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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A60015 The renowned history, or the life and death of Guy Earl of Warwick Containing his noble exploits and victories. J. S. (John Shirley), fl. 1680-1702. 1681 (1681) Wing S3515; ESTC R220019 61,661 84

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the Doctor happiness is good but as for a flower of that name in all my curious search I never found nor heard of pray sir said Guy leave me and I sear not but to find it out for I am sure it grows within the●● walls at which the Doctor took his leave and Guy ascended up the Castle stairs to vi●●● the prospect of the Gardens round into which he had no sooner cast his eyes but he beh●●● the beauteous maid that was sole Empress of his heart sitting alone in a shady Bov●● to screen her from the suns hot Rays while before her the springing water of a Cristal Fountain played and sent refreshment to each fragrant flower or lovely plant that crowned the happy place resembling another Paradise and she the first created woman these Guy takes as happy Omens and resolves to venture now for life or death and thus invokes Loves Deity to aid him in the great design Oh propitious power if ever now prove kind in aiding thy humble suppliant who is all obedience unto thy commands and ●aies his unspotted vows at thy great Altar which ever blazes bright with slaming hearts of Lovers offered up as Trophies of thy power assist me to Court this famous beauty and teach me how to wooe and how to Conquer her who has already conquored me so saying he descended with all speed and coming to the Garden gate knocked softly and soon found admittance by one of the Damsels that waited on fair Phaelice the which he no sooner had but composing his warlike face into the best form he could he made towards her with low reverence who expecting he came with some message from her Father rose up to meet him when Guy with Love surtharged thus began Fairest of Creatures brightest of your sexes made of such kindred mould to Heaven that you seem Angelical a goddess all divine therefore I have here brought a heart by Loves command to offer at your shrine O frown not on me with disdainful Eyes least with such a look death enter and destroy the man that ever shall admire and with this awful distance adore your matchless Virtues despise me not thou only center of my soul who loves thee more than life O that I could express my boundless passion or that thou couldst look into my breast and there behold how the tormenting flames still roal about my heart that with a continual Fever burns in which the Arrows of your pointed beauty stick that Lords and Noble men have courted you I am not ignorant but none could Love like me pardon my boldness Lady that to save my life I sue with the same fear a guilty prisoner beholds his angry Judge for your power 's for greater when Life or death depends upon your smiles or frowns To whom thus Phaelice with majestick countenance replyed Alas sir Love is such a thildish toy I ne'r intend to try it theresore cease your vain suit a Virgins happy life shall be my choice for ever Love is but a dream composed of idle santies and that I should wound you is impossible or if such it could be you them must blame your rash and unadvised folly to attempt things so far above your reath could you imagine that the Heir of Warwick would ere condescend to Marry with one so far beneath in birth and in each dagree unsi● no therefore I would advise you to desist this enterprize least it come unto my Fathers rat and beget the sharp rebuke So saying she ended and Guy prepared to answer hut she turned away disdainfully and left hun to himself now hopeless perplered and tortured worse than ever Cursing the cruel Stars that ruled his birth And wishing now to be no more on Earth CHAP. III. How Guy being denyed fell distracted for a time till Cupid representing him in a Warlike posture and declaring what wonders should be wrought by him to Phaelice in her sleep telling her it was his mothers command that she should love him whereupon she granted her consent upon condition of his performing glorious enterprizes HAlf distracted with what had passed Guy retires to his Fathers house thinking to shake off the Chains of Love or burst them by some other means for like Hercules's yovson'd shirt the more he strove the more the venom worked and the distentper followed him wheresoever he went for which he finding no relief grew frantick for a time quite bereft of sence or reason and to this purpose uttered his phrensies and ran into disorder far beyond Orlando or Orestes Am I then slighted sald he who evermore will trust to woman-kind accursed cruel Love couldst thou leave me thus can she not Love or loves she some one else which hinders her Love from passing unto me O that I knew my Rival my dread arm should hurl such vengean●● an his hend as should amaze mankind I 'd drag him cound the world ore Sea and Land and 〈◊〉 him into circling fires plung him into roaring Erebus there to broyl in Brimstone flames and scorched for ever O Jove Jove I le to thy Courts and hollow loud nay I will thunder to your regardless power and make you deaf with everlasting cries from the Suns bright Chariot snatch ●cherial sire set your Celestial mansions in a blaze melt down