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A13694 The follovving of Christ Diuided into foure bookes. Written in Latin by the learned and deuout man, Thomas a Kempis, canon-regular of the order of S. Augustine. Whereunto also is added the golden Epistle of S. Bernard. And also certaine rules of a Christian life, made by Iohn Picus the elder, Earle of Mirandula. Translated into English by B.F.; Imitatio Christi. English. Hoskins, Anthony, 1568-1615.; Elyot, Thomas, Sir, 1490?-1546.; Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153. Epistola de perfectione vitae. English.; Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 1463-1494, Regulae duodecim portim excitantes portim dirigentes hominem in pugna spirituali. English. aut; Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471, attributed name.; Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555? 1615 (1615) STC 23988; ESTC S111535 135,170 483

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am come for alas I am nothing and I knew it not And if I be left to my selfe behold I become nothing and a masse of infirmyty But if thou suddenly looke vpon me I am presently made strong filled with new joy And it is a great meruaile that I am so suddenly lifted vp and so graciously embraced by thee that of mine owne waight alwaies sinke downeward 2 Thy loue is cause hereof freely preuenting me and releeuing mee in so many necessities preseruing mee also from grieuous dangers and as I may truly say deliuering me from innumerable euils For surely by euill louing my selfe I lost my selfe and by seeking thee alone and sincerely louing thee I haue found both my selfe and thee and for thy loue haue more deepely brought my selfe to nothing Ioh. 12. For that thou O most sweet Iesu dealest with me aboue all desert and aboue all that I dare hope and request 3 Blessed be thou my God for although I be vnworthy of all good yet the noblenes of thy bounty and thy infinite goodnes neuer ceaseth to doe good euen to the vngratefull and to them that bee turned away farre from thee Matth. 5. Turne vs vnto thee O Lord that we may bee gratefull humble and deuout for thou art our safety our power and our strength CHAP. IX That all things are to be referred vnto God as vnto the last end OVR LORD SOnne I ought to bee thy chiefest and last end if thou desire to bee truly blessed With this intention thy affection shall be purified which is oftentimes inclined inordinately to it selfe and vnto creatures For if in any thing thou seeke thy selfe thou presently faintest and driest vp within thy selfe Direct therfore al things chiefely vnto me for I am hee that haue giuen all Consider euery thing as flowing from the highest good and therefore all things are to be reduced vnto me as vnto their first beginning Eccles 1. 2 Out of mee as out of liuing fountaines the little and the great the poore and the rich doe draw the water of life and they that willingly and freely serue mee shall receiue grace for grace Ioh. 4. But hee that will glory out of me or be delighted in any particular good shall not bee grounded in true ioy nor enlarged in his heart but shall be many waies hindred and straitned 1. Cor. 1. Thou oughtest therfore to ascribe no good vnto thy self nor attribute the praise of vertue vnto any man but giue all vnto God without whom man hath nothing I haue bestowed all and wil that al be returned to me againe and with great seuerity I require thanks 1. Cor. 4. 3 This is the truth that putteth to flight vaine-glory And if heauenly grace and true charity enter in there shall be no enuy nor grudging of heart neither shall there bee any place for self-selfe-loue For diuine charity ouercommeth all and enlargeth all the forces of the soule If thou vnderstand aright in mee alone thou wilt reioyce in mee alone thou wilt hope for none is good but God alone who is to be praised aboue all things and to be blessed in all Mat. 19. Luk. 18. CHAP. X. That despising the world it is sweet to serue God THE SERVANT NOw I wil speake againe Lord and will not be silent I wil say in the eares of my God my Lord and my King that is on high O how great is the multitude of thy sweetnes Lord which thou hast hidden for those that feare thee Psal 30. But what art thou to thē that loue thee What to them that serue thee with their whole heart Truly vnspeakable is the sweetnesse of thy contemplation which thou bestowest on them that loue thee In this chiefly thou hast shewed me the sweetnes of thy charity Gen. 1. for that when I was not thou madest me and when I went astray far off from thee thou broughtest me backe againe that I might serue thee and hast commanded mee to loue thee Psalm 118. and Matth. 15. 2 O fountain of euerlasting loue what shall I say of thee How can I forget thee that hast vouchsafed to remember me euen when I whithered away and perished Thou hast vsed mercy with thy seruant beyond all the expectation of my heart and hast bestowed thy grace and friendship beyond all merit What shall I returne vnto thee for this grace Psal 115. For it is not granted to euery one to forsake all things to renounce the world and to vndertake a life of religion and perfection Is it much that I serue thee whom all creatures are bound to serue It ought not to seeme much vnto mee to serue thee but this rather seemeth much and meruailous vnto me that thou vouchsafest to receiue into thy seruice one so poore and vnworthy and to joyne him with thy beloued seruants Iudg. 16. 3 Behold all is thine which I haue and whereby I serue thee And yet in very deed thou rather seruest mee then I thee 1. Cor. 4. Behold heauen and earth which thou hast created for the seruice of man are ready at hand and doe daily performe whatsoeuer thou dost command and this is little yea thou hast also appointed the Angels to the seruice of man Psa 90. Heb. 1. But that which exceedeth all is that thou thy selfe hast vouchsafed to serue man and promised to giue thy selfe vnto him 4 What shall I giue thee for all these thousands of benefits I would I could serue thee al the daies of my life I would I were able at least for one day to doe thee some worthy acceptable seruice Thou art truly worthy of all seruice of all honor and euerlasting praise Thou art my Lord I thy poore seruant that am bound to serue thee with all my forces neither ought I euer to cease to praise thee And this I wish to doe this I desire and whatsoeuer is wanting vnto me vouchsafe I beseech thee to supply 5 It is a great honor a very great glory to serue thee and to despise all things for thee For great grace shall be giuen to them that shall willingly submit themselues vnto thy most holy seruice They shall receiue most sweete comfort of the holy Ghost that for thy loue shall renounce all carnall delights Mat. 19. They shall attaine great freedome of mind that for thy names sake shall enter into the narrow way and shall haue left off all care of this world Matth. 7. 6 O sweet and delightfull seruitude of God by which man is truely made free holy Mat. 11. 1. Ioh. 5. O sacred state of religious bondage which maketh man equal to Angels pleasing to God terrible to diuels and grateful and of great esteeme to all the faithfull O seruice to be imbraced and alwaies wished for by which we obtain the greatest good and attaine to that joy which neuer shall haue end CHAP. XI That the desires of our heart are to be examined and moderated OVR LORD SOnne thou oughtest to learne many
care can profit little O that I cleaued not too much to future euents but offred my selfe with all readinesse of minde to thy diuine pleasure LORD 2 Son oftentimes a man doth earnestly labour for that which he desireth and when he hath gotten it hee beginneth to be of another minde and not to esteeme so much of it as before he did for mans affections doe not long continue fixed on one thing but do passe from one to another It is therefore a matter not of least moment to forsake our selues euen in the least things 3 The true spirituall profite of man consisteth in denying and forsaking of himselfe and he that is resigned liueth in great freedome and security But the ancient enemie who alwaies laboureth to withstand the seruants of God omitteth at no time his wonted temptations but day and night lieth still in waite to cast the vnwary if hee can into the snare of deceit 1. Pet. 5. Watch therefore and pray saith our Lord that you enter not into temptation Matth. 26. CHAP. XL. That man hath no good of himselfe nor any thing wherof he can glory THE SERVANT LOrd what is man that thou art mindefull of him or the sonne of man that thou vouchsafest to visite him Psalm 8. What hath man deserued that thou shouldest giue him thy grace Lord what cause haue I to complaine if thou forsake me Or if thou doest not that which I desire what can I justly say against it Surely this I may truely thinke and say Lord I am nothing I can doe nothing I haue nothing that is good of my self but in al things I do faile and am defectiue and doe euer tend to nothing and vnlesse thou helpe me and dost interiourly instruct me I become cold and am dissolued 2 But thou O Lord art alwayes the same and endurest for euer alwaies good just and holy doing all things well just and holily and disposing al things with wisdome Psa 101. But I that am more inclined to fall then to goe forwards doe neuer continue in one estate for seuen different times are changed ouer mee yet doth it soone turne to the better when it so pleaseth thee and when thou vouchsafest to stretch forth thy helping hand For thou alone canst help me without the fauour of man and so strengthen me that my countenance shall be no more changed but my heart shall be conuerted and rest in thee alone 3 Wherefore if I could once perfectly forsake all humane comfort either for the loue of deuotion or for mine own necessity which inforceth me to seeke after thee for none else can comfort mee then might I well hope in thy grace and reioyce in the gift of new consolation 4 Thankes by vnto thee from whence all proceedeth as often as it goeth well with me but I am meere vanity nothing before thee an vnconstant and weake man Whereof then can I glory Or why do I desire to be esteemed of Is it not of nothing and this is most vaine Truly vain-glory is an euill plague and very great vanity because it draweth from true glory robbeth the soule of heauenly grace For whilest a man pleaseth himself he displeaseth thee whilest hee gapeth after the praise of men he is depriued of true vertue 5 But true glory holy exultation and joy is for a man to glory in thee and not in himselfe Abac. 3. to reioyce in thy name and not in his owne vertue nor to delight in any creature but for thee Praised be thy name not mine magnified bee thy worke not mine let thy holy name be for euer blessed but to me let no part of mens praises be giuen Ps 112. and 113. Thou art my glory thou art the joy of my hart In thee wil I glory and reioice al the day but for my self I will not joy but in my infirmities 6 Let the Iewes seeke the glory which one man giueth ro another I will desire this which is from God alone Ioh. 5. For all humane glory all temporall honor al wordly highnes compared to thy eternall glory is vanity and folly O my truth my mercy my God most blessed Trinity to thee alone be all praise honor vertue and glory for all eternity CHAP. XLI Of the contempt of all temporall honors OVR LORD SOnne trouble not thy selfe if thou seest others honoured and aduanced and thy selfe contemned and debased Lift vp thy heart vnto mee in heauen and the contempt of men in earth will not grieue thee SER. Lord we are blind quickly seduced with vanity If I look wel into my selfe I cannot say that any creature hath done me wrōg therfore I cānot justly complain of thee 2 But because I haue often grieuously sinned against thee all creatures do justly take arms against me for shame and contempt is due vnto me but vnto thee praise honor and glory And vnlesse I do so prepare my self that I be willing do reioyce to be despised and forsaken of all creatures and to be esteemed nothing at all I cannot obtain internal strength and peace nor be spiritually enlightned nor wholy vnited vnto thee CHAP. XLII That our peace is not to be placed in men OVR LORD SOnne if the peace thou hast with any bee grounded on the opinion which thou hast of him or on the contentment thou receiuest in his company thou shalt euer be vnconstant and subiect to disquiet but if thou haue recourse vnto the euer-liuing and eternall Truth a friend going from thee or dying shall not grieue thee The loue of thy friend ought to rest in me and for me is he to bee beloued whosoeuer hee bee whom thou thinkest well of and is verily deare vnto thee in this life No friendship can auaile or continue without me neither is the loue true and pure which they haue whose hearts are not joyned together by me Thou oughtest to be so dead to such affections of beloued friends that for as much as appertaineth vnto thee thou shouldest wish to be without all company of men Man approcheth so much the neerer vnto God how much the further off hee departeth from all earthly comfort so much the higher also he ascendeth vnto God by how much lower hee descendeth into himselfe and how much the baser hee is in his owne conceit 2 But hee that attributeth any good vnto himselfe hindereth the comming of Gods grace vnto him For the grace of the holy Ghost euer seeketh an humble heart If thou couldst perfectly annihilate thy self and purge thy selfe of all created loue then should there flow into thee great abundance of my grace When thou castest thy eies on creatures the sight of thy Creator is taken from thee Learne to ouercome thy selfe in al things for the loue of thy Creator and then shalt thou be able to attain to heauenly knowledge How little soeuer it be if it be inordinately loued and regarded it defileth the soule and hindreth the enjoying of the chiefest good CHAP. XLIII Against
