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A01175 The restorer of the French estate discouering the true causes of these vvarres in France & other countries, and deliuering the right course of restoring peace and quiet to all Christendome: wherein are handled these principall questions touching religion, policie, and iustice: whether it be lawfull to sweare, and keepe promise to heretikes, to force mens consciences for religion sake, to liue with, and dwell nigh heretikes, to breake the order of succession to the Crowne bycause of religion, or no. Who be schismatikes; and of the chiefe poincts of religion. How we are to iudge of the schisme in Christendome at this day. Lastly, the conclusion conteining notable admonitions to the clergie, nobles, magistrates, people, and King of France. Translated out of French. Ecclesiæ & reipub. D. Hurault, Michel, d. 1592, attributed name. 1589 (1589) STC 11289; ESTC S102588 139,883 174

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personall succession of Bishops succeeding th'Apostles he hath reteyned the name of Christian and yet neuerthelesse is returned and also turneth those that are his to the vomit and filthines of the Gentils It is written by Daniel S. Matthew and S. Paul Dan. 9. Math. 24.2 Thess 2. that Antichrist shall sit in the holy place in the temple and Church of God the Pope holdeth his See in the hart of Christendome in the Church prepared by th'Apostles he is Lord and President ouer all Christendome which is the temple of God It is written in Daniell Dan. 9. that the Lord shortly after his comming shal be slaine and shall haue nothing 4. Es 5.6 in Esdras that the places which were sowen shall soudainely appeare as they were not sowen the way of truth shal be hidden and the region shal be barren of faith and vnrighteousnesse shal be multiplied on that countrey thou seest and on that which at other times thou hast heard of vnrighteousnes with fornication shall be multiplied in the land Luke 21. Iesus Christ saith that after his visible conuersation with men the time of Antichrist should draw neere that his end should not come so soone 2. Thess 2. It is written by S. Paul that euen in his time Sathan wrought the mistery of iniquitie the beginnings of Antichrist by S. Iohn 1. Iohn 2. that there are many Antichrists already which from thence forth should be to the last tymes Also from th'age of th'Apostles there was couertly brought into the Church the doctrine and glory of men and a litle while after their decease the Bishop of Rome began openly to pretend clayme and plead for the Primacie Presidencie and power ouer all other Bishops not long after he obteined vsurped and declared himselfe chief of the Church and for to manifest publish settle mainteine and augment his power he made many decrees preiudiciall and contrary to the Gospell to the doctrine and policie of the primitiue Church for to cause his power and doctrine to appeare and preuaile euery where he smothered and abolished on earth the power doctrine of the Lord he withdrew the keyes of knowledge like as he would not enter himselfe so he forbad them to enter that would Thus is vnderstanding sled away ignorance and vice come in place hauing regained the dominion ouer vs. Behold againe how it is no straunge thing that the Pope hath reigned so long sith Antichrist ought to begin shortly after the first comming of our Lord and endure long till a time and many times and halfe a time Dan. 7.2 Thess 2. as Daniel saith It is written that Antichrist the sonne of perdition shall list himselfe aboue all that which is called God or is worshipped so farre as to sit in the temple of God as God shewing himselfe that he is God The Pope doth name himselfe God in earth onely but in effect doth behaue himselfe as God ouer all he geueth altereth and repealeth lawes he geueth