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A29574 The holy practises of a devine lover, or, The sainctly [sic] Ideots Deuotions the contents of the booke are contained in the ensuinge page. More, Gertrude, 1606-1633.; Baker, Augustine, 1575-1641. 1657 (1657) Wing B479; ESTC R10839 90,605 335

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Hayle sweete Iesus who didst permitt thy selfe to be mocked and scoffed and thy louely face which to behold is the cheifest happinesse for thy greater deri●●on to be blindfolded 9. Grant that the vayle of ignorance beinge taken a way I maye be endued with the knowledge of thy Will 10. Imprint in my hart a continuall remembrance of thee 11. Hayle sweete Iesus who for my sake wert diuersly afflicted by the Iewes for a whole night together 12. Thou knowest ô Lord how hard a thinge it is for mee to suffer though neuer soe small a matter 13. Out of thy Mercie therefore assist my frailetie and graunt that I maye not cowardlie fall or faint at the cominge of any aduersitie 14. Hayle sweete Iesus who didst permitt thy selfe beinge mocked bound to be led ●o the Prophane Tribunall of Pilate the Iudge and in a disdaynefull manner to be presented before him thou thy selfe beinge the iudge of the liuinge and the dead 15. Grant that I maye be trulye subiect to my Superiors and all Powres ouer mee ordained by thee 16. That I maye obey my Equalls and loue and honour all Men. 17. Grant that I maye not feare other mens Iudgments of mee but may receiue them with a readie and meeke mind Amen THE XI EXERCISE 1. HAyle sweete Iesus Prayse Honour and Glorie be to thee o Christ Kinge of heauen and Earth who didst affirme that thy Kingdome was not of this world that by this thy profession thou mighst auert our harts from the Loue of this present life 2. Graunt I beseech thee that in Affection I may renounce all worldly and transitorie things lett my hart desire nothinge that is subiect to corruption 3. But lett it loue thee only the true and euerlastinge good 4. Hayle sweete Iesus who standinge before Pilate didst humbly hold thy Peace whilst the Iewes did wrongfullie accuse and calumniate thee 5. Grant ô Lord that I may neuer be troubled at other mens slaunderinge mee 6. But that I maye with silence ouercome all iniuries 7. Giue mee the perfect Grace of hum●litie by which I maye neither desire to be praysed or refuse to be contemned 8. Hayle sweete Iesus● Prayse Honour and Glorie be to thee o Christ. Lambe without spott against whom the wicked Scribes and Pharisees did rage with a most obstinate hatred 9. For though Pilate gaue Testimonie that hee found in thee noe cause deseruinge Death yet they would not be appeased from seekinge after thy Death 10. Grant that I maye imitate thy Innocencie and Patience 11. That I maye both liue well and liuinge well be contented to be euill spoken of and mispired 11. Hayle sweete Iesus who with greate exclamations and much noise of people like a most hainous malefactor wast drawne from Tribunall to Tribunall from Pilate to Herod through the midst of the Cittie 13. Grant that I be not deiected with any iniuries of myne enemies 14. And that I be not much ashamed of Contempt 15. To the end that by thy gratious assistance I maye possesse my soule in Patience 16. Hayle sweete Iesus who beinge asked Vaine Questions by Herod in sundrie things falsely accused by the high Priests and Scribes didst humbly and prudentlie hold thy peace 17. Giue mee that restraint of tongue which maye be acceptable to thee 18. That I may loue to speake well and thinke rightly of all Men. Amen THE XII EXERCISE 1. HAyle sweete Iesus Prayse Honour and Glorie b●●o thee o Christ Who by thy silence condemninge Herods vaine desire wouldst not without good cause and for a good end delight his curious eies by workinge a Miracle And didst thereby giue vs a lesson to auoid ostentation in the presence of greate men 2. Powre into my soule thy Spirit of profound humilitie 3. Mortifie and extinguish in mee all ticklinge of vayne Glorie 4. Grant that I maie not seeke to gaine the praises of Men but to doe all purelie for thyne only Honour Glorie 5. Hayle sweete Iesus who didst not disdaine to be scoffed at by Herode and his whole Army and to be clothed in a white Garment like a foole or a mad man 6. Graunt that I maie rather choose to be reputed base and abiect with thee then Glorious with the world 7. That I may esteeme it better and more worthy to suffer disgrace for thy loue then to shine in the vaine honour of the world 8. Grant that knowinge throughlie mine owne iniquitie and myne owne vnworthynesse I maye grow base in mine owne conceit and despise reprehend and bewayle my selfe 9. Hayle sweete Iesus who beinge compared with the notorious theife ●arrabas wast iudged more wicked and more worthy of Death then hee 10. The Murtherer is set at libertie● and the enuious Iewes demand thy death who art the Author of life 11. Thou art indeed that liuinge stone reiected by Man but chosen by God 12. O that I maye preferre nothinge before thee or change thee for any Thinge 13. O that I could esteeme all things as dunge and filth to the end I maye gayne and esteeme thee 14. Grant ô Lord that the blott of enuie may neuer staine my soule 1● Hayle sweete Iesus who beinge stripped naked in the pallace and bound to a pillar didst suffer thy most naked and immaculate flesh to be rent with most cruell scourges that with thy soares thou mighst heale out wounds 16. O amiable Iesus I make choice ●f thee couered with stripes for the spowse of my soule 17. Desiringe to be inflamed and burned with the Fyre of thy most sweete loue● 18. Strippe my hart naked I beseech thee from all indecent cogitations 19. Grant that I maye now patiently suffer the scourges of thy Fatherly correction Amen THE XIII EXERCISE 1. HAyle sweete Iesus Prayse Honour and Glorie be to thee ● Christ vppon whom all discharged vnspeakeable iniuries and contumelies 2. For they clothed thee Kinge of Glorie with a purple garment for thy greater affront 3. They fastned vppon thy deuine head a crowne of thornes 4. They putt into thy hands a scepter of reed and kneelinge downe in a scornefull manner saluted thee sayinge Hayle kinge of the Iewes 5. Plant I beseech thee in my hart the memorie of thy Passion 6. Lett scornes for thy sake be my Glorie and iniuries and affronts my Crowne 7. Hayle sueete Iesus who didst not refuse for my sake to be beaten with a reed to be buffeted to be spitt vppon and to be the obiect of all kind of derisions 8. I beseech thee by thy wounds by thy Blood by thy Disgraces and by all the greife and sorrow which thou sufferedst for mee to endue my soule with all thy patience and those Graces 9. That thou wilt conuert mee and all I haue to thyne euerlastinge praise and Glorie 10. Hayle sueete Iesus Who beinge defiled with spittle rent and disfigured with stripes bound and wholie miserable wast brought forth as a spectacle to the enraged people wearinge a crowne of Thornes and a robe of purple
towards itt from God wee tend towards the foresaid end of absolute Perfection and thereby satisfie God and secure our owne soules saluation which otherwise wee cannot doe And in and by such tendance wee passe by degrees though perhapps but slow low from that which is lesse perfect to that which is more perfect perseueringe in such our tendance progresse liue wee or liue wee not tyme enough for to be able to reach to the foresaid end itselfe wee shall finallye become perfectlye happie God reguardinge and requitinge as out of his most free and immense Goodnesse Hee will such our good wills and endeauours in the said Holye affaire graciouslye acceptinge the same as fact and deed from vs. And indeed noe man in this life and state of corruption doth fullye attayne to the foresaid Perfection of the first Man who in that state of his Loued God with his whole Hart mind and powres of his soule and Bodie But it wil suffise vs that wee ayme at such Perfection faithfullye labour to attayne therevnto in the meane tyme towards it exercisinge performinge Loue to God the best and most wee can albeit wee neuer attayne fullye and in deed to the aforesaid perfection but to some degree of perfection inferior to it which wee shall attayne to aiminge at and labouringe for the said more