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A59410 The amorous bigotte with the second part of Tegue O Divelly : a comedy ... / written by Tho. Shadwell ...; Amorous bigotte Shadwell, Thomas, 1642?-1692. 1690 (1690) Wing S2835; ESTC R18410 51,084 60

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Villain will then come out and you may dispatch him 1 Bra. We will dispatch him but no firing of a house that were to make a light to be caught by Grem O heaven will you commit murder I have contributed towards the making of many a man and cannot in conscience consent to the destroying one Lev. Stir not nor oppose me if thou dost by heaven I 'le have thee kill'd Gre. Well well I 'le say nothing do what you will Lev. Here will I stand a statue at his door till he comes forth Gentlemen go ye and wait at the corner of the street and when I whistle come Ex. Brav. Stand close Aunt Enter Elvira in the balcony with a Ticket in her hand Elv. Go thou dear Paper and good luck atttend thee Which she lays under a board then Exit Enter Luscindo and Hernando in the street Lev. Here comes company I shall be discover'd before my time let us retreat to our Main-Guard Ex. Gremia and Levia Luscindo Hernando with a Dark-lanthorn Lusc. Place the Ladder here He goes up to the balcony finds a Note Oh here 's the sweet Paper away dispatch and hide the Ladder Hern. carries out the laadder and re-enters immediately Luscindo reads by his Dark-lanthorn Lusc. What do I read I am transported beyond my self Reads Ioy of my Soul The thoughts of our Separation are insupportable which to prevent I have perswaded my Mother That you wrote conjuring me by the Kindness of a Mother-in law to propose you in Marriage to her which took as I could wish and she has at my request consented to entertain you at her balcony at midnight fail not to be there with Hernando She cannot know your voice your statures are alike and 't will be too dark to distinguish Faces If Hernando has Wit enough to act his part and entertain my Mother I shall have you free to my self at the Wicket where we may provide for our happiness And if my Art succeeds not for your stay assure your self I will not stick at the boldest resolution you shall fix upon Yours intirely ELVIRA Lusc. Was there ever so charming a creature Ah dear Elvira each minute is an age till I have got thee within these arms Time runs too fast for every other man but for expecting Lovers is too slow dear happy paper Hern. We shall have you transported here till your Father finds you Lusc. Thou say'st right let 's in and bustle as if we were putting up my Goods for Flanders Ex. Luscindo aud Hernando Enter Rosania in the balcony and puts her Note under the board Rosa. Go thou dear Messenger of Love and fall into the hands of him who alone can deserve it Her You need not go in I 'le bring you word if your Father be in bed Ex. Hernando Lusc. Do so Oh Elvira let me kiss this Relique in absence of my Saint my Joy is too great to bear Enter Hernando Hern. Your Father is fast he snores as loud as the Drone of a Bag pipe an Alarm would not awaken him Lusc. To our business quickly the Balcony-door opens 't is near midnight Belliza and Elvira in the balcony Bell. Will Luscindo never come I profess this is the longest night Elv. Hold hold I hear some coming this way it must be he and his trusty Hernando Bell. Lord how my heart does heave and pant my breath grows short and every part of me is affected with the Passion Hern. Is my most divine and adorable Lady there Bell. Divine and adorable I warant him a fine spoken man To her self Hither your own and your Mother-in-laws importunity has brought me noble Sir Hern. May I not have the liberty of entertaining you alone Bell. To Elv. Go down to the Street-gate and entertain Hernando at the Wicket while Luscindo and I confer about our vertuous ends and if any company comes by give a hem Elv. My dearest Saint of a Mother who would not have trusted me with a Cat now delivers me up for her own ends to a Young Man in the dark Ex. Elvira Bell. I shall never hold out without some Aqua Mirabilis I grow so chill and quake Hold I hear Rosania's Guittar if she discovers me I am ruin'd Her Thou Cordial of my Soul art thou alone Bell. Yes my dear but I hear some up in the house I 'le go and secure them and wait on thee in a moment Ex. Belliza Enter Elvira Lusc. At the Wicket My most incomparable Elvira I know not which to admire most thy Wit or Beauty they are both so Angel like thou dost so much transcend the rest of all thy Sex that they appear but splendid trifles when compar'd to thee Elv. I know my self too well to apply this all my hope is that you have love enough to deceive your self and since all happiness is but imagination 't will serve your turn as well as truth Lusc. 'T is so real a blessing and so great an honour that to be King of Arragon is a less title than the love of Elvira Elv. This is the foolish dialect of lovers which one who is not in love would laugh at and never think it were in earnest Lusc. By heaven I am so much in earnest that all the happiness you have rais'd me to will prove my utmost torment unless you take this opportunity to compleat it He offers to embrace and kiss her Elv. Stand off mistaken young man I confess my loose carriage has deserv'd this but know Luscindo that though my inclination was headstrong that by indecent ways I sought to make my person and my passion known Yet tho I have as much Love as ever woman had I have as much Honour too and the first minute of your attempt to lessen that this poignard shall make the last of your life and mine Lusc. kneels Dearest Elvira by this I find but what I knew before That your Vertue and Honour were equal to your Wit and Beauty I beg a thousand pardons for my rash offer but beg you will not too far mistake me for when I once have so impious a thought as to attempt your honour my poignard should do you Justice on me Elv. Sir pray rise this posture does not become you to me Lusc. Should my love to you have the least mixture of dishonour in it I should hate my self as much as I love you Elv. May I believe you Lusc. Upon the honour of a Cavalier the compleating of the happiness which I desired was our instant marriage a man can no more love Elvira with dishonour than he can love heaven and be vitious it were a contradiction Elv. Then my dear Luscindo I ask thy pardon here take this chaste Embrace and with it heart and soul I am thine nor is it in the power of Fate to alter me Lusc. Hold heart my joys come now too thick upon me Elv. But oh Luscindo I fear that all mine and my Mothers Arts will prove vain to procure a respite
