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A38689 The comical revenge, or, Love in a tub acted at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Etherege, George, Sir, 1635?-1691. 1664 (1664) Wing E3367; ESTC R21926 47,652 102

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so Sir Sir Fred. I 'le have all the helps that may be to Allay a dangerous fire Widows must Needs have furious flames the bellows Have been at work and blown'em up Wid. You grow too rude Sir I will have my Humour a walk i' th' Garden and afterwards We 'l take the Air in the Park Sir Fred. Let us joyn hands then Widow Wid. Without the dangerous help of a Parson I do not fear it Sir Ex Sir Fred. and Wid. Dufoy Begar I do no care two Soulz if de Shamber-maid ver hangé be it not Great deal better pretendé d' affection to Her dan to tellé de hole Varldé I do take De Medicine vor de clapé begar it Be de ver great deale better Ex. Dufoy SCEN. II. Scene A Garden belonging to my Lord Bevill's House Enter Beaufort and Graciana Beauf. Graciana why do you condemn your Love Your Beauty without that alas would prove But my destruction an unlucky Star Prognosticating ruine and despair Grac. Sir you mistake 't is not my Love I blame But my Discretion Here the active flame Shou'd yet a longer time have been conceal'd Too soon too soon I fear it was reveal'd Our weaker Sex glories in a Surprize We boast the sudden Conquests of our Eyes But men esteem a Foe that dares contend One that with noble Courage does defend A wounded Heart the Victories they gain They prize by their own hazard and their pain Beauf. Graciana can you think we take delight To have our happiness against us fight Or that such goodness shou'd us men displease As do's afford us Heav'n with greater ease Enter Lovis walking discontentedly See where your Brother comes his Carr'age has been strange of late to me I never gave him cause of discontent He takes no notice of our being here I will salute him Grac. By no means Some serious thoughts you see employ his mind Beauf. I must be civil Your Servant Sir Lov. You are my Sisters Servant Sir go fawn Upon your Mistress Fare-you-well Ex. Lovis Beauf. Fare-you-well if you are no better Company Heavens what is the matter Grac. weeps What saucy sorrow dares approach your heart Waste not these precious Tears Oh weep no more Shou'd Heaven frown the world wou'd be too poor Rob'd of the sacred Treasure of your eyes To pay for Mercy one fit Sacrifice Grac. My Brother Sir is growing mad I fear Beauf. Your Brother is a man whose noble Mind Was to severest Virtue still inclin'd He in the School of Honour has been bred And all her subtle Laws with heed has read There is some hidden cause I fain would know From whence these strange disorders in him flow Graciana shall I beg you to dispel These Mists which round my troubl'd Reason dwell Grac. It is a Story I cou'd wish you 'd learn From one whom it does not so much concern I am th' unhappy cause of what y 'ave seen My Brother's passion does proceed from mine Beauf. This does confound me more it cannot be You are the joy of all your family Dares he condemn you for a noble love Which honour and your duty both approve Grac. My Lord those errors merit our excuse Which an access of vertue does produce Beauf. I know that envy is too base a guest To have a lodg ng in his gen'rous breast 'T is some extream of Honour or of Love Or both that thus his indignation move Grac. Er'e I begin you my sad story end You are a Rival to his dearest Friend Beauf. Graciana though you have so great a share Of Beauty all that see you Rivals are Yet during this small space I did proclaim To you and to the world my purer flame I never saw the man that durst draw near With his ambitious Love t' assault your Ear. What providence has kept us thus asunder Grac. When I have spoke you 'l find it is no wonder He has a Mistress more renown'd then me Whom he does Court his dearer Loyalty He on his legs does now her favours wear He is confin'd by her foul Ravisher You may not know his Person but his Name Is strange to none that have convers'd with Fame 'T is Bruce Beauf. The Man indeed I ne're did see But have heard wonders of his Gallantry Grac. This gallant Man my Brother ever lov'd But his Heroick Virtues so improv'd In time those seeds of Love which first were sown That to the highest Friendship they are grown This Friendship first and not his Love to me Sought an Alliance with our Family My Sister and my self were newly come From learning how to live to live at home When barren of Discourse one day and free With 's Friend my Brother chanc'd to talk of me Unlucky accident his Friend reply'd He long had wish'd their Blood might be ally'd Then press'd him that they might my Father move To give an approbation to his Love His Person and his Merits were so great He granted faster then they could entreat He wish'd the Fates which govern hearts wou'd be So kind to him to make our hearts agree But told them he had made a sacred Vow Never to force what Love should disallow Enter Sir Frederick and Widow But see Sir Frederick and my Aunt My Lord some other time I will relate The story of his Love and of its Fate Sir Fred. How now my Lord so grave a countenance In the presence of your Mistress Widow what wou'd you give Your eyes had power to make me such Another melancholly Gentleman Wid. I have seen e'ne as merry a man as Your self Sir Frederick brought to stand With folded arms and with a tristful look Tell a mournful tale to a Lady Enter a Foot-boy and whispers Sir Frederick Sir Fred. The Divel ows some men a shame The Coach is ready Widow I know You are ambitious to be seen in my Company Wid. My Lord and Cousin will you honour Me with yours to the Park that may take off the Scandal of his Enter Aurelia and Leticia Beauf. Madam we 'l wait upon you But we must not leave this Lady behind us Wid. Cousin Aurelia Aurel. Madam I beg you will excuse me and You my Lord I feel a little indisposition And dare not venture into so sharp an Air. Beauf. Your Servant Madam Exeunt all but Aurelia and Leticia Aurel. Retire I wou'd not have you stay with me I have too great a train of misery If virtuous Love in none be cause of shame Why shou'd it be a crime to own the flame But we by Custom not by Nature led Must in the beaten paths of Honour tread I love thee Bruce but Heav'n what have I done Leticia did I not command you hence Letic Madam I hope my care is no offence I am afflicted thus to see you take Delight to keep your miseries awake Aurel. Since you have heard me swear you will be true Leticia none must know I love but you Letic If I at any time your Love
declare May I of Heav'n and serving you despair Though I am young yet I have felt this smart Love once was busie with my tender heart Aurel. Wert thou in love Letic I was Aurel. Prethee with whom Letic With one that like my self did newly bloom Methoughts his Actions were above his Years She weeps Aurel. Leticia you confirm me by your tears Now I believe you lov'd did he love you Letic That had been more then to my Love was due He was so much above my humble Birth My Passion had been fitter for his mirth Aurel. And does your Love continue still the same Letic Some sparks remain but Time has quench'd the flame I hope 't will prove as kind to you and cure These greater griefs which Madam you endure Aurel. Time to my bleeding heart brings no relief Death there must heal the fatal wounds of grief Leticia come within this shady Bower Wee 'l joyn our mournful voices and repeat The saddest tales we ever learn'd of Love Aurelia and Leticia walk into an Arbour and sing this Song in Parts SONG WHen Phillis watch'd her harmless Sheep Not one poor Lamb was made a prey Yet she had cause enough to weep Her silly heart did go astray Then flying to the neighbouring Grove She left the tender Flock to rove And to the Winds did breath her Love She sought in vain To ease her pain The heedless winds did fan her fire Venting her grief Gave no relief But rather did encrease desire Then sitting with her arms across Her sorrows streaming from each eye She fix'd her thoughts upon her loss And in despair resolv'd to die Aur. Why shou'd you weep Leticia whilst we sing