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A17724 Two and twentie sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin In which sermons is most religiously handled, the hundredth and nineteenth Psalme of Dauid, by eight verses aparte according to the Hebrewe alphabet. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by T.S.; Vingt-deux sermons de M. Iean Calvin ausquels est expose le Pseaume cent dixneufieme. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Stocker, Thomas, fl. 1569-1592. 1580 (1580) STC 4460; ESTC S107289 289,195 394

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the moste wicked wil confesse and say that they desire too bee saued but yet in the desire thereof they cleerely flye from it and goe as cleane away from it as they can for their liues But what is the cause whye they so greately withdrawe them selues from that which they so highly proteste too loue Yea they drawe as neere vnto it as they can possibly flye from it By this it seemeth that they haue conspyred too reiecte and make little accounte of that good which GOD meaneth to doe for them And heere we are too note that Dauid in this firste verse accuseth vs of horrible blindenesse as if he should say Surely you are all senselesse and without witte And to say the trueth if there were but one droppe of reason in vs without doubte wee would not so reiecte and refuse our saluation of a sett purpose as wee doe See heere howe mercifully our good God dealeth with vs who sheweth vs howe and in what manner we may be blessed and yet we for all that drawe altogither backwarde Doth not Dauid then of very right iustly condemne vs But because euery of vs protesteth to knowe the right way hee addeth They which walke in the way of the Lorde Hee hath sayde Blessed are they which are vndefiled in their way that is whiche walke aright And who are they It is very true in deede as before I haue sayde that there are a greate number which will boast them selues too walke aright and that in such sorte as that it can not be much amended and yet notwithstanding if they be asked who made their way and who it is that assureth them that they shoote at the true marke they knowe not what aunswere to make For there is but one way which leadeth to saluation which is the law as Dauid heereof speaketh wherefore as many as walke in the Lawe of the Lorde sayth he goe not out of their way We haue in this firste verse twoo notable lessons The one is that God heere acuseth vs that euery of vs strayeth and erreth from the way of saluation and although wee proteste that we are willing and desirous to bee saued yet for all that our wicked affections doe in such sorte carry vs away as that we desire nothing else but that wee may bee farre from that felicitie and blessednesse which is set before vs. For there it is sayde Blessed are they which walke in the right way And thus much for the first poynte The seconde is That wee may inuent and deuise many and sundry kindes of life and so think that we go the best surest way that may be and by this meane deceiue our selues for there is but one way that leadeth to saluation What way is it It is not that which wee of our owne braine doe imagine For when Isaiah sayth Esay 53.6 that euery one hath declined from his way he meaneth that we all runne into euerlasting destruction The Law of God then is the way which must rule and order our life and when we will hearken vnto it all thinges shall goe well with vs but whosoeuer swarueth from that the same is like vnto a sauage and wilde beaste which can doe nothing else but gallopp and flinge ouerthwart the fieldes There is none of vs all but that may haue many motions which may seeme good to vs as wee may see by the poore and filly vnbeleeuers which are very feruent and earnest to doe this or that which too their thinking seemeth very good and profitable but yet the spirit of God is not their leader and guide Nowe it is sayde That when wee haue the lawe of God before vs it shal go wel with vs that without it it is impossible but that our life must needes bee confounded and come to naught He sayth a little after Blessed are they which keepe his Testimonies and seek him with their whole heart Dauid now vseth another worde then this word the law to wit testimonies This word in it self importeth a couenant or cōtract it is not to be vnderstood otherwise than to be ayplyed to this end to wit that God couenanting with vs declareth that his meaning is to pull draw vs vnto him and also howe we ought to order our life because cause it is a mutuall Contract betweene him and vs. As if he should haue saide Goe to now vnderstand you that heere I make a couenaunt with you that you acknowledge mee to bee your GOD That you doubte not of my loue towards you and in louing you that I am your Sauiour and that you call vppon mee in this affiaunce and trust and besides that you bee also my louing