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A09181 A frutefull booke of the comon places of all S. Pauls Epistles right necessarye for all sortes of people, but especially for those of the ministerye dyligentelye sette foorthe by Thomas Paniell. Anno. 1562; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. Selections. Paynell, Thomas. 1562 (1562) STC 19492; ESTC S114192 128,237 388

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a man swell but loue edifieth Let no man s●ke his owne profit but let euerye manne seke an other● wealthe And yet do I shewe you a more excellente waye Thoughe I speake wyth the tonges of menne and A●ngels● and ●et had no charitye I wer● euen as ●oundynge brasse or as ● tinklinge cymball And thoughe I coulde prophesye and vnderstand● all secretes and all knowledge yea if I hadde all fayth so that I could● moue mountaynes oute of theyr pla●ces and yet had no charitye I wen● nothinge And thoughe I bestowe● all my goodes to feede the poore an● thoughe I gaue my bodye euen tha● I burned and yet had no charitye i● profiteth me nothinge Charitye su●fereth longe and is courteous charitye enuyeth not charitye doeth no● frowardly swelleth not dealeth no● dishonestlye seketh not her owne i● not prouoked to anger thinketh no● euyll reioyseth not in iniquitye bu● reioyseth in the truthe suffereth all thinge beleueth all thinges hopeth all thinges endureth in all thinges Thoughe the prophesyinge fa●le other tonges shal cease or knowledge vanyshe awaye yet charitye falleth neuer awaye Nowe abideth fayth hope and charitye euen these three but the chefe of these is charitye Laboure for loue Let all youre businesse be done in loue Grete ye one an other with an holy kysse if anye man loue not our Lorde Iesus Christe the same be anathe mameranatha My loue be with all in Christe Iesu. Our mouth is open vnto you our heartes is made large ye are in no strayte in vs but are in a strayte in youre owne bowelles hauinge lyke rewarde wyth me I speake as to my children Set youre selues therefore at large Wherfore shew vnto thē in profe of your loue of the reioysinge that we haue of you that the congregations maye see it I am gelous ouer you with Godly● gelousye In loue serue one an other For all the lawe is fulfylle● in oure worde Thou shalt loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe Be ye therefore ●olowers of God as deare chyldren and walke in lou● euen a● Christe loued vs and ga●● hym s●lfe for vs an offerynge and ● sacrifyce of a swete sauer to God Aboue all theese thinges put o● loue whiche is the ●onde of perfec●●nesse But as touchinge brotherlye lo●● ye neede not that I wryte vnto you For ye are taughte of God to lo●● one an other ye and ●hat thynge v●relye ye do vnto all the brethren The ende of the commaundeme●● is charitye that commeth of a pu●● hearte and of a good conscyence and of fayeth vnfayned frome t●● whiche thinges some haue erred a●● are tourned vnto vayne iangling●● because they woulde be doctoures 〈◊〉 the scrip●ure and yet vnderstand 〈◊〉 what th●y speake neyther where● they affyrme Therefore let vs consider one an other to prouoke vnto loue and too good workes and let vs not forsake the feloshippe that we haue amonge oure selu●s as the man●r of so●e is but let v● comforte one an other● and that so muche the more because y● see that the daye draweth nye Let brotherli loue continue with you And let not euery man loke on his owne thynges but on the thinges of other men ¶ Of feare Capitu 8. BE not hye mynded but feare seinge tha● God spared not the naturall braunches least happelye he also spare not the. Rulers are not to be fear●d for good workes but for euyll Wylte thou be wythoute feare of the power Do well then and so shalt thou be praised of the same For he is the minyst●r of Godde for thy wealthe but and if ●hou do euyll then feare for he beareth not the swerd for noughte but is the minyster of God to take vengeaunce on them that doo euyll But I feare least as the serpent beguiled Eue thorow his suttelty euen so youre wyttes shoulde be corrupte from the synglenes that is in Christ. I feare least when I shall come I shal not find you such as I wold a●d I shall be found vnto you such as I would not I feare leaste peraduenture there be founde amonge you debate ●nu●inge wrath s●ryfe bacbytinges whisperinges swellings and dyscorde I feare leaste when I come agayne God bri●ge me lowe amonge you ●nd that I shal bewaile many of th●m which haue sinned alreadye and haue not repented of the vnclenn●s fornication and wa●●ann●s whych they haue committed I am in feare of you leaste I haue bestowed on you laboure in vayne Wherfore my dearly beloued work your owne saluation wyth feare and tremblynge For why I was amōg you in weaknes and in fear in much trēbling Let vs feare ●her●fore least any of vs forsakynge the prom●sse of entr●●ge in to hys re●● shoulde seeme to come behinde and be lacking ●or vnto you it was declar●d as wel as vnto them For if we sinne wyllingelye after that wee haue receaued the knowledge of the truthe there remayneth no more sacrifyce for synnes but a fearefull lookinge for iudgemente and violent fyre which shall deuour the adu●rsaryes He that despiseth Moses lawe dyeth wythoute mercy vnder two or th●ee wy●nesses Of howe muche sorer puni●hement suppose ye shall he be coumpted worthy whi●h tread●●h vnder fote the sonne of God● and ●oumpteth the bloude of the Testamente as an vnho●ye thing wherwyth he was sanctified and doth dishonour to the spirit of grace It is a fearefull thinge to fall in ●eo ●he handes of the l●uinge God Therefore let vs serue God with feare and reuerence submittinge our selues one to an other in the feare ●f God ¶ Of humility and against pryde Cap. 9. FOr I saye thorow the grace that vnto me geuen is to euerye man amonge you that no man esteme of him selfe more then it becōmeth hym to esteme but that he discretely iudge him self In gyuinge honoure go one before an other be not hye mynded but make youre selues equall to thē of the lower sort be not wyse in your owne opinions Auenge not youre selues but geue rowme ●o vnto wrathe Let vs not be vain glorious prouoking one an other and enuyinge on● an other Let nothinge be done thorow strife or vayne glorye but in mekenesse of mynde euerye man esteme other bet●er then him self Let the same mynd be in you that was in Christe Iesu the which made him selfe of no reputation takinge vpon him the shape of a seruaunte Yf anye man seme to him selfe that he is somewhat when in dede he is nothinge He deceau●th him selfe Knowledge maketh a man swell Yf any man thinke that he knoweth anye thinge he knoweth nothinge as he ought to knowe Yf any man teache other wise and is not contente with the wholesome wordes of oure Lorde Iesus Christe and with the doctrine of Godlynesse he is pufte vp and knoweth nothing but wasteth his braynes aboute questions and strife of wordes whereo● springe enuy strife raylinges euyl
loue toward an other Therfore we are bounde to geue thankes alwaye to God for you brethren beloued of the Lorde● For because that God hath from the beginninge chosen you too saluation thorowe sanctifyinge of the sprite and thorowe beleuynge the truth where vnto he called you by our gospell to obtayne the glory that cometh of our Lorde Iesu Christ. ¶ Of Pauls orations and praiers for his discyples Capitu. 3. GOd is my witnes whō I serue wyth my spirite in the gospell of hys sonne that wythoute ceasinge I make mention of you alwayes in my prayers beseching that at one tyme or other a prosperous iourney by the wyll of God myght fortune me to come vnto you For I longe to see you that I myghte bestowe among● you some spirytuall gy●te to strength you wyth all that is that I mighte haue consolation together wyth you throughe the cōmon fayeth whiche bothe ye and I haue to haue some frute amonge you as I haue amonge other of the gentyles I desyre before God that ye d●o none euyll not that we should seme commendable but that ye shoulde do that whiche is honeste and let vs be counted as lewde personnes We wyshe also that ye were perfecte The grace of oure Lord Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the felowshippe of the holye ghost be with you all Amen The God of oure Lorde Iesus Christe and the father of glorye myghte geue vntoo you the spirite of wysedome and open to you the knowledge of hym selfe and lyghten the eyes of youre mindes that ye might knowe what that hope is wher vnto he hathe called you and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is vpon the saintes and what is the ex●●adinge greatenes of his power to vs warde which beleue according to the workinge of that his mightye power whiche he wrought in Christ when he raysed him from the dead For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whyche is father ouer all that is caled father in heauen and in earthe that he woulde graunte you acordinge to the riches of his glorye that ye maye be strengthened wyth mighte by hys spiryte in the inner manne that Christe maye dwell in youre heartes by fayeth that ye beinge rooted and grounded in loue mighte be able to comprehende with all sayntes what is that bredth and length depth● and heyth and too knowe what is the loue of Christe whiche loue passeth knowledge that ye might be fulfylled with all maner of fulnes of God In all my prayers for you I praye wyth gladnesse because of the feloweshyppe whyche ye haue in the Gospell frome the fyrste daye vntoo nowe And thys I praye that your loue maye encrease more and more in knoweledge and in all fealynge that ye mighte accepte thynges most excellente that ye mighte be pure and suche as shoulde hurte no mans conscience vntyll the daye of Christ fylled wyth the frutes of righteousenesse whiche frutes come by Iesus Christe vnto the glorye and laude of God Therefore we haue not ceassed prayinge for you and desiringe that ye might be fulfylled wyth the knowledge of hys wyll in all wysedome spiritual vnderstandynge that ye myghte walke worthye of the Lorde in all good workes and increasinge in the knowledge of God strengthed wyth all myghte wyth ioyfulnesse geuinge thankes vntoo God the father My God fulfyl al your desyres tho●rowe hys gloryous ryches in I●su Christ. And the peace of God which passeth al vnders●andinge kepe your hartes and myndes in Christe Iesu. God hym selfe oure father and oure Lorde Iesus Christe guyde our iorney vnto you and the Lorde increase you and make you flowe ouer in loue one towarde an other and towarde all menne euen as we doe towarde you to make your heartes stable and vnblam●able in holines before God oure father at the comminge of oure Lorde Iesus Christe wyth all his sayntes The verye God of peace sanctifye you thorow oute that youre whole sprit soule and body be fautelesse vnto the comminge of our Lorde Iesus Christ. We praye alwayes for you that oure God make you worthye of the callynge and fulfyll the delectation of goodnesse and the worke of faith wyth power that the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe maye be gloryfyed in you and ye in him thorowe the grace of oure God and of oure Lorde Iesus Christ. Our Lorde Iesu Christe him selfe and God our father which hath loued vs and hath geuen vs euerlastinge consolation and good hope thorow grace comfor●e youre heartes and stablishe you in all doctrine and good doynge And gyde your hearts to the loue of God and pacience of Christ. The Lorde geue mercye vntoo the house of Onesiphoros for he ofte refre●hed me and was not ashamed of my chayne but when he was come to Rome he soughte me oute verye diligentelye and founde me And in how many thinges he ministred vnto me at Ephesus thou knowest very well The Lorde graunt him that he maye fynde mercye wyth the Lorde at that daye The God of peace y ● brought again from death our Lord Iesus the great shepeherde of the shepe through the bloud of the euerlastinge Testament make you perfecte in all good workes to do his wyll workinge in you that whyche is plesaunte in hys syghte throughe Iesus Christe too whome be prayse for euer whyle the worlde endureth Amen ¶ Of fayethe Capitu. 