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A39640 The scholars vade mecvm, or, The serious student's solid and silent tutor being a translation of Marcus Antonius Flaminius out of Latin into English : with som few alterations therein by vaie of essay, as also certain idiomatologic annotations on the said author / by John Norton. Flaminio, Marco Antonio, 1498-1550.; Norton, John, b. 1662.; Flaminio, Marco Antonio, 1498-1550. Poems. 1674 (1674) Wing F1132A; ESTC R998 95,396 456

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through these infections to the blessed Seats of the Heavenly Inhabitants Let all things be managed by the nod of him whether we take bread or handle at home or abroad any business or rowl again any thing in the inward mind may all that look for ever to the glory of the Blessed God-head O most chief Ruler of the Heavenly Inhabitants grant these things which we request with the whole mind to all who worship Thee and Thy onely Son with a pure heart through the everlasting Spirit Amen The Noon Prayer THe Sun now hath run through the highest tops of Heaven with a quick Star the nourishing Earth groweth warm with hot fires But thou O merciful Father inflame our cold hearts with Thy blessed Light stir up so great flames of Love in all the senses of the Godly that whatsoever the World containeth may be filthy to them in comparison of Thee neither let any strength moderate this hot burning of love but increasing still it may fly over all the Arches of Heaven and joyn us to the most chief Father with an unloosable bond Most great Framer of the Earth and Heaven we send these our Prayers from the lowest Breast to Thy Ears Prosper Thou our vows with Thy helping God head and grant these things to us for Thy Glory Amen The Evening Prayer THe Evening being risen beginneth to hide the day with darkness now we pray Thee the Father of holy Light not to suffer dark Night to creep into the minds of Thy People whether sweet sleep refresheth with nourishing rest or whether it forsaketh our languishing Lights O everlasting Light never depart from godly hearts that Thou may give them for ever every day more and more to see the bounty of the most great God-head with a clear mind and to burn from henceforth alway with the fires of the best love O chiefest Father of the Heavenly Inhabitants bring nigh thy bountiful ears to the vows of thy Suppliants that so we may direct all the senses of our heart and our sayings and deeds to Thy glory Amen The Poëms of that Seraphic Person Marcus Antonius Flaminius concerning Divine matters in Companie with John Norton's both Grammatic and Paraphrastic or if you pleace Periphrastic Translation with som smal notes of his perchance not unworthi the perusal The Matutin Precation THe Morning Star the fore-runner of the fair deie dispelleth now the shadows of the Noict from off the Earth and Skie and admonisheth us over and abov to leav our beds and pour forth our praiers from the bottom of our hearts toward the hihest Heavn Therefore wee most humbly prai the Aetern Father of Lihts that as He illuminateth all the parts of the Air so he vould replenish our hearts with the liht of His holi Spirit who mai conduct us free from all blame through these contagions here below to the blessed Mansions of those on hih Mai all things be managed according to His pleaceur whether wee eat or drink or do ani business at home or abroad or think anithing in our most retired thouhts mai all that have an oie for ever to the glorie of the blessed Deitie O most hih Moderator of the Heavns vouchsafe these things to us who beg them of Thee with our hol Soul evn to them also who call on Thee Thour oneli Son through the help of the holi Spirit Amen The Meridian Precation SEeing the Sun is now com swiftly to the hihest the earth surely at the hotest do Thu now O gratious Pather heat our cold hearts with Thour blessed liht so inflame all the senses of thour servants that whatsoever is in the world mai be in comparison of Thee to them as a sor did thing neither let ani power allai this effervescence of lov but that still increscing more and more it mai flee over the hihest Heavns and join us to the most Hih God our Pather with an indissolubl bond These our Petitions we praesent to Thour audience from the bottom of our hearts O most Sovereign Maker of Heavn and Earth favor Thu our Petitions with Thour gratious goodness and vouchsafe them to us to Thour glorie Amen The Vespertin Precation THe shadows of the Eevning are already stretched on us and begin to darkn the deie and now wee also beseech Thee the Pather of holi Liht not to permitt darkness to creep on our