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A41319 An answer to Mr. Thomas Grantham's book, called, A dialogue between the Baptist and the Presbyterian by Martin Finch. Finch, Martin, 1628?-1698. 1691 (1691) Wing F942; ESTC R7436 100,803 186

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is here setting forth the Love of Christ to him and as an Astonishing Demonstration and proof of the for ever to be adored love of Christ to him he saith that Christ gave himself for me that amongst those that Christ had such great and special love 's to as to dye for them He was one he gave himself for me Paul thought that Christ dying for him was the greatest Love that Christ could shew to him But now those that hold that Christ dyed for all Adams Posterity might say O Paul do you make such a great business of Christs giving himself for you and that this shall secure your Salvation We hold he dyed for Multitudes that are and shall be in Hell for ever Ay but Paul knew better than Arminians do both what unspeakable love it was for Christ to die for a person and he knew the certainty of the Eternal Salvation of all those for whom Christ died he rejoices and triumphs in this that he knew he was one of those whom Christ loved and gave himself for 8. Ephes 5.25 26 27. Husbands love your Wives as Christ also loved his Church and gave himself for it that he might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of Water by the Word that he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having Spot or Wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be Holy and without blemish Here the Apostle exhorts Husbands to love their Wives and with a great and special Love as Christ loved his Church and gave himself for it Now if Christ had loved all Adam's Posterity so as to give himself for them this had been no Argument for Husbands to love their Wives with a great and special Love but rather an allowance to Husbands to love other Women with as great and special Love as their Wives But the Apostle shews it was a great and special Love that Christ had to his Church such a Love as he gave himself for it By the Church here is meant all the Elect all that by the Decree of God from Eternity were to be the Lord's the Lamb's Spouse for this Church only that Christ as Mediator was to be Head and Husband of did Christ give himself This Church he was to Sanctifie this Church he was to wash from their Sins in his own Blood and whatsoever they were in themselves polluted defiled with Sin yet he undertook both to Justifie them and Sanctisie them who also will infallibly do it 9. The ninth Argument to prove that all that Christ died for shall certainly be saved shall be taken from those Scriptures that make it manifest that those that Christ died for he purchased Faith and Sanctification for them as well as Reconciliation for their Sins Gal. 1.4 Who gave himself for our Sins that he might deliver us from this present evil World according to the Will of God and our Father 1. Observe that those that Christ died for the Heart of the Father was in this thing it was from the Will the great Love and good Pleasure of the Father that he should give himself for them 2. That Christ did give himself for their Sins that is to take away their Sins and that he might deliver them from this present evil World that is not only from the Guilt and Punishment due to them for their Sins that so they might not be condemned with the World but that he might deliver them from the evil Manners of the World from the wickedness of this present evil World and to make them new Creatures he purchased Sanctification for them to be certainly and infallibly bestowed upon them Titus 2.14 Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all Iniquity and purifie to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works See in the Verse before who it was that gave himself for us the Apostle calls him the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Ay this puts infinite value into his dying for us that he is God as well as Man and so cannot be frustrated in the Ends which he had in his Death and the Apostle here shews that his End was to purifie to himself a peculiar People zealous of good Works He intended for all for whom he died not only to redeem them from the guilt of all their Sins but purchased Sanctifying Grace for them whereby they might be made a peculiar People zealous of good Works which according to his mighty Power whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself he will certainly do 1 Pet. 1.18 19. For as much as ye know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as Silver and Gold from your vain Conversation received by Tradition from your Fathers but with the precious Blood of Christ as a Lamb without blemish and without spot Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shed his precious Blood not only to take away the guilt of Sin but to Sanctifie them to deliver them for whom he died from the Vanity of their Minds and from their Vain Conversation that so they may be brought to walk with God here and come to Heaven hereafter and all that do partake of Mortification of Sin and Vivification in Grace it is by Vertue from the Death of Christ he hath given Sin a mortal wound by his Death he hath nailed it to his Cross that at last all that he died for shall be wholly freed from it for ever 10. The last Argument that all those that Christ died for shall certainly be saved is taken from several passages in the 53th Chap. of Isaiah where we have such an illustrious Prophesie of Christ 1. There the Prophet speaks of the great Sufferings of Christ the Mediator He was wounded for our