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A11462 Sermons made by the most reuerende Father in God, Edwin, Archbishop of Yorke, primate of England and metropolitane Sandys, Edwin, 1516?-1588. 1585 (1585) STC 21713; ESTC S116708 357,744 396

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the middest of them and what the Bishoppes in Synode did so conclude to bee godly and behooueful that he did ratifie and confirme 11 The ministers you see should teache the right waie He which beareth that name and performeth not this office is but an Idoll Let another take his Bishopricke Such drones were better smothered than suffered in that hiue where none should liue that wil not labour Such as sowe not why should they reape Neither is it any new thing to cast out vnworthie ministers who cast off care of their duetie Solomon deposed Abiathar the high Priest and Iustinian depriued Syluerius and Vigilius Bishops of Rome These are good presidents for Princes in like case to followe 12 Again such as teach but teach not the good right way such as are open and publike maintainers of errors and heresie such in the iudgement of God are thought vnworthie to liue Falsus Propheta moriatur Elias and Iehu did not thinke themselues imbrued but rather sanctified with such bloud I haue no cruell heart bloud be farre from me I minde nothing lesse Yet needes must it be graunted that the maintainers and teachers of errors heresie are to be repressed in euery Christian common wealth Such troublers of the quiet of the Church such deceiuers of the people are at leastwise according to the auncient commendable custome of the church to be remooued from the ministerie It is no reason that the church enemies should bee fostered in the bosome of the church The histories of things doone by good princes and rulers in these cases are so many and manifest that I neede not trouble you with recitall of them Amphilochius the Bishop sharply reprooued Theodosius the Emperour that he so long winked at Arius and suffered him to spreade his pestilent heresie farre and wide ouer the bodie of the church The Emperour was not angrie at the words of iust reproofe but foorthwith banished Arius and gaue him some part of his iust deserts The ministers what roume soeuer they haue in the church of God ought to pray and teache the good and right way or else to giue place to others that can and will And thus much for the duetie of the ministers 13 It followeth Feare the Lord and serue him in the trueth withall your hearts The Prophet in these words putteth the prince and people in remembrance of their dutie Wherin double seruice is required The seruice due vnto God and the seruice due vnto the common wealth The seruice which we owe vnto God is feare which feare is euer ioyned with loue and for that cause called a sonnelike feare to distinguish it from that seruile feare the ende whereof is desperation as the fruite of the former is loue which maketh not ashamed Feare God for they which feare him shal not feele his power All things bee naked and open before him He doeth see and wil iudge Feare him therefore but loue him too who hath so loued thee that hee hath not spared his onely sonne but giuen him to death for thee 14 God putteth the heads in minde of this duetie knowing that as they goe before so the people wil followe after Ieroboam gaue euil example and he made the people sinne Iosias feared and zealously serued God and the people did the like Quomodo reges Domino seruiunt in timore nisiea quae contra Domini iussa sunt religiosa seueritate prohibendo atque plectendo Aliter rex seruit vt homo aliter vt rex vt homo fideliter timendo vt rex leges iusta praecipientes contraria prohibentes sanciendo How doe Princes serue the Lorde in feare saith S. Augustine vnlesse with religious rigor they forbid and punish things wherein the statutes of the Lorde are broken The king serueth God as a man one way and an other way as a king As a man by leading a faithfull life as a king by making Lawes such as inioyne things that are iust forbid the contrary Ezechias did God the seruice of a king in destroying the groues and temples of Idols which were builded against the commandement of God Iosias did the like in reforming the church in dispatching all Idolatrie and superstition Darius did God royall seruice when he gaue the Idol into Daniels handes and cast his enemies into the denne of Lions Nabuchodonazer did the like when by straite Lawe hee commaunded that none should blaspheme but that all should serue the God of Sydrach My sach and Abednago Herein Princes doe rightly serue God as Princes when to serue him they doe such things as vnlesse they were Princes they could not doe 15 The first point of kinglie seruice vnto God is to purge and cleanse his Church Christ teacheth this by that which he did at his entering into that fowlie defiled temple of Ierusalem It appertaineth to Princes to Magistrates to them which are nowe assembled in this honourable Court of Parliament by all good meanes and Lawes to see Gods house made cleane that it may be the house of prayer and not a denne of theeues 16 First it must be purged from all false doctrine from all Idolatrie and superstition The good kings Ezechias and Iosias were careful in this behalfe They could not abide Idolatrie to be committed or God to be blasphemed within their dominons It had beene hard to haue purchased such a thing as a Masse at Moses hands with a masse of money That zealous Prince king Asa deposed Maacha his grandemother wholly from all gouernment for setting vp a foule Idol in a groue He that dealt so sharply with his grandmother for this surely would in no case or respect haue tolerated a blasphemous masse in his reformed church and kingdome The euill which others doe by our sufferance is ours We doe it when we suffer it to be done Princes to please princes may not displease the prince of all princes Feare the Lord and serue him in zeale and in trueth cast out of the church of England all leuin of blasphemie and Idolatrie So shall you glorifie God and he shal glorifie you Pauls heart was set on fire his spirit was kindled within him when hee sawe the citie of Athens giuen to Idolatrie Ye knowe the Historie of that woorthie man Mattathias We praie daily Hallowed be thy name but with what mindes if wittingly we suffer his name to be prophaned blasphemed 17 Feare the Lord purge his Church remooue all stones of offence out of his vineyard S. Pauls rule is Let all things in the Church be doone seemely What that seemelinesse is he himselfe expoundeth in these words Let all things be doone vnto edification The primatiue Church casting away Iudaicall and Heathenish rites was simple in her ceremonies The pope hath polluted and burthened the Church with both Wee may haue no other than such as are comely and serue for the
as the verie bane and pestilence of a common wealth whereof the olde Romane both historie and practise is an often witnesse These secret shifts are seene of God and abhorred and will be reuenged Well maiest thou escape the hands of man by thy colored delusions yet canst thou not escape the sharpe and swift iudgement of God who accordingly as hee hath threatened will exclude thee out of his kingdome interdict thee his tabernacle and hurle thee into hel where thy euill gotten monie can neither redeeme nor help thee A iust reward for thy vniust vsurie Our Apostle requireth that we paie vnto euerie man the thing that we owe. And wee are as much debtors to lend freely as others faithfully to pay the thing which is lent 13 The merchaunt is indebted to his neighbour the feller to the buyer to deale truely with him not to defraude him by false weights false measures false lights false words by swearing and forswearing or by any such vsuall but vnlawfull meane One lesson obserued serueth this matter lend as thou wouldst borrowe sell as thou wouldst buie doe as thou wouldst bee doone vnto This is duetie this is debt Pay it and owe nothing vnto any man but this that ye loue one another 14 The debt of loue is naturall and continuall We all owe it and we owe it vnto all And vnto whom we owe it we neuer pay it except we acknowledge that we owe it stil. In this debt of loue we must consider why we must loue whom wee must loue and lastly how we must loue 15 To omit the reasons drawne from nature this one taken from the God of nature shal suffice We must loue because God hath so commanded and because it is the fulfilling of all his commandements I giue you a newe commandement saith Christ that yee loue one another In our newe birth or regeneration wee are made brethren and fellowe heires with Christ of Gods kingdome As God therefore for euer loueth vs in Christ so wee ought to loue our brethren for God and in Christ for euer If ye wil be knowne to be his seruaunts by this men shall knowe you If yee will bee counted not hearers onely but also doers of the Lawe the Lawe is loue He that loueth another fulfilleth the Lawe Which the Apostle prooueth thus The Lawe saith Thou shalt not kil thou shalt not steale thou shalt not beare false witnesse thou shalt not couet that is to say thou shalt no way harme thy brother Loue doth no euill or hurt to any hee that loueth his neighbour will not take away his life will not defile his bed will not steale or rob him of his goods will not witnesse vntruely against him wil not in his heart couet any thing that is his And he that doth any of these things against him beareth not in deed hearty and true loue towards him Therefore is loue the fulfilling of the Lawe So that you see great cause why we should enter into this holie and Christian band of loue 16 But whom must we loue Thou shalt loue thy neighbour And who is our neighbour Not hee onely to whom wee are ioined by familiar acquaintance by alliance or neerenesse of dwelling but whosoeuer doth neede our helpe he is our neighbour be he Iewe or Gentile Christian or Infidell yea friend or enemie he is our neighbour To him wee ought to bee neere to doe him good It is friuolous for thee to obiect hee is mine enemie hee hath many waies wronged me he hath raised slanderous reports of me he hath practised against me spoiled and robbed me how can I loue him If Christ had loued his friends onely he had neuer loued thee whosoeuer thou art Loke vpon him whose hands were stretched out vpon the crosse for his enemies and for thee when thou wast his foe No man proposeth him as a paterne to be followed whom in his heart he doth mislike Thou mislikest thine enemie because he hateth thee if thou hate him then doest thou imitate the very thing which thou hatest Loue thy neighbour therefore without exception and loue him as thy selfe 17 For after this maner wee ought to loue No man hateth his owne fleshe no man is enuious of his owne commoditie or preferment Nature breedeth a selfeloue in euerie man And as this Lawe of nature doth woorke in vs a very feruent and carefull desire both to procure vnto our selues whatsoeuer wee are perswaded is good and to auoide whatsoeuer seemeth hurtfull or noysome So the Lawe of charitie requireth at our handes like readinesse and cheerefulnesse to benefite others Of loue towards our selues we hide and very warily couer all such faults as might any way worke our discredit or disgrace If we loue our brethren as our selues we will no more blase their offences than our own Charitie doth hide the multitude of sinnes But when we inlarge the sins of other men that they may seeme great or recken them vp by one and one to make them appeare as if they were many how fulfill we the Lawe of charitie would wee doe this in our owne transgressions we are neuer wearie in dooing good to our selues but to doe good to others wee haue no sooner begun but we are euen tired Our selues we loue not in woord and shew but in truth and in deede If wee speake deceitfully euerie one to his neighbour if we flatter with our lippes if we carie in our heads a double tongue and in our bodies a double heart and say wee loue we lie Which of vs beeing in his right minde doth lift vp his fist to strike himselfe If any part of our bodies be out of frame any bone out of ioint we seeke by and by all the helpe we can to set it in The name of strife and contention would neuer he heard of if we were thus affected towards others The onely breache of peace is the want of loue he that loueth al men wil haue peace with all men 18 Yet this doth suffer a kind of exception Haue peace with all men saith the Apostle but he addeth if it may be and as much as in you lieth It may not be which may not be lawfully Wee may not so yeeld vnto loue that wee yeeld vnto sinne withall not so haue peace with our neighbors that to continue loue with them we depart from the faith and loue of God or that for peace sake we flatter and followe our neighbour in his euill That were to fall out with Christ that we may keepe in with men If thy hand or eye offend thee cut the one off plucke the other out Loue Gods creation but hate all sinnefulnesse the Lorde also doth abhorre it And therfore we must be well content to loose the loue and beare the enmitie of the whole world for the loue we beare to God and his trueth With that strife to keepe this peace the Lord is pleased 19 But we are fallen into these euill
him that raiseth vp cōtentions amongst brethren Loue is the Liuerie-coate of Christ whosoeuer wil be numbred with his seruaunts must put it on By this men shall know you to be my Disciples If ye loue one another In those verie creatures which God hath left emptie and voide of vnderstanding there is a kinde of loue a consent we see there is in the stars in the elements in times and seasons amongst the beasts of the field the fowles of the aire the fishes of the sea and fruites of the earth euerie beast doth loue his like to our shame and reproche if hauing so many schoolemasters to teach vs one thing we learne it not especially being so necessarie as it is For in loue and concord our praiers are accepted in the sight of God and without them abhorred Verilie I saie vnto you that if two of you shall agree in earth vpon any thing whatsoeuer they shall desire it shall be giuen them of my father which is in heauen 7 S. Paul therefore to perswade men to this concord vseth a similitude drawne from the members of a naturall bodie wherein he noteth that the bodie by nature is a thing whole and perfect consisting of all his members if any part be wanting or cut off it is maimed Euen so in this mysticall bodie of Christ in this spirituall societie of the faithfull if any part bee cut off the whole is defaced and deformed All the members and euery one of them labour not for themselues onely but for the vse and preseruation of the whole bodie So are we borne not for our selues alone but for others also for whom we should trauell as for our selues The members striue not but are content with their placing be it honourable be it base Euen so should not wee striue for equalitie or superioritie but euerie man content himselfe with his owne calling The members reioice and suffer together Euen so should wee bee kindely affected eche to other mourning with them that mourne and being glad with them that doe reioice That member which hath not this sympathie this mutuall suffering this feeling of other mens hurts is dead and rotten Remember them saith the Apostle that are in bonds as though yee your selues were bound with them and them that are in affliction as if yee your selues were afflicted in their bodies The members are sundrie and haue sundrie offices For if all were an eye where were the hearing If all did commaund which should obeie Euen so in this resembled bodie and ciuil societie there must be diuersitie as of members so of functions The prince is as the head without whose discreete and wise gouernement the Lawes would cease and the people being not ruled by order of Lawes ruine and confusion would soone followe eche contending and striuing against other the end would be the vtter subuersion of all The ministers of the word are as the eyes to watche and not to winke or sleepe and as the mouth to speake and not be dumme For then they performe not their allotted function They are placed as watchemen ouer the Church for the good and godlie direction thereof to take heede both to themselues and to all the flocke whereof the holie Ghost hath made them ouerseers to feede the Church of God