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A81890 Christ crucified, or, The marrow of the gospel, evidently holden forth in LXXII sermons, on the whole 53. chapter of Isaiah wherein the text is clearly and judiciously opened up ... / by ... James Durham. Durham, James, 1622-1658. 1683 (1683) Wing D2799; ESTC R229132 829,417 572

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removing a main obstruction that hinders your Faith and that is the undervaluing of him For if undervaluing of him be the great cause of unbelief and that which mainly obstructs Faith then the esteeming of him from a due impression of his worth must be a great mean of and help to Faith and the more he be esteemed of the more will he be believed on It hath an attractive vertue to draw sinners to love him a screwing vertue to screw up the affections towards him and withal a fixing and establishing vertue to settle and stay the Soul upon him by believing the soul that from the right impression of his worth esteems of him knows that it may lippen to him for he is holy and true And hence it is that the great thing that believers take to ground their prayers upon is some excellency in God some one or other of his Titles and Attributes upon which they fix to bear them up under and against any difficulty that presseth hard upon them This fixes also their hope and expectation of attaining of any good thing that they want through him And therefore upon the one side we would commend to you the study of Christ's worth and upon the other an high estimation of him as that which will fix your Faith and Love and Hope on him This we see to be in a high degree in Paul Philip. 3. I account all things saith he to be but loss and dung for the excellency of the knowledge of him and his transcendent worth ye would not think it lost labour to read and study these places of Scripture that shew what our Lord Jesus is in his Person Nature and Offices that ye may have the Faith of his God-head fixed and may be clear as to the excelling fulness that is in him as namely that of Isai 9.6 To us a Child is born to us a Son is given the government shall be upon his shoulders and his Name shall be called Wonderful Counsellour the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace of whose Kingdom and Government there shall be no end And to study his excellent Properties his Eternity Omnipotency Faithfulness Mercy c. common to him with the Father and Holy Ghost and the excellent qualifications that as Mediator he is replenished with being full of grace and truth and in all things having the preheminency See Col. 1. John 1.14 and Heb. 1.2 3. c. The reason why we press you to this is not only that ye may have more clear Theory and Contemplation But also and mainly that your affections may be delighted in him and that your Faith may without hink or hesitation come to give him credit Ignorance of Christ breeds disestimation and disestimation makes you not to give him credit and thus ye are kept at a distance from him There is no study more pleasant more precious and more profitable There is here then a task for you that ask what ye shall do even to read and study the excellency of Jesus Christ and to labour to have it well fixed in the imagination of the thoughts of your hearts It will give you notable direction what to do even that which is well-pleasing to God and may be very profitable to you through his blessing Use 5. See here the great necessity and conveniency of studying the disestimation of Christ that is in us as well as of studying the worth that is in him and what he hath out of love suffered for us These two are put together in the Text it being needful for us to be as well acquainted with the one as with the other We shall give you this use in two short Doctrines The 1. whereof is That it is a necessary duty for the hearers of the Gospel to study throughly and to be convinced of and clear in their disestimation of Christ as well as of his worth and excellency because it maketh up repentance and maketh it flow and thorowly humbleth the sinner when he findeth this desperat wickedness and perversness to be in himself and maketh him kindly to loath and abhor himself and unless this desperat wickedness be seen and felt that great and bitter mourning spoken of Zech. 12.10 will never flow forth The 2. is That where folk have any just estimation of Christ and of his worth and are sensible of the evil of unbelief there will also be some sense of the sin of undervaluing of him and the more sense they have of the evil of unbelief they will be the more sensible of their undervaluing of him And will with the Prophet here cry out He was despised and we esteemed him not And from both these ye may see the necessity of studying to find out this corruption the search and discovery whereof will in-sight you in the evil and perversness of your nature and so deeply humble you and also serve highly to commend Christ and his Grace to you and without the discovery of this corruption it 's impossible ever to be humble thorowly or to have right thoughts of Christ and of his Grace Use 6. It serves to let us see the necessity of believing in Christ and of the imploying of him because there is no other way to be free of the challenges of misprising and not esteeming of him but by receiving of him and believing on him A 7th Use may be added and it 's this That the moe there be that despise Christ and the greater difficulty there be in believing on him the more reason have they to be thankful that he graciously works any suitable estimation of himself in and brings them to believe on him These who have gotten any glimpse of his Glory which hath lifted him high in their estimation to the drawing forth of their faith and love after him would praise him for it It 's he and only he that opened your eyes to see him and gave you that estimation of him and circumcised your hearts to love him let him therefore have all the praise and glory of it This is the Word of God and himself bless it to you through Jesus Christ SERMON XIX ISAIAH LIII IV V. Vers 4. Surely he hath born our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted Vers 5. But he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed THis is a most wonderful Subject that the Prophet is here discoursing of even that which concerneth the sufferings of our blessed Lord Jesus by way of prediction several hundreds of years before his Incarnation It was much that he was to be a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief But this was more that he was despised and we esteemed him not There is wonderful grace upon the one side that our Lord became so very low and wonderful contempt and enmity on the other side that we despised him and
the Believer and that the Believer may feed sweetly and delicately on them till the time come that the Vail of Similitudes betaken away and they be brought to see Him as He is even Face to Face and that thereby they may be helped to win to read their advantages and priviledges which they have in Him What can be the reason then that so few think and esteem suitably of the Excellent and Desirable Condition of Believers and that words of this kind relish not Here is the Reason He of whom they hold all these Priviledges and by whom they are put into this Notable and Non-such Condition is not suitably Esteemed of and accounted Precious Therefore Believers in Him are thought the less of Our hearts should melt in love to Him and in sorrow for offending Him at the Reading and Hearing of such expressions wherewith the Scriptures of God are stuffed full 2ly Are there any that would have a Good and Happy Condition summed up and compended Here it is even to have our Lord Jesus to be a Father and to be His Seed to come in as Sons and Daughters to Him I appeal to you all if any Condition can be put in the Ballance with this Is there any Honour and Dignity like it or comparable with it Who can claim to be come of such a Parent as is He who is King of kings and Lord of lords the Prince of the kings of the earth The Father of Glory His eldest and only begotten Son by an Eternal and unspeakable Generation who in all things hath the preheminency What is your Pedegrie who will say and boast that ye are of such a Laird's or Lord's House and of such an Ancient Family and Stock yea though ye were of Blood Royal what is it to this what will become of Mens Gentility or Nobility of Birth yea of Royalty of Birth in that Day when Christ shall set His Throne in the Clouds To have this Relation to Christ will be more Valuable and Honourable in that Day then to have been great Commanders Lairds Lords Marquesses Dukes Princes and King's who will all in that Day stand upon the same Level with the Poorest Peasants and when all Honours and Dignities which are now so much thought of and thirsted after will be laid in the Dust Therefore learn to think of this as the Noblest Birth and Descent which is through Faith in Christ Jesus And Covet and be holily Abitious to have the Qualifications of His Children Look to the Qualifications Parts Induements and A●complishments that use to accompany or ●ol●ow any Houses of the Braven of Natural Men Are there any of them comparab●e to the Qualifications of B●lievers Is there a Stock or Race of People in all the World so truely Generous and Noble as Believers are who are come of Christ and are made valiant through the exercise of Faith in Him against all occurring difficulties Regardlesse of worldly things And taken up with a●d bussied about high and noble Projects and Designs even to have Heaven and Glory and God Himself who undervalue and holily disdain the things of the World which earth-worms so much seek after Their Qualifications kyth especially in this that their designs are Heavenly their minds elevated to and set on the best things and that they have a truly magnanimous and a valerous way of prosecuting them by studying the mortification of Sin and conformity to God when others cannot endure to cast out with and abandon a lust They holily scorn and account it below them to have their Peace standing or falling with the ebbing and flowing of Creature Comforts which the Men of the World place their happinesse n Their study is to be Pure as Christ is Pure O! is there any Por●ion like theirs many or you think but little of it now but ye will think more of it in that Day when the Earth and all things in it shall be burnt up with Fire What will the Earth-portion signifie then Ye that now have your variety of Fine and Delicat Meats with your Ale and Wine at every Meal who shall be found out of Christ shall not get a Drop of cold Water to cool your Tongue under ●our exquisit and Hel ish Torments when the Poor Body that believed and had a hard Life of it here shall be in Abrahams Bosome and with Christ at His Table yea and on His Throne with Him And it is upon the account of their having a Title to Christ that they come to all that Glorie and Happiness O! is there any Right and Title like the Believers which is founded on Christ's Right and Title which is or may be called the Original Right of the Believer who is keeped by the power of God through faith unto salvation If these be the true and faithfull sayings of God what is the reason that Men think so little of them Why is an Interest in Christ to undervalued Believe ye that such and so much good is to be gotten by being Christ's Seed and Children If ye say that ye believe it how comes it to pass that so few have it for their Design and that your Designes are so much for this and that in a present World and that this is so much slighted and that there is so much boasting and glorying in other things and so little holy Boasting and Glorying in this There are two or three Marks which we may gather from the Words that may help to shew when this Claim is warrantably made and which may evidence the groundlessness of the Claim of many And 1. Christ's Seed have another Original then that which they bring with them into the World There is in them a change o● the ground of their hope And that on a new account Folk comes into the World sinful Chi dren of sinfull Parents but when they come to be Believers they get a new Life which Men cannot give and this new Life hath new Actings and Fruits Ah! How many dream of a Right to Christ who know no other Birth or Being but that which is Natural 2. They who are Christ's Seed carry al●●g with them the impression of an Obligation to and an acknowledgement of Him in whatever good they have gotten they think themselves much oblidged to Christ and they acknowledge Him for their Life As it is Malachi 1. If I be a father where is my honour and if a Master where is my fear a son honours his fathe c. A natively and Genuinly disposed Child acknowledgeth his Father As his Father and reverenceth and loveth his Father as his Father But there are many that pretend to a Being from Christ who think not themselves in His Debt and Common for it and who know not what is is to walk under the Conviction of their Obligation to Christ for their supposed spiritual Life and Being 3. They who are Christ's Seed have in them a likeness to Him as they did once bear the image of the earthly so
when it came to be accomplished though He gave evidences of His power in making them fall backward who came to apprehend Him yet He raises them again and goes with them And when they mock Him and buffet Him and nod the head at Him and bring Him to the Bar and question Him and when they said If thou be the king of Israel come down from the cross and we will believe on thee which we may think He could have done though they were but tempting Him yet in all these He is silent and never opens His mouth till He come to that It is finished He never spake a repyning word It was wonderfully much to suffer and to die so cheerfully but to pour out His Soul unto Death to take His Life in His own hand and to be so holily prodigal of it as to pour it out there having never been such a precious Life and so precious Blood poured out this was much more Use It shews what esteem ye should have of Souls and every one of you of your own Souls Our Lord Jesus poured out His Soul unto Death for Souls He values Souls so much that He gave His precious Life for them Therefore it 's said 1 Pet. 1.19 We are not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold but with the precious blood of Christ If He esteemed so much of Soul● what will it be thought of when ye waste your Souls and ye know not whereon He bought Soul● dear and ye sel them cheap for a little Silver or Gold or for that which is worse and far lesse worth what an unsuitableness is here betwixt Christs estimation of Souls and yours betwixt His buying them at so dear a rate and your casting them away for that which is very vanity What do the most part of you get for your Souls Some a bit Land some a House some a fecklesse Pleasure some a Sport some the satisfaction of their Lust or a moments sinful mirth O! pitifully poor bargain what will become of that mirth or lust or pleasure of this house or of that land when Kings and great Men will lye crawling like so many wormes before the Lamb ye will not get your House or Land with you ye will not get leave to wear your brave cloathes ye will have no Silver nor Gold in your Purse in that day And suppose ye had it the Redemption of the Soul is precious and ceaseth for ever by any such Price It 's a wonderful thing that when Christ esteems so much of Souls that Sinners should esteem so little of them Is it not just that such Souls should go to hell when they esteemed them so little worth Use 2. It should teach you to love and heartily to welcome this Lord Jesus Christ what argument of Love and of Trust what motive to welcome Him can there be if this be not That He spared not His Life but poured it out unto death for Sinners How long shall we halt betwixt Christ and Belial We dow not endure to mortifie a Lust to want our Sport and Laughter or a bit of our credit or honour though it should cost us the want of Christ But O! ingrate fool is that a becoming requital to Him that took His innocent Soul in His hand and poured it out for Sinners and when it was some way melted like leid in the fire of Gods Wrath was content to yett it forth abundantly out of love to their Salvation Should it not rather call for love to Him for trusting and welcoming of Him and to Suffering for His sake if He call you to it Will ye skar to hazard your life for Him that poured out His Soul for Sinners It would do a Soul good to think how willingly and cheerfully He Suffered But Alace how reluctantly and unwillingly come we under Suffering for Him However let me commend these three Words to you 1. Love Him For even Publicans will love these that love them and give Christ love for love 2. Credit and Trust Him do not look for ill at His hand what ground is there to suspect Him It is His glory to do good to Sinners and He counts them His triumph and spoil and to make conquest of them He poured out His Soul unto Death or as the Word is Phil. 2. He emptied himself Which seems to look to this Word of the Prophet and is not that warrand sufficient for you to trust and credit Him and to lay the weight of what concerns you upon Him And 3. welcome Him which is a fruit of Faith and Love He is a sweet wooer He is that good shepherd that laid down his life for his sheep he gave himself for his church as it is Ephes 5. Therefore I say welcome Him This is the great thing the Gospel aims at such expressions are a great deepth and it would require time to read to ponder them and to wonder at them and we would be much in praying for a right uptaking of them 3dly From the connexion Because He hath poured out His Soul unto death Observe That our Lord Jesus His willing condescending to die is most acceptable to the Father Therefore He sayes I will give him a portion with the great and be shall divide the spoil with the strong because He hath done so and so and all the Promises made to Him confirm this That is a wonderful Word John 10.17 Therefore does my father love me because I lay down my life for the she●p The only begotten and beloved Son of the Father cannot but be loved Yet He sayes Therefore or on this account does my father love me That is as I am Mediator the F●t●ers Minister Steward or Deput in this Work of the Redemption of Sinners and because I so willingly and cheerfully lay down my self for them He hath given me this Victory and Glory So well pleasing to God is the willing and cheerful death of the Mediator that it should be admired by us and should have this weight laid on it by us that seing cheerfulness in obedience is so acceptable to God we would study it for He loves a cheerful giver and cheerfulnesse in any duty It 's much we have this word to speak of to you many Nations never heard it and ye would make some other Use of it then if ye had never heard it O! but it will be dreadful to such as have heard it and do slight it their Souls shall be poured out into Hell even squized and wrung eternally by the Wrath of God Therefore look not lightly on it do not think all this transaction of Grace to be for nought If we were serious we would wonder what it means Alace we think little or nothing to make our peace with God and yet all this business is ere the matter can be brought about It 's a great evidence of the stupidity senslessenesse and absurd unblief of many that they think nothing of Sin and Wrath and of the hazard
this cursed thing Sin For which though he graciously for the sake of these sufferings of Christ pardon the guilt of it to his people and hear their Prayers yet will needs take vengeance on their inventions Psal 99.8 be they never so seriously holy and eminently serviceable to him and to their generation according to his will whereof Moses the Man of God is a most memorable instance That Ancient conceived rightly of the nature of sin who said That if he behoved necessarily either to commit the least sin or go to Hell to be tormented there eternally he would rather wish to desire to go to Hell if he could be there without sin Secondly Concerning the severity of Divine Justice in punishing sin whereof its punishment in the Person of the Son of God at such a rate is one of the greatest clearest and most convincing evidences imaginable to whom he would not abate one farthing of the Elects debt but did with holy and spotless severity exact the whole of it And though he was the Fathers Fellow yet he would needs have him smitten with the awakened Sword of sin-revenging Justice and Wrath Zech. 13.7 As if all the executions that had heed done in the earth on men for sin as on the old World of the ungodly drowned by the Deludge On the miscreant Inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah and of these other Cities upon whom he showered down liquid flames of fire and brimstone even somewhat of Hell in a manner out of Heaven Coelum pluebat Gehennam burning them quick and frying them to death in their own skins On Core Dathan and Abiram and their associats upon whom the earth opened and swallowed them up in a most stupendious manner alive the rest being consumed by fire sent down from Heaven On the one hundred eighty five thousand men of Senacheribs Army all slain in one night by an Angel And on the Israelites who by many and various plagues were wasted and worn out to the number of six hundred thousand fighting men in the short space of fourty years Reflections on which made Moses a witness of all with astonishment to cry out Psal 90.11 Who knows the power of thy anger As if I say all these terrible executions of Justice had been done by a Sword asleep or in the Scabbard in comparison of the execution it did on Jesus Christ the Elects Cautioner against whom it awakened was unsheathed forbished and made to glitter So that we may say had all the Sons and Daughters of Adam without the exception of so much as one been eternally destroyed it would not have been a greater demonstration of the severity of the Justice of God in punishing sin Thirdly Concerning the greatness incomprehensible vastness and unparalellableness of the love of God to the Elect World which he so loved O wonderful so Eternity will but be sufficient to unfold all that is infolded in that mysterious so an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that hath not an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an ita that hath not a sicut a so that hath not an as That he gave his only begotten Son to suffer all these things Joh. 3.16 and to be thus dealt with for them And of the Mediator who was content Phil. 2.6 7 8. Isa 53.3 5 though thinking it no robbery to be equal with God to empty himself and be of no reputation to take on him the shape of a servant to be a man of sorrows and acquainted with gri●f to be chastized smitten wounded and bruised for their iniquities To step off the throne of his declarative Glory o● of his Glory manifested to the Creatures and in a manner to creep on the Foot-stool thereof in the capacity of a Worm and to become obedient even unto the death the shameful and cursed death of the Cross This is indeed matchless and marvellous love Joh. 15.13 Greater then which no man h●th to lay down his life for his friends But he being God-man laid down his life for his enemies that he might make them friends Rom. 5.10 Eph. 39 10 O! the hight and depth the bread●h and length of the love of Christ whereof when all that can be said is said this must needs be said that it 's a love that passeth not only expression but knowledge its dimensions being altogether unmeasurable So that we may say if it had seemed good to the Lord and been compatible with his spotless Justice and with his infinite Wisdome as Supream Rector and Governour of the World giving a Law to his Creatures to have pardoned the sins of the Elect in the absolutene●s of his dominion that knows no boundary but what the other Divine attributes set to it without any intervenient satisfaction to his Justice at all which needs not to be debated here especially since God hath determined and in the Scriptures of truth made publication of his determination that he will not pardon sin without a satisfaction and particularly without this satisfaction made by Jesus Christ It would not have been a greater and more glorious demonstration of the freeness and riches of his love then he hath given in pardoning them through the intervention of so difficult and toilsome of so chargeable and costly a satisfaction as is the sad sufferings and the sore soul-travel of his own dear Son Who yet is pleased to account sinners coming to him and getting good of him satisfaction for all that soul-travel And indeed which of these is the greatest wonder and demonstration of his love whether that he should have undergone such soul-travel for sinners or that he should account their getting good of it satisfaction to him for the same is not easie to determine but sure both in conjunction together make a wonder passing great even a most wonderful demonstration of love Fourthly Concerning what dreadful measure all they may look for who have heard of these sufferings of Christ and make not conscience in his own way to improve them for their being reconciled to God thereby and whose bond to Justice will be found still standing over their heads uncancelled in their own name as proper debters without a Cautioner When the innocent Son of God who had never done wrong Isa 53.9 and in whose mouth no guile was ever found having but become Surety for the Elects debt was thus hotly pursued and hardly handled and put through sad soul-trouble to cry What sh●ll I say Joh. 12.27 And falling a-groof on the ground with the tear in his eye in much sorrow and heaviness even to death and in a great agony causing a sweat of blood though in a cold night and lying on the earth conditionally to pray for the passing of that Cup from him and for his being saved from that hour So formidable was it to his holy Humane Nature which had a sinless aversation from and an innocent horrour at what threatned ruine and destruction to it self simply considered And which