obedient Children that I doo protect and gouerne you and that you are my householde Seruauntes When the Lorde our GOD thus abaseth and offereth him selfe vnto vs and that hee vseth suche famyliaritie and gentlenesse towardes vs as to talke with vs It is sayde that hee giueth vs his Testimonyes of his loue and fauour towardes vs. Heere nowe Dauid declareth That they are blessed which keepe the Testimonyes of GOD and seeke him with their whole hearte As if hee shoulde say that the Lawe of God consisteth not onely in this that it shewweth vnto vs what wee ought too doo but that it carryeth also with it another speciall Doctrine too weete to assure vs that hee will bee our Father that hee loueth vs so deerely that hee desireth none other thing of vs but that wee woulde bee his sonnes and heyres And heerevnto tende all the Ceremonyes whereof wee shall speake hereafter more at large Yet this is true that aswell in this place abouesayde as also by the reste of the names couched in this Psalme as of Statutes Decrees and Ordinaunces Dauid alwayes meaneth the doctrine of the Lawe Howbeit it is to be noted that this diuersitie of woordes it is not heere sette downe without good cause For it expresseth moste plainely vnto vs what varietie of consolation wee receiue by that which GOD sheweth vnto vs in the Lawe of Moyses and in all the Prophetes who are as it were Expositors thereof For many times when wee speake of the Lawe wee suppose that there is nothing else meant but that which GOD commaundeth vs to do But there is a great deale more to be considered to witte hee assureth vs of his fauour and grace and willeth vs to staye our selues thereon that wee might be assured of our saluation and that also we might be certaine of his loue by his sacraments therein ordeined Moreouer that wee shoulde addresse our selues to Iesus Christ and by that meanes be instructed to runne vnto him who is our onely and alone Sauiour When God then speaketh vnto vs we must consider that hee saith not onely doe this or that but declareth himselfe vnto vs what manner of one wee should thinke him to be and what one also he sheweth him selfe on his parte too be towardes vs both by experience and effecte
to open his hand vnto vs and deale liberally with vs to haue vs to feele his mightie power and that wee might perceiue the fruite and benefite of his promises It is meete that we plant them deepely in our heartes that wee may say after the example of Dauid My hope O Lorde is in thy iudgementes For this woorde Integritie or iudgement wee haue heere before already declared signifieth nothing else but the doctrine conteined in the law of God yea although he heere vseth diuerse and sundry woordes yet doe they tende alwayes to one and the selfe same ende Loe then whether we must refer the iudgements of God to wit that that which we reade in the word of God and that which is preached vnto vs out of the same we must vnderstand and knowe to bee sure and certaine Statutes and ordinaunces and so well ordered as that they cannot bee bettered and therfore to haue all our hope and trust in them Now he goeth on and sayth So shall I alway keepe thy lawe yea for euer and euer And I will walke at libertie for I seeke thy commandements Dauid heere maketh protestation not onely of his good affection integritie but also sheweth the fruite and benefite that might come vnto him when as God shall have so holpen him and that he shall haue put in proofe the fruit of his faith Loe then how this place must be expounded O Lord when I shall once haue knowen thee to be my sauiour and felt by proofe thy mercie then will I keepe thy lawe a greate deale better As if he should haue said I shall be continually confirmed in thy obedience and that shall greatly helpe me to make alwayes forward And to say the trueth all the graces which we receiue from God should conduct and leade vs a great deale further that if wee haue already beene in a good way and forwardnesse it is to this end that wee shoulde continue in it and goe on more and more vntill such time as we come to the end It is very true that God in conducting vs looketh not for any recompence For he will lightly passe it ouer but this is spoken for our vse and instruction And when we pray vnto God we ought to seeke after all the thinges that can be which might confirme vs that we should not doubt but that God would heare our requests and that we should also vnderstand and knowe to what ende wee ought to referre those benefites which he bestoweth vpon vs and that we receiue at his hands Now then when Dauid saith I shall alwayes keepe thy lawe yea for euer and euer By this wee haue to note that accordingly as God liberally bestoweth his benefits vpon vs that our faith should be so much the more strengthened in him that we ought the rather too be inflamed with a true desire zeale to yeelde our selues fully and wholly too him to cleaue to his