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A68449 A catholike and ecclesiasticall exposition of the holy Gospell after S. Iohn. Gathered out of all the singuler and approued deuines (which the Lorde hath giuen vnto his Church) by Augustine Marlorate. And translated out of Latin into Englishe by Thomas Timme minister. Seene and allovved according to the order appoynted; Novi Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica. English. Selections Marlorat, Augustin, 1506-1562.; Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1575 (1575) STC 17406; ESTC S114256 780,235 632

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honoureth Christe with that parte with the whiche wée are to be honoured of him and dishonoureth him with that with the which he is to be honoured For the Religion of supersticion is commonlye preposterous In sinning it is moued with no reuerence towards GOD but in praying for remission of sinnes wée wyll séeme to shewe reuerence towardes God confessing but yet supersticiouslye I wyll not saye wickedlye that wée are so vnworthye that we shoulde not presume to come into the presence of God to craue helpe at his handes And as it is true that we are vnworthy to come into the presence of GOD so it is Godlye to confesse our vnworthinesse But that pietye turneth to supersticion and impiety if for our vnworthinesse wée exclude the ministerye of Christ 7. Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto him What I doe thou wottest not nowe but thou shalt knowe hereafter M. The Lorde declareth that hée doeth another thing besyde the washing of theyr feete For otherwyse Peter had not erred when hée sayde Doest thou washe my feete For this thing the Lord did and yet he sayde not I wash not thy feete but what I doe thou wottest not nowe but thou shalt knowe hereafter B. For hée did not washe the Desciples feete to make them cleane but to the ende they might learne mutual loue This Péeter knewe not of then but afterwarde hee heard the same of the Lord but truly he vnderstoode the same when he receiued the holy Ghost and called to mynd all the wordes and déedes of Christ C. Furthermore by these wordes of the Lorde we are taught to obaye Christ although there appeare no reason why he woulde haue this or that to bee done In a house well ordered the counsail resteth onlye in the mayster of the house to whome the seruauntes ought to submitte them selues Therefore he is to presumtuouse which eschueth the power and neglecteth the commaundement of God because hee knoweth no reason of of the same Also this admonition doth further extend it selfe as that we should not think much to be ignoraunt of those thinges which God would haue hidden from vs so a time For this kind of ygnoraunce is better learned than any knoweledge when wee geue place vnto the Lorde to excell vs in wisdome 8. Peeter sayeth vnto him Thou shalte neuer washe my feete Iesus aunswered hym if I wash thee not thou haste no parte with mee R This wylfulnesse of Peter procéeded of the zeale of God but not according to knowledge wherefore it is carnall affection and not spirituall worshippe C. Thus farre forth his modestye was to be excused howbeit the same wanted not faulte but nowe it offended more for that it being reproued gaue not place And this is commonlye seene that errour and obstinate wyll are ioyned togeather It is a notable collour that disobedience should spring of reuerence but because he doth not sipmly obeye the commandement he doth loose his labour in séeking to honour Christ This therefore is the true wisedome of faith to allowe and reuerently to imbrace as well and orderlye done whatsoeuer commeth from the Lorde For verilye otherwise we cannot sanctifye his name because except we iudge the same to be excellentlye well done which he doeth our fleshe wyll neuer obeye and geue that honour which is due vnto him but by constraint To bee short except man doe forsake him selfe in iudging of the worckes of God although he haue a desyre to honour God pride wyll alwaye lurke vnder the shewe of humilitye C. Peter had hearde the Lord saye that there was somewhat in this washing whiche he shoulde knowe afterwarde whereby he shoulde haue béene bridled from resisting the Lorde any further But he was to shamefast It is not good shamefastnesse whiche excéedeth so muche that it resisteth the grace and loue of God towardes vs. Some are oftentimes so affected with this ouer much shame that they dare not call vppon God in the time of neede but make intercessours of the Saintes Of the which we haue spoken a litle before Jf I washe thee not Bv. The Lorde Iesus vehementlye reprehending the refusall of Peter sheweth and openeth the misterye of this washing which is the fruite of his Passion of his comming into this world C. Yet notwithstanding he doeth not plainelye expresse for what cause he determined to washe his Disciples féete onelye by a similitude taken from the soule to the body he teacheth that he doeth no newe thing or vnbeséeming his person in washing his Disciples féete Notwithstanding the Lorde sheweth what foolishe circumspection Peter vsed The lyke shall happen vnto vs so soone as the Lord beginneth to contend with vs. Because Christ was there Lord and Maister Peter thinketh it verye absurde that he shoulde washe his féete But in repelling this office he refuseth the principall part of his saluacion For this sentence contayneth a generall doctrine namelye that all of vs are filthye and defiled before God vntyll Christ wy●e awaye our spottes Nowe séeing that he challengeth to him selfe aloane this office of cleansing let euerye one offer vnto him his vncleannesse to bée purged that he maye haue place among the sonnes of God M. Herevppon the Apostle sayeth Knowe yee not that the vniust shall haue no enheritaunce in the Kingdome of God 1 Cor 6.9 Ephe. 5.5 Bee not deceyned and so forth C. Moreouer there are some whiche referre this worde VVashe vnto the frée remission of sinnes and there are other some also which referre the same to newnes of lyfe and a thirde sort vppon good consideration referre it to both For Christ washeth vs when he wipeth awaye our sinnes by the offering vp of him selfe least they shoulde come into iudgement Moreouer he washeth vs when by his holye spirite he abolisheth the wicked and sinfull desires of the fleshe 9. Simon Peter sayeth vnto him Lorde not my feete onelye but also the handes and the head M. Peter hearing such a graue and intollerable threatening submitteth himselfe wholly vnto the wyl of Christ being nowe readye to suffer not onelye his féete to bée washed but his handes and his head that is to saye his whoale body As if he shoulde saye Before I suffer my selfe to be seperated from thée I wyll suffer whatsoeuer thou wylt Bv. I doe geue not onelye my féete to be washed but also I offer my selfe with all that I haue vnto thee C. This necessitye was a méete Mistres to tame him Therefore laying aside contencion he geueth place But he wyll nowe bée washed euerye whitte And he truelye confesseth that he is whollye in euerye part defiled and that therefore he is nothing profited if so be one part onely bée washed 10. Iesus sayeth to him Hee that is washed needeth not saue to washe his feete but is cleane euerye whitte And ye are cleane but not all A. As by a certaine obstinate wyll Peter at the first resisted Christ going about to washe his féete C. euen so here againe through rashnesse he erreth
denyall of Christ of the which we haue hard had made him vnworthy of the Apostleshippe For how should he be a faythfull teacher of the fayth whiche had so fowlly fallen from the same He was made an Apostle namely with Iudas But so soone as he had forsaken his place office and dignitie he was also depriued of the honor of the Apostleship Bv. Therfore least he might seeme to be remoued for euer from the fellowship and office Apostolical by the thréefolde denyall he is receiued agayne by the trebble confession of his loue and now as well libertie as authoritie to teache is restored vnto him both whiche he had lost through his owne fault And least the infamie of his fall might any thing hynder him Christ quite wipeth and blotteth away the same Such a perfect restitution both for Peter and also for his hearers was most necessarie for him it was necessarie that he mighte the more boldely execute his office beeing assured of his vocation to the whiche he was restored agayne for the hearers also least the fault remayning still in the man mighte haue giuē some mē occasion to despise the gospel Simon Ioanna A. Concerning this name we haue spoken before Iohn 1.42 Simon Ioanna sayth our Sauiour louest thou me Bv. The whiche some referre vnto the Disciples that this might be the sence and meaning Louest thou me more than thou doest these thy brethren and fellowes But it séemeth to be the more simple sence and meaning if so be thou vnderstande that Peter was asked whether he loued the Lorde more feruētly than did the rest Peraduenture the question rose herehence for that he leauing his felowes in the Skiffe cast him selfe into the lake not tarying the time of rowing and seeking to come first vnto the Lord standing vpō the shore Also because he fund the Sauiour very mercifull vnto him in forgeuing his sinne Luke 7.47 by righte the greater loue is required of him For he to whom more is giuen ought to loue more C. But howsoeuer the matter standeth that way it is most certain that the meaning of Christ in these wordes is that no man can faythfully serue the Church and take paynes in féeding the flocke excepte he haue further respecte than vnto men First the office of teaching of it selfe is laborious and troublesome seeing there is nothing more harde and to keepe men vnder the yoke and obedience of God of whom some are weake some lighte some peruerse some dull some slouthful some hard and vnapte to be taught Preaching a harde office Also Satan for his parte thrusteth in al the lettes and stumbling blocks he can deuise to discourage the good shepheard or at lest to weaken him Therfore none shall c●nstantly go or warde in this office but he in whose hart remayneth the loue of Christe that he forgetting him selfe and wholly adicting him selfe vnto Christ may ouercome all impediments and stayes Thus Paule declared him selfe to be affected when he sayd The loue of Christ bindeth vs. Bv. To be short Christ requireth of the shepheard burning and earnest loue For the Lorde did not aske Peter as one ignorante what was in the harte of Peter or of any other mā but he sought to imprint this in the mindes of al his Disciples that he must of necessitie be endued with perfect loue toward Iesus Christ whiche taketh vpon him the care of his flocke C. Therfore let them which are called to gouerne the Church remember that if they will eightly and truly execute their office they must first begin at the loue of Christ Yea Lord thou knowest that I loue thee M. So great is the constancie and trust of a good conscience that it is not afrayde to appeale vnto the knowledge of the Lorde and to take the Lorde him selfe for a witnesse Peter sayth not Thou knowest Lorde that I loue thée more than these doo but Thou knovvest Lorde that I loue thee He exalteth not himself aboue the rest neyther doth he ascribe lesse loue vnto them than vnto him selfe but modestly and simply affirmeth that he loueth the Lord. He could iudge no more of other mens harts than they could doo of his For no man knoweth what is in man 1. Cor. 2.11 but the spirite of man that is in him Euen so we must testifie of the truth of our hart that in the meane time we reiecte not others nor presume to iudge of the spirit of other men Feede my Lambes C. The Scripture applyeth this worde Feede metaphorically to all kinde of gouernment But bicause héere he speaketh of the spiritual gouernmēt of the Church it is good for vs to note in what partes the office of a shepeheard consisteth For we haue héere no vayne or idle dignitie depaynted vnto vs neyther dothe Christe commit any gouernmēt to a mortal man that he may vse the same at his own pleasure Christ seeing he is properly the only shepheard of the Church who gouerneth and feedeth his sheepe by the worde of saluation Pastors of Christe to feede hys sheepe bicause he vseth the helpe of men to preache doctrine dothe giue also vnto them his name or at lest communicateth the same with them Therefore they are accounted for lawfull and true Pastors before God which gouerne the Churche by the ministerie of the worde vnder the head Christe Whereby we may gather what burthen Christ layeth vpon Peter and vpon what condition he appoynteth him a gouernour of his flocke Whereby also the wickednesse of the Bishoppes of Rome is playnly inough refelled and dysproued whiche wrest this place to establishe the tyrannie of their Popedome To Peter say they it was sayde aboue the rest Feede my Sheepe Why it was spoken rather to him than to the rest we haue shewed before Supremacie of the Pope But there is nothing geuen to Peter in these words whiche is not aswel common to all the Ministers of the Gospell R. For the Apostles haue all one power bicause they haue all one and the selfe same spirite all one worde of the Gospell giuen vnto them to preach C. Therefore the Papistes doo seeke to proue in vayne that Peter was chiefe bicause he was specially spoken vnto aboue the rest But admit and graunt that he had some speciall honor aboue the rest how will they proue that he was placed in the highest degrée of all other He was in deede the chiefest among the Apostles but shall it therof follow that he is the vniuersal Bishop of the whole worlde Verely whatsoeuer Peter hathe receyued doth no more appertayne to the Pope than it dothe to Mahumet For by what right dothe he chalenge to him selfe to be Peters successor And what man in hys right wittes will graunt vnto him that Christ speaketh here of any right of succession Yet notwithstanding he will be counted Peters successor I would to God he were None of vs doth let him but that he may loue Christ and take care and charge to
therefore séeketh where Christ abideth where GOD dwelleth let him heare the worde and followe it then shall he be sure to finde Christ Wherevpon the Apostle Peter sayeth 2. Pet. 1 VVee haue a right sure worde of Prophecie where vnto if ye take heede as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place Psal 119 yee doe well And the Prophete Dauid sayeth Thy word is a light to my pathes and a Lanterne to my feete They came and sawe where he dwelt M. They saye not we will come to morrowe it is nowe euening but with a thankefull minde they receyue the gentlenesse of Christ and the occasion also offered to talke with him But what they hearde of Christ the Euangelist heare maketh no mention notwithstanding by that whiche followeth somewhat appeareth that they sawe and hearde those thinges whereby they came to the knowledge of Christ For hereafter it is sayde that Andrewe tolde his Brother Simon saying Wee haue founde Messias For it was about the tenth houre C. That is to saye the euening was at hande By this circumstaunce of the time wee gather that these twoo Disciples had suche a desyre to heare and knowe Christ that they were not carefull for theyr nightes lodging The Children of this worlde are farre otherwise who alwayes are weary and vnmeete to followe Christ 40. One of the two whiche heard John speake and followed him was Andrew Simon Peters brother C. The purpose of the Euangelist vnto the ende of the Chapter is this that wée might knowe howe the Disciples were brought by litle and litle to Christ Here he speaketh of Peter afterwarde hee wyll make mention of Philip and Nathanael 41. The same founde his brother Simon first and sayde vnto him We haue founde Messias which is by interpretacion annointed The same found his Brother B. In that Andrewe founde Simon Peter his brother in Iudea eyther by chaunse or looked for it is an argument that hée for Religions sake went to Iohn the Baptist although peraduenture hée was not his continuall Disciple It is a token truelye that they liued together one with another because when they were called the seconde time to the perpetuall fellowshippe of the Lorde of the whiche Mathewe and Marke make mention they were a Fishing togeather Math. 4 Mark 1 M. Touching the other Disciples of Iohn whatsoeuer is affirmed this is certaine that this Andrewe was the first after Iohn in this that he went about to make Christ knowne the which thing the Euangelist declareth in saying not simplye The same founde his Brother Simon but the same found his brother Simon first And no man will deny but that this is spoken by the Euangelist to his prayse But there is no mention made where he founde him We haue found Messias That which is in the Hebrew text Messias is in the Gréeke texte Christos and in the Latine texte Vnctus which thrée woordes haue all one sence and signifie annointed But these wordes VVe haue founde Messias seeme to bée spoken with great Emphasis or force and doe note that Simon also to whome Andrewe toulde this newes burned marueilouslye in desire towarde Christ For his woordes are thus much in effect Reioyce brother for him whom both of vs haue sought so carefullye we haue founde euen the sauiour Christ Iohn 4. Hée spake not doubtfullye as did the Woman of Samaria whiche sayde Is not he Christ But as one fullye certified Andrewe sayeth wée haue founde Messias 42. And brought him to Iesus And Iesus behelde him and sayde Thou art Simon the Sonne of Iona thou shalt be called Cephas whiche is by interpretacion a stone And brought him to Iesus E. By these wordes we sée what is the force of fayth so sone as we are borne a newe in Christ by fayth by and by our minde sheweth it selfe to another and beginneth to declare how great goodnesse it hath founde and it is not possible that fayth shoulde bée ydle for it wyll confesse Christ eyther with the mouth though there were a thousande deathes set before our eyes or else by charitie towardes our neyghbour by which it is knowne who is a Disciple of Christ C. Andrew had scarce one sparke of faith and yet notwithstanding with the same hée doth illuminate his brother Simon Woe then vnto our sluggishnesse yf we being more fullye illumined doe not endeuoure our selues to make others pertakers of the same grace Yea wée maye sée those thinges in Andrew which Esay requireth of the sonnes of God namely that euery mā lay holde on his neighbor that he say Come let vs ascende to the Mounte of the Lord Esay 2 and he shal teach vs. For Andrew reacheth out his band to his brother but to this ende that hée might be a Disciple in the schoole of Christ M. So are they woonte to doe which are in loue with the trueth which they haue knowne Math. 25 And this is the duetie of a good seruaunt to vse the Talent well that hée hath receyued for the behoofe of his mayster And in that this Andrewe went about first of all to win his brother Simon to the Lorde it is a token of naturall and true loue the which truelye is taken from the godlie in Christ For it is the Husbandes part first to winne the Wife the Parents their Children the Brother his Brother the Mayster his Seruauntes and the Maiestrates to winne their Subiectes to the Lorde C. Furthermore the purpose of God is here to be noted in that he woulde haue Peter which did farre excell the other to be brought to the knowledge of Christ by the worke and ministerye of Andrew to the ende none of vs although wée excel shoulde thinke scorne to be taught of the inferiour B. The efficacie also of Gods calling is here to be considered For so soone as Simon was called to Iesus by his brother he followed So as many as are chosen shal receyue the Gospell being called of God and drawne of the father to the sonne Iohn 6 A. For all that my Father geueth me saith Christ shall come vnto me B. Wée knowe not the time when God wyll call in heart those that are his for large is the mercye of God and therfore the ministery of the Gospell must still be vsed towarde them which shew not them selues to be Dogges or Hogges Thou art Simon the sonne of Iona. R. Whereas our text hath the sonne of Iona Nonnus readeth it the sonne of Iohn and not of Iona. To the which agréeeth this place Simon Iohanna Iohn 21 or Simon the sonne of Iohn louest thou mée But it is likely that the Father of Simon was called in Ebrue Iochanan or in the Chalde tongue Iochanna wherevppon the letter of aspiration being altered out of his place and s put to the ende came Iohannes the which also afterwarde being made short became Ionas And Iochanan or Iochanna doe signifie that which we call in Englishe Iohn and is as much to saye
Church should not be left destitude of able Ministers and when the life of the Pastoure shoulde be so assaulted of the enemies that their rage and madnesse could be appeaced no wayes else but by his absence But in no wise they would permit this libertie if so be the perill were general and appertaining to the woale ●locke Flight in time of persecution and that it were thought that the Pastoure fled more to saue hys owne life being afraide of Death then to doe good because the example of his fléeling in this order shall do more harme then his life shall profite or doe good euer after M. Therefore it maketh great matter wherefore howe and who it is that fléeeth euenas also it maketh great matter wherefore who and howe the shéepe be fed For as he is not by and by a true shepe heard which leadeth forth the shéepe vnto Pasture euenso he is not straight way a hyerling which in time of persecution fléeth for a time He which is a hyerling doth not only flée when hee séeeth the wolfe comming but he also is a hyerling which in securitie féedeth the shéepe béecause of his wages he which in feeding hath the affection of a Pastour is not made a hyerling by fléeing seing he was not a hyerling before Paule was not a Hyerling when he taught at Damascus and preached Christ therefore by fleing hée was not made an hyerling The hyerling fléeeth for that cause as sayeth Christ because he is a hyerling and hath no care for the shéepe For this cause Paule did not slee who if it had so plesed the Lord was redy to dye but because the Bretheren did vrge him to flée insomuch that they did let him downe in a Basket ouer the wall he sled that hée might serue Christ longer And this is that which the Lorde sayeth If so be they persecute you in one Cittie flee vnto another Mat 10.23 R Verely in this there can scarse any certaine Rule be prescribed when wée shoulde flee and when we shoulde not flee For there is a time when Christe fled againe there is a time when he did not slée but willingly went to méete his aduersaries There is a time when Paule was lette downe ouer the wall in a basket againe there is a time when he sayde VVhat doe yee weeping and troubling mye hart for I am not onely readye to be bounde but also to dye at Hierusalem for the name of the Lorde Iesu For euery man hath the appoynted time of his office the whiche béeing not finished hee maye shoonne and auoyde manifeste perielles least God be tempted notwithstandinge wée must so flée that our office be not neglected Euenas our sauiour Christ sayth There are twelue howres in the daye If any man walke in the day he stumbleth not because he seeth the light of this worlde But if any man walke in the night he stumbleth Ioh. 11.9 because he hath no light in him Act. 20.8 Bv. Sathan and his ministers are the Wolues which scatter the flocke and therefore we must beware of them 13. So the hierling fleeth because he is a hiereling and careth not for the sheepe C. That is to saye He whiche hath respecte vnto the fléece and not to the slocke howsoeuer he deceyue men in the quiet state and tyme of the Church when trouble aryseth wil shewe his falsehoode and treacherye PAR. For there are some whiche in tyme of prosperitye are carefull inough for the flocke but in tyme of perrill they leaue the flocke to be dispersed and made a praye of the Wolfe For they saye within them selues What if it perishe I loose nothing my hyer is sure inough and if any parte thereof be lost I had rather forgoe the same than to contend for other mens cattaile with the Wolfe 14. I am the good sheepheard and knowe mine and am known of mine M. Hée repeateth this to declare in him selfe the condicions of the true and good Shéepheard and so to shewe himselfe to differre in disposition from hyerlinges And I knowe mine C. In these wordes hée commendeth his loue towardes vs for knowledge commeth of loue and bringeth also with it a care 2. Tim 2 i9 Ioh. 13 18 R. The Lord knoweth who are his Also it is sayde I knowe whome I haue chosen M. There are two kindes of knowledge The one is Knowledge of two sortes by which wée knowe what a thing is By this kinde of knowledge al thinges are knowne vnto Christ not onlye the sheepe but also the Goates the Wolues the Théeues and the Murderers and that infernall Sathan also The other is that by which wknow such things as are our owne yea by which we knowe them kéepe them and defende them By this kinde of knowledge the Reprobates are not knowne but the electe onely For to them it shal be sayd Math 7.23 Depart from mee ye workers of iniquitye And againe Verylye verylye I saye vnto you I knowe ye not Math 25.12 As Christ therefore hath a speciall care ouer his shéepe because they heare his voyce and followe him euen so he geueth vs to vnderstande that hée hath no care at all for those whiche obeye not the Gospell euen as in the second member he repeateth and confirmeth that whiche he had spoken before namelye that he is in like manner knowen of his shéepe 15. As the Father knoweth mee so knowe I the Father and I laye downe my lyfe for the sheepe M. There is a mutuall knowlegde of familliars and néere friendes The heauenlye Father hath a sonne whome he knoweth to bée his and of whome he is acknowledged againe to bée the Father Euen so Christ hath shéepe which he knoweth and of whome in like manner he is knowne C. Insomuch that it is no more possible that he should forget vs than it is possible that the Father shoulde reiect or neglect him M. The father séemed as though hée had forsaken his sonne vpon the Crosse whome notwithstanding he acknoweledged to be moste dere vnto him Euenso although Christ sometime séemeth to leaue and forsake his shéepe in the midest of afflictions yet notwithstanding he wil neuer leaue them in perill but will haue a continuall care for them C. In the meane time he woulde haue vs to do our duty to him againe because as he doeth bestowe all that power which he hath receiued of the father to helpe vs so hee woulde haue vs obedient and seruiceable vnto him againe And I laye downe my life Bv. As if he shoulde saye I haue not without cause called the congregation of the faithfull my shéepe For I haue washed them with my bloud I haue by my death brought them to life and I haue geuen my selfe for them not redéeming them with Goulde and Siluer but with my owne lyfe whereby Iustly I affirme them to be mine Let them therefore consider what account they wyll make to the Prince of Sheapheardes which haue vsed crueltye and
