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A11064 A booke of ayres, set foorth to be song to the lute, orpherian, and base violl, by Philip Rosseter lutenist: and are to be solde at his house in Fleetstreete neere to the Grayhound Rosseter, Philip, 1567 or 8-1623.; Campion, Thomas, 1567-1620. aut 1601 (1601) STC 21332; ESTC S111881 10,443 49

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from men will not returne againe O happie is the soule which heauen ordained to liue in endles peace His life is a pleasing dreame and euerie house his ioyes encrease You ●ea●ie so●ites that loue in seue●'d 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 VII REproue not loue though fondly thou hast lost grea ter hopes by lo uing loue calms abicious spirits from their brests dāger oft re mo uing Let lo●●y humors moūt vpon high down againe like to the wind while priuat thoghts vow'd to loue more peace plesure find Loue and sweete beautie makes the stubborne milde And the coward fearelesse The wretched misers care to bountie turnes Cheering all things cheerelesse Loue chaines the earth and heauen Turnes the Spheare● guides the ●eares in en●●es 〈◊〉 VIII ANd would you faine the reason know why my sad eies so of ten flow my heart ebs ioy when they doe so and loues the moone by whom they go And will you aske why pale I looke t is not with poring on my booke My Mistris cheeke my blond hath tooke for her mine owne hath me forsooke Doe not demaund why I am mute loues silence doth all speech confute They set the noat then tune the Lute harts frame their thoughts then toongs their suit Do enot admire why I admire my feuer is no others fire E●ch se●erall heart hath his desire If why I loue you should see cause loue should haue forme like other lawes But fancie pleads not by the clawes t is as the sea still vext with flawes No fault vpon my loue espie for you perceiue not with my eie My pallate to your tast may lie yet please it selfe deliciously Then let my sufferance be mine owne ●u●●●ceth it these reasons showne Reason and loue 〈…〉 IX WHen Laura smiles her sight re uiues both night and day The earth heauen viewes with de light her wan ton play And her speech with euer flowing musicke doth repaire the cruell wounds of sorrow and vntamd despaire The sprites that remaine in fleeting aire Affect for pastime to vntwine her tressed haire And the birds thinke sweete Aurora mornings Queene doth shine From her bright sphere when Laura shewes her lookes deuine Dianas eyes are not adorn'd with greater power Then Lauras when she lifts awhile for sport to loure But when she her eyes encloseth blindnes doth appeare The chiefest grace of beautie sweetelie seated there Loue hath no fire but what he steals from her bright eyes Time hath no power but that which in her pleasure lyes X. LOng haue mine eies gaz'd with delight conueying hopes vn to my soule in nothing happy but in sight of her that doth my sight controule but now mine eies ii but now mine eies must loose their light My obiect now must be the aire To write in water words of fire And teach sad thoughts how to despaire Dese●● must quarrell with desire For all my comfort this I proue That Venus on the Sea was borne If Seas be calme then doth she loue If stormes arise I am f●r●orne XI THough far from ioy my sorrowes are as far and I both betweene not too low nor yet too high aboue my reach would I bee seene happy is he that so is placed not to be enui'd not bee disdain'd or dis gra ced The higher trees the more stormes they endure Shrubs be troden downe But the meane the golden meane Doth onely all our fortunes crowne XII SHall I come if I swim wide are y e waues you see shall I come if I 〈◊〉 my deer● loue to thee streames Venus will appease Cupid giues me winges all the powers as sist my desire saue you alone that set my wofull heart on fire You are faire so was Hero that in Sestos dwelt She a priest yet the heate of loue truly felt A greater streame then this did her loue deuide 〈◊〉 she was his guide with a light XIII AYe me that loue that loue should natures workes accuse where cruell Laura still her beautie viewes River or cloud●● 〈◊〉 or christall bright are all but seruants of her selfe delight Yet her deformed thoughts she cannot see And that 's the cause she is so sterne to mee Vertue and duetis can no fauour gaine A griefe ● death ●o liue an●●oue i●●●ine XIIII SHall then a traiterous kis or a smile all my delights vnhappily be guiles shall the vow of ●ay●●● loue 〈…〉 regard when true seruice dies negle cted and wants his due reward Deedes meritorious soone be forgot But one offence no time can euer blot Euery day it is renu'd and euery night it bleedes And with bloudy streames of sorrow drownes all our