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A43727 Apokalypsis apokalypseos, or, The revelation revealed being a practical exposition on the revelation of St. John : whereunto is annexed a small essay, entituled Quinto-Monarchiæ, cum Quarto Omologia, or, A friendly complyance between Christ's monarchy, and the magistrates / by William Hicks ... Hicks, William, 1621-1660. 1659 (1659) Wing H1928; ESTC R20296 349,308 358

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in part to come written without that is plain for discovery open to the view All which imports that Iohn was to write of the then present state of Affairs and of the churches which was plain and open and as of things that are and also of the future state of things which are as a book written within sealed and secret in respect of their futurity 2. Another Note hence is That God's true Prophets and faithful Ministers will commend no more to the observation of their churches as visions from God then what they have really seen and hath been discovered from God unto them They are not to come with the word of the Lord in their mouth and pretend visions from God like the false prophets in Ier. 14 whiles their mouths and hearts are full of lying vanities Iohn writes no more then what he saw to the seven churches nor discovers no more then what he saw was then present or should come to pass in after time What we haue seen and heard saith the Apostle we speak and are bold to preach and to commend unto you Christ's Ministers should press no more then what they are assured are experienced truths I doubt me every opinion concerning outward forms of Government Discipline and the like will not at last appear to be visions of God which some do now a days so hotly contend for it may be one day said unto such hot-spurs Boanerges sons of Thunder who required such things at your hands whiles you let the greatest works as of love righteousness and judgement lie prostrate at your feet as if they did not concern you Vers 20. The mysterie of the seven Stars c. Christ in the last verse to make things plain unto John and to give him a taste of the discovery of those mysteries in his book interprets the mystery of the vision of seven Stars and of the seven Candlesticks presented unto his sight in the precedent 12 and 16 verses and he calls it the mysterie of seven Stars and candlesticks because indeed unto John it was a secret and hidden thing what those figures of stars and candlesticks did mystically mean or represent and unto John it would be still a mysterie if Christ himself had not here interpreted Hence Note That this book of Revelations is made clear obvious and manifest by a diligent observation and a right applicationof the mystical characters and figures of each vision Christ himself in this verse hath made the first enterance and essay on this account He tells us that the seven Stars in his right hand and the seven golden candlesticks do mystically represent the seven Angels or Messengers of his churches and the seven candlesticks the churches themselves In the seventeenth chapter Christ is more large in interpreting the mysterie of Babylon the great the mother of harlots c. All which connotes unto us Observ That the wise observant christian may attain unto the revelation and discovery of the mysteries of this book of Prophesies by the help of the Spirit of God upon a diligent enquiry thereinto The Spirit says often in the second and third chapters Let him that hath an ear hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches and in chap. 13. vers 18. Here is wisdom let him that hath wit count the number Here is the mind that hath wisdom cap. 17. v. 9. so that it is for him that hath an ear an intelligent understanding ear and wisdom a wise heart to consider that is fit and capable to open and apply aright the mysteries of this book It is a mystery therefore difficult to all but unto the spiritualized eye and unto the mind that hath wisdom but it should not therefore be accounted presumption in such to undertake this essay seeing it hath pleased Christ to give us the first fruits himself in opening the mysteries of the vision of the seven stars and the seven golden candlesticks which is as an enterance into the whole and since he hath interpreted unto us that by the seven stars are meant the seven Angels of the churches by the seven golden candlesticks the seven famous Asian churches by the woman arrayed in scarlet the mother of harlots in the seventeenth of the Revelations to be the great City that reigneth over the Kings of the earth and the Beast with seven heads and ten horns to signifie a Government Empire or Kingdom on seven Mountains where the great harlot reigneth under ten Kings why should it be thought strange rash or presumptuous to interpret the rest of the mystical figures and hyeroglyphick characters of this book according to their natural and genuine tendency and as they are opened and applyed in other prophetical writings by one and the same Spirit of Prophesie whose wisdom it was ever from the beginning to represent the risings progress and downials of the great Empires and Kingdoms of the word by such dark and mysterious figures and representations unto God's servants his Prophets And conceive one great reason of this dark and mysterious carriage of the Spirit is That the Intendments of God towards the Powers and Kingdoms of the world may be revealed and made known but unto few such as have spirits sutable and wills to conform to the will of God in all things for if those great events and revolutions of State were made vulgar and known unto all it would raise innumerable combustions in the world and great sufferings and afflictions to the children of God from those Powers that they live under for whose sakes these great concussions and subversions of States and Kingdoms do come to pass that Christ's and their Interest may be exalted at the last 2. Note That it is the Spirit of Christ in his Word that makes known and opens the secrets of all Divine mysteries unto his servants Christ discovers unto John those mysteries of stars c. It is this Spirit that searcheth into the deep things of God He shall take of mine as Christ saith John 16.15 and shall show it unto you and hence he is called the Comforter because he makes the love of the Father and the grace of Christ which was before-hand hid in the bosome and counsel of God manifest unto poor souls and so sheds abroad the love of God in their hearts by faith The discovery of Divine mysteries are too high a work for the ablest and wisest person in his natural capacity without the help of Christ's Spirit for they are spiritually not carnally to be discerned But to proceed The mysterie of the seven stars Christ interprets to be the Angels of the seven churches Stars in all prophetical writings do signifie persons of eminency and honour and in Heraldry it is accounted the most noble sort of blazoning peculiar alone to the Armory of Princes The Angels of the seven churches or rather Messengers for so the Greek word signifies because they come with the best message and news that ever came to man to wit the glad tydings of
sacrificing the Saints which they term heretiques or schismatiques and troublers of their peace and union but when you meet such a fiery persecuting spirit in any that pretend to Christ judge of it whence it is by these Scriptures Gal. 5.20 Col. 3.12 13. So great hath been the malice of false Prophets and false Teachers ever against the true Saints that they have never rested till they have got their blood shed It was the Pope and his false Prelates and Priests that first filled all Europe with blood it was the same cursed progeny that brought so many precious souls to the stake and faggot in Queen Maries days otherwise of her self as History testifies of nature good enough Quere But it may here be queried for what things ought we to suffer with patience and constancy and not to faint under the burden thereof I have partly formerly answered this question in the ninth verse of the first chapter I shall here add one word more for the rectifying the judgment and keeping the conscience undefiled herein First Know that every soul is strictly obliged to observe all the Laws of God whether Moral Natural or Positive and to undergo all sufferings whatsoever rather then to dishonour God by the breach of the former or neglect his worship by the contempt of the latter We are not only bound under persecutors to keep the conscience undefiled in not committing gross sins as Idolatry c. but also we are obliged to perform all our positive christian duties though we suffer for it as we find that Daniel gave a testimony in this case though to the hazard of persecution to extremity and would not forbear his three times a day solemn prayers and that upon his knees in his chamber and his windows open towards Jerusalem though he knew his enemies might by that means surprize and accuse him and cause him to be cast into the Den of Lions yet did he hold himself bound daily to the Law of outward Worship though the looking to Jerusalem was but a ceremony ordained by God upon Solomon's prayer 1 Kings 8.9 Also the Macchabean Worthies did not think that persecution did or could discharge them from the strict observing even of the Ceremonial Law of not eating Swines flesh but for it endured all extremity of torments as the Story relates and for it are justly ranked among the Worthies of the old Testament who lived and died in faith Heb. 11. So jealous is God not only for the preservation of his Moral Laws but even of those Ceremonial and Ritual Laws that after he hath discovered his Will about them and commands them they forthwith become morally positive Laws and obligent until their repeals from the same authority are manifested and cleared Therefore by this Judge what a lax and loose Religion does Hobbs his Leviathan prescribe unto us to submit to any Religion that the chief or soveraign Magistrate shall dictate to us and that it is not christians duty to suffer for any Article but for that that Jesus Christ is the Messias so subjecting almost the whole will of God in morals and positives unto the will of man But as to this let us like true christians pray Libera Domine nos a malo Verse 4. Nevertheless I have somwhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love We have heard the vertues and graces of the Church of Ephesus and how she had a just and honourable approbation for them yet notwithstanding there is a tang in the end which shows some defection in her and after all her commendations there is a Nevertheless follows close in the heels thereof with somwhat to be said against her just as it is often said of the good Kings of Israel in the book of Kings That they walked and did uprightly in the sight of God as David the King but withal there is added a but But they departed not from the sins of Jeroboam that made Israel to sin Hence by the way Note Observ That the purest churches and the best christians are not altogether exempted from stains but have their spots and blemishes as well as resplendent graces It was the Spouse condition in Cant. 1.5 where she describes her self and saith I am black but comly O ye daughters of Jerusalem as the Tents of Kedar as the Curtains of Solomon Let us out survey the first churches and christians to elucidate and confirm this truth and seeing they stood neerest the light even the Sun of Truth and his Twelve illustrious radiating Signs his Apostles in my judgement they are to be reputed the soundest and the purest yet see whether we read not of their Maculae or spots as well as of their shining graces The church of Corinth was a famous church yet she had her failings contaminating the holy feasts and their Agapees with surfetting and drunkenness and besides the foul errors of false Apostles as denying the Resurrection c. The church of Galatia was not much inferiour in her wantonnizing after liveless ceremonial fancies and pressed them as necessary with Christ unto salvation and when Paul opposed them herein for whose sake they once were ready to pull out their eyes to do him good yet now for crossing their capricious whimsies is become their greatest adversary The churches of Ephesus Pergamus c. had their several encomiums for their graces yet there were some things chargeable on them for waxing cold in their first love for admitting the Doctrine of Balaam Nicolaitans Jezabel c. If we descend from bodies collective to individual persons we shall find the same lot befal unto all consider Noah Job David Peter c. but I desire not to rake up the faults of the Saints which are not left upon record to encourage to sin but to be presidents of the grace of God and as examples for encouragement unto repentant sinners Because thou hast left thy first love Some difficulty seems in these words whether by first love be intended Christ whom the church of Ephesus had left Or that first ardent affection and zeal which she bore to Christ at her first conversion The latter Interpretation to me is clear Because the church of Ephesus had not withdrawn her self from the faith of Christ as is evident by the two precedent verses for it was for Christ's sake and his truth that she had suffered much both from wicked persons and wicked teachers therefore as long as her faith was sound she could not be said to have left Christ as her first Love and taken a new love or new object of her faith But that for which she is charged as faulty is that she hath left her first love that is her first zeal and fervent affections which she bore to Christ and his Ordinances at her first conversion and this is plain from the next verse where she is commanded to repent and to do her first works From hence observe Observ That it is frequently seen that many true and faithful
