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A13203 [The Pentateuch]; Bible. O.T. Pentateuch. English. Tyndale. 1530. Tyndale, William, d. 1536. 1530 (1530) STC 2350; ESTC S1193 348,761 749

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and how moch I loue him In like maner yf my brother do me euel for my good then yf I loue him when there is no cause in him I se that my loue was of god ād euē so yf I then hate him I feale and peaceave that my loue was but wordly And finallye he sturreth thē to the fayth ād loue of god ād dryveth them frō all confidence of their awne selves In the nynth also he moueth thē vnto faith and to put their trust in god and draweth thē from confidence of them selues by rehearsinge all the wekednesse which they had wrought from the first daye he knew them vnto that same daye And in the end he repeteth how he coniured god in horeb ād ouer came him with prayer where thou mayest lerne the right maner to praye In the tenth he rekeneth vpp the pith of all lawes and the kepinge of the lawe in the harte which is to feare god loue him ād serue him with all their harte soule and mighte ād kepe his commaundmentes of loue And he sheweth a reason why they shuld that doo euen because god is lord of heuen and erth ād hath also done all for them of his awne goodnesse without their deservinge And then out of the loue vnto god he bringeth the love vnto a mans neyghboure sayenge god is lorde aboue all lordes and loveth all his seruauntes indiffe rently as well the poore and feble and the straunger as the rich and mightye ād therfore wil that we loue the poore and the straunger And he addeth a cause for ye were straungers and god deliuered you and hath brought you vnto a londe where ye be at home Loue the straunger therfore for his sake In the .xi. he exhorteth them to loue and feare god and reherseth the terrible dedes off god vppon his enemies and on them that rebelled agenst him And he testifyeth vnto thē both what will folow yf they loue and feare god and whate also yf they despise him ād breake his commaundment In the .xij. he cōmaundeth to put out of the waye all that might be an occasion to hurte the fayth and forbiddeth to do ought after their awne mindes or to altre the worde of god In the .xiij. he forbiddeth to herken vnto ought saue vnto gods worde no though he which coūseleth cotrarye shuld come with miracles as Paule doth vnto the Galathians In the. xiiij the beestes are forbiddē partely for the vnclennesse of thē ād partely to cause hate betwene the hethē ād thē that they haue no cōuersatiō to gether in that one abhorreth whatt the other eateth Vnto this .xv. chaptre all pertayne vnto faith and loue cheflye And in this .xv. he beginneth to entreate moare speciallye of thinges pertayninge vnto the comenwelth ād equite ād exhorteth vnto the loue of a mans neyghboure And in the .xvi. amonge other he forgetteth not the same And in the xvij he ent●eateth of right and equite chefly in so moche that when he loketh vnto faithe and vnto the punyshment of ydolatres he yet endeth in a lawe of loue and equite forbiddinge to comdemne any man vnder lesse them twoo witnesses at the lest and commaundeth to bringe the trespacers vnto the open gate of the citye where all men goo in and out that all men might heare the cause and se that he had but right But the pope hath founde a better waye even to apposse him with out any accusare ād that secretlye that no man knowe whether he haue right or no other hate his articles or answere for feare lest the people shuld serch whether it ●●●re so or no. In the. xviij he forbiddeth all false and de●elish crastes that hurte true fayth Moreouer because the people coude not heare the voyce of the lawe spokē to thē in fire he promiseth thē another prophete to brīge thē better tydinges which was spokē of christ oure sauiour The .xix. ād so forth vnto the ende of the xxvij is almost al together of love vnto oure neygboures ād of lawes of equite ād honestye with now ād then a respecte vnto fayth The .xxviij. is a terreble chaptre ād to be trēbled at A christē mans harte might wel bleed for sorow at the readinge of it for feare of the wrath that is like to come vpō us accordinge vnto all the curses which thou there readest For acordinge vnto these curses hath god delt with all nacions after they were fallē in to the