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A60371 [Good advice] and counsel, given forth by Joseph Sleigh of the city of Dublin, in the time of his sickness, to his children. And since his death it being thought fit for the service of others also; therefore it was ordered into print, that other children, &c. may have the benefit thereof Sleigh, Joseph, d. 1683. 1683 (1683) Wing S3991; ESTC R220065 9,364 33

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may conclude those to be false Worshippers and a false Church and Cain that murthered his Brother about Religion to be their Father being led by his Spirit and the Reward of Cain they will have if they repent not which is to be driven out from the presence of the Lord and to become a Vagabond and be made to cry out as Cain was my punishment is greater than I can bear The Spirit of Christ that dwells in the true Church teacheth his people to love their Enemies to do good to those that hate them and despitefully use them that they may be the Children of their Father which is in Heaven for he maketh his Sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth Rain on the just and on the unjust Matth. 5.44 45. and to desire the good of all even the Salvation of their Souls according to Christs Command when he was in the body of Flesh upon the earth So my dear Children through the Love and Desire that is in my heart for your Souls good that you may come to live the life of the righteous and so have the righteous Reward which is Peace and Joy and Unity with the Lord to all eternity and that when you come to lay down your Heads in the Dust you may have Peace with the Lord which is of more value than an earthly Crown My heart is opened to write these few Lines unto you to leave behind as a further Legacy of my Love unto you which as ye come to years of understanding I desire you to read and consider in the same Love that moved me to write this and to leave it behind me and let it have an impression upon your Spirits as the Advice of a loving and tender Father My dear Lambs fear and love the Lord above all things and seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and the Righteousness thereof and all other things the Lord will add and he will bless you with his Blessings and will provide for you and be a tender Father unto you and you shall want nothing that is good for you but your heavenly Father will provide it for you as you keep in his Fear in the humility of your Souls in a heavenly dependency upon him the Giver of all good And my dear Lambs as you grow up to understanding let your Minds be upon heavenly things and wait upon the Lord that you may feel his Power and Life that will season your Souls and draw your Affections Heavenward into Sobriety Chastity and Moderation in every thing both in your eating drinking apparel and in every thing else that you may make use of in the Creation tha tthe Lord God of my Life may bless you And dear Lambs have a care of letting your Minds on t to mind and take delight in the pleasures and vanities of this world which will endure but for a moment in comparison of Eternity And if you feel the Enemy drawing and laying before you the pleasures of this world in order to draw your minds from God wait upon the Lord in that which shews you that they are the Suggestions of the Enemy of your Souls and the Lord will give you power to withstand him and to deny his Temptations for the same that manifests Sin will as you wait in it upon the Lord give you power over Sin for the Spirit and Power of God in man hath more power as man gives up to be led by it to preserve from Sin and evil than the wicked Spirit hath to draw into Sin as saith the Scripture greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world So my dear Lambs wait upon the Lord that you may see him in all his appearances for he is a Destroyer and goes about like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may devour So as you tender the good and happiness of your Souls be faithful to the Lord in all states and conditions and keep good Company those that sear the Lord and be willing to receive the Advice of such in all your undertakings and if it be so ordered that you be Servants to any get into honest Families those that fear and love the Lord that you may be instructed and brought up in that which is good and be faithful true and honest in your Services and be subject to those you may serve in all honest and lawful things and then the Lord will bless you and you will be a Blessing in the Family you dwell in and good example to your Fellow-servants which is well pleasing to the Lord. And if it be so ordered that you my Sons live until you be men and that you desire to marry my Advice to you is that ye mind from what ground your Love springs and consider things well in the Fear of the Lord and be not taken with every thing that may arise in your hearts but be willing to be advised by such whom you judge do fear the Lord in that weighty concern have an eye to Virtue morethan outward Riches in your choice of Wives And you my Daughters if it be so ordered of the Lord that ye live till you come to Womens estate be not ready to receive every one that may profer love to you as in relation to Marriage but wait upon the Lord for Counsel and Advice and take advice of those who you judge do fear the Lord and keep your selves sober and chast in the Fear of the Lord and no doubt but you will do well My Will and Desire is that you all be advised in all things and concerns that are any thing weighty by my Executors and Overseers who I hope will be ready to give their Advice And when you come to keep Families and have Dealings and Trading in the world have an eye to the Truth that you may do nothing to dishonour it but in your Trading and Dealings you behave your selves uprightly and justly to all men that so by your holy Lives and Conversations Truth may be well spoken of which will cause the Lord to bless your Endeavours And if Riches increase set not your hearts upon them but do good with them having an eye to the Giver and keep in a holy dependency upon the Lord and in all states learn to be content and keep your eye to the Lord over exercises and troubles inwardly and outwardly which you may meet with in this world that your Consciences may be preserved without offence towards God and all men that in the end you may lay down your heads in peace with the Lord which is better than a thousand worlds So my dear Lambs I would have you read these Lines over often and observe them that your Souls may be preserved from hurt being written in dear Love to your Souls from your tender Father JOSEPH SLEIGH Dublin the 11th Month 1683. A Testimony concerning Joseph Sleigh of Dublin who departed this Life the 2d day of the 6th Month 1683. about the 40th year
