrain it The Viceroy's Lady who would no longer serve them towards the convenience of their interviews seeing that Donna Angelica abated nothing of her free and indifferent carriage he refus'd her the ordinary civility of entring into her Chamber where he us'd frequently to wait on her and which had serv'd the Viceroy as a pretence in his Visits to her Donna Angelica could not dissemble this affront the injustice of it being too great considering the freedom of her conversation wherewith she had hitherto treated Don Fernand and she was now resolv'd to be reveng'd and spare nothing whereby she could be able to make her jealous in good earnest It is something dangerous to provoke an Enemy when it lyes in his power to do us more mischief then yet he has done Donna Angelica had no sooner seen the Viceroy but assuming to her self a more serious countenance than ordinary Sir says she I know not what Pleasure you can take in making dissention betwixt your Lady and me I Madam answered Don Fernand absolutely astonisht at the Reproach she made him Yes you your self replys she you make her by some of your actions imagine that you love me and she by hers would confirm me in my belief of the same I did not think answered the Viceroy smiling that I could ever have been so much oblig'd to my Wives ill humour as that she should make a declaration of love for me but since it is so Madam I wish she may always continue it for I swear to you nothing is so true as what she would perswade you to And Madam I love you to such a degree as no Man yet ever loved before me I perceive replys she that she is already extreamly jealous but she shall be sufficiently punisht for it Yes Madam replyed the Viceroy if you would but love me a little Not so replied she although indeed any other would do it perhaps through revenge if not through inclination but added she laughing I desire not to push on my revenge so far This Discourse was interrupted by some Ladies who came to visit Donna Angelica and the Viceroy being oblig'd for that time to retire writ a Lettter to the Lady the same day to this purpose Revenge your self Madam revenge your self of the Vice-queen who has had the Curiosity to pry into the secrets of my Heart she is perswaded that none can have so tender and ardent a Passion as that I bear you that I think of none but you that I seek nothing but you and that I have no Pleasure but when I see you and am so happy as to be in your Company It seems she has penetrated into the most secret folding of my Soul and you ought to be angry with her in earnest for since this offends you and it is to your resentment I must owe your kindnesses I would wish to see you so incens'd against her as may make me truly Happy at least you cannot choose a fitter revenge all the mischief will fall upon her and we alone shall enjoy the Pleasure Once more Madam let me beg of you to take your revenge for though there were no subject for it you will however but do an Act of justice in bestowing a little Love upon a Man who is not altogether unworthy of some Place in your Heart being Don Fernand. This Letter was deliver'd to Donna Angelica which she read not without a Smile but return'd him no Answer nevertheless the Viceroy from this time saw that his affairs were not attended with any extraordinary ill Circumstances The Vice-queen perceived she had committed an errour and that by refusing Donna Angelica the priveledge of her Chamber she had given her Treacherous Husband a fair occasion to see her in private Her Jealousy daily encreas'd she imagin'd a thousand times more then was indeed
the Point of spoiling all but to shew he understood raillery Madam answered he smiling I have not been for a month together in such a Court as this is where there are so many fair Ladies capable of inspiring the most tender Affection without feeling the Power of Love You love then says she Yes Madam I do replies the Count since it must be so How since it must be so says the Ladies are you forc'd to it against your inclination No Madam replys he but there are you know certain Stars that incline our Hearts which way they please saying this he laught and lookt on the Vice-queen with such Grimaces and Gestures which extremely puzzled her to comprehend the meaning of what he said to her and to make him explain himself May we not know says she who this beauty is to whom these amorous Influences have inclined your affections Madam answers he with a good assurance if you please to take the pains to consult your Glass it will soon shew you that beauty I understand you not says she putting on a serious Countenance and I believe being what I am I do you a favour in not being willing to understand you If I may pretend to any favour from you Madam replies the Count it is that you would understand me and be assured that you need not go out of this Closet to find the object that has charm'd me in this Country You forget your respect Sir says she and now I see how far the little too much esteem I had for you has carry'd you But if you return not within the limits of your Duty and forbear hereafter such discourses to me I shall be angry in earnest You are young pursues she seeing him struck Mute and these are faults which may be excus'd in such as you If you have a design to love added she learn where to address your self better and in a place where something may be hoped Alas Madam reply'd he my success is so bad the first time that I should do well never to love more No no says she smiling you must not dispair of good success You will find others more sensible of your love then I am and if you will let me advise you I will tell you where you may direct your Languishing Courtship and I dare engage you will be satisfied with the Person I shall choose for you This Adventure was pleasant enough For you see on the one side the Husband on the other the Wife endeavoured to bestow a Mistress on him But he to crossbite 'em pretends to act the part of the scrupulous Lover and to make a conscience of being constant to his first Affection and therefore immediately tells her he cannot promise that his Heart will be able so soon to resolve upon a change that the choice he had already made was good that nothing could console him after so bad a Success Nevertheless after a great many Motives she laid before him and even Entreaties which she us'd he feign'd at length to be overcome and told her since it was her absolute Pleasure he would endeavour to obey her though he could not do it without forcing his Inclinations and in conclusion askt her who it was she had judged proper for the Empire of his Heart She answered him presently that it was Donna Angelica who had spoken to her of him that Day in such a manner as gave her to understand she was not insensible of his Merits and that if the Resentments she had of him were not tender and amorous yet they contain'd an Esteem which amounted to little less The Count would have been overjoy'd if what the Vice-Queen had told him had been true for of all the Court Ladies he had seen none that pleas'd him so well as Donna Angelica The Truth was she had spoken very advantagiously of him to the Viceroy's Lady but it was not without Design The Viceroy who conceal'd nothing from her had acquainted her of the Snare he had laid for his Wives Heart in the Person of Count Henry So that Donna Angelica who no less than he interessed her self in the Success of this Plot was resolved to help on towards the advancing of it by prepossessing the Lady's Heart with the good Qualities of this young Gallant The young Neopolitan ravisht with Joy that the Viceroy's Lady had so happily met with his Wishes in the Choice of Donna Angelica dissembled for the time his Satisfaction He only tells her that after her self all other Beauties were indifferent to him that he car'd not whom he received provided it were from her Hands but as for Donna Angelica he had neither Access to her nor the Privilege of going to her Apartment The Vice-queen bids him be at no Trouble for that she would remove all Difficulties and that if he pleas'd he might see her and speak to her in her Chamber where she came every Day It is easie to guess what the Design of the Vice-queen was in making a Love Intrigue between Donna Angelica and the Count. The Employ was something beneath her Quality But where the Interest of the Heart is concern'd we pass by the nice Scruples of Honour She had a mind to give her Husband a Rival and such a one as might be formidable to him and one whose Qualities were too charming not to be as much beloved as he For judging of her Constancy by the Faith she kept to the Grand Master she did believe she would not prove more faithful to her Lover than she had been to her Husband And indeed she judged well The Tyes of Love are as easily broke as those of Marriage and where there is a mutual passing of Oaths those of the Wife ought to be as binding as those of the Mistress If the former are violated the others may very well be so too A perfidious Mistress and unfaithful Wife are alike The Count knew not that it was to Donna Angelica the Viceroy made his Pretensions This Amour had not as yet made any great Noise about the Court He was a great Gallant and whatever he did in this kind passed for a piece of Gallantry which was ordinary to him He had not as yet acquainted the Count with his Love and the Vice-queen conceal'd it from him for fear the Knowledge of it might divert him and make him scrupulous how to be jointly concern'd in a Love Affair with the Viceroy So that finding Donna Angelica a Woman exactly to his Humour he resolved by the Assistance of so powerful a Confident to attempt so fair an Enterprise The bare Idea of it made him amorous and he was already impatient to see his charming Mistress The Viceroy's Lady told him he need but come the succeeding Morning and he might find Donna Angelica with her in her Chamber He retir'd full of this Hope but was hardly got from her Apartment when he meets with Don Fernand who reproacht him with his Negligence Why Sir says the Count interrupting him
do you find that I have not perform'd my Duty well I am but now come from the Vice-queen I have been two long Hours with her in her Closet where I have sighed talkt of Love and feigned an Excess of Passion What would you desire more I know not what you have done since I saw you answers the Viceroy but a while since you made me conceive so ill an Opinion of you that I began to lay down all Hopes of finding any good Relief from you You were sad dejected and said not a Word is that the way to insinuate into the Hearts of the young Ladies That melancholy Air that I affected Sir answered the Count is none of the worst means to take some Hearts at least it was the means that perswaded your Lady the Vice-queen to lead me into her Closet to ask me what the matter was And there in private I told her what I had to say and I hope added he smiling you will find your desired Repose I wish I may answered the Viceroy not being overfond of entring into the Particulars of that Conversation and after having encouraged him to pursue the Design they each went away to their respective Apartments The Morrow following this new Lover who used always to go extream rich in Cloaths took a particular care to please his Mistress in his Habit. He found her as he had been told with the Viceroy's Lady and as soon as they saw him come into the Chamber they both fell a laughing at the different Thoughts they had of this Visit each looking upon the other as the pretended Mistress of this Gallant It was pleasant to observe the Care they both took to render themselves pleasing to him Do you not see Madam says Donna Angelica softly how delilicately he is shaped what a sweet Air he has how particularly graceful his Person is I observe it all says the Viceroy's Lady being overjoy'd to hear her speak in this manner and I confess if I were one of those Women that would entertain a Gallant I would make choice of Count Henry for Donna Angelica did judge by the gentile Behaviour of the Count and the Disposition of the Lady that if no Amour was yet a foot between them it would soon be begun And the Vice-queen was perswaded that Donna Angelica being perswaded as she was of the Merits of the Count either did already or would quickly be brought to love him The Count acquitted himself as to his part well enough for a young Scholar He sigh'd sometimes to one sometimes to the other to the Satisfaction of both When the Viceroy's Lady made him a Sign he went to Donna Angelica and then returned to her upon the silent Commands of Donna Angelica Never was Man better diverted all was well received from him he had the Privilege to do what he pleas'd and they permitted him each for the others sake all the little Liberty he had a mind to take with them Some Days past in this manner during which time the Viceroy's Lady and Donna Angelica gave themselves this Diversion and where the Viceroy himself had no mind to be seen for fear of spoiling their Mirth The happy Count enjoy'd alone these fair Ladies Company and grew every Day more familiar with them He was very handsome as to his Figure and of so free and airy a Humour that it sparkled through all his Actions and his Company was very pleasant and delightful to them But Don Fernand who besides the little Advantage he had hitherto got by it began to fear that Mischief might happen to his Mistress which he intended only for his Wife grew weary of their Divertisements and gave Donna Angelica notice that she would do him an extream Kindness to forbear being seen there any more since she was unable further to contribute to that Design But she who by no means would permit the Viceroy to concern himself about the Measures of her Conduct and knowing from what Motive his Advice proceeded did but laugh at him and went immediately from dinner to the Vice-queen's Chamber where she was sure the Count would not fail to be What is it to me says she what the Viceroy desires I will not deny my self the Satisfaction of seeing the Count. I never pass'd my Time more pleasantly than since I was acquainted with him The Vice-queen was of the same Opinion They sought not so much now to please one another because possibly they both loved him and it may be already repented they had been so liberal and not endeavour'd to retain him each for her self But as both of them had a good Opinion of their own Power to charm him they flattered themselves with a Conceit that they could retrieve him at their pleasure The Count being with the Viceroy's Lady and the time of going to take the Air drawing on they propos d to walk in the Garden when there came in some Ladies to wait upon the Vice-queen and their Visit growing somewhat tedious Donna Angelica whispers the Viceroy's Lady that she would stay for her in the Garden with the Count in the Arbor near the Labyrinth and so they took their leave of her and went both together This Lady did most extreamly long to know which of them had the geatest Empire o're the Counts Affections though she did not much doubt but it was her self his Eyes and all his ways of Expressions as well as his Mouth had sufficiently confirm'd her in this Belief but to avoid the ordinary Mistake of Women who are willing to flatter themselves in this Particular she was resolv'd to have from him a clear Declaration of the Truth and they were no sooner in the Arbor but beginning to laugh after a very charming manner for a young Lover says she Count Henry you have made a great Progress in a little time You are but newly arrived in this Court and you have got already such an Esteem among all the Ladies that I I should not very much flatter you in saying it is arrived even to the point of Love You are obliging Madam answer'd the Count but I should be too happy were the Progress I have made capable of reaching your Heart My Heart says she with a kind of secret Joy that appear'd in her Eyes you have no Thoughts of it you questionless take me for the Vice-queen No Madam replies the Count I know to whom I speak and if either of us mistake it is you if you imagine my Wishes and Sighs are addressed to the Vice-queen It is you Madam that are their fair Object and they only aspire at your Heart And seeing she answer'd nothing for possibly she was then at a stand what to say to him he made use of her obliging Silence and having put one Knee to the Ground Madam says he most passionately taking one of her fair Hands and giving it a thousand Kisses I have a long while waited for an Opportunity to swear to you by all that is most powerful
his usual eloquence had set forth the esteem and love he had for her Women of what condition or quality soever can never pardon such kind of slights especially those that are handsom She call d him by the most injurious names she could invent Is it possible says she that I can be so little valu'd and that a man for whom I have given my self a thousand torments and whom I have loved hitherto even to the contempt of a thousand that deserv'd it better should himself labour for his own dishonour Oh Heavens pursues she this indifference of his or rather this insupportable injury he does me cannot sufficiently be punished I ought to content a husband that is of this humour I have yet the same charms and winning looks as I had wherewith I might allure a thousand lovers to me without giving him the trouble of seeking them for me he shall not have cause to complain on that score I will see how for his patience will extend and I am a fool my self if I make not him the greatest of all mankind Let me begin with this young Neapolitan I perceive I am not indifferent to him and since he is a Gallant I receive from my husbands hands let me entertain him so kindly as that he may have no cause to be dissatisfyed He will lose more by it then my self With these thoughts she bore her self company to her Chamber and entertain'd her self with them the greatest part of the night during which she confirm'd her self in the resolution she had taken of seconding her disloyal husband's good intentions When a virtuous woman has taken the pains to convince her self and is fully perswaded thto ' the motives of Revenge and Honour that the sin is excusable neither virtue nor honour is of strength sufficient to oppose her The Count was extreamly out of humour that he had met with so unlucky an encounter with the Viceroy's Mistress He foresaw the consequences of it and he was not a little troubled at the Resolution he had taken To think no longer to love Donna Angelica was nonsense because already he was so far engag'd and to continue it was absolutely to ruine himself What in the world to do he knew not as the case then stood if he had been able to believe his interest in this fair one so powerful as to perswade her to agree with him in deceiving the Viceroy they might then keep their love secret but he durst not flatter himself so far as to that point he had a desire notwithstanding to satisfy himself in this particular if he could find ever an opportunity for it without plunging the Viceroy into new suspicions Whilst he was labouring under this inquietude he saw him come into his Chamber The Count altogether surpriz'd at this visit presently judg'd that some great important business had brought him thither The Viceroy observing in his Countenance the trouble that lay upon him to put him out of his pain after he had familiarly seated himself on the bed-side where the Count was laid You see says he smiling what it is to be in love by my being up so early when you are as fast taken in the Amorous lime-twigs as my self you will then sleep as little as I do and passing from this little preamble to the occasion of his visit he told him That Donna Angelica was mightily incens'd against him even almost to the last extremity for what he had said the evening before in the Garden You