christians and churches do much abate and fail in their first zeal and love to Christ and his ways in a short progress of time after their conversion or from their first entertainment of the Truth Paul did much complain of the church of Galatia in this particular at their first entertainment of the truth they were so full of affections and zeal that they were even ready to pull out their eyes to do Paul service who was their great Apostle yet shortly after he complains of them as if they had entertained another Gospel and exclaims O foolish Galathians who hath bewitched you It seems Ephesus was much faulty herein and so were divers others of the primitive churches and therefore the Apostles were very urgent and pressing in their preachings to maintain love alive and of the three eminent Gospel graces Faith Hope and Charity charity has the precedency First in regard it hath a more extensive object then the other two faith and hope respects only God and eternal glory as their object charity hath not only God for its object but the Saints also Secondly it hath the precedency in that love abideth in glory when faith and hope ceaseth Thirdly it is as the soul and life unto other graces faith it self is but as a dead carcass unless it be enlivened by love To know and entertain the Gospel and its truth is an excellent gift and quality yet if we do not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Receive the truth in the love thereof we may know so much as may justly condemn us for our unproficiency but not save us for want of love Indeed I could wish that this were still a paradox That the love of christians is waxed cold for it was once a hard saying to be a christian and to want love I have read that some christians of the first ages after Christ were so famous amongst their heathen adversaries for this grace of love that they were ready even to die one for another whereof their very enemies taking notice with approbation when they would commend the love of any they would say proverbially that it was like the love of christians but now O christians Quantum mut ast is ab illo It was far otherwise with you at your first coming to the truth then it is now then every one loved one the other for the truths sake At the first breaking out of light in England from under Antichristian clouds and darkness every one had his breast on fire for the promotion of truth and godliness Presbyterian Independent and Anabaptist were then all under the notion of Puritans and Non-conformists zealous for the common cause of advancement of Christ and his Gospel what is the cause that ye have now left your first love both towards God and towards one another Is God and Truth grown less lovely then at first Or were you mistaken then in the right objects of your love I rather fear of the both that the God of the world hath blinded you when ye seek to advance every one his particular interest by rearing one the other most uncharitably as bears not as christians who are meek full of bowels of compassion easily to be entreated c. Have ye not one Lord one Faith one Baptism one Spirit one Scripture one common hope of Salvation and yet look upon one the other as the Jews did on the Samaritans and that for some small differences in circumstantials of Religion It would better besuit christians to be like the good Samaritan that will be ready to pour oyl and wine into the wounds of their afflicted brethren not vinegar and gall which was the work of those that piercd Christ not of his followers and disciples Tantane Ira Fratrum Sed praestat motes componere fluctus In the next place all sorts of christians have sadly experienced the truth of this position that they have forsaken their first love Where is the love of the Presbyterian to his Geneva model as if it had been the very Elixar of all church Discipline Was he not even fire and sword against Episcopacy that stood in his way as a bar to the advancement of his Form and now Episcopacy being down and the aspect of authority benigne towards them yet how remiss and cold are they in setting up their Elders I believe they fear the Iure Divine of it and therefore will not move a foot farther without a Soveraign hand for to support it but all this shows they have much abated in their first love Next What is become of the ardent affections and frequent private and publique exercises and assemblings of the Independents Were they not the only men in the world in their first appearance that carried the face and judgement of Saints yet now how remiss and cold they are grown all see How formal or rather carnal are some of them become that were once as fire in the hearth and in the sheaf ready to warm and enflame all that came by by their ardent affections and duties Yea are not many of them that would not be satisfied otherwise but with hewen stones for the building of the Temple evidentially visible Saints for the House of the Lord now content and sit down satisfied in a parochial congregation of a mixed multitude the tenth whereof if so much be good wheat amongst the pile of chaff that answereth that part which they have for their maintenance they may account themselves most happy ● And lastly How is the great zeal of the Anabaptists so called slaked There was a time when they would compass Sea and Land to make a proselyte at their first appearance how strict they were to Discipline and Order that they might justly be called above all others the Disciplinarians Yet now how remiss they are unto it all know by a too large toleration of errours amongst them And how flat their zeal is for the promotion of the truth all see yea strange how they are changed from their first principles who at first loved one the other as christians and for the Truths sake yet now who more worldly or haughty then they Therefore seeing ye have all come short of your duty and made a defection from your first love take the exhortation of the Spirit in the next verse Verse 5. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy Candlestick out of his place except thou repent The Spirit sets a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Memento home on the affection and zeal-fallen church of Ephesus and to re-mind her of her first state and condition when she had a greater measure of zeal and love both towards God and his Saints then now she had that that consideration might so work upon her as to make a renovation in her affections and to be-think her self of a recovery of that measure of zeal and love which once she had and bring forth such fruits
or habitation is his Throne or his castle as the Law term has it therein he exercises his commands freely either by his Paternal or Magisterial authority and he hath better title to this Soveraignty it being natural moral then any Soveraign hath to theirs in the world 2. There are therein its subjects who obey more freely in respect of their more divine Oeconomy then any Prince's Subjects whatsoever Thirdly A man's most private designes and transactions are agitated therein Fourthly A man therein lives goes in and out and no place be it ever so pleasant is so complacent to a man as the place of his own habitation be it never so homely and therefore a man will not spare to spend all his strength wit or wealth to defend his house place of habitation against all pretenders of right thereunto Therefore these metaphors of a Throne Seat House or Habitation are fitly taken up by the Spirit of God to signifie unto us the power of Satan in the wicked and ungodly which in Scriptures are called his strong holds and habitations for in them he commands and acts freely being as a Father Lord and Master to us the children of disobedience for his servants and children ye are to whom ye obey and they obey freely and without any regret as dutiful children and servants to such a Father and Master even the Prince that ruleth in the Ayre even the Spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience Ephes 2.2 there he makes his habitation there he lives and transacts the highest designes of his Kingdom of darkness there he takes his delight to dwell and takes that pleasure in this place of his habitation that before he will forego it or lose an inch of his possession the stronger man in the Gospel must first come even Christ in his Spirit of Grace and that after much strugling contending between flesh and spirit and that Christ shall be sure to make his Title clear and evident by Faith and the great charter of the Gospel before he will be dispossessed of his ancient free-hold Tenures yea his love or rather pernitious desire to his old habitation is such that after he is dispossessed thereof by Christ that if he can get or make a re-entry into his lost possession by his diabolical Stratagems and Temptations he comes in with seven fold worser spirits then the first to make good his right and re-entry if he may and the condition of that house is far more miserable then at the first O therefore watch and be prepared with the armory of Christ to oppose the assaults of Satan ye believing and enlightened souls and though he sometimes may foyl you yet let him not overturn you though he may endeavour to come into your soul yet let him not have quiet possession for greater is he that is with us then he that is against us Resist the Divel and he will flee from you and through Christ we shall have Victory Note hence Observe That Satan rules as absolute Lord and Soveraign over the unbelieving and disobedient They are his house the place of his dwelling his Throne his Kingdom his Seat and if that were not enough to describe their malignity and Satan's Soveraignty over them they are called Satan himself v. 10. The better to manifest Satan's Seat Throne and Habitation in and over the ungodly consider the contrary The Seat Throne and Habitation of God Though God in his infinite nature is illocal infinite and incomprehensible as unto any place or form yet metaphorically is said to be in a place that is from whence he in any special manner doth manifest his glory power grace and goodness So God is said to come depart and return in Scriptures when he specially manifests himself in grace mercy and answers to his people or unto any particular believing Soul and when God withdraws that appearance of mercy grace and glory nor hears the Prayers of his people but goes out in Judgments against them then he is said to depart to be gone and return into his place Hos 5.15 I will go and return to my place till they acknowledg their Offence God is said to have three special places of habitation Seats or Thrones in Scriptures 1. Heaven is his Throne and his dwelling place Isa 66.1 1 Kings 8.30 2. The hearts of the Saints is his Throne and dwelling place Isa 57.15 1 Jo. 3.24 3. The Church or Christ Zion is the habitation and Tabernacle of his glory Psal 132.13 The Church is the place where God communicates himself and gives his answers unto his people And therefore in 1 Tim. 3.15 it is called the House of God and often in Scriptures the Kingdom of God These are the special habitations of God Satan hath also three special places of habitation and dominion in Scriptures 1. In Hell over the damned spirits And therefore he is called the Prince of darkness and the Angel of the bottomless Pit 2. The hearts of the wicked and unbelievers is the Seat and habitation of Satan Ephes 2.2 3. His Throne is amongst the societies of the wicked they are his Synagogue v. 9. where his Doctrines are transacted and maintained and they are his Seat and Throne from whence all his wicked and pernitious Edicts do proceed against God and Godliness Psal 2.2 3. Therefore in this verse the Spirit sayes to the Church of Pergamus I know that thou dwellest in a place where Satan bears rule in all Idolatries wickednesses and hatred to God and his truths without controulment and yet to thy praise and comfort be it that thou holdest fast my Name and hast not denied my Faith that is that thou dost constantly profess my Truth and hast not been drawn to deny my Gospel or Doctrine of Faith not in those very hot and persecuting days wherein Antipas my faithful Martyr was slain in that City of yours by those Tyranical persons there in whom Satan dwelleth and prevaileth There is no farther difficulty in those words only understand that Antipas as Aretus testifies and some others of Antiquitie was the Pastor or Bishop to this Church of Ephesus yet others say he was only an Assistant to the Church However this blessed St. Antipas Policarpus and some others were the first Martyrs to the Gospel of Christ after the Apostles in the raign of Trajan From the words thus explained Note Obs 2. That the godly by the providence of God are disposed and mingled amongst the most vilest and wicked in the World The Church of Christ is likened to a Lilly amongst Thorns by the Wise-man in the Canticles Where the Synagogue and Throne of Satan was God had planted those Asiatick Churches Righteous Job saith of himself that he was a brother to Dragons and a companion to Owles Chap. 30.29 And holy David's soul was vexed by sojourning in Mesech and dwelling in the Tents of Kedar Psal 120.5 Honest hearted Joseph had his habitation amongst the Idolatrous Egyptians and there
Mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the face of him that sits upon the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. This is the terrible and unknown name of Christ which no man knoweth but Christ himself which one day he will manifest when all his enemies are made his footstool and takes the Kingdom unto himself O let this thy Kingdom come and blessed is he that shall sit down with Christ in his Kingdome Observ 2. Christ is very zealous and intense on the punishment of delinquent Churches Christ comes all in a fiery posture against Thyatira and withall tels her ver 22 23. that for suffering Jezabel within her Behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into great Tribulation except they repent of their deeds And I will kill her children with death c. Christ when he whipped out of the Temple the buyers and sellers Jo 2. did it so zealously that for that very act it was formerly prophesied of him The zeal of thy house hath eaten me up How zealous was Christ in his carriage and ready to punish all those delinquent Asian churches He tels Ephesus in the first place Except she repent and recover her first love and do her first works he will come quickly and remove her candlestick out of its place To Pergamus he saith Repent or I come quickly against thee with the sword of my mouth How zealous was Christ against the zeal-fallen church of Laodicea cap. 3. 15 16. I know thou art neither hot nor cold I would thou wert cold or hot so then because thou art lukewarm I will spew thee out of my mouth You see Christ will not spare his delinquent churches but come quickly against them except they repent And this proceeding of Christ with his Churches answers to this apparition of his to Iohn who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire and feet like burning brass cap. 1. 