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A10318 A directorie teaching the way to the truth in a briefe and plaine discourse against the heresies of this time Whereunto is added, a short treatise against adiaphorists, neuters, and such as say they may be saued in any sect or religion, and would make of many diuers sects one Church. Radford, John, 1561-1630. 1605 (1605) STC 20602; ESTC S115540 239,684 640

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his holy waies yea so louing bountifull and gratious is God and so desirous of mans saluation that it is not the worst person in the world but somtimes he shall haue good motions and holy inspirations to amend his life and the more a man hath and yet followeth them not but is hardened and dyeth in sinne the greater shall bee his damnation Marke then O man whosoeuer the motions and stirrings of thy hart and noli contristare spirituns doe not as it were make sadde the holy Ghost by ingratefully repelling his most blessed and holy instincts beware you put not backe Gods holy motions nothing falleth on the earth without Gods will and holy disposition no not the very bird neither can any thing bee done without his permission whereof if we may make good and therefore nothing can happen to vs in this life good nor ill but if we will we may take occasion thereof to remember our ende and and dispose our selues more and more to our saluation and therefore I say to you especially for whome I haue taken this labour to write this treatise it ought to be a more euident and effectuall motiue and sufficient warning for the perfect amendment of your life by your reconciliation to GOD vvho because it is he that as hee straightly commandeth vs to keepe his commandements and followe his holy waies so without his grace and helpe wee cannot fruitfully doe nor execute the same For whether Paul or Apollo plant or water yet Deus incrementum dèdit God is he that euer hath and must giue the increase And therefore seing vpon this ground S. Augustine said vnto GOD good Lord giue that which thou commandest and command what thou wilt Let vs then followe his counsaile who said Aske and you shall haue seeke and you shall finde knocke it shall be opened vnto you Let vs therefore not cease to knocke humbly and instantly to craue grace and mercy at his hands that the sweete and seasonable raine of his gratious fountaine may bee plentifully instilled into our harts yea let vs make instance at least to obtaine one droppe of grace to mollifie and strengthen our hard weake harts Open then the eies of our soules O Lord and they shall be opened water them with the dewe of thy heaueuly grace strike our harts vvith thy feare and loue that wee euer may be so watchfull ouer our soules that we neuer preferre any pleasure of the flesh any worldly riches credit or honour before thy true seruice and euerlasting glory Let vs then worke busely our saluation as the matter of greatest importance whilst this life indureth for as saith our Sauiour the night will come when no man can worke from which darke night of sinne hell death and eternall damnation CHRIST the euerlasting truth of his infinite mercy deliuer you and vs all conuert all heretickes and poore deceaued soules make vs all members of one body his deare spouse the Catholicke Church that as heretofore by diuersity of minds a number haue beene deuided from Christ so knitting our selues altogither in the knot of peace vnity and charity in Christs holy Catholicke Church here on earth wee may then once enioy his endlesse glory altogither in his triumphant and most glorious Church in heauen where all errors sadnesse sorrowes paynes lamentations and mournefull teares shall quite cease and passe away where more ioy felicity and true happie blessednesse then euer eie hath seene eare hath heard or mans hart can imagine or conceaue whereunto hespeedely bring vs our Lord and Sauiour CHRIST IESVS To whome with the Father and the holy Ghost bee all honour and glory A SHORT TREATISE AGAINST ADIAPHORISTS NEVTERS SVCH AS SAY THEY MAY be saued in any sect or religion would make of many diuers sects one Church AMongst many shiftes of Heretickes and Schismatikes which by the example of their Master that old wily Serpent be commonly versipelles one is that they would beare Catholikes in hand they be of one Church with them still that so more easely they may draw the simple into their nettes perdition For the Maiesty of the church is so great that the very name thereof maketh the enemy appalled either to seeme to resist it or to liue with out it for though oftentimes in their pulpittes writinges especially amōgst themselues heretiks wil not stick most impudētly to affirme the visible Church especially was decayed for a thowsand yeeres and more glory that they be the men sent from God to restore it againe Yet when they be pressed by the learned to shew their vocation who sent them because as I declared before they haue neither extraordinary vocation by miracle nor ordinary by succession as is plaine and so euidently to all learned men shew thēselues false Prophets not sent of god for no man according to the Apostles doctrine ought to preach vnlesse he be sent by lawfull authority which the Heretikes perceiuing so plaine by Scriptures they cannot deny diuers shiftes they haue vsed some to shewe their vocation like the Apostles extraordinarie by miracle As Luther that by miracle would haue expelled the Diuell out of one possessed but in his exorcismes was driuen to such hard shiftes as hardly he could get honestly out of the place himselfe cleane a merry iest but scarce honest to be reported so Caluin killed a man which he hyred to faine himself dead and to rise at his call to confirme his Apostleshippe who by GODS iudgement falling dead indeede his wife bewrayed with exclamation the matter therefore these two new Apostles hauing no better successe for their mission and extraordinary calling Beza Caluins successor deuised another shift for his lawfull embassage and ordinarie calling and election For in that great and solemne meeting and most famous dispute in Fraunce betwixt Catholickes and Hugonots at Poissee Cardinall Guise being In conuētu Poissiaceno lib. 1. de stat religionis in Gallia sub Carolo 9. part 1. lib. 3. moderator himselfe asked Beza who sent him from whence come you but Beza being not able to answere he fell to this shift and most seely refuge that hee was lawfully called and chosen of those people that chose him to bee their Pastor leauing so Luther and Caluin his forefathers in the lurtch who were chosen neither of the Clergie nor people to preach hauing none to preach to and therefore intruded themselues first not sent like theeues that by violēce enter into another mans house or the adulterer that by stealth ascending another mans bedde corrupteth his wife so corrupteth these false Apostles Luther and Calum the Churches they inuaded the seely poore people the flock and spouse of Christ in some particular countries and citties with adulterous and false doctrine so sending themselues before they could be chosen and receiued of the people which Beza Calums honest successor said he was called of But such a calling as this is both Marcion Ebion Arrius Photinus Sabellius Pelagius
more then I deny him in their harts Thus you see by the truth it selfe and the contrarye how necessary worthy this holy Sacrament of Order is in somuch that S. Chrisostome other holy Fathers comparing the office of a Priest with the office of a King preferre the Priest by manye degrees before the King by how much spiritual and diuine matters exceed earthly and these base corporal things For in taking away Priesthood is taken away sacrifice whereby God is chiefly worshipped and so God therby is most dishonored as by the contrary vvhen Priesthood is had in reuerence then is he most honored those that thus honour Christ in his Priests be most blessed and prosperous yea oftentimes in this life For what Country for example was more puissant more vertuous more religious then England was so honorable in her selfe beloued of her neighbours feared of her foes * English men were first conuerted by Pope Gregorie the great through the preaching of Augustine the Moke about 1000 yeare ago as long as she honored Priesthood and was an obedient daughter to the high Priest of God by whom she first receaued the Gospell From whome since she fell what Country is in more misery danger at home and abroad hereof bee verified the wordes of holy Scripture Qui contemn●t me erunt ignobiles The holy Prophet foretolde that Kinges and Queenes should be norishers feeders of gods house the Church defenders of his Priests but those that contemne her and them shall become base and vnworthy Chap. XXXVI Of Matrimony and what it is and when it was ordeyned of the chiefe good ende and effect thereof and how Virginity is preserred before it also of vowed chastity annexed to Priesthood THe sixt Sacrament is Matrimony which is the lawfull conjunction of man and woman instituted by God to liue socially togither during life with out breach of mutuall faith and promise giuen in marriage the one to the other which state of life though heretiks falsely against Gods worde and the Apostles doctrine prefer before Virginity and chastiry yet that they may shew themselues heretickes in all things and leaue nothing vndefiled they deny it to be a Sacrament contrary to S. Paul Ephes 5. 