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A54655 A commentary, or, An exposition with notes on the five first chapters of the Revelation of Jesvs Christ by Charles Phelpes. Phelpes, Charles. 1678 (1678) Wing P1976; ESTC R20562 778,103 824

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3. 8 9. and ch 4. 10. Now the Angels are never said so to be upon Christ but the Holy Spirit is often said to be The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him Isay 11. 1 2. I have put my trust upon him Isay 42. 1. And Christ saith The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me Isay 61. 1. Luke 4. 18. 3. Because they are named with the Father and the Son as also Mat. 28. 19. 1 Joh. 5. 7. And here named before Jesus Christ 4. It also appears that hereby the Holy Spirit is intended because of that Description Christ gives of himself in ch 3. 1. when he sends a message to the Angel of the Church in Sardis of whom he saith Thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God Surely the understanding the seven Spirits to mean that one Spirit best suited their condition For hereby he was fitted to see and know what they were to wit dead whatever name they had And hereby ●e is become a quickening Spirit to quicken such dead Souls Luke 4. 18. See Notes on ch 4. v. 5. Nor is that said of the seven Angels the same with this said of the seven Spirits for they are said to stand before God as ministring serving Spirits Rev. 8. 2. with Dan. 7. 10. But these seven Spirits are only said to be before the Throne where Christ also is and they are upon him ch 4. 5. and ch 5. 6. Hereby then the Holy Spirit the Spirit of the Father and Son is meant and intended And he may be called The seven Spirits not with respect to his Essence But 1. In some such sense as Christ's Sacrifice is called Sacrifices as where it is said The Heavenly things must be purified with better Sacrifices than these Heb. 9. 23. Whereas indeed that which Christ offered for Purgation was but one Oblation once offered as is said After he had offered one Sacrifice for Sins for ever sate down c. Heb. 10. 10. 12. for by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified v. 14. 18. and ch 7. 27. and ch 9. 25 26. Now that one Sacrifice might be called Sacrifices to signifie that it is the truth and hath the worth of all other Sacrifices which are many yea it is infinitely more acceptable and valuable So this one Spirit may be called seven to signifie it is the most perfect Spirit seven being a number of perfection and infinitely more excellent and glorious than all other which are ministring Spirits Heb. 1. 14. 2. Seven Spirits With respect to his manifold Gifts Graces Operations Influences c. 1 Cor. 12. 4 11. and so possibly with allusion to Isay 11. 2 3. where he is seven times named The Spirit of the LORD the Spirit of wisdom and understanding the Spirit of Counsel and might the Spirit of Knowledge and of the fear of the LORD 3. Called seven because of the seven Churches here saluted and seven Stars v. 16. ch 3. 1. To signifie this Spirit was able to supply all their wants and to furnish them with all Gifts and Graces and perfect whatever did concern them yea and he is sent forth into all the Earth for the good of men more generally Rev. 5. 6. Zech. 4. 10. Isay 42. 1 5. And these are said to be before his Throne to be sent forth by him and to be sent forth in Righteousness for he sits in the Throne judging right Ps 9. 4. Now from this Spirit also Grace and Peace is voted and desired for he is the Spirit of Grace Zech. 12. 10. Heb. 10. 29. the good Spirit Ps 143. 10. The Spirit of Love 2 Tim. 1. 7. And it is his work and office to bear witness of the Blood of Christ and Grace therein commended and Peace thereby made And to preach Peace to us and fill us with it and effect it as a vertue in us Eph. 2. 13 17. with 1 Pet. 3. 18 19. Rom. 14. 17. Gal. 5. 22. Verse 5. And from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the Dead and the Prince of the Kings of the Earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our Sins in his own Blood In the former part of this Verse we have a further account given to us from whom the Apostle votes Grace and Peace to be unto the Churches and he is mentioned after the Spirit which is not usual because he is largely described and spoken of in what followeth as may be seen by any And from Jesus Christ the faithful witness Of the love and faithfulness of the Father to us as the Lord saith Behold I have given him for a witness to the People Isay 55. 1 4. 1 Joh. 4. 8 10 14. 1 Joh. 3. 16. He is the faithful witness as a Peace-maker having made Peace by the Blood of his Cross Col. 1. 20. So he is the great and undoubted evidence and manifestation of God's Grace to us poor sinful creatures of Mankind The gift of his grace Rom. 5. 15 18. He by the Grace of God tasted death for every man and gave himself a ransome for all Heb. 2. 9. 1 Tim. 2. 4 6. and also in his abasement and sufferings he is the faithful witness and evidence of the faithfulness of God in keeping Covenant and Mercy God raised him up that Horn of Salvation in the House of his Servant David as he spake by the Mouth of his Holy Prophets To perform the Mercy promised to our Fore-fathers and to remember his Holy Covenant The Oath which he sware c. Luk. 1. 54 55 68 73. Act. 13. 23 32 33. Psal 89. 1 19 20. And in his Cross he is the faithful witness of his own pity and compassion to us and that he is the Son of the Father in love 2 Joh. 3 Such was the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for our sakes he became poor 2 Cor. 8. 9. 1 Joh. 3. 16. And as Job's wrinckles were a witness Job 16. 8. so his great condescension and death were a witness of his wonderful love to the World which appeared herein to be such as passeth knowledge Eph. 3. 16. 19. from him is Grace and Peacestill voted who gave himself for our Sins that he might deliver us from this present evil World Gal. 1. 3 4. And who hath made Peace for us by his Blood and is our Peace the Prince of Peace Eph. 2. 13 15. Col. 1. 20. Isay 9. 6. Hebr. 7. 1 2. And the faithful witness As a Peace-preacher and that both 1. In his Word and Testimony 1 Tim. 2. 6. Rev. 20. 4. In which he gives a true witness of all things of God Man Sin Righteousness Life Death c. 1 Joh. 2. 20 27. Joh. 16. 7 14. A faithful witness who doth not lye Prov. 14. 5. A true witness that delivereth Souls v. 25. who is the saviour of all men
perform that spoken of ver 7 And of Him who sent and signified this Book by his Angels ver 1. So here we have an Account of the Person unto whom it was sent 1. By his name I John 2. By his Relation to the Churches who also am your Brother and companion 3. By some particular Account of the things wherein He was related to them In the tribulation and in the kingdome and Patience of Jesus Christ 4. By the Place where He was when this was sent and signified unto Him I was in the Isle that is called Patmos 5. By the cause or Reason of his Being there for the word of God and for the Testimony of Jesus Christ 1. He is described to us by his name I John so chap. 21. 2 and chap. 22. 8. thus He nameth Himself like Paul Gal. 5. 2. 1 Thes 2. 18. nay like to our Lord in this Book I Jesus ch 22. 16. He doth not add great and Honourable titles to himself and much less names of blasphemy such as the Man of sin takes to himself As Christ's Vicar and the High Priest and Head of the Church on earth c. But without any Honourable and much less Blasphemous Title doth He describe Himself As also do Paul Peter James Jude He was not desirous of Vain glory nor sought after praise of men Learn we of Him yea of Jesus whom He imitated who is meek and lowly in heart Mat. 11. 29. Oh what Humility was in Him Humble we our selves also and in due time He will exalt us 1 Pet. 5. 5 6. 1. He to whom this Revelation was sent and signified was John a mean man in this world and a tradesman none of the rich and Honourable of the world but a poor Fisher-man Mat. 4. 21. And one that went a-fishing after Christ was risen from the dead And so some Considerable time after he was an Apostle Joh. 21. 2. In the last times especially God and Christ have been staining the Pride of man's glory and will do it fully and compleatly at the last that no flesh may glory in his presence Christ did chuse the poor of this world to reveal his Mysteries to many or most of his disciples were fishers who were chosen by Him in his personal ministration to be Apostles Joh. 21. 2 3. And the Apostle of the Gentiles to whom this Grace was given to preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ was as men speak by way of Reproach a Mechanick a Tent-maker And did work in his trade after he was an Apostle Act. 18. 2 3. and ch 20. 35. 1 Thes 2. 9. 2 Thes 3. 7 8. And yet what Visions and Revelations of the Lord were vouchsased to him 2 Cor. 12. 1 7. yea how greatly did our Lord himself humble himself He to whom this Revelation was imediately given was not only the Son of one espoused to a carpenter and the Reputed son of a carpenter Mat. 13. 55. But they said of him also is not this the Carpenter Mark 6. 3. The poor and mean ones of this world have the Gospel preached to them Luke 4. 18. and ch 7. 22. And they being faithful have the mysteries of the Kingdom opened to them Mat. 13. 11 16. Of a truth God is no respecter of persons Oh let us not have the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of glory with respect of persons Hearken my beloved Brethren hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith and Heirs of the Kingdom which he hath promised c. Jam. 2. 1 2 5. 2. I John none of the wise-men of this world not instructed into or acquainted with Philosophy or with the Heathens art science of this world which the Apostle calls vain deceit Col. 2. 8. And Science falsly so called 1 Tim. 6. 20. But he was a poor ignorant man As it is said The High Priest and wise ones of this world perceived that he was an unlearned and ignorant man an idiot Act. 4. 14. And so was Peter also the first-named Apostle usually and the Apostles generally to whom the Gospel was committed and the mysteries of the Kingdom made known I thank thee O Father saith Jesus Christ Lord of Heaven and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them to Babes Even so father for so it seemed good in thy sight Mat. 11. 25 26. Luke 10. 21. with Mat. 13. 11 16. Though he be Lord of Heaven and Earth and therefore might reveal his secret to whom he pleases and imploy whom he pleaseth for bearing his name yet it hath pleased him to prefer Babes in this matter before the wife and learned ones You see your calling Brethren How that not many wise men after the flesh are chosen But God hath chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise c. That no Flesh might glory in his presence 1 Cor. 1. 20 26 29 30. And though some Wise-men after the Flesh may be chosen yet they must become Fools that they may be wise 1 Cor. 3. 18 20. Yea this they said of our Lord to whom this Revelation was given How knoweth this Man Letters having never learned Joh. 7. 15 16. Alas the Wisdom of this World is Foolishness with God and he that seemeth to be wise herewith must cease from his own Wisdom that he may be wise 1 Cor. 3. 18 20. Therefore let us not lean to our own Understanding nor glory in Wise-men Prov. 3. 5. and ch 23. 4. 1 Cor. 3. 21. and ch 1. 18 23 Col. 2. 8 9. c. 3. I John one that was subject to and polluted with like Infirmities and Evils as others one that had Sin in him and had sinned 1 Joh. 18. 10. that had in many things offended One that forbad such an one as cast out Devils in Christ's Name when he should not have so done Mark 9. 38 40. One that sought pre-eminence to the offence of many of the residue of the Disciples Mark 10. 35 41. One that would have called for Fire from Heaven to consume them that received not Christ for which Christ rebuked and sharply reproved him Luke 9. 51 56. One that with the rest had Indignation against that good Work of that good Woman who testified Love to our Lord Jesus Mat. 26. 7 8. One of them that watched not with Christ one Hour and thereby lost such an opportunity as he never had again Mat. 26. 40. One that with the rest was offended and left and forsook Christ in his great Afflictions and Sufferings Mat. 26. 31. 56. Joh. 16. 32. One with the rest whom our Saviour upbraided for his Unbelief and hardness of Heart after Christ's Resurrection Mark 16. 14. yet to this John who was formerly guilty of many Evils was this Book sent and signified So great is the Love of our Lord Jesus that it covers all their Sins who confess and forsake them so it did John's Evils And not
1 Joh. 4. 7 10 14 16 17 19. and ch 5. 1. And here-thorow were these Ephesians quickened to the love of God in Christ at first as it is said But God who is ●ich in mercy for or thorow his great love wherewith he loved us even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us c. Eph. 2. 4 5. This is the original and principle of the first love here spoken of 2. This love thus begotten is first placed on him that begat even on the Lord Jesus Christ and God in him because of his first love to us 1 Joh. 4. 19. and ch 5. 1. yea because of his love and loveliness his love is better then win● and because of the Savour of his good Oyntments his name is as Oyntment poured forth therefore do the virgins such as are not defiled with Women with whorish societie● an● congreg●●ions love him the upright love him from the Remembrance of his love Cant. 1. 2 3 4. with Rev. 14. 3 4. And because of his beauty and glory his excellency and comeliness for their escape Isay 4. 2. he is firstly the object of their love though now they see him not with their bodily eyes as the Apostles did yet th●y love him 1 Pet. 1. 8. Eph. 6. 24. To this the saints are exh●●ted O Love the Lord ye his saints Ps 31. 23. Oh worthy for ever is h● to be beloved who so loved u● when we w●re such filthy polluted ones as to give himself for us Rev. 1. 5 6. Gal. 2. 20. Hence the Apostle when he is triumphing in God's love in not sparing his own Son but delivering him up for us all and in Christs love to us in dying yea rather in rising again c. he addes I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus Rom. 8. 32 34 39. Thereby it was begotten and thereby maintained and there-thorow fixed on that most excellent Object even Jesus Christ and God in him and such as love him are the called according to purpose Rom. 8. 28. His love and loveliness causeth them that know and believe it to cleave to him with full purpose to pant after him that they may more know him win him and be found in him It causes them to run unto him and follow him hard and to long and wait for his appearing and coming again Ps 42. 1 2. and 63. 1 4 8. Isay 55. 5. 2 Tim. 4. 8. 3. This love thus begotten and fixed upon this most excellent object is inward intense and fervent It is not in word and tongue only but indeed and in truth 1 Joh. 3. 18. Too too many there are who draw nigh to him with their mouth and honour him with their lips while yet their hearts are far removed from him but all such worship is in vain Isay 29. 13. with Mat. 15. 8 9. But this first love here intimately commended to us by Christ is such as is with all the heart like that our saviour saith in answer to the scribe Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength Mark 12. 28 30. Deut. 6. 4 5. Hence Christ is oft thus called by the spouse He whom my soul loveth Cant. 1. 7. and ch 3. 1 2 3 4. This love is with the heart as distinguished from and opposed to that pretence of love or that feigned love found with too many this is love without dissimulation Rom. 12. 9. love in sincerity or with incorruption Eph. 6. 24. and this love is also with the whole heart as distinguished from and opposed to dividedness of heart towards him and also towards other persons or things which is found with many as it is said their heart is divided now shall they be found faulty Hos 10. 2. too many there are who are double-minded who have a soul and a soul whose hearts are full of doublemindedness who in some measure love Christ and together also love somewhat else before or equal to him and so love him not with such a love as is well pleasing to him for no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other Mat. 6. 24. Luk. 16. 13. and he that loveth Father or Mother more than Christ is not worthy of him he that loveth Son or Daughter more than he is not worthy of him Mat. 10. 37. Luke 14. 24 26. but the first love here spoken of is such as leads one to be and abide for Christ and not to be for another man or object Hos 3. 3. and so inward intense and ardent is this love as that it leads to hate what is reproved our sins and vanities or otherwise it is but love with dissimulation when love is without dissimulation it leads to abhor that which is evil Rom. 12. 9. This is the nature of this love that it causeth a Man to abstain from deny and mortify all that which is displeasing to the beloved And hence whereas in giving the law the right worshipping of God is expressed in four commandments by God to wit Thou shalt have no other Gods but me Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven Image c. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain c. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy c. Exod. 20. 3 11 Deut. 5. 7 15. they are all summed up in this afterwards Deut. 6. 4 5. and by our saviour Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy mind c. Mat. 22. 36 38. Luke 10. 26 27. to signify to us that the hearty love of him includes and leads to an abstaining from and fleeing from whatsoever is forbidden by him and indeed he that doth evil hateth Christ who is the light of the World and if any Man love the World the love of the Father is not in him Joh. 3. 20. 1 Joh. 2. 15. yea so intense this love is as that it moves and prevails with him in whom it is to prefer Christ before all and forsake all for his sake the riches honour glory name and praise of this World and those things most gainful and dear unto them even their former good things confidences Wisdom Righteousness relations c. Luke 14. 16 26 33. and ch 9. 59 62. Mat. 13. 44 46. as the Apostle saith of himself But what things were gain to me those I counted loss for Christ yea doubtless and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all
things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ and be found in him Phil. 3. 4 9. and as is said of Ruth she loved her Mother-in-law and thus exprest it when she said to her Thy sister is gone back Return thou after her And Ruth said Intreat me not to leave thee for whither thou goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will lodg thy people shall be my people and thy God my God c. Ruth 1. 15 18. with ch 4. 15. and it also leads to follow Christ thorow afflictions trials reproaches persecutions c. and to endure any thing for the beloved Love is strong as death the coals thereof are coals of fire which hath a most vehement flame many waters cannot quench love neither can the floods drown it Cant. 8. 6 7. By the first love of Christ our love is made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of Judgment there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment he that feareth is not made perfect in love 1 Joh. 4. 16 17 19. the spirit of love is love is opposed unto the spirit of fear and cowardice 2 Tim. 1. 7 8. This is the first love which is usually very intense and hot in the days of mens first knowing believing in and being espoused unto Jesus Christ and God in him As the Lord saith I Remember thee the kindness of thy youth the love of thine espousals when thou wentest after me in the wilderness in a land that was not sown Israel was holiness unto the Lord c. Jer. 2. 1 5. and the Apostle declares how highly Christ was prized by the Galatians and how welcomely the Gospel and its declarers were received at the first when Christ crucified was evidently set forth before their eyes and the grace of God in him Ye received me saith the Apostle as an Angel of God even as Christ Jesus for I bear you record that if it had been possible you would have plucked out your own eyes and have given them to me Gal. 4. 13 15. with ch 3. 1 5. 57. so the Apostle speaking unto the Thessalonians sheweth what entrance the Gospel had among them how effectually it wrought producing the work of faith and labour of love and patience of hope and they became followers of the Lord having received the word in much affliction and yet with joy of the Holy Ghost and they turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for his son from Heaven c. 1 Thes 1. and ch 2. 13. Thus also he saith to the Hebrews call to Remembrance the former days in which after ye were illuminated ye endured a great fight of afflictions partly whilest ye were made a gazing stock both by reproaches and afflictions and partly whilest ye became companions of them that were so used For ye had compassion on me in my bonds and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods knowing of your selves that ye have in Heaven a better and an enduring substance Heb. 10. 32 34. such-like ●fficacy the Gospel also had upon these Ephesians at the first and such ardent love they had to Christ therein preached among them so as they turned from Diana the former object of their love and worship unto Christ The name of the Lord Jesus was so magnified among them that many that beleeved came confessed shewed their deeds many also of them which used curious arts brought their books together and burned them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of ●ilver which are about six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds in our account as some judge so mightily grew the word of God and increased Acts 19. 17 20. Eph. 2. 2 7 11. This was their first love 4. Yea this love is also exercised and shewed forth in loving his Word and Gospel as is before intimated in which he and his love are set forth and discovered to us Ps 119. 47 48 97 98 113 127 128 140 163 167. as our Saviour saith He that hath my Commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me And again If any Man love me he will keep my word Joh. 14. 21 24. And hereby we do know we know love approve delight in him if we keep his Commandments He that saith I know him and keepeth not his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him but whoso keepeth his Word in him verily is the love of God perfected Hereby know we that we are in him 1 Joh. 2. 3 5 8. and ch 5. 2 3. And this love is also exercised and evidenced towards the Brother-hood so as to love them with a pure heart ●ervently 1 Pet. 1. 21 22. To delight in and have them as our Companions and to delight in the Fellowship and Societies of them as our Brethren Thus it is said of the Believers in former times They connued stedfastly in the Apostles Doctrine and Fellowship and all that believed were together c. Acts 2. 41 47. and ch 4. 23 24 32. Thus when the Apostle exhorts the Hebrews Let us consider one another to provoke to love and to good works not forsaking the assembling of our selves together To move them also hereto he saith Call to remembrance the former days in which ye were illuminated as signifying their first love was exercised in loving one another and in assembling themselves together And the Remembrance and Consideration thereof was proper and powerful to cause them to return thereto again Heb. 10. 23 25. with v. 32. Thus when the Gospel was first received by these Ephesians it produced in them love to all the Brethren See Eph. 1. 13 15. Col. 1 4. 1 Thes 2. 13. and ch 4. 9. And every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him If a man say I love God and hateth his Brother he is a liar for he that loveth not his Brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen 1 Joh. 4. 19 21. and ch 5. 1. Yea this love is also exercised in loving and pittying all men in loving our Enemies blessing them that curse us doing good to them that hate us and praying for them that despitefully use us and therefore our Saviour exhorts and instructs them that hear unto these things Luke 6. 27 36. His love known and believed moves to seek the good of the Souls of all and to sound forth the word before them to hold forth the word of life in word and conversation Joh. 4. 28 29. Rom. 1. 8. Tit. 3. 3 5. with Acts 9. 20 22. and ch 2. 46 47. 1 Thes 1. 7 8. and ch 3. 12. Prov. 29. 10. Phil. 2. 12 16. Now this was the first love they had left that ●ervency and intensiveness of love to Christ and God in him his Cross Person Gospel and one to another and to
all men which was at first begotten and produced in them by his first love manifested unto and known and believed by them 2. How had they left thi● their first love Or in what sense or after what consideration had they left it To which we say They had not so left it as if they had none to Christ and one another for such a thing would be wholly and altogether inconsistent with those many good and commendable things before taken notice of by our Saviour in them v. 2 3 6. But in some measure their love was waxt colder than it was at first Mat. 24. 12. And they were not so ●ervent and ardent therein as sometimes and at first they had been somewhat of the same evil was found with these as was with the Church of Laodicea of which it is said thou art neither hot nor cold though not in so great a degree Rev. 3. 15 16. There was a decay and abatement of their love some remission and lessening of the inflamedness thereof as the word left here properly signifies to wit a remission of their love like that also complained of in others though it seems not in so great a measure or degree Thus saith the LORD I remember the kindness of thy youth thy first love but afterwards it was otherwise with them Hence it is said hear the word of the Lord what iniquity have your Fathers found in me that they are gone far from me c. Neither said they where is the Lord that brought us up out of the Land of Aegypt Jer. 2. 1 5 6 12. And it might in some measure be said to these as the Apostle doth to the Galatians where is now the blessedness you spake of Gal. 4. 13 15. They had in some sort departed from their rest as the P●almist intimates he had done Ps 116. 1 7. and gadded about to change their ways too much wandring from Mountain to Hill and forgetting their resting-place their place to lye down in Jer. 2. 33 36. and ch 50. 6. they were not now so valiant for the truth as formerly they had been Jer. 9. 3. not so inflamed with love to Jesus Christ and one another the sufferings of Christ and what he hath thereby effected and obtained into himself were not so highly prized by them and therefore not so operative and effectual in them as at first but they were come to some loss and had suffered a decay of those things formerly wrought in them by the Glorious Gospel 2 Joh. 8. Oh how precious was this Manna to them at the first they then cried out by way of Admiration What is this they then with earnestness prayed Lord evermore give us this Bread Christ was then wonderfully precious to them and highly valued by them they did then so cleave to him in love as that they preferred him before all other things though never so gainful and amiable And the Word of God mightily grew among them Acts 19. 17 20. they then desired no other Foundation of their Faith and Hope no other Witness of God's Love no other Bread of Life or Door of Approach to God but Jesus Christ and him crucified and so the Flesh of Christ which was given for the life of the World But alas now their Hearts were in some measure removed from him and they did not so closely cleave unto him as formerly nor were so forward to undergo Afflictions for him and his Gospels sake not to endure hardness as good Souldiers of Jesus Christ 2 Tim. 2. 1 3. They had left their first-first-love and though they had works yet not the first v. 5. 3. We come in the next place to shew and demonstrate that this is such an iniquity as provoketh the Lord to anger to leave the first-love This is a great evil and so it will appear to be if we consider 1. Because the Principles or Seed of which this first-love was begotten and Object on which it was placed abide the same the Seed thereof is not like the Seed of this World which is perishing and corruptible and therefore all begotten of it is like unto it for all Flesh is as Grass and all the Glory of Man as the Flower of Grass the Grass withereth and the Flower thereof falleth away But this Seed is incorruptible the Word of the Lord endureth for ever and this is the word which by the Gospel is preached unto us 1 Pet. 1. 23 25. the Blood of Christ is precious and incorruptible blood and therefore it is opposed to corruptible things 1 Pet. 1. 19. And it is an Everlasting Commendation of the love of God to us Rom. 5. 8. and the Gospel of Christ is an Everlasting Gospel therein are contained the Words of Eternal Life Rev. 14. 6. Joh. 6. 68. And so Jesus Christ is the same and his years fail not He is Jesus Christ the anointed Saviour the same yesterday and to day and for ever Heb. 1. 12. and ch 13. 8. There is no Iniquity in him and therefore he remaineth for ever The Servant to wit of Sin abideth not in the house for ever but the Son abideth ever Joh. 8. 34 35. Oh what an Iniquity is it then to lessen our love to and esteem of him Or to let slip the Remembrance of his Love in redeeming us What Iniquity have your Fathers found in me saith the LORD that they are gone far from me and have walked after vanity and are become vain neither said they where is the LORD that brought us up out of the Land of Egypt That led us thorow the Wilderness thorow a Land of Deserts and Pits c. Hath a Nation changed their Gods which yet are no Gods But my People have changed their Glory for that which doth not profit Be astonished O ye Heavens at this and be horribly afraid be ye very desolate saith the Lord for my People have committed two evils they have forsaken me the Fountain of living Waters and hewed them out Cisterns broken Cisterns that can hold no Water O Generation see ye the Word of the Lord. Have I been a Wilderness unto Israel a land of Darkness wherefore say my people we are Lords we will come no more ●nto thee Jer. 2. 1 5 6 10 13 31. and ch 17. 13. and ch 18. 13 15. what an evil is this to depart in any measure from him Lord saith Peter to whom shall we go thou hast the words of eternal life and we believe and are sure that thou art the Christ the Son of the living God Joh. 6. 66 68 69. Oh foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth c. where is the blessedness the excellency the love and loveliness of Christ you formerly spake of Is not he as worthy still as ever to be fervently loved and heartily delighted in by us who humbled himself for us and became obedient to death the death of the cross and who thereby hath redeemed us from the curse of
Charity is not easily provoked to wit to anger or exasperated though it may be angry yet it is slow thereto It is not easily or readily provoked either upon a small or frivolous account or to exceed the bounds of sobriety Jam. 1. 18 20. he that is soon angry dealeth foolishly Prov. 14. 17. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure then peaceable gentle and easy to be intreated Jam. 3. 17. Thinketh no evil surmizeth no evil when it is provoked Isay 42. 17 20. Rejoyceth not in iniquity not in speaking or doing any Prov. 8. 7 8 or not in the iniquity of others But it leadeth Men to be grieved for the evils of others because they keep not the word of God Ps 119. 136 158. Jer. 9. 2. and ch 4. 18 19. But rejoyceth in or with the truth It leadeth Men to rejoyce in Christ Jesus who is the truth Phil. 3. 1 3. with Joh. 14. 6. and in the word of truth the Gospel of our Salvation Eph. 1. 13. and that others walk therein As the Apostle John saith I rejoyced greatly when the Brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee even as thou walkest in the truth I have no greater joy than to hear that my Children walk in truth 2 Joh. 3. 4. Charity beareth all things all burdens put upon it in seeking anothers good beareth the burdens of others and therein fulfill's the law of Christ Gal. 6. 2. It leads the strong to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please themselves Rom. 15. 1 3. and it leads to cover all the sins of Men so as may tend to the seeking their good Charity will cover the multitude of sins Prov. 10. 12. with 1 Pet. 4. 8. It bears all things so as it still rejoyceth not in iniquity but rejoyceth in or with the truth Rev. 2. 2. Believeth all things which God hath spoken or testified Acts 24. 14. and all things concerning the good of another so as not rejoycing in iniquity It leads Men to take all in the best sence they can and to put the best construction on every thing Hopeth all things And so in meekness instructing them that oppose themselves if God at any ●i●e will give them repentance unto the acknowledging of the truth 2 Tim. 2. 25 26. Heb. 6. 4 9. Indureth all things all afflictions and sufferings it meets with in seeking the good of others many waters cannot quench love neither can the flouds drown it Cant. 8. 6 7 8. Charity never fa●leth Towards the proper objects thereof so doth not God's charity when he cannot delight in us or be wel-pleased with us yet he is very pittiful and of tender mercies towards us And it is of the Lords mercy that we are not consumed even because his compassions fail not when his delight in us doth For the Lord will not cast off for ever while Men are joyned to all the living But though he cause grief he will have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies Lam. 3. 22 31 32 33 39. And it leads us also when Brotherly-kindness fails to put on and have in usefulness charity which is the bond of perfectness Col. 3. 10 12 13. and by what hath been said of charity we may be led to see our great shortness in it and and want of it and to take shame unto our selves and be provoked to follow after charity 1 Cor. 14. 1. And to that end consider we the charity of God and that he is charity and hath manifested himself so to be in sending his Son the Saviour of the World every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God for God is charity 1 Joh. 4. 7 8 10 14 16 17. And walking in charity is the most excellent way whereby we may be instruments of profit and good to others for though we speak with the tongues of Men and Angels and have not charity we are sounding brass and a tinkling cymball and though we bestow all our goods to feed the poor and though we give our Bodys to be burned both which we may do and have no charity it profiteth us nothing 1 Cor. 12. 31 with ch 13. 1 2 3. And service or administration which is the fruit and effect of charity and the labour of love 1 Cor. 13. 4. Luke 6. 35 36. and this may betaken more largely for any service of love expressed or exercised towards others Joh. 13. 1 3. c. Mat. 20. 26 28. Gal. 5. 13. or more strictly for administring to the necessities of others Rom. 15. 31. In which sense it is to be taken in those words of the Apostle For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the Saints but is abundant also by many thankes-givings unto God 2 Cor. 9. 1 12. This service contains in it any service of love or charity towards men or Brethren for unto all men we should do good as we have opportunity but especially unto them that are of the houshold of Faith Gal. 6. 10. 1 Thes 3. 12 13. 1 Cor. 9. 23 24. And faith either the word of Faith which they had received and did hold fast though there were corrupt teachers amongst them as it is said by way of commendation concerning Pergamos v. 13. of which faith Christ is the Lord the author and finisher Jam. 2. 1. Heb. 12. 2. yet it is their Faith also not in the former considerations but as they have embraced and owned it and did still retain it 1 Joh. 5. 4 5. their most holy Faith which they received in believing and did hold fast and hold forth before others also Hab. 2. 4. Jude 20. 21. what the faith in this consideration is may be seen before in the notes on v. 13. of this chapter Or Thy Faith even their hearty closing with and believing the word of Faith the Gospel and so believing on Christ who is therein preached and evidently set forth before our eyes Their believing with the heart the things reported therein and walking thereby Rom. 1. 16 17. 2 Cor. 5. 7. Heb. 10. 38. Or Thy Faith thy fidelity and faithfulness their being and continuing constant to Christ notwithstanding the many trials and temptations they met withal to turn them aside therefrom 2 Thes 3. 3 4. Rom. 3. 3. And thy patience see notes on ch 1. v. 9. and ch 2. v. 2 3. And thy works and or even the last more then the first or And thy last works more then the first even their works of Faith and labour of love these works of theirs did not decrease or decay but there was an increase in their works They did still abound in the work of the Lord and in those good works to which they were created in Christ Jesus which God had ordained that they should walk in them 1 Cor. 15. 58. Eph. 2. 10. 1 Tim. 5. 10. They did grow and become fruitful in good works so as their last were more then the first
