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A62950 The layman's ritual containing practical methods of Christian duties both religious and moral drawn out of H. Scripture, the Roman ritual, the catechism ad parchos &c. / by C.T. Tootell, Christopher, ca. 1660-1727. 1698 (1698) Wing T1905; ESTC R28200 51,348 179

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Bed-rid Man after his Cure whom when Jesus found in the Temple he said to him Behold thou art made Whole Sin no more lest some worse thing chance to thee Jo. 5.14 CHAP. XIX Of Assisting Dying Persons Comfort him that lies a Dying in the Departure of his Spirit Ecclus 38.24 HE loves at all times that is a Friend and a Brother is proved in distresses Prov. 17.17 But no time is of greater Consequence than the Hour of Death and the Entrance into Eternity nor any Distress comparable to our last Agony Therefore he is our best Friend and kindest Brother who assists us most in those our greatest Extremities Now the best Service you can do an Agonizing Person is as follows § I. Admonish him to Pronounce often with a Contrite Heart the most Holy Name Jesus and Help him whilst he is able to make Acts of Faith Hope Charity and other Vertues after this manner I Believe firmly all the Articles of Faith which the Holy-Catholick-Apostolick and Roman Church Believes and Teaches I Hope that Christ our Lord for his Immense Goodness will be merciful to me and that I shall obtain Life Everlasting thro' the Merits of his most Holy Passion I Love God with my whole Heart and I desire above all things to Love him as the Angels and Saints in Heaven do Love him I am Sorry from my Heart for the Love of God that I ever Offended him or my Neighbour in any kind I Pardon from my Heart for the Love of God all my Enemies and those that have any way Molested me I Crave Pardon of all those I have at any time Offended either in Word or Deed. I Accept with Patience the Pain I Endure and the Anguish of my Sickness for God's sake in Punishment and Expiation of my Sins I Resign my self freely to the Pangs of Death for the Love of him that Died upon the Cross to Save me from ●●dless Misery I Resolve if God Restores my Health to avoid Sin hereafter and to keep his Commandments as much as in me lies And I would rather Die in the State I now am in than Live to Offend my God any more § II. Exhort him to Pray at least in Heart as often as he 's able after this manner Have Mercy on me O God according to thy great mercy Psal 50.1 In thee O Lord have I hoped let me not be Confounded for ever Psal 30.2 Into thy hands O Lord I commend my Spirit thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of Truth Psal 30.6 O God incline unto my Aid O Lord make haste to help me Psal 69.2 Be thou Lord God to me a protector Psal 30.3 God be Merciful to me a Sinner Luk. 18.13 Most Sweet Lord Jesus in Virtue of thy Passion receive me into the Number of thy Elect. Lord Jesus Christ receive my Spirit Acts 7.59 Mary Mother of Grace Mother of Mercy protect us from the Enemy and at the Hour of Death receive us Angel-Guardian Assist me All ye Holy Angels and Saints Intercede for me and Succour me These and such like Prayers you may suggest to a Dying Person according to his Capacity § III. During his Agony sprinkle him with Holy Water offer him the Crucifix to Kiss by Efficacious words put him in hopes of Eternal Life and place the Crucifix before him that in beholding it he may conceive hopes of his Salvation thro' him who Died upon the Cross Admonish the Domesticks and By-standers to join with you in Prayer for the Dying Party and then on your Knees read Devoutly the Recommendation of a Soul departting as in the Manual But when the Soul is at the point of leaving the Body then all present must Pray most earnestly for its happy Departure and one of the Assistants applying his Mouth towards the Ear of the Person Dying must pronounce in a Hain and Comfortable Tone Jesu Jesu Jesu and as often as it shall seem fitting he may repeat that Sacred Name as also the following Sentences Into thy Hands O Lord I commend my Spirit Lord Jesus Christ receive my Spirit c. as before 4. As soon as the Soul is gone out of the Body Pray thus Succour speedily O ye Saints of God hasten O ye Angels of our Lord receive this Soul and offer it in Presence of the Highest May Jesus Christ who has call'd thee receive thee and may his Angels carry thee into