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A27387 Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice a divine poem / written by E.B., Esq., several parts thereof set to fit aires by Mr. J. Jenkins. Benlowes, Edward, 1603?-1676.; Collier, Jeremy, 1650-1726.; Ross, Alexander, 1591-1654. 1652 (1652) Wing B1879; ESTC R22902 113,211 344

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making Jars LIII My Soul enlabyrinth'd in Grief spend Years In Sackcloth chamleted with Tears Retir'd to Rocks dark entrals court unwitnest Fears LIV. There passe with Heraclite a gentler Age Free from the sad ACCOUNT of Rage That acts the toilsome World on its tumultuous Stage LV. There sweet RELIGION strings and tunes and skrues The Souls Theorb ' and doth infuse Grave Dorick Epods in th' Enthusiastick MUSE LVI There LOVE turns trumpets into Harps which call Off Sieges from the gun-shot Wall Alluring them to HEAV'N her Seat Imperial LVII Thence came our Ioy and Thence HYMNS eas'd our Grief Of which th' ANGELICAL was chief Glory to GOD Earth Peace Good Will for Mans Relief LVIII Quills pluckt from Venus Doves impresse but shame Then give your Rimes to Vulcans Flame Hee 'l elevate your badger Feet He 's free though lame LIX Things fall and Nothings rise Old VIRTUE fram'd Honour for WISDOM WISDOM fam'd Old VIRTUE Such Times were Wealth then Arts Page was nam'd LX. Lambeth was Oxfords Whetstone Yet above Preferments Pinnacle they mov● Who string the Vniverse and bracelet It for LOVE LXI Virtues magnifick Orb inflames their Zeal By high-rais'd ANTHEMS Plagu●s they heal And threefork'd Thunders in HEAVNS outstretcht Arm repeal LXII Shall Larks with shrill-chirpt Mattens rouze from Bed Of curtain'd Night Sols orient Head And shall quick SOULS lie numb'd as wrapt in Sheets of Lead LXIII Awake from slumbring Lethargie The gay And circling Charioter of Day In 's Progress through the azure Fields sees checks our Stay LXIV Arise and rising emulate the rare Industrious Spinsters who with fair Embroid'ries checker-work the Chambers of the Air. LXV Ascend Sol does on Hills his Gold display And scatt'ring Sweets does spice the Day And shoots delight through Nature with each arrow'd Ray. LXVI The Opal-colour'd Dawns raise Fancie high Hymns ravish those who Pulpets fly Convert dull Lead to active Gold by LOVE-CHYMIE LXVII As Natures prime Confectioner the Bee By her Flow'r-nibling Chymistrie Turns Vert to Or So VERSE gross Prose does rarifie LXVIII Pow'rs cannot Poets as They Pow'rs up-buoy Whose Soul-enliv'ning Charms Decoy Each wrinkled Care to the Pacifick Sea of Joy LXIX As where from Iewels sparkling Lustre darts Those Rayes enstarre the duskie Parts So Beams of Poesie give Light Life Soul to Arts. LXX Rich POESIE Thy more irradiant Gems Give Splendor unto DIADEMS And with coruscant Rayes emblazest HONOURS Stems LXXI Thee MUSE Arts ambient Air Inventions Door The Stage of Wits both Rich and Poor Do court ●A PRINCE may glory to become thy WOOER LXXII POETS ly'entomb'd by KINGS Arts Gums dispence By Rumination bruis'd are thence By VERSE so fir'd that their Perfume ENHEAV'NS the Sense LXXIII It s The'ory makes All wiser yet Few better Practise is Spirit Art the Letter Vse artlesse doth enlarge Art uselesse does but fetter LXXIV Sharp Sentences are Goads to make Deeds go Good Works are Males Words Females show Whose Lives act Presidents prevent the Laws and Do. LXXV So far We know as we obey GOD and HE counts We leave not his Command When as our Interludes but 'twixt our Acts do stand LXXVI Honours brave SOUL is in that Body shrin'd Which floats not with each giddy Winde Fickle as Courtly Dress but WISDOMS Sea does find LXXVII Steering by GRACES Pole-star which is fast In th' APOSTOLLICK Zodiack plac't Whose Course at first four EVANGELICK Pilots trac't LXXVIII The THEANTHROPICK WORD That mystick Glasse Of Revelations That masse Of Oracles That Fu'el of Pray'r That Wall of Brass LXXIX That Print of HEAV'N on Earth That Mercies Treasure And Key That Evidence and Seisure Faiths Card Hopes Anchor Loves full Sail Abyss of Pleasure LXXX Such SAINTS high Tides n'ere ebbe so low to shelf Them on the Quicksand of their self Swallowing Corruption Sin 's the Wrack They fly that Elf. LXXXI Gloomier than West of Death than North of Night Than Nest of Triduan Blacks with Fright Which Egypt scar'd when HE brought Darkness WHO made Light LXXXII Compar'd to whose Storm thund'ring Peals are calm Compar'd to whose Sting Asps yield Balm Compar'd to whose loath'd Charm Death is a Mercy-Psalm LXXXIII Her Snares escap'd soar Muse to HIM whose bright Spirit-illuminating Sight Turns Damps to glorious Dayes turns Fogs to radiant Light LXXXIV RELIGION's Wisdoms Study That display LORD countermand what goes astray And smite the Ass rude Flesh when it does start or bray LXXXV Soul thou art lesse than MERCIES least Three ne're Depart from Sin Shame Guilt and Fear Fear Shame Guilt Sin are Four Yet All in One appear LXXXVI Crest-faln by Sin how wretchedly I stray Me thinks 't is Pride in me to pray HEAV'N aid me strugling under this sad Load of Clay LXXXVII No Man may merit yet did ONE we hold Who most do vant their Zeal are cold Thus Tin for Silver goes with these and Brasse for Gold LXXXVIII Renew my Heart direct my Tongue unseal My Hand inspire my Faith reveal My Hope encrease my Love and my Backslidings heal LXXXIX Let Language Mans choice Glory serve the Minde Thy SPIRIT on Bezaliel shin'd Help BLOUD by Faith apply'd Thy Spittle cur'd the Blinde XC Turn Sense to Spirit Nature's chang'd alone By GRACE THAT is the Chymick-stone And thy all-pow'rful WORD is pure Projection XCI TRUTHS Touchstone surest Rule that ere was fra'md Tradition Mans dark Map 's disclaim'd The Paper burns me not yet I am all inflam'd XCII For as I read such inward Splendor glowes Such Life-renewing Vigour flowes That All what 's known of thy most righteous WILL It showes XCIII Whose Spells make Enochs walk with THEE withhold Corruption and translate e're old All Vaticans are drosse THIS Magisterial Gold XCIV Thus poor numm'd Tartars when th' are brought into Warm Persias Gem-pav'd Court are so Reviv'd that then They live till then half dead w th Snow XCV Good Thoughts from THEE infus'd I do derive Good Words effus'd THOU dost me give Good Works diffus'd by THEE in THEE do live thrive XCVI Nerve-stretching Muse thy Bow 's new strung shoot then Hymns to the BEST from worst of Men Make Arts thy Tributaries twist Heart Tongue Pen. XCVII But how can Eves degenerate Issue bent To Sin in its weak Measures vent Thy PRAISE Unmeasurable and Omnipotent XCVIII Shrubs cannot Cedars nor Wrens Eagles praise Nor purblinde Owls on Sols Orb gaze What is a drop to Seas a Beam to boundlesse Raies XCIX Yet Hope and Love may raise my drooping Flight And Faith in THEE embeam my Night Great LOVE supply Faiths Nerves with winged Hope I WRITE C. My Spirit LORD my Soul my Bodie all My Thoughts Words Works hereafter shall Praise THEE and Sin bemone JESU how lov'dst THOU me Me blessed thy LOVE make Me raised Thy LOVE take JESU my pretious ONE May This LOVES OFFERING be My Heart Tongue Eye Hand bowe● Knee As All came from let All return to THEE NVnc sacra primus habet Finem mea Cura Libellus Iàm
thousand Suns make an Eclipse to THOSE The Diamond there for Pavement growes As on its glitt'ring Stock and all its Sparkles throwes XCV And there on every Angel-trodden Way Loose Pearls instead of Pebbles play Like duskie atoms in the Suns embrightning Ray. XCVI Had I a Quill sent from a SERAPHS Wing And Skill to tune't I could not sing The Moity of that Wealth which That All-glorious KING XCVII Of HEAV'N enstates Those in who follow Good And prize●t above their vital Blood HEAV'N my be gain'd on Earth but never understood XCVIII As when the Sun shakes off the Vail of Night And scatters on the Dawn his Light He soon takes Pris'ner to Himself th' engaged Sight XCIX So when I view those indeficient BEAMS O They in overfulgent GLEAMS Like Diamonds thaw'd to Air embubble forth in Streams C. Ev'n SPIRITS who have disrob'd their Rags of Clay Lay'd up in Ward-robe till that Day Orecome They dazled are by each IMPERIOUS RAY Sexta repercussi Pars antepenultima Ponti Imparibus restat perficienda Modis Quam si praestiterit Mentem DEUS OPTIMUS addam Flammiferos Phoebus cum jug at ortus Equos Ex obscuro spectabile COELUM THEOPHILA'S LOVE-SACRIFICE CANTO VI. The Association ARGUMENT Panduntur COELI juvat hinc invisere Divûm Atria mortali non adeunda Pede Hîc Animae pennis advecta THEOPHILA cernit Agmina COELICOLÛM ducere fancta Choros HEAV'NS Order Beauty Glory is descry'd Here read the State o' th' GLORIFY'D Which THEOPHIL i' th' Heraldry of HEAV'N had ey'd STANZA I. THose happy Mansions glorious SAINT discover Where the bright Host of Spirits hover Bring down all HEAV'N before the Eyes o' th' HEAV'NLY LOVER II. Frail Man with Zeal and Wonder here behold Clay cast into a Heav'nly Mold Faith did now VISION does BEATITUDE unfold III. The Tenants in This splendid FRAME are They Whose grosser and unpolish Clay Calcin'd in Graves now Robes of GLORY do array IV. Here MARTYRS sit enthron'd who late did bleed Sap from their fertil Wounds to feed With Oyl the Churches Lamps and with red Dew her Seed V. These ovant Souls KNIGHTS of Saint VINCENT are For high Atchievements gain'd each Scar To make a golden Constellation seems