spirite sayth VVo vnto you when all men prayse you for so did their Fathers vnto the false Prophts The flesh sayth Hée is a wise man and lyke to come to promosion that wil séeke to please God and man The Spirite sayth Mat 6.24 Gal i i0 i Ioh 2 xv No man can serue two maysters And againe If so bee I shoulde please men I were not the seruaunt of Christe For if any man loue the worlde the loue of the Father is not in him To conclude The flesh sayth So many as haue preached the worde of truth vnto men haue bene horriblely punished and haue myserablelye perished Apoca i4 i3 But the Spirite sayth Blessed are the deade which dye in the Lorde for they rest from their labours Wherfore feare not them which can kill the bodye and cannot kill the soule but feare him which can cast boath bodye and soule into hell fyer 9. Iesus aunswered Are there not twelue hours of the day If any man walke in the daye hee stumbleth not because hee seeth the light of this worlde C. This place hath bene diuerselye expounded but this is the true sence and meaning of the same First of all the Lorde borroweth a similitude from the night and the daye For if any man walke in the darckenesse it is no meruayle if hée stumble slyppe and go out of the waye but the light of the sonne in the daye time shaweth the waye And the calling of God is like the daye light whych wyll not suffer vs to go out of the waye or to stumble Therefore whosoeuer obayeth the worde of GOD and taketh nothing in hande but at his commaundement hee shall haue God his guide and director and vpon truste hereof hée maye securely and without feare go on his way For whosoeuer walketh in his wayes shall haue his aungelles to attende vpon him and to kéepe him that hee dashe not his foote against the stoane Christ therfore bearing himself bolde vpon this defence boldely goeth forwarde into Iury not fearing to be stoaned because there is no daunger of erring where God taking vpon him the office of the Sonne doth illuminate our steppes and moderate our course B. This therefore is the scence and meaning of that which Christ sayth As there are twelue hours of the day in the which men may walke and doe theyr busynesse for hée whiche will walke or doe any thing in the night easyly stumbleth so haue I my daye which is ended by the houres thereof therefore in this daye I must finish all those thinges which my Father hath committed vnto mée This day now draweth towardes night and is almost at an ende the houre is at hande when I must go out of the worlde to my Father Wherefore how greatlye so euer the Iewes are my enymies I wyll finishe my workes whyle I haue day and for this cause I must go boath into Iury and also to Hierusalem and sette forth my Fathers glorye hée shall take charge of vs and defende vs. The lyke allegorye the Lorde vsed in the ninth Chapter going before C. By these wordes wée are taught that so often as a man will followe his owne counsayle and purpose without Goddes calling hys whole ly●e is nothing else but a wandering and straying course and they which seeme most wise in theyr owne conceytes when they aske not counsayle at the Lords mouth and haue not theyr actions guided by his spirite doe like blind men groape in the darcke R. If any man obiect Why doeth Christ then somtime flee Obiection yf so be his enemies ar able to do nothing within the appoynted and limmited time A. Euen as he plainly declared when he sayd to sertaine of the Pharise is which perswaded him to shonne the fury of Herod For he sayde to them Luk. i3 3i Go and tell that fox behould I cast out Deuels and heale the people to daye and to morrowe and the third day I shall be perfited Neuerthelesse I must walke to daye and to morrowe and the daye following Aunsvvere R. I aunswere Christ therefore fled because his office as yet was not fulfilled the which béeing ended he willingly deliuered him selfe into the hands of hys enemies And he fled to teach vs that we ought not to tempte God but to vse those Iust and Lawfull meanes which God hath set before vs vntil the race and course of our gospell be finished That whiche is spoken of the ministerye of the Gospell ought to be vnderstood of the whole life of euery man For this corporall lyfe is set and appoynted within his bounds and limittes as it is writen Short are the days of man thou hast the nomber of his months Iob. i4 5 thou hast appoynted his bondes which hee cannot passe For if so be our hears which are the smalest things are nombered in the sight of God how much more are the dayes and howers of our lyfe nombered before God Wherefore so long as a man walketh within the compasse of twelue howers of the daye in the time of his appoynted life and in his owne calling his life shall not be impaired by any perill C. And this knowledge is very necessary for vs for the faithful can scarse moue their foote to followe God who must goe before vs in our vocation but Sathan by and by casteth in our way a houndered stombling blockes and séeketh by al meanes to stop vs. But so soone as the Lorde by his bryght Light willeth vs to goe forward wee must goe on with good courage although we be beset with many deaths because he neuer commaundeth vs to go forwarde but he incourageth vs with his promise that we maye be assured whatsoeuer we take in hand at his commaundement shall haue good successe He is oure Chariot whiche carieth vs without wearinesse through all tedious waies vntill we come to the hauen of reste In fine we are taught that the eyes of the Lord are euer ouer them to kéepe and preserue them which are ready to fulfill his will and commaundement Againe hereby also wee gather that the whoale rase of that mans life is accursed of the Lord who neglecting his word followeth his owne fantasy and doeth what hee thinketh good in hys owne eyes Bv. Wherfore true fortitude of the mind springeth from the fayth in Christ by which carefull feare is driuen awaye and by the loue of piette is quight rooted out of our heartes C. And Christ here according to his wonted manner deuideth the daye into twelue houres For although the dayes in sommer and winter doe differ yet notwithstanding the daye hath alwayes twelue houres and the night as many M Christ vsed no curiosity in humaine matters but tooke all thinges in good parte which common vse mayntayned with impietye 11. These thinges said hee and after that hee saide vnto them oure friende Lazarus sleepeth but I go to awake him out of slepe B. By this allegory the Lorde gaue his Disciples to vnderstand that he woulde
forgotten againe tyl at the leangth they growe out of vse Therefore Christ the better to imprint the doctrine of loue in the mindes of his disciples commendeth the same of newnesse As if he should say I would haue you alwayes to remember this commaundement euen as if it were a Law newlye made To bée short we sée that the purpose of Christ in this place was to exhort his Disciples vnto loue least at any time they should suffer them selues to be drawen from the loue of the same or suffer the doctrine thereof to go out of their mindes And howe necessarye this admonicion was Loue commaunded to the Disciples daylye experience teacheth Therefore Christ geueth vnto loue this tytle of newnesse to stryre vs vp alway to imbrace the same A. And for this cause Saint Iohn in another place calleth the same newe i. Ioh. 2.7 That ye loue togeather C. Loue is extended euen to straungers and forreiners because all are of one fleshe all are created after the Image of God But because the Image of God doeth more euidently shine in those that are regenerated it is méete that the bond of loue be much more straite among the Disciples of Christ Gala. 6.20 i. ●e i. 22 i. Ioh. 3. i4 euen as the Apostle Paul exhorteth Loue hath his originall from GOD and is referred vnto him There can bée no mutuall affection of loue but onely in those that are gouerned by one spirite Christ therfore noateth here to the first degrée of loue Loue extendech it selfe to all men But we noate also that as the goodnesse of God doeth extend it selfe to the whole worlde euen so we must loue all men yea euen those which do hate vs that we may be the children of our heauenly Father which suffereth his sonne to shine vppon the good and en the euyll 35. In this shall all men knowe that yee are my Disciples if ye haue loue one to another C. Christ confirmeth againe that which hee had spoken before that they were taught in vaine in his schoole which loue not mutually among them selues As if hée should say Not only your selues shal knowe that you are my Disciples but your profession also shal be proued true before others Bv. The Disciples of other maisters are knowen by their titelles by their Apparell and by diuers other noates R. The Disciples of Antichriste are knowen by their rounding and shauing by their disguised apparell and by their externall Ceremonies The Disciples of Moyses are known by Circumcision by their holy and Sabboth dayes and by their sacrifices Loue is the badge of Christes Disciples but all men in the whoale worlde shall knowe by one noat and badge that ye are my very and true Disciples yf so be ye retaine suche loue among you as I shewe vnto you Therefore séeing Christ hath prescribed this to be the only and sertaine noate to knowe his discipls by are they not fooles and mad men who forsaking so playne and absolute a commaundement séeke other noates For there are some that think they shall be true Christians yf so be they can créepe into a Monkes Coole if so be they builde Temples and erect alters come to Masses and do obserue such like traditions of men Therfore séeing Christ discerneth his Disciples by loue from other Disciples they weary them selues in vaine who forsaking loue forge vnto them selues newe worshippes the which vanitie is to bee séene at this daye in the Papacy And it is not superfluouse that Christ standeth so much vppon this poynt For selfloue doth so rule vs for the most parte that true loue is cleane banished away Wherefore whosoeuer desiereth to bée a true Disciple of Christ let him frame and direct his whoale lyfe to loue his bretheren and dayly practise the same Neyther is there any cause why the enemies of Gods truth should by this place extenuate the frée iustification which commeth by faith For we our selues doe acknoweledge and confesse that there is no fayth without loue but we knowe that loue springeth from faith For the whiche cause the Apostle Paule commendeth to the Churches of Galatia faith which worketh thorowe loue Gala. 5.6 36. Simon Peeter sayd vnto hym Lorde whether goeste thou Iesus aunswered hym whether I goe thou canst not followe mee nowe but thou shalte follow mee afterwards M. Againe the loue of Simon towardes the Lord bewrayed it selfe Hee was very loth to be seperated from him whom he so entierly loued béeing redy to follow him whether soeuer he went Therefore when he heard the Lord saye whether I goe thether yee cannot come with a troubled mind he demaunded saying Lord whether goest thou C. Whereby it appeareth how great the rudenesse of Peeter was who béeing so oftentimes admonished of the death and departure of Christ was now troubled as if he had neuer heard any whit of the same Howebéeit in this we are to like vnto him For we heare dayelye out of the mouth of Christ all thinges apte and méete for this life and necessary to be knowen but when wee come vnto the matter we are no lesse astonished than nouices which neuer heard of the same M. Péeter maketh no aunswere to those thinges concerning mutuall loue which the Lord had commaunded But leauing that demandeth whether Christ went C. By which wordes he declareth that he had to great a desyer of the carnall presence of Christ For he thought this very vnméete that Christ should goe to another place and he be left behinde VVhether J goe thou canst not followe me Now he more plainly vttereth that which he had spokē before whether I go thether can ye not come C. And withall he brideleth the importunate desyre of Péeter And he speaketh precisely as it became a Maister notwithstanding strayt after he mittigateth the sharpnesse of hys wordes teaching that he shall be seperated from them but for a short time M. Heare we must noate that there are certaine times and momentes appoynted of God to euery faithfull man in the which they departing out of this life maye followe their Lord before the which times noane maye followe him Peeter in déede had his time comming to followe the Lord as here also it is sayd but he had his moments and appoynted time of the which mencion is made in the eyghtéenth verse of the one twenty Chapter following C. In this place therefore we are taught to submitte our prayers vnto God lest they passe their boundes the which if they doe we must suffer them to be restrayned with thys brydell Moreouer lest we should faynt or be discouraged let vs remember the consolation which strayght after he addeth promising that we shall one daye come vnto him For he meaneth that Péeter as yet was not méete to beare his crosse but as a gréene and vntimely plant yet notwithstanding that in continuaunce of time he should bée made apte for the same Wherefore wée must pray vnto God that he
wée muste be the true members of hys bodye B. Therefore when wee are absolutelye Godly it shall appeare that we are deere and acceptable vnto God R. And wee must well remember the prayer cōtayned in this Chapter For if so be Christ prayed for him selfe for his Apostles and for al those that should beleeue by the preaching of the Apostles it must needes be in an effectuall prayer For howe could it be that the son which was obediente to the death of the Crosse shuld be repulsed Wherfore let vs bee fullye perswaded that neyther death neyther life neyther Angels neither rule nether power nether things presente nor thinges to come neither heigth nor depth neither any other creature shal be able to seperat vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu our Lord. ❧ The .18 Chapter 1. When Iesus had spoken these words he went foorth with his Disciples ouer the brooke Cedron where was a Garden into the which he entred with his Disciples M. IN this Chapter the Euangelist begynneth to declare the historie of the Lordes passion in the declaration wherof he omitteth many things whiche are to be read in the other three Euangelistes the which he doth of purpose euen as he hath set downe many things worthy of remembraunce whiche the other thrée haue let passe with silence R. Therfore hitherto was noted the Sermon which Christ made at his last Supper by which Christ most fully declared and manifested him selfe to his Disciples to the ende we might know what grace and goodnesse he conteyneth in him selfe specially vnder the crosse Also he prayed that all those that beléeue in him might be sanctified that they might be one with him and that the loue with the which the Father loued him might be in them Therfore his Sermon and Prayer béeing ended he went foorth with his Disciples ouer the brooke Cedron M. Some thinke that this brooke was called the brooke of Ceders bicause many Ceder trees grew about the same C. But it is very like notwithstāding that this name came vp through error For of the valley or brooke of Cedron there is mention oftentimes made in the Scriptures M. Where the Hebrewe worde dothe not signifie Ceder trees but dimnes or darknesse R. Concerning the whiche brooke we reade in the booke of Kings 2. Kin. 15.23 4. kin 23.4 C. This place therfore was so called bicause of the darknesse bicause it was a deepe valley and muche shadowed Howbeit we will not contende much about this Specially we haue to consider the purpose of the Euangelist in naming this place For hys purpose was to shewe that Christ went willingly to death He came into that place which he knew was well knowne vnto Iudas And to what ende but only to offer him selfe to Iudas and into the handes of his enemies For he came not vnto this place without foresight of that which folowed séeing he was ignorant of nothing whiche was to come to passe M. Wherefore Christ passing ouer the brooke Cedron entred into the Garden not to flée from his Persecuters but that he might go to that agony whiche was to come according to Gods appoyntment If he went ouer the brooke Cedrō bicause he would flée away his best way had bin through the wildernesse and not to haue entred into this Garden C. He went not therfore to seeke a place to hide him selfe in but he entred into the Garden that he might haue more libertie to pray The other Euangelists say that he went out vnto the mount of Oliues Mat 26.36 and they make mention of a certayne place which is called G●thsemane the which hath no discrepance seeing that the historie of Dauid also sayth 2. kin 15.23 that the people when they had passed ouer the brooke Cedron went towarde the way of Oliuet 2. Iudas also whiche betrayed him knewe the place for Iesus ofttimes resorted thither with his Disciples R. As Christ is not betrayed but of an Apostle and his chiefe Disciple and that to those to whom he him selfe was the truthe and whose office and function was a shadowe and tipe of him Persecution of the Gospell by Disciples Mat. 23.37 Act. 7.52 that is to say to the high Priestes and Scribes euen so the worde of the Gospell is almost neuer betrayed but of suche as know the same and are friends in shew and very seldome it suffreth persecution of straungers The Gentiles killed not the Prophets but the Iewes which boasted of the worde of the Lord. The Phariseis cast out the Apostles Antechrist is not suche a one as denyeth Christ but a boster of the name of Christ and yet he persecuteth the Gospel So the hypocriticall Monkes Priests Bishops Popes and such like haue onely the outwarde name of Christians and seeke to betray and to destroy Christ 3. Iudas then after he had receiued a band of men and officers of the high Priests and Phariseys came thither with lanternes and torches and weapons R. With what force strength doth Iudas set vpon Christ Or by what power do the souldiers of Iudas persecute the Gospel Not with reasons sentences of scripture except peraduenture the same be wrested to serue their turne not with probable arguments but with the corporall sword with weapons with afflictions all kinde of torments If this be to ouercome who haue greater conquest victorie than tyrants fighting with crueltie And if this be to play the champion who is more bould stout than théeues Reade the .26 of Mat. beginning at the .47 verse concerning the other two verses folowing also reade the same chapter 6. Assoone then as he had said vnto thē I am he they went backwarde and fel to the grounde C. The Euangelist sheweth what great vertue and power the Lorde breathed with one voyce to the ende we myghte know that the wicked had power ouer him no further than he gaue them leaue He gently aunswereth that he is the very same whome they sought for and yet notwithstanding hee casteth them prostrate vppon the earth euen as if it had béene with the violent puffe or blast of a whirle wynde or with the flashing stroke of lightning Therefore he wanted no power to restrayne their handes if it had so pleased him but he woulde obey his Father by whose decrée he knewe he was called and appoynted to deathe Aug. For where is nowe thys ambushmente of Souldiers Where is nowe theyr terrour and fortification of weapons One voyce strake repulsed and prostrated without force of weapon the outrageous hatefull multitude and terrible with weapons For God lay hydden in the fleshe and the sempiternall day was so shadowed and couered wyth humayne members that darknes sought with Lanternes and Fyrebrandes to kill the same What wyll he doo which shall come to iudge whiche dyd thys that he might be iudged But this purpose was to put in proofe that efficacie whiche the Prophet Esay attributeth to hys word Amongest other the mightie