abhominacions of blindnesse The .xxix. is like terreble with a godly lessō in the ende that we shuld leue serchīge of goddes secrettes ād geue diligēce to walke accordinge to that he hath opened vnto us For the kepīge of the cōmaūdmētes of god teacheth wisdome as thou mayeste se in the same chapter where Moses sayeth kepe the cōmaūdmētes that ye maye vnderstod whate ye ought to do But to serch goddes secretes blīdeth a mā as it is wel proved by the swarmes of oure sophisters whose wise bokes are now whē we loke ī the scripture foūde but ful of folishnesse The first Chapter of Deuteronomye THese be the wordes which Moses spake vnto all Israel on the other syde Iordayne in the wildernesse and in the feldes by the red see betwene Pharā ād Tophel Laban Hazeroth and Disahab .xij. dayes iurney from Horeb vnto Cades bernea by the waye that leadeth vnto mount Seir. And it fortuned the first daye of the .xi. moneth in the fortieth yere that Moses spake vnto the childern of Israel acordinge vnto all that the Lorde had geuen him in commaundment vnto them after that he had smote Sihon the kynge of the Amorites which dwelt in Hesbon and Og kinge of Basan which dwelt at Astaroth in Edrei On the other syde Iordayne in the londe of Moab Moses begane to declare this lawe saynge the Lorde oure God spake vnto us in Horeb sayenge Ye haue dwelt longe ynough in this mount departe therfore and take youre iurney and goo vnto the hilles of the Amorites and vnto all places nye there vnto both feldes hilles and dales and vnto the south and vnto the sees syde in the londe of Canaan and vnto libanon euen vnto the greate ryuer Euphrates Beholde I haue set the londe before you goo in therfore and possesse the londe which the Lord sware vnto youre fathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob to geue vnto them and their seed after them And I sayde vnto yov the same season I am not able to bere you myselfe alone For the Lorde youre God hath multiplyed you so that ye are this daye as the starres of heauen in numbre the Lorde god of youre fathers make you a thousande tymes so many moo as ye are and blesse you as he hath promysed you how sayde I can I myselfe alone beare the combraunce charge and stryste that is amonge you brynge therfore men of wisdome and of vnderstondinge and expert knowne amonge youre trybes that I maye make them ruelars ouer you And ye answered me and sayed
eue● thē to saue them that are Good flee thither and be saued Yf he smyte his neghboure ignorantly and hated him not in tyme passed As when a man goeth vnto the wodd with his neghboure to hew wod and as his hāde fetcheth a stroke with the axe the head slippeth from the helue and smyteth his neghboure that he dye the same shall flee vnto one off the same cities ād be saued Lest the executer of bloude folowe after the sleyer while his hert is whote and ouertake him because the waye is longe and slee him and yet there is no cause worthy of deeth in him in as moch as he hated not his neghbour in tyme passed Wherfore I As hate maketh the dead euell so love make●h it good commaunde the sayeng se that thou appoynte out .iij. cities ▪ And yf the Lorde thy God enlarge thy costes as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers and geue the all the londe which he sayed he wold geue ●nto thy fathers so that thou kepe all these commaundmentes to doo them which I commaunde the this daye that thou loue the Lord thy god ād walke in his wayes euer then thou shalt adde .iij. cities moo vnto those .iij. that innocent bloude be not shed in thi lande which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret and so bloude come vppon the But and yf there be any man that hateth his neyghboure and layeth awayte for him and ryseth agenst him and smyteth him that he dye and fleeth vnto any of these cities Then let the elders of his citie sende and fetche him thence and delyuer him in to the hondes of the iustice of bloude and he shall dye Let thyne eye haue no pitie on him and so thou shalt put awaye innocent bloude from Israel and happie arte thou Thou shalt not remoue thy neghbours marke which they of olde tyme haue sett in thyne enheritaunce that thou enherettest in the londe which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enioye it One witnesse shall not ryse agenst a man in Yes in all mater of heresie agenst