Walking out of the Arbour Tell me from whence those gentle Currents spring Can yet your faded Love cause such fresh showers This water is too good for dying flowers Letic Madam it is such Love commands this dew As cannot fade it is my love to you Aurel. Leticia I am weary of this place And yet I know not whither I should go Letic Will you be pleas'd to try if you can sleep That may deceive you of your cares awhile Aurel. I will there 's nothing here does give me ease But in the end will nourish my disease Exeunt SCEN. III. Scene A Tavern Enter Wheadle and immediately after him a Foot-boy Whead. The hour is come Where 's your Master Sirrah Foot-b He 'l be here immediately Sir Whead. Is he neatly dress'd Boy In the very suit he won th' other day Of the Buckingham-shire Grasier Whead. Take this Letter and give it me When you perceive me talking with Sir Nicholas Cully with recommendations from A Lady lurk in some secret place till he 's Come that he may not perceive you at his Entrance Oh here 's Palmer Exit Foot-boy Thom what 's the price of a score of fat Enter Palmer Weathers Palm Do they not well become me boy Whead. Nature doubtless intended thee for a Rogue She has so well contriv'd thee for Disguises Here comes Sir Nicholas Enter Sir Nicholas Sir Nicholas come come This is an honest Friend And Countryman of mine Sir Nich. Your servant Sir is not the Lady come by yet Whead. I expect her every moment Ho here 's her Boy Well what news Enter Boy Boy My Lady presents her service to you Sir and has Sent you this Delivers a Letter Wheadle reads and seems much displeas'd Sir Nich. What is the matter man Whea Read read I want patience to tell you Gives Cully the Letter Fortune still jades me in all my expectations Sir Nich. reading the Letter The Citizens wife forc'd To go to Greenwitch with her husband Will meet some time next week Come come Wheadle another time will do be not so passionate man Whead. I must abuse my friend upon an idle Womans words Sir Nich. Pish 't is an accident Come let us Drink a glass of Wine to put these Women Out of our heads Palm Women ho Boys Women where are the Women Whead. Here 's your merry Country-man Palmer sings He took her by the Apron To bring her to his beck But as he wound her to him The Apron-strings did break Enter Drawer with Wine Sir Nich. A merry man indeed Sir my service to you Drinks to Palmer Palm Thank you Sir Come Mr Wheadle remembring My Land-lord i'faith wou'd he were e'en among us now Come be merry man Lend me your hand Sir you Look like an honest man here 's a good health To all that are so Tope here pledg me Drinks Gives Sir Nicholas the Glass Sir Nich. Mr Wheadle to you Drinks and leaves some in the Glass Palm I 'le not abate you an ace 'Slid y' are not So honest as I took you for Sir Nicholas drinks up the rest Palmer Sings If any man baulk his Liquor Let him never baulk the Gallows But sing a Psalm there with ' Vicar Or die in a dirty Ale-house Enter Drawer Drawer There 's a Country-man below desires to Speak with his Master Palmer Palm So so thank thee Lad it is my man I Appointed him to call here h 'as sold the Cattle I 'le warrant you I 'le wait upon you agen Presently Gentlemen Ex. Palmer Whead. Is not this a very pleasant fellow Sir Nich. The pleasant'st I ever met with What is he Whead. He 's a Buckingham-shier Grasier very Rich he has the fat Oxen and fat Acres in the Vale I met him here by chance and cou'd not avoid Drinking a glass o' Wine with him I believe he 's Gone down to receive money 'T were an excellent design to buble him Sir Nich. How 't wou'd change his merry note will you Try him Whead. Do you I cannot appear in 't because he takes me for his Friend Sir Nich. How neatly I cou'd Top upon him Whead. All things will pass upon him I 'le go Your half Talk of Dice you 'l Perceive if he 's coming What money have you About you Sir Nich. Ten pieces Whead. I have about that quantity too here take it If he should run us out of our ready money Be sure you set him deep upon Tick If he 'l be at you that we may recover it For we 'l not pay a farthing of what we lose That way Hush here he comes Enter Palmer with a bag of Money under his arm and flings it upon the Table Palm All my fat Oxen and Sheep are melted To this Gentlemen Whead. Their grease is well try'd Sir Sir Nich. Come Sir for all your riches you are in Arrear here Offers him a Glass Palm I 'le be soon out of your debts My hearty Love to you Sir Drinks Wou'd I had you both in Buckingham-shier and a Pipe of this Canary in my Cellar we 'd Roast an Ox before we parted shou'd we Not Boy Palmer Sings We'd sing and we 'd laugh and we 'd drink all the day Our Reason we 'd banish our senses shou'd sway And every Pleasure our Wills shou'd obey Palm Come drink
th' Corn Beauf. I have been hitherto so prosperous My happiness has still out-flown my faith Nothing remains but Ceremonial Charms Graciana's fix'd i' th' circle of my Arms. Sir Fred. Then y' are a happy man for a season Beauf. For ever Sir Fred. I mistrust your Mistresses Divinity you 'l Find her Attributes but Mortal Women like Juglers Tricks Appear Miracles to the ignorant but in them Selves th' are meer cheats Beauf. Well well Cousin I have engag'd that you this day Shall be my Guest at my Lord Bevill's Table Pray make me Master of my promise once Sir Fred. Faith I have engag'd to dine with my dear Lucy poor Girl I have lately given her Occasion to suspect my kindness yet for your Sake I 'le venture to break my Word Upon condition you 'l excuse My errors you know my Conversation has not been amongst ceremonious Ladies Beauf. All modest freedom you will find allow'd Formality is banish'd thence Sir Fred. This Virtue is enough to make me bear With all the inconveniences of honest Company Beauf. The freeness of your humour is your friend I have such news to tell thee that I fear Thou 'lt find thy breast too narrow for thy joy Sir Fred. Gently my Lord lest I find the thing too Little for my expectation Beauf. Know that thy careless carriage has done more Then all the skill and diligence of Love Could e're effect Sir Fred. What the Widow has some kind thoughts of my body Beauf. She loves you and dines on purpose at her Brother's house This day in hopes of seeing you Sir Fred. Some Women like Fishes despise the Bait or else suspect it whil'st still it 's Bobbing at their mouths but subtilly wav'd By the Angler's hand greedily hang themselves upon the hook There are many so critically wise they 'l suffer None to deceive them but themselves Beauf. Cousin 't is time you were preparing for your Mistress Sir Fred. Well since 't is my fortune I 'le about it Widow thy ruine lie on thy own head Faith my Lord you can witness 't was none Of my seeking Exeunt SCEN. III. Scene Wheadle's Lodging Enter Wheadle and Palmer Whe. Come bear thy losses patiently Palm A pox confound all Ordinaries If ever I play in an Ordinary agen Bites his thumb Whead. Thou 'lt lose thy money Thou hast no power to forbear I will as soon undertake to reclaim A Horse from a hitch he has learn'd in his pace Or an old Mastive from worrying of Sheep Palm Ay ay there is nothing can do it but hemp Whead. Want of money may do much Palm I protest I had rather still be vicious Then owe my Virtue to Necessity How commendable is chastity in an Eunuch I am grown more then half virtuous of late I have laid the dangerous Pad now quite aside I walk within the Purlieus of the Law Could I but leave this Ordinary this Square I were the most accomplish'd man in Town Whead. 