he cares not for his Foes Plays Printed for James Knapton at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard SQuire of Alsatia Bury-Fair The True Widow Comedies Written by Tho. Shadwell The Fortune-Hunters Written by Mr. Carlile Mr. Anthony Written by the Earl of Orrery Widow Ranter Written by Mrs. A. Behn English Frier or the Town-Sparks Written by Mr. Crown The Devil of a Wife Written by Mr. Ievon The Forc'd Marriage Written by Mrs. A. Behn All Comedies Pope Ioan A Tragedy ACT I. SCENE I. Enter Elvira Rosania Elvi. WHere 's my Mother Rosania Ros. In her Closet Cousin where should she be Elv. Close at her Beads I warrant you Rosa. She has been very devout since Horatio went off from his Honourable proposals of Matrimony Elvi. Thou art a mischievous Girl art not thou asham'd to railly thy good Aunt so Rosa. Well she has been most grievously devout ever since his apostacy to the vexation of us all But shou'd he turn about again she wou'd soon lay down her Beads and quaver to her Guitarr like an old Spinstress to a Wheel Elv. Yes and discard the Irish Fryar Father Tegue and his Lay Brother for a brace of unclean Tyre-women 'T is somewhat hard to set ones heart upon the other World till we grow unfit for the uses of this Rosa. Very true for my part I believe there are none weary of the World till the World are weary of them the World begins with them first Elvi. Thou art in the right methinks it is a very pretty World they may talk what they will of Vanity the most pious Christians in Madrid are loth to leave it Rosa. I am resolv'd for my part to have a good opinion of the World till the World has an ill opinion of me and there 's an end on 't Enter Grycia Gryc Mrs. Rosania my Lady calls for you Rosa. I go Elvi. Pray say I am retired here 's my office Gry. Madam the Ghostly Fathers are with my Lady Elv. Now is their time indeed have they no Collation Gry. Lord Madam that you shou'd ask that when were they here without one Elv. Good men they are content to suffer here on Earth and with much eating and drinking they painfully consult about affairs of Heaven Rosa. Will you not go to 'em and take part of what they eat and talk Elv. No much good may 't do my Mother with her Irish Hypocrite the Reverend Father Tegue O Divelly I have at present no Stomach to Sweet-meats or Confessors Office lye thou there and now to my Novella's Exeunt Ros. and Gryc So to my wish I am alone and now can freely think of him who has so often Charm'd me Hah what Madness is this to fall in Love with one I know not Nor does he know me or my Love Oh if his Mind be like his Body and certainly it must be so 't will justifie my passion to the World But let me see Cervantes what sayst thou Ha who s there whither now Elvira shuffles Cervantes under the Cushion and takes up the Office Enter Grycia Gry. The good men are gossiping with my Lady and zealously expecting a recruit of Sweetmeats Elv. Good men they thrive well and grow fat upon Mortification But now to my Legend of Lovers She walks and Reads Ha Madam that was a subtil way of discovering your passion but it will not serve in my case But I must find some means to let him see my face and if he like it so if not mercy on me I dare not think on what must follow Let me see She pulls out her Pocket Glass Ha! what noise is that She puts up her Glass hastily These Liquorish Priests dispatch their Sweetmeats with as much haste as a hunted Bear would a Honey-Pot Enter Rosania Rosa. The Fathers at present up to the knuckles in Jelly of Quinces with three or four Bottles of the richest Wines desire your sweet company Elv. Tell 'em I am retir'd and can't come Rosa. Ha ha Novella's and a Pocket glass instead of Beads and Office Elv. Get you gone Huswife you grow as mischievous as a Monkey Rosa. Well well I 'le leave you to your pious Meditations Farewel Exit Elv. Let me see will this Face do any Execution Elv. takes up the Pocket Glass If it will look to thy Heart my unknown Gallant The Poets call these hairs our Snares and Nets if they be I 'le set them let who will be entangled with them Now for my Patches these are to Powder our Ermin Skins with ha my dear unknown Love have at thee Enter Belliza Father Tegue and Lay Brother Bell. Bless me Father what use she makes of her Retirements these are her Devotions Elv. Have they caught me I 'me undone She shuffles away her Glass and Novella's Bell Come Mistress I 'le see what you have here Belliza finds the Book Benedicite what 's here a wicked and profane Love Book good Father I besecch your Reverence make her Heart ake with pennance for this Teg. In trot it is great pitty of dee and a great faable by my shoul I vould have all handsome Ladies dewout indeed and I do love to put my Eye upon dem and maake a great faash upon dem when I do instruct dem indeed gra Elv. No doubt on 't Teg. I do love to caast de look upon de pretty Laady indeed vid pious meditaation and consideraation dat Heaven did maake dem sh● handshom gra Bell. Good holy Man we are bound to admire the works of Heaven Teg. Vel shayd Daughter dou dosht spake like an aable shaint indeed gra but I must complain upon you for dis waanity if dou musht have some waanity joy pridee now taake shome fitt days for dat occaasion of waanity To Elv. Bell. This is a sweet preparation in procession week to be pruning your self like an unclean Bird. Teg. Phaat will I spaake unto you for dese spotts and blemishes upon dy shweet faash gra arrah I vil maake you do de greaat pennance for dish Bell. What 's the reason Father I may not wear patches Teg. Aboo boo boo what am I dat dou dosht maake expostulaation and demand a Reason of mee Elv. One that has it not about him Teg. Reashon of mee dou dosht maake indignaation and affront upon me by my shoulwation Am I not a Priesht and vil I give a Reashon Bell. 'T was wickedly done to affront the good Man so Teg. Have I Converted sho many Hereticks dogs and was sho deep in our braave Plott and had like to have bin after being slain upon a Gibbet and been a great Martyr for de Plott and dosht dou require a Reashon of mee Elv. Why wou'd you escape You wou'd ha' done great service to the Church by being hang'd for it no doubt Sir a man of your Reverence Teg. I vill agree vid dee upon daat but I do not caare for being hang'd it dosh maake a Priest look sho like a Beasht and a Dogue
indeed and besides I vould not be hang'd but vid a with as our Forefathers in Ireland us'd to be Hang'd Bell. Thou' rt a right Sanctified Man and Heav'n be prais'd for thy deliverance ' Teag Ah good shoule dou vilt be a greaat Shaint indeed joy I vil tell unto dee I did escaape because I did deshire to be a Caardinal and by my Shoulwaation I tink I vill be a Caardinal before I vill have Death dere has not bin one Eerish Caardinal a great while I did Plot as well and cou'd hang as well as de best of dem but if I bee a Caardinal I know what I vill do Elv. Well I am corrected I will never ask a reason of you more I wou'd as soon beg of a Spanish Souldier Teg. Do not for de Church is infaallible and de Pope is infaallible and de Caardinals are infaallible and I vill spake more unto you de Prieshts are infaallible too And I shay blesh dy shweet Faash from patches dou hasht a pretty Faash pull of dese Spots He pulls them off and Chucks her under the Chin. I wou'd not veare patches upon my faash for de Vorld indeed joy no sa it vould I not By my shoul she 's a brave Lady aside Elv. The wisest may sometimes be loosers by their scruples Teg. I do not caare for all dat I vil be content vid mine own Faash vid out patches fait and be Abo'o dou