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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A21166 The paradise of daintie deuises containyng sundrie pithie preceptes, learned counsailes and excellent inuentions : right pleasant and profitable for all ages / deuised and written for the most parte by M. Edwardes, sometime of her Maiesties chappell, the rest by sundrie learned gentlemen both of honor and worship, whose names hereafter followe. Edwards, Richard, 1523?-1566.; Bernard, of Cluny, 12th cent. De contemptu mundi. English & Latin. Selections.; Vaux, Thomas Vaux, Baron, 1510-1556.; Hunnis, William, d. 1597.; Heywood, Jasper, 1535-1598.; E. O.; Kinwelmersh, Francis, d. 1580?; Sande, D.; Yloop, M. 1585 (1585) STC 7520; ESTC S105441 59,068 98

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thee O heauenly king FINIS F. Kindlemarsh 12. No pleasure without some payne SUUeet were the ioyes that both might like and last Straunge were the state exempt from all distresse Happie the life that no mishap should tast Blessed the chaunce might neuer chaunge successe UUhere such a life to lead or state to proue UUho would not wishe that such a life were loue But O the sowrie sauce of sweet vnsure UUhen pleasures flie and flie with wast of winde The trustlesse traines that hoping harts allure UUhen sweet delightes do but allure the minde UUhen care consumes and wastes the wretched wight UUhile fancie feedes and drawes of her delight UUhat life were loue if loue were free from paine But O that paine with pleasure matcht should meet UUhy did the course of Nature so ordaine That sugred sowre must sauce the bitter sweet UUhich sowre from sweet might any meanes remoue UUhat hap what heauen what life were like to loue FINIS W. Hunis 13. Who myndes to bryng his Shippe to happy shore Must care to know the lawes of wisedomes lore MY frend if thou wilt credite me in ought To whom the truth by triall well appeares Nought worth is wit till it be dearely bought There is no wisedome but in hoarie heares Yet if I may of wisedome oft define As well as others haue of happinesse Then to my wordes my frend thy eare encline The thinges that make thee wise are these I gesse Feare God and know thy selfe in ech degree Be frend to all familiar but to few To light of credite see thou neuer bee For triall ought in trust doth treason shew To others faultes cast not to much thy eye Accuse no man of guilt amende thy owne Of medling much doth mischief ought arise And oft debate by tickle tongue is sowne What thing thou wilt haue hid to none declare In word or deede beware of had I wist So spend thy good that some thou euer spare For frendes like Haukes do soare from emptie fist Cut out thy coate according to thy cloth Suspected persons see thou alwayes flee Beleeue not him that once hath broke his troth Nor yet of gift without desert be free Time quickly slippes beware how thou it spend Of wanton youth repentes a painfull age Begin nothing without an eye to th'end Nor bow thine eare from counsaile of the sage If thou to farre let out thy fancie slip And witlesse will from reasons rule outstart Thy folly shall at length be made thy whip And sore the stripes of shame shall cause thee smart To doe to much for old men is but lost Of frendship had to women comes like gayne Bestow not thou on children to much cost For what thou doest for these is all in vayne The old man or he can requite he dies Unconstant is the womans wauering minde Full soone the body thy frendship will despise And him for loue thou shalt vngratefull finde The aged man is like the barraine ground The woman like the reede that wagges with winde There may no trust in tender yeares be found And of the three the boy is most vnkinde If thou haue founde a faithfull frend in deede Beware thou lose not loue of such a one He shall sometime stand thee in better steede Then treasure great of gold or precious stone FINIS Iasper Heiwood 14. Of the vnconstant stay of Fortunes giftes IF Fortune be thy stay thy state is very tickle She beares a double face disguised false and fickle This day she seemes to smile to morow will she frowne What now she sets aloft anone she throweth downe Flye Fortunes slye deceipte let Uertue be thy guide If that you doe intende in happy state to abide Upon the setled rocke thy building surest standes Away it quickely weares that resteth on the sandes Dame Uertue is the rocke that yeldes assured stay Dame Fortune is the sande that scoureth soone away Chose that is certaine let thinges vncertaine passe Preferre the precious gold before the brittle glasse Slye Fortune hath her sleightes she playes vpon the packe Looke whom she fauours most at length she turnes to wracke But Uertue simply deales she shuns deceptfull traine Who is by Uertue raised vp shall neuer fall againe Sticke fast to Uertue then that giues assured trust And fly from Fortunes frekes that euer proue vniust FINIS F. K. 15. Promise is debt IN my accompt the promise that is vowed Emong the good is holden such a debt As he is thought no whit to be allowed That setteth light his promise to forget And for my part I will not linke in loue UUith fickle folke whose fancies ought remoue My happy gayne I doe esteeme for such As few haue founde in these our doubtfull dayes To finde a frend I thinke it be as much As to win a fort full fraught of noble prayse Of all the goodes that there may be possest A faithfull frend I iudge to be the best O frendly league although to late begun Yet time shall trye our troth as well imployed And that we both shall see that we haue doen Such fastned fayth as can not be destroyed By enuious rage or slaunders bitter blow That alwayes seekes the good to ouerthrow FINIS R. Hill 16. No wordes but deedes THe wrong is great the payne aboue my power That yeldes such care in doubtfull dens to drowne Such hap is hard where Fortune doth so lower As frendly looke is tournd to froward frowne Is this the trust that faithfull frendes can finde With those that yet haue promise broke By deedes in doubt as though no wordes can binde A vowed frend to hold him to his yoke O faithlesse frend what can assure your minde That doubtes so soone before you haue cause why To what hard hap doth Fortune here me binde UUhen wordes nor deedes can no where satisfie UUhat can I write that hath not oft bene sayd UUhat haue I sayd that hath not bene affirmed UUhat not approued that ought to be assayed Or what is vowed that shall not be performed Cast of mistrust in hast no credite giue To this or that that breedeth frendes vnrest No doubt at all but trust me if I liue My deedes shall proue that all is for the best And this beleeue the sea shall cease to flow The sunne to shine within the setled skie All thinges on earth shall leaue to spring and grow Yea euery foule shall want his winges to flie Eare I in thought shall seeme once to retire If you my frend remaine as I desire Now lose no time but vse that while you may Forget not this a Dogge shall haue a day FINIS R. D. 17. He desireth exchaunge of life THe day delayed of that I most doe wish UUherewith I feede and starue in one degree UUith wish and want still serued in one dish A liue as dead by proofe as you may see To whom of old this Prouerbe well it serues UUhile grasse doth grow the silly horse he sterues Tweene these