and to deal honestly with all men and to do to every one as they would have every one do to them And this good Spirit teacheth Children to be dutiful to their Parents and teaches Servants to serve their Masters faithfully not as eye-servants but as knowing there is an All-seeing Eye that sees all things It leads into all good and is the Author of all good and as the Beams of the Sun that shines into our houses comes from the Sun and draws to the Sun again being its Center so this measure of Divine Light that proceeds from the Sun of Righteousness shines into the Hearts of the Sons and Daughters of men and directs by the Beams or Rays of its Glory to Christ the Fulness so brings people into the Nature of Christ and so such become true born Christians born of the Spirit and led by the Spirit into that which is sober and of a good report and into that which adorns Christianity to wit a good Life and a blameless Conversation for that 's true Religion that visits the Fatherless and the Widow and keeps themselves unspotted of the World mark that But the wicked Spirit the Enemy of mans Good and Happiness leads into all manner of Wickedness leads Children to disobey their Parents to be false to their Masters to be false to their Neighbours to be headdy and high-minded lovers of Pleasure more than lovers of God leads to Strife Envy Malice Murthers Adultery Theft and all manner of evil in order to destroy the Soul And so by this my dear Children you may know the right Spirit from the wrong as a Tree is known by its Fruits and a Fountain by the Water it brings forth Can a Fountain bring forth both sweet Water and bitter as saith the Scripture by way of question So in short the one leads into all good and the contrary into all evil And these Ministers that direct peoples Minds to the measure of Light and Grace in their own hearts and teach people to love the Light and obey the Light that they may be Children of the Light and to wait in that which manifests Sin and Evil and be subject to its leadings and guidings that Power may be received to overcome Sin and Evil that so the works of the Devil may be destroyed and a Victory in the Dominion of the Spirit and Power of Truth may be known over all Sin and Uncleanness that Christ may rule and reign in your hearts these are the Ministers of Christ whose Kingdome is Love Peace and Joy to the Soul and that this was the end of Christs coming to destroy the work of the Devil and to present men to the Father without spot or wrinkle or any such thing and that nothing that is unclean enter the Kingdom of Heaven as saith the Scripture and direct people to Christ the Bishop and Pastor of their Souls that they may witness Power from him to overcome the wicked one and so bring not only to the Form of Godliness but to the Power also and for their Service and Labour of Love desire no mans Silver or Gold or Apparel but bear their Testimony according to the Scriptures against those that preach for hire and divine for mony and seek their gain from their Quarter and eat the Fat and clothe with the Wool and prepare War against those that will not put into their Mouths whose God is their Belly whose Glory is their Shame who love and seek earthly things and live in Pride and Idleness upon the Sweat of poor mens Labours and matter not what become of their Souls and preach up Sin term of Life and do not obey Christs Commands who said to his Ministers when he sent them out freely you have received freely give and as the Spirit said through the Prophet every one that is thirsty come and buy Milk and Wine without mony and without price I say these Ministers as hold forth this Doctrine as aforesaid in a pure Life and Conversation in the movings of his Spirit are the Ministers of Christ as aforesaid But they that tell people they must sin term of life and it is impossible to overcome the Devil but people must live in sin so long as they live in this world and it cannot be otherwise contrary to the Scripture which saith If we walk in the Light as he is in the Light then have we fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin and John bore testimony of Christ that he was the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world and his Name was called Jesus because he was to save his people from their sins not in their sins for all sin is of the Devil and they that plead for sin plead for the Devils Kingdom and are his Ministers and not the Ministers of Christ for Christ and his Ministers preach'd up Holiness and Righteousness and Innocency and endeavoured to bring man up into that state in which man was before he fell The first Man Adam was of the earth earthly but the second Man was the Lord from Heaven a quickening Spirit as saith the Scriptures to renew and quicken man who was dead from God by reason of Disobedience and brings man again into that state and image that he was in before he sell and so into that love and unity with his Maker which he had in the beginning before Sin was and before there was any Preachers up of Sin and Disobedience term of Life For the first that preached up Disobedience to Gods Commandments which are holy and good was the Serpent the Devil