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A78551 Animadversions on Mr. William Dells book intituled The crucified and quickned Christian. By Humfry Chambers, D.D. Pastor of Pewsy in the county of Wilts. Novemb. vicessimo, 1652. Imprimatur John Owen Vicecan. Oxon. Chambers, Humphrey, 1598 or 9-1662. 1653 (1653) Wing C1912; Thomason E686_3; Thomason E686_4; ESTC R206849 85,353 100

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ability to do good works Rom. 7.15,18 and pointed at the same impotency in the believing Galathians Gal. 5.17 And me thinks to affirm that a Christian as naturally and necessarily doth the works of God as the fire burneth and the Sun shineth which creatures we know have no seeds of opposition against their native operations in them is plainly to make a Christian perfectly spiritual and holy free from all reliques of native corruption opposing in him the willings of grace And if any such Christian be to be found according to Mr Dels doctrine he must needs exceed the measure of the Apostle Pauls holinesse which I think no true humble Christian will pretend unto SECT XVIII BY all which we may perceive that true faith is a greater matter then the most are aware of A For men usually think that when they hear the Gospel in the outward Ministry and assent to it that it is true that this is Faith and that then they do believe but the true faith of Gods elect is a greater matter then so for through that we are truly made one with the Son of the living God and do abide and live in him for ever B And so this right faith is a most high and precious grace and is the first manifestation of the Fathers eternal love to the Soul and the first grace whereby we have entrance into the Kingdom of God it is the Sabbath of Sabbaths it is the greatest and highest worship of God C it is infinite and everlasting righteousnesse it is the mortification of the flesh the quickening of the spirit our mighty victory over the Law Sin Death Hell the World and Devil it is the first and last and all in all in the Kingdom of the Son And he that believes as the Scriptures have said is already truly passed from sin to righteousnesse from death to life and from Satan to God So that right faith is a most precious grace and is found in very few of the common Professours of the worldly Church So that Christ himself makes this question The Son of man when he comes shall he finde faith upon earth And therefore it concerns all to inquire and try Whether we partake of this Faith or no And whether the life we live in the flesh be in the Faith of the Son of God otherwise we must know that as he that believes shall be saved so he that believes not shall be damned It follows ANIMADVERSION 18. A MAster Dell I suppose whatever he intimateth in these words cannot but know that the generality of Protestant Divines place the nature of saving faith not in a bare assent to the Gospel but in an act of the whole heart receiving Jesus Christ according to the Gospel John 1.12 And as for such men who wrest the nature of saving faith short of the receiving of Jesus Christ with their whole heart their doctrine is as unsatisfactory to the generallity of understanding Protestants as to Mr Dell. B If true faith be a most high and precious grace as is here affirmed by Mr Dell How then is Christ in believers truly all grace which is asserted by him Sect. 14. B Is Christ a believers right faith too That were very strange C The praise of a right faith is very great in the book of God But to say of faith that it is infinite and everlasting righteousnesse and again that it is the first and the last and all in all in the kingdom of the Son is no Scripture expression and these positions seem to trench very far upon the glory of the Lord Jesus of whom alone these high things are and can be truly affirmed Jer. 23.6 Rev. 1.11 Colos 3.11 SECT XIX Who loved me and gave himself for me THe Apostle having shewed that all true Christians are truly crucified with Christ and are also truly quickned with him by the same living Word and Spirit of life which crucified them and so do receive a Spiritual and Divine life instead of their humane and carnal life and having also shewed the Means by which they attain to this blessed death and blessed life and that it is by faith in the Son of God A Here he proceeds to shew us two main and chief things which faith regards and apprehends in Christ to wit his infinite love and the incomparable fruit of it saying who loved me and gave himself for me And so in these words I shall take notice of these three things 1. Of Christs special and peculiar Love to his Elect from these words who loved me 2. Of his special and peculiar Redemption being the fruit of his special love in these words and gave himself for me 3. Of Faiths particular Application of both these speciall Graces to a Believer The first thing here considerable is Christs special love to some above others Who loved me Most certain it is from the word of the Gospel which is the truest and clearest light that ever shone in the Church of the faithful that Christ doth not love all Mankinde alike but he loves some and not others There is indeed a general and common love of Christ wherein he comprehends all Mankinde alike which he manifests to them in making as he himself saith Matth. 5.24 his sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sending his rain on the just and on the unjust and as Paul saith Acts 14.17 He doth good to all Nations though they walk in their own wayes giving them rain from heaven and fruitful seasons filling their bodies with food and their hearts with gladnesse and supplying them with the common things of this life sutable to their Humanity But he hath a special love to his Elect to the Church which is his Body these he loves as his own flesh yea as partakers of the same Divine Nature with himself and according to this love he communicateth to these of all that very fulnesse of God which he hath received from his Father Now with this special love he loves not all Mankinde alike but onely some passing by the rest The Grounds and Reasons of which special love of his to some and not to others are these 1. Because the Son as he is of the same Nature with his Father so he is also of the same operation with him and so he only doth that which his Father doth first as Christ himself testifieth of himself John 5.19 saying Verily verily I say unto you the Son can do nothing of himself but whatsoever he sees the Father do For whatsoever things he doth these doth the Son likewise For the Father loveth the Son and sheweth him all things that himself doth So that the Father sheweth to the Son all those whom he loves and whom the Son sees the Father loves those also doth He love and whom the Father doth not love neither doth the Son love them because he can do nothing of himself but what he sees the Father do So that the Sons love is full
Tongues People and Nations but some out of every Kindred and Tongue and People and Nation which he hath loved and redeemed to God by his blood And now to make some Vse of both these Truths together Vse 1. And first The World as Christ terms Vnbelievers and Reprobates will certainly be grievously offended at this Doctrine when they shall hear that they have no part nor lot neither in the special Love nor in the special Redemption of Christ But this we cannot help nor be false witnesses of the minde of God which he hath so clearly revealed in his Word For they are not of God neither hath Christ loved or redeemed them neither do they much prize this Special Love and Redemption But the Sins they have they love them and live in them and do alwayes resist and oppose Christ and his Spirit and so as they are rejected of God so also they perish in their own sin and obstinacie Vse 2. 