which he hath purchased with his owne bloud to warne the people of the enemie euer at hand alwaies readie to assault to teache and instruct the people of God in the waie of their saluation to tell them of their sinnes to crie vnto them and not to cease The Iudges are as eares who should sit in open places to heare the causes and complaints of the people opening the one eare to the plaintife and reseruing the other to the defendants answere The nobilitie are as the shoulders and armes to beare the burthen of the common wealth to holde vp the head and defend the bodie with might and force with wise counsel and good aduise Men of lower degrees are set as inferior parts in the bodie painefully to trauel for the necessarie sustentation both of themselues and others All these members are so necessarie that none can want without the ruine of the whole For euerie one hath need of other by the help of the other is maintained This necessary cōiunction should cause the Prince to loue the people as Moses which wished rather to be blotted out of the booke of life than that they should perish and as Dauid which besought the Lord to turne his wrathfull hand against him and to spare the people It should cause such loue in the people towards the Prince as was both in the people of Israel towardes their Prince and gouernour Iosua when they said All that thou hast commanded vs we will doe and whithersoeuer thou sendest vs we will goe and in Dauids subiects towards him when they stoode fast by him at such time as he fled from his rebellious and vnnaturall sonne not suffering that he should aduenture himselfe in the field but they rather for him to beare the brunt and burthen of the battell Thou shalt not goe thou art woorth tenne thousand of vs. This should cause the pastor to loue his flocke as Paul did loue his brethren I would wish my selfe separated from Christ for my brethren and againe Our good will was to haue dealt vnto you not the Gospell of GOD onely but euen our owne soules too because ye were deere vnto vs. This should cause the people to loue their pastor deerely as the Galathians loued Paul to whom he giueth this testimonie I beare you record that if it had beene possible you would haue plucked out your owne eies and haue giuen them to me Finally this should cause all men to walke in loue euen as Christ our example hath loued vs. 8 It followeth Let nothing be doone through contention or vainglorie After that S. Paul hath exhorted vs to loue and vnitie now he remooueth the lets and enemies of them The breache of all concord is contention and the daughter of contention is dissipation Wherefore our God is not the God of contention but of peace not of confusion but of order his Apostles are not breeders of stirs and mutinies they are messengers sent to make peace to this they prouoke and exhort eueriewhere I beseech you let there be no contentions amongst you Followe peace Let no roote of bitternesse spring vp and trouble you Where the man and the wife the parents and the children striue one against another that house needeth no forreine enemie to bring it to nought it will bee deuoured of it selfe A kingdome a citie diuided by contention how should it stand All times and examples are our witnesses Contention betweene Roboam and Ieroboam brought the kingdome of Israel first to a diuision and then to confusion The contention betweene Simon Iohn and Eleazar chiefe men in the citie of Ierusalem was the last and vtter
prouidence of almightie God ioy and delight in earthlie thinges blindenesse of minde hardnesse of heart All this we must mortifie this we must shake of we must quite relinquish our own wils and submit our selues wholy to the will of God Shall we refuse to do this when Christ him selfe hath said I seeke not to haue mine owne will but the will of him that sent me And againe it is meate vnto mee to doe his will And in his greatest agonie Not as I will O father but as thou wilt This is a doctrine harde to practise and put in vre It is the fault of our corrupt flesh we thinke too highly of our selues we are too much wedded to our owne wils the blessed Apostle as we thinke speaketh like a man besides himselfe when hee saith If any man seeme to bee wise amongest you in this worlde let him be made a foole that he may become wise This is but the entrance vnto christianitie yet how few are there which be come thus farre The rich yong man in the Gospell seemed to be verie forward in the way but Christ discouereth his affection sheweth that he had not denied him selfe and therefore was no fit disciple for him It made him heauie and pensiue to thinke of leauing so great possessions and of weining his heart so soone from the worlde He coulde haue bene contented to denie impietie but Christ would haue worldly concupiscence also to be denied For the grace of God our Sauiour sayth the Apostle hath appeared to all men teaching vs that denying impietie and wordly desires we liue soberlie and iustly and godly in this present worlde 8 This is the way wherein Christ must bee followed by as manie as desire to be shipped with him to bee of the number of his people This is the doore of entraunce into the Church When wee are once entred and receiued into the ship as wee followed him thither by beleeuing the Gospell by denying impietie and worldlie lustes so there wee must followe him by walking as wee haue him for our example purging our selues euen as he is pure shewing forth the vertues of him that hath called vs out of darknesse into his meruelous light Be ye holy for I am holy sayth the Lorde As according to his similitude and likenesse wee were at the first created so now according to the same similitude we must also bee framed and fashioned anew Sith we were first light and became darkenesse afterwarde and are made now againe of darknes light in the Lord it is no reason that wee should any more frame our selues vnto the lustes of our ignoraunce but as he which hath called vs is holie so likewise ought we to bee holie in all manner of conuersation When the Iewes boasted that they had Abraham to their father their vanitie was reproued If ye were the sonnes of Abraham sayth Christ ye woulde do the workes of Abraham but now ye go about to kil me a man that haue told you the truth which I haue heard of God Hoc Abraham non fecit Abraham did not this It is in vaine for vs to boast of the name of christians except the image of Christ be seene in our life cōuersatiō If we follow him not we are not his 9 We are exhorted to be followers both of God and of men Be ye followers of God as most deare children Againe Be ye followers of thē which through faith patience inherite the promises God is the rule as of faith so of life wherefore absolutely Be ye followers of God but of men alwaies with this caution Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ. The Thessalonians S. Paul cōmendeth for as much as they were followers of him of the Lord. If our fathers elders guides teachers be a rebellious generation a generatiō that set not their heart aright and whose spirit is not faithfull vnto God then are they no presidentes for vs to follow but be followers of vs so long as we are followers of Christ are examples vnto you in word in conuersation in loue in spirite in faith in purenesse Whatsoeuer thinges are true whatsoeuer thinges are honest whatsoeuer thinges are iust whatsoeuer thinges are pure whatsoeuer things pertaine to loue whatsoeuer thinges are of good report if there bee anie vertue if there be any praise thinke on these thinges which ye haue both learned and receiued and hearde and seene in me these thinges doe and the God of peace shalbe with you 10 Their estate in the worlde which follow Christ in such wise as hath bene shewed is here resembled by a ship tossed and grieuouslie shaken with a tempest It is euer hath bene yea wilbe their lot whether they be vpon sea or land to be in perill to stande in feare to haue winde and weather against them As manie as follow him must denie them selues hauing denied them selues they must take vp the crosse The crosse signifieth al afflictions which may be deuided into two kindes afflictions of punishmēt and afflictions of triall the former are common vnto all the later are proper to the elect of God 11 The sinne of Adam brought miserie vnto man and a curse vnto all the creatures of God Hence it commeth to passe that with sorrowe and teares wee enter into the worlde and when wee are in it we haue a short continuance yet in that shortnesse good Lord vnto how mane chāces chāges are we subiect In the end wee die and who doth knowe what becommeth of vs our graues keepe vs secret As the waters passe from the sea and as the floude decaieth and drieth vp so man sleepeth and riseth not he lieth in the dust and shall not be raised from his sleepe till the heauen be no more O how bitter is this to such as put their trust in vncertaine riches how dreadfull is the remembrance of death vnto the wicked But they onely are not subiect vnto death the sorrowes of the graue take holde on all in asmuch as all haue sinned Howbeit in these afflictions which come as punishmentes vnto all there is a difference They come not vnto all with like intent of him that sendeth them they fall vpon the godly for their correction but they bring confusion vnto the wicked 12 There are other afflictions proper to beleeuers tribulatiōs which God doth sende as speciall tokens of fauour to his dearest Saints trials which are vnto thē that beare them patiently seales assurāces that they are counted worthy of the kingdom of God for which they suffer For the world which hateth both the truth and the light cannot but hate all such as loue the truth and as walke in the light Out of this fountaine spring all those molestations which the godly do suffer for righteousnes sake at the hands of wicked and vngodlie men Dauid saw this
sins Secondly it causeth vs to be giuen to hospitalitie Thirdly it will not suffer men to hide those graces which they haue receiued at Gods handes but is a cause of bestowing the same to the vse benefit of their brethrē 17 It is not our charitie that can couer our sins from the sight of God Christ is the propitiation for our sinnes It is I that blot out your iniquities sayth the Lorde But as Gods loue to vs ward couereth our sinnes so our towardes our brethren doeth couer theirs If God loue vs his mercie is as a cloke that hideth all our shame he seeth no blemish or deformity in vs. If we loue our brethren our charity is as a vaile before our eies we behold not their faults Although they be great we do not waie thē although many we recken thē not For charitie couereth euen the multitude of sins The eye of the charitable man is alwaies vewing his owne woundes as for the scarres of other 〈◊〉 he seeth them not His hād is alwaies occupied not in picking out motes frō other mens eyes but in drawing out beames from his owne S. Augustine to shew the great dislike he had of such as vncharitably delighted to vnfold other mens faults wrote these verses ouer his table Quisquis amat dictis absentum rodere vitam Hanc mensam vetitam nouerit esse sibi Who so loueth to gnawe vpon men in their absence Let him knowe that this table doth not like his presence 18 The next fruit of loue is hospitalitie Be harborus one toward another without grudging S. Paul is of the same iudgement For hauing vsed this exhortation Let brotherly loue continue he immediatly addeth Be not forgetfull to lodge strangers Hospitalitie hath respect vnto all men but chiefly to strangers namely such as are of the houshould of faith and are driuen out of their countrie for the profession of Christs Gospel Such are chiefly to be releeued Of such especially it is written and prouided for in the lawe The strāger that dwelleth with you shalbe as one of your selues thou shalt loue him as thy selfe for ye were strangers in the lande of Egypt I am the Lord your God God hath offered vs at this time great occasion to shew foorth our charitie many of Gods good children are straungers in Englande Let vs not omit this good occasion to doe good Abraham and Lot were liberall towardes straungers and when they supposed to haue receiued men they receiued Angelles to their great benefit But we no doubt in receiuing these strangers which wander from place to place beeing cast out of their countries for confessing and professing Christ receiue not Angels but the Lorde of Angelles Hee that receiueth you receiueth me In doing good to straungers we doe good also to our selues for great shall be the benefit when Christ shall say I was a straunger and yee harboured me As great the curse to them to whom it shalbe said I was harbourlesse and ye did not lodge me Saint Peter would haue vs giuen to hospitalitie without murmuring and with kindnesse entertaine straungers For in shewing of beneuolence there are three speciall vertues which if they be wanting our benefits loose their grace and goodnesse The first is willingnesse God doth loue a cheerefull giuer The seconde is bountifulnesse For he that soweth sparinglie shall reape sparingly The thirde is singlenesse of heart for if we giue vainegloriously to be seene of men wee loose our rewarde at Gods handes as by murmuring we deserue no thankes of men 19 There be two graunde enemies of hospitalitie The one is couetousnesse the other profusenesse Nigardlinesse would not suffer Naball that rich carle to bestowe a peece of breade to releeue the necessitie of Dauid a king Shall I take my breade and my water and the flesh of my beastes that I haue killed for my shearers and giue it to men whom I knowe not eyther who or whence they are Others with the prodigall sonne wast that vnthriftilie wherewith they should releeue the poore and comfort straungers Some of them being eaten vp as they say with three H. H. H. Horses Haukes and Harlots Some with vaine apparell casting away as much vpon a garment as would almost ransome a king Some with building some with banquetting some by one meane and some by an other whereby it is come to passe that hospitalitie it selfe is waxen a straunger and needeth harbour we haue shut it quite and cleane out of doores 20 The last fruite of heartie loue is the good bestowing of our graces and giftes to the benefit of others Let euery man as he hath receiued a gift minister the same one to another as good disposers of the manifolde graces of God The giftes that we haue which be good they be of God for euery good gift commeth downe from the Father of lightes And these giftes we receiue to bestowe vpon others as good stewardes of the Lorde S. Peter doeth seeme chiefly as it were to point vnto two sortes of high and principall stewardes at whose handes an especiall reckoning of the graces of God will be required the magistrate and the minister For God leadeth his people like sheepe by the hande of Moses and Aaron whose gifts are the sworde and the woorde whereof the one may not be borne in vaine but drawne to the punishment of euill doers and to the aduauncement of them that doe well the other is to bee preached in season and out of season to the confirmation of the trueth the refutation of errour the exhortation to vertue the disswasion from vice that the man of God may be perfectly inabled to euerie good worke Howbeit as magistrates and ministers are principally ment in this exhortation so are all sexes and sorts of people called vpon For we shall all giue an account of our stewardship we must all make a reckoning of the talentes we haue receiued be they fiue two or one No man is borne nor brought vp to himselfe but to the benefit and behoofe of an other and as stones in one building or members in one bodie so is euerie man interessed and inuested in the possession ech one of an other to the ende no man should seeke his owne thinges but the things that make for the profiting of an other Which one lesson amongest many if once we would heare to learne it and learne to remember it and remember to followe it and followe to continue and perseuer in it we should not onely declare our selues to be good dispensers of the manifolde gifts and graces of God but heare also that blessed voice Euge serue bone fidelis Come my good and faithful seruant I haue set thee ouer a few small things I wil henceforth place thee ouer more and greater come and enter into thy maisters ioy whereunto he bring vs that so dearelie bought it for vs euen Iesus the price of our redemption to whome with the father and
