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A05558 An heavenly chariot layde open for transporting the new-borne babes of God, from time infected vvith sin, towards that æternitie in the which dwelleth righteousnesse. Made up of some rare pieces of that purest golde which is not to bee found but in that ritchest thesaurie of sacred scripture. By M. David Lindsey, ministerr of Christs Evangel at Leith. Lindsay, David, 1565?-1627. 1622 (1622) STC 15683.5; ESTC S105377 59,418 81

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Gospellers who professe That they know and loue that CHRIST who hath dearelie loved them if they had heartes to perceiue His loue towards them The first sort of loue is most corrupt in the corrupt heart of corrupt man whereby man loveth himselfe and beside himselfe nothing hunting after nothing while hee liveth but that which may profite or please himselfe yea not reguarding suppose the whole worlde were overthrown with Sodome after that his eyes were closed by death The sesend loue is corrupt also in the corrupt heart of corrupt man whereby man seeing and considering that hee is not of himselfe sufficientlie able eyther to procure unto himselfe such thinges as hee accounteth to bee good or to defende or deliver himselfe from such thinges as hee holdeth to bee evill he is mooved not onelie to loue himselfe but to loue his GOD also And yet while hee loveth GOD thus hee loveth not GOD for GODS cause but GOD for his owne cause and so as Demetrius loved Diana Acts 19.25 who lived by making Silver Shrines unto her The thirde sorte of loue is holie and renewed in the new sanctified and softened heart of the regenerate Childe of GOD whereby he having happilie through the effectuall working of CHRISTES Spirit dwelling in him tasted the Sweetnesse of the bountie and of the goodnesse of his GOD beginneth to loue GOD even for GODS cause that with a more fervent loue than he loveth Father Mother Wife Childe or anie other whosoever The fourth sorte of loue is altogether Spirituall and Heavenlie transporting even with exceeding joye and alacritie the Soule of man from all thinges heere beneath towardes the third Heavens whereby the Childe of GOD is not onelie mooved to loue GOD for GODS cause but to loue himselfe for GODS cause and all other thinges beside himselfe no otherwayes but in GOD and for GOD. This was that loue O my Soule where-with Moyses loved his GOD when hee forsooke the Court of Aegypt and choosed to suffer trouble for CHRISTES cause This was that loue where-with Paul loved GOD vvhen hee sayde My life is not deare unto mee so that I may fulfill my course vvith joye I am readie not to bee bound onelie but also to die at Hierusalem for the NAME of the LORD IESVS And this sorte of loue vvhich is begun onelie heere shall bee fullie perfected in the Heavens Oh LORD GOD vvhen shall I beginne to loue no Honour but that vvhere-by I may honour Thee No Pleasures but those which may please Thee No Wealth but where-with I may haue my Soule enritched by Thee and with Thee for the better seeking and finding of Thee Yea vvhen shall I begin onlie to loue to liue to the ende that Thy Majestie mayest liue in mee and mayest bee glorified by mee Yea ô LORD GOD let me steppe one Steppe higher VVhen shall I beginne to delight to bee shamed to the ende that Thou mayest bee glorified to delight to bee grieved and pained to the ende that Thou mayest bee pleased to delight to bee stripped mother-naked of all the earthlie thinges vvhich I possesse or can possesse to the ende that I may possesse Thee Yea vvhen shall I long and desire to die to the ende that I may liue with Thee And yet could I doe all this vvhat should I doe vvhat could I doe I could doe nothing but prooue myndfull but prooue thankfull and that not through anie grace in mee vvhich is from mee for alace ô my Soule forgettest thou not thy GOD fearfullie art thou not unkinde to thy GOD grosselie but through thine undeserved favour onelie Would not that blessed Sonne of GOD yea that verie GOD of Glorie thy Saviour IESVS ô my Soule bee shamed to honour thee bee pained to please thee bee grieved to grace thee bee made poore to make thee rich Yea would Hee not die to quicken thee And so ô my Soule vvhen thou hast shamed thy selfe to whome Shame is due for Sinne vvhen thou hast grieved thy selfe to whome Griefe is due for sinne vvhen thou hast depryved thy selfe of all thinges to whome nothing is due because of sinne yea vvhen thou hast layde downe thy lyfe vvhome sinne must bereaue of lyfe having death for its Wage vvhat hast thou done considering that Hee who never sinned beeing that GOD of Glorie unto vvhome all Honour all Pleasures all Wealth and onelie lyfe did belong depryved Himselfe of all these thinges and cloathed Himselfe willinglie with the contrarie evils and that for thee Bee myndfull of these thinges ô my Soule and forget not to beg Grace from thy GOD to prooue thankefull for them FOolish Man pittying manie cannot alace pittie himselfe yea hee cannot so much as dreame that hee is to bee pittied and yet what creature is to bee pittied as man who should prooue GODS best creature heere beneath is to bee pittied Oh LORD GOD howe manie men lay downe their lyues daylie and so are remooved from this Earth by death before they know by whom and wherefore they were gifted with lyfe and placed on this Earth And if man in this respect bee not to bee pittied let all such who be sensible of humane miserie judge O my soule if living heere I knowe not of whome I haue my lyfe for vvhome I haue my lyfe and so vvho is Hee unto whome I shoulde looke after whome I shoulde seeke studying alwayes to serue and to please Him even in the whole course of my life had it not beene better for thee ô my Soule that I had never tasted of lyfe That man who never was who never shall bee shall never indeede taste of that sweetest Milke and moste wholesome Honey which is to bee founde in that Heavenlie Canaan which is aboue But with that hee shall never bee tormented with that ever-burning Fire which cannot bee but found in that deepest Gulfe out of the which there is no redemption But as for that man ô my soule who lives and knoweth not Him from whom and for whom hee hath his life bee sure die he before his minde be enlightened to see his GOD before his heart bee mooved to loue Him to belieue in Him and his life bee so sanctified that in some measure hee may serue and please Him not onlie shall hee bee depryved of that immortall Heavenlie Inheritance but also adjudged to remedilesse and comfortlesse condemnation Oh oh when shall the Inhabitantes of this Earth hearken to that wise advise given by that wise Preacher Remember now thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth while the evill dayes come not Eccle. 12.1 nor the yeares approach in the which thou shalt say I haue no pleasure in them When shall they suffer that great Conclusion to bee brought to their heartes which vvould quicken the deadest and waken the most secure which the same Preacher bringeth to our eares in the same place Let us heare the ende of all Feare GOD and keepe His Commandements for this is the whole duetie of man for GOD will