14 15. Vers 19. I know thy works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works and the last to be more then the first All those graces here mentioned by the Spirit and found in the church of Thyatira are to be understood of true ●eal graces not only so in appearance and opinion but in truth and sincerity and therefore Christ before he fals on the charge against her first he gives an approbation and an encouragement to her graces and in effect tels her 'T is true O church of Thyatira I must acknowledg thy works of grace as thy true love towards me which hath produced and brought forth in thee the happy fruits of thy zealous service and thy faith enlivened by love together with thy constant patience under sufferings for my names sake and by this it appeareth that thou hast received the truth in the love thereof and withal I must add unto thy praise that there is a growth and improvment in those gracious works and the last to be more then the first That is Though thy first works were done out of much zeal yet the latter were done on more certain and sober grounds of knowledg and sincerer ends then the first and therefore as thou hast made an improvement of thy graces so thou art more in esteem and thy works also then at the first By the way here Observ We may Observe Though the Church of Thyatira be never so blame-worthy yet Christ will give her her due and set too his Seal of approbation to all that is sound and righteous in her It seems there were graces sufficient in Thyatira to denominate her a golden candlestick and a church of Christ notwithstanding Christ had a few things to say against her it savors not of the Dove-like spirit of Christ and love when any shall be so rigid as will not acknowledg such societies to be churches of Christ because some imperfections in them either in doctrine or manners though otherwise abounding in works of holiness as love to God and his Saints and faith towards Jesus Christ zeal towards God's worship and service and in suffering for Christ's sake Doubtless with some rigid persons in these days the churches of Pergamus and Thyatira would be unchurched and anathematized by them had they but authority over them though Christ had set his Seal upon them and marked them as golden candlesticks As in a natural body some members may be rotten and dead and yet a lively body So in those spiritual bodies politiques there may be som members rotten and dead at the root yet the body still an organical body and no great hinderance to the whole And again in a natural body there may be a catholique disease seasing upon every part and member of the body which may render it very uncapable for its seruices and yet still a lively body So it may be in a church a body politique it may be catholiquely sick and infected with some venomous disease some pestifferous doctrine or other and yet a church still though a decrepid infirm and lame one but when the disease comes to be mortal leaprous or incurable it is time then to cry out Sum impurus sum impurus Procul hinc procul ite For the words I know thy works and thy loue c. Here we see the good works that God does approve of in his people and does also render them as approved Saints both unto themselves and the whole world Christ alone is the publique approved person in the room of all his members in the sight of God as unto justification and perfect righteousness yet before these graces does appear in the Saints to evidence their calling they are but the children of wrath as well as others Election does secure our eternal estate but before the spirit of grace comes to evidence it by faith that worketh by love sin and death hath dominion over us And though we are heirs of all in God's predetermination yet differ we not at all from servants in the state of unregeneracy yea therein we are slaves and captives to sin and Satan These gracious works are called thy works though they are the gifts of God and wrought by his spirit in us yet God's goodness does call them ours because they are acted by the instrumentality of our souls as passing through our wils affections and understandings and here love or charity is put in the first place among all the graces of the Spirit Whether love in order of nature is before faith I shall not here dispute only thus much I say that all generally grant that faith's first act is an assent to the truth as unto a proposition now unless love come in to ingrediate the affection unto the truth proposed it will only be but a bare opinion and never come to a lively faith Secondly I say love is here proposed as first in order as being the most excellent Gospel grace 1 Cor. 13. throughout Now abideth faith hope and charity but the greatest of
them is charity its precedency lies in this 1. In that it perfumes and enlivens all the other graces faith it self is dead without it And to suppose a faith without love is to suppose a man without a soul The gifts of prophesies tongues and miracles are but barren and usless things without this 2. This hath for its object both God and Man we exercise our faith and hope only towards God and his promises but our charity is extended both towards God and Man And therefore love is called Rom. 13.10 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the fulfilling of the Law it is the whole sum and hinge on which the commandements turn In this one word charity both the Tables of the decalogue are abridged 3. It excells in that it is the greatest note of our interest in God and Christ Faith is that giveth right unto the promises but love is that giveth life to faith It is the very soul of all our graces If we gave our bodies to be burnt for Christ and had not charity it will profit nothing 1 Cor. 13.3 By this we know that we are passed from death to life because we love the Brethren 1 John 3.14 and Ia. 1.12 The Crown of life is promised to them that love God and Rom. 8.28 Love is made the very discovery of effectual calling and election 4. Love excells in that it is the perfection of the Law it is the very end of the Commandments 1 Tim. 1.5 and were Love but perfect in us it would make us perfect Keepers and Observers of the Law both towards God and Man Love knits the Members of Christs Body together and so perfects his Body It unites us to God and so maketh the perfecting of divine love in us 1 John 4.12 17. and here it is we are commanded twice to put on love above all things 1 Pet. 4.8 and Col. 3.14 but once above all things to take the shield of faith 5. And lastly when faith hope patience and all other graces ceases charity abideth Love is not only a portion for the Saints in this life but in the other also then we shall love God and Christ when faith and hope ceaseth therefore justly did Christ in this place and the Apostle in 1 Cor. 13.13 give it the precedency above al other Graces of the Spirit 2. Love brings forth another grace service external worship and obedience him whom we love we obey we serve we honour and worship The service of love is most intense and effectual When Christ communed with Simon Peter John 21. and asked him thrice Simon Son of Jonas lovest thou me Yea Lord thou knowest it saith Peter Christ answered feed my sheep The more love that Peter manifested the more service and duty was put upon him Services that we perform to God not out of love but formality or custome are but as scabbed or lame Sacrifices under the Law which the Lord hated Right ends in our services are First Love and zeal to God's glory Secondly Love to the obedience of God's commandments Thirdly Love to the edification of others These ends makes us a true and sincere worship love goeth through all and is the fulfilling of the Law 3. Thyatira is approved for her faith made lively and effectual by love True faith is never seperated from love they go hand in hand together but love hath the precedency for the reasons aforesaid though faith is first in order of nature for faith is that grace that gives the first being unto a christian but love is the perfection of that being There must be first a knowledge of God and assent unto his truths which is the first act of faith before we can love that God or his Truths but withal I say there is so inseperable union between these two graces no sooner hath faith a being and a body but love comes to animate it to make it sound lively and perfect Observ hence Note That it is not a bare opinion or entertainment of the truth that is a true lively faith but that that worketh by love Many will one day say we have prophesied in thy Name taught in thy Name cast out devils in thy Name professed and beleived thy truths and yet the Lord will say unto them I know you not and all for want of this grace of love towards God and his Saints A sound and true faith contains in it these three principal ingredients that gives the very form and being to it First A sound distinct knowledge of the thing believed I know and am perswaded saith Paul Rom. 14.14 Persons that are ignorant of Gods promises and of the word of eternal life can never believe aright Secondly A firm perswasion strongly assuming the heart As a sound believer must not be an ignorant soul so must he not be a wavering-minded man but must have an undeceivable certainty and truth in that he does believe Thirdly A confident resting and rejoycing with satisfaction unto the Soul surely looking to enjoy that it does beleive True faith hath these four acts and degrees in it 1. Knowledge 2. Assent 3. Adherence and 4. Assurance A believer may have the three first acts and want the latter and a sound beleiver and a justified person Though God for causes to himself known may never give the grace of Assurance yet that faith that only knows God distinctly to be a God of salvation in his promises to repentant sinners through Christ and so takes him and adheres unto him in the love and truth thereof doubtless that soul shall never be a cast-away though God's presence of assurance and joyful satisfaction be never manifested unto him If we be saved it is enough though God reserves his comfortable presence and inward love for us unto another world 4. Thyatira hath another excellent grace and that is Patience or sufferance with patience as the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 carries it in the Greek A wicked man may suffer affliction but not suffer with patience without murmuring swearing or blaspheming as the godly doth The wicked may haue patience perforce and unwillingly when he cannot help it the afliction being above his reach to remedy but the godly is patient as it is an effect of love because he loveth much he is ready to suffer much with constancy and patience as Jacob served two seven years hardship for his beloved Rachel so a faithful soul is ready to suffer all afflictions chearfully and with much patience all the years of his life because he loves God and Christ and so accounts the afflictions of this life not to be valued with the glory that shall hereafter be revealed to all those that love God 5. Thyatira was a growing fruitful church her latter works were more then her first done upon better grounds and better principles From whence Note Observ That the gracious works of the more grown Christians doe exceed those of the younger sort in soundness The Neophites or young Christians may be more zealous
the more glory it will be capable of and filled with hereafter Every Vessel shall have his fulness in glory but every one acording to its capacity as there is a glory in the Stars Moon and Sun and one differing from another in glory yet every one hath their fulness So in the Kingdom o● glory when God giveth to every one according to his works every one shall have the reward of their works eternal happiness but some shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel all shall be shining Stars but some of a greater Magnitude then others But to proceed For I have not found thy works perfect before God It was not a legal perfection that Christ could not find in Sardis he did never seek for that absolute perfection in them that would be in vain seeing they were so full of Imperfections But yet this intimates that the faithful christians and their works may be perfect before God although they are not found perfect in Sardis yet may be found perfect in others that are more sound and godly For the clearing of which understand that sometimes in Scripture perfection is taken for sincerity and uprightness as Gen. 17.1 Walk before me be thou perfect that is upright sincere as Iob 1.1 he was a man that was perfect and upright one that feared God and eschewed evil he was a plain simple man honest at the heart in this sense the works of Sardis were not perfect before God they were not honest sincere and upright according to his will they were Hypocritical in name shew and appearance only not in truth and sincerity Secondly Perfection may be taken 1. As respecting our justification Or 2. Our sanctification The first of these in a strict sense is a compleat perfection for the Saints are compleat in Christ their head as unto justification and from all sin and the guilt thereof there is not one sin left which is not washed away by his blood in this respect they are perfect By one offering Christ hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified Heb. 10.14 Then Secondly There is a perfection of sanctification and holiness And that is 1. In the respect of the beginnings and parts thereof 2. In respect of the prevailing degree thereof 3. In respect of the aimes thereof 4. In respect of the duration and perseverance of it 5. In respect of others First the Saints in this life have a perfect beginning of holiness as to its parts because it begins in every part they are sanctified throughout in soul body and spirit 1 Thes 5.23 though every part be not throughout sanctified by reason of the imperfection of mediums by which they are sanctified yet they are sanctified in every part throughout in understandings wills affections desires memories thoughts and hearts Secondly They have every grace in their souls not only in the truth thereof but in the prevailing degree thereof as when faith love patience humility c. overcome infidelity hatred impatience pride and other their opposite vices and evils So when this work of sanctification is begun in all parts thereof it may be said a perfect work in beginning and when it comes to the prevailing degree thereof it may be called a perfect work having prevailed against its contrary Thirdly They are likewise perfect in respect of their aims and desires God accepts the will for the deed and he that aims and strives for perfection God accepts as perfect though mixed with much imperfections Christ could not find the works of Sardis perfect in this sense neither Fourthly They are likewise perfect in respect of their duration Apostacy from the faith and truth will loose the honor of perfection and makes their crown to wither when a righteous or perfect man turneth to iniquity all the righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned Ezek. 18.24 Fifthly In respect of others the Saints are perfect souls compare them unto the guilded out side formal christians and they are gold and perfect in respect of them and so Christ could not find the works of Sardis perfect before him as those of Ephesus Smyrna c. Hence Note first Observ 1. The great cause that our works are not perfect but defective before God is for want of honest sincerity in them Sardis was blamed for this very thing and for want of this grace she carried a fair name that she lived in her pretended graces but she was dead there was no sincerity and truth in them If we suppose a man to worship God in all his Ordinances and avoid all outward evil yet if there be double-heartedness in his spirit all is cast off by God as abominable Sincerity is that that gives perfection to every grace it is the very truth and spirit of every grace as when we believe we must believe sincerely when we love we must love sincerely and cordially when we sorrow or repent it must be done sincerely that is truly fully without any mixture or hypocrisie for a double minded man God doth hate Sincere quasi sine cera without wax without composition and as the word here beares it in the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I have not found thy works full there was somwhat wanting within to make them compleat and perfect without this ingredient grace of sincerity all our duties are but as sounding Brass and a tinckling Cimbal But add sincerity unto the least and most imperfect of our duties and they will become in the esteem of God most perfect God accepts a Lamb from Abel offered in sincerity rather then clouds of Incense and thousands of Sacrifices from a wicked and profain Cain Yea if it be but a widdows mite or some Goats hair coming from one that is sincere God looks upon it as a rich present and calls the presenter thereof perfect Truth of grace and sincerity is our perfection here but in the world to come we shall have perfection in the highest degree as well as the perfection of sincerity and truth of grace in this life therefore let us so walk before God as becometh perfect ones Observ 2. It is the Saints duty that they aim and press after perfection in all their graces works and duties The church of Sardis was worthily blamed for want of this perfection her works were not full and entire there was somwhat wanting and therefore blame-worthy and imperfect First They are to press after the perfection of justification by faith and evidenced by love and works and so make their election and justification sure unto their own souls and manifest it unto others also Secondly To seek after perfection in all graces and parts of christianity in souls bodies and spirits to be perfect intire wanting nothing Ja. 1.4 as ye abound in every thing in faith and utterance and knowledg and all diligence see that ye abound in this grace also to wit charity 2 Cor. 8.7 There must not one necessary grace be wanting in true Saints though