which the Children verye seldome consider Thou shalt neuer finde in all the Euangelicall Historyes any one Sonne which came vnto Christe and sayde Math. 17.14 and .9.18 and .15.22 Lorde come downe before that my father dye But ye shall often reade of this affection and care of Parentes for theyr Children which they haue vttered vnto Christ M. Howebeit also it appeareth in this man what corrupt preposterous loue some Parentes beare toward their Children For hée onelye séeketh the corporall health of his Sonne neglecting the Spirituall and true lyfe which the Lorde had begonne to teache He sayth not Lord helpe our fayth and the saluation of our Soules but as for our bodylye health Loue in many Parentes corrupte toward theyr Children let that bée as it séemeth good in the eyes of God But hée sayeth and that earnestlye Lorde come downe before my Sonne dye And what Father at any time came to the Lorde and sayde Lorde my Sonne hath no feare of God whereby I perceyue that hée is sicke in Soule and in great perill helpe him I beséeche thée Also they which at this daye desyre the Prayers of the Churche howe many of them is there I praye you which desyre the congregation to praye vnto God for them that they maye haue fayth the feare of God and patience 50. Iesus sayth vnto him go thy way thy sonne lyueth The man beleeued the worde that Iesus had sayde vnto him and went his waye Jesus sayeth vnto him Bv. The Lorde in verye déede confesseth that hée can doe muche more then the Ruler trusted he coulde do being the Lorde of lyfe and death which can both retayne the lyfe when it is departing from the body and also when it is cleane gone call the same againe For hée sayeth Goe thy waie thy Sonne liueth C. signifying that hée is escaped out of the perrill of death But séeing this man procéeding and perseuering in intreating and praying Christ obtained at the leangth his heartes desyre thou mayest gather that Christ dyd not reprehend him because he would wholly reiect him and refuse his praiers but rather to correct that vice which staied him from comming to the true fayth And we sayde alreadye before that this reprehension belonged rather to all the people than to one man Moreouer here the singuler humanitye and gentlenesse of our Sauiour Christ appeareth in that hée bearing with the mannes rudenesse extended his power farther than hée looked for Hée requested that Christ would heale his sonne by comming vnto him Hée thought that he could heale his sicke Sonne of his disease but he dyd not beléeue that he could rayse his Sonne being dead from death to lyfe and therefore hée vrgeth him to make haste least death preuent him R. and by this making of haste hee declareth his incredulitye For vnbeleefe maketh haste but Fayth wayteth and tarieth the Lordes leasure Faith taryeth the Lordes leasure Esa 28 1● And therefore the Prophete sayeth Hee which beleeueth shall not make haste C. Seeing then Christ beareth with both these infyrmityes we maye hereby gather of howe great price hée esteemeth euen the least faith This also is worthy to bée noted that Christ in not satisfying his wil and desire worketh by meanes which we thought not of to helpe vs to the ende wée might learne not to prescribe vnto him any thing The man beleeued the woorde R. Therefore by this word of Christ not onelye the Sonne is healed but also the Fathers fayth encreased and confirmed And as the Sonne by this woorde as by a soueraigne Medicine receyueth health so also the Father receyueth strength of Faith For that fayth is strong and firme which is conceyued by the woorde and not by Myracles A. But dyd he not beleeue at the first Howe had hée come vnto Christ to obtaine any thing at his hande except hée had béene indued with some faith I aunswere Bv. Hée dyd at the first beléeue the Lorde for hée had not come vnto him if hée had not first conceyued some notable hope of his power and clemencye but so soone as he heard his worde and vnderstoode his promise he beléeued more firmelye Therefore hée troubled the Lorde no farther but went his waye and as hée beléeued hée founde his Sonne restoored to health C. For because he came with this perswacion that Christ was a Prophete of God therefore hée was so readye to beléeue that taking holde of one worde he printed the same in his mynde And although hée dyd not so reuerentlye estéeme and thinke of the power of Christ as it became him yet notwithstanding a short promise made him to conceyue sodainelye an assured hope insomuch that he beleeued the lyfe of his Sonne to bée included in the onelye woorde of Christ Promptnesse in beleeuing the worde of God With this promptnesse and readinesse ought euery one of vs to receyue the worde of God but sildome or neuer shall suche present effect followe in the hearers For howe many bée there which profite so much at the hearing of many Sermons as this prophane man profited at the hearing of one worde Wherefore wée must vse the more dilligence in shaking of our dulnesse and s●outh and especially wée must praye vnto God that it wyll please him so to worke in our heartes that wée maye bée no lesse readye to beléeue than hée is gentle and readye to promise 51 And as he vvas nowe going downe the seruauntes met him and told him saying Thy sonne lyueth Bv. That whiche nowe followeth doeth set foorthe as well the power of Christe as the effecte and nature of Fayth to the ende the Myracle maye bée more notable and more purelye purged from all euyll suspicion and also that the force of fayth maye more and more appeare A. For there is no doubt but that all these thinges were done by the prouidence of God M. The Lad was healed by the power of the woord of Christ otherwyse hée had dyed by the contagiousnesse of his sicknesse But this was knowen as yet to no man The Seruauntes brought woorde that his Sonne was recouered but howe and by whose power hée was reuyued that they knewe not Therefore the méeting of the seruauntes with him by the waye and the glad tydinges which they brought vnto the sorrowfull Father serued thus farre to the setting foorth of the glorye of Christ that hée might bée sayd to haue spoken the trueth concerning the sonne restoored to health though hee were absent the which seemeth to bée done by the spyrite of Prophesie and also to bée beléeued of the Father as a Propheticall Oracle C. Moreouer with the efficacye of the worde here is also described the effecte of Fayth For as Christ restored the Sonne to lyfe which was nowe at the poynt of death euen so the Father by his fayth in a moment recouered and receyued againe his Sonne safe and sounde Let vs knowe therefore that so often as the Lorde offereth vnto vs his benefites his power
namelye because hée was naturally begotten of the Father from euerlasting to bée the proper naturall and onlye begotten Sonne of God coequall with the Father in all thinges of the same essence glorye and power and not his adopted sonne as all the Saintes are called the sonnes of God AV. Wherevppon it is added And made him selfe equall with God Otherwise wée saye all Our Father which art in heauen Math. 6. ● Wée reade also that the Iewes sayde Esa 63.16 Seing thou art our Father Therefore they were not angerye because hee sayde that God was his Father but because hée dyd so call him after a farre other maner than men doe Beholde the Iewes vnderstande that which the Arrians vnderstand not who so confessed Christ to bée GOD that they dyd not acknowledge him to be equall with his Father as though there coulde bée founde any inequallitye in one simple essence of God AV. Therefore hée being in the forme of GOD Philip. 2.6 thought it no robberye to bee equall with God that is to saye but hée was in that in the which he was borne because the Father had begotten him equall 19. Then aunswered Iesus and sayde vnto them Verylye veryly I saye vnto you the sonne can doe nothyng of hym selfe but that he seeth the Father doe for whatsoeuer hee doeth that doth the sonne also Then aunswered Iesus and saide C. That which the Iewes obiected though it were sclaunderous yet notwithstanding Christe is so farre from confuting the same that he openly affirmeth it to be true Bv. For he proueth by strong argumentes that hée is the naturall sonne of God equall to the Father in all thinges M. affirming that his workes are none of his but the workes of his father and that therefore the Sabboth is not broken by them Neither doth he simplye affirme this but that which is more namely that it cannot be that the Sonne should do any thing that the father doeth not C. And first of all he standeth vppon this poynte that the same was a diuine worke which the Iewes founde fault withall to the ende they might knowe that they muste contende with God yf so be they condemne that which of necessitie must be ascribed vnto him Iohn 6.38 B. And nowe these wordes The sonne can doe nothing of him selfe I seeke not mine owne will Also If I beare witnesse of my selfe my witnesse is not true are spoken by imitation Hitherto the Lorde imitated the Iewes who thought him not to be all one with the father and yet notwithstanding he was of some substaunce with the father made man after the wil of his father insomuch that he neither thought nor did any thing which was not both the wil and worke of his father Also this place the Arrian hath abused seking to proue hereby that the sonne is lesse then the father But there is no mencion here made of the bare diuinitie of Christe neyther doth that which followeth symplye belong to the eternall worde of God but doth onely belong to the sonne of God in that he was manifested in the fleshe And his purpose is to declare by these wordes that they doe greatlye erre which thinke that they haue to do with a mortall man when they accuse Christe concerning diuine workes For this cause he so vehemently affirmeth that he and his father wrought this worke ioyntly togeather Bv. And lest any man shoulde imagine anye other infirmitie or imbecillitie in the sonne he addeth by interpretation saying For whatsoeuer hee doth that doth the sonne also to the ende that nothing might be left to the working father which the sonne in like manner worketh not M. This place ought well to bée wayed and considered of vs to this ende that we might heare and waye whatsoeuer our sauiour Christ hath said or don not as the wordes and déedes of a man but as the wordes of God the Father that we maye knowe that the Father doeth speake and worke in Christe 20. For the father loueth the sonne and sheweth him all thinges that hee him selfe doth and hee wyll shewe him greater thinges then these because yee shoulde marueile For the Father loueth M. Hée speaketh after the manner of men of Diuine matters the which notwithstanding can neuer be properlye and fullye set foorth by humane thinges For who is so sencelesse that hée knoweth not howe weake imperfect and corrupt fatherlye loue is in humane nature nor lyke in any point almost to that deuine loue which GOD beareth towarde his sonne and yet notwithstanding hée hath taken an argument from the same of his Fathers loue toward him euen as in another place speaking of the vngodly Luk. 11.13 sayeth If ye being euyll knowe howe to geue good thinges vnto your children howe much more shall your heauenlye Father geue his good spirite to those that aske the same C. But Christ speaketh here as a mediatour least any man should referre it to that internall loue of the diuinitye For it agréeth verye wel that Christe hauing taken vpon him our fleshe should bée loued of his father Yea wée knowe that hée was disceuered as wel from Angels as from men by this notable title This is my beloued sonne c. For wée knowe that Christ Mat. 3.17 Mat. 17.5 in whome the whole loue of God should rest was elected that from thence as from a flowing well it might flowe vnto vs. For Christ is loued of the father as hée is the head of the Churche Hée teacheth that this loue is the cause why the father bringeth all thinges to passe by his handes Gods loue commeth to vs by Christ For when hée sayeth here that the father sheweth all thinges vnto him he meaneth that hée doth communicate all thinges with him As if hée shoulde saye As the father hath made mée partaker of his minde so also hée hath powred vppon me his power that in my workes the glorye of GOD may shine yea to the ende that men might séeke for no Diuine thing which they shoulde not finde in mée And verylye without Christ Gods power shall bée sought in vaine CYR. Therefore the father sheweth vnto the sonne those thinges which hée doeth not as paynted or written in Tables or as teaching him being ignoraunt for the sonne knoweth all thinges as God but so expressing him selfe whollye in the nature of his sonne that whatsoeuer hée hath in him selfe hée sheweth the same in his sonne Therefore it is sayde Mat. 11.27 No man knoweth the Father but the Sonne and no man knoweth the Sonne but the Father R. Therefore if thou wilt knowe and vnderstande the secretes of the father make haste to the Sonne Heb. 1.3 who is the lyuelye and expresse Image of the father For the iudgementes of God are vnsearcheable and his wayes can not bée founde out but yet in Christ Rom. 11 3● and by Christe his iudgementes are knowne and his wayes manifest vnto vs. And he wyll shewe him greater thinges
God hath appointed to guide vs in the right waye to wander at our leysure whether we lust Bv. For many are well affected in the beginning of Preaching for the loue of noueltie but within a while after do forsake the gospel againe following pleasures and corrupt affections which they estéeme more than the loue of godlynesse For a season C. By these wordes hée reproueth theyr folishnesse because they thought that the eternall light of God might bée extinguished by vaine way wardnesse and vnconstant follye Euen so at this daye the Papistes abuse all those godlye teachers and Doctours which the Lord hath geuen to his Church as bright Candelles as though they went about to dasell theyr eyes by beholding the light And they doe not onelye abuse the Candelles to obscure the light but they doe also oftentimes reioyce in darkenesse 36. But I haue greater wytnesse than the witnesse of Iohn for the workes whiche the Father hath geuen me to finishe the same workes that I doe beare witnesse of me that the Father hath sent me But I haue greater witnesse C. After hée had shewen in the person of Iohn that the Iewes had wickedlye corrupted the gift of God nowe secondlye hée repeateth that which hée had spoken as that he hath no néede of the testimony of man his owne witnesse being sufficient for him selfe Howebeit because hée sawe that he was despised hee citeth them according to his manner before his father As if he shoulde saye Bv. Thus farre forth ye haue hearde great thinges but ye shall heare greater thinges Ye haue Iohns testimony concerning me but nowe beholde a greater testimony namelye the testimony of my workes For there can not bée a more certaine testimony than the déedes them selues the which I doe not in my owne name but in my fathers name M. Let vs note here howe circumspectlye and wiselye he saieth not I haue a testimony much more certaine and true than the testimony of Iohn but he sayth Greater than the testimony of Iohn least he might so extoll the testimony of the Father concerning him selfe that the testimony of Iohn thereby shoulde bée quite discredited For whatsoeuer Iohn did testifye concerning Christ the same was of God neyther was it any whit contrarye from that which the Father by his workes testified of him But if ye compare the testimony of the workes of Christ which he had receyued of the Father with the testimony of Iohn ye shal finde that it is much more excellent and notable For as that Lucifer or morning Starre though it be a true testimony of the rysing of the Sunne yet notwithstanding is inferiour and nothing so euident as the Sunne beames it selfe which shine throughout the whole world ▪ euen so Iohn though his testimony were true concerning Christ yet notwithstanding it was far inferior more obscure than the bright shewe of Christes workes For the workes which the father hath geuen me R. The second thing whereby Christ proueth that he was sent of the Father are workes or Myracles M The vse wherof are here declared vnto vs when Christ sayeth They testifye of me Therefore they are not dumbe signes but lyuelye signes and therefore not simplie to be behelde but effectuallye to be hearde according to thys place The heauens declare the glory of God c. These speake not and yet notwithstanding their sounde hath gone forth into all landes and their wordes into the vtmost partes of the earth Psal 19.1 A. Euen so the wonderfull workes of Christ though they séeme to bée dumbe yet notwithstanding most euidentlye they set foorth his mightye vertue and power but to them to whome he hath geuen eares to heare M. Euen as appeareth in Nicodemus who being moued by the power and testimony of Christes workes Iohn 3. acknowledgeth that Christ is come a teacher sent from God For as a good Trée is knowne by his good fruite euen so the Lorde Iesus hath sufficientlye by his workes proued him selfe to bée the sonne of God Iohn 10.25 R. The workes sayth hée which I do in my Fathers name they beare witnesse of me C. It may here be demaunded whether miracles are sufficient ynough to proue Christ to be the sonne of God Question when as the Prophetes haue done the lyke M. Furthermore neyther the Iewes nor the Turkes doe denye the myracles of Christ but yet neyther of them doe acknowledge the testimonye whereof the Lorde here maketh mention Aunsvvere C. We aunswere Those signes and myracles which the Lorde wrought by the handes of his Prophets went not beyonde that ende for the which they were appoynted to be wrought which was that they might declare them to be the Ministers of God who otherwise coulde haue had neyther aucthoritie nor credite But God ment more highlye to extoll his sonne And this purpose of God in miracles must be taken for the ende and scope Therefore if the Iewes through malice had not willingly shutte their eyes the vertue of Christes signes might sufficiently haue declared who and what maner of person he was euen as hée himselfe sayth Yf I had not done among them the workes which no other man hath done Iho. 15.24 they had no sinne but now they haue seene and hated not onlye mee but also my Father M. As touching the Turkes although after a sorte they doe acknowledge some deuine power to bée in the myracles of Christ yet notwithstanding they wyll in no wise acknowledge him to be the sonne of God being vtterly blinded and deceiued by the false prophet Mahomet The Turkes denye Christ to be the son of God They say that God cannot haue a sonne séeing hée hath not a wife So foolish and blind they are that they wil not acknowledge the Image of the fatherly goodnesse power in Christ the sonne of God the which notwithstanding his works haue made him more euident and cléere than the Sonne 37. And the Father himselfe which hath sent me hath borne witnesse of me Ye haue not hearde his voyce at any time nor sene his shape And the Father himselfe which hath sent me Bv. Some restrayne this to the voyce which was hearde in the Baptisme of Christ but it ought to be farther extended C. For in the preterperfect tence or time past he sayth The Father hath testified to declare that hée commeth not foorth vnknowne because aforetime in the lawe and the Prophets the Father had made him manifest by tokens that he might bring his noates markes with him wherby hée might be knowne For God did testifie of his sonne so often as he promised saluation to his people the Iewes or the full restoring of the kingdome of Israell So it became the Iewes to haue the perpetuall substaunce of Christ out of the scriptures before hée shoulde be manifested in the fleshe Whereas they contemne him he being present and doe reiect him thereby they doe manifestly declare that they haue no taste of the Lawe the whiche also
6.40 C. The loue of God is here taken for the whole féeling of Godlynesse For no man can loue God but hée must also honour him and must submit him selfe wholye vnto him euen as where there is no loue of God there is no obedience In consideration whereof Moyses maketh this the summe of the Lawe Deu. 6.5 that we loue God with our whole heart M. Let vs here noate that all Hipocrites howe subtile soeuer they be are knowne well inough to the Lorde although mortall men can not espye them they hauing in their mouthes continuallye God the loue of God the zeale of God the glorye of God Hipocrites are known to God the honour of God the Churche of GOD and suche lyke none of the which thinges they haue in theyr heartes but séeke onelye vaineglory and their bellyes 43. I am come in my Fathers name and ye receiue mee not If another come in his owne name him wyll ye receyue I am come in my Fathers name R. Hée sheweth what great ingratitude it is to reiect him whome God the Father hath sent to saue To come in the name of the Father is to séeke the glory and wyll of God and in his office to haue respect to the common profite of all men and not to his owne profite or gaine A. And this is the wyll of the Father that euerye one whiche seeth the Sonne and beléeueth in him should haue euerlasting lyfe C. In this title false Prophets brag and boast them selues as doth the Pope at this day who braggeth that he is the Vicar of Christ yea Satan hath not deceyued myserable menne from the beginning but by this pretence who subtillye transformeth him selfe into an Aungell of lyght But Christe noateth the matter it selfe and not the coullor or pretence For he testifieth that he came therefore in the fathers name because he doth both testifie of the Father and doth faithfully performe that whiche he hath commaunded And by this marke he doeth discearne and noate lawfull teachers in the Church from those that are false and Counterfeyte Whosoeuer therefore do extoll them selues and do raigne in the consciences of men are bouldly to be reiected as this place teacheth For he whiche desyereth to be the seruaunt of God must be in nothing contrary to God Nowe if wée examine the whole doctrine of the Pope The Pope commeth in his own name the very blynde also shall sée that he is come in his owne name M. Herebye wée maye noate that it ought not to séeme straunge to the minister of Christe if although he be a true teacher suche a one as seketh the glory of God Innocent and faithfull he be not receyued of all men specially of the mightyer sorte séeing hée heareth the Lorde hym selfe the sonne of God whiche came not in his owne but in his Fathers name and declared him selfe to come from Heauen by mighty signes and wonders was not receyued of those whiche were the moste myghtie and principall in in Israell Ioh. 15.20 The seruaunt is not greater then his Lord. 1. Ioh. 4.6 A. Also we are of God he whiche knoweth GOD heareth vs he whiche is not of GOD heareth vs not Yf an other come in his owne name M. It commeth to passe by the iuste Iudgement of God that they whiche receiue not the true Christe whiche the Father hath sent into this worlde False Christes receiue● of thē which reiect the true Christe shall receyue false Christes comming not in the Fathers name but in theyr owne name neyther séeking the glory of the father but their owne prayse and glory The whiche happened to the Iewes according to the wordes of Christe here For they receyued false Christes boath before and also after the comming of Christe Concerning the false Christes whiche came be fore Christe Acte 5.36 Galmaliel speaketh in the Actes of the Apostles Math. 24 24. concerninge those whiche came after Christ himself speaketh in the Gospell after Mathew And Iosephus maketh mencion of a sertayne Aegiptian a Coniurer whiche drew after him thirtie thousand men Also in the Actes of the Apostles wée maye reade of Simon magus whome such as were seduced called the mighty power of God C. Yf any man obiecte and saye that this commeth to passe often tymes rather by error then by mallice we aunswere that none are subiect to the deceites of Sathan but suche as by a sertayne wicked desyre preferre lyes before the trueth For how commeth it to passe that Sathan fyndeth those prompt and apt Disciples to whome the Lord is fayne to crye as to deafe men but onely because wée hauing forsaken righteousnesse willingly followe Iniquitie Howbeit we must noat that Christ speaketh properly of those whome God hath specially illuminated as he had done the Iewes who being taught in the lawe knewe the right waye to saluation It is most certayne that suche doe not harken vnto false Prophetes but because they desyer to be deceiued Therefore saith Moyses that the Lord vseth the rysing of false prophets as a meane to trye and prooue his people whether they loue hym or no. Deut. 13. ● But there seemeth to be in many guiltlesse symplicity but there is no doubt but that hipocrisie daseleth their eyes whiche lurketh within their myndes For it is most sertayne that God shuttethe not the Gate against those that knocke and that they are neauer disapoynted of whome he is sincerely sought Truelye therefore dothe the Apostle Paul ascribe this vnto the vengeaunce of GOD Math. 7.7 when that the power the Apostle Paule ascribe this vnto the vengeance of God when that the power of illusion is giuen to Sathan that they which reiecting truth and approuing vnrighteousnesse might beléeue Lies and hée sayeth that they perishe 2. The. 2.10 which haue not loued the trueth that they might bée saued Euen so at this daye the Hipocrisie of many is discouered who being addicted to the deceites and wicked superstitions of the Pope rage most furiouslye against the Gospell For if there were in their mindes the feare of God the same feare would bring foorth also obedience Bv. But when they will not receyue the Doctrine of Christ they are wrapped in errors and perishe in their sinnes False Prophetes deceiue robbe and spoyle them to whome they are a verye scorne and derision euen as the Apostle very notablye hath discribed their disposition 1. Cor. 11.13 in the person of the Corinthians The Iewes would not haue the most méeke gentle and louing Christ to raigne ouer them but they would haue Cesaer Iohn 19. saying VVee haue no King but Cesaer And hée stoutlye plagued and slewe them aunswering his name in all thinges A. Euen so they which at this day refuse to beare the swéete yoake of Christ are miserablye in subiection and thraldome to the tyranny of the Pope 44. How can ye beleeue which receiue honor one of another and seeke not the honour whiche commeth of
