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A17001 A reuelation of the holy Apocalyps. By Hugh Broughton.. Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. 1610 (1610) STC 3884; ESTC S105818 199,417 348

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Talmudiques in description maketh a figure of the eternall wight He as Aharon went through the veile of his flesh into the holy from the Altar of the Crosse and performed all measures of justice That is heere taught by measure with a line of Temple and Altar Matters visible were to expresse the inuisible So Christ telleth that he is the Temple saying Destroy this Temple and I will build it againe in three dayes This Law Ye shall reuerence my Tabernacle Leuit. chap. 19. 30. and 26. 2. Commaunded to reuerence infinitly the Tabernacle of Christ And Ben Arama noteth truely vppon Exod. Port. 52. That God soone did cast off Moses Tabernacle and Salomons Temple to shew that he would rest in the Tabernacle or temple of Christ Now the Iewes to make Christ Aharon and Melchitzedek make this death that Christ said Destroy this Temple and in three dayes I will build it vp againe The highest grace for life the slaues of Sathan turne to death whereupon they were neither forgiuen in this world nor in the world to come Profane states bee commonly forgiuen in this world as the Epicure Luc. chap. 16. though in the world of soules they parch for euer but the Iewes sinning against the light of the holy Spirite and grace of saluation perish openly in this world surer of eternal woe in Haides the world of soules in which Abraham in Haides in the kingdome of heauen will tell them that they are not his sonnes For he in Izhak receiued from death saw the resurrection of Christ and reioyced But the Iewes gaue money to Souldiours to haue the resurrection of CHRIST denied Of measuring the faithfull The Curtaines in Moses Tabernacle were made fitt for the number and the number of men aged twentie and aboue was thus the sonnes of REVBEN 1. 46500. 151450. SOVTH Summa totalis 603550. Simeon 2. 59300. Gad. 3. 45650. IEHVDAH 4. 74600. 186400. EAST Issachar 5. 54400. Zabulon 6. 57400. EPHRAIM 7. 40500. 108100. WEST Manasses 8. 32200. Beniamin 9. 35400. DAN 10. 62700. 157600. NORTH Aser 11. 41500. Nephtaly 12. 53400. Thus God in Num. 1. and 2. twise reckoned his chosen of the XII tribes besides Leui. And the Curtains were fitted to such a number So heere Iohns Doctrine shall teach a certaine number such as God hath chosen and no more the other will folow the God of this world A man by mans witt might maruaile why Princes would suffer such a deceiuer as the Pope to stand one yeere his doctrine being altogether against all light and each Prince being able to cast him from his territories But God hath chosen a few only and none can come to Christ vnlesse the Father draw him Of the Court within the Temple to be cast out in condemnation of Iudaisme Maymonides in Bethabechica or treatise of the Temple about 430. yeer agoe wrote how the Iewes yet look for returne to Ierusalem and to haue a temple like Ezekiels or Salomons For Ezekiels Saint Peter telleth Chap. 1. 2. Epist That euery Prophecie is not to be expounded properly because the holy men of God spake as they were caried by the spirit of God Now Dan. 9. telleth that the Iewes Temple should be vtterly destroyed and all sacrifice ended So by Daniell they should know that the Messias should be the building wherein God would delite as the very Iew Izhak Ben Arama noted aboue in Port. 52. Iohn preuenteth Iudaisme in shewing that this Temple hath no Leuites court to sacrifice nor separation for Israell But all be heere kings and sacrificers and their Court reacheth ouer all the Citie And old Iudaisme is now profanenesse A digression to compare the old Temple or Tabernacle with the spirituall The Temple of Salomon imitateth Moses Tabernacle and all Ierusalem within the walles the space within Israels curtaines as the Thalmud noteth Christ is the Temple Ioh. 3. High sacrificer Heb. 3. who went through the vaile of his flesh by his own blood into the Holy He is the Arke golden within and without and conteyning the Law grauen in him And all growen into Christ should haue the Law in their heart and looke for the crowne of the Law In the outer Tabernacle or Temple were the Candlestick of gold lightned with beaten pure oile by the high sacrificer and the table of xij loues set openly that had crowne worke and the Altar of incense couered with golde The Candlesticke the golden people beaten pure oile the spirit of grace that commeth by afflictions the kindler CHRIST him selfe Shem Tob the Iew commeth in words thus farr though he knew not God to be in Christ The Table expresseth the gouernor who prouideth bread for the xij Tribes the xij monethes And that paines findeth a crowne So King Ioseph feeding Israell held the xij Tribes in his Beryll on Aharons shoulders King Moses King Iesus King Samuel King David and King Salomon ware the Crowne for this Table The Altar of incense was proper to Aharons sonnes high Sacrificers and lower as Zacharie of Abia the eighth of 24. courses This worke had his crowne Now Christ is our Angell only to stande at the golden Altar that our prayer as incense may come before God In the court an altar was of sacrificing