his Brother But he hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law Psal 49 6 7. with Gal. 3. 13. 1 Pet. 1. 18 19. And he hath redeemed all the saints and holy Ones unto God out of every kindred and tongue c. Rev. 5. 9. And Job signifies his Redeemer was God Job 19. 25 27. 3. By his upholding all things as after the Apostle had been saying By Christ God made the worlds he presently adds He upholdeth all things by the word of his power Heb. 1 2 3. The earth and all the Inhabitants thereof were dissolved he bears up the pillars thereof Psal 75. 2 3. He is before all things and by him all things consist and stand together in that good and comely order in which they are C●l 1. 16 17. 4. By his Providence and providential ordering and governing of all things Vnto us a child is born saith the Prophet unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders and he shall be called Wonderful Counseller the mighty God c. Isa 9. 6 7. The Father henceforth judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment to the son that all men should honour the son c. Joh. 5. 22 23. with ver 19. Matth. 28. 18. 5. By his work of Resurrection that is the work of the Omnipotent God which no mere creature hath power to effect it is God that raiseth the dead 2 Cor. 1. 9. Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you that God should raise the dead It is impossible for any mere creature to do it indeed and it may justly therefore be thought incredible that any of them should do it but nothing is too hard for God Act. 22. 8. Now this work of Omnipotency hath been and shall be wrought and effected by Christ He raised his own body John 2. 19 21. And all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth John 5. 28 29. He is the resurrection and the life John 11. 25. 2 Cor. 4. 14. 6. By his eternally judging all which is the work of God as it is said And to God the judg of all Heb. 12. 23. But he shall judg all by Jesus Christ whom he hath ordained the judg of quick and dead Rom. 2. 16. We must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ 2 Cor. 5. 10. He shall sit upon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he will give to every one according as his work shall be to those on his right hand eternal life and salvation of which he is the Author and those on his left hand shall be destroyed with everlasting destruction from his presence Matth. 25. 31-46 Rev. 22. 12. Act. 3. 15. Heb. 5. 9. 2 Thes 1. 6-9 and that he is the true God will also and further appear by the religious worship that is and ought to be given to him to which after Only here we may briefly say In that the lamb is the true God 1. This shews unto us how infinitely precious his personal abasement and sufferings are his blood is the blood of God Act. 20. 28. It is the precious blood of Christ who is over all God blessed for ever 1 Pet. 1. 19. with Rom. 9. 5. and therefore it is infinitely and eternally precious in it self and precious with his Father Prov. 17. 8. 1 Pet. 2. 4. Phil. 2. 6. 9. and unto them that believe 1 Pet. 2. 7. therefore we have good cause to glory only and always in his cross Gal. 6. 14. and to eat his flesh and drink his blood or otherwise we have no life in ●s his flesh is meat indeed and his blood is drink indeed being the flesh and blood of him who came down from Heaven and who is the Son of God by divine and eternal generation John 6. 32-35-42-51-53-58 2. It shews unto us his wonderful love in being so greatly abased for sinful fallen mankind Ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though ●e was rich yet for our sakes he became poor that we thorow his poverty might be enriched 2 Cor. 8. 9. Herein perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us 1 John 3. 16. He could propose no real advantage or increase of glory or happiness to himself for ●e was in the form of God and thought it no robbery to be equal to God yet made himself of no reputation c. Phil. 2. 5-8 Here was greatness and freeness of love and charity indeed He sought not his own things 1 Cor. 13. 5. John 17. 4 5. 3. It shews unto us what a great High-priest we have even Jesus the Son of God who is mighty to save able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him neither is there salvation in any other He is a just God and a Saviour and there is none beside him Oh let us then look unto him and ●e saved and come with boldness to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need He is the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Isa 45. 21 24. with Phil. 2. 6-10 Isa 63. 1. with Act. 4. 12. Heb. 4. 14. 16. and chap. 7. 25 28. Tit. 2. 13. 4. It may admonish and warn us to take heed we despise not nor reject this mighty one Exod. 23. 21. If they escaped not who refused him that s●●ke on earth much more shall not we escape if we ref●se him that speaketh from Heaven Heb. 12. 25-29 As he is able to save so also to destroy Jam. 4. 12. Psal 2. 6-8-12 Rev. 6. 16 17. 5. Let it move and prevail with us all to kiss submit unto reverence and love him Psal 2. 12. To ●ow down unto and worship him Matth. 21. 37. Joh. ● 22 2● And this leads us to the next particular viz. 2. Because he is very God God by nature he is and ought to be religiously worshipped and adored as these holy Ones here do Before we come to speak particularly hereto or demonstrate the truth hereof we may a little speak to this phrase before the Lamb which is in the Scripture-use and acception all one as to say they fell down to the Lamb or they worshipped the Lamb so the phrase is used as with respect to a false object of worship so it is said of Amaziah He set up the Gods of the children of Seir to be his Gods and bowed down himself before them c. 2 Chron. 25. 14. see Ezek. 14. 3 4 7. So the words of Satan to our Saviour are thus exprest by one Evangelist If thou wilt fall down and worship me By another thus If thou wilt fall down before me Compare Matth. 4. 9. with Luk. 4. 7. to signifie the falling down before any object religiously is to worship that object Compare also Rev. 19. 10. with chap. 22. 8. It is indeed Idola●ry to fall down before a false object
7. and when he exhorts the believers to love one another he saith to them If there come any unto you and bring not this Doctrine to wit the Doctrine of Christ receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed for he that bids him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds 2 Joh. 5. 6 7 9 12. 3. We have an account of some Particulars in which he was their Brother and Companion not in any evils found amongst them as we have said but in tribulation and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ 1. In tribulation or rather in the tribulation to wit of Jesus Christ as followeth for that refers to all the three And so it shews unto us In what tribulation he was their Brother and Companion to wit in that of Jesus Christ and not in any wherein they might suffer as fools or evil-doers justly from the hands of those amongst whom they lived And so we may learn 1. That the Apostle John and all the Churches were in tribulation for he was their Brother and Companion therein and also sympathized with them in theirs They were all in tribulation though not all alike in it And this is the outward Portion of them in this World as our Saviour said Prophetically In the World ye shall have tribulation Joh. 16. 33. And the Apostle told the Disciples they must thorow much tribulation enter into the Kingdom of God Act. 14. 22. and Rom. 8. 35 36. manifold afflictions and Persecutions did attend the Apostles yea as the Apostle saith All that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution Mat. 10. 23 25. 2 Tim. 3. 11 13. Ps 34. 19. 1 Pet. 5. 9. Though Christ loveth his disciples yet he doth not now this way testify love to them in preserving them from tribulation Joh. 14. 27. But in love to them he now tries them 1 Pet. 4. 13. Heb. 12. 3 7. this is not to be looked for in this World by them that follow Christ Luke 12. 49 51. rest is not assured to them till the Lord Jesus be revealed from Heaven 2 Thes 1. 5 7. when there are new Heavens and a new Earth then God will wipe away all tears from their eyes and not before compleatly Rev. 21. 1 4. how are they mistaken who talk of Halcionian dayes here and reigning now on earth 1 Cor. 4. 8 12. And consider we this before that being fore-warned we may be forearmed Thus God dealt with all and with the Prophet also Jam. 5. 10 1 Pet. 4. 12 13. and he was their Companion namely in bearing and sympathizing with them As the expression is used Heb. 10. 33 34. He had Compassion on them weeping with them c. Rom. 12. 15 16. 2 Cor. 11. 28 29. he had member-like love to and feeling with them in their tribulation Learn we of him 1 Cor. 12. 12 26. Heb. 13. 1 3 4. 2. The tribulation in which he was their Brother and Companion was the tribulation of Jesus Christ To wit 1. Such affliction and tribulation as he endured from the hands of men the afflictions of Christ Col. 1. 24. for while Christ was here he was a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief And no marvel then tha● his followers be partakers of tribulation also Mat. 10. 24 25. Joh. 15. 20. he suffered for the Gospel's sake and as a Peace-preacher And they are made partakers of such tribulation even for Christ and and the Gospel's sake Joh. 15. 21. and ch 16. 1 4. 2 Tim. 1. 7 8. and ch 2. 3 8. Rom. 8. 28 29. Mat. 16. 24. Luk. 14. 26 27. This is the Believers proper tribulation the bonds of the Gospel Isay 66. 5. Mat. 5. 10 12. 2. The tribulation of Christ to wit that which Jesus Christ owned as his and therefore sympathized with them therein and took notice of their afflictions In all their afflictions he was afflicted Isay 63. 9. hence he saith Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Act. 9. 5. Heb. 2. 17 18. and ch 4. 15 16. he reckoneth that which was done unto his Brethren as done unto him Mat. 25. 45. Now here we may observe by way of Inference from what hath been said 1. In that he was their Companion in the tribulation of Jesus Christ and that they did indure tribulation for Christ's sake amongst many of whom were many miscarriages and faults for which afterward they are reproved So we may see that such believers as have faults may yet suffer for Christ and the Gospels sake so here see ch 2. 13 15 19 20 he may count such worthy of this grace and favour Phil. 1. 29. 30. 2. In that the Apostle was their Companion in tribulation and in compassion and fellow-feeling so it signifieth that the grace of God moves us to pity others of our Brethren when they are in affliction though we may be our selves in tribulation also and not so to pore and look upon our own things as to be forgetful of them Thus the Apostle when he tells the Philippians 't is given to you in the behalf of Christ not onely to believe but also to suffer for his sake yet he presently exhorts them look not every man on his own things but every one also on the things of others Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus c. Phil. 1. 29 30. with ch 2. 1 4 5. Heb. 13. 2 3. 1 Cor. 12. 25 26. nay many times God is ordering affliction to us that we might learn thereby and be fitted to pity others Jona 4. 7 11. It was a great commendation of the Churches of Macedonia and the effic●cy of the grace of God upon them that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded to the Riches of their liberality 2 Cor. 8. 1 2. And thus it would also be with us were the Grace of God yielded up to by us we should not only mind our own troubles but consider the trials and afflictions of others also Thus it was with this Apostle 3. When he was their Companion in the tribulation of Jesus Christ then this Book was sent and signified to him so else-where many times when his people have been in affliction God hath wonderfully appeared to them Act. 5. 19 20. At such a time he is nigh to them and graciously manifesting himself to them And this ●s for Comfort to all when they are in such a condition Isay 43. 1 2. 2 Cor. 1. 3 5. But to this we may speak further in due time 2. And in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ to wit he was their Brother and Companion therein and so they and he were in it 1 Thes 2. 12. Mat. 13. 38 43. Now here we may enquire and consider 1. What is this Kingdom of Jesus Christ And why so called 2. How are all hearty and unfeigned believers in this Kingdom 1. What is this Kingdom It is said to be that of Jesus Christ
and takes notice of such Mens works who have a name amongst the Churches that they live while yet they may be dead ch 3. 1 2. In that he saith I know thy works their workes who have had means so he may signify to us that in this sense he doth not as it were know Mens works until he hath prevented them with his grace bringing Salvation to them which he doth all Men in due time and season as they come to years of discretion Tit. 2. 11. 1 Tim. 2. 4 6. he is no hard or austere Master to reap where he hath not sown or gather where he hath not strawn however wicked ones think and speak concerning him Mat. 25. 26. he first fashioneth Mens hearts alike and then he considereth all their works Ps 14. 2. and 33. 15. But especially he knows and takes notice of his Churches and of their workes As is signified in that Parable where it is said Behold these three yeers I come seeking fruit Luke 13. 7. To them much is given and therefore of them much is and will be required Luke 12. 48. Isay 5. 2 4. Mat. 21. 33 37. 4. He here signifieth what he knows or takes notice of thy works not their words or profession simply not their faith or opinions only but of their works what doth it profit my brethren though a Man to say he ●ath faith and have not works can faith save him faith if it hath not works its proper works is dead being alone c. Jam. 2. 14 17 26. Men may profess they Know God and yet in works deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate Tit. 1. 16. or they may have works and they not perfect before God and so unacceptable to him Rev. 3. 2. or works and not the first works as it was with this Angel and Church v. 5. But of these to wit of his Churches works he takes notice and according thereto either approveth or condemneth The father on whom we call is one who without respect of persons judgeth according to every Man's work and not according to his person 1 Pet. 1. 17. and so he will do hereafter also shall not he render to every Man according to his works Prov. 24. 13. To them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for Honour and Immortality he will render eternal life But unto them whoever they are that are contentious and doe not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish upon every soul of Man that doth evil For there is no respect of persons with God Rom. 2. 6 11. And saith he who ●ath his eyes like unto a flame of fire All the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reines and hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works Rev. 2. 23. and ch 22. 12. Men may talk much and have a great deal of notional knowledg in those things tha● are most excellent and yet not have a good understanding for A good understanding have all they that do Ps 111. 10. Men may believe the Gospel of Christ and yet believe in vain 1 Cor. 15. 2. Men may have the truth and yet hold and detain it in unrighteousness Rom. 1. 18. Oh therefore let every one of us be swift to hear the word of truth And be we doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving our own selves so look we into the perfect law of liberty and continue therein that we be not forgetful hearers but doers of the work that we may be blessed in our deed Jam. 1. 19 25. Phil. 2. 12 16. And thy labour like that Remembring your labour of love or Charity 1 Thes 1. 2 3. Produced by the charity of God in Christ and exercised in works of love and charity both to the saints and men of the World also Eph. 1. 15. according to that Instruction As ye have therefore opportunity do good to all Men especially to them that are of the houshold of Faith Gal. 6. 10. and that prayer The Lord make you to increase and abound in love one towards another and towards all men 1 Thes 3. 12. Eph. 4. 31 32. and ch 5. 1 2. and this labour of love is to be exercised in holding forth the light of the glorious Gospel in word and confession 1 Cor. 3. 8. 1 Tim. 4. 10. and ch 5. 17. and in works of mercy love and charity in giving forgiving lending c. and in prayer Col. 4. 12. This is a labour and travel it causeth pain and weariness to the flesh to be exercised in speaking praying visiting administrating to the necessities c. Here note 1. With this Angel and Church there was labour yea they had laboured and not fainted v. 3. Gal. 6. 9. they did continue in the work and labour of love love was with them in some measure still so as to cause them to labour in the Lord. Men may labour and yet be reproved as here nay as the Apostle saith though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and have not Charity it profiteth me nothing 1 Cor. 13. 3. Men may give all and yet it will not avail if Charity be wanting or if it be abated and their love waxt cold they may be reproved or punished though they labour Mat. 24. 12 13. 2. In that Christ saith I know thy labour so we may see Christ taketh notice of the labour of love found in his Angels and Churches or any of them he is not unrighteous to forget their work and labour of love which they shew towards his name c. Heb. 6. 10. Mat. 25. 34 40. Mal. 3. 16. he takes notice of whatever labour or service of love his grace is producing though they that labour should forget he is not unmindful And being stedfast in the faith unmoveable from the hope of the Gospel always abounding in the work of the Lord their labour shall not be in vain in the Lord 1 Cor. 15. 58. Mat. 10. 41. no not towards enemies Therefore the holy Ghost saith if thine enemy hunger give him bread to eat And if he be thirsty give him water to drink for thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head and the Lord shall reward thee Prov. 25. 21 22. Luke 6. 35. yea how secretly soever we exercise charity he sees and takes notice of it And this may deliver or take us of from desires of vain-glory Mat. 6. 1 3. Act. 10. 31. this might satisfy and quiet us that he takes notice of and remembreth any labour of love that is done to his name see the notes after on v. 9. And thy patience even thy patient enduring the tribulations and afflictions thou meetest withal for the Gospels sake This is that they must expect who will follow after Christ they shall suffer persecution 2 Tim. 3. 12. and therefore they have need of patience that they may endure and not resist the evil nor
the dearly beloved of my soul into the hand of her enemy Jer. ● 12. 7 8. Amos. 3. 2. If God spared not the natural branches take heed also lest he spare not thee Rom. 11. 20 21. Rev. 3. 2 3. and v. 16. but to this we may further speak afterwards 2. We have the matter or reason of the charge or quarrel particularly declared and laid down Because or that thou hast left thy first love This was that he had against them and therefore he was angry with them though good and commendable things were found with them 1. He had not against them here that they walked in rioting and drunkenness and run with others to the same excess of riot they were not clothed with this undecent and dishonest cloathing with these works of darkness Rom. 13. 11 12. It is most abominable for his Churches or any in them to abuse themselves herewith or to abuse the good creatures of God and admonition had been formerly given to this Church not to be drunk with wine wherein is excess which it seems had had good effect on them Eph. 5. 17 18. and Judgment is threatned to such by our Saviour who overcharge their hearts with surfetting and drunkenness Luke 21. 34 36. But for these evils he threatens them not nor had he a quarrel against them for walking in uncleanness nay they hated such deeds v. 6. so well had they minded and observed those cautions and Instructions given them by the Apostle Paul Eph. 5. 3 6. Col. 3. 5 6. 1 Cor. 3. 16 17. and ch 6. 9 11. Gal. 5. 19 21. 2. Nor hath he against them that they were walking in covetousness which is Idolatry Col. 3. 5. Eph. 5. 5. and the root of all evil 1 Tim. 6. 9 10. and for which he reproves and threatens destruction to his people in former times Jer. 6. 10 13. and ch 8. 7 10. Ezek. 33. 31 32. nor for fashioning themselves to the fashions of this evil World in the Pride of apparel for which they are threatned Isay 3. 15 26. And which becomes not persons prosessing godliness 1 Tim. 2. 9 10. nay they are not charged with committing or acting any evil but they are reproved for omitting or abating in that which was good This was also the great and provoking evil of Laodicea that she was become luke-warm and her love to Christ was greatly decreased and lessened This one evil was charged upon the first the last of the seven Churches Though the last it seems was most deeply guilty hereof ch 3. 15 17. Consider this If thou knowest no evil by thy self that thou hast acted or committed yet art thou not hereby justified but mayest be that notwithstanding justly reproved and punished 3. Nor doth he say thou hast no love nor any works or labour thereof But he had before acknowedged to their praise that they had works and labour c. v. 2 but their evil was they were without and destitute of their first love though they had some still without all perad venture 2. And so that which he hath against them is Because they had left their first love where let us enquire and consider for our usefulness 1. What was their first love which they had left 2. How had they left their first love 3. Shew that this is such an iniquity as provoketh the Lord to anger 1. What was their first love which they had left To this we may say their first love here meant was not their first love as Children of Adam or as walking in their natural estate for then they walked according to the course of this World according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that worketh rulingly prevailingly in the Children of disobedience Eph. 2. 1 2. then they loved and and adored Diana Act. 19. 27 28. but the love here spoken of was their love in the spirit Col. 1. 8. even that love which was effected and produced in them by the holy spirit in the Testimony of Jesus in his glorifying Christ and taking of his things and shewing unto them whereby their hearts were reconciled unto him and enflamed with love to him And so we may say 1. This first love here spoken of hath for its principle seed Gods first love commended to us in the cross of Christ as declared in the Gospel for the cross of Christ his abasement and sufferings in the vertue whereof he is raised again is the first great fundamental universal commendation of the love of God and Christ to us poor sinners and ungodly ones of mankind And that which is first to be declared to men when they are in trespasses and sins dead to reconcile their hearts this is the ministery of reconciliation to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself not imputing their trespasses to them but making him to be sin for them who knew no sin 2 Cor. 5. 19 21. This is the water or that in which is the water to regenerate men even to beget them to the faith love of God That God so loved the World as to give his onely begetten Son and that which our Saviour preached first of all in order to the regeneration of Nicodemus Joh. 3. 3 5 9 16 and to the Samaritans Joh. 4. 42. this Paul first of all preached unto the Corinthians when they were gentiles carried away unto dumb Idols even as they were led and while they were walking in the Service of the vile affections and lusts of the flesh To the begetting them to faith and love 1 Cor. 15. 1 4. with ch 12. 2. and ch 6. 9 11. and ch 4. 15. and to the Galatians he did evidently set forth Jesus Christ and him crucified before them in the gospel and therein the grace of God to sinners unjust ones and enemies that their hearts might thereby be turned to the Lord Gal. 4. 13. with ch 3. 1. and ch 1. 6. and indeed this is the incorruptible seed of which a Man may be born again even the word of God which hath been made flesh and which liveth and abideth for ever 1 Pet. 1. 23 25. hereby men are begotten to the love of God in Christ even from the knowledg and bel●ef of his first love to us as the Apostle John saith love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God for God is love But how and wherein doth his love appear and that he is love In this was manifested the love of God towards us because God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live thorow him Herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins And ●e have known and believed the love that God hath to us in sending his Son the Saviour of the World God is love c. Hereby is our love made perfect we love him because he first loved us
edifying of it self in love Eph. 4. 11 15. 16. Col. 2. 19. for the increase of love in the Philippians the Apostle prayes saying This I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment Phil. 1. 9 10. Col. 1. 8 10. and this is taken notice of by way of commendation in the Thessalonians that their love did abound 2 Thes 1. 3. And indeed his Churches have great Advantage to grow in the love of him because they have frequent opportunities to hear of him of his sufferings of his love and loveliness of his Infinite perfection and everliving in the presence of God that their evil is the greater if they increase not therein Now then for such to go backward and not forward to decrease when they should increase this must needs be a provoking evil This was the evil reproved and complained of by the Lord in his Church in former times They have provoked the holy one of Israel to anger they are gone backward Isay 1. 4. and again Thus saith the Lord this thing commanded I them saying Obey my voice But they hearkened not nor enclined their ear they went backward and not forward Jer. 7. 21 24. and again thou hast forsaken me saith the Lord thou art gone backward therefore I will stretch out my hand against thee I am weary with repenting Jer. 15. 6. Josh 23. 8 12. By all which it doth in some measure appear that their leaving their first love was a great and provoking evil Vse 1. Seeing this was the charge he draws up against this Angel and Church let us examine our selves whether we be not guilty of this evil also whether there be not a decay and abatement of that heat of love and affection to Jesus Christ his sufferings and the glory which therethorow he is entered into and possessed of and his Gospel and people Say not we are not guilty hereof for we have works and labour and patience c. and therefore we are free from this provoking evil for thus Christ and not themselves saith of these Say not we are rich and increased with goods and therefore Christ hath not such a quarrel against us as he had against these for though you thus speak of your selves you may nevertheless be lukewarm Rev. 3. 16 17. But come to the light and remember the former days Oh is it not too much and a wearisome thing to us to hear the cross of Christ Gods love therein commended so much insisted on are we not ready to say there is nothing before our eyes save this Manna Numb 11. 5 6. Is this Manna so delightful to us as at first come we unto the light and see what manner of persons we are Eph. 5. 12 13. 2. Seeing this is the quarrel he hath against these that they had left their first love so he shews unto us That he desires and delights in this that his Churches should love him ●ervently It is pleasant unto him highly prized by him when they are hot zealous ●ervent in spirit love him with the whole heart This is that he calls for My son give me thy heart Prov. 23. 26. This is that which ravishes and unhearts him as it were and yet revives and chears him Cant. 4. 9 10. This love of theirs when it is hot and ardent doth even overcome and puffe him up as he saith turn away thine eyes from me for they have ●vercome me or puffed me up Cant. 6. 5. and to this love of the Lord doth he exhort as O love the Lord ye his saints Ps 31. 23. take heed unto your Souls that ye love the Lord your God Josh 23. 11. and they that do so shall prosper their soul shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not Ps 122. 6. And great peace have they that love his law and nothing shall offend them Ps 119. 165. and if any man love him the same is known owned and approved of him 1 Cor. 8. 3. he that loveth Christ shall be loved of his father and he will love him and will manifest himself unto him Joh. 14. 21 22 23. 3. And here we may see and take notice that how many good things soever his Churches or any in them have yet if their love to him his cross Gospel and people c. grows cold or decays and abates it will greatly provoke him to anger Though they have all knowledge faith gifts utterance c. and have not love they are displeasing to him and therefore keep thine heart with all keeping Prov. 4. 23. how displeasing was it to the Lord that Solomon who once loved the Lord 1 King 3. 3. did afterwards leave his first love and his heart was turned away from him The Lord was angry with Solomon because his heart was turned from the Lord God of Israel who had appeared unto him twice 1 King 11. 1 3 6 9 1● And this was a blot upon Amaziah he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord but not with a perfect heart 2 Chron. 25. 2. and though there be many infirmities found with a Man yet if his heart be perfect and he cleave in love unto the Lord they are graciously overlooked and covered by him 1 Kings 15. 17. and ch 16. 10 11 12. Verse 5. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and Repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and will remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou Repent In this verse we have to mind and consider 1. The good gracious and needful counsel given to this Angel and Church 2 A conditional threat denounced against them 1. The good gracious and needful counsel given unto this Angel and Church and this is expressed to us in three Branches 1. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen 2. And Repent 3. And do the first works 1. Branch Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen 1. We shall speak to this Branch of the counsel by way of explication 2. Note some Instructions that are contained and signified therein 1. We shall speak to this Branch of the Counsel by way of explication This Counsel hath reference to what goeth before as it appeareth by the word therefore And it seemeth to refer either 1. Unto what is said in the beginning of v. 4. I have against thee Remember therefore I who am the Son of the Father in truth and love and have manifested so much in laying down my life 1 Joh. 3. 16. and therefore speak out of love Rev. 3. 19. I that hold the seven stars and walk in the midst of the seven Golden candlesticks there is my constant path and walk and so see and observe how it is with you for mine eyes are as a flame of fire and all things are naked and manifest unto me Rev. 2. 1. Heb. 4. 12 13. and I that am Almighty and can do whatsoever
I please and so can destroy you if you rebel against me I have against thee call to mind therefore from whence thou art fallen so ch 3. 2 3. I have not found thy works perfect before God Remember therefore c. It is high time for us to remember and consider and to reflect and look back when such an one hath a quarrel with us and draws up a charge against us If it were an ering sinful Man that had against us we might suppose or suspect that he hath a quarrel against us out of hatred prejudice or mistake or we might think we need not fear or matter what he saith It might be a small thing with us to be judged of Men or of man's judgment 1 Cor. 4. 3. But he is a most excellent one in every consideration And therefore he may say as the Lord speaks to Job wilt thou also disanul my judgment wilt thou condemn me that thou mayest be Righteous Job 40. 18. Remember therefore 2. Or therefore may refer to the latter part of v. 4. To which after Remember from whence thou art fallen This expression from whence may signify unto us 1. From what degreee of love thou art fallen and so it answers to that v. 4. thou hast left thy first-love Remember this and so it may be needful and good to remember what efficacy the grace of God had upon us at first and how precious and pleasant then it was to us To Remember what was the blessedness that we then spake of Gal. 4. 17. Heb. 10. 32 34. How our hearts were reconciled to God enflamed with love to Christ how our hearts did even burn within us as Luke 24. 32. God remembers and makes known his remembrance of the first-love that it might be remembred by us Jer. 2. 1 3. But though this be a truth and needful it is for us to remember this yet also there may be somewhat else intended hereby which will also include this and which leads to the leaving the first love to wit 2. Remember from whence thou art fallen namely from the root principle and seed of thy first love that is to say from his first love and the manifestation thereof to wit the Abasement and sufferings of Christ declared in the Gospel in which is evidenced to us the love of God and that he is love 1 Joh. 4. 8 10. and whereby they were begotten to the love of him for every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God for God is love 1 Joh. 4. 7 9 14 16 19. Eph. 2. 2 4 5. This kindness and love of God to manward is the washing of regeneration or laver of the new-birth Tit. 3. 4 5. this love of God caused them to run well at first even to run unto Christ Gal. 3. 1. with ch 1. 6. and ch 5. 7. In the sufferings and cross of Christ God hath commended and doth wonderfully and unspeakably commend his love his first love to the World of Mankind God so loved the Word that he gave his only begotten Son Joh. 3. 16. Rom. 8. 32. God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us Rom. 5. 5 8. And herein the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ was admirably demonstrated in that he being rich for our sakes he became poor and he humbled himself and became obedient unto Death the Death of the Cross 2 Cor. 8. 9. Phil. 2. 6 8. And how joyful news was this when declared at first It is well called Gospel glad-tidings good-tidings of great joy to all people the glad-tidings of the Kingdom Luke 2. 10 11. and ch 8. 1. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the World to save Sinners 1 Tim. 1. 15. and that he was raised again for our Justification We declare unto you glad-tidings saith the Apostle How that the Promise which was made unto the Fathers God hath fulfilled the same in that he hath raised up Jesus again Acts 13. 32 33. And Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us and obtained into himself Eternal Redemption and all Spiritual Blessings Gal. 3. 13 14. Heb. 9. 12. Mat. 22. 3 4. and came and preached Peace to us who were afar off Eph. 2. 13 17. This believed turned their hearts to the Lord delivered them from their fears and a●frightening despairing thoughts and begat in them ●ervent love to him and then they said they would no more transgress but would walk before the Lord in the Land of the living and bethought themselves what they should render to him for all his benefits Ps 116. 8. c. Jer. 2. 20. But from hence they were fallen even from the mindfulness and believing consideration of his first love manifested in laying down his life and tasting Death by the Grace of God for every man Heb. 2. 9. And that this is the fundamental meaning of this from whence appears if we consider 1. That upon somewhat a like occasion and account a like Counsel is given to the Church of Sardis for the recovery thereof Our Lord exhorts and instructs that Angel and Church to remember how they had received and heard Rev. 3. 2 3. How not only the manner but matter also compare Luke 8. 18. with Mark 4. 24. Luke 10. 26. to signifie unto us that That Angel and Church had let slip and forgotten what was first delivered to them and received by them and that their forgetfulness thereof was the fundamental cause of their deadness and evil as here also it was And thereto Christ recalls them that they might strengthen the things that remain and were ready to dye See notes on Rev. 3. v. 3. 2. It so appears also if it be duly considered by us what this Counsel here given refers to namely the latter part of verse 4. as hath been said thou hast left thy first love remember therefore from whence thou hast fallen which hath occasioned and caused this abatement and lessening thereof there is some root-iniquity that hath caused this remission and decay of thy first love to him and that is thy forgetting his first love and the manifestation thereof So Rev. 3. 2 3. 3. It so appeareth also by this because he that loveth not in whole or in part knoweth not considereth not God for God is Love He minds not or le ts slip the consideration hereof that God is Charity and that herein is manifested the love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live thorow him 1 Joh. 4. 8 10. And on the other hand he that abideth in Christ in the believing mindfulness of his being manifested and the end thereof and his faithfulness to him that appointed him sinneth not misseth not his Mark erres not from his way 1 Joh. 3. 5 6 9. 3 Joh. 11. Whoso looketh into the perfect Law of Liberty and continueth therein