secrete matter as many of their haynouse sinns which tempted him Bv. Some thinke that the Lord vsed here only the Iesture of his bodye which boath he and manye other wise men often tyme vsed C. And some running to allegories think that by this meanes the difference betweene the Lawe and the Gospell was noated because Christe woulde not write in tables of stoane but in man which is dust and earth But to omitte all these we must rather saye that Christe vsed this Iesture to shewe that he so litle regarded theyr wordes that he would scant vouchsafe to geue eare vnto them Euen as If one when another is telling a tale shoulde with his finger drawe lines vpon a wall or shoulde tourne his backe or by some suche like sygne shoulde declare that he geueth little heede to that which is spoken Euenso at this day when sathan by many waies goeth about to draw vs from the right order of teaching we ought in contempt to omitte many thinges which he obiecteth vnto vs. The Papistes doe séeke to weary vs so much as they maye with many vaine Cauills in discussing of the whiche if so be Godlye teachers shoulde busily occupie them selues they shoulde begine to weaue Penelopes webbe Penelope a woman who to delay her louers desiered his liberti til she had wouen a web which being grated her shee did euer onwea●e that in the nighte whiche shee had wouen in the daye Suche delayes therefore whiche doe nothing hinder the race of the Gospell are wisely neglected 7. So when they continued asking hym he lifte vppe hym selfe and sayde vnto them lette him that is amonge you withoute sinne caste the first stoane at her So when they continued Therefore they did not vrge him once only but diuerse tymes and required an aunswere to the propounded question They gathered that the Lorde did feare the snare which was layed to catche and that he coulde not make an aunswere without● perill Herevppon they doe more vehemently and Instantly vrge hym to aunswere For they thinke it impossible that he shoulde escape If hée aunswered but a litle Bv. When they thus abused the Lordes gentlenesse and as conquerers triumphed ouer hym and went aboute to wreste as it were an answer out of his mouth the Lorde erected and lifted vp him selfe M. O how greedy think you they were nowe to receaue the wordes from his mouth when they sawe that he lifted vp him selfe and began to open his mouthe to geue them an answer Surely the Wolfe was neuer more greedye of his pray What then was his answer Let him that is among you without sinne R. A moste wise answer by whiche Christ neyther findeth falt with the sentence of the Lawe concerning Adulterie nor yet retracteth his doctrine concerning remission of sinnes M His aduersaries looked for another manner of aunswere But Christ speaketh according to the manner and custome of the Lawe For the Lorde God commaunded that the witnesses by whose testimonie Iudgement was geuen should by their owne handes stoane the malefactors and offenders Deut. i7 7 because men shoulde haue the greater conscience in geuyng testimonye For many men rashly take vpon them an oath to ouerthrowe their brother because they doe not consider that a mortal wounde is geuen vnto them by theyr tongue Howbeit in this the wordes of Christ differ from the prescripte of the Lawe because there God simply admonisheth that no man ought to be condemned by witnesse but he whome the witnesses will kill with their owne handes but here Christe requireth perfect Innocencie to be in the witnesses to the end that no man might take vpon him to conuince another of any crime but suche a one as shoulde be pure and perfect and without all faulte himselfe And that wiche he spake then to a fewe we must vnderstand as spoken to vs all namely that whosoeuer accuseth another must sette before him selfe the Lawe of Innocencie otherwise we doe not persecute the offence but are rather enemies to the personnes of men M. But this place séemeth to be suche that it taketh awaye quight from among men all vse of magistrates of Lawes and of punishmentes C. For what Iudge can there be found whose concience doth not accuse him in some matter or other Question What witnesse can there come forth but he hath one falt or another He séemeth therefore to remooue all witnesses from the Barre and all Iudges from the tribunall seate M. Moreouer yf so be he shoulde cast the first stoane at the adulterous woman whiche was without sin why than did not Christe him selfe this when as beside him there neuer liued any man in the worlde which was not a sinner Heb. 7.26 He shoulde therefore haue done that him selfe which he aunswered to others in wordes because hée was seperated from among synners and had no synne neyther was there any guile founde in hys mouth 1. Pet. 2.22 C. I aunswere This is not a precise and simple interdict and prohibition by which Christe forbiddeth synners to doe their office in correcting and punishing other mens offences Aunsvvere but he onely reprehendeth ypocrites who being to seuere and cruell Iudges of other men do quietly passouer their owne synnes No mans sinnes therefore shal be a lette vnto them but that he maye correct other mens faltes and punish them also so often as nede shal require so that he hateth as well in him selfe as in another that thing which is to be condemned Yea euery man ought to beginne here and to aske his conscience and to be a witnesse and Iudge against him selfe before hee come to other men And so it shall come to passe that wée shall warre agaynst synnes withoute hatred agaynst anye man Bv. In these wordes therefore due correction and the autority of the sworde against offenders is not taken awaye only the mallice of the Pharisées and Elders is reproued and restrayned They woulde séeme to be iust before men and the maintayners of the Lawe when as notwithstanding they were trasgressors of the same and had neyther loue nor zeale to obserue and kéepe the same Wherefore the Lorde did so frame his answere that he did boath admonish them of their synnes and also brouht the Adulterouse woman to repentaunce R. To the same effecte also we reade that he aunswered in another place to some which tould him of the Galileans whose bloud pilate mingled with their sacrifices Think ye sayth he that those Galileans which suffered those thinges were greater sinners than the other Galileans Luke i3 I tell you naye but except ye repent ye shall all in like manner perishe A. We sée therfore that this is the drift of Christe to bring men to repentaunce the which cannot be except there go before a seriouse knowledge of synne to the which he sought here to bryng his aduersaries 8. And agayne hee stouped downe and wrote one the grounde By this Iesture he declared that they had the aunswere whiche they
aloan should gouerne and be the true pastour of his Church For although he vseth their Ministery yet notwithstanding he ceasseth not to do the office and duty of a Pastoure To be short séeing the name of a Sheapheard doth belong vnto other men as well as to Christ wée maye perceiue that Christ doth communicate his honoure with his ministers insomuch that he abydeth still as well their pastoure as the Sheapheard of the flocke R. And by this name Shepherd Christ teacheth with howe greate care he féedeth his sheepe For the office of a sheapheard is very painfull and carefull as we maye read concerning Iacob who sayd I was in the daye consumed with heate Gen 31.4 and with froste in the night and my slepe departed from mine eyes Euenso Christ watched daye and night for his flocke A good sheapheard geueth his life C. Christ was so carefull for the health of his shéepe that he spared not his owne life wherevpon it followeth that they are to vnthankfull and worthy to perish an hoondered tymes and to be in all perill and daunger which refuse the custody and defence of so gentle and louing a shepheard Therefore Christ the good shepherde gaue his life for his shéepe Esay 53.6 R. For hée dyed for the faithful And he is the better sheapheard that he dyed not for vs when we were Iuste and godly for we haue all gone astray and are like to shéepe that are lost but when we were vniust and sinners For scarse for a Iust man will any man dye but paraduenture for a good man some would dye Rom. 5.7 So that God commendeth vnto his loue that when as yet wée were sinners 1. Pet. 3.28 Christ was offered to deth for vs. A. Also Christ suffered once the Iuste for the vniust Mat. 15.24 And hée him selfe testifieth that he is not sent but to the loste shéepe of the house of Israell R. But why did this good shepheard geue his life for his shéepe Surely that he might ouercome the wolfe that is to say sathan the woluish Rable also that is to say sinne affliction death and Hell For all these are vanquished and ouercome by the death of Christ and in stéede of those are sette vp righteousnesse Ioy life and heauen 12. An hierling and hee which is not the Sheapheard neyther the Sheepe are his owne seeth the woolf comming and leaueth the Sheepe and the woolfe catcheth and scattereth the Sheepe An Hyerling C. Vnderstande here those to be Hyerlinges which imbrace pure doctrine and which rather by occasiō than of true zeale preache the trueth Phili i. i5 séeking their belly and the fléece of the shéepe C. Such though they serue not Christ faithfully yet are they to be heard For as Christ would haue the Scribes and Phariseis to be hearde because they sate in Moyses Chayre euenso we muste so honoure the Gospell that we doe not disdaine the Ministers thereof though they be not so good as they ought to be Hirelings If so be the Church might be purged from hyerlings it were farre better but because it pleaseth God by this meanes to excercise the fayth of the faithfull and because also we are vnworthy of that singuler benefite as to haue Christ shine to vs in good Ministers they are to be borne withall howemuch soeuer we dislike of them and think them vnméete M. Christ therefore in this place putteth a difference betwéene faithfull Pastoures and hyerlinges saying that the good shepherd doth geue his life for his shéepe but that the Hyerling doth flée when hee séeeth the wolfe comming Bv. because hée thinketh that he looseth nothing when hys flocke perisheth ouer which notwithstanding the Lord hath made hym ouerséer C. Notwithstanding there is greate difference betwene this that Christ gaue his life for his shéepe Shepherds and this that other pastoures geue their liues for their sheepe For we know that there were many after Christ which did not spare to shed their blood for the health and benefite of the Church The prophetes also before the comming of Christ spared not their liues But in this the difference consisteth that Christ gaue his lyfe to be the price of satisfaction shed his bloud to pourge our soules and offered vp his body a peace offering thereby to pacifie the wrath of his heuenly father Nowe in the ministers of the Gospell there can be no suche cause all which stand in nede of purgation them selues and by that only sacrifice are reconciled vnto God But Christ disputeth not here concerning the efficacie or fruite of his death that hée might compare him selfe to others but to prooue what affection he bereth toward vs and than that he might inuite others to followe his example To be shorte as it belongeth vnto Christ by his death to bring life vnto vs and to perform whatsoeuer the gospel containeth euenso it is the generall office of all Pastoures to defend the doctrine which they preache euen with the sheading of their blood Neither the sheepe are his owne These wordes containe some difficultie For if they are not shepheardes in the Church of Christ whose shéepe are none of their owne there shal be neuer a Pastoure in the Church but Christ only What meaneth then the Apostle to saye God hath ordained some in the Churche to be Aposteles some Euaungelistes Ephe 4 i2 and some sheapheardes and teachers Also Christ sayde vnto Peter Iohn 2i i5 Feede my sheepe For he is the Pastoure which feedeth euen as hée is the teacher whiche teacheth Peter therefore was a shepheard although he fed none of his owne but the shéepe of Christ C. But let vs remember that they which are guided by the Spirite of God they count that their owne which belongeth vnto the head not to vsurpe power vnto themselues but faythfullye to kéepe that which is committed vnto their charge For hée which is truelye ioyned vnto Christ wil neuer account that to bée none of hys owne which hath béene so déere vnto him Leaueth the sheepe and fleeth M. This proofe plainly bewrayeth hyerlinges Because they haue no care of the shéepe and are not gréeued at the dispersing of the flocke they flée at the comming of the woolfe and forsake the shéepe R. Are all therefore hierlinges whiche in time of persecution flee from theire Churches Act. 9.25 M. If so be we shall affirme this we shall condemne Paule who as it is wel knowen left the faithfull at Damascus and fled and by flight did escape the mouth as it were of the wolfe C. Thys question was handeled at full in oulde time when the cruel tirauntes vexed the Church Some of the fathers were in this poynt to strayght othersome were more Indifferent who gaue libertie to Pastoures to flée in such wise that if so be by their flight they might doe more good to all men than hurt their flocke they might flee And they Iudged that this might be when the
menne for filthye lucers sake to extinguishe the Gospell But wée haue here a sheaphearde set before vs not the Bishoppe of Rome yea neyther Peter nor Paule but Christe the onelye begotten Sonne of God Bv. Furthermore they whiche gather vppon this place that there shal be one daye a mutuall consent and agréement amongst men in the whole world insomuche that none shall remaine an Infidell or vngodlye do erre and know not the Scriptures neyther doe consider what is the state and drifte of this place R. Againe there are some whiche gather of this place that after the last day of Iudgement all both good and euell shal be gathered togeather into one place of eternall lyfe but the opinion of these men is most foolishe For then shall the shéepe bée seperated from the Goates Mat. 25.46 and the iudgement of the shéepe shal be one and the iudgement of the Goates another as the Scripture plainelye testifyeth 17. Therefore doth my Father loue mee because I laye dovvne my life that I might take it againe B. This is a digression by which hée declareth howe hée woulde geue his life for his sheepe not that hee ought death any thing but because he would wyllinglye suffer the same that hée might take his lyfe vnto him agayne by his owne power Wherevpon it commeth that he sayth Herein is the loue of my Father declared in mee Herein it is certaine that I am loued of my Father that I geue my life to take it to me againe For this is deuine power the whiche being séene in mée who wyll not thinke thereby that I am greatlye loued of my Father C. There is also another farther cause why the Father loueth the Sonne For this voice was not heard in vaine from Heauen This is my well beloued Sonne in whome I am wel pleased But because for our sakes also hée was made man and because the father loued him to this ende that he might reconcile vs vnto him it is no maruaile if he affirme that he is therefore loued because our saluacion was dearer vnto him than his owne lyfe Bv. Hereby certainlye it is euident that the Sonne dyed with the good wyll of his Father and that the wyll and purpose of them boathe was all one in redéeming the worlde C. This therefore is a wonderfull commendation of the goodnesse of God which geueth vs iust occasion to wonder at him in that hée doeth not onely powre out his loue into vs but also referreth the same vnto vs as to the fynall cause And verilye Christ had no néede to take vppon him our fleshe in the which hée shoulde bée beloued but onelye that in redéeming of vs it might be a pleadge of his Fatherly mercy M. And it is not without cause that the Lorde maketh mencion here of his fatherlye goodnesse For hée went about to beate downe the mallice of the Phariseis whiche went about to perswade the blinde man that Christ was not of a God but a sinner that therewithall they might perswade that whatsoeuer he spake or dyd was not acceptable vnto God That I might take it to me againe C. Because the hearing of Christes death might not a litle greeue the Disciples and might also greatelye assaye their Faith he comforteth them with the hope of the resurrection which should strayte after followe as if hée shoulde saye that he dyd not dye to bee swallowed vp of death but that he might by and by after aryse a conquerour of death R. As if he shoulde saye Therefore hath GOD the Father glorifyed mée aboue all Creatures because I am obedient to him Phil. 2.8 to the death euen to the death of the Crosse For because I haue descended into the lower partes of the earth and am made the moste abiecte and contemptible performe therefore I wyll ascende aboue all the Heauens and God shall geue vnto mée a name whiche is aboue all names and shall greatlye honour me M. And whereas he arose not straite after hee had suffered the death of the Crosse but tarryed vntyll the thirde daye it was done to take awaye the suspicion of a fayned death and to set forth the glory of the vnwonted and miraculous resurrection Therefore in these wordes he declareth that his death was not after the common manner of menne but dispensatorye because lyfe shoulde presentlye followe death C. And it becommeth vs at this daye so to thinke of the death of Christ Resurrection of Christ that therewithall we remember the glorye of the resurrection So we knowe that he is lyfe because hee hauing fought with death hath mightely ouercome the same and made a noble triumphe A. For by death hee hath destroyed him which had power of death that is to saye the Deuell Heb. 2 i5 and hath made them free which all their lyfe time were meere bondslaues 18. No man taketh it from mee but I laye it downe of my selfe I haue power to laye it downe and haue power to to take it agayne this cōmaundement haue I receyued of my Father No man taketh it from mee M. If so bée to laye downe his lyfe signifyeth nothing else but to dye euen as to take awaye the lyfe is to kyll Howe then sayth he that no man taketh away the same from him Dyd not the Iewes kyll him Yes verilye If then they killed him they also tooke away his lyfe from him In déede they tooke it awaye but they dyd not extorte it from him by violence and against his wyll For they coulde not haue taken the same from him except he would wyllinglye haue dyed Herevppon he addeth this saying But J laye it downe of my selfe The which is not so to bée vnderstoode as if hée woulde kyll him selfe A. as the wicked Iewes obiected vnto him M. but because the laying downe of his lyfe was not in any mannes power but hée him selfe of his owne accorde layde downe the same C. Therefore hée doeth not onely deny that men haue power in them selues to kyll vnlesse hee suffer them but also exempteth him selfe from all force of necessitye But it is otherwise with vs who of necessitye are subiect to death by reason of sinne Christ also him selfe was borne a mortall man but this was voluntarye submission and not violent constraint This therefore pertaineth to the consolacion of the Disciples least when they shoulde sée him shortlye after to bée carried vnto death they might bée discouraged as though he had béene oppressed of his enemies but might know that the same came to passe by the wonderfull prouidence of God that he should suffer death to redéeme the flocke And this is alwayes a profitable doctrine that therefore the death of Christ was a satisfaction for sinnes because it was a voluntarye sacrifice according to that saying of Paule by the obedience of one man many became sinners I haue power to laye it downe R. This is euen the same which hée sayde before namelye that hée therfore suffered because so it