righteousnesse and to keepe his lawe and woorde And I woulde it pleased God that this might bee deepely imprinted in our minde But what we see the vnthankfulnesse which is as it were in vs all For God neuer ceaseth to doe vs good and will dayly giue vs newe matter to trust in him to loue and serue him But whatsoeuer he doth for vs it auaileth vs nothing for we are alwayes colde as yse there is no zeale in vs no not so much as any motion so that it seemeth wee are altogither senselesse And the rather ought we to meditate vpon this Doctrine For it is the right remedy to amend our so great lithernesse and coldenesse Let vs then learne that when Dauid sayth I shall keepe thy Law O Lorde that by this he meaneth that accordingly as God putteth vnto vs his helping hande and that wee haue had proofe of his graces that we receiue the fruite commoditie thereof which we haue hoped for in his promises that it ought to serue vs for a more ample and large confirmation and that we ought a greate deale rather too be stirred vp to loue God and to serue him and too yeelde vs vnto his worde in summe as heere it is saide too keepe his lawe But yet there is a great deale more to be considered For Dauid speaketh not heere of a blast of winde as some shall be very forwarde for a little time But hee sayeth I will alwayes keepe thy lawe yea for euer and euer Wherein he sheweth that we ought to haue such a remembraunce of the benefites of God that it neuer slip from vs. For as I haue heereof already spoken wee shall see some in this behalfe which shall be moued for a little while when as God shall haue deliuered them from any daunger and hath bestowed vppon them some fauour and grace they shall haue a very good taste and feeling and say Alas howe greately am I bounden and beholden to my God Loe a man woulde thinke that these men were well affected But in the turning of a hand no doubte it is soone forgotten or at the least if they remember it a little while they waxe colde againe and thinke no more of it Since then it is so let vs mark according to that which is spoken in this place that it is not meete that the remembrance of God his benefites should at any time be wiped out of our heartes but let vs beseech him to make vs to keepe his lawe for euer and euer and in such sort to instruct vs as that wee desire none other thing of him but to stick vnto his maiestie and to his righteousnesse It followeth That hee will walke at libertie because hee seeketh his Commaundementes To walke at liberty signifieth to go at a mans owne wil pleasure For like as when we are in a narrowe straight rowme we know not which way to turne vs but think our selues cleane pend vp Euen so also are wee ouer narrowly held in or else surely we look about vs to see if we can finde which way to get out and so doe remaine in perplexitie or doubte And is this the assuraunce and ioy that wee must haue in the lawe of God What is this it Dauid contrariwise sayth That he will walke at libertie to wit that hee will boldely walke the brode beaten way as we say after he hath sought the Commaundementes of God This is also a thing which we ought wel to obserue and keepe For the holy Ghost by the mouth of Dauid meaneth rightly to shewe vs that when we are desirous to haue our life ruled by the commaundementes of God to suffer him too bee our leader and guide and giue vnto him the conducte of all our affayres and businesses that hee will so frame himselfe vnto vs so farre foorth as hee shall knowe to bee good and expedient for our saluation And this benefite which wee receiue by the knowledge heereof is inestimable to wit that we may walke at liberty That is to say that wee are deliuered
hoggeshead wil be empty but when as the woorde of God hath serued to quicken vs it still remaineth sound and whole without diminishing any whit at al. So then let vs learne after the example of Dauid too make estimation of the vertue and power which God hath giuen to his worde and neuer forget it Nowe hee addeth by and by after I am thine saue me for I haue sought thy commandements The vngodly layde wayte for me to destroye me but I will consider thy testimonies After that Dauid had made such protestation hee committeth him selfe to GOD euen declaring that hee hath sought his commaundementes And so hee speaketh not only of the time past but remaineth alwaies cōstant in this purpose Now we haue here to cōsider of three points the one is the request which Dauid maketh to God O saue me The second is the reason why he desireth God to saue him Bicause saith he I am thine And afterward he sheweth how he is gods that is for I saieth he haue sought thy commandements And thus we see in the first place how God offereth him selfe vnto vs and that hee desireth nothing els but to holde vs in his protection to haue care of our saluation yea so that we come vnto him after the example of Dauid And I beseeche you what priuiledge