holye churche ▪ any maner trespace or synne whatsoeuer synne a man synneth But at the mouthe of two witnesses or of .iij. witnesses shall all maters be tryed Yf an vnrighteous witnesse ryse vp agenst a man to accuse him of trespace then let both the men which stryue together stonde before the Lorde before the preastes and the iudges which shal be in those dayes and let the iudges enquyre a good And yf the witnesse be founde false and that he hath geuen false witnesse agenst his brother thē shall ye do vnto hī as he had tought to do vnto his brother and so thou shalt put euel away frō the. And other shal heare ād feare ād shal hēce forth comytt no more any soch wekednesse amōg you And let thyne eye haue no compassiō but life for life eye for eye toth for toth hande for hand and fote for fote ¶ The .xx. Chapter WHen thou goest out to batayle agenste thine enemyes and seest horses and charettes and people moo then thou be not aforde of them for the Lorde thy God is with the whiche broughte the out of the londe off Egipte And when ye are come nye vnto batayle let the preast come forth and speake vnto the people and saye vnto them Heare Israel ye are come vnto batayle agenste youre enemyes let not youre hartes faynte nether feare nor be amased nor a dreade of them For the Lorde thy God goeth with you to fyghte for you agenste youre enemyes and to saue you And let the officers speake vnto the people sayenge Yf any man haue bylt a new housse Dedicat the leui●es I suppose halowed thēm as we doo oure shippes and haue not * dedicate it let him goo and returne to his housse lest he dye in the batayle and another dedicate it And yf any man haue planted a vyneyarde and haue not made it comen* let him goo and returne agayne vnto Comē the. iij first yeres ●●● frute myghte notbe eatē the fourth it might be offred ād the ●ī●● caten ād that ys to make it comē to bringe it to the vise of the laye people his house lest he dye in the batayle and another make it comen And yf any man be betrothed vnto a wyfe and haue not taken hyr let hym goo and returne agayne vnto his housse lest he dye in the batayle and another take her And let the officers speake further vnto the people and saye Yf any man feare and be faynte herted let him goo and returne vnto his housse lest his brothers hert be made faynte as well as his And when the officers haue made an ende off speakynge vnto the people let thē make captaynes of warre ouer them When thou comest nye vnto a citie to fight agenst it offre them peace And yf they answere the agayne peasably and open vnto the then let all the people that is founde therein be tributaries vnto the and serue the. But and yf they will make no peace with the then make warre agenste the citie and besege it And when the Lord thy God hath delyuered it in to thine handes smyte all the males thereof with the edge of the swerde saue the wemē and the childern and the catell and all that is in the citie and all the spoyle thereof take vnto thy selfe and eate the spoyle of thyne enemies which the Lord thy God geueth the. Thus thou shalt doo vnto all the cities whiche are a greate waye of from the ād not of the cities of these nacions But in the cities of these nacions which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret thou shalt saue alyue nothinge that bretheth But shalt destroye them with out redempcion both the Hethites the Amorites the Cananites the Pherezites the Heuites and the Iebusites as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the that they teach you not to doo after all their abhominacyons whiche they doo vnto theire goddes and so shulde synne agenst the Lorde youre God When thou hast beseged a citie longe tyme in makinge warre agenst it to take it destroye not the trees thereof that thou woldest thrust an axe vnto them For thou mayst eate of thē and therfore destroye them not For the trees of the feldes are no men that they myght come agenst the to besege the. Neuerthelater those trees which thou knowest that mē eate not of them thou maist destroye and cutte them doune and make bolwerkes agenst the citie that maketh warre with the vntyll it be ouerthrowne ¶ The .xxj. Chapter YF one be founde slayne in the land whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the to possesse it and lieth in the feldes and not knowne who hath slayne him Then let thine elders and thy iudges come forth ād meet vnto the cities that are rounde aboute the slayne And let the elders of that citie which is nexte vnto the slayne mā take an heyffer that is not laboured with nor hath drawen
