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A29348 The mighty Christ the saints help, or, A cleer discovery of the mightinesse and excellency of Christ in all things of and concerning him from the first promise of him, to his last appearing and kingdome : with application thereof to the severall states and conditions of men : being the substance of severall sermons preached at Northwalsham in Norfolk, upon Psal. 89, 19, I have laid help on one that is mighty / by Richard Breviter. Breviter, Richard. 1662 (1662) Wing B4424A; ESTC R25944 132,959 309

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was not offended but did alwayes do the things which pleased his father as he told the Jews Joh. 8.29 all which speakes forth his might Fourthly In his delight in it his obedience was without murmuring or grudging it was with delight for the Law of God was within his heart as he spake Psal 40.8 I delight to do thy will O my God his fathers commandements were not grievous to him he professed to his Disciples That it was his Meat to do the will of him that sent him and to finish his worke Joh. 4.34 Fifthly In the efficacy and vertue of it his Righteousnesse doth not returne to him void but it doth accomplish that which he please and prosper in the thing whereto he ordaines it and that is the making others righteous according to that of the Apostle Rom. 5.19 For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made Righteous God made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the Righteousness of God in him 2 Cor. 5.21 And accordingly we are for of God he is made unto us Righteousness Now surely he is Mighty in obedience whose obedience effect the Righteousness of others Secondly Particularly in the Graces of the Spirit which were in him First In his Faith for he as well as we had faith and that a greater and stronger than ours for he was so strong and mighty in faith as that he stagger'd not at any of the promises of his father through unbeliefe other mighty ones in faith sometimes feared as Jacob David c. but Christs faith was perfect he was never afraid of any ttouble or any persecutors he knew on whom he had beleeved he knew his father would uphold and reward him his confidence in his father is prophetically spoken of by Isaiah Chap. 50.6 7 8 9. I gave my back to the smiters and my cheekes to them that pluckt off the haire I hid not my face from shame and spitting for the Lord God will help me therefore shall I not be confounded therefore have I set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed c. And he expressed as much at the raising of Lazarus Father I thanke thee that thou hast heard me and I know that thou hearest me alwayes he was mighty and strong in faith Secondly His love he was and is mighty in that grace which I shall illustrate in particulars First In the nature of it it is above ordinary common love above the love of one friend to another of a father to his child of an husband to his wife or of a man to his own self it is such a love wherewith the father hath loved him Joh. 15.9 He tells his Disciples As the father hath loved me so have I loved you which words do not only hold forth the truth but the excellency of his love towards them it being transcendent infinite love without measure above Geometrie above all arts and parts of men the Apostle tells the Saints at Ephesus that it passeth knowledge Eph. 3.19 Secondly In the objects of it not his friends as loving him any thing though his friends as loved by him not Saints or any excellent lovely ones but sinners enemies and he is a Mighty one that can love Enemies flesh and blood cannot do this Paul sets forth the greatness of the love of Christ by the objects of it Rom. 5.6 7 8. When we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the ungodly for scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man s●me would even dare to die but God commended his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us he was so mighty in his love that he loved his greatest mightiest enemies even those that took away his life yea when they were taking it away at that instant when it was doing when he did hang on the crosse when they were in the heate of their malice and hatred against him he pray'd for the choicest blessing for them Luke 23.34 Father forgive them for they know not what they do Thirdly In the vertue and operation of it it did produce wonderfull effects it carried him out First To the lowest Condition love brought him from heaven to earth from the highest to the lowest estate from the throne to the dunghil Though he was Lord over all yet love made him a servant to all and that is the lowest condition to be a servant this the Apostle mentions as the infinite condescention of Christ Phil. 2.7 And this himselfe minded his Disciples of that he the Son of man came not to be ministred unto