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A13078 A looking glasse for princes and people Delivered in a sermon of thankesgiving for the birth of the hopefull Prince Charles. And since augmented with allegations and historicall remarkes. Together with a vindication of princes from Popish tyranny. By M. William Struther preacher at Edinburgh. Struther, William, 1578-1633. 1632 (1632) STC 23369; ESTC S117893 241,473 318

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for no affection either deserveth or findeth more recompence than loue Thereby hee is Master of their bodies and goods and Constantius iustlie boasted that hee had more money in his Treasures than Diocletian because hee had his peoples favour Princes are oft-times vniustlie hated yet not loved except they loue their Subiects but if they hate them and be terrible they are repayed in the same kind VVhosoever affrighteth many is affrighted of many againe for so God by nature hath appointed that what is great by feare of others is full of feare it selfe The Lyon that affrighteth all Beasts is affrighted at the crowing of a Cocke and cruell Beasts are amazed with cryes and sounds in the Forrest so what ever terrifieth others doeth tremble it selfe A tyrants government r●steth not and the feare hee worketh on others returneth on himselfe and maketh him a Center both of their hatred and feares who are affrayed of him Hee is in a continuall and dangerous warre and neither sure before nor behind nor on either fide neither hath hee peace within because hee is ever affrayed But whē Princes exerce their power in loue are easie for accesse readie to heare the plaints of the poore they are loued of all defended and honoured as Gods Vice-gerents All men will desire a long life to them bestow their owne lives for their preservatiō So he dwelleth in great safty who dwelleth in the hearts of his Subiects As many loving hatrs so many open eares to heare eyes to see and hands to avoyde his griefe and procure his good The Bees defend their King and count it their glorie to die for him so are loving and beloved Subiects to a loving and beloved King Hee is as a Center in his Kingdome and all giftes and callings as a circle about him hee sendeth out a royall influence to everie part of that large Circle which is augmented by his loue And that influence and loue doeth civilic perfect the gifts of his Subiects This is recompensed with the loue and service of millions of the people who the more cheerefully bestow themselues their gifts for him because of his loue It is pleasant to see this mutuall respect betwixt such an Head and such a Bodie but more ioyfull for themselues to find it betwixt them His loue and royall vertues procure both the good-will of his people and Authoritie The first is their strongest Affection the other a great Opinion of their Kings excellencie composed of reverence and feare of his offence All these preserue both the Persons and Maiestie of Kings a●d barre contempt which vndermines the authoritie of Maiestie and Empyres Conspiracies are the most fearefull convulsions of a Kingdome and there is no better humane guard against them than the loue of people for Traitors seeke this as a speciall ground if their treason can bee acceptable to Subiects But where Princes are loued of their people none dare conspire against them because they will finde as many severe Avengers as loving Subiects But wee may take more briefelie the description of a good King from S. Austine after his long discourse of providence over Kingdomes VVee doe not count Christian Emperours happie saith hee because they did reigne long or left their Sons heires of their Empyre For such common blessings some worshippers of idoles haue received who pertaine not to the Kingdome of God to which these Christians appertaine And this was done of Gods great mercie least the faithfull should count th●se worldlie dignities the chiefe good But wee call them happie if they governe iustlie if they bee not puffed vp with flattering tongues and base attendents but remember that they are men if they make that power a servant to God to enlarge his worshippe If in their owne persons they feare loue and worship God and loue that Kingdome of Heaven most wherein they will haue no Competitours If they revenge slowlie and pardon hastily If Leacherie and other lusts bee so much the more restrained in them as they haue the greater libertie if they had rather rule their owne lust than Nations And if they doe these things not for lo●e of vaine glory but the loue of eternall happinesse If for their sins they offer to the true God a sacrifice of humility pietie and prayer Such Christian Kings wee say are must happie An happie Land WEe may also raise heereof the description of an happie Land that happinesse is not in the situation lying convenientlie to the Sunne or to haue rich Mines of gold and silver with all sort of rare fruites commodities c. The best soyles for the most part are inhabite by worse people Turkes and Mahumetanes dwell in that Land which God gaue as a blessing to Israel and Pagans haue the choise parts of the world to tell vs that the happinesse of people is not in the goodnesse of a soyle and that the godlie haue not their byding Citie on Earth But that is the happinesse of a Kingdome where the Sunne of righteousnesse shineth and the Mynes and Treasures of the grace of Christ are discovered where Christ the desire of Nations and the glorie of Israel doth gather and rule his Church where hee setteth vp his Throne in the heartes of their Rulers and maketh them to authorize by Law and professe and practise in their owne person the true Religion VVhere the people ladened with these mercies know their time and the things that concerne their Peace The glorie of Canaan was not for that it flowed with milk and honey but for the Arke of God that abode in it and the glorie of Ierusalem was not in statelie buildings but because God was knowne in it and said heere will I dwell This is the estate of everie Kingdome where Christ ruleth by his Gospel Behold a King shall rule in righteousnes and Princes shall rule in Iudgement And what shall be the fruite The worke of righteousnesse shall be peace and the effect of righteousnesse quietnesse and assurednesse for ever And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation and in sure dwellings and in quiet resting places The eyes of the Lord is on such a Land from the beginning of the yeare to the end Happie is that people that is in such a case yea happie is that people whose God is the Lord. The Conclusion I Close with the two maine vses of this Exercise to wit Praise Prayer Of Praise to thank God that he hath given to the King his hearts Desire and hath not with-holden the request of his lippes That he hath prevented him with the blessings of his goodnesse and made him exceeding glad with the light of his Countenance That hee hath blessed these Kingdomes with a Prince and apparant Heire to these Thrones God hath verifyed on this I land that which Fables fained of the happie or fortunate Isles though we lye in a cold Climate farre from the Line yet for our
