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A28621 A journal of meditations for every day in the year gathered out of divers authors / written first in Latine by N.B. ; and newly translated into English by E.M. in ... 1669. N. B., 1598-1676.; Mico, Edward, 1628-1678. 1669 (1669) Wing B352; ESTC R3108 325,833 556

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saying those words of David Sacrifice and Oblation thou wouldst not c. Then said I behold I come Admire in the Son this voluntary Oblation of himself admire in the Father his most gracious acceptance O inestimable effect of Charity To redeem his slave he refused not to deliver up his onely Son Give thanks to both with the Holy Ghost and offer what you are able in gratitude Ps 93.17 Consider 3. What would have become of you had not Christ thus interposed himself You would have lain for ever in the filth of sin destinated according to your deserts to the flames of Hell So that you may with all truth say But that our Lord hath holpen me within very little my soul had dwelt in Hell Learn hence to esteem the greatnesse of the Benefit and seeing God hath thus bestowed himself upon you give your self up wholly to him Ps. 107.2 and say My heart is ready O God my heart is ready Of the divine Decree concerning Christs Incarnation 2. Part. Gen. 3.5 Phil. 2.7 COnsider 1. The admirable perfections of God discovered in this Decree And first his infinite Wisdom whereby he would cure our maladies by their contraries Man sinned through Pride vainly coveting a likenesse with God You shall be as Gods God would cure this sore by exinaniting himself taking the form of a servant and made into the similitude of men Detest Pride which hath brought so much evil into the world and imitate the example which Christ hath given you of Humility Jo. 3.16 Consider 2. His unspeakable Charity So God loved the World that he gave his onely begotten Son Even the Son himself so loved it as to give himself for it But Who and for whom The God of Majesty for a most vile and ungrateful Slave Love therefore so loving a Lord with your whole heart with all your soul and with all your strength and seeing you cannot sufficiently love him endeavour according to your state and calling to draw as many as you can into your company in the joynt love and service of him Consider 3. His infinite Goodnesse in communicating himself to man in the highest degree possible His mercy whereby he would take upon him our miseries to relieve us His Justice which that he might satisfie to the utmost rigour he made our whole debt his own Lastly his Power in joyning two extreams of infinite distance from one another God and Man Creatour and Creature O admirable conjunction Ps 97.1 2. Sing ye to our Lord a new song because he hath done marvellous things Our Lord hath made known his salvation in the sight of the Gentiles he hath revealed his Justice Of the Election of the Mother to the Word Incarnate 1. Part. COnsider 1. The Incarnation being decreed as to the substance the Eternal Word might have taken the perfect body of a man such as he framed for Adam without infringing the rigour of Justice which he desired to satisfie Notwithstanding he chose to be born of a Mother 1. So to honour both Sexes Man in his own Person Woman by taking flesh and bloud of Her 2. That in her we might also have a Mother and Advocatrix to her Son our Judge 3. That being thus made a sucking Infant and subject to his Mother he might give us example of humility and subjection Reflect how in all things he chuseth the worst and most repugnant to sense See and imitate Prov. 8.23 Consider 2. How the Word made choice of this individual Mother not for any merits of hers which then were none at all but to the end she might have merits Therefore he bestowed upon her the fulnesse of Grace and Vertue that so she might be made sit to be the Mother of God Congratulate with her for this her Election and Predestination from all Eternity From eternity I was ordained and of old before the earth was made Offer your s●lf to be her Client for ever and with all earnestnesse implore her aid and protection Ps 4.3 Consider 3. The Eternal Word would not have for his Mother any rich Personage or Princesse but one that was poor and of mean condition in the world thereby to confound our pride and vanity that seek and hunt greedily after such things as make a shew and noise in the world Ye sons of men how long are you of heavy heart Why love you vanity and seek lying Learn to contemn the judgements of the world and to esteem those things only great as are such in the sight of God and know that much worth and vertue often lieth under a contemptible disguise Of the Election of the Mother to the Word Incarnate And of her Prerogatives 2. Part. 3 Reg. 10.18 COnsider 1. It was fitting that the Eternal Word should honour his Mother and raise her above the common condition of Mortals by special Priviledges King Salomon made a great Throne of Ivory and covered it with Gold exceeding yellow c. There was not such a work made in all Kingdoms How much more sitting was it that the King of Heaven should adorn his Throne or Bed-chamber where he was to lie for nine moneths together Consider 2. Several of her Priviledges 1. Sanctity and that the greatest of any pure creature communicated unto her from the first moment of her Conception for it was not fit that the Mother of God should ever even for one single moment be under the slavery of the Devil 2. Suppression of Concupiscence 3. Confirmation in Grace so as never to forfeit it by Mortal Sin or even to suffer the least diminution of its fervour by Venial 4. Continual progresse in the same by heroick acts of Vertue whereby it was increased to an infinite proportion 5. The use of reason from the first moment 6. To conceive and remain a Virgin 7. To be in child-birth without pain 8. To be a Mother and delivered of her Son without detriment of her Virginal Integrity 9. To be a Mart a Sea Suar. c. 2.3 p. d. 18. sec 4. and Ocean of all manner of Grace so as to surpasse the perfections of all the Saints put together S. Bern. Consider 3. Her admirable Titles in being after an especial manner Daughter to the Eternal Father Mother to the onely begotten Son Spouse to the Holy Ghost and Soveraign Queen of Men and Angels She is also stiled the Mother of Mercy the Advocatrix of Mankind and Refuge of Sinners Think what a Refuge and Protection you have in such a Mother Commend your self earnestly to her for such is his will who will have us have all by Mary I will look towards our Lord I will expect God my Saviour Mich. 7.7 Mat. 11.3 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as the expectation of the Gentiles Gen. 49.10 Agg. 2.8 COnsider 1. What is said to day in the Gospel Art thou he that art to come or look we for another Christ is the expectation of the Gentiles
most justly deserveth to be loved by you from your whole heart with your whole soul and with your whole mind Jo. 14.23 Consider 2. This your Beloved will enter to day in the H. Eucharist the lodging of your heart that you may at leisure enjoy his most sweet Conversation his chast Imbraces and affectuous entertainments of Love If any one love me c. my Father will love him and we will come to him and will make abode with him Think what a torrent of Heavenly Graces will flow into your soul by the benefit of this abode if you be rightly disposed for he saith of himself With me are riches and glory Prov. 8.18 21. glorious riches and justice c. That I may enrich them that love me and may replenish their treasures Consider 3. The disposition on your side must be love for love and that the greatest you can stretch unto which consisteth more in deeds and actions then in words and affections whence he saith Jo. sup If any love me he will keep my word that is my Commandments my Counsels my Admonition See therefore how little observant you have hitherto been of them and procure that hereafter you may be able to say with the Spouse My Beloved to me and I to him in willing and not willing the same in all things with him Cant. 2.16 by a perfect Union of Wills Of the Lepre Mat. 8. Mar. 1. Luc. 5. Part 1. Mar. 1.40 COnsider 1. There came unto Christ a Lepre to be healed 1. He besought our Lord with profound Reverence kneeling down and falling on his face 2. With great Faith confessing our Lords Power Lord if thou wilt Luc. 5.12 thou canst make me clean 3. With Resignation not asking any thing absolutely but conditionally only If thou wilt if it be so pleasing to thy will Such ought also to be your Petitions Humble full of Faith and resigned to the Divine Will Is 66.2 To whom shall I have respect but to the poor little one and the contrite of spirit and him that trembleth at my words Mat. 8.3 Consider 2. Our Lords Clemency He disdained not the presence and sight of that loathsome Spectacle nor did he put off the cure till an other day and although he could have healed him with one single word yet to correct our niceness in like occasions he would also touch him wherefore stretching forth his hand he touched him saying I will be thou made clean Observe the word I will as if he should say I both will and desire for my part for God will have all men to be saved 1 Tim. 2.4 See therefore it be not lack of your self that you are not cleansed from your spiritual Leprosie Consider 3. The spiritual Leprosie of the Soul which is sin is like to that of the body for both defile the Subject wherein it is and render it a most loathsome Spectacle that in the sight of God this to the eyes of men But that of the Soul is so much the more detestable by how much the more dangerous consequence it is of as disposing to death not Temporal but Eternal Wence S. Lewis the King with good reason said as it is related of him Jon. in Vita S. Lud. c. 94. that he had rather incur the Leper of his body then sin and that he sharply reprehended one of his Nobles for making the contrary choice Of the Lepre Mat. 8.4 c. Part 2. COnsider 1. Our Lord having by his Divine Power cured the Lepre Saith to him See thou tell no body Christ knew that he would publish the Miracle to all as afterwards he did out of gratitude neither was there any danger of vain glory in Christ yet he did so for our instruction teaching us to shun the like danger with all our endeavour For vain glory as S. Basil saith is a robber of our spiritual riches Basil Const Monast c. 11. a flattering Enemy of our Souls the Moth of Virtues c. Think with your self how much you are subject to this Vice in your actions and take heed it may not also be said to you You have received your reward Mat. 6.5 16. Consider 2. Go shew thy self to the Priest and offer the gift which Moyses commanded for a testimony to them The Law of Moyses reserved to the Priests the judgment both of the Leprosie its self in case of doubt and of its cure See therefore 1. How observant Christ was of the Law 2. How he honoured those Priests although ever most spiteful to him 3. How much greater Prerogative did he confer upon the Priests of the New Law to whom he gave power to cleanse and take away all manner of spiritual Leprosie Therefore do you also as often as you find your self infected with the like Leprosie go and shew your self to the Priest Levit. 14. Consider 3. The Lepre was also to make an Offering For in the Ancient Law after the shaving of his hair he was commanded to wash his cloaths and his body and to offer a Lamb without spot in Sacrifice Let your Offering as often as you return from the Sacrament of Confession be a Sacrifice of Praise according to that Immolate to God the Sacrifice of Praise and withall Ps 49.14 the Immaculate Lamb of God in the Sacrifice of Mass Of the ten Lepres Luc. 17. Part 1. Luc. 17.12 COnsider 1. Our Lord passing through the midst of Samaria and entering a Town There met him ten men that were Lepers who stood afar off and they lifted up their voice saying Jesus Master have mercy on us Observe also in these the manner of praying well 1. With Humility and Reverence they stood a far off 2. Unanimously and with fervour they lifted up their voice for earnest and fervent prayer is pleasing to God wherefore David said When I cryed to him he heard me Ps 21.25 3. They say not heal us but have mercy on us only begging mercy of him and leaving the whole matter and manner to God Do you the like in your occasions Consider 2. Whom as he saw he said Go shew your selves to the Priests He could have healed them at that instant but he would make tryal of their Obedience sending them to the Priests for the greater respect also and observance of the Law Moreover to teach us that we ought to repair unto the Priests and to disclose our selves to them as often as we are strucken with the Leprosie of Sin and for your part sleep not so much as one night in this Leprosie for what if in that very night God should take your Soul from you your Leprosie would stick to you for all Eternity Ps 31.5 Consider 3. And it came to pass as they went they were made clean Ponder their prompt Obedience and the fruit thereof So it often happeneth to them that are tempted that even while they are but going to manifest
in a stable upon a bed of straw Consider 3. And falling down adored him 1. They prostrated themselves with most profound humility as well interior as exterior acknowledging their own unworthiness and their subjection and dependance on him 2. They adored him with a most perfect act of Adoration as their Soveraign Lord and God 3. This Adoration was seconded with an entire oblation of themselves and their Kingdoms with sincere expressions of gratitude both for their own particular and for the general benefit of all in his Incarnation and Vocation of the Gentiles together with most ardent affections of love and desires that all the world might come to his knowledge and service Learn hence what admirable effects a lively faith doth work in a devout Soul and with that affections you are to come to the same Lord in the Holy Eucharist Mat. 2.11 Of the Sages Offerings or Gifts ANd opening their treasures they offered to him gifts Gold Frankincense and Myrrhe Consider how with the above-named affections of faith humility reverence devotion and love they offer gifts in homage to their Soveraign Lord and that of the best things they had and out of their treasures that you might learn to give to God and to employ the best not the worst things you have in divine uses Consider the gifts in particular and present yours joyntly with them They offer Gold as Tribute to their Lord and King Offer him also Gold that is 1. a heart full of Charity loving him from your whole heart for as Gold is the chief of Metals so Charity is the Queen of Vertues 2. Exterior worldly goods with an affection and love to Poverty setting them all at naught in respect of his divine service so as to be ready even actually to leave all rather then to offend him only Venially Ps 140.2 Consider 2. They offer Frankincense in acknowledgement of his Divinity Offer also your Frankincense of fervent and frequent Prayer saying with David Let my prayer O Lord be directed as incense in thy sight Offer again to God your Frankincense that is your will as a most sweet perfume and this by Obedience to your Superiours Governours and Directours whom God hath appointed in his place over you For there is no Sacrifice more grateful to him then that of our will by means of Obedience 1 Reg. 15.22 Better is Obedience saith Samuel then Victims Consider 3. They offer Myrrhe as to a mortal man Offer you also the Myrrhe which is of a bitter taste of Mortification chastifing your body with St. Paul and bringing it to subjection so as to obey the Spirit Offer also a special Myrrhe of Chastiry carefully avoiding whatsoever may endamage it for as Myrrhe preserveth dead bodies from corruption S. Greg. Orat. 16. so Chastity doth keep both the bodies and minds of the living undefiled Lastly consecrate your whole self to God and give whatsoever you have to him who hath given you all things Of the Sages Return ¶ If the Octave fall upon Sunday make this Meditation on Saturday and on Sunday of H. Communion as above 1 Jo. 4.1 2 Cor. 11.14 COnsider 1. How the Sages having performed their homage and duty of Adoration having also presented the B. Virgin and St. Joseph with some gifts and taken their leave were now ready for their return full of spiritual joy and zeal of bringing others to Christ and amongst them Herod himself but were admonished in their sleep that they should not go back to him Whence you may learn that God hath a care of them that are his and can easily frustrate the subtile intentions of the wicked And that in the way of Vertue not every motion which seems to be according to zeal ought always to be followed But we must prove the spirits if they be of God for oftentimes as the Apostle witnesseth Satan transfigureth himself into an Angel of light Consider 2. How they presently obeyed and went back another way into their Countrey Mat. 2.12 So ought we to follow the inspirations of God and they that have had more knowledge and experience of Christ should enter into another course of life of greater exactness and perfection in their progress towards their heavenly countrey Greg. hom in Epiph. from which seeing we turned away by pleasures we should return by the contrary way of sorrow and repentance Think how the B. Virgin behaved her self in all these passages and what joy she was in to see her Son thus adored and that of the Prophet fulfilled Ps 71.10 The Kings of Tharsis and the Islands shall offer presents c. Recommend your self earnestly to her saying with S. Bernard Orat. S. Ber. By you Virgin Mother let us have access to your Son 2 Cor. 9.6 Consider 3. The B. Infant did not send the Sages away empty but highly rewarded for their pains and devotion He bestowed upon them supernatural and heavenly gifts in return to theirs for their Gold he gave them the rich treasures of Wisdom and Charity for their Frankincense the gift of Prayer and Devotion for their Myrrhe the Soveraign Balm of his divine Grace against the corruption of Sin We can give nothing to God that returneth not with advantage to our selves the more we give the more we shall receive Be liberal therefore to God that he may be so to you remembring what the Apostle saith He that soweth sparingly sparingly also shall reap and he that soweth in blessings of blessings also shall reap ¶ If there remain any days between the Octave and the 2. Sunday repeat these Meditations according to the number of the days If a whole Week then on Munday take the Meditation of the Purification and go on with them the other days as they follow intermitting that of the second Sunday till it cometh in its course of that year Behold the Bridegroom cometh go ye forth to meet him Mat. 25.6 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as the Spouse of your Soul Ose 2.19 COnsider 1. What is read to day in the Gospel There was a Marriage made in Cana of Galilee c. Jo. 2.1 The like Espousals will be made this day between Christ and your Soul if you will but give your consent for he on his part doth earnestly desire it according to that I will despouse thee to me for ever and I will despouse thee to me in Justice and Judgement and in Mercy and in Commiserations Nay although you have often been disloyal unto him by your disordinate affection and adhering to creatures he is notwithstanding ready to pardon all and even invites you again to him by the Prophet Jer. 3.1 Thou hast committed fornication with many lovers nevertheless return unto me saith our Lord and I will receive thee Ps 44.3 Consider 2. How great a dignity it is to be espoused to a King here upon Earth How much greater then to the King of Heaven Think how incomparable is the
could not satisfy her mind or affection for no wordly comfort is able to content the soul that truly seeketh God Then Christ himself appeareth but first in the shape of a Gardiner so as she knew him not saying Sir if thou hast carried him away tell me where thou hast laid him and I will take him away Great was the force of her love She excepted no place feared no danger but was ready to seek her Lord upon any termes See whether your love be such Iob. 3.22 Consider 3. Jesus saith to her Mary Our Lord doth often conceale his presence and seemeth to be far off from his servants when he is neer at hand He conceales himself under a disguise the better to try our love and inflame our desires but discovereth himself at last and as Sara said after teares and weeping powreth in joyfullness Beseech our Lord that he would vouchsafe to be so intimate and familiar with you as to call you by your name and speake so to your heart that you may come to know his voice and with B. Magdalen be more and more inflamed with his love Our Lord appeareth to the other Women Mat. 28.9 COnsider 1. While the Holy Women among whom probably was S. Mary Magdalen were in their return from the Sepulcher to the Citty Christ met them in the way and saluted them saying All haile Ponder here the great goodness of our Lord affording comfort in a most seasonable time and not disdaining the weaker fer Ponder also that word All haile which the Angel Gabriel likewise used to the B. Virgin and did work in their hearts what it did outwardly signify O Lord speak so to my Soul Cant. 2.14 Let thy voice sound in my eares for thy voice is sweet and thy face comely Ps 44.8 Consider 2. But they came neer and took hold of his feet and adored him They were permitted to touch and kiss his sacred feet O with what reverence and joy of heart did they doe it In reward of their good desires of anealing his sacred Corps in the Sepulcher they were themselves anointed with the oyle of gladness above their fellowes Learn hence with what affections you ought to embrace not his feet but whole Christ in the Eucharist as often as you frequent it Lay fast hold on your Beloved and let him not goe from you till he hath given you his blessing Gen. 32.26.29 as he did to Jacob. Pro. 18.19 Consider 3. Jesus said to them Feare not goe tell my bretheren c. Admire the sweetness of our Lord in comforting his servants and taking from them all feare Ponder those words My Bretheren bearing a most friendly and sweet name He who was now King of Glory disdained not to call poor ignorant fishermen his bretheren O what a happiness it is to have such a brother Love him therefore as your brother and put your trust in him for if the Brother that is holpen of Brother as the Wise man saith is as a strong Citty how much more he who is holpen of such a Brother Peter and John goe to the Sepulcher and Our Lord appeareth to Peter Luc. 24.11 COnsider 1. The devour Women relate what they had seen at the Sepulcher to the Disciples that were assembled together But it seemed before them as dotage for the Apostles were as yet fixed to sensible things and were not enlightned by the Holy Ghost So the Mysteries of the Cross and Resurrection seeme no better then meer folly to the Wise men of this world Beseech our Lord to enlighten your darkness that you may not dote so miserably with the World Consider 2. Peter and John more desireous then the rest of knowing the truth ran to the Sepulcher entered in looked throughly about and found all as the women had related but neither Angels nor our Lord appeared unto them for their further tryall and for that the relations of others ought to have sufficed By John is signifyed Faith by Peter Charity with both we must seeke Christ if at any time he be taken from us Consider 3. On the same day afterwards Christ appeared as is gathered out of S. Luke unto Peter Ibid. v. 34. who went away marvelling with himself at that which was done And Our Lord hath risea indeed and hath appeared to Simon Thus our Lord would comfort him 1. That he might afterwards confirme others in the same beliefe 2. Because he had already blotted out the Sin of his denyall with due penance and now deserved to receive corsolation 3. Because of all the Disciples he loved Christ most and therefore conceived more griefe then any for his death Learn to beare Christ company in his sufferings that you may rejoyce with him in his Resurrection For Ps. 93.19 according to the multitude of my sorrows in my heart thy consolations have made my Soul Joyfull I will hear what our Lord God will speake in me because he will speake peace upon his people Ps 84.9 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as the Prince of Peace Jer. 29.11 Is. 9.6 COnsider 1. What is read to day in the Ghospel how Christ appeared unto the Apostles and thrice imparted unto them his peace saying Peace be to you Jo. 20.19 For he is our peace as the Apostle saith Ephes. 2.14 intending cogitations of peace and not of affliction and therefore among other titles he is called by Isaie the Prince of Peace Gal. 5.17 Consider 2. There are three sorts of peace which we are to procure 1. With God 2. With our Neighbour 3. With out solves for the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh Ps. 37.4 and therefore David said My bones have no peace And a mans enemies are they of his own houshould to wit Mich. 7.6 his own unlawfull Appetites This threefould peace the Prince and Author of it will bring unto you in the Eucharist if you hinder not for the Eucharist is properly a Pacifick Host between God and us The Simbole and band of Charity between us and our Neighbour Cyril lib. 4. in c. 27. Je. and lastly that which as S. Cyril saith doth restrain the raging tyranny of our members and doth intrench us round about with perfect peace Whence David said Ps. 147.3 He hath set thy borders peace and filleth thee with the fat of corn Levit. 26.6 Consider 3. Christ brought Peace this day to the Arostles when the dores were shut and they assembled together within and in prayer Therefore shut up carefully the gates of your senses and retire your self within the inward closet of your heart and our Lord Will give peace in your coasts You shall sleep and there shall be none to make you affraid But above all purge your self throughly from sin 〈◊〉 48.22 For There is no peace to the impious saith our Lord. Luc. 24.13 Our Lord appeareth to the Disciples going to Emmaus Part. 1. COnsider 1.