absolute COMMENDATIO Quotidiana PIE Iesu ego commendo tibi animam meam corpus meum progressum finemque huius miserae vitae meae Presta vt recessus meus ab hoc exilio sit placitus coram te cum venerit ipsa Hora mortis meae concede si est Honor Nominis tui vt absque impedimento mox perueniam ad Te. Fiat voluntas tua Domine Deus meus Commendo tibi hunc locum Congregationem praesente atque absentes Fratres nostros Commendo tibi omnia negotia spiritualia temporalia omnes necessitates nostras Da vt sit sancta disciplina verae Religionis sit hîc Humilitas Charitas Puritas ad Gloriam Nominis tui Commendo Ecclesiam Catholicam Da Reformationem morum tibi placentem In ●mnium hominum ordine Commendo Vicarium tuum Summu●● Pontificem famulum tuum Imperatorem Regem nostrum Principes Christianos commendo Patrem meum Matrem Fratres Sorores Propinquos Familiares Benefactores Nostros omnesque fideles tam vivos quam defunctos ac praecipuè eos qui meis orationibus specialiter commendati sunt Conuerte quaeso salua excaecatos miserosque peccatores Conuerte reuoca Hareticos atque Schismaticos Conuerte illumina infideles te adhuc ignorantes periclitantibus subueni maerentes consolare Tentationibus doloribus calamitatibus pressos afflictos releua Miserere Domine Miserere Omnium propter Sanctum nomen Tuum Amen Amor meus Pondus meum illo feror quocumque feror S. Aug. DIRECTIONS HOW to make right vse of the Deuotions or formes of Prayer followinge commonly called the Ideots Deuotions because they are for such as feruently and simply with all their affections Light of f●ith the onlie ●ui safe ground desire to aspire after God in the Clo●d of faith and feelings of Loue without troubleinge themselues with busye and impertinent operations of the vnderstandinge commonly called Meditatiōs or discourses of the vnderstandinge to move excite the will which in the case of these deuine Seraphicke Ideots are superfluous they beinge alreadye sufficiently yea aboundantly excited and bent to loue God and practise vertue through their light of Faith which telleth and assureth them that all is vanitye of Vanities but. Only to Loue and serue God Ec. 1 2● and their owne innate Propension inclininge them to this end and not sufferinge them to rest contentedly any way else or in any thinge else and this natural propension strenthned promoted by the habit of supernatural deuine Charitie makes them runne the wayes of the Commandments of God he dilating their Harts Ps. 119. 1. First you are to know that though these Deuotions imply greate perfection yet noe greater then euery Christian of what state and condition soeuer is bound vnto To witt To the perfect Loue of God aboue all things That is with all Ones hart with all ones soule with all ones mind Which is the very first Commandment 2. Though in these Deuotions there be many Act● peculiar proper to Religious Persons as principally made for them yet single married lay people may make very good profitable and proper vse of the rest of those acts alsoe soe farre as they may make them agree with their state and condition by some smal alteration As where it is spoken of obedience to Superiors it may be applyed of wiues to their Husbands Children to their Parents single people to their Ghostly Fathers yea of all People to their Ghostly Fathers in a good sense Soe also where it is spoken of Pouertye it may be vnderstood in Spirit affection which all euen lay people ought to Haue And in like manner where it is spoken of Religious offices both for acceptinge meane and base ones and refusinge honorable ones may be as well applyed to lay Offices both in priuate familyes and common Wealths And thus appropriatinge euery thinge to each ones particular state and condition very good and profitable vse may be made of them all 3. Though these Deuotions be ample and large enough yet they cannot reach to euery ones particular occasions necessities wherefore they are to obserue that what Deuotions may be specially inspired them or vpon some iust Occasion suggested vnto them as proper and necessarye for them they ought to make vse of them freely and cheerefully though they be● not contained in these exercises And this especially in the Acts of Resignation 4. Now as concerninge the maner of exercisinge these Deuotions it ought cheifly to be done in Spirit mind and without any vocalitie at all especially in beginners who would be more distracted through such vocalitie as more sensible and soe more subiect to distraction yet in some who haue such a Grace to exercise them both vocallie mentallye that is spiritually they may doe well and best it is soe to doe 5. And as concerninge the quantitie though they be deuided into seuerall Exercises and those into seueral Acts. Yet is it not to be vnderstood that all the Acts of euerie exercise are to be vsed at one tyme nor that one Exercise and all its Acts only are to be vsed at one tyme but in this discretion is to be vsed and libertie of Spirit sometymes to vse fewer sometymes more as may be expedient for our soules good For it may soe happen that one or two Acts of an exercise may serue with greate profitt for one whole tyme of Prayer and sometymes agayne 20. or 40. may not serue and in this as I haue said and now I say it agayne as a principall poynt to
corresponded with my dutye and beene verie vngratefull for thy Benefits 9. For thou hast spent thy whole life for my Aduantage and I haue spent myne in offendinge thee 10. I acknowledge I deserue for my sinns and in punishment of them all the paynes of hel 11. Yea they are all too little for my demeritt 12. I haue sinned I haue sinned I am sorrie I am sorrie and repent from the bottome of my hart This Exercise is continued in the followinge THE XXI EXERCISE 1. I Offer thee a sorrowfull and repentant hart because such an one is acceptable vnto thee and beseeminge mee 2. I assure thee I had rather haue suffered all the torments and trauayles of the world rather then to haue offended thee in the least of my sinns 3. I purpose if please thee to giue mee life to take chastisement and reuenge of my selfe for offending● thee doinge for my sinnes all the pennance I am able 4. And though they be many and greate yet haue I greate hope and confidence thou wilt pardon them 5. For thou art the sea of Mercie that which thou most gloriest in is to be mercifull and forgiue sinns 6. Thou hast promised that in what howre soeuer a sinner should repent him of his sinns thou wouldst pardon him 7. Be mercifull therefore to mee ô Lord be mercifull 8. Pardon and forgiue mee my sinns and offences pardon mee sweete Iesus 9. Be mercifull vnto mee for thy bitter death and Passions sake and for ihy glorious meritts haue mercie vppon mee for in them I trust and confide 10. If thou lookest on mee Alone and naked then maist thou presentlie cast mee into hell 11. But I humblye begge of thee that thou wouldst place thy Death and Passion thy Blood and Crosse betweene thy ●udgement and my soule 12. That by the merits of thy death I may be deliuered from euerlastinge death and admitted to life in thy Glorie 13. And in the blessed societie of thy Saincts I may prayse thee world without end Amen Heere Endeth the Poenitent FINIS CERTAYNE AMOROVS speeches of the so●le to her selfe in Prayer The VVhich are a good forme or matter of Prayer vvhen the soule is not able or apt to speake immediatelye to God THE FIRST EXERCISE 1. O My soule when wilt thou be readie to follow the humilitie of thy Lord Iesus-Christ 2. When wilt thou imitate his mildnesse 3. When shal the example of his Patience shine in thee 4. When wilt thou be better 5. When wilt thou be wholye free from Passions and vicious Affections 6. When shall euill be quite destroyed in thee 7. When shall disordinatenesse be blotted out of thee 8. When wilt thou peaceablye and gentlye endure all tribulation and temptation 9. When wilt thou perfectlye loue thy God 10. When wilt thou most inwardlye embrace Him 11. When wilt thou be wholye swallowed vpp in his Loue 12. When wilt thou be pure simple and resigned before him 13. How longe wil it be ere thou be hindered noe more from his most chast embracings 14. O that thou wert immaculate 15. O that thou dist feruentlye loue God 16. O that thou didst inseparablye cleaue vnto thy cheifest good 17. O my soule