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A63711 A collection of offices or forms of prayer in cases ordinary and extraordinary. Taken out of the Scriptures and the ancient liturgies of several churches, especially the Greek. Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, according to the Kings translations; with arguments to the same.; Collection of offices or forms of prayer publick and private Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. 1657 (1657) Wing T300; ESTC R203746 242,791 596

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behold the beautie of the Lord and to visit his Temple ¶ For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion in the secret of his Tabernacle shall he hide me and set me upon a rock * Therefore will I offer in the Tabernacle sacrifices of joy I will sing and speake praises unto the Lord. ¶ The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid * Examine O Lord and prove me try my reines and my heart ¶ For thy loving-kindnesse is before my eyes and I will walk in thy truth * I have not sate with vaine persons neither will I goe in with dissemblers ¶ I will wash my hands in innocency and so will I compasse thine altar O Lord. * That I may publish with the voice of thanks-giving and tell of all thy wondrous workes ¶ O tast and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man that trusteth in him * Look at the generations of old and see did ever any trust in the Lord and was confounded or did any abide in his fear and was forsaken or whom did he ever despise that called upon him ¶ For the Lord is full of compassion and mercie longsuffering and very pitiful and forgiveth sins and saveth in time of affliction * Ye therefore that fear the Lord beleive him and your reward shall not faile ¶ They that fear the Lord will seek that which is well pleasing unto him and they that love him shall be filled with the law * They that fear the Lord will prepare their hearts humble their souls in his sight ¶ For as his Majesty is even so is his mercy * What shall I render unto the Lord for all the benefits which he hath done unto me ¶ I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of the Lord. * Returne unto thy rest O my soule for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee ¶ I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call upon the Name of the Lord. * The Lord hath been mindfull of us and he will blesse us he will bless them that fear the Lord both small and great ¶ Blessed be the name of our God from this time forth for evermore Praise the Lord. Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Then shall the Minister with a loud voice pronounce this Commination THus saith the Lord Jesus I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last Blessed are they that doe his commandement that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the City For without are Dogs and Sorcerers Whoremongers and Murderers The Idolaters and the Filthy the Fearful and the Unbeleiving the Hypocrite and the Liars the Drunkards and the Envious the hinderers of Gods word and the Slanderers of their neighbours the Swearers and the Covetous the Impenitent and the Uncharitable shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone And behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his worke shall be I Jesus have sent mine Angel to testifie unto you these things in the Churches I am the root and off-spring of David and the bright morning-star And the Spirit and the Bride say come and let him that heareth come and let him that is athirst come and whosoever wil let him take the water of life freely BUt first cleanse your hands and purifie your hearts repent you truly of all your sins past retaine no affection to any thing that displeases God Resolve against all sin strive against all pray against all watch against all and so shall ye be meet partakers of this holy table But if any of you here present live in any knowne sin of which ye have not truly repented and which you doe not mean presently and utterly to forsake In the name of Jesus Christ I pronounce every such person to be unworthy of these holy mysteries and that he cannot receive them but to his condemnation Judge therefore your selves brethren that ye be not judged of the Lord for it is a fearfull thing to fall into the hands of the living God and who is able to dwell with the everlasting burning But if any of you after this severe admonition shall presume to approach these sacred mysteries with an impure and disobedient heart let him know that he pollutes the blood of the everlasting Covenant he eates and drinkes damnation to himselfe not discerning the Lords Body I have given you warning I have discharged my duty ALl you who truly repent you of your sins and are in love and charity with your neighbours and intend to lead a holy life in all godlinesse and sobriety and honesty draw neer and take these holy mysteries to your comfort first make your humble confession of sins to God and meekly beg his pardon for what is past and his grace for the time to come The Confession to be said by all kneeling ALmighty God we miserable sinners doe humbly confesse and are truly sorrowfull for our many and great our innumerable and intolerable crimes of which our consciences doe accuse us by night and by day and by which we have provoked thy severest wrath and indignation against us We have broken all thy righteous lawes and commandements by word or by deed by vaine thoughts or sinfull desires we have sinn'd against thee in all our relations in all places and at all times we can neither reckon their number nor bear their burden nor suffer thy anger which we have deserved But thou O Lord God art merciful and gracious have mercy upon us Pardon us for all the evils we have done Judge us not for all the good we have omitted Take not thy favour from us but delight thou to sanctifie us and save us and work in us to will and to doe of thy good pleasure all our duty that being sanctified by thy Spirit and delivered from our sins we may serve thee in a religious and a holy conversation thorough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then the Minister rising up shall pronounce Absolution in the form described at Morning Prayer OUr Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus the great Shepheard and Bishop of our Souls that Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world who promised Paradise to the repenting Theef and gave pardon to the woman taken in Adultery he pardon and forgive all your sins known and unknown *** O Blessed Jesus in whatsoever thy servants as men bearing flesh about them and inhabiting this world or deceived by the Devil have sinned whether in word or deed whether in thought or desire whether by omission or commission let it be forgiven unto them by thy word and by thy Spirit and for ever preserve thy servants from sinning against thee and from suffering thine
affections of thy loving kindnesse and thou art displeased when our vilenesses constraine thee to powre down thy judgements on us O be pleased to grant that they living in holy obedience to thee may feel a perpetuall streame of mercy refreshing and supporting them and let them not bear anothers burthen for thou art just and merciful righteous and true and hast sentenc'd every one to bear their own iniquity VI. GReat God of mercy heale all the breaches of this family preserve and encrease the remaining comforts and advantages of it support the estate renew thy favour to it and perpetually poure down thy blessings upon it for the light of thy countenance and thy gracious influence does preserve and blesse support and nourish honour and advance persons and families and kingdomes Blesse my eldest son give him an obedient and a loving spirit a provident and a wise heart a worthy and a pious comportment a blessed and an honourable posterity to my younger sons give health and holinesse wisdom and faire fortunes the love of God and good men to my daughters give thy perpetuall grace and favour that they may live in honour and a severe chastity free from sin and shame from temptation and a snare and let their portion be in the blessing in the love and service of God Let them live in the favour of God and man usefull to others and honour to their family a comfort to all their relatives and friends and servants to thy divine Majesty VII PReserve me thy servant from all evil lead me into all good change my sorrowes into comforts my infirmity into spirituall strength take all iniquity from mee and let thy servant never depart from thee I am thine O save mee I am thine sanctify me and preserve me for ever that neither life nor death health nor sicknesse prosperity nor adversity weakeness within nor crosse accidents without may ever separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen Blessed Jesus Amen The Offices or Formes OF Prayer and Devotion for The Miserable and Afflicted An Office to be said in the daies of persecution of a Church by sacrilegious or violent persons Our Father which art in Heaven c. Minister O God make speed to save us Answer O Lord make hast to help us Minister Glory be to the Father c. Answer As it was in the beginning c. I. A Hymne petitory and complaining O God the Heathen are come into thine inheritance thy holy Temple have they defiled and made Jerusalem an heape of stones ¶ The adversaries roare in the midst of the congregations and set up their banners for tokens * They have set fire upon thy holy places and have defiled the dwelling places of thy Name even unto the ground ¶ They have destroyed all the carved worke thereof with axes and hammers * Yea they have said in their hearts Let us make havock of them altogether thus have they spoiled the houses of God in the land ¶ O God how long shall the adversary doe this dishonour how long shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever * Why withdrawest thou thy hand even thy right hand pluck it out of thy bosome for they have devoured Jacob and laid wast his dwelling place ¶ They have said come and let us root them out that they be no more a people and that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance * Hold not thy tongue O God keepe not still silence refraine not thy selfe O God for they have cast their heads together with one consent and are con●ederate against thee ¶ They have taken crafty counsel against thy people and consulted against thy hidden ones * O Lord God of hosts how long wilt thou be angry with thy people that prayeth ¶ Thou feedest them with the bread of teares and givest them plenteousnesse of teares to drinke * Wil t thou be displeased at us for