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A41197 A brief exposition of the Epistles of Paul to the Galatians and Ephesians by James Fergusson. Fergusson, James, 1621-1667. 1659 (1659) Wing F772; ESTC R27358 577,875 820

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All which he wisheth from God the Father not excluding but including the Son and holy Ghost See upon Col. 3. 17. doct 3. and from Jesus Christ the Mediator through vertue of whose merit and intercession all saving benefits are conveyed unto the Elect. Doct. 1. Ministers who would have their pains attended with successe towards the Lords people ought to beg that from God by prayer to be wrought in them which by their preaching they endeavour to inculcate on them for peace love and faith are the sum of all which he hath been presently instructing them in and pressing upon them and here he seeketh all from God by prayer Peace be to the brethren 2. A Ministers prayers for obtaining the Lords blessing upon his pains towards his flock should be serious servent insisted upon and often inculcated untill a gracious answer thereof be granted for the Apostle began with this prayer or wish chap. 1. 2. and here he closeth with it Peace be to the brethren 3. Even Believers are not made perfect in grace at the first the Lord doth carry on that work by steps and degrees that somewhat of Him may be seen in every step and therefore as themselves are bound to grow in grace by adding one grace to another 2 Pet. 1. 5 6. and one degree of the same grace to the former 2 Pet. 3. 18. So it is the duty of others to help them on towards growth by their prayers and wishes for those who were already regenerated among the Ephesians had faith love and peace wrought in them at the first and Paul wisheth here a further degree of and growth in those from God to them Peace be to the brethren 4. Though it be the duty of all to live in peace and love yet a truely Christian and peaceable frame of spirit together with love which is not a meer moral vertue but a saving grace flowing from the root of faith is only to be found among true Believers and should be sought-after by such especially coldrifenesse of affection and unpeaceable walking being more unbeseeming them than any others for therefore doth he wish for peace and love to the brethren that is those chiefly who were brethren in Christ and born of God 5. There cannot be a peaceable frame of spirit in any towards others nor yet an harmonious walking with them nor any thing else except sinfull renting and shamelesse striving but where the grace of love is whereby the heart is armed against all irritations arising from the infirmities of others to break the bond of peace Eph. 4. 2 3. for he conjoyneth these two in his wish peace whereof one branch is a peaceable frame of heart and harmonious walking and love Peace be to the brethren and love 6. As the graces of faith and love are different and therefore the one cannot be the form or essence of the other So they are alwayes conjoyned where one is there the other must be also for he speaketh of them as two different graces whereof the one doth necessarily follow upon the other And love with faith 7. See what is already observed from Gal. 1. 3. Philip. 1. 2. Col. 1. -2. upon the persons from whom and through whom those good things are wished and sought even from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Vers. 24. Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity Amen HEre the Apostle wisheth for grace that is Gods free favour and love in Christ the fountain and sum of all the former good things wished-for and enlargeth his wish towards all Believers described from this that they love Jesus Christ in sincerity or incorruption as the word signifieth that is not for a time only but constantly not in hypocrisie or shew only but sincerely and really and so closeth up all with his Amen as an evidence both of his affectionate desire and confidence of an answer Doct. 1. Though we may have a more particular eye to some than to others by making mention of them expresly in our prayers because of our charge of them present imployment about them or other near relations towards them yet we ought not to exclude any especially of these who have relation to Christ but are to remember all such at least in generall and seek the same good things from God to them which we wish for others for the Apostle having made expresse mention of the believing Ephesians under the name of Brethren ver 23. doth here extend his charity and prayers towards all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in generall Grace be with all them saith he 2. The more the heart is exercised in spirituall duties especially in prayer it groweth more warm and more enlarged to the exercise of all those saving graces required in that duty and especially to publick-mindednesse and the exercise of charity towards the Saints and of faith in Jesus Christ for Paul continuing his prayers and wish untill this verse getteth his charity enlarged in the exercise of it towards all Christians in generall and his faith strengthened to the owning of Christ as his own Grace be with all that love our Lord. 3. Gods grace or free favour is the sum of all which a man needeth to wish either for himself or others it is virtually all things so that the man that hath it wanteth nothing he hath all good and necessary things in their cause and fountain he doth also possesse all such things in that measure God seeth fitting for him for in this part of his wish which relateth to all lovers of Christ in generall he doth only make expresse mention of grace as virtually comprysing peace love and faith which he wished to the brethren ver 23. Grace be with all them that love our Lord. 4. Love to Jesus Christ is a sure mark of those who have saving interest in the good things purchased by Him and one of those marks which are best known to the person who hath it love to Christ where it is cannot be well hid for Paul designing those who might plead interest in the good things prayed-for describeth them by their love to Christ as being a mark both sure and easily discerned With all them that love our Lord. 5. The Lords Servants ought to endeavour that those who are in a gracious state and have right to the great and good things purchased by Christ may know so much and for that end would furnish them with the knowledge of such marks and evidences as may be most easily discerned where they are and infallibly prove the soul that hath them to be in a state of grace for Paul giveth such a mark of those who had interest in the good things prayed-for even love to Christ that they might know so much of themselves With all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ. 6. It is the duty of Ministers to lay hold on all occasions to recommend this grace of love to Christ by holding forth those many good and excellent things which do accompany it and are made evident to be in the heart by it that so the Lords people may be the more incited to bestow their love and heart upon Him for Paul to stir them up to the love of Christ recommendeth this grace by making it the mark and evidence of the man that hath interest in all the good things wished-for with all them that love our Lord. 7. Though we are bound to pray even for those who are graclesse that God may bestow grace upon them yet the more speaking evidences there be of true grace in any we may be the more encouraged to pray to God for them and with greater confidence to expect a gracious return of our prayers upon them for Pauls wishes to God to which he affixeth an Amen in evidence of his confidence to be heard are put up in behalf of those who do love our Lord Jesus Christ. 8. As there are many who professe love to Christ whose love is and when it is tryed will be found to be but counterfeir unsincere and not reall So the good things promised to those who love the Lord Jesus Christ do not at all belong to any of that sort whatsoever their deluded hearts may sancie to the contrary but to such only who love Him really sincerely and testifie their love into Him by keeping His commandments Joh. 14. 15. and especially by loving those who are His 1 Joh. 4. 20 21. for the Apostle qualifieth that love to Christ which is an evidence of interest in the good things wished-for by sincerity which implyeth there is somelove not sincere That love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity 9. The more sincere a man is in the exercise of any grace or practice of any duty he will endure the longer sincerity in good is alwayes attended with perseverance but hypocrisie doth soon faint and wholly sit up at the last Joh. 27. 8 9. with 10. So much is implyed by the word here rendered sincerity as Tit. 2. -7. which also signifieth incorruption That love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity Amen FINIS ERRATA Page Line Read 21 22 Ephes. 5. 2. 22 3 dele shall 26 22 Col. 46 37 Philip. 2. 13. 60 12 inheritance 91 5 by the 138 6 and His 202 10 actuated 213 12 over their 233 38 dividing 235 19 Gen. 13. 253 2 subsistence 267 3 its own 268 35 dycing of ibid 36 or dycing 310 5 any other 327 34 nearby 333 16 6. 10. 343 1 wrought by 347 12 doct 3. 356 26 so see 363 10 6. 10. 364 29 Whatever 413 24 1 Joh. 2. 425 30 Mark 10. 432 32 biddeth 456 1 and 463 28 Gal. 6.
to stand to this liberty he subjoyneth by love serve one another 7. Though Christianity doth not abolish the civil distinction of masters and servants Eph. 6. 5 9. And though all Christians be in some respects the Lords free-men 1 Cor. 7. 22. yet they are all even the greatest not being excepted mutually servants one to another in so far as being fellow-members of one body 1 Cor. 12. 27. they ought not to live unto themselves only but to spend themselves in their respective imployments for the spiritual and civil advantage of the whole body and of every particular member thereof so far as their capacity and calling 2 Cor. 8. 12 13. do reach for the Apostle enjoyneth unto all without exception serve one another 8. It is not sufficient we do those things which are in themselves materially good or conducing to our neighbours profit and advantage except what is done of that kind do flow from the fountain of christian love towards him 1 Cor. 13. 2 for saith he serve one another by love 9. There is no duty so onerous in it self or so far below us in our esteem but the grace of love being lively in the heart will make us pleasantly stoop unto it if it were even to serve the meanest person in the world for he commandeth all even the greatest to serve one another by love importing where love is not this service will hardly be undergon and that love will make it easie Vers. 14. For all the Law is fulfilled in one word even in this Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self HE inforceth the last Rule by two Reasons first This serving one another by love is the most compendious way to keep the whole Law seing the whole Law is summed up in that one Word or Precept for the ten Precepts of the Law are called so many Words Exod. 34. 27. of loving our neighbour that is every one without exception to whom we have any opportunity offered of doing good Luke 10. 36 37. and that with as much sincerity as we do our selves Now love to our neighbour is called the fulfilling of the Law not as if love to God were not thereby commanded also Mat. 22. 37. but because love to our neighbour supposeth love to God and floweth from it as a stream from the fountain 1 Joh. 5. 1. and is an evidence of it 1 Joh. 4. 21. Doct. 1. Though Believers in Jesus Christ be delivered from the condemning sentence of the Law Rom. 8. 1. yet not from the directing power thereof The Law doth alwayes remain a rule of our new obedience though it cease from being a Judge either to justifie or condemn us for the Apostle inforceth the duty of love from the authority of the Law which doth enjoyn it for all the Law is fulfilled in one word c. saith he 2. Love to our neighbour is a most comprehensive duty as comprising not only inward affection but also outward action and extending it self to all the duties both positive and negative which are enjoyned by the whole second Table See Mat. 22. 39. love thy neighbour as thy self 3. There is not any of whatsoever rank or condition whether friend or foe Mat. 5. 44. to whom we do not owe the affection of love and the consciencious discharge of all those duties which are commanded in the second Table for we are commanded to love our neighbour that is as Christ explaineth Luke 10. 36 37. every man as opportunity doth offer 4. As the Precepts of the second Table do enjoyn every man to love and go about all other commanded duties towards his neighbour so also towards himself For although that inordinate and excessive love to self which is in every man by nature and whereby a man doth so love himself as that he postponeth Gods glory and his neighbours good to the fulfilling of his own fleshly lusts be no-where commanded but expresly guarded against Mat. 10. 39. Yet there is a lawfull orderly love to self which is enjoyned unto every man so as that by all lawfull means he labour to maintain what honour God hath put upon himself according to the fifth Command and to preserve his own life according to the sixth Command and so forth of the rest for the Command to love our neighbour as our self supposeth we ought to love our self to wit with subordination to God 5. The love and other duties flowing from love which every man is to carry unto and to discharge towards himself in subordination to God have the force of a rule and measure unto that love which we owe unto others so as that we are to love them first for God and His Command 1 Joh. 4. 21. Secondly in subordination to God Mat. 10. 37. Thirdly in sincerity there being both affection and action flowing from affection in our love to Him 1 Joh. 3. 18. for so we do and ought to love our selves Now the Law commandeth to love our neighbour as our selves Vers. 15. But if ye bite and devour one another take heed that ye be not consumed one of another HEre is a second argument to inforce the exercise of mutual love taken from some dangerous effects which doubtlesse had already followed in part among those Galatians occasioned by their debates and controversies and would yet follow more upon the want of love to wit first Their bitter strifes backbitings railings and reproaches set forth by the biting of wilde beasts And secondly other real injuries by fraud or violence which seem to be pointed at by devouring which is more than biting And lastly as a consequence of the two former a total vastation and consumption of the whole Church Doct. 1. As it is a matter of no small difficulty to entertain love among the members of a Church when they are divided in opinion and judgment about religious Truths So where love groweth cold Church-divisions have ordinarily sad and scandalous effects which argue little of a tender frame of heart in those who have them even such as are here mentioned biting and devouring one another 2. However a sectarian spirit doth ordinarily pretend to much sobriety and meeknesse especially when it first appeareth and hath but few to give it any countenance Rom. 16. 18. yet so soon as it hath gathered strength and gained many followers it hath been alwayes found most bitter and cruel for the effects of this renting schismatick spirit among those Galatians were no lesse than biting and devouring one another 3. In time of Church-divisions though that party which is for truth and piety be alwayes the most sober Jude v. 20. 21. yet considering that even they have much unmortified corruption apt to be provoked by the insolency of their schismatick adversaries there is no small hazard lest even they vent much of fleshly zeal and passion and while they are defending Truth become guilty of several miscarriages and so be rendred much the worse of their contests and divisions for the sin which
from his twofold relation to Christ as being the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for the particle and in this place is not copulative of things different but exegetick of one and the same thing as Psal. 18. 46. And first He is a God to Christ chiefly because of the Covenant of Redemption betwixt God and Christ as Mediator the mutual conditions of which Covenant are Is. 53. 10 11. Joh. 6. 39 40. And secondly He is the Father of Christ to wit not only as Christ is God by an eternal and unspeakable generation Psal. 2. 7. but also as Christ is Man God is His Father by vertue of the personal union of the two natures in Christ Luke 1. 32 The reason of which his thanksgiving to God he sheweth to be Gods bestowing of real blessings upon Believers and those not common or temporal only but special and spiritual blessings which tend to a spiritual and supernaturalend and those not sparingly but fully and with an open hand even all blessings and this in heavenly places that is from Heaven His glorious Throne or because those spiritual blessings shall not be consummated and fully perfected until Believers be in Heaven all which blessings he sheweth are bestowed upon Believers in Christ He as our Head Atturney and Advocate 1 Joh. 2. 1. having received those blessings in our name and for our behoof Eph. 2. 6. by whose merit also they are purchased Isa. 53. 5. In whom and by vertue of our union with Him and right to Him we have a right to such of those blessings as we have not yet actually received 1 Joh. 5. 12. and do come to the possession of these which we already enjoy Joh. 1. 16. Doct. 1. Though we cannot blesse the Lord as He blesseth us by bestowing real blessings and favours upon us which before we wanted Gen. 24. 35. there being such a fulnesse of blessednesse in God as nothing can be superadded Joh 22. 2. Yet it is our duty to blesse Him so as that being convinced of that blessednesse of those excellencies which are in Him and favours which are bestowed upon us by Him we do not only esteem highly of Him because of those Luke 1. 46. but also expresse this our high esteem and that not only in words whether by speaking to God Himself in the duty of prayer and praise Psal. 104. 1. or by speaking of Him and to His commendation unto others Psal. 34. 3 4 c. but also and mainly in our life and actions 1 Cor. 10. 31. for Paul doth here blesse the Lord Blessed be God saith he 2. It is a looking to God with respect had to Jesus Christ which inflameth the heart with such a mixture of love and admiration at His excellencies and worth that it must of necessity break forth in blessing of Him God considered without Christ being a consuming fire to whom there can be no confident approaching by sinfull creatures neither in the duties of prayer nor of praise but the vail of Christ's flesh doth break the beams of His terror so that we may stedfastly behold His attributes and excellencies rejoycing in them and blessing Him for them for Paul while he blesseth God doth look upon Him through this vail Blessed be God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 3. A holy soul truly sensible of his lost condition by nature and of God's mercy in his delivery from that wofull state cannot seriously think or speak of that subject but his heart must be inflamed with love to God yea and break forth in praises and thanksgiving to Him when occasion offereth for so doth Paul Blessed be God who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings 4. Though we are bound to blesse the Lord even for temporal favours and things necessary for the life which now is Psal. 107. 8. yet a renewed heart is most taken up with and blesseth God most for spiritual blessings and such as concern our eternal welbeing those being not only most durable Job 6. 27. but also most discriminating betwixt the regenerate and unregenerate Eccles. 9. 1. 1 Joh. 3. 14. for Paul blesseth God for these blessings Who bath blessed us with all spiritual blessings 5. God is the author and worker of all spiritual blessings in a special manner in so far as He produceth them not by a general providence actuating and concurring with natural principles and powers for producing of such and such effects as He is the author even of common blessings health riches honour and such like Psal. 75. 6 7. but by his special grace whereby He createth in the heart by nature dead in sins and trespasses Eph. 2. 1. a power to do good Ezek 36. 26. and actuateth that power making it to work Phil. 2. 13. for the Apostle ascribeth the production of all spiritual blessings to God while speaking of God he saith Who hath blessed us with all spirituall blessings 6. Though God considered as Creator and merciful upholder of His own creatures doth bestow temporal blessings upon the world even upon those who never heard of Christ Psal. 17. 14. yet spiritual blessings such as the saving graces of faith hope and love come from God being considered not as Creator but in and with relation to Jesus Christ who behoved to purchase those blessings of new before fallen man could acquire either a right unto them or possession of them for saith Paul it is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings and again He hath blessed as in Christ. 7. Spiritual blessings to wit those of them which are absolutely necessary to salvation and eternal blessednesse are linked together and cannot be separated where God bestoweth one of those He bestoweth all there being a necessary concatenation among them all Rom. 8. 29 30. so that they either co-exist or at least in God's due time do follow one upon another Philip 1. 6. for saith Paul He hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings 8. Though there be some spiritual blessings such as perfection in holinesse and the full enjoying of God in glory the possession whereof is not attained unto by Believers so long as they are here on earth 1 Cor. 13. 12. yet because of the Believer's undoubted right unto those blessings 1 Cor. 3. 21 22. and God's unchangeable purpose to bestow them Psal. 84. 11. and because of the first fruits and earnest of those blessings already bestowed upon the Believer See ver 14. and of Christ's having taken possession of those in the Believer's name chap. 2. 6. he may be as much assured of his full enjoying of them as if he had them already in hand for saith Paul He hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings as if all none being excepted were already enjoyed 9. Spirituall blessings are of an heavenly rise and nature there being no second cause upon earth or among things created which doth concur with God in bringing them to passe
as in the production of other natural effects for as the word is well rendred in beavenly places and better than in heavenly things so it seemeth the bestowing of those spiritual blessings is ascribed to God in heavenly places mainly because their original is only from Heaven and not from earth With all spiritual blessings in heavenly places Vers. 4. According as He hath chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love THe Apostle in the second place treateth of those spiritual blessings more particularly and so doth branch forth at large that reason of his thanksgiving to God presently mentioned and this in pursuance of the former scope which is to shew that salvation with all its causes do flow only from God's free grace in Christ that so the Ephesians might be firmly rooted and confirmed in the faith of this Truth And first he speaketh of those blessings as they were prepared and appointed for Believers in God's eternal decree of Election and Predestination to ver 7. In this verse he sheweth first That these spiritual blessings are bestowed upon Believers in time not by chance or rashly not from any worth in the receiver but according as God had fore-ordained in His decree of Election whereby before the foundation of the world that is from all eternity See Joh. 17. 24 He did choose some of mankind to eternal life Mat. 25. 34. passing by others and did choose them in Christ not as if Christ's death had moved God to love and elect for His electing love did move Him to give Christ for sinners Job 3. 16. Neither did He choose them in Christ as if they had been considered by God as already in Christ by faith and that because of their faith thus foreseen they had been elected by Him for so faith should not be a fruit flowing from election but a condition pre-required in the person to be elected which doth contradict this same very Scripture affirming that all spiritual blessings whereof faith is one do flow from and are bestowed according to the decree of Election He did therefore choose them in Christ as in Him whom He did in one and the self-same decree choose to be the Head of the Elect and chief foundation-stone of all that precious building His own House and Church 1 Pet. 2. 6. and by whom that glory and all things tending to that glory unto which He did choose them were to be purchased that so without doing injury to provoked justice they might be applied unto and actually bestowed upon the Elect for so is this purpose more clearly expressed 1 Thess. 5. 9. Secondly he illustrateth this decree of Election from the nearest end which God did design to be brought about by it even the sanctification of the persons elected whereby they should be rendred blameless before men and sincere and upright before God and that in love to wit in the duties of love to their neighbour flowing from love to God Mat. 22. 37 39 by which love as a touchstone the soundnesse of their sanctification should be tried Doct. 1. As God from all eternity hath chosen some of mankind and firmly decreed to bestow upon them eternal life Luke 12. 32. so there are others whom He decreed not to save but to condemn In which latter decree and much more in the former God hath done nothing unjustly seing as soveraign Lord over all the creatures He hath absolute dominion to dispose of them as He pleaseth Rom. 9. 19 20 21. and though sin in the reprobate was not the cause of God's decree of reprobation Rom. 9. 11 12 13. yet it is the cause of the reprobates condemnation so that his condemnation is just for saith he He hath chosen us which implyeth some were not chosen seing where all is taken there is no choice 2. Though no man except he who hath sinned that unpardonable sin Mat. 12. -32. can certainly know he is a reprobate there being no marks except that alone set down in Scripture by which reprobation can be certainly known Yet the Elect may attain to the assured knowledge of their own election seing God hath set down in Scripture the marks and evidences of election Joh. 6. 37. and hath promised to give His Spirit unto His own whereby they may infallibly discern these marks at least at sometimes in themselves 1 Cor. 2 12. for although the Apostle doth pronounce those Ephesians to be elected according to the judgement of charity only which believeth the best of others where nothing appears to the countrary 1 Cor. 13. 7. yet he behoved to have some undoubted perswasion of his own election before he could warrantably conclude himself to be elected seing not charity but certain knowledge is the principle from which a man ought to judge of himself 2 Cor. 13. 5. As He hath chosen us in Him saith he 3. Though the doctrine of Election and Reprobation be such as the unlearned and unstable are apt to wrest and stumble at to their own destruction 2 Pet. 3. 16. yet it is not wholly to be suppressed and locked up in silence from the Lord's People but would be soberly and prudently sometimes propounded unto them and that because of the many and great advantages which may be reaped not only by the doctrine of election such as the assurance of salvation Rom. 8. 29 30. strong incitements unto holinesse 2 Pet. 1. 10. and courage under crosses of all sorts Rom. 8. 38 39. but also by the doctrine of reprobation as contributing much to promove the salvation of the Elect by making them hate sin more Psal. 119. 119 120. and prize the kindnesse and good will of God more which made choice of them passing by others as good as they Rom. 9. 22 23. for the Apostle propoundeth this doctrine to the whole Church and insisteth upon it According as He hath chosen us in Him c. 4. As electing love in God is of an old standing even from all eternity and therefore most free there being nothing in the Elect before they had a being which might draw His love towards them So the Lord can and usually doth keep His purposes and thoughts for good to a people or person for a long time hid before He do discover them and make them known for He had set His love upon these believing Ephesians from all eternity which yet lay hid from the beginning of the world and did not kyth untill their effectual calling He hath chosen us before the foundation of the world 5. The Lord bestoweth spiritual blessings in time according to what He hath inacted in that His eternal decree of election before time So that every elect soul shall most undoubtedly enjoy those blessings And all of them even Faith it self not being excepted do flow from Election and are bestowed upon the Elect because they are elected unto them for saith he God hath blessed us with all spiritual