he is the high Steward and great Dispenser in God's Kingdom All power is given unto him in heaven and in earth Observ 3. That that Prophesie which comes from so sure an Author as Jesus Christ must infallibly be true and come to pass for he is and always was the great Prophet of his Church it was he that gave visions and Prophesies to the Prophets Isaiah Ieremiah Ezekiel Daniel somtimes by his ministring spirits the Angels somtime by himself in the appearance of the likeness of the son of man Ezek. 1. v. 26. And all know that their prophesies stood sure and were accomplished in their respective seasons But as unto the stedfastness and faithfulness of this book of Prophesies see what Christ himself testifies in Rev. 3.7 14. and in ch ult v. 6. These things saith the Son of God who is the faithful and true witness therefore of most sure performance in God's appointed seasons From the words which God gave unto him to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass Observe 1. That Christ's servants are very privie to Gods counsels and knows much of his designes This Christ hath verified First From that ground of union which is between Christ and his members for being once become his members or servants then they in Christ and Christ in them and according to that 1 John 2.20 They have an unction from him that is holy and they know all things so that they that have the Son have the Father also for they both are one in will counsel power and essence John 17.21 22. And the secrets of the Lord are with those that fear him 2. They know much of the mind of God in all the combustions changes and revolutions of this world Many think that they come by chance ill fortune or for want of foresight in management of State affairs but the servants of God know that the hand of God is in all those revolutions and State-shakings and that there can no evil befal unto the City but that there is the providence of God in it directing and over-ruling it unto its end so that they do foresee that this change and that alteration in the world will come too and can rightly conclude that all tend as in a chain of providences to bring about God's great end in the exaltation of Christ's Throne and the pulling down his enemies Observ 2. God reserved the more full revelation of all things concerning the changes and revolutions of the Church and State and the end of all unto the day of Christs exaltation in glory Christ on earth was not so glorious as Christ in heaven he had not so full commission to send out so much of his Spirit while he was on earth as when he was in heaven John 7.39 So in like manner it is no sin to say that God had not communicated unto Christ's manhood whiles here on earth the compleat knowledge of times and seasons and the end of all for he is said to grow in knowledge and therefore according to his manhood whiles here on earth might be ignorant in some things But yet it is clear the Father revealed it to him when he ascended into heaven that he might reveal it to his Church as the due reward of all his sufferings chap. 5. 9. Thou art worthy to take the Book and open the Seals thereof for thou wast slain c. Which must shortly come to pass See vers 3. on these words The time is at hand And he sent and signified it by his Angel unto his servant John From these words you may observe That God reveals these Prophesies not immediately from himself but mediately and by instruments First God gives this Revelation to Christ Christ gives discovery partly himself and partly gives commission to his Angels for the same Thirdly The Angels instruct John Fourthly John directeth the same to the seven Churches And fifthly From the seven Churches they are left to all the Churches of Christ for information unto the end of the world The infinity of God and the finiteness of creatures are not compatible therefore God uses instruments sutable to our capacities for discovery of his mind Observ 2. From the Messenger or Angel by whom partly this prophesie was sent Observe That Christ employs Angels in great services for his Church Angels were the first publishers and preachers of Christs birth an Angel tells the Apostles that Christ should return in that manner they had seen him go up to heaven Acts 1.11 Angels tells Abraham and Lot what God would do to Sodom Christ tells John Rev. 22.16 That he sent his Angels to testifie those things in the Churches The Angels are made ministring spirits for the service of the church and their service is more manifest in these particulars 1. They inform us of God's will and God of our ways they ascend and descend Zac. 1.11 Gen. 18.19 2. They oppose the enemies of Christ and his Church Rev. 12.7 Dan. 10.20 Numb 21.22 3. They execute the judgements of God upon his enemies Exo. 12.23 Gen. 19.11.13 c. Isa 37 36. Rev. 16. throughout 4. They defend the godly both against wicked men wicked spirits and wicked practises Rev 7.1 2 3 c. Psal 34.7 and 91.11 Gen. 32.1 2. 2 King 6.14 15 c. 5. Next after the spirit of Christ they comfort the afflicted in their distresses Luke 1.30 Acts 10.4 and 27.24 Dan. 6.10 11 12. Luke 22.43 6. They are God's reapers and gatherers of God's elect at the end of the world Mat. 24.31 From the person to whom this prophesie was sent and revealed by the Angel under this relation of his servant John what this Iohn was is made fully to appear in the preliminary discourse unto the Title it was Iohn the brother of Iames our Lord's kinsman the beloved disciple a great Pillar and Apostle in the Church of Christ and yet he is here described under the title and relation of servant not only so by right of creation but of redemption special right covenant and service From which observe That to be related to Christ by way of service is a higher priviledge then any outward relation to him Better be Christ's bondman then his kinsman inward priviledges are more honourable then carnal Mary was happier in carrying Christ in her heart then in her womb Iohn glories more to be Christ's servant then his cosin Mat. 12.47 48 c. Christ professeth that they are his kindred who shall do the will of his father and he that is related to Christ in grace and faith is as sure of his love and acceptation as any of his nearest friends or kinsmen Observ 2. It is man's greatest honour to be Christ's servant It was a curse upon Cain Gen. 9. to be a servant of servants but to be Christ's servant is not only free but noble Iohn though he was a great pillar a prophetical Apostle the darling Disciple yet Christ calls him but his servant Paul
peace through Jesus Christ and therefore beautiful are their feet and so may rightly be represented mystically or figuratively by those lightsome and noble creatures the stars but to prevent tediousness in repetition I refer to the Notes on the precedent sixteenth verse where I have fully discussed the same subject And the mystery of the seven golden Candlesticks Christ interprets to be the seven Churches to wit in Ephes Smyrna Pergamus c. In Exodus 25. amongst the Adorements and Instruments of the Tabernacle God commanded M●ses to make a Candlestick of Beaten Gold Christ in this verse takes up the Figures and Types of seven golden Candlesticks to represent mystically his Tabernacles with men his seven famous Asian Churches wherein his glorious presence did most resplendently appear for it is said verse 13. That he appeared in the midst of them in great luster glory and splendour Golden Candlesticks are fit Types and Emblemes to represent Christ's churches First In respect of their choicest mettal they are golden Candlesticks Observ Christ's churches are of that precious allay and temper that they excel all other assemblies in the world Others of the world though never so great and eminent are but as Lead or Tin but those like precious gold Secondly Gold is the most tryed and refined mettal that is so are Christ's churches they go under seven fold refinements They have tryals from God and man Refinements by afflictions refinements by the Spirit of Grace whereby their dross is done away and so become most precious and shining gold Thirdly Gold is the most noble dearest and highest esteemed mettal amongst men so Christs churches are the most highly respected by God of all creatures the world was made for their sakes yea they are the right heirs that is that have the more especial right by blessing promise and compact unto the world and the good things thereof whether things present or things to come why all is yours if Christ be yours 1 Cor. 3.23 Fourthly It is the most extensive and ductible of all mettals so Christ's churches they have the largest bowels of true charity of any sort of people in the world for they will endeavour the conversion and pray for it even of their very enemies Fifthly Gold is the most weighty of all mettals Christ's churches are of the greatest weight with God all others are but as the dust of the ballance in comparison of them they are of such weight with God that they are to stand in the gap to stay the hand of God when he goes out to execute his judgements If two or three righteous persons be in a City God will not destroy it for their sakes Sixthly and lastly Gold is most fair and shining of all mettals so Christ's churches they are most shining in their graces they are not guilded Candlesticks but golden ones yea beaten ones as that of the Tabernacle was Thou art all fair saith Christ to his Spouse in Cant. 1. my Love behold thou art fair behold thou art fair like a Lilly among the Thorns so is my Love among the daughters Cant. 2.2 In the next place consider the Types and Figures the seven Candlesticks that are the emblemes of those seven Churches and how they suit fitly for this purpose all know The proper work of Candlesticks is to contain and hold their shining lamps or candles as in Exod. 25.37 And thou shalt make the seven Lamps thereof and the Lamps thereof shalt thou put thereon to give light toward that that is before it As the golden Candlestick of the Tabernacle was to have seven lamps or lights to give light to all that was before it so these seven golden Candlesticks those seven Asian churches have their seven Lamps or lights therein which number denotes perfection to enlighten all that was before it they have also their seven Angels seven faithful Messengers Ministers or Ambassadors of Christ's Word and Truth to enlighten every soul that comes with a teachable heart before them Hence Note Observ That every church of Christ as the candlestick of the Tabernacle Exod. 25.37 ought to have their shining Lamps in them that is Ministers and Teachers that are both godly and faithful ones Each one of the seven Asian churches had its Angel its light its Lamp within its candlestick and a church without these lights these Angels is as a candlestick without its lamp or light standing for ornament and fashion sake but wanting much of its honour life light and service which those Lamps and lights would yeild unto it for Christ hath placed in his church some Apostles some Evangelists some Prophets some Teachers some Pastors some Elders and all for the edifying and compleating of his Body the church Churches thus organized with their Angels and Ministers are most comly yea that high expression in Cant. 6.4 may be well applyed to such Thou art beautiful O my Love as Tirza comly as Jerusalem terrible as an Army with Banners Amidst those seven golden candlesticks that had their Angels or Lamps shining within them Christ made his glorious appearance in the likeness of the Son of man verse 13. The discoveries of Christ's ways and presence both in the way of grace and judgement are most clearly to be learn'd and discern'd amongst his churches that have their Angels Ministers and Teachers shining most bright in their life and doctrine in the midst amongst them and like to this was the advice which Christ himself had given to the Spouse in the Canticles chap. 1.7 8. when she had lost or could not find her Beloved Tell me O thou whom my soul loveth where thou feedest Where thou makest thy flocks to rest at Noon His answer is If thou know not thou fairest among women Go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock and feed thy Kids beside the Shepherds Tents Therefore O thou the beloved of my soul cause my soul that by its wandrings have long missed thee to seek for thee among thy golden candlesticks in thy Ordinances and holy Assemblies in the midst whereof thou dost appear that my soul which languisheth may be comforted with Apples and stayed with Flaggons with spiritual comforts and refreshments from thy self who dwellest in the gardens and feedest thy flocks beside the Shepherds Tents Observ 2. That Christ's churches are his chiefest Treasuries here on earth of light and truth If souls desire to come into the true light and truth of God where should they rather repair then unto those golden candlesticks whose proper service is to hold forth light unto all comers Christ is found walking in the midst of them verse 1● and therefore where the Sun runs its course there must needs be light in that Firmament and much glory and for this reason in this place these seven famous Asian churches are represented by the figures of seven golden candlesticks and also in Zach. 4.3 c. the ancient church of the Jews is represented by a golden candlestick with seven Lamps