32. who calleth it a greate Sacrament in Christ and his Church in Paradise also first insinuated and in some sort ordeyned by God For by that conjunction of man and woman in that honourable state of Matrimony is represented the conjunction of Christ and his Church as his most faithfull wife and spouse a pure virgin which in his endles kingdome hee shall make glorious without spot or wrincle The heretikes that deny matrimony to be a Sacrament not only gain-say Christ and the Apostles doctrine cōfound all good ciuill gouernmēt but also induce Iudaisme Turcisme yea Paganisme amongst Christians who are taught by Christ his Church that man wife as one body or rather two bodies in one flesh ought not to bee deuided during life by plurality of moe wiues or husbands and vvhy but because matrimonye is a Sacrament vvherein they bee ioyned together so representinge the coniunction of Christ the head of his only body and spouse the Church as man is head of one wife But deny once with heretickes matrimonye to bee a Sacrament and so to want this misticall representation of Christ and his Church which maketh it a sacramēt yea though it were in no other respect but in that representation and then what followeth but that mariage is nothing but a temporall pacte bargaine promise and a mere naturall acte and then may a man accordinge to the Turkes lawe haue as manye vviues as hee canne maintaine and keep which beastly absurdity you see followeth of protestants Doctrine yea and of their practize in many places wee see from vvhich fleshly heresie our Lorde deliuer vs. But in this Sacrament worthely receaued is the grace of God giuen diuers waies a remedy against vnlawfull concupiscence but the cheif goods hereof be Fides proles sacramentū The troth first and fidelity that ought to bee betwixt the parties married that rather they should suffer death than once breake Secondly issue or children to Godes honour ought to bee cheiflye desired vvhereby God may be serued Thirdly in that it is a Sacrament is the greatest benefit for so thereby grace is giuen to performe these things better and to liue in sweet conuersation togither in the feare and loue of GOD whereby appeareth hovve haynous this sinne of adulterye is that breaketh so holy a state and violateth so high a misterye as the representation of the conjunction of CHRIST and his Church yet though Matrimonie bee good Virginity or chastitie is farre better insomuch that our Sauiour affirmeth that some there bee that haue euer kepte Chastity for the kingdome of GOD and he exorteth those that canne that is those that will take the holye state of Virginitye or chastitye to take it and the Apostle wisheth all to be as himselfe that is chast therefore hee saith Hee that giueth his Virgin to bee 1. Cor. 7 38. married doth well but hee that keepeth her continuall Virgin doth better though none oughte to bee forced thereunto Matrimony is graunted also for feare Note that I heare do not say that the Sacramēt cheifly for that end was or day ned of a worse matter that is to avoide fornication and in that respect to those that bee at liberty and haue not before vowed chastitye Better it is as saith the Apostle for them to marrye then to burne though such as hee testifieth shall not liue without trouble of fleash But if once they haue vowed chastity they must seeke otherwise then by women that is by fasting prayer study discipline the like spirituall exercises to keepe them selues chast otherwise they damnablye offend like those vvanton widowes the Apostle speaketh of because 1. Tim. 5. 12. Primā fidem irritam fecerunt they brake their first faith made in vowe that is to Christ their husband and so were damned and therefore it is altogether vnlawful for Priests to marry because in being Priests they make vowe of chastitie Therfore let euery one before he take holy orders well consider with himselfe whilst he is at libertie for after it is too late and though some of the Apostles had wiues yet when they were called by Christ they forsooke their wiues as it appeareth by their owne wordes we have forsaken all thinges and follwed Mat. 19. 27. thee a wife belike was some thing neither doe wee deny nowe a married man to become Priest so that hee hath married a maid only and that shee bee dead or else hath her full consent that neuer after shee will desire his company S. Ambrose sheweth the reason vvhy Preists of the newe Testament now in this lawe of Christ and grace ought not to haue wiues for if the Priests of the olde Testament before Christ when they were to
mention made His soule was not left in hell and Psal 15. 10. Ephe. 1. 20 et 4. 9. 1. Pet. 3. ●2 in another place it is said of Christ That hee asended what is it but because hee desended also first into the lower partes of the earth that was into hell of the torments or sorrowes whereof as being the death or vanquisher of death and the biting or deuourer of hell according to the Prophets he could not bee detayned or holden But these fellowes that deny Christ was in hell the cloysters whereof hee once broke binding that olde serpent and so deny their Creede no meruaile though they make so small reckening of Purgatorie but account it as a buggard to feare children In which place in deed I warrant them they shall neuer come vnlesse they amend their manners and monstrous opinions There is a lower place prepared for all such incredulous infidells and heretickes that is In inferno infernori In the deepest bottomlesse pitte and gulf of hell and damnation wherein is no redemption Chap. XLIII Of Purgatorie what sort of people be therein punished and for what manner of sinnes and defects they bee there detained and that Prayer Sacrifice Almes-deeds and the like bee healthfull for the departed NOwe that there is a Purgatory or a cleansing place for some lesser sins and the reliques of sinne or the paine and satisfaction due vnto sinne in the next life before the soule can be in quiet rest and enioy the glory of God wee proue it by diuers reasons and authorities of Scriptures and Fathers and the cōmon receaued faith of the vniuersall Church at all times First then wee are to note that the euerlasting paine due vnto sinne is forgiuen by vertue of Christs Passion in the holy Sacrament of Penance so that if a man die in state of grace by that Sacrament a perfect penitente sinner with out doubt hee shal neuer perish euerlastingly yet there be many lesser sinnes many inordinate passions many defects and imperfections and the paiment and satisfaction due to those greater sinnes which all and euery if they bee not perfectlye wipte or cleansed from the soule in this life by perfect loue to God and works of Penance shall no doubt thereof be cleansed and paide for in the next before the soule can see God and enter into his kingdome For no spotted or vncleane Apoc. 21. 27. thing shall enter therevnto as witnesseth Saint Iohn Gods great mercy it is I say then that forgiueth the sinne by Penance here in this life that it be not punished euerlastingly in hell but it is in his iustice wee doe some satisfaction for it which if it be not here it must be done there that is in Purgatory before the soule can attaine the glory of God Many there be that speake of Purgatory but fewe that deepely consider the fearefull and terrible paynes thereof which be so great that no paine in this worlde is comparable thereunto The fire of Gods iustice there as noteh Saint Augustine as farre exceedeth the fire we see here as the fire in deede exceedeth fire painted vpon a wall insomuch that the paines of Purgatory differ litle from those in hell but that the one hath end and the other hath none and those in Purgatory be blessed soules in state of grace and saluation but those in hell be cursed desperate and sure of euerlasting damnation Three sorts of people as nameth S. Augustine there be that departe out of this worlde one sorte so good that they neede not our prayers As the B. Martyrs and Confessors that gloriously confessed CHRIST and with seruent loue shed their bloud for his sake that through Christ bee washed and cleansed in their owne bloud those washed their stoles as saith S. Iohn Apoc. 7. 14. in the bloud of the Lamb and with that feruent loue to God be so cleansed from all spot of sinne that presently without stay they enter into his kingdome walking in white garmentes of honour and glory with him for euermore these need not our prayers but pray for vs. An other sort there be that bee so badde that we may not pray for them after their death as all Infidells Iewes Turkes Heretickes Schismatickes and all whosoeuer die out of Gods Church vvithout vvhich is no Saluation or in deadly sinne those the holy Church prayeth not for as being by gods iudgment damned in Hell wherein is no redemption or recouery for euermore An other sort of departed there be for whome only and no other we pray that is for the faithfull departed in peace and charitye which can in no sort bee but in the faith vnity of Christes holy Catholicke Church that is for faithfull Christian catholickes dying in state of grace for them wee praye that sooner they may be released of their sinnes and defects and enjoye Godes glorye And that we ought this to doe vvee Eccles 7. 37. 2. Macha 12. Math. 5. 27. 1 Cor. 3. Phil. 2. 2. Tim. 1. 1. Iohn 5. Apoc. 5. proue it by diuers authorities of holye Scripture as where wee bidden to doe vvell to the dead and againe forbidde not fauour to the dead with diuers other plaine places of the olde and newe Testament but according to the places here alleadged how should one doe wel to the dead but by almesdeed or praier or how can we hinder them of benefit vnlesse we omit and cease to doe and pray for them Chap. XLIIII More at large of Purgatory prayer for the dead how heretickes not onlye corrupt but denye the playne Scriptures in avouching the contrary IN an other place of holye Scripture it is written how a noble captaine hauing of his souldiers slaine sent monye to Ierusalem to bee offered for the departed thinking well and religiouslye of the resurrection of the dead and that his souldiers died with piety or vertue and in the ende the Scripture concludeth 2. Mach. 12. 46. thus Therefore it is a good or holy and healthfull thought to praye for the dead that they may be loosed from their sinnes These places by mee alleadged here be the worde of God most plaine you see written in the holye and sacred Bible but howe thinke you doe the heretickes answere these plaine places Truly they deny the whole bookes and all to bee the worde of God and the Scripture so shamlesse be these companions that whatsoeuer is so plaine they cannot possibly glose vpon or wrest to their owne purpose that presently they cast awaye So Luther denyed Saint Iames Epistle for that it made for good works others other parts what kind of men thinke you be these that bragge before the simple in their pulpits of the worde of God why dare you commit your saluation to such who as long as they can in any sort wrest Godes word to their owne lust so long they crye the scripture scripture word of the Lord but when it is so plaine they can no way gainsay