but to minister Math. 20.28 I am among you as he that serveth Luk. 22.27 Secondly To the meanest services who though he was the most Mighty One yet so great was his love as that he did not onely condescend to men of low estate but to the lowest meanest services for them John 13. from the first to the seventeenth verse is a full testimony of his love in this respect that he their Lord and Master should wash his Disciples feet Thirdly To the Greatest sufferings both in life and death his life was a life of sorrow and trouble and his death was a a death of great paine and ignominy the cursed death of the Crosse Fourthly To the largest communications he hath witnessed the greatness of his love by the largeness of his gifts he hath given himselfe This the Apostle mentions as the evidence of the Greatness and excellency of his love to the Church Eph. 5.2 25. that he loved the Church and gave himselfe for it and not only himselfe to die for it but now that he liveth he communicateth freely to it of all spirituall blessings for whatsoever he hath heard or received of his father that he imparts to his friends Fourthly In the duration of it it is for ever he abides in his love towards them notwithstanding all their unkindnesses its immutable no length of time nor distance of place can worke any alteration in his love the injuries that we do to Christ although they have their fruit in discomfort and occasion the suspension of the manifestation of his love for a season which is a burden very grievous to be borne by a gracious soule yet these do not remove his love to his yea though he visit their transgressions with the rod and their iniquity with stripes yet his loving kindness shall continue with them in a word it is Everlasting love Jer. 31.3 Thirdly His self-deniall he was mighty in that he was higher and greater then any then all he had more then all others and yet he forsooke all for others he emptied himselfe of all never any so high and never any so low never any so rich and never any so poor as he never any so glorious and never any counted so vile and this not by
he hath undertaken to do by his own Power is really to dishonour him Fourthly To all Despisers and Contemners of Christ For though he is mighty yet he is despised and rejected of men This was and is the sin of the Jews they so far despised him that they denyed him and desired a murtherer to be granted unto them Acts 3.14 And they call him at this day in contempt Talvi the hanged man and his Disciples The followers of the hanged man And this evil is common among the Gentiles also yea multitudes of those that name the name of Christ are guilty of this iniquity so vile and abominable are many as to despise him in their hearts and works whom in words they professe to honour as their Prince and Saviour The very Turks will condemn such Christians for it is said They suffer no man to blaspheme Christ but honour him and speak reverently of him though they do exceedingly vilifie Christians for being so unlike to him The greatness and danger of this evil the Apostle sets forth in his Epistle to the Hebrews Chap 10. vers 28 29. He that despised Moses Law dyed without mercy under two or three witnesses of how much soarer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God Wherefore then are ye not affraid to despise and speak against this mighty One. Vse 4. Of TERROR to the wicked For if Christ be so mighty where shall the sinner and ungodly the Enemies of this Mighty One appear 1 Pet. 4.17 18. Surely they shall be broken in pieces like a Potters Vessel Psal 2. they shall perish and be as the fat of Lambs they shall consume into smoak shall they consume away Psal 37.20 for they will not be able to stand before this mighty One when he cometh to judge the earth in righteousnesse it will be ill especially with these First The Refusers of his Grace those that now make nothing to refuse him and his grace that speaketh from Heaven shall not be able to escape the severity of this Mighty One against them for despising the riches of his goodnesse Rom 2.3 4. for they that have slighted his greatest love must look to endure his fiercest wrath One main end of his coming in great power and glory is to punish such 2 Thess 1.7 8 9. He shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power Secondly The Opposers of his Reigne For this Mighty One will not spare neither will he have pity nor have mercy on them His fury against such is fully set forth in the Parable recorded Luke 19.27 where he saith But those mine enemies which would not that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me He speaks it not of such that gladly would though sin prevails but of them that would it not Thirdly The Oppressors of his servants For though men now count it a small matter which God calls a mighty sin Amos 5.12 To afflict the just and oppresse the poor and say that God regards it not yet this Mighty One will arise and take vengeance for them and that to purpose for he shall break in pieces the Oppressor Psal 72.4 yea he shall cut him in sunder and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Matth. 