condemnation unto others Heb. 11. 7. for the metaphor of an earnest used among Merchants when the sum covenanted is not presently given doth bear so much Who is the earnest of our inheritance 4. As even Believers are apt to doubt if ever the covenanted inheritance shall be bestowed and actually enjoyed by them So the Lord is most willing to do all which in reason can be required for removing all doubts of that kind and more particularly He giveth them an earnest or a part of this covenanted inheritance in hand to assure them of his purpose to bestow the whole in due time for the metaphor of an earnest doth bear this also the end of giving an earnest being to assure the receiver of the giver's honest purpose to perform all that he hath promised which otherwise might be called in question Who is the earnest of our inheritance 5. The Spirit of the Lord sealing Believers and those saving graces of the Spirit which he worketh in sealing do serve for the same uses in relation to the Covenant of Grace wherein heaven and glory is promised to Believers for which an earnest doth serve in a civil bargain for as the earnest is a part of the sum and usually but a small part and yet may assure the receiver of his obtaining the whole So the Spirit and His work of grace received here is begun glory Joh. 17. 3. and though but a small part of it 1 Cor. 13. 12 13. yet the smallest measure of grace may assure the man who hath it of his obtaining the full possession of glory in the day of the Lord Jesus Philip. 1. 6. hence the Apostle calleth the Spirit with his graces this earnest Who is the earnest of our inheritance From the time how long the use of this earnest was to continue Learn 1. As real Believers are Christs possession in whom He dwelleth Eph. 3. 17. and whom He manureth and maketh fruitfull Joh. 15. -2. So He hath purchased them to wit by paying a price to provoked justice 1 Cor. 6. 20. and by force from Satan their old possessor and master Heb. 2. 14 15. and purchased them for this end that He might possesse them for speaking of Believers he calleth them a purchased possession 2. Though the redemption and delivery of Believers be already begun and their bonds loosed in part Col. 1. 13. yet their compleat redemption is but to come to wit from sin at death Heb. 12. -23. and from misery not untill the last day then and not while then shall their bodies be raised up in glory and their redemption be full and compleat Rom. 8. 23. for the Apostle speaketh of their redemption as of a thing yet to come Untill the redemption of the purchased possession 3. As this earnest even the holy Spirit with His graces being once given cannot totally be lost So if this day of redemption were once come there shall be no further use of an earnest the covenanted inheritance will then be fully possessed and consequently no place left for fears or doubts about the obtaining of it for he saith the Spirit was to be an earnest untill the redemption and so He must continue with them untill then but was not to serve for an earnest any longer Who is the earnest untill the redemption of the purchased possession From the end proposed see what is already observed upon ver 6. and ver 12. Vers. 15. Wherefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love unto all the Saints 16. Cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers THe Apostle in the second part of the Chapter taking occasion from what he heard of those Ephesians breaketh forth in thanksgiving and prayer to God for them whereby he prosecuteth his main scope in so far as that by every sentence and word almost he doth breath forth the high esteem which he had of God's free grace in Christ and thereby doth confirm their faith besides that while he prayeth for their perseverance and growth in the faith and knowledge of saving truths he doth indirectly at least excite them to persevere and make progresse in the same And first having shewn the good report which was brought unto him of those spiritual graces which were eminent in them whereof he instanceth two which are the sum and compend of all the rest and doth illustrate them from their principal object faith in Jesus Christ and love to all the Saints ver 15. he maketh known unto them what was his exercise upon their behalf even that being incited by the consideration of these spiritual blessings bestowed by God upon them and mentioned ver 13 14. and by the report which he had of them ver 15. he made conscience to continue in the duties of thanksgiving and prayer to God for them ver 16. From Vers. 15. Learn 1. It is not sufficient that Christs Ministers do presse duties upon the Lords People having convincedly cleared unto their consciences the equity which is in those duties but they must also hold forth unto them a copie of that obedience which they so much presse by their own example and practice for so the Apostle having abundantly cleared ver 13 14. that the Lord 's converting and sealing of those Ephesians did call upon them to praise the glory of His grace he himself doth here put hand to this work Wherefore saith he I cease not to give thanks for you 2. It is a great encouragement to blesse the Lord and to pray unto Him in behalf of those who are making conscience of these duties for themselves for while he saith I also give thanks he supposeth they were doing the like and that he was encouraged from thence 3. Grace is like a precious oyntment whose savour cannot be hid the report of it where it is in life will spread and make his name who hath it savoury unto such as are truly gracious themselves for Paul though at a great distance being now at Rome heard of their faith in Jesus Christ and love to all the Saints 4. It is the duty of Christians to be joyfully reporting and speaking of the grace of God and good which is in others providing it be wisely done that is first sparingly and so as not to place all our own Religion in speaking of the Religion of others Secondly not rashly or without such grounds in the person whom we commend as charity at least may rest upon Thirdly impartially and not factiously crying up some and decrying others who are equally deserving Jude -16. for Paul's hearing of their faith and love implyeth that some had reported to him of that good which was in them 5. Even in the best Churches in those primitive times who were most commended by the Apostles every one had not faith and so is it yet All are not Israel who are of Israel Rom. 9. 6. for the word rendred their faith in the Original is the faith which
knowledge even to those converted Ephesians who had somewhat of it already That ye may be able to comprehend what is the breadth c. 2. Our embracing by faith the love of God in Christ and those good things prepared by it as they are revealed and offered in the Gospel is a necessary mean for attaining to fuller insight in the admirable nature of this love yea and to the sense and feeling of it and experimentall knowledge flowing thence for he premits their being rooted in the faith of this love ver -17. as a mean for attaining the more full understanding and especially the experimentall knowledge of it That ye being rooted may be able to comprehend 3. This love of God in Jesus Christ to lost sinners is so large Isa. 55. 8 9. so free Hos. 14. 4. and in all respects so wonderfull Psal. 31. 19. So narrow are hearts to take it up and so strange are the wayes of conveying the effects and fruits of this love through a wildernesse of triall and humiliation going before Deut. 8. 14 15 16. that though it be revealed in the Gospel Joh. 3. 16. yet no man can attain to know it so as certainly to believe the reality of it except it be given unto him graciously of God and therefore prayer to God would be joyned with the use of other means for attaining to it for Paul doth pray to God that they may be able to comprehend or certainly to understand and know what is the breadth 4. We are not to content our selves with a superficiall view of God's free love in Christ but ought to take most accurate inspection of it in all its dimensions and in all those several respects and wayes wherein it is manifested endeavouring at least to know it so far as that which is infinite may be known by finit creatures and to know it in its outmost capacity as reaching beyond all created understanding upward downward to the right-hand and to the left that so we may be the more constrained to our duty by it more ravished with the thoughts of it and may draw more solid comfort from it All which profitable effects are obstructed by our narrow thoughts and shallow apprehensions of Gods love in Christ for he prayeth they may be able to comprehend it in all its dimensions of breadth and length depth and height 5. As every real Saint and all who are inherently holy have their allotted measure from God of the saving knowledge of Gods love in Christ and shall attain to the full knowledge thereof afterwards So whatever priviledge the Lord is pleased to bestow upon the Saints in common we ought to aspire unto it and confidently expect to receive it from the Lord for as he maketh this comprehension and knowledge here spoken of a common priviledge of all Saints So he doth thereby animate and incite the Ephesians to seek and expect it from God in answer to his prayers That ye may be able to comprehend with all Saints 6. As the love of Christ is the common treasure and allowance of all Saints whatever be their different lot in other things So they who would clear an interest in this love must study sanctity and holinesse as that without which no man can convincingly prove his interest in it Joh. 14. 21 23. for he maketh the comprehending of Christs love a priviledge of those only who are Saints and holy Ye may be able to comprehend with all Saints From Vers. 19 Learn 1. The love of God in Christ and of Christ to lost sinners is so rich and unsearchable Eph. 2. 7. so vast boundlesse yea and infinit See ver 18. So matchlesse and without any parallel to equal it whereby we might come to the exact knowledge of it Rom. 5. 7 8. that not only the naturall man cannot understand it at all 1 Cor. 2. 14. but even those who are truly renewed do not take it up fully as it is in it self and so as they can expresse those infinit and unsearchable riches which are in it they do but know in part 1 Cor. 13. 9. for the Apostle saith this love of Christ passeth knowledge 2. Though this love of Christ passeth knowledge in the sense presently mentioned yet every true Believer should endeavour to attain yea and doth attain to the knowledge of it in some measure and so far as is necessary for their salvation and comfort for though this love is unsearchable yea and infinit yet created understanding may so far comprehend it as to know it to be infinit and that there is not so much known but more doth yet remain to be known of it They may know it so as to stand and wonder at it as not being able perfectly to comprehend it and they may know it thus partly from what the Spirit of God in Scripture condescending to our capacity so far as is possible doth speak of it and partly from those effects of this unsearchable love which they do find to be wrought in themselves by it for the Apostle prayeth they may know this love of Christ which passeth knowledge hereby implying that the knowledge thereof may be attained in some measure and that it is our duty to seek after it 3. The infinit and unsearchable nature of this love of God in Christ to sinners should be so far from discouraging Believers to search after the knowledge of it that by the contrary we ought to be so much the more encouraged in that search and this for the reasons given ver 8. doct 12. for he addeth this of its passing knowledge as it seemeth of purpose to provoke them so much the more to seek after the knowledge of it And to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge Vers. 19. that ye might be filled with all the fulnesse of God HEre is the fourth and last petition of the Apostles prayer wherein he prayeth for the full perfection and accomplishment of all those other things which he sought for them in the three former even that they might be more and more filled with all the graces of God's Spirit untill they should come to the compleat fulnesse of grace in glory when God shall be all in all 1 Cor. 15. -28. for the original doth read that ye may be filled unto all the fulnesse of God even while grace begun here be fully compleated in glory hereafter which perfection of grace to be attained in the life to come is called the fulnesse of God not as if the essence of the Deity were either in whole or in part to be communicated unto the glorified Saints which is incommunicable unto any creature but because it floweth immediately from that His infinit and incommunicable fulnesse as streams from the fountain 1 Corinth 15. -28. and doth consist in the full enjoying of Him 1 Joh. 3. -2. Doct. 1. There is a fulnesse and compleatnesse in grace attainable even by Believers here to wit such as is sufficient for their present state
do find himself inclined and constrained to improve in his station and according to his measure all his receipts whether of saving graces or common gifts to the spirituall advantage of others and chiefly for the common good of the whole body he may the more certainly conclude that he hath the grace of sincere love and charity rooted in his heart and is acted by it for he maketh love the impulsive cause why the severall members do improve all their receipts for promoving the edification of the whole Church while he saith it maketh increase to the edifying of it self in love Vers. 17. This I say therefore and testifie in the Lord that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind THe Apostle being in the second part of the Chapter to dehort them from all impiety and profanity in the general contrary to that walking worthy of their vocation pressed ver 1. giveth an example of that wickednesse from which he dehorteth them in the conversation of those other Gentiles who were yet unconverted and living in paganism And first while he doth most seriously and under a grave obtestation by the Lord Jesus Christ as they would answer to Him and evidence their esteem of Him dehort them from walking as those other Gentiles he giveth a short sum of that godlesse conversation of theirs calling it a walking in the vanity of the mind that is a following and practising of whatsoever their unrenewed understanding and mind did teach and prescribe to which he ascribeth vanity and calleth the mind of unrenewed men vain because it is empty of the knowledge of God in Christ 1 Cor. 2. 14. and what knowledge it hath of God or of right and wrong is nothing but evanishing notions Rom. 1. 21. and wholly unprofitable as to the attaining of life and salvation Rom. 1. -20. for a vain thing according to the common and scripture-use of the word is an empty thing Isa. 41. 29. an evanishing thing Prov. 31. 30 and a thing unprofitable to attain the end intended Psal. 33. 17. Doct. 1. To live in a course of profanity and to be a member of Christs mystical body drawing life nourishment and growth from Christ the head are wholly inconsistent if the one be the other cannot be seing profanity of life is not only directly opposit to that new life of grace which all the members of that body do live but also doth wholly obstruct the passages betwixt the head and the members whereby spiritual influence for life and growth should be conveyed 1 Joh. 1. 6. for the Apostle from what he spake of influence for life and growth conveyed from Christ the head to all the members doth infer here that therefore and as they would evidence themselves lively members of that body so they would abandon profanity while he saith This I say therefore that ye walk not as other Gentiles 2. Ministers ought to be serious in pressing the duties of sanctification upon the Lords people not only simply exhorting but sometimes most gravely obtesting them by that which is dearest to them whereby the Lords people may know that their obedience to what is pressed is no trifling matter but such as their eternal welbeing is most highly concerned in for therefore doth Paul not only say and exhort them but also testifie and obtest them in the Lord that they walk not henceforth as other Gentiles 3. Our long continuance in sin already is so far from being an argument in reason to make us hold on in that course for the time coming that upon the contrary this very same consideration should be a strong argument to shame us from it for so much is implyed in his saying that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles as if he had said Ye have done so hithertils therefore do no more so See 1 Pet. 4. 3. Doct. 4. Our turning to God in earnest to expect life and salvation from Him through Jesus Christ doth call for and will be attended with an other sort of conversation than what we formerly had before conversion or that naturall men dead in sins and trespasses for the present have for Paul exhorteth these converted Ephesians not to walk as they themselves somtimes did nor as the unconverted Gentiles at present did I testifie saith he that ye hence-forth walk not as other Gentiles walk 5. Sense of mercy received from God is a strong incitement unto dutie toward God for he doth not obscurely hint at Gods mercy in separating them from the common lot of other Gentiles that so they may be the more incited to eschew what might dishonour Him that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles 6. The vilenesse of sin is such that it cannot be sufficiently expressed and so expressed as to make us abhor it by doctrine or word-speaking therefore it is sometimes profitable to take a look of it in its vilenesse power and tyrannie as it manifesteth it self in the lives of unrenewed men who are captive slaves unto it providing we so look to it as to make us abhor it and carry at a greater distance from it for therefore doth Paul hold forth a map of that wickednesse which he deborteth them from in the example of those unconverted Gentiles that by seeing of it they might the more abhor it That ye hence-forth walk not as other Gentiles walk 7. The conversation of all men unrenewed is vain and fruitlesse as spending their money for that which is not bread and their labour for that which satisfieth not Isa. 55. 2. for he speaketh of all the unconverted Gentiles that they walk in vanity 8. Whatever vanity or wickednesse is in the outward conversation of a naturall man it doth wholly flow from the vanity of the mind and understanding within and as the mind is so will the conversation be and therefore even the mind it self the chief seat of reason is corrupted and vain and so vain that from thence doth flow corruption and vanity to the whole man for he ascribeth the vanity of their walking to the vanity of their mind As other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind saith he Vers. 18. Having the understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindnesse of their heart NExt that the Apostle may the more effectually deter them from walking as these other Gentiles did he doth more largely and distinctly set forth that vain and godlesse conversation of theirs by shewing severall branches and degrees thereof both inward in their understanding and affections and outward in their life and conversation And first he sheweth that their understanding and knowing part or that part of it whereby men do reason inferring one thing from another for so the word signifieth was wholly blind and darkened to wit as to those things which relate to God and heaven 1 Cor. 1. 21. whatever was their understanding and quicknesse of judgement in
more hurt than the thing it self can bring of good and advantage for therefore the Apostle doth not commit the evidences of his affection to be carried to them by every man but one whom he could trust and they would respect even to Tychicus a beloved brother and faithfull minister 6. As Ministers would be loath to give their recommendation and testimony to naughty persons and those who are not deserving least thereby they wrong the Church of God and prejudge their own estimation afterwards when the person recommended by them doth not walk answerably So they should not deny a testimony to those whom they know to be deserving so far should they be from labouring to obscure and bear down the graces and gifts of God which are eminent in any of their fellow-labourers of purpose that they themselves alone may be thought of for Tychicus was a man deserving and therefore Paul doth recommend him which without doubt he would not have done otherwise Tychicus a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord. 7. Though God may make use of unconverted Ministers to do good in his Church Matth. 10. 4. with 8. yet no man can be a faithfull Minister or approved of God in His work except he have saving grace and be in Christ by faith for Tychicus is first a brother as a sound Christian and then a faithfull minister in the Lord 8. That Ministers are beloved one of another and live in love among themselves is a strong inducement to make the Lords people allow them room in their affections and receive their message with better will off their hand and divisions carnal emulations and strifes among Ministers themselves make both their persons and office lose much of their deserved respect among the people for Paul sheweth that Tychicus was beloved by him to make him have the more respect from them Tychicus a beloved brother 9. It is in a singular manner required of a Minister and the prime piece of a Ministers commendation that he be faithfull that is diligent in his work 2 Tim. 4. 2. sincere in his aimes and endeavours at the glory of God and the good of souls 1 Pet. 4. 11. neither adding nor pairing unto what God hath committed unto him to speak 2 Cor. 2. 17. Whatever a Minister be for learning prudence utterance and other abilities if he be not faithfull he is but naught Matth. 25. 23 with 26. for Paul commendeth Tychicus from this that he was a faithfull minister in the Lord. 10. A faithfull Minister will give proof of his fidelity in all the pieces of his imployment not only in publick preaching but also in his private coversing with the Lords people yea and in every thing will labour to answer the trust reposed upon him for Paul sheweth Tychicus would be faithfull even in relating the case and state of Pauls particular affairs he shall make known unto you all things Verse 22. Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose that ye might know our affairs and that he might comfort your hearts IN prosecution of the former purpose he sheweth first he had not fallen upon Tychicus accidentally but had chosen and sent him of purpose And next declareth a twofold end for which he sent him 1. that he might acquaint them with Paul's affairs as ver 21. And 2. that he might be comfortable unto them by his presence message preaching and otherwayes Doct. 1. The greater paines are taken by Christ's servants to bring matter of edification and spiritual consolation unto the Lords people they ought to receive it with so much the better will and likeing for Paul sheweth that both he and Tychicus were at the pains the one to send the other to be sent unto them of purpose hereby to induce them the more to receive the message sent Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose 2. The putting a right impression of the case of Christ's suffering servants and the state of the Gospels thriving upon the hearts of Christians in other remote parts of the Church is a work worth the care and pains of most eminent Ministers if it were to make them undergo a long and tedious journey for that same very end for Tychicus was sent unto them for the same purpose that they might know his affairs 3. We should labour so to inform our selves of the case and carriage of others and how it goeth with the affairs of Christ's Kingdom elsewhere as to be drawing matter of spiritual edification thence and consequently not to feed our curious humour for Tychicus in making known Pauls affairs was to aim at their spiritual consolation much more were they to aim at it themselves that ye might know our affairs and that he might comfort your hearts 4. It is the duty of every Christian and chiefly of a faithfull Minister to have this end proposed unto himself in all his friendly visits bestowed upon his acquaintance and chiefly upon his flock in all his familiar conferences with them in all the intelligence he communicateth unto them concerning Gods dealing with his Churches abroad even that thereby they may not trifle-by precious time or only satisfie curious ears but furnish some matter of spiritual edification for bettering the inward man for Tychicus was to make them know Pauls affairs for this end that thereby he might comfort their hearts 5. To know the several passages of Gods gracious providence towards His suffering servants together with their undaunted courage under sufferings and the use which God doth make of their sufferings to advance His truth and cause is and may be sufficient ground of comfort and incouragement unto the Lords people against the sorrow and sadnesse which their sharp sufferings considered in themselves cannot choose but affect the lovers of truth with for Paul implyeth that their hearing of his sufferings had sadded them and sheweth the relation of Gods dealing with him would comfort them that ye might know our affairs and that he might comfort your hearts 6. A Christian sufferer supported by God will not be so anxious about his own case as the case of others of the Lords people whom he knoweth to be in sorrow and heavinesse yea and ready to halt and be scandalized for His cause for Paul knowing their grief and fearing their fainting at his tribulations chapter 3. 14. doth send Tychicus of purpose to comfort their hearts Vers. 23. Peace be to the brethren and love with faith from God the father and the Lord Jesus Christ. NExt in the conclusion of the Epistle is contained the Apostles ordinary fare-well wish wherein designing those to whom he writeth by the name of brethren he wisheth unto them in particular 1. Peace that is peace with God with their own conscience one with another and all sort of prosperity 2. Mutuall love among themselves for Gods love to them is comprehended under grace in the following verse 3. The grace of faith the fountain of the former 1 Tim. 1. 5.