better deedes XV. IF I hope I pine if I feare I faint and die so betweene hope and feare I desp'rat lie looking for ioy 〈…〉 come but hope is blinde ioy deafe and I am dumbe Yet I speake and crie but alas with words of wo And ioy conceiues not them that murmure so He that the eares of ioy will euer pearse Must sing glad noates or speake in happier verse XVI VNlesse there were con sent twixt hell and heauen that grace and wickednes should be combind I cannot make thee thy beauties euen thy face is heauen and tor ture in thy minde for more then worldly blisse is in thy eie and hellish tor ture in thy minde doth lie XVII IF she for sake me I must die shall I tell her so Alas then strait wil she re plie no no no no no. If I disclose my desp'rat state she will but make sport thereat and more vn relenting grow 2 What heart can long such paines abide Fie vppon this loue I would aduenture farte and wide If it would remoue But loue will still my steppes pursue I cannot his wayes eschew Thus still helpeles hopes I proue 3 I doe my loue in lines commend But alas in vaine The costly gifts that I doe find she returnes againe XVIII WHat is a day what is a yeere of vaine delight and pleasure like to a dreame it endlesse dies and from vs like a vapour flies and this is all the fruit that we finde which glorie in worldly trea sure He that will hope for true delight With vertue must be graced Swee●e 〈◊〉 yeelds a bitter tast XIX KInde in vnkindnesse when will you relent and cease with faint loue true loue to tor ment still entertain'd exclu ded still I stand her gloue stil holde but cannot touch the hand In her faire hand my hopes and comforts rest O might my fortunes with that hand be blest No enuious breaths then my deserts could shake For they are good who such true loue doth make O let not beautie so forget her birth That 〈◊〉 ●hould 〈◊〉 home returne 〈…〉 Loue one that onely liues in louing you Whose wrong'd deserts would you with pity view This strange distast which your affections swaies Would relish loue and you find better daies Thus all my happie sight your beautie viewes Whose 〈…〉 XX. WHat then is loue but mourning what desire but a selfe-bur-ning till shee that hates doth loue returne thus will I mourne thus will I sing come away come away my darling Beautie is but a blooming Youth in his glorie entombing Time hath a while which none can stay Then come away while thus I sing Come away come away my darling Sommer in winter fadeth Gloomie night heau'nly light shadeth Like to the morne are Venus flowers Such are her ●●wers ●h●● wi●●●●ing XXI WHether men doe laugh or weepe whether they doe wake or sleepe whether they die yoong or olde whether they ●ee●e heate or colde there is 〈…〉 nothing in true earnest done All our pride is but a iest None are worst and none are best Griefe and ioy and hope and feare Play their Page●●●● euery where Powers aboue in cloudes doe sit Mocking our poore apish wit That so lamely with such ●●ate T●●ir ●●gh gl●ri● 〈…〉
now her furie requite With the reuenge of loue Then come sweetest come My lips with kisses gracing Here let vs harbour all alone 〈…〉 embra●ing Will you now so timely depart And not returne againe Your sight lends such life to my hart That to depart is paine Feare yeelds no delay Securenes helpe in pleasure Then till the time giues safer stay O farewell my 〈…〉 XVIII THe man of life vpright whose guiltlesse hart is free from all disho nest deedes or thought of vanitie 2 The man whose silent dayes In harmeles ioyes are spent Whome hopes cannot delude Nor sorrow discontent 3 That man needes neither towers Nor armour for defence Nor secret vautes to flie From thunders violence 4 The horrours of the deepe And terrours of the Skies 5 Thus scorning all the cares That fate or fortune brings He makes the heau'n his booke His wisedome heeu'nly things 6 Good thoughts his onely friendes His wealth a well-spentage The 〈◊〉 his sober 〈◊〉 XIX HArke al you ladies y t do sleep The fayry queen Pro serpina bids you awake and pitie them that weep you may doe in the darke what the day doth forbid feare not the dogs that barke night will haue all hid 2 But if you let your louers mone the Fairie Queene Proserpina Will send abroad her Fairies eu'rie one that shall pinch blacke and blew Your white hands and faire armes that did not kindly rue Your Paramours harmes 3 In Myrt●e Arbours on the downes The Fairie Queene Pro●er●in● This nig●t by 〈…〉 4 All you that will hold watch with loue the Fairie Queene Proserpina Will make you fairer then Diones doue Roses red Lillies white And the cleare damaske hue shall on your cheekes alight Loue will adorne you 5 All you that loue or lou'd before the Fairie Queene Pro●e●●i●● XX. WHen thou must home to shades of vn