is this that we haue such libertie to come vnto God and to commit our selues into his handes whether we wake or sleepe whether wee labour either in the towne or in the fieldes that God is as it were a watchman ouer vs to keepe vs Yea and that he hath not care ouer our soules to keepe them from the ambushes of Satan but also that his fatherly prouidence and loue extendeth it selfe euen to our bodies When God thē I say giueth vs the libertie that we may make such request vnto him I pray you tell me is not this an inestimable priuiledge But we neuer a whit thinke of this as may well be seene by our slackenesse and wearinesse in prayer to God at this daye And yet for all that it is not without cause that Dauid setteth downe here this request but to the end that we should knowe that in praying to God he will graunt vs the grace to commēd our selues wholy vnto him no more also should wee haue too top great a care ouer our life for we being assured of his loue should bee contented with all the rest whatsoeuer And thus much for the first point Now for the second we are rightly to consider that if we will haue God to be our warrant and to be vnder his protection we must needes be his and may say truly as Dauid here doth It is very true that God keepeth his creatures who are not worthy thereof as hee also causeth the Sunne to shine as well vppon the good is on the bad and that it is of his owne goodnesse and mercie that the wicked doe liue but yet to their vtter destruction And when it is here said to be kept by God it is such a keeping and preseruation as that the issue thereof is both good and healthfull And this is not done saue onely to such as are truely the possession and inheritance of God and his true housholde seruantes and children Will we haue God then to receiue vs into his protection and to be our protector Wil we haue him to take care and charge both of our soules and bodies Let vs first be his And howe shall we be his Forsooth we must come to the third point to wit to seeke his testimonies Loe then how God will take vs for his possession for hee euen then alloweth vs for his children when as wee put our whole trust in him seing that he hath so familiarly called and bidden vs and hath certified vs by his word that he will neuer forsake vs. If then we so seeke the testimonies of God and sticke vnto them with a sure faith let vs neuer doubt but that he wil allowe vs for his houshold meiny and children And then we may well say with Dauid saue me O Lord. See I say in what maner we ought to come vnto God if we will be sure to haue him to protect vs. Now Dauid addeth The vngodly haue laid wayte for me to destroy me but I wil consider thy testimonies Whereby he doth vs to wit that although God is stedfastly purposed to be the protector of the faithfull yet that they are not without a great number of griefes and troubles subiect to many sorrowes and bee maruelously encrapped and thereby thinke that they can not chose but to fall into the snares of the vngodly And besides the subtelties of Satan are great and againe all the vngodly which serue Satan and are lead by his spirite cease not to inuent subtelties and deceiptes to entrappe the childrē of God by lying in wayte for them Dauid his meaning then here is to declare vnto vs that although God preserueth vs it is not therefore to be said that we are without molestations and temptations But what So it is that the woorde of God ought to suffise vs as he faieth I will consider thy testimonies As if he should haue saide O Lorde I haue made this my buckler and fortresse which is that thou hast promised to be my sauiour and hereupon haue not forced for all the treasons that all the vngodly can conspire against mee It is very true that they haue layde a platforme to betray me yea and it seemeth that I am already within their clawes and teeth ready to be deuoured but thy testimonies O Lorde haue so strengthened me as that I haue not fainted Let vs learne then to fight in this sort against all the subtelties of Satan and malices of men and notwithstanding that they shall goe about to destroye vs yet let vs fasten our eyes vpon the worde of God attende vpon it and therein perseuer vnto the end Nowe for cōclusion Dauid addeth I haue seene an ende of all perfection but thy commaundement is exceeding broade or large The word then which Dauid vseth signifieth sometimes perfection and sometimes accomplishment bicause that the things which are come to a perfection haue an ende Now he saith in summe that when he hath throughly considered of all things that there is nothing in this worlde which hath not an end and that is not consumed by continuance but that the word of God is plentiful that is it extendeth it selfe vnto all the creatures of God and ouer all whatsoeuer wee are able to see See here a sentence very like vnto that which we haue seene in the first verse Dauid then by this conclusion confirmeth the saying which before hee held to wit that the word of God is euerlasting Although that we here see maruelous alteratiōs that we se the world tossed with so tempestuous whirlewindes as that there is nother end nor measure of thē yet shal we haue in the midst of al those troubles an euerlasting