bring everie worke uto Iudgement with everie secret thing whether it be good Eccl. 12.13.14 or evill Oh oh when shall Preachers when shall Hearers out of a sense hereof learne to cry unto GOD with David Open mine eyes that I may see the wonders of Thy Law Teach me Psaml ô LORD the way of thy Statutes and I will keepe it to the ende Giue mee understanding and I will keepe it with my whole heart Yea ô would to GOD that thou ô my soule couldest in this last age see and feele that which Augustine saw and felt in his time to the ende that out of that sight and sense thou mightest make the like confession before GOD which hee made and send up the like Petition to GOD which hee sent up unto Him My Bodie ô LORD liveth by my Soule and my Soule liveth by thee ô my GOD Be neare me heerefore ô GOD neare in mine heart neare in mine eares neare in mine eyes yea neare in my whole body and everie member of it that they may all serue Thee KNewest thou ô my Soule how blessed IESVS hath loved thee be sure thou wouldest loue Him and out of that thy loue thou wouldest be carefull to keepe His Commandements Iaakob loved Benjamin dearely but ô how more dearelie hath IESVS loved thee Iaakob pintched with Famine is content for the safetie of his owne life Gen. to twinne with Benjamin and to send him downe to Aegypt but blessed IESVS to the ende that Hee might feede thee and keepe thee O my soule will not onlie subject Himselfe to Hunger 2. Sam. 1.26 but unto cruell death Ionathans loue towards David exceeded the loue of Women but IESVS His loue towardes thee O my Soule exceedeth not onlie the loue of Women but the loue of Ionathan Scripture telleth mee Historie telleth mee That Mothers haue slaine their owne children 2. King 28.29 to keepe in their owne lives but neither acquainteth Scripture nor Historie mee with anie Woman who ever was contented to cutte and dresse her owne flesh for the safetie of her chylde Alwayes Scripture largelie telleth mee That Thy blessed IESVS O my Soule is that kindliest Pelicane who could be content to giue His owne flesh not onlie to be scourged to be nailed to be pearced but to be crucified and die on the Tree to the ende that thou O my soule mightest feede upon Him unto life aeternall IESVS His loue towards thee O my Soule exceedeth also the loue of Ionathan Ionathan indeede loued David so that he incurred his fathers wrath for David that he was contented heartfullie that David should succeede to his father in the Kingdome yea Ionathan oft times hazarded his verie life for David alwayes thy Ionathan IESVS O my soule beeing a King yea that King of kinges by whom and under whom all kinges doe reigne would not onlie become poore to make thee rich under-goe that intollerable weight of His Fathers wrath to the ende that thou mightest attaine unto and enjoy His everlasting favoure but also He would die to the ende that thou beeing quickened by Him mightest bee made a king to liue and reigne in Heaven with Him for ever Yea telleth not Scripture mee O my Soule That IESVS hath loved thee so that He hath married thee that He hath tochered thee yea that Hee hath provided a Dourie for thee Abigall is dashed when David Ambassadours come unto her shewing to her 1. Sam. 25.41 That David would marrie her It was a wonder that Salomon King of Iudah married the King of Aegypts Daughter But shouldest thou not bee much more astonied O my Soule vvhen thou hearest That even IESVS the great Sonne of David that mightie KING of everlasting Peace Ezek. 16.4.5 hath married thee while thou wast dead in sinne lying in thy blood in the verie open Fielde having none eye pittying thee Hosea speaking of this Marriage bringeth in thy blessed kynde Spouse speaking thus unto thee O my Soule I will marrie thee unto Mee for ever yea I will marrie thee unto Mee in Righteousnesse Hosea 2.19.20 in Iudgement in Mercie and in Compassion Men marrie Women for a while yea for an uncertaine troublesome while Alwayes O my Soule IESVS hath married thee for evermore in such sorte that neyther distance of place nor death nor the graue can possiblie sever thee from Him or Him from thee Yea vvhich is more that the nearer death draweth unto thee and thou approachest to thy graue the more strictlie art thou united with Him and Hee joyned with thee Beside this IESVS hath so loved thee O my Soule that Hee hath tochered thee but vvhere-with I pray thee I heare Saul craving from David an hundreth fore-Skinnes of the Philistims 1. Sam. Acts 20.28 1. Pet. 1.18.19 for his Daughter and I see David laying downe two hundreth for her Alwayes IESVS hath tochered thee O my Soule not with Silver not with Golde not with precious Stones but with Blood Alwayes vvith vvhat Blood O my Soule Not vvith the blood of Rammes of Lambes of Goates or anie man But with His owne onelie moste precious moste honourable and moste cleane Blood Beside this yet O my Soule IESVS hath so loved thee that Hee hath provyded a Dowrie for thee But what a Dowrie Beare vvith mee O my Soule if heere I must confesse that I cannot tell thee because my GOD hath not tolde mee For vvho living heere can possiblie acquaint the Childe of GOD sufficientlie and perfectlie vvith the Valour and Excellencie of that Inheritance which is appointed for thee Some sparkes of the Excellencie and Majestie of it are praesented indeede unto our consideration Luke 12.32 1. Corin. 2.9 1. Iohn 3.2 Coll. 3.3.4 by Scripture but fullie it shall not bee knowne untill wee bee where our dearest Spouse IESVS is Loue this IESVS O my Soule sincerelie Seeke this IESVS O my soule busilie Serue this IESVS O my Soule chearfullie and let nothing content thee untill thou bee where Hee is who hath so loved thee IF thou O my soule wouldest prooue truelie wise to that last day after the which there shall bee no day it were good that thou werest carefull in time to bee certified of the loue of IESVS thy Saviour and Master as of that first thing as of that chiefest thing thou shouldest bee carefull to bee certified of before all thinges so that publicklie before GOD. Angels and Men and privatelie betwixt thy GOD and thine owne heart thou mayest say and sing Blessed bee that IESVS who hath loved mee Blessed bee that IESVS who loveth mee But heere O my Soule there would bee three thinges wiselie considered by thee First wherefore should this bee thy first and chiefest care Secondlie Whereby is it that that loue wherewith IESVS hath loved thee is intimate unto thee Thirdlie how mayest thou bee certified that IESVS loveth thee Let mee possesse all the Worlde ô my soule if IESVS loue mee not woe
AN HEAVENLY CHARIOT Layde open for transporting the New-borne Babes of GOD from time infected vvith Sin towards that aeternitie in the which dwelleth Righteousnesse Made up of some rare pieces of that purest Golde which is not to bee found but in that ritcliest Thesaurie of Sacred Scripture By M. DAVID LINDESEY Minister of CHRISTS EVANGEL at LEITH HEB. XIII VERS 14. Here we haue no continuing Citie but we seeke one to come COL III. VERS 1.2 If ye bee risen with Christ seeke those thinges which are aboue where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Set your affections on things which are aboue not on things which are on the Earth Imprinted at Sainct-Andrevves By Edward Raban Printer to the Vniversitie 1622. TO THE TRVELIE RELIGIOVS AND Right Noble Ladie LADIE ANNA KER Ladie Balmerinoch Grace Mercie and Peace through IESVS CHRIST our LORD and onelie SAVIOVR SEeing in this last and most dead Age of the Worlde Right Noble Ladie there be not a few living alace not onelie under the blinding Darknesse and corrupting Superstition of abominable Poperie but also under that shining Lanterne of that saving Gospel which leadeth men directlie towardes that bright morning Starre CHRIST IESVS blessed for evermore who