4. I Am not a shamed of the Gospell of Christe because it is the power of God to al that beleue namelye to the I●we and also too the gentyle For by it the ryghteousenesse whyche commethe of God is opened from fayeth to fay●h As it is written The iuste shall lyue by fayeth As Abraham beleued God and it was coumpted ●nto hym for righteousenesse whyche Abraham contrarye to hope beleued in hope that he shoulde be the father of manye nations accordinge to that Whiche was spoken vnto him So shall thy ●eede be as the starres in heauen and the sande of the sea And he fainted not in the fayeth nor yet consydered hys owne bodye whyche was nowe deadde euen when he was almooste an hundred yeare olde neyther yet that Sara was past chyldeberynge He stack●red not at th● promesse of God thorowe vnbeliefe but was made stronge in the fayeth and gaue honoure to God full certifyed that what he hadde promysed he was able too make good And therefore was it reckened to him for righteousnesse It is not written for him onelye that it was reckened to him for righteousenesse but also for vs to whome it shall be coumpted for righteousn●sse so we beleue on him that raysed vp Iesus oure Lorde from death We therefore beynge iustified by fayth are at peace with God thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ by whom● we haue a waye in thorowe fayeth vnto the grace of God wherein we stande What shall we saye then we say that the gentiles which
Isaac when he was tempted and he offerd him beynge his only begotten sonne whiche had receaued the promyses of whom it was sayed In Isaac shal thy seede be called For he considered that God was able to rayse vp again from death Wherefore he receaued him for an ensample In fayth Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau concerninge thinges to come By fayeth Iacob when he was a dyinge blessed bothe the sonnes of Ioseph and bowed him selfe toward the toppe of his cepter By fayth Ioseph when he dyed remembred the departinge of the chyldren of Israell and gaue commaundemente of his bones By fayeth Moses when he was borne was hydde three monethes of his father and mother Because they sawe he was a proper chylde neyther feared they the kinges cōmaundemente By fayeth Moses when he was great refused to be called the son of Pharaos doughter and chose rather ●o suffer aduersitye wyth the people of God then to enioye the pleasures of synne for a ceason and estemed the rebuke of Christe greater riches then the treasure of Egipte for he had respecte vnto the rewarde By fayeth he forsoke Egipte and feared not the fearcenes of the king for he endured euen as he hadde sene him which is inuisible Throughe fayeth he ordayned the ester lambe and the effusion of bloud least he that destroyed the first borne shoulde touche them By fayth they passed through the redde sea as by drye lande whiche when the Egiptians had assayed to do they were drouned By fayth the walles of I●rico fell downe after they were compased aboute seuen ●ayes By fayth the harlot Raab perished not wyth the vnbeleuers when she had rec●aued the spyers to lodgi●ge peaseablye And what shal I more say the time woulde be to shorte for me to tell of Gedeon of Baruch and of Sampson and of Iephthae also of Dauid and Samuell and of the prophetes which throughe ●ayth subdued kingdomes wroughte righ●eousnesse obtayned the prom●sses s●opp●d the mouthes of Lyons quenched the violence of fy●r ●scaped the edge of the swearde of weake were made stronge wa●ed val●ente in fyghte turned to ●ligh●e the armyes of the alyentes and the woman-receaued theyr deade raysed to lyfe agayne And th●se all throughe fayth obtayned good reporte and receaued not the ●romes God prouidinge a bet●er thing for vs that they withoute vs shoulde not be made perfecte ¶ Of hope Cap. 6. HOope maketh not ashamed For we are saued by hope But hope that is seene is no hope For howe canne a manne hope for that whi●he he seeth But and if wee hope for that we see not then do● we with pacyence abyde for it Reioycinge in hope What soeuer thynges are wr●tten afore tyme are wrytten ●or oure learnyng that we thorow pacience and comforte of ●he scriptures might haue hope The God of hope fyll you wyth all ioye and peace in beleuinge that y● maye be ryche in hope thorowe the power of the holye ghoste Let vs not put oure truste in oure selues but in God which rayseth the dead to life agayne Such trust we haue through Christ to god ward not that we are sufficyent of our selues to thinke any thing as it were of our selues but our ablenes commeth of God Seinge then that we haue such trust we vse great boldnes For in Christ we haue trust accesse through confydence by faith on him And therefore wyth all confiden●● Christ shall be magnifyed in my bodye whether it be throughe lyfe or elles death For Christe is to me life and death is to me a vauntage For the hopes sake which is la●● vp in store for you in heauen of whiche hope ye haue heard before by th● true worde of the gospell From whence we loke for a sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christe whiche shal chaunge our vile bodies that they maye be fa●honed like vnto hi● glorious body according to the workinge wherby he is able to subdue al thinges to him selfe For he which eareth shuld eare in hope and that he whiche thresheth in hope shoulde be partaker of hy● hope This is a sure sayinge and of all parties worthye to be receaued For therefore we laboure and suffer rebuke because we beleue and hope in the lyuinge God which is the sauyour of all men but sp●cially of thos● that beleue Which hope we haue as an ancre of the soule bothe sure and stedfaste and entringe in to the thinges which are within the vayle Seing brethren that by the meanes of the bloud of Iesu we may be bold to enter in to that holye place by the newe and lyuinge waye whiche he hathe prepared for vs throughe the vayle that is to saye by hys fleshe and that we haue also an high priest which is ruler ouer the house of God let vs drawe nere with a true hart in a full fayth sprinkeled in our hartes frome an euyll conscience and washed in oure bodyes with pure water let vs kepe the profession of our hope withoute waueringe for he is faithfull that promised We haue confydence because we haue a good conscience in all thyngs and a desire to him honestlye Caste not awaye therefore youre confidence which hath a greate reward to recompence Let vs therfore go boldely vnto the seate of grace that we maye receiue mercye and fynde grace to helpe in the tyme of neede ¶ Of charitye Cap. 7. THe charitye and loue of God is shed abroad in our harts by th● holy ghost which is geuen vnto vs. For we know that all things work for the best vnto them that loue God which al are called of purpose Then who shall separate vs from the loue of God shal tribulation or anguish or persecution eyther hunger eyther nakednesse eyther parell either swearde as it is written For thy sake are we killed all daye longe and are coumpted as shepe appointed too be slayne Neuerthelesse in all these thynges we ouercome strongely thorowe hys healpe that loued vs yea and I am sure that neyther death neyther life neyther Aungels nor rule neyther pow●r neither thinges presente neither thinges to come neyther strength neither heigh neyther loweth neither any other creature shall be able to departe vs from the loue of God shewed in Christ● Iesu our Lorde Owe nothinge to any man but to loue one an other For he that loueth an other fulfyllethe the lawe For thou shalt not commytte ad●●●tery Thou shal●e not steale Thou shalt● not beare false witnes Thou shalt● not desyre and so foorth if there be any other commaundement they ar● all comprehended in thys sayinge Loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe Loue hurteth not hys neyghboure Therefore is loue the fulfyllinge of the lawe Let loue be withoute dissimulation And be kynde one to an other wyth brotherly loue Beynge seruente in sprite He that is ioyned vnto the Lorde is one sprite who so loueth God the same is knowen of hym Knowledge maketh