more excellent then God Man as to his body is no better then dirt and dust a sack of dung and meat for worms As to his Soul he is the very sink of sin an Abyss of ignorance and Myrrour of Inconstancy Think how slender is his ability how little it is he knoweth what miseries he is subject unto so that Job said with reason What is man that thou magnifiest him Job 7.17 or why settest thou thy heart toward him Gen. 41.40 1 Reg. 9. Ps 77.70 Consider 2. On the other side what God is and how great is his Majesty Glory Riches Beauty Power c. and what a dignity it is to be his adoptive Son If it was esteemed a great and wonderful thing in Joseph the Patriarch to be taken out of prison and made Lord of Egypt in Saul from following of Asses to be annointed King and in David from following after the Ewes with young to be assumed to a Kingdome How much more is it to be admired that a lump of earth should be raised to dignity of being the Son of God and that the harbourer of worms should become the companion of Angels Ps 112.7 8 Consider 3. How much you owe to God for having so highly exalted you Raising up the needy from the earth and lifting up the poor out of the dung to place you with the Princes of his heavenly Court O unspeakable honour you deserve not the name of Gods servant Leo Serm. 1. de Nativit and you are made his Son Acknowledge therefore O Christian saith S. Leo your dignity and being made partaker of the Divine Nature do not by unworthy behaviour degenerate to your former baseness Of the benefit of Adoption Part 2. COnsider 1. The admirable effects of this benefit 1. It puts us under Gods special providence and protection so as to bring us up govern maintain and defend us as a loving Father doth his Children Whence David said Ps 102.13 As a father hath compassion of his children so hath our Lord compassion on them that fear him c. And by Isaie he promiseth yet more Why Is 49.15 can a woman forget her Infant that she will not have pity on the son of her womb And if she should forget yet will not I forget thee O what a security it is to be protected by such a Father If God stand for us who will be against us 2 Pet. 1.4 Consider 2. How by this adoption we are made partakers of the Divine Nature and in a manner Gods according to that of the Psalmist I said you are Gods and the sons of the highest all Ps 81. ● for it makes us partakers in some degree of Gods perfections and excellencies as of his Wisdome Fortitude Constancy Justice Charity and other Attributes which in him are by nature and are communicated to us as his children by grace Learn therefore greatly to esteem such a benefit that makes you like to God himself Rom. 8.17 Consider 3. How it makes us also Heirs of the Kingdome of Heaven according to that of the Apostle And if sons heirs also heirs truly of God and co-heirs of Christ O what a happiness Look therefore upon heaven as your own by inheritance Say with that Philosopher Corn. ad Rom. c. 1● 14. I am born to greater things then to make my self a slave to my own flesh Direct your thoughts and cares thither where you are sure to inherit endless treasures contemn all mortal things and give your mind only to such as are truly great and everlasting and as a certain holy man was wont to say In Vita P. Balt Alvarez Do not degenerate from the high thoughts of the sons of God Of the benefit of Adoption Part 3. Deut. 32.6 COnsider the several Obligations we have by reason of this benefit The first is of loving tenderly and from our whole heart so loving a Father For if children of this world do naturally love their Parents of whom they only receive their corporal substance and earthly goods how much more are you bound to love God from whom all proceeds that is good and who hath possessed thee and made and created thee Exod. 20.12 The second Obligation is of honouring him as our Father that is reverencing him with exteriour worship and serving him what we can with all respect and duty Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thou mayst be long lived upon the earth And our Lord himself by Malachy saith And if I be the father Mal. 1.6 where is my honour Mat. 5.48 Ephes 5.1 The third Obligation is of imitating God as children do their Parents Therefore Christ said Be you perfect as also your heavenly father is perfect And S. Paul Be followers of God as most dear children You must therefore imitate his Sanctity and Immunity from sin his Charity Mercy Justice and other Virtues Lev. 11.45 You shall be holy saith our Lord because I am holy Lev. 19.3 The fourth Obligation is of fearing ever to offend our Father according to that of Leviticus Let every one fear his Father and Mother And if children of this world fear to offend their Parents that they may not be disinherited by them how much more ought we to fear God Take heed that it be not ever objected to you Is 1.2 I have brought up children and exalted them but they have despised me You will despise him if you prefer your own will and desires before his Counsels and Commands Of the benefit of the H. Sacraments Is 12.3 COnsider 1. The wonderful care your Heavenly Father hath of you for to conserve you in the grace of his Adoption he hath provided you with many means for which you owe thanks and gratitude the chief of them are the seven Sacraments which as so many Fountains he would have to flow with several gifts of Grace in all abundance according to the diversity of our necessities so as to make good that of the Prophet You shall draw waters in joy out of the Saviours Fountains Ps 83.5 Consider 2. The infinite Wisdome of God in most fitly ordaining each Sacrament for that man might be born into a spiritual life he instituted Baptisme to grow up and be strengthened in the same Confirmation to be nourished Holy Eucharist That he might have a remedy and certain cure against his spiritual diseases Penance That he might be armed for his last Combat Extreme Unction Lastly for the right discharging of several states and duties in his Church he instituted H. Order and Matrimony Truly blessed are they that dwell in thy house O Lord who doest so abundantly provide for them that fear thee Is 55.1 Consider 3. These Fountains of Grace 1. Are open to all none are excluded though never so poor Whence the Prophet cryeth out All ye that thirst come to the waters and you that have no silver make hast buy and eat 2. They are
Their Evangelical Poverty for love of which As many as were owners of lands or houses sold Ibid. 34 35 and bought the prices of those things which they sold and laid it before the feet of the Apostles c. Neither did any one say Sup. v. 32. that ought was his own of those things which he possessed but all things were common to them Act. 2.46 47. Consider 3. The rest of their life they were daily also continuing with one accord in the Temple and breaking bread from house to house as well the Eucharistical bread in Communion as common bread in Hospitality they took their meat with joy and simplicity of heart praising God and having grace with all the people How far are we off from the like fervour assiduity of prayer and simplicity of heart Let us therefore imitate their example that we may come to enjoy their company in heaven Lord if I have found grace in thy sight go not past thy servant Gen. 18.3 Trinity Sunday Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as the Second Person of the most Blessed Trinity Isa 6.3 COnsider 1. What Faith teacheth us concerning this most sacred mystery to wit three Persons subsistent in one single Nature or Essence of Divinity the Father unbegotten his only begotten Son and the Holy Ghost proceeding from both Imagine your self to see innumerable millions of Saints and Angels in heaven prostrate before the Throne of the Divinity with most prefound reverence and admiration of this incomprehensible Mystery and continually singing forth Holy holy holy the Lord God of Hosts Consider 2. The Second Person of this Sacred Trinity will abide with you this day and with him the other two the Father and the H. Ghost who being the self-same in Nature with the Son Suar. 2. p. to 3. dis● 51. See 6. in a special manner are also present in the Eucharist What entertainment therefore will be sitting for such Guests what care of neatness and adorning your self with acts of virtue Consider 3. With what servour humility and devotion Abraham entertained the three Angels who represented the B. Trinity He received three but adored only one saith S. Augustine saying Aug. l. 16. c. 29. Civit. Lord if I have found grace in thy sight go not past thy servant Then himself ran to the Herd took from thence one of the best Calves and caused it to be boiled and set before them Do you the like and present your guests with the best you have to wit your heart well prepared by the sire of Charity and say with the Church In Offic. ss Triritatis Blessed be the holy and undivided Trinity now and ever and world without end Of the first Person of the B. Trinity or of the Eternal Father 2 Cor. 4.4 Heb. 1.3 COnsider 1. The Eternal Father as Faith teacheth is the Fountain and Origin of the other persons in the B. Trinity for understanding himself by an Intuitive Vision he begetteth the Eternal Word that is a most perfect and substantial Image of himself which is the Son the Image of God and the figure of his substance And again together with the Son by mutual love breatheth forth the Holy Ghost communicating unto them both his entire Nature without division retaining in himself his own proper personality uncommunicated Admire the sublimeness of this Mystery stir your self up to acts of Faith and acknowledge how weak mans understanding is to comprehend divine things O depth of the riches of the wisdome Rom. 11.33 I and of the knowledge of God c. Consider 2. Although all exteriour works of God are common to the whole Trinity notwithstanding those of Power and Omnipotency are appropriated to the Father such are the Creation Conservation and Government of the World whence you may learn both how much you ought to love him who created you and for your sake produced this admirable Structure of the Universe and how much reason you have to fear him Mat. 10.28 who in a moment can destroy both soul and body into hell Jo. 16.27 Consider 3. This Father and Lord of all things notwithstanding the greatness of his Majesty stoopeth so low beneath himself for love of us who at the best are but his Slaves and Vassals as to make us his children and heirs by adoption For the Father himself loveth you saith Christ Nay God so loved the world Jo. 3.16 that he gave bis only begotten Son for its redemption See therefore how much reason you have to love and reverence with your whole heart and with all your strength so loving a Father Of the Second Person of the B Trinity or of the Son Is 53.8 COnsider 1. That as Faith teacheth the Son was begotten from all Eternity without the least difference of time or point of inequality for he is Consubstantial Coeternal and in all things equal to the Father he is properly the Word of the Divine Intellect expressing in himself the whole substance of the Divinity the which being made as it were Vocal by the Incarnation declared unto us the secret Mysteries of the Father Who shall declare his generation Neither the Angels themselves can comprehend this unspeakable Procession Therefore what you cannot conceive either by sense or reason believe with a firm faith and rejoyce for the glory of the Son equal in all things with the Father Consider 2. The Sons love towards mankind who to redeem his Slave delivered himself over to death For us men and for our salvation Symb. Nicen he descended from heaven and was incarnate and born and that in so humble and contemptible a manner God was made man that man might be made God Aug. Ser. 9. de Nat. Leo Ser. 6. de Nat. Or as S. Leo saith Christ was made the Son of man that we might be made the Sons of God O ineffable love O incomprehensible favour Consider 3. How you may requite so great a love Doubtless it requires that you both reverence his divine person with the greatest devotion and respect and with as great tenderness love that sacred humanity which he took upon him and nailed to the Cross for your sake Say with S. Bernard S. Bern. Ser. 1. de Epiph. The more vile he is become for me so much the more dear he is to me and take heed least by sinning you alienate from your self so loving a friend Of the Third Person of the B. Trinity or of the Holy Ghost Pref. Miss COnsider 1. The Holy Ghost as the Third Person of the B. Trinity proceeding from the Father and the Son but coeternal and consubstantial to them both of equal power wisdom and so of the other divine Attributes For there is as the Church singeth Propriety in the Persons unity in the Essence and Equality in Majesty Do you also reverence and honour this divine person and joyn your voice with the Seraphins crying out Holy Is 6.3 holy
and despicable poor man be calleth Son whom the Priests vouchsafed not to touch Observe how he remitteth his sins which were cause of his infirmity to teach you that diseases are inflicted also for hidden sins and that when you are sick you must first seek your Souls cure then that of your body Of the Bed-rid let down from the Roof Mat. 9. Mar. 2. Luc. 5. Part 2. Luc. 5.21 COnsider 1. The Pharisees murmuring Who is this that speaketh blasphemies Who can forgive sins but only God Condole with Christ for being held a Blasphemer and be not troubled if at any time you be treated below your deserts Observe Christs mildness he is not moved to indignation he seeketh not to revenge himself as he could most easily have done but sweetly endeavoureth to bring them out of their erreur Wherefore think you evil in your hearts Mat. 9.4 Consider 2. Christ in proof of his Divinity and power of forgiving sins presently cured the man and sent him away free of his Palsey saying Arise take up thy bed Ibid. Luc. 5.24 and go into thy house Your house and home is Heaven here you are but a Stranger and Passenger therefore hasten home and settle your thoughts cares and desires there where you are to dwell for ever Eccles 12.5 August in Ps 85. Man shall go saith the wise man into the house of his Eternity and S. Augustine A House is taken as it were for ever a Nest is made up but for a time Do not therefore make more of your dirty brittle Nest then of your stable Mansion House Consider 3. The man being cured Luc. sup went into his house magnifying God It is the proper effect of spiritual health to magnifie God and to give him thanks for benefits received Do you also magnifie God as often as you are dismissed in the Sacrament of Penance free from the dead Palsey of Sin say with David I will bless our Lord at all time Ps 33.2 his praise always in my mouth Of the Withered Hand cured Mat. 12. Mar. 3. Luc. 6. Luc. 6.6 Ps 143.8 COnsider 1. It came to pass on another Sabboth that be entered into the Synagogue and taught And there was a man and his right hand was withered c. Our most merciful Lord taketh hold of all occasions of converting Souls wherefore on the Sabboth days he frequented the Synagogues that being then gathered together he might the better reach them heavenly things In the Synagogue he found a man whose right hand was withered for many there are even in Gods Church that have their left hands ready for mischief but their right hands withered and unable to do any good And their right hand is the right hand of Iniquity See whether your hand be not thus withered Mat. 12.13 Consider 2. Then he saith to the man stretch forth thy hand and he stretched it forth and it was restored to health Our Lord could as easily have done the Cure without stretching forth but he will have us also to co-operate in our own behalf according to that of the Prophet Zachar. 1.3 Convert to me c. and I will convert to you Stretch forth therefore your hand to good works to help your Brother and in frequent prayer to God and you will undoubtedly obtain perfect health Eccles 9.10 Whatsoever thy hand is able to do work it instantly saith the wise man Ps 2.4 Consider 3. The Scribes and Pharisees having seen the Miracle whereas by benefit thereof they might have wrought their own salvation they took occasion thereby out of envy to contrive Christs death But he that dwelleth in the Heavens shall laugh at them And Christ although he could have destroyed them in a moment yet he chose rather to bear with them and withdraw himself for the time to another place to teach you meekness Of the crooked Woman cured Luc. 13.11 c. Dan. 13.9 COnsider 1. Christ being again in the Synagogue according to his custome Behold a Woman that had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years and she was crooked neither could she look upward at all This infirmity was caused by the Devil as Christ himself witnesseth and this either in punishment of sin as it was in Giezi's Lepre or by Gods permission for exercise of her virtue as it happened to Blessed Job Mystically the Devil causeth the like crookedness in all those souls which he makes to stoop down to worldly things and keeps them so fixedly bent upon them that they cannot look up nor raise their thoughts to Heaven Of such it is said They declined their eyes that they would not see Heaven nor remember just judgments See whether you be not likewise crookedly bent in your works and intentions Consider 2. The Mercy of Christ of his own accord calling the Woman to him and curing her Woman thou art delivered from thy infirmity And the effect presently seconded his Omnipotent word for having imposed his hands upon her she was forthwith made straight and glorified God Observe and imitate this Womans gratitude who as soon as she saw her self cured glorified God See how much more reason you have to be ever grateful and to glorifie God who healeth all thine infirmities Ps 102.3 say with David My strength and my praise is our Lord and he is made unto me a Salvation This is my God Exod. 15.2 and I will glorifie him Is 51.7 8. Consider 3. The perverse Zeal of the Arch-Synagogue who had indignation that Jesus had cured on the Sabboth as if it were not lawful to do a good work although not servile on the Sabboth day Thus many pretend Zeal for their passions Procure to do all your actions with a sincere and upright intention as in the sight of God and you will not fear what judgments men pass upon them Fear ye not the reproach of men and be not afraid of their blasph●mies for as a garment so shall the worm eat them and as wooll so shall the Moth devoure them Of Holy Communion Behold my Beloved speaketh to me Arise make hast my Love c. and come Cant. 2.10 Consider Christ as your Souls Love Cant. 5.2 COnsider 1. What is commanded in this daies Gospel Thou shalt love the Lord thy God from thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind c. Mat. 22.37 God would be our Souls Love therefore he often calleth them his Beloved his Spouses his Sisters Open to me my Sister my Love my Dove c. And because love is gained by love Let us therefore love God 1 Jo. 4.19 because God first hath loved us Who hath loved us and washed us from our sins in his blood Apoc. 1.5 Never any Mother loved her Child so tenderly nor Spouse his Beloved as God doth Man making himself 1. His Companion 2. His Food 3. His Ransom And lastly his Everlasting Reward so that he
times c. which done all these things shall be given us besides O that we had courage and resolution to perform the first part and faith enough practically to believe this latter 15. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Widows Son of Naim Luc. 7.11 page 388. see page 423 424. 16. Sunday after Pentecost Of the man cured of the Dropsie Luc. 14.1 page 306. Consider 1. And it came to pass when Jesus entered into the house of a certain Prince of the Pharisees upon the Sabboth to eat bread and they watched him Ponder here the goodness of Christ not refusing to eat and converse familiarly with his Enemies seeking thereby occasion to do them good and the perversness of the Pharisees in observing and watching him not to profit but to calumniate Do you observe our Lord in all his sayings and doings but so as to benefit your self and glorifie him and endeavour to demean your self so in all your exteriour comportment that you need not fear to be observed and taken notice of by all even your Enemies Consider 2. And behold there was a certain man before him that had a Dropsie Behold your self in this man and acknowledge with S. Augustine that you have a Conscience sick of the Dropsie S. Aug. 2. quaest Evang thirsting after terrene things the more you are indulgent to your self the more you nourish this disease Christ feels their pulse and temper before he cures this man saying Is it lawful to cure on the Sabboth but they were ashamed to discover their malignity openly and what e're they thought they held their peace But he taking him healed him and sent him away And to justifie himself appeals to their own Conscience what they would judge lawful in a less concern of their own Oxe or Ass Ps 21.7 Consider 3. When thou art invited to a Marriage sit not down in the first place c. but go sit down in the last place c. This as all other things that he taught Christ exercised himself he descended from the highest Heaven to the Womb of a poor and humble Virgin and all his life long chose for himself in all occasions that which was meanest and became for us the very Out-cast of the people Ponder well that Golden Sentence Every one that exalteth himself shall be humbled and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted First and Last are otherwise taken by God otherwise by the World the lower one is in the Worlds reckoning the higher he is in Gods account and on the contrary Christ was in the last Rank with the World but in the first with God If therefore you desire to be near Christ in Glory you must come close to him in Humility 17. Sunday after Pentecost Of the great Precept of Charity Mat. 22.34 page 403. Consider 1. A Doctor of Law asked of him which is the great Commandment in the Law Jesus said unto him Thou shalt love the Lord thy God from thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind We love him with our whole heart soul and mind when we direct our thoughts affections senses and actions to him and when we let no created thing have any place in our heart but in order to him and detest whatsoever is displeasing to him Consider the Motives you have to this love 1. His benefits towards you in your Creation Conservation Redemption Sanctification Gifts of Grace and promise of Glory 2. His own infinite Amiableness his Bounty Riches Power Glory Beauty c. Rom. 8.35 Consider 2. This love must not content it self with bare affections wishes and desires it must pass to action and both do and suffer when occasion is for the service and honour of God that we may be able to say with the Apostle Who shall separate us from the charity of Christ tribulation or distress c. or danger or persecution or sword It is the property of true love to be communicative of it self and what it hath with its Beloved Give therefore freely to God your self and whatsoever you have and because you have nothing that you have not from him return it entire to him again by gratitude and faithful use in his service This is the greatest and first Commandment Consider 3. The second is like to this Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self Our Neighbour is not one but every Child of Adam Friend and Enemy c. The Rule of our love is no other then our selves whatsoever therefore you would have done or not done to your self observe the same towards others out of love and for God and you have observed this Precept Our Motives are for that we are all Created to the same Image of God Redeemed with the same precious Blood of Christ Children of the same Heavenly Father called to the Inheritance of the same Kingdom c. Make it your whole study to have perfect Charity towards God and your Neighbour knowing that On these two Commandments depend the whole Law and Prophets 18. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Bed-rid let down from the Roof Mat. 9.1 page 412. see page 399 400. 19. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Invitement to the Wedding Mat. 22.1 page 419. see page 439 440. 20. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Princes Son restored to health Jo. 4.46 page 427. see page 394 395. 21. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Debtor of ten thousand Talents Mat. 28.23 page 435. Consider 1. There was one presented unto his Lord that owed him ten thousand Talents This is your self and every sinner there is no Debt so great as that of Sin think how great yours i And not having whence to repay it his Lord commanded that he should be sold We have nothing of our own to make satisfaction of and by sin we forfeit Grace Heaven God Soul and Body and inslave our selves to the Devil But that Steward falling down before him said have patience towards me and I will repay thee all Think how often God hath had patience with you you may truly say with the Prophet The Mercies of our Lord Thren 3.22 that I am not consumed Consider 2. And the Lord of that servant moved with pitty dismissed him and forgave him the debt How easily is God satisfied how great is his bounty who giveth more then is asked or could be hoped for He hath done the same and much more for you and hath not only freed you from the slavery of sin but also made you his Adopted Son and Heir of his Kingdom When that servant was gone forth he found one of his fellow servants that did owe him a hundred pence and laying hands upon him thratled him saying Repay what thou owest and notwithstanding the others humble entreaty went his way and cast him into prison till he repayed the debt How often do you the same in the petty injuries done to you Consider 3. Thou ungracious servant c. oughtest not thou also to have mercy upon thy fellow servant even as I had