he is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work and shall be blessed in his Deed Jam. 1. 22 25. By this ye are saved to wit from Sins and Errours if ye hold fast what was preached unto you unless ye have believed in vain to wit how that Christ died for our Sins according to the Scriptures and was buried and rose again c. 1 Cor 15. 2 4. If that ye have heard from the beginning remain in you ye also shall continue in the Son and in the Father 1 Joh. 2. 24. By all which it appears that that from whence they were fallen was from the believing view and mindfulness of the Cross of Christ and his first love therein commended For as a Man cannot heartily love Christ till his love be known and believed so neither will there be a decay or abatement of the first love until there be some departure by an evil heart of unbelief from the Grace of Christ 2. We come to note some Instructions from this Branch of the Counsel As 1. In general we may note that when Christ's Churches or any particular Members thereof have left their first-love and fallen from and forgotten his Sufferings and his love therein commended yet he doth not presently forget them or their first-love to him or his first love to them but remembers that and them still and gives good Counsel to them while it is called to day Jer. 2. 1 3 31 32. and ch 3. 1. He calls upon them to return to him from whom they have fallen by their iniquities Hos 14. 1 4. Rev. 3. 1 3 15 19. He still waits upon such that he may be gracious unto them Isay 30. 8 18. Hos 11. 4 8. though his well-pleased delightful love towards them should cease or fail yet while it is the day of his Grace and Patience while they are joyned to all the living his compassions fail not Lam. 3. 22 23. His Charity never faileth 1 Cor. 13. 8. He is good for his Mercy endureth for ever Ps 106. 1 3. Hence it is that he giveth good and needful Counsel to such as these 2. More particularly from hence we may note and observe 1. That those that have been begotten thorow Christ's Cross and his love therein commended as declared in the Gospel unto the unfeigned and fervent love of him may fall from their first and former high esteeming and prizing of that precious Blood and first love they may forget it and forget how precious it was to them when it was at first proclaimed unto them and seen and believed by them Thus we may see in our Types of old how much and how oft did the Church of God in former times forget their deliverance out of Egypt which was a Type of Christ's redeeming us by his Blood in which God's love was commended to them They soon forgat his works and his wonders that he had shewed them Ps 78. 7 11. They remembred not the multitude of his Mercies they soon forgat his works they waited not for his Counsel They soon forgat God their Saviour which had done great things in Egypt wondrous things in the Land of Ham Ps 106. 7 13 21 22. Of the Rock that begat them they were unmindful and forgat God that formed them Deut. 32. 18. Hos 13. 4 6. and ch 14. 1. And this is written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the World are come Heb. 3. 7 14. And how guilty of forgetting the preciousness of the Blood of Christ and Grace therein commended were the Churches of Galatia Gal. 3. 1. with ch 1. 6. and ch 4. 15 17. with v. 11 and ch 5. 2 4. Heb. 2. 1 3. 2 Pet. 1. 9. And indeed the Churches and particular believers thorow their listening to and siding with that Sin that dwelleth in them are apt so to do and too oft do so when they are come to some rest peace and excellent ornaments hence such admonitions and intimations are given in such a consideration Deut. 6. 10 12. Beware lest when thou hast eaten and art full that then thine heart be lifted up and thou forget the Lord thy God which brought thee forth out of the Land of Egypt Deut. 8. 11 14. Jesurun waxed fat and kicked thou art waxed fat thou art grown thick thou art covered then ●e forsook God which made him and lightly esteemed the Rock of his Salvation Deut. 32. 13 15. After they had rest they did evil before thee c. Neh. 9 28. They were filled and their heart was exalted therefore have they forgotten me Hos 13. 4 6. Rev. 3. 17 20. Judg. 3. 11 12. and 5. 31. and ch 6. 1. Ezek. 16. 4 7 10 14 15 16. Vse 1. Examine we our selves whether we be not also guilty of this great and root-iniquity are we not saying when we hear the first things of the Gospel and God's love therein declared as they did Behold what a weariness is it And ye have snuffed at it saith the Lord of Hosts Mal. 1. 13. Do we not say in our hearts The Table of the LORD is polluted and the fruit thereof even his meat is contemptible Mal. 1. 12. or like them Numb 11. 5 6. 2. Seeing we may and are too apt to forget the precious Blood of Christ and preciousness thereof and his first love therein commended it shews unto us that we need to be oft put in remembrance thereof by the Ministers of Jesus Christ 1 Tim. 2. 4 7. But to this after 2. We may further note that the forgetting the preciousness of Christ's Cross and the love therein demonstrated as declared in the Gospel is the cause of our departure from Christ and leaving of our first-love to him This appears by the reference this hath to the former verse thou hast left thy first-love remember therefore c. Thus in former times this is rendred as the cause of Israel's many evils their forgetfulness of God's wondrous works as it is said How oft did they provoke him in the Wilderness and grieve him in the desart yea they turned back and tempted God and limited the Holy one of Israel They remembred not his hand nor the day when he delivered them from the Enemy Ps 78. 40 42. c. and 81. 6 8 10. Jer. 2. 31 33. His first love was that as we have seen which did beget love in them unto him it is the ●corruptible seed And therefore the forgetting and falling from this in any measure is the cause and reason of our want or decay of love to him Were this kept in hearty mindfulness we should be preserved from such decrease or abatement of love 1 Cor. 15. 1 3. Christ is the living Bread that came down from Heaven If any Man eat of this Bread he shall live for ever and the Bread which he will give is his Flesh which now he hath given for the Life of the World Joh. 6. 51 56 58. 3. The way and means to recover such as
1 Pet. 1. 17. And therefore 2. Flatter we not our selves as if because we are made so nigh unto him and so favoured and priviledged by him he would not thus come unto us but let us wisely consider his dealings with his people in former times for they are written for our admonition And every one that hath an ear is called upon to hear what the spirit saith unto the Churches See v. 7. 17 29. and ch 3. v. 6. 22. 3. Make we haste and delay not to turn unto him when we we have backslidden from him Ps 119. 59 66. Mat. 5. 25. and ch 24. ●● 2. We have the end of his coming declared to us and ther●●n the Judgment directly threatned And will remove thy candlestick out of his place That is to say 1. He would take away their fellowship in the Gospel and break their Church in pieces so as there should be no longer a Church in Ephesus A candlestick is a Church as is before declared to us like that complained of bewailed in former times He hath violently taken away his Tabernacle as it were of a garden he hath destroyed his places of the assembly The Lord hath caused the solemn feasts and sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion Lam. 2. 6. he would so break them in pieces that there should not be a cluster left Mica 7. 1. either by taking away those that were more upright among them and so or otherwise scattering them one from another and causing them that were left to sit alone because of his hand as Jer. 15. 17. like that the anger or the face of the Lord hath divided them Lam. 4. 16. and thus he would deal with them in Testimony of displeasure to the Angel also as well as to the Church more generally and to others among whom they were set Eccles 4. 10 12. he would even take away the hedge thereof and it should be eaten up and break down the wall thereof and it should be trodden down and so make way for the wild beasts to come in amongst them Isay 5. 1 4. with Ps 80. 12 13. 2. He would take away the light of the Gospel from them so as they should not have it amongst them as hitherto they had had he would take away the Kingdom of God from them and his word and ordinances as he threatned to do and did at last with the Church of Israel because they rejected Christ and put away the word of God from them Mat. 21. 41 43. Acts 13. 46. The candlestick is the place in which the light is set and by removing the former he would deprive them also of the latter and take away from them those gifts and that knowledge that had been vouchsafed to them and not improved by them as our saviour saith From him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath Mat. 13. 12. The talent or talents might be taken away from the Angel and that in testimony of displeasure not to himself only but unto them also Mat. 25. 29. and so he would deprive them of those helps that formerly they had had And even send a famine amongst them of hearing the words of the Lord and command the clouds that they rain no rain upon them even shut the mouths of his ministers so as they should no longer prophesy unto them Amos 8. 11 12. Isay 5. 6. Ezek. 3. 25 26. Micah 2. 6. 3. And as the consequent and concomitant of both the former he also himself would depart from them and not dwell and walk in and amongst them For he is and walketh in the midst of the Golden candlesticks v. 1. Exod. 20. 24. Mat. 18. 20. But when the candlestick is removed and taken away then he would be gone and leave them also according to that Be thou instructed O Jerusalem lest my soul depart from thee c. Jer. 6. 8. And then nothing but cause of lamen●ation mourning and woe will follow as he saith to his people in former times Woe also unto them when I depart from them and for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of my house I will love them no more Hos 9. 12 15. He will go far off from them Ezek. 8. 6. J●r 23. 33 39. he will forsake his house and leave his heritage and give the dearly beloved of his soul into the hands of her enemies Jer 12. 7 8 9. Now in that he so severely threatneth this Angel and Church and that on the account before spoken to so he signifieth unto us 1. That it is a very great and provoking iniquity to leave our first love to Jesus Christ and to withdraw or abate in our affection to him and so in some measure to forsake him Thus when the Lord is declaring to Jerusalem that he remembers the kindness of their youth the love of their espousals and signifying that now they had left that he thus expresseth the heynousness of that Iniquity which was the root of their other evils Be astonished O ye heavens at this and be horribly afraid be ye very desolate saith the Lord c. Jer. 2. 2 3 12 13. Mat. 10. 37 38. So again he saith Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful and hast forgotten God that formed thee and when the Lord saw it he abhorred them because of the provoking of his sons and of his daughters Deut. 32. 15. 18 19. So here he gives us to understand how provoking an evil it is to him to leave the first love and let slip the principle thereof by the judgments he threateneth to execute upon them so persisting and how many good things soever otherwise there were with them 2. In that he saith I will remove thy candlestick So he intimates to us that he can righteously unchurch his churches and cast them out of his house for their evils and love them no more Hos 9. 15. he can abhor his sons and daughters and cast them off because of their provokings Deut. 32. 19 23. he is not tied to their persous but if they forsake him he will also forsake them 2 Chron. 15. 2. It is a faithful saying if we deny him he also will deny us 2 Tim. 2. 11 13. see how he dealt with his people in former times Behold Israel after the flesh because of unbelief they are broken off and thou standest by faith be not high minded but fear behold therefore the goodness and severity of God on them which fell severity but towards thee goodness if thou continue in his goodness otherwise thou also shall be cut off saith the Apostle to the Church at Rome Jer. 7. 3 12. Ps 78. 57 61. 1 Sam. 4. 7 11. Rom. 11. 20 21. Mat. 21. 41 4. 3. In that he threatneth this as a judgment and severe testimony of his displeasure so it may instruct us That it is a great mercy blessing and advantage to have his Church and candlestick continued in a place and to have his
to judge righteous Judgment and not to think they are most or best beloved of the Lord to whom he gives most of the good things of this World 3. To comfort them in this their tribulation and Poverty he saith I know thy tribulation and Poverty even I who was dead In which expression is included and contained his whole abasement humiliation and sufferings as hath been said on ch 1. 18. As if he should say I have my self been a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief Isay 53. 1 5. I my self have suffered being tempted and have been in all points tempted like unto you yet without sin and therefore I can be touched with the feeling of your Infirmities and am able to succour such as are temped And am a merciful and faithful High-priest Heb. 2. 17 18. and ch 3. 1 2. and 4 15 16. And I have been poor also Foxes have holes and the Birds of the ayre nests but the Son of Man had not whereon to lay his head Mat. 8. 20. so poor that he was ministred unto by others Mark 15. 41. I who was rich for your sakes became poor 2 Cor. 8. 9. I know your sorrows and know the heart of those that are in tribulation and Poverty for I also have been compassed about with such afflictions and exercises Exod. 3. 7. and ch 23. 9. In all your afflictions I have been afflicted and therefore I know how to pity you and to sympathize with you Isay 63. 9. Ps 103. 13 15. he knows troubles and trials by experience as Gen. 30. 27. he is no stranger to these things and can therefore be compassionate unto those who are in such a condition To the end then you may run with patience the race se● before you look unto Jesus who for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame c. Heb. 12. 1 2 3. And I am alive And so have overcome and abolished death so as there is no hurt therein nor in any tribulations or Poverties which are ordered to you nothing now in them to separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus 2 Tim. 1. 9 10. Rom. 8. 34 39. And I have all power given unto me both in Heaven a●d in earth Mat. 28. 18. I am alive to comfort you in all your tribulations and poverties which ye endure 2 Cor. 1. 3 5. to comfort all that mourn to appoint to them that mourn in Zion to give unto them beauty for ashes the oyl of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness Isay 61. 1 3. I am alive to protect you and preserve you in all your afflictions tribulations and to provide for you and dispense to you in all your Poverties and necessities for the earth is mine and the fullness thereof Gen. 15. 1. 1 Cor. 10. 26 28. And to deliver you out of all your griefs and sorrows in due time I know how to deliver the godly out of temptation for I have the keys of Hell and Death 2 Pet. 2. 9. Rev. 1. 18. And to cause all to work together for good to them that love God and keep his commandments Rom. 8. 28. These things he now propounds to sets before them thus he describes himself that they might consider him see the notes before on ch 1. v 17. and 18. But thou art rich Those that are in tribulation and poverty may be rich now rich even when they are in poverty and tribulation not only they shall be so hereafter but thou art rich Rich in faith the poor of this World may be and heirs of the Kingdom which God hath promised to them that love him Jam. 2. 5. they that are as having nothing may yet by faith be possessing all things 2 Cor. 6. 10. They who with the heart believe in Jesus Christ are rich and inriched with that gold which is tried in the fire Rev. 3. 18. they have received Christ and he is theirs and with him God gives all things also freely Rom. 8. 32. Thus these Smyrnians were rich in faith they had in and with Christ riches of mercy they were vessels of mercy who had received the forgiveness of their sins thorow his name Rom. 9. 23. Eph. 1. 7. they had riches of righteousness Prov. 11. 4. Riches of wisdom and understanding Prov. 3. 12 18. and ch 8. 9 10 17 20. Col. 2. 2 3. the unsearchable riches of Christ Eph. 3. 8 9. yea all things were theirs 1 Cor. 3. 21 23. what an encouragment is this to endure whatever is ordered to us we are apt to be thinking that if we should heartily ●leave to and follow after Christ we should certainly be undone and brought to sufferings and poverty here and therefore we are ready to be discouraged from coming after him Well though it be so yet thou mayest and shall be rich with true riches now and for ever in following him in the regeneration thou shalt have him who hath all and he will enrich thee with better riches then any of these uncertain ones with a bettter and enduring substance and the knowledg and belief hereof or this known and believed would cause thee to take joyfully the spoiling of thy goods Heb. 10. 32 34. nay indeed afflictions and Poverty are theirs also Rom. 8. 28. tribulations and necessities for Christ's sake are and are to be esteemed great riches By faith Moses esteemed the reproach of or for Christ greater riches then all the treasures of Aegypt Heb. 11. 24 26. Our light afflictions saith the Apostle which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory 2 Cor. 4. 16 18. Hence our Saviour said to his disciples Blessed be ye poor for yours is the Kingdom of God Blessed are ye that weep now for ye shall laugh Blessed are ye when Men shall hate you and when they shall separate you and reproach you and cast out your names as evil for the Son of Mans sake rejoyce ye in that day and leap for joy for behold your reward is great in Heaven Luke 6. 20 23. Mark 10. 28 29. 1 Pet. 4. 12 15. Ps 56. 8 9. Not only life is their's but death and all afflictions also 1 Cor. 3. 21 23. And he will never leave them nor forsake them Heb. 13. 5 6. Ps 84. 10 12. And hereafter they shall inherit all things Oh how may this strengthen us to all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness I know thy tribulation and poverty but thou art rich now in this day the cup the portion he gives to his people is full of mixture they are now as it were in a compound condition As deceivers and yet true As unknown and yet known as dying and behold they live as sorrowful yet always rejoycing as poor yet making many rich as having nothing and yet possessing all things 2 Cor. 6. 8 10. now quivering and trembling as with respect to the outward man and yet
already so he intimates to us that Satan and his Instruments more generally and more particularly false teachers would pluck away Christ's Gospel from us if possibly they could Mat. 13. 19. Luke 8. 12. Acts 13. 8 10. ●need therefore we have to take fast hold of Instruction and not let it go to keep it for it is our life and to hold it fast till he come that being faithful unto death we may in due season receive the Crown of Life Prov. 4. 13. and ch 7. 1 5. See the notes on Chap. 3. Verse 3. and Verse 11. Verse 26. And he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end to him will I give power over the Nations In this Verse and the two following we have great and gracious promises propounded to and set before this and the rest of the Churches and which every one that hath an Ear is called upon to hear Wherein consider we 1. The subject of that which is here and afterwards promised 2. That which is promised and assured unto every such an one 1. The subject of that which is here and afterwards promised And he that overcometh See the notes before on Verse 7. and on Chap. 3. Verse 5. And keepeth my words unto the end His Work is honourable and glorious and his Righteousness endureth for ever He hath made his wonderful works to be remembred Psal 111. 2 3 4. The works of Christ which are to be kept by us unto the end are 1. The works which he hath wrought and accomplished for us in his own personal body which the Father prepared for him his personal abasement and sufferings wherein he humbled himself and became obedient unto death the death of the cross Phil. 2. 6 8. of which he saith as to his suffering work on earth I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do Joh. 17. 4. and whereby he hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us Gal. 3. 13. purged away the guilt of our first sin and sinfulness from before the presence of God Heb. 1. 3. 1 Joh. 3. 5. Abolished and overcome that first death which was the wages of that first sin and sinfulness and delivered us in himself from it 1 Cor. 15. 57. 2 Tim. 1. 10. 2 Cor. 1. 10. and hath destroyed him that had the power of death that is the Devil For this purpose was the Son of God manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil and he hath done the work which the Father sent him to do he hath bound the strong Man cast out the prince of this world Heb. 2. 14. 1 Joh. 3. 8. Joh. 12. 31. he hath taken out of the way all that was in it contrary to us Oh that Men would praise the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the Children of Men For he hath broken the gates of brass and cut the bars of iron in sunder Ps 107. 15 16. and he hath by his blood in the vertue whereof he is raised again obtained eternal redemption Heb. 9. 12. a restoration of our nature in his person into the image of God and so into perfect innocency integrity and immortality and into dominion over the works of God's hands and recovered our loss into himself having obtained for us the forgiveness of our personal sins Acts 13. 38 39. brought in everlasting righteousness Dan. 9. 24. Ps 98. 1 3 4. received the immeasurable fulness of the Spirit that he might bring forth judgment to us Gentiles Joh. 3. 24. Isay 42. 1. and ch 11. 1 3. and is possessed of eternal life in our nature for Man-kind 1 Joh. 5. 10 11. In him God hath blessed us with all Spiritual blessings in Heavenly things In whom it hath pleased the Father that all fulness should dwell Eph. 1. 3. Col. 1. 19. and ch 2. 6 10. These works which he hath wrought accomplished for us should always be kept in memory by us that we might be glad thorow his work and triumph in the works of his hands in which his loving-kindness is wonderfully manifested to us Ps 92. 1 4 5. and 40. 5 8. and 118. 22 25. 2. And the works which he is now doing both in Heaven with the Father for us in which he is the one and only mediatour between God and Men making intercession for transgressors 1 Tim. 2. 5. Isay 53. 12. and ever liveth to make intercession for them that come to God by him as their advocate Heb. 7. 24 25. and ch 9. 14 15. 1 Joh. 2. 1 2. And what he is doing from Heaven in the name of the Father and fulness of the anointing of the holy Spirit to us as a Testimony of God's goodness to all Men in their proper seasons and ages And as the Apostle of the Believers profession 1 Tim. 2. 6. Heb. 3. 1. 3. And what he will do hereafter viz. give rewards to his Servants the Prophets and to his Saints and them that fear his name small and great and destroy them that destroy and corrupt the earth Rev. 11. 17 18. Isay 45. 16 17. 23 25. These are to be held fast and kept in faith and hope and to be rejoyced in at all times by us And he that doth truth cometh to the light that his works may be made manifest that they are wrought in God Joh. 3. 21. Isay 26. 12. and these works of his are to be kept in our mouths and to be declared to others also that they knowing them may come unto him and put their trust under the shadow of his wings accoring to that Give thanks unto the Lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the people sing unto him sing Psalms unto him talk of all his wondrous works 1 Chron. 16. 8 9. Ps 105. 1 5. declare among the people his doings Ps 9. 11. and 77. 12. Isay 12. 14. And also by Christ's works are meant what he worketh and effecteth in us by his Gospel the work of Faith and labour of love and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ c. 1 Thes 1. 3 5 6. for the Gospel being heartily received worketh effectually in them that believe 1 Thes 2. 13. he it is that worketh all our works in us and perfects what concerns us even by his Gospel which is the power of God to salvation to every one that believeth Isay 26. 12. Ps 138. 8. with Rom. 1. 16. his works even these works of his also are to be held fast by us to the end until we come to lay down our lives Mat. 10. 22. that we may dye in the Faith Heb. 11. 13. Rev. 14. 13. Now herein is intimated and signified to us 1. That the works of Christ as declared in and effected by his Gospel may be kept by us unto the end notwithstanding all opposition whatsoever for he is faithful by whom we have been called to the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord 1 Cor. 1. 8 9. 1
thou art dead thou art wandred out of the way of understanding and so thou art and remainest among the congregation of the dead Prov. 21. 16. thou hast in a great measure lost that living and useful knowledge that good understanding of Jesus Christ and the excellency of his cross and the love of God therein commended which sometimes thou hadst and blindness is happened to thee in part and in a great measure also they were become blind 2 Pet 1. 9. and had not such knowledge of God as formerly they had had which was a shame for them 1 Cor. 15. 34. Thou art dead under condemnation by walking after the flesh ●h● wisdome and ducture thereof thou art carnally-minded savouring thine own things thine own name praise esteem works of righteousness and to be carnally-minded is death Rom. 8. 1 6. Thou hast been living after the flesh however after the refined and more goodly and beautiful part thereof the desires of the mind after thine own wisdom good-doings reputation vain-glory and so art become dead Rom. 8. 13. Gal. 5. 24 26. and so thou art fallen under the wrath and displeasure of God Jam. 4. 4 6. whose wrath is as messengers of death to thee Prov. 16. 14. There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8. 1. But thou art not walking in and after the Spirit but after the flesh and so art under reproof and condemnation Gal. 5. 24 25. Rev. 3. 2 3. Thou art dead though thou appearest to live by Faith yet indeed thou art fallen under the law under the power and dominion thereof and so thy conscience is defiled and pollutted with dead and unprofitable works Heb. 6. 1. and ch 9. 14. thou hast forgotten and let slip what thou didst receive and hear at first and which was so precious pleasant and satisfying to thee how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures v 3. with 1 Cor. 15. 1 4. and how hereby he hath finished the transgression and made an end of sins and is making reconciliation for iniquity and hath brought in everlasting righteousness Dan 9. 24. yea that in him all things are actually prepared and made ready before thou wast invited to come to him Luke 14. 17. and all things pertaining to life and godliness to be received thorow the knowledge and Faith of him 2 Pet. 1. 3. and therefore instead of believing that thou mayst be justified sanctified conformed to him and so made meet for the inheritance Gal. 1. 15 16. Acts 26. 18. thou art seeking to attain righteousness by thy wisdom or as it were by the works of the law Rom. 9. 31 32 and 10. 1 4. and art under the law in thy mind and conscience which is the ministration of death 2 Cor. 3. 7. Gal. 5. 18. And canst no otherwise look up to God joy in him or approach with boldness to him but according to thine own law-services thy works and righteousness though thou didst receive the Spirit by the hearing of ●aith and not by the works of the law yet now thou art become so foolish having begun in the spirit thou wouldest be made perfect by the flesh Gal. 3. 1 5 12. thou art seeking the life and living of thine own hands Isay 57. 10 12. and having forgotten the precious blood of Christ or the preciousness thereof and love therein commended v. 3. thou art intangled with the yoke of bondage and art seeking to be justified by the law and Christ is in too great a measure become of none effect to thee Gal. 5. 1 4. thou dost not now wait thorow the Spirit for the hope of righteousness by Faith thou hast not now such rejoycing in Christ such tastes of his graciousness such confidence in him and confident dependance upon him and God in and thorow him as when thou dist keep in memory the word of the beginning of Christ 1 Cor. 15. 1 2. Gal 4. 15. Thou art dead hast no living affection to him as formerly nor zeal for him and for glorifying him unto others nor readiness and resolution to suffer shame and persecution for his sake and for the Gospel nor such love unto Men and Brethren And though thou hast works yet they are not perfect before God not the works of Faith but rather the works of the Law Jam. 2. 14 26. 1 Cor. 13. 3. Now here we may note 1. That they that have a name that they live they that have a same and report amongst others and whose renown is gone forth for their beauty knowledge Faith zeal vertue c. may yet be dead and withered and be far off from being such manner of persons as others report them to be not only may they be greatly mistaken who commend themselves and think themselves to be something when they are nothing Gal. 6. 3. as was Laodicea which said I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing And mean time was wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked and knew it not v. 17. 2 Cor. 10. 18. But they may be dead and withered and their moisture ●urned into the draught of summer of whom others speak highly and honourably Luke 6. 26. and ch 16. 15. Matt. 23. and ch 6. 2. Yea they that have a name amongst the Churches that they live such as are very renowned amongst them and ●amous in the Congregation of the Lord as Numb 16. 2. may yet be dead They the Churches and Angels thereof may be mistaken and deceived in those they think and speak so highly and honourably of and therefore as it may be a small thing with us to be judged of Men or of Man's day in General So it should be in particular a small thing with us to be justified praised and commended of others of our Brethren of our Teachers for the seven Spirits of God are not on them and they may be mistaken But let every one of us prove our own works and then shall we have our rejoycing in our selves alone and not in another or in others not in their good thoughts esteems or commendations of us 1 Cor. 4. 4. Gal. 6. 3 4. And let us not content our selves though we have a good report of all Men unless we have it of the truth also of Christ in his Gospel 3 Joh. 12. For 3. Such as these who are highly approved and commended by others and by the Angels and Churches also may yet be disapproved of and reproved and threatned by Christ that which is highly esteemed amongst Men may be an abomination in the sight of God Luke 16. 15. Christ hath the seven spirits of God and he is thereby quick of understanding Isay 11. 1 3. he seeth not as a Man seeth for Man looketh on the outward appearance but he looks on the heart ●nd so may refuse whom
in heart Mat. 11. 28 29. Oh how many evils of theirs doth he thorow his love overlook and pass by Who is so blind as this Servant of God's or deaf as the Messinger whom ●e ●ath sent Isay 42. 2 3 19 20. Prov. 10. 12. with 1 Cor. 13. 4. And they are instructed and exhorted to account that the long-suffering of our Lord exercised towards them also is Salvation to wit that they● may so receive and retain the love of the truth that they may be saved thereby from their sins and vanities and so be saved from Wrath the Wrath to come thorow him 2 Pet. 3. 15. with 2 Thes 2. 10. and 1 Thes 1. 10. And with what patience is he instructing them though they are dull of hearing and unteachable untractable ones and doth not presently leave them nor is weary of well-doing towards them and thorow him God his Father is a God of patience towards unworthy ones Rom. 3. 25. and ch 15. 5. 3. It is called the word of his patience because it effect such-like patience in them in that receive it to purpose as is found in him even the patience of Jesus Christ See notes on ch 1. v. 9. It effects in them a patient continuance in well doing Rom. 2. 7. Luke 8. 15. Continuing in the Faith grounded and setled and not being moved from the hope of the Gospel 1 Cor. 15. 58. Col. 1. 22 23. and in bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit Gal. 6. 9. and seeking the good of others 2 Tim. 2. 23 25. And to that end being patient towards all Men 1 Thes 5. 14 15. and also it effects in them patience in enduring afflictions even laying aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset them to run with patience the race set before them Heb. 12. 1. In patience possessing their Souls whatever trials or afflictions they meet withal not being moved thereby to take offence at Christ or at his Gospel not fretting against them who are Instruments of evil to them Luke 21. 19. Ps 37. 1 7 8. and patience in waiting for his Salvation Jam. 5. 7. and this Gospel is effecting this patience in the hearty believer thereof 1. By setting before them the great endurings and sufferings of Jesus Christ and his patience therein hence it is called the patience of Jesus as is before said Rev. 1. 9. So the Apostle when he exhorts the Believers to run with patience the race set before them instructs them to this end to look unto Jesus who for the joy set before him endured the Cross despising the shame c. To consider him who endured such contradiction of Sinners against himself lest they should be wearied and faint in their minds Heb. 12. 1 3. And the Apostle James also directs to his patience in suffering that the Believers might imitate him saying ye have condemned and killed the ●ust and he doth not resist you Be patient therefore Brethren unto the coming of the Lord Jam. 5. 6 7. If we do well and suffer for it and take it patiently this is acceptable with God for even hereunto we were called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that we should follow his steps 1 Pet. 2. 20 21 22. 2. By shewing to us and directing us into the love of God manifested in sending his Son the Saviour of the World This way is the Gospel effecting patience in us having access into the Grace of God we rejoyce in tribulations also Knowing that tribulation worketh patience because the love of God is shed abroad in our ●earts by the holy Spirit for while we were yet without strength in due time Christ died for the Vngodly Rom. 5. 2 5 6. Hence the Apostle thus prays The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ 2 Thes 3. 5. And this love this first love of God known and believed frames the heart to the love to the perfect and sincere love of God which casts out of us all fear which hath torment helping us to judge and be perswaded God intends our good in all he is ordering and so frames us to and begets patience in us 1 Joh. 4. 16 19. with 1 Tim. 6. 11. And his love effects charity in us towards Men and Brethren and so leads us to be patient towards all Hence the Apostle saith to Timothy thou hast known my Charity Patience c. 2 Tim. 3. 10. Tit. 2. 2. 3. And this word is effecting patience in us and doth operate and effect it in the hearty believer thereof by propounding and setting before us the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Tit. 2. 10 13. Hence it is called the patience of hope of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Thes 1. 3. And if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience tarry fo● i● Rom. 8. 24 25. To this purpose the Apostle James speaks be patient Brethren unto the coming of the Lord Behold the Husband-man waiteth for the precious fruit of the Earth and hath long patience for it until he receive the early and latter Rain Be ye also patient for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh Jam. 5. 7 8. Ps 37. 7 11. 2 Pet. 1. 4 ● were we more rejoycing in hope we should be more patient in tribulation Rom. 5. 1 3. and ch 12. 12. 2 Cor. 4. 14 18. This was that word of Christs patience which they had kept and for the keeping whereof Christ commends them and sets such encouragement before them 2. We have a gracious promise and blessed encouragement propounded and made to this Angel and Church I also will keep thee from the hou● of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the Earth Wherein let us a little enquire and consider 1. From what he promises to keep them from the hour of temptation 2. The extent of this hour Which shall come upon all the World 3. The end of its coming To try them that dwell upon the Earth 1. From what he promises to keep them From the hour of temptation Now this hour of temptation may either signifie 1. A time of great tribulation and persecution for the Gospels sake which was ere long to ensue under the Roman Emperours So whereas in one Evangelist it is said when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word by and by they are offended It is thus rendred by another In time of temptation they fall away signifying to us that a time of persecution for the Gospel is a time of temptation Compare Mat. 13. 21. with Luke 8. 13. So such a time is called A fiery trial 1 Pet. 4. 12. and trial of cruel mockings and scourgings Heb. 11. 36. And the Apostle Paul speaking of the afflictions he endured from the Jews calls them temptations Acts 20. 19. And our Lord makes use of this word when he speaks of all the