priuileges goods estats fauours he geueth good seasons and bad by his power by his blessings cursings he threateneth kings punisheth summoneth chaungeth and supplanteth them and that which belongeth to God the king of kings he wil be adored on earth so is he God in earth He saith he hath power ouer the deuill he can take soules out of hell out of the company and dominion of the deuill which can not apperteine but to Iesus Christ and so is he God in hell He assureth vs that he can send soules into Paradise whatsoeuer infidelitie is in them whatsoeuer sinne they committed in this world by his great Iubiles by certeine beadrols of prayers and ceremonies by money therefore nameth himselfe ghostly Father of soules It is God that is our father who by his grace exceeding bountie and mercy hath called chosen vs to be in his Paradise it is our Lord Iesus who by the great loue he beareth vs by his death and passion hath purchased for vs opened vs the gate guideth and bringeth vs thither through the faith we haue in him and which he geueth vs by his holy spirite Thus the Pope is God in Paradise is God ouer all He sitteth in the Temple of God as we haue said for that he ruleth ouer all Christendome being the Temple of God He aduaunceth himselfe aboue all that is called God aboue Iudges and Magistrats which are called Gods in Scripture they can not be Iudges without vndertaking his mark allowing well testifying of it and without swearing fealtie to him lawes and Iudgements depend on him Kings and Emperours are likewise called Gods in Scripture yet he exalteth himselfe aboue them the maner is to kisse the Kings hand th' Emperours knee and the Popes foote he crowneth and blesseth them he maks them promise and sweare fealtie that they will yeld him all reuerence obedience and seruice Lewes of Bauaria th'Emperour was excommunicated for hauing taken on him the gouernance of th' Empire before he had performed th'othe of subiection or as some history writers say for not hauing auowed the Pope for soueraigne Iudge of the variance touching th' Empire betweene him and Frederik of Austrich Frederik the second was excōmunicated for presuming to iourney into Asia without taking leaue of the Pope And to knit vp all in a word there are no Kings nor Emperours but by him for he deliuereth their Realmes in pray at his pleasure he depriueth and restoreth them their subiects at his lust He exalts him selfe aboue Angels he commaunds them peremptorily He exalts him selfe aboue th'Apostles and other Saincts in Paradise at his bidding they must runne trot and sollicite euen as he will as though their Saincting honour and saluation depended on him He racketh gloseth interpreteth chaungeth choppeth and defaceth the word of God as best fitteth his fansie he repealeth the law he disguiseth correcteth enlargeth and despenceth against the lawes and commaundements of God God must not be obeyed but as pleaseth the Pope He abolisheth the Gospell the merite of our Lords death and passion he ascribeth to the workes of men and to the obedience they beare him and his foolish inuentions and ceremonies Th' election of the faithfull belongeth to God no more the Pope hath vsurped and limited the same He Saincteth whom he please he hath arrogated to himselfe the office of sanctifier aboue the holy Ghost He maketh or thinks to make the like stirres and alterations in Heauen as he doeth here below he carieth at his girdle the seuen keyes and seuen seales of the seuen Churches saying it is his ofsice to shut and open the Churches Lo how he lifteth vp himselfe aboue all that is called God Thus the markes which as S. Paule teacheth should be in Antichrist 4. Esdr 8. are found in the Pope See here also the Prophesie of Esdras verisied that the miseries of the last times should happen by occasion of great pride It is written in Daniel Dan.