Providence rule the matter Or they who haue voycetherein were so iust as to giue it where they see God hath given worth surelie it were a good way to enter to a Kingdome But since all men are corrupt and the most vn worthie are most ambitious they supplie that want of worth by the purchase of voyces They also who haue suffrage are vsuallic caried more with Hope and Feare than with Conscience therefore it commeth to passe that Election makes oft-times Butcheries in Kingdomes and what difference is there betweene foreraine invasion by Cōquest factions within by Election but that the one is from without and the other at home Election is both the occasion and matter of tumults And it is as hard to finde manie Electors agree in one as it is to finde their agreement in good But Succession is ruled of God who provydeth himselfe of Princes in the wombe and thereafter blesseth them with a more princelie Education than if they were elected It is not so much free election that caries the matter as the force of a prevailing Faction Even as in the factious choosing of Popes hee is not inrolled as an lawfull Pope who was Canonicallie elected but hee who had the strongest faction And his Competitor though both more worthie and chosen Canonicallie if hee could not make his cause good by force is called the Anti-Pope They giue vs the reason heereof that though they came by tyrannie yet it was better to tolerate them than to rent the Church with a Schisme This also brought on the ruine of the Impyre for Augustus invented a Praetorian band of 1200 olde Souldiours in shew to strengthen the Impyre but indeede it ruined it and that by the occasion of Election making themselues master of Armies Senate Emperour For after that Iulius race ended they took too much on them and afterward caried the matter absolutelie and set vp and cast downe Emperours at their pleasure In so much that they cared not to change Emperours everie day that they might finde daylie Donatiues and Rewards So the way to come to the Impyre was neither mens worthinesse nor the Election of the Senate but the violence of the Pretorian band who beeing altogether saleable preferred them who gaue largest money In like manner doe the Ianisars the Turkes Pretorian band and so will the Iesuits the Popes Iamsars doe when they haue hanked vp the affaires of Poperie in their hands But Succession is better than either Conquest or Election It wants the tumults of Election and the violence of Conquest and is most acceptable to people beginning with birth and confirmed by education It burieth the seeds of changes but Election keepes them greene and fresh as a tusked wall in building makes more way for building It relieveth Kings of many cares how to come to a Kingdome and how to gaine the loue of their people Their birth prevents these cares and at once possesseth them both in their Kingdome and their peoples heart It is also most pleasant to people because it secures them from feare of changes that come of Conquest or Election and settleth their Affections sweetely on their natiue Prince They delight rather to bee vnder a knowne Lord than a stranger The Sons of their Kings are brought vp amongst their they know their dispossion and manners and how to deale with them in their afaires They neede neither an Interpreter for language a great band of humane Societie nor a Mediator to the loue of a natiue Prince They count them their Fosters and Consorts in a manner and from the verie wombe their hearts imbrace them as their desired Heads What is the great Ioy at the birth of Princes such as blessed bee God I see in you all this day bot the hand of God wedding the hearts of people to their new borne Princes and the earnest ingaging of a constant loue to them heereafter That bond is natiue and strong that beginneth at the Birth yea and sooner in the great desire that people haue of natiue Princes before their Birth and God who beginneth so soone confirmes it by time to the mutuall comfort of Prince and people Moreover both Election and Conquest yeeld to Succession as the best way to come to a Kingdome For Conquerors beeing settled doe labour to stablish it to their Posteritie by Succession And many Kingdomes sometimes Electiue are turned to Succession and it is likelie that the remanent will doe so be times And so both Conquest and Election by an open consent doe acknowledge Succession to bee the best way in that they affect to be changed in it Some good men otherwise haue spoken harshlie of womens Governement as an inconvenient of Succession But that was more from some particular than the matter it selfe They distinguished not betwixt the faults of some persons the equitie of Gods ordinance They wrested the These to their owne Hypothese and in a preiudicate manner determined the cause by some badde accidents of their time as though the matter were so in itselfe and had ever been so as they saw it practised in some This was to giue Lawes to God and not to expone his Providence as it runs in the owne libertie and latitude but to force vpon it such a construction as pleased them But others speak more moderatly that there was nothing more vniust than the Law of the Romans that discharged men to mak their Daughters their Heires And God giues this Law in the case of Zelophehads Daughters that they succeede in their fathers portion of Canaan as they were Sonnes If a man die and haue no Sonnes then hee shall cause his inheritance to passe to his Daughter This Yland in our time hath seene two great instances in the right of Succession The first in the Reigne of Queene Elizabeth of happie memorie in whom God refuted reallie that Objection that is taken from womens governement Hee blessed her fourtie fiue yeares Reigne with such prosperitie both spirituall and worldly as few Kings could equall Of former times onely Zenobia seemes to striue with her but shee is nothing like for what shee did was by borrowed forces and after shee had proven valorous for a time was taken captiue to Rome led in triumph and died private But Elizabeth did all vnder God with her owne Forces shee lent Armies to others as this Land France and the Low-Countries can testifie and after a long prosperous Reigne dyed in her owne Palace in a true Religion in peace with God loue of her Subiects commendation of her enemies and admiration of the world The other was in the succeeding of K. Iames of happy memorie In his Youth Papists fedde themselues with a conceit of the possibilitie of his turning and that without any occasion of that fansie offred by him But when hee expressed his loue to the Truth by his Letters to Q Elizabeth and by the
of causes in his minde with equitie and puritie in his affections and yet wanting authoritie his sentence hath no weight nor his worke any efficacie But God hath joyned all these three in this Kinglie gift as their place is aboue privacie so are their eyes to see and their heartes aboue these base and perverting Passions and they are cled with supreme authoritie to giue life and power to their words They haue both a Mouth to pronounce and an Hand to doe for where the word of the King is there is power Iethros counsell to Moses hath all these Chuse said he men of courage and that because their administration will encounter many rubs of miscontent humours which they cannot through without Courage Next men that feare God because that is a Bridle to keepe them from ill and a Cordiall for faintnesse Thirdlie men that loue the Truth that is haue Veritie in their minde Veraoitie in their word and Sinceritie in their actions that Heart Tongue and Hand goe all one way And lastlie men that are not greedie because it is impossible for an avaricious man either to bee iust in private Bargans or righteous in Iudgement God hath stablished that Soveraigne power amongst men for three speciall reasons The first is the vniust and selfish disposition of man Wee are all in societies ought to seeke the good of the common and of our Neighbours but selfe-loue turneth euery man into himselfe It killeth in vs the loue of the common and of our Neighbour and suckes in our owne particular good with the hurt of them both God hath written this law in our hearts and in his word Doe to other as thou would be done to and hath given vs a Conscience to checke vs for the breach of that law But the violence of self-selfe-loue caries vs away against both Law and Conscience Therefore there must be without vs an Iustice clad with a coactiue power to represse that corruption that Conscience cannot mend This correcting Iustice God hath primelie seated in Princes So there is a necessitie of a living Law armed with authoritie to vrge the Observation of the written Law This is Gods arrest on mans corruption For the power of Kings and the force of the Sword and the instruments of the Burrio the Armes of Souldiers all the Discipline of Rulers are not appointed for nought For when men feare these thinges both the wicked are dauntoned and the Godlie liue more peaceablie among the wicked Innocen cie is safe among the vnrighteous that while their desires are bridled by the feare of punishment their will may bee healed by calling vpon God The second Reason is from our Lotte God hath given everie man his Lotte and fenced everie part of it from the Iniurie of his Neighbour with commands Hee hath fenced our Honour with the fift Command Thou shalt honour thy Father and Mother Our life with the fixt Thou shalt not kill Our Chastitie with the sevent Thou shalt not commit adulterie And