the defiling his Sanctuary when persons are serving their Idols and sowing to the Flesh and yet come the same day into his Sanctuary and appear to take delight in approaching to him as if they were delivered to do those abominations Or as if the Grace of God heard and in some measure received by them gave them encouragement to serve Sin or follow their vanities from which indeed it comes to redeem them and to that purpose brings Salvation to all men Ezek. 23. 38 39. Jer. 7. 9 11. Tit. 2. 11 12. Oh how lothsome displeasing and provoking is this to him who hath deserved so well at our hands that we should be for him only and give him and none other our loves and who loves truth in the inward parts he well knows not how to bear with or endure such evil and unkind requitals or to away with such a lothsome temper as is that of lukewarmness to him And so much he gives us to understand in what follows Verse 16. So then because thou art Lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I will spue thee out of my mouth In this sharp rebuke and threatning the faithful and true witness signifieth to us the loathsomeness and unbearableness of this temper or distemper of theirs unto himself It was such and so grievous to him that he could not away with it though they were not cold but there was still some form of Godliness and Profession of Religion upon them they seemed to be religious and made mention of the God of Israel and called themselves of the Holy City and stayed themselves upon the God of Israel yet this was not in truth nor in Righteousness as Isay 48. 1 2. Their Religion was vain and they more odious in this condition to him than if they had been quite cold like that Isay 1. 11 16. To what purpose is the multitude of your Sacrifices to me saith the Lord I am full of the Burnt-offerings of Rams When you come to appear before me who hath required this at your hands to tread m● Courts Bring no more Vain Oblations Incense is an abomination to me The new Moons and Sabbaths the calling of Assemblies I cannot away with it is Iniquity or grief even the solemn meeting Your new Moons and your appointed Feasts my Soul hateth they are a burden to me I am weary to bear them And when you spread forth your hands I will hide mine Eyes from you yea when you make many prayers I will not hear you your hands are full of Blood Like whereto also is that Amos 5. 12 21 27. This was greatly provoking to him that they were so lukewarm and did not buy the truth with a parting with their Abominations and Idols So here he threatneth he will spue them out of his Mouth because they were lukewarm A Metaphor taken from lukewarm meat that is displeasing and burthensome to the Stomach or rather from lukewarm water which is loathsome and offensive and causeth vomiting And it is as if he should say I will abhor you and cast you out and you shall be cut off from my Congregation I will not keep you in my mouth to plead for you or to speak a good word for you but you shall be cut off from among my people and Churches Your temper is so loathsome and grievous to me that it were more bearable to me you did not tread my courts at all You had better never profess to wait upon me than under that profession to hide and keep close and make provision for your sins and Idols he that killeth an ox is as he slew a Man he that sacrificeth a Lamb as if he cut off a dogs neck he that offereth an oblation as if he offered swines blood he that burneth incense as if he blessed an Idol while Men chuse their own ways and their Soul delighteth in their abominations Isay 66. 3. Ezek. 14. 3 11. and therefore he threatneth to abhor them and vomit them out of his mouth unless they did receive timely admonition and repent v. 19. Lev. 18. 25 28. In which he signifieth to us 1. That his Churches and People are especially in his Mouth as they are in his heart to love them and to delight in them and in his hand to hide protect and defend them from their Enemies and from all evil so also in his mouth he takes up their names into his Lips and makes intercession for them especially Ps 16. 3 4. Heb. 7. 25. yea though they are lukewarm and are thereby become offensive and loathsome in their temper yet he doth not presently reject them but pleads for them as his Church and that they may be so continued he hates putting away from this nighness Mal. 2. 16. he is slow to anger and it is his work his strange work his act his strange act to cast such forth out of his house and vomit them up and therefore he saith not I have spued thee out of my mouth but I will do it namely if they did still so abide and persist He remembers for such the kindness of their youth the love of their espousals when they have forsaken him the Fountain of living Waters and hewed to themselves Cisterns broken Cisterns that can hold no water and when they have forgotten him days without number Jer. 3. 2 13 32. This Church of Laodicea was not always in this sad and abominable condition but it was sometimes hot and ●ervent and was so taken with Christ and his love and loveliness that the Apostle Paul did joyfully behold their order in first seeking the Kingdom of God and its Righteousness and the stedfastness of their Faith and therefore this exhorts them as ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk in him rooted and built up in him and stablished in the Faith as ye have been taught c. Col. 2. 6 7. Christ was so precious to them that thorow their beholding belief of and delight in his preciousness they were made a Church of his and called out of the state condition and good fellowship of the World into him and unto fellowship with him and were bottomed and built upon him and begotten by him to a lively hope of his mercy and this still Christ remembreth and for such he maketh Intercession though they are become unlovely and unpleasant till they are put out of his house yea when they have fitted themselves for being cast out such is the graciousness of this faithful and true witness that he interposed himself for them whi●e and as it may be for their good that further patience and forbearance may be exercised towards them and further means used that they may in the light and strength of his grace recover themselves and turn unto him from whom they have revolted and backsliden So when the Lord of the vineyard came three yeers seeking fruit on the figtree that was planted in his vineyard and found none and was so greatly incensed that he gave order
the Soul cannot be good Prov. 19. 2. Hence he instructs us to cry after knowledge and to lift up our voice for understanding Prov. 2. 1 2 3 6. and calls upon all the ends of the earth to look unto him and be saved Isay 45. 22. and ch 65. 1 2. Thus I have briefly put down somewhat of that which is more fully largely and distinctly spoken unto on this v. 18. in the Treatise caled Needful counsel and desire that may be more minded and diligently considered by them that have it in their hands Verse 19. As many as I love I rebuke and chasten Be zealous therefore and repent This is that which the Amen the faithful and true witness adds after he had faulted threatned and given wholesome and Needful counsel to this Angel and Church The Lord will not cast off for ever but though he cause grief yet he will have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies For he doth not afflict willingly or from his heart nor grieve the Children of Men Lam. 3. 31 33. though for their iniquity he was wroth and smote them he hid himself and was wroth and they went on frowardly in the way of their heart yet though he saw their ways he healed and restored comforts unto them Isay 57. 16 18. he thus speaks to these that they might not faint in their sighing and say there is no hope he hath forgotten to be gracious Therefore to preserve or deliver them from such-like thoughts or conclusions he acquaints them with the graciousness of his heart toward them and shews his loathness with their destruction and that it was in love to their Souls he had been so chiding and chastening them even as he said to his people in former times In one place I will cast them out of mine house I will love no more In another and afterwards he thus speaks to them How shall I give thee up Ephraim how shall I deliver thee Israel how shall I make thee as Admah my heart is turned within me my repentings are kindled together c. Hos 9. 15. and ch 11. 4 8 9. see also Jer. 31. 18 19 20. So he now acquaints this Angel and Church that it was his love to them that led him to be reproving them for their evils and threatning to cast them out of his mouth and that he had a gracious end towards them herein And that we might know and consider that in love and faithfulness he convinces us of and rebukes us for our follies and wandrings Now in this verse we have to consider 1. An assertion or affirmation of the faithful and true witness As many as I love I rebuke and chasten 2. Good and wholsome counsel and exhortation given unto them from the former Be zealous therefore and repent 1. An assertion or affirmation of the faithful and true witness wherein consider we 1. The subjects concerning whom he speaks As many as I love who are they 1. Generally all Mankind with a love of pity and compassion while it is called to day and this he hath undeniably-manifested in his great abasement and sufferings for them herein perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us 1 Joh. 3. 16. The love of Christ was and is for ever herein commended and demonstrated and herein to be discerned because this one this single and singular person died for all even for all of Mankind who were dead condemned to dye and dead in sins and trespasses 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. Tit. 3. 3 4. and therefore and therethorow all nations and peoples are called upon to praise him Because his merciful kindness is great toward them Ps 117. 1 2. and he that seeth the Son seeth the Father also Joh. 12. 45. he so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son Joh. 3. 16. he gave him by his grace to taste death for every Man Heb. 2. 9. and thorow Christ he is gracious and full of compassion slow to anger and great in mercy The Lord is good and loving to all and his tender mercies are over all his works he is kind to the unthank-ful and evil Psal 145. 8 9. Matth. 5. 44 46. But 2. He loves them that love him with peculiar manner of love Prov. 8. 17. Joh. 14. 21. with a love of wellpleasedness The Lord takes pleasure in them that fear him in them that hope in his mercy he is nigh to all them that call upon him to all that call upon him in truth Ps 147. 16 11. and 145. 18 19. and he is rich in the streams of his pity and compassion toward them The same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him Rom. 10. 12. As a Father pitieth his Children the Lord pitieth them that fear him Ps 103. 11 13. Jam. 5. 10 11. And of both these we may understand it though especially of the latter 2. That which is here affirmed concerning as many as he loves viz. I rebuke and chasten I rebuke namely convince them of their evils and reprove them for them as the Lord saith I have been a rebuker of them all Hos 5. 2. and chasten viz. Inflict judgments and punishments upon them Ps 6. 1. and 38. 1. and usually in this order he proceeds he first ●hews them with his prophets and slays them with the words of his mouth and then his judgments are as the light that goeth forth Hos 6. 3 5. Micah 6. 8 10 11. Job 33. 13 18. and so indeed he doth rebuke and chasten when need is as many as he loves he rebukes the simple who love their simplicity and scorners who delight in scorning and fools that hate knowledge Prov. 1. 20 23. his Spirit is convincing and reproving the World of sin of righteousness and of judgment Joh. 16. 8 11. and he doth also chasten visit and and try them Job 7. 17 18. 1 Cor. 10. 13. and especially and more frequently he doth rebuke and chasten his own people Ps 73. 13 15. he that chastiseth the heathen shall not ●e correct to wit his own people Ps 94. 8 10. every branch in Christ that beareth fruit he purgeth that it might bring forth more fruit Joh. 15. 2. Ps 94. 12 13. and 11. 5. Prov. 3. 11 13. And this may be useful to us to inform us 1. That seeing as many as he love she rebukes and chastens all such may and do need to be rebuked and chastened even such also as he loves with peculiar manner of love for in many things they offend all Jam. 3. 2. There is not a just Man upon the earth that doth good and sinneth not Eccl. 7. 20. 2 Chron. 6. 36. It is only when need is that they are in heaviness thorow many temptations and trials either to correct and punish them for some evils committed by them or some good omitted or to purge out of them some polluting thing that sticks close to them or preserve them from some
them he counsels them who were at present lukewarm to be zealous and servent and that doubtless in a good thing It is good saith the Apostle to be always zealously affected in a good thing Gal. 4. 18. In which is signified that there is an evil and reprovable zeal but unto such an one he doth not exhort or counsel them Some there are that are zealous in the service of the gross lusts of the Flesh such as riotting and drunkenness and the evil consequents and concomitants thereof they run to all excess of riot 1 Pet. 4. 3 4. They rise up early in the morning that they may follow strong drink and continue until night till Wine enflame them Isay 5. 11 12. and chap. 56. 10 12. But this is far from the zeal here intimately exhorted unto Some there are and too many who have a bitter zeal and are walking in strife and envying even biting back-biting defameing and devouring one another And too too oft they pretend their strife and envying to be zeal for God Of this the Apostle James speaks saying If ye have bitter zeal or envying and strife in your hearts glory not and lye not against the truth say not this is for the glory of God or proceeds from Heavenly Wisdom for this wisdom descends not from above but is earthly sensual devillish c. Jam. 3. 13 17. Rom. 13. 13. Some are eagerly and earnestly pursuing their covetous inclinations and very greedy of gain Prov. 1. 19. Amos 8. 4 8. Rising early and sitting up late and eating the bread of carefulness that they may encrease and heap up to themselves the uncertain riches of this World Ps 127. 2. 1 Tim. 6. 5 8 10. Some are zealous of the traditions of their Fathers Gal. 1. 13 14. and to establish a righteousness to themselves according to the Law Rom. 10. 1 3. and ch 9. 31 33. Some and very many in our days are zealous in receiving pleading for and promoting Evil Doctrines and compass Sea and Land to make a Pros●lite Prov. 4. 16. and ch 7. 5. 24. Mat. 23. 15. Gal. 4. 17 18. But our Lord doth not exhort or provoke them to any such evil zeal as we have been speaking of But the zeal here intimately counselled to is that which is joined with repentance from all dead as well as deadly works And he here exhorts them to that which they were wanting in v. 15 16. Even to such a zeal as is exercised 1. In an eager and diligent seeking after Christ and the things of him so as to buy of him Gold tried in the Fire that they might be rich and White Raiment v. 18. And to that end to anoint their Eyes with Eye-salve that they might so see and behold the beauty and glory of Christ his love and loveliness that they might prize him above and prefer him before all others both persons and things and forsake all that they have that they might know him win him and be ●ound in him and be conformed to him Prov. 2. 2 6. Psal 42. 1 3. and 63. 1. 8. and 84. and 119. 20 40 129 131 145 148. 174. 2. This zeal here intimately counselled to is a ●ervency in serving the Lord Rom. 12. 11 a serving him especially in those things in which his Kingdom doth consist As in Righ●cousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost Rom. 14. 17 18. In walking before him and with ●ervency seeking the good of Men Acts 18. 25. Thus the Apostles did whether they were lookt on as mad Men or sober Men For the love of Christ did constrain them so as they could not but speak the things which they had seen and heard 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. with Acts 4. 20. And this zeal is to be exercised toward Brethren in seeking their good especially Col. 4. 12 13. In loving them with a pure heart ●ervently 1 Pet. 1. 21 22. In having above all things ●ervent eharity among themselves 1 Pet. 4. 8. administring to their wants and necessities according to ability 2 Cor. 9. 2. watching over one another looking diligently that none fail of the Grace of God 2 Cor. 11. 1 3. Heb. 12. 15 16. and standing fast in one Spirit with one mind striving together for the Faith of the Gospel and in nothing terrified by adversaries and overcoming by the Blood of the Lamb and Word of the Testimony not loving their lives to the death Gal. 2. 3. Ps 119. 139. Jude 3. Phil. 1. 27 28. Rev. 12. 11. Now in that he saith Be zealous therefore c. So he signifieth to us 1. That one reason why he rebukes and chastens whom he loves is because they are not zealous and as with respect to his people because they abate in their love to and zeal for him and goe backward and not forward Jer. 15. 6 7. And this he doth 1. As with respect to himself it 's a loathsome and unbearable thing to him that they grow remiss and indifferent Therefore he threatens this Church before I will spue thee out of my mouth See v. 15 16. See also the notes on ch 2. v. 4. and v. 5. and ch 3. v. 3. The Lord our God is a jealous God who will not give his glory to another nor his praise to graven images ●ant 8. 6. Isay 42. 8. see how he speaks as one grieved in Spirit I Remember thee saith he the kindness of thy youth the love of thine espousals when thou wentest after me in the wilderness Thus saith the Lord what iniquity have your Fathers found in me that they are gone far from me and have walked after vanity Jer. 2. 1 13. 2. As with respect to themselves that they might not be condemned with the World 1 Cor. 11. 32. But might consider their ways which are not good and bethink themselves and return unto him Hos 2. 6 14. 1 King 8. 46 48. Ps 116. 3 7. To which after 3. With respect to others Because such backsliders do great hurt to them by their Lukewarmness and indifferency as by their zeal they provoke many so by their want of it they hinder others from seeking after the Lord and strengthen them in their evil ways Prov. 28. 4. Jer. 2. 34 36. and ch 23. 13 14. 2. He also signifies that this is his end in his rebukes and chastenings not to drive us from him or make us more remiss in seeking after him but to awake us to earnestness and diligence in seeking after him To purge away our iniquities and take away our sins and to make us more fruitful in every good work and word Isay 27. 9. Joh. 15. 2. Heb. 12. 1 6 7 2 Cor. 7. 9 11. This was his gracious end in rebuking and chastening this Angel and Church that he might deliver them from Lukewarmeness which was so loathsome to him and hurtful to them and that they might be zealous and ●ervent O mistake we not his end in his rebukes and corrections but let us turn unto him
praise or signifies praise as give God the praise or glory John 9. 24. and they loved the praise or glory of men more than the praise or glory of God Jo● 12. 43. Mat. 6. 2. according to that Whoso offereth praise glorisieth me Psal 50. 23. and these two words praised and glorified are used as words of a like signification As thou hast praised the gods of silver and gold and the God in whose hand thy breath is and whose are all thy ways hast thou not glorified Dan. 5. 13. Now thus understanding the expression so it informs us That he that sits upon the throne is supremely the subject or object of the praise of the living creatures and only so in a religious sense as Moses saith to Israel He is thy praise and he is thy God c. Deut. 10. 21. And as Jeremy saith Thou art my praise chap. 17. 12 14. Psal 109. 1. And they give him praise when they say Holy c. ver 8. They then make his praise glorious Psal 66. 1 2. Or by glory we may understand an inwardly excellent esteem and high account which they have of this most excellent one they have an excellent opinion of him in their hearts and souls and from thence they render his praise glorious the high praises of God are in their mouth 1 Pet. 3. 15. Psal 34. 1 2. and Psal 106. 1 2 3. Heb. 11. 11. Rom. 4. 20 21. Or they give glory that is they ascribe unto him most excellent Majesty luster splendor brightness as he appears in this vision like a Jasper-stone ver 2. whereto the glory of God is compared Rev. 21. 11. See Luke 9. 31. Acts 22. 11. 2 Cor. 3. 7. with Exod. 34. 29 30. so whereas in Luke 9. 32. it is said Peter James and John saw Christs glory it is elsewhere thus expressed We were eye-witnesses of his Majesty 2 Pet. 1. 16 18. And men are exhorted to enter into the ro●k and hide themselves for the glory of his Majesty Isa 2. 10 19 21. And of the Saints it is said They shall make known to the sons of men the glorious majesty of his kingdom Psal 145. 10 12. And Honour this they also give unto him as the four and twenty Elders likewise do ver 11. and all the Angels chap. 7. 11 12. and chap. 5. 11 12. and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth c. chap. 5. 13 14. And this Honour is much-what in signification like unto the former word glory and indeed by them both in general yea by all three is signified they give him worship or they herein o● hereby worship him as it is said They worshipped God saying Blessing and glory and honour be unto our God chap. 7. 11 12. and chap. 4. 10 11. and so here by honour particularly may be meant an ascribing divine worship and adoration unto him in their sacrifices of prayers praises and thanksgivings in and through Jesus Christ Isa 43. 23. For he that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father that hath sent him Joh. 5. 23. So the drawing nigh unto and honouring God both which are contained in one word to wit honouring him Compare Isa 29. 13. and Matth. 15. 7 8. with Mark 7. 6. is explicated presently to be a worshipping him Matth. 15. 8 9. Mark 7. 6 7. And indeed he only is the object of all religious honour and worship as our Saviour saith Thou shalt w●rship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Matth. 4. 10. and we are to honour him not doing our own ways nor finding our own pleasure nor speaking our own words Isa 58. 13. 14. and this honouring him contains in it an high esteem and acknowledgment of his infinite superiority above all creatures and created Beings whatever and also a sense of our inconceivable inferiority unto him and that we have nothing are nothing can do nothing but that he is the possessor of Heaven and Earth and all comes from him and therefore all glorious honour in our hearts and with our mouths is to be ascribed unto him 1 Chron. 29. 11-16 1 Sam. 2. 29 30. And thanks This also they render unto him for his goodness mercy and kindness towards them Hence we are oft called upon and provoked to give thanks unto the Lord because he is good for his mercy endureth for ever Psal 105. 1. and 106. 1. and 107. 1. and 118. 1. 29. and 136. 1 2 3-26 see Luk. 17. 16. and especially and principally thanks is to be given to him because he hath so loved the world as to give his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life John 3. 16. As it is said of Annah the Prophetess when she came into the Temple when Jesus was there she gave thanks likewise unto the Lord to wit f●r this wonderful love and mercy manifested in Christ Luke 1. 78 79. she not only gave thanks to the Lord but she did likewise as others also had done and spake of Jesus to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem Luke 2. 28-38 and so the Apostle doth saying Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift 2 Cor. 9. 15. yea and thanks were given by them unto God for that he had delivered them out of the power of darkness and translated them into the kingdom of his dear son Col. 1. 12 13. Rev. 5. 8 9. Psal 116. 3 8 9 c. yea thanks are to be given to him for all his mercies favours and blessings as the Psalmist saith Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not any of his benefits who forgiveth all thine iniquities and healeth all thy diseases who redeemeth thy life from destruction who crowneth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies c. Psal 103. 1 2 3 5. And the Apostle exhorteth us to give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Eph. 5. 18 20. And thus the living creatures come and thus should we come always into Gods Presence according to that Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting c. Psal 100. 4 5. and 95. 1 2. To which purpose also the Apostle exhorts saying Be careful for nothing but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God Phil. 4. 6. Col. 4. 2. 1 Chron. 23. 30. And this sacrifice of thanksgiving we should always offer in all our addresses to God by Christ as our Altar and High-priest as the Apostle saith By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name Heb. 13. 10-15 Thus Daniel three times a-day kneeled upon his knees and prayed and gave thanks before his God Dan. 6. 10. And thus the Apostle exhorts
Nature Children of Wrath even as others as the rest of Mankind Eph. 2. 2 5. We our selves were sometimes foolish disobedient deceived serving divers Lusts and Pleasures living in Malice and Envy hateful and hating one another Col. 2. 12 13. 1 Pet. 4. 3. Tit. 3. 3 4 5. Oh let us shew all meekness to all men and pity and pray for them considering our selves Tit. 3. 2 3. Mat 18. 23 35. Are there not Sins with us even with us also against the LORD our God 2 Chron. 28. 10. and such we have been guilty of as others have been even such as are properly called our Sins our own Personal Sins against Light and Grace vouchsafed 3. Needful it is that we be washed from our Sins otherways we cannot be accepted of him who is of purer eyes then to behold Iniquity nor have admission into his presence here or Kingdom hereafter Unless we be washed we can have no part with Christ Joh. 13. 8. Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord Heb. 12. 14. The Unrighteous cannot inherit the Kingdom of God unless they be washed sanctified and justified in the name of the LORD JESVS CHRIST and by the Spirit of our God 1 Cor. 6. 9 11 Eph. 5. 3 7. Col. 3. 5 8. 4. He washed us from our Sins We could not wash our selves in any wisdom or strength of our own if we had washed our selves with Snow-water and made our Hands never so clean yet he would have plunged us into the Ditch our own Cloths would make us to be abhorred Job 9. 30 31. Though we had taken to us Nitre and much Soap yet our Iniquities would still have been marked before the LORD Jer. 2. 22. Isay 66. 17. Indeed he calls upon us to wash us and make us clean c. Isay 1. 16. But not in any Fountain or with any Water of our own but in the light and strength of his Grace But still he is the first and principal doer hereof and worker herein and unless he wash us we can have no part with him Joh. 13. 8. Hence the Psalmist begs of the Lord that according to the multitude of his mercies he would wash him thorowly from all his Iniquities and cleanse him from all his Sins That he would purge him with Hysop and he should be clean that he would wash him and he should be whiter then Snow Ps 51. 2 7. Oh the wonderful humility of Jesus Christ It was great condescension in him to wash his Disciples Feet Joh. 13. But how greatly doth his Humility appear that he would wash us from our Sins which are more filthy then the filthiest thing in this World ye know that he was manifested to take away our Sins and in him is no Sin 1 Joh. 3. 5 6. 5. He washed us from our Sins in his own Blood He is the Author of our washing and this is the way and means That he might do it it was needful he should partake of the Flesh and Blood and that he should dye for our Sins Gal. 1. 4. And rise again without which we should have been still in our Sins 1 Cor. 15. 16 17. No washing away of our Sins without Blood Without Blood-shedding there is no remission nor purgation of Sins Heb. 9. 22 23. Nor could there be any washing without his own Blood It was not possible that the Blood of Bulls and Goats could take away Sin Wherefore he came into the World in a Body prepared for him and laid down his Life and took it up again that he might become a Fountain in and thorow his own Blood for the washing us from our filth and uncleanness Heb. 10. 1 4. c. He hath made Peace for us by the Blood of his Cross Col. 1. 20. And obtained forgiveness of our following Sins Eph. 1. 7. And is become a Fountain for Sin and for Vncleanness Zech. 13. 1. He discovered the preciousness thereof to us in his Gospel 1 Joh. 5. 6. And washt us from the Dominion of Sin in our minds from our Ignorance and enmity Tit. 3. 3 5. Acts 26. 18. Joh. 9. 7 11 15. from the guilt of Sin in our Consciences Ps 51. 1 7. Acts 10. 43. and ch 13. 39. and from the service of our divers Lusts and Vanities Heb. 10. 22. 1 Pet. 1. 18 19. 6. This was the fruit of his love He loved us and washed us from our Sins in his own Blood Oh infinite love it was in him that he should partake with us of the Flesh and Blood and shed his precious Blood and pour out his Soul to death for us that he might redeem us from our Iniquities and make known and evidence his Blood to us with the ends and vertues thereof and apply it to and sprinkle it upon us that our hearts thereby might be sprinkled from an evil Conscience and our Bodies washed with pure Water Heb. 10. 22. and ch 9. 14. This was the fruit of his love of his first-love fundamentally and of his following also Ezek. 16. 8 9. He gave himself for his Church that he might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of Water in the word And to this his love led him Eph. 5. 25 27. Oh! learn we of him thus to testifie love one to another If he our Lord and Master have washed us because he loved us we ought also to wash one anothers Feet for he hath given us an example that we should do as he hath done to us Joh. 13. 1 4 13 15. Oh let us not then hate one another in our hearts but let us rebuke one another in Love and not suffer Sin one upon another Lev. 19. 17. To this end consider him He hath loved us and washed us from our Sins in his own Blood To him be Glory and Dominion for ever and ever Bless the LORD O our Souls who forgiveth all your Iniquities who healeth all the Diseases of your Soul who redeemeth the life of your Soul from Destruction c. Ps 103. 1 3 4. Verse 6. And hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and his Father to him be Glory and Dominion for ever and ever Amen In this Verse is laid down and declared to us what further Cause and Reason there is for such as are redeemed unto God to ascribe Glory and Honour unto the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ with the Doxology or giving praise it self unto him upon all these accounts mentioned v. 5 6. And hath made us Kings and Priests This is the consequent of his loving and washing us from our Sins c. v. 5. Vnto him who loved us and washed us and hath made us Kings c. Ezek 16. 9 12. 1 Cor. 6. 9 11. And herein it appears that he is the Prince of the Kings of the Earth as it shall be when he makes all things New For he hath made us Kings c. And is and shall be the Lord of Kings Dan. 2. 47. Some understand by this Phrase he hath
bearing the Judgment of the World he hath cast Satan the Prince of the World out of his principality Joh. 12. 31. and all power is given unto him both in Heaven and on Earth Mat. 28. 18 20. 2 Cor. 1. 9 10. Joh. 5. 27. and ch 3. 35. with ch 10. 17. Because he humbled himself and became obedient unto death the death of the Cross therefore also hath God highly exalted him and given him a name above every name c. Phil. 2. 6 7 8 9 10. And seeing he hath and hath thus obtained the Keys of Hell and Death it may be of much usefulness unto us as to say a little 1. Herein we may see the preciousuess of the sufferings and blood of Christ 1 Pet. 1. 19. 2. It may admonish us not to have idolatrous esteems of Men make not great Men your arme for Men of low degree are Vanity and Men of high degree are a Lye to be laid in the Ballance they are alike lighter than Vanity Ps 62. 9. How high or great soever they are they are Men and not God Isay 31. 3. therefore trust not in them nor in the most learned skilful and m●st experienced Physicians for they have not the Keys of Hell and Death if he will not with-draw his anger the proud helpers do stoop under him Job 9. 13. What Man whether wisest or greatest or strongest or richest or healthithiest is he that liveth and shall not see death shall he deliver his Soul from the Hand of Hell Ps 89. 48. and 146. 3 4. 3. This consideration may encourage his Servants not to be afraid of their Enemies for not they but he hath the Keys Acts 26. 17. All power is given unto me both in Heaven and on Earth Go ye therefore Disciple all the Nations c. saith our Saviour unto his Apostles Mat. 28. 18 20. Heb. 2. 14 15. 1 Cor. 15. 58. 4. Fear him so as not to provoke him Luke 12. 4 5. Exod. 23. 21. for our breath is in his hand and the Keys of Hell and Death are in his hand Ps 107. 10 12. 5. Pray unto and seek help of him and in his name and come unto God by him to whom should a people seek but to their God When we fall down and there is none to help us yet in crying to him he can save us out of our Distresses and bring us out of Darkness and the shadow of Death and break our bands asunder For he hath broken the Gates of Brass and cut the Bars of Iron in sunder Isay 8. 19. Psal 68. 18 20. and 107. 13 16. Jer. 30. 12 18. 6. It may comfort them that wait upon him and keep his way that though they must dye yet he liveth and hath the Keys of Hell and Death and will in due season open their Graves and bring them forth and make them partakers of everlasting Life Joh. 6. 40. and ch 11. 25 26. 1 Thes 4. 15 18. 2 Cor. 4. ●2 14 17. These things our Lord sets before his Servant John when he was as dead and greatly afraid to revive him and to strengthen him and encourage him against his fear● And let us learn from hence 1. When we are ●ainting and fearful to look unto Jesus and consider his Blood and the Glory he hath received therethorow as these things are discovered to us in the Gospel as the Apostle exhorts saying laying aside every weight and the Sin which doth so easily beset us let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of the Faith who for the Joy set before him endured the Cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God For consider him lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds Heb. 12. 1 3 4. and ch 3. 1 2. The Gospel is the word of life the spirit of life is in it Phil. 2. 16. that will quicken us again Ps 119. 50 93. That is proper to bind up the broken-hearted who are broken and shattered with sorrow or fear Isay 61. 1 2. Luke 4. 18. Oh consider we not our selves or any goodness or worthiness of ours but consider his first love manifested in his laying down his life for us and the glory he hath received and shall appear in give more earnest heed to the things we have heard that we may encourage our selves in the Lord 1 Sam. 30. 6. Joh. 6. 63. 1 Joh. 4. 14 18 19. Christ comforts not John immediately though he was as dead but declares the word of life to him 2. Or when we see others surprized with fear or overwhelmed with grief with this Gospel lift up the hands that hang down Rom. 1. 16. Isay 40. 1 2 9. Verse 19. Write the things which thou hast seen and the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter This charge and commandment he giveth to him again he had given John such a like command before v. 11. and now reneweth it to signify to us the weightiness of the things to be written and that they might be conveyed to the Churches and for us and for our use and benefit in these latter days For whatsoever was written aforetime was written for our learning Rom. 15. 4. and who shall hinder us from looking hereinto That charge in v. 11. and this here are given in general some other are more particular as ch 14. 1● and ch 19. 9. c. This charge and commandement he gives to him after he had strengthened him Dan. 10. 17 19. his yoke is easie and his burthen is light Mat. 11. 30. 1 Joh. 5. 3. and indeed he had given such a discovery of himself before that there was no cause for John to fear for he who thus enjoyned him was able to stand by him and save him It was the LORD that spake who could but prophesy and write Amos. 3. 8. It was the first and the last that gave this charge to him Josh 1. 7 9. Jer. 1. 8 19. Write saith Christ to him but what should he write some thus read it the things which thou hast seen both the things which are and the things which shall be hereafter summing them up in two Branches or particulars and hereby signifying as if John had seen all he was to write before his charge was given to him which doubtless he had not and therefore we shall look upon the word 's as we have them rendred to us and as a commandment to write three things viz. 1. The things which thou hast seen namely in vision as v. 11. and so what he had seen from v. 12. to this verse not all he had foreseen but what he had now seen in which our Lord doth give a brief discovery of himself of his death resurrection everliving and his Glory Power and Majesty Christ first shews him this that it might be instructive to him to look unto Jesus that he might be enlightened Ps 34. 5 8.
