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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33276 Ill newes from New-England, or, A nar[r]ative of New-Englands persecution wherin is declared that while old England is becoming new, New-England is become old : also four proposals to the Honoured Parliament and Councel of State, touching the way to propagate the Gospel of Christ ... : also four conclusions touching the faith and order of the Gospel of Christ out of his last will and testament, confirmed and justified / by John Clark ... Clarke, John, 1609-1676. 1652 (1652) Wing C4471; ESTC R19361 89,149 98

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following meet again at the said William Witters in contempt to Authority you being then in the custody of the Law and did there receive the Sacrament being Excommunicate and that you did Baptize such as were Baptized before and thereby did necessarily deny the Baptism that was before administred to be Baptism the Churches no Churches and also other Ordinances and Ministers as if all were a Nullity And also did deny the lawfullness of Baptizing of Infants and all this tends to the dishonour of God the despising the ordinances of God among us the peace of the Churches and seducing the Subjects of this Commonwealth from the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and perverting the strait waies of the Lord the Court doth fine you 30 pounds to be paid or sufficient sureties that the said sum shall be paid by the first day of the next Court of Assistants or else to be well whipt and that you shall remain in Prison till it be paid or security given in for it By the Court ENCREASE NOWELL And now because his sufferings and the sence which his Soul felt of the Lords Support according to promise is affectionately set forth and commended as a token of his love in a Letter written with his own hand and sent unto those that have obtained like precious faith in London or elsewhere whereby by an experiment which God hath been pleased to give to him and us they may evidently discern that Iesus Christ is in point of tender compassions touching those that confess his name before the Sonnes of men the same to day that he was yesterday that as yesterday so to day it may be said as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ so that they which keep the commandements of God and Testimony of Iesus Christ may be hereby incouraged to fear none of those things which they shall suffer before they come nor when they look them in the face and begin the incounter with them be soon weary and wax faint in their minds but faithfully and hopefully expect they suffering for the name of Christ and as Christians that the spirit of their Lord and of glory shall rest upon them The words of his Letter followeth Unto the well beloved Brethren Iohn Spilsbury William Kissin and the rest that in London stand fast in that Faith and continue to walk stedfastly in that Order of the Gospell which was once delivered unto the Saints by Iesus Christ Obediah Holms an unworthy witness that Iesus is the Lord and of late a Prisoner for Iesus sake at Boston sendeth greeting Dearly Beloved and longed after MY hearts desire is to hear from you and to hear that you grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ and that your love to him and one unto another as he hath given commandment aboundeth would be the very joy and great rejoycing of my Soul and Spirit had I not been prevented by my beloved Brethren of Providence who have wrot unto you wherein you have my Mind at large and also by our beloved Brother Clarke of Road-Iland who may if God permit see you and speak with you mouth to mouth I had here declared my self in that matter but now I forbear And because I have an experimentall knowledge in my self that in members of the same Body while it stands in union with the head there is a sympathizing Spirit which passeth through and also remain in each particular so that one member can neither mourn nor rejoyce but all the members are ready to mourn or rejoyce with it I shall the rather impart unto you some dealings which I have had therein from the Sons of Men and the gracious supports which I have met with from the Son of God my Lord and yours that so like Members you might rejoyce with me and might be encouraged by the same experiment of his ●ender mercies to fear none of those things which you shall suffer for Iesus sake ●t pleased the Father of Light after a long continuance of mine in death and darknesse to cause life and immortality to be brought to light in my soul and also to cause me to see that this life was by the death of his Son in that hour and power of darknesse procured which wrought in my heart a restless desire to know what that Lord who had so dearly bought me would have me to do and finding that it was his last will to which none is to adde and from which none is to detract that they which had faith in his death for life should yeeld up themselves to hold forth a lively consimilitude or likenesse unto his death buriall and resurrection by that Ordinance of Baptisme I readily yeelded thereto being by love constrained to follow that Lamb that takes away the sins of the World whither soever he goes I had no sooner separated from their assemblies and from Communion with them in their worship of God and thus visibly put on Christ being resolved alone to attend upon him and to submit to his will but immediately the adversary cast out a flood against us and stirred up the spirits of men to present my self and two more to Plymouth Court where we met with 4 Petitions against our whole company to take some speedy course to suppress us one from our own Plantation with 35 hands to it one frō the Church as they call it at Tanto● one from all the Ministers in our Colony except two if I mistake not and one from the Court at Boston in the Mathatusets under their Secretaries hand whereupon the Court straitly chargeth us to desist and neither to ordain Officers nor to Baptize nor to break bread together nor yet to meet upon the first day of the week and having received these strait charges one of the three discovers the sandy foundation upon which he stood who when the flood came and the wind blew fell yet it pleased the Father of mercies to whom be the praise to give us strength to stand to tell them it was better to obey God rather than man and such was the grace of our God to us-ward that though we were had from Court to Court yet were we firmly resolved to keep close to the rule and to obey the voyce of our Lord come what will come Not long after these troubles I came upon occasion of businesse into to the Colony of the Mathatusets with two other Brethren as Brother Clark being one of the two can inform you where we three were apprehended carried to the prison at Boston and so to the Court and were all sentenced what they laid to my charge you may here read in my sentence Vpon the pronouncing of which as I went from the Bar I exprest my self in these words I blesse God I am connted worthy to suffer for the name of Iesus whereupon Iohn Wilson their Pastor as they call him strook me before the Iudgment