your self to expect our Lord to trust in him and the like Expect our Lord Ps 26.14 Psal 42.5 do manfully and let thy heart take courage and expect thou our Lord. Why art thou sorrowful O my soul and why doest thou trouble me Hope in God because yet will I confess to him XXXV SOLLICITATION As it were urging God to give you speedy aid God my God Psal 21.2 have respect to me why hast thou forsaken me Incline thine ear to me Psal 30.3 Ps 43.23 make hast to deliver me Arise why sleepest thou O Lord Arise and expell us not to the end XXXVI ZEAL Defiring that the glory of God may be propagated Psal 78.1 Ps 73.10 and his enemies humbled O God the Gentiles are come into thine inheritance they have polluted thy holy Temple How long O God shall the enemy upbraid Psal 67.2 the adversary provoke thy Name for ever Let God arise and let his enemies be dispersed These or other like affections you may make use of for your Colloquies and these or other such Versicles taken out of Scripture may perhaps help you to enter with greater facility into your Colloquies which afterwards you may prosecute more at large as your affection shall suggest and the Unction of the Divine Spirit shall teach you Manual And although it be expedient as hath been said to break into these Colloquies at any time during the Meditation yet this same is to be done with more earnest endeavour and exactness in the end sometimes calling upon the Eternal Father sometimes upon the Son at other times upon the Holy Ghost Sometimes also upon the Blessed Virgin our Angel Guardian the Saints our Patrons imploring their aid and intercession giving thanks c. as the present matter shall require Unto this Colloquy is to be ioyned some Vocal Prayer as the Pater Noster if the Colloquy be directed to God the Father Anima Christi sanctifica me The Soul of Christ sanctifie me if to the Son Veni Creator if to the Holy Ghost Ave Maria or some like to the Blessed Virgin or to the Saints It is a commendable practice of many having ended their Meditation to note down in brief in some little book for that end their good purposes and the chief lights which God communicated unto them in their prayer lest otherwise they come to be fruitless for as it sufficeth not for the bringing forth of fruit that good seed be cast into the ground unless it be kept and fostered in the bosome of the earth so neither will it be available for our souls spiritual good onely to have heard the voice or word of God in prayer But as Christ saith Blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it Luke 11.28 The Morning Entertainment O God my God to thee I watch from the morning light On the Feast of All-Saints Of Holy Communion Consider Christ in the Eucharist as God and Head of all Saints Ps 62.2 I Magin your self among the Blessed companies of Saints in Heaven contemplating the divine face of God and consider 1. How grea● is the Glory Riches Beauty and Majesty of that infinite Essence Thousands of thousands minister to him and ten thousand hundred thousands assist him saith Daniel Dan. 7.10 Think how great is his Power All things whatsoever our Lord would he hath do●● in heaven in earth in the sea and in all the depths How great his Wisdom Great is our Lord Ps 134.6 and great is his strength and of his wisdom there is no number How great his Immensity which is higher th●n heaven Ps 146.5 Job 11.8 de●pe● then hell longer then the earth and broader then the sea And so of his other divine Attributes Prov. 8.31 Consider 2. This so great a Majesty and Head of all the Saints whose memory you celebrate this day disdaineth not to enter the cottage of your soul and even desireth it himself according to that My delights are to be with the children of men not for that he stands in need of you who are but dust and ashes but to enrich your poverty with his infinite treasures Think therefore with your self what you are and who he is and cry out with the Prophet What is man that thou art mindful of him Ps 8.5 or the so● of man that thou visitest him Amos 4.12 Consider 3. You must diligently prepare your soul against the coming of so great a Guest according to that Be prepared to meet thy God O Israel Wherefore cleanse it first with the greatest purity that possibly you are able and not onely from Mortal but also from all Venial Sin For Blessed are the clean of heart Matt. 5.8 saith Christ for they shall see God Then enkindle in your self an ardent love that so you may deserve to keep him long with you according to that If any love me c. we will come to him Jo. 14.23 and will make abode with him Morn Ent. To day I shall dine with the King Esth 5.12 Note The first Sunday after All-Saints Of Holy Communion Consider Christ in the Eucharist as King ¶ This and the other Meditations on the Sundays of this Moneth are to be placed between Week and Week as they come in their turn Ps 2.6 COnsider 1. Christ is truly a King the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and not onely of one Province or parcel of earth but of all Heaven and Earth of Men and Angels I am appointed King by him over Sion c. and not for a time onely as other Kings upon earth but for ever and evermore Exod. 15.18 Wherefore all duties services and tribute which Subjects owe to their King are much more due from you to Christ See whether you have perform'd them hitherto or no. 1 Paral. 29.1 Consider 2. What you would do if some earthly Prince were to come to your house how carefully would you have it swept cleansed adorned and set in order lest there should be any thing that might offend the Prince's eye How much more ought the house of your Soul to be adorned which the King of Heaven will vouchsafe this day to enter in the Holy Eucharist for as David saith The habitation is not prepared for man but for God And if those women mentioned in Esther prepared themselves a whole year to appear but once before the King Assuerus Esth 2.12 For six moneths they were anointed with oyl of myrtle saith the Scripture and other six moneths they used certain paintings and sweet spices how much greater care ought to be taken to appear worthily before Christ our Lord Ps 44.11 Consider 3. In regard you are poor and have not any thing in your Soul fit to entertain such a Royal Guest beseech him to send before-hand as great Princes are wont to do furniture and provision worthy of himself Besides if you desire to be gracious in his sight you
as is said in Genesis And the same shall be the expectation of qhe Gentiles and by Prophet The desired of all Nations shall come And with good reason for that he was to bring light to them that sate in darknesse and shadow of death sight to the blind going to the lame hearing to the deaf as we have in this days Gospel Mat. 1.21 and finally Salvation to all For He shall save his people from their sins Is 12.2 Consider 2. This same Messias and expectation of the Gentiles will come unto you this day in the Eucharist to save you to free you from your iniquities to cure your infirmities and to heap upon you the gifts of his Grace and Vertues O what a benefit is this Behold God is my Saviour saith Isaie I will do confidently and will not fear Do you also confidently disclosing and giving your self up wholly unto him Consider 3. Against his coming you must exercise your self beforehand in fervent desires and many longing sighs after him for therefore he is called the expectation of the Gentiles Gen. sup v. 10. 26. Ps 39.1 and the desire of the eternal hills that is of the holy Patriarchs and Prophets Hence David Expecting I expected our Lord and he hath attended to me Expect him therefore with an ardent desire Prepare and cleanse the Jodging of your Soul lest otherwise being defiled and polluted with sin you offend his pure eyes and bring upon your self a curse for a blessing Gen. 27.12 Of the Annunciation of the B. Virgin And first of sending the Angel Luc. 1.26 THe Angel was sent of God into a City of Galilee called Nazareth to a Virgin c. Consider 1. What an Embassage this is Never was there in the world any thing so Solemn He that sendeth is the God of Majesty the most holy and divine Trinity The Messenger is Gabriel the Arch-angel which is as much as to say Fortitude or strength to signifie that what Message he brought though it might seem never so difficult or impossible must be fulfilled See how promptly he taketh and executeth the charge imposed upon him and imitate in like occasions Jo. 1.46 Consider 2. To whom he is sent What man if he had seen such an Embassadour dispatched immediately from God himself coming down from Heaven into this lower world would not have thought him sent to some great Monarch and yet he is sent to a City of no account From Nazareth can there be any good to a little Cottage and to a poor Virgin espoused to a Carpenter Be ashamed that you should so miserably love and seek after such things as appear great and specious in the sight of the world Correct this affection in your self and know that you are in a grosse errour Consider 3. The substance of the Embassie was to require the Virgins consent to be Mother of God God hath right to exact any thing of his Creature yet he will have our duties towards him to be voluntary He that created you without you saith St. Augustine will not save you without you Oh how often doth God send unto you invisible Angels his holy Inspirations to gain your good will that he may be conceived spiritually in your heart and you refuse him Ask pardon and To day if you shall hear his voice Ps 94.8 harden not your heart Luc. 1.28 c. Of the Angels Salutation ANd the Angel being entred in c. Consider 1. The grave comportment of the Angel the modesty of his countenance and his reverence towards the Virgin and learn to carry your self like an Angel in your conversation with men but much more with God in prayer Hail full of Grace by excellency and above all other pure creatures Think what you are full of whether of Grace and Vertue or not rather of Pride Vanity self-Self-love c. Our Lord is with thee by a special presence and effects of his Grace and she again with him in her thoughts desires and affections O what a happy communication Examine your actions and affections and see how much or little they are with God Consider 2. The Person of the Virgin what she did and what she thought at that time she was alone praying in her chamber as the holy Fathers teach that you might learn to entertain your self with God and in solitude if you desire to be visited by him She was troubled at his saying to wit at her own praises which the Angel uttered and which whosoever is truly humble refuseth as not belonging to him but to God alone She thought what manner of Salutation this should be most prudently examining every thing with her self lest she might be deluded O that Eve had so carefully weighed the Serpents words Consider 3. How different are your proceedings who perhaps in every occasion seek your own praises and applaud your self when you hear them spoken of by others and not content to be commended by other mens mouths you do it by your own When you hear such things as are pleasing to sense you think not with your self what manner of proposition this should be but you presently set your heart upon it and seek to obtain it Wherefore first prudently sound the bottom of the water or whatsoever affair before you enter upon it and as the Wiseman adviseth Let thine ●ydids go before thy steps Prov. 4.25 Luc. 1.30 c. Of the Delivery of the Message Esth 2.17 FEar not Mary c. Behold thou shult conceive in thy womb c. Consider 1. How the Angel taketh away all fear from the Virgin it being the property of a good Spirit to bring peace and security to the Soul Fear not Mary for thou hast found grace with God for true joy and security is only to be found in the Grace of God not in the pleasures of the world wherein perhaps you seek it most This grace the Virgin found above all other creatures so that it may be said of her what was said of Esther The King loved her more then all the women and she had grace and mercy before him above all the women Coloss 2.9 Consider 2. The message he cometh to bring Thou shalt bear a Son and thou shalt call his name Jesus that is Saviour He shall be great by Nature as being God by Office for that he is to be Mediatour between God and man in Gifts for that in him is to dwell the fulness of the Godhead corporally He shall be the Son not adoptive as all the Just are but natural of the most High He shall have the Seat of David his father but in a more eminent degree And he shall reign in the house of Jacob that is in the Church of the faithful for ever Rejoyce for the happy news of your Saviour and congratulate with the Mother for the greatnesse of her Son Consider 3. With St. Bernard these words Bern. hom 4 He shall reign in the house
things up in your heart by serious Meditation and beg that the hand of our Lord may also be with you Zacheus come down in haste because this day I must abide in thy house Luc. 19.5 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as the Guest of your Soul Apoc. 3.20 COnsider 1. How Christ although he be the Lord of Glory and Majesty whom thousands of millions attend on in heaven is notwithstanding wonderfully desirous to make himself your guest and to lodge in your Soul Whence in the Apocalyps he saith I stand at the dore and knock if any one shall open unto me the gate I will enter in to him and will sup with him and he with me O what a favour is this Who are you and who is he Luc. 3.4 Consider 2. What is said this day in the Gospel Prepare the way of our Lord make streight his paths You must make ready the room of your heart that it may be fit to entertain so great a guest He is content and well pleased with what is mean so it be but cleanly and therefore he would not take flesh but in the Virgins purest womb nor be layed but in a new Sepulchre and wrapped in a pure clean Winding-sheet He is highly taken with Humility and as much offended with Pride and Self-conceit If you be a valley you shall be filled up as it is said to day in the Gospel but if you be a hill or mountain you shall be humbled and taken down Meet him then prostrating your self before him and crying out from the bottom of your heart Lu● 7.6 Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof c. Gen. 18.3 c. 4 Reg. 4.8 Luc. 10.38 Prov. 23.26 Consider 3. With what prompt observance and hearty welcome anciently they did entertain their guests Abraham the three Angels the Sunamite woman the Prophet Elizeus Martha Christ himself Do you the like and the best you have set before him that is present him your whole heart My son saith he give me thy heart See it be all of a piece whole and entire not divided either by self-self-love or inordinate affection to things of this world Mat. 1.18 Of our Blessed Ladies Virginity revealed to St. Joseph 1. Part. COnsider 1. The singular Sanctity of St. Joseph answerable to so high an office though God had not as yet revealed unto him the Mystery of the Incarnation for a proof both of his and the Virgins Vertue Wherefore perceiving her to be grown big after her return from Elizabeth he was startled at it and began to be troubled in minde doubtful what he should do to keep himself blamelesse Thus God is wont to try his servants though but for a time Ps. 54.23 for he will not give fluctuation saith David to the Just for ever Consider 2. The many Vertues of the holy man in this perplexity of mind Patience in supporting and not divulging the matter Charity in not reproaching her Prudence in taking mature deliberation with himself of what were fit to be done Do you the like when any thing happeneth amisse in your brother beware of rash judgement follow that of St. Bernard Ber. ser 10. in Cant. Excuse the intention if you cannot the fact take it for a mistake judge it a● surprize think it a chance Is 24.16 Consider 3. The admirable Vertues of the B. Virgin in this surprize of Joseph She alleadgeth nothing in her own defence though easily she might Her honour was in question in a matter of the highest concern notwithstanding she chooseth rather to be silent and to commit the matter to God then to publish any thing that might turn to her own praise My secret to me You perhaps do not so but presently blab out whatsoever makes to your commendation and though you be in fault make a thousand excuses one upon the other in your sins Ps. 140.4 Mat. 1.20 Of our Blessed Ladies Virginity revealed to St. Joseph 2. Part. BEhold the Angel of our Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph Consider 1. The sum of the Angels Message 1. He honoureth Jos●ph with the title of being son of David 2. He takes away all fear and trouble of mind 3. He justifieth the Virgin 4. He informs him of the Mystery of the Incarnation Ponder here how God was not wanting in due time to these holy persons but when all humane means failed sent them succour from heaven Admire the divine Providence which though it seems to leave us for a while yet will not abandon us for good and all For a moment Is 54.7 a little while saith he have I forsaken thee and in great mercies will I gather thee Consider 2. What excesse of joy St. Joseph was in when he understood of the Mystery of the Incarnation the Innocency of his Spouse and her election to be Mother of God where he understood himself to be assumed to that eminent dignity of being not only Guardian and Spouse to the Mother but also the reputed father of the Son of God and as father to give him the name of Jesus Think how he condemned himself as one rashly jealous Congratulate with him for this honour and reverence with singular devotion him whom both Mother and Son so highly favoured Cant. 5.2 2.11 Consider 3. The Angel disappearing probably St. Joseph impatient of delay went forthwith to his most innocent Spouse knocked at her chamber dore where she likely was watching in heavenly contemplation and used those wo●ds of the Canticles Open to me my sister my love my beautiful one for winter is now past the rain is gone and departed Then he asked pardon with tears and recounted to her the whole passage of the Angels Vision Think what joy there was between them Learn to put your trust in God in like accidents who after a tempest maketh a calm T●b 3.22 and after tears and weeping poureth in joyfulnesse Of the Expectation of the Virgins Delivery 1. Part. Luc. 12.50 COnsider 1. The Infant Christ shut up in his Mothers womb did earnestly long for the coming of that hour wherein he was to appear in the World to perfect the work of our Salvation so as even then to say I have to be baptized with a Baptisme and how am I straitened till it be dispatched He contained himself notwithstanding for nine whole moneths neither would he dispense one day with himself in that tedious and painful Inclosure but embraced it as a fit occasion of suffering for us of which nature he would omit nothing that came in his way What man in his wits according to flesh and bloud would suffer himself to be so long shut up in such a prison though it were to gain the world Be ashamed then to complain of small inconveniences when God himself suffered so great for you Cant. 8.1 Consider 2. The expectation on the behalf of the Mother now near her time and most