'T is pity thou art Master of thy Art Such a nimble hand such neat conveyance Palm Nay I should have made an excellent Jugler ' faith Whead. Come be chearful I 've lodg'd a Deer shall make amends for all I lack'd a man to help me set my Toyls And thou art come most happily Palm My dear Wheadle who is it Whead. My new Friend And Patron Sir Nicholas Cully Palm He 's fat and will say well I promise you Well I 'le do his business most dextrously Else let me ever lose the honour Of serving a Friend in the like nature Whead. No more words but haste prepare for the design Habit your self like a good thrifty Country-man Get Tools Dice and Money for the purpose And meet me at the Devil about three exactly Enter Boy Boy Sir Sr Nicholas Cully is without Whead. Desire him to walk in Here Palmer the back-way quickly and be sure Palm Enough enough I 'le warrant thee Ex. Palm Enter Sir Nicholas Cully Whead. Sir Nicholas this Visit is too great a favour I intended one to you how do you Find your self this morning Cul. Faith much the dryer for the last nights wetting Whead. Like thirsty earth which gapes the more For a small showre we 'l soak you Throughly to day Cul. Excuse me faith I am engag'd Whead. I am sorry for 't I meant you a share in my good fortune But since it cannot be Cul. What what good fortune Whead. Nay 't will but vex you to know it Since you have not leasure to pursue it Cul. Dear Wheadle prethee tell me Whead. Now do I want power to keep it from you Just as you came in at that door went Out at this a Waiting-Gentlewoman Sent with a civil Message from her Lady To desire the happiness of my Company This afternoon where I should have the Opportunity of seeing another lovely brisk Woman newly married to a foolish Citizen who will be apt enough to hear Reason from one that can speak it better then Her Husband I return'd my humble Thanks for the honour she did me and that I could not do my self so great an injury To disobey her will this is Th' adventure But since y 'ave bus'ness Cul. A pox on bus'ness I 'le defer 't Whead. By no means for a silly Woman our Pleasures Must be slaves to our Affairs Cul. Were it to take possession of an Estate I 'd neglect it Are the Ladies Cavaliers Whea Oh most Loyal-hearted Ladies Cul. How merry will we be then Whead. I say mind your bus'ness Cul. I 'le go and put it off immediately Where shall I meet you in the afternoon Whead. You 'l find me at the Devil about three A clock where I expect a second summons as She passes toward the City Cul. Thither will I come without fail be sure You wait for me Exit Cully Whead. Wait for thee as a Cat does for a Mouse She intends to play with and then prey upon How eagerly did this half-witted fellow chap Up the bait like a ravenous Fish that will Not give the Angler leave to sink his Line But greedily darts up and meets it half way Ex. laughing SCEN. IV. Scene The Lord Bevill's House Enter Graciana and Aurelia immediately after her with a Letter in her hand Grac. The Sun 's grown lazie 't is a tedious space Since he set forth and yet 's not half his race I wonder Beaufort does not yet appear Love never loyters Love sure brings him here Aur. Brought on the wings of Love here I present Presenting the Letter His Soul whose Body Prisons yet prevent The noble Bruce whose Virtues are his Crimes Grac. rejects the Letter Are you as false and cruel as the times Will you not read the story of his grief But wilfully refuse to give relief Grac. Sister from you this language makes me start Can you suspect such vices in my heart His Virtues I as well as you admire I never scorn'd but pity much his fire Aur. If you did pity you
would not reject This Messenger of Love This is neglect Grac. rejects the Letter again Grac. T is cruelty to gaze on Wounds I 'm sure When we want Balsome to effect their Cure Aurel. 'T is only want of will in you you have Beauty to kill and Virtue too to save Grac. We of our selves can neither love nor hate Heav'n does reserve the pow'r to guid our Fate Aurel. Graciana Enter Lord Bevill Lovis and the Widow Grac. Sister forbear my Father 's here L. Bev. So Girl what no news of your Lover yet Our Dinner 's ready and I am afraid He will go nigh to incur the Cooks anger Wid. I believe h 'as undertook a hard task Sir Frederick they say is no easie man To be perswaded to come among us women Lovis Sir Lovis and L. Bevill whisper L. Bev. What now Wid. I am as impatient as thou art Girl I long to see Sir Frederick here To Graciana L. Bev. Forbear I charge you on my blessing Not one word more of Colonel Bruce Lovis You gave encouragement Sir to his Love The honour of our House now lies at stake L. Bev. You find by your Sisters Inclinations Heaven has decreed her otherwise Lovis But Sir L. Bev. Forbear to speak or else forbear the Room Lovis This I can obey but not the other Exit Lovis Enter Foot-boy Foot-b Sir my Lord Beaufort's come L. Bev. 'T is well Wid. D'hear are there not two Gentlemen Foot-b Yes Madam there is another proper handsom Gentleman Exit Foot-boy L. Bev. Come let us walk in and give them entertainment Wid. Now Cousin for Sr Frederick this man of men There 's nothing like him Exeunt all but Aurelia Aur. With curious diligence I still have strove Holding the Letter in her hand During your absence Bruce to breath your Love Into my Sisters bosom But the fire Wants force Fate does against my breath conspire I have obey'd though I cannot fulfil Against my self the dictates of your Will My Love to yours do's yield Since you enjoyn'd I hourly court my Rival to be kind With passion too as great as you can do Taught by those wounds I have receiv'd from you Small is the difference that 's between our grief Yours finds no cure and mine seeks no relief You unsuccessfully your Love reveal And I for ever must my Love conceal Within my bosom I 'le your Letter wear Putting the Letter in her bosom It is a Tombe that 's proper for despair Exit ACT. II. SCEN. I. Scene The Lord Bevill's House Enter Clark and Dufoy Clark MEthinks the wound your Master gave you Last night makes you look very thin and Wan Monsieur Dufoy Begar you are mistake it be de voundé Dat my Metresle did give me long agoe Clark What some pretty little English Lady's Crept into your heart Dufoy No but damn'd littel English Whore is creepé Into my bone begar me could vish dat de Diable vould také her vid allé my harté Clark You have manag'd your bus'ness ill Monsieur Dufoy It vas de Raskal Cyrugin English dat did Manage de businesse illé me did putté my Businessé into his haundé he did stop de Tapé and de liquor did varké varké varké Up into de headé and de shoulder begar Clark Like soap clap'd under a Saddle Dufoy Here come my Matré holdé your peacé Ex. Clark Enter Sir Frederick Widow and Maid Sir Fred. Whither whither do you draw me Widow What 's your design Wid. To walk a turn in the Garden and then Repose in a cool Arbour Sir Fr. Widow I dare not venture my self in those amorous Shades you have a mind to be talking of Love I perceive and my heart 's too tender to be trusted With such conversation Wid. I did not imagine you were so foolishly Conceited is it your Wit or your Person Sir That is so taking Sir Fred. Truly you are much mistaken I have no Such great thoughts of the young man you See who ever knew a Woman have so much Reason to build her Love upon merit Have we not daily experience of great Fortunes that fling themselves into the arms Of vain idle Fellows Can you blame me then For standing upon my guard No let us Sit down here have each on 's a Bottle of Wine At our elbows so prompted I dare enter into Discourse with you Wid. Wou'd you have me sit And drink hand to fist with you as if we were In the Fleece or some other of your beloved Taverns Sir Fred. Faith I wou'd have thee come as neer As possible to something or other I have Been us'd to converse with that I may The better know how to entertain thèe Wid. Pray which of those Ladies you use to Converse with could you fancy me to Look like be merry and tell me Sir Fred. T were too great a sin to compare thee To any of them and yet th' ast so incens'd Me I can hardly forbear to wish thee one Of 'em Ho Dufoy Widow I stand in awe of this Gentleman I must have his advice before I dare Keep you company any further How do You approve the spending of my time With this Lady Dufoy Ver vel Begar I could vish I had never spendé my time in de Vorsé compaignie Wid. You look but ill Monsieur have You been sick lately Dufoy I havé de ver great affliction in my mindé Madam Wid. What is 't Dufoy Truly I havé de ver great passion vor dis Jentel-woman and she havé no compassion At all vor me she do refusé me all my Amouré and my adresse Wid. Indeed Betty you are to blame Maid Out upon him for a French dissembler He never spake to me in his life Madam Dufoy You see Madam she scorné me vor Her Serviteur Maid Pray when did you make any of your French Lové to mé Dufoy It vil breké my hearté to remember de Time ven you did refusé mé Wid. Will you permit me to serve you in this Business Monsieur Dufoy Madam it be d'honour vor de King dé Francé Wid. Betty whither run you Maid I 'le uot stay to be jeer'd by a sneaking Valet-De chambré I 'le be reveng'd If I live Monsieur Ex. Betty Wid. I 'le take some other time Dufoy Van you have de leisuré Madam Sir Fred. By those lips Wid. Nay pray forbear Sir Sir Fred. Who 's conceited now Widow cou'd You imagine I was so fond to kiss them Wid. You cannot blame me for standing on My guard so near an Enemy Sir Fred. If you are so good at that Widow Let 's see what guard wou'd you chuse to be at Shou'd the Trumpet sound a Charge To this dreadful foe Wid. It is an idle Question amongst experienc'd Souldiers but if we ever have a War We 'l never trouble the Trumpet the Bells shall proclaim our Quarrel Sir Fred. It will be most proper they shall be Rung backwards Wid. Why