A BRIEF EXPOSITION OF THE EPISTLES of Paul TO THE GALATIANS AND EPHESIANS BY JAMES FERGUSSON Minister at Kilwinning Isa. 28. 10. For precept must be upon precept precept upon precept line upon line line upon line here a little and there a little Col. 3. 16. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another c. LONDON Printed for the Company of STATIONERS Anno Dom. 1659. To the Right Honourable and noble Lords Alexander Earl of Eglintoun c. AND Hugh Lord Montgomery his Son And to the Right Honourable noble Lady The Lady Mary Lesley Lady Montgomery RIGHT HONOURABLE IT is decreed in Heaven That we must through much tribulation enter the Kingdom of God Act. 14. -22. God only wise hath so resolved that by means of sanctified trouble the Heirs of glory may be weaned from earth and learn to place their chief contentment and happinesse not upon their enjoyments below which are uncertain empty and perishing but upon things above an inheritance incorruptible undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for them How hard were it to make even those who are born of God long to be dissolved and bid adieu to all their sublunary contentments except the Lord in mercy did place a prick in every one of those roses and make their most promising earthly comforts within a little to prove as streams of brooks that passe away Job 6. 15 And how should this conciliate love to a sad and suffering lot and make the Lord's People who are strangers and pilgrims delight in the way which leadeth to such an home as Heaven is It is indeed our unacquaintance with Scripture and with what the Word of Truth holdeth forth to be the mind of God while He scourgeth every son whom He receiveth which doth occasion so much proud rising of spirit or base dejectedness of mind when the Lord doth not carve us out such a satisfying lot in all things as we would How often do we mistake our way and little lesse than quarrel with God only because He hedgeth us in with thorns of affliction that we cannot find out our lovers and therefore that man is truly blessed whom the Lord doth not only chastise but also instruct out of His Law Ps. 94. 12. and thereby make him understand and hear the voice of the rod and of Him who hath appointed it Mica 6. 9. And herein indeed the Lord doth greatly manifest His marvellous loving kindnesse and in wrath remembreth mercy that He joyneth instruction with correction and doth furnish His afflicted People with abundant means by which they may take up the mind of God for good unto them under His saddest dispensations even that the fruit of affliction is to take away their sin Isa. 27. 9 that He doth punish them seven times more and yet seven times more untill their uncircumcised hearts be humbled and they accept of the punishment of their iniquity Levit. 26. 24 28 41. that though He visit their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes Nevertheless His loving kindnesse will He not utterly take from him Psal. 89. 32 33. and that when they are judged they are chastened of the Lord that they should not be condemned with the world 1 Cor. 11. 32. All this and much more to this purpose hath the Lord made known by His Word and doth daily inculcate and make more and more known by His sent Ministers who according to their Commission do open up and apply the rich treasure of holy Scripture unto the Lords People of their charge And as if all this were not sufficient He hath besides stirred up the spirits of many of His Servants in every age to 〈…〉 mit their Labours upon Scripture unto writing for the more publick use of the Church of God not only in the present but also the succeeding generations As for my self I ingenuously professe that being conscious of mine own weaknesse I did much incline to rest satisfied with expressing my Commission by word only in preaching to and conferring with my Flock and those of my charge But being earnestly requested and in a manner commanded by some Reverend Brethren whom I honour and reverence in the Lord to draw up briefly in writ a plain Analysis a short and sound Exposition of and the chief Observations grounded upon such Scriptures as I had either largely preached upon or more briefly opened-up to the Lords People of my charge I shewed them some of my weak endeavours of that kind to be disposed upon at their pleasure which when they were pleased to publish and to call for more work of the same nature expressing their confidence that what I had already done was acceptable to all that love the Truth and would be edifying to the present and after-ages and being thereunto also encouraged by diverse faithfull and understanding persons I have in obedience to their desires given-out this other Piece to be disposed of by them as they should see good And seing they have advised the publishing of it To whom could I with more confidence and conscience of duty dedicate these my mean labours than to your Honours considering that God hath appointed me to watch for your souls as one who must g 〈…〉 n account and that your Honours have endeavoured for your parts to encourage me to go about all the parts of my Ministery with joy and not with grief My Lords when I called to remembrance how long each of you was detained these years by-past from enjoying the benefit of my publick Ministery by your necessitated abode elsewhere I thought the best way to give you an account and to make you reap some fruit of my labours in your absence was to present these my weak endeavours to your Honours and what you have heard from me upon these Scriptures in publick when you were permitted to be my hearers I hope this little piece shall conduce to bring it to your remembrance and the Lord Himself convey it into your hearts there to remain to make your Honours more and more wise to salvation that in the day of the Lord Jesus ye may be matter of joy and a crown of rejoycing to those who have laboured among you and spoken the Word of God unto you And for you Madam who hath had liberty to be my hearer more frequently and constantly than my noble Lords as I trust your Honour will observe there is a good harmony betwixt that which I taught in the Congregation and which I now publish to the world and that this little piece shall according to your usuall diligence in searching Scripture and in keeping fellowship with God in the practice of all commanded duties be improved by your Honour for your further edification and encouragment to walk worthy of the Lord unto all well-pleasing So when I consider how refreshfull it hath been often unto me to behold your sweet submission under the Lord's hand your truly
receive a proof of God's fidelity in bearing them through all hazards which they may meet with in following of His Call 2 Cor. 1. 10. Thus was it with Moses Exod. 2. 10 c. so was it with Jeremiah Jer. 1. 19. and so here with Paul whose first work after God had called him to be an Apostle was to preach the Gospel among the wicked and savage Arabians I went to Arabia 4. The Apostles by their Office were not fixed or tied unto any certain Charge as ordinary Ministers now are Rev. 2. 1 8. but their Charge being the whole World Mat. 28. 19. they went from place to place as the necessities of People required Rom. 1. 11. rules of Providence Rom. 15. 20. or God by His Spirit did immediatly direct Act. 16. 9 10. Thus Paul went unto Arabia and returned again to Damascus near to which he was converted Act. 9. 3. at which time of his return did fall out that hazard wherein he was from the Jews mentioned Act. 9. 23 c. for the history sheweth it was many dayes after his conversion and that immediately after his delivery from it he went to Jerusalem and conversed familiarly with the Apostles and therefore it could not have been before his journey to Arabia else that history should contradict Paul himself affirming here that he went up to Jerusalem to them who were Apostles before him Vers. 18. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter and abode with him fifteen dayes 19. But other of the Apostles saw I none save James the Lord's Brother HEre is a third Evidence to wit that three years after his conversion he went to Jerusalem to give a familiar serious and friendly visit to Peter in token of mutual consent and agreement to one and the self-same Truth which was preached by them both but not that he might learn the knowledge of the Gospel from Peter as his adversaries alleaged for his abode with Peter was but for fifteen dayes only ver 18. And lest any should object that he had been taught at that time by some other Apostle he sheweth he saw no other Apostle there but James and that he did see him only as it were upon the by which James was not the son of Zebedeus who was beheaded by Herod Act. 12. 2. but the son of Alpheus Mat. 10. 3. who either himself or his wife hath been of kinred with Mary the mother of Jesus Hence James their son is here called the Lord's Brother according to the custom of the Hebrews who called men of the same kinred and bloud Brethren Gen. 13. 8. Doct. 1. That nothing of Peter's supposed supremacy over Paul and the rest of the Apostles can be gathered from this place as the Papists do alleage appeareth from this that Paul went first to his Work before he came to Peter at all and that his businesse with Peter was not to receive ordination from him or to evidence his subjection to him but from the respect and reverence he carried to him to give him a friendly visit Besides that it is the Apostle's scope in a great part of this Epistle to shew that he was nothing inferiour to Peter or to any other of the Apostles 2. We ought so to spend our time for diligence and faithfulnesse in our stations that we may be able to give a good account how time hath been spent both for dayes and years Paul giveth such an account while he sheweth he preached three years in Arabia and Damascus and after stayed in Jerusalem fifteen dayes Then after three years I went up and abode fifteen dayes 3. It ought to be the endeavour of Christ's Ministers to entertain love and familiarity one with another as also to make their so doing evident unto others it being most unseemly for those who preach the Gospel of Peace unto others to live in discord among themselves for Paul went up to Jerusalem to see Peter as for other reasons so that hereby he might evidence that love and harmony which was between them 4. The Lord doth so direct the steps of those who do acknowledge Him in all their wayes Prov. 3. 6. that His glory and their good is sometimes eminently brought about by some of the ordinary passages of their life even beyond their own intention or purpose as here Paul's deferring to go to Jerusalem for the space of three years his abode there only fifteen dayes and his seeing none of the Apostles there save Peter and James do serve as an evidence to refute that calumny of his adversaries against his Doctrine and Office and hath been ordered so of God for that end although Paul in the mean time knew not so much being then ignorant that ever he should meet with such a calumny 5. As Ministers may and ought to meet sometimes together to evidence and entertain mutual love and concord and because of that mutual inspection which they ought to have one of another So their meetings ought neither to be so frequent or of so long continuance as that thereby their Flocks may suffer prejudice for the word importeth that this was a serious visit and about serious things made by Paul to Peter and yet he remained with him but a short time untill he returned to his Charge again He went to see Peter and abode with him fifteen dayes Vers. 20. Now the things which I write unto you behold before God I lie not THe Apostle having to do with adversaries and some also amongst the seduced Galatians who gave not much credit to his Word asserteth the truth of all he hath said and is to say in matter of fact through the whole Epistle and confirmeth it by an oath where according to the use of Scripture els-where he expresseth but one principal part of an oath to wit a confession of God's presence and power to witnesse and judge the Truth and includeth the other parts such as our invocation of God to bear witnesse that we speak the truth 2 Cor. 1. 23. and imprecation that God would be a Judge to take revenge upon us if we lie Ruth 1. 17. Doct. 1. The Spirit of God in Scripture hath not left us destitute of sufficient evidences to be found in Scripture it self from whence the truth of it may be made out and all atheistical doubtings to the contrary removed among which this is one the solemn Oath of those who write it being men otherwise godly and worthy of trust attesting the truth thereof and taking God to witnesse against their own soul if they did lie in what they wrote Behold before God I lie not 2. The choicest Servants of Christ may be looked upon as liars and unworthy to be trusted even by those to whom they are sent and yet they must not give over to preach as knowing the Word spoken by them doth still get credit from some 2 Cor. 2. 15. and will beget trust to it self from others whom God hath ordained to be
10. 31. duties of our lawful imployments Heb. 11. 33. and to our carriage under crosses Heb. 11. 24 25. for by the life which Paul lived in the flesh is meaned this natural life Heb. 5. 7. 1 Pet. 4. 2. and his living this spiritual life of Faith was extended even to the things of that life The life which I now live in the flesh is by the Faith of the Son of God Doct. 7. As Jesus Christ did give Himself a Ransom for the Elect See chap. 1. 4. so no worth in us no good which He expecteth from us or need which He stood in of us but only love in Him to us did move Him so to do He loved me and gave Himself for me 8. Though the full perswasion and assurance of Christ's special love unto and His dying for me in particular is not the very essence and being of saving Faith Eph. 1. 13. for saving Faith may be without it Isa. 50. 10. Yet it is a thing which may be had without extraordinary revelation the Spirit of God enabling the Believer to discern in himself those graces 1 Cor. 2. 12. which are set down as marks of His special love and favour in Scripture 1 Joh. 3. 14 18 19 21 24. and bearing witnesse with His Spirit that he is a childe of God Rom. 8. 16. and this assurance should be aimed at in the right method by all 2 Pet. 1. 10. for Paul speaking in the name of other Believers sheweth he had attained it Who loved me and gave Himself for me saith he 9. This full perswasion and assurance in its own nature is so far from making those who have it loose the reigns to wickednesse and security that upon the contrary it serveth as a strong incitement to make them mortifie sin and live that spiritual life of Faith which is here spoken of for it served for this use unto Paul I live by the Faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself forme Vers. 21. I do not frustrate the grace of God for if rightebusnesse come by the Law then Christ is dead in vain HAving removed the objection the Apostle proceedeth to establish Justification by Faith and not by the Works of the Law by a second argument to this purpose If we be justified by the Law or works done in obedience to the Law Then those two absurdities would follow 1. God's free grace and favour should be rejected despised frustrated and made uselesse for the word signifieth all these and the reason of the consequence lyeth in this That if Justification be by Works Then it cannot be by Grace Rom. 11. 6. 2. Christ's death had been in vain without any necessary cause or reason if the Justification of finners could have been attained by Works or by any other mean Doct. 1. They who have attained unto the perswasion and full assurance of God's favour and love in Christ ought above all others to maintain the glory of His Grace and Mercy in saving of sinners freely not admitting of any thing whether in practice or opinion whether in themselves or so far as is possible in others which may incroach upon it obscure it or weaken the thoughts of the excellency of it in the minds of men for Paul who was perswaded of Christ's love ver 20. doth look upon this as his duty flowing from that assurance I do not frustrate the Grace of God saith he 2. The joyning of Works with Faith in the matter of Justification is a total excluding of God's Free-grace and favour from having any hand in this Work for Grace admitteth of no partner so that if Grace do not all it doth nothing if any thing be added to it that addition maketh Grace to be no Grace Rom. 4. 4. for the Apostle reasoning against those who would have made Works to share with God's Free-grace and favour in Justification sheweth his joyning with them in that opinion would be a total rejecting and making uselesse of God's Grace I do not frustrate the Grace of God 3. That the Apostle doth exclude in this dispute from having any influence in Justification the Works not only of the Ceremonial but also of the Moral Law appeareth from this That he opposeth the Merit of Christ's death to all Merit of our own whether by obedience to the one Law or to the other neither can any reason be given for which our meriting by obedience to the Ceremonial Law maketh Christ to have died in vain which is not applicabl to the Moral Law For if righteousness come by the Law then Christ died in vain 4. That he excludeth also not only the Works of the Moral Law which are performed by the natural and unregenerate man but also those which the Godly do perform by vertue of Faith drawing influence from Christ appeareth from this that the Apostle useth this argument taken from the uselesnesse of Christ's death not against the unconverted Jews who had not received the Gospel and so would easily have granted that Christ was dead in vain but against those who had received the Gospel and so would never have pleaded that any Works done by a natural man but those only which flow from the Grace of Christ could justifie a sinner and yet Paul reasoneth against those If righteousness come by the Law then Christ is dead in vain 5. That he doth exclude also all Works of ours whatsoever from being the meritorious cause of our Justification not only in whole and their alone without the Merit of Christ but also in part and joyntly with His Merit appeareth from the former ground that he is reasoning against professed Christians who doubtlesse did give Christ's Merit and Death some share at least in Justification else the absurdity which is deduced from their Doctrine by Paul should have had no weight with them as being no absurdity in their mind Then Christ is dead in vain 6. If there had been any other way possible in Heaven or Earth by which the Salvation of lost sinners could have been brought about but by the Death of Christ then Christ would not have died our disease was desperate as to any other cure for while he saith If righteousness come by the Law then Christ is dead in vain he affirmeth two things 1. That to suppose Christ hath died in vain or without cause is a great absurdity no wayes to be admitted of 2. If the Justification and Salvation of sinners could have been attained by Works or any other mean then His Death had been in vain and so that it were an absurd thing to suppose he would have died in that case CHAP. III. IN the first part of this Chapter the Apostle having sharply rebuked these Galatians for their defection ver 1. useth five other Arguments to prove that we are justified by Faith and not by Works First They had received the saving Graces of God's Spirit by hearing the Doctrine of Justification by Faith and not by Works ver 2.