where daylie sacrifice the Pascha of flocke beast Kidd or Lambe a duetie to all and voluntarie Pascha of Oxe and Ram voluntaire and of two dayes feast Ioh. 18. were killed had their fatt brent on the altar and blood shed at the foote of the altar where pypes conueied it away Christ is our Lambe Oxe and Altar and when he ended sacrifice he gaue bread and wine which his Disciples did eate and drinke in tast like other bread and wine to be his body and blood for our soules Symbolon Typus Antitypus Icon in Greekes who durst not looke for a knot in a bulrush Of the holy Synagogues The Synagogues sauing in 48. Leuites townes vsually were of Israel no Leuite and they were Bishopps all the Ancient learned one Sergeant of the cōgregation he read the Law and the Archbishop requested the other in estieme to speak to the Law how all tended to MESSIAS So a sabbath dayes iourney would draw all the Law vnto Christ And all were holden wicked who being of wealth brought not vp their children frō 7. year in the law Their cōmentaries to this day in peecemeales agree with the marrow of the New Testam Abben Ezra is wōderful Dan. 9. speaking better for our maine battel thē any of ours Where he saith the 70. seauens are from the beginning of Daniels prayer vnto the sealing of Messias the holy of holy Our Acadamiques might be ashamed that a Iew in Rhodes now 500. year ago spake better thē they for our Gospel Zohar on Gen. 1. Elohim in these words Let vs make man may be likened to a father a mother of the work The father saith what wilt thou make man he will rebell and an ill
place gainesaid This sheweth that Peter was neuer at Rome And Saint Pauls iourney telleth Rome that God hated them If he had not beene sought to bee killed Lysias had not sent him to Caesarea and if the Iewes had not againe there sought to haue killed him hee had not appealed to Caesar God would not that hee should come to Rome but vpon extreamities So the iourney thither shewed that Christ hated the Citie that crucified him was strange in calamities and Paul was brought thither as a prisoner and kept in prison though somewhat free CHAPTER XIIII And I saw and behold a Lambe stood vpon mount Syon and an hundred fourty foure thousand were with him hauing the name of their father written in their forehead THEY which were called afore two Prophets are now 144000. hauing the name of God written in their forehead the same number is said before to be sealed ch 7. by a speach from Ezekiel ch 9. 4. There in the 70. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the terme of chap. 13. in Kimchy a signe or writing S. Paul expoundeth the speach that God will make them knowen who be his that they who professe the name of God shall depart from wickednesse So they who haue Gods name are made knowen who bee his and expound his word and follow trueth of worship due to him bearing a marke in open profession as sacrificers such as Aharon had In this sort the holy Church still had some nūber to professe the summe of saluation though on mount Sion a small hill for the mountaines of the world not one to a million of ADONIKAM and his Children of three fold as storie 666. that number chap. 13. to beare the number of his name was vsed for any number of Apostatique profession So heere the 144000. twelue tymes twelue is vsed for any Company that trusteth in Christ as the Patriarches did And I heard a voice out of heauen as the voice of many waters and as the voice of a great thunder and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harpes and they sing as it were a new song before the throne and before the foure liuely wightes and the Elders The heauen commonly in this booke is the Church waters voice is continuall so heere continuall singing is meant harpes signifie song with agreement the new song is for mans praeseruation euery day The foure wightes are the rare as Daniel Ananias Azarias and Misael and all the Euangelistes and S. Paul full of courage of Lions so were all the Apostles of rare patience ready to be sacrificed euery day and they were the true Philosophers thinking what should befall them after death and they were the Eagles of high flight sight The Elders are the Bishops or Teachers the sage in gouernement and skill in the holy Hebrew and Greek Testaments The song none could vnderstand but the 144000. as no Papist soundly thinketh of all things made for Gods glorie in Christ and how by him wholy iustice commeth and he onely must be worshipped When this is told them they are like vnto men that dreame and know not who they are that are bought from the earth not what their religion meaneth Thereupon it is written And none could vnderstand the song but the hundred fourty and foure thousand which were bought from the earth What this songe was Through the whole scripture this song is one and the same that IEHOVAH our GOD IEHOVAH is ONE The FATHER the SON the Holy Spirite be one Coaeternall and Coessentiall the SON is called the WORD by the WORD the Father made the World and by the Spirite beautified the heauens And because the WORD would become flesh the World was made to serue once Adam the first The Angells that grudged at that fell for euer and deceiued Adam and made him dead in sin and brought him to be turning dayly to dust vntill he dyed and for him the