wrought during the time that be preached there was none more wonderfull than this and therefore hee thought it necessary to noate boath the name and also the kindered and exactly to describe the place with the rest of the circumstaunces specially séeing he knew that none of the other Euaungelistes made any mention of this miracle Therefore fyrste of al it is worthy to be noated and remembered For beside that Christ in this miracle left vnto vs a testimony of his diuine power he also sette before vs an expresse Image of our Resurrection in the end of the world to the end we might knowe the scope of our Faith howe that Death is no Death and that Christe is our resurrection and life C. Furthermore this was as it were the latter act and conclusion for nowe the time of his death approched It is no merueile therefore if so be he specially sette forth his glory in that worke the memory wherof he would haue throughly imprinted in the mindes of his seruauntes that it might be a sertaine sealing of all those miracles that were done before Christ had raised vp other dead folkes at other times but nowe hée declared his power vpon a dead and putrified carcasse B. For the nerer that the daye whiche was prescribed vnto the Lorde drue toward euening in the which he should finishe the office of a Redéemer the more plainly boath by wordes and also by déedes he reuealed who hée was and wherefore he came in the fleshe R. And thus beginneth the hystory M. When Iesus was come ouer Iordane into the place where Iohn at the firste baptized and had taried there a while a sertaine man named Lazarus fell sicke And to the end we might knowe who this Lazarus was Iohn saith that hee was of Bethany the towne of Mary and Martha his sisters whose Brother he was C. The which is therefore expressed because the fame of Lazarus was more obscure than the fame of his sisters For these holy women were wont to lodge Christ as we maye reade in the tenth chapter of saint Luke 2. It was that Marye whiche anoynted the LORDE with oyntmente and wyped his feete with her heare whose Brother Lazerouse vvas sicke Bv. Because the Gospell maketh mention of many Maries here there is a difference put betwéene this Mary and the reste namely that it was the very same which anoynted the Lord. M. And this is put downe here by Anticipation B. For the Euaungelist declareth this anoynting in the chapter following C. Therefore there is greate Ignoraunce in them which immagine this Mary the sister of Lazerus to be that infamus woman of whome Luke maketh mention in his seuenth Chapter The making mention of the oyntment ocasioned this errour and also because in both places mention is made of Simon in whose house the acte was done as though it were not manifest that Christ was often times anoynted and that in diuers places The synfull woman of whome Luke speaketh anoynted Christ at Ierusalem wheare she dwelt Also Mary of Bethany did the like in her towne And the pretertence Anoynted which the Euaungelist vseth ought not to be referred to the time in the which the same was done of the which the Euaungeliste heare intreateth but to the time in the which he wroate as if he shoulde saye this is that Mary whiche afterwarde powered out her oyntment for the which cause there arose a murmuring among the Disciples Bv. To be short this woman is sayd to haue anoynted the Lord euen as Iudas is saide to haue betrayed Christe M. Math. i0 4 Moreouer in that Lazarus Mary and Mrtha dwelt together we haue an example of brotherly amity concord and agreement Vnitie of Bretheren pleaseth the Lorde The Lorde is delighted with such vnity of Bretheren and systers insomuche that it was not in vain that the Lord had company and felloweshippe with this Lazarus Mary and Martha It is a true saying the loue and vnitie of bretheren is seldome found Suche is the corruption of oure nature that bretheren very seldome well agrée together Very fewe remember this saying of Christe Blessed are the peace makers for they shal be called the Children of God 3. Therefore his sisters sent vnto him saying Lorde beehoulde hee whome thou loueste is sicke Therfore his sisters sent B. For they trusted that yf the Lorde had bene present their brother shoulde not haue dyed the which boath of them affirmed to the Lorde Lord behould he whom thou louest C A shorte message but yet notwithstanding Christ might hereby gather what the two sisters would haue For vnder this complaint they doe modestly insinuate their Supplication that hee might helpe R. Hereby we maye learne a forme of prayer C. We are not forbidden to vse any long forme of prayer notwithstanding this is the summe that we ought to cast oure cares and whatsoeuer else disquieteth vs into the Lords lappe that he may helpe vs. Thus doe these women deale with Christ they doe familiarly vtter theire gréefe vnto him thereby hoping to haue ease B. They prescribe nothing vnto the Lorde they think it suficient to tell vnto their louing benificiall and wise frende howe the case stoode with them and in what perill they were in C. It is also to be noated that they haue hope to obtaine helpe vpon the loue of Christe M. In that they make no mencion of their brother neyther doe craue in expresse wordes that he would come and deliuer him from his disease they so did vppon truste and familiaritie whereby they made accounte that the disease of theyr brother woulde mooue the Lorde to haue no lesse care for the same than hée had for any thing that appertained to him selfe C. And this is a rule alwaye to be obserued in true praier For where the loue of God is there is vndoubted and present health because hée doth not loue and forsake Bv. Therefore these systers Humanity toward the sicke shewing themselues to be natural and louing to their brother ouer and aboue the example which they leaue vnto vs of pietie and humanitye which wée shoulde showe towarde sicke persons doe teache vs in all our necessityes to runne first vnto Christ which loueth vs all most intyrelye to whome wée must prescribe nothing he knoweth when to helpe and to whome it is néedefull R. Let fayth onely tye God to necessitie that helpe and reléefe may torne to the glorye of his name For if so bée the time and the manner howe be prescribed then the helpe is ascribed to humaine wisedome 4. When Iesus hearde that hee sayde This infirmitie is not vnto death but for the glorye of God that the Sonne of God might be glorified thereby M. Christ knewe before that Lazarus was sicke but the Euaungelist describing this matter in order as it was done sayth that the Lorde spake these thinges when hée had hearde the message which Mary and Martha had sent vnto him C. And his purpose was by thys
same concerning Christ as that he was the resurrection and the life shée aunswereth that shée beléeueth him to be Christ and the sonne of God as in déede this knowledge comprehendeth in it selfe the sum of all goodnesse For we must alwayes consider to what ende the Messias was promised and what office the Prophets alwayes gaue vnto him R. And this confession is lyke vnto that which Peter made in the sixtéene chapter of Mathew C. And Martha in confessing him to bée the same which shoulde come into the world confirmeth her faith by the Prophesinges of the Prophetes Wherevppon it followeth that we ought to looke and hope for a full reformation of all thinges and for perfect felicitye at his handes 28. And as sone as shee had so sayd shee went her vvaye and called Marye her Sister secreatlye saying The Maister is come and calleth for thee Bv. Thus farre we hard the talke betweene the Lorde and Martha and now followeth the communication betwéene the Lord and Mary the which although it be very short and containeth nothing which hath not béene spoken of before yet notwithstanding it hath circumstances annexed to it which are neither to be contemned nor yet vnprofitable C. And it is likely that Christ stoode styl without the village at the request of Martha least he should come among so great an assembly of men For shee feared peryll because Christ had but latelye escaped the snare of death Therefore least the fame of his comming shoulde bée spread any farther shée priuilye enformed her sister of the same The Maister is come C. The name of Maister sheweth what estimation Christ had among godlye Matrones Howbeit they haue not as yet profited so much as they shoulde haue done and yet this was much that they had whollye addicted them selues vnto him as his Disciples 29. Assone as shee heard that shee arose quickly and came vnto him C. This sodaine and spéedy comming of Mary to méete Christ declareth no small reuerence M. There were many Iewes present which came from Ierusalem and sate by very sorrowful that they might comfort her ouer her dead brother Shée leauing all these so soone as shée knewe that Iesus was come and that he called for her made haste without delaye to come vnto him and not in vaine For the Iewes brought nothing with them but wordes with the which they could not satisfy a sorrowfull mind but this Christ brought with him the resurrection and the lyfe 30. Iesus was not yet come into the towne but was in that place where Martha mette him Bv. Therefore he wayted for Mary whome he commaunded to be called for séeking for a conuenient place to worke the miracle because the graue was not farre from thence for the custome was then to make the Monumentes of suche departed this lyfe by the hye wayes side M. And in this that the Lorde woulde not goe into the house to ease and refreshe him selfe before hée had fynished the worcke of the glorye of GOD in raysing vp Lazarus for the which hee came wée haue an example set before vs to followe that wée also might execute and finishe those thinges which concerne the glory of God before wée doe any thing else according to the saying of Christ Fyrst of all seeke the Kingdome of God and the righteousnesse thereof Mat. 6.33 and all other thinges shal be geuen to you He is scant a faithfull seruaunt to his Lorde which séeketh the refreshing of his body and other priuate commodities before those things which concerne the glorye and profite of his Maister A. The seruaunt of Abraham woulde neyther eate nor drinke Gen. 24.33 vntyll hée had faithfullye discharged his Maisters errande and message 31. The Iewes then which were vvith her in the house cōforted her vvhen they sawe Marye that she arose vp hastely and vvent out follovved her saying Shee goeth vnto the graue to vveepe there C. Although by the sufferance of Christ Martha went home againe that shée might priuilye call her Sister from the multitude yet notwithstanding the purpose of our sauiour Christ tended to another ende namelye that he might haue them witnesses of his miracle This thing they thought not vpon but it was no newe thing that men should be brought as it were out of darkenesse by the secréete prouidence of God to a place whether they minded not to come M. For humaine matters are oftentimes so disposed by the purpose of God that by the occasion of those thinges which we purpose to doe we fall into those thinges which we neuer thought vppon C. They thought that Martha went to the graue according to the manner of those which séeke occasions to prouoke them to mourne For this is a common faulte among men that when the husbande hath lost his Wyfe or the Wyfe her Husbande the Father his Childe or the Childe the Father they by and by ambiciously séeke by al meanes possible to encrease their gréefe And many practised diuers sleights and subtile meanes to this ende Wherefore it was the dutye of these men to fetche backe Marye least by the sight of the Sepulchre shée might be occasioned to mourne but they durst not deale so sharpely with her but bare with her intemperate gréefe and went with her And thus oftentimes it commeth to passe that their consolations comfortes do lytle auayle which doe to much flatter with their friendes 32. Then when Marye vvas come vvhere Iesus vvas and sawe him shee fell downe at his feete and sayeth vnto him Lord if thou haddest beene here my brother had not beene dead M. The Euangelist in saying that Mary fell downe at the féete of Christ expresseth the singuler affection of loue and reuerence which shée bare towards him R. Shée is not afeard of the presence of the Iewes whome shée knewe not to be very gratious vnto the Lorde neither dyd shée regard their friendship which they declared in comming to comfort her nor yet doeth shée feare their iudgement but as shée bare a louing and reuerent heart toward the Lord so shée shewed her selfe in the sight of all men without desemulation C. And herby we gather that the Lorde was worshipped and serued in that house far suppassing the common manner of men For although men were wont to prostrate them selues before Kinges and Princes yet notwithstanding because Christ in the outward shewe of the flesh had nothing that was Kinglye and glorious Mary fell downe at his feete to another ende The which she would not haue done except she had beene perswaded that he had béene the son of God Lorde if thou haddest beene here M. Shée vseth the same wordes vnto the Lord which Martha had vsed before C. And although she séemeth in shewe to speake honourablye vnto Christ yet notwithstanding we shewed euen now what faulte was contayned in these words For the power of Christ which filled and doeth fyll heauen and earth ought not to be restrayned to his corporall presence 33. When
names Therefore he doth argue verye well of their owne wordes what they ought to doe Thus also let vs consider of our selues Wée cal Christ our Lord and master but where is the obediēce due to a Lord and Maister We cal him our sauiour and redemer but where is faith and truste Where is loue due to a sauiour and redéemer Wée call God our Father but wée lyttle consider what hee speaketh by a Prophete M. Yf I be your Father Malac. 1.6 where is my honour Yf I be your Lorde where is my feare Wee are muche deceyued in this that wée doe not sufficientlye waye what those voyces require whiche came out of our mouthes whether they belong vnto God our Father or to Christ our Lorde or to those with whome wée haue to doe in this life whether they bée superioures as Magistrates Ministers of the worde ▪ Parentes and such lyke or wheter they be our equalls as bretheren kinsfolkes and neighbours or our inferioures as children seruants and subiectes And ye saye well for so am I. Therefore he sayeth well which calleth Christ our Lord and Maister for he is our Lord and Maister only Euenas he him selfe affirmeth in this place and in the twentie thrée of mathew He allso which calleth him our only Redéemer Sauiour Mediatoure and Shephearde sayeth well for he is so in déede But hée sayth not wel which calleth wolues Shepheardes Antechrist the vickar of Christ the most filthy and abhominable holy and cleane which calleth a tyrant a father Simonicall Princes and flowe bellies not seeking Christ but their owne honoure and bellies Bishoppes which calleth the most carnall Cardinalles and spirituall personnes and the worshippe of the belly the worshippe of God 14. If I then your Lorde and Mayster haue washed youre feete yee also ought to wash one anothers feete C. He vseth here an argument from the more to the lesse Pride will not suffer vs to haue that equallity and felloshippe among vs which wée should haue But Christ which is farre aboue vs all doeth humble him selfe to make the proude ashamed who forgetting their state and degrée do exempt them selus from brotherly felloweshippe For whome thinketh mortall man him selfe to be yf he refuse to beare the burthen of his bretheren to apply him selfe to the manners of others and to doe those duties by which the vnitie of the Church is maintayned The summe is this that the same man doth arrogate to muche vnto him selfe who considereth not that he doth therefore liue among his weake bretheren willingly to doe those duties which seeme vncomelye B. For Christe doeth not only require the washing of the féete but also all the duties of true due For it is a figure called Sinecdoche by which we must vnderstand by that which is most seruile all other duties For he which so humbleth him selfe that he is contented to wash his enemies fete what seruice and duty will he refuse to doe C. We must also noate that Christe sayeth that he geueth an example For it is not méete that all his déedes shoulde be drawen into example and immitation Popishe imitacion of Christ B. The Bishoppe of Roome too apishly followeth Christ in many thinges and in this he would séeme to followe Christ washing once in a yeare the féete of sertaine poore folke which haue béene washed before and not only washed but also perfumed with swéete odours and waters And thus by a bare and naked Cereremony they thinke that they haue done very well and when they haue done it they can be contented to contemne their brethren and cruelly to teare the members of Christ and to spitte in his face Wherefore that commicall Pompe is nothing else but a filthye scorninge of Christ And verely Christ doth not heare commend vnto vs a yearlye ceremony but commaundeth vs al our life tyme to 〈◊〉 ●ady to washe our brethrens feete When Abiga●l sayde vnto the messengers of Dauid i. Ki. 25.41 Behould let thy handmayde be a seruaunt to wash the feete of the seruauntes of my Lord she ment not such a counterfeit seruice as the Immitating enemies of Christ do vse but she ment that shee would be so obediente loyall and seruiceable to Dauid that shée would not refuse to washe euen the féete of his seruauntes So Paule vnderstoode washing of féete when he requireth the good and vertuouse wydowe i. Ti 5. x to be a washer of the faintes féete that is to saye to be seruiceable vnto them in each poynt M. Finally it is to be noated that Christ sayeth not yée ought to washe my feete but To washe one anothers feete Therefore he doth not so much require that we should doe the lyke vnto him as that we shoulde séeke one anothers profite And peraduenture euery one of vs would be ready if Christ were presente to washe his féete yea none of vs would thinke our selues worthy ynough to doe that seruice vnto him but we shal hardly fynd one which will do the same naye which will acknoweledge that he oughte to do the same to another as the brother to washe his brothers féete the seruant his felowe seruauntes féete and specially they which excel others to washe their inferioures féete That Romish Byshoppe which calleth hym selfe the seruaunte of the seruauntes of God thinketh that Kings and Emperours owe suche reuerence and subiection vnto him that when he sytteth not in the Maiestie of Christ but of Antichrist they ought to kisse his féete But when will that seruaunt of the seruauntes of God submitte him selfe at the féete of subiectes after the example of Christ who rydeth with to muche Pride vppon the shoulders of those whome Christ hath redeemed with his bloude This fellowe boasteth him selfe to be the vicar of Christ and the successour of Peeter Concerning the exposition of the fiftéene and sixteene verses following reade our commentary vppon the tenth chapter of Mathewe beginning at the twentie fowre verse 17. If yee knowe these thinges happye are ye if ye doe them B. That is to saye yf yee rightly vnderstand these thinges insomuch that yee performe them then are yée blessed For the more lyke we are vnto God the more are we blessed And we cannot be more lyke to God in any thing then in liberallitie towardes all men Math. 5.45 So we shall be perfect euenas he is perfect who blesseth the euell as well as the good And he is that goodnesse it selfe by whome al thinges liue and haue their béeing A. For this is that which Luke as it were expounding it sayeth Luk. 6 36 Be yee mercifull euen as your father is mercifull C. Therefore nothing deserueth to bée called true knoweledge which leadeth the faithfull so farre that they desyer to be like vnto their head It is rather a vaine Immagination and fantasye which behouldeth not Christ and these thinges which belong vnto Christe inwardly Hereby thou mayest gather that vntill such time as thou hast learned to submit thy selfe vnto thy
of oure lyfe But whereas the Arians haue in time past abused this testimonye to prooue Christe to be God by participation only and grace their cauill may easily be confuted For Christ doth not simply defend his eternall essence but commendeth that deuine power which was reuealed in him For as the Father left all fulnesse of goodnesse in his sonne so in like manner his sonne hath powred hym selfe wholy into vs. 21. He that hath my commandementes and keepeth them the same is hee that loueth mee and hee that loueth me shall bee loued of my Father and I will loue him and wil shew my ovvne selfe vnto hym Bv. Heare the Lord repeateth that againe which he had otherwise propounded before saying If ye loue me keepe my commaundementes C And againe he exhorteth the Faithfull and teacheth that the true proofe of their loue toward him consisteth in this that they obserue and keepe his commaundementes of the which matter he so often times admonisheth his Disciples lest they shoulde swarue from the same because we are more proane to nothing than to carnall affection insomuch that vnder the name of Christe we loue somewhat besyde Christe To the which effecte pertaineth this saying ef saincte Paule Although wee haue knowen Christ after the fleshe 2 Cor. 5 16 now yet henceforth knowe wee him so noe more Therefore if any man be in Christe he is a newe creature M. He sayeth not simply yf any man kéepe my commaundementes but he sayeth Hee that hath my commaundementes and kepeth them C. And to haue the commaundemen●s signifieth to be rightly instructed in thē to frame him selfe his life vnto them Bv. And by the commaundementes he vnderstandeth faith and loue A. For this is his commaundemente that wée beléeue his name i. Ioh 3.23 and loue one another And then he addeth the reward or fruite of faith and of perseueraunce in the loue of God by which he encourageth those that ronne well to goe forwarde And hee that loueth mee shal bee loued Bv. To beloued of the Father is to be receiued into the frendshippe of the most high God and to be preserued and defended by God M. But heare it may be demaunded howe Christ sayeth that he is loued of the Father whiche loued him as though wee must fyrste loue him before we can be loued of the father C. Obiection For Christ speketh as though men might preuent him with their loue the which notwithstanding is verye absurde Rom 5 i0 for at such tyme as we were his enemies he reconciled vs to himselfe Also S. Iohn saith In this is loue not that wee loued God but in that he loued vs. i Ioh 4 i0 But heare is no controuercy concerning the cause or the effecte Terefore it is gathered amis that the loue wherewith we loue Christe must néedes goe before that loue which God beareth vnto vs. For this only is the purpose of Christe to shew that al they shal be blessed which loue hym because they shal be loued of the father in like manner againe not that God beginneth then to loue them but because they haue the testimony of his fatherly loue writen in their hartes To the same effecte pertaineth also that which followeth in the nexte member where he sayeth And wil shewe my owne selfe vnto him C. knoweledge verelye goeth before loue but this is the purpose of Christ that he wyll geue vnto the true imbracers of his Doctrine strength to profite daylye in the faith that is to saye I wyl bring to passe that they shall come néerer and more familliarlye vnto mée Bv I wyl increase in them my gifts that from thence foorth they knowing more rightlye and fullye the misteryes of Gods kingdome maye bée ioyned at the last by the same perfect faith vnto me and maye also enioye mée to theyr soules health For faith and the knowledge of Christ haue theyr degrées whiche encrease more and more tyll they growe vnto the full measure C. Hereby wée maye perceyue that the fruite of Godlynesse is the going foreward in the knowledge of Christ For he which promised to geue vnto him that hath reiecting Hipocrites maketh all to profite in the faith who vnfainedlye imbracing the doctrine of the Gospell frame them selues wholly vnto the obedience thereof And herevpon it commeth that many going backward we doe sée scarce the tenth man to goe forewarde in his right course because the greater part is vnworthy to behold Christ Also we must noate that more ample knowledge of Christ is here set forth as a singular rewarde of our loue to Christ wherevpon it followeth that it is an vnspeakeable treasure 22. Iudas sayeth vnto him not Iudas Iscariot Lord vvhat is done that thou wilt shewe thy selfe vnto vs and not vnto the world B. Because the Disciples had not receyued as yet the spirite of trueth they vnderstoode lyttle or nothing of all those thinges which the Lorde spake Wherevpon Iudas here demaunded a question no more to the purpose than Thomas and Philip had done before The Lorde had shewed vnto them that his departure should profite them more than his carnal presence and that therefore there was no cause of sorrowe but rather occasion offered them dilligently to obserue and kéepe his commandements Nowe Iudas but not Iudas Iscariot the Traytour but Iudas whose syr name was Thaddeus whose Epistle also is called the Epistle of Saint Iude as knowing none of these thinges sayde Lorde what is done C. It séemed vnto him verye vnméete that Christ which was and is the sonne of righteousnesse by whome all the worlde ought to be illumined shoulde lyghten onelye a fewe and not spreade forth his beames vppon all Bv. As if he had sayde Howe maye it bée séeing thou art nowe knowne vnto all menne that thou shouldest manifest thy selfe onelye vnto vs and not to the worlde R. Are not we also in the worlde are not we a parte of the worlde Wherefore if thou manifest thy selfe vnto vs arte thou not also manifest to the worlde 23. Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto him Yf a man loue mee hee vvill keepe my sayinges and my Father vvill loue him and vvee vvill come vnto him and dvvel vvith him C. The aunswere of Christ doth not explicate the whoale question for that there is no mencion in the same of the first cause why Christ shewing him selfe to a fewe dyd hyde him selfe from the greater number of men For at the first he founde all alyke that is to saye quite gone astraye from him Wherefore he can choose none which loue him but the chooseth some out from among his enemies whose heartes he maye bende to loue him but he thought it not good at this tyme to touch that difference which was farre from the purpose His purpose was to exhorte his Disciples to the earnest desyre of Godlynesse that they might profit more and more in the faith Therefore he thought it sufficient to put a difference betwéene his Disciples and the