love nothing but what he loved that you may say with the Apostle I live now not I but Christ liveth in me Matt. 18.3 Consider 3. That you may enioy this little one you must become such an one your self For unless you become as little children you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Provide therefore for this little one a Crib or place of repose in your Soul swathe him with the bands of Charity defend him from the cold of a frozen heart 1 Reg. 15.17 Lastly Be little in your own eyes that you may deserve to be made Chief in the Tribes that is great among the Saints The Secrets of his Wisdom he revealeth to the little ones Mat. 11.25 Ps. 18.8 The testimony of our Lord is faithful saith David giving wisdom to little ones Of our Saviours Birth 1. Part. COnsider 1. The Blessed Virgin being in the Cave or Stable at Bethleem and perceiving her time to draw near retired her self as much as the place would permit and being in Spirit wholly fixed upon God by most high contemplation behold on a sudden bringeth forth into the world the Eternal Light The Blessed Infant issueth forth without breach of his Mothers Virginal Inclosure as afterwards he rose from his Monument though shut and made fast up And as the great Master of Humility at his first entrance into the world casteth himself on the bare ground What feeling had the Virgin at that time What affections of reverence towards her God of love towards her Son See how she takes him up in her lap kisses him wraps him in swathing bands lays him in the manger between the beasts that by their warm breath he might in some manner be defended against the cold See how she adoreth and giveth him thanks for his coming into the world and making choice of her to be his Mother How St. Joseph also performeth his part And out of all draw something for your own benefit Heb. 1.6 Consider 2. What joy was then in heaven How well pleased was the heavenly Father at this new sight And when again he bringeth in the first-begotten into the world he saith And let all the Angels of God adore him See how the Angels fall prostrate on their faces and adore him saying Holy Holy Holy c. And to the Blessed Virgin In Breviar ad Matut O Blessed Mother of God whose womb remaining untouched brought forth the Saviour of the World Rejoyce and congratulate with both and adore your new born Saviour Is 1.3 Consider 3. Then was fulfilled that of Isaie The Ox hath known his owner and the Ass his masters Crib but Israel hath not known me and my people hath not understood S. Bonav See how these silly creatures by divine instinct prostrating themselves adore their Creatour Corn. in Is c. 1. See whether you be not one of those Israelites and do not yet know your Lord being more insensible then the very bruit beasts themselves 1 Jo. 2.4 For he that saith he knoweth God and keepeth not his commandments is a lier Of our Saviours Birth 2. Part. I Magine your self in the Cave or Stable at Bethleem and fixing your eyes on the B. Infant lying in the manger ponder these general Circumstances Who What Where By what means Why How and When Ames 4. 13. Job 26.11 Who is this Infant The onely begotten Son of God and true God of God Our Lord God of hosts is his name The pillars of heaven tremble and dread at his beck Infinitely powerful infinitely wise immense eternal incomprehensible c. What He lieth as one helplesse He suffereth extremity of cold He is wrapped in poor swadling clouts He crieth and sheddeth rears as other Infarts Ps. 21.7 Where Far from his own countrey and home in a stable in a manger between two silly beasts as A worm and no man a reproach of men and outcast of the people With what means or conveniences Destitute of all without bed or bedding without fire without all manner of accommodation no servants or attendants having none about him but his poor Parents by whose care and labour he was maintained Why For your sake for love of you to give you example In Offic. Nativ Domini Is 53.7 To restore lost man to the Kingdom of Heaven Ps. 18.6 How Not forced but of his own free election He was offered because himself would Chearfully and with joy Therefore entring into the world He hath rejoyced as a Grant to run the way though rough and painful Act. 1.7 When In the very depth of Winter at midnight a time the most inconvenient of all other and yet both times and moments are all in his power Be astonished give thanks return love imitate c. And if you receive to day this Blessed Infant into the Crib of your heart be careful to entertain him well Of our Saviours Birth 3. Part. Tit. 3.4 COnsider 1. The admirable Vertues which are resplendent in this Mystery 1. The infinite Goodnesse and Benignity of God His Power appeared in the first Creation of the World Providence in the Government but after all in this mystery as St. Paul saith Appeared the Benignity and Kindness towards man of our Saviour God He was made man that he might the better be known by man born in poverty and want that he might the more endear himself unto us In an open stable to be the more easily found He lieth in a manger to encourage the poor his hands are bound that you need not fear to approach he concealeth his power to take away terrour he puteth on meeknesse to win you to himself c. 2 Cor. 8.9 Consider 2. His extream Poverty and love thereof expressed in this Mystery He made choice of a poor humble Maid for his Mother and of a Carpenter for his reputed father He was born out of house and home and in a stable lodged not in any bed of his own but in a manger upon straw and hay without sheets or blankets only wrapped up in a few clouts and all this being the Lord of all things For you saith the Apostle he was made poor whereas he was rich that by his poverty you might be rich If you be wise therefore be rich by imitating his poverty If. 53.3 Ps. 72.23 Consider 3. The incomparable example of his admirable Humility who being by nature God equal to the Father abased himself to the despicable condition of a slave and that the very vilest of them and the most abject of men Nay he is become for us as a beast even lying amongst them that so he might be with us without any regard to his honour which you are so miserably fond of Be confounded for that being but a worm you will be looked upon and regarded above others Of the Message sent to the Shepherds 1. Part. Luc. 14.11 Luc. 2.8 COnsider 1. Christ having humbled himself so low as
beauty of this your Spouse Goodly of beauty above the sons of men how great his Nobility Dignity Glory Riches Wisdom and Power that you may be the more inflamed with his love Consider 3. Marriage is nothing else but a mutual Contract between two of living together as one with communication of goods and fortunes Wherefore see you do not any more forsake him by sin though it were to gain the whole world Besides communicate freely with him and give him up whatsoever you have Adorn therefore and set out your self in the best manner you are able against the time of your meeting and like a good Spouse as the Apostle admonisheth in all things Study how you may please your Husband 1 Cor. 7.34 Luc. 2.22 Of the B. Virgins Purification COnsider 1. The B. Virgin having retired her self fourty days after her Child-birth goeth up to Jerusalem together with the B. Infant and St. Joseph in compliance with a double law of her own Purification and her Sons Presentation This Law concerned not her who conceived by the Holy Ghost not by man yet she would submit her self unto it 1. To imitate her Blessed Son who would be subject to the Law of Circumcision 2. Not to give offence or scandal to the Jews that knew nothing of the Mystery wrought in her 3. To conform her self in what was lawful to others of her Sex and not to appear singular 4. To be exemplar in works of greater perfection Note each particular and seek to make your benefit thereof If. 64.6 Consider 2. The admirable Vertues she exercised in this action 1. Her heroical Obedience exactly fulfilling whatsoever the Law required of others not pretending any exemption priviledge or dispensation nor using Epike●as or interpretations even in that wherein she might lawfully have used them O that you were so even in things that you are obliged to 2. Her prefound Humility in concealing the Mysteious Conception and Birth of her Son and sustaining the repute of being unclean Be ashamed of your own pride in seeking to be accounted holy and without blame whereas you are but a miserable sinner and as the Prophet saith All your Justices as the cloth of a menstrued woman that is imperfect and saulty Ps 83.3 Consider 3. Her incomparable Purity wherein although she did excell all creatures yet out of the desire she had of becoming still more and more pure would not be without that Ceremonial Purification which the Law required in others Learn hence to go continually increasing in purity of body and mind though you may seem to your self never so much free from sin and imperfection Ponder lastly her singular Devotion in hastening to the Temple to offer up solemnly to the Eternal Father both his and her onely Son Her Soul coveted and fainted into the Courts of our Lord. Observe and imitate as often as you go to Mass to make the same Offering Luc. 2.22 Of our Lords Presentation in the Temple Gen. 8.21 THey carried him into Jerusalem to present him to our Lord. Consider 1. this Presentation and 1. in relation to the B. Virgin what acts of Vertue she exercised therein as of Faith Adoration Devotion and Thanksgiving towards God and of Charity towards men for whom she offered her onely Son 2. In relation to the divine Insant How he rejoyced that the hour was come which he had so much longed for wherein he was to be publickly presented to his Eternal Father as a living Sacrifice for the sins of the whole world and for yours in particular Think with what zeal of his Fathers Glory and Mans Salvation he also offered himself 3. In relation to the Eternal Father how acceptable this action was unto him If at the Offerings of Noe and others Our Lord smelled a sweet savour how much more at this Oblation of his beloved Son made also by himself and in the arms of his bles●ed Mother Lue. sup Levit. 12.8 Consider 2. And to give a Sacrifice c. a pair of Turtles or two young Pigcons One for an Holocaust saith the Law and another for Sin Where observe how the Virgin disdained not to be reputed poor that being the Sacrifice ordained by the Law for them that were not able to offer a lamb and a Sinner Be ashamed to disown either or to think much to be ranked among them Ponder what manner of gifts God requireth Turtles Pigeons Lambs by the Turtle is signified mourning and Pennance by the Pigeon simplicity by the Lamb mildness With these Vertues therefore present your self that so your Offering may be acceptable to him Exod. 13.13 Levit. 27.6 Consider 3. Christs Parents to fulfill the Law redeem their Son with five Sicles although the Evangelists mention it not Ponder 1. Who buyeth His Blessed Mother not to keep him for her self but to nurse and bring him up for us 2. Of whom doth she buy him Of his Eternal Father to whom he had lately been presented Thus he would have his Son to be ours by a double title first by Gift in his Incarnation and now again by Sale O that you were so liberal of your self to God! What is the price Five Sicles or pieces of silver Think at how easie a rate you may make God your own and withall how inexcusable you are in refusing to bestow that pains and labour for him which you do for the Vanities of the World Luc. 2.25 Of what passed with Simeon and others 1. Part. Eccle. 7.19 COnsider 1. And behold there was a man in Jerusalem c. Here is described the Sanctity of those that gave testimony of Christ for there is nothing of greater credit or authority then Innocency of life 1. He was Just and religious careful not to offend God in the least for he that feareth God neglecteth nothing 2. He was expecting the consolation of Israel by ardent desires and prayers powred forth with a great and holy confidence 3. And the Holy Ghost was in him inspiring him after a special manner to fix his thoughts and desires upon these heavenly things not on the terrene and vain objects of this world Such ought to be all those that have consecrated themselves to God Expecting not earthly things Tit. 2.13 but as the Apostle saith the blessed hope and advent of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Consider 2. And he came in Spirit into the Temple Ponder the difference of them that frequent the Church some coming in Spirit others out of custom See how he came presently to know the Saviour of the World so much desired and longed for by the ancient Patriarks and Prophets See how he runneth to the Mother taketh the Blessed Infant into his arms and there entertains him with holy kisses and embracings O what flames of love would it kindle to have the Son of God so near Imitate these affections as often as you receive the Holy Eucharist and learn to go
and Wisdom of God himself is so obedient at the Altar Be ever gratefull and endeavour to come allwayes worthily to this divine Mystery Of the Institution of the B. Sacrament Part 2. COnsider 1. Christ would institute this divine Mystery immediatly before his Passion 1. To testify the excess of his love towards men in preparing for them a heavenly banquet and inestimable present even then when they were contriving his death 2. To manifest the desire he had of ever remaining with us even corporally for being now to depart out of the world he would notwithstanding leave himself after a special manner to abide with us for ever 3. To leave us a perpetuall Memorial of his Passion and a living Sacrifice The Sacrifices of the antient law ceasing by his death by which the fruit and vertue of his Passion might be applyed to us 4. To make us the more sensible of his love bequeathing himself unto us by his last will and Testament Jo. 6.57 Consider 2. Christ did institute this Sacrament under the formes of bread and wine 1. That so he might the straighter be united with us becoming meat and drink to us penetrating our very bowels and incorporating himself with us 2. To signify that he doth work in our Soules what bread and wine doth in our bodies that is nourish conserve and augment our Spiritual life so as even to transform us into himself He that eateth me the same also shall live by me 3. That as bread is made one masse of many graines and wine one liquor of many grapes so by participation of this divine Sacrament the hearts of the faithfull are made one Spirit and therefore it is properly called Communion or union of many among themselves and of all with Christ Ps. 115.4 Consider 3. Allthough in each Sacramentall forme the entire body and bloud of Christ is contained without any reall Separation of one from the other yet Christ would institute the Sacrament in two different formes the better to put us in mind of his Passion and to signify that thereby all his pretious bloud was entirely separated from his body namely by his sweat in the garden by whips at the pillar by the thornes by the nayles and by the lance on the Cross Think what you can return to our Lord for his infinite love towards you expressed in this Sacrament Say with David I will take the Chalice of Salvation by grateful remembrance and compassion and I will invocate the name of our Lord. Of our Lords Sermon after Supper Part 1. Jo. c. 14.15 16.17 COnsider 1. Christ after the Communion of his Body had that long Sermon to the Apostles which is in S. John for that is the time wherein he is wont to treat more at large with the faithfull Soul and would likewise with you but that you leave him presently after Communion or doe not harken to him and therefore profit little In that divine Sermon our Lord performed the part 1. Of a Master delivering such things as he would chiefly have observed 2. Of a Comforter allaying his Disciples griefe for his future absence shewing how expedient it was for them 3. Of an Intercessor on our behalf to his Eternal Father praying him to preserve us See you observe what he enjoyneth and be thankfull for the rest Jo. 15.9 Consider 2. As our Master he doth chiefly recommend unto us the love of God and of himself above all things As my father hath loved me I also have loved you Abide in my love Think whither you love him as he hath loved you and yet there can be no comparison between yours and his love for his is infinitly beneficial to you but yours wholy unprofitable to him Notwithstanding out of pure love to you and to gain yours to himself he hath given you his own flesh and bloud for meat and drink and his life upon the Cross for your Redemption Ibid. v. 13. And greater love then this no man hath Are you ready to lay down yours for him Jo. 14.15 Ibid. v. 23. Consider 3. If you love me saith he keep my commandements And again If any one love me he will keep my word The proofe therefore of love Greg. hom 30. saith S. Gregory is the performance of deeds If you love Christ resolve to doe and suffer somthing for him at least put on the affection of compassion for his sufferings and leave it not off all this time of Lent Offer up your fasting and whatsoever you may suffer thereby in union with his paines and dolours Of our Lords Sermon after Supper Part 2. Jo. 15.12 Jo. 13.34 COnsider 1. After the love of God Christ doth earnestly recommend the love of our Neighbour This is my precept And A new commandement I give to you that you love one another as I have loved you He calleth it his and a new commandement because he renewed it being fallen to decay And New as to the manner and perfection requiring that our love be like his that is universall to all friends and enemies without respect to deserts or recompence even with our own temporal incommodity and if need be with loss of life In this all men shall know that you are my Disciples if you have love to one another Ibid. See you be his disciple in this and take to heart what he going now to die inculcated in such weighty termes Jo. 16.24 Consider 2. Christ doth also much recommend unto us the use of prayer Vntill now you have not asked any thing in my name Aske and you shall receive Whatsoever you shall aske in my name Jo. 14.13 that will I doe c. So friendly an invitation cannot but ground a great confidence The poor and needy are provoked and even pressed to receive benefits and he inviteth that is both able to make good his word and cannot deceive Only we must be careful to pray in due manner to wit in Christs name that is only for such things as appartain to our Salvation and with Preseverance Jo. 16.2 Consider 3. Christ our Lord doth arimat his Disciples and all that follow him to endure patiently reproch torments and death it self in his cause Our of the Synogogues they will cast you The hour cometh that every one which killeth you shall think that he doth service to God He encourageth them Jo. 15.20 1. By his own example The servant is not greater than his master If they have persecuted me you also will they pr●s●cute 2. In delivering it as a signe of Predestination Ibid. v. 19. Because you are not of the world therefore the world hateth you 3. By proposing the reward Jo. 16.20 Your sorrow shall be turned into joy Here offer your self to suffer whatsoever for Christ Christ is Sorowful and prayeth in the Garden Mat. 26.30 Jo. 18.1 COnsider 1. An Hymn being said He went forth with his Disciples beyond the Torrent Cedron where was
by the conversation of the talke of our Lord. Be you also much conversant with God in prayer that you may in like manner be transfigured Besides you must make him the only object of your love and affection and perfectly hate whatsoever is displeasing unto him for as S. Augustine saith Every one is such as is his love August Tom. 2. 〈◊〉 Ep. 1. Jo. if you love earth you will be earth if you love God you shall be God love God therefore that you may be one with him Christ is accused before Caiphas c. Mat. 26.59 COnsider 1. Christ being brought before Caiphas The chiefe Priests and the whole Councel sought false witness against Jesus that they might put him to death O Injustice Judges who should punish seek false witness against known innocency and patronize their private unjust en●●● and hatred by the pretence of publick Justice See how the son of God standeth at the barr before his sworn enemies and forsworn witnesses and accusers The innocent lamb who did no sin 1 Pet. 2.22 neither was guile found in his mouth answereth all his accusations with silence Ps. 37.14 But I as one deafe did not heare and as one damb not opening his mouth Learn hence to be deafe and dumb in like occasions and to commit your cause to God Consider 2. So irreprehensible was Christs life that his very enemies even upon false informations could not fasten upon any thing that could make up a crime against him Wherefore the high Priest conjureth him by the living God to say whether he were Christ That he might condemn him of Blasphemy if he affirmed Christ who had been silent before in reverence to the sacred name of God answereth Thou sayest Mat. sup Mar. 14.62 I am and withall giveth them an Item of the later judgement if perhaps for feare thereof they might be moved to desist from their wicked intents But the perverse are hardly corrected Eccle. 1.15 Beseech our Lord you may never come to be one of them Mat. 26.65 Consider 3. The counterfited zeal of the wicked Then the high Priest rent his garments saying He hath blasphemed Doe you rather rend your heart with true contrition for being the cause of all these sufferings of Christ Joel 2.13 Rent your hearts and not your garments sayes our Lord Hear how they all cry out with one voice He is guilty of death Mat. sup O most unjust Sentence Sweet Jesus doe you thus endure to be held a blasphemer and sentenced to death and shall I seek to be thought more of by all and better then I am Of the Injuries which Christ suffered in the House of Caiphas Part 1. Mat. 26.67 COnsider 1. How Christ being sentenced guilty of death Then did they spit on his face and buffeted him and others smote his face with the palmes of their hands saying prophecy unto us c. Ponder five extraordinary kinds of Ignominy which Christ suffered all that night 1. They spit upon him who with spittle had given sight to the blind speech to the dumb and hearing to the deaf and on that face which the Angels adore and just Souls long after saying shew thy face and we shall be saved Ps. 79.20 He was spit on by most lewd miscreants striving to out doe on another so that he was covered all over with filth But he like a meek lamb made good that of the Prophet Is 50.6 I have not turned away my face from the rebukers and spitters but with a peaceable countenance received all But doe not Sinners still to this day spit on thee Are not our Sinnes for which you suffered all this and death it self more loathsome unto you then the Spittle of the Jews Luc. 22.64 Consider 2. The second Ignominy And they did blind fold him No doubt but with some loathsome clout that their sport might be the more compleatly injurious Heb. 4.13 They vaile those eyes to whom all things are naked and open and cover that face whereof all nations stand in love and admiration The same do all Sinners who that they may sin with the greater liberty hide God from themselves and think that he seeth them not They say according to Job For what knoweth God c. The clouds are his covert Job 22.13 neither doth he consider our things Have a care you be not one of these Mat. 26.67 Consider 3. They buffeted him and smote his face with the palmes of their hands Ponder how thick one upon an other with what cruelty and how Ignominiously by those ruffians every one striving to out doe an other in scoffs and blows Then was truly fullfilled that of the Prophet He shall give the cheeke to him that striketh him Thren ● 30 he shall be filled with reproches Admire compassionate Imitate Of the Injuries which Christ suffered in the House of Caiphas Part. 2. COnsider 1. The fourth kind of Ignominy was the insolency they practised upon the Sacred haire and beard of our Lord pulling and tearing both off with violence the which although the Evangelists do not express yet Isaie doth signify as much in those words Is 50.6 Judic 16. I have given my body to the strikers and my cheekes to the pluckers Sampson cut of fond love to Dalils lost his haire but you O Lord out of a better love to mankind suffer your self after a violent and cruel manner to be despoiled of yours so as to become even bald againe O make me suffer the like for love of you that having out of all superfluities I may follow you as naked as you made your self for me Mat. 26.68 Luc. 22.65 Consider 2. The fifth kind of Ignominy of insulting over him with reviling and reprochful language saying Prophecy unto us O Christ who is he that strook thee And blaspheming many other things they said against him Here they rip up their old slanders calling him a glutton a drurk●rd a seducer a blasphemer possessed with the Divel and the like so that that of Job was verified in his sacred person Job 16.11 They have opened their monthes upon me and exprobrating have stroken my checke they are ●illed with my paines Consider with what patience Christ endured all this and be confounded at your own impatience who can scarce take a light word at your brothers hands Consider 3. These Indignities lasted the whole night for they of the Court and Councel in all likelyhood repairing home to take rest in their soft beds Christ was delivered up to the guards to be strictly watched and treated at their pleasure and mercy Think what sence and feeling our B. Lord had all that night in the condition of being tired out with ill usage and want of sleep and rest and thence gather what yours ought to be Be ashamed of your little mortification and patience in bearing light affronts and occasions of your own confusion seeing your Lord for your