Souls Whether our Bodies be refreshed with sweet sleep or whether our weak oies refuse the same O everlasting Liht never depart from pious Souls so that everi deie more and more thei mai be vouchsafed to behold the goodness of Thour most great Sovereigntie with a clear Spirit and hereupon to be inslamed with the Ardors of the choicest Lov. O most hih heavnli Pather bow down Thour gratious Ear to the supplication of thour servants so that all the intentions of our hearts expressions of our lips and actions of our lifes may bend tend aim at Thour Prais Honor Glorie Amen HYMNUS I. Constitutus in magna aegritudine animi implorat opem Christi BEnigne Jesu qaeso nè despice fervidas precationes mea vota Ut terra hiulca ignibus solis sic meus animus afflictus aeger aridus exspectat Tuum dulcissimum rorem O mea Salus resrigera meam mentem muta metus dolores lacrymas perenni gaudio ut hae slebiles qerelae mutentur in Tuas laudes vox agentis gratias personet noctes qe dies Qaeso nè pondera more judicis qid egerim qid dixerim qid cogitaverim sed deleas omnia mea peccata Tuo cruore dolor Tuorum vulnerum sanct me Tua amara mors instillet dulcedinem meo cordi ut fortis libens feram meam crucem HYMN II. Qàm beati sint qi sua cruce sumpta sequntur Christum I Lle beatus qi tollit suam crucem qotidie qe sectatur Jesum magnis passibus Maximus Pater Coelestium adoptat ultro illum filium sibi qe donat ei Spiritum beatum pignus inclytae haereditatis delentem omnia peccata Is excitat miros amores Optimi Patris in intimo corde Hinc ille temnens omnia qaecunqe tellus dives arena maris continet laetatur unico Deo Nominat Hunc spem salutem gloriam qe suum gaudium Patrem Magistrum qe conspicit tegentem dextrum latus sibi utsecurus ambulet per formidolosas vias hujus vitae sentiat benignitatem chari Patris ergò nec humana vis nec tremendus furor inferorum territat illum maximis casibus periculorum manet semper immobilis ut dura rupes tunsa procellis turgidi Adriae nec negligens sui cessat juvare hostes amicos patriam ullo tempore sic ille colens vitam Coelitûm triumphat perenni gaudio licèt impius sit potens terrae qe maris qe occupet pulcrum nomen felicis est semper miser HYMN III. Comparat suum animum Flori. UT tenellus formosus
down my consumed members with a horrible Feaver trembling shaketh together my bones with a raging cold furthermore a sharp scorching burneth my inmost marrows as fire wasteth away dry Torches Now I have lost my body a light shadow of me scarcely is above ground As a flower heavied with showers throweth down its little tender head so my little miserable undone soul giveth place to the weight of evil things O bountiful Jesu look back to my Labours under-lift me falling with Thy right hand I do not now pray that this plague may go away from my body I seek after again and request this one thing in all my vows that thou wouldst minister to me strength and constancy Let this fire devour my weak Joynts marrows all my bones whilst my mind being mended lively and strong by Thy Spirit may resist and being pleasant alwayes may sing praises in consort to thee The bounteous Jesus having suffered horrible Wounds is ready to run under those who are grieving O my Soul cast away faithfully sickness fears complaints rest thou call on the most sweet Name of Thy King he is a most strong Tower to those who are calling upon him GRAM X. He grieveth himself to be now an Old Man neither yet till this time have begun to serve God with his mind A Lack Old Age being sprinkled on my hairs waxeth gray Age slippeth away as the water of a flood and pale Death plucking the ear admonisheth Miserable ah miserable man how long dost thou go on to follow thorowly dreams and vain shadows Immediately thou shalt be made to appear to the most Holy Tribunal of the chiefest Judge who who who knoweth the inmost senses of the heart the sayings the deeds of all men the mind judgeth all these things to be true sure and all things being lest wisheth burneth endeavoureth to serve the chiefest blessed God-head with his whole Forces but oh my little miserable wretch fastned to the filthy Earth laboureth in vain A match go to support me O bountiful Jesus come under me for help and reach forth Thy right hand Thou hast called me dead in time past from beneath by Thy Death do not suffer me now being alive to perish again by Thy life Make that I may despise all humane things and being naked may follow thee naked and loose me at last from the knittings of my massy body that my pure and whole mind having seized on the life of the heavenly Inhabitants may leave never to praise thee O holy and the best Father and the everlasting Spirit