take away the sins of the worlde by his death The whiche to bringe to passe he suffered Sathan for a shorte tyme to triumphe ouer them as conquerer Therefore Christe did not resiste Sathan that he might obay his fathers will and decrée and might so offer his obedience a● a price and ransome for our righteousenesse M. To this effecte partaineth that which Paule wrighteth saying That Christe was obedient to his Father to the death euen to the death of the crosse Iohn i0 i8 A. Also Christ a litle before testified that he receiued this commaundement from the Father that he should geue his lyfe for his shéepe M. Therfore in that we are redeemed by the death and bloud of of Christe Iesus it was done at the commandement of the Father Obedience in Christe declared his loue towardes his father Furthermore seinge the obedience of Christ declared how greatly he loued his Father let vs also learne after his example not onely by the obseruation of his commaundementes but also by the pacient bearinge of the Crosse layed vpon vs to declare howe greatly we loue God the Father It is a hard matter to loue such a Father as layeth the crosse vpon his Children but hee doeth the same for our health And although we doe paciently beare the Crosse yet notwithstanding we cannot reache to that perfection which was in Christes example who not for his owne but for our benifite bare the crosse which the Father layde vpon him Furthermore in these words we are taught that this loue and obedience of Christ declared in the passion of the Crosse is to be proposed and set before the worlde He sayth not symply That ye might know but That the worlde may knowe that I loue the Father This knowledge serueth greatlye to the learning of saluation which is purchased for vs by the blessed bloude of Christ Rise let vs go hence B. R. Bv. Manye thinke that Christ when he had spoken these wordes went to another place and that he spake those thinges which follow as he walked C. But séeing saynt Iohn sayth hereafter that Christ went foorth it séemeth more lykelye that the purpose of Christe was to exhorte his Disciples ▪ to shewe the same obedience towardes GOD of the which they had so notable an example in him not that hee led them foorth at the same moment ❧ The XV. Chapter 1 I am the true Vine my Father is the Husbandeman CHRIST our Sauioure in this Chapter exhorteth his Disciples to abyde in him and to loue him then hée encourageth them against the hatred of the worlde to the which they shoulde be subiect R. After therefore hée hadde taught who he was and wherefore hée went by the Crosse to the Father now hée teacheth what benifites he possesseth by and in his Father not to retaine them to himselfe aloane but to communicate them with the faithfull And this he teacheth by an excelent similitude and fine allegorye ● B. the which he playnelye explicateth C. Also the summe of this similitude is that we are barren and drye by nature sauing that we being ingraffed into Christe doe drawe from him newe strength and moysture But it is néedefull to discusse euerye propertie of the Vine but onely summarily to consider to what ende Christ applieth this similitude Therefore there are thrée speciall partes The first is That we haue no strength of our selues to doe good but from him the seconde That we hauing roote in him are purged and garnished by the father the third is that he cutteth of the vnfruitfull braunches that they mighte be cast into the fyer and burnte All men almoste are ashamed to deny that whatsoeuer good thing they haue it commeth from God but afterwarde they fayne that they haue a vniuersall grace geuen vnto them as though it were naturally ingraffed in them But Christ specialy standeth vpon this poynt that vitall Moysture doeth spring from him aloane wherevppon it followeth that mans nature is vnfruitfull and voyde of all goodnesse because no man knoweth the nature of the vine vntill he be ingrafted in the same But this is geuen by spetial grace to the elect alone The firste authoure therefore of all good thinges is the father who planteth vs by his hand but the beginning of lyfe is in Christ out of whome we beginne to take roote in him When he calleth hym selfe the true vine it is as yf he had sayd I am the vine in déede Therefore men do weary themselues in vain in séeking for strength from any other because profitable fruite cōmeth from no other than from the branches springing from mée For Christ compareth him selfe to the vine growing in the earth and vs to the braunches springing out of the same Bv. This allegory is taken out of the writinges of the Prophetes who in diuers places compare the Church to the vinyarde and men in the Church to vines Psal 8.9 Es 3 13 57 Ier 2 21 Ier i2 i0 Osee i0 i and the workes of fayth of loue and of righteousnesse to grapes Therfore when the Lord calleth him selfe the true vine we must not so vnderstande him as if hée were naturally and substantially a vine For naturallye and substantially he is God and man and not a vine but representeth the true comely fruitfull noble and plentifull vine AVG. Therefore he is called a vine by a similitude not by proprietye euen as he is called a shéepe a Lambe a Lion a Rock a corner stone such like frō which such similitudes are brought And my father is a husband man CYR. He calleth the Father a husbande man lest this might séeme to be done of the Sonne aloane which is the wonderfull worke of the whoale Trinitie For the father planted Christ the true vine when he made the word to become fleshe that the same might be perfecte God and perfect man M. Therefore the Mistery of our Mediation and saluation dependeth vpon the counsayle prouidence of our heauenly father who lyke a husband man planted and trimmed this vine for vs and doth also at this daye plant the same in the hartes of the faithfull In the which matter hys Aposteles are workers with hym Most aptly therefore when he called him selfe a vine i Cor 3 9. he made mention also of the husband man shewing that by the care prouidence and gubernation of God we ar brought to vertue and continued in the same For as the vine trée nourisheth her braunches euen so the husband man visiteth veweth and proyneth his vine 2. Euery braunche that beareth not fruite in me he will take awaye and euery branch that beareth fruite will hee purg that it may bring forth more fruite M. By these wordes he expresseth the husbandry of the father to the whiche the faythfull seruauntes of Christ are subiecte euenas the braunches of thys vine And he declareth that the ende and drifte of this husbandry is that the braunches might bring forth fruite C. But because some do
wordes that Christ required of his Disciples mutuall loue But othersome much better who take and vnderstande the loue of Christ actiuely For hee woulde haue vs to enioy for euer the loue wherewith hee hath loued vs and therefore hee willeth vs to take héede least wee depriue our selues of the same For many do reiect the grace offered vnto them and many cast away that which they haue in their handes So soone therefore as wee are once receiued into the grace of Christ we muste take héede leste through our owne fault we fall from the same M. He is the vine and he powreth his nature and goodnesse into the braunches so long as they abyde in the stocke that they maye be partakers of the liuelye bloud and Iuyce of the same Whoso abydeth not in hym they perishe not through his but by their owne faulte C. Notwistanding whereas some inferre vppon these wordes that there is no efficacie in the grace of God except the same be holpen by our constancie it is but vayne For we doe not graunte that the spirite doth only require of vs those thinges which are in our power but doth also shewe what ought to bée done that yf so be wée lacke strength we maye séeke for the same from him Euenas when Christ exhorteth vs here to perseuerance we must not leaue to our owne Industerye and strength but wée must pray him which commandeth that hee wyll confirme vs in his loue 10. If yee keepe my commaundementes yee shal abide in my loue euen as I haue keapt my fathers commandements and abide in his loue A. Leste any man should abuse this place we must noat that Christ sayth not yf ye kéepe my commaundements ye shall deserue my loue but ye shall abide in my loue M. For the obedience and kéeping of the commaundements of Christ is not the cause wherfore we are loued but rather the conceruation of his grace which happeneth euen to the vnworthy He did not therefore beginne to loue vs Merits are not the cause of Gods loue because we haue kept his commaundementes neyther hath he chosen vs because we deserued the same but hée hath both loued and chosen vs fréely and without al maner of desert on our part That we might abyde in this grace he requireth at our hands that we kéepe his commaundementes C. For this is the best manner of perseuerance to followe him whether he calleth vs. Rom. 8.1 For they which are in Christ walke not after the fleshe but after the spirite For these are alwayes ioyned together faith whiche apprehendeth the frée loue of Christ a good conscience and newenes of life And in déede Christ doeth not reconcile the Faithfull vnto the father that they might do what they lyst but to the ende he guiding them with his spirite might kéepe them vnder hys fathers hand and subiection Wherevppon it followeth that they doe reiect the loue of Christ which proue not them selues by true obedience to be his Disciples But it séemeth a very strayght and hard matter that the obseruation of the commaundementes of Christ shoulde bée required at our handes in the which is contayned the exacte perfection of righteousenesse which is more then we are able to doe For thereof it commeth that the loue of Christ is voyd excepte we be as pure as Aungels This maye easily bee aunswered ▪ for séeing Christ speaketh heare of a desier to leade a holy and godly life he doth not exclude that which is the principall poynt in his doctryne namely the frée imputatiō of righteousnesse whereby it commeth to passe that by acceptation and grace our workes which béeing of them selues lame impure deserue to be reiected are pleasant vnto God Therefore the faithfull are sayde to kéepe the commaundementes of Christ when they apply their wh●ale studyes and minde to kéepe them although they come nothing neere the mark because they are loosed from that rigour of the Lawe Deu 27. ●6 Gala. 3 ● where it is sayd Cursed be euery one that continueth not in all thinges contained in this booke to fulfill them M. For whatsoeuer imperfection commeth by the infirmity of the fleshe is fréely forgeuen by the grace of the mediation of the bloud of Christ Euen as I haue kept my fathers cōmandemēnts C. As wée are elected in Christ euenso in him is expressed at the full the Image of our callyng Good cause therefore hée hath to sette him selfe heare before hys Disciples for an example to be followed to the Immitation whereof al the Godly will frame them selues In mée sayeth he ye maye behoulde the verye same which he requireth of you For you sée howe truely I am addicted to the obedience of my father and in the same I will continue He in lyke manner hath not loued mée for a litle or shorte tyme but his loue towardes me abydeth for euer This conformitie of the heade and the members must we haue alwayes before our eyes not only to the ende the faithfull may séeke to conforme them selues to the example of Christ but also that they maye trust to be better reformed dayly by his spirite that they may walke in newenesse of lyfe to the end R. Therefore Christ is the only example of life the which euery one must followe if so be he desyer to liue a Christian mans life The Godly also maye be examples of life but no otherwaye than in Christ that is to say so far forth as they followe Christ Whereuppon Paule setting him selfe before others to be followed sayeth i. Cor. 4. i6 i Cor xi i Therefore I exhort you that ye be followers of mee And in another place he expoundeth him selfe sayng be ye followers of me euen as I followe Christ For suche an example whereby our life must be framed muste be perfecte in euery poynte But wee cannot haue a more perfecte example of life than in Christ for he doth not only go before vs teache vs with his voyce but also by his vertue in vs through Fayth he bringeth to passe that we may followe his example otherwise we are moste weake and vnapte to doe the leste good worke 11. These thinges haue I spoken vnto you that my ioye mighte remaine in you and that youre ioye mighte bee full A. As Christ a litle before left his peace with his Disciples putting a difference betwéene the same worldly peace euenso nowe he offereth vnto them the true and perfecte Ioye far more excelente than the Ioye of the worlde Bv. Hée speaketh not of that Ioye which he hym selfe hath in him selfe but of that whiche we conceiue of him by fayth The same springeth from the Faith which al they that are iustified by grace haue with God Therefore so often as wée heare of his fatherly loue towarde vs lette vs know that wée haue great occasion of Ioye insomuch that with quiet consciences wee may be assured of our saluation A. This Ioye the Apostle wisheth that that we may féele
in our hartes saying Let the peace of God haue the victorie in your hartes Colo. 3.15 And in another place The peace of God which passeth all vnderstandinge keepe your hartes and mindes through christ Iesus Phili. 4.7 C. And there is sayde to be the Ioye of Christe and our Ioye in diuers respectes That is the Ioy of Christ which is geuen of him vnto vs for he is the author and cause of the same Esai 53.5 The cause of our Ioy for that wée are deliuered from sinne and death the chastisement of oure peace béeing vppon him And he is the Authore because by his spirite he taketh feare and sorrowe out of our hearts whereof commeth this excéeding Ioye Our ioye is sayde to be in another respecte because wee inioye him so soone as hee is geuen vnto vs. Ioye in Christ and in vs. Nowe when our sauiour Christ pronounceth that hée therefore spake these thinges that his Disciples mighte haue Ioye we gather that whosoeuer doe truely profite by this sermone shall haue mater wherby to quiet themselus And that your ioy might be full Bv. He meaneth the most perfect Ioye the which wanteth nothing so that Christ promiseth vnto his Disciples Ioyes and the fulnesse of all Ioye C. Not that the faithfull shal be frée from all heauinesse and sorrowe but because they shall haue excéeding cause of Ioye in such wise that no feare care and sorrowe shall ouerwhelme them For they to whome it is geuen to Ioye and reioyce in Christ shal be excéeding Ioyfull and mery whether it be in life or in death in prosperitye or in miserye Notwithstanding there are some which referre this Ioye in the second place to the fruition of eternall lyfe Othersome saye that this is the meaning these thinges haue I spoken vnto you that my ioy might be in you that is to saye that yée might only reioyce in these thinges in the which I reioyce For so ye shall bée strong to fight and vpon hope of sauing men ye shall willingly suffer perills reioysing not a little because the will of the Father who woulde haue all men come to the knoweledge of the trueth to the vttermost of my power shall be fulfilled This ioye therefore haue I chosen this also yf ye shal haue ye shal haue sincere and perfect Ioy. A. But the first exposition is best to to liked 12. This is my commandement that ye loue togeather as I haue loued you M. Because he had spoken of the kéeping of his commaundementes he repeateth by occasion his commandement and more largely speaketh of the vsinge of mutuall loue of the whiche allso hee spake a little before C For séeing it is méete to direct our life according to the commaundement of Christ wee muste firste of all consider what he willeth and commaundeth to be done And he sayth that aboue all thinges he delighteth to haue mutuall loue among the faithfull By order wée must haue firste the loue and reuerence of God but because the true probation thereof is loue towards our neyghboure he specialle maketh mention of the same Bv. As if Christ should saye Some commaund one thing and some another and there is neyther forme nor ende of commandements but I commend vnto you only loue loue one another C. And as before in a generall forme of doctrine so nowe in a particuler he setteth before vs an example to followe For he loued all his Disciples to the end they shoulde in like manner loue one another B. And al his commaundements are finished in this onely commaundement of mutuall loue 13. Greater loue hath no man than this that a man bestowe his lyfe for his frendes C. Christe sometime commendeth the greatnesse of his loue towarde vs that he myght thereby the better establishe and confirme the trust of our saluation but nowe hée goeth farther that hee might inflame vs by his example to loue our Bretheren Notwithstanding he Ioyneth boath together For he would haue vs to taste by Faith the excéeding swéetnesse of his goodnesse then by this reason he allureth vs to the study and desyer of loue Ephe. v. ij So in lyke manner the Apostle Paule sayeth VValke in loue euen as Christ hath loued vs and hath geuen him selfe an oblation and a sacrifice of a sweete smell vnto God i. Ioh 3.16 A. Also saint Iohn sayeth Hereby know we loue because he hath geuen his life for vs and we ought to geue our liues for our bretheren C. God mighte haue redeemed vs with his worde in a moment yf so be for oure sakes it had not seemed better vnto him by not sparing his only begotten sonne to declare in his personne what great care he hath for our saluation Now they must haue to hard and stoany hartes which wil not be mollefyed with such vnspeakeable swéetnesse of Gods loue Bv. Man hath nothing in this worlde more pretiouse than life He hadde rather hasard his riches and whatsoeuer else he hath in this worlde rather then to suffer his life to come into peril Math. i6 26. Wherevpon the Lord sayth in the Gospel what doth it profyte a man if hee winne the whoal world and lose his own soule Or what shall a man geue to redeeme his owne soule withall Wherfore among men there is not a greter token of loue then if a man geue his life for his freind Therefore great and vnspekable is the loue of the sonne of God towarde vs by which he voutsafed to dye for vs. Rom. v.x. C Notwithstanding it maye be demanded howe Christ dyed for his frindes séeing that we were his enemies before he reconciled vs euenas the Apostle Paule testifieth C. For he hauing satisfied for synne by the sacrifice of hys death put away quite the enmity which was betwéene God and vs. The solution of this question maye be taken oute of the sixtéene verse of the third Chapter going before where wée sayde that in respect of our selues there is enmitye betéene God and vs vntill such time as our synnes are abolished by the death of Christ but we then sayde that the cause of this grace exhibited in Christ was the euerlasting loue of God by which also he loued his enemies A. Christe therefore dyed for his freindes who notwithstanding were vniust For so sayth Peter Christ dyed once for sinnes the iust for the vniust to bring vs vnto God 14. Ye are my friends if ye doe whatsoeuer I commaunde you Bv. Christ requireth in the faythfull a notable loue and desyer of Godlinesse lest they should boaste in vayne that Christ dyed for the saluation of the worlde they in the meane time liuing to the worlde which they are wont to doe which are perswaded that the Gospell beareth with sinnes and that Christian liberty is leaue to synne They Iudg and doe farre otherwise who truly loue Christ C. But Christ meaneth not that wée haue gotten suche honoure by our own merite but onlye sheweth vppon what condition
he receiueth vs into his fauor and votsafeth to account vs as his frendes euenas he sayde a little before If ye keepe my commaundementes ye shall abide in my loue For the helthfull grace of God hath appeared to all men teaching vs that denying vngodlinesse and worldly lusts we should liue soberly and righteouslye and Godly in this present worlde But prophane and wicked men who by wicked contempt of the Gospell do waxe wanton against Christ doe renounce his freinshippe If ye do whatsoeuer I commaund you M. He sayeth not If ye doe whatsoeuer I doe but If ye doe whatsoeuer I commaunde you Christe didde many thinges which hee hath geuen to vs in commaundement He fasted forty dayes but he did not command vs to doe the like Bv. In these wordes therefore he commendeth vnto vs the Euaungelical preceptes Math. 15.3 and not the traditions of men which in another place he sharpelye reprehendeth 15. Hencefoorth call I not you seruauntes for the seruaunte knoweeth not vvhat his Lord doeth but you haue I called friendes for all thinges that I haue heard of my Father haue I made knovven vnto you C. By another argument he declareth his loue towarde his Disciples namely for that he made him self wholy knowen vnto them euenas there is alwaye familliar communication among friends As yf he should saye I haue broughte much more vnto you than a mortall man commonly bringeth vnto his seruauntes M. For that which friendes were wont to doe that I haue done vnto you For I haue hydde none of those thinges from you which I haue heard only and secretly of my Father but haue reuealed them all to your conscience C. Therefore lette this be a pledge of my loue towards you that louingly and friendly I haue declared vnto you those secrets of heauenly wisedome wiche I haue heard of my father Bv. This serueth greatly for oure consolation and comforte For by our nature and natiuity we are enemies vnto God seruants of the Deuell and of synne men ignorant of God and of his counsailes yea of our owne saluation but the sonne of God dyed and suffered for vs of enemies he hath made vs frends and of seruants he hath made vs houshould Sonnes to whome by the spirite and the preaching of the Gospell he openeth all the misteries and secretes of the Father in such wise that they can be Ignoraunt of none of those thinges which appertayne vnto sonnes to knowe Otherwise there are many counsails and workes of God which are neither profitable to be knowē nor yet of men to be desyered C. Therefore it is certaine that Christe didde not make all things known to his Disciples which he knew him selfe neither was it possible for them to attaine to the heith of such misteryes And séeing the wisedom of God is incomprehensible he hath geuen by measure to euery one so muche as is necessary to knoweledge Therefore when he sayeth that he hath reuealed all thinges it ought to be restrained to the personne and office of a Mediatoure He hath made him selfe a meane betwéene God and vs. who hath receiued all oute of the secrete sanctuary of God by which he hath deliuered vnto vs as it were from hand to hand Therefore Christ lefte nothing vntoulde vnto his Disciples which appertaineth to oure saluation or which were necessary for vs to knowe but faithfully dispensed them euenas he had receiued them of the father C. It is then a notable title of the Gospell which we haue here of the Gospell that the harte of Christ is there sayd to be reuealed that we néede not to bee doubtfull of his loue There is noe cause why we should desyer to ascende aboue the Cloudes or wishe to go downe into the déepe to séeke the sertainty of our saluation lette this testimony of loue satisfy vs which is contayned in the Gospell because the same will neuer deceiue Moyses sayd vnto the auncient people VVhat nation is so great vnto whome the Godes come so nere vnto them Deut. 4.7 as the Lorde our God is nere vnto vs in all that wee call vnto him for Bv. But we are muche more noble and excellent in that God hath wholy expressed him selfe in his sonne Bv. Where are then those good fellows which falsly affirme that the Lorde hath not geuen all thinges vnto his Church Herevpon also they take occasion to establishe and appoynte what they liste in the Church as though he would reueale that by them vnto vs which he would not reueale by his owne sonne A like matter I warrant you Truth sayeth that all thinges are deliuered vnto vs Godlynesse telleth vs that the Apostle conceleth nothing from the church but that they faithfullye deliuered all thinges vnto the same and lefte them afterwards in writing least they should be forgotten A. For Paule also testifieth that he deliuered vnto the faithfull all the counsaile of God C. By whiche their wicked ingratitude is condemned who béeing not content with the wonderfull wisedome of the Gospell Acts. 20.27 proudlye ronne to newe speculations 16. Ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you and ordayned you to goe and bringe forth fruite and that youre fruite shoulde remayne that whatsoeuer yee aske of the Father in my name hee maie geue it you Bv. Now leste the Disciples shoulde ouer Ioye and wax proude for that they had heard them selues of enemies to be made friendes and the sonnes of of God by the death of Christ C. Hée more playnly sheweth that it ought not to be attributed vnto their owne merite but to his grace that they are come to so greate honour For when he denyeth himselfe to be chosen of them it is as much as if he shoulde saye that whatsoeuer they haue it is not gotten by their owne strength and Industery The common sorte doe faine here a certaine concourse of the deuine grace and also of humaine will but this Antithesis or comparisonne é haue chosen you I am not chosen of you doth wholly callenge thae vnto Christe aloane whiche they were w●nt to deuide betwéene him and man as yf it had beene sayde that man is not mooued of his owne accord to séeke after Christe vntill he were firste sought Here is nothing spoken concerning the common election of the Godly by which they are adopted the sonnes of God but of that perticuler election by whiche hée had chosen his Disciples to the office of preaching the Gospell Luk. 6. xiij as is to be séene in Luke and in another place it is sayd Haue I not chosen you twelue and one of you is a deuell Iohn 6.70 C. But yf so be they were chosen fréelye without any desert one their parte to the Apostolicall office it is moste sertaine that the same election is much more frée by which of the sonnes of wrath and of the cursed séede we are made heires of euerlasting life Moreouer Christe in this place so commendeth his grace by which