go free shall reason yeld to raging will Is thraldome like to libertie wilt thou exchaunge thy good for ill Then shalt thou learne a childish play and of each part to tast and proue The lookers on shall iudge and say lo this is he that liues by Loue. Thy wits with thoughts shal stand at stay thy head shal haue but heauy rest Thy eyes shal watch for wanton praies thy tong shal shew thy harts request Thy eares shall heare a thousand noise thy hand shall put thy pen to paine And in the end thou shalt dispraise thy life so spent for such small gaine If loue and list might euer cope or youth might run in reasons race Or if strong sute might win sure hope I would lesse blame a louers case For loue is hot with great desire and sweet delight makes youth so fond That little sparks will proue great fire and bring free harts to endles bonds First count the care and then the coste marke what fraud in faith is found Then after come and make thy boast shew some cause why thou art bound For when the wine doth run full low you shall be faine to drinck the lies And eat the flesh full well I know that hath been blown with many flies We see where great deuotion is the people kneele and kisse the crosse And though we find small fault of this yet some will gilt a bridles bosse A foole his bable will not chaunge not for the scepter of a King A louers life is nothing straunge for youth delights none other thing FINIS Tho. Churchyard 25. Wanting his desire he complayneth THe sailyng ships with ioy at length do touch their long desired port The hewing axe the oke doth wast and battryng Canon breaks the fort Hard hagred haukes stope to the lure wild colts in time the bridle tames There is nothing so out of vre but to his kinde long tyme it frames Yet this I finde in tyme no tyme can winne my sute Though oft the tree I climbe I cannot catche the fruite And yet the pleasaunt braunches oft in yeldyng wise to me they bow UUhen I would touch they spring sone are they gone I wote not how Thus I present that fleetyng floud the Tantalus in hell below UUould God my case she vnderstoode which can full soone relieue my woe UUhich if to her were knowen the fruite were surely myne She would not let me grone and brouse vpon the rine But if my ship with tackle torne with rented sayles must needes retire And streame and winde haue playnly sworne by force to hinder my desire Like one that strikes vpon the rockes my weary wracke I should be waile And learne to know false fortunes mockes who smiles on me to small auaile Yet sith she onely can my rented Ship restore To helpe her wracked man but once I seeke no more FINIS M. Edwardes 28. Trie before you trust IN frendes are found a heape of doubtes that double dealyng vse A swarme of such I could finde out whose craft I can accuse A face for loue a harte for hate these faigned frendes can beare A tongue for troth a head for wiles to hurt ech simple care In humble poort is poyson part that plainnesse can not spye UUhich credites all and can not see where stingyng Serpentes lye Through hasty trust the harmelesse harte is easely hampred in And made beleeue it is good gold when it is Lead and Tin The first deceipt that bleres myne eyes is faigned fayth profest The second trappe is gratyng talke that gripes eche straungers brest The third deceipt is greetyng wordes with colours painted out UUhich bids suspect to feare no smart nor dread no daungerous doubt The fourth and last is long repayre which creepes in friendships lap And dayly hauntes that vnder trust deuiseth many a trap Loe how false friendes can frame a fetch to win their will with wiles To sauce their sleights with sugred sops and shadow harme with smiles To serue their lustes are sundry sortes by practise diuers kindes Some caries hony in their mouthes and venoume in their mindes Me thinkes the stones within the streetes should cry out in this case And euery one that doth them meet should shunne their doubble face FINIS D. S. 27. A Lady forsaken complayneth IF pleasures be in paynfulnes In pleasures doth my body rest IF ioyes accord with carefulnes A ioyfull hart is in my brest If prison strong be liberty In liberty long haue I been If ioyes accord with miserie who can compare a life to mine Who can vnbind that is sore hound who can make free that is full thrall Or how can any meanes be found to comfort such a wretch withall None can but he that hath my hart conuert my paynes to comfort then Yet since his seruant I became most like a bondman haue I been Since first in bondage I became my wordes and deedes were euer such That neuer once he could me blame except from louing him too much Which I can iudge no iust offence nor cause that I deserue disdaine Except he meane through false pretence throgh forged loue to make a traine Naie naie alas my faigned thoughts my friended and my faigned ruth My pleasures past my present plaints shew wel I meane but to much truth But since I cannot him attaine against my will I let him go And least he glory at my paine I will attempt to cloke my woe Youth learne by me but do not proue for I haue prooued to my paine What grieuous greefes do grow by loue and what it is to loue in vaine FINIS M. D. 28. Finding worldly ioyes but vanities he wisheth death FOrlorne in filthy froward fate wherein a thousand cares I finde By whom I do lament my state annoyde with fond afflicted minde A wretch in woe and dare not crye I liue and yet I wishe to die The day in dole that seemeth long to passe with sighes and heauy cheare And with these eyes I vewe the wrong that I sustayne by liuyng here UUhere my mishaps as rise do dwell As plagues within the pit of hell A wailyng wight I walke alone in desart dennes there to complayne Among the sauage sort to moue I flee my frendes where they remayne And pleasure take to shunne the sight UUhere erst I felt my great delight A captiue clapt in chaynes of care lapt in the lawes of lethall loue My flesh bones consumed bare with crauling griefes full straunge to proue Though hap doth bid me hope at least UUhiles grasse doth grow yet starues the beast A sieged fort with forraine force for want of ayde must yeld at last So must my wearied pined corse submit it selfe to bitter tast Of craulyng care that crackes my brest Till hope of death shall breake my rest FINIS F. M. ¶ A reply to M. Edwardes Maie I Read a Maiyng rime of late delighted much my eare It may delight as many moe as it shall read or heare To see how
wight I did but right I force no friend nor faith The Lorde of life and Lorde of death my threatning hand did let Els when that he in cradell lay I might haue claimd my debt His corps is clad with cloddes of the yearth his soule doth soare on hye Before the throne of God aboue whose seruaunt he did die And thou his friend and she his spouse and they his children shall Behold the father friend and mate whose absence greeues you all But he nor can nor will returne to thee to her or them For heauen is his he liues in blisse ye dwell with mortall men Ye dwell in darke and dreadfull denne in prison pent are ye He liues in light and all delight from thraldome franke and free wishe not that he should come to you for then ye doe him wrong But wishe that ye may goe to him the blessed sainctes emong FINIS H. D. Coelum non solum IF care or skill could conquere vayne desire Or reasons raignes my strong affection stay Then should my sighes to quiet breast retire And shunne such sighes as secret thoughtes bewray Uncomely loue which now lurkes in my brest Should cease my grief through wisedomes power opprest But who can leaue to looke on Venus face Or yeldeth not to Iunos high estate What witte so wise as giues not Pallas place These vertues rare ech Gods did yeld a mate Saue her alone who yet on earth doth raigne whose beauties string no God can well destraine What worldly wight can hope for heauenly hire when onely sighes must make his secret moue A silent sute doth seeld to grace aspire My haplesse hap doth roule the restlesse stone Yet Phoebe faire disdaine the heauens aboue To ioy on yearth her poore Edimions loue Rare is reward where none can iustly craue For chaunce is choyse where reason makes no claime Yet lucke sometimes dispairing soules doth saue A happie starre made Giges ioye attaine A slauish Smith of rude and raskall race Found meanes in time to gaine a Goddesse grace Then loftie Loue thy sacred sailes aduaunce My sighing seas shall flowe with streames of teares Amidst disdaine