Jesus the safe-guard the haven the joy of his Suppliants will yield to those things which I pray against with my whole mind I will give thanks to the bounteous God-head and will alway sing his praises with a joying breast GRAM XI How sweet and wholsome may the daily meditation of the wounds and torments of Christ be O Jesus I pray never cease to feed me with the holy gore-blood of Thy wounds that blood strengthneth me and filleth me up with sweet joy This is a cup of heavenly love knocking away all filthy loves My mind drunk with this drink is made unmindful of it self and all things whatsoever the World containeth and thinketh on the onely God and Thy love O vehement love to be spoken out by no man thou dost lead down the Son of the greatest God from the blessed Seats and beputtest on him a mortal body and then settest him upon the rough Cross So o lovely most sweet love stir up so great flames of love in my senses that these knittings of my weighty body being burnt I being blessed may fly to the best Jesus with Thy wings GRAM XII He prayeth that by the bounty of Christ it may be lawful for him to lead a life godlily and holily O Present safeguard of all men who Worship thee with a pure mind Give I pray that I may think do speak nothing that may not please Thy godhead that I may be gentle bountiful toward the good evil least I should be a base Son of the best Father who enlightneth all with the fair light of the Sun He furnisheth all with meat and drink Direct me chastly or rather continuedly through the ways of Thy Laws that I may know and speak openly that whatsoever of good I shall do all that to be of thy gift Whether the Feaver grazeth on my joynts or whether the wicked Souldier burneth my Fathely house let me not leave to say praises to thee but that I may live quietly nothing doubting all things to be governed by the nod of Thy god-head It behoveth that prosperous and rough things ought to delight the Sons of God May I bear the glory of thee and the most great Father before my health neither may any thing more wished for happen to me than to suffer reproaches for thee let that death be dearer to me than light it self that I being uncloathed of my body may fly to the blessed joys of Thy Kingdom GRAM XIII He giveth thanks to Christ by whose benefit he is taken away by force from the most great dangers and called back again to the way of Salvation O Blessed Light of the Heavenly Dwellers the most trusty safeguard of mortals bounteous Jesus what thanks shall I give to thee as a little miserable sheep in time past erring from the flock lurketh in fearful Forrests to be devoured by and by by the snatching wild Beasts so I the most miserable of all being blind did rush violently through all evils when the white light of Thy blessed Spirit hath shined bright again and shewed me the way which leadeth to the eternal Kingdoms of the happy heavenly powers that light hath driven away the darknesses of my mind that light hath fastned the Torches of Thy most sweet love in my heart O holy from that time whole I burn for thee I being wounded with love seek thee to see Thy innocent countenance my mind burneth to enjoy Thy embracings she thinketh on nothing now besidethee only A raging Lover never so utterly perished for a comely Virgin both of the Parents never loved so a little tender Son My soft heart is melted with the scorching heat of love as wax is wont being stricken through with hot Suns O flame cooling my mind and boyling fully out all spots set me on fire alway every day more and more go on to singe me waste me until thou shalt turn me whole into thy Torches GRAM XIV He complaineth the greatest part of men Christ being left to study empty things O Blessed Jesus if they who love empty things did know how sweet it is to make use of Thy holy love oh how it would weary them of their madness The sharp wounds of Thy body flow with so great sweetness that whosoever will suck them he may being forgetful of himself now loath riches honours and all things that he loved and rejoyce in the onely glory of God But a blind Nation setteth