Transgressions he was bruised for our Iniquities v. 4. and the Iniquities of all the Israel after the Spirit that is all the Elect of God were laid upon him to bear the Punishment due to their Sins 2. The Prophet shews the effects of Christ's Death what benefit comes to them for who he died he saith by his Stripes they are healed v. 5. He shews what Grief and Sufferings he went through to make Satisfaction for Sin and compares our Saviour in his Death to a Woman in Travail Ay Christ had a hard Travail and sore Pains in Soul and Body to expiate Sin but he saith He shall see his Seed v. 10. he shall see of the travail of his Soul and be satisfied he shall not bring forth Wind such a windy empty poor Redemption as Arminians talk of who say that notwithstanding any thing that Christ did in the Work of Redemption there might not one Man or Woman in the World have been saved but he brought forth a Perfect Glorious Eternal Redemption so that all the Children of his Cross all that he had that hard travail for upon the Cross shall be eternally saved and so as the Apostle saith Heb. 12.2 For the Joy that was set before him he endured the
her Child and she sees this simple Child running into a fire that would burn it to Death and the Mother could prevent it and pull the Child back but she suffers it to go on and Perish who will say that such a Mother had such a true and tender Love to the Child So said this Preacher If God have such great and tender Love to all Adams Posterity and sees them through their folly inadvertency and corruption of their Hearts running into Hell-fire and he could stop them and save them and doth not where is his Love and Desire to save them Though I cannot remember the very words yet it was to this purpose that he brought in an Objection he urged it very strongly I think over-ruled by God to confute himself I wondred how he would answer the Objection his Answer was this what saith he if I say God cannot that is that God could not Convert them and so left it To such Absurdities and Blasphemies doth Arminianism lead 2. Others of them say that God indeed can change the Rebellious Will of Man but they alledge two things 1. They say it is Dishonourable to God to go any further for the Conversion of a Sinner than to set before him Arguments Threatnings and Promises and urge these Arguments by inward Convictions but they say it is not for the Honour of God to put forth such irresistible power as shall infallibly change and turn the Heart to God I answer that God hath promised to some absolutely promised to the Elect that which Divines call the first Grace Jer. 31. Heb. 8. I will put my fear in their Hearts I will write my Law in their Hearts Ezek. 36.26 27. A new Heart also will I give you a new Spirit I will put within you and I will take away the Heart of Stone that is take away the stubbornness and rebellion of your Wills and Affections and I will give you a Heart of Flesh that is I will give you a penitent soft plyable Will towards me and my Precepts this God of his infinite Grace hath promised to his Elect without which not one Man or Woman in the World had ever been Converted and Saved and dare any say that 't is Dishonourable to God to shew this Grace and Favour Is it come to this that where God hath a gracious Respect to a person that though the person be ignorant foolish and desperate that it should be Dishonourable to the Physician of Heaven to cure the Man of his Spiritual Phrensy and bring him to a right mind Surely this is so far from being Dishonourable to God that the Elect and Ransomed People shall Adore him and praise him for ever for this great free and undeserved Grace to them 2. They say it is Dishonourable to the Will of Man yea impossible for the Will of Man to be forced therefore they say that all that God doth towards the Conversion of any is by Moral swasion and urging Arguments to this great Queen the Will of Man but she her self must not be touched I answer if God did not touch yea by an Omnipotent sweetness change and turn the Will of Man to himself there had never been any one Converted in this World God works upon the Will in Conversion to make it of unwilling willing and to make it as willing to turn to God as ever it was unwilling before God touched and changed the Will Indeed this Author saith you present Christ not serious because he will not save Men whether they will or no page 22. I say this is a very ignorant Speech and shews the Author to be little acquainted with the Scripture or the corruption of his own Heart for though Men when they hear of Hell and Damnation would be saved from Misery yet there is not any one that would be saved in the way that God hath appointed until God by his immediate Hand do secretly touch and change his Will i. e. that though all would be saved from Hell under the Notion of a State of Misery yet till God give special grace a new Heart put a new bent upon the Will and Affections there is no Man would be saved in Gods way in the Gospel way that is 1. To be made so poor in Spirit as to be taken off from all standing upon Terms with God but acknowledge his Soveraignty and his Righteousness that he might take Vengeance upon us for ever 2. To acknowledge that we have not the least Worthiness and Righteousness but to creep under the Robe of Christs Righteousness 3. To be willing to part with Sins that are as dear to corrupt Nature as Right Hands and Right Eyes to be willing to take up the Cross and follow Christ to be willing to walk in all the Commandments and Ordinances of the Lord so far as he shall please to make known his mind to us Ay it were well if in stead of this blustering about these things that all of us