surprise is this Bruce Hither I 'm come to make my lawful claim You are my Mistress and must own my flame Beau. Forbear bold man and do not tempt thy fate Taking her by the other hand Thou hast no right her Love does right create Thy Claim must to my Title here give place 'T is not who loves but whom she 's pleas'd to grace Grac. Hear me but speak Bruce you divide my care Though not my Love you my Compassion share My heart does double duty it does mourn For you brave Bruce for you brave Beaufort burn Bruce Your pity but destroys if you wou'd save It is your Love Graciana I must have Beauf. Her Love is mine she did it now declare Name it no more but vanish and despair Bruce Death do you think to conjure me away I am no Devil that am forc'd t' obey If y' are so good at that here are such charms Laying his hand on his Sword Can fright y'into the circle of her arms Beauf. Here is a Sword more fit for my defence This is not courage Bruce but insolence Grac. takes Beauf. in her arms Graciana let me go my heart wants room Grac. My arms till now were ne're thought troublesom Bruce Beaufort I hope y 'ave courage to appear Where sacred Sanctuary is not near I 'le leave you now within that happy state Which does provoke my fury and my hate Ex. Bru. and Lov. Grac. You must not meet him in the field to prove A doubtful Combate for my certain Love Beside your heart is mine will you expose The heart you gave me to its raging foes Those men want Honour who stake that at play Which to their Friends their kindness gave away Beauf. Graciana why did you confine me so Within your arms you shou'd have let me go We soon had finish'd this our hot debate Which now must wait a longer time on Fate Grac. None in combustions blame such sa desire To save their pretious Goods from raging fire Banish this passion now my Lord and prove Your anger cannot overcloud your Love Beauf. Your glorious presence can this rage controul And make a calm in my tempestuous soul But yet there must be time the Sun does bear A while with the fierce tempests of the Air Before he make those stormy conflicts cease And with his conquering beams proclaims a Peace Exeunt ACT. IV. SCEN. I. Enter Lord Beaufort and Lovis Lovis FArewell my Lord I 'le to my Friend declare How gen'rous you in your acceptance were Beauf. My Honour is as forward as my Love On equal wings of jealousie they move I to my Rival will in neither yield I 've won the Chamber and will win the Field Lovis Your Emulation Sir is swoln so high You may be worthy of his Victory You 'l meet with Honour blown not in the bud Whose Root was fed with vast expense of blood Ex. Lovis Enter Sir Frederick Sir Fred. What my Lord as studious as a Country Vicar on a Saturday in the afternoon I thought you had been ready for the Pulpit Beauf. I am not studying of speeches for my Mistress 'T is action that I now am thinking on Wherein there 's Honour to be gain'd And you Cousin are come luckily to share it Sir Fred. On my life a Prize to be playd for your Mistress I had notice of your Quarrel which brought me Hither so early with my Sword to serve you But dares so zealous a Lover as your Lordship Break the commandment of your Mistress I heard Poor Lady she wept and charg'd you to sleep In a whole skin but young men never know When th' are well Beau. Cousin my love to her cannot make me forget my duty To my Family Sir Fred. Pray whos 's body must I exercise my skill Upon Beauf. You met the man Graciana's Brother Sir Fred. An expert Gentleman and I have not Fenc'd of late unless it were with my Widows Maids and they are e'en too hard For me at my own weapon Beauf. Cousin 't is time we were preparing for the Field Sir Fred. I wait to serve you Sir Beauf. But yet with grief Graciana I must go Since I your Brother there shall meet my Foe My fate too near resembles theirs where he Did wound himself that hurt his Enemy Exeunt SCEN. II. Enter Wheadle and Palmer dress'd like the Lord Bevil Whead. So my Proteus exactly dress'd Dexterous Rogue Is Grace ready in her Geers and Settl'd in my Lady Dawbwells house Palm Every trap is baited Whead. I 'le warrant thee then we catch our Cully He 's gone to put himself into a fantastick Garb in imitation of Sir Frederick Frollick He 's almost frantick with the very conceit Of gaining the rich Widow But heark I Hear him coming slip down the back way And to your charge Exit Palmer Enter Cully Sir Nich. Wheadle and what think you of this Habit is it not very modish Whead. As any man need wear How did you Furnish your self so suddenly Sir Nich. Suddenly I protest I was at least at Sixteen Broakers before I cou'd put my self Exactly into the fashion but now I defie Sir Frederick I am as fine as he and will be as mad As he if that will carry the Widow I 'le warrant Thee Whead. Is it not better pushing thus for a Fortune Before your Reputation 's blasted With the infamous names of Coward and Gamester And so become able to pay the thousand pounds without noise Then going into the Country selling your Land Making a havock among your Woods or mortgaging Your Estate to a scrupulous Scrivener that will Whisper it iuto the ears of the whole Town By inquiring of your good behaviour Sir Nich. Excellent Wheadle And will my Lord Bevill speak my commendations to his Sister Whead. She is impatient till she see you Sir For in my hearing upon the account I gave him Of you he told her you were the prettiest wirtest Wildest Gentleman about the Town and a Cavalier In your heart The only things that take her Sir Nich. Wheadle come I will go to the Tavern And swallow two whole quarts of Wine Instantly and when I am drunk Ride on a Drawers back to visit her Whead. Some less Frollick to begin with Sir Nich. I will cut three Drawers over the pate then And go with a Tavern-Lanthorn before me at noon-day Come away Exeunt Cully singing SCEN. III. Enter Palmer and Grace Palm Do not I look like a very Reverend Lord Grace Grace And I like a very fine Lady Mr Palmer Palm Yes in good faith Grace what a rogue is that Wheadle to have kept such a Treasure to himself Without communicating a little to his Friends Offers to kiss her Grace Forbear you 'l be out in your Part My Lord when Sir Nich'las comes Palm The truth is my Lady I am better Prepar'd at this time to act a Lover then A Relation Grace That grave dress is very amorous indeed Palm My Virtues like those