stale and plaguy Lakes before these Fountains O most great Jesus great thank be to thee who washest and nourishest me with Thy most pure blood GRAM XV. He speaketh openly himself to rush headlong into all evils without the guardianship of Christ O Holy Jesus I Worship thee with a suppliant heart I dedicate my heart and mind to thee As a Child of two years Old if he wants his Keeper createth great hazards to himself so I if the present guardianship of Thy Spirit be wanting rush headlong into all evils Sweet bounteous Spirit I pray possess me whole and set on fire my heart with love of Thy flame enlighten the darknesses of my mind boil out whatsoever of hurt sticketh fast in me Make that I may alway rejoyce in thee riches honours may be filthy and let the glory of the Father be clearer than light to me whether the Garden feedeth the looks with a jewelly colour of Flowers or whether the whispering Fountain delighteth with glassy waters from thence let a voice arise quickly into the praises of God The Sun the Moon the shining of the Stars the slidings of the Rivers all the Year long the beautiful Wood the Field redounding with fruit All things whatsoever I see command me to see and handle in my hand the most great bounty of the holy blessed God-head From hence will I learn to help all meekly to hurt no man that I. being pure holy and dear to God may pass what resteth of my Age Furthermore flying over the chiefest Stars of heaven I shall enjoy joy all the year through GRAM XVI Of his burning love towards Christ VVHole I languish with love neither is thereany rest now given me Bountiful Jesu comfort now my mind shew forth thy innocent looks make my lights blessed by thy light neither I pray do thou being loving deny a kiss to me loving O thou the Bride groom of my Soul she seeketh for thee she calleth on thee continually with tears Thou O holy cannot surely hate her Redeemed out of the hand of Death with thy blood and wounded with the love of thee Therefore why doth not my little miserable wretch feel the sweetness of thy presence Ah why do the winds scatter my suppliant complaints But albeit thou wrest me loving with vexing love she will not cease to love thee O Jesus to pine away with the love of thee is a most sweet thing GRAM XVII Being brought into an extreme danger of his life by the greatness of a Disease he commendeth his mind to God O Blessed Ruler of the heavenly Dwellers who lovest the health of Mortals so that thou hast washed away the sins of them with the blessed gore-blood of thy holy Son take up the Spirit of thy praying Servant who having relied on thy onely bounty forsaketh willingly his weak joynts O best Father that he desiring the high Stars of Heaven may enjoy thy presence and everlasting joy GRAM XVIII To Margaret the Sister of Harry King of the Gauls O Chast Maid the Noble off-spring of the Kingly stock garnished with holy manners and letters and shining with the comliness of wit we have written these things when a long Feaver did sit upon our dry joynts we were about to add very much to them but that our mind being made heavy with the labours of the body did wax faint But thou O innocent grown Maid burning with the fires of heavenly love as my mind guesseth will read this small little Book but godly more willingly than the ancient Verses of Poets stuffed with empty trifles PARAPH. I. Being in grievous and extreme troubl and anguish of mind and Spirit hee imploreth beggeth with tears that Christ would help and comfort him O Most merciful Jesu I beseech Thee incline bow Thour ear giv audience to mi earnest praiers Petitions supplications for as the dri earth is chapped parched scorched with the extreme heat of the Sun evn so mi oppressed diseased withered Spirit thirsteth longeth panteth for Thour most sweet dilicious pleacent dew O God of mi Salvation refresh mi mind wit understanding and in the room of mi timors dolors lamentabl tears pleace to place everlasting joie That so these weeping wailing woful complaints of mine mai be translated converted exchanged into Thour praises and mi toung celebrating Thour lauds mai publish shout sound them forth alway deie and noict without cesing O do not I beg of Thee tri examin mark the deeds words thouhts of mi heart with severitie like a Judg but let al mi transgressions iniquities sins be expunged obliterated blotted out with Thour pretious heart-blood let the pain grief anguish of Thour wounds heal me and let Thour horrid Death stil diffuse effuse pour forth consolations into mi heart that I mai undergo mi trials afflictions crosses with Christian fortitude courage strength and alacritie cheerfulness joifulness PARAPH. II. With how great beatitude blessedness bliss are thei incircled environed encompassed who having taken up their Cross becom are find themselfs to be Imitators Discipls followers of Christ HAppi is the man who attolleth lifteth taketh up his Cross deily and followeth Jesus fully him the most magnificent ProCreAtor of the Coelestial Inhabitants taketh and maketh his Son bi adoption of His own pleaceur and free grace and conferreth bestoweth on giveth to him His Spirit who taketh away al iniqitie which is the blessed tokn happi earnest heavnli