our Goods by the eight Thou shalt not steale c. These Commands are like Marches in a field divyded to a Commonalitie whereof everie one hath his portion designed vnto him But man who can never bee content with Gods appointment is given to passe these Marches and incroacheth vpon his Neighbour to hurt him in his goods name c. Therefore God hath set Princes as Wardens of these Marches to see that they bee keeped as his Providence hath fixed them and everie mans Lotte secured by the ministration of iustice which is nothing else but a perambulation vpon the Lottes and Marches of people What are Kingdomes without Iustice but great robberies And by the iust governement of Kings wee possesse and brooke peaceablie our possession This is Gods Guarde on everie mans Lotte The third Reason is for settling inumerable and endlesse questions for everie calling hath the owne gift for it's worke and righteousnesse is the gift and accomplishment of Kings and God hath given them power as an Usher of that righteousnesse to make way for it through the bodie of their Kingdomes Right and Equitie are a straight Line and beeing rightlie applyed make a cleare difference in mens causes betweene Contentment and miscontentment Peace and oppression c. But mans affaires furnish many questions to his contentious humour and the least circumstance maketh a new case and every case altereth the state of the Question It is impossible to write such Lawes as can either meete with all cases or decide all questions That same question the day may bee diverse the morne by the smallest change of place Person or Time For this cause God hath sette Kings as living Lawes in respect of the habite of Iustice in them and speaking Lawes to expresse that Iustice by word Edicts And doing Lawes to apply the generalitie of the Law to everie particular by execution It was said of olde That the Common-wealth could not bee governed without wrongs so natiue to man is iniquitie And therefore the best Remeed is Iustice without which said an other Proverbe Iupiter himselfe can not reigne Iudgement is justlie put in the hand of Princes because their place setteth them aboue outward things that may corrupt or passions within that may bee corrupted They are aboue honour riches c. And so neede not be ambitious of honour nor greedie of goods And within foure things especiallie pervert Iudgement feare of Hurt hope of Gaine hatred of Boes loue of Friends Where these rule the Ballance is deceitfull persons causes are confounded together They see the right of their Foe as a wrong and the wrong of their Friende as a right What ever Iudge puttethon the person of a ●riend or F●e in Iudgement hee layes aside both the person and Conscience of a Iudge But righteousnesse seated in the heart of Princes purgeth them of these base affections within and secureth them from these temptations without There is no temper nor disposition of it selfe more capable of Equity or more able to pronounce execute Iudgement a●ight Of Princes care of Religion THis much for the necessitie of Iustice The extent of it is not to bee restrained to civill things alone as though Princes might not meddle with Religion but God hath given them an interesse therein For if the proper worke of Iustice giue everie one his due then surelie that must bee her first taske to see God get his due and so Religion commeth within her compasse as the first and maine taske The Kings of the Earth serue Christ when they make Lawes for Christ and heerein they serue God if in their Kingdomes they command good and forbid evill and that not onelie in things pertaining to humane Societie but also in divine Religion In matters of Religion three parties haue interesse First GOD hath absolute power as Hee is the onelie Author and Obiect
wicked idolaters and of Iudah onlie two were exceeding good Ezekiah and Iosiah sixe were praised in part and reprooved in part as Asa Iosaphat Ioaz Amasah Vzzah and Iotham And all the rest were idolaters as the Kings of Israel The praise of good Kings is that they know the Truth and serued God accordinglie They were zealous for his glorie destroying idolatrie and holding it out of their Kingdomes they maintained the worship of God according to his Truth and gaue neither toleration nor libertie of false Religions to their Subiects but astricted them by Lawes to worship him aright went before them in a royall example They sought not themselues but Gods glorie and he recompenced them againe by his blessing on their persons and government and making their Names to flowrish in benediction But the idolatrous Kings were contrare they forsooke the true God themselues and permitted a miscellanie Religion to their people Therefore his curse was on them and their government Hee wrote their Names in the dust and made them vyle to the posteritie as may be seene in Histories Heere is a looking Glasse for Christian Princes Popish Kings though they bee in the Church yet they are like the Kings of Israel in idolatrie as Ieroboam with the Calues at Bethel But Kings in reformed Churches are like the Kings of Iudah who haue God among them in the Arke of his testimonie and true Religion and it is their safetie to follow David Ezekiah and Iosiah in the maintenance and practise of true Religion This is a better exemplar than the Cardinals When for a fashion he hath set downe the example of some good Iewish and Christian Princes hee subioynes the Legend of some canonized Kings who got that honour when Ignorance and Idolatrie prevailed in the Church That looking to that Glasse of the Popes forging hee may steale the hearts of Princes from God to superstition I would aske if Ioseph Moses David c. before Christ and Theodosius Tiberius the younger c. were not as holy as Vences●aus Leopoldus and other canonized Kings If they were wherefore are these canonized and not the other A good King setteth God before him as his end and true happinesse in his fauour hee counteth his earthlie Kingdome neither his e●d nor a way to the right end but seeketh the Kingdome of Heauen aboue the other and that by the way of godlinesse and righteousnesse It is a well grounded Throne that standeth on these two pillers Godlinesse maketh men eternall it is his Image that never dyeth and maketh their persons and workes acceptable to him without it as no man can see him so with it vndoubtedlie they shall enjoy him for euer No Iewell nor Dyamount shineth brighter in the Crownes of Kings than true godlinesse Righteousnesse is another Pillar the proper worke of the Throne and Gods worke in Kings who sit in it for the heart of the King is in the Lords hand and hee sweyeth it whither hee will It is a just thing with GOD to maintaine the Throne his owne ordinance when righteousnesse his will and work doe both liue in it and issue from it And what are good Kings on Thrones but God in them iudging the World God standeth in the Congregation of the mightie and hee iudgeth among Gods Hee delighteth to rest where hee reigneth and ruleth with delight A righteous King sitting on his Throne is a more pleasant sight than Solomons that more for his invisible Attendants than for his visible Before him standeth Affabilitie as a Porter to giue accesse to the plaints of the afflicted Injuries choppe the hearts of the oppressed and they runne to Princes for helpe And they are set vp in their greatnesse not to neglect the oppressed but to heare their complaints It was a fault in the Kings of Persia not to admitte any to their presence but such as were called vpon it made oppressours bolde and the oppression of the poore incurable But it was commended in another King who gaue justice to an oppressed woman who told him freelie That if hee had not leasure to iudge he should not reigne And Traian was honoured with a Statue because beeing on horse and going to battell hee stayed till hee did Iustice to an oppressed Widow When affabilitie as a Porter hath made way to the oppressed then loue of the people in the Kings heart as a Master of requeasts taketh the complaint in hand and calling Wisedome and Prudence to counsell they consult to doe right according to the cause Before his Throne stand Courage Clemencie Courage to proceede according to Iustice and Clemencie to temper some times the strictnesse of Iustice Clemencie remoueth Severitie least it turne to Crueltie