24.49.51 Fourthly The Scoffers at his coming For those that now mock and scoffe saying Where is the promise of his coming as those in 2 Pet. 3.3 4. they shall find that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is no devised fable Chap. 1.16 but a real yea a powerful appearance against them to their destruction as Isa 5.28 29. Who may abide the day of his coming And who shall stand when he appeareth Malachi 3.2 This Doctrine speaks terror more especially to the great and mighty Ones of the Earth for against them will Christ appear with greatest indignation He shall strike through Kings in the day of his wrath and he shall wound the heads over many Countreys Psal 110.5 6. Yea he will be so terrible to them that they shall not know how to endure him but seek by any means to hide themselves from him Revel 6.14 15 16. The Kings of the Earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief Captains and the mighty men and every bond-man and every free-man hid themselves in the Dens and in the Rocks of the Mountains and said to the Mountains and Rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb for the Great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand And CHRIST will be MOST TERRIBLE TO THEM Reas 1. Because it is a just and righteous thing that he should be so seeing they are not onely most of them against him for not many mighty not many noble are called 1 Cor. 4.26 but they are often his greatest Enemies do most despise and reject him and oppose his Kingdome and Power hence saith the Psalmist The Kings of the Earth set themselves and the Rulers take Councel together against the Lord and against his ANOINTED Psal 2.2 The Great men have altogether broken the Yoke and burst the Bonds Jeremy 5.5 And Christ accepteth not the persons of Princes nor regardeth the rich more than the poor but will render to every one according to his works they that offend most against him must look to suffer most from him Reas 2. Because it is to his honour for by this he gets himselfe a great name of strength and power having and exercising Dominion over the mighty he is the more feared and glorified of men The Prophet Isaiah tells us Chap 2. That the day of the Lord of Hosts shall be upon every one that is proud end lofty and upon every one that is lifted up and he shall be brought low upon all the Cedars of Lebanon that are high upon all the Oaks of Bashan upon all the high mountains and upon all the high hills that are lifted up and upon every high Tower and upon every fenced Wall upon all the Ships of Tharshish and upon all pleasant Pictures and the loftinesse of man shall be bowed down and the haughtinesse of men shall be made low and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day vers 12 13 14 15 16 17. Christ doth therefore ingage with the Mighty because he shall be exalted in their fall especially Quest If Christ be such a Mighty One why do the wicked live become old yea are mighty in power flourish and prosper in the world and go so long unpunished Answ Dost thou not know that the wicked are reserved to the day of destruction they shall be
feare thee O King of Nations for to thee doth it appertaine Jer. 10.5 6 7. And this is the summe of the triumphant Song of them that get victory over the Beast Rev. 15.3 4. Great and marvellous are thy works Lord God Almighty just and true are thy wayes thou King of Saints who shall not feare thee O Lord and glorifie thy Name Secondly Trust in him he is a sure foundation all the powers of Earth and Hell cannot move it He is a fit object for your faith seeing he is the LORD Mighty to save and to save to the uttermost out of the deepest dangers and troubles you can be brought into Heb 7.25 yea he hath redeemed the soules of his servants from deceit and violence heretofore and will for ever shew himselfe strong on the behalfe of those whose hearts are stay'd on him Psal 26.3 4. And therefore though ignorant worldlings slight and reject this Mighty One and place their confidence in Kings Princes Horses Chariots which do faile them often yet do you that know his great and glorious Name put your trust in him Psal 20.7 8. yea at what time you are afraid either of spirituall or temporall evils trust in him in whom is everlasting strength Psal 56.3 you shall finde him sufficient for you and faithfull to you He that beleeveth on him shall never be confounded 1 Pet. 2.6 Thirdly Prize him above all Prize him according to his excellent greatness This was Gods designe in making him mighty Joh. 5.22 23. Do you further it what in you lyeth by honouring the Son even as you honour the Father If