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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A37464 The works of the Right Honourable Henry, late L. Delamer and Earl of Warrington containing His Lordships advice to his children, several speeches in Parliament, &c. : with many other occasional discourses on the affairs of the two last reigns / being original manuscripts written with His Lordships own hand.; Works. 1694 Warrington, Henry Booth, Earl of, 1652-1694. 1694 (1694) Wing D873; ESTC R12531 239,091 488

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every one of us make let us never forget how short and uncertain our Lives are that we know not the number of our days that a time is set which we cannot go beyond and that we are not sure of our lives one moment that as the Tree falls so it lies that as Death overtakes us so Judgment will find us Therefore let us be so prepared for our change that whenever Death comes it may neither surprize us nor be unwelcome Wean our Hearts and Affections from the things of this World and fix them upon those that are more solid and permanent let us see how vain uncertain and unsatisfying they are let us remember that they are only lent and not given us and that when they are taken from us no wrong is done and therefore so long as thou art pleas'd to allow us the enjoyment of them let us thankfully receive them and carefully employ and improve them and when we are depriv'd of any of them let us not repine but in all things learn and practice a Submission to thy good pleasure Good Lord we beseech thee to bless our King and Queen in making them ever mindful for what end they were raised to so high a dignity as to sit on the Throne of these Kingdoms namely to promote thy Glory and the good and welfare of their People let them see that this only is their best Interest and that nothing can make them so great and happy as by being zealous therein Let them with their Eyes drive away from their Throne all those that would draw them aside from thy Glory or the Good of their People and teach them the things that belong to their Peace And be gracious we humbly beg of thee to this poor Land and Nation make it happy in a long and prosperous reign of our King and Queen let all their Subjects conscientiously do their Duties in their several stations uphold every man in his Integrity that seeks thy Glory or wishes the Good of his Country let them not be dismaid when they see things go contrary to what they apprehend or wish they should do let them remember that though there be many Devices in a Man's Heart yet that the Counsel of the Lord that shall stand that God will bring about his own work in his own way and accomplish his pleasure in his appointed time and when that time is come he will not want Instruments to effect his purpose and let us learn that the wisdom of Man is foolishness with God for he can take the Crafty in their own Devices Therefore howsoever publick Affairs may move for the present let every one of us be diligent in our stations as we have opportunity let us patiently stand still and see the Salvation of God and submit to his good pleasure whatever it shall be And let thy Blessing rest upon this Family lift up the light of thy Countenance upon us and love us freely as it is a Family of note and eminency so make it remarkable for sobriety and good order and as it is above others so let it be exemplary for the good Conversation of every Member of it and thereby give occasion to others to glorifie thee our Father which is in Heaven Let us all be disposed to do that which is good and acceptable let those that are to instruct others be careful to walk suitable to the Precepts which they teach and those that are to learn let them be enclined and willing to receive Instruction Let us all do our Duties faithfully and honestly not with Eye-service like Brutes but as Rational Creatures that know how to chuse the good and refuse the evil And visit with thy Mercy we beseech thee all the Sons and Daughters of Affliction relieve them according to their several necessities lay no more upon them than they shall be able to bear sanctifie thy Hand to every one of them and in thy good time put an end to their Sufferings Let thy Correction be that of a loving Father for their amendment but not for their destruction and sanctifie all thy Visitations to us in particular Let us not repine at thy good pleasure if thou with-holds any thing we want or deprive us of any thing we already possess let us still say the Lord is righteous but we are less than and unworthy of the least of his Mercies the Lord gives and the Lord takes away and blessed be the Name of the Lord. Make us of a holy and humble Temper let it be our chief care to glorifie thee knowing that those that love and fear God are sure to want no good thing which he finds to be meet and convenient for them Teach us O Lord to order our Conversation aright Let us daily press after the price of the High Calling that is in Christ Jesus so that at the last we may attain to that blessed place of Rest where we shall have no more Want or Sorrow but to all Eternity sing Praises and Hallelujahs with the Father Son and Holy Ghost to whom for ever be ascrib'd as is most due all Honour Glory Might Excellency and Dominion both now and for evermore Amen OH Eternal Lord God thou art holy just and upright and of purer Eyes than to behold Iniquity with the least approbation how then shall we dare to presume to lift up our Eyes or Hands unto thee which are so full of all manner of Defilement and Vncleanness Our ways have been perverse and crooked before thee and the Thoughts and Imaginations of our Hearts have been evil only evil and that continually with the ungrateful Lepers we have neglected and forgotten to return thee praise and thanks for thy Mercies and Benefits which thou with so open and plentiful a hand hast bestowed upon us We have not been careful to improve to thy glory the opportunities and talents that thou hast put into our hands we have forgot our vows and promises of better obedience have dealt deceitfully with thee in thy Covenant and started aside like a broken Bow by all which we have forfeited all the right and title that we might otherwise have laid claim to in thy favour and have rendred our selves the objects of thine eternal wrath and displeasure But thou O Lord who hast declared thy self to be a God pardoning Iniquity and to delight in Mercy not willing that any should be damn'd but that all should come and be saved regard us we beseech thee not as we are dead in Trespasses and Sins but look upon us in and through the Merits of our Saviour Christ Jesus who has paid a sufficient price for the Offences and Transgressions of us and of all the World having redeemed us by his most precious Blood give us such a steddy Faith in him that we may with considence approach the Throne of Grace oh pardon our Sins and do away our Offences for his sake we acknowledge we have offended and done that which is exceeding sinful in