soul it may so shine forth before the sons of men that they seeing thy good works may have cause administred to glorify our father which is in heaven It is not words now Christian although they were spoken with tongues of men and Angels when that worthy name is every where well spoken of but faith that works by love and love by works that will distinguish a heady from a hearty Christian Say not in thine heart that Christs Comands are low and his appointments carnall legal injunctions and at the best but neat for babes least hereby thine heart be declared to be vainly puft ●p in thy carnall or fleshly mind and to have too low and carnall conceits of Christ himself who is the injoyner appointer and commander thereof and shall ere long appear as Judge yea least hereby thou be declared ignorant or at the best forgetful of this one thing that it is the great design of God in Christ as to glorifie himself to admiration in poor sinful flesh so whilest he doth it to hide pride from man and therefore as he hath chosen not many wise mighty nor noble of this world but the foolish weak base despised nothings thereof so hath he suited his commands and appointments thereunto and intends through these foolish things so to cause his wisdome to shine forth as thereby to confound the wise through these weak things so to cause his power to appear as thereby to confound the things that are mighty and through these base dispised things that are not to bring to nought those noble glorious and excellent things of the world that are Thou mayst herein see gentle Reader that I have rather chosen to bear witness to the faith and order of our Lord and to shew unto the world but especially unto thee what is the mind of Christ in this time of his absence as to faith and obedience to shew I say rather what is truth which is but one than to bear witness against the ly which is so various knowing that the truth once established shall discover the falshood and light breaking forth shall scatter the darkness And whilest I lead thee forth to seek him whom thy soul loveth and longeth after who is also thy joy and thy Crown while I lead thee I say by the footsteps of those flocks that first trusted in Christ and were fed by such pastors according to his own heart as he gave them God forbid that thou shouldst be as one that wilt turn aside by the flocks of his companions and shouldst be found remaining either on the left side in a visible way of worship in deed but such as was neither appointed by Christ nor yet practised by them who first trusted in him or on the right in no visible way of worship or order at all either pretending that the outward court is given to the Gentiles and the holy City is by them to be troden under foot that the Church of Christ is now in the wilderness and the time of its recovery is not yet or else pretending that God is a spirit and so will in spirit be worshipped and not in this place or that in this way or that Well if thou beest in these waies misled I can no longer forbear in tenderness of spirit and compassionate bowels of love to stretch forth a helping hand thereby to try whether it be the good pleasure of God at this time to drop down a word of light and life and power into thine heart that thou mayest be there by awakned and quickned to be still saying within thy soul Lord what wilt thou have me to do so shalt thou hear such a saying as this Come out from among them Oh my people and be ye separate from them and touch no unsanctifyed thing and I will receive you and be a father unto you and ye shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord God Almighty and also such a saying as this Blessed are they that do his commands for they have right to the tree of life and shall enter in through those gates of pearl into that glorious City Rev. 22. 14. and know that these are the commandments of Jesus sci As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk ye in him and behold I come quickly hold that fast which thou hast yea hold fast till I come And such as may be under the later disceptions let me intreat thee to ponder these words in thine heart sci That prophecies although marvelous plain and easy to be understood cannot warrant a pure conscience to neglect much less to cast off the commandments and oppointments of Jesus neither can the spirit of Christ direct or incourage the heart of a Christian to cast off his lordship no no the spirit of Christ is hereby distinguished from that of Antichrist in that he shall unfainedly confess that Jesus is the Christ and that this Christ Jesus is come in the flesh and when he is come according to promise into the heart of a Christian he shall not speak of himself but as a messenger his office is to gloryfie Christ by taking of him and his and shewing it unto yea writing it in the heart of a Christian so that I dare boldly say there is none for the exaltation of Christ Jesus the lord according to his last will and testament and for the nourishing a lively hope in the heart of a Christian concerning his glorious return I say there is none to that holy spirit of promise who being also the spirit of truth shall guide the souls of the Saints to worship the father as in spirit so likewise in truth and therfore that spirit that speaks of himself and is so far from taking of Christs to exalt and gloryfie him according as he hath foretold and his father intended that he takes from Christ laies him low and diminisheth his glory that spirit cannot be the spirit of Christ or that holy spirit of promise and for asmuch as the spirit speaketh expresly that in these later daies there shall be seducing spirits that shall deceive if it were possible the very elect of God whose incounter will not be so much with flesh and blood but with wicked spirits in high places let me therfore exhort thee in the words of that beloved disciple of Christ beleive not every spirit but try the spirits and that by this rule whether they be of God or no bring them to the wholsome words of the holy Apostles Prophets and son of God ye erre saith Christ not knowing the scriptures and the power of God let it be thy care Christian therfore to search the Scriptures and therein to wait for the power and glory of the spirit of God And look to thy spirit for as immediately before Christs appearing in flesh Satan in a large measure possessed the bodies of men that by his casting them out his power in flesh might appear So before his coming again in glory I have grounds