the Enemy of mans Happiness and he did it under a pretence to please that Mind that would fain have Liberty to Evil saying they should be wise as Gods knowing good and evil and by giving way to that Sin-pleasing Doctrine Death came over their Souls So these Priests or Teachers that preach up Sin and Disobedience term of life they may see their original the Serpent and if they repent not but continue in their obstinacy and evil serpentine Doctrine they will come with him under the Curse and Indignation of God as the Serpent did So my dear Children have a care of these Deceivers and rather chuse with good Moses to endure affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of Sin for a season for they that will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer Persecution As I have given you some marks before of false Ministers which are Teachers of the false Church so here is another mark that you may be certain of to be a mark of a false Church and that is Persecution about Religion for the true Church never did persecute but was persecuted and suffered persecution in all ages by the false Worshippers who had the Form of Godliness but denyed the Power from such we are commanded to turn away So dear Children where ever you see this mark you
of his age AS for our Friend and Brother who is taken hence before us I have this to say of him That ever since I knew him being about fourteen years past since I came to live in Dublin I was sensible his Love and Reality was so much to the blessed Truth he professed as to prefer it before any man or thing he was concerned in For he loved the Honour of the Lord and his pure Truth which never consented to any sin or evil which caused me to have a very near love to and unity with him He stood a faithful Witness in his day according to his Call and Measure against Deceit in Professor and Prosane yet a great Lover of the faithful and desirer of Unity amongst Brethren I never perceived him apt to differ with any about outward things which he accounted trifles in the comparison of the heavenly Riches which I am sensible he much prized and loved to see others prosper therein for my own part in all my Intimacy with him which was very great as I can remember I always found him zealous for Truth his Behaviour being sweetned with the Spirit of Truth he lived and deceased well and was in the long and tedious time of his Sickness born up by the Truth he loved in much comfort and patience waiting the Lords appointed time for his Deliverance into eternal Rest And still his remembrance liveth in my heart and that he is entred into eternal habitation of Rest is sealed in my Spirit and doubtless it 's a good motive and encouragement for the faithful to persevere in well doing to the end that the Crown of eternal Life may be their portion which is not only laid up for him but for all the righteous that love Christs appearance He left his antient Mother and five Children Orphants behind him which he carefully and wisely discharged himself towards as to his outward estate and he having left good Councel and Advice to his Children given forth in Manuscript in the time of his Sickness his said Mother desired it should be put into print which was unanimously agreed to by Friends of our Mens Meeting in Dublin for the Service of them intended and others that may reap benefit thereby The Righteous are taken away from the evil to come and few lay it to heart And though the Lord has taken so servicable a Member from us yet he can raise up more and I hope will whereby his Name and Truth may be honoured upon the Earth not unto us not unto us but unto the Name and Power of the Lord over all be Praises and Renown who is worthy for ever and ever Amen Honest Joseph I loved him very dear For to the Lord of Life he had true fear His Truth he lov'd and all the Righteous Seed But fallers back did make his heart to bleed In sorrowful dolour for the Truths renown That such backsliders had defac'd its Crown Within themselves which made the weak to stumble ' Gainst such blocks the blind's apt to tumble He loved the blind shou'd not be led astray And erring folks be brought to th' right way He loved the Light and brightness of its ray That shined in his Soul of its clear day His Understanding and his Love thereby To God and man was good entirely That God his Honour and that man true Peace He did desire to his very Race But such as of this happiness did bereave Just was his Sorrows and 's Judgments grave To bring them to a sense of their own state T' amend their ways before it was to late His Zeal was well intended for their well And 's Love to God ' gainst whom they did rebel But he is gone to that eternal Bliss Of never ending Joys and so to cease From man who 's breath 's so short that they In little time shall have no more a day His care for Truth and for such souls as these Was very great that they might have true peace And that Gods Name might ever honor'd be And all the saving Truth might love like he His holy Zeal his virtuous Spirit so clean Doth speak aloud what he therein did mean Though fallers back by his zeal has bin crost He did desire not one soul should be lost This is my Testimony of his mind Which by a strict scrutiny I find Tho' he with evil actors could not bear Yet ' gainst the Truth to act he had great fear His Body 's gone yet Praise is left behind So young and real for Truth I desire to find More Joseph's bough over the wall to spread And to the wicked be as great a dread His Counsel to 's Babes doth partly show That of his Spirit I write that I did know And that for all that are now left behind That with his Zeal for Truth any fault may find I do desire for them and all mens parts They may live and dye and have deserts Like him I do through Truth so much commend Who to the truth and mankind was a friend So or the Truth we Self must come to hate That hinders us from a more happy state To love live in truth through all our days By me and all Truths lovers be the praise A S.