driue forth my dolefull chaunce A valiant minde no deadly daunger feares who loues a loft and sets his heart on hye Deserues no paine though he do pyne and dye FINIS E.O. A Louer reiected complaineth THe trickling teares that falles along my cheekes The secret sighes that showes my inward griefe The present paines perforce that Loue aye seekes Bids me renue my cares without reliefe In wofull song in dole displaie My pensiue heart for to bewraie Bewraie thy griefe thy wofull heart with speede Resigne thy voyce to her that causde thy woe with irkesome cries bewaile thy late done deede For she thou louest is sure thy mortall foe And helpe for thee there is none sure But still in paine thou must indure The stricken Deare hath helpe to heale his wounde The haggard Hauke with toyle is made full tame The strongest Tower the Canon laies on grounde The wisest witte that euer had the fame was thrall to Loue by Cupids sleightes then way my cause with equall weightes She is my ioye she is my care and woe She is my paine she is my ease therefore She is my death she is my life also She is my salue she is my wounded sore In fine she hath the hand and knife that may both saue and end my life And shall I liue on yearth to be her thrall And shall I sue and serue her all in vaine And kisse the steppes that she lets fall And shall I pray the Gods to keepe the paine From her that is so cruell still No no on her worke all your will And let her feele the power of all your might And let her haue her most desire with speede And let her pine away both daie and night And let her moue and none lament her neede And let all those that shall her see Despise her state and pitie me FINIS E.O. Not attaining to his desire he complayneth I Am not as I seeme to be nor when I smile I am not glad A thrall although you count me free I most in mirth most pensiue sad I smile to shade my bitter spight as Haniball that saw in sight His countrie soile with Carthage towne by Romane force defaced downe And Caesar that preserued was with noble Pompeis princely hed As twere some Iudge to rule the case a floud of teares he seemd to shed Although in deede it sprong of ioye yet other thought it was annoye Thus contraries be vsed I finde of wise to cloke the couert minde I Haniball that smiles for griefe and let you Caesars teares suffice The one that laughes at his mischiefe the other all for ioye that cries I smile to see me scorned so you weepe for ioy to see me woe And I in heart by Loue slaine dead presentes a place of Pompeis head O cruell hap and hard estate that forceth me to loue my foe Accursed be so foule a fate my choise for to prefixe it so So long to fight with secret sore and finde no secret salue therefore Some purge their pain by plaint I find but I in vaine do breath my winde FINIS E.Ox. ¶ A young Gentleman willing to trauell into forreygne partes being intreated to staie in England Wrote as followeth WHo seekes the way to winne renowne Or flieth with winges of high desire Who seekes to weare the Lawrell crowne Or hath the minde that would aspire Let him his natiue soyle eschewe Let him goe range and seeke anewe Eche hautie heart is well contente With euery chaunce that shall betide No happe can hinder his intent He steadfast standes though Fortune slide The Sunne saith he doth shine aswell Abroad as earst where I did dwell In chaunge of streames each fish can liue Eache fowle content with euery ayre The noble minde eache where can thriue And not be drownd in deepe dispayre Wherefore I iudge all landes alike To hautie heartes that Fortune seeke To tosse the Sea● some thinke● a toyle Some thinke it straunge abroad to rome Some thinke it griefe to leaue their soyle Their parentes kinsfolkes and their home Thinke so who list I like it not I must abroad to trye my Lott UUho lust at home at carte to drudge And carcke and care for worldly trashe with buckled shooe let him goe trudge In stead of launce a whip to swash A minde thats base himselfe will showe A carrion sweete to feede a Crowe If Iason of that minde had binne Or wandring Prince that came from Greece The golden fleece had binne to winne And Pryams Troy had byn in blisse Though dead in deedes and clad in clay Their woorthie Fame will nere decay The worthies nyne that weare of mightes By trauaile wanne immortall prayse If they had liued like Carpet knightes Consuming ydely all their dayes Their prayses had with them bene dead where now abroad their Fame is spread FINIS ¶ No ioye
there is shewed how May is much of price And eke to May when that you may euen so is his aduice It seemes he ment to May himselfe and so to vse his skill For that the tyme did serue so well in May to haue his will His onely May was ease of mynde so farre as I can gesse And that his May his mynde did please a man can iudge no lesse And as himselfe did reape the fruites of that his pleasaunt May He wills his freend the same to vse in tyme when as he may He is not for himselfe it semes but wisheth well to all For that he would they should take May in tyme when it doth fall So vse your May you may it can not hurtfull be And May well vsed in tyme and place may make you merie glee Modest Maiyng meetest is of this you may be sure A modest Maiyng quietnesse to Mayers doth procure Who may and will not take may wish he had so doen Who may and it doth take may thinke he tooke to soone So ioyne your May with wisedomes lore and then you may be sure Who makes his May in other sort his vurest may procure Some May before May come some May when May is past Some make their May too late and some do make post hast Let wisdome rule I say your May and thus I make an ende And May that when you list to May a good May God you sende FINIS M. S. 30. Hauyng maried a worthy Ladie and taken away by death he complayneth his mishap IN youth when I at large did lead my life in lusty liberty When heauy thoghts no one did spread to let my pleasant fantasy No fortune seemd so hard could fall This freedome then that might take thrall And twenty yeres I scarse had spent whē to make ful my happy fate Both treasures great were on me cast with lands and titles of estate So as more blest then I stoode than Eke as me thought was neuer man For of Dame Fortune who is he could more desire by iust request Then health with welth and liberty al which at once I this possest But masking in this iolly ioye A sodain sight prooud all a toy For passing on these merry days with new deuise of pleasures great And now thē to vew the raies of beauties works w t cunning feate In heauenly hewes all which as one I oft beheld but bound to none And one day rowlyng thus my eyes vpō these blessed wights at ease Emongst y e rest one did I se who straight my wādring loke did sease And stayed them firme but such a sight Of beautie yet sawe neuer wight What shall I seke to praise it more where tongs cānot wel praise y e same But to be short to louers lore I straight my sēces al did frame And were it wit or were it chaunce I wonne the Garlande in this daunce And thus where I before had thought no hap my fortune might encrease A double blisse this chaunce forth brought so did my Ladies loue me please Her faith so firme and constant such As neuer hart can prayse too much But now with tormentes straunge I tast the fickle stay of fortunes wheele And where she raysed from high to cast with greater force of grief to feele For from this hap of sodaine frowne Of Princes face she threw me downe And thus exchaunge now hath it made by libertie a thing most deare In hatefull prison for to fade where sundred from my louing feare My wealth and health standes at like stay Obscurely to consume away And last whē humaine force was none could part our loue wherein we liued My Ladies life alas is gone most cruell death hath it bereued Whose vertues her to God hath wonne And left me here a man vndoen FINIS F.G. 31. A worthy dittie song