thereon and in Rev. 4. the two Gospel Witnesses are said to be the two candlesticks to wit the two churches of Jews and Gentiles with their two Olive branches by their side to wit the two administrations of Law and Gospel which are always pouring out their oyl for light into the ministerial Lamps of these golden candlesticks Here must needs be then much light and truth for these are the two anointed ones that stand by the Lord of the whole earth Zach. 4.2.12 and 14 verses CHAP. II. Verse 1. Unto the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write these things saith he that holdeth the seven Stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden Candlesticks THe general preface to the seven churches and of the whole Book being finished in the first chapter wherein was considered who was the Author of these divine Revelations and that was Christ under divers denominations and similitudes some appropriable only to the divine nature some to the humane clearly notifying That that person that appeared unto John was 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Christ God-Man who gave these Divine Revelations unto John some immediately by himself some by his ministring Spirits the Angels for though the greatest part of these Prophesies are given and signified by the instrumentality of Angels yet it may be truly said that Christ doth it for it is a known rule What is done by another at ones Order and command is done by himself Christ he is the Author of those Visions he gives them out to John and John he is the recipient instrument and the subordinate Author and is commanded to write them and make them known unto the churches and in the first place in this second and third chapters John is commanded by Christ to write those premonitions to the seven churches which in their order shall be handled But in the way before I fall upon the particulars it will be worth the enquiry Quest Why John is commanded particularly to write to each church of the seven apart To the Angel of the Church of Ephesus of the Church of Smyrna of the Church of Pergamus c. I answer for divers reasons First They were not guilty of one and the same faults and as their defections were divers and various so ought they to have various and divers reprehensions So likewise their graces and endowments were various so ought they to have divers and various encouragements therein The more obdurate and high-handed sinners ought to have the sharpest and highest reproofs and censures but the more flexible and tender-hearted ought to be dealt with the more tender hand of love and compassion Secondly The several charges are drawn against each particular church and so sent unto them by the hand of their own peculiar Angel Minister or Pastor to shew unto us that they were not to seek for any extrinsecal power or authority over themselves Christ is the common and general admonitor and reprehender of them all each of them are solely and singly under his reprehensive power and jurisdiction The Angel of the church of Ephesus hath only received commands and reproofs that relates to the church of Ephesus so the Angel of Smyrna for the church of Smyrna and the Angel of Pergamus for the church of Pergamus c. The Angel of the church of Ephesus did not receive commands or reproofs to impose them juridically on the church of Smyrna nor Smyrna on the church of Pergamus or on any one of the seven either singly by it self or joyntly with any of the others one two or more They were not to be superintendents or to have a prelatical authority over the rest there was no cathedral then at Ephesus nor in any of the other six the name of Archiepiscopacy and Hierarchycal Supremacy was then unknown in the little well-ordered Christian world or rather Common-weal Bishops then did look no farther with an eye of authority then over their own flocks neither then was it known that a combination of some few churches or rather officers of churches under the name of classical Elders provincial Elders or National Elders should have the sole power and jurisdiction over the rest of the churches of Christ in their vicinity Ephesus then as unto outward authority was Independent Smyrna then was Independent and so were all the rest The churches could then and also now can act consultatively by way of advice by their Elders and Brethren either joynt or singly but not juridically by way of authority over one and another The churches of Christ are all Peers respecting their authority yet in their graces and perfections amongst themselves differing from one and another in glory Christ keeps the sole Legislative power in his own hand and what he communicates thereof unto his churches it is not that they should be lords over their Sister-churches faith but that they may within their due bounds exercise their wholsome admonitions and censures according to the Word of God Christ will not suffer one church juridically to censure another sister-church though corrupt for there is no such authority given them Christ keeps that prerogative in his own hand he reproves and censures the whole seven Asian churches himself but suffers not one or more to do it over the rest And one great reason of this is That if Christ had granted such authority unto one church over others that that church which becomes most potent and most countenanced by the secular powers though most corrupted in doctrine and worship will undertake to censure the soundest and most orthodox churches of all as the Arrians did of old in the times of the sons of Constantine the great and their Successors censure chastise and vex even the soundest and most faithful churches of Christ And the idolatrous apostatized church of Rome under this pretence of having authority over other churches do even fulminate out her direst Anathemas on all other churches though the faithful and undefiled spouses of Christ Be wise therefore ye true spouses of Christ hold fast the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free lest ye subjugate your necks and precious faith unto the idolatries of the spiritual harlot For this very reason Christ gives his particular censures and reproofs to each particular church according to their peculiar failings and errours that one more corrupt church might not undertake to censure that which was less corrupt But if it be demanded how a sound and faithful church of Christ should carry it self towards an erroneous and backslidden corrupted church I answer They are to use all means for their recovery and that in love and charity First They are to advise them and admonish them of the danger of their ways charitably not juridically as a church exercises towards her own members Secondly They are to pray for their healing and recovery out of their spiritual Maladies If all this will not do to their amendment they are to withdraw communion from them and to leave
very sin abundantly witnessed against by God in most of the old Prophets When as some would stand up and prophesie peace when there was no peace as Ezek. 13.10.16 And what have they to do with peace while their hands are full of blood and iniquity I could wish it were not the sin of some of the pretended Angels of the churches in those days where is that faithful one to be found It may be one of a thousand that as a true Angel or Ambassador from Christ will deal roundly with their sins and tell Israel of her sins and Judah of her transgressions Good Physitians will search the wounds thorowly the rather for to cure them It is also Christ's method to lay open the wounds and sins of his churches that so he may like the good Samaritane pour oyl into them and heal them and bring to repentance Christs Ministers should follow their master's pattern deal faithfully simply and roundly with the sins of their people according to Gospel rule in that case provided and not as many do speak peace and words of comfort the true portion of spiritual members of Christ unto professed enemies to Godliness and the Saints scorners and deriders of Christ's ways and ordinances drunkards swearers c. what have such to do with the childrens bread so continuing unrepentant and obstinate It is much to be feared for this lukewarmness of many Ministers and churches it will come to pass that Christ wil spew them out of his mouth cap. 3. 16. as he did the church of Laodicea and the church of Israel of old Mat. 21.43 I shall only add that of Ezek. 13.22 23. to be seriously considered in the close of this point The Prophet speaking to those that sowed pillows under the Arms-holes because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad whom I have not made sad and strengthned the hands of the wicked that he should not turn from his wicked way by promising him life Therefore ye shall see no more vanity nor divine divinations for I will deliver my people out of your hand and ye shall know that I am the Lord. Observ 2. Another correllary hence riseth That all churches and persons ought to have and receive a due acknowledgement of all graces and vertues that they are eminent in though chargeable with many defections and failings otherwise Christ spares not to acknowledge but makes honourable mention of the graces of the churches in this and the next chapter though otherwise many aberrations and failings were laid unto their charge Though the church of Ephesus was to be reproved for the coldness in her first love yet she had these commendable vertues and graces in her constancy and patience under sufferings for Christ's sake and hatred to all evil workers and false lights and Apostles that come with doctrines destructive to the great fundamental or corner stone the true doctrine of faith in Christ and so Christ proceeds with the other churches in the like method and lays a commendable character on them all for those graces in them worthily calling for it Paul could give a just acknowledgement to his brethren the Jews though otherwise perverse enough bearing them witness that they had a zeal to God though not according to knowledge Rom. 10.2 And Christ told the Jews and spoke it with approbation and to their commendation Ye believe in God believe ye also in me It is the great fault of most of professors of these days of all sort of perswasions that they will not almost acknowledge him a brother in Christ or give him the right hand of fellowship that is not baptized into the same opinions and interest with himself but this rather savours of a spirit schismatical and factious then of a meek christianlike peace-making temper which will bear all things that are indifferent rather then break the communion and unity of brethren who have put on one Lord one Faith one Baptisme O! what a lamentable practise it is for such as are Presbyterians to rake up all the faults and dirt they can and cast it in the faces of Independents And again for Independents to cast it back on the Presbyterians and both of them to cast it in the faces of those called Anabaptists and they again as ready as the former to repay it back again Why Have you so learned Christ O! for shame let all that fear God of each sort be ashamed of this unchristianlike practise let it not be told in Gath nor published in Askelon but follow the steps of your common Saviour what you see of God in your brethren commend it encourage it cherish it Though there may be failings in each sort and that great ones yet for that grace and appearance of God in them love them honour them and think better of them then of thy self though thou mayst be righter in some externals of Worship then they yet they may be righter then thee in doctrinals and though thou art sounder then they in doctrinals yet they may be the more holy and better men I speak not this to comply with any corrupt doctrine or worship but to give every one his due titles of honour love and commendation for their gifts and graces and for their faults and failings deal with them in a spirit of love and charity Gal. 6.1 for their recovery and repentance according to Gospel order for so thou mayest win thy brother but by the other way thou art sure to drive him farther from thee It is observable that the Familistical Notionists the Quakers in these days are highly baptized in this sin and out run all others in this uncharitable and unchristian-like practise they are sharp censurers of all others churches and persons that will not run in the same fanatique wilde courses with themselves and which is strange and most observable is that they never will acknowledge nor give a due commendation to any though never so self-denying and godly and filled abundantly with all the graces of the Spirit unless they take up the same mad opinions with themselves and therefore not strange when they have lost the spirit of love and charity and in stead thereof are filled with a spirit of self-fulness and pride that they tread under foot the blood of the covenant as an unholy thing and so carried on to damnable and blasphemous opinions and heresies Amongst the many reasons that we ought to give a due acknowledgement to the graces in the godly these are some 1. That God may have the due honour as the author of them 2. Because all graces are of the same Spirits working and therefore worthy of honour wheresoever they are found 3. For the encouragement and cherishing all persons under all hardships and afflictions in acquiring and maintaining those graces alive fructifying and effective 4. And lastly That their sins may not so discourage the godly as to think nothing praise worthy in them whiles they have many things in them worthy to