in seeking any ground of boasting to themselves yet they would seek to be so far distinct and clear anent their spiritual Case and Condition as they may know how to speak suitably to it and how to speak of it to God that they may say as they have ground for it that in such a Place among such a People a great door and effectual was opened unto us as the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 16.8 And in such another Place and among such a People Who hath believed our report as here the Prophet doeth It 's said Luk. 10.17 and Mark 6.30 the Disciples returned and with joy told Christ all that they had done and how the Devils were subject to them they made acccount what success they had in their Ministry so it 's necessary that a Minister know what success He hath among a People that he may know 1. How to carry before God in reference to them what to Praise for what to Lament for and what to Pray for 2. It 's necessary as to the People that he may carry right to them for the gaining of Strangers to God and helping forward these who are entered into the Way and that he may know what report to make of them 3. It 's necessary for a Minister himself though no● simply as to his Peace for that depends on his faithful discharge of his Office yet as to his Joy and Rejoycing to know when he labours in vain and when not among a People We would not then as a passing word of Use have you to think it curiousity though something be said now and then and asked at you that some of you may possibly think impertinent For it becomes a Physician to seek to know the state and condition of these whom he hath under his Hand and Cure and ye would not take it ill though after observation we now and then speak and tell you what we conceive to be your condition Observ 2. The second Observation is That it is most sad to a tender Minister and will much affect him to see and observe Unbelief and Unfruitfulness among the People that He hath preached the Gospel to This must be a certain and clear Truth if we consider what it was that put Isaiah to this even to cry Who hath believed our report Though a Minister should have never so great exercise of Gifts never so much countenance and respect among a People if he be tender he will be more grieved and weighted with their Unbelief and Unfruitfulness then with Stripes and Imprisonment there will be no suffering to this in his esteem nothing so sad a ground of Complaint This makes the Prophet Mic. 7.1 to cry alace and wo is me I am as these who have gathered the summer-fruits as the grape-gleanings after the vintage there is no cluster to eat the good man is perished and there is none upright among men and he insists in this Complaint How often was our Lord Jesus the most excellent tender Preacher that ever preached put to this Complaint All the Affronts and Reproaches He met with grieved Him not so much as the Unbelief and Hardness of Heart that were in the People It 's said Mar. 3.5 that He looked round about on them with anger and was grieved for the hardness of their hearts And it 's said Mar. 6.6 that He marvelled because of their unbelief yea it so affected Him that Luk. 19.42 it 's said that when He came near the city He wept over it saying O that thou hadst known in this thy day the things that belong to thy peace There is a fourfold Reason of this that hath a fourfold Influence on the sadning of a serious and tender Minister of the Gospel 1. Respect to Christ Jesus his Master in whose stead he comes to bespeak and woo Souls to Christ What would an Ambassadour think of personal Respect and Honour if his Master were reproached and his Message rejected and despised and can an honest and faithfull Ambassadour of Christ look on and his Heart not be wounded to see the Gospel Fruitless the Lord's pleasure as it were Marred and the work of Gathering in of Souls Obstructed in his hand and his Lord and Master Affronted and Slighted 2. The Respect that a Faithful Minister hath to the Peoples Souls hath influence on this A tender Shepherd will watchfully care for and wish the Sheep well and be much affected when they are in an evil condition and where the relation is of a more Spiritual nature and the Flock off far very far greater worth and concernment what wonder the Shepherd be more affected as Paul bespeaks the Galatians 4.19 My little children of whom I travel again in birth till Christ be formed in you To be travelling and bringing forth but Wind cannot but prick and wound an honest Minister of the Gospel at the very Heart so 2. Cor. 11.29 Paul saith Who is offended and I burn not The very hazard of a Soul will be like a Fire burning the Heart that is tender and zealous of the spiritual good of Souls 3. The respect that a Faithful Minister hath to the Duty in his Hand hath influence on this for such a one loves to neat his Duty and to go neatly and lively about it and the Unbelief and Unfruitfulness of the People clogs him in his Duty and makes him drive heavily hence it 's said Mat. 13.58 and Mark 6.5 that our Lord could not do many mighty works there or among that People because of their unbelief Unbelief straitens and shuts the Door and makes Preaching become a very Burthen to a Faithful Minister therefore the Apostle exhorts Heb. 13.17 Obey them that have the rule over you and watch for your souls that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you A necessity lyes upon Ministers to go about their Work but when the Word does no more but buff on them so to speak it makes them to cry as this same Prophet doeth Chap. 6.11 How long Lord And 4ly This also hath influence on their being so much weighted even the concern of honest Ministers own Joy and Comfort It is true as we hinted before that neither a Faithful Minister's Peace nor his reward of Grace doeth depend on it simply I have spent my strength in vain says Isaiah chap. 49.4 yet my labour is with the Lord and my reward from my God As to that there is no necessary connection and it 's of Grace it is so yet as to a Minister's Satisfaction and Joy there is a connection as we may see Philip. 2.16 where Paul saith That I may joy in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain and laboured in vain And from his expostulation with the Galatians chap. 4.9 10 11. I am affraid of you lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain I shall not prosecute the Use of this neither only see here that it is no marvel though sometimes
saying Psal 40. Lo I come in the volume of thy book it is written of me I delight to do thy will O God 3. It leads to a stayed look of Gods Holiness Justice and Goodness in exacting satisfaction of his own Son and in accepting of that satisfaction 4. It gives a right view of the way of grace and leads in to see it to be a most real thing God the offended Party accepting of the price and Christ paying it Thus the Believers Faith gets a sight of Christ satisfying as if he saw his own debt satisfied by himself It sees him undergoing the curse and justice inflicting it on him that the Believer may go free The Use is to shew the necessity of studying the well-grounded application of Christs sufferings as for us much of the reason why Christ is not more pr●zed lies here that he is not looked on as paying our debt otherwise when challenges of the Law and of Justice take hold on the Soul if Christ were seen interposing and saying A body hast thou prepared unto me And if Justice were seen exacting Christ performing and God accepting his satisfaction and that in sign and token that Justice is satisfied he is raised from the dead justified in the Spirit and is entered in possession of Glory as Believers fore-runner in their name it would afford precious and lovely thoughts of Jesus Christ and humbling thoughts of our selves Therefore there is a necessity if we would consider his sufferings aright and prize and esteem him that we endeavour to make particular application of them to our selves on good grounds 2. Upon the other hand know ye who have no ground to make this application that ye cannot esteem aright of him or his sufferings nor of the grace that shined in them because ye have no title to nor can while such have any clearness of interest in them 3. For you that would fain have a high esteem of Christ and yet are all your days casting at this foundation never think nor expect to win rightly to esteem of him so long as ye scarr to make application of his purchase And therefore that ye may love and praise him and esteem rightly of him labour to come up to the making of this application on solid and approved grounds 4. More particularly from this part of the aggravation Yet we esteemed him stricken smitten of God and afflicted We have a fourfold confirmation of truth or four precious truths confirmed 1. That our Lord Jesus in his sufferings did really suffer and was really brought low in his sufferings so as on-lookers thought him a most despicable man and one that was stricken and smitten of God and ●fflicted Of this we spoke on the beginning of the 4. verse 2. We have here an evidence of the exceeding great freeness of grace and of the love of Christ in his sufferings in so far as he bare their sorrows and payed their debt that counted him smitten There was no good thing in us to deserve or procure his sufferings But most freely he under-went these sufferings and undertook our debt Rom. 5.8 God commends his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us And v. 10. While we were yet enemies we were reconciled by the death of his Son Can there be a greater proof of infinite and free love then appears in our Lords sufferings There was not only no merit on our side but on the contrary despising rej●cting being ashamed of him reproaching him kicking against him and rubbing of aff●onts on him Paul and others having their hands hot in his blood Use 1. Consider here behold and wonder at the free love of God and rich condescending love of Christ he stands not at the Barr and prays for them that were praying him to pray for them But as it is in the end of the Chapter it was for transgressours It was even for some of them that were seeking to take away the life of the Prince of Life and for other transgressours 2. Know that in them to whom the benefite of Christs death is applied there is no more worth then there is in others who do not share of the benefite of it It 's the opinion not only of Hereticks but some way of many ignorant Professors That these for whom Christ died were better then others But here we see a proof of the contrary He dies for them that accounted him smitten of God And this he doth for two reasons 1. To shew the riches and freedom of his grace that could overcome mans evil and malice and outreach the hight of the desperat wickedness that is in man and that that stands not to speak so on stepping-stones but comes over the greatest gulfs of sin and enmity in the creature 2. To comfort encourage his followers when engaged to him against and out over their grossest failings and greatest miscarriages He that loved them when they were despising and rejecting him and spitting in a manner in his very face Will he now give up with them when they have some love to him for this or that corrup●ion that stirreth or breaketh forth in them Thus the Apostle reasons Rom. 5.10 If when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life We were enemies when Christ gave himself for us but thorow grace we are somewhat better now Enmity and despite in us was then at an hight now it is weakned restrained and in some measure mortified And if while we were at the h●ght of enmity against him he died for us to reconcile us to God How much more now being reconciled may we expect peace and safetie and all the benefits of his purchase thorow him Thus there is a notable consolation from this bent of malice that was sometime in us compared with the victory that grace hath now gotten over it and the gradation is alwayes comfortable to wit that these lusts that once did reign and were without any gracious opposition made to them or any protestation entered against them prevailing it may be publickly are now opposed and protested against And if Christ stood not on the greater will he stand on the lesser And our Lord allows this sort of reasoning so much the more that he may thereby strongly engage the heart of the believer against sin and to the admiring of grace and withall to the serious study of holiness 3 It serves to let you know how much ye Believers are engaged and obliged to Grace and what thanks you owe to it 1. Look to what satisfies for your debt ye pay not one farthing of it our Lord Jesus payed all 2. Look to the moving cause it 's to be attributed to nothing in you but altogether to free grace Some poor Dyvour may by his pleading prevail with an able and pitiful-hearted man to pay his debt But there was no such externally moving cause in you
it down for either the Elect behoved to die or he himself and since it is so as if he said then behold here is my life take it and I will lay it down that they poor things may go free and therefore does my Father love me says he because I lay down my life for my sheep not because it 's taken from me against my will but because I wi●lingly and of my self lay it down and when he is brought before Pilate and Herod and they lay many things to his charge Mat. 26.63 and Mark 15. He held his peace so that it 's said that Pilate marvelled Mark 15. he knew that he could not but have much to say for himself as all men in such a case use to have but he answered nothing or as it 's in the Text yet he opened not his mouth the reason was because he would not divert the course of Justice nor mar the Lords design in the work of the Elects Redemption through his death and sufferings He came not into the world to accuse Pilate or the Jews and to justifie himself though now and then for the conviction of enemies and for his own necessary clearing he did let a word fall but being engaged for the Elect he wil needs perform all that Justice called for And in this willingness he hath a respect to two things 1. To the Fathers satisfaction for his willing suffering is that which makes it a Sacrifice acceptable and well-pleasing to him 2. To the Elects consolation that they may know th●y had a willing Saviour that had no necessity laid on him to satisfie but satisfi●d willingly And from these two arises a third even the glory of the Mediators satisfaction for herein his love to the Elect shines brightly I lay down my life for my sheep this is the heart-wa●ming commendation of his sufferings that with delight and pleasure he underwent them as if he had been purchasing a kingdom to himself Now to come to the Use of all these Doctrines when they with the things contained in them are laid together we profess we cannot tell you what excellent Uses they yield Would to God we were all in such a frame as the Eunuch was in when he read this Scripture as t●e divine History gives us an account Acts 8. ver 32. and forward who when Philip had begun to preac● to him on this excellent su●ject was so taken that before the Sermon or Discourse was at an end be ng holily impatient at any longer delay he says to Philip Here is water what hinders me to be baptized I say again would to God we were all in such a frame and that this were the fruit of such a Doctrine as this to many of you nay to all of you Use 1. Wonder Believers at the extensiveness and infinitness of the Grace of God and at the heart-affecting and soul-ravishing love of the Mediator at Grace in God that spared the Debtor and exacted payment from the Cautioner the Son of his love at love in the Mediator that payed so much and so willingly and cheerfully If any subject of thoughts be pertinent for us while we are about to celebrate the Sacrament of the Lords Supper certainly this were pertinent concerning a crucified Christ in stating himself in our room to pay our Debt and doing this of his own accord without the solicitation or interposing of any Creature and doing it withall so frankly and cheerfully Was ever the like of this love heard tell of for one and more especially for such a one to suffer so much and so cheerfully unrequired we would have you confirmed in the Faith of this great and sweet Truth that he had never better will nay never so good will to eat his Dinner then and as he had to suffer and satisfie Justice for you though at a dear rate He says John 4. It was his meat to do the fathers will that sent him and to finish his work Have ye suitable thoughts of his love when ye read the Gospel have ye in the Word seen him standing before Pilate in your room not answering when he is accused and Pilate marvelling at his silence and did Pilate marvel knowing and being convinced of his innocency and have ye never marvelled or marvelled but very little sure your little marvelling at his silence is the more sadly marvellous that the cause of his silence when he was charged with your iniquities with such and such a piece of your miscarriage with such a vain and roaving heart with such a wanton look with such a profane or idle word of yours with the horrid sin of your having so abused slighted and neglected him c. that the cause I say of his silence at such a terrible accusation and charge and not vindicating of himself or saying these faults miscarriages and transgressions are not mine as he might have done was pure love to you O! is not this strange and yet most true wonder then more at it Use 2. Here is strong consolation to Believers and wonderful wisdom in the rise and convey of it in uniting Justice and Love out of which the consolation springs Justice exacting upon and distressing the Son of God and he satisfying Justice so fully that though all the Elect had satisfied eternally in Hell it had not been made to shine so splendidly and gloriously Justice also on the Mediators side in yielding and giving satisfaction though it should oppress and break Soul and Body And yet love both on the Father and Mediators side on the Fathers side love in finding out this way of satisfaction to his own Justice when there was no cure but by wounding of his own Son and yet he was content rather to wound him than that the Elect should suffer and be wounded eternally and love on the Mediators side who willingly yields and undergoes their Debt and will not hide his face from shame and spitting what may not the Believer expect from God when he spared not his own Son for him and what may he expect from Christ who spared not himself for his sake and who is that good Shepherd that laid down his life for the Sheep and held his tongue and quarrelled not with those that smote him will he quarrel with a poor Sinner coming to him and pleading for the benefite of satisfaction no certainly but as the word is Zeph. 3.17 He will rest in his love or as the word signifies He will be silent or dumb in his love he will not upbraid thee nor cast up thy former miscarriages he will not say reproachfully to thee where wast thou so long playing the Prodigal he is better content with thy recovery than ever he was discontent or ill-pleased with all the wrong thou didst unto him Use 3. This word of Doctrine lays down the ground whereupon a sinner sensible of sin may build his expectation of peace with God The transaction concluded and agreed upon is the ground of his coming
the riches of the free grace of God there being a Decree of Election for saving so many and for bringing them to Glory And they being under sin there is another decree and threatning that goes forth for cursing the sinner and these two seeming to be altogether irreconciliable the Question comes in on the one hand how is it possible that a sinner under the curse can be saved And upon the other hand how is it possible that an Elect of God can be damned The wisdome of God looseth the knot Spotless Justice is satisfied by taking hold of and falling on the Cautioner Wonderful Grace and Love vent themselves in pardoning the sinner and in accepting of a ransome for him And manifold wisdome manifests it self in knitting these two together so as none of them can want its effect But all returns to the manifestation of the Glory of Grace in the up-shot It cannot be that the Elect shall be damned Yet here stands the threatning of a just God and his curse ready to be execute but here is the reconciliation The curse is execute on the Mediator whereby God shews himself to be a hater of sin and an avenger of the wrong done to his Justice And the Elect sinner is pardoned whereby God manifesteth the freedome of his grace and his wonderfully condescending love But now we come to a 9th Doctrine which is more directly held forth in the words and it hath two Branches that our Lord Jesus his death and sufferings is a proportionable price and satisfaction laid down for the sins of the Elect and for them only This is in the express words of the Prophet If the Question be asked Wherefore suffered Christ all this He answers he suffered it as a price for transgression If it be asked again for whom or for whose transgression did he suffer He answers not for all Men and Women in the World but for the transgression of my people was he stricken or the stroak was on him for their transgressions The first Branch of the Doctrine is to this purpose that Christs suffering is intended to satisfie for the transgression of Gods elected people and with respect to satisfying for their sins did he suffer And if we take these to be truths that we marked before as implyed in the words this will natively and necessarily follow If he engaged to be Cautioner and Surety for the Elects debt then his laying down his life must be on the same account and for the same end Now when we speak of Christs laying down a price to satisfie for the transgressions of the Elect we mean not only this that his sufferings and death have a value in themselves to satisfie for their sins but that they are so intended by him in undergoing of them and that they are so accepted of God according to his purpose and according to the transaction that past betwixt Jehovah and the Mediator They are not only as Socinians say to be a confirmation of the Doctrine which he preached and to be a rule and example to us of patient suffering and of giving obedience to the death as he did But it 's also and mainly to satisfie the Justice of God for our debt So then this wicked Tenet of the Socinians is exceeding derogatory to the sufferings of Christ and to the matchless love that shined in them yea and even to the whole design of Redemption For if Christs sufferings be not a satisfaction to Justice we are left without all just plea and apology for our selves at Gods Bar and if we have none then that curse looks the wakened sinner full in the face The day thou eats thou shalt surely die And however men in their security may please themselves with such dreams and think that a satisfaction to Justice is not needful yet if the conscience be once wakened it will not be quieted without one And if mens Faith give not credit to Gods threatnings they can have but little or rather no comfort at all in his promises There is therefore a necessity of a satisfaction and if Christs sufferings be not the satisfaction there is not another and so the whole work of Redemption is overturned So then though Christ in his sufferings hath left us a Copy how we should suffer yet that is not the only nor the principal end of them but it is contrived in the Covenant of Redemption and intended by the Medi tor and withall accepted by Jehovah that they should be the meritorious cause of procuring pardon to the Elect and the price of their Redemption This may be further cleared and confirmed 1. From the phrase that is ordinarily made use of in Scripture He suffered for the sins of his people And in the Text For the transgression of my people was he stricken Their sins had a peculiar influence in bringing the stroak on him And what influence I pray could they have but as they procured the stroak to him And if his stroaks were procured by our sins then the desert of them was laid on him and his sufferings behoved to be the curse that we elect sinners should have suffered So when he is called their Cautioner it tells that he undertook their debt and his laying down of his life is the performance and fulfilling of his undertaken Suretyship and Cautionry And considering that their debt was exacted of him and that he was arraigned before Gods Tribunal as their Surety in their room and that this could be for nothing else but to answer for them as being their Cautioner His sufferings behoved to be intended as a satisfaction for their sins For the Elects sins were not the cause why Pilate the people of the Jews and the Scribes and Pharisees pursued him to death but for our sins he was sisted before God's Tribunal and being our Cautioner he was called to reckon for them and they were put upon his account or score 2. It 's clear also from the names that his sufferings get in the Scripture where they are called the price of our Redemption a buying of us a propitiation for our sins that pacified God Rom. 3.25 and 1 John 2.2 A Sacrifice often and Ransome Matth. 20.28 The Son of man came to give his life a ransome for many that is for all his Elect people to relieve them from the bondage they were under which plainly shews the resp●ct that his sufferings had to our sins that they were a propitiation for them to God 3. It 's clear if we consider that Christs death as to its object is for the transgressions of all Gods people of all the E●ect that lived before he suffered whether they died in their infancy or at age and for all that lived or shall live and die after his suffering to the end of the world Now what benefite could redound to them that died ere Christ came in the flesh by his sufferings if it were as Socinians say for his death could not sure be a pattern