and such as keep Dogs Guns Nets and the like for the unlawful taking of Wild-fowl and Hares And of this there is great cause of Complaint both against the Constable and others that presume to keep these things against an express Statute made the 22d and 23d Car. 2. whereby it is provided That none that have not 100 l. per annum Land of Inheritance or 150 l. for Life shall not keep a Gun c. But People do so generally offend against this Law and Constables are so very negligent in not restraining others that one would think there was no such Law If he do not cause Watch by Night and Ward by Day to be kept within his Office from Ascension day to Michaelmas-day Here also is great cause of Complaint against Constables for in many places this is wholly neglected or where it is done it is performed so indifferently that it 's little better than if it had been left undone The Neglect in this is the Occasion of most of the Villanies that are committed in the Night it is the want of this that gives Encouragement to Rogues to do that which else they would scarcely dare to think on It 's Security that promotes Wickednesses of that sort and a Fear of being apprehended makes them desist from putting in execution what they had designed Then Gentlemen Coroner Clerk of the Market of the Peace Searchers and Sealers of Leather Toll-gatherers Overseers of the Poor and of the Highway all these are representable by you for their Neglects in their several Offices If Artificers Labourers or Servants conspire what Wages to take and not to work under those Rates If Artificers or Labourers undertake Work and depart before it be finished If Labourers or Servants take any more Wages than the Rates allowed by the Justices If any Servant assault Master or Mistriss If any refuse to labour in Hay-time or Harvest these also are presentable by you So are Tanners Curriers Shoomakers Butchers Clothmakers Coopers if they fail to do according to the Law And now Gentlemen I am to inform you of Offences against the PLENTY of the Nation such as these If any do buy any sort of Victuals as it is coming to a Market or Fair this is Forestalling If any buy Victuals in a Market and sell it again within four miles this is Regrating If any buy any dead Victuals or Corn growing upon the Ground with intent to sell it again this is Engrossing If any Victuallers conspire to sell their Victuals at unreasonable Prices If any destroy Wild-fowls Eggs or take Wild-fowl between the last of May and the last of August If any not qualified by Law keep Dogs c. for destroying of Hares Pheasants c. But this Law is to be understood and executed with the same moderation as all other Statutes are for it was never the intention of our Law-makers that the Law should be expounded otherwise than according to Equity and Justice and therefore many Laws are made rather in terrorem than that they should be executed strictly in the words of it for there is scarcely any Law but if executed rigidly according to the Letter of the Statute but would rather be Grievous than a Benefit to the Subject for it is a Maxim in the Law That Summum jus est summa Injuria And therefore put the case that a Man has a Gun or Greyhound if it can't be proved that he has destroyed Game it will be very hard to bring him within this Law If a Man who lives remote from Neighbors keeps a Gun for a defence of his House surely it will be severe to judge him an Offender against Law for every Man's House is his Castle and the Law will allow us Means whereby we may defend our Selves and Goods against any Violence that shall be offered If any sell Pheasants Partridge or Hares The last Matters that I shall mention to you are Common Nusances If any erect a Cottage and do not lay four Acres of Ground to it to be occupied with it If any continue such unlawful Cottage If any keep an Inmate in a Cottage If any Common Bridge be out of repair If common Highways be out of repair or if any Ditches be unscoured or undrest which should convey the Water from standing in the Highways If the Parishioners have not met at the day appointed to mend the Highways as the Law directs If any common Vagabonds and Beggars or Wandring Rogues do pass or be suffer'd to pass from place to place If any prophane the Lord's Day by travelling that day or by using Sports and Vnlawful Exercises that day If any prophanely swear or curse These and the like are by you to be presented Gentlemen I have now gone through the several Heads of your Charge many Particulars I have omitted because I endeavoured to be as short as I could those that I have given you I thought to be the most material and proper at this time wherein I have been deficient I question not but your Experience will be able to inform you And Gentlemen you must understand thus much in general That it is required from you not only to present those Offenders that shall come to you by other Hands that is by Indictment or Presentment But if upon your own Knowledge any have offended in these or the like Cases you are to Present them upon your own Knowledge Gentlemen There is now an Opportunity put into your Hands to do a great deal of Good or Hurt If you shall duly present all such Offences as shall come to your Knowledge you then merit the Good Opinion and Love of your Country but if you shall conceal any then you do a great Disservice to your Country and make your self a Party in the Crime by concealing it In my Discourse I have in some Cases given you my Opinion and I have done it really and truly from my Heart out of my sincere Loyalty to my King and Love to my Country and if I am mistaken I hope you will rather pardon than blame me for I have no intention to deceive you I wish we were all of one Mind but it is our Misery that it is otherwise I know some parts of my Discourse will not relish with every body but I cannot help it This is a time that every Man's Principles ought to be known I am not ashamed of mine and therefore have been the more free with you I 'll trouble you no further but pray God Almighty direct you in your Work A POEM On the Death of My Lady Warrington HOW vain is every thing that lives by breath That 's only born to be destroy'd by Death And all the while it doth its Breath retain Is sure of nothing but of Toyl and Pain And only toyls that it may toyl again And of all things that thus so wretched are It is Man's Lot to have the worser Share He that was made the Lord o'er all the rest Is doom'd