and good works as formerly she did as the true effects and issues of that love or else c. Hence Note Observ That the contemplation of grace is the only Gospel motive unto true repentance The commemoration of God's former gracious dealing unto a backslidden soul will operate very strongly if not judicially hardned to recal him unto his God The straying prodigal experienced this truth in himself Luke 15.17 when he came to himself and considered how that many hired servants in his fathers house had bread enough and yet he starving for hunger it made him to reflect upon that full and gracious condition when he was as an obedient son with his father which moved him to set on the resolution to be a Trewant no longer but to arise and go unto his Father and say Father I have sinned against heaven and before thee If any thing will break the course of sin and recall the heart unto its first love the consideration of the former gracious dealings of God with it will effect it It will reason thus with it self was it not better with me when I kept close to God then now it is since I have broken with him Was not my soul more at peace within it self when I was more zealous of God's glory and of keeping his commands then now when I am more remiss and colder in my affections both towards God and christian duties Was not then my food more spiritual and my delights more heavenly then now when I am clogg'd with the vanities of this world and the bewitching lusts thereof Had I not then a freer access to God and of a freer spirit in my approches crying Abba Father then now having strayed from him instead thereof having a spirit of bondage and of fear In short when I kept close with God did not a face of heaven as it were appear in all my performances and relations but now having departed from him all is turned into hell and bitterness against me Surely those considerations of grace formerly received will work more upon an ingenious spirit then any thundring Legal threats whatsoever yet I add if these will not do Christ hath another course and method and can come judicially and remove his candlestick from amongst such obstinate and unrepentant sinners Observ 2. Another Note is That true Gospel repentance consists not only in changing the mind but of practise and conversation also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rescipicite to wax wiser or repent do not only consist to grow wiser in the judgement but in the choice of the practical affections also If the will be not right as to its objects as well as the judgement it will not denominate a true repentant The church of Ephesus was right as to her faith for which she suffered in patience yet her practise and affections were not streight for which she had the check and commanded to do the first works works of love works of charity works of piety which formerly she had been zealous in In true repentance there is a Terminus a quo and Terminus ad quem Turn ye turn ye every one from the abomination of his ways there is the terminus a quo but this is not all a negative righteousness will not serve turn but there must be Terminus ad quem a positive righteousness also There must be a doing of the first works of holiness and godliness towards God and of love and righteousness towards all but more especially towards the houshold of faith These are the adequate ingredients of true and Gospel repentance It is a gross deceit in many that think that they have believed sufficiently and they have repented sufficiently when they have altered their judgment or at least their weather-cock opinion from one external form unto another as when an Episcopal man is become for a Presbyterie O most kind and benigne Sun-shine quoth he but when a Presbyterian turns Independent in judgement he presently cries out that heaven is opened unto him never considering that the kingdom of heaven does consist in godliness and righteousness but in outward forms of worship which if rightly regulated somthing of each might be rightly admitted to make a just composure In the next place some think their repentance very sound when they have changed one errour for another when of an Arminian or Pelagian are become Antinomists rightly so termed denying and opposing the morality of the Law as a rule of duty obliging unto christians when of an Arrian or Antitrinitarian are become Tridheites or worshippers of three Gods c. So corrupt is the heart of man that will make his own opinion an Idol and all that looks not that way nor brings any flowers to that sacrifice and yet otherwise apparently gracious shall neither have the title of a true believer or a repentant soul amongst them Therefore with all such I would leave this Scripture as a Signet upon their finger Remember from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first works Observ 3. Another Note from the authority of the person Christ that gives this memento is That Christ's commands in his Word should be very powerful and efficacious to bring us unto repentance Shall Christ be our Anamnestes or Remembrancer and set our faults before us by his Spirit in the Word and shall not our hearts be molten for it Shall he call from heaven to us in his ever-living word of Prophesie and shall we not intend or hearken to that heavenly vision He gave but one glance on Peter reflecting on his unkindness and denial which caused Peter to turn aside and weep bitterly And shall he not only look upon us with his daylie providential acts of goodness and mercy which leadeth unto repentance but give us line upon line and precept upon precept and yet not return by repentance It is the signe of most obdurate hearts and of stiff-necked sinners But some will say We want wills to it and if Christ gave wills as well as commands we should readily follow him I answer first Where Christ lays his commands on his chosen ones he also gives there the first grace of his Spirit to enable to obey that command and we know the Spirit may be opposed and the Spirit may be quenched and is so often by our own defects and by reason of the abundancy of corruptions so that the want of wills to good things proceed from our own base and corrupt wills not for want of power from Christ who commands us to them but take notice though the operations of the Spirit may by the Elect themselves be opposed darkned and quenched partially but not totally and finally but at last will get the victory in bringing forth the work of God unto perfection Secondly It is in vain for persons in an ●nregenerate state to complain for want of wills for before Christ moves thereon by his Spirit of grace they cannot rightly will any good thing or work but the first grace being given
so called for on the performance of every condition by vertue of compact it hath a legal influence merit and causality unto the production of its end Neither indeed is there any such compact in the Word since the fall of Adam that on the performance of any conditions be they never so Evangelical as Faith Repentance c. Justification or life was promised thereupon only the condition of the old covenant between God and man was death upon disobedience and life upon obedience Man having forfeited the one by his disobedience Christ steps in as the Mediator of a better and surer covenant and makes his soul an offering unto death which was the full performance of the penal condition due unto the sinner and so absolutely purchased a blessed seed unto himself and on such stable conditions performed altogether by himself that they cannot possibly forfeit their inheritance being in so sure a hand and are still heirs though whiles under years they differ not from servants that is whiles under sin and unregeneracy are still in bondage until faith come to discover their heirship and interest unto the purchased possession and in the mean time by evil works they are as enemies strangers and aliens to God and the commonweal of Israel according to the old Legal distinction they have notwithstanding Jus ad Rem though not Jus in Re. And though I deny faith or repentance to be conditions properly so called in the covenant to life or justification yet I say they are required in the same new Law Covenant or Testament as conditions improperly so called or as conditions in order preceding one the other and as benefits of the same covenant But seeing the word condition is of late glown so rampant and overmuch perfumed with the Spiceries of Rome I shall willingly let it lie as that other term of merit which in their first births were more innocent and inoffensive and shall rather call them as duties and qualities required in the new covenant by Christ as necessary in all his redeemed ones to life and salvation And when I say they are duties necessary I would be understood not absolutely necessary but virtate precepti and virtute medii unto all such as are capable of their duties but not unto Infants or Idiots that want the use of reason for to believe and repent are acts of the will and understanding which Infants or Idiots are not capable of and therefore we exempt them from salvation dying so if the condition of faith was absolute and peremptory as Augustine once dreamed and therefore was called durus pater Infantum and all others must conclude the like harsh judgement on them also that hold actual faith and repentance as absolute necessary conditions unto justification and life But again If it were true what the Arminian says That none are saved but on the condition of the To credere or act of faith and none damned but for unbelief then I re-assume that some persons according to this are neither damned nor saved for Infants dying such as aforesaid cannot have by reason of their incapacity the act of faith nor unbelief which is a privation by refusal or resistance of the truth made manifest Indeed such absurdities do they incur that assert such absolute conditions in the covenant of grace to be done on man's part yet I say they are absolute and peremptory on Christ's part to be performed and he having fully finished all the conditions for his elect ones by his death though some of them dying Infants yet are saved by vertue of that everlasting covenant made with Christ in for and on the behalf of all his chosen ones of whom he will not lose one which the Father hath given him From this precedent discourse you may plainly conclude that though I grant repentance a necessary Gospel duty and for divers good ends it is ordained so yet do not in the least place it in any subordinate causality joyntly with Christ in the work of our salvation but only as our duty thorowfare or way thereunto commanded and instituted by Christ as part of his new Law that he himself might have the pre-eminence in all things and the name and glory alone of our salvation And this hereon shall suffice See more hereon v. 23. Observ 2. Another Note hence is That the doctrine of judgments and threats is a very useful Gospel doctrine When Christ hath passed with his doctrine of grace and offers a reconcilement freely if the sinner will but turn from his iniquities and repent and yet the sinner will refuse his gracious terms he hath another burden to tell him that after he hath refused so great salvation he can cast both soul and body into hell fire the most obdurate and incorrigible child must have the sharpest rod a smile or a love-token will work upon the ingenious but saith Solomon a rod is for the back of a fool Neither is judgement a strange work unto Christ for as he is related unto his church as a Saviour and a Father respecting his grace and loving kindness so he is as well a Judge and a Legislator and so may justly chastise his church as contemners and transgressors of his Royal Law If he calls us to repent which is part of his new covenant Law as he did the church of Ephesus and yet go on obstinately in sin justly may he remove his candlestick from amongst us If his Lamb-like quality of mercy and grace will not invite us to return he can roat as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah which will cause us to call upon the mountains to fall upon us and to hide us from the presence of the Lamb wherefore they are much mistaken that would shut out as useless the doctrine of threats and judgements from the Gospel which are to be preached soberly and conditional not peremptory and absolute for if there were not a curb and fear of loss and punishment the wanton straying soul would hardly be reclaimed though the more tender hearted the apprehension of grace and love might reclaim and mollifie Observ 3. Another Observation is To take off God's candlestick or to unchurch a Nation or people is the most grievous of all God's judgements Christ could not afflict the church of Ephesus with a greater loss then to remove his church from among them for hereby First Privatively His glory and special presence of grace and favour is withdrawn Secondly The guidance light and comfort of his holy Spirit is departed Thirdly His Ordinances are all defiled and vanished Fourthly His special protection is withdrawn also Fifthly and lastly Instead of his gracious presence they have his presence in wrath judgements and fiery indignations Instead of his Spirit of light and comfort they have the dismal spirit of darkness errour and despair instead of Christ's holy Ordinances they have the Divel's sacrifices and instead of God's special protection over them they are carried captives by Satan to all foul and
then the approved Presbiters of a church but the latter zeal is better ●egulated and more sober then the former When I was a child saith Paul I spake as a child I did as a child I understood as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things So it is in our spiritual growth in our first birth we are very childish and zealous of small things external circumstances in worship we then look upon as great things and if a painted window a cross a su●pless a cope c. stand in our way we presently stumble at them and think it the most acceptable service we can perform to God either to burn them or break them to peices as Antichristian trumperies Again if we come a little higher then we spend most or all our strength about the defence of external forms of worship as whether Presbitery Independency or the way of the Anabaptists so called be the righter way This humour too is most prevalent in the Neophites but the waightier things of God and his Law is for the elder and stronger sort The one thinks to catch Heaven by Tything Mint and Anniss by being very intense about the smaller things of the Law but the other ●ot leaving the first undone falls upon the kernel and substance of Religion which is fit meat for stronger men The grown christian's graces excels the younger as his love is more sound he loves not for interest or opinion sake as many young ones does but he loves the brethren on this ground as being members of one body being made partakers of the same divine truth with himself Secondly His service is more cordial in respect of the larger experience of the goodness of God to his Soul he hath often met God's presence in his ordinances then the younger christian hath and therefore needs must his desires and affections excell unto God's Ordinances and worships seeing he hath of●ner met God therein as in a special habitation of his glory Thirdly An old christian's faith is sounder then the younger he believes not because he hath heard only with the ear but he believes because he hath seen tasted and experienced the truth and faithfulness of God and his promises to his soul which the other it may be as yet has not attained too Fourthly His patience is more tryed more refined then the younger Fifthly and lastly In effect all his graces are sounder and better circumstantiated then those of the younger christians for ends for grounds for manners for time and in all other circumstances whatsoever Therefore it is our duty to strive that our last works may be more then our first otherwise shame unto us as unprofitable servants Vers 20. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezabel which calleth her self a Prophetess to teach and seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto Idols Yet nevertheless O thou church of Thyatira though I do approve and encourage thy gracious works of love faith seruice and patience and commend thee for thy proficiency in them yet I have a few things certain offences to lay in charge against thee Hence Note Observ If our sins be few and great though our graces be many and eminent yet God will come against us for them Few great and scandalous sins are as dead flies in pretious Oyntment it will defile the whole box of spiritual graces God will not Inhabit quietly and at peace in one mansion with sin and wickedness If Ephraim will have Idols God will let him alone And if Israel will uphold wickedness though his own peculiar people who were abounding in sacrifices and holy services yet that shall not priviledge them from a Babylonish captivity If his own select people will turn wild Olives and cruci●●e the Lords Prophets and his Christ he can cut them off and make them a desolate and dispersed people upon the face of the whole earth Thyatira had many excellent graces and so had Ephesus Smyrna Pergamus c. yet for their sins and especially those of Idolatry and Fornication the corrupt doctrines of Balaam Jezabel and the Nicolaitans God came against them in judgment and fiery indignation and removed his candlesticks from amongst them and left them desolate If we conceive our graces of Faith Love Service c. will secure us from the wrath of God though we admit Antichristian doctrines of Idolatry false and evil worships among us we shall be much deceived Doubtless many of our former Bishops were very godly men as Jewel Downham Usher Hall Davenant c. yet their real graces and holiness could not stop the hand of God in going forth in wrath against the Antichristian practises and false worships tolerated and allowed in the churches of Eng● 〈…〉 only could deliver their own souls but they themselves 〈◊〉 main and the whole function shall smart for it in the day of 〈◊〉 Lord's indignation and though some of them were godly and pious men yet for their tolerating and conniving at false doctrines and worships they themselves shall suffer in the common judgment but their pious and gracious souls shall be saved so as by fire not that of Purgatory first kindled in the Popes Kitchen but by the fire of afflictions sanctified unto them by that fire of purging and cleansing away our dross to wit God's Spirit and Word We are therefore to look to it how we admitt offences amongst us though they be but few they may draw God into judgment against us and though they may not at present unchurch us yet if held unrepented of they may provoke God to come against us quickly with the sword of his mouth O let no man plead for toleration of sin false doctrines or worships from the Primitive practises or presidents of the first churches so as they sinned first in these particulars so they were made the first examples of God's wrath and justice It is but a sad saying of some That their present churches are as sound straight and holy as the Primitive ones They had their drunkards incestuous followers of the doctrine of Balaam the Nicolaitans and Jezabel and we say they in our Parochial churches have not worse Alas they are now made unto us examples of God's righteous judgments for those and the rest of their sins and their very habitations given unto the cursed Mahometans and their off springs turned Barbarians and Heathens and if we be found in the same sins and transgressions with them O May we not fear the same desolating judgment Let us not contemn the long-suffering of God but speedily repent and do our first works So far should we be from boasting on that account that it should rather be unto us just matter of grief and sorrow But to proceed The charge against Thyatira was That thou sufferest the woman Jezabel who calleth her self a Prophetess to teach and deceive my servants c. This woman Jezebel here mentioned doubtless
cap. 18. The Beast and false Prophet joynt companions in evil the one upholding and confirming the other the one by an unrighteous and tyrannical Sword the other by false doctrines and miracles till at last both are caught by Christ and his Armies and cast into the lake of fire and brimstone Rev. 19.20 And if common tribulations were not enough for false teachers and their folowers Christ will cast them into a bed wherein they shall roul themselves in grief cover themselvs in grief and with great tribulation and if all this will not do to bring them to repentance for their wicked deeds and practises Christ hath another bed to cast them into a bed of death and destruction in the next verse And I will kill her children with death except they repent of their deeds Repentance is the only remedy against divine judgments turning from sin and turning to God will turn God's wrath from us and his love towards us See more hereon about repentance ver 5. and 16 of this cap. Vers 23. And I will kill her children with death and all the Churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reines and hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works As the true church of Christ hath her children begotten and fostered up by the immortal seed of the word so false Teachers and Heretiques have their children also begotten by the spirit of deceit and falshood and nourished by errors and wickedness So this false Nicolaitish Prophetess had her children followers of her Fornication and Idolatry In the former verse we read of her Adulteries that doth commit fornication with her and promote her doctrines of Idolatries equally with her self and that Christ would cast them together into great tribulation except they repent and here we find their Issue children of the same cursed stock which Christ will aso shew no mercy to but kill her children with death that is will sweep them away in judgment not only with a violent and precipitant deatnh ●ut will also slay them with a death eternal Hence Note Observ 1. That children that tread in the steps of their wicked parents are envolved under the same judgments with themselves If we be partakers of our Father's sins it is just that we should be partakers of their punishments If we follow the steps of our faithful parents we shall have the same reward with them of our faithfulness in the latter day God giveth to every one according to his works the child shall not dye for the sin of his parent nor shall the child be saved for the faith or obedience of his parent For the Soul that sinneth shall dye And he that believeth shall be saved But as for the little ones that are uncapable of actual sin or faith their salvation or damnation is according to his will that sheweth mercy on whom he will and whom he will he hardens Rom. 9. Quest. But if it be demanded How will it stand with the justice of God to cut off little children which are innocent nor ever yet done good or evil together in judgment with their parents Answ Little children that had never committed actual sin even babes new born or in the womb doubtless perished in the floud and many in Sodome and yet without impeachment of or derogation to divine Justice First God can do it out of Soveraignty and absolute dominion which he hath over his creatures He is the Potter he that made the Vessel can break it he that gave life to babes can take it away and who can say why dost thou this Secondly all Infants are defiled with original sin and as the wages of sin is death so God can justly inflict death on them both temporal and eternal as the due wages thereof together with their parents Thirdly Little children are part of their parents substance and family and God may justly punish the living parent in his child by death as well as any others of his stock and substance as by a temporal punishment Fourthly Though God may often sweep away in his temporal judgments many little innocent children as by the Sword Famine c. and yet they not perish eternally for violent or sudden death is no Argument of God's hatred to them for many precious souls expire by a more terrible and violent death then that of the Sword Pestilence or Famine Fifthly and lastly For the comfort and the better support of the hopes of faithful parents for the well being of their little innocent dying infants whether they are taken off by God either by an ordinary death or in a common judgment let them understand for their comfort that God hath made an everlasting covenant of grace and salvation with Christ for all his Elect ones Gal. 3.16 Isa 53.11 12. and though the Infants of believers die before they can receive the promise of the Spirit by faith yet the chosen ones in Christ are secure by virtue of God's eternal love towards them in Christ being chosen in him from all eternity Ephes 1.14 and let me with reverence speak it Christ may as soon perish as one of them he being the head they the members making up one mystical church Had God ever cloathed himself with flesh in the person of the Son had it not been to lay down a sufficient price and ransom to divine Justice for all his ever beloved chosen ones And where there is such a predeterminating love as God's is towards his Elect and such an inestimable and compleat price paid for them as Christ's death is how can any such possibly perish without violation and impeachment both of divine Love and divine Justice This is a surer ground of the salvation of some dying Infants of believing parents then that that some Arminianising persons of these days do make to wit the parents faith the condition of the Infant 's salvation Dying Infants with those of that perswasion I leave these few following considerations First They should do well in the first place to produce that grant which they pretend to be in the Gospel covenant that the parents faith is the condition of their Infants salvation dying so but this will be done ad Graecas Calendas it savors too much of works of Supererrogation and Popery to be true Secondly If some dying Infants of believing parents are saved on the condition of their parents faith then all are so saved that dyes so before they have forfeited their condition by their own actual transgressions and if all of them are saved dying so then happier would faithful parents be to see all their children dy whilst Infants and innocent for then they should be sure of their salvation then to see them live for some of them must become reprobate and wicked for few godly parents have ever had all godly children Abraham had Ishmael as well as Isaac Isaac had an Esau as well as a Jacob Jacob had a Reuben Simeon and Levi. brethren
in iniquity as well as Benjamins sons of love and comfort Thirdly If all Infants of believers dying Infants are saved on the condition of their parents faith how comes some afterwards to forfeit their condition Are the conditions of the covenant of grace unstable and left in the hand of man that is vain and frail that would soon forfeit them all if a thousand salvations were on them I always thought the death of Christ to be the only proper and meritorious condition of the covenant of grace and of our salvation and faith to be our principal evidencing condition and qualification as the way unto life Heb. 11.1 and at most I take it but as the first precedent condition to other graces for God gives one grace as a reward of the well improvement of the first grace he that encreaseth his Talent God multiplies his Talents to him God gives first faith unto his people before he gives them the other graces of his spirit to wit of adoption justification or sanctification Faith in order of nature is the precedaneous grace unto all others though they are conjunct and inseparable to that faith which is sound and sincere We receive saith the Apostle Gal. 3.14 the promise of the Spirit through faith Faith is made the thorow-fare conduit and pipe whereby God convays all his spiritual blessings and promises into our souls it is Man's receptive instrument and the Spirit 's revealing instrument the spirit takes the things of God and reveals them to the faithful soul by the instrumentality of faith and the soul receives and apprehends them by the same instrument of faith and therefore a blessed instrument both of God and Man 4. Are all believers Infants in the covenant of grace and salvable whilst Infants and afterwards fall away when come to years of discretion Hath not Christ said that the love of God is unchangeable Io. 13.1 and is it not impossible that any one of his chosen ones should be lost Mat. 24. or is his covenant broken Ier. 31.32 or is Christ's death and intercession unavailable Io. 17.15 20 21. or is God's wisdom deceived or his power and goodness made frustrate or overcome by the intervention of man's sin All which are not only absurd but impossible Fifthly If the parents faith is the condition of salvation unto their dying Infants then Infants are saved one way and grown persons in another way Infants by the faith of another to wit their parents and grown persons by their own faith how absurd this is let the judicious consider God saves none for faith but saves some by faith Faith is not the proper or meritorious condition of the covenant of grace that alone is the object of faith Christ crucified Faith is not the condition but in an improper sense as repentance and obedience and all other graces are but I should rather let the word condition lie by us unhallowed for this end in regard many have stumbled at it by making it an Idol rampant but I should rather call faith the fruits effects or some special branch or blessing promised in the covenant of grace for it is so mencioned in the new covenant I will write my Laws in their inward parts Heb. 8.10 and what is the great commandment or law of God that will be written in the heart That ye believe in Jesus Christ and faith is the gift of God If any take faith to be the condition of the covenant or of salvation only as a qualification a medium or way without which grown intelligent persons cannot be justified or saved with such I should not contend or should make it a precedaneous condition unto other subsequent graces I should not much quarrel with that neither for I think it to be the first foundation grace that the spirit works in the elect Saints of God which produceth cherisheth and sanctifieth all other subsequent graces in the soul but to make faith which is our own act though wrought by God's spirit the condition of our salvation in a proper sense to wit by performing whereof we may legally and justly claim it as our due as wages and debt the thing promised to wit life and salvation on the performance thereof in a legal way This is to set up somewhat of our selves that we may have that whereof to beast of and glory in our own strength And in the next place it derogates from all sufficient merits of Christ and his precious death which is the alone legal condition performed for us and in our behalfs and whereby we do legally and in the way of justice claim at the hands of Gods justification and remission of sins adoption and sanctification life salvation and glorification and all the good things of the Gospel But all these things are hid unto us until the spirit comes to reveal them to us by faith Heb. 11.1 Sixtly and lastly If faith therefore will not serve turn but is too short and weak a condition properly and legally understood for the believing parents own salvation then surely it will not reach the salvation of their Infants therefore vain to trust or bind upon it for such a work for it is alone the garment of our elder brother the white robes of Christs righteousness that is fit to reach and cover not only the faithful parents but their children also if so be God hath chosen them in Christ by his eternal love of election but for such Infants as God hath in his eternal preterition passed by as the Potter hath power over his clay to make thereof either vessels of honor or dishonor who shall say unto God why hast thou made me thus I say therefore to assert the parents faith the condition of their Infants salvation is a groundless reasonless assertion not comporting with the lest savor of truth and therefore to be excluded out of the Creed of all sound and orthodox chr●stians See more on ver 5. of this cap. And all the Churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reines and hearts c. By my righteous Judgments on those children of Idolatry and Fornication all the churches round about shall take notice that I am he saith Christ that tries the secrets of mens hearts and so as a God omniscient and an all-seeing Judge can execute righteous judgments on every one according to his works Hence Note Observ 1. That God knoweth our hearts most perfectly and therefore can judge of us most perfectly Man knoweth his own heart but in part but God more perfectly than himself 1 Cor. 4.4 He that created the heart must know it and he that himself is infinite must comprehend that fully which is finite The Devil knows not our hearts and thoughts till we do some ways manifest them by words gestures signes or actions but God knoweth our thoughts without those means Psal 39.1 2. The Divel may guess at mens thoughts by their natural complexions but God perfectly knows what is in man without any