7. that Antichrist shall thinke he may change times lawes Who so heedfully marketh the doctrine policie and seruice of the Romane Church shall not find there any consormitie or agreablenes with the Gospel but contrarietie almost throughout all the Gospell speaketh neither of Masse Purgatorie calling vpon Saincts nor of Prayers for the dead Images or Holy water nor of wax tapers or processions pilgrimages nor of Munkeries of the Altar or Priestly ornamēts the word baptisme holy supper are not administred in the Romane Church according to the cōmandements ordmances vsage of our Lord of his Apostles Primitine Church The Gospell preacheth nothing but grace and free-guift the Pope commaundeth nothing but merite and monie The Gospell requireth not of men but faith to receiue saluation good workes to giue witnes of their election iustification new-birth fanctification and loue towardes God the Pope knowes not what this Faith means it brings him no aduantage he therefore speakes but of workes The Gospell preacheth not but the worde and commaundeth not but the commaundements of God forbiddeth the Traditions of men by name the Pope commandeth not but the Traditions of men nay he conceleth yea sometimes forbiddeth the cōmaundements of God It is not much aboue threescore yeares ago that in the Church of God there was no talke of God in the Churches of Christ no talke was of Christ to the flock of Iesus Christ the voice of the Lord of their great Shepheard was not declared nor read nor heard nor vnderstood the Bishops and Doctors that gaue themselues to studie mused on nothing else saue prophane learning and philosophie on vanities fained inuentions phantasies and subtilties of the flesh all prayers diuine-worships masses and Church-seruices were made to the dead and them alone who were in the Popes good grace but in chiefe to those that had in their life time most trauailed to extoll aduance his sacred See by violences lies fables false miracles other deceiptfull trumperies The Apostles baptised with pure water in the name of the Father of the Sonne and holy Ghost the Pope hath intermingled therewith his creame salt spittle and so many idle ceremonies besides that the Baptisme of the Apostles may seeme welnigh lost The holy Supper likewise is so disguised that the simple Gospeller can discerne therein nothing that comes of God The Pope also hath altered the yeares moneths daies applying the histories of the Gospell to th'obseruations of Astronomers and motions of the Moone and Sunne Behold how the Pope hath gone about to change times and lawes both that of Moses and this of our Lord Iesus Christ euen the Gospell and th' accomplishment thereof wherein th'vnderstanding of the Prophesie doth chiefly consist It is written that the Spirit speaketh euidently 1. Tim. 4. that in the or read of an enmitie pursued with more diuelish malice than that of Gregorie the seuenth against Henry the sourth Onely because this Emperor would preserue the rights and prerogatiue of th' Empire against his attēpts he excommunicated him he stirred vp al the Lords and Bishops against him compelling euery one with threates to become his sworne enemie commaunding against him manifold treasons at last through his threates assayes and enterprises he inforced him to come woolward and barefoot to fall downe at his feet with great scornfulnes and disgrace made him endure th'miurie of the wether and reproches of men and yet these submissions and suffrances notwithstanding he continued his pursuites more furiouslie than afore For after he had out-weried many Lords brought them to their end in making warre on him he incited his owne sonne Henry the fift and with his superstitions commaundements and threatnings he so hampered and bewitched the wit and iudgement of this youth that he durst warre on his owne father besiege betray and take him dispoyle him of his Imperiall diguitie and make him ende his dayes in great sorrow and captiuitie which moued a learned personage of that time to cry out the sonne hath betrayed dispoyled and done his father to death not by the commandement of any barbarous tyrant of any Phalares but by the counsell of the most holy father of Rome adding reioyce ye ô Caligula and Nero for the Pope of Rome playeth such prankes that there shal be no more remembrance of your crueltie The hatred of Gregorie the ninth against the Emperor Frederik the second passed likewise al comparison in stifnes and frowardnes of stomach he preached the Croissado against the Emperor promising glorie and eternall life to them that would rise in armes against him he excōmunicated him oftentimes the Princes and Bishops of Germanie were a whole yeere in praying him to mollifie his minde receiue Frederik to fauor he reiected them all with their petition so holy so carefully and humbly offred and sued they neuer had come to an end had they not geuen for that purpose sixescore thousand pounds of golde The Popes egged on with a vehement lust of reuenge mounted to this