spirite shall of the spirite reape lyfe euerla●●ynge Be not therefore partakers wyth them And that no man goe to farre and defraude ●is broth●r in barganing● because the Lorde is a venger of all suche thinges as we haue tolde you beforetime and ●estifi●d He that doth wronge shal receaue for the wronge that he hath done Yf there be any that prouideth not for his owne and namelye for them of his ●ousholde the same denieth the fayeth and is worsse then an infydele No man that warreth and is geuen to God entangleth him selfe with wordlye businesse and that because he would please him that hath chos●n him to be a souldioure And thoughe a man striue for a masterye yet is hee not crowned excepte he striue lawfullye The husband man that laboureth muste fyrste receaue of the frutes It is a true sayinge if we be d●ade with him we also shall lyue with him Yf we be pa●iente we shall also raygne with him Yf we denye him he also shall denye vs. Studye to shewe thy selfe laudable vnto God a workeman that nedeth not to be a shamed handelinge the the worde of truthe iustlye This is a true sayinge Of these thinges I woulde thou shouldest certifye that they which beleue in God mighte be diligente to goo forwarde in good workes A man that is geuen to heresye after the firste and the seconde admonition auoide remembringe that he that is suche is peruerted and synneth euen dampned by his owne iudgemente For it is not possible that they whiche were once lighted and haue tasted of the heauenlye gifte and become partakers of the holy ghost haue tasted of the good word of God and of the power of the worlde to come if they fall shoulde be renued agayne vnto repentaunce For as much as they haue as concerninge them selues crucified the son of God a fresshe makynge a mocke of him For that erth which drineketh in the rayne which commeth oft vppon it and bringeth foorth erbes meete for them that dresse it receaueth blessinge of God But if it bringe foorth thornes and bryers it is reproued and is nye vnto cursinge whose ende is to be burned Strech foorth therfore the handes which were let down and the weake knees and see that ye haue streighte steppes vnto youre ●ete leaste anye ha●tinge turne you oute of the waye yea let it rather be healed Beinge made free frome sinne ye are become the seruauntes of righteousnes For when ye wer seruaunts of sinne ye were not vnder righteousenesse ¶ Of prudencye and of the vice of imprudencye Capitu. 12. THey that are carnall are carnallye minded But th●y that are spyrituall are ghostlye minded To be carnallye minded is deathe But to be spirituallye minded is life and peace The wisedome of the fleshe is enemye against God for it is not obedien●e to the lawe of God neither can be For the naturall man perceaueth not the thinges of the spirite of God● For they are but folishnes vnto him Neither canne he perceaue them because hee is spirituallye examyned But he that is spirituall discusseth al thinges yet he him selfe is iudged of no man Therefore let him that thinketh he standeth Take hede least he fall I praise you brethren that in all thinges ye are mindfull of me And let all thinges be done honestly and in order amonge you And ●hat your seruice be acceptable vnto God Knowe ye not youre owne selues how that Iesus Christe is in you excepte ye be cast awaye I trust ye shal know that we are not cast awaies Beholde how large a letter I haue written vnto you w t mine own hand Take hede therefore t●at ye walke circūspec●ly not as fol●s but as wise redeminge the time for the daies ar● euyl Wherfore be ye not vnwise but vnd●rstād what the wil of the lord is Beware leaste any man come and deceiue you throughe philosophy and deceitfull vanitye through the traditions of men and ordinaunces after the world and not after Christ. Let no man deceaue you which after his owne imagination walke●h in the humblenes and holinesse of Aungels thinges whiche he neuer saw causelesse past vppe with his ●leshlye minde and holdeth not the headde wherof all the bodye by ioyntes and couples receiueth norishemente and is kni● to order and encreaseth wit● the increasinge that cōmeth of God Wherfore if ye be deade with Chri●●●rom ordinaunc●s of the world why are ye leade with traditions of them that decerne and s●ye Touche not ●ast not handell not which all perish with the vsinge of them and are af●er the cōmaundements and doctrine of men whiche thinges haue the similitudes of wysedome in chosen holines humblenes and in that they spare not the body and do the flesh● no worship vnto his nede Walke wiselye to them that ar● without and r●deme the time Let your speache be alwaies well sauoured and poudered with salte that ye maye knowe how to aunswer euery man The deare brother Ti●hicus shal tell you of al my busines which is a faiethfull min●ster and felowe seruaunte in the Lord whom I haue sente vnto you for the same purpose that he myght knowe how ye do and mighte comforte youre hartes with one Onesimus a faithfull and a be●eued brother whiche is one of you They shall shewe you of all thinges whiche are a doinge here And when the Epistle is red of you make that it be r●dde in the congregation of the Laodicians also and that ye likewise redde the Epistle of Laodicia And saye to Archippus take hede to the office that thou haste receaued in the Lorde that thou fulfyll it Remember my hands And we haue sente Timotheus oure brother and minister of God and our labour felowe in the gospell of Christ to stablysh you and to comforte you ouer youre fayth For this cause when I coulde no longer forbeare I sente that I mighte haue knowledge of youre faith least happely the tempter hadde tempted you and that oure laboure had bene bestowed in vayne But nowe latelye when Timotheus came frome you vnto vs and de●alred to vs your faith and your loue and how that ye haue good remembraunce of vs alwayes desiringe to see vs as we desire to see you Therefore we had consolation in you and in all oure aduersity and necessitye throughe your faith For now are we alyue if ye stand stedfast in the Lorde O Timothe saue that whiche is geuen the to kepe and auoid vnghostly vanityes of voyces and appositions of science falsly so called whych science whyle some professed they haue erred as concernynge the fayth See thou haue the ensample of the wholesome wordes which thou hardest of me in fayth and loue whyche is in Iesu Christ. That good thinge which was cōmitted to thy kepinge kepe in the holye ghost which dwelleth in vs. And what thinges thou haste harde of me many bearing witnesse the same deliuer to
belies This witnesse is true wherfore rebuke them sharpelye that they maye be sounde in the fayeth and not takinge heede too Iewes fables and commaundementes of men that tourne from the truthe These thinges speake and exhort● and rebuke with al commaundinge Se that no man despise the. Warne them that they maye submitte them selues to princes and power to obey the officers that they be readye vnto all good workes that they speake euyll of no manne that they be no syghters but softe shewynge all meakenes vnto all men Thoughe I be bolde in Christe to enioyne the that whiche becommeth thee yet for loues sake I rather besech the trusting in thine obedience I wrote vnto thee knowinge that thou wilte do more then I saye for Therefore we oughte to geue the more heede to the thynges we haue hearde l●aste we perishe For if the wordes whiche was spoken by Aungels was stedfast so that ●u●ry transgression and disobedience receaued a ius●e recompence too rewarde howe shall we escape if we despise so great saluation Although Christ were Gods sonne yet learned he obedience by the thinges whyche he suffered and was made perfecte and the cause of eternall saluation vnto all them that obey hym Moreouer seinge we hadd● fathers of oure owne fleshe which corrected vs and we gaue them reuerence shoulde not we muche rather be in subiection vnto the father of spirituall gyftes that we myght lyue And they verelye for a feawe dayes nurtered vs after their owne pleasure but he learneth vs vnto that whiche is profytable that we might receiue of his holinesse Se that ye despyse not him that speaketh For if they escaped not whiche refused him that spake on earth much more shall we not escape if we turne awaye from him that speaketh frō heauen whose voice then sh●uke the earth now declareth sayinge yet once agayne wil I ●●ke not the earth onelye but also heauen And that hee sayethe yet once more signyfyeth the remouynge away of those thynges which are shaken as of thynges whyche haue ended theyr course that the thinges whiche are not shaken maye remany I cōmende you brethren that ye kepe precepts and ordinaunces euen as I deliuered them to you ¶ Of pittye and mercy Capitu. 15. BE merye wyth them that are merye weepe with them that wepe Yf thyne ennemye honger feede him Yf he thurste geue him drincke for in so doynge thou shalt heape coles of fyre on hys head Him that is weake in the fayeth receaue vnto you not in disputinge and troubling his conscience We which are stronge oughte to beare the fraylnes of them which are weake and not to stand in oure own consaytes For Christe pleased not him selfe but as it is written The rebukes of them which rebuke thee fell on me Wherfore receaue ye one an other as Christe receaued vs too the prayse of God It hathe pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia ●oo make a certayne destribution vppon the poore saync●es which are at Ierusalem I commende vnto you Phebe our syster which is a minister of the congregation of Cenchrea that ye receaue her in the Lorde as it becommeth sayncts and that ye assiste her in what soeuer businesse she neadeth of your ayde For she hath succoured many and mine owne selfe Of the gatheringe for the sainctes as I haue ordayned in the congregation of Galacia euen so do ye vpon some sonday let euery one of you put asyde at home and laye vp what so euer ●e thinketh mete that there be no gatherings when I come When I am come who so euer ye shall alowe by youre letters them wyll I sende to bringe youre liberalitye vnto Ierusalem And if it be mete that I go they shall go with me Yf Timotheus come se that he be without feare wyth you for he worketh the worke of the Lorde as I do Let no man despise him but conuaye him thence in peace that hee maye come vn●o me I am glad of the comming of Stephana for●unatus and Achaicus For that whiche was lackinge on your part they haue supplied They haue comforted my spirite and youres Yf anye man hath caused sorowe the same hath ●ot made me sory● but partlye leaste I shoulde greue you all It was sufficiente vnto th● same man that he was rebuked of manye So that now contrarye wyse ye oughte to forgeue him and coumforte him least that same personne should be ●walowed vppe with ouer much● heauynes Wherfore I ●xhort you that loue maye haue strengthe ouer hym For ●his cause verelye dyd I wryte that I myghte knowe the proofe of you whe●her ye shoulde be obedi●nte in all ●hinges To whom ye forgeue anye thynge I forgeue also And verelye if I forgeue anye thinge to whome I forgaue it for your sakes I forgaue it in the roume of Christ l●ast Sathan shuld preuent vs. For his thoughts are not vnknowen vnto vs. And I after the truthe ●eare r●cord vnto the congregation of Macedonia that beyonde their power they were wyllinge of their own accorde and prayed vs with greate instaunce that wee woulde receaue theyr benefyte and suffer them too be partakers wyth other in mynys●ryng● too the saynctes And thys they dyd not as we looked