fructefying to haue frée accesse vnto the Father C. Therefore this part was not added as not appertayning to that which wēt before as it maye séeme to be For séeing the office and labour of teaching doth far surpasse the strength of man Sathan geueth many assaultes against the same which they are neuer able to abyde but by the strength and power of God Thereforee ●st the Apostles shoulde bée discouraged Christ stayeth them vp with a notable cōfort As if he should say If ye shal haue more worke than ye shal be able to finishe in your office my Father wyl helpe you whose hand is prest and ready to helpe you so often as ye desyre the same in my name And in verye déede whereas some teachers geue ouer theyr office eyther for that they are sleuthful or else because they dispaire and are discouraged it commeth so to passe because they are not exercised in feruent praier Wherefore let this promise of Christ styrre vs vp to call vpon God For whosoeuer knoweth that the successe of this worke commeth only from God he wyll offer his labor vnto him with feare and trimbling and contrariwise if a man distrusting his labour do neglect the helpe of God or when he cometh to the pushe doeth cast away his speare and shield hée shall profite nothing Finally these two vices must be shunned namelye arrogancy distrust because as they do carelesl●ye forsake the helpe of God who thinke that they haue alreadye the matter in theyr owne hande so also in many straites they faint because they doe not consider that they fighte armed with the power of God vnder whose banner they fight 17. This cōmaund I you that ye loue togeather C. This also was added in due and conuenient order to the ende the Apostls might know that mutuall loue was speciallye required to be in the Ministers Concorde buildeth vp Gods Church whereby they might builde the Churche of God with concorde For there can be no greater let than when euerye one laboureth by himselfe and do not ioyntlye conferre and labour togeather in one worke Except therefore the Ministers haue brotherly loue among them selues whatsoeuer they take in hand it shal not prospere so that the building of Gods Churche shall not goe forewarde Bv. Therefore the wordes of the Lord are thus muche in effect I woulde not haue you which are my Disciples to followe men whiche are geuen vnto the worlde which doe hate and deuoure one another for the loue of Ritches and honour I woulde not haue you after that sort to contende among your selues because the world alwayes contēdeth with you But rather I wyll and commaund you to clea●e and ioyne togeather in the sweete bond of loue That loue mutual concorde shall bring to passe that ye shall the more easilye and stronglye beare the hatered and persecutions of the worlde R. Let this therefore moue you to loue one another because ye shall haue none in the worlde which loue you truely and sincerelye no the worlde shall rather hate you Wherfore sée that ye loue one another 18. Yf the worlde hate you Ye knowe that it hated me before it hated you M. The dilligent reader may hereby perceyue that the Lorde omitted nothing at his departure which might eyther instruct eyther moue either exhort or else confirme comfort his Disciples Hytherto he had taught admonished and comforted them diuers sondry wayes C. After therefore he had armed them to the battaile he also exhorteth them to patience For the Gospell cannot so soone be preached but the worlde is by and by on a roare Wherefore it can neuer be that Godlye teachers should be frée from the hatered of the worlde A. For if so bée so many as wyll lyue Godlye in Christ Iesu 2. Tim 3 i2 shall suffer persecution how can they escape the Crosse which preache the worde of trueth which is hated of the whoale world C. Christ therefore in good tyme gaue this admonition to his Apostls lest the same might haue happened to them which commonly befalleth vnarmed and ignoraunt Souldiours who for want of skyll are verye boulde before they sée their enemyes but when they come to the battayle they turne their backes and ronne awaye And Christ doeth not onely forewarne his Disciples lest any newe or soddaine matter should happen vnto them but also confirmeth them by his example as if he shoulde saye I haue exhorted you that aboue all thinges ye séeke to loue one another the which shall cause you dillygently to execute your office to the whiche I haue chosen you But I knowe that the world wyll be as troublesome to you as it hath béene to mée Therefore when the worlde shall requite you with deadly hatered for so great a benefite ▪ whiche you bryng vnto them consider that it hath also hated me whiche am your Maister and farre more excellent than you Bv. By the worlde hée vnderstandeth men lyuing in the world and following the desires of their fleshe iudging all thinges after the fashion of this worlde who are ignoraunt of God and of the misteryes of the kingdome of God And these men are of twoo sortes Some are Hipocrites who woulde séeme to bée followers of vertue to hate vnrighteousnesse and to bée the true worshippers of the true God by the stoodye and loue of true Religion when as in verye déede they are dissemblers neglectours of vertue supersticious men vaine worshippers of God by traditions of men Such were the Pharisées among the Iewes Othersome are Epicures which neyther imbrace righteousnesse nor regarde honestye onely following the fleshe and the pleasures of the same and if any among them séeme to bée honest yet notwithstanding they are worshippers of Idolles and contemners of the true worship of God Such were the most part of the Gentiles And this world or rather worldlye men cannot choose but hate the preaching of the Gospell and the Preachers of the same For they doe greatly accuse and condempne supersticion false righteousnesse pleasures good intencions hipocrisie and impietye they preache Christ the true righteousnesse and sauing health they exhort to holinesse and they them selues lyue purely and Godly repose their trust in God and loke for the life of the worlde to come C. But suche must be armed by the example of Christ For it is not méete that séeing he was hated of the worlde they whiche represent his personne shoulde haue the worlde their friende Before it hated you A. Concerning the hatered of the world against Christ and his Ministers reade the seuenth Chapter going before beginning at the seuenth verse 19. Yf yee were of the vvorlde the worlde would loue his owne Howbeit because ye are not of the vvorlde but I haue chosen you out of the vvorld therfore the vvorld hateth you B. Although worldlye men doe neuer truelye loue one another because euerye one séeketh onely for him selfe yet notwithstanding they detest nothing more than the sincere loue
alwayes then haue a consideration of the cause and there is no true consolation any where else in the testimony of a good conscience Bv. For it is a glorious thing for Christes sake and the profession of the trueth to bée in perrill to bée hated of menne and to suffer persecution Againe it is a fowle thing to bée afflicted for euyll doing For therefore sayeth the Apostle Peter See that none of you bee punished as a murderer or as a Theefe or an euyll doer or as a busye bodye in other mennes matters Yf any man suffer as a Christian man let him not bee ashamed but let him glorifye God on this behalfe For herevppon wée ought to bée moued to geue GOD thankes because when the worlde perrisheth in his owne blindnesse GOD geueth his lyghte vnto the Faythfull euen as the palpable darkenesse compassed the Aegiptians rounde aboute when the Children of Israell were in the manifest lyght Also wée must noate that the hatred of Christ commeth for want of vnderstanding when GOD is not knowne For vnbeléefe is alwaye blynde Not that the wicked vnderstande nor knowe nothing but because all theyr knowledge is confounded and sodainlye vanisheth awaye For my names sake M. Here let vs consider what difference there is betwéene God and the world Before God those thinges which the Apostles aske in the name of Christ they receiue before the world the name of Christ is the cause why the Apostles are hated Both these the Apostle felt and after them the true Ministers of the Gospell Because they haue not known him that sent me CYR. By this word sent is mente the whoa● mistery of the Incarnation Bv. And it must néedes be that boath the Father and the Mistery of the Incarnation be vnknowen when his name is odiouse by whome the Father is knowen and the causes of the sendinge vnderstoode M. But who sent Christ God the Father Therefore the high Preistes Scribes and Phariseis knewe not God They could not knowe the Father béecause they knewe not the sonne whome he had sent R. They bragged of God and bosted that they were the true worshippers of God but they knewe not God For he whiche will knowe God must knowe him by his word and not by hys owne Immaginations and dreames i. Iohn 3.1 M. Euen so before he sayde vnto them Yee neyther know me nor my Father if ye had knowne me ye would haue knowen my Father also Séeing therefore the world is ignoraunt of God it oughte not to séeme straunge if so be the name of Christ bee odiouse vnto the childeren of this world and if for his sake the Faithfull are made a mocking stock But let this saying of saynt Iohn comfort them Beehold what loue the father hath bestowed on vs that we should be called the sonnes of God For this cause the world knoweth vs not because it knoweth not him What is Christ I praye you in the eyes of the world without the knoweledge of God the Father but meere blasphemy And what are the faythfull seruauntes of Christ but a superstitiouse people For the which cause the vnbeleuers and wise men of this world haue made them alway a iesting stocke But concerninge the ignoraunce of God in the Iewes read in the seuenth chapter going before and the twenty eyght verse 22. Yf I hadde not come and spoken vnto them they should haue hadde no sinne but nowe haue they nothinge to cloake theire synne withall M. He séemed to excuse the vnbeléefe of the Iewes and also their hatered which they bare agaynst him and his disciples by this that hée sayde But al these thinges shal they doe vnto you for my names sake bicause they haue not known him who hath sent mee as though they had not done all thinges of mallice but of Ignoraunce For this cause hee added these wordes C. leste any man shoulde think that this serued to excuse theire falte and hee sheweth that they were maliciouslye blind euenas yf a man should shutte his eyes that he myght nott bée constrayned to sée the lyghte For otherwise it might haue béene obiected vnto Christ yf so bée they knowe not thy father howe commeth it to passe th●t thou doest not remedye their erroure Why dyddest thou not prooue whether they weare vnapte to bee taughte yee or noe Hee Aunswereth that hee hath done the duty of a good and faythfull teacher but without profite because mallice woulde not suffer them to come vnto a sounde minde Bv. As yf hee shoulde saye If I had not come and had so expresselye and plainlye opened vnto them the misteryes of the kingdome of GOD and the counsayle and loue of my Father they should haue had no sinne but nowe seeing I the sonne of God haue descended from heauen and haue expounded all the misteries of Gods kingdome and they them selues haue hearde and vnderstoode all thinges and yet would neyther knowe nor vnderstande them it cannot seeme ignoraunce which is maliciouse obstinacy and moste wicked contempt of the knowen trueth C. In these words also Chrrst séemeth to affirme that only vnbeleefe is sinne And there are some which so think For because Faith remitteth and wypeth awaye all synnes they saye that there is but one sinne of vnbeléefe which damneth This is truely spoken because vnbeléefe doth not only kéepe men from being deliuered from the desert of condemnation but also is the well spring and cause of all euels But all that disputation appertaineth nothing at all to this present place For the name of synne is not taken generally but for the circomstaunce of the cause in hand as if Christ should haue sayd that their ignoraunce was inexcusable because they had maliciously reiected God in his person euenas yf we should cal him giltlesse iust and pure whom we would absolue from one only fault of the which he was guilty Therefore this absolution of Christ is restrayned to one kinde of synne because he taketh from the Iewes the pretence of ignoraunce in the contempt and hatered of the Gospell Notwithstanding there aryseth yet a newe question as thus Was not the vnbeléefe which was before the comming of Christ sufficient to condemne men And they are madde men which gather amis of this place that whosoeuer dyed before the comming of Christ without fayth were in a doubtfull case vntill such tyme as Christ manifested him selfe vnto them As though there were not many places of Scripture which testify that the only testimony of conscience was sufficiente for them to condemnation Rom. 5 14 Death sayeth Saint Paul rayned in the world vntill Moyses Rom. 2 12 And in another place hee sayeth that they shall peryshe withoute Lawe which haue synned without the Lawe What then is the meaning of Christ There is in these wordes a concession or graunting because he meaneth that the Iewes haue now nothing any more to excuse their fault withal seing that wittingly willingly they had reiected the life offered vnto them And
him selfe loueth you becase ye haue loued me and haue beleued that I came out from God A. These wordes séeme quite and cleane to ouerthrowe all that the Lorde had spoken to his Diciples concerning intercession to his Father Obiection For he addeth that it is superfluous for him to praye vnto the Father Did he not before declare him selfe to be God and man in these wordes I will pray vnto the father Iohn i4 i6 and he shall giue you another comforter that he maye abide with you for euer Also Saint Iohn in another place calleth him our aduocate Rom 8 34 And Paule testefieth that he maketh interssion for vs. Heb 7 25 The same also is confirmed in the Hebrues But Christe doth not simplely denie in this place Aunsvvere that he wyl be an Intercessor but onely sheweth that his Father is so ready of him selfe to helpe them that he will willingly geue vnto them whatsoeuer they shal aske Christ our Intercessor B. Therfore Christ doth alwaye make Intercession for those that are his vntill such time as the number of them be full For that which he saith here and in the sixe and twenty verse how that it is not nedfull that he should praye vnto the Father for them is spoken in this respecte that hee had already obtayned his fathers fauoure toowardes them who at that time did both fauoure and imbrace them as the faithfull beléeuers in Christ M. This place is dilygentely to bée noated specialy against those which haue thrust in the Intercession of dead saintes into the Church because we haue no accesse vnto God for our sinnes saye they therefore we muste haue the saintes to be Intercessors for vs Euen as we cannot be admitted vnto the speach of a King before we vse some of his househoulde officers as meanes for vs. But Christe doth not in this sorte set his Father before vs whome he maketh so gentle and louing vnto vs that he sayth he will aske nothing for vs as for men voyde and destitute of his loue A. This Fatherly affection towards vs Esa 65 24 the Lorde him selfe also testifieth by hys Prophet saying It shall come to passe that before they call I will aunswer and before they aske I will heare to the ende we might not doubt but to finde the Father fauorable vnto vs so soone as wée call vpon him in the name of his Sonne For hee alwayes heareth him seeing hée is his onely begotten and most déere Sonne in whome hée is well pleased C. Moreouer when Christ is sayde to praye vnto the Father and to make intercession for vs let vs not imagine any carnall thing of him as though bée falling downe at his Fathers feete made such humble prayers for vs but the power and force of his sacrifice by which he hath once purchased the fauour of God towarde vs is alwaye lyuelye and effectuall and the bloude which he hath once shed for our righteousnesse is a continuall intercession for vs. Because ye haue loued me and haue beleued M. Christ in these wordes expresseth the cause of the loue of God the Father towarde vs shewing howe fayth in hym and the loue of him doe get vnto vs the loue of God the Father by which it commeth to passe that wée obtaine all things at his hande R. As if he shoulde saye because ye haue loued me and beleeued my Gospell therefore I haue reconsiled you vnto God that he may be now your Father ye are made the Sonnes of God by fayth in mee ye are made fellowe heyres of all Godes graces wherefore by me ye shall haue a readye waye to come vnto the Father C. By these wordes we are taught that there is one only bond of our coniunction with God And we are ioyned by true fayth which commeth from sincere affection the which he noteth by the name of loue For none doe beleeue purely in Christ but they whiche loue him with theyr whole heart Wherefore by this word loue he hath wel expressed the force and nature of faith But yf so be God beginneth to loue vs so sone as we loue Christ it foloweth that the beginninge of our saluation is of our selues because wée preuent the grace of God But contrary to this we haue many testimonies of Scripture i Iohn 4 i0 as these I will make them to loue me Agayne Not because wee loued him firste It shall not néede to repeate more places Rom 4 i7 because there is nothing more certayne then this doctrine That the lorde caleth those thinges that be not as though they were Ezech 36.26 that hee restoareth the dead to life Easy 65. that he maketh of stoany hartes hartes of flesh that he appereth vnto them which seke him not and that he loueth all those that are his before they are in this respecte we are sayde to be loued of God when we loue Christ because we haue a pledge of his loue whom before we abhorred as a seuere and cruell Iudge towarde vs. AVG. Therefore the Father loueth vs because we loue the Sonne hauing receaued of the father and the sonne that wee might loue the Father and the sonne 28 I went out from the Father and came into the vvorlde againe 1 leaue the vvorlde and goe to the Father C. This sentence commendeth vnto vs the deuine loue in Christ For we should haue no true fayth in hym yf we dydde not apprehende his deuine power For his death and resurrection the two pillors of fayth shoulde profite vs lytle or nothing at all except his heauenlye power be annexed vnto them Therefore we must imbrace Christ by a true and sincere fayth as the counsaile and power of God Let vs also consider to what ende hée came out from God namely that hee might be vnto vs wisdom sanctification righteousnes and redemption M. For this cause he sayth not simpely I am sent of God into this worlde Iohn 1 6 but I went out from the Father and came into the worlde Iohn also was sent of God the rest of the Prophetes also were sent of whome notwithstanding that cannot be sayde which Christ speaketh here of himselfe saying I went out from the father and came into the worlde that we might consider that to be in Christ Philiq 27 which is no other R But some will say how went hée out from the Father whiche was neuer seperated from him and howe goeth he out of the worlde when as all thinges in the same are ordered and gouerned by his power and care Hée wente oute from the Father because he abased himselfe taking vppon him the forme of a seruaunt He is gone out of the worlde because hee was contemned crucified and slaine by the worlde But all these thinges were done that he might goe vnto the Father that is to saye that he might bring man into the kingdome of God that hee myght make him Lorde ouer sinne the Crosse death and hell C. Therefore hee