ever and wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from one generation to another ¶ Wilt thou not turne again and quicken us that thy people may rejoice in thee * Will the Lord absent himselfe for ever and will he be no more intreated Is his mercy cleane gone for ever and is his promise come utterly to an end for evermore ¶ Hath God forgotten to be gracious and will he shut up his loving kindnesse in displeasure * O doe thou bring the wickednesse of the ungodly to an end but guide thou the just ¶ Bring downe the ungodly and malicious take away his iniquity and thou shalt find none * Shew thy marvellous loving kindnesse thou that art the Saviour of them that put their trust in thee from such as resist thy right hand ¶ So will not we goe back from thee quicken us and we will call upon thy name * Turne us again O Lord God of Hosts ¶ Cause thy face to shine and we shall be saved * Glory be to the Father c. ¶ As it was in the beginning c. I. A Hymne consolatory in time of persecution * THE Lord is in his Holy temple the Lords seat is in Heaven his eyes consider the poore and his eyelids trie the children of men ¶ Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord and the people whom he hath chosen for his owne inheritance * For thou shalt save thy people that are in adversity and shalt bring downe the high lookes of the proud ¶ Thou shalt keep them O Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever For the righteous Lord loveth righteousnesse his countenance will behold the thing that is just * For the oppression of the poore for the sighing of the needy now will I arise saith the Lord I will set him in safety from him that swelleth against him ¶ For the Lord will not faile his people neither will he forsake his inheritance untill righteousnesse turne againe unto judgement and all such as be true in heart shall follow it * O how plentifull is thy goodnesse which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee and that thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in thee even before the sons of men ¶ Thou shalt hide them privily by thine owne presence from the provoking of al men thou shalt keepe them secretly in thy tabernacle from the strife of tongues * Great plagues remaine for the Ungodly but who so putteth his trust in the Lord mercy embraceth him on every side ¶ He calleth upon the Lord and the Lord heareth him yea and saveth him out of all his troubles * He delivers their soules from death and feedeth them in the daies of famine They shall not be confounded in the perillous time and in the daies of dearth they shall have enough ¶ The Lord ordereth a good mans going and maketh his way acceptable to himselfe * Though he fall he shall not be cast away for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand ¶ Thou Lord shalt save both man and beast
arguings every impure lust and filthy desire all pride and envie all hypocrisie and lying all inordinate love of this world and base Covetousnesse all hardnesse of heart and unrelenting dispositions all peevishnesse and hasty anger all mindfulnesse of injuries and revengfulnesse all blasphemy and irreligion and every motion of soule and body which can withdraw us from thee and is against thy will and commandement II. Gracious Father give us perfect pardon for what is past and a perfect repentance of all our evills that for the time to come we may with pure spirits with broken and contrite hearts with sanctified lips and holy desires serve thee religiously walke humbly with our God converse justly and charitably with men and possesse our soules in patience and holinesse and our bodies in sanctification and honour through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The prayer of absolution to be said by the Minister alone according to his piety and discretion when he sees cause not frequently OUr Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus the great shepheard and Bishop of our soules that lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world who promised paradise to the repenting theife and gave pardon to the woman taken in adultery he pardon and forgive all your sins knowne and unknowne *** O Blessed Jesus in whatsoever thy servants as men bearing flesh about them and inhabiting this world or deceived by the Devil have sinn'd whether in word or deed whether in thought or desire whether by omission or commission let it be forgiven unto them by thy word and by thy spirit and for ever preserve thy servants from sinning against thee and from suffering thine eternal anger for thy promise sake and for thy glorious Names sake O Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Amen Then devoutly and distinctly say the Lords Prayer Our Father which art in heaven * Hallowed be thy Name * Thy Kingdome come * Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven * Give us this day our daily bread * And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespas against us * And lead us not into temptation * But deliver us from evil For thine is the Kingdom the power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen The Doxology GLory be to the Father of mercies the Father of Men and Angels the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be to the most holy and eternall sonne of God the Blessed Saviour and Redeemer of the World the Advocate of sinners the Prince of Peace the Head of the Church and the mighty Deliverer of all them that call upon him Glory be to the holy and Eternall spirit of God the Holy Ghost the comforter the sanctifying and life-giving Spirit All Glory and thankes all honour and power all love and obedience be to the Blessed and undivided Trinity one God Eternall The Heavens declare thy glory the Earth confesses thy providence the sea manifests thy power and every spirit and every understanding creature celebrates thy greatnesse for ever end ever * All glory and majesty all praises and dominion be unto thee O God Father Son and Holy Ghost for ever and ever Amen Then arising from their knees let the Psalter be read in order as shall be judged convenient that is to say The ordinary portions for every day Morning and Evening prayers and Psalmes particularly chosen for speciall dayes of festivity or of Humiliation respectively After the Psalmes ending with Glory be to the Father c. Read a chapter in the old Testament The chapter out of the old Testament is to be read on Sundaies and Festivals and not omitted without great occasion but on ordinary daies it may suffice after the Psalmes immediately to reade the lesson out of the new Testament After which recite this Hymne to the honour of God saying the verses interchangeably * REjoyce in the Lord ye righteous for praise is comely for the Upright ¶ The word of the Lord is true and all his works are faithfull * He loveth righteousnesse and judgement the earth is full of the goodnesse of the Lord. ¶ By the word of the Lord were the Heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth * He gathereth the waters of the Sea together as an heape he layeth up the depth in storehouses ¶ Let all the earth fear the Lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him * Behold the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him upon them that hope in his mercie ¶ To deliver their soules from death and to keep them alive in the time of famine * Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of all ¶ Evill shall slay the wicked and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate * Incline not my heart to any evill thing to practise wicked works with Men that work iniquity and let me not eat of their dainties ¶ Cause me to heare thy loving kindenesse in the morning for in thee do I trust cause me to know the way wherein I should walke for I lift up my soule unto thee * Teach me to do thy will for thou art my God thy spirit is good lead me into the Land of uprightnesse ¶ Gather not my soule with sinners nor my life with bloody men * The poor man cried and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles ¶ O tast and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man that trusteth in him * O how great is thy goodnesse which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of Men. ¶ Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of Man Thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavillion from the strife of tongues * O love the Lord all ye his Saints for the Lord preserveth the faithfull and plentifully rewardeth the proud doer ¶ Be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart all you that hope in the Lord. Glory be to the Father c. Or this * SIng praises unto God sing praises sing praises unto our King sing praises For God is the King of all the Earth sing ye praises with understanding ¶ God reigneth over the Nations God sitteth upon the throne of his holinesse * He is our refuge and strength a very present helpe in trouble ¶ Many O Lord our God are thy wonderfull workes which thou hast done and thy thoughts which are towards us They cannot be reckon'd in order * For God is my King of old working salvation in the midst of the Earth ¶ Thou didst cleave the fountaine and the floud thou driest up mighty rivers * The daye is thine the night also is thine thou hast prepared the light and the Sunne ¶ Thou hast set all the borders of the Earth thou hast made Summer and Winter * Give unto the Lord the glorie due unto his name worship