for feare or other temporall respect as heere in England goe to church such properly bee schismatiks so called because by their seperation they not only deuide cut of thēselues quite from Gods church but also teare in sunder the misticall body of Christ which is one worse thē the souldiers that cast lott vppon his vesture not cutting it a sunder schismatiks then first bee deuided in themselues pretending one thing in body thinking another in minde indeede if wee in substance consisted only of soule the case were altered but seeing wee consist both of body and soule God as I said before out of Saint Paul requireth action and confession of body and beliefe of hart to concurre togeather as both in the end shall haue reward or iudgement together secondly schisme is so grieuous in Gods sight because it extinguisheth charity without which nothing can please God for charity proceedeth of vnity which schisme by seperation diuision quite taketh away God almighty then which in himselfe is one as all things proceede from him by vnity as the roote and liuely perpetuall fountaine so must they tend and haue reflection to him againe by charity in vnity wherein whosoeuer gathereth not with Christ he scattereth as hee affirmeth hereupon it commeth according to the Apostles doctrine that we be all one body in Christs holy Catholicke Church from which whosoeuer is deuided by schisme he cannot haue life of Grace and saluation from Christ the head as being a deuided member from his misticall body euen as any member of our body dieth we see that is deuided from our naturall body Therefore S. Augustine right worthely exhorteth to feare nothing so much as seperation that is schisme whereby wee loose the grace of God al merits of prayers good works life and saluation this ought to appale our Schismatiks if they had any feeling or feare of God but these of our times be more absurd hard harted and blind thē those of old for not only schis matiks of old but heretiks litle differed in externall rites and ceremonies from Catholike seruice nor in administration of the Sacraments from the true Catholike seruice sacraments but our schis matiks frequent a Caluinisticall puritane rabble of reading For their seruice with heretiks no more like the Catholike true seruice of Christs Church saue only but for the new Testament which notwithstanding they most falsly interpret and corruptly translate no more like I say set Baptisme aside thē the Iewish superstitious reading and ceremonies is like to christian seruice Moreouer in going to heretiks seruice no true priest can administer vnto them the Sacraments of the Catholike Church as penāce the Sacrament of the Altar which once a yeare you are bound to receiue therfore if it were nothing but in this respect you be in most miserable state of dānati on as neuer receauing the foode of life without which your soule cānot liue no more thē the body can without corporall sustenance but neither can you be present at Masse on holy daies nor receaue at Easter which vnder paine of deadly sinne you are bound vnlesse you haue some lawfull impediment as long as you goe to heretiks seruice therefore you see how on euery side you are plunged in sin misery so long as you cōtinue in this dānable state of schisme therfore I exhort you in the name of Iesus as you respect his honour that hath so dearely bought you and tender your owne saluation flie out of Babilon presently that is out of this miserable confusion of sin heresie out of this sinful wretched and most abhominable citty that you be not ouerwhelmed perpetually lost in the ruines of the same Fugite de medio Babilonis flie out therefore I say out of the middest of Babilon and bee not of those which Paululum fugiunt which flie but a little least you bee corrupted with her prostitution and inwrapped in her snares and if you vvill or looke euer to be saued by the truth I haue here taught First after you haue learned to beleeue well then do penāce that is be sorrowfull confesse your sins with full purpose to amend to a lawfull Catholike Priest then doe the worthie fruits of penāce that chiefly by his good counsell direction appointment and so I beseech you with the holy Apostle for Christs sake be reconciled to God bee reconciled to Christs holy Catholicke Church and then be carefull so to amend your life that you take heede of recidiuation or falling backe to your former vomitte least the latter end bee worse then the beginning though what falles soeuer of infirmity a man may haue had yet quickly he ought to rise againe fight manfully and grow not weake harted how sorrowful or penitent soeuer worke then busilie and vertuouslie be euer sorrie whilst you haue time and space for that is past though by Gods grace already in the Sacrament forgiuen according to that de propitiato peccato noli esse sine timore of thy sinne forgiuen be not without feare during this life come no moee at heretikes Church nor seruice nor Sacramenrs no not to die but suck of the sweete breasts of your deare mother and Christs true spouse the Catholicke Church followe her counselles listen to her sermons frequent deuoutly her Sacraments and so you shall beleeue well liue and die the seruant of Christ and attaine your saluation otherwise as long as you liue in this state that is out of the vnity of the Catholicke Church without all doubt you be in state of damnation and therefore seeing there is no other remedy speedely amend and doe penance Chap. LXXIX Admonishing to amendment of life seeing the time is short and the houre of death vncertaine when as ignorance shall excuse no man For this life is short and vncertaine but death most certaine and yet the honre most vncertaine remember my wordes I pray you I haue told you the truth ignorance cannot excuse you if you followe then my aduise you shall winne your owne soule if you doe not I must be a witnesse against you before God and his Angelles at the last day Then Princes cannot excuse you nor rulers for though they indeede shall beare the greatest charge or burden yet euery one neuerthelesse in his degree shall beare his owne sinne according to that of the Apostie Vnusquisque onus suum portabit Wherefore as in discharge of my dutie I haue truly sette downe before you and declared the truth as I will answere before Iesus the dreadfull iudge at the last day who is that euerlasting truth for which vndoubted Catholicke truth I trust by Gods great mercy and grace I shall be ready to shed my bloud if I bee called thereto So on the other side I most humbly and instantly againe and againe exhort pray and beseech you for that great loue of Christ towards vs all whereby for our sakes he shedde his most pretious bloud that you woulde deepely
darknes conquere the world and themselues and win an euerlasting Crowne Chap XIIII of the holy Sacrament of Penance and of the three parts therof and of the necessitie thereof to all sinners after Baptisme But as you see in a dangerous fight a most valiant souldier may sometime take a deadly wound whereunto a plaister and most soueraigne salue is most needfull that so after he may fight more manfully Euen so Christ the good phisition knowing the dangerous warrefare man hath here vppon earth with those most mighty enimies the flesh the world the diuell whereby somtime in soul he may take a deadly wounde that father of mercye then and God of all comfort knowing the weakenes of our vessells and taking compassion of our infimitie to cure our deadly woundes hath ordained a nother most wholsome Sacrament called Penance which Saint Hierome calleth Secundam tabulam post naufragium the second table after shipwrack For euen as if in the Sea a shippe burst there is no other remedy but take some bord swimme out Euē so in this troublesome Sea of this wretched world which like the Sea is alwaye stormy if a man after Baptisme fall againe to sinne as we be all sinners and need the grace of God then loe there is no other refuge to besaued but only by Penance as our Sauiour teacheth vs Nisi penitentiam Luc. 13. vers 3 egeritis omnes simul peribitis Vnlesse you doe penance you shall altogether perishe which fall of ours by sinne as it especiallye consisteth in three thinges in Thought Worde and Deede So hath Gods mercy ordained this Sacrament of Penance as a remedy which consisteth of three parts that is first of Contrition of heart in beeing sorrowfull for our sinnes with full-purpose to amende secondly of Confession of mouthe in confessing the same to a lawfull Priest as the Vicar of Christ and thirdlye in Satisfaction of workes which bee Fasting Prayer Almes-deedes and the like which the Holye Scripture tearmeth fruites or workes of Penance At this Heretikes when they cannot aunswere scoffe but we proue them by Godes worde and authoritye of the Holie Catholike Church Wee proue then the first part of Penance that is Contrition of heart by many places of Holye Scripture I●●l ● as where we are commaunded to conuert and turne our selues to GOD in Fasting Weeping and Lamentation And agayne Scindite corda uestra non vestimenta vestra c. Rent your heartes and not your garmentes c. Tolet. sum lib. 2. Cap. 4. conc Trid. sess 14. cap. 4 Which sorrowe of hart is of such force when it is donne in Charitye and pure loue to God that by vertue thereof it some-time may be so great that mans sinnes may thereby be forgiuen Whereupon Almighty God sayeth by his holye Prophet Conuert to me and I will bee conuerted to you And againe In quacunque hora ingemuerit peccator c. At what howre soeuer a sinner lamenteth from the bottome of his heart I vvill heare him But vvhat neede we then saieth the Heretickes to confesse our sinnes to a Preiste I aunswere for diuerse causes first because it is the ordinance of Christ in his Newe Testament who knoweth best howe to Order Mat. 5. 21. Christian iustice I grant far exceedeth that of the Pharisies in moe thinges then one which words declare the perfection of the new testament which to get Confession is a great meanes Rule and Gouerne his people who telleth vs * Wherein is euer vnderstoode Confession included to be made in due time Vnlesse our iustice exceedeth that of the Scribes and Pharisees wee shall not enter into the kingdome of GOD c. For a-fore Christ indeede Penance was not a Sacrament as nowe it is neither were they of the olde Testament that was before Christ bound to confesse all their sinnes Saluo meliori iudicio to the Preist but compunction inward repentance and sorow of hart with amendment and restitution for iniustice done woulde suffise though euen then we read that manye would openly confesse yet in that state when the prophet spake those words we graūt that in what howre soeuer a sinner with due repentance or contrite sorow and compunction of harte conuerted himselfe to God he would forgiue him yea and moreouer wee graunt the same still now in this law of grace since Christ that when-soeuer a man hath perfecte contrition or sorrow for his sinnes they be forgiuen him but true contrition or perfect repentance with perfect loue and charity to God can no man haue but hee that hath will to keepe Godes Commaundementes and to doe that Christ hath bidden But Christ hath commaunded that we confesse our sins as after I will proue by the Gospell and therfore no man can haue perfect contrition or conuersion to God but he that is sorowful for his sins that assoone as he can meete with a lawful Preist or in due time he wil confesse thē that so Christs ordinance being fulfilled by meanes of the Preist they may bee forgiuen him But if a man be in danger of death or in such place that hee cannot come possiblely by any meane to cōfession before a Priest then no doubt if he haue perfect contrition and sorow for his sins Christ the high Priest who as I saied before is not so bound to his Sacramētes but that without them he can giue his grace giueth in such time of necessitye perfect absolution from sinne yea so great the sorow of hart may bee that both sinne yea and paine due vnto sinne in this life and in the next may bee forgiuen And I doubt not but that there be many good men that perhappes come to Confession once euerye weeke that before they confesse to the Preist haue their sinnes forgiuen at Godes hands so great is their loue to God sorowe for their sinnes for that they haue offended him that is chiefly to be be loued yet because of Christes ordinance in their contrition is allwayes Confession included or vnderstood which was plainely signified vnto vs and taught by our Sauiour by two especially of his wonderfull miracles the one was when he had healed the leapers hee had them goe and shewe themselues Luc. 17. 14. to the Preistes whereby wee bee taught that though our sinnes which be leprosie to our soules bee already in Gods sight by perfect sorowe forgiuen yet wee must shewe them by confession to the Preist Gods Vicar because it is Christes holye ordinance who hath lefte that power his father gaue him to his holie Church Againe when Christ raysed Lazarus that was fower dayes deade who signifieth a man deeplye deade in sinne when he was aliue and rose vp hauing yet his handes and feete bound Christ bad his disciples Loose his bandes and suffer him to goe a Iohn 11. 44. way So when Christ by his grace inwardly in mannes hart hath wrought sorow and repentance and so made the sinner aliue agayne in