a Star VI. Not by inflicting but receiving Blowes By suff'ring They ore-came their Foes How long LORD ere THOU do'st avenge their Blood on Those VII These own their Bliss sprung from the Word Will O' th' LAMB by Whom They conquer'd still Themselves and that revolted Band that Hell do's fill VIII Therefore Each prostrate Casts with th' Elders down At the LAMBS Feet their Palm and Crown Beholding round all Eminencies but their own IX Th' APOSTLES here with Him in whose sweet Tongue The Lute of high-tun'd LOVE was strung When through so many Regions He the GOSPEL sung X. The loving lov'd EVANGELIST here lives On LOVES pure Influence and gives No Bounds to 's flaming Love but how to heighten 't strives XI LOVE was his only Theme SHE here is crown'd Who neer Deaths Tomb Life risen found Whose Eye-bowl was Tear-brimm'd whose Towel Hair unbound XII Parcht Africks GLORY born in 's Mothers Eyes An happier Off-spring of her Cries Than of her Womb here to ecstatick LOVE does rise XIII The Bounds are boundless of divine AMOUR Love hopes and yet hath all Things for In HEAV'NS eternal Heraldry true LOVE is Or. XIV Fruition LOVE enfires thence Zeal's renu'd LOVE hath the SPIRITS Plenitude Burning with Flames in SPLENDOR of BEATITUDE XV. LOVE caus'd the SON of GOD from 's Throne dismount And make HIMSELF of no Account Become a Man of Sorrows Who of Ioy 's the Fount XVI This LOVE by Quire of HEAV'N scarce understood Could so much Ill cause so much Good For Mans Redemption that GODS SON should shed His Blood XVII THOU LOVE when as my guilty Soul did dwell In Nest of Ruine did'st unshell My Spirit fledg'd with GRACE from that disord'red Cell XVIII And having crusht the outward Film of Earth Gav'st Her new form'd with GLORY Birth That She might stye to th' SEAT of Beatifick Mirth XIX And praise THEE with those VIRGIN-SOULS who in The Cloysters of their Flesh have bin Washt in their SAVIOURS Bath of Blood from Spots of Sin XX. Flow'rs on our Heads as on their Stems do grow Which into fadeless Colours flow Nor Cold to blast nor Heat to scorch nor Age they know XXI Scenting 'bove thousand precious Ointments shed On consecrated AARONS Head Above pearl'd Dew on Hermons ever-fragrant Bed XXII How far immaculate FLAMES do You excell All that in Thoughts high Turret dwell What then can Opticks see What then can Volumes tell XXIII If Beauties Self we could incarnate see Teeming with Youth and Ioy yet She Would not so beauteous as the VIRGIN-MOTHER be XXIV Who like a full-orb'd Moon our Stars out-shin'd In glorious Fulgurance of Minde For whose surpassing Splendour I this Ode desig'nd XXV Hail blessed VIRGIN-SPOUSE who did'st bequeath Breath unto HIM Who made Thee breathe And gav'st a Life to HIM Who gave the Life from Death XXVI Who bor'st HIM in thy Womb Whose Hands did stack The studded Orbs with Stars and tack The glowing Constellations to the Zodiack XXVII And what improves the Mystery begun New Mysteries from Thee were spun HE did at once become thy Father Spouse and Son XXVIII Conceiving HIM as by the Womb so th' Ear th' ANGELS Tongue HEAV'N cast Seed there Thou heard'st believ'dst thence didst breed thence didst bear XXIX Thou only may'st so it be humbly boast To have brought forth the ETERNAL HOST By mystick OBUMBRATION of the HOLY GHOST XXX By Thee did GOD and Man embrace Each other Thus HEAV'N to Earth became a Brother Thus Thou a VIRGIN to thy MAKER wast a MOTHER XXXI Thy Fleece was wet when all the Ground lay drie Drie when all moist about did lie As AARONS rootless Rod so didst Thou fructifie XXXII Thou art from whence FAITHS Burgeon sprang the Ground Before in after Birth was found Purenesse untoucht with VIRGIN-MOTHERS Honour crown'd XXXIII Thou Shrine of GLORY Ark of BLISSE Thou high Fair Temple of DIVINITY In Thee the Master-peece of Nature I descry XXXIV My ravisht Soul said She extols His NAME Who rules the HEAV'NS expansed Frame Whose MERCIE rais'd me up to magnifie the SAME XXXV Who can anatomize the glorious List Of Heirs to GOD Coheirs with CHRIST Who Royalize it There by GRACES high Acquist XXXVI Whose several GLORIES admirable are And yet as INFINITE as Fair Where Alls's enjoy'd at Full where every Thing is rare XXXVII The Ioy of EACH ONE is the Ioy of ALL BEATITUDE'S reciprocall They drink CHRISTS Cup of flowing Wine who pled'gd his Gall XXXVIII Silence most Rhet'rick hath and GLORIES best Do pourtray forth that Royal FEAST At which each blessed SAINT is an Eternal GUEST XXXIX Nor can a Thought of earthly Friends Annoyes Extenuate one Grain of JOYES While MERCY saves the Wise while JUSTICE Fools destroyes
broken Consort of Hearts and Spirits the Will there accepted for the Work and the Desire for Desert Behold here in an Original is presented an Example of Life with Force of Precepts happy who coppy them out in their Actions Indeed Examples and Precepts are as Poems and Pictures for as Poems are speaking Pictures and Pictures are silent Poems so Example is a silent Precept and Precept a speaking Example And as Musick is an audible Beauty and Beauty a visible Musick So Precepts are audible Sweets to the Wise and Examples silent Harmony to the illiterate who may unclasp and glance on these Poems as on Pictures with Inadvertency yet He who shall contribute to the Improvement of the Author either by a prudent Detection of an Errour or a sober Communication of an irrefragable Truth deserves the venerable Esteem and Welcome of a good ANGEL And He who by a candid Adherence unto and a fruitful Participation of what is good and pious confirms Him therein merits the honourable Entertainment of a faithful Friend But he who shall ●●●duce him in Absence for what in Presence he would seem to applaud incurres the double Guilt of Flattery and Slander and he who wounds Him with ill Reading and Misprision does Execution on Him before Iudgement Now He who is the Way the Truth and the Life bring those to everlasting Life who love the Way and Truth in Sincerity The severall Cantos The Humiliation Restauration Inamoration Representation Association Contemplation Admiration The Recapitulation Praelibation Translations Abnegation Disincantation Segregation Reinvitation Termination Be pleased Reader first to correct these Typographical Errours Acres circumfert centum licèt Argus Ocellos Non tamen errantes cernat ubique Typos AT the bottom B4 Line 20. Read Ecstasies Pag. 1. Stanza 1. Strains p. 54. St. 23. Condescent p. 76. St. 71. Vnbounded p. 84. St. 25. Thee p. 106. St. 86. doth most 132. 31. non p. 144. rectifie the Figures p. 169. St. 60. repurgat 173. 90 eversis 203. 82. For. 214. l. 12. exanimes 217. l. 7. splendet 239. 29. didst 268. l. 25. Nectare c. PNEVMATO-SARCO-MACHIA OR THEOPHILA'S Spiritual Warfare THE Life of a true CHRISTIAN is a continual Conflict Each Act of the good Fight hath a Military Scene and our Blessed SAVIOUR coming like a Man of War commands in Chief under the FATHER who hath layed Help upon One that is Mighty by anointing him with the Holy GHOST and with Power This World is his pitched Field his Standard the Cross his Colours Blood his Armour Patience his Battle Persecution his Victory Death And in mystical DIVINITY his two-handed Sword is the Word and Spirit which wounds and heals and what is shed in this holy War is not Blood but Love his Trumpeters are Prophets and Preachers his Menacies Mercies and his Arrows Benefits When he offers HIMSELF to us He then invades us His great and small Shot are Volies of Sighs and Groans when we are converted we are conquer'd He bindes when He embraceth us In the Cords of Love He leads us Captives and kills us into Life when He crucifies the Old and quickens in us the New Man So then here is no Death but of inbred Corruptions No Slaughter but of carnal Affections which being Mortified the Soul becomes a living Sacrifice holy and acceptable unto GOD. WHEN that great Gen'ralissimo of all Infernal Ianizaries shall His Legions of Temptations raise enroul And muster Them 'gainst Thee my Soul And Ranks of Pleasures Profits Honours bring To give a Charge on the right Wing And place his dreadful Troops of deadly Sins Upon the Left with murth'ring Gins And draw to his main Bodie thousand Lusts And for Reserve wherein he trusts Shall specious Sanctities Brigade provide Whose Leader is spiritual Pride And having treacherously laid his Trains In Ambush under Hope of Gains By sinning as so many Scouts to finde Each March and Posture of thy Mind Then Soul sound an Alarm to FAITH and presse Thy ZEAL to be in Readinesse And leavie all thy Faculties to serve Thy CHIEFE Take PRAY'R for thy Reserve Under the Conduct of his SPIRIT See Under the Banner that they be Of thy SALVATIONS CAPTAIN Then be sure That all thy Out-works stand secure Yet narrower look into th' indenting Line Of thy ambiguous Thoughts Designe With constant Care a Watch o're every Part Ev'n at thy Cinque-ports and thy Heart Set Centinels Let FAITH be Captain o're The Life-Guard standing at the Dore Of thy well-warded Breast Disloyal Fear That corresponds with Guilt cashear Nor let Hypocrisie sneak in and out Thy Garrison with that Spie Doubt The Watch-word be IMMANUEL Then set Strong Parties of thy Tears and let Them still to salie forth prepared stand And but expect the Souls Command Waiting until a blest Recruit from HIGH Be sent with GRACES free Supplie Thus where the LORD of Hosts the Van leads there