Amen A prayer against temptations III. O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ thy Name is great thy essence is infinite thy goodnesse is eternal and thy power hath no limit thou art the God and Lord of all Blessed for evermore Looke downe in mercie and compassion from thy dwelling heare our prayers and supplications and deliver us from all temptations of the world the flesh and the Devill Take not thy grace from us let us never want thy helpe in our needs nor thy comfort in the day of our danger and calamity Never try us beyond our strengths nor afflict us beyond our Patience nor smite us but with a Fathers rod * We have no strengths of our owne thou art our confidence our rock and our strong salvation Save us O God from the miseries of this world and never let us suffer the intolerable calamities of the next Rescue us from the evils we have done and preserve us from the evils we have deserved that we living before thee with clean hearts and undefiled bodies and sanctified spirits may at the day of Judgement be presented pure and spotlesse by the blood of the lamb that we may sing eternall Allelujahs in heavenly places to the honour of God our Saviour who hath redeemed our soules from death our eyes from tears and our feet from falling Grant this in the richnesse of thy mercy through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shall be added upon all Sundaies and Festivals of the yeare this following prayer and upon other daies as opportunitie is to be had all or some portions The prayers for kings c. and the state Ecclesiastical are never to be omitted but on ordinary daies it may suffice to recite them omitting so much of either as is included in the Columnes * The prayer of intercession for all states of Men and Women in the Catholick Church I. SAve us defend and keep us in thy fear and love O thou God of mercy and grace Give unto us the light of thy countenance pardon of our sins health of our body sanctification of our spirits peace from heaven and salvation of our soules in the day of our Lord Jesus Amen For the Catholick Church II. HEar our praiers for thy holy Church Catholick which thou hast redeemed with thy blood sealed and sanctified with thy spirit Extirpate all heresies and false doctrines unite all her divisions let her be prosperous under thy favour and the protection of Kings and Princes and the whole secular arme that she may daily celebrate thy Name with strict obedience and pure spiritual sacrifices that she may be accepted and prevaile in her daily and nightly prayers and that the gates of hell may never prevaile against her let her live in the spirit and reigne in thy glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen For the supreme power III. WE pray unto thee O great King of Heaven and earth for all Christian Kings Princes Governours and states Crowne them with justice and peace and with the love of God and the love of their people * let holinesse be the ornament of their heads invest them with the armour of righteousnesse and let the anointing from above make them Sacred and venerable wise and holy * that being servants of the King of Kings friends of religion Ministers of justice and patrons of the poor they may at last inherit a portion in the Kingdome of our Lord Jesus For the state Ecclesiastical IV. REmember all them that doe the Lords worke in the ministery and conduct of soules Give them great gifts and great holinesse * that wisely and charitably diligently and zealously prudently and acceptably they may be guides to the blind comforters to the sad and weary that they may strengthen the weake and confirme the strong separate the vile from the precious boldly rebuke sinne patiently suffer for the truth and be exemplary in their lives * that in all their actions and sermons in their discipline and ministrations they may advance the good of soules and the honour of our Lord Jesus Amen For all orders and states of men c. V. O Blessed God who art rich in mercie and compassion take care of all states of Men and Women in the Christian Church the Nobility and Gentry Magistrates and Judges Advocates and Physicians Merchants and Artificers Husbandmen and Tradesmen the Labourers and the Hirelings give them grace in their several callings to glorifie thee and to keep a good conscience both towards God and towards Man that they may find eternal comfort in the glorious day of our Lord Jesus For the miserable and afflicted VI. In mercie remember the poor and needy the widdowes and the Fatherlesse the strangers and the friendlesse the oppressed and the greived the Decrepit and the sickly the yong men and the tempted the weake of heart and the weake in body them that languish and them that are dying Releive their necessities comfort their sorrowes sanctifie their calamities strengthen their weaknesses and suffer not the Devil to prevaile over them in the daies of their sorrow and disadvantage and in thy due time deliver them from their sad bondage into thy glorious liberty of the sons of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. VII BE a guide to the travellers a star and a port to Mariners the comfort and strength of Miners and Gallislaves Pity good God all Gentlemen that are fallen into poverty and sad misfortunes strengthen and deliver all women that are in sharp and dangerous labour all them that roar and groane with intolerable paines and noisome diseases Have mercy and compassion upon all that are afflicted with illusion of the night and frightfull apparitions that are haunted or possessed with evill spirits or troubled with despairing or amazed consciences with the stone and with the gout with violent colics and greivous ulcers give them pity and give them patience a speedy deliverance from their calamity and a sanctified use of the rod of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. VIII WE pray unto thee O Blessed Father in behalfe of all that are in banishment captivity in fetters or hard services in want or extreme poverty in great fear or in any great passion Keep them from sinning against thee and from being swallowed by too great a sorrow Let the accidents of their lives be under the command of reason and of thy holy spirit and end in holinesse and comfort in peace and joyes eternall through the mercies of our God in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen For the preservation from danger and evill IX KEep us O God from famine and pestilence from Earthquakes and inundations from fire and sword from invasion by foreign enemies and from civil warres from false religion and from discountenancing the true let every Christian soule find pity at the throne of grace let all our errors and ignorances find pardon by Christ and remedie by the holy spirit of Christ hear all our praiers releive all our necessities
but the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out and drink them ¶ But I will declare for ever I will sing praises to the God of Jacob. * For thou art my hope O Lord God thou art my trust from my youth ¶ By thee have I been holden up from the wombe thou art he that tooke me out of my Mothers bowels my praise shall be continually of thee * For the Lord is a sun and a sheild the Lord will give grace and glory and no good thing will he withhold from them that live a godly life ¶ O Lord of Hosts Blessed is the Man that putteth his trust in thee Glory be to the Father c. Or this * GOd is greatly to be fear'd in the assembly of the Saints and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him ¶ Thou rulest the raging of the sea when the waves thereof arise thou stillest them * The heavens are thine the earth also is thine as for the world and the fulnesse thereof thou hast founded them ¶ Justice and judgement are the habitation of thy throne mercy and truth shall go before thy face * For loe thine enemies O Lord loe thine enemies shall perish all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered ¶ The righteous shall flourish like a Palme tree he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon * Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the Courts of our God ¶ They shall still bring forth fruit in their old age they shall be fat and flourishing ¶ To shew that the Lord is upright he is our rock and there is no unrighteousnesse in him Glory be to the Father c. Then read a lesson out of the Epistle of S. Paul or any of the Canonical Epistles in order or selected upon special occasions After the lesson say this Psalme * GIve eare O Lord unto my prayer and attend to the voice of my supplications ¶ Turne us O God of our salvation and cause thine anger towards us to cease * For thou Lord art good and ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy to all them that call upon thee ¶ O Remember not against us former iniquities let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us * Helpe us O God of our salvation for the glory of thy name deliver us and purge away our sins for thy names sake ¶ Teach us thy way O God and we will walke in thy truth unite our hearts to fear thy Name * O satisfy us early with thy mercy that we may rejoyce and be glad all our daies ¶ So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thankes for ever we will shew forth thy praise from generation to generation Glory be to the Father c. Or this * IN thee O Lord doe I put my trust let me never be ashamed deliver me in thy righteousnesse ¶ Into thy hand I commend my spirit thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of truth * Make thy face to shine upon thy servants save us for thy mercies sake ¶ For great is thy goodnesse which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men * The Angel of the Lord encamped round about them that fear him and delivereth them ¶ Thou art my hiding place thou shalt preserve me from trouble thou shalt compasse me about with songs of deliverance * Thou makest darknesse and it is night wherein all the beasts of the forest doe creep forth ¶ O Lord how manifold are thy workes in wisdome hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy riches * The Glory of the Lord shall endure for ever the Lord shall rejoyce in his workes ¶ He appointed the moone for certaine seasons and the sun knoweth his going downe * I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live I will sing praise unto my God while I have my being my meditation of him shall be sweet I will rejoyce in the Lord. ¶ I will both lay me downe in peace and sleep for thou Lord makest me dwell in safety Glory be to the Father c. Or else say 103. Psalme or the 91. or the 121. Then shall follow the Apostles Creed I Beleeve in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and earth * And in Jesus Christ his onely son our Lord * which was conceived by the holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary * suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried * He descended into hell * The third day he rose againe from the dead * He ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty * From thence he shall come to judge the quicke and the Dead * I believe in the holy Ghost * The holy Catholick Church the communion of Saints * the forgivenesse of sins * the resurrection of the body * and the life everlasting Amen Minister The Lord be with you People And with thy Spirit Let us Pray Our Father which art in heaven * Hallowed be thy Name * Thy Kingdome come * Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven * Give us this day our daily bread * And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us * And lead us not into temptation * But deliver us from evil For thine is the Kingdom the power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Then followes the first collect as at Morning Prayer I. O Great King of heaven and earth the Lord and patron of all ages receive thy servants approaching to the throne of Grace in the Name of Jesus Christ. Give unto every one of us what is best for us cast out all evil from within us work in us a fulnesse of holinesse of wisedome and spiritual understanding that we increasing in the knowledge of God may be fruitful in every Good worke through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Or this SAve us defend and keep us in thy fear and love O thou God of mercy and grace Give unto us the light of thy countenance pardon of our sins health of body sanctification of our spirits peace from heaven and salvation of our soules in the day of our Lord Jesus Amen I. For repentance and a Holy life ALmighty God the fountaine of holinesse and felicity who by thy word and by thy spirit dost conduct all thy servants in the waies of peace and sanctity inviting them by promises and winning them by love endearing them by necessities and obliging them by the perpetual testimonies of thy loving kindnesse grant unto us so truly to repent us of our sins so carefully to reforme our errors so diligently to watch over all our actions so industriously to doe all our duty that we may never transgresse thy Holy lawes willingly but that it may be the worke of our lives to obey thee the joy of our soules to please thee the satisfaction of all