the People for Paul did fear lest he had bestowed his labour in vain upon them 3. The most lively Preachers and painfull Ministers will sometimes see so little fruit of their labours and so much iniquity among the People of their charge as may furnish them with just grounds to professe their fears that few or none are saved by their Ministry for even Paul doth fear lest he had laboured in vain among those Galatians 4. A faithfull Minister is not to sit down discouraged and quit his station upon his observation of little or no fruit of his labours amongst the People but must hold on in his duty notwithstanding as knowing his labour will not be lost as to himself and from the Lord Isa. 49. 4. for Paul ceaseth not to warn reprove and instruct these Galatians although he feared lest he 〈◊〉 laboured in vain among them 5. It is hardly conceivable how men can live and die maintaining both in opinion and practice the doctrine of justification either in whole or in part by their own works done in obedience to the Law and yet be saved for Paul conceiveth his la 〈…〉 should be in vain among those Galatians and consequently that they would be damned if they did continue in th●● error chiefly whereby they joyned the works of the Ceremonial Law with Christ in the point of justification Vers. 12. Brethren I beseech you be as I am for I am a ye are ye have not injured me at all THe Apostle knowing that these Galatians were alienated in their affections from him and fearing lest from his present severity and sharpnesse towards them they should apprehend that he was alienated from them also Therefore he setteth himself to cure both the certain evil and feared mistake and this by requesting them as Brethren that they would keep intimate affection towards him as to another self or as if he had been themselves for so much doth the expression be as I bear and assureth them that he was so affected towards them even the same which he formerly was and that his present severity did not flow from hatred or a spirit of private revenge against them seing they had never done any personal injury to him to wit but in so far as they had wronged Christ and Truth and therefore leaveth it unto them to look upon him as a man who was pleading the cause of Christ and not venting any private grudge of his own Doct. 1. Though the Servant of Jesus Christ must use severity in the way of reproof and rebuke towards those who are gone astray yet because people are apt to conceive that his so doing doth flow from an imbittered spirit and so to slight both him and his rebukes 2 Chron. 18. 7. therefore he would in wisdom sometimes mix his severity with gentlenesse and his rebukes with exhortations and intreaties as looking not so much upon what their sin deserveth as what is most convenient for gaining them to repentance Hence the Apostle having sufficiently rebuked them cometh now to request and intreat Brethren I beseech you saith he 2. As Error above any other sin doth estrange the person erring from any who oppose them in their way though they were even their most faithfull Pastors So it is the duty of Ministers not to be careless whether they have the affection of such or not upon pretence that no cause of disrespect is given by them but they are to follow on upon their erring people and beg their favour and affection if it cannot be otherwayes gained and this mainly for the people's profit and that hereby they may be put in a capacity to do them good for Paul apprehending that these erring Galatians were estranged from him in their affections he beggeth their favour while he saith I beseech you be as I am 3. The mutual love and affection betwixt a People and a Pastor ought to be so intimate as if they both were but one person every one minding the good of another as of themselves constructing aright of the actions of another as they would have others construct of their own and rejoycing at the advantage and grieving for the hurt of one another as if it were their own and this because Satan doth by all means labour to drive in some wedge of jealousie to rent them asunder that so the Minister may be uselesse unto the People and they a heart-break unto him this intimacy of affection is here intreated-for by Paul from the Galatians Be as I am and was made conscience of by him towards them for I am as ye are saith he 4. It is no small part of that divine wisdom required in a Minister so to hate and testifie against the sins of People as not to relent in his respect to their persons so to persecute their ill as to remain tenderly affectionated towards their good for thus did Paul I am as ye are saith he 5. As People are apt to apprehend that the zeal of a Minister against their sin doth flow from a spirit of revenge and spight against their persons for some real or apprehended injury done unto him by them So it is most base and sinfull for a Minister to intend and sharpen his zeal even though against sin from any consideration of that kind and a thing the very groundlesse suspicions whereof he would labour to wipe off for so doth Paul here by shewing they had done him no wrong and therefore it could not be in reason supposed that in his sharp rebukes he was venting his spleen or a spirit of private revenge Ye have not injured me at all saith he Vers. 13. Ye know how through infirmity of the flesh I preached the Gospel unto you at the first 14. And my temptation which was in my flesh ye despised not nor rejected but received me as an Angel of God even as Christ Jesus 15. Where is then the blessednesse you spake of for I 〈◊〉 you record that if it had been possible ye would have plucked out your own eyes and have given them to me THe Apostle insisteth to clear that he was not changed in his affection towards them and withall by shewing how affectionate they were once to him for the Truth 's sake which he did preach he pointeth at their great inconstancy if so he may even by setting forth their deserved praises make them ashamed of their present estrangedness unto him and put on the same affection towards him and to Truth which once they had according to his proposed scope v. 12. In order to which he declareth they were so far from doing him any personal injury for which they might apprehend him to bear them at hatred that upon the contrary they had shown much love and reverence unto him which he cleareth 1. by bringing to their remembrance how that when he came to preach the Gospel first unto them while they were yet in paganism he did preach through much infirmity of the flesh whereby is meaned not
worthy to be received whoever do preach it neither doth it borrow any intrinsick authority from the person of the Preacher Hence the Galatians are commended that in this respect they received Paul as an Angel of God even as Christ Jesus See Luke 10. 16. From Vers. 15. Learn 1. The onely thing which maketh a people happy is to have the doctrine of the Gospel which is the mean of our reconciliation with God in Christ 2 Cor. 5. 18. preached among them and to receive this Doctrine and the faithfull Preachers of it with all due reverence love and subjection The injoying of honour riches and abundance of outward peace is no blessednesse being compared with this Psal. 4. 6 7. for the Apostle speaketh of these Galatians while they were in that case What or how great was then your blessednesse 2. Injuries received afterwards will not obliterate the inward sense or mar the outward acknowledgment of favours formerly received in a thankfull mind for though the Galatians had done no private injury to Paul ver 12. yet in their defection from Truth they had wronged him for the Truth 's sake and notwithstanding he proclaimeth those evidences of their love and respect which he had received formerly both in the former verse and more expresly here while he saith I bear you record ye would have plucked out your eyes c. 3. The love and reverence which People owe to Ministers ought not to be verbal and in profession only but real also even such as may evidence it self in the hearty bestowing of any thing which may be for their encouragement or for advancing the Work of God in their hands for Paul proveth these Galatians had received him as they ought from their readinesse to impart unto him all things necessary and possible for his encouragement Ye received me saith he for I bear you record ye would have plucked out your eyes 4. Though as is usually said Charity begins at home and we be commanded to love our neighbour only as our self Mat. 22. 39. Yet there is a certain case in which we must consider our neighbour not only as a neighbour but as a special instrument of God and thus we are in some respects to love and prefer him unto our selves and especially when he is an instrument imployed by God for the defence and propagation of the Gospel we ought to be ready to forsake the dearest things we have in the world though it were our own hands eyes feet yea and our very life if so it may promote the Work of God in his hands for in this case it is not our neighbour but Christ and the Gospel which we prefer unto our selves according to Mat. 10. 37. Hence because Paul was such an instrument the Galatians are commended for their readinesse to pluck out their own eyes and to give them to him 5. The wisdom and goodnesse of God hath so provided that the hands eyes and other members of our body being cut off or plucked out cannot be serviceable or usefull unto the body of any other hereby preventing the cruelty and tyranny of the greater sort who would make no scruple to mutilate the bodies of their inferiours if those mutilated members could serve for any use to themselves afterwards for saith he If it had been possible they would have plucked out their own eyes importing it was impossible not simply to pluck them out but that their eyes being plucked out could serve for the same use to him for which they did serve unto themselves Vers. 16. Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth THe Apostle concludeth from what he hath said of their former kindnesse to him that he was not now turned their enemy nor estranged in his affection from them for the interrogative hath the force of a vehement denial and that they had no reason to think so of him this only excepted that with much candor and ingenuity he had declared the Truth unto them in opposition to the Errors of the false Apostles the absurdity of which reason is also imported by the interrogative propounded to them Doct. 1. For Christians to entertain malice or a spirit of private revenge one against another as it is in any case sinfull so when there hath been no personal injury offered it is abominable and hardly can it be conceived that a man of conscience will be guilty of it for Paul having declared that they had done him no injury but shown much love and reverence unto him denyeth that there was any just reason why they could so much as conceive that he was turned an enemy unto them Am I therefore become your enemy 2. When men are once engaged in a sinfull course and especially in the way of error they are so dementate with it that they can put no difference betwixt it and themselves they have common friends and enemies and whosoever is an enemy to it is looked upon by them as an enemy to themselves for Paul by telling the Truth in opposition to their Error is looked upon as an enemy Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the Truth 3. However a faithfull Minister will readily be mistaken for his freedom and ingenuity in the reproof of sin as if he were an unfriend and enemy to the person reproved when really he can give no such evident proof of his love and respect Psal. 141. 5. he is neverthelesse to go on in his duty labouring to obviate all such mistakes and prejudices as he best may for Paul ceaseth not to tell them the Truth although he was looked upon as an enemy for his so doing only he laboureth to clear them of their mistake Am I therefore become your enemy c. Vers. 17. They zealously affect you but not well yea they would exclude you that you might affect them 18. But it is good to be zealously affected alwayes in a good thing and not only when I am present with you THe Apostle in further prosecution of the former purpose obviateth an objection arising from that fervent zeal or that intense love joyned with serious endeavours to oppose and a kind of indignation against any thing that might prove hurtfull unto them which the false Apostles seemed to carry towards them beyond what Paul did so that yet they had reason to doubt of his affection to them The Apostle answereth It was true indeed that the false Apostles pretended great love to and zeal for them but their zeal was not of the right stamp as not having that which is truly good for its object to wit the edification of those for whom they seemed zealous but rather their destruction while all their zealous endeavours did tend to exclude them and rent their affection from Paul himself and other faithful Pastors And again as their zeal did deviate in the object so also in the scope proposed which was not to gain these Galatians to Christ but popular applause to themselves
and that Paul and such as Paul was being cryed down they alone might be doted upon with a blind kind of zeal and affection ver 17. but lest by condemning their false zeal he should have seemed to cry down all zeal therefore he discovereth what true and praise-worthy zeal is and this as it seemeth with an eye to his own practice whose zeal towards those Galatians first was so ordered that the thing whereunto his zeal for them did carry him was in it self good and for their good and edification Secondly it was constant so that distance of place which occasioned an alteration in them towards him had not made him to alter towards them ver 18. Doct. 1. See chap. 1. ver 7. doct 5. concerning his suppressing the name of the false Apostles whereby he sheweth more of indignation towards them nor he could have done by giving them any designation though never so base They zealously affect you 2. Hereticall Preachers and Seducers will be exceedingly fervent and zealous for their erroneous opinions and pretend much love and affection to the People of God while they are about to make them imbrace their Errors for saith he They to wit the false Apostles zealously affect you 3. Every thing which goeth under the name of zeal or which truly hath much of zeal and fervency in it whether for opinions or persons is not to be approven there being so much of sinfull zeal which an hypocrite may have and therefore is not to be valued or regarded So doth the Apostle speak of their zeal They zealously affect you but not well 4. There is a renting zeal which carrieth the person wherein it is with a violent fervor to rent the Church of Christ and to create prejudices in the minds of people against their faithfull Pastors while they extenuate their good 2 Cor. 10. 10. and above measure aggrege their sins and infirmities all such zeal is sinfull and unworthy to be taken notice of for the Apostle proveth that their zeal was not good from this that it carried them to rent those Galatians from Paul and the Body of the Christian Church They would exclude you 5. There is a self-seeking zeal when men pretending much love to God and to the good of souls are really hunting after the breath of applause to themselves and that they alone may have greatest weight in peoples affections all such zeal is also sinfull for he condemneth the zeal of the false Apostles because their great design in what they did was to make those Galatians zealously to affect them 6. As the great design of false Teachers and the upshot of all their most zealous and fervent endeavours is to gain credit among the people to their opinions and persons So the usual method whereby they walk for attaining this end is first to alienate the minds of people from their own Pastors that so they themselves may be looked upon as only worthy to have room in peoples affections for this was the method of the false Apostles They would exclude you to wit from us that you might affect them saith he 7. The Ministers of Christ would so condemn the counterfeit of saving graces which may be found in hypocrites as that they do not in the least measure reflect upon the real graces of God's Spirit which are found only in true Believers for Paul having condemned their false zeal falleth immediately upon the commendation of true zeal But it is good to be zealously affected alwayes in a good thing 8. It is not enough that the thing which we do be in it self good except our affections be somewhat warmed with love to the duty and stirred up with an holy indignation and revenge against any thing which would divert us from it for this is that zeal which is here commended It is good to be zealously affected saith he 9. It is required in godly and approven zeal first that it be orderly neither making nor upholding rents or schisms in the Church and betwixt the People of God and those who are over them in the Lord for the false ungodly zeal of the false Apostles is condemned from this that they would have excluded those Galatians from Paul Secondly that it be sincere as aiming not at base and selfish but approved ends such as God's glory 2 Cor. 11. 2. our own Rev. 3. 19. and our neighbours salvation Col. 4. 13. for their zeal is condemned from this that their great design in all they did was to make the Galatians affect them Thirdly that it be according to knowledge Rom. 10. 2. as chusing right and approven means for bringing about the proposed end and not putting forth it self indifferently upon every thing good or bad without choice for saith he It is good to be zealously affected in a good thing Fourthly that it be constant not intending or remitting according as more of prosperity or adversity doth attend the making conscience of our duty Joh. 6. 26. but alwayes one and the same notwithstanding of any extrinsecal change of that kind for saith he It is good to be zealously affected alwayes Doct. 10. A Minister would labour to have his conversation so christian that if need require he may give his own practice for an instance or example of any duty which he presseth upon others as Paul doth here for having required constancy in zeal he hinteth at his own practice who was zealous for their good alwayes and not only when he was present with them Vers. 19. My little children of whom I travel in birth again until Christ be formed in you 20. I desire to be present with you now and to change my voice for I stand in doubt of you HE doth yet further pursue the intended scope which is to perswade them of his affection to them by making it yet more appear that his zeal for them was of the right stamp and not like that of the false Apostles In that first he was at great trouble and pains for their good such as are the pains of a woman in travel Secondly his design in all his labour and pains was not so much to make them affect him which was all that his adversaries sought after as to get the image of Christ which being once wrought in them by the means of his Ministry was now marred by their defection again repared in them and its lively lienaments drawn upon them which expressions of his intire affection are much sweetned by the affectionate stile of little children given unto them So that his whole discourse doth breath out no lesse affection than that of a tender mother towards her dear childe under some languishing disease or consumption ver 19. And thirdly that he desired vehemently to be with them face to face which was no great evidence of any hatred to them especially considering the end of his desire to wit that being more fully acquainted with their case he might accommodate himself in his speaking to them whether in
Kingdom of God FOr the better understanding and observing of the rule delivered ver 13. use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh he maketh a Catalogue of some works of the flesh which were best known to those Galatians And first he declareth the nature condition of those works that though the inward root of concupiscence from whence they flow be hid and therefore it is not easie to convince a man that he is led by it yet those effects and works of the flesh are evident and patent so that a man may passe judgment upon the prevalency of flesh and concupiscence in his heart when those its effects do break out in his life Secondly he maketh a particular enumeration of seventeen of those works expresly shewing that there are several other works of the flesh besides these only he thinketh it sufficient to have instanced these and these rather than others because probably they have been too commonly practised among the Galatians which works of the flesh here enumerated are First Adultery or the sin of filthynesse betwixt parties whereof one at least is married Secondly Fornication or the sin of filthinesse betwixt parties both free from the yoke of marriage Thirdly Uncleannesse under which are usually comprehended all other sorts of filthy lusts and particularly that against nature Rom. 1. 24. Fourthly Lasciviousnesse or wantonnesse whereby is meaned all petulant and wanton behaviour tending to excite the lust of filthinesse whether in our selves or others These are ver 19. Fifthly Idolatry a sin whereby religious worship due to God only Mat. 4. 10. is given unto those which by nature are no gods chap. 4. 9. or whereby the true God is worshiped in or before Images Exod. 32. 4 5. The former idolatry is forbidden in the first Command the latter in the second Sixthly Witchcraft or a devilish art whereby certain men or women having under some violent fit of a tentation entred a covenant either expresse or implicite with the Devil are enabled by the Devil's assistance upon their using certain rites and ceremonies prescribed by him to work things strange and wonderfull so far as God permitteth Seventhly Hatred or as the word signifieth enimity and hatred in the heart towards our neighbour joyned with a rooted desire to do him hurt whether for apprehended or real injuries Eightly Variance or contention and strife by disgraceful and opprobrious words arising from the fore-mentioned enimity and alienation of hearts Ninthly Emulations not that good emulation whereby we strive to excell others in that which is good not for love of applause or other by-respects but meerly from the love which we carry unto that which is good this is commanded 1 Cor. 14. 12. but carnal emulations whereby we are grieved at the good which is in others not so much from hatred to their good as because it overshadoweth us and therefore is joyned with a desire to outstrip them in that good which we are grieved for wherein it differeth from envy Tenthly Wrath whereby according to the force of the word in the original is meaned that sudden passionate commotion and perturbation of the affections through apprehension of an injury offered transforming a man to a very beast and thrusting him forward to act some mischief Luke 4. 28 29. Eleventhly Strife which as it differeth from the eight work of the flesh formerly mentioned doth signifie a certain kind of litigious striving probably about civil rights and interests which when it is for trifling matters or in defence of unrighteousnesse 1 Cor. 6. 8. or separated from a spirit of Christian meeknesse and condescendence 1 Cor. 6. 7. is a work of the flesh here condemned Twelfthly Seaitions or renting of those into divers factions who ought to be joyned in one common society for so much the word in the Original doth hint at which renting work when it falleth out in the State is called by the name of sedition and in the Church by the name of schism especially when there is a rent not only in opinion but also in affection and design or endeavour each party labouring to countermine the other Thirteenthly Heresies which are somewhat more than simple schism and faction 1 Cor. 11. 18 19. even grosse and dangerous errors voluntarily held Tit. 3. 11. and factiously maintained by some person or persons within the visible Church Act. 20. 30. in opposition to some chief or substantial Truths grounded upon and drawn from the holy Scripture as the places cited and the notation of the word in the Original will in a good part bear These are ver 20. Fourteenthly Envyings which are those base passions whereby we grieve at the good and prosperity of others without any endeavour to attain unto that good our selves Fifteenthly Murders or slaughters which frequently follow upon the for 〈…〉 whereby is not meaned the execution of publick justice upon malefactors for that is commanded Lev. 24. 21. but the satisfaction of private revenge by shedding of bloud and the taking away of our neighbour's life unjustly though under pretence of publick justice 1 King 21. 13. Sixteenthly Drunkennesse when men do drink wine or strong drink excessively and beyond that measure which fitteth them both in soul and body for the service of God and duties of their calling Seventeenthly Revellings The word doth usually signifie excesse of belly-chear in riotous feasts joyned with all sorts of lascivious behaviour The Apostle having made this enumeration that he might terrifie them from the practice of those evils giveth them timous warning now by Letter as he had done formerly by Preaching when he was with them that impenitent persisters in these and such like sins should never inherite the Kingdom of Heaven and by consequence should be eternally damned Mat. 25. 41. I say impenitent persisters for this and all such threatnings are to be understood with the exception of repentance Jer. 18. 7 8. Doct. 1. It is not sufficient that a Minister having divided his hearers in two ranks to wit spiritual and carnal or renewed and unrenewed denounce eternal wrath to the latter and promise God's favour and life eternal to the former but it is also necessary that he give evident and discriminating marks of both and of the one from the other whereby every one may be in some measure enabled without mistake to judge of his own inward estate and so to know whether the judgment denounced or mercy promised be his allotted portion for the Apostle giveth such discriminating marks of flesh and Spirit from their respective effects The works of the flesh are manifest saith he and ver 22. the fruit of the Spirit is love 2. As it is not sufficient for a Minister to condemn and reprove sin in the general without condescending upon some particular instances and examples because general doctrine is not so well understood and especially in the reproof of sin it is looked upon almost by every hearer as if he himself were not concerned in it So in
