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A44832 A collection of the several books and writings of that faithful servant of God, Richard Hubberthorn who finished his testimony (being a prisoner in Newgate for the truths sake) the 17th of the 6th month, 1662. Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. 1663 (1663) Wing H3216; ESTC R16018 292,545 354

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had another day of Tryal given them into their hands but a mad zeal and fury attended them against the honest and upright-hearted people and the Fury of the Oppressour was highly exalted amongst them burning like fire in which they could not contain themselves nor possess their own Spirits in quietness in which fury was folly the effects of which did betray and destroy both themselves and others They being diverted from their first intentions and desire after righteousness a just recompence of reward for their disobedience came upon them according to many true Testimonies from the Lords servants unto them which if in time their ears had been open to the Lords instructions and their hearts inclined to righteousness that swift and sudden des●ruction had not so soon come upon them but they being blinded with fury in their anger would neither hear nor see that which was the effect of their own work nor the Lords hand of Justice near come upon them as now they may consider it XII The Secluded Members then came in as a rod of Gods anger and of Justice or a prey upon them and it was manifest to the seeing Eye that God had turned his hand against all those which ha● abused his Power and neglected his work who had sought and set up themselves ins●ead of the Lord and his righteousness and now when the Lords hand is justly stretched forth to wound those that by him would not be healed who shall forbid it until the cause be removed and they purged through judgment and suffering And now unto you the present power King and Parliament be not high-minded but fear be not lifted up as though by your Arm Power and Policie you had got a Victory For it is Righteousness yet which the Lord doth require and if by his immediate power without your Sword he have cut off all those that you might be grafted in Consider therefore Gods end in so doing for it is by that immediate power of God which hath broken them that you must stand if you do stand for God is the same and will be to you as he hath been to others as you answer or not answer his requirings For it is not Persons that God accepts but he that fears God and works righteousness is accepted of him therefore as you look to be established by the Lord do righteousness equity and justice to every man without respect of persons and according to the equal and Royal Law of God walk doing unto others as yee would that others should do unto you Take heed of imposing any thing relating to the matter of Worship upon the Consciences le●● you kindle Gods wrath against you as others have done which will not easily be quenched for upon this Rock have many been broken and others wounded so that they could not again be healed And two things we would mind you of especially First That you are not come in by your own Sword or Power but by a remarkable hand of God in such a way as neither your selves nor any other could have expected Secondly Consider what a flood of unrighteousness licentiousness and fl●shly liberty hath of a sudden overspread the Nation upon your comming in which although it received some little seasonable curb by a Proclamation from King Charles till which scarce a man scaring God and that could not joyn with them in their rioting and drunken healths could pass the Streets in most places of the Nation yet the body of that iniquity still stands in many places as in May-games Fiddlings Dancings Stage-Plays and divers other ungodly vain Sports by which Gods righteous Soul is still grieved the Spirits of all people that truly fear God sadned the weight of that wickedness which already lay upon the Nations mightily encreased quite contrary to what such a work as your coming in after such a manner required All which speaks dreadful things against these Nations in the sight of many who are most acquainted with Gods fear and have that Eye in them which foresees evil to come in whose hearts and mouths it is now to warn you in love to your own Souls who are in power to scatter such Wickedness and the Nations peace and wel-being that the Wrath that is already threatned might be prevented from coming in your day And we desire that you may take more notice of the Lords warnings to you then others have done that have gone before you that Gods hand and power be not turned against you as it was against them R. H. An Epistle to Friends OH my dear and truly beloved Friends by the holy Spirit of my Father is my heart freely opened and enlarged unto you even in the love which is as a Fountain of Life which plentifully flows forth in the virtue of the Father in the hearts of the beloved children of God which many Waters cannot quench amongst such who have known the Lord in the outgoings of his Power to be as the Morning to your souls the virtue of whose Grace and Love hath been as a dew remaining upon your branches and whose Doctrine hath even dropped as the rain upon your tender-Plants that you thereby might be refreshed and nourished up unto eternal life the Lord God hath honored you with his presence and hath often fed you with his living appearances and manifestations and you have known what it is to drink of the pure Waters of Life even from that living Fountain which doth always flow in the Spirit by which there is pure and spiritual refreshment ministred unto the soul and the Waters of Strife have ye refused which doth corrupt those that drink them and so as it hath been so let it always continue that you may be kept clean by the Word which you have heard from the beginning and by which you have been gathered out of the World by the Word of his Power and fed together as sheep of his pasture and lambs of his Fold So let not the feeling-sence of the loving-kindness of the Lord be forgotten neither let the purity of your first love decrease but let the dear love of the Father in the freeness of liffe flow forth plentifully one towards another which is the bond of perfection among the children of Light by which you will come to be established in the free Spirit of the Lord in the unity of Life and in the fellowship of the Gospel not being subject to change or be moved from that Word and Spirit by which you have been taught and led in the vvay of Life and by which you have known the mind of Christ and by his gift of Righteousness vvhich you have received are you able to try every spirit as you abide in it whether it be of God both as to Doctrines without and as to motions vvithin So therefore let nothing move you nor unsettle your minds from that measure of Life which in all things is a perfect Instructor which will keep you in a pure Dominion over
bodily appearence and his person removed from us yet is his new-Name written among us and his Memory can never die for his Spirit still lives to praise the Lord and the life which breathed forth through that vessel cannot be removed away for it is the Infinite Immortal Eternal Life which dwells in Sons and Daughters now upon the Earth and though his outward man be put off yet he lives always in Spirit for he was a Servant of the living God upon Earth in his day E. B. These few lines were sent to London from G. F. since R. H. laid down the body DEar Innocent Richard as Innocent a man as liveth on the Earth whose Innocency manifested it self and his life is amongst us and dead he yet liveth Who never turned his back but Conquered through truth but trampled upon all evill spirits and went over them who for the truth laid down his life and in it liveth and resteth G. F. Dear Friends RIchard Hubberthornes Love was very Great to all the Flock of God and in the time of his health he was a faithful Labourer in the worke of the Lord and that you well know and in the time of his sickness he did Express much Love to Friends and was greatly refreshed in them indeed he was a Vessel filled with a mighty Waighty Spirit and all those who by that spirit were drawn near him might see know and feel him and many there are that have a witness saying in them Even so it was indeed he was hid from many and to them unknown and therefore not prized and now the Lord hath taken him into his own bosome and many were not worthy of him my whole family misseth him for in the time of his health and sickness he was a precious Example and in his sickness he minded not one person more than another but often smileing minded neither life nor death Visible but was filled with the Invisible So that his mind was redeemed out of visible things and severall times would say The word of the Lord is with me and sayed that Faith which hath wrought my salvation I well know and have grounded satisfaction in it but Faith as touching visible things it was not much matter for minding of it and said I have more in me then I am free to Declare as concerning Living or dying he had not many words all the time of his sickness but his minde was kept feeding in the retyredness within so that one might feel his strength in the still spirit which kept him so that I do not remember that ever I heard him groane all the time of his sickness the seventh day in the morning he asked for me and when I came to him he said This night or to morrow night I shall depart hence the next day in the morning understanding that he asked for me I arose went to him after a while Sitting by him he put his Arme about mee and said Do not seek to hold me for it is too strait for me and out of this straitness I must go for I am wound into largeness and am to be lifted up on high far above all so in the Evening being the first day of the weeke and the 17th of the 6 month he l●ft the Body This I was free to give forth because in the time of his sickness sometimes I kept friends from him desireing that he might have slept and hoping that therein he might have been refreshed These words before mentioned so near as I can remember are his own words as they came from him London the 6th M. 1662. Your Dear Friend Sarah Blackberry The Table of the Books following A True testimony of obedience to the heavenly Call c. page 1 An Answer to R. Sherlock of Berwick page 7 The Mittimus answered by which R. H. was sent prisoner to Norvvich Castle in the year 1654 page 37. A true testimony of the Zeal of O●ford professors and University men who for Zeal persecute the servants of the Living God following the ●xample of their bretheren of Cambridge page 41. Two Epistles to Friends during his imprisonment in Norwich Castle page 45 Some Queryes for you to answer who hold forth this testimony to the ●eople that Christ is a Creature page 49 The Innocency of the righteous seed of God cleared from all slande●ous tongues and false accusers page 51 The distance between flesh and Spirit c. page 64 The Horn of the Hee Goate broken c. page ●3 The Light of Christ within proved to be sufficient to lead unto Go● page 1 Truth and Innocencie Clearing Its self its Children c. page 2 The Rebukes of a Reviler fallen upon his own head page 86 The cause of stumbling removed from all that will receive the Truth and from before the Eyes of the wise men of London page 154. An Epistle concerning the Sufferings of friends shewing the Priests wickedness and persecutions page 198 A Call to the Ministry according to the Scriptures contrary to that Call which is of man and by man page 203 The reall cause of the Nations bondage and slavery and the way of their freedom from their sore and hard bondage asserted page 217 An Answer to a Declaration putt forth by the Generall consent of ●he people called Anabaptists in and about the City of London 225 A Coppie of a paper sent to the Councell in the year 1659. p. 234 A word of wisdom and Counsell to the officers and Souldiers of the Army in England c. 235. An answer to the oath of Allegiance and supremacy from the people called Quakers page 239. Antichristian sin reproved and the doctrine of Christ and his apostles justified against swearing page 242 An Answer to a Book called A just defence and Vindication of Gospell ministers and Gospel Ordinances page 252 Something that lately passed in discourse between the King and R. H. page 268. R. H. His answer to Iohn Horne page 273. A short Relation of the twelve changes of Government that hath been in England within these eight years under all of which we have suffered persecution page 276. An Epistle to Friends page 284 Another Epistle to Friends page 287 Reasons why no Imposition ought to be upon mens Consciences by any but the Lord page 288. REader it is desired that what faults thou find'st have escaped the Press in the ensuing treatise to correct with thy Pen where thou can'st not friendly to pass them by for by reason of the present difficulty of having Friends Books printed therewith came out with those Errata's which othervvise might be amended A true Testimony of Obedience to the Heavenly Call for which I suffer the losse of all things that I may be found in obedience to him who hath called me A Servant of the Lord and a Prisoner for the Testimony of Jesus whom he hath called by his grace to deny the World and am made partaker of his sufferings being in outward bonds by the