often forget our selves and still neglect and despise our owne danger III. BUt O God our Father mercifull and gracious have mercy upon us Be pleased to admit thy servants to a full pardon of all our sins let us not persevere in any one sinne nor passe from one sin to another Smite us not O God in thy anger and let not thy wrath descend upon our guilty heads Thy anger O God is insufferable thy vengeance is the portion of accursed soules and thou hast prepared the everlasting fire for the Devill and his Angels for ever O Lord thou Father of our life and lover of soules let us never have our portion in the bottomlesse pit in the lake that burueth with fire and brimstone for ever but let our portion be in the actions of repentance in the service of God in the aids and comforts of thy Spirit in dutie and holinesse in the light of thy countenance and in the likenesse and in the inheritance of our Lord Jesus O God let not thy arrowes smite us nor thy judgements consume us keep us from all expressions of thy wrath and let us rejoice in thy mercies and loving-kindnesses for ever and ever Amen IV. And that thy servants may reasonably and humbly hope for thy final mercies and deliverance be pleased to give us all that we need in order to the performance of our dutie and worke all that in us by which we may please thee Instruct us in thy truth and prepare the means of salvation for us providing for the necessities and complying with the capacities of evey one of us Take from us all blindnesse of heart and carelessenesse of spirit all irreligion and wilful ignorance Create in us a love of holy things and open our hearts that we may perceive and love and retaine the things of God with diligence and humility and industry O God our Father pity our weaknesses temptations our avocations and unavoidable divertisements the prejudices and evill contingencies happening in the state of our lives Enable us with sufficient and active graces to doe whatsoever thou requirest of us severally Require no more of any one of us then thou hast or shalt give unto us neither doe thou exact all that for we all confesse our weaknesses and defects our strange imperfections and inexcusable wandrings and omissions but be pleased to cure all our vitious inclinations and take care to remoove from us all those temptations which without thy mighty grace are not to be avoided and if they come are by our weaknesses not to be overcome Keep us O God from flattery and irreligion from vicious complyances and evill customes and let not the reverence of any man cause us to sin against thee keep us upright in our religion and worshippings of thee and let no change of the World engage us in a state of life against our duty for Jesus Christ his sake our Dearest Lord and Saviour V. Keep us O God by thy holy Spirit of grace from all the sins of idlenesse and intemperance from injustice and sensuality from the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes from the pride of life and vanity of spirit from being carelesse of our dutie of false in our trust from breach of promise or reproachfull language from slandering or traducing any man from false accusation and false witnesse from faction and envie Grant us thy grace that we may be diligent in our businesse just in our charges provident of our time watchfull in our dutie carefull of every word we speak O make us to be pleased in the offices of religion usefull to those that imploy us dutifull to our superiors loving to each other conscientious in private humble in publick patient in adversity religious and thankful in prosperity VI. O Blessed God take care of our soules and of our bodies keep us from sharp and tedious sicknesses let us never fall into want or be unprovided for in our age and forsake us not O God when we are gray-headed Grant us great measures of thy Spirit that we may abstaine from all appearances of evill and from all occasions of it and that we may take care to doe whatsoever is honest and of good report that having laid up a treasure of good workes against the day of thy visitation we may rejoyce in the day of our death and find mercy at the day of judgement through the goodnesse of our God and by the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen VII Blesse and sanctify defend and save all Christian Kings Princes Governors and States Grant that all powers Civil and Ecclesiasticall may joyne together in the promoting the honour of God and the kingdome of the Lord Jesus and may find the blessings of God and the rewards of the Lord Jesus in this world and in the world to come Give health and comfort peace and holinesse long life and increase of grace to the cheifest of this family his Wife and children grant that their portion may be in religion and the love of God keep them from all evill by the guard of Angels and lead them into all good by the conduct of thy good Spirit VIII In mercy and great compassion remember all them that are miserable and afflicted persecuted or poore that have lost their estates or lost their liberty their health or their peace their innocence or their hopes restore them O Lord to all good and to all usefull comforts and let not the enemie of mankind invade thy portion or destroy any soule for whom thou hast paid the price of thy most precious blood Hear us O God in mercy and blesse all our relations and prosper all our labours and sanctify all our intentions and forgive us all our sins and releive all our necessities and defend us from all dangers and especially from our own selves from our evill habits and foolish customes from our weake principles and sad infirmities from our evill concupiscence and vitious inclinations from the power of the Devill and from thy wrath and bring us in mercy and truth in holinesse and comfort in labour and certainty to a fruition of the glories of God in the inheritance of our blessed Saviour Grant this O God our Father for the merits and by the redemption and intercession of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen THe grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communication of the holy Spirit of God be with us defend and guide sanctify and save us and al our relatives and all the servants of God this day and for evermore Amen A short forme of Evening prayer for a family In the name of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Our Father c. The HYMNE O* Lord our Lord how excellent is thy Name in all the Earth thou hast set thy glory above the Heavens ¶ When I consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moone and the stars which thou hast ordained *
When he fell and broke thy easy Commandement thou didst not despise his folly nor leave him in his sin but didst chastise him with thy rod and restrain him by thy law and instruct him by thy Prophets and at last didst send thy Holy Son into the world that he might renew and repair thy broken image The People shall answer Blessed be God He comming from heaven and taking our flesh by the power of the Holy Ghost of the V●rgin Mary conversed with men and taught us the way of God and the dispensation of Eternal life People Holy Jesus Blessed be God But when for the redemption of us sinners he would suffer death upon the Cross without sin for us who were nothing but sin and misery in the night in which he was betrayed he took bread he looked up to heaven he gave thanks he sanctified it he brake it and gave it to his Apostles saying Take eat This is my body which is broken for you Doe this in remembrance of me Likewise after Supper he took the Cup and when he had given thanks and blessed it he gave it to them saying Drink ye all of this for this is my bloud of the new Testament which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins Doe this in remembrance of me For as often as ye shall eat this Bread and drink this Cup ye shall shew forth the Lords death till he come The people shall answer Amen Minister We beleeve and we confess People We declare thy death and confess thy resurrection Then the Minister kneeling shall say this prayer of Oblation I. WE sinners thy unworthy servants in remembrance of thy life-giving passion thy Cross and thy pains thy death and thy burial thy resurrection from the dead and thy ascension into Heaven thy sitting at the right hand of God making intercession for us and expecting with fear and trembling thy formidable and glorious return to judge the quick and dead when thou shalt render to every man according to his works doe humbly present to thee O Lord this present sacrifice of remembrance and thanksgiving humbly and passionately praying thee not to deal with us according to our sins nor recompence us after our transgressions but according to thy abundant mercy and infinite goodness to blot out and take away the hand-writing that is against us in the book of remembrances which thou hast written and that thou wilt give unto us spiritual celestial and eternal gifts which neither eye hath seen nor ear hath heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man to understand which God hath prepared for them that love him thorough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Then shall follow the reception and distribution of the Holy Sacrament The Minister first receiving and privately saying this short prayer O Blessed Jesus My Lord and my God thou art the celestial food and the life of every man that cometh unto thee I have sinned against heaven and before thee and am not worthy