haasht shome upon dy breasht joy I vill put dem off He presses her breast she resists Elv. What do you do hold off Bell. Oh wicked Child do you resist the good Man Teg. By my shoul I vill take dem off Mash it is gallant Flesh and Blood Ab'oo I cannot bear it farewel I will meet dee upon de prado Bell. Go to you have angred the good Man Grycia Enter Grycia Gryc Madam Bell. Get our Vails we will make visits to the Saints at several Churches Exeunt Omnes Enter Luscindo Hernando Luscin Put on thy Hat Hernando thou hast been too long my Fathers good Servant not to be my Companion and art to have the next Commission that falls in my Flanders Regiment Hern. I shall ever be your Servant but Sir Luscin Thou mutterst and art angry with me prithee speak thy mind with freedom Hern. I am angry with you because I love you Luscin Thou hast wit and courage and I know thou lov'st me Hern. Pox on this insolent Curtezan for me Luscin Wilt thou not allow me one folly Hern. Not when that folly allows you nothing of your self Doat upon a Wench jealous vex'd and disquieted for a Wench Luscin Speak with more Reverence of a Wench why from Mexico to Iapan is there such a joy such a comfort as a Wench What do Kings War for but for power and power for what To have what Concubines they please there 's the end What do we Officers fight for but for Money and a little Honour to get a Wench what have Priests Bishops and Cardinals profits and Dignities but to procure Wenches Is there a man in Spain Lay or Spirititual without a Wench who has Wit or Money enough to get one And then to speak thus irreverently of one Hern. Pardon me Sir I wou'd have a Wench to please me but not to trouble me Luscin Of all our Art and Industry our toyl and hazard Woman 's the sweet end who wou'd give a doyt to govern Men but by that means to have power over Women Hern. A Gentleman may have a little innocent lust or so but to fall in love and with a Mercenary thing Luscin Thou art no Philosopher Hernando prithee what is Love why nothing but great Lust. Hern. Oh sye Sir Your true Lover sighs and pines and seeks out shady Groves and murmering Brooks and tells his mournful tale with Arms a cross to Eccho and never thinks his Mistriss is a Woman but a Goddess Luscin No where but in Romances why there 's no diversion or conversation in Madrid but with a Curtezan The men are too grave not to be uncivil and saydull and the honest Women are lockt up besides none in Spain are so well bred as your Curtezans Hernando no more Hern. Why will you put your self in pain because you think another Courts this Levia and she is wavering there are others as handsome in Madrid see her no more Luscin Pain is but a relishing bit to make us taste our pleasure better she has made me jealous which spurs up my restive Love that wou'd have Jaded otherwise whilst she lov'd only me I cou'd have lov'd another but now she loves another I can love none but her Hern. A very pretty riddle make her believe you love another and she perhaps may then love none but you Luscin I have it in my Head come along with me to her thou shalt see me use her scurvily and try what that will do Hern. You know how angry your Father will be Luscin Let what will come on 't I will go through Hern. I have stood by you when Bullets have whistled about our Ears and will not leave you now Luscin Come on Ex. Luscindo and Hernando Enter Gremia and Levia Gre. Are you stark mad Neice by your extravagance to lose the finest properest kindest and most liberal Lover in Madrid Lev. Come Aunt you understand not my business Gre. Go to Mistress I not understand a Womans business with a Man that 's fine Lev. Nay I must confess you have been us'd to bring the Young together and make meer strangers Friends Gre. Oh cry you mercy have I so I 'le breed no bate nor division between young People if they agree not in their Youth they 'l hardly be brought together in their Age. Lev. You can procure the beginning of Love but know not how to make that Love continue Gre. Marry come up you shall keep School and teach new tricks to Widows above Fifty did not I take you a poor sorry Girl out of your Mothers hands rest her Soul she little thought what preferment you wou'd come to did not I bestow all Accomplishments of good breeding to fit you for a shining Mistriss in Madrid Lev. Well Aunt Gre. And has not Heav'n blest my endeavours and made you a very Paragon And you with your extravagance to cast away the fruit of all my care and Prayers for you Lev. Why so froward Aunt what all Age and no Gravity Gre. You will make me Gray with sorrow Lev. Luscindo began to cool upon my fondness and seek out new Adventures and I 'm resolv'd to plague him for 't Gre. You say you Love him Lev. Yes with such madness as admits no rest Gre. And will you anger him Lev. Yes therefore if we don't season our love with anger sometimes 't will be too luscious and men will surfeit of it Gre. Well I have another Neice who shall obey me but pray make ready to Mass you will consider the day I hope I shall
use of to many Ladies Ros. Now my Aunt comes home to the point Ber. ' Ounds do you not take me for a man of honour Bernardo is known all over Europe to be a man of honour Not take me for a man of honour Bell. I hope I may Sir yet men are frail and fickle Ber. What love another besides you You take me for a monster sure I 'd have you know I 'm none of those that are all Love and no Conscience Ros. Good Sir do not beat my Aunt I beseech you Ber. Sweet Prattle-basket be quiet peace little one or I shall grow passionate In short Belliza is young handsome and rich Bernardo is rich brave and honourable active and sprightly yet grave and civil Hern. The Widow melts like Snow before the Sun Ber. I have summon'd you your Flag of Treaty is hung out we have parley'd Speak quick Do you yield or no Know I never had man or woman stand long before me Bell. You are a valiant man I must confess but your Valour does very much surprize and disorder me Ber. We must not loyter in Love what we do we must do heartily Bell. In truth he seems a hearty Gentleman Are you in earnest Sir Sure you dare not swear what you profess Ros. That 's home indeed Ber. Yes if your house be strong built though swearing may seem a little uncivil at my years yet when my Constancy is touch'd Let me see is your main beam strong let me see Ay 't will do now have at you By all the Bell. Hold hold Sir do not swear I beseech you Bern. Not swear when my honour and constancy are in question Voto I will out-swear the deepest Gamester in Madrid Bell. In professions of conjugal Love swearing may be lawful Ber. By the blood of all my Ancestors by the unblemish'd Honour of my heard Ros. Oh horrid Oaths you make my hair stand an end Ex. Ros. Ber. Silence By all Heaven who is this Enter Elvira Bell. You are free Sir to go on Ber. By all the beards of Arragon an unknown Star Bell. Daughter ha what make you here Bern. Is she her Daughter what ignorant Devil led me to the Mother Bell. You shou'd have stay'd without I shou'd have told you all Bern. I am Plannet struck this is the beauty I must worship A Pox on the Widow