that worketh all in all Wherfore as not onely Paul Apollos Cephas but all are ours and we are Christs and Christ is Gods so let vs comfort and strengthen one another in our holy faith holding nothing more deere vnto vs then the saluatiō ech of others and in Gods holy feare commend we one another to that faithful creator who is father of all aboue vs all and through vs all and in vs all To him be rendred all thanks and all honour geuen for euer and for euer The order and matter of the Sermons 1 The first Ho euerie one that thirsteth come to the waters c. Esa. 55. 1. 2 Be this sinne against the Lorde far from me that I shoulde cease to pray c. 1. Sam. 12. 23. 3 Take vs the little foxes which destroie the vines for our vine hath florished Cant. 2. 15. 4 I exhorte therefore before all thinges that requestes supplications c. 1. Tim. 2. 1. 5 Be like minded hauing the same loue being of one accorde c. Phil. 2. 2. 6 Teach mee thy way O Lorde and I will walke in thy truth Psal. 86. 11. 7 Drawe neere to God and he will draw neere to you Iac. 4. 8. 8 Seeke the Lorde while he may bee founde call vpon him while hee is neere c. Esay 55. 6. 9 All the daies of this my warfare do I waite till my changing come Iob. 14. 14. 10 That being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies we may serue him c. Luc. 1. 74. 11 Owe nothing to any man but this to loue one another for hee that loueth c. Rom. 13. 8. 12 He hath shewed thee O man what is good and what the Lorde requireth of thee c. Mich. 6. 8. 13 And Iesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that soulde and bought c. Matth. 21. 12. 14 Then Peter opened his mouth and saide Of a truth I perceiue that God c. Act. 10. 34. 15 We therfore as helpers beseech you that ye receiue not the grace of God in vaine c. 2. Cor. 6. 2. 16 Mariage is honorable in all Heb. 13. 1. 17 After these thinges Iesus went his waie ouer the sea of Galile c. Ioh. 6. 1. 18 Then there shalbe signes in the sunne and in the moone c. Luc. 21. 25 19 And when he was entred into the ship his disciples followed him c. Mat. 8. 23. 20 The end of all thinges is at hand Be ye therefore sober c. 1. Pet. 4. 7. 21 Offer the sacrifices of righteousnesse Psal. 4. 5. 22 For the rest brethren fare yee well be perfect be of good comforte c. 2. Cor. 13. 11. A Sermon made in Paules on the day of Christes Natiuitie ESAY 55. 1 Ho euerie one that thirsteth come to the waters and ye that haue no siluer come buy and eate come I say buy wine and milke without siluer and without money 2 Wherefore doe ye lay out siluer and not for bread and your labour without being satisfied Hearken diligently vnto me and eate that which is good and let your soule delight in fatnesse 3 Encline your eares and come vnto me heare and your soule shall liue I wil make an euerlasting couenant with you euen the sure mercies of Dauid OVR Euangelical Prophet Esaias through the spirit of reuelation hath in the former part of this his prophecie 800. yeres before the birth of Christ euen as if the thing had alreadie beene performed such is the certainetie of his prophecie most liuely described and set foorth the natiuitie the preaching the persecution the apprehension the death the resurrection the ascension yea and the latter comming of our Sauiour Christ to iudge the quicke and the dead in such wise that for the substance thereof no Euangelist hath more perfectly or plainly set foorth this great mysterie of our saluation He foretelleth that Christ shall be borne of a virgin that his name shalbe Immanuel that his office shalbe to preache the glad tidings of saluation to the poore in spirit that he shalbe led as a sheepe to the shambles to be slaine that he shall be stricken for our sakes and beare the burthen of al our sinnes vpon his backe 2 His birth foreshewed so long agoe by this heauenly Prophet was in fulnesse of time accomplished as this day in Bethlem a citie of Dauid according to the testimonie of that Angel sent from heauen to proclaime the birth of the sonne of God at the same time saying Behold I bring you tidings of great ioy that shalbe vnto all the people because this day is borne vnto you a Sauiour which is Christ our Lorde in the Citie of Dauid This is that seede of the woman which breaketh the serpents head that meeke Abel murthered by his brethren for our sinne that true Isaack whom his father hath offered vp to be a sacrifice of pacification and attonement betweene him and vs. This is that Melchisedeck both a king and a priest that liueth for euer without father or mother beginning or ending This is Ioseph that was solde for thirtie pieces of monie This is that Sampson full of strength and courage who to saue his people and destroy his enemies hath willingly brought death vpon his owne head This is that Lorde and sonne of Dauid to whom the Lord sayde Sit thou on my right hand This is that bridegroome in the Canticle whose heart is so inflamed with heauenly loue towards his deare spouse which is his Church This is he whom holy Simeon imbrasing prophesied that he should be a light to the Gentiles and a glorie to his people Israel he vpon whom the holy Ghost descended and of whom the father testified from heauen This is my welbeloued Sonne This is that lambe of God pointed at by Iohn and sent to take away the sinnes of the world to redeeme vs from thraldome not with golde nor siluer but with the inestimable price of his pretious bloud to be made our wisedome iustification sanctification and redemption This is the childe that is borne for vs the sonne that is giuen for our cause the king whose rule is vpon his shoulders whose name is maruellous the giuer of counsell the mightie GOD the euerlasting father the prince of peace the same Messias which was shadowed in the ceremonies and sacrifices of olde which was prefigured in the Lawe and is presented in the Gospel and hath beene approoued to the worlde by signes and wonders by so cleare euidence as cannot bee either dissembled or denyed Let vs therefore embrace this babe with ioie let vs kisse the sonne let vs with the Angels of heauen praise the Lord let vs sing their Psalme to the honour of his name Glorie be to God on high and on earth peace 3 The Prophet Esaias hauing in spirite espied Christ and seene the day though farre off wherein the Sauiour of the world should be borne
are in authoritie that wee may leade a quiet and a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie MOSES speaking to the people of God concerning the institutiō of the Passeouer to be kept at the appointed season from yere to yere saith When thy Sonne shall aske thee What is this thou shalt say vnto him With a mightie hand the Lord brought vs out of Egypt out of the house of bondage and in remembraunce hereof wee celebrate this feast In like sort when your children shall aske you what this our assemblie meaneth you shall aunswere that it is to giue God thankes for that great benefite which we receiued at his hands as this day when in his mercie he gaue vs our gratious elect Elizabeth whom hee hath vsed as his mightie arme to worke our deliuerance to bring vs out of Egypt the house of Romish seruitude This is the day which the Lord hath made this is that our happie day the Lorde in his mercie hath made it let vs be thankefull for it let vs reioice and be glad in it This is the acceptable time the day of saluation the happie time of our deliuerance This day God shewed vs the light of his gratious countenance and had mercie on vs in bestowing vpon vs so great a treasure so good a gouernour so worthie a Prince The Lord graunt vs many of these daies and long continuance of these happie yeres And as our Apostle doeth exhort vs let vs both praise the Lorde and praie vnto him that vnder so good a gouernement we may liue a quiet a godlie and an honest life as the Lords goodnesse towards vs and our duetie towardes him and profession of his name require I exhort you therefore before all things c. Here are two things offered to our consideration first an exhortation Pray for all men especially for princes and rulers secondly a reason of this exhortation that by their good gouernement we may liue a quiet a godly and an honest life 2 In exhorting vs to praie he sheweth the benefite and fruit of our praier We must praie to God to giue vs good Princes and rulers vnder a good prince we ought to leade a good life a good prince should procure peace pietie and honestie to the people a good people should liue peaceably godlily and honestly vnder their prince The exhortation is Pray for all men especially Princes and rulers In this part we haue to consider what praier is To whom we should pray What be the parts of praier When where and how we should pray For whom we should pray 3 Praier is a lifting vp of the minde vnto God or a friendely talking with the Lord from an high and a kindled affection of the heart In the word God speaketh vnto vs in praier we speake vnto him Praier is the powring out of a contrite heart with a sure perswasion that God wil graunt our requests and giue eare to the suites which we make vnto him This praier must be onely vnto God It is praier vnto God that onely hath promise that onely hath example in the scriptures Call vpon me saith God Aske the father in my name saith our Sauiour Aske and ye shall haue When yee shall pray saith Christ pray thus Our Father which art in heauen So and none otherwise praied all the Patriarches Prophets Apostles and Christ himselfe and all true Christians in all ages In praier no creature may be ioyned with God God and our Ladie help vs is no allowable praier 4 This praier which must be made onely to God our Apostle diuideth into his partes Requests Supplications Intercessions Thankesgiuings Requests or petitions are when wee praie for the increase of Gods good gifts in vs and that of his mercie and fauour he would giue vs whatsoeuer is necessarie for bodie or soule and for as much as we cannot obteine any thing for our owne merites that he would graunt vs all things for his sonne our Sauiours sake 5 Supplications when we praie to be deliuered from euill as when we pray that the wrath of God which we haue deserued may through his mercie be remooued from vs as farre as the East is from the West that our sinne may be remitted and blotted out of Gods bookes 6 Intercessions are when we praie for such as doe afflict and wrong vs for our enemies which persecute vs that God would forgiue them turne their hearts and better them Or when wee praie for others either for remoouing of euill from them or for Gods fauour and blessing towards them 7 Thankesgiuings are when we praise and thanke God for the great mercies graces and gifts which wee haue receiued at his hands For we must acknowledge that euery good and perfect gift commeth downe from aboue from the father of lights and is by his mercie freely giuen Praier generally may be diuided into two parts Petition and Thankesgiuing in the one we aske of God in the other wee offer vnto God both are accepted as sweete smelling sacrifices pure and through the merite of his sonne pleasaunt in his sight I shall not neede to put you in remembrance that we must praie both for our selues and others that there is a priuate and a publike praier that we must pray for things perteining to saluation absolutely and for things that pertaine to this life conditionally These are matters wherewith yee are throughly acquainted 8 The next thing to be considered in praier is when where and how to praie When Alwaies without ceasing Where In all places especially that place which being sanctified to this vse is therefore called the house of praier How from the heart lifting vp pure and cleane hands that is to say in faith and in loue Our praier fethered with these two wings flyeth straight into heauen 9 Thus we are by the Apostle willed to pray before all things according to the commaundement of our Sauiour Seeke first the kingdome of God Let vs begin all our workes our enterprises our actions our iourneies our lying downe our rising vp our eating our drinking and all our studies with praier So our bread shalbe multiplyed our oyle encreased our meate sanctified all our endeuours and actions blessed If the very Ethnicks in the beginning of their bookes first prayed vnto their gods to prosper and giue good successe to their labours it were a shame for vs not to praie to our God before all things knowing that the praier of the iust is greatly auaileable before him Praier is a succour vnto vs a sacrifice to God and a scourge to Satan Examples are infinite Israel in praier groned vnto God and was deliuered out of Egypt Moses by praier so held God that he could not destroie his idolatrous people The blast of praier ouerthrew the walles of Ierico At the praier of Iosua the Sunne stoode stil. The young men prayed in the burning fornace
brethren Loue seeketh not her owne But in these euill daies charitie is growen so colde that euerie mans song is I am neerest to my selfe Men scrape and scratch they heape together and laie vp for them and theirs but the bowels of tender mercie towardes others are withered and dryed vp Of these selfeseekers wee haue too many examples Of this crue were the Sichemites for to obtaine substance wealth and cattel and friendes they sticked not to alter their religiō But whilest they thus sought themselues they lost themselues Nabal was one of the same note and the riche man whose heart was set onely vpon the enlarging of his barnes was another 16 There bee that seeme to bee farre from this fault and are not that seeme to looke vpon others but doe it not with a single eye And of this kinde I note foure sorts There bee that giue to others for a Ne noceat which although it be not simple yet is it more sufferable than the rest Achaz spoiled the temple of God to giue rewards to the king of Assyria and so bought his owne quietnesse with a stolen price Yea Iacob is faine and glad to send his brother Esau great gifts that hee may passe quietly by him without hurt The needier sort are forced to consider of the richer for their better safetie The poore seruaunt in the Comedie complaineth of it It is a hard case saith he that the poore must still offer to the rich mans boxe There be others that sometime looke vpon others with some part of liberalitie But either they doe it to auoide an euill name and least they should bee noted for niggards or else they doe it when it is wrung out from them by clamor and importunitie The poore widowe by weerying the wicked Iudge brought him at length to shewe her Iustice. The Disciples may seeme to haue had a spice of this fault by that speeche of theirs concerning the Cananite Send her away she crieth after vs. Another sort giue not because they are but because they would seeme to be bountifull and liberall as the Pharisees which made a trumpet to be blowne that men might knowe when they gaue almes The last and woorst sort giue but they giue to gaine Iason gaue Antiochus the king a graund summe of money But he knewe the office of the high Priest to be well woorth it 17 Our Apostles meaning is not that we should in this wise consider one another but he exhorteth vs syncerely hartily in deede to seeke the commoditie and safetie of others euen as Christ hath sought ours He sought not himselfe but beeing equall with God became man for vs and being Lord of all for vs became a seruaunt to exalt vs hee humbled himselfe hee made himselfe a curse to take away the curse which was due vnto vs. Let that affection therefore be in vs which was in him He is our example Him we must followe in the path of his vertues if wee wil followe him in at the gate of his kingdome Euerie Christian ought so to be affected towards others that hee may say with S. Paul in synceritie and trueth I seeke you not yours 18 Princes are not exempted from this rule of Christian dutie Loue thy neighbour as thy selfe is spoken vnto them All Christians are our neighbours which doe neede our helpe To suffer such to perish for want of helpe is to bee guiltie of their bloud Moses in consideration hereof when he sawe an Israelite in danger to be murthered of an Egyptian in defence of his brother slewe the enemie of God Abraham sate not still when Lot was in daunger When the Christians were persecuted by the Persian Constantinus wrote letters in their behalfe that they