soule which is a greater worke of God then raising a dead man in body hee then biddes his disciples lawfull Preistes loose him by his authority lefte and giuen them whereby what soeuer is bound in earth or loosed shal be bounde or loosed in Heauen and so lett him goe freelye away loosed from the bandes of sinne Chap. XV That Confession of our sinnes to a lawfull Preist is necessary BEsides this Confessiō is necessary because no mā knoweth whether he hath true Contrition or no it is a thing so hard to be known for though whē a mā doth that which he cā he may be in good hope he is in gods grace and fauour yet none knoweth certainely whether he be worthy loue or hatred nowe though a man haue not perfect sorow and contrition yet if he be sorie he can be no more sory and fullye purpose to satisfie amend that which is past cōming thē with lowly Confessiō to the Preist an vnperfect sorow which diuines call attrition by vertue of the holy Sacrament of Penance in Confession I speake here after the common phrase of some who say Ex attrito fit quis contritus though In rigore nun quam attritioper se fit contritio quorum principia sunt contraria cum vna ex timore alia vero ex amore ●riatur it is made and allowed before God for contrition and so the eternal punishment for the sinne is forgiuen by vertue of the keyes committed to S. Peter yet the Church with attrition or imperfect sorrow without Confession cannot saue a man but if he should die in it so without the holy Sacrament of Confession yea though he had purpose to confesse if he could without doubt he should be damned whereby you may se of what necessity Confession is if there were no other reason saue this Moreouer the grace of God so concurreth with this Sacrament that sometime in Confession a man may haue contrition though he had it not before All which and many mo important reasons shew the conueniency and necessity of Confesion Now this Contrition is nothing els but an inward and most great sorrow that a man hath that he hath offended God chiefly to bee beloued aboue all thinges whereby we maye gather that it is not true Contrition when a man is sorye for anye worldly losse hinderance or shame that commeth vnto him for that he hath offended neither when one repenteth for feare of hell only though the holy Church in her Sermons and otherwise right worthely setteth before mens eies the paines of hell that so through feare of Gods iudgement hard harted sinners may come to the perfect loue of God neither is it true contrition whē one is sory amendeth for feare of death onely or the losse of Heauen though that feare be good and laudable yet is not so perfect but a very good disposition to perfection For if there were neither Death Iudgement Hell nor Heauen yet we ought to bee sory for that we haue by sinne lost and offended God which aboue ourselues and all things is to be beloued when we be sory for that espeacially thē haue we perfect sorrowe contrition wherby it appeareth how farre those be from true contrition and conuersion to God that liue a loose and euill life and then in perill of death for feare thereof only and that which followeth seeme to lament and be sory and not for any loue to God who crie then Lord Lord yet neuer do the will of that heauēly Father which kind of men Christ affirmeth shal neuer enter into that heauēly kingdome for though no man may dispaire at any howre when he hath full will to come to God yet S. Aug. right worthelie doubteth of those that defer their cōuersion to the last howre the reason is because with out a rare speciall grace of God such mē thē come to God rather for fear of death thē loue of God so want true cōtritic̄ yet if they can come to the Sacrament of Confessiō then lastly be sory they can be no more sory with purpose fullie to amend there is great hope then of Saluation in thē See then of what value Confession is wherof mention is made yea the practize thereof shewed thus in the 19. Chapter of the Actes of the Apostles Multi credentium veniebant confitentes annunciantes actus suos That as many of those that beleeued came confessing and shewing their workes And Saint Iames in the fift Chap. teacheth vs thus Confitemini c. Confesse to one another your sinnes whereof see but only Venerable Bede his expositiō Many desperate sinners deferre their amendment to God desiring but one howre to bee saued at last with the good thief but one swallow maketh not a spring the example of the thiefe was that no man should dispaire but the dānation of infinit thousāds that defer their conuersion to God till the last howre for-warneth vs not to presume to sin For that thiefe that in the end becōing good was saued sinned of ignorance perhaps all his life and not of malicious presumptiō as those do that wil come to god whe they list nay it is his great mercy if he receiue any liue they neuer so wel again the thiefe had so perfect cōtrition made such satisfactiō for his sin as I doubt whether any mā can do the like For his sorrow repētance none doubteth of which contrite humbled hart god wil neuer despise he cōfessed ther his sin to Christ the high-Priest he made therof such satisfactiō in cōfessing Christ vpō the Crosse reprehēding the blasphemer before that multitude and the whole world in so much that one act of his was of more value thē perhaps some good preacher can merite in preaching Christ forty yeares together in the pulpitte So that this theefe died a glorious Martir Let desperate sinners then that The opinion of some die in bed take heede betime they come not short of him Now what this Confession is to whome it ought to bee made who or dained it and what fruite commeth therby I will breifely declare First Confession is the opening of mans fault aswell secret as publike spiritual corporall with detestation of sinne aboue all thinges Confession in holy Scripture is diuers as aboundantlye in the olde Testament is declared as to God to lawfull iudges c. But now sacramētal confession in this law of grace is to a lawfull Priest hauing iurisdiction siting in Christes steed and place whereof saieth Saint Iames. Confesse one to another Iames. 5. 16. your sinnes that you may bee saued Chap. XVI Of Confession more in particular and of some sinnes against the first and second commaundement None is bound by the law of god to confession to a priest that is Sacramentall Confession vnlesse hee can iustly accuse himselfe of deadly sinne that is of the breach of any of Gods commādements or vnlesse he doubt probably that he
Christ towardes vs for loue you knowe deserueth loue againe but what greater loue could Christ shewe vs in not onlye dying for vs but still in this vnspeakable mistery remaining with vs Was there euer Pellicane that so tendred her young ones who though she fedde them with her bloud yet in the end she forsaketh them was there euer mother that so dearly looued her childrē as christ doth vs who said and persormeth it that If a mother can forget the onlye sonne of her wombe yet will he neuer forget nor forsake vs who not only feedeth vs with the sweet milk of his holy word the fruit full dewe of his grace taketh compassion vpon vs euen with shedding his bloud imbrasing vs with his stretched out armes of mercy vpon the Crosse but also still remaineth with vs euen to the end of the world fostring vs with his very body be dewing and washing vs also with his most sweet and precious bloud O hart why dost thou not relent why art thou so harde how canst thou abstain from teares for pure loue of that sweet Sauiour and Redeemer vvhy art thou not appalled with feare vvhy art thou not stricken with loue vvhy art thou not wholy inflamed with deuotion which is oft afforded to the deuout receauers hereof for by how much this mistery is aboue mans reason by somuch the feruēt loue deuotiō bestowed on vs by the fountaine of Gods grace giuē vs therin is of more vertue and aboundance If S. Peter when he had but one glimce of Gods glory whē he but tasted as it were a droppe of his loue in Mount Thabor thought it good to stay there and neuer to depart When wee receaue heare a fountaine of his loue a pleadge of his glorie the coelestiall dewe of all grace why shoulde wee not fully content satiate and repose our selues herein O if such disposition is made for the receipt of some noble King in his subiects house howe ought wee to cleanse our hearts and mindes to purifie our bodies to sweepe our spirits vvith compunction and penitent sorrowe of harte for our sinnes which bee the only things that bee foule in Gods sight and displease him to confesse vvith mouth to satisfie vvith deede to applie all the members of our bodies and powers of our soules to entertaine him that so our soules and bodies may be an habition for Christ and tabernacle of the holie Ghost But O sweete Sauiour if my vessell were of the purest mettall farre more excellent then golde and precious s●ones it were too base for thy Maiestie whome those glorious Angelicall spirits or the heauens cannot comprehende and where is then thy habitation but onlie in pure mindes and soules Giue me then grace good Lorde to flie sinne to serue and loue thee so to dwell in thee that thou m●yst inhabite in mee For in thee I can doe all thinges but without thee nothing thou art the high Priest and true Sacrifice thou art the offerer and pure oblation it selfe CHRIST IESVS our Lorde and God the true MESSIAS and Sauiour of the vvorlde thou be blessed for euermore To bee briefe you see nowe by this little vvhich is saide the vvonderfull goodnesse of CHRIST in leauinge vs his blessed body and bloude in this holy Sacrament whereby vvee all haue life and grace and saluation in our soules for as our bodies cannot liue vvithout breade so our soules cannot liue vvithout this breade of life Christes body giuen vs herein as hee saide Vnlesse you Ioh. 6. 