pledg of our hih and glorious Inhaeritance abov Thee it is exciteth raiseth stirreth up the miraculous ardors effervescences ebullitions in our most inward parts toward the Pather of al Pathers Hereupon he contemning whatsoever can be conteined within the circumference circuit compass of the wide Land and wealthy Sea-shore placeth his joie in God alone Him onely bi Name hath hee to be his hope Salvation glorie and joie Master and Pather and ever in his eie readi standing bi for his auxil aid help that so he mai pass the time of his sojourning here void of care thorow the midst of the wofull rufull dreadful waies of this life and cgno tast feel the bounteous lov of his dear and dearly beloved Pather Therefore neither shal the force of man make him afraid nor yet the infernal furie with al it greatest hazardous and tremendous perils but stil he abideth setled stedfast unremovable as a firm fast fixt rock knockt boxt beatn with the boisterous billows of the tempestuous hih-huffing raging bouncing bellowing roaring Sea neither doth he forbear at ani time tho with a neglect sliht disregard of himself to afford assistence to his Inimies Friends and nativ Countrie thus hee passing on in an heavnly life surpasseth Jubilees in joie everlasting albeit a wicked one mai hapn to be Lord and Master of the Land and Sea and procure and purchase get and gain possess and obtein the Credit Titl and Name Splendor Reputation and Fame of an happi person yet for al that he is no better at ani time than a wofull
Parvum libellum sed pium Qàm prisca vatum carmina Nugis referta inanibus ARNOLDO Non illi de Villa nova noto sed nostro de Britannia Antiqa notissimo Johanni sc Arnoldo Armigero Carolíqe Secundi D. G. Regis Britanniarum c. ex Curatoribus sive Custodibus Pacis Nunc Vni Vicecomiti comitatûs Monmouth Nupero Viro omni exceptione majori Omni fama melioti De patria maximè optimè metito Domino Undiqaqe ornatissimo proinde perpetuò nominibus omnibus colendo SPD Húncqe Marci Antonii Flaminii de rebus divinis libellulum verè aureum auribúsqe vel sacerrimis dignissimum jam Anglicanitate sit verbo venia donatum notísqe nostris ceu stellulis qibusdam vel ignibus minoribus si minùs illustratum certè variegatum tanqam maximae observantiae haud minimum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 monumentum vel veriùs monimentum in perpetuúmqe honoris 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 humillimè offert LMQDDD Johanniculus Nortonulus Ortu Londinensis at oriundus agro Hartfordiensi Grammatica Rhetorica qaedam inter legendum ludendum hinc indé collecta heic coràm selecta cum observatiunculis notulis qibusdam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 jure optimo meritóqe in calcem codicis jam tandem rejectis Vocum qarundam curta tum declinationis tum Conjugationis adumbratin us Grammatica ad candidiorum captum accommodata ad verbum interpretatio sive ut cum eruditis loqar 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Matutina Precatio LUcifer 2 d. m. nuncius 2 d. m. almae ut bonus diei 5 d. dub dimovat 2. c. jam adv umbras 1d f. noctis 3 d. f. terrâ 1 d. f. qe con polo 2. d. m. qe conj monet 2. c. simul adv nos Pr. cubilibus 3d. n. relictis ut bon fundere 3. c. preces 3 d. f. ab Praep. imo ut bo pectore 3 d. n. ad Praep. summa ut bon Templa 2 d. n. Coelitum 3 d. pl. m. ergo con supplices ut felix oremus 1. c. perennem ut tristis fontem 3 d. m. luminum 3 d. n. ut con sicut con illustrat 1. c. omnes ut trist oras 1. d. f. aëris 3. d. m. sic Adv. repleat 2. c. nostra bon corda 3. d. n. fulgore 2. d. m. Sancti bon Spiritûs 4. d. m. qi Pron traducat 3. c. nos 2. d. o. puros bon ab Praep. omni trist crimine 3. d. n. per Praep. haec Pron contagia 2. d. n. ad Praep. beatas bon sedes 3. d. f. Coelestium trist omnia trist gerantur 3. c. nutu 4. d. m. illius Pron qe con sive con sumimus 3. c. cibum 2. d. m. seu con tractamus 1. c. domi 2. d. f. aut con foris Adv. qid Pron negotii 2. d. n. seu con revolvimus 3. c. qid Pron intima bon mente 3. d. f. omne trist id Pron spectet 1. c. semper Adv. gloriam 1. d. f. beati bon numinis 3. d. n. Supreme bon Rector 3. d. m. Coelitum 3. d. m. concedito 3. c. haec Pron qae Pron poscimus 3. c. tota bon mente 3. d. f. omnibus trist qi Pron colunt 3. c. Te Pron con Tuum Pron unicum bon Natum 2. d. m. puro ut bon corde 3. d. n. per Praep. sempiternum bon Spiritum 4. d. m. The Morning Prayer THe Morning Star the Messenger of the fair Day removeth now the shadows of the Night from the Earth and Heaven and admonisheth moreover us our Beds being left to pour forth our Prayers from the lowest breast toward the chief Temples of the Heavenly