Abraham's Bosom Eternal Rest give her O Lord and let perpetual Light shine unto her Lord have Mercy on us Christ have c. Lord have c. Our Father c. Vers And lead us not c. Resp But deliver us c. V. From the Gate of Hell R. O Lord deliver this Soul V. Let her rest in Peace R. Amen V. O Lord hear my Prayer R. And let my Cry come to thee We recommend to thee O Lord the Soul of thy Servant N. that being Dead to the World he or she may live to thee and the Sins he or she has committed thro' Frailty of Human Conversation do thou mercifully Pardon and Wipe away Thro' Christ our Lord. Amen In the Interim let thy Passing-Bell be rung according to the Custom of the Place that they who hear it may pray for the Soul newly departed Afterwards let the Corps be order'd handsomly and placed in a decent Room with Candle-Light and let a small Cross be set between the Hands join'd on the Breast of the Dead Body or for want of a Cross let its Hands be laid over one another in form of a Cross and let it be sprinkled with H. Water and whilst it remains in the House let all present pray for the Soul of the Party deceased CHAP. XX. Of Burying the Dead Blessed be you to our Lord who have shewn Mercy to your Lord Saul and have Buried him And now truly our Lord will render you Mercy c. 2 Kings 2.5 6. See Tob. 12.12 IN going to and assisting at Funerals there is offer'd you an Opportunity to exercise Three several Acts of Charity viz. Edifying of your self Comforting of the Sorrowful and Praying for the Dead And § I. As to Edifying of your self There is no better a Preservative against Sin than the Remembrance of Death and therefore 't is written In all thy Works remember thy last things and thou shalt not Sin Ecclus 7.40 Neither is there any livelier Memorial of Death than a Funeral Wherefore it is better to go to the House of Mourning than to the House of Banqueting for in that the end of all Men is signified and he that lives thinks what shall be Eccles 7.3 Hence at Funerals follow the Advice of Ecclesiasticus viz. Son upon the Dead shed Tears c. and according to Discretion cover his Body and neglect not his Burial Remember the last things and forget not Imagin the deceased Party says to thee Be mindful of my Judgment for thine also must be so To me Yesterday and to thee to Day Ecclus 38.16 c.
find him Yet so if thou seek'st him with all thy Heart and all the Tribulation of thy Soul For a Sacrifice to God is an Afflicted Spirit A Contrite and an Humbled Heart O God thou wilt not despise Ezek. 20.43 Deut. 4.29 Psal 50.19 But this Sorrow for Sins past must proceed from the Love of God and not from any Worldly Respect because The Sorrow of the World works Death and kills many and there is no Profit in it But the Sorrow that is according to God works Penance unto Salvation that is stedfast Ecclus 30.25 2 Cor. 7.10 Such was the Sorrow of Magdalen when she water'd Christ's Feet with Penitential Tears c. in regard wherof Jesus said to Simon Many Sins are forgiven her because she has loved much But to whom less is forgiven he loves less * Luke 7.38 c. Whence S. John concludes He that loves not abides in Death that is in Deadly Sin unforgiven 1 John 3.14 Let us therefore love God c. (a) 1 John 4.19 And you that love our Lord hate ye Evil. (b) Psal 96.10 Because He that loves God and hates Sin praying shall obtain Pardon for Sins and shall not only purpose Amendment but also effectually refrain himself from them Ecclus 3.4 4. Make the following Act of Contrition in all Sincerity and with the Sentiments of a Heart truly Penitent My God and my All I detest all and especially such and such Sins of my Life past above all things detestable I am sorry from my very Heart and I wish I were more sorrowful for that I an ungrateful Wretch have offended thee whom I ought to have loved above all things I firmly purpose by thy Holy Grace to confess my Sins faithfully and to do the Penance that shall be enjoin'd me for the same as also to avoid all and especially such and such Occasions of Sin and never to offend thee more And in Satisfaction for my past Offences I offer unto thee together with the Actions and Sufferings of Christ all the Good I have done or shall do and all the Evil I have suffer'd or shall suffer hoping thou wilt accept thereof and pardon me for thy Mercies sake and the Merits of thy only Son out Dear Redeemer Jesus Amen And that you may nor be too remiss