53. eate the flesh of the sonne of man and drinke his bloude you shall not haue life in you whereby you see howe these newe lying Masters heretikes bee worse then murderers that pine and murder mens soules in that they depriue and rob you of so vnspeakable a benefitte as Christs bodye and most blessed bloude giuen at Masse giuing you poyson in stead thereof a peece of poluted bakers bread wherein is no saluation but alas quite contrary as before I haue proued No other remedy then if you will saue your soules but flie their company and Communion and so by cleansing your selues from sinne by healthfull contrite Confession that you may bee iustified make your selues apte vessells to receaue grace that is become Catholickes reconcile your selues to God to the househould of faith to CHRISTS holy Catholicke Church wherein only and no where els assure your selues as before God the euerlasting truth you shall receaue the bread of life and saluation You haue heard here howe that vvhich CHRIST left vs at his last supper is a Sacrament and Sacrifice the very body and bloud of our Redeemer vnder the forme or likenesse of bread and wine beinge perfectly and wholy transubstantiated or conuerted into CHRISTS bodye and bloud and hovve vvith diuine honour we ought to adore and vvorship the same By the vvay also I haue touched a litle summe of the vvonderfull effects and fruites of the same that vvee daily receaue and what perill of soule you bee in for vvant of the same till you come to better estate Hasten then out of Babilon that is sinne and heresy that you may offer in Ierusalem Sacrifice vvhich only may please God vvhome only vvee ought to serue and that is in the vnity of his holy Catholicke Church The lawfull Minister of this Sacrament is a lawfull Preist wherefore n● Protestant Minister can consecrate because wanting lavvfull vocation and authority hee is no Preist The matter to consecrate vvith all is vnleauened bread and vvine of the grape whereunto is putt some water for a mistery whereunto when Gods sonne CHRISTS owne worde spoken by a lawfull Preist with intention to consecrate commeth of bread and wine is made the bodye and bloud of Christ whoe gaue that power to a Preist hee neuer did to Angells nor his Blessed mother that is to consecrate his bodye This Sacrament as I haue said ofte before is farre aboue reason but submitting our reason to true faith it greatly increaseth our merite For as saith Saint Gregory Gods worke is not merueilous if it bee comprehended in reason neither hath faith merite where mannes reason giueth experience The chiefe thing then of this blessed Sacrament is Christes bodye and bloud vvith the vvounderfull graces and gifts of God bestowed therein commonly called the effects and fruits thereof vvhich that wee may not vvith Iudas receaue to our damnation but vvith Saint Peter to our rising againe and endlesse Saluation I beseech our LORD that wee may bee armed vvith true and firme faith pure and innocent life feruent loue and charitye that as for our sinnes for wante of these vertues it now many yeares hath by Gods Iudgment and wrath beene taken from vs to our vnspeakeable losse and the continuall griefe of all good men So by renewing these vertues againe in vs and by amending our liues it once againe by Gods speciall grace may be restored to vs to the honour and glorie of his holy name to the confusion of the
Church Hierico being ruinated destroyed and quite razed downe the wales of Hierusalem may bee builded vp Then may we sing exultantibus animis with Psal 50. ioyfull harts Tunc acceptabis sacrificium iustitiae oblationes holocausta tunc imponent super altare tuum vitulos Then O Lorde we purified by grace in hart and soule from sinne with due composition also and decency of body wholy offering our selues to thee as thou offeredst thy selfe farre more bountifully for vs in contrite and humble hart by Christ here our high Priest the only pure and most acceptable Sacrifice vvee I say vvill offer to thee O God and thou for IESVS thy sonnes sake Shalt accept our sacrifices of prayers and thanksgiuing oblations of iustice the due sincere and vpright charitable dea ling to vard our neighbours with whole burnt offerings of burning heauenly desires with feruent loue aboue measure to our louing L. aboue then vpon the Altar of our hartes with incensed and diuine affections kindled with deuotion shall we make a feast to God and his Angels who delite to rest and dwell with pure soules deuout oft and worthy receauers of this blessed Sacrament then shall wee in thy Church militant here in earth ouer all nations triumpth in true and souud faith then with constant patience the Lady of wisdome and procurice of true honour shall we in all aduersities expect ioyfully thy B. comming Then for thy loue with armes of loue and charity shall wee imbrace both friend and foe fructifying in good workes wishing and procuring to our power the good of all men then shall christ enter into vs with diuine presence and holy grace and we rest and repast our selues of and in him by his bountefull sauour Then shall we enter and repose in him by tasting his sweetnes and go forth contemplate his mighty power and goodnes in all creatures and superabundantly find within and without which none can tell but he that hath found it repast and refection of his loue his sweetnes his power maiesty bounty glory and goodnes So reliquie cogitaticnum c. the remnant of spirituall and pure thoughts conceaued by the deuout tasting and most sweet meditation of this diuine mistery shall refresh vs and make in our harts a festiual day a healthful banquet an immortall and most delightfull supper full of all ioy and gladnes Then shall we be so enamored with his loue that vvith his svveete spouse in her Canticles wee burst out and say Fasciculus Mirrhe Cap. 1. dilectus meus mihi c. My beloued to me is a poesie of Mirrhe of svveete odoriferous and fragant flowers I will imbrace him and he shall rest betweene my breasts in my very hart Tenui nec demittam Cap. 3. eum I haue kept him c. I will hold him fast I will hold him fast and neuer let him goe Thus exulting to GOD here vpon the Altars of our hartes and soules thus offered in his sight farre better pleasing God then oblations sacrifices of thousands of those bloudy sacrifices of calues bulls Then finally in that glorious triumphant Church a boue shal we laud and glorify almighty god through christ Iesus his most sweet and only sonne that pure and innocent Lambe daily offered here in sacrifice vpon the Altar in a mistery and sitting at his Fathers right hand in a supereminent glory who to our bodies soules is the true foode of grace and glory that perisheth not but remayneth to life euerlasting who be blessed and honoured of all creatures for euermore Amen Chap. XXXI Of holy Order what it is by whome it was ordeyned and of ho●e many degrees it consisteth and that no man rashly without due consideration ought to take vpon him the same THE fift Sacrament is holy Order as then in Baptisme we be newe regenerate or borne in Christ in Confirmation strengthned in Penance after our woundes and faults healed and raised vp againe in the holy Sacrament of the Altar most abundantly fed to make vs liuely Souldiers of Christ and that we may last out to our iorneys ende like royall Souldiers obtaine the victory so by this holy Sacramēt of Order christs kingdome and common weale his holy Church as a most valiant army set in most mighty noble order is prepared to triumph ouer those Princes of darknes perpetuall enemies of mankinde this wretched worlde For if all things God hath ordayned bee well ordered much more his holy Church so dearely beloued of him that not only all thinges he created in heauen and in earth tend to the saluation of it but he himselfe shed his bloud for it For euen as God in his triumphāt Church in heauen hath some higher some lower orders of Angels euen so in his Church militant here in earth there be diuers degrees in holy order all tēding to the due seruice of God as Bishops Priests Deacons and other inferior orders wherof some succeed the Apostles others the Disciples of Christ and coadjutors of the Apostles al lawful messengers and workmen of Christ ad Ephes 4. 12. consummationem sanctorū in opus ministerit dulie to administer and execute his wo●ke to bring his elect seruants to perfection Order then being instituted by Christ giuen by imposition of hands as appeareth by holy Scripture is a Sacrament you see ordeyned by Christ whereby his Church is well disposed gouerned yea and defended against all foraine incursions Nowe this holy order which is chiefly principally called Priesthood consisteth of many orders I meane the other inferior orders appertayning to it Foure inferior orders Other inferior orders euery one in their degree bee also properly called Order but chiefly Priesthood whereunto the other inferior be long there be which be preparatiōs to Priesthoode which though they binde not to chastity as the 3. higher orders do yet it is not cōnuenient that any take thē but such as haue mind to be Priests yet ther is first a preparation to these 4. inferior orders which we call the first tonsure whereby a man before he enter to take holy orders is taught by thus cutting of the haire to shake of all worldly cares to cut of al superfluous desires and transitory thinges that may hinder him from heauenly contemplation and the due seruice of almighty God The first of these lower orders is called the Ostiary that is the dore keeper that hath by vertue of that office giuen him which the keyes the Bishop giueth him doth betoken power to keepe and shutte the Church dores to keepe out heretickes and infidels and preserue enclosed from prophane handes the holy vestures and sacred vessels of Christ The second order is the Reader that by the booke which the Bishoppe giueth him may reade holy lessons of holy Writ in the Church The third order is called an Exorcist which hath power giuen him to expell and cast out Diuels not by witchcraft and superstition as Southsayers Conjurers and
