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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A59770 Practical meditations upon the four last things viz. I. Death, II. Judgment, III. Hell, IV. Heaven / by R. Sherlock ... Sherlock, R. (Richard), 1612-1689. 1692 (1692) Wing S3245; ESTC R9873 61,623 132

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hearts such love towards thee that we loving thee in and above all things may obtain thy promises which exceed all that we can desire through Jesus Christ MEDITAT III. Of the Company of Heaven 1. Of God's presence there 1. GOD who is Father Son and Holy Ghost is the chief and principal Inhabitant of the Heaven of Heavens God indeed is every where in respect of his Essence Presence Power but in Heaven in respect of his Glory and the supereminent brightness of his Majesty which is in Heaven most conspicuous full and ravishing nor could Heaven be called so it were not Heaven if not enlightned and enhappied by God's superlative presence there Tho. a Kemp. And where ever O Lord thou art present either in grace or glory there is Heaven and Death and Hell is every where where thou art absent 2. But what doth it avail the company of Heaven that God is there especially present since God dwelleth with the light which no man can approach unto 1 Tim. 6.17 whom no man hath seen or can see The very Angels of Heaven cover their faces with their wings in the presence of God that the excessive brightness of his Majesty and great Glory overwhelm them not Isa 6.2 'T is true but however so much of this eminent glory shall appear and so fully the splendid Rays thereof be display'd in Heaven as shall ravish all the blessed beholders thereof with a joy unspeakable and glorious They shall be satisfied with the plenteousness of thy house 1 Pet. 1.7 Ps 36.8 viz. of Celestial glory and thou shalt give them drink of thy pleasures as out of a river so full and overflowing shall be their satisfaction and contentment For with thee is the Well of Life and of all the joys and consolations of Life and in thy light shall we see light even the ravishing Light of Glory in the Light of God's countenance in whose presence is fulness of joy 2. The Angels of Heaven Next to the blissful presence of God the society in Heaven is Angels and Archangels Cherubims and Seraphims Thrones and Dominions Principalities and Powers and all the several Orders of celestial Spirits Col. 1.16 The very sight of one blessed Angel upon Earth would be more joyous and ravishing than to behold the greatest beauty and most splendid excellency that is liable to the eyes of flesh yea all the pomp and glory of the World is not comparable to such a sight how much more joyful and glorious will it be not only to behold but to enjoy the society of those innumerable ministring spirits of whom we read Dan. 7.10 Thousand thousands ministred unto him and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him Isa 6.3 c. Rev. 21.10 These rest not day and night crying Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabbath Heaven and Earth are full of the Majesty of thy glory To make one in this Hymnidical Quire and to be received into one of these Mansions of Glory from whence the Apostate Angels fell is such an astonishing joy as cannot by the tongue of men and Angels be expressed 3. The Saints in Heaven To these Angelical spirits are joyned in society as Members of the same Church Triumphant in Heaven The glorious company of the Apostles the goodly fellowship of the Prophets the noble army of Martyrs the innumerable train of holy Confessors Priests and people of each Sex and of every condition of whose numberless number we read Rev. 7.9 Rev. 7.9 10. And I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man can number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the Throne and before the Lamb cloathed with white robes and palms in their hands and cryed with a loud voice Salvation to our God These are they which come out of great tribulation and have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the Throne of God and serve him day and night in his Temple and he that sitteth upon the Throne shall dwell amongst them They shall hunger no more nor thirst any more The Lamb in the midst of the Throne shall feed them and lead them to the living fountains of water And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes Blessed Souls in whom the King of Glory placeth his Throne and reigneth in them for ever Blessed are those mouths which shall taste and be satisfied with the Waters of life everlasting and blessed are those tears which shall be wiped away with the right hand of God himself and everlasting joy succeed in the stead thereof Into this glorious Communion of Saints in Heaven there daily are and daily shall be for ever received all such true servants of God and stout Soldiers of Jesus Christ who under his banner have overcome the