Tim. 6. 3 5. Prov. 14. 7. Verse 3. And hast born and hast patience and for my name sake hast laboured and hast not fainted Here he goeth on still To declare what was commendable in this Angel and Church of Ephesus And hast born This hath reference to the bearing of burdens though as is before said they could not bear them that were evil yet they could and did bear burdens otherwise so as thereby pain and grief was occasioned them Thou hast born namely the burdens one of another as we are all instructed and exhorted to doe Bear ye one another's Burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ Gal. 6. 2. with ch 5. 14. we should not be severe in censuring them when they are overtaken with a fault but consider our selves lest we also be tempted but we should be meek towards them and with a spirit of meekness restore them Gal. 6 1 2. Born to wit one anothers Infirmities especially the strong are to bear the Infirmities of the weak in which they see not their liberty in indifferent things and not to please themselves but their neighbours for their good to edification Rom. 14. and ch 15. 1 2. 1 Cor. 8. 8 13. and ch 9. 19 22. and to bear the griefs one of another in tender compassion one toward another and so their temptations and trials which are called and compared to burdens Rom. 12. 9 15 16. 1 Cor. 10. 13. and ch 12. 13 26. and also thou hast born even the burdens of the needs and necessities one of another so as to relieve such as were poor and needy which poverty is a great burden Gal. 6. 2 13. Phil. 2. 2 6. Oh that that mind were also more with us to consider one another Heb. 10. 24. and to sympathize one with another as members one of another Eph. 4. 25 32. and as stones in a building to support one another 1 Pet. 2. 4 5. 1 Thes 5. 14. Act. 20. 35. Or thou hast born to wit persecutions for the sake of Christ as the Apostle saith I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus Gal. 6. 17. they had born this burden which appears great and heavy and hard to be endured Mat. 20. 12. which is called a bearing of the cross Luk. 14. 27. This is irksome to us naturally and therefore is called fire Luk. 12. 49. a fiery trial or burning 1 Pet. 4. 12. and that which even breaks the heart Ps 69. 20. with Ps 89. 50. And hast patience now at this time thou hast it and not only so in former times and in speaking of it and mentioning it twice in the commendation of them it seems it was very remarkable in them that is to say they had and did at present continue in well-doing and enduring afflictions and in waiting for the coming again of Christ see notes on ch 1. v. 9. and ch 2. 2. and ch 3. v. 10. And for my name sake hast laboured and hast not fainted what their labour was is before spoken to v. 2. only here we shall note two things 1. It was for his name sake they had laboured 2. They had not fainted 1. It was for his name sake they had laboured what his name is we shall not here speak to particularly but refer that to v. 13. But here we say 1. For Christ's name sake may be for namely this was that which was the motive and argument to prevail with them to labour that which set them on work was the good report of Christ in the Gospel from hence they were prevailed with to labour in the work of the Lord as the word for is used Phil. 3. 7. 2 Cor. 4 5. and indeed were the love of Christ more known and believed by us it would strengthen and engage us to labour and suffer reproach 2 Cor. 5. 14. 15. 1 Tim. 4. 10. It would open our lips and hands also unto others 2. For Christs name sake may also mean for promoting it that others might know it to make it known for the good of others as 1 Cor. 9. 19 23. that the word of the Lord might run and be glorified and not for their own name praise repute 1 Thes 2. 4 6. Act. 15. 26. 2 Thes 3. 1. But that the name of the Lord might be so declared adorned and made known that all the people might praise him Ps 67. 1 2 3. and knowing his name might put their trust in him Ps 9. 10. To this end they had laboured and endured much pain and grief and manifold occasions of sorrow and sadness 2. And hast not fainted Though it might occasion weariness and grief unto them Ps 126. 5 6. yet they still held on their way and fainted not were not so tired or wearied as to give over Heb. 12. 1 3. Gal. 6. 9. 2 Thes 3. 13. they did abide in the labour and work of the Lord and induring affliction for his name sake and did not ●aint Verse 4. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because or that thou hast left thy first love Having first of all shewed what had been and was at present commendable in this Angel and Church he now makes his exception and draws up a charge against them as it were In which let us mind and consider for our usefulness 1. The charge generally laid down and signified 2. And particularly the mattter or reason of it 1. The charge generally laid down and signified nevertheless or but I have against thee I have against thee namely a matter of charge or indictment The form of speech is elsewhere used as Mat. 5. 23. that thy Brother hath somewhat against thee Mark 11. 35. forgive if ye have ought against another so also Act. 19. 31. and elsewhere Now in that after he had commended them he here begins nevertheless or But so we may observe and learn from hence 1. That there may have been in former times and at present there may be many good and commendable things in those against whom notwithstanding there may be just exception and they may be greatly faulty for other things even by God and Christ This we might see in many particular persons who were reputed good Men. Moses and Aaron and Samuel though all holy Men in the main yet such evils were found with them as for which God punished them against the two former God testified displeasure in not suffering them to enter into the good land Numb 12. 10 12. and concerning them all it is said Moses and Aaron among his priests and Samuel among them that call upon his name They called upon the Lord and he answered them thou answered'st them O Lord our God thou wast a God that forgavest them though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions Ps 99. 6 8. David was a Man after God's own heart save in the matter of Vriah 1 King 15. 5. Solomon was beloved of his God who appeared to him twice nevertheless even him did out-landish Women cause to sin Neh.
the law and obtained eternal redemption for us when we were in our filth and blood said unto us live when we were in woful misery when the Sorrows of death compassed us and the pains of Hell gat hold on us and we found woe and trouble yet then caused his goodness to pass before us and commended and discovered his love to us and overcame us as bullocks unaccustomed to the yoke and spake peace to us and quieted our fears removed our sorrows comforted our hearts delivered our souls from death our eyes from tears and our feet from falling that we might walk before him in the land of the living in whom still dwelleth and abideth all the fulness even all the fulness of the God-head bodily and in whom is all compleatness prepared for us Do we thus requite the Lord O foolish people and unwise Is he not our Father that hath bought us hath he not made and established us ask thy Father and he will shew thee thine elders the prophets and Apostles and they will tell thee do ye thus render to the Lord for all his benefits love and kindness as to forsake him and lightly or more lightly than formerly esteem the rock of your Salvation of the rock that begat you are ye so unmindful and have you forgotten God that formed you Deut. 32. 5 7 15 18. Is this your kindness to your friend that hath so loved you and made it known to you and still continues his goodness to you and waits upon you that he may be gracious unto you O remember the former days remember your affliction and misery the distress that sometimes you were in and what a joyful sound the Gospel was then unto you and how your hearts did burn within you in love to Christ his cross and sufferings and consider what a loss you are now come to and for this weep let your eye your eye run down with water weep and howl for such an unkind and unworthy return to him and give no rest to your eyes nor slumber to your eye-lids until you return to the days of your youth the love of your espousals surely the oneness of the Lord being seriously minded and considered by us would engage us to return to him from whom we have departed and to be ●ervent in un●eigned love to him Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and Soul and mind and strength and thy neighbour as thy self Deut. 6. 4 6. with Mark 12. 29 30. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of light with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth wherefore my Brethren let every Man be swift to hear c. Jam. 1. 17 18 19. 2. This is a great evil an evil that provoketh to leave the first love because in our abating in our love to Christ and leaving our first ●ervency of affection to him and his Gospel and people and the societies thereof we shall be very injurious and harmful to others and even by such remission of love secretly signify unto them that the longer we know Christ and the more acquainted we are with him the less amiable and desirable he is to us and the less delightful to us and therefore is he no more delighted in by us and so we lay a stumbling block in the way of the blind and give offence to the World and hinder others from seeking after and following the Lord when persons are zealous and ●ervent in their affection unto and pursuit after the Lord their zeal provokes very many 2 Cor. 9. 2. Thus it appeared in the spouses earnestness in seeking for and inquiring after and highly and delightfully valuing and setting forth the excellency comliness of her beloved while she was thus exercised this heat of love in her to Christ and following hard after him causeth the daughters of Jerusalem to enquire after him and to say whither is thy beloved gone O thou fairest among Women whither is thy beloved turned aside that we may seek him with thee Can. 5. 8 16. and ch 6. 1. love even hot and fiery love to Christ and the fruits thereof are strong as death as death is strong and overcomes the mightiest and stoutest so ardent love is proper to overcome others also even our enemies and to bring them in to Christ Cant. 8. 6 7. with Rom. 12. 19 21. when the believers did cleave to the Lord with full purpose of heart and continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and were together continuing daily with one accord c. The Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved Acts 2. 42 47. Joh. 13. 34 35. But now when the first love waxes cold and believers have little or less heart to Christ and his Gospel than formerly this puts a discouragement upon others and hinders them from seeking after him and strengthens them in their evil ways so much the Lord signifies in saying to his people in former times My people have forgotten me days without number why trimest thou thy way to seek love Therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways Jer. 2. 31 33. And indeed this decay of mens first love to Christ will be visible and evident to others it cannot be kept so secret but it will be seen and come abroad for such as leave their first love will leave their first works also as v. 5. 3. Abatement in the first love is a great evil a provoking evil in believers because those in Christ's Church have great advantage to grow and increase in love to him and to his Gospel and it is expected from them that they go on from strength to strength Ps 84. 4 7. and in beholding him with open face in the glass of the Gospel they are changed and metamorphosed into the same Image from glory to glory as by the spirit of the Lord 2 Cor. 3. 18. In giving diligence to the exceeding great and precious promises ministred in and with the Gospel they shall be made partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the World thorow lust and not only so but they may add to their faith vertue and to vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godliness and to godliness Brotherly-kindness and to Brotherly-Kindness Charity 2 Pet. 1. 4 7. these things may be in them and abound v. 8 Choice gi●ts are now given to men to this purpose that they might not be as children tossed to and fro but truthing it in love might grow up into Christ in all things who is the head from whom the whole body fitly joyned together and compacted by that which every joynt supplieth according to the effectual working in the measure of every part maketh increase of the body unto the
are fallen unto and preserve them in their former and fervent love is to put them in remembrance of what he hath done for them and how he hath testified love to them in their low estate Hence he here saith Remember So Rev. 3. 2 3. Jer. 2. 1 6. Do ye thus requite the Lord O foolish people and unwise Remember the days of old c. Deut. 32. 5 7. By this ye are saved recovered again out of any distemper as Isay 38. 20. if ye hold fast and keep in memory As it is brought to and put into your remembrance How that Christ died was buried and rose again according to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15. 1 3. Heb. 3. 6 14. These things are not only proper and powerful at first to reconcile the heart to God but also to recover it from all its wandrings The Apostle therefore puts the Galatians in remembrance thereof when they were removed from him that called them into the Grace of Christ Gal. 3. 1 5. And that any man suffers a decay of those things wrought in him is because he is a forgetful hearer Jam. 1. 22 25. The remembring and considering what he hath done will be powerful to restore us from all our wandrings and out-turnings from him Hence Samuel saith to the people turn not aside from following the LORD but serve him in truth with all your heart for consider how great things he hath done for you 1 Sam. 12. 20 21 24. Ps 63. 5 8. And that we may remember these things Christ hath promised that his Spirit shall be our Remembrancer Joh. 14. 26. And this is that which the Spirit here puts to the remembrance of this Angel and Church verse 7. and his Servants in preaching the Gospel for it is the preaching of the Cross or of Jesus Christ and him crucified 2 Pet. 1. 12 15. and ch 3. 1 2. with 1 Cor. 1. 18 23. Of these things the Apostle Paul was the Remembrancer of Timothy Remember saith he that Jesus Christ of the Seed of David was raised from the Dead according to my Gospel and thus chargeth him Of these things put them in remembrance 2 Tim. 2. 8 14. And his Ordinances especially that of the Supper of the Lord are to mind us of Christ and are appointed and to be observed that we may remember the Lord's Death and his wonderful Grace to us that we might remember that Christ our passe-over hath been slain and sacrificed for us and God's love his first-love manifested therein Luke 22. 19. 1 Cor. 11. 23 25. Cant. 1. 3 4. 2. Branch of the Counsel he gives to them is and repent not simply remember for that a Man may do after a sort and yet go on still in his evil and back-sliding ways but remember and repent that is change thy mind and way Isay 55. 7. Be zealous and amend Rev. 3. 17 19. Mat. 21. 29 30 32. mourn and be grieved that you should thus unkindly requi●e him and lessen your love to him who hath so greatly testified his love to us Be afflicted and mourn and weep let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy into heaviness Jam. 4. 5 8 9. Be filled with Godly sorrow for your leaving your first love and this works and is included in repentance unto salvation not to be repented of 2 Cor. 7. 9 10. acknowledge and confess your evil as it is reproved and discovered As the Lord saith Only acknowledge thine iniquity that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God and hast scattered thy ways unto strangers c. Jer. 3. 12 13. If they shall bethink themselves and repent saying we have sinned and have done perversly c. 1 King 8. 47. And Repent namely turn from what is reproved unto him from whom you have in any measure revolted both from deadly and dead works so what is read in one place Repent is in another place turn 1 King 8. 47. with 2 Chron. 6. 37. see Jer. 18. 8. and ch 36. 3 7. And these two are put together Repent and turn from all your transgressions c. Ezek. 18. 30 32. and when Christ sent Paul to open the eyes of Jews and Gentiles and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God In pursuance of this commission he shewed unto them that they should repent and turn to God c. Acts 26. 17 18 20. And whereas it is said in the Prophet of the Men of Nineveh God saw their works that they turned from their evil way It is thus expressed by our Saviour They repented at the preaching of Jonas To shew unto us that repentance includes a turning to God from the evils reproved Jona 2. 8 10. with Mat. 12. 41. Rev. 2. 22. and ch 9. 20 21. hence it is called Repentance from dead works Heb. 6. 1 2. Now in that he further counselleth and repent so he signifieth unto us 1. That when persons are fallen from him by their Iniquities yet he is again calling them to repentance Mat. 9. 13. 1 Tim. 1. 15. yea such also as have left their first love and back-slidden from him unto such he saith repent and turn from your idols and turn your faces from all your abominations Ezek. 14. 6. O Israel return unto the Lord thy God for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity Hos 12. 6. and ch 14. 1. so he calls upon them that had left the kindness of their youth the love of their espousals and saith unto them Thou hast played the harlot with many lovers yet return to me saith the Lord turn O backsliding Children saith the Lord for I am married unto you c. Jer. 2. 2. with ch 3. 1 14 22. and 4. 1. The like counsel and call he also gives to the residue of the seven Churches which had sinned against him or backsliden from him Rev. 2. 16. and ch 3. 3. and v. 19. and therefore he calls them to repentance because he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance 2 Pet. 3. 9. and so much he hath both said and sworn Ezek. 33. 11. As I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live And thence calls and exhorts turne ye turn ye for why will ye dye O house of Israel Ezek. 18. 23 30 32. Mal. 3. 6 7. Mat. 18. 11 14. with Luke 15. 1 10. 2. In that he first saith to this Angel and Church Remember from whence thou art fallen to wit from God's grace in Christ to sinners and then adds repent so he signifieth to us That the believing mindfulness remembrance and consideration of the death of Christ for sinners and of the love of God his first love therein commended to us is proper and powerful to work repentance in us not to be repented of It is the goodness of God that leadeth to repentance Rom. 2. 4. It is the Gospel
of Christ the Glad tidings of the Kingdom that moves men to repent and turn to God Hence whereas one Evangelist saith The Apostles departed and went preaching the Gospel another saith they went out and preached that Men should repent Luk. 9. 2 6. with Mark 6. 13. Thus when Paul was sent to turn the Jews and Gentiles from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God and to the end they might repent and turn to God he declared the Gospel to them saying none other things than those which the Prophets and Moses did say should come to pass That Christ should suffer and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead and should shew light to the people and to the Gentiles In which God's love is firstly and wonderfully manifested Acts. 26. 18 23. It is the beholding him who hath been crucified for us as he is evidently set forth before our eyes in the Gospel that turns the heart to him from all its wandrings and backslidings fills it with godly sorrow hence it is said They shall look upon me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his Son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his first born Zech. 12. 10 14. and ch 13. 1. remember therefore and repent Rev. 3. 2 3. Jer. 3. 12 14. Joel 2. 13 14. 3. In that he saith remember and repent so he signifieth to us That the end of our Remembring the Lord's death and the love therein commended should be that we might consider our ways and turn our feet to his testimnies wherein soever they have been turned therefrom Ps 119. 59. we should not so remember as they did of whom it is said when he slew them then they sought him and they remembred that God was their rock that begat them nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth and they lied unto him with their tongues For their heart was not right with him c. Ps 78. 34 37. But we should remember his name that good report given of him and receive and keep his law Ps 119 55. We should in such manner and to such an end remember him that we might turn to him from all our transgressions As the Lord saith to his people in former times remember these O Jacob and Israel for thou art my Servant I have formed thee thou art my Servant O Israel thou shalt not be forgotten of me I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions and as a cloud thy sins return unto me for I have redeemed thee Isay 44. 21 22. Thus should we remember the loving-kindness of the Lord that we may repent and turn unto him and return to our first love and not so remember it as to abuse his goodness and turn his grace into Licentiousness Rom. 6. 1 3. Ps 50. 21. Deut. 29. 19 20. 4. In that he gives this counsel to them and saith And repent so he giveth us to understand That though we have sinned against him and backsliden from him yet we may possibly lawfully and successfully repent and turn to him while it is the day of his grace There is in the name of Christ repentance preached to the worst of sinners even to Jerusalem and such-like heynous transgressors Luke 24. 47. And God hath exalted Christ with his right hand a Prince and Saviour for to give repentance both the grace of repentance in turning men from their Iniquities Acts 3. 26. and space of Repentance also Rev 2. 21. Acts 5. 31. he is seasonably and graciously turning sinners even backsliding ones also without which they cannot possibly repent As is signified in what Ephraim speaks Turn thou me and I shall be turned for thou art the Lord my God Surely after that I was turned I repented and after that I was instructed I smote upon my thigh c. Jer. 31. 18 19. his grace in due season doth bring Salvation to all men Tit. 2. 11. And while he is calling upon men and commanding them to repent as he doth all men every-where Acts 17. 30. he exerts his power and stretcheth forth his hand to enable men and impower them to what he requires of them Prov. 1. 19 24. Isay 50. 1 2. he is no hard man or austere master however wicked ones think of him or represent him to be he doth not reap where he hath not sown nor gather where he hath not strawn but giveth liberally to all men and upbraideth not Jam. 1. 5. And such as these may successfully repent for there is forgiveness with him of the Sins reproved Lam. 3. 40. Hos 14. 1 4. He hath received Gifts for Men yea for the rebellious also Ps 68. 18. He is not only exalted to give Repentance but also Forgiveness of Sins Acts 5. 31. and ch 13. 38 39. Joh. 6. 37. And this shews unto us the preciousness of the Blood of Christ and that he hath redeemed us from the Curse of the Law It opened no Door of Repentance but clapt the Curse upon us But God hath found out a ransome his Justice is satisfied and his Truth fulfilled Gal. 3. 10 13. Ps 85. 10. Rom. 3. 25. 1 Joh. 2. 2. In that he saith before I have against thee and after or else I will come c. He signifieth to us that it is of necessity that such as have back-sliden from him do return from their Iniquity unto him Otherwise it will in conclusion be their ruine They must turn or dye Ezek. 18. 30 32. and ch 33. 11. they must come to repentance or perish 2 Pet. 3. 9. Except such repent they will all perish as our Saviour saith to some Luke 13. 3 5. See further the notes on verse 16. 3. Branch of the Counsel And do the first works This is a further part of that good useful and needful Counsel our Saviour gives to these he did take notice before that they had works and labour c. verse 2. But here he intimates to us they were not the first-works not so excellent and acceptable as the first were and though their present works might be such as were good and right in themselves and so approved yet they were not perfect before God as Rev. 3. 3. Yea though they might be right in the sight of the Lord as to the matter of them yet not done with a perfect heart and therefore reprovable 2 Chron. 25. 2. But here he doth exhort and counsel them to do the first works These were such it seems as were well-pleasing in his sight Heb. 13. 21. And from these they were declined and did not do them Surely the first works and so all acceptable works unto him are such 1. As are done in Union with Jesus Christ as the Apostle saith We are his Workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before prepared that we should walk in them Eph. 2. 10. Acceptable works they are which
flow from unfeigned faith in him even from the hearty mindfulness and high-prizing of the precious Blood of Christ and the love therein commended to Sinners It is Faith even the Word of Faith believed that worketh by Love Gal. 5. 6. and so also produceth as the consequent thereof good works Heb. 10. 24. 1 Thes 1. 3 5. and ch 2. 13. The principle of those works which are acceptable to God is not our own wisdom or any thing in our selves or because it is our duty simply but the Grace of God his free-love manifested in the gift of his Son to be the Saviour of the World 2 Cor. 1. 12. The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation to all Men hath appeared teaching us that denying Vngodliness and Worldly Lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present World Tit. 2. 11 12. This Gospel and good news being heartily embraced doth powerfully operate to the denying and abhorring what is evil and to the doing what is well-pleasing in his sight Joh. 15. 2 6. 1 Joh. 3. 6. Now their works could not be the first because they were as we have before seen fallen in some measure from Christ and from the high prizing of his Cross and his love and kindness therein manifested and commended 2. The first works also appear to be such as are done in ●ervent and inflamed love to Jesus Christ and in love and charity to Men hence called the work and labour of love begotten by and exercised in the love of and unto Christ and also exercised towards Men and Brethren Heb. 6. 9. 1 Thes 1. 3. And this love is the fulfilling of the Law Rom. 13. 10. and all without it is nothing as the Apostle saith though I have the gift of Prophesie and understand all Mysteries and all Knowledge and though I have all Faith so that I could remove Mountains and have not Love or Charity I am nothing And though I bestow all my Goods to feed the Poor and though I give my Body to be burned and have not Love or Charity it profiteth me nothing 1 Cor. 13. 1 3. Gal. 5. 13 14. And this exhortation is given Let all your things be done with Love or Charity 1 Cor. 16. 13. Now their works could not be the first works because they had left their first-love 3. The first works are such as of which Christ is the Omega and end also and God in him A Man may do many things good in themselves and yet to a wrong end it may be to establish a Righteousness to himself Rom. 10. 2 3. and all such works will not profit or avail to the rendring us acceptable in the sight of God Isay 57. 12. Thus the Jews sought after Righteousness as it were by the works of the Law in which they sinned against the end of the Law Jesus Christ and stumbled and took offence at that stumbling-Stone and Rock of Offence not submitting themselves to the Righteousness of God Rom. 9. 30 31 33. and ch 10. 1 4. After such a manner also the Galatians were snared by those Evil-workers that came amongst them after they had begun to run well and were called into the Grace of Christ by listening to those Spiritual Witches that came amongst them they sought to perfect by the Flesh what was begun by the Spirit Gal. 1. 6. and ch 3. 1. and ch 5. 1 4. Or the end of what a Man doth may be that he may have praise of Men as it is with the Hyppocrites when they give alms it is that they may have Glory of Men when they pray that they may be seen of Men when they fast they so do it that they may appear unto Men to fast Mat. 6. 2 6 16. And thus our Saviour saith of the Scribes and Pharisees All their works they do for to be seen of Men Mat. 23. 2 5. And of this evil end the Apostle warns in saying Be not desirous of Vain-glory Gal. 5. 26. But now the first or best Luke 15. 22. works are such as in which a Man knowing that Christ hath brought in Everlasting Righteousness and that all is prepared in him he doth therefore in all aim at his Glory and therein at the good of Men and especial good of Believers as the Apostle exhorts Whether ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do do all to the Glory of God Give none Offence neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles nor to the Church of God Even as I please all Men in all things not seeking mine own profit but the profit of many that they may be saved 1 Cor. 10. 31 33. and ch 11. 1. Phil. 1. 20 21. 1 Cor. 9. 22. Now from this Branch of the Counsel we may also briefly note some Instructions As 1. In that he had before intimated that they had at first when the Gospel was preached to and received by them a first and servent love and now also intimates that they had first works so he gives us to understand that when God's love in Christ to Sinners is so known and believed that it turns the Heart to him and begets love unto him it will also produce works good and acceptable works such as are well-pleasing in his sight So much the Apostle signifies as with respect to the Thessalonians when he saith Ye received the word of God which ye heard of us not as the word of Men but as it is in truth the word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe It wrought so effectually in them that it wrought Love in them and the work of Faith and Labour of Love c. 1 Thes 2. 13. with ch 1. 3 10. 1 Joh. 3. 16 18. Gal. 5. 6. 2. In that he saith And do the first works so he signifieth to us that though there may be works with us yet not such as are approved of him nay though they may be right and good in themselves yet they may not proceed from the Faith nor be done in Fervent Love and Charity nor may we aim at Christ at his Glory and the promoting the things of his Kingdom as the end and to be sure if we have le●t our first-love and that be waxed cold and if we have abated in our former high prizings of the precious sufferings and Blood of our Gracious Redeemer and the love therein discovered our works will also be defective as it was with these Come we to the light Joh. 3. 21. 3. In that he saith Remember and repent c. so he signifieth to us that the way to do the first works is to remember Christ's works and to repent and turn to him again from whom we have revolted and back-sliden for as he hath wrought all our works for us so it is he also that must work them in us Isay 26. 12. Phil. 2. 12 15. They must needs be dead works imperfect unacceptable works unless such as have left their first love remember how they have received and heard
word and ordinances preserved amongst us else it were no such great Judgment to remove his candlestick out of any place Hence the Apostle saith What advantage then hath the Jew And what profit is there of circumcision much every way chiefly because unto them were committed the oracles of God Indeed on that account simply they are no better before God as to their gracious state But they have choice advantage thereby so to be Rom. 3. 1 2 9. and ch 9. 4. where he sets his Tabernacle amongst any people his soul shall not abhor them But he will walk amongst them Lev. 26. 11 12. 2 Cor. 6. 14 17. 1 Tim. 3. 15. It is a greater judgment to remove his candlestick then to take away the good things of this world from men however it be despised by us Ps 42. 1 3. and 63. 1 2. and 84. 11 12. and 27. 4. Amos 8. 11 12. 4. Seeing he threatens he will remove his candlestick out of its place not out of the World he shews unto us That he can take occasion by the evil of some to be merciful to others he will have a seed to serve him Ps 22. 30 31. He will set his Church in some other place when he took away his kingdom from his ancient people because of their unbelief he gave it unto others Mat. 21. 41 43. See what the Apostle saith As ye in times past have not believed God yet have now obtained mercy thorow their unbelief even so have these also now not believed that thorow your mercy they may also obtain mercy O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God Rom. 11. 30 32. 5. Seeing he can thus ●estify displeasure in removing his candlestick and will do so unless such repent let us examine our selves and whereinsoever we are guilty let us confess our iniquity and return to him from whom we have wandred and departed Hos 6. 1 2. and this leads us to the next thing viz. 2. The condition or else except thou repent The Judgment here threatned is not absolutely so but conditionally to wit if they still persist and go on in such iniquity and will not return therefrom to him so v. 16. 22. and ch 3. 3 16 19. see Amos 4. and 5. 1 4. Zeph. 1. and ch 2. 1 2 3. 1. Herein then we may see the equality of God's ways Ezek. 18. 21 27. As also herein we may see the nature of his threats while it is called today It is not that he may execute the Judgmeets but that he might awaken the threatned to Repentance Jona 2. 2 5. and ch 4. 2. Joel 2. 1 13. Rev. 3. 19. Therefore he gives this in charge to his Prophet Now therefore go to speak to the Men of Judah and to the Inhabitants of Jerusalem saying Behold I frame Evil and devise a Device against you Return ye now c. Jer. 18. 7 8 11. 3. It may encourage his Servants when he threateneth Judgments to give warning to the threatned because there is Mercy with him Ezek. 3. 17 21. and ch 33. 7 9. And to lift up a Cry for those so threatned Jer. 7. 16. and ch 8. 14. and ch 10. and ch 14. 7 12 21. and ch 15. 1 2. and ch 18. 1 11. Hos 5. 15. and ch 6. 1 2. Verse 6. But this thou hast that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans which I also hate After he had thus drawn up his charge against this Angel and Church and given good and needful Counsel to them and threatned to execute an heavy Judgment upon them unless they received and obeyed his Counsel he here again takes notice of somewhat further which was commendable in them and for which he doth approve them He will not overlook or forget any thing that is praise-worthy in them though he be angry and displeased with them Before we come to speak particularly to this verse we may note somewhat in general As 1. In that he saith but notwithstanding thou hast left thy first-love yet this thou hast not hadst simply but hast c. Something may be at present commendable amongst such as these who have abated in their first-love and unto whom he threatneth Judgment except they repent as we have noted before on verse 4. As Men attain not to the best at first but by degrees they grow in Grace So such as wander from Christ by degrees wither and grow worse and worse and are not worst at first they wax worse and worse 2 Tim. 3. 13. they proceed from evil to evil Jer. 9. 3. and by degrees go further and further off from Christ and suffer a decay of whath been wrought in them by the Gospel Take heed therefore we deceive not our selves nor flatter others in concluding all is well with our selves or them because we have not wholly cast off the things or all things that are good for this notwithstanding we may be in a bad decaying declining condition and if we grow not if we go not forward we shall go backward Jer. 7. 23 24. 2. In that he saith by way of commendation of them this thou hast that thou hatest he saith not the Nicolaitans but the Deeds of them so it may teach us that we should not hate with a positive hatred the persons of evil men but we may and ought to love pity and compassionate the persons of them whose deeds are evil and to be hated and in whom we cannot delight even as Christ and God in him doth most perfectly abominate iniquity He loveth Righteousness and hateth Iniquity Heb. 1. 9. Jer. 44. 4. Yet he loveth and pittyeth them that are evil and is not willing that any one should perish but that all should come to Repentance Joh. 3. 16. Eph. 2. 2 5. 2 Pet. 3. 9. so should it be with us also We should love our Enemies bless them that curse us do good ●o them that hate us and pray for them that despitefully use us and persecute us Mat. 5. 43 45. Luke 6. 27 36. We should love and increase and abound in love towards all Men and do good to all Men 1 Thes 3. 12. Gal. 6. 10. Indeed we should not so love them as to joyn in con●ederacy with them or delight in them and in their evil ways 2 Chron. 19. 2. 2 Cor. 6. 14. But yet we should pity and pray for and seek the good of and do good to them Prov. 29. 10. Our hearts desire and prayer to God for them should be that they may be saved Acts 26. 28 29. Rom. 9. 1. Ps 109. 4 5. 1 Tim. 2. 1 4 5. 3. That which he speaks concerning them by way of commendation is thou hatest their deeds or works which I also hate They were herein of the mind of Christ and like unto him such we should hate as he hates and because they are hateful to him Ps 139. 19 22. The fear of the LORD is to hate Evil Pride and Arrogancie and the