the people prized David farre above themselves saying Thou art worth ten thousand of us 2 Sam. 18.3 how should we value Davids Lord our Lord who is the onely Potentate King of Kings and Lord of Lords above our selves and all things else 1 Tim 6.15 Fourthly Stand by him stand by his cause and interest all your dayes Worke and love righteousness evermore though you be persecuted for its sake yea though many should forsake him through the unbeliefe of their hearts as the Disciples did of old yet stand by him and his work of righteousness For he is Mighty to save you Isa 63.1 It was Shammah's commendation that he stood it out and defended the Field alone when all the people fled from the Philistines 2 Sam. 23.12 and the Lord wrought a great Victory Stand by this Mighty One though alone Though you that be faithfull be but few and weake and ingaged against mighty Adversar●●s The Devil the World and the Flesh yet be bold and couragious and go on with confidence in your holy warre you March under the Banner of a Mighty One who is the Captaine of salvation Heb 2.10 who hath conquered mighty Enemies and will not rest till he hath destroyed every evil work worker 2 Tim. 4.16 18. Christ saith Luther hath destroyed many great Kings and laid them in the dust For my part I will hold with him and on his side rather than with the Turke with the Emperour and the whole universall world Let his Resolution be yours its rationall to be on the strongest side Fifthly Blesse God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who of his rich mercy and by his great power hath drawne you out of the world and separated you from your companions and brethren in iniquitie and brought you from under the Dominion of other Lords who were not able to save you to be under this great and Mighty One. Pauls heart was wonderfully taken with this grace as appeares by his words Col. 1.12 13. Giving thanks ●nto the Father c. Who hath delivered ●s from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdome of his deare Son Blesse God for this unspeakable grace Yea Blesse God for that great grace vouchsafed to thee that in thy unregenerate estate thou wert not confounded and destroyed for and in thy opposition against Christ for he is Mighty and could have done it Suppose a child should take a stick in its hand and go into the Lions den and there strike the Lion and the Lions whelpes the young Lions and continue beating them for some time with all its might and yet the Lion not teare this child nor meddle at all with it but the child returne without any hurt done to it what will this child say when it comes to mans estate It will be filled with amazement and astonishment when it shall be told what it did and how it escaped surely it will cry out with wonder what a mercy what a providence past finding out that I was not devoured I stroke the Lion which was wont to devoure others You that are Christs servants you have been the Enemies of Christ and his people you have as it were struck at the face of Christ by your opposition against him yea peradventure you have continued some time beating Christ and his servants provoking Christ the Lion of the Tribe of Judah against you and yet he did not teare you in pieces as he did others but you are escaped oh study what rich mercy and grace it is that such a bold rebellious wretch as you have been should be spared by this Mighty One Surely you cannot look back upon such delivering grace without wondring and being melted by it into love and submission to Christ who hath thus loved and saved you from perishing in and by your iniquities Sixthly Lastly If Christ be Mighty Labour to get much of Christ to be Christians indeed not by profession of the Name onely but by participation of the Spirit of Christ that so receiving the Anointing you may be Mighty also He was full of might by the Spirit of the Lord Isa 11.2 Let us seek to be mighty not by carnal might nor power nor sword but by the Spirit of the Lord. He was mighty in Faith let us be so a strong mighty faith in a mighty Christ is very sutable he was mighty in love to us let us be so to him let us love him with all the heart with all the soule with all our strength He was mighty in patience Let us get much of that grace also for we have need of patience that after we have done the will of God we may inherit the promise Heb 10.36 He was mighty in zeale let us be so even a peculiar people zealous of good works Tit. 2.14 Doctr 2. God hath appointed This Mighty One Christ to be an help to his people This Doctrine hath two Branches 1. That Christ is an help to his people 2. That God hath appointed him thereunto First That CHRIST IS AN HELP appeares First In the TYPES of him both REALL as chiefly the Passeover Mannah the Rock the Brazen Serpent which were types of Christ and for the good and help of the people 1 Cor. 5.7 8. Ch. 10.3 Joh. 2.14 and PERSONALL as a Moses b Josuah c Act. 2.29 20. 13.34 35. David