Devil and all his works the pomps and vanities of this wicked world all the sinful lusts of the flesh who have warred a good warfare over these their ghostly enemies and kept the Faith whereinto they were baptized without any tincture of Heresie or Schism observing God's holy Will and Commandments and walked in the same all the days of their life All of these returning from their wearisome Pilgrimage through the wilderness of this world to their native home of Heaven shall be received into and rejoyce in their proper and peculiar mansions of peace each differing indeed in the degrees of glory according to their difference in the degrees of grace but all shall enjoy their full proportion of happiness and with common joy shall sing together perpetual Hallelujahs to him that sitteth upon the Throne Rev. 5.13 and to the Lamb for ever And 't is wonderful amongst the joys of Heaven and adds exceedingly to the greatness thereof That as the number of Saints is great and their joys many so are the joys of each particular Saint even as many and blissful as the joys of all And this because each one shall rejoyce as much in the felicity of others as if 't were his own peculiar happiness Happy and for ever happy were I if with a floud of Tears and incessant Prayers if with the devour surrender of all that I am and all that I have to the love and service of God I might be admitted into this celestial Society To come unto Sion Heb. 12.22 23 24. and unto the City of the living God the Heavenly Hierusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels To the general assembly and Church of the first-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus the Mediator of the new Covenant All this I believe as a Christian but my Hope to be admitted into this blessed Society is too weakly grounded whilst my Charity both towards God and his Saints is too cold and benumb'd I do profess to love God and do desire that my heart may be every day more and
makes so many millions of persons die unpreparedly And so pass from a temporal to death eternal For death is then most generally the nearest when 't is conceited to be furthest off Bern. Mors enim propior esse solet cum longius abesse putetur 2. 'T is the thought of a longer and still of a longer life that is the great impediment of Repentance and amendment of life whereby the Devil hurries men by throngs to be his woful companions in his Region of blackness of darkness for ever And the great Reason is because Repentance delayed till Sickness or Old Age come is not only uncertain and unsafe but very seldom or never truly and sincerely performed 'T is a dreadful saying of S. Hierome That scarce one of ten thousand who have continued in any sinful course of life without the conscientious practice of a true and timely Repentance do ever so perfectly repent as to obtain the remission of their sins in the hour of death For the prevention of so great and general a mischief and perdition of ungodly men the All-wise and good Providence of Heaven hath ordained that in all ages and conditions of men this life shall take end that so none how young and lusty soever with his bones full of marrow should yet dare to live unprepared for death presuming still upon further time for Repentance and Amendment of life Tu in senectutem sana defers consilia inde vitam vis inchoare quo pauci perduxerunt stultitia magna est tunc vivere incipere cum desinendum est Blessed Lord suffer me not thus to deceive my self through the sly insinuations of Satan and my own sensual inclinations and desires but make me so mindful of my end that I may pass the remainder of my days in the constant practice of Repentance and Godly fear that living in thy fear I may die in thy favour and in a well grounded hope to live with thee for ever Amen VI. 1. Every change in my frail constitution every little pain and ache in my corruptible flesh all distempers and diseases are as so many memorials of my mortality but the older I grow Heb. 8. ult the nearer still is the approach of my dissolution by the hand of death for that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away 2. Happy is the man who on his bed of death can say with the Apostle 2 Tim. 4.7 I have fought a good sight against all the assaults of the Devil the World and the Flesh which war against the Soul I have finished my course as the course of my life so the course of godliness in all its respective duties enjoyn'd me I have kept the Faith untainted by any Atheistical imaginations heretical opinions or sinful practices and I have been faithful in the discharge of those offices and relations wherein my great Lord and Master hath entrusted and enstated me If my heart condemn me not in any of these respects I may thence conclude with joy and exultation from henceforth there is laid up a Crown of righteousness which the righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but to all them also