did examine whether we our selves have been so graciously wrought upon by the Spirit of God as that we are willing to be saved in Gods way in the Gospel way Alass Men are of this Opinion and the other and like the Pharisees are industrious to make Proselytes to their Opinions and yet know nothing of the new Birth of the work of Grace upon their own Souls Therefore let us all be much in self Examination and proving what work of Faith in Christ what work of Repentance for Sin what love to God and to his people and ways is begun in us by the Holy Spirit that so we may not think our selves something when we are nothing deceiving our own Hearts 2. Arminians turn the Covenant of Grace into a Covenant of works they quite mistake the reason why God doth work Faith and Sanctification in those whom he bringeth to Eternal Life it is not to be the Righteousness in which they are to stand Righteous before God for their Justification at Gods Bar for we are justified freely by his Grace through the Redemption that is in Jesus Christ whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his Blood Rom. 3.24 25. So that the Righteousness by which we stand Righteous at Gods Bar is a Righteousness imputed to us neither Faith as in act or work nor our Sanctification and good works are our Righteousness in the Covenant of Grace as Obedience to the Law was to be our Righteousness to justifie under the Covenant of works but Faith is wrought ●n those that are saved as a passive instrument whereby they receive and embrace Christ 〈◊〉 o be the Lord their Righteousness and so are t●ught to know and adore the way whereby they are saved and Sanctification is wrought is to se that are saved that they may have the first fruits of Holiness here that they may in some measure walk with God and glorifie God he●e and be preparing for perfect Holiness and ●ommunion with God in Heaven
Thess 1.9 Then this Author goes on Sir shew me if you can where the Scripture saith that Christ died but for some only not for all I answer this is but strife of words Christ did not die only for some of the Elect but for all the Elect but he died not for all Adam's Posterity as hath been sufficiently demonstrated He goes on and saith to this person Seeing you think that Christ died but for some shew me sufficient testimony from the Scripture that he died for your self I pray what Call hath this Author to put this Person upon declaring to him sufficient Testimony that Christ died for him and what is this to the purpose if this person had not yet attained what Paul saith Gal. 2.20 He loved me and gave himself for me But I hope this Person hath a comfortable assurance that Christ died for him Christ died for all Believers and if he finds upon Self-examination that he is in the Faith and Christ lives in him he may conclude that Christ died for him But why he should give this Author sufficient Testimony of his Faith I know not It may be some will say this is but a hectoring boysterous way of dealing The Author concludes his Letter saying to this Person Name one in this great City for whom Christ died not What is this to the purpose to prove Universal Redemption Tho' Christ did not die for all Adam's Posterity and tho' there be in this City many ignorant and prophane People yet it would be presumption to say of any particular person in this City yea in the whole World that Christ did not die for that Person except one knew that the Person had committed the sin against the Holy Ghost which is a sin which few are guilty of and for such we are not to pray for them 1 John 5.16 but for any other particular person tho' for the present he be never so ignorant of God and abound in Transgressions who can say but that this person may be one of those that God hath ordained to Eternal Life and that Christ hath died for and therefore we are to exhort them to Repentance and pray for them and if it be so that they be such as God hath chosen to Salvation and that Christ hath dyed for them the Lord will at one time or other before they dye turn them from Darkness unto Light Deliver them from the Power of Darkness and Translate them into the Kingdom of his dear Son CHAP. III. Ten Arguments from the Scripture to prove that those that Christ dyed for shall all of them be called justified and glorified in Heaven I have said enough already I hope to clear those Scriptures that this Author brings for Universal Redemption Now through the Lords Assistance I shall shew that though Arminians make such a poor low common thing of the precious Blood of Jesus Christ who was God as well as Man That they say that Men may be Damn'd in Hell for ever notwithstanding Christ dyed for them I shall prove the contrary by many Scriptures 1. John 10.15 16. I lay down my Life for the Sheep and other Sheep I have which are not of this Fold Them also I must bring and they shall hear my Voice and there shall be one Fold and one Shepherd 1. Observe that there are some that are called Christs Sheep before their Conversion given to Christ that he should be the Shepherd and Bishop of their Souls in the appointed time to bring them to Grace and Glory 2. These Sheep are the Elect both of Jews and Gentiles some are of the Fold of the Jews some of the Fold of the Gentiles 3. That Christ laid down his Life for these Sheep 4. That Christ hath undertaken to bring in and Convert those Sheep that he laid down his Life for that not one of them be missing and Perish Therefore Christ puts a must upon it I must bring as if he had said because of my engaging to the Father in the Covenant of Redemption to bring them to Grace and Glory as also because of my own free and everlasting love to them I must bring