step of furie and vngodlines that they empoysoned the host or Sacrament of th altar whereby they brought one Emperor to his bane Pope Iohn the thirteenth caused one Cardinals nose to be cut off and anothers hand for hauing purposed in the Consistorie to geue him some admonitions touching his whordome he spent the most part of his life in minding committing all sorts of such vncleannes and ended his life in adultery for he was taken with the manner and slayne in the very acte The whoredomes adulteries incests and sodomies of Pope Iulio the third are knowen th' Italians printed and published them in Rome in euery corner of the streets Nothing euer came to the Pope amisse prouided he might draw profit out of i● When Robert had inuaded the landes of his nephew and ward the County of Puglia and Calabria an Orphan the Pope excommunicated and further threatned him with his materiall sword this Robert knowing the force credit natural propertie and intent of Popes came to him and gaue him Beneuent and Troy a portion of his bootie the Pope thereupon reuoked his thundring sentence honored him with his amitie and blessing and iudged th'vsurpation made by the vncle vpon the neuew his ward and an Orphan to be an action holy and full of deuotion It hath euer bene an heresie to be the Popes neighbour for any that had land in his good Grace and liking had no power to defend it for then must other Lords warre on such an heretik and not leaue him so long as a foot of land were left him as they tendered his holines good Grace The proofe may easely be made by histories that Popes haue vsurped encroched on all the Seigneuries of Christēdome at least on the greater part Thus the Popes palace is full of robberies pray and spoiles which he hath raked by no other titles then impietie iniustice violence neuerthelesse he calleth it his rights S. Peters
doth all things the good th'euil but those things that we call euill and are euill in vs are good in him All actions considered in God are most iust and most good they come from on high most pure and most cleane they corrupt and defile themselues here below vnder the Sun amid the malice of men of Satan According to this Isay 10. after God in Isay had said that Senacherib should serue him to chastise his Church he addeth but he thinketh not so neither doth his heart esteeme it so but he imagineth to destroy and cut of not a few nations for he saith are not my Princes altogether kings and a few lines after shall not I as I haue done to Samaria and to the idols thereof so do to Ierusalem and to the idols thereof but when the Lord hath accomplished all his worke vpon mount Sion and Ierusalem I will visit the fruict of the proud heart of the king of Assur and his glorious and proud lookes Likewise though th'actions of Cyrus were euill considering he made warre for his owne ambitions sake spoiled nations of that whereto he had no right yet were those actions good in God For those peoples had well deserued this punishment through their wicked life and aboue all their Idolatry and namely the Medes who had entreated his people so roughly and therefore he deliuered them out of captiuity by such actions of Cyrus which is another reason of the goodnes in them Isay 45. I haue raised him vp saith the Lord in righteousnesse The actions of Pharao in that he rebelled so often against the ordinance of God were most euill but if we consider them as comming from God they are most good most iust profitable to th'edifying of the Church Exod. 9.10.11 For by these means the Lord plagued Pharao for the wrongfull oppression done to his people he multiplied his wonders in the land of Aegypt he shewed his power to his Church and his loue towardes the same he made his power knowen in Pharao that his name might bee declared throughout the worlde In like sort Rom. 9. Gen. 27. Ioseph was sold by his brethren prouoked thereto with enuy they bare him but God by this their sinne brought Ioseph into Aegypt preserued Iacob and his whole Church from the dearth Gen. 45. saued their liues by an excellent deliuerance This deede was most lewd in the brethren of Ioseph but most good in God profitable and necessarie to his Church this is that which Ioseph faith to his brethren when ye purposed euill against me God disposed it to good The euils and miseries which God sendeth to his Church to his Elect being considered in the will and intention of the persecutors are actions most euill but if we weigh them by the iustice and bounty of God they are iust and profitable For by the same are th'Elect admonished of their faults and instructed that they can not stand without Gods grace and that th' effect of their hopes is reserued them in an other world in the meane while they are by those afflictiōs stayed in th' obedience of God their feare is renewed and their loue and deuotion made more earnest then afore The children of God do marke and espie in all the sinnes and imperfections of men as it were through the clouds certaine beames of iustice