that love his appearance The Prayer LOok graciously upon me O Lord I beseech thee in the time of my approaching dissolution and the more the outward man decayeth strengthen me so much the more continually by thy Grace and Holy Spirit in the inner man give me unfeigned repentance for all the errors of my life past and a stedfast Faith in thy Son Jesus that my sins may be done away by thy mercy and my pardon sealed in Heaven before I go hence and be no more seen II. IN the midst of life we be in death of whom may we seek for succour but of thee O Lord who for our sins art justly displeased Yet O Lord God most holy O Lord most mighty O holy and most merciful Saviour deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal Death Thou knowest Lord the secrets of our hearts shut not up thy merciful ears to our Prayers but spare us O Lord most holy O God most mighty O holy and most merciful Saviour thou most worthy Judge eternal suffer us not at our last hour for any pains of Death to fall from thee III. IN my last hour O Lord I humbly beg thy protection from the busie suggestions and direful insultings of my grand enemies the Devil and his Angels Oh let not then my Faith fail or my Hope wither or my Charity wax cold with the waining flesh but when all my joynts shall tremble by the batteries of death mine eyes be darkned and my tongue falter then O then let my heart be enlarged towards my God waiting upon thee longing for thee and incessantly praying shew me thy mercy O Lord and grant me thy Salvation The XXXIX Psalm Verses 1. I Said I will take heed to my ways that I offend not in my tongue * The meditation of death makes every wise man careful of all his ways and more especially to avoid the offences of the tongue 2. I will keep my mouth as 't were with a bridle while the ungodly is in my sight * The tongue is an unruly evil and must be tam'd as a wild horse with a bridle especially when provok'd by captious contentious and quarrelsome persons 3. I held my tongue and spake nothing I kept silence yea even from good words but it was pain and grief unto me * Reproaches are for the most part best answered with a discreet silence so was our Lord as a Lamb dumb before the Shearers 4. My heart was hot within and while I was thus musing the fire kindled * To abstain from good words is sometimes necessary for the avoiding of an evil construction but such silence is grievous to the pious Soul which burns with the fire of divine love and zeal to God's glory The zeal of thine house hath even eaten me up and at the last I spake with my tongue ‖ Though it be often inconvenient to speak before wicked Men yet it is alway necessary to speak unto God by Prayer 5. Lord let me know mine end and the number of my days that I may be certified how long I have to live * 'T is a blessing we ought alway to pray for to be feelingly sensible of the shortness of our life 6. Behold thou hast made my days as 't were a span long and mine age is nothing in respect of thee and verily every man living is altogether vanity * The life of man if compar'd with God's everlasting Being is rather to be called a death than a life a vanity not a verity of being 7. For man walketh in a vain shadow he disquieteth himself in vain he heapeth up riches and cannot tell who shall gather them * The hearts of men are darkned with the shadows of happiness whilst they vainly care
unto thee O Lord do I lift up my soul being hereunto encouraged by thy grace and goodness For thou Lord art good even the inexhaustible Fountain of goodness and gracious propitiously inclined to hear the supplications of thy people and of great mercy against the greatness of iniquity unto all them that call upon thee even to all that call upon thee faithfully depending upon thee alone for help and safety Give ear to my prayer not slightly hearing the sound of my words but ponder the voice of my humble desires the intense desires of my humbled soul I humbly desire to be considered In the time of my trouble and that 's the whole time of my Pilgrimage here upon earth I will call upon thee for protection and deliverance whereof I will never despair for thou hearest me if my Prayer be pure and humble and therefore will I call upon thee as long as I live Among the Gods that be either falsly so called or be so called by participation of divine Power as the Angels in Heaven and Kings of the Earth there is none like unto thee O Lord either for Power or Wisdom there is none that can do as thou dost thy Works do far exceed the Power of any created Beings to do the like and therefore in fulness of time All nations whom thou hast made shall no longer make Gods unto themselves but shall come and worship thee O Lord the Maker of all Men and of all Things and being admitted Members of thy holy Catholick Church shall glorifie thy Name both with heart and voice and by the good Works of their Obedience to the Gospel of Christ For thou art