for me I must get off from my wrong Visit with speed before she expects me to swear again Bell. How are you Sir not well Bern. A sudden indisposition I am troubled with a Fit of a Madam good night Hern. What a Devil ails the Old Fellow Elv. Sure this great Souldier has been wounded often in the head his brain seems somewhat tender Exit Ber. and Her Bell. No Girl his wound 's in the heart his heart is tender Good lack did not think my poor remaining beauty had that power Elv. Pray Madam be civil after mischief and bring him to the Stairs Bell. You are so forward pray keep your distance Exit Bell. Enter Rosania Ros. Oh Cousin I am transported with joy too mighty for me I cannot bear it She kisses a Letter she has in her hand very often Elv. Prithee don't run mad Rosania thou hast none of the strongest heads Ros. Look there read read and be happy for every one who touches that Paper must be so Elv. Love-madness is the same in all let me see this is to me To the fair Daughter of Belliza Ros. Look within the happy messenger that brought it said it was for the Lady that fell down from the Gentleman that help'd her up Elv. reads Madam The Adventure as you came from Church though of little danger to you yet is like to cost me my Life The wound I receiv'd by your beauty is mortal without your help to Your Miserable DORISTEO From my House in St. Jago-street Elv. This is short but very much to purpose How came you by this Ros. By an holy woman that belongs to the Sisterhood of St. Clare I 'le tell you more he mistakes me for the Daughter and unless you give me leave to carry on this Intrigue in your Name I am a lost creature Elv. Thou art far gone I see poor Rosania I may trust thee with my Name thou wilt use it well Res. I 'le write instantly Farewell aside Ex. Elv. Oh dull Luscindo cou'dst thou not apprehend me or dost thou not like me Thou in both cases art unworthy of me but I understand his signs too well to think the latter I wou'd he understood mine as well Ob how cou'd Love in any shape e're be Disguis'd so much to make it strange to thee Ex. Luscindo Hernando Luse Oh Hernando I am mad till I have discover'd my Passion to my Mistress 't is plain enough she made advances And what a dull Clod of Earth must she think I am who have not design enough to let her know my Love Hern. Have patience Sir some few hours and if your Father who is the most vigorous Wooer I ever saw makes not way for you I 'le do 't Lusc. How Hernando for if I find not some way I 'le storm the house but she shall know I love her Enter Doristeo Finardo Levia on the other side of the Stage Lev. The Sun is set and the Prado is cool and pleasant but I am all on fire to her self Dor. I never saw a siner Evening we shall have some curious Fruits Confections and Lymonades will you honour me to taste them Lev. With all my heart Dor. My Servant waits yonder but dear Madam be pleas'd to add to the pleasure of the Evening by charming me and all the company with a Song to the Guittar Lev. If you can endure it send for a Guittar Fin. We have one ready she sings Lusc. There she is that 's her Voice Hern. How the Devil can you think of her Lusc. Revenge revenge I am resolv'd to conquer her then laugh at her But where 's the Lady Estifania you promis'd should be here Hern. At hand Sir she is my Mistress but shall be yours at present and pray use her civilly and d'hear Sir be sure to let me have her again untouch'd Lusc. Pox on 't this Farce will never take and if she discovers it she 'll triumph most unmercifully Hern. Play you your part as well as I mine and I 'le venture my Life on 't Come here 's your Lady Bright your Mrs. Estifania Enter Estifania Lusc. Ha she by this light may guess at me but can't distinguish you Hern. Gently Sir this way They advance near the Company they are moving towards the Musick Levia steps aside towards Luscindo Lusc. My dearest Estiphania Lev. 'T is he he calls her Estiphania all my Arts are suddenly turn'd upon my self Hell take him court her before my face Dor. What means this sudden and this strange Distemper Lady Lev. If he discovers my disgrace he 'l turn a Rebel too aside I feel a sudden faintness in
my Spirits pray help me to some water from you Fountain Dor. I 'le run and fetch you some Exit Doristeo Lev. Sir I beseech you step for some strengthening Spirits I find cold water will be too weak a Remedy Fin. You shall have them instantly Exit Finardo Lev. Musick though you are in tune I am not There 's your Cordial jog off She gives them Money Ex. Musick Lusc. Sweet Estifania wonder of all Widows Mirrour of thy Sex thou brightest thing on Earth Estif. You find you are dear to me who venture my Life and Honour for you Name not my Name once more shou'd any one o're-hear it and carry it to my Brother I were lost think on his Quality Lus. Thou art dearer to me than my Life and I 'le defend thee better My Passion now exceeds all other mens as thou out-shin'st the rest of all thy Sex Lusc. Oh that I knew thy Brother Esti I warrant you have said as kind things to Levia Lus. Brand me with infamy if ever I consider'd her but as a wandring wench a trifle only fit for too much leisure Lev. Thou lyest thou Villain thy tongue is black and rotten as thy heart I 'le have another hand for my revenge on thee but on this Serpent mine shall serve the turn Lus. Do you know the quality and tenderness of this young Lady Lev. I 'le give her marks to be known by Estrp. Pray keep your Nails in beshrew your heart for never paring ' em Lus. Stand off what will you rob her in the dark Esti Death the Jade scratches like a Griffon Lusc. leads her off Enter Doristeo with a glass of Water after him Finardo with a Vial. Dor. Here 's the water Madam What d' ye mean She snatches it and breaks the Glass Fin. Here 's the Cordial Finar presents the Cordial she does the like Dor. What is it has inflam'd you thus Lev. No Cordial can relieve me nor Water cool my Flame Nothing can quench it but the Traitors blood 't is no time to dissemble now I esteem'd your Passion but had no power to answer it I was so madly engag'd to Luscindo the worst of men Dor. I have spent my time well the while Aside Lev. I frankly own I have dissembled with you to urge his Love by jealousie Dor. A very pretty account of all my Money Aside Lev. Now I detest him and if you 'l aid me in revenge by Heaven you shall entirely govern me Dor. What can he now have done so to provoke you Lev. He had the impudence to court a Lady here even now before my face and talkt of me with scorn and hatred Dor. Do you know his new Mistress Lev. Nothing of her but what I over-heard ere they were aware on 't He call'd her Estiphania and Widow and she talkt of her Brothers Honour Quality and her apprehension of his Rage Dor. Furies and Hell Finardo this Description can agree with none but my Sister Fm. It cannot be she is a woman of Honour Dor. Woman and Honour pish Womans Honour is a Bulrush Lev. I am infinitely oblig'd to you that you so soon shou'd interest your self in my Revenge Dor. Yes I 'le revenge to Dor. Shall he think because I make Love to a Courtezan here of his to wound the Honour