to partake of these holy Mysteries but thou art my merciful Saviour grant that I may religiously thankfully and without reproof partake of thy Blessed body and blood for the remission of my sins and unto life eternal Amen Then reverently taking in his hand the consecrated bread that he means to eat let him say THE Body of our Lord Jesus which was broken for me preserve my body and Soul into everlasting life Amen Then praying a while privately let him receive the Chalice saying THE Bloud of our Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for the remission of my sins cleanse my Soul and preserve it into everlasting life Amen Then let him pray awhile privately and recommend to God his own personal necessities spiritual and temporal and the needs of all his Relatives c. After that let him distribute it first to the Clergy that helps to officiate and after that to the whole Congregation that offers themselves saying the same words changing the person While the Minister of the Mysteries is praying privately the people may secretly pray thus or to this purpose I Beleeve O God and confess that thou art Christ the Son of the living God who came into the world to save sinners whereof I am chief Lord make me this day partaker of thy heavenly Table for thou dost not give thy secrets to thy enemies but to the sons of thine own house Let me never give thee a Judas kiss I confess thee and thy glories I invocate thee and thy mercies I trust upon thee and thy goodness like the thief upon the Cross Lord remember me in thy kingdome with the remembrances of an everlasting love Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under my roof but as thou didst safe to lie in a Manger with beasts and to enter into the house of Simon the leper nor didst despife the repenting harlot when she kissed thy feet so vouchsafe to lodge in my soul though it be a place of beastly affections and unreasonable passions throw them out and dwell there for ever purifie my soul accept the sinner cleanse the leper so shall I be worthy to partake of this Divine Banquet Amen When every of the Communicants hath received in both kinds let the Paten and Chalice if any of the consecrated Elements remain be decently covered and then shall follow these prayers THE POSTCOMMUNION The Minister and People devoutly kneeling shal say the Lords prayer the people repeating every petition after the Minister Our Father which art in heaven Hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass aganist us And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil For thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Then the Minister shall pray this prayer for the Catholick Church I. REceive O Eternal God this sacrifice for and in behalf of al Christian people whom thou hast redeemed with the bloud of thy Son and purchased as thine own inheritance From the fountains of mercy the springs of our Blessed Saviour let all thy people upon whom the name of Jesus is called receive confirmation and increase of grace fruitfulness in good works and perfect understanding in the way of godliness Defend O God thy Church and preserve her from all heresy and scandal from sacrilege and Simony from covetousness and pride from factions and schism from Atheisme and irreligion from all that persecute the truth from all that work wickedness and let not thegates of hell prevail against her nor any evil come neer to hurt her II. Give thy blessing O God to this Nation remember us for good and not for evil be reconcil'd unto us in the Son of thy love and let not thine anger be any longer upon us nor thy jealousy burn like fire Send us health and peace justice
and truth good laws and good government an excellent religion undivided undisturbed temperate air seasonable showers wholesome dewes fruitful seasons Crown the year with goodness and let the clouds drop fatness that we may glorify thy name and confess thy goodness while thou bearest witness to us from heaven filling our hearts with food and gladness III. With a propitious eye a great pity behold the miseries of mankind put a speedy period to all our sins and to all our calamities Hear the sighings of the distressed the groans of the sick the prayers of the oppressed the desires of the poor and needy support the weakness of them that languish and faint ease the pains of them that are in affliction and call to thee for help Take from the miserable all tediousness of spirit and despair Pardon all the penitents reform the vitious confirme the holy and let them be holy still pity the folly of young men their little reason and great passion succour the infirmities and temptations of the aged preserving them that they may not sin towards the end of their lives for Jesus Christ his sake IV. Admit O Blessed God into the society of our prayers and the benefits of this Eucharist our Fathers and Brethren our wives and children our friends and Benefactours our charges and relatives all that have desired our prayers and all that need them all that we have and all that we have not remembred thou knowest all their necessities and all their dwellings their joyes and their sorrows their hopes and their fears the number of their sins and the measures of their repentances O dear God sanctifie them and us let our portion be in the good things of God in religion and purity in the peace of Conscience and the joyes of the Holy Ghost in the love of God and of our Neighbours O gather us to the feet of thy elect when thou wilt and in what manner thou art pleased onely let us appear before thee without shame and without sins through the merits of JESUS Christ our most mercifull Saviour and Redeemer Amen Then shall follow the Eucharistical prayers I. GLory be to thee O God our Father who hast vouchsafed to make us at this time partakers of the Body and Bloud of thy holy Son We offer unto thee O God our selves our souls and bodies to be a reasonable holy and living sacrifice unto thee Keep us under the shadow of thy wings and defend us from all evil and conduct us by thy Holy Spirit of grace into all good for thou who hast given thy holy Son unto us how shalt not thou with him give us all things else Blessed be the Name of our God for ever and ever Amen II. Glory be to thee O Christ our King the onely begotten Son of God who wert pleas'd to become a sacrifice for our sins a redemption from calamity the Physician and the Physick the life and the health the meat and the drink of our souls thou by thy unspeakable mercy didst descend to the weakness of sinful flesh remaining still in the perfect purity of spirit and hast made us partakers of thy holy Body and Bloud O condemne us not when thou comest to judgement but keep us ever in thy truth in thy fear and in thy favour that we may have our portion in thine inheritance where holiness and purity where joy and everlasting praises doe dwell for ever and ever Amen III. Proceeding from glory to glory we still glorifie thee O Father of Spirits and pray thee for ever to continue thy goodness towards us Direct our way aright establish us in holy purposes keep us unspotted in thy faith let the enemy have no part in us but conforme us for ever to the likeness of thy holy Sonne lead us on to the perfect adoption of our Souls and to the redemption of our bodies from corruption and fill our hearts and tongues with everlasting praises of thy name thorough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The Blessing The peace of God which passeth all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God and of his Sonne Jesus Christ our Lord and the blessing of God Almighty and Father Son and Holy Spirit be upon you and abide with you and be your portion for ever and ever Amen The end of the Communion Office A form of Administration of the Holy Sacrament OF BAPTISME A FORM OF Administration of the Holy Sacrament OF BAPTISME Pure water being provided and put into the Fount or into a Lavatory of silver or some other clean vessell fit and decent for this sacred action the Minister being vested in an Ecclesiastical habit shall begin with this exhortation Dearly beloved Brethren FOrasmuch as from our first parents we derive nothing but flesh and corruption and that flesh and bloud cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven it is necessary that every man who is reckoned in Adam should be also reckoned in Christ that every one who is born of the flesh be also born again and born of the spirit that every son of man by nature may become the son of God by Adoption be incorporated into Christ intitled to the promises and become heir of heaven by grace and faith in Jesus Christ and that this cannot be done but by being admitted to the Covenant of grace in Baptisme our Blessed Saviour saying that except a man be born again of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdome of God let us humbly and devoutly pray unto God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that he will be pleased to send down his holy Spirit upon these waters of Baptisme that they may become to this infant all that shall be washed in them a laver of regeneration and a well of water springing up to life eternal and that this infant may be admitted to the Covenant of grace and pardon of mercy and holiness receiving from grace what by nature he cannot have that being baptised in water to the remission of sins he may all his life walk in this Covenant of grace and holiness as a lively member of the holy Church which is the mysticall body of Christ our Head Let us Pray I. O Almighty and Eternal God Father of Men and Angels Lord of heaven and earth whose spirit moving upon the waters at the beginning of the world produced every living and every moving creature thou by the flood of waters did wash away the iniquity of the old world and by preserving to thy self a generation of holy persons whom thou didst bring up from those waters didst consign to us a type of regeneration Look O Lord graciously upon the face of thy Church and multiply in her thy regenerations and the new births of thy Spirit With the abundance of thy grace make thy holy city to rejoice and still open this holy fountain of Baptisme for the reformation and sanctification of all the nations of the world that thy blessed Spirit