to Men Of compassion and astonishment to the Angels of scorn and derision to the wicked of compunction and example to the Just and a Sacrifice most acceptable to the Eternal Father Fall at the feet of the Crucifix take up the sacred bloud that falleth down and speak what affection shall suggest Of Crucifying our Lord. Part 3. COnsider 1. What Christ might doe say or think hanging on the Cross and in those hideous torments when he received no comfort either exteriourly from men or interiourly in his Soul If he stirred his body it was tormented a fresh by the wounds of his hands and feet whereon the whole weight of his body did hang. If he moved his head the thorns were stroken in the deeper and yet not the least sigh or moan or complaint was heard to proceed from him but he offered all to his Eternal Father for your and others sins Mat. 27.39 c. Consider 2. And they that passed-by blasphemed him The Priests the Souldiers and all sorts of men They upbraided him 1. With Impotency He saved others himself he cannot save 2. With Arrogancy as vainly taking upon him the title of King If he be King of Isarel let him come down 3. As counterfeiting himself Son of God and presumptuously relying thereon He trusted in God let him now deliver him if he will c. 4. As boasting of himself Vah thou that destroyest the Temple of God and in three days doest reedify it To all this he holdeth his peace as a dumb sign or mark exposed to all manner of contradiction So as to be filled with reproches Thren 3 3● Is 53.5 Consider 3. Christ would not come down from the Cross nor shorten the durance of his pains as easily he might but would continue in them to the last breath without admitting any manner of comfort that you might also learn to persever in good even untill death Take notice also that he suffered all this for our sins He was wounded for our iniquities he was broken for our sins Take heed therefore lest returning to sin Hebr. 6.6 you crucify again to your self as the Apostle speaketh and to your own ruine the Son of God Of Christs first word on the Cross Father forgive them c. Luc. 23.34 Luc. 9 3● COnsider 1. Christs was given to the world by his Eternal Father as a Doctor or Master to teach us the way of Salvation This is my beloved Son bear him Hear him then from the Cross as his Pulpit or chaire reading seven admirable lessons unto you and seek to prove a diligent disciple in his schoole that you may say with the Apostle 1 Cor. 2.2 I judged not my self to know any thing among you but Jesus Christ and him crucifyed Is. 53.12 Consider 2. Christs first Lesson is of loving our Enemies and praying for them Father forgive them for they know not what they doe He doth not call fire down from Heaven upon his persecutors as did Elias nor curseth them as Elizeus but asketh pardon for his enemies and as Isaie saith prayeth for the transgressors fullfilling by deeds what before he commended in words Pray for them that persecute Mat. 5.44 and abuse you See whether you doe so I say not only for your enemies that persecute you but for your familiars and neighbours who may perhaps offend you with some light word or injury Consider 3. More particularly each circumstance Who is it that prayeth The Son of God Whom doth he pray His Eternal Father Where On the tree of the Cross At what time When he was quite spent and exhausted with suffering and now ready to dye In what manner Not sitting or lying at his ease but strait erected upon his feet and stretching forth his hands In what termes Not many but full of affection and mingled with sighs teares and blood For whom for sinners for his enemies persecuters and tormenters What doth he ask Mercy Before whom To the hearing of all even his Adversaries that you might learn Mildnes and Charity towards all and in all occasions Of the Second Word Luc. 23.43 This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Is. 53.12 COnsider 1. It was none of the least Ignominies which our Saviour suffered to hang between two theeves as their ringleader making good that of the Prophet And he was reputed with the wicked He was born between two silly beasts and would dye between two theeves to give us example of Humility though in Heaven he be seated between the Father and the Holy Ghost Ambr. in Luc. c. 23. Even he himself as S. Ambrose speaketh was a theefe by Mistery laying wait for the Divel to steale away his weapons and on the Cross robbed him of a theefe O Lord rob me thus of my heart that it may serve you alone Ambr. sup Consider 2. Those words of Christ This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Admire the riches of Gods Bounty and Longanimity He takes up infamous robbers and makes them his sons and heires of his Kingdom and this at the first word without any put-ofs or delays This very day thou shalt be with me He giveth the theef incomparably more then he demanded of him He craved only a remembrance and Christ promiseth him a Kingdom for as S. Ambrose saith Our Lord ever bestoweth more then is demanded of him and his grant is larger then the Petition Who would not love and willingly serve such a Lord Job 33.27 Consider 3. Three several sorts of sufferers in these three that were put to the same death of the Cross some deservedly but impatiently as the bad theef Others though deservedly yet patiently as the good theef Others again both undeservedly and withall patiently as Christ our Lord. Seek to be one of the two later sorts at least be of the second and confess with holy Job I have sinned and indeed I have offended and as I was worthy I have not received for you are truly worthy of many stripes Of the Third Word Woman behold thy Son Jo. 19.25 COnsider 1. And there stood beside the Cross of Jesus his Mother Ponder how his blessed Mother and other devout persons stood neer the Cross Whence you may learn that the lovers of Christ are also lovers of his Cross and the neerer they stand to this the more they shew their love to him Think how his B. Mother was afflicted when she saw her son and that such an one so barbarously used S. Bonav Your Son O Virgi● saith S. Bonaventure suffered in his body you in mind The several wounds which were all over his body met together in one within your heart Yet she gave not the least sign of impatience not did she any thing misbeseeming her person that you might learn to compassionat Christ together with her and withall to suffer your own adversities with courage Jo. sup Consider 2. Woman behold thy Son He calleth her
intollerable and lasted all that night and day fellowing for about twenty hours together Speake what affection shall suggest Of our Lords Buriall Mat. 27. COnsider 1. After our Lord was dead his sacred body was taken down from the Cross with great devotion and teares by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathia who laid it in the Mothers armes whereby that of the Canticles was fullfilled Cant. 1.13 A Buadle of Myrrhe my beloved is to me he shall abide between my brests Think what expressions of griefe and sorrow what sighs and tears passed from her Ponder what was said and done at that time by her and her devout companions See that your beloved Lord be also to you a bundle of Myrrhe and that by frequent contemplation of his Passion you lodge him in your bosome and heart 2 Cor 4.10 Consider 2. Griefe and love having acted their parts they embaulm the sacred Corps and wrap it up in a clean winding sheet Our Lord is delighted with cleanliness even in his grave that you might learn diligently to cleanse your heart as often as you receive him in the Holy Eucharist Our Lord will have his Mystical members embaulmed especially with the Myrrhe of Mortification that with the Apostle Allways bearing about in our body the Mortification of Jesus the life also of Jesus may be manifested in our bodys Think how you may put this in practise Tit. 2.13 Consider 3. Our Lord being buried every one betake themselves to their own home for they were not permitted by the keepers to remain at the Sepulcher Think in what solitude the B. Mother and other devout persons were in and how they gave themselves wholy to prayer Expecting the blessed hope and advent of the glory of the great God The B. Virgin doubtless comforted herself with that of the Psalm At evening shall weeping abide and in the morning gladness Ps. 29.6 Doe you likewise in Desolation have recourse to prayer and learn to put your trust in God Things to be observed concerning the Meditations of the Mysteries after our Lords Resurrection 1 Cor. 6.17 THe Meditations upon the Mysteries after our Lords Resurrection appertain to the Unitive way This being an Uniting of our will with the divine will of God by way of affection maketh that our will as it were going forth of her self layeth hold on the goodness of God represented unto it and adhereth unto him and by this adhesion is united with him according to that of the Apostle He that clea●eth to our Lord is one Spirit Hence this Unitive way hath diverse affections properly belonging unto it which we may make use of in the ensuing meditations The chiefe are these following 1. Admiration of Gods Majesty whom we contemplat and of his Attributes and Perfections 2. Joy and content for that God is so absolutly perfect in himself good to others and so admirable in his works 3. Praise and thanksgiving for his gifts and benefits with desire of seeing and enjoying him and of honouring and obeying him 4. Zeale of Gods Glory and good of Souls wishing that all the world might come to know love and serve him 5. Trust in his Goodness and Providence together with a filial respect standing in fear of being separated from him or of committing any thing which may justly offend so great a Majesty and bewailing all the sins whereby we had incurred at any time his just indignation 6. Desire of these Heavenly things we contemplat so that whatsoever is upon earth may seem but durt unto us while we look up to heaven saying with the Prophet How beloved are thy tabernacles Ps. 83.2 O Lord of hoasts my Soul coveteth and fainteth unto the Courts of our Lord. And Ps. 41.2 Even as the hart desireth after the fountains of waters so doth my Soul desire after thee O God 2 Cor. 3.18 By these and such like affections let us endeavor to obtain that Beholding the glory of our Lord c. We may be transformed as the Apostle speaketh into the same image from glory unto glory that is that we may become like unto him by the union of our wills increasing dayly more and more in the knowledge of him till at length passing from the imperfect clarity of this life and pilgrimage we arrive to the perfect clarity and glory of our native Country and Beatificall Vision Rise thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ will illuminate thee Ephe. 5.14 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as our Resurrection Apoc. 3.17 COnsider 1. The manner wherewith Christ raised his body out of the Sepulcher of deformed rendering it glorious Ponder what a difference there is between a body that is dead pale wan destitute of all sense and motion and the same when it is invested with the array and endowments of glory The same difference is between the Soul in Sin and in the state of Grace and almost the same between tepidity and fervor For in the state of Tepidity the Soul is as it were in a slumber and void of all heroical motion she is insensible of things appertaining to God and being possessed with innumerable phantasies pursueth vaine trifles and dreams instead of reall and solid goods She thinks herself in a good state when in truth she is like that man in the Apocalyps miserable and poor and blinde and naked Jo. 11.25 Consider 2. Christ is ready to raise us out of these miserable states therefore he saith I am the resurrection and the life To wit the cause and Author of both and as well of the Soul as of the body O what a benefit it is and how infinitly to be valued to be raised from the death of Sin and grave of Tepidity and to be placed in the cleare light of the Childeren of God that walk and work with fervor The same will Christ bestow upon you this day in the Holy Eucharist if you hinder him not For therefore he is called the bread of life Jo. 6.35 Ibid. v. 40. S. Tho. alii and as we owe unto him the Resurrection of our bodies in the last day so doe we now the Resurrection and reviving of our Soules Colos 3.1 Consider 3. The signes of our rising with Christ are to seek and mind the things that are above not the things that are upon earth So the Apostle If you be risen with Christ seek the things that are above c. Seek therefore and affect only heavenly things Rom. 6.9 and as Christ Rising again from the dead now dyeth no more So you being raised from the state of Tepidity to Fervor have a care you fall not into a relapse Of our Lords Resurrection COnsider 1. There having now passed time sufficient to evidence the certainty of his death on the third day early in the morning our Lord hastened to bring forth the Holy Fathers our of Limbus to comfort his B. Mother and desolate Disciples and Illustrate
the whole world with the rayes of his glory What Jubily were the Holy Fathers in at that time when they saw that Blessed hour come of their delivery which they had longed for so many ages Free O Lord in like manner my Soul from the Lions mouth and from the deep lake and let not my Enemies The World the Flesh and the Devil ever domineere over me Consider 2. How when Christs Soul was come out of Limbus to the body in the Sepulcher he shewed it to the Holy Fathers as it lay pale and wan all mangled and disfigured that they might see how much he had suffered for them and at what rate he had redeemed them Then he reunited it to the Soul and that of David was fullfilled Our Lord hath reigned Ps. 92.1 he hath put on beauty Our Lord hath put on strength and hath girded himself For he took upon him the four properties of a glorifyed body 1. Of Clarity rendring it brighter then the Sun it self 2. Of Subtility to penetrate the Sepulcher and whatsoever other corporal substance 3. Of Agility to move itself to the remotest places in a moment 4. Of Impassibility so as to be incapable of dying or suffering any more Being thus crowned with glory he might say to his Eternal Father with David Thou hast turned my mourning into joy unto me thou hast cut my sackcloth Ps. 29.12 and hast compassed me with gladness Apoc. 5.12 Consider 3. How the Eternal Father congratulateth with his son as also doe the Angels of Heaven and the Fathers of Limbus for the reunion of his body all crying out as with one voice The Lamb that was slain is worthy to receive power and divinity and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and benediction Joyne you with them and say This is the day which our Lord made Ps. 117.24 let us rejoyce and be glad therein Learn hence that the Tribulations of the Just are but short but their glory everlasting Rom. 8.17 and that if we suffer with Christ we shall also be glorifyed with him Of our Lords Apparitions and how he appeared first to his Blessed Mother Act. 1.3 COnsider 1. Christ three different ways manifested his Resurrection 1. By Saints who arose in their bodies and appeared to many 2. By Angels at the Sepulcher 3. In his own person shewing himself alive in many arguments for fourty days appearing c. After the same manner he is wont to manifest himself to his devout servants by spiritual men by their Angel Guardians and immediatly by himself He that loveth me c. I will love him Jo. 14.11 and will manifest my self to him Love him therefore that he may manifest himself also to you 2 Cor. 1.7 Consider 2. Christ first of all appeared to his B. Mother according to the pious beliefe of the Church that she who had drunk most of the bitter chalice of his Passion should be the first in partaking the joy of his Resurrection As you are partakers of the Passions so shall you be of the consolation also She did most certainly believe and most ardently expect the hour of his Resurrection and said with David Arise my glory Ps. 56.9 arise psalter and harp and therefore she was not frustrated of her desire that you might learn both fervently to desire heavenly things and withall patiently to expect the time Habec 2.3 If he shall make tarriance expect him because coming he will come and he will not slack and will recompence his delay Consider 3. What joy possessed the Mothers heart when she beheld her son What holy embracings passed between them What was said or done on both sides Doubtless the Holy Fathers Adam Abraham Moyses David and others did congratulate with the Virgin and say Thou Daughter art blessed of our Lord for that by thee we have partaken the fruit of life Ecl. in Off. E. V. Do you likewise congratulate with her from your heart and say with the Church Rejoyce thou Queen of Heaven Alleluia because whom thou didst deserve to beare Alleluia Regina Coeli is risen againe as he said Alleluia Pray unto God for us Alleluia Angels appear to the Women at the Sepulcher Mar. 16.1 Jo. 20.1 ANd very early the first of the Sabboths they come to the monument Consider 1. The devotion of these three women 1. They brought Spices not sparing any cost to performe the last Obsequies of their love in annoyling the corps of their Lord. 2. For the same purpose they rise very early and when it was yet dark Learn to spare no labour nor cost in the service of God according to your ability and that as the wife man sayeth Sap. 16.28 We ought to prevent the Sun to blesse God and at the rising of the light to adore him See whether you be so early in the morning employed in the Divine Service Consider 2. And they said one to an other who shall role us back the stone from the dore of the monument Among their pious discourses in the way they were in care about removing the stone But no sooner were they come but they saw the stone roled back So we fancy to our selves many difficulties in the way of vertue and perfection which notwithstanding when we come to practise Allmighty God doth facilitate unto us and take away And entering into the monument they saw a young man sitting on the right hand God rewardeth the Womens devotion with the vision of an Angel And his countenance was as lightening and his garment as Snow Mat. 28.3 Who would not wish to dwell with such happy company Galat. 6.14 1 Cor. 2.2 Consider 3. Be not dismayed you seek Jesus of Nazareth that was crucified Among the titles of our Lord now in glory is also ranked that of being Crucified that you might learn with the Apostle not to glory saving in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ c. And even not to know any thing but Jesus Christ and him Crucified Think what joy the holy Women were in to hear that Christ was risen and how they went forth quickly out of the monument with feare and great joy Mat. 28.8 running to tell his Disciples Christ appeareth to Mary Magdalen Jo. 20.11 MAry stood at the Monument without weeping Consider the fervorous love of this pious Woman and Constancy in persevering still at the Sepulcher whereas the others returned back whereby she deserved to see our Lord before the rest for as S. Gregory upon this place saith Greg. hom 25. in Evang. The Vertue value or worth of a good work is perseverance Learn hence how to seek our Lord when by sin he is taken from you or when by desolation he withdraweth himself you must doe it with sighs teares and ardent love whereby you will come to find him whom your Soul loveth Cant. 3.4 Consider 2. Angels appear unto Mary and aske her Woman why weepest thou but