der ground and there a The beauteous spirits do ingirt thee round white I o riu'd a newe ad mi red guest pe blith Hellen and the rest To heare the stories of thy finisht loue from that smoothe roong whose mu sicke can moue Then wilt thou speake of banqueting delights Of masks and reuels which sweete youth did make Of Turnies and great challenges of knightes And all these triumphes for thy beau●ies 〈◊〉 XXI COme let vs sound with melody the praises of the kings king Th'omni potent cre a tor Author of number that hath all the world in harmonie framed Heau'n is his throne perpetually shining His deuine power and glorie thence he thunders One in all and all still in one abiding Both Father and Sonne O sacred sprite inuisible eternall Eu'ry where yet vnlimited that all things Canst in one moment penetrate reuiue me O holy Spirit 〈◊〉 O re●eue me from earthly darkne● Guide my soule that thirsts to the liuely Fountaine Of thy deuinenes Cleanse my soule O God thy bespotted Image Altered with sinne so that heau'nly purenes Cannot acknowledge me but in thy mercies O Father of grace But when once thy beames do remoue my darknes O then I 'le shine forth as an Angell of light And record with more than an earthly voice thy Infinite 〈◊〉 A Table of the rest of the Songs contained in this Booke made by Philip Rosseter I. Sweete come againe II. And would you see III. No graue for woe IIII. If I vrge my kinde desires V. What hearts content VI. Let him that will be free VII Reproue not loue VIII And would you faine IX When Laura smiles X. Long haue mine eies XI Though far from ioy XII Shall I come if I swim XIII Aie me that loue XIIII Shall then a trayterous XV. If I hope I pine XVI Vnlesse there were consent XVII If she forsakes me XVIII What is a daie XIX Kind in vnkindnesse XX. What then is loue but XXI Whether men doe laugh I. SWeete come againe your happie sight so much desir'd since you from hence are now retir'd I seeke in vaine stil must I mourn pine in longing paine till you my liues de light a gaine vouch safe your wisht returne If true desire Or faithfull vow of endles loue Thy heart enflam'd may kindly moue With equall fire O then my ioies So long destraught shall rest Reposed soft in thy ch●st brest Exempt from all 〈◊〉 Now it is growne Confirm'd do you it keepe And let it safe in your bosome sleepe There euer made your owne And till we meete Teach abience inward 〈…〉 II. ANd would you see my Mistris face it is a flowrie garden place where knots of beauties haue such grace that all is worke and no where space It is a sweete delicious morne where day is breeding neuer borne It is a Meadow yet unshorne whome thousand flowers do adorne It is the heaunes bright reflexe weake eies to dazle and to vexe It is th' Idea of her sexe enuie of whome doth world perplexe It is a face of death that smiles pleasing though it killes the whiles Where death and loue in pretie wiles each other mutuallie beguiles It is faire beauties freshest youth it is the fain'd Eliziums truth The soring that winter'd harts renu'th ●nd 〈◊〉 is that my soule 〈◊〉 III. NO graue for woe yet earth my watrie teares deuoures sighes want ayre and burnt desires kind pitties showres Stars hold their fatal course loies pre uen ting the earth y e sea the aire y e fire the heau'ns vow my tor men ting Yet still I liue and waste my wearie daies in grones And with wofull tunes adorne dispayring mones Night still ●repar●● a more disp●easing 〈◊〉 IIII. IF I vrge my kinde desires she vnkind doth them reiect womens hearts are painted fires to deceiue them affect I alone loues fires include shee alone doth them delude Shee hath often vow'd her loue But also no fruit I finde That her fires are false I proue Yet in her no fault I finde ● was 〈◊〉 vnhappy 〈…〉 And 〈…〉 Yet if humane care or paine May the heau'nly order change She will hate her owne disdaine And repent she was so strange V. WHat harts con tent can he finde what happy sleepes can his eies em brace that beares His tast sweet wines will abhorre no musicks sounde can appease thoughts that wic a guiltie minde ked deeds deplore The passion of a present feare stil makes his restles motion there all the day hee dreads the night and all the night a one agast hee feares the morning light But he that loues to be lou'd And in his deedes doth adore heauens power And is with pitie mou'd The night giues rest to his heart The 〈◊〉 beames do awake his soule VI. LEt him that will be free keep his hart from care retir'd a lone re maine where no dis comforts are for when the ele doth view his griefe or haplesse eare his sorrow heares Th' impression still in him a bides and euer in one shape appeares Forget thy griefes betimes long sorrow breedes long paine for ioie farre fled