where is thy God 18. Where is thy Loue 19. Where is thy Treasure 20. Where is thy Desire 2● Where is all thy Good 22. Where is thy God 23. When shalt thou be with him 24. When shalt thou most happilye enioye him It is continued THE II. EXERCISE 1. WHEN shalt thou freelye prayse him with all the Glorious Citizens of Heauen 2. Dispaire not ô my soule 3. Take comfort daughter and be confident most deare 4. If thou hast sinned and art wounded behold thy God behold thy Physitian is readie to cure thee 5. Hee is most gratious and most mercifull and therefore willinge 〈…〉 tent and therefore 〈…〉 6. Peraduenture thou art afraid because hee is thy Iudge but take ha●● for hee who is thy Iudge is alsoe thy Aduocate 7. Hee is thy Aduocate to defend and excuse thee doinge pennance soe thy ●udge to saue not to condemne thee beinge humbled 8. His mercie is infinitlye greater then is or can be thyne iniquitie 9. Thy God is most gentle most sweet hee is wholye amiable wholye desirable and loueth all things which hee hath created 10. Let not thyne imperfections discourage thee too much for thy God doth not dispise thee because thou art fraile and infirme But loueth thee exceedinglye because thou desirest and labourest to be more perfect 11. Arise my soule arise out of the dust slipp thy head out of the collar thou captiue daughter of Sion 12. Arise forsake the puddle of thy negligent lise 13. How longe must thou take pleasure in perills how longe wilt thou esteemee anxitie and torments to be rest how longe wilt thou securelye sleepe in destruction 14. How longe wilt thou willinglye leaue the right way and wander abroad farre and neere in vncouth and vnknowne Paths 15. Returne vnto our Lord thy God for hee expecteth thee 16. Make hast be not slacke for hee is readie to receiue thee 17. Hee wil meete thee with open armes deferre not to returne 18. Haue accesse vnto Iesus hee will heale and purifye thee 19. Ioyne thy selfe to Iesus hee will illuminate thee 20. Adhere to Iesus hee will blesse and saue thee 21. Alas my soule how vngratefull hast thou beene to thy God It is continued THE III. EXERCISE 1. HEE hath bestowed innumerable and most admirable b●nefits on thee and thou stil repaist euill for good 2. Hee hath adopted thee to be heir of the Kingdome of Heauen 3. Hee hath promised those things vnto thee which neither eye hath seene nor eare hath heard nor the Hart of man can comprehend 4. But thou hast left and contemned Him who hath beene soe many wayes beneficial vnto thee 5. Thou hast cast away the holye feare of Him that loued thee 6. Thou hast shaken of his sweet yoke that hath elected thee 7. Thou art become as One of the daughters of Belial as an impudent harlot void of all shame thou hast worshipped iniquitie 8. Thou hast made a compact with death thou hast giuen thy hand to the diuell 9. Thou hast beene most prompt to all wickednesse thou hast heaped euil vppon euil and hast reioyced to adde sinne to sinne 10. By thy wickednesse thou hast Crucifyed Christ agayne who had chosen thee for his spouse 11. Thou hast renewed his wounds by thy crimes 12. Who will giue groanes and sighs 13. Who wil giue thee a springe of teares that thou maist night and day be wayle thy ingratitude 14. O vnhappie wretch what wilt thou doe 15. O that thou hadst kept thy selfe in the state of Innocencie 16. O that thou hadst remayned immaculate 17. O that thou hadst not miserablye defiled thy selfe with dishonestie 18. O that thou hadst not gone a stray from thy God! 19. Thou hast lost thyne innocencie thou art defiled thou art become dishonest thou
hast forsaken thy God 20. Alas poore wretch and what wilt thou doe to whom wilt thou flye from whom wilt thou expect helpe 21. From whom but from Him whom thou hast offended Hee is most pittifull most courteous and most mercifull It is continued THE IV. EXERCISE 1. HVMBLE thy selfe prostrate thy selfe powre out thy selfe like water in his sight and Hee will take pittie on thee 2. O my soule if it were necessarie dayly to suffer torments yea to endure hell itselfe for a longe tyme together that wee might see Christ in his glorie and be ioyned in fellowship with the saintes in His Heauenlye Citie were it not meete thinkest thou to sustayne all manner of miserie that wee might be made pertaker of soe greate a good and soe greate a felicitie 3. O my soule who art most famous by beinge framed accordinge to the likenesse of God beinge bought with the price of Christs owne blood espoused vnto Him by Faith endowed with the holye Ghost adorned with vertues esteemed equall with the Angells 4. Loue Him then Loue Him of whom thou art beloued 5. Attend to Him that attendeth to thee and seeke Him that seeketh thee 6. Loue this Louer of whom thou art beloued with whose loue thou art preuented and who is the fountaine from whence thy loue floweth 7. Be carefull to please Him who is carefull to please thee thinke on Him who thinketh on thee be pure with Him who is Puritie itselfe be holye with Him who is Holinesse itselfe 8. Accoordinge to thy carriage towards God in thy conuersation will hee carrie himselfe towards thee againe 9. God is courteous mild full of mercie and compassion and doth require therefore of thee that thou likwise be courteous mild sweete humble and mercifull towards All. 10. Loue Him ô my soule who hath deliuered thee from the lake of miserie and from the Mire of sinne and iniquitie 11. Choose Him for thy special Friend who alone will Faithfullye adhere and sticke vnto thee when all other things and Friends will faile and shrinke from thee 12. One the day of thy burial when thou shalt be Abandoned and forsaken by all thy Friends Hee will not leaue thee but will defend thee from those roaringe infernall Fiends readie to deuoure thee will conduct thee vnto the Land of the liuinge 13. O my soule sigh vehementlye and aspire feruentlye to that glorious Citie soe highlye spoken of 14. Heauen and Earth and all therin contayned doe continuallye exhort thee to loue thy Lord God 15. My soule blisse thou our Lord my soule praise thou our Lord 16. Why art thou ô my soule sad and why art thou troubled Hope in our Lord for hee will be thy comfort and sollace 17. Sweete and amiable Iesus is present with thee thou must with Reuerence and loue attend vnto Him 18. O would to God hee would wash mee with his most pretious blood perfectlye cleanse and heale mee and lighten mee with the brightenesse of his Grace 19. O that hee would wound my hart interiorlye and mollifye itt perfectlye and make it as it were drunke with his mellifluous Charitie 20. O would to God I might wholye burne and be consumed and melted with the fire of his Loue 21. I aske I wish I desire that the heauenlye Kinge who vouchsafeth to be my soules Bridegroome would vouchsafe alsoe to make mee pleasinge to him Amen FINIS An example of Acts which a Soule maye Exercisee towards God as absent from Her 1. I will blesse our Lord at all tymes his prayses shal euer be in my Mouth 2. Our Lord haue Mercie on vs● enlighten his countenance vppon vs and take pittie on vs. 3. It is good for mee to seeke after our Lord and gett neere vnto him for hee is our Hope and our All. The Pfalmes of Dauid are full of these Acts. FINIS An example of speakinges supposed to be made by God to the soule 1. SONNE it behoueth thee to giue all for all and reserue nothinge to thy selfe 2. Sonne where is true peace to be found is it not in Mee 3. Sonne thou canst not attayne to perfect libertie if thou dost not wholye forsake thy selfe 4. Sonne abide constant and hope in mee This is All in All. FINIS ACTS OF LOVE AND vvellvvishinge tovvards God THE FIRST EXERCISE 1. I Doe reioyce in all the Perfections that are in thee ô my God as in thy wisedome Goodnesse Powre and all other thy deuine prerogatiues and perfections 2. Lett it please and suffice mee that thou art infinitlye happie and Rich my most benigne and louinge Father 3. I doe reioyce at the presence of thee my God in heauen where thou reignest as in thy Kingdome and that thou art there worshipped adored and loued by all thy Angells and Saincts 4. Soe that if it were in my Powre I would Loue and honour thee with all that loue and worshipp wherewith all the Angells and Saints doe there Loue thee 5. I doe ioye in all the Loues and seruices that the iust