Kings Rulers that the Scripture speaks off He contemns Authority vvho is a fighter or quarreller or drunkard or lyar or swearer and they vvho abuse themselves vvith mankind but not they vvho declare the Word of the Lord to such to lead them from all such practises but such you account disturbers and contemners of Authority who stand patiently before you because they will not put off their hats for it is your pride that is disturbed and not Justice for the Law of Justice is vvithout respect of persons and doth judge thee vvho doth respect persons Another thing charged against me is That I said I dwelt in God and where the Lord called me I ansvver Let shame and terror take hold upon you both Priests Magistrats who make a Law in your wils to imprison those vvho come to vvitness they dvvel in God as the Saints did Paul said In him we live move and have our being and said he had no certain dvvelling-place and by this Lavv he vvould be imprisoned and he vvas persecuted and reviled and suffered it 1 Cor. 4. and John said He that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him 1 Joh. 4.16 and he that keeps his commandments dwelleth in him and he in him And hereby we know that he abideth in us by the Spirit that he hath given us 1 John 3.24 and by this Lavv John should be imprisoned because he said he dvvelt in God and all the Prophets and Apostles did go vvhere the Lord called them O blush and be ashamed before the Lord to profess Christ and Justice and make a Lavv to imprison those vvho are obedient to the commands of God and dwell in God that ever such a thing should be acted or once named in your Courts or Sessions who profess your selves Christians The Heathens have so much light as to see your nakedness and folly The Law was added because of transgression for the lawless and disob●dient and not for the righteous who dwel in God and are obedient to him Another thing against me is Because I would not enter into Recogniz●nce to appear at the next Sessions to answer the premises being charged in his Highness Name to the Gaol at Norwich I answer The Lord God who is above all Names and Highnesses in his Name and Presence do I speak clear my conscience before him and all the World who hath set me free from being bound to the wil of any man for he is com●ng in his mighty power to bring down all Powers Names Highnesses and Laws under which the seed of God suffers This is the word of the Lord to all you who in your wills make laws by them cause to suffer the servants of the living God but by his Law which is perfect changeth not both you and your Laws are to be condemned The Discharge Norf. ss Whereas I sent you yesterday the body of Richard Hubberthorn late of Yelland i● Lancashire by the Constables of W●mondham Now these are to require you forthwith upon the receit hereof to set at liberty the said R. Hubberthorn provided he be charged with nothing else but his Mittimus from me laid to his charge and this shall be your warrant for so doing Octob. 10. 1654. To the Keepers of the Gaol in the County of Norf. in ehe City of Norwich Ralph Woolme● I being by the same Law and Power set at liberty by which I was committed to prison under the same hand seal by which the Keepers of the gaol were charged to keep me by the same command under the same hand seal are the Keepers of the gaol commanded to set me at liberty by the same power which charged these things against me in the Mittimus by the same power am I cleared discharged of them in this Warrant nothing else being laid to my charge I desire to know by what Law I am yet kept prisoner or vvhat I have to ansvver the next Sessions This vvas I moved of the Lord to declare and lay open that all people in the Light vvhich Jesus Christ hath enlightned them vvithall may see the changeable Lavvs made in the Will of man vvhich is changeable being turn'd from that in tht conscience from the Lavv of God vvhich is perfect and changeth not and by all such Laws as are made in the Wil of man did ever the servants of the Lord suffer do novv Let all vvho are lightned by Christ to knovv the perfect Lavv judge R.H. Prisoner in Norwich-Castle A true testimony of the zeal of Oxford-Professors and Vniversity-men who for zeal persecute the servants of the living God following the example of their brethren of Cambridge Also the lewdness of those two great Mothers discovered who have brought forth so many Children and never had Husband From Oxford the 26 day of the fourth Moneth 1654. A Brief and true testimony to all the people of the unjust and unlawful proceedings of those called Justices in Oxford against two Northern women who in obedience to the Lord came to Oxford upon the 20 of the fourth Moneth who several days as they were moved of the Lord passed through the Streets Colledges and Steeple-houses declaring the word of the Lord freely And upon the 15 day being the first day of the week were moved to go to a Steeple-house and when the Priest had done one of the women began to speak in answer to what was delivered and in exhortation to the people Then two of the justices cried out Take her away carry her to prison and they took them away and carried them to prison called Buckerdo where onely fellons and persons are committed for murther and other hainous offences are and secured And on the morrow being the second day of the week some of the Justices asked the Major whether there was no meeting appointed the Major said No he knew no business they had that there should be a meeting the Justice answered There is two Quakers committed to prison the Major answered Let those Justices that committed them if they have any Law against them let them act it upon them if not set them free and the said Major said further That he had nothing to say against them but he said that if they wanted food money or raiment he would take care that they should be supplied so the Major left them and went about his publick imployment and would have no more to do in the matter nor act any thing against them but did rather think it convenient to leave it to them to act according to their wills and he free from it himself But upon further consideration and for the more satisfaction the Major went up where the Justices were to examine the women and that their cruelty might the more be made manifest the Vice-chancellour of the University was sent for to come up before them and then they proceeded to examination and the first Question propounded was What her name
opened which were blind and now in the Light of Christ the Way is seen which leads unto God the Father of Light and in it all false Prophets and false Teachers they do see and by them cannot be deceived who come in sheeps cloathing and are beautiful outwardly decked with the Saints words but inwardly ravening Wolves And now their covering comes to be taken of which was none of their own and now the Wolf appears ravening against the Lambs of God for the day hath made them manifest and of them the Lambs of God are aware and in innocency are preserved and in the pure Wisdom which is not of this World in it they see and comprehend the Serpents Wisdom subtilty craftiness and snares which for the righteous seed are laid but in the Eternal Light made manifest to the seed a way is seen out of them all and by the Eternal Power of the pure living God of life deliverance out of them all is witnessed Eternal pure living praises to him for evermore Given forth from the love of God to the souls of those who desire to know the truth to take away all stumblings and cut off all occasions from all minds that in the Light of Gheist the truth they may see to be clear from all slanders and false accusations which from the unclean spirits proceeds which goeth out of the mouth of the Dragon to devour the innocent but from the Dragon and all his Floods the innocent are preserved Given forth from him who a witness stands for the truth of God against all deceit R. H. Written from Mondlesham in Suffolk the 29. of the 3. Month 1655. The distance between Flesh and Spirit c. THis is the Word of the Lord to all people as I am moved of the Lord to clear the scandals and false accusations cast upon the righteous seed and as the seed of God in all generations have suffered reproaches from the World so now the same seed where it is brought forth suffers by this generation of evil doers and is afflicted and tormented and shamefully accused now in England whom you call Quakers And you say we deny all the Ordinances of Christ and you say we do not honor the Magistr●tes nor are subject unto Authority but are disturbers and breakers of the peace which is false The first accusation You say we deny Repentance Ans. And this is false for Repentance is the gift of God and this gift we have received and his free grace which teacheth us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts Tit. 2.12 by repentance we have forsaken sin as it was discover'd to us by the Light of Christ which he hath enlightned us withall and so the mercies of God we have found according to his promise and are sent of the Lord to preach Repentance to all people who would have all men come to repentance and to the acknowledgement of the truth that they might be saved 2 Tim. 2.25 And with the Word of the Lord as they are moved of the Lord do many go now with this Doctrine into your streets into your markets into your synagogues and into your cities to call you to repentance before the wrath of the Lord come upon you and both sons and daughters now are sent to preach this Doctrine amongst you from the Lord and for obeying the Lord herein are they reviled by you and persecuted and falsly accused And th●s is left for a Testimony against you from the Lord and shall bear witness against you The second Accusation is That we deny Baptism Ans. The Baptism of Christ we own which all the Saints were baptized into which was by one spirit into one body as in 1 Cor. 12.13 and by this baptism we do witness the washing away of sin not onely the washing avvay the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience towards God But sprinkling of Infants vve deny which there is no Scripture for And all you who from your imagination do imitate Johns Baptism and so go into the vvater and say you are believers and have right to the Ordinances of Christ but you to be believers we deny vvho are not yet come to repentance and your Water-baptism vvhich is but an imitation from the letter for the Lord never sent you forth nor commanded you either to preach or baptize as they did vvhom you go about to imitate vvho are not yet come to repentance nor to the first principle of the doctrine of Christ nor to ovvn the light of Christ in your consciences which should exercise them and lead you to vvait upon God and lead you to repentance And the Faith of believers you know not for the mysterie of Faith is held in a pure conscience 1 Tim. 3.9 vvhich you cannot vvitness which hates the Light of Christ vvhich should exercise your consciences and so your minds and consciences are defiled and vvith that mind you talk of faith and of the Ordinances of Christ and of Water-baptism vvhich serveth unto us for a figure as the Apostle saith 1 Pet. 3 21. And Jesus Christ was baptized by John by water that he might fulfil all righteousness Mat. 3.15 And John was a Prophet and Christ is the end of the Prophets and Johns baptism was but a figure for he said he did but baptize with water but Christ is the end of all figures types and shadows and did fulfil them for he fulfilled all righteousness and Johns Ministry and Johns baptism and he that fulfilled all righteousness the same baptizeth which John did bear witness unto and all men came unto him Joh. 3 16 but he baptized none with water But this is a mysterie to thy dark mind which knows not the baptism of Christ nor Johns doctrine nor Jesus Christ the true Light which enlighteneth every one that cometh into the world vvhich John bore witness unto John 1.9 but goes to hold up the types and figures which Christ came to fulfil and so deniest Christ to be come in the flesh to fulfil all righteousness and so thou art an Antichrist who holds up the figures which Christ came to fulfil and so thou denies the Scriptures and Christ who said he came to fulfil all righteousness and the Saints baptism thou art ignorant of which is by one Spirit into one body 1 Cor. 12.13 And Paul who was a Minister of Christ and preached the Gospel did bring many into this baptism and he was not sent to baptize with water but to preach the Gospel and all the Churches which he preached unto came to witness Christs baptism with the Holy Ghost and with fire by one Spirit into one body and were baptized into Christ who was the head of the body Rom. 6.3 and by this baptism we are thus washed from all filthiness of flesh and Spirit but your imitated baptism of water we deny who live in your filthiness of flesh and spirit whose minds and consciences are defiled but the baptism of Christ we
but for a man in puris naturalibus meerly natural p. 37 Let all therefore consider Pauls words Which things also we speak not in the words which mans wisdom teache●h but which the holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 2.13 14. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things yet he himself is judged of no man ver 15. Now whether any man that hath the spirit of God can judge that this is not spoken of carnal and sinful men or whether any by the spirit of God can judge that this was spoken of a man in the pure nature without sin and let all who have the spirit of judgement judge whether Adam in the image of God without sin did account the things of God as foolishness unto him and if any so judge let them prove it That in Adams innocency without sin the things of God were foolishness unto him or whether the cross of Christ which Paul preached was foolishness unto any but unto carnal and sinful men So every man I exhort to come to that of God in you to know the salt in your selves to savour withal that you may know that Doctrine that stands in the devised words of mans wisdom and not in the power of God which would turn the truth of God into a lye and pervert the mind from the right understanding of the things of God But the day is come which hath brought forth light and knowledge understanding to the simple whereby they see the deeps which are covered with darkness they come to see and comprehend mens wisdom and their fountain what it brings forth for how should that which is unclean bring forth that which is clean So that now we do not only know the words of those which have set themselves against the truth but the spirit and power from whence they speak and so in faithfulness bear our testimony against it that the folly of those may be made manifest unto all men who wilfully oppose the truth and their own selves through wilful-blindness and so count themselves unworthy of eternal life exercising their strength wisdom and knowledge to shut up the kingdom of God against themselves and others labouring to keep all people from the light in the darkness as is made manifest in this generation How many have set themselves to preach and print against the light which Christ the way to the Father hath enlightned every man that cometh into the world withal But now hath God the Father raised up his own seed acco●ding to his promise out of the North to spoil Babylon Jer. 51.48 I have raised up one from the North saith the Lord and he shall come from the rising of the Sun he shall call upon my name and he shall come upon Princes as upon morter and as the Potter treadeth clay Isa. 41.25 The promised seed of the Lord is come forth and is spreading over the Nations as the morning over the mountains and blessed are they that receive their testimony for from the wrath of the Almighty shall they be delivered their bread shall not fail them and their waters shall be