might peaceably enioie the freedome of their conscience and the libertie of the Gospel The same Emperor waged warre against Licinius his owne sisters husband in the quarell of the poore afflicted Christians Constans likewise wrote a menacing letter to Constantius his brother wherein hee proclaimed open warre against him vnlesse he did presētly surcease his enterprises against the Christians These zealous and woorthie Princes being neerely touched with those afflictions which others suffered for Gods cause studied for their safetie as for their owne This they did for strangers what would they haue doone if their subiects had claimed succour at their handes would they haue put their owne sheepe in the mouthes of bloudie and rauening woolues which were so careful to deliuer a strange flock from the butchers knife As it is treason for the subiects to forsake their Prince so for the Prince to forsake his subiects it is a fault not sufferable If Christ made himselfe poore to inriche vs if he humbled himselfe to the death of the crosse for our deliuerance when wee were his enemies held in captiuitie vnder sinne and death shall wee spare our paines our purses or our liues for the releeuing of our brethren the afflicted members of Christ Iesus It was a plaine lesson which Mardocheus gaue Queene Hester If she neglected the people of God God would finde a way to deliuer his people but shee and her fathers house should perish Kings and Princes should consider that they are Gods ministers furnished with power and might from aboue to stand with him against his enemies to serue him both with scepter and with sword to bee patrones and defenders of all his seruaunts It is a glorious thing for a prince to fight as Dauid did the Lords warres against the Philistims to be in the fielde vnder Christs banner But to drawe in one yoke with Infidels to bee in league with Antichrist it is both an impious and a base thing By ioining with Achaz Iehosaphat gained nothing and Ochozias as litle by ioyning with Ioram Ioas and Iehu woorthy princes regarded Gods cause and had singular care of the safetie of their people the one tooke away that cruel murtherer of the kings bloud the conspiring and traiterous Queene Athalia the other brake the necke of that idolatrous proude and lasciuious Queene Iesabel Moses and Dauid most woorthie princes looked not onely on themselues but prouided for their posteritie when the one appointed Iosua and the other Salomon to raigne after them The prince that hath not a speciall and singular care ouer his people hath denied the faith and is woorse than an Infidell 19 Neither doeth this concerne the duetie of Princes onely but of Counsellers also Their care should bee greater for the Prince and common wealth than for their owne commoditie I wil not remember vnto you Codrus and Decius Curtius Brutus with such like who loued their countrie more than themselues I wil not put you in minde of those two precepts set down by Tullie out of Plato the one of not seeking for priuate cōmoditie the other of not leaning to one part and neglecting another of the common wealth I like
not so wel to deale with prophane things in this place the word of God beeing so plentifull and of great power to mooue the hearts of such as beleeue In the scriptures of God Counsellers haue examples laide before them of both sorts as well such as haue referred all their counsels to their owne priuate gaine as also such as haue faithfully employed their trauels to the benefite of others Achitophel beeing a man of a traiterous heart gaue trecherous aduise tending to the kings confusion But Chusa the Archite directed faithfully his counsell to the safetie of his Lord and Master the King Let him be followed who is most to be commended and was best rewarded This lesson must be deliuered vnto them also which haue charge to deliuer it vnto others For woe be to those pastors that feede themselues and not their flocke Paul had care of all Churches Christ preferred the safetie of his flocke before his owne soule hee gaue his pretious life for his beloued sheepe To bee short this must teache euerie member to trauell for the benefite of the whole bodie that the glorie of God may be sought of all Which that all may seeke syncerely and heartily God the Father graunt for his Sonne our Sauiours sake to whom c. The sixth Sermon A Sermon preached before the Queene PSALME 86. 11 Teache me thy way O Lord and I will walke in thy trueth I Will not meddle with the argument of this Psalme nor make any generall discourse of the whole this one verse shall suffice being plentifull and riche in matter most fit for these our times and not vnfit for this most honourable audience they are the words of a most woorthie prince pertinent to all princes and conuenient for all Christians This short sentence consisteth partly of a petition and partly of a promise For first he praieth to be taught of God secondly hee promiseth to walke in his trueth In the former part are these things chiefly to be considered first a request to be taught Teach me secondly to be taught of God Teache me O Lord thirdly what he would be taught Teache me thy waies 2 The king in praying to be taught confesseth his ignorance and if the great prophet of God pleade ignoraunce who is hee that dare boast of knowledge If S. Paul after so long studie and after so many heauenly reuelations did confesse We knowe in part then the best learned of all may learne Yea when a man hath doone his best he must then begin againe as if all which hath beene doone alreadie were in comparison of perfection nothing It is too much arrogancie in that proude man who thinketh himselfe to haue all knowledge hid in the chest of his bosome and all trueth cheined to his tongue so that hee can neither deceiue nor be deceiued No man hath attained to the knowledge of any thing which will not confesse with Socrates This one thing I knowe that I knowe nothing Brethren saith the Apostle I would not haue you ignoraunt Ignorance is the mother not of deuotion but of superstition not of trueth but of error and sinne If wee desire therefore rather to walke in light than to dwell in blindenesse we must learne of this princely prophet to become scholers in Gods schoole we must with Salomon prefer knowledge and wisedome before riches honour and long life 3 God hath appointed good meanes to leade men to knowledge hee hath caused the scriptures to bee written for our learning Without the knowledge whereof neither can kings beare rule neither subiects obey and liue in order as they should Wherefore Iosua was commaunded not to laie aside the volume of the Law at any time night nor day The prophet Dauid made it his continuall studie The wisest gouernours of Israel would not enterprise any matter of weight til they had turned the leaues of this booke thence to take aduice for their better direction This most pretious iewel is to be preferred before all treasure If thou be hungrie it is meate to satisfie thee if thou be thirstie it is drinke to refresh thee if thou be sicke it is a present remedie if thou bee weake it is a staffe to leane vnto if thine enemie assault thee it is a swoord to fight withall if thou be in darkenesse it is a lanterne to guide thy feete if thou be doubtfull of the way it is a bright shining starre to direct thee if thou be in displeasure with God it is the message of reconciliation if thou studie to saue thy soule receiue the word ingrafted for that is able to doe it It is the word of life Whoso loueth saluation will loue this woord loue to reade it loue to heare it and such as wil neither reade nor heare it Christ saith plainely they are not of God For the spouse gladly heareth the voice of the bridegroome and my sheepe heare my voice saith the prince of pastors 4 But the world seemeth to be glutted with the word there be many stomackes that cannot digest it and many that loath it I stand in feare that God in his iustice wil giue vs instead of plentie of this bread a famine and for wholesome foode meate that shal rot betweene our teeth There is not that desire in vs to knowe the wisedome of Christ which was in the Queene of Saba to heare the wisedome of Salomon There were of the Iewes no small numbers that heard Christ three daies together in the wildernesse and that fasting but he hath fed vs so full that wee care not for him The seruaunts of Salomon were thought happy that they might stand daily to heare his wisedome Happie it were both for the seruants of Salomon for Salomon too if but euerie Sabaoth they would heare him which is farre both greater and wiser than Salomon There is no want except it be of willingnes onely for both we haue leisure ynough to heare and there are store of them whom God hath verie well enabled to speake No time can be better spent nothing more necessarie for a Christian Court What more princelike than to honour the prince of all princes with that seruice wherein he is so highly delighted The bellie is daily and daintily fed O suffer not the soule to want that foode which abideth for euer They are not blessed that feede and pamper the flesh they are that heare the word and keepe it This word attentiuely and carefully heard would conuert our soules correct our liues soften our hearts inflame our mindes with the loue of God it would roote out vice and ingraft vertue banish vaine and cherish good desires in vs it would lay our sins before our faces humble our proude and hawtie lookes bring vs vnto true and heartie repentaunce throwe vs downe with godlie sorowe and raise vs vp againe with heauenly comfort in the merites and mercies of Christ Iesus it would perfectly perfect vs vnto
hath the greatest skil the prince because he hath the highest roume the people because they are most in number If the pastor goe before the sheepe will be the readier to followe after if the fountaines bee sweete the riuers that flowe from them will not be sowre if there be darkenesse in the hils there will bee more in the valleies if those that should giue light vnto others be turned into darkenesse how great shall the darkenesse of others be Examples haue a meruelous force to leade men The whole world is led as they haue others especially their superiors for examples And therefore you that be chiefest in authoritie should by reason be foremost in the waie of trueth Walke in what way you wil you are sure to haue followers Iosias walked in the straite waie to heauen and the people followed Ieroboam in the broade waie and the people were caried after in heapes If you liue in securitie carelesse for Gods matters carelesse for the causes of the common wealth carefull to feede vpon pleasures and fancies carefull to passe ouer your owne times in ease and quietnesse the people will easily take after your your townes and cities will soone be made like to that secure and carelesse citie of Lais. If ye will haue the people of the Land watchfull you your selues must not slumber If you make light of the word of God the people will learne by your example to despise it if you embrace the truth they also wil loue it You my Lords you whom God hath placed before you must goe before for Gods loue striue no longer take your places and goe on that the people of God being guided by you as by lights may follow after in the way of trueth It is a monstrous thing to see the basest liues in the highest roumes Your conuersation must be a glasse for others to looke into Others shall aunswere for their owne faults but you for your owne faults and for others who through your example are faultie To conclude let vs all so walke as becommeth the children of the light let it suffice that in times past wee haue walked according to the vanitie of the Gentiles let vs now returne vnto the Lord let vs cast away impietie and worldly concupiscence and liue a sober a righteous and a godlie life let vs with true repentance craue pardon and mercie at the handes of God and hereafter walke humbly before him not for a day or for a moneth or a Lent season but continually all the daies of our pilgrimage vpon earth He onely shall be saued that continueth walking in trueth to the ende God for his mercie sake let fall plentifully the drops and dewe of his heauenly grace vpon the hil of Hermon and the mountaines of Sion to the fruitefull watering of the whole Land of Israel Teach vs O Lorde euen our princes our prophets and our people thy waies direct all our goings that we may walke for euer in thy trueth This that wee may doe all and euerie of vs in our seuerall callings God the father graunt for his Sonne Christs sake to whom c. The seuenth Sermon A Sermon preached before the Queene IAC 4. 8 Drawe neere to God and he will drawe neere to you Cleanse your hands ye sinners and purge your hearts ye double minded 9 Suffer affliction and be sorie Weepe Let your laughter be turned into mourning and your iote into heauinesse 10 Cast downe your selues before the Lord and he will lift you vp GOD requireth in his houshold steward the minister of his blessed word fidelitie and discretion fidelitie to deliuer to Gods familie such meat without mingling as he hath receiued at his Lords hands discretion to giue it fitly in due season by respecting the time place auditorie like circumstances Al men are not of one kind of constitution Some are able to receiue and digest strong meate high mysteries deepe secrets of God Others must be fed with milke simple and plaine lessons yet auaileable to their saluation These differences are in the foode it selfe The maner of diuiding it standeth in doctrine and exhortation Doctrine is for the ignoraunt to instruct them exhortation for the learned to monishe and strengthen them both may most profitably be ioined together Paul hauing to doe with the ignorant Gentiles learned in profane arts but barbarous in true religion is ful of doctrine Iames dealing with the learned Iewes traueileth more in exhortation Our times are learned times God hath blessed our daies with vnderstanding Wee are inriched by him in all speeche and in all knowledge But we knowe and doe not and that deserueth stripes Miserable is it to be ignorant of Christ not to knowe the path which leadeth to heauen Yet better it were not to knowe the way of truth than not to walke in it being knowne I will therefore followe the wisedome of S. Iames and with his owne woordes exhort you Drawe neere to God and he will drawe neere to you c. In which woords first hee exhorteth vs to drawe neere vnto God secondly he sheweth vs the meanes how we may so doe lastly hee telleth what commoditie we shall reape thereby 2 He exhorteth sinners double hearted men to draw neere vnto God Sinners are such as be notable open offenders who make all the world witnesses of their wickednesse Marie Magdalene is called a sinner because she was knowne to be a great offender Behold a woman that was in the Citie a sinner The Sodomites and the Amalechites are likewise termed sinners for the excessiuenesse of their sinne because their sinnes were notorious and manifest Double hearted men are hypocrites resembling painted sepulchers beautifull without and within full of rottennesse such as say and doe not pretending holinesse for aduantage and working mischiefe in their hearts 3 This exhortation is generall it reacheth to all for wee are al offenders euen against the maiestie of almighty God although not all in the same degree All haue sinned and do need the glorie of God Euerie mans waies are corrupt The imagination of mans heart is euill euen from his youth What man liuing can say My heart is pure Betweene an open sinner and an hypocrite there is a difference in their sight which take them as they seeme there is no difference before God who beholdeth them as they are As God wil not heare the praier of the open obstinate sinner so doeth hee powre his grieuous curse vpon all hypocrites and counterfeite Christians Woe be to you ye hypocrites 4 Dauid when hee committed that great follie was an open sinner and gaue great offence It was told him by Nathan Thou hast made the Lords enemies to blaspheme Mariage is honourable in the sight of all men but fornication and adulterie the Lord doth abhorre and the offenders therein the Lorde shall iudge This one sinne drowned the whole world it called fire out