aboade in the worde of God which will assure vs of all together Let vs not then measure our saluation by the present estate of the world and as it seemeth now in our eyes wherby we may well perceiue and discerne the same And why so Bicause that all things here belowe haue an ende as wee haue said that heauen and earth shall perish but God hath giuen to vs his truth which is of such an euerlastingnesse as that it surpasseth both heauen and earth It behoueth vs then to bee lifted vp and rapt with this eternitie of the kingdome of God so often as his word shall be spoken vnto vs wherein consisteth all our saluation And according to this holy doctrine let vs prostrate our selues before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledging our innumerable offences by which wee cease not daily to prouoke his heauy wrath indignation against vs Beseeching him that it would please him to cause vs to feele our wretchednesse more then heretofore wee haue done to the ende we might be displeased with our sinnes seeke for remedie where it is shewed vs to wit that seing there is nothing els in vs and in all creatures but vanitie that we beseeche the same good God to confirme vs in his promisses that all our studie be wholy there knowing that all our life resteth in them to the ende wee searche no other where but there where hee hath promised wee shall finde it that is in his worde That it would please him so to make vs taste and sauoure the power and strength thereof as that we may be wholy giuen to serue him and that receiuing vs into his holy protection and conduct he wil not impute vnto vs so many vices and imperfections as are in vs but that he will supporte them through his goodnesse vntil such time as he hath despoyled vs of altogether And that it would please him also too vse the like grace and fauoure towardes all people and nations of the earth c. The thirteenth Sermon vpon the hundreth and nineteene Psalme MEM. O Lord what loue haue I vnto thy lawe al the day long is my study in it Thou through thy commaundements hast made me wiser then mine enemies for they are euer with mee I haue had more vnderstanding then al my teachers for thy testimonies are my studie I vnderstode more then the aged bicause I keepe thy commaundements I haue refrained my feete from euery euill way that I might keepe thy worde I haue not declined from thy iudgementes for thou diddest teach me How sweete are thy woordes vnto my throat yea sweeter then hony vnto my mouth Through thy commandementes I get vnderstanding therefore I hate all the wayes of falsehood WE shall see in this behalf a great many which will not sticke to bragge and say that they haue greatly profited in the woorde of God but yet if we looke into their liues wee shall see and finde that they haue profited as much as if they had neuer read nor heard one worde of the holy scripture Moreouer all the goodly and gay protestations which they shal make tende to none other end but to get them selues estimation and credit there is noone other thing in them but a foolish and vaine glorious shewe that is they desire to bee commended and praysed as though they were the most able and worthy people of all others Nowe when we will saye that we haue profited in the schoole of God first of all we ought to shewe by our life and conuersation whether it bee so or no. For this is the true testimonie whereunto wee must holde vs. God teacheth vs not to the ende we should do nothing els but prattle and babble but he instructeth vs in what maner we ought to liue Hee then which shall leade a dissolute and wanton life declareth manifestly that he neuer knew either God or his truthe Moreouer the meaning is not that we should set foorth our selues to bee had in estimation of men or to get vs reputation and credit but we ought rather to glorifie God knowing that we are so much the more beholden and bounde vnto him in that it hath pleased him too bestowe such his grace and fauour vpon vs as that we surmount others in learning for that commeth not vnto vs by reason that wee are sharper witted or that we haue gotten it through our owne industrie to know I say the way of saluation but it is a free gift which commeth vnto vs from aboue Furthermore when wee shall acknowledge this too come from God it is then great reason that we should drawe our neighbours with vs and like as we are in a good way euen so ought wee to bee desirous to haue euery one to followe vs. Loe to what intent Dauid declareth in this place that he hath loued the worde of God aboue all and that by it he hath beene so well taught as that