Aspera arteria Is perforated Lovis Tell me in English will he live or die Chyr Truly I despair of his recovery Exit Chyrurgion Aurel. aside Forgive me Ladies if excess of Love Me beyond rules of Modesty does move And against custom makes me now reveal Those flames my tortur'd breast did long conceal 'T is some excuse that I my Love declare When there 's no med'cine left to cure despair Weeps by the Chair side Bruce Oh Heav'n can fair Aurelia weep for me This is some comfort to my misery Kind Maid those eyes should only pity take Of such as feel no wounds but what they make Who for another in your sight does mourn Deserves not your compassion but your scorn Aurel. I come not here with tears to pity you I for your pity with this passion sue Bruce My pity tell me what can be the grief That from the miserable hopes relief Aurel. Before you know this grief you feel the pain Bruce You cannot love and not be lov'd again Where so much Beauty does with Love conspire No mortal can resist that double fire Aurel. When proud Graciana wounded your brave heart On poor Aurelia's you reveng'd the smart Whilst you in vain did seek those wounds to cure With patience I their torture did endure Bruce My happiness has been so long conceal'd That it becomes my misery reveal'd That which shou'd prove my joy now proves my grief And that brings pain which known had brought relief Aurelia why wou'd you not let me know Whilst I had pow'r to pay the debt I owe 'T is now too late yet all I can I 'le do I 'le sigh away the breath I 've left for you Aurel. You yet have pow'r to grant me all I crave 'T is not your Love I court I court your Grave I with my flame seek not to warm your breast But beg my ashes in your Urn may rest For since Graciana's loss you scorn'd t'out-live I am resolv'd I 'le not your death survive Bruce Hold you too gen'rous are yet I may live Heav'n for your sake may grant me a reprieve Aurel. Oh no Heav'n has decree'd alas that we Shou'd in our Fates not in our Loves agree Bruce Dear Friend my rashness I too late repent To Lovis I ne're thought death till now a punishment Enter Graciana Grac. Oh do not talk of death the very sound Once more will give my heart a mortal wound Here on my knees I 've sinn'd I must confess Against your Love and my own happiness I like the child whose folly proves his loss Refus'd the gold and did accept the dross Bruce You have in Beaufort made so good a choice His virtue 's such he has his Rival's voice Graciana none but his great Soul cou'd prove Worthy to be the centre of your Love Grac. You to another wou'd such virtue give Brave Sir as in your self does only live If to the most deserving I am due He must resign his weaker claim to you Bruce This is but flatt'ry for I 'me sure you can Think none so worthy as that gen'rous man By honour you are his Grac. Yet Sir I know How much I to your gen'rous passion owe You bleed for me and if for me you die Your loss I 'le mourn with vow'd Virginity Bruce Can you be mindful of so small a debt And that which you to Beaufort owe forget That will not Honour but Injustice be Honour with Justice always does agree This gen'rous pity which for me you shew Is more then you to my misfortunes owe These tears Graciana which for me you shed Ore-prize the blood which I for you have bled But now I can no more My spirits faint within my wearied breast Lovis Sister 't is fit you give him leave to rest Who waits Enter Servants With care convey him to his bed Bruce Hold Dearest Aurelia I will strive to live If you will but endeavour not to grieve Lovis Brave man The wonder of this Age thou 'lt prove For matchless Gratitude and gen'rous Love Exeunt all but Graciana Grac. How strangely is my soul perplex'd by fate The man I love I must pretend to hate And with dissembled scorn his presence fly Whose absence is my greatest misery Enter Beaufort Beauf. Hear me upon my knees I beg you 'l hear She 's gone Exit Graciana There was no need false woman to encrease My misery with hopes of happiness This scorn at first had to my Love and me But Justice been now it is Cruelty Was there no way his constancy to prove But by your own inconstancy in Love To try anothers Virtue cou'd you be Graciana to your own an enemy Sure 't is but passion which she thus does vent Blown up with anger and with discontent Because my Honour disobey'd her Will And Bruce for love of her his blood did spill I once more in her eyes will read my fate I need no wound to kill me if she hate SCEN. II. Enter Cully drunk with a blind Fellow led before him playing on a Cymbal follow'd by a number of boys hollowing and persecuting him Cul. Villains sons of unknown fathers tempt Me no more The boys hout at him he draws his Sword I will make a young generation of Cripples to Succeed in Lincolns-Inn-Fields and Covent-Garden The barbarous breeding of these London boys Frights the boys away Boy that leads the Cymbal Whither do you intend to go Sir Cul. To see the wealthy Widow Mrs. Rich. Boy Where does she dwell Sir Cul. Hereabouts enquire I will Serenade Her at noon-day Exeunt Enter the Widow and her maid Betty Wid. Where is this poor Frenchman Girl h 'as done me Good service Betty The Butler has got him down into the Cellar Madam Made him drunk and laid him to sleep among His empty Cask Wid. Pray when he wakes let him be releas'd of his Imprisonment Betty you use your Servant too severely The Cimbal plays without Hark what ridiculous noise is that it sets my teeth An edge worse then the scraping of Trenchers Enter a Servant Serv. Madam a rude drunken fellow with a Cimbal before Him and his sword in his hand is press'd into your House Enter Cully and Cimbal The women shriek Cul. Sirrah play me a bawdy Tune to please the Widow have at thee Widow Betty 'T is one of Oliver's Knights Madam Sir Nicholas Cully his Mother was my Grand-mother's Dairy maid Enter Servants they lay hands on him and take away his Sword Cul. Let me go I am not so drunk but I can stand Without your help Gentlemen Widow here is Musique send for a Parson And we will dance Barnaby within this Half hour Wid. I will send for a Constable Sir Cul. Hast a mind to see me beat him how those Rogues Dread me Did not Wheadle tell thee upon what Conditions I wou'd condescend to make thee my Bed-fellow Widow speak Wid. This is some drunken mistake away with him Thrust him out of door Enter a Servant Clashing
Joy Aurel. I did no more then Honour press'd me to I wish I 'de woo'd successfully for you Bruce You so excel in Honour and in Love You both my shame and admiration move Aurelia here accept that life from me Which Heaven so kindly has preserv'd for thee My Lord I hope you will my choice allow To L. Bevill And with your approbation seal our Vow Bevill In gen'rous minds this to the world will prove That Gratitude has pow'r to conquer Love It were brave Man impiety in me Not to approve that which the Heavens decree Bruce Graciana on my gen'rous Rival you Must now bestow what to his Merit 's due Grac. Since you recovering Bruce your claim decline To him with honour I my Heart resign Beauf. Such Honour and such Love as you have shown Are not in the Records of Virtue known My Lord you must assist us here once more To L Bevill The God of Love does your consent implore L. Bev. May Love in you still feed your mutual fire Ioyning their hands Beauf. And may that flame but with our breaths expire Lovis My Lord our Quarrel now is at an end You are not Bruces Rival but his Friend Beauf. In this brave strife your Friendship soar'd above The active flames of our aspiring Love Bruce Dear Friend thy merits Fame cannot express Lovis They are rewarded in your happiness Bruce Come all into my Arms before I rest Let 's breathe our Joys into each others breast Thus mariners rejoyce when winds decrease And falling waves seem wearied into Peace Enter Sir Frederick and Dufoy at one door and the Widow and Betty at another S. Fred. Haste Dufoy perform what I commanded You. Dufoy I vil be ver quick begar I am more den half de Mercurié S. Fred. Ho Widow the noise of these Nuptials brought You hither I perceive your mouth waters Wid. Were I in a longing condition I should be apt Enough to put my self upon you Sir S. Fred. Nay I know th' art spiteful and wou'dst Fain marry me in revenge but so long as I have These Guardian Angels about me I defie thee And all thy Charms Do skilful Faulkners thus Reward their Hawks before they fly the Quarry Wid. When your gorge is empty you 'l come to the Lure again S. Fred. After I have had a little more experience of the Vani y of this world in a melancholy humour I mat be careless of my self Wid. And marry some distressed Lady that has had No less experience of that vanity S. Fr. Widow I prosess the contrary I wou'd not have the Sin to answer for of debauching any from such Worthy principles Let me see if I shou'd be good Natur'd now and consent to give thee a Title To thy own wealth again you wou'd be stubborn And not esteem the favour Widow Wid. Is it possible you can have thoughts of gratitude Do you imagine me so foolish as your self who Often venture all at play to recover one