Triumphant Palms bring up the Rere TO MY FANCIE UPON THEOPHILA FLy FANCIE Beauties arched Brow Darts wing'd with Fire thence sparkling flow From Flash of Lightning Eye-balls turn Contracted Beams of Chrystal burn Wave Curls which Wit Gold-tresses calls That golden Fleece to Tinsel falls EVade Thou peach-bloom Cheek-Decoies Where both the Roses blend false Joyes Presse not the two-leav'd Rubie Gates Which fence their Pearl-Portcullis Grates Suck not the Breath though it return Fragrant as Phoenix spicie Urn. LOck up thine Ears and so disarm The Magick of inamoring Charm The lily'd Breasts with Violets vein'd Are Flow'rs as soon deflowr'd as gain'd Love-lo●ks Perfume Paint Spots dispraise These by the Black-Art Spirits raise GArnish no Bristows with rich Mine Glow-worms are Vermin though they shine Should one Love-knot All Lovelies tie This One These All soon cloy and die Cupid as lame as blinde being gone Live One with HIM WHO made Thee One AVoid exotick Pangs o' th' Brain Nor let thy Margent blush a Stain With artful Method Misc'line sow May Iudgement with Invention grow Profit with Pleasure bring to th' Test Be Oar refin'd before imprest PAsse Forge and File be Point and Edge 'Gainst what severest Browes alledge Mix Balm with Ink Let thy Salt heal T' each Palate various Manna deal Have for the Wise strong Sense deep Truth Grand-Sallet of choice Wit for Youth CUll Metaphors well-weigh'd and clear Enucle'ate Mysteries to th' Ear. Be Wit Stenography'd yet free 'T is largest in Epitome Fly through Arts Heptarchie be clad With Wings to soar but not to gad THy Pineons raise with mystick Fire Sometimes 'bove high-roof't Sense aspire So draw THEOPH'LA that each Line Centring in HEAV'N may seem Divine Her Voice soon fits Thee for that Quire W' are cindred by intrinsick Fire MAgnetick VIRTUE' 's in her Brest Impregn'd with GRACE the noblest GUEST Who in LOVES Albo are enrol'd Unutterable Joyes behold Geographers Earths Globe survey Fancie HEAVN'S Astrolabe display SIx hast thou view'd of Europs Courts Soon as Idaeas pass'd their Sports Sense canst thou perse and construe Blisse Only
SOULS sanctify'd know This. Then hackney not to Toyes Lifes Span. The SAINTS Rere tops the Courtiers Van. IN Hopes Cell holy Hermit be Let Ecstacies transfigure Thee There as Truths Champion strive all Waies To storm LOVES Towre with Hosts of Praise Keep strong Faiths Court of Guard The Stars March in Batalia to these Wars ZEalous in Pray'r besiege the Skie Conquests are Crown'd by Constancie Stand Cen'tnell at the BRIDEGROOMS Gates Who serve there reign o're earthly States Rais'd on Devotions flaming Wings Disdain the crakling Blaze of Things NO Musick courts Spiritual Ears Like high-tun'd Anthems This uprears Thee FANCIE rapt through Mists of Fears And Clouds of Penitential Tears Eagling 'bove transitory Sphears Till ev'n the INVISIBLE appears DIvorc'd from past and present Toyes ' Spouse New Ierus'lems future Joyes Be Re-baptiz'd in Eye-dew-Fall Of All forgot forget Thou All. These Acts well kept Commence and prove Professor in Seraphick LOVE A Friends ECCHO to his FANCIE upon SACRATA I. WHen Fancie bright SACRATA courts It is not with accustom'd Sports ●Tis not in prizing of her Eyes To the Disvalue of the Skies Nor robbing Gardens of their Hue To give her ●lowrie Cheeks their Due II. ●Tis not in stripping of the Sea For Coral to resigne that Plea It hath to the Vermilion Die If that her r●ddy Lips be nigh Or that I long to see them ope As if I thence for Pearl did hope III. Nor is 't in promising my ●ars Rather to her than to the Sphears Or that a Smile of hers displayes As much Content as Phoebus Rayes Or that her Hand for Whitenesse shames The Down of Swans on Silver Thames IV. Let such on these Romances dwell Who do admire Loves Husk and Shell Hark wanton Fair-ones all your Fawns Are Happinesses haplesse Pawns With these alone the Mind does Flag Beauty is oft the Souls Black Bag. V. Pure Flames that ravish with their F●re Ascend unmeasurably Higher Which after Search we find to be In Virtue linkt with Pietie The Radiations of the Soul All Splendors of the Flesh controul VI. Fond Sense cry up a rosie Skin SACRATA rosy'd is within But brighter THEOPHIL behold Who●e Vest is wrought with ●urfled Gold LOVES self in her his Flame embeams LOVES Sacrifice ZEALS Rapture seems VII Of Paradise before the Fall This Saint is Emblematical Then Fancie give Her due Renown She 's Queen of Arts This Book her Crown SACRATA turns CASTARA unto us And BENLOVVES Anagramm'd BENEVOLUS JER COLLIER M. A. and Fell. of S. Iohns Coll. Camb. Non me Palma negata Macrum data reddet Opimum A Smooth clear Vein should have it Sourse From Nature and have Art but Nurse Which though it Men at Athens feasts May fight at Ephesus with Beasts WIts rudely hal'd to Momus Bar By braying Beasts condemned are Reason How many Brutes there be 'Mong Men 'cause not inform'd by Thee VAtes Pôet-Prophet is If good Alike both scorn'd and understood Though Readers Censure 's Writers Fate Spleen sha'nt contract nor Praise dilate OR clap or hisse The Moon sails round Though bark'd at by each yelping Hound The brighter Shee the more they bark But slumbring quetch not in the dark DEign Him bright 〈◊〉 your piercing Glance Arts Foes are Sons of Ignorance So freed from Nights rude Overseers The POET may be try'd by his PEERS A VERDICT FOR THE Pious SACRIFICER TO shine and light not scorch thy MUSE did aim And so hath rais'd this Quintessential Flame By th' Salt and Whiteness of her Lines We think With holy Water Tears She mixt her Ink And both the Fire and Food of this chast MUSE Is more what Altars than what Tables use VVho does not pray with Zeal thy FAITH may move Rightly concentrick with thy HOPE and LOVE So in the TEMPLE these Religious Hosts From Hecatombs may rise to HOLOCAUSTS WALTER MONTAGVE Com. Manch Filius FOR THE AUTHOR Truly Heroick By BLOVD VIRTVE LEARNING SCholar Commander Traveller commixt Schools Camps Courts raise FAME make it fixt Your Fame and Feet have Alps and Oceans past Fam'd Feet which Art can't raise nor Envie blast Beaumont and Fletcher coyn'd a golden Way T' expresse suspend and passionate a Play Nimble and pleasant are all Motions there For two Intelligences rul'd the Spheare Both Sock and Buskin sunk with Them and then Davenant and Denham buoy'd them up agen Beyond these Pillars Some think nothing is Great BRITAINS Wit stands in a Precipice But Sir as though HEAV'NS Streits discover'd were By Science of your Card UNKNOVVNS appear Sail then with Prince of Wits illustrious Dunne VVho rapt Earth round with Love and was its Sun But your first Love was pure Whos 's ev'ry Dresse Is inter-tissu'd Wit and Holinesse And mends upon It self whose Streams that meet With Sands and Herberts grow more deep more sweet I wing'd with Joy to th' PRAELIBATION fly Thence view I Errours Trage-comedie With THEOPHIL from Fear to Faith I rise The mystick Bridge twixt Hell and Paradise Hell scap't seems double Heav'n RENEVV'D with Bands Of Pray'rs Vows Tears with Eyes and Knees and Hands I see her cope with HEAV'N and HEAV'N does thence As in the Baptists Dayes feel Violence But her ecstatick SONGS OF LOVE declare To Iedidiah Shee 's apparent Heir Be those then next The SONG OF SONGS Love stiles Her Fourth The Second Book of CANTICLES But with what dreadfull yet delightful Tones She sings when GLORIFY'D Then stinglesse Drones Are Death and Hell Joyes Crescent then 's encreast To fullest Lustre at her BRIDAL FEAST Sixth Sev'nth and Eighth such Banquets frame would make WISDOM turn Cormorant my Spirits shake i th' Reading Soul of Joy thy ravishing Sp'rite Draws bedrid Mindes to longing Appetite FAME write with Gold on Diamond Pages treat Upon the GLORIES of a Work so great Be 't then Enacted that all Graces dwell In Thee THEOPH'LA Virtues Chronicle Who jemm'st it in JERUSALEM Above Where all is GRACE and GLORY LIGHT and LOVE To That UNPARALLEL This comes so neer That 't is a Glimpse of HEAV'N to reade Thee here O blest Ambition Speculations high Enchariot Thee Elijah-like to th' SKIE What State worth Envy like Thy sweet Abode That overtops the World and mounts to GOD Walkt through your Eden Stanza's you invite Our ravisht Souls to recre'ate with Delight In Bow'r of compt Discourse Great Verse but Prose Such None but our Great MASTER could compose For Bulk an easie Folio is this All Yet we a Volume may each Canto call For Solid Matter where we should consult On Paragraphs mark what does thence result For every Period's of DEVOTION Proof And each Resolve is of concern'd Behoof Peruse Examine Censure ô how bright Does shine RELIGION checquer'd with Delight Diffusive Soul your Spirit was soaring when This Manna dew'd from your inspired Pen. Such melting Passions of a Soul divine Could They be cast in any Mould but Thine Wonder arrests our Thought That you alone In such Combustions wherein Thousands grone And