THE MIGHTY CHRIST THE Saints Help OR A cleer Discovery of the MIGHTINESSE and Excellency of CHRIST in all things of and concerning him from the first Promise of him to his last Appearing and Kingdome With Application thereof to the severall States and Conditions of Men. BEING The Substance of severall Sermons preached at Northwalsham in Norfolk upon PSAL. 89.19 I have laid Help on One that is MIGHTY By RICHARD BREVITER M. A. a poor Labourer in Christs Vineyard Commended by divers Ministers of Jesus Christ in LONDON Who is this that cometh from Edom with dyed Garments from Bozrah this that is Glorious in his Apparel traveling in the Greatnesse of his strength I that speak in Righteousnesse Mighty to save Isa 63.1 LONDON Printed by M. S. for Henry Cripps at the first Shop in Popes-head-Alley next to Lombard street 1662. TO ALL The FRIENDS and ENEMIES of our LORD JESVS CHRIST especially in England Scotland and Ireland FOR Christs and your sake this plain Treatise which about two years since was composed for a more private use is now by the importunity of divers of the LORDS Servants held forth to publick view And though a sense of my own weaknesse and great unworthinesse might have deterred me from this undertaking yet the excellency weightiness and suitablenesse of the Subject to your present conditions which will I hope make way in your hearts for its entertainment hath encouraged me to present it to your considerations It s chief design and aime is to lift up the SON OF MAN who both in his Person Merit Spirit Ordinances and Servants is by more than ordinary unbelief profanesse superstition persecution and abounding of all sorts of iniquity so greatly despised and rejected of men yea to the great reproach of Christianity of those that in words professe to magnifie him above all How it will be accepted and of what benefit it will be to you who as yet are his ENEMIES in your minds by wicked works Col. 1.21 I know not This I can say in all the Reproofs Cautions Counsels and Exhortations I have had it in my heart earnestly to desire to be instrumentall to deliver some of your souls at least from perishing in your disobedience and rebellion against CHRIST For though you say peace and safety while you walk in the imaginations of your own hearts yet great is the danger that you are in through your provoking this MIGHTY ONE against you How easily and suddenly can He break you with his rod of Iron and dash you in pieces like a Potters Vessel as Psalm 2. And what though through his patience and long-suffering you should walk many years in the wayes of your hearts and in the sight of your eyes yet know you must at last and how soon you cannot tell appear before the Judgement Seat of this Mighty One that you may receive the things done in your bodies according to what you have done whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5.10 And what account will you then be able to give to him of all your pride covetousness and some of you of your cursing swearing deceit drunkenness malitiousnesse uncleannesse contempt of his Ordinances persecution of his Servants and other high and horrid wickednesses scarce to be paralelled among the worst of Heathens O fear and tremble before the true and living GOD against whom you have sinned trust not in your power policy friends honours estates and such like worldly enjoyments which will not profit nor help at all in the great day of the wrath of the Lamb Prov 11.4 I shall leave with you Luthers Caution to some in his dayes viz Take heed you be not found among those roaring haughty Gentlemen and Heaven-breakers who do resist the Holy Ghost and Gods Word and boast of their own strength and ability And further in the spirit of meeknesse love and pity I beseech you so to consider and lay to heart the things that are here following written touching the GREAT KING OF THE WHOLE EARTH as to humble your selves under his Mighty hand to trust in his mighty name and to be obedient to his holy will that your sins and transgressions being blotted out you may in the end be made partakers of his Heavenly Kingdome and Glory AMEN And You the FAITHFVL and precious servants of the LORD especially the least and weakest of the flock who are fearing and ready to faint under the weight of present pressures and apprehension of future troubles For your furtherance and joy of faith in this Wilderness I have set my selfe to demonstrate the MIGHTINES and ENGAGEMENT of CHRIST to HELP you in all Conditions And though I may truly say I have not told you one halfe of the Greatness of his power and wisdome yet I hope what is here in much weakness displayed before you shall become mighty through God in some measure to support and comfort you in your several solitudes and sufferings here below such being the portion here of