though not spoken all at one time nor written in one and the selfe-same place Because therefore they are thine and true they are al thankfully and faithfully to be receiued by me They are thine thou hast spoken them and they are mine also because thou hast spoken them for my saluation I willingly receiue them from thy mouth that they may be the deeper imprinted in my heart These deuout words so full of sweetnes and loue do stirre me vp but mine owne offences doe amaze me my impure conscience driueth me back from the receiuing of so great mysteries The sweetnes of thy words doth encourage mee but the multitude of my sinnes doe oppresse me 2 Thou commandest me to come confidently vnto thee if I will haue part with thee and to receiue the food of immortality if I desire to obtaine euerlasting life glory Come sayest thou vnto me all ye that labour and are burdened and I wil refresh you Mat. 11. O sweet and louely word in the eare of a sinner that thou my Lord God shouldest inuite the poore and needy to receiue thy most blessed body But who am I Lord that I may presume to approach vnto thee Behold the heauens cannot containe thee and thou sayst Come ye all vnto me Mat. 11. 3 What meaneth this most pious benignity and so louing inuitation How shal I dare to come that know not any good in mee whereupon I may presume How shal I bring thee into my house that haue often offended thy most gracious countenance The Angels and the Archangels honor thee the Saints and just men doe feare thee and thou sayest Come ye all vnto me Mat. 11. Vnlesse thou O Lord didst say it who would beleeue it to be true And vnlesse thou didst command it who would dare to come vnto thee Behold Noe a just man laboured an hundred yeares in building of the Arke that he might be saued with a few and how can I in one houres space prepare my selfe to receiue with reuerence the Maker of the world Gen. 6. 4 Moses thy great seruant and especiall friend made an Arke of incorruptible wood which also he couered with most pure gold to put the Tables of the Law therein and I a rotten creature how shall I so lightly dare to receiue the Maker of the Law and the giuer of life Salomon the wisest of the Kings of Israel bestowed seuen yeares in building a magnificent Temple in praise of thy name and celebrated the feast of the Dedication therof eight daies together 3. King 6. hee offered a thousand peaceable sacrifices and set the Arke in the place prepared for it with the sound of trumpets and joy 3. King 8. and I the most vnhappie and poorest of men how shall I bring thee into my house that I can scarce spend one halfe houre deuoutly And I would to God it were once almost one halfe houre in worthy and due manner 5 O my God how much did they endeauour to please thee and alas how little is that which I doe How short time doe I spend when I prepare my selfe to receiue I am seldome wholy recollected very seldome altogether free from distraction yet surely no vndecent thought should occurre in the presence of thy Deity nor any creature draw me vnto it for I am not to harbour an Angell but the Lord of Angels 6 And yet there is great difference betweene the Arke the Reliques therof and thy most pure body with his vnspeakable vertues betweene those legall Sacrifices figures of future things and the true sacrifice of thy body the complement of all ancient Sacrifices Why therefore doe I not become more feruent in thy venerable presence Wherefore doe I not prepare my selfe with greater care to receiue thy sacred gifts sith those holy ancient Patriarkes and Prophets yea Kings also and Princes with the whole people haue shewed so great zeale of deuotion to thy diuine seruice 7 The most deuout King Dauid danced before the Arke of God with all his force calling to minde the benefits bestowed in times past vpon his fore-fathers 2. King 6. He made Instruments of sundry kinds he published Psalmes and appointed them to be sung with joy himselfe also oftentimes played vpon the Harpe Being inspired with the grace of the holy Ghost he taught the people of Israel to praise God vvith their whole heart and with pleasant voyces euery day to blesse praise him If so great deuotion was then vsed and such memory of diuine praise before the Arke of the Testament what reuerence and deuotion is now to be performed by me and al Christian people in the presence of this Sacrament in receiuing the most precious body of Christ 8 Many goe to sundry places to visite the Reliques of Saints and are astonished when they heare of their miraculous workes they behold the spacious buildings of their Churches and kisse their sacred bones wrapped in silke and gold And behold thou art heere present with me on the Altar my God the Holy of Holies the Maker of all things and Lord of Angels Oftentimes in those deuotions there is but curiositie of men and nouelty of the beholders in the seeing of such sights and little fruit of amendment is gotten thereby especially where there is so vnconstant wandring without true contrition But heere in the Sacrament of the Altar thou art present my Lord God and Man Christ Iesus where also plentifull fruit of euerlasting saluation is obtained as often as thou art worthily and deuoutly receiued No leuity no curiosity or sensuality draweth vnto this but firme faith deuout hope and sincere charity 9 O God the inuisible Creator of the world how wonderfully dost thou deale with vs How sweetly and graciously doest thou dispose of all things with thy Elect to whome thou offerest thy selfe to be receiued in the Sacrament O this exceedeth all vnderstanding of man this chiefly draweth the hearts of the deuout and inflameth their desire For thy true faithfull seruants that dispose their whole life to amendment by this most worthy Sacrament oftentimes receiue great grace of deuotion and loue of vertue 10 O admirable and hidden grace of this Sacrament which onely the faithfull of Christ do know but the vnfaithfull and such as are slaues vnto sinne cannot conceiue nor feele In this Sacrament spirituall grace is giuen and lost vertue is restored in the soule and beautie disfigured by sinne returneth againe This grace is sometimes so great that with the fulnesse of deuotion which is heere giuen not only the minde but the weake body also feeleth great increase of strength 11 Our coldnes and negligence surely is much to be bewailed and pitied that wee are not drawne with greater affection to receiue Christ in whom al the hope and merit of those that are to be saued doth consist For he is our sanctification and redemption he is the comfort of passengers and the euerlasting fruition of Saints It is much therefore to be lamented
that many doe so little consider this comfortable mystery which rejoyceth heauen preserueth the whole world O blindnes and hardnesse of mans hart that doth not more deeply weigh the greatnes of so vnspeakable a gift but rather comes by the daily vse thereof to regard it little or nothing 12 For if this most holy Sacrament should be celebrated in one place only consecrated by one only Priest in the world with how great desire dost thou think would men be affected to that place and what esteeme would they haue of such a Priest of almighty God by whom they might enioy the consolation of these diuine mysteries But now there are many Priests Christ is offred vp in many places that so the grace and loue of God to man may appeare so much the greater how much the more this sacred Cōmunion is cōmon through the world Thāks be vnto thee good Iesu euerlasting Pastor of our soules that hast vouchsafed to refresh vs poore banished men with thy precious Body Bloud to inuite vs to that receiuing of these mysteries with the words of thy owne mouth saying Come vnto me all ye that labour are burdened and I will refresh you Mat. 11. CHAP. II. That great goodnes and charity of God is bestowed vpon man in this Sacrament The voice of the Disciple PResuming of thy goodnesse and great mercy O Lord being sick I approach vnto my Sauiour hungry and thirstie to the Fountaine of life needy to the King of heauen a seruant vnto my Lord a creature to my Creator desolate to my mercifull Comforter But whence is this to me that thou vouchsafest to come vnto mee Who am I that thou shouldest giue thy selfe vnto mee Luk. 1. How dare a sinner presume to appeare before thee And thou how doest thou vouchsafe to come vnto a sinner Thou knowest thy seruant and seest that hee hath no good thing in him for which thou shouldest bestow this benefit vpon him I confesse therefore my vnworthinesse I acknowledge thy goodnes I praise thy mercy and giue thee thanks for this thy vnspeakable charity For thou dost this for thine own goodnes not for any merits of mine to the end that thy goodnes may be better knowne vnto me thy charity more abundantly shewed and thy humility more highly commended Since therefore it is thy pleasure and hast commanded that it should bee so this thy bounty is also pleasing to me and do wish that my offences may be no hinderance 2 O most sweet and bountiful Iesu how great reuerence and thankes with perpetuall prayse is due vnto thee for the receiuing of thy sacred Bodie whose worth and dignitie no man is able to expresse But what shall I thinke of at this time now that I am to receiue this diuine Sacrament and to approach vnto my Lord to whome I am not able to giue due reuerence and yet I desire to receiue him deuoutly What can I thinke better and more profitable then to humble my selfe wholy before thee and to exalt thy infinite goodnes aboue me I praise thee my God and wil exalt thee for euer and I do despise and submit my selfe vnto thee euen into the depth of my vnworthinesse 3 Behold thou art the Holy of Holies and I the skumme of sinners Behold thou bowest thy self downe vnto mee who am not worthy so much as to looke vp vnto thee Behold thou commest vnto me it is thy will to be with me thou inuitest me to thy banket Ps 77. Thou wilt giue me the food of heauen and bread of Angels to eat which is no other truly then thy self the liuely bread that descendest from heauen and giuest life vnto the world Ioh. 6. 4 Behold from whence this loue proceedth What kind of fauour and benignity is this which shineth vpon vs What thanks and praises are due vnto thee for these benefits O how good and profitable was thy counsell when thou ordainedst it How sweet pleasant the banket when thou gauest thy selfe to be our food How wonderfull thy work O Lord how powerfull thy vertue how vnspeakable thy truth For thou saidst the word and all things were made and this was done which thou commandest Gen. 1. Psal 148. 5 A thing of great admiration and worthy of faith and surpassing the vnderstanding of man that thou my Lord God true God and Man shouldest be wholy contained vnder a small forme of bread and wine and shouldest bee eaten by the receiuer without being consumed Thou who art the Lord of all things and standest in need of none hast pleased to dwell in vs by meanes of this thy Sacrament preserue my heart and body vnspotted that with a cheerefull and pure conscience I may often celebrate thy mysteries and receiue them to my euerlasting health which thou hast chiefely ordained and instituted for thy honor perpetuall memory 6 Reioyce my soule giue thanks vnto God for so noble a gift and singular comfort left vnto thee in this vale of teares For as often as thou callest to mind this mystery and receiuest the body of Christ so often dost thou worke the worke of thy redemption and art made partaker of all the merits of Christ For the charity of Christ is neuer diminished and the greatnes of his mercy is neuer lessened Therefore thou oughtest alwaies to dispose thy selfe hereunto by a fresh renuing of thy mind and to weigh with attentiue consideration this great mystery of thy saluation So great new and joyfull it ought to seem vnto thee when thou sayest or hearest Masse as if the same day Christ first descending into the wombe of the Virgin were become man or hanging on the Crosse did suffer and die for the saluation of mankind CHAP. III. That it is profitable to Communicate often BEhold O Lord I come vnto thee that I may be comforted in thy gift and be delighted in thy holy banquet which thou O Lord hast prepared in thy sweetnesse for the poore Psal 67. Behold in thee is all whatsoeuer I can or ought to desire thou art my health and my redemption my hope and my strength my honor and my glory Make joyfull therefore this day the soule of thy seruant for that I haue lifted it vp to thee my sweete Iesus Psalm 85. I desire to receiue thee now with deuotion and reuerence I do long to bring thee into my house that with Zachaeus I may deserue to be blessed by thee and numbred amongst the children of Abraham My soule thirsteth to receiue thy Body my heart desireth to be vnited with thee 2 Giue thy selfe to me and it sufficeth For besides thee no comfort is auailable I cannot be without thee nor liue without thy visitation And therfore I must often come vnto thee and receiue thee as the only remedy of my health lest perhaps I faint in the way if I be depriued of thy heauenly food For so most mercifull Iesus thou once didst say preaching to the people
curing sundry diseases I will not send them home fasting lest they faint by the way Matth. 15. Mat. 8. Deale thou therefore in like manner now with mee who hast vouchsafed to leaue thy selfe in the Sacrament for the comfort of the faithfull For thou art the sweet refection of the soule and he that eateth thee worthily shall be partaker and heire of euerlasting glory It is necessary for me that do so often fall and sinne so quickly waxe dul and faint that by often prayers and confession and receiuing of thy sacred body I renue clense and inflame my selfe lest perhaps by long abstaining I fall from my holy purpose 3 For man is prone vnto euil from his youth and vnlesse this diuine remedy help him he quickly slideth to worse Gen. 8. This holy Communion therefore draweth backe from euill and comforteth in good For if I be now so often slack and negligent when I communicate or say Masse what would become of me if I receiued not this remedy and sought not after so great a helpe Though euery day I be not fit nor well prepared to say Masse I will endeauour notwithstanding at conuenient times to receiue the Diuine Mysteries and make my selfe partaker of so great a grace For this is the onely chiefe comfort of a faithfull soule whilest she wandreth from thee in this mortall body that being mindfull of her God shee often receiue her Beloued with a deuout minde 4 O wonderfull benignity of thy mercy towards vs that thou Lord God the Creator and giuer of life to all spirits dost vouchsafe to come vnto a poore soule and with thy whole Godhead and humanity to replenish her hunger O happy mind and blessed soule that deserueth to receiue thee her Lord God with deuout affection and in receiuing of thee to be filled with spirituall joy O how great a Lord doth shee entertaine How beloued a guest doth shee harbour How pleasant a companion doth shee receiue How faithfull a friend doth shee accept How beautifull and noble a Spouse doth shee embrace She embraceth him who is to be loued aboue al that is beloued and aboue al things that may be desired Let Heauen and Earth and all their beauty be silent in thy presence For what beauty and praise soeuer they haue it is receiued from thy bounty and shal not equal the beauty of thy name of whose wisedome there is no end Psal 146. CHAP. IV. That many benefits are bestowed vpon them that Communicate deuoutly The voice of the Disciple MY Lord God preuent thy seruant in the blessings of thy sweetnesse that I may deserue to approach worthily and deuoutly to thy holy Sacrament stirre vp my heart vnto thee and deliuer me from all heauines slouth Ps 20. visit me with thy comfort that I may taste in spirit thy sweetnes which plentifully lieth hid in this Sacramēt as a foūtaine Ps 105. Giue light also to mine eyes to behold so great a mystery and strengthen me to beleeue it with vndoubted faith For it is thy worke and not mans power thy sacred institution not mans inuention For no man is of himselfe able to comprehend and vnderstand these things which surpasse the vnderstanding euen of Angels What therefore shall I vnworthy sinner earth and ashes be able to search and comprehend of so high and sacred a mystery 2 O Lord in sinceritie of heart with a good and firme faith and at thy commandement I come vnto thee with hope and reuerence and do verily beleeue that thou art heere present in the Sacrament God and Man Thy holy pleasure is that I receiue thee by charity do vnite my self vnto thee Wherfore I do recurre vnto thy Clemencie and doe craue speciall grace that I may wholy melt in thee and abound with loue and hereafter neuer admit any externall comfort For this most high and worthy Sacrament is the health of the soule and body the remedy of al spirituall sicknes by it my vices are cured my passions bridled temptations ouercome or weakned greater grace infused vertue increased faith confirmed hope strengthened and charity inflamed and enlarged 3 For thou hast bestowed and still oftentimes dost bestow many benefits in this Sacrament vpon thy beloued that receiue it deuoutly my God the protector of my soul the strēgthner of humane frailty and the giuer of all inward comfort Thou impartest vnto them much comfort against sundry tribulations and liftest them vp from the depth of their own basenesse to the hope of thy protection and dost inwardly refresh illustrat them with a certaine new grace in such sort that they who before Communion felt themselues heauy indisposed afterwards being strēgthened with heauenly meat and drinke do find in themselues a great change to the better which thou dost so dispose to thy Elect that they may truly acknowledge and patiently proue how great their owne infirmity is and what benefit and grace they receiue from thee For they of themselues are cold dull and vndeuout but by thee they are made feruent agile and full of deuotion For who is there that approaching humbly vnto the Fountain of sweetnes doth not carry away from thence at least some little sweetnes Or who standing by a great fire receiueth not some small heat thereby Thou art a Fountaine alwayes full and ouerflowing a fire euer burning and neuer decaying Esa 12. Leuit. 6. 4 Wherefore if I cannot draw at the full out of this Fountaine nor drinke my fill I will notwithstanding set my lips to the mouth of this heauenly conduite that I may draw from thence at least some small drop to refresh my thirst to the end I wither not wholy away and perish And though I be not altogether celestial nor so inflamed as the Cherubims and Seraphims notwithstanding I will endeauour to apply my selfe to deuotion and dispose my heart to obtaine some small sparke of diuine fire by humbly receiuing of this Life-giuing Sacrament And whatsoeuer is hereunto wanting in mee good Iesu most blessed Sauiour doe thou supply for mee most benigne and gratious Lord who hast vouchsafed to call vs vnto thee saying Come vnto me all yee that labour and are burdened and I will refresh you Mat. 11. 5 I labour in the sweate of my browes I am vexed with griefe of heart I am burdened with sinnes I am troubled with temptations I am intangled and oppressed with many euill passions and there is none to helpe me none to deliuer and saue me but thou Lord God my Sauiour to whome I commit my selfe and all mine that thou mayest keepe me and bring me to life euerlasting Receiue me to the honor and glory of thy name who hast prepared thy Body and Bloud to be my meat and my drinke Gran● Lord God my Sauiour that by frequenting thy mysteries my zeale and deuotion may encrease CHAP. V. Of the dignitie of this Sacrament and Priestly function The voice of Christ IF thou hadst angelicall purity and the sanctity of Saint