Men in the Church especiallye the Perfect in all former ages in the present Age or in the future Ages haue borne performed doe beare and performe or shall beare and performe towards thee 6. And I desire to loue thee with the Loue of them All and would for thy Loue doe and performe if it lay in my powre all their workes aswell internall as externall and would vndergoe all their labours and endure all their Afflictions 7. I doe hartilye reioyce in all the good things that are in the elect seruants of God but especiallye for the wonderfull guifts of the perfect and that they are by thee ô my God illuminated inflamed and sanctified 8. My Loue and desire towards thee ô my God is such and soe greate that if it were possible to mee and acceptable to thee I would of each soule especiallye of myne owne make a Kingdome of Heauen that thou mightst be beloued and praysed in foe many Heauens by the dwellers in them 9. Which if it lay in my powre should be more in number then the Grasse piles on the Earth the sands in the sea or dropps of water therin 10. I doe heere in thy presence ô my God hold and repute my selfe as nothinge and whatsoeuer I haue aboue nothinge naturall or supernaturall I acknowledge it to be thyne and none of myne 11. And because of my selfe I am nothinge and that my God is all Good and that all good things come onlye from him I doe greatly reioyce and with all my hart confesse that I am nothinge can doe nothinge and haue nothinge for both my beinge and abilitie to doe and all I haue is thyne and from thee THE II. EXERCISE 1. I Doe heere in the presence of God repute and iudge my selfe the most vile of all creatures and because I cannot feele or perceiue this in my selfe but rather the contrarie hauinge a good and greate opinion of my selfe I doe acknowledge therefore that I am most prowd
and vngratefull of all others and I doe bewayle my selfe as such an One. 2. O my God I loue and desire to loue thee with a loue pure and free from all respect of proper commoditie and selfe interest 3. I loue thee my Lord with a perseuerant loue purposinge by the helpe of thy holye Grace and assistance neuer to be separated from thee by sinne 4. And if I were to liue for millions of yeares yet would I euer remayne thy faithfull seruant and louer 5. I wish all Creatures would Adore and serue thee and that infidels may be conuerted to thy faith and all sinners to good life and All this onlye for thy supreame Honor and Glorie 6. I wish that neither my selfe nor any other had euer offended thee my God and that in particular I my selfe had euer serued thee faithfullye from the instant of my Natiuitie 7. I wish and desire that both I my selfe and all others maye hereafter serue and loue thee most faithfully and this for the loue and good will I beare thee 8. I reioyce and congratulate that thou my Lord God art soe rich and happie that all creatùres can add noe more to thy happinesse then alreadie thou hast 9. Neuerthelesse because thou maist haue external honour and worshipp from thy creatures I doe wish I doe wish that All of them may accordinglye performe their seruice and the worshipp dew vnto thee the best they can 10. I am sorrie for all the sinns and indignities that are haue or shall be done vnto thee by my selfe or by All or any others 11. And this principally and only I am sorrie for because these sinns are iniuries donne to thy deuine Maiestie who onlye is worthye to be honored and serued by all thy creatures 12. I doe ioyfullye accept and am glad of all that is pleasinge to God be it Prosperitie or Aduersitie sweete or bitter and this meerelye for the loue I beare him 13. I am sorrie for all that doth displease God or is contrarie to his deuine will or Commandements and all this onlye for the loue of him and his Glorie THE III. EXERCISE 1. I Congratule thee ô my God and am glad that thou art God and for the Blissednesse and all the Perfections that are in thee and which for all Eternitie thou hast euer had as thy omnipotencie wisedome goodnesses and the like 2. I congratulate thee alsoe and am glad that thou hast need of noe extrinsecall thinge but art in thy selfe most rich and fullye sufficient both for thy selfe and all Other Creatures 3. I likewise with thee ô my Lord reioyce in the sweete ordinance and disposition of heauen and earth for all the things which are in the maruaylous Creation of this world and for all the workes which thou hast made or shalt yet make vnto the end of the world 4. I congratulate approue and reioyce in all the iudgements of my Lord God aswell manifest as secret concerninge the Diuells the soules of the damned the vnbaptised children in Lymbo the soules that be in Purgatorie and the wicked men that liue in this world 5. I congratulate end reioyce with thee ô my God in all the Laude and prayses which the Angells Saints in heauen and thy seruants of the earth doe giue thee and for all the worshipp they yeild vnto thee 6. Because I find my selfe altogether insufficient to prayse my God I doe for my helpe and assistance therin inuite and call vppon the holye Angells and all creatures 7. And withall my owne soule with all the powres of it that all of them together may glorifye my God for his infinitt excellencie 8. I am sorrie I am not perfect and wish that soe farre as it maye please my God to grant itt I maye be perfect the more worthylie to prayse thee 9. And not out of any commoditie by it to my selfe but purelye for the Loue I beare thy Deuine Maiestie who is infinitly worthy of more loue and honour then all Creatures that are or can be are able to performe towards thee 10. Exult and reioyce and be thou delighted ô my soule for all the excellencies and good things that are in thy God 11. If it laye in my powre and were lawfull for mee to choose what God I would haue I would not choose any other God but thee Alone sayinge with Dauid Dixi Domino Deus meus es Tu. I said vnto my Lord thou art my God 12. I reioyce in the Dignitie that our Sauuiour Christ now hath in Heauen and congratulate him in it It is continued THE IV. EXERCISE 1. BLISSED be thy eternall Father who soe aboundantly bestowed these felicities on thee Doe thou blissedly and gloriouslye enioye them for all Eternitie 2. I congratulate the most Blissed Virgin Marie and all the Angells and Saints in Heauen for the glory and happinesse which they now enioye 3. And I prayse and exalt my God for his greate goodnesse and liberalitie therin shewed towards those thy most faithfull and elect friends 4. I doe exceedinglye reioyce that since all Creatures together are in noe sort able to prayse thee my God accordinge to the very least worth that is in thee yet thou thy selfe and thou onlye art able sufficientlye and perfectlye to prayse and glorifye thy selfe 5. I doe reioyce indeed at this and doe hartilye desire thee to doe it euer more 6. Yea I doe hartyly craue of thee that thou may incessantlye and most intensiuely prayse thy selfe since thou onlye art Able to doe itt and deserueth to haue it done 7. I doe congratulate and reioyce with thee ô my Lord God in all the workes which thou hast done and this only because they are thy workes 8. As for the Creation of the world thy Prouidence about itt thy Redemption of it Wonderfully esteeminge all these workes because they are thyne 9. An I reioyce aswell in that thou hast made a hell for the punishment of the wicked as a heauen for the Reward of the good 10. I wish and desire out of my loue to God that hee may be praysed and knowne of all Men and I doe inuite all Creatures to doe the same with my selfe 11. I offer my selfe for the loue of my God to beare and suffer all things which may be to his honour and Glorie though noe manner of commoditie accurre to mee thereby but purely to doe it out of the free loue I beare and desire to beare towards my God 12. Lastlye I professe that if I could deuise any thinge wherin I might shew or Exercise my loue towards my God I hope with the helpe of his Grace I should and would doe it most cheerefullye and readily out of the pure and sinceare loue that I beare and wish to beare toward my God without respect of any commoditie by it to my selfe which God graunt mee to doe for his Glorie and my happynes●e Amen FINIS CERTAINE AMOROVS Aspirations to be vsed accordinge to the Direstions and the Disposition of