much Honoured AVTHOR THe winged Intellect once taught to fly By Art and Reason may be bold to pry Into the Secrets of a wandring Star Although its Motions be irregular And from the Smiles and Glances that those bright Corrivals cast that do embellish Night Guesse darkly at though not directly know The various Changes that fall here below And perching on the high'st Perimeter May finde the Distances of every Sphere Which in full Orbs do move tunicled so That the lesse Spheres within the greater go As Cell in Cell spun by the dying Flie Or Ball in Ball turn'd in smooth Ivorie Each hath a Prince circled upon a Throne In a refulgent Habitation Only the Constellations seem to be Like Nobles in an Aristocrasie Their milkie Way like Innocence and thus Should all great Actions be Diaphanous But the great Monarch Light disposes All His Stores are Magazine and Festivall And by his Pow'r Earths Epicycle may Move in a silver Sphere as well as They. Else her poor little Orb appears to be A very Point to their Immensitie Thus strung like Beads They on their Centers move But the great Center of this All is LOVE Though the brute Creatures by the height of Sense Foretell their calm and boystrous Influence Yet to finde out their Motions is Mans part Not by the help of Nature but of Art Which rarifies the Soul and makes it rise And sees no farther than that gives it Eyes And by that Prospect will directly tell What Regions stoop to every Parallel Which Cities furred are with Snow which lie Naked and scorcht under Heav'ns Canopie How Men like Cloves stuck in an Orenge stand Still upright with their Feet upon the Land And where the Seas oppos'd to us do flow Yet quench they not that Heat where Spices grow It sees fair Mornings rising Neck beset With orient Jems like a rich Carcanet Who every Night doth send her Beams to spie In what dark Caves her golden Treasures lie And there they brood and hatch the callow Race Till they take wing and fly in every place It sees the frozen Firre shrouding its Arms While Cocus Trees are courted with blest Charms That swell their pregnant Womb whose Issue may Sweeten our World but that they die by th' Way It sees the Seasons lying at the Door Some warm and wanton and some cold and poor And knows from whence they come both foul fair And from their Presence gilds or soils the Air. It sees plain Natures Face how rude it looks Till it be polished by Men and Books And most of her dark Secrets can discover To open View of an industrious Lover What ever under Heav'ns great Throne we prize Or value in Arts Chamber-practise lies But when before the ALMIGHTY JUDGE he come To speak of HIM my Oratour is dumb Go then thou silent Soul present thy Plea By the fair Hand of sweet THEOPHILA Hap'ly thy harsh and broken Strains may rise In the Perfume of her sweet Sacrifice And if by this Accesse thou find'st a Way To th' highest THRONE alas what canst thou say What can the Bubble though its Breath it bring Upon the gliding Stream say of the Spring Can the proud painted Flow'r boast that it knows The Root that bears it and whereon it grows Or can the crawling Worm though ne're so stout With its Meandrings finde the Center out Can INFINITE be measur'd by a Span And what art thou lesse than all these ô Man Man is a thing of nought yet from ABOVE There beams upon his Soul such Raies of LOVE As may discover by Faiths Optick where The burning Bush is though not see HIM there The meekest Man on Earth did only see His Shadow shining there it was not HE. And if that great Soul who with holy Flame And ravisht Spirit to the Third Heav'n came Saw Things unutterable What can We Expresse of those Things that we ne're did see The Senses strongest Pillars cannot bear The Weight of the least grain of GLORY there No more then where to bound or comprehend INFINITIE they can Begin or End Since then the Soul is circumscrib'd within The narrow Limits of a tender Skin Let us be Babes in Innocence and grow Strong upwards and more weak to things below By sacred Chymistrie the Spirit must Ascend and leave the Sediment to Dust. This Cordial is distilled from the Eyes And we must sprinkle it on th' Sacrifice Offered i' th Virtue of THEOPH'LAS Name Which must be to it Holocaust and Flame Then wing'd with Zeal we may aspire to see The hallow'd Oracles exprest by THEE Who art LOVES Flamen and with Holy Fire Refin'st thy Muse to make her mount the Higher ARTH. WILSON For the Renowned COMPOSER APOETS Ashes need nor Brass nor Stone To be their Ward-robe Since his Name alone Shall stand both Brass and Marble to the Tomb. Nor doth he want the Cere-cloths balmy Womb T' enwrap his Dust until his drowzie Clay Again enliv'ned by an active Ray Shot from the last Day 's Fire shall wake and rise Attir'd with Light No When a POET dies His Sheets alone winde up his Earth They 'l be Instead of Mourner Tomb and Obsequie And to embalm It his own Ink he takes Gumme Arabick the richest Mummy makes Then Sir You need no Obelisk that may Seclude your Ashes from Plebeian Clay For from your Mine of Fancie now we see Y' have digg'd so many Iems of Poesie That out of them you raise a glorious Shrine In which your ever-blooming Name will shine Free from th' Eclipse of Age and Clouds of Rust Which are the Moths to other common Dust. Then could we now collect th' all worshipt Oar With which kinde Nature paves the Indian Shore And gather to one masse that Stock of Spice Which copies out afresh old Paradise And in the Phoenix od'rous Nest is pent All would fall short of This rich Monument About the Surface of whose Verge You stick So many fragrant Flow'rs of Rhetorick That Lovers shall approach in Throngs and seek With their rich Leaves t' adorn each Beauties Cheek So that these sacred Trophies will become In After-times your Altar not your Tomb. To which the Poets shall in well-drest Laies Offer their Victimes with a Grove of Bayes For here among these Leaves no speckled Snake Or Viper doth his Bed of Venom make No Lust-burnt Goat nor looser Satyr weaves His Cabin out among these spotlesse Leaves A Virgin here may safely dart her Eye And yet not blush for Fear lest any by Should see Her read These Pages do dispence A Julep which so charms the Itch of Sense That we are forc't to think your guiltlesse Quill Did with its Ink the Turtles Blood distill T. Philipot Pietatis Poeticesque Cultori IGne cales tali quali cum Nuncius Ora Seraphicus sacro tetigit Carbone Prophetae Macte DEI plenum Pectus Te his dedito Flammis Sancte Poetarum Phoenix Reparabilis Ignis Te voret hîc Totum Quo plus
precor impellat sanctior Aura ratem I felix rapidas diffindas Caerula Syrtes Te Divina regit DEXTERA Sospes abi NON NOBIS DOMINE THEOPHILAS LOVE-SACRIFICE The Summary of the Poem THEOPHILA or Divine Love ascends to her BELOV'D by three Degrees By Humilitie by Zeal by Contemplation In the First She is Sincere In the Second Fervent In the Third Extatical In her Humiliation She sadly condoles her Sin in her Devotion She improves her Grace In her Meditation She antidates her Glory and triumphantly congratulates the Fruition of her SPOUSE And by three Wayes which Divines call the Purgative Illuminative and Vnitive She is happily led into the Disquisition of Sin by Man of Suffering by CRIST as SPONSOR of Salvation by HIM as REDEEMER In the Purgative Way she falls upon Repentance Mortification Self-denial helpt in part by the Knowledge of herself which breeds Contrition Renuntiation and Purpose of Amendment In the Illuminative she pursues Moral Vertues Theological Graces and Gospel-promises revealed by CHRIST as the Great APOSTLE which begets in her Gratitude Imitation and Appropriation In the Vnitive she is wholly taken up with Intuition of supercoelestial Excellencies with beatifical Apprehensions and Adherencies as to CHRIST in Bodie to the Holy GHOST in Spirit to GOD the FATHER in a bright Resemblance of the Divine NATURE All which are felt by the Knowledg of CHRIST as MEDIATOR whence flow Admiration Elevation consummated in GLORIFICATION And were Mysteriously intimated in the Symbolical Oblations of the Star-led Sophies Who by their Myrrhe signify'd Faith Chastity Mortification the Purgative Actions by their Incense implied Hope Prayer Obedience the Illuminative Devotions by their Gold importing Charity Satiety Radiancie the Vnitive Eminencies And it is the only Ambition of THEOPHILA to offer these presents to her BELOV'D by whom her Sin is purged her Understanding enlightned her Will and Affections enflamed to the Communion of all his GLORIES Thus She by recollecting past Creation present Corruption and future BEATIFICAL VISION endeavors to rowze us up from Hellish Security Worldly Solicitude and Carnal Concupiscence that being rais'd we may conform to the will submit to the Power and sympathize with the SPIRIT of CHRIST by a total Resignation of Self-comforts Abilities Ends and by the internal Acts of Love Devotion Contemplation She makes Sense subservient to Reason Reason to Faith and Faith to the written Word By Faith she beleeves what he has reveal'd and yields him up all her Vnderstanding By Hope She waits for his Promises and refers to Him all her Will By Charity she Loves his Excellencies and resignes to him all her Affections And by all these She triumphs over Sin Death Hell in the sensual World and by his Virtue Grace Favour enjoyes an eminent Degree of PERFECTION in the Intellectual THE AVTHORS PRAYER O THOU most High distinct in PERSONS undivided in ESSENCE Eternal PRINCIPLE of all Substances essential BEING of all Subsistencies CAUSE of all Causalities LIFE of our Souls and SOUL of our Lives Whose DEITIE is as far beyond the Comprehension of our Reason as thy OMNIPOTENCIE transcends our Impotencie We wretched Dust acknowledge that Adams Fall as it depriv'd us of all Good so hath it deprav'd us with all Evil for from our production to our