inconsiderable Parcel S. Fr. I told you how 't wou'd be Widow Less providence Attend thee else I shall do no good upon thee Fare-well Wid. Stay Sir let us shake hands at parting S. Fred. Nay if thou once art acquainted with my Constitution thou 't never let me go Widow here Examine examine Holding out his hand Bevill Sister I long have known your inclinations Give me leave to serve you Sir Frederick here Take her and may you make each other happy Wid. Now I have receiv'd you into my Family I hope you will let my maids go quietly about Their business Sir S. Fred. Upon condition there be no twits of the good man Departed no prescription pleaded for evil customs On the Wedding night Widow what old doings will be anon I have coupl'd no less then a pair-royal my self This day my Lord I hope you 'l excuse the liberty I have taken to send for them the sight will much Encrease your mirth this joyful day L. Bev. I shou'd have blam'd you Sir if you had restrain'd Your humour here These must needs be pleasant Matches that are of his Making Enter Dufoy Sir Fred. What are they come Dufoy Day be all at de dooré begar every man vid his Pret Metres Brid Whore Entré Jentelmen vid your Lady entré vid your great Fortune Ha ha ha Enter Sir Nicholas and his Bride Wheadle and his Bride Palmer and his Bride Sir Nich. Brother do you see how sneakingly Wheadle looks Yonder with his rich Widow Wid. Brother is this fellow your Brother Sir Nich. Ay that I am Sir Fred. No no Sir Nicholas Sir Nich. Did not I marry your Sister Sir Sir Fred. Fie fie Sir Nich'las I thought y 'ad been A modester man Sir Nich. Is my wife no kin to you Sir Sir Fred. Not your Wife but your Son and Heir may If it prove so Joy be with thee old acquaintance Widow resolving to lead a virtuous life And keep house altogether with thee I have dispos'd of my own houshold-stuff my Dear Mrs. Lucy to this Gentleman Whead. Palm We wish you joy with your fair Bride Sir Nich'las Sir Nich. I will go and complain and have you all clap'd Up for a plot immediately Sir Fred. Hold hold Sir Nich'las there are certain Catch-poles without you cannot scape Without y 'ave a thousand pounds in your Pocket Carry her into the Country come Your Neighbours Wives will visit her and vow She 's a virtuous well-bred Lady And give her her due faith she was a very Honest Wench to me and I believe will make a very Honest Wife to you Sir Nich. If I discover this I am lost I shall be ridiculous Even to our own Party Sir Fred. You are in the right Come Take her make much of her She shall save you a thousand pounds Sir Nich. Well Lucy if thou canst but deceive my Old mother and my neighbours in the Country I shall bear my fortune patiently Sir Fred I 'le warrant you Sir Women so skil'd in Vice can Dissemble Virtue Dufoy Fy fy maké de much of your Lady Shentelmen Begar you vil find dem ver civil Sir Fred. Dufoy I had almost forgot thee Dufoy Begar my merit is ver seldome in your Memorié Sir Fred. Now I will reward thy services here enjoy thy Mistress Dufoy Ver vel begar you will give me two tree oldé Gowné vor all my diligence Betty Marry come up Is that a despicable portion For your greafie Pantaloons Dufoy Peace peace Metres Bett ve vil be ver good Friend upon occasion but ve vil no marrié Dat be ver much beter begar Sir Fred. Did you bring the Bayliffs with you Dufoy Day be vidout Begar Shentelmen You have bin Made ver sad and now you shall be made ver mer Vid de Fidler Whead. Ha! cozen'd with Fidlers for Bayliffs I durst have sworn false Dice might as soon have pass'd Upon me Sir Fred. Bid them strike up we will have a Dance Widow to divert these melancholy Gentlemen They dance L. Bev. Sir Fredrick you shall command my House this day After the Dance Make all those welcom that are pleas'd to stay Sir Fred. Sir Nicholas and Mr Wheadle I release you both Of your Judgment and will give it you under My hand at any time Widow for all these bloody preparations there Will be no great massacre of Maiden-heads Among us here Anon I will make you all laugh with the occasion Of these Weddings On what small accidents depends our Fate Whilst Chance not prudence makes us fortunate EPILOGUE Spoke by the Widow SIr Frederick now I am reveng'd on you For all your Frollick Wit y' are couzen'd too I have made over all my Wealth to these Honest Gentlemen they are my Trustees Yet Gentlemen if you are pleas'd you may Supply his wants and not your Trust betray Spoke by Wheadle Poor Wheadle hopes h 'as gi'n you all content Here he protests t is that he only meant If y' are displeas'd w' are all cross-bit to day And he has wheadl'd us that writ the Play THE EPILOGUE LIke Pris'ners conscious of th' offended Law When Iuries after th' Evidence withdraw So waits our Author between hope and fear Vntil he does your doubtful Verdict hear Men are more civil then in former days Few now in Publique hiss or rail at Plays He bid me therefore mind your looks with care And told me I should read your Sentence there But I unskill'd in Faces cannot guess By this first view what is the Plays success Nor shall I ease the Author of his fear Till twice or thrice at least I 've seen you here FINIS * Pointing to her breast † To S. Nich. * To Cully * To Lucy
Exit L. Bevill Lovis Beauty what art thou we so much admire Thou art no real but a seeming fire Which like the glow-worm only cast'st a light To them whose Reason Passion does benight Thou art a Meteor which but blazing dies Made of such vapours as from us arise Within thy guilty beams lurk cruel Fates To peaceful Families and warring States Unhappy Friend to doat on what we know Ent. a Servant Serv. Sir Colonel Bruce unexpectedly released from His Imprisonment is come to wait upon you Exit Servant Lovis What shall I do Ye Powers above be kind Some counsel give to my distracted mind Friendship and shame within me so contend I know not how to shun or meet my Friend Enter Bruce Bruce Where is my gen'rous Friend Oh Noble Youth How long have I been rob'd of this content They embrace Though deprivation be the greatest pain When Heav'n restores our happiness again It makes amends by our encrease of joy Perfecting that which it did once destroy Dear Friend my love does now exact its due Graciana must divide my heart with you Conduct me to your Sister where I may Make this my morn of Joy a glorious day What means this sad astonishment Lovis How can we chuse but with confusion greet When I your Joys with equal Sorrows meet Bruce O Heav'n must my afflictions have no end I scap'd my Foe to perish by my Friend What strange disaster can produce this grief Is Graciana dead Speak speak be brief Lovis She lives but I could wish her dead Br. Rash man why should your envy swell so high To wish the world this great calamity Wish the whole frame of Nature were dissolv'd That all things to a Chaos were revolv'd There is more charity in this desire Since with our loss our sorrows wou'd expire Enter Aurelia Lovis Here comes Aurelia sent for my relief Heav'n knows her tongue can best express this grief Examine her and you shall find ere long I can revenge though not relate your wrong Bruce For pity haste Aurelia and declare Kisses her hand The reasons of your Brothers frighting care My soul is rack'd with doubts until I know After a pause Your silence and your looks Aurelia show As if your kindness made you bear a part Of those great sorrows that afflict his heart Aurel. His passion is so noble and so just No gen'rous Soul can know it but it must Lay claim unto a portion as its due He can be thus concern'd for none but you Bruce Kind Maid reveal what my misfortunes are Friendship must not engross them though it share I wou'd not willingly my Love suspect And yet I fear 't is answer'd with neglect Aurel. My Sister by unlucky stars misled From you and from her happiness is fled Unskilful in the way by passion press'd She has took shelter in anothers breast Bruce Fate thou hast done thy worst thy Tryumph sing Now thou hast stung so home th' ast lost thy sting I have not power Graciana to exclaim After a pause Against your fault indeed you are to blame Lovis Tell me did she her promise plight or give Your love encouragement enough to live Bruce It was her pity sure and not