fyrst repentaunce then fayth in Christe that for his sake synne is forgeuē to them that repent then good workes which are nothyng saue the commaundement of god only And the commaundementes are nothinge els saue the helpynge of oure neyghboures at their neade the tamyinge of oure mēbres that they myght be pure also as the harte is pure thorow hate of vice and loue of vertue as gods word teacheth vs which workes must procede out of faith that is I must do them for the loue which I haue to god for that greate mercye which he hath shewed me in christ or els I do them not in the sight of god And that I faynte not in the payne of the sleyinge of the synne that is in my flesh myne helpe is the promesse of the assistence of the power of god and y● comforte of the rewarde to come which rewarde I ascribe vnto the goodnesse mercye ād truth of the promiser that hath chose me called me taught me and geuen me the ernest thereof not vnto the merites of my doēges or soferīges For all that I do soffre is but y● waye to the rewarde ād not the deseruinge thereof As if the kinges grace shuld promesse me to defend me at whome in myne awne royalme yet the waye thyther is thorow the see wherī I might happlye soffre no litle trouble And yet for all that yf I might lyue in rest when I come thither I wold thike so wold other saye that my paynes were well rewarded which reward benefyte I wold not proudlye ascribe vnto the merites of my paynes takynge by the waye but vnto the goodnesse mercyfulnesse and constaunt truth of the kinges grace whose gifte it is and to whome y● prayse thanke thereof belongeth of duetye and right So now a rewarde is a gift geuē ●relye of the goodnesse of the geuer and not of the deseruinges of the reaceuer Thus it appeareth that if I vowe what soeuer it be for any other purposse then to tame my membres and to be an ensample of vertue ād edefyenge vnto my neyghboure my sacrifice is vnsauery and cleane without salt and mylāpe without oyle and I one of the folyshvirginis and shal be shut out from the feast of the bruydegrome when I thinke my self most sure to entre in Yf I vowe voluntary pouerty this must be my purposse that I will be content with a competent lyuinge which cometh vnto me ether by succession of myne elders or which I gettetruly with my laboure in ministringe doynge seruice vnto the comen welth in one office or in a nother or in one occupacyon or other because that riches and honoure shall not corrupte my mynde and drawe myne harte from god and to gene an ensample of vertue and edefiynge vnto other that my neyghboure maye haue a lyuinge by me as well as I if I make a cloke of dissimulaciō of my vowe laynge a net of fayned beggerye to catch superfluous aboundaunce of ryches hye degre and authorite and thorow the estimacion of false holinesse to fede and mayntayne my slowthfull ydlenesse with the sweate laboure lādes rentes of other men after y● ensample of oure spiritualtye robbynge thē of their faythes and god of his honoure turnynge vnto myne ypocrisye that confidence which shuld be geuē vnto y● promyses of god only am I not a wilye fox a raueninge wolfe in a lābes skynne a paynted sepulchre fayre without ād filthye with in In like maner though I seke no worldlye promocyon therebye yet if I do it to be iustifyed therwith ād to gett an hyer place in heauen thinkynge that I do it of myneawne naturall strength of y● naturall power of my frewill that euery man hath might euen soto doo and that they do it not is their faute negligēce and so with the proude pharesye in cōparyson of my self despise the sinfull publicanes what other thinge do I then eate y● bloude fatt of my sacrifice devowringe that my self which shuld be offered vnto god alone and his christe And shortly what soeuer a man doeth of his naturall giftes of his naturall witte wisdom vnderstondinge reason will good entent before he be otherwyse cleane cōtrary taught of goddes sprete haue receaued other witt vnderstondinge reason ād will is flesh worldlye and wrought ● abominable blidnesse with which a man can but soke him self his awne profyte glory honoure euē in very spirituall