them home Ay but some might say True Christ may use some means outward and inward to bring in these Sheep that he dyed for but peradventure they will stop the Ear and their wills be rebellious Ay but saith Christ they shall hear my Voice that is they shall certainly and infallibly be Converted 2. Rom. 5.10 For if when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the Death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his Life 1. Observe that those that Christ dyed for he Reconciled them to God made Satisfaction and Reconciliation for all their Sins Christ dying was no small matter It was not a thing of small Power and Vertue it was not to make God meerly Reconcileable but it was a perfect and eternal Reconciliation Though the benefit of his Reconciliation is given out in a certain order and manifested by degrees as seemed good to the Counsel of Gods Will yet Christ did all by way of Merit and satisfaction for sin when he dyed upon the Cross 2. Observe that such a Reconciliation being made by the Death of Christ the Apostle saith how much more shall we be saved by his Life That is by his Resurrection and Ascension and Intercession for them for whom he dyed Those for whom Christ dyed for them he rose again Rom. 4. and last v. Who was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our Justification Christ as the Head and Surety for those for whom he dyed was discharged of the debt of their sins by his Resurrection So that as he dyeth no more death hath no more Dominion over him So all that he dyed and rose again for shall be brought into such a state by Vertue of his Death and Resurrection that death shall not have Dominion over them Christ also ascended into Heaven as a publick person and Representative of those for whom he dyed For all them whose high priest he was Heb. 6.20 Whither the forerunner is for us entred even Jesus made a high Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec for them he ever liveth to make Intercession until they be all brought to Glory he presents his Merits his Blood his Satisfaction in the Holy of Holies for them So that unless Men will say that Christ did not rise again and ascend into Heaven and doth not ever live to make intercession it must needs be that all that he dyed for shall be eternally saved For saith the Apostle if we were Reconciled to God by the Death of his Son how much more being Reconciled shall we be saved by his Life If there were such Merit in his Death as to Reconcile us to God Then Christ rising again ascending into Heaven and ever living to make Intercession for those for whom he dyed they shall all be certainly and infallibly
brought to Glory 3. Rom. 8.32 He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall be not with him also freely give us all things 1. Observe the all here is not all Adams Posterity but all that God hath an Eternal purpose of Grace to which are in due time called according to his purpose viz. the Elect v. 33. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect Those whom he did predestinate to be conformed to the Image of his Son v. 29. 2. The Apostle makes this to be a wonderful thing that God should not spare his Son but deliver him up to Death as Mediator and Surety for us In this was manifested the Love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live through him 1 John 4.9 God manifests his love in giving other things but in this the love of God was most of all manifested that God sent his Son to dye for us that he spared not his Son but delivered him up to bear the Curse of the Law in our stead Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift 2 Cor. 9.15 Consider the person that he delivered up to dye for us he was his own Son his proper natural Son and t is said he spared him not he spared him not from nor in dying but made him to bear unutterable grief in Soul and Body as Surety and Mediator for those for whom he dyed 3. The Apostle doth positively conclude that all those that God hath such love to as not to spare his own Son but to deliver him up to Death for them that God would certainly and infallibly and freely give them all things that is all things necessary to their Eternal Happiness Those for whom God would give his Son to them he will freely give Faith Grace and Glory The new Heart is the gift of God and a great gift but nothing to Gods not sparing his own Son but giving him to dye for us Gods giving his Son to dye for any person was the highest expression of his love to that person that ever was or ever could be If God had such a love to give his Son to dye for a Man he will stick at nothing to bring about the Eternal Happiness of that person He spared not his Son that he might spare that person He punished his Innocent Son as Surety that he might not punish that person for his Sins He was at cost indeed to Redeem a person by the price of the Blood of his own Son But as to giving that person a new Heart He can more easily do it than we can speak a word There is such strength in the Apostles arguing as carries all before it throws down all Cavils and Objections whatsoever 4. We may draw another Invincible Argument from Rom. 8.34 Who shall Condemn Christ hath dyed yea rather is risen again who is even at the Right Hand of God who also maketh intercession for us 1. The Apostle here shews that those that Christ dyed for he rose again for them he sits at Gods Right Hand for them he makes Intercession for them that they may infallibly obtain all that he Merited and Purchased for them by his Death 2. The Apostle in the Name of all that Christ dyed for makes a challenge Who saith he shall Condemn Christ hath dyed Ay but the Law and Justice may Condemn