thou complaine Christ had aduersaries and backbiters and wilt thou haue all men thy friends and benefactors For what shall thy patience be crowned if no aduersitie happen vnto thee 2. Tim. 21. If thou wilt suffer no aduersity how wilt thou be the friend of Christ Suffer vvith Christ and for Christ if thou desire to raigne with Chr●●● 6 If thou 〈…〉 perfectly entered into the heart of Iesus and tasted a little of his burning loue then wouldest thou not weigh thy owne commodity or discommodity but wouldest rather reioyce at slanders when they should chance to the cast vpon 〈…〉 for the loue of Iesus maketh a man to despise himselfe A louer of Iesus and of truth and a true spirituall person and free from inordinat affections can freely turne himselfe vnto God and lift himselfe aboue himselfe in spirit and with great joy of his soule rest in God 7 He that judgeth of all things as they are and not as they are said and esteemed to bee is truely wise and taught rather by God then men Esa 54. He that can liue spiritually and make small reckoning of outward things neither requireth places nor attendeth times for performing of deuout exercises A spirituall man quickly recollecteth himself because he neuer yeeldeth ouer himself wholy to outward things He is not hindred by outward labour or busines which may be necessary for the time but as things fall out so he frameth himselfe vnto them Hee that hath well ordered and disposed all things within careth little for the vaine inuentions and peruerse inclinations of men So much is a man hindred and distracted how much he draweth matters vnto himselfe 8 If all went well with thee and thou haddest thy heart well purged all things would fall out to thy good and profit But many things displease and often trouble thee because thou art not yet perfectly dead vnto thy selfe nor free from the affection of earthly things Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 4. Nothing so defileth and intangleth the heart of man as the impure loue to creatures If thou refuse outward comfort thou wilt be able to contemplate the things of heauen and often receiue internall joy CHAP. II. Of humble submission REspect not much who is with thee or who is against thee Endeauour and take care that God may be for thee in euery thing thou doest Psal 27. Haue a good conscience and God will defend thee For whom God will helpe no malice of man can hurt If thou canst hold thy peace and suffer without doubt thou shalt see that our Lord wil help thee He knoweth the time and manner how to deliuer thee and therefore thou oughtest to resigne thy selfe vnto him It belongs to God to help and to deliuer from all shame Oftentimes it is very profitable for the better keeping of humilitie that others know reprehend our faults 2 When a man humbleth himselfe for his faults then he easily pacifieth others and quickly satisfieth those that are offended with him God protecteth and deliuereth the humble he loueth and comforteth the humble vnto the humble man he inclineth himselfe vnto the humble he giueth great grace and after his humiliation hee raiseth him vnto glorie Vnto the humble hee reuealeth his secrets and sweetely draweth and inuiteth him vnto himselfe Matth. 12. The humble when hee hath receiued confusion is in peace for that hee resteth in God and relieth not on the world Doe not thinke that thou hast profited any thing vnlesse thou esteeme thy selfe inferiour to all CHAP. III. Of a good and peaceable man FIrst keepe thy selfe in peace and then maist thou pacifie others A peaceable man doth more good then he that is well learned A passionate man turneth good into euill and easily beleeueth the worst A good peaceable man turneth all things into good He that is well in peace is not suspitious of any 1. Cor. 15. But hee that is discontented and troubled is tossed with diuers suspitions he is neither quiet himselfe nor suffereth others to be quiet He often speaketh that which he ought not to speake and omitteth that which were more expedient for him to doe Hee considereth what others are bound to doe and neglecteth that which he is bound to himselfe Ma. 7. First therefore haue a carefull zeale ouer thy selfe and then thou mayest justly shew thy selfe zealous of thy neighbours good Act. 1. 2 Thou knowest well how to excuse and colour thine owne deeds and thou wilt not receiue the excuses of others It were more meet that thou diddest accuse thy selfe and excusedst thy brother Gal. 6. If thou wilt be borne withal beare also with another 1. Cor. 13. Behold how far off thou art as yet from true charitie and humility which knoweth not how to be angry with any or to bee moued with indignation but only against himselfe It is no great matter to conuerse with the good and those that are of a gentle disposition for that is naturally pleasing to all and euery one willingly enioyeth peace and loueth those best that agree with him But to bee able to liue peaceably with the vnquiet and peruerse mindes or with the disorderly or such as contradict vs is a great grace and very commendable 3 Some there are that keep themselues in peace and are in peace also with others And there are some that neither are in peace themselues nor suffer others to be in peace they are troublesome to others but alwayes more troublesome to themselues And others there are that keep themselues in peace and labour to bring others vnto peace Our whole peace in this miserable life cōsisteth rather in humble suffering then in not feeling aduersities He that can best tell how to suffer will best keep himselfe in peace He is a conquerour of himselfe a Lord of the world friend of Christ and heire of heauen CHAP. IV. Of a pure minde and vpright intention WIth two wings man is lifted vp from earthly vanities that is with simplicity purity Simplicity ought to be in our intention Purity in our affection Simplicity fixeth the eyes of the soule in God Purity apprehendeth and tasteth his sweetnes No good action will hinder thee if thou be inwardly free from inordinate affection If thou intend and seeke nothing else but the will of God and the profite of thy neighbour thou shalt enioy eternall libertie If thy heart were sincere and vpright then euery creature would be vnto thee a looking-glasse of life and a booke of holy doctrine There is no creature so little and abiect that representeth not the goodnes of God 2 If in thine owne heart thou wert good and pure then thou wouldest be able to see and vnderstand all things without any impediment Rom. 1. Prou. 3. A pure heart penetrateth heauen and pierceth the depth of hell Psal 118. Such as euery one is inwardly so hee iudgeth outwardly If there bee ioy in the world surely a man of a pure heart possesseth it And if there bee any where tribulation and
forth good and perfect fruit Lift vp my mind ouercharged with the waight of sinne draw vp my whole desire to heauenly treasures that hauing tasted the sweetnes of celestial happines it may loath to thinke of earthly vanities 6 Take me violently to thee and deliuer mee from all vnstable comfort of creatures for no created thing can fully quiet and satisfie my desire Ioyne me vnto thee with an vnspeakable band of loue for thou onely fillest the minde of him that loueth thee and without thee all things are distastefull CHAP. XXIV Of flying curious enquiry of the life of others OVR LORD SOnne be not curious trouble not thy selfe with idle cares What is this or that to thee Doe thou follow me Eccls. 3. and 1. Tim. 5. For what is it to thee whether that man be such or no or whether this man do or speak this or that Thou shalt not need to answere for others but shalt giue account of thy selfe Io. 21. Why therefore dost thou trouble thy selfe Behold I know euery one what he is and doe see all things that are vnder the Sunne and do vnderstand how it is with euery one what hee thinketh what he would at what his intentiō aimeth Gal. 6. Al things therfore are to be cōmitted vnto me but doe thou keepe thy selfe in good peace and suffer the vnquiet to do as they wil. Whatsoeuer they shal haue done or said shall fall vpon themselues for they cannot deceiue me 2 Desire not too great fame in this world nor to be knowne to many nor to haue the priuate loue of men for these things breed distractions and cause great darkenes of heart I would willingly vtter my words and reueale my secrets vnto thee if thou didst diligently obserue my cōming and didst open the dore of thy heart vnto me Be careful watch in praier and humble thy selfe in all things CHAP. XXV Wherein doth the firme peace of the heart and true profit consist OVR LORD SOnne I haue said Peace I leaue to you my peace I giue to you not as the world giueth doe I giue to you All do desire peace but all care not for those things that appertaine vnto true peace My peace is with the humble and meeke of heart Ioh. 4. Thy peace shal be in much patience If thou wilt heare me and follow my voice thou maist enioy much peace SER. What then shall I doe LORD In euery thing attend vnto thy selfe what thou doest what thou sayest and direct thy whole intention vnto this that thou mayest please me alone and desire or seeke nothing out of mee Of the sayings and doings of others judge nothing rashly neither do thou intangle thy self with things not committed vnto thee and doing thus it may be thou shalt be little or seldome troubled 2 But neuer to feele any trouble at all nor to suffer any griefe of hart or body is not the state of this life but of euerlasting rest Thinke not therefore that thou hast found true peace if thou feelest no sorrow nor that then all is well if thou haue no aduersary nor that it is perfect if all things be done according to thy desire Neither doe thou then esteeme highly of thy selfe or imagine thy selfe to be especially beloued if thou be in great deuotion and sweetnes for in these things a true louer of vertue is not tried neither doth the profit and perfection of man consist in hauing them SER. 3 Wherein then Lord LORD In offering thy self from the very bottom of thy heart vnto the diuine seruice not seeking thine owne interest or commodity neither in great nor little neither in time nor eternity so that with equall countenance thou mayest persist in thanksgiuing both in prosperity and aduersity weighing all things with an equal ballance If thou be of such courage so patient in hope that when inward comfort is withdrawne from thee thou prepare thy heart to suffer greater matters and not justifie thy selfe as though thou oughtest not to suffer these and so great afflictions but justifie me in whatsoeuer I appoint and praise my holy name then thou walkest in the true and right way of peace and thou shalt haue vndoubted hope to see my face againe with great joy And if thou attaine to the full contempt of thy selfe then shalt thou enioy as great abundance of peace as thy banishment may permit CHAP. XXVI Of the excellency of a free minde which humble prayer better deserueth then reading THE SERVANT LOrd it is the worke of a perfect man neuer to slack his mind from the attentiue thought of heauenly things and as it were to passe without care through many cares not faintingly but with a certaine priuiledge of a free mind adhering by inordinate affection to no creature 2 I beseech thee most mercifull God preserue me from the cares of this life lest I should be too much intangled thereby and from the many necessities of the body lest I should be enthralled by pleasure from all hinderances of the soule lest broken with troubles I should be deiected and dismayed I mean not from those things that worldly vanity so greatly desireth but from those miseries that as punishments do weigh down and hinder the soule of thy seruant with the general curse of mortality that it cannot enter into liberty of spirit as often as I would Gen. 3. Rom. 7. 3 O my God the vnspeakable sweetnesse make bitter vnto mee all carnall comfort which may draw me away from the loue of euerlasting happines and wickedly allure me to it selfe with the force of a certaine present delight Rom. 12. Let not flesh and bloud ouercome mee O Lord. Let not the world the short glory therof deceiue me Let not the Diuell and his subtill fraud supplant me Giue me force to resist patience to suffer and constancy to perseuere Giue me insteed of all the comforts of the world the most sweet vnction of thy Spirit and in lieu of carnall loue powre into my soule the loue of thy name 2 Behold meat drinke cloathes and other necessaries for the maintenance of the body are burdensome vnto a feruent spirit Grant mee to affect such nourishments in due measure and not to bee intangled vvith an ouer great desire of them It is not lawfull to renounce them wholy for that nature is to bee maintained but to desire superfluities and those things that doe rather delight then sustaine the Law of God forbiddeth for otherwise the flesh would rebell against the spirit Herein I beseech thee let thy hand gouerne mee and teach mee that I may not exceed CHAP. XXVII That priuate loue most hindreth from the chiefest good OVR LORD SOnne thou oughtest to giue all for all and to retaine nothing of thy selfe Know that the loue of thy selfe doth hurt thee more then any thing in the world According to the loue and affection thou bearest them so doth euery thing cleaue vnto thee more or lesse If thy loue be pure