be only in name and outward or whither inward and sincere they are the Masters of the Assemblies and the experienced Elders of the church and therefore are and ought to precede and excel all others in every spiritual work and service whatsoever Observ Another Note hence is That the Spirits's Method is first to convince of sin before it manifests its remedy against sin The whole saith Christ need not the Physitian but the sensible sick and wounded Christ first convinces Sardis that she had only a Name that she lived but was dead before he lays down her remedy in the third ver in bringing her to repentance so he deales with Pergamus Thyatira and other delinquent churches also It is an Anti-scriptural Method of some that preach up faith and repentance unto a sinful and backslidden people before they have first fully convinced them by the Spirit in the Word that they are under bondage sin and misery This is no legal Method as the Antinomists do conjecture but of a spiritual and Gospel spirit for unless we be first sensibly convinced of our loss and misery by sin how should we looke for a Saviour or salvation by faith in Christ All the primitive converts that we read of were first pricked unto their hearts for sin before they asked What shall we do to be saved Acts 2. But to return to Christ's charge against Sardis I know thy works for thou hast a Name that thou livest but thou art dead as if he had said Thou hast a name a reputation that thou livest that is that thou art a faithful professing church and livest in me by faith but thou art dead that is not altogether dead for then it was in vain to put her afterwards to strengthen the remainder of grace but as good as dead low weak and infirm and that faith and profession which thou pretendest to be in thee is but as a dead profession and liveless faith Hence Note Observ That though Churches may carry a fair outward profession and a common reputation of faithful ones yet they may be very hipocritical and no better then dead liveless and rotten at the root This church at Sardis had a name that she lived but she was dead her graces were even at deaths dore yet still would keep up the Name of a christian church Who higher in profession and name then the church of Rome Doth she not take unto her self and go under the name of Catholique as if she had been the only church that holds the general faith delivered unto the Saints And yet what church more dead and rotten then she Notwithstanding our nominal faith and common-reputed christianity among us yet we may be dead to all motions and operations of all true spiritual life in the church of Smyrna cap. 2. 9. they were those which said they were Jews but they were not and Christ tels them I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews are not but are of the Sinagogue of Satan It is a kind of blasphemy and dishonour done unto God when under the cover of profession we endeavour to excuse our errors and profaness Open opposition is less dishonorable unto God then impure and dead lives under the vizor of profession Mat. 21.28 29. That froward Son in the Parable was less guilty that said he would not do the will of his Father then he that said I will and did it not James resolves the Question in that Interrogation of his cap. 2. 14 What doth it profit if a man saith he hath faith and hath not works can faith save him meaning a dead nominal faith without fruits and works So would I put the question here what will the pretended faith and christianity of our nominal and national christians profit or advantage them The Divel hath such a faith that is only in the tongue and the lip and yet fare nough from salvation or the grace of God these formal outward graces are so far from bringing in any real comfort or hope of glory in the future to the souls that only have them that they bring in real disadvantage and loss unto them for they argue a conviction of the truth yet a refusal thereof in the love and power thereof And secondly it hath been always a harder work of the Ministry to bring pretended and formal professors unto the power of godliness then open Harlots Publicans and Sinners witness the Pharisees of old in Christ's days and the National Formal Jews who would boast of their carnal priviledges and of having Abraham to their Father and the Oracles and Temple of God among them somwhat like the late Levitical Prelatical Tribe among us and yet who more blind and dead then they unto true spiritual knowledg And who more eager persecutors and enemies to Christ his ways and Saints then those Formal National Jews who say they are Jews and are not but are of the Sinagogue of Satan But to give you a test and taste to try whither your profession and faith be a living profession and faith or not First True and lively faith uniteth us to Christ and draweth life and vertue from him I live by faith in the Son of God Gal. 2.20 You know there is life in a body by the notions and beating of the pulses A living faith will be active and discover it self in some gracious effects and operations If Christ be in you he will live in you he will not be dead and idle but be moving in you to gracious duties and operations for there is none liveth in Christ but he bringeth forth much fruits Io. 15.5 It is true faith may not always be alike lively and active but where it is true and real it will be always living and though you be not sensible of its activity yet you will be sensible of deadness and complain under it which is a signe of a living faith though not a lively one Secondly Where this true faith is there will be its constant concomitant that forcible principle love See cap. 2. 19. Affection followeth perswasion and where love is there will be service and worke for faith worketh by love for when we apprehend by faith God's love in Christ to us it begets in us a return of love and acts of services and thankfulness to God True faith will not be idle but will be a working faith and will produce that labour of love mentioned Heb. 6.10 1 Thess 1.3 Thirdly A living faith must needs be active being wrought by the quickning spirit of Christ help engageth to action and where the spirit of Christ shall worke who shall resist his power Fourthly Where true faith is there will be high aimes to glorifie God for it will not be so dis-ingenious to take and receive mercies from God but it will study how to give and render unto God due praises and glory for it for we are not redeemed by Christ to live unto our selves but to glorifie God in our souls
some one may be more eminent then others yet the truth of all must be there as they will have faith they will have patience as patience love zeal humility self-denial and all other graces whatsoever Be ye holy for I am holy in all manner of conversation 1 Pet. 1.15.16 and this must be also in the prevailing degree thereof for his servants ye are whom ye obey if sin be stronger in thee then grace then ye are sinners and wicked ones but if grace prevail then are ye gracious and perfect ones Thirdly Their aims and desires must be after perfection they will not be contented with a little grace no less measure will serve their turn then what they enjoy after the resurrection I would by any means attain to the resurrection of the dead saith Paul Phil. 3.11 their aims are no lower then unto the glorious and everlasting state and therefore do alwaies press on unto perfection their desires are somewhat infinite as the glory they expect Leaving these things that are behind Heb. 6.1 and herein their aims and desires will appear more perfect in that they hate sin so perfectly that they cannot be quiet until it be abolished and they freed from it 1. From the guilt thereof by justification in the blood of Christ 2. From the piercing power thereof by the sanctification of the spirit of grace 3. From the very being of it in their glorification 4. They are to aim at perfection in duration and perseverance As they are not to want any grace in the truth thereof or in the prevailing degree thereof so are they not to want it in any part of their lives for the Crown is given to him that overcometh 5. True Saints press forward to excel and precede other formal and outside christians in all duties of grace and perfection he that hath any grace will always desire more a holy ambition in grace and goodness is very commendable God tells Satan that there was none like Job on the face of the earth Job 1.8 a perfect and upright man Many desire to be before others in honour riches and power but few desire to excel in grace If we be true Saints and aim at perfection we will not think it enough to be like others in grace but labour to go beyond others in all good and perfect works Hence the Quakers may see and be convinced that we hold a perfection in this life though not an absolute legal one whereunto nothing can be added as they but an Evangelical one upon better grounds and principles Verse 3. Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent if therefore thou shalt not watch I will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee Call to minde therefore the doctrine of grace which thou hast formerly received and heard and cleave fast thereunto and repent thy straying there from But if thou wilt not repent and be awaken'd out of this thy sleep of sin I shal come as a thief suddenly unawares upon thee and seize on thee with unexpected judgements Christ takes up this metaphor and comparison of coming as a thief for divers reasons 1. Because a thief cometh speedily in a time when no man looks for Mat. 24.43 This sets us on a diligent watchfulness If the good man of the house did know in what watch the thief would come he would watch and not suffer his house to be broken thorow or his goods stolen 2. As a thief comes in the dark or dead of night so Christ comes when there is the greatest darkness and deepest night of errour on the whole world and therefore Christ says in Luke when he comes shall he find faith on earth True faith will be such a rarity at Christs coming that it will be found in very few his elect only This quickens our faith and puts us upon the tryal of it 3. A thief comes prepared and resolved to over-master all oppositions so Christ's coming in judgement is with power and to tread down and make all his enemies his footstool This supports and comforts the distressed afflicted Saints He formerly came as a Lamb to suffer and he after came as a comforter to support all those for whom he suffered and died and he hath an other coming his ordinary particular temporal judgements against his enemies which he frequently and very often sends forth against them for their transgressions and so he threatens to come here against Sardis and his offending churches And lastly he comes in his last and ultimate judgement with great power and glory to overthrow and destroy all his antichristian foes and enemies whatsoever in Rev. 16.15 it is said Lo I come as a thief and presently follows the great battel of Armageddon and the utter destruction of Babylon by the seventh Vial of God's plagues and judgements First from the former part of this verse observe Observ That a calling to mind of God's former gratious dealings with us is not only a great preservative against sin but an effectual means for the recovery out of sin by a holy repentance Look back unto the Rock from whence thou art hewen and review thy former unregenerate state and how you were therein aliens strangers and enemies unto God by evil works and how it is far better with you now in your state of faith then it was then in sin and wrath for when ye have sin presented unto you in its enticements and provocations it will make gracious souls to reason thus with themselves Was I not once an enemy unto God in my sinful unregenerate state and shall I again fall back into it as the Sowe into the myre God forbid How shall I do this great wickedness and sin against God Will not then my latter estate be far worse then the first Because God hath been gracious unto my poor soul and delivered it as a Bird out of the snare or snatch'd it as a brand out of the fire shall I again cast my self into the bonds of Satan and into the flames of hell by my turning this grace of God into sin and wantonness The Lord forbid Again for the recovery of backslidden souls that are almost spiritually dead and have almost nothing but the name and common reputation of living ones It is most useful and advantagious to such poor souls for their recovery to recognize and look back on those good things they formerly received of God and heard concerning him For first They heard that God was a gracious reconciled God and a merciful Father in Jesus Christ ready to receive those of his chosen ones even in their blood and sin that did come to him by faith in Christ to be healed of their transgressions and this they not only heard by the hearing of the ear but received it also into their hearts by faith And if God was so ready then to receive us into reconciliation with himself whiles enemies unto