for but gaue theyr owne selues firste to the Lorde and after vnto vs by the wyll of God so that wee coulde not but desyre Titus ●o accomplish th● same beneuolence amonge you also euen as he had begonne Nowe therfore as ye are ryche in all partyes in ●ayeth in worde in knowledge in all feruentnes and in loue which ye haue too vs euen so see that ye be plenteouse in thys b●neuolence This saye I not as commaundynge but because oth●r are so feruente therefore proue I youre loue whether it be perfecte or no. And I geue counsayl hereto For this is expediente for you which beganne not to do onelye but also to wyll a yeare ago Nowe ther●fore performe th● the dede that as there was in you a readynes to wyll euen so ye maye performe the deede of that whiche ye haue Thankes be to God whiche put in the hearte of Titus the same good mynde towarde you for he of hys owne accorde came vntoo you We haue sente with hym that brother whose la●de is in the gospell thorowe oute all the congregations and not so onelye but is also chosen of the congregations ●o be as felow● with vs in oure iourney concerning● this beneuolence that is mynistered by vs vntoo the prayse of the Lorde and after oure destinate and prompt minde eschuinge this tha● any man shoulde rebuke vs in this plentuous destribution that is ministred by vs and therefore make prouision for honest thinges not in the sight of God onely but also in the sighte of men We haue ●ent with him a brother of ours whom we haue oft tymes proued diligentlye in many thinges but nowe muche more dil●gente The greate confidence whyche I haue in you
hath caused me ●his to do partlye for Titus sake whiche is my felowe and healper as concerninge you partely because of other whiche are our brethr●n and the messengers of the congr●gations and the glorye of Christe Wherefore shewe vntoo them proofe of youre loue and of ●he reioysynge that we haue of you that the congregat●ons may se it Of the ministringe to the saynctes ●t is but superfluus for me to write vnto you for I knowe youre readynes of minde whereof I boast my self vnto them of Macedonia For Achaia was prepared a yeare ago and your feruentn●s hathe prouoked manye Neuerthelesse yet haue I sent theese brethren least oure reioysinge ouer you shuld be in vaine in this behalfe and that ye as I haue sayed prepare youre selues l●aste paraduen●ure if they of Macedonia come wyth me and fynde you vnprepared the boast that I made in ●hys matter shoulde be a shame to vs I saye not to you Wherefore I thoughte it necessarye to exhorte the bretheren to come before hande vnto you For to prepare youre good blessinge promysed afore that it myghte be readye so that it be a blessinge and not a defraudinge For the office of this ministration not onely supplieth the neade of the sainctes but also is abundaunt therein that for this laudable ministringe thankes might be geuen to God of manye Whiche prayse God for the obedience of your professinge the gospell of Christ and for youre singlenes in disstributinge to them and to all men and in their prayers to God for you longe after you for the abundaunt grace of God geuen vnto you Would to God ye could suffer m● a little in my foolishnes yea and I pray you forbeare me● Bear ye one an others burthen and so fulfyll the law of Christ. Let him that is taughte in the word minister vnto him y t teacheth him in all good thinges Brethren if any man be falen bi chaunce in to any faut ye whiche are spiritual helpe to amend him in the spirit of mekenes considering thy selfe l●ast thou also be tempted Let him that stole steale no more but let him rather laboure with his hands some good thing that he may haue to geue to him that nedeth B● ye courteous one too an other and mercyfull forgeuinge one an other euen as God for Christes sake forgaue you I supposed it necessaye to sende brother Epaphroditus vnto you my companion in laboure and felowe souldiour youre Apostell and my minister at my nedes For he longed after you and was full of heauines because ye hadde hearde saye that he shoulde be sycke And no doubte he was sicke and that nye vnto death but god had merci on him not on him only but on me also lest I shuld haue sorowe vpon sorow I sent him therfore the diligent liar that when ye shoulde se him ye mighte reioyce agayne and I mighte be the lesse sorowefull Receaue him therefore in the Lord with all gladnes and make muche of suche because that for th● worke of Christe he wente so farre that he was nye vnto deathe and regarded not his lyfe to fulfyll that seruice which was lackinge of your● parte towarde me Ye I besech the Germane my yoke felowe helpe those which laboured wyth me in the Gospell and wyth Cl●ment also and with other my labour felowes whose names are written in the booke of lyfe I reioyce in the Lorde greatelye that now at th● laste ye are reuiued agayne too care for me in that wherein ye were also carefull but ye lacked oportunity I sp●ake not because of necessitye For I haue learned in what so euer estate I am there with to be content notwithstanding ye haue well done that ye bare part with me in my tribulation Ye of Philippos knowe that in the beginning of the gospell when I departed frome Macedonia no congregation bare parte with me as concerninge geuinge and receauinge but ye only For when I was in Thessalonica ye sente once and afterwarde agayne vnto my nedes not that I desire gyftes but I desire aboundante frute on youre parte I receaued all and haue plenty I was euen fylled after that I had receaued of Epaphroditus that came frome you an odour that smelleth sweete a sa●rifice accepted and pleasaunte to God We praye you brethren comforte the feble minded receaue the weake For God is not vnrigh●eous that he shoulde forget youre worke and labour that proceadeth of loue whiche loue ye shew in his name which haue ministred vnto the sayntes and yet minister Yea and we desyre that euerye one of you shewe the same diligence to the stablishing of hope euen vnto the ende For ye had pitty on them that were in ●andes Be not forgetfull to kepe hospitalitye and lodge straungers for therby haue diuers receaued Aungels into theyr houses vnwares Remember them that ●●e in bondes euen as though ye were in bonde with them Be mindefull of them which are in aduersiti as ye which are yet in your bodies To do good and to distribute forget not for with suche sacrifices God is pleased I besech you brethrē suffer the wordes of exhortation Excercise thy selfe vnt●o Godlynesse For bodilye excercise profiteth little but Godlinesse is good vnto al thinges as a thinge which hath promises of the life that is nowe and of the life to come ¶ Of temperaunce and sobrietye and of bodily castigation Capitu. 16. BRethren we are now debtters not too the fleshe to liue after the fleshe For if ye lyue after the fleshe ye must dye But if ye mortifye the dedes of the bodye by the helpe of the spirit ye shall liue I beseche you therfore brethren by the mercyfulnesse of God that ye make youre bodyes a quicke sacrifice holy and accptable vnto God And make not prouision for the flesh to fulfyll the lustes of it He which is weake eateth earbes It is good neither to eate flesh neyther to drincke wyne I therefore tame and chast my bodye and bringe it in to subiection lest after I haue preached to other I my self should be a castaway Therfore let vs behaue our selues as the ministers of God in fastinges in chastitye in watchinge And let vs clense oure selues from al filthines of the flesh and sprite I say walke in the spirite● and fulfyll not the lustes of the fleshe for the fleshe lus●eth contrarye to the spirite and the sprite contrarye to the fleshe Theese are contrarye one to the other so that ye canne not doe that whiche ye woulde They that are Christs haue crucified the flesh with the appe●ies and lustes In the which in time passed ye walked accordinge too the course of this worlde and after the gouernours that ruleth the ayre the spirite that nowe worketh in the children of vnbeliefe amonge whiche we also had our conuersation in time past in the lustes of oure fleshe and fulfylled the wyll of the fleshe and of
the lord Iesus Christe but their owne belies And with swete preachinge and flatteringe wonders deceaue the hartes of the innocentes For some suppose that there is an ydoll vntyll this houre and eate for as a thinge offered vntoo the ydoll and so their consciences beynge yet weake are defyled Meate maketh vs not acceptable to God Neither if ●e eate are we the better Neither 〈◊〉 we eate not are we the worsse But take hede that youre lybertye cause not the weake to fall For if som● man see the whiche hast knowledge syt at meate in the ydols temple shal not the conscience of him whiche is weake be boldenned too eate those thinges whiche are offered too the ydole And so throughe thy knowledg● shall the weake brother perishe for whom Christ dyed When ye sin so against the brethren and wounde their weake cons●iences ye synne against Christ. Wherefore if meate hurte my brother I wyll eate no fleshe whyle the worlde standethe because I wyll not hurt my brother All thinges are lawefull vnto me but al thyngs are not expedyent All thinges are lawefull to me but all thinges edifye not What soeuer is solde in the market that eate and aske no questions for conscience sake For the earth is the Lordes and all that therin is● Yf any of them which ●ele●e not hyd you to a feast and if ye ●e disposed to go what so euer is set before you eate askinge no question for conscience sake But and if anye man saye vnto you this is dedicate vnto ydoles eate not of it for his sake that shewed it and for hurtinge of conscience Conscience I saye not thyne but the conscience of that other For whye shoulde my libertye be iudged of an other mannes conscience For if I take my parte wyth thankes whye a● I ●uyll spoken of for that thynge wherefore I geeue thankes See that ye geue none occasion of euyll neyther to the Iewes nor yet to the gen●yles euen as I please all menne in all thynges not sekinge mine own profit but ●he profytte of manye that they mighte be saued Let all thinges be done vnto edifyinge Therefore we haue caste from vs the clokes of vnhonestye and walke not in craftynesse neyther corrupte we the worde of God but walke in ●pen truthe and reporte our selues to euerye mannes conscience in the sight of God Geuinge no man occasion of euyll that in our office be ●ound no faut Understande vs we haue hurte no man we haue corrupte no man we haue defrauded no man For this we eschue that any man shoulde rebuke vs in this plenteou● distribution