of heauen to burne vp cities it destroied the Tribe of Beniamin Let it not be once named amongst you They that are such shall not inherite the kingdome of God These fowle offenders are here termed Sinners 5 The Iewes were grieuous sinners which slewe their Prophets and stoned such as were sent vnto them But they escaped not his heauie hand whose seruaunts they did so cruelly entreate God plagued this their sinne with strange desolation Hee made their house like Shilo and their citie a curse to all the nations of the earth The Lord hath also sent wise men Scribes and Embassadors vnto vs of them in these our daies we haue killed and crucified none we haue scourged none of them in our Synagogues we haue persecuted none from citie to citie we haue not beaten one and stoned another wee haue not dealt thus cruelly with any one of them but wee haue dealt hardly and vnkindely with moe than one No mans life hath beene touched many mens liuings are They haue not beene murthered and slaine they are defaced reuiled and made contemptible to the whole worlde These messengers ought to be better esteemed for their masters and for their message sake But the sonne of God whose seruants they are wil in his good time reuenge it he will not beare this iniurious ignominie doone to himselfe He that despiseth you despiseth me Such contemners of Christ and of his ministers may most iustly be called Sinners 6 Achab gaue great and open offence in robbing Naboth of his vineyard And God did reuenge this open sinne with an open plague punishing the deuourer with deuourers bloud with bloud The vineyard of the Lorde is set ouer to the spoile it is the onely pray that is left for greedie cormorants to rauen vpon The hedge is broken wilde boares are entred in for to destroie it If God had not set his elect ouer it no doubt ere this day it had beene vtterly laide wast You could haue looked for no grapes of pietie of learning or of religion of it but beeing rooted vp by these violent boares it would haue brought out nothing but sowthistles ignorance superstition and grosse Idolatrie But Woe be to thee that spoilest shalt not thou be spoiled How both the Church and common wealth are spoiled all men see it but fewe wil tell it and no man goeth about to redresse it These greedie gleaners are also in the number of them whom our Apostle here nameth Sinners 7 The sinne of king Saul was heinous in consulting with a witch that had a familiar spirite inquiring of her what chaunce should befall him This grieuous sinne God grieuously and without delay plagued On the next morowe he and his sonnes were slaine all Israel discomfited murthered and put to flight If euerie good gift come from God shall wee seeke helpe at diuels hands If onely God knoweth the heart of man and things to come shall we inquire of secrets at the mouth of Satan The diuell is a lyer and shall we beleeue him Hee is our aduersarie and shall we seeke aide of him Hee is a deceiuer and shall wee trust in him There is no fellowship betweene Christ and Beliall neither ought the seruaunts of Christ to communicate with such seruaunts of Satan Let witches sorcerers and sowthsaiers die the death saith the Lorde Such as communicate with them communicate with diuels and such also are Sinners 8 Doeg sinned greatly in accusing faithfull Dauid and the good high Priest A●imelech to king Saul who being light of beleefe persecuted the one and murthered the other Haman dealing so with godlie Mardocheus brought him almost to the gallowes and his people to great confusion The Arrians accused the right Christian Bishop Athanasius of incontinencie before the Emperor Constantinus but his innocencie through the prouidence of God cleared him Christ was charged to bee a drunkard a companion of sinners a destroier of the Lawe and of the Temple an enemie to Caesar. Such false accusations are more current in these our euill times and latter daies than euer If the Heathen accounted it a discredite to be termed an accuser may we not iustly call false accusers sinners By whose meanes if false accusations may get credite innocencie shall be condemned Christ shall be crucified as a malefactor and Barrabas as an innocent shall be let loose Wherefore the Ciuill Lawe hath wel prouided that the false accuser receiue as much dammage as hee seeketh to bring vpon an other And this Law hath beene sometimes executed He that falsely accused Appollonius was so serued For failing in his proofe sentence was giuen that both his thighes should be broken This is another kinde of Sinners 9 Now as our Apostle remembreth vnto vs open sinners so doth he also couert sinners whom he calleth double minded The Sichemites were double minded in matters of religion who in respect of gaine and profite were content outwardly to yeeld to Iacob and his sonnes to receiue the Iewes religion and to bee circumcised Men for commoditie can transforme themselues into all colours and conditions and in open shewe professe any religion inwardly keeping their false hearts to themselues 10 Which practise the Familie of loue hath lately drawne to a precept and hath newlie broached it as saleable doctrine that men neede not openly be of any religion whereby they may endanger themselues that it is good Christiandome to lie sweare forsweare to say and vnsay to any sauing such as be of the same Familie with whom they must only vse al plainnes keep their mysteries secret from all others to themselues These men may doe any thing to auoide affliction and they haue scripture for that purpose Your bodies are the temples of the holie Ghost you may not suffer Gods temples to be touched As fitly alleaged as Scriptum est by the diuell 11 In a paper which of late came from the Pope as a token to his deare children there were printed the fiue woundes of Christ with this poesie Fili da mihi cor tuum sufficit Sonne giue me thy heart and it sufficeth Whether his Holinesse did meane thereby to allowe dissimulation or no I will not define His practises are mysticall and his broode is so throughly framed in this way that they seeme to take the Popes embleme in no other meaning They halt on both sides they serue all times and turne with all windes By professing all religions they shew themselues plainly to be of none They haue double hearts one heart for the Prince another for the Pope one for Christ and an other for Baal one for a Communion and an other for a Masse These dissembling wolues put vpon themselues sheepes skins to deceiue withall Now are they milde and gentle flattering and promising all loyaltie to the prince conformitie to gouernement and consent to religion But if the times should turne they would turne off the
blotted out the handewriting that was against vs he spoiled our foes of their prai● hee tooke euen captiuitie it selfe captiue in a word he wrought our ful and complete deliuerance The price of our redemption was not gold but bloud the pretious bloud of our blessed Sauiour The bloud of Iesus Christ doth deliuer vs from all sinne And as he died to redeeme vs so rose he againe to iustifie vs. In rising againe hee triumphed ouer death now conquered he burst the gates cheines of hell and set our feete in a place of great libertie hee cloathed vs with his righteousnesse reconciled vs to his father of enemies made vs friends of no people the people of God of straungers citizens with Angels and inhabitants of heauen free denisons with the children of God and heires of his euerlasting kingdome This deliuerance out of bondage this redemptiō this kingdome of God euerlasting inheritance our Christ hath purchased God hath granted to all such as thankfully will receiue him As many as receiued him to them he gaue power to bee made the sonnes of God and to receiue him is to beleeue in him for so it followeth To them which beleeue in his name Faith therefore is the meane to make vs partakers of that great redemption in Christ Iesus Heereunto all the Prophets beare witnesse that whosoeuer shall beleeue in him by his name he shall receiue remission of sinnes and withall eternall life 5 And as Christ hath deliuered all his out of the captiuitie of Satan and sinne so hath he also vs after a more speciall and peculiar maner out of that denne of theeues out of that prison of Romish seruitude out of the bloudie clawes of that cruel and proud Antichrist Our God hath vsed our Moses to deliuer vs from Egyptiacal seruitude that we may serue him henceforward in freedome of conscience he hath led vs out of a maruellous darknesse into a maruellous light hee hath giuen vs for his gift it is an vnderstanding heart to knowe God the father and him whom he hath sent Iesus Christ vnto whom by this starre his shining Gospell he hath conducted vs. This trueth of God hath discouered yea and discomfited also grosse error For the want of this light was the cause of all our blindenesse which is the mother of all superstition which is the enemie to all religion That now we haue eyes to see and heartes to vnderstande there is no other cause besides the mercie of our redeemer 6 For of the cause of our gratious deliuerance thus Zacharie recordeth It was saith he that he might shewe mercie towards our fathers God made a couenaunt with our father Abraham confirmed it with an othe not that it might be surer but that we might be more assured of it the couenaunt was that hee would shewe mercie and in mercie worke our deliueraunce To performe this couenant of grace and mercie made vnto our fathers and comprehending also vs he gaue vp his only begotten sonne in the fulnesse of time to death There was no other motiue why he should worke our deliuerance but onely this his mercie God therefore which is rich in mercie for the great loue wherewith hee loued vs euen when we were dead by sinne reuiued vs with Christ. The cause of our redemption was his good will onely For By grace we are deliuered He did it according to the good pleasure of his owne will according to the riches of his grace So that all the steps to this our redemption are built vpon mercie only God in mercie made couenant of our deliuerance in mercie confirmed it with an othe in mercie through the merits of Christ performed his promise to vs so that our whole redemption is free not due of mercie and not of merits Not by workes which we haue wrought but according to his great mercie he hath saued vs. Man neuer brought one stone to this building man neuer laide one finger to this woorke it is the onely building and woorke of GOD who in tender compassion hath both begun and finished it Wee may well wonder that God with so mercifull eies looked vpon so miserable and so sinfull creatures that the sonne of God would die for the redemption of his enemies This doth in deede commend his loue seeing that all which he hath doone is of meere mercie in himselfe without any shadowe of merite in vs. 7 Nowe that Christ hath deliuered vs from Satan and that with so deare a prise let vs fall no more into the clawes of that roaring Lyon least he vtterly deuoure vs. Hee is cast out of our house let him enter in no more least hee bring seuen with him woorse than himselfe and then our euill ende bee farre woorse than our bad beginning Now that Christ hath cleansed vs from our sinne let vs not swinelike returne to wallowe in that slime againe Thou art made whole saith Christ I haue washed away thy sinne with my bloud Goe and sinne no more least a woorse thing happen vnto thee Nowe that Christ in a mightie arme hath freed vs from Pharao from the house of bondage let vs returne no more to the flesh pots of Egypt let vs not lust after quailes for if wee feede vpon them we shall surfet of them to our destruction Let vs serue no more him that serueth Satan that vndoubted man of sinne And lastly nowe that Christ hath opened our blinded eies and hath powred vnderstanding into our hearts nowe that hee hath giuen vs a lanterne to guide our feete let vs tumble no more in darkenesse but as the children of light walke in the light honestly as becommeth men in so cleare noone day For the ende of our redemption is that wee may serue him without feare that hath so dearely redeemed vs. 8 First we must serue Secondly we must serue no other but him Thirdly him we must serue without feare We were created man is borne vnto seruice and labour as birdes vnto flight We were not redeemed and bought with a price to bee idle and doe nothing but to glorifie him in bodie and spirite that hath bought vs. We are not called to stand or sit still but to walke euerie one in that vocation wherewith he is called The scriptures are full of such speeches as these Goe walke worke sweate why stand yee idle To teache vs that seruice is required at our handes 9 God deliuered vs to the end that being deliuered we might now serue him as heretofore we serued Satan We are not nowe our own men to serue whō or how we lift but we are his to serue him as he prescribeth No man can serue two masters wee haue yeelded and promised our seruice to him therefore besides him we may serue no other 10 We may not serue Mammon for that is made to serue vs. The couetous man which serueth his monie is iustly called of Paul an Idolater
our sinne but no remedie against the sting therof so that it maketh vs feare and with trembling looke for the reward of sinne which is euerlasting death But the spirite of adoption by the preaching of the Gospel telleth vs that in Christ we haue remission of sinnes we are reconciled vnto God and adopted by him we are his chosen children and may boldly and ioyfully call him father And this certainetie of our saluation the spirit of God testifieth to our spirit whereby we put away all seruile feare of punishment beeing assured of Gods constant fauour and eternall loue towardes vs who neuer leaueth vnfinished that which he hath begun nor forsaketh him whom he hath chosen 15 Therefore daungerous and desperate is that doctrine of the Papists which doth teache vs euer to be doubtfull and in suspence of our saluation A lamentable discomfortable and miserable estate Here it is in one woord confounded For Zacharie saith we are redeemed to serue him without feare or doubtfulnesse For where doubt is there is feare and what greater feare than of a thing so fearefull Hee that will serue God must serue him in a quiet and ioiefull conscience with a sure and vndoubted confidence of mercie and saluation in Christ the Lord of mercy With thee is mercie saith the Prophet that thou maist be feared As if hee should say Thou art full of clemencie and compassion and therfore we serue thee with a reuerent and without a seruile feare being perswaded of thy great mercie 16 Feare is euer of the inferior to the superior It is not required in the prince to feare the subiect the master the seruaunt the father the childe or the husband the wife but contrarie in all God feareth not man his creature man ought to feare God who hath created him to feare him as a louing father and not as men doe feare a fierce tyrant 17 The true feare which is required of vs is euer ioined with loue The good childe feareth to offende his father for that loue and reuerence he beareth to him and not in respect or for feare of punishment The honest and well natured wife that truely loueth her husband for the same cause feareth and taketh great heede least in any thing she should offend him Euen with such feare ought we to serue our God who is our father our Christ who is our spouse Of this godlie feare the Prophet Dauid saith Serue the Lord in feare And againe Feare the Lorde all yee his Saints Of this Christ speaketh Feare him which can destroie both bodie and soule This feare great goodnesse and happinesse doe accompany It is the beginning of true wisedome For all wisedome without the feare of God is but earthly fleshly and diuelish They that haue it shall be satisfied with all good things There is no want to them that feare him It causeth men to decline from euill it banisheth sinne woorketh repentance in mans heart and happie are all they that feare the Lorde as they cursed which feare him not If the Angell had feared the Lord he had still kept his place and glorious estate and not beene made of an Angell a diuel cast out of heauen into hell If Adam had loued and feared God hee had not beene banished out of paradise and throwne vpon the face of this cursed earth If the feare of God had not of old wanted the whole world had not beene drowned If the citie of Sodoma had feared God they might haue remained in prosperitie vntill this day If Cain had feared God he had not so