all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus 2 Tim 3.11 Acts 14.22 Which that it may be I entreat you not cursorily to reade as the manner of most is but seriously to weigh and carefully to hide in your hearts the words of truth contained in this Book And because I would not detaine you from the perusal of what followeth I onely yet earnestly beseech you by all the help you have received from Christ by all the consolation you have in him and by all the hope you have of future Glory through him that you give all diligence to walk more worthy of that grace wherein you stand by being more serious spiritual humble and holy in all manner of conversation especially now when you are made to eate the bitter fruits of former wantonness Oh sin no more lest worse things come unto you O love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ not in word and in tongue the common and onely sacrifice of most that are called Christians but in deed and in truth In a word be very faithfull to him make his work your business his commandements your Rule his life your example his SPIRIT your HELP his name your refuge and his glory your end And if you do these things you shall never fall Now what is here humbly offered for common good may by a blessing from on high be of some use for the turning of the feet of some sinners from the wayes of wickedness and for the strengthening the weak hands of some Saints in the work of righteousness to continue therein unto the end to the Glory and praise of this MIGHTY ONE the LORD JESUS CHRIST is the prayer of Your souls friend and servant RICHARD BREVITER From my Study in Norwich this 2d of the 4th Moneth June 1662. WE who desire the Exalting of our LORD JESVS CHRIST that MIGHTY ONE on whom the LORD GOD his father and ours in him hath laid HELP having observed the holy end and scope of these Sermons on Psal 89.19 Blessing
helped us often we have wearied him he will help no more Answ It proves oft so in respect of men but in respect of Christ it is not so He is an helper that fainteth not neither can he be weary Isa 40.28 And though men think when they have done a little for their followers that they have done enough and they must not trouble them too often yet the Servants of Christ may go as often as they will to him for help and be alwayes welcome so they do not abuse his grace towards them Besides Christs former frequent helping of his People in their several straits is so far from containing any thing against his helping them for the future that it is an Argument to prove that he will continue his help to them and according to this David argued 1 Sam 17.37 The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the Lyon and out of the paw of the Bear he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistim He did not say God hath d●livered me several times he will deliver me no more but the contrary he will deliver me The Apostle Paul useth the same Argument 2 Cor. 1.10 2 Tim 4.17 Fourthly Some That Christ indeed did help when on earth but he is NOW IN HEAVEN HE WILL HELP NO MORE Answ Though Christ be in Heaven yet he is as neer to help his Servants as when he was on Earth there is nothing in his being in Heaven whereby they should fear he will not help For by HIS BEING in Heaven consider First He is not disenabled to help for there Angels Authorities are made subject unto him 1 Pet. 3.22 If Christ were so mighty to help when in a state of Humiliation how mighty to help and save must he needs be now he is set on the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens Heb 8.1 He can help them against all enemies he can rain down fire and brimstone storm and tempest upon them he can help them against all outward wants for from on high he can send down showres of blessings as rain upon his Inheritance he can help them also against all spirituall wants he can send the Comforter the Spirit of Truth which shall guide them into all Truth Secondly By his Being in Heaven He is not disaffected towards them his heart turned not from them by his going to Heaven but though he be cloathed with glory yet he is full of bowels the same Spirit that acted him here below rests upon him and abides with him for ever Though there be a great alteration in his condition being passed from Earth to Heaven from shame to glory yet there is no change in his disposition he is as pitiful and merciful to his People as ever Heb 2.17 18 4.15 with 5.2 and therefore his Servants may now as well as heretofore expect help from him in time of need Thirdly By his being in Heaven He is not disengaged from helping them The Lord God appointed him to be an help to his People now he is in Heaven as well as when he was on Earth And as Christ did on Earth what was to be done for them here so now he is in Heaven he is there to do what is yet to be done for them what he begun to work here he