take courage my brethren and go forwards together Iesus will be with vs for Iesus sake we haue vndertaken this Crosse for the loue of Iesus let vs perseuere in the Crosse Hee will be our helper who is our guide and forerunner Behold our King goeth before vs who also will fight for vs let vs follow him cheerefully let vs not bee dismayed but be readie to die with courage in the battaile and let vs not blemish our glory by flying from the Crosse CHAP. LVII That a man be not too much deiected when he falleth into some defects OVR LORD SOnne patience and humilitie in time of aduersitie are more pleasing to mee then much comfort and deuotion in prosperitie Why art thou grieued for euery little trifle spoken and done against thee Although it had beene much more thou oughtest not to haue been moued But now let it passe it is not the first that hath happened nor any new thing neither shall it bee the last if thou liue long Thou art cheerefull enough as long as no aduersity occurreth Thou canst giue good counsell also and canst strengthen others with thy words but when any tribulation suddenly knocketh at thy dore thou art destitute of counsell and voide of force See therefore thy great frailtie which thou often prouest in very small occasions It is notwithstanding permitted for thy good when these and such like occasions befall thee 2 Put it out of thy heart the best thou canst and if it touch thee yet let it not deiect thee nor trouble thee long beare it at least patiently if thou canst not ioyfully Although thou bee vnwilling to heare it and feelest in thy heart some motion of disdaine yet represse thy selfe and suffer no inordinate word to passe out of thy mouth which may bee a scandall to the weake The storme which now is raised shall quickly be appeased and inward griefe shall be asswaged by the returne of grace I do yet liue saith our Lord and am ready to helpe thee and to giue thee greater comfort then before if thou put thy trust in mee and callest deuoutly vpon me Esay 49. 3 Be more patient and prepare thy selfe to greater suffering All is not lost if thou feele thy selfe often afflicted or grieuously tempted Thou art a man and not God thou art flesh not an Angell How canst thou looke to continue euer in the same state of vertue when an Angell in heauen hath fallen and the first man in Paradise lost his standing I am hee that doe giue healthfull comfort to them that mourne and doe raise vp vnto my God-head those that know their owne frailtie Gen. 3. SER. 4 Lord blessed be thy sacred Word more sweete vnto my mouth then the hony and the hony-combe What should I doe in these my so great tribulations and anguishes vnlesse thou diddest comfort mee with thy holy sweete and heauenly speeches Psal 118. What matter is it how much and what I suffer so as at length I may attaine to the hauen of blisse Grant mee a good end grant mee a happie passage out of this world Be mindfull of me my God and direct mee the straight and ready way to the euerlasting Kingdome Amen CHAP. LVIII Of not searching into high matters and into the secret iudgements of God OVR LORD SOnne beware thou dispute not of high matters not of the secret judgements of God why this man is forsaken and he assumed to so great grace why also this man is so much afflicted and he so greatly aduanced These things exceede all humane power neither can any reason or discourse of any man search out the judgement of God When the enemy therfore suggesteth these things vnto thee or some enuious people demand them of thee answere that of the Prophet Thou art just O Lord and thy judgement is right Psa 218. And againe The judgements of our Lord are true justified in thēselues Psa 18. My judgments are to be fearead not to be discussed for they are such as cannot be comprehended by the vnderstanding of man 2 In like maner I aduise thee not to enquire nor dispute of the merits of the Saints which of them is holier then the other and which is greater in the Kingdome of heauen These things oftentimes breed strife vnprofitable contentions they nourish also pride vain-glory from whēce do vsually spring enuy dissensions whilst one will needs foolishly haue this Saint preferred the other another 1. Tim. 2. To desire to know search out such things is to no purpose but to displease the Saints of whom they speake For I am not the God of dissensiō but of peace which peace consisteth rather in true humilitie then in exalting our selues 3 Some are carried with zeale of affectiō to loue these or those most but this loue is rather humane then diuine I haue made al the Saints and haue giuen them grace I haue made them partakers of my glory I know the merits of euery one I haue preuented them in the benedictions of my sweetnes I foreknew my beloued before the beginning of the world I chose thē out of the world they chose not me first Ioh. 15. I called them by grace I drew them by mercy I led them through sundry temptations I haue sent thē great inward cōforts I haue giuen thē perseuerāce I haue crowned their patiēce 4 I know the first and last I embrace all with inestimable loue I am to be praised in al my Saints I am to be blessed aboue al things and to be honored in euery one whom I haue thus gloriously exalted and predestinated without any precedent merits of their owne He therefore that contēneth one of the least of my Saints honoreth not the greatest for that I made both the lesse and the greater Iam. 2. Wisd 6. And he that dispraiseth any of my Saints dispraiseth also me al the rest in the Kingdome of heauen All are one by the band of Charity they thinke the same they will the same and are all knit together in one perfect-band of loue 5 But yet which is much more high they loue me more then themselues more then their owne merits For being rauished aboue themselues drawne out of the affection of themselues they tend wholy vnto the loue of mee in which also they rest enioying me with vnspeakable glory Nothing can put them backe nothing presse them down for being full of euerlasting truth they burne with the fire of vnquenchable charity Let therfore carnal earthly mē that can affect no other but priuate joyes forbeare to dispute of the state of Saints They adde and take away according to their owne fancies not as it pleaseth the euerlasting Truth 6 There is in many great ignorāce specially in those that bee slenderly enlightned these can seldom loue any with perfect spiritual loue They are alwaies much drawne by a natural affection humane friendship to this man or to that and according to the
wee bee extolled in our good deeds pag. 188 What we ought to doe and say in euerie thing which we desire pag. 191 That true comfort is to be sought in God alone pag. 194 That all our care is to be placed in God pag. 196 That temporall miseries by the example of Christ are to be borne patiently pag. 198 Of suffering of iniuries and who is proued to be truely patient pag. 201 Of the acknowledging of our owne infirmitie and of the miseries of this life pag. 204 That wee are to rest in God aboue all his gifts pag. 208 Of the remembrance of the manifold benefits of God pag. 213 Of foure things that bring much peace pag. 217 Of flying curious inquiry of the life of others pag. 221 Wherein doth the firme peace of the heart and true profit consist pag. 223 Of the excellencie of a free minde which humble prayer better deserueth then reading pag. 226 That priuate loue most hindereth from the chiefest good pag. 229 Against the tongue of slanderers pag. 432 How we ought to call vpon God and blesse him when tribulation draweth neere pag. 233 Of crauing the diuine aide and confidence of recouering grace pag. 235 Of the contempt of all creatures to finde our Creator pag. 240 Of the deniall of our selues and forsaking our affections pag. 244 Of inconstancy of heart and of directing our finall intentions vnto God pag. 247 That God is sweet aboue all things and in all things to him that loueth pag. 249 That there is no security from temptation in this life pag. 252 Against the vaine iudgements of men pag. 255 Of a full and pure resignation of our selues for the obtaining freedome of heart pag. 257 Of good gouernment in outward things and of recourse to God in dangers pag. 260 That a man be not ouer earnest in his affaires pag. 262 That man hath no good of himselfe nor any thing whereof he can glory pag. 264 Of the contempt of all temporall honors pag. 267 That our peace is not to be placed in men pag. 268 Against vaine and secular knowledge pag. 271 Of not drawing outward things to our selues pag. 274 That credit is not to be giuen to all men and how prone man is to offend in words pag. 275 Of putting our trust in God when euill words arise pag. 280 That all grieuous things are to be endured for life euerlasting pag. 284 Of the euerlasting day and shortnesse of this life pag. 287 Of the desire of euerlasting life and how great rewards are promised to those that fight valiantly pag. 292 How a desolate person ought to offer himselfe into the hands of God pag. 299 That a man ought to imploy himselfe in workes of humilitie when force is wanting for higher exercises pag. 305 That a man ought to esteeme himselfe vnworthy of comfort and to haue deserued stripes pag. 307 That the grace of God is not giuen to those that sauour of earthly things pag. 310 Of the different motions of Nature and Grace pag. 313 Of the corruption of nature and efficacie of diuine grace pag. 320 That we ought to deny our selues and imitate Christ by the Crosse pag. 325 That a man bee not too much deiected when he falleth into some defects pag. 329 Of not searching into high matters and into the secret iudgements of God pag. 333 That all our hope and trust is to be fixed in God alone pag. 341 THE FOVRTH BOOKE WIth how great reuerence Christ is to be receiued pag. 349 That great goodnes and charity of God is bestowed vpon man in this Sacramēt pag. 356 That it is profitable to communicate often pag. 361 That many benefits are bestowed vpon them that communicate deuoutly pag. 365 Of the dignity of this Sacrament and Priestly function pag. 371 An Interrogation of the exercise before Communion pag. 374 Of the discussing of our owne conscience and purpose of amendment pag. 375 Of the oblation of Christ on the Crosse and resignation of our selues pag. 379 That we ought to offer vp our selues and all that is ours vnto God and to pray for all pag. 381 That the holy Communion is not lightly to be forborne pag. 386 That the Body of Christ and the holy Scripture are most necessary vnto a faithfull soule pag. 392 That he that is to communicate ought to prepare himself with great diligence pag. 399 That a deuout soule ought to desire with her whole heart to be vnited vnto Christ in the Sacrament pag. 403 Of the feruent desire of some deuout persons to receiue the body of Christ pag. 406 That the grace of deuotion is obtained by humilitie and deniall of our selues pag. 409 That we ought to manifest our necessities vnto Christ and to craue his grace pag. 412 Of burning loue and vehement desire to receiue Christ pag. 414 That a man bee not a curious searcher of this Sacrament but an humble follower of Christ submitting his sense vnto faith pag. 418 OF THE FOLLOWING OF CHRIST THE FIRST BOOKE CHAP. I. Of the Imitation of Christ and contempt of all the vanities of the world HEE that followeth me walketh not in darknes saith our Lord. Ioh. 8. These are the words of Christ by which we are admonished that we ought to imitate his life and manners if we will be partakers of his diuine light and be deliuered from all blindnesse of heart Let therefore our chiefe care be to meditate vpon the life or Iesus Christ 2 The doctrine of Christ exceedeth all the doctrine of the Saints and hee that had the light of spirit would discouer therein a secret and hidden Manna But it falleth out that many who often heare the Gospell of Christ doe yet feele in themselues but slender motion of any holy desire because they are voide of the Spirit of Christ But whosoeuer will fully and feelingly vnderstand the words of Christ must endeauour to conforme his life wholly to the life of Christ 3 What will it auaile thee to dispute profoundly of the Trinitie if thou be void of humility and thereby displeasing to the Trinitie High words surely make a man neither holy nor just but a vertuous life maketh him deare to God I had rather feele compunction then vnderstand the definition thereof 1. Cor. ●● If thou diddest know the whole Bible by heart and the sayings of all the Philosophers what would all that profit thee without charity and the grace of God Vanity of vanities and al is vanity but only to loue God and wholly to serue him Eccles 1. This is the highest wisdome by contempt of the world to tend towards the Kingdome of heauen 4 It is therefore vanity to seeke after fading riches and to repose trust in them It is also vanity to gape after honors and to climbe to high degrees It is vanity to follow the appetites of the flesh and to labour for that for which thou must afterwards suffer more griueuous punishment Vanity it is to wish to liue long and to
to seeke many comforts of men When a good vertuous man is afflicted tempted or troubled with euill thoughts then hee vnderstandeth better the great neede hee hath of Gods assistance without whose helpe he perceiueth hee can doe nothing that is good Then also he sorroweth lamenteth and prayeth for the miseries he suffereth Then is he weary of liuing longer and wisheth that death would come that hee might be dissolued and bee with Christ Then also hee well perceiueth that complete security and perfect peace cannot be had in this world CHAP. XIII Of Resisting Temptations SO long as wee liue in this world we cannot be without tribulation and temptation for as it is written in Iob Temptation is the life of man vpon earth Euery one therefore ought to be carefull and diligently to arme himselfe with prayer against his temptations lest the Diuell finde time and place to deceiue him who neuer sleepeth but goeth about seeking whom he may deuour No man is so perfect and holy but hath sometimes temptations and we cannot be altogether free from them 2 Temptations are often profitable vnto men though they be troublesome and grieuous for in them man is humbled purged and instructed All the Saints haue passed and profited through many tribulations and temptations and they that could not beare temptations became reprobate and fell from God There is no order so holy nor place so secret where there be not temptations or aduersities 3 There is no man that is altogether free from temptations whilest he liueth on earth for in our selues is the cause thereof being borne with inclination to euill When one temptation or tribulation goeth away another commeth and we shal euer haue something to suffer because wee haue lost that innocencie with which we were created Many seeke to flie temptations and do fall more grieuously into them By flight alone we cannot ouercome but by patience and true humility wee become stronger then all our enemies 4 Hee that onely auoideth them outwardly and doth not pluck them vp by the root shall profit little yea temptation will the sooner returne vnto him and he shall feele himselfe in worse case then before By little and little and by patience with longanimitie through Gods help thou shalt more easily ouercome then with violence and thine owne importunity Often take counsell in temptation and deale not roughly with him that is tempted but giue him comfort as thou wouldest wish to be done to thy selfe 5 The beginning of al euil temptations is inconstancie of minde and little confidence in God for as a shippe without a sterne is tosted to and fro with the waues so the man that is negligent and leaueth his purpose is many wayes tempted Fire trieth iron and temptation a just man We know not oftentimes what we are able to doe but temptations doe shew vs what wee are We must be watchfull especially in the beginning of the temptation for the enemie is then more easily ouercome if hee bee not suffered to enter the dore of our hearts but bee resisted without the gate at his first knocke Wherefore one said Ouid. libr. 1. de remed amoris Withstand the beginnings for an after-remedie comes often too late First there commeth to the minde an euill thought then a strong imagination thereof afterwards delight and an euill motion and then consent and so by little and little our wicked enemie getteth full entrance whilest he is not resisted in the beginning And how much the longer one is negligent in resisting so much weaker doth he become daily and the enemy stronger against him 6 Some suffer greatest temptations in the beginning of their conuersion others in the later end others againe are much troubled almost through the whole time of their life Some are but easily tempted according to the wisdome and equity of the diuine appointment which weigheth the state and deserts of men and ordaineth al things for the sauing of his elect and chosen seruants 7 We ought not therefore to despaire when we are tempted but so much the more feruently to pray vnto God that hee will vouchsafe to helpe vs in all tribulation who surely according to the saying of S. Paul Will make with temptation such issue that we may be able to sustaine it Let vs therefore humble our selues vnder the hand of God in all temptation and tribulation for he wil saue and exalt the humble in spirit 8 In temptations and afflictions man is proued how much he hath profited and his merit is thereby the greater before God and his vertues doe more openly appeare Neither is it any great matter if a man bee deuout and feruent when he feeleth no heauines but if in time of aduersitie he beare himselfe patiently there is hope of great good Some are kept from great temptations and are often ouercome in smal ones which do daily occurre to the end that being humbled they may neuer presume on themselues in great matters who in so small things doe see themselues so weake CHAP. XIV Of auoiding rash Iudgement TVrne thine eyes vnto thy selfe and beware thou judge not rashly the deeds of other men Mat. 7. Rom. 25. Eccls. 