great which all thy Works declare and dost wondrous things not to be apprehended but admired and 't is therefore in all the parts of the World confessed that thou art God alone all others being either falsly or feignedly called Gods And that I may accordingly worship thee aright Teach me thy way O Lord that I neither mistake the right way nor stumble and fall therein but stedfastly and constantly walk in thy truth and this Way and this Truth is my blessed Redeemer who by his Doctrine and Example Doings and Sufferings Life and Death is the way that leads to Life Eternal O knit my heart unto thee by the indissoluble bonds of a true Faith firm Hope fervent Charity that I may fear thy Name so as that I neither dare to sin against thee nor too much presume upon thy mercy I will thank thee O Lord my God as from whom both my whole Self and all the little good that is mine does proceed with all my heart as being hereunto excited by the fear and love of thy Name and I will praise thy Name for evermore And there is very great reason I should do so For great is thy mercy toward me not only manifested in all the good things I do enjoy but in my deliverance from manifold evils and especially from the greatest of evils for thou hast delivered my soul from the nethermost hell in the broad way that leads thereunto I have a long time walked and 't is of thy great mercy that I have not long since been hurled headlong to that dismal place of Torments And still I have great cause to complain O God the proud are risen against me proud Lucifer and his infernal Fiends and the congregation of naughty men have sought after my soul the wicked of the world conspire with the Devil and his Angels by their sinful suggestions to subvert the innocence of my Soul to have her portion with them in the neithermost Hell But thou O Lord art full of compassion especially to all them who chuse rather to suffer than to do what is offensive to thy Majesty and mercy in pardoning the offences of the truly penitent long-suffering not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance plenteous in goodness abounding in thy blessings and truth both in performing thy promises of mercy to the penitent and in rendring to every man according to his works O turn thee then unto me who by my sins have justly provoked thee to turn away thy face from me and have mercy upon me a miserable sinner and that I may no more offend thee give thy strength unto thy servant even ghostly strength and fortitude manfully to resist the Devil and all his numerous troops of sensual and worldly lusts in all whose assaults vouchsafe to help the son of thine handmaid that I may overcome all their temptations unto evil and carefully keep my vow and promise made when I was first admitted to be a Son of thy handmaid the Church Shew some token upon me for good let some sign of thy favour towards me appear that they who hate me my ghostly enemies may see it and be ashamed when they shall behold all their conspiracies and assaults against my Soul defeated by the assistance of thy divine Grace because thou Lord hast holpen me and comforted me thy help to overcome when I am tempted unto sin is a great comfort to my Soul for I have hereupon a good ground of hope that thou wilt deliver my Soul from the nethermost Hell and that being raised up from the gates of Death I may shew all thy praises within the ports of the Daughter of Sion Saying Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the beginning c. The LXXXVIII Psalm PARAPHRASED Verse 1. O Lord God of my salvation my Corporal and Spiritual Temporal and Eternal Salvation is from thee and therefore I have cryed day and night at all times and seasons and in all conditions prosperous and adverse before thee as unto whom alone the inmost intimate desires of my soul are naked and open O let my prayer enter into thy presence be received and accepted by thee incline thine ear unto my calling so graciously hear as to grant my humble requests My soul is full of trouble which being the consequent of Sin is the forerunner of Death and my life draweth nigh unto hell which openeth wide her mouth to swallow down such polluted Souls I am counted as one of them that go down to the Pit look'd upon as a dead man and a cast-away and I have been even as a man that hath no strength which is derived from the Lord of life to escape the snares and terrors of death Free among the dead not likely to be freed from my troubles but by death which puts an end to all the miseries of this sinful life like unto them that are wounded by the fiery darts of the Devil and lie in the grave of corrupt conversation which leads to the grave of death the wages of sin and whosoever thus lie there are out of remembrance both forgotten by the righteous and also are cut away from thy hand repuls'd from amongst those blessed Sheep which shall be rank'd on thy right hand in the day of Judgment Thou hast laid