2. The faithful may learn hence that our Happinesse and Salvation in the first cause of it doth far surmount the utmost capacitie of the highest reason of all men and Angels seeing it is builded on no reason or ground of reason in any Creature but upon the meer will and good pleasure of the Creator which is not moved directed or ruled by any thing that is in the Creature but by it self alone and that freely fully and unchangably Which good pleasure of his as it is the Rule of all his works towards the Creature so this also is to be the Rule of all reason in the Creature and with this the Creature is to rest satisfied without farther questions and demands otherwise it blasphemes at the highest rate when it will needs be replying against God and not rest satisfied with his good pleasure Wherefore Christ himself speaking of this special Grace of God to the Elect gives him thanks for his good pleasure which was the first Fountain of all saying Matth. 11.25.26 I thank thee Father Lord of Heaven and Earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and men of understanding and hast opened them to babes Even so Father because thy good pleasure was such Which shews us that the good will of the Father is the Fountain and first Original of our Salvation unto which the will and pleasure of the Son is fully conformed and the Reason and Prudence and Knowledge and Understanding of man have no Place nor Vse here Vse 3. 3. The free and special Love and Redemption of Christ apprehended and felt by Faith tends to the great Refreshing and Comfort of the Faithful and that in the midst of the greatest sense of sin and wrath That the Lord even the Father and Son should by the Spirit thus single them out of all mankind and that the Father should freely set his love on them and give them Christ to give himself for them and should manifest the truth and certainty of all this to them by the Spirit which only is the Faithful witness of the mind and counsel of God to all his people I say the true and Spiritual sense of this Special Love and Redemption of God and Christ to them cannot chuse but fill their hearts with joy unspeakable and glorious So that the Soul cannot chuse but say Lord what is thy poor servant that thou shouldest deal thus with me That thou shouldst in thy deep and unsearchable counsel and in thy most hidden but most righteous Judgements passe by so many thousands and millions of people in every age and generation and should set thy love on me together with Christ and all his Saints being in my self so wretched and unworthy a Creature And this choiceness and speciality of thy love the more endears it to me and hath ravished and overcome my heart After this manner yea and beyond all expression must the Soul needs be affected that is truly sensible of the Special love and redemption of Christ ANIMADVERSION 19. A THese words speak of Faith as an act of Believers towards Christ regarding and apprehending in him his infinite love and the incomparable fruit of it according to the old Protestant doctrine agreeing with the Scriptures which I think cannot be brought into any good accord with the description of the nature of Faith set down by Mr Dell Sect. 17. A B This is old good and acknowledged doctrine firmly believed by those who are wholly unsatisfied in much of Mr Dels former doctrine as having no affinity with what is here delivered SECT XX. ANd this for Vse Object Now if any say If Christs Love and Redemption belong but to a few why is the Gospel commanded to be preached to all Nations in the World Answ I answer That in all the world among all Nations it may find out the Elect of God and bring them to the true knowledge and enjoyment of what God of his free grace hath done for them in Jesus Christ and when that word cometh they hear the Joyful Sound and believe and according to their Faith so is it to them And so I proceed to the third point which is Faith 's particular application of this special love and redemption of Christ to believers who loved me and gave himself for me A It is the nature of true Faith to apply Christ and all his Works to the believer and to make them his own for faith puts on Christ and cloaths us with Christ yea it eats and drinks him who is the Son of the living God and so makes Christ its own indeed Through faith Christ is formed in us and we again are formed in him and Christ and we are so made one another through faith that Christ Appropriates us to himself and we again appropriate Christ to us Other men content themselves with a General conceit that Christ loved them but a Christian hath a Particular faith Other men believe that he loved Paul and Peter and John such eminent Saints but true faith saith in our hearts he loved Me even Me together with them and that with the self same love and gave himself for Me as he did for them Quest But some will say Had not Paul a special Revelation of this love of Christ besides faith Answ I Answer Paul had a special Revelation of this love but yet no other then all believers have who have received the Spirit as the same Apostle shews 1 Cor. 2.12 where he saith We have not received the spirit of the world but the spirit that is of God that we may know the things that are freely given to us of God So that the Spirit of God within us shews us the things that God hath freely given us among which Christs Love and Redemption are the chief And the same Apostle prayes for the Ephesians that God would give them the spirit of wisdom and Revelation to know Christ. Now this spirit of Revelation doth not only shew us that there is a Christ and what he is but also that
this Christ is Ours whatsoever he is and that he hath loved Vs and given himself for Vs And this Revelation all the Faithful have together with Paul Vse 1. B And thus having answered this Objection we shall proceed to make some Use of this Point also And first we may observe what an excellent apprehension and vision of Christ true faith hath namely it looks on Christ not as a Severe Judge or Law-giver but as one who hath truly loved us and given himself for us And such a Discovery and Vision of Christ as this will uphold our souls mightily in all our saddest and darkest hours and will preserve us that we be not swallowed up of Despair Yea when we see Christ thus nothing is so sweet lovely and desirable to us as He is Now Satan and our evil Consciences will ever be representing Christ otherwise to us to make him Dreadful and Terrible to our Souls as Luther reports of a certain Doctor in his time who apprehended that Christ stood at the right hand of his Father accusing him for his sins and with the very horror and agony of this apprehension he pined away and died Wherfore let us not see Christ as Satan and our evil Consciences represent him in the hour of Temptation but as the Gospel holds him forth and then we shall see him to be such an one who hath loved us and given himself for us And such a knowledge of Christ will support and establish us again in the worst assaults that sin and death and hell can make against us Vse 2. 2. We may learn That faith carries nothing to Christ of its own but it goes empty and naked to him and expects to receive all things from him Faith saith Christ loved me and gave himself for me when I did not love him nor give my self for him yea when I was an Eenemy to him and Crucified him Faith saith I have no righteousnesse nor wisdom nor goodnesse nor any worth at all to carry to Christ but I expect all from him being in my self poor and miserable and blind and naked Vnbelief is altogether looking at what we have done for Christ but faith is altogether beholding what Christ hath done for us Vnbelief would fain bring something to Christ for which Christ might accept it but faith brings us unto Christ destitute of all good and full of all evil and even then casts us with confidence and assurance on his free love and mercy Vnbelief when it finds no good in it self dares not go to Christ nor trust in him but faith can trust in Christ in the midst of all sin and evil as well as in the midst of all graces and vertues for else no flesh could be saved And thus unbelief makes void the Gospel but faith establishes it For when a man would first find in himself a love to Christ and readiness to give himself for him e●re he can conceive any hope that Christ did love him and gave himself for him this man abolishes the Gospel and makes Christ void who came to save sinners and to justifie the ungodly But now he that feels nothing but sin and death and hell in himself and all manner