vnto mee where thou dost eate where thou dost lodge Surge propera Amica mea columba mea formosa mea veni 54. Arise hasten my beloued my doue my faire One and come vnto mee Ostende mihi faciem tuam sone● vox tua in auribus meis 55. Shew mee thy face lett thy voyce sound in myne eares Vox enim tua dulcis facies tua decora 56. For thy voyce is sweete and thy face comelye Quaesiui quem diligit anima mea quaesiui illum non inueni 57. I haue sought for him whom my soule loueth I haue sought for him and haue not found him Surgam circuibo ciuitatem per●vicos plate as quaeram quem diligit anima mea 58. I will rise and goe about the city in all the streets and lanes I will seeke after Him whom my soule loueth Num vidisti quem diligit Anima mea 59. Haue you seene whom my soule loueth Paululum cum pertransissem inueni quem diligit Anima mea 60. When I had gone a little farther I found him whom my soule loueth Tenui ●um nec dimittam 61. I laid hold of him and will not let him goe Vox Dilecti mei pulsantis aperi mihi soror mea Amica mea columba mea immaculata mea 62. The voyce of my beloued knockinge open to mee my sister my loue my doue myne immaculate Pessulam Ostij mei aperui dilecto meo 63. I opened the barre of my doore to my beloued Anima mea liquefacta est vt locuta est mihi 64. My soule melted as hee spoke to mee Diligam te Domine fortitudo mea firmamentum meum Refugium meum liberator meus 65. I will loue thee ô Lord my strenth my firme foundation my Refuge and my Deliuerer Illumina oculo● meos ne vnquam obdormiam in morte ne quando dic●t inimicus meus praeualui aduersus eum 66. Enlighten myne eyes that I may neuer sleepe in Death least myne enimie may come at lenth to say I haue preuailed against him Dignus es tu Domine Deus accipere Gloriam Honorem virtutem Benedictionem 67. Thou art worthy ô Lord God to haue Glorie and Honour and powre and praysinge Confite antur tibi Domine omnia operatua sancti tui benedicant tibi 68. Let thy workes ô Lord confesse vnto thee and lett thy Saintes prayse thee Si oportuerit me mori non te negabo 69. Though I were to dye for it yet I would not denye thee 70. Iesus Iesus Iesus c. Non aemittam Te nisi Benedixeris mihi 71. I will not lett thee goe till thou hast Blissed mee 72. Lord when shal I be wholye thyne and thou myne 73. O my secure Refuge 74. O life of my Soule my Maker my Redeemer and my conseruer 75. O ioye of my soule when shal I loue thee with all my Hart with all my soule and with all my might 76. When shal I enioye thee 77. When shal I possesse thee 78. O that I were buried in thee 79. When shall I fullye please thee 80. My Consolation 81. My Life 82. My Loue. 83. My Desire 84. My Delight 86. My Riches 87. My Treasure and all my good 88. O when shal my soule be accordinge to thy harts desire 89. O that my soule were as cleane and pure as it was when it first proceeded from thee 90. O that I could perfectly obey thee 91. O that I could alwayes serue thee 92. O Treasure of my soule 93. O that I had neuer offended thee 94. O that I could see my selfe free from this or that imperfection 95. O that I could obtayne this or that necessarie virtue 96. When shal I perfectly loue thee 97. When shall this earthly Tabernacle be dissolued and my soule be made one with thee 98. Replenish mee ô Lord with thy loue 99. Giue vnto mee sweete Iesus puritie of Hart and pouertie of Spirit 100. O sweete Iesus that I knew thee and knew my selfe 101. Graunt mee ô sweete Iesus that I maye entirelie loue thee 102. Graunt mee ô my onlie loue that I maye continuallie reuerence and adore thee 103. O Bottomelesse sea of Mercie pardon mee all my sinns offences 104. Permitt mee not ô my Lord Iesus euer to be separated from thee 105. Possesse mee ô sweete Iesus vnite mee wholie vnto thee 106. I am nothinge I can nothinge I desire nothinge but thee ô Iesus Iesus Iesus 107. Graunt mee ô Lord the holye hatred of my selfe and the perfect loue of thee 108. O my God quench thou the thirst of my soule 108. Thou onlie pleasest mee and thee onlie I desire 109. For thy loue I vtterly renounce all other Loues 111. For thy loue I wholy yeild vp my selfe into thy hands 112. O All my Glorie 113. O All my Delight 114. O All my Comfort 115. With thy selfe comfort mee whom nothinge else can comfort or satisfie 1●6 O what doe I loue ô what doe I intend or seeke for saue only thee 117. Feed and satisfie mee ô Lord with thy Grace and presence in my soule 118. Thee onlie doth my soule rellish Iesus Iesus Iesus 119. My Hart longeth after thee and with none but thee Alone can it be satisfied 120. Quench my thirst ô Iesus Iesus Iesus 121. When shal my soule be plunged swallowed vp and buried in the infinit depth of thy Eternitie 122. O my Happynesse 123. O my only delight 124. O ioye of my hart 125. O my Hope my sollace my beginninge and end 126. O Lord Iesus 127. O Emanuel 128. O Messias 129. O Christ the annointed of our Lord 130. O most sweete and most louinge Lord God! 131. When shall I be vnited vnto thee 132. When shall I be drowned in thee 133. When shall I be fullye mortified 134. When shall I embrace thee 135. When shall I be inflamed with thy loue 136. When shall I be one with thee accordinge to thy harts desire Confitebor tibi Domine in toto cord● meo glorificabo nomen tuum in aeternum 137. I will confesse vnto thee ô Lord with my whole hart and will glorifie thy name for euer Miserere mei Deus miserere mei quoniam in te confidit Anima mea 138. Haue Mercie on mee ô Lord● haue on mee because my soule doth confide in thee Beati qui habitant in domo tua Domine in saecula saeculorum laudabunt te 139. Blissed are they who dwell in thy Howse ô Lord they praise thee for euer and euer Quia est melior est dies vna in atrijs tuis super millia 140. Because one daye within thy Gates is b●●●●r then a thowsand without 141. O All my Hope 142. O All my Glorie 143. O All my Refuge And All my ioie 144. O the most Beloued of Beleiuers 145. O Flourishinge spowse 146. O sweete spowse 147. O Comfort of my Hart 148. O life of my soule and the pleasant repose of my Spirit 149. Mortifie in mee
faithfull followers Which God graunt Father Sonne and holye Ghost Amen This Exercise to S. Bennet was the Deuotion of the Vener●ble Father ●ake● before m●ntioned ●o gi●e God th●n●kes for the happinesse of his Religious v●c●tion which I haue ●eere ins●r●ed as beinge gratefull to those of the same profession and not vngratefull to any deuout soule HAYLE IESVS Or Acts vppon the life and Passio● of our Sau●iour I●sus-Christ Which are indeed instar Omnium doe contayne in them Acts of all kind● of Prayer as Contrition Resignation loue or what else-soeuer As a deuout soule in her Mentall Exercises●therevpon may ea●ilye experience THE FIRST EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweet● Iesus Prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ who for ●y s●●e ha●t vouchsafed to come downe from the Royal seates and from the mellisluous Boosome of thy Deuine Father into this valley of miserie And to be conceiued and incarnated and made Man by the Holy Ghost in the most chast wombe of the most sacred Virgin Mary 2. Choose I beseech thee my Hart for thy dwellinge place Adorne itt replenish it with Spirituall guifts and wholye possesse itt 3. O that I were able by profound humilitie to inuite thee to itt and with an ardent Affection to receiue thee and after hauinge receiued thee to retayne thee with mee 4. O that I were soe fastned vnto thee that I might neuer depart or turne away my mind from thee 5. Hayle s●eete Iesus Prayse Honour and Glory be to thee ● Christ Who wouldst that the Virgin Marie hauinge conceiued thee should make hast to visi●t her Cosin Elizabeth didst inspire her that shee should salute and assist Her 6. And thou hast vouchsafed ô Christ to lye hidd for nine months together in the most chast wombe of the sacred Virgin Mary 7. Powre into my soule ô Iesus the Grace of perfect humilitie and imprint it most deepelye in my Hart● that I may be found readye alwayes to serue and obey thee 8. Grant that my Hart maye loath all transitorie things and may incessantly perceiue that thou dost pos●esse and duell in itt 9. Hayle sweet Iesus Prayse Honour and Glory be to thee ô Christ who hast vouchsafed to be borne of thy Virgin Mother