know pursues he whether I testified any kind of regret or jealousy when I found you alone with her though possibly I might have had very good ground for both But however she has past a thousand severe censures upon that action You must go wait upon her this morning and if she puts you upon that Chapter endeavour what you can to disabuse her but above all be sure to take no Notice that I have spoke to you or that I have in the least made you my confident of my passion for her If she speaks to you of the Vice-queen let her understand that all your inclinations are bent that way for her It is the ordinary frailty of Womenkind to flatter themselves that they are extreamly admired by the men and you having seen them both together she perhaps may think you have made a dividend of your heart betwixt them but let her understand your inclinations let her see your heart is incapable of adoring any more than one Divinity and that having made choice of the Vice-queen you have given up your self absolutely to be subject to her Empire After these and a great many other good Remonstrances the Viceroy went his way and the Count having drest himself to the most advantage he could directed his way to the Palace and found Donna Angelica bright as the Day setting before her Toilet she blusht when she saw him possibly at the remembrance of the last words he had spoke to her and having made him sit down they both remain'd silent perplext I am apt to believe with the multitude of their thoughts rather then want of matter for a Discourse But Donna Angelica unwilling any longer to insult upon the young Lovers disorder took pity on him thereby to retrieve his Courage I thought says she you came here to ask my pardon for the boldness you took yesterday in the Evening but by what I perceive you have forgot it already It is true Madam answers he sighing I am criminal enough to beg your pardon since I have been so unhappy as to displease you but I must confess to you though I were to expiate my fault with the laying down of my life at your Feet I know not whether I could ever repent of what I said to you and if it be a crime to love you I am in danger of being all my life the greatest criminal in the World You do not feat then replies she to offend me Alas Madam says he sighing I dread your least displeasure but love is a God more to be fear'd than you It is high time to explain my self and I am so wretched as not to please you let me then at least understand my misfortune Well Sir says she will you be satisfy'd if I tell you that such a Man as you never sigh'd in vain she could not bring forth these words without blushing but they so strangely possest our young Lover with a joyous transport that flinging himself at her knees he embrac'd them a thousand times She made him rise and told him smiling he should have a care the Viceroy did not find him again in that Posture whom he was to look upon as his most dangerous Enemy I know it Madam says he in a tone wherein there was less assurance and that he is already too well established in your Heart ever for me to hope to displace him it is not on that point replies she you ought to fear him but it is because he will have
a Watch over your Actions and if we are not wonderfully circumspect his jealousie will bring a great deal of trouble to us both Then the Count acquainted her with the visit he had received from him that Morning and the Discourse they had held and that it was by his Order he had made her this visit and in fine each of them passing from these confidences they intrusted one another with their deepest reserves The Count acquainted her with what had pass'd between him and the Viceroy's Lady and Donna Angelica to requite him conceal'd nothing that had pass'd between the Viceroy and her self Thus having diverted themselves they took their measures how to deceive both the Viceroy and his Lady After which having made a very fair progress in so early an Amour they parted infinitely satisfied with each other The Vice-queen who used every Morning to receive a visit from her dear Gallant waited for him with more impatience than ever and began to be quite and clean out with him for tarrying so long from her as if he could have divined the favourable dispositions of her heart towards him that Day She could stay no longer but immediately after Dinner she went to visit Donna Angelica to hear what was become of him she was told he had pass'd part of the Morning in her Chamber which news together with some other melancholly thoughts put her clearly out of all good humour for the rest of that Day The Count came not to her till about the Evening and found her in her Chamber very much indispos'd and full of thoughtfulness No doubt she was thinking at that time of him And she receiv'd him with such an indifference as gave him plainly to understand she had a quarrel with him and he was not long ere he knew what it was for after he had used some importunities to beseach her to disclose she reproach'd him with a thousand things many of which he was not guilty of and which ended all in the visit he had made that Day to Donna Angelica upon which she made a long and smart descant The Count answer'd her that if he should be in love with that Lady he pay'd but the Duty of an Obedience to her in it You are a Traytor replies she you have obey'd me without repugnance and it appears but too plain that I councell'd you nothing but what was agreeable before to your inclinations and thar in refusing your heart I only hindred you from becoming perfidious to me You have yet so much power Madam answer'd the Count over this heart that if you please but to recal the gift you have made of it it will easily return an absolute Captive to you To speak to her in this manner was indeed to deserve the name of a Traytour but he had reason to apprehend some danger from her as well as from the Viceroy He plainly saw she had engag'd him in an Amour with Donna Angelica whom she mortally hated but with an intention to ruine her Moreover as he knew not what was in the Breast of this fair one although he had of late discover'd some encrease of her inclination towards him he did not imagine that what she said to her would be of so great a consequence But the Vice-queen who really imagin'd that the Count's inclination was greater towards her rival had not any difficulty to be perswaded to what she was willing to believe and so engag'd him to make his most tender addresses to her The young Count who after he had so happily pass'd the Morning was now full of Gallantry added Treachery to Treachery and said to her all he could have said to Donna Angelica insomuch that the abused Vice-queen furiously swallow'd all his Courtship and was most passionately charmed with it These sort of Treacheries are much in use as well among Men as Women which is the reason that we take a stricter care and rely no more upon the faith of words then upon that of looks The Heart it self often proves a great Lyar what it longs for one Day it has an aversion to the next The young Count was something tainted with the corruption of the Age and the Vice-queen though otherwise a very ingenious Woman suffered herself to be deceived because she extreamly wisht all things just to the standard of the young Courtiers Rhetorick to her He saw Donna Angelica but it was privately and from her he came full of Love to make his Courr to the Vice-queen He used the same disguise towards the Viceroy whom Donna Angelica treated more favourably to amuse him and not to make him suspect that she had any secret Intrigue with Count Henry But it is impossible for a jealous Man and a jealous Woman long to be abus'd by those whom Love takes pleasure sometimes to blind It is very difficult when we are possess'd with a great Passion to be always on the Defensive part against another Passion and if we are the least forgetful before those who watch us narrowly we are soon caught The Vice-queen and Donna Angelica very seldom saw one another the Jealousie which had already embroiled them on their Husband's Account had now also disunited them on the Account of a Gallant As for the Viceroy he was well satisfy'd with the Proceedings of the Count as to his Wife but not as to his Mistress and while he was at rest from the Importunity of the former he was much disquieted for the love of the other The submissive Posture in which they had seen the Neapolitan Count in the Garden came continually into his mind and he had observ'd so great a Change in Donna Angelica's Carriage and Behaviour since that time who did sometimes absent herself for half a day together so that no body knew what was become of her that it gave him sufficient matter for his Thoughts to work on The Vice-queen was much happier then for she imagin'd she had an equal return of Love from the Count to that she gave him she saw him every day and took all the Liberty with him that any Woman would take who cares not if all the World knows she entertains a Gallant She had a right to it not to be question'd nay further none could indeed tell how to say any thing against it Her Husband would have it so he was a Gallant she had received from his own Hand who had train'd him up on purpose to make him pleasing to her It is true he had prescribed him some Limits but however the Vice-queen was mightily pleased in that he left her the means of revenging her self on him and it was in the transgression of those Limits that the pleasure of her Revenge consisted When Inclination is joyn'd with Revenge we very seldom miss our Blow And Women especially who have always their Revenges ready at hand The Vice-queen found her self one Morning extreamly inclined not to pardon her Husband She had had that Night a thousand pleasant Dreams of the Count
had happened to her she sigh'd and complain'd of the negligence of her lover when casting her eyes by accident on the platform that was under the window she saw in a little lodge built for a sentinel a man that made her a sign with his hand not daring to shew himself for fear of being seen from some other windows of the Palace which look'd that way She lookt earnestly upon him not knowing at first who it might be but at length not without a great surprise she discovered him to be her dear Count which gave her no small trouble There were upon this platform two Culverins but the place being almost inaccessible they were little lookt after and that gate which went to them was never open'd but when they had an occasion to discharge them so that were was no danger of his being sought for there but the main difficulty was how to get him from thence The window was so high that she could not imagine how he could get down without hurting himself But they could do nothing before night came on that was the only time to remedy all She writ to him in the mean while several little notes to comfort him which she threw down together with some sweet meats and indeed whilst he was under that severe fatality without having any thing to eat I am apt to think he really wanted some such refreshment as that or else the comfort of her letters was not of it self sufficient to keep up his drooping spirits Night came at last having been long wisht for by both the Lovers and Donna Angelica having thrown him down a strong Rope which she had prepar'd for that purpose the young Gallant mounted up to the Window with an incomparable Address and you may guess that what he had eaten that Day had not very much overcharged him What a Joy was it to the fair Angelica to see him in her Closet It was such as could not be moderated but by the Fear of some new Misfortune which might happen to them The Count acquainted her with all the Accidents of the precedent Night and with what had obliged him to leap down upon the Platform She on her part told him the Consequence of that Adventure what Alarms it gave her on his account and the Grand Master's Discourse thereupon with the Viceroy They concluded that it must be some of the Viceroy's Spies or possibly he himself that had been so shrewdly beaten Then laught at the Thoughts of it and they would have carryed the Discourse out further but reflecting upon the present Juncture of Affairs they concluded they had railed at it sufficiently and it was time the Count should withdraw not doubting but that they should be now more narrowly watched than ever so that the Pleasure of seeing one another and of being together giving way to the Danger that threatned them both they began to study which way the Count might get out of her Apartment and not be discover'd There were in this Closet some Womens Cloaths and the Count being of no extraordinary Stature Donna Angelica even ventur'd to dress him up in one of those and found they fitted him extraordinary well She had no sooner got them on but the Grand Master knocks at the Door Donna Angelica though trembling with Fear was forc'd to open it and her Husband seeing the young Lady askt her whether that were one of the Thieves the Viceroy would have him fear and so went out again not staying for an Answer which happened very well to his Lady for I believe at that time she was in no extraordinary good Condition to make him one sufficient to pass muster After such a Deliverance we cannot think our two Lovers would defer any longer taking their leaves of one another The Count having saluted his fair Mistress two or three times got out very happily and came safe home to his Lodging The next Morning he was no sooner out of his Bed but he received this Letter from the Vice-queen For a young Lover Count your Passion is very cold What! Is this the Love you have promis'd me To let slip a whole Day without seeing me Nay so much as without sending to inquire after my Health I find Sir I must even teach you your Duty But that is a little too much however I have Compassion on you You are young and it seems you know not yet what it is to be deeply in love But come to me for I have resolved to make you happier to Day than you could reasonably expect Adieu I shall expect you at ten of the clock this Morning fail not to come The Count went to see her and after some few Love Quarrels for his so long Absence for which he excusd himself as well as he could they entred into a more particular Conversation in which the Vice-queen us'd all her Charms to set him on fire Count Henry whose Spirit was under no Constraint as to this fair one spoke the most endearing and most gallant things to her in the World and such as possibly he could not have said had he been extraordinarily in love for Love though it suggests some times very good Thoughts to us yet it does not inspire us with Boldness of speaking them The abused Vice-queen in the mean time answer'd his obliging Discourses in such a manner as discover'd how well she was satisfy'd one thing only in this Gallant displeas'd her that having so much Love for her as he pretended he had no more Confidence but suffered all his Passion to consist only in Words Non voglion le donne inviti Violenze desian per iscusare Con l'altrui forza i loro appetitu She look'd upon the Count with Eyes which drew him to her and as soon as he approach'd she push'd him back now making one Complaint and then another and in fine like a Woman that sought an occasion to quarrel and at the same time was desirous to make Peace tho' I leave it to the Reader to judge what War and what Peace it was she desir'd She was in an Undress capable to inspire any Soul with the most passionate Tenderness for besides that the Spaniards have naturally something in them extreamly charming both Art and Love had mutually agreed to make her so and they had drest her in such a negligent manner that was able to poison the most obdurate Hearts I know not what happen'd between them and I should be loath to speak it though I should know but this I know that besides the Revenge to which the Vice-queen was carried out she was not a Woman that would be at all the Charge of such a Scene to no purpose A Man of Honour stands much upon his Fidelity to his Friend but no Principles of Honour could resist such powerful Charms Some Days past in this manner during which the Count who for some Reasons of Politie did not visit Donna Angelica but made his Court to the Vice-queen to amuse the Viceroy But
delighted to be interfering sent them the Grand Master who already being fired with a passion for Donna Brigitta could tarry no longer without seeing her He took the pretence of telling them it was Dinner-time and desir'd his Wife to perswade the young stranger to dine with them These two young Lovers who had not had time to make the full advantage of their interview yielded without difficulty to the Grand Master's request Only the Count made some scruple for fashions sake but it was to be the more earnestly entreated which the Lady did with so good a grace that she could not be denied All Dinner-time the Grand Master had his eyes fixt upon the fair Donna Brigitta he carved for her and forgot not to drink her Health The Count and Donna Angelica who observed all his earnestness and care could not forbear laughing at him The new Lover never had been seen in so good a humour in his life and he took a great delight to see them meet with so pleasant a Diversion The Count did as much as the decency of the Sex he had taken upon him would permit to make him really Amorous who never till then had been in Love with any thing but his Sword The Count drank the Grand Master's Health he shewed him all the respect imaginable he took all occasions to oblige him so that the Grand Master believ'd he had already got some place in Donna Brigitta's affection He spoke very highly of her Beauty and said he was forced to confess having made his Excuses to his Wife that he had never seen a more beautiful Creature in his life Donna Angelica managed this Scene extreamly well and play'd the part of a good-natur'd Wife telling him she would serve him as his Confident but gave him warning that he was to expect a Rival A Rival replies he in a fury being heated both with Love and Wine and who is it that will dispute here with me The Viceroy answers she if he sees her but that shall not be here pursued she for as a faithful Confident I will keep her entirely for you The Grand Master was so well pleas'd with his Wife for this Complaisance that he could have given her the Empire of the World if it had been in his power to express to her the sense he had of such an extraordinary kindness Dinner being ended he kept his Wife and Donna Brigitta company a little time but having some important business that indispensably called him away he was oblig'd though with a great deal of regret to take his leave of them Whereupon the Count pretended he must be gone too but the Grand Master oppos'd it and imployed besides his own importunities those of his Wise to oblige him to tarry till his return which should be within as short a time as possible telling them otherwise he would not go how pressing soever his business was Donna Angelica frighted with this last Menace as well as with that of the false Brigitta told him she would take the charge of that Affair upon her and that she would lead the Stranger into her Closet from whence she would not suffer her to stir till he return'd The Grand Master earnestly entreated his Wife to be as good as her word and having waited on them to the Closet for the better security as well as to shew a piece of Gallantry he lockt them in and took the Key with him The Vice-roy who notwithstanding the just ground he might have to complain of this Lady 's imprudent Conduct was now a little reconciled to Donna Angelica being yet uneasie and disquieted spent whole days in her Apartment so that not being satisfied with his Mornings Visit which had lasted three or four hours he came again after Dinner Having met with no body and being there well acquainted he came as far as her Chamber and hearing some laughing in the Closet he put his Ear close to the Key hole and knew it to be the Count's voice which made him hearken more attentively for he was unwilling a word of their Discourse should escape him I leave you to judge whether it could be pleasing to him or no. He resolved at first not to interrupt them but hear them patiently out to the end but it was hard so long to restrain the impetuous motions of his troubled Soul The more he heard the more his grief inlarged upon him But what should he do in this Circumstance he was almost at his wits end and knew not what was his best course to take to knock at the door was a trouble to no purpose he might very well imagine they would not open it without making him speak and much less if he should speak and what measure soever he should use it would but the more advise them to manage their precaution If he had follow'd the motion of his first thoughts he had presently endeavour'd to break open the door but besides that the door was strong enough for the efforts he was able to make against it he had so much reason remaining in him as to see it did by no means become a Person of his Character to use that violence in anothers Apartment and if he made any noise he apprehended that the worst consequences of it might light upon himself He concluded then it was his best way to wait there without making any bustle till they came out or the Grand Master would come in For he was resolv'd this time to undo them and the occasion was too fair to be slipt Those in the Closet continued still their Merriment But the deep sighs the Viceroy fetch'd who sitting on a Chair he had plac'd near the door the better to overhear them bit his Nails to the blood having given them some suspicion of the truth made them speak lower and then it was that the Viceroy being upon Sentinel and enrag'd at the heart not knowing what their secret way of Diversion might be would fain have found some device or other to peep in upon them tho' he could not well have hoped to see any thing there that might be very pleasing to him The Grand Master who was under a violent impatience to see Donna Brigitta could no longer defer his return Those who have never loved are more violent than others when they begin to be fired He left his business half undone and sigh'd all the time of his absence from her He could have wished for a winged Chariot to bring him home so much the sooner But however at last he gets thither and running directly to the Closet he finds not without great surprize the Viceroy in a very sad posture and with a Countenance which sufficiently witness'd the Confusion that possest him at first he made a pleasant judgment of it and reason'd after this natural manner What a Cur of a Hound says he to himself is this no sooner have I any Game here but he is presently nosing after it however he seem'd as if he knew