that is ministred by vs. And therfore make we prouision for ●onest thinges not in the ●ighte of God onely but also in the sighte of menne For we do all thinges dearelye beloued for your edifyinge But if ye doe b●●e and deuoure one an other take hede least ye be consumed one of an other Let no fylthy communication proceade oute of your mouthes but that which is good to edi●ye with all that ye maye haue fauoure wyth the hearers And that ye behaue your selues honestlye towarde them that are withoute Wherefore comforte youre selues together and edifye one an other euen as ye do We require you breethren in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe that ye wyth draw your selues from euerye brother that walketh inordinatelye and not after the instytution whyche ye receaued of vs ye your selues knowe how ye oughte to folowe vs. For w● behaued not oure selues vnquyetly amonge you Neyther toke we breade of anye man for noughte● but wrought with labour and tra●ayle night and daye because we woulde not be greuous to any of you not but that we had autoritye but to make oure selues an ensample vnto you to folow vs. Be vnto them that beleue an ensample in worde in conuersation in loue in spirite in fayeth and purenes These things exercise and geue thy selfe vnto them that it maye be sene how thou profytest in all thynges Aboue all thinges shewe thy selfe an ensample of good workes in doctryne in integritye and in gratuitye● So that the feloshippe of thy faieth maye be euydente throughe knowledge of all good thinges in Christe Iesu. For we suffer all thinges least we should hynder the gospell of Christ. Let your modesty and softenesse be knowen to all men ¶ An exhortation to peace and concorde and againste dissention and contention Capitu. 21. LEt vs folow those things whiche make for peace The God of pacience and consolation geue vnto euery one of you that ye be like minded one ●owardes an other after the ensample of Christ Iesu that ye all agreinge together maye wyth one mouthe prayse God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ. I besech you brethren in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe that ye all speake one thinge and that there be no dissention amonge you but be ye knyt together in one minde and in one meaninge It is shewed vnto me my brethren of you by them that are of the house of Cloe that there is strife amonge you and this is it that I meane howe that commonlye amonge you one sayeth I holde of Paule● an other I hold of Apollo the third I holde of Cephas the fourth I holde of Christ. Is Christ deuided Was Paule crucified for you Ether wer ye baptised in the name of Paul I thanke God that I Christened non of you but Crispus and Caius least any should say that I had baptised in mine owne name And I coulde not speake vnto you bre●theren as vnto spirituall but as vnto carnall euen as it were vnto babes in Christ I gaue you mylke to drincke and not meate For ye are yet carnall As longe verely as there is amonge you enuyinge strife and dissention are ye not carnall and walke after the maner of menne As longe as one say●th I holde of Pa●l and an ather I am of Apollo are ye not carnall What is Paul● What thynge is Apollo Onelye minister● are they by whome ye beleued euen a● the Lorde gaue euery manne grace I haue planted Apollo watered but God gaue the encrease So then neyther is hee that ●lanteth any thinge neither he that waterethe But God that gaue the encrease He ●hat planteth and he that watereth are neither better then the other Therefore let no man reioyce in menne for all thinges are youres whether it be Paule eyther Apollo eyther Cephas whether it bee the worlde eyther lyfe ●yther deathe whether they be present thynges or thinges to come all are youres and ye are Christes and Christ is Gods Let men this wise esteeme vs euen as ●he ministers of Christ and disposers of the secretes of God Furthermore it is requyred of the dysposers that they be founde faythfull These thing●s brethren haue I described in mine own personne and Apollos for your sakes that ye mighte learne by vs that no man
I besought the to abyde styll in Ephesus when I departed in to Macedonia euen so doe that thou commaunde some that they teache no other wise neither geue hede to fables and genealogies whych are endlesse and brede doubtes more then godly edifyinge whiche is by fayth Frome the whiche thinges some haue erred and haue tourned vnto vayne iangelinge because they woulde be doctoures in the scripture and yet vnderstande not what they speake neither whereof they affirme And also they learne to goo frome house to house ydle ye not ydle only but also tri●inge and busye bodyes speakinge thynges whyche are not comelye For when we were with you this we warned you of that if there were any whiche would not worke that the same shoulde not eate We haue hearde saye no doubte that there are some which walke among you inordinatelye and worke not at all● but are curius and busibodies Thē that are such we commaunde and exhort by the Lorde Iesu Christe that they worke with quie●nes and eate theyr owne breade Caste awaye vnghostlye and old● wyues fables With an whole some worde which can not be rebuked y ● he which withstandeth may be ashamed hauing no thing in you that ●e may disprayse ¶ Of internall reformation thanks geuing and of certain spirituall exercises and of the ordinaunce of al things to the last ende Capi●u 29. FAshion not youre selues lyke vntoo this worlde Bu●●e ye chaunged i● your shape by the renuynge of yo●re wyttes that ye may fel● what thinge that good that accep●able and perfect wil of god is Pourge therefore the olde leu●n that ye maye be new dowe as ye are s●eat● breade For Christ our Est●r lambe 〈◊〉 offered v●●or v● Therfore let vs k●pe holye day not with olde lea●●● neither with the leuen of maliciousnes and wi●kednesse● but with the swete br●nde of purenes truth Therfore whether ye eate or drin● or what so euer ye doo do all to the praise of God For if we be ●o seruent to God we are to seruent Y● we kepe m●asure for youre cause kepe we measure for the loue of Christ co●strayneth vs. Be ye renued in the spirit of youre mindes and put on that newe man which aft●r the image of God is shapen of righteousnes true holines Singinge and making melodye to the lord in your harts geuing thanks alwayes for all things vnto God the father in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ. Furthermore brethren what so euer thinges are true what so euer thinges are honesse what so euer thinge● are iust what so euer things are pure what so euer thinges pertayne to loue what so euer thyngs are of honest reporte if there be any vertuous thinge if there be any laudable thinge those haue ye in youre mynde which ye haue both learned and receaued bearde and also sene in me those thinges do and the God of peace shall be with you Let the olde man with his workes be put of and the newe be put on which is renued in knowledge after the ymage of hym that made hym where is nother gentyle nor Iewe circumcision nor vncir●ū●●sion barbarous or Sithian bound or fre but Christ is in all thinges and see that ye ●e thankefull ●eache and exhorte youre owne selues● in psalmes and hymnes and spirituall songes which haue fauoure with them singynge in youre heartes to oure Lorde And all thynges what so euer ye doo in worde or deede doe it in the name of the Lorde Iesu geuinge thankes to God the father by him In all thinges geue thankes for this is the wyll of God in Christ Iesu towarde you For by him offer we the sacrifice of laud alwayes to God that is to say the frute of oure lyppes which confesse his name Which deliuered vs from so great perilles in whome we truste that yet here after he wyll delyuer by the helpe of youre prayer for vs that by the meanes of many occasions thankes maye be geuen of manye on oure behalfe for the grace geuen vnto vs. For I doo all thinges for youre sakes that the plentuous grace by thankes geuing of manye maye resounde to the prayse of God ¶ Of originall synne and the trāsfusion therof And of the compari●on of Christes grace to Adams faule Capi. 30. WE haue now by Iesu Chris● receiued y e attonment wherfor● as by one mans sinne entred in to the worlde and death by the meanes of sin●e so death wente ouer all men in so much that all men sinned For death raigned from Adā to Moses euen ouer thē also that sinned not with like trāsgression as dyd Adam which is the similitude of him that is to come But the gifte is not like as the sinne● For if thorowe the sinne of one manye be deadde muche more plentuous vppon manye was the grace of God and gifte of grace which grace was geuen by one man Iesus Christe And the gifte is not ouer one synne as death came thorowe one synne of one that synned For dampnation came of one sin vnto condempnation but the gift came to iustify from manye sins For if by the sinne of one death raigne● by the meanes of one much mor● shall they which receaue abundaunce of grace and of the gif● of righteousnes raign in li●e by the means of one that is to say Iesus Christ. Wh●rfore then as by the sinne of one cond●mpnation came on all men euen so by the iustifying of ●ne cometh the righteousnes y e bringeth life vpon all men For as by one mans disobedience manye became sinners so by the obedience of one● shal manye be made righteous And wher abūdance of sin was ther was more plentuousenesse of grace That as sin had raigned vnto death euen ●o might grace raigne thorowe righteousnesse vnto eternall life by the helpe of Iesus Christ our Lord. We know that the law is spirituall but I am carnall solde vnder sin because I wote not what I do● for what I would that do I not but y t I hate that do I. Yf I now do that which I would not I graunt to the law that it is good So then nowe it is not I that do it but sinne that dwelleth in me For I know y t in me that is to saye in my fleshe dwelleth no good thing To wyll is present with me but I fynde no meanes to performe that which is good For I do not that good thing which I would but that euyl do I which I would● not finallye if I do that I woulde not then is it not I that doo it but synne that dwelleth in m● doeth it I finde then by the lawe that when I woulde do good euyll is presente wyth me I delyte in the law of God concerning the inner manne But I see another lawe in my members rebellinge againste the lawe of my minde and subduinge me vnto the lawe of sinne which is in my