to bruise him in whose breast to speak so bred the plot of sinners Redemption Jehovah thought it good He loved the salvation of sinners so well that He was content to seem in a manner regardlesse of His own Sons cryes and tears for a time to make way for performing the satisfaction that was due to Justice and He did this with good will and pleasantly We shall not insist more on particular Uses but is there or can there be greater ground of Consolation then this or is there any thing wanting here to compleat the Consolation Is there not an well surnished Saviour commissionate to give Life to whom He will Who hath purchased it that He may give it and a well willing loving and condescending God willing to give His Son and willing to accept of His Death for a Ransome and what would ye have more The Partie offended is willing to be in friendship with the offending Partie and to give and accept of the Satisfaction what can Tentation say or what ground is for Jealousie to vent it self here He that did not spare his own Son but willingly and freely gave him to death for us all how shall be not with him also freely give us all things As it is Rom. 8. And if we were reconcilled to God by the death of his Son when we were enemies shall we not much more be saved by his life as it is Rom. 5.10 There is a great disproportion betwixt Christ and other Gifts yea and the gift of Heaven it self and shall a poor sinner have a suffering Saviour given and may he not also expect pardon of Sin Justification Faith Repentance and Admission to the Kingdom There is here good and strong ground of Consolation to them that will build on it let the Fathers and Christs love to you be welcome in it's offers that His end in bringing many Sons to glory be not frustrated by any of you so far as you can though it cannot indeed be frustrated For the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand and he shall see the travel of his soul and be satisfied SERMON XXXVI ISAIAH LIII X Verse 10. When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his dayes and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand CHrist and His Sufferings have been a most delightsome subject to be spoken and heard of before ever He suffered and they would be to us now no less but much more so even very glad tydings to hear that ever the Son of God was made an Offering for sin This Verse as we hinted the last day doth set forth Christ's Sufferings and in these three that the design of God in bruising the Innocent Lamb of God might be the better taken up 1. They are holden forth in the rise where they bred or in the fountain whence they flowed the good pleasure of God It pleased the Lord to bruise him to put him to grief Which the Prophet marks 1. To shew that all the good that comes by Christ to sinners is bred in the Lords own bosom It was concluded and contrived there and that with delight There being no constraint or necessity on the Lord to give His Son or to provide Him to be a Cautioner for dyvour sinners but is was His own good pleasure to do so 2. To show the concurrence of all the Persons of the Trinity in promoving the Work of Redemption of sinners which was executed by the Son the Mediator to shew that the Love of the Son in giving His Life is no greater then the Love of the Father in contriving and accepting of it for a Ransom there being naturally in the hearers of the Gospel this prejudice that the Father is more rigid and less loving then the Son but considering that it was the Father Son and Spirit that contrived Christs Sufferings that the Sons Sufferings were the Product and Consequent of this contrivance it removeth this corrupt imagination and prejudice and sheweth that there is no place for it It doth also contribute notably to our ingadgement to God to be throughly perswaded of the Lords good pleasure in the Sufferings of the Mediator as well as in the Willingness of the Mediator to Suffer He having performed the will of the Father in the lowest steps of His Humiliation 2. They are exprest and holden forth in their Nature and End they were to be an offering for sin and this follows well on the former verse because it might be said How could He that had no violence in his hands nor guile in his mouth be brought so low He hath answered in part by saying It pleased the Father to bruise him and to put him to grief But because that does not so fully obviat and answer the Objection He answers furder that there was a notably good end for it Though He had no sin in Himself nor are we to look on His Sufferings as for any sin in Him yet we are to look upon them as a Satisfaction to Justice for the sins of others even as the Bullocks Lambs and Rams and the Skipgoat were not slain for their own sins for they were not capable of sin yet they were some way Typical Offerings and Satisfactions for sin in the room of others for whom they were offered so our Lord Jesus is the proper Offering and Sacrifice for the sins of His Elect People and His Sufferings are so to be looked on by us and this is the Scop. But to clear the words a little more fully there are different readings of them as they are set down here in the Text and on the Margent Here it is when his soul shall make an offering for sin On the Margent it is when his soul shall make an offering for sin The reason of the diversity is because the same Word in the Original which signifies the Second Person Masculine Thou meaning the Father signifies the Third persons Foeminine his soul shall make it self but one the matter whether we apply it to the Father or to Christ both come to one thing It seems to do as well to apply it to Christ the former Words having set out God's concurrence and good pleasure to the Work these set out the Mediators Willingnesse as in the last Verse it is said that He poured out his soul unto death and properly Christ is the Priest that offered up Himself yet we say there is no difference on the matter now as to the scope the will of the Father and of the Mediator in this Work of Redemption being both one though as we said we incline to look on them as relating to Christ 2. Offering for sin in the Original signifies sin so that the Words are when thou shalt make his soul sin The Words being ordinarly used in the Old Testament and thence borrowed in the New Testament to signifie a sin offering as Exod. 29.14 and Levit. 4.5 and 16. Chapters where
to be at Christ and yet wots not if He will hold out the Golden Scepter Behold this Text doth hold it out to such and bids them come in boldly for Christ makes them welcome yea the Lord Jehovah makes them welcome It 's the Fathers and Christ's delight that thou come foreward If there be a Doctrine in all the Scripture Sweet it 's this and without th●s no Preaching nor point of Truth would be Sweet I say without this to wit That God hath not only provided a Price and makes Offer of it but is well content that it be made use of yea and is delighted that a Sinner dead in himself Trust and Concredit himself to the Mediator for obtaining of Life through Him And can there be any Question of this For 1. If it had not been the Lord Jehovah His delight why then did He make such a Covenant Why did He as it were part and su●der with the Son of H●s Love Why did He accept of a Cautioner And why Tansferred He on His own Son and exacted of Him the Debt that was due by ●lect Sinners and made the Sword of His Justice to awake against Him If He had not had a great delight in the Salvation of Sinners would He have taken that way to Smite the only Son of His Love to spare them And if it had not been the Sons Pleasure would He with such delight have undertaken and done the Fat●ers will in Reference to their Salvation Lo I come saith He I delight to do thy will O my God It was the Fathers will and He had a delight in it And it was the Sons will and delight and He came and according to His undertaking laid down His Life 2. Wherefore else are all the Promises and Encouragements that are given to Sinners to believe as that of Matth. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy loaden c. And that 2 Cor. 5.20 W●ere both are put together We are ambassadours for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ's stead be ye reconciled to God Ministers press you you in the Name of God and by vertue of a warrand from Him to be Reconciled and they have Christ's warrand in a more peculiar manner as the great Prophet of His Church to tell you it 's a thing the Lord Jehovah and the Mediator have Pleasure in even in this that ye should be reconciled 3. Wherefore are the many expostulations with Sinners that they will not come unto Christ for Life That they will not be gathered that when he streatches out his hands all the day long they will not behold him c. Do not all these Confirm this Truth that there is nothing He is better pleased with then with a Sinners coming to Christ for Life Let me therefore beseech you by the Love that ye pretend to Jesus Christ and in His Name and in the Name of Jehovah obtest you be ye Reconciled to God in Christ let Him have Satisfaction Let this pleasure be done to the Lord even to receive Life from Him This is no hard nor hurtfull no unreasonable nor rigid Request I am sure all that He requires of you is that ye would come to Him and get Life O! if we could but suitably apprehend this to be that which the Lord aims at in this Preached Gospel that we might to speak so with Reverence put an Obligation on the Majesty of God in making sure in this His own way the Salvation of our own Souls and that we could not do Him a better turn But I pray take the Expressions Right for we cannot set forth His Love but in our own Language which comes infinitely far short of the thing we could not find in our hearts to refuse to grant such a loving and highly rational a requist As it is sure then upon the one side that we cannot do that which will please Him better So it 's as sure on the other side that we cannot do that which will displease Him more then to slight His Counsell in this Though we would give our Bodies to be burnt and all our Goods to the Poor He will not count it a pleasure done Him if this be not done We would look upon this as low Condescendencie and great Grace in the Lord that He seeks no more of us but the making sure Eternal Life to our selves as that which will be most pleasing to Him It 's even as if a Son should say to his Father Father what will please thee And as the Father should say to his Son Son have a care of thy self and that will please me Because by our so doing He reacheth His great End to wit the glorifying of His Grace and Love which Sinners by their unbelief do what in them lyeth to marr and obstruct If we could speak seriously to you in this matter it might be a Text to speak on every day Always seing He hath purchased Redemption to Sinners at a dear Rate And all that He requires of you is to close with Him and to seek after the Application of His Purchase We again earnestly pray you be ye reconciled to God and take heed that ye receive not this Grace in vain What can ye do that will be pleasing to God or profitable to your selves without this Or what Fruit of the Gospel can be brought forth when this Fruit is not brought forth If Jesus Christ in His Offices get not imployment and if His Offering be not fled to for making of your Peace We may in Consideration of this great and grave Subject go from the Congregation partly Refreshed that there is such a Doctrine to be spoken of though we cannot Alas speak of it suitably And partly afraid least we be found as far as we can thuarting with and running Crosse unto God's good Will and Designe in it notwithstanding all the Favour and Grace He hath made Offer of to us It were good that we carried serious Meditation on this Subject along with us SERMON XLIII ISAIAH LIII XI Verse 11. He shall see of the travell of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justifie many for he shall bear their iniquities THis is a great Work that the Mediator hath to do a great Price that He hath to lay down for the satisfying of Divine Justice and for redeeming of the lost Elect Now what shall He have for all the travell of His Soul Here it is answered and the Terms of the Covenant of Redemption again compended as for the Effects and Fruits of His Death spoken of in the close of the former Verse He shal prolong his days That being spoken to on the matter from Verse 8. And the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand Being spoken to by another lately in your hearing and in part by us John 17.4 And from verse 10. Now read over again we shall forbear further speaking to them
serious thoughts of your Souls estate or of the necessity of making sure your Peace with God I beseech you lay to heart your Condition and bewar of trampling the Blood of the Covenant under your Feet let not the Grace that is offered to you in this Gospel be heard and received in vain but by the acknowledgement of Sin and of Gods Justice to which ye are lyable for the same timously betake your selves to Christ's Suffering for a shelter from the Wrath of God that will be as a Storm against the Wall Thus we press as the great Use of this Doctrine upon you that ye improve the Cup of Wrath that the Medi●tor hath Drunken for your exempting from the Curse that is due to you and that Cup that ye deserved to have D●unken Eternally 2. For you who under the Conviction of Sin are looking towards Christ let me intreat you not to stay on this side of the City of refuge but step forward and improve this Soul-travel of the Lord for your Spiritual Ease Setlement Quiet and Comfort as well as from keeping you from Wrath otherwayes it will bring bitternesse in the End If ye make not use of Christ's Sufferings if ye betake not you● selves to Him and do not trust Him for Justification and Life ye will make your selves guilty o● His Blood and will be found traders of it under Foot And therefore let me here speak a Word to the Second thing proposed That is the Grounds or Reasons or Motives that should press you to make Use of these Sufferings and of the Grounds of Faith that they hold out unto you And 1. In General let me ask Is there not need that ye should do so Is there not Guilt and hazard of Wrath because of Guilt and if ●o Why stand ye at a distance ●rom the Saviour If it were Sinless Saints and Angels that were exhorted to make Use of H m it would be the le●s wonder that there were so little thinking of a Mediator but when it is Sinners that are called upon and Sinners in such eminent haz●rd it 's indeed a wonder that there i● not greater flocking unto Him and pressing on Him If there had no● been need would the Father have so pursued the Son or do ye think that it was for a Complement that He laid down His Life Which sure He would not have done if Salvation could have been had another way 2dly And more particularly As ye would consider the marvellous Grounds that He hath laid down for Faith to rest upon so ye would consider the many Motives that ye have to press you to rest on these Grounds which we shall draw to these Four 1. The Fulness and Sufficiency of the Ground that is given to Faith in Christs Sufferings which the deeper they draw on His Soul Fa●th hath the Fuller and Better Ground to make Use of them 2. The Power and Ability that are Conspicuously in Him to make Application of His Purchase He hath encountered Wrath and hath overcome He is Absolved and Justified before God and is exalted to be a prince and a saviour to give repentance to Israel and remission of sins And having Satisfied Justice and defeated the Devil and being thus exalted He can bring through and land fate such Sinners as betake themselves to Him And these two to wit A sufficient Price payed for the Debt of the Elect And a sufficient Prince and Saviour able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God through Him and who is Exalted and sitteth at God's Right Hand to make Intercession for us as they are a solid Ground for Faith to rest on so a strong Motive to press believing 3. The great Faithfulnesse of God that Brightly Shines and Wonderfully appears here who according to the Covenant sends His Son and pursues the Quarrel against Him and in so doing keeps the Promise made to Abraham And the great Faithfulnesse of the Meadiator in coming and perform●ng all that He undertook for the Elect Both of them are so faithfull in performing all that was Covenanted to the least io●a thereof as is eviden● by what our Lord sayes I have finish●d the work which thou gavest me to do Seing therefore there is such exact Faithfulnesse in Keeping and Fulfilling of all that passed in the Covenant of Redemption and of all that was Promised to the Fathers And seing the Mediator hath said that of all that come unto him he will cast out none nor put th●m away is there not here a strong Motive to believing Will not the Lord Jesus be as Faithfull in keeping the Promise made to Comers unto Him as the Fa●her and He have been in performing of what was Covenanted concerning their Redemption The 4th Is the great Love of God and of the Mediator that eminently shined here in their willingness to make the Application As He is Faithfull so is He willing to be imployed and what greater evidence of Love would we have then this That Our Lord Jesus hath delighted so much in the Salvation of Sinners that He laid down His Life and endured much more Soul travel for this very End We beheld sayes John Chap. 1.14 his glory the glory as of the only begotten Son of the Fatherfull of grace and truth In His Humiliation He was G orious in both these Glorious in His Truth making His Faithfulnesse to shine in exact keeping of what was Aggreed upon and Promised Glorious in His Grace to poor Sinners in making Application of His Purchase Freely and Fully yea the more that He was obscured by His Humiliation the more did His Grace sh●ne forth how much more Glori●us will He be in these when He is now exalted 3dly If these two perswade you not to believe on Him To wit the Grounds that He hath given for bel●eving and the powerfully pressing Mo●ives to make Use of these Grounds consider the absolute necessity that ye lye under of making use of these Grounds without which ye will never be able to shift the Wrath of God Is there any that can give God a Recompence The redemption of the Soul is precious and ceases for ever as to you Or if any could have been able Why did the M●di●tor come thus low And where should have been the Glory of Grace and Truth that hath shined so Radiantly in His Sufferings And therefore from all these be ex●orted to give Him the Credit of your S●lvation by making Use of His Righteousnes● and by founding your Plea before God on His Sufferings as ever ye would have your Souls saved Otherwayes ye can expect nothing but to fall under the Rigour of Justice and to be made to satisfy for your own Debt to the uttermost farthing and when will that be Dar● the most innocent amongst you step in to satisfy Justice for themselves if not is there not a necessity to make Use of His Sufferings for that End Which He ha●h made attainable by His Tearing of the Vail of His
that their Souls are in and that they look at peace with God as an easie business But one day it wil be found to be a great matter to be at peace with Him that Sin is bitter and Wrath heavy and that to be in good terms with God is better then a thousand Worlds God Himself make you wise to think seriously on it in time SERMON LXV ISAIAH LIII XII Vers 12. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong because he hath poured out his soul unto death and he was numbred with the transgressours and he bare the sins of many and he made intercession for the transgressours THere was never bargain so seriously entered in as this betwixt Jehovah and the Mediator never bargain was of such concernment and weight It is therefore no marvel it be insisted upon The Prophet hath been holding forth the terms and conditions of it on both sides and now he sums them up in this last Verse that the businesse may be left cle●r and distinct setting forth what the Lord Jehovah ingageth for to the Mediator and what the Mediator ingageth for to Jehovah only with this difference that in the former part of the Chapter the Mediators ingagment is first set down and then what are the Promises that the Lord Jehovah made to him But in this Verse where the Covenant is resumed what the Lord ingageth for to the Mediator is first set down and then what the Mediator is to perform in the last place To shew as I said the mutualnesse of the Covenant of Redemption and that it is but one bargain one link whereof can never be loosed on either side In the last part of the Verse what the Mediator is to perform is set down in Four Expressions as past and done because of the certainty efficacy of the Mediators Sufferings and of His performing what He undertook and of divine Justice It 's acceptation thereof The 1. is because He hath poured out his soul unto death It was proposed to the Mediator to die which he undertook and in the execution goes che●rfully about it He poured out his soul unto death without any prigging grace and love to speak so with reverence were so liberal and prodigal of the Life of our Lord Jesus for the Salvation of lost Sinners That His blessed Soul was separat from his Body and he made obnoxious to the Curse which most willingly he underwent his Life or Soul was poured out unto death The 2d is He was numbred with the transgressours which implyes Three things 1. It suppons that he was indeed no transgressour there was no guile found in His mouth yet he behoved to stoop so low as to be reckoned among or numbred with transgressours as the former expression holds out the painfulnesse of his Death So this holds out the ignominie of it he not only died and behoved to die but he was looked on as a despicable person even so despicable that Barrabas a thief and robber was preferred unto him and of this we spake from verse 3. He was dispised and rejected of men 2. It implyes mens ingratitude that when our blessed Lord came to redeem them they did not count him worthy to live but looked on him as a transgressour This was also fulfilled in the History of the Gospel as John 18.30 They say unto Pilat If he were not a malefactor we would not have delivered him unto thee 3. It implyes the low condescendence and depth of the love of our Lord Jesus Christ which hath no bottom he will not only die but die a shamful and cursed Death and take on reproach and ignominy with the Debt of Sinners when they are dispysing him The Cautioner must not only die but die a shamful death some deaths are creditable and honourable and men will with a sort of vanity affect them but it behoved not to be so with our Lord Jesus when he entered himself Sinners Cautioner he must not only die but be despicable in his death as it is Chap. 50.5 He gave his back to the smiters and his cheeks to them that plucked off the hair he hid not his face from shame and spitting because it was so articled and agreed upon when he was reviled he reviled not again O! what condescending-love shins forth here in the Mediator It was much to pay the Debt and die but more in his dying to be counted the transgressour much to be Cautioner but more to be counted the dyvour As if some wicked and perverse Officer ceazing on the Cautioner should not only arrest him for the Debt and exact it of him but account and call him the dyvour Debtor yet he bears all patiently It would learn us to bear reproach for him he bare much more for us then we can bear for him he was railed on and reviled bufferted and spitted on they in derision said unto him Hail king of the Jews they mocked him nodded the head at him hanged him up betwixt two thieves as the most eminent malefactor of the three and Mark saith Chap. 15.28 That this scripture was fulfilled which saith and he was numbred with the transgressours God had appointed it and the Mediator had condescended to it and therefore it behoved so to be We spake to the matter of this before and will not now insist on it any further The 3d. is He bare the sins of many which is also causal as the former are It 's put in here 1. To shew the end of his dying and the nature of his death His death was a cursed death but not for his own Sin but for the Sins of others even to pay the Debt that was owing by his Elect the many here are the same many spoken of in the former verse who by his knowledge are justified It 's not the Sins of all that Christ bare but the Sins of many and the many whose Sins he bares are the many that are justified and all who are justified their Sins he bare and of no moe So that as many as have their Sins born by Christ are justified and whoever are justified had their Sins born by him 2. It shews also how the Sins of these many are taken away It was by Christs bearing the punishment due for their Sins this it that which we spake to from verse 6. The Lord hath laid on him the iniquities of us all In a word it 's this The Mediator articleth and agreeth to take on the guilt of the Sins of the Elect though not their Sins themselves formally considered he took the deserving or burden of their Debt Of this we have also spoken before and will not therefore insist any more particularly on it The 4th and last Article or part of the condition required of the Mediator is He made intercession for the transgressours There was more required of him then to die and to die such a death for the Elect's Sins He must
hast given me be where I am to behold my glory That longing and eff●ctual desire ●nd will of his presented by him in heaven is continuing still effectuall for all the Saints in the C●urch militant There is ground of quie●nesse an● comfort from his Intercession ●nd by ver●ue of it to have hope that not only presen● but coming snares and tentations shall not prevai● Therefore the Apostle Rom. 8.38 ●o his speaking of Christs Intercession ●ubjo●nes his highest triumph I am perswaded that neither death nor life principalities nor p wers things present nor things t● come and because it 's impossible to num●●r all things h● sayes nor any other creature shal be able to separat us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Now if all ●hese be put together beside many moe that may be gather●d from Scripture what wants a Be●iever for his own privat and particular consolation which this one word That Christ is an intercessour doth not answer But 2. There is not only consolation for a Believers particular condition from this ground but also in reference to the publick case of Gods Church Th●re are Four things especially that seem very he●● to the Church and publick work ●f God in reference to all which we will find consolation from this ground The 1. is the fear of a scarcity or weakness of the pu●●ick Ministry that being the great gift w●ich he hath given for the edifying of hi● body and it being a prejudice to the Church when she hath not Pastors accord●ng to Gods own heart But compare Psal 68 18. with Ephes 4.8 12 13 14. and we will find that his Intercession answers that fear In the Psalm it 's said Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led captivity captive thou hast received gifts for men w●ich suppo●es his seeking of or making suite for them or as the word is thou hast received gifts in the man that is being in our nature he procured them And Ephes 4. It 's said he gave gifts to men and compare these Two places with a Third to wit Acts 1.4 Where he bids his Apostles tarry at Jerusalem till he send the promised spirit and immediatly after his ascension as it is Acts 2. He poured it out which abode on them in the likness of cloven tongues of fire It 's likewise said John 11.39 That the spirit was not given for Jesus was not yet glorified All which shew an influence that Christ's ascension hath on the pouring out of the Spirit and on the gifts given to men whether Ministers or others There is nothing amongst men readily lesse cared for then a Ministry some would have none at all others would have them of such a stamp as would please and humour them But our Lord ha●h received gifts to give unto men And he that poured out such gifts on the Apostles and others ha●h what gifts he pleaseth and sees needful for his Churches edification yet to give And that he gives such gifts to men that his people are not praying much for whence is it but from his Intercession Therefore Revel 1. we will find that he delights in this propertie as a piece of his spiritual state and grand our That he holds the stars in his right hand such is his respect to them and his it is to dispose of them 2. It 's a greatly exercising difficultie to the Church of God to think of the mighty opposition that is made by enemies Mahomet Heathens Antichrist false Brethren threatning to swallow up the little flock the Church of Christ which is like a bush burning with fire and not consumed But for this there is a consolation in Christs intercession according to that word Heb. 10.13 He sat down on the right hand of God from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool He hath this for his suite at the Fathers Bar and is backing it upon this it followed and as a fruit of it that all the first persecutions were broken On this it hath come to pass that Antichrists kingdom is tottering and it 's on this ground that his bearing down and utter breaking wi l be accomplished Hence it 's most emphatically said 1 Cor. 15.24 That He must reign till he hath put all enemies under his feet According to the promise made by Jehovah to him Psal 110. 1. The Lord said to my Lord sit on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool He cannot be an Intercessour but his enemies must down For who I pray wi●l be able to stand when he gives in his complaint against them who will plead Antichrists and other persecutors cause when he appears against them ●nd he is so certain of his enemies being m●de his footstool that he is waiting till he see it done he must reign till then maugre all the malice and might of Devils and Men. 3. It 's a difficultie to the Church and people of God to think on such great confusions as are in the world there are but few Judicatories that are for Ch●ist but few Governours higher or lower that do consult his honour or regard him It 's others that have the Throne and Court and the guiding of things th●● friends and f●vourers of his interest for most part But here the consolation lyes that there is a Court in Heaven that gives out orders where the Church hath an Agent constantly lying where the Devil and the World hath none Jesus Christ is the Churches Agent and Intercessour there Daniel Chap. 10.13 Hath a word to this purpose The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty dayes but Michael the chief prince came to help me And v. 21. There is none in all the court of Persia that holdeth with me in these things but Michael your Prince The great Intercessour was at Court looking that nothing went wrong seeing that no decree were past to the prejudice of the people of God and his work in the time when they were building the Temple He Zech. 6.13 is said to build the temple of the Lord to bear the glory and to be a Priest sitting and ruling on his throne having the government committed to him what hazard then is there here when heaven guids all when the Church hath an Agent at the Court to see as I said that nothing go wrong when Michael the Prince is there and sees all the Acts and Decrees of the Court and readeth them yea draweth them and looks well that there be nothing in them hurtful to his Church And O! may we not and should we not thank God for this 4. A Fourth thing that troubles the Church of God is the abounding of offences in her self and the spreading of errour which like a flood threateneth to drown the Church and great stormy winds come that are like to blow down the house of God offences and stumblings abound and errour which I just now said as a flood is like to drown all when the