of evil and enmity against God and yet notwithstanding all this can go to Christ by faith and can believe that Christ hath loved him even in this condition and given himself for him this is the man that magnifies the Gospel and hath the right understanding and knowledge of Christ Yes this is the man that gives God the greatest glory that any creature on earth can give him yea greater then all the Angels in Heaven can give him for they being full of the righteousness of their first Creation believe the Love of God to them but for men that have lost all that righteousnesse and are besides filled with all manner of sin even then to believe the love of God in Christ this is the precious faith of the Gospel and the greatest glorification of God that can be Wherefore Paul saith here he loved me and gave himself for me as if he had said he found in me no Free-will or Natural abilities no good desires affections or ends but he saw me wholly estrayed from God wicked abominable and the captive of the Devil and yet such was his goodness that notwithstanding all this he loved me and gave himself for me And this was the victory and triumph of Pauls faith Now by this that hath been last said we may perceive that every man naturally would find something in himself to bring to Christ to make him acceptable unto him and that very few can believe That he loves Vs whilst we are sinners and that whilst we are yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly Vse 3. 3. In that Christ loved us and gave himself for us we may hereby come to understand how strong mighty and unconquerable our sin was even so mighty that the whole world and all the creatures were unable and unsufficient to take it away but the Son of God must give himself for it and must become a Sacrifice for it or it had remained upon us for ever Wherefore let us know that our Free-will and Natural abilitise and works and duties were of no force at all to take away our sin but Christ must do that by giving himself for them And insomuch as Christ the Son of the living God hath given himself for them we rest assured that they are done away for ever and that none can lay any thing to our charge if do we believe in him Vse 4. 4. Let us labour for this particular faith and assurance in our hearts that Christ hath loved us and given himself for us There is nothing that the Devil does more labour to hinder us from then this particular application For he well knows that if we once truly believe that Christ hath loved us and given himself for us then we cannot chuse but forthwith love him again and give our selves for him and also be most ready and resolved to do or to suffer any thing for Christ the Spiritual sense of this special love is so constraining Wherefore as it is the great policy of the Devil to labour to hinder us from the sense of Christs special Love so it must be our especial care to endeavour to attain unto it For the true and Spiritual attainment hereof will be of great concernment to ut in all things For first the Spiritual taste of this Special Love will make us forward to do any thing for Christ as I said it will make us fruitful and abundant in his work and we can never be Idle when we shall comprehend with all Saints what is the height and breadth and length and depth and shall know this Love of Christ which passeth knowledge 2. It will make us ready and forward to suffer any thing for Christ any reproches slanders oppositions persecutions prisons torments nothing being bitter or grievous to that soul
themselves or are freed by others from the old Law before the new be written in their hearts E But this they understand not that when the new law comes it is a sufficient discharge from the old since the Law of Grace within us is infinitely more powerful to keep us from sin then the Law of Moses without us and the love of righteousnesse and hatred of iniquity put into our hearts by the Spirit is infinitely more able to make us do righteousnesse and avoid sin then any outward commands and threatnings whatsoever And so where the Gospel prevails in truth and power men need not fear the taking away the Law from such men seeing they through the new Law are dead unto the old that they may live unto God F That as the humanity of Christ knew no Law but the presence of the Godhead in it was unto it instead of all Law and it lived unto God by living in God through union and communion with the divine Nature so the Saints God dwelling in them and they in God do by this means live unto God G and God himself who dwels in them is the new law according to which they live they doing all in God and for God and so live unto God indeed And now it follows ANIMADVERSION 3. A THis being a Scripture expression cannot be excepted against if it be not racked to speak contrary to the plain and general tenour of Scripture doctrine It is very considerable what two worthies have written concerning partaking of the divine nature namely Naturam non vocat 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sed certas ut ita loquar qualitates quas dei virtus in nobis efficit ut hactenus dei imago simus Nam hoc ipsum postea indicat quum definit naturae divinae participem fieri idem esse atque mundi corruptionem effugisse Itaque non modo impii sed plane etiam ridiculi sunt qui ex hoc loco Divinae essentiae in nos transfusionem imaginantur ut impius ille Servetus praefracte ad mortem usque defendit He cals nature not the very essence but certain qualities as I may so speak which the power of God worketh in us that thus far we may be the Image of God For this very thing he afterwards declares when he defineth to be made partaker of the Divine Nature to be the self same thing which having escaped the corruption of the world Therefore they are not only impious but altogether ridiculous who from this place raise an imagination of the transfusion of the divine essence into us as that wicked Servetus obstinately defended even unto death Beza in 2 Pet. 1.4 Notemus ergo hunc esse Evangelii finem ut aliquando deo conformes reddamur id vero est quasi deificari ut ita loquamur Let us observe that this is the end of the Gospel that we should be at last made conformable unto God that is that we may so speak to be in a kind deified Calv. in Locum B Gospel liberty from the Law according to the Scripture is doubtlesse to be declared as an high priviledge and prerogative of the sons of God and I hope it is so declared by them whom Mr Dell in contempt calleth ignorant and carnal Christians in the former page Rom. 2.1 Freedom of heart unto the Law as a divine rule is as I take it a great part of Gospel liberty from the Law as a yoak of bondage Do not these Scriptures teach as much Rom. 6.14,15,16 and 7.22 Psal 119.45 James 1.25 It is an high priviledge of the Gospel and an excellent prerogative and branch of the glorious liberty of the sons of God to be set free from sin made the servants of God to have their fruit unto holinesse and the end everlasting life Rom. 6.21 The sons of God established with his full spirit cannot but speak in Davids language I will run the way of thy commandments when thou shalt enlarge my heart Psal 119.32 C It is dangerous and unwarrantable distinguishing upon the Scriptures without the Scriptures If that liberty be indulged unto men they will have a bridle in the mouth of Scripture to make it turn and speak at pleasure Evill doers without distinction are made the objects of Magistratical restraint Rom. 13.4 1 Pet. 2.14 And the corrupters of Gods truth and worship are expresly called evil doers Phil. 3.2 When therefore men manifestly appear to be such they cannot plead or expect exemption from magistratical restraint by Scripture authority The Parliament hath lately published an Act against blasphemy and revived and enlarged some Acts for the due observation of the Lords Day and I think therein have discharged a duty which belongs to Christian Magistrates Should any attempt to introduce surcisme Paganisme Judaisme or Socinianisme into our Land would the governours thereof do well like Gallio to sit down and care for none of these things would they be able to satisfie their conscience that they did