whole frame of the Creature was pronunced corrupt But he belieued that Christ made of a woman made vnder the Law God being in him to reconcile the World to himselfe should giue Adams soule iustice by faith should raise vp his Bodie and make a new World by his power whereby hee can subdue all things to himselfe This is the summe of the song tolde through all Bookes of the Bible A Digression to shew the Concent of all the holy Bookes Geneses sheweth how by the WORD of IEHOVAH the heauens were made and all the settled army of them by the Spirite of his mouth and when man fell the WORD telling that to destroy the workes of Satan he would be made flesh and haue a Tabernacle in vs. In which point the Fathers faith vnto the charge of Iosephs bones to bee caried vnto the Land wherein our Lordes resurrection should be a Testimony of a new World taught by Ioseph in his bones long after his death By faith he taught by his dead bones of the new world and therein Geneses end hath a new Geneses All simple should learne CHRIST from the Gospell of Geneses wher 's his Godhead so familiarly delited in the holy Prov. 8. and shewed in appearances that he would be man All yong men brought vp to be Bishops of the Kings armies or Church would reioyce to haue learned Geneses in Ebrew by heart In old age they should gather the fruit Obiection of them that are not bought from the earth S. Ierome saith Iewes read not the three first chapters of Geneses till they be 30. yeeres old Answere None should cite Ierome to make him a foole or to win the Whetstone Maymony in Morch Nebuchim hath this sentence that none did Darash read as a Doctor expoundeth Genes 1. and 2. and 3. and Ezech. 1. before he was aged 30. So S. Ierom meant Iewes all teach their Children from seauen to read all Moyses It were better that Rome were with Helice and Bura then Popes should be suffred so to bring most wickedly the word of life into a deadly hatred Of Iob. Iob is a booke for all holy to take notice of for instructing their families in the knowlede of Christ which Abraham carefully did as God testifieth the comfort of it their posterity shall finde as the booke setteth forth the faith and loue the effects of the Gospell 1. Thes 1. of his posterity euen before the Lawe was giuen to shewe that the godly had alwaies the Law written in their hearts 2. Cor. 3. Ier. 32. Rom. 2. Iob is a patron to all the faithfull in prosperitie for loue compassion iustice and equity c. in his afflictions his faith and hope in the Redeemer the seed promised whom he knew would take our nature vpon him to dy for him and by his Godhead rayse himselfe from death and that by his resurrection he should be raysed in the last day be made like his glorious body and that he euer liued to make intercession for him these thinges were his comfort in his greatest
kinges without all color of warrant from God shew himselfe in the temple of God as if he were God beeing in all policie sinfull and blaspeming true teachers so he must needes be hated of Princes that euery one will draw from him all that they can That is to eate the flesh of the Idolatrous towne and burning it in the fire For God hath giuen it vnto their heartes to doe his minde and to doe one minde and to giue their kingdom to the beast vntill the wordes of God be brought about Because they did not receiue the loue of the trueth vnto right happinesse to studie the Lawes of God day and night God gaue thē ouer to a foolish minde to pull downe the East Empire and to set vp one in the West and to set the Synagogue of Rome aboue all to rule all Empire and Kingdomes And to this day that cursed blindnesse abideth in men that they thinke it a shame for a King to be learned or for Noble men True Kingdome standeth in knowledge of the kingdome of heauen and Princes of cunning education might know both Testaments in Greek and Hebrew and veine of storie in yong yeeres that their hearts might a thousand times in a day runne ouer the heauenly frame of Gods booke and see their Ancestors from Adam to Noë the pillars of the world Then the noble warrier Abraham King Moses King Iosuah King Samuel King David King Salomon and noble Daniel the mightiest subiect in the world and greatest warrior best learned And his noble Cousins that quenched the fire refusing Idols should haue taught nobles to haue in equal sort hated Babelish idolatrie of cursed Rome that crucified Christ and by the serpents biting pierced his footestepp and handes and would naile fast all feete and handes from walking in Gods wayes and working in his trueth What a shame is it for Kings that they know not the familie of David penned of purpose to make kings wise David Salomō both wise began the glorie Ioakim Ioachin both vnwise ended the glorie all betwixt are a glasse for Kings to see their owne case Againe the pompe of this world is eminēt in Daniels Image afflicting the holy house of Nathā but beatē to pouder for their paines that madnesse of Counsell is expressed in Nebuchadnezars open madnesse His open madnesse of seauen yeres was not so madd as the Persians or Alexander that made themselues Gods and the parted Macedonians are a patron of slauery to Satan Heere in one Image all Greek and Latin to Liuie is cōteyned and Kings might make their teachers to bring such stately matter into