holding ah mee this Earth for their Home doe never dreame that they must bee remooved from it and so who cannot bee mooved so much as to beginne to thinke upon another Habitation let bee to fit themselues for it not-with-standing that None-sparing Sworde of Death slaying daylie without respect of persons men of all Rankes in everie place may sensiblie cleare unto them the trueth of that Golden Sentence Heere wee haue no continuing Citie I Heb. 13.14 the basest in all respectes my LORD and MASTER hath imployed about the building of His Tabernacle longing now to bee dissolved and to bee with Him whome my Soule loveth haue out of that affection which I carrie to all such as call upon His Name beene bolde over-comming at length manie difficulties to offer these few Lines unto the view of others that if it were possible some one simple Soule or two might bee mooved by them GOD beeing happilie with them to loose their affections from thinges heere beneath and to set them upon those thinges which are aboue I haue dedicated them unto your Honour whome GOD hath so happily weaned from the deceitfull Milke of all things earthlie and so Graciouslie married unto His blessed Sonne that nowe your Honour can wiselie account of nothing but in so farre as it leadeth you unto Him who out of loue gaue Himselfe for you Accept these Lines Madame as a Testimonie of that Loue and Reverence which I must carrie to that speciall Grace of GOD bestowed happilie upon you for the continuance and encrease whereof I shall never cease to draw up my simple Prayers unto that GOD who is readie to heare all such as call upon Him in trueth is able to keepe your Honour unto His everlasting Kingdome Your Ladiships in our Blessed Saviour the LORD IESVS D. L. AN HEAVENLY CHARJOT O My Soule wa st thou not sent downe heere in time by that blessed wise Creator to seeke after that aeternitie which is aboue O my Soule Couldest thou learne to know with what loue thy GOD loved thee in what accompt thy GOD hath thee busilie wouldest thou while this ever-slyding time remayneth seeke after that ever-abyding aeternitie Oh ô my Soule When shall I beginne grauely to consider that admirable order kept by my GOD in bringing foorth that great Worke of Creation praesented unto mine eyes by that first Chapter of holie Scripture Wouldest thou O my Soule leasurelie payne thy selfe a little to meditate aright upon that order O! with what a loue wouldest thou loue thy GOD O in what accompt wouldest thou haue thy GOD And so O with how swift feete wouldest thou endevour to run through fleeting sinfull tyme towardes that ever-continuing aeternitie in the which dwelleth Righteousnesse Yea O my Soule I must tell thee Could that order bee well taken to heart by thee were I warming my selfe in my Parlour at the refreshing and dauting fire of greatest Honoures Pleasures and daintiest Cheare even with my dearest Companions thou wouldest bee able easilie by a verie little nod to draw mee to the doores making mee with Peter to seeke after some secret place that there I might weepe bitterlie because I cannot bee mooved to seeke Him who could not bee stayed from seeking of mee because I cannot learne to account of Him who could willinglie account of nothing till Hee found mee The Worke of Creation is begunne the first day The Worke of Creation is prosecuted till the sixt day and a number of good Creatures of diverse kindes aboue us about us beneath us in the Heavens in the Seas and in the Earth brought foorth But can our GOD cease to worke till Hee haue made Man And when Hee hath made him will He goe anie farther Yea resteth He not then O my Soule I charge thee before GOD that thou remember this I commaund thee as thou wilt bee aunswerable unto GOD that thou forget not this BVt O my Soule what would thy GOD tell thee by this comlie admirable order kept by His Majestie in bringing foorth that Worke of Creation Surelie That Hee made all the other creatures for thee which Hee made before thee and that Hee made thee for Himselfe whome Hee made after them And what would thy GOD O my Soule teach thee heereby Surelie That all His other creatures could not content Him untill Hee founde Man And darest thou O my Soule attempt to thinke or alleadge That thou art made for anie other beside thy GOD Yea darest thou rest upon anie of those creatures were the sight of them never so pleasant to thine eyes the sound of them never so meledious to thine eares the savour of them never so delicious to thy smelling the taste of them never so sweete to thy mouth the touch of them never so alluring to thine other members O my Soule manie servantes hast thou for thy Maker hath made all the other creatures for thee onelie one Master hast thou even that GOD who made thee for Himselfe and therefore see that thou use all these creatutes which thine eye seeth thine eare heareth thy smelling savoureth thy tasting tasteth or anie member of thy bodie toucheth as pleasant sweete Coardes sent downe from Heaven to draw thee upwardes towardes that GOD who made them for thee and thee for Himselfe otherwayes bee assured thou shalt bee convicted not onelie of grosse unthankfulnesse but of high treason forgetting the Giver and abusing the gift yea for thrusting the perishing gift into the Throne of the ever-living Giver HEarken hearken O my Soule and belieue mee speaking unto thee from the mouth of thy GOD who esteemeth of thee highlie out of that loue wherewith Hee hath loved thee freelie Haddest thou O my Soule that hearing eare to hearken unto and that understanding heart to
perceiue that which thy blessed Maker would leade thee unto by that more than Majesticke Glorious Comfortable Oracle sounded by His Majesties Glorious Lippes while Hee is about to make Man for Himselfe after that Hee had made the other creatures for man Let us make Man in our owne Image Belieue mee O my Soule Could this Oracle never alace sufficientlie as yet considered by man bee rightlie weighed by thee thou wouldest learne to thinke lesse of the other creatures after the which alace so manie doate so miserablie yea by the which alace there is a verie worlde grosselie bewitched Yea thou wouldest learne to accompt of none but thy GOD yea not to attempt to loue thy selfe but for GODS cause and in so farre as thou findest thy selfe like unto Him What O my Soule Shalt thou bee made to see and heare if thou shalt compare the twentie sixe verse of the first of Genesis pointing at Mans Creation with the third sixt ninth fourteenth twentie and twentie foure verses of that same Chapter leading us to the Creation of the other creatures True it is O my Soule that all these were created by that same GOD by whome Man was also created yet they and Man are not brought foorth after one and the same manner for albeit our GOD being to create the Light the Firmament c. be content to say Let there be Light let there be a Firmament c. yet it contenteth not His wise mercifull Majestie when He is to make Man barely to say let there be a Mā but he must say Let us make Man to our owne Image Thus passing from the Creation of the other creatures to the making of Man not without speciall advise and deliberation as it were and yet heere thou must not thinke ô my Soule that thy powerfull GOD to whom all thinges are easie brought foorth Man with anie greater difficultie than He brought foorth the other creatures or that Hee doubted anie wayes about the making of Man but this is done by Him that hereby His wise Majestie one in substance