satisfie their duty towards God in case they should look on stand still and cry God help I think there are few who would have a face though it be much to be feared that many have a heart to professe so much which is the necessary result of Mr Dells principles Blessed be God that the present heads of our State in Parliament by what they have lately done about the Turkish Alcaron and the Sociman Catechism towards the suppressing of them have declared themselves to be of more sound judgement I cannot yet otherwise apprehend but that they who hold that Magistrates may not at all Judg and do justice in case of manifest immediate injury done to God are not through strength of reason but by reason of the Magistrates strength only held to an acknowledgement that they may Judge and do justice in point of injury towards men For the reason taken from Gods being alwayes present in the world as moderatour and governour himself to prove that he is the immediate Judge in all things that immediately concern himself and his kingdom being pressed home will prove him to be immediate Judg also in all things pertaining to Judgement and Justice amongst men seeing his throne is in the heavens and his kingdom rules overall and so a fair way will be made to an utter extirpation of Magistracy from the very foundations And as for tender-hearted Magistrates who may be staggered at the use of their power for the suppressing of such as in the judgement of their conscience regulated by the word of God are manifest and pernicious offenders in such affairs as immediately concern God and his kingdom I would offer these things briefly to their judicious consideration 1. That the tendernesse of good Magistrates to act for God will breed no tendernesse in evil Magistrates to act against God when they have power in their hands 2. That the abuse of Magistratical authority by evil men doth not make that authority void in the hands of good
much the author of peace and righteousnesse of purity in doctrine and worship amongst such as are called by his Name as in the dayes of old And it is most evident that the godly Magistrates of Judah laid out themselves with Gods special approbation in the suppressing of open corruptions and corrupters in point of divine worship and acted zealously as Magistrates for the well ordering of affairs immediately concerning God and his kingdom amongst the people the histories of Asa Jehoshaphat Hezekiah Josiah and Manasseh after his repentance plainly evidence so much And who can shew when God razed that branch of the divine commission by which these servants of God were guided and warranted in their actings out of the grant which Christian Magistrates have now from him for their authority Doubtlesse neither Great Constantine and those other Christian governours whom the Lord made glorious in the Primitive times by being instrumental to introduce and settle Christianity in the world who oft-times called and presided in councels for the well ordering of matters of religion both in doctrine and practise nor any of those Christian Princes by whom the Lord hath in later times graciously demolished Antichristianity and restored Gospel truth and worship in several places of Europe ever heard of any such thing which had it been discovered unto them would have bound up their hands from that blessed work wherein they travelled as Gods vicegerents upon earth for the good of his Church and the glory of his Name And I confidently believe that his eyes will fail whosoever looks after it before he find it in the book of God Whereas some go about to put off the argument which is taken from the actings of the Magistrates of Judah in things immediately concerning God and his kingdom from concluding a like authority upon Christian Magistrates by saying that those magistrates were types of Christ and therefore that their actings in the things of God are to be looked upon as typical and determinable at the death of Christ Before such men boast much of and rest in this their answer they should well consider 1. Whether admitting the Magistrates of Judah as the Magistrates of that peculiar people to have been types of Christ to come reigning over the house of Jacob for ever Magistracy in general became thereby legally typical and determinable at the death of Christ for if it did not as all knowing men acknowledge but Magistracy retained the nature of a perpetual ordinance in the hands of typical Magistrates so also their Magistratical actings might and did retain the nature of perpetual moral duties in general though in the particular discharge of them by such persons they were some way typical 2. Whether those Magistrates of Judah who unquestionably were types of our Saviour in his regal soveraignty as David and Solomon were not representative figures of him as well in their righteous actings towards men as in their religious actings towards God The Scripture is most plain that they were Psal 72,1,2,3,4 Esay 32.1 Jer. 23.5 and therefore their being types of Christ doth no more take them off from being a cloud to conduct Christian Magistrates in their righteous eminent exemplary actings in the things of God then in those which appertain to men wherein all of understanding look upon them as obliging presidents to Christian Magistrates This being considered sheweth that their answer who would not have Christian Magistrates obliged by the divinely approved practise of Godly Magistrates amongst the Jews to mind and act for God according to the mind of God revealed in his word in all things immediatly concerning him and his kingdom when they say that the Magistrates of Judah were types of Christ and therefore are not to be looked upon by Christian Magisrrates as presidents to which they are to conform themselves in their Magistratical actings is but a blind put before the eyes of the weak who are not able to discern a moral duty under a typical use and application of the same which understanding Christians may easily do Upon the whole I cannot but apprehend that Christian Magistrates in their place have a special part belonging to them in the honourable discharge of that command of our Saviour for the good of his Church Song 2.15 Take us the foxes the little foxes which spoil the vines for our vines have tender grapes And I believe that if any prevailingly intice or terrifie Christian Magistrates by fair or menacing words from the conscience of yielding obedience to this command of Christ they will not be their sufficient advocates at the bar of the Lord Jesus when they shall be there impleaded for sinful neglect of that their duty towards God to his dishonour and the damage of his people I can therefore as yet judge no otherwise of their attempt but as very pernicious and antiscriptural who that they may not seem to idolize Magistrates stick not to make meer idols of them as to all things immediately respecting God and his kingdom not suffering them though they have eyes and ears and feet and hands to see or hear or stir or act any thing magistratically for God in such affairs as immediately concern himself and his kingdom If such studious obstructers of magistratical administrations in the things of God according to truth charity and righteousness do look for thanks from God or men for their attempt I am greatly mistaken if they be not greatly disappointed of their hope when they look with strongest expectation to have it accomplished unto them Besides if as Mr Dell here affirms the Lord is alwayes immediate moderatour and governour himself in all such affairs as immediately concern himself and his kingdom then not only civil magistrates but all Churches and Church officers whatsoever are discharged from attempting under God in Ecclesiastical ways to protect the truth and worship of God and endeavouring the suppression of what is contrary to the same which is certainly very dissonant from the judgement and practise of the Apostle Paul 1 Tim. 1. vers 3 4. and vers 19 20. D It is a known maxime Calumniare audacter They who are zealous of the honour of the Law as an outward divine light unto the feet of Gods people do certainly know other restraints from sin then the Law of Moses even the love of Christ 2 Cor. 5.14 the grace of God Tit. 2.11,12 the spirit of life Rom. 8.2 their love towards God 1 John 5.3 the hope of heavenly glory 1 John 3.3 and the like Mr Dell therefore should have bethought himself of a truer charge to lay in against those who are so zealous of the Law that they love not to hear that the new Law is given us to make us quite dead to the old if he would needs be their accuser E It is understood how confident soever Mr Dell be of the contrary and believed by those who are zealous of the honour of the Law of God as an outward divine light unto our feet