trecherously murthered his brother If Cham he had not so shamefully discouered his father If Laban he had not so deceitfully dealt with Iacob If Pharao he would haue let Israel depart when GOD commaunded If Israell had loued and truely feared God they would not haue loathed Manna despised magistrates followed fleshly lusts murthered the Prophets crucified Christ and persecuted his Apostles If the Corinthians had feared God they would not haue beene so contentious so proude so adulterous neither would they so vncharitably haue iudged their brethren in things indifferent they would not haue condemned mariage the institutiō of God neither in such sort prophaned the holy Sacramēts of Christ. The feare of God wold haue brought forth better fruit in all these and the want therof brought forth this bad fruit 18 If the feare of God dwelt in our hearts the Gospel so truly and plentifully preached among vs would no doubt bring forth far more fruite after so many monitions perswasions and entreaties we would leade a better life When there are amongst vs many that breede contention and make diuision that lend out their monie vpon vsurie that pollute their neighbours bed with adulterie that shut vp the bowels of mercie and compassion and suffer Christ to begge crie and starue in the streetes that neither regard the heauenly message of their saluation nor esteeme the messenger by whom it is brought that shewe no reuerence to the woord of God but manifestly hate loath and despise it is it not too cleare and manifest that we feare not the Lord 19 If the feare of God were in vs would wee deale with the seruaunts of God as wee nowe doe The dealing of Hanun the sonne of Nahash towards Dauids seruaunts was not more villanous than the dealings of the world are with the honorable Embassadors of the most high God at this day Dauid sent his seruauntes to the king of the children of Ammon to comfort him straight vpon the death of his father The malitious Ammonites misconstruing their intent whispered in the eare of their Lord Thinkest thou that Dauid doth honour thy father or that he hath sent comforters vnto thee Are they not rather sent as spies to searche the citie and so to ouerthrowe it He had no sooner heard the name of a spie but hands were laide vpon Dauids seruants they were sent away with their beards halfe shauen and their coates cut off in the vnseemeliest place to his owne euerlasting ignominie and shame which so despitefully vsed men sent vnto him of meere loue and heartie meaning For the good king had no other drift or purpose in his heart but this I will shewe kindenesse to Hanun as his father shewed kindnesse vnto me The true Dauid the most mightie Prince the king of all kings hath in fauour mercie and reconciled loue sent his embassadors his ministers vnto you to comfort you in your griefes and to bring you ioiefull tidings of a kingdome which it hath pleased his father to bestowe vpon you These messengers ought of right to be honourably receiued Entreate such with honour saith the Apostle Nay such messengers are woorthie of double honour But behold they are taken as if they were spies they are accounted as the offscourings refuse baggage of the world not as the embassadors of the great
poore releeued that he hath bound himselfe by promise to make almes most gainefull to the giuer so that it is not in this as in other common expenses but whatsoeuer we laie out that we laie vp He that giueth to the poore lendeth to the Lorde a sure discharger of his debts to the vttermost For hee leaueth not a cup of colde water giuen in his name vnrewarded The occasions which we haue to shewe foorth this fruite of mercie are very many and great we haue the poore with vs and we haue them with vs in great numbers Are we not woorse than Iewes if we suffer our Christ at whose hands we haue receiued all our riches in his naked and hungrie members to beg his bread at our dores pitifully to die euen in the midst of our streetes for distresse for colde and hunger If our gospell bring foorth in steade of mercie this crueltie in stead of kindenesse this hardnesse of heart doubtlesse God will take his pretious gospell from vs and giue it to a people that will bring foorth better and sweeter fruite Nowe if the loue of God and mercie towards our brother can not pierce our flintie heartes yet let shame of the worlde compell vs and our owne commoditie induce vs well to consider of this lamentable case If that which is giuen were giuen in good order it would ease this common griefe By good order and wise prouision the impotent might be so releeued that they should not need to beg and such as are able might be forced in the sweate of their browes to eate their owne bread And if the matter were taken in hande by them by whom it should I doe not doubt but GOD would touche the hearts of many a man with tender mercie that they would both cheerefully and liberally contribute to this worke of mercie which God doth more esteeme than any other sacrifice nay he refuseth sacrifice and craueth this The Lorde loueth a cheerefull and a bountifull giuer and will plentifully reward him Let euerie good man set forward this worke it is the worke of the Lord the fruite of mercie good and gainfull not onely to others but also to our selues For behold howe the works of mercie doe returne backe againe vnto them from whom they proceed Iudge not and you your selues shall not bee iudged Forgiue and yee shall bee forgiuen your selues giue and it shall bee giuen vnto you 20 All which notwithstanding the bowels of compassion are in some men so maruellously dried and closed vp that they turne away their faces from all men that desire any thing at their hands though they aske it not of gift but of loane vnlesse they aske to buie the loane with vsurie The Iewes euen till this day will not lend vpon vsurie among themselues but lende freely to their brethren and without gaine Iudas himselfe that solde his master for monie was not more cruel harted I suppose than these men are who for monie deuoure their brethren Their hearts are yron hearts They haue no sparke of pitie or compassion left in them Let them not thinke but that one day their gaine shall be their exceeding losse If Chrysostome thought that one euill gotten groate laide vp amongest a chestful of monie would be as a canker to fret out and eate vp the rest what shall become then of so much gotten by so vnmerciful vngodlie meanes Where is loue where is mercie when lending of monie is become merchandise Inough hath beene saide in this place of this matter which if it be not amended be yee assured that the Lorde God in his iust wrath will plague you both in your selues and in your posteritie for it 21 Nowe that we haue seene what duetie we owe to men let vs see what God requireth to be performed vnto himselfe Hee hath shewed thee O man what is good Our dutie towards him is to humble our selues and to walke carefully with our God He that will walke with God must be of an humble heart It is the milde-hearted and not the proude-minded the Publican and not the Pharisee that walketh with him 22 To walke with him is to be syncerely and heartily carefull to set forward his cause to promote his gospell to defende his trueth to amplifie his kingdome to the vttermost of our powers Princes and they that iudge the earth whome God hath blessed with so high an honour especially should in feare and reuerence serue their God loue his woord and gospell earnestly cheerefully aduaunce maintaine and defend true religion They are able to doe most good and therefore most is required of them Bishops and ministers the dispensers of Gods blessed mysteries should carefully trauell in their Lords cause and glorie in season and out of season to preache the gospell euen so much as in vs lieth or else the Vae of God which hangeth ouer our heads shall be powred downe vpon vs. But the saying of S. Paul is verified in these our daies vpon al sorts of people All men seeke their owne The preferring of true religion the seeking of Gods glorie is the least part of mens care or thought It was otherwise with Moses who both loued Gods seruice with perfect loue hated superstition with perfect hatred Theodosius for want of this warmenesse zeale in Gods quarell suffered by his too much lenitie the Arrians who denied Christ to be God quietly to spreade abroad their heresies in his dominions without checke or controlling The good Bishop Amphilochius vpon this occasion repaired to the Emperor who had at that time with him his sonne and heire Arcadius The Bishop did his obeysance and dutie to the Emperor but saluted not his sonne wherewith the Emperor finding fault saide Why salute ye not our sonne who shall sit on our seate No Emperor for somuch as thou doest not care for the sonne of God but sufferest him to loose his honour and place neither shal thy sonne be regarded or sit on thy seate Here at his owne cause called into question hee waxed warme and foorthwith expelled the Arrians out of his dominions Many of them who are hoat in their owne matters are colde in Gods cause Yet our Prophet biddeth vs carefully to walke with our God and to bee earnest in seeking of his kingdome and glorie 23 Be carefull ouer your conuersation giue no cause of slander to them which are without or of offence to the litle ones Let not the gospell be discredited by your behauiours Be careful that the light of your life so shine before the worlde that therein your heauenly father may be glorified Yee ought to shine as lights Take heede that your light be not turned into darkenesse Be bright starres and not mistie cloudes If an Eclipse fall amongst you the rest of England will be darkened with it Ye are seene and marked of men and Angels The world hath many eies eares and tongues London Westminster the Innes of Court and Chancerie from
I looke for to come out of such a schoole and from such a schoolemaster This would worldly wisedome and flesh bloud haue said vnto him but faith putteth no such perill but readily obeyeth whatsoeuer God commaundeth It doubteth not it stackereth not but if God saith goe it goeth if GOD say cōme it commeth if God say doe this it doth it Beholde to obey is better than sacrifice and to hearken is better than the fat of rammes 18 He sendeth two of his seruaunts and a godlie souldier that attende●● vpon him Here was the reward of his labour in bringing vp his houshold in the feare of God He had taught his seruaunts truely and syncerely to feare God and God had taught his seruaunts faithfully and willingly to serue him For he saith the Scripture that doeth serue his master faithfully and heartily serueth Christ Iesu who rewardeth all faithfull seruice Abraham brought vp his familie in the feare of God and he reaped the fruite of it He had a most faithfull seruaunt whom hee sent to procure a wife to his sonne Isaak whosoeuer therefore will be trustily serued let him traine vp his houshold in the feare of God and expell out thence all that be not godlie as godly Dauid did It is dangerous for any man to nourish serpents in his bosome they will at one time or other sting him Faithlesse seruaunts haue beene the confusion of many good masters And godlesse children the destruction of many good fathers Oph●ni and Phinees were the death of their father Ely the high priest And Iudas conspired against his master Christ the innocent sonne of God 19 But to come to that which I set downe for the last Note in Cornelius with what humanitie and reuerence hee receiued Peter the preacher of Gods word he called to him his kinsemen and friends and expected him he fel downe prostrate to doe him honour he thanked him for his comming declaring how readie he was to heare him And because faith doth labour for Gods glorie and breake foorth into loue towards our neighbour hee called his friends and kinsemen to be partakers of that great treasure of God with him Hee was not Caine-like who had no care for his brother Cornelius teacheth vs howe desirous we ought to be of Gods word howe glad and readie to heare it and howe that in duetifull loue wee should prouoke others to the hearing and imbracing of it For it is the woord of trueth and saluation Which S. Iames considering exhorteth his brethren to receiue the word that is able to saue their soules And let vs consider one another saith S. Paul to prouoke vnto loue and to good woorkes not forsaking the fellowship that we haue among our selues as the maner of some is but exhorting one another The arrogant Iewes puffed vp with selfe-loue would not ioine themselues in the congregation with Gentiles Which thing the Apostle reprooueth exhorting them not to contemne their brethren but rather one prouoke another charitably to ioine together in pietie in hearing of the woord and receiuing of the Sacraments As Esay did foreshewe that the faithfull in Christs time should say one to another Come and let vs goe vp to the mountaines of the Lord to the house of the God of Iacob and he will teache vs his waies and we will walke in his pathes But alas this zeale of the glorie of God this loue towardes our brethren is worne away in vs I feare me wee will neither goe our selues to heare the word neither suffer others but dehort them so much as we may pretending I knowe not what to couer our arrogant malitious heart withall Such a man is an vsurper I cannot heare him with safe conscience hee weareth a surplisse I will neither heare him nor trust him Another is a shrinker another halfe a papist leaue them heare them not This is the common crie I will not vse their owne speeche it is too proude and too bitter I trust we all preache Christ crucified Howsoeuer it be saith S. Paul so that Christ be taught I reioice in it If we mislike the minister shall we mislike the message also If we cannot brooke the messenger shal we be at defiance with him that sent him God graunt vs such hearts as Cornelius had that in liking and loue we may prouoke one another to pietie and godlinesse that wee may hunger after Gods truth heare the word without respect of the messenger and so heare it that we may liue by it Cornelius fell downe prostrate before Peter Hee considered of him as of the embassador of God hee reuerenced him as his spirituall father he gaue vnto him that double honour which S. Paul saith is due vnto him The Elders that rule well are woorthie of double honour specially they who labour in the woord and doctrine He looked not on the man but regarded his office Wee beseeche you brethren that you knowe them which labour among you and are ouer you in the Lorde and admonish you that you haue them in singular loue for their workes sake S. Paul doeth greatly commend the Galathians in this behalfe that they loued him as an Angell of God yea as Christ Iesus yea if it had beene possible they would haue plucked out their owne eyes and giuen them him But our times are altered men are otherwise affected They enuie and mutter against Moses and Aaron They are become such of whom God complaineth by his prophet Hosea Thy people are as they that rebuke the Priest I would to God they would remember Christ saying He that despiseth you despiseth me 20 But the honour which Cornelius gaue vnto Peter was more than was fit to be giuen to a man For Peter refused it with th●● reason I my selfe am a man too The zeale and reuerence that he had to the woord made him ouerreach in honouring the minister of it So did the men of Lystra honour Paul and Barnabas but they saide in like sort O men why doe ye these things We are men subiect to the like passions that ye be Iohn would haue woorshipped the Angel likewise but the Angel refused See thou doe it not I am thy fellowe seruaunt Worship God Here we learne howe dangerously religious honour is giuen to any creature It cannot be thought that either Cornelius or Iohn would robbe God of his glorie and giue it to Angel or man But yet they were forbidden to doe that which they did least they should attribute more to the messenger of God than they ought through preposterous zeale It is not so great a daunger to honour a prince with al humilitie therein men cannot so easilie exceed because the honour is ciuill But the danger is in a spirituall person least in respect of his holie office they honour him too much And here is the insolent pride of the pope reproued who vaunteth himselfe for Peters successor