your golden Roofs and make your gates of Adamant fly from off their Tiamond hinges arm my self with Lightning and make vollued thunders roar around the world Eacus Mines Rodomanthus and all the black Infernal powers what have ye done my Love she 's lost for ever gone sink sink earths frame to thy first Chaos and with thy ruine crush mankind drop drop ye ctars and ever wakeful Tapers of the Skies and let combustive flames purge this grosser world O she 's gone the Beauties gone now night and darkness cease me and eternal slumbers seal my Eyes Thus saying he groand and smote his brest pull'd off his hair and in disiracted sort continued till Phaelice being admonished by Cupid in a dream sent him more comsortable hopes of her ensuing favours When Night had drawn her Curtain and the world in silence sate each mortal in sweet slumbers was reposed Morbheus the Leaden god of sleep from his drowsy Coves by Venus command coused up his Visionary forms the which in various shapes present themselves to men and one of the Faries dressed in Cupid's wonted guise with Bow and Quiver armed presents it to the fancy of the slumbering Phaelice to whom the shade being instructed thus began Phaelice behold I from the Queen of Love my beauteous Mother come to present unto thee this Martial Here and with that a shade all clad in Aemour appeared representing Guy so to the life that she knew him at first and started in her sleep while thus the wing'd form proceeded This is the man designed for thee whose warlike deads shall make the world amazed and to such Fame shall soon arise that Kings and Princes shall be proud to court him
whilst the terrour of his arm shall spread over greatest part of the Earth a friend to the distressed and the oppressors foe Fortune shall wait on him and Conquering Laurels still be green upon his brows despise him not fair Virgin for his want of wealth it is the treasure of the mind that makes a man truly great for know Beauty was at first treated free e'r Gold was known or from the vowels of the Earth was brought to light and since it has been in estimation it has corrupied innocence and Vertue spoiled therefore is to be despised in case of Love that intellectual Essence and bright jewel of the Soul then as the powers above decree take him for his manhood and accomplished virtues think him worthy of your Love even at the highest rate for it is most assured he is so So said the Form and Cupid that was not wanting in the enterprise drew up his Bow charged with a Golden shaft and aimed directly at Phaelice heart the which no soo●●er done but swift as Lightning slew the singing Arrow through the yielding air and fixed its point direct at which the startling Virgin waked and wondred to find a fire so quickly kindled in her breast so that contemplating on the Vision she thus began to sigh her passion out Alas and art thou gone thou winged power what thange is this I feel I that so late despised all Love and laughed at Lovers pains now feell a fever in my brest that wist consume me if it get not vent can it be Guy that I must Love my Fathers Stewards Son that I denyed must I now sue to him perhaps now he will despise me for neglecting him and triumph over my weakness O Cupid are thy Laws then so severe pardon my offence and sle hereafter grow more mild and pitty Lovers in distress While she was thus struggling with her flame Guy having recovered his senses resolved not to Retreat like a Coward but Rally once more and try his Fortune and after some search having found her in her Chamber he thus begins Most Beauteous though severe to you once more I have presumed to come not as a Suitor now but as a condemned Prisoner desiring you to strike the fatal stroak that can only set my soul at rest for I have born my torture long enough no Tirant Love I can endure no more therefore sweet Lady in pitty to a wounded Lover if any pitty lodges in that fair breast strike deeper yer at last prove kind and ease my pain so saying he sighed and tears burst from his warlike Eyes not knowing that the powerful god of Love had mollified her heart and made her sensible of his command c. The which Phaelice observing began to blush whilst in her fair cheeks the Roses Conquest over the Lillies gained then fetching an undiscovered sigh began no followech Alas you ask what is not mine to grant know gentle youth I at my Father's disposal a●● nor without him dare I consent to ought for should I how prove disobedient who so long have been obedient to his just Commands what would the world of Phaelice say each tongue would wound my Faine so deep that naught but death could yield relief nor should I so escape for in the silent grave they would asperse me and fix Reproach upon my Comb To which thus answered Guy Fair Lady doubt not your Fathers free con●eist for with this arm I will so far purchase the good esteem of the Renowned Earl that my marchless deeds instend of Gold shall win his greatness to accept of me your humble slave for his obedient Son so ended he and she inflamed with Love yet willing to hide it for a time began Go then and in fierce Arms your Fame advance court breadful Battels while Victoria Crowins your head with her Triumphant Lamrels and when laven with the spoils of War or great Archievements you returne that I may safely yield without a stain to Honour I shall be