is to finish there John 14.2 John 16.7 15. God made him a Priest for ever and that for the help of his People and therefore it is said He is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them Heb 7.25 The same Apostle tells us That he is entred into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us Heb 9.24 Fourthly He is not thereby dis-interested in them nor they in him Christs being in Heaven doth not destroy those neer Relations that are between Christ and his People he is still a Shepherd and they his sheep still an Husband and they his Spouse he is still their Head and they his Members he is still their Brother Friend Father neither are these Relations onely abiding but are in their full vigour and glory in Heaven he being a more glorious Head Husband Friend than when on earth the abiding of these Relations speak forth his helping of his People Fifthly He is not disregardful of them by his being in Heaven Some may be ready to say he is at Gods right hand he is in glory and though he be not disaffected towards us yet he being so far above us may forget and disregard us in our low estate but it is not with Christ as with corrupt man his honour and advancement doth not puff him nor make him proud but though he be in his high estate at the right hand of God Angels and Authorities and Powers being made subject unto him yet he doth regard and help his Servants in their low estate All things are delivered unto me of my Father saith Christ yet he was then mindful and careful of weak helplesse souls earnestly inviting them to himselfe saying Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Math. 11.27 28. with 28.18 19 20. Sixthly He is not disswaded from helping them being in Heaven There is none there against his Servants that should seek to take him off from helping them the Father who hath committed all things into his hands is well pleased with it being also full of compassion towards those that are in distress The Angels also those ministring Spirits rejoyce at it and are ready at his word to go forth to minister for the Heirs of salvation Heb. 1.14 Seventhly Neither is he being in Heaven any way damnified nor disadvantaged by helping his Servants on Earth he hath not the lesse by what he giveth to them he is not the weaker by what he doth for them but he gaineth by his layings out upon them the more he soweth the more he reapeth the more he gives forth of grace and help to them the more he receives of love and honour from them Thus it appears that there is no cause why the Saints should doubt of the help of Christ because he is in Heaven but that they should the more confidently expect it because he liveth there to help them IV. Vse EXHORTATION Commit all to him When others are committing themselves and their concernments to the wise and mighty and honourable ones of the earth to be kept ordered and disposed of by them do you commit your selves and things into the hands of Christ unto whom the Father hath committed all Judgement and made mighty to help and keep whatsoever is committed to him He is in Heaven and what Treasures you lay up for your selves there are safe there neither Moth not Rust doth corrupt and there Thieves do not break through nor steal Mat. 6.20 He is the strong man stronger than all others into whose house none can enter
the Mighty Herod c. Page 37. 8. In his Descent in respect of 1. his stock in General Page 38. 2. His Tribe Judah 9. Christ is Mighty in his Name Page 39. 10. Titles 11. Presentation Page 40. 12. Baptisme 13. Fasting Page 41. 14. Transfiguration Page 42. 15. In the testimony given of Christ 1. Of himself 2. Of the Father Page 43. 3. Of the Spirit 4. Of faithfull men Page 44. 5. Of Angels 6. Of Enemies Page 45. 16. In his Fame 17. His Attendants Page 47. 18. In Holinesse and Righteousnesse Page 49. Which appears Generally 1. In his Obedience to Gods will so 2. Particularly In the graces of the Spirit that were in him Faith Love c. Page 52. 19. In Christs Works of two sorts Page 59. 1. Spiritual and Heavenly preaching praying baptizing conference Page 60. 2. Respecting mens bodyes Page 63. 1. Wrought Miracles 2. Many Page 64. 3. Various 4. Speedily 5. Easily 6. Readily Page 66. 7. Visibly 8. Seasonably Page 70. 9. The subjects on whom Where 1. The largenesse on all sorts 2. Vnruliness in themselves Page 71. 3. Indisposition to his works 10. The perfection of Christs works Page 73. 11. Constancy of the successe Page 74. 12. In the faith of those on whom and for whose sake he wrought them Page 74. 13. In the time of their performance Page 75. 14. In his effecting all alone without others help 15. In the meannesse of the means to work them 16. In the effects Generall and Particular Page 76. 17. In his self-denyal and humility Page 77. 1. Not seeking his own honour 2. profit Page 78. 20. Mighty in Victories over 1. the World Page 79. 