3. In judging of others a man alwaies laboureth in vaine often erreth and quickely sinneth but in judging and discussing of himselfe he alwaies laboureth fruitfully We often judge of things according to our owne desire for priuate affection bereaues vs easily of true judgement If God were alwaies the pure intention of our desire wee should not be so much troubled with the repugnance of our sensualitie 2 But oftentimes some inward secret inclination or outward affection occurreth which draweth vs after it Many secretly seeke themselues in their actions and know it not They seeme also to liue in good peace of minde when things are done according to their will and opinion but if it succeed otherwise then they desire they are straight waies troubled and much afflicted The diuersities of judgements and opinions cause often dissentions betweene friends and neighbours betweene religious and deuout persons Matth. 12. Luk. 12. 3 An old custome is hardly broken and no man is willingly led further then himselfe liketh If thou dost more rely vpon thine own reason or industry then vpon the vertue of obedience to Iesus Christ Hier. 13. it will be long before thou be illuminated with grace for almighty God will haue vs perfectly subiect vnto him and that we transcend the narrow limits of humane reason enflamed with his loue CHAP. XV. Of Workes done of Charity FOr no worldly thing nor for the loue of any man is any euill to be done Matth. 18. but yet for the profit of one that standeth in need a good worke is sometimes to be left off or changed also for a better For by doing this a good worke is not lost but changed into another of greater merit The exteriour worke without charity profiteth nothing 1. Cor. 13. but whatsoeuer is done of charitie be it neuer so little
and contemptible in the sight of the world it is fruitfull and of great esteeme in the sight of God For God weigheth more with how much loue one worketh then how much he doth Hee doth much that loueth much Luk. 7. 2 He doth much that doth a thing well he doth well that rather serueth the common good of others then his owne will Phil. 2. Oftentimes it seemeth to bee charity and it is rather carnality because naturall inclination selfe-will hope of reward and desire of our owne commodity will seldome be wanting 3 He that hath true and perfect charity seeketh himselfe in nothing but onely desireth in all things that the glory of God should be exalted Phil. 2.3 1. Cor. 13. He also enuieth none because he loueth no priuat good neither will he reioyce in himself but wisheth aboue al things to enioy God Psal ●7 24 He attributeth nothing that is good to any man but wholly referreth it vnto God from whom as from the fountaine all things proceed in whom finally all Saints haue perfect rest by fruition of his glory O he that had one sparke of perfect charitie how easily would hee discerne that all earthly things be full of vanity CHAP. XVI Of bearing with the defects of others THose things that a man cannot amend in himselfe or in others he ought to suffer patiently vntill God ordaine otherwise Thinke that perhaps it is better so for thy triall and patience without which our merits are not much to be esteemed Thou oughtest to pray notwithstanding when thou hast such impediments that God would vouchsafe to helpe thee and that thou mayest beare them patiently Matth. 6. Luk. 11. 2 If one that is once or twice warned doth not amend contend not with him but commit all to God that his will may be fulfilled and his name honored in all his seruants vvho knovveth hovv to turne euill into good Matth. 6. Endeauour to be patient in bearing with the defects and infirmities of others for that thy selfe also hast many things which must bee suffered by others Thess 5. Ioh. 1. Luk. 6. If thou canst not make thy selfe such an one as thou wouldest how canst thou expect to haue another in all things to thy liking Wee vvould vvillingly haue others perfect and yet vvee amend not our owne faults 3 We vvill haue others seuerely corrected and vvill not be corrected our selues The large libertie of others displeaseth vs and yet we will not haue our desires denied vs. Wee will haue others kept vnder by rigorous lawes but in no sort wil we our selues be restrained And thus it appeareth how seldome we weigh our neighbour in the same balance with our selues If all men were perfect vvhat should vvee haue to suffer of our neighbour for God 4 But novv God hath thus ordained that vve may learne to beare one anothers burden Gal. 6. for no man is without defect no man without burden no man sufficient of himselfe no man endued with so much wisdom as he needeth but we ought to beare with one another comfort one another helpe instruct and admonish one another 1. Thess 5. and 1. Cor. 12. Aduersitie best discouereth how great vertue each one hath for occasions make not a man fraile but doe shew what he is CHAP. XVII Of Religious life THou must learne to breake thy owne will in many things if thou wilt haue peace and concord with others It is no small matter to dwell in community or in a congregation and to conuerse therein without complaint and to perseuer there faithfully vntill death Blessed is he that hath there liued well and ended happily If thou wilt perseuer in grace as thou oughtest and profit in vertue esteeme thy selfe as a banished man and a pilgrime vpon earth Thou must be contented for the loue of Christ to be esteemed as a foole in this world if thou desire to leade a vertuous and perfect religious life 2 The wearing of religious habit and shauing of the crowne doe little profit but change of manners and perfect mortification of passions make a true religious man 1. Pet. 2. He that seeketh any thing else but God and the health of his soule shal finde nothing but tribulation and sorrow Eccls. 1. 4. Neither can he remaine long in peace that laboureth not to be in the meanest place and subiect to all 3. Thou camest to serue not to be serued Know that thou wast called to suffer and to labour not to be idle or to spend thy time in talke Mat. 20. Heere in the Schoole of Christ men are prooued as gold in the fornace Heere no man can stand vnlesse hee humble himselfe vvith his vvhole heart for the loue of God CHAP. XVIII Of the examples of the holy Fathers COnsider the liuely examples of the holy Fathers in whom true perfection and religion shined and thou shalt see how little it is and almost nothing which we doe now in these dayes Heb. 11. Alas what is our life if it be compared to them The Saints and friends of Christ serued our Lord in hunger and thirst in cold and nakednesse in labour and vvearinesse in vvatching and fasting in prayer and holy meditations in persecutions and many reproaches 2 O how many and grieuous tribulations suffered the Apostles Martyrs Confessors Virgins and all the rest that endeauoured to follow the steppes of Christ They hated their liues in this world Ioh. 12. that they might possesse their soules in euerlasting life Mat. 7. O how strait and poore a life led the holy Fathers in the vvildernes How long and grieuous temptations suffred they How often and how grieuously were they assaulted by their ghostly Enemie How feruent prayers offered they daily to God! How rigorous abstinence did they vse Hovv feruent zeale and care had they of their spirituall profit How strong and continuall a combate had they for the ouercomming of vices How pure and vpright intention kept they vnto God! In the day they laboured and in the night they attended to continuall prayer although when they laboured also they ceased not from mentall prayer 3 They spent all their time with profit euery houre seemed short for the seruice of God and for the great sweetnes they had in contemplation they forgot the necessity of corporall refection They renounced all riches dignities honors friends and kinsfolkes they desired to haue nothing vvhich appertained to the world they scarse tooke things necessary for the sustenance of life they grieued to serue their bodies euen it necessity They were poore in earthly things but rich in grace and vertues Outwardly they wanted but inwardly they were replenished with grace and spirituall comfort 4 They were strangers in the world but neere and familiar friends to God They seemed to themselues as nothing and abiect to this world but they were precious and beloued in the eyes of God They were groūded in true humility liued in simple obedience walked in charity and patience and therefore they profited
alwayes before the eyes of thy soule the picture of thy Sauiour crucified Thou hast good cause to be ashamed looking vpon the life of Christ seeing thou hast so slackly endeauoured to conforme thy selfe vnto him though thou hast walked a long time in the way of the seruice of God A religious person that exerciseth himselfe seriously and deuoutly in the most holy life and passion of our Lord shall there abundantly finde whatsoeuer is necessary and profitable for him neither shall hee need to seeke any thing elsewhere but only in Iesus O if Iesus crucified would come into our hearts how quickely and fully should we be instructed in all truth Gal. 2. 6. 7 A feruent religious person taketh and beareth all vvell that is commanded him but he that is negligent and cold hath tribulation vpon tribulation and on all sides is afflicted for he is void of inward consolation and is forbidden to seeke externall comforts A religious person that liueth not according to discipline is in great danger of the ruine of his soule He that seeketh liberty and ease shall euer liue in disquiet for one thing or other will alwaies displease him 8 How doe so many other religious persons vvho liue vnder the strict rule of Monasticall discipline They seldome goe abroad they liue retiredly they feede meanely they are cloathed coursely they labour much speake little watch long rise early spend much time in prayer reade often and keep themselues in all kinde of discipline Consider the Carthusians Cistercians and the Religious men and women of diuers Orders how they rise euery night to sing praises vnto God And how vnseemely then it is for thee to be slouthfull in so holy a worke when as so great multitudes of religious persons doe beginne to glorifie God 9 O that we had nothing else to doe but alwaies with our mouth and whole heart to praise our Lord God! O that thou mightest neuer haue need to eate nor drinke nor sleepe but mightest alwaies praise God and onely imploy thy selfe in the exercises of spirit thou shouldest then be much more happy then now thou art when for so many necessities thou art constrained to serue thy body Would God these necessities were not at all but only the spirituall refections of the soule which alas we taste of too seldome 10 When a man commeth to that estate that he seeketh no comfort of any creature then doth he begin to take perfect contentment and delight in God Then shall he be contented with whatsoeuer doth befall him in this world Then shall he neither reioyce in great matters nor be sorrowfull for small but with great integritie and confidence commit himselfe to God who shall be vnto him al in all to whom nothing doth perish nor die but all things do liue vnto him and serue him at a becke without delay Rom. 11. 11 Remember alwaies the end and hovv that time lost neuer returnes Eccles 7. Without care and diligence thou shalt neuer get vertues If thou beginnest to wax cold it will be euill with thee but if thou giue thy selfe to feruour of spirit thou shalt find much peace and feele lesse labour through the assistance of Gods grace and loue of vertue Apocal 3. The feruent and diligent man is ready and prepared for all things It is harder to resist vices and passions then to toile in bodily labours Eccls. 19. He that auoideth not small faults by little and little falleth into greater Thou wilt alwayes reioyce in the euening if thou spend the day profitably Be watchfull ouer thy selfe stirre vp thy selfe warme thy selfe and whatsoeuer becomes of others neglect not thy selfe The greater violence thou vsest against thy selfe the more thou shalt profite THE END OF THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE FOLLOWING OF CHRIST THE SECOND BOOKE CHAP. I. Of spirituall conuersation THe Kingdom of God is within you saith our Lord. Luk. 7. Turne thee with thy whole heart vnto our Lord and forsake this miserable world and thy soule shall finde rest Ioel. 2. Learne to despise exteriour things and to giue thy self to the interiour thou shalt perceiue the Kingdome of God to come into thee Ro. 19. For the kingdome of God is peace and joy in the holy Ghost which is not giuen to the wicked Christ will come vnto thee and shew thee his diuine comfort if thou prepare for him a worthy mansion within thee Psal 44. Al his glory and beauty is within and there he pleaseth himselfe The inward man he often visits and hath with him sweet discourses pleasant comfort much peace wonderfull familiarity 2 O faithfull soule make ready thy hart for this Bridegrome that he may vouchsafe to come vnto thee and dwell within thee For he saith If any loue mee hee will keepe my Word and we will come vnto him and will make our aboad with him Ioh. 14. Giue therefore vnto Christ a place in thy heart and deny entrance to all others When thou hast Christ thou art rich and he will suffice thee Hee will be thy faithfull and prouident helper in all things so as thou shalt not need to trust in men For men are soone changed and quickly decay but Christ remaineth for euer and standeth firmely vnto the end Ioh. 12. 3 There is little trust to be put in a fraile and mortall man though hee be profitable and deare vnto thee neither oughtest thou much to bee grieued if sometimes hee crosse and contradict thee Hier. 17. They that to day take thy part to morrow may be against thee and so on the contrary they often turne like vnto the winde Put all thy trust in God and feare and loue him 1. Pet. 5. He wil answere for thee and do in al things what is best Heb. 13. Thou hast not heere a dwelling Citie and wheresoeuer thou bee thou art a stranger and pilgrime neither shalt thou euer haue rest vnlesse thou be perfectly vnited vnto Christ 4 Why doest thou linger and make delayes heere since this is not the place of thy rest Phil. 3. In heauen ought to be thy dwelling and al earthly things are to be regarded as it were in the way Sap. 5. Al things passe away and thou together with them Beware thou cleaue not vnto them lest thou be enthralled and so doest perish Let thy thought be on the highest and thy prayer directed vnto Christ without ceasing If thou canst not contemplate high and heauenly things rest thy selfe in the passion of Ch●●●● and dwell willingly in the wounds of his sacred body For if thou flie deuoutly vnto his holy wounds and to th● 〈◊〉 markes of his passion thou ●hal● feele great comfort in tribulation neither wilt thou much care for being despised of men and wilt easily be●re the words of slanderous tongues 5 Christ was also in the world despised and in great necessity forsaken by his acquaintance friends in the middest of slanders Matth. Ioh. 15. Christ would suffer and be contemned and darest