before the Queenes Maiestie at Bristow MIstrust not troth that truely meanes for euery ielous freke In stead of wrong condemne not right no hidden wrath to wreke Looke on the life of faultlesse life how bright her vertues shine And measure out her steppes ech one by leuell and by line Deme eche desart by vpright gesse whereby your prayse shall liue If malice would be matcht with might let hate no iudgement giue Enforce no feare with wresting wittes in quiet conscience brest Lend not your eares to busie tounges which breedeth much vnrest In doubtfull driftes wade not to farre it wearies but the minde Seeke not to search the secret hartes whose thoughtes are hard to finde Auoyde from you those hatefull heades that helpes to heape mishap Be slow to heare the flatterers voyce that creepeth in your lap Embrace their loue that willes you good and sport not at their prayse Trust not too much vnto your selfe for feeble are your stayes How can your seate be setled fast or stand on stedfast ground So propped vp with hollow hartes whose suretie is vnsound Giue faith to those that feare for loue and not that loue for feare Regard not them that force compels to please you euery where All this well wayed and borne away shall stablish long your state Continually with perfect peace in spite of puffing hate FINIS D. S. 32. An Epitaph vpon the death of Sir Edward Saunders Knight Lord chief Baron of the Exchequer YOu Muses weare your mourning weedes strike on the fatall drome Sound Triton out the trumpe of fame in spite of Pareas dome Distill Parnassus pleasaunt drops possesse Pierides place Apollo helpe with dolefull tune to wayle this wofull case UUring hard your handes wayle on your losse lament the fate that fell UUith sobs and sighes to Saunders say oh Saunders now farewell UUhom Phaebus fed with Pallas papp as one of Sibils seede Loe here where death did rest his corps the vermine foule to feede UUhom Impes of Ioue with Necter sweete long in Libethres noursht Behold how dreadfull death him brought to the whence he came first Lycurgus he for learned lawes Radamantus race that ran An other Nector for aduice Zalucus fame that wan A Damon deare vnto his frend in faith like Phocion found A Cato that could counsell giue to Prince a subiect sound Not Athens for their Solon sage not Rome for Numa wayle As we for Saunders death haue cause in floudes of teares to sayle Nor Sparta card for Chilos death nor proude Prienna prest To weepe for Bias as we wayle our Saunders late possest His learned pathes his talentes rare so now by death appeares As he that Salomon sought to serue in prime and youthfull yeares His counsell sad his rules his Lawes in country soyle so wrought As though in Cuma he had bene of sage Sibilla taught His vertuous life was such I say as vertue did embrace By vertue caught in vertues schoole to grow in vertues race Might tender babes might orphantes weake might widowes reare the crie The sound thereof should pearce the cloudes to scale the empire skie To bid the Gods to battaile bende
wish no other fees But when that stormes beset me round such succour God me send That I may finde a friendly Tree that will me well defend No Tree there is which yeeldes no good to some that doth it seeke And as they are of diuers kindes their vses are vnlike The Ewe Tree serue the Bowyers tourne the Ashe the Coupers arte The puissant Oke doth make the poste the Pine some other parte The Elme doth helpe to hide the birdes in wearie UUinters night The Briers I gesse are nothing worthe they serue but for despight The willow wisht I farre from hence good will deserue no wrong The Sallow well may serue their states that sing so sad a song The Boxe and Beeche eche for himselfe aboue the rest doth boste The Eglantine for pleasure oft is pricked vpon the poste The Hauthorne is so sad in price the Baies doe beare the bell And that these Baies did bring no blisse I like it not so well As erst I doe that seemely Tree by which those bayes I found And wherewithall vnwittingly I tooke so great a wound As if the tree by which I leane doth lend me no reliefe There is no helpe but downe I fall so great is growne my griefe And therefore at the last I craue this fauour for to finde when euery tree that here is tolde begins to grow vnkinde The B. for beautie whome I boste and shall aboue the rest That B. may take me to her trust for B. doth please me best It likes me well to walke the way where B. doth keepe her bower And when it raynes to B. I run to saue me from the shower This braunch of B. which here I meane to keepe and chiefly craue At becke vnto this B. I bow to serue that beautie braue What shall I say the time doth passe the tale to tedious is though soth to leaue yet leaue I must and say no more but this I wish this B. I might embrace when as the same I see A league for life then I require betwene this B. and me And though vnworthy yet good will doth worke the way herein And B. hath brought the same aboue which beautie did begin Finis 59. In commendation of Musicke WHere griping grief the hart would wound doleful dumpes the minde oppresse There Musick with her siluer sound is wont w t speede to geue redresse Of troubled mindes for euery sore sweete Musicke hath a salue in store In ioy it makes our mirth abound in grief it cheeres our heauy sprites The carefull head relief hath found by Musickes pleasaunt sweete delites Our senses what should I say more are subiect vnto Musickes lore The Gods by Musicke hath their pray the foule therein doth ioy For as the Roman Poets say in seas whom Pirates would destroy A Dolphin saude from death most sharpe Arion playing on his Harpe Of heauenly gift that turnes the minde like as starne doth rule the ship Oh Musicke whom the Gods assignde to comfort man whō cares would nip Sith thou both man beast doest moue what wisman then wil thee reproue FINIS 60. A Dialogue betweene the Authour and his Eye Aucthour MY Eye why doest thou light on that which was not thine UUhy hast thou with thy sight thus slaine an heart of mine O thou vnhappie Eye would God thou hadst bene blinde UUhen first thou didst her spye for whome this griefe I finde Eye UUhy sir it is not I that doe deserue such blame Your fancie not your Eye is causer of the same For I am ready prest as Page that serues your ease To search what thing is best that might your fansie please Aucthour I sent thee foorth to see but not so long to bide Though fancie went with thee thou wert my fancies guide Thy message being done thou mightst returne againe So Cupid Venus sonne no whit my heart should paine Eye Where fancie beareth sway there Cupid will be bold And reason flies away from Cupids shaft of gold If you finde cause thereby some deale of painefull smart Alas blame not your eye but blame consent of hart Aucthour My hart must I excuse and lay the fault on thee Because thy sight did chuse when hart from thought was free Thy fight thus brought consent consent hath bred my griefe And griefe bids be content with sorrow for reliefe FINIS W. Hunnis 61. Finding no ioye he desireth death THe Connie in his Caue the Ferret doth annoye And fliyng thence his life to saue himselfe doth he destroye His berrie round about beset with Hunters snares So that when he to scape starts out is caught therein vnwares Like choise poore man haue I to bide and rest in Loue Or els from thence to flie as bad a death to proue I see in Loue no rest vnkindnesse doth pursue To rent his heart out of his brest which is a Louer true And if from Loue I starte as one that Loue forsakes Then pensiue thoughtes my heart doth pearce and so my life it takes Then thus to flie or bide hard is the choise to chuse Since death hath camp'd and trenched ech side and saith life now refuse Content I am therefore my life therein to spend And death I take a salue for sore my wearie dayes to ende And thus I you require that faithfull Loue