sure and their fountain shall never be empty but plenteous redemption shall they daily witness and waters of life shall their thirst be satisfied with and all the noise of the Bruits shall not hurt them for the Lord is with them therefore can they not be afraid nor dismaid at that which cometh to pass upon the earth now because light is risen therefore is the evil eys offended a●d have now turned their testimonies against the light to make people believe that it doth the same works that darkness sin Satan doth which is to drive the soul from God keep it in the fall and that it is not able to shew the good or the evil of an action to approve nor disapprove which is true of the darkness but not of the light For there is nothing that doth make manifest those things which are reprovable but the light neither is there any thing which doth bring man from that estate where he is driven from God and lead him out of the fall but the light and so it is time to come out from among all such for all people that desire to know Gods ways lest they be partakers of their plagues and there be none to deliver for many are hardning their hearts in this day of Gods tender love and mercy ●nd so evil do they requite the Lord that instead of turning at his reproofs that they may find mercy they are in their wisdom devising evil words and reproachful terms against the light by which the Lord doth reprove man for his iniquity and are exercising all their abilities to make the light even as darkness and would exclude the power of God from it Whenas there is no man that doth receive power or wisdom from God but in the light which Christ hath enlightned him withal therefore is Christ now preached as he declared himself to be the light of the world Joh. 8. and as his messenger declared him to have enlightned every man that cometh into the world and this light is now preached and witnessed to be sufficient to lead unto God all that obey it and to let them see that their works are wrought in God Joh. 3. and is sufficient to be the condemnation of all the world that hate it according to Joh. 3.19 And for our thus bearing witness of the sufficiency of the light many are risen up against us even slanderous tongues such as the poison of Asps is under but the Lord hath delivered us from them and will manifest his strength unto us in bearing testimony to his light and the power of it against all the powers of darkness and overcome them for God hath given his power to his own seed the children of light and those that rise up against them it is but that they may be broken to pieces for whosoever falleth on this stone they shall be broken to pieces and on whomsoever it falls it will grind them to powder Object But some men say That the light is not sufficient to lead unto God those that obey and follow it and for a proof saith That Paul did not disobey but follow the light which was in him and yet saith That he obtained mercy because he did it ignorantly which if he had disobeyed the light he had sinned against knowledge so the light in him was either not sufficient to discover to him the errour of his way or at least it did suspend its act of enlightning him in the knowledg thereof it check●d him not it convinced him not c. Answ. To say that Paul did not disobey but follow the light within him that is false For he followed his zeal in madness and persecuting
all feignedness and formality even to dwell in the substance which is the holy life of the Son of God where the true love the heavenly voice and pure joy is felt and known as in the beginning always remembring how the Gospel in power came unto you and how in fear and much trembling it was both preached unto you and received by you with the many blessed effects of its operation vvorking your conversation out of the earthly nature from the earthly body into the heavenly body in which you are able to take up his Cross if it be daily to follow him in the regeneration and newness of life even from the true knowledge of him in whom ye have believed and by whose povver you stand For when we consider the infinite deepness and largeness of that love with which we have been cloathed and have even covered others withal and likewise the many experiences of the Father's dealings with us in working all our Works both in us and for us this cannot but deeply engage our hearts unto him how that ever since we have known him to be our Leader he hath always gone before us preparing our vvay that we might serve him he hath for his seeds sake even reproved Kings and hath quenched the violence of fire that was kindled in many hearts against us he hath by his Wisdom put to silence the ignorance of foolish men that he may clear us from all their reproach He hath not only kept us alive in our suffering under the Wrath of our Enemies but in the power of his spirit made us to reign over them and not only over our outward and open enemies but also over the secret smitings of the wicked one which would privily slay the righteous He hath had a tender regard to his innocent ones to keep them out of the snares of the betrayers and to keep them in the unity of his power and love in the which I speak unto you that know these things whose ears the Lord hath so opened that you can try Words and whose eyes also he hath unclosed that you can see that which causeth divisions and offences contrary to the Doctrine of Christ and avoid it for hitherto even until this day have you learned by good experience and some through sufferings that whatsoever hath risen up to oppose the Lord in his Way to quench the strength of his Love or to break the unity of his people whether it hath been by spirit or letter under never so innocent pretences the Lord hath brought it down and confounded it and made it to be as dust under the feet of his Saints so that we may together say to the praise of our God that we knovv the depths of Satan and are not ignorant of his devices Therefore in the sence of this experience put on strenth O ye Arm of the Lord by vvhich he will do great things and through whom he will make his power known to the Nations in setting up his Kingdom and Government and his Peace of which there shall be no end Let nothing hinder the setting up of his Scepter of Truth and Righteousness amongst you and let the Life of Jesus in his Love and Power reign over all the earthly spirits and over the spirit of Jealousie which is strong as death and cruel as the grave which being not received it can hurt nothing but its own habitation in which it lodgeth So keep your selves pure in the love of God and be not partakers of other mens sins walking worthy of the holy and blessed calling in which the Lord hath given you an inheritance among the living And dwel in the spirit of meekness in which the Wisdom and Power of God you will feel to the refreshing of your souls for as you therein abide you are our joy in the Lord and a strength unto us in his Work Another Epistle to Friends IN the life of the Son of God dwell that in it you may be made manifest unto all answering the just and reproving the unjust for he is come to rule who must put down all rule and all authority under his feet and in him is the living dominion felt and the faith in the power which overcomes the edge of the sword and subdues Nations in which is the dread of the Almighty to bring under the stout-hearted even by the power of the holy seed which is spreading abroad in the earth for the finishing the Fathers work in the ear●h which all are witnesses of who do abide and walk in his light where you may all enjoy your peace with the Lord and be kept in his power over the power and spirit of the world in the everlasting covenant of light and life where you may all feel the growth of the seed in you into the Fathers gift which is the life immortal so dearly beloved and truly begotten in my Fathers love dwell in that which gives you a sight knowledge and fee●ing of him who hath begotten you into a measure of his life light power and image and hereby will you all be united into one serving one another in love for God is love and we are his off spring and to the world is he manifest through us as being his natural branches and the breaking forth of his light and power and is as set upon a hill unto which all eys look and from which the sincere and tender take their example so dear hearts in the path of the Just walk which is a shining light which shineth more and more unto the perfect day so as children of it all walk that you to others may be examples and leaders out of darkness and out of the ways of death into the Kingdom of the Father which stands in the Light righteousness and peace and joy in the holy Ghost in which the power and presence of my heavenly Father preserve you and keep you in his living Dominion Reasons why no Imposition ought to be upon mens Consciences by any but the Lord. 1. BEcause no man can perswade the conscience of another either what God is or how to worship him but onely the Spirit which God hath given to instruct man 2 Because to impose any thing upon another mans conscience either to do or practice is not to do unto another as he would have another do unto him and therefore is contrary to Christs doctrine 3 Because all obedience or service that is thereby obtained is for fear of wrath and not from love nor for conscience sake and will but continue so long as that fear or force abides upon them 4 Because thereby no man can make an Hypocrite a Believer but it is possible that thereby he may make many Hypocrites 5 Because that in all forced impositions upon mens consciences there is of the wrath of man exercised which work● not the righteousness of God but rather begets enmity one towards another 6 Because that men are not made thereby loving Subjects but forced Slaves 7 Because that by the force of imposing any thing upon men many are thereby hardned in their hearts and resolved to resist when as by love and leaving them free they m●ght easily be perswaded of that which otherwise th●y will not be THE END Acts 33. Rom. 4.11 John 5.3 Jer. 1.5 6. Luk. 1.66.08 1 Kin. 8.46 John 14.4 Prov. 20.9 John 18.10 Eccles. 7.23
A Collection OF THE SEVERAL BOOKS AND WRITINGS OF THAT Faithful Servant of GOD Richard Hubberthorn Who finished his Testimony being a Prisoner in NEWGATE for the Truths sake the 17 th of the 6 th Month 1662. And I heard a voice from Heaven saying Blessed are the dead which hereafter dye in the Lord even so saith the Spirit that they may rest from their labours but their works shall follow them Rev. 14.13 LONDON Printed and are to be sold by William Warwick 1663. TO THE READER THe glory of the everlasting God and the Light of his powerful Truth hath so far appeared and is so effectually manifest in our day that the veil of darkness is removed from off the hearts of thousands who have received the love of the Truth as it is in Christ Jesus the everlasting Light and the life of the righteous and ugright in heart who walk in the way of the Lord and many thick clouds of darkness and error which have darkned the minds of people are dispersed by the arising and shining forth of the Sun of righteousness and the visitation of the day-spring which hath dawned from on high blessed and praised be the name of the mighty God who hath raised up unto himself a royal-seed to bear testimony of his Name in righteousness against which no weapon formed shall prosper Albeit this seed hath been largely tried and persecuted by the seed of enmity and evil-doers and sons of Belial who have made it their work to seek to obstruct the work of the Lord by persecuting his servants and reviling his faithful witnesses and reproaching and blaspheming his living ●ruth and way even till a line of confusion is come over them and they have split themselves against the rock and the stone which the builders have rejected which is exalted and set over them all And now as for these Priests and Professors who ●ave so much busied themselves in opposing and gain-saying ●he Lord's people called Quakers and those righteous Prin●iples and Doctrines held forth by them the work of these op●osers is come to nought and they have apparently missed of ●heir ends and exspectations and they have wearied themselvs ●or very vanity and they and their work is manifest to the ●ation and the folly of it in a great measure after they have ●rought forth their cause and produced their strong Reasons ●as they have esteemed them which the truth and Spirit of understanding in it's Witnesses hath evidently confuted and brought to nought And how hath shame and dishonour and Contempt in the eyes of all sober and Indifferent people come upon many of our oppressors and Adversaries the Priests and professors who after they have been striving and contending against our preaching up and vindicating the Light of Christ in every man Joh. 1.9 Rom. 1.19 and perfection and freedom from sin as attainable in this life to such as believe in Christ who is manifest for that end 1 Joh. 3. they themselves who have opposed and withstood these truths are turned into grosser darkness and confusion then ever many being turned from their pretended Reformation Covenant and Directory now to complain with the prophane that they have done those things they ought not to have done and left undone those things which they ought to have done and there is no health in them and so now they cry Lord have mercy upon us miserable sinners or miserable offenders c. as in their divine service so called which formerly they exclaimed against who now are turned to it So as it 's come to pass upon them as upon the false prophets and hireling priests of old Night is unto them the Sun is gone down upon them and the day is become dark over them and the seers are ashamed and the diviners confounded for there is no Answer of God nor vision unto them many of whom have preached and prophesied falsly against us and of our overthrow til● they are overturned themselves Micah 3. and many tha● have been as em●nent Leaders overseers and tall Cedars amongst the outside and form all professors of our times ar● fled as the hireling that cares for himself more then the flock and their mouths are stopt and they ready to hide themselves when those they account wolves devourers an● superstitious persons comes amongst their flocks manifestin● that they are not true shepherds nor built upon the Rock Chri●● Jesus for their profession will not abide the storms nor endu●● the Winter so as much of our work and controversies wil● such our Antagonists is over for they were the highest a● most contentious against us where the Truth and power ● God first appeared amongst us to gather us out from ●mongst them unto Christ the true shepherd and when they could have ●he Magistrates and powers of the earth on their side as to prosecute for them and to feed them with the wages of unrighteousness and maintain them in Balaams way And now the righteous testimony of the servants of the Lord liveth and remains as upon Record against the unrighteousness and falshood of such and in particular the faithfull testimonys and true evidences given for the truth and held forth by that faithfull servant and follower of Chr●st and brother and Companion in the work of the Gospel R. Hubber●horne Concerning whom I hearing that some have taken in hand to Recollect as many of his Books as they could to be Reprinted it is in my heart by the spirit of the Lord and in true love to his truth to signifie these things in short to be annexed unto them for the sake of the world and such as knew him not having had more conve●se with him and experience and knowledge of him then many others had 1. That he was a true and faithfull Instrument in the hand of the Lord in his day for the turning many from darkness to the light and from error to truth First by informing instructing and admonishing people to the light of Christ which appeareth and shineth in the hearts and consciences of the children of men and against the darkness pollutions falfe ways professions and worships of the world c. Secondly by preaching and holding forth the new and living way the substance and end of figures and shaddows which many in the darkness of apostacy have been Doting about and the true saving knowledg of God and his Son Jesus Christ within his people to become their Wisdom Righteousness sanctification and redemption and in which they come to experience the justification of life according to the Witness given by the primitive saints Christians and true witnesses of Christ. 2. And the gift of God bestowed upon him the sa●d R. H. was very pretious honorable clear lives with us in our Remembrance hearts thereby he was made a faithfull Contender for the living faith which was once delivered unto the saints which stands in the power of God worketh by love giveth the Creature victory