understood not so much justifying faith and faith towards God which is the root and fountain of all those fruits ver -6. as faith and fidelity towards men whereby from a renewed heart and for God's glory we speak nothing but truth Eph. 4. 25. and make conscience to perform whatsoever is undertaken by us Psal. 15. -4. Eightly Meeknesse a vertue whereby we moderate anger so as that we are not provoked but for just causes and not more or longer provoked than the Word of God alloweth whereby also we do speedily restrain and suppresse anger when it hath transgressed the just bounds Eph. 4. 26. Ninthly Temperance or continency whereby our fleshly appetite is kept within bounds in seeking after honour meat drink pleasure or riches Lastly The Apostle having made this enumeration that he may excite the Galatians to the practice of those vertues he commendeth them from this That the Law was not made against them or the practisers of them either to condemn or accuse them In which words by a figure or flowr of speech more is to be understood than is spoken as Psal. 51. -17. even that the Moral Law concerning the standing whereof as to its directing power there was no controversie betwixt Paul and his adversaries doth expresly command and commend them which could not be said of those ceremonial abstinences or performances so much urged by the false Apostles Doct. 1. There is no way for gracious vertues or the fruits of the Spirit to grow and thrive in our heart unlesse the works of the flesh be set against and in some measure mortified these thistles and weeds must be plucked up else they draw the sap and strength of the heart from the good grain The Apostle's method pointeth at so much while he engageth them to mortifie the works of the flesh in the first place and next commendeth unto them the fruits of the Spirit But the fruit of the Spirit is Love joy peace c. 2. It is not sufficient that we set about the work of mortification and curbing of sin and vice but must also endeavour to have the heart replenished with the contrary gracious vertues otherwise sin being as it were over-powered may lurk for a season but will afterwards revive and take strength Mat. 12. 44 45. for the Apostle having engaged them to mortifie the works of the flesh doth now excite them to the exercise of gracious vertues But the fruit of the Spirit is Love joy peace c. 3. There is no vertue truly saving and acceptable to God but that which floweth from the grace of regeneration The vertues of the Heathen how excellent soever they seemed to be were but shadows of saving vertues as not coming from a clean fountain a gracious root in the heart Jo● 14. 4. nor yet levelling at the right end God's glory in the chief place Col. 3. 17. but some other thing inferior to that Act. 24. 26. Besides they were not done in faith and so could not be acceptable to God Heb. 11. 6. for the Apostle calleth all those which are vertues indeed the fruits and effects of the Spirit But the fruit of the Spirit is Love joy peace saith he 4. If we compare the graces of God's Spirit with the works of the flesh there will appear such a beauty in the one such deformity in the other such solid satisfaction and contentment in the one and such disquietnesse and vexation of spirit in the other that laying aside the difference which is betwixt them by reason of their original and event those other considerations may serve abundantly to make us fall in love with the graces of God's Spirit and abominate the works of the flesh for the works of the flesh are Adultery witchcraft hatred strife envyings murders but the fruit of the Spirit is Love joy peace long-suffering c. 5. We are to judge of persons and practices by thinking well of them or otherwise not according to the common esteem in which they are among men 1 Cor. 4. 3. but according to the esteem that God hath of them and according to what the Word of God which is the absolute rule of right and wrong Truth and Error doth pronounce concerning them for Paul judgeth it sufficient to commend the practice of those vertues from this that the Law of God did commend them and approved of those who made conscience of them Against such there is no Law saith he Vers. 24. And they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts THe Apostle in this Verse addeth a new Argument to inforce the practice of that first Rule given ver 13. and cleared ver 19 20 21. to wit that they should not give occasion to or fulfill the lusts of the flesh because those who are Christs as they all professed themselves to be have by vertue of Christ's death crucified and put to death their fleshly corruption with all its sinfull motions whether they be sinfull affections and passions such as those whereby the mans mind doth suffer is troubled and afflicted as malice envie anger and the like or whether they be sinful lusts such as these which are stirred up by fleshly carnal baits and pleasures as motions to intemperance uncleannesse and such like Now those who are Christ's are said to have crucified all those because every one who professeth the Name of Christ hath engaged himself by his profession and covenant sealed in Baptism so to do Rom. 6. 3 4. and the truly Regenerate besides this engagement by profession have actually begun this work so that though this body of corrupt flesh be in them yet by His Spirit Rom. 8. 13. and by imitating His Crosse Rom. 6. 6. they are upon the work of mortifying it suppressing the endeavours and smothering the effects of it Rom. 6. 12. Doct. 1. All they who are led by and walk in the Spirit or who are truly regenerate and who are actually engaged in the work of mortifying their corrupt nature are Christ's in a peculiar manner to wit by right of donation from the Father Joh. 6. 37. by right of emption or redemption 1 Cor. 6. 20. and by right of resignation all such having actually resigned themselves unto Christ as a mansion for Him to dwell and walk in 1 Cor. 6. 19. and in every thing to be guided by Him Act. 9. 6. for the Apostle useth those expressions indifferently as being of equal extent Walk in the Spirit ver 16. and if ye be led by the Spirit ver 18. and in this verse they who are Christs have crucified the flesh 2. The work of mortification striketh at all sin and spareth none aswell pleasant sins whereby fleshly lusts are satisfied as other more vexatious evils whereby the mind doth in a kind suffer and is afflicted for speaking of this work he saith They that are Christs have crucified the flesh that is the root of corruption and then they have crucified all its branches not only affections
lest thou also be tempted 13. So prone are we to entertain good thoughts of our selves that it is a matter of no small difficulty to make a man reflect upon himself and enter upon a serious consideration of his own frailty and weaknesse and of every other thing which may keep him low in his own eyes without insulting over or despising of others as appeareth from Paul's changing of the number for having said Ye who are spiritual restore c. in the plural number here he saith considering thy self lest thou also c. in the singular which he doth to give the greater force and sharper edge to his admonition as knowing he was pressing a duty which very hardly and not without difficulty would be obeyed Vers. 2. Bear ye one anothers burdens and so fulfill the Law of Christ. THe Apostle first enlargeth the former exhortation both as to the persons exhorted for now he exhorteth not only those who are spiritual but all of them And also as to the duty exhorted unto which is extended not only to an endeavour of reclaiming those who were overtaken in a fault but also to the tolerating and bearing patiently with the sins and infirmities of others untill they be amended and the sinner reclaimed which sins are designed by the name of a burden partly because some such sins are a burden and weight to the sinner himself either by reason of his grief and sorrow for them if he be a penitent Act. 2. 37. or by reason of that vexation and trouble which some sins as wrath malice and envie do bring to the natural spirits even of the impenitent sinner Job 5. 2. Prov. 14. 30. And partly because some such sins though not felt by the sinner himself are yet heavy burdens unto those who converse with him as his curiosity back-biting self-seeking and such like Prov. 16. 28. Secondly he inforceth the exhortation thus enlarged by a second argument to wit That hereby they did fulfill the Law or command of mutual love which he calleth the Law of Christ not as if love to our neighbour had not been enjoyned before Christ came in the flesh for it is a prime piece of the Law of Nature imprinted upon the heart of man at the Creation and was renewed again by God Himself upon mount Sinai 1 Joh. 2. 7. But because first Christ did renew this Command not only by freeing it from the false glosses and interpretations of Scribes and Pharisees Mat. 5. 23 c. but also by pressing it in its spiritual beauty and nature having laid aside and abolished the external cover of Mosaical Ceremonies Eph. 2. 15. under which it was vailed 1 Cor. 9. 9 10. In which respect mainly it is here called the Law of Christ in opposition to the false Apostles who pressed so much the Mosaical Law of Ceremonies And secondly because Christ did presse this Law so renewed in a singular manner upon His followers as a mark of true faith in Him Joh. 13. 35. And thirdly because Christ did fulfill this Law in His own person and thereby left an example of it unto us 1 Joh. 3. 16. Doct. 1. As there are none free of sinful infirmities which are burdensom sometimes to themselves and frequently unto others So we ought not to break the bond of common society which we are otherwayes tyed unto because of those but are to persist in it patiently bearing those infirmities which we cannot otherwayes help for saith he Bear ye one anothers burdens 2. This duty of bearing with the infirmities of others doth well consist with the use of such lawfull means as God hath prescribed whether to the Magistrate for restraining sin by punishing those who do evil Rom. 13. -4. or to Ministers and private Christians in order to the sinner's reclaiming by admonition reproof and such like for this duty of bearing one anothers burdens must agree with and cannot be contrary unto that other duty prescribed v. 1. which is to restore the sinner unto that state wherein he was so far must we be from giving him countenance or partaking with him in his sins 3. A compassionate frame of spirit made evident by our meek and patient deportment towards those who are overtaken in a fault without neglecting any duty we owe unto them doth afford the guilty sinner no small ease under his weighty exercise and tendeth much both to his preservation from fainting under heartlesse discouragement if his conscience be touched with the sense of his guilt and to carry on the work of his conviction and amendment if he be yet going on securely in his sin for the Apostle having exhorted to such a meek and patient deportment towards those who are overtaken in a fault he calleth it here a bearing of their burden or an affording of help to them under it Bear ye one anothers burdens 4. There is no such evidence of love to our neighbour as when it kytheth in our serious endeavours for bringing about his spiritual good and in taking the most effectual condescending and affectionate way in order to his reclaiming from sin together with our supporting of him and sympathizing with him under his spirituall weights for the Apostle calleth this a fulfilling of the Law of Christ or of mutual love as if that Law did call for this only And so fulfill the Law of Christ saith he 5. In what sense and measure the childe of God doth attain to evidence his love to his fallen brother by his serious endeavours to restore him unto the enjoyment of God's favour and to an holy and blamelesse conversation and by his bearing with him under his infirmities in order to his recovery in that same sense and measure he attaineth to fulfill the Law whence it followeth because he is not able to do the former perfectly and so as to come short in nothing for matter or manner Iam. 3. 2. but only sincerely and without dissimulation Rom. 12. 9. therefore neither can he keep the Law perfectly but only in sincerity and in his honest aim and endeavour Psal. 119. 6. for saith he Bear ye one anothers burdens and so fulfill the Law of Christ. Vers. 3. For if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself THe Apostle in further prosecution of the former exhortation doth fall upon the sin of self-conceit and arrogancy which causeth men contemn others and carry themselves with a kind of supercilious disdain towards such as are overtaken in a fault contrary to what he had exhorted them unto ver 1 2. And first he tacitly dehorteth them from this vice by shewing the man who is puffed up with a conceit of his own enduements above others and to the despising of others being compared with himself doth deceive himself and maketh his own mind to erre in passing judgment of himself as the word doth signifie and giveth a reason of this assertion because every man even the best is nothing as having no good
safely approve his own work as the word signifieth and such a probation must be here meaned otherwise the Apostle's consequence should not follow upon a mans proving his work even that he shall have rejoycing in himself 3. Though Civil Magistrates and Church-guides are to prove even judicially the work of others who are committed to their charge Rom. 13. -3 -4. Tit. 3. 10. and though private Christians are also bound to prove all things by a judgement of christian discretion that so they may hold what is good 1 Thess. 5. 21. and be provoked unto love and good works Heb. 10. 23. but not that they have whereat to carp Psal. 56. 5 6. or whereby to be lifted up with an high and vain conceit of themselves above others 1 Cor. 5. 2. yet the great thing whereabout our most accurate and daily search and trial should be imployed is our own actions and by proportion our own spiritual state 2 Cor. 13. 5. and frame of heart Psal. 26. 2. Yea those and only those are to be the object of our trial when the end proposed in our trial is to find out matter of boasting in the testimony of a good conscience and from which we may conclude that we are approved of God for this is the end of the trial here enjoyned and therefore saith he Let every man prove his own work 4. This work of self-trying and proving of our own work being seriously and frequently gone about would tend exceedingly not only to curb those lofty thoughts which we have of our selves but also to divert from those uncharitable censorious and base thoughts which we have of others because of their infirmities and failings for the Apostle opposeth this duty as an antidote to that sin of self-conceit before reproved and by consequence doth presse it as an help to that duty of tendernesse and compassion towards those who are overtaken in a fault enjoyned ver 1 2. But saith he let every man try his own work 5. It is in some cases and respects lawful for men to glory and boast in themselves or in the good things of God bestowed upon them that is not only to rejoyce because of them but also to expresse their joy 2 Cor. 1. 12. and to expect approbation and applause from men because of them 2 Cor. 12. 11. providing they glory in them as evidences of God's love to them and so as they may thereby assure their hearts before Him of their interest in His favour and good-will 1 Joh. 3. 19. and as enduements fitting them to serve God by promoting His glory in their own salvation and their neighbours good and in every other duty which they are bound to in their station 1 Cor. 15. 10 and as they are fitting occasions to incite themselves or others to give that glory to God which is due Mat. 5. 16. providing also that they glory in them to wit in so far as this gloriation importeth a seeking approbation to themselves but sparingly 2 Cor. 11. -16. and for the most part as of necessity and to maintain their uprightnesse before men when it is unjustly called in question 2 Cor. 12. 11. Joh 27. 4 c. and that they be not puffed up with conceit of themselves as if those good things did proceed from themselves alone and not from God 1 Cor. 15. 10. and that the approbation which they expect be not endeavoured as their furthest design Mat. 6. 2. but as a mean of rendring them the more capable for promoting God's glory in their place and station 1 Tim. 3. 7. and most especially providing that they glory not in those things as if thereby they could merit the favour of God and eternal life which boasting is condemned Rom. 4. 2. In these respects and with these limitations it is lawfull for men to glory in themselves for the Apostle speaketh of this way of glorying as an allowed consequence of a man's proving of his own work Then saith he he shall have rejoycing or boasting in himself alone 6. That a man may warrantably and upon good grounds thus rejoyce in the good things of God bestowed upon him especially so as thereby to assure his heart before God it is not sufficient that he compare himself with others and find himself to be better than those but he must try himself by the rule of God's Word and after trial find himself approved by it else his boasting is nought and vain even a deceiving of himself for the Apostle speaking of this warrantable gloriation and boasting affirmeth it to be the consequence of a man's proving his own work and that it must be in himself and not in another Vers. 5. For every man shall bear his own burden HEre is a second argument inforcing upon every man the duty of trying his own work rather than to be narrowly prying into the infirmities of others because every man must bear his own burden or give an account of his own actions to God Rom. 14. 12. for the Lord will passe sentence upon men whether by absolving or condemning them not as they have been better or worse than others but as they shall be found in themselves absolutely considered and without any respect had unto others See 1 Cor. 3. -8. which doth not militate against the tenour of the Gospel affirming that Believers shall be reckoned with by God as they are clothed not with their own righteousnesse but with the unspotted righteousnesse of Christ their Cautioner Philip. 3. 9. for it is evident from the scope that the Apostle excludeth only the infirmities of other sinfull men like unto our selves from being the rule according to which God will passe sentence and not the righteousnesse of Christ apprehended by faith Doct. 1. That a man may prove an happy interpreter of Scripture and find out the mind of God's Spirit therein it is necessary he do well understand the scope of the Spirit in that place the sense whereof he intendeth to find out the observing whereof will serve as a threed to conduct him in falling upon the genuine and literal meaning of the particular words sentences and wil preserve him from making the Scripture in hand thwart or contradict any other part of sacred Truth which without observing of the scope he may readily fall in for this verse seemeth at the first view to contradict that direction given ver 2. but the sense of both being collected from the scope that seeming contrariety will evanish for by bearing one anothers burdens ver 2. must be meaned a bearing by way of sympathy christian for bearance and diligent use of means for reclaiming the person fallen for that is it which the Apostle is pressing there as appeareth from ver 1. and in this sense every one ought to bear one anothers burdens But by bearing our burden in this verse is meaned a bearing by giving an account to God for our own actions otherwise it should not be a cogent argument to inforce the
exhortation propounded ver 4. Let every man prove his own work and in this sense every man shall bear his own burden 2. How light soever that mens sins do seem unto themselves when they are committed yet they will be found not light but heavy when they come to reckon with God about them for the giving an account of our actions to God goeth under the name of bearing a burden Every man shall bear his own burden 3. So righteous is God that He will call no man to an account for the sins of others but only for his own except he hath made those sins of others his own sins also by not doing his duty to impede the committing of them Ezek. 3. 18. or by following of and walking in them Exod. 20. 5. compared with Ezek. 18. 14 17. or by not mourning to God for them 1 Cor. 5. 2. for saith he Every man shall bear his own burden 4. It were our wisdom frequently to minde that great Accompt which we must give to God and to busie our selves most in and about those things whereof He will crave an account of us hence the Apostle maketh this a reason why men should be most imployed in proving their own work and not in accurate prying into the carriage and infirmities of others because it was their own work whereof they behoved to give an account to God For every man shall bear his own burden saith he Vers. 6. Let him that is taught in the Word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things IN the second place the Apostle exhorteth them unto beneficence which may be looked upon as another piece of that serving one another through love enjoyned chap. 5. -13. and because love to the Word growing cold among those Galatians by reason of their schism and the prevalency of error it is probable that the due respect which they did owe to their Ministers was much decayed except to such only as were of their own faction and way Therefore in the first place he exhorteth unto beneficence towards their Ministers directing his speech to those who were catechised that is taught familiarly by word of mouth as when children are taught the first principles of Religion for so the word rendred is taught doth signifie or more generally as the word is here rendred and taken elsewhere 1 Cor. 14. 19. Rom. 2. -18. those who are instructed or taught whether more familiarly and plainly or more profoundly in the Word whereby may be meaned either the Word of God in general or of the Gospel in particular which frequently is called the Word by way of excellency See upon Philip. 1. 14. Doct. 1. Those he exhorteth to communicate and to give a share unto their Ministers of all their temporal goods to wit so much as might serve for their creditable maintenance Doct. 1. The Lord Christ hath appointed two distinct ranks and sorts of people to be in His visible Church some who are to be taught fed ruled and watched over such are all private Church-members and some who are to be Teachers Pastors Guides and Watchmen over the Flock by vertue of their publick Office in the House of God the honour whereof is not to be taken by any man unto himself except he be called as Aaron Heb. 5. 4. And are all Teachers 1 Cor. 12. 29. Let him that is taught communicate unto him that teacheth 2. As it was necessary that some should be Teachers in the House of God so the wisdom of God hath thought it fit because of our weaknesse Deut. 5. 23 c. to teach us not by His own immediate Voice from Heaven nor yet by glorious Angels but by the Ministry of men like unto our selves and those not usually of the greatest sort but of such as stand in need of the peoples benevolence for their worldly subsistance and this that the glory of converting souls may be ascribed not unto creatures but unto God 2 Cor. 4. 7. for so much is imported while he saith Let him that is taught communicate unto him that teacheth 3. As it is the duty of Christ's Ministers to teach and instruct the Lord's People not so much by their writings as by vocal preaching and word of mouth So the thing wherein they are to be instructed is the knowledge not of humane writings but of the Word of God contained in Scripture there being no word or writing besides which hath a promise of such a blessing to accompany it as this Word hath See Rom. 1. 17. 2 Tim. 3. 15 17. Heb. 4. 12. for saith he Let him that is taught or instructed by word of mouth in the Word meaning the written Word of God 4. Seing Christ's Ministers are to bestow themselves wholly in the work of the Ministry 1 Tim. 4. 15. and not to be intangled with the affairs of this life 2 Tim. 2. 4. and seing they are the Lord's Instruments by whom He conveyeth the richest blessings even those which are spiritual unto His People 1 Cor. 9. 11. Therefore the People of God among whom they spend their strength are bound even by common equity to give them worldly maintenance that they may neither be diverted from nor discouraged in that most necessary and painfull work of watching over souls Heb. 13. 17. for saith he Let him that is taught communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things 5. This worldly maintenance which people are bound to give unto their Ministers though it should be moderate and such as may not through its abundance occasion pride luxury and prodigality in their Ministers yet it would be liberal and creditable even such as may not only supply their pinching necessities but also as thereby they may be sustained in a way creditable unto the Gospel whereof they are Ministers 1 Tim. 5. 17. and may have wherewith to supply the necessities of the indigent 1 Tim. 3. -2. and to educate their children so as afterwards they may sustain themselves and be profitable members both of Church and Commonwealth 1 Tim. 5. 8. for he commandeth the people to communicate to their Ministers in all their temporal good things he saith in all and therefore liberally though not lavishly 6. Though the Civil Magistrate be obliged to provide some set and publick allowance for upholding the Gospel and Ministry thereof this way coming nearer to the order appointed by God for maintaining the Priesthood under the Law Numb 35. 1 c. and being free of several inconveniences which can hardly be avoided in the way of giving voluntary contribution by every one who heareth the Gospel towards those who preach the same yet in case the Magistrate provide not such publick allowance for them or if turning persecuter he take that which is already provided by the Law for that use from them Then it is the duty of every one who is taught in the Word to maintain their Preachers by liberal contribution out of their own means so far as is necessary for him
glory of his grace and therefore matter of praise for grace behoved to be manifested in His choosing of us when it is revealed otherwise He should not have taken a convenient mean for bringing about the intended end 4. That great and supream end which God intended most to be brought about by this eternal decree of Election and to which the other two ends formerly mentioned to wit the sanctification and glorification of the Elect are but subordinate means for bringing of it about was that hereby Men and Angels might see matter of praise and thanksgiving unto His rich mercy and free-grace and be excited to set forth the praises thereof accordingly not as if He stood in need to have His glory acknowledged or praised by creatures nor as if their praising of Him could adde any perfection to Him who was compleatly glorified in Himself from all eternity Joh. 17. 5. but He holdeth forth matter of His own praise that the Elect may be perfected in praising of Him for saith the Apostle God hath predestinated us to the praise of the glory of his grace 5. There ought to be a sweet concord and harmony betwixt a Ministers doctrine and practice his hand and tongue would joyntly preach and presse the same Truth for so his doctrine shall have greater weight with hearers when he doth commend and seal the truth of it by his own example and practice Thus Paul while he is pointing out the duty of the Elect to be the praising of God's glorious grace he himself is practising this duty for as is clear from ver 3. he is speaking all-alongs of this purpose by way of praise and thanksgiving to God 6. Though the Elect from all eternity are loved by God with His love of benevolence whereby he willed good unto them and decreed to bestow good upon them ver 4. Yet there is a love of complacency or delight in God whereby He not only willeth good unto the persons so beloved but accepteth of them acquiesceth in them as in His own children and friends reconciled to Him and delighteth Himself in His own graces bestowed upon them in which respect the Elect as being children of wrath by nature are not from eternity beloved of God nor accepted of by Him yea not before they be effectually called and reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ Heb. 11. 6 for Paul speaketh of Gods making us accepted and lovely or of His accepting us as of an action done in time Wherein He hath made us accepted in the Beleved 7. Whomsoever God hath elected before time those He accepteth of and is well pleased with in time both in their persons and actions if they be good having first made them lovely and fit to be accepted of by Him which He doth by working in them a conformity both as to their state and actions with the rule according to which He doth accept not the rule prescribed by the Law which requireth no lesse than a perfect and personall righteousnesse in order to our acceptation by God Gal. 3. 10. but the rule prescribed by the Gospel which admitteth the imputed righteousnesse of a cautioner in place of a perfect personal righteousnesse whereby our persons are accepted and made lovely to God Rom. 5. 19. and of sincerity in our actions in place of perfection whereby they are also accepted Psal. 119. 6. for saith Paul speaking of the Elect He hath made us accepted 8. That same grace free-favour and good-will which moved God to elect us before time moveth Him also to make us accepted lovely and well-pleasing to Himself and to accept of us in time whence it followeth that as the eternal decree of Election was most free and in nothing dependent on our works So that work of God whereby He draweth souls out of nature cloatheth them with Christ's righteousnesse and bestoweth grace upon them is wholly free also as to us and cometh only from His most free grace without respect had to any worth of ours for saith he Wherein or in which grace whereof he spoke formerly as the fountain-cause of Election He hath made us accepted 9. Christ is beloved and accepted by the Father being considered even as Mediator in so far as that He was sent and intrusted by the Father to discharge that office Joh. 5. 30. and carryed Himself in the discharge of it according to what was enjoyned by the Father Heb. 10. 7. and did finish all in order to the redemption of the Elect which He had undertaken to the Father Joh. 19. 30. for the Apostle speaking of Christ as Mediator calleth Him Beloved He hath made us accepted in the Beloved 10. Christ as Mediator is so much beloved of the Father That all the Elect being once effectually called are made lovely and acceptable to God through Him Neither doth God accept of the persons or actions of any but through Him who is Jehovah our righteousnesse Jer. 23. 6. and being laid hold upon by faith we who are in our selves unrighteous are made righteous 2 Cor. 5. 21. and the sinfull failings of our best actions hid and covered in Him So that both our persons and actions are accepted For he hath made us accepted in the Beloved 11. God's free-grace and Christ's merit are no wayes inconsistent but do well agree together as the procuring causes of our acceptation and reconciliation with God for though Christ hath purchased a state of favour and friendship unto us by the payment of an equivalent price yet all cometh from grace unto us in so far as it was grace in God that made him give his Son to die for us Joh. 3. 16. So it was grace in Christ that made him undertake to die in our place Joh. 10. 18. And it is no lesse of free-grace that the price payed by Him is accepted of in our name Joh. 33. 24. for the Apostle doth mention grace and Christ's merit as the joynt causes of our being accepted Wherein or in which grace he hath made us accepted in the Beloved Vers. 7. In whom we have redemption through his bloud the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace THe Apostle having already spoken of those spiritual blessings mentioned ver 3. as they were prepared and appointed for Believers in God's eternal decree of Election doth now speak of them as they were purchased by Christ in that great and marvellous work of redemption by shewing first That Jesus Christ hath given a ransom even his own bloud in satisfaction to divine justice for our wrongs whence floweth our redemption from sin Satan and God's wrath which is begun here Rom. 6. 22. and shall be compleated hereafter at the last day Rom. 8. 23. Secondly he explaineth this great benefit of redemption by the forgivenesse of our sins in justification which is an effect of redemption as redemption is taken for the laying down of the price by Christ and a principal part of redemption as it speaketh our actual delivery