no Christ hath dyed Christ hath delivered them for whom he dyed from the Curse of the Law being made a Curse for them Gal. 3.13 he hath made satisfaction for their Sins by his Death But those that hold universal Redemption may say O Paul why do you Argue thus that if Christ dyed for us we cannot be Condemned to Hell Ay but Paul knew what he said he knew how to argue from Christ dying for us that we shall never be Condemned to Hell Those that hold that Christ dyed for all Adams Posterity of which the greatest number are or shall be Condemned to Hell for ever make nothing or next unto nothing of Christs dying for a person But Paul makes it such a great thing for Christ to dye for us that he is bold to say who shall Condemn Christ hath dyed 5. John 17.2 As thou hast given him power over all Flesh that he should give Eternal Life to as many as thou hast given him Our Saviour often speaks of them that were given him of the Father that is the Elect people there was a Covenant of Redemption between the Father and Christ wherein he undertook to bring them to Glory and that he might not fail of saving every one of them Christ as the Mediator had power given over all Flesh Yea over all Devils too that nothing should hinder but that he should infallibly give Eternal Life to as many as the Father had given him to Redeem and Save Christ as God had all power of himself Christ as Mediator had power given him over all persons and things in such a perfect manner that nothing should hinder the Salvation of those that were given him Christ as Mediator hath absolute power over the Hearts and Wills of Men to alter change and frame the Wills of all that the Father hath given him to bring every thought into Obedience to him that all the Elect shall be a willing people in the day of his power he puts forth his power irresistibly so far as infallibly to Convert them and puts forth his power after their Conversion irresistibly so far as to preserve them to the Heavenly Kingdom Christ is mighty as God and mighty as Mediator Hath absolute power over all Flesh over their very Hearts and Wills to open their Hearts to receive him to work their Wills to embrace him whensoever he pleases and will certainly do it for those that the Father hath given him to Redeem and Save 6. John 17.19 And for their sakes I sanctifie my self that they may be Sanctified through the truth Our Saviour being now near his Death he declares who he was to dye for not for all Adams Posterity but for those whom the Father had given him to be the Mystical Body whereof he is the Head and declares v. 9. I pray for them I pray not for the World but for them whom thou hast given me for they are thine As if Christ had said I am so far from dying for all Adams Posterity that I will not so much as pray as Mediator for any but those whom thou hast given me I dye to bring the many Elect Sons to Glory and for their sakes sanctifie I my self that is I Consecrate and Dedicate my self as their High-Priest to offer my self a Sacrifice for them that they may be sanctified through the Truth that is that they may be justified and sanctified through him that they might not any one of them miss of Eternal Salvation 7. Gal. 2.20 Who loved me and gave himself for me The Apostle Paul
go When Job's Substance was stolen by the Sabeans and Chaldeans and his Servants slain Job worshipped and said The Lord hath given and the Lord hath taken away Chap. 1.20 21. Concerning God's All-governing Providence it is said Eccles 3.14 I know that what God doth it shall be for ever nothing can be put to it nor any thing taken from it And God doth it that Men should fear before him Concerning the Assyrian the great Enemy and Spoiler of Israel it is said Isa 10.5 O Assyrian the Rod of mine Anger and the Staff in their Hand is my Indignation I will send him against an hypocritical Nation Isa 13.16 17. Their Children also shall be dashed in pieces before their Eyes their Houses shall be spoiled and their Wives ravished Behold I will stir up the Medes against them Psal 105.25 He turned their Heart to hate his People and to deal subtilly with his Servants Matth. 6.13 And lead us not into Temptation Prov. 16.4 He hath made all things for himself and the Wicked for the Day of Evil. When Shimei cursed David 2 Sam. 16.10 he said The Lord hath said unto him Curse David Rom. 1.24 God gave them up to Vncleanness through the Lusts of their own Hearts Ver. 26. God gave them up unto vile Affections 2 Thes 2.11 12. And for this Cause God shall send them strong Delusions that they should believe a Lye that they all might be damned who believed not the Truth but had pleasure in Vnrighteousness Though God had a glorious Design in the Death of Christ yet they were wicked Hands that crucified him God's Decrees do not justifie Men's Sins It was a most horrid Act of the Jews to crucifie the Lord of Glory yet Peter saith Act. 1.23 Him being delivered by the determinate Counsel and Fore-knowledge of God ye have taken and by wicked Hands have crucified and slain Act. 4.27 28. For of a truth against thy holy Child Jesus whom thou hast anointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate and the People of Israel were gathered together to do whatsoever thy Hand and thy Counsel determined before to be done The Hand and Counsel of God determined before even from Eternity that Christ should at that very time die as Mediator for his Church and the Jews by their wicked Hands to satisfie their Malice did crucifie him as if he had been a Malefactor O the depth of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his Judgments and his Ways past finding out But of all the Reformed Divines this Author shews