by meanes of them is conferred the Holy Ghost and his Grace which is done either by vertue of the work it self or in respect of the merits and disposition of the person that worketh Beseech our Lord that he would in like manner breath upon you inspiring you with his divine Spirit Say with the Spouse in the Canticles Come Southwind Cant. 4.16 blow through my garden and let the aromaticall Spices thereof flow that is all manner of vertue Zachar. 13.1 Consider 3. Whose Sins you shall forgive they are forgiven c. Ponder the dignity and power expressed and conferred in these words He gave not the like to the Priests of the old law nor to the Angels themselves Besides he did not confine it to any determinate number or quality either of Sins or of Priests but would have it general for all by the Sacrament of Confession to shew the Riches of his Bounty Give him thanks for so great a benefit and so easy a remedy of your Sins For this is truly a fountain lying open to the house of David and to the Inhabitants of Jerusalem for the ablution of the Sinner and of the menstruous Woman Jo. 20.26 Christ appeareth to his Disciples when S. Thomas was present Confider 1. The great Incredulity of S. Thomas and how he came to fall into it 1. He was singular and a part from the rest when Jesus appeared 2. He stubbornly rejected what the others alleaged in testimony of the Resurrection 3. He presumptuously prescribed God the means without which he would not believe Vnless I see in his hands the print of his ●ailes c. I will not believe 4. He persisted in that obstinacy eight whole days nothwithstanding the perswasions and endevours of them all and probably of the B. Virgin herself See you be not singular and Learn how dangerous a thing it is willfully to be ruled by ones own judgement and not to yeeld to others Consider 2. Christs goodness like a good Pastor seeking after his lost sheep He returneth therefore he entereth again the doors being shut he saluteth as before and turning to Thomas rebukes him not nor reprehends him but sweetly calls him to himself in these words Pat in thy singer hither and see my hands and bring hither thy hand and put it into my side and be not incredulous but faithfull O how was his heart inflamed when he put his hand into those burning fornates of love In like manner ought yours to be inflamed as often as you receive him in the Holy Eucharist if you were not wholy insensible and colder then the very Ice Ps. 29.9 13. Consider 3. The Admirable Confession of S. Thomas My Lord and my God He acknowledgeth him true Man and true God expressing his ●●●an nature in the first word and his divine nature in the other Ponder with your self these titles and seeing he is your Lord carry your self not as your own man but as his and for that he is also your God see that you yeeld him due Worship and Honour Say with the Prophet To thee O Lord I will cry and I will pray to my God And Lord my God for ever I will confess to thee Of Christs wounds shewed to S. Thomas remaining in his Glorious Body Jo. 16.33 COnsider 1. Our Lord out of his goodness would retain the marks of his wounds and the very holes of the nailes for diverse ends 1. To strengthen his Disciples and us in the beliefe of his Resurrection demonstrating thereby that it was the same body that rose and that was before nailed to the Cross 2. In sign of his Victory and Triumph over the world according to that Have confidence I have overcome the world 3. That they might be a perpetual memorial of his love towards us to provoke us to return our love and to suffer for him whence S. Paul said I beare the marks of our Lord Jesus in my body to wit Gal. 6.17 by continual mortifying the flesh Is. 49.15.16 Consider 2. He retained them 4. To shew what care he would have of us in Heaven according to that of Isaie why can a woman forget her infant c. Yet will not I forget thee Behold I have written thee in my hands 5. That he might present them to his Eternal father pleading for us as our Advocate Whence it is that David said Behold O God our Protectour Ps. 83.10 and look upon the face of thy Christ ss 12.3 Consider 3. He kept them that they might be as so many fountains and rivers of his grace and favors like to those fountains which watered all Paradise Whence the Prophet said You shall draw waters in joy out of the Saviours fountains 7. That they might be an universal refuge in all out afflictions according to that Ps. 103 1● The rock a refuge for the Irchins that is Sinners For the Rosk as the Apostle saith was Christ As often therefore as you are afflicted betake your self to these wounds Enter into the rock with Isaie and be hid in a pit Isa 2.10 in thē ground from the face of the fear of our Lord. Abide with the Spouse in the Canticles in the holes of the Rock Cant. 2.14 in the hollow places of the wall Our Lord ruleth me and nothing shall be wanting to me in the place of pasture there he hath placed me Ps. 22.2 Gen. 31.40 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as a Good Pastour Is. 53.7 COnsider 1. What Christ saith to day in the Ghospel I am the good Pastour Jo. 10.11 Ponder how well this title aggreeth with him A good Pastour was Jacob who said of himself Day and night I was parched with heat and with frost and sleep did fly from mine eyes But much better was Christ who after thirty three years heats and colds lastly laid down his life for his sheep and himself become as a sheep was led to slaughter But what Shepheard did ever feed his sheep with his own bloud That did Christ to raise and make them fit for Heaven He gave them his body and bloud for meat and drink Who would not wish to be fed by such a Pastour Ezech. 45.11 c. Consider 2. This Pastour will come to you to day in the Holy Eucharist to take care of you to feed to cherish and to defend you from the Infernal wolves For there is no part of a Shepheards Office which he doth not most willingly perform Therefore he saith by the Prophet Behold I my selfe will seek my sheep and will visit them as the Pastour visiteth his flock c. In the most plentifull pastures will I feed them c. That which was Iost I will seek and that which was cast away I will bring again and that which was broken I will bind up and that which was weak I will strengthen and that which was fat and strong I will keep and will feed them in Judgement Ponder
be directed as Incense in thy sight and the elevation of my hands as evening Sacrifice 2. By Prayer man becometh companion of the Angels and converseth familiarly with God himself 3. God takes himself to be honoured by our prayers as he expresly tells us by his Prophet Invocate me in the day of tribulation Ps 49.15 I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorisie me 1 Pet. 5.8 Consider 2. The necessity we have of Prayer in regard of the miseries of this mortal life and continual dangers 1. Of Soul from the assaults of the Devil who as a roaring Lion goeth about seeking whom he may devoure from the alurements of the world and from the rebellion of our own flesh 2. Of Body from War Famine and Pestilence from poverty sickness loss of goods and fortunes death of friends and from innumerable other crosses and afflictions All which make us to cry out with King Josaphat to our Lord Whereas we are ignorant what to do 2 Paral. 20.12 this only we have lest that we direct our eyes to thee Luc. 18.1 Consider 3. The goodness of God who whereas he could sufficiently redress all our necessities with the general Providence wherewith he provideth for his other creatures yet to endear us the more to himself requireth that we have our recourse unto him by prayer acknowledging him the Author of all good and depending wholly on him in all occasions and therefore he hath given us an express Command thereof delivered by Christ in these words It behoveth always to pray Reflect upon your own particular necessities spiritual and temporal Heb. 4.16 and go with confidence to the Throne of Grace that you may obtain mercy and find grace in seasonable aid Of the benefit of Prayer Part 2. COnsider 1. More in particular the benefits and efficacy of Prayer which as S. Hierom saith overcometh the in●i●cible Hieron in Epist and b●adeth the Almighty moving him to mercy and tying his hands from punishing our sins Suffer me said God to Moyses Exod. 32.10 when he was praying for the people that my fury may be angry against them It is a general remedy against all difficulties and temptations Prosp in Serm. Exod. 17.11 c. Jos 10.14 and a Scourge as S. Prosper saith to the Devils Moyses lifting up his hands in prayer obtained victory over the Amalecites Josue by prayer made the Sun and Moon stand still our Lord obeying the voice of a man How much more then may we hope the effect of our prayers for the obtaining of spiritual blessings Consider 2. Prayer as S. Augustine saith Aug. Serm. 26. de temp Luc. 11.13 is the Key of Heaven opening unto us all manner of heavenly treasures For by prayer we obtain 1. The divine Spirit of God Your father from heaven will give the good Spirit to them that ask him 2. Increase of habitual and sanctifying grace 3. More frequent supplies of actual grace 4. All manner of virtues and supernatural gifts Besides in the exercise thereof our faith is quickned our hopes raised and our love and affection inflamed towards God whom therein we acknowledge to be our chief Benefactor and Author of all good Is 65.24 Consider 3. All this and whatever else we can desire for our good Almighty God is readier to bestow upon us then we to ask and doth even prevent our prayers according to that And it shall be before they call I will hear as they are yet speaking I will hear And if he denieth us any thing it is our fault in demanding either what we ought not or not in the manner we ought but still his mercy Aug. Ser. 53. de Verb. Dom. for God in his mercy saith S. Augustine denieth such things which he could not grant but in wrath Be grateful for so great a benefit and serve your self of it by a due and constant use in all your occasions Of the benefit of Prayer Part 3. Eccli 18.23 COnsider 1. That of the wise man Before prayer prepare thy soul This preparation consisteth 1. In an humble heart towards God acknowledging our sins and unworthiness to appear in his sight as did the Publican and Centurion for God hath had respect to the prayer of the humble Ps 101.18 and he hath not despised their Petition And the prayer of him that humbleth himself shall penetrate the Clouds Eccl. 35.19 2. In peace and charity with our Neighbour pardoning all injuries and offences When you shall stand to pray Mar. 11.25 forgive if you have ought against any man c. 3. In putting off all hardness of heart towards the needy for as the wise man saith He that stoppeth his ear at the cry of the poor Pro. 21.13 himself also shall cry and shall not be heard Mat. 6.6 Consider 2. In our prayer we must observe what Christ requireth in those words When thou shalt pray enter into thy chamber and having shut the door pray to thy father in secret c. That is we must retire our selves from all distracting objects and shut the doors of our senses We must also pray in spirit Jo. 4.23 and verity that is with a serious and earnest application of mind intending from our heart what we outwardly express in words that we may not be in the number of those of whom the Prophet This people honoreth me with their lips Mat. 15.8 but their heart is far from me We must finally bring a lively faith and confidence All things whatsoever you ask praying saith Christ believe that you shall receive Mar. 11.24 and they shall come unto you Consider 3. The grounds of this confidence which are chiefly three 1. The love of the Eternal Father towards us For as Christ said Jo. 16.27 The Father himself loveth you and who of his own accord bestowed his only Son upon us will not stick to grant us upon earnest entreaty lesser blessings 2. The Merits and Passion of Christ who is our Mediator and Advocate and assures us Jo. 14.13 Whatsoever we shall ask in his name that he will do 3. The intercession which the Divine Spirit himself doth make for us who as the Apostle saith Rom. 8.26 requesteth for us with groanings unspeakable On the Feast of our Lords Ascension Arise be illuminated Jerusalem upon thee shall our Lord arise and his glory shall be seen upon thee Is 60.1 Of Holy Communion Consider Christ as the King of Glory Ps 46.6 COnsider 1. Christ is often in the Scripture called the King of Glory and this day in triumphant manner he ascended the highest Heavens in great Glory and Majesty God is ascended in Jubilation and our Lord in the voice of Trumpet He is the Fountain whence Glory is derived to all the blessed and the several gifts of grace to the faithful but especially in this day of his Triumph as great Princes are wont in like occasions he prodigally
his Eternal Father in the Eucharist Of the Eucharist compared to the Tree of Life and its fruits Part 2. Gen. 1.2 THe fifth Misery is want of the knowledge of our selves Darkness was upon the face of the depth so is it likewise upon the heart of that man that is not enlightned with the grace of God Therefore the Prophet saith The heart of man is perverse Jer. 17.9 and unsearchable who shall know it The Eucharist remedieth this enlightning our understanding like to the honey that enlightned the eyes of Jonathas Your selves have seen that mine eyes are illuminated 1 Reg. 14.29 because I have tasted a little of this honey Mat. 24.12 The sixth is want of love towards God and our Neighbour for where Iniquity shall abound Charity shall wax cold This is cured by the Eucharist which inflameth the heart with divine love for the lamps thereof lamps of fire and flames Cant. 8.6 The seventh is the indisposition of our spiritual appetite whereby we relish not spiritual things for the sensual man perceiveth not these things that are of the Spirit of God 1 Cor. 2.14 And he that feedeth himself with the pleasures of this present life his interiour senses are so disordered thereby that he cannot relish spiritual things The Eucharist helpeth this curing the palat of our heart so that we may tast and see that our Lord is sweet Ps 33.9 Luc. 14.30 The eighth is a faintness in perfecting what is good we often begin fervorously but soon fail This man began to build and he could not finish it Against this the H. Eucharist doth strengthen us like to that Loaf of Bread 3 Reg. 19.8 which the Angel brought to Elias In the strength whereof he walked fourty days and fourty nights without any toil unto the Mount of God Horeb. Beg therefore of our Lord these fruits especially that you may be constant in good For of all Virtues saith S. Bernard Perseverance alone is crowned Bernard Of the Eucharist compared with the Tree of Life and its fruits Part 3. Ephes 2.3 OUr ninth Misery is the penalty of Eternal Death For we were as the Apostle saith by nature the children of wrath From this evil the Eucharist freeth us giving us Eternal Life For if any man eat of this bread saith our Lord he shall live for ever Jo. 6.51 Gen. 8.21 The tenth is our continual decay in good passing daily from bad to worse For the sense and cogitation of mans heart are prone to evil from their youth This is taken away by means of the H. Eucharist whereby as by spiritual food man groweth up in a spiritual life and encreaseth in merits of good works for he that abideth in me and I in him Jo. 15.5 the same beareth much fruit Ps 119.5 The eleventh is the irksomness of this worldly banishment of which David Woe is to me that my sejourning is prolonged The Eucharist doth mitigate this tediousness and is given also as a Viaticum or provision to live upon in this our Pilgrimage as was the Manna to the Israelites in the Desart till they were brought into the Land of Promise which to us is the Kingdom of everlasting glory Gen. 3.19 The twelfth is a total corruption of our corporal substance because dust thou art and into dust thou shalt return And thus according to the course of Nature this our body would perish for ever but by reason of the corporal participation of Christ as S. Thomas saith the Saints shall rise again in their bodies more glorious then the Sun according to that of Christ He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath life everlasting Jo. 6.54 and I will raise him up in the last day Ps 102.2 3. Admire the admirable virtue of these heavenly fruits and be thankful for so powerful a remedy and preservative against all your maladies My soul bless thou our Lord c. who healeth all thine infirmities Of Preparation for receiving the H. Eucharist by Faith and Purity 1 Cor. 11.28 COnsider 1. How necessary is a due preparation before hand for receiving the H. Eucharist least otherwise through mortal sin you make that your poyson which is the food of life or through indevotion and tepidity you partake less of its sweetness Therefore the Apostle admonisheth Let a man prove himself and so let him eat of that bread And Mat. 22. he that presumed to come to the Marriage Feast without the wedding garment was cast into utter darkness Heb. 10.22 Consider 2. The first preparation must be by Faith which is as it were the ground and foundation of all the rest therefore the Apostle saith Let us approach with a true heart in fulness of faith Kindle therefore in your self a lively faith as often as you frequent this Sacred Mystery and denying whatsoever sense shall object to the contrary offer your life and blood to defend the truth of Gods Word Consider 3. The second preparation must be by Parity which the greater it shall be the more you will partake of its divine fruits and tast of its hidden sweetness wherefore the Prophet Be cleansed ye that carry the Vessels of our Lord Is 52.11 The same doth the Church recommend unto us by ordaining the H. Eucharist to be consecrated upon clean Corporals S. Tho. 6.11 which as S. Thomas observes are first washed then wrung and thirdly dried so he that goes to receive this Sacrament must first of all be washed with the tears of Penance then wrung by works of Mortification and thirdly well dried of worldly affections by the fervour of Charity See whether you find these dispositions in your self Of Preparation for receiving the H. Eucharist by holy Desires and Prayer Eccli 24.26 COnsider 1. To the foresaid Purity must be joyned an ardent desire and hunger after this heavenly Banquet for our Lord inviteth such to himself in those words Pass to me all ye that desire me and be filled of my generations And by the Psalmist he telleth us Ps 106.9 that he hath filled the empty that is the thirsty soul and the hungry soul he hath filled with good things Procure therefore in your self this hunger and thirst as often as you come to this Divine Table Dilate thy mouth Ps 80.11 and I will fill it faith our Lord. Ps 104.40 Consider 2. To this desire must be added earnest Prayer for God bestoweth all he hath upon them that ask Therefore said David They made petition and the Quail came and he filled them with the Bread of Heaven If therefore you desire to have your fill of this heavenly Bread you must make earnest suit for it and give your self to Prayer and Meditation Vnder his shadow whom I desired Cant. 2.3 I sat that is in holy Meditation and Contemplation whence having had experience of its sweetness the Spouse presently adjoyneth and his fruit
of all occasions of doing good and that in all manner of distress according to our ability 3. They ought to be performed with an interiour pious affection Think how you are wont to be in these especially the spiritual works Mercy Mat. 11.28 Consider 2. The example of Christ in these particulars 1. As to all sorts of persons therefore he said Come ye to me all without exception that labour and are burthened and I will refresh you 2. As to all occasions of doing good therefore He was teaching daily in the Temple Luc. 19.47 Act. 10.39 And He went throughout doing good and bealing all that were oppressed of the Devil 3. He performed all with a most tender affection like to the Samaritan Luc. 10.30 c. who bound his wounds that fell among thieves therefore go and do thou in like manner Luc. 6.38 Consider 3. The Reward For they shall obtain mercy as well in this life both for body and soul as in the life to come likewise for both and that after a perfect manner and indeed with the same measure that you do mete it shall be measured to you again Think how much you stand in need of Gods Mercy What would become of you if he should deal with you according to your deserts Be merciful therefore and that in all the works of mercy that you may obtain mercy Judgment without mercy to him saith S. James that hath not done mercy Jac. 2.13 Of the sixth Beatitude Blessed are the clean of heart c. Mat. 5.8 1 Tim. 1. ● COnsider 1. Cleanness of heart consisteth 1. In being free from all sin both Mortal and Venial 2. In the frequent exercise of holy thoughts 3. In the purity of a right intention doing nothing with dissimulation or with intention to appear before men Therefore the Apostle requireth of us Charity from a pure heart and a good conscience and a faith not feigned Examine your self how you are in these particulars 1 Pet. 2.22 Sap. 7.26 Consider 2. Christs example who as S. Peter saith did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth Therefore he is also called The brightness of Eternal Light the unspotted glass of Gods Majesty and the Image of his goodness And did often rebuke the Scribes and Pharisees Mat. 23 2● Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites because you make clean that on the outside of the cup and dish but within you are full of rapine and uncleanness See whether you imitate Christ or rather the Pharisees in your actions Sap. 1.4 5. Consider 3. The Reward For they shall see God O what a happiness it will be to see God! Neither eye hath seen nor ear heard c. Labour therefore to obtain this purity of heart which the greater it is the perfecter will be your Vision and Essential Happiness Even in this life such shall have a clearer knowledge of God and divine things On the contrary Wisdom will not enter into a malicious soul nor dwell in a soul subject to sins And the Holy Ghost of discipline will fly from him that feigneth saith the wise man Of the seventh Beatitude Blessed are the Peace-makers Mat. 5.9 c. COnsider 1. There are four several ways of making peace The first is to make peace with ones self by subjecting the Flesh to the Spirit and the Sensual Appetite to Reason The second is to keep peace with others to hurt none to give no body occasion of complaint The third is to pacifie and make agree those that are at variance The fourth and most excellent of all others is to reconcile souls to God Think how you carry your self in these Is 9.6 Consider 2. The example of Christ who therefore came down from Heaven that he might be out Mediator for peace and is therefore called A peaceable King and Prince of Peace At his first entrance into the world he brought Peace with him And in earth Luc. 2.14 peace to men of good will And at his going forth of it again he left us his Peace as a Legacy saying Jo. 14.27 Peace I leave to you my peace I give to you c. Lastly he would have his Disciples to salute all with the word of peace Peace to this house And himself after his Resurrection Luc. 10.5 used the like salutation to them Phil. 4.7 Consider 3. The Reward For they shall be called the Children of God Think what a dignity it is to be the Son of Almighty God If it be thought a great matter to be the Son of some earthly Prince how much more to have the Heavenly King and Lord of all for his Father Wherefore Almighty God doth after a special manner love cherish and protect these Peace-makers as his own children See how you keep peace within your self with God and with your Neighbour and do your endeavour that the Peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your heart aad intelligence Of the eighth Beatitude Blessed are they that suffer Persecution Mat. 5.10 c. 1 Pet. 4.16 COnsider 1. These four things 1. Under the Name of Persecution are comprehended all manner of injuries afflictions and incommodities in our fortunes honor and life 2. These are raised by the Devil or his Ministers Sometimes also through mistake God so permitting by the Just 3. They are inflicted for Justice sake when one suffereth them for the exercise of virtue and incompliance with his proper duties both towards God and men 4. In such occasions they are to be suffered not only patiently but also joyfully for the greatness of the reward Therefore S. Peter saith Let none of you suffer as a Murderer or a Thief or a Railer c. but if as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorifie God in this Name Consider 2. The Example of Christ who endured all manner of injuries and incommodities in his honour in his goods in his person for a cause which on his part was the most just that could be to wit for the publishing his most wholesome and Divine Law and bringing Mankind back from the dirt and mire of Vice whereinto he was fallen to the way of Eternal Salvation Exod. 25.40 Therefore look and do according to the pattern Rom. 8.18 Consider 3. The Reward For theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven And again Be glad and rejoyce for your reward is very great in Heaven Ponder well the greatness or this Reward and how true is that of the Apostle The passions of this time are not condigne to the glory to come that shall be revealed in us Of those words of our Lord Mat. 5.13 You are the Salt of the Earth c. COnsider 1. Salt doth both season Meat and preserve it from Corruption So it is the part of all Apostolical men to preserve Souls from the corruption of sin and besides to render the exercise of Virtue savoury and pleasant unto them