not trauell to tel you howe diuersly the name of grace is taken in the sacred scriptures but rather note vnto you in what sense the holie Ghost doth chiefly vse it in this place Grace is the fauour and mercie of God towards sinnefull men It is called grace because it is giuen gratis freely and vndeseruedly on our parts to whom it is giuen For vs it is purchased by the onely meane and meere merite of our Sauiour Christ and to vs it is both offered and exhibited by the voluntarie and vnprouoked operation of the spirite This grace in it selfe being large more than sufficient for all men the holy Ghost diuideth and bestoweth vpon eache breathing where and as he listeth according to the secrete pleasure of his will Thorough it we haue saluation whereas through sinne wee deserue death For out iniquitie was heinous in the sight of God first committed by Adam and since continued in vs but farre more exceeding was the mercie of our Lord who when we were his enemies sent foorth his sonne made of a woman and made vnder the Lawe that he might redeeme them which were vnder the Lawe and that we might receiue the adoption of sonnes No tongue can expresse neither any minde conceiue this gratiousnesse Yet let vs ponder it with such consideration as we are able Great therefore I say was the mercie of our creator who gaue his sonne and great the loue of our Sauiour who gaue euen himselfe for vs. Our thraldome was great that required a ransome of such value our guiltinesse much that could no otherwise be washed away but with the verie heart bloud of the innocent lambe of God Christ Iesus our Lord Yea inestimable and vneffable was the loue of our gratious Lord who to spare vs spared not himselfe He was content to become ignominious before men that we might be glorious with his father to be condemned that wee might be absolued to bee crowned with thornes to purchase vs a crowne of immortalitie to loose his life that we might gaine life to suffer death that we might escape it and to become as hated and accursed of God that we might find fauour and eternall grace with him In his death our sinne is pardoned by his bloud our filthinesse is washed away by his resurrection we are reconciled to his father and made at one with God Let vs not breake this so happie truce betwixt the Lord and vs let vs not through sinne condemne our selues againe nowe that we are iustified let vs not walke toward hell hee hauing made plaine and easie the path to heauen The image of God in vs defaced through Adam is repaired by Christ Let vs appeare therefore in this pure image before God that wee may be acceptable in his pure sight Through Christ we are called to be citizens with the Saints and Gods houshold-seruaunts let vs then put on the garments of trueth and innocencie that so it may appeare whose seruaunts we are by our Lords liuerie We are made the happie heires of his glorious kingdome and fellow heires with Iesus Christ wherefore let vs not seeke so possessions here that we loose a better inheritance aboue in heauen If wee doe it is in vaine that the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ hath beene so largely offered vnto vs and plentifully powred on vs. Yea his grace will encrease the wofulnesse of our destruction 7 Grace is offered and receiued by two especiall outwarde meanes the preaching of the Gospel and the holie administration of the blessed Sacraments These two are the instruments or rather the hands by the which the holie Ghost doth offer exhibite seale and deliuer the grace of God vnto vs. 8 And there bee two sorts of men to whom grace is offered by the word in vaine The one are they which wil not giue it so much as the hearing but doe vtterly contemne and vnkindely refuse that which the Lord doth so kindly and so gratiously offer to them The other they that heare it indeede reade it but consider it not receiue it but altogether without fruite and for fashions sake Of the former sort are all such as Pharao was who enioined Moses to come no more in his sight for hee would not heare him Such also were the Iewes to whom when Stephen preached they stopped their eares Such they of whom the Lorde complaineth by the Prophet saying I spake and they would not heare 9 Of the latter sort there be three kindes shadowed in the parable of the sower which went foorth to sowe his seede whereof some fell in the high way side some in stonie grauelly ground some also amongst thornes That which fell by the high waie side either the birds of the aire picked vp or men trod vpon with their feete Which our sauiour applieth vnto him that heareth the word of the kingdome and vnderstandeth it not and by and by the diuell taketh it away least he should beleeue and so be saued For it fareth with the woord preached as with the seede sowen Some are so dissolute and rechelesse that they let it in at the one eare and out at the other The hearts of some be so be so hardened and parched because they want the watering of Gods spirit which doth only mollifie that his word can take no roote in them The diuell and his deceitful Angels doe so bewitch them and fil their harts with vain cogitations so abalienate their mindes and trouble their memorie that they cannot tell what is saide it is forgotten by that it is spoken Yea the diuell doth so throughly occupie the hearts of many other with superstitious opinions and fond perswasions or with such worldly desires such fleshly lusts such froward affections that the hearing of the blessed word is a wearisome worke vnto them euery houre spent that way is as tedious as a yere and thought to bee wholly lost Many likewise both heare the woord preached and reade the Scriptures as the Pharisees did heare them that they may seeme to fauour the Gospel and so vnder pretence of holinesse blinde the eyes of others and purloine commoditie to themselues Such come in amongst the children of God as did Satan of old yet God knowes them to be children of darknesse not of light yea and oftentimes he so shaketh them out of their painted rags that the whole world may espie their ouglie and deformed nakednesse Whilest by their hypocrisie they labour to deceiue others they deceiue yea and damne themselues To this sort of men therefore the word is offered but all in vaine Either they receiue it not or they receiue it to their owne destruction 10 The second sort are resembled to the stonie soile which receiueth the seede and it taketh roote for a time but when the heate of the sunne commeth it withereth away Many such there be which haue gladly heard the Gospel haue frequented sermons with appearance of great deuotion and could freshly
truth fables and vaine fancies for the holie communion popish priuate blasphemous Masses for the seruing of God the worshipping of Images for fishe and loaues stones and serpentes 21 The next thing to bee noted in the Disciples is that when the people had eaten sufficiente they gathered vppe the broaken meate which remained By which frugalitie of theirs we are admonished to vse the creatures of God in such sort as they may be most beneficiall vnto manie after wee haue taken for our owne contentment then to reserue for the vse of others that nothing be wasted which may profitablie be saued God loueth a bountifull but not a wastfull hande For although it be true which the Prophet saith that God hath giuen the earth to the sonnes of men although it be graunted that we may rule ouer the fishe of the sea and ouer the foule of heauen and ouer euerie beast that moueth vpon the earth vsing them not onely for our necessitie but also for our honest delight and conuenient pleasure yet we must remember that this power is rather a stewardship than a Lordship ouer the creatures of God in earth We stand accountable for them we may not lauish them out as we list 22 That which hitherto we haue obserued in these Disciples is both allowed of God and written that it might be followed of vs. Another thing there is which we may not let passe although it be a blemish and a staine in them For when Christ spake vnto them of feeding the multitude one aunswered two hundred peniworth of breade is not sufficient for them that euerie man may take a morsell Another said here is a boy that hath fiue loaues and two fishes but what are they among so many The like we reade of the seruaunt of Elisha in the seconde of Kinges There came a man from Baalshalisha which brought the Prophet twentie barely loaues and certaine corne The Prophet willed it to be giuen to the people that they might eate But his seruaunte answered how should I set this before a hundred men Wel giue it saith the Prophet that they may eate For thus saith the Lord They shall eate and there shall remaine Then he set it before them they did eate left ouer This mistrust of the power and wonderfull prouidence of Almightie God is the very roote of all euill It cause● the rich man spoken of in the Gospell to hoorde vp corne for many yeares it caused Ananias to withdraw a portion of the price of his fearme it caused Vespasian to lay an vnsauory imposition vppon the people to paie monie be it spoken with good manner for their very vrine it caused Iudas to betraie his Maister it caused the Israelites when their citie was besieged to make ther bellies their cofers to eate their goulde 23. But let vs now come from the people and disciples to the person of Christ himselfe In whom the first thing which we haue to obserue is his diligence in his office He preached in the cities in the temple in the villages in the ships on the shoares in the wildernes he neither spared any labour nor omitted any occasion to doe good 24 The next thing is his pitifull affection towardes the people vpon whom when he looked his hart was touched with compassion First because they were as sheepe without a Pastor The high priestes the learned Scribes the holie Pharisies were their appointed Pastors to gouerne them to teach them and to lead them by example of honest life Neuerthelesse Christ saith they were sine pastore without a sheepehard The glorious couetous deceiptfull ceremoniall and superstitious rable of popish guides God doth not account amongst the guides of his people neither are they to be called Pastours but deuourers of the flock Pastors which cannot or will not teach are no pastours Because thou hast refused knowledge saith God by his Prophet Ose I will also refuse thee that thou shalt be no priest to me Vndoubtedly their heartes are not touched with any pitie or compassion at all ouer Gods people who for their owne priuate gaine and commoditie thrust such pastours vpon the Church that when the Church hath them it may iustly be saide it hath no pastours This is the plague the poison the bane of al religiō it threatneth ruine to christianity 25 The other cause that moued Christ to compassion was that the people which had taried long with him were hungrie in the wildernes coulde get no meate By this we learne of our maister Christ to beare pytifull heartes towardes our needie naked and hungrie breathren For whosoeuer hath this worldes good and seeth his brother haue neede and shutteth vp his compassion towardes him how dwelleth the loue of God in such a man In former times here hath beene prouision for the poore some as yet remaineth but it is for the most part much abused I shall therefore exhorte you the citizens of London in Christ Iesus require it at your handes that such order may be taken that the poore may bee prouided for and not suffred to crie in your streetes If you that be magistrates will take the thing in hande you shall finde I doubt not a great sorte of liberall heartes and helping handes hereunto The suffring of the people to begge breadeth great inconuenience both in the Church and common wealth I do therefore in Christ againe require you to take due cōsideration hereof that this thing may bee reformed So shall you well please God ease and profit your selues and giue a good example to the rest of the realme God cannot bee vnmindfull of so good a worke It wilbe an hundred times requited both in this life and in the world to come 26 The last thing which I purpose to note in the person of our Sauiour is that he did not onely conceiue an inwarde pitie and therewith content him selfe but his compassion brake out and declared it selfe in workes of mercie He sent them not awaie as the maner is loaden with wordes and emptie of almes he fed them largelie and gaue them till euerie man had enough But first he gaue thanks to his heauenly father leauing vs an example thankfully to acknowledge that whatsoeuer wee receiue it commeth from him as from the principall authour whatsoeuer we bestow he is the Lord owner of it In deuiding the bread hee vse the ministerie of his disciples as the stewardes and disposers of his riches Be it therefore corporall or spirituall sustenaunce which we receiue although it bee at the handes of men yet is it vnto vs as if Christ him selfe in his owne person did reach out his hand from heauen to feede vs. They are therefore too nice which refuse their meate because they like not the man by whom it is brought and set before them They by whose meanes wee are made partakers of good thinges are vnto vs the Angels of God and ought accordinglie
Christ. S. Paul speaketh to the elect of God who doubtlesse will at length awake As for the reprobate they still shal sleepe on in their errours and sinnes vnto their eternall death and confusion But arise Ierusalem and be thou enlightned arise Ierusalem from death to life frō errour to truth from darkenesse to light from Antichrist to Christ who by his holy spirite will illuminate thee that thou mayst knowe God the father and him whom he hath sent Iesus Christ and that is the only way to euerlasting life Plinie reproouing our drowsinesse sayeth that sleepe doth steale away the halfe of our life But this sleepe wherof we speake stealeth away the whole life of the greatest part of men Dauid himselfe lay slumbering in the filthy sleepe of whoredome a whole yeare at the least and could not awake vntill Nathan blewe in his eare and stirred him But Dauids sleepe was but a nappe in comparison of such as are so hard and fast a sleepe that they will neuer stirre vntill fire out of heauen flee about their eares to waken them So were the Sodomites wakened and consumed Awake therefore and when ye are wakened then watch 13 Watch that ye be not deceiued by false prophetes who watch to deceiue you teach otherwise thā Christ hath taught The diuell is a subtill perswader of men he is a lying spirite in the mouth of his prophets his ministers workmen are craftie companions such as creepe into houses and leade away the simple as captiues with them A man of a watchfull eye shall knowe these wolues by two properties First they are rauenous cruel bloudy they will persecute and kill they will be as Caine not as Abell as Ismaell and not as Isaak as Esau not as Iacob as Pharao and not as Moses as Caiaphas and not as Peter The seconde note is that which Chrysostome mentioneth Who so in blasphemie yelleth and howleth with a foule and open mouth against the trueth he is a wolfe Such they were of whom the prophet speaketh in the psalme saying They set their mouth against heauen 14 All must watch that they be not themselues deceiued by these deceitfull wolues when they put on sheepes clothing But God giueth charge to such as be the pastors of his people to be watchfull also ouer others not only carefully to feede them as his flocke deerely redeemed in good wholsome pastures but also to driue chase away the wolues least Gods sheepe be deuoured by thē And this pastoral office doth not only pertain vnto priests prechers but also vnto princes tēporal gouerners whō God hath placed in authority to y t end y t they shold promote his glory For the which cause God calleth Cyrus the king his shephard Vigilate watch the wolfe to driue him away watch the flock to fede it 15 Let euerie one be watchfull ouer his life that his conuersation be according to his profession If we walke disorderly we shal not walke alone our example wil draw others after it their sins we shall answere for Lucifer fell not alone he drew cōpany from heauen with him Ieroboam being sinfull made Israell to sin And he is burnt in the hand with that marke of horror for a warning to al succeeding ages Ieroboā the son of Nebat that made Israel to sin Let vs beware that we play not Simeon Leui so make our father Iacob to be loathed of the Cananites