Dissolution our Life if strictly discussed will be found wholly tainted alwayes tempted with Sin We discover our Condition to be more corrupt than we can fully discover The Sense of our Sin stupifies us the Sight of it reveals our Blindness and the Remembrance thereof doth put us in Minde of our forgetfulnesse of THEE The Number of our Transgressions surpasseth our Skill in Arithmetick their Weight is insupportable depressing us even to the Abysse their Guilt more extense than any thing but thy MERCIE O LORD we have loved Darknesse more than Light because our Deeds were evil therefore THOU hast shew'd us terrible Things We have sucked out the Dregs of deadly Wine Our National Crimes have extorted from thy JUSTICE National Iudgements Our hellish Sins enflame thy WRATH and thy WRATH enflames Hell-fire against us We want so much of Happinesse as of Obedience our Beatitude consisting in a thorough Submission of our Determinations unto thy Disposings and our Practise to thy Providence which causeth us with humbly-pressing Importunitie to implore thy GOODNESSE for HIS SAKE who of mere Love took upon Him a Nature of Infirmities to cure the Infirmities of our Nature that THOU would'st give us a Sense of our Senselesness and a fervent Desire of more Fervency and true Remorse and Sorrow for want of Remorse and Sorrow for these our Sins O Steer the mysticall Ship of thy CHURCH safe amidst the Rocks and Quicksands of Schism and Heresie Superstition and Sacriledge into the fair Havens of PEACE and TRUTH Give to thy disconsolate Spouse melting in Tears of Bloud the Spirit of Sanctitie and Prudence May the Light which conducts her to thy Coelestial CANAAN be never mockt by new false Lights of apostatizing Hypocrisie nor extinguished by Barbarism Thou our FATHER art the GOD of Peace thy SON our SAVIOUR the Prince of Peace Thy SPIRIT the Spirit of Peace thy Servants the Children of Peace whose Dutie is the Studie of Peace and the End of their Faith the Peace of GOD which passeth all Vnderstanding Let All submit to thy SCEPTER adore thy JUDGEMENTS revere thy LAWS and love THEE above All for thine OWN SAKE and others ev'n their Enemies for THY SAKE having THEE for our Pattern thy PRECEPTS for our Rule and thy SPIRIT for our Guide And now in particular I throw my self who have unmeasurably swarved from thy Statutes upon thy Mercies beseeching THEE to give me a deep Sense of my own Vnworthiness and yet withall sincere Thankfulnesse for thy Assistancies Grant that my Sorrow for Sin may be unfeigned my Desires of Forgiveness fervent my purpose of Amendment stedfast that so my Hopes of HEAVEN may be advanced and what THOU hast sowen in thy MERCIE THOU mayest reap from my Duty Let Religion and right Reason rule as Soveraign in me and let the irascible and concupiscible Faculties be their Subjects Give me an Estate balanc'd between Want and Waste Pity and Envie Give me Grace to spend my Wealth and Strength in thy Service Let all my Melancholy be Repentance my Ioyes spiritual Exultations my Rest Hope my Peace a good Conscience and my Acquiescence in THEE In THEE as the Principle of Truth in thy Word as the Measure of Knowledge in thy Law as the Rule of Life in thy Promise as the Satisfaction of Hope and in thy Vnion as the highest Fruition of Glory O Thou Spring of Bountie who hast given thy SON to Redeem me Thy Holy SPIRIT to sanctifie me and Thy SELF to satisfie me give me a generous Contempt of sensual Delusions that I may see the Vanity of the World the Deceitfulnesse of Riches the Shame of Pleasures the folly of Sports the Inconstancie of Honours the Danger of
Greatness and the strict Account to be given for All O then give me an undaunted Fortitude an elevated Course of Contemplation a Resignation of Spirit and a sincere Desire of thy Glory Adde O LORD to the Cheerfulness of my Obedience the Assurance of Faith and to the Confidence of my Hope the Joyes of Love O THOU who art the Fountain of my Faith the Object of my Ioy and the Rock of my Confidence guide my Passion by Reason my Reason by Religion my Religion by Faith my Faith by thy Word be pleased to improve thy Word by thy SPIRIT that so being established by Faith confirmed in Hope and rooted in Charitie I may be only ambitious of THEE prizing THEE above the Delights of Men Love of Women and Treasures of the World Nothing being so pretious as thy Favour so dreadfull as thy Displeasure so hateful as Sin so desirable as thy Grace Let my Heart be alwayes fixt upon Thee possessed by Thee established in Thee true unto Thee upright toward Thee and entire for Thee that being thus inebriated with the sweet and pure streams of thy Sanctuary I may serve Thee to the utmost of each Faculty with all the Extension of my Will and Intension of my Affections till my Love shall ascend from Earth to HEAVEN from small Beginnings to the Consummati●n of a well-regulated and never ceasing Charitie O GOD who art no lesse infinite in Wisdom than in Goodness let me where I cannot rightly know Thee there reverently admire Thee that in Transcendencies my very Ignorance may honour Thee Let thy Holy SPIRIT inflame my Zeal inform my Judgement conform my Will reform my Affections and transform me wholly into the Image and Imitation of Thy Onely SON Grant that I may improve my Talent to thy Glory who art the Imparter of the Guift the Blesser of the Action and the Assister of the Designe So that having sowen to the Spirit I may by thy Mercies and Thy SONS Merits who is the SON of thy Love the Anchor of my Hope and the Finisher of my Faith reap Life everlasting And now in his only Name vouchsafe to accept from dust and ashes the Oblation of this weak yet willing Service and secure the Possession to THY SELF that Sin may neither pollute the Sacrifice divide the Guift nor question the Title Fill my Mouth with Praises for these happy Opportunities of Contemplation the managing of publick Actions lesse agreeing with my Disposition and though my Body be retir'd yet let my Soul be enlarged like an uncaptiv'd Bird to soar in the Speculation of Divine Mysteries O be praysed for that in this general Combustion of Christendom THOU hast vouchsafed me a little Zoar as Refuge in which my Soul doth yet live to magnifie Thee But above All for my Redemption from the Execution of thy Wrath by the Execration of the SON of thy Love having made Innocence to become guilty to make the guilty innocent and the Sun of Righteousness to suffer a total Eclipse to expiate the Deeds of Darkness Be THOU exalted for the Myriads of thy Mercies in my Travells through Europ as far transcending my Computation as Compensation But chiefly for the Hope Thou hast given me that when I have served Thee inhumbly-strict Obedience to the Glorie of thy Name THOU art pleased that I shall enter into the GLORY of my LORD to all Eternitie where I shall behold THEE in thy Majesty CHRIST thy SON in his Glory the SPIRIT in his Sanctity the Hierarchy of Heaven in their Excellencie and the Saints in their Rest in which Rest there is perfect Tranquillitie and in this Tranquillity Ioy and in this Ioy Variety and in this Variety Security and in this Security Immortality with Thee Who reignest in the Excellencies of Transcendencie and in the infinite Durations of a blessed Eternitie To WHOM with the IMAGE of thy GOODNESSE and the BREATH of thy LOVE ô most glorious TRINITY and ineffable UNITIE be all Sanctitie and Adoration sacrificed now and for evermore Amen Amen INto the most Holy TREASVRIE Of the ever-glorious PRAISES Of the MEDIATOR between GOD Man CHRIST JESUS The Empyraean Flame of the DIVINITY Indefinible Interminable Ineffable The Immaculate Earth of the HUMANITY Inseparable Inconfusible Inconvertible Mysterious in an Hypostaticall UNION WHO is The true LIGHT enlightning the World The ETERNAL WORD By ENERGIE Incarnated Embrightning our knowledge Enlivening our FAITH Quickning our HOPE Enflaming our LOVE Prostrated dust and ashes With an adoring Awfulness trembling Veneration To his INFINITE MAJESTIE Doth humbly cast this Mite Acknowledging from GOD all Opportunities of Good to be improved by His GRACE to His GLORY THEOPHILAS LOVE-SACRIFICE CANTO II. The Humiliation ARGUMENT Vnde superbit Homo cujus Conceptio Culpa Nasci Poena Labor Vita necesse mor● Totus homo pravus Caro Mens Natura Voluntas Coelicus act Hominis Crimina tollit AMOR. The Deiform'd Soul deform'd by Sin repents In Pray'rs and Tears her Grief She vents And till Faith cheer her by CHISTS Love Life Death laments STANZA I. ALMIGHTY POWER Who did'st All Souls Create Who did'st Redeem their faln Estate Who still dost Sanctifie and them Redintegrate II. Sourse River Ocean of all Blisse instill Spring-tides into my low-ebb'd Quill Each graceful Work flowes from what works all Grace Thy Will III. LORD Thou before Time Matter Form or Place Wast All E're Natures mortal Race Thy SELF Host Guest and Palace Natures total Space IV. When yet though not discern'd in that Abysse CREATOR WORD and SPIRIT of Blisse In UNITY the TRINE one GOD adored is V. E're THOU the Chrystal-mantled HEAV'N didst rear Or did the Earth Sols Bride appear First Race of Intellectuals mad'st THEE to revere VI. Praise best doth Inexpressibles expresse Soul Th' ARCHITECT of Wonders blesse Whose All-creating WORD embirth'd a Nothingnesse VII Who brooding on the Deep Production Dispos'd then call'd out Light which on The formless Worlds rude Face was all dispers'dly thrown VIII When callow Nature pluckt from out her Nest Of Causes was awak'd from Rest Her shapeless Lump with fledg'd effects He trimly drest IX Then new-born Day HE gilt with glittering Sun Contracted Light with changing Moon He Night adorn'd and hung up Lamps like spangled Bullion X. The Earth with Water mixt HE separates Earth Plants brought forth and Beasts All Mates The Waters Fowl and Fish to yield Man delicates XI Then did of th' El'ements Dust Mans Bodie frame A perfect Microcosm the Same He quickned with a sparkle of Pneumatick Flame XII More Heav'nly specify'd by Life from th' WORD That Nature doth This Grace afford And Glory from the SPIRIT design'd as threefold Cord. XIII Man ere a Childe by ' Infusion wise though He Was of yet not for Earth though free Chanc'lour install'd of Edens Universitie XIV His Virgin-Sister-Wife i' th Grove He woo'd Heav'ns Nursery new Fruit his Food Skin was his Robe Clouds washt Winds swept his Floor All good XV. Envie that GOD should so love Man