Inhabitants Therefore we being Suppliants let us pray the everlasting Fountain of Lights that as he enlightneth all the Coasts of the Air so he may fill our hearts with the brightness of his Holy Spirit who may lead us pure from every sin through these infections to the blessed Seats of the heavenly Inhabitants Let all things be managed by the nod of him and whether we take bread or handle at home or abroad any business or rowl again any thing in the inward mind may all that look for ever to the glory of the Blessed God-head O most chief Ruler of the Heavenly Inhabitants grant these things which we request with the whole mind to all who worship Thee and Thy onely Son with a pure heart through the everlasting Spirit Meridiana Precatio SOL 3. d. m. percurrit 3. c. jam Adv. suprema bon culmina 3. d. n. Coeli 2. d. n. citato bon sidere 3. d. n. alma bon tellus 3. d. f. calescit 3. c. fervidis bon ignibus 3. d. f. At Adv. tu Pron benigne bon Pater 3. d. m. accende 3. c. frigida bon corda 3. d. n. beato bon lumine 3. d. n. excita 1. c. tantos bon ignes 3. d. f. amoris 3. d. m. in Praep. omnibus trist sensibus 4. d. m. piorum 2. d. m. ut con qicqid Pron orbis 3. d. m. continet 2. c. sit 3. c. sordidum bon illis Pron prae Praep. te Pron nec con ulla bon vis 3. d. f. temperet 1. c. hunc Pron fervidum bon aestum 4. d. m. amoris 3. d. m. sed Adv. crescens Part. usqe Adv. transvolet 1. c. omnia trist convexa 2. d. n. Coeli 2. d. n. qe con jungat 3. c. nos Pron summo bon Patri 3. d. m. insolubili trist vinculo 2. d. n. maxime bon conditor 3. d. m. terrae 1. d. f. qe con poli 2. d. m. nos Pron mittimus 3. c. has Pron precationes 3. d. f ab Praep. imo bon pectore 3. d. n. ad Praep. Tuas Pron aures 3. d. f. Tu Pron secunda 1. c. nostra Pron vota 2. d. n. extro bon numine 3. d. n. qe con concedito 3. c. haec Pron nobis Pron ad Praep. Tuam Pron gloriam 1. d. f. The Noon Prayer THe Sun hath run through now the highest tops of Heaven with a quick Star the nourishing Earth groweth warm with hot fires But thou O merciful Father inflame our cold hearts with Thy blessed Light stir up so great fires of Love in all the senses of the Godly that whatsoever the World containeth may be filthy to them for Thee neither let any strength moderate this hot burning of love but increasing still it may fly over all the Arches of Heaven and may joyn us to the most chief Father with an unloosable bond Most great Framer of the Earth and Heaven we send these our prayers from the lowest breast to thy ears Prosper thou our vows with Thy helping God-head and grant these things to us for Thy glory Vespertina Precatio VEsper 2. d. m. ortus bon incipit 3. c. jam Adv. condere 3. c. diem 5. d. dub tenebris 1. d. f. precamur 1. c. jam Adv. Te Pron parentem 3. d. con Sancti bon luminis 3. d.
thought after the manner of a Judge but blot out all my sins with thy gore blood let the grief of thy wounds heal me let thy bitter death drop sweetness into my heart that I may bear my Cross stoutly and willingly GRAM II. How blessed are they that follow Christ their Cross taken up HE is blessed who lifteth up his Cross every day and followeth Jesus close with great paces the most great Father of the Heavenly Dwellers taketh him unto himself for his Son willingly and giveth him his Spirit blotting out all sins the blessed pledge of the renowned Inheritance he stirreth up the wonderful loves of the best Father in the inmost heart From hence he despising all things whatsoever the Earth and the rich sand of the Sea containeth rejoyceth in the onely God he calleth him his hope health glory and his joy Father Master and beholdeth him alway covering to himself his right side that he may walk secure through the fearful ways of this Life and understand the bounty of his dear Father Therefore neither can humane strength nor the rage of the Souls in Hell to be trembled at in the greatest falls of dangers he abideth alway immovable as an hard Rock knocked by the storms of the swelled Adrian Sea neither neglecting himself doth he cease to help his Enemies Friends Countrey at any time so he respecting the life of the Heavenly Inhabitants triumpheth with joy all the Year long although the wicked men be powerful on Land and Sea and occupy the fair name of an happy man he is alway a miserable m●n GRAM III. He compareth his mind to a Flower AS a very tender beautiful Flower unfoldeth its bush of hair in the lap of the nourishing Earth if the Dew and the Rain draw it forth so my very tender mind flourisheth while it is fed with the sweet Dew of the good Spirit if she lacketh this she presently waxeth faint as a Flower born of the dry Earth unless the Dew and