and Courage remoueth too great Indulgence least it breed in People a libertie to sinne and contempt of Princes Clemencie can pardon small faultes but great sinnes and effronts of Authoritie would bee punished else it is not Clemencie but Crueltie On either side of the Throne two Sergents stand Power and Diligence Power to execute the sentence pronounced which careth as little the difficulties that may follow execution as Iustice did the respect of persons And Diligence doth all with such convenient speed as the nature of the matter and the honour of the Prince requireth At the backe of this Throne leaneth Peace and Prosperitie Peace among the whole Bodie while everie one getteth his right and is secured in it And Prosperitie as Gods blessing following that his own worke of a wife and righteous government As a good King seeketh Gods favour aboue all so nixt therevnto the loue of his people The heart is the Man and among all affections loue caries the heart and captiues man Hatred and Feare are troubling passions and separate the heart from their object but loue applies it selfe ioy fullie and draweth the whole Man to that it loueth The best conquest of their loue is by goodnesse Loues proper obiect and there is no heart so hard as to hold it selfe from these in whom true goodnesse shineth Wee may compell men to feare but cannot moue them to loue vs but by sweete motiues the bond that commeth by compulsion is vnpleasant to the parties it is soone broken and when it leaveth off is turned in hatred but the band of loue is both pleasant and firme Fatherlie loue in a King to his people and loue in them to him againe is a sweete relation and maketh their mutuall dueties both easie and pleasant Moses preferred the people to himselfe Spare them O Lord but raze my name out of the Booke of life And David offered himselfe to bee punished for the people I haue sinned but these sheepe what haue they done Next to the loue they send vp to GOD this descending loue to their people maketh them carefull of their peoples good When hee loueth his people he hath conqueshed their heart absolutelie
56. Pietie and Prudence the Reme●de of their Difficulties 59. 2. People the Subject of Government 62. Man is most obliged and most disobedient 64. Gods Church most easily governed 66. King● governing of themselues 67. Of their Courts 69. 3. The fruite of good Government Peace 73. Of the fruits of Peace 74. Of Warres 78. The Puritie and peace of true Religion their greatest task 81 It is the greatest blessing of Mankinde 82. No Mixture with a true Religion 84. Reconciliation with a false religion is impossible 85. Confusions of Holland 86. Domage of schis●●es 89. Three sorts of Kings 1. Of Gods King 90. 2. Machiavells Tyrant 91. 3. Of the Popes Vassall 97. The pourtrate of ● perfect King 98. Tyrants both affright and are affrighted 102. Peoples hearts a Kings greatest conquest 102. Their loue his best Guard 103. An happie land 105. Scotlands happinesse 106. Great Brittaines Happinesse 107. Speach to the Nobilitie 108. To the colledge of Iustice. 108. To Edenburgh 108. Aprayer for the King 109. For the Queene 109. For the Prince 110. For the Subiects 110. True Thanksgiving is true o●●dience 111. ERRATA Pag. Lin. ●ault Mend. ● in Marg. Peremptores Pa●eicid●● 44. ● doe more Doe no more 47. 2. the their ●● ●1 is best is most 76. 21. more dele 86. 20. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A LOOKING GLASSE for Princes and people Deliuered first in a Sermon of thanksgiuing for the Birth of our hopefull PRINCE CHARLES c. In the great Church of EDINBVRGH c. The Preface REIOYCE in the LORD yee righteous saith the Prophet for praise is comelie for the vpright I presume so farre of your Christian affection Dearly beloued in the Lord that I need not exhort you to joy The cheerefulnesse of your Countenance testifies the great joy of your heart so that it shall onely be necessar to direct you in the vse and expressing of so just and great a ioy The Lord hath blessed vs in great mercie with the birth of a Prince on Saturnday last and refreshed vs yesternight with these good tydings That blessing hath manie blessings in it A Child a Male Child and a first borne Male Child that came to perfection A Sonne to a Father that hath no Brother the apparent Heire of all these three Kingdomes and I may say The first borre Heire that euer They had Some Histories wrongouslie affirme that some Kings were Monarchs of this whole Yle and that same errour did creepe in the Councels speaking of Primats But the first spake as they affected and the other followed that errour in simplicitie They borrowed that style of a Monarch of the whole Yle from Severus time and tooke the march of it from his wall Some haue beene borne Heires of seuerall Kingdomes in it but till now wee finde none borne Heires of them altogether and that to a King standing in the iust title and peaceable possession of them all These are Gods great mercies to vs and the greater if wee consider what our sinnes deserue They cry for judgement and our Conscience tells that wee deserue it more than other Nations that are scourged beyond Sea but behold when hee might showre downe deserued plagues Hee sendeth vs vndeserued Blessings Gods worship hath two odde solemnities of Fasting and Thankesgiuing but it is more pleasant to haue the occasion of solemne thankes for Blessing receiued than of mourning for plagues imminent or incumbent And better to heare now our Drummes in the streete and Canons in the Castle by their sound calling vs to these joyfull meetings than to heare them in the feates of Warre There is no Affection so pleasant to the heart as Ioy it was created in vs as a power to make vse of good When the heart hath desired and hoped for good it cannot but rejoyce at the obtaining of it and in all these actions about good it abydeth most gladly in it selfe Wee brought euill in the World by sinne and so a necessitie of sorrow In griefe the heart is closed within it selfe and hath a selfe-consumption for its owne folie No temporall good entreth into our heart but the joy for it filleth it and then it delyts to dwell in that Ioy as the owne Element and dilateth it selfe to vtter that joy conceiued As the Eare is opened wyde to heare good and the Eye to see it so the Heart to enjoy it and the Mouth to expresse that Ioy. And what better expressing than to powre out our heartes on GOD by thankesgiuing That as Hee is the Author of our joy so it may returne to Him againe A well expressed Ioy maketh a sweete Sacrifice to GOD and bringeth downe a new blessing but excesse of joy e●anishing in fleshlie insolencies and not reflecting on GOD prouokes him whom we should please Such was the rejoycing of Pagans in their solemnities but Gods Word directeth vs better Wee ought therefore to praise Him for the Blessing receiued and pray for a blessing to that Blessing that his Mercie there in may euery way appeare And because of our selues wee cannot doe this as wee ought let vs call on the Author of the Blessing and craue such direction from his Word that in this solemne and publicke Ioy wee may approue our selues to Him The Text. Psal. 72. 1. Giue the King thy judgements O GOD and thy righteousnesse vnto the Kings Sonne 2. Hee shall judge thy people with righteousnesse and thy poore with judgement 3. The Mountaines shall bring peace to the people and the little hills by righteousnesse The first part K. DAVID a Suter LOOKE not Beloued in the Lord for a ful explication of euery part of this Text with their doctrines and vses as wee doe in Sermons but onely for such points as this occasion craueth In summe it containeth a prayer of King Dauid for his Sonne Solomon and offereth three things to our consideration The Suter who prayeth is King Dauid Next for whom hee prayeth it is for Solomon And thirdlie the thinges that hee suteth which are three First the Gift of Kinglie wisedome verse 1. 2. The vse of that Gift in righteous Iudgement verse 2. And thirdlie the fruite of that Gift so vsed Peace and Tranquillitie verse 3. For the first the Suter is King Dauid a Father for his Childe a King for his succeeding Sonne and a Prophet for one that GOD was to blesse Nature might moue him as a Father to seeke the good of his Sonne and Civilitie as a King a greater Father of a Kingdome to seeke the good of his Successour But as a Prophet hee is moued diuinly to sute that which GOD had showne him hee was purposed to doe In the first two respects hee had an ordinary grace as a Father and a King to seeke this Blessing In the thrid hee had an extraordinarie gift to augment the former two beeing priuie to Gods mind in this particular Therefore it is not onelie a Prayer but a Blessing The one suting