believing spoken of here to that saving Faith whereby folk believe and rest upon Jesus Christ 5. Consider that though there be no expresse Party named to whom the Prophet complaineth yet no doubt it is to God therefore Joh. 12.38 and Rom. 10.16 when this Scripture is cited it is Lord who hath believed our report so it is the Prophet's complaint of the little fruit himself had and that the Ministers of the Gospel should have in preaching of the Gospel regrating and complaining of it to God as a sore matter that it should come to so many and so few should get good of it so few should be brought to believe and to be saved by it Though these words be few yet they have four great things in them to which we shall reduce them for speaking more clearly to them 1. That the great subject of Preaching and Preachers great errand is to report concerning Jesus Christ to bring tydings concerning Him 2. That the great duty of Hearers implyed is to believe this Report and by vertue of it to be brought to rest and rely on Jesus Christ 3. That the great though the ordinary sin of the generality of the Hearers of the Gospel is unbelief Who hath believed that is it 's few that have believed it 's a rare thing to see a Believer of this Report 4. That the great complaint weight and grief of an honest Minister of the Gospel is this that his Message is not taken off his hand that Christ is not received believed in and rested on this is the great challenge Ministers have against the generality of People and the ground of their complaint to God that whatever they report concerning Christ He is not welcomed His Kingdom thrives not That we may speak to the first considering the words with respect to the Scope we shall draw five or six Doctrines from them The first whereof is more general that the discovery of Christ Jesus and the making him known is the greatest News the gladest Tydings and the most excellent Report that ever came or can come to a People there is no such thing can be told them no such Tydings can they hear this is the Report that the Prophet speaks of by way of eminency a Report above and beyond all other Reports these are News worthy to be carried by Angels Behold saith one of them Luke 2.20 I bring you good tydings of great joy which shall be to all people And what are these Tydings so prefaced to with a Behold for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord these are the good Tydings that Jesus Christ is come and that he is the Saviour by Office We shall not insist on this onely 1. We will find a little view of this Subject in the following words which hold forth clearly Christ God and Man in one Person so compleatly qualified and excellently furnished for His Offices 2. It 's also clear if we look to the excellent effects that come by His being so furnished as His satisfying of Justice His setting free of Captives His triumphing over Principalities and Powers His destroying the works of the Devil c. there cannot be more excellent works or effects spoken of 3. It 's clear if we look to Him from whom this Report cometh and in whose Breast these News bred if we may speak so they are the result of the Counsel of the God-head and therefore as the Report here is made in the Lord's Name so He is complained to when it is not taken off the Prophet's hand And 4. it 's clear if we look to the mysteriousness of these News Angels could never have conceived them had not this Report come these things tell that they are great glorious and good News glad Tydings as it is in the end of the former Chapter That which hath not been told them shall they see and that which they have not heard shall they consider The first Use is To draw our hearts to be in love with the Gospel and to waken our estimation of it Peoples ears are itching after Novelties and ye are much worn out of conceit with these News but is there in any News such an advantage as in these when God sendeth News to Men they must be great News and such indeed are these Use 2. Therefore be affrayed to entertain loathing of the plain substantial Truths of the Gospel if ye had never heard them before there would belike be some Athenian itching to hear and speak of them but they should not be the less thought of that they are often heard and spoken of Use 3. Therefore think more of the Gospel seeing it containeth the substance of these good News and glad Tydings and think more of Gospel-ordinances whereby these good Tydings are so often published and made plain to you 2. More particularly Observe that Jesus Christ and what concerneth Him the glad and good News of a Saviour and the reporting of them is the very proper work of a Minister and the great subject of a Ministers preaching his proper work is to make Him known or take it thus Christ is the native subject on which all preaching should run this is the Report the Prophet speaketh of here and in effect it was so to John and the other Apostles and should be so to all Ministers Christ Jesus and what concerns Him in His Person Natures and Offices to know and make Him known to be God and Man to make Him known in His Offices to be Priest Prophet and King to be a Priest in His suffering and satisfying Justice to be a Prophet in revealing the Will of God to be a King for subduing folks Lusts and Corruptions and to know and make Him known in the way by which Sinners both Preachers and Hearers may come to have Him to themselves as follows in this Chapter This this is the subject of all Preaching and all Preaching should be levelled at this mark Paul is 1 Cor. 2.2 peremptory in this I determined to know nothing among you but Jesus Christ and him crucified as if he had said I will meddle with no other thing but betake my self to this not onely will he forbear to meddle with civil Employments but he will lay aside his Learning Eloquence and Humane Wisdom and make the preaching of Christ crucified his great work and study the reason of this is because Christ standeth in a fourfold relation to preaching 1. He is the Text to say so of Preaching all Preaching is to explain Him Acts 10.43 To him give all the Prophets witness and so do the four Evangels and the Apostolick Epistles which are as so many Preachings of Him and that Preaching which standeth not in relation to Him is beside the Text and Mark 2. He is holden out as the Foundation and Ground-work of Preaching so that Preaching without Him wants Foundation and is the Building as it were of a Castle in the Air
all we have said of the Warrand of the Gospel to Believe is to no purpose Christ never counted it Presumption to desire and endeavour in His own way to believe on Him for attaining of Life through Him To desire Heaven and Peace with God and to misken Christ and pass Him by were indeed Presumption but it is not so to desire these through Him 6. When ye have attained to this Heart desire if ye cannot distinctly to your satisfaction act Believing on Christ ye would firmly resolve to believe and essay it and say This is the way I will and must take and no other as David saith Psal 16.2 O my soul thou hast said unto the Lord thou art my Lord Hence the exercise of Faith is called a choosing of God Deut. 30.19 and Josh 24. and seriously sincerely and firmly to resolve thus is our Duty when we can win to do no more and it is no little advancement in Believing when such resolution to Believe is deliberatly and soberly come under 7. When this is done Folks would not hold at a resolution for to resolve and not to set forward will be found to be but an empty resolution therefore having resolved though still looking on the resolution as his gift we would set about to perform and believe as we may and when we cannot go we would creep when we cannot speak words of Faith we would let Faith breath when it can neither speak nor breath distinctly we would let it pant In a word to be essaying the exercise of Faith and often renewing our essays at it which if we did we should come better speed in Believing then we do thus though ye were walking under a Conviction that ye would do no more at this then a Man whose Arm is withered can do to streatch it forth yet as the Man with the withered Hand at Christ's word of Command essayed to streatch it forth and it went with him or as the Disciples when they had toiled long even all the Night and caught nothing yet at Christ's word let down the Net and inclosed a multitude of Fishes so though ye have essayed to act Faith often and yet come no speed yet essaying it again on Christ's calling to it it may and will through Grace go with you 8. When yet ye come not speed as ye would your short-coming would be bemoaned and complained of to God laying open to and before Him the Heart who can change it and ye would have it for a piece of your weight and burthen that your Heart comes not so up to and abides not so by Believing I would think it a good Frame of Spirit when the not having of the Heart standing so fix'd at Believing is an Exercise and a Burthen 9. When all this is done in some measure ye would wait on in doing thus and would continue in this way looking to Him who is the Author and Finisher of Faith for His influence to make it go with you to look to Him to be helped is the way to be helped to Believe or to Pray to Him to better and amend Faith is the way to have it bettered and amended it 's said Psal 34.5 They looked to him and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed And if it be said How can one look that sees not It 's true blind Folk cannot look yet they may essay to look and though there be but a glimmering as the looking makes the faculty of Seeing the better and more strong so the Exercise of Faith makes Faith to encrease this is it that the Psalmist hath Psal 30. v. last Be of good courage and he shall strengthen your heart all ye that hope in the Lord that is if ye be weak wait on and He shall strengthen you Believe and give not over though to your Sense ye come not speed Beginners that are looking conscienciously to their way though they have but a glimmering weak sight of Christ and be as the Man that at first saw M●n walking as Trees yet if they wait on they may attain to a more distinct seeing and to a more close and firm gripping of Christ We close with this word of Advertisement That as we speak not of these things as being in Man's power to be performed so neither can they be gone about to purpose but where there is some Faith and Love yet when they are at first looked on they are some way more within our reach then the distinct Exercise of Faith which is a great Mystery The Lord bless His Word and make it useful to you SERMON IX ISAIAH LIII I Who hath believed our report And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed IF Folks soberly and gravely considered of what concerment it is to make use of the Gospel and what depends upon the profitable or unprofitable hearing of it how serious would both Speakers and Hearers be This same poor mean and contemptible-like way of Speaking or Preaching is the ordinary way that God hath chosen to save Souls even by the foolishness of Preaching as the Apostle hath it 1 Cor. 1.21 and where Ministers have been tender how near hath it lyen to their Hearts whether People profited or not They that will read Isaiah how he resented and complained of it and how he was weighted with it will easily be induced to think that he was in earnest and that it was no little matter that made him thus cry out Who hath believed our report We shew that four things were comprehended in the words First That the great Errand of Ministers is to bring the glad Tydings of Jesus Christ the Saviour to Sinners Secondly That it is the great Duty of People to believe and receive the Offer of Jesus Christ in the Gospel Thirdly That it is the great Sin of a People that Hear the Gospel not to believe and receive Jesus Christ when He is offered unto them The fourth and last thing which now we are to speak of having gone thorow the first three is That the great and heavy Complaint that a faithful Minister of the Gospel hath is when these good News are not received and welcomed when they have it to say Who hath believed our report when it is but here one and there one that closes with Christ Considering these words as they hold out the Prophets Resentment and Complaint we shall from them draw four Observations which we shall speak shortly to and reserve the Use and Application to the close of all Observ 1. The first is That its meet for and the Duty of a Minister of the Gospel to observe what Fruit and Success his Ministry hath among a People and whether they Believe or not Isaiah speaks not here at random but from consideration of the Case of the People and as observing what fruit his Ministry had among them we would not have Ministers too curious in this as to the state of particular Persons neitner would we have them selfy or anxious
every thing whereof ye are said to be shor● Though ye live and should die Carnal and Unrenewed yet ye think stil ye have an honest Mind or Heart for all that and what I pray is your honest Mind but a rotten and prophane Heart that vails your Hypocrisie with a pretext of Honesty Would ye think that Man honest spoke of Isa 44.19 who with one part of the Tree warmed himself and with another part made a god and fell down and prayed to it and yet in your Sense he hath an honest Mind for he followeth his light which is but darkness and the deceit of his Heart carrying him away from God though he cannot see it he discerns not because he considers not that there is a lie in his hand and that a deceived heart hath led him aside so it is with you and if many of you saw what is latent under that honest Mind and Heart there would be nothing that would make you loath your selves more a little time will convince you that that which ye looked for most good from was your greatest and most traiterous Enemy He that trusts in his own heart is a fool saith Solomon Prov. 28.26 it supposes that Folks are ready to lippen to their Heart and to hearken to the language of it concerning their Spiritual Estate but it says also that they are Fools that do so for it betrayes them and there is no folly comparable to that whereby a Man betrayes his own immortal Soul and that he doth who trusts in his own Heart A seventh Reason is from the deceitfulness of our Heart and the natural Corruption that sticks to us There is naturally in us Pride and Self-conceit we are disposed and given to think any thing that is our own though it be but a shew is as good as others reality to think our own Light and Knowledge our own other Parts and Gifts to be as good as those of any others whosoever they be And with Pride there is joined self-Self-love we dow not abide to think evil of our selves or to suspect our selves Though this Self-love be indeed Self-hatred and is but love to our Corruptions and makes us that when we live in hatred of God to think that we love Him so that we cannot be induced to think that we love Him not for we know that love to God is good and we love our selves so well that we cannot endure to think that we want it hence it 's said of some in the last Times 2 Tim. 3.2 3. That they shall he covetous proud boasters blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce-breakers c. having a form of godliness and denying the power of it and the foun●ain of all is Self-love for saith he men shall be lovers of their own selves And as Self-love is the fountain of much Evil so it 's the fountain of Self-deceit and keeps out any thing that may make Men question their own Condition so that if a word come in and say thou hast no ground for thy Faith the Heart will be ready to answer and say it cannot be that I am a Self-deceiver and Self-love as a partial Judge will offer to vindicate the Man and so makes him shift the Challenge Now when all these are put together you may see how many Grounds Folks have to go wrong upon and Men having Hearts disposing and inclining them to go wrong and little pains being taken to discover the deceit of them is it any wonder that they think they Believe when indeed they Believe not and be empty and toom-handed having little or nothing to rest upon while they think they are Rich and want nothing These are not fancied and far fetched things but obvious and at Hand and may easily be gathered from your daily Practice In all which it 's our design and scope to bring you to try your long unquestioned Peace do not therefore think that it is impossible to be thus perswaded as many of you are and yet to be mistaken which is another Ground of Folks deceit for Laodicea was very confident in thinking her self to be rich and encreased in goods and to stand in need of nothing when she was in the mean time poor blind miserable wretched and naked and the Galatians as we may see chap. 5.8 had a perswasion which was not of God As there may be a perswasion of a point of Doctrine as being right which yet is an errour so there may be a perswasion of a Man's Spiritual State as being right and which he will stoutly maintain to be so while in the mean time that perswasion is not of God that calleth him but a strong Delusion If all that be Faith that ye call Faith then certainly the way to Heaven is much broader then the Scripture hath chalked it out and Ministers needed not say Who believes our report for all should thus believe it It will then and must then turn to this that your perswasion is not of Him that calleth you and if a deceit may ly and lurk under this perswasion of yours ye have certainly so much the more need to put the business to tryal And this is the last Use which we cannot now insist on That seeing so many think they Believe who Believe not and that there are but few that believe the Report and indeed rest on Christ for their Salvation as He is offered to them in the Gospel it is of your concernment to endeavour to put your selves without the reach of this Complaint and to make it sure that ye have believed and received the Report Is there any thing of concernment if this be not even to mak● your Calling and Election sure and that cannot be made sure as to you till your Faith be made sure If we could prevail this far with you we would count it a blessed Fruit of this and of many other Preachings even that some of you who have never qu●stioned your Faith might be engaged first seriously to close with Christ and then to put your selves to the tryal that on distinct grounds ye might be able to say I know in whom I have believed and that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him against that day There are many of you that talk of Faith and yet cannot only not assert your Interest in Christ distinctly but cannot so much as give any solid grounds of your Believing and should not this think ye put you to try it Is there not a Day coming wherein ye will all be tried whether your alledged Faith was true Faith or but Presumption and wherein the Conscience which is now quiet and which it may be never keeped you from an hours Sleep shall awake and put forth its Sting and shall bite and gnaw and ye who shall continue under the power of this Delusion will be put to gnaw your Tongues for pain and horrour under the gnawings of your Conscience Ye that
the other necessarily along with it never love that Faith that leaves the Heart as a Swines-sty to Lusts that leaves it swarming with unclean and vain Thoughts or that leaves the Heart just as it was before or that Faith that only cleanseth the outside and does no more such a Faith however esteemed by the Man will never be accounted for true Saving Faith before God I do not I dare not say that Believers will always discern this heart-purity or cleanness but this I say that true Faith will set the Man a work to purify the Heart and will be making use of Christ for that end not only to have the arm of the dominion of Sin broken but to have the Soul more and more delivered from the indwelling power of it and this will the design that he will sincerely drive to get the Heart purified within as well as the outward Man inward Heart-abominations will be grievous and burdensome to him as well as scandalous out-breakings A second place is Gal. 2.20 21. I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me and the life c If ye would know a Companion of true Faith here is one it hath a life of Faith with it There is one life killed and another life is quickened the life that is killed is that whereby the Man sometime lived to the Law I am dead to the Law says the Apostle a Man's good conceit of himself that once he had is killed and taken away he wonders how it came that he thought himself Holy or a Believer or how he could promise to himself Heaven in the condition he was in There is another life comes in the place of that and it 's a life that is quickened and maintained by and from nothing in the Man himself but it 's wholly from and by Christ The Believer hath his holiness and strength for doing all called for Duties and his comfort also from Christ and he holds withall his very Natural Life his present Being in the World from Christ his all is in Christ his stock of life strength and furniture is not in himself but he lives by a continual Traffick as it were on Bills of Exchange betwixt Christ and him when he wants he sends a Bill to Christ and it 's answered in every thing that he stands in need of and that is good for him He is a dead Man and he is a living Man and where-ever true Faith is there the Man is dead and there the Man is living Do not I pray mistake it by thinking that true Faith is but vented puts forth it self only in reference to this or that particular or at this or that particular time only for F●ith must be exercised not only at starts as when when we are under Challenges for Sin or at Prayer but we must design and endeavour to exercise Faith thorow all our Life that is we must by Faith look for every thing that is useful and needful for us from Christ and be always endeavouring to drive on a common Trade of living this way we must be habituating our selves to seek after Peace Strength and Consolation and what else we need out of the fulness that is in Him This Life of Faith is to see the want of all things in our selves and yet to have all things by making use of Christ in all things contenting and comforting our selves that there is Strength in Him though we be weak in our selves and that He hath gotten the victory over all His and our Enemies and that we shall at last through Him be victorious in our own Persons contenting and satisfying our selves that He hath compleat Righteousness though we be Bankrupt and have none of our own and betaking our selves allenarly to that Righteousness for our Justification before God Thus making a Life to our selves in Him He living in us by His Spirit and we living in Him by Faith O sweet and desirable but mysteriou● Life The third place is Gal. 5.6 In Christ Jesus neither circumsion availeth any thing nor uncircumcision but faith that worketh by love He doth not simply say Faith but faith that works by love for Faith is an operative Grace and this is the main vent of it the thing by which it works it works by Love Faith is the hand of the new Creature whereby every thing is wrought it having Life from Christ and we may say that Love is in a manner the hand of Faith or rather like the fingers upon the hand of Faith whereby it handleth every thing tenderly even out of love to God in Christ and to others for His sake Faith works and it works by Love that 's a sound and good Faith that warms the Heart with love to Christ and the nearer that Faith brings the Believer to Him it warms the Heart with more love to others And therefore love to the People of God is given as an evidence of one that is born of God 1 Joh. 5.1 because wherever true Faith is there cannot but be love to the Children of God flowing from love to Him that begets them That Faith that 's not affected with God's dishonour out of love to Him and that can endure to look upon the Difficulties Sufferings and Afflictions of the Children of God without sympathizing and being kindly affected therewith is not to be taken for a sound Faith but to be suspected for a Counterfeit The fourth place is James 2 14. Shew me thy saith by thy works c. True Faith hath always sound Holiness with it in all manner of Conversation in the design and endeavour of the Believer which is withall through Grace in some measure attained What avails it for a Man to say that he loves another when being naked or destitute he bid● him depart in Peace be warmed be filled and yet in the mean time gives him nothing that he stands in need of would not such a poor Man think himself but mocked Even so will not God reckon you to be but Mock-believers or Mockers of Faith when ye profess your selves to be Believers in Christ while in the mean time ye have neither indeed Heart-purity nor Holiness in your outside Conversation that is but such a Faith as Devils may have that will never do you good Ye would believe this for a truth that there will never a Faith pass for Faith in God's account and so there should never a Faith pass for Faith in your account but that Faith that sets the Man a work to the study of Holiness that Faith that works by Love that Faith that purifies the Heart and that Faith that puts the Person in whom it is to study to have Christ living in him and himself living in Christ I promised to name a few Scriptures that speak out some more condescending Characters of Faith And 1. I would think it a good token of Faith to have Folk feared for missing and falling short of the Promises