also the Soul of the Son is mine No Lord is so perfectly Master of any thing as God is of you for he hath an absolute Dominion over you 1. By the Title of Creation 2. Of Perpetual Conservation 3. Of Purchase having bought you 4. Of your own voluntary subjection in Baptisme Rejoyce that you have so great and powerful a Lord S. Ambr. in 1 Tim. 1. for as S. Ambrose saith it is an honour to be servant to some great Lord. Deut. 32.18 Consider 2. The Dominion over any thing is nothing else but a right to dispose of it at ones pleasure Think therefore how often you have violated this right that God hath in you not permitting him to dispose of you at his pleasure and what is worse you have been rebellious against him by sin O how often have you sold your self to the Devil his Capital Enemy God that begat thee thou hast forsaken and hast forgotten our Lord thy Creator Think well of this and be confounded Consider 3. This your Lord will come to you to day in the Eucharist to take a fuller possession of you as his own for although he stands not in any need of you yet he will have you wholly to himself The Lord thy God shalt thou adore Mat. 4.10 Deut. sup and him only shalt thou serve Wherefore renounce all other Leagues with the Flesh the World and the Devil which are against him Present him anew wich the keys of your heart ask him pardon of your former disloyalty and let him freely dispose of you in all things Lastly let your care hereafter be to please him alone in whatsoever you do for no man can serve two Masters Of Conversions and Cures wrought by Christ Of the Conversion of S. Mary Magdalen Part 1. Luc. 7.37 COnsider 1. And behold a woman that was in the City a sinner c. A sinner that is by dishonesty although it be not specified because the Apostle would not have it named by us Ephes 5.3 so unbeseeming is the very name much more the thing is self in them that pretend Virtue and Sanctity 'T is probable she heard our Lord preach and being touched to the heart with repentance not expecting opportunity of time or place S. Aug. lib. 50. Homil. 13. Eccli 5.8 rushed in as S. Augustine affirmeth to the banquet Wherefore do you likewise after sin flack not to be converted to our Lord and defer not from day to day Consider 2. The fervour of her Penance wherein is discovered unto us an admirable Faith in Christ his Divinity and Power of forgiving sins 2. Humility not caring to suffer confusion before men she stood behind beside our Lords feet as deeming her self unworthy of his sight Luc. sup 3. The greatness of her love expressing extraordinary signs of grief with tears kissing and anealing his Sacred Feet 4. Contempt of worldly things making her precious oyntments and her very hair and eyes instruments of Penance which before had been of Vanity that she might punish her self in the same things wherein she had formerly sinned Ps 61.10 Consider 3. The Pharisees rash judgment in reproving Christ for letting himself be touched by a sinful woman whence you may learn that there is no action so holy that is not liable to wrong censures Most true it is the children of men are lyars in their balances that is in their judgments that you may accustom your self not to regard them when they are opposite to true Piety and Devotion Of S. Mary Magdalens Conversion Luc. 7. Part 2. Luc. 7.41 COnsider 1. Christs Wisdom in reproving the Pharisee his Entertainer which he did with all modesty and sweetness as is fitting to do to persons of Authority for avoiding offence He proposeth a Parable of two Debtors to one Creditor God is the Creditor all we are Debtors some more some less neither have we any means to make satisfaction but by the Merits of Christ The greater therefore the Debt is that is forgiven us the greater obligation we have of love and gratitude See how great your Debt is and consequently what obligation you have Consider 2. Doest thou see this woman Ibid. v. 44. He confounds the Pharisees and withall our pride by the example of a sinful woman for she acknowledging the favour done her in remitting her great Debt shewed more love then those who little regarding their lesser debts were cold in affection Ask your self often that question Do you see this woman and be ashamed for being so far behind her in your love to God and in works of Penance who perhaps have received greater favours at his hands Take heed you be not one of those of whom Christ speaketh in those words Publicans and whores shall go before you in the Kingdom of God Mat. 21.31 Ps 31.5 Consider 3. Magdalens Discharge Thy sins are forgiven thee O with what joy must she needs be filled when she heard those comfortable words Ponder the efficacy of Contrition which in a moment blotteth our all the sins of ones former life Stir your self up to the like as often as you go to the Sacrament of Confession and as you have followed Magdalen in sin so follow her likewise in Penance Confess against thy self thine injustice to our Lord and he will forgive the impiety of thy sin Of the Samaritan Womans Conversion Jo. 4.6 c. Part 1. Sap. 6.14 COnsider 1. Jesus therefore wearied of his journey sate so upon the Fountain for he travelled on foot like a good Shepherd seeking his loft sheep and among other corporal miseries admitted also weariness and thirst But see with what patience he endured them both He sat therefore upon the Fountain well knowing what would follow thereby not so much taking rest as occasion of befitting others for Wisdom preventeth them that covet her that she may first shew her self unto them O how often doth she prevent you and you mind it not Consider 2. There coming a certain Woman and a sinner to draw water Christ preventeth her saying Gave me to drink She refuseth and withall accuseth him How doest thou being a Jew ask of me to drink c. So many reject Christ while he moves them interiourly and seeks to be entertained and refreshed with their virtues our Lord did not therefore desist from helping this sinner but offered her living water to drink of Thou perhaps wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee living water Consider 3. The Excellency of this Water that is of Divine Grace which our Lord promiseth to his faithful He that shall drink of the water that I will give him shall not thirst for ever c. 1. Therefore it quencheth our thirst and that for ever 2. It doth so fill the Soul that it lets it not thirst after any other water to wit of earthly comforts 3. It becometh a Fountain of all good to the Soul ever flowing and giving
God and all manner of virtue The Powers as their Name sounds are endowed with power to curb and quell the Infernal Spirits Implore the assistance of this Powerful Hierarchy that you may likewise constantly adhere to God be perfect Masters of your own Passions and vicious Appetites and by a compleat Victory over all temptations subdue your mortal Enemies the World the Flesh and the Devil Consider 3. In the third Hierarchy are the Principalities Archangels and Angels The Principalities do both exhibit in themselves and cause in others due Veneration and worship towards their Lord and God The Archangels are properly Gods Messengers and Administrators in the highest and most Important Affairs and are special Patrons of Purity The Angels are all ministring spirits sent to minister for them Heb. 1.14 which shall receive the Inheritance of Salvation Be zealous of the Divine Worship both in your self and others strive to be eminent in Purity and by virtuous life and conversation endeavour to be a good Angel and Minister of Salvation to your Neighbour Of Holy Patriarchs and Prophets COnsider 1. How even from the beginning and in times of Infidelity and Idolatry wherein almost the whole world was involved God was perfectly served by the holy Patriarchs and Prophets 1. They persevered constant in the Faith and Worship of God upheld and maintained the same among the people and carefully delivered it to their Posterity 2. They kept true Poverty of spirit in plenty of wealth and riches and made use of what they had not to vanity and ostentation but to the service of God and benefit of their Neighbour in works of Charity 3. Notwithstanding the multitude of temporal affairs they preserved themselves in the holy fear of God and were despisers of the honours which for their place and deserts were due to them from the people Luc. 10.24 Consider 2. They did chiefly excel in an ardent love of Christ and longing desires and expectation of his coming Many Prophets and Kings desired to see the things which you see c. saith our Saviour himself And our Lord revealed unto them many Divine Secrets and made them privy to the Mysteries of his Incarnation and Passion In this Faith and Hope they lived and died According to faith died all these Heb. 1113. not having received the Promises but beholding them a far off and saluting them and confessing that they are pilgrims and strangers upon the earth Be ashamed that your esteem love and gratitude for these benefits graciously bestowed upon you should fall short of their affections and desires of the same only represented to them and that a far off Heb. 11.35 36. Consider 3. Their fervour of Charity and love towards God wherewith they constantly endured even the greatest afflictions and death it self for his sake Others were racked as the Machabees not accepting Redemption that they might find a better Resurrection Others as Jeremy had tryal of mockeries and stripes moreover also of bands and prisons as Micheas They were stoned as Zachary They were hewed as Isaie They were tempted by allurements of pleasures as Joseph They died in the slaughter of the sword as the eighty five Priests whom wicked Saul murdered Learn of these Sobriety and Moderation in Prosperity Constancy and Patience in Adversity Of the Apostles Part 1. 1 Cor. 1.27 c. COnsider 1. What the Apostles were when Christ chose them they were poor ignorant ignoble and contemptible in the sight of the world and yet our Lord made choice of them rather then of others Admire and reverence the wonderful Providence of God herein who as the Apostle saith hath chosen the foolish things of the world that he may confound the wise and the weak things of the world c. that he may confound the strong and the base things of the world and the contemptible c. and those things which are not that he might destroy those things which are that no flesh may glory in his sight Consider 2. Other particular causes of this Election 1. That all might know that the Conversion of the World was the work of God not of Man 2. That both they and we should understand that they were not called for any deserts of their own but by meer favour and grace 3. That being by their condition exempted from the cares of temporal things they might the better attend to the preaching of the Gospel 4. That so they might be fit Preachers of Evangelical Poverty 5. That having in themselves experience of humane weakness and insufficiency they might learn to bear with others infirmities Be humble and little in your own eyes that so you may become a fit instrument of Gods glory and be not dismayed for your mean parts and abilities knowing that God will supply whatsoever is wanting if you will but do your endeavour 1 Cor. 4.1 Exod. 15.27 Exod. 39.10 c. Lev. 24.5 3 Reg. 18.31 Paral. 4.4.3 Reg. 10.20 Apoc. 21.14 Consider 3. The eminent Dignity to which they were raised 1. To be Disciples familiar Companions Friends and Brethren to the Son of God 2. To be next after Christ who was the Chief Corner-stone so many Fundamental stones of his Church and Princes of his Kingdom 3. To be the Doctors and Pastors of the world the Ministers of Christ and of the New Testament and the Dispensers of the Mysteries of God These were prefigured by the twelve Fountains of the Desart Helim the twelve Precious Stones in the High-Priests Rationale the twelve Loaves of Proposition in the Temple the twelve Stones of which was built the Altar the twelve Oxen that sustained the Brazen Sea the twelve Lyons of Salomons Throne and the twelve foundations of the Heavenly Hierusalem c. Of the Apostles Part 2. Jo. 14.12 COnsider 1. The Gifts of Grace and Power conferred upon the Apostles suitable to the Dignity of their Call 1. Of Consecrating and offering in Sacrifice the Body and Blood of our Lord. 2. Of Forgiving Sins and of opening and shutting Heaven Gates to men 3. And 4. Of feeding the Flock and ruling the Church of Christ 5. Of publishing to the world the new Law of Grace 6. Of working Miracles even greater then those of Christ himself They were endowed with gifts of Grace above all the Patriarchs Prophets and Saints of the Old and New Testament so that the Church deservedly applyeth those words of the Psalmist to them Thy friends O God Ps 138 1● are become honourable exceedingly their Principality is exceedingly strengthened Luc. 22.28 Consider 2. How the holy Apostles did answer their Call and co-operate with their Grace 1. They left all and followed Christ at the first Call and remained with him in his temptations 2. By their Apostolical Preaching Saintity of life working of Miracles by continual labours persecutions sufferings and death it self they planted the Faith of Christ throughout the world cast down Idols abolished Vice and Infidelity and established Virtue and
Jesus calling his Discipees together he saith to them I have compassion upon the multitude because loe three daies now they endure with me neither have they what to eat And if I dismiss them fasting into their home they will faint in the way This is a perfect Embleme of our condition in this world where even at the best we are an object of compassion The World is a Desart an habitation of wild beasts and void of all good having nothing whereon our Immortal Soul can feed and satiate it self we are a far off from our heavenly Country and ready to saint and fail in our way home happy only in this if we keep company with Jesus and can be content to endure with him Consider 2. Christs infinite goodness 1. In having compassion of their condition 2. In consulting with his Disciples for Redress 3. In making the multitudes sit down upon the ground 4. In distributing amongst them that little provision which he had for himself and his Disciples all which he did giving thanks breaking the loaves blessing the fish and giving them to his Disciples Apply this also spiritually and acknowledge in the fish and seven loaves the Provision of Grace afforded us in the seven Sacraments as also the seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost whereby the Soul is filled with comfort strength and vigour to continue the course of our Pilgrimage Consider 3. And they took up that which was left of the fragments seven Maunds Thus God is always overflowing in his liberality and gifts towards us but how niggard and close-handed are we towards him and our Neighbour Observe here that the Over-plus that we have either in Temporals or Spirituals ought not to be cast away but gathered together for the supply of others that are indigent Lastly learn this great Lesson that none will ever be the poorer but rather the richer for what they bestow out of pure Charity upon others for relief of their corporal or spiritual necessities See more of the like subject concerning the five loaves page 362 363. 7. Sunday after Pentecost Of False Prophets Mat. 7.15 page 327. Consider 1. Take ye heed of false Prophets which come to you in the cloathing of sheep but inwardly are ravening wolves False Prophets 1. Are Heretiques who under the fair pretence of Sanctity Liberty of Conscience expounding of Scripture c. preach false Doctrine 2. All those which under the pretext of some good or Virtue especially of Prudence and Discretion preach to us such things as are more agreeable to flesh and blood Such are self-Self-love Concupiscence Passion Worldly Maximes Pleasant Companions the Devil c. Have a care what Prophets you entertain see they be none of those of whom Jeremy Thren 2.14 Thy Prophets have seen false and foolish things to thee Phil. 3.20 Consider 2. By their fruits you shall know them Think what are the fruits of the above-mentioned false Prophets Obstinacy Licentiousness Disorder Disquiet Sting and Wound of Conscience c. A good Tree cannot yield evil fruits neither an evil Tree yield good fruits The Tree planted in the earth raiseth its branches and fruit upwards so man though upon earth should have his conversation in Heaven and produce heavenly fruit Every Tree that yieldeth not good fruit shall be cut down and shall be cast into fire Take warning and yield good fruit in time Mat. 3.10 perhaps the Axe is now put to the root of your Tree 1 Thes 4.3 Consider 3. Not every one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he that doth the will of my Father which is in Heaven Not all that call upon God by an exteriour Profession of Godliness nor all that undertake to Preach his Word shall be saved but those only which bring forth the good fruit above required viz. the Will of God declared unto them by the Holy Church Superiours Directors Interiour Inspirations c. This is the Will of God saith the Apostle your Sanctification by supernatural Grace and exercise of solid Virtue according to every ones state and profession 8. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Bailiff of Iniquity Luc. 16.1 page 335. see page 449. 9. Sunday after Pentecost Of Christs weeping upon the City Luc. 19.41 page 343. see page 147. 10. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Publican and the Pharisee Luc. 18.9 page 350. see page 460. 11. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Deaf and Dumb Man Marc. 7.31 page 357. see page 409 410 411. 12. Sunday after Pentecost Of the man wounded by Thieves and of the good Samaritan Luc. 10.23 page 365. see page 433 434. 13. Sunday after Pentecost Of the ten Lepers Luc. 17.11 page 372. see page 407 408. 14. Sunday after Pentecost Of serving God and Mammon Mat. 6.24 page 380. Consider 1. No man can serve two Masters c. You cannot serve God and Mammon There are two that would have you for their Servant God and the World you cannot serve both because they are opposite to one another neither can you serve one without hating the other God requires of you that you should seek Heaven contemn Earthly things imbrace Virtue curb the Flesh subdue Sense c. The World on the contrary will have you seek your own content and satisfaction enjoy the conveniences of this life neglect spiritual things cherish and pamper the flesh and give full scope to all your sensual Appetites Now chuse which of these two Services you like best whom you will have for your Master whom you will love and whom you will hate Consider 2. Therefore I say unto you be not careful for your life what you shall eat neither for your body what rayment you shall put on c. Christ perswades us here to cast off all immoderate care of Temporals which he doth by five convincing Arguments 1. A Majori If God hath given us our Soul and Body he will also provide us with necessaries for their preservation 2. A Minori If God doth so providently feed the beasts of the earth and adorn the flowers and grass of the field what will he not do for his children 3. For that all our care availeth nothing without Gods Providence not being able to add a Cubit to our stature 4. For that this care is common to Heathens and Infidels that know not God not proper for Christians that believe and trust in him 5. For that God is a loving Father who cannot know the necessities of his children and let them want Luc. 10.42 Mat. 13.44 45. Consider 3. That most admirable and comfortable conclusion Seek therefore first the Kingdom of God and the Justice of him and all these things shall be given you besides The Kingdom of God is his Glory and our Everlasting Happiness This one thing is necessary this is the treasure hidden in a field this is the precious Margarit to be purchased with all we have this ought to be our prime care to imploy our chiefest thoughts to take up our best