We professe Christ true Christianitie Let vs not through our lewd life be a slander to our sauiour and a shame to his gospel Watch therefore But because as S. Paul sayth neither planting nor watering will helpe except God himself do giue encrease because our watching as the prophet witnesseth is in vaine neither can sobrietie and heedefulnes serue to keepe a citie except the Lorde himselfe doe keepe it let vs craue help at Gods mercifull hands let vs pray as wel as watch When S. Paul hath armed Gods souldier he biddeth him pray Man be he neuer so well appointed for defence neuer so stronge and perfit cannot stande without Gods strength He that looketh but a litle into the worlde shall espie iust cause to moue vs to prayer if anie men now if euer The greate diuell in these our later dayes is let loose Antichrist rageth and seeketh our confusion The wicked glistering world maruelously deceiueth bewitcheth The flesh raigneth and beareth swinge The spirite is faint sinne ouerfloweth Christ is comming in the cloudes to call vs vnto iudgement Therefore be ye sober watch pray Pray I say not in shewe but in deede not in appearance but from the heart not for fashion but in earnest Babble not in wordes like hypocrites but powre out thy heart before God as did Hanna And God graunt for his Christ our Iesus sake that in fayth and loue wee may lift vp pure hands sincere affections hartie grones vnto our Lorde that we may ouercome our many dreadfull enemies purchase pardon and glorifie God Let vs with Dauid with whom we haue sinned pray for mercy Let vs with the disciples of Christ with whom we haue wauered pray for the encrease of our faith because the ende of all thinges is nowe at hande 16 It followeth Haue feruent charity amongst your selues This cōcerneth our dutie towardes men as y ● other did towards God All our dutie towards our neighbour consisteth in loue He that loueth another hath fulfilled the lawe Iohn the beloued disciple of Christ was the preacher of loue it was euer in his mouth as it is in his writings in so much that lying vpon his death bed his disciples requesting to haue one lessō frō him before his departure he was able to deuise no one thing more needful to be spokē of then this which he had oftē said Loue one another my litle childrē Peter would haue our loue to be earnest hote Euery one loueth himself very vehemently but our loue towards others is very cold chill Our loue for the most part this way is in word in phraise but not in deede in truth This world is dubble harted dissēbling is made a trade to liue by There be many Labans but fewe Iacobs Many that salute say Aue but their next word is Apprehendite If Christ came nowe he were like to finde litle faith but lesse charity yet without charity al that we do is vaine yea it is very sin Let vs therfore loue as God hath loued vs he loued vs not slenderly when he tooke so bitter a death for vs. A God for his enemies See therfore that ye haue vehement sincere hearty loue among your selues not contenting your selues barely to haue it in shewe vnlesse yee shewe it by these effectes which Saint Peter in this place setteth down Vehement loue heere spoken of is described by these properties First it couereth y e multitude of
of the Prophet might neuer be more trulie and generallie applied there is no feare of God Zeale is euen quenched religion almost dead true deuotion abolished from the heartes of men There is not a godlie man left vpon earth or if there be if God haue reserued to himselfe at this present manie thousandes as I doubt not but hee hath of godlie men yet howe harde is it to finde one amongest those many thousandes which daylie goeth forwarde profiting and perfiting himselfe in Godlinesse 13 Whereat we can not greatlie merueile For if men growe so colde as wee daylie see they doe in charitie loue and brotherlie kindenesse towardes men whom they see they must needes be colder in loue towardes God whom no man euer sawe Thus because our profiting in all these partes of inwarde perfection hath beene hitherto very slowe it is therefore needefull to put you in minde of this present exhortation Concerning that which remayneth brethren be perfect 14 It is not ynough to seeke for inward perfection vnlesse we also indeuour to be outwardly perfect If we haue the ripenesse of men in knowledge we may not shewe the fondnesse of children in behauiour To say we haue faith what auaileth it except we haue workes also See we not that the faith of Abraham was effectuall and wrought with his workes and that through his works his faith was made perfect Are we sincerely religious towardes God Pure religion and vndefiled before God euen the father is this to visite the fatherlesse and widowes in their aduersitie and to keepe our selues vnspotted of the worlde Doe wee professe loue and charitie towardes our brethren Let the whole course and practise of our life as neare as possiblie we can be sincere vpright sounde and perfect For broken dealinges are as odious in the sight of God as they are grieuous and offensiue towards men Let your loue appeare by your good fruites your workes of Charitie And if yee haue layde a good foundation of this alreadie finish the worke which ye haue begunne in that which ye doe studie howe to abounde Be not wearie of well doing As in that which is past so for that which remaineth brethren we beseech you and exhort you in the Lorde Iesus that yee increase more and more not onely coueting spirituall giftes and being studious of good workes but also seeking to excell in them that in all thinges ye may be made rich in Christ in all vertue and in all speech 15 The mouth of the foole sayth Salomon is fedde with foolishnesse But let your speech sayth the Apostle be gracious alwayes and powdered with salt Perfection herein ought so much the more earnestly to be desired by howe much it is the more hardly obteyned in this than in other thinges As by vsing the bitte in the mouth of a horse his whole bodie is turned about and as by mouing the rudder a ship is directed whether soeuer it pleaseth the minde of the gouernour so he that is perfect to rule the tongue with skill is able to rule all the bodie with ease But the tongue is an vnrulie euill full of deadly poyson Therefore as many as desire to be perfect must keepe a continuall watch before their lippes that if an vnsauourie worde escape them they may lay their handes on their mouthes betimes that if they haue spoken vnaduisedlie once they may answere no more or if twise yet proceede no further This vse shall breede such perfection in the end that all our talke shall be gratious all out words well seasoned all our speech and communication become such as that whereof the wise man speaketh in the booke of Ecclesiasticus saying The talke of him that feareth God is all wisedome 16 With these thinges if we ioyne that perfection also which S. Iames mentioneth Let patience haue her perfect worke wee shall then fully answere our Apostles exhortation we shall be perfect and entire lacking nothing Nowe the God of all grace which hath called vs vnto his eternall glorie by Christ Iesus make you perfect confirme strengthen and stablish you 17 Our Apostle verie fitly hauing exhorted vs to be perfect addeth in the next place consolationem habete be of good cōfort For as many as seeke to be perfect shall finde many greeuous hinderaunces to staie them in their course necessarie therefore it is that in this respect they should be comforted There is no one part or degree of perfection wherin the righteous godly do not finde many great occasions offred quite to discourage and daunt their hearts S. Paul was perfect and ripe in the knowledge of Iesus Christ and it was obiected against him as a token of extreme furie Multae literae te ad insaniam redigunt much learning makes thee mad Abraham for the great perfection of his faith is called the father of them that beleeue but howe sore were those assaultes that withstoode his hope and assurance in the promise The godlines of Iob was so absolute and perfect that God him selfe doth as it were make a vaunt of him vnto Satan Has● thou not considered my seruant Iob howe none is like him in the earth an vpright and iust man one that feareth God escheweth euill Yet howe neere was he brought to the gulfe of destruction both of bodie and soule The loue wherewith the holie Apostle embraced the Church of Corinth was so strong and perfect that hee wished euen to be bestowed and spent for their soules but what a discouragement was this vnto him that the more he did loue the lesse he was loued Touching the prophet Ieremie whether we consider his dealinges his speakinges or his sufferinges we see there was great integritie in all but his wrestlings and striuinges with the wicked were so irkesome and tedious vnto him that he seemed sometimes more then halfe resolued to giue ouer all as if it were but bootlesse to striue longer All which notwithstanding wee are heere exhorted to be of good comfort for as much as although our hinderances be great yet sure we are safelie to passe through them they can not damme vp the way betweene vs and the kingdome of heauen Through this strait way our brethren haue passed before vs and wee neede not feare to followe after Christ himselfe hath gone before by a farre harder passage than his meaning is to leade any of vs by Thinke it therefore no strange thing for the perfect to suffer be not discomforted or dismayde at it knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren which are in the worlde If we patiently suffer with him and thē we shall gloriously be crowned with him and them It is true that the godlie the iust and perfect haue fierce aduersaries mightie enemies the diuell with his lost and forsaken traine the worlde full of baites and allurements vnto euill the flesh euer readie and greedie to take them But haue confidence sayth our sauiour
the Church if not then from the Church They must be taken by the friends of the bridegroome ministers and magistrates The minister taketh them by doctrine Luke 3. Acts 2. Acts 10. Iohn 12. By example of life 1. Pet. 5. 1. Cor. 13. Gen. 34. 1. Pet 3. By Ecclesiasticall discipline 1. Cor. 5. Aug. de cor ca. 8. 2. Cor. 10. Luke 14. The magistrate taketh foxes by ciuil punishments 1. Esd. 8. By death 2. Par. 15. By exile Ezra 4. 2. Sam. 14. By confiscation 1. Sam. 13. By incarceration 2. Par. 33. The cause of the assemblie the matters which this scripture offereth to be spoken of Exod. 13. Psal. 117. An exhortation vnto praier What praier is and what parts it hath Psal. 49. Iohn 16. Matth. 6. Petitions or requests Supplications Intercessions Thankesgiuings Iacob 1. When where and how to praie 1. Thess. 5. 1. Tim. 2. Praier before all things Exod 3. Exod. 32. Ios. 6. Ios. 10. Dan. 3. For whom we must pray and for whom not 1. Iohn 5. 2. Cor. 12. 1. Tim. 1. Rom. 14. Praier to be made especially for kings such as are in authoritie Ier. 29. Esay 3. Iob. 34. Psal. 72. Tertul in apologet No nation more occasioned than the English to praise the Lord for their prince Psal. 117. All that are in authoritie vnder the prince must also be praied for be they good or bad be their authoritie Ecclesiasticall or Ciuill The reason why we pray for al men and for princes putteth both princes and al other men in mind of their duties Princes that they should studie to make the people liue in peace Ier. 29. 1. Reg 4. Esay 9. Luke 2. Esay 39. In pietie 1. Thess. 2. In honestie Gen. 38. 1. Sam. 15. The duetie of the people vnder their Princes is to leade a peaceable a godly and an honest life Rom. 5. 1. Iohn 1. 1. Pet. 3. What it is to liue peaceably Rom 12. Heb. 12. Matth. 4. Aug. de consen Euang. lib. 1. cap 18. The principall publike duties of godlinesse are praier hearing of the word and receiuing of the sacraments Two sacraments Baptisme and the supper of the Lord. Hom. 80. sup●● Matth. Of the outward signes in y ● Eucharist and how the inward grace therof is reaped not by carnall and grosse deuouring but by spirituall and heauenly feeding vpon the bodie and bloud of Christ Iesus Iohn 6. The visible elements of bread wine are neither chaunged in substance by vertue of consecration and they should in administration be giuen both vnto all not one without the other vnto priest or people Bert. l. 4. de corp sang chr Of preparation required to the worthy receiuing of this blessed Sacrament 1. Cor. 11. 2. Cor. 13. Honest life conuersation amongst men The Apostles vehemencie in exhorting to brotherly concord Three things performed in the words of S. Paul he moueth vnto vnitie taketh away lets which hinder vnitie sheweth y ● meanes whereby vnitie is maintained The Apostle requireth vnitie both in religion and affection Greg. Nazian Act● 4. 1. Cor. 1. 1. Cor. 1. Euerie agreement is not that vnitie whereunto we are exhorted Gen 3. Gen. 11. Gen. 19. Num. 16. Exod. 32. Psal. 2. Hilar contra Auxent Rom. 15. Iohn 17. Augustine The vnitie which is in y e Church of England at this day touching religiō the disagreement about some smaller things outwardly apperteining to religion Prou. 29. 1. Cor. 9. 1. Tim. 5. Gal. 6. 1. Tim. 5. 1. Thess. 5. Of vnitie in religion commeth that vnitie which linketh mens minds in mutuall aff●ction eche towards other Gen. 4. Matth. 2. Sozom. l. 1. ca. 6. Prou. 6. Iohn 13. Matth. 8. The loue and vnitie which should be in the mysticall bodie of Christ which is the companie of men professing the Christiā faith shewed by comparison of that vnitie which is seene in the parts members of a natural body 1. Cor. 14. Heb. 13. Iosua 1. 2. Sam. 18. Rom. 9. 1. Thess. 2. Gal. 4. The first hinderance of vnitie is contention Heb. 12. Gen. 13. Gal. 5. Another hinderance is vaineglorie the mother and breeder of contention There is nothing in vs whereof wee may boast 1. Cor. 4. Esay 64. Prou. 8. Sap. 6. Num. 22. Matth. 26. Esay 40. Ier. 9. Hest. 5. Vainglorie hardly bridled Acts 12. 2. Cor. 12. The first meane to preserue vnitie is humblenes of minde Ephes. 4. Diuers kindes of humilitie Psal. 147. Eccle. 19. Col 2. Luke 18. 1. Tim. 1. The way to redresse that ouerweening which we haue of our selues Psal. 38. Esay 59. Luc. 15. Luc. 5. 2. Sam. 24. 1. Sam. 24. 1. Pet. 4. Gal 6. Augustine The second meane to maintaine concord is care not onely for our selues but for others also Gen. 34. 1. Sam. 25. Many seeme to haue a care of others whose care in deede is for themselues 2. Chron. 28. Gen. 3● Matth. 15. Our care for others must be heartie syncere as Christs is for vs. This care of caring for others doeth principally concerne Princes Exod. 2. Gen. 14. Sozom. lib. 2. cap. 15. Euseb. lib. 10. cap. vlt. Theod. l. 2. ca 9. Socr. l. 2. c. 22. 2. Reg. 8. 2. Reg. 9. 2. Reg. 11. 2. Reg. 9. It concerneth also counsellers ministers and generally all men 2. Sam. 17. A petition to be taught the way of God and a promise to walke in his trueth In praying to be taught hee confesseth his ignorance 1. Cor. 13. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Reg. 3. The meanes whereby God doth leade men to knowledge Ios. 1. Psal. 119. Iohn 10. The contempt of the meanes wherby knowledge is attained Luke 11. Luke 11. 2. Tim. 3. Vnto knowledge praier is as needefull as meditatiō No man learneth wisdome except God be his teacher Apoc. 5. Luc. 24. Acts 16. Iohn 6. Iohn 16. Dangerous to looke for instruction by reuelations 1. Iohn 4. Luc. 16. Acts 8. Acts 10. Acts 9. The thing which the prophet desireth to learne is the way of the Lord. The woord WAIE taken diuersly in scripture Matth. 22. Acts 24. Esay 8. Iob. 34. Esay 55. 1. Cor. 2. The promise of the prophet to walke Eph●s 2. 1. Cor. 6. Matth. 20. 1. Cor. 7. 2. Thess. 3. ● Cor. 7. Our walking must be in trueth 1 Reg. 3. Walking in heresie Phil. 3. Walking after the flesh Gal. 5. Walking after couetousnesse Ezech. 33. Psal. 119. Walking in obstinacie Ierem. 13. Walking in the counsel of the wicked Psal. 1. Walking with the tongue 2. Thess. 3. Psal 73. Walking in trecherie Ier. 6. 2. Sam. 16. 2. Sam. 3. Gen. 34. 1. Thess. 4. The preferment of euill men y e cause why euill walkers doe abound in the Clergie Psal. 12. 1. Tim. 5. 2. Mac. 4. In the temporaltie the reason why wicked men abound is because wicked men beare rule Church-robbers vnder the name of Church-visiters Exod. 36. It is not sufficient to talke of trueth we must walke in it Esay 48. This dutie belongeth vnto all but principally to