of my Family His Life shall pay for 't Lev. I see you are wound up to high Resentments of my injury I shall from this moment entirely love you and for ever detest him Dor. Pox on this Courtezan I cannot think on her my Honour We 'll wait on you home and then revenge Lev. Dear Doristeo now I find you are a Man of Honour ACT III. SCENE I. Enter Belliza Elvira Rosania Bell. IT is not fit Elvira that we trust this impertiment Girl with any Love affair for I intend her suddenly for a Monastry Her Fortune then will come to me To her self Rosania quit the Room Ros. I go Madam Ex. Rosania Bell. I wonder Girl at the disorder of the Collonel that my Autumnal Beauty shou'd so wound him indeed my Coyness made your Father fall into fainting fits but now alack alack Elv. Sure Madam he is infinitely taken with you Bell. He is the heartiest Lover in Madrid I 'le say that for him and I have him fast and as soon as he recovers shall have a visit The Son may make a very good Husband for you Elv. I shall have no need of a Husband having such a Father-in-Law Bell. Come come you know not how you will like him Elv. Too well I know it would Heaven that he lik't me as well aside Enter Grycia Gry. Madam here 's a Letter from Don Bernardo Bell. Ha ha ha I told thee Elvira I had fired him Reads You are like to have me from Generation to Generation you first possest my Love then it succeeded to your Daughter What do I read Reads My Estate is your Daughters if she 'll make her claim while I am in perfect senses which I find I am now because I have the judgment to Love her Perfidious Wretch Elv. What can be the matter Reads But if she takes not pitty on me I shall dye distracted and my Testament will not stand good in Law Therefore let me wake one Visit before I depart in adoration of her who is your beautiful Image Your most humble Servant Bernardo Is there no Constancy in vile Mankind Elv. What swift change is in you or in the Collonel Bell. Let me see his admittance may bring his Son into the House who they say is a fine handsom Gentleman who perhaps may be glad of my Person and Fortune To her self Elv. Madam you seem disorder'd Bell. Surpriz'd I am but cannot be troubled since you are so concern'd this inconstant Collonel has transplanted his affection from me to you Read that Elv. reads to her self Out on him Vile Apostate and can he think I wou'd be false to my dear Mother Bell. Me No no Girl think not on that Bernardo's Rich and if he presses for a Marriage yield to him Elv. How Madam Bell. It will be convenient I will have it so dispute not with me I 'le retire and send him his Answer take him at first you need no other argument of his inconstancy than his leaving me Ex. Bell. Elv. What Miracle's this that she can so easily part with a Lover Enter Rosania Ros. Oh Cousin this wicked Duoena this Grycia suspects the good Woman who brought the Letter and has forwarn'd her the House Elv. I have consider'd this matter and your using my Name may breed dangerous Consequences Ros. Say you so 't is now too late I have settled the correspondence but I intend not to tell her how I have observ'd a loose Board in our Balcony and for fear the Woman shou'd be discover'd have order'd my dear Doristeo to take his Letters there and put his Answers under every Night To her self Elv. Have you written to him Ros. I have Elv.
be present at my Wedding To him I am sure he shall be so Aside Bern. When he has perform'd as many brave actions as I have done he shall think of peace but now Honour calls and he must go Elv. Does Honour call so soon Bell. I beseech you Sir let me have interest enough to prevail with you for his stay till my Daughters Wedding Bern. No Madam I have reasons to dispatch him away which I do not express Bell. And I have reasons to stay him here which I do not express Bern. My dear good-by afflict not thy self for my absence I 'le see thee again e're bed-time I kiss thy hand Farewell my beauteous Mother-in-Law Ex. Bernardo and Hernando Bell. Oh I faint I die my dear Luscindo Elv. Why Mother Madam Madam this is a mighty Love-qualm she recovers Bell. Ah my Luscindo Enter Tegue O Divelly who stands by unseen Elv. How Madam your Luscindo Bell. Come Daughter 't is in vain to endeavour to hide that Passion which has thus in spight of me betray'd it self but 't is wonderful to observe the power of Love and sympathy and all that but to lose this sweet Young Man Elv. Trouble not your self I 'le bring all about yet I spake even now of a Note it was not what I told you but a Ticket from Luscindo to me Bell. To you ah me ah me you are anoter mans wife will you give ear to him Elv. Hold Madam mistake me not he begs me to be his Advocate of Love to you Bell. Ah my dear child to me say'st thou Elv. He is infinitely taken with your person Bell. With me that am wholly spiritual but this sympathy of Lovers hearts is a great secret in Nature ●nough to puzzle all Philosophers But where 's the note Elv. I tore it lest his Father should spy it who is ignorant of all Know Madam I am now your Mother-in-law by a double way and will not bate an ace of my prerogative Bell. Ha ha ha dear child thou art an arch one I profess well go thy ways Elv. Take notice then Daughter Belliza you must be at your Balcony between Eleven and Twelve and Luscindo will entertain you there while I stand Centinel at the Wicket and watch who comes by Bell. Oh blest news I am transported aside You make me angry Daughter I entertain a man at midnight when I should be at my Beads to her Elv. Come Daughter I will have my Title and use my Authority I advise nay command you as a Mother Bell. Well thou art a wag I vow Elv. There 's no fear I your Mother-in-law will take care of you Bell. Well Daughter Elv. Daughter Bell. Mother then since thou wilt have it so I give my self up wholly to your conduct Tegue Aboo boo boo vilt dou sho joy arrah I vill put Excommunication upon dee art dou not ashaam'd and dosht dou not tremble to look me upon de faather gra didsht dou not maake Vow unto me never to commit marriage and like a pioush Vidow to give dy estaate unto de Caatolick Church Joy Trot I vill maake dee know it is a mortal sin to maary and I vill give dee up unto shaatan for dis gra Bell. Heaven what shall I say I am confounded Tegue Dou dosht behaave dy shelf gaallantly by my shoulwaation how didsht dou dare to put dee out-side of the door upon me hoh Bell. Good Father hear me I would marry to perswade my Husband to give his Estate to the Church Tegue Den dou voudsht be a pious Laady indeed Joy but he vill be aafter keeping dy Estaate and his own too an be Bell. While he thinks to have power over my Estate he is deceived for I have by a private Deed put it out of his reach Tegue It is very laudable and pious if dou dosht cozen him to a holy and good end gra but I will maake de groan under dy pennance indeed for talking of deese fleshly matters upon a fish-day Enter Rosania Ros. Ah who is here Tegue Ah by my shoul have I cought dee again in my clutches dou art possesht I vill exorcise dee now Rosan Stand off let me go thou beast thou Swine Belliza sneaks out Tegue Dosht dou