commune knowledge to make a Bridge from the fall of Salomons house vnto the setting vp of Nathans Nabuchadnezar honored Daniel to Iudahs good For chiefe heads of this matter Kings further called should further delite in this kinde So for the Image of the beast Apoc. 13. if Kinges had bene happy they had learned from storie what Iohn foretold but because they despised Gods exhortation to read the Booke God gaue it into their hearts to giue their kingdome to the beast if they would make their people learned in this Booke the flesh of the harlot should soone be eaten All true soldiers should be Doctores of Diuinity such all will conquer with small losse as Israel vnder Iosua which studied Moses 40. yer And Dauids Capteins by knowlede of Moses were mighty in battell Doctors in bare title the Popes and ours deserue so much reuerence as so many apes and all that put any trust in them are like vnto them Now commeth a plaine condemnation of Rome The woman which thou sawest is the great Citie which hath the Kingdome ouer the Kings of the earth All be past shame that see not Rome heere damned vnto the end of wrath CHAPTER XVIII The King is Angelus to cause the word to be sounded After this I saw an Angell comming downe from heauen hauing great auctority and the earth was lightned by his glorie and he cried mightily with a great voice saying BABYLON the great City is fallen is fallen and is become a dwelling of Diuells and a prison of euery vncleane spirit and a prison of euery vncleane and hatefull bird because she hath caused all nations to drinke of the wine of the anger of her fornication and the Kings of the earth committed fornication with her and the merchants of the earth became rich by the might of her wealth c. THE like speach is in Ezekiel chap. 47. where the glorie of the Gospell shineth from Christ and waters of doctrine flow with life And the Angels glorie lightned the whole earth cha 10. taught this same matter where Iohn eateth the litle booke And Christ is the Angell he cōmeth downe when he setteth vp the light of his word by which hee shineth ouer the earth Though in vision sundry Angels expresse him And when Ierusalem is builded Babylon must needes fall and where the mighty Gospell is taught of millions there Christ speaketh with a great voice Anabaptistes be the chiefe helpe that the Papists haue to dispute that it is dangerous for the common people to medle with Gods word But a learned officer would with sagenesse soone teach them how they misse burning in fire the obstinat in haeresie Maymo in the treatise Chagigah Perek III. sheweth how the King should read the Law before the people in the feast of Tabernacles and in what sage reuerence A pulpit of wood was made for him in the court where all might come men and women and the synagogue keeper brought forth the booke of the Law gaue it to the Archisynagogue and he to Sagan of the Temple Strategos Act. chap. 4. 1. Chancelor we may terme him he to the high sacrificer and hee to the King and hee read Deuteronomie and of the King he saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is The King is Angelus to cause the word of GOD to be sounded If the Iew could thus honor the Law and shew the Kings duty which Iew saw not the true glorie of it by the SON of GOD how much more should wee bring vp our Kings to honor the holy Gospell to read speciall places as the first of Saint Matthew of 1800. yer story and 3. Luke of 3957. or Act. 7. or 2. Thess 2. or some speciall place to stirre nobles a learned reading would be as good as a commentarie And chapters expounding one another and Psalmes might so be chosen that by bare reading great light would come So millions would say that Babylon the great is fallen and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Daemones be all one and Rome is a dwelling of Diuels and Cardinals bee vncleane spirits and Archbuy-shopps be vncleane and hatefull birdes and their keies be keies of the pit and their Idolatry making Peter the Rock against this THERE IS NO ROCK BVT THE ETERNALL had made the Kings of the earth madde in Idols from one error that
in the world now of 900. Chanaans sinne was growing to ripenes Amalek of 1000. came not to Amans pride as Israel bred not Sadducees of 1000. yer nor Rome gate rule to deceiue whole states of a thousand yeres Now the text will be cleare The Pope deceiued not generally till 1000. yerees And I saw thrones on which men sate and iudgement was giuen to them and the soules of them that were beheaded for the testimony of IESVS and for the word of God and which worshipped not the beast nor his Image nor tooke the marke in their forehead or vpon their hand but they liued and reigned with CHRIST the 1000. year The rest of the dead did not reuiue of the 1000. year This is the first resurrection Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection The second death hath no power ouer them but they shal be sacrificers of GOD and CHRIST and reigne with him a 1000. year Heere then be martyrs and holy for 1000. year But the starre-worme-wood and the darkened starres and the locusts they continued in profane heathen lot and the Diuels were in their pit helping them to sett him loose to vex the holy Church for the old Ierusalem which Christ pronunced that it should be Iebus or troden