professe UUhen carcase cased in his Chest and body laid on hearse Your brinish teares to saue such as my corse shall moue And therewith write vpon my graue behold the force of Loue. FINIS W. Hunnis ¶ Hope well and haue well IN hope the shipman hoyseth sayle in hope of passage good In hope of health the sick man deth suffer losse of bloud In hope the prisoner linckt in chaines hopes libertie to finde Thus hope breedes health and health breedes ease to euery troubled minde In hope desire gets victorie in hope great comfort springes In hope the Louer liues in ioyes he feares no dreadfull stinges In hope we liue and may abide such stormes as are assignde Thus hope breedes health and health breedes ease to euery troubled mind In hope we easily suffer harme in hope of future time In hope of fruite the paines seemes sweete that to the tree doth clime In hope of Loue such glory growes as now by proofe I finde That hope breedes health and health breedes ease to euery trobled minde FINIS W. Hunnis He requesteth some freendly comfort affirming his constancie THe mountaines hie whose loftie topps doth meete the hautie skie The craggy rocke that to the Sea free passage doth deny The aged Oke that doth resist the force of blustering blast The pleasaunt hearbe that euery where a fragrant smell doth cast The Lions force whose courage stout declares a princelike might The Eagle that for worthines is borne of kinges in fight The Serpent eke whose poyfoned iawes doth belch out venime vile The lothsome Tode that shunneth light and liueth in exile These these I say and thousandes more by tract of time decay And like
the blossomes good or no Then doe not iudge of me the worse till you haue tried me so As I deserue so then reward I make you iudge of all If I be false in worde or deede let Lightning thunder fall And furies Fell with franticke fittes bereaue and staie my breathe For an example to the rest if I shall breake my faithe FINIS W. Hunnis Complayning of his mishap to his friend he complaineth wittely A. THe fire shall freeze the frost shall frie the frozen mountaines hie B. what straunge thinges hath dame natures force to turne her course awrie A. My loue hath me left and taken a new man B. This is not straunge it happes oft times the truth to scan A. The more is my payne B. her loue then refrayne A. who thought she would flit B. eche one that hath wit A. Is this not straunge B. light loue will chaunge A By skilfull meanes I here reclayme to stoupe vnto my lure B. Such haggard Haukes will soare away of them who can be sure A. With siluer belles and hoode my ioy was her to decke B. She was full gorgde she would the sooner giue the checke A. the more is my payne B. her loue then refrayne A. UUho thought she would flit B. eche one that hath wit A. Is not this straunge B. light loue will chaunge A. Her chirping lips should chirpe to me sweete wordes of her desire B. such chirping birdes who euer sawe to preach still on one Brire A. She sayd she loued me best and would not till she dye B. She sayd in wordes she thought it not as tyme doth trye A. The more is my payne B. her Loue then refrayne A. UUho thought she would flit B. ech one that hath wit A. Is not this straunge B. light Loue will chaunge A. Can no man winne a woman so to make her Loue endure B. To make the Foxe his wiles to leaue what man will put in vre A. why then there is no choyse but all women will chaunge B. As men do vse so some women do Loue to raunge A. The more is my payne B. her Loue then refrayne A. who thought she would flit B. ech one that hath wit A. Is not this straunge B. light Loue will chaunge A. Sith slipper gayne falles to my lot farewell that gliding pray B. Sith that the Dice doth run awrie betimes leaue of thy play A. I will no more lament the thing I may not haue B. Then by exchaunge the losse to come all shalt thou saue A. Loue will I refraigne B. thereby thou shalt gayne A. with losse I will leaue B. she will thee deceiue A. That is not straunge B. then let her raunge FINIS M. Edwardes No paynes comparable to his attempt LIke as the dolefull Doue delightes alone to bee And doth refuse the bloumed branche chusing the leaflesse tree whereon wailyng his chaunce with bitter teares besprent Doth with his bill his tender breast oft pearse and all to rent UUhose greeuous groninges tho whose gripes of pinyng payne whose gastly lookes whose bloudy streames out flowing from ech vayne UUhose falling from the tree whose panting on the grounde Examples be of myne estate tho there appeare no wounde FINIS W. Hunnis He repenteth his follie ALacke when I looke backe vpon my youth thats past And deepely ponder youthes offence and youthes reward at last With sighes and teares I say O God I not denie My youth with follie hath deserued with follie for to dye But yet if euer sinfull man might mercy moue to ruth Good Lord with mercy do forgiue the follies of my youth In youth I rangde the fieldes where vices all did grow In youth alas I wanted grace such vice to ouerthrow In youth what I thought sweete most bitter now do finde Thus hath the follies of my youth with follie kept me blind Yet as the Eagle castes her bill whereby her age renueth So Lord with mercy do forgiue the follies of my youth FINIS W. Hunnis No pleasure without some payne HOw can the tree but wast and wither away That hath not sometime comfort of the Sunne How can that flower but fade and soone decay That alwayes is with darke cloudes runne Is this a life nay death you may it call That feeles eche payne and knoweth no ioy at all What foodlesse beast can liue long in good plight Or is it life where sences there be none Or what auayleth eyes without their light Or els a tongue to him that is alone Is this a life nay death you may it call That feeles eche payne and knowes no ioy at all Whereto serue eares if that there be no sounde Or such a head where no deuise doth grow But all of plaintes since sorrow is the grounde Whereby the hart doth pine in deadly woe Is this a life nay death you may it call That feeles eche payne and knowes no ioy at all FINIS L. Vaux The fruite of feyned frendes IN choyse of frends what hap ha● I to chuse one of Sirens kinde Whose harpe whose pipe whose melodie could feede my eares make me blind UUhose pleasaunt voyce made me forget that in sure trust is great deceipt In trust I see is treason found and man to man deceiptfull is And where as treasure doth abounde of flatterers there do not misse UUhose painted speach and outward shew do seeme as frendes and be not so UUould I haue thought in thee to be the nature of the Crocadill UUhich if a man a sleepe may see with bloudy thirst desires to kill And thē with teares a while gan weepe that death of him thus slaine a sleepe O fauell false thou traitour borne what mischief more might thou deuise Then thy deare frend to haue in scorne and him to wound in sundry wise UUhich still a frend pretendes to be and art not so by proofe I see Fie fie vpon such trecherie W.H. If such false shippes do haunt the shore Strike downe the sayle and trust no more M Edwardes A Dialogue betwene a Gentleman and his Loue. A. SHall I no way win you to graunt my desire B. UUhat woman will graunt you the thing you require A. You onely to loue me is all that I craue B. You onely to leaue me is all I would haue A. My deare alas now say not so B. To loue you best I must say no A. Yet will I not flit B. then play on the bit A. I will B. do still A. yet kill not B. I will not A. Make me your man B. beshrew me than A. The swifter I follow then you flie away B. Swift haukes in their flying oft times misse their pray A. Yet some killeth deadly that flie to the marke B. You shall touch no feather therof take no carke A. Yet hope shall further my desire B. You blow the coales and rayse no fire A. Yet will I not flit B. then play on the bit A. I will B. do still A. yet kill not B. I will not A.