her Love That made her seem my passion to approve My story was unpleasant to her ear At first but time had made her apt to hear My Love She told me that it grew her grief As much as mine my pain found no relief Then promis'd she 'd endeavour the decrease Of that in her which warr'd against my peace 'T was in this joyful spring of Love that I Was ravish'd from her by our enemy My hopes grew strong I banish'd all despair These glowing sparks I then left to the care Of this fair maid thinking she might inspire My passion and blow up the kindling fire Lovis Alas she to my knowledg has been true Sh 'as spoke and sigh'd all that she cou'd for you Aurel. When you were forc'd to end I did proceed And with success the catching fire did feed Till Noble Beaufort one unlucky day A visit to our Family did pay Newly arriv'd from Forreign Courts and Fraught With all those Virtues that in Courts are taught He with his am'rous Tales so charm'd her ear That she of Love from none but him wou'd hear Bruce That heart which I so long with toyl and pain Besieg'd and us'd all stratagems to gain Enter a Servant and whispers with Lovis Is now become within a trice we see The Tryumph of anothers Victory There is a fate in love as well as war Some though less careful more successful are Lovis Do not this opportunity withstand These Lovers now are walking hand in hand I' th' Garden fight him there and sacrifice His heart to that false Womans cruel eyes If fate be so unjust to make thee fall His blood or mine shall wait thy Funeral Bruce Young man this rashness must have my excuse Since 't is your friendship does your fault produce If Powers above did not this passion sway But that our Love our Reason did obey Your Sister I with Justice might accuse Nor wou'd I this occasion then refuse Lovis Does Bruce resolve thus tamely to decline His int'rest and like foolish women pine Can that great heart which in your breast does dwell Let your fond griefs above your courage swell Bruce My passions grow unruly and I find Too soon they 'l raise a Tempest in my mind Graciana like fond Parents y' are to blame You did not in its youth correct my flame 'T is now so head-strong and so wild a fire I fear to both our ruines 't will conspire I grow impatient Friend come lead me where I may to her my injur'd Love declare Graciana yet your heart shall be my Prize Or else my heart shall be your Sacrifice Despair's the issue of ignoble minds And but with Cowards entertainment finds Exeunt Lovis and Bruce Aurel. Heav'n grant some moderation to this rage That Reason their swel'd passions may asswage Oh Bruce thou little think'st the Fates in me Have to the full reveng'd thy injury Exit SCEN. VII Scene A Garden belonging to my Lord Bevill's House Enter Beaufort and Graciana Beauf. Madam what you have told so much must move All that have sence of Honour or of Love That for my Rival I cou'd shed a Tear If grief had any pow'r when you are near Grac. Leave this discourse your Mistress you neglect And to your Rival all your thoughts direct Enter Bruce and Lovis and stand undiscover'd Beauf. Forgive me dear Graciana I have been By my compassion sooth'd into a sin The holiest man that to the Altar bows With wand'ring thoughts too often stains his Vows Bruce Graciana you are alter'd much I find Surprising her by the hand Sine I was here y 'ave learn'd how to be kind The god of Love which subt'ly let you sway Has stoln your heart and taught it to obey Grac. Heav'ns what strange
a flood Beauf. I come to Conquer bravely in the Field Not to take poor revenge on such as yield Has nothing pow'r too backward man to move Thy Courage Think on thy neglected Love Think on the beauteous Graciana's Eyes 'T is I have robb'd thee of that glorious prize Br. There are such charms in Graciana's Name Strips hastily My scrup'lous Honour must obey my Flame My lazy Courage I with shame condemn No thoughts have power streams of blood to stem Sir Fred. Come Sir out of kindness to our Friends You and I must pass a small complement On each other They all fight Beaufort after many Passes closes with Bruce they fall Beaufort disarms him Beauf. Here live Giving Bruce his Sword again Bruce My Lord y 'ave gain'd a perfect Victory Y 'ave vanquish'd and oblig'd your enemy Beauf. Hold gallant men Bruce and Beaufort part Lovis and Sir Fred. Lovis Before we bleed Do we here fight a Prize Where handsom proffers may for Wounds suffice I am amaz'd What means this bloodless Field Bruce The stoutest heart must to his fortune yield Brave Youth here Honour did with Courage vie To Beauf. And both agree to grace your Victory Heave with such a Conquest favours few 'T is easier to destroy then to subdue Our bodies may by bruitish force be kill'd But noble Minds alone to Virtue yield My Lord I 've twice receiv'd my life from you Much is to both those gen'rous actions due The noble Giver I must highly prize Though I the Gift heav'n knows as much despise Can I desire to live when all the Joy Of my poor life its Ransom does destroy No no Graciana's loss I 'le ne'r survive I pay too dear for this unsought Reprieve Falls on his Sword and is desperately wounded Beauf. Hold gallant man Honour her self does bleed Running to him takes him in his arms All gen'rous hearts are wounded by this deed Lovis He does his blood for a lost Mistress spend And shall not I bleed for so brave a Friend Lovis offers to fall on his Sword but is hindred by sir Frederick Sir Fred. Forbear Sir the Frollick's not to go round as I Take it Beauf. T were greater Friendship to assist me here I hope the wound 's not mortal though I fear Bruce My Sword I doubt has fail'd in my relief 'Thas made a vent for blood but not for grief Bruce strugling Lovis and St Fred help to hold him Let me once more the unkind Weapon try Will you prolong my pain oh cruelty Lovis Ah dearest Bruce can you thus careless be Of our great friendship and your Loyalty Look on your Friend your drooping Country view And think how much they both expect from you You for a Mistress waste that precious blood Which shou'd be spent but for our Masters good Sir Fred Expence of blood already makes him faint Let 's carry him to the next house till we can Procure a chair to convey him to my Lord Bevill's The best place for accommodation They all take him up Beauf. Honour has plaid an after-game this Field The Conq'rour does unto the Conquer'd yield Exeunt SCEN. V. Enter Graciana weeping Grac. Farewel all thoughts of happiness farewell My fears together with my sorrows swell Whilst from my eyes there flows this Christal flood From their brave hearts there flows such streams of blood Here I am lost while both for me contend With what success can this strange Combate end Honour with Honour fights for Victory And Love is made the common enemy Enter Lord Bevill L. Bevill weeping Ah Child Grac. Kill me not with expectation Sir L. Bev. The gen'rous Bruce has kill'd himself For you Being disarm'd and at his Rival's mercy His Life and Sword were given him by the Noble Youth He made a brave acknowledgment For both but then considering you were lost He scorn'd to live and falling on his Sword Has giv'n himself a mortal wound Exit L. Bevill Enter Aurelia weeping Aurel. Cruel Graciana Go but in and see The fatal Tryumph of your Victory The Noble Bruce to your eternal shame With his own blood has quench'd his raging flame Grac. weeping My carriage shall in these misfortunes prove That I have Honour too as well as Love Aurel. aside Thy sorrows sad Aurelia will declare At once I fear thy Love and thy Despair These streams of grief straight to a flood will rise I can command my Tongue but not my eyes Exit Aurel. Grac. In what a Maze Graciana dost thou tread Which is the Path that doth to Honour lead I in this Lab'rynth so resolve to move That none shall judg I am misled by Love Enter Beaufort Beauf. Here Conq'rours must forget their Victories And homage pay to your victorious Eyes Graciana hither your poor slave is come After his Conquest to receive his doom Smile on his Vict'ry had he prov'd untrue To Honour he had then prov'd false to you Grac. Perfidious man can you expect from me An approbation of your Treacherie When I distracted with prophetick fears Blasted