west for thou didst send thy most holy Son to die for us and redeem us from all the powers of sin and hell thou knowest whereof we were made and remembrest that we are but dust O doe not visit her sins upon her by a hasty death but manifest thy mercies and thy pardon by giving her a mighty grace that she may live a holy life and be pleas'd to grant this also that those impresses of pious resolutions and religious purposes of fear and love of hope and desire which thy grace in the circumstances of her present condition makes upon her may abide in her soul for ever and in the daies of ease and safety may be as operative and productive of holiness as now they are of a hearty prayer and passionate desires for thy mercies upon her in a safe and blessed child-birth V. LORD bless her child grant it may be born with a right shape and a perfect body with a comely countenance and streight limbs with intire senses and expedite faculties with an excellent power of understanding and sweet dispositions and let thy holy Spirit of grace conduct it to the Sacrament of Baptisme and in safety and holiness from the Cradle to the grave Grant this O Eternal God for his sake who was born of a holy maid and suffered the infirmities of nature and dyed for our sins and rose again for our Justification even our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen An Office of Publick Thanks-giving for Women after their delivery from Child-birth or any great sickness or calamity or fear At the end of the morning prayer immediately before the blessing the woman presenting her self before God on her knees in some convenient place neer to him that ministers begin with this exhortation FOrasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God who hath commanded us when we are afflicted to pray and hath promised to be with us in trouble and hath made good his truth and mercy unto you in standing at your right hand in the day of your sorrow and danger giving you safe deliverance and a living and a hopeful child you shall therefore return to him the sacrifice of a thankful and joyful heart in an humble acknowledgement of the divine mercies and goodness unto you in this great blessing and deliverance from the pain and peril of Childbirth Or else name any other instance in which the Minister is required to give thanks The psalm or Hymn of Thansgiving * THE Lord is my Shepheard I shall not want he maketh me lie down in green pastures he leadeth me besides the still waters ¶ He restoreth my Soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake * Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me ¶ I will declare thy name unto my Brethren in the midst of the Congregation will I praise thee * Ye that fear the Lord praise him for he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted neither hath he hid his face from him but when he cryed unto him he heard ¶ O Lord my God I cryed unto thee and thou hast healed me * O Lord thou hast brought up my Soul from the grave thou hast kept me alive that I should not go down to the pit ¶ Sing unto the Lord O ye Saints of his and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness * For his anger endureth but for a moment in his favour is life weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning ¶ I cryed unto thee O Lord unto the Lord I made my supplication * What profit is there in my bloud when I goe down into the pit shall the dust praise thee shall it declare thy truth ¶ Hear O Lord and have mercy upon me Lord be thou my helper * Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing thou hast put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladness ¶ To the end that my glory may sing praise unto thee and not be silent O Lord my God I will give thanks to thee for ever Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. Or else say the Te Deum VVE praise thee O God we knowledge thee to be the Lord. ¶ All the earth doth worship thee the Father everlasting * To thee all Angels cry aloud the heavens and all the powers therein ¶ To thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry * Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabbaoth ¶ Heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory * The glorious company of the Apostles praise thee ¶ The goodly fellowship of the Prophets praise thee * The noble armie of Martyrs praise thee ¶ The holy Church thoroughout all the world doth acknowledge thee * The Father of an infinite majesty ¶ Thy honourable true and onely Son * Also the holy Ghost the Comforter ¶ Thou art the King of glory O Christ. * Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father ¶ When thou tookest upon thee to deliver man thou didst not abhorre the Virgins womb * When thou haddest overcome the sharpness of death thou didst open the kingdome of heaven to all beleevers * Thou sittest at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father ¶ We beleeve that thou shalt come to be our judge * We therefore pray thee help thy servants whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious bloud ¶ Make them to be numbred with thy Saints in glory everlasting * O Lord save thy people and bless thine heritage ¶ Govern them and lift them up for ever * Day by day we magnifie thee ¶ And we worship thy name ever world without end * Vouchsafe O Lord to keep us this day without sin ¶ O Lord have mercy upon us have mercy upon us * O Lord let thy mercy lighten upon us as our trust is in thee ¶ O Lord in thee have I trusted let me never be confounded Minister The Lord be with you Answer And with thy Spirit Let us pray O Most merciful Saviour and Redeemer Jesus who wert born of a pure and a holy maid who hast felt the calamities of Mankind and knowest how to pity our infirmities and rejoicest in doing and shewing mercy to all that need and to all that call to thee for succour we give thee thanks and praise that thou hast heard the prayers and considered the cries and releeved the necessities of this thy servant and kept her life from the grave still continuing to her a portion in the land of the living and opportunities of serving thee O be pleased to continue and increase and to sanctifie thy mercies to thy servant pardon al her sins pity her infirmities enable her duty keep her from all evil by thy blessed providence let her portion be in the things of God and of Religion in the light of thy countenance and the service of
design it for the production of mankind and didst give it as one of the first blessings of mankind O be pleased to look upon thy handmaid who waits for thy mercy and humbly begs of thy infinite goodness to make me partaker of that blessing which thou didst design to all the sons and daughters of Adam thou O God hast the keyes of heaven and hell of rain and providence of the womb and the grave O let not thy servant feel the curse of dry breasts and a barren womb but make me a joyful Mother of children that thy handmaid may serve thee in increasing the number of thy redeemed ones and may minister blessings to this family into which thou hast adopted me and may bring comfort to my dear husband whom doe thou bless and love and sanctifie for ever II. O God I confess I am unworthy of this or any other favour I am less then the least of thy mercies yet our weakness and unworthiness cannot be the measures of thy mercy thou art good and gracious infinitely gracious essentially good and delightest in shewing mercy to them that call upon thee put their trust in thee O dear God I remember that thou didst releive the sorrows of thy servant Hannah and gavest her the blessing of children thou didst blesse the womb of Elizabeth who was barren thou spakest the word and the rocks did rend and they sent forth a pleasant stream Thy hand is not shortned and thy mercies are not less then ever no less then infinite and why should not thy servant hope that thou wilt hear my prayer and grant the desire of my soul Even so O gracious father let it be as thou pleasest thy wisedom is infinite and thy counsels are secret and the waies and lines of thy providence are like the path of a bird in the aire not to be discovered by our weak sight III. I Know O God that thou lovest to hear our prayers and thou delightest in the humble passionate and resigned desires of thy servants Although O God I desire this blessing with an earnestness as great as any temporal favour yet I humbly submit my desires my interests my content and all that I am or have to thy holywill and pleasure humbly begging of thee that I may cheerfully suffer and obediently doe thy will and choose what thou choosest and observe the waies of thy providence and revere thy judgement and wait for thy mercy and delight in thy dispensation and expect that all things shall work together for good to them that fear thee O let thy holy Spirit for ever be present with me and make me to fear thee and to love thee above all the things in the world for ever and then no ill can come unto thy servant for whosoever loves thee cannot perish Hear the prayer of thy servant and releive my sorrow and sanctify my desires and accept me in the Son of thy love and of thy desires our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen A prayer to be used by an afflicted wife in behalf of a vitious Husband I. O Eternal Father thou preserver of men thou great lover of souls who didst send thy holy Son to die that mankind might be redeemed and sin might be destroyed Thou knowest how intolerable a thing it is that a Soul should to eternal ages be incircled with thy wrath and the indignation of a mighty and an angry God and therefore dost love to doe miracles of mercy because thou lovest not that a sinner should perish Be pleased to give thy handmaid leave to present her humble desires in behalf of a sinner one sinner for another the miserable for him that is ready to perish Lord look down in mercy upon my Husband snatch him from the jawes of Hell suffer him not to perish in his sin but open his eyes with the light of thy word and of thy Spirit that he may espy his danger that he may behold the deformity of his sins the injuriousness of his actions the folly of his pleasures the iniquity of his vowes II. CLeanse his hands and heart from all unrighteousness from bloud-guiltiness from rapine from violence from cruelty O Lord and purifie his soul and body from all impurity from all intemperance from the violence and fury of passion giving him a perfect repentance and a perfect pardon and if it be thy will let me also some way or other cooperate towards the recovery of his precious soul and be pleased to remember the sufferings of thy handmaid not that he may receive evil but that I may find good from thy gracious hands in the day of recompence thorough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen If she have escaped any violence intended against her by his malice or passion then adde this prayer of thanksgiving O God my God and Father thou hast strangely preserv'd and rescued me from evil thou hast made decrees in heaven for my safety and preservation and for the glory of thy own name thou hast diverted