that the law of grace and of the spirit within us is infinitely more powerful to keep us from sin then the Law of Moses without us and that the love of righteousnesse put into our hearts by the spirit is infinitly more able to make us to do righteousnesse and avoid sin then any outward commands or threatnings whatsoever which yet have their subordinate place in this work If this be all Mr Dell contends for he will not find an enemy amongst his despised brethren But if by saying that the coming of the new law is a sufficient discharge from the old he intend that all who receive the spirit to be in them the root of obedience are sufficiently discharged from taking the outwardly revealed Law of God to be unto them the rule of obedience It is true that the brethren whom he glanceth at do not understand or at least do not believe that but are very confident that when the Law of the Spirit comes into the heart the heart is brought to delight in the outward Law of God and to chuse it for a light to a mans feet and a lamp to his path Psal 119.97 and 105. F Our Lord Christ in his humanity did know and acknowledge the written Law of God for a law and ●ule unto him and did fulfil it Mat. 4.4,7,10 and 5.17 how confident soever Mr Dell ●e of the contrary G That is not the tenour of the Covenant according to Mr Dells words I will be in their hearts for their law but I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts Jer. 31.33 It is dangerous tampering with the Covenant of God when the words thereof are plain That the Lord is the Law-giver I have often read Esay 32.22 but that he is the law of his people I never saw affirmed in Scripture SECT IV. I am Crucified with Christ c. I Am crucified with Christ who through this new Law was dead to the old For Christ our brother of the same flesh and bloud with us having the living word and law of God within him A he owed nothing to the law of Moses by way of debt neither was he justified by the works of the Law but by the righteousnesse of the eternal Son or Word of God that dwelt and wrought in him and he again in it B And this living Word and Spirit of God that dwelt in the flesh of Christ was the true crucifying of his flesh and in this crucifying of Christs flesh all his Saints partake with him as Paul here saith I am crucified with Christ. C Now this cannot be understood of Christs outward crucifying upon the material Cross for thus Paul was not crucified with him neither are all the Saints But this is to be understood of Christs inward and spiritual crucifying through the Word of righteousness and life that dwelt in him and according to this all the faithful through all ages are crucified with him indeed And now here it wil be needful to speak something more fully both touching Christs own crucifying and the crucifying of all his Saints with him on the same crosse And the rather because as men generally in the outward Church have a carnal understanding of all the things of Christ so also of his Crosse and Death And not the Papists only but many among our selves who greatly adore the outward cross and crucifying of Christ are yetignorant of the true cross and crucifying of Christ and his Christians with him whereby they are truly crucified and dead to themselves to sin to the world D and to whatever is not God himself And so under the open profession of the outward crosse and death of Christ do live in all manner of sin and wickednesse equally with the very heathen amongst whom the Name of Christ hath not been named Wherefore to remove this gross ignorance from all that love the light I shall speak something first of Christs own crucifying and then of our crucifying together with Christ ANIMADVERSION 4. A VVHat did not Christ owe something to the Law so much as for us How then was he made under the Law Gal. 4.4 Did not his submitting of himself to Circumcision make him a debter to do the whole Law Gal. 5.3 Did not our Lord Christ by submitting himself to the state of a servant in relation to his Father become obliged to fulfil all his righteous commands It seems to me that those two Scriptures joyned together prove so much Esay 42.1 Mat. 3.15 Again did not we owe to God perfect obedience to his Law and full satisfaction for our disobedience against his Law And did not our Saviour as our surety transfer and take upon himself our whole debt It would be ill with us if he had not done so me thinks Dr. Vshers words in his Sermon of the Incarnation hath much light and strength in them namely Our Mediator took upon him the part of an advocate to plead full satisfaction made by himself as our surety unto all the debt wherewith we any way stood chargeable Now the satisfaction which our surety bound himself to perform in our behalf was of a double debt the principal and the accessary The principal debt is obedience to Gods most holy Law if this stand true as I believe it will then Christ did owe the debt of obedience to the Law at least in our stead B Where doth the Scripture speak this language Doth not that Scripture speak otherwise 1 Pet. 3.18 which ascribeth not the crucifying but quickning of Christ to the spirit C Why may not the Apostle when he wrote that he was crucified with Christ be understood of Christs outward crucifying on his material crosse Is not the vertue of Christs outward crucifying applyed to all believing Saints is not the flesh in the Saints crucified through the power of that redemption which our Saviour finished on his material crosse and by participation of that redemption finished on the Crosse are not all believers crucified and dead with him what else do those Scriptures teach Rom. 6.5,6,7,8,9,10,11 1 Pet. 2.24 and 4.1,2 Tit. 2.14 It is very strange to me that Mr Dell should here so peremptorily deny that Pauls crucifying with Christ could be understood in relation to his outward crucifying since in Sect. 5. K he confesseth very truly that there was an infinite worth excellency and efficacy in our Saviours outward crucifying which unquestionably is imparted to those who believe and was imparted to the Apostle Paul who might therefore truly write as he did that he was crucified with Christ in reference to Christs outward crucifying on his material crosse D Are Christians dead to the Scriptures both to the Law and Gospel and to all Gods outward ordinances of none of which it can be affirmed that they are God himself I hope Mr Dell hath some limitations in store to make this strange assertion of his that believers are dead to whatsoever is not God himself passable or else SECT