in a Duty that requires Pains * Ps 6.7 for farther Improvement of your Sorrow read in the Bitterness of your Soul the Psalm Miserere with the following Prayer of Manasses Lord Omnipotent who didst make Heaven and Earth with all their Ornaments who hast bound the Sea with the Word of thy Precept whom all things Dread and Tremble at the Visage of thy Power because the Magnificence of thy Glory is not Supportable and and the Wrath of thy Threatning upon Sinners is Intolerable but the Mercy of thy Promise is Infinite and unseachable because thou art our Lord most High Benign Long-suffering very Merciful and Penitent upon the Wickedness of Men. Thou Lord according to the Multitude of thy Goodness hast promised Penance and Remission to them that have sinned to thee and in the Multitude of thy Mercies thou hast decreed Penance for Sinners unto Salvation Thou therefore Lord God of the Just hast not appoinred Penance for the Just and them that have not sinned to thee but hast appointed Penance for me a Sinner Because I have sinned above the number of the Sands of the Sea My Iniquities Lord are multiplied my Iniquities are multiplied and I am not worthy to behold and look upon the height of Heaven for the Multitude of my Iniquities I am made crooked with many a Band of Sinful Affections and Habits that I cannot lift up my Head and I have no Respit Because I have stin'd up thy Wrath and have done Evil before thee I have not done thy Will and thy Commandments I have not kept I have set up Abominations and I have multiplied Offences And now I bow the Knee of my Heart beseeching Goodness of thee I have sinned Lord I have sinned and I acknowledge my Iniquities Wherefore I petition beseeching thee Forgive me Lord forgive me and destroy me not together with my Iniquities neither reserve thou for ever in thy Wrath Evils for me neither Damn thou me in the lowest Places of the Earth Because thou art God God I say of the Penitent and in me thou shalt shew all thy Goodness because thou shalt save me unworthy according to thy great Mercy and I will praise thee always all the Days of my Life Because all the Power of the Heavens praises thee and to thee is Glory for ever and ever 5. Say the Prayer before Confession as in the Manual or Primer and then Go shew your selves to the Priests * Luk. 17.14 to whom God has given the Ministry of Reconciliation * 2 Cor. 5.18 in vertue of Christ's Commission viz. Receive ye the Holy Ghost Whose Sins you shall forgive they are forgiven them c. Jo. 20.23 See also Mat. 18.18 § II. Of Confession Place your self on your Knees beside Christ's Minister like Magdalen at Christ's Feet Luke 7.38 make the Sign of the Cross ask Blessing and it being given say I confess to Almighty God and to you Father that I have very much sinned in Thought Word and Deed thro' my Fault thro' my Fault thro' my most grievous Fault Knocking your Breast with the Humble Publican Luke 18.13 thrice whilst you say Thro' my Fault c. Then having first acquainted your Confessarius with your State and Calling if he knows it not begin your Confession thus I accuse my self that since my last Confession which was so many Days Weeks or Months ago I have Here with a Contrite Heart you must declare the Sins you know or suspect to be Mortal one after another in that Course and Order you ranked them at your Examination for the help of your Memory Expressing exactly or as near as you can how often you have faln into each Sin whether it concern'd a light Matter or a Matter of Moment whether you committed it with Foresight or Reflection whether you stay'd in it long or only a short time and in Sins of Thought tell whether you gave full Consent thereto or Delighted in it or were only Negligent in rejecting it But these and such like necessary Circumstances you must unfold in as decent and few Words as possible relating what you are sure of as certain what you doubt of as doubtful without any Mixture of Impertinent Stories concerning Temporal Affairs as Losses Troubles c. without Self-Commendations and blaming or even naming of others without Concealing or Excusing your Sins either thro' Fear or Shame because He that hides his wicked Deeds shall not be directed But he that shall confess and shall forsake them shall find Mercy Prov. 28.13 See 1 Jo. 1.9 Hence according to S. Aug. The Confession of evil Works is the beginning of good Works Tract 12. in Jo. and more than