he preferred before all things He communicated his design to his Valett de Chambre who had served him long and being active and ingenious quickly took order to have all things in readiness that were necessary for their purpose The Spring was come and the Weather seasonable for Travel when on a fair day the Young Gentleman and his Servant privately left Rome and imbarqued at Civita Vecchia in a Felucca hired for the purpose His design was to visit the best Courts of Europe beginning with that of Spain But there are Persons over whom Fortune is so rigorously imperious that she seems jealous of any thing they undertake without consulting her first 'T was she who provided Count Alexander a Voyage into Africk when he had designed to confine his Travels to Europe Of the Towns he was to see Tunis was marked out by Fortune for one and though much out of his Road yet where Fortune intermeddles there always happens something extraordinary her excesses and extravagancies being that which chiefly makes us take notice of her The fourth day after he had left Civita Vecchia this Young Lord began to perceive that though all the Elements are terrible at Sea yet Men who are Enemies are more terrible than the Elements Till then the Weather had been fair to extremity not a puff of contrary Wind He proceeded in his Voyage with what speed he could wish and blessed himself at the happiness of the Weather The Coast of Italy is dangerous especially in Summer being then subject to In-roads by People of the South whose livelihood is Robbery and when the Weather is fair their Trade is so great that whosoever is not upon his Guard is happy if he escape them I mean the Corsairs of Barbary Count Alexander who never thought he had left Rome to be led in Triumph to Tunis saw himself at break of day saluted by a Brigandine of that Nation The poor Seamen presently took Alarm the sight of one Turban was sufficient to affright them And the Turks had scarce discharged three or four Musquets at the Christians but they leapt into the Sea to save themselves by swimming the Italian Count and his Servant staid in the Vessel not in hopes of being able to defend themselves against that number of Enemies which the strength of Rollando and the Inchanted Armour of Amadis could scarcely have done whereas now a Man is but a Man and among other Secrets that of Inchanting Arms is lost But having no skill in swimming he could not expect to escape as the Mariners Yet he was not so out of love with his Life but that he held it better to be a Slave than be drowned But that those Barbarous Corsairs might see what a Person they dealt with and that he might sell his Liberty as dear as possible having commanded his Servant to throw his Baggage over-board he gave him order what further to do I will omit the Description of the Action though reputed the most glorious ever done on the Mediterranean being a Combat of Two against Thirty whereof they laid six dead on the Deck and many more wounded 'T was an Engagement of a Herd of Wolves against Two young Lions who defended themselves with unparallel'd Valour and Courage 'T is true the Turks not to lose the Money they did expect from their Ransom spared them at first using Cudgels only against them but at length the Blood and Death of their Comrades and the shame and disdain they had of so long and obstinate defence made by two rash Christians against them being so many having filled them with rage they had recourse to their Symitars And with so much advantage that having killed the Valet the Young Count after several Wounds received his strength not his Courage having failed him in so tedious a Fight was forced to yield being no longer able to lift up his Arm to make use of his Sword The Cowardly Villains had scarce the Courage to board him and durst not approach him till they saw him fallen flat on his back They took him and carried him on board their Brigandine where they gave him all the help in their power for saving his Life having no other mark of their Victory but the taking one Valiant Person who had cost them too dear to be proud of their Prize They beheld him with Admiration and could not comprehend how an Age so tender could be capable of so much Courage and that in a Body appearing so delicate there was strength enough lodged to perform the actions they had seen And being Naturally Superstitious they did really believe there was something supernatural in the Young Man's Person or at least that he was the Flower of Christendom this conceit helped them to bear with more patience the shame of their Victory And finding their Men thin and having taken before some considerable Prizes they resolved to return directly for Tunis The Weather was favourable and in few days sail they arrived at Gouletta where going ashore they put the poor Count on Horse-back bound and pinion'd like a Robber and brought him to the Town some of these Barbarians having got the start of the rest spread such a Report of his Valour and Courage that they drew together not the ordinary People only who are curious of small matters but the Principal Persons of Tunis and the Bassa himself who accompanyed with many of his Friends came walking towards the Ruines of Carthage to see the arrival of this Famous Christian whom they imagined a Man that carried Terror in his looks But how were they surpriz'd to see a Youth pale and disfigured yet keeping with his good mien the marks of Grandeur in his Countenance He was pityed by all and the Bassa being a gallant and generous Person was presently seized with such Indignation against the Villains who used in that manner one so little deserving it that he commanded them forthwith on pain of his displeasure to unbind him upon the place which they instantly did not daring to disobey him who next the Dey was of greatest Authority and Power in the Kingdom He asked them the price of their Slave and having commanded him to be conducted to his Palace paid the Corsairs five hundred Patacoons being the Money they demanded Count Alexander having happily fallen into the hands of so good and generous a Patron began to recover He was Lodged in a handsom Apartment where the Bassa's Chyrurgions searched his Wounds And being more carefully lookt to than on board the Brigandine he soon found himself better though weak and sore bruised by what he had suffer'd at Sea from the hands of those Barbarians who having no pity for any had not been too careful of him yet there was no danger of his Life the Fever he had was not great and they had hopes to see him well in few days The Bassa visited him Morning and Evening and by degrees his care and kindness grew to that height that he came more
not obtain farther satisfaction than that it was an effect of his Temper He had furnished him to excess with all that Countrey could afford for the Pleasures of Life and could not imagine the cause of the grief but fancied at last that to compleat his Divertisements Alexander might want the conversation of a Woman The Bassa being a Person much given to Gallantry was the more easily inclined to believe he had found the true cause of his Melancholy And looked upon it as no incurable Disease but presently resolved to find out a Remedy by furnishing him with a Mistress which was a high strain of complaisance in a Person of his Character but there were no limits to the Love he had for his Alexander The Law of Mahomet is very severe in this Point against Persons of another Religion though very indulgent to those of his own Those who fall into the Hands of the Turks and will make love to their Women are under the necessity of changing their Religion or Burning these Extremities are hard yet of the many Christians reduced to those straits I know not one who hath thought Martyrdom so charming as not to prefer Circumcision before Burning the Bassa though no zealous observer of the Law was willing however to avoid the Scandal that might follow if the Intrigue were discovered and therefore design'd to marry him to a Christian There was with the Sultaness his Wife an Italian Slave a young Maid of good quality lovely and witty it was not long since the Bassa had been in love with her but without any success whether it proceeded from the respect she bore to the Sultaness her Mistress who loved her intirely or from scruple of Conscience in point of Religion with which she excused her self certain it is his addresses were vain and after three Months eager pursuit of his design being not accustom'd to so much resistance he quitted her and cast his eyes on other less difficult conquests he hoped that one Christian with another might have better success and that Alexander being very lovely and young needed only to shew himself for gaining the love of a Maid of his Country professing the same Religion with him he endeavour'd to dispose her for the purpose by raising in her an esteem for the Gallant he provided her he had often spoken of him in the Chamber of the Sultaness where Laura the Slave we are discoursing of did constantly attend And having formed the design he seldom entertained them with any thing else but Alexander did this or Alexander said that of which he gave them so pleasant Descriptions that he could not fail of making some impressions of love for him in a Woman though never so little susceptible The Count knew nothing of all these good Offices the Bassa smiling sometimes at his sadness would tell him he should shortly see him in a different humor One having disposed all things on Laura's side who had told him she would not be displeas'd to see this Christian he took him into the Garden of the Seraglio to walk and after a turn or two asked him if he had ever been in love The question did very much surprize him apprehending that being among a People naturally suspicious the Bassa might perhaps have had some Jealousie of him though he could not imagine the cause But to disabuse him he held it necessary to affect great indifference in the business of Women and the truth is to that day he had not been in love And though it were ill courtship to the Bassa who was an admirer of Women to tell him he had never been in Love yet he chose rather to commit a solaecism in courtship than to give him the least cause of suspicion The Bassa advised him to have a care of himself lest Love should one day be revenged of him and told him he despaired not of seeing him a Lover in Barbary You are said he handsom and witty and there are here as in Europe dangerous Ladies who perhaps may have designs on your liberty and you are not yet got out of Tunis This Discourse unexpected and spoken with such an Air so troubled the Count he knew not what answer to make The Bassa much pleased at the disorder he had put him to What said he doth Love appear so terrible to you that you dare not encounter it can a Man of your bravery be afraid of a Passion Recollect your self and think it not so dreadful here as in Italy you arm your Cupid with weapons of War we dress ours with Flowers nothing is less cruel than Love among the Turks our Women are kind and good natured and never are the cause of any mans death by coyness and disdain the sole difficulty is in getting a sight of them gain but that point and nothing can be more easie than the rest your Ladies are scrupulous and shy of shewing favour to theirs Lovers and ours make a conscience of seeing theirs Languish it is not so odious to be fond and coming with you as 't is to be cruel and insensible here We follow in the first place the Law of nature preferring it to Mohomets as being Men before we are Muslulmans We hold our selves obliged to pay kind regard and affectionate tenderness to Female Beauty and expect from it a return of complacency And those who approve not these Maxims we esteem unworthy to taste the pleasures of Love I know that in Europe you use this Passion an extraordinary way making that Martyrdom which should be a delight but I would fain know what the design of that Woman can be who sees a man every day on his knees at her feet sighing for that which she also desires and it may be more passionately Why then must he be tormented Why so many sighs why so many tears expected from him when the passion of both Sexes is equal if that of the Female may not pass for the greater The Count having in this time recollected himself answered I believe Sir that in Love as in other matters every one may have his particular fancy and different Maxims for conduct but if I who was never in Love may be allow'd to deliver my opinion of it I conceive that Men born under a Law are insensibly disposed to bear it with ease And I dare confidently affirm there is more sweetness and charming delight in the torments we endure in our way of Loving than in those easie pleasures that cost you nothing think not Sir those torments so cruel as our Lovers represent them they aggravate them only to affect their Mistresses the more and to make them more sensible It would certainty surprize you to hear them cry Increase O love Increase so sweet a pain their sufferings are pleasures The Bassa was so charmed with hearing him speak that he would not interrupt him so that he proceeded What satisfaction can you find in a Love that is fulsom and dull without any pique to make it poynant
and season it for relish What divertisement to be expected from an innocent Cupid a Child without wit without waggery that permits you to do in all things as you please The Bassa could not forbear laughing and told him that to make him believe that Love the most charming that made him suffer most he must make it appear by trial in himself by being in Love enduring with pleasure all the torments he spoke of Sir said Alexander I was never in love in my Country where you know we have freedom of living and Liberty of converse with the Female Sex it is not probable then I shall fall in love here where we are not allow'd so much as a sight of them means may be found replied the Bassa to satisfie you in that particular if you desire it I do not conceive it for my advantage said the Count to thrust my self into the fire to try the experiment or to change my Religion No no said the Bassa it is with a Christian I would have you acquainted and one in my judgment very beautiful and not unworthy your sighs had I been of your mind and like the Lovers of your Country taken pleasure in being vext and tormented my business might have been done She made me pine for her above three Months till weary of a Mistress that had so little sense of my pain I betook my self to others that were more of my humour her beauty and wit will certainly charm you and you may find her as haughty as fierce as cruel as you can wish it may be difficult to have a sight of her as being with the Sultaness who since she knew the inclinations I had for her would never permit her to step out of her Apartment but I 'le bring you thither disguised as an Eunuch there is no other way of entrance for you into the Seraglio and you are so young that by Night you may pass for an Eunuch without any suspicion The Count gave him a thousand thanks for the favour not but that he could have been very well content to have been without it having no great desire to engage himself in Acquaintance in a Country where he would tarry as short time as he could yet in complaisance to the Bassa and of Curiosity to see a Slave the Bassa represented so beautiful he accepted this offer with some kind of joy The fourth Prayer being over he came to his Patron being the time he usually went to the Seraglio And having taken the Habit of an Eunuch provided for him there he waited on the Bassa to the Apartment of the Sultaness Laura who had notice of their coming waited their entrance the Bassa came smiling up to her and whispered her in the Ear that he had brought her an Eunuch who could tell her News out of Italy pray'd her to have a care of him and to use him as a Person he lov'd entirely Laura fell a laughing and answered she doubted not but the Eunuch should give him a good account of his Reception The Count though Disguised was so easie to be known that had the Bassa said nothing his good Mien had discovered him No Eunuch no Turk had so good an air She gave him her hand to lead her into a Chamber where they should not be exposed to their view who past by Sir said she I know not what thanks to give the Bassa for the favour he hath done me to afford me a sight of you no man being allowed entrance here but himself and the Eunuch whose Habit he hath caused you to take I cannot impute it to any thing but the extraordinary affection he hath and daily declares for you 'T is true Madam answered the Count the kindness of the Bassa to me is extream but if either of us have reason to be concerned how to thank him as he very well deserves 't is certainly I for the favour he hath procured me yet I could wish I were not wholly beholding to him for it but that as he would have me believe you had a hand in it Sir replyed Laura I shall tell you no lye I have made it sufficiently known to you I desired this favour from him He told us things so glorious of you and related them so much to your advantage you may easily believe I who for three years I have been here have not had the Liberty of Converse with any Man could not but desire acquaintance of a Person so generally esteemed Madam said he this Country hath been favourable in allowing me a Reputation which perhaps I may find difficult to maintain in your Opinion You need not fear that reply'd Laura your Mien confirms sufficiently the reports that have past of you But to change the Discourse do you know said she smiling that sometimes 't is dangerous in a Nation like this to make your self so much the subject of Discourse if not on the Mens account yet certainly on the Womens who fall in Love meerly on report without a sight or knowledge of the Party The Count answer'd smiling Madam there is no danger of your being of the number of those kind-hearted Ladies I am not so Fortunate And why said she might not I be one who have so long'd for a sight of you but to lose no more time I must tell you your Fortune is better than you think and I do that for another which perhaps I would not have done for my self The desire of seeing a Man is here reputed a mighty advancement of Love where to see and to agree are all one But I have undertaken this affair and made the Bassa believe I have very favourable thoughts of you And to satisfie your Curiosity of knowing the Party for whom I have so much complaisance in store it is for the Bassa 's Lady Madam Alhie the Sultaness The confidence she is pleased to repose in me is so great that she hath entrusted me with this Secret and my kindness for her should not admit one moments scruple doing her this Service I cannot doubt but you have heard of her Beauty never was any so famous in this Kingdom nor perhaps in the World more worthy admiration And as for her temper 't is the sweetest and most lovely that can be imagined The first view you have of her will perswade you she hath an Inclination to Love so tender so languishing is the air of her Countenance And though this be natural to the Women of this Country and that the first thing they are taught is to sigh and appear languishing yet I have not observed those weaknesses in her but on your account To deduce things from the Original I must inform you that when the Bassa returned from Constantinople having dispatched the Affair depending there between him and the King and Divan of this place and being confirmed by the Grand Signior in the Offices his Father had left him which they had disputed the King in order to Reconciliation was advised to give the