comfortably and confidently say with the Apostle It is no more I. SECT XII Yet not I. ANd here I must needs note one thing more e're I conclude this matter and that is this Note A That a believer must be so much taken up into Christ by faith that as Christ must work all in him so he must attribute all Christs works unto Christ and none to himself still saying in the midst and exercise of all Graces and Vertues It is not I It is not I that live but Christ himself that lives in me this life of Grace Righteousnesse Wisdom Meeknesse Goodnesse Humility Patience Power Love c. It is not I that live it in my self but Christ that lives it in me as he saith elsewhere I laboured more abundantly then they all yet not I but the Grace of God that dwelleth in me After the same manner as every Christian must keep his Rest in Christ and must suffer Christ to work all his own works in him so he must still attribute all Christs works unto Christ and be still saying It is not I but Christ in me that hath done these works that hath endured and overcome these evils B And thus we must keep our Sabbath in Christ as Christ kept his Sabbath in God For Christ was so taken up into God and filled with him that he said of his humanity I can do nothing of my self and again the Father within me he doth the works and again the words that I speak are not mine but his that sent me and so Christ in all great works said not I but the Father in me so we in all our works that are truly spiritual must say not we but Christ in us C And this onely a mortified Christian can truely perform for others will be attributing the works of Christ to themselves rather then to Christ and be glorying in themselves more then in him It follows ANIMADVERSION 12. A A Greed agreed if as Mr Dell speaks Scripture language so he will hold to the plain Scripture meaning of the words Christ by his spirit is questionlesse the fountain of all good in his members and they must and will attribute all Christs works unto Christ and none to themselves still saying in the midst of the exercise of all graces and vertues It is not I but Christ himself that lives in me this life of grace B Though this be besides the main point now in hand yet I would see a Scripture which calleth our Saviours universal submission to his Fathers will or if Mr Dell likes not this explication then to use his own words his being taken up into God and filled with God his sabbatisme or sabbath-keeping If Mr Dell do here glance at the conscionable observation of the weekly sabbath as unnecessary as it is doubtful likewise whether he doth under the name of the sabbath Sect. 7. T and under the name of the Lords day Sect. 15. C he should do well to speak out that his minde may be known and his judgement in this point considered of by the word of God C To my certain knowledge very many who find no sweetnesse in Mr Dels new doctrine of no distinct personality in believers from the Son of God are by this mark which he makes infallible to be judged mortified Christians for they dare not attribute the works of Christ unto themselves and therefore glorie not in themselves but in Christ acknowledging that without him they can do nothing and joying in this with the Apostle that they can do all things through Christ who strengthneth them Phil. 4.13 SECT XIII But Christ lives in me A FOr least any should think that Paul had a new habit of life created in him he adds this that we must know it was Christ himself within him that was his life even that Word of life and Son of God that made the world and no created habit of life That as that Word that was with God and was God and dwelt in the humanity of Christ was that very life of his humanity So the same Word of God dwelling in us through Christ is also our life as it was his And as the body hath no habit of life in it self distinct and apart from the reasonable soul but the soul it self that dwels in the body is the life of the body and when the soul withdraws the body is dead and hath no habit of life in it self afterwards so the life of a Christian doth as immediately flow from Christ as the life of the body from the soul and if Christ should withdraw all Spiritual life would leave him and the Second death would swallow him up And as the very presence of the soul in each member is the Life of it so is Christs presence in all his Members their true and very life Wherefore saith Paul here Christ lives in me as God lived in Christ and as the Soul lives in the Body And so as Paul had affirmed before That it was not he that lived so here he shows Who it was that did live in him and that is Christ Christ lives in me B Indeed the Soul and Body were Pauls but Paul did not live in his own Soul and Body but Christ himself did live in them and so Paul lived the life of another in himself the life of Christ in his own soul and body and the soul and body of Paul were but a Temple in which Christ lived more then himself as the humanity of Christ was but a Temple in which God lived more then himself C So that it is Christ himself that lives in a true believer and he is and doth and suffers and overcomes all in him D Now that we may not mistake in this great matter we must rightly understand What this Christ is that lives in a believer now this is not the flesh of Christ for that being a Creature and in all things like unto our flesh sin excepted can be but in one place at a time but this Christ is the Eternal Word and Son of the living God the Power Wisdom and Righteousnesse of God and the true God and Eternal life This is the Christ that lived in Paul and lives in every believer ANIMADVERSION 13. A HOw Mr Dell will expound these words of his sc That as that word that was with God and was God and dwelt in the humanity of Christ was that very life of his humanity So the same word of God dwelling in us through Christ is also our life as it was his How I say he will expound these words and not confesse that the Godhead dwelleth in us as it doth in Christ and so that we are God as he is I see not Yet I am willing to hope that he doth not so apprehend although his words as far as I can judge import so much But I very much doubt that in this paragraph he puts asunder those things which God hath inseparably put together sc A new habit of life created in
and the faithful in all Ages are filling up the remainders of the sufferings of Christ in his body For believers have all along suffered and do still suffer from the World because God is in them of a truth and the evil done to them is against God himself who dwells in them And against this Rock have all the unbelievers dash'd themselves in pieces all along 4. Christ who lives in believers lives in them like himself that is like the Son of the living God and so those in whom he lives 1. He frees them from their own evil things and 2. He confers upon them all his own good things 1. He frees them from their evil things And in reference to these he lives in them as their Redeemer and Saviour and so Christ within them abolishes the Law takes away sin and destroyes death for none of these things can dwell in his presence in that soul wherein he lives F For he is our new Law to make void the Old and he is our new Righteousnesse to take away sin and our new life to destroy death and the Law Sin and Death can have no place nor power where Christ our new Law Righteousnesse and Life dwels and lives 2. Christ living in believers confers upon them his own good things G For Christ the Son of God hath nothing in himself that is in his Divine nature which he will not communicate to our flesh as he hath done to his own according to our place and use in his body and so he communicates to all those in whom he dwells of all the things of God till at last he fill them with all the fulnesse of God And thus is Christ glorified in his Saints and admired in them that believe 5. H If it be Christ the true God that lives in believers then we learn hence what true justification is and that is to be so one with Christ by faith that Christ himself may live in us and we in him that he may communicate his nature to us and our nature may be taken up into his for we cannot be Justified before God by our own living but by Christs living in us his own life and his righteousnesse which is the righteousnesse of God must dwell in us e're we can be Justified before God I Lastly seeing Christ himself lives in all true believers let us all who professe our selves to be such so live that Christ may be seen to live in us more then our selves that they that have known us may know us no more but may know Christ in us and that they that have communion with us may acknowledge Christ himself speaking working and living his whole life in us in all self-denyall humility holinesse love resignation of our selves to the will of God and in all diligence to do the work of God and readinesse to suffer the will of God for thus Christ lived in his own flesh and thus also he will certainly live in ours if he live there at all and when Christ lives in our flesh as he did in his own something of his glory will be seen upon us Now such a Christian in whom Christ lives and he lives not himself how amiable would he be in the spiritual Church but