matters As if I were alone in a wildernesse where no man were to seke profite or prayse of yet if I wold seke heuē of god there I coude of myne awne naturall gyftes seke it no no ther wayes then for the merites and deseruinges of my good workes and to entre therin by another waye then by that dore christ which were very theste for christ is lord ouer all and what so euer any man wil haue of god he must haue it geuen him frelye for christes sake Now to haue heauen for myne awne deseruinge is myne awne prayse and not christes For I can not haue it by fauoure grace in christ and by myne awne merites also ▪ For fregeuinge and deseruinge can not stōd together Yf thou wilt vowe of thy goodes vnto god thou must put salt vnto this sacrifice that is thou must ministre knowlege in this deade as Peter teacheth .ij. pet .i. Thou must put oyle of gods worde in thy lāpe do it accordinge to knowlege if thou wayte for the comynge of the bridegrome to entre in with him in to his rest Thou wilt hāge it aboute the image to moue men to deuocyon Denocyon is a feruent loue vnto gods cōma●dmentes and a desyre to be with god and with his euer lastinge promyses Now shall the sight of soch riches as are shewed at saynt thomas shryne or at walsingham moue a man to loue the cōmaundmētes of god better and to desyre to be loosed from his flesh and to be with god or shall it not rather make his poore herte sigh because he hath no soch at home and to wysh parte of it in another place The preast shall haue it in gods stead Shall the preast haue it Yf the preast be bought with christes bloude thē he is christes seruaūte not his awne ought therefore to feade christes flocke with christes doctryne to ministre christes sacramētes vnto thē purely for very loue not for felthy lucres sake or to be lord ouer thē as Peter teacheth .i. pet .v. paule Actes .xx. Besyde this christ is oures ād is a gifte geuen vs we be heyres of christ of all that is christes Wherfore the preastes doaryne is oures we heires of it it is y● fode of oure soules Therfore if he ministre it not truly ād frely vnto vs with out sellinge he is a thefe a soule murtherar ād euen so is he if he take vppon him to fede vs
only the Lorde had a lust vnto thy fathers to loue them and therfore chose you theire seed after them off all nacyons as it is come to passe this daye Circumcyse therfore the foreskynne of youre hartes and be no longer sciffnecked For the Lorde youre God he is God of goddes and lorde of lordes a greate God a myghtye and a terreble which regardeth no mans person nor taketh giftes but doeth right vnto the fatherlesse and wedowe and loueth the straunger to geue him fode and rayment Loue therfore the straunger for ye were straungers youre selues in the londe of Egipte Thou shalt feare the Lorde thi God and serue him and cleaue vnto him ād swere by his name for he is thi prayse ād he is thi God that hath done these greate and terreble thinges for the which thine eyes haue sene Thi fathers went doune in to Egipte with .lxx. soules ād now the Lorde thi God hath made the as the starres of heauen in multitude The .xi. Chapter LOue the Lorde thi God and kepe his obseruaunces his ordinaunces his lawes and his commaundmentes alwaye And call to mynde this daye that which youre childern haue nether knowen nor sene euen the nurture of the Lorde youre God his greatnesse his myghtye hande and his stretched out arme his miracles and his actes which he dyd amonge the Egiptiās euen vnto Pharao the kinge off Egipte and vnto all his lōde ād what he dyd vnto the host of the Egiptiās vnto their horses ād charettes how he brought the water of the red see vppon thē as they chased you and how the Lorde hath brought them to nought vnto this daye ād what he dyd vnto you in the wildernesse vntill ye came vnto this place ād what he dyd vnto Dathan and Abiram the sonnes of Eliab the sonne of Ruben how the erth opened hir mouth ād swalowed thē with their housholdes and their tentes ād all their substāce that was in their possessiō in the myddes of Israel For youre eyes haue sene all the greate deades of the Lorde which he dyd Kepe therfore al the cōmaundmentes which I cōmaunde the this daye that ye maye be stronge ād goo and conquere the londe whother ye go to possesse it ād that ye maye prolonge youre dayes in the londe which the Lorde sware vnto youre