downe for euer And when the thousand yeres are finished Satan shall be let loose out of the Prison and shall goe foorth to deceiue the nations ouer the foure corners of the earth Gog and Magog togather them vnto warres whose nūber is as the sand of the sea The Pope to weaken Princes did set them on to recouer the holy land which God would haue to abide cursed that Iewes might see their sinne killing Christ this would the Pope haue recouered and Rome in a thousand yeeres could not learne this one chapter nor remember old Gog and Magog how the Pope now reuiueth that warre in my Concent I haue shewed the termes meaning Thence the Reader may fetch it The Iewes Ierusalem was holy but now the Christian Church is the beloued Citie and the tents of the holy which to besiege and weaken hee stirred this warres for desolate Ierusalem The Pope weakened the West in superstition prouoking to warre for as he termed it the holy Land And they ascended ouer the breadth of the earth and compassed the Tent of the holy and the beloued Citie All the strength of the West was deceiued by superstition to goe fight in the East for Antioch in the land of Magog and other soiles neere Ierusalem and all the force of Machmad from the East assembled and 200. yea the poore Church was afflicted that afterwards Popes might set Kings vp and down as they would And Machmad still since hath vexed the West and the king of Locusts now hath 300. yeares beeing a new Gog and Magog vexed the Church And a fire came downe from heauen and ate them vp As Satan dealth with Iobs sheepe he dealth with the Popes sheepe to eate them vp with fire Euen thence to the worlds end chap. 19. which matter is heere briefly repeated and in that which followeth The Pope is a Beast of Empire by his might And the Diuell which deceiued them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the Beast and false prophet and they shall be tormented day and night for euer and euer The Pope is a Beast of Empire by his might and so the eight is also the seauenth and hee with his Clergie is also the false prophet Heere Papists may see what shall become of them A liuely description of the latter Iudgement And I saw a great white throne and one sitting vpon it from whose presence the Earth and the Heauen fled and no place was found for them and I saw the dead small and great standing before God and bookes were opened All mens doings are in record before God as written in bookes the like speech is in Daniel chap. 7. And another Booke was opened which is of life and the dead were iudged by the things written in the bookes according to their workes All that put not on Christ are condemned for their works Now the sea had giuen vp her dead and death and the graue had giuen vp her dead And they were iudged euery one according to his workes and death and Haides 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death Death and Haides are expounded in Arethas sensible Men which commit matter worthie of death destruction And if any were not found written in the booke of life hee was cast into the lake of fire This sheweth that only the chosen in Christ haue life euerlasting and what there companie is euen the heauenly Ierusalem in this world the chapters folowing doe shew And I saw a new heauen and a new earth for the first heauen and the first earth passed and the sea is no more This speach may well be referred to the new world which for vs to search of what sort it shall bee the Law Deut. 29. to leaue hid things to the Lord our God forbiddeth vs to search curiously Of the heauenly Ierusalem I haue made a treatise in Greeke alone at large which I made turne to other tongues This worke is made to conuict Rome to be damned through all and I hastened in the beginning to that and I would not draw the Readers minde from that The last end may bee handled best seuerally So this paines shall heere haue an end AN EXPLICATION OF THE HEAVENLY IERVSALEM SHEWED APOCAL. CHAPTER 21. AND 22. BEING of larger discourse then the former Commentarie made by the same auctor to shew Romes condemnation and with small strife against Rome and such as Rome will not refuse to reade By H. B r. After the destruction of Babylon Let vs behold the saluation of Sion A Commentary vpon the Apocalyps Chapter 21. and 22. CHAPTER XXI The second discourse of 21. and 22. Chapters And I saw a new heauen and a new earth for the first heauen and the first earth passed away and the sea was no more ISAIAH chap. 66. compareth the Gospell hauing the rest of Christ for the Iewes Ceremonies vnto a new heauen and the earthly heathen state called to the church a new earth as God will make indeed a new world And ioyneth the doctrine of both together So heere after mention of heauen and earth passed the wordes import the new world and praesentlie turne to the Gospell in saying the sea shall be no more that is a troubled state shall be no more For the peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding guardeth our heartes in the loue of Christ that no sufferings for him is a griefe or trouble and we read chap. 16. that his Angels haue seauen cups of wrath to poure vpon the helhounds that bite his seruants they shall not care for the sea whence the Romane beast ariseth And I Iohn saw the holy City Ierusalem new comming downe from God