him And these are distinguished from these not given John 17.6 11. And are called his sheep Joh. 10.15 and 17. Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life to wit for my sheep And all the strain of this Chapter being to shew Gods way of contriving and prosecuting the work of Redemption and Christs executing thereof according to the Covenant of Redemption All this spoken of Christs suffering must be expounded according to that ingagement 2. Whereas it is said v. 8. For the transgressions of my people was he stricken It is certain this our and us and we for whom Christ was stricken must be restricted to Gods people That is his peculiar people who are his by electing love as Christ saith Joh. 17.6 Thine they were and thou gavest them to me They are not his as all the World are his but are contradistinguished from the world as his own peculiar purposed designed people Sure all the World are not God's People in this sense therefore they are called his sheep and contradistinguished from these who are not his sheep Joh. 10.17 And therefore we are to look on these words our us and we as of equivalent extent with the peculiar people of God He carried the punishment of the sins of all Gods people that are his peculiar election 3. So v. 10. When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed Hence we gather this that these whose iniquities Ch●ist bare are Christs Seed and for these he purposely laid down his life as these whom he expected should be saved for satisfying of him for the travel of his soul and for no moe and these cannot certainly be all the World there being such contradistinction betwixt Christ Mystical or his Seed comprehending the Elect And the Seed of the Serpent comprehending the Reprobat and Wicked who are said to be of their father the Devil These are Christs Seed who are spiritually begotten of him and these doubtless are not all the World and for these only he suffered So that our sins here are the sins of all the Seed 4. Look to v. 11. where it is said By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justifie many for he shall bear their iniquities Where it is clear whose sins they are that Christ bears it 's theirs who are justified by his knowledge or by faith in his blood and justification by faith in his blood and redemption by his blood are commensutable and of equal extent Now it being certain as to the event that not all the World nor all in the visible Church are justified by the Faith of Christ it must also be certain that the sins of others who are not nor shall not be justified were never purposly born by Christ And this ground as all the rest will be the more clear if we consider that it is given as an Argument why they must be justified because he hath born their iniquities A 5. ground may be gathered from the last words of the Chapter He made intercession for the transgressours Whence we may reason that Christ's intercession and his satisfaction are of equal extent he satisfies for no moe then he interceeds for Now it was not for all the World nor indefinitely and by guess for all in the visible Church that Christ did interceed but for them that the Father had given him out of the world John 17. v. 9. and v. 6. Thine they were and thou gavest them me And v. 10. All mine are thine and thine are mine Christs death being the ground of his intercession and it being by vertue of his death that he interceeded his death and intercession must be of the same extent He interceeds for such and such sinners because he hath payed a price for them that there may be a good account made of them at the last day The 1. Use of it serves to clear a great and precious truth concerning Gods Covenant and discriminating love whereby he hath put difference betwixt some and others 2. It serves to stir them up who are thus differenced to admire at and to commend his love who hath been graciously mindful of them when others are past by 3. It serves also to clear other Scriptures and this same Chapter and to teach us not to make common to all the priviledges bestowed on some peculiar ones and to guard us against the vilifying and prophaning of our Lords sufferings as if he had no special and peculiar design in them or as if they might be frustrated in the design of them contrary to the promises made to him of the Father And therefore here to obviat an Objection which is made from the 6 vers All we like sheep have gone astray Whence some would infer that it 's all who like sheep have strayed whose iniquities Christ hath born We say that that all is not meant to comprehend them whose iniquities Christ hath born only but to hold out the extent of straying or the meaning is not to shew that his suffering and satisfying of Justice extended to all that strayed but to shew that the Elect for whom he suffered had all of them strayed as well as others And this is like the reasoning which the Apostle hath 2 Cor. 5.14 If one died for all then were all dead The meaning whereof is not that Christ died for all that were dead but this is the meaning that all for whom Christ died were once dead so here while it 's said All we like sheep have gone astray It is to shew that the Elect strayed and esteemed him not as well as others and had Go●s curse lying on them as their due all Christ interposed and took it off them as well as others The Point might have also Use for Confirmation but we do not follow these 2. Surely he hath born our griefs and carried our sorrows that is our griefs and sorrows who are his Elect his People his Seed who flee to him for refuge and are justified by his knowledge or by Faith in him and for whom he maketh intercession H●nce Observe that Believers would endeavour the strengthening of themselves in the Faith of this that J●sus Christ hath born their griefs and sorrows and hath satisfied Justice for t●en in particular they would study to be in case on good ground with the Prophet to say Surely he hath born our griefs and carried our sorrows To make it sure that they are in the Roll of Elect Believers and Justified Persons To say with the Apostle Paul Gal. 3.13 He was made a curse for us And with the same Apostle 2 Cor. 5. ult to say He was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him And to say with the Apostle Peter 1 Pet. 2.24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree they speak alwayes by way of application So in these places whereby we confirmed the Doctrine that Christ really bare that punishment of
truth and that Paul lived in the faith and feeling of it then judge if there be not just ground to expostulate with most part of you as being yet without the faith and feeling of this mo● concerning thing The 3● Use of it serves wonderfully to set forth the glory of the free and rich Grace of God that all this business is made and this transaction entered into that Christ comes to satisfie and doth actually satisfie Justice for a number of such wretches that had gone astray like lost sheep This comes in as he scope we have strayed done the wrong but he hath payed the debt satisfied for the wrong done and from comparing this v. with the foregoing we may take these five Considerations that serve to heighten the glory of Gods Grace and free-Free-love and to shame Believers that are so little in wondring at it 1. Who is smitten his own Son we sinned and he was smitten even he who was and is the Fathers fellow the Sword awakes against him and we go free 2. What did our Lord suffer He was wounded and bruised the chastisement of our peace was on him he laid on him the iniquity of us all It was not a complemental or fashional suffering but he was arraigned before the Tribunal of Justice and did really pay our Debt and satisfie Justice for our Sins 3. Who ex●ct●d this Satisfaction who did smite him It 's the Lord Jehovah it 's the Father which makes the glory of Grace shine the more It 's God the Father whose Heart was tender to the Son of his love that ex●cts the full price of him so that as he said of Abraham By this I know that thou lovest me because thou hast not withheld thy Son thine only son Isaac from me we may say by this we know God's love to the Elect when he hath not withheld nor spared his own Son from them but hath laid on him the iniquities of them all 4. For whom did he smite him for Sinners for straying Sheep for Covenant-breakers for such as had gone a whoring from God and were bent to sin against him I mean the Elect. 5. When was it that he suffered for them even when they were straying rejecting despising nodding the head at him spitting in his face and saying away with him even then he is praying and dying for them Now put all these together that such a price shall be exacted of such a Cautioner and for such Sinners and at such a time behold see therein how God commends his love to us as the Apostle speaks Rom. 5.8 In that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us when we were in our sin not praying to him nor in capacity to pray or give him thanks for any thing that he did or suffered he then died for us Is there any thing here but freedom of Grace and does not this exceeding highly commend the love of God that he exacts the Debt due by us of his Son and the wonderful love of the Mediator and Cautioner that at such a time and for such transgressions he should pay such a price Use 4. Seing this was our state that we were Sinners and that yet herein was the love of God commended that he laid o● his Son the iniquity of us all then is there not good ground to take with Sin and to make use of the Remedy to take with Sin and to close with Christ We might take occasion here to exhort 1. To Watchfulness and to walking soberly and humbly from this ground that we have such a Nature 2. To exhort every one to Repentance because by Nature ye are all in such a sinful state and condition ●t may be ground of exercising Repentance even long after your justification and peace made with God who are justified with whom it should be as we see it was with David But 3ly Seing by Nature ye are under God's Wrath and Curse and in a state of enmity with him it mainly serves to exhort you to flee unto Jesus Christ and not to rest till ye g●t the quarrel taken away It might be in reason thought that Folks would be soon and easily induced to this even to run unto Jesus Christ and to welcome the Gospel with good will for preventing the Curse and Wrath due to them for sin and for subduing of this sinful nature and inclination to stray from God and his Way Therefore seing there is a fountain opened to the house of David for sin and for uncleanness since there is a satisfaction given to Justice for removing the guilt of sin since the Spirit is purchased for mortifying of sin making holy let as many as think that they have gone astray and have turned to their own way as they would not be found still at this distance with God make use of Christ for making their friendship with God it 's the word that Peter useth 1 Pet. 2. ult All we like sheep have gone astray but we are now turned unto the shepherd and bishop of our souls hold O hold you near this Shepherd and make use of his Righteousness for making your Peace If we could rightly understand the words we would see in them 1. A Motive to put us on to believing in Christ and can there be a greater motive then necessity We have sinned and gone astray he is the only Saviour there is no other name given under Heaven whereby Sinners can be saved 2. There is also in them an Encouragement to Believing It was for Sinners such as we are that Jesus Christ suffered all that he suffered which may be ground of hope and encouragement to step forward and if neither our need nor Christ's being a Saviour willing to make Sinners welcome will prevail we know not what will do it It will turn to this and ye will be put to it Whether are ye Sinners and if Sinners whether is it not a desperate thing to ly under Sin and Wrath If ye be not Sinners we have no warrand to propose this Doctrine to you to invite or make you welcome to a Saviour but if ye grant that ye are Sinners will ye contentedly ly under Sin will ye be able to bear it out against God or think ye that ye will be well enough for all that and if ye dare not resolve to ly under Sin I would ask what way will ye win from it think ye it easie to win from under it must not the Justice of God be satisfied some of you think that ye can pray your selves out of Sin but what need was there of Christs sufferings if a satisfaction might have been made to Justice another way and if none but Christ can satisfie it turns to this that by all means ye would make use of him else ye will most certainly drown and die in your sins And this is the thing that we would commend to you that under the sense of sin and in the faith of Gods condescending
speaks of them John 17. he opposeth them to and contradistinguisheth them from all others I pray for them I pray not for the world buy for them that thou hast given me out of the world to let us know that the things prayed for to the one are denied to the other according to the strain of the Coven●●t A● ad ground is drawen from the strain and frame of the Coven●nt of Redemption where we find two things clear 1. That as to the end and convey of it the Elect are the only Persons for ●hose good and behove it 's intended and if it be the Elect for whom he entered in that Covenant the● the advantage good and benefite of the Elect must be e●ed in this main a●ticle of the Covenant which relates to Chri●'s death and sufferings For 1. In the Covenant of Redemption the good of the Elect is proposed and designed by the Father as is clear John 6.39 40. This is the Fathers will that sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing and this is the Fathers will that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life which will be the more clear if we consider the time when this is spoken it 's at such a time when many will not come to him and bel●●ve on him as vers 36 37. Ye also have seen me and believe not all that the Father hath given shall come unto me and him that cometh I will in no wise cast out for I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me and then follows This is the will of him that sent me c. and vers 43 44. Murmure not saith he among your selves no man can come to me except the Father that sent me draw him this ye heard of from John 17.2 at greater length 2. Look on the Son's side of the Covenant and it will also be clear for his undertaking must be according to the Fathers proposing if the Father did not propose all but some only to be redeemed then his undertaking must be for these some and not for all conform to the Fathers proposal Psal 40. Then said I lo I come to do thy will O my God now the Fathers will is that the should undertake for these given him and it 's not his will that he should undertake for others therefore he did not undertake for them 3. Christs sufferings and death are the execution of the Fathers will and therefore must be the execution of his undertaking according to his engagement for the Elect and given ones therefore these two are put together John 17.9 and 19. I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast given me and for their sakes I sanctifie my self that is for their sakes whom thou hast given me and not for the world He sancrifies himself for them for whom he prays for them that are given him and no more 2ly This is clear in the Covenant that Christs death is intended there●n as all other Mercies covenanted are that is to say to whom Faith Effectual Calling Justification c. are covenanted for these is Christ's death covenanted and for none others for the Covenant being mutual the reprom●ssion on the Fathers part must be of equal extent with the Son's stipulation but all these are only peculiarly applicable to the Elect as benefites flowing from and following upon Christ's death which therefore must be peculiarly intended for them as being undergone for them hence when Christ speaks of Faith and Effectual Calling John 6. he says All that the Father hath given me shall come unto me and none other will nor can come so Justification Pardon of Sin c. are bought to the Elect and to none others and when the smallest of blessings are covenanted and articled for none other but for the Elect shall Jesus Christ himself that gift of God or his death which is the chief thing articled in the Covenant be covenanted for or applyed to any others but to them A 3d. ground is drawen from Christs executing of his Offices for this piece or part of Christs executing of his Office must correspond and be of equal extent with all the other parts and pieces of his Offices such as his effectual teaching interceeding subduing to himself c. which are no broader then the Elect for he executes no part of any of his Offices for the behove and benefite of any but of the Elect● he sa●ingly enlightens no others he sub●uts none others to the faith of the Gospel he interceeds for none others his intercession is not for the world therefore his death must be for none others all these being commentur●●le and o● equal extent his intercession being grounded on his suff●ring therefore Joh. 17. he lays by the world expressly as the●e for whom he will not pray and looks back to the Covenant as the ground of his undertaking for the Elect given him out of the world and not for others and if he will not pray nor interceed for others what reason can be given of his dying for others when he will not do the less which is to pray for them it were absurd to think or say that he will do the greater which is to lay down his life for them A 4th ground is this Christ's death is one of the peculiar evidences of his de●rest love beyond which there is none greater and a main proof and fruit● thereof and therefore is not common to all but is intended for them only whom he peculiarly loves and designs to bring through to glory which is clear Eph. 5.26 Husbands love your wives as Christ loved his Church and gave himself for it c. Rom. 5.5 God commends his love to us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us John 15.13 Greater love hath no man then this that a man should lay down his life for his friends there is a world of Reprobates whom Christ never loved with peculiar love and sure for these he did not die Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated saith the Lord Rom. 9.13 which the Apostle holdeth forth as a sort of copy of God's dealing in reprobation and election in reference to all Mankind and where the Lord himself hath set bounds betwixt them whom he loves and hates it 's too great liberality or rather too great presumption for any under whatever specious pretences to extend this his peculiar love to these whom he disclaims A 5th ground is taken from the effect thus All for whom Christ died are justified and freed from the guilt of their sins in due time but Christ Jesus hath not purchased and actually procured freedom to all men from their sins all men be not justified therefore he laid not down his life for all For 1. It cannot be said that he laid down his life for purchasing and buying of such wares
and preferring a Robber to him But in all this they were fu fi ling what God had before determined to be done which we say is m●tter of great consolation both as to our own particular case as to God's general guiding of the World and especially of his Church therein There is nothing wherein the malice of men seems to be most prevalent but our Lord is still gaining his point upon and by them They are all the while executing God's determination though to their own ruine 2. See here an exact correspondency betwixt all the circumstances of our Lord's sufferings and God's determination and a concurrence of all of them for the promoving of it in the History of the Gospel A bone of him is not broken when the bones of the two Thieves crucified with him are broken a Spear is run at him and his side is pierced when they are not pierced And all this because it was prophesied of him that A bone of him shall not be broken and they shall look upon him whom they have pierced and when it comes to his burial Pilate wots not what he is doing when yet he is fulfilling the Lords design in giving his body to a rich man Joseph of Arimathea when he asked it from him to be buried by him whereby the Prophesie of the Text is fulfilled The wickedness of some the contingent actions of others and the ignorance of many concurr all together to make out the same holy and unalterable design and purpose of God And therefore 3dly Let us stay our faith here that our Lord is yet still working in all these confusions and when matters return'd up-side down to humane appearance our blessed Lord is not non-plussed and at a stand when we are he knows well what he is doing and will make all things most certainly infallibly and infrustrably to work for his own glory and for the good of his people From its being said that He gave his grave with the wicked as holding forth Christ's willingness to be buried as he saith of his death John 10.17 No man taketh away my life from me but I lay it down and take it up again Observe That in the whole performance of the work of Redemption even in the lowest and most shameful steps of it our Lord was a most willing condescender He gave his grave with the wicked He was a most free and willing undertaker when as it were the Question was put Who will satisfie for Elect sinners He comes in and sayes as we h●ve it Psal 40. Lo I come in the volume of thy book it is written of me I delight to do thy will O my God I am here Father as if he had said I offer my self and accept of the terms heartsomly and delightsomly I rejoyced saith he Prov. 8.28 in the habitable parts of the earth before the foundation of the world was laid my delight was with the sons of men So it may be made evident that in all the parts of his sufferings and in every step thereof he did most exactly and also most willingly perform whatever was carved out to him He preached and wrought miracles and did all with delight as himself sayes John 4.32 It is my meat and my drink to do my Fathers will and to finish his work It refreshed him when his body was hungry and faint to be carrying on the work of Redemption in speaking to a poor straying sinner If we yet look a little forward we will find that he so longed for the saddest part of this exercise that he is pained till it be accomplished Luke 12.50 I have a b●ptism to be baptized with and how am I straitned till it be accomplished His heart longed so much to be at it that he would approve nor admit of nothing that might stand in the way of it therefore he rejected Peters advice with holy detestation with a Get thee behind me Satan He knew well what was in Judas mind and yet would not divert him but bid him do what he was about quickly He went to the Garden where he was known to resort and gave his enemies opportunity to rake him and would not suffer his Disciples to draw a Sword to oppose them When he was before Pilate he would not open his mouth When he was buffetted he gave his back to the smiters and his cheeks to him that plucked off the hair and hid not his face from shame and spitting Because he knew what was aimed at in all this and accordingly saith Matth. 20.20 The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransome for many When His Holy Humane Nature scarred at the Cup and when he was thereby put to pray Father if it be possible let this cup pass from me he sweetly subioyns but for this cause came I unto this hour And the nearer it came to his death he vented his desire after it the more With desire have I desired saith he or with special desire have I desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer Even when he was to eat the last Passover and to take his last good night and to be in readiness for what was coming What could have been the mean or motive to bring it about if he had not been willing It was this willingness that Jehovah was pleased with and that made his Sacrifice to smell sweetly to his Father who loveth a cheerful giver and it had never been satisfactory if it had not been willing but extorted and therefore saith he Joh. 10. No man taketh my life from me but I lay it down And I delight to do thy will Psal 40. Use 1. See here a great evidence of the love of God and of the Mediator Behold what manner of love this is that when it was not required he should offer and freely give himself to death and to the grave this is the love of a friend and beyond it that he should have so loved his Church as to give himself for her to death and to the grave Well may he say as he doth John 15.15 Greater love hath no man then this c. 2dly It shews what great ground of consolation and encouragement a sinner hath that would fain be at Christ to believe on him and to expect Life and Salvation through him Our Lord was most willing to lay down his life and to come to the grave for that end and is it possible that he will refuse a sinner that comes unto him and that would fain share in the benefite of his sufferings which was his great end in suffering This one thing to wit the willingness that he had to suff●r and the delight that he had in suffering to purchase Redemption to sinners may be as a strong cordial to strengthen the heart of a swo●●ing Sinner and a great motive and encouragement to come forward to him Thou wilt it may be say I wot not if Christ loves me O!