three in Person Father Sonne and Holie Ghost might recommend to our consideration the excellencie and eminencie of Man beyond and aboue the other Creatures daining Himselfe to take a speciall consultation onelie about the making of Man as about His most excellent and glorious Worke. Shall these three sacred Persons of that incomprehensible Deitie after mature deliberation as it were concurre joyntlie and joyefullie for the making of Man and should not I O my Soule summonding all thy powers with all the members of my bodie after due advise charge them all to concurre for the loving for the seeking and for the serving of that blessed GOD againe crying aloude O my minde O my heart O my will O my whole affections and so ô my loue ô my hatred ô my feare ô my confidence ô my joy ô my sorrow ô mine anger ô my patience concurre to seeke Him concurre to serue Him who concurred to make you yea ô mine eyes mine eares my lips mine handes my feete and remnant members see you all concurre to withstand sinne the enemie of that GOD who with joye concurred to make you and to proue your selues alwayes to be His duetiefull servants who hath proved so gracious a Lord unto you MOurne Mourne ô my Soule when thou rememberest what I was from my GOD being created by Him in Adam and what I am now from my Father Mother having fallen with them in Adam was I not created to the verie Image of His Majestie being so righteous and perfect that in my whole minde heart and will yea that in all the powers of my soule and members of my bodie there was sufficiencie of strength and power whereby I was able to know my GOD to loue my GOD and my Neighboure according to that voyce of the Law Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thine heart with all thy soule Mat. 22.37 39 and with all thy minde And Thou shalt loue thy Neighbour as thyselfe And that without anie disorder rebellion or corruption and so without anie darkenesse in the minde frowardnesse in the will rebellion in the heart corruption in anie of the remnant powers of the soule or members of the bodie and being thus spirituallie beautified was I not beside this that great emperour greater than the Turke who styleth himselfe THE GREAT EMPEROVR having all the fowles of the Aire all the fishes of the Sea with all which is here on Earth to be found bound by the verie appointment of GOD to serve me yea most readilie willing by the force of His Majesties blessing accompanying me for to serue me But alace ô my soule as I am now from my parents having fallen with them in Adam I am deprived of that Image of my blessed GOD to the which I was made and so voyde of that righteousnesse wherewith I was then cloathed being shapen and fostered as Seth the son of Adam and Evah was shapen and fostered and how was that O my soule surelie in the sinnefull Image of his sinnefull parents so that now my soule is not simplie wounded through sinne but starke dead in sinnes and trespasses and therefore no wonder that our GOD who onlie knoweth perfectlie what harme sinne alace hath procured to us speake thus of man Genes 6.5 All the imaginations of mans heart are onlie evill continuallie And lest anie man should haue proved or should proue so peart as to apply that saying to these of that first world overthrowne by the Deludge it pleased our wise GOD O my soule after that Noah was brought foorth of the Arke to plenish the Earth againe to sound over againe his former Iudgement touching Man saying Genes 8.21 The imagination of mans heart is evill even from his youth Oh! ô my soule when shall wee learne to consider rightlie that third Chapter to the Romans by the which that Spirit of trueth describing man unto us as he is out of Christ and destitute of the grace of GOD proclaimeth him to be nothing but a verie masse of vilde and loathsome corruption yea is not this our originall corruption cleared unto us by the holy Scriptures so sensiblie that as wee are acquainted with that good which wee cannot possiblie doe because of it so we are informed anent that evill which we cannot but doe by reason of it 1. Cor. 2.14 2. Corin. 3.5 Roman 7.18 Roman 8.7 The naturall man perceiveth not the thinges of the Spirit of GOD neyther can hee know them because they are Spirituallie discerned Wee are not sufficient of our selues to thinke anie thing as of our selues I finde no meaues to performe that which is good The wisedome of the flesh is enimitie against GOD for it is not subject to the Law of GOD neyther indeede can bee Yea is not holie Paul couched under the tyrannie of this fearfull originall corruption where-with alace wee are infected O my Soule compelled to make this confession
I finde another lawe in my members Rom. 7.23.24 rebelling against the law of my minde and leading mee captiue unto the law of sinne which is in my members And after this bursteth he not foorth into that languishing complaint O wretched man that I am who shall deliver mee from this bodie of death Besides this O my Soule is not miserable man thus depryved of all righteousnesse and corrupted throughout in bodie and soule made a miserable Beggar beeing before so great a Monarch that hee hath no title to anie of the creatures of GOD so that beeing out of CHRIST the verie meate which hee eateth the verie cloathes which cover his nakednesse the verie aire which hee breatheth into c. shall procure his condemnation suppose hee sinned not otherwayes against his GOD. But which is moste lamentablie miserable O my Soule not onelie is man thus depryved of good and corrupted with evill made a miserable Beggar but a monstrous Slaue yea a Slaue unto a fearfull Slaue even unto Satan that evill one who not onelie lodgeth but even worketh in the children of disobedience Ephes 2.2 fighting against man by those his ugliest champions Sinne the Worlde Death and the Graue When shall this bee seene and perceived by us O my Soule Surelie could this bee seene Sinne should bee hated by us with an unfained hatred Satan should bee resisted by us as our onelie deadliest enemie Wee use to say O my Soule Burnt Bairne Fyre dreaddeth Hath not that fierie Dragon long agoe burnt us all alace in our first parentes Feele wee not even to this day the fearfull hurt which wee received by that burning Yea carrie wee not about with us goe where wee will the scarres and markes of that burning Should wee not then abhorre to looke to that Dragon to obey anie of his counsels were they never so apparantlie profitable or pleasant For albeit his coate appeareth somewhat to bee friendlie his heart shall remaine alwayes the heart of an irreconcilable Foe SCarre scarre O my Soule with sinne as thou lovest thy GOD and thy selfe for hath not thy GOD who loveth thee with a great loue with a wise loue tolde thee That whosoever sinneth against Him must not onelie receiue wages for his sinnes but besides his wages that boontieth which is due unto Sinne also The wages of Sinne O my Soule as thou knowest is Death Rom. 6.23 even that first death with all those diseases which leade a man unto it separating the soule from the bodie and the bodie from the soule and that second death banishing soule and bodie from the comfortable sight of Gods saving Face and gracious presence for ever and why wilt thou die thus O my soule The boontieth of sinne ô my soule is shame Rom. 6.21 procuring such confusion to man that he dare not lift up his head before GOD before Angels before Men unlesse in soule he bee senselesse both of his GOD and of his sinne This shame was that