poore and passible without any payne or detriment to her Virginitie in a poore stable 10. Whom beinge borne shee humbly adored 11. O that it were thy will to be continually borne in mee by a new feruour of Spirit 12. And that I may be wholy burnt with the fire of thy loue 13. O that thou wert the only comfort desire and sollace of my Hart 14. O that I did seeke after thee Alone t●inke on thee Alone and loue thee Alone THE II. EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweete Iesus prayse hono●r and glorie be to thee ô Christ. Who beinge borne i● the depth of winter didst not refuse to be suaddled in poore cloaths and weepinge to be laid in the manger and as a little infant to sucke milke from thy Mothers breasts 2. I adore thee most deare Redeemer Kinge of Angells 3. Hayle Prince of Peace light of the Gentils and most desired Sau●iour 4. Graunt● ô Lord that I may alwayes stand in thy sight truely humble and truely poore in Spirit 5. Graunt that for thy Holy names-sake I may willingly endure all kind of Mortifications and may loue nothinge in this world besides thee nor wish to possesse any thinge but thee 6. Hayle sweete Iesus whom the celestiall legions of Angells did honour newly borne with ioyfull prayses And the sheepheards deuoutly seekinge and findinge adored with admiration 7. Graunt that I may ioyfully without tediousnesse perseuer in thy prayses and seruice 8. Hayle sweete Iesus who wouldst vppon the eight day like other childeren be circumcised and beinge yet an infant shedd thy pretious Blood 9. And for our singular Comfort wouldst be ●aled Iesus which signifieth a Sauuiour 10. O that itt would please thee to admitt mee beinge circumcised from all bad thoughts words and workes into the number of thy childeren 11. Thou ô Lord art called Iesus that is to say a Sauuiour be thou therefore my Sauuiour and saue mee 12. Hayle s●eete Iesus whom the sages with a deuout seekinge found by the direction of a starre and haninge found most humblye adored 13. Offeringe vnto thee guifts of gold Frankincense and Myrrhe 14. Graunt ô Lord that with these blissed men I may alwayes seeke and adore thee in Spirit and Truth 15. Graunt that I may offer dayly vnto thee the gold of bright shininge Charitie the Frankincense of sweete smellinge Deuotion and the Myrrhe of perfect Mortification 16. Hayle sweete Iesus who for our sakes wouldst be subiect to the Law and to giue vs an example of Humilitie wouldst be carried to the Temple by thy Mother and be redeemed with an offeringe ordayned for such as were poore 17. Where iust Simeon and Anne the Prophetesse reioycinge greately at thy presence gaue very glorious Testimony of thy Dignitye 18. O that all Pride were vtterlye throwne downe in mee 19. O that all desire of humaine Fauour and itch of selfeloue were cooled and cured in mee THE III. EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweete Iesus prayse honour and glory be to thee ô Christ Who stayinge in the Temple wert for the space of three dayes with greate greife sought by thy deuout Mother and at lentgh with greate ioy found by Her sittinge in the midst of the Doctors hearinge them and proposinge questions to them 2. Would to God thou wouldst giue and Communicate thy selfe in such sort vnto mee that I might neuer be se●arated from thee not euer be dep●●ued of thy comfort ● Hayle sweete Iesus who for the space of thirtie yeares remayninge vnknowne hast vouchsafed to be reputed by the Iewes the sonne of Ioseph the Carpenter and of his wife the blissed Virgin Marye 4. Let thy Grace I beseech thee plucke vp and vtterlye roote out of the fund of my soule all pride and Ambition 5. O that I maye delight to be vnknowne and to be esteemed vile and Base 6. Hayle sweete Iesus who hast not disdained to come to the riuer of Iordan and entringe into i●t there to be baptized by thy seruant Iohn the Baptist. 7. I would through thy meritts I might become most cleane and pure euen in this life 8. Hayle sweete Iesus who for ou● sakes abidinge amongst wild beasts in the desert fastinge forty dayes and forty nights and perseueringe in prayer hast permitted thy ●elfe to be tempted by Satan 9. And ouercominge Him hast beene honored with the ministerre and seruice of Angells 10. Giue mee Grace that I maye chastise and subdue my flesh with all the vicious affections thereof 11. Giue mee Grace that I may constantlye perseuer in Prayer and other spirituall exercises 12. Lett noe temptation I beseech thee defile mee but rather let temptations purge mee and ioyne and vnite mee vnto thee 13. Hayle sweete Iesus who to the end thou mightst gather together the dispersed children
of God hast vouchsafed to preach Pennance to call Disciples and out of them to choose twelue Apostles to be eminent preachers of thy Faith 14. Draw mee after thee and powrefully stirre vp my Hart to loue thee 15. Grant that I may adhere to thee Alone Amen THE IV. EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweete Iesus prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ. Who for mee hast suffered many afflictions Heate Cold Hunger Thirst Labours and miseries 2. Graunt that I may receiue from thy Hand cheerefully all Kind of Aduersitie 3. Hayle sweete Iesus Who thirstinge the conuersion of soules hast passed whole nights in Prayer 4. Hast beene wearied with trauellinge hast passed from Countrie to Countrie from Cittie to Cittie from Towne to Towne from Village to Village 5. Lett thy loue make mee quicke and readie to all good things that I be neuer slouthfull in thy seruice 6. Graunt that euerie where I may haue zeale of thyne Honour and imploye my selfe wholy in thy seruice 7. Hayle sweet Iesus prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ. Who conuersinge with men hast vouchsafed most willinglye to comfort them● by many miracles most mercifullye to cure their Maladies and diseases 8. Giue mee a deuout hartfull of affection and compassion whereby I maye pittie other Mens afflictions and maye haue as greate a feelinge of their miseries as if they were myne owne 9. Whereby alsoe I maye beare patientlye with all Mens imperfectiōs and cheifelye to my abilitie succour them in their necessities 10. Hayle sweete Iesus prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ. Who hast not shunned the company of Publicans and sinners but hast afforded them thy most louinge Familiaritie and readie pardons of sinns to Mathew Zacheus Mary Magdelene and to the weoman taken in Adulteri● and to the rest that were repentant 1● Grant that I maye embrace all men with cheerefull loue and Charitie 12. May readilye forgiue those that offend mee 13. May perfectlye loue those that hate mee 1● Hayle sweete Iesus who for my soules sake hast su●●ered many iniuries many Blasphemies many reproaches and infinitt abuses of those on whom thou hadst bestowed many Benefitts 15. Giue mee a Hart truely innocent and simple that I may sincearely loue myne enimies and vnfainedlye pittie them 16. And Rendringe good for euill may through perfect charitie and meeke patience perfectlye please thee Amen THE V. EXERCISE 1. HAyle sweete Iesus prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ. Who cominge to Ierusalem in a meeke and gentle manner did●t ●ide vppon an Asse and amidst the prayses which were sunge by the people that came to meete thee didst powre forth teares bewaylinge the ●uine of the Citie and destruction of those vngratefull soules 2. O that I might neuer be delighted with the prayses and Fauours of Men 3. But alwayes be profitablye imployed in internall teares of compunction and Deuotion 4. Hayle sweete Iesus whom Iudas the trecherous Disciple sold for a little Money to the Iewes who did persecute thee and conspire thy death 5. Roote out of my Hart all euill desires of transitorie things 6. Graunt that I maye neuer preferre any thinge before thee 7. Hayle sweete Iesus prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ. Who in Ierusalem accordinge to the Law didst eate the Paschall Lambe which thy Disciples and giuinge them an Example of Humilitie and Holye Charitie kneelinge vppon the ground didst wash their feete and hauinge washed them didst wipe them with a towle 8. Would to God this example might peirce my Hart and vtterlye throw downe in mee all pride and loftinesse 9. Giue