Time-born Arts Such sweet Divisions from tun'd Strings may ravish Hearts LIX Best Tenure holds by th' Ear In Saul disguis'd When Satan oft Tarantuliz'd The Psalming Harp was 'bove they swaying Scepter priz'd LX. This Hymn ZEALS burning Feaver do's refine My gross hydropick Soul Divine Anthems unbowel BLISSE and ANGELS down encline LXI ANGELS shot forth the happiest CHRISTMAS Newes Ev'n CHRIST to warble Hymns did use When Heav'ns high'st DOVE do's soar He Wings of Verse doth chuse LXII No Verse no Text. Since Verse charms All Sing on Let Sermons wait till PSALMS be done Soul-raisers ye prevent the RESURRECTION LXIII But ah in War Wraths Midwife which do's tire Yet never fills the Jaws of Ire Keen as the Evening Wolf can She yet use her 〈◊〉 LXIV Yes She 's unmov'd in Earth-quakes tun'd in Iars Fear argues Guilt She stands in Wars And Storms of thund'ring Brass bright as corus●ant Stars LXV Vertue ' s a Balsam to It self Invoke She MERCIE did to oyl steels Yoke Thus in an iron Age This golden VIRGIN spoke LXVI Dread GOD Black Clouds surcharg'd with Storms When P●ple Robes hide Scarlet Sin Ingrain'd from that Life-blood which mo●ted their Souls 〈◊〉 begin LXVII Our Sea-girt World once Fort'nate Isle O Change Deplorable t' It self seems strange Vnthrifty Death has spread where thriving Peace did range LXVIII War hath our luke-warm Claret broacht with Spears LORD save thy Ark from Floods of Fears Or thy sad Spouse may sink as deep in Bloud as Tears LXIX She chaws Bread tleept in Woes gulpt down with Cries She drinks the Rivers of her Eyes Plung'd in Distress for Sin to THEE She fainting flies LXX Tune th' Irish Harp from Sharps to Flats Compose Whatever vitious Harshnesse grows Vpon the Scottish Thistle or the English Rose LXXI No ramping Lion its own Kind do's fear No tusked Bore no rav'ning Bear Man Mans Apollyon doth CHRISTS mystick Body tear LXXII Ye Sons of Thunder if You 'l needs fight on Lead your fierce Troops 'gainst Turkish Moon Out of the Line of FAITHS Communication LXXIII The large-commanding Thracian Force defie Like Gun-stocks though your Corps may flie To Earth Your Souls like Bullets will ascend on HIGH LXXIV If GOD be then i' th' Camp much more will HE In 's Militant Church His Temple be To chasten Schism and pervicacious Heresie LXXV LORD rent's thy Coat Loves Type This sads the Good Though Presters rudely fierce fain wou'd Be heard THOU hat'st uncivil Pray'r and civil Blood LXXVI Ah could dissembling Pulpeteers cry't Good To wade through Seas of native Blood Break greatest Ties play fast and loose beneath Smects Hood LXXVII By Such were Catechisms Communions Creeds Disus'd As March spawns Frogs so Weeds Sprung hence Worst Atheist from corrupted Church-man breeds LXXVIII Vse the LORDS Pray'r be th' Publican recant The Pharisee Or else avant With your six-hundred-sixtie-six-word Covenant LXXIX LORD they through faithlesse Dreams the Feast disown Of thy SONS INCARNATION Then whether will such Proteus-tants at last be blown LXXX That FEAST of Feasts Archangels Ioy Heav'n here Espous'd to Earth Saints Blisse most dear Prerogative o' th' Church The Grand Day of the Year LXXXI Man first made Good Himself unmade and then The WORD made Flesh must dwell with Men That Man thus worse then nought may better'd be agen LXXXII Dare to own Truth Drones seiz'd the Bees full Bow'r All 's paint that Butterflies deflowr As Ants improve so Grashoppers impair their Hour LXXXIII When Pirat-wasps sail to the hony'd Grot They 'l finde a Trap-glasse Death i' th' Pot Levites sleight not your Breast-work for vain Out-works got LXXXIV We ken Kirk-Interest Draco's Laws recall Repair the old Church Saints the Wall True Pastors Conduits Grace the Font Love cements All. LXXXV Passe freely would we of Oblivion An Act and pardon all by-gone Would you smite Hand on Thigh and say What have we done LXXXVI Truths Pensioners your Flocks bleat Food they need CHRISTS Flesh their Meat Blood Drink indeed View GLORIES Crown In Season out of Season feed LXXXVII Ye Friends to th' BRIDEGROOM Stewards to the Bride With Oracles of Truth us guide Truth blesseth Church and State Faithful till crown'd abide LXXXVIII So when the JUDGE with his Reward appears You 'l reap in Joy what 's sown in Tears Moyst Seed-times crown the Fields with golden-bearded Ears LXXXIX JUDGE-ADVOCATE to th' wrong'd sure THOU to Guilt Which would unmake thy Creatures wilt Be just when Inquisition's made for Blood that 's spilt XC At our Ears Port land Peace and Truth O then Welcome as Sol to th' Russ in 's Den As Shoar to shipwrackt as to Towns dismantled Men XCI O might a second ANGEL-QUIRE nere cease To Worms worn out with Wars Distress To sing in all Mens hearing their blest Song of PEACE XCII Peace Home of Pilgrims first Song at CHRISTS Birth Peace His last Legacie on Earth Peace gen'ral Preface to all Good Peace SAINTS true Mirth XCIII Love Thou Support to Martyrs as Iet Straw So Vs to our BELOV'D dost draw Thou art Golds true Elixir Thou summ'st up the Law XCIV Who can Divine Love speak in words of Sense Since Man as ransom'd Angels thence Transcends Such is CHRISTS Passions high Preheminence XCV Here did She seal her Lips unsluce her Eyes To flowing Rhet'rick and descries The World 's a Cask its Wine false Mirth its Lees Fools Prize XCVI And now by lympid Spring of Life-joy where Crystal is lymbect all the Year To GOD She would her Heav'n-ascending Raptures rear XCVII Taught hence misguided Zeal whom Heats dispose To Animosities may close And bloody Furies CONVERTS be by pond'ring Those XCVIII Harmonious Beauty feast our Ear They 're Kings At least who hear when LOVE thus sings LOVE to high Graces Key skrues up low Natures Strings XCIX Love Thou canst Ocean-flowing Storms appease And such oregrown Behemoths please As tax the scaly Nation and excise the Seas C. If THEOPHIL thy LOVE-SONG can't asswage The Fate incumbent on this Age No Time to write but weep For we are ripe for Rage Ite sacrosanctae Tabulata per Alta Carinae Non opus est Fluviis Lintea pando Mari. Ite Rates Ventis quo vos rapit Aura secundis Brittica Cymba pias findat AMORIS Aquas Animarum Sponsus IESUS The Soule against Complations fights Whom Death and Hell present with ●ights The World with 〈◊〉 ca lt and ●onour cou●ts The Fleshes Glass invites to Spouts But THEOPHIL by Faith her Shield And Hopes firm ●ncho● stands the Field Accompany●d with GRACE and LOVE By ANGELS SHE does upward move THEOPHILA'S LOVE-SACRIFICE CANTO IV. The Inammoration ARGUMENT O DEVS aut nullo caleat mihi Pectus ab Igne Aut solo caleat Pectus ab Igne Tui Languet ut Illa DEO mihi Mens simul aemula languet Coelitùs ut rapitur me Violenta rapit She Onset makes first with Love-darts aloof Then with ZEALS Fire-works storms HEAV'NS Roof Whose FAITHS Shield SALVATIONS Helmet
are Hell-proof THEOPHILA'S Soliloquie STANZA 1. WHen Heav'ns LOVE Paramount HIMSELF reveals And to the suppliant Soul her Pardon seals At feard-Hopes doubtful Gate w th trembling fell 2. Who Heav'n-ward sails coasts by the Cape of Hell That Her HE deigns to take She joyes in Woes To have in Labour pass'd the Parturition Throes 3. All Travell-pangs all New-birth Heart-deep Groans All After-births of Penitential Mones Are swallow'd up in living Streams of Bliss 4. When as the Heav'n-born Heir the New-man is By th' quickning SPIRIT of the HIGH'ST reborn Time past hath pas'd her Night present presents her Morn 5. See Ioy in Light See Light in Ioy O see Poor worthless Maid Fruit brought thee from Lifes-Tree By th' SPOUSE SPIRIT Saints sole Supporters Rise 6. Then Hells Apostate and be Heav'nly wise THOU art Lets interpledge our Soul my ONE My ALL though not by UNITIE by Vnion 7. Ineffably mysterious Knot begun Saints mount as Dew allur'd by beckning Sun Loves faithful Friends what parallels your Guard 8. Where Truth is Sentinel and Grace the Ward The Way is Flow'r-strown where the Guide is Love His SPIRIT with you below your Spirit with HIM Above 9. Reciprocal Excesse of Ioy Then soar My Soul to HIM Who Man became Nay more Took Sin it self to cleanse thy fully'd Clay 10. But took it only to take it away O SELF DONATION peerlesse GUIFT unknown Now since that HE is Thine be never Thou thine own 11. O Prodigie of Great and Good Faith sound This LOVES Abysse that do's so strangly bound ALMIGHTINES IT SELF From Whose Veins see 