all your own till then I shall remain in Virgin-state your constant Phaelice ever At which Guy overjoyed with humble thanks vowed low as Earth and at last through the greess his Language found a passage while these words he uttered bright Star by whose divine influence my soul is guided and disposed If feats of Arms greatness in Battel gained will please my Love through seas of blood I le wade climb to the highest Turret in Fames brazen Tower and from thence look down upon the Coward world with Gh for Caesar now or the dread Conquerour of the East I seell new force and on a suddain am grown more then man i 'm all on fire till my great task 's begun and for a time I willingly forego thy beauteous face which ne'rtheless shall be for ever stamped upon my soul my Love farwel to Arms I must repair for this sweet Kiss that I imprint upon thy Corral lips I le write thy name in Crimson Characters upon the breasts of Earths proud Champions that when they see them they may think of thee Again Farwel my Love I must away To find the coast where Glory bates to day CHAP. IV How Guy putting to Sea landed in Normandy where be fought with three Champions killing two of them and wounded the third raking from them a Lady wrongfully condemned to dy by the young Duke of Bilois who had Ravisht her c. NOw Guy having taken his leave of Phaelice prepares for France Embarquinng set Sail with pronuse of quick art●●al there but no sooner was the Ship some ren Leagues off from shoar but the Winds began to blow hard from the South West and black Clouds overspread the face of Heaven and laud thunders from the Northern round began to roar so that in short time a dreadful storm arose while slightning darted thick and made the Sea seem all on sire the Waves incaged by the winds mounted high and seem to mix with pitchy clouds and bandied the Ship from side to side so that they rode on furiously before the Gusts all that day and all the following night not having so much as the prospect of Sun Moon or Star but early the next morning the Marriners from the Top-mast-head descryed Land to which the winds being somewhat abated they made and about ten in the morning sound it to be Harflew in Normandy where they put in safe after an hours continuance in the Port Guy and the Captain of the Vessel went a shore to refresh themselves where they had not long been e'r they heard loud shouts and the noise of Drums and Trumpets the which was most acceptable to Guy for now he thought there was some work for him in hand whereupon he called his Host and demanded the cause who with countenance sad which shewed a sense of grief tosd him that a beauerous young Lady of that place Dorinda by name having been sately Ravished by one of the Duke de Biloys's Sons the which black crime four
me victory in all attempts so that finding no more to do I am with joy returned to claim the promise that you made leaving the Beautiess that this Sword in bloody Combates won nor could the Emperours Daughter though divinely fait and next your self earths chi●●est Iem entire my stay her sighs had not the pawer to make me false though through a Sea of Princly blood I waided to obtain her yet when obtained I left her for your sake and only took these ●ledges that you see for the recompence of hazards run then say my goddess wilt thou now grant me a sweet repose in that loved bosome shall I rest from bloody Mars's toyles and cou●t bright Venus in thy fairer Arms speak for ● would gladly know To whom Phaelice blushing replyed most Honourable man of thy great Exploits I am no waies ignorant Fame came before and told them e'r you came I heard what havock you have made and what great Prizes you have won but yet me thinks those Beauties should ●a●e been esteemed more by you then to be left for such trifles But I know your answer will be you did it for my sake t is sure it was so I believe as much and will reward your constancy with Love a Love as boundless as the O●ean and chast as those bright fires that shine by night but to be plain I will unfold a secret Vision that so me appeared when I was cruel and returned disdain for Love In the midst of slumber Cupid from his Cristal Mansion did descend presenting to my view a Martial Here much resembling your fell commanding me to Love you for your great Renown and matchless Might saying the rerrour of the Nations shall he be famed to all Posterity Kings shall be proud to court him and great Monarchs tremble at his frown so saying he let fly from his bended Bow a glittering Shaft that ●xed in my Brest at which awaking I sound the kindled flame burn bright but though I love thee dear yet for my Honours sake must not consent to Wed till thy victorious brow be wreathed with more Lawrels and when thou shalt return once more triumphant then is Phaelice thine and toilsome War shall tease Then said Guy I must not yet discharge my servant Death he must again with me while from the terrour of this Arm each mortal slies and Armies fall before me like Autumnal leaves when the rossing branches are assailed by gusty winds come my bright goddess as I stand within these walls of steel incircle me in thy fair arms and cheer my soul with one sofe Kiss and e'r I do return i'i send my Trophies home by Fame thy longing ears shall hear of such great Actions done as shall make thee conclude thy servant worthy of