members So then I my selfe in my mynde serue the lawe of God and in my fleshe the lawe of synne We were naturallye the children of wrath euen as well as other For by manne came deathe and by a manne came the resurrection of the deadde For as by Adam all dye euen so by Christe shall all be made a lyue For that the lawe coulde not doo in asmuche as it was weake because of the flesh that performed God and sente his sonne in the similytude of synfull fleshe and by synne damned synne in the fleshe that the righteousnes required of the lawe might be fulfylled in vs whiche walke not after the flesh but after the spirite ¶ Of threfolde heauinesse laudable vituperable and indifferente Capitu 31. I Saye the truthe in Christ and lye not in that my conscyence beareth me witnes in the holye gho●t that I haue greate heauinesse and continuall sorow in my hart for my brethren which are Israelites But I determined this with my selfe that I would not come againe to you in heauinesse For if I make you sorye who is it that shuld make me glad but the same which is made sory by me And I wrote this same to you least if I came I should take heuynes of th●m of whome I oughte to reioyce Certainly this confidence haue I in you all that my ioy is the ioye of you all For in great affliction and anguyshe of hearte I wrote vnto you with manye teares not to make you sorye but that ye mighte perceaue the loue which I haue most specially vnto you Yf anye manne hathe caused sorowe the same hathe not made me sory but partely least I should greue you all Wherfore thoughe I made you sory with a letter I repent not though I did repente For I perceaue that the same pistle made you sory thoughe ye wer bu● a season But now I reioyce not that ye were sorye but that ye so sorowed that ye repented For ye sorowed Godly so that in nothinge ye were hurt by vs. For godlye sorowe causeth r●pentaunce vnto saluation not to be repen●ed of when worldly sorowe causeth death Beholde what dilygence this Godly sorowe that ye toke hathe wroughte in you it caused indignation it caused ●●are it caused desire it caused a feruente mynde it caused punyshement For in all thing● ye haue shewed youre selues that ye w●re cleare in that matter Epaphroditus was sicke and that euen to death But God had mercye on him not on him onelye but on me also least I shoulde haue sorowe vpon sorow I would not brethren haue you ignoraunt concerning them which are fall●n a slepe that ye sorowe not as o●her do which haue no hope ¶ An exhortation to labour for felicity and beatitude it selfe Capitu. 32. I suppose that the afflictions of this life are not worthye of the glorye whiche shall be ●hewed vpon vs. For the feruente desyre of the creatures abydeth lokynge when the sonnes of God shall appeare because the crea●ures are subdued to vanity against their wyll but for hys wyll whyche subdueth them in hope For the verye creature shall be delyuered frome the bondage of corruption in to the glorious liberty of the sonnes of God This also I knowe I meane the season howe that it is the time that we shoulde now awake out of slepe For nowe is oure saluation nearer then when we ●eleue The night is passed and the daye is come nye Let vs therefore cast awaye the deedes of dar●kenesse And let vs put on the armoure of lighte Let vs walke honestlye as it were in the daye lighte and put ye on the Lord Iesus Christ. For it is written The eye hathe not seene and the eare hath not hard neyther haue entred in the hearte of man the thinges which God hathe prepared for them that loue him but God ●athe opened them vnto vs by his spiri●e Now we se in a glasse euen in a dark speaking but then shall we se face to face now I know vnperfectlye but then shall I knowe euen as I am knowen Wherfore we are not weried For oure exceadinge tribulation which is momentanye and lighte prepareth an exceading and an ●ternall weight of glorye vnto vs. We knowe surelye of oure earthy mancion wherin we now dwel were destroyed that we haue a buildinge ordayned of God an habitation not made wyth handes but eternall in heauen Let vs not be weary of wel doinge For when the time is come we shall reape withoute wearynes Whyle we haue therefore time let vs doo good to all menne and speciallye vnto them whiche are of the housholde of faieth For the things that were vantage vnto me I counted losse for Christes sake For whome I haue counted all thinge losse and doe iudge them but donge that I mighte wynne Christ and mighte be founde in him● not hauing mine own righteousnes which is of the lawe but that which springeth of the fayth which is in Christ. I meane the righteousnesse whiche commeth of God thorowe fayeth in knowinge him and the vertue of resurrection and the feloshippe of his passion that I mighte be conformable vnto his death if by anye meanes I might attayne vnto the resurrection o● the dead For why God the father hath made vs meete to be partak●rs of the inheritaunce of saynctes in lighte which hath deliuered vs from the power of darckenes and hath translated vs in to the kingedome of his deare son in whom we haue redemption through ●is bloude and forgeuenesse of oure sinnes Therefore if ye be rysen agayne with Christ seke those things which are aboue where Christe sitteth on the right hande of God Set your affections on thinges that are aboue and not on thynges whiche are on the earth For ye are dead and your life i● hid with Christ in God When Christ which is your life shall ●hewe him selfe then shall ye also appeare with him in glorye Fighte the good fyghte of fayeth Lay hand on eternall life wherunto thou art called hast professed a good profession before many witnesses I knowe whome I haue beleued and am sure that he is able to keepe that whiche I haue committed to his kepinge against that daye Suffer affliction as a good souldier of Iesu Christ. For the husbandeman that laboureth must first receiue of the frutes I am nowe ready to be offered and the time of my departing is at hand I haue fought a good fight and haue fulfylled my course and haue kepte y ● fayth From hence foorth is laid vp for me a croune of righteousnes whiche the lord that is a righteous iudge shall geue me at that daye not to me onelye but vnto all them that loue his comminge For the grace of God that bringeth saluation vnto all men hath appeared and teacheth vs that we shoulde denye vngodlynesse and worldelye lustes and that we shoulde lyue sober minded righteouselye and godlye
precious stones tymber haye or stoble euery mans worke shall appear For the day shall declare it and it shalbe shewed in fier And the fyer shall trye euerye mannes worke what it is Yf anye mans worke that he hath buylt vppon byde he shall receaue a rewarde Yf anye mans worke burne he shall suffer losse but he shall be safe him selfe neuerthelesse yet as it were thorow fire We muste all appeare before the iudgemente seate of Christe that euerye man maye receaue the workes of his bodye accordinge to that hee hathe done whether it be good or badde For god loketh on no mans person It is verelye a righteous thynge with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you whiche are troubled reast with vs when the Lord Iesu Christ shal shew hym selfe frome heauen wyth hys mightye Aungels in flaminge fire rendringe vengeaunce vnto them that knowe not God and too them that obeye not the Gospell of oure Lorde Iesus Christe Which shall be punyshed with euerlastinge damnation from the presence of the Lorde and frome the glorye of his power when he shal come to be gloryfied in his sainctes and to be made maruaylous in all them that beleeue because oure testimonye that we had to you was beleued euen the same daye that we preached it Some mennes sinnes are open before hande and goo before vntoo iudgemente Some mens synnes folowe after Likewise also good workes are manifeste before hande and they that be otherwyse canne not be hydde Wherfore I was greued with this generation and sayed They erre euer in their hartes they verelye haue not knowen my wayes so y t I sware in my wrath that they shuld not enter in to my reaste Some when they heard rebelled● how be it not all that came oute of Egypte vnder Moses But with whome was he displeased fortye yeares was he not displeased with them that synned whose carkases were ouerthrowen in the desert To whome sware he that they shuld not enter in to his reast But vntoo them that beleued not And we see that they coulde not enter in because of vnbeleue A fearefull lokinge for iudgement and violente fyre which shal deuou● the aduersaries For we knowe h●m that hath sayed vengeaunce belongeth vntoo me and I wyll recompence And agayne the Lorde shall iudge hys people For yet a v●ry● lyttle whyle and he that shall come wyll come and wyll not tarye Whiche wyll lyghten thinges that are hydde in darckenes and open the ounsayles of the heartes c. ¶ Of the vnspeakeable mercy of God vntoo mankynde And of Christes meke redemption of manne Ca●pit 46. YE are iusty●yed freelye by the grace of God throughe the redemption that is in Christ Iesu whome God hathe made a seate of mercye throughe fayeth in his bloude to shewe the righteousnes which before him is of valure in that he forgeueth the synnes that are passed which God did suffer ●o shewe at this time that he mig●te be counted iust and a iustifiar of him which beleueth on Iesus Which was deliuered for our sinnes and rose agayne for to iustifye vs. For when we were yet weake accordinge to the time Christ dyed for vs whiche were vngodlye Yet ●●ace wyll any manne dye for a r●ghteous man Paraduenture for a good man durste a manne dye But God setteth out his loue that he hath to vs seing that whyle wee were yet synners Christe died for vs much more then nowe seinge we are iustified in hys bloud shall we be saued from wrath thorowe him For if when we were ennemies we were rec●nciled to god by the death of his sonne much more seinge we are reconciled we shall be preserued by his life A●ste minge this that if one be dead for all then are all deade and Christ dyed for all that they whiche lyue shoulde not hence ●oorthe lyue vnto● them selues but vnto him whyche dyed for them and rose agayne Therefore if anye man he in Christ he is a newe creature Olde thinges are passed awaye B●holde all thing●s are be●●me n●we Neuerthelesse all thinges are of God whiche hathe reconcil●d vs vntoo h●m selfe by Iesus Christe and hathe geuen vnto vs ●he offyce too preache the attonment For god was in Chri●● and made ag●e●m●nt betwene the world and him selfe and impu●ed not their sinnes vnto them and hathe c●mmytted too vs the off●ce of reconciliation Nowe then are we messengers in the roume of Christe Euen as thoughe God dyd beseeche