mercy upon thee Apply these words to your self and take heed of what follows And his Lord being angry delivered him to the Tormentors until he had repaid all the debt Ponder well the final clause So also shall my Father do to you if you forgive not every one his Brother from your hearts Sins once forgiven return not but the succeeding Ingratitude is made the greater and worthy of double punishment by the greatness of the former benefit This forgiveness must not be verbal only but from the heart and without keeping any grudge 22. Sunday after Pentecost Of paying Tribute to Cesar Mat. 22.15 page 443. Consider 1. Master we know that thou art a true speaker and teachest the way of God in truth neither carest thou for any man for thou dost not respect the persons of men Here is delivered a perfect description of an upright man Think how you are in every particular whether you be a true speaker 1. As to your self by a right judgment and estimate of things 2. In relation to others by conformance of your words to Truth and Conscience whether you hold the way of God or not rather the Maximes and Principles of the World whether you care for man so as to fear or love him more then you do God and whether you respect the person of men so as to do or omit any thing for humane respects against your Conscience Ps 4.7 Consider 2. Is it lawful to give tribute to Cesar A pertinent Question but proposed with a wicked intention to intrap him in his speeches But there is no Councel nor Wisdom against our Lord who takes them in their own Traps proposing to them a question about the Tribute Coyn saying whose is this Image and Superscription Look upon your self and ask this question Whose is this Image You cannot say it is Cesars or the Worlds it is Gods The light of thy Countenance O Lord is signed upon us But alas how deformed is it become you have made it the Image of the Terrene Man endeavour to reform your self till Christ be formed again in you Gal. 4.19 1 Cor. 15.49 and as you have born the Image of the Earthly so hereafter bear the Image of the Heavenly Rom. 7.13 Consider 3. Render therefore the things that are Cesars to Cesar and the things that are Gods to God God will have us give every one his due To whom tribute tribute to whom oustom custom to whom fear fear to whom honour honour Owe no man any thing but that you love one another Render your self therefore Body and Soul with all your Powers Senses and Faculties to God whose you are by Creation Redemption c. Render likewise what you owe to your Neighbour to wit Love and Charity who is made to the same Image Created by the same hand and redeemed with the same precious Blood with your self 23. Sunday after Pentecost Of the Princes Daughter and the Hemorroisse Mat. 9.18 page 451. see page 420 421 422. 24. Sunday after Pentecost or the last before Advent Of the Destruction of Jerusalem and of the Latter Judgment Mat. 24.15 Consider 1. When you shall see the Abomination of Desolation c. then they that are in Jewry let them fly to the Mountains c. In the first part of this Gospel Christ treateth of Jerusalems Destruction and Desolation in the second of the latter Judgment Death is the time of mans greatest Desolation and the next passage to his particular Judgment on which depends the General Christ therefore warns us to provide for it in time for when it is once come it will then be too late and we shall be so surprized that we shall not have leisure to dispose of our selves or our goods as we would He that is in the house top let him not come down to take any thing out of his house and he that is in the field let him not go back to take his coat Consider 2. Woe to them that are with-child and that give suck in those daies That last day is always at hand and perhaps this may be it Woe be to you if you labour till now in bare desires and have as yet brought forth no good works to light Pray that your flight be not in the winter Stir your self up to Fervour and have a care Death comes not upon you while you are cold and frozen in Gods service Nor on the Sabboth while you are in your jollines You must be disposed for every hour for no hour is secure from danger Consider 3. There shall be then great tribulation such as hath not been from the beginning of the world Such will Death truly be to tepid and improvident Christians that have put off till then what they should have done before the Body will then be tormented all over with a dreadful Agony but much more the Conscience for then it will have a clearer knowledge of Good and Evil and will find the burden of Sin more heavy and unsupportable then ever before If you be wise seek to avoid this Tribulation do now what you would have done then avoid now what you would wish then to have avoided Faults Escaped in Printing IN the Preface page 14. Margent Psa 118.17 read 71. page 34. line 30. of God read of God page 34. Marg. for the first Citation read Luc. 21.11 p. 35. l. 17. Judge r. Judge p. 44 45. all the Citations lower three lines then ought p. 65. l. 14. Title af r. of p. 66. l. 1. Prophet r. Prophet p. 73. Foxes have holes c. r. in the Marg. Mat. 11.4 p. 80. l. 24. robes r. robes p. 169. Marg. The third Station leave out Page 477. line 29. Virging r. Virgins What other Faults have been over-seen the Courteous Reader may be pleas'd to Correct and excuse
Holy Fathers expound it in striking the rock Compare these and the like examples with your actions and you will finde you have often deserved more Consider 2. God hath ordained more severe punishments for Venial Sins after death in Purgatory That Purgatory Fire saith St. Augustine will be more unsufferable then what pain soever can be seen Aug. Ser. 41. de Sanctis felt or even understood in this life There all debts will be exacted to the last farthing neither will there be place for any other satisfaction then by sufferance Is 33.14 And which of you saith Isaie can dwell with devouring fire Such as will be there Aug. sup Consider 3. Seeing you would not endure now to lie in flames but for a quarter of an hour although it were to gain the whole world how reasonable were it to make satisfaction at present by Pennance for what is past and to be wary for the future and if through humane frailty you be not able to avoid all avoid at least the greater and diminish what you can the number that so that Purgatory Fire as St. Augustine speaketh may finde little or nothing in you to consume Of the Remedies against Sin The Memory of the last Things Of DEATH 1. Part. How certain it is and with all how uncertain Heb. 9.27 COnsider 1. Death is inevitable It is appointed to men saith the Apostle to dye once Nothing is more certain or evident to sense All that have gone before us Princes Emperours Bishops Popes have dyed at last neither could any one hitherto of what power or dignity soever escape or put it off Job 14.5 Thou hast appointed his limits which cannot be passed saith Job Wherefore thou also infallibly must once come to it Marc. 13.35 Consider 2. As for the time place and manner of Death nothing more uncertain How many sudden accidents have you heard read or even beheld with your own eyes How many hath death unexpectedly stolen upon while they were eating sleeping laughing or playing And when is to be your turn What if at this instant Would you be ready for it Wherefore Christ doth often and in most weighty terms inculcate unto us that we should be ready at all hours Watch ye therefore for you know not when the Lord of the house cometh at even or at midnight or at cock-crowing or in the morning Eccles. 11.3 Consider 3. Death is but once to be undergone and if it hath gone ill there is no amends or recovery to be made if once ill so it will ever be if once well it will also be well for you for all eternity If the tree shall fall to the South saith the Wiseman or to the North in what place soever it shall fall there shall it lie Neither will there be any more time or place for Pennance Procure therefore by living well that whensoever your time cometh of falling it be to the right side See in what state you are at present and whether there be any thing in you which you would not on your death-bed and think often with your self that to perish once is to be lost for ever Of Death 2. Part. How terrible it is Ps 108.18 COnsider 1. The miserable state of a dying man lying on his death-bed given over by his Physician and hastening to his last agony Consider the many griefs and anguishes that surround him on every side 1. From the memory of things past for then will come to his mind the sins he hath committed the losse of so much precious time spent in vanities together with the neglect of many helps afforded him by Almighty God towards his Salvation Then perhaps one hours space of longer pennance will be earnestly wished for but not afforded him who while he was in his jollities and pleasures neglected many He would not blessing saith David and it shall be far from him Oh with what sighs will sinners at that hour cry out Sap. 5.8 and say What hath pride availed us or what commodity hath the vaunting of riches brought to us Consider 2. The grief of mind for leaving the present enjoyments of this life Aug. Ser. de Inno. c. 3. for as St. Augustine saith That is not left without grief which is possessed with delight Notwithstanding at that hour are to be left all friends and kindred pleasures delights and riches without any hopes of evermore recovering them 1 Tim. 6.7 We brought nothing saith the Apostle into this World doubtless neither can we take away any thing Whereupon Ecclesiasticus Eccli 41.1 O death how bitter is thy memory to a man that hath peace in his riches Cast off therefore in time all affection to worldly things that you may hereafter part without grief Eccles. 9.1 Consider 3. The anguish and perplexity of mind proceeding from the uncertainty of things to come The final sentence of everlasting doom draweth near Man knoweth not whether he be worthy of love or hatred The Devil will be at hand to tempt and cast you into despair Think what you would then wish your self to have done in your life time and do it now while you have opportunity Of Death 3. Part. Of the Horrour of the Corps COnsider 1. What a thing that body is after death which in our life time we cherish pamper and adorn with so much care 1. It lieth destitute of all sense and motion it seeth nothing heareth nothing neither can it so much as put off the worms that lie devouring it 2. It looketh pale and deformed and for the intollerable stench proceeding from the corruption that issueth out of it striketh horrour even into the dearest friends Wherefore with reason Blessed Francis Borgia In vita Borg. l. 1. c. 7. Psal 4.3 having beheld the Corps of a famous Empress of his time now rotten in her grave is said to have cried out How long shall we love vanity and seek after lying How long neglecting solid truths shall we hunt after shadows All things moulter away with death and from mirth soon pass into tears Eccli 10.13 Is 14.11 Consider 2. The Garments Bed and Habitation of the dead body It is stripped of whatsoever ornaments it had for its garments it is wrapped up in a Winding-sheet for its bed it is cast on the ground for its habitation it is confined to a pit seven foot long and lastly given over to the worms and serpents to be torn and consumed by them When a man shall die saith Ecclesiasticus he shall inherit serpents and beasts and worms And Isaie Vnder thee shall the moth be strawed and worms shall be thy covering O what an habitation What companions Eccli 38.23 Consider 3. How profitable and necessary it is often to call to mind this last end of your body lest you should have a greater care and love for that which is to be devoured by worms then of your Soul that is to live for an Eternity
From this forgetfulnesse of death proceed all our Evils Wherefore whensoever you see a dead Corps or Scull imagine that of Ecclesiasticus to be spoken to you Be mindful of my judgement for such will also be thine to me yesterday and to thee to day Wherefore be ever preparing your self and live as one that is a dying S. Hieron Corn. in Eccli c. 7. For He will easily contemn all things that alwayes imagines himself a dying man Of preparing against Death For those that are in Health 1. Part. COnsider 1. With what diligence men are wont to prepare themselves for a long Voyage for example to the Indies and if they are but to crosse the Sea how carefully do they watch the wind and provide lest the time of embarking find them unprepared We ought to be much more sollicitous for our departure out of this life whence we are to go into an everlasting happinesse or misery Therefore Christ doth often inculcate to us Be ready Luc. 12.40 for at the hour you think not of the Son of man will come and the like Consider 2. The Preparation consisteth chiefly in this point that the Soul at her departure whensoever it shall happen be found free from all Mortal and as much as may be also from Venial Sin so that it may have no hinderance in going strait to Heaven Wherefore examine your self see whether you be conscious of any thing that may stop your passage to Heaven if you were now to dye and put your self in that state which you would wish your self to dye in Aug. l. de gen con Man c. 28. and strive to persever therein for you may chance to dye suddenly and few become better in time of sicknesse The Sinner as St. Augustine saith hath also this punishment inflicted upon him that when he cometh to dye he is unmindful of himself who while he lived was forgetful of God Wherefore while you are in health neglect not your self Consider 3. What things in particular are wont to cause much comfort to dying persons Such are to have suffered much for Christ to have been given to the mortification of the flesh and abnegation of self-will to have been devout to the Blessed Virgin and the Saints and the like Wherefore apply your self vigorously even now to these things Cass l. 5. c. 28. Happy was that holy man who could say on his death-bed I have never done my own will neither have I taught any one what I have not first practised my self Of preparing against Death For the Sick 2. Part. Tob. 12.13 COnsider 1. Sicknesse is usually the Messenger of Death Therefore let a man foresee what may be expedient for him against the time of Sicknesse that so he may make a more secure and happy end Let him then in the first place acknowledge that Sicknesse and Pain are gifts of a most loving Father and sent him either to take away the rust of Sin or for trial of his Vertue and increase of Glory according to that saying Because thou wast acceptable to God it was necessary temptation should prove thee And therefore let him also give God thanks that by means of Sicknesse he hath both warning and time to dispose himself for Death Consider 2. What the Sick man is chiefly to do in order to the disposing himself 1. To cleanse himself of all Sin by Confession if he can General 2. To offer himself to God wholly resigned for life or death as it shall best please him 3. To foresee such occasions wherein perhaps he may come to suffer either through the vexation of his sicknesse or by carelesnesse of his tenders and animate himself to suffer all with courage 4. To procure good Books to be often read to him 5. Now and then to inflame himself with Jaculatory Prayers 6. Often to call to mind Christ's Passion 7. Diligently to recommend himself to the Blessed Virgin and the Saints his Patrons 8. To make now and then acts of Faith Hope Charity Contrition and other such like Consider 3. Danger increasing he is timely to demand the last Sacraments that so he may receive them with greater devotion Then let him dilate his heart towards the happy meeting of his Spouse Behold the Bridegroom cometh go ye forth to meet him Matt. 25.6 Let him yield himself up wholly to his Lord God saying with Christ Luc. 23.46 Ps 141.8 Father into thy hands I commend my spirit or with David Bring forth my soul out of prison to confess to thy Name Of the Particular Judgement 1. Part. 2 Cor. 5.10 COnsider 1. At the hour of Death all men are to be judged That every one may receive the proper things of the body according as he hath done either good or evil Ponder the terrour of this Judgement First in respect of the Persons that are to be Actors in it He that is to sit Judge is infinitely Wise whom you cannot deceive infinitely Powerful whom you cannot resist infinitely Just who cannot be wrought to favour and lastly of Supream Authority from whom you cannot appeal The Devils will be at hand as Accusers and if we have deserved evil even our own Angel-Guardians There also our own Conscience will stand witnesse against us Before all these the poor Soul is to appear without any attendance of Servants or support of Friends despoiled of whatsoever she had in this world accompanied only with her own works These alone whether good or evil will follow her to an everlasting reward or punishment For their works follow them Apoc. 14.13 Eccles. 12.14 Mat. 12.36 Consider 2. The terrour of this Judgement in regard of the strict account There will be made a processe of our whole life every action though never so much hidden and secret will be brought to a most strict examination All things that are done God will bring into judgement even every idle word The severe Judge will exact an account not onely of evils committed but also of the good neglected He will also weigh the good actions themselves and see whether they be full and performed with due intention and exactnesse I saith he by David will judge Justices Ps 74.3 Soph. 1.12 And by Sophonias I will search Jerusalem with lamps and if Jerusalem and the Saints how much more Babylon and Sinners Eccli 18.20 Consider 3. And ask your self this question What shall I miserable wretch say for my self at that time For prevention take the advice of Ecclesiasticus Before sickness take medicine and before judgement examine thy self and in the sight of God thou shalt finde propitiation While you have time do good Of the Particular Judgement 2. Part. COnsider 1. The miserable condition of a sinful Soul when at her trial she shall be found to come short in her accounts and guilty of deadly sin For then she is to be degraded as Priests are wont in disgrace and ignominy having their sacred Vestments taken off from
Mat. 12.34 COnsider 1. And they began to speak with several Tongues as the H. Ghost gave them to speak Ponder 1. The greatness of the Miracle poor Fishermen that were ignorant and unlearned speak the Languages of all Nations Ponder 2. What they speak of to wit the great works of Christ not of vain trifles or worldly rumors So those who are full of God speak not but of such things as are of God for Of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh See therefore whether or no thy speech doth bewray thee Mat. 26.73 and prove that thou art full of the World not of God Consider 2. The multitude came together and was astoni●hed in mind whereof some did believe but others deriding said that these are full of new wine So there will not be ever wanting those that will laugh at good works but we must not therefore leave off Beseech our Lord to make you drunk with the like wine for he whom Gods love doth inebriate saith S. Bernard knoweth how Jesus doth relish S. Bern. in Jubilo O how happy is that man whom he doth satiate there is not any thing l●ft him to desire Ephes 5.18 19. Consider 3. The effects which the Holy Ghost doth work in a faithful soul Be filled with the spirit speaking to your selves in Psalms and Hymns and spiritual Canticles chanting and singing in your hearts to our Lord saith the Apostle See whether you do so at least excite and stir your self up to like actions Of the Gifts of the Holy Ghost Part 1. COnsider 1. How bountiful the Divine Spirit is to us who having no need of us in the least notwithstanding doth liberally bestow upon us most precious and beneficial gifts which are as S. Thomas saith S. Tho. 1.2 q. 68. a. 4. c. Habits inabling a man to follow promptly the instinct of the Holy Ghost chiefly in order to Noble and Heroick Acts and are commonly accounted seven out of Isaie to wit The spirit of wisdom and understanding Is 11.2 the spirit of counsel and strength the spirit of knowledge and piety and the spirit of the fear of our Lord. Consider 3. These gi●ts serve us as Spiritual Armour to strengthen our several infirmities for the spirit saith S. Paul helpeth our infirmity Rom. 8.26 Greg. Mor. l. 2. c. 27. Therefore he giveth us as S. Gregory teacheth wisdom against folly understanding against dulness counsel against rashness fortitude against fear science against ignorance piety against indevotion the fear of our Lord against pride Seq in Missa Consider 3. How much you are subject to these infirmities how foolishly you prefer the things of this life before Eternity how dull and heavy you are in things appertaining to the service of God and so of the rest Beseech the Divine Spirit to arm you with the even-fold Shield of his gifts Say with the Church Come holy Spirit send forth a beam of your heavenly light c. Of the gifts of the Holy Ghost Part 2. COnsider 1. By the foresaid gifts we are not only holpen against whatsoever infirmities for the avoiding of evil but also provided with excellent helps for the obtaining of good 1. Wisdom helpeth to understand the divine perfections of God and that with gust and affections of love 2. Understanding to penetrate the mysteries of faith and the profound secrets that lye hidden therein S. Knowledge to contemplate with profit created things as they proceed from and lead us to God and inform our life and manners Sap. 9.14 Consider 2. We are also helped by Counsel in our doubts and perplexities For the cogitations of mortal men be fearful and our providences uncertain And as a woman that travel●eth Eccli 34.6 thy heart suffereth phantasies unless it be a Vision sent forth from the Highest And because it is dangerous to trust to our selves by the gift of Counsel we are moved to let our selves be led by others especially Superiours and spiritual Directors according to that Establish with thy self an heart of good counsel Eccli 37.17 18. and perswade your self that the soul of a holy man uttereth true things c. Prov. 8.13 Consider 3. By Fortitude we are encouraged to undergo manfully whatsoever difficulties and dangers in Gods service and with an undaunted courage to suffer torments and Martyrdome By Piety we are informed to carry our selves as children towards our Superiours as Mothers towards our Inferiours with the bowels of charity and as Brethren to our Equals Lastly The fear of our Lord hateth evil and preserves us from sin even the least Because he that feareth God Eccl. 7.19 neglecteth nothing Therefore beg these gifts of our Lord who giveth to all men abundantly Jac. 1.5 Of the fruits of the Holy Ghost Galat. 5.22 23. COnsider 1. The Holy Ghost is like a great Tree whose top reacheth to heaven and whose branches shadow the whole earth its fruits are recounted by the Apostle twelve in number The fruit of the spirit is Charity Joy Peace Patience Benignity Goodness Longanimity Mildness Faith Modesty Continency Chastity These are most precious fruit and fall of all sweetness And his fruit saith the Spouse was sweet to my throat Cant. 2.3 Mat. 7.16 Consider 2. And examine your self whether you have the Spirit of God and whether you be partaker of his fruits for by their fruits you shall know them saith Christ Think therefore with your self how charitable you are how patient mild and modest and so of the rest for if you find your self destitute of these it is a sign the divine spirit hath for as yet overshadowed you nor come into you for he that liveth in the spirit Gal. 5.25 in the spirit also walketh Sap. 1.5 Consider 3. The prime disposition requisite for the receiving the Holy Ghost is a pure intention of serving God in all things for his own sake not for worldly respects for as the wise man saith The Holy Ghost of discipline will fly from him that feigneth Wherefore endeavour to please him in all things and to conform your self to the discipline of the place and calling you are of and that not in the outward shew only but sincerely and from the heart Of the manner of life which the Holy Ghost inspired into the first Christians Act. 2.42 COnsider 1. They were persevering in the Doctrine of the Apostles and in the communication of the breaking of bread and of prayers for chiefly by these three things spiritual life is nourished and encreased to wit 1. By hearing or reading the Word of God 2. By frequenting the Sacraments and principally that of the Altar 3. By continual prayer Do you likewise insist chiefly upon these Consider 2. Their living in common All they also that believed were together Ibid. v. 44. and had all things common Their Charity and mutual concord And the multitude of believers had one heart Act. 4.32 and one soul