12. Unsluc't LOVES purple Ocean when His Free Red-streaming Life did vanquish Death Hell That thou might'st live HE dy'd That thou might rise HE fell 13. GOD so lov'd Man that Naturalists may deem GOD to set Man before HIMSELFE did seem When Man with seeing blinde 'gainst GOD arose 14. And slew his only FRIEND GOD sav'd his Foes Sol mour'nd in blacks Heav'ns Vice-roy Nature swounded Excess Loves Reason was Immensitie Love bounded 15. Ye Twins of Light as Sun-flow'rs be enclin'd To th' SUN of RIGHTEOUSNES Let Taste refin'd Like nothing as LOVES Heav'nly Manna and 16. Let all but CHRIST feel rough as Esaus Hand Let nought like 's Garment smell Let Ears rejoyce But in expresles Dictates of LOVES whisp'ring Voice 17. HE 'S thy bright Sun 'twixt WHOM and thy Souls Bliss Thy earthie Body interposed is Whereby such dread Eclipses caused are 18. As fam'd Ast●●●omers can ne're declare Yet oft HE shines Then vanish servile Fears Then Heav'n-ward filial Hopes dry up thy trickling Tears 19 Spiritual Light Spirituals clears In HEAV'N Thou 'lt view that full what now by Glimps like Steph'n Thou can●st but spy There shalt thou Face to Face 20. His Light His Ioy His Love His Pow'r His Grace And His ALL-FILLING GLORY clearly see In optick Emanations from ETERNITIE 21 I' th' RING of boundless LUSTER from whose Ray This petty World gleaneth its peep of Day Thou shalt be Crown'd with Wreaths of endless Light 22. Here oft's an Enterview in Heat and Might By Inter-lucidations from ABOVE Twining Embraces with 's ensphearing ARM of LOVE 23 Most blessed Souls to whom He do's appear Folded within your Arms chast Hemisphear O Condescend How 's LIPS shed Love Life Merit 24. He makes his Angels Court of Guard By 's SPIRIT HE crowns you with his Grace So with his BLOOD When HE Redeem'd you and consign'd His FLESH for Food 25 Meat came from th' Eater from the Strong did Dew Sweetnesse when as incomparably true OMNIPOTENCIES SELF did largely shed 26. His mystick Oil of Ioy upon thy● Head Then trample Sin in Babylons golden Cup Treasures away She trifles Trifles treasures up 27 Oyl of this Lamp obsequious Soul lights Thee To thine approaching HEAV'N In Sancti●ie Be actuated then Being up assum●d 28. By this bright Sun with this rich Oyl perfum'd Th' art prepossest with Heav'nly Comforts which With their Soul-chearing Sweets both ravish and enrich 29 Poor panting Heart Loves Seat yearn for Ioys Pith To have thy highest Bliss Communion with The FATHER the SON one SPIRIT with CHRIST 30. And One in THEM as THEY are One Thou fly'st Through Grace to GLORY VISION shall sublime Thy Faith FRUITION Hope ETERNIT● thy Time THEOPHILA'S LOVE-SONG STANZA 31. SELF ô how mean an Harmonie it breeds JESUS All Names this NAME of Names exceeds This Name 's GODS Mercie at full Sea 't is LOVES 32. High Tow'r Ioyes Loadstone This my Spirit moves Hark Rise my Love my Fair One Come away Lingring breeds Losse I am thy Leader Light and Way 33. What Speed Speeds self can make Soul flie withall GREATNES and GOODNES most Magnetical Shoot like a Flashof Fire to th' ruby Wine 34. His precious BLOOD transcendently Divine How poor those costly pearls were drunk by Some My LORD drink Blood to me Let It to th' Worlds Health come 35 All Hope 's unanchor'd but in THAT THOU art 'Bove Indies Womb rich to my Love-sick Heart Flesh-fair Endowments are but Skin-deep Brags 36. Varnisht Corruption Wealth is but Cares Bags The Bag impostom'd choaks Gold Beauty Fame Are sublunary Mysts to SAINTS Seraphick Flame 37 JESUS THIS fans my Fire which has at best But Grains of Incense Pounds of Interest Go Int'rest Take the Principal Thine own 38. Divine LOVE loves thy LOVELINES alone What Flames to THINE proportionable be LORD had'st not first lov'd Man Man could not have lov'd THEE 39 Why lov'st us but because THOU would'st O why For Lepers would the UNDEFILED die That Pen was dipt i' th' Standish of thy Blood 40. Which wrot th' Indenture of our termless Good O LOVE 'bove Wish Never such LOVE enroll'd Who think their utmost Flames enough for THEE are cold 41. Whose HIGHNES did not to be low disdain Yet when at Lowest Highest did remain Who bow'dst HEAV'NS Altitude refresh with Flowrs 42. With JESSES Sov'raign Flow'r my fainting Pow'rs Which sink as shaft-struck Hart embost twixt Grief And Ioy Grief for my Sin Ioy for thy free Relief● 43. Wrackt is with bitter-sweet Extreams my Minde Shell'd sheath'd cag'd coffin'd in her treacherous friend Her always tempting mass of Flesh She bears 44. Her Hopes did they not sprout from Thee were fears HOPE Thou Perfume of LOVERS for thy Sake LOVE'S generous throws at All Life 's but a petty Stake 45 Scarce worth the Prize LOVE makes two Spirits but one Me Counterpart to thy Indenture own I active then as Light tread Air and Flame 46. Without or Wing or Chariot and disclaim All the faint Sweets of Earth Thy SPIRIT views How in Loves torrid Zone thy sweltring Martyr stews 47 Row me ye Dove-wingd Oars whom Hope do's buoy To wisht-for Hav'n flowing with Tides of Ioy Yet wish I not my Joy thy Ioyes Above 48. Meerly for Ioy nor Pleasures of thy LOVE Only for Love of Pleasure No let free Spiritual Languors teem Fruitful yet Virgins be 49 Give give me
Children or I die LOVE rest Thy Head upon the Pillows of my Breast When me THOU shalt impregn'd with Vertues make 50. A fruitful Eden All the Frutage take Thy Passion Ionathan below did move Rapt SPIRITS in high Excess flame with intensest Love 51 My Life is hid with THEE in GOD Descry THY SELF ô THOU my plighted SPOUSE that I May ever glorious be That my joy'd Soul 52. With THEE may make up Marriage and my whole Self THEE for Bridegroom have My Hope still sends Up Come that I may enter with thy feasted Friends 53. O That long-long'd for COME ô COME mine Eyes LOVES Sentinels watch like officious Spies Strike Sparks of JOY t'enflame LOVES Tinder make 54. The Exile view her Home the Dreamer wake Tears raise the Fire of LOVE Ease Sighs of Air Fires Passion watry Tears and earthy self Despair 55. My Sighs condens'd to Drops compute Hours spent Cancell the Lease of my Clay-Tenement Which payes deer Rent of Groans ô grant a Writ 56. Of Ease I languish out not live Permit A Passe to SIONS MOUNT But I resigne My green-sick Will though sick of LOVE to that of Thine 57. Waitings which ripen Hopes are not Delayes Presence how great how true's LOVE Absence saies While Lungs my Breath shall organ I 'l press still 58. Th' Exinanition of my o'regrown Will Behold I quickly come O're-joyd I'm here O Come Till then each Day 's an Age each Hour a Year 59. JESU That NAME' 's Ioyes Essence hasten on Throng amorous Sighs for Dissolution Fastidious Earth avant With Love-plumes soar 60. My Soul to meet thy SPOUSE Can'st wish for more Only Come give a RING Re-eccho then O Come Even so LORD IESV Come Amen Amen LXI Who 's this Inamor'd VOT'RESSE Like the Morn From Mountain unto Mountain born Who first with Night-drops dew'd seem'd Turtle Dove forlorn LXII But now e're warped Body neer Decay Stands Bow-like bent to shoot away Her Soul Ere prone Looks kiss her Grave e're her last Day LXIII She LOVE-fill'd wants no Mate has rather one Body too much I' th' SPIRITS Throne CHRISTS Peace is fullest Quire Such Loneness least alone LXIV When soft-flying Sleep Deaths Sister Wings do's spread Over that curtain'd Grave her Bed Then with prophetick Dreams the HIGHEST crowns her Head LXV Behold a comely PERSON clad in white The all-inlightning Sun lesse bright Than that illustrious FACE of HIS which blest her Sight LXVI To Her in MAJESTIE His Way HE broke And softly thus to Her HE spoke Come Come away My JESUS saies She. So She woke LXVII Her Pray'rs more passionate than witty rise As Sols Postilion bright her Eyes Wrastling with GOD for GRACE bedew Loves Paradise LXVIII Betimes when keen breath'd Winds with frosty Cream Peri'wig bald Trees glaze tatling Stream For May-games past white-sheet peccavi is Winters Theme LXIX Those Day-breaks give good Morrows which she takes With Thanks so doubly Good them makes Who in GODS Promise rests in GODS Remembrance wakes LXX SAINTS nothing more SAINTS nothing lesse regard Than LOVES SELF than self-Love unscar'd Though rackt into an Anagram their Souls being spar'd LXXI Through Vertuous Self-mistrust They acted move Like Needle toucht by th' Stone of Love Blest Magnet which attracts and Souls directs ABOVE LXXII Were She but mortal She were satisfy'd So GOD liv'd in Her till She dy'd His WORD her Deed his WILL her Warrant BOTH her Guide LXXIII Thus this DEVOTA breaths out yerning Cries Let not Dust blinde my sensual Eyes When as my Spirits Energie transcends the Skies LXXIV VIRTUES raise Souls All 's FILIAL to ABOVE Low'st Step is Mercenary Love Fraternal are the Sides that SAINTS Ascent improve LXXV Manna to my enamour'd Soul art THOU The SPIRIT of Heav'n distill'd do's flow From thy ASPECT By That from Brutes we ANGELS grow LXXVI Had I ô had I many Lives as Years As many Loves as Love hath Fears All All were THINE had I as many Hearts as Hairs LXXVII From THEE my JOY-EXTENSIONS spreading flow Dilating as Leaf-gold be n't slow O THOU my All and more Love-lorn THEE still I woo LXXVIII The Widow press'd till THEE to grant She bound The VIRGIN sought THEE till she found The Publican did knock till opening knocking crown'd LXXIX Though nought but dross I in my self can spie Yet melted with THY beaming EYE My Refuse