boontieth wherewith our Iust GOD propined our first parents the first sinners O my soule for howbeit Adam and Evah being free of sinne were naked altogether in respect of materiall naturall seene cloathes yet they were not ashamed but could stand before their GOD and looke one upon another with a good heart and chearfull countenance so glorious were they through the beautie of the Image of GOD which then covered them Alwayes O my Soule no sooner are they infected with Sinne by disobeying the Voyce of their GOD Gen. 3.7.8 but as soone they were so covered with Shame that they dare not looke upon GOD and are confounded while they beholde themselues VVOuldest thou bee freed O my Soule from that Death which is the Wages of Sinne and delivered from that Shame which is the bontieth of Iniquitie I beseech thee shake off that Shame which alace too manie misseled by Satan in this our Age are clogged with albeit it procure daylie matter of new death and greater shame unto them and with a good heart smyling countenance put thou on that Shame where-with too few alace in this our Age are covered albeit it bee able GOD beeing mercifull unto us not onelie to slay Death and shake off confounding Shame but also to procure quickening Grace and saving Glorie Alace O my Soule how manie with Vincentius the Hereticke beside Augustine in his fourtie-eight Epistle while they thinke shame to amende their Faultes thinke no shame to continue in their Faultes Corah with his companions lift up themselues against Mo●ses Numb 16. and Aaron A certaine space is graunted unto them to advise themselues about this their sinne But dare they not face the matter peartlie beeing as readie to present themselues upon the morrow before the LORD as Moyses and Aaron were What wonder then that our GOD just in all His Wayes cover them with Death and with Shame to their destruction who would not confesse their sinne and willinglie acknowledge That Death and Shame belonged unto them because of it to their conversion Fewe Sinners alace O my Soule in these our dayes with Moyses with David with Daniel with that Great Apostle Paul can acknowledge and confesse their sinnes crying yea crying aloude That Shame yea open Shame belongeth unto them and That Glorie and Righteousnesse belongeth to their GOD and therefore what wonder that amongst our Sinners there bee fewe who haue our Blessed GOD to looke their eyes with Moyses to put away their sinnes with David Deut. 34.6 2. Sam. 12. Dan. 9. 1. ●●m 1. to heare them with Daniel to receiue them to mercie with Paul Pronounce thy selfe heerefore O my Soule worthie of death because of thy sinnes that GOD through His CHRIST may receiue thee to Life Take the Coate of Shame to thee for thy sinne O my Soule to the ende that thy GOD for thy Saviours sake who for a while was covered with Shame for thee may cloathe thee with Grace heere and with Glorie heere-after for ever FOrget not forget not O my Soule to giue in a Bill of Complaint against thy selfe unto thy GOD accusing thy selfe condemning thy selfe before His Majestie for the secret sinnes committed by thee hid from the Worlde yet knowne by Him And with this forget not to giue in the like Bill against thy selfe before GOD before Angels yea before Men for thy manifest and knowne sinnes seene by that Sunne which shineth by day and not kept secret from that Moone which governeth the night For if thou O my Soule deceived by that olde cunning Deceiver vvho as yet taketh pleasure to deceiue shalt attempt to refuse for anie alluring promise can bee made unto thee for anie harming threatning can bee pronounced against thee to giue in those Billes against thy selfe to the ende that thou happilie judging thy selfe bee not justlie condemned with the Worlde I know one beeing taught of my GOD who will both peartlie and fearcelie giue in his Bill against thee ayming at no lesse than thy
loupe for Ioy within me For by this vvould not thy blessed powerfull GOD whose wayes passe finding out not onlie overthrow but also mocke the malice and craft of the devill to His Majesties great Glorie to Satan his sensible shame and to thy everlasting comfort ô malicious subtill Serpent thou canst cunninglie convey by Evahs eares that fearefull poyson towardes her foule which was able to slay her her husband and their posteritie but is not my good GOD both mercifull and powerfull able to convey to my Soule even by mine eare that wholesome Salue whereby that thy poyson is not onlie made ineffectuall but whereby I am made to liue for ever Thou seest thou smellest thou touchest thou tastest yea thou readest ô man manie thinges alwayes understand it is not by thy sight by thy smelling by thy touching by thy tasting yea it is not by thy reading if thou attempt to despise hearing and so to contemne the Worde preached that thou canst be saved ô when shall that shining Golden Chaine of Salvation presented to us by Paul first be reverenced and then be embraced and keeped by us Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the LORD shall bee saved but how shall they call on Him in whome they haue not believed and how shall they belieue in Him Rom. of whom they haue not beard and how shall they heare without a Preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent then faith is by hearing and hearing by the Worde of GOD. EVerie man naturallie loveth life and loving life desireth to liue but alace scarce one of a thousand doth know and consider wherefore life should bee loved and so wherefore man should desire for to liue The Ambitious man with Haman desireth for to liue to the ende his Honour may bee increased The leacherous man with Ammon desireth to liue to the ende hee may satisfie his beastlie Lust The seditious man with Ahitophell desireth to liue to the ende that accomplishing his crooked plottes hee may throw downe such as hee hateth and advaunce those which followe him The avaritious man with the Foole in the Gospel would liue to the ende hee may inlarge his Boundes and augment his Summes The Bellie-god would liue that with the rich Glutton hee may please his taste and fatte his vylde Bellie with the daintiest Fare But bee not those men O my Soule with their desires more than abominable in the Eyes of that holie GOD who made all men for Himselfe and no man for anie thing beside Himselfe Wherefore O my Soule if thou loving thy lyfe wouldest loue it as it becommeth the Childe of GOD to loue life and so if desiring to liue thou wouldest liue for the right ende I would advertise thee to learne of that wise graue Heavenlie-learning Father David That this lyfe is not to bee loved but for GODS cause onelie and so man should not desire to liue Psal 119.17 Genes 3. Luke 1.74.75 Rom. but to the ende hee may keepe GODS Lawe This was the Ende wherefore man having lost himselfe in Adam was redeemed by IESVS CHRIST Yea this is the ende wherefore dead uncleane man is quickened renewed and sanctified by the Spirit of the Father and of His dearest Sonne A Lace ô my Soule as men desire to liue and in desiring to liue doe sinne grosselie because they desire not to liue for the right ende so men desire also to die but alace they sinne in desiring to die because the groundes of their desire are vylde before GOD and nowayes profitable but hurtfull to themselues Could wee desire to liue submitting humblie and holilie our crooked willes to the straight will of GOD to the ende that with David wee might keepe His Law and with Hezekiah that wee might benefit His Children on