over the world purifieth the heart and maketh man obedient and faithfull unto Go● as he lives in it till he hath fought the fight of it and overcome his spiritual enemy power of darkness which hath led man from his Maker into sin and transgression so as the gift of God did largely shew forth it self in the said servant of Christ by opposing and renouncing Errors stopping the mouths of and many times convincing gainsayers 3. And though his bodily presence and his speech to some seemed weak and contemptible yet we can in the truth bear witness that he was a man both of a solid spirit and quick understanding and delivered weighty things in his ministring as were felt by such as were unprejudiced who were impartial sober and staied in their spirits and the innocency and uprightness of his life and conversation so many have a certain knowledge and can give their testimony thereof that I shall need to say little as to that and he labored for peace unfeigned love and unity in the Truth amongst people witnessing against that spirit and those things in any which would either make division or cause offences or stumblings in any thing contrary to the Gospel of peace and salvation wherein the mystery of the everlasting and true fellowship consisteth and he truly preached the Cross of Christ and true judgment to such spirits as would live in a form and notion of Truth out of the life power and true obedience who though they may profess great matters in words and strain after high things in the carnal comprehension yet are but in the state of such as were dead as unto whom the Gospel hath in judgment bee● preached that they might be judged as men in the flesh bu● live according to God in the Spirit as that follower of Christ and Minister of righteousness R. H. hath held forth who walked in his integrity to the Lord and ●●tained his first love and habitation in the truth being over all such changeable spirits as would lead from it into any ways or things tending to be get prejudice division or offences in the minds contrary to th●● pure love which stands in the living unchangeable Truth An● this I must needs say touching that man that I never felt more of the presence and love of God accompanying him the● I did in that time we were sufferers and conversant togethe● in Newgate before his decease And he viz. R. H. was taken away in a time of suffering and tryal for the testimony of a good conscience being in the year 1662. in which many of the Lords people were under persecution especially in the City of London for the exercise of their tender consciences in meeting together in the worship of God as the Saints and true Christians in the Primitive times did and diverse others of the innocent and faithful servants of Christ who were sufferers upon the same account in Newgate London laid down their lives for the ●estimony of Jesus about that time as he did being for the most ●art taken weak and sick in prison and as was judged by the most part their hard imprisonment and deep suffering being crouded together in great companies the hot season in prison ●nd in holes was the occasion and beginning of their distem●er and sickness whereon they died before they were dischar●ed of their imprisonment So as he nor they did suffer nor ●ere taken away for any evil-doing or in wrath or judgment ●ut in the peace and love of God as to them-ward having pa●iently endured and faithfully finished their course with joy ●nd fulfilled their testimony in faithfulness as seeing him ●hat is invisible having received a crown of glory and life ●hose memorial lives with us and is for ever blessed and ●hus the Lord hath many times taken away the righteous ●●om the evil to come who through faith have received a ●●od report and left an everlasting testimony behind them And now blessed are all they that in faith patience and sin●●rity do follow the Lamb unto the end whithersoever ●e goeth ●hether it be through tribulations persecutions or what suf●●rings soever for such are they that ke●p their habitations 〈◊〉 the power and love of God and such overcome by the blood 〈◊〉 the Lamb and the word of their testimony and shall reign ●ith Christ as victorious Conquerors in his everlasting king●●m over death and darkness and the power of it and such 〈◊〉 abide in the love of the Truth and Faith of Gods Elect do 〈◊〉 and witness that seed which God will exalt over the earth ●●●ore which he will root out and overturn his enemies that his 〈◊〉 plant may take deep root and spread to the ends of the 〈◊〉 And so all friends who have received the love of the Truth and the knowledg of the life and power thereof wherein is immortality to the faithful and obedient Be valiant for the Truth upon earth and live in true love unity and peace always minding and fol●owing those things which make for peace and feel the true and constant love and fellowship in the Gospel of peace life and salvation And so blessings from on high will fill your hearts and the glory of the Lord will be your rereward in the everlasting inheritance of life with the holy seed which will out-live all its enemies and remain when the enmity of the wicked and the seed of it is removed and gone So the Lord exalt his Name and Truth and promote his Kingdom over all that is contrary to himself that he alone may have the glory and preheminence whose right it is G. W. Waltham in Essex the 27 of the 11 month 1662. Epist. pag. 4. lin 30. for attained read retained pag. 5. lin 16. for so as he read so as neither he Reader this following Testimony was given forth by our dear Friend Edward Burroughs before he finished his testimony by death for the Truths sake which I thought fit here to insert RIchard Hubberthorne was born in the North part of Lancashire and was of very honest Parents his Father was a Yeoman of the Country and had a good Report of his Neighbours for uprightn●sse in all his dealings and Richard was his onely Son who was inclinable from his youth upwards to Religion and to the best way always minding the best things and following the company of good men and was never known to be addicted to vice or malignity nor ever following any evil course of life from his Child hood but f●●red the Lord and walked uprightly before him and 〈◊〉 faithful according to the Light and knowledge received in all things and his natural disposition temper was meek and lowly and loved peace among men he was brought up with his Parents in good education according to the custom of the Country and in time of the late Wars he was disposed ro go into the Army and was in Scotland most of the time till the Land was reduced and he
external stuff pours out which hath poisoned many people which thou sayest thou shouldest open the Gospel withall all that have the least convincement may see thee to be a seducer for what is external is natural and what is natural knows not the things of God but the Lord be praised thou hast declared thy self abroad Qu. 12. Whether any Ministers of God were made Ministers by the wil of man yea or no Shew it me by the Scripture Pr. And in thy answer to this Query thou sayest There is 〈◊〉 Minister of God made by the will of man onely but by man in subordination Rep. Here thou crossest the Scripture Paul an Apostle not of man nor by man And here the lying spirit hath shewed it self indeed Pr. And thou sayest There is no such hope of any such calling as was in the time of the Apostles Rep. And here thou hast cast thy self and thy fellow● and all thy study to be without the Doctrine and Life of the Apostles for thou concludest there is no such calling yet thou talkest of laying on hands there thou and you are making likenesses which is forbidden and to be confounded and so we conclude and all the children of Light shall judge that your Hope and your Calling and your Ministry made by the will of man and not only by God to be without God and conarary to the Apostles Qu. 13. Shew me by the Scripture whether a man shall grow up to that condition that he need no man to teach him but the Lord or no Pr. We must not look for any immediate extraordinary miraculous teaching by revelation from the Lord and yet all men are taught of God too Rep. What confused stuff is this and blasphemy that comes out of thy bottle Thou wouldest make God not an immediate doth not God teach immediate Here thou shewest that thou dost not know the living God for the teaching of God is immediate in the least degree Pr. None aims to such a perfection of knowledge in his gifts as not to need teaching Rep. Here I charge thee to be a Lyar who speaks contrary to the Scripture and here I charge thee in the presence of the living God to be a slanderer who speaks of being taught of the Lord Jesus Christ outwardly by the spirit what confused stuff is this and here again I charge thee to be a lyar for the words of our Lord Jesus Christ are spirit and life but such as thou who lookest upon the outward thing cannot receive his words though you have the letter of the Gospel as they had the letter of the Law Quest. 14. Whether they be not Antichrists and disobey Christ that have the chief places in the assembli●● stand praying in the synagogues which Christ did forbid his disciples to act such things and cried wo against those that did act them In thy answer to this querie thou ramblest up and down with many words to justifie that which Christ cried wo against to justifie the chiefest place in the Assemblies and to be called of men Master and for standing praying in the Synagogues which Christ pronounced wo against and so let all the people see if thou and you be not such as are called of men Masters and stand praying in the Synagogues which the wo was and is upon Mat. 23. and there is neither shelter nor hole for thee to hide thy self for them that walk in the truth will find thee out and praised be the Lord God of heaven and earth who hath given us a spirit of discerning and we are able to judge you who live in deceit for the Apostle prophesied with the spirit of the Lord that such should come and we see with the same spirit you are come and with the same spirit you are judged Quest. 15. Whether they be not Antichrists and of the Devil and no Ministers of Christ which do not abide in the Doctrine of Christ Pr. They that swerve from the Doctrine of Christ are of the spirit of Antichrist Rep. There thou art this is thy own condition who deniest immediate revelation and thou that deniest immediate revelation deniest Christ for Paul said the Son was revealed in him and so all that thou speakest is with the lying spirit in the wicked generation and whereas thou slanderest and sayest we rail that is false And again thou speakest of love because the letter declares it but the love of God who dwells in it to such thou art an enemy and as touching using plainness of speech to people because we do not flatter or use enticing words of mens wisdom which thou dost so thou hast cleared thy self from the children of God and to be in the generation of them that swerve from the doctrine of Christ who seekest to justifie that which he cried wo against a● Mat. 23. And whereas thou accusest us for railing upon people thou art a liar for love useth plainness of speech and love and charity is out of deceit if we should flatter we should hold it up and should be pleading for thy generation who talks of God and confesses that you have not the same knowledge and understanding that the Apostles had Therefore how can you know God then And whereas thou speakest of trying the spirits the fruits of it is love here with the spirit of love is thy generation tried for when the servants of the Lord have been moved to come into your Synagogues some have been stockt and wounded and imprisoned and hailed out of your synagogues And is this the fruits of your spirit Qu. 16. Whether they be not seducers that draw people from the anointing which is in them and tell them they must be taught of a man whereas the anointing teaches them they need no man teach them but as the anointing teacheth them and the promise is to him that doth abide in it eternally Pr. Many false Prophets are gone forth Rep. Here thou hast proved thy self to be a false Prophet who denies immediate revelation for whom the Lord sent forth he spoke to them immediately which thou deniest and there thou art one of the false Prophets which thou speakest of and knows nothing of the anointing who deceives the simple and ignorant the world may wonder after such but who are in the light and receive any thing immediate will see thee in the dark to be a deceiver for none in thy generation can witness that you need no man teach you but the anointing for who doth are come out from your teaching and you both And as touching Sects them we deny as thou speakest in thy answer to the fifteenth Querie therefore do we see thee with that which is no Sect to be colouring and deluding people telling them thy error is truth who quotes and misappliest the Scripture to maintain thy falshood Pr. The flesh is quickned with the spirit of life to bring forth some kind of fleshly fruits 1 King 8.46 Joh. 14.4 Prov. 20.9 1 Joh. 1.8 10 Eccles. 7.22