Monuments of his ingrne and speciallie in that Basilicon Doron they turned their hopes in dispaire took them to plot his debarring from England and when the Pope had written Brieues for that end and all men looked for wars God in mercie according to the right of Succession gaue him a peaceable entrie to that Kingdome and keeped this Yland from the invasion of strangers and factions within They found their former peace continued when God had provyded him one who could as well by his Tongue and Pen mainetaine the Truth as by his Sword But wee neede not dispute where God hath determined hee promised to the King of Israel that if hee would adhere to him in his governement hee should prolong his dayes and the dayes of his Sonnes in the midst of Israel And when hee had sette David on the Throne hee stablished the Crowne in his Line by Succession put it in a promise as a blessing When thy dayes shall bee fulfilled and thou shalt sleepe with thy Fathers I will set vp thy Seede after thee which shall proceede out of thy Bowels and I will establish his Kingdome Therefore all things beeing duelie considered Succession is the best way to come to a Kingdome The next point is Davids acquiescing to Gods designation testified by this prayer for his Sonne Heerein hee found sure grounds for rest Hee had obtained a great blessing hee reioyced and prayed for the continuance of it and thankes God for giving him such a Sonne as was able for so great a Kingdome Shall not a soule rest in the sense of Gods mercie in a ioyfull praising and confident praying for moe It is kindlie to a Father to reioyce in his Sons succeeding and a worke both of sound Nature and of grace Nature maketh them loue the Child who is another themselues and Grace maketh them reioyce in Gods ordinance Where can it fall more pleasantlie to them then in their Sonne who is not so much another person as themselues and that not decaying or dying but waxing and surviving Some Kings haue beene so vnnaturall as to cut off their Sonnes in ●ealousie as Solyman did to Mustapha and some write that Constantine moved with Calumnies killed Crispus his Sonne though other deny it but let that crueltie byde with Barbarians Barbaritie is the dreg and vre of Humanitie till it bee refined by Letters and Sustition and false Religion makes them more vnnaturall So soone as the father dyes the most powerfull Brother embrues his Funerals in the blood of all the rest of his Brethren but there the father bathed himselfe in the funerall of his sonne Gods feare teacheth Christian Kings to rejoyce when they see their Sonnes in their Thrones but Tyrants as they desire none to reigne with them so they wish that the Kingdome and world ended with them Of all this second point is manifest that a Kings Son is a great blessing hee is a pledge of Gods loue both to his Parents and people and a band to tye all their hearts to God and amongst themselues Kings are the more bound vnto God that giues them that fruite of their Body and the more tyed to their people also because a Sonne is the best Pawne of their loue to people Hee is also a strong motiue to moue them to a loving peaceable Governement that thereby they may endeare him in the peoples affection The Sonne of a good King is pretious to a good people and what ever loue his personall worthinesse deserues it is doubled for his Fathers cause There is no such Rhetorick to perswad a people to loue the Kings Sonne as the good governement of his Father Their loue to the Sonne diminishes not their loue to the Father but rather augments it and the increase of the Obiect increaseth loyalty It was the error of some to worship rather the Sunne rysing than going to But Christian Subiects are taught of God not to make them opposite Obiects of their affection but in a Christian loyaltie to loue each of them the more because of other Our new borne Prince then is Gods great Blessing to this Yland Hee is a Guarde to his Father and a comfort to the Subiects in stopping their perplexities about Succession and the plots of factious and ambitious men This Land for almost eleven Ages was ruled by electiue Kings Thereafter for some eight Ages it hath beene ruled by Succession And the race of Stewarts aboue two hundreth yeeres hath succeeded one another and the new borne Prince whom God preserue is the eleventh of that Name and the hundreth and ninth of the never interrupted Line of Fergus the first The third part Of the royall Gift And first of Iustice. Thy Righteousnesse and Iudgements THe third thing in this Text is the Blessing that hee cra●es to Solomon and that in three thinges The Gift the worke of the Gift and the Fruite of that worke The gift is Righteousnesse and Iudgement wherein wee shall consider the Nature the Necessitie and the Extent of it I will not trouble you with Schoole distinctions of these words because the excesse of Affection is impatient of Subtiltie For Ioy ever hasteneth neither can Gladnesse suffer delayes And I must say with one that your Affection hath preveened my words so that I cannot satisfie you yet with another I promise to speake briefely least in such a solemnitie the length of speach burden your Devotion In a word heere is meaned the gift of Kingly governement in the Spirit of righteousnes prudence So David exponeth it in his prayer to God for Solomon O Lord giue Solomon a perfect heart And in his Blessing of him The Lord giue thee Wisedome Vnderstanding And Solomon cleareth it by his desire when God ●ade him chuse what he would he chused not Riches or honour but a wise heart even the heart of a good King Giue thy Servant an vnderstanding heart to iudge thy people that I may discerne betwixt good and bad and this is iustice an habite of the minde keeped for the good of the common giving everie man his due It looketh to Ius or Right as the obiect to Iustice the Habite or Vertue and to iudgement the sentence or fact flowing from both containeth three things The first is a discerning knowledge to vnderstand exactly and judge betweene right wrong together with a conscience to temper the rigour of right with equity in some cōsiderable cases This is as the Eye of the Iudge The second is puritie of the Will and Affections flowing from that knowledge that they loue the knowne Right though it were in cause of their enemie and hate the knowne wrong though in the cause of their Friends This keepeth the Heart free from the base affections of feare or hope The third is Courage cled with Authoritie both to pronounce and execute according to that knowledge A private man may haue exact knowledge
while the desire of profaine and new curiositie cannot containe it selfe within the marches of sacred and pure Antiquitie And they speake directly like the Pelagians by vs as Authours as beginners and expounders condemne the things that yee held afore and hold these things that yee condemned cast away your auncient Faith and receiue another And what faith I shrinke to speake it they are so proud that I thinke they cannot so much as bee rehearsed let bee refuted without some guiltinesse in like manner Abelardus said All men thinke so but I thinke not so And Bernard posed him iustlie What then art thou Tell vs what is that that seemeth to thee and to none others What hath the Law What hath the Prophets and Apostles or Apostolicke men preached vnto vs but that that thou onelie denyest And Hilarie speaketh like an Orthodox These things I haue beleeved by the holy Spirit so that beyond this Faith of our Lord Iesus Christ I cannot bee taught And a little aboue I hold fast that that I haue received neither doe I change that that is Gods I demand of them as Pacianus did the Novatians VVho teacheth so Did Moses or Paul or Christ No none of these Who then Novatian commanded it after three hundreth yeares So I may say That Socinus hath both invented new heresies and renewed old heresies after a thousand fiue hundreth and eightie yeares And I charge