Rom. 10. 14 15. for the Apostle having already spoken of God's bestowing all saving grace upon them doth here condescend upon the mean made use of by him in that work Having made known unto us the mysterie of his will 4. There is nothing which moveth God to reveal his Gospel unto one people and not to another or more obscurely to one and more clearly unto another but only his own good will and pleasure so to do neither doth the Lord any thing contrary to justice hereby seing he is not obliged to send the Gospel unto any Rom. 11. 35. and all have more knowledge of God by nature than they make good use of Rom. 1. 21. for this alone is here given as the reason of his making known the mysterie of his will even according to his good pleasure 5. So carefull is God to maintain the interest of his free-grace in our salvation as being the only supream and fountain-cause thereof that he thinketh it not sufficient once to assert in the general that salvation and all the means and steps tending towards it do flow from his free-grace but that this be again and again inculcated and all the particular steps which lead to salvation being condescended upon that his free-grace favour and good will be held out as the fountain of each step in particular for the Apostle doth so and that by an heavenly and divine artifice sliding down from one step to another from Election to Redemption and from Redemption to effectual calling and from effectual calling unto God's bestowing the outward mean of salvation the Gospel not only ascribing all to God's free-grace but making grace the mid-link of the chain whereby he joyneth the several parts of his discourse together so ver 8. Wherein he abounded and here According to the good pleasure of his will and which he purposed in himself as having no cause without himself to set him on work 6. As the decrees of God are firm fixed and unchangeable So he doth nothing in the matter of man's salvation even to the least circumstance but what he hath decreed to do which as will appear from ver 11. doth hold in all other things which God doth for by God's purpose is meaned his eternal decree with respect had to its stability and unchangeablenesse there being neither want of fore-sight nor of power in God to occasion the alteration of his purpose which are the causes why men are frequently necessitated to alter theirs and this purpose and decree is spoken of here as the rule according to which God of his good pleasure did make known the mysterie of his will unto those Ephesians in order to their salvation Which he had purposed in himself saith he Vers. 10. That in the dispensation of the fulnesse of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him HEre is the intended effect which God did aim at in His gracious purpose of making fully known the mystery of the Gospel both to Jew and Gentile to wit That at the full time and season which God had dispensed measured out and pitched upon as most fitting for the businesse in hand to wit the time of Christ's incarnation and sufferings Gal. 4. 4. He might gather together in Christ all His own Elect whether already glorified or yet upon earth who before were separated from God and one from another and might make them one with God being united with Christ their head by faith Eph. 3. 17 and one among themselves being united by love Col. 3. 14. Now the Apostle affirmeth this gathering of all the Elect was to be in the fulnesse of times for though many of them were already actually gathered and glorified to wit the things in Heaven before that time yet the exhibition of that by vertue whereof they were gathered was at and not before that time to wit the time of Christ's incarnation obedience and sufferings Heb. 9. 15. Doct. 1. All mankind by nature and being considered in themselves are under a fearfull dissipation and scattering Sin hath rent and separated them from God from man and from the blessed Angels for gathering presupposeth a foregoing scattering and the word rendred gather together in one being taken from a word which signifieth the head of a natural body or a short sum of a sparse discourse and so signifying here to gather together under one head to wit Christ and unto one sum and body amongst themselves it supposeth that they are separated from God from Christ one from another and from the Angels also for they were to be gathered into one body with those That he might gather together in one c. 2. The Lord hath not left all mankind in this wofull separation and scattered condition but as He hath firmly purposed and decreed from all eternity so in time He setteth about to gather together some of scattered mankind and to unite them to Himself one to another and to the blessed Angels for the word rendred to gather implyeth a gathering unto all these as is said And he hath purposed in himself that he might gather together in one 3. The gathering together of the scattered Elect and making of them one with God and among themselves doth not depend upon the choice of their own free-will which could do no other but refuse to be gathered Mat. 23. 37. and so Christ should not have seen of the travel of His soul and been satisfied contrary to what is promised Isa. 53. 11. But upon the fixed and unchangeable purpose of God which engageth His Omnipotency to make them willing to be gathered Psal. 110. 3. and therefore they shall be infallibly gathered for the Apostle as appears from the context maketh this gathering depend on Gods purpose He hath purposed in himself that he might gather together in one 4. It is only God who by His omnipotent power doth gather together the scattered Elect and maketh them one with Himself and with one another in Himself We do so much love to wander Jer. 14. 10. that we would live and die estranged from God if the Lord by strong-hand did not reclaim us from our wandrings for saith Paul He hath purposed in himself that he might gather together in one 5. The preaching of the Gospel and making known that blessed mysterie is the mean which God maketh use of in this work of gathering the scattered Elect because though our actuall gathering be an act of Gods omnipotent power yet He dealeth with us as with rational creatures by giving us an offer of His friendship commanding us to accept of it as it is offered and in the mean time sending forth his power with the command whereby He maketh us to accept Act. 16. 14. for as is clear from the connexion God's end intended in making known the mysterie of his will is That he might gather together in one 6. As God is the great Master of his
life And they are said to have been quickned with Christ though not in their own persons for they were so quickned a long time after Christ's resurrection in their effectual calling but they were then quickned in their head and atturney Jesus Christ whose quickning after death was a sure pledge that they every one in his own time should be quickned also 1 Cor. 15. 20. and that the vertue purchased by Christs death Rom. 8. 11. and to be applyed unto them by Him who is now alive and liveth for evermore for that end Heb. 7. 25. And therefore the Apostle expresseth Gods bestowing of this spiritual life upon them by His quickning them with Christ. And before he mention the other pieces of their delivery he doth in the close of this vers ascribe the whole work of their salvation to Gods free grace which is the same in effect with His mercy and love spoken of ver 4. Only it further expresseth the freedom of those in opposition to any merit or worth in the persons to be saved which might procure their salvation Doct. 1. The Ministers of Christ would not only inculcate the doctrine of sin and misery but having insisted so much upon this subject as may serve to bring down that high conceit which people naturally have of their own righteousnesse and to convince them of their need of Jesus Christ a Saviour Then is it timous for them to open up the riches of Gods free grace and good will to save the vilest of sinners and what He hath freely done for bringing about salvation to their hand for the Apostle having set forth unto the life the natural misery of those Ephesians doth now openup the rich treasures of Gods free grace in Christ But God who is rich in mercy 2. The Lords Ministers when they fall upon this subject of Gods delivering lost sinners from their natural state of sin and misery through Christ they would labour to speak to it so fully affectionatly sensibly and with such life and power as that they may not only inform the understandings of the Lords People in those truths but also inflame their affections with love to them and admiration at the wisdom mercy goodnesse and other attributes of God manifested in this work for so doth the Apostle speak of this purpose not simply by saying God hath quickned us but God who is rich in mercy according to His great love and so forward in the two following verses 3. There is nothing contributeth more to inable a Minister to speak to the commendation of God's free grace in the salvation of sinners with that fulnesse sense life and affection as he ought than a deep insight in his own misery and the great need which he himself doth stand in of God's mercy for Paul in the third verse fore-going doth shew how sensible he was of the depth and breadth of his own misery hence he doth here speak so fully and movingly to the present purpose But God who is rich in mercy c. 4. The quickning of sinners and drawing them out of nature unto grace is only God's work there being no lesse required for bringing this about than omnipotent creating power See ver 10. And there being not only no principle left in man who is by nature dead in sins and trespasses whereby he might work or concur with God in working towards his own quickning Rom. 9. 16. but also much to oppose and resist it 2 Cor. 10. 5. So that in the first instant of his conversion and untill a new heart be given him and the seeds and habits of saving graces infused in him he is wholly passive as to any actual influence upon the effect which is wrought Jer. 31. 33. for Paul here condescending upon the cause of their quickning doth pitch not upon their own free will in whole or in part but upon God only while he saith But God who is rich in mercy hath quickned us 5. This attribute of mercy in God whereby without any grief or perturbation of mind which accompanieth men in the exercise of mercy he hath a propension and inclination to do good to the sinfull and miserable so far as His wisdom seeth convenient is the only thing in opposition unto all that is in a mans self which moveth God to quicken and bestow grace upon dead and gracelesse sinners for the Apostle speaking of God's quickning of those Ephesians describeth Him from His mercy to shew it was not their worth but His own mercy which moved Him to quicken them But God who is rich in mercy hath quickned us 6. As God is rich and overflowing in the exercise of this attribute of mercy which will appear if we consider that there is no creature towards which He doth not exercise His mercy Psal. 104. 24. and that mercy is exercised not only without but also often contrary to the deserving of those upon whom it is exercised Ezek. 36. 21 22. so there is nothing wherein God doth more manifest the riches and abundance of His mercy than in the work of quickning dead sinners and of carrying-on the work of grace in them untill it be perfected in glory The misery Ezek. 16. 3 c. and bad deservings of the object Jer. 14. 7. the great good things which are bestowed upon those miserable objects Luke 12. 32. the course taken for satisfying divine justice that so those good things might be without wronging of justice bestowed Joh. 3. 16. and the multitude of sins which mercy covereth in those objects not only before their conversion Isa. 55. 7. but also after it Prov. 24. 16. All these and many considerations besides these do manifest God to be rich in mercy in quickning of dead sinners But God who is rich in mercy hath quickned us 7. The highest cause which moveth God to manifest this His rich and special mercy upon any of lost mankind and from mercy to quicken them and bestow His saving graces on them was His love towards them which is no other than His will and resolution to impart those good things unto them together with His hearty acquiescence in the thing as that wherewith He is well pleased He did it because He would do it resolved to do it and had pleasure in the doing of it for saith he God who is rich in mercy for His great love hath quickned us 8. As God's love towards those whom He converteth doth not begin when they are converted but is of a more ancient even an eternal rise chap. 1. 4. So it is not an ordinary but a great love wherewith He loveth them The infinit distance betwixt Him and them Psal. 8. 4. His loving them when they were yet enemies Rom. 5. 8. the great things bestowed by His love Rom. 5. 6 7 8. and His unchangeablenesse in His love even notwithstanding of great provocations to the contrary Psal. 89. 33. All these and many besides these do abundantly declare that this love is a great
wonderfull and matchlesse love for saith he For His great love wherewith He loved us 9. The Lord hath love to the Elect even when they are children of wrath and liable in the course of justice to the stroke of His vindictive anger for although God could not with safety of His own justice bestow Heaven upon them when they were actually such yet nothing hindereth why He might not love them being such that is have a will and fixed resolution even when they were liable unto wrath to bestow Heaven upon them having first from that same love given His own Son to deliver them from that state of wrath that so what eternal love had resolved to give them might be actually bestowed upon them without doing injury to divine justice for ver 3. he sheweth they were children of wrath and here that God loved them and both these before He quickned them Wherewith He loved us saith he even in the by-past time 10. The doctrine of our natural misery and spirituall death through sin is a lesson most necessary to be learned which we have no great pleasure to learn and which we are prone to forget as to a deep and lively impression of it even when it is learned for the Apostle's repeating this doctrine almost in the same words by which he had expressed it ver 1. doth hint at all these Even when we were dead in sins saith he 11. There is no application of the doctrine of God's mercy in order to our delivery from sin and misery except the doctrine of sin and misery be first applied and taken with for Paul being to apply God's mercy in quickning sinners unto himself and his country-men the believing Jews he doth first apply the doctrine of natural sin and misery unto them while he doth now speak of himself and the Jews also whereas ver 1. he spoke of the Gentiles only as appeareth by the change of the person Even when we were dead in sins hath quickned us 12. Whatever a man be before his conversion as to the point of civility and right use of his natural parts yet he is looked upon by God when He cometh to quicken him as one dead in sins who can neither help himself nor merit help at God's hand for therfore doth the Apostle assert that they were dead in sins immediatly before yea and in the act of God's quickning of them while he saith Even when we were dead in sins He hath quickned us 13. The state of grace which sinners dead by nature are brought unto at their conversion and wherein they continue untill death is a state of life the sentence of eternall death which they were liable unto ver -3. being taken off Rom. 8. 1. there being also new principles and powers infused in them at their effectuall calling whereby they are enabled to do those actions of a spiritual life Ezek. 36. 26 27. which powers are also continually actuated and excited to their work by renewed influence from the Spirit of God Philip. 2. 13. and accompanied oftimes in their actings with assurance of God's love Rom. 8. 16. peace of conscience Rom. 5. 1 2. and joy unspeakable and full of glory 1 Pet. 1. 8. whereby also they have not only a right unto Joh. 3. 16. but also the first fruits and begun possession of eternall life Joh. 17. 3. for the Apostle expresseth God's bringing them to and continuing them in the state of grace by His quickning of them hath quickned us saith he 14. Though love and mercy in God do set Him on work to quicken dead sinners yet this work cannot be brought about or accomplished without the intervention of Christ's merit and intercession who behoved to satisfie divine justice and thereby acquire unto us those things which love and mercy had prepared for us Isa. 53. 5. seing they were all lost in Adam Rom. 5. 15 16. and who being now exalted doth also apply them to us Act. 5. 31. for notwithstanding of what was said ver 4. of God's mercy and love as the inward impulsive causes moving God to quicken them yet the Apostle here sheweth that their actual quickning had a necessary dependance upon Christ's merit and mediation while he saith He hath quickned us together with Christ. 15. That Jesus Christ behoved of necessity to strike-in with His merit and mediation hereby to acquire and apply saving grace and salvation unto us doth in nothing hinder but that notwithstanding our compleat salvation from the first step unto the last doth wholly flow from God's free grace seing it was of grace that the Father did send the Son to die for us Joh. 3. 16. It was of grace that the Son did undertake Joh. 15. 12 13. And it is no lesse grace that what He did or suffered should be accepted in our name Rom. 3. 24 25. So that all is of grace and free good-will as to us for the Apostle having pointed at the necessity of Christ's mediation in order to their quickning doth presently adde as in a parenthesis by grace are ye saved 16. There is an infallible connexion betwixt converting grace and salvation so that all those who are now converted and quickned shall be undoubtedly saved for what the Apostle calleth quickned in the former part of the verse he calleth saved in the close so that he taketh the one for the other He hath quickned us By grace are ye saved Vers. 6. And hath raised us up together and made us fit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus HEre are the other two branches of their delivery to wit first The raising of their bodies at the last day for their spiritual resurrection from the death of sin to newnesse of life was mentioned ver 5. Secondly Their glorification in Heaven both which are yet to come 2 Tim. 2. 18. Mat. 25. 34. And yet he speaketh of them as already past when the Father raised and glorified Christ because seing Christ in His resurrection and entering of heaven did sustain a publick person representing all the Elect as their Head and Atturney-generall Job 10. 15. Therefore He was judicially looked upon by God in those actions as if all the Elect had risen when He rose and taken possession of Heaven when He did enter it Hence it is that in the close of the verse it is added in Christ to shew we are not yet raised and glorified in our own persons but in Christ our Head And the Spirit of God doth choose to set forth their future resurrection and glorification by shewing these are already accomplished in Christ their Head rather than by saying God shall raise them up and glorifie them that he may with one and the same labour point out the dependencie which their resurrection and glorification have upon Christs as the effect upon the cause the thing promised upon the pledge thereof as also the undoubted certainty that those shall come to passe a certainty greater than that of a simple prediction and
Believer doth thereby lay hold on Christ Philip. 3. -12. giveth Him daily imployment Joh. 15. -5. and Christ being so laid hold upon and imployed remaineth and resideth in the Believer for therefore is it that he ascribeth this indwelling of Christ in the heart unto faith that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith 7. Such is the power and vertue of faith that those things which are at furthest distance whether in respect of time Joh. 8. 56. or of place are present to it and to the heart by it Even as those things are present to the eye and ear which are clearly seen and distinctly heard though in respect of place they may be many miles distant so whole Christ both as God and Man is present to the heart in His merit vertue and efficacy laid hold upon by faith though His humane nature be locally present in heaven only Act. 3. 21. and therefore there is no necessity in order to our spirituall life that His body be present in the Sacrament and received by the mouth and stomach for He is conveyed unto and dwelleth in the heart by faith besides that the flesh profiteth nothing Joh. 6. 63 Vers. 17. That ye being rooted and grounded in love 18. May be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height 19. And to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge THe third petition followeth wherein the thing prayed for is an excellent effect of that spirituall corroboration flowing from Christs dwelling in them by faith spoken of ver 16. 17 even that God would make them grow in knowledge especially in the experimentall knowledge of his love in Christ. And first he setteth down the mean of attaining the thing prayed for to wit their firm and sure laying hold upon and adhering to the love and free grace of God in Christ as it is revealed in the Gospel by the grace of faith as trees are firmly fastened in the ground by their roots and edifices are built and lean upon their strong foundations for the two words rooted and grounded are metaphors taken from trees and edifices ver -17. Secondly the request it self first proponed more obscurely to wit that they might be able to comprehend or certainly to understand what that love of God in Christ is whereof he hath presently spoken and is to speak immediately afterwards and therefore it is most agreeable to the present purpose that it be here understood as the thing which he would have them able to comprehend in its infinit greatnesse and full perfection according to all its dimensions as of breadth whereby it is extended unto all ages Matth. 28. 20. and all ranks 1 Tim. 2. 4. of length whereby it reacheth from eternity to eternity Psal. 103. 17. of depth whereby it stoupeth down to the lowest depths of sin and misery and draweth sinners from thence Psal. 86. 13. and of height whereby it reacheth up to heavenly joyes and happiness and carrieth sinners up thither Joh. 14. 3. which are the four usuall dimensions and measures according to which we ordinarily take up the bignesse of grea test bodies And withall he sheweth that this compr ehension or uptaking of Gods love here prayed for was in part attained and in its full measure attainable after time by all reall Saints and sound Believers that hereby those Ephesians might be more animated and incited to aspire unto it vers 18. Secondly the request is proponed more plainly to wit that they might know in some measure and chiefly from their own experience this love which is here called the love of Christ not to seclude the love of the Father or holy Ghost but because the love of the whole Trinity is conveyed in the effects thereof towards lost sinners through Christ and His merit Joh. 3. 16. and concerning this love he affirmeth that it doth passe knowledge or created understanding to know it to wit fully and in its utmost extent seing it is infinit as God Himself is infinit ver 19 From ver -17. Learn 1. As trees cannot long stand against the blasts of boisterous winds except their roots be deeply fastened in some good ground and as houses cannot remain long firm and strong except they be built upon some sure foundation So neither can Professors hold out for any space of time against the furious assaults of many violent tentations except they be under-propped by and rely upon some strong foundation for the Apostle expressing that stability and constancy arising from the faith of God's love which he wished for to those Ephesians by two metaphors taken from trees deeply rooted and houses strongly built doth imply that without the faith of this love they were as trees without a root and houses without a foundation that ye being rooted and grounded in love 2. The only sure foundation whereon the soul being built and fastened is able to stand out against the strongest blasts of most violent tentations is the unchangeable and free love of God in Christ revealed in the Gospel and laid hold upon by faith and no conceit of our own righteousness naturall courage fixed resolutions or such like Matth. 26. 33. with 70. for the Apostle would have them rooted and grounded in love to wit the love of God in Christ. 3. As this love of God in Jesus Christ is a most firm rock and sure foundation in it self So it concerneth those who would be sustained by it against the furious assaults of Sathans tentations from all hands to be firmly fastened in and built upon it which is then done when they do not rest upon the notionall knowledge thereof in the brain so as to be able pertinently to discourse of it but when this marvellous love and all the good things prepared by it are laid hold upon by faith as they are offered and this not faintly but seriously as we would grip to a thing upon life and death 1 Tim. 1. 15. for Paul would have them firmely fastned in and built upon God's love as trees are rooted in the ground and houses are joyned with their foundations And the mean whereby they were to be so rooted and grounded in God's love is the grace of faith as appeareth from a parallel place Col. 2. 7. That ye being rooted and grounded in love From ver 18. Learn 1. As they who have found the saving effects of Gods love in Christ and consequently cannot but know something of it do yet know but a small portion thereof So the knowledge and chiefly the experimentall knowledge of this abounding and marvellous love from the felt and known effects thereof is of great concernment unto Believers and ought to be sought after by them accordingly for this knowledge is not only pleasant as being of a subject wonderfull but also edifying both in order to our comfort Rom. 5. -2. with 5. and to our incitement unto duty 2 Cor. 5. 14. for he prayeth for a greater measure of this