Bassa his Daughter in Marriage Alhie was then Sixteen Years old and her beauty at the height though at this day in my judgment no man that sees her but must be in Love with her These Marriages of Policy and State interest to which the Daughters of great ones are subject to be Sacrificed seldom prove Happy The Bassa Espoused Alhie and perhaps loved her a Week but after that returned to his former Engagements and for ordinary Beauties quitted the greatest of the Kingdom 'T is true it often happens thus in this Country where Men abhor loving by Duty and Obligation and commonly love Mistresses better than Wives But this Lady in my Opinion ought to have been excepted as wanting nothing requisite to satisfie the Passion of any reasonable Man but she is as unfortunate as others The Bassa though otherwise a Person of much Gallantry visits her scarce once in a Month yet he pays her all the respect in the World and she hath no cause of complaint but of his Love but take Love from Marriage what signifies the rest What a trouble is it to a Young Lady who knows her own merit to see her self slighted in that whereof she is most sensible A Lady who would think her self happy in being belov'd and thinks she deserves it You must be a Woman before you can comprehend the rigor of this usage and the greatness of her misfortune But to come to what concerns you the Sultaness hath ever had a great inclination for Christians and the greatest Pleasure she takes is in stories she makes me tell of my Country which surprise her so especially when I speak of the Freedom Men have there with Women that she hath a thousand times wished her Fortune had been as mine and that she had fallen into the hands of a Christian who would have carried her into that Country 'T is certain a Woman had better be a Slave with us than free among the Turks where their Life is nothing but a perpetual Slavery The Adventures of Love and Gallantry have pleased her so well in the relation that she longs for a sight of one of those I called Persons of Quality and Merit who were so Gallant and Handsom as I represented You were no sooner arrived but she came with great joy to tell me the Bassa had newly bought a Christian of whom they spoke Wonders I fell a laughing and asked if it were not such a one she had often wish'd for her Slave She blushed and turning about with a sigh answer'd who knows what may happen and whether Fortune hath not designed him for me She made me her Bedfellow that Night to entertain her on that subject On the morrow the Bassa having confirmed the reports of you and commended your Person she and I for several days had no discourse but of you The kindness she hath for me makes me somewhat familiar with her nor do we very strictly observe here our distance towards great ones this made me sometimes take the Liberty to quarrel with her for the longing she exprest for a Man she had not seen I confess said she this were falling in Love a little too soon if we managed our Love as the Christians do theirs But the Bassa having made such a description of this Man there is not a Woman in the Kingdom who would not have had a greater Passion for him than I have exprest And you may believe he would not have spoken so much in his praise before the meanest of his Empresses but though he slight me so that he cares not what I think my Affections are free You would esteem your self happy Madam said I to have such a Christian in Love with you More happy reply'd she than you can imagine And I will assure you I could willingly change the state I am in for the condition of a private Christian Lady What good does it me to abound thus with Riches to receive so much Honour to be the Daughter of a King and the Wife of a Bassa if I cannot be content nor do as I would nor love where love is due In a word I am nothing less than I am taken to be but a Slave more unhappy than those under Chains Poor Laura said she embracing me tenderly how I pity thee who hast tasted the Pleasures and Liberty of thy Country and hast unhappily fallen into their hands who use so unworthily all sorts of Women With such discourses as these did we entertain our selves ever since they spoke of you at Tunis The Bassa came oftner to visit the Sultaness though we knew not the reason and almost every day brought us the News of you And as he loves you entirely took pleasure in relating every thing you did Perhaps had he known the favourable inclinations the Sultaness had for you he had been more sparing in his expressions of you for I cannot believe he designed to prejudice himself in speaking obligingly of you But it was an oversight and most unpardonable in him who so well knew the temper of Women of this Country Judge you whether so good a report from so good a hand could want its effect The Sultaness was affected with them so much to the purpose that what at first was a bare inclination grew up by degrees to a settled Passion Her humour was suddenly chang'd from Merry and Jocund into Sadness and Melancholy and I who alone knew her Distemper could not but pity her sighs and complaints and was extreamly afraid she might fall into a Disease which they call Fantasie and is a kind of Melancholy that proves Mortal to many Men and Women of this Country I did my endeavour to cure her of this Passion by representing to her all the obstacles in her way to the happiness she desired But my Remedies came too late I did but trouble her to no purpose having said to her self all that I could possibly say to divert her from the affection she had taken So that despairing of Remedy on that side I apply'd my thoughts another way and flatter'd her hopes of bringing that to pass which I could not discover the least possibility to effect But to prevent the growth and increase of her Distemper it was necessary to deceive her by flatteries and hopes At last I know not how it fell out that the Bassa having spoken of you to me two days ago as he frequently does when he finds me alone I told him I should be very glad to see you if it might be done without noise and scandal I was extreamly astonish'd how easily he promised it And you may believe I had not waited here for you but that I very well knew him a Man of his word The Count having hearken'd to all this discourse with marvellous attention and thanked Laura for all her good Offices and answer'd all her obliging expressions in behalf of the Sultaness discovered to her the Bassa's design and the reason of his being brought thither Laura was
ravished to hear his discourse and though she foresaw her concern in the Affair was like to be small yet she was pleas'd with the News she received being willing to sacrifice all Interests of her own to the satisfaction of her Lady But Sir to tell you all said she to the Count having paid my thanks to the Bassa for the favour I was in hopes of from him I went presently to bring the News to the Sultaness who could not sufficiently embrace me being so extreamly transported that nothing in the World could have made her more joyful she hath scarcely been able to sleep ever since She and I have laid a hundred designs and framed to our selves a thousand devices how she may have a sight of you but if the Bassa will not permit you to come alone hither I do not see how it may be effected The Sultaness in the mean time will be ravished with joy that I have seen you and that you know some part of her mind The happy Roman being charmed at the kindness a Lady of that beauty and quality had for him was very urgent with Laura to oblige him on this occasion and press'd her to say to the Sultaness from him all that a heart extreamly sensible of the favour she did him was capable to express That he would have esteem'd himself the happiest of men had it been in his power to have merited this honor and that it should be the business of his Life to deserve it by his Actions Sir reply'd Laura all she desires of you is that you will so manage the Liberty the Bassa doth afford you that she may once have a sight of you I find my self engaged to it by so many reasons said the Count that you may be assured I will not forget any thing that may gain this honour I must intreat you to assure the Sultaness accordingly and that I have at least as much passion as she He had no sooner said this but the Bassa came to them which made them change their discourse and the Bassa having condescended to make himself one of the company and very pleasantly rallied then said he perceived by their Countenances they were obliged to him for the Acquaintance he had procured between them and that they were very well pleased the one with the other The Count and Laura having returned the Complement the Bassa took his leave and he and the Count went out of the Seraglio The Bassa had observed such joy in Alexander's Countenance when he was with Laura it made him believe he was very well pleased with the visit he had given her But he had the curiosity to ask him how he liked her and whether she appeared so beautiful as he had represented her The Count answer'd it was certainly impossible to see a Lady more handsom or more witty And that he was charmed at her Beauty and Conversation The Bassa who desired nothing more than to see him in Love was extreamly glad at the confession he made and told him it should be his fault if he saw her not again and if he desired he might do it on the morrow that he would give him a Key to enter the Seraglio and that he might go alone lest if he brought him in the Sultaness might be jealous it being not his custom to visit her so often the Count failed not to acquaint him how highly that favour would oblige him so that the Bassa bid him go to bed and take his rest and told him he should see Laura on the morrow about the time he had seen her that day Never was a night so restless to any man as this to the Count her inclination like that he had to marriage with the principal and most beautiful Lady of the Kingdom was a thing so rare and so tempting for a man of his temper what Laura had said of those obliging thoughts that charming Person had for him did so ravish him with Pleasure that in the depth of misfortune he could not imagine any man more fortunate than himself But when he considered that she was the Wife of the Bassa a Person to whom he was so strictly obliged he was troubled extreamly and sigh'd for sorrow these second thoughts prevailing at that time over the other he highly reproached himself for entertaining a thought of so base an ingratitude But it is a ticklish business to repent of a thing that extreamly delights us and men seldom charge themselves home for a fault so pleasing and lovely as the pleasure of being beloved Those reproaches of the Count against himself were not altogether the most violent that might be and sometimes he would be angry with himself for making so much ado At last being assaulted by turns on the one side by Reason on the other by Passion by the Glory of that and the tenderness of this he got up in the Morning without having been able to take any other resolution than to yield himself up to be guided by his Destiny to be governed by Fate and be meerly passive in the management of the business that is to say to love in this particular like a Turk and to see the Sultaness if it were so predestinated But to do nothing in order to it though he had promised Laura to contribute on his part all that lay in his power and had told the Bassa he should be extreamly glad to go again to the Seraglio His resolution sometimes was very tottering and weak and to speak truth 't is almost vain to take one against love He wisht a thousand times that day that his Fate to whose conduct he had given himself up would incline to bring him to the Sultaness He waited the Hour with a great deal of impatience however he would fain have perswaded himself to the contrary But a young heart cannot be insensible being so apt to take fire that it scarce requires any help to inflame it As soon as the Bassa saw the Count in the Evening he shew'd him smiling the Key of the Seraglio And he received it with the greatest joy in the World But I give it said the Bassa on condition that you make me your Confident And I think I have done enough to engage you to do me that pleasure The hour was come for his going to the Sultaness and the Count having put on his Eunuchs Habit his Patron every day more obliging than other would needs bear him company as far as the Seraglio Laura having notice of his coming had waited for him above an hour at the Gate and no sooner saw him arrived but ravished with joy she gave him her hand and told him You are either the most dexterous or else the most fortunate Person in the World you bring about things so difficult and in so short a time that all things seem to joyn in your favour I am obliged for it to my fortune answered the Count for as for Addresses I had no occasion to use any but if
you would make me believe my self as happy as you say help me to a sight of the Sultaness Laura told him he should presently hear of her and brought him into a Chamber where her Lady was used to receive visits It was her custom to seat her self in a kind of Alcove the passage to which was through her Chamber made up with great Ballistres guilt and covered with a Curtain of very thin Silk through which she could see those whom she honoured only with a sight of her which is a piece of State used in that Country Laura told the Count that the Sultaness would see him from behind that Curtain And shall not I then said he have the honour to see her I know not said Laura but 't is a favour so great that 't is never granted but when they are willing to grant all that may be expected Ah Madam said the Count I beseech you to desire that favour for me tell her it will be of small consequence to give a stranger a sight of her and that I shall die with grief if she deny me that honour Laura promised him all the assistance in her power and leaving him for a moment went to advertise the Sultaness who questionless longed for news of the arrival of her dearly beloved Christian In the mean time the Count considered the Riches and Ornaments of the Chamber being the most magnificent of the Apartment it was set out with four Crystal Glasses which had a pleasant effect on the Gold and the Jewels which glitter'd all about Scarce had the Sultaness seen Laura but she knew by her countenance the happy news she brought and without allowing her time to say any thing she past to the Alcove from whence she design'd to take a view of the Christian before he should know that she was there But she made too great a noise at her entrance and the Cavalier let her know he had perceivd her by saluting her as he did after the Turkish mode Laura arrived the same time from the other side and going to the Ballistre went to whisper the Sultaness who was not able sufficiently to express the pleasure she took in seeing this Christian and the Charms that appear'd in his Person As for him he was strangely perplext at a visit of this nature where he could neither see nor speak to the Party he visited He went he came he turn'd about as desired and at the end of the Shew went silently to the Ballistre and addressing himself to the Sultaness having seen a shadow of her through the Curtain he told her a thousand pretty Stories a thousand Gallantries to oblige her to afford him a view for she understood Italian and spoke it pretty well having learnt it of Laura She was very well pleas d to hear the Count speak and heartily laught at it but answered not a word nor had the Curtain drawn The Count was impatient and accounting every moment lost he spent in that manner seem'd to fret and be angry and in a frank and free way told her he should die of the Phantasie as the People of that Country if she denied him this favour and that at last he would with his own hand draw that troublesome Curtain and he had certainly done it if Laura who fear'd the Sultaness might take it ill had not hindred him But Laura was mistaken and her Lady gave her not thanks for her pains 'T is a Maxim among the Women of that Country not to sin of themselves against the Rules of their duty but press them a little and offer them the least violence they will presently yield without any resistance their excuse is that nature is weak that men know it well enough and are very much to blame to press them so home that if there be harm done it must be laid to their score who cause them to do it and not to them who are ignorant of it and innocent in the business Laura not well verst in the use of this Maxim committed a fault when she thought she had been discharging her duty The amorous Sultaness would have been ravish'd with joy to have been seen by the Christian and the officious Slave spoil'd all by a piece of useless discretion But her Lady was willing to receive the miscarriage and satisfie in some measure the extream desire her dear Christian had to see her she gave him leave to ask what he pleased to make him amends for the rigour of the custom of that Country which made it undecent for her Sex to shew themselves to any but their Husband The Count presently desired she would at least do him the honour of shewing him one of her fair hands The Sultaness no sooner heard him but lifting up the Curtain a little she gave him her hand over the Ballistre The young Count was so charmed with this favour that transported with joy he laid his knee to the ground and kissed her hand with such passion that the Sultaness equally transported wrung his hand pressing it so hard to let him know she approved of what he did She was not over careful to keep her self unseen and having put forth her arm she could not choose but sometimes appear to him in part by one chance or other to which perhaps she contributed a little Her Gallant could have wish'd he had had a full sight of her but thinking he had enough for the first time he would not adventure to desire any more The pleasure the Sultaness took in the sight of him was so great and so charming that she could have willingly past that night with him But knowing that many eyes were upon her and that she lived where men are extreamly given to jealousie and especially of their Wives she had apprehensions of being Lampoon'd in her own Apartment for staying so long in the Alcove at a time so unseasonable for receiving a visit And Laura had told her 't was time to withdraw But how cruel a thing 't is to be forced to part from that which we love it cannot be done without pain and regret Still she found some little pretence or other to stay him a little longer at last she presented him with a Gold Chain beset with Jewels and told him obligingly it was not fit a Slave like him should wear any other The happy Count better satisfy'd with this Chain than if she had given him the Grown of Tunis answered her Gallantry and the favour she did him with the most passionate and the most grateful expressions imaginable And seeing the necessity of parting he took his leave of the Sultaness and withdrew with Laura who accompanied him to the Gate of the Apartment Presents among the Turks are the first Evidences of affections and often pass for declarations of love Laura who knew it well enough made the Count sensible before parting what that meant which he had received from the Sultaness and that he was not to doubt having heard and seen so