Make me your man B. beshrew me than A. To loue is no daunger where true loue is ment B. I will loue no raunger least that I repent A. My loue is no raunger I make God auow B. To trust your smoth sayinges I sure know not how A. Most truth I meane as tyme shal wel trie B. No truth in men I oft espie A. Yet will I not flit B. than play on the bit A. I will B. doe still A. yet kill not B. I will not A. Make me your man B. beshrew me than A. Some women may say nay and meane loue most true B. Some women can make fooles of as wisemen as you A. In time I shall catch you I know when and where B. I will soone dispatch you you shall not come there A. Some speedes at length that oft haue mist B. I am well armde come when you list A. Yet will I not flit B. then play on the bit A. I will B. do still A. yet kill not B. I will not A. Make me your man B. beshrew me than A. Yet worke your kinde kindly graunt me loue for loue B. I will vse you frendly as I shall you proue A. Most true you shall finde me I this doe protest B. Then sure you shall binde me to graunt your request A. O happy threede now haue I sponne B. You sing before the conquest wonne A. Why then will you swarue B. euen as you deserue A. Loue still B. I will A. yet kill not B. I will not A. Make me your man B come to me than FINIS M Edwardes Exclayming vpon his vnkinde Loue his frend replyeth wittely M. WHat death may be compared to Loue H. UUhat grief therein now doest thou proue M. My paynes alas who can expresse H. I see no cause of heauinesse M. My Ladies lookes my woe hath wrought H. Then blame thine eyes that first hath sought M. I burne alas and blow the fire H. A foole consumes by his desire M. What shall I do than come out and thou can M. Alas I die H. what remedie M. My sugred sweete is mixed with gall H. Thy Ladie can not doe with all M. The more I seeke the lesse I finde H. Then striue not with the streame and winde M. Her must I loue although I smart H. UUith her owne sword thou slayest thy hart M. Such pleasaunt baites who can refraine H. Such baites will sure breed thee great paine M. UUhat shal I do than H. Come out and thou can M. Alas I die H. what remedie M. Her golden beames mine eyes do daze H. Upon the Sunne thou mayest not gaze M. She might reward my cruell smart H. She thinkes thou hardst a fayned hart M. she laughes to heare my wofull cries H. Forsake her then in tyme be wise M. No no alas that may not bee H. No wiseman then will pitie thee M. what shall I doe than H. Come out and thou can M. Alas I die H. what remedie M. A liuing death loe thus I proue H. Such are the fruites of froward loue M. O that I might her loue once gayne H. Thy gayne would not halfe quite the paine M. Her will I loue though she be coye H. A foole himselfe will still annoye M. who will not die for such a one H. Be wise at length let her alone M. I can not doe so H. then be thy owne foe M. Alas I dye H. what remedie FINIS E.S. The complaint of a Louer wearing Blacke and Taunie A Crowne of bayes shall that man weare That triumphes ouer mee For blacke and taunie will I weare Which mourning colours bee The more I follow on the more she fled away As Daphne did full long ago Apollos wishfull pray the more my plaintes I resounde the lesse she pities me The more I sought the lesse I found that mine she meant to be Melpomene alas with dolefull tunes helpe than And sing Bis woe worth on me forsaken man Then Daphnes bayes shall that mā weare that triumphes ouer me For blacke and taunie will I weare which mourning colours be Droune me you trickling teares you wailfull wights of woe Come helpe these hands to rent my heares my rufull hap to showe Of whom the scorching flames of Loue doth feede you see Ah a lalalantida my deare Dame hath thus tormented mee Wherfore you Muses nine with dolefull tunes helpe than And sing Bis woe worthe on me forsaken man Then Daphnes bayes shall that mā weare that triumphes ouer me For blacke and taunie will I weare which mourning colours be An Ankers life to lead with nayles to scratch my graue where earthly wormes on me shall feede is all the ioyes I craue And hide my selfe from shame sith that mine eyes do see Ah a lalalantida my deare Dame hath thus tormented mee And all that present be with dolefull tunes helpe than And sing Bis woe worthe on me forsaken man FINIS E. O. Findyng no relief he complayneth thus IN quest of my relief I finde distresse In recompence of Loue most deepe disdayne My langour such as wordes may not expresse A shower of teares my watrie eye doth rayne I dreame of this and doe define of woe I wander in the thoughtes of my sweete foe I would no peace the cause of warre I flie I hope I feare I burne I chill in Frost I lye a low yet mountes my mynde on hye thus doubtfull stormes my troubled thoughtes haue tost And for my payne this pleasure do I proue I hate my selfe and pine in others Loue. The world I graspe yet hold I nought at all At libertie I seeme in prison pent I tast the sweete more sower then bitter gall My ship seemes sounde and yet her ribbes be rent And out alas on Fortune false I crie Looke what I craue that still she doth denie Both life and death be equall vnto me I do desire to dye yet craue I life My wittes with sundry thoughtes do disagree My selfe am with my selfe at mortall strife As warmeth of Sunne doth melt the siluer snow The heate of Loue behold consumes me so FINIS R. Hill ¶ Written vpon the death of his especiall good frend Maister Iohn Barnabe who departed this life at Bensted in the Countie of Southampton 25. Ianuary 1579. Aeratis 76. MIne owne good father thou art gone thine eares are stopt with clay Thy ghost is fled thy body dead thou hearst not what I say Thy dearest friendes may sigh and sob thy children crie and call Thy wife may waile and not preuaile nor doe the good at all Though reason would we should reioyce and trickling teares restraine Yet kindlinesse and friendlinesse enforce vs to complayne Thy life was good our losse the more thy presence cheard our heart Thy lacke and absence turnde therefore our solace into smart I founde thee both a kindely friend and friendly father too Barnabie lacks breath O cruell death and couldst thou part vs two But death derides my woefull wordes and to my saying saith Thus foolish
comparable to a quiet minde IN lothsome race pursued by slippery life whose sugred guile doth glistering ioy present The carefull ghost oppressed sore with strife Yeeldes ghostly grones from painefull passions sent The sinnefull flesh that beares him here in vewe In steede of life doth dreadfull death pursue The way he seeth by touch of merites grace Wherein to runne alas he gladly would But filthie flesh his wretched dwelling place Doeth so rebell at that which doe he should That silly soule who feeles his heauie neede Can onely will but naught performe in deede Thy will through grace doeth oft desire the good But all in vaine for that the fleshly foe Yeeldes forth such fruites as sinnes hath bred in bud And blindly suckes the sap of deadly woe Esteeming shewes of fickle fancies knowne And scorning fruit by grace eternall sowen Though eye doth see that death doth swallow all Both life and lust and euery sound delight Yet wretched flesh through sinne is made so thrall That nought it markes apparant thinges in sight That might him traine to care of better grace Bothe doeth his bale with greedy lust imbrace Then since desert and al thinges weare away That nought remaine but fruite of grace or sinne God build in vs such conscience as can say This fruit not mine but sinne that dwelt in me For why to sinne I dayly doe in sight that vnto Christ I may reuiue my spright ꝙ Candishe FINIS That Loue is required by disdayne IN search of thinges that secret are my mated muse began What it might be molested most the head and minde of man The bending brow of Princes face to wrathe that doth attende Or want of Parentes wife or childe or losse of faithfull friend the roaring of the Canon shot that makes the peece to shake Or terrour such as mightie Ioue from heauen aboue can make All these in fine may not compare