Earth heere Could wee desire to die submitting also heerein our will to the good will of GOD to the ende wee might cease to breake the Lawe of our GOD and so to sinne against His Majestie yea to the ende that wee might bee with IESVS who is our onelie advantage both in lyfe and in death holie should this our desire bee and happie should wee prooue having such a desire wrought in our Soules Vnderstand understand O my soule that this naturall life is no benefit unto man can bee no benefit for man at all but onelie in so farre as it goeth before Spirituall and aeternall life and so in so farre as it hath Spirituall and aeternall life following it for as that olde Saying ever remaineth true Nemo renatus qui non prius natus None hath GOD bearing them over againe by His Spirit to bee a Christian but such who were borne first of flesh and bloode to be men and women So that shall ever holde true which our Master spake of Iudas It had beene good for that man who is not borne over againe by the holie Spirit that hee had never bene borne of a Woman For Death seazing on that man cannot possibly but sende him to Hell unlesse before death man cease for to sinne And if through GODS Grace man die to sinne before hee die before the worlde hee shall cease from his laboures and rest with GOD for ever Bernhard meditating long agoe upon this and subscrybing to the trueth of it from a renewed humble honest heart drewe up this Prayer unto his GOD I beseech Thee O LORD my Father to bestowe upon mee Thine hungrie Childe three Bread Even that I may knowe that I may loue and that I may doe Thy will So shall I liue for in these three standeth the whole lyfe of my Soule And againe It is commonlie sayde amongst men Hee who feedeth well liveth well But heere Wickednesse doeth most grosselie ô my GOD bewray it selfe for none can possiblie liue well but such who liue ordinatelie sociallie and humblie ordinatelie studying to procure honest thinges both before GOD and man that neyther hee sinne against his GOD nor by his sinfull lyfe offend his Brethren Sociallie living so that hee studie to bee beloved of others and to loue others Humblie that while hee is made thus through the Grace of his GOD to carrie himselfe he be not puffed up with pryde as alace too manie bee But contrarie-wise that with the holie Sainctes of GOD yea with His most blessed Angels Rev. 4.9.10 hee cast himselfe alwayes downe before that Majestie who hath beene so mercifull and beneficiall unto him O My Soule When shalt thou beginne to loue that GOD truelie who hath loved thee dearelie with that sincere loue which His Majestie will accept of as of that loue which commeth from Him and sendeth thee backe unto Him againe Belieue mee ô my Soule albeit there bee some yet there bee not manie who be beautified and gifted with this sorte of loue for thou must know ô my soule that the heart of man hath beene and is clogged and cloathed with a foure-folde loue which would be considered by our
to mee Want what I can ô my Soule if IESVS loue mee well is mee I want that Honour that Wealth that Health those Pleasures which sometime I enjoyed yea I am depryved by death of a loving Father of kynde Brethren of true Friendes of deare Companions alwayes IESVS loveth mee IESVS is with mee and therefore well is mee And must I not bee well ô my soule having Him who was the sole solace and desire of that holie man David who was a man according to the heart of GOD For can hee not treading all Want under foote and triumphing as one possessing all Wealth crye out thus Whome haue I in the Heavens but Thee And I haue desired none in the Earth with Thee But O my Soule Psal 73.25 how hapned I to bring in David before thee when I was speaking unto thee touching the happinesse of that man who possessed IESVS Was not IESVS was not IESVS not onelie with GOD His Father but the verie daylie delight of His Father Prov. 2. Sam. 19. when Hee praepared the Heavens and made the Earth Mephibosheth hath a worthie Speach unto David after hee returned to Hierusalem Let Ziba take all seeing my lorde the King is come home in peace And wilt thou not gladlie bee contented to say ô my Soule O LORD my GOD let all that I haue bee taken from mee seeing my Loue and LORD IESVS is come to mee even Hee in vvhom Thou O LORD my Father art vvell pleased with me even Hee Matt. 3.17 Iohn 8.12 And 14.6 O LORD who is my Life my Light and my Salvation This loue vvherewith IESVS hath loved thee O my Soule is intimate to thine eares is sprinkled as it vvere on thy bodie is put into thine handes is presented to thy mouth Yea is as it were eaten drunken and digested by thee It is intimate to thine eare by the sweet voyce of the Gospell preached unto thee It is sprinkled as it were upon thy bodie by that Sacrament of Baptisme vvhereby thou wast entered into the House of GOD It is put into thine hand presented to thy mouth eaten drunken and digested by thee as it vvere by and in that Sacrament of the LORDS Supper administrate in broken Bread and Wine powred out Telling thee ô my soule that blessed IESVS being that cleane and wholesome Wheate was heartfullie contented to bee ground betwixt the Mil-stones of His Fathers wrath to the ende that He might become sweet and pleasant Bread to feede thee Yea that blessed IESVS being that true vine full of heavenlie sappe and juyce would bee pressed in the Wine-presse of His Fathers indignation to the ende that He might be made a quickening refreshing and comforting Drinke to quicken thee O my Soule beeing deade to refreshe thee ô my Soule beeing wearied and to comfort thee O my Soule being cast downe Thou mayest be perswaded O my soule that IESVS loveth thee if thou lovest Him for hee never loved GOD who was not first loved of GOD. 2. Iohn 4.10 Iohn 8.47 And 14.15 Psalm 15.4 Now thou shalt know that thou lovest IESVS if thou lovest His Worde if thou be carefull to keepe His Commandements and if thou delight in in the societie of such who loue Him and walke in His wayes ALbeit Sinne which is thine onelie Enemie O my Soule be a most alluring sweet Potion yet Sinne is a deceiving and destroying Traytor and no wonder it being the Arrow of that evill one who is not onlie a subtill Foxe but also a bloodie Lyon O! how easilie suffer vilde men themselves to be perswaded that Sinne may be committed yea that Sinne is committed behinde backe albeit there was never anie sinne committed but in sight It may be that sinne be committed behinde the backe of blinde man who seeth nothing and of sand-blinde man who seeth little yet is it ever committed in His sight Psalm who made the eye of man to see and who knoweth his thoughtes a farre off And so in the eyes of that holie One Revel 1.14 whose eyes are like a flame of fire Yea who is all eye as Augustine speaketh Knowest thou not O my soule that Abell was slaine behinde backe and yet in sight behinde the backe of Adam Genesis 4. the father of his flesh yet in the sight of GOD the father of his spirit Vriah was slaine by David being farre from David 2. Sam. 11. behinde the backe of all Iudah yea and of Ammon by whose sworde hee fell David and Ioab onlie beeing excepted yet Vriah was slaine by David in his sight who filleth the Heavens and the Earth and from whom none can hide himselfe in secret place Ier. 23.24 and this I thinke David vvas compelled afterwardes to knowe notwithstanding of all his policie Who in all Israel coulde possiblie thinke That Naboth was cruellie put to death and so 1. King 21.17.18 that Ahab and Iezebel