turns to Gold by mystick Alchymie LXXX Then whet thy blunt Sythe Time and wing thy Feet Life not in Length but Use is sweet Come Death the Body brought a bed o' th' SOUL Come fleet LXXXI Be Pulse my passing-Bell be Skin my Herse Nights sable Curtains that disperse The Rayes of Day be Shroud Dews weep my funeral Verse LXXXII Pittie me Love-sick Virgins Then She swound O'recome with Zeal She sunk to th' Ground Darts of intolerable Sweets her Soul did wound LXXXIII She lay with flaming LOVE empierc't to th' Heart Wak't As She bled She kist the Dart Then sigh'd Take all I am or have All All THOU art LXXXIV Then sunk again Reviv'd LOVES BOW She bent And marry'd String to Shaft and sent Ejaculations which the Skies like Lightning rent LXXXV Piercing Them through feather'd with Sighs to show She little pay'd yet much did owe The Feathers sung and fir'd as they did upward go LXXXVI No ice-fring'd Cloud may quench LOVES soaring Flame LOVE is more strong then Death or Shame Grown up all Soul the Flesh sinks in a triple Qualm LXXXVII I charge ye SION VIRGINS let Her still Enjoy her disencloystred Fill In These high Extasies of UNION and WILL. LXXXVIII Do not with Claps of Hands or noise of Feet Awake Her from what is more sweet Till the bright rising Day-star light Her to HEAV'NS Street LXXXIX Yeeld Her what her unfetter'd Rapture gives Since She 's more where She loves than lives Transanimations scaling HEAV'N break carnal Gyves XC In LOVES triumphant Chariot plac't She is Concentrick are her JOYES with HIS Encharioted in Fire her Spirit HEAV'N-ripe for Blisse XCI They 're only sound who Thus are lost in Trance Transported to the High'st Advance With Him who was in Spirit rapt to ' expreffeles Glance XCII Return'd She cry'd O slay me thus again Ne're lives she who thus ne're is slain How sweet the Wounds of LOVE No Pleasure to LOVES pain XCIII In furnac't Pyrausta-like I fry To live is Faith 't is Gain to die One Life 's enough for Two THOU liv'st in me not I XCIV How mid'st Regalios of LOVES Banquet I Dissolve in Sweets Extremitie O Languors Thus to live is in pure Flames to die XCV Three Kings three Gifts to th' KING of Kings did bring Myrrhe Incense Gold to Man GOD King For Myrrhe Tears Incense Pray'rs Gold take Loves Offering XCVI O take Loves Hecatomb Then through her Eyes Did LOVE inamoring Passions rise HIGH'ST GLORY crowns THEOPHILA's Love-Sacrifice XCVII Not She Mortality alone did die Death's but Translation to the Skie All Virtues fir'd in her pure BREAST their Spicerie
And Fruits of Glory bud A Glimps of HEAV'N the Place XXIII This the Spring-Garden to spiritual Eyes Which fragrant Scent of Gums out-vies Three Kings had thence their triple mystick Sacrifice XXIV O happi●● Walks where CHRIST and none beside Is Journeies End and Way and Guide Where from the humble Plains are greatest Heights descry'd XXV Heav'nward his Gaze. Here does a Bower display His Bride-room and SCRIPTURIA Her self is Bride Each Morn presents his Marriage-Day XXVI What Ecstasie's in this delicious Grove Th' unwitnest Witnes of his Love What Pow'r so strongly can as flam'd Affections move XXVII The Larks wing'd Travellers that trail the Skie Unsoyl'd with Lusts aloft do fly Warbling SCRIPTURIA SCRIPTURIA on high XXVIII T' have been affected by a Virgin Heir Rich young and chast wise good and fair Was once his first Delight but HEAV'N restrain'd that Care XXIX Thou Providence dist both their Wills restrain Thou mad'st their Losses turn to Gain For Thou gav'st Heav'n to her on him dost Blessings rain XXX But stop pleas'd Thoughts A high'r Love 's here design'd Fit in each Breast to be enshrin'd Bright Angels do admit no Sex nor do's the Minde XXXI To all her Lovers thousand Joyes accrew And Comforts thicker than Mayes Dew Shour down on their rapt Souls as Infinite as new XXXII Her Oracles directing Rules declare Unerring Oracles Truths Square Her Soul-informing Light does Earth for HEAV'N prepare XXXIII All beatizing Sweets as in their Hive At her fair Presence do arrive Which are to drooping Spirits best Restorative XXXIV To whose Sight Eagles paralell'd are blinde Had Argus thousand Eyes he 'd finde Darknesse compar'd with her illuminating Minde XXXV The Sun does glean his Splendor from her Eyes Thence burn we ' in Sweets as Phoenix lies Glowing on Sols Ray-darted Pile of Spiceries XXXVI From pretious Limbeck sacred Loves distill Such Sublimations as do fill Mindes with amazed Raptures of their Chimick Skill XXXVII That such Soul-Elevations still might stay We'd bear and do both vow and pay And serve the LORD of Lords by her directive Way XXXVIII Soon as our Ear drinks in His Command Be 't acted by our Heart and Hand Under his Banner we shall Satans Darts withstand XXXIX May He accept the Musick of our Voice While on his Goodnesse we rejoyce And while each melting Psalm makes on His GRACE its Choice XL. On Feast-Dayes from that Bour to Church we haste Where HEAV'N dissolves into Repast When we Regalios of the mystick BANQUET taste XLI O Deliccaies infinitely pure To Souls best Nutriment and Cure Where Knowledge Faith and Love Beatitude ensure XLII Poor Solomons Provision poor to This Manna Heav'n-dewing Banquet is Who reigns in Heav'n becomes on Earth our Food and Bliss XLIII O Sacramental Cates divinely drest GOD the Feast-maker CHRIST the Feast The HOLY GHOST Inviter and the Soul the Guest XLIV All Ioyes await the blessed Convives knit All Excellencies are in It This overcomes our Spirits overpowr's our Wit XLV For us poor Worms that ●lories SOVERAIGN dy'd O let our fleshly Barks still ride At Anchor in calm Streams of His empierced SIDE XLVI This is Heav'ns Antepast By Vnion He 's One to ●ll and All to One In Loves intrinsick Mystery to Souls alone XLVII Ecstatick Raptures loose our Hearts on high With Joyes Ineffabilitie Exub'rant Sweets orewhelm as Torrents Tongue Eye XLVIII Such Life-infusing Comforts from Above Our Souls with inward Motions move That totally for GOD we quit all Creature Love XLIX Should HE condemn us yet would Love compell Him down with us and we would dwell Rather than without HIM in Heav'n with HIM in Hell L. Soul of my Soul when I a Ioy receive Disjoyn'd from THEE let my Tongue cleave To 's Palate Me of All not of this Feast bereave LI. Not in the winter Solstice of my Years When shivering Snow surrounds deaf Ears And dreary Languishment Deaths gashly Vizard wears LII When they shall tremble that the House defend The Columns which support it bend The Grinders fail the Watch through Casements Objects blend LIII Then shine dear LORD when quivering Winter Dress Is icicled with hoary Tresse VVhen all Streams frozen are but Tears through Loves Excess LIV. VVhen periwig'd with Snow's each bald-pate VVood Bound in Ice-Chains each strugling ●lood VVhen North-Seas bridled are pris'ning their scaly Brood LV. Then let those freezing How're be thaw'd by Pray'r As VVells in VVinter warmer are By Circumsession of refrigerating Air. LVI That nipt with Cold or parcht with Heat resign We may our Will in each to THINE Be 't lesse or more be 't low or high be 't Storm or Shine LVII After Nights Soot smears Heav'n Day gilds its Face Wet April past sweet May takes place And Calm Air smiles when rufling Winds have run their Race LVIII Who hope for Mines scorn Dross Such only get Who lose a Game to win the Set Wordlings He 's rich who 's Above 's his Cabinet LIX To well-tun'd Tempers Things that disagree Have oft some Likenesse thus we see Winde kindles Fire Discord makes Concord Harmony LX. Affliction tunes the Breast to rise or fall Making the whole Man Musicall We may Affliction Christians second Baptism call LXI Who CHRIST for Spouse his Cross for Joynture has His Hand supports where 's Rod doth passe The LORD of Angels He the KING of Suff'rings was LXII Loves Life took Death that Death Loves Life might gain The Soveraign dy'd that Slaves might reign The World can't Books that should be writ of HIM contain LXIII Those have the greatest Cross who Cross nere bore They 'r rich in Want who GOD adore Who do's supply all Emptiness with His full Store LXIV Saint Paul the Gentiles Doctor rich 'bove Kings And high 'bove Oratories Wings Rapt up to HEAV'N had Nothing yet possest all Things LXV The Rav'n of Birds proves Caterer and feasts Elijah so the Lion of Beasts Was Samsons Purveyor Quails to murm'ring Jews were Guests LXVI Midst Thorns environ'd Love sweet Roses findes Steep wayes lie plain t●inamor'd Mindes Love gilds all Chains surpriz'd not thrall'd w th Comfort binds LXVII Then threaten World a Goal shall bolt me in He 's free as Air who serves not Sin VVho 's gather'd in Himself His self is his own Inne LXVI●I Then let fierce Goths their strongest Chains prepare Grim Scythians me their Slave declare My Soul being free those Tyrants in the Face I 'l stare LXIX Man may confine the Bodie but the Minde Like Natures Miracles the VVinde And Dreams do's though secur'd a free enjoyment find LXX Rayes drawn in to'a point more vig'rous beam Joyes more to Saints engoal'd did stream Linnets their Cage to be a Grove Bars Boughs esteem LXXI Burnisht to Glory from Afflictions Flame From Prison to a Scepter●came The lov'd and fear'd ELIZA-Titles vail t' Her Name HAving reformed Religion established Peace reduced Coin to the just value delivered Scotland from the French revenged domestical Rebellion saved France from headlong