the arrow that was directed against me What am I O Lord and what can I doe or what have I done that thou shouldest doe this for me I am O God a miserable sinner and I can doe nothing without a mighty grace and I have done nothing by my self but what I am asham'd of and yet I have received great mercies and miracles of providence I see O God I see that thy goodness is the cause and the measure of all my hopes and all my good and upon the confidence and greatness of that goodness I humbly beg of thy sacred Majesty to keep and defend me from all evil by thy wise providence to lead me into all good by the conduct of thy divine Spirit and where I have done amiss give me pardon and where I have been mistaken give me pity and where I have been injured give me thy favour and a gracious exchange that I may serve thee here with diligence and love and hereafter may rejoice with thee and love thee as I desire to love thee and as thou deservest to be loved even with all the powers and degrees of passion and essence to eternal ages in the inheritance of Jesus whom I love for whom I will not refuse to die in whom I desire to live and die to whom with thee O gracious Father and the holy Spirit be all honour and glory love and obedience for ever and ever Amen A Mothers prayer for her children I. MOst Gracious and Eternal God Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Father of Men and Angels Father of mercies and God of all comforts thou hast promised to be a Father to a thousand generations of them that love and fear thee be thou a God and a Father to me and the children which thou hast given me Enable me O Lord to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and in the fear of God to the praise of thy holy Name O give me thy grace and favour that
his infinite mercy bring thee to the regions of holinesse and eternal peace through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen I. A prayer to be used in behalfe of Fooles or Changelings O Eternal and most blessed Saviour Jesus who art the wisedome of the Father and art made unto us wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and Redemption have pity upon the miserable people to whom thou hast given life and no understanding Thou didst create us of nothing and gavest us being when we were not and createdst in us capacity of blessings when we had none and gavest us many when we did not understand them thou bringest infants from the wombe and from the state of nature to the state of grace and from their mothers breasts thou doest often convey them to the bosome of Jesus and yet they doe nothing but thou art glorified in thy free gift O be gracious to all Natural fooles and innocents for thou hatest nothing which thou hast made and lovest every soule which thou hast redeemed we that have reason can deserve heaven no more then these can but these doe not deserve hell so much as we have done Impute not to them their follies that are unavoidable nor the sins which they discerne not nor the evils which they cannot understand keepe them from all evil and sad mischances and make supply of their want of the defences of reason by the special guard of Angels and let thy obedience and thy sufferings be accepted and thy intercession prevaile for them that since they cannot glorify thee by a free obedience thou mayest be glorified by thy free mercies to them and for their destitution of good in this world let them receive eternal blessings in the world to come through thy mercies O eternal and most Blessed Saviour Jesus Amen II. A prayer for Madmen ALmighty God whose wisedome is infinite whose mercy is eternal whose tranquillity is essential and whose goodnesse hath no shore In judgement remember mercy and doe thou delight to magnify thy mercy upon them who need it but cannot aske it who are in misery but feele it not who doe actions without choice and choose without discretion and sober understanding Pity the evil they suffer and pardon the evils that they have done and impute not unto them the evils which they rather beare then act and let not their entry into this calamity be an exclusion from their future pardon but let this sad calamity and judgement which they beare be united to the sufferings of our Lord and be sanctified by his intercession and become an instrument of their peace Lord restore them to their health and understanding take from them all violent passions and remove all evil objects far from their eyes and eares create a cleane heart and renew a right Spirit in them Give them sober thoughts and meeke Spirits contempt of the world and love of holy things suffer them not to doe violence to any man and let no man doe violence to them let them be safe under the conduct of thy providence and the publick lawes and be innocent under the conduct of thy holy Spirit that when thou shalt returne and speake peace to thy people they may rejoyce in thy mercies and salvation thou didst O God shew mercy to Nebuchadnezar gavest to him the heart of a man after he had sin'd and fallen into the lot of beasts and wildnesse and thy hand is not shortned that thou canst not helpe but let thy mercies and loving kindnesse returne upon thy servants as at first that thou mayest rejoyce in thy mercies and salvation because thou hast pleasure in the prosperity of thy Servants Grant this Almighty God and Father for Jesus Christ his sake our Lord and dearest Saviour Amen III. A prayer in behalfe of Hereticks and seduced persons O Most blessed most Gracious Saviour Jesus who art the way and the truth and the life thou art a light to them that sit in darkenesse the light that lightneth every man that commeth into the world preserve thy Church in peace and truth in love and holinesse to thy second comming Reduce every misbeleiver to the fold of thy Church instruct every ignorant person in the wayes of Godly wisedome subdue the pride of man and bring every understanding to the obedience of thy sacred law Let no mans vanity or ignorance divide the church let not any holy truth be sullied with the mixture of impure and heretical doctrines nor evil principles disorder the beauties of religion and godly living nor any doctrines of men be taught as the commandement of God but grant that the truth of God may be publikely maintained constantly taught hūbly beleived zealously practized by all men in their several stations that in the church of God there be no contention but in giving honour to each other and glory to God in all the wayes of faith and charity through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen II. Blesse the ministery of thy holy word in its ordinary dispensation grant it may prevaile mightily for the convincing of them that have no faith for the reprooving of the errors of them whose faith is not pure for the confirming them who are weake in faith for the perfecting them who are novices in faith open the hearts of all gainsayers take from them all their prejudices and all their passions their secular interests and confident opinions that they may humbly and meekely attend to the voice of God in the mouths of thy servants in the pages of scripture in the doctrines of the Spirit that they may doe nothing against the truth but for the truth that they may not quench the Spirit nor despise prophecying nor shut their eyes against the light and their hearts against the love of God but grant that in all things being obedient to the heavenly calling they may receive the blessings of truth and peace in this world and in the world to come exalting the kingdome and partaking the glories of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen These three last prayers are to be used upon any of the great Festivals of the yeare especially Easter day Ascension day Whitsunday and upon 8 dayes after these Festivals or upon good Friday Prayers and Psalmes to be used by the Minister and Curate of Soules at the Visitation of the sick In the Name of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Our Father which art in Heaven c. Minister O God make speed to save us Answer O Lord make hast to helpe us * Glory be to the Father c. ¶ As it was in the beginning c. Then recite this Psalme * REbuke me not O Lord in thine anger neither correct me in thy heavy displeasure ¶ Have mercy upon me O Lord for I am weake O Lord heate me for my bones are vexed * My soule is also sore troubled but Lord how long wilt thou punish me ¶ Turne thee O Lord and deliver my soule O save me for thy mercies sake * For in death no
Give me grace to despise the world and all its interests and possessions that while we set not our affections upon them we may not be too much afflicted when we are crossed in them but let our great care be to please thee our greatest fears least we should sin against thee let our dutie be our imployment thy providence our portion thy Spirit our guide thy law our rule That when this cloud is passed over we may see the brightnesse of thy face and perpetual showers of grace and mercy refreshing our sad and weary spirits so shall thy servants sing praises to the honour of thy Name when thou shalt have saved our soules from death our eyes from teares and our feet from falling grant these mercies O blessed God and Father for Jesus Christ his sake our dearest Lord and Saviour Amen A private prayer to be said by or for a person mutatis mutandis apt to be afflicted with feare of death or Gods anger and the uncertaine state of his of her soule O Eternal God most gracious Father in much mercy compassion behold me thy servant loaden with my sins encompassed with infirmity assaulted by enemies without and apt to be betrayed by my owne weaknesses within If I am cheerfull I am apt to be carelesse of my dutie If I am sad I am timorous and unsafe too ready to distrust thee and to sinke under the burden of those calamities which by my sins I have deserved O God I confesse with sorrow and shame that I resolve often to give my selfe intirely to thy service but I am so perpetually beaten with the violent tempests and stormes of passion that all my hopes and all my feares grow unactive and uselesse and are overcome by them and sinke under my owne evil customes and infirmities Lust Pride Ambition Anger And under this state of infelicity I groane and labour and to thee I humbly make my complaint for thou art my hope and my strength my rock and my might my Saviour and defender my support and my deliverer O hear the saddest cries of thy humble and afflicted servant and give me ease from my greatest sorrowes Give me a cheerfull heart and a severe spirit a love of thy mercies and a trembling at thy judgements an infinite desire to please thee and a great fear to offend thee and