most Wrath and Indignation against Calvin who in his Time was a glorious Light in the Church Mr. Richard Hooker that wrote against him about Church-Discipline yet confesseth him to be the wisest Man that ever the Church of France bred And another Episcopal Divine saith He never heard any good Man speak of him without Honour But this Author makes scurrilous Verses of him and directs them too to Calvin himself though he hath been so long dead and compares Calvin to Cain and Michael Servetus to Abel Let us enquire what this Servetus was This Author is much mistaken to think that he was put to death for being of this Author's Judgment about Baptism it was for Blasphemy against the Blessed and Holy Trinity Indeed this Author saith he was a learned and worthy Man though perhaps mistaken in some things pag. 27. Ah Do you put a Perhaps he was mistaken in some things when he denied and blasphemed the Holy Trinity Waving what Sleidan Ross and others say of him let us hear what Dr. Owen in his Answer to the Antitrinitarians and Socinians saith of this Servetus pag. 44. Servetus stuffed all his Discourses with horrid Blasphemies Beza tells us he called the Trinity Tricipitem Cerberum Words not fit to be Englished they are so full of Blasphemy and wrote that Moses was a ridiculous Impostor Beza Epist 1. And there are Passages cited out of his Book of the Trinity which I have not seen that seem to have as much of the Devil in them as ever yet was written or spoken by any of the Sons of Men. If saith he Christ be the Son of God Debuissent ergo dicere quod Deus habebat uxorem quandam spiritualem vel quod solus ipse Masculo-faemineus aut Hermaphroditus simul erat pater mater nam ratio vocabuli non patitur ut quis dicatur sine matre pater Et si Logos Filius erat natus ex patre sine matre dic mihi quomodo peperit eum per ventrem aut per latus To this heighth of Atheism and Blasphemy had Satan wrought up the Man so that I must needs say he is the only Person in the World that I ever heard or read of that ever died upon the Account of Religion in reference to whom the Zeal of them that put him to death may be acquitted Thus he Although this Author thinks that God doth not for the Manifestation of his own Glory over-rule the Children of Men yet it is mamnifest that God hath given him a Spirit of Slumber as a Check and Punishment to him that he should be left of God to desame such a Man as Calvin and extol Servetus an Antitrinitarian and one of the greatest Blasphemers of the for ever Blessed Trinity that ever was in the World By this you have lost all Credit and Esteem with all wise and knowing Christians that Worship the Holy Trinity God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost three Persons and one God to whom be glory for ever CHAP. VII Of the Lords Drawing and Vniting of the Elect to Christ in effectual calling 1. VVHen Arminians have made great flourishes of Gods having the same love of good will to all Adams Posterity they are exceedingly grated with this Objection that follows If God have the same love of good will to all the Children of Adam why are but some saved and not all why doth not God convert all 1. Some of them are ready to say that God cannot Convert them they are so stubborn and rebellious though he desires to do it but this is down-right Blasphemy to say that God cannot convert those whom he purposeth intendeth and desireth to Convert he that made the Heart can change the Heart can turn it as the Rivers of Water which way soever he pleaseth with the greatest facility easilier then we can stir a finger I heard above forty years since an Arminian Preach Mr. H.D. a Man of as great Learning and Ability as most of that way in England this Man was inveighing against Election and special Grace at last he came to answer an Objection to this purpose You will say Is not this a meer beating of the Air a meer flourish of words to tell you that God hath such a Love to all Adams Posterity that he would have them all saved and yet they are not saved suppose saith he that a Mother should say that she had a great Love for
Christ for all that If Christ have a few names in a Church that degenerates those shall be safe whatsoever becomes of the rest as to their Church Estate and Eternal-state Revel 3.4 Thou hast a few Names even in Sardis which have not defiled their Garments and they shall walk with me in white i. e. they shall walk with Christ in the white of Grace here to their lives end and in the white of Glory for ever Tho' the Lord do remove the Candlestick the Church-Estate and will not own a People any longer to be a True Church yet if there be any sound Christians amongst them they shall never be cast off Therefore how vainly doth this Author say from this passage of the Assemblies Confession of Faith here is too much to prove the Point when there is not the least shadow of any thing they say to prove that any True Believer may fall totally and finally Tho' those that were Professors of the Gospel and were in Churches may so degenerate as to lose their Church-estate yet if there were any in those Churches that were True Believers the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against them A Degenerate Church may Excommunicate the Sound Members may prosecute them to Death but can never separate them from the Love of Christ The truth is when a Church doth so wofully degenerate as to be accounted no longer a Church of Christ but the Synagogue of Satan the Lord is pleased many times to stir up those that are Sound Christians amongst them that they are more Lively and Spiritual than ever they were and love not their Lives unto the Death in bearing witness to the Truth Now let