and bountic comming from God which make them affirme that all commeth from God 2. Cor. 12. So S. Paul saith that God had giuen him a prick in the flesh the messenger of Sathan to buffet him and that it was to th' end he should not glorifie himselfe aboue measure and that the power of Christ might be made perfect in his infirmitie Rom. 11. Whereunto that hath relation which he saith that the Lord hath enclosed all in vnbeliese to th' end he might haue mercy vpon all So the stubbernesse of the Iewes in them is most bad in God it is good and necessary for vs being Gentils By the fall of the Iewes saith S. Paul saluation commeth vnto the Gentils This is saith he a great secret that partly blindnesse of heart is come to Israel vntil the fulnesse of the Gentils be come in So the condemnation and passion of Christ is our iustification and soule-health Antichrist and his doctors by their seducings commit most detestable sinnes and yet do such seducings serue to the glory of God 2. Thess 2. S. Paul writeth that God will send a strong power of delusion to the doctrine of Antichrist that all might be damned which beleeued not the trueth Then let vs acknowledge with the Scripture that whatsocuer is done God doeth it and that both the good and the euill are done for his iustice This is that great secrete of the Apostle Paul which hath not bene communicated to the Pope This is that which Dauid speaketh of Psal 76. that the rage of mā shal turne to the praise of God But albeit cuill actions doo turne to Gods iustice let vs not for all that be the lesse carefull to eschew them For men cease not to be culpable of the euil in their actions seeing that in the deede doing they are not moued thereto by the true zele of Gods iustice but by the deuill by sin by their concupiscences wicked desires They serue God not thinking of his seruice at al as hath bene noted of Senacherib for our selues let vs serue him in deede and in will of set purpose and not at auenture and as though we thought not of it let vs betake our hearts and hands to the mouing and guyding of his holy spirit let vs obey his word and we shall doe well Iud. 1. Whether mā may do that which is good and how let vs serue him as Iuda and not as Adonibezec The Pope teacheth vs that man of himselfe may doe that which is good Thus it sufficed him not impiouslie to abridge the power of God by the former partition he proceedeth yet to another abridgement thereof by this doctrine Whereas he affirmed before that all good actions come from God now he learneth vs that man may also doo them of himselfe But the holy Scripture teacheth vs quite contrarie that man neither can nor doeth bring any good thing to passe that he is the seruant of sinne that it is God which worketh the good that is in vs and that commeth from vs that by the sinne of Adam we haue bene made subiect to sinne that sinne and Gods curse haue so corrupted our nature that it neither knoweth nor can nor doeth any thing cls saue sinne but that God by his grace by his holy spirite geueth vnto those that are his a certaine light of vnderstanding which striueth against sinne howbeit sinne most often ouercommeth this light that God will haue it so to the end his power may be perfected in our infirmitie and that we glorifie our selues in him and his grace and not in our selues
their naturall kings after a forrein maner Charlemaine was borne king of Fraunce he descrued and obteined th' Empire he would haue gouerned this Realme with th'Impetiall lawes and haue enclosed Fraunce within th' Empire your forefathers as Frenchmen in deede iustly ielous of their name franchise and libertie could not abide it and though he was one of the most redoubted kings that euer were yet they stood against it most freely One of my childrē stept vp boldly and vsed such speaches to th'Emperour Charlemaigne their king in the middes of his army As thou appointest vs ô sacred Mareshe we will folow thine ensignes in what part soeuer they are borne for there is no monster nor thing so fearfull that can keepe vs back Thou beganst at Rome to be Emperour of other nations but thou art borne Prince and King of the Frenchmen whose valiance I wot not with what destiny al strangers do enuie thinking our freedome to be the cause of their seruitude although that before thy reign not one onely part of the land could call it selfe free Thou hast power to giue the Hungarians a king the Greekes demaund of thee but amitie thou commaundest in all Europe for the feare that Astrike hath of thee the alliance thou hast in Asia thou holdest all the earth in peace men in safety Thou causest religion to be obserued And yet thou vndertakest one care wherewith all the world may be troubled We that are Frenchmen though we see thee so great demaund nothing of thee but to cōtinue Frēchmē as afore If thou employest vs not in thy warres we shall thinke our selues aboue all others most vnhappy infamous Why thē wilt thou that thy souldiers thy realme thy Frāce should fall into the