them as Ierome did Vigilantius If any before thee hath received this thy Interpretation let it bee true thou sayes But if the Church of God never heard of such wickednesse and Sathan hath spoken by thee then repent in sack-cloth and ashes and wype away such great wickednesse by continuall teares This is the damnable fruit of liberty of prophecying and professing after that God hath blessed a Church with a bodie of sound Doctrine according to the paterne of wholesome words The mindes of people are shaken from the Truth made susceptible of any opinion and inclinable to the worst When Arianisme and other errours had shaken the Church for a time the ambiguous mindes of people received Mahumetisme greedily For keeping of true Religion it is necessar to keepe Peace in the Church Schisme bringeth heresie and these two renting the Church doe rent the state also The Church and state are twins and their peace and trouble are inseparable Some Politickes haue advysed Princes to foster dissentions in the Church as a way to make the Impyre floorish So did Themistius to Valens the Emperours but hee found confusion in the end And Iulian allowed Heretickes to vexe and trouble the Church because he thought these dissentions a speciall meanes to put Christian Religion out of the world When Peace is keeped in the Church the state flow risheth but where it is neglected horrible confusions follow as well in state as in Church The Schisme betwixt the Greeke and Latine Churches could never reconceale and the Greeke Emperour lost the hearts of the people for too much inclining to the Pope The divisions of Germanie are most by schism● and the disputes of their Theologues turne the Courts of Princes in factions The thrusting of Gregories Liturgie on Spaine devided the hearts of people from their King and amongst themselues for al● beit things were good yet change of custome doe more hurt by noveltie then helpe by profite as Augustine well observeth When affections accord men may well brooke other in diversities of opinion but the renting of affection the marrow of Schisme breaketh vnitie of opinion also By nature wee are averse from the Gospel but if a stumbling blocke bee layed in our way our aversnesse findeth a reason for it selfe The kinglie Prophets practice is good heerein Pray for the peace of Ierusalem let them prosper that loue thee Peace bee within thy walls and prosperitie within thy Palaces Of three sorts of Kings 1. Of GODS King BEfore I leaue these verses suffer mee to present to you three sorts of Kings Gods King Machiavells Tyrant And the Pops Vassall First a good King whom wee call gods King comes to his Throne in Gods mercie both to himselfe and to his people as David and Solomon c. Secondly in his Disposition hee is religious to acknowledge his placeing on the Throne not to come of man or Fortune but of God His exalting aboue man maketh him not forget his subiection to God but by heartie devotion hee doth homage to him daylie both for the Crowne hee holdeth of him and for gifts to vse it His businesse is not with people alone but with God to enable him for governement Hee thinkes that a Tyrants verdict si libet licet if thou like it is leasome and knoweth that to whom more is leasome than to others they can easelie will more than is leasome Thirdlie in his governement hee is wise by Rehoboams folie Hee leaneth not to his owne wit or to the counsell of these who are of his owne yeares but labour th 〈…〉 to doe Gods worke with Gods wisedome Therefore he● readeth and meditateth his Word and with David maket● his Commandements the men of his counsell Hee knoweth nothing in his governement will bee acceptable to God ●ut that which agreeth with his word As hee holdet● his Kingdome of Gods will so in ruling it he followeth his revealed will that hee may abide in his favour Fourthlie in his account of his people hee counteth them not slaues but free men even Gods people to iudge thy people and that by Creation Redemption and Covenant Hee knoweth that Gods right to them is first and more than his and that his power over them is not absolute but delegat for which hee must bee countable to God Hee counteth them as his Children as David spake to Israel Hearken my Brethren and people Hee looketh not so much to that relation of domination and subiection as to that sweeter relation of Father and Sonne Hee rejoyceth as much in the name of a Father as of a King and sweyeth the kinglie Scepter in a fatherlie loue Fiftlie in his ends By all meanes hee seeketh the wealth and peace of his Subjects as his joye and glorie But hee counteth their divisions amongst themselues or their hatered of him as greevous wounds Hee craveth their hearts more than their goods and counteth their loue his best Guard vnder God 2. Of Machiavells Tyrant BVt Machiavell or rather Sathan in him hath drawne vp the Portrate of a Tyrant vnder the Name of a Prince and that contrare to all the pointes of my Text. First hee directeth his Prince for his entrie not to care how hee come to a Kingdome so that hee may haue it Truth or false-hood right or wrong craft or crueltie blood or poyson c. All are alike to him if they furder his end Hee looketh not to God and Providence but to Fortune and his owne fleshlie
to their present hight in the hight of their Apostafie and crueltie they seeke the quenching of the light and destruction of the Church that caries it But in vaine For their malice shall stay them and their mischiefe shall fall on their owne head Their Apostafie killeth themselues for everie errour craveth another errour to confirme it And everie invention of a new errour worketh in the inventer a new impression of falshood and a further degree of departing from the trueth Aristotle most properlie calleth the parts of time 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apostasies or distances from the present instant So they with time depart more more from God the primitiue truth This is the proper notion of their Apostasie But thogh they both desert and impugne the truth they shall never destroy it for sayth Hilarie Quid ad Deum humana perversitas For what is humane perversnesse to God And going on What can the ingyne doe against the Authour of it Albeit they seeke the ruine of the truth omnibus argumentationis quaestunculis yet their falshood shall faile by the clearnesse of the trueth And thereafter Let them search the secrets of Nature yet in the intention of their work they shall faile being refuted by spirituall Doctrines And Cyprian giveth like reason on the passiue part that a false and deceived minde is confounded by sincere truth And Hilarie in another part The force of the trueth is great and is daylie the stronger the more it is assaulted For this is proper to the Church that it overcommeth when it is hurt Hoc enim Ecclesiae proprium est ut tum vincat cum laeditur And wee say to them as Theophilus did to the Appollinarists Tendant quantumlibet syllogismorū suorum retia sophismatù decipulas Let them bend as much as they wil the nets of their Syllogismes and grines of their Sophismes they but insnare themselues And we advise them with him in that same place Tandem desinant dialecticae artis strophis simplicia Eccliasticae fidei decreta evertere That they would at least desist to pervert the simplicitie of faith by their Sophistrie Sathan knowes their approaching destruction and least the thoughts of it cast them in the dumps either to repent or relent hee hardeneth them against it by 4. speciall meanes The first is by delaying to the last day as Vega Ribera Suarez Next by a simple denying as Malvenda who reproveth the former for their opinion Thirdlie by an odde conceat of Alcaser the ●esuite turning their destruction in her conversion to Christ that she is Christs Bride to be espoused to him at the last day Fourthlie by a fleshlie policie which was suggested by Cardinall Soderinus to Hadrian the sixt They resolute to hold all fast as it stands both in heresie and tyrannie and to waite vpon the end So they are gone on in duritiem cordis as Bernard speaketh and whereas the dolour of their felt decay should bring out sanitatem as he calleth it yet it bringeth out nothing but insensibilitatem a senselessenesse For as Aponius sayeth Victi convicti ad salutem non redeunt And as was said of old Apollinarists they wil not amend