fear she had that if he were really jealous of the Christian she should never have a sight of him more She did heartily wish she could have written to him but there are few trusty Messengers to be found in those places where there is cause to distrust every one you converse with and every Eye that sees you is a spy on your actions at least if not gained by Money or kindness wherein after all possible care you may be deceived as she was in this trouble Laura received a Note from the Count brought her by an Eunuch and carried it forthwith to shew it the Sultaness being in these words Madam the Bassa every day more obliging than other is pleased to grant me the honour of walking with you this Evening in the Garden of the Seraglio I know not whether you can dispense with your self till then Let us take the hour you think most proper He will be there with one of his Mistresses Send me word if you plaese if I may expect this favour from you The Bassa would never have thought of this walk but out of the extream desire he had to know certainly how Laura and Alexander stood affected one to the other and that he might inform himself of what they should discourse The Garden was a place very fit for his design especially by Night where he could hear without being seen He had made the proposal to the Count in confidence he would receive it with a great deal of joy which in appearance he did but without hope of any great satisfaction from the Adventure it being scarce probable the Sultaness would permit Laura to come But that which really troubled him was the opinion he had the Bassa was certainly jealous of his Wife since he gave him so clear proof of his unwillingness that he should see Laura at her Lodgings any more The Question then was how to write to the Slave to dispose her for the walk But the Count having written the Billet the Bassa sent it by an Eunuch and stay'd for the Answer The Sultaness read the Billet and was of opinion with her Gallant that it was for Love of her the Bassa was unwilling he should come any more to see Laura in her Apartment It was long e're they came to a resolution in the point whether Laura should agree to the assignation Laura very wisely thought it better not to go but the Sultaness wholly led by her Passion and too deeply in Love to act any thing with reason that concerned her affection notwithstanding any thing Laura could say made her write him this Answer It were to act the part of a very ill Person to be all alone in the Garden while others are diverting themselves there I consent for pity to come and bear you company but on condition that you will be wise and that we be at some distance from the Bassa because I would not be known by her that he brings with him If you can promise me these two things I am for you after the fourth Prayer when the Sultaness is a Bed Adieu This answer was beyond the expectation of the Count who rejoyced extreamly at the pleasure he promised himself with the Slave from the discourse of the Sultaness while they should continue in the Garden Night being come and the fourth Prayer over the Bassa told him he might go and bring Laura to the Garden while he went for one of his Mistresses who was lodged on the other side It is the Custom of the Grandees of that Country among a multitude of Women they have in their Seraglio when they have not a particular inclination for any one to take this to day and another to morrow and having lost the taste of Love to search for Pleasure in change and variety It may be easily imagined that Alexander received this Commission with a great deal of joy and was in no small haste to go to the Sultanesses Lodgings She who was charmed at the sight of him could not express her joy without a thousand transports of Love and the most tender caresses a most passionate Lady could possibly make her dearest Lover Alexander did his part to admiration not only returning transport for transport and caress for caress but excelling his pattern Love working in him or he in the Sultaness such things as gave her very great satisfaction It may be admired Peradventure that two Persons so little acquainted should in so few days become so very good Friends But we must know Love in these hot Countries makes far quicker progress than in the cold where the Winds and the Snow and the Rain spoil his Wings and hinder his flight Whereas on the contrary the Sun is there almost still at the height and Love being a tender Infant and going always naked thrives there the better where he finds hearts very well disposed and ready to take fire The Count who could not stay long there was willing to bestow the small time he had to spend with the Sultaness in gentle reproaches for her permitting Laura to come and walk with him You have said he a very good opinion of my Affection Madam or else you love me with a great deal of indifference that this does not in the least trouble you at all The Sultaness answered she relied not so much on his Fidelity as on Laura's Discretion whom she knew too well to think she would betray her Look you to your self as for her I place a confidence in her and if you do your Duty I am perswaded she will not be wanting in hers Having thus spoken she would not detain him longer for fear of the Bassa but retired to her Chamber The happy Lover very well pleas'd with the lucky moment he had past with the Sultaness asked Laura if she were ready She made him answer he should not stay for her longer than while she fetched her Barnus which is a kind of Hood that covers them from Head to Foot The Count seeing her return mufled up in that garment went his way before according to their custom there and she followed He said not a word to her while they were in the Seraglio for fear of being over-heard and discovered but being arrived in the Garden where they had liberty enough Who will believe Madam said he but we made an Amorous assignation being come to a place of Rendezvous so fit for the purpose And the Bassa will not fail to think us the happiest Lovers in the World Laura made him no answer but kept on her way till they came to the Bower that was assigned them at a convenient distance from the Bassa's as Laura had desired The Count gave her his hand and knowing very well every turn ' in those Walks which he visited almost every day he made her fit on a place of green Turf made for the purpose Then said he this Madam is to try a mans Fidelity with a Witness to expose him to pass part of the Night
on the Count with an air of friendship and confidence Alexander said he I am the most unfortunate of men especially in Love Laura added he sighing the cruel Laura hath not the least tenderness for me no not the least pity for the torments she sees me suffer for her and unless you will be a little kind to me I know not what will become of me Ah Sir answered the Count let me but know what you desire of me and what I can do for you you know it is not in my power to dispose of others hearts but if I may contribute to your satisfaction if you would have me speak to her if How happy should I be said the Bassa interrupting him would you do what you can Sir replyed the Count if it depend upon me you may promise your self success The Bassa held his peace for a little time as if he studied what to say but Alexander pressing him to declare himself he told him with some trouble that he should appoint an assignation with Laura in a Chamber in the Apartment of the Sultaness where the Bassa might meet her in his stead The Proposal was so unworthy and unfit for Alexander to consent to that it astonish'd him on the sudden so extreamly that having blush'd at it very much he knew not what answer to make The Bassa observed the disorder he was in and was more out of countenance at it than the Count but for fear he should interpret it otherwise than intended and taking his blushing for no very good Omen he told him to be rid of him that he might go think of it and that if he gave him any answer it should be a favourable one The Count went out of the Chamber and made a thousand reflections on his ill Fortune which had reduced him to the extremity of making him serve such a person not but that he was fully perswaded Laura would not come and that he should be little concerned though she should entertain the motion and favour the passion of his amorous Patron But besides the baseness of the employment he put him upon he was mad to think he took him for such a Villain that loving a Maid as the Bassa believed he did Laura could betray her so basely This was the only thing troubled him nor would he have done it though he died for it The Bassa having seen him leave his Chamber in that manner thought there was small hope of effecting his design that way yet being a person of great reason and worth he was so far from thinking the worse of the Count or being offended with him on this occasion that he esteemed of him the better and considered of other means to gain satisfaction to his love in the enjoyment of Laura His passion was now arrived at a height beyond the power of reason to manage and capable to put him on any enterprize whatever The most vertuous of men when changed into a desperate Lover become the most furious and extravagant of all being so much more sensible of slights put upon him as he conceives himself a person of merit This transported Lover having failed of his design to make Alexander of his Party to serve his ends in a Proposal that included Treachery resolved to deceive Laura himself by going to see her that night disguised as an Eunuch The design was not very well laid but it took as shall appear by the sequel He had not the patience to stay till his ordinary hour of going to the Sultaness but as soon as 't was night he went away disguised like an Eunuch and came to the apartment where he found one old Moor at the gate who not taking so much notice of him as to know him he sent her to Laura to tell her that an Eunuch of her acquaintance desired to speak with her in the Chamber of Repose so called because it was retired and far from noise and the place where they used to take some hours rest after dinner in Summer He made choice of this Chamber as the most proper for his design and the old Woman was no sooner gone about her message but he went to hide him there Laura was then busie and the Sultaness having casually met the old Woman in search of Laura asked her what she would have with her the old Woman having had no order to keep private her business told her freely there was an Eunuch desired to speak with her in the Chamber of Repose The Sultaness hearing of an Eunuch who would speak with Laura made no question at all but Alexander was the Man and without further enquiry what kind of Man the Eunuch was or any other consideration she takes Laura's Barnus and goes to the place of assignation had she made the least reflection on the message she could not have been so deceived nor have exposed her self so easily to the danger she went into It was not the custom of her Gallant to use her thus or to see her any where but in the Alcove-chamber he scarce knew the name of the Chamber where she was told he staid for Laura and knowing what she did of the Bassa she had reason to mistrust him But those who are in Love as the Sultaness was are subject to greater over-sights than these She knew that Alexander was not to see her but by night yet she waited for him from the first moment she awoke in the morning and in this amorous expectation which tantalized her extreamly and kept her in a mortal inquietude whether he came or came not there needed no help to hurry her away when the time drew near Women who have been in Love will easily confess there is nothing so hard as to be prudent on such occasions and that the name of their Gallant when expected hath made them start up for joy and run to meet him e're they knew whether he were come The passionate Sultaness having given up her self to be led blind-fold where she thought Love waited for her borrowed wings of that God to carry her the sooner into that Chamber there was not any light there but this did not surprize her it being not usual to place any in that Chamber She pleased her self with the fancy of putting a Love-trick on Alexander by making him take her once more for Laura this made her resolve to be silent a while as she had been in the Garden and to divert her self that way But as she was entring she was taken with a shivering all over and such a sudden fear that she was on the point of going back again But the Gallant who waited for her having taken her by the Hand she began to recollect her self and went along with him where he pleas'd he led her away to the further end of the Chamber where he was so loath to lose time for making use of the occasion that embracing her with some transport though trembling withal he had almost put it out of her power to defend
said to him It unhappily fell out that all who were there were Enemies to the Bassa and instead of appeasing the Dey took the present occasion to animate and encourage him to get satisfaction for so cruel an outrage Women and Eunuchs were sent from the Dey to the Bassa's Seraglio on purpose to know the truth and particulars of this Affair who made their report that the Sultaness was not there that no body knew what was become of her and that you only were able to give us any news of her A Messenger was presently dispatched to Gouletta to enquire at the Castle if there were not a Woman in the Christian Vessel that sail'd away this Morning the answer he gave was that the Vessel was sail'd away without being search'd and that the Bassa had sent order to that purpose by the Captain of his Guards who accompanied the Christian aboard the Ship These Circumstances so clear and apparent did but too much confirm what Chabania had said Hereupon divers Counsels were held and the Assembly consisting of Persons ill-affected to the Bassa or at least too Zealous for the Dey the Result was that Revenge should be taken I cannot conceive how it was possible the Bassa had no news what past the report having been presently noised over the Town It was designed he should be surprized at Bardou where it was believed he would have lain this Night But News being brought that he was on his way hither the Dey's Aga had Order if deny'd entrance to set upon the Palace and seize his Person living or dead And I at the same time was to go to the Seraglio and to carry you away They miss'd of him and it was well for you he escaped for had he been taken both he and you had been by this time dead But having so luckily made his escape and being Master of the Militia and Moors of the Kingdom he may become formidable to the Dey and be in a capacity to deliver you from danger The unfortunate Laura too much acquainted with the unkindness of her Stars did nothing but sigh and groan at the apprehensions of the new storms that threatned her She knew better than any the little reason they had to charge the Bassa with the flight of the Sultaness and being of Opinion that by justifying the Bassa her cause would appear better before the Dey she told this Turk that her Patron was not perhaps so guilty as they thought I know not continued she what is become of the Sultaness since she left the Seraglio this Morning but the confidence you have exprest in me in the freedom of your speech to me and your generous carriage obliging me not to be so reserv'd to you as I would to another and seeing the extremity matters are reduced to I must acquaint you that if the Bassa sent away the Sultaness with the Christian as is reported she was very willing to go And because it is probable you will hardly believe me without telling you more I shall be forced to relate part of a story which may serve at least to excuse if not justifie the Bassa You must know Sir said she that the Sultaness loved Alexander and that she loved him entirely the occasion was this The Bassa whom every one knows to have had a mighty affection for that Christian had a longing desire whether for Divertisement or to fasten him more closely to his Person to see him in Love with some Lady and was of Opinion I might be fit for the purpose if he could but contrive how to bring us together But because I stirred not out of the Seraglio and that it would have been a very scandalous thing to see a Christian enter a Palace where none of your Religion but Eunuchs have access he put the stranger into the habit of an Eunuch and having prevailed with me to accept of a Visit from him brought him to me one Evening The Sultaness already full of good thoughts for the Christian whom the Bassa had a thousand times spoke to her of was extreamly glad to hear of the design to bring him to her very Apartment and with very great earnestness prayed me if possible to procure her the pleasure of seeing him This proved no hard task for me to perform The Bassa who seldom came to visit the Sultaness sending him almost every day disguised like an Eunuch into the Seraglio so that I had no more to do but provide for the Secrecy of the interview between my Mistress and Alexander They had a sight of each other and if Alexander was so handsom as to please the Sultaness you may imagine that so Beautiful a Lady could not displease him Their Love increased day by day to that height that they saw one another very often The Bassa seeing his Christian in Love and thinking me the object of it took singular pleasure in it The Bassa had formerly had some kindness for me which cool'd by my resistance but having one day for Divertisement caused Alexander to give him an account of the progress of his Amour the fire of his Love so long raked up and smothered kindled afresh into a flame and gathering from the success of Alexanders Address that I was not insensible as I pretended to him he renewed his Courtship intermingled now and then with reproaches for the little esteem I had for him in preferring the affection of a Slave before his I fore-saw the danger but was unwilling to make him sensible of his mistake to save the two Lovers from the inconveniences which would certainly attend the discovery And making my self a Sacrifice to the pleasure of the Sultaness I let him believe I was not insensible of the Merit of Alexander The affair thus managed there followed many pleasant Adventures and Intrigues which for fear of troubling you too much at present I shall defer the relation of it to a better Opportunity The mean time the Bassa extreamly pressed me and reproached me daily for slighting his Passion and at the same time favouring a Christian far less worthy of my affection He left no stone unturned to compass his Amorous designs insomuch as at last he found the means to have a privat and dumb interview in the dark with his Wife whom he mistook for me and did her all the violence imaginable to be revenged of the insensibility I had for him Having satisfied himself he parted with her without knowing her blessing himself for the good Fortune of having obtained that which he might have commanded every day But grieved at last for the outrage he thought he had done me and not knowing how to excuse himself to a Mistress extreamly offended he judg'd no better amends could be made for his fault than setting at Liberty two Lovers whose Passion he had so unjustly injured after having been not only the promoter but first Author of their Love He sent me the News of his Resolution by a Billet he writ to me wherein