us hear this Author declare what his Opinion is about the Saints Perseverance Saith he Pag. 20. For my part tho' I doubt not but there is a State attainable in this Life from which by the Grace of God Christians shall not fall yet I hold it a vanity for any Man to affirm of himself or of any other person in particular that it is impossible for him to fall I hold it far better for the best as well as others to take heed lest they fall I answer This passage is very dark and ambiguous wherein this Author rather hides than declares his Judgment about the Point in hand The word Christian may be taken largely for those that are Christians by Profession only no doubt but they may fall from their Profession or the word Christian may be taken strictly for those who are Christians inwardly in the Heart and in the Spirit as well as outwardly by Profession Now this we maintain from the Scripture as hath been declared before that all such have attained such an Estate by their Vnion with Christ by their Justification Adoption and Regeneration that they shall never fall totally or finally This Author must intend some new Notion if he understand himself which must be that though every one that is Really and Spiritually in Christ is not in such an Estate as that he shall certainly persevere in Grace yet he who hath attained an extraordinary degree of Grace or to an absolute Perfection such as the Quakers talk of may by the Grace of God keep his standing This is a wondrous dark Passage and I shall leave the Author in his Clouds but we maintain 1. That none attain to an absolute perfection in this life Rom. 7. Gal. 5.17 Eccles 7.20 2. That the strongest Saints in the World cannot keep themselves one day but are upheld by the secret Influences and Supplies of the Spirit Phil. 1.13 1 John 5.5 2 Cor. 3.5 3. That the Lord who keeps strong Believers keepeth also the weakest True Believer most certainly and infallibly Phil 1.6 where he hath begun the good work of Special Saving Grace he will perform it to the day of Jesus Christ that the weakest of Christ's Sheep and Lambs shall have Eternal Life and shall never perish John 10.27 28. that Christ will not break nor suffer to be broken the bruised Reed nor quench the smoking Flax Matth. 12.20 that is where there is but a little Special Grace that can but smoke though it cannot flame Christ will keep it that it shall never be quenched but shall at last flame out in Love and Praise and singing in Heaven to all Eternity God keeps True Believers in a state of Grace till they come to Glory not because they are strong but because they are his Elect because they are redeemed by the Blood of his Son and at their effectual Calling adopted to be his Children and saith the Apostle If Children then Heirs of God and joint Heirs with Christ Rom. 8.17 The least Babe in Christ is God's Child as well as the Eldest and strongest Believer and shall infallibly be an Heir of God and joint Heir with Christ For as many as believed to them he gave power to become the Sons of God John 1.12 The same Day and Hour that a Soul truly receiveth Christ the Lord doth actually adopt that Soul though it be a secret thing to the Soul yet it is as if God should say I did predestinate thee to the Adoption of my Child by Christ and now I do adopt thee to be my Child to be an Heir of Eternal Life and such shall certainly be preserved to the Heavenly Kingdom 1 Pet. 1.4 5. The Inheritance is reserved in Heaven for all that are begotten again to a lively Hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and they are kept whilst they are in this World by the Power of God through Faith till they come to the Heavenly Inheritance 2. This Author saith I hold it a Vanity for any Man to say of himself it is impossible for him to fall I answer 1. It is a Vanity indeed for any Man to say of himself it is impossible for him to fall taking it for falling into Sin at all for there is no Man that liveth and sinneth not yea it would be Vanity Pride and Presumption for the best Saint on Earth to say it is impossible for him to fall into gross Sins seeing David and Peter fell so foully though they were graciously recovered again 2. It would be great Vanity for the best Saint on Earth to say in any the least Confidence in his own Strength that it is impossible for him to fall away totally and finally for indeed if they were left to themselves it is impossible that they should stand in a state of Grace one day if everlasting Arms were not underneath them if they were not kept by the Power of God If Christ did not hold them fast it were impossible that any of the Saints should stand 3. I say That it is no Vanity but a Triumph of Faith and Thankfulness to the God of all Grace for a True Christian when God sheds abroad his Love in his Heart by the Holy Spirit to say Who shall separate me from the Love of Christ Was it Vanity in David to say Surely