hee surpassed his maisters and enemies and all those which were in great reputation and credit Very certaine it is that Dauid is not here led by an ambitious or high minded spirite meaning to be coyed and clawed and looking to bee thought to haue greater vnderstanding then others but desireth none other thing saue that the profite which he had receiued by the lawe of God might be throughly engraffed in all men and that it might be a thing common vnto euery one In very deede since that we are all members of one body wee ought continually to labour and trauell for the vpholding and mainteining of it one with another neither ought any of vs to serue him selfe and his owne particular profit but we ought rather to desire to haue the graces of God to abound in all our neighbours that euery of them might haue a feeling of them and that when as wee shall haue enjoyed this common saluation that we might all with one accorde and as it were with one mouth glorifie him And besides Dauid sheweth soone after that hee was no babbling scholler to shewe it onely in mouth too haue many times turned ouer the leaues of the lawe of God and to haue very well vnderstood it but sheweth his life to bee agreing to his speeche and that God hath givē him grace to walke according to his will A great deale the rather ought we then throughly to consider of the order that is here set downe in the first verse he saith O Lord what loue haue I vnto thy lawe all the day long is my study in it The saying which Dauid here vseth signifieth speach and meditation And the verbe whereof it commeth signifieth to speake to deuise to talke or rather to applie his minde to any thing to be therein exercised and stadied Now there is no doubt but that Dauid spake here of a matter which is conioyned with meditatiō For as before we haue said it is not meant by them which make some certaine shew at their tongues ende and yet to haue
vnto the word of God In summe it is asmuch as if he had saide that no man is able rightly to feele howe God is faithfull and his worde certaine and sure without he hath a true faith and beliefe thereof within his heart the same to bee discharged of whatsoeuer is contrary to his saluation As namely he saieth that he should haue perished in his trouble if he had not delighted in the word of God Dauid here sheweth what experience he had to wit that he was so afflicted that he was as it were euen in the gulfe of death Now if the worde of God bringeth vs out of the graue quickeneth vs in death preserueth our health notwithstanding that it seemeth to be swallowed vp in the gulfe do we not see a good proufe giuen vs from God how firme sound it is So then let vs well consider as we haue already said that since we haue knowen the power of the worde of God to be such as it is here shewed vs wee may in such sort resist all the greatest temptations which the deuill is able craftely to worke against vs so that we shal be able to escape as it were both from death and the graue And thus much for this Now for the second point Dauid sheweth vs howe it is that we are preserued in all our afflictions by the worde of God how our life shal be saulfe our health assured thereby And that is if we delight therein to wit that wee bee so comforted with the loue which GOD there sheweth vs and wherewith he certifieth vs that since he hath adopted vs for his children he will therefore alwayes shewe him self to be our father Wherefore we may boldely recommende our soules vnto him and he will receiue them so that wee shall not perishe hauing all our refuge so vnto him If wee then content our selues so the worde of God will giue vs life in the middest of an hūdreth thousand deaths But if we heare it without hauing any such affectiō that we taste not of the promisses of God or els that wee alwayes somwhat distrust and doubt to reason how it goeth and afterwarde wander after creatures or els builde vpon our selues if wee bee so changeable wee shall neuer feele any vertue of the worde of GOD but may bee ouerthrowne an hundreth times the lead affliction in the world shal be as a gulfe to swallowe vs vp that we shall not neede the mayne sea but euen a finger depth of water too smouther and drowne vs if it were not that we had learned of Dauid to bee assured of the loue which God beareth vs and that by his worde So then let vs vnderstand what the true delight of the faithfull is and that which preserueth them from death quickeneth them that is when they are contented with the loue of God to set their whole felicitie there to haue him to be mercifull and fauourable to haue this priuiledge to haue recourse vnto him being assured that he will heare them See I say how we should be quickened by the worde of God Nowe when that Dauid hath declared the profit which he receiued by the consideration of the lawe he addeth That he will neuer forget it Wherein hee protesteth that he will not bee