with sighs and almost drown'd in tears Begg'd you to moderate your Rage last night Did you not promise me you wou'd not fight Go now and triumph in your Victory Into the Field you went my Enemy And are return'd the only man I hate The wicked instrument of my sad fate My Love has but dissembled been to thee To try my gen'rous Lover's constancy Exit Graciana Beauf. Oh Heav'n how strange and cruel is my fate Preserv'd by Love to be destroy'd by Hate Exit Beaufort SCEN. VI. Scene The Widows House Enter Betty and Lettice the two Chamber-maids severally Betty Oh Lettice we have staid for you Lett. What hast thou done to the French-man Girl he lies yonder neither dead nor drunk No body knows what to make of him Betty I sent for thee to help make sport with him He 'l come to himself never fear him Have you not observ'd how scurvily h 'as look'd Of late Lett. Yes and he protests it is for love of you Betty Out upon him for a dissembling Rascal H 'as got the foul Disease Our Coachman discover'd it by a Bottle of Diet Drink he brought and hid behind the stairs into which I infus'd a little Opium Lett. What dost intend to do with him Betty You shall see Enter Coach-man with a Tub without a bottom a shut at the top to be lock'd and a hole to put ones head out at made easie to be born on ones shoulders Coach-m Here 's the Tub where 's the French-man Betty He lies behind the stairs haste and bring him in That he may take quiet possession of this wooden Tenement For 't is neer his time of waking The Coach-man and another Servant bring in Dufoy and put him into the Tub. Is the Fidler at hand that us'd to ply at the blind Ale-house Coach-m He 's ready Enter a Fidler Betty Well let 's hear now what a horrible noise you Can make to wake this
Beauty 's but an offensive dart It is no Armour for the heart Grae. Dear Girl thou art my little Confident I oft to thee have breath'd my discontent And thy sweet voice as oft has eas'd my care But now thy breath is like infectious Air Enter Beaufort It feeds the secret cause of my disease And does enrage what it did use t' appease Beauf. starting Hark that was Graciana's voice Grac. Oh Beaufort Beauf. She calls on me and does advance this way I will conceal my self within this Bower she may The secret causes of my grief betray Beaufort goes into an Arbour and Graciana and Letitia come upon the Stage Grac. Too rigidly my Honour I pursue Sure somthing from me to my Love is due Within these private shades for him I 'le mourn Whom I in Publique am oblig'd to scorn Let. Why shou'd you Madam thus indulge your grief Love never yet in Sorrow found relief These Sighs like Northern winds to th' early Spring Destruction to your blooming Beauty bring Grac. Letitia peace my Beauty I despise Wou'd you have me preserve these fatal eyes Let. Had you less beauteous been y 'ad known less care Ladies are happiest moderately fair But now shou'd you your Beauty waste which way Cou'd you the debt it has contracted pay Grac. Beaufort didst thou but know I weep for thee Thou would'st not blame my scorn but pity me Let. When Honour first made you your Love decline You from the Centre drew a crooked line You were to Beaufort too severe I fear Lest to your Love you partial might appear Grac. I did what I in honour ought to do I yet to Beaufort and my love am true And if his Rival live I 'le be his Bride Joy shall unite whom Grief does now divide But if for love of me brave Bruce does die I am contracted to his Memory Oh Beaufort Beauf. Oh Graciana here am I By what I 've heard fix'd in an extasie Grac. We are surpriz'd unlucky accident Fresh Sorrow 's added to my discontent Exeunt Graciana and Letitia leasurely Beaufort Enters Beauf. Graciana stay you can no more contend Since Fortune joyns with Love to be my Friend There is no fear of Bruce his death the wound By abler Chyr'gions is not mortal found She will not stay My Joys like waters swell'd into a flood Bear down whate're their usual streams withstood Exit Beaufort SCEN. IV. Scene My Lady Dawbwell's House Enter Wheadle and Grace Whead. I wonder we have yet no tidings of our Knight Nor Palmer Fortune still crosses the industrious Girl When we recover him you must begin To lye at a little opener ward 'T is dangerous keeping the Fool too long at bay Lest some old Wood-man drop in by chance And discover th' art but a rascall Deer I have counterfeited half a dozen Mortgages A dozen Bonds and two Scriveners to vouch all That will satisfie him in thy Estate He has sent into the Country for his Writings But see here he comes Enter Sir Nicholas Sir Nich'las I must chide you indeed I must You neglect your duty here Nay Madam never Blush faith I 'le reveal all Y' are the happiest The luckiest man Enter Sir Frederick W' are betray'd death what makes him here To Sir Frederick Sir Frederick your humble Servant y' are come In the luckiest time for mirth will you but lend Me your eare do not you see Sir Nich'las and Grace Yonder look look Sir Fred. Yes Whead. I am perswading him to keep her she 's a pretty Deserving Girl faith let us draw off a while And laugh among our selves for fear of spoiling The poor Wenches market let us let us Sir Fred. With all my heart Bayliffs meet Wheadle at the door and Arrest him Bayliffs We arrest you Sir Whead. Arrest me Sir Frederick Sir Nicholas Sir Fred. We are not provided for a Rescue at present Sir Whead. At whose Suit Bayliffs At Sir Frollick's Whead. Sir Frollick's I owe him never a farthing Sir Fr. Y' are mistaken Sir you owe me a thousand pounds Look you do you know Mr Palmer's hand He has assign'd such a small debt over to me Enter Palmer and Jenny Whead. How was I bewitch'd to trust such a villain Oh Rogue Dog Coward Palmer Palm Oh thou unconscionable Wheadle a thousand pounds Was too small a bubble S. Fred. Away with him away with him Whead. Nay Sir Frederick 't is punishment enough to fall From my expectation Do not ruine a young man Grace I beseech you Sir S. Fred. Thou hast mov'd me Grace Do not tremble Chuck I love thy profession too well To harm thee Look you Sir what think you of a rich Widow Proffering him the Whore Was there no Lady to abuse Wheadle but my Mistress No man to bubble but your Friend and Patron Sir Nich'las But let this pass Sir Nich'las is satisfi'd take Grace Here marry her we are all satisfied She 's a pretty deserving Girl and a Fortune now In earnest I 'le give her a thousand pounds Whead. Pray Sir do but consider S. Fred. No consideration dispatch or To Limbo Whea Was there ever such a Dilemma I shall rot in Prison Come hither Grace I did but make bold like a young Heir With his Estate before it come into his hands Little did I think Grace that this Pasty Stroaking her belly When we first cut it up should have been preserv'd For my Wedding Feast S. Nich. You are the happiest the luckiest man Mr Wheadle Palm Much joy Mr Wheadle with your rich Widow Whead. Sir Frederick shall that Rogue Palmer laugh At me S. Fr. No no Ienny come hither I 'le make thee amends As well as thy Mistress for the injury I did thee Th' other night Here is a Husband for thee too Mr Palmer where are you Palm Alas Sir Frederick I am not able to Maintain her S. Fred. She shall maintain you Sir Do not you understand the mystery of Stiponie Ienny Maid I know how to make Democcuana Sir S. Fred. Thou art richly endow'd i' faith Here here Palmer No shall I shall I This or that which You deserve better Palm This is but a short Reprieve the Gallows will Be my destiny S. Fred. Sir Nich'las now we must haste to a better Solemnity my Sister expects us Gentlemen meet us at the Rose I 'le bestow a Wedding Dinner upon you and there release your Judgment Mr Wheadle Bayliffs wait upon them thither S. Nich. I wish you much joy with your fair Brides Gentlemen Whead. A pox on your Assignment Palmer Palm A pox on your rich Widow Wheadle Come Spouse Come Exeunt SCEN. V. Scene The Lord Bevill's House Enter Lord Bevill Bruce led in Lovis Beaufort Graciana and Aurelia Bruce Graciana I have lost my claim to you And now my Heart 's become Aurelia's due She all this while within her tender breast The flame of Love has carefully supprest Courting for me and striving to destroy Her own Contentment to advance my