place in the assemblie hath cried out they disturb me and then they have hailed them out to the stocks or prison and knockt them or bruised them and may be some have lain a quarter of a year in prison or more Now let all people take notice which have a love to God whether this be the Church which is the pillar and ground of truth or the cage of unclean birds which the Scripture speaks of when as the Scripture saith If any thing be revealed to him that stands by let the first hold his peace and the Church of God we own but all such Churches as are fighters and which do imprison them who are moved of the Lord to come to speak to them such Churches we deny And whereas thou slanderest us that we cry against the Ministers all such Ministers are to be cried against for they are contrary to the scripture Qu. 23. What scripture is there to have a Clerk say Amen and to have groats apiece of the World for his trade Pr. And for the groat he receives yearly of some persons in the world I conceive it is not so much for saying Amen but he hath other offices Rep. Here thou goest about to justifie the Clerk and his groat and the custom of saying Amen which the Apostles practised no such thing neither had they any Clerk to say Amen which had a groat for his labour and let all the practice of the Apostles judge thee who saist that the Clerk hath other offices then saying Amen that is may be to ring the bell to gather carnal people together to hear such a blind guide as thou art and for laying you a cushion that you may lie soft or opening the book or giving forth the Psalms which all this there is no example for that the Apostles had any such thing but it is that you false Prophets might utter forth your folly for to the children of light you are discovered and seen to be without the Doctrine of Christ and the Apostles and all the scripture shall judge you and in thy answer thou dost conceive there thou hast brought thy self under that state which must be scattered for the Lord will scatter the proud in their vain imaginations and conceivings and let the Prophets words judge thee Qu. 24. What Scripture is there for taking money for burying the dead or to have ten or twelve shillings for preaching a Funeral Sermon or to take money for marrying man or woman Pr. For our pains in labouring in the word and doctrine the Apostle gives that general rule the labourer is worthy of his hire And what their wages is is not of our choosing but partly the liberality of founders and benefactors partly custom among all people in all Christian Countries hath setled it Rep. Here thou usest the Apostles words which as I have shewed thee before thou art cleared from his life O thou blind guide whose mind is in the earth who art in the customes and art one of them that doth hold them up which all the Ministers of Christ are ashamed on thee and all thy generation who art without the life that gave forth the Scriptures who art one of them that goes in the way of Balaam who durst not take the gift though he loved it and as for the Apostles condition I charge thee and command thee to be silent and let it alone who denies immediate revelation from heaven therefore all that thou speakest is from the earth and below and the word thou knowest not which was in the beginning Joh. 1.1 when the letter was not and therefore in it thou canst not learn and the Christians that are baptised into Christ are redeemed out of Countries where yet thou art with thy customes and ways of the Nation as thou dost confess which Christ comes to redeem from and thou who receivest Balaams wages art spuing forth thy venome against the righteous seed where it is rising Qu. 25. When did any that was sent of Jesus Christ to preach the Gospel sue men at the Law Pr. Many differences may arise which cannot well be decided without suit at Law Rep. In thy answer to this Querie thou dost allow of going to Law which the Apostle did not as in the Corinthians and he was a Minister of Christ and here thou shewest thou art none for thou allowest that he did not and who are come to the doctrine of Christ which is yea and nay there is no difference they need no going to Law there is no contention and many differences are in thy generation which is without Christ and his doctrine which many of you professed Ministers sue men at the Law which the Apostle forbad and here openly I charge you all in the presence of the living God to be no Minister of Christ but are raced from the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles and thou writest a Scripture in Act. 19.38 as concerning the rude multitude that was stirred up when truth was spoken these were they which were not brought into the truth and there thou art among such a company let all the people see how Act. 19. will justifie thee for going to Law who professeth thy self to be a Minister of Jesus Christ which the Ministers of Christ denied and here I charge thee again to be a perverter of the scripture and void of the knowledge of Christ and the life of the Apostles and out of their doctrine and do not call this railing which is plainness of speech and love to thy soul. Pr. And you rail very highly in scripture terms too whereby you take the garments of Gods holy Spirit and put them upon the Devils shoulders Rep. Here thou dost accuse us for railing speeches and as we told thee before that we deny and here thou callest thy self a Devil for of him thou art with thy pretences therefore wo is thy portion and whereas thou sayest we revile and accuse the brethren this is another of thy slanders we bid thee answer the queries and thou callest them scrupulous to thee they are so and again thou sayest we misapply the scripture that is false and the Lord Jesus Christ thou knowest not who deniest immediate revelation and what hast thou to do to talk of him and as throwing the woes which the Scripture speaks of which is against the decei●s which thou livest in they are thy portion thou canst not escape them If we should not give thee thy due and portion we should flatter thee and it would not be love and why dost thou talk of understanding and bid us weigh and consider we have considered thy way and do know it and God hath given us an understanding in all things Pr. Hebrew and Greek we do truly call the Original Rep Here I charge thee that thou hast no more original then Pilate thy father had Pilate had Hebrew and Greek which crucified Christ which was the Original and here I charge thee in the presence of the living
Son of God and immediate miraculous revelation and sayest there is no need of any such qualifications now therefore doth all your Teachers shew forth your railing and slanders but these things we wave for God will give you you lyars your portion who hath not the same knowledge and understanding that the Apostles had and here thou hast shamed thy mother that is adulterated from the Apostles life Pr. Our gifts are from the spirit of God though studied for with these means that are outward and moral c. Rep. Here I charge thee to be a Lyar in the presence of God the gift of God is a free gift it is not studyed for nor is it gotten by moral means and if it were studied for and found in outward means then it were not a free gift and here thou hast made it manifest that thou knowest not the gift of God for it is not him that wills nor him that runs but God that shews mercy So thou blasphemer for shame blush Pr. No man can be wise without the spirit of wisdom nor knowing without the spirit of knowledge so no man can pray as he ought without the spirit of prayer p. 71. Rep. In thy answer to the first query thou sayest you do not attain the same koowledge and understanding of the Gospel as the Apostles did then if thou have not the same knowledge and understanding it is all deceit for in thy own words thou sayest you cannot not pray without the spirit knowledge and understanding and thou sayest you do not attain the same knowledge and understanding the Apostles had then thou hast not the same spirit of love to pray withall and thou sayest you cannot pray without the spirit yet thou goes and tells people of a Gospel and hath not the same knowledge and understanding the Apostles had therefore thy knowledge is bruitish Jer. 10.14 Psal. 92.6 Psal ●9 8 Pr. That we may according to the Catholick Faith worship one God in Trinity Rep. For these things which thou tells people of there is no Scripture as Catholick Faith and Trinity and of three persons Pr. The second kind of the holy Spirits impressions on humane souls page 78. Rep. There is no Scripture which speaks of humane souls for the soul thou knows not who art a murtherer with thy Deity stuff who would dit up the way from God but praises be to the living God who hath given his sons and daughters eyes to see thee and all your Deity stuff which you imitate who are whoredomed from God but the Saints of the most high God do sing over it and you halelujah to God who witness their souls redeemed And there is abundance of stuff in that Book which thou calls the discourse of the Spirit which is not worth mentioning and abundance of lyes and slanders but them we pass as knowing the author of lyes from whence they come is for destruction And in page 95 thou speaks of Timothy studying for his gift Did he study for his gift or for the proving of it and dividing of the word aright but he did not study for it for the gift of God is a free-gift And in another place thou speaks of the blessing of God being upon your studies but I say the curse of God is upon your studies who have not the same knowledge and understanding that the Apostles had and so preaches another gospel Pr. And most blasphemously to profess and boast of an equality with God p. 66. Rep. Thy boasting is excluded without in thy generation and thou art excluded from the life and mind of the Apostle who said Let the same mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it no robbery to be equal with God Phil. 2.5 6. and this thou calls blasphemy and so thou hast shewed what spirit thou art of contrary to the Apostle Pr. And for our new sect of Enthusiasts had they the spirit of God as they pretend abiding in them and speaking in them c. Rep. All pretences and sects are denyed where the Spirit of God dwells though with thy generation such was ever called so And that is thy own who hath made a discourse of the Spirit and here thou art clearly from them that the Spirit of God spoke in and did abide in them which Spirit of God did descend into their hearts which Spirit God hath given to every one to profit withall and the Spirit of the Father speaketh in you saith Christ Mat. 10.20 take no thought and in many places thou art speaking of a study and blessing a study Here thou art contrary to Christ who saith Take no thought and art of the Devil And here I charge thee to be one of them that Jeremy speaks of who speaks a vain divination of thine own heart Pr. As here Angels are Spirits and the souls of men are Spirits but God is not a Spirit as they are Spirits pag 57. Rep. This is confusion for Christ said God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and there thou art raced out to be without the doctrine of Christ. Pr. 'T is the very ground whereupon this last upstart crew of Quakers build all their resolutions and strange fanatick opinions and heresies even that which they call the light within us whereunto we must only give ear pag. 112. Rep. O thou impudent God will make the an example thou lying spirit Is the Light which Christ hath enlighned every one withall that comes into the world a strange fanatick opinion which one he loves it and the other he hates it and he that hates it it is condemnation Here thou art against Christ and the Apostles for the Apostle did exhort the Saints to take heed unto the light within them untill the day dawn and the day-star arise in their hearts O thou Lyar did the Prophet cal the truel light a deceit of the heart or is the light of God a false vision Christ Jesus which doth enlighten every one that comes into the world which is witnessed among the Quakers and he that walks in the Light shall have the Light of Life and thou that hates this light speaks a divination of thy own brain and a lying imagination and with this Light of Christ thou shalt be condemned thou blasphemer who calls the Light of Christ heresie and fanatick opinions but here thou dost but fill up the measure of thy Fathers who calls this Light which is Christ in us Heresie p. 113. To all you Readers of his Book I speak to the Light of Christ in you which if you love it it will bring you to weigh and comprehend his words and if you walk in it you shal have the light of life and you that hate it it shal be your Condemnation when the book of Conscience is opened you shal witness that I speak the truth to every one of your souls R. Sherlock thou bids them beware