vnthankefull to GOD as wee are accustomed Now although wee are not without a great number of vices yet is this one of the greatest that we doe not onely so oftentimes suffer the benefites of God to escape out of our mindes but we are also so wicked as that we desire nothing more then for to burie thē we thinke we should haue neuer time enough vtterly to forget them See I saye the state and condition of our vile and corrupt nature And therefore Dauid in this place protesteth that he will neuer forget the commaundementes of God bicause he hath bin quickned by them And moreouer he speaketh it not only for him self but sheweth vnto vs by his example what our office dutie is When God then shall haue thus aided vs in our afflictions that he shall haue raised vs vp euen from the graue through the might and power of his worde and that wee shall feele such a benefite let vs neuer forget it but be alwaies mindfull thereof And yet Dauid meaneth to shewe vnto vs a farther point to wit that bicause the woorde of God hath already profited him that hee will esteeme of it and haue it in great price for the time to come Knowing that it is is not for a time onely that we must bee preserued and comforted by the word of God but for euer and euer This might seeme for vs to be very obscure were it not declared vnto vs more at large See now then what Dauid his meaning is If a man be as it were cast downe not tasting of the promises of God and when it shall be laide before him that although God afflict his childrē yet that he doth it not vtterly to ouerthrow destroy thē but to the end to calthē to repentance that afterward they might feele his mercifull goodnesse If a man then be thus admonished by the word of God it may be that this admonition will serue him to no purpose bicause he him selfe seeketh not after the remedy which is set before him and so is made voyde of this cōfort which is here touched and by that meane the power of the woorde of God turneth into all euill to himward What is thē to be done Let vs marke wel that which Dauid here speaketh that he wil neuer forget the cōmandements of God bicause he hath bin quickened by them As if he should haue said when as thou hast once preserued me by meane of thy word that thou hast giuē vnto it this power property that I being as one dead out of the world haue bin therby fully restored to helth thē hast thou taught me what I ought to doe all the daies of my life that is I must meditate vpon thy worde I must exercise my selfe therein and I must continually study to thinke vppon the testimonies which thou of thy fatherly loue hast bestowed vppon me to the ende I might hold mee contented and bee sure that thou wilt neuer forsake me The vse O Lord then that I feele by thy worde hath caused mee to applie the same to my profite all the dayes of my life to the ende I might bee able to resiste whatsoeuer Satan shall craftely goe about to worke against mee and too perseuer in thy feare and loue whensoeuer the wicked and vngodly shall make warre against me Thou then O Lorde haste shewed mee that thy worde ought alwayes to be before mee For that neuer loseth his power and strēgth neither is it a thing that is consumed and worne by much wearing A man may soone make an ende of a loafe in eating it but when hee hath so done he must looke for more bread And in continuall drinking of wyne the
intermedle himselfe with a naughtie cause which is an impossibilitie and altogither contrary to his nature See then wherefore it is saide in this place I haue executed iudgement and iustice giue me not ouer vnto mine oppressors Dauid heere maketh a request vnto God that he might not bee deliuered into the handes of his enemyes which sought to destroy him Nowe for the obtayning of that which he demaunded he maketh this protestation That hee hath walked rightly before God yea euen with them which went about to destroy him Moreouer these twoo wordes Righteousnesse and Iudgement when they goe togither importe asmuch as too doe wrong too none but too proceede in equitie and in good fayth as we say for too maintaine euery good cause and not to suffer any wronge to bee doone For it is not inough for vs too abstaine from hurting and greeuing of our neighbour Neither is it enough for vs to goe aboute to discharge vs of our dueties But when wee shall see any man vniustly troden down and a good cause goe too wrack wee ought too oppose our selues against euery such wicked acte and iniury and as it were to take parte with God who as he is the commender of all equitie so will hee also haue vs to maintaine it forasmuch as we are his children We see then in summe the protestation which Dauid heere maketh that is that he did not only abstaine from hurting his neighboures go about to render to euery man that which was his But ouer besids al this he set himself against al violences extortiōs which were cōmitted he would not suffer the