after manie admonitions but cōtemne the medicens of Scripture and dow not open their eyes to the cleare light This is like their proxima dispositio ad ruinam If any doe aske How can they abide in darknesse in the aboundance of so great a light Let him know they are not taught of God but of men They haue wedded them to their prejudices and hold the Tenets of their erring Church as divine Conclusions God hath given them over to a reprobat minde because willfullie they will winke and not receiue the loue of the trueth All religious adoration con● formeth the worshipper to that hee worshippeth They haue gotten the fruite of their idolatrie in conformitie to their idoles They haue eyes and see not c. Even so are all that worship them They haue purposelie multiplied controversies to make simple wits stand gazing at them as the people did at Amazaes corps But wiser spirits petunt rei iugulum they goe through their questions to their policie They see falshood in their tenets sillie evasions in their answeres And Crambe repetita in their proponing Vnder all these is a fleshlie policie which their deepe Politickes hide from their controversers They set them ever to worke to dispute and write c. And in the meane time laugh in their bosome to see them so earnest in that which they know is but a cousening of the world They haue turned Religion in a policie and themselues in Politickes Olde Heretickes stroue onelie for opinions but they haue a worldlie state to defend They hate the true Religion as darkenesse doth light and are irreligious in their own superstition They vse it not as a Religion but as a worldlie state wherein if they can be secured they care not what Religion prevaile To take vp their present state otherwise is to bee blind with them These are their graduall shifts which an evill cause and consceince finding want of reason and wanting will of repentance hath driven them to They are drunke with the blood of the Saints and thirst more till God destroy them Hee hath some Elect lurking among them whom hee calleth Come out of her my people And in due time they will obey As for others let them alone they are blind guides of the blind And everie plant that my Father hath not planted shall bee plucked vp Antichrist is planted by Sathan in the efficacie of delusion and God will plucke him vp in his finall destruction AMEN FINIS The Table of the Vindication THe Praeface of the State of Now-Rome and her seven miserable shiftings 1 Scripture 2. Traditions 3. Fathers 4. Councels 5. Popes 6. Philosophie 7. Crueltie 1. 2 Ch. 1. Of her fiue periodicall estates Pura Ambitiosa Insidiosa seditiosa Pernitiosa Ch. 2. The first part of this Treatise Usurpation it selfe 1. The matter of it 1. At Kings entrie 4. Ch. 3. 2. In their administration 1. In vile stiles 9. Ch. 4. 2. In Base offices Of kissing the Popes feete 10 Ch. 5. 3. In their Lawes 14 Ch. 6 4. In their censures and excommunications depositions c. 17. Ch. 7. This Vsurpation is the head Article of their Faith 22. Ch. 8. Their end is a Monarchie 25 The second part of the Treatise The noveltie of Vsurpation Ch. 9 1. The Negatiue proofe of it not of Christ. 29. Nor the Apostles nor Fathers nor first Popes c. 30. Ch. 10. Their exceptions against primitiue obedience 34 Ch. 11. 2. The Positiue proofe of Noveltie Hildebrands contention 39 Vsurpation is Hildebrandine doctrine 46 Ch. 12. Eight causes of this Vsurpation 48 Popes holinesse is profainnesse 51 Ch. 13. The third part Of their colours and defences 59 Professions
Lands because to seeke these things is no other than to cast downe the Apostolicke seate from the rights of her Maiestie d And least the Pope proue tractable these holy Cardinals will bind his omnipotencie with their owne oath that hee should change nothing that is done Heere is barbarous tyrannie bound with roapes of sand They vent their malice and folie but God hath begunne to beholde and judge that tyrannie and possiiblie will restore him without their consent Lastlie if Kings by their power or loue of their people bee secured from forraine violence they haue their last refuge to cause kill him by stobbing poyson or powder-plots And that not onelie Protestant Princes but euen of such as are Papists as the world saw in Henrie the third of France for after excommunication any man may take his life by any means whatsoever But this crueltie must haue a warrand and Scripture shall bee throwne to favour it for these words Peter kill and eate giue power to the Popes to excommunicate depose and kill Kings if wee trust Baronius for Peters Ministerie is two fold sayeth hee to feede and to kill And he is commanded to kill them that is to resist to fight against them and to defeate them that they be not at all And because the Notion of killing soundeth harshlie hee will giue vs a charitable Commentarie of it that killing ought to bee in great charitie That the thing killed bee eaten to wit by Christian charitie to hyde it in his bowels and so that killing is not crueltie but Pietie I doubt if the Pope will count it either Pietie or Charitie if hee felt such a killing And Bellarmine is as grosse though in fewer words For it is the duetie of the head ●aith hee to eate and by eating to send downe meate into the Stomach This is a strange libertie in glossing Scripture and to turne Peter a fisher of men in a Butcher of Kings and the Pope in a Polyphemus to devour men It is like the Iesuite Alcasers conceate on the Revelation He saw how that Booke tortured the Church of Rome therefore he cast it in a new mould and exponeth her destruction Cap. 18. of her conversion to Christ and the fire of Gods anger that destroyeth her to bee the flame of Gods loue turning her to Christianity A fansie contrar to sense reasō for this destruction is threatned as a plague to Rome not promised as a blessing So these men wil never want a colour for their cause so lōg as they play the Qu●dlibitars to draw every thing out of any thing But this glosse is cōtrare to the Text which speaketh only of the conversiō of the Gentiles the Fathers exponded this eating of the Churches turning the Gentiles to her selfe by Baptisme so Augustine He said to Peter kill and eate that is kill them as they are corrupt and make them the thing that thou art And this is contrare to Baronius for the end of his eating is to destroy them alluterlie but the end of this eating is to saue them by grace And Baronius himselfe in cold blood and free of preiudice before the question arose betwixt the Pope Venice What that heavenlie vision meant the event declared so that we neede no humane interpretatiō for it meant that the Gentiles shuld be turned to the Church by Baptisme And their owne Onus Ecclesiae telleth vs from what Spirit such glosses and practises come it is not pastorall loue but a divellish malice to scatter kill and destroy This libertie of glossing is that which Basile and Nazianzen call duleuein Hypoth●sei to serue their turne and to make the sense of Scripture currrent with the occasion or time as Cusane affirmeth But such dealing Christian Princes are in the worst cas● of any men Pagan Princes are without the Popes iurisdiction and free of his censure Kings vnder the Law had authoritie over the high Priest but now the Pope clames more power than the high Priest had And though Subjectes of any qualitie bee excommunicate they are neither cast out of their possessions nor killed by vertue thereof They say by word that when a King becommeth Christian hee loseth not his earthly kingdome wherevnto he had right but acquireth a new right to an eternall Kingdome If it bee so as it is indeede how is it that vnder the Pope Kingdomes are looseable onelie because of Christianitie They fall heere in that same inconvenient they would eschew that Christianity is hurtfull to Kings and Grace destroyes Nature The cause of this difference is that they are Kings and by their place come in Competition with him who will be absolute Monarch over all For the Pope sayeth Suarez hath the height of both powers and is both high Priest and a temporall King This is a stumbling blocke to hold infidell Princes from Christ The Turks stumble at popish images and at the Siege of Vien when their Canon brake in pieces the images that were set on the wals to ke●pe the Towne they cryed with disdaine Take vp the Christians