any one so spirituall that is free from the loue of all earthly things For where is any that is indeed poore in spirit and free from all affection of creatures Far hence and from the end of the world is his price Prou. 31. If a man should giue all his wealth yet is it nothing And if he should doe great penance yet is it little And if hee should attaine to all knowledge hee is yet far off And if hee should haue great vertue and very feruent deuotion yet there is much wanting to wit one thing which is most necessary for him What is that That leauing all he forsake himselfe and goe perfectly from himselfe and retaine nothing of selfe-loue Matth. 16. And vvhen hee hath done all that hee knoweth to bee done let him thinke that hee hath done nothing 3 Let him not weigh that much which might be much esteemed but according to truth let him affirme himselfe to bee an vnprofitable seruant as our Sauiour hath said When you shall haue done all things that are commanded you say Wee are vnprofitable seruants Luk. 17. Then may he be truely poore in spirit and naked and say with the Prophet I am alone and poore yet no man more powerfull no man more free then he that can leaue himselfe and all things and put himselfe in the meanest and lowest place Psal 24. CHAP. XII Of the high way of the holy Crosse VNTO many seemeth hard this speech Deny thy selfe take vp thy crosse and follow Iesus Mat. 16. But it will be much harder to heare that last word Get ye away from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire For they that now willingly heare and follow the word of the Crosse shall not then feare to heare the sentence of euerlasting damnation This signe of the Crosse shall be in heauen when our Lord shall come to judgement Then all the seruants of the Crosse who in their life time conformed themselues vnto Christ crucified shal draw neere vnto our Lord with great confidence 2 Why therefore fearest thou to take vp the Crosse which leadeth thee to a Kingdome In the Crosse is health in the Crosse is life in the Crosse is protection against our enemies in the Crosse is infusion of heauenly sweetnesse in the Crosse is strength of mind in the Crosse is joy of spirit in the Crosse is the height of vertue in the Crosse is the perfection of sanctity There is no health of the soule nor hope of euerlasting life but in the Crosse Take vp therefore thy crosse and follow Iesus and thou shalt goe into life euerlasting Hee is gone before bearing his Crosse Luc. 14. and is dead for thee on the Crosse Ioh. 19. that thou mayest also beare thy Crosse and desire to die on the Crosse with him For if thou diest with him thou shalt also liue with him And if thou bee his companion in paine thou shalt bee partaker with him also in glory 2. Cor. 1. 3 Behold in the Crosse all doth consist and all lyeth in ending our life vpon it for there is no other way vnto life and vnto true inward peace but the vvay of the Holy Crosse and of daily mortification Goe where thou wilt seeke whatsoeuer thou wilt thou shalt not finde a higher way aboue nor a safer way belovv then the vvay of the holy Crosse Dispose and order all things according to thy will judgement yet thou shalt euer finde that of necessity thou must suffer somwhat either willingly or against thy will so as thou shalt neuer fully auoid the Crosse For either thou shalt feele paine in thy body or in thy soule thou shalt suffer tribulation of spirit 4 Sometimes thou shalt be forsaken of God sometimes thou shalt be troubled by thy neighbors which is more oftentimes thou shalt bee irksome to thy selfe neither canst thou be deliuered or eased by any remedie or comfort but so long as pleaseth God thou oughtest to beare it For God wil haue thee learn to suffer tribulation without comfort and that thou submit thy selfe wholly to him and become more humble by tribulation No man hath so liuely a feeling of the Passion of Christ as hee who hath chanced to suffer the like The Crosse therefore is alwaies ready and euery where attendeth thee Thou canst not escape it whither soeuer thou flyest for wheresoeuer thou goest thou cariest thy selfe with thee shalt euer find thy selfe both aboue below without and within which way soeuer thou doest turne thee alwaies thou shalt find the Crosse euery where of necessity thou must haue patience if thou wilt haue inward peace and deserue an euerlasting Crowne 5 If thou beare the crosse willingly it wil beare thee and lead thee to thy desired end to wit where there shall be an end of suffering though heere there shall not If thou beare it vnwillingly thou makest for thy self a new burden encreasest thy load and yet notwithstanding thou must beare it If thou cast away one crosse without doubt thou shalt finde another and that perhaps a more heauy 6 Thinkest thou to escape that which no man could euer auoid Which of the Saints in the vvorld was vvithout crosses and tribulations Verily Iesus Christ our Lord was neuer one houre without paine of suffering so long as hee liued Christ saith he ought to suffer and rise againe from death and so to enter into his glory and how doest thou seeke any other way then this high way which is the way of the holy Crosse Luk. 24. 7 The whole life of Christ was a Crosse and Martyrdome and doest thou seek rest and joy Thou art deceiued thou art deceiued if thou seekest any other thing then to suffer tribulations for this whole mortall life is full of miseries and inuironed on euery side with Crosses Iob. 7. And how much the more one hath profited in spirit so much the heauier Crosses he oftentimes findeth for the loue he beareth to God encreaseth the griefe which hee endureth for his banishment 8 But yet this man though so many waies afflicted is not without the remedy of spirituall consolation for the great good which he perceiueth to grow vnto him by the bearing of his Crosse For whilest he willingly putteth himselfe vnder it all the burthen of tribulation is turned into the confidence of diuine comfort And how much the more the flesh is vvasted by affliction so much the more is the spirit strengthened by invvard grace 2. Cor. 11. 12. And sometimes hee is so comforted with the desire of tribulation and aduersitie for the loue of conforming himselfe to the Crosse of Christ that he would not wish at any time to bee without sorrow and tribulation because hee beleeueth that so much the more gratefull hee shall be vnto God how much the more hee can suffer for him This is not a worke of humane vertue but it is the grace of Christ that can and doth so much in fraile flesh that what naturally it alwaies
my secrets and vnderstand the high mysteries of God neglecting themselues and their own saluation Eccles 3. and 2. Cor. 3. These oftentimes for that I resist them doe fall into great temptations and sinnes for their pride and curiosity 4 Feare the judgements of God dread the wrath of the almighty But discusse not the workes of the Highest Search thine owne iniquities in how much thou hast offended and how much good thou hast neglected Some carry their deuotion onely in books some in pictures sone in outward signes figures some haue me in their mouthes but little in their harts There are others that being illuminated in their vnderstanding and purged in their affection doe alwaies aspire with an earnest mind to euerlasting happines Esa 29. and are vnwilling to heare of the things of this world to serue the necessities of nature with griefe and these perceiue what the Spirit of truth speaketh in them Psal 24 Because it teacheth them to despise earthly and loue heauenly things to neglect th● world and day and night to desire heauen CHAP. V. Of the wonderfull effect of diuine grace THE SERVANT I Praise thee O heauenly Father Father of my Lord Iesus Christ for that thou hast vouchsafed to remember mee a poore and wretched creature O Father of mercies and God of all comfort thankes be vnto thee who sometimes with thy comfort refreshest mee vnworthy of all comfort 2. Cor. 1. I euer blesse and glorifie thee with thy only begotten Son the holy Ghost for al worlds O God my Lord the holy louer of my soule when thou shalt come into my heart all that is within me will reioyce Thou art my glory and the exultation of my heart Psal 3. Thou art my hope and my refuge in the day of my tribulation Psal 31. 2 But for that I am yet weake in loue and imperfect in vertue I haue need to be comforted by thee visite me therefore often and instruct mee with thy holy discipline Deliuer me from euill passions and heale my heart of al inordinate affections that being cured within and wel purged I may be made fit to loue strong to suffer and constant to perseuere 3 Loue is a great matter in very truth a great good which alone maketh euery thing that is heauy light and beareth equally vnequall burdens Mat. 11. For it carrieth a burden without a burden and maketh euery thing that is bitter sweet and delightsome The noble loue of Iesus enforceth man to worke great things and stirreth him vp to desire alwayes the most perfect Loue will be aloft and not kept downe with any base things Loue will be free from all worldly affection to the end his inward sight be not obscured that he be not intangled with the desire of any transitory gaine or troubled with the want thereof Nothing is sweeter then loue nothing stronger nothing higher nothing more ample nothing more pleasant nothing fuller nor better in heauen or in earth for that loue hath his beginning from God and cannot rest but in God aboue all creatures 4 He that loueth flyeth runneth and reioyceth he is free and not held in He giueth all for all and hath all in al for that he resteth in one Highest aboue all from which all good floweth and proceedeth Hee respecteth not the gifts but turneth himselfe aboue all goods vnto the giuer Loue oftentimes knoweth no measure but inflameth aboue al measure Loue feeleth no burthen weigheth no paines desireth aboue it strength complaineth not of impossibility for that it thinketh all things lawful and possible It is therefore able to vndertake all things and performeth and bringeth many things to effect whereas he that doth not loue fainteth and can doe nothing 5 Loue alwaies watcheth sleeping sleepeth not being wearied is not tired straitned is not pressed frighted is not troubled but like a liuely flame and burning torch breaketh vpwards and passeth through al with great securitie Rom. 8. If any one loueth hee knoweth what this voice cries A lowd cry in the ears of God is the burning loue of the soul which saith My God my loue thou art wholy mine and I wholy thine 6 Enlarge mee in loue that my heart may taste how sweete it is to loue and to be dissolued swimme in thy loue Let me be possessed by loue mounting aboue my selfe with excessiue feruour admiration Let me sing the song of loue let me follow thee on high my beloued let my soule faint in thy praises reioycing with loue Let mee loue thee more then my selfe and not my selfe but for thee and al in thee and truly loue thee as the law of loue commandeth which shineth in thee 7. Loue is swift sincere pious sweet and delightfull strong patient faithful prudent suffering ful of courage and neuer seeking it selfe 1. Cor. 13. For where one seeketh himself there he falleth from loue 1. Cor. 10. Loue is circumspect humble and vpright not remisse not mutable nor attending vnto vaine things sober chast constant quiet and guarded in al the senses Psal 2. Loue is subiect and obedient to Superiours meane and abiect to it selfe deuout thankfull vnto God trusting and hoping alwaies in him euen then when God imparteth no sweetnes vnto it for without sorrow none liueth in loue 8 He that is not ready to suffer al things and stand to the will of his beloued is not worthy to be called a louer A louer ought to embrace willingly al that is hard and distastefull for his beloued and not to turne away from him for any contrary accidents CHAP. VI. Of the proofe of a true Louer OVR LORD SOnne thou art not yet a strong and prudent louer SER. Wherefore Lord LORD Because thou giuest ouer for a small aduersitie and too earnestly seekest comfort A constant louer standeth firmely in temptations giueth not credit to the crafty perswasions of the enemy As I please him in prosperity so I am not vnpleasant to him in aduersity Phil. 4. 2 A prudent louer considereth not so much the gift of his louer as the loue of the giuer He rather esteemeth the good will then the value and placeth all gifts vnder his beloued A noble louer resteth not in the gift but in mee aboue any gift All therfore is not left if sometimes thou hast lesse taste of mee and my Saints then thou wouldest That good and sweet desire which thou sometimes feelest is the effect of present grace and a certaine taste of the heauenly Country whereon thou must not rely too much for it goeth and commeth But to fight against euil motions of the minde which may happen vnto thee and to despise the suggestion of the diuel is a signe of vertue and great merit Matth. 4. 3 Let not therefore strange fancies forced into thee of any matter whatsoeuer trouble thee Retaine a firme purpose and vpright intention to God Neither is it an illusion that sometimes thou art suddenly rapt on high and presently returnest againe