Consider these sweet words Rom. 5.10 If he died for us while we wer● yet enemies how much more shall we be saved by his life I shall close this discourse with these two words the 1. whereof is for encouragement If there be any body here that would fain have Christs love and partake of his death Take courage seing our Lord out of the great desire he had to promove the Salvation of sinners Gave him self to death and to the grave will he not willingly make application of his purchase to them when they seek it That he was willing to undergo all this is a far greater matter then to welcome a sinner coming home to him And if he did all that he did for this very end will he stand on it when it comes to the application The 2d word is that this is and will be a ground of conviction to all who think little of our blessed Lord Jesus and of his love and who will not part with a base lust for him and who will not make choise of him but will refuse reject undervalue and despise him with all that he hath done and suffered it will exceedingly aggravat your condemnation that when he was so willing to die for the good of sinners ye were not willing to live for his satisfaction Think on it O! think seriously on it These things are the truths of God and the main truths of the Gospel that ly very near the ingaging of hearts to Christ And if such truths do you no good none other readily will God give us the Faith of them SERMON XXXIV ISAIAH LIII IX Vers 9. And he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had do●e no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth THis is a most wonderful Suj●ct that we have to think and s●eak of which concerns the ●uff●rings that our blessed Lord was pleased to undergo for sinn●rs And this makes it to be the more wonderful ●hen we consider what he was made and what his carriage was He was numbered with the transgressours and gave his grave with the wi●ked And yet he hath this te●●imony that there was no violence in his hands nor any deceit in his mouth He was a sinless Mediator not only before men but before God These words considered in themselv●s hold out a little sum and short compend of an holy walk most perfectly and exactly fulfilled in the conversation of Jesus Christ He had done no violence or there w●s no violence in his hands that is there was no sinful deed contrary to the Law of God in all his practice and walk And there was no deceit or no guile in his mouth that is no sinful or decei●ful expression Io●um neither in deed nor in word was there sin in him He did wrong to none by his deeds and he deceived no body by his words This guile or deceit as it looks to the first Table of the Law imports th t there was no falshood nor corrupt Doctrine in his Ministry He did not beguile nor se●uce the souls of any in leading them wrong And as it looks to the second Table of ●he Law more immediatly it imports that he was sincere and upright that there was no deceit no violence or dis●embling in his carriage so that whether we look to him ●s God's publick Servant in the Ministry or to him in his privat walk he was compleatly innocent and without all sin as the word is 1 Pet 2 22 Who did no sin neither was guile ●ound in his mouth However men accounted of him he was an innocent and sinless Saviour If we look on them as they depend on the former words they are a reason of that diff●rence which in his death and buria● God did put betwixt him and others Though he was by wicked men put to death as a wicked person yet God in his providence so ordered the matter that he was honourably buried with the rich Why so T●is is the reason of it because though they esteemed him a false Prophet and a Dec●iver a Wine-bibber c. Yet he had done no wrong to any neither by word nor by deed and therefore God would have that respect pu● on him after his death in his burial and so a remarkable difference to be made betwixt him and others Observe hence 1. That our Lord Jesus the High Priest of our profession that laid down his life for sinners is compleatly and perfectly holy He hath th●t testimony from the Prophet here that He did no violence neither was there any deceit in his mouth He hath this testimony from the Apostles from Peter 1 ●et 2.22 He did no sin neither was any guile found in his mouth From John 1. John 3 5 He was manifested to take away sin and in him is no sin And from Paul Heb. 7.27 He was holy and harmless and undefiled separate f●om sinners In this respect there is a difference betwixt him and all men in the world And i● w●s necessary and requisite for Believers consolation that it should be so It became us saith the Apostle to have such an High Priest 1. If we consider the excellency of his person he could not be otherwise being God and Man in one Person and having the fulness of the Godhead dwelling in him bodily 2. It was necessary if we consider the end of his Offices he being to offer up an acceptable Sacrifice to God behoved to be holy and harmless otherwise neither the Priest nor the Sacrifice could have been acceptable 3. It was necessary if we consider the dignity of his Office It behoved him to differ from the former Priests under the Law And if he had not been without sin he should not have so differed from them 4. It was necessary for the persons for whom he undertook these Offices Such a High Priest became them and another could not have done their turn All these we will find to be put together Heb. 7.26 27. Where the Apostle having said vers 25. That he is able to save to the uttermost these that come unto God through him subjoyns For such an High Priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners made higher then the heavens who needeth not daily as these high Priests to offer up sacrifices first for his own sins and then for the sin of the people The most holy of all the Priests had sins for which they behoved to offer Sacrifices and so had the holiest of the pople but Christ was holy and blameless and had no sin and it behoved him to be so As I said just now his sacrifice could never have been accepted for others if he had needed to offer up sacrifices for himself The Uses are these Not to speak how it vindicats our Lord Jesus Christ from all these aspersions cast upon him by wicked men who called him a Glutton a Wine-bibber a friend of Publicans and Sinners a Deceiver c. He
is pure would study soundnesse in Judgement as well as tendernesse in Practice And yet how many are readily mistaken in this Who if they meet with some that can speak a few good Words and make pretences to a holy Walk though the Second Command be baff●ed and disgraced by them and the Name of God torn And though the Fourth Command be made of none effect or price by them it 's thought but little of all is covered with this that they are good Folks and of a tender walk But Oh! can they be good who abuse that wherein the Name and Image of God are most tenderly concerned and will God account that to be Holinesse aggreeable to His Law that slights depreclars and vilifies the best part of His Law Let me therefore beseech you to take in and to close Error with other sins and to look upon unsoundnesse in the Truths of God as a Fruit of the Flesh and withall to look upon sound knowledge in the Mind and the form of sound words in the Mouth as being a Duty that is called for from you as well as other Duties We the rather take occasion to speak to this because the Devil is seeking to turn Men meer Athiests Gallio's as to the Truths of God to care for none of these things and as to weir out the esteem of Truth so to make People to look upon Error as if there were no hurt by it it 's sad that there is not more scarring at and keeping distance from the company of such if they can but give a parcel of good Words and make shewes of respect to Piety in this lukewarm time there is need to guard against this Temper or rather Distemper and to look well that we half not nor divide the Pattern and Copie which God in his Word hath cast to us and set before us we would studie Purity and Tenderne●●e in our Walk and Growth in sound Knowledge and would walk humbly under the impression of our hazard It 's sad when Folks are ill girded and yet scarcely discern it It seems to be a winnowing time and some are already taken off their feet who thought not some Moneths or Years since to have carried in reference to the Truth as they have done It hath been Gods mercy to this place that he hath hedged us about hitherto at which the Devll hath raged not a little Be humbled and have an eye to Him th●t can keep his People and can establish them in the Truth and make them unbleamable in holiness till the coming of the Lord. We come now to the 10. verse and from the first part of it yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief These three things arise clearly 1. That though our Lord Jesus was most innocent in His own Person yet was He put to exceeding sore Tryalls and sharp Sufferings For 1 He was bruised to wit like Corn betwixt the upper and neither Milstones or l●ke Grapes in the Wine presse which respects not so much his outward sufferings though great for a bone of him was not broken as His inward Soul-sufferings and the inward pressures of Wrath that were on His Humane Soul 2. He was put to grief was sore straitned and punished and these expressions import so much my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death my soul is sore troubled and what shal I say and my God my God why hast thou forsaken me The particulars of this grief were spoken to before and we shew in what respect He was so humbled and that He was most sinless and w●thout any the least carnal mude or passion under these expressions in which the sense of grief vented it self most in Him Only if it be here asked what is the reason why the Prophet doth so much insist in pointing out Christ's Sufferings and the extremity of them that scarce almost is there one Verse but he hath in it some one or other new aggravation of them we conceive the reason of it is 1. Because there is nothing wherein the greatness of the Love of God and the kindlinesse of the Mediators condescending doth appear in this for the more He Suffered the more the Love of God shined and His condescendency kythed the more this being the great instance and demonstrative proof of the Love of God God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son As it is John 3.16 O! manifold and vastly comprehensive So what is unfolded in it Eternity will but suffice fully to unfold and this being the great instance of the Mediators condescendencie and of His commending His Love to sinners That while we were yet enemies he died for us As it is Rom. 5. The Lord loves to have this the subject of our thoughts that we may be led thereby in to the Soul-ravishing and satisfying contemplation of the Love whence it came 2. Because there is not any one thing that lyes nearer or that is readily of greater concern to Believers then to be well acquainted with Christ's Sufferings wherein the Lord would have his People spiritually perqueir and it is of their concernment in a twofold respect 1. As it is the ground of their peace Therefore He is called our Peace and a Propitiation for by being acqu●in●ed with Christ's Sufferings Believers have a solid ground for their Faith whereby they discover access to peace with God to Pardon of sin and Justification the Mediator having undergone these sufferings for this end 2. As it is the ground of their Consolation considering that they have a suffering Mediator that hath payed the Price that was due by them even such an One that knows 〈◊〉 what it was to be bruised with Wrath and is therefor very tender of and compassionat towards Souls that are under challenges and apprehensions of Wrath These are sweet words which we have to this purpose 1 John 2. 1. If any man sin we have an advocat with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous who is the propitiation for our sins who was content to Suffer and Satisfie for them O! consider then what ye are doing when ye read of His sufferings for the very Marrow of the Gospel and the Life of the Consolation of the People of God lyes here 2. From these words Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he hath put him to grief Observe That the Lord Jehovah had the main and principal hand in all the Sufferings of this Innocent Mediator It was not the Jews nor the Scribes and Pharisees nor Pilat but it pleased the Lord to bruise him and to put him to grief As is clear Act. 4.27 28. Herod and Pontius Pilat the Gentiles and People of Israel were gathered together to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsell determined before to be done In all that they did they were but doing that which was carved out before in the E●ernal Counsel of God and therefore Peter sayes Act. 2.23 Him being delivered by the determinat
suitable for Sinners to carry the Faith of this along with them in their bosome If He procured Heaven to us by His Soul-suffering and Travel we cannot procure it to our selves and therefore a necessity lyes on all that would be at Heaven to be in Christ's common for it And this is the up-shot of all that Dyvour Sinners may know that they are in His common As for His Purchase so for the Applic●tion of it Use 2. This Doctrine yeelds much Consolation and it is the Fountain and Rise of it His Soul travel bought it all and makes way to the bringing of us to the possession of it And in many respects our Consolation depends on it We shall look upon it as the rise thereof more generally in these respects 1. That to a poor Sinner lying under the Curse there is a possibility of getting it put by and kept off that Heaven is not desperat and that the fear of coming before the Tribunal of Justice is not absolute for our Lord hath satisfied Justice the Price that He laid down was not for nought but levelled at this very Scope as the Apostle hath it 2 Cor. 5. ult He was made sin for us that knew no sin that we Sinners might be made the righteousness of God in or through him and what strong Consolation is this for a Sinner under the Curse of God to have this word spoken to him though thou cannot satisfy Justice for thy self yet there is a way laid down to satisfy it for thee the Mediator having the Price that was required proposed to Him did not stick at the Terms but held the Bargain and hath accordingly actually performed it 2. It is a Consolation in this respect That not only is there a Compleat Satisfaction given to Justice but a willing Saviour ready to make that Satisfaction forthcoming and to make it forthcoming freely can there be a greater proof of our Lord Jesus His Love to Sinners then this That when they were considered with all their Debt lying on their heads He undertook this Soul-travel for them to procure them Salvation from Wrath and Justice This is more then His giving them His Word for it though that had been enough it 's more then the giving them His Oath thus to commend His Love As it is John 15.13 Greater love hath no man then this that a man should lay down his life for his f●iend but sayes the Apostle Rom. 5.8.10 God commends his love to us that while we were yea sinners yea enemies Christ died for us This good Shepherd laid down His Life for His Sheep 3. It 's a Consolation in this respect That there is also a willingness to the Lord Jehovah the provoked Party to accept of this Satisfaction and to absolve the Elect on account of this Satisfaction For what I pray was all this Soul-travel that the Lord underwent But Jehovah His transferring of the Debt of the Elect on Him according to the transaction that had past in the Covenant of Redemption He would never have made the Sword of His Justice to awake against the man that was His Fellow if He had not been content to accept of His Satisfaction for them that should make use of it for we have not only the Mediator and His Satisfaction to look upon in this Soul-travel but also the contrivance of the Covenant called in the former words The pleasure of the Lord who while we were enemies gave His Son and was content to want Him for a time to speak so and to be a distinct party to pursue Him Is not this then a good Bargain when we have a willing Mediator and Merchant content to give the Price and Satisfaction and a gracious and willing God content to accept of this Satisfaction and both of them content to make the Application of it to us freely As it is Revel 3.18 Here is matter of strong Consolation the ground whereof will not fall to wit The mediators Soul-travel and the Lord Jehovah will not cast the Bargain When the poor Sinner sayes I have nothing to pay but there is a Price in Christ's Satisfaction offered in the Gospel and the Judge sayes admits it for the Sinner that lays claim to it as if the Sinner had never Sinned or had actually payed the Price himself But 4. Look a little further and we will find more Consolation though this be much consider a Sinner in a tempted condition and under Sad-soul-exercise that wots not what to do with Unbelief with the Devil and with the Wrath of God all which are like to overwhelm and swallow them up and the heart is like to sink here is the native and kindly Fountain for such a Soul to drink at That our Lord Jesus suffered more and that it was another sort of Cup that He drank of and drank out And for these Ends 1. To take away the Sting and Bitterness of thy Cup. 2. To procure and Meritoriously to Purchase a Freedom and Out-gate from these Temptations to thee 3. Also that He might be made a Sympathizing High-Priest and the more compassionat towards the Person that should be so Tempted according to that Heb 2. ult For that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able also to succour these that are tempted He was Tempted that He might have kindly sympathy with Tempted Souls and therefore when such are ready to fall a swoon He dates and dandles them as it were on His Knee and when they are in hazard to turn their backs in the Conflict He comes up with fresh strength and recruits them So Heb. 4.15 We have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin We have such an High Priest as was not only mocked and scorned of Men and some way deserted of God but who was tempted though not from Sin within for He was without Sin yet to Sin for He was assaulted by the Devil and tempted to unbelief and other gross Sins As is clear Matth. 4. though as He sayeth Himself The prince of this world had nothing in him And He was not only tempted to Sin but as if He had actually Sinned He met with Wrath from all there is a sweet and strong Sympathy flowing from such bowels as one Brother hath towards another yea inconceivablie beyond the tenderest bowels that the most warmly loving Brethren in all the World have one towards another And therefore he knows well what Apprehensions Temptations riding thick to speak so will attempt to beat in upon poor Souls and can from experience Sympathy with them It is not so to be understood as if there were any additionall degree made to His Kindnesse Skill and Grace as He is God These being infinit in Him as so confedred yet He being Man as well as God or having a humane Nature He hath from His Personal experience a Sympathy and that in a humane way
though infinitely above what we can conceive with His own under their Temptations and sad Soul-exercises And seing the Scripture holds out such a thing as this That our High Priest is a Man that hath bowels of Sympathy it may sufficiently warrand a Believer to expect much good this and other wayes from Christ He having Grace infinit in Him as God and a tender heart as Man to befriend them and to communicat and let out of that Grace unto them And this is great ground of Consolation to Believers under any Cross and piece of hard exercise to know that we have a Mediator who knows in experience though not the sinfulnesse that accompanies these hard exercises in us yet what these fears are of being shut out from God and how dreadfull a thing it is to be at controversie with Him and is like to these who having come thorow a sad Tryall and Piece of Exercise themselves are thereby the more ready to Sympathize with others under it 5. and lastly The consideration of this may comfort Believers even in their outward afflictions it had been another sort of Crosses that they would have been made to meet with if He had not taken this Cup of Wrath and dunken it for them and therefore they would be comforted and bless God who hath taken this Soul-travel from off them and made way for a Retreat and Shelter for them in Him and it should even shame Believers who are ready to think so much of any little Bit of inward Exercise or of outward Affliction seing our blessed Lord Jesus endured so much not only outwardly and Bodily Affliction but also so much inward Trouble and Soul-travel that thereby their Burden might be made light and their yoke easie Use 3. For Exhortation seing our Lord Jesus was put to such sore Soul-travel sure it layes a great obligation on them for whom he Suffered to endeavour to make some Suitable and Gratefull Return seing therefore we are so much in His Common and Debt we should give Him a friendly meeting in these Four which this calls for 1. It calleth for Love to Him that vented such Love to us 2. It calleth for Faith That seing He gave such a Price for us we should trust our Souls to Him 3. It calleth for Holiness and Obedience even living to Him and to the Glorifying of Him that hath bought us This Argument will sure weigh with you who on solid grounds lay claim to His Purchase 4. It calleth for Thankfulness and Praise in magnifying His Grace and Love that hath so Loved us And are not all these very suitable and becoming that Sinners should Love Him and that these who Love Him not should be Anathema Marenatha accursed to the coming of the Lord that Sinners should believe on Him and be obedient to Him and thankfull 1. If ye believe this Truth this Comfortable and Soul-ravishing Truth let me exhort you and be exhorted and prevailed with t● love Our Lord Jesus Christ and to give Him that answerable respect meeting and welcome that becomes If we may plead for any thing from you sure we may plead for this If it be true that He ingadged in such a Bargain in which if He had not ingadged Himself we had inevitably gone to the pit and if He hath actually payed the P●●e which He undertook to pay let your Consciences speak if it should not melt the hearts of such to whom the benefit of this is offered with Love to Him And if ye have the Faith of the Doctrine can ye deny but this obligation lyeth upon you Look in on your Consciences and Hearts and see if ye be able to shift it and if ye had suitable Palaces for intertaining Him in if ye be not bound to open to Him and give Him patent entry to them and if your Eyes were Fountains Tears if it would not become you to wash His Feet with them and to wipe them with the Hair of your Heads Would to God that you were under the suitable impression of this and that ye were by the Gospel and the Priviledges ye have by it constrained to love the Lord Jesus Christ It may be some of you think if this be all that is called for He shall not want it We assure you it is called for My Son sayeth He give me thine heart But we are afraid that though ye will confess that this is your duty and that ye should have Love to Him yet the most part of you want it For when we speak of Love to Ch●ist it is not a Pretext or Apprehension of Love that will be taken for Love but such Love as hath these Qualifications 1. If Christ be Loved He will be esteemed of as the most excellent Thing or Person the most excellent Bargain the most Kind Friend the most Loving Husband and as the most Full Compleat and absolute Sufficiency or Sufficient One As He is spoken of and esteemed of by the Spouse Can. 5. His countenance is like Lebanon excellent as the Cedars his mouth is most sweet he is altogether lovely The heart is brought to esteem of Him and to prefer Him beyond all that it can set the eye upon It were indeed somewhat if ye were brought under Conviction and through Perswasion of this that Jesus Christ is the incomparable best thing that a Sinner can have a Title to But alace He is dispised and rejected of Men though He be the chiefest of ten thousands And Men play the fool egregiously in preferring other things to Him who is infinitely worthy of the Preference u●●● and of the Preheminency above them all A 2d Evidence of Love is the hearts longing and panting after the injoyment of Him and after the injoyment of Him as the most excellent Object quite surpassing all other Objects And when the thirst and longing of the Soul is so carried out after Him as it cannot be satisfied without Him which is to be Sick of love for Him as it is Can. 2 5. and 5. v. 8. To be in a manner swooning and f●inting because of His absence and even greening to speak so for His presence to have the bent of the Souls Designes and Desires towards making ●f that Glorious Conquest whereof the Apostle speaks Philip. 3. Even to count all things to be but loss and dung and to cast all things as it were over Board to win to him and to be found in him To count of Him as the pearl of price and as the treasure hid in the field For the sake of which ye would strip your selves to the Skin and sell all that ye have to buy it 3. This Love to Christ Jesus hath in it a Satisfying Delight in Him and the Souls blessing of it self in Him it 's contenting it self with Him and it 's rejoycing in that Sweetness which it findeth to be in Him as being the only Attractive Object that hath such a Loveliness in it as breeds Satisfaction Which Satisfaction begets a