gods Their Transubstantiation is another stumbling block whē in one houre they will create adore and eate their god And that made Averroes to cry The Religion of the Iewes is for Swine The Religiō of Mahumetanes is for Chidren The Religiō of Christans is of impossibilies Therefore Anima mea cum Philosophis my soule with the Philosophs So this excommunicating killing of Kings maketh infidell Princes abhorre Christianitie whose first reward vnder the Pope would bee this base abusing Therefore the Turk holdeth him with Mahumet and though hee honour his Muffti and vse his counsell in great matters yet hee keepeth him alwayes subject to him in Civill things CHAP. VII That Vsurpation now is the prime Article of their faith THis was some-tymes no Tenet of Doctrine no not a Probleme in the Schools yea when it began Sigibert called it an Haeresie It was not so much as res fidei a matter of faith but now it is made de fide an article of faith and that not a commoun one but caput fidei an head article of faith It is both their negatiue and affirmatiue confession Negatiue If this proposition bee denyed that the Pope may depose hereticall Kings the Catholicke faith is abiured said Suarez And who deny this falleth in Paganisme and in the sinne against the holy Ghost said Alvarez Pelagius It is their affirmatiue confession because this is the maine and principall point of faith sayeth the Cardinall and the chiefe hinger wherevpon all the contraversie turneth And vnder the counterfitte name of Skulkenius hee sayeth that this Papall power is the hinger the fundation and in a word the summe of Christian Faith And Cardinall Peron in his diswasiue oration to the communalitie of France calleth it the greatest matter wherevpon the safetie of all Christendome dependeth By this
reformation would be a speciall meanes for our conversion Consult 50. 57. And that many other commodities would follow Ibid. 70. 71. 72 Then going alongst in quiring the meanes of peace hee damneth two The first is Disputs or conference of learned men on both sides Fundam pag. 122. 125. The other is transaction or toleration such as was made at Passau Fuad p. 126. 137. 155. Thereafter hee commeth to positiue meanes of peace which must bee a Nation allcountell in Germanie Consult p. 59. But such a one as shall vrge the obedience of the Councell of Trent Ibid. p. 61. Heerewith hee setteth downe a short Catechisme to bee imbraced of vs as the speciall ground of peace Fundam p. 4. Wherein is the Divinitie of their Traditions the infallibilitie of the Pope The fiue bastard Sacraments ibid. p. 16. 17. The Immunitie of the Cleargie and the Popes Monarchie p. 14. Impunitie to the Pope and Cleargie were they never so flagitious ibid. p. 34. 35. 36. 40. 48. 50. 51. 54. But because these may proue weak meanes to worke this peace therefore his last is the destruction of Protestants If wee will not imbrace such a faith to make vs as Sisera Zeba and Zalmuna And so hee praiseth the Duke of Baveere and Count Tillie comparing them to Gide on and Barac for destroying Protestants as Canaanites and Midianites Barac imitatus est Sereniss Princeps Maximilianus Elector c. comes de Tillie vir admirandae non minus innocentiae sanctitatis quam fortitudinis fidei verusque aetatis nostrae Gideon rei Catholicae in Germania propugnaculum In all their doings they pretended peace but intended warre and our ruine So the Duke of Bavere Nos nihil nisi pacem publicam quaerere And yet his owne father giveth him the lie professing that hee feared nothing more than a most filthie peace if they should embrace the conditions proponed by the King of great Britaine Sed timeo ne in propositas ab Anglo inducias ruant ipsam denique turpissimam pacem And the Emperour in his Oration at Regensburg though the first part of it was a suasorie to peace yet the fiue remanent Articles were all of warre The excluding of Count Palatine for ever the curbing of the Hollanders the compescing of the King of Sweden c. Therefore one defined well the proper notion of their peace Pacem vocabant domus Austriacae dominationem è contra turpem servitij patientiam they called peace the domination of the house of Austria and on the other part a vile patience of slaverie and withall Poperie set vp againe And Scioppius like himselfe cut them off done● ex haereticis fiant Catholici seque Pontifici subijciant till they fall down at thy feete and of Protestants become Papists and subject to the Pope it is such a peace as the Spartans promised to the Messenians if they would depart altogether out of Pelopponesus So doe their Pacificators to Protestants if they will change either Religionem or Regionem This is like Edom Raze it raze it from the foundation And wee may say of them with Tacitus vbi solitudinem faciunt pacem appellant they call it peace where they haue wrought desolation This is the plat-forme of their Pacification which if any will so blind himselfe as not to see wee must say of him as Cardinall Caietane said latelie of the Parisians beholding these superstitious people thronging on him for a blessing hee whispered these words in stead of a blessing Quandoquidem hic populus vult decipi decipiatur Since this people will bee deceived let them bee deceived If it seeme strange how Scioppius who sounded the bloodie Alarme to the warres turned a Pacificator Let them consider his alarme pacification are alike for in the first like Alecto hee stirreth men to battell In the other like Erinnys hee killeth them either by heresie if they yeelde or by crueltie if they resist But if they seriouslie minded condescending or agreement in doctrine wee answere them as Gelasius did Euphemianus an Hereticke who desired that hee would condescend Whereas thou sayes wee ought to condescend vnto you thou grants that you are fallen and descended to the pit of error And you would haue vs descend from our hight vnto you But wee rather requeist you that yee would ascend with vs from your errours to the eminencie of our trueth This should the more moue them because they turne it to their owne vse though preposterouslie There is no agreement betweene light and darknesse and Bernard sayth That inter Babylonem Hierusalem non est pax sed bellum continuum And Cyprian non est pax illa sed bellum nec Ecclesiae iungitur qui ab Evangelio separatur This was Melancthons wise Observation There was none in his time either more able to indge of controversies or more calme to incline to peace And yet after manie Colloques for agreement hee gathered this conclusion that while the Papists treate of mitigation Nihil aliud quam palinodiam nostram requirunt They seeke nothing but our recantation And I adde the other part of the Alternatiue that if they get not palinodiam they seeke panolethrian our vtter destruction But I say to them with Cyprian if they seeke peace let them lay aside their Armes For as Augustine saith Negat Deum Patrem qui pacificus esse contemnit And againe non potest concordiam habere cum Christo qui discors esse voluerit cum Christiano Hee denyeth God the Father who will not bee a peace-maker And hee cannot haue concord with Christ who will bee at discord with a Christian. And yet lest wee seeme too rigide wee agree to such a condescending as may be elicite out of a ●riers sermon at Lyons Nothing sayth hee holds vs at discord with Hugonots but this vnhappie word solum For wee worship God and Saincts and Images but they worshipp Deum solum GOD alone Wee take both Scripture and tradition for the Rule of Faith and manners but they tak Scripturam solam Scripture alone Wee take good works in iustification c but they take fidem solam Faith onelie Wee take with Iesus Christ the Saincts for our Mediators Intercessors and Saviours by their merits and satisfactions but they take Christ alone c. If then they will come to our solum to worshippe God alone in Christ and rest on him as our onelie Saviour then wee will agree When Agrippa advised Augustus to lay downe the Impyre Mecaenas diswaded him hee followed Mecaenas So the Pope though hee pretend a loue of peace and reformation yet hee keepeth still his Monarchie and proues more like Iulius Caesar keeping the Dictatorship than like Sylla in laying it downe Seeing then the life and beeing of Poperie is the Deformation of the Church and her Reformation is the destruction of Poperie and they