thing in these Scriptures as that grace is a created thing nor that it is called the new creature but the Apostle saith By grace are we saved through faith and that not of our selves it is the gift of God Now was that grace by which they were saved a created thing if it was prove it by plain Scripture else stop thy mouth for we have searched the Scriptures and we find no such thing but we find that by grace they were saved and that they who are new creatures in Jesus Christ the grace of God was their teacher as it is our teacher to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly godly and righteously in this present evil world which grace is able to keep the hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God of all those who are taught by it but is not a created thing Pr. That the principles of Christian faith is established upon the Scriptures pag. 74. Answ. Faith hath but one foundation and all who are believers their foundation is established upon Christ who is the Author of Faith before any Scripture was written Jacob Enoch Abraham Isaac had no Scriptures written to establish their faith upon and when Moses and the Prophets had known seen and believed and from that wrote of him who was the true light enlightning every one that in him very one might believe so every one whether they have the writings of the Prophets and Apostles or not yet they have that in which they are to believe which if they believe not is condemned and believing in the light they come to be the children of the light and here the first principle comes to be known of faith and so the first principle of the doctrine of Christ must be known before the doctrine be profest and so all who know not the first principle of faith are far from the saith and who knows not the first principle of the doctrine is far from a doctrine and so the principle of a thing must be known before the thing but the Scripture speaks of nothing that the Christian faith is to be established upon but upon Christ who was glorified with the Father before the world was by whom all things which now are were made who hath given us of his spirit and to us it is given to believe and suffer for his names sake as it was given those who were his true witnesses before us and they did believe because it was given them to believe by the spirit so faith is the gift of God and many have the Scriptures which have not faith which is the gi●t of God and they which are turned from the faith are pierced through with many hurtful lusts have the Scriptures and say they believe what the Scripture speaks but this I say that faith is the ground of the Scriptures and not the Scriptures the ground of faith and none can believe in Christ but they who believe in the ●ight which Christ hath enlightned every one withal that cometh into the World and all who own Christs Doctrine who sai●h believe in the light that ye may be the children of light which who believe in shall not abide in darkness but shall have the light of life and shall not enter into condemnation but who believe in any thing else their faith is vain they are yet in their sins and he that lays another foundation for faith then Christ let him be accurst Thus having laid before the people some of those things with which his book is filled and for this end do I lay them open that those for whom Christ died and unto whom his love is reached forth to bring them to the Father should not be corrupted with the unsound form of doctrine delivered unto them by their Priest And again as followeth I shall lay down some particulars which he hath held forth as affirmed principles in his book which if you receive his testimony you must believe as your principles also but if you come to try them with the measure of the light that Christ hath enlightned them withal then you will deny both him and them therefore mark them as followeth 1 That the Magistrate is an Officer of Jesus Christ as Mediator 2 That Jesus Christ hath a political and spiritual Kingdom 3 That Christ the eternal Son of God is distinct from the Father eternally 4 That the Spirit was distinguished from the Father and Son from eternity 5 That the Father Son and Spirit are three substances 6 That the soul of man is humane and that humane and immortal is both one 7 That Christ may dwell in his people by his special spiritual presence and have no union with them 8 That God dwells in the heavens but hath no union with them 9 That the union between God and believers cannot be comprehended by the Saints here 10 That heaven is not to be enjoyed wh●le men are here 11 That the Corinthians who were baptized from the dead were anc●ent Hereticks 12 That the light which hath enlightned every man that cometh into the World is the light of reason and understanding and is natural 13 That natural light is the remainders of Gods image in man 14 That God is a respecter of persons 15 That the grace of God is a created thing and that it is called the new creature 16 That the principles of Christia● faith is established upon the Scriptures I having here answered and laid open those things which is a mist of darkness over the peoples minds and understandings whereas they are either received or believed to the end that all who read it may come to that understanding which is a well-spring of life and to the knowledge of that truth by which iniquity is purged out and to the counsel of God in the heart which is like deep waters whereby judgment in righteousness comes to be set up by which the simple and tender-hearted comes to be preserved out of the snares of subtilty and craftiness to walk in the light of the Lord which is the path of the iust and the way of life and all they are blessed with spiritual blessings that walk in it for they shall be able to tread upon Scorpions and the deadly poyson that is under the tongues and in the hearts of the generation of Vipers and Serpents shall not hurt them and this power shall all those be indued with which believe in the light of the Lord answering that of God in all their consciences which leads into a chast conversation before the Lord ordering their conversations aright in his sight and all such who be turned to the light with which they are enlightned by Christ shall discern who serves God and who serves him not in this day when many profess him but few serve him in spirit and in truth as he will be worshipped by them whom he hath chosen Necessary Questions propounded to the Priests to be answered 1 WHat is that in every man which
many ancient Errors as he saith brooded by some Modern Writers when as the Doctrine of Christ the Apostles we bear witness to by the same spirit not to any other Authors who were without the Spirit of Jesus all these shifts saves not the Priests of England from being discovered their deceits abominations to be made manifest by our Light and Doctrine which is the Light of Christ and the Doctrine of the holy men of God before us And further his wickedness appears by reproaching and reviling dead men such as H.N. Jacob B.W.E. with others whom I confidently believe were men in their Generation more honest than himself and more upright with God and sincere in what was made known to them then this same reviler who is set to revile both living and dead if they do but crosse his fancy Let all men take notice of these things and of his rebukes with an evil heart whom the Lord doth and will rebuke by the Spirit of his mouth in the day of his just judgmens who art a reviler of the just both living and dead and all alonge in that Epistle as in the rest of his Book which is the Rebukes of a Reviler he bends his very tongue as the poyson of Aspes being under it against the Quakers reckoning them with the Papists and such others but this is but as the Pharises his fore-fathers did who numbered the Son of God and condem●ed him with transg●esso●s and betwixt two thieves And in the end he desiers his Reader to receive in love what in his Book is found agreeable to the Spirit of God in Scripture truth agreed so let it be and therefore many things in his Book which is not given forth by the Spirit of God nor according to the Scripture truth which the honest Reader may find upon a serious reading and search with the Spirit of God according to the Scripture is to be judged and condemned not reeeived what shall the honest Reader receive this for truth That the Light of Christ Jesus is A Perverse Principle and that Christ bl●ssed infants Baptism with very many such like things of the like nature proceeding from the same spirit which is proved not to be of God but of the Devil for every tree is known by his fruit every spirit by its works words many other things more devilish if more devilish can be he charges us withal in a most unreasonable manner that our Religion is the Fort of Babel and that Jesuitical Plots and Designs are carried on by some of us and Quakerism is built upon the fourfold pillar of Papistry with such like the very transcribing of his words shewes his wicked spirit by his unsavoury words which things we do deny in the presence of the Lord and are cleare in his sight from these devilish accusations though J. S. play the Devils part in this Epistle as well as in his whole Book is an accuser of the brethren is to be cast out and judged with the life of God and to give testimony against his lyes and slanders is sufficient Answer the next time he enterprises the like Work we demand of him witness of his words what these Jesuitical plots and Designes are we do carry on Which slander is so divelish could he prove what he sayes his words would take away our lives but to raise the uncleane spirit against us though the Nations is truly supposed the purpose of his words and not being content with what he himself can believe us in his work reaches to raise the rage of whole Nations to execute their fury as well as his own upon us and so his words gives ground to all the wicked that doth believe him for none else can to persecute the people way of the Lord under the false account of being Plotters of haveing ill Designes which thing we stand witnesse against seek the peace of all men though he have bent his tongue for Lyes and brazen'd his face to utter them without fear or shame to suggest evil into mens minds that they may harm the upright but it is known by his words what lodgeth in the heart of such a person who thus openly impudently doth slander just men to the taking away of life if any were so divilish to witness lyes and slanders as he is forging of them and declaring of them that to the Protector and his Council too but from these things we being clear are the more ready to bear his Lyes with Patience doth not pray for fire to devour him though he be our enemy and the Lords but rather wishes his returnig from his ungodilness than a destruction upon him in his ungodliness whereas the subject of his matter invented in his mind brought forth into view is a going about to prove that in 22 particulars mentioned by him we do contradict the Scriptures but his ground is false from whence his whole work proceeds for not in any particular of what is mentioned do we contradict the Scripture though his whole work be founded upon this thing of our cotradiction to Scripture and while we be proved in the sight of the Lord we reckon his slanders to be rather a testimony to us that we are of God then a discouraging of us in the wayes of God and we do not allow that J. S. be our Interpreter and the Expositor upon our words for then no question but he will judge out of his prejudicial mind false judgement and pervert the innocent words into contradiction of Scripture and of our selves but to the single mind and Witness of God in every man we appeal for judgement and do in the sight of God commend our selves to every mans conscience and beg not belief of any but know all that be in the Light of the Son of God witness to us and feel our Doctrine to be the Doctrine of godliness reaching to the Witness of God in every one whereby we are a good savour to God in all And though J. S. judge our Doctrine to be Scripture-contradictions yet his judgement is but out of his old lying heart which can bring forth no better than it self even false judgement and lying words which out of it hath plentifully abounded in his false rebukes therefore let the Reader first search into the ground from whence his Work and Judgement doth spring and try if an old lying heart and sinf●l wretch as he confesses he is can bring forth good fruit No we matter not what his judgement of us be when as we know the heart is corrupt from whence it doth spring not in the Light of the Spirit of God do we in any one particular insisted upon by him contradict the Scriptures though by his dark mind so he wickedly judgeth of us even as the Pharisees his fore-fathers did judge of Christ to be a blasphemer and a contradictor of Moses and the Prophets who did fulfil them and
turned against all such and he is turning the wise men backward and making their wisdom become foolishness For once there was a seeking after Light in many that it might rise and open the things of God unto them and reveal the mysteries of his life whereby their souls might be satisfied And now when it is risen in many and hath brought forth its powerful effects now the man of sin hath his time and doth prevail in many to make them believe that it is not the Light which is able to save the souls of them which believe in it and doth beget a spirit of jealousie in them which is stronger than death and begetteth a fear in them which worketh torment and many now doth fear and are jealous that that Light is not the Christ which hath enlightened them and every one that cometh into the World And this is the work of Satan in the hearts of the disobedient which as every one comes to obey his Light and to answer his perfect love to them which is manifest in the Light tha● fear wil be cast out and life wil be given to that Witness of God which once did breath after his life without which the soul cannot rest nor be satisfied And this shall many come to witness as the man of sin comes to be revealed which letteth and will let until he be taken out of the way and then shall they see at what they have stumbled and by what they have been overcome and then they will know that it had been good for them if they had walked in the Light of the Lord instead of setting themselves against it And as the Light it self by such before-mentioned is denyed so the Testimony which the children of Light give of it is also despised and contended against as if it were not to be owned for a Doctrine of Truth vvhich Doctrine of Truth hath been laid often before people and is yet once more that they may consider prove and try and so believe and so be able to give a testimony from the Witness of God in themselves First We say that Christ is the Light of the World according to his ovvn vvords John 8.12 And again we say That he hath enlightened every man that cometh into the World according to his vvords vvho vvas sent a Messenger before his face to bear vvitness to the truth and his vvitness is true John 2.9 And as Christ hath enlightned every man that cometh into the World so we say to every man vvarning both small and great to believe in the Light that they may be the children of Light vvhich vvas Christ's Doctrine to the World John 12.36 And now what Christ doth and effecteth by it in those that believe in his Light and followeth it which effects and operations by the World is denyed and by us is affirmed some of the effects of it I shall mention which is opposed as first That it wil not let those that are guided by it take Gods Name in vain but vvil draw them out of the Worships of the World and keep them in the fear of God and to stand stil in it is the first step to peace That it discovers things that are contrary to it That