that which thou wouldest not leaue vndone that thou wouldest do That which is pleasing to others shall goe well forwards that which thou wishest shall not speed That which others say shal be heard what thou sayst shall be nothing regarded Others shall aske shal receiue thou shalt aske not obtaine 5 Others shall bee great in the praises of men but of thee there shall be no speech to others this or that shall be committed but thou shalt be accounted fit for nothing At this nature will sometimes repine and it is much if thou endurest it with silence In these and such like a faithfull seruant of our Lord is wont to be tried how he can deny and ouercome himselfe in all things There is scarce any thing wherein thou hast such need to mortifie thy selfe as in seeing and suffering those things that are contrary to thy will especially when that is commanded which seemeth vnto thee inconuenient or to little purpose And for that thou being placed vnder authority darest not resist a higher power therefore it seemeth hard vnto thee to walke at the becke of another and to leaue wholy thine owne opinion 6 But consider Sonne the fruit of these labours the end neere at hand and the reward aboue all measure and thou shalt receiue no griefe therby but great comfort of thy patience For in regard of that little of thy will which now thou willingly forsakest thou shalt alwaies haue thy will in heauen There thou shalt haue all that thou wilt or canst desire there thou shalt enioy all good without feare of loosing it there shal thy will be euer one with me it shall desire nothing strange or priuate there no man shall withstand thee no man complaine of thee no man hinder thee nothing come against thee but all things desired shall bee there together present and delight thy whole desire and fulfill it to the highest degree there I will giue thee glorie for the reproach which heere thou sufferedst a garment of praise for former griefe for the lowest place a seat of an euerlasting Kingdome there shall the fruit of obedience appeare the labour of pennance reioyce and humble subjection shall bee gloriously crowned 7 Now therefore bow thy selfe with great humility vnder the hands of all and regard not who said or commanded this but take great heede that whether thy Superiour or thy Inferiour or thine equall require any thing of thee or doe insinuate their desire thou take it all in good part and endeauour to fulfill it with a sincere intention Let one seeke this another that let him glorie in this the other in that and be praysed a thousand thousand times but doe thou neither reioyce in this nor in that but in the contempt of thy selfe and in my pleasure and honour a lone This art thou to wish that whether by life or death God may be alwayes glorified in thee CHAP. L. How a desolate person ought to offer himselfe into the hands of God THE SERVANT LOrd God holy Father thy holy name be now and for euer blessed because as thou wilt so is it done and what thou dost is good Let thy seruant rejoyce in thee not in himselfe nor any thing else for thou alone art the true gladnes thou art my hope and my crowne thou art my joy and my honor O Lord. What hath thy seruant but what he receiued from thee euen without any desert of his 1. Cor. 4. Thine is all that thou hast giuen whatsoeuer thou hast made I am poore and in labours from my youth and sometimes my soule is heauy vnto teares somtimes also it is troubled in it selfe by reason of passions which rise against her Psal 87. 2 I desire the joy of peace I craue the peace of thy children that are fed by thee in the light of comfort If thou giue peace if thou infuse holy joy the soule of thy seruant shall be full of heauenly sweetnes and shall become deuout in thy praise but if thou withdraw thy selfe as very often thou art wont he wil not be able to runne the waies of thy Commandements but rather hee boweth his knees and knocketh his breast for that it is not with him as it was yesterday and the day before when thy light shined vpon his head and he was protected vnder the shadow of thy wings from the temptations which violently assault him 3 O righteous Father and euer to be praised the houre is come that thy seruant is to be proued Behold Father it is fit that in this houre thy seruant suffer something for thee O Father worthy of eternall honour the houre is come which from all eternity thou didst fore-know should come that for a short time thy seruant should outwardly bee oppressed but inwardly liue for euer with thee he should be a little despised and humbled and made as an abiect in the sight of men and much afflicted with passions and infirmities that he may rise againe with thee in the rising of new light and be clarified in heauen Holy Father thou hast so appointed it and wilt haue it so and this is fulfilled which thy selfe hast commanded 4 It is a grace and a fauour to thy friend to suffer and to be afflicted in the world for the loue of thee how often soeuer and by whom soeuer thou permittest it to fall vpon him Without thy counsell and prouidence and without cause nothing is done in earth Psalm 118. It is good for mee Lord that thou hast humbled me that I may learne thy righteous judgments and cast away al haughtines of hart presumptiō It is profitable to me that shame hath couered my face that I may rather seeke to thee for comfort then to men I haue learned also hereby to dread thy inscrutable judgment that afflictest the just with the wicked but not without equity and justice 5 I giue thee thanks that thou hast not spared my sinnes but hast worne me away with bitter stripes inflicting sorows sending griefs within and without There is none vnder heauen that can comfort mee but thou my Lord God Tob. 13. the heauēly Phisitian of souls that strikest healest bringest into hell and drawest out againe Psal 17. let thy correction be vpon me and let thy rod instruct me 6 Behold beloued Father I am in thy hands I bow my selfe vnder the rod of thy correction let my neck shoulders feel the stripes of thy chastisement that my crookednes may be conformed to thy wil. Make me a deuout humble disciple of thine as thou art wōt wel to do that I may be ready at euery beck of thy diuine pleasure I commend my selfe and all mine vnto thee to be corrected It is better to be rebuked here then hereafter Thou knowest all and euery thing and there is nothing hidden in the conscience of man which can be hidden from thee Before things are done thou knowst that they wil happen hast no need that any should
created mee to thy Image and likenesse Genes 1. graunt mee this grace which thou hast shewed to bee so great and so necessary to saluation that I may ouercome my wicked nature which draweth me to sinne and to the losse of my soule For I feele in my flesh the law of sinne contradicting the law of my minde and leading mee captiue to obey sensuality in many things neither can I resist the passions thereof vnlesse thy holy grace feruently infused into my heart doe assist me Rom. 7. 2 Thy grace O Lord and great grace is needfull that nature may be ouercome which is euer prone to euil from her youth For by Adam the first man in falling and being corrupted by sinne the penalty of this staine hath descended vpon all mankind in such sort that Nature it self which by thee was created good and without defect is now accounted for vice and for the infirmitie of a corrupted nature for that the motion thereof left vnto it selfe draweth to euill and abiect things For the little force which remaineth is like a certaine sparke lying hidden in ashes This is naturall reason it self compassed about with great darknesse still retaining power to discerne good and euill and the distance betweene true and false although it be vnable to fulfill all that it approueth and enioyeth not now the full light of truth nor the former integrity of her affections 3 Hence it is my God that according to my inward man I delight in thy law knowing thy Commandements to bee good just and holy reprouing also all euill and sin and doe know that it is to be fled Rom. 7. But in my flesh I serue the law of sin whilest I rather obey sensualitie then reason Hence it is that I haue a will to doe good but know not how to performe it For this cause I often purpose many good things but for that I want grace to helpe my infirmity for a light resistance I go backe and faint I know the way of perfection see clearely enough what I ought to do but pressed with the waight of mine owne corruption I rise not vnto it 4 O Lord how needfull is thy grace for me to beginne any good worke to go forward and to accomplish it Ioh. 13. For without it I can do nothing but in thee I can doe all things when thy grace doth comfort me O heauenly grace without which our owne merits are nothing and no gifts of nature are to bee esteemed Arts riches beautie and strength wit or eloquence are of no worth with thee O Lord without thy grace For gifts of nature are common to good and euill but the peculiar gift of the elect is grace and loue wherewith being marked they are esteemed worthy of euerlasting life This grace so much excelleth that neither the gift of prophesie nor the working of miracles nor any speculation how high soeuer is of any esteeme without it Neyther faith nor hope nor other vertues are acceptable vnto thee without charitie and grace 1. Cor. 13. 5 O most blessed grace that makest the poore in spirit rich with vertues and the rich in many blessings humble in heart come downe vnto me replenish mee in the morning with thy comfort lest my soule should faint with wearines and wither away with drines of mind I beseech the Lord that I may find grace in thy sight for thy grace sufficeth though other things that nature desireth be wanting Psal 22. If I be tempted and vexed with many tribulations I will not feare euils whilest thy grace is with me shee is my strength she giueth aduice and help she is stronger then all enemies and wiser then all the wise 6 Thy grace is the mistresse of truth the teacher of discipline the light of the heart the solace in affliction she driueth away sorrow she expelleth feare she is the nurse of deuotion the bringer foorth of teares What am I without it but a rotten peece of wood and an vnprofitable stalke only meet for the fire Let thy grace therefore Lord alwaies preuent me and follow mee and make mee euer diligent in good workes through Iesus Christ thy Son Amen CHAP. LVI That we ought to deny our selues and imitate Christ by the Crosse OVR LORD SOnne looke how much thou canst goe out of thy selfe so much mayest thou enter into me As to be void of all desire of externall things maketh inward peace so the forsaking of our selues joyneth vs internally to God I will haue thee learne the perfect leauing of thy selfe vnto my will without contradiction and complaint Follow me I am the way the truth and the life Ioh. 14. Without the way there is no going without truth there is no knowledge without life there is no liuing I am the way which thou oughtest to follow the truth which thou oughtest to trust the life for which thou oughtest to hope I am the way which cannot lead amisse the truth which cannot erre the life which cannot end I am a most strait way a supreme truth a true life a blessed life an increated life if thou remaine in mee thou shalt know the truth and truth shall deliuer thee and thou shalt apprehend euerlasting life 2 If thou wilt enter into life keep the Commandements if thou wilt know the truth beleeue me Mat. 19. If thou wilt be perfect sell al. If thou wilt be my disciple deny thy selfe Luk. 9. If thou wilt possesse a blessed life deny this present life Ioh. 12. If thou wilt be exalted in heauen humble thy selfe vpon earth Luk. 14. If thou wilt raigne with me beare the Crosse with mee For onely the seruants of the Crosse finde the way of blisse and true light SER. 3 Lord Iesus for as much as thy way is narrow strait and contemptible vnto the world grant me grace to imitate thee in suffring willingly all worldly contempt For the seruant is not greater then his Lord nor the Disciple aboue his Master Mat. 7. Let thy seruant be exercised in thy holy life for there is the health and the true sanctitie of my soule whatsoeuer I reade or heare besides doth not recreate or delight me fully Luk. 6. LORD 4 Sonne now that thou knowest and hast read these things happie shalt thou be if thou fulfill them Hee that hath my Commandements and keepeth them hee it is that loueth me and I will loue him and will manifest my selfe vnto him and wil make him sit with me in the Kingdome of my Father SER. Lord Iesus as thou hast said and promised so giue mee grace to deserue that it be fulfilled I haue receiued the Crosse I haue receiued it from thy hand and I will beare it and beare it till death as thou hast laid it vpon me Truely the life of a good religious person is the Crosse and it is a sure guide to heauen It is now begunne it is not lawfull to go backe neither is it fit to leaue that which I haue vndertaken 5 Let vs then
mightest shew thy sweetenesse towards thy children vouchsafest to feede them with the most delightsome bread which descendeth from heauen and is full of all sweetnes Wisd 12. Surely there is no other Nation so great that hath Gods approching vnto them as thou our God art present to all thy faithfull vnto whom for their daily comfort and for the lifting vp of their hearts to heauen thou giuest thy self to be eaten and enioyed Deut. 4. 3 For what other Nation is there so famous as the Christian people Or what creature vnder heauen so beloued as a deuout soule to whom God himselfe commeth to feed her with his glorious flesh O vnspeakable grace O admirable fauour O infinit loue singularly bestowed vpon man But what shall I giue vnto our Lord in returne of this grace for so singular a charitie Psal 115. There is no other thing more gratefull that I am able to giue then to bestow my heart wholy on my God and to vnite it perfectly vnto him Then shall all my bowels reioyce when my soule shall be perfectly vnited vnto God Then hee will say vnto me if thou wilt be with me I will bee with thee And I will answere him Vouchsafe O Lord to remaine with me and I will be with thee This is my whole desire that my heart be vnited vnto thee CHAP. XIV Of the feruent desire of some deuout persons to receiue the Body of Christ The voice of the Disciple O How great is the store of thy sweetenesse O Lord which thou hast hidden for them that feare thee Psalm 30. When I remember some deuout persons who come vnto thy Sacrament O Lord with great deuotion and affection I am oftentimes confounded and blush within my selfe that I come so negligently and coldly to thy Altar to the Table of holy Communion that I remaine so drie and without spirituall motion or feeling that I am not wholy inflamed in thy presence my God nor so earnestly drawne and moued as many deuout persons haue beene who out of a vehement desire of receiuing and a feeling affection of heart could not containe themselues from weeping but with the desire both of soule and body they earnestly longed after thee O God the liuely Fountaine being not otherwise able to temper nor satisfie their hunger but by receiuing thy Body with all joy and spirituall greedinesse 2 O most ardent faith of those persons a probable argument of thy sacred presence For these truely know their Lord in the breaking of bread whose heart burneth so within them whilest thou O blessed Iesu walkest with them Luk. 24. Such desire and deuotion so vehement loue and feruencie is oftentimes far off from me Be mercifull vnto me good Iesu sweet and benigne Lord and grant me thy poore needy creature to feele sometimes at least in this holy Sacrament a little cordiall desire of thy loue that my faith may be more strengthened my hope in thy goodnes encreased and that my charity once perfectly inflamed after the tasting of heauenly Manna may neuer decay 3 Thy mercy O Lord is able to giue me the grace I desire and to visit me in thy bounteous clemencie with the spirit of feruour when it shall please thee For although I burne not with so great desire as those that are so especially deuoted vnto thee yet notwithstanding by thy grace I desire to haue this great inflamed desire praying and crauing that I may participate with all such thy feruent louers and be numbered among them in their holy company CHAP. XV. That the grace of deuotion is obtained by humilitie and deniall of our selues The voice of the Beloued THou oughtest to seeke the grace of deuotion instantly to aske it earnestly to expect it patiently and considently to receiue it joyfully to keep it humbly to worke with it diligently and to commit the time and manner of this heauenly visitation to God vntill it shall be his pleasure to come Thou oughtest chiefly to humble thy selfe when thou feelest inwardly little or no deuotion and yet not to be too much deiected nor to grieue inordinately for it God often giueth in a short moment that which he hath long time denied he giueth sometimes in the end that which in the beginning of prayer he differred to grant 2 If grace should be alwaies presently giuen and at hand euer with a wish it could not be well endured by a weake man Therefore