power of his resurrection whiche was moste principall Wherfore it is no maruell if suche grosse affections put a vayle before hir eyas 16. Iesus saythe vnto hir Mary She turneth hir self and said vnto him Rabbony whiche is to say Master C. In that Christe suffered Mary to erre for a shorte time it is profitable for vs to confirme our fayth but nowe wyth one worde he reuoketh hir from errour M. He sayth not I am he whom thou séekest for whose sake thou wepest so much but he calleth hir by hir proper name as one familiar friende speaketh to another and that with suche a voyce as was best knowen vnto the woman C. At the first he spake vnto hir as a stranger but now taking vpon him the person of a Master he speaketh vnto hir as to a Disciple euē as we heard before that a good shepheard calleth all the shepe of his flocke by name Iohn 10.3 The voice therfore of this shepeherd perceth into the mind of Mary openeth her eyes moueth al her sences affecteth her forthwith to geue her self vnto christ For She tourned hir selfe and said vnto him Rabboni M. The Euangelist in saying that Marie tourned hir selfe about againe meaneth that she tourned hir face again to the Sepulcher whither peraduenture hir heart was bent A. For she had a feruent vnspeakeable desyre to fynde the Lord but so soone as she heard and vnderstoode the voice of her Shepeheard she biandby cryed with great ioye and admiration Rabboni C. Thus in Mary we haue depainted to vs the Image of our calling For this is our only enteraunce into the true knowledge of Christ if so be he know vs fyrst and do familiarlye call vs vnto him not with that common voyce which generally soundeth in the eares of all men but by which he doth specially cal those shepe which are geuen vnto him of the father Hereuppon the Apostle Paule sayth Gal. 4.9 After that ye knew God yea rather wer known of God And the efficacie of the word appeareth hereby that Mary gaue biandby vnto Christ that honour which was due vnto him For the name of Rabboni is not only honorable but contayneth also the profession of obedience Therefore Marye declareth her self to be a disciple of christ and submitteth her selfe vnto him as to a maister This is a wonderfull and secret conuersion of mans mynde when God illuminating the same by his holye spirite maketh the same of blynde sodenly to sée perfectly The like example we haue almost in the two disciples which were going to Emaus A. For when as at the fyrst their eyes were held that they knew not Christ Luk. 24.30 at the length when he toke bread and blessed and brake the same their eies were opened and they knew him whom before they iudged to be a straunger C. Furthermore the example of Marye ought to be an exhortation vnto vs that so many as Christ calleth vnto him do answer him presently again without delay 17. Iesus sayth vnto her touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my father but goe to my brethren and saye vnto them I ascend vnto my father your father and to my god your God B. Mary wold haue imbrased Christ for the exceding loue ioy which she had because she saw Christ present again in the flesh But when the Lord sawe that she wondered at his carnall presence more than was mete seking to lift vp her mynde to heauenly thinges and to the imbracinges of faith forbad her to touch him saying Touch me not C. Notwithstanding this séemeth not to agree with the narration of Mathew Mat. 28.9 For he plainlye writeth that the women imbrased the féete of Christ And seeing afterward he would haue his disciples to handle and to feele him what cause was ther why he should forbid Mary to touch him Obiection M. For he said vnto Thomas brīg hither thy finger and see my hands and put thy finger into my syde and be not faithles but beleuing C. The solution hereof is very easy if so be we consider that the women were not prohibited the touching of Christ before such tyme as they were too busy and desirous to touche him Answere For no doubt he did not forbid thē to touch him so far forth as it was nedefull to take away all doubt but when he saw that they were to busye in impracing his féete hée moderated and corrected that rashe zeale For they depēded vppon his corporal presence neyther did they know anye other way to enioy him than if he dwelt among them vppon the earth M. Moreouer bicause his disciples doubted whether he were truly risen again or no and bicause the same which appeared vnto them was iudged of them to be but a vision Luk. 24.37 to the end they might beleeue the resurrection he sayd Feele and see for a spirite hath not flesh and bones as ye see me haue Also Thomas had sayde Except I see the print of his nailes in his handes and put my finger into the print of the nayles and my hande into his side I will not beleue Therfore Christ did very well in offering him selfe to be felte of him A. But in Marye there was no suche doubting that there should neede any further feeling but it was requisite that she shuld come to a further faith and to more plain vnderstanding of the kingdome of Christ least she should abase him in cogitation more than there was cause C. We must also note the reason which Christ addeth For I am not yet ascended to my Father For by these wordes he commaundeth the woman to suspend their affection vntill suche time as hee was ascended into the glory of his kingdome Furthermore he sheweth the fayth of his resurrection not such a faith as they imagined to them selues as that when he was risen againe he should raigne triumphe in the world but rather that by his ascension into heauen he shold take possession of that kingdome which was promised vnto him and sitting at the right hande of his Father might gouerne the Church by the power of his spirit Therfore the sence and meaning of his wordes is that the state of his resurrection is not full and perfecte vntill such time as he sit at the right hand of his Father in the kingdome of heauen As if he should say B. Think not bicause ye sée me presente in the flesh that ye haue obtayned the fruition of all good thinges I sayd before vnto my disciples that it was good for them that I should go vnto my Father to whom when I had ascended I would send my spirite the comforter and bring all things to passe for them These thinges ye ought to looke for and not to make such account of my corporall presence Abstaine therfore from this earnest touching lest ye be to much addicted to my carnal presence ye ought hereafter to imbrace me by faith raigning in heauē C. But this
but according to the measure of his zeale that hee might come before the rest vnto Iesu M. Moreouer in that hée being naked gyrded his coate vnto hym when he came out of the Ship to Christwarde it is an example of shamefastnes and reuerence Some Anabaptistical spirite would haue come naked vnto Christ without blushing 8. The other Disciples came by Ship c. 9. Assoone then as they wer come to land they sawe whot coales and fishes layd theron and breade C. All come at the last vnto Christ but Peter excelleth the rest in zeale They were occupied in taking the fishes out of the net the which leysure Peter could not tary not regarding the fyshe when hee knew that the Lord was vpon the shore R. Men come vnto Christ by diuers meanes some with excellent giftes other some with base science and labour which appereth in the sight of the world so contemptible that the same is counted no gift Peter commeth vnto Christ but by miracle and with a gift wonderfull in the eyes of the world the other disciples row in the common skyffe or cockboate vnto Christ A. But it maketh no matter how thou commest so that thou bring fayth with thée which worketh through loue They saw whot coales M. Now consequentlye the Euangelist cōmeth to the declaratiō of those thinges which the Lord did after this apparition and miraculous inclosier of fyshes The Euangelist saith not they layd whot coales fyshe and bread but they sawe whot coales and fishes layd theron Therefore not they but the Lord did these thinges whyle they were fishing on the sea that he might entertayn thē with a silly feast according to his wonted maner with thys purpose to teach them that no necessarye thing appertaining to the bodye shall be wanting to his Ministers so that they labour not slouthfullye but couragiouslye R. For the disciples comming forth of the Ship from their godly labour founde not only broyled fish but also bread Thus also the Lord fed the Israelites in the wildernes who following their vocation had bread from heauen quailes brought with the wynd and water out of the rock Moses following the calling of the Lord in the mountayne was nourished fortie dayes without bread or water Elias following his calling was fed by a Rauen by nature a rauenous bird And although these were speciall miracles yet notwithstanding we may herewithall confyrme and strengthen our fayth For miracles are seales vnto vs of Gods promises 10. Iesus saith vnto them bring of the fish which yee haue nowcaught 11. Symon Peter went vp and drew the net to the land full of great fishes c. Bv. Christ commaunded this to be don to take away al suspicion least they shuld think either the broiled fish or that which they had taken to be but a fantasie R. But why doth he not say bring hither of the fyshes which I haue caused you to take Answere The holy Ghost is wont in other places of the Scripture to ascribe those works vnto vs which notwithstanding God worketh in vs not to the ende we should be prowd in our owne conceit but that we might go foreward in doing our dutie C. So we call that our bread which in desiring to be geuen vnto vs we confesse to come from the blessing of God Symon Peter drew the net Bv. Peter alone drew not the net to land but was holpen by the rest of his fellows R. In this manifestation of Christ wée haue many wonderfull thinges to be considered The fyrst is the taking of so great a multitude of fyshe and being so manye the net not broken secondlye that Peter came vnto Christ not as did the others in a boat but by swimming last of al that with out the preparation of anye man meat was dressed to satisfy their hunger This therfore is the most notable apparision of Christ replenished with deuyne power For the lord which blesseth man maketh them fyrme instrumentes to finishe his work and will 12. Iesus saith vnto them cum dyne And non of his disciples durst ask him who art thou For they knew that it was the Lord. M. Christ calleth his disciples to meate the which he had prepared not so much to fill their bellies as to confyrme them in the faith and knowledge of the resurrection by eating with him Bv. For although this be not plainly expressed yet notwithstanding it may appeare by the circumstances And none of his disciples durst aske hym C. The Euangelist meaneth that the disciples durst not aske Christ who he was bicause they feared that they should therby do him iniury he had so plainly reuealed him selfe by manifest signes As if hee should say Bv. The Lord was so familiarly conuersaunt with them that none of them needed to aske say who art thou 13. Iesus then came and tooke bread and gaue them fish lykewise 14. This is now the thyrd tyme that Iesus appered to his disciples c. M. His custome was to breake the bread wherupon the twoo disciples which went to Emaus knew him by breaking of bread Bv. But he did not this without hys accustomed maner of geuing thankes Luk. 24. C. Christ had appeared more than seuen tymes but whatsoeuer was don in one day is comprehended vnder one apparition AVG. So that the fyrst daye is the day of his resurrection the second the eight daye after his resurrection in the which he offered him selfe to Thomas to be sene and felte The thyrd day is this in the which hee appeared by the sea shore of Tiberias C. He meaneth therfore that Christ was séene of his disciples at seueral tymes that his resurrection might haue the more credit M. There are other some also which think that the Euangelist speaketh of those manifestations by which he apeared not to one or two alone ▪ but to all of them when they were gathered togither Otherwise it should follow that the Lord was not séene of his Disciples in Iudea but onely vpon the day of his resurrection and the eyght day of the same the which can not be affirmed 15. So when they had dined Iesus sayth to Simon Peter Simon Ioanna louest thou mee more than these Hee sayde vnto him Yea Lorde thou knowest that I loue thee He said vnto him Feede my Lambes Bv. As the Lorde when he had fed many in the Desert with fiue loues two fishes passed from the meat of the body vnto the foode of the soule teaching that we must also hunger after the eternall foode which maketh vs immortall euen so he taking héere occasion of the fishing exhorteth his Disciples to the spiritual fishing wherby they may draw many vnto God by the net of the Gospell Notwithstanding he chaungeth the allusion For he passeth from fishes to cattel cōmaunding them to féede the Lords flocke But specially he conuerteth his whole spéeche vnto Simon Peter whom the Lorde Iesus restored to that degrée of honor from the which he was fallen That foule
Lorde declareth that it is no straunge thinge to hym that the Capernaites séeing did not sée and beléeue in him He came for no other cause into this worlde than for their sakes whome the Father had ordained to euerlasting lyfe and had deliuered to him to be saued and he is most sertainly sure of this that they shall come to him and that he will reiect none of them but will willinglye imbrace euerye on of them but as for other he will not regarde them And thus he sheweth the cause why the Capernaites did not beléeue in hym namely because they were not geuen to hym of the Father C. Therefore lest theyr vnbeléefe shoulde derogate any thing from his doctrine he sayth that the cause of so greate obstinacie is for that they are reprobates and none of the flocke of Christ For this purpose therfore he putteth a difference betwene the elect and the reprobate that the aucthoritie of his Doctrine might stande neuerthelesse although many beleued not the same For the wicked do detracte from the worde of God and doe esteeme the same as nothing because they are not touched with the reuerence thereof and a great many weake and ignoraunt men doe doubte whether that be the word of God or noe which is reiected of the most parte of the worlde For this stumbling blocke Christ prouideth when he denyeth those to be his which beleue not If to suche the trueth of God be vnsauory it is no marueyle but all the children of God imbrace the same First of all we gather oute of thys place that the benefite of faith commeth of the free gift of God the Father not of humaine strengthe Whomesoeuer the father hath geuen to the sonne come to the Sonne C. Therefore faith is not in the wil of men that this or that man may beléeue without exception Fayth is the gift of God as it were by chaunce but God choseth them whom he delyuereth to the Sonne as it were from hand to hande For when he saith All that is geuen we maye gather that all are not geuen Moreouer we gather that GOD doeth worke in his elect with so greate efficacy of the Spirite that none of them do fall awaye from him For this worde of geuing is as muche as if Christe had sayde those whome the Father hath chosen he doth regenerate and addicteth them to me in the obedience of the Gospell Bv. They therefore which beleeue beleeue through the grace of God but they which beleeue not haue to accuse their owne wickednesse and not to finde fault with God Saluation commeth through grace Those whome the father will haue saued he geueth to the Sonne and the Sonne receiueth them And the father geueth when he driueth frameth the wills and affections of men and geueth them power and strength to beleue the word and miracles of the lord Christ The sonne receiueth when he frendly entertayneth all those that come to him and ioyneth them to him selfe And this is the meaning of the Apostle when he sayeth Rom. 8.30 Those whome he hath predestinate he hath called and whome he hath called he hath iustified and whome he hath iustified he hath also glorified M. Furthermore we must noat that Christ speaketh heare not according to that dyuine maiestie and excelency of the eternall worde to the whiche nothinge can be geuen that it hath not but accordinge to the dispensation of the mediation reconcilliation and humayne redemtion whiche he had taken in hande For the Father hath geuen to his Sonne as to a mediator Reconcilor Redéemer out of that sinfull multitude of mortall men those to be sauid whome he hath chosen to lyfe from euerlasting A Wee haue already shewed what it is to come vnto Christ M. For we must not vnderstand that whiche he here speaketh of euery one which commeth vnto hym for the vnbeléeuing Capernaites came vnto him whome notwitstandinge the Father had not geuen to him otherwise they had beleued in him but he speaketh of those which come to him as to the breade of lyfe and to the knowne Sauioure reuealed by the Father Concerning those I saye he saith And him that cometh to me J cast not awaye C. The whiche also partayneth to the consolation of the Godly that they maye be sure that they haue free accesse vnto Christ and shall be gently receyued so soone as they commit them selues to his faith and charge Wherevpon it foloweth that the doctrine of the Gospell shal be helthfull to those that are the children of God because no man offereth him selfe to be a disciple vnto Christe but he whiche feeleth hym and hath experience that hée is a faithfull teacher A. This place therefore agreeth with that whiche wée shall see hereafter Ioh. 18.47 He whiche is of God heareth Gods worde therefore ye do not heare because ye are not of god Agayne Ioh. 10.26 My sheepe heare my voyce and followe me therefore ye doe not beleeue Acte 13.48 because ye are none of my sheepe M. For we reade that they beleeued the word so many as were ordayned to euerlasting lyfe B. They therefore whiche are abiectes to the worlde and are despised as duste maye be of good courage For Christe will louingly receiue them if so be they come to him in faith For he casteth none awaye that come to him in faith he preserueth his to the ende Ioh. 10.18 they shall neuer perish M. For they are Citizens with the Saintes and of the housholde of God wherfore they can neuer be excluded out of the kingdom of God But seing it is knowen to God alone who they are that are geuen to Christe to be sauid and who not Ephe. 2 for the Lorde knoweth who are his yet notwitstanding no man canne be ignoraunt whether he commeth vnto Christe by fayeth and with a desier of heauenly grace 2. Tim. 2.19 or not For what can be more euident and manifest to our harte than that whiche oure harte most of all desiereth 2. Cor. 13.5 Whervpon the Apostle saith Trye and proue youre selues whether ye be in the Faith or no. Do ye not knowe youre selues whether Christe Iesus be in you So that we are made sure by that which is manifest concerning those things which are hidden from vs as whether the father hath geuen vs to the sonne and whether the sonne will cast vs away or no. If wée come to Chist no doubt we are geuen to him of the Father and we shall neuer be cast awaye B. But seeing none can be perswaded of these thinges but the electe that is to say such as are indewed with Gods Spirite and are regenerate who are so farre from being brought to security and slouth by the preaching of these thinges that nothing can so muche styrre them vp to the loue of God and to euery good worke it is playne ynough that they know not what they saye which affirme that these thinges ought not to
be openly preached Wheras the more euery one knoweth and féeleth the loue of God toward hym the more he will loue hym againe If the reprobate be offended with these thinges it is no maruaile for there is nothing at the whiche they are not offended 38. For I came downe from heauen not to do that I will but what he will vvhich hath sent me This is a confirmation of the sentence going before because christ is not sought of vs in vaine For faith is the worke of God by which he declareth that we are his and hath appoynted his sonne to be the worker of oure saluation But the sonne séeketh nothing else but to fulfill the will and commaundemente of his heauenly father he will neuer therefore reiect those which are sent of the Father Wherevppon it followeth that our faith shall not be in vayne M. But whereas he saith that he doth not his owne will but the will of his Father we must not wickedly stretch the same as Heretiques do but must simply vnderstand it in that scence in the which it is spoken C. For it is an Imitacion by whiche Christe doth frame hym selfe to his hearers B. For in very deede the Sonne hath not his wil by him selfe but his wyll and hys fathers wyll are all one Looke what the father willeth the Sonne willeth the same M. Therefore his purpose was to saye nothing else but that he is wholye addicted to the wil of his father and that according to the same he wyll saue those which come vnto him lest wée shoulde thinke that there is any thing done here by man A. But concerning this kinde of speache wée haue spoken before in the fifte Chapter and in the nintéene verse 39. And this is the Fathers will vvhiche hath sent mee that of all vvhiche hee hath geuen mee I shall loose nothinge but raise it vp againe at the last daye And this is the fathers M. Because it was obscure and vnknowen to the people what was that wil of God for the executing wherof he sayd he came downe from heauen he doeth more playnly explicat the same saying And this is the fathers will c. C. By whiche wordes he doeth testifie that this is the purpose of his Father that the faithful maye finde assured saluation in Christe Wherevpon it foloweth againe that they are reprobats whiche profite not in the doctrine of the Gospell Wherfore yf we sée that to manye it tourneth to their destruction there is no cause why we shoulde be discouraged because they willingly bring euel vppon them selues Let it suffice vs that the Gospell shall preuayle alwayes to gather together the electe to saluation I shall loose no thing M. This is the exposition of that whiche he had sayde I will not cast away So that our saluation is so committed to the sonne of God that we should not onely perishe if it were possible wée coulde perishe with our owne harme but also by his transgression Therefore as Christ cannot playe by collusion and transgresse his fathers will so he cannot destroy those whome he hath receyued of the Father to saue C. But he doth not meane that he is the keeper of oure saluation for one daye or for a tyme but that he hath care for the same euen to the ende that he maye at the last bringe vs out of prison euen to the hauen of rest and peace B. For because in the last daye and in the ende of the worlde our consummation is looked for this saying of our sauioure Christe is rightly vnderstoode of the last resurrection C. And this promise is more than necessary to suche as are in misery in this infirmitie of the fleshe the which euery one of vs feele and knowe well ynough Euery moment verely the saluation of the whole world might be made voyde and of none effecte if so be the faythfull béeing holden vp by Christes hand did not boldely looke for the daye of resurrection For another cause also he maketh mencion of the resurrection béecause so longe as our lyfe is hydden we are lyke vnto deade men For what doe the faithfull dyfferre from the wicked but onelye that they being ouerwhelmed with miseryes The daye of resurrection ●is comfort to the godly and being as shéepe appointed to be slaine haue alwayes one foote in the graue yea and are very nere to be swallowed vp of death There remayneth therefore one Piller to hope and patience if so bée we omitting the state of this present lyfe doe behold and consider that laste daye and doe passe by the mynifolde lettes of this worlde vntill the fruete of faith doe appeare that is to saye the saluation of our soules M. Let vs also noate that the generall resurrection doth depende vpon the will of God whiche is of all thinges moste sertaine Therefore as impossible it is that the will of God shoulde be made frustrate and that the perfect saluation of the sonnes of God whiche dependeth vpon Gods will shoulde be by any manner of meanes hyndered as it is impossible that there shal be no resurrection which Christe sayth he will bring to passe by his power when he affirmeth that he will rayse vp the faythfull For there is no other appoynted to be the executor of his fathers will but this Christe alone who shall fully performe and finish this oure redemption which he hath purchased with his deathe in the ende of the worlde insomuche that so soone as he is a perfect sauioure we also shal be fully and perfectly redeemed Of the which redemtion he speaketh in another place saying when ye shall see these thinges looke vp and lift vp your heades for youre redemtion draweth nere A. And although the reprobates shall rise againe in their bodies as wel as the electe of God yet neuerthelesse there shall be a large difference betwéene them as it is shewed in the fift Chapter going before M. Wée are also admonished that there is and end appoynted for this present worlde when we here mencion made of the latter daye whiche notwithstanding mockers and contemners of the word of God account for a fable 40 And this is the will of him that sent me that euery on which seeth the Sonne and beleeueth one hym hath euerlasting life and I will rayse hym vp at the laste daye M. There is nothing superfluous in this repetition if so be thou rightly consider those thing which are spoken C. He had sayde that the office of defending of oure saluation was committed to hym of the Father now also he sheweth the manner how This therefore is the waye to obtaine saluation if so be wée obaye the Gospell of Christ He touched this euen nowe but nowe againe he doth better expresse that whiche before he had spoken somwhat obscurely M. And he declareth that they are geuen to hym of hys Father which beleue in hym R. For in sauing men GOD obserueth this order and doth thus manifest that eternall election by