innocent to be oppressed to be put forth for a pray or spoyle but payned him selfe to doe what in him lay to helpe them Whē we may be bolde too make such a protestation in trueth Let vs not dout but that God will stretch foorth his hand that if men went about to trouble vs yea and that wee were as it were in great daunger too fall into their hands Let vs not doute but that God will haue pittie on vs and ayde vs. For this Prayer which Dauid heere maketh was not made at aduenture but the holy Ghoste put it into his mouth to the end to teach vs to walke as he hath doone so soundly perfectly And heerevpon if men should lifte themselues vpp against vs and vse all the outrages and malice they can against vs Let vs haue recourse vnto God be assured that he will be our defendor and protector Now we very well see by this that Dauid made no mention of his merites vnto God as if he should haue sayde I haue right wel deserued O Lord that thou shouldest keepe and defend me against the wicked because I haue doone that which is lawfull and right Dauid spake it not too any such end But he had regarde as I haue already said to the goodnesse of God and to his promisses which are contayned in the lawe and imprinted in his heart too wit That God will vpholde all those that are vniustly troden down and alwayes helpe those which are outraged and iniuryed Because that they for their parte haue taken great paine to be at peace withall the world that they haue not giuen occasion for any to greeue and torment them and yet that the vngodly haue rysen vp against them See what a regarde Dauid had Nowe he addeth Answere thou for thy seruant in that which is good and let not the proude doe me wrong The saying that Dauid heere vseth signifieth sometimes a man to giue his woord as we say in this countrie that is to become a mans suretie and his pleadge and some there are which doe so expound it but the true sense and moste naturall meaning of it is this that Dauid prayeth that hee might be giuen to doe good and to delight therein Wherin wee see this to be a woorke of GOD and a grace proceeding from him when we shall desire too be giuen too doe good so that we haue pleasure in it and doe taste therof For this is very certaine that notwithstanding that men followe the very inclination of their flesh to hate the good and loue the euil and when any thing shall be tolde them of God we see howe it maketh them Melancolique and sorowfull So then it is God that muste chaunge and reforme vs or else we shall neuer attaine to this affection here spoken of to take pleasure in wel dooing and so to loue it Nowe Dauid was no hypocrite too make a faire shewe to desire a thing at the handes of God which was in his owne hand But he knewe this too be the manner of men that it was impossible for him to come to the ful perfection of that except it were giuen vnto him from aboue See heere in summe what we haue to learne and keepe by this For whē he addeth that the wicked or the proude outrage against him he sheweth that when we shall be so giuen too well dooing we must trust too the protection of God according to that which I haue already saide Let vs also note that Dauid in this verse confirmeth the matter already handled He hath heeretofore very well said O Lorde I haue done the thing that is lawfull and right and yet hee ceaseth not to beseech God too graunt him such courage and strength And howe is that Forsooth that he woulde increase it in him giue him the grace to stande stedfastly therein vnto the ende We see then that whensoeuer wee shall be the moste desirous in the worlde to followe sinceritie equitie we must vnderstand for all that that we may yet be amended and that we are nothing neere that perfection which is requisite Wherfore it remayneth that we desire this performance with the graces that Dauid hath heere demaunded Thy graces O Lord had neede to increase in vs graunt vs therfore that we may come too the accomplishment of them Wee haue O Lorde walked purely so farfoorth as thou hast giuen vs the power But wee flye vntoo thy promises to the end thou mightest make vs to perseuer in well dooing See I say how wee ought too craue the thing at the handes of God which he hath already giuen vs and that we haue receiued from him that is that it woulde please him to conserue and increase it considering that we are very farre from such a perfection as is most requisite in such sorte as that wee neuer decline from well dooing which we should doe if he shaked his hande See then too what end this petition tendeth which is heere placed Nowe we must turne againe to the matter to wit that Dauid heere repeateth that they which haue beene thus perfect haue loued well doing should be vnder the hand and safegarde of God neuer to be deliuered into the power of their enemyes so that the proude shall neuer be able to doe them that excceeding great wrong which they had pretended Not that