it is their Teacher that love it and their condemnation that hate it according to Christs words John 3.19 That waiting in it wil guide them to God and shew them the way to the Father as Christ saith No man cometh unto the Father but by me John 14 6. And no man cometh unto the Father by Christ but as they are led and guided by his Light within them That it opens all the Scriptures and leads man out of the fall up to God for him hath the Father given to be a Leader and Commander unto the people and he leadeth them by his Light Another effect is That it convinceth of all ungodliness and worldly lusts and is a Teacher and Director teaching and directing in righteousness purity and holiness c. And that the Light is but one in him that loves it and in him that hates it leading the one to God from whence it comes to receive eternal life and condemning the other from God because he obeyeth not the truth that he might be saved And this is the Testimony of Truth which is now held forth never to be denyed But who hath believed our report even they to whom the Arm of the Lord is revealed And this is the way by which people may come to know the truth of this Testimony by obeying the Light which Christ hath enlightened them withal thereby shall they know whether this Doctrine be of God or whether we speak of our selves and whether all those effects are not brought forth by the working of Christ's Light in them and then they shall not believe one●y because of our words nor be envious against it because of other words but wil find the testimony in themselves which is according to the record which God hath given of hit Son and according to the Testimony which we have given of the Light and he that believeth shall be established Now that which opposeth this is that which bea●eth a testimony contrary to Christ who saith For this end was I born and for this end came I into the world to bear witness unto the truth and every one that is of the truth heareth my voice John 18.37 And this was his witness and his Messengers witness that he was the Light of the world and that this is the true Light which hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world John 8.12 John 1.9 And this contrary testimony which is brought forth is this That it is the spirit of man that is the Light which hath enlightened every man and so going about to prove the spirit of man not to be sufficient under this would destroy the sufficiency of the Light of Christ. But the Scriptures never did give testimony that the spirit of man was the Light of the World neither did we ever say that this Light was the spirit of every man nor a natural Light and therefore this man who hath writ a volume in proving a natural Light or man's reason insufficient let all people take notice what he contradicts or disproves by it he doth not by it contradict nor disprove any thing that we have said for we never did affirm that man's reason was the Light but he hath laboured to contradict himself He hath set up an Image and then glories in breaking of it down and from our words draws a false inference and glories in confounding it this is the general course of our opposers to raise a false proposition or conclusion from their own imaginations then contradict it and then cry The Quakers contradicted or confuted and their Doctrine disproved and they irrecoverably slain and many such cryes are gone forth in the World among people like the noise of many waters To which I answer Nay they are not
the root and the branches of it and now is the burden of the Beasts of the South felt as truly as in the Prophets dayes Isa. 30.6 from whence cometh the young and old Lyon the Viper and fiery flying Serpent and now doth the mighty and terrible cry of the spirit of the Lord go forth to the men of this generation as it went forth before time to the Egyptians concernig this which the Lord hath wrought your strength is to stand still and if this counsel of the Lord be by you received you shall know more of the ways and workings of the Lord with his children and that all things which the Lord hath done is for the furtherance of the Gospel and that those which are approved may be made manifest what a strong ground of occasion would the envious one have thought he had if he had come among the babes in Christ who were met together at Corinth hearing Paul say that there was divisions among them said that there must be heresies among them that they which are approved may be made manifest 1 Cor. 11.19 and this was no character that God had broken them without hands nor that he had made their profession of unity of no force but through this manifestation he did work schism out of the body that so there should be no Schism Rent Heresie nor any such thing in the body and this thing was not that the enemies of God might glory against the truth and if any labour to seek occasion against the holy Brethren and say they are divided into Heads because two eminent men of them withstood one another as concerning eating with the Gentiles viz. Paul and Peter to such I say he that gathered at first into unity is the healer and Repaired of such breaches and they may profess and witness as much unity after this as ever before And these three which the envious one hath mentioned to be at difference in Doctrine and practice viz. G.F. J.N. J.B. the unity in the life and power of God in them and in their Doctrine and practice shall stand for a witness and for a condemnation against all the accusers and now seeing that their occasion is taken away their accusations may cease and if such Prophets be deceived then let them consider who hath deceived them I the Lord hath deceived that Prophet Therefore what would such a Prophet think of the Apostles words when he saith There must come a falling away first that the man of sin may be revealed Would he or could he judge this a charecter that the day of Christ were at hand or that through such things the power of it should be made more manifest or that those among whom these things were wrought should be thereby the more united To believe this will bring men even to their wits end it being so contrary to their thoughts and conceivings and this may well confound their vvisdome and turn them backvvard and bring them to question truth of all that vvhich ever they have vvritten spoken or acted against those vvhom the Lord hath manifested his povver and vvork among contrary to their judgement and discerning for the vvays and vvorkings of the Lord is deep and his secrets are vvith those that fear him and not vvith those that despise his appearance and speak evill of that they knovv not and the Lord vvill yet vvork greater things in the earth that such may be confounded And what wil such say if the words of Daniel the Prophet be fulfilled in these dayes saying And some of them of understanding shall fall to try them and to purge and to make them white even to the time of the end c. Dan. 11.35 Doth not God hereby try men and try their spirits and try their discernings should any in such cases judge before the time the Lord will m●ke it manifest for this cause wil God bring such into judgement Therefore I say unto you that your strength is to sit still and let the Lord alone and let his people alone and let him work his own work in his own way and presume not to be his counseller for who hath known the mind of the Lord let such as have dwell in it and preserve knowledge so shall they always abide in strength and power Union with the Lord and one with one another men shall yet know for all that hath been that we are his Disciples because we love one another and none shall make our glorying and rejoycing in the unity of the spirit and in the love of God void but it shall abound more and more to torment the spirit of enmity which would break it or accuse us for professing of it but over that spirit we are in the Lord But what if some should rise up ev●n fro● among our selves speaking perverse things and draw Disciples after them and go out from us as they did from among the Apostles that it might be made manifest that they were not all of us Ought this to be laid to our charge Or ought the way of God to be accused because of such things to be Heresie or Schism If this seem to you an evident token of perdition and of error yet to us of our Salvation and that of God And we are assured that we are of God having the witness in our selves yet not bearing witness of our selves for there is one that beareth witness of us even the Father which is in Heaven and his witness is true being unto us a seal of assurance Therefore from henceforth this is a Warning to small and great that they no further proceed in that which is both unnecessary and unseasonable For this I say unto all such that it is unnecessary and unseasonable to seek to perswade us that the truth is error or that the light which every man is enlightned withal is the spirit of every man for that is not according to the record which God hath given of his son nor which the Son hath given of the light but blessed be that day and bl●ssed for ever be that po●er in which a seed is brought forth unto which the Father hath given a true testimony in which they shall never be confounded which abide faithful for great is the mysterie of godliness God manifest in the flesh and against this manifestation is the power of darkness risen up and all the messengers and ministers of Satan under all forms and professions hath joyned themselves together to make their arm strong against the Son of righteousness his righteous life and righteous wayes which now he is bringing forth among his children but out of the mouth of Babes hath God ordained strength against which all the powers of darkness cannot prevail and unto which strength all our enemies must bend and bow and come for salvation For that which now the leaders of the people have set themselves against when they have finished their course and the anguish comes over their
and even a reproach among the Heathen So let no more the cry of the Priests nor of the poor be heard in our Land the one crying for Laws to persecute and receive money of those who they preach not unto which receives no teaching from them which cry is intolerable to be heard or suffered in a free Common-wealth And the other for want of the creatures of God when as others spend the creatures of God upon their lusts excessively and so the Creation is out of order 〈◊〉 those that are come into the Gospel-Ministration and to be taught of the Lord and have received Christ Jesus the Lord and walk in him it is not so amongst us for the creatures of God are not spent upon the lust nor destroyed neither is there a beggar amongst us who are truly of us in the obedience of truth so that we do not desire that any people or profession in the Nation should maintain our poor for they are our own flesh without respect of persons for if any of us have of this Worlds good and see our Brother stand in need and shuts up the bowels of compassion from him the love of God doth not dwel in us neither doth any other maintain those that minister unto us the Word and Doctrine so we according to the royal Law of Liberty desire to do unto others as we would have them do unto us and thus to be a free people and a free Nation So every form and profession will enjoy their own Minister till they come to know him unto whom the gatherings of the people must be viz Christ So that neither Parliament Assizes S●ssions nor Courts will have any thing to do in matter of Religion but to keep the peace of the Nation and then he that hath the Word of God may speak his Word faithfully and freely without interruption so that the Gospel of God may have its free course and be glorified and that great oppression of Tythes which lies heavy upon the whole Nation which God raised up his Spirit in the Army once to testifie against may be taken away that what was then pretended may be now fulfilled and the people eased of their oppressions which they have long felt the burthen of and groaned under that so as a free people they may be delivered from that bondage and the Law may be disannulled by which that bondage is imposed upon them So this will beget love in the Nation and all persecution cruelty and bitterness w●ll cease and every one may freely and quietly enjoy the fruit of his own labor then with much freedom chearfulness wil every one minister of his substance unto all necessary uses knowing that the earth and the fulness of it is the Lords And when this universal love and free Spirit is begotten among people then wil righteousness establish the Nation and that will be brought forth which many sincere hearts and tender consciences hath waited for seve●●l years and many have been even almost weary and faint in ●heir minds in waiting for that which they once had a lively sight of and hopes to enjoy in the Lord's promise of Liberty and Freedom opened in their understandings ten years since insomuch ●hat some have been ready to tempt God and say that he was slack concerning his promise and some for want of long patience have lef● off expecting that which they once believed hoped fo● but God is reviving the hopes of the contrite ones in them that had said there was no hope in them is he renewing strength to believe that God will give Judges as at the first and Counsellors as at the beginning the Judges at the first were not to judge for gifts nor for rewards nor the Priests were not to preach for hire nor the Prophets were not to divine for money but the Judges did minister justice freely between man and man and the Priests did minister the Law freely which was added upon all transgression So in those days there were no Priests that troubled the Courts Judges nor Counsellors with Addresses Petitions or Complaints for maintenance no suing at the Law no imprisoning mens persons for Wages nor no spoiling of mens goods and there was not such delays in executing judgment upon transgressors as is now for the Judges sate in the gate and executed judgement speedily upon the offendors and cleansed the Land of evil-doers and so eve●y one was to wait on his M●nistry which he had received from the Lord and are to do so now if they do it unto the Lord He that judgeth for God is not to respect any mans person in judgment and he that hath the Word of the Kingdom is to minister it freely and then the people wil minister their carnal things freely to every one that hath need so that whereas even from the Priest to the people all have been given to covetousness strife and debate every one now will be given to love and freeness one to another for he that hath spiritual things wil minister them freely and he that hath carnal things will minister them freely and so will all come from under the execution of the Law and from all strife and contention Another great oppression wherein iniquity is upheld by a Law is in the Ministration of the Law between man and man it not being done freely so not as in the beginning HE that doth minister the Law let him do it freely for the Lord and for righteousness sake and let him be as one of the Judges in the beginning and as one of the Counsellors whose eyes were not blinded with gifts and rewards and so it will come to be a free Nation and then every man will not seek his own but every one anothers good and then will pure love spring up to one another and one will seek to preserve and save another and not devour and destroy one another about earthly things as now they do so Christ's Spirit will be found among all sorts of people Ministers of the Law Ministers of the Gospel and Subjects of the Nation which were to save mens lives not to destroy them and then the Scriptures which cannot be broken wil be fulfilled and peace wil be extended as a River and righteousnesse as a mighty Stream For it is this spirit which I have mentioned in Lawyers and Priests which did not minister freely but for covetous ends hath made merchandize of peoples souls and estates that hath broken the peace of this Nation as many hath had a deep experience even when the Army was in its first purity and zeal for God and his Truth that Spirit did creep into their Counsels and corrupted them and did creep into Parliaments and corrupted them and when there was any appearance of a Monarchy or Government arising in the Nation that spirit crept into every high Court and corrupted it so that whole Nations are corrupted with that spirit so that till that spirit be purged out there