in such like daunger of death nor to such as are presently to be executed but only to the sicke in whome is oft a great fault that they neuer send for the Priest til others doe for them till they be at the last gasp so that thē they can neither receaue this holy Sacrament with such deuotion nor fruit as being in perfect reason they might The sick then ought to desire this Sacrament which manie fondly do not thinking if then they do they can liue no longer not cōsidering one fruit effect thereof which is that if God see it expediēt it is a meane they may the more spedely recouer their former health The second and chiefe fruit and effecte thereof is that it forgiueth all such sinnes we could not remember in Confessiō as appeareth by the words likwise of Saint Iames who saith If the sick be in sinne it shal be forgiuen him Lesser sinnes then and defects yea greater too if we could not remember thē bee herein forgiuen VVherefore our good Lorde Iesus is euer to bee blessed that by this Sacrament thus maketh perfect the worke of our Saluation For by meanes hereof in that last hovver of death whē tentations commonly be diuers most great dangerous the Diuell most busy to get his pray then lo I say by this Sacrament our tentations be infeebled made lesse our souls more strengthned and comforted that we be not dasled with temptations nor ouercome but may ioyfully in God passe this life For as in the olde time Champiōs before the combat had wont with oyle to annoint their naked bodies that theyr aduersaries might take lesse hold so by meanes of this Sacramēt the outward matter whereof is oyle the soule being inwardly annointed by the grace of the holye Ghost that subtill aduersarie the Diuell canne take lesse holde of it that so it may passe out of the troublesome warfarre of this life to that enlesse glory where it shall receaue a crowne of endlesse reward for euer This Sacrament is ministred vpon those outward sences wherby we most vsually offend and vvhereby sinne is drawne into our soules as by our eyes handes and the like The forme of the holy words vsed is By this holy anointing and his most pittifull mercy our Lord pardon and forgiue thee vvhat thou hast sinned by the eyes mouth and so forth is said of the rest of the members that maye vvith decency be named VVhereby you see hovv fitlye and accordinge to the Apostles Doctrine this Sacramēt is ordeyned ministred First instituted by Christ both prayer and the holy matter concurring togither yet this holy Sacrament though none vnder paine of damnation may despise it but euery one in time ought to desire it yea often times if the party fall sicke and recouer againe it may be giuen yet I fay it is not of such necessity if a man cannot with desire and sufficient meanes made haue it but he may be saued without it by the speciall mercy and grace of God Author and Institutor of all these seauen Sacraments and giuer of all grace to whome be all honour and glory Chap. XXXIX Touching briefly by the way the matter of Iustification and by whome and howe we be iustified THus you see good Sir I haue touched briefly all the Sacraments which that good Samaritane curing the sicke and wounded by pow●ing in wine and oyle that is Iesus Christ full of mercy and justice ordeyned as vesselles of grace and committed to Priests and Pastors of his Church to be dispenced and bestowed by them on his people for their saluation These seauen Sacraments I say haue I briefly touched and the grounds thereof prouing euery one by the very and expresse worde of God tradition and generall consent of the whole Church which may suffice any simple or vnlearned mā desirous to know the truth for in behalfe of such like especially I haue taken these paines with as much plainenesse and simple stile as possibly I might in so high matters neither was it my intent to giue any full doctrine of these matters but only to touch the principall groundes If any desire morefull and large discourse I referre him to the bookes of the learned wherein he shall finde many treatises in all tongues of some one Sacrament or other and of euery matter almost or altogither at large by me here briefly touched and so passed ouer But because the Sacraments be for the most part the principall points of our religion next to the B. Trinity Incarnation and Passion those briefly for your sake because you desire to know the truth for your saluation I thought good to touch For as God almighty by Christ Iesus our meritorious Sauiour is the chiefe efficient cause of our justification So his Sacraments be the ordinary meanes and instrumentall causes whereby a man in receauing thē if he be well disposed by the grace of God and put no let of his part of a sinner and childe of the Diuell is made a iust man and the childe of God renewed and raysed vp againe in Baptisme especially from Orjginall sin by Christ the second Adam as he was vitiated and fell from originall iustice by Adam our first father And though God worketh commonly his grace in matter disposed yet he it is that so preuenteth disposeth and freely giueth the grace first to dispose a mans selfe So that when man first receaueth Gods grace whereby ex impio fit iustus that is of a wicked man and vessell of perdition hee is made a iust man which is called justification and the first grace preuenting a man that I say by grace of God is wrought of his meere loue and goodnesse vvithout any worke meritte or desert of man for otherwise grace should not be grace which is first giuen without any desert or merit of our part wherby wee bee so made iust And hereof the holy Scripture saith as from Gods ovvne mouth Quia dilexite ideo attraxite miserans Ier. 31. 3. because I loued the therefore said God to man I haue drawen thee vnto mee hauing mercy and pity vpon thee by the which loue of his he chose man before all worldes But vnderstand me well I pray you when a man hath first of gods goodnes thus receaued his first grace the true foundation and meritte of all our good workes then lo by mans true faith hope charity good workes and endeuours being thus first preuented and after holpen by God hee may and must if euer hee will bee saued not only conserue that first grace of God wrought in him by his goodues by fleeing sinneand imbracing vertue but also in so doing greatly increase Gods grace in him once receaued whereby hee is rightly said to meritte and deserue his saluation and in this respect it is said Qui iuscus est iustisicetur Apocalip 22. 11. adhuc hee that is iust let him yet be more iust VVee once then by Christ our Sauiours grace
vnto him Chap. LXI Of religious persons of their sanctity learning and perfection of life and of the vowes of pouerty chastity and obedience which make a religious man and of the heauy iudgment of God to vowe-breakers and how our Lady vowed virginity AS for our god●y religious men that with great feruour of loue to God dedicate themselues in holocaustumin a whole burnt sacrifice as it were both bodies and soules to GOD making a sacrifice to him of the chiefest powers of their soules by obedience and of their bodies by chastity and pouertye were they not prefigured by the Rechabites Nazarites and diuers orders of the Prophets that led a more perfect order of life then the rest of the people Was not Elias Saint Iohn Baptist and many more as it were religious Hermite Be not our religious Iesuits and Friers a plaine patterne of apostolik life that with the Apostles forsake al honour riches and promotion for Christ liuing in common preaching Christwith hazard of their liues to Heretikes Iewes Gētiles al barbarous people through out the whole world These bee most wise most learned yet most innocēt iust simple vertuous men such as the world especially our cuntry is not worthy of which a long time hath most impiously ingratfully reiected them notwithstanding that God prospered our auncestors of olde far better by their merits and prayers whiles they prayed preached and serued God in our country both night day by them our cōmons were maintayned by them fatherlesse children widdowes and seruaunts sustained and releeued all states in body and soule by them greatly inriched supported The losse of which religious houses for al vertuous training vp of youth in learning and other-wise this country now feeleth And here I cannot omitt the subtilty of the deuill who by litle litle as the wilie serpent getteth in his head thē after his whole body he bore mē in hād that by suppressing of religious houses the coūtry wold be greatly enriched but they being once downe the coūtry within a few yeares after was spoyled in a great part of al ver●ue riches both for that the king that was the first breaker downe of the wall that scourg of God for our sins spēt al the mony he scraped of religious houses his cōmōs too that in a fewyears in vanities in besiedging of citties in other coūtries litle benefitting him or his posterity and also deuided him selfe the whole Realme frō Gods church so spoyled himselfe others of vertue opening the window to al vice heresies Insomuch that shortly after though not in his tyme Lutherans and worse than Lutherans that he seemed so much to abhorre corrupted the realme abrogated Masse and all see by what degrees sinne and heresy entereth which by religious orders was long restayned Heereof then came presently the spoyle of the fairest flower in Christes garden next to Martirdome that was virginity which both S. Mathew the 19. Chapter S. Paul the first to the Corinth and 7. Chapter and S. Iohn in his Apocalipsis the 14 Chapter so highly commmend as S. Paul preferring that state before marriage saying he that ioyneth his virgin 1. Cor. 7. 38. in Matrymonie dothwell but he that doth not doth better As for breaking vowes of virginity chastity and the like as obedience and pouerty which three vowes be proper to religion and make a religious man These to keepe heretikes disswade and be the cause of the breach of such vowes whereby indeede good actions as deuoted to God bee a great deale more meritorious especially in religious men whose meate and sleepe in doing it of obedience is to them meritorious Such vowes hereticks contrary to the Scriptures say ought not to bee made but we proue it by the Scriptures as in Genesis Did not Iacob vow if he returned safe such and such thinges hee would do in the honor of God Likewise in the bookes of the Leuits Numbers Deuteronomion Indges Kinges Psalmes Prophets thorough the course of the Scriptures lawful vowes be commēded practised by good mē damnation threatned to the breakers of them As S. Paul to Tym. the 1. Epistle 5. Chapter pronounceth damnation to those that breake the vow of chastity But woe woe be thē to runnegat vow-breakers Friers Nunnes woe to those that be the procurers For if man be iealous ouer his wife much more in most iust sort is gods zeale indignation iust wrath against those that defile his spouses vowed virgins once dedicated to him Nay did not the B. Virgin Mary vow virginity I will proue out of the Gospel that by the exposition of most ancient learned holy Fathers that shee did For when the Angell told her she should conceaue a sonne how commeth that to passe saith Luc. 1. 