Kindly Warmness in the Heart to Him again even till the Soul be put in a Holy Low or Flame of Love to Him more of this Love would make Christ and the Gospel much more Sweet and would make every one of these words that expresseth His Love in His Sufferings to be like Marrow and Fatness and would also make the Promises to be like Breasts full of Consolation It would withall cause that there would not be such mistakes of Christ nor such gaddings and whorings from Him and such preferrings of Idols to Him as alace there are Where this Love is not there can be no other thing that will be acceptable We shall say no more for the time but only this That we do appeal to your Consciences if there be not here an excellent and non-such Object of Love and if there be not here much reason to be in Love with that Object A very Heathen will return Love for Love and should not we much more do so in this case God Himself kindle this Love in us and make us know more the great advantages of it SERMON XLV ISAIAH LIII XI Verse 11. He shall see of the travell of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justifie many for he shall bear their iniquities THe Work of Redemption is a business that was very gravely and very seriously contrived and prosecuted in respect of God and of the Mediator there was much earnestness in it as to them and yet notwithstanding which is a wonder Men whom it concerns so much whose Salvation depends on it and to whom the benefit of it redounds are but very little serious in their thoughts of it Our Lord Jesus was in Travel Soul-travel sore Soul-travel to bring about this Work and that the Gospel might be Preached to Sinners that they might have thereby a ground to their Faith to expect Life and Remission of Sins through Him Is it not then sad that we should speak and hear of it and be in a manner like the stone in the wall no more or little more affected with it than if it were a matter that did not at all concern us The Reading and Hearing of these Words will doubtless be a great Conviction to secure Sinners that our Lord Jesus was at such pains and put to such sore Soul-travel and Suffering and that yet such Sinners were never stirred nor made serious to have the Application of this Purchased Redemption made to them The Scope of these Words is to shew the great inward Soul-travels Conflicts and Straits that our blessed Lord Jesus had and was put to in throughing of the Work of Redemption and in paying the Price due to the Justice of God for the Sins of the Elect It 's a wonder that ever we should have it to speak of and that ye should hear of this Subject which is the very Text to say so and Sum of the Gospel And therefore before we leave it we shall speak a little more to the Use of it and truly if we make not use of this Doctrine we will make use of none though I confess it is a great practique how to draw it to Use and to conform ourselves in our practice to the Use of it We proposed somethings the last day which we could not then prosecute As 1. something for Exhortation 2. Something for Reproof and Expostulation which rising clearly from the Doctrine drawn from the Words we may now insist a little in them 1. For Exhortation Considering Christs Sufferings and the extremity of them and that they were undergone for Sinners we would exhort you to love Him as ye ought There is ground and warrand here to require it of you seing that Love in His bosome came to such an hight that He was content to lay down His Life yea seing He was in such a hot flame of Love that the Cup of Wrath did not quench it but His Love drank and dryed it up Greater love then this hath no man It is a most wonderfull Love considered with all the circumstances whereby it is hightened And there is ground here to excite and stir you up to give Him a kindly meeting and to welcome His Love with Love It will sure be a great shame if our Lords Love stood at nothing so that He might do the Fathers will and finish the Work committed to Him which was the perfyting of the Work of Sinners Redemption the Redeeming of His lost Sheep It every triffle or any triffle shall quench Love in our hearts to Him O! What a shame will it be in the Day of Judgement to many when this Man shall be brought forth loving this Idol and another Man loving that Idol more then Christ this Man loving his Lust that Man his Ease and another Man h●s Wealth or Honour and preferring them to Christ and when it shall be found that they would not quit nor part with their right Eye nor their right Hand which are not worth the name of Members being called so because they are Members of the Body of Death out of Love to Him Think Folks what they will that native impression of the obligation that lyes upon them to love Christ is wanting and that Divine and Soul-ravishing Influence that His Love should have on hearts It is true ye all think that ye love Him unless it be some of them who indeed love Him but if ye could reflect upon your selv●s ye would find that ye have little or no love at all to Him indeed And therefore for undeceiving of you beside what we said the last day take two or three Characters of kindly love to Christ 1. This Love is never satisfied with any degree or measure that it hath attained so as to sit down on it It hath these two things in it A desire to be further on in Love and a weightedness that it cannot win at growth in Him The loving Soul is disposed to think that it's Love to Christ is not worthy to be called Love and it breaths after it even to have it self warmed therewith to Him and to be brought to a further nearness to Him as we may see through the Song of Solomon And particularly Chap. 7. at the close There will I give thee my loves And Chap. 8. O that thou wert as my brother that sucked the breasts of my mother Kindly Love to Him puts the Soul to long for an opportunity to vent it's Love towards Him 2. Where this Love is the Soul will be as serious in praying for it that it may attain it as if it wanted it and it will be as much affected for the want of the lively exercise of it and will be as much challenged for coming short in it as it will be for any other Sin There is no benefit that it seeks more after then to have the heart circumcised to love Him and O! but it will be accounted a great benefit to get love to Christ And
some hard piece of Labour or to bestow of our Means and Substance yea all of it to please Him it had been very reasonable on His part to have demanded it and most unreasonable on ours to have refused it But our Lord layes weight on none of these things as seperated from the laying the weight of our Souls on His Righteousness The Reason is because the making use of His Righteousness and the improving of His Sufferings for our Justification and Salvation shews that He in His Sufferings is esteemed of and He seeks no more but that 2. Consider how good reason ye have to satisfie Christ and yeeld to Him and to improve His Sufferings for your own Salvation Is there any that dar say the contrary Will not Historical Faith say that there is good reason for it if there be any Love to Him or to your own Souls will it not plead for this If ever ye think to be Pardoned is there any other name given whereby ye can expect it Is there any Holiness or Comfort but from Him any hope of Heaven but through Him and will not this bind the Conscience of any that is not desperat to judge That He from whom all this comes should be Satisfied 3. Consider at what a rate He hath Purchased these benefits of the Pardon of Sin of Peace with God of Sanctification of the hope of Heaven c. And how He hath brought them about Did He not ingage in the Covenant of Redemption and hath He not performed all that He ingaged for in taking on our Nature in being in an Agony in Sweating drops of Blood in being Buffeted Mocked Reproached and in Dying to procure Life and Peace to Sinners If we could rightly discern His Sufferings and the benefits that we have by them it would say that there is good reason that He should have a kindly meeting who hath done and Suffered so much to obtain these to us 4. Consider the cheerfull way of His Suffering and of His laying down of the Price how well-pleased He was to undergo all for His People so that He sayeth John 10. No man taketh my life from me but I lay it down of my self and take it up again Psal 40. I delight to do thy will O my God And Luke 12. I have a baptizme to be baptized with and how am I straitned till it be accomplished And Luke 22. With desi●e have I desired to eat this passover before I suffer He opened not his mouth in order to His delivery so well did He love the Salvation of Sinners Now What if a meer and ordinary M●n had done something to the hazard of His Life for you would it not plead with the most Carnal Persons having the least measure of Natural or Moral Inginuity to give Him a meeting Very Heathens will love these that love them much more ought ye to satisfie Him in what He requires who h●th done so much for Sinners 5. Consider what He seeks as a Satisfaction hinted at before If it were a great matter or which were to your prejudice there might be some shadow of a ground to Refuse but when it is no more but to make use of His Sufferings for your own good how can it be refused It 's in this Case as if the Patients health would sati●fie the Physician as if a Poor Mans receiving of a Sum of Money would satisfie the Rich Friend who is pleased to bestow it Or ●s if one that is naked would satisfie another by putting on the Cloaths laid to his hand by him What reason is there to refuse such Offers And yet this that Christ calls for is even as if the Physician should say to his dying Pa●ient I will be sati●fied greatly if thou wilt take this Potion that is for thy Recovery ●ealth and Cure and I will not be content if thou take it not though the Ingredients stand my self very dear besides that it is for thy good and will Recover thee Or as if the Father should say to the Child I will not be content if thou put not on such a fine Suit that stood me so much Money In a word That which makes the Divour Sinner happy is that which satisfies Him 6. Consider if Jesus Christ get not this Satisfaction what will come of it if ye please Him not in this He will be highly displeased no other thing will Satifie Him though ye should Pray and Weep an hundred years and do many good Works if He get not this Fruit of His Soul-sufferings To wit that ye improve them for your Souls good and Salvation He will be continually displeased Therefore it 's said Psal 2. Kiss the Son least he be angry And that is not●ing else but to make Use of H●m in His Offices and it sayes that there is no way to please Him and to eshew His anger but this And indeed if ye anger Him ye anger Him that can be your best Friend and your greatest Foe 7. Consider further how Our Lord Jesus seeks and presses for this Satisfaction from you He ●ends for●● His Friends and Ambassadors to wooe ●n His Name and to beseech you ●o be reconciled and to tell you that it will not be thousands of Rams nor your fir●●-born that will do the business but that ye must humble your selves and walk with God which necessarly suppo●eth the Use-making of Christ If there had been no pleading with you in His Name there had not been such Sin in not imp oving H s Satisfaction But when He pleads so much and so often for this and intreats every one in particular to Satisfie Him saying as it were let Me see of the Travel of My Soul 〈◊〉 Me have this much Satisfaction for all M Sufferings that ye will make Use of My Righteousnesse and when He is so very serious in Beseeching and Intr●a●i g it should no doubt make us the more willing to grant Him what He seeks 8. Ye would look upon this not only as a discourse in the general to Si●n●rs but ye would also look on it as addressed to every one of you in particular And therefore remember that ye will all be called to give an account of this matter and it will be sked you What became of such and suc● an offer of Grace and whether ye gave Him ●he Satisfaction that He called for or not According to that Word Act. 17.31 e hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained Whereof he hath given assurance to all men in that he hath raised him from the dead He would have Judged the World though Christ had not come But He will have a day wherein He will call all the hearers of the Gospel to an account especially as to this To wit What welcome they have given to Christ And seing such a day is coming when Folk will be called to an account what Use they made of Him with what face will
last to Hell and Destruction hence it is at least in part that the Kingdom of Satan is called the kingdom of darkness and sure they are very proper Subjects of his Kingdom who are Ignorant and is it possible think ye that people can think of God or of their Dutie aright or have any solid peace who are in that Condition They are just like to one sleeping on the top of a Mast in great hazard and yet utterly senslesse of it Look but to two or three Words that hold out the dreadfull danger and hazard of your Condition who are Ignorant The First is that 2. Thess 1. Christ will come in flaming fire to render vengeance to all them that know not God and obey not the Gospel The 2d is Hos 4. My people perish for want of knowledge The 3d. is Isa 27. This is a people of no understanding therefore he that made them will have no mercy upon them Think not then little of Ignorance neither think your selves to be well so long as ye live in it A 2d Son will readily grant that Ignorance is an evil thing and that Knowledge is good and desirable but yet they take no pains to have their Ignorance cured and removed or to attain Knowledge They are secure and confident though poor blind and wretched and make their Ignorance a cloak of excuse for their other Sins Hence some will say we have been poor ignorant bodies and we hope that God will not lay Sin to our charge O! what delusion and disperat danger is here If it be asked and it would become us well to inquire in it What can be the reason of this horribly gross Ignorance that is among us which is such that we are almost hoplesse of many of you if some extraordinary works of God's Spirit fall not in on your minds and hearts very readily these go together the most ignorant are the most sensless and the most Ignorant are the most confident The causes of this may be several as 1. Folks undervaluing the practice of Religion let the most Ignorant Persons being earnest in the practice of Religion and they will readily through Gods blessing as seek after so come at some measure of Knowledge This is a fountain of your Ignorance that ye are not in earnest in Religion Then shall ye know saith the Prophet Hosea Chap. 6. if ye follow on to know the Lord Excuse not your Ignorance and want of Knowledge by your not being Book-learned by your want of time and leasure and by other such shifts If ye were in good earnest and serious in seeking after the Knowledge of the things of Religion ye would soon in some measure understand and take them up But ye come and hear and sit for an hour and take no heed what is spoken ye will not read the Catechism nor ask a question about what ye are ignorant of nor will take heed to what is said when others are examined There are none of you but if ye were in earnest ye might come to some good measure of Knowledge because they were sometim●● as ignorant as ye are and as incapable who yet have come to Knowledge and these will be witnesses against you who had the same Gospel the same seasons and means of Knowledge and yet continued full in your Ignorance 2. Many of you do not value the sinfulnesse and hazard of Ignorance For ye continue as secure a● if God would never lay it to your charge ye would not readily lye in the Sin of Drunkenness or of Swearing or of any other such things without a challenge but ye can lye still in your Ignorance and in the Sin of not profiting by the means which ye are under and yet dispense with your selves therein and ye secretly say within your selves if we be well otherwayes we hope Knowledge will not be required of us But will not think ye Gods Image be required to be in you are not Faith Repentance and Holiness required and can any of these I pray be without Knowledge do ye see any touched with the impression of their Sin and Guilt but as soon they fall to the study of Knowledge and who continue to be Ignorant but stupid bodies that never saw their hazard which is an ordinary companion and attendant of Ignorance A 3d. Cause is Negligence and sloathfulness The wise man sayes The hand of the diligent maketh rich and slothfulness brings on poverty in every thing if ye compare Folks together ye will find that where-ever any are soberly and seriously diligent God blesses it So that we may gather and conclude their diligence from their Knowledge There are many here who I suppose are very Ignorant but let me ask you what time pains have ye ever bestowed on the study of Knowledge ye hear the preaching and ye read a Chapter of the Bible now and then but that 's not enough for ye may be present here and yet not hear to any purpose How many come to hear the preaching of the Word from whom through their own fault Devils come as so many Craws on new sowen Land and snatch away the Word that is sowen and it 's never known that such seed was sown for most part ye either hear negligently or ye quickly forget all that ye hear ye never speak of it in your Families neither take ye any time for re●ding and pondering the Catechism how many of you did ever set any dayes or hours apart to study Knowledge Ye will cry out against pretended Enthusiasiness and Inspirations as Delusions and there is good reason for it But how shall ye get Knowledge if ye will be at no pains for it your practice sayes ye expect it should come by immediat inspiration without all use of ordinary and appointed means 4. Others wil say that they would fain know but they are very dull and incapable and it 's often true that they are so but are such in earnest out of love to Knowledge studying to come by it It 's said of some 2 Thess 2. Because they received not the truth in love God gave them up to strong delusions to believe a lie There are many who study Knowledge but not from a right principle nor from a right motive it may be that they may get their Token to come to the Lord's Supper to eshew shame when they are examined or that they may be able to talk It 's just with God to let such want Knowledge 5. Folks go not about the use of ordinary means as having therein need of God's blessing and of His Spirit to help them rightly to take up His Mysteries they pray not for Knowledge as Gods gift how many of you when ye take up the Catechism to read fall down on your knees to seek God's blessing on your reading thereof When John is speaking of the benefits that come by Christ this is by him put in among the rest And hath given us an understanding that we may know