another Sir Recollect your self I cannot remember that ever I saw your face more than three times in my Life before I saw you lately in Norwich The first time I saw you was upon the Road on Horseback I met a Friend upon the High-way that you were travelling with I saluted him and he told me your name and so after a few words you went your way and I mine The second time was about fifteen years since going to see a Neighbour that lay Bed-rid he was one of your way but I think a Godly Man and I visited him several times in Love you was there and we had two Hours Discourse and all about Controversies The third time was about eight Years since you came into a Friends House where I was upon a Journey and stayed about an hour This was all our acquaintance and as for our being Neighbours it is true that in some sence all are our Neighbors but I suppose you and I liv'd twenty Miles Distant though I am not certain where you lived for as you never were at mine House in Lincolnshire so I never was at yours What a poor business is it that the World should be troubled about our Acquaintance and Neighbourhood Sir though you and I differ in several points of Religion yet I love all Men and though I do not desire intimacy with any Man that is of a Contentious Spirit I love Peace and Quietness yet if you please to let me know when you are in any want you shall find that not only my self will relieve you but that I shall get others of my Friends to Minister unto you otherwise I do not desire Acquaintance with you whilst you are so violent and abusive Then you say that some of my Jacobs have called you Rogue and wisht that you were put out of the Town I am sorry that you should use such passionate Speeches as to call any persons my Jacobs and as to calling you Rogue I hope none of the Congregation that I belong to ever used such unseemly words of you for my part I have always spoke of you in Company with good Respect till you put forth the Book I love to speak the best I can of every Man Q. 4. You tell me that in pag. 19. God chose us so many and no more I pray who are those us whom you call us surely you speak of the Living I answer Let the Reader hear with Patience what is said Pag. 19. the words are these This is especially applied to the Father in Scripture to choose us before the Foundation of the World to foreknow us to predestinate us to be conformable to the Image of his Son therefore in that Scripture 1 Pet. 1.2 where you have the proper and distinct Work of Father Son and Holy Ghost about the Vessels of Mercy the Apostle saith We are Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through Sanctification of the Spirit unto Obedience and sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus Christ observe here our Election is ascribed to God the Father he chose us so many and no more this Man and not the other Jacob and not Esau then you have the proper work of the Son in those words the sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus Christ it is he who washeth us from our Sins in his own Blood he purchaseth all good things the second Person in the Trinity He is the Lord our Righteousness he is the Propitiation for our Sins he is our Mediator it is not the Father that is Mediator nor the Holy Ghost but the Son it is he that took upon him our Nature it was the Word that was made Flesh not the Father nor the Holy Ghost it was the Son that died upon the Cross for our Sins not the Father nor the Holy Ghost then you have the special Work of the Holy Ghost about our Sanctification in these words through Sanctification of the Spirit unto Obedience It is the Holy Ghost who in our Conversion doth Sanctifie us and bring us to the Obedience of Faith he applieth Redemption as the Son hath wrought Redemption when the appointed time when the fulness of time is come to call home an Elect Vessel he convinceth the Soul of Sin he revealeth Christ to the Soul he infuseth the Habit of Grace and after Conversion is with us to mortifie our Corruptions comfort us and lead us and to carry us to the Heavenly Kingdom Now What Cause had this Author to say Who are these Vs Surely you speak of the Living I answer I speak as the Scripture speaks in those Texts that I have mentioned of all the Elect of all the Redeemed of all that are or shall be sanctified and how strange and captious is it for this Author to go on and say You have good Thoughts of your self for you must be one of the Vs And shew me how many and no more or at least name One to make good the Word Vs and prove by the Word of God that You Two were undoubtedly chosen to Salvation Surely this Author was not in frame when he wrote thus this is just like a Woman scolding and quarrelling in the Streets I am heartily sorry for him Qu. 5. and 6. Are both about the same thing about Jacob and Esau Now concerning Jacob and Esau note 1. That Esau was not saved appears by Heb. 12.15 Lest there be any Fornicator or profane Person as Esau who for one Morsel of Meat sold his Birth-right This Observation may give much Light into this Matter that when any that were real Saints under the Old Testament are spoken of in the New Testament all their sinful Failings are covered and their Grace only mentioned So it is with Abraham Sarah Job Sampson Lot though they had many sinful Failings yet I say they are covered in the New Testament and their Faith Patience and Holiness only mentioned Or if there be an hint of their sinful Failings as of Rahab and Elijah there is mention also of their Faith and Prayer and the Grace of God bestowed upon them But when Esau comes to be mentioned in the New Testament the Holy Ghost leaves him upon Record that he was a profane Person 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one that despised set light by and contemned holy things So that let it be observed that Esau after he had been so long dead is in the New Testament where the sinful Failings of the Saints of the Old Testament are covered is left under this black Character that he was a profane Person 2. As to what is said Rom. 9.13 As it is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated let it be observed that the Apostle in that Chapter from the Beginning to the End is not treating about outward things but about spiritual things and to shew them that amongst them that enjoy Church State and Church-Privileges and Ordinances some are from Eternity elected to Salvation of God's mere Grace and others are passed by And the Apostle