mee ô Lord a most profound Humilitie by which I may without difficultie cast my selfe at all mens feete 10. Hayle sweete Iesus who with an vnspeakable Charitie hast instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist And with a wonderfull liberalitie hast in it giuen thy selfe to vs. 11. Stirre vp in mee a Desire and enkindle in the intymme of my soule a most vehement hunger of this most Venerable Sacrament● 12. Grant that when I come to that Table of life I may with a chast Affection singular humilitie and perfect puritie of Hart receiue thee 13. Hayle sweete Iesus who beinge about to leaue this world didst exhort and comfort with words full of vnspeakable sweetenesse thy elect Disciples and with most ardent prayer didst recommend them to thy Father 14. Giuinge testimony thereby how tenderlye thou louedst them and vs alsoe who were to receiue thy faith by them 15. Grant that thy word maye be trulye pleasinge to mee and sweeter then the Honnie and the Honnie combe to my soule 16. O that the Spirit of that fierie Exhortation might enter into my Hart whereby I might wholye be ●ransformed into loue Amen THE VI. EXERCISE● 1. HAyle sweete Iesus prayse Honor and Glorie be to thee ô Christ. Who goinge forth with thy Disciples beyond the riuer Cedron didst enter into a garden where thou forsawest thou shouldst be taken 2. O that I could vtterlye forsake my owne will and alwayes loue and follow thyne 3. O that for thy Honour and for the ●aluation of my Bretheren I could with an vndanted mind vndergoe any aduersitie whatsoeuer 4. Yea that I might not feare if it pleased God to expose my life for them 5. Hayle sweete Iesus who immediatelye before thy Passion didst beginne to feare to greiue and be sad takinge vppon thy●el●e our weaknesse 6. That by this thy infirmitie thou mighst comfort and strenthen those that tr●mble at the expectation of Death 7. Preserue mee I beseech thee aswell from vicious sadnesse as from foolish ioye 8. Grant that all the greife I haue hitherto sustained may redound to thy Glory and the remission of my sinns 9. Hayle sweete Iesus who fallinge vppon the ground prayedst vnto thy Father and humblye offeredst vp thy selfe wholye vnto Him sayinge Father thy will be done 10. Grant that in all necessities and Tribulations I maye haue recourse vnto thee by Prayer 11. And that I may giue and resigne my selfe wholye to thy Will 12. That I may with a quiet mind receiue all things as from thy hands 13. Hayle sweete Iesus who beinge touched with a compassionate Affection towards thy beloued Disciples didst preferre their sorrow before thy Greife 14. And interruptinge thy Prayer to which thou was most Attentiue cominge the third tyme vnto them didst raise vp their deiected minds and drowsie Spirits to the Exercise of Prayer 15. Graunt that in all my Workes Exercises I maye flie all vicious sluggishnesse 15. Grant that with a vigilant mind I may cheerefully serue thee 17. That I maye euer for thy sake on all Occasions forsake my selfe preferre the good of my neighbour before my priuate deuotions Amen THE VII EXERCISE 1. HAyle sweete Iesus Prayse Honour and Glorie be to thee ô Christ. Who beinge in an Agonie didst pray very longe 2. And beinge Creator of Heauen and Earth the Kinge of Kings and Lord of Angells didst not
11. Graunt that with my hart I maie vtterlie tread vnder foote spitt vppon and haue in detestation all ambition ostentation worldly pompe and vanitie and all earthlie dignitie 12. That by profo●nd humilit●e and true contempt of my selfe I may incessantlie ●unne towards the Glory of thy heauenlie felicitie 13. Hayle su●ete Iesus Who beinge declared Innocent by Pilate the Iudge didst not refuse to heare the furious outcries of the Iewes by which they demanded that thou shouldst be crucified 14. Grant that I may liue innocently and not be troubled by reason of Other mens euill will towards mee 15. Giue mee this Grace that I maie neither backbite other Men or willinglie giue ●are to those that doe it 16. But that still I may haue a good opinion of others and beare other mens imperfections with a true compassion 17. And loue all men for God and in God with a pure sinceare and cordiall affection Amen The XIV EXERCISE 1. HAyle sueete Iesus Prayse Honour and Glorie be to thee o Christ Who didst permitt thy selfe in the presence of thy people to be vniustlie condemned to the most ignominious Death of the Crosse. 2. That thou mighst free vs from the sentence of eternall Death 3. Grant that I may seeke thy honour and rather choose to be exercised with thee in Aduersitie then by forsakinge thee to enioye the commodities of this life 4. Hayle sueete Iesus who beinge deliuered ouer to the pleasure of those who did persecute thee didst suffer greate payne by puttinge of the purple garment which did sticke vnto thy soares and puttinge on thyne owne againe 5. Grant that after I haue putt of the garment of my Bodie and am vested with the robe of perfect brightnesse I maye appeare adorned with thy meritts 6. Hayle s●eete Iesus Who with many disgraces and iniuries offered thee didst carrie thy Crosse on with greate payne vppon thy sacred and torne sholdiers 7. And beinge weary and breathlesse didst languish vnder the burden 8● Grant that with feruent Deuotion I may embrace the Crosse of myne owne Abnegation 9. And with an ardent charitie imitate the Examples of thy virtues 10. And may humbly follow thee vnto Death 11. Hayle sueete Iesus Who in that lamentable iorney in which thou went to thy death didst meekely admonish the Weomen that did bewayle thee to bewayle themselues and their childeren 12. Giue mee accegtable teares of Compunction with which I ma● truely bewaile my sinns and mine owne ingratitude 13. Giue mee Teares of deuout compunction and of holie loue which may melt my hard hart and make it gratefull vnto thee 14. That I maye loue thee alone and rest in thee only 15. Hayle sweete Iesus Who beinge led out with two theeues didst not refuse to be driuen forward to be vrged and hastened and in many other sundrie manners to be afflicted 16. Draw mee after thee and lett mee cheerefullye follow thee 17. Grant that I maie reioice in thee Alone 18. Giue mee grace to loue thee and render Loue for Loue. THE XV. EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweete Iesus Prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ Who hauinge thy sholders bruised with the weight of the Crosse didst at lenth arriue wearie at the place of execution 2. Where Wine mingled with Gall was offered thee to refresh thy languishinge forces 3. O that thou wouldst extinguish in mee the allurements of Gluttonie and the Concupiscences of that flesh 4. And cause in mee an auersion horrour from all impure and vnlawfull delight 5. And that I may eate and drinke soberly to the glorie of thy name 6. That I maye hunger and thirst after thee alone 7. And in thee place my delight ioye 8. Hayle sweete Iesus Who didst not disdaine to be stripped naked vppon Mount Caluarie in the sight of the people 9. And to suffer a most bitter paine by thy soares renewed with the pullinge of thy cloaths 10. Graunt that I maye loue pouertie of Spiritt and neuer be troubled for any worldly want 11. Grant that by thy example I may endure and suffer any corporall necessities or calamities whatsoeuer● 12. Hayle sweete Iesus Who beinge naked didst not refuse to be rudely stretched out vppon the Wood of the Crosse and cruellie fastned with nailes vnto the same 13. In this manner didst thou suffer thyne innocent hands and delicate feete to be most greiuously wounded and all thy sacred ioints to cracke and be put out of ioint 14. Grant mee ô Lord that with a faithfull and gratefull mind I maye consider this thy vnspeakeable Charitie with which of thyne owne accord thou didst stretch forth thyne armes and willingly offered thy hands and feete to be peirced 15. Vouchsafe ô Lord to enlardge and extend my hart with the perfect loue of thee 16. Peirce it and fasten itt vnto thy selfe with the most sueete naile of Charitie 17. And all my senses cogitations and affections inclose only in thee Amen THE XVI EXERCISE 1. HAYLE sweete Iesus prayse honour and glorie be to thee ô Christ Who didst hange thy hands feete beinge peirced three howres vppon the shamefull wood of the Crosse and