though I humbly desire of thy glorious goodnesse to secure and promote my eternall interest by what instruments thou pleasest yet because thou art my Father and my mercifull God I begg of thy infinite goodnesse to take care of my infirmities and to pity my weaknesses and make my religion to be to me the pleasantest thing in the world that nothing may tempt me from thee and prevaile in the daies of my weaknesses and disadvantage II. O Blessed God be pleas'd to give me a perfect repentance for all my sins and admit me to a full pardon and not onely so but if it be thy gracious will consigne this my pardon by some testimony from heaven by a holy and humble hope by a strong faith and a cheerfull spirit by joy in God and a command over my passions by meeknesse and charity by forgiving every one that troubles me and every one that offends me O God my God give to thy servant an excellent religion and a devout spirit and grant that I may take great pleasure in the service of God in obedience to my spirituall superiors in doing the works of that dutie to which thou hast called me in my present state of life and never suffer me to fall into a despairing or an amazed conscience into the evils of a tedious or impatient a wounded or an afflicted spirit but grant that rejoycing in thee evermore and delighting in doing my dutie in mortifying my passions in loving and serving my dearest Relations I may be preserved in thy fear and thy favour and nothing may be able to separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus Amen III. O my deareft Saviour take from thy servant all inordinate fear of death and give me a great desire after heaven and heavenly things and when thou shalt call me from this world conduct me by the graces and comforts of thy Holy Spirit evenly and holily certainly and cheerfully to the regions of hope and joy that in thy armes I may expect and long for the day of recompences and of thy glorious appearing O God hear the prayer and most passionate desires of thy servant and since thou hast commanded us in the time of need to come with boldnesse to the throne of grace grant that I may be accepted by thy mercies and loving kindnesse through the merits and intercession of my Lord in whom I desire to live and for whom I will not refuse to die our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus to whom with thee O blessed Father and most Holy Spirit I humbly give all honour and thankes and glory and love and service and desire to doe so for ever Amen A forme or prayer of Thanksgiving The Preface to the following office Since it hath pleased God to heare our prayers and to give us the blessing we now feele and rejoyce in the blessing of Peace Health Plenty Victory c. let us faithfully and devoutly give thankes unto God for his great benefit and grace and say Psalmes Eucharistical or of thanksgiving upon special times of festivity to be added to any of the foregoing offices or to be said distinctly After a plentifull Harvest Our Father which art in Heaven c. * O Be joyful in God all ye lands sing praises unto the honour of his Name make his praise to be glorious ¶ O come hither and behold the works of God how wonderful he is in his doing toward the children of men * Thou visitest the earth and blessest it thou makest it very plenteous ¶ Thou waterest her furrowes thou sendest raine into the little vallies thereof thou makest it soft with the drops of raine and blessest the increase of it * Thou crownest the yeare with thy goodnesse and thy clouds drop fatnesse ¶ They shall drop upon the dwellings of the wildernesse and the little hils shall rejoyce on every side * The folds shall be full of sheepe the vallies also shall stand so thick with corne that they shall laugh and sing ¶ Praised be God which hath not cast out our prayer nor turned his mercy from us * Let us now feare the Lord our God that giveth raine both the former and the latter raine in his season ¶ He reserveth unto us the appointed weekes of the harvest * Lord what is man that thou hast respect unto him or the Son of man that thou so regardest him ¶ The eyes of all waite upon the O Lord and thou givest them their meat in due season * Thou openest thine hand and fillest all things living with plenteousnesse ¶ The Lord is righteous in all his wayes and holy in all his workers * The Lord is
nigh unto all them that call upon him yea all such as call upon him faithfully ¶ He will fulfill the desire of them that fear him he also will hear their cry and will help them * That our sons may grow up as the young plants and that our daughters may be as the polished corners of the Temple ¶ That our garners may be full and plenteous with all manner of store that our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets * That our oxen may be strong to labour that there be no decay no leading into captivity and no complaining in our streets ¶ Happy are the people that be in such a case yea blessed be the people which have the Lord for their God Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. II. After recovery of a City family or single person from the Plague or any great sicknesse * O Come hither and hearken all ye that fear God I will tell you what he hath done for my soule ¶ I called unto him with my mouth and gave him praises with my tongue O Lord my God I cried unto thee and thou hast healed me * Thou Lord hast brought my soule out of Hell thou hast kept my life from them that goe downe to the pit ¶ O what great troubles and adversities hast thou shewed me and yet didst thou turne and refresh me yea and broughtest me from the deepe of the earth againe * Sing praises unto the Lord O ye saints of his and give thankes unto him for the remembrance of his holinesse ¶ For his wrath endureth but the twinkling of an eye and in his pleasure is life heavinesse may endure for a night but joy commeth in the morning * Praised be the Lord daily even the God which helpeth us and powreth his benefits upon us ¶ He is our God even the God of whom commeth salvation God is the Lord by whom we escape death * I will be glad and rejoyce in thy mercy for thou hast considered my trouble and hast knowen my soule in adversity ¶ Thou hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy but hast set my feet in a large roome * Thou hast turned my heavinesse into joy thou hast put off my sackcloth and girded me with gladnesse ¶ Therefore shall every good man sing of thy praises without ceasing O my God I will give thankes unto thee for ever Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. III. After a victory or the prosperous ending of a Warre BLessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to warre and my fingers to fight ¶ My hope and my fortresse my castle and deliverer my defender in whom I turst which subdueth my people that is under me * When my spirit was in heavinesse thou knewest my path in the way wherein I walked had they privily laid a snare for me ¶ I cried unto the Lord and said Thou art my hope and my portion in the land of the living ¶ Thou didst send downe thine hand from above thou didst deliver me and take me out of the great waters from the hand of strange children ¶ Thou hast given victory unto Kings and hast delivered David thy servant from the perill of the sword * For I know that the Lord is great and that our Lord in above all Gods ¶ Whatsoever that Lord pleased that did he in heaven and in earth in the sea and in all deep places * The Lord is on my side I will not feare what man doth unto me ¶ The Lord taketh my part with them that helpe me therefore shall I fee my desire upon mine enemies * It is better to trust in the Lord then to put any confidence in man ¶ It is better to trust in the Lord then to put any cofidence in princes * The Lord is my strength and my song and is become my salvation ¶ The voice of joy and health is in the dwellings of the righteous The right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pass * The right hand of the Lord hath the preheminence the right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pass ¶ He maketh warrs to cease in all the world he breaketh the bow and knappeth the speare in sunder and burneth the chariots in the fire * Behold how good and joyfull a thing it is brethren to dwell together in Unity ¶ It is like the precious ointment upon the head that ran downe unto the beard even unto Aarons beard and went downe to the skirts of his clothing * For there the Lord promised his blessing and life for evermore ¶ The Lord liveth and blessed be my strong helper and praised be the God of my salvation * Glory be to the Father c. ¶ As it was in the beginning c. If there be any other occasion instead of these use Te Deum Laudamus c. After each of these Eucharistical Psalmes shall be added as followeth Minister Lift up your hearts Answer We lift them up unto the Lord. Minister Let us give thankes unto the Lord our God Answer It is meet and right so to doe Minister I. IT is very meet right and our bounden duty that we should at all times and in all places give thanks and praise honour and adoration love and duty to thee O Lord God the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort who hast knowne our soule in adversity and delivered us from the evil we have deserved and hast given us good things we deserved not we confesse O God that we are lesse then the least of all thy mercies but thy immense thy unlimited goodnesse and loving kindnesse rejoyces in doing us good in preserving us from evil in heaping thy benefits upon us in giving to us witnesse from heaven in feeding our hearts with food and gladnesse in delivering us from our enemies in snatching us from the power of the grave in commanding thy destroying Angel to hurt us not Holy Jesus Blessed be God II. We are thy servants and thy children we are all thine and have no interest but thy service thou art our God and all our hopes are laid up in thee Thou art gracious when thou smitest us but we cannot expresse thy infinite sweetness when thou releivest our necessity when thou sustainest our sorrowes when thou dost deliver us from thy wrath when thou hearest our prayers when thou powrest thy benefits upon us O give unto thy servants thankfull hearts obedient and loving Spirits carefulnesse of duty charity and humility zeale of thy glory submission to thy divine will and pleasure that serving thee with all our powers loving thee with all our faculties obeying thee in al instances delighting in thee in all dispensations we may be conducted thorough all varieties of providence and defended in all temptations of our enemies and releived in all the necessities of our life and assisted in all particulars