up in pride and that would do or say any thing for his hire he should bring those Scripture to plead for swearing and that lawfulnesse of oathes in all which the Apostle took God to witnesse his love to the Saints and labour in the work of his ministry signifying to all that understand how that he spoke the truth and did not lye and kept to his yea and nay according to Christs doctrine and did not swear at all Now further to prove swearing Lawful John Tombs brings This fifth argument That which hath a necessary use for the benefit of humane society is not unlawfull but some swearing hath a necessary use for the benefit of humane society ergo Answ This argument is thus disproved and both the major and minor to be false For to break any command of Christ is of no necessary use for humane society but to swear any oath is to break his command ergo For Godlines● is profitable unto all men in all their societies bat he that swears goes from Godlin●sse into ungodlinesse and trangression which trangression is of no use nor service amongst Christians so that John Tombs might as well have thus stated his Argument that to break Christs command is of benefit to humane society therefore to break Christs command is lawfull c. and might thus have proved it that exc●pt we break Christs command we cannot preach for hire nor sue men at the Law for tythes nor live in pride ease and vanity nor keep our places of profit and benefit which is necessary for our society of Priests ergo But we whose eyes God hath opened do see that all his book tends to the perswading of people to swear when Christ hath said Swear not at all and that which he now would swear for again he vvould svvear against for the same advantage profit vvhich he hath in his eye yea or he vvould persvvade all men not to svvear and bring Scripture to prove it upon the same account so that vvhat he doth in this kind is because of advantage for tvvo years since he did not preach this doctrine nor vvrite those arguments Novv it being proved that the follovvers of Christ and believers in him are not to svvear at all then all those promissory oaths upon vvhich John Tombs hath grounded his other propositions is not to be taken But again to prove an oath of supremacy to King Cesar he brings the example and rule of Christ and argues thus If the Lord Christ in the dayes of his flesh did ackovvledge Cesar as supreme Governor in his dominions and did subject himself to his jurisdiction in ansvvering before the Roman Deputy and vvas obedient to his parents real or supposed then all Christians even the highest Ecclesiastical Prelate should be subject to the King as supreme Governor in his Dominions and for proof of this he brings Mat. 22 21. vvhen the Pharisees shevved sus the Tribute money Christ bid them Give unto Cesar that vvhich vvas Cesars unto God the things that are Gods so then it vvas the tribute money that vvas due to Cesar but doth this prove that Christ did swear or vvas any example of svvearing to Cesar or account C●sar the head of the Church Ruler in Ecclesiastical things so that this Scripture proves the contrary then for that which thou brings it for those Pharisees that brought the money to Christ said they knew that be respected no mans person but taught the way of God in Truth so then if Christ be our example and rule in this then to the supream King or Kings we must not respect their persons but give them their due which is that tribute wh●ch hath their own superscription upon it and we must teach the way of God in Truth give unto God the things which are Gods which is all honour glory and rule in spiritual matters and give to Ch●ist alone the pr●heminence which is head of his body which is his Church and we must not swear at all neither for nor against any man for Christ did not swear neither for nor against Cesar and we must live peaceably with all men nor envy nor fight for nor against any man and this is quite contrary to what Jo. Tombs would perswade people or to what he understands from the Scripture which would make people believe that Christ was an example of the oath of supremacy to Cesar so that people may well be blind ignorant who hath such Teachers But we also shall follow the example of Christ as 1. Tim. 6 13. who did witnesse a good confession before Po●tius Pilate and this is a good confession before any King or Ru●er now to say that we have obeyed the Truth from our heart and have not broken the Commands of Christ by swearing for or against any neither have we transgrest the example of Christ in respecting any mans person neither do we in our hearts envy any man King Ruler or people but hath love even to our enemies and can do good to them that hate us and can pray for them that persecute us and do desire and daily labour that all men might come to the knowledge of the Truth that they might be saved And this good Confession we can witnesse before the King or any in Authority and say that God is our witnesse and our Conscience also bears us witnesse in the sight of God as the Apostle did and we can say also that we speak the Truth before God and lye not for our eyes is not blinded with gifts and rewards neither have we taken Oath Covenants nor Protestations for Parties Powers or Religions but since we knew the way of Christ we have walked in it and kept to his Commandement Oath which is yea nay in all things so have not entred in condemnation with those that are given to change but the unchangeable Priest the unchangeable Covenant and unchangeable Law hath been our Rule and of this we need not be ashamed but in Gods power and Authoritie can we hold up our heads when others do bow down their backs alwayes crouching under every power and change of Government as Davids enemies did Psal. 69.23 for that is their place condition as the Apostle doth witness Rom. 11.10 Again Jo. Tombs saith that Paul a Saint was subject to the judgement of Cesar and appealed to him then he acknowledged him supream c ergo Answ. Paul was a Prisoner for the word of God and testimony of Jesus and appealed to Cesar for justice because he was unjustly accused and had not done any thing worthy of bonds or of death therefore according to their Law he ought to be set free but Paul did not call Cesar the supream head of the Church and chief Ruler in Ecclesiastical things for if Cesar had been the supream head of the Church of which Paul was a member he would have needed but little appealing unto for setting of him at liberty but in such
but the repentance and forgiveness of our Enemies And those that do abuse us wrong us ignorantly their sins vvil be sooner blotted out than those who wilfully have set their hearts and tongues to vvork vvickedness for they shall receive the greater condemnation The k●●●●edge and life of Truth is that we desire all people may com●●●to that by it the povver of the vvicked one may be taken avvay vvhich so furiously vvorketh in the hearts of those vvhich receive not the Truth in the love of it but bring forth floods of enmity and bitterness against the Lambs of Christ but the love of God vvhich thinketh no evil neither doth any unto another is that which when it is felt obeyed in all wil dry up those floods from off the face of the earth that there may be a place of rest for the redeemed and elect Seed who only hath the Lord and his Light for their Habitation and the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God for their Armour and Defence Something that lately passed in discourse between the King and R. H. Published to prevent the mistakes and errors in a Copy lately printed contrary to the knowledge or intention of the party concerned and not onely so but also misprinted and abus●d in several particulars therefore it was thought convenient for the removing of errors and mistakes to be re-printed in a more true fo●m and ord●r for the satisfaction of others R. H. SInce the Lord hath called us and gathered us to be a people to walk in his fear and in his truth we have alwayes suffered and been persecuted by the Powers that have ruled and been made a prey of for departing from iniquity and when the breach of no just Law could be charged against us then they made Laws of purpose to ensnare us and so our sufferings were unjustly continued King It is true those that have ruled over you have been cruel and have professed much which they have not done R. H. And likewise the same sufferings do now abound in more cruelty against us in many parts of this Nation as for instance one at Thetford in Norfolk where Henry Fell ministring unto the people was taken out of the Meeting 〈◊〉 whipped and sent out of the Town from Parish to Parish ●●●ards Lancashire and the chief ground of his Accusation in his Pass which was shewn to the King was because he denied to take the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy and so because that for Conscience-sake we cannot swear but have learned obedience to the Doctrine of Christ which saith Swear not at all hereby an occasion is taken against us to persecute us and it is well known that we have not sworn for any nor against any but have kept to the truth and our yea hath been yea and our nay nay in all things which is more then the Oath of those that are out of the truth King But why can you not swear for an oath is a common thing amongst men to any engagement R.H. Yes it is manifest and we have seen it by experience and it is so common amongst men to swear and engage either for or against things that there is no regard taken to them nor fear of an Oath that therefore which we speak of in the truth of our hearts is more than what they swear King But can you not promise as before the Lord which is the substance of the Oath R. H. Yes what we do affirm we can promise before the Lord and take him to our Witness in it but our so promising hath not been accepted but the ceremony of an oath they have stood for without which all other things were accounted of no effect King But how may we know from your words that you will perform R. H. By proving of us for they that swear are not known to be faithful but by proving of them so we by those that have tryed us are found to be truer in our promises than others by their Oaths and to those that do yet prove us we shall appear the same King Pray what is your Principle R. H. Our Principle is this That Jesus Christ is the true Light which enlighteneth every one that cometh into the world that all men through him might believe and that they were to obey and follow this Light as they have received it vvhereby they may be led unto God and unto righteousness and the knowledge of the truth that they may be saved King This do all Christians confess to be truth and he is not a Christian that will deny it R. H. But many have denied it both in words and writings and opposed us in it and above an hundred Books are put forth in opposition unto this Principle That some of the Lords standing by the King said that none would deny that every one is enlightened Lord. And one of the Lords asked how long we had been called Quakers or did we own that Name R. H. That Name was given to us in scorn and derision about twelve years since but there was some that lived in this truth before we had that Name given unto us King How long is it since you owned this Iudgement and Way R. H. It is near twelve years since I owned this Truth according to the manifestation of it King Do you own the Sacrament R. H. As for the Word Sacrament I do not read of it in the Scripture but as for the body and blood of Christ I own and that there is no remission without blood King Well that is it But do you noc believe that every one is commanded to receive it R. H. This we do believe That according as it is written in the Scripture that Christ at his last Supper took Bread brake it and gave to his Disciples and also took the Cup and blessed it and said unto them And as often as ye do this that is as often as they brake bread you shew forth the Lords death till he come and this we believe they did and they eat their bread in singleness of heart from house to house and Christ did come again to them according to his promise after which they said We being many are one bread for we are all partakers of this one bread Kings Friend Then one of the Kings Friends said It is true for as many grains make one bread so they being many members were one body Another of them said If they be the bread then they must be broken R.H. There is difference between that Bread which he brake at his last Supper vvherein they vvere to shevv forth as in a sign his death until he came and this vvhereof they speak they being many are one bread for herein they vvere come more into the substance and to speak more mystically as they knevv it in the Spirit Kings Friends Then they said It is truth and he had spoken nothing but truth King How know you that you are Inspired by the