the Rain draw it forth GRAM IV. He affirmeth them to be onely blessed who all other things being left cleave to Christ OYe blind men how long do ye go on to love vain Dreams and the false Images of things Neither the shape conquering Nireas nor the rich use of Purple nor a mind travelling over the Stars and the broad Downs of the Air and Sea and the lowest Lands make People blessed The onely way of happiness is the bountiful Jesus the giver of all good things run all to him run faithfully he leaving the blessed Seats of the Heavenly Dwellers for the love of us bore hunger and thirst and wounds and cruel death he loatheth no man he loveth to help the undone sick pressed with the weight of evils Parents love not so a best and onely Son as he us O he is blessed an hundred times who dedicateth himself to thee into thy Service with his whole mind GRAM V. He speaketh openly of the benefits bestowed upon him and other mortal men by Christ BLessed Jesus the eternal off-spring of the most great God-head with what praises am I able to bring out Thy mildness Thou leaving the fair Stars shaped by the right hand puttest on a mortal Body that I forsaking the Earth may climb up the highest tops of Heaven and thou dost sustain sower wounds and the cruel death of the Cross that I being wounded by the mouth of the skilful Serpent and being certain of death may rejoyce having seized on the life of the Heavenly powers and by thy gift made thy joynt-Heir O bountiful Jesus I pray make that I may think on these things alway that I may give thanks to thee and the chiefest Father and that I may wait upon you godly and love you with my whole mind GRAM VI. What should be kept by the Lovers of Christ VVHosoever loveth Jesus let him learn to esteem all humane things nothing One loving Riches Honours Glory cannot love Jesus purely leave the rest of things and possess one Jesus For whatsoever of good is in any place thou shalt so possess it he will chase away tears fears griefs from thy breast sweet joys abide alway where the candid Jesus tarrieth he is the onely pleasure of the Lovers of him Albeit thy Father and Mother will leave thee the best Jesus the faithful Companion of all hazards will never depart from thy right-hand and when the chiefest day shall come to thee he will bear thee over into the holy Kingdoms of the heavenly Dwellers that thou mayst enjoy life together with everlasting joy GRAM VII He expresseth the burning of his Love towards Christ O Holy Jesus my mind being stricken with the wound of love breatheth for thee O my health loose me at length from these bonds that I being blessed may fly out to thy presence make that whole I in the mean time may burn with love toward thee more and more that my mind being pure from the infection of my body may go out the fitter for thy embraces Be thou my hope pleasure the onely joy of my heart Bounteous Jesus make me I pray to despise all humane things for thee Grant that all things for thee one may be base to me Whether the fair Sun shineth upon the coasts of the Sky with a fair light or the night watereth our faint bodies with a bountiful sleep Let my mind seek call on sing of thee at home and abroad and being happy may rest onely in thy sweet Name GRAM VIII An Hymn upon Christ LEt us the chaste Virgins let us whole Youth let us men old men old women sing of Jesus Jesus Jesus in the Faith of whom we are glad to be who loveth and huggeth us with a Fatherly love O eternal Son of the chiefest God-head builder of the Stars the Earth and Sea Nothing the wide passing greatness of the heaven nothing the great World containeth not made by thy right hand Thou sitting in the lap of the Father feedest governest all things Thou having pitied our misery puttest on a mortal body with most great Charity and being fastned under to the cruel Cross vindicatest us from eternal fires by thy Death Thou Death being overcome having returned into thy Palace placest the Worshippers of thee together in the golden part of heaven All the Company of the Heavenly Dwellers sing together of thee night and day The everlasting Spirit testifieth thee to be the onely Author of health thou art the rest light pleasure of minds Thou art the Feeder the Lamb taking away all sins the eternal Priest present to allay the anger of the most great Godhead Merciful sweet best Jesus thou being bountiful prosper the course of thine as thou art wont and take up the godly praises which we pour out with a pure mouth GRAM IX He calleth on Christ understanding himself now to be grieved with the greatness of a Disease THE Horns of the Moon now fill themselves up together with a fifth light when I eat