who should haue prooved his Protectors were his fierce Persecuters even unto death seeing hee was convicted by a formall Assize having Witnesses testifying that hee had blasphemed GOD and the King And yet that blessed GOD vvho searcheth the heartes and vvho judgeth not according to the outward appearance but righteous judgement can both accuse Ahab of Oppression and Murder and punish him for the same Oh! ô my soule When shall the blinde men of this dead Age learne to hearken unto and to belieue that blessed Spirit of Trueth vvho cannot lie teaching us clearlie That no sinne can bee committed in secret Came never that Sentence ô my Soule to thine Eares Vnderstand yee unwise amongst the People And yee Fooles when will yee bee wise Hee that planted the Eare shall Hee not heare Or Hee that formed the Eye shall Hee not see Psal Or Hee that chastizeth the Nations shall Hee not correct Or Hee that teacheth man knowledge shall Hee not know Hath that come to thine Eares O my soule Whither shall I flee from Thy Spirite If I ascende unto Heaven Thou art there If I lye downe in Hell Thou art there Let mee take th● Winges of the Morning Psal and dwell in the uttermost partes of the Sea yet thither shall Thine Hand leade mee and Thy Right Hand holde mee If I say Yet the Darknesse shall hyde mee even the Night shall bee light about mee yea the Darknesse bydeth not from Thee but Night shyneth as the Day the Darknesse and Light are both alyke Came ever that unto thine Eares ô my Soule Woe unto them that seeke deepe to hyde their counsell from the LORD for their workes are in darknesse Esai 29.15 and they say Who seeth us And who knoweth us I haue seene thine Adulteries and thy Lyinges the filthinesse of thy Whoredomes Ier 13.27 upon the Hilles in the Fieldes and thine Abominations O my Soule knowest thou not Him who saw Nathanael before Philip called him when hee was under the Figge Tree Iohn 1.48
sinne to be a sufficient scarre to affray him from the cōmitting of sinne yea from wallowing in uncouth sinnes even with delight as if hee were some filthie Swine made with his Face downwardes and not a Man vvhome GOD hath honoured vvith His owne Image Tell mee tell mee O my Soule if any man would eyther of purpose or with pleasure defile his outward Garment with anie kynde of Filth if hee could bee perswaded that nothing coulde cleanse that his Garment againe but a Vessell full of his owne best blood Now telleth not the Scripture thee O my Soule That thou beeing defiled with Sinne canst not possiblie bee cleansed from it but by the Blood of IESVS onelie Shalt thou then attempt at anie time to commit sinne of purpose and to continue in sinne with pleasure And if thou darest doe so canst thou thinke thy selfe to bee one vvho eyther esteemeth honourablie of that honourable Blood of IESVS shedde to cleanse thee or reverentlie and honourablie of that blessed GOD vvho shedde His Blood for thee SInne is a filthie thing Sinne is a most cruell filthie thing O my Soule as thou mayest easilie perceiue and let this humble thee Alwayes honourable and precious is that Blood of blessed IESVS Forcible and strong beyond measure is that Blood of blessed IESVS and let this comfort thee IESVS His Blood is honourable and precious for it can doe away the filth of Sinne making a man even cleane in His eyes before whom the well informed Childe of GOD stryveth speciallie to bee cleane Forcible and strong is the Blood of IESVS for it can wash a man not from one sinne but from everie sinne yea from all sinnes were they never so monstrous so presumptuous Hast thou not ô my soule considered that first Chapter of Matthew for thine information Yea for thy speciall consolation anent this point ô blessed IESVS my sole saviour of whom art Thou come according to the flesh and so what fathers what mothers will Thy Majestie as man haue is Thy Majestie O my Saviour onlie come of Abraham and not of Pharez also whom Iudah begot on Tamar his Daughter in Law Will Thy Majestie O my Saviour haue Sarah onlie the wife of Abraham for Thy Mother and not Rahab the Harlot and Ruth the Moabitish also But wherefore O my soule would blessed IESVS haue such Fathers haue such Mothers according to the flesh Surelie surelie to testifie before GOD Angels and Men that He came not to call the Righteous but Sinners Marke 2.1 to Repentance were their sinnes never so manie never so monstrous providing that they by a liuelie faith coulde keepe that blood which He hath shedde to wash them and by sincere repentance accompaning this their faith testifie to the world that they haue learned being taught by the Spirit to accompt honourablie of this His blood shedde for them O My Soule I will tell thee to thy comfort were thy sinnes never so manie were thy sinnes never so monstrous that precious blood of blessed IESVS who hath loved thee is sufficientlie able to wash thee from them all Alwayes I must tell thee for thine information and reformation That wise IESVS vvill not vvash thee in His blood from thy manie sinnes by past from thine uglie sinnes praesent to the ende that thou mayest afterwardes defile thy selfe with sinne or continue in the trade of thy praesent sinnes but to the ende Revel 1.5.6 that thou being washen by Him mayest prooue a Spirituall King subduing Sinne and a Spirituall Priest offering up thy selfe in bodie soule in a living and an holie Sacrifice unto GOD. Tell me Rom. 12.1.2 tell mee O Zachariah the Father of Iohn the Baptist Wherefore came CHRIST into this Worlde bringing cleane and cleansing blood with Him Was it not That we being delivered out of the handes of our Enemies Luke 1.74.75 should serue Him vvithout feare O Paul tell me wherfore died my LORD and LYFE IESVS CHRIST for mee Was it not That I hence-foorth should not attempt to liue to my selfe but unto Him vvho died for mee and rose againe Yea 2. Cor. 5.15 tell mee O Paul Wherefore hath our Glorious GOD appointed that His blessed Gospel to bee preached vvhich I may justlie call That buntch of Hyssope by the which our soules are sprinkled vvith that cleansing bloode of that cleane Lambe vvho maketh that destroying Angel to passe by us vvhile others die Was is not O my soule that wee denying all ungodlinesse and worldlie lustes should liue holilie and righteouslie Tit. 2.11.12 and soberlie in this praesent Worlde HAth that Great GOD and blessed Saviour of the Worlde IESVS loved thee O my Soule And loving thee vvashen thee from thy sinnes in His blood Yea renewed thee so by His Spirite that thou darest not attempt to liue to thy selfe seeking such things as may profite thee may pleasure thee but unto Him vvho died for thee studying alwayes to doe those thinges vvhich may please Him and conquish Glorie unto Him Bee sure bee sure O my Soule that this blessed One thy great Saviour enjoying all Priviledges hath no Priviledge in a manner vvhereof Hee will not gladlie make thee Partner And must not this comfort thee against all temptations and crosses if thou canst loue Him and cleaue unto Him And shall not this confound thee if knowing this to bee true as thou must know it to bee most true if thou darest attempt to forget Him and to bee unthankfull unto Him IESVS hath one GOD O my Soule and Hee will haue His GOD to bee thy GOD. Iohn 20.17 IESVS hath a Father and Hee will haue His Father to bee thy Father IESVS is not onelie cloathed vvith an humane nature but also with a Divine nature and Hee will haue thee to bee a Partner of the Divine nature also 1. Pet. 1.4 IESVS is the LORD His CHRIST and so that holy One vvhome His Father hath annoynted Psal 45.7 vvith the Oyle of gladnesse aboue His fellowes to bee the Great King and Priest of the Kirke and Hee will haue thee made a King and a Priest unto GOD His Father also IESVS is the Heyre of that Inheritance immortall Revel 1.6 undefiled which fadeth not away and Hee will haue thee to bee an Heyre of that Kingdome annexed with Him Yea Rom. 8.17 this IESVS is entered alreadie into that Heaven of Heavens even in my nature sitting there at the Right Hand of that Great Majestie and He vvill haue thee O my Soule to be there Iohn 17.24 even with this my bodie also Yea till I be there in bodie in soule the whole Elect of GODS Members with me that holy One that blessed One IESVS vvho is Loue it selfe for otherwayes Hee had never died for mee will account Himselfe to bee imperfect yea to bee maymed as it were such is the force of that loue Ephes 1.13 wherewith Hee loved us and so rarelie inestimable are those