fathers to geue vnto them ād to their seed a londe that floweth with mylke and honye For the londe whother thou goest to possesse it is not as the londe of Egipte whence thou camest out where thou sowedest thi seed and wateredest it with thi laboure as a garden of herbes but the londe whither ye goo ouer to possesse it is a londe of hilles and valeyes and drynketh water of the rayne of heauē and a londe which the Lorde thi God careth for The eyes of the Lord thi God are always apō it from the begynnynge of the yere vnto the later ende of the yere Yf thou shalt herken therfore vnto my commaundementes which I commaunde you this daye that ye loue the Lorde youre God and serue him with all youre hertes and with all youre soules then he will geue rayne vnto youre londe in due season both the fyrst rayne and the later and thou shalt gather in thy corne thy wyne and thyne oyle And he will sende grasse in thy feldes for thy catell and thou shalt care and fyll thy selfe But bewarre that youre hertes disceaue you not that ye turne asyde and serue straunge goddes and worshepe them and thē the wrath of the Lorde waxe hote vpon you ād shott vp the heauen that there be no rayne and that youre londe yeld not hir frute and that ye peresh quickly from of the good lōde which the Lorde geueth you Putt vp therfore these my wordes in youre hertes and in youre soules and bynde them for a sygne vnto youre handes and lett them be as papers of remembraunce betwene youre eyes and teach them youre childern so that thou * talke of them when thou syttest in Talke of ●o●●nhod saye oure prelates thyne housse and when thou walkest by the waye and when thou lyest doune and when thou rysest vpp yee and write them vppon the dorepostes of thine housse and vppon thi gates that youre dayes may be multiplyed ād the dayes of youre childern apon the erth which the Lorde sware vnto youre fathers to geue them as longe as the dayes of heauē last vpon the erth For yf ye shall kepe all these comaundmentes which I cōmaunde you so that ye doo thē and loue the Lorde youre God and walke in all his wayes and oleaue vnto him Then will the Lorde cast out all these nacions both greatter and myghtyer then youre selues All the places where on the soles of youre fete shall treade shal be youres euen from the wildernesse and from Libanon and from the ryuer Euphrates euen vnto the vttemost see shall youre costes be There shall no man be able to stonde before you the Lorde youre God shal cast the feare and dreade of you vppō all londes whether ye shall come as he hath sayed vnto you Beholde I sect before you this daye a blessynge and a curse a blessynge yf that ye herkē vnto the commaundmentes of the Lorde youre God which I cōmaūde you this daye And a curse yf ye will not herkē vnto the cōmaundmentes of the Lord youre God but turne out of the waye which I commaūde you this daye to goo after straunge goddes which ye haue not knowen When the Lorde thi God hath brought the in to the londe whother thou goest to possesse it then put the blessinge vppon mount Grisim and the curse vppon mount Ebal which are on the other syde Iordane on the backe side of the waye towarde the goynge doune of the sonne in the lōde of the Cananites which dwell in the feldes ouer agenst Gilgal besyde moregroue For ye shall goo ouer to goo and possesse the londe which the Lorde youre God geueth you and shall conquere it ād dwell there in Take hede therfore that ye doo al the cōmaundmentes and lawes which I sett before you this daye The .xij. Chapter THese are the ordinaunces and lawes which ye shall obserue to doo in the londe which the Lorde God of thy fathers geueth the to possesse it as longe as ye lyue vppon the erth Se that ye destroye all places where the nacyons which ye conquere serue their goddes vppon hye mountaynes and on hye hilles and vnder euery grene tree Ouerthrowe their alters and breake their pylers and burne their groues with fyre and hewdowne the ymages off theyr goddes and brynge the names of them to noughte out of that place Se ye doo not so vnto the Lorde youre God but ye shall enquere the place which the Lorde youre God shall haue chosen out of all youre trybes to put his name there and there to dwell And thyther thou shalt come and thyther ye shall brynge youre burntsacryfices and youre offerynges youre tithes and heueofferynges