without any reserve or limitation and the practice of any other is to be followed but so far as their example is conincident with Gods Word and practice See 1 Cor. 11. 1. where Paul commandeth them to follow him with an expresse limitation to wit as he was a follower of Christ but here his command is absolute and unlimitted Be ye followers of God 5. The Lord doth enter into most intimate friendship with and taketh on most neer relations unto those whose sins He pardoneth So that He doth not only free them from deserved wrath but placeth them among the children and maketh them adopted sons and daughters unto Himself for here he calleth them God's dear children of whom He said chap. 4. 32. that God had forgiven them for Christs sake 6. All those who are dear children to God by adoption should look upon their highest priviledges as strongest engagements to duty and particularly set themselves to imitate Him in the exercise of mercy kindnesse forgivenesse and of such other duties as He hath made lovely and amiable by His own example for Paul maketh their priviledges an engagement to duty and to imitate God in particular Be ye followers of God as dear children 7. It is not sufficient that we set our selves to imitate God except we do it as dear children that is first humbly Matth. 18. 2. 3. and next with a kind of naturall affection and propension for so do children affect to imitate and by imitation to please their parents and not as servants and slaves by compulsion Hence he saith as dear children pointing not only at the reason why but the manner how they should follow Him Vers. 2. And walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour HE doth next illustrate yet further that precept given chap. 4. ver 32. and joyntly sheweth wherein they were to imitate God to wit not only in forgiving but also in loving one another and so as they should walk in love whereby is meaned that all their actions towards their neighbour ought not only to be good in themselves but also flow from a principle of love to his good and edification which duty or constant task of walking in love is inforced by a new argument taken from Christ's example who loved us and did evidence His love by giving Himself freely and of His own accord Job 10. 18 even unto death for us or for our sins Gal. 1. 4. which action of Christ is illustrated first from the end for which He did give Himself even to be a propitiatory sacrifice unto God for expiating all the sins of the Elect as was fore-signified and typified by all those expiatory levitical sacrifices under the Old Testament whether those which were generally called by the name of offering under which were comprehended all sacrifices both of living beasts and of things destitute of life as flowre oyle frankincense and such-like or those which were more strictly called by the name of sacrifice and were of living beasts and therefore conjoyned with shedding of bloud as the word in the original implyeth which cometh from a root signifying to kill and slay hence it is that our crucified Lord doth here get the name both of an offering and sacrifice This action of Christ is illustrated next from its fruit and efficacy to wit the rendering of God well-pleased with Christ His offering up Himself and with the persons and performances of true Believers for His sake as sweet smelling odours by reason of their likenesse unto and agreement with our spirits are well-pleasing and satisfying unto such as find them Doct. 1. Whatever duties of mercy and kindnesse we do discharge unto our neighbour we do not sufficiently imitate God therein neither perform service acceptable to Him if they flow not from a principle of love to our neighbours good and edification and be not directed thereunto as the great end of our work next to the glory of God and therefore a man may do many externall duties of love and yet not be accepted of God when his great aim is to be seen of men Matth. 6. 2. or to merit heaven by his good works Rom. 9. 31 32. without any inward compassion or affection to his neighbour or a sincere aim towards his good for the Apostle sheweth we do only then rightly imitate God in the duties of kindnesse and love when all we do floweth from the inward affection of love and is from love to our neighbour directed to his good while he saith walk in love 2. Our walking in love to our neighbour as it is formerly explained and when it floweth from the fountain of love to God is an evidence of adoption and of one who is a dear childe to God for having spoken of their near relation to God as being His dear children he presently enjoyneth them to make so much evident by their walking in love 3. That God the Father doth pardon the sins of the Elect having given His Son unto death to purchase pardon for them doth speak His love unto those whom He doth pardon and that Jesus Christ did willingly give Himself to death for them doth no lesse speak His unspeakable love unto them also So that they are equally loved both by the Father and the Son for he saith as Christ also hath loved us the particle also relateth to the love of the Father in pardoning for Christs sake whereof he presently spoke 4. So necessary is love among Christians together with those many duties which flow from it So many are the snares and difficulties which Satan our own corrupt natures and our mutual infirmities do create in our way to keep us from it that God seeth it necessary to propose the love both of the Father and the Son as two most powerfull adamants to draw our backward hearts up towards it for saith he Walk in love as Christ also hath loved us 5. As Christs love to lost sinners being firmly believed is a strong argument constraining those whom He hath so loved to walk in love towards others that being one of the great things required by Him from those whom He loveth Joh. 15. 12. So this love of Christ to us ought to be a pattern and copy to which we are to be conformed in our love towards others and therefore our love ought to be free for so was His Job 15. 16 It ought to be fruitfull for so was His Gal. 1. 4. it ought to be constant for so was His Job 13. 1. it ought to be discreet not encouraging or humouring the person beloved in sin for so was His Matth. 16. 23. And walk in love as Christ hath loved us saith he 6. Then do we consider the love of Christ aright and so as to be effectually incited to our duty from the consideration of it when we look upon it in those effects which flowed from it and especially
in His death and sufferings and do labour to appropriate by faith the good and benefit of those unto our selves for Paul holding forth the love of Christ as an argument inciting to love one another doth so look upon it while he saith and hath given Himself for us 7. The guilt of sin is so great as being a breach of Gods most holy Law and consequently a wrong done against an infinit God Psal. 51. 4. So exact is divine justice in requiring equivalent satisfaction for the wrong done Exod. 34. -7. that as there is no reconciling of God with man without satisfaction So no satisfaction which man himself or any meer creature could give was sufficient to do the turn for otherwise there had been no necessity that Christ should have given Himself for us 8. What no meer creature could do Christ Himself having taken-on the nature of man hath done even given full satisfaction to provoked justice by giving Himself to suffer both in soul Isa. 53. 10. and body Isa. 50. 6. in the Elects stead so that He is taken and they go free Joh. 18. -8. for He gave Himself for us 9. The pain and torment both in soul and body which Christ did give Himself to endure and suffer was inexpressible and such as was fore-signified by what was done with the ancient offerings and sacrifices according to Gods command some whereof were killed flayed and burnt some rosted some fryed on coals and some seethed in pots All which are but shadows of what Christ our Lord endured for He gave Himself an offering and sacrifice 10. As those leviticall offerings and sacrifices under the Law were not sufficient to satisfie divine justice for the sins of the Elect So Jesus Christ being offered up to God in death is that only true and reall sacrifice wherein provoked justice doth rest satisfied and whereof all those other sacrifices were but types and shadows for if they had satisfied justice there had been no necessity of this other sacrifice which came in their stead and so was represented by them He gave himself an offering and sacrifice 11. Jesus Christ Himself in this offering was both the Priest who as He was God did offer up Himself Heb. 9. 14. and the Sacrifice which was offered to wit as He was man Heb. 10. 10. Yea and we may add He was the Altar also whereupon this sacrifice was offered up the vertue of His God-head being that which not only underpropped His humane nature in suffering Isa. 50. 7 8. but also did adde an infinite value to His sufferings as being the sufferings of Him who was God Acts 20. -28. even as the altar doth sanctifie the gift Matth 23. 19. for He gave himself an offering and sacrifice 12. The ransom given by Christ for sinners was payed unto God whom they had wronged and not unto Sathan whose slaves we are by nature although by vertue of that ransom we are freed from Sathans slavery and sins dominion Heb. 2. 14. for God the just Judge being satisfied Sathan the jaylour and unjust tyrant did lose his right to keep us longer in bonds He gave himself an offering and sacrifice not to Sathan but to God saith he 13. As sin doth mak us loathsom and unfavourie to God and stireth up His wrath against us So the sweet savour of this one sacrifice offered up by Christ being laid hold-upon by faith appeaseth His wrath and maketh us savourie and well-pleasing in His sight for so much is implyed while he saith He gave himself a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour a metaphor taken from men who when their senses are offended with some stinking favour cannot be at quiet until some sweet perfume be burnt which prevaileth above the other In like manner the noisom smell of our sin did so move the Lord to wrath that He would not be at rest untill the sweet smell of His Sons obedience did come to His nostrils Job 33. 24. 14. It is the only sacrifice of Christ which by its own vertue doth appease the wrath of God and make both the persons of the Elect and their spirituall performances acceptable to God for it is a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour And though this much be also spoken of other sacrifices Gen. 8. 21. Exod. 29. 41. yet it is to be understood of them not as they were considered in themselves Heb. 10. 1. but as they related to this sacrifice of Christ whereof they were types and upon which the godly even then did rely by faith Heb. 11. 4. Doct. 15. Whence it followeth and from the text also that not only an end is put to all those leviticall sacrifices seing Christ this true and reall sacrifice whereof they were types is offered up already in death but also that there is no sacrifice properly so called to be offered up in the Christian Church neither of any other thing besides Christ neither is that sacrifice of Christ Himself again to be repeated and consequently that there is no Priest properly so called but Christ alone for the Apostle sheweth this one sacrifice did abundantly pacifie provoked justice and therefore there is no need of any other besides that the vertue of it is perpetual Heb. 10. 14 18. and so it needeth not to be reiterated A sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour Vers. 3. But fornication and all uncleannesse or covetousness let it not be once named amongst you as becometh Saints THe Apostle cometh now to give some new precepts And first in this and the following verse he forbiddeth six vices all of them for the most part contrary to chastity prescribed in the seventh command Three of which vices are in the outward actions and forbidden in this verse 1. Fornication or the sin of filthinesse between parties both free from the yoke of marriage 1 Cor. 7. 2. a sin looked upon as a thing indifferent and no sin among the Gentiles 1 Cor. 6. 12. 2. Uncleannesse under which are usually comprehended all other sorts of filthie lusts between any parties whatsomever 3. Covetousnesse that is an immoderate desire Heb. 13. 5. to acquire Micab 2. 2. or to preserve worldly goods Prov. 11. 24 26. All which he doth so discharge as that they should not name them to wit with delight and without detestation otherwise it is lawfull to name them while we reprove them as the Apostle here doth and he urgeth this prohibition from the state wherein they were as being Saints separated from the world and dedicated to God and therefore it were most unseemly for them to defile themselves with such filthy lusts Doct. 1. True Christian-love unto our neighbour whereby we endeavour his preservation and good in his honour person chastity outward estate and good name Rom. 13. 9. doth hugely differ from fleshly love flowing from lust and from the love of the world whereby we seek to satisfie our own sinfull lusts with our neighbours hurt for the former was
and will vent it self even in giving of thanks or in a sensible acknowledgement of favours received and in expressing our sense of them whether by word or work to the praise of the bestower Which duty is amplified 1. from the time when it ought to be discharged alwayes and at all times not as if we were to be alwayes and without intermission in the actuall exercise of this duty of formall and direct thanksgiving seing there are other necessary duties which sometimes must divert us from it but because our whole life ought to be according to the will of God and consequently a reall expression of our thankfulnesse to Him and because we are not to omit any occasion when it offereth of formal and direct thanksgiving to God expressed in words flowing from the inward sense and feeling of our hearts as they are said to do a thing alwayes who do it upon all due occasions See 2 Sam. 9. 13. Secondly from the matter for which we are to give thanks for all things whether spirituall or temporall prosperous or adverse for God maketh all things even those which are adverse work together for the good of such as love Him Rom. 8. 28. yea He punisheth lesse than our iniquities deserve Ezra 9. 13. and maketh saddest corrections to afford most necessary and profitable instructions Psal. 94. 12. and 119. 71. so that there is ground of thanksgiving even for those Thirdly from the party to whom this duty is to be discharged unto God and the Father See upon Col. 3. ver 17. doct 3. And fourthly from the party through whom Jesus Christ by the vertue of whose merit and satisfaction which are His name whereby He is known we are not only inabled to go about our duty Philip. 4. 13. but also all our spiritual performances whether of prayer or thanksgiving are acceptable and well-pleasing unto God Eph. 1. 6. Doct. 1. The more a man doth find his heart disposed to give thanks to God at all times and for all things even for those things wherein divine dispensation goeth crosse to his own affections he may the more certainly conclude that he hath the saving work of Gods Spirit in him in a copious measure and the more apt we are to mistake repine and murmure at Gods dealing and so to wast our spirits in heartlesse complaints there is the lesse evidence of a gracious work of Gods Spirit in us at least in any great measure for he maketh giving of thanks alwayes for all things an effect of being filled with the Spirit 2. So firm so calm and composed is that man's state and inward frame of heart who hath his soul replenished with a rich measure of the saving work of Gods Spirit that nothing can fall out so crosse unto him but he may see the hand of God working for good to him in it and consequently be kept in perfect peace and a joyful frame of heart expressing it self in giving of thanks to God notwithstanding of it yea and for it for he sheweth the man filled with the Spirit may attain to this fixed frame of heart even to be giving thanks alwayes for all things unto God 3. Spiritual exercises especially that of giving thanks are such that being rightly gone about frequency in them doth not beget satiety and loathing but rather a greater delight to continue in them so that the more we are acquainted with them the more we love them for otherwise this command of giving thanks alwayes should never receive obedience 4. So steadable and usefull is a cheery and thankful frame of heart unto a Christian that it bringeth meat out of the eater encouragement from matter of discouragement and taketh occasion to lift it self up in the praises of God even from these things which are matter of down-casting and heartlesse drouping unto others for a thankful heart will give thanks alwayes and for all things even for adverse and crosse dispensations 5. Though we are bound to give thanks unto men for favours received as unto instruments of Gods good providence towards us Col. 3. -15. yet religious thanksgiving is only due unto God as implying an eying of Him to whom we give thanks as the supream fountain and author of the favour received having sufficiency in Himself and receiving nothing from any other 1 Chron. 29. 14. and implying also a religious subjection of the whole man both in soul and body unto his benefactour in evidence of a thankfull heart 1 Cor. 6. 20. for the Apostle speaking of this religious thanksgiving will have it ascribed to God only Giving thanks unto God and the Father 6. That we may imploy Jesus Christ aright whether for furniture and through-bearing in duty or for acceptation of our performances by God it is most conducing and necessary that we so take Him up as He is made known by the Word in His Person Nature and Offices and accordingly close with Him by faith as ours whereby our faith being acted in Him with relation to our state and persons upon undoubted grounds we may find more easie work to act faith in Him for furniture to such a particular duty or for acceptation to it when it is performed for Paul seemeth to imply so much while teaching them to act faith in Christ for through-bearing and acceptation in this duty of thanksgiving he doth hold Him forth not only under His titles of Lord and Jesus and Christ which do imply His distinct Natures with the unity of His Person and His threefold Office to which He was anoynted See upon chap. 1. ver 17. doct 6. but also maketh mention of His Name which expresseth whatever other thing is revealed of Him and whereby especially He is made known and withall appropriateth Christ unto himself teaching them to do the like upon grounds of knowledge of what He is while he saith in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Vers. 21. Submitting your selves one to another in the fear of God THe Apostle having from chap. 4. ver 1. exhorted unto such duties as belong to all Christians in general of whatsoever rank or station doth now in the second part of this Chapter exhort to those duties which belong to Christians as they are members of families And first in this verse to make way from the former purpose to that which followeth he doth premit a general exhortation unto all whether superiors or inferiors to be mutually subject one to another where submission or subjection is taken not strictly for that which is the root of obedience in inferiors towards superiors as ver 22. but generally for that service of love which every one oweth to another for their mutuall good and advantage in their severall stations See upon Gal. 5. ver 13. And it is called submission to our neighbour because it is not sufficient that we simply do the commanded dutie unto him except our so doing flow from a principle of love to him and that we actually intend therein his
of Christs body are by nature lost and gone even dead in sin and children of wrath Eph. 2. 1. -3. So there was no way for their recovery but by Jesus Christ His becoming man and suffering death and uniting Himself being now risen from death unto them as their head that so He may bestow the influences of spirituall life with a right to heaven upon them here and at last take them to Himself in glory hereafter for he sheweth that Christ is become the Churches head that He might be a Saviour of his lost body 6. The dominion and power which husbands have over their wives is not tyrannicall rigid or soveraign but loving gentle warm and amiable and such as the wife may look upon as a mercy to her self as well as a dignity unto her husband for it is compared here unto that sweet and naturall power which the head exerciseth over the body and Christ over His Church who maketh His people willing in the day of His power and it ought to be employed wholly for the good and safety of his wife as Christ is the Saviour of the body Vers. 24. Therefore as the Church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing THe Apostle secondly repeateth the exhortation as a conclusion from the former argument that wives should subject themselves unto their own husbands and addeth two things 1. The manner of this subjection to wit such as it may resemble the subjection of the Church unto Christ which is to be understood not in all things for wives are not to subject their souls and consciences to their husbands as Believers do to Christ trusting in Him for life and salvation but in some things only to wit so as they may subject themselves willingly chearfully lovingly chastly and dutifully unto their husbands for so doth the Church subject herself unto Christ. He addeth secondly the extent of this subjection and obedience even to all things which is not to be understood of all things absolutly and without exception Acts 5. 29 but all things lawfull godly honest and which are not forbidden in the Word of God even though they crosse the humour of the wives and argue little discretion in the husband who commandeth them Numb 5. 14 15. c. for nothing is excepted here but what is contrary to that subjection which is due to Him who hath commanded this subjection of wives to their husbands as Paul commenteth upon an expression like to this 1 Cor. 15. 27. Doct. 1. As subjection in wives unto their husbands is a most necessary duty So considering the inbred pride arrogance and self-willednesse which is in all the sons and daughters of Adam by nature it is a work of no small difficulty to get wives peswaded to give that hearty chearfull loving and dutifull respect and obedience unto their husbands which both the Law of nature and the written Word of God do require from them for to what purpose else doth he reiterate this exhortation and inforce it by so strong and convincing arguments Therefore as the Church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be unto their own husbands 2. Though there be much unmortified corruption in the Church of true Believers and a law in their members rebelling against the law of their mind Rom. 7. 23. yet God doth look upon them as true and loyall subjects to Christ in so far as with the Spirit and better part according to which God doth reckon with them they serve the Law of God Rom. 7. 25. and do groan after and long for the time when they shall be fully freed from the body of death and throughly subjected unto the will of God Phil. 1. 23. for while he saith as the Church is subject unto Christ it is supponed that the Church is subject unto Him and looked upon by God as such 3. The servants of Christ in pressing duties ought mainly to guard against that extremity which people naturally are most prone to fall into especially seing all the guards which can be used will have sufficient work to keep the heart from breaking over upon that hand for though there be some things excepted from coming under that obedience which wives do owe to their husbands as was cleared in the exposition yet because wives are more inclined to multiplie exceptions in this purpose than to diminish them Therefore he extendeth this obedience expresly to all things leaving them only to gather from the circumstances of the Text and other places of Scripture those few things which are excepted that thereby he may with one word cut off all unscriptural exceptions limitations and restrictions which imperious aspiring spirits impatient of the yoke are ready to bound and straiten this submission and obedience by Let them be subject in every thing saith he Vers. 25. Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for it THe Apostle doth now exhort husbands to their duty which he first proponeth summarily under the name of love to their wives whereby the heart and inmost affections of the husband ought to be so inclined and disposed towards his wife as that not only he do wish her good but also endeavour unto his utmost to bring it about which is not to be so understood as if the wife were not bound to love her husband also Tit. 2. 4. But he presseth love upon the husband in particular because he is most ready to fail in this duty of love and to abuse that superiority which God hath given him over his wife by proving rigorous and bitter against her Col. 3. -19. Now this love enjoyned to husbands is not that common Christian love which is extended unto all Christians of both sexes as unto brethren and sisters in Christ Joh. 13. 34. but a speciall and conjugall love which ought to be extended unto none but unto a mans own wife and it includeth cohabitation with his wife and contentation with her love only Prov. 5. 18 19. a patient bearing with her infirmities and frailties 1 Pet. 3. 7. with a fatherly care to defend her 1 Sam. 30. 5 c. to provide for her in all things according to his power which either her necessity or dignity of her rank doth require 1 Tim. 5. 8. lovingly to govern direct and instruct her 1 Cor. 14. 35. yea and to cherish her ver 29. Next he inforceth this duty by two arguments The first whereof is proponed in this verse to wit Christ's example who loved His Church and from love gave Himself for it See upon ver 2. Which example of Christ's love doth not only inforce the duty as an argument but also point forth the right manner of the duty as a pattern In so far as the husbands love ought to resemble Christs to wit in the chastity of His love who loveth none to His Church Joh. 17. 9. the sincerity of His love who loveth the Church not for His but
23. that the husband is the head of the wife he inferreth here So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies 3. Though there be a sinfull love to a mans self whereby a man preferreth himself and the fulfilling of his inordinate desires to Gods glory and the good of his neighbour Philip. 2. 21. which by all means is to be eschewed and mortified Luke 9. 23. yet there is an orderly lawfull and allowed love to self whereby a man doth seek his own preservation both in soul and body by just and lawfull means with due subordination to Gods glory and without any opposition to or setting himself against his neighbours good for Paul supponeth this love ought to be in every man towards himself and doth urge it as the reason and rule of the love which the husband oweth to his wife while he saith men ought to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself 4. The love which husbands do carry to their wives ought not to have its rise from any such extrinsecal considerations as love to their own peace and ease fear of shame and disgrace if through want of love secret discontents break out to publick strife or from any satisfaction which they find to their carnal affections but from respect to Gods holy Ordinance whereby their wives are made a piece of themselves hence their love shall be most native operative yea and insuperable by any provocations or infirmities when they shall look upon their wives as themselves and consequently upon their infirmities shame hurt as their own for Paul will have their love to flow from this fountain while he saith men ought to love their wives as their own bodies c. 5. That husbands may carry themselves aright towards their wives which holdeth of all superiours with relation to their inferiours they would seriously consider not so much what is in the power of their hand and what they are able to do or may be for their profit and advantage or tend to get themselves obeyed feared and respected to the utmost as what they ought and is incumbent for them to do and what the Law of God and the state they are in do require from them as their duty for the Apostle repeateth the former exhortation held forth ver 25. with the addition of one word to wit ought whereby he mindeth husbands that the thing pressed was their duty and therefore they were to mind it So ought men to love their wives saith he Vers. 29. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it even as the Lord the Church HE proveth the consequence of the former argument to wit that husbands are to love their wives because they are their own bodies by three reasons The first is taken from the universal custom of all men to wit who are in their right wit not demented and wofully deluded by the devil which is set down first negatively no man did ever hate his own flesh or from hatred did any dammage to it and next positively every such man doth to his utmost provide for and allow upon his own flesh all things necessary both for nourishing or feeding it and for cherishing and keeping it warm with such a sort of care and tendernesse as hens have toward their young ones while by casting their wings over them they do with their own natural heat keep the young ones warm for the word rendered cherishing is a mephor taken from the practice of those tender and loving creatures By all which he not only proveth that husbands should love their wives as being their own body but also hinteth at some of those effects wherein their love should be made manifest whereof particular mention shall be made among the Observations Secondly he proveth the same consequence and also further cleareth with what care and tendernesse the husband should carry himself unto his wife as to his own body from Christs example who nourisheth and cherisheth the Church His body by providing for her and allowing on her all things necessary for soul and body Doct. 1. It is no lesse monstruous and unnatural for a man to hate and from hatred to carry himself austerely saucily and undutifully to his wife than if in a fit of phrensie he should hate and from hatred refuse to do all duty to himself But in stead thereof to be cruel against himself for the Apostle mentioneth this no man not demented did never hate his own flesh to shew that therefore husbands ought as much to abhor and abstain from hating their wives for no man ever yet hated his own flesh 2. It is not sufficient that husbands do not carry any hatred to their wives but they must also love them and evidence their love to them not in empty words and flattering insinuations but in providing all things necessary for them both in food and raiment for he holdeth forth indirectly the husbands duty to his wife in that allowed care which every man hath or ought to have of his own flesh No man ever yet bated his own flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it 3. It is the duty of an husband to provide things necessary unto his wife not grudgingly or too sparingly as to a stranger or to his childe or servant but liberally according to her rank and station as being his equal and confidently without craving an exact accompt from her of every thing which she receiveth as having a common right and interest with him in all things that are his and cheerfully by testifying such contentment in her even while he bestoweth things necessary on her as he would do in bestowing the same or the like on himself for so much is implyed in a mans nourishing and cherishing of his own flesh which is held forth as the rule of the husbands tender care and liberal benevolence toward his wife but nourisheth and cherisheth it 4. The husband under pretence of cherishing his wife ought not to pamper her or lavishly to wast his estate in upholding her prodigality in apparel unnecessary expensive ornaments and such like vanities but the rule according to which he is to walk in those things and more than which the wife ought not to expect from her husband nor yet complaine if he come up to it is what his own rank requireth his necessity doth permit and that tender care which is taken by him in nourishing and cherishing himself for this is here held forth as his rule But nourisheth and cherisheth it to wit his own flesh 5. Though there be an excessive pampering of the flesh which is sinfull and forbidden when provision is made for it to fulfill the lusts thereof Rom. 13. 14. yet there is a lawfull and necessary care of the flesh or of a mans own body whereby things necessary for food and raiment are bestowed upon it in so far that health and strength be not inlacking for discharging the duties of our calling for