he pleaded in excuse the great Passion he had for me that to expiate his fault he would deprive himself for ever of the sight of me and send me back with my Love to my Country being all could be desired from a generous Rival And that if I were sensible of the pain and regret my absence would cost him I should find him punished beyond his desert My joy was not greater than the trouble of the Sultaness upon receiving this News which put her into an unspeakable affliction Her Nights and her Days were wholly spent in Tears she used all means possible to prevent the misfortune she apprehended from Alexander's return into Italy I gave her way choosing rather to renounce my Liberty than see her die for grief in the condition she was in But the Bassa the firmest of men in what he resolves on not perceiving the reason she had to oppose a design she had more reason than he to promote considering the Passion she knew he had for me which must needs trouble her was true to his Resolution and knowing there was in the Port a Christian Vessel ready to Sail for Italy he caused it to be staid for our Embarking therein What a trouble was it to the Sultaness to see the Bassa so obstinate and us on the point of departing Never was a Person so plunged in a Sea of despair never were sighs so lamentable as hers I was resolved to entreat the Bassa to put off our departure to another occasion that I might gain time to dispose her to grant me the favour but whether it were for the shame to see me or for fear that the sight of me might melt him into a tenderness that might alter the Resolution he had taken he appear'd not at the Seraglio The Morning we were to be gone the desolate Sultaness resolved to die or to follow us she had long studied to contrive a way how to do it I was her Bed-fellow but neither of us slept a wink Laura says she having considered well what she would do thou knowest the affection I ever had for thee that I have used thee more like a Sister than a Slave Thou knowest my heart and I need not tell thee I cannot live without Alexander I desire no acknowledgment of what I have done for thee added she kissing me with her face all bath'd in tears but for pity sake forsake me not in the most desperate condition that a Woman in Love as I am can be reduced to but do something to save my Life had she desired mine with such melting expressions I could not have denied it her which she might perceive by the tears I shed to accompany hers Then she told me of an intention she had thought of whereby to get aboard with us and that she doubted not of the success if Alexander had the Passion he pretended to have for her and if he had not she would comfort her self and find pleasure in Rage for the absence of so ingrate a Person that without the knowledge of any one in the Seraglio she would be carried to his Lodging and thence aboard the Vessel we were to Embark in and that the Bassa sending for me to be gone we might all three get aboard before any Discovery could be made of her departure To give her content I approved of what she said but did really apprehend the success of this affair and presage I know not how that I should be the sufferer 'T is a dangerous business to yield ones self up to the conduct of Lovers in that which concerns the interest of their affections they are apt to flatter themselves to puff themselves up with hope and admit of no fear When the day began to appear in our Chamber we thought it high time to set about and take order for what we thought necessary for accomplishing our desires We got up and the Sultaness having put on a Suit of mine commanded me to call her one of the Eunuchs who was Purveyor for Alexander and ready to Sacrifice his Life for the Service of the Sultaness she sent him for the basket wherein he used to carry the Provision and placing her self in it wrapt up in my Barnus commanded him to carry her to Alexander's Lodging I saw her go away in this manner waiting with fear and impatience enough to hear the success of this contrivance of the Sultaness and expecting every moment Orders from the Bassa for my going away At last the time of Embarking being over and the Sultaness not returned I was desirous to be informed how matters past and understood with astonishment and displeasure enough that Alexander was gone and that the Bassa having brought him to the Port returned for Bardou Then it was Sir I felt the stroke of my ill Fortune in losing not only the hope of returning to my Country which might have given me some comfort but of ever seeing the Sultaness the Person of the World I had most kindness for and one who rendred my Captivity pleasing I could not doubt but her flight would be laid to my charge but the consideration of a Life so unhappy as mine had produced in me so clear resolutions for death that had you taken notice at your arrival you could not observe any trouble in my countenance And in good earnest the loss of my dear Sultaness afflicted me so that the appearance of death could not have done more They asked me oftentimes what was become of her the answer I made was that I knew not But having been long taken for her Confident I was shrewdly suspected As for the rest of her Servants you might have read in their countenances the trouble of their minds This is that Sir I had to say to you of the Sultaness and if you think this Story may be of use to the Bassa and conduce to the procuring peace between him and the Dey I should be very glad you would relate it to him though I may appear guilty of having committed a crime against the one and the other But they have prudence enough to be sensible of the condition of a poor Slave whose happiness consisted in her complaisance to a Mistress who loved her so well as to make her a confident in affairs of this consequence The Turk made answer that the Bassa had so much kindness for her and so little for the Sultaness that he would easily pardon the Treason she was guilty of and as for the Dey he could not be much offended with her for having done his Daughter so eminent a service in assisting her in a piece of unfaithfulness to a Husband who the Dey knows had not any Love for her and that he would make use of the particulars of this Story to reconcile them that he would manage this business with some Friends of the Divan and particularly with the Aga the Deys Favourite who had great influence over him and though a Renegade loved the Christians very well and might
for current Security for your keeping your word But it could not secure her from strange inquietude and trouble of Mind She could not see you without shame nor come near your Father without trembling She buzz'd instantly in my Ears that there was a necessity of making you both a Sacrifice to her Repose and that till then she could not expect any Pleasure in her Life She told me I must help her to effect the design or expect to be the first that should feel the weight of her wrath I endeavoured the best I could to reduce her to Reason but for some time she would not hear any At last her ill humour desired only the satisfaction of your being put out of your Lodging and was content to find out several pretences to perswade your Father to put you into a Nunnery or at least out of his House Notwithstanding all the Arts of her Complaisance and Cunning she found it no easie matter to bring this about but for the quiet of the House it was necessary to please her and place you under Pension in a Nunnery Shortly after whether it were that you had discovered the business or that she fear'd you had done so or rather that she was willing to be rid of me by this Stratagem she came one Night to my Chamber while your Father was asleep and with a fright in her looks told me I was undone that my Master knew all and that I had no more but that Night for to save my self Whereupon she gave me Money and seeing me resolved to be gone bid me her last farewell I kept as you remember the Keys of the House and so got easily out I had for a Disguise taken a black Suit of your Fathers and as soon as it was day and the Port open I hired a Felucca which carried me to Legorne where I lay private three days staying for a Vessel of the Great Dukes which was to carry a Present to Mahomet Bassa my Ancient Friend who made use of his Interest with the Dey to restore me my Estate which since I was a Slave had been Confiscated upon a belief I was dead But having fail'd of his desire he procured me in recompence the Secretaries place which is no great matter here This Madam is the account of my Life since I left Italy You may oblige me in acquainting me with yours which I could not come to the knowledge of having never heard since from Genoa That which remains to be told you says Elinor whom we will yet call Laura is a story full of troubles and misfortunes the more difficult for me to relate that a Person of Quality cannot but be ashamed of them But I will be free with you Having spent two Years in the Covent I was placed in my Father moved with many tears took me home where for the time I stayed there I was under continual Persecution from my Mother-in-law who having got the Ascendent over the good Man made him believe what she pleased She had new designs in her Head which you may believe was the cause of the fear she put you in for my Father never had the least knowledge of your familiarity and was much troubled at your running away declaring he had lost in you the best Servant he had He had designed to have set you at Liberty which was the reason he sent not after you as he might have done I was by this time become somewhat clear sighted and what I knew of my Mother-in-law made me suspect every thing she did I watched her narrowly and in few days discovered a new Gallant You may believe that after the mischiefs she had done me I fail'd not to do her all the ill Offices in my power it is the nature of our Sex never to Pardon But besides the pleasure of Revenge I was engaged in Honour against her This raised a War between us more violent than ever and my Father had trouble enough to content us both At first she thought her self hard enough for me having once already turn'd me out of the House and afterwards sent you packing and putting on a bold face fear'd nothing as knowing I would not accuse her of any thing but her impudence could bring her off my Evidence being gone But when she perceived by my obstructing her new practices rallying her on all occasions and other cutting effects of my resentment that I understood her Secrets she spared nothing that Rage and Fury could suggest to her against me At last she fell heavy upon me with my Father and having not prevailed with him to return me into the Monastery forced him to turn me again out of his House and place me with his Relations where I passed six Months with one and six Months with another to the great displeasure of the Family Till at last a Grandee of Spain an old Friend of my Fathers having been created Viceroy of Naples and passing by Genoa to go and take Possession of his Government my Father intreated him to take me along with him which he readily did The Viceroy and his Lady received and entertained me not only as the Daughter of their intimate Friend but as their own and honoured me with such expressions of Civility and Bounty that I thought my self too happy in being of their Train And the truth is I was not deceived these beginnings of kindness growing every day to greater perfection especially on the part of the Viceroy's Lady who appeared not able to live a moment without me She had been a great Beauty and was not then unhandsome though not very young She kept nothing from me but imparted to me her most private thoughts and made me the Confident of her dearest affections This lasted as long as I was disinteress'd but there is no trusting one another of our Sex especially in matters of Love I was reputed not unhandsome and having a full Purse at command I lived at that Court with Splendor enough It was presently known I was not the most inconsiderable of Genoa and this advantage set off with a little Beauty raised so great a number of Pretenders to me that I could not pass a day without treats and addresses of Love The Court of Naples hath always pass'd for the most Gallant of Italy by reason of the multitude of Persons of Quality in the Kingdom but was never so pleasant as then I was so young that I knew not what Love was and was not concerned to make haste to learn it but made the Cares and Sighs of those in Love my sport and divertisement But Love will in time be revenged and make sport of us that make sport of him I had not yet seen the man who had the secret to affect my heart no not one who could please though that Court had of all sorts and some very handsome The Son of the Viceroy being a young Lord very well accomplished and not a little concerned for me did but give me trouble
she had spoken as a Friend and really desired to see me in love with the Marquess We began to have the young Lords Company after the particular kindness between him and Don Alphonse Son to the Viceroy gave him free entrance where he pleased and the Viceroy having no small esteem for the Marquess was not only glad to see him at Court but ingaged him by his Civilities to come to him oftner I shall forbear mentioning what the Lady contributed on her part but you may believe if very probable that having the kindness she had for him she omitted nothing in her power to further these Visits At first he was altogether for me at least in appearance for several days he wanted nothing of diligence or complaisance to please me Where-ever I went he still waited upon me approved all that I said and took my part on all occasions In a word he practised all that may be done for gaining a Mistress and was presently looked upon in Court as a new Servant of mine Many of my Friends congratulated my Conquest and I could not but laugh at them Not but that I believed it being easily perswaded to credit what I so much desired but that I was afraid to believe it so soon and was unwilling it should be known to avoid the shame that might attend a mistake He had not as then spoke to me of Love and the least I could do was to expect he should declare himself A Lover of so much Wit as the Marquess could not fail of finding an occasion But I know not whether fortune befriended him so ill as not to afford him one However 't is certain he never took any to discover his Passion by Speech All that I knew of it was from his looks and his sighs which perhaps my kindness interpreted too favourably Men being now accustomed to a general Gallantry that in shew and appearance both their words and their actions speak altogether of Love These promising blossoms of an apparent affection were all blasted on the sudden I was surpriz'd at it to astonishment to see him so far advanced to make so sudden a stop at a time I least expected it and prepared my self to give occasion to discover his affection which I fear'd his respect for me or his fear to displease me had hindred from doing I could not imagine the cause of so sudden a change for three whole days he absented from the Court and when he appeared there he looked like a man so cold so altered as if he durst not cast an eye upon me whereas before he was jovial and complaisant and his eye never off me you cannot easily imagine how terribly this vext me I was upon the point of asking him the reason and had certainly done it but that I was over-rul'd by a little haughtiness and pride which making me look on his inconstant proceeding as an effect of manifest Treachery inspired me with scorn and aversion against him which however I smarted for in the end for two whole days I did nothing but weep and complain of Love and my own wickedness The Viceroy's Lady observing me sad and dejected though I did all in my power to hide part of my trouble asked me what I did ail which probably she knew but too well but was willing to have the pleasure of hearing what I would say I who till then had not the least reason to distrust her made no scruple of telling her in plain terms the cause of my grief and told her she had more than any contributed thereto This made her blush and comprehending on the sudden what I meant but thinking without doubt I had discovered her secret But I fell unhappily to explaining my self and seriously confess'd to her that what she had said to me of the Marquess Hippolito had produced in me some disposition of kindness for him which cost me then very dear having been very confident she would not have deceived me but that the Marquess had now deceived us both I must confess says the Traytress I was willing to conceal from you the inconstancy and change of a foolish young flash and did design not to speak to you any more of him not thinking you could be much concerned for him after what I had heard you say of him But since you are aware of his inconstancy and so much concern'd at it I must tell you that to my grief as much as yours I have discovered he is otherwise engaged She perceived me blush extreamly at that word and in truth I was so disordered within it was impossible to hide my despair Otherwise engaged Madam said I sighing Yes answered she to a new Mistress very lately Judge you continued she what I said to him on that occasion and whether he did deserve to be reproached having exprest so much passion for you that I thought it impossible a man could have been more deeply in Love Oh Heavens cry'd she how deceitful are men now adays He excused himself by the Friendship he hath for my Son that to be his Rival were to betray him and that the confidence he had in him in acquainting him at his arrival with his offection for you obliged him to make a Sacrifice of his heart to serve my Son's interest Sorry excuses I confess says she but how can we help it 'T is a mercy however he knows not the favourable inclination you have for him for which he is unhappily beholding to me as the cause of your kindness He should never have known these worthy inclinations reply'd I I never discovered them to any but your self Madam for whom I had no reserve and I hope you have not told him Think not says she I could so far forget my self though I were not so much your Friend as you know I am I know very well with what caution to manage their concerns who repose a confidence in me Then I asked her trembling whether she knew the fair Lady had robbed us of him That says she I cannot learn of him but I will endeavour to discover it by my Son who without question knows who she is leave that to me and I will bring you news of her as soon as I can discover her Thus did my Rival triumph and laugh at me I must confess I was a very Fool in that I had not then more wit than to trust any Woman but it was the confidence I had in her that blinded me Yet when I call to mind a thousand things then spoken and done I cannot but wonder I who had seen so much of the world could not make discovery of the treachery they acted against me I did nothing but torment my self night and day and avoided all occasions of being with the Marquess for fear my weakness should to my disgrace prevail over my resolutions I saw him entertain himself commonly with the Viceroys Lady and asking her one day what it was they discoursed of and whether she had discovered the secret