2. Sin 3. Death 4. Satan Page 81. II. Christ is Mighty in his Offices Page 83. I. A Mighty King 1. In himself Page 84. 1. In Maiesty 2. Wisdome 2. In his Subjects Two things shew Christs Mightinesse 1. Their Mightinesse Page 85. 2. Their Multitude 3. In his Rule towards both 1. His Friends 1. Preserving 2. Remunerating everlasting Life Joy Honour Page 88 2. Enemies in 1. Restraint 2. Destruction Page 90. II. A Mighty Priest in Dignity Page 93. 1. Of his Person 2. Title 3. Nature 4. Order 5. In solemnity of his being ordained a Priest by an Oath Page 96. 6. Performance of his work consisting 1. In making Satisfaction for sin 1. To the uttermost 2. At once 3. By his Dying Page 97. 2. In his Intercession 3. Offering up the Peoples services Page 100. 4. Blessing the People better than other Priests 1. More than they 2. With choicer blessings 3. More eminently Page 102. 7. In the unchangeablenesse of Christs Office Page 102. III. Christ is a Mighty Prophet 1. In his Original 2. Qualifications Page 103. 3. Commission 4. It s Execution Page 105. 5. In Gods command concerning him 22. In the carriage of others towards Christ Page 106. I. Of the Generality of the People As 1. Their recourse to him 2. Their Marvelling at his Doctrine and Works Page 108. 3. Their rejoycings acclamations Page 109. 4. Their beseechings their worshippings Page 110. II. In regard of his Enemies carriage 1. Their Persecutions 2. Confederacies Page 111. 1. Of all interests 2. Of all they have Page 113. III. In the carriage of Christs Servants to him Page 114. 1. Their confidence in him 2. Confession of him 3. Suffering for Page 116. 23. Christ is Mighty in his own sufferings Page 116. Manifested 1. In the kinds of them Page 2. Subject of them 1. In his soul Page 117. 2. In his body in all parts c. 3. In his Name by Reproach 4. In his Estate and Goods 3. In the Measure of his sufferings 4. In Efficient Cause of them Page 119. 1. From his Father 2. From his Foes 3. From his Friends Page 120. 5. In the Persons for whom he suffered 6. In his willingnesse to suffer 7. In the End of his suffering Page 121. II. Christs mightiness seen in his PARTICULAR sufferings 1. In his apprehension 2. his tryal Page 122 3. His Condemnation 4. his Death Page 124 His mightiness shewed in his Death 1. Concomitants 2. its vertue 24. Mighty in his Burial Page 125 In his Resurrection Page 126 25. Which appears 1. In that he rose at all 2. That he rose seen 3. Against utmost humane Opposition 26. In his Ascention Page 127 27. In his Session on Gods right hand Page 128 29. In his Coming againe in three things 1. In the signes thereof 2. In the manner of it Page 129 3. In the end of it Somewhat more to shew the Superexcellencie of this Mighty One. Page 130 1. He is Mighty and Righteous Page 130 2. And Merciful 3. And Meek Page 131 4. And Wise 5. And Patient 6. And Almighty Page 132 7. And alwayes Mighty 8. And onely Mighty Page 134 9. Really so and not so appearing onely Page 134 Qu How came Christ to be so Mighty Page 135 Ans 1. In his Essence 2. As Mediator Page 136 And thus Christ is Mighty by the Fathers 1. Mission 2. his Vnction Page 138 Reasons why Christ is a Mighty One. Page 139 1. For the Fathers Glory 2. For his own Glory Page 140 3. Because his Work was Difficult Qu Whence is it that men despise him Page 142 Ans 1. Through natural enmity 2. By Ignorance 3. Vnbeliefe Page 143 4. Confidence in their own strength Page 144 5. Putting far off the day of his Wrath. 6. By fear he 'l deprive of what 's dear Page 145 7. By his present seeming meanness Page 146 USE I. Of Information to Gods People 1. What manner of Saviour they have Page 147 2. Of their safe Condition Page 148 3. It aggravates the sin of Vnbeliefe Page 149 4. Ground of expecting great things Page 150 5. For Discovery of False Christs Page 152 II. Of Conviction to false Worshippers that slight him Page 153 1. To Jewes that beleeve not Jesus is the Christ Page 153 2. To Turks that Worship Mahomet Page 155 3. To Pagans and Heathens III. Of Reproofe 1. To all Usurpers of his Power Authority 2. To all Resisters of his Power Page 156 3. To all pretended assisters of him Page 157 4. To all despisers of Christ. Page 159 IV. Of Terror to the Wicked in Generall Page 160. 1. To Refusers of his Grace 2. Opposers of his Reigne 3. Servants Page 161 4. Scoffers at his coming Page 162 II. More especially to the Great ones in Earth R. 1. Because its just Christ should terrifie them Page 163 2. It s to his Honour Qu Why do the Wicked prosper Page 164 Ans They are reserved to destruction 1. To magnifie his Justice therein Page 165 2. To magnifie his patience toward them Page 166 3. Because some of them must be brought in Page 167 4. To exercise his Saints faith and patience Page 168 5. To magnifie his Power in their Destruction Page 168 V. Of Caution to the Mighty Ones to take heed what they do Page 169