34 she for I know not a man and yet was she already espoused to Ioseph whome if she would or euer had determined to haue knowne carnally she neuer would haue asked any such questiō how that might come to passe For she the most prudent Virgin knew that by knowledge of mā was the way ordinary to conceaue but she saith S. Ambrose had made vow of Ambros in Luc. virginity which she might not breake therefore she asked the questiō how not doubtfull of the mistery but desirous to know the manner to whome the Angel answered not by man but by the holy Ghost which was without breach of vow and then she was satiffied thus you see our Lady was a vowed Virgin but be these the fruits of new gospellers that bereaue vs of all vertues yea vertuous religious persons also whereas the most learned most vertuous men that euer were since Christ and the Apostles time were religious men Ftiers and Monkes As S. Augustine of the Latin Church S. Basill a Greeke S. Anthony Hilarion S. Giles S. Hierome S. Bennet and S. Gregory S Bernard S. Dominick S. Frauncis all Monkes or Friers the most of them saying Masse euery day Good Lord what miraculous men were these so triumphing ouer the Diuel so mastering themselues so supporting others what continuall fasting what prayers what earnest profound studies were they daily exercised in some of them curing incurable diseases some raysing the dead others with a word expelling Diuels some giuing themselues for the help redemptiō of othres some knowing the very thoughts of men by diuine reuelation whome neither serpent nor poyson could hurt some by continuall meditation of Christ hauing the eies of their soules watered in his bloud and reposing themselues in his woundes open side had the very tokens and impression of those his sacred fixures imprinted in their hands and feete O what candor what simplicity what innocēcy what purity of cōsciēce were in their vn spotted brests O what helhounds what mēbers of the Diuell and Antechrist be these heretiks that pul down the Abbies Monasteries raze the monumēts
asketh you what reason you haue for this or what Scripture for that or what beleeue you of this or of that Say you no more but I beleeue the holy Catholicke Church as shee belieueth in al things so do I if he aske you againe and againe how shee beleeueth answer the heretick euen as I beleeue I beleeue as the Catholick Churche beleeueth and so stay quietre your self and so first beginne to beleeue then after to vnderstand For as God saide by his holy Prophet vnlesse you beleeue you shall not vnderstand yea it is sufficient to saluation if your life be according though you cannot vnderstand the chiefe highest misteries nor bring Scripture for euerie thing so you beleeue as the Catholicke Church doth grounding your self therein who is able to direct and guide you from and out of all errors incombrances and darknes of this world into a most sure and stable light For to the holy Catholick Church Christ promised to send his spirite the holy Ghost after his departure to bee with her and guid her in all truth euen to the end of the world I haue many thinges to say to you saieth our Sauiour to his Disciples but you cannot beare them away now but when I shall goe I wil Ioan. 16. send you the holy ghost the comforter he shal teach you all truth Lo you se by Christ promise his holy Spirite shall guide his church in al truth that it neuer faile erre nor be deceiued that is as I haue proued before at large only the true Catholicke Apostolick Romaine church no other in this Church what simple man so euer containeth him-selfe and truly followeth the same hee cannot goe astray and out of this Church if hee were the greatest Philosopher or learned man in the worlde as there bee some Falsi nemmis scientiam sibi promittentes Yet most certainely hee shall erre bee deceaued To this Church then without which is no Saluation ioyne your selfe her obay her follow her beleeue in al things you cannot erre my soule for yours nor goe astray to damnation this Church if you forsake as I said before if you had all the wisdome of men or al the learning of Aristotle and the wisest Philosophers that bee or haue beene you should without al doubt erre walke in darknes and perrish for euer Chap. LXXVIII Against schisme that it is altogether vnlawfull and forbidden vnder paine of damnation to goe to the churches of hereticks or schismaticks to their prayers sermons Sacramentes spirituall exercises or in any sort directly or indirectly to communicate participate yeeld consent or assent to the s●me also a precaution is giuen to beware of dissembling Catholikes which indeede are schismaticks BVT when you bee thus once established in the one only truth of Christ and his ●oly Church though this be the foundatiō first to beginne to beleeue well yet you must then do according to true faith beleeue els you can not be saued for saith as I said before out of S. Iames without good workes is dead Epist Iacobi cap. 2. take heede then when you be once well groūded in true faith religiō that you not only flee sinne and seeke to exercise good works true vertue but withal beware of dissembling Catholiks that flatter thēselues to be Catholiks be none indeede they cōsesse thēselues to knowe Christ in words and yet deny him in deedes These men bee as daingerous as heretikes them selues in some respects worse and will vnder pretence of religion more easely deceaue the simple and those wee call Schismatiks not only lay persones but suche as bee and were preists of olde and yet for feare of loosing their liuings will teach you as thee tearme it to beare a little with the time till a better world come and in the meane time vnlooked for death cometh For thus they will come vnto you and say O Sir you keepe a good house you might badly bee spared amongst your neighbours infaith this world will not last alwalyes and then he will with Iudas whisper in your eare tell you how you shal heare newes erre it be long then will say vnto you Cānot you goe to church in the meane time and keepe your conscience to your selfe by God there is neuer a knaue of them all shall take aduantage of mee and yet God knoweth my mind Lo this dissembling Schismatike with these and others foolish perswasions which come of loue of his flesh and want of loue and feare of God he deceaueth him selfe and others For the truth is whatsoeuer you beleeue yet if you doe contrary to your beliefe you damne your owne soule doing contrary to your conscience For we may not dissemle with God For he that denieth mee before men saith Christ I will denie him before my father which is in heauē For God hath not only made mans hart and soule to beleeue in him but hath giuen him a body And mouth to confesse Rom. 10. him which wee must doe to bee saued For wee beleeue in heart to righteousnesse as saith Saint Paul and confesse in mouth to Saluation Now to goe to the heretiks church is to deny Christ for Christ is the truth Who as hee is God in all and all in all so is he wholy in euery parte of the truth and therefore hee that denieth any article of his faith denieth the trueth and so denieth Christ yea but you wil say I say nothing there but sitte downe and say my praiers yea but your very being there your very action or deede is an allowing of their euill doings or sayings for Christ and his holy Sacraments be there abused and blaspheamed so be his blessed mother and his Saints and therefore if I be present in such a company ioyning my selfe with them by my presence I alowe of them whatsoeuer I thinke to the contrary you see if one be drawne in amongst theeues perhaps partly against his will to be at a robbery as to hold the horses he shal be hanged for his paines The Church indeed was built by our forefathers for Gods seruice and good purposes and was dedicated to God consecrated or hallowed but now is defiled with vncleane birds become worse then a denne of theeues as haunted by the Diuels and ministers that daily blaspheame Christs truth holy Sacraments Wherefore if you will not be damned with them she such dānable company if you were in company where your Lord Master were euill spoken of you should giue them courage by your presence and silence do you think your Master would not plucke his coat oft from your backe thrust you out so God wil deale with dissemblers cast them out of his kingdome and seruice that see him heare him dishonoured and dissemble it besides many dangers ghostly that follow by going to heretiks prayers and Churches so that if you will be a Catholicke Christian and knowe the truth to
consider the importance of this matter and remember your saluation Consider first what perilous times wee liue in now towards the ende of the world consider withall the shortnes instability of this life how daily of all sorts by death you see men taken awa●e before your eies Remember at least whē you see as it were the heauens open with lightnings perceaue the earth sometimes chime trēble vnder your feete and when to the terror of al mortal creatures you heare the most high mighty Lord at a beck of whose finger heauē earth quaketh thunder frō aboue thē I say learne to feare not for get him after But remember deeply consider that euerlasting punishment vnquēchable fire prepared for the wicked and those vnspeakable ioyes prepared for the iust consider the strait way to saluatiō how fewe shall bee saued in respect of those that shall be perpetually lost and damned Eight persons in the vvhole world were but saued frō dro vning in the vniuersall deluge Noes fludde But one just Lot could be found in fiue Citties Sodom and Gomorrah and the rest for sinne consumed with fire and brimstone from heauen here and burning in hell for euer but twelue Apostles CHRIST chose amongst all the Iewes and yet one was a traytor good thinges therfore you see but especially good mē indeede are hard to be founde therefore you see how true Christs words be many are called but few are chosen yet I hope and most confidently trust in God you all those that will read this litle treatise and follow it auoide the heresies and sinnes herein refelled and disproued you and euery one such I say that will this do my full confidence is in God and you may be in sted fast hope you shall be of that few nomber that Christ hath chosen consider moreouer wherefore you were created and made of God not to eat drinck sleep liue heere but to passe this life with dutiful seruice to God that you may enioy his endles kingdome The end then God hath made you for is to be pertaker of his glory in heauen and therefore all thinges you haue heere in this world on earth you ought to referre to the seruice of God for what is this life but as saith Saint Gregory a continuall death wherein euery day we dye a litle something of our life is cut of daylie account then this world and all worldly possessions and habitatiōs but as it were an Inne wherein you are but to stay as it were for a night and away and therefore seeke not to make you a dwelling