sheddinge in greate aboundance thy pretious Blood didst of thyne owne accord endure vnspeakeable torments through out thy whole Bodie 2. Lift vp I prey thee vppon the wood of thy Crosse my miserable soule grouelinge on the ground 3. O healthfull Blood ô reuiuinge Blood 4. O that thou wouldst purge and througlie heale mee beinge washed with this thy pretious Blood 5. O that thou would offer this thy Blood to thy father for a perfect satisfaction of all myne iniquities 6. Grant I beseech thee that myne inward Man maye with ardent Affection mentally receiue and licke the liuely dropps of thy pretious Blood and maye truely tast how sue●te thy Spiritt is 7. Hayle sweete Iesus Who hanginge vppon the Crosse in the midst betwixt two notorious theiues wast reputed with the wicked 8. That by thy incomprehensible humilitie and Patience thou mights amend and withall satisfie for myne immense impatient Pride 9. Lift vp I beseech thee my Spirit aloft that from aboue I maye dispise all things transitorie 10. That I maye only admire thee my God Crucified for mee 1● Lett mee thinke speake and dreame of thee 12. Hayle sweete Iesus Who wast soe good euen to those that were soe wicked that for the verie same parties who did crucifie thee thou didst praye vnto thy father sayinge Father forgiue them for they know not what they doe 13. Giue mee I beseech thee the grace of true meekenesse and Patience by which I maye accordinge to thy Commandement and example loue myne enemies 1● And doe good to those that hate mee 15. I hartilie pray vnto thee for those that hurt and persecute mee 16. Hayle sweete Iesus who wouldst that the Title written in Hebrew Greeke and Latine as it were the Trophie of thy Victorie should be fastned to the Crosse that wee beholdinge it might couragiously fight against our inuisible
them not but hold forth on thy way and only desire the loue of Iesus Euer answere thus I am nothinge I couet nothinge but onlye the loue of our Lord Iesus This is the best securest and easiest waye of ouercominge all temptations● and scruples whatsoeuer answere nothinge to them be not troubled with them but still goe on thy waye tend to the loue of thy God which will ouercome all and make all right wit● thee If thyne enemies by suggestions to thy soule saye vnto thee that thou hast not made thy Confession a right or that there is some old sinne or sinns hidd in thy hart that thou before knewst not or that thou hast not as yet euer made thy Confessions a right or as thou shouldst haue made them and therefore would haue thee turne home agayne and to giue ouer thyne earnest desire of the Loue of God and to goe and make a better confession Beleiue not this their sayeinge For it is folly For thou art rightly confessed and soe doe thou surely hope and trust thyselfe to be and that thou art in the waye and that thou needest noe further to looke into thy conscience for confession of what is past Hold on thy waye euer thinke on Ierusalem If they saye alsoe vnto thee that thou art not worthy to haue the Loue of God and therefore why shouldst thou couet that which thou wilt not be able to come by or art worthy to haue Beleiue them not but hold on thy waye and saye thus Not because I am worthye but because I am vnworthy therefore would I loue God For if that I had His loue it would make mee worthye And since that I was created for that end which is for the louinge of God though I should neuer come by it yet will I couet it and therefor will I praye and thinke how I ma●e gett itt and will labour for itt And then if thyne enemies see that thou beginst to growe bold couragious and resolute in thy said purpose they beginne to grow afraid of thee Neuerthelesse they will not cease or giu● ouer to seeke to staye and hinder thee as much as they can soe longe as thou art holdinge on thy way what on the one side with feares and threatnings and what on the otherside with false flatterie vayne pleasings for to make thee giue ouer thy good purposes and to turne thee home agayne And for that end they will say thus vnto thee If thou thus hold on thy desire to Iesus trauellinge soe feruently as thou now beginst thou wilt fall into fancies or into frenzie or craze thy head or fall into bodilie sicknesse as thou seest some doe by goinge about that which thou now dost or thou wilt fall into pouertie or some bodilye harme or mischeife and noe man able to helpe thee or thou maist fall into secret and inward temptations or illusions of the enimie soe ●hat thou wilt not be able to helpe thy selfe about them For it is wonderous perillous for any man or weoman to giue him or herselfe wholy to the loue of God and to leaue and forsake all the world and to couet nothinge but onlye the loue of Him For soe many perill● may fall to a Man in such course of his as hee cannot soe much as imagine them before hand And therefore turne thee home agayne and leaue of this desire for thou shalt neuer bringe it to an end and doe thou as other worldlye men or the common sort of good Christ●ans or euen of Religious doe Thus saye thyne enemyes but beleiue them not but hold on in thy desire saye or answere nothinge else but that thou wouldst haue Iesus and be at Ierusalem And if they perceiue that thou wilt not giue ouer neither for sicknesse for fantazies nor for frenzies for doubts nor for feares of any temptations corporall or spirituall for pouertie nor for any mischeife or harme For life nor for death but euer seekest longest after the said one thinge and nothinge else but that one thinge and yeildst to them a deafe eare as if thou heardst them not and holdst on stifly constantly and perseuerantly in Prayer and in other thy spirituall workes with discretion accordinge to the counsaile of thy superior or the aduise or direction giuen thee by thy Spirituall Father or director then beginne they to be verie angry and to goe a little more neere thee Then they beginne to robbe thee and beate thee and doe thee all the shame and mischeife they can And that they doe when they cause all the deeds thou dost be they neuer soe well done to be deemed iudged by others to be euill and turned and taken in the worser sense and meaninge And whatsoeuer it be thou wouldst doe or haue done in helpe reliefe or comfort of thy bodie or of thy soule it shall be lett or hindred by those other men soe that thou shalt be put from thy will and contradicted in it in all or most of those things which thou with reason desirest to haue And this thy said enemyes doe to the end thou shouldst be stirred and prouoked to anger impatience or euill will towards thy Christian Brother or sister but against all these temptatiōs and vexations and difficulties and all other that maye come vppon thee or which thou maist feele vse this remedie that I shall now agayne tell thee as before I haue told thee Take Iesus or his loue in thy mind and trouble thy selfe noe further with thē but thinke on thy lesson That thou art nothinge that thou hast nothinge that thou couetest nothinge of earthlye or transitorie things that thou desirest nothinge but the loue of Iesus And in and with these exercises hold on thy waye to Ierusalem And if thou happen sometymes through thy frailetie or by the euill will of some other man or through the malice of thyne enemye to be tarried or lett in thy waye Yet assoone as thou canst come agayne to thy selfe leaue of thinkinge of what hath past and proceed in thy good exercises and hold on thy way abide not longe with those thy former defects or difficulties for feare of thyne enemyes who would still hold thee in them and in discussinge of them thereby to hinder thee from goinge forwards in thy waye If in this our waye to Ierusalem and Spirituall tendance towards God we chance to stray and deuiate or stoppet rough any sinne or defect wee must presentlye get into the way again● and goe on as if wee had neuer strayed or stopped at all this is the only waye to expiate the sinns or defects themselues and to ridd vs of all scruples For t●eir is noe such Contrition as this aspiringe to God in the Clo●d of faith and feelings of Loue. Yea if wee fall into certayne euident greate sinnes lett vs meekely and penitently confesse them and trouble our selues noe further but walke on agayne as if noe such thinge had happened or beene done THE XXIII