it I Must confesse O my Soule that thou canst not but bee much mooved when considering Gods Fatherlie direction plainelie given to thee when weighing Gods Gracious Promises clearlie made to thee thou askest Matt. 7.7.8 but receivest not seekest but findest not knockest but hast none to open unto thee for as then Satan cannot but prease to take some advantage of thee so thou canst not but at the first considering this bee much amazed Alwayes ô my Soule I must charge thee not to murmure so much as in secret against thy good God albeit Hee appeare not to heare thee when thou callest unto Him Yea I must command thee not to attempt to suffer that loue wherewith thou art oblieged alwayes to loue thy good God aniewayes to waxe colde albeit His Majestie deferre to grant thee that which thou hast bene craving yea albeit He denie altogether to giue thee that which thou hast bene long seeking yea which is more albeit He put into thine hand and lay upon thy backe that which is flat contrarie unto that which thou hast beene even for manie dayes with manie sighes having thy knees bowed before Him and thine handes lift up unto Him desiring Him to giue thee For I must tell thee O my Soule that the frowning lookes of God thy Father are more pleasant to the sight of his well schooled Childe than the smyling of all living can bee unto Him that the hand of God thy Father taking from his owne that which the blinde worldling accounteth onlie to be profitable for him yea that the hand of thy Father laying that upon the backe of His owne which the dead worldlings account onlie hurtfull to them is even then more kinde more liberall unto him and more mercifull towardes him than the handes of all living being opened wide to giue them liberallie to clappe them kindliest that possiblie can bee Till this world shall stand those comfortable Oracles shall alwayes bide inviolablie true The Eyes of the Lord are upon the Righteous and His Eares are open to their cryes The Lyones doe lacke Psal 34.15.16 Roman 8.28 and suffer hunger but they which seeke the Lord shal want nothing which is good All thinges worke together for the best to them that loue God And so ô my Soule I must assure thee that thy God cannot but alwayes heare thee but alwayes helpe thee for He heareth thee either so that Hee granteth thee that which thou cravest as thou cravest it or as good as thou cravest albeit not that same which thou wouldest be at or a better than that is which thou thinkest onlie to bee best Anna maketh a sute to her God and is heard as she craved for as she powred foorth her soule before God 1. Sam. 1. for a sonne so she receiveth a sonne from God Paul cryeth over and over to God alwayes that same which he craveth is not granted him and yet that which was as good is not refused him 2. Cor. for while he besought his Lord that the angell of Satan which buffetted him might depart from him hee is not fred from that angell but Gods Grace is made sufficient for him to make him stand under that assault and in ende to triumph valiantlie David a man according to the heart of God dealeth with his God most earnestlie by prayer by teares and by fasting for the life of that childe which Bathseba bare unto him alwayes that is not granted for that childe died neverthelesse a better is given unto him for was not that wise Salomon who built a Temple to God borne afterwards of that same Bathseba unto him for if that childe had lived according to Davids sute being begotten by him upon her while Vriah her Husband was aliue would hee not haue lived alwayes as a manifest note of Davids Adulterie and Murder and so bene casten up unto him by prophane people who could easilie grippe his sinne but no wayes consider his repentance Forget not O my soule that comfortable Oracle sounded by thy Master and Saviour What man is there amongst you who if his sonne aske him Bread would giue him a Stone or if he aske Fish will hee giue him a Serpent Luk. 11.11.12 or if he aske him an Egge will he giue him a Scorpion And shall thy God ô my Soule even the God of my spirit who is more loving and wise than the father of my flesh can be if I craue that which Hee accounteth to be a Stone albeit I account it to be Bread which he accounteth to be a Serpent albeit I esteeme it to be a Fish which He accounteth to be a Scorpion albeit I account it to be an Egge Thou seekest the Bread of Honour from God and He knoweth that if thou hadst Honour thine Honour would proue a Stone to dishonour Him and slay thee and therefore He refuseth to giue it Thou cravest the Fish of Health and Wealth from God but he knoweth that Health and Wealth would proue a Serpent to bite thy soule unto death Thou wouldest bee at the white Egges of sweet Pleasure but Hee knoweth that they would proue a biting Scorpion to hurt thee and therefore Hee denyeth them to thee Thou abhorrest ignominie and shame before men as an hurtfull Stone but God knoweth it will be Food and Bread to thee therefore Hee covereth thee with it Thou abhorrest Sicknesse Povertie Imprisonment Banishment inward Temptations outward Crosses yea Death it selfe as byting Serpents and Scorpions able to slay thee alwayes thy God knoweth that even those be the only savoury sweet Fishes and Egges which are able to saue thee and therefore He propyneth thee with them Forget not O my soule that sweet speach of Augustine subscrybing unto the trueth of these three comfortable alleadged Oracles Bonus Dominus qui saepe non tribuit quod volumus ut magis attribuat quod malimus Augustine O! how good a Lord is our Lord who oftentimes giveth us not that wiselie which wee would haue to the ende Hee may graciouslie giue us that which wee rather should haue craved Bernhard embracing Augustine in this point can say to thee sweetlie O my Soule Saepe multos Deus non exaudit ad voluntatem ut exaudiat ad salutem Our God oftentimes refuseth Bernhard to heare manie of His owne according to their will to the ende Hee may heare them for their weale But heare O my Soule lest thou deceiue thy selfe thinking that thou hast right to the hearing eare to the pitiful heart to the helping hand of thy God so that He heareth thee that Hee pitieth thee and that at length Hee will helpe thee howe mayest thou bee assured that thou art even then heard of Him pitied of him and that thou shalt receiue helpe from Him even when in appearance thou must thinke that He heareth thee not at all Hearken hearken O my soule findest thou Grace while thus thou art used by thy wise pitifull God to continue