how unlike would he be to all the men in the world yea to the most Professors in that which is called the visible Church but I proceed to that which follows ANIMADVERSION 14. A MAster Dell should do well to name the men who look for all the life of Christ in his humanity and do not acknowledge that Christ lived truly in Paul and doth live in all the faithful by his spirit If none such appear as I am confident there will not amongst knowing Protestants he might have saved his use of rectification at least wise in respect of them B That Christ the true God is instead of all created habits of grace yea that he is truly all grace unto believers seems to be a position very dissonant from Scripture doctrine and which to my best remembrance I never saw Printed nor heard uttered until now Paul fully distinguished the spirit in believers from the sanctifying graces of believers which he calleth the fruits of the spirit Gal. 5.22,23 and in divers places he teacheth that the graces flow by way of creation from Christ through his spirit 2 Cor. 5.17 Ephes 2.10 and 4.24 Might the Scriptures be heard I think created graces and Christ in believers would not be opposed or confounded but Christ dwelling in believers by his spirit be acknowledged not to be all grace but the fountain of all created graces in them for of his fulnesse have we all received and unto every one of us is grace given according to the measure of the gift of Christ Ephes 4.7 That the Godhead which dwelt in our Saviour was in him instead of all grace as Mr Dell confidently affirmeth needs proof before it be believed The fear of the Lord fiducial hope in God and other holy graces seem plainly according to Scripture doctrine to have been wrought habitually in our Saviours humane nature by the Spirit which was given him without measure Esay 11.2 and 61.1 Acts 10.38 It is quickly affirmed that created habits of grace in a Christian are empty notions and vaine speculations of School-men and of carnal and unbelieving hearts But doubtlesse men of holy and believing hearts have conceived that God in the Scripture makes mention of the habitual grace of righteousnesse wrought by the Lord Christ in his people Phil. 1.11 Eph. 4.24 as also the habitual graces of faith and love 1 Tim. 1.14 Acts 18.27 and of patience James 1.4 and the like flowing all from the Lord Christ as the vine which hath the sap of all grace originally in himself But that the Lord Christ is all grace to a believer I never yet read in any Scripture As to the place here produced by Mr Dell as expresly teaching the same sc 1 Cor. 1.30 I find it not there said that Christ is all grace to a believer nor do I imagine how it should be convincingly argued from that text which as far as I yet see only setteth forth our Saviour as made by God to his believing people the author and object of saving wisdom the treasure of Gods righteousnesse unto justification the root of sanctification through his spirit and the worker of the ful redemption of his people All which may be granted and is believed of those who yet believe that there is habitual operative grace wrought by ●hrist through his Spirit in his believing people enabling them in some measure unto every good work acording to 1 Cor. 15.10 C It is certain that our Lord Christ is the only ground of acceptation with God unto believers but that he is the only acceptable grace to God as Mr Dell here affirmeth is never as I know said in Scripture Love acting towards the Saints is pointed at as acceptable to God Heb. 6.10 and
called a grace 2 Cor. 8.7 which yet certainly is not Christ D Questionlesse there is the grace of Gods eternal love whereby we are saved against which the gates of hell cannot prevail which though believers are partakers of in Christ yet is not the Lord Christ this grace but the chief gift of it John 3.16 and the 4th 10. E The third use made here by Mr Dell of his doctrine standeth in full force for the comfort of believers upon the ground of the doctrine of Christs living in his people by his spirit as it is taught by those who see no footing for his doctrine in the Word of God for they all know that Christ is afflicted in his members according to the Scriptures F If Christ being himself our new law within us makes void the law of God without us as old as Mr Dels words in this place seem to import then both the law of works and faith too as it is outwardly dispensed yea the whole Scripture as to the mandatory legislative part of it is made void to believers which whether Mr Dell will nakedly affirm I know not If he do I doubt not but it will appear an anti-scriptural affirmation and an open road to a state beyond ordinances and above duties in which men are apt in a mist of imaginary perfection to lose their way to that real perfection of righteousnesse and blessednesse which believers enjoy in Christ Jesus according to the Gospel Col. 1.28 G These words as I conceive in a sound Scripture sence may be admitted for it is certain that our Lord Christ doth communicate himself wholly to believers according to their place and use in his body and will do so till at the last he fill them with all the fulnesse of God yet is it not to be admitted for truth that the divine nature is communicated to our flesh as it was to his own that is to say after the self same manner If Mr Dell decline this sence of his words I will not presse it or the dangerous consequences of it upon him If he own it I see not how he can avoid the avowing of believers to be God even as our Lord Christ is God which I hope he will not affirm H It seems to me by these words that Mr Dell either hath not learned or which I rather think doth not like the Protestant doctrine of justification justified by so many of our worthies against Popish advocates Protestant Divines generally having learned from the Apostle Paul that Justification is verbum forense a word taken from humane judicatories and opposed to comdemnation Rom. 8.33,34 Do teach that we are justified freely by Gods grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus But Mr Dell here teacheth that we are justified by Christs living in us his own life and by his righteousnesse even the righteousnesse of God dwelling in us which as I know it not to be down-right Popery so I am sure it coasteth much nearer upon Popish then upon Protestant which I trust I may call Scripture doctrine since it acknowledgeth the righteousnesse whereby believers are justified to be resident in their own persons which is a position very wide from the apprehension of Protestants who believe that we are justified freely by Gods grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus I This exhortation directed to believers as to the matter of it is very sound and good But I would ask to what persons Mr Dell intends to give this exhortation If to the persons of believers he would perswade us that there are none such for he teacheth that believers have lost their own personality and are taken up into the nature and person of the Son of God Sect. 11. B C And I believe M Dell doth not look upon the person of the Son of God as one that needs his exhortation SECT XV. And the life I live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God A ANd here note in the first place That Paul sometimes saith Christ lives in him and sometimes that He lives I live saith he yet not I but Christ lives in me and again The life I live The life I live saith he of that very life which Christ lived in him All which shows the near Vnion and Communion betwixt Christ and a believer Christ and a true Christian being so much one that what the one doth the other may be truly said to do B So that as God and Christ were so united that the very works of God in Christ sometimes were attributed to God and sometimes to Christ as is manifest in divers places in the Gospel and it made no difference whether they were attributed to God in Christ or to Christ in God Just so it is betwixt Christ and believers who are as nearly united as God and Christ as Christ himself whom we may safely believe affirms in Joh. 14.20 saying In that day ye shall know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you C In