exhortation to this purpose Examine your selves if ye be in the faith prove your own selves know ye not your own selves that ●hrist is in you except ye be reprobats We do the rather presse this because if we were serious in the tryal there would through Gods blessing be more Faith in some and lesse presumption in others and these that have Faith would have more peace and comfort in it But that which makes many content themselves with a counterfit instead of Faith is that they put it not to the tryal and that which makes them who have Faith to want peace and to live in much anxiety is that they do not more prove themselves as to their Faith These are then the Two main parts of a Believers Dutie by Faith to take hold of Christ and to rest on and in Him and by tryal to make it clear and sure to themselves that they are Believers and these Two are the great up shot of all this Doctrine to perswade us to believe that we may be sure and to perswade us to study to be sure and clear in it that we may be comforted thereby SERMON LXI ISAIAH LIII XI Verse 11. By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justifie many for he shall bear their iniquities THe Doctrine of Justification through Faith in Christ Jesus was wont to be much thought of among the People of God it is called Gal. 3.8 The preaching of the Gospel to Abraham when God fore-told him of a way of Justification and Salvation through Christs coming of him That in him all the Nations of the earth should be blessed This was the telling of Good news to him and we are sure it is as good news now as ever it was and would be so to us if we could look on it Spiritually as they did For there is as great hazard in Sin and the Curse is as terrible and insufferable and the love of God as fresh now as they were then We have for some dayes been speaking of this Doctrine of Justification and it will be much to speak and hear of it profitably we desire not to insist of what may be unuseful but we conceive there is some necessity in insisting in this It 's our own negligence and ignorance that makes many things of this kind to be very unuseful evenso that we scarcely conceive them and we are made heartless in speaking of them because to many they are as if spoken in a strange language which is and should be for a lamentation The last thing we proposed was to hold forth the mean by which Justification is attained to wit Faith which we observed to shew how Faith concurres in the attaining of Justification Few or none ever denyed Faith to be necessary for the attaining of Justification neither can any that read the Word of God with the least consideration but have that impression of it But the great thing wherein the difference lyes and wherein men miscarry is in attributing to Faith the right or wrong manner of it's concurrence in the attaining of this effect Though these things may at first blush look like meerly notional spiculations and such as do not concern Christians practice yet there is no error in Doctrine about this matter but there is something in folks practice that looks like it and is influenced by it And it's mens inclination to error in practice that makes them as it were to coyn errors in Judgement We shall Observe two generals further and proceed The 1. whereof is That Faith hath a peculiar way of concurrence for the attaining of Justification which can agree to no other Grace nor Work nay nor to Faith it self considered as a Work Therefore Justification of many is here deryved to them by his knowledge or by Faith in Him that is by Faith in Christ as secluding all other things It 's by Faith that Justification is deryved and applyed to us and by Faith we come to have right to it and an Interest in it The 2d is That however Faith concure for attaining of Justification yet it 's not Faith of it self or by any vertue or efficacy in it self but as taking hold of Christ as the Object of it that it justifies Therefore it 's said to be by the knowledge of him or by Faith in Him it 's by receiving Him uniting us to Him and resting on Him that we are Justified We shall shortly explicat both these branches and then come to some practical use of them together 1. Then we say that there is something in Justification attributed to Faith that cannot agree to any other thing which is implyed in many Scriptural Phrases and in this Text in as far as it is said that by his knowledge or by Faith in Him Justification is attained And therefore when we are said to be justified by Faith we affirm that Faith hath a peculiar way of concurring for the attaining of Justification which can agree to no other Grace as to Repentance Love Meeknesse Patience c. not to Prayer Almesdeed or any other good Works or Work For confirming of this consider 1. That we are said to be Justified by Faith in opposition to Works and that there is something attributed to Faith which is denyed to Works Generally this is clear in these Epistles written to the Romans and Galatians Particularly Rom. 4.2 3. If Abraham were justified by works he hath whereof to glory but not before God for what saith the Scriptures Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is commited to him for righteousness where most clearly and convincingly believing and working are directly opposit the one to the other and Gal. 2.16 We who are Jews by nature knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ or as the word is no not but by Faith that is a man is not justified by Works but by Faith Even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law Where the Apostle cannot more purposely and pressingly make a difference betwixt any two things then he doth betwixt these two Justification by Works and Justification by Faith And in all this discourse it cannot be said that the Apostle only excluds Works in respect of merit or Works as they look to the Works of the Ceremonial Law For he opposeth Faith and all sorts of Works or Works in whatsoever respect as inconsistent It 's not one or two sorts of Works but all sorts of Works of the Law and there can be no Works but such as are commended by the Law which are excluded Now if the Apostle seclude all these what are the Works that we can be justified by 2. Consider the peculiar
the Mediators performing according to His undertaking as well as there is faithfulnesse in Gods performing whatever He hath spoken of Him or promised to Him Ye shall only take two or three testimonies for this The 1. is Matth. 3.14 and 17.5 This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased He undertook to satisfie for the Elects Debt and hath accordingly performed it so that the Father is well pleased A 2d is John 17.4 Where He appeareth before the Father and useth it for an argument for His Glorifying him with the same glory he had with the father before the world was I have glorified thee on earth I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do I have gotten a task and piece of Work committed to me and now it 's performed And that other Word which He hath on the Cross is remarkable to this purpose It 's finished Now the task and work is ended and I have no more to do but presently to passe to the Victory and to the dividing of the Spoil And a 3d. Testimony is our Lord Jesus His ascension to Heaven and the glory that He will appear in at the day of Judgement when His Kingdom shall be consummat That shall be a proof and testimony that He left nothing undone that was given Him to do that He bare the Sins of many that He gave His back to the smiters and His cheeks to them that pulled of the hair and that He satisfied justice freely and ascended to Heaven as it is 1 Tim. 3.16 Great is the mystery of Godliness saith the Apostle God was manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit fully absolved as having performed all whatsoever He undertook Seen of Angels and raised up unto glory Use This is also though a general yet a very comfortable Doctrine to the People of God in as far as from it they may know that there is no more to be payed to the Justice of God for the Sins of the Elect It hath gotten full Satisfaction The Cautioner hath payed all their Debt and is now exercing His Offices for applying to them His purchase making intercession for them overseeing them proving a Tutor to them guiding them and all that concerns them and His Church even doing all things well managing the affairs of His Fathers house as a Son and He cannot but guide all well Other sheep saith He I have which are not of this fold them I must bring in and they shall hear my voice and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish A most pregnant ground of comfort to the Believer that his eternal well-being cannot but be sure and sicker because it hath the Father and the Mediator their faithfulnesse ingaged for it If Jehovah perform the Promises made to the Mediator and if the Mediator perform His ingagement to Jehovah and raise up Believers at the last day then it must follow that their Salvation is sure This is the main ground on which Believers peace is founded and here we may allude to that Heb. 6. He hath sworn by two immutable things wherein it is impossible for God to lie that the heirs of promise who are fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before them may have strong consolation even so here There are two immutable things to wit Gods promise to the Mediator and God will and must keep His Word to Him and the Mediators ingagement to God and He will and must keep His Word to Him And indeed we have good proof of both already For it was this ingagement that made the Father send the Son of His Love out of His bosome to be incarnat and to undergo the work of Elect Sinners Redemption and it was this ingagement that made the Mediator die of whom the Father exacted the Price till He declared Himself Satisfied and well pleased Now when these things that seemed most difficult are accomplished what can fail 1. Then there is here ground to fix our Faith upon and indeed there is need to fix it rightly The ground that our Salvation and Perseverance in the Faith is founded on is not our continuing to Pray to Believe and to Love God but this ingagement betwixt the Father and the Son and it is the cause procuring the other as an necessary and infallibly certain effect It 's mainly on this that believers shuld rest quiet and confident 2. It should make Believers humble and cheerful seeing though they be weak in themselves yet here they have a grip and hold for every hand as it were Jehovah's Word and the Mediators Word for their through bearing 3. It should much commend believing and the state of a Believer who have such ground of assurance The greatest Monarch on earth hath not such ground of assurance for his Dinner or Supper as the poor Believer hath for eternal Life For the Word spoken by Jehovah to the Mediator and the undertaking of the Mediator to Jehovah cannot fail and the Believer hath that to rest upon as the ground of his assurance More particularly The Articles on the Mediators side are as I said in these Four expr●ssions He hath poured out his soul unto death He was numbred with the transgressours he bare the sins of many and made intercession for the transgressours 1. He must die expressed in these Words He poured out his soul unto death Which implyes Three things 1. That it is an Article of the Covenant of Redemption and of the Mediators undertaking that he should die for Sinners And so it is a needlesse curious and unwarrantable dispute whether fallen man might have been redeemed any other way or whether a drop of His blood was not enough to redeem man because we see here it is Determined and Articled in the Covenant of Redemption that He should die Jehovah will have the Mediator dying And be possible what may to Gods Soveraignity which we would not make to clash with His Justice nor His Just ce with His Soveraignity this may bound and limit us that it 's concluded in this Covenant of Redemption that the Mediator shall lay down His Life and it being concluded It 's certain 1. That God hath given man a Law threatning him that if he should break that Law he should die 2. That all Mankind and so the Elect have broken that Law and so are lyable to the Threatning and Curse 3. That the Mediator became Cautioner and undertook to satisfie for the Elects Debt it was necessary that He should die because He undertook to pay their Debt and to satisfie for their Sin which was death by the Law to them and so the Justice of God is vindicat He cannot be called unjust nor partial nor unholy though He do not actually punish every Sinner that hath Sinned in his own Person because Gods holinesse and Justice appears conspicuously that He would rather execute what was due to the Elect on His own Son then that their Sins should go unpunished
and is that which Christ wanted This we say is one reason why Christ is so little thought of even because he cometh not with external pomp observation and grandour nor with great temporal gifts to his followers That which mainly is desirable to natural men is that which hath earthly beauty in it a very deceitful consideration and ground though such an one as men are often carried away with and therefore they despise and reject the Saviour 2. Which is another reason of the Doctrine and also clearly implyed that our Lord Jesus Christs Humiliation and coming so low for mans sake his very condescending and stooping for their good is the great ground of their stumbling at him and because of that he is the less thought of Even the very hight of his grace and that great streach thereof that the Son of God became thus low as to become Man a mean Man and a Man of sorrows is a greater ground of stumbling to men then if he had never become thus low Now these two being supposed and thus explained the Doctrine is clear to wit that Jesus Christ that became Man and performed the satisfaction due to the Justice of God for our sins is usually and ordinarily disesteemed and undervalued by them to whom he is offered in the Gospel 1. It was so under the Old Testament and is so likewise under the New What is almost all the Gospel spent on But to hold out Christ upon the one side to be a man of sorrows and upon the other side to shew that men esteemed him not How was he undervalued at his birth when his Mother was thrust out to a Stable and he laid in a Manger And no sooner doth he appear in the exercise of his publick Ministry but his friends offend at him and look on him as a distracted man Mark 3. His Countrey-men contemn him and were offended at him Mark 6. Is not this say they the Carpenter the Son of Mary the brother of James and Joses And how was he esteemed or rather disesteemed and undervalued at his death So that it is said Acts 3.14 They denyed the holy and just one and desired that a murtherer should be granted unto them They rejected the Prince of Life and choosed Barabbas And judging him not worthy to live they cry away with him Hence our Lord saith Matth. 11. Blessed is he that is not offended in me which insinuats that there were but very few to whom his Humiliation proved not a Stumbling-block 2. If we consult experience we will find this to be true how little is he thought of among Turks amongst whom his precious Name is blasphemed though they pretend more respect to him then meer Heathens do How little is he thought of among the Jews who call him a Deceiver And if we come nearer even to the Christian Church and to such as profess their Faith of his being the Eternal Son of God equal with the Father that he is Judge of quick and dead and that they look for Salvation through him yet if it be put to a tryal how few are they that will be found to esteem of him aright since there are but few that believe the report that is made of him but few that receive him as he is offered in the Gospel few that have but such respect to him as to prefer him to their Idols and that give him the first and chief seat in their hearts And if we consider how little eager pursuing there is after him that he may be enjoyed and how indifferent folks are whether they have or want him How many things men dote upon and prefer to Jesus Christ as the Lord complains Jer. 2.13 My people have committed two evils they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters and have digged to themselves cisterns even broken cisterns that can hold no water the thing will be clear beyond all debate We may take in another Branch of the Doctrine here when he saith We esteemed him not and it is this that even Believers are in so far as unrenewed inclined and not without culpable accession to this same sin of undervaluing of Jesus Christ It 's indeed true that the Apostle Peter saith in his 1 Epist Chap. 2. Vers 7. To you that believe he is precious Which place though it confirm the first part of the Doctrine that to them that believe not he is not precious but a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence albeit that Believers being compared with Unbelievers have some precious esteem of Jesus Christ yet if we consider the corrupt nature that in part cleaves to them and the degree of their estimation of him that it 's but very little and low in respect of what it should be and the many peevish fits too 's and fro's up's and down's that they are subject to with the many suspicions and jealousies they have of him so that though they were just now fresh and lively in the exercise of their Faith and of their estimation of Christ yet within a little even by and by they give way again to their jealousies the Doctrine will also hold true of them we esteemed him not We shall give the second Doctrine and then speak to the use of both jointly which is this That there is nothing more culpably accessory to the abounding of Unbelief then the poor thoughts and little estimation that Men have of Jesus Christ the undervaluing of him is the great ground and reason why they believe not on him and on the contrary if the Hearers of the Gospel had higher thoughts and a more precious esteem of Christ and valued him according to his unvaluable worth there would be more believing in him then there is When the Gospel comes to invite Men to the Wedding Matth. 22. when Christ is roosed and commended as to what he is what he hath purchased and what he freely offereth to Sinners it 's said that those who were bidden made light of it and went away one to his farm another to his merchandice c. when Christ was spoken of and the offer of Life through him they undervalued and despised it and made light of the offer and therefore turned their backs for they thought more of the House of the Oxen of the Farm and of the married Wife then they thought of him And Acts 17. when Paul is preaching Christ at Athens the Philosophers and Orators these learned Heads despise and disdain him as a setter forth of some strange and uncouth god If we compare this with its contrary it will be further clear to wit wherever there is estimation of Christ it proves a help to Faith and a ground of it so where-ever Christ is lightlied disesteemed and undervalued it breeds in Folk and is a ground to them of these three 1. It cools or rather keeps cool their love and affection to him where he is disesteemed and undervalued he cannot be loved and People in that case become
like these that are brought in Jer. 44.17 saying It was better with as when we did bake cakes to the queen of heaven the Lord is counted by them to be as a wilderness and land of darkness and they say as it is Jer. 2.31 We are lords and will come no more unto thee and when Men esteem not Christ they seek not after him they care not for an interest in him they trust not to him when a Man valueth a Pearl he will readily sell all that he hath that he may buy it but that which is not esteemed there will be no care to come by it 2. It hath influence to obstruct Folks giving him credit which is of the very essence of Faith so then where he is not esteemed of he is not he cannot be believed on the former says that we will not marry him this says we will not trow him nor trust the reality of his offer Where he is not esteemed of he is not taken up to be real in good earnest and faithful in what he says His offers are looked upon as having neither solidity nor reality in them therefore Rev. 19. these two are put together first it s said Blessed are they that are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb and then it is subjoined these are the true and faithful sayings of God so that when Christ is not esteemed of he is not thought worthy the crediting and lippening to And it 's on this ground that the Lord founds his contraversie with his professing People Jer. 2.5 What iniquity have your fathers found in me that they have gone far from me and have walked after vanity and are become vain they undervalued his word they thought him not worthy credit and therefore they turned the back on him the same is insinuated by the Lord Micah 6.3 O my people what have I done unto thee and wherein have I wearied thee testifie against me 3. This little esteem of Christ weakens hope or expectation of any good that Men may have from him when we esteem him not there is no expectation of getting our need supplied and our wants made up by him nor of attaining in him the Happiness that we would be at and therefore there are no serious addresses made to him for the same These three Love to him Trust in him hope from and through him being the prime Graces in a Christian when they are weakened Unbelief most certainly in so far prevaileth and it being Christ's worthiness and the estimation thereof that gives ground to all these then sure when he is not esteemed but undervalued these must also fall in their exercise and be in utter non-entry where he is altogether undervalued Now laying all these together there can hardly be any thing more culpably accessory to the abounding of Unbelief then the undervaluing of precious Jesus Christ it 's impossible that he can be cordially welcomed where he is not at all esteemed of As for Uses of these Doctrines they are of large extent serving to make manifest a root of bitterness and a great neck-break of multitudes of Souls and which Men and Women will not easily be perswaded to believe Let this therefore be the 1. Use of it To discover a great Sin that is incident to the Hearers of this Gospel among many other things that may be charged on them this is one and not the least even little estimation of Jesus Christ so little that when he is speaking they count him scarce worthy the hearing hence is the slumbering and sleeping of so many when he is preached of which holds out something of the nature of all Men and Women this despising undervaluing and thinking little of Christ is a Sin that may for a long time cleave fast and close to the Hearers of the Gospel and doth so to many to their very dying day It may be ye will think this a strange and uncoath ch●rge and that whoever disesteem him ye do certainly esteem him much but it were better ye were seriously and humbly saving with the Prophet here He was despised and we esteemed him not There are many who never once suspect themselves as guilty of or chargeable with this evil for whose conviction let me speak but a few words Is there not such a bitter root in you If it be natural to all Men and Women how comes it to pass that ye are free of it Is there nothing of the seed of the Serpent in you and if there be will there not be hatred at the seed of the Woman in you are ye any other sort of Hearers then they were to whom this is spoken were they not Hearers of the Gospel as well as ye nay he speaks here of Hearers of the Gospel in all Ages and yet ye will disdain to take with this Sin and will account it to be an uncouth if not an unjust charge and imputation to say of you that ye are undervaluers and despisers of Christ but the reason of it is twofold the first whereof is Because ye know not what Christ's worth is and therefore ye do neither esteem him nor know that ye disesteem and undervalue him whereas they who have win to some knowledge of his worth are always or very often complaining that they cannot get him suitably thought of and esteemed The second Reason is Because ye know not your selves and therefore ye take self-love and estimation of your selves to be love to him and estimation of him ye think your selves so well that ye cannot endure to think that ye want any Grace or good thing and estimation of Christ being a good thing and ye thinking that ye could not hold up your face and own the reproaching and despising of him ye will not let it light that ye want this Grace and good thing a precious esteem of him But there is no greater evidence that ye are lying under the power of the deceit and delusion of your own Hearts that your natural distemper and Feaver is not yet cooled and calmed but that ye are still roving in Nature and therefore though ye be living in enmity at God and Christ yet ye cannot be made sensible of it we really think it somewhat strange that Men and Women should live twenty thirty fourty or fifty years under the Gospel and yet never be brought to groan under this enmity nor to lay to heart this Sin of undervaluing of Christ But if it be a truth that none naturally do love and esteem him then certainly many of you are grossly mistaken that think ye esteem highly of him Ah! your fancied esteem of him will be counted an undervaluing of him And if ye ask What is that to undervalue Christ or when is he undervalued I answer He is undervalued 1. When he is not matched with or married when ye match with himself whereof he maketh offer is not closed with upon his own terms for what I pray can hinder the ending of a Bargain or finishing