Paul doth not condemn but approve this custom among men that no man ever hated his own flesh but nourisheth and cherisheth it 6. As Christs example in His dealing towards the Church is a most excellent copie to be eyed and imitated by husbands in their carriage toward their wives and that not only in their love but in all those other duties flowing from love which they owe unto them So it doth concern both husbands and wives to eye this pattern much and to draw their motives and encouragements unto their mutuall duties from it as that which will much conduce to keep their hearts in a spirituall frame even in those performances and to prevent that carnal worldly disposition which the misguided care of performing such duties as the married-state of life calleth for doth usually contract for as he propounded Christs example for a motive to and pattern of the duty of love ver 25. so of those duties also of nourishing and cherishing which flow from it in this verse even as the Lord the Church 7. A husbands care ought to extend it self not only to nourish and cherish his wife in things temporal and which concern her body only but also in things spiritual and which concern her soul and therefore he would be circumspect lest under pretence of eschewing all suspicion of displeasure with her and of giving necessary tokens and evidences of his love and kindnesse to her in order to his outward cherishing her he do neither willingly neglect the care of her salvation or by fondnesse or lightnesse incapacitate himself to do her any good in that respect for Christ doth nourish and cherish His Church by taking care of and providing mainly for the souls and eternall state of His People and husbands are commanded here to make Him their pattern Even as the Lord the Church saith he Vers. 30. For we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones HE giveth here a reason why Christ doth so cherish His Church where in stead of naming the Church expresly which the sequell of his discourse did require he mentioneth himself and other true Believers among the Ephesians under the pronoun we the Church here spoken of for whom Christ did give Himself being only made up of such And the reason is taken from that neer and strict union or that spirituall marriage which is betwixt Christ and Believers whereof that ancient marriage betwixt Adam and Eva was a kind of type and shadow as appeareth from the words here used which are taken from Gen. 2. 23. and were uttered at first by Adam concerning himself and his wife but are here by allusion to that marriage of theirs made use of to set forth the spirituall marriage betwixt Christ and His Church the tie and bond whereof is so near and strict that as the Apostle sheweth all Believers are members of His body yea not only of one nature with him which is common to them with all mankind but also as they are new creatures they have their originall and nourishment from Him even from His flesh and bones in so far as they owe the beginning progresse and accomplishment of their spirituall life to Christ His taking on of flash and His suffering in the flesh and by the vertue of those His sufferings they are quickned and fed and so are of His flesh and of his bones Doct. 1. Then do we speak and hear to our comfort and edification these truths which expresse the tender and warm care of Christ unto His Church when we make application of them to our selves and by a lively faith do enter our selves among these for whom He doth so care for the Apostle having in the preceeding verse spoken of Christs nourishing and cherishing of His Church applyeth that to himself and other true Believers among the Ephesians while he saith for we are members of his body 2. Then may we upon good grounds apply these generall truths unto our selves when as members of Christs mysticall body we draw our spirituall life and nourishment from that vertue and influence which Christ hath purchased by His sufferings in the flesh for upon this ground Paul doth substitute himself and other true Believers in stead of the Church and claimeth interest in Christs tender and warm care whereby He doth nourish and cherish His Church while he saith we are members of His body of His flesh and of His bones 3. There is no relation which Christ hath taken on toward His Church but it bindeth him to and accordingly he will perform all those answerable duties which men under these relations are bound to perform toward those to whom they have them for he giveth a reason why He did nourish and cherish His Church as a man doth his body and a husband ought to cherish his wife because he had taken on the relation of an head and husband to His Church while he saith we are members of His body of His flesh and of His bones 4. As true Believers have a twofold being one naturall and another spirituall so they have a twofold originall answerable to each of these In their naturall being they owe their originall under God unto their parents as being bone of their bones and flesh of their flesh as Eva the first woman did owe it to her husband But as they are renewed and born over again they owe their spirituall being not to the will of the flesh or the will of man Joh. 1. 13. but to the vertue of Christs obedience and sufferings in His flesh 1 Joh. 4. 9. for he saith not they are bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh as Adam saith of his wife Gen. 2. 23. to point that she did owe her naturall being unto him as being come and made of him but that they were of His bone and flesh to wit in their spirituall being as they were renewed and members of His body for we are members of his body of His bone and of His flesh Vers. 31. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joyned unto his wife and they two shall be one flesh THis verse in the literal plain and historical sense of the words holdeth forth the law of marriage binding all married parties in all times which was pronounced by Adam Gen. 2. 24. and approved by God Himself Matth. 19. 5. And the words taken in this sense contain the third reason to prove the former consequence ver 28. that seing wives are the bodies of their husbands therefore they should be loved The argument is taken from that law of marriage expresly declaring that for this cause to wit because the wife is bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh as the cause is expressed Gen. 2. 23 24. which is the same in effect with the cause given ver 28. even because she is the body of the husband to which this verse literally taken doth relate or to the thirtieth verse immediatly preceeding in
so far as the strict union which is between married parties is there alluded unto Upon all which causes or rather one and the same cause expressed in all those places that law doth declare first That the man is to leave father and mother to wit not by casting off naturall affection to his parents Gen. 44. 34. or by refusing to help them in their strait 1. Tim. 5. 4. but by loving his wife more than them and by leaving his fathers family if he his wife and they cannot live all together and by joyning in a new family with his wife Gen. 28. 5. as is further cleared by the second thing here declared to wit that he ought to be joyned inseperably to his wife and that both in affection Prov. 5. 19. and cohabitation dwelling with her 1 Pet. 3. 7. The word in the original doth signifie such a joyning as that of two boards of timber firmly glued together not as if a man were to reside constantly at home for the Merchant the Lawyer and men of other imployments also must some times go abroad Prov. 7. 19 20. But his fixed dwelling should be with her and his presence also so far as his necessary calling shall permit so that he is not without necessity to be absent from his own home Prov. 5. -19. And thirdly this law declareth that they two shall be one flesh which implyeth first a most strict union so that they cannot be separated except in the case of adultery Matth. 19. 9 and wilfull desertion of the one party persisted in after all meanes used to the contrary 1 Cor. 7. 15 more than a piece of a mans body may be cut off from the rest And secondly a most intimate communion whereby they have common goods common friends yea and all things common as if they were but one person And thirdly the lawfull and sanctified use of the marriage-bed allowed unto them of God which out of the case of marriage is sinfull and damnable 1 Cor. 6. 16. Heb. 13. 4. But for further clearing of the words know that beside their literal and historical sense God intended that the purpose contained in them concerning the carnal marriage of man and woman should represent and shadow forth somewhat of Christ and of that spirituall marriage between Christ and the Church as appeareth from the situation of the words immediatly after ver 30. which doth evidently speak of Christ as is already shown and before verse 32. where he declareth that the purpose in hand is a mysterie and to be understood of Christ and the Church now the purpose here expressed doth hold in Christ by analogie and proportion in so far as Christ did leave His Father by laying aside the glory which He had with Him Joh. 16. 28. and taking on the form of a servant Philip. 2. 8. and did leave His mother Mary also and her house and family Luke 2. 49. that He might purchase a bride unto Himself See ver 25. 26. to whom He doth cleave inseparably Rom. 8. 35. and with most tender affection Heb. 4. 15. by vertue of which spiritual marriage Christ and Believers become though not one flesh yet one spirit 1 Cor. 6. 17. being most strictly tyed together by His Spirit and the grace of faith from which conjunction Believers so espoused become fruitfull in good works and do bring forth fruit unto God Rom. 7. 4. From the literal sense of this verse Learn 1. The love of married parties ought to be very great and second to no love else but that which we owe to God for even the love we owe to parents from whom we have our being ought to give place unto it A man shall leave father and mother saith he and be joyned unto his wife 2. It is lawfull and allowed of God unto all persons of all ranks being come to mature age 1 Cor. 7. 36 and especially to those who have not the gift of continency 1 Cor. 7. 9. to enter the married state of life only if they marry in the Lord 1 Cor. 7. -39. and therefore the doctrine forbidding marriage to all those who bear office in the Church is the doctrine of devils 1 Tim. 4. 1 3. for the text speaketh of all men indifferently A man shall leave father and mother and be joyned to his wife 3. Divine commands are alwayes founded upon most just reasons which would be eyed by us that so our obedience may be more willing and chearfull yea a piece of reasonable service unto God Rom. 12. 1. for this command given here unto husbands to cleave unto their wives is not nakedly propounded but with a strong reason annexed for inforcing the duty enjoyned by it For this cause saith he shall a man be joyned unto his wife 4. As children are not to remain alwayes childish but being come to age and understanding ought to bestir themselves in providing things necessary and honest according as the station wherein they are placed by God shall require So parents ought to remit somewhat of their fatherly authority over their children as they grow in age and understanding not expecting nor requiring that children now come to age should absolutely and in all things as formerly depend upon the counsell and direction of parents or give themselves wholly to minde their concernments neglecting every other thing else which may concern themselves for this Law supponeth a state of childehood wherein children are to be wholly under the authority of parents minding their concernments and at their direction and that their coming to age and entering the married state of life doth give them more liberty to follow their own direction and to do for themselves a man shall leave father and mother and be joyned to his wife 5. Whatever hath been the corrupt custome of men to the contrary Gen. 4. 19. Yet according to the first institution of marriage only two one man and one woman and not moe either of the one sexe or the other may be lawfully married together at once for the law saith a man shall be joyned to his wife not to his wives and they two not they three or four shall be one flesh From the mysticall application of the words and of the purpose comprehended in them Learn 1. So great a depth is Scripture that in some parcels thereof which do appear most plain and easie to be understood many dark and hid mysteries do lye undiscovered for under this plain history of the marriage of our first parents that great mysterie of the spiritual conjunction of Christ and His Church was also held forth as the Apostle doth here make clear For this cause shall a man leave father and mother See further to this purpose upon Gal. 4. ver 24. doct 1 2. Doct. 2. So holy and honourable is the ordinance of marriage in it self and so highly ought it to be esteemed of by us that God maketh use of it to shadow forth that blessed union and most holy communion
approven by their masters not with eye-service as men-pleasers 4. To propose unto our selves the pleasing of men and gaining of approbation good liking and applause from them as our great design to be gained upon any tearmes is inconsistent with the work of grace in the heart and with that subjection which we owe to the Lord Christ a man cannot serve two masters Matth. 6. 24. for he opposeth men-pleasers to the servants of Christ not as men-pleasers but as the servants of Christ saith he 5. The meanest and basest of services which men go about in their lawfull callings being done with the right qualifications from right motives for a right end and in the right manner is service done to Christ and will be accepted of by Him as such because He doth command it and it is done if done a right in obedience to His command for he will have the meanest servants to go about their service as servants to Christ and doing the will of God 6. Then may we reckon the going about of our ordinary imploiments to be service done to Christ when we look upon what we do as commanded by God do it in obedience to His command and are heartily sincere in what we do as aiming singly without hypocrisie and dissimulation at the honour of God and the good of these whose good we pretend to and ought to aim at for he explaineth how servants may reckon themselves as servants to Christ even by their doing the will of God from their heart 7. Our eyeing of God and taking Him for our partie to whom we must give an accompt even in those things which we do unto men is a singular help to make us single and straight in all our affairs and to banish all double dealing deceit hunting after applause and all such-like vices which our heart presumeth to make bold with when we look to no higher partie than poor fecklesse man for that they may be single in heart and eschew eye-service and man-pleasing he directeth them to take God for their partie but as servants to Christ doing the will of God from the heart 8. Then is the will of God acceptably done when not only the outward man as tongue hand and other members of the body do act every one their part but the heart and in-most affections are brought up to the work otherwise our performances are but a lame sacrifice as being destitute of that which God doth mainly call-for Prov. 23. 26. for he saith doing the will of God from the heart Vers. 7. With good will doing service as to the Lord and not to men HEre is a third thing required to the service and obedience of servants in singlnesse of heart even that it be with goodwill and love to their masters person and to the thriving of his affairs which is opposit to the doing of their service grudgingly unpleasantly or from fear of punishment and an eye to their own advantage only and that they may be encouraged to do service from this principle even to their unworthie masters he directeth them to fasten their eye upon the Lord who had subjected them unto such masters and to know that in yeelding that obedience unto them which was commanded by God they did service to Him rather than to them and might therefore do it with better will for the negative particle doth not deny simply but comparativly So that as to the Lord and not to men is to the Lord more than to men Mark 9. 37. Doct. 1. Fear and love of one and the same person may well consist and both be a conjunct principle having influence upon one and the same duty yea then only is that duty which floweth from fear acceptable unto God when the partie to whom the dutie is done whether it be God or men is not only feared but also loved for the obedience of servants must not only flow from fear and trembling ver 5. but also from love and good-will with good-will doing service 2. That a man do service to God whether in the duties af immediate worship or of his ordinary calling it is of necessity required that he do it cheerfully not as of necessity and constraint but with a delight and pleasure in it as in that which God doth call-for at his hands the Lord doth love a cheerfull giver 2 Cor. 9. -7. for that servants may go about their service to their masters as servants to Christ and thereby do the will of God it is required that with good-will they do their service 3. The most base and meanest of imployments which God doth call us to discharge ought to be undertaken and discharged by us with cheerfulnesse and good will it being no small credit for prodigal rebels to be entrusted in the meanest piece of service to Him yea and the more mean and fecklesse the service be which we discharge it ought to be gone about with more of cheerfulnesse that what is inlacking in the worth of the work may be made up by the hearty affection and good-will of the worker for he will have even servants going about their basest imployments with good-will because they did thereby service to God and He did call them to it with good-will doing service as to the Lord. 4. So ingrate is man for the most part and so slow to reward those from whom he receiveth favour and advantage yea so prone to requite them evill for good Judg. 9. 17 18. that a man can never heartily and with such good-will as he ought do service to the most of men except he look to God in and above men and know that they are thereby doing service to Him whom to serve in the meanest imployment is a sufficient reward for it self 1 Chron. 29. 14. besides that He will have none to serve Him for nothing as the following verse doth teach for the Apostle implyeth they can never serve their masters with good-will except they look to God more than to man therefore he saith with good-will doing service as to the Lord and not to men Vers. 8. Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doth the same shall he receive of the Lord whether he be bond or free THe Apostle having thus held forth the necessary requisits of that obedience enjoyned unto servants he doth thirdly perswade them to it in this verse by an argument taken from the great advantage they should reap thereby while he sheweth that though their reward from their earthly masters was little or none yet so mercifull is God that of His own free grace Rom. 11. 35. and not for any merit in mans service which is none Luke 17. 10. He doth largely recompense sometimes here Mark 20. 30. and alwayes hereafter Col. 3. 24. all those who make conscience of doing good or of going about their calling as service to Him and that in this free retribution of a reward He taketh notice of the poor bond-servant who serveth God in his calling as well as
of free-men and masters And that this argument may have the more force with them he appealeth to their own conscience and knowledge for the truth of it if it was not so as he had affirmed Doct. 1. Then and then only may a man reckon himself to do good or a good work acceptable to God when the thing he doth is warranted by Gods will revealed in His Word when he doth it in singlenesse of heart from an inward principle of love and good-will within in the heart and in obedience to Gods command or as service unto Him for the obedience required from servants was to be so qualified ver 5 6 7. and he doth here call it a doing good Whatsoever good thing a man doth 2. Even the basest drudgery of servants being so qualified is a doing of good and cometh within the compasse of good works which the Lord will take notice of as such for it is with an eye to the imployment of servants mainly that he here speaketh Whatsoever good thing a man doth the same shall be receive 3. As it is lawfull to eye the promised reward for our encouragement in the way of duty So it is the mind of God that every one should in the due and right order make particular application unto themselves of such promises as are in Scripture held forth unto all in general for he holdeth forth the promise of a reward which is made unto all who do good in general to be made use of by Christian servants for their encouragement in particular Whatsoever good a man doth the same shall be receive of the Lord. 4. Promises have no influence to excite unto duty except the truth of them be known and believed so that ignorance and misbelief of divine truths are a great cause of abounding profanity and neglect of duty in all ranks for he layeth the weight of their encouragement to duty from this promise upon the knowledge and faith which they had of it knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doth the same shall be receive of the Lord. 5. The Lord in dispensing rewards looketh not to the externall beauty splendour or greatnesse of the work but to the honesty and sincerity of it how mean or inconsiderable soever it be otherwise for the promise of a reward is to the outwardly mean and base works of poor servants if so they be honest and sincere aswell as to the more splendid honourable and expensive works of their rich masters The same shall he receive of the Lord whether he be bond or free Vers. 9. And ye masters do the same things unto them forbearing threatning knowing that your master also is in heaven neither is their respect of persons with him HE doth here in the first place set down the duties of masters towards their servants 1. positively while he enjoyneth them to do the same things which is to be understood not of the duties themselves which are much different from the duties of servants See them briefly summed up upon Col. 4. ver 1. doct 1 2. but of those properties and conditions which are common to the duties of both so that the master is bound to discharge his duty towards his servant in singlenesse of heart as service to Christ in obedience to the will and command of God from his heart with love and good-will even as the servant is bound to minde those qualifications in his duty towards his master Next negatively while he forbiddeth threatning or rather commandeth to relax and moderate threatning as the word doth signifie and so the thing forbidden is excesse in threatning and boasts when they are alway menacing oftentimes for light occasions and sometimes for none And by proportion all fierce and inhumane way of dealing with servants by masters whether in words or deeds is here forbidden also In the second place he inforceth this duty by minding them of that which they did know at least ought to have known even that they also aswell as their servants had a master above them to call them to an accompt to wit God who to make the argument more pungent is described 1. from His magnificent and stately Palace where His glory shineth to wit the Heaven not as if He were only there and nowhere else Jer. 23. 24. but to set forth His absolute dominion 2 Chron. 20. 6. His omniscience Psal. 11. 4. His holinesse Isa. 57. 15. and His omnipotency Psal. 115. 3. so that their sin could not be hid from Him His holy Nature did hate it He had both right and power to punish it 2. From His impartiality and justice in judging so that He respecteth not persons nor faces outward shew and appearance as the word signifieth and therefore by persons is not meaned the substance or personal subsistence of men but their outward state and condition even that which is conspicuous in man and doth commonly make him more or lesse esteemed among men as country state of life riches poverty wisdom learning c. and consequently to respect persons is to wrest judgement from a sinfull respect to the outward state condition of parties and such other things which are wholly extrinsick to the cause in hand which vice the Lord is free of as being the righteous Judge of the world who cannot be byassed by fear love pitty or any other inordinate affection as man is and consequently the outward dignity power or wealth of masters would not make Him spare them if they made not conscience of their duty Hence Learn 1. Though masters are freed from subjection and giving obedience unto their servants yet not from doing duty unto them Neither is there any power among men so absolute no not that of Kings and supream Rulers Rom. 13. 3. -4. -6. but it implyeth an obligation through vertue of Gods Ordinance upon those who are invested with it to make conscience of several duties towards their inferiours and subjects for he saith And ye masters do the same things unto them 2. It concerneth masters in their place as much as servants in theirs not only to go about their duty but also to advert to the manner wherein they do it even that it be done in sincerity cordially chearfully taking God for their party more than men for he saith Ye masters do the same things unto them 3. It is not only lawfull but in some cases necessary for masters sometimes to threaten boast cast down their countenance upon negligent lazy disobedient and chiefly upon profane servants providing they do it moderatly and keep off excesse for the Apostle doth not simply forbid all manner of threatning but only prescribeth a moderation thereof Forbearing or moderating threatning 4. The Servants of Christ in the reproof of sin ought mainly to guard against such evils as those to whom they speak through custom perverse inclination or a deluded mind are most ready to fall into and so ought people set mainly against such sins in themselves and thereby defend the wall