place on earth chiefely though to haue moderate care of our bodies also is not forbidden vs but looke for and builde you a place in heauen Alas what be al pleasures this world can afford you You see they be but vaine and can neuer content mans minde the couetous man is neuer full fraught or contented with golde and riches but euer coueteth more the dronkard and glutton euer seekerh how he may more and more delight his tast and fill his belly and panch the lecherous man more fleshly pleasure he hath like the wood set on fier he desireth burneth faster therein riches fade beauty decayeth memory saileth all the glory of the world passeth away as the shaddow nothing can truly satiate content the soule but God himself which is had by enioying of his diuine glory To obtaine this then you must bend all your might and power Nam regnum calorum vim patitur violenti rapiunt illud Saith our Sauiour we must by violence as it were obtaine his kingdome not only sighting and striuing against our selues that is this froward and corrupt nature of ours that is too much giuen to selfe loue and liking of this world and our selues in being ready to forsake this trāsitory life of this body to enioy the eternall life of the soule but what lettes or impediments soeuer you haue to the cōtrary manfully and ioyfully remoue them and shake them off as if the Tyrant threaten thee or with flatterie or faire wordes and promises seeke to allure thee yea if thy parentes that begot and bore thee or thy children that be part of thy substance of thy flesh and bloud or thy owne wife that is as it were thy one body and sleepeth in thy bosome would hinder thee from thy saluation GOD is neerer and deerer to thee then them all Forsake comfortably thy parents with their weeping eyes respect not they children with stretched out handes passe by thy wife though on thy threshold shee lye at thy feete with spreadde and torne haire Yea be cruell to thine owne body in this case and as saieth Saint Ierome fortiter ad crucem Christi euola flie with that simple sweete Doue in cauernas petrae into the holes of that sure rock the open woundes of thy redeemer and manfully with good courage and all ioye imbrace the crosse of CHRIST thus by violence you must obtaine his kingdome thus bend all your might and power I say to winne CHRIST and please him For him I say be content to forsake wife children liuings possessions yea this life it selfe to winne a better taking vp the crosse and following him For so all haue and must do that will enter into his kingdome remembring wee must suffer with him to be glorified with him and if he our head would not enter into his kingdome but by Passion and labours then we his seruaunts members cannot looke to follow him but by the same way of paynes and sufferance the disciple is not better then his Maister neither a delicate member is comely vnder that head that weareth a Crowne of thornes If then thus you by patience follow and winne Christ you shall haue al thinges him if you forsake you loose all If you truly cleaue and stick to him and his commandements he is mighty and will desend you he is mercifull and wil pardon you he is bountifull wil bestow al gratious gifts of you he is rich will sustaine and nourish you he is pittifull and will comfort you knowing your weaknes and bearing the heauier end of the yoke or crosse with you wil lay no more of your shoulders thē you are able to beare nor will not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our strength as he hath said by his true messenger wherein he is faithfull will performe his promise he is louing and iust and will make vs for our labours crowning his graces gifts in vs pertakers of his glory where art we ought all to shoote comforting our selues euer in the troubles of this life with hope of that fruition of God our finall rest and perfect delight The 80. and last chap. How though euery one ought to be prepared to suffer yet none ought rashly to cast thēselues into tentation but if we bee called thereunto then we ought to be most glad to suffer as being
faith they despise whose good manners they so little followe and regard and whose very bodies and ashes they so racke teare and ransacke here ōn earth If we can of chalke make cheese make the Aethiopian white or firmely conjoyne brasse and earth togither then perhaps wee may joyne Catholikes and Protestants in one Church and make them beautifull and acceptable in Gods sight and not before no no these two as farre differ in Gods sight in his grace and fauour as the other things doe in nature and much more Heretikes that deuide their loue from the whole Church of God deuide their liues deuide their faith and religion can be no more acceptable of God the naturall head and spouse of his one only Church then it could be pleasing to the natural mother by Salomōs motiō to haue the child deuided who chose rather to leaue it in the euill womans keeping euen so God our true father will haue vs one as he is one in vnity of true faith and religion in his Church or else we cannot be true children with him in his house which is one and not deuided Hereupon my first ground 1. is this that neither Lutherans Protestants Puritanes nor any other secte whatsoeuer in the worlde dissenting from the common knowne Catholicke and Apostolike Romane Church can bee members of the true Church of GOD nor canpossibly bee saued because as God is one so his true Catholicke spouse the Church as one wife of one husband is one one in faith and religion and that in euery point and article tuam vnus Dominus vna fides vnum Baptisma and without true faith it is impossible to please God which is only the one Catholicke faith and Church vvithout vvhich vvhosoedyeth shall most certainly perish euerlastingly as all did bodely out of Noes Arke testemonies hereof bee abundant the Prophettes Saint Paul and all the whole course of Scriptures and Fathers so expounding them namely holy Athanasius vvhose Creede is receiued of the vniuersall Church of God which Church is rightly called vna Columba mea amica mea of Christ her spouse viz my only doue my darling one chosen out from amongst a thousand all heretickes then dissenting thus from Catholickes and amongst themselues can neuer be members of Gods Church as long as they remayne in this state deuided from that one and only Catholicke Church Secondly if wee looke inwardly into the most essentiall parts of our Catholike faith and religion you shall finde them chiefly to differ from vs therein for if they were but incertaine indifferent matters left for learned men to vse their opinions and judgment in and not articles of faith defined out of holy Scripture by the Church of God the true keeper and expositor of Scripture wherein they differ from vs they vvere tollerable but they differ from vs not only in lesse articles but in many and the chiefest substantiall intrinsicall parts and articles of faith the least vvhereof euery one vnder paine of damnation is bounde to keepe pure and vndefiled Nowe Buny in his Pacification pag. an hundred and eight following some of his fellowes Bullinger Musculus and the like vvho finding themselues miserably intangled vvith this question of the Church deuised certaine principles and foundations of faith wherein vvhosoeuer agreed they should be accounted all members of one church these Buny imitating of his bounty is so liberall towards vs poore Papists insomuch that more then once hee affirmeth that in substance of religion wee and they agree and therefore that wee bee all one members of one Catholicke and Apostolicke Church and blameth his fellowe Ministers that very rashly and inconsideratly they reject Papists from the communion of the true church For saith he vnlesse we confes the papistical Church to be the true Catholike and Apostolicke Church whereof wee are members no lesse then the Papists wee cast our selues into a great difficulty to finde any other Carholicke and Apostolicke Church which being planted first of the Apostles hath alwaies continued to our time wherein wee as members may be ingraffed which if wee cannot finde or performe then are vvee constrayned to confesse our Church to be more new and later then the Romane Church thus farre Buny whereby you may see what shifts heretikes are driuen to that woulde make the vvorlde to beleeue wee differ in small or no substantiall partes of teligion that so by seeming to creepe into one Church vvith vs though vvanting altogither the vertue and for the most part the true faith of members of the Church yet at leastwise they may couer themselues vnder the bare title of the true Church the more to couer their badde dealinges and to deceaue the simple But what frontlesse brazen faces of Protestants bee these to affirme that their sects agree with the CATHOLICKE CHVRCH not only of all former times and of all Nations in the vvorlde but also that they bee not contrary to the vniuersall Church at this day Let vs then briefly consider all the essentiall or substantiall parts of the Church of ancient time and of this age vvhich is all one and let vs see in vvhat one principall point of faith or gouernment Heretickes agree vvith vs. First they haue instituted another regiment or politique gouernment of the Church quite contrary to that of the true CATHOLICKE CHVRCH for in steede of the Bishoppe of Rome generall and only chiefe Pastor of the vvhole Church they haue made temporall Princes heads of the Church whereby as for example here in England making first a Man then a Boy and nowe a Woman heade of the Church they chaunge religion as oft as Princes vvhether the Prince bee Lutheran Adiaphorist halfe Catholicke as King Henry was Zwinglian as his daughter is said to be trinitary Arrian as another may be or Turke as perhaps the other may be if to bee supreame head of the Church bee so annexed to the Crowne as a matter of inheritaunce as our English Diuines nowe of late haue made it yea and that by Gods lawe wee bee bounde to obey them in spirituall matters then by this diuinity euery new King may coyne a newe religion quite contrary to his predecessor and all good and holy Whereas to Pster and his successors Christs Vicar by Christs ordinance made head of his Church to keepe vniformity of faith to the worldes end in the same is certainly promised to the confusion of all heretickes in the vvorlde that his faith euer one shall not faile which promise Christ hath hitherto kept with his Church and generall Pastor and shall doe to the worlds end let me see now vvhether any hereticke in the vvorlde can or dare auouch so much for his sect whereas vvee dare boldlye affirme that CHIST his prayer to his father for our true Church is heard Ego rogaui pro te Petre vt non deficiat fides tua Well this ordinance of CHRIST of such importaunce for the gouernment of the Church heretickes haue altered and