miss of the Blessedness here spoken of see the notes on ch 3. v. 5. The Children of the Kingdom may and many of them will be cast out into utter-darkness where shall be weeping and g●ashing of teeth Mat. 8. 12. Many will say at the last day unto Christ Lord Lord we have Prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out Devils and in thy name done many wonderfulthings and then he will profess unto them he never knew them Mat. 7. 22 23. And others then shall stand without and knock saying Lord Lord open unto us And Christ will answer and say unto them I know you not whence you are Then shall they begin to say we have eaten and drunk in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets But he shall say I tell you I know you not whence you are c. Luke 13. 25 28. Let none therefore lift up himself by this that he is an Angel or member of such or such a Church for so he may be and yet in conclusion have no inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God Nor is the Blessedness here spoken of assured to him that hath overcome but to him that overcometh that continues so doing for otherwise if a Man puts his hand to the plow and looks backs he is unfit for the Kingdome of God Luke 9. 62. Men may have run well and suffered many things and endured a great fight of affliction and yet all may be in vain to them in conclusion Gal. 3. 1 5. and ch 5. 7 11. Heb. 10. 32 35. As for such as turn aside to their crooked paths however they might begin well The Lord will lead them forth with the workers of iniquity Ps 125. 5. Ezek. 33. 13 18. But to them who by patient continuance in well-doing seek for Glory Honour and immortality he will render eternal life Rom. 2. 7. they are the blessed persons who take to them the whole armour of God that they may be able to withstand in the evil day and having overcome all yet stand and keep their ground Eph. 6. 10 13 18. He saith the Lord that overcometh shall inherit all things and I will be his God and he shall be my Son but the fearful and unbelieving c. shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Rev. 21. 7 8. He that endureth to the end the same shall be saved Mat. 10. 22. he will present them holy unblameable unrebukable in his sight who continue in the faith grounded and ●etled and are not moved away from the hope of the Gospel Col. 1. 22 23. 1 Cor. 15. 58. Rev. 14. 13. Prov. 4. 13. And together with the former To him that overcometh Though he hath been formerly foiled and prevailed against by sin Satan or the World Though he hath left his first love and treacherously departed from Christ yet if again he bethink himself consider his ways and turn his feet to the Lord's Testimonies and yet takes unto him the whole armour of God and fights against his enemies to the death all his former evils and out-turnings shall not be remembred against him nor mentioned unto him Ezek. 18. 21 23 27 28. and ch 33. 14 16 19 20. 1 King 8. 47 49. see the notes on Rev. 3. v. 5. Yea with the two former senses we may also say To him that overcometh may denote unto us the time after when he shall be made a partaker of the blessedness here assured to wit when once he hath done fighting and is become a compleat conquerour having no more enemies to grapple with or contend against But unto this we may speak more in what followeth afterwards Vse Seeing then this is in all the Epistles to these seven Churches the undoubted subject of the blessedness promised and all is assured To him that overcometh it may be of this usefulness to us To engage and prevail with us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might To put on the whole armour of God that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil that we may be able to stand in the evil day and having overcome all to stand Eph. 6. 10 13 18. To be valiant for the truth Jer. 9. 3. and to resist our enemies our spiritual enemies unto blood even while we are in this world for so long we have ungodliness and Worldly lusts in our selves and others to deny Tit. 2. 11 12. think we not our selves secure but let us abide under the banner of Christ endeavouring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace that we may be terrible as an army with banners Cant. 2. 5. and ch 6. 4. hold we fast the faith the word of faith so may we overcome the wicked one 1 Joh. 2. 14 1 Pet. 5. 8 9. with Jam. 4. 7. and the World 1 Joh. 5. 4 5. And be preserved from and obtain the victory over that Sin that dwelleth in us and those fleshly lusts that war against the soul 1 Joh. 3. 6 9. Joh. 8. 31 36. Gal. 5. 16 17. and if we have been overtaken or worsted by our enemies yet remember how we have received and heard and hold fast and repent Rev. 3. 1 3. remember from whence we are fallen and repent and do our first works Rev. 2. 5. that we may not fail of his grace and to that end consider Christ hath overcome Rev. 3. 21. his right hand and his holy arm hath gotten him the victory Ps 98. 1. and thorow him we may do valiantly our help stands in his name Ps 20. 5. and 60. 12. Prov. 18. 10. and thorow him God giveth us the victory 1 Cor. 15. 1 3 55 57 58. and we read of many that by him have overcome the wicked one and his instruments 1 Joh. 2. 14. and ch 4. 4 5. and ch 5. 18. who overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death Rev. 12. 11. and in token of victory have now palmes in their hands Rov 7. 9 17. of many that had gotten the victory over the beast and over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name Rev. 15. 2. of such as were more then conquerours thorow him that loved them Rom. 8. 31 32 37. Oh then seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses laying aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us let us run with patience the race that is set before us Looking unto Jesus the author and ●inisher of the faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest we be wearied and faint in our minds we have not yet resisted unto blood striving against sin Heb. 12. 1
is strong he is the first and the last a mighty Saviour he is who is the Saviour of all men especially of them that believe he is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him and therefore fear we not to come unto and follow after and abide in him Isay 41. 4. and ch 44. 6. with this place 2. He is the first and the last which was dead and he only died for our sins by way of propitiation and as the publick man he himself and and he only bare our sins in his own body on the tree 1 Pet. 2. 24. 1 Joh. 4. 10 14. Isay 63. 3. one died for all even for all that were dead and but one 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. nor shall ever any other dye on this account as never any before or besides him hath done nor shall he be abased any more He being raised from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion over him for in that he died he died unto Sin once Rom. 6. 9 10. And therefore if his sacrifice be rejected there remains no more sacrifice for sins But a certain fearful looking for of Judgment and ●iery Indignation which shall consume the Adversaries Heb. 10. 26 29. he is the last Adam none other as the publick man is to follow him to dye suffer and satisfie for our sins and therefore take we heed of provoking him to leave mediating ●or us for how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation 1 Cor. 15 45. Exod. 23. 21. Ps 2. 12. Heb. 2. 1 3. And is alive He liveth and was dead and ●e is alive for evermore and of the truth hereof he gave many infallible evidences he shewed himsel● alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of his disciples forty days speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God Act. 1. 3. This is witnessed of him that he liveth Heb. 7. 8. even by the holy Apostles as the Apostle Peter signifieth and by the holy spirit The God of our Fathers saith he raised up Jesus him hath God exalted with his right hand a Prince and Saviour and we are his witnesses of these things and so is also the Holy Ghost c. Acts 5. 30 32. and 25. 19. see notes on ch 1. v. 18. Verse 9. I know thy works and Tribulation and Poverty but thou ar● rich And I know the blasphemy of them who say they are Jews and are not but are the Synagogue of Satan In this verse we have an account given us of what our Lord knew or took notice of and that both 1. With respect to this Angel and Church 2. With respect to others 1. As with respect to this Angel and Church c. wherein consider in general He that was dead and is alive he knows c. As he knows God and the things of God Joh. 10. 15. Rev. 5. 1 12. So he knows and takes notice of what is commendable or reprovable amongst his Churches ●say 11. 1 3. Joh. 2. 24 25. and ch 21. 17. Acts 1. 24. Heb. 4. 13. see the notes on v. 23. of this chapter I know thy works I take notice of them see the notes before on v. 2. and the works of this Angel and Church were such as were perfect before God hence we may again note as we have done before on v. 2. That though we take no notice of or know not of any good work any work of faith or labour of love yet Christ observes and will not be unmindful 1 Cor. 15. 58. Heb. 6. 9 10. So he saith to the Angel of the Church in Thyatira I know thy works and Charity and Service and thy works v. 19. yea though those works be done in the greatest secrecy and kept from the eyes of others and though our own left-hand doth not know what our right-hand doth yet still they are manifest to him and minded by him even any work of piety or charity that is done by us he seeth in secret and himself will reward openly so his eye was upon Nathanael when he thought none had taken notice thereof Nathanael saith unto him whence knowest thou me Jesus said unto him-when thou wast under the figtree I saw thee Joh. 1. 47 51. he observes his people exercising themselves to godliness when the generality of the professed Church is so profane as to say It is vain to serve God and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinances Then they that ●eared the Lord spake often one to another and the Lord hearkned and heard and a Book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord and that thought on his name and they shall be mine saith the Lord c. Ma● 3. 14 18. And when he shall sit on the throne of his glory he shall say to them on his right I was hungry and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in Then shall the righteous answer him saying Lord when saw we thee an hungred and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink c. They speak as if they knew not or took no notice of any such thing But yet he knew it as appears by what follows The King shall answer and say unto them Verily I say unto you Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my Brethren ye have done it unto me Mat. 25. 31 34 40. and ch 10. 41 42. The consideration whereof might both preserve us from charging our memories with what we do knowing it is had in remembrance in the sight of the Lord Acts 10. 31. and also preserve us from desires of vain-glory or doing what we do to be seen of men in doing which we shall have no reward of our Father which is in Heaven And it might engage us to do what we do in the greatest secrecy we may knowing he knows and will see in secret and reward and recompence whatsoever work or labour of love is so shewed to his name in the resurrection of the just Mat. 6. 1 5 8. 2 Cor. 5. 10. Luke 14. 14. And when they dye their works shall not dye or be forgotten but they shall rest from their labours and their works shall follow with them Rev. 14. 13. Heb. 11. 4. And Tribulation This is that also which our Lord knew and took notice of as with respect to this Angel and Church and that which his disciples shall meet with and have in this world Joh. 16. 33. all that will live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution Acts 14. 22. 2 Thes 1. 4. 2 Tim. 3. 11 12. see the notes before on ch 1. v. 9 Yea though Christ reproves not this Angel and Church for any thing nor finds any fault with them yet there were some who did though unjustly find fault with them and were Instruments of affliction to them and made them sad whom Christ had not
and the extent thereof both as to the Persons and as to the time of your tribulation 3. We have now in order to speak unto The good and needful counsel which he gives unto these Be thou faithful unto death That is to say Be thou faithful in the Lord as to the faithful in Christ Jesus Eph. 1. 1. To the Saints and faithful Brethren in Christ Col. 1. 2. 1 Tim. 6. 2. continue in the faith grounded and setled and be not moved a-away from the hope of the Gospel Col. 1. 23. stand fast in the faith 1 Cor. 16 13. as ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord walk in him rooted and built up in him and established in the faith Col. 2. 6 7. And Be thou faithful unto the Lord Acts 16. 15. In holding fast and holding forth the glorious Gospel unto death Tit. 1. 9. In rendring Christ's praise glorious and proclaiming the Lord's goodness and not thine own Prov. 20. 6. In resisting and striving against sin even unto blood Heb. 12. 4. In a patient continuance in well-doing Rom. 2. 7. Heb. 10. 36. In all be thou stedfast and unmoveable 1 Cor. 15. 58. Be thou constant and turn not aside from following him but cleave unto him with full purpose whatever afflictions or tribulations ye meet withal be faithful confessors and martyrs Rev. 1. 5. and ch 3. 14. continue unto the end in induring afflictions fight the good fight of faith till death Faithful is more then elected or chosen simply as that is more then called as is signified to us in that it is said they that are with the lamb are called and chosen faithful Rev. 17. 14. and ch 12. 11. Now in that he gives such counsel to these he signifieth unto us 1. That constancy in the faith and profession of it and in enduring the afflictions of the Gospel is needful and requisite for those that shall hereafter inherit eternal life It is not enough that men run well at the first but also that they hold on unto the end of the race Because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold But he that shall endure unto the end thy same shall be saved Mat. 24. 11 12. and ch 10. 22. So the Lord saith concerning Solomon I will establish his Kingdom for ever if he be constant to do my commandments But otherwise ●aith David to him If thou forsake him he will cast thee off for ever 1 Chron. 28. 7 8 9. The just shall live by faith but if he draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him Heb. 10. 38. Though our Saviour finds no ●ault with this Church for any evil yet he signifies by this Counsel that it was needful for them to abide constant unto the end And so he doth when he sends a message to the Church in Philadelphia which was also unreprovable at that time and the only one of the seven that was so besides this yet to that Church also he saith hold that fast which thou hast that no Man take thy Crown See the notes on ch 3. v. 11. 2. In this counsel is also signified to us That those that are at present in Christ and whom he blames not for any thing but greatly commends may that notwithstanding possibly not abide faithful unto the conclusion of their lives But either because of the love of the World or for fear of somewhat to be parted with or endured may depart or stand off from Christ by an evil heart of unbelief Heb. 3. 1. with v. 12 13. This admonition is given to all believers not only to little Children and young Men but unto Fathers also Love not the World neither the things that are in the World If any Man love the World the love of the Father is not in him The love of money is the root of all evil which while some have coveted after they have erred from the faith c. 1 Joh. 2 15 16. with 1 Tim. 6. 9 10. 2 Tim. 4. 10. such as go right on their way may possibly be hindred or turned aside therefrom and such as were once faithful may be corrupted 1 Tim. 1. 20. 2 Tim. 2. 18. 1 Chron. 28. 7 8 9. Mat. 24. 45. c. Heb. 10. 23 26. see the notes on v 5 of this chapter 3. They may be faithful unto the end for he is faithful to confirm them unto the end that they may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ God is faithful by whom they were called to the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord 1 Cor. 1. 8 9. 1 Thess 5. 22 24. There is no Iniquity with the Lord our God Jer. 2. 1 5 12. 4. Faithfulness is required but unto death they that are constant thereto shall from thenceforth be so established for ever that they cannot possibly be unfaithful they shall then be pillars in the house of God and shall go no more out see the notes on Rev. 3. v. 12. They shall then be delivered compleatly and everlastingly from sin Heb. 12. 4. and from enemies after they are once dead their enemies have no more that they can do Luke 12. 4. henceforth there is certainly laid up for them a crown of Righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give them at that day 2 Tim. 4. 7 8. Then they are blessed indeed and more blessed than they were in former times Rev. 14. 13. from thenceforth there is a great gulf fixed so that they which would pass from one place or state to another cannot Luke 16. 26. constancy is no longer required of them but until their earthly house of this Tabernacle be dissolved Then they shall enter into peace and rest in their beds each one walking before him and in his uprightness And they shall not be hurt of the Second Death v. 11. 4. We have a gracious promise and powerful encouragement propounded to and set before them to engage them to receive and obey the Counsel fore-spoken to And I will give thee a Crown of Life Which is not absolutely assured unto them but respectively to wit in their being faithful unto the Death To the former Words of this sentence we have spoken before see the notes on v. 7. Onely here we may briefly speak to these two things 1. Enquire what is this Crown of life 2. Shew he can and will give it to these and such-like 1. The Crown of life doth signify to us their reigning in life by and with Jesus Christ when they have finished their course here in spirit And in the resurrection of the just in Soul and body reunited Rom. 5. 17. and so life in scripture when taken as here is the same with the Kingdom of God compare Mat. 18. 9. with Mark 9. 47 48. and Mark 9. 43 45 47. And that which in one place the Apostle James thus expresseth the crown of life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him in another it is thus the Kingdom
which he hath promised to them that love him compare Jam. 1. 12. with ch 2. 5. that is to say hereby is meant eternal life in the Glorious enjoyment thereof they shall reign in life to all eternity Prov. 4. 7. 8 9. 2. Christ can and will give this Crown of life to him that is faithful unto death he can do it for God hath given us eternal life and this life is in his Son 1 Joh. 5. 11. The Father hath given all things into his hand into his possession and dispose Joh. 3. 35. He asked life of him and he gave it him even length of days for ever and ever Ps 21. 3 4. And he will assuredly do it for he delights to do the will of God And this is the will of him that sent him that every one that seeth the Son and believeth in him should have everlasting life and he will raise him up at the last day Ps 40. 8 with Joh. 6. 40. How might this engage us to faithfulness Rom. 2. 6 7. Jam. 1. 12. 2 Tim. 3. 3 4 5. Verse 11. He that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the Churches see the notes before on v. 7. he that overcometh see notes on v. 7. shall not be hurt of the second death We have spoken to all the former part of this v. in v. 7. foredirected to and shall only speak somewhat to this last clause which is affirmed of every one that overcometh low and high rich and poor wise and unwise together he shall not be hurt of the second death In which is intimated and signified to us 1. That he may be hurt or injured of the first death I mean he may have his life taken away injuriously from him And so before that he may have his goods taken away and be spoiled of them and he may be persecuted both by reproachful words and also actually so and be chased from friends and habitations and be deprived of his liberty and cast into and kept in prison and be severely handled and cruelly and despitefully used as we have seen before on v. 9 10. which persecutions the Apostle calls killing and deaths Rom. 8. 35 36. 1 Cor. 15. 30 31. 2 Cor. 4. 10 12. and ch 11. 23. In such respects they may be hurt as it is said Rev. 11. 5. If any Man will hurt or injure them fire proceedeth out of their mouth And if any Man will hurt or injure them he must in this manner be killed Acts 27. 10. Ps 35. 4 26. So the Prophet saith they that seek my hurt speak mischievous things and imagine deceits all the day long Ps 38. 12. Tribulation and affliction are hurtful to the outward Man and very grievous even reproach is so Ps 69. 20. And much rather to be imprisoned and spoiled of the things appertaining to the natural life or to be tortured or injuriously condemned and put to death Thus they may be hurt of the first death while they are in their warfare and even to the consummation or conclusion thereof Obj. 1. If any one should say It appears none can or will hurt them from that question of the Apostle Peter's who is he that will harm you if ye be followers of that which is good 1 Pet. 3. 13. Ans I answer That doth not suppose that none will harm them or vex them or evilly entreat them But either 1. Who is he that will do it namely what or who is he as compared to the Lord whose eyes are over them who is he that will imploy himself in such a work v. 12. like that which the Prophet speaks in the person of Christ he is neer that Justifieth me who will contend with me who is mine adversary Behold the Lord God will help me who is he that shall condemn me Isay 50. 7 9. which words imply not that Christ had no adversary or none to contend with or condemn him But that they were inconsiderable and not worthy to be taken notice of in comparison of the Lord GOD who justified and helpt him In such a like sense we may also understand that If God be for us Who can be against us Rom. 8. 31 39. Or 2. Who is he that will harm you What manner of persons are they none but vile persons and such as have cause to be ashamed of their deeds such as are unaccountable or can give no good account for what they do absurd unreasonable Men 1 Pet. 3. 13 16. 2 Thess 3. 3. In both these senses we may take it But not as if they might not harm them in the sense we are speaking of they may evilly entreat and injure them and so much is implied in the next verse But and if ye do suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye And be not afraid of their terrour c. 1 Pet. 3. 13 14. And though God will bring good out of evil and cause all to work together for good to them that love God c. Rom. 8. 28. yet still wickedness proceedeth from the wicked and that is no thank to their enemies that he causeth the wrath of man to praise him nor do they mean so Isay 10. 5 7. nor is this the way to effect it Jam. 1. 19 20 21. So that still it appears that now of the first death they may be injured or hurt in the sence that is before declared and as is intimated in these words 2. But that which is here affirmed is he shall not be hurt of the second death Where let us inquire and consider for our usefulness What is this second death To which we may say more Generally 1. It is called the second death with respect to Men not to the Devil and his Angels for it is that which was at first prepared for them who kept not their first estate but left their own habitation and unto which they are reserved in everlasting chains of darkness to the Judgment of the great day Mat 25. 41. 2 Pet. 2. 4. Jude 6. Rev. 20. 10 14. 2. And therefore it appears The second death is not that which was threatned against man in case he eat of the forbidden fruit Indeed God said In the day thou eatest thereof in dying thou shalt dye Gen. 2. 17. But this death Christ hath tasted for every Man Heb. 2. 9. And abolished it 2 Tim. 1. 10. Otherwise we must have perished in it for ever our spirits should have been banished from the favour and presence of God and our bodies turned to and remained in corruption there had been no resurrection of the dead 1 Cor. 15. 20 22. But this death as is said Christ hath overcome and abolished And thus it is appointed to Men once to dye namely this first death as Christ hath taken the sting out of it Heb. 9. 27. and in due time all shall be raised out of it and no man shall perish in it for ever and in due time also he will destroy it Hos 13.
Rev. 11. 3. and ch 20. 4. Oh that if we suffer it may be upon such an account also Mat. 5. 11 12. and ch 16. 25. Joh. 12. 25 26. 1 Pet. 4. 12 16. 2. In that Christ saith of Antipas my faithful martyr we have here an account given us of them whom Christ judges and reputes faithful namely 1. Such as are his witnesses as before is said and proclaim his goodness most Men will proclaim every one his own goodness but a faithful Man who can find Prov. 20. 6. and 25. 13. Acts 16. 15. he accounts them faithful who preach not themselves but Jesus Christ the Lord and that faithful saying which is worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners 1 Tim. 1. 12 15. with ch 2. 4 7. 2. And such as abide constant in this witness-bearing even unto death as Christ saith Be thou faithful unto death c. see notes on Rev. 2. v. 10. Rev. 17. 14. 3. In that Christ mentions Antipas as his faithful witness after he was dead so we may learn That though the faithful fail from among the Children of Men and are forgotten of them yet still they are remembred with him for whose cause and sake they have suffered the memory of the just is blessed but the name of the wicked shall rot Prov. 10. 7. The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance Ps 112. 6. Though their memory here be forgotten Eccles 9. 5. yet they are remembred before the Lord and live unto him Mat. 22. 32. and ch 23. 34 35. Heb. 11. 4. c. 4. We may here learn who is the principal enemy and h●ter of Christs winesses it is Satan as is here intimated in that it is said Antipas was slain where Satan dwelleth 1 Pet. 5. 8. he stirreth up his Instruments against Christ's disciples especially Joh. 8. 37 40 44. and. ch 6. 70 71. 1 Joh. 3. 13. see the notes before on Rev. 2. v. 10 5. We may here take notice That where Satan's throne is and where he dwells yet he is bounded and limited Ps 76. 10. here was but one slain at this time even Antipas though there were many others that did not deny but held the faith in that place and time Christ is the head of all principality and power Col. 2. 10. see the notes before on Rev. 2. v 10 Now from this whole verse we may briefly take notice of these Instructions 1. As before is intmated that Christ may have and preserve his Church and doth so in dangerous places and times Thus here he did where Satan's throne and habitation was So in mystery Babilon his people will be when her destruction comes Rev. 18. 4. So when Elias saith Lord they have killed thy Prophets and digged down thine altars and I am left alone and they seek my life what saith the Answer of God unto him I have reserved unto my self seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal Rom. 11. 3 4. with 1 King 19. 10 14 18. Isay 1. 10 14. And this shews the care and faithfulness of Christ to them Ps 22. 30 31. And it may comfort us also in the worst and most perilous times that may come 2. That Christ takes notice of the dangers his people are in the dangerous places and times they live in his eye is upon them for good therein I know saith he thy tribulation c. see the notes on v. 9. I have seen I have seen saith the Lord the affliction of my people which is in Aegypt Acts 7. 34. with Exod. 3. 7 9. he takes notice of all the circumstances and aggravations of their affliction and tribulations so as to preserve them in the most perilous days and places and in due season to requite the injuries done unto them as here he describes himself with a sharp sword And though their enemies say God hath forgotten he hides his face he will never see yet as the Psalmist saith thou hast seen for thou beholdest mischief and spite to requite it with thine hand Ps 10. 11 15. Zech. 9. 8. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their cry c. Ps 34. 15 19. Let not Zion then say the Lord hath forsaken me and my Lord hath forgotten me for though a Woman may forget the Son of her womb yet he will not forget his Zion he hath graven her on the palmes of his hands her walls are continually before him Isay 49. 14 16. 3. That it is a very great trial to his people when they live and dwell in such places and times they have then many temptations on the right hand and on the left to let go their faith or the profession thereof and they are in heaviness thorow manifold temptations 1 Pet. 1. 6. Especially when some amongst them suffer or any one of them is slain for the testimony of Jesus Christ Heb. 10. 32 33. many now are ready to stumble yea too many oft-times do fall off There is no such great trial when God gives rest to his Churches Acts 9. 31. But rather then many will cleave to them with flatteries Dan. 11. 34. But when their adversaries amongst whom they live are permitted to persecute and vex them and kill some of them here is the patience and faith of the Saints Rev. 13. 7 8 10. and ch 14. 12. 4. It is highly approveable unto Christ and commendable with him that his Servants hold fast his name and do not deny his faith in such trying times and places Oh it is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour that when thus tried we hold fast the profession of our faith and hope without wavering whatever loss or sufferings we may expose our selves unto thereby Heb. 10. 23 26. and ch 4. 13 14. Rev. 3. 8 9. 1 Pet. 3. 12 13 14 16. Luke 12. 3 9. And then to let go the faith or profession thereof is very provoking unto him and dangerous to our selves whosoever is ashamed of him and of his words in an adulterous and sinful generation of him also will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy Angels Mark 8. 38. 2 Tim. 2. 12 13. 5. That his people may then hold fast God is their refuge and strength a very present help in trouble Ps 46. 1. And hath not given to them the Spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind that they might not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord but be partakers of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of God 2 Tim. 1. 7 8 9. Be we then strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Eph. 6. 10 18 And consider them who thorow faith and patience inherit the Promises Looking especially unto Jesus the author and finisher of the faith c. Heb. 6. 10 12. and ch 12. 1 2 3. 6. The consideration of Christ's
teachers who held the doctrine of Balaam were led out of the right way by their covetousness their love of money as was foretold by the Apostle Peter saying There will be false teachers among you who privily will bring in heresies of destruction even denying the Lord that bought them and thorow covetousness will they with feigned words make merchandise of you c. 2 Pet. 2. 1 3. with v. 14. 15. Jude 11. 16. and indeed The love of money is the root of all evil which while some have coveted after they have erred from the faith c. 1 Tim. 6. 9 10. 2 Tim. 4. 10. and needful it is that we should all of us take heed and beware of it and especially that they should flee from it and avoid it that go before others in the word of the Lord as the Apostle saith to Timothy But thou O Man of God flee these things 1 Tim. 6. 9 11. and such as are inclined unto and polluted with this iniquity of covetousness should not be chosen into the ministry 1 Tim. 3. 5. and v. 8. Tit. 1. 5 8. For this will lead them to be angry with and prepare war against them that put not into their mouths Mica 3. 5. and cause them to speak things which they ought not unto others Tit. 1. 8 9 10. 2. This covetousness of Balaam's led him 1. To endeavour to change and alter God's word and mind plainly made known and declared to him For God said unto Balaam thou shalt not go with the messengers of Balac thou shalt not curse the people at which time he did not go though his mind was too much inclined to the journey but he said unto them The Lord refuseth to give me leave to go go with you Numb 22. 5 14. yet when Balac sent again Princes more and more honourable then the former he was not content with what God had at the first spoken to him but again gives entertainment unto his messengers and entreateth them to tarry that night also that he might know what the Lord would say to him more v. 15. 20. as if though he had revealed his mind plainly enough before yet there might be some secret will in God coutrary to his revealed Or he might move him to change his mind or word well God came unto Balaam and said unto him If the Men come to call thee rise up and go with them But yet the word that I shall say unto thee that shalt thou do But he it seems never stays for being called but rose up in the morning and sadled his ass and went with the princes of Moab v. 15. 21. And when God's anger was kindled because he went and the Angel of the Lord stood in the way for an adversary against him he then saith If it displease thee I will get me back again of which he needed not to have made an if v. 22. 35. And when he came to Balac he went from one place to another with him that he might if possible change God's mind and curse Israel and to that end Balac brought him and he went into the High places of Baal v. 36. 41. thence to the top of Pisgah ch 23. 13 14. then to the top of Peor that looketh toward Jeshimon v. 27 28. c. To such evils will covetousness and the love of Honour Glory and applause of great ones bring a Man And it seems thorow covetousness these evil teachers in the Church of Pergamos who held the Doctrine of Balaam did also endeavour to change the word and Gospel of Christ to make it speak for them as the Apostle Paul saith there be some that trouble you and would pervert the Gospel of Christ Gal. 1. 7 8 9. And the Apostle Peter saith the unlearned unstable wrest those things that are hard to be understood as they do also the other scriptures which are more plain and easy to be understood 2 Pet. 3. 16. So the false teachers amongst the Corinthians did endeavour to beguile the believers as the Serpent beguiled Eve namely by telling them that God spake one thing and meant another 2 Cor. 11. 2. 3. with Gen. 3. 1 6. and how ready are they that have received the grace of God when they come to ask counsel in any matter if it like them not and they receive it not to endeavour to alter God's word or if they go to one friend and he gives wholsome and good counsel to them and they are not well-pleased with it how hastily run they to another that they may get meat for their lust and have their minds satisfied and many times in testimony of severe displeasure they are answered according to the Idols of their hearts and stumbling-blocks of their iniquiti●s Ezek. 14. 3 4 7 9 11. Jer. 42. 2. 6. 20. and ch 43 2. 2. When Balaam could not change God's mind he plainly giveth a bad counsel as here and so it was with many false prophets they proceeded from evil to evil and waxt worse and worse 2 Tim. 3. 1 3. and left the word of God and spake a vision of their own hearts and not out of the mouth of the Lord Jer. 14. 14. and ch 23. 9 16 23 32. and so did Balaam as here it followeth Who taught Balac to cast a stumbling-block before the Children of Israel c. Numb 31. 16. This was the evil doctrine of Balaam and also such like evil doctrine was held and taught by these false teachers here a great evil here let us for our usefulness consider 1. The person he taught was Balac the King of Moab he gave this evil counsel to him because the words and actions of Kings have usually greater influence upon Men than others and their counsel is more readily embraced and entertained Rev. 13. 3 8. as they may be and are instruments of much good to others when they are good themselves So they do much hurt when they are evil even to God's people also 2 Chron. 21. 11 13. 2 King 21. 11. and ch 23. 15. and too o●t these evil teachers in●inuate themselves into the affections of Kings and great ones and are too readily embraced by them when the true ones are lookt upon and dealt with as enemies to them and so it appears these corrupt teachers who are here likened to Balaam gave evil counsel to the Heathen Emperour or some Governours under him by their word or by their example also for so one may teach to wit with his feet and fingers Prov. 6. 13. 2. That which Balaam taught Balac to do was to cast a stumbling-block to lay a snare for the feet of others to scandalize and offend them which is a very great evil hence our Saviour saith whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea Mat. 18. 6 9. And the causing a stumbling-block before others
destruction of such vile ones and that he hath no pleasure at all in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his ways and live as he hath both said and sworn Ezek. 18. 23 31 32. and ch 33. 11. And it might also move and prevail with us to be like-minded after his example even to love our enemies to bless them that curse us to do good to them that hate us and to pray for them which despitefully use us and persecute us that we might be the Children and imitaters of him Mat. 5. 44 46. Prov. 29. 10. 4. We have here also propounded to us the end why he gave her space viz. To repent of her fornication not to continue in her sin but to turn there from unto him The goodness of God leadeth to repentance Rom. 2. 4. he is long-suffering because he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance 2 Pet. 3. 9 15. It is not in favour to mens sins but in love to their Souls that he forbears them Ezek. 18. 31 32. And therefore he calls upon us to turn unto the Lord because he ●● gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness c. Joel 2. 11 13. It is therefore an abuse of God's goodness and patience to think and conclude that he delighteth in sin or likes our evil ways because he is long-suffering to sinners Mal. 2. 17. Ps 50. 17 22. And yet how often do Men thus pervert what is right Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the hearts of the Sons of Men are fully set in them to do evil Eccles 8. 11. Mat. 24. 48 49. Rom. 6. 1 2. 2 We have an acccount given unto us of Jezabel's continued evil notwithstanding such space of repentance was given to her And she repented not or and she would not repent from whence we may note 1. That those to whom he is long-suffering and that to a gracious end may abuse his goodness and frustrate to themselves his gracious end and cordial intention towards them therein they whom the goodness of God leadeth to repentance may after their own hardness and impenitent hearts treasure up to themselves wrath against the day of wrath Rom. 2. 4 5. when he hath been patient towards them and during his patience hath been calling them and stretching forth his hand to them yet they may refuse and give no due regard but either reject his grace or turn it into wantonness Prov. 1. 20 24 28. They whom he would convert and is converting may not be converted as it is said We would have healed Babilon but she was not healed Jer. 51. 8 9. They may either willingly wink with the eye and say our ways are good and equal and so abuse his goodness as to conclude their innocency because he is long-suffering to them Jer. 2. 35 37. or because he is silent towards them and holds his peace they may think he is altogether such an one as themselves Ps 50. 17 21 22. or they may say where sin abounded grace abounded much more let us then sin and continue in sin that grace may still abound and be magnified and God's righteousness and mercy be more abundantly commended and illustrated in still pardoning and forgiving our transgressions Rom. 3. 5 8. and ch 5. 21. with ch 6. 1. or they may think their state is so fixed and that they are the subjects of such immutable and unchangeable love that God will still be merciful to them and continue them in his favour though they kill steal commit adultery swear falsly and burn incense to other Gods Jer. 7. 4 8. of which dangerous and presumptuous thoughts the Lord warns saying Lest there should be among you a root that beareth gall and wormwood And it come to pass when he heareth the words of this curse or oath which the Lord made with them that he might establish them for a people to himself that he blest himself in his heart saying I shall have peace though I walk in the imagination or stubbornness of mine heart to add drunkeness to thirst c. Deut. 29. 18 20. with v. 13. Rom. 11. 20 22. or at last they may come to such an height of stubbornness and impudence as to say we will do what is good in our own eyes or whatsoever goeth forth out of our own mouths Jer. 44. 3 5. 16. and ch 6. 16 17. need we have therefore to exhort one another and be exhorted one by another daily while it is called to day lest any of us be hardned thorow the deceitfulness of sin Heb. 3. 12 13. 2. That this was Jezabel's iniquity that she repented not or would not repent she might have so done in the light and strength of God's grace for though no man hath power or sufficiency in and of himself to do or think any thing that is spiritually good yet while God is patient towards and calling upon Men he also stretcheth forth his hand unto them to inable them unto what he requireth of them Prov. 1. 22 23 24. Mica 2. 7. while he gives space of repentance he also giveth the grace of repentance to them his grace doth bring salvation to all Men Tit. 2. 11. 2 Cor. 6. 1 2. Acts 26. 18 22. God hath exalted Christ with his right hand a Prince and Saviour for to give repentance and forgiveness of sins even unto rebellious ones also Acts 5. 31. And it is therefore their own sin and wilful iniquity who repent not while God suffereth long and is kind towards them hence our Saviour did upbraid some because they repented not Mat. 11. 20 22. and ch 12. 41. and thus reproves the chief Priests and Pharisees and saith The Publicans and the harlots believed John But ye when ye had seen it repented not afterwards that ye might believe him they had the same means and grace vouchsafed and it was therefore their own wilful iniquity that they did not repent also Mat. 21. 31 32. Verse 22. Behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit Adultery with her into a great tribulation except they repent of their deeds Here the Son of God denounceth and threatneth judgment against Jezabel and her companions except they repented Where consider we 1. This commination or threat is ushered in with this note of attention to his Angels and Churches Behold In which he speaks not to Jezabel but unto this Angel and Church and unto all the Churches and so he would give us to understand That it is good and needful for Christ's Servants and so for the Lords people to consider the judgments which he threatneth or executeth upon evil doers to the end they may receive admonition and turn away from any evils that are reproved in them To wash their feet their goings and affections in the blood of the wicked Ps 58. 10 1● and 64. 7 10. And it will be an aggravation of