deuotion is to be expected with good hope and humble patience yet impute it to thy selfe and thy sinnes when it is not giuen thee or when it is secretly taken from thee It is sometimes a small matter that hindreth hideth grace from vs if it bee to bee called small and not rather a great matter that hindreth so great a good And if thou remooue this bee it great or smal and perfectly ouercome it thou shalt haue thy desire 3 For presently as soone as thou giuest thy selfe to God and seekest not this nor that for thine owne pleasure or will but setlest thy selfe wholy in me thou shalt find thy selfe vnited vnto him and quiet For nothing will taste so well and please thee so much as the will and pleasure of God Whosoeuer therefore with a sincere heart directeth his intention to God purgeth himselfe from all in ordinate loue or dislike of any creature shall be most fit to receiue grace and worthy of the gift of deuotion For our Lord bestoweth his blessing there where he findeth his vessels empty And how much the more perfectly one forsaketh these basest things and dieth to himselfe by contempt of himselfe so much the more speedily grace commeth and entreth in more plentifully and lifteth vp the heart that is free to a higher state of grace 4 Then shall he see and abound and wonder and his heart shall be enlarged because the hand of our Lord is with him and hee hath put himselfe wholy into his hand for euer Esa 60. Behold so shall the man bee blessed that seeketh Almighty God with his whole heart and taketh not his soule in vaine This man deserueth great grace of diuine vnion in receiuing the holy Eucharist for that hee regardeth not his owne deuotion and comfort but aboue all deuotion and comfort he prizeth the honor and glory of God CHAP. XVI That wee ought to manifest our necessities vnto Christ and to craue his grace The voice of the Disciple O Most sweete and louing Lord whom I now desire to receiue deuoutly thou knowest my infirmitie and the necessity which I endure with how many sins I am oppressed how often I am grieued tempted troubled and defiled I come vnto thee for remedie I craue of thee thy heauenly comfort and the ease of my paine I speake to him that knoweth all things to whom all my secrets are open and who can only perfectly comfort and helpe mee Thou knowest what it is whereof aboue all things I stand in most need and how poore I am in vertues 2 Behold
I stand before thee poore and naked calling for grace and crauing mercy Refresh this thy hungry and needy creature giue heat vnto my coldnes with the fire of thy loue giue light vnto my blindnesse with the brightnes of thy presence Turne al earthly things vnto me into bitternes all things grieuous and contrarie into patience all base and created things into contempt and obliuion Lift vp my heart to thee in heauen and suffer me not to wander vpon earth be thou only sweete and delightsome vnto mee from hence-forth for euermore for thou only art my meat and my drinke my loue and my joy my delight and all my good 3 O that with thy presence thou wouldest wholy inflame burne and change me into thee that I might be made one spirit with thee by the grace of inward vnion and melting of burning loue Suffer me not to go from thee hungry and drie but deale mercifully with me as thou hast oftentimes dealt wonderfully with thy Saints What meruaile if I should be wholy inflamed by thee and die in my selfe sith thou art fire euer burning and neuer decaying loue purifying the heart and enlightning the vnderstanding CHAP. XVII Of burning loue and vehement desire to receiue Christ The voice of the Disciple WIth great deuotion and burning loue with most hearty affection and feruour I desire to receiue thee O Lord as many Saints and deuout persons haue desired thee when they receiued thy Sacrament who were most pleasing vnto thee in holines of life and most feruent in deuotion O my God the euerlasting loue my whole good my happinesse without end I would gladly receiue thee with the most vehement desire and worthy reuerence that any of the Saints euer had or could feele 2 And although I be vnworthy to haue all those feelings of deuotion yet I offer vnto thee the whole affection of my hart as if I alone had those most sweet inflamed desires yea whatsoeuer also a deuout minde can conceiue and desire all that with greatest reuerence and most inward affection I offer present vnto thee I wish to reserue nothing to my self but freely and most willingly to sacrifice my selfe all mine vnto thee my Lord God my Creator and my Redeemer I desire to receiue thee this day with such affection reuerence praise honor with such gratitude worthines and loue with such faith hope and purity as thy most blessed Mother the glorious Virgin Mary receiued and desired thee when she humbly and deuoutly answered the Angel who declared vnto her the mystery of the Incarnation and said Behold the Handmaid of our Lord let it be done vnto mee according to thy word Luk. 1. 3 And as thy blessed Forerunner the most excellent amongst the Saints Iohn Baptist cheerefully leaped with joy of the holy Ghost whilest he was yet shut vp in his mothers wombe and afterwards seeing Iesus walking amongst men humbling himselfe very much said with deuout affection The friend of the Bridegrome that standeth and heareth him reioyceth with joy for the voice of the Bridegrome Ioh. 3. so I also wish to be inflamed with great and holy desires and to offer my self vp vnto thee with my whole heart Wherefore I offer also and present vnto thee the joyes feruent desires excesses of minde spirituall illuminations and heauenly visions of all deuout hearts with all the vertues and praises exercised and to be exercised by all creatures in heauen and earth for my selfe and all such as are commended to me in prayer that by all thou mayest be worthily praised and glorified for euer 4 Receiue my Lord God the affections of my heart and desires which I haue to giue thee infinite praise and thankes which according to the measure of thy vnspeakable greatnesse are due vnto thee These I yeeld thee and desire to yeeld thee euery day and moment and I doe intreate and inuite all the heauenly Spirits and all thy deuout seruants to giue thanks and praises together with me 5 Let all People Tribes and Tongues praise thee and magnifie thy holy and sweet name with great joy and feruent deuotion and let all that reuerently and deuoutly celebrate thy most high Sacrament and receiue it with full faith deserue to finde grace and mercy at thy hands and pray humbly for mee sinfull creature And when they shall haue obtained their desired deuotion and joyfull vnion and depart from thy sacred heauenly Table well comforted and meruailously refreshed let them vouchsafe to remember my poore and needy soule CHAP. XVIII That a man be not a curious searcher of this Sacrament but an humble follower of Christ submitting his sense vnto faith The voice of the Beloued THou oughtest to beware of curious and vnprofitable searching into this most profound Sacrament if thou wilt not sinke into the depth of doubt He that is a searcher of Maiestie shall be oppressed by Glorie Prou. 25. God is able to worke more then man can vnderstand A pious and humble inquirie of truth is tolerable so he be alwaies ready to bee taught and doe endeauour to walke in the sound pathes of the ancient Fathers doctrine 2 Blessed is that simplicity that forsaketh the difficult waies of questions and goeth on in the plaine and assured path of Gods Commandements Many haue lost deuotion whilest they would search after high things Faith and sincere life are exacted at thy hands not height of vnderstanding nor the depth of the mysteries of God If thou doest not vnderstand nor conceiue those things that are vnder thee how shalt thou bee able to comprehend those that are aboue thee Submit thy selfe to God and let thy sense be subiect to faith and the light of knowledge shall bee giuen thee in that degree as shall bee profitable and necessary for thee 3 Some are grieuously tempted about Faith and the Sacrament but this is not to bee imputed to them but rather to the enemie Do not regard nor dispute with thy thoughts neither doe thou giue answere to the doubts mooued by the enemie but beleeue the words of God beleeue his Saints and Prophets and the wicked Serpent will flie from thee It is oftentimes very profitable to the seruant of God to suffer such things for he tempteth not Infidels and sinners whom he alreadie securely possesseth but hee sundrie waies tempteth and vexeth the faithfull and deuout 4 Goe forward therefore with a sincere and vndoubted faith and come to the Sacrament with vnfained reuerence And whatsoeuer thou art not able to vnderstand commit securely to Almightie God God deceiueth thee not hee is deceiued that trusteth too much to himselfe Psalm 18. and 118. God walketh with the simple reuealeth himselfe to the humble giueth vnderstanding to little ones openeth the senses of pure minds and hideth grace from the curious and proud Mat. 11. Humane reason is weake and may be deceiued but true faith cannot be deceiued 5 All reason and naturall search ought to follow faith not to go before it
nor impugne it For faith and loue doe chiefely excell and worke in a hidden manner in this most blessed and excellent Sacrament God who is euerlasting and of infinite power doth great and inscrutable things in heauen and in earth and there is no searching of his wonderfull workes If the workes of God were such as might bee easily comprehended by humane reason they were not to be called wonderfull and vnspeakable Heere endeth the fourth and last booke of the following of Christ the which fourth booke treateth most principally of the blessed Sacrament of the Altar HERE BEGINNETH A GODLY TREAtise and it is called a notable Lesson otherwise it is called the Golden Epistle The exposition of the name of this little booke A Right good and wholesome Lesson profitable vnto al Christians ascribed vnto S. Bernard and put among his Works I thinke by some vertuous man that would it should thereby haue the more authoritie and the rather be read better bee borne away for doubtlesse it is a good matter and edificatiue vnto all them that haue zeale and care to their soules health and desire of saluation It is called in the Title Notabile documentum that is to say A notable Lesson And some doe call it the Golden Epistle It followeth immediatly after a little worke called Formula honestae vitae the forme and manner of an honest life or of honest liuing THE GOLDEN EPISTLE IF you intend to please God and would obtaine grace to fulfill the same two things be vnto you very necessary The first you must withdraw your mind from all worldly and transitory things in such maner as though you cared not whether any such things were in this world or no. The second is that you giue and apply your selfe so wholy to God and behaue your self in such sort that you neuer do say or thinke that you know suppose or beleeue should offend or displease God for by this meanes you may soonest and most readily obtaine and winne his fauour and grace In all things esteeme and account your selfe most vile and most simple and as verie nought in respect and regard of vertue and thinke suppose and beleeue that all persons be good and better then you bee for so shall you much please our Lord. Whatsoeuer you see or seeme to perceiue in any person or yet heare of any Christian take you no occasion therein but rather ascribe and apply you all vnto the best and thinke or suppose all is done or said for a good intent or purpose though it seeme contrarie for mans supposition and light judgements bee soone and lightly deceiued or beguiled Despise no person willingly nor euer speake euill of any person though it were neuer so true that you say For it is not lawful to shew in confession the vice or default of any person except you might not otherwise shew and declare your owne offence Speake little or nothing vnto your proper and selfe laude or praise though it were true and vnto your familier fellow or faithfull friend but studie to keepe secret and priuie your vertue rather then your vice yet were it a cruell deed for any persons to defame themselues Be more glad to giue your eare and hearing vnto the praise rather then vnto the dispraise of any person and euer beware as well of hearing as speaking of detraction and when you speake take good deliberation and haue few words and let those bee true and good sadly set and wisely ordered If any words be spoken vnto you of vice or vanity as soone as you may breake off and leaue that talke or communication And euer returne and apply your selfe vnto some appointed good and godly occupation bodily or ghostly If any sodaine chance fall or happen vnto you or vnto any of yours leane not too lightly thereunto or care much therfore If it be of prosperitie reioyce not much therein or bee ouer glad thereof If it be aduersitie bee not ouercome or ouerthrowne therwith or brought to sorrow or sadnesse thanke God for al and set little therby Repute all things transitory as of little price or value Giue euer most thought and care vnto those things that may profite and promote the soule Fly and auoid the persons and the places of much speech for better it is to keepe silence then to speake Keepe the times places of silence precisely so that you speak not without reasonable and vnfained cause The times of silence in religion bee these From Collation vntill Masse be ended after the houre of Tierce from the first Grace in the Fratour vntill the end of the latter Grace And from the beginning of Euensong vntill Grace bee ended after supper or else Benedicite after the common beuer The places of silence be the Church and Cloister the Fratour and the Dortour If you be slandered and doe take occasion at the fault or offence of any person then looke well vpon your selfe whether you be in the same default sometime your selfe and then haue compassion vpon your brother or sister If there be no such default in you think verily and beleeue there may be and then doe as in like case you would bee done vnto And thus as in a glasse you may see and behold your selfe Grudge not neither complaine vpon any person for any manner of cause except you see and perceiue by large coniecture that you may profit and edifie thereby Neither deny nor affirme your minde or opinion stiffely or extremely but that your affirmation denegation or doubt be euer powdred with salt that is to say wisdome discretion and patience Vse not in any wise to mocke check or scorne neither yet to laugh or smile but right seldome And that alway to shew reuerence or louing manner light countenance or loose behauiour becommeth not a sad person Let your communication bee short and with few persons alwaies of vertue learning or good Christian edification and euer with such warinesse that no person in things doubtfull may take any authoritie of your words or sentence Let all your pastime be spent in bodily labours good and profitable or else godly in study or that passeth all in holy and deuout prayer so that the heart and mind be occupied with the same you speake And when you pray for any certaine persons remember their degree estate condition For a forme and order of your prayer this may bee a good and ready way to follow the order of the six Gramaticall cases The nominatiue the genitiue the datiue the accusatiue the vocatiue and the ablatiue The nominatiue that is first to pray for your selfe that you may haue ghostly strength and constancie that you fall not into any deadly offence by frailtie and that you may haue right knowledge of God by faith and of your selfe by due consideration of your estate and condition and of the lawes of God for your conduct and countenance and thirdly that you may haue grace and good will according to the