experience so doth proue Unto the tormentes sharpe and straunge of such as be in Loue. Loue lookes a loft and laughes to scorne all such as grief anoy The more extreame their passions be the greater is his ioy thus loue as victor of the field triumphes aboue the rest And ioyes to see his subiectes lye with liuing death in brest But dire disdaine letts driue a shaft gaules this bragging foole He pluckes his plumes vnbēds his bow setts him new to schoole Whereby this boy that bragged late as conquerour ouer all Now yeldes himselfe vnto disdaine his vassall and his thrall FINIS W. Hunnis Of a contented state IN wealth we see some wealthy men abounde in wealth most wealthely In wealth we see those men agayne in wealth do liue most wretchedly And yet of wealth hauing more store Then earst of wealth they had before These wealthy mē do seeme to want they seeme to wāt that most they haue The more posses the more they craue the more they craue the greater store That most they haue they thinke but skant Yet not content woe be therfore The simple men that lesse wealth haue with lesser wealth we see content Content are they twixt wealth and scathe a life to lead indifferent And thus of wealth these men haue more Then those of which we spoke before FINIS W. Hunnis Beyng disdayned he complayneth IF frendlesse fayth if guiltlesse thought may shield If simple truth that neuer meant to swarue If deare desire accepted fruite do yeld If greedy lust in loyall life do searue then may my plaint bewayle my heauie harme That seeking calme haue stumbled on the storme My wonted cheare Eclipsed by the cloud Of deepe disdayne through errour of report If wearie woe enwrapped in the shroude Lyes slayne by tongue of the vnfrendly sort Yet heauen and earth and all that nature wrought I call to vowe of my vnspotted thought No shade I seeke in part to shield my tainte But simple truth I hunt no other sute On that I gape the issue of my plainte If that I quayle let iustice me confute If that my place emongest the giltlesse sort Repay by doome my name and good report Goe heauy verse pursue desired grace Where pitie shrinde in cell of secret brest Awaites my hast the rightfull lot to place And lothes to see the guiltlesse man opprest Whose vertues great hath crownde her more with fame then kingly state though largely shine the same FINIS L. Vaux Of the meane estate THe higher that the Cedar tree vnto the heauens do grow the more in daungers is the top when sturdy windes gan blow Who iudges then in Princely throne to be deuoide of hate Doth not yet know what heapes of ill lyes hid in such estate Such daūgers great such gripes of mynde such toyle do they sustaine that often tymes of God they wish to be vnkingd agayne For as the huge and mightie rockes withstand the raging seas So kingdomes in subiection be whereas dame Fortune please Of brittle ioy of smilyng cheare of honnie mixt with gall Alotted is to euery Prince in freedome to be thrall UUhat watches long what sleepes vnsure what grief and care of mynde UUhat bitter broyles what endlesse toyles to kingdomes be assignde The subiect then may well compare with Prince for pleasaunt daies whose silent night bringes quiet rest whose steppes no storme bewraies How much be we then bound to God who such prouision makes to lay our cares vpon the Prince thus doth he for our sakes to him therefore let vs lift vp our heartes and pray amaine that euery prince that he hath plaste may long in quiet raigne FINIS W. Hunnis Of a contented minde WHen all is done and said in the ende thus shall you finde the moste of all doth bathe in blisse that hath a quiet minde And cleere from worldly cares to deeme can be content the sweetest time of all this life in thinking to be spent The bodie subiect is to fickle Fortunes power And to a million of mishaps is casuall euery hower And death in time doth chaunge it to a clodd of clay UUhen as the minde which is deuine runnes neuer to decay Companion none is like vnto the minde alone For many haue beene harmde by speeche through thinking few or none Few often times restraineth wordes but makes no thoughtes to cease And stay he speakes best that hath the skill when for to hold his peace Our wealthe leaues vs at death our kinsmen at the graue But vertues of the minde vnto the heauens with vs haue wherefore for vertues sake I can be well content the sweetest time of all my life to deeme in thinking spent FINIS L. Vaux Trie before you trust TO counsell my estate abandonde to the spoile Of forged freendes whose grosest fraude is set with finest foile To verefie true dealing wightes whose trust no treason treades And all too deare th'acquaintance be of such most harmefull heades I am aduised thus who so doth friend friend so As though to morrowe next he feared for to become a foe To
haue a feined frend no perill like I finde Oft flering face may mantell best a mischief in the minde A paire of Angels eares oft times doth hide a Serpentes hart Under whose gripes who so doth come to late bewailes the smart wherfore I do aduise who so doth frend frend so As though to morrow next he should become a mortall foe Refuse respecting frendes that courtly know to fayne For gold that winnes for gold shall lose the selfe same frend agayne The quayle needes neuer feare the foulers netts to fall If he would neuer bend his eare to listen to his call Therfore trust not to soone but when you frend frend so As though to morrow next ye fearde for to become a fo FINIS L. Vaux He renounceth all the effectes of Loue. LIke as the Harte that lifteth vp his eares To heare the houndes that hath him in the chase Doth cast the winde in daungers and in feares UUith flying foote to passe away apace So must I flie of Loue the vayne pursute whereof the gayne is lesser then the fruite And I also must loth those learing lookes UUhere Loue doth lurke still with his subtile sleight with painted mockes and inward hidden hookes To trappe by trust that lyeth not in wayte The end whereof assay it who so shall As sugred smart and inward bitter gall And I must flie such Syrian songes Wherewith that Circes Vlisses did enchaunt These willie wattes I meane with filed tongues That hartes of steele haue power to daunt Who so as Hauke that stoopeth to their call For most deserte receiueth least of all But woe to me that first beheld these eyes The trappe wherein I say that I was tane An outward salue which inward me destroyes Whereto I runne as rat vnto her bane As to the fish sometime it doth befall that with the baite doth swallow hooke and all UUithin my breast wherewith I dayly fedde The vayne repast of amorous hote desire with loytering lust so long that hath me fedde Till he hath brought me to the flaming fire In time as Phenix endes her care and carkes I make the fire and burne my selfe with sparkes FINIS L. Vaux Bethinking himselfe of his end writeth thus WHen I behold the Baier my last and posting horse that bare shall to the graue my vile and carren corse Then say I seelie wretch why doest thou put thy trust In thinges either made of clay that soone will turne to dust Doest thou not see the young the hardie and the fayre that now are past and gone as though they neuer were Doest thou not see thy selfe draw hourely to thy last As shaftes which that is shot at birdes that flieth fast Doest thou not see how death through smiteth with his launce Some by warre some by plague and some by worldly chaunce UUhat thing is there on earth for pleasure that was made But goeth more swift away then doth the sommer shade Loe here the sommer flower that sprong this other day But winter weareth as fast and bloweth cleane away Euen so shalt thou consume from youth to lothsome age For death he doth not spare the Prince more then the Page Thy house shalbe of clay a clotte vnder thy hedde Untill the latter day the graue shalbe thy bedde Untill the blowing trompe doth say to all and some Rise vp out of the graue for now the iudge is come FINIS L. Vaux Beyng in Loue he complaineth ENforst by Loue and feare to please and not offend Within the wordes you would me write