thy demeanour Joh. 3. 36. and ch 5. 24. Rom. 8. 1. That his eye is delightfully upon thee and his Soul takes pleasure in thee that thou dwellest and remainest in the peculiar love and special favour of God whose favour is towards a wise Servant but his wrath is against him that causeth shame Prov. 14. 35. Joh. 14. 21 24. That thou livest that thou hast a lively hope by the resurrection of Christ from the dead as declared to thee in the Testimony of God concerning Christ 1 Pet. 1. 3. that thou livest by faith even by the Faith of the Son of God who loved thee and gave himself for thee Gal. 2. 20. Hab. 2. 4. that thou livest by Christ as he is revealed in the Gospel that thou eatest that living bread and feedest thereon even on the flesh of Christ that was given for the life of the World whose flesh is meat indeed and whose blood is drink indeed Joh. 7. 51. 53 57 58. and that thereby thou art filled with joy and peace in believing and aboundest in hope thorow the power of the Holy Spirit Rom. 15. 13. 1 Pet. 1. 3 4 8. that in eating of the flesh of the hind of the morning thy heart liveth Christ dwelling therein by Faith Ps 22. 26. with the title Eph. 3. 17. that Christ liveth in thee Gal. 2. 20. and in thy spirit are living waters out of which flow rivers of living water and from whence are issues of life Issuing forth praises of him longing desires after and prayers for more knowledge of him acquaintance with him Faith in him more high prizings of him more servent affection to and welpleased delight in him Joh. 7. 37 38. Prov. 4. 21. Cant. 2. 3 5. That Christ is thy life that living stone the foundation of thy Faith confidence hope and expectation that he is thy consolation and not any works of thine own or any thing effected in thee or done by thee Col. 3. 4. Rom. 1. 16 17. 1 Pet. 2. 3 4 5. Luke 2. 25. and that thou hast thy Glorying in his cross and thy rejoycing always in him who died yea rather is risen again c. And hast no confidence in the flesh Gal. 6. 14. Phil. 3. 1 3. 10. and ch 4. 4. That thou livest art quickened to new and living affections unto Jesus Christ and God in him and lovest him because he loved thee first that he is the He whom thy Soul loveth 1 Joh. 4. 14 16 17 19. and to new and living affections to Brethren so as thou lovest them with a pure heart ●ervently 1 Pet. 1. 22. yea that thou lovest desirest and endeavourest the good of all Men and that from the constrain● of the love of Christ because thou judgest that this One died for all and rose again and that God would have all Men to be saved 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. 20. 1 Tim. 2. 1 8. Luke 6. 27 35. And that thou art led by and walkest in the Spirit and so art preserved from fulfilling the lusts of the flesh not only the more gross ones but also the desires of the mind such as the wisdom righteousness goodness of the flesh praise of Men desires of vain-glory c. Gal. 5. 16 22 26. that thou art spiritually minded and led by the spirit who always leads in the path of life and that to thee to live is Christ and the end of thy conversation is that God in all things may be glorified thorow Jesus Christ that his Gospel may have free course and be received and heartily believed by others Phil. 1. 21. 1 Pet. 4. 11. 1 Cor. 9. 23. and ch 10. 33. This is somewhat of the name that this Angel and Church now had of their renown that was gone forth among the other Churches they were highly esteemed and well reported of by others Thou hast a name that thou livest But what was Christ's knowledge concerning them and what account doth he give of this Angel and Church generally It follows I know thy works that thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead and this he knew also by their works Dead not so as to their bodies as we have said for they still lived in that sense and conversed among Men where-as those that are naturally dead know not any thing Eccles 9. 5. nor is the truth sent or preached to them Isay 38. 18. But they were dead while they lived 1 Tim. 5. 6. Dead not with Christ not crucified with him as Gal. 2. 20. not dead to the rudiments and elements of this present world Col. 2. 12 20. or to the law by the body of Christ Rom. 7. 4. or to sin Rom. 6. 7 or conformed to the death of Christ in suffering shame reproach and persecution for his sake Phil. 3. 10. 2 Tim. 2. 11. we are not to understand the word dead in any of these senses for this death is an efficacy of the grace of God known and believed and so not reprovable but commendable But this Angel and Church is reproved and blame-worthy for being dead as plainly appears in this Epistle which is sent unto them in what follows Nor yet dead in an outward open and visible consideration spiritually that is they were not walking in the gross lusts and requirings of the flesh or not openly walking in them they were not like the Prodigal who wasted his substance with riotous living of whom his Father saith this my Son was dead Luke 15. 13 24 32. nor like the Ephesians of whom the Apostle saith And you who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein also ye walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the air c. Eph. 2. 1 2. that is I mean they did not openly work the will of the Gentiles walking in lasciviousness lusts excess of wine revellings banquettings c. 1 Pet. 4. 3. for such an openly vile conversation would have been altogether inconsistent with and have taken away their name among the Churches But they were more inwardly dead And yet they were dead not totally and absolutely but comparatively and in a great measure so as to the living and lively usefulness of what they had known and believed and the power and preciousness whereof they had discerned proved tasted and experimented therefore in v. 2. it is thus exprest the things which remain and are ready to dye And so Thou art dead to wit in general Thou art in a piteous condition in a miserable way at present so we have shewn before that death includes and contains in it many times when it is mentioned alone all misery and unhappiness and so certainly this Angel and Church were in the high-way to destruction and would bring that on themselves if Christ's counsel were not seasonably received and obeyed by them v. 2 3. And so he as it were saith to this Angel and Church as he doth to that of Laodicea Thou art wretched and miserable v. 17. More particularly
●luggishness and that is the way whereby we may be recovered out of the snare of Satan and may again be enlivened and quickned and stand before him and live in his sight 2 Tim. 2. 26. Eph. 5. 13 14. Prov. 20. 13. and ch 6. 9. 2. Be watchful namely keep waking when thou hast once awaked give no longer nor again sleep to thine eyes nor slumber to thine eyelids But watch and pray always Luke 21. 36. So the office of a watchman or his exercise is or should be to be always and continually waking and watchful Ps 127. 1. Isay 21. 6 8. and the watching here intimately counselled unto is especially and principally the exercise of the mind or Spirit though yet it is good and profitable to shake off drowsiness from the body when opportunities are afforded and may be enjoyed for having fellowship in the Gospel of Christ yet I say it is especially an earnestness and intention of Spirit in which a Man doth with diligence and circumspection set himself to observe any matter or bufiness or wait upon his imployment or for any Man or matter as it is said of the watchman he hearkned diligently with much heed Isay 21. 6 7. And as the Prophet saith of himself I will stand ●pon my watch and set me upon the tower and will watch to see what he will sa● unto me c. Habak 2. 1. Luke 21. 34 37. And so Be watchful To remember and mind what thou didst at first receive and entertain as he saith presently remember how thou hast received and heard see the notes on v. 3. hearken what God the Lord is therein speaking to thee What love he is therein discovering to thee what instructions or reproofs of instruction he is sealing home upon thee Ps 85. 8. Habak 2. 1 4. watch daily at wisdom's gates and wait at the posts of her doors that you may find wisdom even Jesus Christ who is the wisdom of God and so find life to revive and quicken you and may obtain favour of the Lord Prov. 8. 34. 35. with Ps 103. 6. and watch unto prayer 1 Pet. 4. 7. continue in prayer and watch thereunto with all perseverance Col. 4. 2 3. Luke 21. 36. Eph. 6. 18. and watch against evil and enemies Be sober be vigilant because the Devil your adversary as a roaring lyon goeth about seeking whom he may devour 1 Pet. 5. 8. Mat 26. 41. Neh. 4. 7 9. and especially watch against that evil which hath brought you into this sad and miserable condition and watch we over our selves and Brethren Heb. 12. 15 and ch 13. 17. yea and for the good of all and that whereunto we should watch is the vision of all Hab. 2. 1 4. with Isay 29. 11. the testimony of Jesus thereto watch for instruction and reproof for wisdom strength c. And this leads us to the next thing counselled unto viz. And strengthen the things that remain which are ready to dye Some thus read the words strengthen the rest which remain that are ready to dye as applying it to persons but if they intend by the rest those spoken of in v. 4. they greatly mistake and of a third company we read not in this Church But we shall speak to the words as we read them strengthen or stablish the things which remain that are ready to dye there may be some good things remaining in them that are even dead v. 1. The persons may be dead as to their usefulness of them and fruitfulness in them and yet still in some sort the root of the matter may be in them as Job 19. 28. Men may still retain some right and true notions and have the truth in a notional understanding though they imprison it in unrighteousness and suffer it not to work effectually in them Rom. 1. 18. they may believe the first and great things of God's law and yet believe in vain and not to the saving of the Soul 1 Cor. 15. 2. with Heb. 10. 39. the love of God may be in them in some sense and yet it may be so weakned and unfruitful as that may be said how dwelleth the love of God in them 1 Joh. 3. 17. It may be in word and in tongue not in deed and in truth 1 Joh. 3. 18. and Christ that will not break the bruised reed nor quench the smoaking flax or dimly-burning week acknowledgeth that there were some good things remaining still in these though they were so weak they were even ready to dye and extinguish Isay 42. 3. And these Christ doth here counsel them strengthen or establish even their weak Faith love hope c. though even dead Jam. 2. 17 26. and so the gifts and operations of the Spirit which they had received and were wrought in them to cherish and nourish these things that had been wrought in them by the holy Ghost and so stir up and kindle again the gifts of God which were in them and so revive them as 2 Tim. 1. 6. as a Man by stirring the fire or blowing it when it 's almost out doth thereby kindle it anew quicken and strengthen it But doth not the Psalmist thus cry to God strengthen O God that which thou hast wrought for us or in us when it was weak or weakned Ps 68. 28. And doth not the Apostle pray that God would strengthen them with might by his Spirit in the inward Man Eph. 3. 16 17. how then doth he here say to these strengthen the things that remain To this we may say yes verily all things appertaining to the saving of the Soul are of God But yet still somewhat is required of us as he is preventing and enabling us with his grace It is God saith the Apostle that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure But was there nothing therefore required of them yes verily for so it follows Do all things without m●rmuring and disputing Phil. 2. 12 15. It is the work of God to stablish the believers and yet also they are exhorted in the strength of God's g●ace which brings salvation to stablish their hearts 2 Thes 2. 17. with Jam. 5. 8. And this is required of us in general here that we may strengthen the things that remain to be watchful and wait upon him For they that wait upon the Lord shall renew strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles Isay 40. 31. In waiting upon him he will strengthen their hearts that they may strengthen the dying things Ps 27. 14. and particularly he directs them how to strengthen them in v. 3. 2. We have in the next place to speak unto the reason laid down by our Saviour to engage this Angel and Church to receive the Counsel in the former part of this verse For I have not found thy works perfect before God In which we may note for our usefulness 1. That Christ doth take notice of and search into all Mens works and especially into the works of his
his grace the word of exhortation c. and here he calls it the word of my patience Divers titles and names are given to it and several and various instructions are signified to us thereby But still it was Christ's word his Gospel they held fast and kept and not the doctrine of Devils or Mens divers and strange doctrines for to the keeping his word onely such blessedness as here is assured as our Saviour saith Verily Verily I say unto you if a man keep my saying he shall never see death Joh. 8. 51. he that keepeth the law the Doctrine of Christ happy is he Prov. 19. 16. and 29. 18. 1 Joh. 2. 24 27. 2 Joh. 9. 2. Why is the Gospel called here the word of Christ's patience And to that we may say It is so called 1. Because in this word of his is declared to us the great and wonderful patience of Christ in his induring all and all manner of afflictions for our sakes that we might be brought back again to God To that end greatly and wonderfully was he abased for us and for our sakes and good Though he was in the form of God and thought it no robberry to be equal with God yet he took our nature upon him and took upon him the form of a Servant and was here in a poor and mean condition Luke 9. 58. Ps 40. 17. so as others did Minister unto him of their substance Mat. 27. 55. Luke 8. 2 3. And was persecuted all along from his entring into his ministration unto the time of his death Before his hour was come when he first came to Nazareth to preach the Gospel they that heard him were filled with wrath and led him to the Brow of the hill that they might cast him down headlong Luke 4. 16 29. and when he had cured a Man on the Sabbath-day they did persecute and seek to slay him Joh. 5. 16 18. and at many other times Joh. 7. 30 32. and chap. 8. 37 40 59. and chap. 10. 39. and chap. 11. 53. c. and what reproaches and reproachful words fell upon him and were cast out against him They said he was a Samaritan and had a Devil called him Beelzebub deceiver accused him for blasphemy against God and for perverting the Nation and being an enemy to Caesar And when his hour was come and he was betrayed into the hands of sinful Men how they dealt with him is recorded in and by the Evangelists and Apostles And he endured great things from the hand of his Father He was tormented for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities It pleased the Lord to bruise him he did put him to grief he made his Soul an offering for our sins Isay 53. 5 10. he spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all Rom. 8. 32. He did forsake him and gave unto him a bitter cup to drink Ps 22. 1 2. Joh. 18. 11. And yet in all he was patient he did patiently continue in well-doing and did always those things that pleased his Father Joh. 4. 33 34. and 8. 28 29. and ch 9. 3 4. Though Satan and his instruments thrust sore at him that he might fall and to move him from his Father's way yet he was not rebellious neither turned away back But went on glorifying his Father on earth and finisht the work which the Father gave him to do Isay 50. 4 8. Joh. 17. 4. he did not fail neither was he discouraged by all he met with Isay 42. 1 3 4. And he was patient in enduring afflictions from the hands of Men he did not fret against those who were instruments of evil to him nor was he impatient towards them but indured great contradiction of sinners against himself Heb. 12. 3. Though he was so great and came to seek their good and so powerful yet when he was reviled he reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not 1 Pet. 2. 21 23. though he was oppressed and afflicted yet he opened not his mouth He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so he open'd not his mouth Isay 53. 7. But gave his back to the smiters and his cheeks to them that plucked off the hair Isay 50. 5 6. he was meek and lowly in heart Mat. 11. 29. when he was condemned and killed he did not resist Luke 9. 53 56. Jam. 5. 6. yea he sought the good of them who sought his hurt and prayed for them for his love they were his adversaries but he gave himself to prayer Ps 109. 4 5. when he was crucified and hanged between two malefactors then said Jesus Father forgive them for they know not what they do Luke 23. 34. and he was patient under the hand of his Father he endured the cross and drank off chearfully that cup which his Father gave him to drink Heb. 12. 1 2. Joh. 18. 11. when he cried out and roared by reason of the weight of the judgment of this World which was inflicted on him yet then he acknowledgeth his Father's righteousness and purity and saith But thou art holy O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel Ps 22. 1 3. and under all his afflictions and wonderful sorrows he waited patiently for Gods salvation As the Prophet signifies speaking of him and in his person and saying I waited patiently for the Lord and be enclined his ear and heard me Ps 40. 1 3. and still waits as it were with much patience for the glorious administration of his Kingdom and will do so untill all his enemies shall compleatly and visibly be made his foot-stool he tarries and awaits his Father's time for this Ps 110. 10 11. Heb. 10. 12. Rev. 11. 15 17. 2. The Gospel is also called the Word of his patience because it doth declare his and his Fathers present patience and long-suffering in the daily administration of his Government and that towards sinful and rebellious ones which proceedeth from his Charity 1 Cor. 13. 4. On such he waits that he may be gracious to them Isay 30. 8 18. He is long suffering to us ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance 2 Pet. 3. 9. He gave ●●zabel that false Prophetess space to repent of her fornication See the notes on ch 2. v. 21. And though Laodicea was become lukewarm and he therefore threatens to spue her out of his mouth yet he saith Behold I stand at the door and knock Rev. 3. 20. And when God is even provoked to cut Men off and cast them out of his Vineyard for their barrenness and unfruitfulness he mediates for further sparing and procures more long-suffering for them Luke 13. 6 7. Isay 42 1 2 19 20. Yea thorow him are vouchsafed riches of goodness forbearance and long-suffering to impenitent ones to lead them to repentance Rom. 2. 4 5. with 2 Pet. 3. 9 15. and towards his people in a peculiar consideration he is meek and lowly
32 33. Heb. 11. 17 19. The Apostle Paul to recover the Galatians from their wandrings sets before them that Christ is the Amen to him the promises are made and in him confirmed and with him assured to those that receive him So as in being Christ's they are Abraham's seed and heirs according to promise Gal. 3. 16 17 29. and 4. 28. and 5. 1. And so here Christ declareth himself to be the Amen to cure these of that Lukewarmness they were polluted with and assures them that in opening and giving entertainment to him he would come in to them and sup with them and they with him and that he that overcometh should sit with him on his throne Rev. 3. 14 20 21. Oh were this considered by us that God hath not spared his own Son but delivered him up for us all how would this make us confident that with him he will freely give us all things also how would this cause us to mount up with wings as Eagles to run and not to be a weary to walk and not saint and to encourage and engage us to listen to his counsel whom God hath given for a covenant to the people For the Lord God is a sun and shield he will give grace and glory no good thing will ●e with-hold from them that walk uprightly Rom. 8. 32. Ps 84. 10 12. The faithful and true witness This may be an explication of the Amen and shew us what is further meant by and contained in that expression These two words faithful and true may mean one and the same thing or we may say he is the faithful witness in that work whereto the Father appointed him hence the Apostle instructs the holy Brethren to consider the Apostle and High-priest of their profession who was faithful to him that appointed him namely in that hard and difficult work of humbling himself and becoming obedient to death the death of the cross Heb. 2. 9 18 and 3. 1 2. he is in his cross a faithful witness of the greatness and sincerity of the Fathers affection to us Isay 55. 3 4. who is meant by the faithful witness here spoken of may be plainly seen and wherein he is so firstly and fundamentally Rev. 1. 5. Jesus Christ the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead And so 1. As he died for our sins by way of propitiation and as the peace-maker So he is a faithful witness of the Fathers love and that he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance he is the great sign and undoubted evidence of the heat and ardency of God's love towards us poor sinners even toward every poor sinful creature of Mankind in that by the grace of God he tasted death for every Man In this was manifested the love of God towards us because God sent his only begotten Son into the World that we might live thorow him The Father sent the Son the Saviour of the World 1 Joh. 4. 8 10 14. God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son c. Joh. 3. 16. This is the great sign of God's love to us and it is an evil and adulterous thing to seek after any other Mat. 12. 39. 1. Cor. 1. 22 24. and he is the faithful witness therein of the truth and faithfulness of the Father in performing his promises according to the tenour of them for he that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him freely give us all things also Isay 55. 3 4. Rom. 8. 32. Yea in what he hath suf●ered he is the faithful witness also of the freeness and ardency of his own love towards us his love was so fervent as that many waters could not quench it nor could the Floods drown it such was his grace that he laid down his life for us he died for all 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. and such the preciousness of his blood that in the vertue thereof he is raised again hath purged away our sins made peace slain the enmity broken down the middle-wall of partition between God and mankind taken out of the way all that was in it contrary to us abolished death and destroyed him that had the power of death that is the Devil and obtained into himself all Spiritual blessings in Heavenly things and confirmed a new Testament and Everlasting Covenant Oh what a faithful witness is he of the greatness and fervency of his own and his Fathers love And how powerful therefore is the view of him in his Cross to cure us of our Lukewarmness Do ye thus requite the Lord O foolish people and unwise Is he not thy Father that hath bought thee Oh how doth this love constrain us to love him and to cleave to him with full purpose Yea and to return to him when we have fallen by our iniquities for therein he shews us that he hath no pleasure in the death of him that dieth and so not in the death and destruction of poor wretched miserable blind naked lukewarm ones Oh! fear not to come unto and walk before him and be perfect Let not your hands be slack By this ye are saved if ye keep in memory what was at first declared to you unless ye believe in vain viz. that Christ died for our Sins according to the Scriptures and was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15. 1 4. O foolish Galatians saith the Apostle who hath bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth that ye should not continue in running well but grow remi●s before whose Eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth crucified c. Gal. 3. 1. with ch 5. 7. 2. The faithful Witness and Martyr as a Peace-preacher who laid down his Life in testimony to the truth of that Gospel which he received from his Father and declared to us for to this end was he born and for this cause came he into the World that he should bear Witness to the truth Joh. 18. 37. And to this he did bear witness unto the death and sealed to the truth of that Gospel with his Blood This the Apostle Paul sets before Timothy to encourage him to fight the good fight of Faith that Jesus Christ witnessed a good Confession before Pontius Pilate when he knew what things he should suffer on that account 1 Tim. 6. 12 14. Away with this lukewarmness then and let us come unto and follow him whithersoever he goeth enduring bardness as good Souldiers of Jesus Christ 2 Tim. 2. 1 3 8. See Heb. 12. 1 3. 1 Pet. 2. 20 24. and ch 3. 17 18. And the true Witness In his Testimony in which he hath declared what he hath done and the Fathers love in him and that he is the Amen He is the truth it self and his word is the word of truth Prov. 8. 6 8. Ps 119. 160. 1 Joh. 5. 20. The true light now shineth 1
iniquity they might otherwise be guilty of 1 Pet. 1. 6 8. Isay 27. 8 9. 2 Cor. 11. 7 8. 1 Joh. 8. 10. The Psalmist prays God not to rebuke him in his wrath nor chasten him in his hot displeasure therein signifying that if God had been extream to have marked iniquities he might justly have so done For saith he mine iniquities are gone over mine head and I am ready to halt and my sorrow is continually before me For I will declare mine iniquity I will be sorry for my sin Ps 38. 1 4 17 18. 2. We may herein see the impartiality of the Lord in his rebukes and chastisments As many as he loves he doth rebuke and chasten he is one who without respect of persons judgeth according to every Man's work 1 Pet. 1. 17. what Son is he whom the Father chastneth not Heb. 12. 7. he doth not only rebuke and chasten those that are weak and infirme ones and such as he cannot so much delight in as in some others but the most strong and ●minent ones also and such as he hath greatly preferred in some respects before the residue of their Brethren though God gives this account of Job that he was perfect and upright and one that feared God and eschewed evil yea that there was none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright Man Job 1. 1 8. yet saith Job If I sin then thou markest me and thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity Job 10. 14. Moses and Aaron among his priests and Samuel among them that call upon his name They called upon the Lord and he answered them thou wast a God that forgavest them though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions Ps 99. 6 7 8. Numb 12. Ezek. 33. 13. 3. Herein we may see the vertuousness of the personal abasement and sufferings of Christ Both in that he is now the chastener he hath thorow death destroyed him that had the power of death that is the Devil and he hath the keys of hell and death see the notes on ch 2. v. 22. and that now afflictions and chastisments are fruits of his love and ordered by him unto such as he loves yea unto as many as he loves death is now abolished and made the path of life Eph. 4. 8 10. Acts 14. 22. 2 Tim. 1. 9 10. Heb. 12. 9 11. 4. Seeing as many as he loves he rebukes and chastens It may teach us neither to despise his chastenings nor faint when we are rebuked of him Behold happy is the Man whom God correcteth therefore d●spise not the chastening of the almighty Job 5. 17 19. My Son saith the Holy Gost despise not the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him or be not a-weary of his correction For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and s●ourgeth every Son whom he receiveth Heb. 12. 5 7. with Prov. 3. 11 12. Thou shalt consider in thine heart saith Moses that as a Man chasteneth his Son the Lord thy God chasteneth thee Therefore thou shalt keep his commandments Deut. 8. 5 6. 2 Sam. 7. 14 15. yea having access by faith into his grace we should be helped to acknowledge his godness and faithfulness Ps 119. 67. 68 75. yea to give thanks unto him because of his righteous judgment Ps 119. 62 and to rejoyce in tribulation Rom. ● 3 4. Jam. 1. 2 5. Prov. 13. 24. with ch 23. 13 14. 5. It may admonish us not to judge one another as if they were hated of God and accursed whom he rebukes and chastens Indeed Men are apt to think so in their vain thoughts But the Lord knoweth the thoughts of Man that they are vanity Blessed is the Man whom thou chasteneth O Lord and teachest him out of thy law Ps 94. 11 12. This was the fault found with Job's friends they judged him to be an hypocrite because the rod of God was upon him Job 8. 6 13. and 11. 14 20. and ch 22. 5 10. Oh let us not judge them to be the greatest sinners who are most frequently or heavily afflicted Luke 13. 1 5. or that there are no evils with us because we are not so corrected or tried as others are for are there not sins with us even with us also against the Lord 2 Chron. 28. 9 10. Oh be we not many masters for in many things we offend all Jam. 3. 1 2. Gal. 6. 1 2. 6. Let us not look upon them that are in a prosperous state here or who are not in trouble as other Men to be never a whit the more loved of God nor desire to be in their condition For the Tabernacles of robbers prosper and they that provoke God are even secure Job 12. 6. and ch 21. 6 9. The Lord trieth the righteous but the wicked and him that loveth violence his Soul hateth And therefore he doth not so try them as he doth the other Ps 11. 5. Indeed it hath been a great trial and temptation to some holy ones in former times that themselves have been oft chastened and plagued while their Enemies the wicked prospered and were secure Their strength was firm they were not in trouble as other men neither were they plagued like other men at this Gods people have been astonished and stounded and the Feet of some of them have been almost gone their steps have well-nigh slipt Ps 73. 2 6 13. Job 21. 5 14. Jer. 12. 1 3. Hab. 1. 13. But alas the consideration of this that as many as he loves he rebukes and chastens would preserve us from envying their prosperity and keep us from desiring to be with them and help us to see their case is very sad and deplorable whom he forbears to chasten Hos 4. 14. It was in severe displeasure God thus speaks to his people Why should ye be smitten any more ye will revolt more and more Isay 1. 5. 2. We have nextly an wholesome exhortation given to them relating to the former Be zealous therefore c. Therefore because as many as he loves he doth rebuke and chasten This he acquaints them with as that which was proper and powerful to provoke them unto what he exhorts them When persons conclude there is no hope and that God hath no love to them nor will be favourable any more this takes them off from exercising themselves to what is good and makes them resolve to follow strangers and to walk after their own devices and do the imagination of their evil heart Jer. 2. 25. and ch 18. 11 12. But therefore he assures them of his love even in his rebukes and chastisements and that he hath no pleasure in their destruction that they might consider their ways and turn their feet unto his Testimonies and then he will take away all iniquity and receive them graciously Ezek. 33. 10 11. Joel 2. 12 13. Heb. 12. 11 14. Hos 4. 1 4. and ch 6. 1 2. Be zealous This is the first Branch of the exhortation which he gives to
sends forth his voice and that a mighty voice Ps 68. 33. 3. Yea herein also we may see and behold the admirable humility and condescension of Jesus Christ that he should so importunately seek the good of such unworthy ones as these were and we are that we might open unto him As the Apostle Paul saith Now then we are ambassadors for Jesus Christ as though God did beseech by us we pray in Christs stead Be ye reconciled to God 2 Cor. 5. 20. well may it be said of him that he is meek and lowly in heart Mat. 11. 29. 2 Cor. 10. 1. he hath given a wonderful proof of his admirable humility in coming down from Heaven and being so greatly abased for us Though he was in the form of God and thought it no robbery to be equal with God yet he made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a Servant yea he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross Phil. 2. 6 8. and still he who is such an excellent one and cannot be added unto advantaged or advanced by us is seeking us up and knocking at the doors of mens hearts that he might be received and entertained by them into the bed of love 4. Yea here we may also behold and view his great patience to such as these because he loves them hence he saith I stand and knock even continue knocking till his head was filled with dew and his locks with the drops of the night as Cant. 5. 2. or I have stood and do still knock herein his patience doth wonderfully appear Rev. 1. 9. 2 Thes 3 5. he who came into the world to save sinners doth shew forth all long-suffering 1 Tim. 1. 15 16. and this proceeds from his love and charity Charity suffers long and is kind 1 Cor. 13. 4. and he is therefore long-suffering because he is not willing that any should perish The longsuffering of our Lord is salvation Oh that it may be so accounted by us that we may not despise the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering But to day while it is called to day may hear his voice and not harden our hearts against him 2 Pet. 3. 9 15. 5. We have here a discovery and intimation given to us of the nature of his gracious and spiritual operations though he doth prevent with power and capacity yet he forceth not men against their wills nor makes them open will they nill they He draws with mighty and powerful Cords but still men may possibly not come who are thus drawn As he saith I drew them with Cords of a Man with Bands of Love and I was to them as he that taketh off the Yoke on their Jaws and I laid meat before them and yet they refused to return Hos 11. 4 5. He calleth and stretcheth forth his hand yet Men may not regard but may set at nought all his counsel and not will any of his reproofs Prov. 1. 23 25. He worketh in Men both to will and to do of good pleasure But still it is required of Men as their work in the light and strength of his grace that brings Salvation to them to do all things without murmuring and disputing or otherwise they will not not be blameless Phil. 2. 13 15. Indeed as with respect to his providential workings and operations in the World he will work and none shall let him or turn it back Isay 43. 13. with ch 14. 27. But as with respect to his gracious and spiritual operations for the saving of the Soul he doth not work irresistibly He draws indeed but Men may break his Bands and cast away his Cords from them Ps 2. 1 3. Jer. 5. 5. He may purge and Men not be purged Ezek. 24. 13. He may lead and yet Men may not be led but may forsake him when he leads them by the way Rom. 2. 4. with Jer. 2. 17. He may be gathering them as an Hen gathers her Chickens under her Wings and yet they may not be gathered Mat. 23. 37. He may teach them to profit and lead them by the way they should go and yet they may not be taught or hearken to his Commandments Isay 48. 17 18. So here he stands at the door and knocks but he doth not break open the door by his invincible or irresistible power but saith Open to me my Sister my Love c. As Cant. 5. 2 3. 2. VVe have a gracious and blessed motive and encouragement propounded and set before them to engage them or any Man to listen to his call and obey it If any man hear my voice and open to me I will come in to him and will sup with him c. Where we have to take notice of and consider 1. That which is requisite to render a man the subject of this blessedness 2. The blessedness it self assured and promised unto such an one 1. That which is requisite to render a Man the subject of this blessedness and this is here set down in two particulars That is to say 1. If any Man hear my Voice That which is to be heard is Christs Voice as distinguished from and preferred before all other Voices and as opposed to all evil ones there are many voices in the World 1 Cor. 14. 10. there is the voice of Fools Eccles 5. 3. And the voice of Strangers speaking in their divers and strange Doctrines Joh. 10. 5. with Heb. 13. 9. but their voice is not to be heard But we are exhorted to go from the presence of a Foolish Man when we perceive not in him the Lip of knowledge Prov. 14. 7. and ch 19. 27. But the voice which is to be heard by us is my Voice saith Christ the Voice of the Beloved Cant. 5. 2. and ch 2. 8. Even 1. And principally the Voice of his word Ps 103. 20. that joyful voice Job 3. 7. even the voice of the Son of Man Joh. 5. 25. The voice of the true Shepherd Joh 10. 3 4 16 27. for in his word his voice comes to us in which excellent things are declared to us and true things concerning his abasement and sufferings and how he hath been tried and what he hath thereby done for us and obtained into himself and is become and what he is now doing and will hereafter do And in which Testimony of Jesus he is giving good counsel and wholesome commands to us Prov. 20. 23. and ch 8. 1 4 6 10 23. and ch 9. 1 6. Rev. 3. 18. In these words of his he sends forth his voice and that a mighty voice Ps 68. 33. And this he doth even to such also as after tastes of his graciousness depart from him and shut the Door against him And by his voice in his Gospel he knocks at the hearts of Men yea and at the hearts of such as these and saith Remember how ye have received and heard Rev. 3. 3. Remember from whence ye are fallen Rev.