you thorowe vs. So praye we you in Christes steade that ye be atone wi●● g●● For he hathe made h●m to be synne for vs whiche knewe no synne that we by hys meanes shoulde bee that ryghteousenesse whic● b●●ore God is alowed Whyche gaue hym selfe for oure sinnes to deliuer vs frome this presente euyll world throughe the wyl of god our father to whom be praise for euer and euer Amen Christ hath redemed and deliuered vs frome the curse of the lawe and was made a cursed for vs. For it is written Cursed is euerye one that hangeth on tree that the blessinge of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Iesus Christ that we might receaue the promes of the spirit through fayeth Christ is our peace whiche made of both one and hath broken down y e wall that was a s●op betwene vs and hath also put awai thorow his flesh y e cause of hatred that is to saye the lawe of commaundementes contained in the lawe written for to make of twayne one new man in him selfe so makinge peace and to reconcyle bothe vnto God in one bodye thorow his crosse and slewe hatered therby and came and preached peace to you whiche were a farre of and to them that were nye For thorow him we bothe hau● an open waye in in one spirite vnto the father For it pleased the father y ● in Christ shuld all fulnes dwell and by him to reconcile al thing vnto him selfe and to set at peace by him throughe the bloude of his crosse bothe thinges in heauen and thinges in earthe And you which were in times past straūgers and ennemyes because youre myndes were set in euyll woorkes hath he nowe reconciled in the body of his flesh thorow death to make you holy vnblameable and without faut in his owne sight And ye whiche were deade in sinne through the vncircum●ision of your fleshe hath he quickened with him and hath forgeuē vs al our trespases th●th put out the hand writing that was against vs contained in the law written And y ● hath he taken out of y t way hath fastened it to his crosse ● hath spoiled rule and power hath made a shew of them openly hath triumphed ouer thē in his own persō This is a ●rue sayinge and by all m●anes worthy to be receaued that Christ Iesus came in to the worlde to saue sinners For ther● is one God and
wrot vnto you with manye teares not to make you sorye but that ye mighte perceaue the loue which I haue most speciallye vnto you Ye are oure Epistle written in oure hartes whiche is vnderstande and reede of all men in that ye are knowen how that ye are the Epistle of Christ● ministred by vs and writ●en not with yncke but with the spirit of the liuing God not in tables of stone but in fleshely tables of the heart For the loue and charitye of Christ constrayned vs. vt su Behold now I am ready to come the thirde tyme vnto you and yet I wyll not be greuous vnto you For I seeke not youres but you I wyll verye gladly bestow and wyll be bestowed for your soules thoughe the more I loue you the lesse I am loued againe I am surelye certyfied of this that be whiche beganne a good worke in you shall goo foorth with it vntyll the day of Iesus Christ as it becommeth me so too iudge of you all because I haue you in my hart and in my bondes and in the defence and stablishmente of the gospel For god beareth me witnesse how greately I long after you all from the very hart rote in Iesus Christ. I truste in the Lorde Iesus for too sende Timothe shortelye vntoo you that I also maye be of good comfort when I know what case ye stand in For I haue no man that is so liuelye mynded to me whiche with so pure affection careth for youre matters for all other seeke their owne and not that whyche is Iesus Christes Ye knowe the prose of him how that as a sonne wyth the father so wyth me he bestowed his laboure vpon the gospell Him I hope to send as soont as I knowe how it wyl go with me I truste in the Lorde that I also my selfe shall come shortly It greueth me not to wryte all one thinge vnto you For vnto you it is necessarye I woulde ye knew what solicitude and care I haue for youre sakes and for them of Laodicia and for as manye as haue not s●ene my personne in the fleshe that they might be comforted Although I wrote vnto you I did i● n●t for his caus● that did hurte nether for hys cause that was hurt but that our good mynde which we haue towarde you in the sighte of God mighte appeare vnto you Euen as a nourse cherysheth her children so was oure affection towarde you oure good wyll was to haue dealte vnto you not the Gospell of God onelye but also oure owne soules because ye were deare vntoo vs. I thanke God whome I serue from myne elders wyth pure conscience that withoute ceasinge I make mention of the in my prayers nighte and daye desiringe to see the myndefull of thy teares so that I am filled with ioye when I call too remembraunce the vnfained faith that is in the whiche dwelte first in thy grandmother Lois and in thy mother Animica and I am sure that it dwelleth in the also Brynge Zenas the lawear and Apollos on their iourney dilygentelye that no●hinge be lackinge vnto them I for charities sake beseche the seinge thou arte as I am euen Paule aged and nowe in bondes for Iesus Christe sake I beseeche the for my sonne Onesymus whome I begatte in my bondes whiche in tyme passed was to the vnprofitable but nowe profitable both to the and also to me whome I haue sente ●ome agayne Thou therefore receaue him that is to saye mine owne bowels whome I would fayne haue retained with me that in thy steade he might haue ministred vnto me in the bonds of the Gospell Neuerthelesse without thy mynde I would do nothing that the good which springeth of the shoulde not be as it were of necessity but wyllingely Happely he therefore departed for a season that thou shouldest receaue hym for euer not nowe as a seruaunte but aboue a seruaunte I meane a brother beloued speciallye to me but how much more vnto the both in the fleshe and also in the Lorde Yf thou count me ● felowe receaue hym as my selfe Yf hee haue hurte thee or owethe thee ought that lay to my charge I Paule haue wrytten it wyth myne ●ande I wyll recompence it So that I do not say to thee howe that thou ●west vnto me euen thine owne self Euen so brother let me enioye thee in the Lorde Comforte my bowels in Christe Moreouer prepare mee lodgynge for I truste throughe the helpe of your prayers I shall be geuen vnto you ¶ Of the humilitye pacience and persecutions of blessed Paul the Apostell Capitu 67. ANd last of all Christ was sene of me as of one that was borne oute of due tyme. For I am the least of all the Apostles whiche am not worthye to be called an Apostle because I persecutee the congregation of God But by the grace of God I am that I am and his grace which is in me was not in vaine but I labour●d more abundantlye then they all yet not I but the grace of God which is with me Whether it were I or they so we preache and so haue ye beleued I Paule my selfe besech you by the mekenes and so●ten●s of Christ whiche when I am pr●sente amonge you am of no reputa●ion but am bolde towarde you beinge absente I beseche you that I n●de not to be bolde when I am presente with the same confidence wherwith I am supposed to be bold against som which repute vs as tho●gh we walk●d carnallye For we dare not make our selues of y ● number of them or compare our selues too them whiche la●de th●m selues Neuerthel●sse whyle they measure them selues with them s●lues and compare them selues wyth them selues they vnderstand nought Other goo I about● to please men Yf I studyed to please men I were not the seruaunte of Christe Nor we were not as thoughe we entended to please men c. vt supra Capitu. 39. This is a true sayinge that Christ Iesus came in to this worlde to saue synners of whome I am cheefe c. For this cause haue I delectation in infirmities in rebukes in nede in persecutions in anguyshe for Christs sake For when I am weake ●hen am I stronge They are the ministers of Christe I speake lyke a foole I am more In laboures more abundaunte In strypes aboue measure In prysonne plentuouslye In deathe o●●e Of the Iewes fyue tymes receaued I euerye tyme fourtye strypes saue one Thryse was I beaten wyth roddes I was once stoned I su●fered thryse shipwrake N●ghte and daye haue I bene in the depe of the sea In ●orneing often In parele of waters In parelles of robbers In ieoperdyes of mine owne nation In ieoperdyes amonge the heathen I haue bene in parels in cityes in parels in wildernesse in parels in the sea in parels amonge false breethren in laboure and trauaile in watchinge often in hunger and thirst in fastinges often in
Testamente ca. 53 No man but he that is called taketh honour vpon him capi 55 Nothinge can departe a manne from the loue of God capi 7 Now we se in a glasse cap. 32 Nothinge is commen of it selfe ca. 20 O. Obey not for feare but because of conscience cap. 14 Obey them that haue the ouersyght of you capit 61 Olde thinges are passed away ca. 46 Olde womens dutye and office ca. 61 One mediator betwene god and man capitu 46. O the abundaunte wisedome of god O the depenesse of the aboundaun●e knowledge of God ca. 44 Our ablen●s cometh of god ca. 6 Our knowledge is vnperfect ca. 33 Our fathers were all baptised vnder Moses in the cloude in the sea ca. 37 Our reioysinge is the testimonye of conscience capi 17 Owe nothinge to any man but loue capitu 7.11 Ouercome euill wyth goodnes ca. 10 P. Pacience bringeth experience ca. 10 Passe ouer vayne voyces cap. 13 Paule was called too be an Apostle be god ca. 1 Paule was appointed to preache by the commaundemente of god ca. 1.43 Paule is not ashamed of the Gospell capitu 4. Paule receaued not the gospel of mā but of Christ ca. 4 Paul because he woulde not be greuous to anye man labourd daye and nighte capi●u 10.20 Paule a minister of the gospel ca. 13. Paule deliuered Alexander to Sathā capitu ●4 Paule christened but two ca. 21 Paul was vnquieted in y e flesh ca 25. Paule prayeth night and day ca. 27 Paule counteth all thinge as doung● to wynne Christ ca. 3● Paule was of the tribe of Beniamin capitu 37 Paul as concerninge the law was a Pharisee ca. eodem Paule persecuted the congregation capitu 37.70 Paule is in debte to all men ca. 39 Paule came not to the people in gloriousnes of wordes ca. eode Paule preached not with entisinge wordes ca. eod Paule sawe Iesus Christ ca. 39.47 Paule was no chopper of the worde of god cap. 39 Paule was not behynde the chefe Apostles ca. eo Paul was not r●de in knowledge eo Paul exhorted not with gu●le ca. eod Paul was no flatterer ca eod Paule cloked no couetuousnes ca. eo Paul sought not to please men ca. eo Paul was