a message I must send A wofull errande sure a wretched man must write A wretched tale a wofull head beseemeth to indite For what can he but wayle that hath but all he would And yet that all is nought at all but lacke of all he should But lacke of all his minde what can be greater grief That haue and lacke that likes him best must needes be most mischief Now foole what makes thee waile yet some might say full well That hast no harme but of thy selfe as thou thy selfe canst tell to whom I aunswere thus since all my harmes do grow Upon my selfe so of my selfe some hap may come I trow And since I see both hap and harme betides to mee For present woe my after blisse will make me not forget thee UUho hath a field of gold and may not come therein Must liue in hope till he haue force his treasure well to win UUhose ioyes by hope of dread to conquere or to lose So great a wealth doth rise and for example doth disclose to winne the golden Fleece stoode Iason not in dread Till Medeas hope of health did giue him hope to speede Yet sure his minde was much and yet his feare the more That hath no hap but by your helpe may hap for to restore The raging Bulles he dread yet by his Ladies charme He knew it might be brought to passe they could do litle harme Unto whose grace yeld he as I do offer me Into your handes to hap not like him for to be But as king Priamus did yeld him to the will Of Cressed false which him forsooke with Diomede to spill So I to you commende my faith and eke my ioye I hope you will not be so false as Cressed was to Troye For if I be vntrue her Lazars death I wish And eke in thee if thou be false her clapper and her dish FINIS R. L. Beyng in trouble he writeth thus IN terrours trap with thraldome thrust Their thornie thoughtes to tast and trie In conscience cleare from cause vniust With carping teares did call and crie And sayd O God yet thou art he That can and will deliuer me Bis. Thus trembling there with teares I trod To totter tide in truthes defence With sighes and sobbes I sayd O God Let right not haue this recompence Least that my foes might laugh to see That thou wouldest not deliuer me Bis. My soule then to repentaunce ranne My ragged clothes all rent and torne And did bewaile the losse it wanne With lothsome life so long forlorne And sayd O God yet thou art he that can and will deliuer me Bis. Then comfort came with clothes of ioy whose seames were faithfull stedfastnesse And did bedecke the naked ●oe that earst was full of wretchednesse And sayd be glad for God is hee that shortly will deliuer thee FINIS W. Hunnis Being troubled in minde he writeth as followeth THe bitter sweate that straynes my yelded hart the carelesse count that doth the same imbrace The doubtfull hope to reape my due desarte The pensiue pathe that guides my restlesse race Are at such warre within my wounded brest As doth bereue my ioy and eke my rest My greedy will that seekes the golden gayne My lucklesse lot doth alway take in worth My mated minde that dreades my sutes in vayne My pitious plaint doth helpe to set it forth So that betwene two waues of raging Seas I driue my dayes in troubles and disease My
beare but low who climbes so high seeld falleth soft deadst ebbe hath highest flow FINIS ꝙ Yloop. Maister Edwardes his I may not IN may by kinde Dame Nature wills all earthly wights to sing In may the new and coupled foules may ioy the liuely spring In May the Nightingall her notes doth warble on the spray In May the birdes their mossie neastes doe timber as they may In May the swift and turning Hare her bagged belly slakes In May the little sucking UUatts doe plaie with tender Flaxe All creatures may in Maie be glad no may can me remoue I sorrow in May since I may not in May obtaine my loue The stately Harte in Maye doth mue his olde and palmed beames His state renewes in May he leapes to view Appollos streames In Maie the Bucke his horned toppes doth hang vpon the pale In Maie he seekes the pastures greene in ranging euery Dale In Maie the vgley speckled Snake doth cast her lothsome skinne In Maie the better that he may increase his scaley skinne All thinges in May I see they may reioyce like Turtle doue I sorrow in Maie since I may not in May obtayne my loue Now may I mourne in fruitfull Maie who may or can redresse May maie is sorrow since she that may with holdes my maie a freshe Thus I must may in pleasaunt Maie till I may May at will with her in Maie whose may my life now may both saue and spill Contented heartes that haue your hope in May you may at large Untolde your ioyes expell your cares and baske in pleasure barge Saue I alone in Maie that may lament for my behoue I mourne in Maie till that I may in May obtaine my loue FINIS The complaint of a sorrowfull Soule O Soueraigne salue of sinne who doest my soule behold That seekes her selfe from tangling faultes by striuing to vnfold What plea shall I put in when thou doest Summons send To iudge the people of the yearth and giue the world and end UUhen euery deede and worde yea euery secret thought In open vewe of all the worlde shall vnto light be brought So many Iudges shall against me sentence giue As by example of good woorkes hath taught how I should liue So many pleaders shall confound my carefull case As haue in one by sound aduise sought to engraft by grace So manie shall that time against me witnesse beare As haue beheld my fruitlesse faith and saw my sinnes appeare Whereon whils I do muse in my amazed minde Froward thoughts familiar foes most fiers assaults I finde My conscience to my face doth flatlie me accuse My secret thoughts within my eares do whisper still these newes Mine auarice and briberie my pride doth bragge me downe Mine enuie frets me like a file at other folks renowne Concupiscence inflames and lusts my limmes infect My meat doth burthen and my drinke my weaknesse doth detect My slanders rend my fame ambition doth supplant My greedinesse is not content but makes me waile for want My mirth but flatterie is my sorrowes are vnkinde Sith pleasures runne me out of breath and greefs suppresse my minde Behold my God whose might maie me a freeman make These were my freends whose counsels curst I was content to take These were the lawlesse Lords whom I did serue alwaie These were the maisters whose madde hests I did too much obaie Behold my faults most foule which follie first did frame In louing them I should haue loathed whens breedeth all my bane Now I do looke aloft with bashful blushing face On glorie thine that so I maie discerne my owne disgrace My manie spots and great must needs encrease my gilt Unlesse thou wash them in the bloud that for my sake was spilt Forgiue the faults O Lord which I from hart repent And graunt my daies to come maie be in thy sweet seruice spent FINIS I. Heiwood ¶ Alluding his state to the prodigall child THe wandring youth whose race so rashlie runne Hath left behinde to his eternall shame The thriftlesse title of the Prodigall sonne To quench remembraunce of his other name Mate now deuide the burthen of his blame with me whom wretchlesse thoughtes entised still To tread the trackt of his vnruly will He tooke his childes part at his fathers handes Of Gods free grace his giftes I did receiue He traueld farre in many forraigne landes My restlesse minde would neuer raging leaue False queanes did him of all his coine bereaue Fonde fancies stuft my braine with such abuse That no good hap could seeke to any vse They draue him out when all his pense was spent My lustes left me when strength with age was worne He was full fayne a Fermars hoggs to tent My life misled did reape deserued scorne Through hunger huge where with his trips were torne He wisht for swaddes euen so wisht I most vayne In fruitlesse pleasure fondly to remayne Now to come home with him and pardon pray My God I say against the heauens and thee I am not worthy that my lippes should say Behold thy handie worke and pitie me Of mercy yet my soule from faultes set free To serue thee here till thou appoint the time Through Christ vnto thy blessed ioyes to climbe FINIS I. Heiwood