hear d ee fiend speaks in her body and calls a Priest a Swine indeed I vill conjure dee phaat is dee Vidow gone aboo boo she hash put dee out-side of de door upon me again Daughter awoyd dis plaash dat I may exorcish Rosa. Help help Cousin I vill tear his eyes out Elvira Be gone you lustful Villain we will complain to the Fathers of the Inquisition Tegue By my shoul I vill maake a great laugh upon dee de inquisition is for de rich Jew and de Heretick dog come into another Chamber Joy Hold hold hold dy wicked nails Rosania scratches him and gets loose Elv. You a Priest a Devil Be gone They tear his Hood and Habit and beat him out Tegue Murder murder I vill excommunicaat I vill excommunicaat Rosa. Let 's follow him and see him out Exit Priest Elvira My mother threatens to send you to a Monastery to morrow Rosa. To a Monastery I am for ever lost Elv. Let 's retire and consult how to prevent it it grows very late and it will be time to write and lay my Note under the board in the Balcony Rosania shall write it that if my Mother should chance to find it I may disown it fear not Rosania I will contrive thy escape Rosa. A thousand blessings on thee Exit Elvira and Rosania Levia Gremia in the street Levia in Mans Habit Gre. Will you never go home Though you care not for your Reputation I will not lose mine Lev. Again thy stale advice thy Reputation thou art a Bawd and a foolish one Gre. Ah me that I should live to see this hour I a Bawd out on thee thou art a Whore and a silly one to run up and down in this lewd manner at these wicked hours canst thou not be a Whore and keep thy Reputation Lev. In short good impertinent froward Aunt either follow my directions or we will part for ever Gre. What shall I do if she leaves me I am ruin'd You know my good Nature too well you will make me grey with sorrow Lev. Come come be a good towardly Aunt and I 'le pass by all but do you hear fail not of getting admittance to Belliza and Elvira and tell them the story I have instructed you in Gre. You ever make a fool of me thus She cries Lev. Too well I know now Elvira is the cursed Object of Luscindo's Love and the cause of his deserting me Grem I see you love him still Lev. I hate him beyond all aversion and will be revenged though I perish with him Where are my Rogues Oh are you come Enter Six Bravo's 1 Bra. I never broke my word in my life do you think I have no honour in me Lev. Fire this house the
of your Journey Lusc. Then I am lost unless your Love be strong enough to carry you to the Noble resolution of Elv. What Resolution Can you doubt my Courage Lusc. The resolution of making an escape and flying to some distant place Elv. Your faith so plighted as it is leaves no room for doubt in such a heart as mine I am resolved to run all fortunes with you Lusc. My Saint my Angel let me adore thee Elv. Come come talk like a Mortal and consider of our escape Hern. So I have coun'd enough and have all my piteous Love-sick language ready Let me see Suns Moons Stars Planets Lightning for Eyes Roses Cherries Crimson Scarlet Tyrian Purple for the Spanish Wool upon the Cheeks Snow Lillies Milky way for the Skin Rubies and Coral for the Lips And Gums Pearls Oriental for the Teeth Sun-beams and Golden Tresses for the Hair that 's sandy Fire Flames Fry Burn Wounds Pistols Daggers Halters for my self and there 's an end on 't Enter Belliza in the Balcony Bell. I have secur'd all and am return'd Noble Sir and if you please you may proceed Hern. My most venerably amiable and amiably venerable Belliza I am come to lay my heart before you Bell. Most transcendently generous and generously transcendent Luscindo I must thank you for the passion which you bring Hern. A Pox on 't I do not know what to say to her Let me see I 'll make Love in Rhime out of Heroick Plays 't is even as natural here as upon the Stage Dearest Ursa Major Which signifies a Bear To himself I am so dazled with your radiant Eye That like the silly and unheedful flye As sweetly the Heroick Poet sings At that bright flame I 've sing'd m' advent'rous wings Ha that runs well enough Bell. My Noble Lindamour I find you are an errant Courtier now you cannot see my lustre in the dark Her Can it be dark dear Ursa while those eyes With such fierce beams my feeble sight surprize You shine so brightly that the vigilant Fowl Sacred among the Athenians call'd the Owl Keeps in his silent Cloyster with the Batts And conscious of the light the sullen Cats Forbear to Caterwaul forget their passions And fail their sev'ral scratching assignations Bell. He has a bewitching Tongue but comes not to the point Lusc. Here 's company coming at Ten to morrow Night I 'll not fail to have a Coach in the back-lane Joy of my heart farewel Elv. My Life my Soul farewel Hem hem Bell. Good lack she calls I must be gone Lusc. Hernando here let us retire Enter Doristeo Finardo and Sancho Doristeo My dearest friend I am infinitely obliged to you for your assistance Finar Not at all it is the duty of a friend Lusc. Who are these they go towards the Balcony ' Sdeath he is going up I 'le stop his proceedings Doristeo gets up on his mans shoulders and takes the Note from the balcony Dor. Here 's the dear Note let me read Reads Life of my Soul my Mother threatens me with a Nunnery as soon as it is light and except you come and rescue me I am lost to you and all the world for you are all I value in it Yours wholly ELVIRA Lusc. Let me draw and see who this Traitor is and punish his insolence Ha Doristeo He opens his lanthorn Dor. What lanthorn's that let us retire Enter Levia and Gremia with Six Bravo's Lev. This is the Villain fall on They fight Doristeo Finardo and Sancho come in to Luscindo they beat the Bravo's off Lusc. What Villains are these Grem Ah ah murther murther She runs about squeaking Lev. Ah cowardly Dogs Ex. Levia Dor. Hah Luscindo I am glad it was in my power to assist you against these Villains Lusc. aside Sir I must confess I owe my life to you let me see if I can fairly discover this Intrigue What lucky accident brought you hither to him Dor. You are a man of honour I shall have need of your assistance Elvira the daughter of this devout Widow here is my Mistress and has left a letter by appointment under a loose board in her Balcony to let me know that as soon as it is light her mother intends to force her to a Nunnery and conjures me to rescue her I may have of so gallant a mans Sword which I know you will not deny me there 's the Note Lusc. Oh heaven and earth it is her hand the same with my Note O Devil can so much beauty have so much falshood Draw and defend your self you saved my life but have now forfeited your own this Elvira is my mistress whom if you resign not to me you must die Dor. You mistress resign or die Nay then have at you Sancho stir one step and I will cut your throat Lusc. Take your life I now am even with you Luscindo and Doristeo fight and Finardo and Hernando Luscindo and Hernando disarm the other two Dor. Accursed fortune Hern. Take your Sword and say you are beholding to me Enter Bernardo in his Night-Gown with Servants and Flambeaux and Swords drawn Bern. What