would make me his Wife He was to come to me in my Chamber at night an hour after all should be in bed and because my Chamber was near that of the Viceroys Ladies where I had liberty of entrance at my pleasure I told him I would leave the door open and pray'd him not to make a noise or speak a word lest the Lady should hear us You see Assen I conceal nothing from you though I might alledge many reasons in excuse of my fault I cannot tell you all this without blushing for I must confess had I been more wise or more prudent I could not have been so unfortunate as I am The Viceroy was gone that day out of Town all things seemed to favour us but it was for my ruin The hour was come and I heard a man entring softly into my Chamber for there was no light to see him by and I easily believed it was my dear Servant I received him with the kindness of a Woman in Love and made no doubt but it was he for he had the same imbroider'd Wastcoat which he had caused to be made against our Wedding being one of the richest ever seen in the Court Part of the night we pass'd in an amorous silence till at last he fell asleep As for me I found my self a little indisposed and wanting a light to find something to take I ventured to go into the Ladies Chamber which commonly had a watch-light burning all night Having opened the door from my Chamber to hers I was not a little surprized when approaching the watch-light and casting my eyes towards her to see if she were a-sleep the Curtains being all open because of the hot weather I saw a man in his cloaths lying by her I doubted very much whether it were best to go back whence I came or take away the watch-light but the need I had of this prevail'd with me to go on and light the candle I had in my hand and having seen so much I was possest with a Spirit of curiosity to know who that fortunate Gallant might be I perceived him in the habit of Marquess Hippolito I was surpriz'd at the adventure and had I not been fully perswaded I had newly left him in my Chamber I do not know what extravagances I might have run into However this Circumstance inflamed my desire of knowing who it was I perceived he was of the same stature with the Marquess and had the same hair the Ladies arm was over his face so that I could not see it I was at the beds feet and could not be mistaken I trembled all over as an Omen of my misfortune Heavens said I within my self am I awake or asleep is not that the Marquess could he quit me this night to come to this Lady perhaps they held correspondence together and she knew he was to pass this night with me All these Reflections were made in a moment and the next moment after that I came into my own Chamber to find out the truth But how was I astonished to find the Marquess there too Oh Heavens cry'd I which of the two is the counterfeit And drawing near him in my Chamber I perceiv'd by the colour of his Hair how unhappily I was deceived and that it was Don Alphonso was there What a Fury what Rage did this put me in I seiz d the Ponyard he had laid on my Table and not knowing with which of the three to begin being all equally perfidious I thought the Marquess as most criminal was first to be sacrificed to my just revenge for fear of an Escape So that I went into the other Chamber but the noise that I made having awaked Don Aphonso he was amazed to see a Light and perceiving me enter his Mothers Chamber he got up in a trice and frightned at the sight of the Ponyard in my Hand he ran after me and laid hold on me by the Arm just as I was going to stab that Traytor the Marquess but he was also sufficiently surpriz'd to see me lifting up my hand to kill the Marquess lying by his Mothers side He was enraged at the sight and to wash away the stain of his Family with the bloud of the Traitor was ready to execute that vengance he had hindred me to take but I staid him and throwing my self upon him Traitor said I this blow was not reserved for thee thou shalt not have the pleasure of being first reveng'd At these words and the bustle that we made the Marquess and the Viceroy's Lady awaking were at their wits end not knowing what resolution to take The Marquess judging that the Ponyard Don Alphonso had in his Hand threatned only him made use of the time I held him to lay hold of his own and stand on his Guard I left them in this furious Disorder hoping they would sufficiently revenge one on another for their Treason against me and re-entring my Chamber I shut the door on that side and having taken with me all that was considerable in money or Jewels I went out at another door and ran through the Streets like a mad Woman to seek a Felucca in the Port to carry me to any place my despair would lead me I was so unhappy as not to find one ready and had not the patience to stay for fear of being pursued and forced back to that Court where I had rather die than appear At last with much ado I found a Barque bound for Barcellona provided they went far enough from Italy and that my Name and my Birth were concealed I cared not whither they carried me so that I went on board without taking a moment to consider 'T is not a single Accident makes us unfortunate the greatest disasters have commonly a large train of misfortunes Thus far my soul entertained not a thought but what the transports of despair and resentment had suggested But when I saw my self at Sea and in no other Company than that of five or six poor Mariners who knew not what to think of me my heart was so full that nothing could ease it but a torrent of tears I will not trouble you with a Relation of the sad thoughts I had for two or three days that I had the opportunity of a solitary entertainment but on the fourth I found my self plunged into new afflictions About Sun-rising the Sea-men put up such a lamentable cry it almost broke my heart I thought we had been Shipwrack'd and asked what the matter was more out of curiosity than any fear of death being the thing I heartily wish'd for I found the Gallies of Biserti had us in Chase and took us an hour after I received this disaster with such tranquility of spirit as really astonisht all the Spectators All my fear was for my person having fallen into the hands of men who are the most barbarous and inhumane on earth and have no respect for our Sex However whether it was my particular good fortune or that
the Slave However were the reasons I have told you not sufficient to make you approve of the design I cannot refuse an irresistible passion to so small a compliance The Bassa having said this held his peace in expectation of Romadan's answer who having for some time fixt his eyes on the ground lift them up on the sudden saying God preserve you Sir from the mischief you run into but if it be so ordained you cannot avoid your destiny Then he shewed him the many obstacles and dangers he should meet with before he could get to Assen How impossible it was to effect some of the things he desired that he could not enter the Castle without being discovered and that for a sight of a Christian Girl his Slave he hazarded the ruin of himself his friend and his party that a little patience would make him master of his designs without pains or danger The Bassa instead of being perswaded by Romadan's reasons express'd by his countenance a visible impatience to hear a discourse so unnecessary and useless after the resolution he had taken His passion tempted him to try his fortune and deprived him of patience as incompatible with love The night being pretty well advanced he disguised himself the best he could and having given Romadan such orders as were necessary that his absence might not be perceived he went away with the Moor who led him a way he came the night before they entred the Town without meeting any but being hard by Assen's House they fell among a company of People belonging to the Divan the Bassa's sworn Enemies But by good fortune he pass'd undiscovered for which he was obliged to the Moor who being a witty fellow told those who would have staid them that he was one sick of the Plague whom he had in charge to carry to the Pest-house This made them stand at a distance and give them free passage though that disease be not so dreadful there as in other places being very common and ordinary in those parts The Bassa was glad of so easie an escape and when he got to Assen's he rewarded the Moor according to the merit of so considerable a service Assen was abroad at the Bassa's arrival but was extreamly surprized at his return to see the Bassa there Ah! Sir said he embracing him is it possible you would hazard your self thus it might have been excusable in a hare-brain'd young fellow who had nothing to lose but his life but for a man of your prudence and conduct being the second Person of the Kingdom to come without design perhaps at least without necessity to throw your self into your Enemies hands and expose your life to a thousand dangers This Sir how ill soever you take it is a thing I can never pardon you For Sir adds he what could have oblig'd you to hazard your self thus The Bassa fell a laughing and taking all in good part that was spoken by Assen whose kindness he was assured of asked him if he had ever been in love and whether he knew not that love had made the greatest of men guilty of faults and that those faults had always their pardon But Sir said Assen what have you to do with love is it not Laura you are in love with and is not she in the Castle Yes replies the Bassa but being in your custody it cannot be impossible to have a sight of her Assen would have dissuaded him from the design as the most extravagant and rash he had ever enterprized but prevailed no more than the master of the Gallies Strength of reason and fear of dangers are obstacles too weak to stop the progress of a passionate Lover Love feeds upon hope and death is not half so formidable as the happiness of seeing a Mistress is charming and pleasant The Bassa resolved whatever befell him to go into the Castle But it was impossible to do it by Night the Gates being then open only for Assen and others the Dey's principal Officers So that it must of necessity be between Nine in the Morning and Six at Night and the strict Examination they used in that time would have cool'd any Man but the Bassa from proceeding in so disperate a design But those Southern Lovers are too hot to be coold by Obstructions that appear invincible to others Assen told him he had no better way than to put him into one of the Meal-sacks he had order to send into the Castle on the morrow in a Cart. The Bassa was content and thought it an excellent invention and that there could be no danger in it at all Having resolved on this they past part of the Night in Discourse of the present posture of Affairs what past at the Divan what designs the Dey had what Forces were raised and such other particulars as were necessary for the Bassa to know After this they went to Bed where Assen took his rest but as for Mahomet he had no mind to sleep he dreamt waking of the happiness of seeing the fair Laura on the morrow At length the day appear'd and the Cart was loaded with Meal-sacks for the Castle and among them the Bag with the Bassa in 't was so plac'd that he lay pretty conveniently The Moor led the Horses and Assen walked at some distance before the Castle-gate was opened and no search made in the Cart the Dey's Secretary was Personally Convoy to They past freely to the Magazin of Victuals where several Moors instantly attended to unload but Assen very dextrously got rid of them sending them away on several Errands This was well for the Bassa who having been almost stifled in the Bag had untyed it to take a little breath and had certainly been discovered had those Moors staid in the Magazin Assen left him there all that day not thinking it fit to bring him to Laura till Night so that he locked him up there took the Key in his Pocket and went to the Dey's Palace to learn what News Poor Laura being all day alone thought it very long and with great impatience wish'd for the Night that she might have a sight of her dear Friend Assen At length the hour came he usually visited her but no news of Assen which troubled her extreamly At last she heard the Door open and rising to meet him Did you but know Assen says she the Sufferings I lye under in the condition I am in having no Friend but you you would not have made me pine so long for a sight of you for in good truth I am half dead with staying for you Assen fell a laughing and turning about to the Bassa who followed him here is one says he knows how to bring you to Life again and I doubt not but for his sake you will pardon my long stay Assen had not told the Bassa of the Ancient intimate Acquaintance he had with Laura this made him interrupt her so quickly to make her take notice of him But he was so white
all over with lying in the Meal-sack that she took him for one of Assen's Men but seeing him laugh she viewed him more narrowly and knew him Oh Heavens is it you Sir says she Oh? whither are you come in search of an unfortunate wretch which hath already given you so much trouble and too great cause of complaint It is easie answers the Bassa to pardon those we love But is it possible you are here and that the Sultaness is gone away in your stead tell me was it she that betray'd you or was it Alexander I know not what to think of it but when I consider his proceedings in this last adventure I cannot suspect him tracherous For 't was not his fault I discovered not the Sultataness it was I hindred him to take off her Barnus that I might see her However if he loved you I am sufficiently Reveng'd of you for you have lost more than I and if he was false to you you may comfort your self with the assurance of the affection of a Person not so unworthy of your favour as he was These last words put Laura to the blush but making no answer to them As for me Sir said she I neither lost a Lover in him nor have cause to charge him with falshood but must lay on my ill Fortune all the blame of my being left behind him You surprize me much replies the Bassa and make me conclude you an excellent Dissembler or my self the most abused Man in the World Call to mind Sir says Laura What I told you so often that my affection for Alexander was very indifferent and to be taken off when I pleased The Ladies of your Country differ very much from those of Christendom in their course of Love yours are very susceptible easily take impression and are equally unconstant Ours are more shi● of engaging in Love but when engaged their love is more lasting You believed me a Turk and several times did me Honours due only to the Sultaness whom you often mistook for me The Sultaness replies the Bassa much surpriz'd at the News The very same Sir says Laura for 't is now time to disabuse you and since I may justly glory to have made of my Passion for Alexander a Sacrifice to her Love I may now be allowed to declare it when she is out of all danger of inconvenience by my owning it The Sultaness Sir continued she more affected than I with the good qualities of that Christian looked upon him as worthy of her Love But permit me to say you may thank your self for it who first sought out the means to gain the Honour of finding a Gallant for your Lady You may believe replies the Bassa I design'd no such matter yet I pardon it in a Woman I had no kindness for But the falseness of the Christian was unpardonably base who besides the regard he should have had for the daily favours I did him ought to have observed at least the Laws of Hospitality The Sultaness Sir said Laura had a Beauty of power to corrupt the most upright of Men and had she been anothers Wife I durst not have undertaken for your integrity in the case I had a desire to see the Christian you brought him into the Seraglio she had a sight of him He was handsom she loved him and told him so what could he do The Bassa could not forbear laughing at her relating the story And 't is all the concern the Turks express for the falseness of their Wives especially those they have no love for having Seraglio's well stor'd and the priviledge to change Wives at pleasure The Bassa very patiently took the loss of his Sultaness and told Laura it must be her fault if he should not be now more happy than ever The subtil Slave very sensible how useful he might be to her in the present conjuncture thought it unseasonable to give him a repulse but resolv'd to manage to advantage so good an overture she told him only that was not a time to make Love You see Sir continues she I am here in a Prison I know not how to get out of But I know how to do it replies the Bassa haughtily and if within three days you be not at Liberty I 'le fill the Streets of this Town with the Bodies of the Inhabitants Ah Sir answers Laura that were the way not to save me but to hasten my Death And it being known I am the cause of this Disorder you may easily guess what Mercy I shall find If you have Sir any value for my Life since it may be saved without shedding Blood and that matters are now in a way of accommodation let me intreat you not to think of those horrible extremities Believe me says the Bassa 't is their design to amuse me till the Troops they expect from Tripoly be arriv'd but I shall take Order for that and if you will prevent inconveniences that may happen you must resolve to get out hence this Evening and go along with me Get out hence Sir replies Laura and how shall it be done out of a Castle where I am under Guard and have so many Gates to pass You see says the Bassa spight of all those Guards and those Gates I have entred and resolve to get out again and may not you so too But Sir says Laura consider I am a Woman and however disguised may be easily discovered by my gate or my stature and the least obstacle we meet with will put me into such a fright will infallibly ruin both you and me Assen fortified her Reasons with his and absolutely condemned the Enterprize proposed as exposing the Bassa and her to apparent danger of inevitable ruin You shall see Sir adds he by the difficulty you and I shall find to get out the trouble we should have to get a Woman along with us I am of Opinion with the rest of your Friends 't is best to come to an accommodation The Troops from Tripoly will be long a coming and if you keep the Town streightly block'd up a few days longer you will oblige the People to Petition the Dey to make Peace which we of your Party will not fail to help forward And the Dey being of a timerous irresolute temper will be glad of the pretence to come to an Agreement The Bassa though more inclin'd to violent than moderate actions yielded this time to the perswasion of two Persons who were the dearest to him of any and whose interest he knew it was not to give him any Counsel to his disadvantage He told them he would stay a Week longer but if in that time neither the Threats nor Intercession of his Friends should prevail he would make use of some Stratagem to reduce the Town and if that failed he would employ all his Force to bring the Dey to Reason Assen was easily induced to assent to all this knowing the Town was ill provided of Corn and that the Inhabitants began already