thy Love Be constant fairest creatures and think upon the faithful Guy who in the midst of Arms and death will never fail to think on thee that so at my return Hymeneal joyes and the possession of thy lovely bed shall crown my distant toyl in War now look to it ye Champions of the world Princes and Potentates for Guy once more must wanter ●'r the Globe to seek Adventures out so saying he kissed her and departed to take his leave of the most Noble Earl whilst she with eyes brimful of tears withdrew to her Retirement often acculing her self for pushing him forwards on such hazardous designs and yet ambitious of his gaining Honour and so between willing and unwilling she left him to his fortunate adventures Whilst Guy unto Earl Robands goes who received him with more joy then can be well expressed and orders a Feast to be made in honour of his new come Guest inviting most of the Gentry thereabouts who hearing of Guy's Arrival in England and that he was to be presant there they came gladly as being much desirous to see him after so many great Exploits the Entertainment was very sumptuous being accommodated with all manner of Musick and what else had power for to delight the sences Which ended Guy following the Earl into his Retirement told him that he came to take his leave of his Honour and that he had made a vow to Heaven the which he burst not violate once more to try his Fortunes in Countries abroad because this my Native Land affords no great Exploits worthy to be Registred by Fame thus he said but would not make the Earl acquainted with his Love nor that his Daughter had enjoyned the Enterprizes he designed to make who endeavoured all he could to perswade him to the contrary laying before him the many hazards that must needs attend and what dire mishaps in such daring attemps must needs befal● at which Guy no waies daunted was the niore earnest to depart saying he could not confine himself to Ease but for the honour of his Country would spend some daies in War and try the various moods of Fortune and of Fate to learn for to contemn them both and that his mind still prompted him to great designs the god of Battle at his Nativity being Lord of the Assendant The Earl seeing his perswasions could no wares work on him to stay dismissed him upon promise at his return he would abroad no more but live at home with him Guy's Father and Mother bathed in Tears likewise besought his stay but all in vain for nothing but dread Arms and sounds of War wire pleasing to ●is ears all things being in readiness for his departure he embarqued for France again to seek out new addentures nothing fearing though he knew that he had many there who would it possible by strength or fraud surprize his Life but before the Master of the Vessel could get clear of the Lands end the wind turn'd about and rising somewhat strong forced them back into the Harbour where they lay unknown to the people of the place who they were then was Guy's Vessel wind-bound six daies in which space Fame had noised through every corner of the Land how that a dreadful and monstrous Beast formed by Majick skill into the likeness of a Cow or rather a Cow of vast bulk possessed by some tempestuous spirit did terrify the neighbouring Plains destroying the Cattle round about and putting all their Keepers unto flight being so strong and swift in motion that it was thought no humane force could have destroy'd it the monstrous description of her as followeth is affirmed by Authors of great integrity and worth that she was four yards in height six in length and had a head proportionable armed with two sharp hornes growing direct with Eyes all red and fiery which scented to dart Lightning from afar she being of a Dun colour from whence she was named the Dun Cow and the place not many miles distant from Warwick where she haunted from that Monster took the name of Dunsmore Heath which name it keeps unto this day c. Upon the notice the King had at York where he then was of the havock and
thine it was still with thee in all the dangers that I underwent thou art the only she this Land contains that willingly at my Arrival I would first have seen but being fent for by the King at my first setting foot on shoat I was obleiged to obey my Soveraigns Commond and after freed the land by slaying of the hugest Dragon that the earth e'r bred No more my Lord said Phaelice I have heard of all thy brave Exploits such hazards you shall never undertake for me again I am now thy own in Loves soft wars we will hereafter contend so saying she wept for joy and Guy embraced her smothering her Tears with Kisses The Marriage day proposed Guy gives the King to understand the summ of all how for Love of beauteous Phaelice he had undertaken those enterprizes and waded through a Sea of blood desiring that his Majesty would acquaint Earl Robands with the same and procure his free consent for as yet he knew not of their Loves This the King promised to perform and that himself his Queen and all the Court would grace the Wedding with their presance the which was appointed to be kept at Warwick the Queen sending Phaelice many Iewels and other rich presants and all imaginable preparations great and costly were prepared for entertaining of the Royal Guest Whilst Fame did loudly sing his mighty praise And Crown'd his head with never sading Bayes CHAP. XIII