clashing of Swords and fighting has been here Dor. Let us retire from these lights Bern. Ungracious boy is 't you whom have you fought with what had you to do here I 'le pack you away for Flanders Lusc. I must confess I was somewhat late taking leave of my Mistress and as I was coming home I found a Gentleman and Two with him he climb'd the Balcony and I not knowing but it might be to violate the honour of your Mistress Hernando and I fell upon them disarm'd them and gave them their lives at present Bern. Voto Voto Diabolo why did you give them their lives let 's follow and murther them Lusc. They are fled out of distance but I know the Gentleman whom I will go to in the morning and make him promise under his hand to make no more attempts or I 'le cut his throat Bern. Damnation you foolish boy why did you give him his life Shall any Villain live who attempts the honour of Don Bernardo's Mistress Lusc. I gave him his life because I ought mine to him for just before I was set upon by half a dozen Bravo's and he fought gallantly and relieved me Bern. How Bravo's what a Devil 's this Lusc. Let 's in Sir and we 'll consult what 's to be done Bern. Come on I am in a mist I know not what to think on 't ACT V. SCENE I. Enter Elvira Rosania Rosa. IF ever life or liberty were dear to thee if ever love enter'd thy tender breast and thy Luscindo has possession there pity my sad condition Must I be buried while alive with Melancholy and Green-sick●●s'd Nuns your pious hypocrites and Chalk-eaters and lose for ever my dear Doristeo Upon my knees I beg thy help if ever thou hadst compassion in thee show it now Elv. I will my dear Rosania fear not I will prevent thy going to this
dreadful Nunnery Rosa. There is but one way left thou art intrusted by my Aunt with the keys of the house I have appointed Dcristeo to be ready this morning let me out and I shall owe my life my love and all the world to thee Elv. I am intrusted and would'st thou have me false to that trust Rosa. 'T is to be true to love the greatest power upon earth oh be not false to that Elv. I must consult my conscience Rosa. Oh look not dear Elvira to succeed in any of thy wishes if thou desertest me now Elv. I will not quit thy interest Rosa. There is no way left but this which if thou should'st deny me I am for ever miserable Elv. How knowest thou Doristeo is not wicked and may violate thy honour Rosa. I know first that I will part with my life before I yield my honour besides he has the reputation of a gallant man Elv. Well I will strain a point for thee and let thee out and I wish thee all the happiness fond lovers can imagine Rosa. Millions of blessings fall on thee my dear dear Elvira author of my life and liberty haste haste lest my Aunt or the Duoena should surprise us Farewel my dear dear Elvira Elv. Adieu my dear Rosania Elvira unlocks the Wicket aud le ts Rosania out thou art very near thy happiness I would I had as little difficulty but let it be never so great I am resolved to surmount all for my dear Luscindo's fake Enter Belliza Bell. What do you up so soon Elv. My concern for you daughter would not let me rest I came out of my Chamber thinking I had heard the door open did not you hear something Bell. Yes which made me come out of my Chamber Elv. We were deceived the door 's shut and I have the keys in my pocket Bell. Well this Luscindo is a charming person he so bewitch'd me with his Tongue my Eyes have never come together dear daughter Elv. Again daughter Bell. Dear Mother then take care of me or I am lost in the flower of my age Hah what knocking 's that Knocking at the Wicket Elv. I know not If some body has caught Rosania and brought her back both she and I am ruin'd aside Enter Grycia Gry. Madam yonder 's the Irish Father with a grave Old Gentlewoman at the door desire Entrance your Ladyship has the Keys Elv. Here they are She gives Grycia the Keys Bell. What can this mean Elv. I know not Ex. Grycia Enter Tegue O Divelly and Gremia Tegue Good morning Daughters the Saints bless ye here is a good pious antient and reverend Laady that vould be after spaakeing vid dy Faaders child and dine own der gra arrah She is a Gaallant Laady and Lovet de Church and is very dewout indeed a Laady of great rank and wertue Bell. Would your Ladyship have ought with me Gre. Are you Donna Belliza Bell. I am Gre. Your Ladyships most obedient Servant and is this your Daughter Madam Bell. It is Gre. I am your Ladyships most humble servant to command Tegue Do you not she now she is a graat Laady of great solidity of much breeding good behaviours and formalities and be Gre. You are then the mother and she the daughter good I have somewhat to impart to both your Ladyships which concerns me and both of ye Tegue She is a fine-spoken Laady as any in Madrid no dispraise I tell you Joy Gre. There is nothing so dear so precious in the world to a Lady as her Honour and Reputation very well and my concern for this is the occasion of my waiting upon you now do you conceive me Elv. Not I Madam truly Gre. Go to I have a Niece whom I have educated from her first budding till she is become mature as I may so say and ripe for gathering good Bell. She has a fine tongue truly Tegue Did I not shay sho to dee gra Gre. In this Niece did I place all my Joy having brought her up to all the rules of strictest Vertue right do you understand me Now this Niece de conceive me is one of the g●eatest beauties in Madrid de see well Elv. What is her Name Gre. Henrietta de Sylvia Tegue Ab●o by my shoul she is aafter telling a great lye indeed aside Gre. Now there is a Neighbour of your Ladyships one Don Bernardo and he has a Son named Luscindo very good as fine a person as the Sun e're shined on a person de understand me but to go on Bell. Whither does her discourse tend pray heaven he be not inconstant aside Gre. Now this Luscindo is a man of shining honour by his Deeds in Arms de conceive me now what does me this Luscindo I say what does me he do Elv. What does this impertinent creature drive at Gre. I say what does me he but prune himself and strut before her window with amorous contenance and mien very well dogs her when she goes to Church whispers in her ear at Mass de see Serenades her every night good now what does me she Tegue She has a raare shilver tongue fait an be she dosh talk gaallantly by my shoulwaation Gre. I say what does me she alas good Ladies you cannot but conceive that we of the frail Sex are liable and so forth de understand me Good my Neice my poor frail Niece alack alack I cannot speak for tears Bell. My mind misgives me I am miserable I scarce dare stay to hear the fatal Story aside Gre. I say what does me my Niece but become amorous of this young charming person well gives him a meeting signs a contract as he to her and since he has left her for this young Lady and has the impudence to own his new Passion My poor Niece lies distracted tearing of her hair bound in her bed Bell Ah ah ah Elv Oh savage Monster I 'le not bear this vile affront she tells it so naturally it cannot be feigned Tegue I vill maake testification upon Oat dat all dis is true and shartain fait and trot gra Bell. Ah ah Luscindo Luscindo Belliza falls into a fainting fit Gre. Ah me help help my Lady cut her Lace cut her Lace get some Arsa foetida blew Inkle or Patridge Feathers and burn under her Nose I hope I did not occasion this Tegue By my shoul I vill fling shome holy vater in her faash and cross it and it vill maake cure upon her He pulls out a bottle of Holy Water and sprinkles some upon Belliza's face and crosses and mutters Dey call defe fits but by my shoul dey are de evil Spirits dat vill get in at de mout if vee do not ta●ke great caare of dem Bell. Oh vile Luscindo but heaven has justly punish'd me for leaving my Beads for the vanity of Love Oh holy Father 't is you must give me comfort I wholly resign my self into your hands and will ever give my heart to heavenly matters and