that day that is when the Spirit is given and comes into the heart which makes the true Lords-day in a believer in that day when the Spirit is the light whereby we see and know aright all the things of God in that Day Ye shall know this great mystery which the World and the Worldly Church cannot know but will be greatly offended at it when they hear it to wit that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you D And in John 17.21 Christ who was heard in all things in his last solemn prayer for his elect Church in the dayes of his flesh intreats his Father that this may be accomplished in all the Believers praying that they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us From which Scriptures we may see and perceive that as Christ is in the Father and the Father in Him so Believers are in Christ and Christ in Them And hereupon the works of Believers are sometimes attributed to Christ and sometimes to Them And it is no matter whether they be attributed to Christ in them or to Them in Christ seeing it is Christ in believers that is all and doth all and hath the Glory of all E Now this Vse we who are believers may make of this to wit that it is our Dutie so to live in Christ that every part of our life may be attributed to Him and may be such that Christ may not be ashamed to own it but that it may be a praise to Christ He doing all in us and we doing nothing but in him and of him and for him ANIMADVERSION 15. A THe former part of this paragraph in a sound sence is true but that Christ and a Christian are made so much one that what the one doth the other may be said to do being laid down by Mr Dell as universally and without all limitation true is an
anti-scriptural and anti-evangelical position For do not believers find a law in their members rebelling against the law of their minde and leading them captive to the law of sin which is in their members Doth Christ so too Do not believers groane in their earthly tabernacles desiring to be cloathed with their house which is from heaven Doth our Lord Christ so too Doth not our Saviour ever live to make intercession for his people and to save all those to the uttermost who come to God by him Do all believers so too I cannot but believe that Mr Del hath limitations in store for this boundlesse position though he omitted to expresse them at the publishing thereof B That it is just so between Christ and believers as it is between God the Father and Christ and that believers are as nearly united to Christ as God and Christ cannot be truly affirmed unlesse Christ the eternal Word and Son of God and believers be one God essentially or that God and Christ be not one God essentially neither of which positions I hope Mr Dell will adhere unto upon deliberation The words of our Saviour whom we may safely nay whom we must surely believe which are here alledged by Mr. Dell speak not home to his affirmation For we may know and believe that Christ is in the Father as being together with him one God blessed for ever and that believers are in Christ as members of his mystical body and that Christ is in them by his spirit which dwelleth in them and yet neither know nor believe that it is just between Christ and believers as between God and Christ and that Christ and believers are as nearly united as God and Christ which are high affirmations and very strange and dangerous C Whether this be not close girding at the conscionable observation of the weekly Lords day let Mr Dell judge D In John 17.21 it appeareth that our Saviour prayed and was no doubt heard therein that all believers might be brought into a blessed unity amongst themselves in God and the Lord Christ through the Spirit of God which is given unto them 1 John 3.24 By the inhabitation of which Spirit of God in believers it cometh to passe that as the Father is in the Lord Christ and Christ in the Father in a divine unity so believers become one amongst themselves in the Father and the Lord Christ in a blessed spiritual unity and so united they are one as to the truth though not to the manner and degree of unity as the Father and the Lord Christ are one This is all for ought I see which can be perceived from the Scripture alledged by Mr Dell which falleth very short of his purpose and doctrine or if our Saviours words John 17.21,22 be to be understood of that celestial unity which is between the Father the Son and Believers through the reciprocal actings of special love to which sence the 23. verse seems to give countenance our Lords words admit of a clear interpretation without the least intimation of the same or as near a union through the Word or Godhead of our Saviour between him and believers as is between him and the Father E Doth not Mr Dell here forget himself whilest he mindeth believers so to live that Christ may not be ashamed to own every part of their lives for this intimateth that believers may possibly so live that Christ may be ashamed to own some part of their lives and then in those parts of their lives at least believers must needs be distinct persons from the eternal Word and Son of God which is plainly and confidently denied by Mr Dell Sect. 11. B C SECT XVI And the life I live 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the flesh This Paul speaks to shew that the life he lived after he was a Believer was not out of the flesh in the Religion of Angels in strange Raptures and Revelations and in high and wonderful things above himself but that the life he lived in Christ and Christ lived in him was in the flesh that is in his humane soul and body A There are a sort of People which also have been Professors of the Gospel so deluded by the Devil that they say they live the life of Christ yea a life far above Christ in the Spirit and that they live immediately in God and have often visions of and intercourse with Angels whilst yet these very people live the life of sin and Satan in the flesh in all manner of filthinesse and uncleannesse and loosenesse and abominable prophanesse B Wherefore saith Paul I live the life of Christ in the flesh in this soul and body of mine I live in the flesh but not after the lusts and requiring of the flesh but I live Christs life in my own flesh in all righteousnesse holinesse cleannesse purity meeknesse goodnesse love patience heavenlinesse this is the life I now live in the flesh 2. Note hence again That the life of Christ is to fill a Christian not his spirit only but his flesh it is to fill his soul and his senses his inward and outward man his thoughts words works and his whole conversation the life of Christ is to fill them all C The life of Christ is first communicated to the spirit of our minde there it is first kindled and rooted and from thence by degrees it spreads it self into the flesh and to this the flesh is most unwilling but at last the Spirit overcomes the flesh and leads it forth into its own righteousnesse and life Vse 1. D And hence we may learn that our present natural life doth not hinder us but that we may live a spiritual and heavenly life or the very life of Christ in our flesh if we be true Belivers Wherefore Paul elsewhere speaking of Believers saith the Father hath quickned us with Christ and raised us up together with him and set us in heavenly places in him and that whilst we live a Natural life according to the body E So that here in this present world we may partake of eternal life and may live not in notion but in deed the life of the Spirit in the flesh and the life of heaven on earth and the life of the Son of God in our humanity if we do not deprive our selves of so great happinesse through unbelief Vse 2. F Again we may learn hence That the life of the Son of God is not to be confined only to that Humanity that was born of the blessed Virgin which was the Head of the Elect but that it extends it self to all true believers in whom Christ lives as in his own flesh as Paul saith Christ lives in me even in my flesh which through this life of Christ in it became Christs more then Pauls So that the life of the Son of God is communicated truly to all the faithful and is to be seen in their flesh in some measure as well as in his in all fulnesse as the