subiectiō of th' Empire O French mē are ye bastards are ye degenerated are ye chaungelings what haue ye not one sparke left of this braue and couragious ielousie of your Ancestors is there lesse heart in you then was in the Burguinions that reiected the rule of Conrad th'Emperour for this onely cause that he was a stranger to them Frenchmen since when came ye out of kinde to become cowards and bondmen ye sell one another ye sell your selues ye sell me also Doubtlesse ye wil consume in these warres the price of my sale and with it whatsoeuer ye haue els and in th' end if your misfortune be so great as to deliuer your selues and me also to the Buyer ye must afterward repay to him that which he gaue you and whatsoeuer pouertie ye alleage yet must ye restore to him the price of my sale with excessiue vsury besides and yee must disburse all the charges Ye seeke the ruledome of straungers if ye be so wretched as to find it ye shall know what a straunger may and is woont to do in a countrie wonne by conquest he will not vnderstand your language he will not heare your complaints in fine deuouring fire to your destruction will come from him Determine to resigne the honour of gouernments iudgements to yeeld your triumphant swords and stately robes to straungers Determine to loute vnder the Lordly looke vnder the threatnings and stripes of the cruell Spaniard Beginne by times to harden your tender hands with all toyles handy-crafts and day-labour determine to deliuer all the fruicts of your lands and hands into the grype of the greedy Spaniard then to wayt without daring to open your mouth till he takes pitie on you shares you out a poore pittance to liue by Leaue to straungers the ancient seat the commodious site and stately building of your castles gotten with so great trauaile possessed with so great honour and cōtentation stored and enriched with stories armes and statues of your worthy sorefathers Dreame no longer of degree of place of nobilitie Take ye the carke and care of housekeping and leaue the profite and pleasure to them Stoupe like drudges and giue account to them like vnderlings of your day-works with trembling at their sterne lookes and enduring their maister full demeanour Abandon your faithfull feeres your deere and delicate daughters to ferue and please them in all their abhominable lusts Let your sonnes be pages and lackeyes to sterne and lord-like strangers None shal be seen within your houses castles palaces and townes within the Courts of Princes and courts of Iustice if any iustice be but strangers they will carie all the swinge and then Iacke wil be a Gentleman if he can speake Spanish Think not that the Courts Royall and those of Iustice will haue any other speech but how to keepe you vnder to vexe and torment you more and more to ouer-burden you with new taskes and tallages and though ye be fleesed and flayed yet if ye venture to come neere them to complaine ye shal be set backe with store of blowes It were a follie to hope that all these miseries yea worse then these shall not fall on your heads Such curses scourges of God ye cā not escape in cases like to these they are ordinary and vnauoidable yet further the Lord will lay his hand on you more heauily by oddes then on them which caried away through impatience alone seeke the Rule of strangers Because the hatred you beare to him and to the puritie of his word and Gospel pricks you on to runne after strangers The Lords of the houses of Loraine of Guise trim you vp this banqueting dish and lay before you this poysoned bait they are the brokers of these your miseries neuertheles ye say they beare a marueilous louing hart towards me and towards you and are honest and vertuous Beleeue me they loue you like strangers as they are that is for profit and aduancement that they hope to reape of you Their vnpacified malice their vnsatisfied auarice and gaping ambition is that which they pursue and not your cause quiet contentment and profit This is the truth of their commodities which they only seeke vnder the name visour and lying counterfeit of your cōmoditie For what are their propositions but vaine shewes and empty shadowes If they haue bene well affectioned and honestly minded towards you they haue fairely left them both whatsoeuer good affection or minde they had it gaue vp the ghost at least when this goodly enterprise of the league began If it be not permitted them from aboue to shew no other kindnesse then hitherto they haue done God saue me mine from it and graunt by his grace that the feare may issue from you and deuour them Come on let vs teach them that the noble hart of Frenchmen is not quayled nor the ielousie of their name quenched that the loue charitie zele of Frenchmen towards their countrie and Princes are not yet vanished away Let vs teach them that such a realme as this can not be sold nor payd for that that is not surely bought of some particular persons which belongeth to so many braue couragious and valiant Princes Lords and Gentlemen