the chief priests and unto the scribes and they shall condemn him to death And shall deliver him to the Gen●iles to mock and to scourge and to crucifie him and the third day he shall rise again which accordingly came to pass Matt. 17. 22 23. and chap. 20. 17 19. Joh. 18. 4. And he knew before of the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Temple and of the end of the world and did foretell and shew before-hand the signs that would preceed these things Matt. 24. 3 c. And he knew who it was that would betray him before he did it Joh. 6. 64. And he told his Disciples many things before they came to pass that when they did come to pass they might believe Joh. 14. 20. and chap. 13. 19. So elsewhere in this Book of the Revelation is signified to us that he doth know yea and reveal also things to come before they were fulfilled Chap. 1. 1. and chap. 22. 6 15 16. And though it be said Of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the Angels which are in heaven neither the s●n c. Mark 13. 32. Yet we may thus understand that saying either 1. That he did not know that hour before he had finished his suffering work and was risen and ascended into the Heavens At which time he received the promise of the Father even the holy Spirit which searcheth all things gloriously into the nature of man Act. 2. 33. Rev. 5. 6 7 8 9. Or 2. He did not know that day and hour then to ●eveal that was not the due season for making it known Like that saying The father loveth the son and sheweth him all things that himself doth and will shew him greater works namely to perform and accomplish them in their due time and proper season Joh. 5. 20. So this Book of the Revelation was given by God unto him to shew c. Rev. 1. 1. not to know for himself for he knew all things before as Peter confesses and Christ disproves it not nor reproves him for so saying Joh. 21. 17. But to reveal and make known unto his Servants by his Servant John But yet though he foreknows future things this foreknowledg of his necessitates not the coming to pass of what is sinfully evil And as one saith His fore-knowledg doth produce no absolute necessity Things are not therefore because they are foreknown but therefore they are fore-known because they shall come to pass If any thing should come to pass otherwise than it doth yet Gods knowledg could not be irritated thereby for then he did not know that it should come to pass as now it doth Because every knowledg of vision necessarily presupposeth its object God did know that Judas should betray Christ but Judas was not necessitated to be a Traitor by Gods knowledg If Judas had not betrayed Christ then God had not ●ore known that Judas should betray him Dr. Bramhall in his Defence of true liberty pag. 244 245. Though he knows what will come to pass yet somewhat that he so foreknows and foredeclares may not eventually come to pass Yea all so fore-known doth not 1 Sam. 23. 11 13. And though he foresees as to us and knows what will sinfully be acted and committed yet he doth not necessitate the coming to pass of it any way The just Lord will not do iniquity Zeph. 3. 5. He is not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness neither shall evil dwell with him Psal 5. 4. Jam. 1. 13 14 15. Yea our Lord Jesus is so far from necessitating men to what is sinful as that all such actions do grieve him at the heart He did indeed know and foretell that Judas one of the Twelve would betray him Joh. 6. 64 70 71. But he did not necessitate him any way so to do but that horrid fact of his was a great grief to our Lord Jesus Hence the Evangelist saith Jesus was troubled in spirit and not in his face or outward appearance only he did not feign himself to be grieved but was in wardly grieved grieved in soul and testified and said Verily one of you shall betray me Joh. 13. 21. Yea he is so far from necessitating men to evil as that he works powerfully and his grace brings salvation to all men to preserve them therefrom Hence we have such expostulations as these recorded O thou that art named the House of Jacob is the spirit of the Lord straitned Are these his doings Mic. 2. 1-7 O Ephraim what shall I do unto thee O Judah what shall I do unto thee Hos 6. 4. Thus saith the Lord what iniquity have your fathers found in me that they are gone far from me Have I been a wilderness unto Israel A land of darkness Jer. 2. 5 31. Judg I pray you betwixt me and my Vineyard what could have been done more to my Vineyard that I have not done in it Isa 5. 3 4. It is undoubtedly true notwithstanding his foreknowledg or any thoughts or apprehensions we poor shallow creatures have concerning it that the Lord God hath no pleasure none at all neither secret nor revealed in the death of the wicked but that he turn and live As he hath both said and sworn and given his son to be a witness of it Ezek. 18. 23 32. and Chap. 33. 11. God our Saviour would have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledg of the truth 1 Tim. 2. 4 6. Tit. 2. 11. 2 Pet. 3. 9 15. 1 Jo● 4. 14. And the consideration hereof that he knows all things even future things also is proper and powerful to engage and encourage his servants to hold fast profession the profession of their faith and hope without wavering Heb. 4. 13 14. with Chap. 10. 23 25. Jer. 11. 18. He knows what is in the darkness and what will come to pass And he can and will make all work together for good to them that love God who are the called according to purpose Rom. 8. 28 29. See Notes before on Chap. 2. ver 23. And not only he knows things to come as to us future things not only are they written before him but also he further here saith and assureth his servant John 2. I will shew thee things which must be hereafter Here he leaves out the words shortly and at hand which he had used in Chap. 1. vers 1. and vers 3. But that we here further take notice of is that Christ not only knows things which must be hereafter but also made them known as he saw good to his servants and here par●icularly the things contained in this Book to his beloved Disciple Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the Prophets Amos 3. 7. And he doth fore-tell and fore-declare things to come before they come that men might not sacrifice to their own nets or burn incense to their own drags nor bow unto or worship any false or imaginary God any Image
ascended up unto the right hand of God and received of the father the promise of the holy Spirit which also he hath shed forth and poured out upon his holy Apostles that by them the preaching might be fully known and they have used great plainness of speech and not as Moses who put a vei● over his face c. so as his Churches may all with open face behold the glory of the Lord c. 2 Cor. 3. 12 13 18. Act. 2. 17. and now they may arise and shine for their light is come Isa 59. 20 21. and chap. 60. 1 2. with Eph. 5. 14. and though among them that were born of women there had not risen a greater Prophet than John the Baptist Yet as our Saviour saith he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he Matth. 11. 11. the anointing which they have received abideth in them and they ne●d not that any man teach them but as the same anointing teacheth them of all things and is truth and is no lye 1 John 2. 27. and thus we here understand this saying The living creatures the Church in the four quarters of the world were full of eyes full of quick-sighted men and full of understanding as hath been said and they are said to be full of eyes before and behind That is to say 1. Before To see and behold things before and so to behold Jesus Christ and him crucified who is before them and neerer to the throne than they Chap. 5. 6. They by faith see Jesus who by the grace of God tasted death for every man Heb. 2. 9. and herein perceive his love because he laid down his life for them 1 Joh. 3. 16. He is in the Gospel evidently set forth before their eyes as one who hath been crucified for them Gal. 3. 1. that they might rejoyce in him with joy unspeakable and ●ull of glory 1 Pet. 1. 8. and always sing that new song of praise and thanksgiving Worthy is the lamb that was slain c. Rev. 5. 8 9 10. and to see and behold the glory which he hath received and is possessed of in our nature 2 Cor. 3. 18. and that now he appears in the presence of God for them they are come to Jesus the Media tour of the new Testament and to the blood of sprinkling which speaketh better things than the blood of Abel Hebr. 12. 24. Rev. 5. 6. 2. And in Jesus Christ to behold him that sits on the throne For he that seeth him seeth the father also he that knoweth him knoweth him that sent him John 12. 4● 45. and chap 14. 6 7. 2 Cor. 4. 4 6. to behold in and through him his wisdom power holiness and justice and his great and wonderful love to manwa●d which he hath manifested in sending his only begotten son into the world to be the propitiation for our sins that we might live through him 1 John 4. 8 10 14. and his peculiar love to them that believe in Christ John 14 21 23. and how he sits upon the throne ruling over all and ordering all things for their good especially who love God Psal 103. 19. and 29. 10 11. Rom. 8. 28 32. Now they do ●●●h these eyes by faith see the King in his glory as Moses also d●●● Isa 33 16 17. with Hebr. 11. 27. 3. To behold the thundrings and lightnings and voices all preparations to and executions of wrath and judgment they see when a storm is coming that they may enter into the rock and hide themselves in the dust for fear of the Lord and for the glory of his majesty Isa 2. 10. for all storms and tempests all judgments and testimonies of displeasure proceed out of the throne which is before them See the Notes before on ver 5. and they who have their conversation by faith in Heaven may behold Gods hand when it is lifted up and meditate terrour Isa 33. 17 18. The prudent foresee the evil and hide themselves but the simple pass on and are punished Prov. 22. 3. and chap. 27. 12. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him c. Psal 25. 13 14. 4. To behold future things which shall be hereafter so our Saviour promised his disciples That the holy Spirit should guide them into all truth and shew them things to come John 16. 13. and thus ha●h he done in this book of the Revelation which God gave unto Jesus Christ to shew unto his servants things which must come to pass Rev. 1. 1. and chap. 22. 6 16. and so with their eyes which are before they may behold the destruction of Mystery Babylon and of all that are enemies to and persist in rebellion against Jesus Christ and his Gospel and People Rev. 11. 18. and chap. 14. 8 11. and cha● 18. 19. and the coming of Christ with Clouds Rev. 1. 7. his coming again to raise them that sleep in him in the first resurrection and delivering them from all evil and enemies compleatly and gloriously and granting them to sit with him in his throne and to reign with him on earth Rev. 5. 9 10. and chap. 20. 21 22. they may now by faith look upon these things that are not seen and which are now revealed as in former times they were not 2 Cor. 4. 18. Hence whereas the Prophet speaking of the glory to be revealed saith Since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ear neither hath the eye seen O God besides thee what he hath prepared for him that waits for him The Apostle citeth that Scripture saying Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him But then he addeth hereto further and above what the Prophet had said But God hath revealed them to us by his spirit c. Compare Isa 64. 4. with 1 Cor. 2. 9 10 11. to signifie to us th●● these things are now manifested to us as they were not in foregoi●●imes though yet as with respect to these things it must still be remembred that their sight and knowledg hereof is by faith and but in part 1 Cor. 13. 9 12. and they are instructed that when these things begin to come to pass they should look up and lift up their heads for their redemption draws nigh Luk 21. 28. 2. And these four living creatures are also full of eyes behind to know see and discern things which are over and past As to say a a little 1. To see into the types and shadows of the Law which are accomplished and opened to us in and by Jesus Christ they were a shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ Col. 2. 17. and which things are now revealed to us by Christ and his Apostles in the Gospel which hath by them been preached according to the revelation of the mystery The Law came by Moses but grace and truth by Jesus Christ
of the Angels but as they were sinning Angels as they kept not their first estate but left their own their proper habitation or house They had an house prepared for them in Heaven at first and given to them and that was their proper house as they were created of God at fi●st in the truth but because they kept not their principality nor abode in the truth in which they were created but left their proper house and sinned against God they were cast down to Hell Everlasting fire was prepared for the Devil as a Devil as one that abode not in the truth and his Angels and not for Gods Angels 2 Pet. 2. 4. Jude 6. 1 Tim. 3. 6. Matth. 25. 41. with John 8. 44. And that mankind fell under his wrath and the sentence of death it was because of sin By one man sin entred into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned Rom. 5. 12. and chap. 6. 23. And when they had thus sinned and God might righteously have cast them off and destroyed them for ever yet then God manifested he had no pleasure in the everlasting destruction of any of mankind in that he devised such a blessed device that his banished should not be expelled from him He so loved the world of mankind that he gave his Son by his grace to taste death for every man John 3. 16 17. Hebr. 2. 9. and raised him from the dead for their justification Rom. 4. 25. with chap. 3. 23 24. And Christ hath purged away the guilt of that first sin and sinfulness from before the presence of God 2. Cor. 5. 19 21. with Hebr. 1. 3. abolished that first death which otherwise would have been everlasting 2 Tim. 1. 10. with Rom. 6. 23. and will in due season destroy it 1 Cor. 15. 26. and destroyed him that had the power of death that is the Devil Hebr. 2. 9-14 So as no man shall perish for ever in that first death but all shall be raised out of it by the man Jesus Christ who is become the resurrection and the life 1 Cor. 15. 21 22. And when raised no man shall be cast into the second death for that first sin and sinfulness simply but for loving darkness rather than light after light was vouchsafed to them The soul that sinneth it shall dye Jer. 31. 29 30. Ezek. 18. 1 2 4. And now he hath declared that he doth not willingly afflict nor grieve the children of men no not with such afflictions as are but for a moment Lament 3. 32 33. It is his work his strange work his act his strange act Isa 28. 21. Hebr. 12. 10. Much less doth he delight in the eternal ruine and misery of any of them no not of the vilest of them while it is called to day This was not his will or pleasure concerning them or any of them in creating them nor is it in preserving them while they are joyned to all the living Eccles 9. 4. So much himself plainly intimates to us in his own word saying Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should dye saith the Lord God And not that he should return from his ways and live Whereto himself gives answer saying I have no pleasure none at all in the death of him that dyeth saith the Lord God Ezek. 18. 23. with vers 31 32. And lest we should thorow unbelief question the truth of his word to put an end to all strife and gainsaying he hath confirmed the same with his Oath charging his Prophet thus to speak say unto them As I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wi●ked turn from his way and live Ezek. 33. 11. with Hebr. 6. 16 17 18. He is not willing that any should perish 2 Pet. 3. 9. Ezek. 18. 30 31 32. But 2. His will and pleasure in creating them was 1. That they might know and have fellowship with and serve him who is their Creator and therefore he made them in a good and honourable condition God said Let us make man in our Image after our likeness and let them have dominion c. So God created man in his own Image in the Image of God created he him c. to wit in knowledg righteousness and true holiness Col. 3. 10. Ephes 4. 24. Gen. 1. 26 27. Psal 49. 12-20 God made man upright Eccles 7. 29. And as he made them in that good upright and holy condition so it was his pleasure they should have continued therein For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness his countenance doth behold the upright Psal 11. 7. I know O my God saith the Prophet that thou hast pleasure in uprightness 1 Chron. 29. 17. with Psal 5. 4. and Eccles 5. 4. And of such Angels as abode in that holy and honourable state he made them in it is said They do his pleasure Psal 103. 20 21. And it also appears that it was his will and pleasure that mankind should have continued in that good and upright condition he made them in In that he gave them such an easie and gracious law to testifie their love obedience and subjection to their Creator in only forbidding them to eat of one tree whereas many were allowed them And in that he so threatned them that in the day they eat thereof in dying they should dye Gen. 2. 16 17. In which he plainly signified that it was his pleasure that they should not eat thereof and he was greatly displeased with them when they had transgressed his Commandment And therefore it was not his will they should have eaten thereof Psal 101. 3. 2. And for his pleasure they are and are preserved and continued and that to a gracious end while they are joyned to all the living when mankind had sinned he ●ound out a ransom and provided a remedy for them He so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son John 3. 16 17. And Christ came from Heaven to do the will of him that sent him the pleasure of his Father John 6. 38. Hebr. 10. 5 8 9. Isa 53. 10. And his will was that Christ should dye for all men and rise again and deliver them from perishing for ever in that first death 2 Cor. 1. 10. And that he should obtain eternal life into himself for them 1 John 5. 10 11. and be a Testimony to them in due time that thorow him they might be saved John 3. 17. and chap. 12. 47. In all which we may see that his will concerning mankind is that they should be saved and come to the knowledg of the truth 1 Timothy 2. 4 5 6 7. that he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance to which end his grace bringeth salvation to all men 2 Pet. 3. 9. Tit. 2. 11. Ezek. 18. 23 30 32. and chap. 33. 11. This is his will that they should be sanctified and
comes to pass that the Saints sacrifices of prayers and praises are so acceptable and sweet in the nostrils of God not because of the absolute perfection of them but because they are sanctified by the Spirit and full of and perfumed with the incense of the Intercession of Jesus Christ Isa 56. 7. Heb. 4. 14-16 Vers 9. And they sung a new song saying Thou art worthy to take the Book and to open the seals thereof for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation In this Verse we have to consider and speak unto 1. The act or exercise of these Holy Ones And they sung a new song 2. The subject-matter of this new song Wherein we have to consid●r 1. Their Doxology or ascribing praise and glory to the Lamb saying Thou art worthy to take the Book and to open the seals thereof 2. The Reason or Reasons of his worthiness to do these things and to have this glory ascribed and rendred to him by-them For thou wast ●lain and hast redeemed us unto God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation 1. The act or exercise of these Holy Ones with their Harps c. And they sung a new song Where let us a little consider 1. The persons that sung 2. Their act or exercise it self 1. The persons that sung they the four living creatures and four and twenty Elders ver 8. or the Saints ver 8. These were the Harpers these the Singers here spoken of even the holy and righteous Ones and they are oft called on to sing unto the Lord and give thanks unto him Psal 30. 4. and 32. 11. and 33. 1 2 3. and 149. 1 2 3. Indeed men generally are called upon to sing unto the Lord as it is said Sing unto the Lord all the earth 1 C●ron 16. 23. Make a joyful noise unto God all ye Lands sing forth the honour of his name make his praise glorious Psal 66. 1 2. and 68. 32. and 96. 1 2. and 98. 1-4 5. and Psal 100. 1 2. But how can all men be called upon to sing or how can they meetly do it who believe not the Argument of the Song To which I say 1. There is good reason and cause for all so to do because Christ hath died for all yea rather is risen again 2 Cor. 5. 14 15. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son c. for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved John 3. 16 17. and chap. 4. 42. And Christ hath given his flesh for the life of the world and given himself a ransom for all John 6. 51. 1 Tim. 2. 4-6 In which the goodness of the Lord is manifested the love pity and kindness of him that ●its upon the throne and of the Lamb that he is good unto all and loving unto every man and hence all are called upon to come before his presence with singing Tit. 3. 4. Heb. 2. 9. Psal 100. 1 2 3 5. and 145. 8 9 1 Chron. 16. 23 24. Psal 113. 1 2 3. 2. In due time this is made known to all as they come to years of discretion in some measure I mean that the Lord is good to all Psal 50. 1. Prov. 8. 1-4-6 Rom. 1. 19 21. Christ is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into ●he world John 1. 9. and 8. 12. And especially he is discovering his grace and love to all that have the Scriptures amongst them and the Gospel preached to them that all might hear so as it may be said Have they not heard yes verily Rom. 10. 18 19. John 5. 25. Jam. 1. 19. And usually when they are called upon to sing praise unto the Lord the reason and reasons why they should so do are propounded therewith as Psal 47. 1-5 6. and 68. 4. 10 11 18-20-32 and 96. 1-10 and 98. 1-4 5. 3. Herewith God is giving his saving-grace that all might hear believe and sing praise and it is wholly their own fault if they do not these things The grace of God saving or that bringeth salvation to all men hath appeared Tit. 2. 11. The ●our now is when the dead in sins and trespasses ●ear the voice of the Son of God that they might hear in hearing and live John 5. 25. and 1. 6 7. and chap. 6. 27 29 32 33 49 50. Rom. 8. 6 8-13-17 and therefore all may be called upon to praise the Lord for his goodness c. Psal 107. 8-15-21-31 But yet especially and most frequently the Saints and righteous ones are called upon excited and exhorted so to do because 1. They not only may but do know the joyful ●ound and so the good cause and reason why they should sing forth the honour of his name 1 John 5. 20. that the soul be without knowledg it is not good Prov. 19. 2. and God hath no pleasure in fools in such as so remain though he hath pity towards them Eccles 5. 1-4 and 7 5. But the Saints have an understanding they know and believe the love wherewith God hath loved them and all men in sending his Son the Saviour of the world 1 John 4. 14 -16 And therefore they especially are called upon to sing praises as it is said Sing ye praises with understanding or every one that hath understanding Psal 47. 5 6. 7. and 89. 15 16. 1 Cor. 14. 15. 2. And thorow the knowledg and belief of God's Testimony they are made in Christ and he is theirs 1 Cor. 1. 30 31. and 3. 23. they have tasted that the Lord is gracious 1 Pet. 2. 3. and are filled with joy and peace in believing they rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory c. 1 Pet. 1. 8 9 10. though all the days of their afflictions are evil yet they have a merry heart and so a continual feast Prov. 15. 13 15. and is any man merry let him sing Psalms Jam. 5. 13. Blessed are the people that know the joyful ●ound they shall walk O Lord in the light of thy countenanc● in thy name they shall rejoyce all the day c. Psal 89. 15 17. and 132. 9 16. and 30. 4 5. Hab. 3. 16-19 3. It is a becoming decent thing for them to sing praise as it is said Rejoyce in the Lord O ye righteous for praise is comely for the upright Pr●ise the Lord with the Harp sing unto him a new song play skilfully with a loud noise Psal 33. 1 3. It 's not comely for ●thers so to do who wilfully abide in their ignorance and disobedience unto the wicked God ●aith What hast thou to do to declare my statutes or that thou shouldst take my Covenant in thy mouth seeing thou hatest instruction c. But wh●so offereth praise saith the Lord glorifieth me and to him that disposeth his way will I shew the salvation
2. 1. 1 Cor. 2. 8. He is the King and Fountain of it y●a he is the glory of the Israel of God Ps 24. 7 9. Luke 2. 32 And they are callled to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ and shall appear in it Ps 84. 11 12. 2 Thes 2. 14. When Christ who is their Life shall appear then shall they also appear with him in glory Col. 3. 4. 2 Tim. 2. 10. They shall then have a glorious Body also their vile Body shall be changed and fashioned into the likeness of his glorious Body Phil. 3. 21. As they have born the Image of the earthy they shall also bear the Image of the heavenly 1 Cor. 15. 49. And they shall then have the glorious fulness of the Spirit of which now they have but a first-fruits Rom. 8. 23. And shall reign in glory he will then compass them with a Crown of glory Prov. 4. 7 9. 7. And Blessing This also the innumerable company of Angels acknowledges the Lamb to be worthy to receive And this we may look upon 1. More generally As blessing signifies all that is truly good and desirable as many times in Scripture it doth as Deut. 33. So good and blessing are used the one for the other Compare Deut. 30. 15. with v. 19. And so God hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly things in Christ Eph. 1. 3. with all the blessings of goodness As it is said Thou preventest him with the blessings of goodness Ps 21. 3. He is full of grace and truth Joh. 1. 14 16. In him dwelleth all the fulness of the God-head bodily And in him we are compleat Col. 1. 19. and 2. 9 10. In him there is the blessing of forgiveness Rom. 4. 6 7. with Eph. 1. 7. Col. 1. 14. In him is the blessing of righteousness Dan. 9. 24. Isay 45. 24. And he that hath clean hands and a pure heart c. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation Ps 24. 1 5. On him is the Spirit that great blessing Isay 44. 3. with ch 11. 2. and 42. 1. Joh. 3. 34. In him is the blessing of Life of eternal Life Deut. 30. 19. Here indeed God hath prepared for us and given to us the blessing even life for evermore Ps 133. 3. with 1 Joh. 5. 11 Joh. 1. 4. And in due season he shall gloriously receive the blessing of Abraham even the heavenly Country and Inheritance for himself and his Seed Gen. 28. 4. with Gal. 3. 16 29. And in him there is blessing for all the Nations and Families of the Earth Gen. 22. 18. and 26. 4. and ch 28. 14. Act. 3. 25. with Gal 3. 13 14. Psal 72 17. Isay 25. 6. Luke 2. 31 32. Mat. 22. 4 8. Luke 14. 16 17 21. 2. Or as blessing is taken more paticulary and strictly for praise or being well and honourably spoken of and for thanks So he is to be praised thanked and so blessed by us and by all especially by his Saints and holy ones 1 Tim. 1. 13. So blessing and giving thanks are used indifferently and put one for the other Compare Mat. 26. 26 27. and Mark 14. 22 23. with Luke 22. 19. and 1 Cor. 11. 24. Mark 8. 6 7 As also are to bless and praise As I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall be continually in my Mouth Ps 34. 1. So usually to bless signifies to praise or speak well of as Ps 100. 4. and 103. 1 2 21 22. and 115. 17 18 c. Thus indeed we have cause abundantly and everlastingly to bless him even to give thanks unto him and to speak well of him and praise him with our whole hearts and souls he ought to be daily praised by us Ps 72. 15. for his wonderful pity and kindness towards us that love of his that passeth knowledge in dying for all rising and ascending c. As it is said God is gone up with a shout even he that first descended into the lower-parts of the Earth the Lord with the sound of a Trumpet Sing praises unto our God sing praises sing praises unto our King sing praises Sing ye praises with understanding or every one that hath understanding Psal 47. 6 7. and 68. 18 20. And for his amiableness in every respect He is altogether lovely no spot or blemish in him Cant. 5. 10 16. He is fairer than the Children of Men grace is poured into his lips therefore God hath blessed him for ever And therefore also saith the Psalmist I will make thy Name to be remembred in all Generations therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever Psal 45. 1 2 10. with v. 17. He is beautiful and glorious excellent and comly and there is none deserves on these accounts so much to be praised as he Isay 4. 2. with 2 Sam. 14. 25. And he hath power to bless us also and God having raised him sends him 1. Preventingly to bless all in their proper seasons and ages in turning every one of them from their iniquities Act. 3. 25 26. for him hath God exalted with his right hand a Prince and Saviour to give repentance to sinful and rebellious ones Act. 5. 31. And he comes by his Servants in his Gospel to open the Eyes of Jews and Gentiles and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they may receive forgiveness of their sins c. Act. 26. 17 18. 2. And especially and with peculiar and following blessings he comes to bless them that believe as he blessed Abraham the Father of the faithful Heb. 7. 6. He forgives them their sins even as David describeth the blessedness of the Man to whom the Lord imputeth righteousness without works saying Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered c. Rom. 4. 5 7. Act. 10. 43. and 13. 39. He makes them accepted in himself who is Jehovah our righteousness Eph. 1. 3 6. They shall receive the blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of their salvation Ps 24. 5. with v. 1. He pours out his Spirit unto them and makes known his words unto them Prov. 1. 23. Isay 44. 3. Joh. 7. 37 38. And gives unto them eternal life and will in due season raise them up to the glorious enjoyment thereof for this is the will of him that sent him that every one that seeth the Son and believeth on him should have everlasting life and he will raise them up at the last day Joh. 6. 40 44. and 10 27 28. and 17. 2 3. 2. Of whom is the Lamb that was slain worthy to receive those excellent things before mentioned and in some little measure spoken to And to that we may say 1. He is worthy to receive them of God his Father and hath from him received all power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing
made sad Ezek. 13. 22. nay surely the more perfect and upright the works of any are and the more they are conformed to the Image of Christ the more the World hates them Rom. 8. 28 30 35. The more like the World they are the more they will love them with their corrupt love and the more unlike the World Christ's disciples are and the more they come out from amongst Men and be separate the more they will be Instruments of persecution and tribulation to them If ye were of the World saith our Saviour The World would love his own But because ye are not of the World but I have chosen the out of the World therefore the World ●ates you John 15. 19. Heb. 13. 13. 1 Pet. 4. 3 4. 1 John 3. 1 2. and ch 4. 17. 2 Cor. 6. 17 18. And poverty Either hereby we may understand that they were poor in spirit such as had suffered the loss of all things even of those things that were formerly gain to them and counted them but dung that they might win Christ and be found in him such as had nothing of their own to glory in or make their boast of as others have But had sold that they had that they might buy that field in which is that most excellent treasure Mat. 5. 3 with Isay 66. 1 2. Phil. 3. 7 9. Mat. 13. 44 46. Or also by their poverty we may understand their poverty as with respect to the things of this life and World and so in this consideration they might either be poor when they were first called and prevailed withal by the Gospel as the Apostle James saith hath not God chosen the poor of this World c. Jam. 2. 5. 1 Cor. 1. 26. Or also and rather their poverty appears to be occasioned to them by and to be the consequent of their tribulation as in this order it is here expressed they might suffer the spoiling of their goods Heb. 10. 32 34. and as the fruit of the afflictions and persecutions they endured they might be poor and stript of the things of this World 1 Cor. 4. 10 15. 2 Cor. 6. 9 10. they might be impoverished by their enemies spoiling and plundring of them or by the restraints and imprisonments they might endure for Christ and his Gospel's sake Now here as taking poverty in this last sense for being poor in this World we may note 1. In that he saith I know thy works and tribulation and Povert● that such as are in tribulation and Poverty may yet have works and labour of love so it is said of the Church in Thyatira I know thy works and thy Charity and thy service and thy patience v. 19. Though they were in tribulation and had need of and had patience yet also they had charity and works and the last more than the first And this is the commendable account the Apostle gives of the Churches of Macedonia how that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded to the riches of their liberality For to their power I bear record saith the Apostle yea and beyond their power they were willing of themselves c. 2 Cor. 8. 1 3 6. this is many times the complaint of persons when an opportunity is put into their hands for doing good alas we are poor we have it not when as it may be rather for want of an heart than any thing else they thus plead Indeed Christ is no hard Master he requires us but to do good as we have opportunity and ability Gal. 6. 10. Luke 11. 41. And if there be first a willing mind it is accepted according to that a Man hath and not according to that he hath not 2 Cor. 8. 12. But too frequently for want of faith in God when persons are poor they withhold more then is meet and it tendeth to poverty Wee may see what notice our Saviour takes of the poor Widow that cast in two mites into the treasury He said of a truth I say unto you that this poor widow hath cast in more then they all For these all have of their abundance cast into the offerings of God but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had Luke 21. 1 4. Our Saviour though he was ministred unto by others yet also he did give to the poor Luke 8. 2 3. with Joh. 13. 29. and the Apostle saith These hands have ministred unto my necessities and not only so but also to them that were with me and saith to the Bishops I have shewed you all things how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak c. Acts 20. 33 34 35. 2. In that he saith I know thy poverty the poverty of this Angel and Church with whom he finds no fault so we may note That those that Christ hath nothing against and whom he loves with peculiar manner and degree of love may be poor and mean in this World and so they are generally who are sincere fearers of him hence they are called the congregation of thy poor Ps 74. 19. and 73. 1 15. they are generally a poor and afflicted people who trust in the name of the Lord Zeph. 3. 12. They drink of this cup and are baptized with his baptism Mat. 20. 22 28. he doth not testify love to his favourites as the World doth unto hers Joh. 14. 27. His Kingdom is not of this World nor doth he ordinarily give much of the things appertaining to the Kingdoms of this World into their possession as he might easily do if he pleased Though he wrought many Articles when he was upon the Earth yet not one to enrich himself his Mother or his Apostles withall his Mother was poor when he was born and poor it may seem when he died which was about three and thirty yeers after And though he had some rich disciples yet he commited not his Mother to them but to the disciple whom he loved who was a poor Man a fisher-Man Joh. 19. 25 27 38 39. And his disciples fall to their old trade of fishing when he was raised again Joh. 21. 2 3. yea how poor and despised they remained afterward when Christ was received up into glory the Apostle Paul acquaints us saying I think that God hath set forth us the Apostles last as it were men appointed to death For we are made a spectacle unto the World and unto Angels and to Men. We are fools for Christs sake weak despised even unto this present hour we both hunger and thirst and are naked and are buffetted and have no certain dwelling-place And labour working with our own hands being reviled we bless being persecuted we suffer it being defamed we entreat we are made as the filth of the World and are the off-scouring of all things unto this day 1 Cor. 4. 9 13. The consideration whereof might wean us from the love of the World and the things that are in the World And help us