this long commerce with so perfidious a man as you Lusc. By heaven and all the powers above I never once heard of her Name till now but you can write and make a sacrifice of me the most passionate and faithful Lover your Beauty e're shall gain to Doristeo Elv. Though you deserve not any satisfaction in vindication of my honour yet I do avow 't is not my hand Lusc. Nor this Showing her other Note Elv. Nor that Lusc. 'T is well you had your Confident to write that whensoe're you pleas'd you might disown it Falshood to the height then this is yours Elv. It is and you deserve it from me and I resent your injury so much I have condemned my self to misery perpetual misery for my revenge Ah! think then how I could have loved Lusc. Could you By Heaven and all its Powers I am not false nor ever heard the Name you mention'd Elv. Did you not even now part with her Aunt and a young Gentleman who I suppose is of her kindred But what can I expect from one so mean as could receive a blow Lusc. Oh Heaven and Earth I am the vilest Wretch the basest Miscreant if that young Gentleman be not one Levia a famous Courtezan The other Person is a Baud her Aunt This Courtezan unfortunately cast her love on me and has for my neglect and scorn of her pursued my life Elv. Father Tegue introduced her Aunt to my Mother and me and vouch'd her for a Lady of Quality and all she said for truth Lusc. Did you once know the vileness of that Priest you would as soon believe the Devil Elv. I know he is a Villain aside His story looks like truth indeed I cannot on second thoughts believe that he could take a blow from any man I fear I 've been too rash and am undone To my own honour this is due the last Nights Note to you was written by my Cousin Rosania if my Mother found it I might disown it to her That to Doristeo was from and for her self he fell in love with her took her for the Daughter me for the Niece and Rosania has carried on her correspondence with him in my Name and this the Powers of Heaven can witness is all true Lusc. O Heaven what fatal accidents have hurried me even to the brink of Ruine Low on the earth and at your feet I will for ever lye till you shall pardon me my base suspicion that you were false and will believe me true Elv. Rise Sir I do Lusc. Then am I happier than all the prosperous Monarchs of the Earth I was plung'd into the lowest Gulf of Darkness and now am raised to visit Light again Elv. Hold not too fast I see no prospect yet of a clear light but Clouds and Storms about us Our most unfortunate mistakes have carried me so far to make the engagement to your Father and I can see no way to break it Lusc. How Elvira Those fatal Words contain my sentence since you can be so unkind as now to think of quitting me to make my Father happy And give that Heart to him engaged to me This fatal Instrument shall set you free Elv. Hold dear and more than ever dear Luscindo I am intirely yours nor Fate nor Time nor Death shall fever us Lusc. Let me for ever hold you within these Arms and let our Love like to a broken Limb grow stronger Elv. We have no time for Raptures no escape can now be made the Streets are full and we shall soon be forced from one another Lusc. It remains that we must do what cannot be undone and find a Priest to join us instantly Enter Tegue Elv. Here 's one at hand I must confess a wicked one Lusc. Most opportunely come I 'll make him him do it Father let us withdraw we have some business to consult your wisdom in Teg. Come den I vill do phat I can for your Fauders Child joy and I vil employ all my visdom upon you gra Exeunt Bernardo in his House with his Servants in the Barbers hands Ber. Are all my servants ready to wait in their best accountrements Diego They are without Sir and Hernando is gone for a Priest and Musick and Kettle-Drums Bern. This is a joyful day and I will celebrate it with all the pomp I can come Washball refresh my countenance and take off the superfluous crop but as thou lovest thy Ears or Nose that bolt-sprit of thy face prophane not my inviolate Whiskers for every single hair thou shalt diminish there I will lop off from thee a member sirrah Barber I warrant you Sir I know the value of a Whisker in Madrid Bern. Come Snip Snap begin He puts his Cap and Cloath on Enter Levia How now Springall who art thou Levia Pardon Sir my abrupt intrusion I doubt not but you are so much a Cavalier as to protect a Gentleman in distress Bern. I am as much a Cavalier as any man my manifold atchievements witness for me the world rings of 'em and one thing sprig of honour I tell thee no man in Madrid has more Castilian blood running in his Veins than I. Lev. I am happy to fall into the hands of such a gallant man Bern. Thy story Lad thy story thou art as safe here as in the Castle of Millain Lev. I 'le tell it Sir in whisper and in short Ber. Stand back all Lev. I have been several times of late dog'd and assaulted by Bravo's and by the confession of one of 'em whom I took I found that they were hired by a Young Lady of your Neighbourhood Elvira daughter to Donna Belliza Bern. How say'st thou stripling Lev. And which makes me apply my self to you they say your Son Luscindo joyns with her in the bloody business and except you can take him off and get him to prevail on her one time or other I must fall a sacrifice to their fury Ber. Diabolo Elvira and my Son Lev. By heaven 't is true the fellow is here ready to testifie it but did you know me my honour would pass with you Ber. But hold stripling why should they pursue your life Lev. You are a man of honour and have promised me protection and I 'le hide nothing from you the truth is Elvira is my Mistress I have enjoy'd her and she has sacrificed me to Luscindo Ber. Hell and damnation Lev. Her barbarous usage and your generosity will clear my honour for revealing this they thinking that they cannot enjoy themselves in freedom while I live endeavour to dispatch me and but last night Ber. Last night Furies and Devils this must be true I thought he had not known her Lev. I saw him this morning sneak into the house she let him in and there he was even when I enter'd here Ber. Where 's my Sword Come Youth by Belzebub and all his host of Devils thou shalt see 'em both fall by this arm come along Barb. Shall I take my Clothes off Bern. Damn