discovery of the Mystery Yet being himself streightned in time and that they were fallen into a deep silence using only expressions of mutual sighs He thought fit to say to the Aga whom he sufficiently perceived no Enemy of Laura's Had my former acquaintance with you been too small to give me hopes you would not cross the design we have in hand yet Sir what I have but now seen and heard were enough to perswade me you will be so far from obstructing it that I assure my self we shall have your assistance to compass it By my request to you yesterday you know my endeavours for the Liberty of this Slave those proved ineffectual but I have thought of other means which if you please we will execute this evening You know well enough the Bassa is passionately in love with her if we give him time to see her once more it will not be in our power to get her out of his hands If a War be resolved on it will be equally difficult to save her And who knows but she may be put to death here the People being already extreamly incensed against her as the cause of all this disorder and upon the noise of a War they will be too apt to make her a Sacrifice Let us be wise in time all things are in readiness and if you will make use of them presently I do warrant the success The Aga looked upon him as a man newly out of a Trance and oppress'd with grief Let us do Dear Assen says he whatever you think fit for in the condition that I am in I am not capable to give you any reasonable Counsel but will do all you shall desire of me and imploy my whole power in the Castle to favour your design and help this Lady out of danger Ingrateful man answers Laura do you speak of helping me out of danger you who are the cause of all my misfortunes Go wretch go I 'le never be so much obliged to you but chuse rather to dye here in Prison than not to have still just cause to reproach you This is not time Madam says Assen whose conceptions were too gross to apprehend the delicacy of her Sentiments to refuse any help especially the Aga's who being Captain of the Guard can give order for opening us the Gates when we please without stop or examination What confidence can we repose answers she in the most perfidious of men No no Assen were it possible for him to be more honest on this occasion then he was faithful in his love I will rather dye than make use of his assistance after the double Treason he committed against me The very thought of it adds she with tears is more cruel than Death 'T is true Madam says Beyran with the most moving action imaginable I have deserved death yet peradventure I am not so guilty as you think me Don Alphonso and Clarice who betrayed us both have expiated their Crimes with Death and if mine must be punished with equal rigor my life is at your dispose You see me in a Country Madam whither nothing but despair on the news of your death occasioned my coming for after diligent search of the way you had taken having been told you were embarqued for Barcellona I took the same road and arrived at that City where soon after it was reported the Vessel you embarqued in was cast away and not one Person saved Never was grief equal to mine every one pitied me nor had I escaped death but that Heaven moved at my tears reserved me the happiness of seeing you again to justifie my self before you and not to dye in your ill opinion the thing next the loss of you I was most of all troubled for The life I have since led hath been full of afflictions sufficient to expiate any Crime if not committed against you Laura took pleasure to hear him and heartily wished to find it true He was not so much to blame as she believed But the evidence was so apparent against him that the very thought of what she had seen made her more angry than ever so that she commanded him out of her sight bid him quit the Town and never see her more Poor Beyran be-being still on his knees endeavoured with the kindest and most tender expressions imaginable to pacifie her Assen who by this time was sufficiently assured he was the Marquess Hippolito under the name of Beyran moved with his tears took his part against Laura whom he thought not inflexible and intreated her to have some regard to the penitence of so tender a Lover ready to deliver her out of all her troubles and free her from Slavery which he had occasioned but perhaps without any fault of his and so against his will But Laura more angry than before at least in appearance answered she valued not her Slavery but would choose rather to return to the Bassa than go away with a man she hated worse than Death This troubled Assen but he could not despair to see the fair Lady yield at last to the pains and tears of a Lover though she appear'd unwilling to be overcome by the perswasions of a Friend For anger in a Ladies heart Is but short liv'd though it may be smart Against their Crimes who have the Art To please For these No sooner at the Bar appear Kneel sigh look sad and drop a tear But they with ease A pardon for the offence obtain And are admitted into Grace again While the fair Judge whose angry brow Lowr'd and look'd terrible but now To the poor Lover there below Finding her tender heart relent Begins her Anger to repent Thinks her self Criminal that she So rigorous to him could be Owns her Severity a fault And that she may it expiate Submits his Prisoner to remain bound in her own affections Chain Laura's heart was of this temper she thought her self concerned in honour not to yield too soon Assen did her no small pleasure in taking the part of Marquess Hippolito whom we will yet call Beyran And she was very willing Assen should have the honour of obtaining from her a pardon for the ungrateful Beyran if he could plead any thing to justifie himself or extenuate the Treason he was guilty of but that would have ushered in a Discourse too long for the present conjuncture and Assen told the Aga if he had a mind to execute the design he had told him of he must be at the Cape of Carthage before day for there the Brigandine waited their coming Beyran answered it was impossible to get that night out of the Castle the Dey having not above two hours since had news from the Spies he maintained about the Bassa that the night before the Bassa entred the Town whereupon the Dey gave strict order no Person should go out or in but by day Laura and Assen were surprized at the news and perceived the Bassa had been in danger Beyran seeing Laura a little mollified was
come and when I thought my self just ready to be possess'd of so great a happiness Clarice who waited on Eleanor in her Chamber and was her intimate Confident brought me a Billet I will shew you having by good fortune kept it safe to this minute With that he took out a little Purse from his pocket and out of the Purse the Billet which he read to Assen in these words I am heartily sorry my dear Hippolito I must fail my assignation But an unhappy accident I must not now tell you of will for a few days retard our happiness you may believe me as sensible of it as you are but love me as you have done Love will furnish us with opportunity enough Adieu I had never received a Letter from Eleanor nor knew her Character so that it was easie for Clarice to make me believe that Billet came from her I asked her what her Mistress ail'd Nothing says she laughing but that she is not very well this evening I fancied understood her meaning and examin'd her no further but withdrew sufficiently displeased with my ill fortune that night when a Page of the Vice-Queens met me coming down stairs and told me his Lady desired to speak with me In the humour I was in I could have wish'd a Dispensation from waiting upon her but not knowing what excuse to make being so near her and fearing she might have something to tell me from Eleanor being the common subject of her discourse with me I followed the Page into her Chamber where I found her expecting my coming she was at her Toilet and the Viceroy being out of Town as soon as she saw me she reproached me for deserting her so she could of late scarce see me in the croud that if I would not out of Gallantry I should at least out of civility have afforded her my company when destitute of other I was not disposed for giving her so pleasing an answer as I would have done another time however I said not any thing to disoblige her I was melancholy and vext but so deeply in love I had a stock of kindness and complaisance which abundantly furnished me with pleasing expressions which the Vice-Queen did not disapprove of I had not seen her in a better humour and falling into discourse she kept me with her a great part of that night but she thought me out of humour and quarrelled with me upon 't I excused my self as having sat up all the night before at play Hereupon she invited me to lye on her Bed I was priviledg'd to be familiar and without further intreaty made use of my liberty for the truth is I was almost dead for want of sleep within less than two hours I was awak'd on the sudden by the light of a Flamboy held before my eyes and the first object I saw was Eleanor with a Ponyard in her hand to take away my life had not Don Alphonso laid hold on her arm and prevented the stroke Judge you what amazement I was in I might with some reason have suspected all this a Dream But my Rival having seized the Ponyard to execute what he had hindered Eleanor to do had she not done me in her turn the like Service I thought it high time to take care of my life and running to my Arms put my self in a posture of defence The Vice-Queen half dead with the fright came running to part us but was like to have been kill'd by her Son who seemed as eager to dispatch her as me I happily saved her two or three times and at last standing before her the fury Don Alphonso was in made him run on my Weapon and kill himself rather than be killed by me I saw him fall which troubled me extreamly foreseeing the dreadful Consequence of such a misfortune I turn'd towards the unhappy Mother to ask her what she would do and found her swouned away and lying without motion I was so much afflicted with the spectacle I wish'd my self dead at last necessity pressing me to withdraw I entred Eleanor's Chamber to see her once more and dye at her feet if she desired my life to expiate my fault but I found her not and so left the Pallace without any obstacle My design was to pass into Sicily and being in search of a Felucca to embarque in found Clarice almost drown'd in tears at the Port. I knew her and asked whither she went and what she would have Ah Sir said she I have been looking for my Mistress who the Mariners tell me is embarqued not a quarter of an hour since for Barcellona I was strangely surprized at the news and without further deliberation took the first Felucca I met and Clarice being very willing to go with me in search of her Mistress or rather to get away from a Court where she had reason to fear the severest extremities after the disorder lately happen'd wherein she knew her self concern'd I put her aboard and had the weather so favourable we hoped to reach Barcellona before Eleanor could be there I took care to enquire the Name of the Felucca she was embarqued in and the Masters I was till then so distracted and oppress'd with grief and despair it was not in my power to make any resolution on all these misfortunes but being got to Sea I recollected my self and considered all those disasters but the more I thought on them the more was I perplex'd about them I could not imagine by what accident Don Alphonso and Eleanor should be together to surprize me in the Vice-Queens Chamber unless we had been betray'd or Don Alphonso more in favour with Eleanor than I believed and if that were so why should my Rival prevent my death as he did and why did she take her turn too to save my life from Alphonso unless both were ambitious of the honour to have killed me However I must confess I deserv'd death and wish I had received it at Eleanor's hand I should not then have had the displeasure of imbrewing my hands in the Blood of a Person who had all the reason in the World to be reveng'd of me Clarice was very ill in the Felucca of the fright she had taken or else Sea-sick I had not seen her all the time of the disaster at Naples I told her part of the story and found it so much afflicted her especially when I acquainted her with the death of Alphonso she grew worse and worse I asked her several questions which she answered with a great deal of trouble pretending Ignorance but in such a manner as gave me cause enough to suspectned the contrary and believe she was more concer in this business than I was aware of I was unwilling to press her in the condition she was in to reveal the secret though I was curious of a discovery but hoped to make it when she should be a little better We arriv'd at Barcellona but no news of the Bark Eleanor went aboard of I
they agreed not to tell her of the Bier but propose carrying her out in a Chair This being resolved on Assen who was to see her that morning undertook to perswade her to it and the Aga in the mean time gave order the dead Souldier should not be buried till the Evening He recommended to Assen the care of his Affairs with his Mistress gave him Clarices Letter to produce in justification of him and after a great deal of Civility and Kindness on both sides they parted to meet again at Dinner at Assen's for fear their long Conferences in the Castle might occasion suspicion in the Garrison being extreamly jealous and mistrustful Laura who had scarce rested all night for Dreams which troubled her was very joyful to see Assen come so early to divert her from the thoughts of them Well dear Assen says she shall we be once eased of our Chains and must we carry this Traytor along with us Traytor Madam answers Assen he is the most honest and most passionate of Lovers Ah! says she I foresaw he would corrupt even your fidelity I know too well the power he hath to gain affection and had reason enough to distrust him Be not so hasty Madam replies the Turk to condemn a man unheard Why what says she can he offer against what what I have seen Did not I find him with the Vice-Queen Was it not he that help'd the Traytor Alphonso to abuse me No Madam I assure you answers Assen be pleased to let me tell you what you know well enough that he loved you too well to be capable of an action of that kind and to clear all your doubts adds he shewing her Clarices Letter Know you that Character Well said she somewhat surpriz d 't is my Chamber-maids Read it replies Assen and you shall see who was guilty of the Treason Laura read it and had searce done when relenting at the Injury done Hippolito or troubled for the Treachery of a Maid she had so much confided in O God of Vengeance cry'd she with tears wilt thou leave unpunished a Wretch so treacherous and one who bath been the cause of so many disasters No sure says Assen for she is already dead if not as her Treason deserved yet for grief of having committed it With that he related to her what she knew not of the Story of the Marquess and found it no difficult business to appease the great wrath she had express'd against him to procure him her general pardon and obtain her consent for his going along with them Assen like a dexterous Confident said not a word of what concerned the Vice-Queen and Laura who had no desire to be any more angry with her dear Servant was not very curious to question him on that point she was content to believe him innocent of one side and to be furnished with a pretence not to hate him so hard a matter is it to use ill those we love how criminal soever Assen then told her of the resolution taken by the Aga and him to have her carried out in a Chair and found her disposed to do what-ever they should think fit but with condition there should be no more danger for them than for her Assen undertook it and told her she had no more to do but make ready against the first Watch whilst the Aga and he took Oorders for other things Assen went home where Beyran-Aga came shortly after and gave him an account of all he had done Assen laboured with much diligence and dexterity to see the Brigandine well stored with Necessaries you may believe Beyran failed not as busie as he was to desire an account of what most concerned him the state of his Affair with his Mistress His dear Confident Acquainted him with what success he had discharged the Commission he gave him which Beyran was so gald of as it was not his power to express his Acknowledgment All was ready and Assen had given out the necessary Orders as well for the Brigandine as for Horses and Men. The Aga and he went together to the Castle where the Aga made him a Present of all the Jewels he had received at several times from the Dey and entreated him to accept them not as a satisfaction but a pledge of the assurance he had given him to be ever his Friend and serve him on all occasions Assen who endeavoured but in vain to refuse his liberality would not accept of it but on condition the Aga would make use on all occasions of what he had bestowed as still his own and believe Assen sensible he had not sufficiently obliged him to merit so rich a Present They went From the Castle to make their Court to the Dey and the hour being come Assen first changed Laura's Guards relieving them by three of his Servants whom he was to take with him that none might be left behind to discover the Design or the Road they should take The Aga quickly followed him longing to see Laura he fell down at her feet in such a Transport of Joy and Love it moved to that tenderness she could not forbear embracing him As she raised him from the Ground they were falling into amorous Discourse but Assen told them it was not a time to discourse but to put their Design in execution unless they had a mind to see it miscarry and that when they should be once out of danger they should have leisure enough to say what they pleased Laura and Beyran who desired nothing more than to see themselves at liberty were easily perswaded to follow his Advice And the Chair being brought by the Aga's Order who had hidden the Corps they wrapt up Laura in a clean Sheet and without saying a word of the Bier put her in it and caused it to be carried out of her Chamber where having according to the custom of the Place thrown a Carpet over her one of Assen's men took the Lanthorn and the other two carried the Bier Beyran leading the Van and Assen bringing up the Rear A Corps is a sacred thing among the Turks nor would any of the Guard have thought of searching the Bier though neither Beyran nor Assen had been with it They went to the Church-yard where having taken Laura out of her Grave they marched towards the Carthage-gate which the Aga commanded to be opened that they might take Horse which attended them hard by Laura and the Aga whom we will hereafter call by their names could not yet take any pleasure to see themselves out of the Castle and City for fear of ill Accidents but long'd to see themselves at Sea however they were glad they got happily so far in hopes Fortune would in favour of Love improve that lucky beginning to a suitable end But this small Lightning of Joy quickly vanished being dash'd out by the cruelty of their Fate for being arriv'd where they expected to take Horse they found by Assen's Servants the Bassa's Sophies had taken them