How Guy and Phaelice are joyned in Wedlock and of their splendid entertainment how afterwards be vows a Pilgrimage and Travels to the Holy Land how in his way he kills Amarant a monstrous Giant and delivers the Prisoners under his Tiranny kept in tortures THe happy Nuptial day long looked for being come the King and Queen with all the Court to Warwick strair repair attended and adorned with all the Pompous Magnificence that can be imagined on so great an occasion Earl Roband no sooner understanding by the King's Letter that Guy was arrived in England and that for the Love of his beauteous daughter he had undertaken the dreadful toiles of War and Combates fierce abroad and eke at home and that he was come to Warwick to ask his consent and being overjoyed he went to meet him Guy perceiving him come towards him bowed himself to the ground whereupon the Earl hasted and taking him in his arms embraced him with all the expressions of Love and Friendship Guy no sooner asking his consent but his reply was that he should ever be bound to bless heaven for enclining to so Heroick and brave a man to ask that of him which he himself had so often wished would come to pass and that his generation should be so famoused by an allyance with the worthiest Champion that e'r trod the Globe for which Guy returned humble thanks and thereupon Phaelice being called blushing with virgin modesty freely and to her no small content yielded Business being brought to this pass the Earl gave order for the sumptuous Entertainment commanding the Keepers of his Parks to prepare a hundred fat Bucks which were served up with all the choicest dainties of the Land after the Churches Seal had joyned the lovely pair Wine flowing round in such abundance for to entertain the Royal guest that it was to be admired the Nation could affoard so much all manner of Fowls and Fishes rateable that the Air or Sea contained so that Ahasuerus when he Feasted all the Eastern Provinces could not outdo this the Banque● ended mellodious instruments of Musick were brought and the Ladies of Honour and Lords attendants on the Court danced before the King and Queen the Earl and his Countess Guy and his fair Bride who deck● with Iewels sate bright as the Morning Star nor was Guy's one Father and Mother wanting to be there after the Dances ended several Playes were presented and Songs sung containing Guy's Heroick Acts to the infinite satisfaction of all the Assembly every one joying the Marryed pair whilst Hymen descending in a Cloud sung to soft Musick as followeth SONG 1. Happy for ever Blessed be Whom Heaven has joyn'd in Unity Let Peace and Honour still attend And joyes such joyes as know no end Still live in Love and banish care Whilst I pronounce you happy are 2. Great Ma● of War whom Beauty charms Embrace thy goddess in thy arm Live Live for ever in delight Loves soster Wars does now invite To Mars no more dread homage pay T is Love t is Love you must obey 3. Loves power commands you must submit So has the Deity thought fit Gai●st pointed Beauty Armour 's vain Through it Love wounds with pleasing Pain Then happy in each others bliss Make Earth make Earth a Paradise After the Song ended Masquarades were performed and all the noble sports that could be imagined to delight the senses the Festival continuing for the space of ten daies but no● long after this joy was eclipsed by the death of the noble Earl who dyed of a violent Fever to the unspeakable grief of all men making Guy sole Heir of all his Lands and Lordships the King confirming upon him the Title of Earl of Warwick he being ●henceforwards ranked in all assemblies of Councel and other meetings amongst the Lords and Peers of the Nation and highly esteemed of all c. But to see in the midst of joy and delight what suddain Eclipses at which the world not a little wondred overspread the bright sun-shine of infant bliss for Guy tuminating over the past actions of his life began seriously to consider with himself what an ocean of blood he had waded through to purchase his beauteous Bride for which being smitten with remorse of Conscience he fell into a deep Melancholy and often retired in private to vewail his sins committed against Heaven saying That to gain honour renown to please a woman he had provoked the just incensed God of all the Earth and that his crimes were many great and grievous and that without speedy Repentance they would prove his eternal ruine with many other feeling expressions of deep sorrow and contrition so that his warlike eyes that were wont to sparkle fire now flowed with briny Tears whilst sighs and groans declared the agony he strove under Which Phaelice one day having watched him to his retirement observing him in submssive wise entreated to know the cause of so suddain alteration saying if she had any waies offended she would upon her knees beg pardon and be sure for to transgress no more in the like nature and with that she tenderly wept whose Tears Guy not being able to behold raised her in his arms and began to comfort her saying weep not bright Angel thou fairest and divinest of thy sex in whom alone such vertues dwell as can equal the best of women dwelling on the earth No my adoared Mistress t is for my boundless sins that now turn back upon my Conscience in their native ugliness and vile deformity whose numbers are as