diligent to remember the poore ca. 53 Paule withstode Peter cap. eo Paule for his brethren wyshed him ●●lfe to be cursed from Christ ca. 66 Paule made him selfe seruaunte vnall menne cap. eo Paul delited in infirmities ca. 67.69 Paul was let doun in a basket ca. 67 Paule fulfylleth that is behynde of the passions of Christe ca. 67 Paule was taken vp in to the thyrde heauen cap. 69 Paule coulde do all thinges through the helpe of Christe ca. ●ode Paul was learned to be content both wyth wealth and wo ca. eo Pauls cloke his parchements ca. 71 Pauls token in al his Epistles ca. 72 Peace of God passeth all vnderstandinge ca. 3 Please thy neighboure vnto his edi●yinge c●pitu 20 Potter hathe power ouer the claye capitu 44. Praye in the spirite capi 18 Preache the Gospell and lyue of the gospell capi 1● the Preachinge of the crosse capi 13 Preache the worde be it in season or out of season ca. 24.61 Preachers must be sente cap. 39 Priestes that rule well are worthye of double honour cap. 61.14 Praye with the spirite a●d with the mynde ca. 26 Praye continually ca. 26.36 Pray lyfting vp your hands wi●hout wrath ca. 26 Praye for kinges and for all that are in auctoritye cap. eo Power cometh of god ca. 14. Prouide for honest thinges cap. 12 Put on the Lord Iesus ca. 17.32 Put on the armur of lighte ca. 18.32 Put not a stomblynge blocke in thy brothers way cap. 20.22 Put away childishnes ca. 23 Put awaye lyinge and speake the truth cap. ●8 Put on the newe man cap 29 Put of the old man with his works capi eod Put away all maliciousnes ca. 35 Put awaye ●ilthye communication capitu 35. Put on ●●nder mercy ca. 36 Put not thy wyf● from the. ca. 38 R. Raab the harlote ca. 5 Rebuke the works of darknes ca. 24 Rebuke not an elder ca. ●od Rebuke the sinfull openly ca. eo Rec●aue the weake ca. 15. Receaue not the grace of god in vain capitu 23. Recompence not euyll for euyl ca. 10 Redeme the time ca. 12 Reioyce not in men ca. 20.27 Reioyce in tribulation ca. 27 R●ioyce in God cap. 27.13 Reioyce in the crosse of Christ. ca. 27 Remember them that are in bondes capitu 15. the R●ward of synne is d●ath ca 17 Reward to him that worketh is recken●d of du●ye ca. 50. Repr●ue t●em wyth modes●y that resys●e the truthe cap. ●4 Righteousnesse is opened by sayeth capitu 4.50 Rich men saule in to many noysome lustes cap. 19 the Rote of Ie●●e ca. 40. S. Sacrifices which please god ca. 15. Sacrifice of lawe is the ●rute of ou●e lippes ca. 29 Sathan fashioneth him selfe in to an Aungell of ligh●e ca. 25. Sara through fayeth was deliuered of a childe ca. 23 Seke not thine owne profyt●e ca. 7 Seke an other mans wealth ca. eo● Seke the profitie of many ca. 20 Seke not for a wyfe cap. 58. Seeke the thinges whiche are aboue capitu 32. Seruauntes of synne are not vnder righteousenes ca. 11 the Seruaunte of the Lorde muste informe them that resyste the truth● capitu 36 the Seruaunte of the Lorde must not striue ca. eo Seruauntes obey youre maysters capitu 60. Seruauntes must● counte they● mas●ers worthye of all honour ca. eo● Ser●auntes oughte not to aunswer agayne ca. eod Scripture is able too make a manne wise vnto saluation ca. 12 Scripture geuen by the inspiration of God is profitable to teache to improue ca. 13 Shewe mercy with cherfulnes ca. 41 Synners haue pleasure in them that synne capi 35 Synne was not regarded as long as there was no lawe cap. 50 Sowe spirituall thynges and reape carnall cap. 11 Sowe lyttle and reape little ca. eod Sorowe not for the deadde withoute hope capi 31 Spirituall men discusse all thinges capitu 12 Speake euyll of no man ca. 14 Speake all one thinge ca. 21 Styrre vp the gift● of God whiche is in the ca. 23 Study to be quiet ca. 36 Striue not about wordes ca. 21 S●and not in thy own consaite ca. ●5 Swell not one agaynst another ca. 21 Submit your selues to the auctority of the hier powers ca. 14. Submit your selues one to an other in the feare of god capi 8 Suffer affliction ca. 32 Suffer to gether and be glorifyed together ca. 42 T. the Tabernacle and what was contained in it cap. 37 Take hede to thy office ca. 12 Tame and bring the body in to sub●ection capi 15 Teache and take hede to thy doctrine capitu 41. Tempte not Christe cap. 25 The feblest members are mooste necessarye cap● 41 The earnest of our inheritaūce ca. 43 The woorde of the preacher is the worde of God ca. eod The wrath of God against vngodlynes cap. 45 The word of god is
not bound ca 47 They that faule canne not be renued vnto repentaunce ca. ●● There be that reioyce in the face and not in the hearte cap. 27 The thinges which god hath prepared for them that loue are vnspeakeable cap. 3● There is but one God in the worlde capitu ca. 34 Ther is not one that doth good ca. 35 They confesse God and in dedes denye him ca. eo Thei shal be damned that beleue n●t the truthe capi● 63 They that studye to please men are not the seruauntes of Christe ca. 67 Things written are written for our learninge ca. 6 Thynges seene and not seene ca● 13 the Tyme goeth awaye ca. 36 a Testament taketh auctor●●y by the deathe of men cap. 47. To Abraham and his seede were the promyses made ca. ●3 Translate the priesthode and translate the lawe ca. 55. Transgression receaueth a iuste reward● ca. 14 Treasure in ear●hen vessels ca. 13 Tribulation bringeth pacience ca. 10 Trust not in vncertayne riches ca● 19 Tribulation preparethe for vs an eternall waygie of glorye cap. 3● To the defiled nothing is pure ca● 35 Trust not in your selues but in god capitu 6. True circumcision capi 37 U. W. Walke worthye of oure Lorde in all good workes ca. ● Walke circumspe●tlye ca. 12 Walke not in vanitye of the mynd● ●apitu 16 Walke as children of light ca. 23 Walke honestlye cap. 3● Walke worthye of God ca. 23 Walke worthye of youre vocation capitu 36. Walke in a newe life ca. 63 Wast not thy braynes about questions ca. 9 Warne the vnrulye ca. ●4 Watche and be sober ca. 16 Wayte on thy office● ca. 41 Want●n widowes cap. 59 We shoulde swym in loue one to an other ca. 2 We are iustified by fayth cap. 4 We preache not ye and ●ay ca. eod We are not sufficient of oure selues to thinke anye thinge cap. 6 We are made the of scourynge of all thinges ca. 10 We wrastle not agaynste fleshe and bloude ca. 18 Wee broughte nothynge in too the worlde cap. 19 We knowe not what to praye for as we oughte ca. 26 We seke for a citye y ● is to come ca. 32 We loke for the deliueraunce of oure bodyes capi 33. We are mēbers of Christs bodi ca. 38 We are of the houshold of God ca. 43 We must all appeare before the iudgemente seate of Christ cap. 54 We are all one in Christ ca. 48 We are buried with Christe by baptym● ca. 62 We shall be chaunged in the twin●kel●nge of an eye ca. 65 Wemen throughe ●ayeth receaued theyr dead raysed to life agayn ca. 5 Women araye your selues in comelye apparell ca. 26 Wemen must pray couered ca. 59 Women were created for mans saks capi 59 Wemens heare is geuen them to couer them wyth all ca. ●odem Women muste kepe silence cap. eo Womē must be vnder obedience eod Wemen must learne of their husbandes ca eode Wemen may not teache men ca. eo● Women throughe bearinge of children shall be saued cap. eodem a Woman is bounde to the man as longe as he lyueth ca. 50 the Womā w●s deceaued not Adam capitu 59 What so euer is not of fayth is synne capitu 4. the walles of Ierico cap. 5 What companye hathe lighte with darkenes ca. 1● What so euer a manne soweth that shall he reape ca. ●od What Godly● sorowe causeth ca. 31 When they counted thē selues wise they became fooles ca. 34 Where the spirite of God is there is liberty ca. 73 Who is sicke I am not sicke ca. 67 Without fayeth it is vnpossible too please god ca. 5 Who shall seperate vs from the loue of god ca. 7 Who goeth a warfare at his owne coste cap. 11 Who knoweth the minde of the lord capitu 13.44 Who shall deliuer me from this body of death ca. 33 Wylt thou be without feare● do well capitu 8. Wylful sinners haue ●o sacrifice for synne ca. 8 Whom the Lorde loueth him he chasteneth ca 10 Wo to me if I preache not ca. 11 Worke poure owne saluation ca. 8 the Wysedome of the fleshe is Gods ●nemye ca. 12 be wise vnto that which is good ca. 13 the Wisedome of this worlde is but foolishenes c● ●o the Wyll of god is that ye shoulde be holye ca. 16 Wyues loue and feare your husbandes ca. 58. Wydowes that lyue in pleasure are dead ca. 59. Workes of good wydowes ca. eod Wordlye sorowe causeth death ca. 31 Wrappe not your selues in the yoke of bondage ca. 54 the Word of god is quick and sharpe capitu 49. Wythdrawe youre selues from those that worke inordinately ca. 20 U. Uessels of mercy ca. 40 Uessels of wrat● prepared to damnation ca. 44 Uessels of mercy prepared vnto glorye cap. eod the Uisible thinges of God are knowen by the inuisible ca. 13 Y. Ye are the temple of the liuynge god capitu 11.41 Ye are dearelye boughte 23.41 Ye ye naye naye capi 28. Ye are not yonr owne cap. 41 Ye haue not receaued the spirite of bondage but of adoption ca. 24 Y● are iustifyed freelye by the grace of God capitu 46. Here endeth the Table FINIS ¶ IMPRYNTED at London by Iohn Tisdale and are to be solde at his shoppe in the vpper end of Lombarde s●rete in All. hallowes chuchyarde nere vnto grace churche 1562. Gala. 1. 1. Timo. 1● 2. Timo. 1. Titu 1. 1. Cor. 1. phi 1. Rom. 1. Rom. 1. 1. Cor. 1. 2. Cor●● Ephe. 1. Collo 1. 1. Thes. 1. 2. Thes. 1. 2. Thes. 2. 2. Cor. 1● Ephe. 1. Ephe 3. Phi. 1. Co●●e 1. Phi. 4. 1. Thes. 3. 1 Thes. 5. 2. Thes. 1. 2. Thes. 2. 2. Titu 1. Heb. 13. Rom. 1. Rom 4. Rom. 5. Rom. 9. Esa. 8. Rom. 10. Deu. 30● Rom. 14. Heb. 10. 2. Cor. 1. 2. Cor. 4. Psal. 124. 2. Cor. 5. 2. Cor. 13. Gala. 1. 2. Cor. 1● Gala. ● Gala. 3. Gene. 25. Gala. 5. Ephe. 2. Ephe. 4. 2. Thes. 3. 2. Timo. 2. Heb. ●● Gene. 27. Rom. 5. Rom. 3. Rom. 12. Rom. 15. 2. Cor. 1. 2. Cor. 3. Ephe. 3. Phi. 1. Collo 1. Phi. 3. 1. Cor● 9. 1. Timo. 4 Heb. 5. Heb. 10. Heb. 13. Heb. 10. Heb. 4. Rom. 5. Rom. 8. Psal. 43. Rom. 1● Rom. 1● Rom. 12. 1. Cor. 6. 1. Cor. ● 1. Cor 8. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Cor. 12. 1 Cor. 14. 1. Cor. 16 2. Cor. 6. 2. Cor. 8. 2. Cor. 11. Gala. 5. ●phe 5. Collo 3. 1. Thes. 4. 1. Tim. 1. Heb. 10. Heb. 13● Phi. ● Rom. 11. Rom. 13. 2. Cor. 11. 2. Cor. 12● Gala. 4. Phi. 2. ● Cor. 2. Heb. 4. Heb. 10. Ephe. 5. Rom. 12. Gala. 5. Phili. 2. Gala. ● 1. Cor. 8. 1. Timo. 6. 2. Cor. 4. Rom. 5. Rom. 12. Deu. 32. 1. Cor. 4. 2. Cor. 4. 2. Cor. 6. ●phe 3. 1. Thes. 1. Phil. 1. 2. Cor. 11. 1. Thes. 2. 1. Thes. 3. 1. Thes. 5. 2. Timo. 3 Heb. 10. 2. Thes. 1. Heb. 10. Heb. 11. Heb. 12. Heb. 1●● 1. Cor. 4. 2. Cor. ●● 2. Cor 7. Rom. 13. Rom.